#and writing mclennon fic
dykephan · 4 months
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since dan is never bringing them back i hope these cunts are scissoring in heaven
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franklyimissparis · 8 months
the making of liverpool oratorio documentary is literally just paul in an alternate universe where he’s a divorced gay middle-aged english teacher turned classical composer and music director
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javelinbk · 2 months
New fic: Heart of Glass
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Meet Paul McCartney. Forty years old. Husband, father of two, teacher turned PhD student. So far, so dull.
Until he meets his new next-door neighbour, a successful writer by the name of John Lennon, who turns his life upside down.
Chapter 1 - Welcome to your life
Chapter 2 - Acting on your best behaviour
Chapter 3 - Turn your back on Mother Nature
Chapter 4 - Lonely rivers flow to the sea
Chapter 5 - To the open arms of the sea
Chapter 6 - Clad in black, don't look back
Chapter 7 - That certain feeling carved by another's hand
Chapter 8 - An offer that cannot be ignored
Chapter 9 - Dreaming is free
Chapter 10 - You can never win or lose if you don't run the race
Chapter 11 - Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure
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lennon666 · 3 months
The fact that the nastiest and yet the most well written works of fiction that i ever read was a mclennon smut is sure amazing
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menlove · 25 days
i've got you under my skin (where the rain can't get in) -chapter one
The first time Paul met the John Lennon, former lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of the Beatles and one of the most famous men of anyone's generation, he almost took a cricket bat to his head. ** Between trying to get his band off the ground and fucking his flatmate's hot, incredibly famous dad, Paul McCartney has a lot going on in his life. rating: explicit chapters: 1/4 pairing: john lennon/paul mccartney
chapter 1 of the worst thing i've ever written is up ayyy enjoy!
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imagine-mokey · 11 days
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justlikedylansmrjones · 3 months
me when i radicalize the girlies towards the cause of the workers thru my fanfiction
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taempy · 4 months
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I just don't get it.??... 🤦‍♀️
You don't have to read it. Read something else.
Fanfics are free and shared with you. Not for you. This isn't a Michelin restaurant.
While you apparently make it a hobby to waste your time hating on what other people enjoy, fandom is a place where you curate your own experience. Think about how you would feel if you saw someone publicly mocking your taste and work. Strange.
It's not "madness" to enjoy fanfic. Your ceaseless complaints about popular fanfiction come across as jealousy. Do you have any real complaints about the fic aside from "it's popular"? What a saint.
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longing4yesterday · 2 months
i've been thinking about the pyramus and thisbe performance since i rewatched it yesterday, so imagine this if you will; all the boys are part of a shakespeare acting troupe; paul is the seasoned performer who has been at this for years and everyone can't seem to take their eyes off of, george and ringo are background performers with varying levels of experience but still very skilled in what they do, and john is the newest member of the troupe. it's winter and time for their second performance of the year. they've been tasked with putting on much ado about nothing. paul has been assigned the role of claudio, george is assigned leonato, ringo is assigned don pedro, and john is assigned benedick (with two women in the troupe assigned to play hero and beatrice respectively). there's already tension between paul and john, mostly given paul doesn't think john is taking his role seriously and has being far too cocky about it. if anything, he just thinks he took to this position in the troupe to hook up with the women (given how often they're swooning after him and all). yet, with john, that isn't the case. he's very serious about what he's doing, it's just hard to keep focus with a rather handsome man breathing down his neck all the time about getting his lines right. george and ringo are just annoyed that their two costars are bickering all the time and one of them is obviously pinning for the other but disguising it with sarcastic comments and purposefully starting arguments. over time, paul starts to develop a bit of feelings for john, which doesn't bode well when he notices that the actress playing beatrice is also developing feelings for him. there's a better chance of her being asked out than him, which leads to more arguments and disorganization. the director is sick of their shit, threatening to shut the production down if they don't focus since they're only 2 weeks away from opening. will it all come together in time? or is it all going to fall apart?
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forthlin · 6 months
your lucky break [chapter 3]
read it on ao3 here :)
When Paul was nine years old, he watched John Lennon sing Twist and Shout on Sunday Night at the London Palladium. Where Paul is a rising singer in the 1970s who grew up idolizing performer-turned-producer John Lennon.
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theoldmixer · 1 year
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The jukebox blows a fuse
Paul didn’t like Stu.
There he admitted it.
He could play nice, Stuart was John’s friend after all. But really all Paul wanted to do every time he saw him was to rip the stupid sunglasses off his face.
Finally posted the Jealous!Paul in Hamburg fic that I've had in the works forever.
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franklyimissparis · 9 months
so much love for the active beatles fic writers we have in this community bc i fully ran out of the backlog of fic we have like a literal year or two ago so i’m solely living off of new updates 😭👍
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zilabee · 1 year
believe me when I tell you - - by tikk
paul/john - 9000 words - pg _____________________________________________
John accidentally discovers Paul's early lyrics for Oh! Darling and notices they were originally written out as Oh! Johnny. (kink meme prompt)
In which Paul is oblivious about his feelings because he doesn't have any feelings or if he does have any feelings they're definitely imaginary and don't mean anything. In which John very calmly tries to piece together Paul's non-existent feelings, and what they might possibly mean if they meant anything (which they don't).
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dailyhowl · 7 months
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only the lonely
It's the last time because it has to be.
1963. A married John hires Paul for one more night.
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menlove · 2 months
Sorry if you’ve been asked this already, but do you have any mclennon fic recs for 1967/pepper era?? I’m obsessed with the vibes around this time, and with Jane away John and Paul seemed to spend a lot of their free time during this period together, but I’ve had trouble finding much of anything. Thx!! <3
oooh good question ! i love love love the 1967/pepper era so let me look back in my ao3 history and see what i've got
these aren't all pepper's era, but they are all 1967 (w the exception of One that's not 67 but Is pepper's). put a 💖 next to ones i especially love
If You'll Shut Up About It, I Will
mature. au. 4k
The day after his birthday, Paul McCartney admits on national television that he's illegally had sex with men. On multiple occasions. But it's the media's responsibility not to spread these things, isn't it? Unfortunately (or fortunately), someone else is watching the broadcast, and wants to know why Paul has decided to declare he's queer to all and sundry when he's the one who's been waiting for Paul to give it a go. AKA, That LSD Interview but make it gayer. note: very interesting, short little au on if paul had come out as having had queer sex rather than having done lsd
you know i know when it's a dream
mature. 5k. In 1967, The Beatles visited Greece with the plan of purchasing an island they could call home. Of course, it was mostly John's idea. note: angsty, smutty little one-shot that hurt my heart
1967 💖
mature. 11.5k. au. In 1961, John Lennon and Paul McCartney left abruptly on a trip to Spain, via France. In 1967, they finally come home to face the consequences. note: not EXACTLY what you're looking for but hey the year is in the title..... but it's sooo good i'll rec this fic constantly. they do definitely have the same aesthetic that they did in real life 1967 too. but this one is so fucking good. it's got an experimental style that lets you see everyone's pov while still remaining really well written which imo is hard to do when you're doing a bunch of pov switches. but it's outsider perspective mclennon & explores the nuances of their relationship and how it was/wasn't impacted by fame and how they'd still be creative with each other if they'd never gotten famous from the beatles...... also they basically create the muppets which i think makes this worth reccing on its own tbh
The Places Where You Bend
mature. 2.6k. "Whatever the opposite of 'toppermost of the poppermost' might be, we're in it up to our asses." It's 1967, all hell is breaking loose, and Paul doesn't know if he can do this anymore. note: ugh i loved this one. it's angsty, as any beginning-of-the-end-of-their-relationship fic is, but it's sooo them and very bittersweet
Stop all the clocks 💖
mature. 30.8k. au. For the following kink meme prompt: ‘1967. After Brian dies, Paul decides not to go ahead with MMT, and takes John up to Scotland for a month instead.’ Also based on the following comment on said prompt: ‘pls someone let them fuck tenderly in 1967’ note: definitely an instant classic! super sweet au that makes you wish life had gone this way for them
Way Up Top 💖
explicit. 12k. Falling out of the sky, together. | Snapshots of the Beatles in Greece, July 1967 note: one of my all-time faves ughhhhhh i just love how they wrote everyone. like ofc the mclennon is great, but this one is so so good for just all around good characterization and writing
always, no sometimes 💖
explicit. 20k. Stolen moments from a single year. Or: four times someone nearly found John and Paul together, and the one time they found each other. Set around the recording of Sgt. Pepper, 1966. note: not 1967, but 100000% the vibe you're looking for. such a good fic. i honestly need to do a re-read bc it's been long enough, but this one was just. augh. so much mustache sex too.
explicit. 3.4k From the kink meme prompt: john/paul, shotgunning weed note: i don't Think this one has a year on it officially, but it definitely fits the vibe you're looking for!
Drop Chute
explicit. 1.9k. paul/robert as well "Paul does coke off Robert's dick and blows him in a public toilet. John is in the neighbouring stall and hates it." FFA asked and I delivered. note: ahhhh we love a good "john getting jealous of paul fucking other men" fic
explicit. 1.3k In the summer of ‘67, Paul knows exactly how lucky he is to be the man who gets to fuck John, and then eat him out, and then fuck him again, and then — note: it's smut and it's good smut what else can i say truly
Club Sandwich
mature. 4k. Some drug-fueled party in 1967. Paul ends up sandwiched between two men on the couch. As they start fondling and kissing him, John stumbles upon the scene… note: absolutely great. possessiveness and coke prince paul...... what else could i want from a fic
Carousel 💖
explicit. 3.4k 21 March, 1967. John accidentally drops acid during the mixing of Sgt Pepper. Paul drives him back to Cavendish and decides to take LSD for the first time. Based on true events. John's POV. note: definitely my favorite take on the "john and paul tripping together for the first time" story. so good and introspective.
you can get it wrong (and still think you're right)
explicit. 7.4k. Paul visits John at Weybridge. January, 1967. The laziest man in England, that article had said, and Paul thought suddenly of John, lounging: John, turning the pages of a book with one languid hand, his hair mussed and fetching, making pithy comments to empty rooms. Or maybe he didn’t speak at all when he was alone; Paul realized that he didn’t know anymore. note: aghhhh another great one by stonedlennon. the bittersweetness of their relationship.... love this one a lot tbh
explicit. 2.7k. John takes another languid drag of his cigarette, his eyes alight now when they look into the lens, meeting Paul's. He's a marvellous subject. They should put him in every movie. "That it?" Paul asks—leading. Hungry. "You're the director. Give us a direction," John goads him. note: looove this one. but all of moeexyz's fics are so good so that's to be expected tbh
an orgasm of sound 💖
explicit. 5.3k “It was a good piece of work between Paul and me. I had the ‘I read the news today’ bit, and it turned Paul on, because now and then we really turn each other on with a bit of song, and he just said ‘yeah’ – bang bang, like that.” — John Lennon Or, John and Paul work on A Day in the Life. note: another great one from moeexyz! this one is..... well. Well. it's very good. what more could i ask for in life than piano sex and a day in the life
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imagine-mokey · 1 month
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