#and with cat it was so funny when he bluffing and was like uh i cant marry bc of my vows but i could still service u😉😉
ilynpilled · 3 months
jaime turning women down constantly more bc he is very monogamous and in love with someone else right now for the first time and is also kinda scared of actually having sex with someone other than cersei is sm better to me than “i respect the kg vows of chastity so intensely rn actually because i changed into a good and serious person” or whatever lol
#i truly dgaf about that bffr jaime dude#like its a stupid vow that says nothing about u as a person lmfao#him in the bath with pia thinking of brienne like u r not fooling anybody honestly#like i truly do think its more copium and not being honest with himself tbfh#like he had a rationalization when pia came into his bed in asos too but then it was purely ‘i only love cers i would never’#and with cat it was so funny when he bluffing and was like uh i cant marry bc of my vows but i could still service u😉😉#he would have pissed himself if he was called on that bluff but only bc he would be cheating on cers and have sex with another woman#man that fucked his twins in a sept next to his sons dead body the moment he returned caring about chastity vows#his development isnt really about keeping every vow ever when most of it is fraudery anyway#like pls he is not keeping his vow to his king rn really 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i think the vows and respecting them has a deeper meaning thats the whole point which ones do u keep and prioritize and why#like weve been thru this 80x being a real vowhead is not what makes u a good person 😭#deleting ur individuality and personal life to be an honorpillhead lol#the vow to cat has meaning the elite bodyguard vow to never fuck has zero meaning 😭#he was ready to break the no marriage vow w cers pls#im not saying this bc of a shipper endgame in mind i find volcel jaime hilarious its just i dont like it as proof of his development#like ill be real guys sex positive warrior gurm is not pushing the idea that keeping ur chastity vows is what honor is about#like i get that he wants to be better and he is figuring out what that really means but
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n00dl3gal · 5 years
Sweeter Than a Cupcake (McCree x OC)
A commission for @junko-brewer! A challenging but fun story for me to write, than you again for your support!
Commission Info  |  Archive of Our Own
McCree didn’t consider himself to have much of a sweet tooth. It wasn’t that he was against candy or desserts, he just tended to favor savory food more. There were, of course, exceptions. If there was a plate of biscochitos in sight, he’d devour them quicker than Tracer could Blink. And if he found himself passing through Cincinnati, he’d always find himself opening Bunny’s door. 
Bunny looked up from the counter she was wiping. “Jesse McCree,” she said, voice exasperated. Her hands were on her hips like a cross mother, but her smile was warm. Despite her voice, McCree could tell she was glad to see him. The feeling was mutual.“You have a lot of nerve showing up here again.”
McCree tipped his hat in response. “And a good day to you, Miss Bunny. If this is about the tab at the bar down the street-” 
Bunny laughed. “I mean waltzing in like there isn’t a bounty on your head,” she chastised, setting her rag aside. “If I had known the first time you came by just what kind of trouble you were, I would’ve refused service.”
He shrugged, looking over the case of cupcakes. “Now we both know that’s a lie. You’ll always hold the door for a paying customer,” he teased. Bunny blushed slightly, lips downturned in a pout. “And maybe it is dangerous coming back, but with cupcakes as good as yours
 well, I’ve always been a bit reckless. What’s good today?”
The baker smiled, still flushed, and reached into the case. “I think you’ll like this one in particular,” she announced, setting it on a plate. “For a man as fond as whiskey as you, a Jack-and-Coke cupcake. All the flavor, none of the booze.” McCree reached for the cupcake, but was smacked back by Bunny. “Hey! Pay first, food second.”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, reaching for his wallet. The bell above the door jingled again. Bunny looked at the new arrival and paled, prompting McCree to turn around. “Ah, speak of the bounty
“For someone with that much money on your head, you do tend to attract attention,” the bounty hunter said. “It’s pretty easy to track down a man in a serape in Ohio.” 
McCree tipped his hat. “Gotta keep up appearances, ya know? You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Naomi?” 
The bounty hunter- Naomi- flicked her ponytail back and cocked her gun. Bunny squawked at the sight, shaking. “Drop the cupcake and come with me, McCree. I don’t want to involve any innocents in this.” 
“Funny. Neither do I.” In a flash, he had jumped onto Naomi and had her in a stranglehold. She choked, giving McCree ample time to pry her gun away. Naomi managed to elbow him the gut, however, and used his exhale to free herself. She tore her gun back from his hands and pistol-whipped the side of his head.
McCree was seeing stars, barely able to roll out of the way. Chairs fell over in the chaos. Naomi was lining up her shot again when he used one of his flashbangs to blind her. For a moment, it seemed like it worked, but McCree wasn’t able to pull her weapon away before her eyes refocused. 
He was staring down the barrel, knowing full well a shot at this range would be instantly lethal. With a grunt, he placed his metal arm over the gun and punched Naomi in the face. “I hate beating up a lady, but if they make the first move
Bunny had long since ducked under the counter, knees to her chest. She held her hands over her ears as she shook. A fight, in her bakery! All she had wanted to do today was test out the recipe for her new lavender-and-honey cupcakes and make a few sales, not fear for her life!
Naomi staggered back, holding her nose. “The rest of my team isn’t far behind, McCree. We’ve been staking this place out since Tuesday
 awfully nice of the baker to confirm you’re a repeat customer.” 
Bunny gulped. She didn’t dare poke her head and look at McCree’s expression. Was all of this her fault? 
It didn’t matter. McCree had taken the opportunity to tackle Naomi head-on. In a panic, the bounty hunter’s finger slipped, firing the gun. It flew off towards the glass case Bunny was hiding behind, and the sound of shattering glass echoed across the room. McCree held Naomi down to the ground, hand over her throat, until she finally passed out. 
He stood, surveying the store. Aside from some upturned chairs and tables and the cupcake case, it remained intact. Good. He hated adding to the sum on his head. McCree leaped over the table to find- “shit!” 
Bunny was clutching her arm, bleeding. Some shrapnel from the case must have hit her. “I- is she- did you kill her?” Bunny cried. 
“Just passed out,” McCree reassured her. “You have bandages anywhere?”
“B-by the sink in the kitchen,” Bunny said, gesturing with her foot. McCree found the first aid kit easily, crouching next to Bunny. “Should I go to a hospital or-” 
“Lemme take a look,” McCree interrupted, guiding her arm away. The cut was long but not deep. Stitches probably would help, but a wanted man taking an innocent woman to the hospital was sure to stir up additional trouble. Bunny looked traumatized enough as it was, eyes darting around the place. “Bandages will do for now. This may sting a bit,” he warned, opening a wipe. 
Bunny didn’t hiss when the wipe traveled across the wound, but McCree could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Some part of him wanted to wipe them away. He was quick; years of working with Deadlocke and Blackwatch had trained him well. Gauze was wrapped around the cut quickly, secured with a safety pin. “There, all finished. Stay right here, I’m gonna make sure nobody else is here to mess up your store.” 
He stood and made his way to the door. There were no suspicious vehicles outside, or people with unusually large backpacks or coats. It was entirely possible Naomi was bluffing. McCree flipped the open sign around and told Bunny it was safe. 
She stood on shaky legs, eyes still searching like her namesake. “I-I don’t think we should stay here. Either of us.” “Couldn’t agree more,” McCree answered, tucking Peacekeeper back in his holster. “Lead the way back to your place, Miss Bunny.” 
“Wh-what?” Bunny choked, trembling even more. The blush from earlier had returned, stronger than before. “B-but- you should go! What if there really are more b-bounty hunters looking for you?” 
McCree shrugged. “Then I’ll deal with ‘em when they show their ugly mugs. I’m not about to let a lady in your condition walk home on her own, ‘specially with dangerous folks out for blood. Speaking of which
” He began straightening the chairs and let out a soft sigh when Bunny joined him. Good to know that, despite her anxiety, she was still able to tend to her store. “Never mind. We can discuss it once we get you home.” 
. . .
Bunny’s apartment was small, but cozy. McCree was surprised to see there was a balcony; he wasn’t sure how much Bunny made, but usually a balcony like that would hike up rent considerably. It was small, though, and covered in foliage. Potted plants, both green and flowered, dotted the railings and the floor. McCree had never been to the rainforest, but he imagined it was similar. 
The inside was just as much of a menagerie, just for fauna, not flora. As soon as Bunny had unlocked the door, an overweight house cat had come to greet her before running off at the sight of McCree. Bunny explained that he was skittish around guests, especially men. McCree wasn’t sure if he should be offended or not. He did think the bearded dragon lounging on a hammock was better company. 
Bunny was headed for the kitchen when McCree intercepted her. “Just tell me where everything is and I’ll make ya a cup of tea,” he said kindly. “Unless if doing somethin’ll help you keep your mind off things.” 
“I think it might,” Bunny replied, reaching for the cupboard. “Is there anything you’d like? I realize they don’t compare to cupcakes, but
 I think I have some, uh, stronger stuff.” She pointed towards the top shelf. 
McCree pulled out his flask. “I’m fine, but I appreciate it.” Bunny nodded and busied herself with preparing the kettle. While she worked, he sat at the kitchen table, watching her work. She was a pretty young thing, wide eyes and dirty blonde hair. Short, too, making her look even younger than she was. McCree couldn’t relate. “So
 what Naomi said. About you sellin’ me out.” 
Bunny sighed. She didn’t answer as she set the kettle on the stove. “I didn’t realize,” she eventually began, laughing bitterly. “I didn’t even know about the bounty. They came, asked about you, and I thought maybe they were friends of yours. I try to assume the best in people, but maybe
 maybe I shouldn’t.” 
McCree shook his head. “No, it’s good to be an optimist. But ya need to be careful. There are bad people out there,” he said slowly. “But for every single bad folk, there’s at least three good’uns. Trust me, I’ve met a lotta ‘em.” 
Bunny nodded and finished making their tea. “It’s just lemon flavored, I hope that’s alright. Sugar?” she offered, passing a cup to McCree. They both added their sugar, Bunny pouring in a small portion of milk. McCree did the same, but with a shot from his flask. They both drank in silence, letting the warmth of the tea calm them down. “How did- never mind, it’s probably not something you want to talk about.” 
“If it’s about my arm, then yeah, that’s a bit personal,” McCree replied. “But if you’re wonderin’ about the bounty
 well, it’s a long story.” 
“That’s alright,” Bunny told him. “I’m patient and we have time.” 
“Alrighty then, where to start
 how much do you know ‘bout Overwatch?” 
Bunny stroked her chin, thinking. “They were a military-like group who rose to prominence during the first Omnic Crisis, and were recognized as heroes
 but something changed and the public turned on them. I was a child when the last of them were disbanded. Why?” 
“See, I was part of Overwatch,” McCree explained. “Not at first, mind you. When I was around your age, I
 well, I was one of the Deadlocke Gang’s founding members.” 
“A gang?” Bunny gasped, nearly dropping her cup. “You- did you-” 
McCree sighed. “I ain’t proud of what I did back then, not anymore. But at the time
 Deadlocke was my family. If it felt that right, it couldn’t be wrong. But then we got busted by Overwatch and they gave me a choice: join them or rot in jail.” 
“And you chose the former,” Bunny concluded. Her shoulders were haunched, like she was still prepared to run. Maybe explaining this wasn’t the best idea. Too late to stop now. 
“Bullseye,” McCree said. “Put me in Blackwatch, Overwatch’s covert ops group. Second to Gabriel Reyes. Now Reyes
 hoo, that man. He could shoot like the best of ‘em but had a temper a mile wide. Both he and Jack Morrison were in the runnin’ to be Strike Commander. Basically the head honcho of the whole organization,” he elaborated at Bunny’s blank expression. He paused to take another gulp. The burning on his throat reminded him of his cigars. Maybe he’d sneak off to the balcony for a smoke later. “Morrison got the job, and Reyes was shipped to the rejects in Blackwatch. And then
 things got nasty.” 
“What do you mean, ‘nasty?’” 
“I don’t remember all the details, but there was another Blackwatch agent- Moira. She and Reyes did some science-y stuff I still don’t understand, and at some point both became double agents for Talon.” 
That got Bunny’s attention. “Talon- the terrorist organization? The ones responsible for Mondatta’s death? I was watching his speech on TV when
 oh my gosh,” she whispered, gnawing at her lower lip. 
“Shit hit the fan, as it were. Overwatch was disbanded, and I
 well, I had years of covert ops under my belt. And I was a former gang member. Still, sixty million
” McCree took another sip of his tea. “Gosh, it sure build up quick, don’t it?” He laughed, but there was no humor behind it. 
Bunny rubbed her arms. “I’m harboring a wanted criminal. A very attractive criminal, but I’m sitll-” “Hey now, don’t think of me like that,” McCree teased. “I’m just passing through. A houseguest for the night. Not even that, if you don’t want. Don’t stop with the compliments, though.”
Bunny looked away shyly. “Just for the night
 and s-say I did want you to stay the night.” Slowly, delicately, she reached across the table and took his flesh hand in hers. “And maybe future nights, too.” “Oh darlin’, you flatter me,” McCree said earnestly. He felt a little warm. “But you’re not doing all right in the head right now, that incident must be playin’ with your mind. Savior complex or somethin’, Winston would know what it’s called.” 
“It’s not- why do you think I was so eager to talk about you in the first place, Jesse? When they said that you were coming back, I was so excited- I made those cupcakes especially for you. I mean, I was planning on testing the recipe soon anyway, but-” Bunny grew more animated as she spoke, blush spreading across her face. McCree had a feeling his was a mirror reflection. “But I wanted you to be the first to taste them, Jesse.” 
Hearing his first name was a lot for him. Most people only ever called him McCree, especially after Overwatch ended. “Ah, shit
 you’re gonna make this ol’ cowboy soft yet, Miss Bunny.” He stood from his chair, teacups rattling as he pushed away from the table. Bunny blinked owlishly as he approached. He quickly pulled off his hat and set it on her head. She pushed it up with one finger, giggling. “Alright. I always thought I was coming back for the food, but I guess there was another reason I kept visiting
 and while I can’t stay for long, that means we gotta make the most of our time, right?” He picked her up, bridal style, and spun her around. 
Bunny laughed, hat flying off as she threw her head back. “J-Jesse! Put me down!” 
“Whatever you say, pumpkin,” he answered in the most arrogant voice he could muster. He carried her to the couch and laid her down, kneeling beside it. He kept his hand in hers. Bunny smiled up at him, using her free hand to caress his cheek. “You know, I’ve never met a bunny as cute as you. Real rabbits’ just don’t compare.” 
“Is that supposed to be an attempt at flirting? Or are you trying to make me laugh?” Bunny joked, stroking his jaw. 
His metal fingers danced across her stomach, eliciting a number of giggles. “Nah, if I wanted to make ya laugh, I think I have a few options. That was a genuine compliment.” He kept tickling her until she threatened to fall off the couch. Distantly, he heard the cat meow in irritation. 
Between her laughs, Bunny managed to guide McCree’s face closer to hers. “I could think of a few compliments for yourself, Jesse,” she said in the air between them before pressing a kiss to 
his lips. 
She tasted sweet, with a sour undercurrent that threatened to sweep McCree away. Lemon and milk filled his nostrils and he breathed her in. It was an innocent kiss, in all honesty, with only the barest heat behind it. Still, the touch of another human so intimately was something he craved. He kissed her back, just as tenderly as she did. 
He pulled away slowly. “As wonderful as this is, kneelin’ like this ain’t do my knees any favors. You mind scooching over?” She did, and McCree joined her on the couch. “Thank you. Now, where were we?” He was still cupping her cheek, smiling like she was the only thing that brought him joy. Her eyes were half-lidded with desire, pupils wide. 
“Oh, I think I remember,” she teased, kissing him again. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair as they kissed, pulling gently. McCree hissed at the sensation, letting Bunny slide her tongue in. They stayed like that for several minutes, kissing and pulling each other close, until Bunny was basically straddling him. “I don’t
 even if we just have tonight,” she whispered, kissing his jaw gingerly. “Even if it’s just tonight, I don’t want to rush this. I don’t-” 
“Hey now, darlin’,” McCree reassured her, rubbing her back. “We don’t have to do anythin’ you’re not comfortable with. But it’s startin’ to get late
 should we head back to your bedroom? Again, don’t need to do anything. You can always say no or change your mind.” 
Bunny nodded. “No, I’d like that very much. Please
 promise me you’ll still be here in the morning. I know you have to go, but I don’t want to lose you just yet.” 
Another quiet kiss. “I promise, Bunny.” 
And he stayed. And he always came back. 
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lovelylapins · 6 years
au august day 1
day 1- soulmate
a few days late but we are writing for @auyeahaugust !!! a little out there with this one, i won’t lie lol
“Soulmate markings first appeared in late B.C., rising in numbers after the Roman Empire fell. The marks would be undetected until those two confessed their feelings and were originally seen as a gift from the Roman gods. At first limited to solely that part, they traveled out of the Mediterranean Sea and consumed Europe, then led to the Americas and Asia by the mid-fifteenth century. Now, can anyone tell me the chance for soulmates in today’s world?”
A hand jumps up, arm straight and sure.
“Max, go ahead.”
“A one in a hundred chance,” he says, hand lowered and pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Correct. Now, has anybody found their soulmate, or knows of someone who did?”
“My parents found each other.”
“So did mine!”
“Same over here!”
“That’s great to hear. Anybody else?”
“I did,” Mylene says, blushing. She shows off the small swan decorating her wrist, with Ivan close by displaying the matching mark on his wrist as well.
“Good for you,” Miss Bustier says, beaming at the couple. “You and Ivan must be happy to find each other so young.”
Alya nudges Marinette, who’s hand is quickly moving down the page and jotting down notes as Miss Bustier continues on with the lecture.
“Hey girl,” she whispers. “Do you think you and Adrien could have matching marks?”
Marinette blushes, pencil dropping and cheeks flushing.
“W-What! Of course not!” she exclaims, dropping her voice to not get in trouble. Her eyes flicker over to Adrien, cheeks continuing to warm up at even the thought.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” she teases. “C’mon, what hormonal teenage girl in Paris hasn’t?”
“Uh, you. You have Nino.”
“Oh yeah,” Alya says, rubbing her elbow where the mark lay. In front of them, Marinette catches sight of Nino’s as well, noticeable from a mile away. “I still can’t believe we got a phone for our mark. Doesn’t make Gen Z look any less tech addicted.”
“I think it’s cute,” Marinette defends. She looks at it closer, wishing she had a mark of her own. Darting away, her eyes land on Adrien, just for a second.
Alya picks up on it almost instantly, slapping Marinette’s shoulder.
“I knew it! You do think about it,” she says.
“Only sometimes. But can you blame me?” Marinette sighs. It would be a dream come true, but to even have it come true would mean she’d have to try and confess her feelings for him, and well, Marinette can’t even speak a sentence near him without malfunctioning.
“One day girlie. Until then, we’ll just have to break you outta your shell around him. He’d be a fool to not have you as his soulmate.”
Marinette laughs, finding it quite impossible to even think that she’ll be able to manage more than a sentence in his direction even by the time they graduate, much less let out a confession.
“Let’s get back to our notes. You know Miss Bustier is having a quiz next period on the basics of the marks.”
“Yeah, right. You know she’s bluffing every single time she says that.”
Hours later, she finds herself on top of a billboard, legs swinging to feel the emptiness under her. It’s just past sunset, and Chat’s expected to meet up with her at any minute for their patrol. It’s been peaceful so far, and she takes this moment to gawk in peace.
She’s staring across the street, hearts in her eyes as she gazes at the newest billboard on the building over, which has her classmate and crush Adrien Agreste plastered on it. He’s smirking at the camera, hand poised to rest on his chin and eyes twinkling. It’s an ad for some facial cleanser, but even without the editing he glows and shines like a child of the sun.
Marinette feels her heart swirl, cheeks already warming just by looking at him. She leans forward a bit to get closer, only realizing she’s perched on a goddamn billboard.
“Having a nice time?” she hears next to her, and Marinette nearly jumps off the billboard in that very second. Startled, she looks and catches Chat Noir only a few inches away from her, poised like he’s ready to pounce on any villain. He’s smiling at her, two rows of blindingly white teeth beaming down at her.
“Oh, you silly cat,” she says. She turns back to look at the billboard, admiring the features and wondering if it’d make a perfect new lockscreen. Marinette fumbles, trying to make up an excuse. “I-I was just looking at him because I
 I wanted to buy some new face products!”
“Really? Then you might just want to clean that drool on your face,” Chat comments, raising a hand to gesture at her.
“I don’t have drool on me!” she exclaims. Marinette’s hand comes up to her mouth, touching around just to make sure there’s nothing there. Chat laughs, clearly enjoying this. Strangely, his cheeks are slightly red, something Marinette racks up to the sunset’s lighting on his face.
“Sure, sure
“I don’t!”
“Oh, you don’t have to deny it. There’s nothing wrong with liking a model, you know,” Adrien says, looking at the billboard of himself. He remembers that ad. He hadn’t even tried the product, just went in for some quick shoots and left with a basket of promo objects in his arms.
A part in him wonders what she’ll say, heart pitter-pattering in the hopes Ladybug, the Ladybug, might have a crush on him.
“I don’t like him,” she says, voice strong. His heart plummets off the billboard they’re on, splattering on the pavement below.
“That much, at least.”
“Really? So would you say you have a
 a crush on him?” he suggests. He moves a bit closer, peering at her face for any signs.
“Why do you care so much?” Ladybug asks, eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
Adrien blinks, forgetting for a moment Ladybug doesn’t know he’s Chat.
“Oh what? Of course not!” he exclaims, pulling back from Ladybug.
“I find that hard to believe,” she scoffs. She stares at him for a minute longer, then turns to look at the sunset, fading away into darkness.
“You wouldn’t need to be jealous anyways,” Ladybug lets out. “Like he would ever like me.”
“What are you saying! You’re Ladybug! Of course, he’d love- like you.”
“But would he like me?” Ladybug laughs, hand fiddling with her hair. Adrien perks up at this, noticing Marinette usually does that too when she gets nervous. He hadn’t suspected it was a thing all girls did.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m telling you this only because I trust you.” She takes a deep breath. “I
 I know him in real life.”
Adrien almost falls off the billboard, eyes widening. Ladybug doesn’t notice, eyes still trained on the sky.
“I’ve liked him as long as I can remember, but no matter how much I want to, I’ll never be able to confess to him I like him. Something’s holding me back, I guess. Isn’t that funny? Ladybug being nervous?”
“Ladybug, I- “ he starts, trying to interject. Oddly, he feels a slight tingle on his neck, something warm. At the same time, he feels a sudden realization come over him, developing faster and faster the more that she talks he wants to confirm his suspicions.
She continues on, Marinette finding a strength she hadn’t felt before surge through her. It’s like something’s compelling her to spill all right now, before she loses her courage. A soft tingle, starting out from her neck and running down her body.
“In a perfect world, I’d confess, and he’d confess back, and we’d be soulmates and live a happily ever after. But, we don’t really have a perfect world now, do we?” Marinette stops talking. The sunset’s disappeared now. She turns back to Chat, wondering what he’ll say in response to her sudden confession.
Oh, if only Adrien had been here to hear it, she thinks wistfully. Then, we could see if we were actually soulmates.
He’s still red, she notes, looking at his cheeks. A soft look has gone over his eyes, something Marinette remembers from somewhere, from someone else. He’s been biting his lip too, she notes, the normally smooth lips cracked and bleeding now from biting down so hard. And then, in a brief state of curiosity, she looks down at his neck.
Right there, almost hidden by his high collar, is a mark.
Looking back up at Chat’s face, she catches his eyes trained on something on her, the same area she had looked at. Pulling out her yoyo, she opens it to gaze into the mirror, angling it to her neck.
A mark, same as his.
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 36
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,” Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content. Word count:  1.7k
Two Months Later
“Are we almost done here?” she sighed from her leaning position against the wall.
“Cool it Jonesy, I’m almost done,” Deadpool called from somewhere in the back.
The X-Force had just rounded up a drug dealer and his thugs; he’d been dealing to minors for years and with Team Maximum Effort Deadpool found their hideout and managed to raid the place without causing death or serious injury, just yet. Cable and Hayden stood guard by three of the thugs who were all tied to chairs while Wade dug through all the paperwork in the leader’s office, Domino stood guard by the leader who was knocked unconscious by Lady Luck.
  (“Seriously a cat fell from one of the rafters and onto him while Domino was on the chase, you just can’t write this shit,” a direct quote from Deadpool when the others had all gathered together earlier.)
  “I told you not to call me that, asshole,” she yelled irritably before gently thudding the back of her head against the wall.
“So what are you, like a groupie or something?” one of them asked.
“Do I look like a groupie to you?” she gave the man scowl.
“Don’t let him get to you, he’s just trying to annoy you,” Cable remarked before returning his gaze off into the distance, clearly bored of waiting.
“Well I certainly don’t take you to be the muscle of the group,” the man continued, and then he smirked, “I bet you’re one of the guy’s bitches,”
Her head snapped in his direction, “Excuse me?” she asked through gritted teeth.
  “Listen pal, you’re barking up the wrong tree-” Cable spoke up but the man spoke over him.
“You heard me, so which one is it? The motherfucker mercenary, or the one who looks like he could be old enough to fuck your mother?” he nodded his head towards Cable.
She moved from the wall and pointed a finger at him, “You better keep that fucking mouth of yours shut before I break your fucking jaw you worthless piece of-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” the man interrupted, “That’s all you bitches do is yammer on and on, you’re so fucking annoying-”
Hades stepped closer and grabbed the man’s cheeks in a tight grip with one hand; her eyes glowed a bright violet, Cable stood back knowing she wouldn’t be able to control herself from lashing out at him too at this point.
“You listen to me very carefully,” the man’s eyes widened as she tightened her grip ever so slightly, “I’m not afraid to crush your pathetic skull if you provoke me any further or say another comment about him in my presence,” she paused to let the words sink in and to squeeze a bit tighter, the man felt his bones micro fracturing in his cheeks and he gulped as his breathing quickened, “You’re a scumbag and I’m not worried about killing scum, I’m nobody’s bitch,”
She squeezed harder and the bones in his cheeks fractured, causing the man to scream in agony, the corner of her mouth turned up in satisfaction. She released her grip and stood back, her eyes returned to normal as she relaxed herself.
  “You’re fucking insane,” the man whimpered in a slight slur as Deadpool walked into the room with Domino.
“Okay so the bastard is de- what happened here?” he raised a brow from under his mask, “I could literally cut the tension in here with my katana,”
Hayden crossed her arms and looked to Deadpool but said nothing, Cable glanced at her and then to the others.
“Some words were said, Hades wasn’t too happy with them,” he put simply and she scoffed at that. “What, you want me to tell them the details?” he asked her while raising his hands.
“Let’s just get outta here,” she sighed and stormed out the room, Cable raised his shoulders.
“What the hell did I do?” he called after her and the others shrugged.
“You did nothing, that’s exactly the problem,” the man spoke up again.
“Shut up shithead,” Cable growled at him, “Are we done here?” he nodded his chin to Deadpool.
“Yeah, just gotta finish off the witnesses,” he cocked his gun in the air and the smile was clear despite the mask, the man’s eyes widened.
“I’ll catch up later,” Cable said before he followed after Hayden.
“Yeah I might just go too, I’m not so keen on the killing part, sorry sweetie,” Neena said as she edged herself further out the room.
“Fine,” he sighed, “More for me,” he smiled and clicked the gun.
                                                            * * *
                    “Hey Weasel, gimme a shot of one of your strongest, I feel like I deserve a lil’ reward for today’s catch,” Wade slapped the bar counter and sat down eagerly, Weasel nodded and looked at Hayden who sat herself down next to him and was tapping the counter irritably.
“Fanta and God help you if you give me that orange bullshit,”
“I know, last time you threatened to castrate me for not giving you Grape,” he shuffled uncomfortably and then turned to get the drinks ready.
“Oh come on Haydes, don’t be a pussy, have a drink for once!” Wade whined, she gave him a glare before she noticed Nathan and Neena standing near the doorway and seemed to be having a serious conversation, and then she looked back at him.
“You know what? Why the hell not,” she said as Weasel slid Wade’s shot across the counter to him.
“Seriously, you’re going to have a shot?” Weasel raised a brow.
“No don’t be stupid,” he raised his hands and was about to put the bottle away before she continued, “Leave the bottle.” He paused and then slowly put the bottle in front of her.
“Oho- what do we have here; maybe you’re not a lightweight after all,”
“I’ve already told you before dumbass, I’ve had a whole bottle of this before and it does nothing for me,”
  “One-hundred bucks says you’re bluffing and I call bullshit,” Wade scrounged around for his wallet and placed the note on the counter.
“We have a hundred, care to raise it?” Weasel placed his hand on the note and raised a brow at Hayden.
“I’ll raise you another hundred, because I know for a fact that you’re going to lose,” she slammed the note down oozing in confidence.
“We have a challenger!” Weasel yelled, making Nathan and Neena turn their heads in their direction.
“This’ll be the easiest win I’ve had against you in some time, you’ll be shit-faced from that one shot,” she smirked.
“We’ll see about that!” Wade half-yelled, “Countdown from three and we drink, and Weasel you’ll have the honour of counting down to this moment of truth,”
“Thank you Wade, I’m truly, deeply honoured,” Weasel touched his chest and his eyes brimmed with tears. “Alright,” he clapped his hands after the moment was over, “Let’s do this! Three
” Hayden and Wade each grabbed their respective glasses in their hands, “One!”
   They both threw their heads back as they let their drinks burn down their throats, Wade’s was a rather short trip but nonetheless he shook his head and coughed heavily before gagging slightly, he froze in shock as Hayden chugged the bottle down effortlessly.
“Holy- fu-uck- balls,” Wade managed through a coughing bout, “What- the sh-it Hay-den,”
She placed the bottle down with a loud clink and looked at Weasel with a deadpan expression, “Got another?”
“Uh, are you sure you want to-”
“Did I fucking stutter?” she hissed.
“Oh-okay,” he nervously handed her another bottle, she popped the cork with the only real satisfaction that she had for the day.
“What the hell is going on here?” Nathan asked from behind them, having just witnessed her finishing the entire bottle, and knowing full well that she isn’t one to drink unnecessarily.
“Well, I just won two hundred bucks,” she gave a crooked smile as she waved the money before shoving it into her pocket, “And I’m about to have another drink, you want some?” she raised the bottle to him and he pushed it away cautiously.
  “Since when do you drink?” he asked with concern edging around his words.
“Today,” she took a light sip, “But who knows how long I might go on for,” she shrugged before she turned away and downed the bottle once again without faltering. “Hit me,” she thumped the bottle on the counter and slid it to Weasel.
” Weasel looked anxiously between her and Nathan, who glared behind her directly at him, “I don’t think I-”
“Just ignore whatever look he’s giving you- this is none of his damn business,”
“Of course it’s my damn business,” he grunted, “What the hell is going on with you Haydes? This isn’t you-”
“Oh please enlighten me Nathan! Who am I?” she turned in her seat after grabbing the third bottle of the night, Weasel immediately hiding himself away just imagining what Nathan might do to him nearly making him piss himself in fear.
She stood just a few inches from his face, staring up at him with anger clear in her face, he placed his hands on her shoulders lightly and calmly spoke to her.
“Please, Haydes you’re drunk, let’s just-”
“I’m not drunk!” she swatted his hands from her shoulders and then took to polishing off the bottle in her hand, “You have yet to see me drunk,” she poked his chest and then hiccupped.
  “Hayden would you just listen to me-” he reached out for her hand.
“No, fuck you! Don’t touch me,”
Wade spoke up, “Haydes he’s just trying to-”
“No, I don’t wanna hear it!” she covered her ears in a childish manner.
“Oh she’s definitely drunk now,” Wade said.
“I’ll have you know,” her words slowed now, she turned on her heel to face him and wobbled, “That drunk I am most certainly, not,” she corrected with a raised finger.
“I think we should get you home,” Nathan spoke gently as he reached out for her.
“I’m not drunk! See,” she spun around in a circle, “I’m totally fine!” she added cheerfully despite wobbling as if she was dizzy, a soft violet glow emitted from her abdomen.
“Um, Haydes why are you glowing like that?” Wade asked nervously.
“On second thought,” she took an uneasy step and her gaze dropped to the floor, “I might just take a nap,”
There was a sudden blinding flash of violet that made everyone cover their eyes before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
________________________________________________________________ >> Chapter 37 <<
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thetruthinlies · 8 years
|| Send “C, B, A or S” + a character and I will write the corresponding support between our muses || ASK ||
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( You’re still forgiven, my cutest little brother )( Maybe a jerk warning because his whole “anger-issues” lie within the leaders, or the Royalty. If he doesn’t see you as part of it, he’ll just be a sassy mage that he is, or in this case, be Squidward lol. But laughably, I think I lost my train of thought as half of this was written last week, then today. )
( Though forgive me for the lateness )
( readmore as there are three supports~ )
-C support-
Ian: Hm.. What could I use for today.. Huh? Didn’t know Poseidon was in the sortie.*Ian has come across Mukuro’s trident, who just materialized himself in with a smile*Mukuro: And I suppose no one has ever told you not to place hands upon other people’s property?Ian: ! ( Yes, that’s exactly what you think it is )Mukuro: I might not want to ask who you are..Ian: Ian’s my name, nice to meet you, Mr. Poseidon*Mukuro glanced at him oddly*Mukuro: That’s not.. I didn’t ask for your name.*Ian politely extends his hand out, meanwhile Mukuro just leaves the scene*
-some time later-Mukuro: Calm yourself. You’ve agreed to join these bunch of fools.. That’s exactly what you told that Crown Prince boy.Ian: It’s good that he told you to join us. They say dark magic is the hardest to muster, and it’d be bad to lose people of talent.*Ian smiles*Mukuro: You again..Ian: Illusionists at most, are rare too. You’re like those special units that keep trying to run when you try catching them. He’s made a good one!Mukuro: ( ‘What have I gotten myself into..’ ) Is that so..?*Mukuro forces a smile*Mukuro: Why don’t you congratulate him on the finest catch?Ian: I should.*Ian pretends to leave, Mukuro rolls his eyes hoping he’s gone, but he comes back like a boomerang*Mukuro: What.. is it?Ian: Didn’t mean to bother you, but what’s your name?Mukuro: ( ‘he might leave if I tell him..’ ) Uh, it’s Mukuro.Ian: It’s great to meet a fellow magic user, Mukuro. Let’s work together sometime eh? like brothers-in-arms that we are.*Mukuro regretted opening his mouth this entire time*
-B support-
*Mukuro sat on a vacant spot, observing, watching a few of the soldiers, Ian included, finish their training for the day, meanwhile other units were patrolling, while the Prince and his attendants were sorting out plans*Mukuro: Oh.. it’s a loud one, today isn’t it.*within that time, Ian went over to him, seeing as he was being glanced upon*Ian: Hey Mukuro! Haha, didn’t take you for the lazy kind.*Mukuro shrugged*Mukuro: Anyways Seer, you have explaining to do.Ian: Seer? and explain what?Mukuro: I’ve heard rumours..~ of a child who could read people’s hearts by simply glancing at them. They say no one can hide in a lie so long as he’s around.They’re talking about you, aren’t they?Ian: Who knows. There could be another lie detector within the troop.Mukuro: ..~ No, I don’t think even Arch-sages can read the minds or intentions of someone. That takes a high level of intuition.*Ian glaced to the side and waved at a few people who went by*Mukuro: Yours however.. are either very powerful, or I’m overestimating you.Ian: 
.Ian: Ah well, the cat’s out of the bag eh. What else do you know?Mukuro: Kufufu..~ first tell me, to what extent does your intuition go?Ian: Hmm.. if you really want to know, I could tell you.In truth, this “power” enables me to see through the masks that people wear. The kind of fake expression they always have, like.. yours for example!*Mukuro strangely just listened on*Ian: by looking at your face, I could tell that from the first time that you have no real cruel intentions. For sure you are in tune with your emotion, and that’s not wrong, but the wrong part is the words you use, and the smile.Anyone can be fooled by your outside looks, but to me, that smile looks hollow, your eyes have been blood-shot for a long time, you’re tired of the way the world works. Tired of.. existing, yourself.Mukuro: ( ‘how interesting’ ) So you are suggesting that I’m a meek little child who’s been flooding a pillow with tears?Ian: Yeah, really.. People around you had taken heavy advantage of you, then threw you aside. It’s funny to say you’re damaged goods.That being said, you’ve only gone this far because you have people you care about.Mukuro: Is that so..Ian: Mukuro, we’re brothers-in-arms. If there’s something that’s eating at you, you don’t need to hide or bear it yourself.Mukuro: You’re really amusing.Ian: That seeth tells me otherwise*Ian laughs*Mukuro: you’re more dangerous that I initially thought.Ian: Danger is overestimating me, you don’t think of me as an opponent, do you..?
*Mukuro smiled at him, leaving as they were called into position, leaving an unsettled thought to Ian*
- A Support -
Mukuro: “It’s always motivation that brings along conviction to do what is impossible. Without this crutch, the strength in your punches would be as weak as the stick that can be snapped instantly by a child. Unity is strength, creating a bundle of power that could never be shaken..”Ian: Those are strong words, my friend*Mukuro slowly glances at him*Mukuro: It’s simply but a story a child would read. A little folly saying for the lovers of hope.Ian: ( ‘Such as yourself?’ ) It’s a cute one. Why would you read child’s stories in the battlefield then, Mukuro?Mukuro: ..~ It’s a good laugh in between crushing skulls and offering inexistent solace.Ian: Yeah? Mukuro: That aside.. you’ve been a little less droll lately. You’ve been paying a lot of attention towards the actions of the Crown Prince, and another person in our flank.Ian: Was I? I.. didn’t notice that.Mukuro: Almost observing their every move, making sure they don’t fall in peril. Look, you didn’t even notice you’re wounded..~*Mukuro even poked at it, making Ian cringe a bit*Ian: Yeah.. haha, maybe I couldn’t dodge pretty well.Mukuro: ( ‘he’s escaping the situation’ ) If you want someone to kill you, you could just have me do it. I’d be gleeful to discard baggage.Ian: ..Sorry. ( ‘is he bluffing? He doesn’t look like it’ )Mukuro: You’re surprisingly in luck I could temporarily heal it.*it was convenient that illusions still tricked people, keeping opponents’ attention away from Ian*Mukuro: Ortega, it’s fine to worry about them, but if you lose yourself in the process, it’s meaningless.Ian: ..Mukuro: You don’t need to fill in the details, or tell me anything.Just ask me to assist you, and that I will..~Ian: Why would you comply so easily..? You hate everyone in this army as far as.. I know. Also, why are you treating it? I’m fine..Mukuro: Kufufufu..~ Don’t be mistaken, I still do, but it’s as you said; we’re brothers-in-arms. What gives them such title? By watching over that very same comrade.*Ian smiles*Mukuro: I personally care less about the distance ( ‘hating me is surely for the best’ ), but even a fool as myself know that you can’t succeed in life alone.Ian: ..Mukuro, do you ever notice how lonely that kind of life is? How that would make you feel unimportant..?Mukuro: that shouldn’t matter. Instead, shouldn’t you be saying “watch my back, O’ brother”?Ian: Then you’d–Mukuro: None of it. You do realize that there are those who await your every return. Do them a favour.Ian: 
..Alright. Then please, don’t you ever think of dying on me. You need to stay alive, for your friends, for our comrades.. and for your big brother.
*Mukuro laughed with Ian, bumping his fist with his jumping back into the fray as his wound was patched up*
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therealestvc · 8 years
Special Friday the 13th for OITNG
"Chloe! I'm serious if you find a penny you are supposed to pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck" Max quips reading off the list of superstitions. Chloe,Max,Rachel, and Victoria were going to cabin ground for the weekend...ironically the day they were going was Friday the 13th, Max had been spending the last hour reading Chloe superstitions from a list she found on google. The list was: 1.Find a penny,pick it up... 2.Don't walk under a ladder 3.Rabbits foot will bring you good luck 4.Don't cross the path of a black cat 5.Don't you dare break a mirror 6.Step on a crack, break your mothers back 7.no opening umbrellas inside Of course...like Chloe does she starts making fun out of it and mocking Max for her superstitious ways. "Oh my gosh! Maxie pad, I think I just saw a black cat...we are so screwed" Chloe mocks laughing her ass off. "Where?!" Max looks around scared out of her mind. Victoria takes notice of this and reaches in the backseat without taking her eyes off the road and smacks Chloe upside the head(how did she do that? I don't know). "Leave her alone!! You know she gets like this on Friday the 13th" Victoria yells at Chloe. Rachel however was laughing her ass off at the whole exchange, she was enjoying every moment of this. "Chloe stop messing with Max and let's play a game on my phone. Vicky how long til we get there?" Rachel lets Chloe pick the game then turns her attention to Victoria who checks the gps. Victoria looks at the gps "about 15 minutes, Cleo I still can't believe your parents let you go after that little stunt at the mall" "CHLOE...my name is Chloe and yeah well I didn't tell them. They only think I'm staying at Rachel's dorm for the weekend" Chloe says before looking back at the game on Rachel's phone. The car is silent after that comment because they all know that Chloe doesn't have the best track record with lying. Max looks out the window, she notices a sign that reads "now entering campground". The campsite looked like out of that movie Friday the 13th...coincidence? I think not. They parked at a small area by the lake that had enough space for two tents. The four of them got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the camping supplies. Obviously Rachel and Chloe were going to share a tent...Victoria and Max were going to share one. "Guys! We should go swimming!" Rachel excitedly says getting her swimsuit out of her luggage. The rest of them agreed and went to get their swimming suits. Once they were all dressed in swimming attire, they went to the lake. The lake looked really pretty, it overlooked the horizon. "COWLA BUNGA!!!" Rachel shouted cannonballing into the lake making a big splash. The other three laughed. The rest of them jumped into the lake. "This is so nice" Max declares swimming around. "Yeah, I wish we could do this every weekend...classes are so stressful" Victoria agrees floating in the water. They swam and played in the water for about 30 minutes before Victoria complained about the change in water temperature. "I'm getting cold...let's go back to the tent Maxine" Victoria gets out drying off. Max got out of the water and dried off then followed Victoria back to the tent. Chloe and Rachel splashed around more after the two left. "I dare you to swim over to that little island" Chloe says while pointing at a small island about 20 feet away from them. "Psh, that's easy" rachel says then starts swimming towards the island. Rachel reaches the island touching the land then starts swimming back to Chloe...she decides to play a little prank on Chloe then goes under the water like she is being pulled under. Chloe immediately freaks out and starts swimming where she saw rachel being pulled from under. "Rach? Rach? Rachel!? Where are you?!" "Max! Vicky! Come quick!" She shouts to the other two who come from the tent with tired eyes. "What is it? Cleo can't you see we were sleeping?" Victoria grumpily asks. Chloe rolls her eyes at Victoria messing up her name. "Guys! Rachel disappeared!" She yells. "Okay, Chloe slow down what happened?" Max asks her. "Well...I dared her to swim over to that island over there and when she was coming back...she was pulled underwater." Chloe explains to the pair. They decide to take Chloe's word seriously and search around the area, suddenly the water bubbles and Rachel appears cackling up a storm. "Oh my gosh Chloe you are too gullible!! Ahahaha!!" "That's not funny Rach, I thought something happened to you" Chloe says pouting. "Aww I'm sorry...how about I make it up to you? When we get into the tent I'll-" Rachel finishes off whispering into Chloe's ear leaving Chloe flustered. "Uh-umm-I-umm-okay" Chloe rushes out the water pulling Rachel with her to the tent zipping it up. "Ugh...I do not want hear them" Victoria snarks. "Do you want to take a walk and explore the campground?" Max suggests. "Sure. why not?" Victoria shrugs then starting towards a trail with Max following toll. 20 minutes after doing stuff Chloe asked Rachel to grab their stuff from the pier since they rushed to the tent in such a hurry. The last thing she said to Rachel was to be careful. Of course Rachel laughed at this because Chloe could be dramatic sometimes. "She is soo silly." She says then hears a branch break. "Whose there? Chloe is that you? Stop playing around. Just cuz I got you doesn't mean you have to get me back". Chloe says to Rachel "you know you should be an actress. You are really good at fooling me" Chloe jokes coming out of the tent. "Now what is the problem?" Chloe asks her. "Nothing, I just thought I heard something" Rachel says. Chloe jokes "haha! Sure come on give me a break, let's go back to the tent and nap". She starts walking back to the tent, Rachel starts grabbing their stuff then goes to follow chloe when she hears a bubbling noise from the water. She turns around and out of the water is a man with a ski mask on his face and a machete. "AHHH!!!!!" Is heard when Chloe turns to the noise, she sees Rachel being picked up by the mysterious man then taken away to a wooded area, Chloe immediately runs after them but stops when she can't find them. Quickly she runs back to their campsite around the same time Max and Victoria come back from their walk. "Where's Rachel?" Max asks a distressed Chloe. "Sh-she uh umm guy...and she-and screams" Chloe manages to get out due to her shocked state. "Chloe what happened to Rachel?" Max urgently says to Chloe. "Th-the-there was this guy in a jumpsuit with a ski mask on his face carrying machete and he took Rachel" Chloe finally says coming out of her shocked state. Max and Victoria look at each other knowingly. "Chloe, I need to tell you something" Max says nervously. "Continue" Chloe encourages while sitting down at the picnic table. "Well, when we were walking...we ran into this old guy who said something about a camp legend. Apparently this campground used to be a kids campsite where this boy drowned in the lake. None of the counselors or kids helped him or anything. Legend has it that he gets resurrected every Friday the 13th and come to kill campers." Max explains about Friday the 13th. Chloe looks at her like 'are you serious?' Then starts laughing her ass off. "Maxiepad you've got to be kidding me that's ridiculous...you've been reading too much of this superstitions and myths. Vicky you better help Maxie over here with her delusions." She laughs kicking a stone on the ground. "Hey! Back off! She is serious, we looked at old news articles over the area...she isn't being delusional. Maybe Rachel left since your ass is too much to bear with." Victoria snarks to Chloe. "You take that back bitch" Chloe shots a retort back at Victoria getting in her face. "Or what? You are bluffing price" Vicky shots another one back. The two start arguing back and forth "Guys-umm-guys!!" "What is it Max!" They look over to her. "Look!" Their line of sight follows to where Max is pointing. Standing there with a machete and what looks like Rachel's bracelet is the mysterious guy. "Run!!!!" They take off into different directions to throw him off, Victoria runs for her life but snags her leggings on a branch getting stuck. "Help!! Someone please!!" She yells. She tries again getting her leggings out of the branch but to no avail. She stops struggling when she hears big footsteps, she looks up seeing the guy. "AHHHH!!!!!!" Is heard from all directions Chloe and Max run into each other. "Tori!!!" Max cries out. Nothing is said in response. Victoria was gone. "Come on!! She's long gone now like Rachel, we can't let him get us" Chloe urges Max to continue running. They start running again. They run into that reach what looks like an old camp cabin with dust and cobwebs everywhere. "I guess you weren't fucking around Maxie..." Chloe says cautiously. "Yeah I wasn't...we need to formulate a game plan because this guy well Jason is his name is really dangerous" Max looks around for any weapon and finds a bat and an old hunting knife. "Here you take this....I'll scoop out the area" Max hands chloe the bat then takes initiative and goes outside. "Maximus wait!" She's ready gone outside before Chloe can get to her. Ten minutes of quietness goes by when Chloe hears a girlish scream. She springs into action at that sound. When she reaches outside Max isn't there all that is left is a trail of blood and the knife. "Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!" Chloe drops on the ground screaming up to the sky. She gets up after 'mourning' over losing Max. "Jason wherever you are I'm going to kill you!" Chloe shouts grabbing her bat and knife then takes off in a run following the trail of blood. She reaches the end of the blood trail and end up at a lair so to speak then goes inside. The lair was full of newspaper clipping of killings at the campsite and of Jason's death. And a collection of items probably his victims. When she turns around, Jason is standing there with Max's hoodie in his hand almost mocking her. She runs towards him and hits him with the bat...the bat breaks, next she goes to stab him in the leg but all he does is stare at the knife in his leg then pulls it out then starts walking towards her. She breaks out into a run, looking behind her to see him catching up to her. 'Well fuck' she thinks then trips and falls over a large object, she looks and sees a body. She starts screaming then backs up and sees another body. She looks up and sees he's catching up to her, she gets up and starts running again. She is stopped at a deadend by a cliff. 'Wellup this is the end' she thinks awaiting her death she turns around seeing him. He puts his machete above his head, she is straying away from it then she hears "gotcha!" She looks up and sees Victoria, Max, and Rachel. 'What the actual fuck?' Chloe looks at them in confusion. "I thought he got you guys" Chloe says. "This is my dad's supervisor Greg" Victoria introduces the 'jason' to Chloe. "But how?" Chloe still confused asks. "Well, when you kept teasing me about my superstitions I told Victoria and we made a plan up then got Rachel into it" Max explains the situation. "I just wanted to teach you not to mess with me" Max declares. "Yeah hehe I'm sorry Maxiepad,I promise I won't tease you anymore about your superstitions" Chloe apologizes to her. "Ugh enough of the dramatics! Let's enjoy the rest of the weekend!!" Rachel shouts out. The others laugh then head back to their campground, they decide to have a barbecue. They all sit by the campfire and enjoy s'mores after eating their dinner. "Damn, you guys hella sure freaked me out with those special effects" Chloe quirks to them. Max,Rachel and Victoria all look at each other in shock. Max asks "what special effects?" Chloe laughs then says "you know the two dead bodies that I tripped over by the cliff". All three of the girls looked at her in fear. "We didn't have any dead bodies as props" Victoria says. All four of them look around in fear, suddenly a groan is heard they turn around and look. Greg had left a while ago...who is this? They all scream then head to Victoria's car with whatever they could bring. What an eventful weekend.
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