#and yes Mateo just fucking hates Pepa
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I have a idea so Felix’s mom and dad go on a date and they say no ïżŒïżŒïżŒpeople over while we are gone so Felix being young and he invites pepa over to his house they fuck and Felix tells matoe not to tell mom and dad so when Felix’s mom goes in his room to put his ïżŒclothes in his dresser and she finds condoms in there she doesn’t care but ïżŒshe see’s that it only comes with 3 condoms but it’s only one in there and she’s knows that she just got them yesterday so Mateo being a little brother tells his mom and dad that Felix had pepa over?? ( I really love your story’s they are so good 😊 keep it up) - from djkingïżŒ
This is oddly SO specific, but I will take ANY chance to write FĂ©lix's parents because I love them, so let's GO-
"Now your brother Julio won't be back till late tonight, he's helping the Guzman's out with their new house. That, and I think Rose Guzman kinda likes watchin' him while he works. So, with all the other kids out tonight, YOU need to watch Mateo, got it?"
FĂ©lix looked up from the pile of clothes he was currently folding. Being old enough to be 'the man of the house', he had to fold the kid's clothes when his mom wasn't able to.
"Si, mami, I understand. Surprised he didn't want to go to that slumber party."
"Oh you know him-poor boy can't help but start trouble. Now tell me, how good is your mami lookin'?"
FĂ©lix chuckled as he walked up behind his mother, meeting her reflection's gaze.
"You look BEAUTIFUL, mami, even more than usual. Papi is going to be tripping all over you."
"That man better-made me have six whole ass kids. Including you, and honey, am I proud of you."
He chuckled as his mother held onto his face to kiss it, earning her a kiss to her forehead too. So he loved his mami, so much, big whoop.
"You want me to walk you downstairs? Send you off?"
His mom laughed, her laugh as loud as it was honest. She sat up from her vanity, lightly swatting at his shoulder.
"Well I raised myself a little prince charming! Alright, alright, you can walk ya mama."
FĂ©lix offered his arm to her, and he helped her walk down the steps. He was mostly worried over the massive size of her heels, but he knew better than to question her choice in clothes. No body in this house could tell her what to do. His dad was dressed up in his brown suit, and he cracked just the smallest smile upon seeing his wife. FĂ©lix's dad didn't exactly talk very much, preferring to let his wife so most of the speaking. Unless of course, he wanted to critique you or call you out if you did something really stupid. He took his wife's hand, holding it in his own. In her heels, mami looked even TALLER than her husband (which was saying something, he already barely reached her shoulder).
"Te ves hermosa, bon bon."
"Aw, thank you, Ramone baby. FĂ©lix, be a peach and get my purse, I left it in the kitchen."
FĂ©lix nodded and did as she said. He found her purse on the dinning room table, but stopped, just for a moment, to speak a peek at them. His father was trailing kisses up her arm like a madman, muttering how beautiful and how lovely and how wonderful she was. FĂ©lix's dad wasn't very PDA, but get them in a room alone together, and this guy wouldn't stop. His mami loved it too, laughing and blushing and calling him 'more fresh than an ear of corn'. They loved each other, and FĂ©lix knew he wanted that kind of love in his future marriage.
FĂ©lix however, decided to step in as soon as he heard the sentence 'and wait till you see what I'm gonna do to that sweet ass', deciding that was waaay too vivid of an image. His father stopped as soon as FĂ©lix walked in, handing his purse to his mami. She was still flushed, wooed to death by her passionate husband.
"Oh Ramone, you dog~...now, FĂ©lix honey, before your papi makes me forget. Mateo needs to be in bed by nine, and we won't be back till tomorrow afternoon, so you gotta make breakfast for everyone when the house gets busy again, got it?"
"Si mami, of course."
They turned to leave, when Ramone muttered something, making his wife snap her fingers.
"Oh thank you, honey. One more rule, I don't want you inviting anyone over, got it? I don't want you distracted with any little lady. Or boy."
"Mami for the last time, NOTHING is going on with AgustĂ­n, I TOLD you what happened!"
"Honey, you were wet and naked on top of him. It sounds weird. But my point stands, it's gonna be you, Mateo, and maybe Julio if he comes back early. But NO ONE else. Get it?"
"Got it."
"Good. Now come on you, you promised me some dancin' tonight! Mama gotta MOVE!"
FĂ©lix waited till the door was shut. Then he looked through the window, and watched as they soon left. As soon as they left, the doorbell rang. Just in time. He stuck a rose in between his teeth, and answered the door. Pepa. She was fashionably late, just like he planned.
"Hola, Pepita~"
She giggled at him, and boy was it cute. Hell, she looked super cute tonight, pretty ponytail and all. She dressed for him, he could tell based on those thigh high socks she knew he loved.
"A rose? Really? A little cliché, isn't it?"
"Did it make you laugh?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
"Then that's all that matters~"
She rolled her eyes at him, helping herself in and plucking the rose from his lips, letting herself get a sniff. Oh he should've hired a painter. Pepa standing there, rose covering a small part of her face as her eyes shimmered for him, and him alone.
"I hated how that worked."
"Me too, think I kinda cut my lip a little, actually."
She gently held his face, lightly scowling in concern.
"Ay, pobrecito. Here, let me kiss it better~"
And kiss it better she did. She practically yanked him towards her, and they kissed. Once, twice, three, four, he kinda lost count after a while. Hard to count when she was wearing new lipstick, that demanded too much of his attention. She pulled away for a moment, and he just now realized she wrapped her arms around him, frame nice and snug against his. No wonder he felt all warm and shit. He grinned as he gently nipped at her lip.
"You sure YOU aren't the one with healing powers? Because damn do I feel better."
"You haven't seen anything yet, Hombrecito. When I get up there, I'm going to make you fucking pound me till you break that bed board, and-"
"You aren't supposed to have people over."
Pepa jumped at the sudden voice, a jolt of thunder over her head spooking him as well. Mateo was standing there, sitting at the stairs. He clung to his stuffed toy, and he looked as grumpy as he ever did. Pepa straightened herself out, offering a slight smile. She was GREAT with kids.
"Mateo! How are you mijo? Aren't you supposed to be going mimis?"
"You ain't my mom, get bent."
Most kids. Pepa was good with most kids. FĂ©lix carefully grabbed her shoulders to try to calm her, not wanting his little brother to get zapped.
"Pepi, easy. Look, imma talk to him, get him in bed, wait for me in my room."
He had his shirt grapped by her, bringing him down so she could have her lips against his ear.
"I'm going to touch myself in your bed. When you get up there, my pussy is gonna be fucking wet and ready for you. Do NOT keep me waiting, understand, hombre?"
She was bossy as hell. He liked it. He gulped, before nodding.
"Si, I understand. Now go be a good girl for me~"
He gently swatted her butt as she made it upstairs. FĂ©lix knelt down to look at Mateo. Thankfully, Mateo at least liked yours truly, and even considered him his best big brother.
"Mateo, you can't tell mami, okay?"
"If you're not supposed to be doing it, why you doin' it?"
FĂ©lix shouldn't be teaching him this lesson, but he had PEPA PUSSY waiting on him, this was an emergency. He lightly patted his curls.
"It's one of things that doesn't hurt anyone if they don't know. It'll only hurt mami I'm caught, got it? But it benefits you! Because if you say nothing, I'll get you a new toy tomorrow, deal?"
Mateo thought about it, before nodding.
"I want a cat stuffy."
"I'll get you a cat stuffy. Now, off to bed, alright? Me and Pepa are going to uh, be wrestling for a while. So any sounds you hear, ignore it."
FĂ©lix got him into his room, tucked him in (after checking for monsters under his bed), before leaving, and heading to his own room. And holy shit, was he a lucky man. Pepa was laying against his pillows, panties and bra to the floor, tits out, legs open with fingers in her pussy, and a condom between her teeth. He shut the door quickly, on the off chance anyone would see this.
"Condom between the teeth? A bit cliché, don't you think?"
"Did it make you smile?"
"EVERYTHING about you makes me smile. So, yes."
"Then worth it. Now get over here and use it~"
"I've never been able to tell a woman no~"
She hummed as she finished folding her baby's clothes. FĂ©lix was such a good boy, watching his little brother as she went out with his father. He even handled breakfast for his siblings, and even took out the trash. Ugh, he made her so proud. He was even downstairs right now, playing his tiple with his big brother. She opened his dresser, and started to put in his clothes, when she pulled something out. His condoms. Boy kept it really close to the bed, she found it funny.
"Oh that boy. Just like ME back in the day."
She was active back then, she knew what was safe and what wasn't. She was about to put it back where she found it, only to glance over it for a second longer. She remembered buying these for him (she liked to keep track of his supply, just so she knew when and if he was doing the no pants dance), and he whined that three wasn't enough. She bought it yesterday. Only...there was one left. Surely he just had the other two on his person, and this was just the survivor. Though, she recalled that he was eager to toss the trash this morning.
He couldn't have. Right? She scowled, and walked out of the room, going right to Mateo's. He preferred to be alone most of the day, minus the company with his stuffed animals. She knocked on the door, getting his attention.
"Hey mama."
"Hey hey, honeypot. How you doin'?"
"I'm good, we're all playing simon says. I'm winning."
"That's my boy. Hey, I had a question for you. You remember how me and your papi went out yesterday?"
Mateo nodded, grip on his new stuffed toy showing her that he was a bit uncomfortable.
"Uh huh."
"And you had FĂ©lix watch you. Did he have someone over?"
"You can tell me, baby."
Mateo settled for a nod.
"It was Pepa. I think it's because he took something from her."
"Took something?"
"Uh huh. Because she kept yelling 'give it to me', and there was lots of banging. I dunno how I went to bed."
Oh he was dead. That boy was dead. She steeled her temper, just for a second, patting her son's head.
"Okay, thank you baby. Imma go see exactly what FĂ©lix took from Pepa. You need anything?"
"No thank you."
She left, shutting the door, and after making sure the door was closed, marched right to the living room. He was with his brother, softly playing for one another. She hated to interrupt such a sweet moment, but she wasn't gonna let his cute face make him get out of punishment. Even if he smiled when he looked up at her.
"Mami! You wanna hear us play? We can play you something to dance to!"
Julio nodded in agreement. HE was never as much trouble as his siblings, her (no longer so little) Julio.
"I would love to play you something, mami. FĂ©lix has been improving too."
"Thank you, Julio. But unfortunately, FĂ©lix is needed upstairs."
"One second mami-"
"Now, young man, I did NOT get the lord's patience today."
FĂ©lix knew he was in the weeds, she could see it on his face. Julio looked confused for a moment, before leaning into his brother a bit.
"I THINK the emotion we're seeing is 'angry'"
"Great job Julio, applause all around."
"Thank you."
Julio never got sarcasm. The second FĂ©lix stood up, she grabbed his ear, practically yanking his ass up the stairs. She let him go only when they made it to his room, and she gestured to the packet of condoms. Oh he was a smart boy, immediately knowing he fucked up. She put her hands on her hips, gesturing to it.
"Get to talkin' young man."
"I uh. Well I mean, you know I go through these fast! I uhm. You know, life happens and-"
"Imma let you try again. This time, don't stand there and lie RIGHT to your mama's face."
He winced, shrinking under her glare. He was trying to think of something, but FĂ©lix was a terrible liar, even though his ass kept trying.
"Okay mami you can't blame me! It was PEPA!"
"Boy, I don't care if it was mother mary in your bedroom, I told you NO COMPANY. Your job was to watch your brother!"
"I put him to bed! I didn't think it was a big deal!"
She huffed at him, gesturing to Mateo's room.
"He heard you! He said 'I think he took something from her, because she kept yelling give it to me'. That boy was NOT asleep!"
FĂ©lix snickered, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
"I TRIED to keep her quiet, really I did...~"
"Oh you think this shit is funny-RAMONE! Get up here and save your son from me, right now!"
"God dammit- FĂ©lix, you know she only calls you mine when you fuck up! What'd you do!?"
"Ramone, I said come up here, not yell from the damn kitchen!"
Ramone grumbled as he came in, clearly not happy to be here.
"Okay, I'm here, what'd he do?"
"He had company over when I told his ass not to! And now, Imma beat the black off of his sorry ass-"
Ramone gently patted her shoulder. He was always the quieter, 'let it go' sort of person.
"Bon bon, you go downstairs, have some coffee. I got this."
She huffed, but did as he said. Surely he'd discipline their child properly.
Kids were like people. Only, more fucking stupid. And honestly, that was most of his kids, including the shit head in front of him. He leaned against his dresser, and pointed at him with his lips.
"Talk to me. What's got your mami all upset?"
He fumbled for a minute, before wincing and just coming out with it.
"We uh. I had a girl over when you guys said not to, and mami found out. That part is true."
"Okay, you had a girl over. Take it the condoms were the tip off."
"Yeah we uh, had sex. Me and Pepa. Twice. How uh, how in trouble am I?"
Ramone couldn't help but snort, much to the surprise of his son.
"In TROUBLE? I'd give your ass a medal. Look at my boy, una dama asesina! Swept her off her feet, did ya?"
FĂ©lix didn't want to admit it, clearly, but the smirk on his face was huge.
"I mean, took a lot of convincing, getting her to leave."
Ramone tried not to laugh, knowing his wife had the ears of a bat. He gave his son a little noogie, chest swelling up in pride.
"Ha, I taught your ass well. No, I'm not punishing you for that, that's ridiculous. Look, imma pretend you got the belt, just fake cry. Then imma take you to town to 'punish you further', and get us some drinks, just me and you."
"Yes seriously! Woman crazy if she think imma punish my son over this. Just REALLY fake it, alright?"
FĂ©lix nodded, clearly excited at the idea of going out to drink with his old man. Sometimes parenting wasn't that bad.
Even if your kid was a fucking idiot.
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...okay look. We need more Mateo bonding with the kids like....you know what fuck magic or any bullshit like that I'm going to be the BEST uncle for all the brats.
And one of his siblings is like Mateo being a good uncle isn't a competition and he's like The Hell it isn't! You just watch I'll be their favorite!
Aw? You guys genuinely liked Mateo huh? Alright, let's have some Mateo (FĂ©lix's younger brother)and Julio (Felix's older brother) content!
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
Mateo couldn't get one fucking day off around here. He got up from the couch, beer in hand, and went to open the door. His older brother, FĂ©lix. And every booger eater in the house.
"Mateo, hey, listen, I need mami to watch the kids, something came up and-"
"Shit outta luck then, its Wednesday. Date night, remember?"
FĂ©lix groaned into his hand. His brother was usually pretty chill, so whatever this was had to be pretty important if it stressed him out.
"Is ANYONE else here?"
"Just Julio, he got back from the market a second ago."
"Dios Pepa is gonna kill me- can you guys watch the kids?"
Mateo was about to respond when Julio, who was walking down the steps, did it for him.
"Sure, we can watch them."
"Fuck you- all this 'we' bullshit."
Mateo was always mami's favorite, taking responsibility and shit. Julio walked up to them, and he HATED how much taller he was than him, a good three feet at least.
"WE will watch them, yes."
"What if I don't fucking want to?"
"Then I will."
"...oh I see- you think this makes you better than me? Screw you, I can out uncle you anyday."
"Babysitting isn't a contest."
"LIKE FUCK IT AIN'T. You know what, we'll watch your little snot rockets for you, and they'll see who's the better uncle!"
FĂ©lix looked around wildly, as if he wanted to trust a stranger with them, before groaning.
"Okay. Fine. You guys can watch them for like, two hours. But we need rules."
"No more cussing in front of them. Camilo called Dolores a 'fuckhead' the other day and Pepa was going to kill me."
"What makes you think that was ME?"
Camilo pointed at Mateo, and loudly yelled.
"RULE TWO. No threatening to beat up the kids. These are children, not a guy at the bar. You cannot fight them, and I WILL give you a barriga rosa."
Mateo folded his arms, and scoffed. Asshole. Julio nodded in understanding. FĂ©lix held up his fingers after every rule. Some of which he actually paid attention to, but he knew Julio was always paying attention.
"...five, no yelling, Dolores's ears are sensitive. And six, make sure Camilo keeps stuff OUT of his mouth. Hes been getting into licking stuff. You guys got all of that?"
"Yeah yeah we get it. Go do your thing bro."
FĂ©lix hesitated, before he knelt down to the kid's levels.
"You guys be good, okay? I'll be back in a bit, I PROMISE."
He gave them all their due kisses and hugs, before leaving. Then the kids turned to them. Fucking hell, five whole ass kids. Mateo stared at them, unsure of what to do. Julio, the jackass, was always way better with kids, even though he was boring as a bump on a log.
"Would you all like something to drink?"
Camilo immediately ran into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and held up one of his beers.
"This one!"
"Alright let me get a bottle opener-"
"Mateo these are children."
"Listen if he wants to get black out drunk, thats on him."
"Yeah! Besides, I'm an adult!"
Camilo turned into Mateo, and he gave himself a once over.
"An ugly adult, but an adult nonetheless."
"Listen here you little-!"
"Can I have juice?"
"I want lemonade!"
"I want hot chocolate!"
Many of them scrambled into the kitchen, while a couple ran into the living room. Mateo immediately went to the living room while Julio went for the kitchen. One of the girls lifted the couch clean off the floor, while Dolores picked up something off the floor.
"Oh. We found a peso!"
"Hey- put that down!"
She put it down harshly, and the sound made Dolores cover her ears, and cry. This made the other one cry too, attempting to comfort Dolores, while only making it worse. Meanwhile you had one kid throwing flowers around, one turning different adults and trying to avoid getting caught by Mateo. And you had one of them, the one with glasses, standing in place, drinking her juice. She had no 'gift' to use to contribute to this mess. That was when it clicked. He waited until 'Pepa' dashed past him, before he caught him in his arms, before Julio stomped on the floor, loudly, forcing them all into silence (save for a whimpering Dolores). Julio was holding flowers in his arms, and both her and Camilo stared up at them in curiosity. Mateo sighed.
"Okay, okay. How about we play a game?"
"I like games."
Muttered Dolores.
"Great. We're gonna play 'act like'...uh...Julio, remind me what that one's name is?"
"Did you seriously forget your niece's name?"
"You...forgot my name?"
She started to swell up in tears, and both Flowers and Muscles shot him a mean look. God women were scary.
"No no no! I just wanted to uh...see if Julio did! Julio, what's her name?"
Listen, his brother only brought over Camilo and Dolores, how the fuck was he supposed to know? Julio sighed.
"Right! Mirabel. We're all gonna pretend to be like Mirabel! So, everyone's gonna calm down, and everyone's gonna knock off the magic stuff."
Camilo stuck his tongue out to make a fart noise.
"Sounds boring."
"But the PRIZE isn't."
"Keep talkin' short stack."
Mateo flicked his forehead before continuing.
"The person to last use their powers gets to have the stash of candy I keep...somewhere. The whole bag, no sharing."
Flowers raised her hand.
"What about Dolores? She can't control hers."
"Then she can just knock off the damn tears."
Mirabel tugged on his shirt.
"But...I'm Mirabel. I act the most like me. Don't I win automatically?"
She had him there. He stammered for a response, before Julio came in to save him.
"Mirabel gets the second prize. Ice cream."
"Great, we're all excited. So no shape shifting, no lifting heavy shit, and no...f...flowers-!"
He sneezed into his elbow. God he REALLY hated this particular power. The kids looked at each other, before nodding. Julio put her down, before leaning into his brother's ear.
"How are we going to play this if you don't remember their names?"
"Uh...that's...how we start the game! Everyone gets to make nametags!"
They got the kids to sit down, gave them crayons and papers (from Julio's last kid. Not something they talked about too much in the family), and they all made their own little nametags. Julio and Mateo watched them from the kitchen, appreciating the beers, and moments of silence.
"We're fucked. So fucked. These kids are fucking nuts."
"Don't swear."
"Why are you so CALM?! Jesus fuck FEEL SOMETHING."
Julio just glanced at him blankly. Mateo was about to go off, so tired of his shit, when someone threw a paper ball at his head. The little shit stain, Camilo.
"Oye- we're done! You don't even have fun stuff like glitter!"
"Glitter makes messes."
"Your face makes a mess."
Julio didn't laugh at such an insult, but even Mateo felt himself grinning. Kid was funny sometimes.
"How about we go play ball? Burn some energy outta you runts-what, Dolores?"
Dolores put her raised hand down.
"Kicking the ball is loud. Can I stay inside?"
"Can I stay inside too? I feel like I'd kick it too hard. And my shoes are new, I don't wanna get them dirty."
Julio shrugged.
"I can watch Dolores and Luisa. I don't like sports anyway. Can you handle three out of five?"
"Duh. That's how much better at babysitting I am than you."
Julio shrugged, before plucking a few books from the shelf, and sitting down with the girls. That left three. Camilo, Isabela, and Mirabel. He could handle three, totally. Even though flowers over here made his fucking nose run. He walked them outside, and from the storage shed, pulled out a ball. He let it fall to the ground, before holding it still with his foot.
"Alright, teams of two. Camilo, you're with flowers, I got Mirabel. Goals are there, and there. Whoever gets to three wins."
"Wins what?"
Mateo shrugged.
"You guys get to say one swear word, and I won't tell your parents."
THAT got them excited. He almost wanted to let them have one for free, just in curiosity. He thought about asking Camilo to come on his side instead, but he sorta...well. Felt bad he forgot Glasses' name here. He passed the ball to Camilo, but upon seeing him transform into some tall dude, he grabbed him by his collar, stopping him.
"No magic, none of you. Remember, the game?"
Camilo pouted, before turning back to normal.
"Ugh. Right. Fine. Do over."
Mateo didn't wanna count it, but he supposed the powers were more of a reflex for them at this point. They started over, and Mateo pushed the other two away from Mirabel, letting her run. And this girl could BOLT. These two tried to chase after her, but it was too late. She scored a goal, and Mateo grinned at the opposite team.
"Wow you guys just LET her have that. This is gonna be easy."
They started again. Mirabel took the lead, Camilo tried to steal it from her, and Mateo wanted to laugh as she fucking sent him to the ground. Isabela stole it from her though, and was about to hand it to Camilo, when he stole it (fuck going easy on kids), and made the winning shot. Mirabel lifted her fists in the air in triumph, and Camilo grumbled as Isabela helped him up. His shirt was dirty, but clearly he was more mad about his winning streak. Or lack thereof. Mirabel kicked over the ball, gesturing for him to lean down.
"Think we should let them have a point?"
"Fuck that mess, I say we cream these kids."
"Imma say the biggest bad word ever."
He gave her a little high five. He liked this one. They assumed their positions, and Mirabel was on it like flies to shit. She would've made it, honestly, had she not fallen flat on her face. Isabela took it and brought it to their goal, scoring a point. He would've stopped it, had he not immediately ran to Mirabel when she didn't get up. He helped her to her feet, and winced at the scratch on her forehead.
"Shit- kid you okay?"
"Mhmm. I'm sorry I lost the point..."
"Fuck the point- I thought you cracked your damn head like a nut."
He tried to figure out what to do, when there was suddenly a band aid in his face. Isa was holding out a band aid, covered in a flower pattern. He took it from her and carefully put it on her forehead.
"Mhmm. Thank you tïżœïżœo. Gracias Isa."
Isabela and Mirabel shared a good squeeze, before they all turned when Camilo whistled. He had his foot on the ball, and he looked short as hell.
"We gonna see who wins or what?!"
Mateo grinned, fist bumping the two girls.
"Let's get it. Bonus points to whoever makes him eat shit."
She looked up at him as he wrote in his sketchbook. She didn't know how long they had been here, but it had been long enough for them to play outside until it got dark, and enough for Luisa and Dolores to make MANY paper flowers for Isa (she had been sad that she couldn't make any during their game). Enough for them to have their bellies full with food (it wasn't very good, since it was 'shitty leftovers', but they were all hungry), and to have everyone but her asleep. Luisa, Dolores, and Isabela were asleep with Julio, while she and Camilo were with Mateo. It was quiet, especially since tĂŹo Julio was asleep too.
"Hey kid. Thought you were asleep."
"I didn't wanna. What are you writing?"
"...it's a song for someone."
"Someone...I like."
His cheeks were red. Usually they got like that when he was angry, but he was also...smiling. Mirabel giggled.
"You LIKE someone. She cute?"
"Uh...yeah. Really cute. Don't go telling people, alright?"
"I won't. If I get to hear what you have so far."
"Blackmail eh? Alright you little cunt, deal. It's not much though. Uh...'At this point it's pretty gratuitous, to say that I love you I think that is obvious that you had something to do with it. I hope I don't ruin it, hope I don't accidentally throw it all away! You make me feel some kinda way, my heart isn't pumping it booms, inside of my stomach's a tiny apartment'. Kinda lost it th-"
"What if butterflies lived in the rooms?"
She didn't look at him from her piece of paper, but she heard him scribbling.
"'And butterflies live in the rooms, but only when I look at you. Uh...'Our time spent together is like planting a flower, and I think it's starting to bloom'. How's that sound?"
"It's pretty. I'd like it if a boy wrote that for me."
"Heh. You're a bit of a different kid, ain't you?"
She nodded, looking at the final folded result.
"That's what mi mami says. But I kinda...liked that about me today. Thank you."
"What for?"
"For msking it cool to not have a gift. To be...Mirabel. Everyone wanted to BE me for once. It felt nice. So, gracias, tĂŹo. You're the best."
"Better than Julio?"
She looked at sleeping Julio, and whispered, as if he'd wake up and hear her.
"Yeah. He's kinda boring. You're way cooler. Though neither of you can cook."
"No, no the fuck we can't. But thanks kid."
She put the folded butterfly on his notepad, and snuggled into his side. He was a short man, but his arm around her as he hugged her, felt like a tidal wave of warmth and affection. Even if he smelled like grown up soda. She was about to drift off into sleep, when her and Dolores woke up upon hearing the door being knocked on. Mateo picked up both her and Camilo as he went to open the door. FĂ©lix and Pepa, looking very tired.
"Hey, there you are! Wow you got him to sleep. They didn't drink anything they shouldn't have, right?"
"What kind of adult do you think I-"
"He said 'if he wants to get black out drunk, thats on him'"
"Dolores you fucking snitch."
TĂŹa Pepa was trying to keep herself calm, probably because he just swore in front of Dolores.
"Never again am I leaving you with any of these kids."
"Shit bitch, they're alive ain't they?"
FĂ©lix had to hold his wife back, chuckling awkwardly to try to diffuse the situation. The thunder was so loud, it woke every else up, most with a cry of surprise.
"He's KIDDING! He knows if he isn't, I'm beating him up. Now come on, let's take the kids home, we've had a long day."
Mateo scoffed, turning away from them.
"Fuck that. Let her go, I'll throw hands with god for these kids, I'm not scared worth a shit."
Camilo leaned forward, falling into his mother's arms, softening her, just for a moment. Julio walked over with the other kids, letting FĂ©lix hold them. FĂ©lix chuckled at the paper crown on his head.
"Let me guess, Luisa?"
"Mhmm. I'm the pretty princess of unicorn city. Neigh."
TĂŹo Julio was never really happy or sad, and his face looked bored, but something about FĂ©lix's smile said he was happy.
"Beautiful bro, beautiful. Now come on, one more for the train ride home."
FĂ©lix held his arms out to her, and she hesitated. She gave Mateo one good squeeze, muttering 'thank you' against his jacket, before letting FĂ©lix take her. FĂ©lix was about to turn around, when Mateo stopped them.
"Wait wait- settle the bet, who was the best uncle. Raise your hand if it was me."
Mirabel and Camilo raised their hands.
"Okay, who's got their vote for stupid Julio?"
Luisa, and Isabela raised their hands.
"Great, now I know who's dead to me- wait. Dolores didn't vote."
"I like TĂŹo Bruno."
"TĂŹo Bruno can suck my left n-"
Julio patted the top of Mateo's head.
"You're just mad because we tied."
"I A M MAD. THIS SUCKS. I'M BETTER THAN YOU. That's it, these two get nothing in my will."
FĂ©lix gave him a look over, brow raised.
"You own a banjo, and a pair of socks."
"TWO pairs, pandejo."
FĂ©lix rolled his eyes, before wrapping up the kids in his arm with his shirt, keeping her and Camilo warm from his body heat. It WAS getting cold.
"Uh huh. Anyhow, I'll be seeing you guys, thanks for watching them."
"Yeah yeah. See you and your crotch goblins later."
The door shut, and FĂ©lix smiled down at her as they startedbto walk home.
"So, how was it?"
"Good. TĂŹo Mateo is funny. I like him. Can we come back?"
FĂ©lix hesitated upon seeing the glare from Pepa.
"I'm...gonna go with a hard maybe. But I'm glad you had fun. Now, mimis, it's past your bedtime."
Mirabel shut her eyes as she snuggled him. Her vision slowly filled with visions of a world where being her, was gift enough.
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