#and yes i intentionally giffed him in one of your favourite colours
cosmicdreamgrl · 3 months
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jungkook x bts the best online showcase for @jkvjimin [ cr: 0613data ]
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duvetsandpillows · 3 years
Sebastian Vettel Fluffy A-Z
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Gif Credit: @chasingpegasus
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your kindness. You are always looking for the best in everyone and you always put others before yourself. He calls you his little angel because he thinks you’re too good to be of this earth.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
Seb knew he wanted to have kids with you after he saw you with one for the first time. Your friend had a baby and you’d offered to babysit for a night so she could go out. Seb got back from work to see you dancing around the living room with the baby girl in your arms, the two of you listening to Queen.
“Liebling what have we said about stealing babies?” You turned around and rolled your eyes.
“I know, I’ll give her back tomorrow.” He chuckled and gave you a kiss before cooing to the baby.
Once you’d put her down for the night you turned around from her cot to see Seb standing in the doorway.
“I didn’t know you were so good with kids.” You shrugged and gently ushered him out the room, pulling the door to.
“I dunno, used to look after my cousins when I was growing up.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Do you ever think about having your own one day?” he asked wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I think I’d like having a pair of feet pattering around the house.”
A year later you found out you were expecting two sets of feet to cause mayhem and Sebastian couldn’t have been happier when he found out.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Sebastian loves to wrap his arms around your shoulders from behind. He loves being able to hold you close and press kisses to the top of your head. In bed he loves to be big spoon, having you curled into his chest, your leg hooked between his. He will kiss the side of your head and whisper sweet nothings in German to you as you fall asleep.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
The two of you don’t always get time for dates as he travels so much so you always cook dinner for when he gets back from a race. It’s guaranteed time for the two of you to have some alone time together. You don’t need extravagant dates, being together is enough.
E = Everything: "you are my ____" (e.g my life, my world...)
You are my forever and always.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
He knew he had feelings for you pretty quickly. Whenever he was home from work you would be his first thought and he realised that he loved you and no one could ever compare to you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Seb is always gentle with you, sure you two muck around and play fight but he would never intentionally hurt you.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
When out and about you can guarantee his fingers will be laced with yours. He likes keeping you close, knowing how you can get overwhelmed in big crowds so will always squeeze to give you reassurance that you’re not some and that you’re going to be okay.
I = Impression: first impression/s
You were an old family friend but you two hadn’t seen each other since the two of you were kids. Sebs mother had invited your family over for a barbecue since Seb was home for a while. When he came down stairs he saw you chatting with his auntie, and he couldn’t believe it was really you. You’d gone from being an adorable little girl to a stunning young woman.
You glanced away from his aunt and caught him staring at you so you flashed a smile and a small wave. Seb immediately had an unexplainable wave of anxiety wash over him. He walked over and his auntie excused herself to let the two of you catch up.
“Long time no see,” you said offering him a beer, which he accepted.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“It’s a lucky day for both of us then.”
The two of you were inseparable for the rest of the day, causing both your mother’s and his auntie to have plenty to gossip about.
The two of you ended up staying up all night chatting around the fire pit, cuddled up in a blanket together.
“Can’t risk you getting a cold or something,” he whispered wrapping his arm around you.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
You two would be silly and make each other laugh with shitty dad jokes and puns but you two weren’t prank sort of people.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Sebastian is quite reserved in public so usually kisses your head or cheek but in private he will kiss you anywhere he can, he finds it hard to keep his hands and lips off you.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
He did. You two had been dating for a couple of months and he just knew it was love but he was worried that it was too soon to say it to you. I hat was until you two had gone out for drinks with some friends and you two ended up getting a taxi home and leaving the car at the bar.
Sebastian poured the two of you a whisky while you kicked off your shoes and lit the fire. Seb sat down next to you and passed your drink before wrapping an arm around you.
“Did you know…” you slurred turning your head to look at him, “you are my favourite person,” you pressed a kiss to his jaw before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving a small mark.
“Did you know that I love you,” he slurred back. You looked up at him in shock, just as much as he was; realising what he’d just said.
“Really? You love me?”
“How could I not, you’re perfect.”
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You hadn’t been able to go to a race weekend and even though he didn’t show it he was bummed. You felt just as sad so you wanted to make it up to him. He got back to see candles lit everywhere and music playing softly in the background. The table was laid and dinner waiting. You were in the dress you’d worn on your first proper date together, which was coincidentally Sebastians favourite.
You spent the whole night pampering him after he’d worked so hard and by the end of the night the two of you were cuddled with up under a blanket by the fire.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Sebastian likes to occasionally spoiled you with jewellery or clothes. You don’t like him spending so much money on you but he would always respond with “nonsense my angel deserves the best.”
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
Light green. You wore a necklace that you’d had since you were a kid and it had a small light green emerald inside it. He was so used to seeing you wear it he automatically associated the colour with you.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Engelchen, Schatz, my everything.
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
Cuddling up by the fire and chatting. You would sit there for hours discussing anything that came to mind. You just enjoyed being in each others company.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Usually you would start the day by trying to do jobs around the house but Seb gets bored and insists that you two take a break that never seems to end. Then you usually watch a movie or cuddling up in bed.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Sebastian goes quiet and finds ways to occupy himself. You always notice fairly quickly and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight.
“I love you so much,” you will say giving him a squeeze, causing him to hold you as tight as he can and let everything out that’s on his mind. As long as you were in his arms he felt safe.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
Anything. You two could talk about paint drying and find a way to make it interesting. He spends half his day texting you random things because he misses you.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Taking baths together. He brought a purposefully large bath so that you two could both fit in it. He loves holding you close, with your back against his chest and pressing kisses to the side of your head or neck while whispering how much he loves you.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Seb only shows off on track. His personal life is kept private.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Seb proposed to you on your three year anniversary. You were four months pregnant and didn’t really want to dress up all fancy and have to go out so Seb set up a beautiful dinner in the back garden. After you had finished pudding Seb took your hand in his and told you how much you mean to him before getting down on one knee and asked you the questions. You said yes and pressed your lips to him before he slid the ring on your finger. You had the wedding a few months after you gave birth so you could have the kids in the photos.
X = Xylophone: What's their song?
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Y = You're the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You're the lightning to my thunder.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
You both had dogs but when you got pregnant you got a puppy so your kids could grow up with their own dog.
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beautifultypewriter · 4 years
Arthur Shelby Fluff Alphabet
Requested: Yes / by my absolute fav @fandom-puff​ and also an anon
Warnings: Some mentions of alcohol and Arthur’s issues
Full credit to whoever created this template (I still don’t actually know who that is). Gif credit to the owner. Also, I changed the prompt for letter Q from quaint to quickstep.
Also, I love this gif? It’s so soft.
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Arthur loves your hands. He loves the softness of them and the gentleness of your touch. He finds so much comfort in standing before you, your hands resting gently on his face as his eyes slip closed and he holds your wrists. Then you start to rub small circles on his cheekbones, and he swears he could die a happy man right then and there. He loves taking your hands into his and he especially loves to press kisses to your knuckles and palms.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Absolutely wants to have babies with you. He thinks you’d be the most incredible parent and he can’t wait to see you with your children. Family is extremely important to Arthur and he wants to have one of his own, so he’s down for kids whenever you are. There is that little voice in the back of his head telling him that he’s going to turn out like his own father, but it’s quickly silenced by you. Arthur sees how strong and caring you are and he knows that he can do anything so long as you’re right there by his side.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He’s all limbs and he’s lean, but he loves to cuddle. Usually, the two of you only ever cuddle when you get into bed after a long day. You two face each other and he’ll pull you close to his chest. One of his legs will tangle with yours and his hands will move to the back of your head, getting tangled in your hair. Your hands will rest on his chest or cup his face and it’s so quiet and peaceful that he never wants to leave.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Arthur is more into low-key dates. He will, on occasion, take you to a fancy night club, but those nights are few and far between. He prefers more quiets nights with you where he doesn’t have to fight other people for your attention. The two of you go to the Garrison a lot and sit in the private room, drinking and talking. Arthur loves to take you for drives around the country because it gives the two of you the chance to be alone (which is his favorite). Honestly, though, Arthur will pretty much do whatever you want, so you two have gone on a lot of different types of dates.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are the most important person to Arthur. You are warm and safe, and you don’t judge him. These are all things that Arthur associates with the perfect home, so to him you are the perfect home. He doesn’t need much else if you’re there.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Arthur first knew he was in love with you the first time he brought you home to meet his family. The Shelby family is a bit chaotic and can be a bit intimidating, especially to people who haven’t known them for years, so Arthur was a little bit nervous to be bringing you to dinner at Polly’s. He didn’t want them all to scare you away. He was pleasantly surprised when you not only held your chin up the entire time, but you were kind to everyone, treating them like they were any normal family and like you weren’t frightened of them at all (which he later learned you really weren’t). Arthur watched you sit at the dinner table and hold your own with Polly and Tommy and he watched you smile at everyone and ask them questions and he just knew. He knew that you would fit perfectly into his life and he only hoped that he’d fit perfectly into yours as well.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Arthur tries so hard to be gentle with you. He has his issues. He knows this, but he would never intentionally hurt you, so he takes extra care to be gentle. Sometimes, if Arthur’s had a bad day, he’ll hold you a bit too tightly. He doesn’t mean to do it and he’s quick to loosen his grip, his movements becoming slower and more purposeful. He just wants to be as gentle with you as you are with him.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Arthur absolutely adores the feeling of your hand in his. He will take any moment he can to hold your hand and he does not care if it’s inappropriate for the situation. Family meetings? You’re sat next to him and Arthur has your hand clasped in his. Walking home from the Garrison? Arthur has a tight hold on your hand as the two of you stumble down the cobblestones. Arthur’s hands are always really warm, so if your hands are cold then he will happily warm them for you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When Arthur first saw you, his thought was that you didn’t quite fit into Small Heath. You were this light that stood out from the gray smog and he wondered what you were doing in such a dull place. What had brought you here? When you smiled at him, though, he found that he didn’t quite care, he was only glad that you were there.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh yes. Arthur has a lot of insecurities and he’s not always in the right headspace. This can translate into jealousy if he sees other people trying to make a move on you. His first instinct is always to storm over and pick a fight with the offender. Whether or not he actually does this depends on how much alcohol he has consumed. Drunk Arthur almost never makes good decisions, so if he’s had a lot to drink and he sees someone flirting with you, you can bet that he’s going to start throwing punches. He always feels really bad about it later and he avoids your gaze out of shame. Sober (or Mostly Sober) Arthur has better impulse control, so he’s able to hold himself back a bit. He still storms over, but he gives the offender the chance to back off before he gets physical. He wraps an arm around your waist and tells you that you look beautiful. All of this stems from the thought of losing you which is the scariest thing to Arthur. He can’t lose you and if his brain is muddled then he’s willing to do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen. He knows it’s wrong though and he’s promised to control himself, which he is making progress with, it’s just going to take some time for him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Arthur’s kisses are usually needy and fast at the start, but they always melt into something deep and comforting. He wants to be as close to you as he can whenever he can and that comes out in his kiss. Once he’s had a minute to relax and melt into you, though, he’s much calmer and he’s able pull back a bit and gain better control.
You initiated the first kiss. Arthur had come over to your place for dinner and he had been exceptionally quiet, obviously nervous about something. You had found the entire evening comical as he tried to hold a normal conversation with you, but getting tongue tied at the oddest moments. Finally, you just looked into his eyes, “I’m going to kiss you now, Arthur.” And you leaned across the table and pressed your lips to his. He was shocked, but he kissed you back, chasing your lips as you pulled away. You smirked at him, “Feel better?” He nodded and lunged across the table, capturing your lips again.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He did. It was after he had been in some fight that you didn’t ask too many questions about and you were patching him up in your kitchen. He had stumbled through the door and you quickly grabbed your first aid kit and sat him down in one of the chairs. It was quiet between the two of you as you cleaned the blood from his face, slowing your movements when you noticed him wince. He watched you intently as your eyes roved over his face, not once meeting his eyes. That’s when Arthur grabbed your wrists, halting your movements and causing you to look into his eyes. He leaned into your hands, “I love you.” You smiled at him, watching his eyes close before pressing your palms lightly against his cheeks. His eyes flew open and you nodded at him, “I love you too, Arthur.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Arthur’s favorite memory is of the moment the two of you first met. You were walking down Watery Lane and he had been so distracted by you that he accidently bumped into you and almost knocked you to the ground. He cursed himself and made sure you were okay, getting ready to scurry away, embarrassed, but you stopped him. And you smiled at him and he felt a flutter in his chest, and he knew he needed to see that smile again. This is his favorite memory, the first time you smiled at him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He tries to because he’s Arthur and he feels like he needs to take every opportunity to show you how much he loves you. Usually he buys you gifts when he’s done something wrong and he’s working hard to make it up to you. You always try to tell him that it’s unnecessary, but he just brushes you off with a smile and a kiss to the temple, telling you that nothing is too good for you.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You are light and comforting and full of love. When Arthur looks at you, he is reminded of everything good and wonderful and a certain softness overtakes him. A softness best associated with the color pink.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
‘Love’ is a big one with Arthur. He just loves you so much, he has to let you know (by literally calling you love – he isn’t subtle). He calls you ‘love’ all the time, it kind of just slips out after your name, “Y/N, love.” Another one that Arthur likes is ‘darling.’ He doesn’t use this one as much as ‘love’ which actually makes it a bit more special when it slips past his lips. This is the one that is mostly used in private. His family has heard him say it maybe twice, but you’ve heard it much more. Arthur gets teased a lot for the pet names, but it will never stop him from using them.
Q = Quickstep (How do they feel about dancing?)
Arthur definitely loves to watch you dance. On occasion, he will take you out to a fancy nightclub and watch you dance. He loves to see how happy and relaxed you become while you sway to the music. You always try to get him to join you, but he shakes his head, saying he’s fine just enjoying the show. This never fails to make you roll your eyes at him and you decide to go back to dancing. Later that night, when the two of you stumble into your home, your shoes in Arthur’s hand, he pulls you close to him. The two of you slow dance on the living room rug, your bodies pressed close together and Arthur’s breath fanning over your face. There’s no music, but you don’t need it; you’re fine with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
The two of you love a rainy day because everything seems to just slow down. Neither of you are in any rush to get going, so you sleep late and take your time getting up. Arthur steals a few kisses as the two of you cuddle in bed. You make a big breakfast and the two of you sit across from each other, listening to the sound of rain as you enjoy your tea. Arthur smiles over at you every five minutes and when the two of you are done eating, you move into the other room where you sit on the sofa together and talk. Arthur builds a fire to keep you warm and he makes sure that you’re comfortable on the sofa.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Arthur had never been one to try and cheer himself up. He was always one to drown his feelings in a bottle and wake up the next morning, push the headache aside and get back to business. Then you came along, and Arthur started to actually talk about his feelings. He was still pretty guarded, but he let you in enough that just talking to you made him feel better. Kisses never hurt either. When you see that Arthur is caught in his feelings, you place yourself in his lap, your hands gently cupping his face, and you press your lips to his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, and finally his lips. When you’re sad, Arthur just goes straight for cuddles. He knows you like to physically feel that someone is there for you, so he wraps his arms around you and presses kisses to your neck.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Other than your day to day talking, the two of you do most of your talking at night when it’s just the two of you tucked away at home. At this time, Arthur asks you to tell him stories. Stories about your childhood or stories about what you see in the future. He loves stories and he loves to lay his head in your lap and listen to you tell them. You always make sure that he knows he can talk to you about anything. He’s usually a bit hesitant to open up about the war or the business, but there have been a few times where the weight of it all was just too much and so he shared some deep feelings with you. You listened closely and offered comfort and it was a really beautiful moment for him to be able to trust you like that. He knows he can tell you anything and you’d never leave him.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
In order for Arthur to relax, he needs to be away from other people, in a quiet place, and with no chance of interruptions. Arthur’s mind runs a mile a minute, so it can be difficult for him to calm down. In the past, he turned to alcohol to slow his mind and to numb his body, so that he could find some peace. Now, he tries to use alcohol less frequently because he knows that it’s messing with his time with you. Instead he just tries to find a quiet place where he can cuddle with you and turn his brain off.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. Arthur thinks you are the most amazing person in the world and he still can’t believe that you chose him over everyone else and he loves to talk about that fact. Probably more than he should, but he can’t help it. It’s not even like he’s bragging, he’s more in awe than anything else. He still gets on everyone’s nerves though when he gushes about you and how he really doesn’t deserve you, but he has you anyway and that’s amazing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Arthur took you on a long drive through the country, pulling over by a babbling brook and putting the car into park. It was quiet between the two of you for some time. You were enjoying the peace and the scenery and Arthur was trying to work up the courage to pull the ring from his pocket. You had noticed his fidgeting, buy you said nothing about it, knowing that he would tell you what was going on when he was ready. The sun was starting to set and from the corner of your eyes, you saw Arthur’s hands moving. You figured he was starting the car up, getting ready to head home. You were wrong though as you saw him turn his body to face yours. As you moved to face him, he started his speech about how you were the best thing to ever happen to him and he didn’t want to spend a single moment without you. Then he pulled out the ring and asked you to marry him. You wiped away the tear that had formed in the corner of his eye and nodded, a quiet ‘yes’ passing your lips.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Hard to Love – Lee Brice
(I defy anyone to listen to this song and not immediately think of Arthur.)
Arthur knows that he’s not the easiest person to deal with and he knows he makes things difficult sometimes, but he’s so grateful to you for loving him. He thinks he doesn’t deserve you, but he loves that you stay with him. He sees the two of you as opposites in a sense and he wishes he was more like you, softer and gentler, so that he could be someone who deserves you. You always tell him that he’s the perfect amount of soft and strong though.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
There is so much love between the two of you that it’s no surprise that Arthur wants to put a ring on your finger. He wants the two of you to be a “proper” family, married with kids and together forever. Now, just because he knows he wants to marry you, it doesn’t mean he’s any good at asking. He’s nervous and worried that you’ll say no, so it takes him some time to actually pop the question, but once he does, he’s completely elated as he hears your “Yes.”
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Arthur wants to get a big dog to keep you company around the house when he has to go out for business. He’d also like to think of this dog as some form of a guard dog, so he knows you’ll have someone that has your back when he can’t be there.
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littlesliceofmarvel · 4 years
manipulating a god | chpt.six
Synopsis: Trying to break the information out of Loki during the attack of 2012 wasn’t exactly the easiest task, but it was a challenge you were willing to take head on. So, what happened when a master manipulator tried to get information from the God of Mischief?
Series warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence, blood, and gore
Pairings: Stark!Reader x Loki
A/N: I AM FINALLY UNSHADOWBANNED!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESSS. I have been shadowbanned since MARCH.MARRRCCHHH. it’s a good day. (also yes i reuploaded this now that i am no longer invisible.) MY INBOX IS OPEN ONCE MORE AS WELL. (gif not mine)
series masterlist
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Loki’s piercing gaze never left yours as you tried to think of the proper questions to ask him that wouldn’t obviously show how much you knew about him. Loki wasn’t dumb, he knows damn well why you’re doing this, but if you played my cards right you could throw him off enough to glimpse through and get some information. After all, that’s all you really wanted from him. The topic of the Infinity Stones has to be brought up by him.
You could ask about his childhood, or about his favourite food, or even about which character from Harry Potter he liked best. (We all know it’s Draco because Loki’s a Slytherin.)
“Alright,” you crossed your arms and met his stare, trying to match his intensity, “Favourite colour?”
Loki scoffed, “Awfully basic question to start off with. Green.”
“Hard to tell,” you mumbled, eyeing every bit of green clothing on his body, “Your turn.”
He thought deeply, eyes wandering around the room as if the perfect question was hidden around here somewhere. You had become slightly nervous, Loki seemed like the kind of person to intentionally rip you apart from the inside out, so his questions were bound to hold weight. And after you put him in his place and stormed off last time, no doubt he held a bit of hostility towards you.
“I’ve got it,” he spoke up after a few long moments of silence, “What’s your biggest psychological fear?”
You felt your face drop, thinking about all the irrational fears in your mind. You knew the answer to this immediately — it was something you worried about dealing with on a daily basis. There was no harm in answering the truth, so you answered him honestly.
“Having to watch someone I care about die and not being able to do anything about it.”
Loki smirked, nodding in approval of your answer despite the change of tone in your voice, “Fair.”
You thought back to the countless occasions where you’d been forced to watch Tony suffer and bleed out without being able to help. It crushed your heart into tiny pieces, but in the long run, it was what made you so determined to be a part of the Avengers. With this job, you were able to help as many people as possible. It was going to change your life, you were nearly certain of this.
“My turn,” you spoke up, “What’s the best childhood memory you have?”
Loki’s smirk faltered and his playful expression shifted, “Good childhood memory? I’m afraid that doesn’t exist.”
You eaned forward in you chair with furrowed eyebrows, “I call your bluff. Everyone’s gotta have a good memory from their childhood, no matter how messed up it was. Didn’t you ever go to like, Asgard Disneyland or something?” You knew you were striking a nerve with the way his upper lip twitched, his gaze suddenly growing distant.
“My childhood is really none of your concern. And it wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest, so drop it.” If it wasn’t for the deadly look he was shooting your way, you would have pressed the subject more.
You nodded your head slowly and raised your hands in surrender, deciding to take the high road and be gentle, “Alright, my bad. I’ll ask a different question. What’s something that’s on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?”
"That... wasn’t a question I was expecting. I’m over a thousand years old, I’ve done a lot,” he looked down to his hands, “But... world domination, obviously.”
You rolled your eyes, “That doesn’t count. Something meaningful, Loki.”
He seemed deep in thought, looking back and forth between his left and right hand as if the answers were scribbled deep into his skin. He squinted slightly before looking back at you, a sudden amused glint in his eyes.
“I’d like to see the universe, I guess,” he shrugged, eyes leaving yours and peering around the room, “I at least have the chance to see more than you do.”
“Of course,” you rolled your eyes, “We’re not all godly galactic beings, y’know.”
As he opened his mouth to speak, a loud crash came from outside the door to the room. You stood up, already on high alert, completely forgetting that you were in a room with the bad guy. You raised your finger to your lips, shushing Loki. Why you did it, you have no idea. But you figured if you were going to crack him, might as well show him you’re trying to protect him too.
With ragged breathing, you stood behind the wall, hand on the gun you had hidden in your waistband. Touching the gun still felt foreign to you, but you brushed the uneasiness aside and tried to contact someone.
“Fury, what was that?” you pressed the communications button on the screen in front of you, “Everything alright?”
As if on cue, the door whisked open and Tony stood tall, hands behind his back and a scowl on his face. He looked from Loki to you, his intense gaze softening a tad.
“What the hell was that?” you breathed a sigh of relief, glad that there was no enemy barging in. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a fight. You had had enough of those for a lifetime.
“I dropped my coffee,” Tony turned around and pointed at the ground, where indeed, a broken mug was scattered, the dark coffee beginning to spread across the floor.
“You — what? The crash was so loud!” you put your gun back in your waistband, baffled, “Why are you being so ominous? What’s wrong?” Something about the spilled coffee and the way he was standing seemed odd, even you couldn’t figure out what he was getting at.
“I need to talk to you,” he placed his hand on your shoulder and began leading you out of the room, “Privately.”
“It was a lovely chat, Y/N,” Loki’s voice called to you as you exited the room, “Until next time.”
You turned back to look at him, catching his eyes as the door slammed shut. Tony placed his hand on your shoulder and pushed you up against the wall, leaning in close so no one could hear.
“Fury’s gonna use the sceptre to make weapons,” he said quietly, pulling away to gauge your reaction. You stared blankly at him, thinking over what he could mean.
“Like, our Fury? Using the Tesseract?” you asked, “No way. He’s not that advanced.”
Tony hushed you once a group of Shield agents rounded the corner, but as they moved out of sight, he moved you futher along the corridor, “I hacked into their files.”
“You what?”
Slightly outraged, you raised your voice, only to be silenced by the clamping of Tony’s hand over your mouth, “Shut up. It’s not that big of a deal. I hack into loads of stuff.”
You gaped at him, eyes blinking rapidly as you took in his words, “That doesn’t make it okay. But, why would Fury use the Tesseract? Doesn’t it practically have a mind of its own?”
Tony nodded apprehensively, “We think so. Which is why I think we need to confront him.”
You waved your hands rapidly, “Oh, hell no. I am not getting involved in this.”
Fury was someone you had admired — and feared, of course — but he was always someone you knew not to mess with. He had his secrets, he had his lies, and he knew how to mess with someone’s mind more than anyone you had ever met up until this mission. You were sure that if he had decided to use the Tesseract, he probably would have told you guys. And if he didn’t, there was a reasonable reason.
“Too late, you got involved when you guilt tripped me into joining the mission,” Tony shrugged, giving you a sarcastic grin, “So, come along now.”
Before you could turn away, he gripped your shoulder and brought you along with him. He manuevered you through the endless corridors, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. You had never been to his and Banner’s lab, but you figured that was probably where he was taking you.
And you stood corrected.
Standing awkwardly in the center of the lab, surrounded by heavy machinery and flickering computers, Bruce Banner sent you a small wave.
“Y/N,” he greeted, “I guess Tony explained everything to you, huh?”
You nodded, massaging your shoulder gently now that Tony’s aggressive grip was gone, “Yeah, and I gotta say, still sounds like a far fetched theory, guys.”
Bruce sighed, “I thought so too. But look here.”
He pointed to a computer screen on his right, so you slowly approached, eyes widening as you took in what was on the screen. It was a blueprint for a weapon, a massive gun that had the power to take down whatever was in its path. And right at the centre, glowing bright blue, was unmistakably the Tesseract.
“No fucking way,” you couldn’t take your eyes off the screen. So it was true. Fury was going to use the intergalactic power of an other-worldly object to power his own Shield weapons.
“Told ya,” Tony smirked, leaning against the counter behind him and taking a pack of dried fruits out of his back pocket, “Now do you agree we need to talk to him?”
“Fine,” you gave in, lifting your hand to rub between your brow. All of the information was beginning to give you a headache.
You snatched the dried fruit bag from Tony and grabbed a handful, your stomach suddenly feeling quite empty. You hadn’t expected Fury to keep such a dangerous secret from you all — after all, it seemed like you were all on the same page. Get rid of the Tesseract and Loki.
“Look, I’ll go find out where the Tesseract is, and we’ll confront Fury, okay?” you looked between the two, “Promise me you won’t go piss him off before we have the proper information.”
The two begrudgingly agreed, so you decided it was a good enough answer for you. Grabbing another handful of food, you turned to face them, giving them the ‘I’m watching you’ stare and leaving the room.
You continued your way back down the familiar hallways, turning left and then right, stopping once again in front of the door that was hiding Loki. He was probably the only person that knew where the Tesseract was, which only made this so much more important.
Taking a deep breath, you pressed your finger print on the scanner and entered the room again. Although, you weren’t met with the same playful Loki that you had been playing twenty questions with before. He looked enraged, pacing around the cell with his arms crossed.
His eyes snapped up to you once you entered the room, door shutting loudly behind you, “I’m back.”
“I’ve noticed,” he approached the glass, the anger still etched into his pale face, “What do you want now?”
“Oh, snappy,” you raised an eyebrow, wondering why the change in his tone, “I’ve been gone not ten minutes. Why the change in tone?”
“I thought maybe I could see you as a friend,” he spoke slowly, continuing to pace in circles around the cell, “But what is it you want?”
“Who says I want anything?” you crossed your arms, seating yourself on the same chair you were using before, “I’m only a part of this to save my brother, make a name for myself. Help people the way I know best.”
“You think you can do anything? You petty, puny human? What gift do you have?” he motioned his hands at you, “You sit here thinking you can get to me, but you can’t. You think I don’t recognize mind games when they’re aimed at me?”
Still unsure why he was being so snappy, you raised your eyebrow and tilted your head, “If I don’t have a gift, why do you assume I’m playing mind games?”
“You’re pathetic,” he continued as if he hadn’t heard you, “Coming here and speaking to me like we’re equals. Like you’re better than me. You’re not. You’re a sad excuse for a life, you’ve got what’s coming to you. Thinking you can... what? Save your brother? You can’t save him. You can’t even save yourself. You won’t be spared because you know my favorite colour.”
The atmosphere in the room had changed drastically, and if it weren’t for the violent thumping of your heart, you’d think this wasn’t real. But it was. He was real. He was speaking to you, belittling you in every way you had ever been insecure.
You stared blankly, registering his words and the bitter taste they left in your mouth. Had they been his plan? To hurt you? If it was, you didn’t want to let him win, to give in, but it was hard to act like you weren’t affected.
“You’re a monster,” you blinked, trying to brush off the sting in your eyes and the itchy feeling in your throat. If you were to be emotional in front of him, he’d win fair and square.
“No, no,” he smirked, “You guys brought the monster.”
At first, you figured he was talking about himself. How you guys had brought him here, caged him, and riled him up to the point where he would unleash his fury on all of you. But as you stared into his smirk and the mischievous glint in his eyes, you knew you were wrong.
He was talking about another monster. And what monster could he use to his advantage while being away from his alien crew?
“So,” you stood up quickly, emotions gone as the realization flooded over you, “Banner. That’s your play.”
He cocked his head to the side, a confused expression taking over his face, “What?”
You approached the glass, fed up and beyond angry, “Well, thanks for opening up. It was greatly appreciated. This was a very informative little session. I’ll see you next time!”
You rushed to the door, ignoring the way he called out your name, and left the room hastily. Your head was swimming, body feeling suddenly very numb. There was no way this was going to end well. If Loki managed to get into Banner’s head, the Hulk would cause incredible damage. Not only on the ship, but to the people aboard.
You had to go find Bruce.
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Requested by mixgoldenphoenix :  Connor being forced to go on a beach 'vacation' with Hank and running into Reader while there. *nod*
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(Gif not mine but writing is)
A Day in the Sun
"Lieutenant, I do not entirely agree with this idea. It is completely illogical." said a displeased Connor, looking at Hank as they walked side by side. "It would be much more beneficial if I stay in the office to complete all outstanding paperwork."
Hank continued to face forward as if he was intentionally ignoring the android, before replying with a sigh.
"Everyone is entitled to a little holiday from work. It's just annoying that we had to force you to take yours. Besides, it's nice to have a break. Nobody wants your systems overheating and crapping out on us due to exhaustion." He smiled in his best effort to make light of the entire situation. If he was stuck with a frustrated android all day, it was better to attempt to make Connor see the logic behind the little trip.
The pair of them were slowly strolling along the beach a little way away from their office because Hank suggested that 'nothing says vacation like going to the beach.' It was true that a lot of effort was put into convincing Connor to take a day off work. But it was agreed by everyone that no matter how much he hated the idea, it was the perfect way to rest his internal systems whilst gently expanding his mind to new experiences. It wasn't the weekend so the beach front was not particularly busy, despite the great weather. However, the odd passer-by would still stop and stare at the sight of what seemed to be a human taking their android for a walk.
"I don't understand why I have to wear this." Connor mumbled whilst looking down at his outfit for the day. He was wearing a light coloured t-shirt, dark baggy shorts and a pair of sneakers. It was almost far too casual for him to bare.
"Look around Connor. Do you see anyone wearing a suit and tie at the beach on this boiling hot day?" Hank asked. After quickly surveying the surrounding area, Connor shook his head in response. "Connor... just enjoy the damn day." he sighed. As Connor continued to look around, he couldn't help but notice that the people were so carefree here. They could somehow let everything go and just relax, forgetting all of their personal worries. The whole concept baffled him.
Finally, you thought to yourself. A day where you can just kick back and relax. Taking a day off was the perfect idea as things at work had been getting a little crazy lately. There was your part time job and then the freelance work that you did with the DPD on top. Well the DPD work was a lot more self-indulgent for you. Ever since you were little you were inspired by the literary character Sherlock Holmes. His character had always been so intriguing to you. The man who would not let things like sentiment get in the way of solving a mystery. Despite being fictional, he was still the perfect crime fighting machine in your eyes. It helped that you'd also made friends with people at the DPD. Hank and Connor. Despite being an android, Connor has come such a long way. You'd been told that he now even shared Hank's apartment. The pair were always kind and welcoming to you, even though Hank was a little rough around the edges.
You continued to walk along the seafront, completely carefree. Basking is the warm glow of the sun as your sandals slowly sank into the golden sand with every step you took. Looking at your outfit, you were glad that you had applied two layers of sunscreen this morning. Your bathing costume was pretty standard and the fabric clung to your figure. A sarong was tied around your waist, extenuating your hips slightly. You needed it to cover your legs up a little. Despite being a bit self-conscious however, it did feel nice to shed your work clothes for once.
Looking around, you were amazed at the lack of people around you. It was definitely the right day to be at the beach. If it was the weekend it would be packed with families building sandcastles, paddling in the sea and slowly turning burnt red in the sun. However at the moment there was hardly anyone. Some dog walkers, a couple strolling hand in hand, a young and old guy talking to each other as they walk in your direction. Wait a minute. The slicked back dark hair of the young man and the longer shaggy grey hair of the old one were instantly recognisable.
Luckily they were both lost in conversation, which gave you the perfect opportunity to quietly walk towards them without them noticing you. "Hello Hank and Connor. Its great to see you!" you beamed with a big smile on your face as you stopped in front of them. The pair of them jumped slightly. You had to bite your lips to suppress a laugh from escaping as you notice that Hank is wearing an obligatory holiday Hawaiian shirt. With that and Connor's outfit, the duo looked almost looked unrecognisable.  
"Good morning Miss (Y/L/N)" said Connor in a more enthusiastic tone compared to his usual monotone one.  
"Hey (Y/N) how are ya? Fancy seeing you here. Have you taken a day off too?" added Hank with a chuckle.
"Yes. Work has been so hectic lately, I just needed to rest up a bit and go back tomorrow all guns blazing. Also I just couldn't stay in on a gorgeous day like today even thoug-" you abruptly stopped talking at the distracting sight in front of you. The LED light on the side of Connor's head frantically flickered yellow as he looked up and down at you. Unable to process how different you looked. Your hair was free and your attire was form fitting. His gaze upon you made a light blush fill your cheeks in embarrassment. It was only when Hank elbowed Connor in the side that he finally stopped staring.
"Would you like to join us?" Connor asked in an attempt to make the current situation less awkward. Also he thought it would be perfect to spend the day with his two favourite humans.  
"I would love to. Only if it's ok with you both." you reply as your eyes darted to Hank who nodded in response. A smile started to spread across your face, which was quickly mirrored by the two men.  
"Why don't I go an buy us an ice cream? You stay here with tin man and I'll be back in a minute." said Hank.  
"Shouldn't I come with you to buy my ow-" you started to protest before you were cut off by Hank. "My treat. Think of it as a shitty way of me saying thank you for all of the work you've done for us recently." With that he walked away.
You laughed a little at how abruptly Hank had finished the conversation as you walked towards the sea before sitting down on the warm sand. It surprised you when Connor didn't copy your actions. You looked up to find him standing whilst looking down at you, confused at what he should do with himself. Moving your hand, you lightly pat the ground next to you, signalling for him to sit down next to you. Which he now did. The pair of you looked at each other, politely smiling as you did so.  
"How are you enjoying your vacation?" you ask whilst tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.  
"It is adequate, though I was reluctant to take it." he replied sternly.
"I can imagine that." you laughed.  
At times you could be nervous talking to people but from the day you first met Connor, he instantly put your mind at ease. He didn't judge people like humans do.
You looked out to the seemingly endless ocean before gazing back at the android once more. Connor had always intrigued you. What must it be like to be so static and rigid, then to all of a sudden start to feel things for the first time? Not just emotions but also the simple pleasures in life.  
"Have you liked the experience of going to the beach?" you asked in curiosity.  
"It is satisfactory." he replied bluntly. You look at him puzzled, remembering the amazement you felt as a child when your parents took you on trips out to the beach, which is still a feeling you carried with you now. An idea suddenly popped into your head.  
"But have you really experienced it?" you questioned him again.  
Connor stared passed you and off into the distance. The LED light in his head flickering as he tried to understand what you were saying. The sentence itself made sense but the context you were putting it in really didn't. He was here at the beach so he must be experiencing it, right?
When he didn't answer, you honestly thought you had broken him. "Connor?" relief washed over you when his head turned back round to face yours. "Let me show you what I mean. Close your eyes and be still." you instructed. He quickly complied. The sunny scene was now dark and his operating systems were now running somewhere in the background. To his surprise, his other senses heightened and he started to pick up on the tiniest details. The light breeze that delicately caressed his face, the constant sound of waves gently crashing into the shore. The distant murmur of laughter as people went about their lives. His surroundings were somewhat idyllic. Very different from his daily life of violence and corruption. Joy filled your body as you saw the corners of Connor's lips turn up into a smile. "So this is what the beach is like." he whispered.  
Connor's eyes snapped open as the familiar form of Hank sat down beside him. In one hand he was holding a plain vanilla ice cream filled cone but in the other was a cone filled with vanilla ice cream topped with sauce and an assortment of sprinkles, which he held out to you.  
"Is this better than just a shitty way of saying thank you?" Hank chuckled.
"Definitely!" you replied whilst taking the treat filled cone from him. Smiling at the two men and then staring at your sugar filled ice cream you could not help but burst out laughing. What a perfect way to spend your day off.
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angelicrome · 8 years
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i’m like 110%  sure i’ve used that gif before but whatever - also this is rly good like read it you won’t regret it lmao, i’m begging 
Series: Paid to be Popular - The Purpose of Love - Bittersweet Generation
Requested: no, but i had a convo w @calumofficials a very long time ago about college!ashton lmao
Pairing: Art major!Ashton x Y/N
Description: When Y/N looks over the cute and curly-haired art major’s shoulder, she realises who he has been drawing for a long period of time; her.
It had become a normal thing for Ashton just to sit outside on the grass with a sandwich by his side and his sketchbook in his lap as he leant up against that one bench and then he would just draw whatever or whoever crossed his road. Sometimes it would be a gloomy flower in front of him, other times it would be scenarios or a person with a crazy hairdo just walking past. This had become a habit. After lunch, he would just sit down on the grass, not on the bench, but on the grass. Normally, he would take his lunch with him, maybe even some music occasionally. Drawing everything that he could think of.
This day was no different. He sat with his brown, round glasses on the bridge of his nose, the curls laying perfectly messy on his head, and his tongue sticking out as he focused on the current drawing. A girl. The girl he had slowly become more attracted to. He didn’t know her. All he knew was that after lunch she would be sitting with her friends on the lawn, the exact same time Ashton was.
Ashton leant against the bench with a sigh. Ten meters in front of him the girl he was drawing was sitting with a smile and friends surrounding her. He didn’t draw her friends, it was only her. It was her eyes that had caught him, the way the sunlight hit them. He sighed out of frustration. Her eyes were special - and he couldn’t draw them right.
He had used days on drawing her. Three days, to be exact. She looked ridiculous - not in person, but on his paper.
She looked his way, turned her head towards his figure. His eyes had automatically gazed towards her, as they did when he didn’t focus on drawing. And she looked his way, caught his eyes and Ashton forgot to look away. Her eyes were mesmerising, the way the shadows from the tree above danced on her face, the only light being her eyes. She had stopped talking with her friends and just… she just looked as Ashton as if he was a creature, something she had never seen before.
Fuck, Ashton thought. It wasn’t normal to look a stranger in the eyes. Especially, when you were drawing that exact stranger without the stranger knowing. If, if, the stranger found out about the scribble on the sheet on Ashton’s lap, she would think he was weird. Insane, even.
So, instead, Ashton cut her out. Looked down to the paper and started drawing long lines across her waist. He focused on something else on the drawing now, something that wasn't her eyes. He cut her out completely, pushed his glasses up and forgot about time. Forgot about the small talk, forgot about the girl.
Time passed and now the only thing missing on the drawing of the girl was the eyes. He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair before looking up at her usual spot under the tree. But she wasn’t there. Neither were her friends. The only thing left was the tree, still casting shadows on the lawn.
“You’re a really good drawer,” Ashton flinched at the unknown voice. It was calm, and the words were said with care and sincerity. He looked up only to find the girl with the eyes, the girl he had been drawing for three days. Her eyes were scanning the paper and her lips were thin before they turned into a faded, loveable smile. Ashton didn’t say anything. The sounds of birds filled campus and the girl sat down beside him - not on the bench, but leaning against the bench.
“Is that me?” She asked with a smirk and nodded towards the paper. Ashton quickly closed his sketchbook and put away his pencil as if it was going to delete what she had seen.
“Uh, I just draw whatever…” Ashton murmured and fumbled with the sketchbook in his hands, his face turning red as his stomach flipped. 
“Why don’t I have any eyes?” She questioned with furrowed eyebrows. He could feel how close she was, how she watched every move he made. But he didn’t look at her - but at the tree ten meters in front of him. The tree she would normally sit under.
“I… I haven’t gotten to that yet,” Ashton answered, closed the book and bit his lip. The girl didn’t say anything for a solid second before she pulled the book out of his lap and looked through it. She stopped at a few of his best drawings until she reached the latest, hers.
“Could you finish it? Even if I'm sitting right next to you?” Her voice was quieter as she studied the page. She studied the lines drawn with a single pencil and ran her fingers down the paper with an impressed look.
“I don’t know,” Ashton said slowly and watched how she analysed herself on paper, almost scared to take his book back. “You’re not exactly easy to draw.”
Her head shot up towards him and for the first time, they looked into each other’s eyes. Ashton couldn’t look away as the colours blurred together in her eyes, giving her a curious exotic look. Somehow, he had caught her attention with the way he drew and the way he talked, just like she had caught his.
“Why not?” She sounded almost hurt and Ashton quickly took the book back and stared the drawing. It was hard to draw such a stunning girl with a hint of mystery.
“Your eyes are… they’re kinda hard to draw.” Ashton nodded and turned his head towards the sheet.
“They’re just… they have a special glimpse. A glimpse you can’t draw.” He bickered, raising his voice a bit more than intentionally. She looked away from him and his drawing and said completely stiffly. The heat rose to her cheeks as she thought about her words.
“I’m Y/N - if you ever needed a name for the girl.” It was almost a whisper, and Ashton closed his book and put it aside, hiding it under the bench.
“Ashton.” He answered and reached forward to shake her hand. As he looked her in the eyes for the second time, a smile appeared on her beautiful lips.
“I know that. I’ve heard about you.” She said and nodded with a sly smirk. Ashton’s cheeks got a deep red undertone.
“What?” He questioned with a smirk, his dimples appeared under his blushed cheeks as he looked away for a moment before looking at her again.
“Ashton. The cute and curly-haired art major.” She changed her voice to a high-pitched sounding and batted her eyelashes, looking at the air as if she was in love. Clearly, she was impersonating someone she knew. Ashton chuckled at her as she stopped her ‘acting’. “I live with three other girls.”
Ashton ruffled up his curls, trying to hide his face just for one second because of the embarrassment. Ashton never saw himself as… wanted among girls. They usually left him alone with his drawings and gave him weird looks when they walked by.
“I did not know that.” Ashton grinned, as his confidence grew. He looked her in the eyes, only to see how flustered she was getting.
“Yeah, you’re pretty popular among the girls around campus.” She murmured and fiddled with one of the silver bracelets around her wrist. A small heart was hanging loosely as a charm to the bracelet.
“That’s not how I experience it,” Ashton said quietly. Y/N was looking at him with big eyes, knowing that in a minute she had class. Why couldn’t he just ask her out yet? She needed to leave soon and… she didn’t want to leave without a date or at least his number.
“Me neither. Guys aren’t exactly standing in line for me.” She hinted and put a stray of hair behind her ear. Ashton's eyes widened with joy.
“Really? So no boyfriend? Even with your gorgeous eyes?” The last sentence wasn’t supposed to be said out loud and Ashton coughed slightly as soon as he had realised what he had said. But Y/N only giggled at him and shook her head.
“No boyfriend.” Her eyes light up as he watched her, thinking about his next move.
“Would you want one?” He questioned and bit his bottom lip, thinking. A huge smile smeared across her face as she tilted her head with a laugh.
“Are you asking me out?” She decided to give Ashton a small push to get him to ask her on a date. She couldn’t wait forever.
“Maybe… uh, I mean, yes. Yes, I am.” He stammered and fiddled with his long fingers. “Unless you don’t want to.”
“I would love to.” She giggled and looked at Ashton with a serenity. “Should I write down my number somewhere?”
“Sure.” He said and quickly pulled out his sketchbook from under the bench. He found the page with the drawing of Y/N and reached her his pencil. She held back a smile, as she wrote down her digits at the bottom of the page, quickly standing up from the grass.
“I have class now.” The sun shined in her eyes, making her squint as she looked down at Ashton with a smile. The colour seemed to change as the light hit her and she blinked a couple times, her hair hiding parts of her face. Ashton was almost hypnotised as he studied her eyes. They had a soft glimmer of knowledge and eagerness, and Ashton had completely forgotten about time as he realised what he was missing on his drawing. He had figured out why he just couldn’t get her eyes to look as stunning as they did in person.
“I’ll call you. Or text you.” He said and Y/N nodded with a smirk. Before she was gone, Ashton had already begun drawing the missing piece in her eyes.
After endless talking on the phone when Ashton had gotten home that day, they sat a time and place for the first date. And instead of flowers Ashton brought Y/N the finished drawing of her.
And the eyes looking as striking and complex on paper as they did in person.  
A/N: i literally had zero idea for the title but i decided to call it eyes bc it’s a beautiful story - i actually think this imagine is one of my favourites ever which is great :))
Masterlist // Talk to me (and give me feedback lmao)
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