#and who else is excited for the veronica preview
iheartmomochi · 2 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi O•SHI•GO•TO \Back Stage!!!/ Translation
Important: as always i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation! I always say that but seriously commission them, they're amazing!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language (i've seen some people do this please just don't. it's not that hard to respect the wishes of the og translator)
You can listen to the cd here
Ahh, I’m excited to reach Okinawa! Not to mention we’re doing a special pin-up photograph session with Veronica! Oh, but the shooting will be tomorrow, right? That means we have half a day for ourselves once we touchdown. Yay!
Hey, where do you wanna go? Since you troubled yourself and tagged along, I should at least bring you wherever you want to when I’m free. Think of somewhere nice. Hehe! Oh? The announcement just now is for us, no? Let’s go then. Give me your luggage. I’ll carry it for you. Anyway, don’t you think it’s unusually packed in Haneda today? I see. It's the morning of a weekday after all. Right, everyone’s wearing suits on their way to work. Everyone’s working hard.
Let us go to our room for a bit, alright? Hehe! Guys, don’t drink too much, okay? See you tomorrow then.
Hurry and open up already. The luggage’s heavy, y’know? Ugh, I’m so tired. Actually this hotel takes so long just for us to check in. How is that even possible?
Huh?? So dirty! What’s up with this room? Did they actually clean it up? Am I supposed to spend two nights at a place like this? What the hell. Anyway, why do I have to take today’s flight if the shooting’s tomorrow? Not to mention a flight that early! Can’t it be night instead? Don’t get me started with the economy seat. I gotta deal with the public attention so at least get me a private lounge. Just how stingy could they be?
Actually, they promised something nice like a tropical resort and stuff but Okinawa of all places? If it’s a special photoshoot, shouldn’t it usually be Bali or Hawaii? That Panda guy always brings me some shitty gigs. What the heck, really? Well, yeah sure. I’m not going to be in this magazine again anyway.
Huh? Where’s the ashtray? None? Why? Huh? No smoking? Seriously! Unbelievable! What’s the staff doing? They’re not here? Shouldn’t they stay? Ah, I can’t deal with this anymore!
Huh? Who cares about shoes? This place is so dirty anyway. Nope. I wanna go back to Tokyo right away! Just how stupid can you be? I said I’m tired, didn’t I? And you can suggest going out now? We’ve come this far and you’re saying we should look for a smoking spot? If I have that energy, I’ve looked for that place ages ago. Whatever. I’m smoking here. You go buy canned juice or something. I’ll use that as an ashtray. Hurry up. You drink that ‘cus I don’t need the juice. Also, can you buy something for me to drink? Get me something Okinawa-ish while you’re at it? Right. Get me some seawater. The one in a plastic bottle. See you~
Oh, you’re late. How long are you gonna make me wait? Huh, this? Canned beer that I found in the fridge. I threw the insides because you took so long. Ahhh. What a waste. Ugh anyway. Why is this bed so hard? I just lied a bit and my back’s already hurting so much. No way I can sleep. This sucks, seriously.
Huh?! Shut up. I just gotta be careful and make sure to not drop the ash. Actually, can you not order me around? Who do you think you are? Hmm. Another excuse. Now you come here..! Hey. I said I’m in the worst mood ever, right? Do you know for what reason did I bring you along using my own money? For you to fix when we’re in this kind of situation. And yet, I’m feeling even worse thanks to you. What are you gonna do? Hey. Do something now. It’s your fault anyway. So of course you have to do it, right? Come on!
Alright, what shall we do today? Hehe! For now, will you take that off now? That’s been bothering me since this morning. Have you always had this dress? Don’t tell me you bought it to wear in Okinawa? Showing that much skin when band members and the staff are around. What are you thinking? Come on. I said take it off. Can’t do it yourself? In that case...Hm? What smell is this? The cigar’s smoke! Wa- You! Water, water! Bring it quick! Huh?! The bed cover’s burning! He- Someone?! Whatever can do, just be qu- Ah. You’re right. The fire’s gone. But hey..! Most of it was splashed on me! I bet that was on purpose! Right?! I can’t let you go today. Just a punishment won’t be enough. You know that, don’t you?
Huh? The mirror? That’s all it takes for it to fall? Just how sloppy did they mount the mirror? This hotel is seriously pathetic. So what are you gonna do? This room’s furniture is broken. I believe you know it but it’s all your fault, okay? Why don’t you start collecting the shards and apologize to me?
Ah, right. As you can see, they’re sharp so be careful when you pick the shards. You don’t want to you cut yourself accidentally. You might die if it stabs your neck by chance. Hehe! Are you afraid?
But don’t worry. I will never do anything like that. If I were to kill you, I wouldn’t go for an easy method like this. It has to be one that gives you even more pain and suffering. Otherwise it’d be pointless, no? So rest assured. Why are you silent? You’re supposed to be happy. You’re desperate and always anger me because that’s what you like. Right? Denying it after all this time? I won’t let you do that.
We have plenty of time until tomorrow so I’ll give you lots of pain the whole night. Look forward to it. You went all your way and followed me here to make sure I pulled off my job, right? So don’t complain no matter what I do. Got it?
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flowersfortheghost · 10 months
alright another day another preview lets go. this one is for chapter 2 of my fic "don’t stop looking in my eyes (your eyes)" on ao3 (my ao3 is ghostandroid). in summary, its just an au where gwen and miles play veronica and jd in heathers the musical and its gonna be silly.
chapter 1 didn't have much ghostflower, but they will have their moment in chapter 2. anyways, preview under cut
“I'm not exactly used to all the attention being on me.” She explained. In a band, she only had to play drums. In ballet, she was always with a group. Gwen went solo through life, but could never go solo on stage.
“Yeah, I can relate to that. I had that same feeling when I was your age.”
“And you got over that?” Gwen asked. “Yes, I did.” Kira responded. “First step to get over it: get to know yourself better. Know your weak and strong points and improve those.” Gwen wasn’t a huge fan of this step. She hated talking or thinking about herself like this. “I can tell you're not excited about this.”
“I’ve always been like that.”
“That's alright, I know how that feels.” As much as Gwen hated talks like this, she was glad she could have one. She never got talks like this, her dad always being too busy and she usually kept everything to herself. “I feel like your weak points are that you don't think about stuff like this enough and you keep doubting yourself,” Is it bad that she is really accurate, Gwen thought to herself
“but one of your stronger points is that you know what you wanna do and you wanna do everything to achieve that.” Gwen just nodded, conforming that what her director was saying is true. “And here comes another weak point; you don't have enough confidence to go through with what you wanna do.”
“How are you this accurate?”
“Like I said, I’ve been in your shoes before.” Gwen thought it was nice to have someone who could relate to her. If Kira got over this, so could she, right? “What makes you less confident is other people's opinions. My advice to you is that you should just think about yourself, not other people.”
“I don't know if I can do that, I mean-”
“Gwen, stop doubting yourself so much. The Gwen I saw audition for this musical seemed so confident on stage. I wanna see that confidence on opening night and the shows after that.”
“But people I know will be there. That’s why I'm so nervous. My friends will be watching and I know some of the people in the cast from classes. I just don't know if I can perform in front of people I know.”
And it won't feel the same if my dead best friend isn't in the audience, but Gwen didn’t voice this out loud. How in two years, all her confidence and love for being on stage disappeared. “Gwen, focus on yourself. The self-doubt you have doesn't define you. You're an amazing singer, I’ve seen it. Learn to be confident, or else you won’t achieve what you want. If there's anything I’ve learned from my time in theater, don’t give a fuck about what others think.”
Gwen felt a little better. She would obviously not instantly have the confidence to perform by tomorrow, but she was willing to work on it. “I'll try.” Gwen said, smiling softly. “That's what I wanna hear. Now, next rehearsal, I wanna see you sing like you did at the audition. And if it doesn't work, just try again, and again, and again until you've done it.”
“Thanks for the advice. Where did you learn this from?”
“My dad.”
Gwen felt a bit upset. Her dad was never there for her. As a kid, she thought she wasn’t good enough for him. As she got older, she realized he just chose work over her. It hurt, but after a while Gwen got used to it.
“My dad is always too busy for me. I don't even know if he's gonna show up on opening night. I've performed before, only playing drums and ballet, but I can’t even remember the last time he went to one of my shows. Maybe he never even came to a show.” Gwen looked back at her director, the expression on her face showed worry and sadness. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to vent.”
“No, it’s fine.” Kira paused for a moment before speaking again. “I just hope that maybe he can make an exception this one time. After all, you did get the lead and I know this will be a show worth watching.” Gwen felt her confidence go up more. “Now, I should probably let you go. But please, start working on your confidence more and don’t let your self-doubt define you.”
“I will, thank you so much for this. I really needed it.” Gwen thanked her director, walking towards the door. “You're welcome.”
btw, kira is my spidersona who i just threw in here bc i thought it would be fun (also she is actually a theater kid and i reflect onto her too much). changes will probably be made in the final version (bc that always happens) but this is a small part of the chapter.
also fun fact, i actually got this advice from my dad. he is still trying to convince me to try and do a solo but like gwen in this fic, im too nervous to do so (i need to stop reflecting so much onto this girl i dont think its healthy).
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"i bet you say that to all the boys" !!! scream! pleeeaaase tell me more about "and the bible didnt mention us" "keep the car running" and "take me home tonight" (also thx for getting eddie money stuck in my head)
YOURE WELCOMMMMMMEE it's a sexy song okay 🥺
and OKAY so. i do have mantle (& mason) lore sprinkled throughout "i bet you say that to all the boys" but the basic premise is an exploration of their friendship since we got almost none of it on screen (except for the importance of their body language...) + post-jason blossom world traumabonding + moose confides something to reggie that he thinks happened with jason shortly before jason went missing but reggie knows otherwise because the person who moose thinks was jason was actually... him... so that's complicated. also midge just moves away early sophomore year she doesn't die (since she wasn't in s1 anyway) (tho despite the s1 overlap it's obv still melton reggie ppl should be envisioning). tbh so much of this actually needs to be rewritten because it's BAD lsmafj but here is another small preview
“All good?” Moose had asked during the drive over, though he knew Reggie only ever wanted to spontaneously hang out this late when he needed to get out of the house. Reggie glanced over, a dark shape that could either be a shadow or a bruise sitting high on his cheek.
“Yeah,” he’d said casually enough, looking back forward to the road. “I’m great. Hey, did you hear about Bunny Benson’s party next weekend?”
“She’s a senior,” Reggie said with a nod, keeping his eyes on the road but occasionally still shooting Moose an enthusiastic look as he spoke. Moose didn’t know if that meant this party was a big deal, or if it was only because Reggie was always excited about parties. ”Was a senior-- she graduated last spring, but all her high school buddies are gonna be there.”
Moose and Reggie were going into their sophomore year, so he imagined they and anyone else below a junior weren’t meant to be included in that category. Not that it mattered. The two of them grinned at each other.
“Anyone else crashing it with us?” Moose asked.
"and the bible didnt mention us" is my horns (joe hill) au! with veronica as ig (waking up with the horns that no one but her can see but compel everyone she speaks to to confess their worst thoughts/impulses/etc), although I wanna veer away from following the plot exactly so I'm still kind of mulling on what to do with it instead. maybe still a murder mystery, but just... not really interested in including certain elements of the story so it'd be rewritten around that in part; maybe more of a family drama?? and I'm still figuring out the different character dynamics (is betty lee? is kevin or jughead terry? is reggie glenna? again bear in mind the plot would be a bit different but... 🤔)
anyway I don't have much or any of it written yet because aus intimidate me for getting started but I do think horns is such a rad premise and it seems like it would suit the lodges pretty well, not least of all because they're some of the only characters in riverdale with any kind of strong connection to religion... (that isn't a cult) (arguably)
"keep the car running" I also have none of this written yet lmao 😂😂SO MANY WIPS AND ONLY LIKE 3 OF THEM I'M ACTUALLY WORKING ON AT A TIME... but this is a keggie -> joakeggie "joaquin lives" au where kevin and reggie are on a road trip and find out joaquin is actually still alive, he faked his death* (*with dilton's help) and was snuck out of riverdale and now he's working elsewhere under a different name. and then......
"take me home tonight" is not the varchiereggie I'm currently working on but the first one I started set during archie's juvie era (ish), where reggie starts acting as their go-between so veronica isn't seen at the prison too much and then just kind of accidentally becomes part of the relationship this way 👀
but I'm not posting any of it because it's BAD and desperately needs rewriting so 😂😂it's been benched for now until I finish up the other one. that said this song for them thoooo 😌👌🏽💖
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shuahoonie · 5 years
you. [tom holland] - six.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! mentions of alcohol! a bit of fluff, a bit of angst. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish! 
SONG INSPO: can’t take my eyes off you - emilie mover 
A/N: hiya babes, again, sorry if this chapter is posted very late. i have absolutely no excuses this time, it’s just me really. times are tough and if i’m being honest, i’ve had a rough couple of weeks. my academics really hit me in the worst possible way and i’m really am sorry if i wasn’t able to uphold my promises to post over the break. 🥺 also, beware of my plot timeline! i had a rough plan that i wanted this to take place during pre-ffh days! anyway, enjoy chapter six and happy reading! x 
gif credits: @parkerpunology
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | four | five | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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Two months. You and Tom were already dating for two months. The last two months were a whirlwind for both of you, more so for you. Once the news broke out that you and Tom were dating, it was expected that people would lose their minds over it. 
However, like how news typically withholds its relevance these days, it died down a week after. You both actually didn’t mind it since it put you two at ease. You and Tom see each other for thrice a week, dropping a few nuggets that you two are together. 
Some days, Tom would drop by at your filming location. 
“Y/N,” Steven, a stunt coordinator, sang your name with a teasing look painted on his face. “Guess who’s here.” He was helping you with your scene, making sure that you were safe as you did your stunts.
“Please tell me it’s Charlotte with my phone,” You moaned as you fixed your shirt as Steven began unbuckling your harness. You were standing on top of a high platform and had just finished doing your stunt for the show, the Alchemist. 
“Honey, do you think I’d be this excited if it was your assistant with your phone?” Steven rolled his eyes. “It’s your loverboy,” He teased, pointing to a figure. 
Based on the state of altitude you were in, you could practically see everybody. You can see some of the crew were busy with fixing the set for the following scene. You could see the producer busy speaking to whoever’s on the other side of the phone. You could also see your ‘loverboy’ talking to the director. 
Tom was standing next to Alissa, the director, as they talked animatedly. He was wearing a grey shirt that hugged his body like a second skin and a pair of black joggers. He looked very casual, but as much as you hated to admit it, he still looked good. 
Catching your gaze, Tom gave you a smile and a wave. 
You were still getting used to the idea that you were seeing him, so you turned your head as fast as you could. It’s as if your crush caught you staring at him in middle school. 
Steven let out a small giggle, “You guys are so cute. You two are like grade-schoolers.” 
“Oh, shush.” You said as you felt your face burn, embarrassed that Steven caught what just happened. 
“Shush yourself, hon,” Steven laughed “It seems like Tom found it absolutely adorable.” 
You turned your head back to look at Tom and there with his arms crossed, he was laughing softly. He had his complete attention on you. 
You signalled him to give you a minute as you descend from the platform to greet your ‘boyfriend’. 
Seeing that you both were actors, you had to use your skill sometimes.
“Tommy,” You’ve grown to love that nickname for Tom, knowing that he absolutely despised it. “What are you doing here?” You asked, your tone sickeningly sweet, as you greeted him with a hug. 
For a moment, his eyes flickered upon hearing the nickname you just called him. “Came here to surprise you, princess.” He said with a smirk as he squeezed you in a hug. He knew you hated that nickname too. It was obvious that you two were playing the same game. 
“Oh, but you didn’t have to, Tommy,” You said with a huge smile, the words practically gritting in between your teeth.
“I know,” He replied. What he did next caught you off-guard being that you two never really displayed that amount of PDA out in the open. “However, I do miss my girlfriend and I wanted to surprise her.” He said before he held the side of your face and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. 
Boy, you were surprised alright. 
Some days, you would drop by at Tom’s filming locations. 
Tom had just finished his scene with Jake Gyllenhaal. You decided to visit your ‘boyfriend’ at his set for Far From Home. As soon as the director yelled cut, Tom caught your eye and gave you a wave.
“Are you getting bored, babe?” You turned to the figure who just asked you the question and saw Zendaya wearing her MJ clothes. You’ve grown a huge liking towards Tom’s castmates ever since Tom introduced you to them, especially Zendaya since she’s been nothing but nice to you. 
You gave Zendaya a small smile and shook your head no. You’ve sat and watched them shoot for a little over two hours now, and it was only reasonable that he’d ask how you were doing. 
“You know, you two are absolutely adorable.” She commented as she gave you a playful nudge, sitting next to you. 
“We’re absolutely not,” You chuckled, feeling shy.
“It’s true,” Zendaya laughed “Tom seems like he’s at his happiest whenever he’s with you.” 
As if on cue, Tom started jogging his way towards you and Zendaya with a huge smile on his face. 
“Hi, princess,” Tom engulfed you with a huge hug. “Are you still good? What are you two laughing at?” He asked in the middle of the hug. 
The intimacy you two had to show in public was still something you had to work on-not so much for Tom though. You weren’t used to displaying affection even when you used to date your ex.
“Oh, we’re just laughing at you.” You said nonchalantly, a teasing smile hanging off your lips. 
“Me? Why me?” 
“Because you’ve got it bad for Y/N,” Zendaya answered cheekily, “You’re happier around your girlfriend, Tom.” 
“Yeah, that’s true.” Tom acknowledged making you roll your eyes playfully. “I am at my best whenever I’m around Y/N.” He said as cupped the sides of your face and planted a small kiss on the top of your nose.
You begged to differ. Tom had to act like he’s at his happiest whenever he’s around you. 
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“Liv, I look ridiculous. I don’t even have the boobs for this.” You said as you finished putting on the bridesmaid dress and examined your chest, as the dress sported a deep v-neck. You and Veronica were standing in front of a mirror, wearing a floor-length burgundy chiffon dress. 
“Shut up, Y/N,” Veronica said as she fixed the delicately pinned flowers on your hair. “You look great, I think Tom might actually fall in love with you.” Ronnie teased. 
“Fuck off, Ronnie.” You mumbled. “I can’t believe you actually let me invite him, Liv.” You told Olivia, who was busy getting into her wedding dress. 
“Uh, of course. He’s your boyfriend, ‘ya doof.” Olivia, who was putting on her dress behind the dressing panel, said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Also can you two help me with my dress? I need someone to zip me up.” Liv went out wearing a gorgeous wedding dress. It was an off-shoulder sweetheart cut white dress with touches of lace and glimmer. 
“Oh, you look gorgeous, Liv.” Veronica sighed as she stared at Olivia with tears brimming her eyes. “I still can’t believe you’re getting married this soon, girl.” 
“I know,” Olivia agreed, fixing her hair, “but I just love him you know? He makes me a better person. I’ve never felt love like this before.” She said while trying to fight off the tears that were forming on her eyes. 
You and Veronica rushed in to give Olivia a huge hug, tears were close to shedding and all of you didn’t want to sit in the makeup chair again. 
You were so sure that Olivia was rushing to get married, that maybe she wasn’t thinking things through. However, as you saw your best friend be at the happiest she’s ever been, you figured that getting married was probably the most adamant decision Olivia has ever made. 
At 24, Olivia found herself in the arms of the person she’s bound to spend her whole life with. 
“I gotta walk down that aisle before I ruin my makeup completely,” Olivia said half-jokingly, fanning herself. 
And so she did. Olivia managed to walk down the aisle without completely crying her makeup off, Josh, however, lost it. He was fully sobbing as soon as he saw Olivia walk. 
You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the two of them, you saw two people so full of love that the only way to express it was to cry. 
As the ceremony proceeded on, your thoughts were somewhere else. You’ve always wondered if ever you’ll find someone who’ll make you feel the same way as them, that tears would start falling because you were so in love.
However, that would have to wait as you were currently tied with the person you were sure you weren’t going to be in love with. Your gaze automatically went to Tom, who was coincidentally staring at you. You turned your attention back to the couple who were getting married in front of you, your cheeks burning. 
Your mind was about to come up with different possible reasons as to why Tom was staring at you, but you had to stop yourself. You don’t need that in your life. 
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“You okay, Y/N?” Ronnie asked as she took a sip of her champagne. You nodded your head and finished your third glass of champagne. “Are you sure? Because I’ve known you long enough to know that you start to drink heavily when something’s bugging you.” 
The reception was over and the newly-wed couple has had their first dance as husband and wife. People were now just letting themselves loose on the dancefloor. 
“I’m fine, Ronnie,” You assured her as you called the waiter to give you another glass. “Don’t mind me, you know how weddings make me feel.” 
“Yes, which is why I’m terrified.” Veronica murmured. 
“Don’t be silly, Ronnie. I can handle myself really.” You said as you scanned the crowd. You saw Tom talking to a couple of girls, seeming like he was desperate to get out of the conversation as soon as possible. 
Soon enough, he caught you staring and it seemed like he was relieved to see you. Not long after, he was practically running to you. 
“Looks like prince charming is coming to get you,” Veronica chuckled as she grabbed her purse and drink from the table. “I’ll see you later, babe. Text me if you’re leaving.” 
“Where are you going and why are you leaving me?” You practically whined. Veronica wasn’t surprised, you were whiny after three drinks. 
“I have to go and meet Josh’s parents, they wanted to see me after mentioning that I was looking for a place that I could do my internship,” Ronnie explained “Besides, it looks like you’re going to be taken care of. If you aren’t, call me ASAP.” 
You huffed and dismissed your friend. As soon as Veronica left, Tom arrived at your table. 
“Oh, thank god I saw you Y/N. It was brutal out there, some people just can’t get a hint-”
“Why are you here?” You asked as soon as Tom sat down next to you. Tom was caught off-guard by your hostility. 
“I-uh, what?” Tom wasn’t really sure what’s happening, sure enough, what he did wrong to have you act this way. This wouldn’t be much of a surprise if he knew that he pressed your buttons way too many times, however, that wasn’t the case. 
“Aren’t you busy talking to those girls over there?” You asked, now grateful for the newly filled glass of champagne that was just handed to you. The waiter was about to give Tom too but he kindly refused. 
“Actually, I was desperate to leave the conversation. It was getting annoying and they kept insisting that I’m just dating you for clout.” Tom explained as he massaged his temples. 
“They weren’t lying.” You mumbled before taking a sip from your glass. “You looked like you were having fun though-which I didn’t mind, by the way.” 
“Tom, you know you can just leave all of this, right? Like no one is forcing you to stay this long because you won’t get the short end of the stick. It’s me who's going to get most of the damage.” 
“That’s not true, Y/N. I’m just as affected as you will be.” Tom stressed. “Where is this all coming from?” He asked, getting frustrated. 
Much like Tom, you were getting frustrated too. Why are you being hostile around him? It’s not like he’s actually dating you, you have no reason to act this way. 
“Alcohol makes me see things more clearly,” You muttered. It was all that you could say. After all, nothing was making sense for you.  
“That’s what got us in trouble in the first place,” He claimed as he grabbed your glass and placed it far away from you. Tom stood up and offered his hand to you. “Come, let’s dance. It’ll clear your head.” 
“I don’t want to,” You moaned as you threw your head back. “I planned on drinking so if you’re not going to join me, then just leave.”
Tom shook his head no. “I got a note from Ronnie that I need to stop you after three drinks and apparently, you’re on your fourth so ‘nough is enough, princess.” 
“Even if I’m not going to drink, I’m still not dancing with you.” You said as you crossed your arms. 
“Wanna bet?” You just sat there and listened. You were interested as there was no way in hell he can make you dance. 
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“That wasn’t fair, you practically set me up.” You grumbled as Tom happily led you to the dance floor. The jig was if you stood up, you’re automatically going to dance with Tom. 
Being the ‘sneaky little shit’ (Veronica’s choice of words) that Tom was, he secretly texted Ronnie and asked her if she could potentially lure you into assisting her to the washrooms. 
You were skeptical at first, but you eventually obliged. It was Ronnie’s choice of words that made you do it. “Y/N, I swear to god, I’m about to pee. If you don’t help me unzip my dress, I will physically hurt you.” 
Tom was now short of 50 bucks because of that favour. 
“Oh, c’mon, princess. You know that isn’t true.” Tom tried to keep a straight face but obviously failed as he was now grinning at your annoyed face. 
“This is ridiculous, you know that I’m a horrible dancer right?” You said as Tom put your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your waist. 
“I think I’ll manage, princess.” He chuckled. 
“No, I’m not kidding. You will leave with a huge bruise on your foot-feet. I might step on both of your feet, there’s a huge possibility.”
Tom stared at you for a moment before saying, “I guess it’s a price I’m willing to pay.”
They were playing a slower version of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” and you groaned softly. “What’s wrong, princess?” 
“You’ll never let that pet name go, won’t you?” You asked, rolling your eyes. 
“No, I don’t think I will.” He answered cheekily. 
You two slow danced to the melody of the song and you couldn’t help it but say, “God, I love this song. Why did they have to play it?”
“I guess it was meant to be- Oh god, it’s them again,” Tom said as he saw the girls who were trying to steal his attention all night. 
You took a look at the girls and sure enough, they were watching the two of you and were whispering amongst themselves. You didn’t know who they were so you were assuming they were on Josh’s guests. 
You weren’t one to start fights however, you were extremely petty though. It’s a habit you’re trying to get rid of. “Hey, Tom?” 
He hummed in response. “Do you want to finally get them off your back?” You asked him. He stared at you for a moment before nodding. 
“I’m going to do something but promise me you’ll forget it as soon as it’s done.” You disclosed, not even knowing why you’re actually going to do it. 
“Okay...” You knew he was getting curious. “What-”
You grabbed the side of his face and kissed the corner of his lips. To say that both of you were surprised was an understatement. 
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justjessame · 4 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 36
I have taken great pride over the years in my cleverness. Hell, I took tremendous fucking pride in my intelligence in getting one over on Homelander right before my little trip to the women’s clinic to take care of his invader spawn. That’s why having this nugget of horrifying reality slip through my fingertips, my brain matter, and my very marrow so fucking difficult to process.
I’d been in their clutches this entire time. Right in the lap of their power, where they could have crushed me, but thinking on it, that wouldn’t do. Mallory had stood in this room, or the room I’d first been treated in and warned, no threatened the lot of them with the importance of my health, hadn’t she? They couldn’t have taken a chance, not the scientists (not that I believed any of them had the authority to make that decision), and Edgar was trying to rehabilitate the image of Vought International. If they didn’t want to harm me, then-
My eyes shut, tight against the steady beeping that belied the upheaval inside of me, as I swallowed down another round of harsh truths. Everyone knew how Billy felt about supes now, it wasn’t as though he wouldn’t tell anyone who asked, so someone in this twisted company probably hoped that my fear would bear fruit. If Billy Butcher killed me, then not only would it ruin him, proving once and for all that he was just as dangerous as believed, but the Office would be shuttered as a failure. The contingency, since a backup plan is always needed where humans are concerned, would be to utilize the free reign that comes when staffing becomes run thinner. I’d never fully staffed, it hadn’t seemed necessary. I managed to cover more tasks than most, Billy aided several areas, and so on and so forth. Knock me out, even with the bit that I was doing from ‘home’, and a wiggle space was created for someone or someones to dig in and push forward. Surveillance. Or monitoring in person.
I made a truly rookie mistake. Cockiness, a belief in my own superior intelligence and abilities, and it got us here. Now how to fix it?
 The first on my list of things to accomplish toward the goal of getting things back on track with Billy and me in the pilot and copilot seats would be to have a confidential sit down with him, alone and unobserved. Paranoia thy name is Dr. Veronica Taylor.
“Ronnie?” Billy was staring at me like he thought I might bolt, and I was considering it, honestly. “Love, you alright?” I nodded, picking up my fork and absently eating while trying to think of where we could go off to, how I could find a way to let him know what I’d realized.
“I’m fine,” I smiled, or at least I tried to. From the look that Billy was giving me, I had doubts that it was convincing. “Just can’t wait to get out of here and have you all to myself.” Truer words. Just not in the sense that he might think. “In fact, Mr. Butcher, spring me from this joint, and maybe I’ll show you a preview.” His smirk grew to a full blown smile and I felt my heart speed up in response, the entire building becoming privy to how this man made me feel.
“Let me see what I can do, Veronica.” A soft kiss and he rushed off, leaving me to my own rushing thoughts of how to find a way to tell him just how fucked up the entire situation really was.
 First of all, I knew that Vought could and did implant chips into certain supes (recall Starlight’s removal of hers). If they had the capabilities to GPS their supes, what else could they chip them for? Could they implant audio/video chips? I racked my brain for any CIA tech knowledge of gadgets and gizmos that might have crossed my desk recently, but then again, I was out of the office for an extended period of time now.
Even if they ONLY implanted a GPS tracker ON ME, that didn’t mean they couldn’t use it to access the surveillance video of nearby equipment. Look, paranoia comes from knowledge, and I work for the CIA. We’re not called the Central INTELLIGENCE Agency for nothing, people.
I was worried about the antidote, too. What if it wasn’t actually a cure? What if it was another fucking variant? Or hell, what if it was just regular fucking Compound V, forcing my fucking body into regular old fucking supe soup? Damn it, I fucking was in KNOTS.
 Billy came back after work, after a day filled with more tests, more questions about how I felt. More “are you feeling warm”? More “is your abdomen tender”? And more times for me to actually feel like a fucking spy than any other time in my entire fucking existence.
“There you are,” his voice, the only fucking voice I fucking cared to hear finally. “Good news, love,” I looked up from the book I’d been hiding behind for what seemed like fucking hours. “Not only can I spring you for the day tomorrow, but the entire weekend-”
I tossed the book and would have jumped into his arms, but I was still wearing my catheter. Fuck. “Back to our house?” I was excited, but then I stopped myself. Vought had had over a month to gain access to our house. Freedom to install whatever they wanted inside our home in order to keep track of me, Billy, our private lives and our progress at work and- I was still missing something, but what?! I felt like screaming, but instead I smiled.
“Actually, I thought I’d spoil my girl with a weekend away,” I let him pull me into his chest, snuggling into the warmth of him, his broadness, his strength. “Away from doctors and needles, and beeping, and noise and questions.” Was I imagining the undertone in his voice? The undercurrent of suspicion, that paranoia that I knew existed within him. Maybe the old Billy Butcher wasn’t completely scrubbed clean after all. “Gonna surprise you, Ronnie,” he pulled back, eyes twinkling, and with a wink and a swat on my behind, he told me to grab only my purse, since he had a bag ready for me in the car.
 He meant a different car from his or mine. Completely different. Not even a company car. And that meant I was right, because we left Vought in HIS car, met Frenchie and Kimiko in this unmarked blah of a car, and then drove off in the opposite direction from where we’d gone to see the house we wanted to buy.
I was still afraid to speak, even with my purse left behind in his car. Billy’s hand reached for mine, and I sighed when our skin touched. “It’s safe, Ronnie.”
 “How can you be sure?” I muttered, jaw tense. Unsure, so damn unsure that I wasn’t a ticking time bomb. For all I knew, we knew, the cleanser I was told to use on the catheter was a fucking solution to keep the kaboom at bay. “How can we be sure I’m not fucking bugged, or chipped, or fucking-”
“Trust me?” I glanced at him to see that he was darting looks my way. Nodding to let him know that I most certainly did trust him, he smirked. “I’m taking you to some people that Mallory found to have a peek see. She’s had some doubts for awhile now, but it takes time, Ronnie.” I sighed, still tense. “Told you, I won’t lose you.”
“How far are we going?” I wanted to know how long I had to sit on pins and needles.
He kept his eyes on the road, but his hand stayed with mine. “Not far, ever been to Mallory’s house?” I shook my head and he took note out of the corner of his eye. “She don’t give out many invites, so that don’t surprise me. This is one of her hideaways. She don’t count it as her home, so she deemed it a safe spot. Don’t think it’s in her name even. She’ll meet us there, not even Frenchie or the others know where it is, just in case.”
In case I was chipped, I thought, so the collateral damage was minimal. “What if-”
“The clean up crew is on standby.” His voice was clipped, and I knew he hoped that if push came to shove, that the clean up crew was going to be used simply to clean up HIS mess, not Vought’s.
 The “house” we went to was glass and concrete. Reminded me more of our office complex tucked into a shale hillside than it did a home or even a safe house. Not that it really mattered since I was simply there for the damn doctors and science nerds to poke and prod at me to see if I was fucked up or fucked over.
I was happy that Mallory didn’t treat me like an invalid, that was a saving grace. She didn’t tisk at me, or cluck her tongue and tell me how sorry she was that this was happening. Instead she asked what I thought the plan of attack could be. We discussed things as though my body were merely a secondary object, even as I was worked over.
One scientist/doctor took the cleansing fluid for a sample, another took a sample from the catheter itself. Bloodwork, because of course, was taken. My vitals, because what day would be completely without me hearing my heartbeat in surround sound along with internal and external temperatures. On and on, but no one asked me the usual questions, or the ones that Vought asked, so I started to puzzle out those questions.
Why would they focus on those particular questions?
First, how was I feeling today? OK that one was standard regardless of where someone was a patient. Skip that one. Second, was I feeling warm? That one was slightly more focused. Given the fact that my first NOTICEABLE symptom of my pregnancy was the steaming skin, and my temperature rising when Billy was anywhere near me, or when I was pissed off. OK, but once the tiny intruder was yanked and scraped out of me, the regulation it afforded me left as well, causing that symptom to go off the rails. When they asked that in the early days, it made sense, if I was feeling warmer it would mean that the blood cleansing wasn’t working and holy shit balls clear the room, right? But once I was doing better with the ‘antidote’? Why was it so fucking shocking then? If it’s a fix, even if it’s a trial period, they were asking more fucking often-
“Hey, doctors?” Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared down at me because I was prone AGAIN. “What are my internal and external temperatures?” They noted them and they were both normal. “Take them again, please.” I waited, and considered how my nerves felt and how I wasn’t just anxious but irritated. They told me it had risen ten degrees and I groaned. Fuck. “Yeah, not a fucking antidote.” Shit. “Rush the test on the cleanser, would you?” I heard the movement and the muttering.”
“Ronnie?” It was Mallory, and I felt Billy’s hand on my cheek. “What’s going on, precisely?”
“They always ask the same questions.” I kept my eyes closed. Trying to gather my wits, and calm myself, since I was now my best fucking regulator. “First question is a throwaway, probably habit or hell for all I know it’s meant to make me think as much. Second one is ALWAYS about how warm I feel. Always. Even after-”
“They gave you the ‘cure’.” Billy’s voice was a hiss. “Those fucking cunts.”
“Are there other questions?” Mallory sounded sick, and I understood because I felt sick.
I nodded, feeling like the bile was rushing up. “Just one more. ‘Do I feel any tenderness in my abdomen?’” I could FEEL both of them staring at the catheter embedded in my abdomen. “I thought it was because that’s where I-”
“Where you hemorrhaged,” Billy whispered, his hand touching mine gently. “I signed for them to put that in you,” his voice sounded tortured and for a beat I had to hand it to Vought, they did something that even Homelander hadn’t managed to do. They’d hit Billy lower than even that caped fucker.
 The cleanser solution, what I’d taken as a benign solution to flush out a catheter whose redundancy would soon be made obsolete, had a tiny added substance that seemed to have a bit of my least favorite supe included. Yes, you read that right, I’d been flushing my catheter out with a wee bit of Homelander swimmers. I don’t even want to try to understand the genetic logic of that, and I nearly threw up when they attempted to explain it.
Billy punched a fucking wall. I envied him that, since I couldn’t actually get fucking pissed enough to do that, or I’d probably blow up and kill us all.
The antidote was clearly an antidon’t. It didn’t have Compound V, from what the doctors could see, what the determined was that with the TINY bit of Homelander leavings that they were adding into the solution to clean the catheter, they hoped to delay the inevitable, which was basically my body shutting down rather than going POP. Yes, Vought fully expected me to die, but they seemed intent on me dying in their clinic as a terrible side effect of a horrible mistake gone wrong. Sort of bandaid a bullet wound situation.
Another wall got a rather forceful introduction to Billy’s fist and once again, I was envious, but resigned.
Luckily, the doctor who seemed far more relaxed and confident assured me that he was fairly sure that I wasn’t as doomed as Vought hoped. In fact, he offered if he could have more time to study me he felt convinced he could not only remove the problematic substance, but return me to my normal human self.
I caught Mallory’s eye, hoping she would give me a sign that somehow she hadn’t accidentally pulled a fucking psycho from the pile. She smiled and shook her head, so I asked him how precisely were we going to manage this extended visit, since I was pretty fucking sure that Vought had me bagged and tagged to the hilt.
“Simple,” his smile grew as my heart sank. “We remove any chipped bit that might be within your body.”
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mizu-writes-kumo · 6 years
Waiting for Our Love
I have thing to do...but like I wrote this instead, because...responsibilities.  That and I wanted it...and a post wasn’t going to do it justice.
“Are we still best friends?” Shiro heard Hunk ask innocently from the table behind him.
“No, Hunk, you absolutely hate my guts and want my right kidney to have has a trophy.” Was the over the top sarcastic reply from Lance.
Sort of…
It was Lance.  
He was just a good eighteen years older and from the future.
Because...well...there some some temporal space mix-up.  And their present Lance and him switched places.  Meaning their Lance was safely in their future.  Something Lance knows because he vaguely remembered it happening...though it’s also like the memory is still forming.
So the possibly they figure out a way to help him back is high.
Lance just doesn't know how…
Cause he hasn't lived it yet…
And if Pidge explained to to him...it had been 18 years since that happen.  His memory is good for somethings.  Being told some sciency stuff for the one time he accidentally discovered time travel to be possible, was not one of them.
And Shiro thought the while dying/not dying/clone thing was complicated.
Time travel was a whole other quazinacking ballgame of complicated.
Hunk gasped loudly at the words, knocking Shiro from his thoughts.  Lance laughed loudly in reply to the sound.  Something that easily drowned out Hunk’s whine at the very idea.
“I’m joking, bud.” Lance laughed out airily.  Shiro peeked back to see the older version of Lance loop his arm over Hunk’s shoulders.  “Of course, we’re still friends where I come from.  I don't the universe will explode with me telling you that fact.”
Hunk beamed as Shiro turned back to the coffee maker sputtering away in front of him.
It had been an agreed fact that the older version of Lance shouldn't say much of his present and past and their future.  As it could influences events and choices, ultimately changing things within time. And create a whole chaotic mess...or erase Lance from time completely.
In fact is was something Lance stated after saying he’s peace of what happened, and they has confirmed that, yeah, he was Lance.  Which Coran had jumped right on agreeing with, and Pidge observing that was actually smart for Lance to say.  Which earned her a flick on the forehead and a snappy comment back from Lance about respecting her elders, and 8 times out of 10 he was right about things.
And Shiro respected the rule.
Mostly because he was still trying to make sense of time travel in general.
But everyone seemed to make a game out of asking Lance questions to answer.  Toying with how much of peek or answer Lance would give them.  Of if they could catch him off guard enough to say something without thinking.
So far Lance was pretty damn good at answering without actually answering.
“You’re married.” Veronica said suddenly.
“Oh...ugh...yeah.”  Lance responded easily, sounding like he was shrugging and a little caught off guard.  “Guess that is pretty obvious without my armor on.  Sorry, it's been like 15 years for me...so…”
It’s nothing new, and You’re use to it were left hanging in there air.
“Ma’s gonna kill you.”  Veronica continued in a slight sneer.
“Yes, Veronica,”  Lance said, and Shiro can hear him rolling his eyes in his seat.  “Ma is going to kill her little baby boy because he accidentally time traveled from the future because of mythic space robot lions and is 15-years married in said future.”  
There is a pause in the conversation, then…
“Ow! Quazinack, Allura!”  Lance snapped in a panic.
Shiro turned to peek back at the group to find Allura inspecting the Lance’s right hand.  Or more specifically the darkened silver band around his ring finger.  She hand yanked it towards herself, which had pulled Lance into Hunk somewhat awkwardly.  
Not that Hunk look like he cared, rather he was looking with Allura.
“This is Solm’rian Steel.”  The Altean state in amazement, her finger tapping at the metal.  “That’s extremely difficult to mine and use to make anything.  And this is Altean Silver!”
Lance ripped his hand out of her gasp.  Pulling it back to him with something of a glare as he held his hand close to his chest.  An effort to no doubt stop Allura from grabbing his hand again and looking at the ring more.  Almost like there was something there would give something away.
And maybe there was…
Or maybe he’s just protecting the ring general design.  So it plays as little influence as possible on events he already knew.
“Didn’t peg you as a commitment type of person.”  Pidge stated flatly.
Her chair suddenly jerked, scratching loudly against the floor in a little burst.  Lance jerked a bit too just a little for.  Pidge snapped her head up to glare, but Lance just sent her a dazzle smile as he crossed his arms.  The biggest ‘what are you going to do’ expression on his face Shiro had ever seen.
With a roll of his eyes, Shiro turned back to preparing his coffee how he liked it.
“So…”  Veronica said after a moment.
“So what?”  Lance asked in return.
Sounding like he knew exactly the question she was going to ask, but playing the dumbest being on the planet.  He hummed slightly after a half second of quiet past.
“Who is it?”  Veronica asked simply.
“I’m sorry but were you there for the ‘I’m not going to tell you about the future’ discussion?  Cause that is a very clear cannot answer question.  For...a lot of reasons.”
“You can just tell me.”  Veronica countered so cunningly.
“No, you will be a pain if you know.”  Lance snapped back.  “To both me and my hus--spouse.  So, yeah, definitely not telling you who they are.”
“What about me?” Hunk asked.
“You’d be worse, Hunk.”  Lance answered with a small sigh.  “And you’d probably spontaneously combust if I did tell you anyway.  Not because of temporal reason, but I know you, Hunk.  And you also made a three tier cake when I told you that one time I told you told you I got a date with some I liked and had threw confetti at me. I still have no idea where you got the confetti from. So...no.”
“Okay, who is off the table.  What about how you met them?” Veronica asked smartly.
Lance groaned loudly in frustration.  Before simply answering, “Voltron.”
Which given how many other life forms and people they’ve all run into because of Voltron, the answer was crazy vague.  Probably why Lance gave it up.  It gave no time or place, or even a who.
And then suddenly it was a like a chaotic game of twenty questions.
Everyone asking some question for the smallest inch of an answer.  Almost like it was a competition who could milk the most answers.  Or they could puzzle piece their own answer.  Even Coran joined in at some point, curiously asking about a handful of things. Which made Lance gasp in horror.  Even Keith asked a question at one point, which Pidge had seconded for an answer excitedly.
Lance groaned loudly under everything.
Shiro turned around once his coffee was prepared.  
Lance was massaging at his temples with both hands.  Looking more like a tired chaperon one a field trip with over excited cadets in the gray officers uniform they gave him, than anything else.  Which was amazing because he could rangle a room full of kids into behaving like it was nothing.  Yet he looked like he as at his whits end on what to do to get them to all shut up.  Because he can’t appease their wants.  
So unlike the present version of himself.
He glanced up at Shiro.  
Almost like he was looking for help to get everyone to stop.  Help Shiro wasn’t sure he could supply.  Partly because it seemed like they were all reaching the point of ignoring him, too caught up in the fun of it all to really notice...let alone listen.  And partly, because Shiro was a little curious himself.  It wasn’t every day someone from the future falls out of the sky.
So Shiro just shrugged at him helplessly.
“Alright, I will give you one hint.”  Lance declared in effort to shut everyone up.  Something that worked amazingly well.  “One hint about my significant other.  That’s it.  You all stop asking after, okay?”  He continued, like he was talking to five year olds.  “Okay?!”
Everyone collectively nodded in agreement.  Veronica, Allura, and Hunk chorusing a small return ‘okay’.
Lance paused for a moment.
More than letting the tension in the room build before he said anything.
Clearing his throat he started.  “Okay, according to my spouse...I am the only thing cooler than space.”
Shiro suddenly choked on his coffee he decided to sip.
Managing to both inhale and exhale the hot liquid at the words.  Falling into a rough coughing fit.  One that caused him to slightly double over as he tried to catch the coffee still in his mouth with a napkin, and sounded like he was hacking up a lung.
And of course, it caused everyone to turn to look at him instantly.
“Shiro?”  Keith asked, as Shiro cleared his throat a few times.  “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah...fine.”  Shiro waved off, with a breath of a cough.  “Just the wrong pipe is all.”  He added with a gesture towards his throat with the words.
The answer seemed to satisfy Keith and everyone else.
Or mostly everyone else.
Shiro wished Lance didn’t look so quazinacking smug.
AN: So, yeah after the comic preview came out and blessed us all with that Shance content.  All I could think about was a Future!Married!Lance crashing into the present time stream.  Basically just this...
Also Present!Lance is stuck in the future dealing with a Worried!Married!Shiro who wants his husband back...while also not trying to let the past version of hubby know he is said-hubby.  And all the other Paladins are watching poor Shiro suffer...
I hope you liked it.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
Shameless 9x13 “Lost” Review
Next week, the ninth season of Shameless will come to a close, and Emmy Rossum who plays Fiona will make her final exit (as far as we know). The seasons to come must be carried on the backs of the remaining Gallaghers we’ve come to know and love. But what does the future look like for those whose lives will continue to play out offscreen?
In the second to last episode of the season and Fiona’s onscreen story, we begin to get a glimpse at what her life may become, and how she might get out of the Southside in a more positive way than her brother Ian, who may show up again next season as teased by Cameron Monaghan, who plays him.
After being given an ultimatum by Lip, Fiona seems to wake up having done a complete 180. After helping an injured Frank get to the hospital, she meets with a public defender who tells her if she gets a job and attends AA, a jury may believe she’s contributing to society and overlook her previous felony when deciding how to rule. This is, of course, in relation to her punching a woman while drunk a few episodes back. Fiona follows the woman’s instructions, attending a meeting and getting a job at a gas station doing the overnight shift.
Kevin and Veronica get into their own legal trouble when the daycare they’ve sent twin daughters Gemma and Amy to discovers that they aren’t the same person. The nuns give them two options: Either they can pay a hefty fee, or Kevin can play Jesus in an upcoming pageant. He’ll need to drag an extremely heavy cross the 150 feet from the school to the church, but Kev agrees, thinly avoiding being charged with fraud.
Meanwhile, Lip chases a closed-off Tammi around town after discovering she’s going to see a doctor without him. Lip wants to support her and his unborn child, especially after her father showed up at his house questioning his motives, but Tammi doesn’t want any help making decisions regarding her and the baby. Eventually, she confides in Lip that she got tested for the BRCA gene, which will determine if she’s at high risk for developing breast cancer and if so, whether or not having children will decrease her risk. This is essentially where the conversation ends, as Lip can’t get much more out of Tammi.
Across town, Frank undergoes surgery after stumbling out of Fiona’s old building just as demolition starts. The hospital staff attempts to figure out how they can get him out as quickly as possible, as Frank has a reputation for stealing pills and not paying any of his bills.
At work, Carl faces an armed robber and wins by using his pent up anger from Kelly dumping him and beating him with various objects on the counter. When he gets back to the house, the bad blood between him and Debbie continues as she hangs out with Kelly. The two girls bond while shopping for military gear, as Kelly is about to head back to school. Feeling closer than ever to her, Debbie attempts to kiss Kelly as they’re cuddling on the couch. Unfortunately, her feelings are not reciprocated and she’s left feeling sad and a bit naive when Kelly decides to leave.
Though Debbie is heartbroken, Carl manages to cheer her up, and the two bond over their hatred for the girl who hurt both of them. It’s a nice moment between siblings especially after the strain that’s been on their relationship lately. Carl also tells his sister that he didn’t get into Westpoint, to which she offers a simple but sincere “Sorry.”
And all the while, Liam is at his friend’s house playing video games, watching movies, and eating homemade biscuits. Though his siblings have been texting and calling him all day, Liam is bitter that it’s taken them two days to notice he’s gone (I don’t blame you, Liam). So, he doesn’t answer any of them and continues to live lavishly with his buddy — which definitely beats staying in the Gallagher house.
While Fiona is working her first shift, Max comes into the store. He tells Fiona that the building she invested $100,000 in actually is going to be turned into a nursing home at some point in the next year, and that he wants to buy out her share. Stunned, Fiona can’t do much except agree to figure out logistics in the morning. It looks like this might be her first and last shift at the gas station.
So, it looks like Fiona isn’t going to leave Shameless in a cop car or a body bag after all. Throughout her emotional decline, it’s seemed like the eldest Gallagher sibling might not be able to pull herself together. Her siblings weren’t helping her, her friends weren’t helping her, and she certainly wasn’t helping herself. Now, though, Fiona has a chance that the audience thought would be handed to Frank through the Hobo Loco games — a surplus of money. And with the family just not the same as it once was, I won’t be surprised if Fiona decides to abandon the home she’s spent most of her life building.
In this episode, Fiona and Lip did finally have a conversation about getting back up and trying again. This particular conversation is extremely satisfying, but again, seems long overdue. Having been through an alcohol addiction and the recovery process from that addiction, there’s no reason Lip couldn’t have encouraged his sister to get up and try again when she got fired from her job for being drunk all the time on the clock.
And, sidenote, how is it that Fiona was spending her entire last paycheck on alcohol just last episode, but now seems to be having no trouble refraining from drinking? Even just one shot of Fiona looking at a bottle longingly for a few seconds could’ve made her crawl out of alcohol dependency more believable. Even if she isn’t actually an alcoholic, it’s hard for me to follow that she’s suddenly fine, going to an AA meeting and getting a job all within one episode.
This brings me back to my issue with the show’s pacing this season. There were so many episodes of Fiona walking around town drunk, interacting with a few people, going home and going to bed. All of this filler could’ve been replaced with actual plot points, like Fiona getting arrested and fired, a lot earlier. Then, she would’ve had this motivation to get better and we would’ve watched her struggle to do so. Unfortunately, we now have one more episode for a grand total of two in which Fiona is attempting to recover and get her life back together, and it’s being fast-tracked by a large sum of money. Can somebody say “rushed”?
Ignoring the pacing, this season has all around been fairly uneventful, sans Fiona and Lip’s storylines. Lip says he might get to see Xan in a few days, and Tammi might be keeping the baby. There’s a lot of what ifs right now, and a lot that I’m hoping the finale will resolve or at least raise the stakes of. I’m having trouble caring about Xan when there’s also the pregnant Tammi storyline, though even that is hard to care about when she’s so standoffish and argumentative. I feel like she and Lip are just going in circles about what’s going on with the baby, and I for one don’t know how much longer I can stay on this ride — I’m getting dizzy.
This episode felt like a lot more filler, Frank being given a completely new storyline that can’t go much of anywhere with just one episode left in the season, and Debbie and Carl resolving a petty fight over a girl. And then there’s Kev and V, picking up a long-abandoned storyline after Kev’s vasectomy provided a couple episodes of laughs and not much else. Even Liam, who’s been absent for a while now, spent the episode playing video games with his friend.
The highlight of 9x13 was Fiona being offered her $100,000 back. Though it’s out of nowhere, I guess we just have to accept that this is how Fiona is going to better her life — unless of course she gives it to Frank to help pay off his medical bills, but I somehow doubt that’ll happen.
In the preview for the finale, we see Fiona visiting Ian in prison and also sitting down with Lip, asking him to take care of Liam, presumably, for her. I’m glad that we’ll finally get some loose ends tied up and even see a familiar face before the season ends. I’m just having trouble figuring out what questions we’re going to be left with going into Season 10, besides maybe Tammi’s decision regarding her pregnancy.
Going into the season finale, I’m hoping and praying for a huge plot twist. With the relatively slow and uneventful nature of this season, it only makes sense that the finale would be totally unexpected and jaw-dropping. As a lot of people probably are, I’m hoping deep down that Jimmy/Steve will make his return to whisk Fiona away and start a new life with her. I’ve always been on the fence about them as a couple, but I think Fiona has shown us that she needs her life to be exciting. I’d love to see Jimmy/Steve come back as a better person, but still with that dash of recklessness that Fiona needs. Regardless of if this happens or not, I just hope Fiona finds adventure somewhere. All will be revealed next week, I suppose.
Shameless airs Sundays on Showtime at 9/8c.
Jessica’s episode rating: 🐝🐝.5
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sensationalrp · 6 years
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as promised, here are our final five member groups! these ones are based on more classic films. but round off our ten member groups. your character doesn’t have to slot into any of these perfectly, especially if you feel as if your character falls in between two of them. so honestly, you can pick based on whether you like the film or the colour. we don’t mind. they’re just outlines for you guys!
there’s lots more previews and exciting things coming your way, so stay tuned!
silence of the lambs
you choose your words carefully. they are like bullets on your tongue ready to fire. you are considerate, every thought and movement carefully planned to ensure you are always on the top. sometimes it may seem like you don’t care, but in actual fact for some of you, you almost care too much. you care about how you are perceived, you want to be perfect, the best, and sometimes you break down when you cant manage that. you can be quite abrasive, seem disinterested in others problems. you are self indulgent, always talking about your problems, yet, when you need to be, you can be loyal. fiercely so, protective over those you love and those you care about. you’d fight to the death for them. even for those who didn't ask for it.
character parallels: hannibal lecter (hannibal), cersei lannister (game of thrones), paris gellar (gilmore girls), klaus mikkaelson (the originals), elliot anderson (mr robot), sheldon cooper (the big bang theory), spencer hastings (pretty little liars)
shakespeare in love
you dream big. its intoxicating, you want the world and you want to give the world to those you love. you have a big heart and you want to give every piece of it away and you try to, you are determined to. you believe in tradition, in the man proposing to the woman, to getting flowers on valentines day and going to church on sundays. you wildly, passionately dream of love. you day dream about it, wonder whether you will ever achieve it. your dreams are powerful things and sometimes, they are your only focus, your biggest dream, however, is to fall in love, to be in love and to provide for your family. you work hard, as hard as you can. your work ethic is enviable, you never stop. you make great employees, quietly getting on with it.
character parallels: caroline forbes (the vampire diaries), kara danvers (supergirl), betty cooper (riverdale), dean forrester (gilmore girls), karolina dean (the runaways), phoebe halliwell (charmed), jack pearson (this is us)
you live for dramatics, centre stage, lights on you. you are driven by your emotions and they can get the better of you. they lead you, and you follow them. no matter what dark hole they send you to. you trust your gut above all else. it barely ever fails you, you think. you have a tendency to do whatever the hell you want, especially when it involves being spontaneous. you don’t like to plan, you like to do. reading instructions is not the kind of thing you’re interested in. some of you thrive on conflict, on being the centre of drama, you like to believe your life is tragic and you are a firm believer in being the protagonist of your own story. you are your own hero, you don't need anyone to save you.
character parallels: eleanor shellstrop (the good place), rebecca bunch (crazy ex girlfriend), hanna marin (pretty little liars), izzie stevens (grey’s anatomy), janis ian (mean girls), kurt hummel (glee), draco malfoy (harry potter)
you can’t help but take risks, it’s in your blood. you want to know the truth, you are determined and you’ll do anything to do it. your self preservation is second to your determination to get to the bottom of something or finding that next adrenaline rush. you may find you jumping headfirst out of an aeroplane or in the wild, living off nature just for the thrill. some of you get that thrill from your work, just the feeling of stepping on set or in the recording studio, starting a new project. you are passionate about what you do and when you speak, people listen to you. you are a commanding presence, made to lead and people listen to you. you can be calming, cool, easy to be around, everyone’s friend.
character parallels: jughead jones (riverdale), veronica mars (veronica mars), meredith grey (grey’s anatomy), robb stark (game of thrones), alex danvers (supergirl), sirius black (harry potter), allison delaurentis (pretty little liars)
gone with the wind
you are the voice of reason in any room you walk into, careful, calm, soft. you’re intelligent, but you don’t boost about it, you are more likely to quietly let others get the credit while you do all the work. you can be indecisive at times, but mostly you just step back and let others do what suits them. you are maternal, caring, you care wildly about what people thing, but you don’t want to let it on. you listen to all sides of an argument rationally before forming an opinion and you consider the needs of others in everything that you do. you may not be a middle child, but you are often a mediator between other big personalities around you. you’re a judge, you have a quiet power that people respect but you never command the presence, you are usually happy to let others lead, but you do guide. guide them to the right answers, inform them of their mistakes. you are respected. people look to you for advice and guidance and you hold that power with a stern responsibility.
character parallels: piper halliwell (charmed), rory gilmore (gilmore girls), loras tyrell (game of thrones), bran stark (game of thrones), emily fields (pretty little liars), chidi anagonye (the good place), amy santiago (brooklyn nine nine), mon-el (supergirl), toni topaz (riverdale)
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folklore-musings · 7 years
Camera Shy Part 10
Summary: AU. Jughead is an aspiring photographer. His final project requires him to shoot nude photos of someone who inspires him. With no one else to ask Jughead asks Betty. Insecure of her body Betty is quick to shoot the idea down, until Jughead reminds her that she owes him.
Find all previous parts on tumblr HERE
Read on AO3 HERE
A/N:  thank you to everyone who's kept up with this story and badgered me into continuing it. It's been rough but this story is my baby, and I'm relieved I was finally able to update. The next two chapters will be much longer, but with school in full force I don't know when I'll be able to update, but I'll try my best. Much love to you all <3 (PS Riverdale season two starts back up in 24 days!)
Betty waits in the patient’s chair, leaning back and letting her knees rest against each other as she holds the dressing gown closed. There’s an old episode of Friends playing on the TV up in the corner that catches her attention, and she watches it to help soothe her nerves. She was finally about to get the pregnancy clarification she needed.
She’s so enraptured in the show that she misses when Jughead enters the room with his Polaroid dangling from his neck. “I thought I told you no pictures?” Betty reminds him upon noticing his arrival.
“Technically you said no videotaping. Photographing and videotaping are two completely different things.” He tells her, moving to her side and bending forward to place a chaste kiss to her forehead. He pushes the loose pieces of her hair behind her ear and rubs his thumb along her jaw lightly. “Are you scared?”
Betty purses her lips and shakes her head. “Not so much scared as anxious. I need to know if this real,” she mumbles, reaching up to grab Jughead’s hand and hold it against her cheek a little while longer. She hadn’t been sick since that fatal morning, but somehow she felt different. Different good or different bad she was unsure, it was just different.
She’d done a complete 180 with her diet. No more Chinese food and pizza multiple times a week. She focused more on salads and organic chicken. Much to her dismay, Pop’s chicken tenders were not organic. Instead of cereal she opted for smoothies for breakfast and tried to avoid Pop Tate’s milkshakes. Although Jughead had promised her a vanilla shake with her name on it after this appointment and Betty couldn’t wait. Consciously eating healthy was hard.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Jughead nods his head towards the door and Betty’s eyes follow his motion, noticing the doctor had joined them.
“Hello there. I’m Dr. Greyson.” The doctor’s young, maybe early thirties and she smiles friendly at the two of them. She reaches out to shake Jughead’s hand and then Betty’s. “Could you please sit up Betty?”
“Of course,” Betty sputters, making sure to hold the patient’s gown close to her body as she adjusts her position, the paper beneath her on the bed crinkling obnoxiously with every slight movement.
The regular check-up ensues. Betty’s reflexes are great, her blood pressure is near perfect and her lungs are healthy. As she sits Betty hears the click of a camera go off and gives Jughead a look that she’s sure could kill. “Ignore him.” Betty tells Dr. Greyson.
Dr. Greyson looks back over to Jughead and smiles. “I think it’s sweet that he’s excited to be here. Most young men refuse to step foot into this room for the first check.” The doctor turns her back to grab a few items from the counter and Jughead cocks his head to the side, a smirk on his face reminding Betty that she’s pretty damn lucky she has him in her life.
The test happens so quickly Betty can barely believe she was so nervous to begin with. A quick sample of her blood was all Dr. Greyson needed in order to determine whether Betty really was pregnant or not. “You should receive a call by tomorrow afternoon notifying you of the results.”
Betty nods her head, wondering why the nurse had instructed her to don the ridiculous patient’s gown if she wasn’t even going to need it. Oh well. “Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you.” Betty watches as the doctor exits, leaving her and Jughead alone once more in the room.
“Turn around Jug, I need to change.”
Jughead shifts the weight on his legs and crosses his arms, looking at Betty with a dumbfounded expression on his face. “Betty, I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. I think I can handle watching you change.”
Inwardly groaning, Betty hops off the bench and turns her back to Jughead, letting the gown fall from her shoulders softly. When she hears the familiar click of Jughead’s camera she whips her head around so fast she practically gives herself whiplash. “No.”
Jughead stands there, shaking the most recent photo of her in his hand delicately. “No what?”
Betty sighs and pulls on her clothes quickly as she thinks of what she wants to say to him. Despite everything they’d been through the past two months, Betty was still extremely uncomfortable with her body. The rough angles of her skin and 10 pounds of comfort weight she’d gain since they started dating were beginning to show in all the wrong areas. She pulls her shirt on over her head and grabs her purse, ready to leave. “No more pictures! Don’t you have enough naked photos of me to last a lifetime?”
Jughead smirks and grabs her hand, Betty hesitantly accepting the feeling of his calloused fingers against her palm. When it came to Jughead, she could never stay upset for very long. He presses a kiss to her temple and leads her out the door. “Never Betts. Never.”
When they get home Betty slumps right into her favorite spot on the couch, content to with one of Pop’s milkshakes clutched in her right hand. She’d been too tired to eat in, and Jughead was not opposed to ordering takeout. Together they spent the rest of the afternoon binge watching anything and everything Betty wanted, which mostly consisted of old 90s cartoons. The more Betty was afraid that she really was pregnant, the more she wanted to stay young and carefree.
“Mama Copper is going to castrate you.” Archie says while purchasing a popcorn for the movie he and Veronica were about to see. It’d been a few weeks since the news of Betty’s possible pregnancy became common knowledge and Archie wouldn’t let Jughead forget it. Veronica jams her elbow into Archie’s side, forcing him to shut up. “What was that for?” He complains, rubbing his ribs tenderly.
Jughead laughs and Veronica’s quick to respond. “If you knocked me up would you want your best friend reminding you that my parents would remove your testicles because you got me pregnant?” Archie winces at the thought and Ronnie continues on, barely noticing his reaction. “No, you wouldn’t. So shut up about it already, can’t you tell he’s freaking out?”
Ronnie stomps ahead of the boys, leaving them standing there next to the concessions, watching her leave with their jaws dropped in unison. “Is she right?” Archie asks, turning to Jughead. “Am I really being that oblivious?”
Jughead grabs his own popcorn from behind the counter and pops a few buttery pieces into his mouth. He nods. “Since when do you know the meaning of oblivious?”
Archie grins and moves to pay for his popcorn, purchasing a cup for a soda. “It was today’s Word of the Day in my calendar.”
Unable to stop himself from laughing, Jughead grabs a cup from his coworker at the register and gets himself a drink as well. “That is fucking fantastic. Best news I’ve heard all day.”
“Yeah OK go ahead and laugh. Ronnie got it for me for Easter.” Archie admits. They begin to follow Veronica towards the theater. “I am really sorry though if I’ve been making things worse for you. I just can’t get over the fact that Betty’s pregnant. And that it’s yours.”
Jughead claps a hand on Archie’s shoulder and directs him to his theater. “It’s OK Arch. Just please refrain from any more mentions of me losing my balls. I’m very attached to them.”
“I will. Now get back to work.”
They bid each other goodbye as Archie headed into the theater, while Jughead continues on towards the Projection Room. There he set down his popcorn and his drink and adjusted the film reel. Reaching for the switch he dimmed the lights in the theater and began to show the previews. He grabs his pop and leans back in his chair, setting his feet up on the desk in front of him. He can’t help but think about what Archie told him about Betty’s mom, Alice Cooper. Alice was a force to be reckoned with, and suddenly Jughead had a serious fear of losing one of his favorite appendages.
While the movie plays Jughead constantly checks his phone, waiting for an incoming update from Betty. It was already three in the afternoon and he couldn’t believe the doctor still hadn’t called with Betty’s test results. He was surprised he was even able to eat; he was so worried about the potential outcome. Then again who was he trying to fool? Jughead never lost his hearty appetite.
The movie’s in full swing when Jughead’s phone lights up on the desk in front of him. Knocking the popcorn over in the process, he lunges for his phone, picking up midway through the first ring. “Betty?” he asks hurriedly into the receiver.
“Hey Jughead, how’s it going?”  Her voice is silky smooth on the other line and Jughead’s silently praying she has the news he’d been waiting to hear about all morning.
How’s it going, he wonders to himself incredulously. I’m going out of my fucking mind is how its going. Somehow he keeps his cool when he answers, although how he’s not sure. “Everything’s going great. Archie and Ronnie are here to see that new Avengers movie. We’re pretty busy for a Sunday afternoon…” He pauses, inhaling a quick breath before continuing. “…Did they call?”
The other end of the line is silent for what feels like an entire eternity, and when Betty responds, it’s not what Jughead expects to hear. “Check your messages,” is all Betty has to say.
Jughead removes the phone from his ear and hastily clicks on the green messaging icon. The only message he has is from Betty, and when he opens it up he’s surprised to find a photo. There on his screen, is a picture of a Polaroid. And within that Polaroid is another Polariod, one with a positive pregnancy test captured with the caption ‘Oh Baby’. The new Polaroid is captioned in Betty’s tidy scrawl labeled ‘Coming Soon December 2017’.
He brings the phone back up to his ear, trying to hide emotion in his voice he speaks next. But before he can get a word in Betty cuts him off, “Did you get the message?”
Jughead leans back in his chair and covers his face in his hand. “We’re going to be parents.”
“It’s official – I really am pregnant.” She’s silent before she speaks once more. “What are you thinking about, Jughead?”
For once Jughead isn’t thinking about anything. He’s not hyperventilating or freaking out like he thought he would. Instead his mind is as free and clear as a cloudless day and they only words he can think to respond with are, “I’m thinking I’ve never loved you more than I do right now. We’ll talk more when I get home.”
They bid each other goodbye, and it’s only when the line clicks dead that Betty’s news really sinks in his stomach like a ton of bricks cemented together. How in the hell was he, Jughead, supposed to raise a baby on a movie theater employee’s income?
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daleisgreat · 5 years
20 Years of Dreamcast: Thinking of Dreamcast’s Legacy for 20 Years!
Where were you for quadruple nine, AKA September 9, 1999? That was the marketing friendly launch date of the Sega Dreamcast in North America, which will make it 20 years old. Such a landmark anniversary inspired me to craft another gaming reflection piece here looking back on my memories with the Dreamcast over the years. If you missed my similar anniversary articles earlier this year for the Genesis and GameBoy please click here to get caught up.
The first thing that comes to mind all these years later of the Dreamcast is that it ended up the first system that released when I had a job and could afford it entirely on my own. I got my first part-time high school job mere days after turning 16 about a half year earlier in 1999 and was fine picking up the occasional new game for our family’s N64 during that timeframe. However, around August of 1999 the first issue of Official Dreamcast Magazine (ODM) hit newsstands and it really popped compared to other gaming magazines. It was the first oversized gaming magazine that I can recall and they crammed in tons of news, special editorial features, previews and reviews in every issue and not a millimeter of page-space seemed wasted. It also had a bright colorful art scheme consistent throughout most issues compared to its competitors and in hindsight it was the ideal color scheme due to the unorthodox lineup of eye-popping bright games like Jet Grind Radio, Space Channel 5, Sonic Adventure and Samba de Amigo to name a few. I will give props to YouTube channel Classic Gaming Quarterly for doing a excellent page-by-page revisiting of that awesome first issue several months ago which was the catalyst for me re-reading the first four issues earlier this year. Those issues hold up splendidly and if you run across scans of any I highly recommend giving them a look-see as they perfectly encapsulate everything that made the Dreamcast as fondly remembered as it is today. That special preview issue of the Dreamcast sold me on the system with its hype of being the first 128-bit system on the market and how Sega would change gaming with its new GD-ROM disc format, interactive VMU memory card and by introducing online play with its built-in 56k modem the following year. It also had thorough previews for nearly the whole launch lineup. If you recall my Genesis write-up, I was not much of a Sonic fan and that issue only had reviews for Sonic Adventure and House of the Dead 2. I had good memories of the first HotD light gun arcade game and that review got me amped up for the sequel. By the time I was done perusing that issue of ODM a few times over I was hell-bent on getting a Dreamcast and a copy of HotD2 at launch. 9-9-99 As the Dreamcast launch approached I was legitimately unaware of being able to pre-order games or it was officially a available service yet at our local Software Etc. in the mall. I inquired there frequently when they were opening on launch day it turned they were opening early that day an hour or two before I was supposed to be at school. I convinced my dad to give me a lift there and arrived there an hour early to secure getting a system. There was only one person ahead of us and I presumed getting a system at Software Etc. in 1999 would be comparable to lining up at any other department store and getting a new product on a first people at the front of the line basis. That turned out to be the case for Dreamcast (though I do remember them instituting pre-orders the next year for the heavily anticipated PS2 launch) and I was thrilled walking out of there as planned with a Dreamcast and HotD2!
Software Etc. did not get any VMUs however and thankfully my dad checked out other stores on his lunch breaks and was able to procure me one from KB Toys. Only other problem was there were no light gun peripherals available for the Dreamcast at launch. Sega did not release their own model in America due to the controversial Columbine shootings earlier in the year, and third party models were still two-to-three months out from being available. I could play HotD2 with a controller, but I refused to accept that as an option and for the first few weeks after the Dreamcast launch I was content on playing the included demo disc and checking out games like Sonic Adventure, Hydro Thunder, Soul Calibur and Power Stone over at a friend’s place. Finally after a few weeks of that I was fed up of waiting for the light gun to hit and I took a chance and picked up Sega’s NFL 2K since I was always into football games and still sticking with older pigskin games on the N64 and playing a ton of Madden NFL ’99 in near weekly sessions on another friend’s PSone. I was instantly blown away by NFL 2K’s revolutionary leap in graphics and gameplay at that point. It had bar-raising production quality with TV-caliber replays, camera angles and insanely impressive announcer commentary which made it feel like the first football game to come off as an actual telecast. I can still pinpoint my mom walking in on me playing and doing a double take and asking if NFL 2K was real or not. NFL 2K got a ton of play in single player and in local multiplayer against friends over the next year.
Sega released five star sports games within the first year of release with hits seen above like NFL 2K, NBA 2K, Virtua Tennis and Virtua Striker For the rest of 1999 I checked out every demo included with each issue of ODM and it lead to me checking out Sega’s other sports offerings and playing a ton of NBA 2K and even a fair amount of NHL 2K. Worms Armageddon ended up being a surprise hit with friends and I loved going nuts with its Banana Bombs and Holy Hand Grenades. For Christmas of 1999 I got NBA 2K and Toy Commander. I eventually came across a light gun too and played through HotD2 several times through with a friend. Toy Commander was another lost gem on the Dreamcast I spent hours with devouring its single player missions and the local vs. multiplayer deathmatch was also fun for its time. I loved using the pressure-sensitive triggers on the Dreamcast controller to shoot free throws in NBA 2K, and speaking of the controller I am surprised there seems to be a lot of widespread disdain for peripheral. Sure, it was a little bulky, but nothing compared to the original Xbox ‘Duke’ controller or the unique ergonomics of the N64 controller. I loved the thumb-stick and directional pad, and the rest of the button layout was nearly identical to a SNES controller. If I should be nitpicking about some of the Dreamcast’s features it would be about the side effects of the painfully low battery life of the VMU. For those unfamiliar, it was Sega’s innovative memory card that also had a mini black and white LCD screen that would display gameplay tips, stats and other options and also could be unplugged from the controller to play bonus mini-games included with supported games. Unfortunately the VMU had an infamously low battery life and within a few weeks the included watch batteries would drain and would result in a notoriously loud beep from the VMU when powering on the system to indicate it was time to replace them. Additionally, the Dreamcast also had a painfully loud hard drive whenever loading game data. After awhile however I got use to the grinding hard drives and perpetual beeps and passed it off as Dreamcast’s catchy marketing slogan ‘It’s Thinking.’ As the years passed and new owners complained about those noises it sort of became a hazing-esque right of passage to them first experiencing the platform. 2000
While I was putting together an outline for this piece I was surprised to find out how much of a bummer a first half of 2000 I had with the Dreamcast. Aside from still getting lots of long-term fun with the aforementioned sports titles, almost every new game I picked up was a letdown. I never played a Resident Evil game before, but friends and classmates loved it and I saw a ton of buzz for the upcoming exclusive Dreamcast title in the series, Code Veronica, in ODM so I got it for my birthday shortly after its release. I popped it in and was completely unprepared for its tank controls the early Resident Evil games were known for and I completely stumbled around like a buffoon and could not get past the first zombie. After several attempts I pleaded with my mom to take it back to the store and exchange it for something else. After that I tried renting games more often and was disappointed with World Series Baseball 2K1 and Sonic Shuffle. The former had excellent past entries on the Genesis and Saturn, but the first Dreamcast baseball game released without the ability to control the fielders and it felt like half the game was missing. I knew Sonic Suffle was developed by Hudson Soft who also made the first couple Mario Party games I played a ton of and was excited for the Dreamcast rendition of the party game, but was stunned it was plagued with countless loading times for every turn and mini-game that soured the experience. The last big disappointment of 2000 for the Dreamcast was WWF Royal Rumble. At the time it was going to be the first exclusive Dreamcast wrestling game and I was nonetheless psyched for it. I disregarded EGM’s low review scores for them not ‘getting’ the game and presumed I would have a fabulous time with it. I came to find out later on it was a port of an arcade game I did not see available anywhere which is why it surprised me with its low amount of wrestlers on the roster and modes of play available when stacked next to other titles. After plowing through all the single player content in an afternoon I was overwrought about how the game turned out. I did wind up getting some decent value out of Royal Rumble down the line with friends in multiplayer Rumble matches, but out of the gates as the sole Dreamcast exclusive wrestling game it felt like a Kirkpatrick-esque punch in the stomach.
After those four disappointments 2000 wound up getting redeemed for the Dreamcast with a flurry of much better titles. I enjoyed playing Soul Calibur over at my friend’s, but was not head over heels for it like many others. A fighting game I did feel that way for however I took a random chance on in the summer of 2000 with Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I instantly loved its unforgettable music, chaotic three-on-three tag battles and the accessible hyper combos that did not require master precision to pull off. The game was a regular in my rotation with friends and for a couple months we held routine tournaments in my first apartment with my roommate and neighbors. It lead me to playing a ton of another Capcom fighter that same summer in Power Stone 2, which was vastly improved over the original and felt like a 3D version of Smash Bros. with simultaneous four player battles and constantly evolving stages. Demolition Racer: No Exit was a surprise hit I put way more time than I should have into it. I love demolition-derby racer games, and No Exit had a ton of tracks, demolition derby events, thrashin’ metal soundtrack and many unlocks that kept me coming back to work my way through its extensive career mode for a good three-to-four years after release. It ended up as my surprise favorite driving game on the system which is absurd compared to other first-party driving hits that did not land on my radar until many years later like Daytona USA 2001, Sega Rally 2 and Metropolis Street Racer. The awesome port of the arcade hits Crazy Taxi and 18 Wheeler had faithful home Dreamcast ports, but I played a ton of both in the arcades and got my fill of them at home with a rental. I think it is safe to say I am not alone in Crazy Taxi turning me onto Offspring and being one of the few games to make product-placement seem cool with driving like a lunatic to escort passengers to get their KFC and Pizza Hut fix. I was so bummed out to see the later 360/PS3 re-release take out the product placement and replace the Offspring’s tall licensing price soundtrack with licensing fee-friendly indie bands.
The other surprise hit of 2000 was Virtua Tennis. I tried it on ODM’s demo disc and it wound up being surprisingly fun and easy to pick up and play. Jim Courier I now associate as being the man who dethroned Jimmy Connors in his last gasp at coming close to winning a major in the early 90s and being the only American character to play as in Sega’s game. The demo wound up being hit and created buzz online about it and a quick fervor spread about it being the cannot miss Dreamcast game of the summer. Virtua Tennis was impossible to find in stores so that caused me to create an account at ebgames.com and how Virtua Tennis was the first game I ordered online. After those two games saved the year for Dreamcast, the next installments of NFL 2K and NBA 2K released which I instantly purchased and played endless hours of with friends. The 2K1 versions of both games added franchise modes and online play finally debuting for the system. I played about several rounds of both sports games online and tried to master typing out ‘good play’ on the keyboard peripheral. The games played decently, but I could not help but notice semi-constant lag over the 56k modem so after several games I stuck with my routine local multiplayer with friends.
What was being advertised as the do not miss hit for the 2000 holiday season was Sega’s much anticipated open world adventure, Shenmue. ODM and websites put a ton of hype for Shenmue leading up to its release and how Sega was putting a huge budget into it and how it was the first part of a mammoth saga, but I was not initially feeling it and that style of game seemed a bit outside my wheelhouse at the time. Shortly after its release however, I saw a used copy marked down surprisingly low at a local rental store and decided to chance it. I was shocked by its quality of graphics and cinema cutscenes for the time and before I knew it I found myself getting immersed in the open-world and having the freedom to talk and interact with nearly any major or minor NPC and their own so-bad-its-good English voiceovers. I understand Shenmue is not for everybody and its unique controls resulted in a polarizing reception for the game, but I burned through that game within a couple of weeks and loved every minute of it. I revisited it last year when Sega released HD ports on the Xbox One and PS4 last year, and after getting used to the controls I instantly got wrapped up in it again.
Dreamcast had a ton of quality fighters in its brief lifespan. Some of my favorites pictured above are Soul Calibur, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Power Stone 2 and Heavy Metal: GeoMatrix. There are several other quality fighters on the system too not pictured above such as the original MvC and Power Stone, Virtua Fighter 3TB, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Dead or Alive 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Capcom vs. SNK. This console was heaven for fighting game fans! 1-31-2001 2001 kicked off strong for the Dreamcast with ports of PC FPS hits of Unreal Tournament and Quake III both launching around the same time with online play. ODM and websites hyped up 2001 for being a big year for Dreamcast games supporting online play. I tried out those pair of FPS games at a friend’s and had a blast with them and was looking forward to the rest of 2001 for the Dreamcast even though at the time the PS2 was out for a few months and had a lot of people’s attention. Unexpectedly, towards the end of January crazy rumors started popping up about the PS2 slaughtering Dreamcast in 2000 holiday sales so bad that Sega would be discontinuing support for the system early. I immediately dismissed the rumors as ludicrous as it seemed whacked for a publisher to stop supporting a system under a year and a half after release. Sure enough however on January 31, 2001 news broke with Sega stating they would only support the Dreamcast with games for the rest of 2001 and would transition into a third party publisher role in 2002 going forward.
I was devastated with the news as a huge Dreamcast fan and continued to be bummed throughout 2001 as many anticipated Dreamcast games like Half-Life, Rez, Castlevania Resurrection, Headhunter and Tribes got cancelled and/or switched over to becoming a PS2, Xbox and GCN release. Sega and a few loyal third parties like Capcom released a steady stream of games throughout 2001 and I did get a lot of enjoyment from some of them like the addicting arcade-driving sequel Crazy Taxi 2, a decent but forgettable arcade FPS title Outrigger and a few more light gun games like the excellent HotD2 follow-up from the same developers but in a secret agent setting called Confidential Mission, the peculiar Japanese horror themed light gun shooter Death Crimson OX and the delightful surprise remaster of the original Virtua Cop tucked inside Sega Smash Pack to tide me through 2001 for Dreamcast. Sega said they would be porting their next wave of sports games to other systems a few months after their initial Dreamcast release in 2001 so I held off on them that year. I was saving my last surge of Dreamcast fandom for what the gaming press was heralding as the swan song for the Dreamcast in Shenmue II. About a couple month before its American release however Sega stunned its fans by announcing they were cancelling the American version and making it an exclusive to the Xbox a year later with touched up graphics and adding in English voiceovers that were not originally going to make their return. The Shenmue fanboy in me was furious, but I found relief in ebgames.com capitalizing on the situation by offering the European version of Shenmue II that did not get cancelled for sale along with a boot-disc to get it to play on American systems. I spent the first several weeks of 2002 gleefully playing nothing but Shenmue II. I convinced myself it blew the original away due to jumping through extra hoops to acquire the sequel. The follow-up is a noticeably larger and longer experience and contains some noticeable gameplay improvements; upon currently replaying it on the previously mentioned HD bundle on Xbox One/PS4 I am going to have to go back to siding with the original being superior due to its more immersive setting and my love for driving forklifts. I hope to finish replaying the sequel in time for what is one of my most anticipated games ever in the long awaited third Shenmue game currently slated to be released this November a whopping 17 years after the original release of the second Dreamcast game.
Speaking of imports, Shenmue II was the first game I ever imported, and the second game was another Dreamcast game in FirePro Wrestling D. I heard so much acclaim for the FirePro games in Japan about them being the ultimate 2D wrestling games. After tracking down a guide online I relentlessly jotted down detailed English translations of all the menus and discovered a game save that translated all the wrestler’s names and attires into their English counterparts. I wound up playing a ton of that classic entry in the series on the Dreamcast. I am constantly nagging myself to open up my copy of the latest entry, FirePro Wrestling World that recently hit PS4 last year. I regret not importing more Dreamcast titles in the later years because games kept regularly coming out for Sega’s last system in Japan for several more years. Eventually most of them made their way to America on other systems in the following years, but for those that took advantage they got a one-to-three year head start on gems like Ikaruga, Rez, Rent-a-Hero and Capcom vs. SNK 2. Post-2002 I also regret not making time to sink my teeth into the then-exclusive RPGs on Dreamcast. My former podcast co-host Chris picked most of them up so I was able to check them out at his place and play some of them on demo discs. Skies of Arcadia intrigued me with its sky pirates setting and I eventually picked up the GCN re-release. Ditto with the pair of Evolution RPGs that later were bundled together on the GCN. Grandia II I recall having a kind of more involved battle system that popped out to me and if I owned a Switch I would likely be acquiring the HD up-ports of the first two games that just released on there. I did enjoy demos of action RPGs Silver and Record of Lodoss War and finally tracked down both games last year and played about an hour of both way after the fact. The one I did put a lot of time into later on was Phantasy Star Online on the original Xbox. I loved being able to play that game in four player split-screen and I had a few friends over for several marathon sessions of its addicting action-RPG combat into the wee hours of the night.
The Dreamcast unofficially lived on for the next couple years well into the PS2/Xbox/GCN era with some of its key games that got cancelled and sequels getting re-released on those systems. Sega released their 2K sports line for a few years on all three systems before selling sports developer Visual Concepts and the 2K branding to Take-Two in 2005. The heavy duty competition from 2K Sports titles only helped fuel EA Sports to step up their efforts for better sports titles from both companies for the past 20 years. The Xbox got some heavy hitters in the form of Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue II, Crazy Taxi 3, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Gun Valkyrie. The PS2 landed Rez, Headhunter, Half-Life, Tribes, Grandia II and Resident Evil: Code Veronica. The GameCube received the four player port of Phantasy Star Online well before the Xbox version and later an exclusive third chapter in addition to Evolution Worlds, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Ikaruga, Chaos Field and enhanced deluxe versions of both Sonic Adventure titles. Aside from Dreamcast living on with those games on the next wave of systems I still busted out my Dreamcast regularly for the next several years. It was my favorite way to play Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for many years and as mentioned above I kept revisiting titles like FirePro Wrestling D and Demolition Racer for quite a few years too. The homebrew/indie scene was alive and well for the Dreamcast and is still going to this day. Goat Store had a couple high-profile indie releases with Feet of Fury and Irides that I both acquired. The former is the only dance-pad game I know of for the system and while I do not own a dance-pad I did put some time into it with its support for the Dreamcast keyboard. Irides: Master of Blocks is a fun Lumines-inspired puzzler on the system. Since it is the 20th anniversary of the platform, I took a chance a few months ago and Kickstarted an upcoming driving game set to hit at the end of this year that peaked my interest in the form of Arcade Racing Legends. Here is hoping to its success! The End? When I think back to my own personal favorite moments and experiences with the Dreamcast there are a few things I will chalk up to its legacy. I consider it to be the first system to prove that online gaming was viable on consoles and paved the way for it to really take off a couple years later on the PS2 and Xbox. I will also remember it for its local multiplayer games being a big hit with my friends and I for its wide array of fighting and sports games for two players as well as many games taking advantage of the four controllers with quite a few party games and driving games especially supporting four players locally. I consider it the last hurrah for the arcade ports, as the late 90s were the final successfully years of arcades in America and Sega, Capcom, Midway and Konami took advantage of Dreamcast’s Naomi-based hardware making it developer-friendly to convert their arcade titles to the system. A majority of the games I listed above are arcade conversions.
These last two are big ones for me personally. First is how Sega stepped up big time with their blockbuster first party sports games on the Dreamcast and gave the impression of how they scared away competition from EA Sports releasing their games on the Dreamcast. Finally, I will remember the Dreamcast where Sega took chances with a plethora of new, unorthodox IP. It seemed every few months a new original Sega IP hit the system from successes and cult-hits like Jet Grind Radio, Samba de Amigo, Space Channel 5, Crazy Taxi, Skies of Arcadia and of course Shenmue to fascinating curiosities such as Floigan Bros., Alien Front Online and the bizzaro-Leonard Nimoy-narrated journey that is Seaman. Combine everything from these last two paragraphs and that is why I feel it is safe to say why I and likely many others revere the Dreamcast as much as we did for the years it was active in its all too short lifespan. I have rambled, ranted and raved for over 4,000 words now and want to thank you dear readers for sticking with me to the very end of this trip down memory lane. I apologize for the length of this piece, but I had to get it all out of my system. If somehow you want more Dreamcast love and want to keep this Dreamcast nostalgia train rolling I will link you to two prior pieces I did on the system. The first is a special 10th anniversary flashback on the Dreamcast where I breakdown 15 forgotten facts about the Dreamcast. I touched on a few of them here, but there are several more obscure factoids you can discover by clicking here. The other is my former co-hosts and I doing a special Dreamcast retrospective podcast on my old podcast you can listen to by clicking here. My Other Gaming Flashbacks GameBoy 30th Anniversary Genesis 30th Anniversary
BONUS OVERTIME: Random Dreamcast quick bits I neglected to include above!
Oh man, I wish I would have remembered to touch on a few more gems I dug on the Dreamcast. I forgot about the oddball arena-based fighters that were fun rentals back then like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand and Heavy Metal: Geomatrix. There was also the crazy keyboard version of HotD2 that hit in 2001 called Typing of the Dead! It was a super fun way to master your home row skills while massacring zombies! Sega released a remaster of it on Steam a couple years ago so give it a look-see! I remember trying to hunt down the low-quantity released broadband adaptor for the Dreamcast in 2002 on eBay but sellers were marking them up in ‘Dreamcast Online Ready’ bundles for absurd amounts. 56k web browsing with the Dreamcast was admittedly a slog, but it worked and was a slick way to upload and download game saves and made me feel I was swindling William Shatner by not falling for his WebTV commercials from that timeframe. Hydro Thunder I played a bit at a friend’s and to this day even though it was a fun on its own merits arcade boat racer the thing I recall most fondly about it was the over-the-top announcer saying the game’s name on the title screen and exclaiming ‘Dam the Torpedoes!’ at specific moments. I wanted to get Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 so much for Dreamcast after hearing all the GOTY-caliber buzz and wanting to experience it with better graphics, but after spending weeks not finding it in stores around town I wound up settling on purchasing the PSone version even though I did not have that platform at the time and brought it over to my neighbor’s place for many throwdown sessions of Trick Attack multiplayer and HORSE. No regrets! There was something about Next Tetris: Online Edition that was off that did not get it to live up to the fun I was having in multiplayer over on the N64’s New Tetris and Tetrisphere. I wanted to like it, much like I did with launch title Trickstyle because of its futuristic extreme sports nature with a bunch of unique tricks and competitions to take in, but its un-intuitive controls left me getting my fix with solely the demo. Brighter days were ahead for Trickstyle’s developer, Criterion Games.
Apparently sim F1/Indy/Cart games were a hit on the Dreamcast for its brief lifespan with multiple entries from Sega and Ubisoft. Even the notorious LJN publishing label got resurrected after being dormant for several years with its retro F1 game, Spirit of Speed 1937. It is a good thing I never came around to them with the many other stellar driving games available. I remember loving the Ready 2 Rumble Boxing demo and thought that franchise would be around for years, but one quick sequel later and an out of nowhere Wii version years later and it has been AWOL ever since. EA’s Facebreaker seemed like a worthy spiritual successor, but that one came and went even faster. Even though EA did not release anything on the Dreamcast I still checked out a few other third party sports games from Acclaim, Midway and Konami and had great times with NFL Blitz 2000 and digging NBA Showtime and its brilliant use of the NBA on NBC theme song. Crap, I forgot to touch on the last pair of Sega’s polygonal arcade brawler ports that were good weekend rentals for their day in Dynamite Cop and Zombie’s Revenge, but I will forever be a Die Hard: Arcade man for life! I tried to give Sonic Adventure an honest shot, but lost interest quickly after being wowed by its opening stage and that damn whale flipping all over the place after Sonic in its 128-bit glory. I will not get into the details here, but if you are up for an ill-fated timing story, then look up the details on the cancellation on what was supposed to be one of the last Dreamcast games originally scheduled to release towards the end of 2001, Propeller Arena. Ok ok, now I am finally done and think I covered every nook and cranny of my Dreamcast experie….awwww shoot I forgot to tell you guys all about Sega Swirl! Wait, where are you going? Come back, come baaaaaack!
0 notes
thesportssoundoff · 8 years
A Mighty Good Time In London: A Preview For The UFC’s return to London
If you're willing to take a break from March Madness, theres quite a bit of MMA and boxing to enjoy this weekend! GGG vs Danny Jacobs is the big prize this week BUT If you want to do more, how about some MMA early on? The UFC is heading to London for an early (Eastern time which is truly the only time of note) afternoon slate. THIS card has taken some hits from people who are either a) unaware of what a Fight Pass card is, b) never satisfied or c) Just dying to be #MadOnline. It's a really really solid slate of European MMA with some great matchmaking and a not as bad main event. As much as people want to be mad about Manuwa vs Anderson main eventing, I would just say that you should be mad at Gus for ducking Cirkunov because he wasn't a big enough name. Besides let's be honest, Corey Anderson vs Jimi Manuwa is a fine main event for a Fight Pass card. You could do far far worse. Beyond that though you've got a great Alan Jouban vs Gunnar Nelson fight, Brad Pickett's retirement, TWO really great prospect vs prospect fights, Vicente Luque vs Leon Edwards in a fucking war and a half, Joe Duffy's potential UFC departure fight as well as a host of mid-tier action fighters at 185 and 205 trying to find some success. Let's dig in!
Fights: 13
Debuts: 1 (Lucie Pudilova)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 2 (Veronica Macedo out, Lucie Pudilova in/Henry Briones out, Chito Vera in)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 4 (Reza Madadi, Jimi Manuwa, Gunnar Nelson and Brad Pickett)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Brad Pickett) *This sort of exemplifies what makes this card deceptively good. There's a lot of fighters coming off a loss but not a lot of fighters who are on losing streaks. A lot of dudes treading water for sure but that's not a deathknel for a show*
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 6 (Mark Diakiase, Vicente Luque, Leon Edwards, Makwan Amirkhani, Arnold Allen, Alan Jouban)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 8-7)- Lucie Pudilova
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 5-9)- Lucie Pudilova, Marlon "Chito" Vera
Second Fight (Current number: 5-9)- Linsa Lansberg, Brett Johns, Darren Stewart
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- I think the reason people dislike this main event in so many words is that there's a lack of relevancy to it. Jimi Manuwa is a very fun kill or be killed type of LHW who is either brutally finished or finishes brutally while Corey Anderson with the right opponent (namely somebody who can give him something to worry about on the feet while flirting with takedown defense) is a guy who can have fun exciting fights. So it has to be relevancy given how neither fighter is, in all likelihood, going to challenge for the title. I would disagree with that assessment. Corey Anderson's had some clunkers in the UFC but he's very young in a division by which youth is its own skillset and as far as actual skills go, he's not a bad fighter. He has power, inconsistently of course, but power in his hands, he's developed a decent kicking game and his wrestling is not great but good enough to take down bigger clunkier guys who can't move their feet well. Anderson could get a title shot simply by virtue of the potted plant theory; stick around long enough and eventually you become a centerpiece. As for Jimi Manuwa, it's not a question of talent as much as it's a question of time. Manuwa has taken LONG lapses throughout his career of doing absolutely nothing and I believe his legal history has prevented him from fighting abroad more. He's sort of become a UK novelty attraction which is sad because I think he can do more. The argument could (and should) be made that Manuwa's lack of TDD and his so-so chin will always prevent him from ascending the rankings. I would conversely argue that there's two guys at 205 who can take big punches and everybody else's chin is essentially on the same plane of existence. The takedown defense IS a problem but TDD didn't prevent OSP from getting a title shot, ya know what I mean? I think this is a fine fight for 205 AND an important one. Maybe one day we'll look back on this like how we look back on Struve vs Miocic as being a super important fight in the annals of HW history. Who knows.
2- NOW having said all of that, I must also admit the reality of the situation. There's a fine chance that Anderson takes down Manuwa for five rounds and we all spend the main event being bored out of our minds. Honesty is the best policy. STILL even so, I feel the need to point out that all of the UFC main events outside of the PPVs have been finishes and relatively early.
3- Alan Jouban and Gunnar Nelson have been forgotten in the mix at 170 lbs but why arent these guys recognized more as contenders? In the case of Jouban, his only losses are a bad split decision to Warrley Alves and a nasty TKO to Albert Tumenov. Outside of that Jouban has beaten some pretty darned good fighters like Belal Muhammad, Mike Perry (I'M HOLDING ON TO THIS ONE, MAN) and Seth Baczynski. For Gunnar Nelson, the super hyped prospect got his credentials checked by Rick Story and Demian Maia but he's young, he trains in a gym that fits and suits him PLUS Nelson is likely only going to get better with time.
4- Is Arnold Allen, in pure talent alone, the most talented European prospect since McGregor back in his heyday? Arnold Allen is just 23 years old and he seems to improve with each performance. He's fighting guys way way above his experience level though and the same happens with Makwan Amirkhani.
5- Let's talk about Mr. Finland! It seems like just yesterday he was this promising prospect who internet MMA fans were scoffing at. He was just a gimmick; a good looking grappler with not much else to his name and one of the many European prospects outside of England who were expected to flop. To our surprise, or at least my surprise, Mr. Finland has been far better than advertised. While I wish he'd fight MORE, his grappling chops and his ability to make himself a spectacle have been a tremendous addition to the UFC. He's gotten a slow ladder up to the top and draws Arnold Allen, arguably England's best featherweight prospect (he'd beat Paddy IMO). Should be a great fight but Amirkhani has the edge on the ground so I'm betting that's where this winds up.
7- Tom Breese is a really good prospect with a really good gym who seemed to be stuck in neutral due to bad weight cuts and some rough stylstic matchups. Oluwale Bamgbose is a freakishly athletic raw middeweight who seems to have bitten off more than he chew with his current UFC run. This fight could be very dicey for Breese early but if he survives the first, I think he's going to have a relatively easy time with Oluwale.
8- I'm admittedly pretty conflicted on this Pickett/Marlon Vera fight. Chito is a fun dude to watch fight and he's young, super athletic and developing pretty quickly. I'd be really happy if he won----but man doesn't Brad Pickett deserve a chance to retire on a good note? It's a tough ask.
9- Leon Edwards vs Vicente Luque is a really interesting fight because while Luque could be a challenger at 170 lbs before the end of 2017, Edwards an absolutely challenge for a top spot in time as well. Edwards has had an interesting progression even if it's been a somewhat bumpy road. His two losses boiled down to simply not having the wrestling chops to stop takedowns/stalls in his offensive game. To his credit, Edwards has improved each time out as a wrestler annd that combined with snappy striking makes him a credible name. Vicente Luque has gone from struggling (by his own admission) to deal with Alvaro Herrera  to blasting out reputable dudes in under a round. This is a different challenge though as Edwards is well rounded, can match Luque athletically and his weaknesses are going to be a lot tougher for Luque to exploit. I'm pretty excited to see how this thing plays out.
10- So we've been discussing the so-so 205 lb division but Darren Stewart is a pretty darned good LHW prospect. He's all action and all violence, coming off a no contest after a headbutt led to a finish vs Francimar Barroso. Francimar is JAG so here's hoping Stewart can impress.
11- On one hand, Teemu Packalen is a respectable raw fighter with skills and enough in his game to not be a total waste of time for Marc Diakiase. On the other hand? Do we really NEED another tune up fight for Diakiase? I think we can all agree that he's maybe ready for a bigger name now.
12- Brett Johns had a Henry Cejudo-esque debut in the UFC after a Henry Cejudo esque regional MMA career. Johns was nixed from Cage Warriors after becoming their champion, got signed by Titan FC, missed weight and lost thee chance to be their champion. Originally just a great grab and grinder type, Johns showcased all kinds of striking improvement in his fight vs Kwan Ho Kwak. Ian Entwistle is a one trick pony for the most part but his trick (leglocks) is pretty damn good. A respectable Cage Warriors-y main event on the prelims of this card.
Must Wins:
Jimi Manuwa
Jimi's 37 years young which is not a deathknel for a guy at light heavyweight. At the same time, the time to go is now for the powerful Brit. Manuwa can answer a ton of questions about whether he can creep his way into a title shot or at the very least, set himself up for a really appealing fight with Shogun Rua. Can he handle Corey Anderson's five rounds of pressure? Can he stuff the takedowns? If takendown can he get back up or will he be stuck there? How can his chin hold up if Anderson cracks him? If Manuwa wins then you can start whispering about a #1 contender fight....but he's gotta win.
Makwan Amirkhani
I have no idea why Amirkhani was gone for this long. Whatever the reasoning, it was far too long for my liking. Arnold Allen is a very good young fighter but Mr. Finland's more physical, he's fought better competition and his grappling is worlds above Arnold Allen. It's a winnable fight for Amirkhani and at this point, he's gotta take the jump from fun gimmick fighter to genuine challenger at featherweight.
Marc Diakiase
Diakiase has the ability in time to be a genuine star in Europe if the UFC promotes him right. He's 2-0 in the UFC and he's getting a lay up opponent in Teemu Packalen. It's almost not about winning this fight but doing so in an impressive fashion.
Five Underlying Themes
1- European events always have a special energy to them regardless of the card. With Bellator running more and more shows in Europe, will the UFC still garner that special attraction vibe?
2- Whether they try to sell the main event as a title contender fight.
3- The Hardy/Gooden combo is normally pretty solid but with a long layoff between fight cards, will they be rusty?
4- Brad Pickett's retirement.
5- If they dance around the Joseph Duffy contract situation. OR IF HE EATS IT VS THE MAD DOG.
Predicting (Bonus) Winners!
Current Record: 23-23
Corey Anderson Gunnar Nelson Marlon Vera Makwan Amirkhani Joseph Duffy Darren Stewart Daniel Omielanczuk Marc Diakiase Tom Breese Vicente Luque Brett Johns Scott Askham Lina Lansberg
4 notes · View notes
newyorktheater · 4 years
  Hamilton Off-Broadway in February, 2015 with original cast memberstop left to right: Phillipa Too as Eliza Hamilton, Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr,Bottom left to right: Okieriete Onaodowan , Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, Anthony Ramos. See July 3
Les Blancs by Lorraine Hansberry. See July 2
Amadeus, see July 16
We Are Freestyle Love Supreme, see July 17
Carousel. See July 10
Heroes of the Fourth Turning . See July 18
Below is the day-by-day calendar of “theater openings”* in July, 2020. The big news is the release of “Hamilton” online at Disney Plus — and (less hyped) the “Freestyle Love Supreme” documentary on Hulu — but in truth Lin-Manuel Miranda’s shows are not all that’s exciting this month in the world of online theater — a world in which “online” and “theater” have been synonymous since physical theaters were shut down in March (though there are small signs this may be changing; see July 13). And most of the other shows don’t require subscriptions.
Among the scheduled delights are acclaimed plays by Pulitzer finalist Will Arbery (July 18) and MacArthur “genius” grant winner Samuel D. Hunter (July 11), as well as a new Richard Nelson Apple Family play (July 1) and a new documentary play about frontline medical workers by Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen, creators of The Exonerated and Coal Country (July 8.) There a couple of inventive substitutions for the usual summer theater festivals.
Since so many shows are being put together at the last minute — sometimes not announced until the very day of their launch .. and there also have been fairly frequent last-minute postponements/cancellations/replacements — I will be updating/filling in this preview guide every day, and highlighting the offerings each new day with the link up top. This calendar as of this moment offers a glimpse of what’s in store. Come back day by day for a better look.
Here are some ongoing series that have proven to be reliable sources of art and entertainment.
Four offer live performances (often called readings) of original plays: The Homebound Project Livelabs: One Acts from MCC Play-PerView Viral Monologues from 24 Hour Plays
Play-PerView makes an exception this month to its original plays with what counts as a coup — the live reading of the Pulitzer finalist play “Heroes of the Fourth Turning” (which was supposed to debut last month but was postponed, as were a good number of productions due to the Black Lives Matter protests.)
A fifth offers live readings of classics and recent favorites: Plays in the House, Stars in the House’s twice weekly matinees  and now Plays in the House Teen Edition.
Three offer recordings of previous (glorious) stage productions.
Metropolitan Opera National Theatre at Home The Shows Must Go On from Andrew Lloyd Webber
For details about these and other ongoing series, check out my post Where To Get Your Theater Fix Online  (which lists, for example, the many long-running online sites such as BroadwayHD and Marquee TV that offer video-capture recordings of shows that were on stage)
All performances are free unless otherwise noted, although almost all hope for a donation (either to themselves or to a designated charity.)
*My definition of theater for the purposes of this calendar generally does not extend to variety shows, cast reunions, galas, panel discussions, documentaries, classes, interviews — all of which are in abundance this month, many worth checking out. My focus here is on creative storytelling in performance. (I make an occasional exception for a high-profile Netathon,involving many theater artists.)
A reminder that this calendar lists when the shows “open.” Some are live and available only for that one performance. Others are available for a week or weeks afterward or longer.
July 1
Die Mommie Die Plays in the House Launches at 2 p.m. Available for four days. In this latest of Stars in the House’s Wednesday matinees, Charles Busch is joined by BD Wong, Willie Garson, Brandon Contreras, Jennifer Cody and Ruth Williamson in this reading of his campy 1999 melodrama Die, Mommie, Die!, a mix of Aeschylus and Bette Davis.Directed and narrated by Carl Andress.
The Book of Job Project Theater of War Launches at 4 p.m. live only The latest from Bryan Doerries terrific community-oriented theater using classic texts (best-known for Antigone in Ferguson), is a dramatic reading of The Book of Job as a catalyst for discussion about injustice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring performances by Jeffrey Wright, Frankie Faison, Kimberly Hebert, David Strathairn, David Zayas, and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.
And So We Come Forth Apple Family Productions Launches at 7:30 pm. Available for 8 weeks The Apple Family, a dramatic series of plays which first appeared 10 years ago, returned last April with the premiere of a play written especially for Zoom, What Do We Need to Talk About? Now this second Zoom play, And So We Come Forth is set in early July 2020, amidst massive protests against injustice and racism in our country, as well as the anxious easing of a worldwide lockdown.
Richard II, part 1 Shakespeare@ Home
Shostakovich’s The Nose Metropolitan Opera Launches at 7:30 p.m., available for 23 hours It all begins with an absurd scenario: A hapless Russian bureaucrat wakes up one morning to discover that his nose has gone missing. He eventually locates his fugitive facial feature, which has been masquerading as a human being, but has no luck reattaching it. Based on a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol
Mary’s Mixology The Tank Launches at 8 p.m. Kev Berry’s monologue about his first year on the wagon. “What does it mean for a gay man to give up liquid courage?”
Borders Queerly Festival Launches at 8:30 p.m. live Boaz and George meet on Grindr. They are attracted to one another instantly and want to meet in person, but something prevents them from doing so. One lives in Israel, the other- in Lebanon. Also Friday at 3 p.m. The festival also offers three short plays tonight starting at 7 p.m.: Before We Can Make a Final Decision, Backup Plan, and an excerpt from “I Tried” by Veronica Garza, “my one woman show that I’ve been working on about the men I slept with in my struggles to be straight”
  July 2
Les Blancs National Theater Launches 2 p.m. Available until July 9 In this final play by Lorraine Hansberry (A Raisin in the Sun), in a production directed by Yael Farber in 2016, a society prepares to drive out its colonial present and claim an independent future. Tshembe, returned home from England for his father’s funeral, finds himself in the eye of the storm.
Hypochondriac! Theater in Quarantine Launches at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. The first installment of a new adaptation of Molière’s The Imaginary Invalid by David McGee and Joshua William Gelb.Featuring Gelb, Jessie Shelton, and Alex Hawthorne
Bizet’s Carmen Metropolitan Opera Launches at 7:30 p.m., available for 23 hours The tale of the irresistible and free-spirited Gypsy, whose fatal attraction with the jealous soldier Don José burns too hot for them to control.
July 3
Hamilton Disney Plus Available from this date on. A live-capture of the stage production with the original Broadway cast, which was shot over three days in June 2016. A Disney Plus subscription is required. One way to look at this is that it costs $6.99 to see “Hamilton” and you get a month to watch everything else on the service (which includes titles familiar to theatergoers though not the same versions — Frozen, The Lion King, Aladdin.) Here is my video review of “Hamilton” in 2015:
Here is my review of Hamilton on Broadway in 2019
  Mozart’s Don Giovanni Metropolitan Opera Launches at 7:30 p.m., available for 23 hours Mozart’s 1747 melodic version of the Don Juan myth, with two baritones starring alongside one another as the title Lothario and his faithful yet conflicted servant, Leporello, as well as three memorable female roles—multifaceted women who both suffer the Don’s abuses and plot their revenge.
July 4
Donizetti’s Don Pasquale Metropolitan Opera Launches at 7:30 p.m., available for 23 hours Beverly Sills stars in her final performance as a clever young widow, who goes up against a crusty old bachelor, no match for her wiles.
A Capitol Fourth PBS 8 – 9:30 p.m. The annual July 4 celebration will feature new performances from locations across the country, as well as highlights from the concert’s 40-year history. Among the performers are theater artists Brian Stokes Mitchell, Kelli O’Hara, Mandy Gonzalez and Renée Fleming
July 5
Rossini’s La Donna del Lago Metropolitan Opera Launches at 7:30 p.m. available for 23 hours The retelling of Sir Walter Scott’s shadowy epic of clan warfare in 16th-century Scotland, which is at heart a classic love triangle.
July 6
Summer Stock Streaming Festival Mint Theater Available through July 19 Archival recordings of three old and forgotten plays that the Mint resurrected (which is what they do; I saw two of these on stage and found them fascinating.) “The Fatal Weakness” written in 1946 by George Kelly: Society woman Ollie Espenshade, after 28 years of marriage is still an incurable romantic (her fatal weakness). Perhaps discovering that her husband is a lying cheat will cure her?
“The New Morality” written in 1911 by Harold Chapin who died at age 29 in World War I: A comedy set aboard a houseboat on a fashionable reach of the Thames in 1911, in which brazen Betty Jones restores dignity to her household and harmony to her marriage.
“Women Without Men,” written in 1938 by Hazel Ellis: An all-female cast tells this humor-laced tale set in the teacher’s lounge of a private girls boarding school in Ireland in the 1930’s, where young new teacher Jean Wade, popular with her students but at odds with her quarrelsome colleagues, is accused of sabotaging her main antagonist.
July 8
Unveiled Premiere Stages at Keane Separate live showings at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets $10 Rohina Malik plays five Muslim women navigating complex social issues in a post 9/11 world. Following the screening, Ms. Malik will host a live Q & A with all ticket holders.
The Line Public Theater Launches at 7:30 p.m. Available until August 4. This new documentary play by Jessica Blank & Erik Jensen (The Exonerated, Coal Country) presents the experiences of frontline medical workers in New York and their battle to save lives in a system built to serve the bottom line. The cast includes Santino Fontana, Arjun Gupta, John Ortiz, Alison Pill ,Nicholas Pinnock , Jamey Sheridan and Lorraine Toussaint
July 9
The Deep Blue Sea National Theatre Launches at 2 p.m. available until July 16 In this play by Terence Rattigan, Hester Collyer (Helen McCrory) is found by her neighbours in the aftermath of a failed suicide attempt, which leads to the story of her tempestuous affair with a former RAF pilot and the breakdown of her marriage to a High Court judge.
July 10
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel Lincoln Center Launches at 8 p.m. The latest of Lincoln Center’s Broadway Fridays (rescheduled from June 5) features a free digital stream of its concert production of this Rodgers and Hammerstein musical featuring the New York Philharmonic and starring Kelli O’Hara, Nathan Gunn, Stephanie Blythe, Shuler Hensley, Jason Danieley,Jessie Mueller, Kate Burton, Tony winner John Cullum, and New York City Ballet dancers Robert Fairchild and Tiler Peck.
Freedom Riders An online reading of Richard Allen and Taran Gray’s award-winning Freedom Riders: The Civil Rights Musical
July 11
The Few Play-PerView Written and directed by Samuel D. Hunter, featuring Gideon Glick: Four years ago, Bryan abandoned his labor of love: a newspaper for truckers. Now he’s returned—with no word of where he’s been—and things have changed. His former lover is filled with rage, his new coworker is filled with incessant adoration, and his paper is filled with personal ads.
July 12
Hershey Felder: Beethoven Based on Memories of Beethoven: Out of the House of Black-Robed Spaniards, a first-hand account by Dr. Gerhard von Breuning.
July 13
Plays about memory loss Food for Thought Productions 1:30 p.m. — 3:30 Louise Lasser and Bob Dishey star in this in-person event of three short plays (Arthur Miller’s “I Can’t Remember Anything,” Robert Anderson’s “I’m Herbert” and Daniel Rose’s “Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem”) held at The Coffee House Club, 22 West 44th Street, available first come, first served by calling 646-366-9340 or emailing info@foodforthoughtproductions. However, “if you’d rather watch from home, you can request the Zoom link.” staged reading of short plays about memory loss starring Tony nominee Bob Dishy and Louise Lasse
Richard II, part 1 Public Theater/WNYC 8 p.m. Saheem Ali directs this radio adaptation of Richard II, the Bard’s take on how the title monarch lost his crown. André Holland (Moonlight) stars, and the supporting cast includes Oscar winner Estelle Parsons, Tony winner Phylicia Rashad and Tony nominee John Douglas Thompson. The production will be broadcast in four installments from Monday, July 13 through Thursday, July 16 at 8 p.m. ET nightly on WNYC. Listeners in the New York tri-state area can tune in at 93.9 FM or AM 820. It will also stream nationwide at WNYC.org.
July 14
Richard II, part 2 Public Theater/WNYC 8 p.m. Saheem Ali directs this radio adaptation of Richard II, the Bard’s take on how the title monarch lost his crown
July 15
The Homebound Project Available through July 19 The fourth edition
The Droll Bard of the Gate Launches at 7 p.m Meg Miroshnik’s play is the second offering in Paula Vogel’s play series,
Richard II, part 3 Public Theater/WNYC 8 p.m. Saheem Ali directs this radio adaptation of Richard II, the Bard’s take on how the title monarch lost his crown. licia Rashad as the Duchess of Gloucester.
July 16
Amadeus National Theatre Launches 2 p.m. Available until July 23 Lucian Msamati portrays the envious court composer Antonio Salieri who is envious of the obnoxious genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In this popular play by Peter Shaffer that was turned into an Oscar-winning film.
Richard II, part 4 Public Theater/WNYC 8 p.m. Saheem Ali directs this radio adaptation of Richard II, the Bard’s take on how the title monarch lost his crown.
July 17
“We Are Freestyle Love Supreme” Hulu A documentary about the improv theater company co-founded by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Virtual Fire Island Dance Festival he first-ever stream in the event’s 26-year history will feature world premieres of three new pieces and three beloved festival favorites.
July 18
Heroes of the Fourth Turning Play PerView Will Arbery’s 2020 Pulitzer Prize finalist will now take place July 18 at 8 PM ET on Play-PerView after postponing the June 13 reading in solidarity with Black Lives Matter
July 20
Project Sing Out! Playbill Launches at 7 p.m. A one-night-only livestreamed event featuring musical performances, spoken word and special appearances from a variety of Broadway and TV’s biggest names, including Audra McDonald, Chirta Rivera, Don Cheadle, Vanessa Willams.
July 21
Coriolanus Bedlam
July 25
Knife to the Heart Play-PerView In this play by Stan Zimmerman and Christian McLaughlin, ulie Ann and Marshall are expecting their first baby—with Marshall’s mother Rhonda hovering over them and Julie Ann’s fellow teacher Deacon providing moral support. Everything’s going smoothly until Julie Ann accidentally learns just what exactly the bris Rhonda’s planning involves, and all good will and politeness dissolve.
July 2020 Online Theater Openings: Hamilton, PLUS. What’s streaming day by day Below is the day-by-day calendar of “theater openings”* in July, 2020. The big news is the release of "Hamilton" online at Disney Plus -- and (less hyped) the "Freestyle Love Supreme" documentary on Hulu -- but in truth Lin-Manuel Miranda's shows are not all that's exciting this month in the world of online theater -- a world in which "online" and "theater" have been synonymous since physical theaters were shut down in March (though there are small signs this may be changing; see July 13).
0 notes
geekade · 7 years
Turn It Up: New Music Releases for July 2017
Please tell me someone else out there doesn’t have air conditioning and is sitting in front of a fan, trying to stay cool while writing about the hottest new music releases for the summer… someone? Anyone? Just me? Well fine, I’ll take the responsibility on. Let’s check out the mid-summer fun!
Haim – Something to Tell You
Release date: 7/7 This feels so right to kick off the summer with. HAIM is everything a good summer outdoor concert should be, chock full of good harmonies and melodies for the open road. “Want You Back” is a fun-paced but insightful track that is outright soul-bearing. I am so insanely in love and heartbroken all at once by this light track.
I think it’s dawned on me why HAIM is so appealing to me. Songs like “Right Now” are lighter versions of tracks that The Veronicas put out (another girl-centric group that I frequently forget just how much I enjoy). While they can’t all be top favorites, this makes for another general nice listen.
“Little of Your Love” rounds out our sampler before the album release, and it even brings in some sweet folk-country-esque sounds, proving that they take the slightest musical risks to bring out all the talent. I have to say, this is a release that’s all set to be a surprising delight. My only lingering question is – how is this only album number two?
Other 67/7 releases:
Broken Social Scene – Hug of Thunder
Melvins – A Walk With Love and Death
The Vamps – Night & Day
Release date: 7/14
While this is a two-part album, we’re actually only about to get the Night Edition this month – you’ll have to hold out until December for Day Edition. Welcome back to concept albums.
This is today’s pop rock at its truest, with all of the pop and next to none of the rock. Let’s face it though – as soon as you see DJ something or other near a song, you know you’re losing any classic rock elements you may have once hoped to be brought in. “All Night” is just this, and I’m sorry but this just sounds like a bunch of kids singing against a very familiar track.
And in all loss of creativity, the next song title for a single is “Middle of the Night.” Impressively, not all the songs on the album have ‘night’ in the title, and one includes Sabrina Carpenter (not this one). Despite this fact, even my Girl Meets World love will probably not bring me any closer to giving this one much of a shot outside of a random club experience (and I don’t have those often, if ever).
Other 7/14 releases:
Neil Young - Hitchhiker
Silverstein – Dead Reflection
Foster the People – Sacred Hearts Club
Release date: 7/21
In late 2016, Foster the People performed three new songs at Rocking the Daisies Music Festival and announced the third album was on the way. Two of the three of those songs wound up on “III” which is presented as a short EP on Spotify to listen to – in other words, a sweet little music sampler.
I know I just went slightly off about club music, but FTP seems to present that dance vibe without the fear of having nightmares about flashing strobe lights. They seem to be smart and interesting in their methodology (releasing, in this case, three music videos on their own Vevo channel, along with a short doc on the album title and release date).
Everyone knows the inner story of “Pumped Up Kicks” by now, and the band seems to take their ability to deliver messages in unique ways to heart. There is no wasted word or beat, and the songs stick with you. From the heartful “Pay the Man” right into something with more whimsy and insight, “Doing It for the Money,” I think anyone could get intrigued by what’s being offered.
“S.H.C.,” which I’d imagine it short for the album title, maybe tries to set the tone, but despite it not being the highlight of the preview, it doesn’t make me shy away. “Loyal Like Sid & Nancy” mixes that sound with a slightly darker tone. At the end of it all, we’ve got to give this one a chance for sure. At least a one-listen round is coming up in late July.
Other 7/21 releases:
Cornelius – Mellow Wave
Avey Tare - Eucalyptus
Arcade Fire – Everything Now
Release date: 7/28
This summer seems to be one of sleeper hit possibilities, with bands returning that you never knew you missed. Arcade Fire is one of everyone’s love-to-forget bands that seems to make big splashes each go-around.
Album number five (??) was produced by half of Daft Punk, along with some other folks who have brought this band’s greatness to us before. They launched a cryptic yet seemingly exciting campaign to announce the album and tracks, even doing a little thing with anagrams on Twitter back in early June. Hey, there’s a lot of noise out there, and I have massive respect for anyone making any attempts to break on through.
The fun is back with “Everything Now” (and yes, that piano is familiar – oh the Francis Bebey samples!) and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to go roller skating as much as I do right this second. There’s a B-side to the single too – an instrumental version – and I’d bet it’s just as great.
“Creature Comfort” takes an abrupt turn, but not so much that the groove is lost. That’s how I think this album is going to wind up being described – downright groovy. We’re due for a 70’s comeback with some 2000’s flair, right? Can we make that a thing? Would you let us make it a thing for 100% marshmallow cereal? Yeah, go on and look up that reference in connection with the song. I’ll wait.
The last piece we get is “Signs of Life,” which officially solidifies my proposed theme. What an excellent way to round out July. Groove in the sunshine, my friends.
Other 7/28 releases:
Alice Cooper – Paranormal
Joywave - Content
0 notes
cbilluminati · 8 years
BOOM! brings the greatness this week, and here’s your early look at all of those titles. Here’s the BOOM! Studios Previews for 3-29-2017.
Saban’s Power Rangers: Aftershock OGN SC
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Lucas Werneck Cover Artists: Main Cover: Movie Photo Previews Exclusive Cover: Greg Smallwood Price: $14.99
From the publisher of the critically acclaimed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series comes a new, original story set in the universe of Saban’s Power Rangers, Lionsgate’s highly anticipated feature film, in theaters March 24, 2017!
In this explosive, all-new, side story that picks up immediately after the events of the film, the Power Rangers encounter a dangerous new enemy, along with someone else who might be friend, foe… or both.
Written by Ryan Parrott (Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Batman: Gates of Gotham) and illustrated by artist Lucas Werneck.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Adventure Time: Brain Robbers SC OGN
Publisher: KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios Writer:  Josh Trujillo Artist: Zachary Sterling Cover Artist: Scott Maynard Price: $14.99
Synopsis: In this new original graphic novel adventure from Josh Trujillo (Love Machines) and Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), it’s the most important moment of Lumpy Space Princess’s life, and it’s all going to slip through her fingers if she doesn’t get help. Tree Trunks comes out of her mystery-filled retirement for one last job as she agrees to help LSP on a wild west treasure hunt. Finn and Jake secretly follow along to protect their friends but discover that LSP knows more than she is letting on about this particular treasure.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
WWE WrestleMania 2017 Special #1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Dennis Hopeless, Andy Belanger, Box Brown, Aubrey Sitterson, Ross Thibodeaux Artists: Andy Belanger, Rob Guillory Cover Artists: Main Cover: Rob Schamberger “What If” Incentive Cover: Adam X Vass Fight Card Incentive Cover: Jim Rugg Price: $7.99
Every April, WrestleMania takes the world by storm as the biggest, most prestigious live event in Sports Entertainment.
What better way to celebrate the Granddaddy of Them All than with a collection of stories featuring the most exciting creators, the biggest Superstars, and the best moments throughout WWE history?
WWE: WrestleMania 2017 #1 is an oversized one-shot that features a variety of stories showcasing the rich history and wealth of Superstars WWE has to offer.
From the seminal ladder match between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon, to the heart of the Attitude Era, all the way up through Daniel Bryan’s legendary tour de force performance at WM XXX, this special will have something for all WWE fans!
#gallery-0-21 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-21 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Ladycastle #2 (of 4)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Delilah S. Dawson Artist: Ashley A. Woods Cover Artist: Ashley A. Woods Price: $3.99
Synopsis: The next wave of the curse descends upon Ladycastle: harpies!
#gallery-0-22 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-22 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Joyride #11
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Artist: Marcus To Cover Artist: Marcus To Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Part one of the epic finale! They’ve gone to the edge of the galaxy and back, but the gang can’t run from their past forever. They must return to Earth and nothing will ever be the same.
#gallery-0-23 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-23 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The Backstagers #8 (of 8)
Publisher: BOOM! Box, an imprint of BOOM! Studios Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Rian Sygh Cover Artist: Veronica Fish Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Final issue! The crew has spent so much time in the backstage world that they haven’t gotten around to preparing anything for the show!
#gallery-0-24 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-24 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios Previews for 3-29-2017
BOOM! brings the greatness this week, and here’s your early look at all of those titles. Here’s the BOOM!
BOOM! Studios Previews for 3-29-2017 BOOM! brings the greatness this week, and here's your early look at all of those titles. Here's the BOOM!
0 notes
outright-geekery · 8 years
BOOM! brings the greatness this week, and here’s your early look at all of those titles. Here’s the BOOM! Studios Previews for 3-29-2017.
Saban’s Power Rangers: Aftershock OGN SC
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Lucas Werneck Cover Artists: Main Cover: Movie Photo Previews Exclusive Cover: Greg Smallwood Price: $14.99
From the publisher of the critically acclaimed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series comes a new, original story set in the universe of Saban’s Power Rangers, Lionsgate’s highly anticipated feature film, in theaters March 24, 2017!
In this explosive, all-new, side story that picks up immediately after the events of the film, the Power Rangers encounter a dangerous new enemy, along with someone else who might be friend, foe… or both.
Written by Ryan Parrott (Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Batman: Gates of Gotham) and illustrated by artist Lucas Werneck.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Adventure Time: Brain Robbers SC OGN
Publisher: KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios Writer:  Josh Trujillo Artist: Zachary Sterling Cover Artist: Scott Maynard Price: $14.99
Synopsis: In this new original graphic novel adventure from Josh Trujillo (Love Machines) and Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), it’s the most important moment of Lumpy Space Princess’s life, and it’s all going to slip through her fingers if she doesn’t get help. Tree Trunks comes out of her mystery-filled retirement for one last job as she agrees to help LSP on a wild west treasure hunt. Finn and Jake secretly follow along to protect their friends but discover that LSP knows more than she is letting on about this particular treasure.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
WWE WrestleMania 2017 Special #1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Dennis Hopeless, Andy Belanger, Box Brown, Aubrey Sitterson, Ross Thibodeaux Artists: Andy Belanger, Rob Guillory Cover Artists: Main Cover: Rob Schamberger “What If” Incentive Cover: Adam X Vass Fight Card Incentive Cover: Jim Rugg Price: $7.99
Every April, WrestleMania takes the world by storm as the biggest, most prestigious live event in Sports Entertainment.
What better way to celebrate the Granddaddy of Them All than with a collection of stories featuring the most exciting creators, the biggest Superstars, and the best moments throughout WWE history?
WWE: WrestleMania 2017 #1 is an oversized one-shot that features a variety of stories showcasing the rich history and wealth of Superstars WWE has to offer.
From the seminal ladder match between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon, to the heart of the Attitude Era, all the way up through Daniel Bryan’s legendary tour de force performance at WM XXX, this special will have something for all WWE fans!
#gallery-0-21 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 11%; } #gallery-0-21 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Ladycastle #2 (of 4)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Delilah S. Dawson Artist: Ashley A. Woods Cover Artist: Ashley A. Woods Price: $3.99
Synopsis: The next wave of the curse descends upon Ladycastle: harpies!
#gallery-0-22 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-22 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-22 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Joyride #11
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Artist: Marcus To Cover Artist: Marcus To Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Part one of the epic finale! They’ve gone to the edge of the galaxy and back, but the gang can’t run from their past forever. They must return to Earth and nothing will ever be the same.
#gallery-0-23 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-23 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-23 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The Backstagers #8 (of 8)
Publisher: BOOM! Box, an imprint of BOOM! Studios Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Rian Sygh Cover Artist: Veronica Fish Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Final issue! The crew has spent so much time in the backstage world that they haven’t gotten around to preparing anything for the show!
#gallery-0-24 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 14%; } #gallery-0-24 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-24 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios Previews for 3-29-2017 BOOM! brings the greatness this week, and here's your early look at all of those titles. Here's the BOOM!
0 notes
aion-rsa · 8 years
2016 Fred Van Lente Day Chat Transcript
Brian Cronin: Welcome, everyone, to the Fred Van Lente Day chat!
Brian Cronin: Some quick Fred Van Lente Day links for everyone to take a look at when they get here.
Brian Cronin: An exclusive preview of “Comic Book History of Comics” #3!
Brian Cronin: And a cool look at some weird connections in comic book history, using a lot of awesome Ryan Dunlavey art to illustrate a bunch of them!
Fred Van Lente: I like how you added not one, not two, but THREE random Jack Kirby + Celebrities encounters to this list
Brian Cronin: When we started talking connections, I couldn’t help it. It’s amazing that he really does have these connections to these super famous people. And that doesn’t even count his CIA connections when his art was used for the fake movie that they were filming that was made into the film “Argo”!
Fred Van Lente: I will never get tired of looking at his expression here:
“If I get closer, will he bite me”
Brian Cronin: You would have thought that Zappa would have prepared Kirby for Alan Moore. It should have taught him that long hairs could be his friend.
Fred Van Lente: This is before Moore became a wizard and expending all that mana really drained him (I don’t know why I bust on Alan Moore so much, when I was 16 I basically wanted to be him). _________________________________________________________________________________________
Brian Cronin: Was “HerStory” something that you and Ryan considered having in the original “Comic Book History of Comics”?
Fred Van Lente: It was. “Comic Book History of Comics” is unusual for us in a lot of ways structurally because both “Action Philosophers” (and soon “Action Presidents”) are biography based. But “CBHoC” is structured more around particular ideas or genres or movements. So I could never figure out how to get “Women in Comics” in there as a story without it smacking of raw tokenism. Then when the book came out and the biggest criticism was “Where are the women?” I was like, well, that was a missed opportunity.
Brian Cronin: And there, you’re obviously hurt by the very nature of patriarchal history.
Fred Van Lente: Yeah, exactly.
Brian Cronin: When IDW said they wanted to bring back the book I realized this was my chance to right that wrong.
Wayne Hotu: I watched “Carol” for the first time the other week… I thought it was great. I think I heard about Patricia Highsmith doing comics, but not which ones
Fred Van Lente: Yeah, I need to see “Carol.” I am on a big Patricia Highsmith kick right now as a result of doing that story. Tore through “Talented Mr. Ripley,” and halfway through “Strangers on a Train” which I don’t like nearly as much. But then I think I’ll do “Price of Salt” (which was made into “Carol”).
Brian Cronin: I’m fascinated by how she was able to be so ruthless with her own history. Just excising the part of her past she didn’t want to discuss anymore. “If I said it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen.”
Fred Van Lente: Yeah. Highsmith, by all accounts (particularly her girlfriends’), was a real character. It’s not hard to see how she could really get into the mindset of a sociopath like Ripley. The info in the Patricia Highsmith piece comes mostly from “The Talented Miss Highsmith,” a good if rather … elliptically written biography. The author actually talked to Timely editor Vince Fago, and that’s how we know about this disastrous date with Stan Lee. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Wayne Hotu: The “Comic Book History of Comics” “HerStory” format kind of reminds me of those old Big Books that… Vertigo? Paradox Press? used to come out with… where they devote a page to a topic/person.
Fred Van Lente: The Paradox Press Big Books were a big influence! I have almost all of them on my shelf. Geez, maybe I should try and complete a collection of that. I’ve already lost interest in bobbleheads.
Wayne Hotu: Which other famous women will you cover?
Fred Van Lente: Highsmith is #3, we do Nell Brinkley in #1, Tarpe Mills in #2. Jackie Ormes is in #4. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Dennis Calero: Give us your top reasons that you love Dennis Calero.
Fred Van Lente: Why I love Dennis Calero: 1. He joins my live chat. 2. His “Six-pack” 3. I can’t remember
Dennis Calero: Airplane vodka bottles come in 6 packs
Fred Van Lente: “My abs look like airplane vodka bottles” was my opening line to girls in college. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Brian Cronin: When “Generation Zero” was being previewed, one of the hooks for it was “Archie Meets Authority”. If you had to write an “Archie” Comic, which one would you go for? You better say “Jughead.”
Fred Van Lente: “The Shield”. “Vic Mackey Infiltrates Riverdale”
Fred Van Lente: Sure, Jughead, I guess?
Brian Cronin: Good, I got the answer I wanted. Let’s close this chat down now!
Fred Van Lente: My grandfather had this cabin by the lake in Holland, MI and he had all these comics in a box up in the attic where we had to sleep. There were a lot of 1970s DC stuff, some real gems like “Brave and the Bold.” But then my dastardly older cousins stole them all for their personal collection. All that were left were the “Archies.” I learned a lot about Archie during that long, sad, hot summer. But in my mind he makes me think…of failure. [END SCENE] [APPLAUSE]
Brian Cronin: Hey, 1970s “Archie” comics had some great work in them. Frank Doyle, Dan DeCarlo, Samm Schwartz, George Gladir, some great creators on the books back then.
Fred Van Lente: Actually, no, “Betty and Veronica” are pretty cool. I like the idea of doing a whole comic about two high school girls trying to backstab each other. My first meeting with the editor it would be like: “Look, they brought back Bucky back, why can’t Betty FINALLY kill Veronica? I mean you know she wants it. Or maybe Veronica can kill Betty? I know: PHONE POLL! LET THE READERS DECIDE!!”
Dennis Calero: What about a “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane” type scenario?
Wayne Hotu: I’ve always been Team Veronica… why are so many other people wrong?
Fred Van Lente: I think I always liked Betty just because Veronica’s wealth is slightly intimidating.
Dennis Calero: I prefer Veronica because Betty’s poverty is crap.
Fred Van Lente: “Mr. Dennis Lodge”
Brian Cronin: The best character is clearly…Glenn Scarpelli, from “One Day at a Time”!
Brian Cronin: His father, Henry Scarpelli, was a long time “Archie” artist, so Glenn would appear in the comics when he became kind of sort of famous in the early 1980s.
Fred Van Lente: I hope Reggie and Archie kick that guy’s ass. __________________________________________________________________________________________
BikeTodd: Fred, you’ve worked for a lot of different companies just in the past year, is there a favorite among them?
Fred Van Lente: My lawyers tell me that it is bad business practice to name a favorite client on a chat forum that will later be posted on a public blog like “Comics Should Be Good.” But! Everybody’s got their strengths and weaknesses. I’ve worked for Boom, IDW, Dark Horse, Marvel, Valiant, Dynamite, and I’m working for most of those now and plan to keep doing so in the future. So they can’t be that bad, right? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Taimur Dar: I don’t suppose we’ll be seeing another Sebastian Greene mystery in the near future?
Fred Van Lente: No plans at present. I really liked how “Weird Detective” came together as a stand-alone trade paperback. Someone told me today the trade will be out in Feb 2017, so I am psyched for that. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Brian Cronin: Any plans for “Generation Zero” to cross over with any other Valiant titles?
Fred Van Lente: Generation Zero will remain in the wild, weird town of Rook, Michigan for the foreseeable future. I imagine they’ll be involved in “Harbinger Wars 2” (since they debuted in the original “Harbinger Wars”) but that’s not until 2018. __________________________________________________________________________________________
ZKrishef: Greetings, sir! I just wanted to say that I’m going to be reviewing Slapstick for a website called Critical Writ. I’m incredibly excited to review it. Everything about it looks marvelous. Have a wonderful day!
Fred Van Lente: Thanks! Reilly, Diego and I have such a great time doing that, I feel almost guilty.
Brian Cronin: Tell us something about this…Slapstick, that you speak of.
Fred Van Lente: Slapstick was named “Wizard Magazine”‘s Best New Character of…I want to say 1992? Slapstick is a living toon superhero, a kid from our world — well, the Marvel Universe — who gets transformed into Roger Rabbit, basically.
Dennis Calero: Isn’t there another Marvel cartooneqsue character? Tell me my mind, Fred Van Lente!
Mark Weisenberger Calise: I loved Slapstick.
Fred Van Lente: In our comic, he is a headcase who thinks he is a gritty, realistic superhero in the vein of the Punisher and tries to get work as a hero for hire but he ends up killing everyone because his cartoon physics actually horrible murder flesh and blood people.
Taimur Dar: I’m amazed Marvel let you do something involving Slapstick and his missing “dingus.”
Fred Van Lente: Like, I had never heard of Slapstick when Marvel asked me to do the book all I knew about him was literally: 1) He was like Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a hero 2) And he has no dick So we kinda had to expand from there you know? In our comic crazed toons from Dimension Ecch invade Earth and only Slapstick can stop them because they’re only attacking New Jersey and no one else gives a shit. And…uhmmm…Ms Marvel is…uh…in space…yeah, she’s in space.
BikeTodd: Well, it is Jersey.
Dennis Calero: Is this something to do with Crossroads of Dimensions like in that Man-Thing thing with Howard the Duck and the hot chick!
Fred Van Lente: The Nexus of All Realities doesn’t play a role here but A.R.M.O.R., the inter dimensional defense agency I created for “Marvel Zombies 3,” does (they were first seen defending the Nexus in “Marvel Zombies 3”)
Fred Van Lente: In the first four issues of “Slapstick” alone we have Bro-Man Master of the Multiverse, the Taurs (My Little Pony/Smurf centaurs) and WAR D.O.G.S., America’s Best Friend.
Brian Cronin: Like Dennis mentioned, will we see Madcap meet Slapstick at all? That would be an epic battle, much like Jesus vs. Socrates.
Dennis Calero: Madcap! Thanks, Brian, I thought I was going crazy!
Fred Van Lente They made Madcap into Deadpool’s arch-nemesis (which I think is a pretty good choice). So I think, if anything, he’s a tad over-saturated at just this moment, believe it or not.
Albert Ching: Madcap being overexposed is probably the most surprising thing to happen in 2016.
Dennis Calero: Yes. Madcap is definitely the most SURPRISING thing this year (COUGH COUGH)
Fred Van Lente: So yeah, buy “Slapstick,” it’s amazing, and there’s no movie attached to it so it’s not exactly going to burn up the sales charts. __________________________________________________________________________________________
p_keely: You have had a varied career in genres. Is there a genre you want to try?
Fred Van Lente: I’ve been doing a lot of mysteries a lot lately. My first prose novel, “Ten Dead Comedians,” will be out in July (random plug). So I’m hoping to do more of those. I love historical fiction. I had a great time with Dennis doing our Shanghai story in “Assassins Creed: Templars.” That’s a fun period of history. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Mark Belktron: Who would win in a fight, Jesus of Nazareth or Socrates?
Fred Van Lente: Mark, Jesus came back from the dead and Socrates didn’t, so I think you have your winner right there.
Dennis Calero: Even Jesus from 169th street would kick Socrates’ ass.
Mark Belktron: That is such a good answer. Thank you, Fred. __________________________________________________________________________________________
BikeTodd: Is there planned number of issues for “Generation Zero”? There has been some grumbling from the Valiant faithful over the apparent sudden end to series.
Fred Van Lente: In this instance, the fans’ fears are well-founded, looks like “Generation Zero” will only last two storyarcs. But there are two good storyarcs and I’ll be able to wrap the storyline the way I want. __________________________________________________________________________________________
RyanDunlavey: Happy Fred Van Lente Day, everybody! I am just here to let you know that Fred’s latest “Action Presidents” script did NOT make me tear up in the dentist chair yesterday. ALL LIES!
Fred Van Lente: Kind words from super-cartoonist Ryan Dunlavey!
Dennis Calero: Hey, it’s the fall me!
RyanDunlavey: Gotta go help my kid with his homework. Give him hell, Dennis!
Dennis Calero: On it!
Fred Van Lente: Yeah, that was the Theodore Roosevelt one, looking to see Ryan tear that one up.
Dennis Calero: Is there one on James Buchanan?
Fred Van Lente: Buchanan appears in “Abraham Lincoln,” does that count?
Dennis Calero: Sure, why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________
Dennis Calero: How did you feel about the musical portrayal of Hamilton? From the John Adams biography, he seems like a dick. What’s your verdict? Hero or dick?
Fred Van Lente: Oh, dick. Definitely dick. But he’s way less of a dick than Jefferson. Hamilton was OUR dick. “The People’s Dick.”
Brian Cronin: Okay, rank Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison and Hamilton in dickery.
Fred Van Lente: Well, I’m not going to lie I don’t know too much about Monroe and Madison. Monroe was kind of Jefferson’s toady. Madison basically wrote the Constitution and eventually outgrew Jefferson’s shadow. Hamilton was a horndog and pretty arrogant, to the point where not apologizing to Burr when he really was kind of a dick to Burr literally got him killed. Jefferson was a racist who wrote “All men are created equal”, go figure that one out. Adams was not really someone you would want to hang out with because he was pretty headstrong and full of himself, but on the other hand he didn’t own any human beings and actively try to keep them in slavery. And despite Jefferson having written the Declaration, the intellectual foundation of the Revolution really came from Adams.
So Adams: Least Dickish, Jefferson: Most Dickish, Hamilton and Madison: Tied for second-least Dickish and Monroe= Just meh. I expect this to be a listicle on CBR tomorrow, Brian.
Wayne Hotu: Which one did William Daniels play in that movie?
Brian Cronin: Adams
Mark Weisenberger Calise: William Daniels played Adams in the original Broadway cast of “1776” too, I believe
Brian Cronin: Yep.
Fred Van Lente: I saw Brent Spiner play Adams in “1776.” He was rad
Dennis Calero: Brent Spiner should have chosen one night to play Data playing Adams.
Brian Cronin: That would have been too much awesomeness for the audience to handle
Fred Van Lente: “SIT DOWN, JOHN, SIT DOWN” “All right” (Data sits)
Fred Van Lente: I really like “Hamilton,” but it’s no “1776,” partly because it’s a straight-up biopic and not about this very specific drama of trying to get the Declaration out. So it’s a lot more … flabbier is the wrong word, but because a guy’s life story can’t be as dramatically structured.
Brian Cronin: Absolutely agreed. “Hamilton” is a great musical. I just like “1776” even better.
Fred Van Lente: Seconded. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Brian Cronin: How do you and Reilly write Slapstick? Co-plot and then you script?
Fred Van Lente: Reilly and I go to a bar and drink for like a sold two hours. I write out what we talked about semi-legibly on a single piece of paper. I tear off this piece of paper and give it to him and he types it for our editors because I was, like, “If you want to be co-writer you’ve got to like actually type some shit.”
Brian Cronin: Seems fair
Fred Van Lente: Marvel approves/disapproves/comments. Reilly draws out rough layouts — they’re called “storyboards” in the credits but they’re really more like regular comics thumbnails. And then Diego pencils and inks over them. Once all the pencils are done, I do lettering script that Reilly approves/comments on before I give to Marvel. So it’s kind of like regular Marvel Style just with a breakdown/co-writer component (Reilly)
Brian Cronin: It sounds a bit like how Giffen and DeMatteis did “Justice League International.” Although I think Giffen plotted solo.
Fred Van Lente: Yeah, Giffen/DeMatteis on “JLI” was my inspiration.
Brian Cronin: Well, it certainly worked out for a hilarious comic when Giffen and DeMatteis did it.
Fred Van Lente: I am super happy with it. I hope people check it out. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Taimur Dar: I know before “Slapstick,” Reilly did an “Incredible Hercules” story. Was that first time you worked together or was there something else before that?
Fred Van Lente: You know, I think that was the first time, the Thorcules arc of “iHerc.” He lives nearby and we became fast pals after that __________________________________________________________________________________________
Fred Van Lente: Wow, that hour flew by … last licks anybody?
Brian Cronin: Plug “Action Presidents”!
Fred Van Lente: I will plug “Action Presidents” on the THIRTEENTH Fred Van Lente Day chat because it will not be out until Presidents Day 2018. But it will be glorious and awesome. All four hardback books of it.
Dennis Calero: Plug the “Templar” trade!!!
Fred Van Lente: “Assassins Creed Templars: Black Cross” is 5 issues of Jazz Age Shanghai mayhem by Mr. Dennis Calero and myself currently available from Titan. It’s great historical adventure/mystery in the AC world, check it out.
Brian Cronin: Plug other stuff!
Fred Van Lente: “Generation Zero” is currently on-going from Valiant (at least for the next five months).
Fred Van Lente: Coming soon: “Z-Nation: Black Summer,” written by the show’s co-creator Craig Engler and me from Dynamite not too far into 2017. A NEW Marvel project that they wouldn’t let me announce today because they didn’t want it to get lost in the X-Rollout (which made sense to me) “Ten Dead Comedian” A Murder Mystery from Quirk Books next July. “Weird Detective” trade paperback from Dark Horse in 2017. That’s it … I think!
Brian Cronin: Plug something for Crystal!
Fred Van Lente: Come see my wife Crystal Skillman’s new play “Open” in February in NYC!
Fred Van Lente: Dennis is writing/drawing “Assassins Creed Templars” right now. Go get it!
Dennis Calero: Thanks, Fred!
Brian Cronin: Thanks, Fred for another awesome Fred Van Lente Day chat!
Fred Van Lente: Thanks, Brian. And most importantly….thanks, Glenn Scarpelli. Wherever you are.
The post 2016 Fred Van Lente Day Chat Transcript appeared first on CBR.com.
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