#and yeah i'm typing this in a target parking lot
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everyone say thank you to the villain's little goon for his wonderful bit of exposition before his untimely demise
#he's all “boss got me workin double shifts due to that 'special delivery' he's got comin in tonight”#and “i heard boss has been experimenting on members of the glorzo clan ever since one of 'em murdered his wife”#and yeah i'm typing this in a target parking lot
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Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of the ugliest, evil looking polo top that he's ever had the misfortune to lay his eyes upon. It's everything he hates in one piece of clothing, so horrible that he'd gagged at it when he'd first seen it.
His friends had laughed, agreeing that the top is an abomination and crime against humanity.
But Eddie couldn't stop looking at it.
It's the exact type of thing that Steve would wear. It's the type of thing he would love and brag about.
Even though the party, with the help of Robin, have been trying to 'fix' Steve and his taste. They're currently targetting his wardrobe and they're almost wearing him down enough to get him to stop wearing so many polos.
It's making Eddie feel... conflicted.
He agrees that Steves taste is horrible. He listens to bad pop music most of the time, he has no sense of fashion and loves romance so much that he thinks awful rom-coms are the height of cinema.
But it's Steve. Those things are what make him so... Steve.
He sneaks back to the top when his friends aren't looking, crouching behind racks to get to the till and quickly buy it. He buries it in the bottom of his bag, ignoring the bored and judgemental look the staff are giving him.
"There you are," Gareth squints at him when he rejoins them. "Where did you go?"
"Fainted," he sneers, throwing an arm around Jeffs shoulders. "All these neons and pop are making me dizzy."
They laugh, quickly moving on.
After dropping them off, he goes straight to Steves house. He doesn't want the ugly shirt on his person longer than necessary and the last thing he needs is someone finding it in his closet.
He nearly cheers when he pulls up to Steves house and his parents car isn't parked out front.
They'd only caught him in their house once, when they'd come home early, and he's sure he only escaped with his life because the entire party was there too.
"Eddie?" Steve frowns when he opens the door. "What are you doing here? Are you ok?"
"Yeah, fine, just..." he huffs, rubbing his eyes. He digs through the bag, grabbing the offending shirt, and throwing it at Steve. "Got you that. I thought- whatever. There. Good night."
"Woah, woah," Steve quickly catches his arm. "It's ok, man. If the others ask then I'll say I got it. It's... this is really nice, Eds."
"It's ugly."
"Sure," Steve snorts, looking back to the shirt. "But it's definitely my style. This really means a lot to me. I think it looks cool."
"Uh, yeah, I guessed," Eddie shifts, squirming with how genuine Steve is being. "It's just a polo."
"No, it's not. It's special to me."
"Right, because you think that pattern is 'so-"
"You saw it and thought of me. Like, you hate it, but you knew I'd like it and... it just means a lot to me, that you're thinking of me."
"Alright, it's just a shirt, calm down."
"No, I don't think I will," Steve gently tugs him inside so he can shut the door. "I get it if this is difficult for you but I'm getting impatient."
"If- what?"
"Do you need me to make the first move? Or- is this a move? Is your love language gift giving or something?"
"You've lost me."
Steve huffs, putting his hands on his hips and giving Eddie a look that he can only describe as 'disappointed parent'.
"We've been flirting for months and you haven't done anything about it." Steve falters quickly when he sees the shock on Eddies face. "Or... am I missing something? Is it the whole, like... keeping it secret thing? Because I don't mind! It's not safe to be out in Hawkins, I know, and I'm not expecting a big date at-"
"You knew that I was flirting with you," Eddie interrupts. "This whole time?"
"Well, yeah, I was also flirting with you."
Eddie stares at him for a moment. "And you've been waiting for me to make a move on you?"
"Exactly. Was I not being obvious enough? I didn't want to out you or anything..."
"No... in retrospect you were being very clear. All of Robins cryptic advice makes so much sense now. Oh, God, even Wayne figured it out."
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Get to Know Me Tag :)
was tagged by @telomeke, @ranchthoughts, and @callipigio <3
do you make your bed?
not usually. both in my room at my parent's flat and now in my own flat as well i don't have a couch to hang out on and so i tend to spend a lot of time in my bed during the day bc it's more comfortable there. why make my bed in the morning if i mess it up soon enough anyway? i'll only make my bed when i'm trying to feel/look neat (like for example when people who i don't really know come over)
what's your favourite number?
23! elementary school me was veeery creative in choosing this number.... (my birthday is on a 23rd) anyway this number stuck with me and now it's just part of my personality hahaha
what is your job?
i'm a uni student and i don't have a "fixed" job where i'm employed and get money every month, but i have been working at a specific theater every summer since 2022. this year i'm actually the official assistant director. the rehearsals haven't properly started yet, but i've already one or the other task for it. can't wait for june when we're finally starting with the rehearsals!!!!!!!
if you could go back to school, would you?
depends... compulsory schooling that they make you go through from age 6 to age 15?? HELL NO. adult education? catch me taking 434353 courses on 434353 things
can you parallel park?
i don't have a driver's license
a job you had that would surprise people?
i haven't had many jobs in my life and none of them seem very surprising tbh? if you know me, at least i've worked as a graphic designer before, but i don't see how that would be surprising. also, i'm sure that i've mentioned this a few times in my tag ramblings
do you think aliens are real?
i don't think aliens are real but i also don't think aliens are not real. basically, i don't think aliens exist in the way they are depicted in movies, but if nasa came up to me and told me they found some sort of life somewhere else in the universe i'd be like "yeah i'll believe that". the universe is so vast, so it wouldn't surprise me if there really is something out there, but i don't really think about it tbh
can you drive a manual car?
as i said, i don't have a driver's license. but if i did, the answer would be yes. bc as a european you WILL be taught to drive a manual car at driving school. you could also choose to learn how to drive an automatic car, but that's really the exception to the rool. besides, idk what it's like in other countries, but in austria you're allowed to drive manual cars only if you got your license with a manual car. so getting your license with an automatic car limits your options quite a lot
what's your guilty pleasure?
i don't really feel guilty about my pleasures?? i don't always tell people that i'm really into thai bl, but that's less about feeling guilty and more of a "know your target audience" kind of thing.
nope. my brother has a couple of tattoos and he'd love it if i got one (i think he'd like to have a matching tattoo with me), but i can't do needles. but if i ever did get a tattoo, it would probably be something related to sicily. my brother actually has a tattoo of the trinacria
favorite color?
a really shiny dark blue and a really shiny darker red!

favorite type of music?
uhhhh.... good question?? i grew up listening to classical music and i still really like it, but i don't really listen to it anymore. these days i listen to pop music quite a lot? but that's also a very hit and miss for me, bc i tend to get overwhelmed easily with pop music. idk, just show me a song of any genre of music and i'll tell you if i like this particular song or if i dislike it my playlists tend to be full of song i have some kind of emotional connection too, though! so for example, songs that have been in series/movies that i watched or songs that my loved one's have/had in their playlists and that remind me of them, etc...
do you like puzzles?
i don't dislike puzzles, but it's not something that i would think to spend my time with
any phobias?
spiders!! i've had a phobia of spiders all my life. it's gotten a little better now, and how freaked out i am really depends on the size of the spider, where it is, if it's moving, and also how i'm feeling that day. the worst thing that could happen is a spider touching me in any way, so as long as i have enough distance between me and the spider and the spider is stationary, i'm good. i really dislike spiders right above my head, though i also have a phobia of needles. when i was 12 i had to get my blood drawn when i was sick once and i had a panic attack (or something along those lines). i've tried to avoid needles as best as i could ever since... and as a child i also had a fear of vomit. people vomiting still makes me uncomfortable, but at least i no longer run away and hide behind the door of my room hahaha
favorite childhood sport?
i've never been really athletic but i liked swimming!
do you talk to yourself?
in my own flat when i'm all by myself? yeah!
what movies do you adore?
der schuh des manitu is my problematic fave <3 apart from that, i also adore stardust and tangled and the emperor's new groove and i'm also up for marathoning high school musical, how to train your dragon, pirates of the carribean (1-3), and lord of the rings (extended edition of course) at any given point in time
coffee or tea?
tea!!!!! i LOVE tea!!!!! i had a cup of tea only an hour ago!!!! i'm not big on coffee, apart from a cappucino every once in a while which i also only drink when i'm in italy bc i just don't like it enough to spend 3-4€ on it in austria. coffee flavored things are mostly fine, but coffee as a beverage? not a big fan
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
i don't remember the first thing i wanted to be that wasn't a suggestion by my parents. possibly an actress????
tagging @newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @celestial-sapphicss @cornflowershade @dimplesandfierceeyes @wack-overflow
as always, feel free to ignore!
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Criminal mind fanfic Chapter 4
Continuation of my Criminal minds fanfic. I really suck on titles
Master list:
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You are an FBI agent with a past and you were about to enter the BAU.
Trigger warning: BAU stuff like killing, violence, assault, mention of rape and suicide. I tried not to get too graphic with the description
Hotch, Rossi, JJ and Reid arrived at the station. Morgan was still monitoring the search for the unsub. JJ excuse her self and went to the rest room while Rossi was asking for an update. The unsub was not located yet. JJ comes back looking around, alittle bit worried.
"Where is [Y/N]?" She asked when she rejoined the group.
"She was just getting her phone at the car. I asked a officer to accompany her. Hey!" Morgan spotted the officer that accompanied her " Where is agent [Y/N]?"
The officer was puzzled and started to look around. "I thought she comes back already."
"But you did accompany her outside." Morgan asked.
"No, she said she can handle it and that I should comeback inside." The police said. Morgan face went pale. Hotch immediately run outside, followed by the rest of the team. JJ trying to call her cell
"Its directing to voicemail." JJ said.
At the parking lot they saw the SUV. The door was still open on the passenger seat. Hotch saw blood on the ground and your cellphone, smashed. He opened the passenger door and the keys was on the passenger seat.
"I'm sorry, Hotch, I should have stayed with her." Morgan said.
"Did the unsub see her face?" Hotch said.
"Yeah, I think so. She was able to corner him but the unsub slip away." Morgan said.
"He must have targeted and followed her here. He knows she is FBI and waited for the opportunity." Hotch said under his breathe. "Morgan, JJ join the search team near the unsub's house. Reid, you will come with me to join the other group patrolling the area. Rossi, stay here and monitor the situation. Please call Garcia. asked her if she has anything with Michael." Hotch instruct everyone. They all run to the SUV and joined the search party.
Rossi call Garcia. "Garcia, can you please check any property under Michael Tate's name?" Rossi asked her while returning back to the station.
"There is none sir," Garcia said.
He ran his hand in his head because of frustration. "How about a place he most frequently go that was private." Garcia typed again.
"I checked all of his transaction but there is no place like that sir." She said. Sad that she cannot help.
"Damn, how can we find this guy!" Rossi said in frustration,
"Sir, is everything alright."
"No Garcia, [Y/N] was kidnapped by the unsub." Rossi exclaimed.
"Oh" Garcia mumbled. Rossi heard that she was typing on her keyboard. "I found her sir."
"What? How?" Rossi asked. There was shocked in his voice but he was also impressed.
"Before you flew to las vegas, Agent [Y/N] asked me to activate a tracking device on her necklace. I sent you all the coordinates." Penelope said.
Rossi were dumbfounded. How did she know that she will need it.
He put everyone on conference call. "Garcia sent the coordinates. [Y/N] was there."
"How did you know that?" Morgan asked
"Garcia did. Apparently, she asked garcia to enable a tracking device on her necklace." Rossi answered.
"What?" Morgan said.
"I am as surprised as you do" Rossi said.
"This address," Reid interrupted. "This is Christine's house." He remember the case file of Christine.
"Thanks Rossi!" Hotch said. They all went to the address while Rossi notified the commander to provide them some backup.
You wake up and saw that you were in some kind of a barn. Your whole body was aching especially your head. You are seated while your hands are tied, raised and was hanging on a chain. You were trying to make sense of your surroundings when the chain suddenly started moving and pulling you up. When you are standing up and slightly elevated from the ground. The unsub emerge from the shadows. He was holding a big chunk of wood. He was approaching you.
"It really baffled me to see you in the forest. I thought you were Christine risen from the dead. Sure you look a little older than the last time I saw her but you are still as beautiful." He said looking you at your face. He was trying to touch your face but you look away immediately. "But I know you are not Christine, no one will ever come close to her." Then he started swinging the wood. It hits your stomach. It hurts than it usually should because of the earlier injury from Andrew. He hit again, this time you are pretty sure that your ribs are broken. You were wincing. But still managed to speak.
"Can you please....stop hitting my stomach. My ribs are already broken." You said panting. "Hit my thigh."
"What?" The unsub said and swing again, You were able to avoid your already broken rib but he hit your lower back and your were afraid that your kidneys might be damaged.
"I told you to hit my thigh because there is no vital organ there." You manage to let out despite the pain. "I...know that... you dont want to kill me.... Just like how you dont meant to kill Christine."
The unsub was shocked. No one knows what really happened that night.
"YES, I know that Christine did not kill herself. You did! She rejected you and told you that she wanted Andrew." You told him. The memories came back to him and he somehow lost it so you added. "It is Andrew that I choose!"
"He will not like you! He likes girls you wear dress and stilettos!" He shouted at you and then took another swing. Good thing it was low and hit your thigh. Now you understood the reference of the dress. The only thing to do now is to subdue the unsub.
"Michael. Please, understand that even if my love for you is not romantic. You are still the most important person for me." You told him.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes. You were always there for me and I will be the same to you. Please stop this. Put me down so I can help you too" You said. He looked at you. Sadness in his eyes. He was like that for a second and then he move closer to you . He reached out to your hands, holding the twine binding your hand. He leaned forward and whispered to your ear "You are not Christine." Then he started to swing the wood again. Hitting you on various part of your body. You braced for impact. You were used to torture but this one is different, when you were tortured you know that there are things that they wanted to know so killing you was not an option but for this one, you know he was really trying to kill you. You cannot fight as well since your ribs are broken. You dont have any upper body strength to use your legs. The only thing that you can think of is your team. You hope that garcia has provided them with your coordinates. You were hoping that Hotch would bust in and save you. And then you heard his voice.
"FBI! Lower your weapon!" You open your eyes and saw some figure at the entrance. But you cannot recognize any of them because they were blurry. The beating also stop.
"Put down your weapon!" Is that Morgan? Then you hear the wood hitting the floor.
You hear foot step approaching but you cannot see who is it because you can't barely open your eyes.
"[Y/N] are you okay?" You can hear Hotch voice. You tried to lift your head and open your eyes to see him but your vision was too blurry.
Hotch tried to untie you but it was too tight. He shouted to Reid to lower the chains so that he can remove your tied hands of the lift. You can feel your body moving down so you tried to flat your feet on the ground. However, your legs was to weak and you almost fell down. Good think Hotch was there. He was able to catch you, holding your waist. He lift your tied hands to remove it on the hook. He asked you if you can walk. Of course you said yes. You even tried to stand up and move your feet but your whole body was weak so Hotch put your tied hand around his neck and lifted you, princess style. He carry you outside, the medic has just arrived and readying the stretcher. You can smell Hotch's sweat and cologne, they were sweet and comforting. You were not aware but you are burying your face on his shoulder like a child finding a comfortable spot on a bed. Hotch did not mind this. He knows you were just trying to be comfortable. When the stretcher was ready, Hotch lay you down. The paramedic started to check your vitals and injury. They put neck brace and some first aid. They check your ribs and you wince.
"Her ribs are broken and there were bruises all over her body." The medic said. "Good thing you arrived in time. If this continue for another minute she might die." The medic said.
"I am fine." You said. Still panting.
"Thats great, but we still need to bring you to the hospital." The medic said. They put me in the ambulance and then they asked Hotch if he will be riding with them. He hesitated for a momenting. Not wanting to leave the team behind. You hear Morgan telling Hotch that they can handle the crime scene. So Hotch finally agrees to join you in the ambulance.
You opened your eyes and saw Hotch. He was talking to the medic. He was so serious, eyes are worried. He really looked like someone with authority. It makes you smile. Both of them notice that you were conscious.
"Are you okay? Anything else thats hurting?" Hotch asked.
"No, just my head and my ribs. I think they were broken. I am asking the unsub not to hit my upper body instead hit my thigh but he is not listening" You said jokingly. Hotch smiled at that. His face somehow lights up and looks younger,
"You are really handsome when you smile." You said and then slowly you slip into the unconsciousness. Hotch eyes widen on this remark, even the paramedic was shocked. He and Hotch look at each other and then Hotch cleared his throat and call your name you are not answering. The paramedic said that it was ok, you are most probably tired. The ambulance arrived at the hospital. You were rushed to the emergency room. The doctor ordered some test like xrays and CT scans for you. They also did some mending on your bruises. Hotch was in the waiting room when the rest of the team arrived. He just mentioned that you are still being tested.
After a few hours the doctor face everyone. "She is going to be alright. She has 2 broken ribs on her right side and bruises on her head and the rest of her body but nothing was critical. We just need to observe her for a few days."
"Can we see her?" Asked Reid.
"Yes, but she's still sleeping. This way." The doctor bring the whole team to your room.
#criminal minds#spencer reid#aaron hotch fic#aaron hotch fluff#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotch x you#aaron hotchner#david rossi#derek morgan#penelope garcia#jennifer jareau#jj jareau#hotch x you#hotch x reader#hotch#aaron hotch x reader#aaron hotch fanfiction
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Tagged by @clandestinegardenias <33
do you make your bed? : noooooope
what's your favorite number? : 1034 (it's been my favorite number for forever idk why)
what is your job? : retailllll, it suckkkks (Target)
if you could go back to school would you? : idk maybe. I'm not super interested. I love learning, hate everything else about it. If I ever figure out my dream job, and it required a degree then yes
can you parallel park? : no. I will not even try. Catch me circling the block three times trying find a parking spot downtown
a job you had that would surprise people? : for a couple summers when I was young I worked at a mechanic shop in Texas. There was only one guy who worked/owned the place and he was the nicest. He taught me some stuff about removing parts, but mostly i did little tasks. Sorting things, parking cars, spray painting metal parts with that antirust stuff; it was fun. It makes my heart ache with nostalgia when I think about it. We were 10 miles outside of town and the property was huge. The grass grew tall and there were acres of cars in long rows that stretched over the hill. Cedar trees and crickets. ;o;
do you think aliens are real? : ...yes. this is a real "I want to believe" type situation. It would make more sense for them not to exist but...
can you drive a manual car? : nah
what's your guilty pleasure? : hmmm, I dunno. Everything? I can't do anything without feeling a little guilty.
tattoos? : no but I really want a bee and peony
favorite color? : sunlight on treetops.
favorite type of music? : Whatever type The Mountain Goats is. And whatever AJJ is. And Johnny Cash. Those are my all time favorite musics.
do you like puzzles? : >:3 yes but only sudoku. I have an app and my best time is 3:30 on extreme...that sounded a lot cooler in my head before I typed it lol
any phobias? : I'm sure I do, but I can't think of any right now
favorite childhood sport? : I had a big family, lots of kids, but we never really played sports. We did play a lot of video games though. So for my answer to favorite sport, I will say Pokémon Stadium.
do you talk to yourself? : oooooh yeah yes
what movie(s) do you adore? : Alien (1979), The Mummy, and Lost Boys
coffee or tea? : both but with Tea leaning.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? : I literally never thought about it as a kid. I guess I wanted to be an adult. So mission accomplished 🫡
Tagging @leadandblood @apocalypticdemon @haredjarris @hetchdrive aaaaand @madnessandsmiles (I know a lot of yall are doing finals and dealing with school rn, so it's okay if you skip this one <333)
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illicit affairs
Word Count: 2671
Pairing: Father x Daughter (Dave x Nora; yes, I gave "Daddy" a name)
Rating: Mature
Synopsis: Now that Nora has the man of her dreams, she realises that the situation is much more complicated she had anticipated. Can a relationship survive in secret?
Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story tolerate it. It's kinda sad. I hope to return to these characters and give them a happy ending. But who knows when it'll happen.
Also available on AO3
"I'm going for a run, wanna come?", I asked Jack as he passed by my bedroom on his way downstairs.
He stopped on his tracks and frowned, poking his head into my room and raising his eyebrow. "Since when do you run?"
I shrugged as I finished lacing my shoes. "It's good for my health."
"Yeah, but, Nora, you hate sports. When did you even buy all this stuff?", my brother gestured at my outfit, which consisted of a tight crop top, booty shorts, a hooded polyester jacket and running shoes, all in black. "Are you planning on becoming a spy or something?"
I pulled the hood up to hide the red in my cheeks. "I'm just going for a run, okay? And I thought you might want to join, but forget it." I brushed past him and quickly walked down stairs. "I'll be back in two hours or something."
"Have fun, I guess", he replied without much interest.
I left the house and began to run - slowly, as Jack had been right, I wasn't the type to do physical exercise. The houses turned into shops as I left the neighbourhood, heading towards our meeting spot: the parking lot of an abandoned Target. How romantic, I thought bitterly. This hadn't been what I had pictured when our affair started, but after that first night in his bedroom, my dad had never touched me again in our house.
"It's too risky, baby, we can't have Jack finding you", Daddy had told me. And so we had taken on meeting all over the town, kissing in the car and having sex in old motels where no one would recognize us. I didn't like this whole hiding thing, a secret affair with clandestine meetings. I had wanted dinner dates and holding hands, but the most we could do in public was longing stares.
The bitterness melted away when I spotted the red car already parked and waiting. At least I have him, I comforted myself, one day, it'll get better, but this is how it has to be right now. One day when Jack went to college. One day when we moved to another town… That was what he kept promising. "I love you, baby, we just have to wait."
"Hi, Daddy", I said cheerfully as I opened the car's side door.
He glanced up from his phone and smiled, looking at me with those deep brown eyes that could make anyone fall in love. I slid into the passenger's seat and he planted a kiss on my cheek.
"I missed you", he whispered into my ear, making my heart melt. I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close to my chest.
"I missed you more."
* * *
His touch lingered on my skin as I made my way back home. I could smell his cologne, the musky scent stuck in my nose. I had five more hours of waiting around at home before Daddy came back from work. And then I would have to pretend to be his perfect little daughter, put on an act for Jack's observing eyes.
I spent the time doing house chores: cleaning, washing, dusting, cooking dinner. Keeping myself busy to avoid thinking of how much I missed him. I hated the thought of him in his office, chatting with Inez and the other co-workers. He told me they were only friends, but I knew that, at least from her side, there were some romantic feelings lingering under the surface. I feared that, if they spent enough time together, Daddy might fall for her. Maybe he would decide he liked her more than he liked me and then I would lose everything to that well-manicured whore.
Enough, Nora, I told myself, shaking away the idea of Daddy ever cheating me. But it was useless, if I stayed idle for just one minute, the images of him kissing her full lips would creep back into my mind. And so I found task after task, dusting shelves that were already spotless and polishing silverware we never used.
"You alright?" Jack asked from his room when, for the third time that afternoon, I vacuumed the corridor that led to our bedrooms.
I pulled the plug, ceasing that awful loud noise and stared at my brother. While my face was basically a reflection of my mother's, Jack had looked nothing like our parents. It was as if someone had taken the pieces of our mom and our dad and assembled into something fully new, with dark brown eyes and slick black hair, a pointed nose and prominent jawline. Few people would guess we were siblings.
"I'm just cleaning the house and waiting for Daddy to return," I let out a deep sigh. "Like I always do. Every day."
There was a ruffling sound as he got up from his chair and came up to me. "See, Nora, that's your problem: since you graduated, you have done nothing for yourself. You became Dave's housekeeper."
I pursed my lips. I hated when he referred to our father by his first name. "I stay home to keep you company! I can't go to college and leave you alone."
"I don't need a babysitter, for god's sake, Nora, I'm turning seventeen in a few months, I can take care of myself. We both know the reason you stayed behind was because of father."
I squinted, suddenly scared that my brother knew what me and Daddy had been up to. "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing", he shrugged and then turned back to return to his computer. "Just, you should get a hobby or something."
Maybe he was right, maybe I needed a hobby. But above all else, I needed Daddy to look at me the same way he had almost eight months ago, when we shared our first kiss.
* * *
The idea came to me while I organised the master bedroom's bathroom cabinet. When Mum disappeared just over six years ago, most of her stuff went missing alongside her, so as I cleaned out empty bottles of shampoo and shaving cream, I was surprised to find a dusty bottle of Mum's old perfume, Acqua di Gioia. Daddy used to truly love the scent, often telling her it was his favourite smell in the world. That's when it occurred to me, that maybe if I smelled like her, he would want me more.
I wasn't stupid. I remembered how I had been wearing one of her old shirts the night he finally reciprocated my feelings, how I had fixed my hair in the same way she used to. Maybe this can reignite our romance.
It was an expensive perfume, but the little money saved from some tutoring jobs I had here and there was enough to cover the costs. The bottle arrived at my front door step in a small cardboard box, holding all my hopes.
For the past three days, Daddy had been too busy at work for our lunch meetings and, since he had been working late hours, I hadn't seen him much in the house either. I was left without a father or a lover. I felt lonely. Jack hadn't lied the other day. He was almost a grown up now and didn't need his older sister all the time. The Friday after the perfume arrived, he would be going to a party at one of his friend's houses.
I hadn't planned for that, but I gave a huge smile when he told me he had been invited. He was unwittingly helping me to restore our family. I needed Daddy to love me as a wife, so we could be a complete household again.
"Hey, Jack!" I called out as he passed by his door. He stood in the mirror, trying to arrange his snapback cap in a way that made him look cool.
"Have fun tonight, okay? And don't worry about coming home too late; Daddy and I will be fine."
His lips curled upwards, in a knowing smirk that sent chills down my spine. "Yeah, I'm sure you will."
I tried to shake away the feeling of uneasiness. "Just make sure to not drink too much, okay?"
He nodded along, but I could tell he wouldn't be listening to my advice. I had met guys like Jack, who think the rules should bend just for them. He would do as he pleased that night. But, then again, so would I.
As night fell, I peeked through the curtains, watching Jack walk down the driveway. I held my breath until his figure disappeared into the darkness, swallowed by the shadows. Then, the house was mine to plan. If Daddy kept the same schedule he had the rest of the week, I had at least two more hours for him to arrive, time enough to do what I needed.
I bathed, letting the water carry away the sweat and dust from the day. After patting myself dry, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked over to my bedroom, where the red bralette I had chosen to wear was already set aside, along with its matching lace panties. Once dressed, I took care of the tangled mass of auburn curls that was my hair, which even wet refused to cooperate, each strand a stubborn snarl clinging to its neighbours and meeting my brush with stubborn defiance. I worked through the knots, each stroke bringing a sense of order and purpose to the chaos in my head. As the curls fell into place, cascading around my shoulders like a fiery waterfall, the transformation was almost complete.
It was the determination in my eyes that, above anything, made me look so much like Mum. I practised a seductive smile in the mirror, but it felt foolish. What if it wasn't enough? What if that inkling in my brain had been right and, instead of working late, he was actually in bed with Inez or some other cheap whore?
"Fuck!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the empty house. Fighting back tears, I got up to set the scene in his room. Candles, ambiance music, rose petals. I set up the whole scene, making it as perfect as it could be. In the dim light, I looked irresistible.
My heart beat heavily in my chest, each thud echoing the seconds that ticked by as I awaited my father's arrival. Finally, a car's headlights appeared around the corner, and my heart skipped a beat. As it approached our house, I recognized the familiar shape of my father's car. Relief washed over me, mingling with an undercurrent of anxiety.
I rushed back to the bathroom for the final touch. Picking the perfume from the shelf I had half hidden it in, I dabbed the cologne onto my wrists, the base of my throat, and behind my ears.
The beeping sound of the car locking cut through the silence of the night, followed by footsteps on the gravel path outside the house. I laid seductively on his bed, propping myself on my elbows and waited for him to open the bedroom door.
"Nora?" his voice called from the entryway, probably finding it strange that I wasn't by the door to greet him. I stayed quiet, suppressing a giggle and feeling a bit like a kid playing hide-and-seek. His footsteps continued up the stairs. "Kiddo, are you home?"
The door handle was pushed down and the door swinged inward. Daddy's eyes fell upon me. He stopped in the doorway, dazzled by the sight before him.
"Hi, Daddy", I said meekly, pushing my chest forward to showcase my boobs, whose natural size had been enhanced with the help of some padding.
Finally coming out of his stupor, Daddy came forth, his face twisted in a frown. "Nora, what are you doing? I told you that we couldn't -"
"Relax", I interrupted him, already knowing what he would say. "Jack's gone for the night, so I thought we could spend some time together."
His lips formed a smile and sat on the bed near me, his eyes fixated on my exposed skin. "Oh right, the party! I totally forgot."
I pouted and shifted so I was sitting half behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders, slowly massaging the muscles. "You're working too much. You need to relax more", I leaned so my lips brushed against his ears before continuing, "with me."
He took a deep breath and his eyelids fluttered. I was sure Daddy would take me right then and there. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide and he got up, pushing himself away from me. "Why are you using Teresa's perfume?"
"Mum doesn't own a scent", I tried to sound unbothered, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I hated that he seemed almost mad at me. "Besides, I thought you loved it", I added with a shrug.
Daddy shook his head and crouched, so his face was levelled with mine. Gently, he took my hands into his. "Nora, my dear, what are you trying to do with all this?" he gestured around the room as he asked.
I blushed. I clearly had gone way too over the top.
"It's just… I missed you, okay?" I blurted out the words before I lost my courage. "When we started dating, it was magic, and now I can't even wear lipstick because it leaves a trace when I kiss you! You don't take me out in public, you don't spend time with me at home. It's like I don't even exist anymore in your world."
He let go of my left hand so he could brush my cheek. "Nora…"
"No!" I screamed, no longer just sad, but also angry at him. A hundred times before I had believed his promises and been let down, it wouldn't work again. "Spare yours words, Daddy, we both know you talk a big deal, but it amounts to nothing." I pushed myself off the bed, fully intent on stomping out of the room and hoping he wouldn't let me.
"Come one, baby, I know I screwed up", he tried to reason. His hand made motion to grab by arm, but then retreated, his touch never arriving. "I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry."
I pivoted on my feet, feeling very conflicted. "I want you, Daddy, as a husband, as a lover. I don't know how else to show you how much I need you."
An ugly whimper escaped my throat before I could stop it. I closed the distance between us and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I need you too, baby, but it's complicated. We have a lot to lose if the truth of our relationship ever gets out, it could ruin me. The cops would tear us apart, I would go to jail and Jack to the foster system."
By then, I was full-blown crying, my sobs so loud they muffled any sound coming from outside the room. "You call me 'baby' like I'm your girlfriend. You call me 'kid' like I'm your daughter! Make up your goddamn mind! All that I know is that everyone else would pale in comparison to you." Tears rolled down my cheeks and there was a wet spot on his shirt from where I had blown my nose. My beautiful night had turned into a godforsaken mess. "I feel like a fool by the way you lead me on. Please, Daddy, please, let's just… I don't know, run away and be together. Move somewhere new, tell everyone we are husband and wife."
He patted my hair. Somewhere else in the house, a door slammed shut, which I credited to the wind. His silence was worrying me. Finally, I raised my face to look at him. His eyes gleamed with tears in solidarity with my pain. He wiped my cheeks clean with his sleeve, his head hovering just above mine
"For you, I would ruin myself a million little times."
His lips met mine and I melted into the kiss.
#father x daughter#profic#shipcest#proship#original fiction#my oc#my writing#parentcest#parent x child#filicest
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got this a few days ago but was in academic paper hell, so i'm sorry for the delay! thanks for the tag, @clandestinegardenias and @sunlaire!
do you make your bed? i definitely should, and i absolutely do not lol
what's your favorite number? i've had a personal fondness for 13 ever since i was a kid, but i also really enjoy the number 117. for nerd reasons
what is my job? that's. a moving target tbh. during the school year, i worked as a TA at my university, while working weekends at a coffee shop as a baker. now that it's summer, i'm going to have to get a second job, but the jury's still out on what that's going to be.
if you could go back to school would you? i am currently in school, and i'm hoping to get a PhD, so i don't think i'll be going back to school right now, lol. but in a hypothetical future, just to do whatever? absolutely. i would get another bachelors in neuroscience or some other field of biology, probably for medical research.
can you parallel park? absolutely. but i fuckin hate it, lol, and being on the road makes me nervous, so i avoid it at all costs. but i can do it
a job you had that would surprise people? dunno if i have anything in my history that has been surprising. i guess the lab technician one is kind of the outlier.
do you think aliens are real? yeah, but it's probably microbial life of some sort.
can you drive a manual car? i learned the basics, but all i can really do is drive in circles in a parking lot in second gear. my mom tried to get me to drive it on the road and i got scared, lol, so i never fully learned how to do it.
what's your guilty pleasure? honestly it's TV from the 70s. begrudgingly i have to admit i like CHiPs. Emergency! is a non-guilty pleasure, though. love that one with my whole heart. but a lot of older stuff has some... pretty not great politics involved, but i still really enjoy them. also have to admit that i really like those terrible Dan Brown movie adaptations, lol
tattoos? i want at least 3 and have plans, but i haven't found an artist yet to get them. but i don't have any as of yet.
favorite color? tbh it depends on my mood. the goth in me says that it's a deep burgundy or a velvety black, but really deep greens or very vivid sky blue is also very good. saturated jewel tones as a color class are my jam, i guess.
favorite type of music? this is a cruel question to ask me. i have so many. i've been on a real rammstein/alt metal/nu-metal kick lately, but i also really go for folk, hard rock, prog rock, and 1980s new wave music. but i'll listen to just about anything. if i'm going for orchestral music, i have to say minimalism all the way. i adore the work of philip glass and arvo part
do you like puzzles? absolutely, in any form. jigsaw puzzles are really soothing and engaging, but i also adore puzzle games. i've revisited the Portal franchise lately, and i have a game series called The Room (not the movie...) that's only a series of puzzles. they can be frustrating, but i adore them
any phobias? i am a deeply anxious person, but i am petrified of fire. it's kind of unreasonable. bugs and germs also make me lock up really hard, too, even though i can rationalize my way through them. but all of them freak me out really badly.
favorite childhood sport? oh it was definitely competitive swimming. soccer was really really fun, but i miss being on the swim team. though i did like 5 sports growing up and truly would just love to have joints that would let me do any of them again
do you talk to yourself? oh yeah. internal and external monologue, baby. my college friends got to be on a call yesterday and listen to me talk my way through editing papers, lol. i talk to myself while doing laundry, cleaning, just walking through the house or from my car to my place. truly, i never shut up
what movie(s) do you adore? there are a lot, honestly. Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Crimson Peak, Pacific Rim, The Nice Guys, and For A Few Dollars More are probably the movies i've watched the most. also literally any Dan Bluth film. the animation is always so gorgeous
coffee or tea? definitely tea. i love herbal teas, but i can't do caffeine, so like. there are only so many things i can drink now, lol
first thing you wanted to be growing up? paleontologist. hands down. i wanted to be a paleontologist from age like 6 until 15 or 16. then i had to do a research project on what jobs are growing and found out there aren't many job openings. so i pivoted to music. and then music academia. lol. lmao (i say it cynically, but i genuinely love what i'm doing, it's just funny to me)
this was lengthy, but if you want to participate, consider yourself tagged!
#thank you for tagging me!! this was fun! sorry for the delay though i was. so fuckin busy this week lol#i am chronically indecisive lol so a lot of these are not really like. precise#OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF I FORGOT TO MENTION PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING AS A BAND. OUGH.#i love their music. i was listening to their song 'go!' as a celebration for finishing my work#their whole album 'the race for space' is based on audio recordings from various points during the space race. please listen to them
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28-33 and 39 for Kyoraku/OC/Ukitake 👀
targeting me early with this one i see
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
Okay so if I had to order from best to worst–
Kyouraku is surprisingly good–when he actually does decide to cook. Doesn't happen super often, but he' s comfortable in the kitchen. It's always a drawn-out affair, definitely the type of person who buys Two bottles of wine when the recipe calls for it because one will inevitably disappear during the process. Unfortunately his need to do The Most is what makes this a once-per-month event.
Ukitake is like. Normal-decent in the kitchen. He can put a meal together, usually something on the lighter side. His food is Fine? Like some dishes he knocks out of the park, the rest are pretty average. He cooks more that Kyouraku does, but it's more like 'ah, you're here around dinner time, time to make enough for extra people' vibes. The one thing that keeps him out of the kitchen more than anything would be the days he's not really feeling well enough for it. He's notorious for using a knife once and putting it in the sink before he's done cutting things. Ukitake 'Seven Knives' Jushiro.
Hisae comes in last place. She's extremely confident with breakfast food. Girl can fry an egg like no one's business. In Any Other Setting? Yeah nah. Her problem is less 'bad at cooking' and more like 'gets sidetracked and burns everything to an unholy crisp.' Breakfast foods tend to be made pretty fast so that's how she gets away with it. She's definitely buried a scorched pot or three in her time. Her partners are very sweet and will still offer to try her food even if it turns out poorly, but this is largely because they know she will never actually allow them to do it. She's got potential, but we'll literally never see it. Ironically, she's actually the one who cooks the most, even if it's a rotation of about five dishes.
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
They do all still technically live separately, but there's usually some type of a sleepover happening. Extra tooth brushes all around, etc. But once the menial tasks are done, there tends to be a lot of sitting around & just quietly talking about everything & nothing.
If the weather's good, they like to take it outside and lounge on the porch. Sometimes it's decompressing from a stressful day. Airing of grievances in a safe setting. As nice as he is, I'm sure even Ukitake has encounters during the day that he privately finds grating. Kyouraku is much the same, but he's actually a bit more prone to glossing over these things & has to have it sort of coaxed out of him. Hisae is the most encouraging of these sharing sessions, having less patience for most things ever since she came back from her century-long stint of being missing in Hueco Mundo.
On that note, she's also retained some bad sleeping habits from it. It gets better over time, but she's fought restlessness and alertness that borders on paranoia. As a result, she hasn't really been able to get any real sleep if she tries to do it alone. She sleeps like, and wakes up in a panic at the slightest sounds, wild-eyed and full of adrenaline. She doesn't like how out of it she feels on sleep aids either, since they somehow paradoxically make things worse. What will help is having someone nearby to remind her of where she is and that she's not alone.
Ukitake will sometimes find himself needing more space on the bed due to his illness (occasionally this means an entirely separate mattress), but he's pretty on-it when it comes to sensing her wakefulness. He's a light sleeper himself most of the time, and even if she doesn't intend for it, her suddenly sitting bolt-right up in bed will wake him up. It's fine; the delightful part about carrying your own set of sleeping issues is understanding that it's not something that can be helped. If he's up to it, they'll sometimes take a few minutes to step outside together, maybe making some tea (Kyouraku may or may not join them–he actually gets to sleep properly, lucky bastard). If nothing else, he at least verbally grounds her and reminds her of where she is. Ironically, if he slips into a coughing fit, that snaps her out of the haze almost instantly.
Kyouraku and Hisae don't really play heavy caretaker roles here, since I genuinely don't see him wanting that. There's a difference between asking one of them to grab a towel to help clean up the blood and expecting things that start to cross over into 'things that would be better left to the Fourth Division' territory. He's been doing this for most of his life, and while it's a part of that life, it's not something he wants taking over his relationships in that way.
Physical contact/physical assurance tends to default to Kyouraku. He's a pretty touchy person, and if he had it his way, he'd love to pass out in a tangle of limbs every night. Sometimes this happens, and it's fantastic. Other times, someone is busy, or isn't in the mood to share a bed, so there's a body or two missing from his space. When it comes to Hisae specifically, he's probably fallen asleep as the default big spoon and will catch her stirring before she's even fully sitting up. Again, just grounding her with a hand on her back and some words of reminder or promising that there are other people in the room who will keep an eye on things, it all helps. This man has no trouble falling back asleep, so whether it's trauma from one side of the bed or illness from the other, he's back out within a few minutes after the disruption has passed.
Of course, this is assuming he's already been able to fall asleep that night. He suffers from occasional bouts of insomnia driven by a surprising amount of anxiety for someone who seems otherwise unbothered. Naturally, this isn't something he can hide any more from either Ukitake or Hisae. They've known him since they were students together; his tells are memorized, even if they're almost undetectable to anyone else. He would definitely rather pretend he isn't dealing with his own shit, especially with both his partners having more apparent issues. Unfortunately, he's wound up sharing his bed with two of the most annoyingly perceptive people in Soul Society. They'll team up to either distract him to sleep if there's truly going to be no chance of talking, or they'll hit him with a sort of 'good cop bad cop' routine until he decides to lay the fuck down with them. It's easier to address what might be weighing on his mind in the dark.
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
Hisae is a physical touch person before all else. Casually touchy (unless she clocks that it isn't wanted), she's an unconscious cuddler. She's got something like 100+ years of touch-starvation to get caught up on, so even if it's a quick, subtle touch like the brushing of a hand in public, she eats it up. Ironically, she's not as relaxed about the idea of PDA. It's not like she's embarrassed by her relationship in the slightest, and it's definitely not a hangup she has about decorum either. I think she just genuinely feels like some people are too nosey for their own good, and that her affection isn't for them.
Ukitake falls the quality time category. They don't really have to be doing anything special, he just likes to be around his people. He's known them both so long, there's zero expectation to put up any kind of front or force cheerfulness on days he isn't feeling it as much. There's also something to be said for the combined presence of Kyouraku and Hisae creating a weird deterrent for anyone who might feel like surprising him in his office. Neither of them have done anything to cause this, mind you; it just sort of became this unspoken rule.
Kyouraku I think straddles the line between words & touch. He's good with words, absolutely. He's unashamed and it comes naturally to him. But it's also easy to miss the way he keeps most people in his life at arm's length and keeps a small bubble of personal space around all but a very small handful of people. Strikes me as the type of person who doesn't realize that he's become tense from a lack of physical contact until he gets it again and then it's like 'ah, so that was a problem, wasn't it?'
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
Kind of yes? They like to hang around each other like vultures; it's not unusual to see one or two of them heading to a different division during their lunch break. Despite appearances, though, they're all usually pretty busy (two captains plus whatever spec-ops thing she's working on at the moment, it adds up). Genuine dates don't happen all that often, it's usually more just sharing mealtimes and evenings together.
Of course, there's always the option of going out for meals. Hisae tends to prefer this only if they're going to a place that offers private booths. Not unlike actual celebrities, it's not uncommon for people to simply walk up to the table and strike up a conversation without catching the 'polite dismissal' energy radiating off of it. She might feel differently about this if the people approaching her specifically didn't only seem to want to ask about her horrific experiences as an Arrancar vivisection subject or her time lose in the desert. Sometimes she's the one who shuts these down, but usually she'll allow either Ukitake or Kyouraku to handle it to avoid snapping & causing a scene.
They're all collectively fans of festival attendance. An excuse to dress up and spend an evening milling about, enjoying performances and activities? Excellent idea, and usually something that they're all expected to take time off for anyway. Arranging things like trips to the world of the living were all three of them are able to go at once can be a bit tricky thanks to scheduling, but it's happened before too. Actually, scheduling is probably the biggest downside of dating two people at once who are also captain-class shinigami; someone is always needed for something, and if it's not that, there's usually some crisis that needs attending to.
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
Yes, yes, and yes.
Hisae's tolerance isn't as good as it used to be thanks to an involuntary century long detox and that places her last on the list, but overall, no one is terrible with drinking. Kyouraku tends to be the most functional for the longest. He plays GPS when they're been out and need to make it home, because he'll get there reliably. Perhaps not at any pace considered efficient, but he'll find his way.
We've all seen how he gets after a few drinks, and that doesn't really change up at all. Generally not a good idea to have more than a couple if he's already feeling morose, though. His ability to hide it gets sloppier, and he just gets uncharacteristically quiet. Ukitake usually becomes more relaxed, a little bit more forward and honest. Possibly accidentally a little too honest, but he's good-natured enough that this has somehow never caused any problems. Hisae tends to go up a bit in volume, and everything is funnier than it should be. She does get more sensitive to people's emotions, though, and sort of exists at that heightened state for at least a couple hours. She won't tear up because she's sad, but she will if someone else does. Just let her ride it out; she'll be fine. If she's really feeling it though, she'll probably try to velcro herself to one of her partners. Grounding and distracting, it's a win-win.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
Well, we all know Kyouraku cannot open his mouth without sounding like he's flirting, so there's that. It's corny to the point it loops back around to being smooth. Of course, that's the less serious version of the act. He's deviously catalogued everything that gets under their skin and drives them up the wall with anticipation. He'll pull something like that during the day, either promising to act on itself later on, or he's angling for a punishment himself. He can't help himself, really, not when he's faced with the two most gorgeous creatures in Soul Society. If anything, it's their fault he's so distracted all the time, and shouldn't they take pity on him do something about that, wink wink? He's heavy on the compliments all the time, but there's this shift in his eyes when he actually means it.
Ukitake will absolutely also weaponize his charm, but he's not as overt about it. We've all seen the way his smile will send people blushing and stammering, and he'll play ignorant about his effect on people. His favourite game to play is to slip something into casual conversation, a low-toned suggestive remark paired with a quick appreciative leer that no one else would have noticed. He'll drop in on them at work, acting like he needs to look over their shoulder at the paperwork on their desk only to whisper something in their ear on his way down. He likes to wind them up in situations where absolutely nothing can be done about it. He'd rather be the one orchestrating a situation and setting the scene.
Hisae also likes the subtleties, but unlike Ukitake who keeps things suggestive just to let their imaginations run wild, she'll just sit there and state exactly what she's thinking. They're not getting just the idea of a fantasy whispered in their ear, she's describing exactly how and when she wants to test the fortitude of the office furniture. She also stays pretty touchy, which is funny when you remember the general aversion to PDA. She'll fix a stray hair, or adjust a collar so there's an excuse for her to touch their neck, things like that. It's all extremely deliberate, you really don't have to guess at what she's wanting here. She's also fond of putting herself in deliberately provocative positions while doing unrelated tasks. She knows her body well, and knows damn well she doesn't need to bend over like that to pick up a box from the bottom shelf.
If you're sensing a theme here, it's important that you understand that in spite of everything, these three are extremely romantically horny for each other. Flirting is typically done with intent.
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
Funny enough, it's not a word that actually gets spoken too often. There's a lot of unspoken communication that happens with these three, the kind that would only occur after several centuries of being with each other. Acts of service isn't explicitly anyone's love language, because that's just how they function at this point.
The first time it was admitted was actually the night they decided to try getting together. It was before anyone had been promoted significantly, not long after they'd left the academy. Hisae was the one to suggest it over drinks at someone's home, saying something to the effect of having overheard some people speculating on the improper nature of their friendship, but even if they were correct, would it actually be so bad? After all, she loved them both, could see herself loving them both even more, would it be the worst thing in the world to maybe try it & see what happens? This was followed by some laughter and–surprisingly–an easy agreement and acknowledgement of affection all around. They'd try it, see how things went, and yes, they did in fact end up having sex on the porch that night (thank god she decided to date two men from nobility who had access to the sort of yards where you could get away with that sort of thing). And that's just been how they've gone on ever since.
& finally, as a bonus, here's the woman of the hour herself:
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I fully support and on board with wanting to see Game Freak/Nintendo expand and improve on the pokemon games. I want them to be able to put out and showcase what the developers can do.
However might be a hot take but I really don't think that means, or has to mean things like Realistic Graphics or Full Voice acting.
If it's for like a one off, spin off/side game type thing Ala- Colosseum, XD, hell even Pokemon Conquest where development of it is it at the very least fully handled by Game Freak themselves then you know what sure. I'd love to see what could be made.
But in terms of the main games themselves Hell No. For one even with change of consoles, going from Pixel to 3D models and all the changes that came with it there's still at least some amount of consistency. Bright popping colours, cute things look cute and cool designs still look cool. Characters are recognizable plus over all the art design is seems to try and balance complex elements (with varying success) while also kinda remaining simplistic which allows for KIDS - their main target demographic although a game that can be enjoyed by anyone- Kids to be able to draw out their favourite characters themselves.
Sure I agree a little more details- and perhaps what might help best being able to get the game to better handle stuff like light and shadows consistently. Whatever can be done to help the games look their best I'm for it. But looking its best I really don't think means needing to go overly detailed/realistic. You change up the games look to much and you're gonna end up losing part of what makes a Pokemon game a POKEMON Game. And then you can bet your ass people would start complaining that 'Yeah it looks great but it doesn't look/feel like a Pokemon game'
Pokemon ain't Zelda, or Monster Hunter or whatever other game you want it to look more like.
To take a page out of Jurrasic Park, All people keeping thinking about is if they could instead of thinking about if they should.
Same goes for voice acting.
Look I enjoy some good voice acting in games, it can be a lot of fun however not every game needs it or should have it.
Animal crossing has it's fun little garbled noises take that away and put in full voice acted lines and I think you'd take away a lot of the games charm.
Zelda has proven it can work with voice acting but it's also long proven itself to work just fine without such. Using not much more then some small character noises- grunts, laughs, sighs ect, and not much more then like a 'Hey' sound for some characters when they're calling to you.
Or Okami. Beloved game without a lick of voice acting and frankly I don't want any. It also works off the Animal Crossing school of little noises- just changed in pitch/speed/volume/ ect to fit the character.
Now I can agree voiced or not the choice of animating characters talking in Pokemon games with out even some kinda of noise is an odd one and if they really want to keep that particular choice up - in particular having those full rendered cut scenes, I'd say at the very least maybe they could implements some sort of extra sounds of some kind or just do something to at the very least distract/take away from and make up for the lack of voice acting.
Besides the fact that fully voice acted games would take all the longer to be released- which sure for the development stand point of like the over all game not a bad idea and the games do deserve more time to cook before being released but that doesn't mean all that extra time would actually get put into / used with developing the game itself.
Not only would they need to at minimum have JP voice actors but then comes the decision of how many languages should they dub it into and what can they afford and then going through having to hire all those vas.
And once again we're back to the simple fact of not being able to please everyone as no doubt at least some people would be bound to fine some problems with voice acting. Not liking how one sounds, nit picking if 'oh the horror' there was a slip up oops maybe there's some lines of dialogue that they couldn't make match lip flaps perfectly or god knows what but you know someone would find something to complain about (whether it be an actual issue or just some personal gripe)
Over all I think when it's situations that are like one off side games with a smaller cast of characters to handle like say Pokemon Snap those are great for voice acting, and just in general sort of an experimentation exploration ground for things that may not work or fit well within one of main line games - it's great that they've been trying to do more with their classic formula of game play, trying to find ways to mix it up a little so the games aren't exact but come on they're always going to hit some of the same beats.
#and I want to be clear I'm not saying that graphically the games have been perfect or can't be improved here and there#only that they could easily improve and modify within the current existing look of the game without needing to make shit realistic#also people will talk about wanting better more detailed graphics while also complaining about the game lagging and barely able to manage-#said graphics#look maybe this is just me cause I grew up for a while playing mostly handled games and most of what had didn't have voice acting anyway#so I just don't care most of the time
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So I spend a lot of time thinking about
Television made stories for everybody. So daytime soaps (yeah I used to watch those too, don't judge) show you endless affairs, bickering, backstabbing, and then another set of intrigues for each passing hour that you watch. Action shows are showing you countless deaths, acts of villainy, and a murder or two per week back in the eighties. Conditioning people so they're calloused against those things. After AM/FM made people listen ever so selectively.
A road paved with good intentions.
You know?
So today's "I'm sure there's somebody" and associated "you never know", well, you do. I can (and I'm sure the algorithms do) go around a facebook's friends list and go "here's your problem; you have no real friends". Or whatever the circumstances really are. Because I was raised to think about things like this, like this.
"What the zero sum source of *your problem is* actually turns out to be **someone in your friends list**" You cant afford a house because friend here has a social pole position *in real life* off facebook, because it's an unprofitable decision that *they themselves have*"
Demographics are saying you can't get a job catholic in a protestant area. What you spoke at birth keeps from the job or accolade *affirm action itself* says you're equally entitled to.
"Pulling up the ladder. Burning the ladder. Destroying all evidence of ladders." Said Carlos Mencia of specific to Latinos American integration problem; themselves of all people.
So Americans, when it comes to intractable insurmountable problems; that's not for lack of knowledge where people *fucking live tweet* natural disasters *in progress*.
Blogger was following 9/11 faster than the government. They couldn't *do* anything, but they were there.
Same as the telephone designed to make the world smaller, made it impossible to run away from prejudice in practice. Bootleggers made heavy use of that too; listening in on shortwave and making telephone calls.
Alameda only really hurt people who lived a couple miles from the freeway. And that meant something. We "don't know why" disasters seem to target southern trailer parks; and yet we do. We build substandard dwelling for substandard (subjective and changes with the times) peoples *in floodplains*. We don't know why floodplains take on too much water regularly.
AI now is a few ultra rich people, a few thousand people in and around government, and some way for AI to "terraform" everyone else into a desired shape that suits them. Not cure cancer or AIDS. Not prevent wars by addressing petty disagreements before shots are fired. Social media already had to cover up how people are directly competing with their neighbors. *Before facebook was even a thing*.
Well, can't have insurance because *there's not enough to go around* a whole neighborhood.
A hundred thousand dollar house costs you four million BECAUSE you're making sixty cents on the dollar (thanks mom). "They didn't come up with that system" but social media means some people can compare experiences across whole regions.
So it's so happened that fewer people have more and more power, to care about fewer and fewer things. The base of their ivory tower has some termite problems. And a whole human race is riding on that; those few people.
"well there's your problem!" Someone ultra rich wants millions of people having specific problems (cabals, sultans, and especially kings before the wealthy types) because it suits a lifestyle.
Anyone can afford a newspaper to follow John Dillinger "sticking it to the man" and destroying middle class mortgages that they'll never have.
0 notes
Terrible Trilogy
Part 10
wordcount: 7 347

"Hurry the hell up!" Billy ordered as Stu got out to go into a gas station for a restroom break and snacks. You just got done pumping gas and now you were just sitting in the parking lot.
Stu flipped him off as he left, leaving you and Billy alone in the car.
He shifted in his seat to look at you as you sat behind the wheel. Both of them finally agreed after you convinced them daylight traffic near LA was not the right time for either of them to drive and draw attention.
"So, we're just going to Hollywood to...What? Look for clues? Is that what we're doing with our lives now?" He muttered.
"Don't let Shaggy hear you say that, but yes. Not unless you want to hear 'zoinks' for the next hour."
"I'd have to kill him."
You chuckled at that before he turned in his seat to look at you.
"...Okay, since I was forced to share my personal life bullshit; what is your deal with Gale Weathers? Other than her portraying you as a complete slut for me and Stu."
You gave him a mocking smile. "Aw, thanks for that reminder."
"Gale wrote it, not me." He rolled his lips. You knew the memory of the closet was in both your minds. You expected him to tease or mock you but he said nothing for once in his life. He continued with a light shrug. "You've mentioned little things here and there and I want to know what's the deal with all that."
"Well, this came out of nowhere."
"I want to talk about it alone. So, while your trusty guard dog is gone; Talk."
You sighed but figured now was as good a time as any. Stu was relatively caught up but Billy was clueless on your life after Woodsboro. If this is what it takes to get along for now then so be it.
"Well... After you left the theater, Gale lived. I mean, obviously. I saved our asses from being killed by Mickey when he attacked us. You know the movie rule; one last scare….Did that count for anything in her Channel pocketbook? Nope. Still always the opportunist that doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone but her money and name."
Billy scrunched his brows. "Mickey was dead-"
You cut him off. "He wasn't. I had to shoot him a couple times till he stopped moving. Even with wounds that should have killed him; he still got up and was ready to rip anyones head off in some blind rage over Hallie's death." You had a distant look in your eye.
It was silent a moment before Billy scoffed. "You?...You're telling me you shot that big ass poser?...More than once? I don't believe it."
You gave him a dirty look. "I shot at you."
"Exactly, shot at me and missed. You didn't shoot to kill."
"Who says I didn't? So, I missed my target? Big whoop."
Billy huffed at that with an annoyed glare as you glared back at him. "Yes, Billy; I shot Mickey Altieri till he was good and dead. I'd tell you to ask Cotton or Gale but both aren't possible. Read the detailed police report if you have to; I'm sure you could find it online...Now, can I finish my story or what?"
He stared at you, taken aback at your serious tone. "...Yeah okay, whatever. Go on."
"Anyways, she came to me in the hospital for a deal after she saw you two and you both confirmed it to your Mom... The deal was; she puts me in a new light as the innocent victim and retracts the Woodsboro Massacre story by having me say you both were alive while helping her find you."
"...Or?" He raised his brows impatiently for you to continue.
"Or she will make herself my problem. Forever...Guess which one my stupid ass picked? Worse, I sued her and pissed her off even more." You chuckled. "I mean, like it would have mattered. She would've painted me as involved no matter what. You can't trust media types."
You saw the suspicious look he gave you.
"Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm not involved. I would have killed you a long time ago if I was. "
He stared you down in the passenger seat. "I don't know...We killed your best friends. We killed your boyfriend. We tried to kill you. We had some choice words to say to each other on the phone."
He gave you an odd look as you rolled your lips. "You're right; we're not friends. Bringing up that phone call or what happened at Woodsboro is just asking for a fight that I doubt Stu could even break up. Bringing up the murder of my friends and James is more surface level than the shit we said to each other." You glanced over at him. "So, let's not rehash it...Please."
He stared a moment before giving you a neutral expression. "I'm not rehashing anything. Just pointing out you'd have plenty of reasons to kill us off."
You gave a scoffing chuckle you couldn't hold in. "God, Loomis. I might be the killer but you want to act shocked that I aimed at you and killed Mickey...Are you trying to convince me or yourself that I'm still that pliable good girl you can manipulate?"
He leaned forward into your comfort zone, a look in his eyes as you sat there with an annoyed glare. You experienced him purposely trying to get in your head too many times to be fazed completely. You just got a dose of it last night when he was smoking outside.
You suppressed an eye roll as he tilted his head to look at you, mere inches from you. "...You don't think you can be manipulated? Really?" He purred, a slight familiar smirk on his face.
You glared daggers at the audacity he still had. "People can be manipulated when they have hope. I don't. You're wasting both our times here." You firmly gave.
He eyed you, losing the smirk as you elaborated. "I don't have hope that my life will be okay after this or that you and Stu will be better people or that I'll ever have a friend besides the other Woodsboro survivors that are friends without a motive."
"...You still have fear. Fear is the best manipulation you can use against someone. " He was still in your space, his eyes darting down from your eyes as his voice was matter of fact.
Your voice was heavy. "Of course I have fear. I live my life everyday in fear. Everytime I set my alarm system or hear a weird noise at night or have a night terror; I'm scared to death. But...I accept it now. I've already thought of the worst possible scenarios in my head over and over again and...The hopes just...Gone."
His gaze went from predatory to one of understanding. He stared at you, his dark eyes slowly roaming over your face before staring into your eyes. You both stared a moment, inches from each other before he sat back in his seat.
"Word of advice; Don't lose your survival instincts because of something as stupid as hope.... Hope is just imaginary bullshit anyways."
" My survival instincts have never been better. Surviving is all I know how to do now."
You both held the stare. You were fine letting him know just how much you changed these last few years and how willing you were to survive.
He folded his arms and leaned back in his seat. "Back to Gale. Why is she so interested in you? She can't be that hellbent on finding us with no proof other than her memory."
"Oh but she is...She's been on my case since Woodsboro. Blocking her shooting you plus rumors from students was enough for her to frame me as an accomplice. My lawsuit almost went out the window because the beginning of Stab said, and I quote, 'Based on a true story. Some things have been changed for viewers' entertainment' but when the judge saw how my character was smeared and a real life assault happened; she couldn't get away with that."
"Assault?" He muttered with a raised brow.
You shifted in your seat at the memory. "Yeah. I told you; surviving is the one thing I know how to do...I hate talking about it but I had a mega fan of Stab swear up and down I was a part of the killings because how could the movies be wrong? He wasn't pretending to be a masked killer but...He uh-" You swallowed and put a hand on your chin for a moment, looking away from Billy to think back. "He attacked me outside my parents house late at night during my court case while I was taking out the trash. He blacked my eye and slammed my head against a nearby tree. It all happened so...So fast...He uh...He threw some liquid on me that smelled like fuel. I think he was going to try to set me on fire. Thank god it wasn't acid, I guess."
Billy stared at you intently. His features fell as he listened.
"I got away, got into my house and he followed me into the kitchen." He didn't answer as you continued, a heaviness in your voice you couldn't hide. "Then I whipped around and stabbed him in the neck with a kitchen knife...My family came back home with me in a fetal position on the ground next to his body. I didn't even call the police yet. Christ, they were only gone for 10 minutes. After that, I vowed to move as far away from people as I could with as much security and as many locks as money could buy me. I thought I was protecting myself and the people I care about...That wasn't even enough."
You shrugged, trying to make light of an awful situation. "So, I had to kill two people within the last few years. I didn't want to but...Dog eat dog world. That's what you and Stu claim."
You rubbed at your nose and rolled your lips to hide any traumatic emotional response dying to get out. "I stopped seeing Henry, my therapist, because he kept pushing me to get out into the world and I don't want to. He only knows what I tell him. He had no idea what I've actually went through or that you two were very real and very much still alive...It felt pointless going to see someone that either wanted me on pills for hallucinations I know for a fact are real but can't tell him how I know or to push me to be normal. I want to be. I wanted nothing more than a simple life far away from everything and everyone just to live out my days, boring and safe...Didn't happen."
Billy shifted in his seat, opening his mouth to say something before closing it. He pushed his tongue inside his cheek. You could tell he wanted to say something but wasn't allowing himself.
He swallowed before mumbling low in his throat. "...So...Well, what I'm hearing is that Gale's a suspect." He gave. That definitely wasn't everything he wanted to say but you expected as much.
You responded with a curt nod. "I guess so. We're not acting until we have definitive proof."
"Giving orders now?"
"No, just using common sense. We don't need any useless kills that could lead police back to us."
His eyes widened as he slowly looked over at you. "No shit but...You're telling me you're willing to kill again?"
"I don't want to but for my survival; I will. I already told you, I did it twice. And pardon me but I gave you and Stu a run for your money as well."
You expected him to glare at you or to pull at a knife and threaten you for being so cocky. Instead he just scoffed and looked at the window beside him.
"You were a pain in the ass, I'll give you that."
You both sat in silence as you saw Stu come back and sling a bunch of bags in the back seat.
Billy was good at hiding his emotions and changing subjects. He did it instantly like a switch while you silently felt dread at the memories that just got brought up again.
Billy huffed. "Jesus, Stu; what the hell is all that?"
Stu showed what he got while he was already chewing on gum that you could smell clear from where you sat. Cinnamon. That scent always reminded you of Woodsboro High, walking the halls and standing near the lockers while Stu smacked his gum and goofed off with Randy or picked on Tatum. The scent of Tatum's sweet perfume. Sidney's bag always smelled like the birchwood candles she burned at home. Randy smelling like way too much adidas cologne to the point it gave you a headache and Billy smelling like that hair gel he used that gave him that signature swept back look that always fell forward and separated; making his hair like oily when it was just stiff.l with gel. The noise of the hallway. The sound of sneakers squeaking on the floor and lockers slamming shut. Seeing Sidney under Billy's arm and thinking they were a normal healthy couple...Seeing Stu kissing Tatum's neck as she playfully shooed him away...The guilt you felt at wishing you had what Tatum and Sidney had while in denial and telling yourself you never thought of them like that. That it was the relationship you wanted, not the guys. Opting to go out with James to distract from it; thinking you wanted a relationship like your friends had...If only you knew-
"Hey, Earth to YN."
You blinked at Billy's voice before jumping when Stu lightly tapped your forehead with a twizzler from the backseat.
"Jeez, easy!" Stu joked as he offered it to you. "It's a twizzler. Not a knife, babe."
You breathed out a sigh and took it. Billy looked back and offered his hand out. Stu scoffed. "You think you're getting my snacks, dude? Get the hell outta here."
"I think you can spare something from your three bags, pig."
"You paying?"
You gave him a side glare. "Stu, spare a chip."
"Fine. I guess I should help the homeless here and there."
Billy jerked his head and glared at Stu in the backseat before he had a small bag handed to him. Billy huffed and threw it back. "Do not give me fucking crappy pretzels when you have doritos back there. Hand them over." He did a grabbing motion with his hand behind the seat.
"Sure thing...Ooh!" Stu made a moaning noise before tossing the bag up until it hit the ceiling and fell onto the console. "Sorry there, man. Slipped."
"Kind of like my hand slipping upside your head." Billy grabbed the bag and gave Stu a look. "If I open this and there's no whole pieces; I'm kicking your ass."
You offered your hand out as well and Stu jokingly went to give you a bag and jerked it away. You turned back and gave him an annoyed look. "Stu, I will help Billy kick your ass."
"Cool." Billy commented.
"As if you could."
"The bag of bugles or lays, Stu...Please."
Stu playfully raised his brows. "Since you asked so nicely, come back and get them."
"Stu, it is noon. I'm already tired of driving. I'm on edge...I want it right now!"
"Ooh, so you want it right here and right now, huh?"
Billy chuckled as he popped a chip in his mouth while watching the free show.
"I mean, are we talking about the snacks or-" You punched Stu in the leg and yanked a bag from the seat. You tsked to yourself when you saw it was the pretzel bag.
You sighed in defeat before you had a bag of your favorites in your lap. You glanced over to see Stu leaning forward and smirking at you. "Relax, you think I'm that much of a jerk? I'm just teasing. I'm just totally stoked to get to Hollywood!...And you hit me for it."
"Not sorry." You muttered with a small smile. "Thanks though."
"Okay, can we get this show on the road? So far our only suspects other than each other is Gale. And the sooner I plunge my knife into whoever is doing this crap; the better." Billy gave.
"Gale Weathers? Where did that come from?" Stu asked.
"I'll tell you on the way."
You parked the car as far as security would let you. The moment they saw your ID and knew who you were, they let you through.
"...I've been dreading this the whole ride." You mumbled.
"Why are you so damn glum? At least you got to sue. I had to deal with that awful wig they gave David Shwimmer in silence."
You gave him a deadpan expression. "Really, Billy? The wig. The only thing you find wrong about this is your hair?"
Stu leaned forward between you both. "Man, both of you are being drags. It's Hollywood, baby! We are on the set of a movie all about us. Live it up!"
"Yeah, great. I'll just go high five all the cast!...We're in hiding, you dolt."
Stu suggestively raised his brows at you and you inwardly cringed. Praying he wasn't actually going to do what you thought he originally wanted to do.
You changed the subject. "Yeah well, I say you both hang back while I talk to people around here. Hopefully Randy will be around here somewhere."
Stu smirked. "Yeah, good luck. Dorklord is probably geeking out on set somewhere. Jizzing in his khakis over a movie."
"Or getting tongue tied while the hot actresses use him as a coat rack." Billy added with his own haughty smirk.
You glared at them both. "Okay, I'm getting really tired of the constant insults! If you too want to insult each other, be my guest but leave my friends and me out of it."
"What? You're one friend, Meek Geek? Kind of hard to do." Billy gave with a chuckle.
You smacked your steering wheel. "Stop!" Both their faces dropped at how angry you were getting. "You don't even know who he is! Or Dewey! Or me! Okay, Randy is a talented movie buff getting his footing in the film industry. Being a geek got him pretty far; where did being the asshole bad boy get you?"
You got out of the car as Billy opened his mouth to argue and you slammed the car door shut. It was broad daylight and you motioned them out. Between your weapons and broad daylight just a corner away from a populated area; the only thing either could do was run their mouths.
Stu got out of the car first and half cringed half smiled at you as he jogged up to you. "Jeez girl, nice one but...Don't have a fit over Ray-"
You jerked your head to give him a simmering stare behind your sunglasses. "I'm not having a fit; I just don't like people being jerks for no reason."
Billy slammed your door and gave you a mocking look. "Yeah? Well that's just how life works. I can guarantee you he's the same geek as in High School and you're just sore he's your only friend."
Stu smirked. "Probably balding by now too. I don't know; let's bet. Skinny like in Highschool or fat?"
Billy gave a devious smirk back and you rolled your eyes. "God, the only thing you both bond over is juvenile bullying. Shocker." You started walking as you locked your car with your remote. "Besides, he's definitely not balding or the same guy in High School. He grew up...A lot."
Billy scoffed. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you're being dickheads for no reason. He's my best friend-"
"Yeah, in hopes you'll give it up." Billy mumbled.
"He had that opportunity and didn't take it. He's not like you two horny cretins." You shrugged, adjusting your sunglasses as you all walked near the buildings away from the very few people that walked by in their own worlds.
Stu stopped in his tracks. "Wait...HUH?"
You sighed heavily, stopping and rolling your neck to untense your muscles. "We sort of dated for a hot minute."
Both of them stopped dead in their tracks. You had that uneasy feeling, hoping that Stu didn't get any ideas out of jealousy. You were prepared to hear yelling or insults but you whipped your head around when you heard a slow build up of laughter.
Stu released a high pitched laugh and pointed at you while Billy hushed him and leaned against the building as his shoulders violently shook from suppressed laughter.
"WHAT?! What is so funny, you freaking imps?" You snapped.
"You?...Ha! You and MEEK?!" Stu choked out with wide eyes and a shit eating grin.
"What was it? A dare? Pity?" Billy chuckled with a smug grin of his own.
"No, actually! It was right after he got out of his coma! We casually dated a few times and then decided we weren't liking each other for the right reasons." You huffed, grinding your boot heel into the pavement as they both continued laughing in disbelief.
"Came to your senses, huh?" Stu quipped.
"No, he called it off. Not me."
Both their laughs dwindled and their faces fell at the serious tone and glare you gave them. You folded your arms as they both stared.
"...Are you serious?" Stu asked, losing his smirk.
"Dead serious. We dated and had one make out session before we knew it wasn't right. The spark just wasn't there."
Stu soon looked offended. "What the fuck? No way. That little dork would be grateful! I don't buy it. Look at you!" He gestured to the new get up you had on. You were self conscious of the shiny red leather pants and black lace camisole but you figured you better dress in the best clothes you brought for Hollywood.
"Me neither. Randy Meeks would have been your love slave if you so much as flirted with him, let alone gave him tongue!" Billy added. "Honestly, I don't believe you even kissed him. You're bullshitting us right now, aren't you?"
" I'm not. Ray is fucking catch now! He has dates every other week with beautiful women. He was a popular geek at Woodsboro; you think he didn't get girls at college? He did. He still does. Highschool status is nothing once you graduate. "
Stu shook his head. "Nu uh. I don't believe it, Sweetcheeks! I just don't"
"Believe it, Stu. Women aren't attracted to the same thing you guys are. That bad boy popular rich jerk bullshit that got you both girls in High school gets OLD as an adult."
Billy looked almost disgusted at you. "Well, if you're so certain; what could possibly make him call it off with someone like you then? No matter how frumpy you look living in the woods-"
"So sweet." You mocked with a sarcastic smile.
"-You're still out of his league. What could possibly make him dump you?" Billy gave.
You rolled your eyes behind your shades. "What else other than that god forsaken town and what you two did there?"
"Long story short; we both trauma bonded at Windsor. We were stressed over a horrible situation, we were scared for our lives and we both brought back memories to each other. Almost losing him made me determined to give it a try. I was just a Sidney replacement and our kiss made him realize that. I wasn't as into it as I thought I would be either because he was just…A...Derek replacement." You faltered, saving yourself from mentioning two names you'd rather die than mention out loud. You shook your head. "Point is; We both lost important people in our lives and tried replacing them with each other. Trust me, we work better as friends and there's no attraction no matter how much we goof off and fake flirting with each other for laughs."
Stu scrunched his face in outrage. "You were just hyping him up!"
"Hey, can't argue with facts. Boy has women all the time. He's got a date this weekend with a tall, brunette that's trying to get into modeling." You shrugged. They gave you disbelieving looks in return.
You lowered your shades to give them both a serious stare. Lowering your voice to a growl to avoid anyone hearing. "Remember the crazed knife wielding lunatic I was when I thought he was dead? Well now, I'm closer to him AND have a gun. If either of you get jealous and try the same shit you did with my ex...I will either shoot you or have you both arrested, even if I get booked too."
Billy looked at you in interest. "You wouldn't."
"I would. Because without them two; I have practically nothing. I will gladly go to prison for obstruction and other charges if the ones responsible do too." You gave them each a look before putting your shades back in place. "That clear?"
Stu looked skeptical but nodded. "Crystal...Besides, I'm not threatened. I mean...It's me. No one compares to me, huh babe?" He winked at you.
"Your humbleness is amazing as always, Stuart." You sarcastically gave before looking over at Billy. He threw his hands up.
"Why are you looking at me? I could give a shit less!"
"Just letting you both know. That's all." You drew out as you started walking and they followed. "I'm going to try and talk us into the studio to get a better picture of everything and find Randy. If they don't let you both in; then maybe look around? We'll meet back at my car-"
You trailed off as you rounded the corner to see how busy it was and the giant sliding door with Ghostface on the side. A pit fell in your stomach at the imagery as this idea felt more and more hopeless by the second.
"Woah." Stu mouthed in awe.
Billy must have felt a mutual feeling as he subtly hid behind you near the building's corner. "This is a fucking horrible idea! Someone is going to see us!"
Stu rolled his eyes. "Would you relax? No one is going to recognize us on a movie set."
"Fuck off! One look and we're done!"
You turned to him, leaning close to whisper. "Billy I feel the same way but...What choice do we have? Come on, you're like, the best under pressure."
He glanced at you in surprise at that. "...Yeah?...Yeah but pressure is talking my way out of a situation. Not walking on set with people who probably have seen articles of my face everywhere to play these roles."
Stu blew air between his lips. "Please, It's easy. Watch."
"Wait-" You tried stopping him as he walked. You and Billy watched him casually walk. He waved at random people that waved back with a smile.
"I can't tell if he is stupid or crazy." You muttered in awe at how little he feared danger.
"Both." Billy mumbled back as you both started following him.
You subconsciously felt eyes on you whether they were or not and tried calming your breathing. 'Don't have a panic attack, don't freak out, don't-' You recited in your head as you walked up to the building. Security was everywhere.
You saw the door opening and a bunch of people moving. Stu grabbed your hand. "Now's our chance, come on-"
He dragged you as you tried to keep up as you all three slipped past security through the crowd of people.
"Shit...That worked...Now what?" You mumbled.
Billy muttered in your ear. "Stu and I are hanging back while you find Randy."
"Good idea. He'll instantly recognize you both."
You both were stopped by someone with a headset and board in their hand.
"Woah there. No one gets in without a pass. No media!"
Stu huffed. "I'm here for an audition!"
The guy gave him an unamused look. "Yeah? You and every other tall Cali boy thinking they can nail the part."
You stepped forward. "Sir, I uh...I have a friend working here actually."
"Oooh. Wow. Never heard that one before. Get out-" He went to shove you and Stu away to the door as Billy hung back a bit. Giving everyone paranoid glances.
"Okay, fine." You sighed as you dug out your ID and handed it over. The young man's eyes widened as he saw your name and face.
"Yep." You sheepishly grinned.
"Huh...I can't see the Producer allowing you in but the Director is all about bringing in Woodsboro locals to his movie. Whatever. That's above my pay grade. With the recent Cotton murder they're changing rules here left and right. Ugh!" He stepped aside to let you go but stopped Billy. "Uh, I don't think so."
Billy scoffed. "I'm with them."
"I heard he's here to audition and she's YN. I don't remember you stating your business….Wait a minute...You know who you look like?"
Your stomach dropped as you all looked back and Billy's face dropped. You all were silent, your mind was frantically thinking of what to do. Do you all run? Do you try to take out a guy working behind the scenes of the movie? Do you lie your ass off? You didn't breathe as the security guard eyed Billy up and down.
"A younger Johnny Depp! You know before he started growing his hair out and bleaching it for his new role in Blow coming out. You look just like him!"
Billy gave a relieved smile as you all let out a breath. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I get that a lot."
Billy went to walk past and the man put a hand up. "Hold on there. We get look alikes all the time; doesn't mean they're allowed in. Besides, we don't have any Johnny Depp's needed here."
"Uh, he got a job here too! Yeah, my friend Randy Meeks put in a good word for him."
"Oh, Mr. Meeks. I just let him in a few hours ago...So, what is this guy? A tech geek?...He looks more like one of those actors for that convict movie on Studio 24 about a bunch of losers getting arrested for a failed robbery or something like that...I don't know bud, I think it's the trench coat and hair. So 3 years ago."
Billy's face fell as you and Stu grinned at each other.
Stu proudly exclaimed. "He sure is! Best damn actor to play a loser. Honestly, you would think he was one; he is that good!"
Billy gave Stu a glare that promised death when the guy wasn't looking.
You tried to be serious even though you wanted to laugh your ass off. "Yep! Yep he is definitely trying to get into acting. He's auditioning for the role of...Randy."
"Oh, you didn't hear? They killed that character in the last movie. The old director thought it was more climatic that way...And a leaked script doesn't help. Heard it got a lot of flack for the decision. Mr. Meeks was a fan favorite. But they have Ricky as a homage. "
You gave a fake sad smile. "Aw, that's too bad. Ray definitely has the sense of humor to be popular among fans of Stab. But we're heading to a few studios after this. I just had to stop in to see the real Randy, talk to the director and let uh...Dennis here audition. So, can Vincent tag along?"
The guy grimaced. "I don't know. No one gets in or out without a pass. The security is tight and I'm just a minor part of the production department. "
"Oh, not even the original Stab survivor?" You pouted. "Please. It's been hard on Randy coming back to all of this and he really needed the support. My acting friends here have been dying to get in too and I'd hate to be the one to turn them away."
"....Alright, but put these on and stay out of everyone's way." He gave you each a pass from his bag and shuffled off as he checked some things off his list.
Billy waited till he left before turning to you both. "...Both of you go fuck yourselves."
"Oh, I plan to. Maybe YN will join me-"
You chuckled and shoved him away. "Nope for the hundredth time...Now, both of you ease back and let me walk. If anyone sees us…" You trailed off as your eyes landed on someone. You shoved your shades on top of your head as a smile graced your lips. You raced towards him, leaving those two behind.
He put on a few pounds, had his hair slicked back and a name tag on but still had the same lovable goofy grin when he saw you. You ran up and instantly hugged him.
"Dewey!" You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he gave a surprised chuckle.
"YN, what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?"
You both gave a sheepish chuckle. "Deja vu." You gave. "Seriously though, what the hell are you doing here?"
"I work on the movie. They wanted someone from Woodsboro to help the story." His face dropped as he turned you around. You looked behind his shoulder to see both Stu and Billy were gone. Hiding or snooping somewhere. Dewey gave you a worried look. "YN, I didn't want you coming here. Cotton Weary-"
"I know. I came here because Randy invited me."
"Why would he do that?!"
You put a hand on Dewey's shoulder. "Hey, I came on my own accord, Dewey. Besides...I uh...I can't hide forever. If I'm not safe in your company then where else am I?" You smiled. It faded at the deep frown Dewey gave you.
You both were interrupted when you heard a voice behind you.
You turned to see a young guy with glasses and a grin. "Oh my God, it's actually you! No one has seen you, or uh...So, I've heard." He looked worried for a moment. "You're not here to file a lawsuit, are you? Please for the love of Christ tell me you're not. I have detectives breathing down my neck and Milton thinking of shutting down production-"
"Oh, no. I'm not. Not this time." You laughed before extending your hand. "You know who I am but uh, who are you?"
He smiled and shook your hand. "Roman Bridger. Director."
Dewey added. "Roman uh...Do you think it's safe for YN to be here?"
"No safer than the rest of us. I think the detectives are just freaking out over what? An ex-con turned talk show host? It was a one time incident!" Roman's attention was drawn to somewhere else. "Oh excuse me. Auditions. Don't let Milton see you, he's still upset over the paperwork his assistant had to file from your lawsuit in 99."
You looked at Dewey who still seemed worried.You smiled at him. "Dewey, it's alright. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Really. Just...On edge."
You nodded even though you didn't believe it. Someone went to get Dewey as he said goodbye to you and you wandered away. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you gasped as Billy dragged you into a corner.
"God, Billy-"
"Shut up for a second. We have a major problem."
"I'm gonna kill him. Stu went off and now I can't find him. I swear to fucking God if he's not the one behind this-"
You put up a hand. "Okay, okay. We'll find him, just take it easy."
You and him walked as he whispered in your ear. "I can't wait to get out of here. There's too many people that might see my face, including Dewey. Randy's bad enough. Why didn't you tell me he was here?!"
"I didn't know! It shocked me too, honest! I was just talking to him and the director. "
"Goody for you. I was too busy looking for Stu's dumb ass."
You both jumped as someone yelled your name.
"God, now who knows me?" You hissed as you and Billy turned around with wide eyes to see an older man marching towards you both.
You didn't recognize him but he recognized you. He had an intimidating vibe about him that made you uneasy.
"I heard through the grapevine YN was here and you better pray that I'm wrong."
You gave a sheepish smile as you and Billy both shrank back. "U-uh...Who's asking?"
"John Milton. Film Producer for Sunrise Studios and the guy that had to deal with you sueing production and giving me a massive headache. First Gale Weathers, now you. Police breathing down our necks. Honestly, is Security taking naps around here or what?!" He shouted for everyone to hear.
Billy instantly started easing away and had you by the shoulder to subtly lead you as well. You stuttered. "W-Well, we have passes and-" He instantly snatched it from your hand.
Billy deepened his voice a little and hid his face. "Not necessary, asshole! We're leaving."
You and Billy practically raced out of there, being shoved the rest of the way out until the door shut behind you.
Billy smacked his sides in an exasperated shrug. "Well that was the dumbest fucking idea you ever had."
"Hey, you could have waited in the car! Besides, now we have to find Stu."
"Fucker...Where could he even be?!"
You were pacing and trying to figure out a way until you both got interrupted when you saw Stu walk out with a huge grin on his face.
Billy instantly grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the crowds and prying eyes with a glare. "Where the flying fuck were you?!"
"Chill out, man. I was auditioning."
Billy's whole face dropped. "That was a cover story, idiot!"
"Nope, that was plan A. Guess who just got the part of Stu Macher? Director said I had to get a wig and my nose wasn't right...Funny, as hell considering. But I got it!"
You cringed as you visibly saw Billy start to implode.
"Billy, we're in public-" You warned.
Stu smirked down at him. "Hey, Mr. brightside. I just got us inside everything in the studio and I get to play ME on the big screen. Win win."
Billy gritted his teeth and shoved Stu against the building. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL!-"
You had no choice but to put an arm around Billy and pull him back. "Vincent, we're joking about that right? Because we're in public." You hissed with a forced smile. Billy clenched his fist and you could see his jaw ticking as you had an arm looped around him. This was the most physical contact without fighting you had with him since Woodsboro. He shrugged you off and glared at you too.
"We don't even know if this is where we should look and this stupid, dumb bastard just put his face...LINKED TO ME; on full display." He turned back to Stu with an angry hiss. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
Stu rolled his eyes. "Man, it's fine! I'm SUPPOSED to look like Stu Macher. No one knows! Besides, if the director and cast just now didn't notice then no one else will either...Maybe you need to take more risk instead of sleeping in abandoned buildings and getting paid under the table with fake made up names."
Billy went to get in his pocket out of rage filled instinct and you stopped him. You looked at Stu. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from him right now."
Stu scoffed. "You both are way too uptight. You both look more suspicious right now than me. Lurking around, checking over your shoulders, stumbling over stories."
You rubbed your temple. "You know...This might be good."
"HOW?!" Billy growled out, turning his rage on you as you held up your hands defensively.
"I'm just suggesting that this might be insider stuff considering we both just got banned. Cotton was killed. This movie is about Woodsboro. How funny that Randy AND Dewey got invited to work here."
Billy eyed you "Your point? Make one quickly because my patience is THIN."
Stu's connected the dots first. "...You think...You think the killer is inviting them here?"
"Maybe...Including you. How did this job idea come about?"
"Uh, an agent found me and offered me to work on Stab and...Ooooh fuck."
Billy punched his arm repeatedly. "Oh. Fuck. Is. Right. Stupid. Fucking. Moron!" He growled out between hits as Stu winced. Stu gave him a glare and raised his hand to hit back.
"Stop! Public!... I think we need to stay here and look."
Billy threw up his hands and walked away. "What choice do we have! We're on a wild goose chase and NOW his face is linked to this movie!"
You looked over as Stu ignored Billy and squinted his eyes at someone in the distance. He shook his head. "...Nah, can't be."
You looked and a huge grin slowly spread over your face as you saw him talking to people. A white tank on and an oversized shirt wrapped around his waist with khakis on. He brushed his longer hair back as it tried falling from the volumized swept back look he was going for.
"Ha! It is." You drew out with sadistic glee at the looks on Billy and Stu's faces. "Wait here and try not to show yourselves too much." You ran before they could say otherwise.
You got halfway to him before yelling. "Hey, Seth Green!" You yelled, not caring about the small group of people nearby. Sewing Dewey and Randy brought about a bit of comfort from the anxiety of a new social situation. He looked around and you laughed and cupped your hands to yell again. "Yes, you! I'm a huge fan of your work Seth!"
He whipped his head your way in confusion before a smirk stretched his face. You flipped him off and he laughed and walked towards you, flipping you off as well.
He had a slight limp when he tried jogging but most wouldn't notice. He laughed and rushed over to meet you halfway, picking you up as you released a snort of laughter. He picked you up off the ground and chuckled. "Is Seth ripped? I don't think so, asshole."
"Okay, okay! You just had to show off your muscles, huh? They look good. That training is REALLY paying off. I can use you to fight my fights from now on."
You could feel his much larger and more defined arms set you down as you still had your hands on his shoulders. He smiled at you, his blue eyes twinkling in the sun. He pulled back with an endearing grin.
"I think the hell not. I've seen you fight, you're fine…And look at you! Damn, those red hot pants and the lacey top. From woman of the woods to Buffy Summers."
You shrugged with a flattered smile. "Yeah, I couldn't go to Hollywood in flannels and jeans."
He gave you a confused smile. "I'm so damn happy to see you, honestly! But...What are you doing here? It's not exactly a great time."
Your smile fell slightly and you tilted your head. "What do you mean? Ray, you called me this morning, silly. You specifically told me to come here."
He scrunched his face. "Nnoooo...I most certainly did not."
Your face fell completely as you realized your hunch was right...The killer lured you all here on purpose and you talked to them this morning.
#scream#stu macher#billy loomis#scream fanfiction#my writing#yn fanfic#my stories#she her yn#fanfic#ghostface#scream 3#terrible trilogy
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Hey, sorry for asking something so unexpected, but one of the things that sparks my curiosity about your Au is Espio and Mighty's past relationship - especially because its not everyday people talk about them that way. What happened between them that was so bad that their breakup left Espio bitter about it for so many years? Because I got curious to know more about them ‐ that is, if you feel like writing about it, tho. Its fine if you dont! :)
BESTIE. bestie bestie bestie. I am FINALLY responding to this!!! in case anyone else doesn't know, I tried responding to this ask multiple times and it deleted itself/tumblr crashed. I was hurt. I was distraught. This is one of the core pillars of my personal sonic lore that originated from the earliest whispers of my childhood, so it is VERY IMPORTANT!!! I learned my lesson and am typing this in the notes app just to be sure... but also I'm not writing nearly as much as I did last time so if you have follow-up questions lmk!
Also, it makes more sense to describe the Chaotix origins lore all together so we're gonna start with:
It all starts with Vector. His father was a gang leader who was all tough and violent but had the softest heart and compassion for his mother, who had been the only nice classmate his father had when they were in highschool. They were never meant to be lovers so he let her go, and unbeknownst to him she was pregnant. He assumed it was her new man's kid but alas, no. TLDR she was targeted by a rival gang because everyone knew she was his only weakness and they burned her apartment to the ground, and Vector's dad couldn't save her but saved him. He was an amazing father and always encouraged Vector to do whatever he wants, trying to keep him out of the crime they survived off of by sending him to school (Vector was amazing in school) and letting him read and make music. Vector has his mother's compassion and intelligence, but the strength and wit of his father. He never wanted to be a criminal, but was always prepared to help his father and the gang if need be since he values family and their support for him over the legal system.
A few of the gang members found him wandering around/outside their turf. He was only 7, armed to the teeth, and had little to no memory of his family: all he knew is he was a detective and was supposed to be investigating angel island but got lost. Naturally, they took him to Vector's dad who was like "hey Vec, you said you wanna help out around here... right? Cool, this is your brother now." Vector was OVERJOYED, and accidentally overwhelmed poor Espio by offering to take him to school and go on adventures together and share a room and listen to music! The truth of the matter is that Espio repressed a lot of his early years (3-5) after he blew up half of south island. Him and Mighty met on a playground frequently since Espio was homeless and after meeting Mighty at the park, always went there and established it as a safe place. He was a hotheaded kid and after they ran off one day they found Eggman, and getting cocky, Espio went to attack him with chaos energy/wind powers. He had no clue how to control the energy he was drawing from Eggman's stolen gem and blew up the forest, displacing all the animals there. This is why he hates Eggman, forgot about his chaos abilities, and why he trained to be a better ninja. Yeah he was a little kid, but that's why Espio is so hard on Charmy and judgemental towards characters like Sonic who have the same ego he once had. Eggman got the idea to use flickies for robot sources because it would protect them from environmental destruction and radiation while also giving the displaced animals a safe place to reside. It spiralled into the world domination we came to see in his villainous actions, but Espio's childhood recklessness is what led to Eggman's first idea for energy (hence why he postponed the chaos emerald power source in his robots).
They ran away from their orphanage together and got adopted into a semi-rival gang to Vector's dad's. When they got absorbed/wiped out, Mighty and Ray were saved and brought to live with Vector Espio and the others! This is when Mighty and Espio (9 and 10 respectively) are reunited, but the latter has no recollection of their friendship. Mighty doesn't say shit and they instantly become best friends! Mighty and Vector don't get along though, since Vector sees right through Mighty's lie (that he knows Espio) and Mighty doesn't trust Vector because of authority trauma and also Vector keeps trying to take care of Ray (who is 3 btw) which is a big no-no.
So uh, by now we've had Vector trying to be responsible, Mighty and Espio sneaking off to befriend the kid on the floating island (Knuckles), and Ray being the soft spot baby of the gang. Espio is very very shy and horribly awkward and embarrassed by the simplest thinks since his repressed trauma (his anger causing destruction) makes him seriously anxious all the time. Mighty is just a young trans guy in the city who wants to explore and make friends and see the world and help Espio see the world too! He's always teaching Espio about pop culture, music, social customs, etc... because he likes the guy, but wants to actually connect with him over stuff. Espio thinks Mighty is the coolest friend in the world and is totally in love with him, so he learns all he can and does his best to be a cool musician too. Remember that gang that killed Vector's mom? Well, funny story, Mighty and Espio find their main base when sneaking out one night and hear a baby crying... baby Charmy. They decide to steal him after seeing all the drugs and weaponry stored near him, since his parents clearly don't deserve a kid. When bringing him back home, Vector's dad almost loses his shit because THEY WERE PLANNING TO TRUCE, NOW IT LOOKS LIKE THEY'RE HOLDING THE LEADER'S KID FOR RANSOM! Anyways, after all of Vector's hard strategical work to end street violence and unite the gangs so his dad and the kids would be safe, they gotta go in and attack with the intent to kill and genocide the whole place. Vector is now taking care of Charmy full-time (rip his schoolwork) and this makes it even easier for Mighty and Espio to sneak out! Thanks Charmy, you're a real wingman. They gang relocates a couple towns over so RIP angel island you will be missed!
Okay, so Mighty is smitten with Scourge, who is the leader of a delinquent gang in the nearby city where their new home is. Yeah he has a girlfriend aka Fiona, but he seems to like Mighty a lot since he wants Mighty to take his spot as lead guitarist (leaving him as just lead vocalist). Mighty tries to teach Espio bass behind the scenes so he can join too, but Espio mainly tags along to watch since he's still helplessly in love with Mighty and seeing him as a band member is even more attractive. Ray sometimes gets brought along since he loves watching his brother perform, and Scourge LOVES Ray (like, he seems tough or scary as shit but he loves kids and is so good with Ray it makes Mighty so giddy). Espio is oblivious to Mightourge and is just like "wow I'm glad Scourge is a good friend to Mighty and lets him be in his band" the poor chameleon is an IDIOT!!! Fiona Manic and Bean are the other members and try to drop hints, but it doesn't work. For the record, Fiona and Scourge are dating but not exclusive (Mighty and Espio don't know this though so they both think Scourge just likes Mighty platonically bc duh he has a girlfriend he's straight). Vector can tell Mighty's heart is elsewhere and it kills to watch Espio obliviously simp for Mighty. Like, don't get me wrong Mighty likes Espio too, but it's exhausting having to explain stuff to Espio and be the cool one teaching him how to socialize when Scourge is already cool and shares a lot of interests with him! Mighty loves Espio but he's IN love with Scourge, and that's the difference. Yeah, him and Espio will sneak into the same bunk bed so they can share headphones and listen to music and sleep all snuggled up and cute, but Mighty will also sneak out on his own some nights to meet Scourge alone or have band practice without Espio tagging along.
Vector eventually confronts Mighty about his irresponsibility; he's not committed to their work here as a family, and expects them to take care if Ray if he's off being in a band and leading Espio on. Mighty gets pissed because he never asked to be here and yet is belittled and controlled every two seconds like he was born here or something, not to mention his only other friend (Knuckles) is too far away now and it's all because of the stupid gang. This is when Mighty is like 15 and they're all close to their current canon ages (around Knuckles Chaotix which happened during this time too) and after enough contemplation he decides to run away with the delinquents and takes Ray with him. Mighty and Espio had their same music-bunk session as per usual that night but when Espio woke up Mighty was gone without even a note and it was just him Charmy and Vector now.
You thought it couldn't get worse? HAH! Well, besides Espio's horrible emo depression that made him all cold and stoic these days, the gang has gotten a bit too big and Vector's dad anticipates them being shut down by special forces. To avoid raising suspicion, Vector's dad sends him on a mission; take all their money (like, ALL OF it from the gang's revenue) and launder it in the bigger city up north with the kids. Vector and his dad have an unspoken understanding of what's going to happen but never say it, so Vector does as he's instructed and thanks his father for everything. This is where Vector learns about his mom and his birth origins, and Vector's dad tells him to open that detective agency he always wanted, and to use this job as a gift to thank him for being such a wonderful supportive son. Vector takes Charmy and Espio to the city and establishes the agency (it's run-down because what else could they afford? Vector had to spend as little as possible because who knows how long this would take, and he had kids depending on him despite only recently becoming a legal adult himself. They needed food, heating, furniture, etc... so their cash had to be spent sparingly).
Vector is gonna be a cheerful and kind hearted leader in the memory of both his parents who died to protect him and the others (since the police raid killed everyone involved... or so they thought. BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY!)
Espio has trust issues and hates Eggman, as well as anyone who is arrogant or heroic or loves adventure since you can never trust an adventurer to stay committed to you.
Charmy... he remembers. He loved his brother Ray, and knew about Espio and Mighty despite only being a toddler or young child for most of it. He misses the brothers that left, but values the sacrifices Vector made so they could stay together, and the emotional sacrifices Espio makes all the time so no one has to see his emotionally vulnerable side again and use it against them.
Espio has abandonment issues and got totally led on, but Mighty isn't the villain of the story either. They definitely still have feelings for one another even if Mightourge is endgame and Espio has enough other messy relationships to compensate (Wave, Silver, Shadow, even Infinite to an extent) so he DEFINITELY doesn't need the OG messy partner on his plate! Oh, but he's still bitter and not over it.
Oh, and here's a playlist of songs Espio would sing to Mighty if he got the chance (as a Brendon Urie impersonator and Ronnie Radke apologist)
#bsc canon lore#bsc ships#bsc playlists#long post#espio the chameleon#mighty the armadillo#espighty#vector the crocodile#charmy bee#ray the flying squirrel#fiona fox#scourge the hedgehog#bean the dynamite#manic the hedgehog#team chaotix#mightourge
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So my partner is amazing and let's me ramble about RE to them whenever I want to, and even sat down to watch Vendetta with me when I bought it, so the other day I was like explaining Leon and Chris' characters (bc my partner knows how much I love them both lmao so of course that's what I was talking about), and we have both come to the conclusion that Leon is a bisexual disaster, and Chris is a homosexual. The running joke is that Leon is also just generally a whore, out there living his best life, and Chris is the kind of gay guy who no one expects to be gay bc of stereotypes and his habit of never really talking about himself, but he also was never really in the closet about it, so he's surprised whenever people are surprised to learn that he's gay lolol but in all seriousness Leon is not only bisexual, but he's the type to fall in love easily despite all of his background and trauma related to betrayal, so his heart is almost continually broken, either bc he's betrayed or he loses whoever it is he's found himself in love with (and sometimes both i.e. Krauser, and Ada at the end of RE2), either through death or just leaving bc he knows he can't stay/can't be with whomever. As for Chris, maybe I'm reading into it wrong, but despite all of the like, romantic connotations they try to put into some of his games (which I don't. Really see? Like there was some in the first game with Jill but I just cannot see them together like that, neither seem interested in one another like that. And of course, Jessica, who I can't stand, and who Chris is supposedly totally oblivious to? Like she thinks he didn't notice her flirting in RE revelations, and Parker is like "is it that, or is he maybe interested in someone else?" And the assumption there is that he means Jill, but again, I don't see it? Even in that game! But that line of Parker's always makes me think "yeah, he's more than just interested in someone else, he's playing for a whole nother team entirely!" lmao. And I haven't seen much for 5 but I'm sure it's there between Chris and Sheva, and then for 6 from what I understand there really is hardly any talk of Chris in regards to any women at all? 8 has nothing, as well, and the DLC for 7 is just another "Chris loses his entire team in horrific fashion yet again" side plot, so nothing there either), he never seems interested. He's always focused on the task at hand, not letting emotions get in his way, and like, some could argue that that's why he doesn't show interest or why Capcom doesn't create more romantic lore around him, but if they really wanted to Make Sure he was straight and Make Sure everyone playing these games knew that, I imagine there would be some one line little hints in the games of him talking about how he can't let himself get distracted, or in his line of work there are no happy endings or what have you, but. There's none of that. Bc he isn't forcing himself not to be interested, he isn't purposefully focusing on saving the day so he doesn't have to get hurt knowing he can never have whichever high potential for a dope ass protag female character who's constantly sacrificing herself to save him bc what better purpose could they serve, right Capcom?, he's just. There, doing his job and trying to save whoever he can, not getting distracted in anyway whatsoever by any of the women in his life, romantically at least. He still cares way too much, but it never comes off as romantic to me in pretty much any way. Also the note he leaves in his STARS locker in RE2remake, Claire being like "this doesn't sound like Chris at all!" Is funny to me bc like, I don't really remember so correct me if I'm wrong, but she doesn't elaborate on WHY that note doesn't sound like Chris lmao is it bc he's respectful to women at all times and doesn't ever objectify them, probably hates when other people do? Or is it bc he would never be interested in women in this way ANYWAYS, the man is so gay, he must have left this note so that Claire would know something is Up, bc her brother is Such a homosexual.
Anyways sorry, I just wanted to ramble/get your opinion on this. Over-analysing RE is actually really fun lmao
haha not gonna lie, I opened your ask in the car on the grocery store parking lot and tried to read it on my phone, and gave up squinting at the small screen halfway through :'D now that I'm back at my laptop though, lol, all good :'D
first of all I'm happy you have someone to ramble to even though they aren't into the thing themselves! :D I regularly rant about RE fandom things to my brother haha and he listens patiently although he isn't in the fandom at all, he's only played the games and that's it. but he still listens to my shippy rambles lol.
as for your thoughts? makes sense to me tbh. I definitely headcanon Leon as a bisexual disaster most of the time, because it does seem fitting. maybe it's partly because I think he's absolutely breathtakingly stunning and it'd be a shame to deny anyone that, so, naturally he wouldn't care about such trivial things as gender, pfth, love is love.
also Leon falling in love easily? absolutely. too damn easily. c'mon this is a man who gets attached to anyone who shows him even the tiniest amount of basic kindness in the matter of minutes. he canonically forms attachments with Claire, Ada, Krauser, Helena, Buddy and JD (JD 😭)... whoever else am I forgetting? but this is the guy who meets someone and would die for them five seconds later. so. it tracks.
and you know what, I can 100% see Chris being only into men. because like. I don't see the romance there either when he's interacting with the women in his life? okay, sure, I could imagine something there between him and Jill if pressed seeing the way he so single-mindedly wants to save her and then holds her in the scene after they get that thing off her chest. maybe. but even there it doesn't really feel super romantic to me, personally.
in the first game with Jill there's not... a lot of romance I don't think? sure she falls asleep against his shoulder in the evac helicopter but i mean, i've fallen asleep against a friend like that? not an indication of romance? they're clearly important to each other! i am not trying to diminish their importance to one another at all! they'd die for each other and they'd do anything it takes to protect each other and i do think their relationship is compelling but... i don't really see anything inherently romantic in it.
and Jessica, yeah, Chris is 100% oblivious to her advances. it is implied in the game that he's into Jill instead but other than that there's again zero actual romantic interaction between Chris and Jill. I was actually talking about this with my brother, who said the same, like there were so many chances in Revelations to put something romantic in there between Chris and Jill but there just. isn't? anything? except for Parker's comment. which is why it felt so damn out of place? (and like my brother would've wanted to ship Chris and Jill, he was kinda bummed about this i feel :'D) so interpreting it to mean he's not interested in women at all would actually make more sense lmao.
as for RE5, I've played it twice (with my brother lmao do we see a theme here) and honestly I don't remember anything in the game that would've insinuated anything more than solid partnership between Chris and Sheva?? if someone who's more familiar with the game wants to correct me on this, then please! but at least off the bat I can not remember anything so I think they actually didn't try to even hint at romance for them?
and in RE6 Chris is way too focused on killing "Ada" to have any thoughts about anything else :'D so no. no mentions in there regarding him and any women. at all. not even hints of Jill which is so incredibly weird (and stupid tbh) bc she was made to be so important to him in RE5 and then doesn't even get a mention in RE6? (/shakes fist damn you capcom! the characters exist outside the games they're in!)
I think that's pretty much the main difference between Chris and Leon tbh. Chris sees the job at hand, and he knows it'll help, he knows it'll save people and it'll make the world safer and he's so single-mindedly focused on the job that he sees nothing else. while Leon sees people, for the better or for worse, and he is willing to take detours if it helps even one person in the meantime. like in RE6, Leon willingly ignores the task at hand to go help just about anyone. Chris doesn't want to pause even when pressed bc he has an end goal in mind.
and bear in mind, I am not trying to say this somehow makes Leon better or Chris better or anything. they're both doing this to help. they both have their heart in the right place. they both care. but they're just so different! their personalities, and their way of dealing with things is different! I feel Chris is really target oriented and wants to get the job done. while Leon's easily distracted from it, because of all the damn feelings :'D
but yeah. i love them both, and i think it's really damn fascinating how they're both the good guys, the heroes of the franchise, but they both take to things so differently.
i don't know if any of this makes sense, I think i rambled too :'D but hey-o, it was fun lmao.
and hey no need to apologize at all!! always feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna chat!
#re answers#anonymous#ask and i shall answer#chris redfield#leon s kennedy#also i know#this is all headcanoning and my subjective opinion#so feel free to disagree#on anything :3#and everything lmao :'D#long post
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oml i completely forgot i was gonna do this so here i am before i forget again sksjs
heeseung -> love at first sight. claimed since day one. don't tell him i constantly got him mixed up with jake tho 😔💔 jsksjs no but fr idk what it was about him that drew me to him above the others and i still have no idea what it is but i adored him from the very start and that hasn't changed yet! c:
jay -> i feel like he was one of the only ones i could confidently pick out above the rest for the longest time jsksjs i thought he looked like the intimidating member who nobody would mess with but- well... 🤡 poor jay sksjjs i love how unintentionally funny he is though.
jake -> i kept getting him mixed up with heeseung and i ksjsjs felt so bad but his cute smile always stood out to me. 🥺 i don't really remember what my exact first impression of him was but he's now one of my permanent bias wreckers so-
sunghoon -> ah yes, i'd heard from my friend who loves enha about this majestic human on ice. 😌✨ all she had to do was send me like two vids of his skating performances and my jaw was on the floor istg. i was so impressed by him and i... kept getting him mixed up with jungwon and occasionally sunoo 😭 iM SORRY HOON ILY !! i love how lowkey and nonchalant his humor is though like he just says the goofiest things with a straight face until he can't hold it in and starts laughing at himself pls he's adorable 😭 "eating miso soup makes me so happy" —park sunghoon
sunoo -> i adored him at first sight too oml it was the cute squishy cheeks for me 🥺🥺 i've always had a soft spot for him and i still do to this day. i saw him as this cutesy lil bean (which he still definitely is) but that sassy side of his that i discovered 👀 iconic.
jungwon -> uhh okay for some reason i remember being able to pick him out sometimes by his eyebrows sksjsks 😭✋🏻 don't ask why. so yeah, he was eyebrow boy for a while aND HIS DIMPLES TOO !! i loved them, in such a sucker for cute dimples on cute boys :c i've now adopted him and he is 1/2 of my sons, the other being park jisung ofc 😌
ni-ki -> *me, seeing niki for the first time* "oh he's cute! who is he?" *insert keyboard typing sounds* "oh! oh- oH... 😳" *me, squinting at my screen* "this boy, no this CHILD, is 15 ??" *cue me throwing my phone at my wall* end scene. ksjsjs no but fr i was so shocked to learn how young he was ?? or how young all of them were really- but lowkey i was so excited bc i'm finally a noona to an entire band let's gaurrr!! i love how he's grown to be such a menace, for some reason i tend to like those types of people a lot (as long as they're not targeting me 😌). *looks at haechan*
ari omg i love this pls- honestly heeseung,, he never fails to effortlessly capture anyone’s heart so yeah,, i don’t blame you 😔 heeseung bestest boi <3 yeah honestly your first impression of jay is similar to mine. we thought he’d be the member who ppl wouldn’t mess with, but little did we know,,, skdjsjjdjd 😭 but yeah he also has such a fun and soft personality. i love him 🥺 and for jake and hee, considering the time you got into them, i’m not surprised you got them mixed up skdjdjd even after stanning them for a while before that, i still got them mixed up 😭✋🏻 and so did the members,, so- sksjsjjd but jakey rlly does have such a precious smile 🥺 i love him sm 😭 sksjsjd getting sunghoon mixed up with sunoo- sksjsjs i think you probs told me about that before but i- 😭 i understand jungwon tho. they still look like brothers to me a lot of the time lol. and pls the thing you said about hoonie’s humour,, i was literally smiling at my phone, unintentionally trying to hide it like hoonie does with his own jokes skdjjsd help he’s so cute pls. and yesss for sunoo i always adored him too and at first i never saw his sassy side skdjjdd and for jungwon being able to tell him apart by his eyebrows sksjsjdj that’s a talent in and of itself ✋🏻 also aksjskdj that was literally me when finding out how old niki was too pls he’s so young it still amazes me to this day.
tell me your first impressions of enha!
#‘*looks at haechan*’#SKSJDJDJ same tho ✋🏻#also the amount of drama in niki’s story pLS#i’m here for it tho ✋🏻#thank you v much for participating 😌#em answers#ari! <3#lovely moots#first en⁃pressions
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You're Back!
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: vague mentions of death
Context: This is supposed to be a kind of crossover between Top Gun and The Lost Boys (because they are my favourite films) but it is only minorly so. The reader is a naval fighter pilot who is good friends with the boys and spends most of her free time in Santa Carla with them.
A/N: This hasn't turned out too well, because I'm ridiculously sleep deprived tired, so I will revisit it at some point, whether to rewrite it completely or to add to it, I'm not sure, but I will improve it. For now, I hope this is acceptable.💛😊
**contains some spoilers for Top Gun, but only vague ones**

I roll my eyes as yet another person stares at me as they pass, keeping eye contact with them until they stop looking, turning their gaze away awkwardly, carrying on with their night without watching me for the entirety of it. By now, I've had to sit through about a score of curious people in the last two hours, my tolerance for them quickly wearing thin as they continue to eye the uniformed stranger leaning against a motorcycle. Chewing on my lip, a habit I've never managed to kick, I carefully roll up the sleeves of my military uniform shirt, careful not to crease it too much, even though I will likely iron it before I wear it again, the hard-learnt instincts reminding me to stay smart and neat, even if I'm currently not in the presence of any commanders I need to report to.
In the stifling heat, my shirt sticks to my skin a bit, sweat coating my brow as I watch the crowd, my hair starting to become less styled and more dishevelled with each passing minute, the journey from the aircraft carrier I was deployed at to the airport in Miramar, followed by the gruelling motorcycle ride down to Santa Carla having that effect in me. I didn't have time to stop off anywhere on the way to get changed into my own clothes, seeing as I wanted to get to the little seaside town before sundown, choosing instead to stay in my uncomfortable uniform, knowing it may well curry me some favours here and there along the way - bartenders are only too happy to serve a member of the naval air force, especially a Top Gun graduate. Absentmindedly I feel my lips quirk up into a smile, recalling the time my friend, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, used this fact to his advantage when in Miramar, charming a poor waitress into giving us all free food and drinks, though I'm pretty sure he promised her something in return, something which kept him out of the bunk rooms that night. Ironically, he never used that trick again.
Shaking my head, I cast my gaze over the crowd again, searching for a particular group of people, a sense of excitement rising in me when I hear the tell tale sound of their motorcycles cutting through the horde of people, my eyes swiftly finding the approaching people as they park their vehicles a little way away from me. Making a split second decision, I choose to stay by my own bike, waiting for them to either notice me, or walk past, a small smirk plastered across my lips, my eyes fixed on them: David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko.
Eventually, they push off their bikes and start making their way through the crowd, having missed my presence completely, the four of them easily moving amongst the people lining the Boardwalk, most sane locals knowing the group's notorious reputation. David and Dwayne walk ahead of Paul and Marko, who are pushing and shoving each other around, giggling and laughing to themselves as a band of girls squeals when the smaller of the two is thrown straight into their midst, drawing some attention from the people around them, though they have yet to notice me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I just watch as they move together, eyeing them as they come into range before looking around for something, quickly finding a discarded newspaper on the wall behind my motorbike. Smirking wider, I take it and tear off three pages, screwing them into a tight ball, my gaze returning to the approaching bikers, guaging the distance between me and them, knowing I have a very good aim, having practiced it a lot before and during training. Winding back my arm, I take aim and throw the ball, giving it some force so that the intended target will manage to feel it under his mess of hair, trying mg hardest to contain my laughter when the projectile connects with the back of his head.
Paul instantly looks around, irritation and confusion rife in his face as he searches the crowd for his assailant, still missing me, even as I throw another ball of paper, though this one is aimed for Marko, who also receives it as a blow to the back of the head. Disgruntled, the two vampires stop, looking around for the source, drawing David and Dwayne's attention as they realise their friends are no longer following them. Biting my lip, I throw another two, hitting both of the quieter boys square in the back, trying my hardest to hold back my laughter, though I am unsuccessful as they continue to search around, heads whipping to and fro as they try to work out where I am, the crowd of people around them starting to leave a berth around them, leaving their view of me unblocked and clear. Finally, I decide to put them put of their misery.
"Damn, I thought you guys were observant." I call out to them, tossing another ball of newspaper from hand to hand to show who the culprit was. Surprised, and somewhat shocked, the four of them spin around, their faces lighting up when they catch sight of me, Paul and Marko instantly racing over and engulfing me in a tight hug.
"(Y/n)! You're back!" The latter exclaims happily, pulling away briefly to look me in the eye before he buries his face into my clothes again.
"I am. It's good to see you all!" I respond, laughing as I wrap my arms around them, glad to finally get to see them again after so long. Over their heads, Dwayne and David shoot me equally glad smiles, the former ready to step in once the other two have released me.
"Not nearly as good as it is to see you again! I hate it when you leave!" Paul mumbles into my shirt, Marko agreeing with him as they continue to crush me.
"I hate leaving, too, but I always come back." I remind them, patting them on the back so that they'll release me, smiling at both of them as they grudgingly step away, allowing Dwayne to step in and pull me into a softer embrace, his long arms pressing me into his bare chest, his face burying itself into my hairline. Happily, I wrap my own arms around his waist, enjoying the sensation of his cool skin against my heated body, jealous of his pleasant temperature.
After a few minutes, I pull away again, looking to David, who just smiles (genuinely for once) at me, his intimidating reputation preventing him from showing any affection in public, though he isn't really one for hugs in private, either. Or, at least not with me. Instead, he gives my body a once over with his icy blue eyes, the gesture drawing a blush to my cheeks, especially when I feel the others do the same, some more discreetly than others - unfortunately, I'd managed to develop a crush on all four of them, so the idea of them blatantly checking me out is not one I dismiss too easily.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/n)." He greets, chuckling as he watches Marko and Paul fight over who gets to put their arm around my waist, only for the both of them to whine when Dwayne beats them to it, the taller brunette pulling me into his side with an intimacy he's never had before.
"Yeah, it's good to be back." I agree, smiling at them all, "What're we gonna do tonight? I have three weeks this time round."
"Three weeks? That's much longer than last time!" Paul comments, slipping in on my other side, slinging his arm around my shoulders so that I'm now sandwiched between two tall vampires.
"I don't have to stay that long." I point out, jokingly, sending Marko an apologetic look when he notices that Paul has managed to get his arm around me.
"That's not what I meant, it means that we can do so much more together!" The tall, blonde vampire explains, most likely already thinking up ways to spend the next three weeks, "We should go swimming in the sea, and go on all the rides on the Boardwalk, and go to concerts-"
"Take it easy, I only just got here!" I cut him off, grinning as David and Dwayne chuckle at their friend's antics.
"Speaking of which, have you eaten yet?" The platinum blonde interjects, lifting an eyebrow at me in curiosity.
"No, I don't have any money on me, actually. I think I left it back on the carrier, which is annoying." I frown, thinking for a minute before remembering something, "No, that's not true. I brought some of it with me. It's in the seat compartment of the bike, hang on."
Swiftly, I retrieve the money, returning to the two vampires who had their arms around me, both of them only to eager to repeat the gestures.
"You should know by now that you don't have to pay for food when you're with us." David reminds me, lifting an eyebrow at me as he watches me put the notes into a secure pocket under my belt.
"I know, but I like having it with me anyway." I supply, only too happy to start walking towards the food stalls of the Boardwalk, my stomach growling audibly as the scents of the different types reach me.
"Fair enough." Dwayne says, squeezing my waist gently.
In no time, we've bought some food and eaten it, continuing to roam the Boardwalk as the night goes on, the five of us having a good time together as we always do, falling straight back into our usual habits and patterns, the friendship as strong as ever, though I've noticed that their touches are often more lingering than before, and that they're stares are less innocent than they used to be. I try to ignore it, but it becomes increasingly harder as Paul and Marko continue to fight over who gets to wrap their arm around me, eventually just agreeing to swap every half and hour or so, Dwayne never leaving my side as David leads us around, the vampire smirking at me every now and then.
After a few hours or so, I feel myself starting to get tired, having had very little rest in the time between travelling and meeting the boys, so I ask them if I can join them at the cave, seeing as I have no other accommodation, to which they all wholeheartedly agree. Leading me back to the motorcycles, the four vampires quickly decide whether to take the road or the beach back to the sunken hotel, swiftly deciding on the road seeing as it is the most direct, and therefore the quickest, though David does promise that we'll ride along the beach at some point.
As we leave the Boardwalk, I ride towards the back, between Marko and Dwayne, easily keeping up as we thunder along one of the motorways, shrieks and whoops of exhilaration leaving us from the thrill, our speed dangerously high until we hit the dirt paths leading up to the Bluff, at which point I slow my bike down so that it can grip the dusty surface better. Ahead of me, Paul tries to goad me on, encouraging me to live a little, though my heightened survival instincts are telling me to be careful along the steep cliff edge. Coming to a halt at the top, we dismount and hide the motorbikes, the four of them swiftly taking me down into their abode, though I do collect a bag from the compartment under my seat before following, sitting it down on the sofa beside me as I collapse onto one, routing around in it briefly.
I pull out a slightly scuffed book, throwing it to David as he comes to sit opposite me on his wheelchair, the others crowding around him to look at it in curiosity.
"Got you guys a little something." I tell them, gesturing to him to open it.
Upon doing so, their eyes widen, Marko's breath hitching as he sees what it is, the young vampire obviously fascinated by it.
"When did you get these?" Dwayne finally manages, unable to tear his eyes from the photo album in David's hands, admiring the Polaroids I stuck into it, thinking they'd be happy to look at them.
"Well, I had my RIO* bring a camera up with him one time when we were on patrol, but I took the pictures. I thought you'd like to have some pictures of the sky in the daytime and at sunset and sunrise to look at, seeing as you can't see them in person anymore." I explain nervously, hoping they like it, suddenly feeling a bit unsure of whether they'd like to be reminded of this fact.
For near enough ten minutes, the four vampires are silent, flicking through the book with wide eyes, David tracing a finger over one in particular.
"How the hell are we supposed to thank you for this, kitten?" He finally says, the nickname making me blush a little, though I'm not entirely sure how to respond.
"You don't have to thank me for that, it's not that great of a gift, on the scale of things-" I start, only to be cut off by Marko.
""Not that great of a gift"? Are you serious? This is the best thing we've ever gotten!" He exclaims, tearing his eyes away from the photos so that he can come over and drown me in a hug again, crushing me into his chest. Laughing, I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly, inhaling the comforting scent of his jacket as I do so.
Across from us, Paul also manages to look away from the Polaroids, coming over and joining us on the sofa, a grin on his face as he plonks himself on top of Marko, a grunt escaping me from the sudden weight.
"You're the best, (Y/n), you really are!" He praises me, leaning down to press a swift kiss on my cheek, smirking when I blush in response.
"I'm not sure about that, but thank you anyway." I wheeze out, their weight starting to become a bit too much for be to bear. Tapping on Marko's back, I wait for him to throw Paul off before pushing him off of my lap, taking a deep breath as I look over at Dwayne and David, who are still enraptured by the photo album.
"Who's that?" The latter suddenly asks, pointing to a certain picture.
Frowning, I get up and come over, looking down at the picture in question, smiling as I recognise it immediately, the image holding a lot of sad and happy memories for me.
"Those are my friends Maverick and Goose before..." My voice trails off, an old surge of grief gnawing at my heart as I recall the exact moment that photo was taken, remembering the aviators as they joked around with me and my RIO, Hawk, all four of us only staying still for that one photo.
"Before?" Dwayne pushes gently, dark eyes boring into mine with curiosity.
Clenching my jaw, I let out a sigh before I reply.
"Before the accident. The accident where Goose...died..." I manage to get out, my eyes now fixed on the miniature version of my friend's face, still wishing he were still alive and kicking.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n), I didn't mean to bring it up. If I had known, I wouldn't have said anything." David apologises, placing a gloved hand on mine in comfort, blue eyes sympathetic.
"No, don't worry about it. It's what happens in the military, and it just so happens to be that my friend got it in the neck. There's nothing that can be done." I tell him, grateful that they haven't pursued the subject, though the reminder has made me feel a lot more tired than before, for whatever reason, "I think I'm gonna go get some sleep now, if you don't mind. It's been a long day."
The four of them agree, Paul, Marko and Dwayne all pressing quick kisses on my cheek as I pass them, David following me to the little nest that they provided for me the last time I was here, the vampire watching as I settle in. I only take off my boots, socks and belt, unpinning my Wings from my chest as I go, briefly debating with myself about whether or not to unbutton my shirt and just sleep in my underwear, until I remember that David is still there, his blue eyes tracing my form as I move around.
Finally slipping into the makeshift bed, I notice that the vampire still hasn't moved away, watching me as if asking for permission to do something, my mind struggling to comprehend what he means until I see him look at the blankets questioningly.
"Do you want to join me?" I ask, surprise lacing my voice.
"If you don't mind."
I can't refuse him, so I simply move over and let him slide in beside me, feeling even more surprised when he pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing circles into my skin with one thumb. A small gasp escapes me when I feel his hand slip under my shirt, his skin icy cold against mine, the sensation pleasant as starts to trace patterns into my sides, his eyes boring into mine as I watch him, still confused.
"What's gotten into you?" I question him, laying my head on his chest, my hands coming up to rest just on his collarbone, my fingers running over the line of the bone.
"Nothing, I just need to tell you something which might not be the greatest news you've ever heard." He tries to reassure me, his deep voice resonating though his chest and into me as he watches my facial expressions change.
"What is it?" I ask him hesitantly, dread biting at the back of my throat.
"Well, I don't suppose you remember us telling you about the whole idea of vampires having a mate?"
"...Yeah?" I frown slightly, briefly remembering the conversation.
"It turns out that the four of us have a mate, and it's taken us far too long to feel the connection." David confirms, swallowing at the confession.
"Oh really? Who is it?' I can't help but feel a bit disappointed, knowing that the mating bond makes the four of them off-limits to anyone else.
"You. You're our mate."
*RIO = Radar Intercept Officer
Part Two
#the lost boys#joel schumacher#vampire#david(thelostboys)#paul(the lost boys)#dwayne(the lost boys)#kiefer sutherland#marko(the lost boys)#santa carla#star(the lost boys)#top gun#crossover#slight crossover#bit sad#maverick
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'Not mine' : New chapter for Redemption of a Spirit in a Cold War is out !
'Not mine'
Chapter Summary :
Bell passed out after confronting Adler and memories is coming back....fake & real ones
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3300
One week.....one week to finally come face-to-face with Russell Adler in person. One week where I was thinking at each moment about what I will do : make him suffer like he did to me three years ago, make him realize his own mistakes he has done towards me and the others. He lied to everyone about me : he said them that I died at Solovetsky and he kept it a secret. He did this because he & the CIA was someone that know too much about them and my supposed 'threat' on the Free World.
I had him tied up on the same stretch he put me on and I did this because of what he did to Park : he put his dirty hands on her throat, going to strangle her and I had to intervene. I told him everything that I knew about myself and.....and I was ready to do it.....to take my revenge from him for having left me for dead on that island, to have lied to me, I was ready to do it.....but I didn't do it !
I didn't do it because I realized that it was going to get me killed as well. Killing Adler is like, writing myself my death warrant immediately, getting pursued by the CIA and for sure, Park will have to be obliged to pursue me as well with the MI6. I had no choices but to let him live with his own actions. I walked out of the safehouse, trying to get some fresh air before falling on my knees as Park decided to join me and recomfort me.
That wasn't helping me at all even if I could understand her. I let a monster live and I'm sure as hell that I will have to work with him again against Perseus. He's the only person that can bring the fight to Perseus and if I was just alone, I wouldn't have any chances to stand right. I wanted to put my arms around Park but.....I wasn't able to move like if I was petrified, I just saw Adler standing right in front of me, it was just a simple vision as I could hear the real him in the safehouse and this vision were wearing the same clothes at Solovetsky and then.......
"Bell, we have a job to do !"
I closed my eyes knowing in a second, I would pass out because I couldn't resist to that and I think I wasn't willing to do a thing right now since I was feeling so empty to fight....to resist. And that's exactly what happened to me, I passed out and it was all black for me until I started to see some weird dreams and those were lasted a few seconds and everything was like mixed in my head, I could hear the voices of these dreams.
".....From the safety of Solovetsky....."
".....It was never personal....."
"....The United States and its allies....."
".....I never wanted this for her....."
"......Freya....you.....my few friends....is my family...."
".....Stay by your side at every moment...."
It was all mixed up but these voices, I could recognize each time : Perseus, Adler, Park and even myself and then, I stopped hearing those voices and seeing these dreams. I think it was better for me to calm down and try to focus on myself but I just passed out and I don't know what is happening to me at this moment.....I just need to rest.....
I was lying down on a bed and I was sleeping but I realized that.....oh no.....a damn fake memory.....it was something Adler gave me : Vietnam....I slowly opened my eyes and it was all dark around me but I was able to recognize the inside of a military tent and by the look of it, it was sure that it was at Vietnam.....why I'm thinking of this ? It's not my memory so why I'm doing this ?
The bed I was on wasn't really comfortable and somehow, I was having the impression that I wasn't alone in that tent, feeling observed as my body was slowly getting stressed out since this tent is able to fit for one person like an personal quarters. I moved to turn on the little lamp that was put on an big ammo box, serving as an nightstand and when I looked around once the light was on, I could see someone sitting on a chair, looking at me......Adler !
"Sleeping well.....Bell." He smirked at me when I had my eyes on him
"What the...." I started, almost jumped off my bed in scare, terrified by his presence "What the fuck ?" I finished in anger.
"Hey, easy, lady." He was sounding so calm in his voice.
"What are you doing in my tent ?" I first ask before I realized that I had another thing in hand "Who are you ?"
"Can you calm down just a bit ?" He told me before he get something out of his pocket....a cigarette. "You're getting so stressed in here that you're getting angry at complete stranger."
"Yeah, especially those who broke inside my own personal tent in the middle of the night." I replied as I grabbed the glasses that was on the nightstand, to have a better look on him "I'm gonna ask again : who are you ?" I asked again as he started to light his cigarette before looking at me.
"Russell Adler, MACV-SOG." He presented himself "You must be Jess Blackwell also called 'Bell' sent by the MI6 in the Vietnam's jungles." He added as I redressed myself on the bed.
"We could have make the presentations tomorrow and not while I'm sleeping." I exclaimed, rolling my eyes, keeping an angry look
"I prefer to make things in private." He responded, taking something at his feets "I learned a lot about you, miss Blackwell."
"Call me Bell." I said to him before sniffing but he wasn't looking surprised like if he already know that.
"I see that you are just an MI6 recruit and that you're only 18." He raised an eyebrow to me "Why the MI6 would send an 18 year old recruit in the Vietnam War ?"
"I don't know." I replied, clearly "I'm here to obey the orders given to me, that's it."
"And you were so willing to put yourself around people who aren't even your friends and perfect strangers, people that are trained well enough to kill and people who aren't going to be so pleased to work with an woman ?" He breathed at the end, awaiting for an answer. I nodded.
"Well, they will have to adapt." I responded
"I know you would say that." He removed the cigarette of his mouth to blow smoke "You know that you are getting assigned to my team until your superiors decide to pull you out."
"I know that." I readjusted my glasses. "You need to know that I put the Crown's interests at first before those of your president." I smirked at the end, little laughing too.
"Hmm..." He rolled his eyes and smiling "Something that I should have take notes." He then woke up from his seat, getting next to me "Anyway, you will be under my authority for an undetermined time." He then offered his hand.
"Guess that I have no choice." I shook hands with him, a fake smile on my face before I removed my hand "And now, I would have some sleep so if you can left..."
"I will." He said before he slowly walk away from me as I was awaiting that he completely left the tent before he looked back at me "Oh and don't forget......
......we have a job to do !"
No....not again, not that stupid phrase. At least after hearing this, that fake memory was finally over. Hearing this each time is going to break me apart because each time, I either freaking out and trying to control it or falling for it. In fact, I can't control myself when I hear this. I think it would take time for me to succeed to get that line out of my head and if I'm forced to hear it, finding a way to fight against it until it doesn't do anything to me anymore.
I don't know how I will do it but I will surely find a way to counter that.....fearing that Adler could maybe try to control me in the future but if anyone know now who I am and what I suffer, will they really let him doing it before they're able to shut him down ? For the moment, it was better for me to get some rest and.....aw, great....another memory coming inside my head....and for once, it was not a fake at all....
All around me, it was snowing and I was laying down on the snow. At my side, there were Zasha, also laying down on the chest, a sniper rifle in hands.....A scoped Mosin-Nagant M1891/30. We were positioned on a hill near a large forest. We were dressed in some military outfits, nicely fitting to the snow. The day was clear but very snowy and apparently, I was training them to learn to shoot with an sniper rifle on some targets down the hill, all posed against some trees.
They started to fire some bullets, giving 10 seconds between each shot to get focus on the targets. I let them fire a whole mag of the Nagant before they looked at me as I took my binoculars out to check the targets.
"2 bullets in the targets." I started, getting a view on the three first targets at the right side down the hill before looking at the left "3 has missed." I removed my binoculars to look back at Zasha.
"Shit, I'm sorry, Yirina." They excused themselves as they were beginning to reload the gun
"What are you sorry for ?" I asked
"It's been hours we're here and I'm feeling that I make you lost your time with me." They stopped by what they were doing to look at me. "Sniper rifles aren't my thing."
"It's okay to be sorry, Zed." I replied "It took me hours, even days to allow me to get along with those types of guns."
"I don't know how to feel about this." They put their hands on one of the numerous ammo mag that were near them
"Listen, I'm not losing my time at all." I affirmed, putting my hands on their shoulders "I'm trying to train you to survive."
"By using a sniper rifle ?" They asked, confused and I rolled my eyes in the skies, smiling
"Just get the next mag ready, okay ?" I gave them a little tap on the shoulder before letting them reload the rifle "Wait until I gave you the order." I positioned myself well to look at them "Take your time to shoot, get your lungs empty when you are getting prepared and don't stress." They prepared themselves well until I decided to start "You can go."
I keep a good eyes on them as they were getting focused on their training. Empty lungs, don't breathe too heavily to allow the enemy to spot you and everything that a good sniper need to know about. After a few seconds I told them to go, the first bullet was shot and after ten more seconds, another came....and another. It took 50 seconds for them to empty the gun and then, once they were done, they looked at me, awaiting and I looked with the binoculars to the targets.
"Well, that's good progress." I said with an clear voice. "4 bullets on....only one missed."
"Really ?" They asked, stunned as I gave them the binoculars to look by themself "Oh damn." They exclaimed after they gave it back to me. "I can't believe it."
"See ? Told you." I raised an eyebrow "Don't need to stress each time." I then looked down the hill "But, you will have next time to fire more quickly and precisely. 50 seconds is too long."
"I'm...." They started to said, wanting for sure to be sorry "Nevermind."
"It's okay to be sorry !" I affirmed to them, guessing their words before I start to look at the skies, feeling the snow falling on me as Zasha was getting his rifle back on the snowy ground.
"Yirina, can I ask you something ?" They started.
"Anything." I looked back at them
"Back at the base, I heard people calling you by a strange nickname and they said to me that you weren't really approving that." They were looking curious to ask me that and when I heard them, I was concerned "Why ?"
"Because it make me look like a cold-blooded and brutal soldier." I responded, looking away and crossing my arms "Something that I'm not, something I will never be."
"And when did this all start ?" They redressed themselves to have a better look, removing the hat they had as the snow stopped falling down.
"After an mission in Norway with Freya." I started, taking a deep breath "An NIS task force captured her when they discover that she was an double agent and I helped escape through the cold mountains before I went back to their homemade base to kill them all." I could feel a tear falling off my right eye "They hit her pretty badly."
"Shit, that must be hard for you at that time." They were sounding worried about me.
"They almost killed her and I was so blinded by rage that I took that decision to kill them all.....I shouldn't have ever done this." I sniffed "When I went back to the extraction point with Freya awaiting, everyone was starting to call me like that when I realized the brutality I used against the NIS."
"But people are still calling you like that, you know ?" They exclaimed, sounding a little angry "I thought that they would stop to call you like that after they knew your opinion."
"Perseus.....he is forcing me to keep that nickname." I looked at them with an sad look "He said that it's allowing me to distinguish from the others." I shooked my head in disapproval, biting my lips before standing up "Well, it's better we got back to the base, we're done here." I then helped Zasha gathered up their training equipment and get them up.
"Thanks, Yirina." They said after I got them up before they started to slowly walk away from the scene as I was getting into my thoughts whispering the nickname in question.....
"The Winter Soldier."
Once that memory was done, there were nothing else new getting inside my head for the moment, allowing me to have finally a rest even if that rest was because of me passing out in Park's arms outside the safehouse after I almost put a bullet in Adler's skull but at least, I was getting a good sleep......well, just a sleep, that's enough for now.
I opened my eyes slowly after a good time....getting waking up by the sound of a radio inside the room. I was back into the dorm, under some blankets.....the same bed as before. Park must have put me back in there after I passed out. My head.....well, it was hurting me a lot like if I had a damn headache and because of it, I was holding my head with my hands as it was feeling so heavy right now.
"You're okay ?" An voice surprised me, getting me a scare as I was inside my hands before I looked up to see Mason, standing next to me with his arms towards me. "Oh shit, I'm sorry, didn't want to scare you." He said, apologizing to me before he sit on the next bed on the right.
"You're looking great for an dead woman." Another voice said on the other bed at my left and I was surprised to see Woods, sitting on it, joking. "Sincerely, you're okay ?" He asked me, getting back to serious
"Well, my head is feeling so heavy....like if it's trying to kill me." I smiled nervously before getting my hands back to hold my head, my elbows posed on my knees
"Here, something for you." Mason moved to give me a glass of water, it was so looking white and somehow, I've got scared !
"Is that drugged ?" I asked, feared, trying to get the cup away from me "I don't want to be drugged !" I exclaimed. I guess that now I knew that the food given to me 3 years ago was rigged, I was fearing that again now.
"Hey, it's okay." Woods reassured, looking not sure to get next to me "Just water with some aspirin on it." He affirmed before I decided myself to get the cup of water with my trembling hands and the two men could see that. "Damn, Adler did really messed you up."
"So, Park told you everything, right ?" I asked, an hand holding my forehead, the other holding the glass
"Basically, she told us what happened to you and your real identity." Mason replied concerned "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay, Mason." I smiled at him before taking a little sip from the glass "Bad things happened to me, I can tell that but now that I'm back, I hope I can make things better." I added, trying to get the water inside my body as it was hard with aspirin in it.
"I hope you will." Woods affirmed before looking at me with wide eyes "So....Yirina Grigoriev ?" I nodded with a small grin "It's looking cool."
"Thanks." I simply said before I started to think of something "What happened last night ? I mean after I....uhm....passed out ?"
"Let's say that Adler had to give us a lot of explanations after what he did." Mason responded to me, looking dead serious "He told us everything that happened to you and the fact that he knew you were still alive all along."
"And....and Park ?" I asked, worried as hell
"She took care of you after you passed out before she started to get into a big argument with Adler." Woods intervened "Their arguments did put a lot of noises around the safehouse." I was now fearing the worst with that.
"If he has put his hands on her again....." I started to get up from my bed
"Yirina, don't worry." Mason cut me straight, moving to put me back in the bed "Did I say it right ?" He whispered, I nodded quickly with a very small grin "We were there in case they were going to put their fists against each other."
"And hopefully that we were there with Sims, I can't remember the numerous times that we got to get ourselves between them." Woods smirked at me, joking again.
"And now ?" I questioned them
"The two are getting quiet in their respectives workplaces with Sims keeping an eye to them." Mason responded with an smile "You shouldn't worry about them, you know ?"
"I'm only worried for Park." I admitted without saying why exactly before I got back myself comfortable in the bed. "She's the only person I want to be worried about."
"And why her ?" Woods asked, curious
"Because she believe in me and she's helping me." I replied clearly before I breath "I...I think I need to be alone just for a while."
"It's okay, get some rest, you're a good person." Mason started before he got up from the bed with an smile before Woods started to follow him, giving me a good look.
"Be well, Yirina." He said with a fake russian accent, causing me to laugh a little from it before I found myself back alone in the dorm with a radio on, I looked around before I put my head back in my hands,
"Am I really a good person ?"
#black ops cold war#bocw#call of duty cold war#cod cw#cod black ops cold war#cod cold war#fanfic#fem!bell#helen park
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