#and when regalla says this in horizon
diivinitiies · 7 months
"vengeance? no. i wanted devastation." is so mimi coded. if you fuck her over, it's over
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singingkestrel · 1 year
tag game (Horizon)
stolen from @foibles-fables / @finrays.
1.ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy fics and art give me so much serotonin it's unreal.
2. most annoying ship: I don't find any ships annoying. There are some that are not for me, sure, but if people love it who am I to judge?
3. second favourite ship: Ugh, I dunno. Beta/Milu is adorable, Aloy/Ikrie is classic, Niloy can make for some very interesting reading, but I guess Hawk and Thrush makes the most sense.
4. favourite platonic relationship: It's got to be the Erend and the guys in the Vanguard. Their endless jibes and grumbling at each other are very reminiscent of some of my very best friendships. Varl and Erend's interactions are great, too, they're just so easy with one another.
5. underrated ship: I really like ships that involve minor characters - the recent rair pair roundup has been delightful for me. I long for a fic about some of the Oseram salvagers getting to know the Tenakth whose land they've invaded.
6. overrated ship: see no. 2.
7. one thing i would change in canon: Like, a lot. There were some pretty big chunks of HFW (and Burning Shores) that just didn't sit right. I don't think I can better the responses of @foibles-fables and @finrays (both of whom might be actual geniuses), but I'd settle for the returning characters (Varl, Erend, Talanah, Avad) to be treated better!
8. something canon did right: I think the Horizon series is best when it focuses on poignant storytelling over action. The way the history of the metal world slowly reveals itself at the Grave-hoard and in the Zero Dawn facility below Sunfall is hauntingly beautiful; I'd love to be able to play them for the first time again. In HFW, the quests in Dunehollow to recover POSEIDON were practically perfect, and Gildun's return in Burning Shores was the best part of the DLC by a country mile. In both these cases you get to peek into the lives of a person from the past via emotionally impactful datapoints whose recorded thoughts parallel the people you're trying to help in the present, yet it never feels too on-the-nose. Of course it helps that the people you're trying to help are some of the best realised characters in the whole game.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: Eh. Alas, I'm not artistically talented. I just take virtual photos of stuff I like. I put a lot of effort into my machine headshot series, though. If you go to @singingkestrel and search for 'headshots compilation' (or 'hfw machines') they should all come up.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): None of the main cast were treated 100% right in HFW. I mean, there are some things that make me genuinely angry if I think about them too much. Varl dying for no good reason, Erend being turned into a bumbling oaf, Regalla being criminally underused... ugh. UGH I SAY!
But you know who is perfect?
I love his optimism and his determination and his intelligence and his companionable nature. He's a nerdy mad inventor and a very strong candidate for the most overtly hopeful and kind chap in game (I mean, there is also Varl. And Gildun.) and I just adore him.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: I look at the Oseram in both HZD and HFW and see myself, my friends and my home. I adore their aesthetic with all of its chunky wood and sturdy iron, I love their down to earth attitude, their culture of hard work and social drinking and affectionate insults, their adventurous wanderer spirit and inventiveness and willingness to argue about everything. Are they flawed? Sure! Like me, they're loud and blunt and often speak without thinking, thinking they know best. Unlike me (I hope), they're too dismissive of other cultures, their lack of environmental awareness is deeply concerning, and we all know 🕯The Claim🕯 is going to be a hideous hotbed of rampant sexism - one that I will gladly watch Aloy tear to pieces like a tasmanian devil with a grudge. I don't think I can pick a single Oseram character I totally relate to, though.
But I do relate to Tom Paech. As soon as I heard those broad antipodean tones swearing about wanting to inflict actual bodily harm on Ted Faro I knew I'd found the scientist I was supposed to identify with. He was hot-blooded, as he put it, whilst also revering nature, the 'miracle of life.' And him wanting to help, despite significant reservations, and then not wanting to live on once the job was done? Exactly how I think I would have reacted. Plus as a marine biologist/ecologist (assuming I'd be in any way qualified!) I'd end up working on ARTEMIS too.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: There are characters you are meant to hate. It's fun to have a villain. Ted Faro, Helis, the Ceo... but the hate is both intentional and enjoyable. They're good characters. If I had to pick a character I disliked where this wasn't the aim, however, I'd have to pick... hmm. I'm not sure. Amadis seemed largely pointless and annoying in HFW though. Talanah deserved better.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: Before HFW came out, I hadn't been involved in any fandom for about a decade (maybe longer, eek!) - I was a solitary creature. Coming back made me rediscover the joy of sharing my obsessions with others. Also that it doesn't matter how small your contribution is, someone will enjoy it.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: That's between me and my ISP.
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I don't, really. Bit weird, considering how much of my life involves music, and how readily my brain seems to play musical association with images. But I can't think of a single one. Sorry 😕
tagging: No pressure, but I didn't tag anyone in the last one so I thought I should do it this time. @mehoymalloy @robo-dino-puppy @meep-m33p @maybirdie @nerd-artist @astralpaint @i-lavabean @pikapeppa @banukaihelpme aaaand anyone else that wants to.
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mehoymalloy · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @mr-jaybird! No tags for me, but please feel free to steal and tag me if ya like!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Critical Role, Horizon, and Stray Gods!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Prometheus Bound (Horizon; Aloy/Tilda), Sing for Me (Stray Gods; Grace/Persephone), and then my oldest series (Fine Art and Forgeries), which are all takes on canon scenes from Tilda's POV, coincidentally by order of publication: Study of a Young Woman, A Scene from Two Views, and The Gallant Conversation.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I genuinely appreciate every one, and if someone takes the time to say something to me, I like to return that gesture in kind (though I think I fell behind in the chaos of Stray Gods Prompt Week, I'll have to go chapter by chapter and see lol).
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Prometheus Bound, by a long shot.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What's a happy ending? (I'm joking, that would likely go to Radiance (Horizon; Regalla/Nasadi).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I enjoy writing fucked up people fuck each other (though Sing for Me's the exception to that, and I do have some healthier smut on the way in the form of Liliana/Otohan and Grace/Athena).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope (I hope)!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope (not that I'm aware)!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but a friend and I are planning to co-write a couple fics in the future!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I truthfully don't read much fanfic anymore, and while I'm tempted to say Imogen/Otohan as that's what's had me in a chokehold for the past nine months, that's also a more recent development. So if we're talking all time, I'd say my most read ship was (and I'm dating myself here) Hermione/Bellatrix. Can you tell I've always enjoyed enemies to lovers as a trope?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any I don't intend to finish!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at describing settings and imagery as well and introspection.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's something I would likely never attempt.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Horizon, specifically Forbidden West!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
God that's a hard question... From a technical standpoint, I think A Dance With Danger is the one I'm most proud of. It really challenged me in many ways (altering a canon scene in one BIG way, writing lots of dialogue that still managed to flow well in a relatively short time, and most of all, writing an Imogen/Otohan first meeting in canon context, and early on in the campaign at that).
Runner ups would likely be Prometheus Bound, Let Me Lay Waste to Thee (Critical Role; Imogen/Otohan, THEE fic that started everything lol), and When the Darkness Comes (Horizon; Silga & Untalla aka MY GIRLS).
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thessalian · 8 months
Thess vs The IMDB Game Again
As I may or may not have mentioned, I preordered Horizon: Forbidden West the minute it came up for pre-sale - the first time I've done that for a game since Dredge (and before that since ... I think Dragon Age 2, honestly). And then I thought: "Sylens. Lance Riddick. Oooooooooooh that's gonna hit different, given he passed not long after that..." So, at least in part to cheer myself up, I played the IMDB Game with Forbidden West. You know, "I've Heard That Voice Before", but with a restriction of "What have they been doing since HZD, if they were in HZD?". While doing that, I answered that question about a whole bunch of other bits of media that I hadn't run through the IMDB Game that comprehensively yet.
For instance, Erend - John Hopkins. ...Well, to avoid spoilers for a massively huge game, if you're playing BG3? Look up "Arnell Hallowleaf", because they don't really name the guy in any IC way and it's easy to miss any indication of it OOC because that's some fraught shit in the House of Grief. And if you really want irony, his first introduction to video game VA was "Sword Coast Legends", so hopefully his poor character got more of a look at the Sword Coast than poor Hallowleaf ever did...
Varl - John Macmillan. Those of you who watched The Sandman? That's the version of Morpheus Nala sees, when she sees him in hell. Was also in a couple of episodes of House of the Dragon as Ser Laenor Velaryon, if you're into that kind of thing.
Tilda Van der Meer? That's a new character. Let's see ... Carrie-Ann Moss?!? TRINITY? ......Wait. No, I'm sure I knew that Aria T'Loak was voiced by Trinity from the Matrix movies and just forgot. There is no way I would just not know that.
Kotallo - another new one. Hrm. Noshir Dalal ... Huh. That reminds me that I need to actually sit down and watch Candela Obscura. As it stands, I've probably heard him in Guild Wars 2 somewhere. (I really should log back into that...)
Regalla, another new one... Angela Bassett. Well. They got some names for the sequel, didn't they? Seriously, while she's Ramonda forever for some people, for me it's mostly everything she played in American Horror Story.
Erica Luttrell. I know that name. I know I know that-- Ah. Aura Lorelei. I'm sure it says something when she's done so much and I mostly recognise the name through Critical Role-- Huh. Wait. Various voices in Dragon Age: Origins!
Right, that's enough of that. Mostly because I should probably nip to the shops now, if I'm doing so, because a big dark cloud just kind of blotted out the nice partly-sunny day and I'd rather not walk out in the rain.
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bluntblade · 8 months
Thanks very much for the tag @sinvulkt - here we go...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71 as of just last weekend.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Star Wars (and that mostly Sequel Trilogy, though I written some High Republic and a little Original Trilogy and Clone Wars), Horizon: Zero Dawn/Forbidden West and The Horus Heresy (WH40K)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fire Hawk, Snow Thrush (Horizon Zero Dawn/The Frozen Wilds)
Episode IX: Resurgence and Reckoning (Star Wars Sequels)
Rex's Ruminations (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
In the Footsteps of a Death Seeker (Horizon Zero Dawn/The Frozen Wilds)
Treat it like a Duel (The Horus Heresy)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
If I get a comment then yes, I absolutely respond. They're relatively sparse for me, so I appreciate them very much.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending, you say. I'm kind of bad at sitting in a bad feeli- no, I tell a lie. It's absolutely A Fine Officer, A Good Soldier. Captain Appo locked inside his own head by the Order 66 programming, watching helplessly as his body advances on the Jedi Temple with a blaster in his hands...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say my Episode IX but there is a big sad beat toward the happy ending, so really Fire Hawk, Snow Thrush carries the day here.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Luckily no. My shipping choices and maybe other elements make my fics pretty niche, but that also means that I'm not involved in shipping drama, and I don't seem to enrage anyone to the point of leaving angry comments.
9. Do you write smut?
You won't find any under this moniker, that's all I'll say.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't presently, although, a year after everyone seemed to be drawing Spider-loys there is a full-on "Horizon characters as Marvel comics superheroes" AU running riot in my head (with Aloy dating Ikrie, who's X-23 Wolverine, Talanah as Hawkeye, Erend Odinsson, Helis as Venom and Regalla as the Prowler). If I ever free up the spare brainpower... maybe that'll happen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. It was one of those "steal fics to sell" trawls and it was very odd.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, but if anyone would like to, please drop me a message.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not since my time in the Brotherhood of the Lost "alternate Horus Heresy" AU project, and that was fairly sparse too. I like collaborating more broadly, but when it comes to the writing itself, I prefer to fly solo.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Rey/Kaydel in Star Wars, and Aloy/Ikrie in Horizon. I can't choose between those two.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably one of my Sequels-era fics, set between The Last Jedi and Resurgence and Reckoning. I have some WIPs that threaten to be very plotty and I just don't have as much spare time as I used to. Also I have some OC apprentices for Rey and Finn, whose stories I really want to begin telling and promise to let me move the older characters forward as well.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Probably my action writing. I read a lot of action and films and tv influence my prose a lot. I think a lot about rhythm, dynamics and all that stuff, and I just enjoy it, which probably helps.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Mystery? I'm yet to really try to write one tbh, but I look at something like Glass Onion or Silo and just struggle to imagine coiling my brain into those shapes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've only used it the once, I think, and very much for comic effect. It depends very much on how long a scene is, and how much I want to emphasise a language gap.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Horus Heresy
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Err. Arrgh. I really can't answer that. But I am very proud of my recent Star Wars: Lost Stars one, so let's say Stars' Flight.
Not tagging, but feel free to run with this :D
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kyyhkynlaulu · 1 year
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Ok so i just played the final main mission of Horizon Forbidden West. And I have to say, I expected a lot more from it. I'm not going to tell any spoilers in this post.
I'm writing this at 4.30am... I must make this confession.
The ending felt bland and rushed.
In a way, the ending wasn't bad, it was just poorly executed. Most of the wonderful and exciting scenes were in cutscenes. Most of the mission was exactly what the whole game is 24/7 - climb, kill a couple of machines and climb some more. Listen to Erend complaining😂. Most of the time you don't engage in the actual battle. Sure, maybe it shows that aloy has finally learned to trust others and let others fight for her. But as a player I at least wish I could participate a bit more.
I love the battle with Eric. It was exciting. Something about that man makes me nervous. I guess you could even say he's quite scary. I'm a chill player just looking for a good time, so I played on the easiest possible difficulty level - story difficulty. Being level 50, the boss fight with Eric wasn't hard at all but I was super nervous the whole time. I was quite surprised you could actually hide from him and he'd start to search for you - he actually came after you if he heard or saw something. I spent some time just running away from him, hiding. I'm pretty sure I heard him whistle and saying things like "I can smell your fear". And that dude moved like the flash. Caught me by surprise.
However, the very last bossfight of the game did not please me. It was really stupidly planned, at least in my opinion. Besides, it was over in a minute. A couple of shots, then an explosion and it's game over.
All in all, I didn't feel like I was playing the final, great ending mission that Aloy and her friends prepared for the whole game. I felt like I was watching a video where I sometimes had to fight a little here and there. It wasn't terrible, I just expected more.
What I liked about the ending is how we can see Sylens pretty much changing as a person. I never liked him until the end. Maybe that's kind of the idea. Also, Regalla was such a great character in the end. There's also some lines from Aloy that I found quite interesting. Like "why didn't you just let me choose", she sounded a bit sad and maybe even regretful...
The end game was pretty bad to be honest. I was looking forward to talking to the allies and GAIA, but that was not possible. At least not the way I wanted. Aloy didn't really say much about the zeniths or the final battle. But well, that's just how it is. I'm glad forbidden west has something to call endgame, after all that didn't even exist in Zero Dawn.
I've heard the new dlc Burning Shores will be set after the main story, kinda making it endgame I guess. Unfortunately, I'm a PS4 player, so I can't play that. Well, at least I can think of it as Burning Shores waiting for me when I finally get my ps5. And it's confirmed Horizon will be getting a 3rd game, which is of course nice.
There probably isn't much else to say. I don't know if many people agree with me. But this is just my opinion. Also I just started replaying the whole series, starting from Zero Dawn. Truly amazing games, I love them both. Forbidden west might even be in my top 5 favorite games👀
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A special shoutout to @souls-that-have-senses for Beta reading this chapter! Without you, I never would have gotten this out as fast as I did, and it certainly would have had a lot more grammar errors! I really appreciate the insight, thank you so much!!
Ghost of the Ten Horizon Forbidden West Hekarro x Fem!OldOne Action/Adventure/Hurt/Comfort/Romance Chapter 3
“Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?” ― Garth Nix, Sabriel
Hekarro studied the parchment in the dim light of the candles burning on the corner of his desk, a hand threaded through his hair, the rough Carja script on the paper near mocking him. The corners were curled and the edges frayed as if they had been thumbed over numerous times.
The evening was peaceful. The night birds' faint song called from the boughs above him, accompanied by the subtle patter of rain against stone and wood. Water occasionally seeped through the cracks in his bedroom ceiling, dripping heavily against the canvas that protected him and his desk from the elements. Not that he minded; he found solace in the gentle rhythm, allowing it to seep into his bones and release the tension he'd been carrying since the prior morning.
It was an understatement to say that he was preoccupied. His many thoughts made sleep elusive and exhaustion was undeniably present. He could feel it weighing down his body as the hours passed, but the thoughts in his head refused to quiet enough for him to fall asleep. Concerns about his tribe, the failed embassy with the Carja and its consequences, and now the Living Old One beneath his feet…
So it was no surprise to him that he couldn't sit still when so many things needed his attention.
But it was the dead of night, and there wasn't much he could do to solve his troubles while half the world slept.
Hekarro grumbled under his breath and brushed a hand across his face; his self-imposed lessons were doing little to keep him busy. The manuscript was old, a simple alphabet created by Fashav to teach him how to read, but Hekarro had gone over it several times and it presented few new challenges to his understanding of Carja Glyphs. Nonetheless, without Fashav to guide him, he forced himself to excel at what he already knew.
He took a nearby piece of charcoal and began to copy the glyphs on the manuscript, his hand steady as he whispered the letters to himself.
Despite its insignificance, this was just one of the many ways Hekarro felt Fashav's absence. There were few people Hekarro could truly call a friend, and counting Fashav among them was both a surprise and an honor. Unyielding Fashav, who was wise beyond his years and had a strong sense of honor, had shared in Hekarro's desire for peace and unity. Both within the Tenakth Clans and between the various tribes as well.
He had hoped that his marshal would serve as a link between the Tenakth and the Carja. The first step toward a long-term alliance that would benefit both the east and west. But now? Now Hekarro awaited vengeance for Fashav's murder at Regalla’s hands, regardless of the fact that she was now dead and gone.
Hekarro sighed again and pushed back from the desk, the desire to simply move near overwhelming, and he let it guide him from his room to the empty halls of the Grove. He made his way to the Arena Overlook and gazed out at the ruined facade. Despite the Oseram's best efforts, much of the exterior wall had collapsed in the cave-in, and he wasn't sure if the arena could be repaired with so much of it structurally unsound. The prospect of the Tenakth losing their most sacred battleground was a tragedy he didn't know how to prevent. Even the tribe’s most skilled workers wouldn't have the means to rebuild what was lost.
A flicker of movement in his peripheral brought his attention to a pair of guards on the arena floor. He watched their shadows fidget upon the wall, their figures illuminated by the torches that flanked the tunnel entrance. Blissfully unaware of what it was they guarded in the complex below their feet. Hekarro considered the silence of the Grove for a moment, the calm quiet of the late night that extended out through the jungles, and soon found himself walking the nearby, makeshift ramp to the arena below.
The guards stood at attention as soon as he emerged from the darkness, “Chief Hekarro!”
“Anything to report?”
The left-hand guard, a woman wearing the colors of the Sky Clan, shook her head and stated, "Nothing substantial; there were some noises coming from the western wall, but it was just the birds."
“Very well,” Hekarro stepped past them and ducked into the tunnel. “As you were.”
They said nothing as he faded into the darkness, but he could feel their curious stares burn into the back of his neck. Following his gut, he continued down the damp and dark tunnel until he reached the threshold that he and Aloy had emerged from hours before. For a brief moment, he scanned the walls, alert to any changes or sounds from above. Certain that the walls would not fall again, he ducked through the entrance and descended further into the complex.
He returned to the chamber room to find the Old One still sound asleep in her tomb. The mind-numbing hum of the machines that kept her frozen in time provided a consistent backdrop to the otherwise solemn silence. He stood just out of reach, his gaze fixed on her face through the glass as he ruminated on his present circumstances. Without meaning to, his eye flicked to Anne’s testament atop the footlocker at the base of the tomb. The jewel – the Focus – chimed in his ear and presented the display once more.
It amused him that such a small thing could be both a beautiful and terrible gift.
But the truth always was, it seemed.
There was still so much for him to learn, to understand, but the small glimpse beneath the blanket of ignorance was still enough to leave him shaken. He did not envy Aloy, or Kotallo, in the slightest for the clarity the device offered them, even now he silently wished that the gift hadn’t been given to him.
“Another sleepless night, Hekarro?”
He hadn’t even heard Dekka approach; she joined his vigil at his side as he passed a tired hand over his face. “I’ve been given much to ponder lately.
She remained silent, and when he turned to look at her, he saw that she was transfixed on the tomb, her expression a mixture of trepidation and awe. Eventually, she turned her attention to him, and it was almost as if she could see straight into his soul.
"A squad's strength is only as great as its ability to bear the burdens of the mission, my Chief."
Hekarro laughed as she chastised him. Even after so many years, Dekka continued to have that special way of humbling him.
“I fear this Old One,” he said after a time, “and a part of me wants to collapse these tunnels and forget that we ever discovered her.”
"She is the embodiment and voice of our ancestors; you said as much yesterday, but what does that mean for the Tenakth as a whole?" Hekarro took a step back and began to pace the length of the room. He felt Dekka's eyes following him as he pondered aloud, his own gaze glued to the steel floor beneath his feet.
"The discovery alone could change everything for us, and possibly not for the better. Twenty years of my life have been spent maintaining our unity. The Red Raids? Regalla and her civil war? Nothing they did could come close to the devastation that a living Old One could cause."
"Your reservations are not unfounded," Dekka responded, after a moment of reflective silence. "It is natural to fear the unknown, but it is foolish to create conflict and paranoia when we have no answers. Even more foolish would be to act rashly based on these fears, especially if it results in the execution of an innocent woman due to circumstances beyond her control."
As usual, Dekka was right. It was times like this when he was glad she was there to give him counsel. He finished his pacing and returned to her side, to which his Chaplain playfully nudged him in the arm.
"Yesterday, I told you that worrying would accomplish nothing until we found answers," she chided. "Yet, here you are, awake in the late hours of the night. Maybe we should channel that energy into something more productive, hmmm?"
“Remind me again why I tolerate you…” Hekarro muttered, the corner of his mouth quirking into a smile. Dekka chuckled,
“Because we both know that if I wasn’t here, it would be Azurekka offering her guidance, and she scares you.”
“A healthy respect for your elders hardly counts as fear.”
“As you say, Chief Hekarro,” Dekka patted his arm playfully. Hekarro barked out a laugh and shook his head.
Side by side, and with one long last look at the sleeping Old One, they left the chamber room and returned to the outside. The guards saluted them as they passed and keenly watched them disappear back into the darkness. Their walk was a measured one, and he enjoyed the silence of the night as they walked the outer wall of the arena towards the rear corridors.
"I realize it's been a long day," Dekka acknowledged. "However, I was wondering what considerations you've given to the Arena."
"Nothing so far," he admitted. "As you mentioned earlier, there's only so much we can do right now with our… 'unique circumstances. The hope is that we can repair the arena, but today's complications have proven… discouraging."
“I see. Then I suppose it is in the hands of the Ten; in the meantime, I believe it would be best to find an alternative location to train the guards."
"A wise choice," Hekarro said, nodding. "The Grove has a number of suitable sites that we can scout out in the morning."
“Very well, I bid you goodnight, my Chief. Do try to get some sleep.”
He chuckled at the playful teasing in her voice and, after giving him one last satisfied look, she excused herself just as Hekarro ducked under the curtained threshold of his room. He lingered for a moment, tired eyes taking in the quiet room before he wandered to the desk and snuffed out all but one of the candles. All at once, the exhaustion set back in. A deep ache that made him groan the moment he crawled into his bed and settled against the pillows.
Hekarro, with his arm tucked beneath his head, watched the shadows dance across the wall in the flickering candlelight, the rain in the jungle cascading in a faint melody. Slowly, he counted his breaths, and his eyes soon became heavy, his thoughts receding like the tides of the ocean until sleep finally drew him into its embrace and into blessed bliss.
Too soon, however, the gentle chatter of the Grove's inhabitants and the morning song of the birds above roused him. He considered turning over and falling asleep again. It was still early, and a couple more hours wouldn't necessarily kill him. With awakening, however, came the realization that he still had numerous matters to address, and it was sufficient to pull him from bed with a tired sigh.
By the time he emerged from his room, dressed and ready for the day ahead, the Oseram were back at work. As he approached the overlook, Petra stood in the center of the arena, her voice echoing through the early morning. From the walls, several of his guards kept an eye out, seemingly hoping to catch the Oseram in any act of misbehavior. It was no secret that they did not trust their unwitting guests, no more than Hekarro did in any case, but he could not help but wonder if Petra was aware of that.
Or, if she did somehow know, did she care?
Hekarro barely knew Petra, but from what he saw of her, he knew she was proud. Of herself, her work, and her men. She acted like a seasoned squad leader; she knew the strengths and weaknesses of every man under her command and directed them accordingly. This, along with Aloy's glowing recommendation, was sufficient to convince him to continue allowing her to stay. At least until her work with the underground tunnels was done.
Hekarro, certain that everything was in order, turned and walked along the length of the ramparts toward the Maw. The guards nodded to him as he passed, but quickly returned to their posts when he returned their nods with stern glares. The aroma of breakfast lingered in the air as he ascended the nearby ramps to the upper levels and into the mess hall.
There was already a small crowd of the Chief's guards occupying several tables, all from the night shift with their squad leaders ready to give their reports. The Desert Clan cook had prepared his meal, and he snatched it up quickly before making his way across the room to meet up with Dekka.
"And so our Chief rises with the first rays of dawn!" Dekka chuckled as he approached, clearing a spot at the table so he could sit next to her. Hekarro huffed, the bowl clattering on the weathered wood as he joined her. “I wish I could say I was surprised.”
"I rise with my people, Chaplain," he said, "or did you expect me to squander the day when there's so much to do?"
“I expect you to take care of yourself,” she chastised, rapping his knuckles with her spoon. Hekarro yanked his hand back and cursed, shooting her a sidelong glare. Dekka regarded him sternly, unperturbed. “You are the tribe’s Chief, and pushing yourself so hard does little good if you end up collapsing with exhaustion.”
“I know my limits, Dekka.”
“Only because I’m here to remind you of them.”
Before he could catch himself, he scoffed, his annoyance mellowing into mild amusement. "Last I checked, it was the Chaplain who obeyed the Chief, not the other way around."
“Ha! I do not see a chief. All I see is the boy who, after all these years, still somehow manages to test my patience!"
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead enjoyed a peaceful meal with Dekka. Hekarro was aware that she nagged out of concern. They had spent most of their lives growing up together, and, with the exception of a select few, no one else knew him as well as she did; and the same could be said of herself. He was aware of her difficulties and struggles. The anguish of having lost her husband, all of her children, and all but one of her grandchildren.
It was his hope that he’d never have to see her bury Kavvoh as well.
“Hekarro!” He looked up to find Aloy weaving through the morning crowd to their table, flushed red from exertion and excitement, “They’re here!”
“That was fast,” Dekka observed, moving to stand as he did, their meals forgotten.
“Everything is fast when you fly on a Sunwing,” Aloy remarked, and she led the pair of them outside. A small crowd had gathered on the ramparts when they arrived, gazing down at the large Sunwing on the arena floor in awe.
“Come now,” Dekka urged, pushing her way through towards the ramp with an exasperated scowl, “We’ve seen the Champion’s Sunwing before!”
“Never seen Marshal Kotallo ride on it,” said a Desert Clan Guard.
“Or the woman he brought on its back,” snickered another. Hekarro cleared his throat.
"Well, since it appears that you all have plenty of time in your guard duties, perhaps some extra training drills are in order. I'd heard rumors of a Tremortusk near the Sky Clan's border. Should I send you all to take its heart?"
His threat had the guards scattering back to their posts, and he suppressed an amused chuckle at the sight. They walked out onto the arena floor to meet Kotallo, who saluted as they did so. The striking resemblance between the young woman and Aloy prompted him to pause as she cautiously peered out from behind his massive frame. A brief moment of awkward silence ensued before Aloy, never one to shy away from a challenge, pulled her sister out from behind Kotallo by the arm.
“Chief Hekarro, Dekka, this is my sister, Beta.”
“It’s… good to meet you, Chief Hekarro,” Beta said shyly. “Aloy’s told me so much about you.”
The anxiety was written clearly on her face, and he offered her a small smile in an effort to ease her worries. “Only good things, I hope.”
Beta laughed and nodded. "Of course, nothing but the best! I've been informed of your, uh, unique situation. With your permission, I'd be more than happy to take a look at it.”
“Then I encourage the expert to lead the way.”
Beta, emboldened and with Kotallo trailing behind her, walked into the tunnel entrance, the darkness enveloping her at once. Aloy smiled up at him.
“Thank you. She was very nervous to meet you."
Hekarro chuckled. "I'm curious as to what kind of tales you've been telling her."
"Like you said," Aloy shrugged, smiling, "only the good ones. Besides, I wasn't the only one telling her stories."
She glanced at Kotallo's vanishing shadow and then swiftly followed them. At his side, Dekka laughed and gave him a mischievous prod,
“So good to see you still inspiring today’s youth.”
"Keep watch," Hekarro said, making an effort to smile, "and don't let anyone in until we return."
“As you say, Chief Hekarro.”
Hekarro left Dekka and quickly caught up to the rest of the group as they made their way into the facility through the makeshift door. With Aloy leading the way, they arrived at the main chamber room with little trouble. Beta staggered at the sight of the nine metal tombs, seemingly breathless in awe.
"Amazing…" Beta approached with caution, a hand hovering over the active tomb as if she was afraid to touch it. "I thought they couldn't finish the technology in time."
“The Zeniths were a supposed impossibility as well,” Kotallo interjected, obviously wary. “Is a frozen Old One so far-fetched from that?”
“By Zenith standards, it’s not, but this is Old One Tech. They didn’t have the state-of-the-art facilities, nor the time to perfect it before the Faro Plague hit its peak. The fact that there’s even a single survivor is… it’s monumental, to say the least.”
Hekarro glanced at the rest of the room, the darkened tombs still and silent. "What happened to the rest?"
“If I had to hazard a guess,” Beta hummed thoughtfully, tapping her Focus to regard the active tomb closely, “probably a power surge of some kind. There’s data on the console that indicates that it glitched out for a few seconds. Do you know about anything that could have caused that?”
Beta turned to Hekarro for a response, but Aloy exhaled a soft, surprised gasp before he could even speak.
“AETHER,” she said. “When GAIA self-destructed, AETHER found a new home in the processing core upstairs.”
"AETHER is far from a minor subordinate function,” Beta’s eyes lit up brightly as she nodded enthusiastically at Aloy. “It would require a sufficient supply of power to keep itself aware and functional. Because the processing core above us wasn't designed for such sophisticated AI, it most likely drained the power from upstairs when it crashed-landed, forcing the backup generators down here to kick on. Without full power, whatever system was in place to keep the cryo-chambers operational most likely diverted power from less important personnel to keep the main chamber active.”
Beta abruptly turned back to the sleeping Old One and scrutinized her tomb with a frown, asking, "Do we know who this is?"
Aloy gave him a sidelong look before sighing and shaking her head. "Not exactly, but Chief Hekarro and I have a few ideas."
“I believe that this… cryo-chamber was meant for Colonel Anne Faraday.”
“The Old One who inspired you to unite the Tenakth?” Beta's eyes widened in surprise, earning her a curt nod.
Kotallo, who had been largely silent to this point, frowned and scoffed abruptly.”I witnessed Colonel Faraday's Vision, and that is not her.”
"Of that, I am aware," Hekarro said, pointing to Anne's testament still atop the footlocker, "though I believe her final testament there gives us clues as to who the woman was to her before the fall of the Old World."
Aloy sighed uncomfortably, “I was wondering if you’d caught onto that too. A living Old One is the discovery of a lifetime, but if it’s true – if that’s really Anne Faraday’s daughter inside – then this could very well be the best or worst thing that could have ever happened to the Tenakth.”
“So,” Beta muttered, “I suppose the only question I have left is: what do you want to do with her?”
And that was the lingering doubt that plagued him. Some distant part of him pleaded with him to leave, to collapse the tunnels and forget this had ever happened. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't bring himself to give it more than a passing thought. Dekka, in all her wisdom, was right about one thing. Whoever that woman inside the tomb was, she was innocent in all this. Ignorant of the outside world and of the man who held her life in his hands. A life for which Anne had made great sacrifices for. To condemn her to death would make it all in vain.
But who was to say that waking her would be any better than keeping her asleep? She could just as well prove his doubts correct. She could just as easily destroy them from the inside if he wasn’t careful.
Hekarro began to pace, lost in thought as he sensed the sting of three sets of eyes upon him.
“If… if we wake her, how long would you expect the process to take?”
Beta hummed thoughtfully under her breath. “If the system hasn’t degraded beyond repair? No more than a few hours. Otherwise, it could take days as I try and fix it.”
While Hekarro considered his options, Aloy and Beta turned to each other in hushed whispers. Minutes passed as he argued with himself, every positive and negative outcome arguing in his head until he was going around in circles.
"Permission to speak, Chief Hekarro?" At the far end of the room, he came to a halt and turned to nod at Kotallo, who had joined him by his side. The Marshal frowned as he considered the nearby wall as if weighing his next words carefully, "We should wake the Old One."
“Explain,” Hekarro ordered, though not unkindly.
"I agree that there are too many unknowns to make a proper decision," Kotallo said, "but we also have to consider the consequences of doing nothing. What if someone else manages to find their way inside this facility and wakes her up? If we are the ones who awaken the Old One, we have control over the outcome. If they do not prove to be a threat, our clan will only benefit. If they pose a danger? I doubt a newly awakened Old One would be able to defend themselves against us."
There was an insight to his reasoning, and it brought to mind a young, fresh-faced Marshal eager to seek glory and honor in the name of his Chief. Hekarro couldn't help but be proud of Kotallo's growth over the years. While Regalla had been the greatest of his Marshals, the point of his spear, it was Kotallo who possessed the wisdom and compassion to achieve greatness on his own.
Hekarro had no doubt that when the time came for him to step down, Kotallo would make an excellent Chief in his own right.
“Very well,” Hekarro said with a final, resolute nod he returned to Beta and Aloy, both of whom regarded him eagerly. “You have my permission to open the tomb.”
Silently, he hoped he wasn’t making the wrong decision.
She dreams of a golden field bathed in the morning twilight and warmed by the wildfire that blazes on the fringes of the distant horizon. She's surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors she can't quite make out, but she's not certain if it's just a trick of the light in the black smoke around her. Frantic, she digs her heels into the sides of her stallion, driving it ever-faster toward the uncharted frontier. Running from something she cannot recall, her lungs are filled with desperation as they fly through the tall grass. All she knows is that it's coming.
And it won’t stop until it finds her.
She then finds herself at the dining room table, out of breath, with the air around her dead. There is no aroma of dinner simmering on the stove, nor is there the gentle pluck of her papá playing music on the front porch. She pushes the chair away from the table, unnerved by the fact that it makes no sound on the wooden surface. As she walks through the seemingly empty house, she feels as if she can't breathe again. But she can hear them, voices just beyond the edges of her vision, a fleeting shadow she tries to follow through the doorways.
She opens her mouth to cry out for them.
But no sound comes out except for a single, desperate noise that nobody hears.
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mr-jaybird · 1 year
Aloy goes to make up with Beta. Elisabet discovers just how terrible the Zeniths can be.
The entire flight back to the base, Aloy thinks of Beta. She knows she needs to apologize; she also knows she’s never been good at that. Her stomach twists with nerves. Oddly, she feels more nervous about this than she did going to face Regalla. Then again, Aloy is better with a spear than she is with her words. As focused as Aloy is on Beta, it’s nice that Talanah is there to greet her when she arrives at the base. “I’m glad you’re alright!” Talanah exclaims when she sees her. “I know why I couldn’t come with you—a Carja going into a Tenakth war would have just made things worse—but I hated not being at your side when you were going into a battle like that.” Aloy brushes a kiss against her cheek. “I wish you could have been there too,” she says.
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bs-fangirl · 1 year
Ask Game (Horizon Fandom)
Thank you @sorbetowl for tagging me! I’m really bad at keeping up with these tags games but this was fun to write out.
1. ride or die ship (your otp): For sure, Ereloy! Erend is just the sweetest and most loyal character. He doubts himself a lot but is always willing to give his all for his friends. And I’m sure he gives the best hugs with his giant arms, I just wanna snuggle him!
2. most annoying ship: We don’t ship shame in this house.
3. second favorite ship: Hawk and Thrush (Talanoy? I can never remember the combo name). Surprisingly, I actually fell for this ship first, before Ereloy. The damage HFW’s writing did to Talanah’s character broke my hope for the Sunhawk to be a main companion and let Ereloy jump into the lead.
4. favorite platonic relationship: Gildun and Aloy. Truly, Gildun is my favorite non-companion NPC; he’s just the sweetest! I’d play a whole game that was just these two delving through ruins together. I also really love the older-sibling-care the Base companions take with Beta, especially Varl; wish we could have seen more of that.
5. underrated ship: Morlund/Abadund. I’ve accepted this ship so completely that I forget it’s not actually canon. But I love these two!
6. overrated ship: If people are enjoying themselves, what’s the harm?
7. one thing i would change in canon: There’s a lot in HFW’s story I would change, and the Burning Shores DLC too. But I think it mainly boils down to pacing. Too much was introduced into HFW at once that the pacing suffered; it felt rushed to me. Like other fans have written in far greater detail than me, I would have liked Regalla to remain the big bad of the second game, with hints from Sylens or other ways that there’s something even bigger out there but the Zeniths wouldn’t be revealed until the end of the game. Aloy can still be finding subfunctions but with the intention of needing more than just Minerva to bring GAIA back. Getting her back and in the Base a third of the way through HFW felt so weird; it would be a much better endgame triumph. The final mission is Aloy defeating Regalla, Sylens cryptically says she’s actually made things far worse, Aloy restores GAIA with the subfunctions she collected, and the Zeniths are revealed at the very end, maybe alluding to Beta but keeping her in shadow so she’s still a mystery. (I will say I’m hopeful that the writers will pull off Nemesis, especially if they go creepy with it like the Burning Shores datapoint hints; it just felt like Regalla and the Zeniths were rushed through the second game for this secret big bad ball of digital ghosts)
8. something canon did right: The entirety of HZD is phenomenal but I’ll challenge myself to pick something in the main quests of HFW. I’ll say that I loved Faro’s Tomb. The CEO was a delightful egotistical jerk, the reveal of the survivors through datapoints was well paced, and Faro’s final fate was the perfect end to the dumbass who destroyed the world. I even liked that Faro’s monster form is just left to our imagination. Definitely my favorite of the main story quests.  
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: Memes, memes galore, memes for days! I started making them for fun on my Horizon discords and Tumblr but they’ve branched out further than I expected; to other Horizon discords, to Twitter, one meme even inspired a fanfic. It’s why I made my side-blog now for all the Horizon silliness I can come up with and sharing what others make too. I’m glad others are enjoying the various silliness 
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): The Oseram showmen trio. They bounce off each other so well and they’re great fun to interact with. I hope they make a comeback in Horizon 3.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Alva. Not a heavy hitter in battle but the dear girl is always trying her best. She rambles about things she’s excited about, which I do constantly. She’s always trying to be cheery for others, even when she’s probably so worried about her family and her girlfriend back home, which is just me in a nutshell.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: I don’t think there are any characters I hate. I’ve been disappointed by some for being poorly written or not used to their full potential like the Zeniths but none I hate.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: Find your little corner of the fandom, filled with like-minded people, and try your best to make it a happy place to be. We can all be disappointed by certain canon things and vent our frustrations but I think time in the fandom is better spent celebrating and enjoying things in the chosen media. It’s why I stepped away from Horizon for the last month; I realized I was getting too bogged down with post-Burning Shores negativity and it was all I was talking about. Now after a little cool down, I’m missing Horizon and want to get back into the world and characters I love. Every fandom and every fictional media has its ups and downs; the highs of Horizon are where I like to focus my time and energy. We’re all just geeks excited to take down giant robots with a spear in the end.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Hurt/Comfort, Not Unrequited They’re Just Dumbasses, Smut With Feelings
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favorite character: I can twist nearly any song to be for my OTP but I’ll go with Better Than Love by Griffin House for Ereloy. 
Pretty sure I’ve seen every Horizon person/blog I follow complete this ask but, if anyone was missed, have at it! And steal it for other fandoms too! Consider yourselves tagged, if you’re interested :) 
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loumauve · 2 years
after all the short and tiny (and as of late increasingly longer lasting) black screens I finally got an error code (and mini-crash) trying to fly into the Daunt. great. I love it here
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mayhaps... Aloy with childhood fren reader?? 🤲🍞
I had a lot of ideas for this, so I'll be writing more stories for this prompt at some point! Admittedly the childhood friend aspect isn't as clear in this one as it will be in the others, but it was the first idea I had and I got very excited, oops
The Distance Between Us {Aloy/Reader}
Fandom: Horizon: Forbidden West Rating: G? Warnings: Brief mention of injury/death (literally a single sentence for each) Summary: You've followed Aloy from the Sacred Lands all the way to the very edges of the Sun Kingdom, accompanying her on just about every step of her life's mission. But now she faces her hardest challenges yet, in a land entirely unknown to herself and her allies. For the first time... she must go where you cannot follow. Takes place at the end of the game's intro section, right after the Embassy.
“I can’t ask you to come with me,” she says, tone leveled by practiced neutrality, every bit as serious as she always was (at least when it came to things like this- to saving the world, to leaving you behind). If you didn’t know better, you might have taken her words at face value. But Aloy’s eyes never quite meet your own, her hands fidget with each other, and her body stays facing you the entire time she speaks. For once, she wasn’t trying to awkwardly escape a conversation about bonds and emotional ties. This wasn’t the same as her beating around the bush to turn down the Sun King, or the polite way she sidestepped Petra’s more flirtatious comments. Was she still holding her cards close to her chest? Absolutely; she just wasn’t opposed to letting you take a peek, if only you wanted to pry.
And pry you did.
“You don’t have to ask. I didn’t come all this way to turn back now, regardless of how much blood is on the sand,” you reply, steadfast, sparing No Man’s Land a quick glance. To think that the embassy went to hell in such short time, you muse, as Carja soldiers work to gather the last of the deceased. “The Forbidden West may not be as shiny as Meridian, but everything past beyond the Sacred Lands feels strange to me. What’s the harm in going a bit farther?”
“This is different. We’re going in blind. Sylens isn’t going to give us more than cryptic hints, the Tenakth aren’t about to throw us a welcome party, and this Regalla doesn’t seem keen on peace, to put it lightly,” Aloy elaborates, drawing your attention back to her. Now she meets your gaze, her eyebrows furrowed, lips curving ever so slightly downward. “There will be places I go that you can’t follow. The machines I’ll face will be stronger than anything we’ve dealt with before. I don’t have time to keep a constant eye on you and make sure you don’t get hurt.”
“Like Varl and Erend did?...” You ask, knowing full well that the two of them were better hunters than you would ever be. Sure, you could handle a bow, just like the majority of the Nora. But you had never excelled in combat. Few could match your knowledge of medicinal herbs, nor the understanding of how to best utilize them, and fewer still had access to any of the Ancient One’s techniques. The machines of the West would not, however, be impressed. Up until this point, you had never once regretted your life path. After all… you would have never befriended Aloy in the first place if you hadn’t bumped into her while gathering ingredients. “I guess hiding in tall grass would only protect me for so long. But what am I supposed to do? Somehow I doubt they’d let me return to the Sacred Lands without you by my side to vouch for me, and Meridian is a tad too crowded for my tastes.”
Another sentence hangs in the air between the two of you, unspoken but understood with a soft look, a reminder that you have come this far, and you cannot abandon her now. Eyes darting around in sync with her racing thoughts, Aloy racks her brain for a reasonable compromise. Next thing you know she’s pacing back and forth across the wall of Barren Light, muttering to herself, words just barely rushed enough to be unintelligible. A few bits do reach your ears, though, namely things like ‘risky’, ‘safe’, and ‘time’. By the time she halts her movement, you were maybe three seconds away from offering up your own suggestions. Slowly she turns back to you, one hand raised as if she was considering offering it for you to hold. Wordlessly you bridge that gap.
“Stay here, in Barren Light,” Aloy finally says. Soft determination fills her eyes, unfaltering, but the way she squeezes your hand reminds you that she only wants the best for you. “Keep an eye on Erend and Varl for me, make sure that they don’t rush the healing process. Chances are I’ll need to come back to resupply at some point, and we can catch up.”
“Mhmm, you mean I can make sure the boys don’t follow you West, then I can keep an ear out for any more Eclipse or other troublemakers?” You tease, thinking of her penchant for skipping right past pleasantries and onto important matters. For once, Aloy had the good sense to look sheepish in response, cheeks flushed from more than just the heat. “I don’t look forward to waiting, desperately, for news of your exploits, or signs of your misadventures… but I suppose tending to the wounded here will keep me busy for a while, at least. Maybe I’ll pick up a new hobby afterwards, hmm? Start carving counterfeit Strike pieces. Convince everyone that the Sacred Lands have rabbit-esque machines the size of Thunderjaws, with Grazer antlers and Stormbird wings. I’ll tell them that I once saw one destroy an entire village with a single hop- and that you defeated a herd of them in a battle that lasted four days.”
She laughs, at that, only a bit hesitant, knowing that some people would believe you. Then she gives your hand another squeeze, lips curled up in a bittersweet smile. Somehow you know what she’s going to say long before she wills herself to speak.
“I should get going,” she mumbles, already angling her body away from you, staring out at the endless horizon. It’s not easy to let go of her hand (it never is), but you know that you must. All at once the loss of contact makes the distance between you seem a thousand times larger than it truly is. As Aloy starts her trek into the unknown, she spares a single glance back your way, and you call out your farewells, letting humor ease the sting.
“Goodbye, good luck, ‘til next we meet! Farewell, Aloy Gaiasdottir, of and despite the Nora! Savior of Meridian, survivor of the Sun Ring, honored friend of the Vanguard! The flame-haired, the child of the mountain, the legacy of Sobeck, the bearer of the Second Sight! May you find glory and new titles alike in the West,” you yell between cupped hands, ignoring the stares of those around you. And then, as your closest friend becomes nothing more than a speck on the edge of your vision, you whisper one last parting wish: “Come home safe. Please.”
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iliumheightnights · 2 years
Meet Daran!
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Thank you @sloanesmortuary for the amazing art of my boy, which I'm only just now getting to posting.
Daran is my Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West OC!
He is part of the Carja. He was part of Avad's rebellion and is actually best friends with the sun king. On top of that, he and Avad had an on and off again relationship.
After the retaking of Meridian, he became captain of the royal guard alongside Ursa who became the captain of literally every other guard station. However, he became tired of staying in one place and longed for adventure. That's when he went out west.
That's where he stayed for years, helping the Utaru and trading with the Tenakth. Regalla HATED him since he was the personification of everything she despised. However Hakaro loved speaking with him and hearing the stories. He also appreciated his fighting skills and warriors honor.
It was there that Daran met a Nora Huntress with a strange device on her head who rode machines. The Savior of Meridian. He had heard the stories, even out west. When he learned of her mission and the great evil that was coming, how could he say no to helping?
It was a worthy fight.
His Face Claim is David Castaneda.
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kittleskittle · 3 years
Do you have thoughts on why Nil is going to such trouble to hide that he’s Carja when the Tenakth allowed Fashav, a soldier and member of the Sun King’s family, and Nessa, someone who actively participated in the Red Raids, to join their ranks and become Tenakth warriors? The mask seems a bit over the top when the Tenakth have shown willingness to overlook past history in favor of current deeds.
Well, I think there are a couple of different reasons, anon! The first one being that according to hzd, Nil is apparently infamous for his deeds, specifically during the battles of Cinnabar Sands and the Daunt, so much so that soldiers who fought on his side are afraid of him. That's enough of a hint to assume that there are many Tenakth who would carry a grudge, and as Nil said, he's not interested in fighting "petty duels" anymore.
Secondly, and most importantly, I think, is that the Tenakth kids were all former rebels, specifically so that they could fight a real war against the Carja (Attah goes into this after the first race). They only deserted after the Embassy and the realization that Regalla meant to fight other Tenakth as well, and that's not something they wanted. Nil being not only Carja, but an apparently infamous, bloodthirsty one, would interfere with his ability to race with them and sever the connection with others he holds dear. And besides, as he says in the final conversation, the mask keeps them entertained, hinting that he does actually care for and look out for them in his own way. Which, again, is very tied to his redemption; he's watching out for the children of a people his actions have hurt.
He does go into being able to take the mask off soon in his conversation with Aloy, and I think it's safe to assume that it will eventually happen. I think he's proven himself enough to earn amnesty, although here's the key difference between Nil and Fashav or Nessa - he's not actually interested in becoming Tenakth like those two were. He still talks about them like they're a separate entity, pretty similar to the way that he talks about the Carja in hzd, so for now, it's safe to assume that he wants to remain as tribeless as Aloy (which makes it fun to guess which tribe he's going to be dressing like in Horizon 3...)
Anyway, as an aside, he really doesn't need the mask period; the full facepaint alone should suffice. I just like the think that the mask is mostly a reflection of Nil's inherent need for drama and to catch Aloy off guard! Plus, it's hot.
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foibles-fables · 3 years
Aside from the Sunhawk, which characters are you most hoping we will see again in Horizon Forbidden West? Which characters do you want to see, but don't think we will? Are there any particular characters you think Aloy would be more inclined trust/form a close friendship with? Any characters (besides Sylens) that might show up again and cause more trouble? Thanks! Love hearing your thoughts on all that is Horizon!
Hello nonny! First of all, be cautious with your compliments, because it might get even more like this around here if ya keep flattering me:
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(that is to say: thank you i'm crying i'm so glad you enjoy the clownery)
Your questions here are fantastic and I'd love to answer them! As a caution for anyone reading, here be HFW spoilers, including the December GameInformer Article and IMDB postings. Here's a cut for anyone who doesn't want 'em! (And in case I get carried away with this, l o l.)
I think HFW is going to strike a very delicate balance between bringing back old friends and introducing new ones. Here's who we have 100% confirmed so far through official Guerrilla means:
Talanah (hopefully alone...wait, who said that, it wasn't me!!)
Then there's also Alva, a new character confirmed by the GameInformer article--later-game buddies with Loy. I can't wait to meet her, and I'm already thinking hard about their potential dynamic, and I think it's already the one I'd like to see grow into a close relationship. Alison Jaye's voice gives rise to some potential really cool opportunities for their relationship (particularly Aloy mentoring someone even younger than her--brain's definitely rotting over it a little bit).
Alva was on IMDB for a while around March of 2021. Since she's been disclosed as real character, I'm willing to bet the couple others who were listed with her before being wiped are real too! Here they are:
HEKARRO (all-caps seem to point to AI)
Uthid!!!!!! beloved uncle
Parallo--new character, also voiced by Uthid's VA, who might very well be the Utaru guy in Ashly Burch's Actor Spotlight from 2020...which also shows another new character name (Vezreh) in the mocap screens, courtesy of @astro731!'s sharp eyes!!
HEPHAESTUS (same VA as in the Frozen Wilds)
Also, not IMDB, but some dude named Ulvund who apparently has the audacity to be giving Petra shit, thanks GameInformer.
So that lays the groundwork of who we're (most likely) getting, old and new!
Here's who has NOT been confirmed, but I would love to see and think we stand a good chance of seeing in at least some capacity:
Brin (how could we NOT at this point)
CYAN (god I would die for her to be Aloy's new Focus guide)
Vanasha (Marad's trusted spy, seems like the kinda gal to go on a mission like this when new trouble's are a-brewin')
The Hunters Three (Tatai's VA kinda...spilled about being involved a while ago)
Balahn (MAYBE glimpsed from behind in the Tribes trailer)
Here's who I would love to see but have middling probabilities of being there:
Varl (only middling because I really hoped he would've been confirmed by now)
Avad (maybe in here for a little bit to say hi)
And here are my pipe dreams for inclusion, though chances are lookin' a little slim:
I just can't wait for the payoff of the promised "investing in our side characters" Ben's mentioned in a few interviews. Aloy is about to go through a VERY, VERY rough time and going to need all the support she can get. I think Erend and Talanah are gonna be the ones to take on most of that, but...hey, I'll leave THAT particular theory/clown parade for another day. Oh, and I also hope we get more Elisabet journals. And DEFINITELY a visit to both Miriam Technologies, and Thebes.
As far as antagonists--I think it's going to be Sylens and Regalla (CLONE FLAVOR PLEASE), honestly, along with the environmental disaster in general. Some clashing subfunctions just trying to do their jobs and absolutely wrecking everything around them. Kind of the same structure as ZD: the "old-world" Faro machines and the Eclipse. Lots of Claw-Back parallels.
That did get out of hand, so props if you stuck it out with me as the thoughts got more and more scattered. We are so close to release and it's almost time to get Worse.
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anunkindcomparison · 2 years
This little (I say, looking at the word count being almost 2500 words) bit contains MASSIVE spoilers for everything up through Wings of the Ten in Horizon Forbidden West. PLEASE proceed with caution and understanding that if you haven’t completed those late-stage quests, you’ll spoil yourself pretty hard for some of it.
Also does this fandom like angst and almost-smut? God I hope so.
Also also thank you for every like, reblog, and comment---they seriously make my day. Bestie is cackling her mad little heart out over my shock each time someone interacts. Y’all are fabulous. Story below the gif.
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Varl’s gone.
It’s been a week. A week since he stood between Beta and the Zeniths, a week since Erik plucked him from the ground like he was nothing more than a pebble.
Now we’re havin’ fun, right?
She shivers under the warm spray of water in the shower stall, the cold dread of that moment settling like a swinging Thunderjaw’s tail in her stomach—heavy and large and painful.
It’s been a week. A week that feels like a lifetime, right now. She was rescued by a Zenith and taken to the woman’s former home, fixed an override for Sunwings, and saved the Grove and most of the Tenakth tribe by flying in the same way the Ten apparently had. She’d watched Kotallo bury his spear in Regalla’s chest before she could even open her mouth to ask for a weapon to do it herself, after their challenge had ended with Regalla on her knees, and Aloy had told her she couldn’t leave her alive.
There. Blood for blood.
She’d been able to see the fury and pain in his eyes still—his fellow Marshals, slaughtered at Regalla’s command. His arm gone when he tried to save a friend, who didn’t make it in the end. All of them, avenged at last.
And then she’d put an ultimatum to Sylens, that he come and face her in person, and help them win, now that his army was gone.
How had it only been a week.
The new normal in the base was… quieter than she liked. She missed practically begging her friends not to try to kill each other every other day—especially Zo, when she talked about sparring with Erend.
Erend had been so kind, this week. He’d brought in new plants for Zo, and helped her water them all. Helped her tend the garden. Even stopped playing his favorite music as loud as he could get away with, and asked what she wanted to listen to instead.
Sometimes, it was easy to forget that Erend and Varl had become such good friends over the course of the preparations for the Battle at the Alight, and in the time following, when she’d left. But seeing the way Erend mourned him… there was nothing that could blind her to it now.
She’d caught Kotallo out at Varl’s grave too, upon his return to the base after Regalla’s death. Kneeling in front of it, head bowed, mouth moving. She hadn’t been able to make out the words, but she could feel the loss he felt even without hearing them.
Varl had been good at making friends everywhere.
Sliding down the glass wall, she curls her arms around her legs, sobbing as the grief hits her all over again. She hasn’t cried like this in… so long. Not even when she visited Rost’s grave. She probably should have, but there had been so much to do, and so many lives counting on her. At least, that was how she’d rationalized it at the time.
But the truth is, there’s still so much to do. And now it’s not just Meridian and the Sacred Lands being threatened—the entire world is dying, and if she fails… she dooms them all, every tribe and culture and people across the entire globe, everyone she knows and so many more she’s never seen, met, heard of. All of them are counting on her, even if they don’t know it.
Elisabet couldn’t let her emotions overtake her this way, when the world depended on her to make sure life found a way through.
But now she’s here, crying in the shower, and she can’t seem to stop herself.
The sound of Kotallo’s voice on the other side of the glass wall makes her jump, and she curls tighter around herself.
Her Focus beeps, and she sighs, pressing it. “I’m fine,” she says.
There’s silence on the other end. “You’ve been in there an hour,” Kotallo says at last. “I… worried.”
Closing her eyes, she exhales hard. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“I didn’t mean to rush you. I just—”
“It’s no rush,” she says. “I need to get out.” She cuts the connection, stands, and turns the water off. When she pulls back the curtain that had been hung between the stalls, tucking the long towel around her body, she’s not sure if she’s relieved or upset to find Kotallo has left.
But then she turns the corner toward her room and runs straight into him. His hand flies out to steady her as she clamps her hand on the towel to keep it in place, and looks up into his eyes.
They look so pained, the way they had when they met at Stone Crest and she gave him her condolences for the loss of his fellow Marshals, and his arm.
He swallows hard as they stand there.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers at last. “I did not mean to intrude, earlier.”
“I know.” Her voice is low, and a bit hoarse.
“I’ll be in my lab, if you have need of anything.”
She nods, but when he starts to let go of her, something inside her heart feels like it snaps.
What was it GAIA had said, after Varl and Zo had practically run to their room after a dangerous mission and not come out for nearly a full day?
I believe this sort of intimacy is considered life-affirming, after escaping from a dangerous situation that could very well have resulted in death.
She grabs the leather of his armor, holding him in place. He watches her, waits, but doesn’t bring his hand back up to hold onto her.
She wants something life-affirming. Something to remind her that there’s not only death and heartache in the world. Something to remind her she’s alive, not just existing between crises.
She’s pressing into him quick, quick enough he reacts instead of anticipates. His arm holds her close, even supports her weight when she pulls herself up to wrap her legs around his waist. He turns then both, and her back presses against the cold, metal wall. She gasps just above his mouth, his face so close now.
He doesn’t close the distance.
“What are we doing right now?” he whispers, panting a little. A shiver ripples through her at their closeness.
“Something life-affirming,” she says.
She presses her face closer, and he shifts back just a bit, supporting all of her weight with his one hand now.
“Please,” she breathes.
His eyes close, and then he’s carrying her to her room.
The lock clicks behind them with a simple command from her Focus. He sinks to his knees on her pallet bed, his hand releasing her slowly and she slides down against it. She looks along the lengths of their bodies, then back up at his face.
He watches her, then sits back on his heels. His head falls back, face pointed to the ceiling, and she listens to him breathe slowly.
He doesn’t answer.
“Not like this.”
Frowning, she scoots until she’s sitting up. “Not like what?”
He looks at her then, and she sees the war waging in his mind. He wants her, but he won’t let himself be with her. “Not like this,” he repeats, voice rough. He takes another breath. “You’re grieving. We’re all grieving.” He shakes his head. “This isn’t how you want to do this.”
“You don’t get to decide what and how I want something.”
He bows his head. “Then it is not how I want to do this.”
She blinks a few times, turning those words over in her head. Her face flushes hot, and she draws away.
“I’m sorry,” she says, sliding from the bed and pacing away from him. She’s clenching the towel tight between her fingers once more. “I…” His hand on her arm makes her look at him again.
He blows out a breath, shaking his head. “I’m sorry.” His hand comes up to her face, fingers and thumb daring to touch her chin, her jaw. In the time they’ve known one another, she’s learned there’s so much more to him than just brutal warrior. She’s seen his kinder side first hand, over and over. But this, this tenderness, this is something new even now.
“Why? You didn’t…” She doesn’t want to finish that thought.
He closes his eyes, hand falling away from her face. “We have both suffered losses. I do not want…” He exhales hard and steps back, just a little. “I do not want either of us to look back on something that should bring us joy, and be met with the grief that we’re both feeling right now.” He looks at her again—the hurt still lingers so close to the surface. He mourns Varl harder than she’d realized, and coupled with the losses at the Embassy, it’s no wonder. Probably worries for Beta, too, and GAIA. And the Grove… he lost people there, when Regalla attacked. Even Regalla herself must weigh on him—she had been his fellow Marshal after all, a friend, until her rage drove her to rebellion. It’s easy to hate what someone has become, and still long for what they once were.
She steps closer to him again. Slowly, she slides the fingers of her left hand along his cheek. He catches her wrist, but doesn’t stop her—he just holds onto her gently as she cups his cheek.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers again.
He gives her wrist a careful, reassuring squeeze. “As am I.” He lets her press into him completely then, his arm sliding around her shoulders and through her still damp hair. His chin rests on the top of her head, and she closes her eyes.
They stay there for several long moments, until she steps back. “Thank you, Kotallo.”
He presses his fist to his heart, and says nothing as he moves through her room to the door. She doesn’t watch him go, but she hears the door slide open, then shut again, and the lock click into place.
Getting dressed is quick and easy, but she lingers in the room, absorbing what he’d said.
I do not want either of us to look back on something that should bring us joy, and be met with the grief we’re both feeling right now.
Her attention is drawn to the Focus on one of the shelves in her room.
Varl’s Focus.
She’d asked Zo if she wanted it, but she said no. Not yet. She wasn’t ready to see what he might have seen. At the time, Aloy had wondered if she meant she hadn’t wanted to watch Varl die, over and over.
Now, though…
Now it feels like maybe, she wasn’t ready to see all of the happy times while she’s still so fresh in her mourning.
She takes a few more minutes before she goes to the door, dressed and composed once again.
Erend is pouring a few mugs of ale to go with the steaming cup of tea he has ready—the tea goes to Zo, and he hands Kotallo one of the ales. Alva sniffs at the one in front of her like she’s not sure about it, but she doesn’t want to offend anyone by not partaking if their culture expects it.
They clink their mugs gently, and Zo does the same with her tea, and Aloy just watches for a moment.
Erend sees her first, and raises his mug toward her.
She nods and comes out into the common area. “Is it alright if I join?”
Zo smiles. “Always.”
She settles in between Zo and Kotallo, and Erend hands her an ale. “So. What are we drinking to?”
Erend shrugs. “Anything you like.”
She thinks on that, then says, “How about to… having friends who love you.” She looks at Alva, and Zo, and Erend, and then finally Kotallo.
His expression doesn’t betray anything, but she swears she can feel the flicker of longing in him still, smoldering between them.
“To having friends that love you,” Erend echoes, and the others do the same. She taps her mug to theirs, and drinks.
Kotallo catches her eyes again, and nods. She looks down at her ale, trying not to blush too deeply.
When he steps outside an hour later, she waits only a moment or three before following him.
She finds him at Varl’s grave again, though he’s silent this time as he sits and watches the night sky. Stepping up as quietly as she can, she settles beside him.
His deeds were worthy of the Ten.
“Will you tell me something,” he says, voice as quiet as a night breeze, “if I ask you a personal question?”
She looks at the candles flickering all around them. “Probably.”
He’s quiet again for several moments, then asks, “How do the Nora go about courting one another?”
She looks at him then, blinking several times. “You want to know Nora courting customs?”
“Mmm.” He nods. When he looks at her, the pain and remorse has eased a bit.
His smile is fleeting. “Shouldn’t it be obvious?” He looks back at the sky. “It is not a lack of desire that stopped me, earlier.” He looks down at the ground between him and Varl’s grave. “In truth, I gave into too much of it, I suspect.”
She licks her lips slowly, considering that—the way he’d held her, carried her to her room, been poised just above her before pushing away and stopping them both.
“But I find my control lacking more and more, when I am unprepared and caught by you.” He huffs a small laugh. “I only hope I have not… broken anything between us.”
“No,” she says. “No, you haven’t.” A long slow exhale beside her makes her relax too.
“Praise the Ten,” he whispers, turning to look at her once more. “I don’t think I could bear that.”
Reaching for him gently, she slides her fingers along his jaw once again. He leans his face into her palm, and this time his hand slides up to cover her own.
“I wish we had more time,” she breathes.
He meets her eyes. “We shall make time.” That too-brief smile comes back again. “When we defeat the Zeniths.”
“That means we both have to survive,” she says.
His face turns in her hand, his lips soft against the calluses on her hand. “I intend to,” he says. “There is so much about you I still don’t know—and that I want to learn.”
That promise makes her shiver all over.
They’ll see this through, fight like hell to make it out the other side of the coming battle. And then they’ll find a way to make the time they so desperately want.
They deserve that chance.
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penguinbabeez · 2 years
My Top Moments in Horizon: Forbidden West
Needless to say, this will be spoiler-y, so if you're trying to avoid spoilers for the game for whatever reason, feel free to skip. If you don't mind them, proceed below!
So, I was initially skeptical about the first game, Horizon: Zero Dawn. at first glance, I couldn't put the idea of tribal systems and machine animals/dinosaurs together in my head. After their origin and purpose were clarified later on in the story, it became easier to align them in the same game.
When I started H:FW, everything felt familiar in that same vein. Dealt with the remaining forces of the Eclipse, which resolved that plot point from the first game. I did some diplomacy, saw some friends, killed some machines, totally normal Horizon fare. But then came the Hades Proving Lab, and the introduction of murdery space people.
Like, I had the genre pinned, and the rug was pulled out from under me. I thought we were in deep shit when the intruder alert sounded, got panicky after the identiscan confirmed an unlock that only Aloy could have made possible, and then seeing sci-fi in my post-apocalyptic robot game?! I literally, out loud said, "Excuse me...WHAT?!" ESPECIALLY when another clone of Dr. Sobeck walked in.
Ideally, I should have seen it coming, but I saw the tutorial stage as a reintroduction to controls with a brief story line that informed Varl about another part of the end-of-the-world story that Aloy knows. I thought it was a red herring. Oh, sweet summer child, me of the past, she knew no better.
Also, learning they're the originals and not the descendants, as Aloy and I both thought? Priceless.
Ah, the Embassy, another chance for Aloy to get pissed at pomp and circumstance because she just needs to save the world, goddamn it! But seriously, faced with her task, I'd be annoyed at posturing, too. But I really enjoyed meeting Fashav and hearing his story, because all I'd known up to that point was that he was Sun King Avad's cousin, and that he'd been taken into Tenakth custody. To see he'd been clever enough to see his way to survival as a Marshal made me smile, I won't lie. I thought about how happy Avad would be to see him for the first time, even though Fashav would miss his fellow Marshals. End of Embassy, head west armed with Fashav's favor, what could get in the way?
Oh, nothing...JUST ANOTHER CIVIL WAR, NO BIGGIE---aaaaand he's dead.
I felt pretty helpless watching both sides of the arch getting taken out, but felt like a badass overcoming Regalla's champion, Grudda. Not gonna lie, I was sad about Fashav. I wanted to see him in action later in the game, perhaps as another ally; maybe he could have been the voice of reason, a buffer between Avad's affections for Aloy and future issues. I get why he died, how some of his last words were foreshadowing for Aloy needing more allies in a mission as huge as saving the world, as well as giving us reasons to hate Regalla. Still a bummer, though.
Oh Minerva, you poor sweet baby AI! Yes, misery will cease. When the console returned and the GAIA kernel was placed inside, so much happened behind my sternum that it wasn't even funny. The music, combined with the visuals and the history of Operation: Zero Dawn made GAIA's comeback epic and emotional. I could hardly believe I was seeing GAIA for myself, even though this was a second version since the first one had to self-destruct. In that moment, I feel like I shared my awe with Aloy, knowing her hard work was paying off in a huge way.
Also, GAIA correcting herself after calling her Dr. Sobeck and going through Aloy's memories via her Focus was heartwarming. It just brought the feeling home even more that this was a long time coming, that hope was right around the corner if we were able to accomplish this task.
I think helping Morlund, Abadund, and Stemmur to drain Las Vegas was the most fulfilling questline for me, personally. I loved the chemistry between Aloy and Morlund, playing off of each other in dialogue like the curious kids they are, and having their efforts pay off. Seeing the holographic lights of Vegas after merging with POSEIDON was awe-inspiring. I've never been to Las Vegas in real life, but the Stanley Chen datapoints made my time there in-game more personal.
Here was an Old World guy, someone who turned out to be one of the good Zeniths, who paid it forward in so many ways after coming into money. His passion was in preserving a place where people came to enjoy themselves, even amidst chaos. He couldn't bring himself to shut down, in the hopes that someone would come with their own dream in the future and revitalize the site. Knowing Morlund and his crew were going to make that happen made my heart all warm and fuzzy, and after they bowed in farewell, I knew I'd be going back there to check on their progress. Last we checked, they've got a pretty stable operation going, and I couldn't be prouder of a delve.
When I tell you I got so confused trying to place why Aloy looked so confused at The Memorial Grove before meeting Chief Hekarro for the first time...damn.
So, I get now that she was confused about why this Tenakth guy was saying he'd see her soon. But at the time, I imposed my own confusion on Aloy, more to the tune of: "Who the heck was that? And why does he sound like he doesn't like me much?" When I met up with Kotallo in Stone Crest and I saw there was a dialogue option about the Embassy, it started to make some sense. But if that level of confusion wasn't impressive enough, I was still like: "But where in the battle was he? I don't remember him..."
*cues to me re-watching the relevant cutscenes and realizing he was the one to lose his arm to the Bristleback...you know, when he and the High Marshal held camera focus...?*
Gosh, I felt so silly! BUT IT GETS BETTER!
I know, I was a cotton-headed-ninnymuggins, but all these realizations stacked on top of each other made me realize in retrospect just how importantly he was framed as a character. We may not have known his name at the Embassy, and yes, I realized he didn't have a problem with Aloy later on, but...yeah.
Whenever I feel smart, I'll remember to humble myself by recalling how it took me far too long who Kotallo was. The bright side is, he still ended up being one of my favorite characters in the game.
Varl said he wanted to see the Zeniths' faces when they had to face down a herd of angry Thunderjaws, or something to that effect. And wouldn't you know it, there were those, and some Slaughterspines, and Dreadwings...
*sad sigh *
At least all the Zeniths are gone, though. You know, with the exception of Nemesis, but that's more of a gathered consciousness...you know what? I'm not touching that. I'll let the third game and/or the DLC for H:FW deal with the complexities, lol.
Returning to the Base after the game's final cutscene put a damper on the high I felt due to the power of friendship, when there were less friends at the Base. After seeing them come into the fold and help make the Base home, it felt lonely returning there. I started up another playthrough just to have them back, because I found myself missing these characters as if they were actual people.
It reminded me of Finals Week during my last semester of community college a few years back. Most of my friends' finals were done before mine were, so by the end of the week, our table in the cafeteria where we hung out was noticeably empty. It felt lonely, and no matter how proud I was of them, it was still sad to be there without them in a place that brought us together. It didn't feel right being there without them.
That's what this moment in the game reminds me of. I know you can go to Hidden Ember, Plainsong, The Grove, and Legacy's Landfall to see our new friends again, but the dialogue does run out sometime, even with Beta and Sylens back at Base. Until GAIA is reinstated fully, there's no more commentary on new drone footage brought back to base. It lends itself to the feeling that I am biding my time until one of us has a brilliant idea to wrangle/work around HEPHAESTUS, and/or how to combat Nemesis.
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