#and yes it will be OC cause as much as i love reading reader inserts i can't write them
unreadpoppy · 1 year
Remember how I said I had a Beauty and the Beast Raphael AU in mind?
Yeah so I'm gonna write it
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badkitty3000 · 7 months
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Lewd Public Acts: Five x OC One Shot
Getting busy in a public space with people around? The idea of someone witnessing everything becomes a turn on for Five's wife, and he is definitely up for the challenge. After all, he can never deny her anything. And, let's face it; there might be something in it for him, too.
Warnings: Smut, Public sex, Dirty talk, Fingering, Blow jobs
Words: 7,412
Here is a smutty one shot I wrote featuring my original character, an aged-up Five's love of his life, Vivian, from my Halo series. That AU spawned its own series of one shots that you can read here.
I love writing these two horny love-birds, so if you have any requests for a story featuring them, or Five and a reader-insert, let me know!
The traffic was incessantly slow, with the cars creeping forward mere inches at a time every few minutes. There was nowhere to go; not even a shoulder to drive on if you wanted to be that kind of jerk. Which, after over an hour of sitting in roughly the same spot, breathing in exhaust fumes and listening to his wife’s horrific playlist of songs, Five would have gladly taken twenty traffic violation tickets just to get out of there. He gripped the steering wheel tighter, imagining it was the neck of whoever had caused this nightmare to begin with.
Viv risked a side glance, noticing the red flag that was the twitchy eye and bared teeth of her husband. Her eyes moved back in front of her, to the glove compartment where Five kept his Glock, and she subtly pressed her knee up against it. Just in case.
About thirty minutes into this fiasco, Five had put the car in park and blinked out and down the standing row of cars to try and get a look at what the hold up was, much to the shock of the other drivers. After he had stood on the side of the road, hands on his hips, assessing the situation in the most Five way possible, and then blinking back into the car, Viv had scrunched down in her seat and gave the confused, older lady in the car next to her an embarrassed smile.
Risking making things worse, and possibly her life, Viv quietly cleared her throat.
“Five. There’s nothing we can do. It sucks, but there’s no point in getting all assassin-level angry about it.”
When Five’s head whipped around in her direction, she flinched just slightly; his face looking dangerously crazy.
“Yes, I know there’s nothing we can do, Vivie.” He drew out his words slowly and measured, as if talking to a small child. “But I am tired and hungry and very, VERY over this music.” He stabbed his finger at the screen that had just lit up with the beginnings of “Sweet Caroline”, stopping poor Neil before he could get to the chorus.
The car was quiet again and Viv tried to choke down the laugh she felt forming inside of her. It never failed to amuse her when her murderous husband with a long history of blood and violence started acting like a toddler that was overdue for a nap and a snack. The more she sat there, watching him seethe out of the corner of her eye, the more she thought about it. And then she couldn’t keep it suppressed anymore. The laugh started as a muffled snort, and then her shoulders started to shake. When Five looked over at her, completely unamused, it all burst forward in a loud, obnoxious cackle that had her doubled over.
“Always glad to be your entertainment,” he snarled, looking away again.
“Oh, come on, Five…you don’t have to be so dramatic,” Viv argued, even as she still tried to swallow her laughter.
“How am I being dramatic?” Five asked loudly, throwing his hands in the air with all the drama of a telenovela actor. “You’re the one that wanted to go to this restaurant across town, even though I told you it would be a bitch to get to. And I was right, wasn’t I? You know, sometimes you can admit when I’m right. It wouldn’t kill you.”
Rather than answer, Viv reached across with one hand, squeezing his cheeks and squishing in his face. She beamed over at him as he gave her the death glare. Part of the fun of messing with him was knowing she was the only one that could ever get away with it. Anyone else would have been swiftly joining the unidentifiable roadkill that was lying next to their car.
“You’re so super cute when you’re all angry.”
Five swatted her hand away. “Thin ice, Vivie. You’re on real thin ice.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “What exactly are you going to do about it?”
“Off the top of my head, I’m thinking of spatial jumping myself out of here and leaving you here.”
Viv scoffed. “You wouldn’t dare. Besides, how far would you even get?”
“Far enough to get away from this mess and to think happily back on the image of you still sitting here, crying tears of regret over your treatment of me.”
Viv pressed her lips together to keep from laughing again. Even though Five’s body language and words gave the impression of some serious underlying wrath, the tiniest formation of a dimple on his cheek gave him away. He may have actually been pissed at the situation, but he’d never leave her like that.
“Fine. You were right…I was wrong. This was a bad idea. There, you good now?” she condescendingly patted his thigh.
As she turned back towards the passenger window, in the process of taking her hand back, she felt him grab hold of it, keeping her pressed into his leg. She turned back to face him with a questioning look. All she received in return was a very evil smile of which she knew the exact meaning behind. Uh-oh.
“Oh, no…no way, buddy. I am not giving you a hand job in the middle of a traffic jam. Absolutely not.”
Even Viv knew her argument lacked much conviction; the sternness in her voice was definitely not very convincing. When Five didn’t respond, she kept going.
“Besides, it’s not like we’re very hidden here, we’re surrounded by all these other cars with people in them and it’s broad daylight out. Not to mention my very nosy window neighbor over here, I’m pretty sure her name is Gladys, keeps looking over at us. I think she likes you.”
None of that did anything to dissuade Five; it was as if she hadn’t said anything at all. He just grasped her hand tighter, that cock-sure smile of his never wavering.
“First of all, you need to make up for this disaster you put us in, which you have so kindly admitted was your doing. Second, I have a very different kind of job in mind for you, my love. And third, I know you; and I can guarantee you’re going to have your head in my lap in a matter of minutes.”
Five took Viv’s hand and pressed it roughly between his legs, making sure she knew he wasn’t fucking around. She could feel him growing and getting harder as he rubbed her palm over the top of his pants. He closed his eyes and let out a soft exhale.
“Jesus, Five. How can you be so pissed off one second and so horny the next? That’s not normal.”
He opened his eyes and grinned over at her. “Just one of my many talents. Now, are you going to get over here? Or are you going to keep pretending you’re not going to suck my dick when I tell you to?”
She laughed softly, but didn’t make a move, even though her breath had become noticeably faster and she stopped trying to pull her hand away.
Five unbuckled his seat belt and slid the seat back further to make more room. Then he settled back into the seat, spreading his legs apart and leaning his head back with his eyes closed.
“Darling, I really don’t want to have to tell you again,” he warned, not even bothering to look over at her or open his eyes.
As he moved her hand over the crotch of his pants again, Viv took a deep, shaky breath and bit her bottom lip.  He knew exactly how to get to her.  How to turn her from a strong, confident woman into a quivering mess of sexed-up gelatin.  It’s like he knew the special, magic formula to instantly soak her panties and leave her wanting him.  She may have been the boss of him in every other aspect of their lives, but when it came to anything sexual…Five was in charge.
After a brief look to her nosy neighbor, who happened to be looking straight ahead for once, she undid her own seat belt and leaned in closer to Five. She lightly ran her lips over his neck while she started undoing his pants.
“You’re lucky I’m willing to let you talk to me like that,” she murmured with a smile before kissing the corner of his mouth.
“You’ve been letting me talk to you like that since the day we met,” he replied; which was entirely true. Then he let out a soft moan as she freed his dick from his pants and started slowly stroking him.
“So, what’s going to be in this for me?” Viv asked, still teasing him with feather light kisses on his neck.
“Dinner. Maybe,” Five answered dryly, trying to conceal his smile as he inhaled a sharp breath when her hand moved over him again.
The movement stopped completely then, and Five opened his eyes to look at her unamused face. Trying to push himself up into her fist, but to no avail, Five conceded with a short laugh.
“How does this sound? If we ever get out of this nightmare and home again, I’m going to get you on all fours and fuck you with my hand, then my mouth, and then my dick until you’re coming onto each one of them.”
Viv could feel the unmistakable rush of moisture between her legs when he said things like that. It was an automatic response from her body; because it knew that’s exactly what was going to happen. She started to rub his cock again, harder and faster this time, causing him to flop his head back with a loud groan and close his eyes again.
“Deal. Just make sure you’re watching the road and pay attention if we start moving.”
“Uh-huh…got it,” he mumbled, his hand already pushing her head down.
Vivian was on him a second later, taking him all in at once, and letting him guide her head with his hand in her hair. If there was one thing she knew, it was that the man loved a good blow job. She’d given countless to him over the years, and in that time had gotten to know exactly the way he liked it and the quickest way to make him finish, too. She considered herself a Professional Number Five Cock Sucker at this point. She could have taught a class.
She made little moaning noises as she moved her head up and down in a certain rhythm, making sure the head of his dick hit the back of her throat each time. She gagged once in a while, but he liked that, too; knowing he was big enough to choke her if he really pushed her down hard enough. The angle was awkward, but not anything she couldn’t handle and she used her hand along with her mouth to speed things up. But when her neck and back were starting to ache and the gear shift was digging into her armpit, he was still going strong. She had another trick up her sleeve that would wrap things up, though.
Taking her mouth off, but still working him with her hand, she looked up and made sure he was watching her face as she licked her lips.
“Let me feel your cum down my throat, Daddy,” she purred, as seductively as she could.
Then she was back to sucking him off and she could hear the low groaning noise that meant he was going to do just what she had asked of him. His hand tightened in her hair and he held her down while he pushed his hips up, his back arching and body stiff and twitching while he lost himself to her expert mouth-fucking skills. He was almost completely spent, the last few spurts of cum sliding down her throat, when there was the undeniable crunching sound and hard jolt of their car hitting the one in front of them.
Viv did choke a little with the impact, and lucky for Five he didn’t get his dick bitten off. The car had been rolling so slowly that it had only gently bumped the other car. But it was still enough to do some damage. Not to mention the impact had somehow kicked the music back on and suddenly the car was being blasted with the all-too familiar lyrics of “Sweet Caroline”.
…touching me…touching youuuuuu….
“Fuck!” Five cried as Viv lifted her head up quickly and looked out the windshield to see what had happened.
She groaned. “Five, god damn it! I told you to watch what you were doing!”
“Yeah, I know!” he snapped back at her over the loudly obnoxious song. While trying to stuff himself back into his pants and zip up, he visibly winced. “I guess my foot slipped off the brake! I was a little preoccupied!”
Sweet Caroline…bum bum bum…
“You were preoccupied?! I was the one choking on your damn dick!”
“Charming, Viv, really.”
Good times never seemed so good….
“Well, shit. Great, the guy is getting out of his car. Oh my god, he’s walking over here! Now what?”
“Jesus, I don’t know! Act fucking normal I guess, if you can manage that,” Five barked at her. “And turn this FUCKING music off!”
Five practically punched the touchscreen with his fist and Neil shut up again. The car seemed extra quiet, except for their angry breathing.
As the other driver got closer, Viv suddenly realized the absurdity of the whole situation. She knew what they looked like; her hair a tangled mess from Five’s hand, lips swollen and her chest flushed. Five was breathing hard and trying to tuck in his shirt and buckle his belt. Then add in the fact that they had started yelling at each other, and Viv immediately burst out laughing. When Five looked at her, first in complete shock, he must have come to the same conclusion she had and he shook his head with a smile.
“You are a very bad girl, Vivian Hargreeves.”
“And you are a very bad influence,” she replied with another giggle.
As Five composed himself and got out of the car to assess the minor damage with the annoyed looking man; Viv glanced over to Gladys who was wearing a very sour expression on her face. Clearly, she had seen the whole thing go down, including the sinful activity that had taken place. Instead of hiding in embarrassment, though, Viv just waved out the window to her with a happy smile and gave her a thumb’s up. Then she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and licked her lips, all while staring the haughty looking woman in the face. She couldn’t help but crack up again when she saw the woman gasp and cover her mouth with her hand, completely appalled.
Later that evening, after they had finally gotten home and eaten dinner and Five had eaten something else just like he had promised, they were lying in bed in the dark when Viv started laughing again.
“I can’t stop thinking about that lady’s face. She was so horrified. I’m sure she was going to go pray for us as soon as she could get back to her church.”
Five chuckled. “Well, you did put on a good show.”
“Yeah, but was it worth that ticket and the increase in our auto insurance?”
Five pulled her in close to him and kissed her cheek. “Absolutely one-hundred percent worth it.”
Viv sighed and laid her head on his chest. “You know what’s weird though? I kind of liked it.”
“Of course you did. What’s not to like?”
She rolled her eyes. “Not that. Doing it in public like that. Where people could see us? It was kind of a rush.”
“Huh. Well, that’s certainly good to know. Let me file that away along with all the other dirty things my wife likes.”
“That file must be getting pretty big by now. Your wife sounds like freak,” she laughed.
“You have no idea.”
A few days later, Viv was standing in front of her closet after her morning shower, wrapped in a towel and staring at the empty space that used to be occupied by more clothes.
“Five! Where the hell are all my work pants?” she yelled out.
A minute later, Five strolled in with his coffee, looking suspiciously innocent. “What do you mean?”
She eyed him up with a hand on her hip. “My pants are missing. Know anything about this?”
He shook his head with a smile and took a sip from his mug. “Not a clue. Weird. Guess you’re going to just have to wear a skirt to work.”
Viv narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing?”
Five shrugged and walked to her closet, looking at the line of skirts. Picking out a tight, black skirt that would be way too short to wear to work, he placed it on the bed. “Wear that one.”
“Five…I can’t wear-“
“I thought I’d come by and take you out to lunch today,” he interrupted with a gleam in his eye.
Now she understood. This skirt was for him, not her. And she was pretty sure she knew what lunch meant.
With a shake of her head she smiled. “You know, this skirt would actually be perfect to wear today. Even though there’s a good chance I might accidentally give everyone at work a look at my Area 51.”
“Your what?”
She shrugged. “I’m trying out new names for my vag. Area 51. Like it?”
“I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he replied sarcastically.
“Yes, you do,” she grinned.
Five just smirked knowingly and left the room to let her finish getting ready. But when she opened her underwear drawer, she found that it was empty as well.
“God damn it, he’s good,” she muttered to herself with a smile.
Viv spent the rest of the morning trying to avoid the scandalized looks of her coworkers while also trying to pull her skirt down so it wouldn’t ride all the way up and show the entire lab her bare bikini biscuit, which she had decided was her new favorite term. In between wrestling with her completely inappropriate outfit, she kept an eye on the clock. She was supposed to meet Five downstairs in the lobby at noon. He didn’t say where he was taking her, but she figured that was because she was the lunch.
Finally, it was noon and Viv rushed downstairs, fully anticipating a nice long lunch hour consisting of an orgasm or two. When she saw Five she hugged him and gave him a kiss.
“So, where are you taking me?”
He let his hands roam over her hips and down to her ass that was just barely covered by the skirt. “I don’t care. Wherever you want. What sounds good?”
Viv frowned. “Wait. Are you actually taking me out to lunch?”
He smiled innocently. “That’s what I said I was going to do. Why? What were you thinking?”
With a very suspicious look at her husband, Viv cocked her head to the side. “What was up with the skirt then? And the no panties?”
Again, Five just shrugged like he had no idea what she was getting at. “Nothing. I just like that skirt, it looks nice on you. And you probably left all your underwear in the dryer like you always do.”
Viv let out a frustrated sigh. “You are so weird. Fine, let’s go across the street to that café. If I can make it there without flashing the entire city my pink velvet sausage wallet.”
Five choked on a shocked laugh. “Your what?”
“What? You don’t like that one? I thought it was a winner.”
“And I’m the weird one,” he said with a shake of his head.
After their actual lunch of food, where Viv fully expected Five to blink her out of there and fuck her somewhere private, but never did; they walked back across to Viv’s building where she went to give him a kiss good bye.
“Hang on. I’ll go up with you.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Why?”
“Can’t I want to spend a few more minutes with my beautiful wife? Is that a crime?”
“You’re up to something, Hargreeves; I know you are.”
But Five gave no further explanation, so they walked to the elevator together. Viv’s lab was on the 20th floor, and the elevators were all packed with workers returning from lunch. When the doors opened, a throng of people pushed in, filling it almost to capacity. Five had led her in with a hand on the small of her back and they ended up in the back corner, which Viv didn’t really like since they were packed in so tight. She leaned in closer to Five so she didn’t have to be so close to the other people.
As soon as the doors closed and everyone pushed the buttons to their respective floors, Viv felt Five’s hand on her ass. She turned and gave him a little smile, since that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him to do. But what he did next certainly was. She stood there while he continued south with his hand, stopping just below the short hemline of her skirt. Then, with a move so smooth she wasn’t sure how he did it, his hand was under the back of her skirt with his fingers sneaking forward between her legs.
Viv let out a loud gasp, then quickly shut her mouth as several people turned to look at her. Five continued sliding his fingers forward until they were perfectly positioned, the slick from her rapidly dampening pussy coating them as he started to gently finger her. Viv tried to step away, but he held her to him with a firm grip on her arm, and he moved her body so that her back was closer to the elevator wall. It obviously wouldn’t take much for anyone near them to realize what was going on. But as with most elevators full of people, it was awkwardly quiet and everyone just stared straight ahead or at the moving floor numbers.
Viv tried to clench her legs together, then she tried to wriggle her way out of his grasp, but neither one of those things worked and Five didn’t let up. As the elevator climbed the floors, stopping periodically to let more people on and off, she started to get more and more turned on. He really was an expert finger fucker, and he knew all the right things to do to drive her crazy.
There were still plenty of people around, although it had thinned out a little. Five pretended like nothing was going on, just staring straight ahead like everyone else. Viv had to close her eyes and bite her lip to hold in the whimpers that were dangerously close to creeping out of her mouth. When Five sank his middle finger inside of her, fucking her with it while also fingering her clit, she couldn’t suppress a moan. When a man started to turn around to look, she coughed loudly to try and cover it up and he turned back towards the doors.
“You’re so close, aren’t you baby? Don’t let anyone hear you.” Five whispered so softly in her ear that it was almost inaudible. But she heard it, and she also felt his lips graze over her ear lobe when he said it.
It wasn’t fair. Five had an entire car to fully unleash himself in before. He didn’t have to be quiet or hold back his orgasm. This was a totally different level of torture; even if Viv was both loving and hating every minute of it.
Finally, after what seemed like the slowest crawling elevator ride in history, the last person got out on the 19th floor. When the doors closed behind them, the long, shaky moan from Vivian echoed through the empty space.
“You fucking bastard,” she panted out before finally breaking free from his grasp on her arm, as well as his hand under her skirt.
Five just smirked proudly and then quickly slammed his fist against the stop button, halting the elevator between floors with a jolt and setting off the alarm. He was back on her in a second, pushing her against the back wall and kissing her hard, one hand on the side of her neck while the other slid back under her skirt. This time he didn’t care about being discreet, and he shoved the front of the skirt up so she was fully exposed for him and he picked up where he left off.
Viv cried into his mouth as he lifted one of her legs up to his waist, holding her under her thigh while he circled her clit over and over again with his hand. His body was pressing into hers and he was breathing hard and fast; kissing her neck while she whined for him.
“Did you like getting fucked under your skirt like that? With everyone around? Knowing you could get caught at any second?” he murmured.
“Fuck, I hate you so much. But yes…oh god…yes I liked it.”
“You better finish up for me, angel. We can’t keep this stopped forever. If these doors open, everyone will see what a horny little slut you are.”
With each heaving breath Viv let out a whimper until he had her completely falling apart; her hands raking through his hair and her head thrown back.
“That’s my girl, keep going,” he urged as he pushed harder and faster.
That was all she could take and then she was yelling much too loudly for no one else to hear, even if they were trapped in there alone with alarm bells blasting. Her cries kept going, too, her body pulsing against Five’s hand as she clutched onto his arms. When she could finally stop, Five pulled away and lowered her skirt for her. The giant grin on his face was incredibly annoying, but Viv could only let out a wheezy laugh as she tried to compose herself again.
“Sorry, darling, we don’t have time for that. This will have to suffice until you get home later,” he quipped as he wiped his hand off on his pant leg and then pushed the button to stop the alarm and get the elevator moving again.
They were only one floor away from her stop, and when the doors opened, Viv found herself face to face with several of her co-workers looking very concerned.
“Oh my gosh, Vivian! Are you ok? We heard the alarm and then we thought we heard screaming.”
Five smirked and looked at his wife, cooly leaning with his back against the doors to keep them open for her, his hands shoved in his pants pockets.
Viv smoothed out her skirt and ran a hand down the back of her hair, before faking a laugh and waving a dismissive hand at the group of worried faces.
“Oh, no, I’m fine. It was silly, actually. Five accidentally bumped into the alarm button and it scared me so I screamed. I’m so over dramatic sometimes,” she explained with a self-deprecating eye roll.
That seemed to satisfy everyone well enough, despite some suspicious looks, and they slowly scattered back to their work stations. When they were alone again, Viv turned to Five in a huff.
“I’ve said it before, but you really are an asshole.”
Five grabbed her hand and pulled her into him, holding her around her waist. “Sounded to me like you were having a pretty good time. And you’re always saying how I don’t listen to you. Well, I listened this time. You wanted public sex; I delivered.”
Viv couldn’t really argue with that, so she just shook her head and put her arms around his shoulders. “As much as I enjoyed that little ride you gave my panty hamster back there, consider this war.”
“Panty hamster? What is wrong with you?”
Viv laughed and kissed him before he stepped back on the elevator, still smiling at his crazy but adorable wife while the doors closed between them.
It was a week later when the war continued. They had a deal worked out every month where Viv would let Five drag her off to their small, public library in town and sit there while he pored over old, dusty textbooks of the most boring variety in exchange for him letting her pick out any movie to go see and he had to go along with no complaining. This weekend it was library day.
She hadn’t even been doing anything all that sexual.  Just resting her hand on his leg while he scanned through some old physics textbooks and she leafed through a mystery novel.  It’s not like she’d never rested her hand there before.  Or absent-mindedly stroked her thumb over his thigh.  But for whatever reason, this time, it was getting to Five.  Maybe it was the fact that he was surrounded by books, and the quiet of the library, which he’d always loved.  Or maybe it was weird, suppressed memories of him and Dolores in a similar building, only with fewer walls and less readable options.
Five tried to block it out of his mind, instead concentrating on the long, drawn-out equations and laws of thermo-dynamics.  But he found himself reading the same sentences over and over again, his mind wandering to her hand and the warmth of her skin penetrating the fabric of his pants.  Then his mind wandered even more.  To what he knew her hand felt like on other areas of his body.  Despite the internal battle in his head, visions of her stroking him, hard and fast, while kissing him and biting at his neck were working their way to the forefront. And unfortunately, she had noticed.
“Something wrong there, honey? You look a little flushed,” Viv asked with a smile as she moved her hand further up his thigh.
Five cleared his throat. He really didn’t want her to win this one. “No, I’m fine, thank you.”
After he continued pretending to be engrossed in his book, Viv took it one step further and pushed her palm against the swelling between his legs, rubbing it over the top of his pants. She heard the unmistakable sound of a quiet groan and she jumped a little when he suddenly grabbed her wrist.
“Nice try, angel. You may have me worked up just like you always know how to do, but two can play at this game.”
He held her hand on his crotch while using the other to pull her chair closer to him. A loud screeching noise filled the air as it scraped over the floor and several people looked up to stare. Knowing that Five was trying to embarrass her on purpose, she just smiled over at him and pushed her hand in harder.
It was difficult to keep up the façade, though, when Five was returning the favor by shoving his free hand up the sundress she was wearing and rubbing her over her panties. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. When she retaliated with a squeeze and her own rough tug it made him growl deep in his throat.
After a couple minutes of under the table rub and tug, they were both quickly losing their resolve. It didn’t really matter who was going to win anymore.
“What do you say we take this one step further?” Five asked quietly in between ragged breaths.
Viv took a glance around her.  There weren’t many people there, but there were a few.  There was absolutely no way they going to be able to just start fucking without anyone seeing.  And last time she checked, sex in a public setting was still a crime.
“As much as I want to…and believe me I really want to…I don’t think this is the best place for that.”
Five ran a finger inside her underwear and she let out a tiny squeak before shoving her hand down his pants and grabbing hold of his dick. Five jolted in his seat, his knees hitting the underside of the table.
“Fuck, Vivie,” he whispered. “This is happening. I am going to fuck you in this library right here, right now.”
She looked around again and then noticed the quiet reading room in the back. It was used mostly by students for studying but it had several small cubicles with desks for privacy. Perfect.
Viv removed her hand from his pants and pushed his away from her. With a smile she stood up and offered out her hand to him.
“Come on, I have an idea.”
Tugging at the front of his pants, Five looked up at her. “So, I have to walk across the library with a raging hard-on? Thanks a lot.”
“Well, it’s either that or you sit here and wait until it’s gone and your balls are blue as fuck.”
“Fair point. Just try to stay in front of me so I don’t look like some disgusting pervert.”
“You are a disgusting pervert.”
His eyes narrowed at her remark, but he stood up and took her hand while Viv led him to the back room, all while trying to hide his awkward boner from the suspicious eyes of the librarian as they walked past. Once inside the study room they could see there was only one other cubicle occupied. It was by a college-aged student that seemed oblivious to his surroundings and had earbuds shoved in his ears as he tapped the rhythm of the music out on the desk with his pencil.
Viv saw an empty one in the back corner and they hurried over. She pulled her panties off and shoved them into one of Five’s pockets before straddling his thighs. He uncuffed his dress shirt at the wrists and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows like he was going to start in on some major work, before he started undoing his pants. Viv draped her arms over his shoulders, running her fingers softly through his hair and pushing it back over his ear.
“Do you know how impossibly sexy you are?” she asked in between her own quick breaths, trying to keep her voice down. Leaning in close, her lips brushed over his neck. “Sometimes I look at you and I can’t even believe you’re mine.”
“This is supposed to be a quick fuck, you know that right?” he asked as he revealed his straining cock to her.
“So, when you say amazingly romantic things like that to me, it makes me want to take my time with you.”
Viv moved further up his lap, adjusting herself carefully, and sank down onto his dick. The quiet moan he let out sounded much louder in the quiet of the reading room. Viv breathed out a soft laugh at his inability to hold back. The skirt of her dress covered them so that at least they weren’t totally exposed, although it was going to be pretty obvious what was going on if someone walked by. She didn’t care about that, though, because all she wanted to do was let Five take over and make her feel good in the way only he knew how.
With her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her chest held tightly to his, her lips found their way to his neck again. With her face pressed into his warm skin, she closed her eyes and breathed in, convinced that he must emit some type of pheromone that was made specifically for her. She imagined this invisible chemical compound drifting out of his pores, being driven by his bounding jugular pulse, and going directly to the unevolved part of her brain that was activated only by pure sexual impulse. Because there was no way anyone else in the world would be able to turn her on as completely as Five did, just on scent alone.
“Can’t I tell you nice things and still want you to fuck me senseless?” she purred.
The answer came in the form of Five roughly pushing her hips down and forward, using his strength to pump her body back and forth on top of him, despite what he had said about wanting to take his time.
Viv whimpered softly next to his ear and she could hear the sexy grunting noises he was making under his breath as he thrust her aggressively over his cock. Her body was being driven exclusively by his strength, with his fingers digging into her hips and ass; the muscles in his forearms straining as he worked hard and fast. The chair started to creak with the movement and the legs thumped and scraped on the floor.
“Someone’s going to hear us,” she whispered, her breath catching in her throat.
“I don’t care,” Five answered, looking her in the eyes while his hair fell over his own.
Viv bit her lip to suppress a moan and she smiled at him. “What would you do if we got caught?”
“They can watch all they want. But nothing is going to stop me from Fucking. You.”
His last two words were accentuated with more forceful thrusts, slamming her down so hard that the chair was loudly shoved backwards.
“Do more of that, please Five,” she begged, knowing he couldn’t resist doing anything that drove her crazy like that.
Five gritted his teeth and continued to pound her body into his, the hot sleeve of her cunt sliding tightly over his dick faster and faster until he was sure neither one of them were going to hold on much longer. The chair underneath him was complaining loudly and Five tried to quiet it by bracing them with his foot against the floor, the sole of his expensive Oxford leaving black scuff marks on the faded linoleum as his heel skittered across.
Viv’s hands were in his hair and the back of his neck as she desperately tried to muffle her cries into his shoulder. She could feel her clit banging into his pubic bone over and over again until she was dangerously close to coming. She should have been in a hurry, trying to speed things up and will herself to finish so that they wouldn’t get caught. But the more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of it. She wanted someone to hear. She wanted someone to see.
“You feel so good like this. I want everyone to see, too. Let them see how good you fuck me; that I’m the only one that gets to touch you. I’m the only one that gets to ride your dick. Let them watch while you make me come, just for you, Five.”
“Jesus, Vivie…” he moaned into her hair. “If you say one more thing like that, I’m going to-”
“Come on, baby; let this whole library know how Number Five Hargreeves fucks his wife,” she groaned next to his ear with a smile.
“Oh, fuuuck, yes!” he growled much too loudly, throwing his head back and digging his fingers into her waist while they both climaxed together.
Viv startled and put her hand over his mouth, but it was too late. There was no way in hell no one had heard that.
“Five!” she scolded half-heartedly in between heaving breaths. She was already trying to climb off of him on stiff and cramped legs. “What the hell?”
“Sorry, Vivie,” he panted, helping her to stand up. “You did ask for it, though.”
Once she fixed her dress again and looked back over, she saw he was smiling, not even giving a shit that he had alerted half the library. Viv risked a quick peek over the cubicle wall and by some miracle there didn’t appear to be anyone around. She may have talked a big game during the heat of the moment, but she hadn’t really wanted to endure the humiliation of getting caught.
She leaned her butt against the desk, trying to catch her own breath as she shook her head at him, watching as he nonchalantly zipped up his pants again. He passed a hand through his hair and looked up at her, somehow managing to look even more handsome than usual.
“How do you manage to do that to me?”
“What do I do?”
“Make me fall in love with you over and over again.”
Five laughed softly, looking slightly embarrassed. “Only you would turn a quick, public fuck session into a romantic date.”
After they smoothed their clothes and hair out as much as possible, and their underpants were back where they were supposed to be, they emerged from their little cubicle. They only got about ten steps out, though, when they were stopped in their tracks by a very stern and irritated librarian who blocked their path with her hands on her hips.
“I would like you both to know that we do not take these shenanigans lightly, and I have alerted the police who will be here shortly. As I’m sure you are quite aware, there are laws against indecent exposure and lewd public acts.”
Viv didn’t know what to say or do, except for turning beet red and looking at her feet. But Five just flashed the lady his best innocent smile.
“Actually, there was no indecent exposure. We made sure to keep it classy.”
The librarian huffed loudly and pointed a finger in Five’s face. “Now, listen here, you…you…hooligan! I am used to having to remind the teenagers to behave in here, but you are two grown adults. It’s disgraceful! You should be ashamed of yourselves!”
As Viv stood there, trying to decide if she should laugh or not while continuing to stare at the floor, the kid that had been studying at one of the other cubicles got up to leave, but stopped in front of Five on his way out, a big grin on his face. He offered out his hand for a fist bump.
“Dude, way to go, that was awesome. Seriously, best study session ever.” His eyes roamed over Vivian. “Whoa, she’s hot, too.”
Ignoring the other guy’s attempt at male bonding, Five put his arm protectively around Viv’s waist and pulled her against his hip. With another heart-melting smirk that had her trying not to laugh again, he raised his eyebrows at her. Viv could feel the tell-tale staticky sensation vibrate against her body as Five was already flexing his hands.
“Ready to leave, darling?”
Viv nodded with a smile. “Yep.”
“Tell the cops we said hi,” Five snarked just before opening one of his convenient portals and jumping them both out of there.
They landed slightly off from his intended mark in the parking lot, Viv’s back slamming into their car door. Post-orgasm blinks were always a bit trickier for him.
“Ow!” she cried.
“Sorry, are you ok?”
Vivie nodded, rubbing her back but still smiling. “Nice one, by the way. Poor lady, though. At least she’ll have something to talk about at her next knitting circle.”
Five laughed. “I don’t think they talk about lewd public acts in knitting circles. At least not hers, I’m guessing. But I’m pretty happy that I got called a hooligan. That’s a new one.”
As they both got into the car and Five started it up, he turned to his wife, with her messy hair and flushed cheeks, and smiled.
“So, where should we plan our next little adventure?”
“Next adventure? Uh-oh, I got you addicted to being a sex criminal now, didn’t I?”
He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “I think it’s more like I’m just addicted to you, angel.”
“See? There you go again, being annoyingly sexy and making me fall in love with you again.”
A cop car pulled in, and Five drove quickly out of there, one hand on the wheel and the other on her leg. He gave her bare thigh a squeeze as he turned out into traffic. “As long as you keep feeling that way, Vivie, consider me one very happy and lucky man.”
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tachibubu · 2 years
Never Good Enough (2/3)
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∆ PAIRING ; Yandere!Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader/OC/Self-Insert x Slight!Jacaerys Velaryon
∆ SUMMARY ; Your wedding with your betrothed Jacaerys is nearing, while your secret pursuiter is growing ever more eager. Entering Kingslanding once again to prepare for your wedding and the succession of Driftmark, a supposedly family gathering became something much more than mingling.
∆ WARNINGS ; Incest obvs, spoilers of Episode 8, a bit actions of sexual sht? But did not continue, s3xu4l h4rassment, possessive sht obvs, no comfort, stalking, enemies to enemies, dont even fuckin do this in real life, just fuckin torture. Also OOC except for Jace cause I truly believe hes perfect i want to marry him. Also sorry Ewan if you're reading this.
It was a beautiful day. To clear your head before starting on your lesson plan and schedule for the day, you made the decision to compose an essay about the history of the current time. A letter from someone you knew too well was brought out by your sworn handmaiden after she had collected your daily mail.
To put it mildly, your daily life was comfortable, and you actually loved it that way. You spent the week studying with the maesters and (as proposed by your stepmother Rhaenyra, which you eagerly accepted) tutoring your brother-in-law Lucerys about economics, while on the weekends you became closer to your betrothed Jacaerys.
Lucerys and you had a lovely connection. Rhaenyra didn't trust the Maesters enough when he didn't enthusiastically express what he had learned, so you were his teacher for the remainder of your time as a fiancée. His ears perked up, and he nodded keenly to his mother when you said you could assist. 
Rhaena joined the class while you were educating Lucerys in order to support her fiancé, but after she saw how much she loved it, she began coming back frequently to take lessons from you. Baela would visit your small class when she crossed paths between you three, and you would gladly accept her insights on the topics.
Although you were disappointed in what happened to your one-eyed first crush, Jacaerys made up for it by showing up earlier than expected on your dates with multiple gifts and going on numerous dragon-riding escapades with his dragon throughout Driftmark. You’d admit it, you had fallen quite in love with the prince.
So you’d admit your shock when someone else hadn't moved on.
You asked the maid, "Who is it from?" without batting an eye, fearing that the note's sender and contents were the same person who had been constantly sending you letters ever since you left Kingslanding.
Your handmaiden Olea was hesitant to respond to your inquiry. Before responding, "It's from Prince Aemond Targaryen, my lady," she chewed her lower lip. 
You extended your hand as Olea placed the letter on it, and a sigh escaped your mouth. You scrunched your nose at the contents in disgust.
The letter stated, 'My beloved (Y/N), after several letters of my pursuing, you have yet to respond to any of my proceedings. I have received the news of the bethrotal of my dear nephew—I forgot his name, but I am sure you know it all too well. Was I divulging the news incorrectly? Was my hearing giving up on me as I was unable to comprehend the news easily? What I mean by this is that you are to be bethroted to my nephew. Is this genuine? I refuse to acknowledge it. You may be aware that rumors spread too quickly. My family, who are obviously too trusting these days, believed it immediately too. I also took note of the fact that your family will be coming within the next few weeks. I have to admit that I couldn't hold back my excitement. Earlier today, a servant told me that she had seen that I had been smiling while deep in thought. I made sure she wouldn't tell anyone the embarrassing news. I hope you experience today's enthusiasm in the same way that I do. See you soon, my dear bird. Signed, Aemond Targaryen.’
Yes, you tore that piece of paper.
Olea attempted to adhere the pieces of the letter together out of panic at your unexpected behavior, but you reprimanded her and instructed her to stop.
After a couple of nights, your family finished dining, and you made the decision to unwind by taking a stroll in the garden. The time until you leave for Kingslanding is rapidly approaching. You'll admit that you're a little nervous about going there, but tradition dictates that you should go there even if you are not specifically looking to meet someone there.
Truth be told, you were aware that Aemond would never forget you. You informed Jacaerys about the spies who had been dispatched to observe your everyday activities, and he took care of it. You were also aware of the several letters Aemond had sent to you that had gone unanswered, ranging from once a month to now every five days after the news of your betrothal. You wish to never come across his romantic delusions once again as they are both devastating and disturbing.
Perhaps it was God's gift, but Jacaerys seemed to have discovered you in the wide-open flower field. He accompanied you on your leisurely stroll as you shared your worries about the impending occasion. He made you a promise that he would always look out for you and do everything in his power to keep you safe as your husband. He then gave you a kiss on the forehead, and you two returned hand in hand back to your private quarters.
The time has come, and you and your step-sisters have arrived in a separate carriage. You didn't like the bumpy ride, so you nearly puked while Rhaena comforted you and Baela made fun of you.
You noticed that no one greeted your family and you when they announced your family's entering the castle. No green can be pin-pointed. Even though Aemond wasn't there to welcome you, you scowled at the lack of respect they displayed in public.
The elders stepped aside so that the younger ones could explore the castle. While Jacaerys and Lucerys extended their hands for you to join them, you declined and said that you'd prefer to be alone for the time being. Baela and Rhaena then took the children and introduced them to the new environment.
Your legs carry you to the library, where you run into Helaena Targaryen, your favorite from the Hightower family.
Before you and Aemond met, you were close friends with his sister. You were both interested in different types of literature; she was more interested in entomology, the study of insects, while you were more interested in botany and floriculture. It was due to her that you and Aemond were linked as playmates back then, because he was worried that somebody would harm his sister because of her unique interests and cryptic wording.
Helaena threw her arms around you and burst into sobs and giggles, "Thank the sevens, I have missed you so much, my dear friend!" You returned the embrace.
"I have missed you so much (Y/N), I was so alone, no one ever dared to talk to me normally."
"So am I, my lady."
She brought you to the tea table while beaming. The plump girl offered you some of her remaining dried apple pieces and poured you a cup of nettle tea.
You couldn't help but laugh as she clasped her hands together and said, "There are so many things I wish to tell you!" as you sipped the pleasant beverage.
"And what is it, my lady, you wish to say so eagerly?" you questioned.
She murmured softly as you cocked your head, "Blood would be on your lips, and you'd come in the light of a brute." You've been hearing that message since you were a youngling. You didn't comment because you knew Heleana's communication style was extremely peculiar.
"Oh, that is indeed great, my princess," you said rather nonchalantly, stirring the tea and adding additional sugar to it, not wanting to hurt the poor girl's heart if you told her to stop repeating the same words all over again.
"Don’t mention it," she smiled solemnly, before both of you continued your talk.
After quite some time, you two began to leave the nest at the library and continued to go towards the training grounds, where you knew the two Targaryen princes would be. Heleana wanted to meet them once again and learn more about the relationship between both of you and your betrothed, so you agreed gingerly.
You were unaware that the other prince was present alongside them too.
You smiled at your fiancé and enthusiastically called out, "Jace!" You and Helaena were linking arms, laughing girlishly as you both peered at the confused brown-haired man in the middle of the crowd. 
"My dear wife!" Jacaerys unintentionally made a quip and Lucerys playfully hit his sibling for the unexpected nickname. Jacaerys smiled princely as he acknowledged Helaena's presence, "My princess."
"You flatter me with your words, my Lord," you replied with a knowing grin as both of you halted your steps in front of the two princes.
"My beautiful, dear sister and niece." An all-too familiar voice boomed.
Your breath hitched before you sharply inhaled and slowly gazed at where the voice came from. The figure from your dreams, Aemond fucking Targaryen, was standing there. The searing gaze he had centered on you made you tremble, but you swiftly collected yourself. With a slight mouth twitch, he made a note of it.
"It's been so long, my prince," you bowed, taking your gaze away from the person you were speaking to.
He left Ser Criston Cole's side and strutted in your direction while throwing the blade to the dirt, "Ah yes, you have grown wonderfully, my lady."
Jacaerys left his position next to his younger sibling and moved to your side, weaving his hands through yours before the man could even get close to you. The Targaryen prince gazed at the conjoined hand with his one remaining good eye before sneering.
Jacaerys responded to Aemond's comment instead with a mocking smile, "I thank the Gods for delivering her to me. Certainly, my beloved wife has grown up to be a stunning beauty."
"And so I have heard that beauties are easily swayed too," Rather than considering the strong brown-haired male existence, Aemond returned his gaze to you, hinting at your actions with a smirk, "I would take note of that if I were you, nephew."
When Jacaerys started to march forward, you restrained him by seizing his outstretched hand. When you did so, the male's stare softened toward you, and he steadied himself before asking, more like demanding in his case, "And what does that mean?"
Jacaerys was the target of Aemond's mocking gaze, which then turned back to the clasped hands between you two. There was a pregnant pause. The white-haired man appeared to be gathering his thoughts before speaking. After a brief pause, he jeered, "It's merely a fable, my beloved nephew."
"Don't take it as truth," he emphasized, "but rather as a counsel from your dear uncle."
You didn't see Aemond prior to the disturbance, save from the feast and what occurred to your great-uncle Vaemond. You were shocked by what transpired. Although you never developed a tight relationship with the man, he was generally polite and friendly to you when you visited Driftmark. Yes, you were worried about the Driftmark succession because it would damage your husband's and his family's reputation, but you were also aware that someone was keeping an eye on your every thought and move while the succession happened. Aemond's mere stare disturbs your brain from focusing on what is happening.
The tall man only responded with an amused raised eyebrow when he recognized that you were monitoring eyes placed on him. The corners of his lips began to rise.
You did not miss Aemond's smirk when the infamous bastard remark was made, which was spoken by your uncle Vaemond. Not only did Aemond disrespect your future spouse, but he also knew you were a bastard, which did not leave you with a positive impression.
Soon after your grandfather's passing at the hands of your father, the succession was reconfirmed, and soon after that, a feast was held. Olea, your handmaiden, led you to the dressing table in your chamber. She starts to polish up your makeup and style your hair until you are content.
"I can't help but notice, my lady, if you wish me to say it," Olea started, while you were calmly entertained by how her fingers moved so delicately and beautifully.
"Go on."
"Is the man who has been stalking you for a while, my lady, the one with the one missing eye?"
You would have immediately spit out the tea if you were drinking tea right now, but you choked on your own spit instead. Barely looking back, you scowled at your handmaiden, who gave you a guilty look, "He would chop off your tongue if he heard you say that, Olea." 
She gasped, terrified at the idea, "Oh, I'm, I'm deeply sorry, my lady!"
"Do not worry," you said, gathering yourself so your maid could continue braiding your hair. There was an expectant delay before you finally murmured, "But yeah, that is him," with your eyes closed.
She suddenly returned to her bouncy self, who knew no bounds, commenting, "Now that I get to see him clearly, he is very attractive, isn't he?"
You chuckled and complimented her confidence, stressing, "You joke too much. You'd be grateful for how much I let you off the hook rather than torture you for your babbly mouth."
"But I'm not, my lady," she chuckled as she pinned your hair and then threaded it with a ribbon. She continued to babble in her fantasies, "I do admit, if I were in your position and Prince Jacaerys hadn't first shown me favor, I probably would have been persuaded by Prince Aemond, with his angular features and great stature."
You gave her arm a lighthearted slap, surprised by her candor, "Olea!"
"Was I wrong, my lady?" She inquired as she steadied your shoulders and drew close to you while you peered at one another in the mirror. "Prince Jacaerys is definitely quite masculine, but you can't pretend that Prince Aemond isn't as well."
"I would have you exiled if I were a different lady," you sighed and looked back at what had unfolded before. Jacaerys and Aegon, who used to tower above the once-young prince, are now shorter than him. You noted that his neck had acquired veins as he aged and that his calves were protruding depending on what he was wearing for the day. As soon as you imagined his attractive form beneath the bulky clothing he was wearing, you nearly smacked yourself for having such naughty ideas.
"But..." you waited before answering. "Yes, he grew up to be quite charming if it weren't for his personality."
When Olea flung open the door, Aemond appeared in front of you as if he waited for you for so long.
He said, rolling his tongue, "I must say, I am rather charmed to see you, my dearest (Y/N)." You silently berated yourself for sharing your private thoughts in the enemy's territory, but you straightened yourself and did not fall for his transparent claim of 'I have eavesdropped'.
You muttered honestly, your eyes honeyed, feigning innocence, "Aemond, I do not recall you supposedly helping me for the remainder of the day," then added something he'd be annoyed to hear. "Where is my husband?"
"Fiance," he corrected too quickly, thus it was succesful. "You are too eager, my dear. Let time pass naturally."
"And what is the difference? Referring to the title, a little early wouldn't conflict with anything," you hurriedly spoke, almost passing him when he took a step back and created some distance between you two. Before leaning in on you, he glanced across at your maid as Olea hurried off and whispered an apology.
With a deep voice that was distinct from before, he cooed, "If you want something to last, then don't go too fast. Some advice I received from my maester."
You cocked a brow at him, holding your pose, your head high, "Lovely, it seems you are quite fond of your maester's counsels, but that doesn't answer my question," you made a point of saying. How could he insult your marriage and its strength? You gave out a 'tsk' before you asked, "Why are you here?"
His face perked at your question. "I am here to assist you to dinner."
"That is what my husband is supposed to be doing. Until then, I'll wait here."
"My father, King Viserys, desired it," he concluded, his voice heavy and set to foot, the final response you could get from him. "It's in the goal of re-igniting friendship," he said, with a blank expression on his face.
You almost laughed at his face, "ah yes, how it reignited indeed."
"Do not be concerned, my dear niece," he said again in a suggestive tone, but this time his eyes were in a different expression. It almost seems as if you were both looking at the same person when you were younger and there wasn't any prejudice towards either side. "I'll treat you well," he said, holding out his arm.
After giving him a long, curious look, you reluctantly held his arm in yours as you two continued.
"Prince Aemond Targaryen, second son of King Viserys and Lady (Y/N) of House Velaryon." The knight announced it, as the door opened to the feast.
You would flee right now if you could, but as soon as you notice the joy in King Viserys' eyes, your brain immediately switches off. As your family and other members of the private audience watched you and Aemond arrive together, you could feel the uneasiness. How risqué this would have been in public.
Though you were concerned about how Jacaerys would react, you cast your gaze over him. You anticipated him being livid at your appearance with the enemy. You didn't anticipate that he would give you a sorrowful, knowing look.
If it weren't for Aemond's mother, Queen Alicent, gesturing you towards the seat next to Jacaerys, Aemond would have almost led you towards an empty seat next to him. Once seated, you whispered to your fiancé, "I am sorry."
He stroked your hand and held it while saying, "No need to, my lady," gazing lovingly into your eyes and concluded, "I trust you."
You continued, worried, "He told me the King asked it."
He smiled, and you could feel the love you carried for this guy anew, your eyes affectionately staring at him as you returned the smile. "He wasn't lying at least, though I made sure that he wouldn't touch you anywhere when his grace ordered it."
You could hear a tongue click at the other end of the table.
Even though there were a few side comments here and there, the dinner went nearly as smoothly and was actually enjoyable. After Helaena spoke about her relationship with her husband-brother, your bethroted, Jacaerys, requested your permission to dance with her. You enthusiastically agreed at his sweet idea, watching both of them dance cutely with one another. After a few minutes, King Viserys begged to be put to bed after experiencing excruciating agony, which caused you to get a little concerned. The roasted pig was shortly set on the table. You did not give it any thought until you heard your cousin Lucerys snort. He covered his mouth as he briefly giggled when you slapped his thigh in an effort to stop him.
A loud and unmistakable bang at the table halted every action that each member were performing. Aemond stood there, his gaze divided between the two brown-haired princes. "Final tribute, to the bethrotal of my two favorite nephew and niece. Both of them loving to one another; even when we were kids, they were kind to each other. "
He remarked, "They make a wonderful couple knowing they came from the same roots." However, since you knew what he was aiming at, the subtle jab didn't escape your notice. In fact, you were sober enough to see the true implications of what he was saying. Your hand held your glass of wine rather tightly.
"I'd also like to make a toast to the health of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffrey." You gripped the hand of Lucerys in an effort to calm him down without reverting your eyes away from the eye contact you and Aemond had.
"Each of them handsome, wise, strong."
"Aemond," Alicent made an effort to stop her son, but it was already too late.
He carried on instead of heeding his mother's advice, raising his cup even higher. "Come, let us drain our cups of these three strong boys."
Jacaerys gritted his teeth, "I dare you say that again!" and flounced over to the man. You called to him, "Jace!" but to no avail.
Aemond grinned and said, "Why, it was just a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?" When the man realized that something had been stirred up inside of Jacaerys, he loved the way the strong man looked. Though it did not last when he felt a force land on his face, he couldn't even utter another word before it happened. With a horrible snarl on his ordinarily serene face, Jacaerys struck Aemond violently. "I know what you are doing! You can call me whatever you may, but you may not call my wife a--"
"Jace no!" You cried out, running towards his side.
He towered over the younger man, one dagger-eyed stare locked on him, hissing, "Be careful with your words, my strong prince. You might say something you'll regret." Before Jacaerys could even punch him again, Aemond shoved him with a snicker, and his mother chastised him firmly and quietly in his ear. With concern written over your face, you hurried to assist your fiancé while he was on the ground. You repeatedly questioned him about whether he had been wounded, but he would not respond because he was too embarrassed to look at you. As you stormed at Aemond, you gazed at him with pure fury displayed on your face.
"Here comes the dear bride." He jested once he saw you coming, his body welcoming you before you slapped him very hard.
Your face was crimson, visibly shaken as you sneered at the prince, "You disgrace me."
You're positive his expression softened when you spoke.
Before the conflict intensified into a far bloodier clash, Daemon put an end to it. Your father brought himself in front of you as Aemond assessed him before conceding defeat and withdrawing. When your uncle left the room, you were still fuming with rage as the Daemon only giggled before being silenced by Rhaenyra with a scowl.
Because of your uncle Vaemond's death and the recent ruckus, your family has had enough and has requested a week's leave to recoup before proceeding with your and Jacaerys' wedding at Kingslanding. Despite the impediment, Princess Helaena asked you to tutor her after learning about your tutoring sessions with her nephew and niece from Aemond. You were puzzled on how she was aware of it given how covert it was, but it was soon mellowed into small irritation to learn the full truth that Aemond was responsible for the additional knowledge. Since it appeared like both families were hostile towards one another, Rhaenyra believed it was a wonderful idea, so you stayed, believing that it would soon end as you were to only stat for a week.
The following day, as you were speaking with Helaena in her chambers, Queen Alicent unexpectedly walked in. She was about to presume something, but she paused herself when she discovered you standing next to her daughter. Though the Queen thanked the Gods when Aemond entered, both of them shared a knowing look as the Queen proceeded towards you, "My love, I need to discuss something with Helaena. Aemond will assist you to your quarters if it's perfectly fine."
You almost scoffed, but decided against it and nodded defeatedly before saying farewell to your companion and walking along the back of your former friend toward your room.
"Are you fairing well, m'lady?" He started a conversation out of nowhere, which drew you back.
"My prince, I am fairing better than your other eye, if you ask me," you barked back.
"Do not test my waters today, (Y/N)."
"You inquired, and as a loyal friend, I responded."
You felt your back land hard and before you knew what was going to happen next, you gasped for air as the anguish overwhelmed you. You suddenly realized that Aemond had forced you up against the ice-cold wall, encasing you and leaving you with no choice but to look at his cunning grin. He turned his head innocently and remarked, "You could have said you hated me yesterday at the dinner, my lady, but you didn't."
"Did you know how happy I felt when, instead of being hateful towards me, you stated embarass? I was beyond happy, even ecstatic," the man continued before he trailed his eyes from your eyes to your parted lips.
"I'd rather you be ashamed of me than despise me." He hushed quietly before giving you a surprising, delicate kiss. His face was gentle as he pressed his lips to yours. His lower half grinded against yours eagerly while his other hand traced your back slowly.
Though the harmony was short-lived as you bit his lips harshly, causing him to grumble and leave the tenderness of your lips with blood trailing down his lips, "His Grace would not permit such deeds! Even though you are one of his children, he does not condone mistreatment of women!"
You believed you had made your point, but the man slowly emerged into fits of laughter as he threw his head back. His voice was charming if it weren't for the given circumstances.
"You're such a fucking idiot," he sniggered, his good eye piercing yours as you fixed your gaze on him; he displayed lust while you displayed hatred. He shook his head before nearing your ear to the point you could feel his hot breath, whispering, "The King's dead."
Your entire face became white with only a slight confirmation. The person who had kept the family together had passed away. "T-That's not possible."
He groaned as you attempted to wriggle free of his grip and confessed, "It's damn well possible, my love. Just as much as the potential that you're finally mine to claim." He half-laughed before kissing you more passionately and aggressively than before.
"I am bethroted!" You screamed and tried to make your voice as loud as you could, hoping someone would walk through the halls and help you.
He replied by clutching your neck so firmly that you gasped for air in your throat, "My patience is wearing thin," his annoyance grew. "I held myself for so long and I forbid you to be his as you have forbid yourself to be mine so many times."
He let go of your neck and you spat in his face, "My family will hear about this! Father will have your head severed, as he did with Vaemond, and Jacaerys will have your other eye amputated so you can glimpse our future, which is already nonexistent."
He held your chin in place with his fingers as he gazed at your eyes with a stone-like intensity.
"I'll let in you in a secret of mine, mother will set my buffoon of a brother on top of that iron throne and during his reign I will kill him and set Helaena faraway with her children," your eyes widened like saucers at the thought of the innocent princess being killed, Aemond loved the fear in your eyes before he let on the truth, "Of course I wouldn't kill her, I am not that evil. I love her as much as you do for her."
He grabbed your hand harshly and drew you towards him as he hurried across the corridor with keen resolve. "Until then, rumors would spread of their murder, and I would not allow myself be hidden if they intent to call me. I will name you queen, for a king's will would never be disregarded. Then, as we had promised when we were young, we would live happily, have a lots of babes, and have a good life."
As you realized how near you actually were to the boudoir, he dragged you a few more times before pushing you to the ground, crashing hard. He continued, "'Till then, you will do as I wish, so sit lovely as you were and do not tell anybody if you wish your Prince Jacaerys to become Vhagar's dinner."
There he left you wailing on the floor of your quarters, trembling from the adrenaline as your eyes and nose inflamed from sobbing. As they prepared to usurp the throne, you heard him close the door, the same door you keep banging hoping that help would reach soon.
Wellp, I thought my draft said 2k turns out I need new glasses as this is 5 fuckin k. Though Im thankful of the amount of people who liked the first part. This was supposed to be a one shot turned into two shots but I noticed how long it gets. I wouldve splitted this part into two but idk where to end so yeah have this. Next part would be the final one, i hope y'all psychopaths enjoyed this story.
Tags: @crazylokonugget ; @discowizard88 ; @sheetalkalkhandey ; @dangerousbluebirdpoetry ; @mysingularitybts ; @regulusblackismycomfortcharacter ; @felfei
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scyllaya · 6 months
Look, reader, this is a fic about this popular M/M ship, I swear it is...
I just... well, I gender-swapped one of them, and changed her backstory so she did not grow up with the same family, or in the same place, but was the daughter of this other cool character in the show instead. And because she was raised a woman, she has a slightly different job/goals/dream like he did in canon, and also on a different side now, but it's still him, promise.
Okay, so yes, she met the other half of the pairing under completely different circumstances, so they don't share the bond and friendship you usually read fics for, but they fall in love at first sight and she totally wants to marry him and have his babies, like, immediately, and he totally wants to settle down with her too. True love!
Girl, just write your self-insert M/OC fic. I promise you, it's okay. I know the internet likes to say that it's cringe or whatever, but just go for it. Everyone does it, either as a phase when they are young or cause they just enjoy it.
Trust me, morphing one of the canon male characters into your female OC will annoy way more people, cause it's tagged as their ship and it's very much not.
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Hey just a random anon poppin' in to say love your fic on Deltarune, ngl at first thought I wouldn't like it had been reading a lot of stuff looking for a good yandere kris as I was craving it but all of them left me disconnected how ironic with your fic title it finally scratched that itch and even allowed me to start reading some other stuff now feeling more connected to the idea of kris
However, don't think I've found one yet that tops your idea of them and the way you write them (I've also only looked on Tumblr so far but with how great yours has been at having me on the edge of my seat I don't know if I'll ever find one that tops you)
And goner! Goner is amazing! I usually end up either just accepting or hating a lot of writers who insert characters that feel like mostly oc material but goner doesn't at all and fits really well with the story (Really impressive tbh cuz sometimes on first readings even when a character isn't the op oc insert and actually plays into the story I can end up feeling eh about them just due to deciding they are but goner just immediately on the first few lines captivated me)
It probably helps that most of it is your interpretation on them since Kris also doesn't have much personality known about them so cause of that nothing feels screaming out of place or wrong instead it reminds me of when I read a lot of au stuff- with fics that feel like their trying to capture the magic of the source material I think I get a lot more critical but your writing in this fic has it's own magic and lore
Like why they're both obsessed! The SOUL is pretty much drug-like and addicting to such a point without their guidance Kris is crippled, this not only creates amazing tension with their weakened state but also really makes you think about if it's actually even good for either of them to pine after the very soul that will take them both over. But as the soul we also have a life not of our own to live, to see, and explore every possibility and every outcome. The reader is almost god-like with resets but an easily chained-up one without a host. Which also creates an understanding of why Kris chooses to put the reader in a cage, limit them and create interest and mystery but also because that feeling of power over something so powerful has to also be somewhat addicting and why they view the soul as wholeheartedly (pun intended) *theirs*
And it also shows how much they're willing to go through to get it back that even while weakened and at every possible disadvantage they still want to risk it all.
And honestly with all of this really do feel like the SOUL in this situation, which may be my favorite part as the main element you do keep in deltarune is that feeling of playing a game. Is there that concern for goner? Yes, but do I also want to see how far goner and kris will go tearing each other apart to see who gets the SOUL? Also yes. Recreates that aspect of deltarune very well including the accurate freak out every person playing games has when the character their playing makes a sudden decision [See goner killing a monster cuz they called them Kris] and it perfectly ties it back into the plot and uses it to make further tension as the SOUL just goes along this new path while Kris is freaking out thinking there have already been resets because of it.
Just? Love? So? Much?
Keep doing what you're doing- I hope my feedback has only influenced you in positive ways- (slightly debated on taking out the more negative aspects where I mentioned things I disliked in other fics and things I hyper-fixated on or possibly misremembered outa fear it would make you change yourself too much- I have no idea what I'm talking about or what makes a story a good story only what makes my brain go brrrrrrr and that's all you should read this as, someone just really over-excited rn- ill probably calm down later)
Wow, thank you so much! This was an absolutely delightful ask/comment! I'm so glad you've been enjoying Verge of Connection so far! It's been very fun to write. 😁
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serenescribe · 1 year
Hello <3
There wasn't a limit so i hope these three 🥰 🎯 🤗 are alright?
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask (and no limit at all! you're gucci o7)
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
i LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!! READER INTERACTION!!!!! comments are my LIFEBLOOD replies are my MEDICINE asks on tumblr are my ADDICTION!!!!!! seriously, the part that makes writing most rewarding for me is the sense of community i get when i write something and people enjoy it enough to talk to me about it. it's so!! it's also why i'm so active in twst rn, having burrowed in a corner in the diasomnia side of things and being very happy that people enjoy my works!
and god, PLEASE send me questions about my fics. if i can't answer it for spoiler reasons, i'll literally just say "i legally cannot reply :D" but it makes me soooooo happy to talk to people abt this. grabby hands pspsps cmere come talk to me
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
this is a tricky one cause i think you can only really have this if you're writing a multichaptered fic. which i don't do very much! but... yes. back when i was still working on dr54 (the full title is too long lmao) there were a few people who threw some theories that were correct. i can't remember them off the top of my head, nor do i want to list them because of spoilers (it's on hiatus but i hope to return someday!! my dear ocs i love you) but they got me SCREAMING to skep in dms ;v;
apart from that... stares at olive. you. you predicted one of my bad things happen bingos.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
write. like, seriously, write a lot. i've been writing fanfiction since i was 11, starting at crappy oc insert niche shit that's since been nuked off the internet, to whatever i have now. and please do have fun with it! both of that sound very generic, but it's definitely true. if you wind up feeling stressed and upset by writing, which is supposed to be something that should make you feel fulfilled, then maybe it's time to take a step back.
on another note... if you're posting to ao3 and are hoping to get some people reading your works: don't self-deprecate (don't say stuff like "this fic sucks" or "idk how to do a summary" because people will NOT read out of pity), don't overtag, make sure to have proper spacing between your paragraphs (a lot of people are willing to overlook simple errors as long as it's readable, aka the spacing), and... i think that's about it, really. if you need help with ao3 posting, tbh just hit me up off-anon and i can help (<- has helped friends before with it).
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
I know you asked about the favorite fic question a while ago. But we shall call this fashionably late!
I’ve always got a sweet spot for the Octavinelle bunch! I was the one who requested the wind up toy one and Azul’s first words.
My favorite pieces are Octavinelle 3 and Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Pomefiore 1. Honestly I couldn’t tell you how much I read them over the span of a couple of months. It was like a nightly ritual. I’m not sure what it was about those but I’d give them a quick read before bed and be immensely satisfied.
And a new favorite addition is the windup toy one. I love how you described Floyd more as observant in that one. And every time you described one of em punching the frog I imagined a peacock mantis shrimp punches. I can so vividly see the sand being scuffled about.
I’d have to say you’re like the famous last bite of a meal. Or a tart pastry! You don’t over sugar your stuff and I love ya for it! In fact you’ve become the only way I’ve been reading fluff nowadays and am eager to see more constantly! Which is so weird cause I’m an angst reader/writer 100%.
I really admire your short formatting of writing. At first I’ll admit I always wanted more but then I thought to myself what else could there possibly be to add? Thus I discovered your talent for endings! As you can tell from this long message, I always write a bunch so seeing impactful short stuff “by my standards”, will help with that issue I hope.
And lastly I really like how the caretaker can either be their own character or a self insert! I’d never go on any trips with Vargas yet here I am giving a pat on the back to caretaker and telling em good luck! Or how while I’m not the most avid Silver or Kalim enjoyer sometimes I’m like ok caretaker gimme the wheel again I think I’m starting to “L word” them a little more. Also nicknaming the Octavinelle bunch “little shits” is always super homey to me and it feels so right!
This is just a long winded thank you for what you’ve written thus far! I really enjoy everything you put out. And I can’t wait to breach into your oc blog. If you love angst I’m a great supplier in requests!- Signed yours truly Frosty!~
No need to worry, there isn't a due date to any of it and I'm always welcoming to such essays spouting what your favorites might be! It cheers me up no matter how late they may be.
I certainly do love messing around with the Octavinelle group as one of my family members actually used to take care of fish. I loved feeding them and just watching them swim from one end of the tank to the other. While, by all means, they're not your standard fish, it's still fun to sneak in a little fun fact about aquatic life when I can.
Actually, back in the middle of my high school years, I used to write rather long winded myself, as a result of all the old novels I would read that would have such a writing style.
Example from one of my oooooold pieces of writing down below, regarding a Church Grim.
It didn't make any noise whatsoever. It didn't leave footprints in the soft grass, or even a lingering stench on the tree's bark to indicate it might be something of this living world. But, there was nothing to remember it by, beside those angry red eyes that would shift into sight from under its smoking plume of black. It would take a glance at you, and you would stare back into it. Then it would be gone by letting its form be embraced by the shadows created from leafy tree branches. You can see it again through the lush trees blanketed by the cloudy purple night. You watched it float through the flower garden without a purpose, much like a piece of paper in the wind, shifting from one place to another in an effortless glide.
Well, actually I can still write like this, but it's not a writing style tailored for my decaying attention span. I have to be in a certain mood to really get into it. But yeah, I preserve this style specifically for horror writing and professional novel writing.
And yes the self insert certainly has a personality that it won't match your actions word for word, as the reader insert is a character, a part of the narrative, so they must have some amount of agency to keep the story going less they become replaceable with a lampshade or camera.
So, instead of going down the route of keeping the reader insert as blank as possible, might as well give them a personality that people will remember. Every time I write about the Caretaker, I feel like a little unseen ghost looking over their shoulder, just wondering what they'll do next.
Thank you Frosty for taking the time to write all that to me. It really cheers me up while I'm laying in bed, under mountains of blankets.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
98% of the POC interacting with that ask answer are seeing the point and now stating they want to be more involved, want to write and want to draw themselves to be that representation but to the 2%, I love you and I see you but I'm not publicly responding to everything you said because I believe you are unintentionally missing the entire point.
No where in that post did I say not to hold white people accountable for white coding anything. I said we can't expect them to write or draw a POC as their self insert or the person they want to be who they imagine the character as (it's not always themselves. I mention pairing myself with Eddie but it's always a fictionalized version of who I wish I was, and she doesn't look like me because I feel the need to cast everything, we can argue it's an OC─still applies). It's just not their default, no matter how much we wish it was (because I do, I swear I do, it would make our lives a lot easier).
Request it, point it out to them, but it's just not their default thought! It's not my opinion, it's a fact. Are some becoming more aware of this? Yes! And we should continue to point it out (you know damn well I'm gonna) if they aren't and hold them responsible depending on how they react (because we see quite a few go up in arms). We can stand around wishing, but it's not gonna do a whole lot. I wish it would, but it's not. Conversations are great, but action is needed. Wanna know how I know? Cause I've been on tumblr since 2010. Didn't start writing until last year, so that means I spent what? Almost 13 years wishing for stuff to happen.
Then I started posting what I wanted to happen. Everything changed for me, other people got to see themselves in my work because I can be accurate and authentic of my portrayal for people who look like me and I'm mad as fuck that I didn't just do this back then, or at least earlier. But it was so goddamn easy for me to say everyone should be including me and they should, but I should be putting myself in that space, too. Pull up a chair. It's not always fun, I know not everyone wants me here because I talk about things like race which a lot of white people are uncomfortable with, but I don't care. I'm gonna force myself in this space, they can talk about me all they want in their group chats but I'm gonna sit here and write for myself and people who like me (though I don't put a whole lot of emphasis on appearance─it is mentioned though─because again, I write a fictionalized version of me, probably an OC and you guys dont want OC stuff, you want x reader stuff so I edit it and while my reader is usually consumable for all races, she is black before anything). The entire point of that previous answer is that OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR SHOULD TOO as well as having white people be inclusive and not focusing on depicting white people.
But again, we cannot police how they interpret themselves. Have you seen that movie Read it and Weep? Iz was a fictionalized version of the main character, looked somewhat similar (because the actresses were sisters) but were completely different as she was who the main character wanted to be. A lot of people do the same (Me), so even if it doesn't necessarily look like the artist, they're still drawing someone they see themselves in. We can request they be more open with diversity, but please keep this in mind. This is no way venomous or me trying to sound or be bitchy, or side with white people (gag) we just have to be open minded too. I know we don't want to because a few of them aren't being open minded with us, but it's how misunderstandings occur between ourselves, like what recently happened.
Send all the asks you want, but we do need to be openly and publicly apart of this space. Some POC have left, and that fucking sucks, but that means we need more. THAT is what I am saying. If you're speaking about anything else, then you're starting a new conversation. I'm open to it but once more, THAT was my point.
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historicfailure · 2 years
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but: I actually prefer OCs over y/n, because 1) I fucking hate the you perpective with a passion (i.e. you looked into his eyes... ) 2) They're supposed to be blank slates so readers can project themselves onto them, but like... 100/100 times they act in a way I personally never would and find rather unrelatable 3) I feel like most y/n characters are OCs in the wirters heads anyways (at least reader insert fics), so like, don't give them a physical description if you don't wanna, but like at leats give them a proper name because I find y/n really disrupts the reading flow and maybe don't use the fucking you perpective. Also sorry for the rant, but also your reader insert fics are some of the ones I actually do enjoya, but generally? Always searching the OC tags on ao3 and ff.net first before I look for reader inserts. Also, when and why did OCs start to get so unpopular?? I feel like all the older fics till like maybe 2014 were a lot more oc centric rather than y/n??
Hey there! :D
That is so valid tbh. Generally, I also "only" started writing you or y/n perspective because I felt like my oc wasn't good enough and a bit cringy tbh. Also, I was annoyed with most y/n reader fics as well and wanted to make them more realistic for myself, so I could enjoy them outside of oc content.
I don't know how exactly I got that perception that ocs are bad, but somehow along the way of interacting with fandom (even way before I started writing) I managed to have the mindset that ocs are automatically cringe as they are mostly seen as wish fulfillment on the writers part... A rather unhealthy way to think, so I'm trying to unlearn that.
And true, yes! I definitely see my reader inserts as their own characters, as each and every one of them would react differently to a given situation. I just didn't give them a physical appearance because... well, see above.
I have no idea when OCs became unpopular, I can only reach back to the mary sue argument as a whole, as well as the fact that most fandom was built by women and then slowly overtaken by men as well (best example is Star Trek, the very first fandom, its foundations with mail-chains and fanfics and meetings built by women, only for these women to be pushed aside). Most women would have liked to see a women also succeed in fanfiction, be admired and loved by everyone, do everything on their own, with the world on her shoulders...
Which sounds very Mary Sue like, but if you think about it? Every "successful" male superhero nowadays (and even before that, lets be honest) is a Mary Sue archetype. Batman. Superman. Ironman, just to name a few. There was a wonderful essay about that exact problem I read once and I couldn't have agreed more. Let's see if I can find it when I'm home, I know I have it somewhere in my bookshelf xD
But the Mary Sue "problem" started way before 2014, so idk what the then decline caused.
Thank you so much for your ask! That was a wonderful insight and definitely a great opinion ^^ ocs for the win! :D
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
I finally got around to reading that Obey Me fic that had been recommended to me a while back, which y’all can find here if you’re interested. I had honestly completely forgotten about it for over a year cause I like to wait for fics to be a little longer before I start them and at the time there were just like two chapters. Now, there are 32 lol
Anyway, for those of y’all who like Obey Me and found family, you definitely should check it out since it really is a fun fic. I really love the OC insert and how well everyone is written. Also, the chapters are pretty long like how a lot of mine turn out so my readers should feel right at home 😂
Even though I haven’t really been into Obey Me as of late and am way behind with the story, I found myself wanting to read the fic regardless, and I’m glad I did cause nothing beats high quality found family fluff 💕 Plus, it helps that it only covers season 1 which is the only season I’ve finished lol
However, there is one downside to reading it. Now, I can’t stop thinking of Fortune in Obey Me. I just can’t stop myself from creating TABF AUs 😂
Gonna put the rest under the cut. 
Rather than the version we’ve talked about in the past where TABF Fortune gets hit by a Quirk that sends her to the OM verse, I’ve been thinking of an entirely separate AU where Fortune ends up in the place of the MC during the events of season 1.
She’d have a background similar to what she has in JWTN, ergo she lives with her negligent/abusive cousins but like a half year or maybe even a full year before her 18th birthday she gets summoned to the Devildom to be a part of the transfer program. The only difference from JWTN I’d make is I think I’d be nice enough to make her old enough to remember her parents before she loses them, so she’s like 7 when it happens.
So, basically, her mindset/disposition would be a lot like it was at the start of JWTN, which admittedly wouldn’t be a very good thing in an environment like the Devildom lol 
However, I feel like she could handle herself better than one might expect since, in her eyes, no one’s more terrifying than Mumei, so she wouldn’t be as afraid of the demons as a normal human would be.
Hell, I’d say she’d take a liking to them just thanks to Diavolo alone cause he has such a good smile and is nicer to her during that first meeting than any human has ever been to her since her parents died.
All in all, considering what the last ten years were like, I think Fortune would be fine in the Devildom. There’d be some fear at first, but more than anything, she’d just be relieved to be far from Mumei’s reach once she fully realizes that he can’t harm her there.
I feel like Fortune would do a good job at helping the brothers out, considering, as an anon once previously pointed out, she does have some qualities in common with the MC like being nosy and very kind. And I honestly just think she’d get along well with the brothers, just some more than others since I think she’d become really good friends with Beel, considering how much he loves food and how much she enjoys seeing people enjoying her cooking.
The only thing is I don’t really like the idea of completely following the OM season 1 script for this AU. I just kinda wanna do something more original like say have Belphegor’s situation be different.
That’s mostly cause, while Fortune is nosy, I think she’s too obedient to disobey Lucifer’s orders to stay away from the attic. Sure, she’d wanna help if she thought someone was in trouble, but I just feel like things wouldn’t turn out like in canon cause Fortune would be so desperate to avoid doing anything that might get her sent back to the human world. Yes, she has a kind heart, but she’s also absolutely terrified of going back to the human world and finding out what Mumei will do to her as punishment for disappearing.
Plus, I just thought Lucifer’s idea was a bad one anyway cause locking Belphegor in the attic only made him more pissed. It did nothing to solve the problem at hand lol
That’s why I like the idea of Belphegor’s punishment being a lot different than canon. Like, instead of Lucifer taking things into his own hands to protect his brother, Diavolo gets involved before that can happen by coming up with a solution that will provide Belphegor a means of atoning and also hopefully help him get past his hatred of humans.
What I had in mind was basically Belphegor gets taken away from the House of Lamentation and put in a deep sleep. The only way he’ll wake up from that magic-induced slumber is when his heart changes for the better.
As far as how that happens, Diavolo sets things up so that Fortune & Belphegor are able to communicate when she’s dreaming via a magical artifact that is put in her room ahead of time, which will connect to the one that’s with Belphegor.
Diavolo’s line of thinking is that Belphegor needs a human’s help but in a situation where he can bring no harm to said human which is how this plan came about since Belphegor can’t do anything to Fortune while they’re in dreamland. 
So, basically, the Belphegor plotline would consist of a lot of forced dream playdates that he grudgingly starts to hate less and less as time goes by lol It would obviously take a while, but I think, if given enough time, that he’d end up in a better headspace.
Sure, he’d be pissed about the situation to a certain degree, even though a part of him can’t deny that getting to take a possibly year long nap isn’t really a bad idea to him lol But considering how Fortune is, I think she’d be able to help him out, especially when he sees just how much she adores Beel and hears how well she gets along with him. After all, anyone who loves Beel that much shouldn’t be someone he hates enough to wanna kill lol
As far as what the brothers all think about this, only Lucifer knows the whole story, which he decides to keep a secret, figuring Beel and the others might riot if they find out what happened to Belphegor. Plus, he doesn’t want to risk them possibly influencing Diavolo’s test which Diavolo said that can only involve Fortune & Belphegor. This would actually be Fortune’s big assignment during her year stay rather than a bunch of other separate tasks like Diavolo had originally planned before things went off the rail with Belphegor. 
So, like in canon, the other five brothers just think that Belphegor got sent to the human world for the transfer program. They have no idea that he’s actually in Diavolo’s castle fast asleep.
That’s about the only thing that’s the same, though, so as a result, there would be a lot of other changes, like Fortune not needing to get the TSL record or her needing to find out more info about Belphegor since that would be provided to her by Diavolo/Lucifer, but honestly, I can’t say I mind this since I just like the idea of going off script since I’d hate to risk rehashing canon events or copying other brilliant fic renditions of the season 1 plot.
As far as the pacts are concerned, I honestly still see them happening, just not cause Fortune asked for them or needed them. It’d be cause these guys are eventually like, “Someone needs to watch out for her and protect her cause she’s a literal walking trouble magnet.” lol
And for the record, Fortune’s relationships would be entirely platonic cause, as you all well know, found family is my jam. Plus, these guys are just so much older than Fortune, who either technically starts off as a minor or possibly remains a minor for the whole year, so I’d rather just give her a lot of protective demon big brothers than a harem haha
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“A Deal With Cupid”: James Fleamont Potter: PS Reader: Chapter 11
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(A/N: Reader has a very cute/kawaii aesthetic to her and is all about the pampering.  I was originally gonna make her an oc but I know a lot of you have been missing reader content so I figured this would be a good compromise.  A reader insert with all that that entails but with a little bit of a theme, lol)
Also, big thank you to Delilah for comish-ing this chappie! I hope you enjoy it love! 
James was positively buzzing with excitement.
Y/N has finally overcome her sickness...and period...with the help of the four of them mother henning over her.
And, of course, with the help of Madame Pompfrey's potions.
And just some good old fashioned rest and relaxation.
James discovered something about himself during the whole process.
And that something was that when Y/N got sick... he turned into the biggest sap in the world.
He hated it that she was sick.
Absolutely hated it.
But also...he kind of loved how needy she was and how she wanted him to hold her constantly.
Which he was more than happy to do, honestly.
The only time it was particularly gut wrenching was when he had to leave for classes or quidditch.
And of course, the absolute misery that was when McGonagall came to investigate about the sick girl and found them curled up in his bed.
To say that James panicked would've been the understatement of the century.
But the professor simply gave him a stern look and reminded him of the rules that she was sure he'd no doubt break before telling him to inform her that she is to return to her dorm when she wakes up.
James had whined incessantly but relayed the information none the less.
He walked her as far as he could before she simply pecked his cheek and went to bed.
He didn't even see her for two days but it would seem that bit of of uninterrupted rest was exactly what she needed.
That morning, he was up with the first rays of sunshine and on the Quidditch pitch for practice.
They'd spent the early hours running drills and preparing to absolutely slaughter Ravenclaw next weekend.
So he fully intended on having a shower and collapsing in his bed for a quick nap before tracking down his girlfriend to check on her.
When low and behold, he opened his dorm room and the scent of orange and cream filled his senses.
Music was coming from the door to his lav and he could smell the familiar scent of that vanilla candle.
Y/N was here and taking her bubble bath it would seem.
"Love?" James called out to her gently, as not to startle her.
"In here, James!" she called back. "I'm in the tub!"
"Oh alright, love.  I'll be out here when you get out!" he called back.
He was fighting with himself because he missed her and wanted to snatch her into his arms but he also wanted to give her her space and be respectful.
"Ok, but I mean, you can come in her, babe.  It's fine.  I'm covered by the bubbles anyway." she said and James went rigid.
"Bubbles pop, love." he chuckled nervously.
"Not these." she giggled.  "They're my own invention.  I'm a frickin genius."
"And so modest." he teased poking his head in the door to see her sitting there in a tub almost overflowing with bubbles.
She shrugged and grinned mischeviously, "Even if they do pop I think we're past that stage.  You held my hair while I puked for the past week and literally cleaned snot out of my nose."
"Yeah, that was gross." he said finally stepping into the lav and taking a seat on the edge of the tub.
Her head was wrapped up in a pink scarf, protection her hair from getting wet and there was a purple face mask covering her skin.
James couldn't help it as a soft smile crawled onto his face.
"What?" she asked furrowing her brows at him, making the mask crack a bit in places.
"Nothing." he said with a chuckle.
She splashed some water at him, "Tell me."
"Nothing." he said reaching in and splashing him back.  "It's just, I love how comfortable we are with each other.   We haven't even had our first kiss yet and here we are.  I'm covered in mud and I stink from Quidditch and you're literally sitting in a bubble bath.  You don't seem concerned with that at all."
She shrugged, "It's cause I know you won't hurt me and I know I can be myself with you."
"Me too." he smiled. "Mud and all."
"Eh." she shrugged again and pointed at her face.  "You have your mud and I have mine."
"I guess that's true." he said.
"Do you want to get in?" she asked and James nearly fell in the floor.
She giggled wildly, "I just meant because you need a bath, James.  You've been to practice.  It doesn't have to be weird if we don't make it weird. It's just a bath."
"Yeah, but we'll be.."
"Naked.  Yes." she said.  "But again, it's a bath.  If you're not comfortable that's ok.  It was just an offer anyway."
"No, no, I'm ok with that.  I just don't wanna- what I mean is- I don't want to ever make you feel like- ugh, fuck- I can't - I just don't want to-" he stammered.
"James, I'm the one that brought it up." she said pointedly.  "If I had a problem with it, then I wouldn't have said anything."
He nodded with a gulp.
"Er, uh, ok?" he said.
She tilted her head, "James, if you're not comfortable it's ok.  There's not pressure. I'm cool either way."
"No, no." he said. "I'll have a bath with you.  I just have to."
"Oh right." she said closing her eyes and creating a shield with her hands.  "Ok, go ahead.  I can't see anything."
James chuckled as he undressed, "I wasn't really worried about that but thanks for the thought."
"What do you take me for?" she teased.  "Someone who would take advantage of you in your vulnerable state?"
"And what state is that?" he asked dipping into the hot water of the tub opposite of her.
"Exhausted from Quidditch, of course." she giggled.
James snorted as he moved some of the bubbles around to cover him.
"Alright, I'm covered." he said and she moved her hands to reveal her grin.
"Helloooo." she said impishly.
"Hello." he said.
"Want some face mask?" she asked holding out the purple tube to him.
"Maybe later." he said leaning his head back on the edge of the tub.  "You know, I'd planned on a shower but I think this is much better."
"Well a soak is usually great for aching muscles.   A massage is too.  Come here and I'll rub your shoulders." she said.
James' eyes snapped open and he went rigid again.
"Uh, what?" he squeaked.
"Oh, James relax." she laughed.  "I was just gonna rub your shoulders. I know you hold a lot of tension there."
"Are you sure?" he asked, searching her eyes for any speck of hesitation.
"I won't bite." she grinned. "Unless you ask me too that is."
James narrowed his eyes at her.
"Don't you start." he said before slowly making his way over to her.
He checked her face once more for any sign of discomfort but she only smiled at him.
He turned around and she slowly pulled him back into her.
He had to work to ignore the way his skin felt against hers.
"See there." she said, placing a kiss to his jawline. "And you were scared for nothing."
"I wasn't scared, love." he admitted, relaxing as he felt her fingers gently massage his shoulders.  "I just don't want to ever do anything that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable.  You mean way too much to me.  I'd never do anything to-"
"I know, James." she said, kissing his cheek and running her fingers through his hair.
He sighed and continued to relax until he was leaning against her heavily.
She soaped up the wash rag and gently washed his chest, letting the bits of dirt slide down into the bubbles concealing them.
James continued to let her wash his hair and rub his shoulders for a bit before he leaned back to look at her.
"Thanks, babygirl." he said. "I didn't realize I needed that but I did."
"I got you." she said.  "Just like you've always got me."
He nodded, "Couldn't get rid of me if you tried."
"A week ago I might not have believed you if you said that to me but you did put up with me while I was sick AND on my period. I'm a terror when I'm like that." she admitted, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and placing her cheek into his wet hair.
"You just felt bad, love." he said, kissing the back of her hand.  "You couldn't help it."
"Still." she shrugged.
"You weren't that bad, honestly." he said. "You just wanted a lot of cuddles. But I'm always more than happy to provide that service."
She giggled behind him and he couldn't help but grin softly.
"Hey James?" she said and he leaned his head back to look at her again.
She was looking at him differently and he was mesmerized by the twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah, love?" he asked.
She didn't say anything as she leaned in to connect their lips.
James' stomach turned and flipped as they melded together.
He never would've imagined it to happen this way but it couldn't have been more perfect.
They finally seperated and James opened his eyes to see her looking at him oddly.
It was only when she started giggling when he noticed the mask on her face was smeared everywhere.
"There's purple all over my mouth isn't there?" he asked but her giggle told him everything he needed to know.
He splashed his own face with water to wash it off before a mischevious glint took over his features.
"James Fleamont Potter, don't you dare!"
"Too late." he said and send a tidal wave of water crashing into her.
The purple mask leaked off her face and her hair wrap was soaked to her head ... but she was smiling.
She pounced on him, trying to drown him in the bath water.
It was in that moment, when she was laughing wildly and simulataneously trying to murder him that James wondered how he'd ever gotten by so long without her.
She was the love of his life and he never wanted to spend another moment without her.
------- Chapter 10 Chapter 12 coming soon ---------
Hey loves! Thanks for stopping by to read!  I hope you enjoyed this and I would love to know your thoughts! Thank you again to the lovely lass who commish this chapter! If you’d like to commission a story or future chapter of stories, please reach out and I would be happy to answer any questions you have!   Love, Kenny
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——- Also, just a reminder that I am open for commissions! Additionally, the only tag list I have is my permanent tag list but if you ever want to be added all you have to do is just go to the ask box and request to be added! It’s that simple and you’re in!I love you all! 
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
tumblr writers q&a
I feel so loved being tagged in this, thank you so much @pedrito-friskito !! 😭💛
If you want to get to know me 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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1) How many complete fics/oneshots do you have but haven’t published yet? Like 4 at the moment ahhh but I have so many work in progresses! And constant ideas. They do not stop.
2) How many WIPs do you have? I think 4 WIPs? I honestly have no idea because I'll start writing, come back to it while I start another and they build up
3) Do you take requests, write original fics or both? BOTH baby!!!! I haven't gotten a request yet but I'm so excited! But yes all ideas are mine :)
4) If you have requests how many do you have right now? NONE!! Pleaseeeee ask. PLS. Also I just love talking to people
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Currently only Daredevil/Defenders Saga and I think I wanna keep it that way! I only write about material I'm super passionate about//think I can deliver. (E.g. I LOVE Percy Jackson but could never write a smut about my darling boy, plus I think I'd get too angsty writing a fic about Anakin)
6) Are there any fandoms you used to write for? Yes! I have a Wattpad and used to write about Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and pretty sure 1D at some point. But this is years old and I was actually a child ok 😭
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or OC? Lmao the way that my OC is actually ME. Myself in a parallel universe. But mainly reader inserts. I'd like to try ships but I'm not sure if I can execute stuff like that! Also because I ship me and Matt. lol.
8) Niche fandom/characters you write for? Ok so I may or may not have a Michael kinsella fic in progress 👀
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Fuck. YES.
10) Favourite genre to write for? I love fluff and romance stuff, but angst and smut are genres I love to write. I just want to make people feel things!!
11) What is your favourite trope to write? omfg girl bumps into guy and there's back and forth and yknow shit happens. I love the innocent to dark trope if that counts? (ALSO I LOVE READING JEALOUSY FICS SO YEAH)
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? I feel pretty lucky in that I draw inspiration from everything around me, especially music. I usually put on that song & let my brain do its thing
13) Is there a trope or genre you like to read but not write? Smut definitely because I feel so awkward writing it 😅 but anything Frank Castle cause I feel like I can't capture his essence.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? I feel like I never see anything Elektra on Tumblr. To be fair I hated her and Matt's relationship but I want to see more about her as a person, individually
15) How long have you been writing fan fiction? Since I was like 11 maybe lol. But the first time I posted anything I was seriously proud of was last week! (Early Apr 22)
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Absolutely !! I feel like I learn from those before me and they inspire me to post!
17) Do you only post on Tumblr or other sites? Only here!
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of "Drabble", "one shots" and "fics"? I don't really care for it at all! Generally drabbles are short, one shots are a bit longer and fics are more like series w chapters?
19) Which do you prefer to write more? I love all of them, I don't have a preference! I would say series are the most difficult to write because you need a good concept with plot lines/twists etc
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? None atm!
21) What is one of your main pet peeves as a writer on Tumblr? I'm lucky to not have had dealt with anyone rude just yet, but I guess I would have to say imposter syndrome which can really get me down, or when people like/reblog your fics but don't follow? idk
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? Whenever I get the idea! I write on my Notes app whenever and wherever 😭
23) Do you listen to music when you write or do you need total silence? I am hereby plugging my Matt Murdock playlist here and my Anakin/Hayden Christensen playlist here
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Generally yes but it depends! Sometimes mid-write I'll get an idea for a line for another fic and write it down for instance
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time of day? I kind of have to psych myself up to post sometimes but generally once I finish it!! I do edit my fics as much as possible but I like that once you post it its kind of done, before I started posting I'd edit them over and over again 😖
if you made it this far, thanks for reading!! <3
no pressure tags: @murdocksluvrr @rcughroad @catholicdaredevil
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venteamocha · 4 years
Hello! Sometimes I see you post stuff from IF blogs and I've recently started playing some IF games, which I've enjoyed so far. Do you have any IF stories you'd recommend in particular? I'm not attached to any particular genre and I don't need romance or a self-insert main character, (though I'm not opposed to either). Though, it's a definite plus if it's LGBTQ+ inclusive! I'm not really sure what the "cornerstones" are of IF so I'll take any and all recommendations haha
Oh god, I play so many IFs. So many. And it’s not even close to all of them, but I’m trying!!
Tbh IFs without romance seems to be very rare, I think because when I think IF I think Choice of Games, and those pretty much always have romance in them. At least, the most well known ones do. But a well done one without romance would be nice too!
Okay, this is a list of my favourites! They’re all LGBT+ inclusive, and most have gender selectable love interests, or at least ones that change gender depending on the gender and sexuality combination you pick. In no particular order, of course.  Behind a cut because I’m gonna give them each a mini review. Because I haven’t done that yet.
(There are so many.)
Mind Blind: I absolutely love our big brother Nick, I love how witty and sharp so much of the dialogue is, I love how the MC clearly has a rather large handicap, but is still such an important person to so many people and not looked down on in the slightest. And when they are, we all know it’s because that person is a jerk! They’re not defined by what they aren’t, but what they are, and that’s a great message.
Shepherds of Haven: Part of why I love this one so much is I just love fantasy settings and this one just pulls it off so well. The cast is full of amazing characters, and I gotta say I die inside pretty regularly for not being able to afford the patreon content, lol. The author puts so much amazing stuff on there, and gives us so much great content in the game and through answers on tumblr, and you can tell this whole thing is just the best thing ever to them, and that makes it the best ever for us readers too!
The Wayhaven Chronicles: I’d be shot if I didn’t mention this one, the series that literally killed dashingdon when the book 3 demo dropped!! Again, another author that cares a lot and does their best to do right by their fans. We’ve been given drip after drip of these amazing characters backstories, and I just cannot wait for more! It’s definitely very romance centered, but the overall plotlines are also very good, and I have to say that no matter who I romance, I just feel like the group as a whole is a family. And that’s wonderful.
Speaker: I really like the lore. I really like the lore. I can’t wait until we get more of the overall plotline. Mostly I want my Speaker to get in deep trouble so Seb, Li and Seer (best sister ever) go off and beat the shit out of whatever is causing it. This probably says something about me, but what can I say, I thrive on angst and inflicting near death injuries on my OCs. Sometimes I even kill them, although all of this is offtopic. Or is it? I guess we’ll find out, although I doubt we’ll actually be able to kill off Speaker. And yes, I am definitely playing the Seb & Li poly route. I love them both so much. 
Wilhelmina: I love vampires, ok? Ok? And this one is based off Dracula!! The OG!! And you can choose Drac’s gender!! Shit, sign me up forever!! Yeah, she might be literally killing my bff, torturing my fiancé and low key fucking with my mind, but vampires are hot!! Let me live! Or not. But yeah, this is a really well done retelling of the Dracula novel and I like how well it works as an IF. Did I mention I like vampires?? Especially when they get all monstery?? (This one has an MC with a set gender, as it’s based on an already existing literary figure. Mina can have a same sex relationship with dracula, if you make drac a female, or with Lucy, a female love interest.)
More Things in Heaven and Earth: Hi Nell!! First off, I gotta uncover a deep shame of mine. My family literally has a Shakespeare heirloom collection. As in, my greatgrandfather passed down through the family a collection of Shakespeare that was published in 1911. In ye olde englishe. I tried to read it when I was like 10 and was like what language is this?? What the fuck? What the fuck??? And ended up reading As You Like It, a bit of Romeo and Juliet, and a little of Hamlet. Didn’t touch the rest of it. I only got into the other stories through trashy ya reimaginings. That said, this retelling of Hamlet inspired me to go read the whole of the original and now I have a lot of fears for these characters that I’m so much more attached to, oh god I hope my Ophelia has a happy ending. I hope Hamlet himself has a happy ending. The dialogue is so well done, everyone is engaging, and yeah it made me finish an old af book when nothing else did. (This one also has an MC with a set gender, female, for the same reason. However, there are two gender variable love interests, so you can very much play a bi or gay Ophelia if you so choose.)
Guenevere: I love King Arthur. All the myths. I have so many books based on the King Arthur mythos, oh dear god. I love pretty much every version of it. All the movie and tv shows too! I just can’t get enough of those knights. I could go on for paragraphs about how courtly love worked and how all the different social castes were, but I’ll try not to. This series lets you customize Guen as a character to an amazing degree, considering that she’s also based on an actual literary figure like the other two I mentioned above. It really feels like she becomes your own character, and yet she still exists within this world very very well. I worry quite a bit that the author might have bit off more than they can chew with the current book they’re working on, what I’ve seen of it looks absolutely massive in scale. What is out so far is a wonderful read though, full of drama and laughter and lots of chances to make the story your own.
Bastard of Camelot: Yep! Another King Arthur series! Sue me! This one lets you set Mordred’s gender though, so it’s more inclusive in that way. It is very interesting to play as one of the “bad guys” of the King Arthur mythos. You can play them as straight up evil, as good, or you know, a bit of column a and a bit of column b. Or they can just be a rude little shit. It’s got dragons too! You get a dragon pet! Dragons are cool. It can be a bit tough to play sometimes, since a lot of people dislike Mordred quite a lot because of prejudices. Hopefully this will change a bit later in the series if you’ve been a fairly good person up to that point. Gotta say though, as a warning, that Mordred is a product of incest. It’s not glossed over, and it does cause a lot of problems for them in the story.
God of the Red Mountain: I just love that this inspired me to read more chinese mythology tbh. There is just so much here! And it’s just such a good read. I wish I was better at describing things. The MC being a spirit that you can define, the whole setting, most of the love interests also being spirits, the massive amount of history and culture and lore, how it all fits together. It is such a well done story. I really wish it got more attention than it does. I still miss Big Sister. I still can’t wait to find out more about the foxes, and how we can heal our MC.
The Nameless: Another one that lets you play as something otherworldly. I love the lore behind this one, and I love all of the cast I’ve met. I kind of like that our MC isn’t loved right off the bat, that we’ll have to win over all of our love interests and even the other npcs. I’m up for the challenge! Everything I’ve read on the tumblr for these characters just makes me love them all more tbh. I love how much they’ve written for all of them! Most of all though, I love Oisein. All the art of them is just *chef kiss* and their personality is magical.
A Mage Reborn: This is a really recent one but!! Wow, it’s really well done! That cliffhanger!! Oof!! Not many books literally start with killing your MC off! That takes guts! I told the author this already, but I love the way they formatted this, the way it starts with the end, so to speak, and then fills it all out. It just made everything feel so poignant, how MC is literally looking back at all these moments in time in the last minutes they have before they die. Shit. That’s powerful. And there’s gonna be more??? Can’t wait for that angst. Give me that drama. Of course I picked the one who had me killed, that’s just how I am!
These are all just the COG type games, there are a few twine games with graphics I’d throw on here, but the list is long enough as it is and they feel like they’re in a different category to me. Maybe it’s just me?
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
The Bones (Reid Series) Part 1
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Summary: Almost a year after Maeve’s death, Spencer reaches out to the recipients of Maeve’s donated organs to reconnect with his lost love. However, when the receiver of her heart, Reader, doesn’t write back, Spencer goes on a poorly-motivated mission to find her. 
Playlist: “The Bones” by Maren Morris & Hozier   (BONUS: song includes major foreshadowing)
A/N: There is an OC in this story because to me, writing “(y/n)” over and over again cheapens the story and doesn’t flow well. It was a personal decision, and to anyone it sincerely bothers, I’m sure there’s a way you can insert your own name instead. This fic is also inspired by “Things We Know By Heart” by Jessi Kirby. Category: Series, Soft Angst, Eventual Smut + NSFW content* Pairing: Spencer Reid POV x Fem!OC Content Warning: allusions to death, mourning, loss, recovery, arrhythmia (this is an intro chapter, so it’ll get more interesting from here I promise) Word Count: 2.2k
This will be a multi-part series.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
It all started that first autumn after Maeve’s death - just five weeks past a year since I parted with her. I was absentmindedly reading when, rather out of the blue, Mary Donovan called to inform me about a Mrs. Rachel Larsen. 
Although we didn’t learn her actual name until later, she was first known to us as the recipient of Maeve’s liver. Not a single one of the three of us - Maeve’s parents and me - had expected a recipient to be in contact with us. That inability to predict such an event was caused by my neglect to remember Maeve was an organ donor. It wasn’t particularly relevant in the grand scheme of things, and for that forgetfulness, I was truly ashamed, but after reading Rachel Larsen’s letter together with the Donovans, it all came back to me. 
Every single thing. 
You see, despite the anonymity of the person writing to us, it was as if I could actually feel Maeve’s soul coming alive again, as strange as that sounds. 
She was still here with me ... in some form. 
Later that night, when I would return to an empty apartment, I would wonder why I hadn’t thought of reaching out to the recipients before. Even though I’d already started writing a thank you letter back to Rachel, the thirst for more of Maeve became increasingly insatiable. 
While I did have fond memories of her to live by, I couldn’t thrive off of them in the way that I did with that letter. Our only moments together worth reliving were those spent over the phone, a time when I didn’t even know what she looked like. But that letter from Rachel Larsen ... it was somehow more wholesome and pure than any memory of the living Maeve that I could cultivate.
You could say I was doing this to ease my mourning, meaning it should’ve made me feel better, but that didn’t stop the guilt from eating away at me piece by piece as I wrote letters to the rest of the recipients. 
The Donovans had no idea I was doing this, but I reasoned to myself that they would appreciate the surprise. Though they were still undeniably riddled with grief, smiles embellished their sullen faces when they read about Rachel’s quality of life now with a new liver. So maybe, just maybe, hearing from the rest of the receivers would be good for us all. At least, that’s what I told myself.
In one of those rare moments when inspiration strikes and it courses through your veins at the speed of lightning, I found myself being more productive than I had been in nearly a year. By midnight, I’d successfully composed five letters, each dedicated to the receiver of one of Maeve’s major organs - none of which, though, included my identity.
Given the fragile process of contacting the transplant coordinators, getting consent forms, and premeeting counseling, it would be months, if not years, before I would be able to really speak with these faceless people. Nothing against Donor Family Services - I’m sure they do the best they can - but for me, their best wasn’t good enough. So instead, I enlisted the help of someone I knew could never let me down. 
“Are you sure you want me to do this?” Penelope peered up at me from her seat, her pinky finger hesitantly hovering over the ‘enter’ button. 
With just one click, she discovered the addresses of each one of those faceless people. This singular operation, albeit somewhat unethical, was the final piece to my puzzle. All there was left to do now was send the letters to them, with the tenuous hope they might send one back. 
Luckily for me, not a single recipient questioned how I managed to find them or why this process wasn’t being handled by Donor Family Services, but I suppose if they did wonder those things, they didn’t feel comfortable asking me. Especially not after they learned who I was in relation to their donor. I didn’t intend to guilt-trip anyone with what I wrote in my letters nor did I want to take advantage of anyone’s empathy, but how could you possibly make a foe out of your organ donor’s grieving boyfriend? Exactly - you can’t. So you don’t. Instead, you send an inviting letter back, telling me you’d love to meet. Which is what four of them did.
Only one person didn’t reply, and while an 80% success rate was great, I simply couldn’t let this one go. Trust me, I would have ... had it been any other organ. 
For quite some time, I was the one with Maeve’s heart. 
I just needed to see where it was now.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
The heart has several definitions and corresponding connotations. 
Scientifically speaking, the heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. However, figuratively, the heart can be seen as the central or innermost part of something. The heart of a city, for example. But in literature, the heart is symbolic of love. It is often regarded as the source of all knowledge, which is where the comparison between the head and the heart comes from. The head operates logically, whereas the heart functions emotionally, but despite the rationality the head holds, the heart is what people advise you to listen to because it holds the ultimate truth. 
The heart, because it is equipped with your truest feelings, supersedes any logic and reason the head might hold. 
But you see, I only ever knew Maeve’s mind. I could understand the inner workings of it - I’d probably be able to navigate through her consciousness if I entered it given the fact that our intellect matched one another’s - and I shared nearly identical thought processes with her, but that was all that I ever knew. 
And if that was how much knowledge she held in her head alone, then, undoubtedly, her heart held so much more.
Science defines the heart as an organ. Figurative language uses the heart to establish a focal point. Literature likens the heart to love. But I compare her heart to the ocean. Like the sea, Maeve’s heart was 80% undiscovered, and exploration was simply calling my name. 
For that reason, and that reason alone, I couldn’t abandon my pursuit of it. 
That’s not to say I wasn’t ashamed of this mission, though. If anything, shame for the man I had become in the face of Maeve’s death was the only feeling I was truly capable of anymore. Any other emotions were fleeting or insincere. 
Unfortunately, that slimy, disgusting feeling was only amplified times ten when I found myself driving two hours and forty-five minutes to get to Virginia Beach. 
No sane man would drive this far on a weekday for even their most prized possession, and yet here I was, exactly 180 miles away from home, seeking out someone who hadn’t had the courtesy to even write me back, let alone agree to meet with me. Who knows if she’d even give me the time of day. 
She being Valerie. 
“Valerie Elise Bishop was born on August 5th, 1988 in Henderson, Nevada, to parents Andrew and Sara, but when Valerie turned seventeen, she was diagnosed with arrhythmia,” Garcia explained to me over the phone on the car ride here. “It’s when-”
“When the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don't work properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly,” I accidentally cut in. Realizing I interrupted Garcia, I brought her back into the conversation by asking, “I know there are more than 3 million cases per year in the U.S, but isn’t it usually common for ages 60 or older?” 
“You are most certainly correct, Boy Wonder. It is more common in ages 60 and older, however, her maternal grandmother passed away from arrhythmia, so the family history increased the likelihood.” 
At the sound of this news, I had to pull the car over and physically stop just so I could grasp the weight of what I was really doing. 
“In Henderson, Nevada ... maternal grandmother passed away ... family history increased the likelihood …” Garcia’s voice rang in my head. 
It was then that I came face to face with the gravity of reality. 
Valerie wasn’t just a faceless name or a recipient of Maeve’s heart, she was a person. And her humanity only became more apparent to me the more Penelope spoke. 
For god’s sake, she and I grew up in the same state. She and I saw the same sunsets from the same little corner of the earth. She drove down the same highways and byways - we might’ve even crossed paths at one point or another! Not to mention that she lost her grandmother to the same disease that she was suffering from, and if there was one thing consistent about arrhythmia, it was very likely she’d been living with it for decades, if not her entire lifetime. It’s a long term disease that takes years to improve but only seconds to kill. All it would take is just one irregular beat, and she’d be dead. How can you possibly live with that constant fear looming over your head? 
She is a person. I had to remind myself. Not just a means to explore more of Maeve. 
“Hey, Garcia,” I turned the car back on. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” 
“What do you mean?” I could just feel panic begin to rise in Garcia. 
“No, I’m not talking about life, I’m talking about this.” Though she couldn’t see, I grandly gestured to the location, the car, and the passenger seat that was cluttered with files on Valerie. “I don’t feel right invading her privacy like this. It’s just selfish.” 
I wasn’t the only one mourning something here. 
“Are you sure?” Penelope clarified. Which was ironic considering she was the one who was unsure of doing any of this, to begin with. What was I thinking? I shouldn’t have dragged Garcia into this. Something as immoral as this was totally against her character, but she did it anyway because her loyalty to her friends conquers all. 
Like I said, my shame multiplied times ten. If not for Valerie, then certainly for Penelope. 
��Yeah, I’m sure. I’m heading home.” 
“Okay,” She softly returned. “Be safe.” 
“Oh, and Garcia?” I asked before ending the call. “Thanks.” 
“Of course. Anything for you, Dr. Reid.” 
By the time I ended the call, the sun was already setting - that’s how long I’d been on the road for. The nearly-three-hour drive I would have to make for the second time today meant I wouldn’t be home in time to beat the pitch-black sky, so considering I was already in for a long night, I made a little detour for the one thing I couldn’t go home without.
A piping hot cup of coffee. 
I felt something as rewarding as caffeine was well deserved for the self-restraint I demonstrated minutes ago. And maybe it was my exhaustion, both mental and physical, that brought me to the near conclusion that I would truly let this go, but I was honestly feeling like I could accept this. An 80% acceptance rate. Not bad, right? 
Though I was basically half-asleep while waiting for my coffee, I could not miss the barista when she said, “Valerie! Your order’s ready!”
What are the chances?
A jolt of energy surged through my body and brought me back to life, causing me to whip my head around at the slightest semblance of movement. On instinct, my gaze gravitated to the woman walking towards the front counter. My pull to her was so strong that even if I hadn’t studied file upon file on her that included pictures of what she looked like, I still would’ve recognized her in a heartbeat.
I just knew. That’s her. 
I had no plan whatsoever for how I should approach this, and yet I still rose from my seat, motivated by nothing more than the single belief that I needed to.
Was this the universe telling me that I was meant to run into her after all? That I needed to meet the woman with an oceanic heart?
But when I finally got to where she was, she glided effortlessly past me, not paying any mind to my presence. Why would she though? To her, I was no one. To her, I was the faceless person. 
“Excuse me!” I bolted to the front counter after realizing I might’ve just missed my opportunity. The barista, stunned and concerned, furrowed her brows while she waited for my question. “Is that girl a regular here?”
“Valerie?” She pointed in her direction, to which I nodded rapidly. “Oh, yeah. She comes in here all the time. She works just across the street.” 
When I came to this coffee shop, it was simply by chance. It wasn’t even the closest cafe, but it was the one I chose to go to for some inexplicable reason. 
I’d like to think it was fate. I was meant to be here after all. Because right behind me stood the storefront of a building I had only briefly read about in Valerie’s file.
The Bones,  Art Gallery & Studio
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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taglist: @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @carooliina @fortheloveofcriminalminds @watermelongubler  @obsessedmaggiemay @k-k0129 @aperrywilliams @eevee0722 
@dreatine​ @bisexualwomanofcolour​ @andiebeaword​ @a-broken-pact​ @kylab​ @thelovelyrose​ @rexorangecouny​ @goldentournesol​ @sierraraeck​ 
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skvatnavle · 2 years
Tumblr Writers Q & A
Tagged by the lovely @darlingshane​ 💜
1) How many complete fics/oneshots do you have but haven’t published yet?
1. Unsure if I'll upload it, unsure if it's good 😅
2) How many WIPs do you have?
Gawd... 41.. I'm not even kidding 😅
3) Do you take requests, write original fics, or both?
Both. I have some original work here, but I always love to get a request for somwthing.
4) If you have requests how many do you actually have?
I have 16 in my inbox right now for my "300 follower celebration" 😁
5) How many fandoms do you write for?
A lot.. Triple Frontier, The Mandalorian, The Great Wall, The Mentalist, The Killing, Suicide Squad, Daredevil, Moon Knight. Soon there'll be Hanna (Erik Heller) and Peacemaker (Vigilante).
On a side blog I've written for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Warcraft... And some werewolf and minotaur stuff. Might as well let the cat out of the bag 😂
6) Are there any fandoms you used to write for?
Yeah, but nothing published. They are just laying on my laptop. I just recently started sharing my stuff.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts, or OC?
So far I've only done reader inserts and OC's 😊
8) Niche fandom/Characters you write for?
I feel like Stephen Holder is a little niche. Not a lot of us writing for him 😅
I have a WIP with a character I've never found any fics for, so if I published that, it would be really niche 😆
9) Do you read fics as well as write them?
Yes! As often as I can ❤
10) Favorite genre to write for?
Romance... Which is funny since I'm not really romantic 😅
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)?
Friends to lovers.
12) What do you do to get motivated to write?
Knowing that someone might love to read it.
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write?
I've recently begun enjoy reading angst/whump (thanks to @a-reader-and-a-writer ), but I don't really write it. Done it twice, but don't think I'm that good at it 😅
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested?
I'd love to write for Erik Heller (Hanna), Pete Koslow (The Informer), Will Miller (Triple Frontier) and Zach Wellison (Brothers and Sisters). Hell, I'd even love writing for Swaino (Small Engine Repair) and Frank Castle (Punisher). Maybe even some Matthias Schoenaerts characters. But will I be good at it? I don't know 😂
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Writing? Since I was 12, so 20 years. Publishing here? Since December 2021 😅
16) Did you read fanfiction before you started writing?
No, I first discovered fanfiction when searching for something about Hawkeye... And I've been here ever since 😆
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites?
Yes, only here.
18) what do you personally consider the wordcounts of "Drabble", "One-Shots" and "Fics"?
Drabble - 100 to 1K and One-Shots and fics - above 1k?
19) Which do you prefer to write more?
Fluff and smut. Mostly fluff 💜
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued?
Not yet.
21) What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on Tumblr?
Gonna steal my answer from @darlingshane , cause I can't say it better myself: "writers getting rude anons for no reason other than intimidating nice people into stop writing. And people demanding content then not interacting with said fics and have them flop"
Oh, and sorry... But I hate the term "poor little meow meow"... Makes my skin crawl..
22) Do you write at a particular time of day?
Whenever I have an idea or have the time.
23) Do you listen to music or ambiance/noise to write, or do you need total silence?
I have music in my ears like 80% of my waking hours. Can't stand silence.
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing?
Yes. Almost to much. You should seriously see my notebook 😆
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day?
Depends. Most times I publish as soon as I'm done or when a beta reader return it. But series I try to schedule a little 😅
Tagging: @loverhymeswith @a-reader-and-a-writer @fictionalnerdery @yespolkadotkitty @lacontroller1991 @11thstreetvigilante @green-socks
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andrea-lyn · 3 years
 @lambourngb​ and @sabrinachill both tagged me for this one, thank you!
20 questions, writer’s edition! 
How many works do you have on AO3?
I am sitting at 427 now, which have been uploaded since 2010 when I joined it! 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
3,029,080 which is only scarier to think about how many things I never bothered to import to AO3.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
That would be 56, though a ton of them are fandoms where I contributed a single thing and that was it. 
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In order:
ready for my close up, mr. dameron
how to fall in love with a fairytale
Your Hand In Mine
what a tale my thoughts could tell
hallelujah, you're still mine
So, three Star Wars, two Old Guard (not surprised). 
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always, always, always. I always want the chance to thank ppl for comments and I love it if conversation sparks and I get to know the readers more and then get to interact. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Given the comments and bookmarks from this fic talking about how people can’t read it more than once, I’m reliably going with  The Time Traveling Pilot for this one. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I’m a sucker for happy endings. I’m 90% fluff and happy endings, and then 10% “I want to wreck you and make you sob”. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! I think the craziest was I did a gen Doctor Who & House MD crossover with a sequel where Ten took Chase time-travelling and there were a bunch of OCs and I actually really enjoyed writing it. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I will preface this to say that I actually feel fairly lucky that I don’t experience much hate for what I write. I will get concrit sometimes where the reader and I don’t gel on what I’ve written, which is fine. I have received some hate though, the one that sticks out in my mind was on an RPF piece that just reamed me out for the plot. 
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, but not very frequently because it feels very ‘insert slot a into tab b’ at a certain point, and it’s so mechanical to write and edit. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
This is a nope for me! 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Cowriting is one of my fave things, and yes, have done a few.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know that I have an all-time because I have a whole tab of pairings I’ll go comfort read. Some of my faves include McDanno, Joe/Nicky, Arthur/Eames, Pynch, Malex, Kirk/McCoy, Cherik, Gwaine/Percival, Peggy/Bucky/Steve, Peggy/Sousa, and Scott/Isaac. I definitely revisit those a lot.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
As far as my brain is concerned, all my current WIPs are getting finished. We’ll see in a few months.
What are your writing strengths?
Consistency. I’m very good at making myself work through the slogs and then editing it out later, so I do have a tendency to finish things that I wouldn’t have imagined I would otherwise, so long as there’s a plot I can write. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh man do I suck at descriptive and beautiful prose. I can give you a good AU, some fun dialogue, but I can’t make your breath stop with my narrative. It’s been causing a lot of self-doubt lately because then when I do try, it feels false and not like me. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It depends! Sometimes, I want the reader to feel a little on the outside, and then I’ll keep the translated language in, but I’ve come around to doing something like: “This is the dialogue,” said the character in French.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Okay, this is going to date me, but original Charmed as a very wee one (I was that kid who lied about my age on the internet).
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m extremely self-critical of my writing to the point that I always hate what I go back and re-read, so if I picked something here, I’d go read it and then decide I disliked it, but I will say that I really and truly love the Anastasia AU that I wrote for Joe/Nicky, and it is a true fave.
Tagging @rhubarbdreams @raedear @knoepfchen @kaydeefalls @skjc-writes @insidious-intent @christchex @hklnvgl @el-gilliath @werebearbearbar @hazel-athena @inell @atthelamppost and anyone else I missed who wants to play writer 20 questions! 
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