#and where she basically is taken by her fears as a child (her younger self tugging on her skirt)
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priscirat · 2 years ago
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i don't want to go home
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sh4rkbug · 3 months ago
So I redid the reference sheets for my ocs and I figured it’s about time I properly introduced these stinkers
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If you would like to see the info dump, it’s all down here ⬇️
(note: info dump is long and contains serious subjects, those being abuse, neglect, suicidal tendencies/self harm)
If not then idk admire designs or leave ig
AGE: 17 and 3/4
BACKGROUND: Starting as lower class, Tácito grew up with a nice but strife-ridden childhood. His family could not afford things like education or basic survival necessities. He came to discover he had super strength, and by age 9 taken from his home to become a knight for the royal army. (aka be taken advantage of and turning him into a weapon.)
PERSONALITY: Tácito is dim-witted, temperamental, and voracious, usually interested more in indulging himself in some way. He doesn’t think for himself often so he follows Onyx’s intuition. And of him, Peril, and Onyx, he’s the most tame when it comes to bullying Azure or being a jerk in general.
RELATIONSHIPS: Táctio thinks he is good friends with Peril, Onyx, Mono and Azure. He genuinely cares for everyone else.
AGE: 19
BACKGROUND: Being upper middle class and in some particularly shady business, Peril followed her parents actions and eventually became like them. Being an assassin paid bills, so she took the job. But rather than being stealthy about it, she uses more seductive tactics. This bleeds into her everyday actions too.
PERSONALITY: Peril is bossy, petty, and lustful. She often is handsy and flaunts herself whenever given the chance. Of her, Tácito and Onyx, she’s the most sadistic of the three. She is also hateful, especially towards Azure.
RELATIONSHIPS: Peril is after Onyx’s riches and after a royal title. She merely tolerates Onyx and Táctio. Mono she doesn’t care so much about, as well as Tanaka, and she has a one-sided hatred for Azure. She wants Azure dead.
AGE: 17
BACKGROUND: Royal prince of the DireScorch Empire and oldest child of Emperor Titan. He is also the older brother of Azure. Of the neglect and abuse from Titan, he gets the duller end. His abuse is mostly verbal and mental.
PERSONALITY: Onyx is greedy, arrogant, and charismatic. He uses his charm to get what he wants, otherwise he resorts to violence. He follows closely in his father’s footsteps, though unlike Titan, Onyx is capable of sympathy and caring for others. He just doesn’t show it often.
RELATIONSHIPS: Onyx tolerates Peril and Táctio. He uses Mono often as well as Tanaka. While he doesn’t show it, he does care for Azure and often worries about her. As for Titan, Onyx hates him, but obeys him in instilled fear.
AGE: 16 and 1/2
BACKGROUND: Royal princess of the DireScorch Empire and youngest child of Emperor Titan. She is Onyx’s younger sister. Of her father’s abuse she receives the worser end of it. This abuse comes in beatings, neglect, horrendous labor and mental torment.
PERSONALITY: Azure is timid, awkward, and often times numb and distant. She barely interacts with others so she has some social anxiety. She is also suicidal, having already slit her wrists before. The suicidal tendencies make her distant and appear miserable.
RELATIONSHIPS: Azure does not like Peril, has mixed feelings about Onyx, and likes Tácito. Her one real friend is Mono. Her relationship with Titan is hot garbage. She is genuinely afraid of her father and desperate to please him.
AGES: Both 16, through Tanaka makes himself look older
BACKGROUND: Mono and Tanaka are lab experiments. The goal behind their creation was to essentially make living weapons to destroy and conquer. They are the only other two here with superpowers. They were initially the same person until upon their creation, where midway they split into two. Because of this, they would essentially be brothers.
Mono is quiet and reticent, and that makes him seem cold and distant. He is genuinely caring for others, and he shows it mostly through body language. He does a more violent, animalistic and wrathful side of him though, one he does not like showing.
Tanaka is apathetic and distant, usually keeping to himself as he doesn’t want to “mingle with filth.” He sees himself as above everyone and craves power. He is also quite theatric.
Mono, deep down, still cares for Tanaka. He doesn’t like what he’s become. He is convinced Onyx, Tácito and Peril are his friends, and while in Tácito’s case it may be true, but for Onyx and Peril they just want to use him. He cares deeply for Azure as she’s his first real friend. He also holds a deep hatred for humans.
Tanaka doesn’t care at all about everyone else. As for Mono, he looks upon him disappointment, thinking only about what he could have been. He often fails to ignore this feeling.
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As part of being lab experiments, their reason for being created was world domination, mass extinction and destruction. On every lunar eclipse (or blood moon haha) they forcefully take on these forms, all the way until the sun rises. (Think werewolf transformation)
Mono in this state is an intelligent killing machine (like Ridley). He is not aware of his actions in any way, and is especially wrathful and grudging. The only thing on his mind is to hunt or seek revenge. Tanaka has more control over this form than Mono, but acts more impulsively because of his huge size. This reference is not to scale, their actual sizes go as follows:
Mono - 7’2 tall
Tanaka - 30 feet tall
If ya made it all the way here, congratulations! Here’s snacks 🍪🍪🍿🍩🧁🍭🍬🍫🍟🍎
Anyway my fingers hurt like hell goodbye *explodes*
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selaaahx · 2 years ago
Hi angels, this is a brand new character to me, but I'm really excited to play her and see where things go! Below is some info on her.
Full name: Selah Elizabeth Stevens. (Pronounced like Say-la.) She was named after her grandmother.
Birthday: September 8th. (She's 19 yrs old turning 20.)
Occupation: AEW glamsquad - she works as a hairstylist. She's only had this job for a very short time. So she wouldn't know a whole lot of people yet.
Currently Resides in: Jacksonville, FL
Selah Elizabeth Stevens was born in California, to her two very wealthy parents. She grew up with the ideal childhood and ideal life most would say. Her parents were loving, she grew up in a great neighborhood, and she was the poster child for every early 2000's teen movie - she was the popular girl. The pretty one. A cheerleader, good in school, she had a lot of friends but something more was still missing from her life and she always felt it - that feeling in the pit of her stomach. That aching for something more, she just didn't know what it was until she met him. In the hallway of the school, he was sitting on the stairs trying to finish way too much homework but she knew the moment she locked eyes with him, that she was in trouble. She wouldn't be able to resist him and she was right. The two were young and in love, call it toxic, call it immature, she just called it being in love and it was all she'd ever known. All she ever wanted to know. The two are broken off as of now, which has been a difficult thing for her to navigate in her life. She's very young and hasn't dated anyone since and doesn't really want to either. Though, she'd never admit that to him or anyone else. After finishing cosmetology school and graduating, she found herself looking for a job and just so happened to find one with a wrestling company by the name of All Elite Wrestling. She's only been employed for a few weeks, so she's definitely still finding her way and trying to find out how all of the chaos and craziness is supposed to work.
( Ex boyfriend/ first love. -> taken @rlevine). This is the boy that Selah met when she was in high school and has been madly in love with all these years. A very immature, sometimes toxic, young love between the two but meeting him changed her life for the better and she still loves him very much. Though she does her best to pretend otherwise, afraid of rejection or fear of losing him altogether. The pair work together in AEW and remain a friendship that sometimes blurs the lines.
(Best friend(s) -> Open.) This plot is pretty self explanatory, she'd love to be friends with literallyyy anyone. She's new to the job, so she needs all the friends she can get. She's shy at first but once you get to know Selah, she's a true ride or die that would never leave your side!
(A mentor -> Open.) I'd REALLY love for her to have someone that she could consider a mentor or even a big brother / big sister type that would be willing to look out for her and protect her, while also showing her how the business works and just teaching her basic life stuff. Giving wisdom to her, setting her straight when she needs it, etc. She's 19 so she's still extremely young and I think it'd be cool to have someone that she could depend on for things of that nature.
I know she's a younger muse and that can be sometimes harder for her to connect / plot with others but pleaaase don't let that stop you! I'm really, really excited to plot with her and get things going for her! Ships are a no go for me, just because she's dealing with a lot and she doesn't know what the right choice is but I'm all for past connections, plots, and anything else your little heart might desire! Hit me up and we can discuss more. <3
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sarahpetersonruiz · 1 year ago
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"the daylight"
The daylight symbolises the person who has emerged from a lasting darkness and now is finally able to enjoy the bright, magical existence of happiness. Whether that is due to another person, a self-discovery or a chance of circumstances, the daylight character will finally have the chance to enjoy life and sees every opportunity as a second chance. Despite the optimism surrounding their journey, they will always have a lingering sense of self-doubt in the back of their mind, wondering if the sunshine will soon turn to rain again. Until then, they will simply enjoy the daylight.
Full Name: Sarah Sofía Peterson-Ruíz
Nicknames: Sunshine, Dream Girl
Age: 37
Gender & Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Date of Birth: October 25th, 1986
Place of Birth: Kismet Harbor, OR 
Hometown: Kismet Harbor, OR
Time in Kismet Harbor: Her whole life.
Neighborhood: Driftwood Haven
tw: death, pregnancy, drug addiction, severe illness
Languages: English, Spanish, Classical Greek, Latin, some German
Education: Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Creative Writing
Occupation: Manager at Uptown Books
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Drinks often, heavy smoker until September 2023.
Allergies: None
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Likes: Reading, sleeping, listening to Taylor Swift (secretly), writing poetry, Diet Coke, Flamin' Hot Cheetos
Dislikes: Small talk, large crowds, any vegetable, loud people.
Love Language: Soft touches, words of affirmation, quality time
Habits: biting skin around fingernails,
Hobbies: reading, listening to music, writing poetry
Fears: heights, deep water, losing her family, public speaking 
Five Positive Traits: intelligent, fiercely loyal, quick-witted, motherly, trust-worthy
Five Negative Traits: stubborn, aloof, reclusive, secretive, argumentative 
Height: 5′6″
Hair: brunette
Eye Color: brown
Tattoos: 'Lilacs blossom just as sweet' on the inside of her left forearm, just under her elbow.
Piercings: Ears
Aesthetic: here
Parents: Lucía Lopez (mother, deceased), Mateo Ruíz (father, estranged).
Siblings: Penelope "Nel" Ruíz Camila Quintana-Lopez & Dana Allen-Lopez (maternal half-siblings)
Relationships: Gale Peterson-Ruíz (husband)
Children: Klaus Peterson-Ruíz (12)
Robin Scherbatsky (How I Met Your Mother); Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99); Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds); Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds); Nina Riva (Malibu Rising); April Ludgate (Parks and Recreation); Harper Spiller (White Lotus).
Early Life
When Sarah was a child, her teachers used to call her Matilda. She wasn’t magical, and she didn’t have a principal who would throw her around by her pigtails, but she had a love for education that even the adults thought was peculiar. At the age of six, she was received an autism diagnosis, which seemed to make sense to everyone but Sarah. Some teachers spoke to her like she was hard of hearing, when she understood things probably better than they did. Eventually, Sarah tried her best to mask her autism by copying the social cues of her younger sister and her peers, blending in as much as she possibly could. Finding this exhausting, Sarah often sat at the side with a book in her hand, creating a new world for herself where she could just be her.
Her home life could, at times, be compared to Matilda’s. Her father left when Sarah was four. Like most things, she remembered it vividly, because he had taken her to the park and hesitated to make conversation over a melting ice cream cone. It was the first time they had properly spent time together - she just didn’t realise it would be the last. Sarah’s mother, Lucía, didn’t deal with it well. She drank, cried, and drank some more. The drink eventually turned to other narcotics, and then eventually a cocktail of Class A drugs. At first, Sarah tried to help her, but she knew when she wasn’t wanted. Instead, she just fell back into the books. At least the words would never leave her.
Sarah’s mom eventually got over her father the way most women do - by getting under another man. And another. And another. It was like a revolving door of men with loose ties, reddening cheeks and tousled hair leaving their small apartment. Occasionally, Sarah would end up eating breakfast with one, staring blankly at them across a plate of eggs.
It wasn’t a complete loss, however. Sarah eventually gained three siblings. Penelope was first - who she shared a father with. Dana and Camila came after, during her mom’s rambunctious periods which resulted in them having different fathers, but it didn’t matter to her. Sarah was fiercely protective over her siblings, and she felt it was her duty to protect them from harm.
Teenage Years
It was strange how someone could go from being a Matilda in elementary school to being “uncooperative and unkind” in high school, according to her teachers. Her English teacher, however, was fascinated with how Sarah had a striking ability to remember and recall all different types of information, prompting her school to believe she had an eidetic memory. Doing some research, she learned that this was rare, and would probably require a home visit, so she covered this up as well as she could, too - dumbing herself down to a ‘normal’ level and becoming even quieter in school. As Sarah got older, she became more and more disillusioned with the world of Kismet Harbor. It didn’t help that Sarah was known as a freak in school due to her intelligence and shy nature. Kids would pick on her, often tripping her up in the corridor or stealing her books and ripping pages out, knowing that she wouldn’t respond. Her younger and fiercer sister Penelope would often deal with the bullies for her. She didn’t let it bother her - she just went back to her fantasies about finally getting out of Kismet Harbor and leaving the shit-for-brains in high school.
However, Sarah managed to find one small tribe of friends. Jaslene, Ben and Andrew. For the first time, Sarah had people who she could be herself around...sort of. They knew nothing about her home life, and she was still the relatively quiet mouse who observed more than participated, but it was nice to not be alone. In particular, there was her best friend Andrew - if he could be called that. It was like a sad teen movie from the early-2000s. Sarah was head over heels from the moment she laid eyes on him. Maybe it was because he was one of the only people who didn’t pick on her. Maybe it was because he smiled at her in the hallway when everyone else looked through her. Whatever the reason, she struck up some sort of alliance with him, although she wanted so much more. Eventually, the two began what she thought was a relationship, and he became her first everything. He dominated all of her thoughts, and she couldn’t wait for the day that he told his friends and they could finally be open about their relationship. Only, of course, that day never came. Instead, Andrew unceremoniously broke up with her on a random Thursday and he never looked at her in the hallways again. It was Sarah’s first, but unfortunately not the last, experience of heartbreak. She ended up leaving that small group of friends, not ready to tell them about the embarrassment of being dumped by Andrew. They never knew why she stopped speaking to them, and Sarah wasn't going to be the one to tell them.
College Days
Sarah had been accepted at a variety of colleges which included Brown and NYU. She had been anxiously debating which to go with, when she got the news - her mom was pregnant again. Her second-eldest sister, Nel, was only fifteen, and Dana was only ten. She wasn’t going to leave her to raise a baby alone as she knew her mom would be incapable. Instead of fulfilling her wishes of moving to a different state and finally becoming the person she knew she was supposed to become, Sarah stayed in Kismet Harbor and went to the Chapman University so she could help her family. She was used to making sacrifices for her family, and she would continue to do so for as long as they needed her, including Penelope’s accident.
Gale Peterson
Sarah eventually got a job in Uptown Books, which turned out to be like her second home. She loved being surrounded by the things she loved the most, even if she had to tear herself away from the literature to serve customers. Every day was monotonously the same, until a young deaf boy got lost in the store. Sarah, being fluent in ASL, was able to help him find his father. They got to talking, and soon Sarah found out his name was Gale, and they exchanged numbers. After date one, Sarah knew she was in love. The two became inseparable after that, and Sarah soon moved in with Gale and Klaus and they became their own version of a family. Five years later, and Sarah truly believed that she had found her happily ever after. That was, until, Gale was attacked on duty and he almost lost his life. After that, he was never the same. He became more aggressive, and they started fighting more than they ever had. Eventually, Gale could see that they weren’t happy anymore and he broke up with Sarah. She went from having her perfect family to having something broken. Just like before.
Present Day
Sarah never ended up leaving Kismet Harbor, but that ended up becoming a blessing rather than a curse. She rekindled with Gale after he took some time to figure out what he needed, and the two quickly got engaged. They married in a ceremony in December and she became Klaus’s legal mother through adoption. They were hit with yet another bought of tragedy when Sarah was diagnosed with a brain tumour. To make matters worse, she also found out she was pregnant at the same time. She had to tackle radiation, brain surgery and losing her incredible memory all whilst keeping the baby growing inside her safe. Thankfully, Sarah pulled through and they managed to get rid of the tumour, but it made her realise just how valuable her time on earth is, and she is doing all she can to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. Now, they are on their way to becoming a truly happy family. She has hopes of returning to college to complete a Masters in Greek Classics and provide for Klaus and their baby girl. Sarah still has that little voice in the back of her head telling her that she can't truly be happy, but she's doing everything in her power to ignore it and enjoy spending time with her family.
One day at a time.
Born and raised in Kismet Harbor
Father left when she was 4. Raised by a drug addicted mother.
Has 3 sisters - Penelope, Dana and Camila
Is incredibly intelligent, but never had the opportunity to get tested or evaluated. Got accepted to many colleges across the country and beyond, but ultimately stayed in KH to look after her siblings.
Fell in love with Gale Peterson and helped to raise his son. They broke up after five years, but rekindled recently and got married. They are expecting a child together.
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ally22042000 · 4 years ago
Linked by fate
Werewolf AU
Fluff, Angst
OT7 x Reader
Pack Alpha: Namjoon Alpha: Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook Beta: Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung Omega: Y/N
Wordcount: 1.7K
Commenting and rebloging is always appreciated.
A/N: Hey, guys. I hope you are going to like this chapter. I was thinking about creating little mood boards, so you have an overview of their fur colour, etcetera. Let me know what you think about that. -Ally
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It was in elementary when your animal instincts slowly started to make their appearances. While the position a wolf had was clear from birth, their natural behaviours didn’t start to show until later into their upbringings. Unhurriedly the process begins during childhood and steadily takes over more of their senses. The stronger instincts like the alpha’s power to force others to follow any of their command or heats and ruts, didn’t begin until the late teenage years. To ensure the safety of everyone and the capability for beta and omega parents to raise alpha children.
Another feature that slowly starts is the ability to turn into your wolf form. Namjoon was the first of our pack to shift. The calling to protect his younger to strong. It took over his body and made him show his true power as the pack alpha he was born to be. His parents were immensely proud, thankful that he wasn’t a late shifter. Wolfs that didn’t turn before their fourteenth birthday were often frowned upon and seen as a lacking member of the clan.
Next in line was Hobi. He had always had a strong connection to his basic instincts. Having been trained to fight from a young age and coming from a strong lineage of worriers, nobody was surprise that he shifted shortly after he turned nine. Since than he often favoured to walk around in is furred form. It felt more like himself, is what he said whenever someone asked.
Jungkook shift was a surprise to everyone. It was rare for someone, who didn’t come from a strong blood line to turn before their tenth birthday but like always the golden boy defeated any standards and turned on his eight birthday. All of you had gathered in his small living room. With his parents both being omegas they weren’t able to afford much. Most jobs, especially the ones who help authority, where given to alphas or betas. Omegas were regarded as to much of a push over to stand their ground when needed. That lead to them having a smaller income than the other to wolf species. But disregarding the financial consequences and the fact they wouldn’t be able to have a child with each other, they stayed together; their love too strong to break. Considering the impossibility of them having a child together, Jungkook knew from a young age, that he was adopted. A fact that never bothered him. Something his parents were eternally grateful for.
His mother brought in the cake and set it down in front of the little boy. Everyone around him was singing, while he closed his eyes and made a wish. Desiring that this moment would never fade, him surrounded by the people he cared deeply for. Everyone healthy and a smile painting their lips while they celebrated his birthday. He filled his lungs with air and looked at the eight little flames in front of him. But instead of the sound of rushing air and cheering, the ripping of cloth was heard, and a little black wolf was sat on the stool in lieu.
The room went silent everyone staring at the puppy with the big eyes. Slowly similes formed on their faces, happy that a new wolf found its fur. Cheers and clapping filled the room. Congratulations came flying Jungkook’s way, little hands stretching and shoving to touch his fur. His father returning with a camera and capturing the scene. His mother wiping away a stray tear of happiness. Glad she was able to witness that new chapter in her son’s live. Meanwhile Jin watched the situation from his chair unmoving and having eyes for one thing and one thing only: “Yeah, that’s really great but can we eat cake now.”
Jin and Tae funnily shifted at the same time. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon and all of you with the exception of Namjoon and Hoseok, who were attending a pack meeting in request of their parents, were playing in Yoongi’s backyard. Both his parents were gone one a hunting trip for a few days, like they often were, leaving Yoongi and his brother on their own. The beta was in his wolf form, having turned a few weeks ago while turning on the shower and the water having been too cold. His brown fur with a read hint feeling silky as you braided it. When you stared, he let out a little huff, showing annoyance at your antics, but being too lazy to move he let you do your thing. You smirked to yourself, knowing that he actually enjoyed the feeling of your finger running through his fur.
Jimin and Jungkook were training on one side of the huge yard. Both of them started taking a liking to taekwondo. Meanwhile the other two troublemakers were playing a game of badminton on the other side of the field. A loud yell was heard, when Jin lost another point to the younger, the wind’s fault of course.
After two more failed attempts the oldest threw down his racked in anger and started chasing the dark haired. Laughter filled the air as Tae took off. The feel of the chase awoke something primal in Jin and before he knew it a new sensation washed over his skin and he suddenly chased Tae on four legs instead of the usual two. The youngers instincts were triggered by the older wolf chasing him and his own first shift took place. Tae had a soft looking, sand coloured fur, while Jin was another brown one but with more of an ashy touch.
The rest of the afternoon the both of them explored their new ability alongside Jungkook. Jimin had taken residency behind you, back hugging you while watching the others. Although you couldn’t see his face, you felt the wave of sadness that washed over him. The both of you were the only ones who hadn’t turned yet. You were only twelve so you still had enough time before it would be considered abnormal, but the pressure lingered.
Jimin didn’t turn until he was seventeen, a fact which cost him a lot of fights with his parents and multiple appointments with his doctor. Countless nights spent in your bed, crying into your pillow, screaming because of the pain this was causing him. With him being the alpha, he was expected to be this strong wolf that no one stood a chance against, but here he was not able to do the simplest thing known to your beings.
When he did turn his wolf was coated in a beautiful fur of the purest white you had ever laid eyes upon. His animal form as elegant as his human. His parents were proud and from there perspective Jimin’s flaw had faded just like their problems, but in reality, their relationship never went back to the way it was. He wasn’t the kid that ran home from school because he missed his mother anymore. Or the one that would tremble on his feet at his first dance performance, until he saw his fathers encouraging smile, which could wash away any problem, and let him be the beautiful swan he was.
You had turned a day after Jimin, had cried yourself to sleep the night before at the fact that you were the only one of your group that hadn’t turned yet. You were happy for Jimin when he called you and told you about the great news; genuinely. But the fear and self-hatred crawled up on you at night. Reminding you of your duty, as an omega and as a wolf, to your pack and your incapability of living up to it.
The following day you felt nauseous and empty, but still your parents forced you to attend school. As a senior it was important to be present as often as possible and to learn until your brain smoked to insure you could attend the collage of your choosing. You made it to two lessons, before the sick feeling in your stomach won the upper hand and you ran to the bathroom. Having arrived at the stall and preparing yourself to let out your small breakfast, a warmth like never before overcame you. You let out a pained breath as you felt your body expand and your cloth rip. And then you stood there, grey fur covering your body as you saw yourself in the bathroom mirror.
Your ears flexed at every sound that could be heard from outside. The footsteps of a person running somewhere; probably late for class. The uncomfortable squeaking of a chalk on a black board. Then a waft of a delicious smell slipped through the opening beneath the door. The cafeteria ladies had started cooking lunch. Hamburgers and fries how it seemed. And then you could smell a familiar scent, one that you would be able to pick up anywhere. Clumsily you were able to open the door with your bowl sized paws. You hurried down the hallway, slipping a few times on the freshly cleaned tiles.
You almost ran Namjoon over when you saw him. Standing before his locker, he was grabbing a history book for his next lesson, when you bumped into him. At first, he was simply shocked, pondering why a stranger would run into him like that. But then he picked up on your sent slowly, his olfactory sense not having fully developed yet, it took him awhile to realise who was standing in front of him.
A lazy grin covered his face as realisation hit him. Slowly he got down on his knees and warped his arms around your neck: “Hello my pretty omega, welcome to your true form.”
The others were ecstatic when they heard the good news. Happy that all of their group members had been blessed with the ability to shift, knowing of the horrific outcome the situation could have had, had you not turned before your eighteenth birthday. When every wolf was fully developed, and alphas gained the capability of forming their pack and gifting their mark.
Your pack was safe, healthy, and happy, and that was all that concerned you for now.
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twilightinanotherlife · 4 years ago
Rose joining the Cullen Clan.
Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, New York on April 22, 1915. She first met the Cullens when they moved to town in the new year of 1933. Back then the Cullens were actually the Cullen/Masens. Carlisle Cullen was a physician at Rochester General Hospital. He shared his home with Earnest Masen, an architect, and Earnest's younger sister Edythe Masen. There were rumers about the nature of Carlisle's and Earnest's relationship (OMG they were roommates!?). Back then, Earnest and Carlisle weren't together yet because they were oblivious to each other's feelings. (And it was driving Edythe crazy).
Rose was first introduced to the Cullens at their housewarming party. The Hales were among the families invited. Rose didn't have much of an opinion on Carlisle or Earnest. She wasn't interested in medicine or architecture. And she didn't care about the gossip surrounding them. Rosalie was, at first, bothered by Edythe's good looks because she was unused to someone being more beautiful than her. However, she soon grew comfortable around Edythe after being given a tour of the Cullen home. Rosalie's favorite room was the music room. There was a beautiful grand piano in the center. Rose had taken lessons has a child, but she was years out of practice. Edythe showed her the basic scales and while Carlisle and Earnest socialized with party guests, Rosalie and Edythe played music.
After that, Rose and Edythe became good friends. Rose found Edythe to be very perceptive. She liked that, because it meant Edythe saw her. Not the vain and materialistic girl that society saw, but the true her beneath. Yes, Rose was vain but only on the surface. In truth, Rosalie was simply happy to be herself. All she really wanted was someone who truly loved her and a baby. At some point, Rosalie became engaged to Royce King II. Edythe expressed her dislike of Royce many times to Rose and warned her to be careful. Rose dismissed the warnings as the words of an overprotective friend.
One evening, late in April, just after Rosalie's 18th birthday. Carlisle found Rosalie bleeding to death on the street. He had smelled the blood. Her clothes had been torn to shreds and Carlisle could easily guess what had happened to her and who had done it. Carlisle found Rose half conscious. He spoke gently, telling her was going to take her to his home and treat her injuries. That's exactly what he did, but her wounds were to severe. She was going to die. Edythe was there to help however she could. She could hear Rose's thoughts. Her fear. Her anger. Rose knew she was dying. Edythe heard Carlisle's thoughts as well. He wanted to change Rosalie. Edythe spoke the truth quickly and quietly to Rose. That she and her family were vampires. That she could hear thoughts. And that Carlisle could save her by making her like them, but it would cost Rosalie what she wanted most. A baby.
"I can't have a baby if I'm dead," Rosalie thought. "Either way, I loose my dream. But I don't want to die this way."
Carlisle changed Rose into a vampire. The Cullens moved to an isolated house a few miles outside of Rochester where Rosalie went through the transformation. Edythe spoke to Rose as she changed in an attempt to comfort her. Upon waking, Rosalie was afraid and wary of Carlisle and Earnest. She only trusted Edythe to be near her. Edythe helped Rose in the following few days adjust to her new self. Soon after, Rosalie killed Royce and his friends for what they did to her.
Rosalie fell into a deep depression. She stayed with the Cullens because she had no where else to go. Things got better when after Rose found Emmett in 1935. He'd been mauled by a black bear and she carried him over a hundred miles to Carlisle. She begged Carlisle to make Emmett a vampire and save him. Carlisle did as Rose asked. Sometime in 1936, Emmett and Rosalie had their first wedding. Rose still has her bad days and moments of regret, but mostly she's learned to make the best of her life.
I hope I did Rosalie justice
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usergreenpixel · 4 years ago
Frev prompts, Part 4! 🎉
21. The protagonist is a high school student with a knack for drawing comics but they’re also the favorite target of the bullies at school.
One day the bullying gets so bad that the protagonist is unable to cope with reality anymore and, as a means of escapism, writes themselves into their new comic about their favorite topic - The French Revolution. With their favorite pen they had inherited from their writer grandfather, no less.
However, what was supposed to be a harmless little self-insert quickly becomes a reality when the protagonist is magically transported into their comic book and now has to navigate their own story and finish it in order to return to the real world, as well as figure out the mysterious powers of the magical pen.
22. Despite the fact that the days when the Bastille used to be packed with prisoners are gone, a handful were still trapped inside its gloomy walls by the time the infamous prison was taken.
The protagonist is one of the few prisoners who are sentenced to imprisonment inside the Bastille until they and the rest of the prisoners are set free by the revolutionaries.
For the first time in a long while, the protagonist is free but not all is sunshine and butterflies because the revolution is only beginning to escalate and the protagonist has long forgotten how to function in the society outside the prison.
With no other options, the protagonist decides to try and rebuild their life from square one, all while the events of the revolution are unfolding in the city of Paris.
23. Two friends, the protagonists, were raised together by a noble family as adopted wards and used to be close as children, but drifted apart when one of the two went abroad to get a good education.
Nevertheless, the childhood friends find themselves reunited by a pure coincidence during a meeting in the Jacobin Club, which both of them joined mere days ago.
All seems well, until it becomes apparent that the protagonists don’t exactly see eye to eye when it comes to politics in France nor the methods of solving the multiple issues plaguing the country.
This new rift between the protagonists only widens as the revolution progresses and the Jacobin Club gets split into groups on the basis of shared political beliefs.
Will the two protagonists be able to restore the friendship they used to have or will their new differences prove that maybe friendship isn’t always as almighty as people say?
24. The protagonist is acutely aware of the multiple injustices of the French society but they are not too eager to change things personally, hoping that maybe the government will find a way to fix things.
The protagonist, meanwhile, would rather focus on keeping their small family business (a bookshop) afloat and renting out an apartment in the house to make ends meet.
Soon, however, the protagonist ends up getting roped into the events of the revolution regardless when they accidentally overhear their new tenant discuss his plans in a hushed tone with a few other people.
The protagonist has all the evidence that they had unwittingly rented out an apartment to a revolutionary and now they have the evidence to turn that rebellious youth from Blérancourt in along with his buddies.
At first, the best course of action seems fairly obvious. Just report them to the authorities and be done with it.
However, perhaps these youths are more than just stupid kids playing at freedom fighting and maybe they can actually help the country.
When faced with the dilemma of either ratting the young rebels out or joining their cause, the protagonist makes a choice that ends up changing their entire life.
25. The year is 1811. Located near Saint-Petersburg, The Imperial Lyceum is a place where boys from noble families of The Russian Empire live and study. Perhaps the most famous Lyceum of all, it was home to plenty of those who would become prominent in Russian society of the time.
This is where the protagonist, one David de Boudry, teaches French to these boys.
Monsieur de Boudry knows that most of his students are blissfully unaware of a certain secret of his and likes it that way. It is best if they don’t know that he happens to be a younger brother to Jean-Paul Marat himself but changed his last name to avoid the associations.
Keeping this particular tidbit of his biography secret used to be fairly easy, until his older brother, Jean-Paul Marat, appeared in David’s life again on a snowy and frosty January day.
Marat is inexplicably alive, but he is also half-frozen and extremely disheveled when he shows up, not to mention the fact that he arrives with his wife and a very young child in tow. They all need a place to hide from the authorities, and fast.
Being a loving brother, David de Boudry hides his family and is now determined to keep them safe for not even a new name can sever family ties.
But, having made this difficult choice, will Monsieur de Boudry be able to reconcile his love for his family and the devotion to his adoptive home country? And will Marat be able to keep his loved ones and himself safe from the agents of police who lurk nearby and are quite hellbent on proving that the man they are pursuing is indeed the infamous Jacobin?
26. The protagonist is a sophomore who became a member of a Drama Club during their freshman year of high school and they are quite happy to finally have a friend group where they belong. Here nobody judges them for their stutter, their crossdressing and their fear of dogs.The protagonist is even allowed to play roles that would be normally reserved for the opposite gender just so they have an excuse to crossdress.
The upcoming play about the French Revolution is no exception and the protagonist is quite overjoyed but also frustrated that something just doesn’t ring true whenever they read their lines. Frustrated, they sneak into a time machine built by their parents and transport themselves to Paris of 1794.
They soon see that the city is in chaos and rumors about a traitor who had supposedly escaped the guillotine and went on the run with his family spread like wildfire. Moreover, the protagonist soon finds themselves in a bit of a pickle because of their name and physical appearance.
Even a man whom the protagonist saves from a mob advises them not to reveal their name and to lay low as soon as the protagonist introduces themselves. The protagonist is naturally confused but they do want to stay alive and free.
In order to survive, the protagonist decides to do what actors do best - improvise. It’s not easy, of course, but the protagonist tries to stay optimistic.
They hope that they will make it. They know they will. Giving up is not an option. After all, a Desmoulins never gives up. Right?
27. The French Revolution is not an easy period in history. It should be fairly obvious why.
The country is drowning in chaos and the future is uncertain, no matter how hard The Committee of Public Safety tries to maintain at least some semblance of order.
Meanwhile, in the heart of Paris, lives our protagonist whose main concern was not the revolution, but rather the fact that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep their inn’s doors open.
And then, one day, the unthinkable happens. A guest is found murdered in their room. Naturally, all the other guests are now suspects, and so is the staff. A diverse bunch of people with their own agendas, secrets and ties to the victim has gathered in the inn.
Sensing that something isn’t right, the protagonist decides to become an amateur sleuth and get to the bottom of the situation.
A “whodunnit” murder mystery is about to take place in the inn and the protagonist is determined to solve it.
28. A few years passed after the betrayal of the Thermidorians. The Revolution is destroyed and all of the enemies of the new government are dead… Except for one.
The protagonist is a patient in a mental hospital on the outskirts of Paris. Here the treatment of the patients is becoming more and more humane than it used to be before. That being said, the living conditions still leave a lot to be desired. Moreover, the protagonist feels isolated and lonely due to their personal issues and the trauma that caused them to become basically imprisoned in the facility.
Luckily, the loneliness disappears when the protagonist secretly manages to befriend another patient, a mysterious young man who is kept in isolation from the rest of the people at the facility, is forced to wear a mask to hide his face and is treated far worse than the others.
Horrified by the extent of the abuse that their new friend has to endure, the protagonist teams up with him to escape to Avignon, where the protagonist’s relatives live.
Little do they know, their new friend and partner in crime is an outlaw and a Montagnard, the last of them all, so when the two finally escape the police quickly catch wind of the situation.
Can the duo get to Avignon and avoid recapture? Will this unlikely friendship help them heal from their respective trauma? And will the revolutionary’s plan to avenge his executed friends be successful?
29. (Crossover with Greek mythology) When Adrestia, a minor Greek goddess, is banished to Earth from Mount Olympus for causing too much trouble, she assumes a human disguise and travels to France of 1789, where great changes are just around the corner.
Finally finding herself in her own element once again, Adrestia (whose human name is Adrienne) decides that she has no right to miss all the fun and joins the forces of the revolution. She is a goddess of revolt and a daughter of Ares, after all.
One would think that having a goddess on your side will make fighting easier, but things are not that simple and the other gods don’t exactly take kindly to troublemakers who go against authority.
Nevertheless, Adrestia is more than willing to try and help her new allies to win in their fight for Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
30. When the protagonists first meet up in real life, they’re ecstatic. After a few years of chatting on the Internet, the two French Revolution enthusiasts have finally met each other face to face and now they decide to set an old plan of theirs in motion.
The duo wants to perform a time travel spell invented by their witch ancestors and change the way the French Revolution ended. The spell is successfully cast, but in the process the warlocks run out of magic and are now forced to wait in the past until they are strong enough to cast the spell again to return home.
But hey, at least while they’re waiting they can do what they always wanted to do - prevent the Thermidorian Reaction, and they are going to try to do just that, even though preventing a coup d’état is far from easy, especially for two college kids from the future.
31. It’s 1815. Joseph Fouché is the Minister of Police but his days in office are numbered and he knows it.
What’s more, rumors spread about the incompetence of the police as nobody can catch the culprit behind a new string of murders. Fouché hopes that cracking the case would restore his reputation, but something isn’t right about these murders.
So far, every single victim was a participant of the Thermidorian Reaction and it simply cannot be a mere coincidence. This pattern makes Fouché fear for his life and his reputation, as in addition to the murders the sins that he and his allies had pinned on their enemies begin to resurface.
Fearing that he is next and that his own crimes are about to be exposed as well, Fouché becomes obsessed with catching this mysterious vigilante. He even has a prime suspect in mind, but he can neither track him down nor prove that it was him.
Meanwhile, the time Fouché has to rehabilitate the police force is running out. Soon he too might face the music at long last, as well as learn exactly why sparing one of your enemies while killing the rest is considered to be a classic mistake.
Will the vigilante get to Fouché? How much time does the Minister of Police actually have left before karma knocks on his door? And why does the youngest police inspector in history, who is Fouché’s beloved protégé, turn against his mentor?
32. When the protagonist decided to sneak into the Catacombs of Paris for “shits and giggles” with their buddies, the last thing they expected was a sudden time travel to a closet in an apartment of a prominent revolutionary, whose skull the protagonist was holding in their hands seconds ago.
Naturally, the protagonist gets caught by the housekeeper and promptly accused of breaking and entering at best, and an assasination attempt at worst. It doesn’t help that the protagonist has strange pills and a baseball bat on their person.
But when they’re about to get prosecuted, the inhabitant of that same apartment suddenly speaks up on their behalf and defends the protagonist, claiming that it was a mere misunderstanding. Later, that same revolutionary visits the protagonist, reveals that he knows about the existence of time travel and promises to help, as long as the protagonist goes along with his plan.
Despite suspecting that the revolutionary has an ulterior motive, the protagonist does want answers so they agree to play along...at least for a while.
33. After the Revolutionary War in America, the protagonist follows his friend and mentor, Marquis de Lafayette, to Paris as he is the only family the hero has at this point.
At first, when the French Revolution rolls around, the hero still stays by his mentor’s side, never questioning his opinions and decisions and admiring him as a hero.
But after the September Massacres reveal Lafayette’s...less heroic side the hero is utterly broken and disappointed that he trusted the wrong person yet again. This revelation prompts the hero to switch sides and become a double agent, working with the Jacobins while pretending that he is still loyal to Lafayette.
Is this the correct choice to make or will the hero’s naïveté and a simple desire to belong betray him once again?
34. Maximilien Robespierre finds himself in a difficult situation. Somehow, everyone who crosses his path keeps going missing, only to turn up brutally murdered.
Moreover, Robespierre keeps receiving notes with rather...stalkerish messages written by the culprit. The stress and the crippling paranoia are slowly taking a toll on his frail body and he collapses altogether after finding out that Camille Desmoulins and Antoine de Saint-Just got attacked as well.
Fortunately, Saint-Just and Desmoulins manage to survive the ordeal and decide that enough is enough. After a long recovery, the two men decide to set aside their differences and track down the mysterious stalker before other people close to Robespierre get hurt.
Who knows, perhaps this buddy cop-esque adventure will even help Saint-Just and Desmoulins resolve their rivalry once and for all, now that a mutual friend of theirs needs both of them.
35. An immigrant enrolls into a high school in the country where they live now, a country located on the other side of the planet, miles away from their homeland.
Isolated from the rest of the students, shunned for their Eastern European accent (feel free to pick the specific country) and their Socialist beliefs, the protagonist has very few friends and even they are imaginary - three French revolutionaries whom the protagonist admires the most.
However, things change when a classmate bonds with the protagonist over their fascination with the French Revolution and the two decide to team up and write a novel about their favorite topic, all while the three imaginary friends, who may or may not be something more than a simple product of imagination, are guiding these kids on their quest to rehabilitate the legacy of the revolution.
P. S. The Fouché tag has been graciously lent to me by @frevandrest , the tag’s inventor. This needs to become an official tag imo.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years ago
Nagito and his little feisty sibling
·       Meeting you was the greatest stroke of good luck in Nagito’s life, and likely ever would be, and that was saying something! Though… Nagito wasn’t sure meeting you was due to luck, rather just by chance. Normally his luck worked in the most bombastic of ways but meeting you was so sobering and calm, quiet.
·       There was this park Nagito liked going to. It was small, had some more natury, foresty bits and others more man made with a little outdoor gym. He spotted you around evening times in the forested area. You were always there then, and you always ran away from adults. You were probably a few years younger than him, maybe by five or six, but he couldn’t quite tell for sure though. He didn’t think much of it at the time and thought you might be shy. “Uh, hello!” “Huh? Oh, hi!” But… you seemed rather cheerful when he met you. Though you were a little reserved and didn’t tell Nagito your name at first, so he called you ‘Bubblegum’ because you were sweet and explosive.
·       Nagito began visit you every evening. It scared him seeing how often you got bloodied in fights. “Bubblegum! You have to stop fighting! This is the third time this week!” “Never! They started it anyway. They were saying mean things about you again.” Nagito would simply try his best to patch you up. In the beginning he’d try to get adults to help to either heal you or stop the fighting, but you always hid away.
·       “Y/N, where’s your mom and dad?” “Don’t know and don’t care. I, am independent! But adults don’t seem to think so and just want to send me back to THEM.” “Oh, I don’t have a mom or dad either.” “… WHAT!? But you’re so scrawny!” You puffed out your chest and tried to show off your nonexistent muscles to prove how strong you were. “Then stick with me! I’ll protect you, even if you are older. Oh, and I’ll teach you how to be strong like me!”
·       From that moment on, more often than not, you were by one another’s side. Nagito’s luck even managed to get you to be siblings legally and he your guardian. Nagito tried his best to look after you. He was your big brother and basically your new parent and you were an amazing person in his eyes, so strong willed, determined, smart, and kind, you deserved the very best! In trying to do so, Nagito was very doting, to the point of spoiling you rotten. Anything you wanted, he could never refuse. He’d never let you lift a finger with chores or anything really unless you specifically asked him to let you help. You didn’t particularly care for chores, but you asked to help with them a lot. It seemed to be the only time you got to spend with him for a while. He was always busy trying to cook, and clean, you just wanted to hangout with your big brother.
·       Even years after getting into a much more stable and safe household with Nagito, you were still a loud, rambunctious child and found yourself getting into fights a lot, even to the point of being labeled a delinquent and problem child by the staff and fellow classmates. When Nagito took you home, you were snippy and standoffish, saying you were bullying the bullies or something akin to that sentiment. One time though when you were walking with him, you just refused to talk. “Y/N? Are you crying?” “N-no!” Though you had turned away from him he saw how tense you were and heard those sniffles. “Hmm…” He quickly stepped before you and kneeled down to your height. “Are you feeling okay, Bubblegum?” “u-uh… y-ye… no.” You hugged back yourself, trying to hold back the tears, your face flushing a bright red, embarrassed to be crying outside where people could see you, but you just couldn’t hold it back. Then you tackled Nagito, almost knocking him over. “W-whoa! Bubblegum?” You just hugged him, burrowing your face into his chest, just wanting to hide. “Y-you’d tell me if people wanted to take me away, right?” “What? Of course I would.” He held you close gently running a hand up and down your back. “I-I… the, they said I’d be taken away. They said you can’t take care of me, that I’m lashing out because you hurt me, an-and that I need to be taken away from you.” “No. No, no,no,no,no,no, no. As long as you want to stay with me, I won’t let anyone take my Bubblegum away.” He was relieved hearing your tears slow, yet, your grip only grew more tense. “Don’t say that!” You shoved him away. “Y-you don’t love me!?” “No, I love you very much! You’re my little sibling, you’re amazing.” You simply stared at him for a moment before Nagito suddenly found himself crumpled over, clutching his stomach which was searing with pain as he heard footfalls race away. Nagito knew you could throw quite a punch, but this was certainly more than a few steps up from your playful punches to his arm. After a few moments he dizzily staggered to his feet.
·       He searched and searched, calling out for you. All attempts to call and text were left unread. He even found your phone on the ground at one point. He never stopped, not even once. He knew if he just waited his luck would probably lead him to you, that you were a strong person, so you’d probably be okay, but… He couldn’t keep himself from looking. Even late into the night, through that inky darkness with only sparse lights from the streetlamps that lit the way he kept looking.
·       Eventually though he did find you, in exactly the same place he had the very first time. In that little thicket of forest in the park. You were simply sitting on the ground, hugging your knees, mindlessly picking at the grass beside you. “There you are, Bubblegum!” You didn’t even glance at him. “… If you’re mad at me, I can go and give you spa-” “Stop it.” “Huh?” “Just… just…” You sounded so exhausted. Your voice horse and incredibly quiet, if it wasn’t the dead of night where only the light rustling of leaves in the wind, he likely would have thought you never spoke. “Stop? Stop what? Just tell me and I’ll-” “SHUT UP!” You abruptly stood up and wiped around revealing your tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. “WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? WHY DO I MAKE YOU THINK YOUR GARBAGE!?” “Y/N, what are you talking about?” “YOU JUST-… YOU TOLD ME YOU’D STOP CALLING YOURSELF GARBAGE, B-BUT YOU STILL DO! YOU JUST DO IT INDIRECTLY NOW! YOU-YOU SAY YOU’LL ONLY KEEP ME AROUND IF I WANTED IT, SO DON’T- YOU DON’T WANT ME! YOU ALWAYS THINK YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH, THAT YOU’RE TRASH- IS THAT WHY YOU HATE ME? BECAUSE YOU THINK I’M SO AMAZING AND YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH- THAT YOU’RE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME? IS THAT WHY? IS THAT WHY YOU ALWAYS AVOID ME NOW!? WHY YOU ALWAYS DO CHORES, AND ONLY DO THINGS LIKE PLAY VIDEO GAMES WHEN I ASK, BECAUSE YOU NEVER WANT TO? EVERYTHING YOU DO IS BECAUSE I ASK BUT… But- Why don’t you want to be with me anymore? I love you, I don’t want to leave you, but I want you to stop hating me. Will you stop thinking you’re trash, stop hating me for making you think that if I leave? If I stop fighting will you love me again? If I stop being amazing and strong, and so full of hope, will you stop thinking you’re trash? Would you go back to being the awesome guy who saved me from people who hurt me, go back to being the guy who’d go out of his way to visit me everyday because HE wanted to? Would… w-would you love me again and want me to stay? I-IF IT WASN’T FOR YOUR STUPID LUCK WOULD WE BE SIBLINGS ANYWAY!? DO YOU EVEN WANT ME AROUND OR WERE YOU FORCED INTO THIS! WAS… was it all bad luck? I… I’m sorry for being a bad kid.” And then you just collapsed to your knees. You felt like crying but there were no more tears left so you just hugged yourself, trembling. Meanwhile Nagito was just left there in stunned silence. There were so many things he wanted to say, you are amazing, he loved you, he was a trash brother, but… all that would only hurt you more. So, what was he supposed to do? It seemed no matter what he’d do, it’d be wrong because you’d likely assume he was just doing it for you and not because he wanted too.
·       It was a long night.
·       You loved one another, but… things were rather rocky for a while. Nagito actually started going to therapy for his self-worth issues because of it. It was a long process, one that was still ongoing by the time Nagito was invited to Hope’s Peak.
·       Since he was living on campus Nagito got special permission for you to be allowed to stay in his dorm room as well. He didn’t think it was that big of a deal, especially since he wholeheartedly believed that you’d one day be invited to this very school so you were just getting a feel for the grounds before joining.
·       Once you were sent home early for getting into another fight, and Nagito asked Miss. Yukizome if you could join in class with everyone else. Nagito’s classmates were a bit hesitant, fearing a mini Nagito, but were pleasantly surprised. At first you were quiet, but when Nekomaru found you had snuck off to his lab to try out some of his exercising equipment, you seemed to warm up to them. You’d challenge both Akene and Nekomaru to fights, and both eagerly helped you with training. You even managed to wrap Fuyuhiko and Peko into this, Peko teaching you how to use a sword and Fuyuhiko tried to subtly teach you how to pick your fights so you wouldn’t accidentally anger any gangs with your fiery personality. Due to training you were always hungry and became Teru’s favorite customer, always adoring every bite and even asking to learn from him so you could make Nagito lunch boxes for a change since he always cooked for you. Whenever you joined the class for the day you always came bloodied and bruised so Mikan would patch you up every time as you eagerly listened to Gundham and Sonia speak of the dark arts or Ibuki as she wailed away on her guitar, perhaps even play video games with Chiaki! In the end you sort of became the whole class’ little sibling, much to Nagito’s delight, of course greatness recognizes greatness. It wasn’t all fun and games though, you often trying to sneakily set up Nagito on dates with Hajime, or telling the others embarrassing stories. Nagito would fight back though, calling you ‘Bubblegum’ in such a sickeningly sweet tone that you’d always blush furiously at.
·       Even with luck life was not perfect but no matter what, you were Nagito’s little sibling and he’d do whatever it took to give you as great of a life as possible. He truly loved you.
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dykesbat · 3 years ago
okok songs from my bruce playlist + reasons
first love / late spring by mitski
“and I was so young when I behaved twenty-five / Yet now I find I’ve grown into a tall child… Please hurry, leave me, I can’t breathe / Please don’t say you love me / Mune ga hachikire-sōde”
pretty self-explanatory! bruce is emotionally immature and just. yeah i feel like he oftentimes does feel the same as he did in that alleyway yknow. maybe he’s realizing the depths of how immature he is right here in the moment of recognizing that the person he finds himself loving right now is also someone he could potentially lose. i think of bruce as someone who loves a lot. maybe here he’s acknowledging how the price of loving is the possibility of pain.
everybody lost somebody by bleachers
“It’s this dream I keep having where I’m begging / Just to give myself a break / But there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to wake up and remember it / I wanna wake up and remember”
Bruce being an avid dreamer is a pretty popular concept n idk I think the concept of his dreams diverging from the nightmares of his loss to a dream of him acknowledging that he’s mourning and wanting the world to stop or like. him having a nightmare where the only coherent words he remembers after waking up is just his internal “i’m so tired” but maybe its survivors guilt maybe its just the desperation to hold on to whatever he can of the people that he lost maybe he's just trying to hold on to all the good and the good memories are just. so intertwined with the pain of loss. but he doesn’t want to let go of it
“I think pain is waiting alone at the corner / Tryna get myself back home, yeah / Looking like everybody / Knowing everybody lost somebody... A reason I see myself in a million faces / A reason I can't stop it all from changing / So come on, motherf*^&r, you survive”
i think these lines can be used to represent him turning his pain into his efforts for making gotham better. basically just. redirecting the love into the city and the people rather than only mourning. obv it would be his entire mission after his parent’s deaths. and for canon continuity reasons—since it's a bit more hopeful maybe it's after jason’s death and after tim comes around? idk i imagine bruce remembering his parents and remember jason around the manor hallways and on the city rooftops. the whole “trying to get myself back home” can be like home = the person lost or just. literally bruce trying to put in the effort to dragging himself back home for (himself? tim? alfred? hmm.) n the other lines are just. him seeing himself in gotham and seeing worth in human life. it connects to his compassion and his no-kill-rule and his empathy and his taking in of his children. and like yeah he can’t stop it all from changing he can't prevent every death but he’ll try to. the survive line is also pretty self-explanatory. 
garden song by phoebe bridges
“I don't know when you got taller / See our reflection in the water / Off a bridge at the Huntington / I hopped the fence when I was seventeen / Then I knew what I wanted”
ok so I'm thinking. him talking abt dick in the first few lines. probably after reconciling with him after they've been enstranged for so long and he’s feeling regretful for the mistakes he made there while thinking of their past times together.  maybe he took younger dick to a place he went to when he solidified his plan to train abroad? 
“And it’s gonna be just like my recurring dream / I’m at the movies, I don’t remember what I’m seeing / The screen turns into a tidal wave”
do I have to explain.. avid dreamer bruce,, the movies,, the dream ending terribly,, gn!
“I don’t know how, but I’m taller / It must be something in the water / Everything’s growing in our garden / You don’t have to know that it’s haunted”
idk how to explain it? but just. bruce growing up in a manor that suddenly feels larger than it ever did before. n it feels like he took his parents ghosts w him and left whatever his childhood was back in that alley. and part of him can pick out what he felt on that day. and so much changed and he’s grown? he’s grown older than his father ever was? and he doesn’t know how that's possible?
class of 2013 by mitski
“Mom, can you wash my back / This once, and then we can forget / And I’ll leave what im chasing / For the other girls to pursue…. Mom am I still young / Can I dream for a few months more” 
ok no he is not financially struggling n i will b honest this is a self-indulgent song to maximize relatability <3 but my decision to put this song was also based on the idea of him just. missing him mom so muchhhh?? maybe a dream? maybe the aftermath of fear gas? who knows but here the “forget” will just be for his parent's deaths. I imagine this to be somewhat akin to the mask of phantasm monologue he has at his parents grave. (spoilers for that: he’s basically asking his parents for forgiveness for potentially abandoning his oath of bettering Gotham as Batman). last line makes me #$%^&*( just. hnnnnnnn imagine him waking up blurry eyed and brain fogged and he’s just grasping onto the false belief of his parents still being there n clinging on to the comfort of his pre-crime alley childhood before he truly wakes up. 
 sick of losing soulmates by dodie
okok this is on my bruce + romance playlist too bc it reminded me of batcat and bruharvey. it can also be interpreted as his fam ig? but I feel like that doesn’t apply for most of the song.
“God knows what I would be if you hadn’t found me / Sitting all alone in the dark… What the hell would I be without you / Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth… Cause I’m sick of losing soulmates / So where do we begin / I can finally see you’re as f$:$:&ed up as me / So how do we win”
 I just think. that. Bruce would have abandonment issues. first four lines can be taken for all three (batcat, bruharv, the family) interpretations. the truth being hidden doubling both as his identity as Batman and just. the fact that he loves them lol (batcat, bruharv). last three lines lean towards bc and bh but personally they reminded me more of bat cat (probably bc ppl always say they’re so similar). basically I feel like this song could signify their fears of losing each other in whatever way that means (romantically, platonically, death) bc they both care for each other so much and impact each other so muchhsuagdj but at the same time it feels like its bound to end badly. (ofc it doesn't. whether or not they like. break up from a romance or have a falling out between friends i’d like to think some time after they heal they become reconnect n their relationship w each other is stronger and so alike what it was before but different bc its just. so much healthier this time. and to copy and paste from my thoughts on my other playlist: bruce crashes at selinas house sometimes and she makes the him catsit for her bc she thinks it’s funny when he complains abt her cats and calls them mean names and then gets a picture of bruce knocked out cuddling them like 30 m later courtesy alfred)
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muselexum · 3 years ago
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Bay was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates in her younger years, but as she grew more influential and ambitious she requested to branch off from the crew to become a captain herself. While she had amassed a crew and flew her own flag, she was still a subordinate and ally to Whitebeard who she considered her father. Over the next thirty years Whitey Bay cemented herself as a powerful and infamous figure in the New World.
After Whitebeard’s death, Bay changed her focus to helping protect the late emperor’s territories. While many were taken by other notable figures, she managed to secure several under her name.
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NAME: Whitey, Bayonette Bay
EPITHET: Ice Witch
GENDER: Female
AGE: 49 (post-timeskip)
IDENTIFIED ORIENTATION: Bisexual, no preference
BIRTHDAY: October 31st
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
AFFILIATIONS: Whitebeard Pirates (former), Arctic Pirates
MISC INFO: Bay wields a Great Graded blade
SKILLS: Leadership, navigation, Observation and Armament haki, swordsmanship
HEIGHT: 8'4" (254cm)
BODY TYPE: Slender frame, very long legs
HAIR COLOUR/TYPE: Light purple-blue hair, long and wavy down to her waist
EYE COLOUR: Dark purple
SKIN TONE: Unusually pale, somewhat grey
NOTABLE FEATURES: Bay wears a traditional pirate captain hat, styled with pearls and a patterned bandana.
STYLE: Bay enjoys dressing to the nines, often seen wearing cravats, stockings, jewelry, capes, and heels. While her clothing is formal, the mix of patterns, colours, and large hats can be seen as too much to some.
Bay carries herself with a laidback confidence. While much of this can be attributed to her years of experience as a pirate, this self-assuredness has been present in her from a very young age. Even during her teens she was able to command respect from others with a natural authority, which over time garnered her a loyal following in her own right.
She does not hesitate to speak her mind. She does not fear confrontation and will stand her ground if it means keeping to her convictions.
Despite her reputation as the Ice Witch, to those who do not make an enemy out of her there is not much to fear. While perhaps not demure or gentle, Bay is still caring and loving in her own way. She’s adopted many of Whitebeard’s values, being a very honorable woman that values family and loyalty over all.
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[ headcanon based ]
0-11 Years
Bay has had a long time connection to Newgate. She was born into a life of piracy, spending her first eleven years on the Rocks Pirate ship where she was forced to harden herself to survive. Given little to no attention or parental love, the little girl could only find some comfort in Newgate. While he was tough on her for her own sake, he was also the only one who still treated her with the understanding and care a child deserves.
From the time she could walk a sword was placed in her hand and fighting became second nature to her. While she would sometimes be trained by the older members of the crew, the kids aboard the ship were most often left to their own devices to fight and train amongst each other. Despite being fights between kids, the amount of power and destruction involved was utterly abnormal. Bay and the other children became very capable and were involved in combat against other crews.
Bay was one of the founding members of the Whitebeard Pirates. During the God Valley incident Newgate saved the girl as the island was falling apart. After Rocks was killed, the remaining crew split amongst Kaido and Linlin as they made their escapes. Bay was the only one Newgate had taken as he was leaving the sinking island.
During his time in the Rocks Pirates, Newgate came to view the group as dishonorable and chaotic, but the children were innocent in his eyes. After Newgate had saved Bay he was the only one she had left, and so she turned to him for direction. Though she was taught to be cruel, Newgate knew that she could grow and change. It was because of this that he took her in and named her his first daughter.
12-25 Years
She spent over a decade travelling with Newgate. When his crew began to grow in size Newgate made the decision to split the members into five divisions, making Bay the First Division Commander at 19. She had this title until she departed from the crew, where the position was then filled by Marco.
After Roger’s execution and the great age of piracy began, Bay felt her ambitions grow and desired to become a captain of her own crew. While Newgate was not fond of the idea, he ultimately let her go on amicable terms.
From then she became the captain of the Arctic Pirates and gained notoriety throughout the New World. Her crew was allied with Whitebeard and she came to his aid during the Marineford War.
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#BAY ( VERSE: the ice witch )
Bay is the captain of her own pirate crew and sails the New World seas. While this content can take place over three decades, it generally refers to the past few years in the story timeline.
#BAY ( VERSE: whitebeard pirates )
Events that occur during her time travelling as a Whitebeard Pirate.
#BAY ( VERSE: rocks pirates )
Bay’s childhood aboard the Rocks Pirates ship.
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Bay’s full tag list can be found [here]. You can choose to block specific tags, or block his general tag to avoid his content entirely.
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itonje · 3 years ago
hey sexy stranger who is not me would you like to talk about therese
hello sexy stranger who is not me i WOULD like to talk about therese aka theresa but i changed her name a little bit cause it didnt sound like. idk french enough
anyways therese florien is louis florien (oc)'s younger sister and also the last monarch of the northern empire (actually when she became queen she was the last monarch of just the north because the south and the west had broken off by that point but we'll get to that).
in the main story, 20-30 years after all these events ill be telling later take place, samira and the rest of the continent know her as 'The Coward Queen/Tea-time Queen' because she only ruled for a couple days and immediately forsook the throne when the southern and ko'bi army approached the capital. currently, she resides in the florien ancestral home (summerhead) on the northern continent, and she's converted the castle into both a prayer place and a place where travelers and vagabonds and so on can stay for safety. and she's basically become like a priestess . long long long backstory under the cut
anyways . the first we know of her is that she's louis' younger sister, she's very religious, she's very timid, and she's very close to her father gareth...there are reasons for the last two that have to do with her late mother lorete. so like. louis is a sorcerer which lorete discovered when he was just a child (northern sorcerers are believed to be willingly practicing dark magic against their religion or whatever) and the florien family is already in some deep shit with the royal family (tldr floriens used to be the royal family, were deposed and murdered and so on and also gareth pissed off his cousin back when they were in their twenties or whatever, this will all be relevant later) and so lorete knew that her son would be taken away/the family wld be punished or whatever adn devoted all her attention towards her son and towards concealing his magic from everyone, including his father.
and when she gives birth to therese, her attention is still all lazer focused on louis, and gareth, who doesn't know why she's ignoring her in the first place basically raises his daughter alone up until lorete dies of an outbreak of plague or whatever when therese is four and then he's raising the eight year old louis AND therese alone. therese's timidity comes from both the paranoia her mother exuded when she was little, lorete's death, the fact that when she was young she saw a jousting accident involving her father in which a man died. her piousness comes from the fact that the only thing she really did when she was younger was pray and read while her father was out doing knightly duties (cough cough colonizing) and it provided an outlet for her to vent her emotions ab her upbringing
also, there's a conspiracy the floriens were involved in with a couple other families set up by gareth's grandmother to restore the florien family on the throne (re: louis would become king when the time came) so like even then everyone always gave her brother attention over her because they were convinced he would be king and she was just the second child they didn't care about. in this world like women are as eligible to inherit and own land just as much as men btw louis was just the eldest
anyways because of her very like. kind of stuck up religious nature, her fear, and because the floriens are already kind of pariahs her first friends are just louis' friends, charicle elaphin (the elaphins are a family close 2 the floriens) and the strange iloro girl whos in training to be a knight (kidlat, but her 'northern name' is claire), but they get along very well, making a little sort of friend group.
as the years get on, therese really keeps herself busy just by taking care of her, who's very infirm, and reading more theological stuff (like by her hero, her ancestor aveline florien who was a priestess and religious reformer) and even writing a bit of her own stuff. to the outside world though, her interiority is looked down upon and royal family supporters (ie, against the floriens) even spread rumors about her, like that she's a secret sorcerer or something (the florien family has always had accusations of sorcery flung against them, little do they know there is a witch in her family but it's her brother who's actually the sorcerer)
we mostly either see her thru the perspective of kidlat, who likes her but feels a bit alienated to her like how kidlat feels alienated by everything northern, or louis who is like. apathetic towards her like he feels some affection for her because they're siblings of course but he's not really close to her and he thinks her piousness is self righteous and finds her deep fear and timidity unpleasant to deal with...tho, his greatest resentment towards her comes from the fact that he's always felt his father has preferred her over him (he does btw. like louis isn't wrong lol)
anyways the royal family sets up a wedding for her because louis refuses to be married, and claims this is out of love for their cousins, but this is just really a ploy to royally piss off gareth by taking his other child away from his household (something they already did to louis), and therese is um. well she's very angry and upset about this, which louis (and no one else, except for her father ofc) doesn't realize until the day of her wedding when he's getting her ready. she doesn't want to leave her father and summerhead, she wants to devote her life to the Goddess instead of some random husband, and she, like the rest of the floriens incl louis feels very humiliated and cheated by the way she's being treated when she has the right to the throne, when she and co should be in charge....this surprises louis because. he didnt know other people had feelings. also at some point therese wants to ask charicle to marry her instead because he's very religious as well and he's gay so neither of them would have pressure to feel love for the other, but louis tells her to not do that by saying oh well he's half western you're a florien almost-princess which convinces her to not do that
anyways she does get married to this guy, and has a kid (eventually), but continues to constantly visit her own family and gareth dies of like. natural causes or whatever (also stress because of louis being a cunt asshole or whatever and therese leaving him and colonizer guilt and a bad leg infection and honestly the man had a lot going on tbh) which really really bums her out, louis also yells at her because again, poorly hidden resentment over his father's preferential treatment of her which makes her even more upset
also later on when the king is dying she tries to pray for him at his bedside but the queen, who again, does not like the floriens, gets mad, calls her a witch and devil or whatever whos killing him, tries to beat her etc, and finally therese has had it she's HAD it and her big joker breaking point moment is. throwing a shoe at the queen and calling her a 'very godless lady'
anyways later later after aeetes (yeah remember him) kills prince edouard, who was about to be crowned king, and the west, galvanized by the south breaking off and the death of the Sort of King, breaks off as well and starts waging war against the northern forces, the remaining northern lords are like. well shit. whos going to be in charge. maybe the floriens again? but..... louis has already ran off chasing after the deserter kidlat (and unbeknownst to everyone, has died in a tragic mysterious Axe Murder Accident) so the crown goes to...you guessed it....therese! anyways she's crowned, only of the north, which is the only nation the crown has juristiction over at this point, but when the southern and ko'bi forces annihilate the remainder of the loyal northern knights (many northern families have tried to start their own factions to try to reconquer the continent, even fighting each other..this is not working) and move up to take the throne a couple days afterward, her deep fear that she's always carried with her leads to her immediately forfeiting the crown and running away....
i wrote a little something from her perspective on her coronation, basically she believes that the goddess has put this in her hands for a reason, she believes and knows she's truly the heir to the great florien kings and queens, she's apathetic towards the (supposed) death of her brother because um. the way he treated her for all of her life, though she does feel a great emptiness now that he's gone, she wishes her mother and father were there to see her, but there's always that. undercurrent of anxiety and uncertainty she's always had. so you can kind of see what she eventually does coming from a mile away
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thebeautifulmoonlight · 4 years ago
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Basic Questions
First name? Emily
Surname? Loreley
Middle names? Rose
Date of birth? February 28, 1891
Age? 130
Physical / Appearance
Other distinguishing features?
Multiple spots where she has sewn wounds back together and put body parts back on.
Physical handicaps?
Due to her being dead, she has a few issues physically. First, her skin is very fragile and does not mend itself. Her nerve endings and taste buds are also extremely dulled, requiring stronger touches and tastes to be recognized. She cannot get drunk and does not require food or air to survive. She also cannot have children.
Type of clothes? She     still prefers older style, vintage-inspired clothing that calls back to     the styles from when she was alive.
What are their feet     like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn,     etc) Pretty shoes but loose to not loosen her toes from her foot.
Are they in good health?     …. I don’t even know how to answer this
What words or phrases do     they overuse? Far too many old school sayings
Are they more optimistic     or pessimistic?
Emily is very optimistic. She believes that everything works out in the end – even facing the darkness of her past, she looks for the silver lining she is sure will come out of it.
Are they introverted or     extroverted? Extroverted
Do they ever put on     airs? Never ever – there is no room for that sort of thing in a civil     society.
What bad habits do they     have? She is far too trusting of people.
What makes them laugh     out loud? She’s pretty soft spoken, but she is humored easily. She might     not laugh out loud but a decent corny joke and you’ll get her chuckling.
How do they display     affection? Showering the person with her attention and smiles.
How do they want to be     seen by others?
She wants people to see her as kind, as loving, fun, a person that will always have your back.
Strongest character     trait?
Her strongest character trait is her ability to raise up people regardless of where she is in her life and in the moment.
Weakest character trait?
There are moments, topics, goals that she has, where she is willing to sacrifice the greater good to fill those holes in her own life.
How competitive are     they? Not even a little – but the games are fun to play still.
Do they make snap     judgements or take time to consider? Take the time to consider.
How do they react to     praise?
Emily does not handle praise well. It makes her blush, she can’t make eye contact after… but she does appreciate it. Please don’t stop saying nice things about her.
How do they react to     criticism?
The idea that she let someone down would be crushing.
What is their greatest     fear?
I think her biggest fear is also something she knows will be her reality – I think she would desperately love to have children, a husband, a family, that quaint little life, but it’s impossible, meaning she has to live with the truth to her fear every day.
What are their biggest     secrets? I mean… that she’s dead.
What is their philosophy     of life?
You really never know how much time you have left in this world. Don’t waste it. Laugh. Dance. Love. Enjoy the people beside you while they are still there.
When was the last time     they cried? Probably just earlier that day.
What haunts them?
The fact that she was murdered by the person she thought loved her and not letting that color the way she views the people in her life now.
What are their political     views?
Okay – let me write this now to be updated later! I think, just because she is new to this world, she would lean more conservative, but as she grows and learns and educates herself, she will swing to a liberal view of the world.
What will they stand up     for? Herself, the people she loves.
Who do they quote? Her     father.
Are they indoorsy or     outdoorsy? Outdoorsy.
What sense do they most     rely on?
Because most of her senses are very dulled, she can only really rely on sight and hearing.
What quality do they     most value in a friend?
People who are accepting and loyal.
What do they consider an     overrated virtue? Obeying rules.
If they could change one     thing about themselves, what would it be?
Emily has a lot of anger inside her that rears its head and shows the worst of her. She wishes she had more control over that.
What is their obsession?     Finding love.
What are their pet     peeves? People who don’t listen to her.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or     small? Who does it consist of?
Small, it was only herself and her parents.
What is their perception     of family?
Family was something very important to her and she misses them insanely. Family are people who love you, support you, and build up you and your dreams.
Ideal best friend?
This is a person that she has fun with and always has her back. They accept her for all her flaws and would probably not murder her once they have her trust.
Describe their other     friends.
Past and Future
What was your character     like as a baby? As a child?
Emily was a curious child, always enjoying learning new things and having adventures. It was not uncommon for her parents to have to go hunting the village to find where her day had taken her. She was not a troublemaker but her ability to wander gave them plenty of heartache.
Did they grow up rich or     poor?
Her father owned most of the town as she grew up and allowed her to have some of the best things in life. They were the first in the town to have their own car.
Did they grow up     nurtured or neglected? Nurtured.
What was their first     kiss like?
Their first kiss was with Barkis. It was very soft and lovely – and a total lie.
What is the worst thing     they did to someone they loved?
While her feelings on Victor as love is debatable, she tried to force him to be with her and also force his true love to stay away from him – the aftershocks of that event and the depths she was willing to take to make them do what she wanted is why she ran off and found herself here.
What are their     ambitions?
To find a husband… stay tuned for growth.
What advice would they     give their younger self?
Listen to your parents. They want what is best for you, and Barkis is not what is best.
What smells remind them     of their childhood?
Baked bread.
What was their childhood     ambition?
To run her own restaurant.
What is their best     childhood memory?
She loves to think back on the evenings with her family. They would gather around, talking with each other, playing the piano. Her parents talked to each other as equals and challenged each other in their love – she would sit and watch and adore them.
When was the last time     they were crushed with disappointment?
When Victor didn’t want her.
What past act are they     most ashamed of?
Her verbal and physical assault of Victor’s love.
Has anyone ever saved     their life? She wishes.
Do they believe in love     at first sight? One billion percent.
How do they behave in a     relationship?
She is someone who will totally devoted and loyal in a relationship. When she is with you, her eyes are totally on you and no one else.
When did you character     last have sex? Never.
Has your character ever     been in love? No………………
Have they ever had their     heart broken?
People can take a number to break her heart.
How do they respond to a     threat?
She does not back away from a threat and is not afraid to face it head on. She will put you in your place if she must.
Are they most likely to     fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue.
What is your character’s     kryptonite?
She is extremely gullible. For all her backbone, she can be manipulated into giving you her trust and allowed to be mistreated.
How do they perceive     strangers?
To Emily, you are a friend until you prove that you aren’t.
What do they love to     hate? She finds that whole idea troubling.
What is their choice of     weapon?
Swords. Very dramatic.
Have they ever been     bullied or teased? Is murder bullying?
Work, Education and Hobbies
What are some of their     past jobs?
She ran her father’s speakeasy for him before her death.
What are their hobbies?
Playing piano, traveling, getting lost and finding adventures.
Educational background?
She went to a girl’s school, able to get a high school education thanks to her father being well off.
Intelligence level? Just     average intelligence.
Do they have a natural     talent for something? She’s musically gifted.
Do they play a sport?     Are they any good?
She does not play a sport but because it was not an option to her. If she had had an opportunity, she would have probably enjoyed it and be athletic.
What is their     socioeconomic status?
She is currently quite poor and living in a shelter until she gets a job and money to support herself.
What is their favorite     animal? Hummingbirds.
Which animal do they     dislike the most? Snakes.
What place would they     most like to visit?
She would love to go to Paris. Emily thinks of it as the epitome of sophistication and romance.
What is the most     beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
A full moon shining through the tree.
Music, art, reading     preferred? Music
What is their favorite     color? Purple
What is their password? EmilyL     – its bad, I know, she’ll learn lol
Favorite food: Anything     with lots of garlic so she can taste it
What is in their fridge?
Nothing, because she doesn’t have to eat.
What is on their bedside     table?
Dried flowers and a candle
What is in their bin?
Paper scraps scribbled with Emily Van Dort
What is in their     pockets? A lot of change
Who or what is your     character’s guardian angel?
She misses the worm that helped her with advice when she was dead.
Do they believe in the     afterlife? Um… yes.
Are they superstitious? Very.
What would they like to     be reincarnated as?
She would be happy just being a whole person and not a dead one.
How would they like to     die? Not murder by someone she trusted, that’s for sure.
What is your character’s     spirit animal? A rabbit.
What is their zodiac     sign? Pisces
What do they think is     the worst thing that can be done to a person? Murder.
What is their view of     ‘freedom’?
Freedom is the ability to make your own choices, live your life by your own rules, out in the world and surrounded by nature.
When did they last lie?     A couple days ago.
What’s their view of     lying?
As long as you aren’t hurting someone, she does not see the issue with it.
When did they last make     a promise? Earlier today. She makes them often.
Did they keep or break     their last promise? Always keep your promises.
Daily life
What are their eating     habits?
Because she is dead, she doesn’t have any need for nourishment or eating. She eats for appearances sometimes, or to feel normal, but she has to eat and drink very strong flavors in order for her dulled taste buds to notice it.
Are they minimalist or a     clutter hoarder? Clutter is comfy.
What do they do first     thing on a weekday morning?
She hasn’t slept so she probably goes back to wherever she is staying to change into new clothes and wash the old.
What is their alcoholic     drink of choice?
She loves old timey drinks that remind her of home and her life before death.
What or who would your     character dress up as for Halloween?
She is going to enjoy some Halloween. She’d probably just paint her face slightly green and reveal all her real stitchings, and go as a zombie.
Are they comfortable     with technology? Hahaha, no.
If they could save one     person, who would it be? Victor.
If they could call one     person for help, who would it be? Orion.
What is their greatest     regret?
Any act of violence she perpetuated.
What would they do if     they won the lottery?
Pay for a trip to Europe for herself and her friends.
What is their favourite     fairytale? Cinderella
What fairytale do they     hate? Hansel and Gretel
Do they believe in happy     endings? Absolutely.
What is their idea of     perfect happiness?
A house lit by candlelight with a husband and children running around.
What would they ask a     fortune teller?
Does she find someone who love her?
If your character could     travel through time, where would they go?
If they could have a     superpower, what would they choose? Flying.
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nadiaportia · 4 years ago
Deirdra Margalit
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art by my friend Ayla aka leatherandsaltybitters
The partisan with a fiery temper
Other bios:  Ximena | Sayelle | Heloisa | Cibela
Full name: Deirdra Margalit Araya
Meaning of name: Variant of Deirdre; “Wanderer” in Irish
Jaume Margalit (deceased): Deirdra’s younger brother by three years. They were as close as two siblings can be, and Deirdra often protected him from whoever dared to mock or try to hurt him. Just like his parents, Jaume had a strong sense for justice and was also a rebel that drove him to join the Nationalists in secret before his worried parents could keep him from it. His death at the hands of a Loyalist soldier was what drove Deirdra to leave their village as well to fight for a better future and back then, avenge their beloved brother.
Meritxell Araya (deceased): Deirdra’s mother, a seamstress. Their role model in their childhood, Meritxell was a pillar in the community and a woman with an iron will who stood up for those in need. The rupture of her family in the Civil War and having to let her oldest child go after her youngest one was murdered took a heavy toll on her but also saw her fervently supporting the Nationalists and housing them. She was killed by Loyalists and the Margalit Araya family home burnt to the ground as a warning to all those in Valanguer who dared to act against Queen Jacinta.
Daví Margalit: Deirdra’s father whose biggest hobby is reading and briefly was assistant to the owner of a book shop. He took on the role of teaching in the village school of Valanguer and gave his love for literature to his children as well. Daví wanted a better world for Jaume and Deirdra and supported the Nationalists who had taken up arms against the Queen Jacinta and her loyalists, which ultimately got him into prison. It’s Deirdra’s biggest wish to see their father be a free man again.
Enkidu: A beech marten and Deirdra’s animal companion and familiar. One night while some humans were camping in the woods, he was attracted by the warmth of the fire and the next morning Deirdra woke up to him being curled up next to them. Even though they can’t communicate that well with each other, they are inseparable.
Nicknames: Dee (basically used by everyone), Dida (exclusively family, especially their brother)
Favourite meal: Calçots with salvitxada
Favourite drink: Horxata de chufa
Favourite flower: Carnation
Favourite color: Poppy red
Birthday: 31st of January
Age: 29 during the events of the game
Zodiac: Aquarius
Patron Arcana: The Chariot and the Page of Cups
Upright: The Chariot is in complete control of its own destiny. It hurtles towards victory, unhindered by adversity. 
Reversed: The Chariot careens out of control, losing its way as it becomes stranded on the road.
Upright: The Page of Cups is a dreamer, always looking towards the future with bright eyes and full heart.
Reversed: The Page of Cups is self-centered and immature, struggling to get along with those around him.
Gender: Non-binary
Sexuality: Bisexual with a preference for women
Height: 1,80 m // 5′9″
Deirdra has a toned body with muscular arms and legs. They have light olive skin with a warm untertone and vitiligo on their forehead, shoulders and around their mouth. Their straight hair, originally dark blond, has been dyed dark blue, reaches their chin and is either in a short bun with a few loose strands or completely loose. Their eyebrows are thin and their original dark blond color while their eyes are light green. Their face is heart-shaped with a pointy chin. They have a slightly roman-shaped nose and thin lips as well as a tooth gap between their front teeth. 
Deirdra carries themself with a swagger and is very expressive when talking.
Visual inspirations: Alia Shawkat
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Languages spoken: Durazà, Oriolà and the Common Tongue
Magical abilities:
Despite having some magical affinity, Deirdra prefers to not make use of them not because of a lack of belief in magic but because of difficulties of focusing on them
Illusion powers, such as being able to change the shape and appearance of people, creatures or items in the eyes of others or disguising them completely
Nature- and Earth-based powers
Love interests: 
Sayelle and Ximena: Either individually or as a polycule. 
In general, like with most of my characters; if they’re compatible sexuality-wise as well as personality-wise, feel free to ship them with your OCs or MCs. Hit me up with a message and we can discuss the details! 
Deirdra Margalit was born as the oldest child of Daví and Meritxell in the village of Valanguer in the countryside of Oriol. They grew up with not a lot of wealth, while not being the ones off the worst in their village, but learned to value even the small things and treasure a community in which everyone helped everyone - very true to the sentiment of “it takes a village to raise a child”. Their father was an intellectual within the community and their mother, who was seen by many as a leader in Valanguer, were very openly critical of the Oriolà monarchy when it took a more hostile turn towards its rural population and got involved in a war led by their bigger neighboring patron empire Calpacia to the point where young adults were forcibly drafted. The populace divided itself soon into  sympathizers of the Loyalists who supported the ongoing course led by the Oriolià Queen Jacinta and the Nationalists who were led by the Queen’s cousin, which meant that even in a small village acquaintances and even friends could become enemies. 
Their father was arrested and imprisoned as a political enemy when the political infighting divided the populace into . The point that pushed them to actually get involved in the Nationalist armed resistance was the death of Jaume. After an argument with their mother, Deirdra left as well without knowing it would be the last time they would ever see her. Meeting many other nationalists on their way to the capital, they soon found a home in the currently besieged capital and met the daughter of a butcher named Renée. Meeting a kindred spirit who had also recently lost family helped them adapt to this new living situation and they soon became comrades-in-arms and more. When the Nationalist leaders called for fighters to take the fighting outside of the city and into the rural areas where the Queen’s Men had taken refuge, they immediately volunteered. For a year, their life consisted of camping in the wilderness, awful food and fearing of getting shot at whenever they passed a hill. It was there when they met their familiar and gave them the name Enkidu after a character from a story their father used to love.
Three years after the first battle the Civil War ended with the Nationalists’ loss of the capital of Oriol and its siege led by the Loyalists. Queen Jacinta gave the choice to everyone who fought for the Nationalists to lay down their weapons and either leave the country as exiles or be put in prison for treason against the crown and receive a lighter sentence, most of Deirdra’s comrades made their choice, fully aware that the Queen’s word couldn’t be trusted and traitors would most likely get executed and thus continued the fight at home. Deirdra themself chose to leave with Renée as they were young and could still have a life together - and end up regretting it for a very long time, when Renée was unable to leave at the last minute.
The following years in exile Deirdra travelled the world with other Oriolà exiles, on one occasion even travelling to Nevivon, and developing a network all across the continent. Their travels led them to Vesuvia where they settled thanks to the help of an exiled politician and integrated them into the local Oriolà community. They met the magicians Asra and Ximena when wanting to progress in their magical studies and became good friends with Julian, often frequenting the Rowdy Raven with him. Their friendship with Sayelle, whom they met thanks to Asra, briefly became romantic and grew steadily until the plague hit Vesuvia and its inhabitants were overwhelmed by it. Deirdra’s instinct to leave the city and those infected behind was met by refusal by both Ximena and Sayelle, and the gap between Deirdra and Sayelle was only broadened when Deirdra decided to aid Asra in a ritual that would bring the Devil himself into the mortal world while it was actually intended to bring Ximena back to life. The fact that their resurrected friend was unable to recognize any of them and their presence actually caused her pain saw Deirdra cutting ties with Asra and almost exclusively being around their compatriots.
More art:
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by @cherrygirl666​ | post 
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feat. Sayelle by @missrabbitart​ | post
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ghostiewriter · 4 years ago
meet james maybank | character inspection
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This is an insight into James Maybank, a character commonly used within my outer bank fanfictions. He’s portrayed as JJ and Kiara’s firstborn and eldest son. This is just to give you an idea on what he’s like rather than having to explain in each one-shot he shows up in!
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James Maybank is the eldest child and first son to JJ and Kiara, in the little second generation I’ve created. The couple had him when they were twenty-three years old, he was admittedly unplanned. Most of their early 20s were spent travelling and the pregnancy with James did change their plans a little, but they loved him relentless. In fact, it gave JJ an excuse to finally convince Kie to go to a bunch of different theme parks since they had a kid and it was “basically a law” for them to do so. Yet, despite the fact he was an accident, it didn’t make him any less loved. It was nerve-wracking, he was the first venture into parenthood that the couple had ever had but James was also just the perfect little mix of his parents (whether that made the situation better or worse is debatable).
The name James was chosen by JJ, a little nod of respect to his mother (something that will be explained further in a certain one shot). He was the perfect little summer baby, born on 31st July, smack middle of summer. Despite being born at peak summer time, James isn’t the surfer boy you’d expect him to be. He loved the beach, don’t get me wrong. He enjoyed all the memories he had growing up, learning how to surf and building sandcastles with his little siblings but much to JJ’s disappointment, James wasn’t much of a surfing fan.
But where JJ’s love for the ocean lacked in his eldest son, his skill and interest in mechanics did not. Ever since he was a young child, James had the oddest fascinations with cars. Maybe it started from JJ taking him to work on the few days Kie would be on the mainland for her own work or maybe it was because he grew up watching old episodes of Top Gear, but James Maybank became a motorhead. The second he was old enough, he would be at his father’s side, oil and grease on his hands as he learnt everything he could. It started as a hyper-fixation and ended up being a passion. And just like his mother, James has a bit of a ‘do it yourself’ attitude. He is stubborn as hell, so when he was young and his grandparents (mostly Anna Carrera) was openly against his fascination and passion to be a mechanic, well you can guess how much it fuelled him to pursue this career further.
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Like mentioned above, he is a healthy mix of his parents but maybe the combination is more dangerous. Whilst he has the wit and quick-thinking of his mother, the boy has the schemer ways and knack for trouble just like his father has. Again, a dangerous combination. James is a charmer, he has a way with words that just traps people in and make them want to be around him. He is a natural extrovert, a social butterfly if you will. You can throw him in a room with anybody and he would come out of it with new friends, it’s just the way James is. Even as a child, he just seemed to hold a charm over people that could not be explained.
Though, sometimes it can be mistake for arrogance and this is where the trouble slips in. James is a very self-aware person. He knows that he is a good-looking guy, he is quite intelligent and a bit of a natural flirt. But by god does it make his ego unbearable at times. Kiara claims this is something he gets from his father, but James seems to have an issue in letting his mouth run sometimes and it gets him into trouble with others. He is a friendly, flirty guy—you can imagine how many times he might have accidentally spoken to the wrong person and how many times he has realised his charming words won’t get him out of a fight with a very pissed off significant other (James seems to have a habit of flirting with people that are already taken, again not on purpose but more just because he can’t help it). His ego is definitely one of his fatal flaws that will come to bite him in the ass later on.
Despite this, James is one of the most loyal people you can ever have in your life. As a brother, as a friend, as a son. This boy is just the epitome of blind loyalty. Once you are in his life, you are under the protection of James Maybank, I don’t make the rules. The people he cares about mean the world to him, and though he may have a lot of friends, his inner circle is smaller than you would think. These are the people he can let loose around, not worry about reputation or appearance. He can be his usual loveable but goofy self. James thrives on making people smile and laugh, especially those in his inner circle. So although he may be an egotistical bastard at times, he can be quite the sweetheart too.
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There are a lot of relationships to go through so I’ll focus on the main ones in James’s life. The main one being his relationship with his parents. Much to Kiara’s dismay, James is a daddy’s boy. Since he could crawl, he would always be at his father’s side. It was nerve-wracking for JJ considering his fears of fatherhood and walking into the unknown, but he was the best dad you could ever think of. James has a very healthy relationship with his parents, a very open one too. He has grown up in an environment that he knows is a safe place and wouldn’t be judged so there was very little he had to hide from his parents. Plus the fact they were a part of an illegal heist when they were his age does help him get away with quite a lot of stuff. James was a bit of a tester though, considering he was the first child and his parents were only 23 when they had him, but it did mean that everyone was learning together. With his short temper (courtesy of his father), James can get quite heated in argument very quickly which was a pain during his early teen years, but after reaching that eventual maturity, his relationship with his parents was a breeze.
His relationship with each of his siblings is quite different. He probably gets on the easiest with Gabriel, purely because his younger brother is a fairly chilled guy and avoids conflict as much as he can. Gabriel tends to be the first person James would go to whenever he needs to rant or get advise (his younger brother is oddly wise) and he tries to be the same.
Whereas, James’s relationship with the other twin is much more complicated. James and Zack are similar in many ways and that tends to be the problem. Both hot-headed and stubborn, they tend to clash and bicker the most. Deep down, James knows he would do anything for his brother but that doesn’t take away from the fact his youngest brother can be a right pain in his ass at some points.
Now James is an overprotective bastard, this can be seen by anyone. But his overbearing ass is definitely the strongest when it comes to his little sister Elliot. He promptly chooses to ignore the fact she could kick everyone’s ass and plays the part of ‘protective big brother’ as a badge of honour. She learnt quite quickly to just let him play his part, and though it can be irritating at some points, it means he cares so Elliot doesn’t mind too much. James just sees all his younger siblings as his responsibility to keep as happy and protected as he can. He loves his siblings, he would do anything for them just as they would for him.
The second generation of pogues are a big bunch and whilst James is friendly with most of them (maybe going as far as considering them to be his siblings too) his best friend is most definitely Charlotte Routledge. Being the first kids in the group, it was hard for James to not be around Charlie most of his life. She was born a couple of months after he was and a lot of their childhood photos are proof that the two of them were rarely seen without each other. Charlie is like a sister to him, someone he would trust with his life. She probably knows him better than she knows herself, and vice versa. One would very rarely be seen without the other growing up, and they became quite the troublesome duo. However, Charlie is also one of the few people that isn’t afraid to put James in his place. He can be cocky and arrogant and she is happy to knock him down a few notches. She is the slap of reality in his life (something James quite often needs) and after so many years of friendship, she soon learnt to help him avoid trouble by scheming with him rather than trying to stop him. Charlie Routledge is one of the most important people in his life, just like her father was to his own.
Now, the last important relationship I should tell you about is with Clover Martelle. Depending on who you ask, the view of their relationship can be very different. For Clover, James is nothing but an arrogant asshole who always gets what he wants. To James, Clover is the best thing to ever walk this earth. It’s a long story for these two, a long history that goes back all the way to their first day of school together. You could jokingly say that James is his father’s son, falling for a stubborn girl who happily put him in his place and resisted the charming smile he gave everyone else. But that is just what James loves about her. She is beautiful, but James fell for so much more than that. She was strong and kind and stood up for what she believed in. Little James Maybank has been whipped since he was 5 years old. Their story and Clover’s eventual realisation that his feelings are requited is one that will eventually be explored.
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Physically, James is healthy and fit. Except for the fact he had to be kept in hospital for an extra few days after he was born. But in every other aspect, he is generally quite normal and well. The only thing that he does need aid for is his eyesight. Since he was around 4 years old, James has always worn glasses. He wears glasses because he has a “lazy eye” (medically known as amblyopia) which just means one eye is weaker than the other. In James’s case, it is his left eye. Glasses were a bit of a menace for him as a child, he hated it and usually did his best to avoid wearing them. But by the age of 8, he had grown up a bit and accepted his glasses and he has never really had an issue with them since. Growing up with his parents being Potterheads, James distinguishably has worn round glasses like the main protagonist since he had first watched the movies. It helped a lot with his confidence to wear them.
Mentally, James’s health is also quite good. Like mentioned earlier, growing up in an open environment where you were aware that you could talk to your parents and not be judged really did help. He has always been open with his feelings and thoughts, always been given healthy solutions to deal with his issues. The fact that his parents respect his privacy and space and give James the time he needs to open up is also a big help. Like his father, he can sometimes get lost in his own head and use other things to distract him but he will eventually talk to someone about what is bothering him—whether that be his parents, his siblings or his friends. He knows he will always have someone there for him.
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JJ and Kiara had no plans to settle down anytime soon. They were young and adventurous and had the whole world at their feet. It was no surprise to anyone that the second they graduated, they hopped on a plane and visited all the places they only dreamed of going. They would go back and forth between a new place and returning home for a few weeks to visit the other pogues, and have a few dinners with the Carreras to keep Anna happy. It just so happened that during one of their trips back to the island, there was a massive rager at the Boneyard for Halloween. Seeing no harm in this, the couple went and had the time of their lives. Little did they know that one little night would change their lives.
James wasn’t planned or necessarily expected at least for a couple of years. Unlike John B and Sarah who had a wedding pretty soon after they graduated, JJ and Kiara saw no rush in doing so. They had all the time in the world. However, a wrench was thrown into their plans when that positive pregnancy test showed up in their lives. Despite the fear and uncertainty the couple shared on the path of parenthood, they decided to keep the baby and venture forward with this unexpected path. It became one of the best decisions in their lives.
James was the sweetest young boy, a healthy mix of his parents both in attitude and in appearance. He was energetic and bubbly and charming. He loved people and loved making new friends. He was also the catalyst to the large family the young couple would have.
James knows of his parents’ background, where the two of them came from and how they got to the place they are now. In classic JJ fashion, of course his son follows through in the teasing and mocking of the other kooks. To keep Anna happy, they would attend the odd party here or there at the country club and James would do everything in his power to seem like the most charming man and simultaneously the kook parents worst nightmare. James is protective of his family, and knowing how they treated his father, he doesn’t plan on giving them the time of day to get under his skin.
Being the eldest, he also feels as though he holds a responsibility over his siblings to be a role model. Unfortunately, his big mouth can get him into a lot of trouble and usually it’s one of his siblings that will be helping him out of trouble. He’s a prankster, he can’t help it. He always has something up his sleeve, and this just so happens to be the exact thing that gets him on Clover’s bad list the first time they meet.
His relationship—or lack thereof—with Clover Martelle began when young James Maybank decided it would be hilarious to put gum on one of the chairs in the classroom. That chair just so happened to belong to Clover who did not find it very funny and in retaliation humiliated him in front of the class by doing the same back to him. It was the day James Maybank became absolutely whipped for her.
She was the person all the kook bastards thought they were entitled to tell him to stay away from. Even Clover herself made it pretty clear she didn’t want to be near James but that didn’t stop him. And eventually, years of pining and being like a love-sick puppy would finally blossom into a beautiful relationship between the two—but not without its hardships and bumps in the road (but you’ll just have to stay tuned to see how their story plays out!).
Being the oldest means that James is also the first to go through everything, including school. He knew pretty early on that he wanted to be a mechanic, his love for cars and motorcycles and boats proved this passion this further. In fact, by the age of 16, he had managed to build his own motorbike along with the help of his father and it’s his most prized possession and greatest accomplishment to this day.
James is a fairly laid back guy, he doesn’t like to plan too much into the future or dwindle on what is going to happen. He is definitely more of a “go with the flow” type of guy and that perfectly describes his outlook on life. Though his arrogance may be his fatal flaw, it also fuels the confidence that makes James who is and it’s a part of him you will grow to love.
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mechanomorphic · 4 years ago
oh hey some 9 hcs/theories bcs i Think abt this movie a lot (under the cut bcs this was way longer than i thoUGHT IT WA S GOING TO BE WHOOPS)
the main cast being comprised of parts of the scientists ‘soul’ is kinda complicated. basically theyre not just parts of the scientist himself, but rather people hes known, experiences he’s been through and his ideas/ideals
-1 is probably the most obvious in terms of this - he has clear parts of how the scientist remembers the chancellor, but also probably other older men in positions of power hes known throughout his life. his father, old professors or teachers, characters he read about in books as a boy that were leaders. perhaps 1′s fear comes from what the scientist wished these men had - especially the chancellor - a fear of the unknown, of the unknowable, afterall if the chancellor never took the machine away maybe none of this would have happened.
-speaking of the machine, she (i use she/her for the machine) is similar to her creator, probably the closest to him in terms of raw personality. the issue is shes a little, well... shes almost like a child. she craves the attention of the scientist and lashed out when he was taken away from her. she refuses to conform to what others want of her (a feeling the scientist probably remembers from his youth) but she was hurt and now shes angry and while the scientist, and none of the stitchpunks, should ever be expected to forgive her... the scientist probably felt bad for her, right until his last moments
-2 is an interesting case. perhaps the softer side of the older men in the scientists life, grandparents, gentler teachers, perhaps in some ways his mother. he has the scientist’s (and the machine’s) drive to create. to build upon the world before them. inspired by the people around the scientist that when he was growing up kept him creating. someone that didn’t quite have it in themselves to be a leader, cautious but not afraid, a perfect companion to 1 (but once again, we’re driving into ‘if only’s’)
-there is a childishness to 3 and 4, i would suggest that they come from the scientist’s memories of childhood. of those he knew when he was a young boy, but also himself. the desire to understand the world around them, facinated because everything was so new. the scientist knew the mistakes of the past shouldnt be buried with humanity, so he created two minds that wished to understand. to catalogue. as for why twins? maybe he felt loneliness in his youth, he knew being an intelligent child often meant being alone, hidden away in books. he couldnt bring himself to let them be alone, so he made two twins, perfectly in sync (except for the moments they are not). siblings argue, but siblings patch up. 3 and 4 would never have to face being alone, because they would always have each other.
-5. a fan favourite for many, myself included! his soft, trusting nature is something that is not often seen in masc coded characters, and his creativity and arc of coming into his own is something very near and dear to me. i think he came from memories of dearly beloved friends. some of whom were perhaps more followers than leaders, but comfortable like that. despite everything, those friends were a deep part of the scientist’s soul, and though he wished to carry them forever, he’s more than happy to have 5 live on in their memory
-6 is an odd one to talk about. again this theme of creativity returns (perhaps something very deeply a part of the scientist’s soul?) but in a much more literal fashion. an artist, a loner, misunderstood. more comfortable expressing himself with ink on paper than with words. to me 6 feels like he wouldve been a family member, or perhaps a few. a niece, or nephew, or uncle, or cousin. someone a bit strange, someone the scientist did not fully understand - and perhaps feared, because it often seemed that by looking at the world from this different angle, they understood more than him - and to a smart man, a very logical man, that must be quite frightening.
-7 reads to me as an older sibling. someone willing to take others under her wing but also keep them at arms length, for as much their protection as hers. a protector, a watchful guardian. theres a hidden softness, perhaps one the scientist never fully reached, but one the twins and 9 managed to pull out. or perhaps the scientist was imagining it. it doesnt matter now, anyhow.
-8 feels obvious. a solider, maybe a bit of a bully. perhaps a friend, or maybe more accurately an acquaintance. someone the scientist couldn’t click with, maybe couldn’t understand. but he knows the idea of a protector, a guard, and he builds that into 8. rough around the edges, much like his counterpart 7, he desires to protect his family, even if he isnt the best about it. he fails to grasp the other stitchpunks the way the scientist couldnt grasp the solider, and is too eager to follow and not have to think. but he has a heart, and its usually somewhere around where the right place is.
-curious, brave and so incredibly foolish, the main boy, 9. if the scientist met 9 he’d attribute him to his younger self, full of curiosity and bravery and maybe those two traits stopped them both from thinking ahead a little. but theres so much more to him than that. 9 is a leader - a mix of 1′s level headedness, and 2′s empathy. he builds those around him up, encourages them to be better, but is also just a bit of a manipulator, even if he doesnt mean to be. but one could argue a good leader needs to manipulate, just a tad. he’s their last hope because 9 is new, he’s the only one of them left that still has it in his heart to hope for something better.
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juviin · 4 years ago
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Here’s literally all the rosie lore. 
(template 1) (template 2)
Name: Rosemary Nare Etana Alias: Ro, Rose, Rosie Personality: Rosemary is very open about her emotions. She takes a while to warm up to people, but when she does, she loves people very strongly. Relatives: Father (estranged), Mother (deceased), 4 older siblings, 2 younger siblings. Status: Alive Species: Human Gender: cis female Age: 19 Eyes: Gold Hair: Pink Appearance: Rosemary is 5′5 and has short pink hair. She has two scars, one along her back and one on her lower right abdomen. She also has a tattoo on her calf of a lily. Birthday: July 30th Constellation: Leo Height: 5′5″ or 165 cm Blood Type: O Occupation: Magic Knight -Squad: Black Bulls Country: Clover Affinity: Lava Magic (On a scale of 0-10: 0 being terrible and 10 being the best) Physical Strength 5/10 Magic Amount 7/10 Magic Control 9/10 Magic Sensing 6/10 Cleverness 9/10 Growth 8/10 Equipment: none
(this next one is all in first person which i am NOT used to writing in but...)
Part 1: The Basics
What is your full name?--Rosemary Nare Etana
Where and when were you born?--I was born on July 30th in a large city in the Common Realm, however we moved to a small town shortly after I was born.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)--
Lily Etana was my mother’s name. She worked several jobs while raising us, like waitressing and being a maid. She was very kind too, but a lot of people took advantage of her for that. I guess that’s why Val and I have taken to being aggressive about how we feel, and aggressive in sticking up for her. When I was 12, an assassin killed her and gave me the scar across my back. I’m sure he was sent by my grandparents, but they played the fool and even sent an advisor to her funeral. Since then, that advisor has scheduled meetings with me monthly to make sure I haven’t told anyone.
My father’s name is Andranik Typhos the fourth? something like that, but I don’t know very much about him. I know he’s a noble, but I’ve never met him. I don’t hear that many complaints about him, and Mother says he was a wonderful gentleman, but I’ve met his parents, and I find it hard to believe that they would raise a lovely son.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?--I have four! On my mom’s side, at least.
Valerian is the oldest. He’s sixteen years older than me, so he’s a lot more mature than me, and very protective of us younger siblings. He has three kids, too, and his wife is Eli’s cousin. They have been married since I was only three, so she’s been in our lives forever. The two of them basically became my parents after our mother died, so I couldn’t be more grateful to them.
Then is Dahlia. Dahlia is 12 years older than me. She’s very calm, and there have been more than a few times where Valerian has been freaking out and Dahlia always keeps her cool and fixes the problem. She’s the best at makeup.
Basil is in the direct middle, and they’re 9 years older than me. They are very energetic and mischievous. I don’t think Basil wants a spouse, but they’re very dedicated to their craft. I blame them for the multiple scams of my father’s estate, but who’s complaining? Basil also has a scar along  their right cheek, running from their nose to their chin
Azalea is the closest to my age, she’s 25. She’s a lot like our mom. She treats everyone with kindness, but I worry about people taking advantage of her for that.
Also, I know that my father has two children younger than me with his wife, but I’ve never met them and I probably never will.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.--I live with the Black Bulls! The base is really crazy and always changing, but there’s always something going on, so everyday is fun.
What is your occupation?--I’m a Magic Knight, but I have also worked some other jobs in the past.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks--I’m 5′5, and around 150lbs. My skin is pale, so I tend to burn very easily, and my eyes are yellow and my hair is pink. I like to wear warm colors and clothes that aren’t very tight, as well as boots. I have two large scars, one is about three inches and is a slash along my stomach, while the other one is about eight inches long and runs across my upper back, both from assassination attempts. I try to hide both of them. I also have one tattoo on my lower calf, so it’s usually covered.
To which social class do you belong?--I believe I’m considered a commoner. I likely wouldn’t be considered a noble unless something happened to my father’s legitimate children, though I have no interest in being taken in by his family. 
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?—I get nosebleeds often because of an injury when i was younger. 
Are you right- or left-handed?—right handed
What does your voice sound like?—If I had to describe it, I’d say it’s medium in pitch and kind of airy. 
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?--nothing particularly?
What do you have in your pockets?—um. a handful of flowers, a pocket watch, and assorted candies. 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?—I sometimes bite my nails. 
Part 2: Growing Up
How would you describe your childhood in general?--Average for the most part, I’d say. I had a loving mother and 4 great siblings. Still, my mother’s death hit all of us very hard.
What is your earliest memory?--Sadly, my first assassination attempt. That one was when I was around five and it was sent by my father’s family. It gave me the scar on my stomach, and also gave Basil the scar on their face from them protecting me.
How much schooling have you had?--I went to the small schoolhouse in town up until I was 12, and then I started going less so I could work more. 
Did you enjoy school?--I enjoyed learning, but I’ve found that I learn more outside of school.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?--I learned basic first aid and how to identify certain plants and herbs from my siblings. I mostly learned battle from experience and assassins.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.—my siblings, especially Basil
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?--We all got along very well as kids, though they were all a lot older than me so that did strain our relationships a bit, especially as the youngest.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?--As a child I wanted to work in medicine, even though my magic is ill suited for it. I only decided that I wanted to become a Magic Knight after my mother’s death.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?—i used to love helping my mother garden. 
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?--I cried a lot more than I do now. I was always scared, as I knew from a young age that my father’s parents wanted me dead.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?--My only friend was really Eli, but she hung out with all the kids from town, so i vaguely knew them.
When and with whom was your first kiss?--also Eli, when we were about 12 and 13.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?--I’m not. After Eli left town I kind of lost myself for the next two years until I became a knight. 
Part 3: Past Influences
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?--My mother's death perhaps?
Who has had the most influence on you?--Eli. I think if not for her, I would be a very different person.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?--The amount of nobles I’ve insulted to their faces on official magic knight business.
What is your greatest regret?--being born.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?--I don’t think I’ve ever done anything “evil”, only some malicious things, but I don’t regret them.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?--No, but I probably should for extortion.
When was the time you were the most frightened?--The first attempt on my life.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?--My elder brother catching me lying about my profession. 
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?—i would be stronger. 
What is your best memory?—probably the first few months with the black bulls. It was genuine happiness for the first time in a while. 
What is your worst memory?—the aftermath of my mother’s death. I don’t remember the actual event, some mix of trauma and head injuries, but I do remember the weeks following. 
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?—i think i’m more pessimistic, but i'm trying to be an optimist. 
What is your greatest fear?--My greatest fear is once again being too weak to protect the people that I love. 
What are your religious views?--I’m not religious.
What are your political views?--I think that the Clover Kingdom’s nobility is corrupt, and the whole system needs to be fixed.
What are your views on sex?--I think nothing much of it. 
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?--I think I’m a hypocrite on this. I think killing is unacceptable, but I wouldn’t hesitate to kill the people that harm the ones I love. 
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?--In my opinion, the most evil thing one can do is to habitually hurt and abuse others.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?--No. I don’t think that anything like that is real.
What do you believe makes a successful life?--I think that money plays a large part of success. 
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?--Very open. My emotions are very easily read.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?--Yeah i hate nobles. 
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?--I try to stay out of the public eye as best I can. I also refuse to do jobs near my grandparents’ home. 
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?--Finral or Eli. I’d do anything for them.
Part 5: Relationships With Others
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?—I try to keep people at a distance, but when I become close to someone, they become one of my People. I’d do anything for the people I’m close to. 
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?--Right now, it’s probably Eli or Finral. They’ve positively affected me in more ways than I can count.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?—Captain Yami is the person I respect the most. Joining the Black Bulls changed my life so much for the better, and I’m so grateful that he gave me that opportunity.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people—Eli is my best friend. She’s loud and always smiling, but I worry about her. I’m also pretty close to Magna.  He’s a great friend and brings out my mischievous side more. 
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.--Finral is great. He’s a little goofy, but he is very loyal and loving. 
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.--I think I’m in love right now. 
How close are you to your family?--I’m very close to my older siblings.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?--No. I think I’d like to at some point be a mother, but not for a while longer. 
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?--I think I would find it hard to turn to anyone, but if I was so desperate, probably Eli or Magna. I’m too afraid to show Finral my weakness. 
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?--No. I need to be strong enough to protect myself. 
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?--I think that the bulls would. 
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?--My father. My mother spoke kindly of him, but he abandoned her. 
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?--I argue more.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?—depends who I'm with, but I’m more likely to take a leadership role.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?—I’d prefer a smaller group, personally, but i’m not bad with large groups. 
Do you care what others think of you?—yes. immensely 
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?--I enjoy reading romance novels, and spending time in nature. Flower fields remind me of home and give me comfort. 
What is your most treasured possession?—my pocket watch. my mother gave it to me, since it was a gift to her from my father. 
What is your favorite color?—i like warm pale yellow
What is your favorite food?—I like crepes!
What, if anything, do you like to read?—I like to read romance. 
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?--I enjoy reading. On days off, I often spend hours at a time sitting outside and reading.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?—I generally don’t, but I will drink sometimes. I probably drink an average amount. 
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?—generally hanging around the Bulls hideout. If I have a day off I often go visit home to see my mother’s grave and give her flowers. 
What makes you laugh?—My squadmates! I’ve been told my sense of humor is bad..
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?--I hate the prejudices of the Clover nobles.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?—When that happens (because it has before) I will usually walk around the base, sometimes I eat a snack. I also like to head outside and look at the stars when I can’t sleep. 
How do you deal with stress?—I will usually end up letting it out, whether emotionally or magically. I don't like to bottle things up. 
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?—I prefer having a plan. 
What are your pet peeves?—people talking over others. 
Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?--I wake up at about 7 every morning, and get ready for the day. If I have a mission, I’ll leave for it early. On days I don’t have a mission, I will either go visit my mother’s grave or go see my grandparents or their advisor.
What is your greatest strength as a person?--I’d say my strength is supporting people. And also throwing lava. 
What is your greatest weakness?--I lie a bit too much, and I am a bit indifferent towards people I don’t care about.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?--I would want to be more caring. 
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?--I’d say introvert.
Are you generally organized or messy?--Organized. I don’t like disorder.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.--I’m good at lying, cleaning, and fighting. I’m bad at controlling my emotions, sewing, and cooking.
Do you like yourself?--No, I really don’t. 
What are your reasons for being a magic knight*? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)--I am a magic knight because I want to protect people. 
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?--I want to heal from my past. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?--I hope to still be a Magic Knight, and hopefully a higher rank.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?--I would want to die swiftly if I could choose.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.--I would try to isolate myself from the people I love, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with grief. I think I would generally be calm.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?--I want to be remembered for my strength. 
What three words best describe your personality?--open. loyal. decisive.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?--Rosie is loyal, smart, and loving!!-Eli
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