#and why do you worship people as gods when all they are is normal human beings
kitom-kortil · 2 months
am i the only one who has just, never found any kind of satisfaction in worshipping music artists the way yall do. like yes i can appreciate certain ones for the work they do and the groups they represent (chappell roan for a good example). i just. kinda. sit there. like. no ones music really does that kind of affect for me, i think the only time ive ever had something like that was seeing Bullet by HU in person, so i guess i kind of get it. I just dont understand the like, pedestal pushing and worshipping habits.
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etirabys · 7 months
meandering post about reading Orson Scott Card again
I've been offline starting at 9pm every day (except once. I was drunk at karaoke and asked for anons at 8:30pm) for six weeks, with the result that in befuddled boredom two nights ago I picked up Orson Scott Card's Songmaster from the house bookshelf.
I read Ender's Game and three sequels when I was a teen thought the books were mid. Since those are OSC's best works I assumed he had nothing more interesting to offer me and didn't try more of him for fifteen years, but Songmaster was compelling enough that I immediately afterwards picked up The Memory of Earth, the first book of a pentalogy.
TMoE is extremely my jam: after humanity blows itself up on Earth, AIs monitor thriving human civilizations in the planets that survivors managed to escape to, and suppress any tech that enables large scale violence by exerting low key mind control via satellites. But forty million years pass, many of the satellites break down, and the AI needs help from humans to restore capabilities. Because as its control wanes, people are starting to e.g. conceive of airplanes or bombs again, and override the injunctions against entering military alliances more than two edges of connection away.
The AI is worshipped as a god all over the planet, but the fourteen year old protagonist that becomes one of the AI's agents tells the AI from the beginning that he'll break with it if its morality seems wrong to him. I like the fourteen year old – unlike Ender or Songmaster's protagonist (adult minds piloting ten year old bodies), he's a normal gifted kid who's unpopular 50% due to his ego and big mouth and 50% because he's socially inept and offends people even when he's trying to be nice.
Songmaster is also partly about a permanent solution to large-scale violence, albeit through one guy who establishes a monopoly on violence and sweeps in pax galactica. Both it and TMoE are preoccupied with the eradication of suffering from evil / human violence, which is closer to my resonant frequency than narratives about defeating particular people or ideologies. At the moment I can't think of any other book with such an insistent focus on the matter than T.H. White's The Once and Future King. It's hard to make a compelling story out of, and I don't think Songmaster really succeeds, but TMoE's premise is well suited to explore that. (I'm also enjoying the matriarchal culture where everyone is expected to have multiple serial-monogamous marriages.) After reading 70% of TMoE last night I wrote:
Usually when I read fiction there's a small part of me going, how can I use this as fodder for my own growth, how can I remix or improve or react against this, how do the author and I measure against each other? (If the quality and content are at an anti-sweet spot, the small part becomes quite large and I feel all teeth towards the author.) But on occasion I read something so close that the absence of that measuring-feeling is its own sensation – ego departs, or at least is split across two bodies. There's just amity and recognition
And it's pretty interesting to feel this way about Card for, well, the reasons.
(If you're familiar with Card drama none of the following will be new to you; I'm coming to it fresh so the rest of this post is me going "uh... wow")
I vaguely knew he was a homophobic Mormon who'd gotten into fights about gay stuff, but I couldn't tell from the Ender books I read. But in Songmaster his issues spring off the page in such a weird way. Every fifth Goodreads review of this book is "Card, u gay?" because, well,
(One review, possibly from a fellow Mormon, that went "Card, it's so sinful of you to be this gay in your novel". Why did he write this book that would predictably make everyone mad...)
it's full of gay male desire. The protagonist (Ansset) is approximately a castrato and characters notice him sexually a lot. The first and only time Ansset has sex it's with a Kinsey 4-5 male character he loves, who's married to a woman but has fallen in love with Ansset. It turns out the drugs Ansset took to prolong his singing career painfully and only-kinda-figuratively explode your balls when you have your first orgasm and you'll never feel sexual desire again. (You'd think his loving teachers would have warned him of that, but, whatever, they didn't.) The other guy is literally castrated in punishment for inadvertently torturing a highly valuable castrato. It's pretty bald: GAY SEX IS ALMOST IRRESISTIBLY TEMPTING BUT YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT.
(Sidenote: both Ansset and the guy's wife are very close and have a "there's enough love to go around" attitude about the gay sex initially, before they go "wait Josif is a SERIAL MONOGAMIST... he can only love one person at a time... the moment he had the gay sex his marriage was destroyed". It's funny in a mildly stupid way that Card would set up this parable of homosexuality destroying lives and a marriage but almost everyone involved is peacefully ready to sail into an open marriage. I guess it makes sense if you want to say very clearly that THE GAY PART IS THE BAD PART)
which is fascinating to me, because... why would you tell on yourself like that
(81k also told me secondhand of an essay? interview? where Card openly says "we have to stand against legalizing gay marriage because everyone will get gay married and society will collapse", so that's informing my read of Songmaster as well)
I am pretty dang open about my personal life online but if I had a lot of feelings I thought were disgusting and immoral I would not write a novel dripping with those feelings before pointedly castrating the leads for them. Especially if it wasn't relevant to the actually highbrow themes of (checks notes) winning over your adversaries with kindness and never relinquishing your monopoly on violence. I would be so so so so embarrassed to let this go to print, it's so psychologically transparent, what was he thinking
(Well, I assume he's a very different person with different social incentives. For all I know, people in his church went "hey Orson we read your book and it's clear that you're gay but signaling strongly that you won't give into the gay feelings, we're here for you, it was really brave of you to publish this".)
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Ooh may I request some yan hcs for Adam with Angel! Darling who dislikes him?
I honestly like this idea due to how Adam is... here's my thoughts. @okchijt also helped with some ideas in this :)
Yandere! Adam with Angel! Darling who doesn't like him
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Narcissism, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Condescending behavior, Stalking, Implications of intimacy, Mind break, Forced relationship.
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Adam is a rather egotistical and self-centered character.
He expects others to worship him due to being the first man.
He's unsympathetic and expects others to essentially bow to him.
He no doubt tries to get with every angel that comes into Heaven.
He really does think he's just 'all that'.
He can pull any angel he wants.
Except you, apparently.
Your plan once entering Heaven is enjoying your afterlife.
Then suddenly you meet Adam, someone who has now made it his goal to pester you.
It's honestly not hard to hate him.
He can be annoying and often makes things about himself.
Your first meeting isn't that great as he immediately tried to flirt and bed you.
You rejecting his offer is almost humbling to him.
How... How dare you...?
Adam would have trouble accepting your decision.
Normally people immediately get on their knees for THE First Man.
But you?
No, you push him away and walk past him like he's hot garbage!?
He's insulted by your audacity.
A good challenge couldn't hurt, could it?
Yeah, rejecting Adam only makes him want you more.
After all, having other angels bow for him is nice and all...
But the thought of winning you over, of "courting" you?
He feels it'll make his win even more exciting.
Which leads to your time in Heaven often disrupted by Adam.
He refuses to leave you.
He pursues you because he just doesn't believe you couldn't want him.
Plus, he hates the idea that he needs you... but you don't need him.
Your rejection reminds him of his previous partners.
Deep down he yearns for that same genuine attraction he had with Lilith and Eve.
Then they left him... leaving him alone.
He hates feeling that pathetic.
Now with you rejecting him, the one he realizes he feels that same soft love with...
He can't deal with that rejection again.
How DARE you make him INSECURE!
As a result, he is determined to make you his.
He follows you around, inviting you on outings, and he even turns his attention away from other angels.
Why would he want anyone else?
He has his eyes on a much better prize.
You can try to avoid him all you want.
He'll find a way to follow you again.
I imagine Adam is relentless with flirting, all in an attempt to get you to like him.
As you can tell, he hates being told no.
He's so used to getting what he wants that he's just oblivious to why you don't like him.
In fact, it may start getting to him after a bit.
Courting you drives Adam insane.
He just... doesn't get it...?
At first he just thinks you're playing hard to get.
That's fine, he likes that.
Although, his patience only goes on for so long.
There's a point where he doesn't want to play this game anymore.
You should stop with the act... you know you like him~!
Why don't you just make up... maybe even bang, wink wink~?
Yet when you stand your ground and tell him off, he pauses.
Oh... you're serious!?
He's just... stunned...
"Oh, come on, baby... I can show you a good time! You don't really hate me... do you?"
Honestly, if you tell him off he sees it as... feisty.
It only makes him want you more.
Unfortunately, the more you turn him down, the more he gets irritated... yet also desperate.
He hates that he can't have you.
Who do you think you are? Some pure angel?
Oh please... you're both humans, why not indulge?
He's prideful but I think he can break at some point.
Fine, do you want him to beg?
God, you're such a handful.
If he was desperate enough then he'd probably try to win you over by being... nicer.
He hates that he has to be so pathetic but at this point he just wants one taste.
You'd make this man depraved if you neglected him.
He's possessive, hovering around you even if you don't like him.
Fine, don't like him.
He'll find a way to make you like him.
He's ADAM. The first damn MAN.
If you don't like him now, he isn't trying hard enough.
He'd cling to you, he lives off your attention, he'll do anything just to have you.
No other angel matters, Lute's concerned for his obsession, but he wants you too bad to care.
So, overall, if Adam's obsession didn't like him it would break him over time.
He starts wondering if you like making him suffer.
How sadistic for an angel! (he's one to talk-)
You aren't trying to break him.
You just want to enjoy Heaven, not be courted by Adam.
Even with him clinging to you as your feet, begging you to just praise him at least... you still won't like him.
That drives Adam to insanity...
He starts to think Lilith and Eve were right... and he hates it.
Your rejection makes him topple over the edge and break.
He really can't get you out of his head now...
But he'll get you to like him eventually, right? He needs that...
He just needs to show you what you're missing.
"Babe~ You can't ignore me forever! You're stuck here with me. Why won't you let me welcome you properly?"
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skyscrapergods · 3 months
i'm working on my own concept for my own mlp fanlore/au and i've been inspired by your take on alicorns to make my own more unique as well. my idea is centric around the concept that alicorns are ponies who acended into what's basically pony elves that get worshiped because of the mysterious way they ascended, but idk how to really make a religion set up that works cohesively with it. i am wondering if you possibly might have some tips and tricks for how to go about my alicorn religions.
The most important thing about religion is that it's made up. If it is based in observable fact, then it's not religion; it's just culture.
Paying taxes and bowing to the king is based on observable orders. Believing that the king has a divine right to be king, or that he has powers/blessings granted to him by birth/status is religion.
In skyscraper gods, things are different because believing something about a god actually has the power to make it true, or at least influence the god's form/powers in an abstract way. My gods are influenced/given power by belief and worship.
In the human world, you can believe whatever you want about any person or god, and that doesn't make it real. If there are gods about, they are unlikely to be controlled by human religion, and definitely aren't spawned by such (or we would have a lot more gods than we do)
In a normal world, religion is not based on observable fact, and it is designed and maintained by the people themselves.
So from my limited understanding of world religions, there are four "needs" that religion is designed to fill: Community, Ritual, Meaning, and Ethics.
I went off the deep end and wrote an essay about my philosophy. Whoops, hope you enjoy:
Humans need community, and many religions involve gathering and doing activities together. This makes religion incredibly important to human social health, as we often fail to fill our need for community because we don't immediately die without it. Under capitalism especially, we are incentivized to ignore as many human needs as possible in order to be productive/survive. Religion makes itself more important than simple survival, and ensures we fill certain needs by promising metaphysical rewards.
Ritual is also incredibly important to human health. We thrive when we have a consistent schedule to the day, month, season, and year. It helps us save our brain bandwidth if we already know what basic tasks will happen today. Instead of doing math to figure out optimum times to do so, we socialize, come of age, physically touch, meditate, sing, mourn, plant crops, travel, cook, keep records, hunt, celebrate, and more according to a calendar maintained by religion. These are all important aspects of life that we need to remember to fill, either by logic, community, or religion. Science even backs up the need for ritual, with brain pathways growing best in response to consistent habit-keeping. But brains aren't observable for most people, so we have culture and religion to keep time instead.
Meaning is a tricky one. We ended up with brains big enough to wonder why we exist; a burden few animals share. Scientifically, we thrive in environments/jobs/roles where we feel that what we are doing has value. I look at every part of my life and see the value of being a person, observing and changing my environment. Many people on earth aren't sure that's enough, so they invent an unobservable force that assigns value to their lives and actions. Meaning is easiest to keep track of and believe if others share your definition. Culturally, you have a lot in common with your neighbors, you both probably work toward similar goals (housing, stability, connection with others, secular holidays) and are satisfied when those goals are met. Religiously, you have a lot in common with others in your religion (charity, proselytizing, meditation, celebration) and are satisfied when those goals are met. Religion also provides goals for your entire life and community which are helpfully defined for you, whereas you have to come up with that on your own outside of religion. Doing so can be frightening, frustrating, and difficult, so religion is very rewarding and calming.
Lastly, there's Ethics. Not all religion deals with ethics, but many major earth faiths do. Humans desperately need to have a code of ethics to be healthy, and society works best when we all agree on some basics. That way when someone violates a law, you don't have to convince everyone around you that what they did was wrong; there's already a standing defined agreement. Ethics is about rewards as well as punishment. For example if you're the first one to read this whole thing I'll draw a pony for you just dm me. Community ethics are decided by those in power, and "those in power" can be: the people themselves via majority rule, chosen representatives, rich aristocracy, respected philosophers, religious appointees, kings and conquerors, holy mystics, sacred texts, etc etc.
Religion comes in with a code of ethics (written by the religiously powerful) and imposes it on its followers. This is useful and generally brings community harmony when they all agree on something. Religions based on ancient texts are tricky, because old, outdated ethics have to be reinterpreted to fit modern landscape. These interpretations split churches and create sub-religions, which mutate into cults, peter off into nothing, or go to war with each other. It's great fun. At the end of the day, having a group of people who agree on right and wrong within their community is the goal. We just got lost on the part that said everyone else in the world has to obey our ethics or else we're blowing up the planet.
Aaaanyway, this was about.... my little pony?
Does Religion Affect Gods?
The first thing you must choose is how much the religion is based on fact, and how much is made up. In my world, there's a lot of things that are made up by ponies, that either become true or influence the god's form/powers in some way. Luna used to be silver, but now she is dark blue.
You can do that, or you can be normal about things. Typically, religion does not actually do anything. Gods are gods whether or not they have worshipers. People believe things that gods tell them, and they make up their own lore as well.
What about People? What about this and that and everything?
You need to decide if your alicorns are participants in the religion about them, or just subjects. Do all/some/any of them take their place as religious figures and command the masses? Do they speak ethics? Do they inform ponies of the powers they have? Do ponies make up abilities they think alicorns have? Do they like being worshiped, or is it more like stalking?
Some alicorns may embrace godhood, while others flee from it. The ones that get the most involved will have influence over how the other alicorns are treated.
Is there a standard to which alicorns must live, failing which they can't be "real" alicorns in society's eyes and are thus shunned/killed? Do the alicorns ever give an opinion that is taken way out of proportion and suddenly became a major religious movement? Are marshmallows illegal because one alicorn doesn't like them? Do ponies get prosecuted for stepping on "sacred" flowers which are just regular lilies? Is there taxes/tithing to alicorns? Are alicorns promoted to political office for nothing except their nature?
How do ponies construct their sermons/temples/practices to fulfill the four tenants of religion? Does alicorn worship provide them with Community, Meaning, Ritual, and Ethics?
Do alicorns actually earn any of this? Are they regular guys that just look special? Can they abuse their powers? Can ponies abuse others in their name? Do the alicorns speak to the masses or to religious leaders? Do they have any control over their legacy or is it out of their hooves? Are they in danger of their worshipers deciding they need to be freed from their mortal bodies? Do religious leaders go power crazy and use alicorns to further their agenda? Are their schisms and wars over beliefs? do the alicorns command their followers to fight each other? Do they fight with each other? Does each alicorn have a different following or are they all part of a shared pantheon? Do they respect each others' role within that or struggle for change?
And remember, what is true for one alicorn/church/sect/country may not be true for another. Variety is the key.
It's all About the Questions
The trick to worldbuilding is to ask a lot of questions. You can answer them as you go, having the answers lead to more questions, or you can ask a bunch at once and answer them all later.
Every decision you make has consequences. Big social movements affect the environment, the environment affects food supply, food supply affects social movements. Everything is connected, and religion makes those connections more magical, for better or for worse.
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maoam · 1 year
Naruto has a good heart
So many people misunderstand Naruto's character. Let's look at some of the absurd claims;
"Naruto only wanted his face on the mountain, he wants people to worship him, his goal is selfish"
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When Naruto made this goal for himself, he was younger than 12. As an orphan child who is ostracized from society, this was his way of trying to become liked, so he could become part of the society. Aside from hermits, most humans desire connections with other humans. It's normal. And Naruto being a child sees that the Hokage is someone who people approve, and becoming Hokage would be a sure way to have such connections. It makes sense for a child to rationalize it this way. People completely forget the context, many other characters also desired connections such as Haku, Kimimaro, Gaara etc. It's a common theme in the manga. Kishimoto wrote neglected children very believably. So to write this off as "Naruto just wants people to worship him like he's God, what a narcissist" is dishonest and poor reading comprehension.
Not to mention, Naruto's mentality changed pretty fast, and he wanted to become someone who saves and protects people, someone people could rely on.
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Already in the first arc he had that desire to help others. He's always been a good boy. Eventhough Naruto was pissed off at Inari's comments and wanted to tell him off, he realized there's a deeper reason for Inari's cynicism. So he decided to help him instead of starting a fight.
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In Part 2, Naruto's responsibilities grow massively, especially after the Pain arc. In the end, everyone ends up putting all the burdens on Naruto's shoulders. Everyone expects Naruto to protect them and basically do all the impossible things.
His goal to become a Hokage started out as a need for acknowledgement, yes. But his transformed drive to become Hokage and bear all the responsibility in Part 2 came from his need to fulfill everyone's expectations for him and also him thinking he owes to the people who support him.
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It's not that Naruto never had any resentment for how everyone treated him. He just repressed it.
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And in the end, he put it all aside, in order to become the hero for everyone. No I don't think it's entirely healthy. But it's not selfish that's for sure.
"Naruto is shallow, selfish etc."
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Naruto was always grateful for the connections he was able to make and treasured them heavily. His relationship with Gaara gives even more insight to that.
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Naruto acknowledges Gaara was alone for longer than him. How can you call him a narcissist? Naruto is shown to be upset at the fact Gaara was viewed as an undesirable and a tool.
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He always had genuine empathy and care for others. To claim otherwise is just bizarre. He blames himself too a lot of times. Then there's his relationship with Sasuke.
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Unlike certain Naruto stans who hate Sasuke, Naruto himself has enough empathy and humility to consider he could have ended up the same as Sasuke, if some things would have been slightly different.
A lot of people also complain about the way Naruto behaved in Vote1, eventhough that was Kishimoto's plan, Naruto was supposed to not understand Sasuke fully at that point (and still his behavior was understandable, considering Orochimaru is a predator who wanted to wear Sasuke's skin). Naruto himself acknowledges he didn't. Naruto always tried to use his own experiences to understand the world and others better.
"Naruto just projects onto people because he wants to talk about himself"
Actually no. Pain and Obito both projected onto him first, and told him they were similar, which is also why Obito wanted to convince Naruto to join him. Naruto responding to them and trying to show he understands them to a degree is not a crime. It's basic empathy. I don't think I will even bother explaining it further than this.
My point is, Naruto is a good boy/man. There's no need to twist him into a narcissistic sociopath just because you don't personally like him.
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Changing Fate
Eros x Goddess reader
Synopsis: Fate had it easy for you as you were a goddess of fate until you got in the away with another’s fate
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You were the daughter of Hera and Zeus, you were the third born after Ares and Hephaestus. Of course your parents adores you especially your mother. Being the goddess of Fate was easy then one, two, and three.
You were as beautiful as Aphrodite but you were no goddess of beauty.
“U-Uhm ___?” Eros called out holding your golden paged journal.
“Oh my Zeus! Thank you so much Eros” You said excitedly holding the book with delicacy. His wings flutter in shyness.
“Of course my cupid” He said back making you blush before hold the journal close to you.
“I should be calling you that Cupid” You flirted back making him blush again. He always haded feelings for you and since you lost your fate book you didn’t see that his fate now changed.
“So what should I call you? Oh! How about my love?” he asked excitedly making me agree instantly
“Whatever you like my cupid but right now I have to do my job” you said your goodbye. “Bye my love” Eros said back dreamily making you giggle as you turn back to your mansion.
You reread the journal to make sure everything was in shape in normal but it wasn’t….
See with the journal you can see everyone’s fate even gods or goddesses with Eros it holds a sparkling pink thread around his fate. It’s fading…. And not for the right reasons it should.
Eros fate is about love…
A king and queen has three daughters, all three of the girls are attractive but one of them is absolutely gorgeous- Phyche was her name. People would come all over to check out how beautiful she was. neglecting the proper worship of Aphrodite, instead prayed and made offerings to her. It was rumored that she was the second coming of Venus, or the daughter of Venus from an unseemly union between the goddess and a mortal. Venus is offended, and commissions Cupid to work her revenge. Cupid is sent to shoot Psyche with an arrow so that she may fall in love with something hideous. He instead scratches himself with his own dart, which makes any living thing fall in love with the first thing it sees. Consequently, he falls deeply in love with Psyche and disobeys his mother's order. Although her two humanly beautiful sisters have married, the idolized Psyche has yet to find love. Her father suspects that they have incurred the wrath of the gods, and consults the oracle of Apollo. The response is unsettling: the king is to expect not a human son-in-law, but rather a dragon-like creature The transported girl awakes to find herself at the edge of a cultivated grove. Exploring, she finds a marvelous house with golden columns, a carved ceiling of citrus wood and ivory, silver walls embossed with wild and domesticated animals, and jeweled mosaic floors. A disembodied voice tells her to make herself comfortable, and she is entertained at a feast that serves itself and by singing to an invisible lyre. Although fearful and without the proper experience, she allows herself to be guided to a bedroom where, in the darkness, a being she cannot see has sex with her. She gradually learns to look forward to his visits, though he always departs before sunrise and forbids her to look upon him. Soon, she becomes pregnant.
One night after Cupid falls asleep, Psyche carries out the plan her sisters devised: she brings out a dagger and a lamp she had hidden in the room, in order to see and kill the monster. But when the light instead reveals the most beautiful creature she has ever seen, she is so startled that she wounds herself on one of the arrows in Cupid's cast-aside quiver. Struck with a feverish passion, she spills hot oil from the lamp and wakes him. He flees, and though she tries to pursue, he flies away and leaves her on the bank of a river.
The rest of his fate was faded
You stood there shocked, this never happened before… this should’ve never happened. Why is it fading?
The ink was supposed to stay as it should so why is his fate changing?
You couldn’t say that you were glad his fate was changing, you were falling for the cupid after all but that did not mean he couldn’t be happy.
All she could do was watch the ink disappear like his fate was never there, and hope a new fate can appear for him. You slammed the book shut and rush to make sure Eros was safe.
When you saw him getting an apple from a tree you immediately rushed to him with a hug. Eros almost fell from the rush of someone.
“Woah My love, are you alright?” he asked gently not wanting to trigger you.
You put your hands on his cheek to make sure he has no injuries. “Of course, Are you okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah? ___ we saw each other ten minutes ago, what’s wrong?” he asked making you hesitate on the question it’s self. It’s not like you can hide his dying fate from him but know something could be wrong is killing you.
“Y-Your fate changed and I couldn’t do anything about it and I thought something was wrong” You admitted making him nod.
“My fate with a human girl?” he asked making you instantly nod.
“Yeah a-and wait how did you know?” You asked making him chuckle awkwardly before clearing his throat to explain.
“W-Well I look in the journal and saw how my fate went and honestly I don’t want that to happen because ___ goddess of fate i’m in love with you” He confessed making you blush in shyness.
“W-What?” You whispered.
“I got approval from you family especially Ares and Zeus even though they’re scary as hell but I was willing to do it for you and I have been falling for you for decades but you were to busy in your work” He explained
“Well Eros of love and sex I will happily be yours” You said making him spin you around in joy.
“I’ll definitely make you the most happiest goddess in this earth my love” he stated making you hum as you leaned in as you both kissed passionately.
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evilminji · 9 months
I'ma be bold! Marvel Time!
Wakanda has Vibranium. An impossible mineral that does not see like it could form naturally, right? Or there would be far more in the wider universe then just the few bits we see.
You know what ELSE is impossibly rare, minerals wise?
Ectoranium. The disasteroid. And! From Wakandan oral history? The two seem to have appeared in the EXACT SAME WAY. Out of no where. Through, very possibly, the EXACT SAME rarely opening portal. If? On the other side? There was an asteroid belt of some kind?
It would only take things aligning just right, for one to slip through.
We KNOW materials from the Zone effect the living world in strange ways. Vibranium could very well just be the dead reflection of a mineral from a different, more durable, universe. The Zone is Infinite, so it would mix pretty much EVERYTHING together into a chaotic mess.
So there could be a considerable amount of Vibranium asteroids just hanging around.
But! And more importantly! Getting hit by, then LIVING OVER, a massive fuck off Zone Rock? Would expose Wakandans to generations of Ectoplasm. ESPECIALLY with how Vibranium, by nature, holds a "charge" if you will. It would be a heat lamp of Limnality. Making everyone near it?
Not superhuman. Not fully Limnal. Because Vibranium HOLDS a charge. That Ectoplasmic energy would be stuck INSIDE the metal. Unable to truely effect anyone who isn't directly touching it. Even then, BARELY seeping into them. But? It WOULD leech, slowly, into everything around it.
The air, the water, the soil.
The PLANTS. That precious, precious, SACRED Herb.
Over time? It would loosen the ties that bind. Those pesky human limitations. Sure, it would say, grow smarter. Stronger. Live longer, better lives. Knees that ache less, backs that do not bend, bones that do not succumb. You're still human! Your DNA no different.
It's just the strength of your SOUL poking through.
Would anyone notice, if it happened slowly? Over enough generations? It's normal. Everyone here is like this. It's not superhuman. Just... HEALTHY, right? A good diet and plenty of exercise? That is what makes our skin clear and eyes sharp, teeth strong and feet sure. Right?
That healthy diet of... what was it again?
Ah yes, Ectoplasmicly charged plants? Sweet fruits and healthy vegetables. Water purged of contamination by the Ectoplasm to devours all but itself? So very crisp! Is it not?
Houses made of materials charged with it. Resting in beds, beneath covers and cloth, woven with it. Walking upon streets paved with it. What in Wakanda is NOT touched by it? In some form? Some way? Gently bathing all who live there in its unseen light?
And, tell me, WHERE do you go again? When you fall? When you join your Panther God? Mmmhmm, pockets within pockets. Lairs and territories. The Zone itself may be green, but a Lair can be what ever it's Master chooses.
But! Why do I bring this up? That the Afterlives are no doubt connected? After all, it's not like the Master's of those Lair's, the Gods that are worshipped, would just... LET people leave. It defeats the purpose of creating an "Afterlife"!
But, again! Consider! The Panther God loves the Wakandan Royal Family. They are loyal worshipers. The Panther Gods responsibility. And? The rather newly dead T'Chaka, former monarch (and thus rather informed of all the major concerns of a nation) of Wakanda, has informed the Panther God that? Gasp!
The Vibranium is, at generations long last, about to run out.
Their people are in danger.
Please! Do something!
The God can not. Buuuut... the "ghost king" of the space between, can. He must go, on a Dangerous And Heroic Soul Pilgrimage(tm) to meet with this mysterious king. Negotiate for his son and people. T'Chaka, a brave and dignified king, will of course face this challenge with all that he is.
It's very Alice in Wonderland. (The poor man.)
But the Black Panther manages to get to the still under construction castle none the less. Lead by a delightful, if mischievous, young girl by the name of "Dani" (with an i). Who reminds him, somewhat painfully, of his daughter Shuri when she was younger.
The King of the Between is a... young man.
Busy putting constellations on the ceiling, he pays them little mind. Until Dani calls out to him. Revealing that exactly like Shuri, she was a princess all along. He can see the resemblance.
He explains his issue, prepared to argue his case for however long he must. Instead he is just met with long soul searching look, a glance to Dani (who appears to vouch for him), and a nod. He is baffled. It... so easily?
People need help, he is informed. That's reason enough. Besides, Dani says you're not a fruitloop. And the young king trusts her judgment.
Let's go get your people some rocks.
(You can imagine, the ABSOLUTE SHIT STORM. Mentally, Emotionally, Politically, when the GHOST of the FORMER KING just? Shows up! Broad daylight! In the royal yard in from of the palace with a GIANT piece of Vibranium and a foreign King of The Dead.
Father... WHY. Don't get T'Challa wrong, he is about to cry he's so happy to see you. But? In PUBLIC, Father? In front of his delicious Wakandan Salad? Stop being so amused you old cat! This isn't FUNNY! Now I have to deal with this! T^T )
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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rosemariad · 11 days
SUPERNATURAL SEASON 15 - final season - bitter end part 2
See p1 here | https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761290454081929216/supernatural-season-15-final-season-part-1-i
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OH MY LORD – FINALLY – a FUCKING APOLOGY, from Dean. Winchester.
And it happened in purgaytory 😉 lol. Moment of silence for dead Benny :/
I wish we could've gotten a shot of Cas listening to him. We've always seen Dean pray to Cas but we never see Cas hear them on his end, like when Jack was hearing Sam's prayer. I think that would've been dope as fuck to see Castiel's reaction. When Cas & Dean finally do catch up to one another, Cas seems so...reserved. I feel like He knew DAMN well (like 90%) what Dean might say (or maybe he's so in denial about the possibility that Dean could return his affections in that way)
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How are we almost halfway to the end and this is the first time we’ve seen Jack at all during this FINAL season? You introduce him in episode 12.23, you kill him (twice) and we don’t even get to see how he’s doing? We know he’s in the empty from 14x20’s closing montage.
15x10 was a pretty decent episode since we got to see Garth again ☺️ & he's settled into the domestic life with his wife Bessie - they had twins and a older daughter & neither child is named after Dean (🤣 Serves him right these days, since he's being such a douche!) wonder why Garth chose to name his baby after Cas though…did they ever interact? I don't recall…Watching Sam meet baby Sam is precious
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(also how wild is it that the Garth & Benny actors are a married couple now? SPN man, they should've had a dating show given how many relationships came outta 1 production that lasted 15 yrs!)
Watching Sam sniff and cough & sneeze post-COVID is wild!
Taking on that giant monster was Hilarious - this was what SPN was missing - definitely peak content! Look at those hunter guys get reduced to regular chumps 🤣 fantastic!
Was Dean scared of the dentist? Had he ever BEEN to a dentist? Wow John, you couldn't take your son to a damn dentist - with all the junk food that boy eats? Even so, you want him running around without teeth?
Watching Sam writhe around with some cure all Bessie learned from her dad (he's dead I guess?) was equally hilarious!
WTF was with Dean's hallucination? These writers are trippin - out of all the things you could've done, you make Dean & Garth tap dance? What was the point? And some oldies shit? Sure Dean would've been exposed to reruns of the good ol' days but that’s never really been his interest before? And the lamp at the end? TF? I've read some posts about what others thinking it all means but I say the artistic direction is wack. But all aside the dentist Garth bit is awesome!
Garth couldn't have said it better - being the hero/protagonist is a drag - more so for comic book heroes cuz of the tragic backstory but in the Winchesters' case - it suuuuuuuuuucks.
I'm all for some Winchester humble pie. SPN should be normal people problems show mixed with cooky supernatural shenanigans. It would never get old 😂
Dean why did you think you could gobble down 7 grilled cheese sandwiches - all that dairy - oh man. So I guess that's normal for him…bad, real bad. Normal Dean would be dead in a week 🤣🤣
Anyway Garth swooping in to save the day for a change, is a welcome change ☺️ [is this the last time we'll see him in the show though? 😥]
Interesting how they seem to keep switching back & forth between how hopeless the odds are in going against the big G.O.D. to no we're gonna find a way cuz we're the Winchesters & that’s what we do. Yeah okay 🤣
Jack's been hunting & eating Grigori hearts - damn. Not looking forward to why…
Meanwhile we get more backstory on all the other gods in human history through Fortuna, goddess of luck/fortune? Interesting, it seems like God allowed others to be worshipped so they could suffer the bad PR when things when wrong for people & they would get the blame (pretty sure plenty people still blame God for bad stuff all the time — like Dean 😅).
Good for Sam fighting for those people stuck under Fortuna's thumb. Small victories though…
Kaia survived, but I know we'll never see her again now. No reunion w/ Claire, or the others…wah 😔 meanwhile Alt!Kaia is definitely dead, we saw her face her end - way to take out that plot device writers 🙄
Dean seems pretty gung-ho on taking out God & Amara - buddy I know you feel helpless but there is no cosmic entity that is gonna be on your side all the time. The control freak inside him is going rabid y'all he's convinced that it’s the only way out but neglects to answer the question - if God (and Amara - cold by the way - is he punishing her for Mary? Amara was the one who brought her back in the first place) is taken out, what happens to the universe?
Jack is still giving me those intern vibes - Cas WTF were you thinking? I know you didn't forget about that deal…but damn if he ain't a team player, always willing to risk it all to help his precious Dean bean & the baby bro Sam.
I love how the brothers took Jo/Anael at her word - like really? There was no other way to investigate the veracity of her story than by simply going to hell? Really? Also they couldn't squeeze in Rowena for 1 final appearance? Boo!
And what was Anael's last line about? What friends could she possibly be talking about? Did God have her set this up? Lead the guys on a wild goose chase to waste time? Who fucking knows anymore, but I guess it doesn't matter as this is technically Anael (& Ruby's) final scene in the show.
Ruby you're screwed - there's no way she got out and no way to know - anyway onto the plot!
Look at this family shot - precious!
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So between this episode & 12x07 Sam's superpower is handling doors - keeps them open when he needs to & closed when he has to. Sam, keeper of the doors!
The Empty & Death Billie teamed up? Oh shit, that's gonna backfire fast!
Classic Dean Winchester move to call your beloved an idiot when you almost lost him….again. I can't keep track of the various close calls this angel had over the years.
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Best gem of 15x13 - the Alternate Sam & Dean - affluent dudes who were raised by a successful business savvy John Winchester who raised his sons with a modicum of respect & some fashion sense it seems all the while building a supernatural hunting empire spanning the entire globe (damn). And at the end they went to Brazil? So canonically there's 2 sets of Sams & Deans running around - too bad nothing else will come out of that…they should've stolen the Impala - that shit would've been hilarious.
After all these years we finally got to see THE Garden of Eden. It would've been cool to see it sooner in the show but oh well. The trip seems to have given Jack the ability to feel again, get his soul back. And he is wracked with guilt over Mary as if we didn’t have enough of that to deal with…
The words you're looking for guys is I FORGIVE YOU! Like he's a kid, it was an accident & he's clearly fucking sorry for it, the guilt is tearing him apart, you're not blind you can see it but God forbid either Winchester just says the magic words.
Now Mrs. Butters - I'm not cool with that shit at all. I peeped immediately based on the 1st scene that she wasn't there willingly. Why would she? She's a fucking wood nymph and while there's a bunch of trees outside, the bunker sure as shit ain't no forest. Someone forced her to work in that bunker & the fact that imagery of Cuthbert Sinclair keeps coming up confirms it.
She was probably their slave - that's so fucked. And Sinclair tortured her into obedience. That poor creature…she deserved so much better. shame on Sam & Dean for using that poor woman - you can't find the time to cook & clean up after yourselves? - I know Dean is good at it. But no, SPN had to set women back decades and force Mrs. Butters into waiting on them hand and foot. Shame, damn shame. Thankfully they eventually let her go, but only cuz Jack's life was in jeopardy and god forbid the Winchesters lose their handy ace in the hole when their maid/slave gets murderous. Really Dean, ‘just start over’?!, she threatened your kid you dumbass, do you really want someone to take care of you that fucking bad? WTF?!?!
All those feasts & Cas never showed up once -- bullshit!!!! Bullshit I say!
Apparently when Cas does eventually return to the screen & wraps up some trouble w/ Jack (aww he wanted to wear matching ties! And he has a teddy bear? Did Cas give him one? He gave one to Claire a couple of seasons ago) jack spills that he's meant to die & sacrifice himself to take out God & Amara. I know you're not on board Cas but speak up. Why is everyone so afraid to stand up to Dean Jesus Christ. He's just a man, sure he'll punch you but that just means you hit back or you know, don't let him punch you!
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We get 1 final glimpse into Sam & Dean's childhood. Pro tip Dean: if you want your baby bro to stick around, don't ridicule his goals or call him stupid. Just a thought (I know he's a kid himself but that's what I would've said to the kid) but hey ultimately none of it matters right, jeez 😒
The lady lied to the brothers to get them to show up, did you ever think to incentivize them with money? It wouldn't take much, they probably wouldn't even take it or you know just tell them the truth, they're hunters it's what they do.
It's the baba yaga? It almost got to Dean but thankfully Sam was conveniently there to break the spell or whatever was gonna try to make Dean kill himself. The vic, Travis, apparently had the entity's ring all this time so it's back for revenge? And to eat ofc it's hungry. Too bad she failed cuz she's dead as one of the final MOTW ever on SPN. And just when we thought Dean made progress he ruins it by being supremely committed to Billie's plan -- cuz God forbid Sam bring up ethical questions into plotting someone's murder Dean, even if it is about cosmic entities and you know, your kid, Jack. Will the real Dean Winchester stand up cuz I think he wouldn't do this under any other circumstances. If I were Sam I would've jumped out of that car in pure disgust. Sam seemed inclined to do that.
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Anyway the Jack suicide bomb plan ultimately didn't matter either cuz Amara ends up siding w/ Chuck after he makes her see that Dean was actually planning on killing her along w/ her brother.
Side bar - I love how she just had a whole season's long vacation just enjoying what the planet had to offer before her end. Can't say she didn't try to work things out - with the Winchesters or God. But hey, I know what's up - it's all about the men in this show 🙄
Saying Jack's not family - how fucking dare you! but also another example of inconsistent behavior from Dean - 1 minute he's concerned, the next he's dismissive & neglectful, then the next he cares (emotional whiplash), then he sees Jack as nothing more than a loose-end for fuck's sake Dean pick a lane & make up your damn mind, fuck!
Anyways, Sam should've smacked the shit outta Dean. He deserves it. But I get it Dean, you can't live w/o Sam or Cas but watching Jack die is no big since he took your mommy away, whatever asshole. Then he feels bad, but I feel it's only cuz he can't sit pretty on his high horse knowing the kid heard how little Dean cares for him right now.
Why did Sam & Cas let Jack run off w/ Dean? I sure wouldn't have 😡.
So because Billie's plan went tits up (big surprise there & really Billie you were expecting them not to fuck up, really?) God escaped & in the next, infamous episode of 15x18 people start getting Thanos'd. Endgamed. Disappeared.
Alt!Charlie & her girlfriend Stevie - gone. Eileen, Sam's current GF, gone. Alt!Bobby, gone. The other folks from Apocalypse World - gone.
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But Donna gets got too - because Sam & Dean intervened all the way back in her premiere episode (was that season 8? I forget). Did everyone just get disappeared - like everyone Sam, Dean & John saved (that's my headcanon anyhow)? But it doesn’t even stop there…
Hold up - wait a minute - I’m gonna talk about the Destiel moment in 15x18 but I’m gonna save it for a separate post cuz I got to get all that stuff off my chest…https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761296693532803072/the-bitter-end-spn-15x18-despair-about-that
Everyone gets disappeared. I see they were inspired by that Avengers movie 😅 I wonder if they went through the same experience the Marvel folk did canonically…(its that no one remembers what happened to them if they got blipped right?)
15x19 felt so rushed to me did anyone else feel that way?
Jack asks what happened to Cas (RIP you beautiful angel 😭) but Dean just offers a simple explanation. After countless days of misery and drinking, Jack prompts the brothers to drive around and Dean finds a dog only to have it disappear like everyone else - there's no way Chuck missed the dog, he just wanted Dean to bond with her so he could feel her loss too. Damn. So vengeful.
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The Winchesters say they surrender but at this point I wouldn't believe them and apparently it was all part of their master plan. They ran into Michael (who's lost Adam at this point RIP Adam, again) and Dean calls Michael out as a daddy's boy but you would know wouldn't you Dean 🤣 game recognize game
When Dean got that phone call & ran up those steps, oh Dean you poor miserable bastard.
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The devil, conveniently back from the void from whence he came, scrounges up a reaper - why are there reapers at this point (isn’t everyone gone anyways?) was she brought from the Empty? Kill her so she can be Death # 3 and open up the mysterious book that describes God's imminent demise but the devil killed her one more time before she could finish cuz he's God's favorite now (so he says Chuck says 🙄) pissing off Michael but as the brothers explained later this would all work in their favor but RIP Jessica - last female figure to be killed off on SPN? She basically died for nothing as Sam & dean came up w/ a new plan.
While the archangels squab, Michael gets the upper hand and finally kills Lucifer (so how was this fight going to devastate the planet cuz the bunker didn't even get messed up or nothing - very underwhelming since this is technically the last we’ll see of the devil in the show) & later Michael snitches to God when everyone drives out to summon Chuck to try killing him off once and for all. Then Michael dies cuz God is tired of him I guess (sure he said it’s cuz Michael dique betrayed him but I mean do you even care about that?) sucks for Mike I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
All the celestial fighting was apparently powering up Jack after he juiced himself up for that bomb & couldn't kill off God sooner. by the end of the episode Jack siphons the remaining energy out of Chuck and instead of squashing him like a bug they all just decide to walk away, leaving Chuck Shurley a mortal, ordinary man to die off on his own (omg the way he squealed as he ditched him, geez 🤦🏾‍♀️).
This is why you should've just destroyed them Chuck! You'd think he'd know better than to savor their doom. Tsk tsk.
I would've shot him, burned him and had Jack disintegrate the ashes to nothing. But fuck being thorough I guess 🤣
Jack brings everyone back & leaves the brothers (I would've done the same, fuck those Winchesters, Sam's alright but Dean is just ugh at this point) & Aside from Rowena I can't think of anyone else who ends up with a win like Jack. He was born the Nephilim of Lucifer but ended up becoming a noble God.
I also gotta vent about that last episode - https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761299089485889536/supernatural-season-15-the-bitter-end-series
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fandom-pantheon · 5 months
Oh, this will be a rant. Bear with me, or ignore me. You can either argue or agree… However, if you want to read, it will be a freaking essay. Just a warning.
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1. MATES! Or better yet, the whole thing about mates being rare and the SJM being like: “You get a mate, and you get a mate, and you get aaaaaaa MATE, etc”, makes perfect sense. Like in ACOTAR you have a world divided in half. Literally half the population is separated by a freaking wall. If Feyre didn’t cross the wall, and eventually became Fae, Rhysand would never found his mate. Nor would Cassian or Lucien. Rhysand father was over 900, when he found his mother. Do you have any idea how many times he could have died??? In ToG, you don’t have winnowing, or teleportation. Traveling the world for weeks on end? Months? Years? Which human will do that? How many of them? And if Aelin and Rowan didn’t find each other, neither would Lorcan and Elide. For example. And in CC? Their powers were corrupted, and with that their senses as well. So yeah. MATES ARE RARE!!!!
2. The whole critique of HOFAS. I get it if you don’t like it. That’s perfectly fine. However, there is no reason attacking some of the well established characters like Nesta and Azriel. First thing first. Nesta, and the whole story how SJM just ruined the ending of ACOSF, cause Nesta was all healed and whatnot. Depression is a serious illness, that is far from easy to beat. And even if you “beat it”, it does not end overnight. Yes, she had an amazing story of overcoming all that was there, but still, it did not disappear. And it probably never will. There can be days, weeks and months that it can take hold of you. That is perfectly normal, and fine, and Nesta falling again, does not mean she is back there. She has her family, her friends and her mate to help pick her up, and having a bad day or two, or a week is NORMAL. Even for people who do not suffer from depression, let alone the one who does. So don’t attack with the whole “ruined the journey of Nesta”, cause it ain’t true. We do not know what is happening in Pyrithian yeat, so chill.
3. I’ll make it a new point. AZRIEL!!! My baby. If SJM stays true to her words, my little kinky baby! 😜 Why the freaking f*ck, is it weird to have Az there instead of Cass? Like yeah, Nesta and Cass are mates, but that does not mean they are joined by umbilical cord for f*ck sake! Az is a spymaster, and it makes perfect sense for him to be trailing them. Being found out however, by accident or on purpose is questionable, but it makes so much more sense for him to be there and get as much info about this new person from different world. If there was a battle, full on war, yeah, I would expect Cass, freaking GENERAL of Night Court ARMIES, there, but for this mission?? People, have you heard of common sense?? Just cause you want to see more of Cass and Nesta, does not make it a good idea for running a court as High Lord. Deal!
4. Az and Nesta friendship? Amazing. The way he calmed her down, with mentions of Cass and Nyx. Amazing! And it is established in ACOSF that there was friendship between the two, so why the fuck are ppl freaking out? Is it because of the fantasy of threesome?? Excuse you!!! Get your mind out of the fucking gutter prudes! Just because Cass was the main love interest and turned out to be her mate, does not mean she cannot enjoy her own imagination. For fuck sake, woman keeps reading smutty books, of course she has a dirty mind. And at least 1/4 of those books have 3somes in it, if not the whole reverse harem!!!! What women (in her sexual prime, like she’s 25 or something) would not enjoy 2 hunks worshipping her??? If you wouldn’t, well… keep lying to yourself. The rest of us know the truth.
5. AZ DESERVES A MATE! Now repeat after me! AZ DESERVES A MATE! No, not Elain. Gods not that bitch. And she will turn out to be a bitch I’m 99.99% sure of it. As Rhysand mentioned, even roses have thorns. And we still have to see what she has to show. I’m sure it’s foreshadowing. Nobody is that nice. Or better said, nobody is that nice for a long time. I’m not even sold on the idea of Lucien and Elain, let alone Az and her. Be it Gwyn, Eris, Helion or Mother herself, Az deserves a mate! A mate who will love him! All of him, good and bad, and icy. And no, not the one that will “melt his ice” but the one who will embrace it. Cause it won’t be Az anymore. I didn’t see Nesta taming Cassians wild side, but going along with it, enjoying it. So why would Az mate “melt his ice”??? The mate his shadows will feel comfortable with. Where he can go through his day and find shadows missing, finding them with him/her/them. Doesn’t matter. He needs his own journey, full of trials and errors, and full on f*ck ups, for his happy ending. I believe it will be Gwyn. But it can be anyone but Elain. She will never love him fully. She will always, even when she refuses Lucien, feel the mating bond, and I cannot explain how badly I don’t want that to happen to Az. Cause HE will wake up every morning thinking: “ Is this the day she leaves me for her mate?”. And seeing his brothers happiness with their mates, he will ask this. And he deserves so much better!
6. RHYSAND! Just that! FREAKING RHYSAND! Why the f*ck are ppl freaking out about his behavior in ACOSF and HOFAS??? Let’s start from the beginning. RHYSAND is a well established character. And he is the same from start to now. He is a manipulative, scheming bastard, secretly trying to do good things, by whichever means necessary! Good or bad. For f*ck sake, he was Amarathas 2nd in command and her whore for 50 years… Like, yeah, he is good, and he is a feminist, and he is all of this and that, but he is still just… him! That won’t change, and I don’t want it to change, cause I really like his character as it is. (You have every right to hate him, but not on the account of him “changing”) Him threatening Nesta when she revealed the risk of pregnancy! YES, YES, and YES! He had every right to do so, and him telling Cass to get her out of there, was more than I would have done. (And no, I am not talking about the moral dilemma of him not telling Feyre in the first place, cause that was bad, however, what would you do? We can discuss morality all day long, and everybody would take the high road until it’s time, sooooo… Don’t!) Oh, and him reprimanding Nesta in the extra in HOFAS. Again spot on. Because, if Az or Cass have done something sooooooo stupid, he would have beaten them in the training ring to the inch of their life. Mor would probably take the full burn of his power. And Amren… Well let’s not go there. Most of the ppl started talking shit about Rhys and his behavior in HOFAS, however I was pissed, and I’m still pissed at Feyre.
7. Feyre!!! Oh my Gods!!! I’m starting to hate her. I liked her so much. Strong FMC, overcoming her obstacles, trying to do good for her family and friends and mate. But HOFAS! So mad!!!!! YOU ARE A F*CKING HIGH LADY! Your damn sister just gave one of the deadliest weapons to basically complete stranger, who btw, came to your house and wrecked PRISON of all places… In Midgard Avallen island changed completely. What the f*ck happened to the prison when she took part of the star??? She f*cking freed the Asteri/Dalgan in you house, and you sister was like: “Yeah, sure, take the mask, please don’t die or fall prey to the Asteri”. And you give shit to your MATE and a f*cking HIGH LORD of the court for reprimanding you damn sister??? Like f*ck off bi*ch. I’m all for feminism and females supporting each other, but this is politics! This is a leader talking to his subject, not a f*cking family show on air. Honestly, it’s starting to look like Feyre is abusing Rhys, and using his feelings for her and their mate bond to do things the way she wants them to be done. And I hate that it looks that way.
8. This is the last one for now. Az and Rhys interaction in extra in ACOSF. AGAIN, ppl say it with me… RHYSAND IS A HIGH LORD OF THE NIGHT COURT!!! So yes, they are friends and all of that, but at the end of the day, Rhys is the leader, and he knows his shit. And he has every right to say that shit to Az. However, I do think it is misleading. We will see if I’m right, but. If Gwyn is Az mate, I believe she knows. And I believe Rhys knows as well. I really think they are friends. (Especially over the things that happened to them, and knowing who their mates are, but not telling them, since they weren’t/aren’t ready. The whole scene of Rhysand telling Nesta to be respectful to Gwyn kinda gives me that vibe). So him telling Az “he will make him regret it”, kinda comes from that. However, I get a feeling (again might be wrong, time and SJM will tell), that making Az regret his action will involve his mother. We had mentions of her, sooooo. (I have this reoccurring thought, about a random attack, that Az takes care of, on one of his spying missions, and the enemy mentions that they will take his mate or something like that. Az coming back to Velaris, and freaking out about Elain being in danger, and everybody freaking out as well. Until Rhys asks to look at what happened, and realizes that the enemy was not saying Elain, but his mate, and runs of in search of Gwyn, who’s been attacked or kidnapped… Yeah, just there sitting in my head. Does not want to leave.)
Anyway, that’s it for now. There are much more points I would like to make, but I’ll leave it for some other time.
It took way longer than anticipated to write this. And I’m sorry for any grammatical error or misspelling. English is my second language.
If you stuck till the end, thank you, and let me know what your thoughts are??? I would appreciate discussion over open war, but go ahead and do what you like….
Lady Tina
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directdogman · 2 years
why does God Himself stick around in DIALTOWN of all places? im sure he could find some cult somewhere in the world thatd treat all his needs instead of letting him be the filthy hobo he is
there's 2 layers to this question, i think. let's tackle god himself first. You're 100% right in that Dialtown itself isn't the most hospitable place to live and if God really wanted to, he could totally find a cult somewhere else that'd take care of him like a... well, God. But, what's the stop him trying to form a cult like that IN Dialtown? Dialtown, the location, isn't the problem here. God doesn't try to convince anyone of his divinity IN Dialtown itself. Dialtown's residents are so underwhelmed by God not because they're godless heathens but because God is such an underwhelming person. He doesn't lie about his identity, but when people outright rebuke his divinity, the guy dozily replies "cool beans" and walks off, content.
The guy definitely doesn't wanna be worshiped or taken care of, that's for sure. That being said, I 100% think you're correct in questioning why exactly God would hang around Dialtown because it sure as hell isn't a super nice place. He COULD surely just leave town if he wanted, as he isn't stuck wearing an explosive ankle collar that'll go off if he strays outside city limits. Why would God want to wander around Dialtown all day, only stopping to speak to passerbys, day in, day out? Hmmm.
Now, the second layer of the question. Broadly, you could ask this question about any character in DT. It's fair to ask why anyone'd wanna live in Dialtown. I think in a sense, Dialtown's like a river delta, or the pool right below a drain pipe. It's where the sewage flow ends. The trash collects here. Dialtown has a unique ecosystem, and it's home to a lot of unique people, some of whom do truly bizarre things. Realistically, many characters, both in the main and extended cast, would struggle to live day-to-day in more 'normal' places. Imagine Gingi trying to live as a hunter gatherer in downtown Chicago, or Bigfoot hanging out in Florida!
Even Mayor Mingus, Dialtown's most pretentious and sanctimonious resident, someone who feels she is cognitively above almost everyone she has ever met, is truly the same as the rest. She's too self destructive, vindictive and power hungry to sustainably survive anywhere else. She cannot form human relationships and nobody would ever work with her if she went someone desirable.
All of the characters in Dialtown are sliiightly defective and/or majorly troubled in some way. Even the architect of Dialtown, the great Callum Crown, had to physically construct the metallic legs he used to walk with. All of the datable heads are damaged/atypical in some way, with Randy's head being bandaged, Oliver missing an optical sensor, Karen having a printer head, Bigfoot having sticky tape on his head, and Norm's concealed face. Mingus has a cat head, Gingi has a flesh head. NONE of the main cast are 'normal'. But, like Crown's postcard says, Dialtown IS a haven for people who don't fit in elsewhere. It's a place where those who can't survive alone and can't survive anywhere else come and survive together, fundamentally. It's rickety and lousy, but it's home.
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snakeunderyourboot · 8 months
awesamponk AU, where Sam is a regular guy, a scientist if you will, who lives in a world where everyone believes in gods and actively worships at least one of them. Except Sam, who not only does not believe in gods but also is trying to find evidence that they don't exist. He is really deep into his research to the point where he forgets to take care of himself. Meanwhile, Ponk is a God of Healing and Nature, who for the first time in a while sees human, who is in such need of his help but actively refuses to use it. Okay here is some additional worldbuilding. In this world, there is a pantheon of gods, so there are quite a lot of them. In my mind, they represent 2 concepts, one of them is a physical one and another is more metaphorical (Ponk is a god of Healing and Nature, or maybe just trees or something). You can worship whoever you want, but most of the cities/villages have only one main god and therefore only one main shrine. If you want to pray to a different god, you can either travel to another village/city to do so or construct one small shrine in the village where you live.
Also, when praying to the gods, you have to start with some specific start phrases. I'm not sure what Ponk's phrase would be, but maybe something align of "As the branches of the tree dance with wind, I am asking for a blessing of the Nature God" and then something from yourself, like what do you want or hope to achieve, or just generally about your week. Definitely not finish lines, BUT LET IT BE HERE FOR NOW
Sam lives in a village that picked Ponk as their main god. So, when Ponks hears that one of his humans only starts with the start phrases and then stays quiet for a while, before leaving - he is intrigued. Especially, after he realizes that this one particular human has been doing this for quite some time. So she goes to check it.
And finds a human who may seem like a normal guy, who works in a workshop, repairing stuff for other people in the village, but on the side is spending countless nights trying to prove that gods do not exist. And is really bad at taking care of himself. Like Ponk more scared for the guy than anything. so Ponk tries to help Sam. First, they would make Sam fall asleep for 9 hours. After this Sam does not sleep for almost a week, working even more than before. Then Ponk tries to leave vegetables and fruits in Sam's house, thinking that he doesn't have money to buy them. Sam eats only those fruits and vegetables and doesn't even care to wash them or somehow prepare them. In the end, Ponk just straight up locks Sam out of the house, hoping that he will at least spend some time breathing fresh air.
Sam jumps through the window. And continues to work.
Ponk is in despair, he is intrigued by the guy, but also really fucking worried about him. They don't care that Sam is going against their will, they just want him to take care of himself first.
And then Foolish, who is conveniently friends with both Sam and Ponk (being a demi-god and all of that), mentions to Ponk that Sam is looking for an assistant. And Ponk despite not being on Earth for quite some time decides to take her chance and help Sam at least somehow. Also find out why the guy hates gods so much, to the point of exosting himself. But mostly to take care of Sam.
there is more to this, I have some thoughts about the reason why Sam not only doesn't like gods but also tries to prove that they do not exist. Also more on how gods in this world work and what it really means to be a god(spoiler: almost all gods in this world do not start as gods). And of course some shenanigans with Ponk trying to figure out how the human world works.
For now take it at it is now. Maybe I will write some one-shot with this AU
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mask131 · 4 months
I think I posted about this before, but since people have been talking about "Blood of Zeus" this whole subject is being thrown back at me again...
What is it with American media and its obsession with having the Greek gods die?
Because that's this sort of big trend everywhere, from Blood of Zeus to Wonder Woman, it is always about how turns out the Greek gods can die and they do so on a regular basis? And... I mean why are they so adamant and insistant about this?
Don't get me wrong, I do understand the whole "death of the old gods" trope and "American Gods" is one of my favorite novels (or "Small Gods" to take a more fantasy example). But I am not speaking about works that explore the idea that gods fade out with their worship. I am speaking about these specific works that just always introduce the idea that "Oh yeah gods are not immortal, they're just hard to kill" or "Oh yeah turns out there IS a weapon that can kill the gods, it just never came up until now".
Because... that reflects already how people today do not get Greek mythology. Greek mythology is NOT Norse mythology, for example. Norse mythology DOES have mortal gods. Gods that not only are wounded - like the Greek gods - or poisoned - like the Egyptian gods - but who also have to be faced with mortality, with aging, with the eventual end of all things... The entire idea of the "death of the gods" is woven in Norse beliefs and in the depiction of Scandinavian gods. It is a key part of this mythology - to the point when the gods DID find an entity that seemingly would not die despite all of their efforts, they FREAKED OUT.
And then... You have Greek mythology. Where the gods do not age, are immortal, cannot die, do not know in the slightest what mortality is (or rather do not know it on a personal level). There is no "death of the gods" in Greek mythology, and this explains a lot about the gods' behavor and depiction. It is precisely BECAUSE the gods are immortal and endless that they must get VERY inventive to deal with each other (from the "vore technique" to the castration passing by all sorts of chaining, imprisonment and enslavment). It also explains why they have such bizarre love-hate relationships with each other, precisely because they are stuck with each other for ever, and thus they can't have the same relationships mortal beings such as us human can have with each other.
This is integral to understanding how the Greeks conceived the gods, and how the myths worked - and not only that but is part of the spice of Greek mythology retellings, because to have characters that cannot die is a narrative challenge in itself that encourages us to work our imagination! And yet... Everytime American media just treats them as super-heroes (it doesn't help that I used "Wonder Woman" as an example) and has them be killed as if it was, you know, NORMAL? Sometimes there's not even a really big deal made out of it and... It kind of saddens me. I guess it is just the easiest way to go the "let's be edgy mode, let's killt he immortal!". Except it isn't even a big stuff like how God of War had "Let's kill the gods!", at least it made a point of it being WORLD CHANGING you know?
And against that you have so many works that treat the killing of Greek gods as just... something normal, you know? It is even worse when there are crossovers between Norse and Greek mythologies because they do not make any effort at reconciling these opposite deities.
All these medias I am refering to were PERFECT for Norse mythology - they were DESIGNED for Norse gods. Because the Norse gods are so much closer to your American super-heroes than the Greek gods, because the Norse gods are precisely about dealing with death on a regular basis, and Americans' recent love for Norse gods in media does prove the point there is something that echoes Americans' fictional expectations in ancient Scandinavia. And yet... every time it is about the Greek gods.
Is it really so hard to commit yourself to writing something about immortal gods that are ACTUALLY immortal? That's like the worldbuilding basis number 1 in Greek mythology... Anyway, that was just my cranky old man rant.
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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Okay, so… lot’s of information right here, lots to go over. I watched through the entire story, up to Eda saying ”We know what it’s like to feel alone,” but I’m gonna go through this piece by piece.
Starting off, The Collectors siblings told them to go play with the Titans down on this unnamed planet. Most likely, the Archivists had come here to collect some samples and brought along their little brother. Annoyed by him constantly badgering them about playing some game or what have you, they sent him away, hoping he’d stay busy and stop bothering them so they could get their work done.
Now, The Collector calls the archivists their siblings, but we know nothing about how their families work. Are the Archivists born like humans, or do they come from some other source? Seeing as this is the final episode of the series, I don’t think we’re gonna get answers to all questions, and if this story The Collector tells us here is the last pieces of information we get on the Archivists we get, then I wouldn’t be surprised.
Though to be honest, I’d trade information on the Archivists for Bat-Queen’s backstory in a heartbeat.
My point is, information is scarce, so I’m gonna have to make a lot if inferences and theorizing. But taking the words at face value here. The Collector was the younger sibling who annoyed their older siblings, so they made up a game for him to play… and things got way out of hands.
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As has been hinted at before, The Collector made friends with some of the younger Titans. And, again, taking their words at face value, they were real friends; the little Titans were welcoming and liked to play. And with that in mind, The Collector forcing King to become their best friend and to play all these games is pretty clearly an attempt to replace those lost friends… but now with the added trauma of being abandoned by his family and having his friends ”disappear.” Plus the whole being locked up and sealed away thing.
Speaking of which, I found the specific wording used here a little interesting. The Collector specifically says that ”one by one, they disappeared,” while it’s pretty clear that what they actually meant is that the Archivists killed them. This could be one (or multiple) of several things. Maybe, seeing as this is a kids’ show, they had be careful with the kind of language they used. Maybe The Collector really does not understand the meaning of death, like Luz suggested before. Maybe The Collector just didn’t want to use the word ”killed” or ”died.”
I dunno, it might not mean anything.
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As it turns out, King’s Dad mistakingly thought The Collector was the evil force that had wiped out his species and that’s why he hid away King’s egg and trapped The Collector… which may or may not have also have required him sacrificing his own life to do. Bit of a whoopsie there. I can understand why he’s hiding out in the In-Between, I’d be embarrassed to show my face to after a mistake like that. And Belos using his name to lure people into a cult just added a whole other layer to the bad PR cake.
Also, the reason I chose this particular moment to screen shot is because we can see there, in King’s Dad’s hand the magical symbol that was used to hide King away from The Collector (and all other Archivists).
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You okay there Collector? Your eyes look a bit… grey? Not sure what’s going on there, when they blink their eyes go back to normal. Odd.
Oh well, let’s not dwell on The Collector’s eyes, let’s dwell on their words instead!
”Even when those Trapper jerks started acting weird,” they say. Which means that at some point, the Titan Trappers, regardless of whether they were jerks or not at this point, used to act normal. Or at least what The Collector would consider normal. Slight difference there.
I think it’s safe to say that the Titan Trappers were either inspired by the Archivists, or even created by them directly in order to combat the Titans. The modern Titan Trappers worshipped The Collector as a god, and we can assume the Titan Trappers of the past worshipped the Archivists as their gods as well.
All of that I think is safe to say, but where it gets a bit more muddled is in the time between then and now. It would seem that at some point after wiping out at least most of the Titans, the Archivists left the planet. It’s possible they feared King’s Dad was simply too strong for them to take down, so decided to just leave; perhaps they believed there were no eggs left and that King’s Dad might die from old age or that he simply wasn’t a problem. It is also possible they knew King’s Dad sacrificed his life to trap The Collector and with King’s egg hidden away, they thought ”Job well done,” and left, not really caring about one of their own being sealed away forever; that is, if they even knew The Collector was sealed away.
What we do know is that the Titan Trappers remained. At some point they started worshipping The Collector and sought after a way to free him. This most likely happened because they found one of those mirror things The Collector could use to communicate with the outside world… except we saw theirs was broken, so maybe it didn’t fully work anymore. The important part is that they knew about there being one Titan remaining, probably because The Collector told them King’s Dad hid away one last egg.
So here we have what I consider a possible reconstruction of the timeline. But that still doesn’t answer the question about what changed with the Titan Trappers to make them ”weird” to The Collector. I’m gonna guess that Bill spun The Collector’s words in such a way so that rather than trying to find the last Titan so he could help free The Collector, they instead had to find and kill the last Titan to free The Collector.
Which is kinda funny, because using the words of a powerful being worshipped as a god in order to gain control over a large mass of people… that’s what Belos did. Though Bill implies he’s been around for much longer and even calls Belos an upstart. I guess he wasn’t too pleased by Belos copying his schtick.
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Luz: ”How about we tell you the story of how we all became friends? Collector: ”Hmm… okay. King, how did you and Eda first meet?” King: ”Well, it all started when Eda took me away from my home and guardian-” Collector: ”Oh, I see! So when she does it, you become family, but when I-!” Eda: ”Uhhh… maybe let’s start somewhere else. Luz, how about you…?” Luz: ”R-right. so, um… I guess it all started when I stumbled through the portal into the Demon Realm and Eda, uh… kidnapped me… and forced me to play along in one of King’s childish games…” Collector: ”OH I SEE! SO WHEN SHE DOES IT, YOU BECOME FAMILY, BUT WHEN I-!”
I kid, I kid. The idea here is that they’re dropping all the lies and false narratives to finally tell the truth. Because as we were shown here, one of The Collector’s big hangups is people lying to them, constantly lying and pretending to be their friend. The Collector, being mentally a child, is of course very susceptible to this. And having spent so much time being isolated and manipulated has left The Collector unable to form real friendships with people. It’s all part of a big game of pretend, and like all games, it has to come to and end.
What the Owl House trio are trying to do here is show The Collector how to create genuine bonds with people; no lying, no manipulation, no turning people into puppets and forcing them to play along in dollhouse tea parties.
Basically, they’re trying to adopt him into their found family. Then Eda will have three kids, two of whom are living gods. Let’s hope Raine’s up for the challenge.
Hmmmmmm……. sure is awfully convenient that Luz was carrying around that big stack of photographs of all her adventures with the gang. How did she even… the Owl House was ransacked… Eda and Lilith might’ve been able to save a photo album, and Luz then kept them with her as a good luck charm or whatever. Another possibility is that she found them while infiltrating the storage where the Emperor’s Coven kept all the confiscated material from the Owl House and Luz found them there. Either way, feels a bit contrived.
Oh wait, last episode, they extracted a bunch of Luz’ memories. As I recall, we saw mostly negative ones, but maybe they got a bunch of good ones as well, and Luz kept them on her. That’s probably it, yeah.
(Future Lampman here: I took a break and rewound the episode a bit and I remembered something I thought off but forgot to mention. The Collector mentions that King already told them about their adventures, and Luz responds that it’s different when you can see them. The Collector’s all about playing games and pretend, and from their perspective, King’s stories might very well be just that: stories. When one is so used to lies and half-truths and obfuscations, how does one tell fact from fiction? One good way is to show a photograph, objective proof of reality. In other words: pics or it didn’t happen.)
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yanderend · 2 years
Male Yandere God x Gender Neutral Reader
Nitai, The Deity Headcanons
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The Diety is a clingy, self-indulgent yandere that want's nothing more in his immortal existence than to have you worship and praise him.
This sleepy demigod has been around long enough to lose track— it was fun playing with his powers at first, but now he's trying something new... pretending to be a totally normal guy!
It's new, and frankly uncomfortable for him, but it all becomes worth it when he goes on a blind date with you! He's had a lot of partners before— but theres something ethereal about you that he just can't place, and instantly The Diety is enthralled.
Of course The Diety knows of human flaws, but the idea of you courting someone else makes his stomach churn.
That's when he sets a goal for himself— make you fall hopelessly in love with him! I mean, it couldn't be that hard, right?
Absolutely wrong— he gets whiney and easily frustrated as soon as you don't fall at his feet, begging to be his partner within days. Nitai forgot that without showing off his powers, it's a lot more difficult to make people worship you.
Pay no mind when he figures out your location and starts sending you inexplicably expensive flowers despite you never telling him your address— it's probably your friends telling him... Hopefully.
Now, The Diety's powers may not come out often, but they're not sealed away. If he sees someone in the way of his goal (making you his), he's lenient with using his powers to get rid of them. He considers it a 'cheat day.'
The mortal friends he's made while doing his little roleplay try to give him dating advice, but he renders it worthless. He undeniably loves you (especially as time passes), but the real goal is to have you as his devout more than his spouse.
Though... those sleepless nights that he never had before bring out some subconscious thoughts. For example: 'I should marry them.'
He knows you humans are precious with time, so he doesn't care much for you're interactions with friends, but he's not blind to people hitting on you. That one, he cares very very much about.
You can't squander your life spending it with someone else, he wouldn't dare allow himself to fail you, or himself. Expect him to try 10x harder now.
One evening you spend together when you start feeling oddly tired. You're not quite sure why; it wasn't particularly late or anything. Something in the back of your mind worries that the tall man could have slipped something in your food— but you're careful, and he had no moment to do so anyway.
A little nap surely couldn't hurt... And as your body falls onto his, you only just miss the smug smile that spreads across his face.
He knows he shouldn't abuse his powers for this, but he's impatient, and you were being a little too obvious with your attraction to him recently. (Y'know, enough that this idiot picked up on it.)
Nitai spends the night stroking your hair, tracing every detail of your hands, and congratulating himself on his assured victory.
Something had changed in him over the last month, now he considers you more than human.
He considers you his angel, and where would a god be without an angel (permanently) tethered to their side?
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applesjuice · 7 months
WAIT, does that mean that Kieran/Akari still captured legendaries?!!! When they're hearing Cinhtya talking about myths and legends of Hisui to see if there is a semblance of truth, and Akari just goes "Oh, ye." And just, sent Palkia/Dialga, darkrai (Lord of nightmare?!!!), GIRATINA (the fu-) and plenty others?!
Pfffhehehe, it's just funny to think of the reaction the Poke-world could have to these XD. (Legend AU)
Yeah! They completed the pokedex and helped Laventon get the ball rolling in his research since everything got derailed thanks to a certain someone. I don't think they'd bring the legendaries back with them since like, they're literal gods who are worshipped. They captured them but they still do what they want, like showing up to work on the farm randomly or appearing to Kieran in dreams like they're the Virgin Mary descending to bestow a prophecy and its just Palkia or whoever wanting some attention. Kieran feels very bad for Giritina, and projects a bit on it like they did with Ogerpon, but I genuinely think Kieran is just a very empathetic kid.
The clans worship their specific pokemon like gods with carved figures in their homes that they make daily offering too. At some point Kieran makes one for Giritina and puts little hats on it when it gets cold and leaves berries and treats as an offering. Maybe the big baddie of the Distortion World is that way because nobody ever gave it a hug or tucked it into bed we dont know!
Kieran and Dawn in the future: maybe the real gods of creation are the friends we made along the way
I think there'd be pockets of people descended from the clans in modern Sinnoh who still worship Palkia or Dialga in their homes. Cynthia's family grew up with the church of arceus (and we all know why) but she loves theology and has so many questions because surely that one photo of the Big Three frolicing on a farm is some Ancient Alien level hoax and Kieran is just like: on no they just really like soybeans. I think they were competing to see whose plot got the highest yield.
Diamond and Pearl still happened so Dawn has current "ownership" of the Sinnoh legendaries but they have zero sense of time on a human scale so they'd be stoked to see their buddy Akari again but. But like, morally and ethically can you bring god to a pokemon battle? They'd probably enjoy battling for fun on the occasion but they're not normal pokemon and can't be treated as such. Im my mind there's a parctice of every generation or so since pokeballs became a thing, someone has to catch whichever legendary to keep it safe from your average nutjob drying to take over the world. Pokeballs are technology they're not forever and after a while they degrade and stop functioning. Or at least in my mind that's how it works. It would likely make sense to like. Just bury a legendary's pokeball somewhere and let it live its best life while there's ensurance for like 30 years some rando can't catch it.
Sorry this went on a tangent about my thoughts on religion in the pokemon world, but I see the Legendaries as being too Other and beyond our understanding to stick around on someone's team. I consider the various protagonists who catch them have gained their favor so they will pop in during their lifetime to visit because humans and pokemon need eachother to get stronger. Legendaries imo are just different in that they need exposure to that humanity to keep them grounded and present mentally. They have PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS, but itty bitty understanding of humanity, or like, the pokemon equivalent of it.
So yea Kieran doesnt bring any legendaries back with them but they'll still ask to see them occasionally to see if they're doing ok.
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I know I’ve been spamming random Asian Circuit videos, but I also want to talk about Link Joker because I think it’s a really strong season in terms of character.
Of course virus that prays on your insecurities isn’t a new idea and it seems most people were just card zombies but I do like how a-lot of the know characters stuck to their motivations.
My two favorites are as always: Miwa and Tetsu!
They are both pulling to expand Link Joker’s power but its not for them, they both act to raise someone else to the top, an oddly twisted but still deep show of the loyalty they have to Kai and Ren respectively.
Miwa’s only goal is remove all obstacles and create a path for Kai to achieve his goal, he turns Jun not because he’s a strong fighter who could help Link Joker grow, but because he could be a threat to Kai.
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He never denies that what he’s doing is selfish, simply replies that Kai’s wish is just vastly more important to him than the fate of the world. (Also his conversation with Jun has a lot of strong Miwakai from an outsider’s perspective moments, which I throughly enjoy)
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He deliberately taunts Aichi with vague insinuations that play on his insecurities and respect for Kai to lure him out.
He does everything he can to pave a path for Kai to accomplish his goals without need to get his hands dirty, while Tetsu takes up arms to allow Ren to go as wild as he wants, turning the whole of Asteroid to give Ren a kingdom.
Tetsu considers Ren to be something above humanity, a king or a god meant to be worship. The person he’s serving is not Link Joker, but Ren.
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Now both Asuka and Tetsu call him this, however Tetsu isn’t trying to control him like Asaku, he genuinely believes Ren is meant to be at the top. Admittedly his card for Ren is clearly twisted, with how he laughs off Ren’s wants to be normal, but that is also something built into their friendship as show in the flashbacks.
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Ren has never been just some kid to Tetsu. Sure at first he didn’t like him, but slowly he grew to be someone Tetsu couldn’t leave behind, it’s why he stayed when Kai left.
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You don’t suffer through all that verbal abuse without some inkling of care.
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to properly convey my thoughts about link joker and my love for its character building, but I hope at least some of it got through (or at the very least my passion for miwakai and tetsuren)
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
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Also bonus tetsuren cuz this scene was cute
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