#and y’all use to shit on tdk’s two face all the time now all of sudden ppl love it ????
sweetcitrusboi · 1 year
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Dc bros being fcking stupid again.
I’m really trying to understand how Misha’s two face is a “copy” of TDK’s two face bc they’re nowhere near similar to each other.
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Ones face is burned off due to fire and the other is burned off due to acid. Two different kinds of scar burns. And not to mention the cgi on tdk was unrealistic and weird bc be honest with yourself that mf should have gotten an infection with that much scar tissue and bone being exposed ☠️.
Also in response to the second image. I hope they realize Two Face IS a burn victim???
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bonzo2024 · 4 months
Joker 2019 x TDK x Helluvaboss fanfic
Arthur and Js helluva time in hell
J= ledger joker
Arthur = phoenix joker
Joker x Helluvaboss fanfic 
Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell
“It’s over joker!” Batman yelled at J. “In your dreams… I think we’re destined to do this forever.” J screams over the whirring sound coming from a portal that him and Arthur accidentally opened. “What the hell do we do now?!” Arthur cries clinging on to J’s arm. “We ah, we jump.” J replied with a little uncertainty in his voice. “Are you crazy?!?!” Arthur questioned him only to get a glare from the other clown. “Is that even a question anymore ?” J giggled. “We jump on the count of 3!” Arthur started crying as J held him in his arms. “1… 2… 3!” Arthur and J both started screaming like babies as they fell to what they thought would be their death. The two chaos makers finally landed. “Maybe we really should have listened to batsy for once…” Arthur said to J his voice traveling as he looked around him. “Hey ah Arthur.” J said. “Look at that!” He pointed to a huge sign that said welcome to hell! “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” J grabbed Arthur’s hand as they started walking. They then made their way to a 3 story building and entered. They made it all the way to the third floor only to be greeted by a wolf. “Hello and welcome to I.M.P.” She grumbled. Then a tiny little demon ran into the room followed by another. “Well hello there! I’m Millie this is my husband Moxxie and this our hell hound Loona!” She cheerfully stated to the two clowns. “Hey I’m not just a hell hound.” Loona stated as another, slightly taller demon came flying in the room through the wall. “ yeah she’s my daughter!” He said hugging her. She then smacked him off her arm. “Only on paper… y’all don’t deserve to know my name. “Where are my manners at? Hi I’m Blitz the o is silent and I am the founder of I.M.P! Are you a piece of shit who got yourself sent to hell or are you an innocent soul who got pushed around by someone when you were alive?” He questioned Arthur and J. But before they could reply he grabbed a book and continued talking. “Well with our companies special access to the living world we can take care of your unfinished business from when you were alive!” 
Chapter 2 : kill the Batman 
“What do you mean by unfinished business?” J asked “Blitz”. “Oh haha basically we go up to earth and kill whoever wronged you when you were alive.” He explained. “Wait a minute… Aren’t you two the Joker…s? “ Moxxie ended up asking. “Why would you be here? Can’t you just kill someone yourself?” He said to them. “Yeah, but we aren’t alive anymore.” Arthur told him. “Yes… yes you are! You didn’t actually die you fell into a portal which led you here!” Moxxie said. “But we’re in hell!” Arthur said. “But we jumped into a portal!” J told him his patients starting to run thin. “Whoa you’re still alive?!?!” Millie asked. “What is it like up there? She asked gazing up at J. “Millie!” Moxxie cried. “What it’s a human! You’d wanna know what operas up there are like!” Millie argued. “I-touché.” Moxxie agreed. Arthur looked out the window and turned to them and said: “honestly not anything different than what it is here in hell.” Arthur admitted turning back to face the others. “Anyway you said you can go up and killhumans?” J asked Blitz. “Yeah but you … a…. You have to pay.” Blitz says to him. “Wait a minute sir.” Moxxie intervened. “These two are supervillains they could ask us to blow up an entire city full of innocent people! I mean we’re not just going up to massacre and if they really wanted us to they”- 
“Moxxie shut the f*ck up. “ Blitz yelled at him. 
“Sorry about him he has a smooth brain,
haha. “ Blitz said to J trying to lighten up the situation. “What now?” Moxxie asked. “Augh!!! I’m calling you stupid Moxxie why can’t you learn to take a little criticism you talentless, baby, Troll!” Blitz told him. “OH YEAH? Why don’t you take an art class!” Moxxie yelled. “WHY DONT YOU SEE HOW EXPENSIVE THEY ARE!” Blitz screamed back. “Calm down Mox you’re gonna have another panic attack!” Millie told him. “I AM CALM!” Blitz took a deep breath and continued his conversation with the two clowns. “Who do you want us to kill?” Blitz asked the one dressed in purple.  “The Batman.” J replied. “Yeah nope never gonna happen. “ Blitz said turning his back. “I’ll pay you  ten million dollars. “ J said holding out the money. Blitz turned back to him snatching the money out of J’s hand. “DEAL! Where’s the location?” He asked. “Gotham city.” J replied. Blitz then pulled out a megaphone and yelled: “M&M GET IN HERE WE ARE GOING TO GOTHAM!” He laughed at the end of the sentence. Moxxie poked his head in the doorway. “Gotham city?” He said worriedly. 
“GOTHAM CITY!” Millie yelled with excitement. “SHUT THE F*CK UP!” Loona yelled from the other room. 
Chapter 3: human disguise
“Alright shut your a**holes this is how we’re gonna do this sh*t!” Blitz says to everyone. “First we have our fun murder time as per usual, next we put the body in a boat, then we light the boat on fire to attract sharks, maybe even a goose f*ck it and then we go back to hell.” “Any questions?” Moxxie then raises his hand. Blitz then calls on him. “What was that?” He asks. “That’s not a question.” Blitz replies. “And that’s not a plan.” Loona then buts in. “Hey is there anyway I can go with you guys this time?” She asks. “No sorry sweetie we can’t risk you getting hurt. You know the FREAKS up there who drool all over you teenage goth girls.” Blitz tells her. “Well I can fit in easy enough. “ she tells him. “Do you have a human disguise ?” Millie asks. “Yeah don’t you?!” Loona asks the tree imps. No reply. “You three have been screwing around on earth this entire time… WITHOUT HUMAN DISGUISES?” She yells. “Okay new plan! Loona will lead the targets to us and we’ll take care of the rest!”
Chapter 4: the bat cave 
“The Jokers escaped again Harvey, if we don’t stop them who knows what they’ll bring back with them in that portal.” Batman says. “Oh Batman.” Arthur calls from behind him. “Looking for us?” J asked an amused grin on his face. “Jokers, how did you get in?” Batman asked. “Now you should know that a good magician never reveals their secrets. “ Arthur chirped in response as he pulled his gun on Harvey.  J walked towards Batman a grin on his face so big it could make the Cheshire Cat run for his money. “Hi.” He states. “Why are you here? You’re garbage that kills for money.” Batman grumbled. “Don’t talk like Harvey because you’re not him. I think the real question you should be asking is … where’s Gordon and his family. “ J tells him. Meanwhile Moxxie, Millie , and Blitz were waiting for Loona to arrive with the Gordon family. “Go ahead Mox just shoot!” Millie told him. Moxxie stood with a gun in his shaking hand trying to aim at a family photo. “Why are we doing this again?” He asks. “Whatever the client wants they get! Millie chirped back. “But why a family? I could understand a shitty dad… but a whole innocent family?” “Hey we don’t know they’re innocent! The mom probably food poisons people, the dad shoots horses, and the kids set dogs on fire for fun!” Blitz says. Moxxie tried to imagine his dad being the picture and fired. That’s when they heard a car pull into the driveway and Loona saying that Batman was inside waiting for Gordon and his family. “QUICK HIDE!” Blitz yelled and they all three darted in different directions. 
Chapter 5: Finale
The door opened and Gordon along with his wife and two children walked in. “Stay here.” Loona said. “I’ll tell him you’ve arrived.” She made her way into the other room. “M&M were you guys hiding?” Blitzø asked. “I’m in the cardboard box!” Millie whispered. “I’m in the closet sir.” Moxxie said to the two Imps. “Aww we except you Moxxie.” Millie joked to her husband. “No like I’m literally in the closet.” He firmly stated. “Love is love bro.” Blitzø said making the other two cringe. “Alright.” Loona signaled. “They’re here!” 
“Why did Batman need you to come here again?” Gordon’s wife asked. “Said the Jokers got ahold of my DNA.” He replied. “We’re all in danger.” A crash startled the family as their heads darted up to see the three I.M.P’s. “Whoa, what are you?! A leprechaun?” Gordon’s son asked. Blitzø approached the family. “Yeah, pretty cool huh? He asked before firing a shot at the child. “But you sure as sh*t ain’t gonna tell no one!” Gordon’s wife screamed as their sons lifeless body hit the floor with a thud. The front door of the building opened. “We made it!” J called as he and Arthur walked trough the door. “You… you did this!” Gordon said. Arthur giggled as the two approached the police officer. That’s when there was a crash. Batman flew through the window. He landed right in front of the two smaller Imps. “Oh crumbs.” Moxxie muttered as him and Millie took off running. Blitzø reloaded his gun and fired numerous shot, none of them hit Batman. “He missed!” J told Arthur. Meanwhile Millie and Moxxie headed in separate direction in search of a hiding place. “This should do.” Moxxie said hiding behind a box that read Budlight. “Perfect.” He said drinking an entire bottle. While blitzø continued firing shots and throwing knives at the caped crusader a very drunk Moxxie stumbled out of his hiding spot. Millie picked him up after he took a tumble. “Moxxie!” She giggled. “Millie! Hey, hey where’d you get four heads? I wanna kiss ‘em!” Batman while dodging bullets and as always fighting the Joker flew by. “Oooo bat!” Moxxie said. With a switch of his utility belt Moxxie was tied up in ropes. “Oh crap!” Blitzø yelled. “Wait… why do I hear boss music?” Arthur asked. Millie jumped on Batman and cut the ropes that bided Moxxie. Batman fell after being shot in the shoulder by Blitz but by everyone’s surprise got back up. “It’s over Jokers!” Batman yelled. He then gasped and winced in pain with a knife sticking out of his abdomen. “Ya got something sticking out of your,uh, your thing there.” Blitz told him. Batman fell forward as blood leaked all over the ground. “Moxxie?!” Moxxie got off Batman and stabbed him as seamed as 100 times. “Hahahahah BLOOD!” He yelled in excitement as blood sprayed all over the wall. Arthur turned around and blew chunks everywhere. Millie tired two more shots which ended Gordon and his wife’s existence. “LETS GO WE F*CKING WON!!!!! Blitz screamed as Loona opened the portal. Back to hell. And the entire incident has never been spoke of since. 
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