#and yes I have seen those two things to be said multiple times and yeahhhh they are def based on how things just. are
varpusvaras · 1 month
Someone on the internet: Why are all boarding school stories always gay?
Someone else on the internet: Why are all the artists in media always gay?
Me, who went to a boarding school in an arts college: Well you see, sometimes things are based on real life-
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elitparadox · 4 years
Life Goes On~ (Pt. 4)
↳ miya osamu x f!reader
↳ fluff, comedy??
↳ 2.6k
↳ status: ongoing
↳ parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
You suddenly appear in haikyuu after watching the show for weeks now, and you’re trying to find a way out. Deciding to make the most of it, you learn from these talented volleyball players, cuz why waste an opportunity? You weren’t meant to fall in love with any of them, but with Osamu’s alluring formosity and talent, you can’t help but rethink your life that has led up to this exact moment.
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It’s Sunday afternoon. During the span of two days, you tried to contact someone who could help you, but it was no use, because of course, no one believed your story. On the other hand, you became a little bit more acquainted with Osamu and his too-clean apartment.
Sighing, you turn away from your borrowed laptop as you focus on Osamu’s pencil that was writing unfamiliar calculus signs on his homework paper.
“Wait- what am I going to do?”
“Hm?” Osamu doesn’t turn around as he responds.
“Don’t I have to enroll in your school? Which is the nearest one, I suppose. The hours will pass by too slowly for my liking, and I must receive my education”
Osamu’s gaze lands on you. “You could contact the principal and ask if you could attend for a few weeks with an excuse.. You’re a… 1st year?”
Silence fills the room as the two of you brainstorm.
“I guess I could do that; do you know what the principal’s phone number is? And we’ll call as an unknown number. Can you lend me your phone?”
Osamu shrugs as he enters a password, opening the calling app to the principal’s number, and hands over his phone, fingers accidentally brushing yours, making the atmosphere a little awkward.
You press the call button after quickly switching the number identity, and someone on the other end answers.
“Hi.” quick. make up a name. You fake a cough, changing your voice tone. “I’m Kagai Yinimi, Y/N’s mother. We recently moved to Japan, and I have not yet found a school fit for Y/N, but tomorrow is supposed to be the day she needs to go to school. Is there any way you could clear a spot for her?”
“Excuse me?”
You didn’t realize you just spoke English. Then it hit you. The whisper from your dream. This situation now. You’re a polyglot. (someone who can speak multiple languages fluently) You weren’t one before. So had haikyuu changed anything about you? But most importantly, why can’t you control it?
During this whole time, Osamu was looking at you with a “what the heck are you doing” expression.
You shoot him a “come help me” glance.                                                          
Osamu takes the phone from you, alters his voice tone, and says, “Sorry. My, uh, wife can’t speak Japanese yet. But she’s saying that we just moved here, and Y/N, our daughter” *pauses* “-needs a school. Is there a spot for her?”
Silence first. But after about fifteen seconds, he responds.
“Yes. However, the prefecture needs more information about this, um, transfer student. How old is she?”
“Parents name…”
So, after forty minutes, Osamu was finally able to enter you in the school.
You feel too grateful to the point that guilt eats at you for what Osamu’s doing for you, although he did have to tell the principal lies, but only because he doesn’t know you well
As Osamu ends the call, he turns around and asks “so what was all that? You can speak fluent English?” You stare at him quizzically. “Of course I can! Do you think I’m uneducated??”
He laughs, but you notice a hint of relief. “No. But why did you speak English to the principal even though you could’ve talked to him in Japanese?”
“Uh- I- the thing is, well, I’m not sure if this theory is accurate,” you said slowly, “but I think that if I talk too quickly, I speak English and if i speak a little slower like right now, I talk in Japanese” you shrugged. “I don’t really know”
Osamu looks confused for a second. You can hear him mutter “things are really weird right now”
“Mhm. Sorry, but it really wasn’t my fault that i’m in another dimension” like hell it wasn’t
He sighs slightly, then suddenly looks a little less pressured. How did he manage to change his expression so quickly??? uwu
“anyways, the principal says that tomorrow morning you can visit the main office and pick up your schedule. I could take you there-”
You cut him off. “Again, it’s ok; you don’t really have to do that- Uh, also, don’t I need textbooks? Once again, I apologize-”
“No,. it’s fine. Like I said, I’m glad to help- As for the textbooks, the teacher gives them out at the beginning of the school year, but you could ask the office tomorrow”
He smiles- a little weary, but still breathtakingly beautiful.
“Thanks again.” You feel an urge to hug him right then, but you don’t, instead walking back to your room. Because, after all, you need to return to your home and away from everything you’ve seen in these past few days.
Several more hours pass, lapsing into the night, and then morning. 5:30 A.M.
You yawn, stretching your arms and kicking the covers. Another day, another chance.
Wait- why was it nearly 5:30 in the morning? Didn’t Osamu say yesterday that school started at 7:50? It was way ahead of your usual wake time.
You hastily brush your teeth, untangle your hair as quickly as possible, change into your own clothes, and open the door, tiptoeing across the living room toward the other room to ask Osamu why his usual alarm was set so early in the morning.
But he’s already up, making breakfast. He turns around and notices you walking strangely about the living room.
You fake-cough and stand up straight, brushing off imaginary debris from your shirt. “Good morning? Um, also why is your- I mean my alarm set at this time?
“Because we have volleyball practice, remember? And you asked me for help. So it would be rather convenient to watch us practice.”
“Oh yeahhhh- I forgot. Sorry. By the way, do you live by yourself? I mean, without your parents or any siblings?”
Osamu nods, his eyes still focused intently on whatever he’s cooking.
“Okay. Uh, I was also wondering what people would think if you, um, suddenly came to school after a weekend with an, uh, immigrant, or whoever they think I am. You know what I mean?”
“Oh.” He seems thoughtful. “I could say you’re my cousin who’s staying at my apartment for around a year” He shoots a look at you. “Because, you don’t really know when you’ll be returning, right?”
You glance at the clock. It’s exactly 5:39 A.M.
“Yeah. So when does practice start?”
“You do ask a lot of questions, huh?” You can see the hint of a smirk on his cheek, making you blush. “At 6 A.M.”
“So then why are you packing a lot of food?”
“My lunch, remember?” Now he finishes preparing the light breakfast and lunch, turning around. “And yours too.”
You stare at Osamu for a little longer than usual, but quickly catch yourself, averting your eyes from his.
“Thank you again. I really don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t there to help me.”
You chuckle. It was such a lucky turn of events to meet him.
“Well, we only have around ten minutes to finish breakfast and clean up, so let’s hurry.” 
At approximately 6:00, you and Osamu enter a particularly large gym where a group of boys, the volleyball team, is warming up.
Whispers spread among them as they notice you following Osamu.
“Uh, ‘Samu? Who’s she?” A tall blond-haired boy, probably Atsumu, gestures toward you. 
Ah, so he wasn’t the flirting type that your friends like. Better tell them after you get back. If you even get back. If they would even believe you then.
“Oh, Y/N? She’s our cousin. She’s staying at my apartment”
You were pretty sure everyone on the team noticed the glare he shot at Atsumu. And you desperately wanted to climb under a rock and never come out. Nobody would believe that story now.
“Uh, well I’m only here to observe your practice. I just wanted to see everyone’s volleyball techniques and learn from there! Since I really want to advance my volleyball skills-” You cut in.
Your insides were shaking from the looks these tall boys gave you. You personally didn’t like the fact that people would view you as only Osamu’s cousin, but on the other hand, things could get fun.
“Sorry if I’m wasting everyone’s practice time. I- I should go”
“No, it’s fine.” A silver haired boy, whom you noticed was Kita, steps forward. “It’ll be nice to have someone watching and learning from our practice. And so that some people-” he shoots a glance at the twins “-won’t fool around.”
Ah. So he noticed how serious Osamu acted in front of you.
“Thank you.” You look down at your tattered shoes.
Although a few members of the team look at you cautiously, the others smile at you kindly.
As practice continues, you notice that there isn’t a female manager anywhere in the gym. Shaking your head, you focus again on the practice rally raging on. It was amazing how you had never known any sport that would involve so much shouting to cooperate and energy to race after the ball.
You were taking mental notes on volleyball techniques when a ball whizzed past you. You could literally feel the force traveling with the ball near your cheek. But then again, you were used to that stuff.
It bounced off the side wall and miraculously ended up beside your left foot. You picked up the ball carefully, checking for the brand name, and contented, threw it toward the next server. Atsumu. You had watched their routine, and it seemed that someone on the team or on the sidelines would retrieve the ball depending on where it was. So you had no worries of being judged. But all those thoughts vanished as Atsumu frowns at you.
And without even knowing the reason why he did so, you frown right back. It isn’t a big deal, but you decide that you would get over with Osamu’s twin brother right now. But then he smirks, averting his hazel eyes from you.
Out of the corner of your eye, a boy with weird dark hair turns away, clicking away on his phone.
“So what’s the deal with my brother?” Osamu asks as he leads you to the principal’s office at 7:20.
“Oh, nothing, just that he’s kinda rude?? And he doesn’t even know me! So why does he act like I’m his enemy? Wait- sorry I didn’t mean-”
“I agree.”
“HUh?” You looked at him, slightly amazed. “Oh yeah. You fight all the time.” No surprise there. “Welp, let’s see if we have any classes together in my new schedule”
Two minutes later~
“crot this” you mutter under your breath. “What am I supposed if I only have one class with you? If someone bullies me, I won’t make it out alive!!” you complained, voice lowering by the second as students nearby shoot looks at you. You could only imagine what they were thinking that had something to do with the new student, you.
“You’re exaggerating. It’s okay though, you have a class with Kita and two with Atsumu”
“oH okay, so you’re saying I have to put up with him??”
“Ignore him” He shrugs, indifferent about your so-called situation.
The first part of the day went by fine. Except for some skeptical and often rude looks thrown in your direction, the teachers seemed kind and schoolwork was a breeze.
Holding the lunch Osamu prepared for you in a paper bag, you walk tentatively toward an empty table when you hear a voice behind you.
“Why don’t you come eat with us?”
You don’t need to turn around because Osamu’s already walking next to you.
“Maybe the others won’t feel comfortable? After all, I’m a stranger who randomly appeared in their school gym to watch them just practice?? Sounds suspicious, even to me. By the way, why did you lend me a room in your apartment? I bet others wouldn’t have, out of fear that they’ll be murdered or whatever”
Osamu stays silent for quite a while, and you two are nearing the volleyball team’s lunch table. You’re wondering whether you should apologize, but he says coolly, “That’s a good question. Although this might not make any sense, I invited you to stay because from the moment I saw you, a small voice in my mind said to help you” He shrugs. “It actually happened, believe it or not. How things have gotten weird these days”
Your mind’s racing for the nineteenth time today as you sit on a metal chair between Osamu and the dark-haired boy, Suna.
You don’t realize that you’re staring blankly into space until Osamu snaps his fingers in your face and says “Aren’t you going to eat your lunch?”
You shake your head to clear up your thoughts. “Yeah. Right.”
You pull out a recyclable container from the lunch bag, fumbling with the lid holds.
It was then all hell broke loose. 
And everything from here seemed like a movie on 2x speed.
You accidentally knocked down Osamu’s thermos/bottle, which was still open, and coffee spilled all over his lap and the floor.
You desperately grabbed some napkins and tried to clean up the mess while students from the other tables were bending over backwards to memorize this scene well, because it’s not every day someone spills water over someone’s lap and there’s chaos brewing in a normal high school. 
Suna was capturing the whole thing on camera, and Atsumu- well, Atsumu he actually was trying to help. 
But of course, that went wrong, because he somehow slipped on the floor drenched with water and landed flat on his back. 
Then a bunch of girls ran over one another to help him, and a teacher nearby rushed over to smooth things out. 
You figured that everything would be fine, because after all, it was a small accident, but some idiot decided it would be funny to throw his burger right in your face. See where I’m going with this? People shouldn’t follow this action, except: monkey see, monkey do. And humans are connected to monkeys, apes, whatever. So, just like in a cheesy cliche movie clip, a food fight commenced.
Fast forward a couple more minutes after lunch ends…
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. You’re seated in the principal’s office on a firm wooden chair next to Osamu, half-listening to the principal’s lecture.
“First day of school and...blah blah... due to inappropriate blah blah, you are suspended-”
The moment your brain heard and processed the word “suspended” your defense mode activated and you started to protest about how it wasn’t your fault and people shouldn’t suppose that you’re a troublemaker just because it’s your first day of school here
The principal sighs. “I understand, but since we don’t have a janitor, you and the other kid-” he nods at Osamu “- will kindly clean up the mess.”
You sink in the chair, your hopes deflating by the second. “Okay.” A second later, Osamu nods in acquiesce. It would be a hard day tomorrow.
The principal seems to read your mind because he adds, “Oh- and you two start today.”
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reblogs are always appreciated! thank you for reading :)
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