#and yes to be clear i also hate velma. but its because i love Scooby-Doo
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tubapun · 10 months ago
Doing my mental health a favor and blocking everyone who makes a post about hating velma in the scooby tag despite never posting about scooby doo before
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s10127470 · 5 months ago
As I'm sure many of know, it was announced this week that the Max original animated series, Velma, has been officially cancelled after two seasons and a Halloween special.
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And the entire Internet collectively went.....
And rightfully so.
Velma was truly a one of kind show.
It was the thing that brought just about everyone....
From all walks of life....
From all cultural backgrounds....
Together. To all collectively say...
"This is legitimately one of the worst things to ever be created by a human being."
Just about everyone has gone over everything wrong with this show, as it's flaws are blatantly obvious to anyone over the age of 10.
The mystery and story is bare bones and a total joke, with hardly any effort put into it.
The humor is an unholy amalgamation of all the worst styles that have been plaguing tons of media for the last decade.
From ha-ha funny man quips, to pop culture references, to everyone's favorite.....META HUMOR!
In the words of my GOAT Cartoonshi.....
"The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Rick and Morty and their consequences have been quite disastrous for the human race."
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The show prioritizes an agenda over the actual story.
And even then, it's done so half-assed and with little to no sincerity.
It's social commentary is borderline offensive and is often years to DECADES behind the curve.
Its characters are either bland, terrible, annoying, or in the case of Velma herself, The Anti-Christ.
And most importantly of all, it's a DISGUSTINGLY spiteful show.
Like, I've seen shows and movies made out of pure incompetence.
I've seen MANY made out of pure greed.
But I've never seen a show or a movie made purely out of spite.
Like, this series is just dripping with disdain towards the Scooby-Doo IP and the even medium of the animation as a whole.
And with all that considered, you can't help but wonder....
Why was this show made?
It's pretty clear that the people behind this show hate Scooby-Doo, so why are they even trying to make a series based on the IP then?
If The Witcher, Rings of Power, and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law has taught me anything, people in Hollywood have these vendettas against popular IPs for some reason and wanna spite people for liking them.
So they create pretty half-assed and unfaithful adaptations of the work because they love seeing the fans of those IPs getting angry at them.
I know that sounds dumb, but this is Hollywood we're talking about.
But anyway, pretty much everyone on the face of the Earth was happy to know this piece of shit was finally dead.
Made even better with the fact that the series ended with Velma literally DYING and getting her soul sent to Hell.
If there's one thing you give the show, it at least had a happy ending.
But back on topic, people were celebrating about Velma being over.
Except for a few individuals.
Yes. There are a few individuals who have a problem with people celebrating the cancellation.
And guess where this is all happening.
You guessed it, it's Twitter.
Because of course it is.......
Where else can you find people having a problem with something actually good and positive?
As for why those individuals have an issue with people celebrating the cancellation of Velma, it's because of the fact that the artists and animators on that show are now out of a job and basically we're celebrating these people losing their jobs.
Okay, I have some things in response to this.
If there's one good thing about Velma, it was that it had really good art direction.
The character designs and art-style were really strong and dynamic, the animation was solid throughout the series, and the backgrounds were really pleasant to look at.
It's pretty clear that the artists and animators on this show were very talented.
Wished their talents were used for a much better show....
Also, I can kinda see why this would look bad.
The animation industry has been in a very turbulent place lately.
And one of the many reasons for it has been the mistreatment, overworking, and underpayment of animators and artists.
So celebrating the cancellation of a show does seem like a dick move.
Even if the show is terrible, at least the artists and animators are getting work.
However, in typical Twitter fashion, I feel like they've blown this whole situation out of proportion.
And the reason I say this.....well, allow me to introduce you to Lauren Mattson.
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She's an artist based in Burbank, California, who currently works at Warner Bros. Animation.
Just this Wednesday, YouTuber Saberspark had posted a video on the recent announcement of Velma's cancellation.
And among the comments, one of them was from her.
Essentially, she revealed that was part of the crew that worked on Velma for entirety of the series.
And she did confirm that Velma was in fact over and done with, as the execs at WB have their minds on other things right now.
But the thing that really caught my eye was that Lauren said that she's glad the show is gone.
She pointed out how in spite of the friendly production crew and the surprisingly good work schedule, working on this show was a total chore.
Though she didn't really go into detail on why besides having to sit through the animatic reviews.
And I honestly think she doesn't really need to.
It's flaws are just that apparent.
Like, I already had the suspicion that nobody besides Mindy and her circlejerk of writers actually enjoyed working on this show.
But this essentially confirmed it for me.
And if you want to bring up the problem of the artists and animators being out of a job, well.....
According to Lauren, she and rest of the crew have already moved on to other projects.
So yeah.....this cancellation is not really as bad or disgusting as Twitter keeps trying to make it out to be.
Like, the artists and animators have already moved on other projects, so I don't see the problem here.
And even then, out of all the shows that got cancelled in recent years, why are people pulling the whole "artists and animators losing their jobs" card for VELMA of all things?!
I don't even recall seeing this for shows like Inside Jobs or The Owl House.
You know, shows that were actually good and liked by the majority of the Internet.
And even among the seas of bad shows, I've never anyone pull this card for shows like The Prince or Santa, Inc.
Which may I remind you, both of which were cancelled after just one season.
Hell, the latter of the two was essentially canned the moment it premiered.
But anyway, that's all I have for now.
I know this wasn't exactly the most structured, but remember, I was trying to make sense out of something from Twitter.
That already speaks for itself.
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