#and when it rains i rejoice
riphobic · 2 years
when i die i want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered through a forest so the next time you look at the trees know that a part of my soul grows in them
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yandere-daze · 5 months
I thought it was high time that I finally wrote something for this man and this idea was stuck in my head for days. I hope you enjoy! <3
gn reader
2.3k words
cw yandere, obsessive behaviour, hypnotizing siren song, manipulation
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Yandere! Siren! Sunday x Sailor! Reader
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You weren´t supposed to be anything more than an easy prey. A human led astray by his enchanting tunes like any other, only to be torn apart once within reach.
You were a simple sailor sailing the deep waters of the ocean with your small crew. For what purpose? Sunday wasn´t quite sure and he didn´t really care to know. All he yearned for was sinking his claws into your vulnerable flesh as he dragged you to the bottom of the ocean.
You see, Sunday was a siren, a hunter in the image of a beautiful young man with grey hair and enchanting golden eyes. Were it not for his singing voice, a deep gaze into his radiant eyes would be enough to tempt any poor fool into his waiting arms. Yet his voice, oh his voice, its heavenly sound masking his dark intentions.
Within his lifetime, Sunday has lured many unfortunate sailors to their demise though, in recent times, fewer and fewer boats have delved through the waters he called his home. From what he had witnessed being whispered onboard, tales of cunning and vicious sirens roaming these waters have reached the mainland, causing many to steer clear and avoid this place.
This naturally annoyed Sunday, for the flesh of humans was what he sustained himself with. This fact only increased his determination when after quite a long while of waiting for a sign of life, a boat had finally lost its way into his domain again. Sunday had been hungry for way too long now, he couldn´t let this stroke of luck go to waste.
So certain that he would finally claim his prey again, he decided to first spy on the passengers of the boat before making his move. It was important for him to know the routines and habits of the sailors if he wanted to catch them alone to entice them to run into their doom.
As a siren, Sunday was more powerful than an average human but even he wouldn´t be able to fight off several sailors if he were to try and hypnotize someone in broad daylight. He couldn´t risk the crew becoming aware of his presence and leaving, he couldn´t go on without another meal again.
And so, he secretly started spying on the passengers of the small boat, staring at them from behind a rock and making sure to keep his tail concealed within the water. He watched everyone go along with their days on board the ship when something unexpected happened.
He saw you, stepping away from the rest of the crew to stand near the edge of the boat, a smile on your face as you let the sun shine on your face. Without even realizing it, you had stepped close to where Sunday had gone to hide. You were so close, almost within arm´s reach. For a moment, Sunday deliberated if this was his chance to strike.
With you separated from the rest of the crew like this, it would be a simple thing indeed to lure you into the waters where you would disappear forever.
But just as he thought this, he stopped in his tracks as he watched your carefree smile, suddenly becoming enchanted by the way the light of the sun rained upon your skin. For lack of a better word, your presence at that very moment was mesmerizing and Sunday felt warm inside as if the rays of the sun were descending on him instead.
And then, for a moment, Sunday almost felt his heart stop for then you opened your mouth and started, he almost couldn´t believe it, singing.
There you were, practically within the jaws of a predator, and letting your soul rejoice in song so carelessly. And yet, within your naivety, Sunday couldn´t help but feel at peace. Your song rang out across the lonely waters, unaware that your secret audience was becoming more and more enchanted by you by the second.
Your singing, Sunday couldn´t quite describe it. It sounded nothing like his own singing, which was beautiful and yet felt intrinsically wrong somehow. Your song was nothing like that. It might have not been as pretty or practiced as his own singing, but yet it managed to ring true within his heart. Your song felt earnest and real, untainted and uncorrupted by malice. Within seconds, you had captured his attention and heart, yet you were completely unaware that he was even present.
In an ironic twist of fate, Sunday felt himself being pulled towards you as if touched by magic, an ardent longing for you deep within his chest. It was as if you were the siren calling out to him, beckoning him closer like a lovesick sailor lost at sea, yet Sunday was sure that instead of a sudden demise, he would find true salvation within your arms. With the way you were holding out your arms, he could almost imagine you wrapping them around his body in a lover´s embrace, pulling him so close as if you would never let go of him again.
Because he knows that´s what he would do if he finally had his beloved in his arms. For only a fool would ever let go of the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. It filled him all at once, this desire to have you for his own, to make you his dearest mate.
You were radiant and joyful in a way he had never seen before and he couldn´t bear the thought of letting you slip away from him.
And from the desperate yearning he could so clearly hear in your song dedicated to just him, he knew that you must feel the same way. You were just waiting, begging to be taken away by him. Why else would you walk so close to him, all on your own and profess all of your feelings like this? Sunday now knew that this meeting was fated to happen and he would be sure not to waste it.
He had been watching you closely for the past few days along with the other sailors aboard the ship and he saw how the other crew members acted around you. He had thought nothing of it back then but now boiling jealousy filled his being as he remembered how chummy they had been acting with you. How they had laughed and joked around with you so easily, how they had thrown their arms around you and sang cheery tunes beneath the starry sky.
He especially detested that one scoundrel that had dared to kiss your cheek so invasively. How dare they treat you like this? How dare they lay their filthy hands on you when your beauty was meant for solely him to treasure? But not to worry, Sunday would finally bring you home and keep you safe.
He understood your surprise when he finally emerged from his hiding spot and started swimming towards you. You looked so pitiful with your body shaking and your eyes growing wide when you saw his shimmering white mermaid tail. You poor thing must be frightened out of your mind because of all these stories you were told about his kind but do not be afraid! Sunday would never hurt you like this.
You were special to him, you just needed to allow him to show you that. You backing away from the railing, backing away from him, just wouldn´t do.
"Darling, there is no reason to be afraid, I´m not here to hurt you, do not let their horrid tales corrupt your thoughts. I am here to finally take you home!" He reached out his hands to you, wishing for you to jump into them and accept his love willingly yet he could only click his tongue in disappointment when instead, you took another step back.
"D-don´t come any closer!", you shouted out, breaking the poor siren´s heart in the process. How it hurt him to see you so frightened that you would turn your soulmate away. But no matter, he was prepared to take matters into his own hands and nudge you towards your own happy ending. You just needed a little bit of convincing.
"My darling, please listen to me! You and me, I know we were meant to be! So please don´t resist this, alright?", he hummed gently, his voice almost pitiful while begging you to hear him out.
You would have even felt sympathy for him if you weren´t acutely aware that you were facing a dangerous predator. There was no doubt in your mind that this was a siren and you needed to get away from there fast.
But unfortunately for you, you weren´t quick enough for as soon as you had gathered your resolve, Sunday´s ethereal singing voice had swiftly broken it down.
Suddenly, all your previous thoughts about him being a danger to stay away from evaporated, leaving you confused as to why you ever wanted to run away from him. There was nothing dangerous about him, was there?
Instead, your mind was now being filled with pleasant images of you and the siren spending time together, of him holding you close protectively, of him swearing his eternal love and kissing you. All of a sudden, you felt warm all over as you gazed deep into Sunday´s eyes and you knew that he was the one that was meant for you.
Slowly, one step at a time, you walked closer to the edge of the boat again, where Sunday was happily holding out his hands for you to take, eagerly grasping at air as if to usher you even closer.
And you were all too eager to follow his demands as a sugary sweet melody droned on and on in your ears, overwhelming you with feelings of everlasting love and devotion.
"That´s it, darling. Come closer. It´s only a few more steps.", he urged you on, almost desperately as you almost came into touching range. It was only a few more moments until he could finally have you in his arms. And once he did, he would never allow you to leave him again. Not that you would be able to underwater.
Voices were picking up in the background, quickly getting closer and Sunday realized that your crew must have picked up on what was happening.
"Come here quickly, darling!", he shouted, his voice growing more urgent and desperate the closer the booming voices got.
And you did as he said, quickening your steps towards him with a lovesick smile on your face.
"I´m almost there, my love", you said and Sunday´s heart almost burst at the sweet tone you took with him. He knew you were currently under the influence of his siren song but he strongly wanted to believe that the love you felt for him was real. Why else would you too be looking at him so full of yearning?
"Someone, quick! Grab on to them! That siren is trying to lead them to their death!", a gruff voice yells from the back with several more footsteps scrambling quickly behind. They were advancing on you fast and Sunday knew he was almost out of time as one quickly ran up to you.
"No, no, no! Don´t touch them! They´re mine! Don´t ruin this for me!", he yelled out in anger, his eyes a furious storm as they glared at the person trying to get a hold of you. He couldn´t fail so close to the end. How dare they accuse him of trying to harm you?!
"Please, you need to come to your senses!", the sailors try to reason with you but it´s almost like you can´t even register what they say.
" I need to meet with my love, he´s waiting for me.", you say, still smiling as you step to the very edge of the boat, looking down at a Sunday growing more and more manic by the second.
"Jump into my arms, darling! Accept my love and be mine forever!", the siren calls out to you as a crew member grabs into your arms, trying to pull you back.
"Don´t listen to him! Please, don´t do as he says!"
You struggle violently against the hold, kicking and screaming, demanding to be let go.
"No, you can´t separate me from my love, let me go! I need to be by his side!", you scream and with an especially harsh kick, the sailor lets go of you for a moment, leaving you with enough time to take the final step and jump right into your demise.
Sunday gently catches you in his arms, a lovesick smile on his face as he finally gets to hold you like he wanted to. You´re finally all his and there´s nothing that can be done about it anymore.
"I´m so happy you chose me, darling. We´re going to be so happy together. I´ll take such good care of you. No one else is ever going to touch you again.", he whispers into your ear and you can´t help but giggle joyfully at the prospect, your mind singing with affection, drowning out the growing panic within you.
But what is there to be afraid of? You´re finally united with the love of your life and nothing will ever separate you again.
Sunday holds you firmly as he quickly swims away from the boat, leaving your panicked crewmates behind.
Now that he finally has you, he will make sure that you´ll grow to love him even without his song. He knows that deep down, you love him just as much as he does you, you´ll just need a little bit of time to adjust to your new life underwater. He knows of a very beautiful underwater cave that he can keep you in until you grow more accustomed to your new life with him. Down there, you´ll never be able to escape his grasp again.
You will be his forever, for that is the consequence of putting him under a spell like you has.
And then he takes you with him to the very depths of the sea, never to be seen again.
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janus-cadet · 1 year
Who's hyped for the 60th anniversary? I am. So, have another doctor-who-themed-tarot-card : the 10th Doctor (and the 14th, now, I guess!) as The Tower.
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Can't say I'm super proud of that one, but eh. I tried. Now, why did I choose this card? Great question, imaginary person. Let me answer that below this lovely cut.
I love to use cards about change to illustrate the Doctor- and nothing spells more *change* than the Tower. When this card appears upright, you must expect the unexpected- a massive change that you will not be able to escape. For example, he will knock four times, and there is no changing that. You can stare sadly in the rain all you like, pull your best puppy dog eyes, the result will be the same. Change is here to tear things up, create chaos and destroy everything in its path- weither it would be in the form of an entire planet, a victorious Time Lord or a old, innocent ToyMaker, that is to be decided. This change will hit you when you'll feel safe and comfortable, a fire if clarity and insight, cuting through the lies you have been telling yourself- no, the laws of time are not yours, my dear, and no, you can't help everyone. This change is scary by essence, even if it proves itself necessary ; and Ten, more than the other, is the most reticent to it. Even if after the Tower experience, you are to learn from it, and hopefully grow stronger and wiser.
Reversed, the card suggests that you are undergoing a signifiant personal transformation. Yes, consultant, you are about to regenerate. Rejoice. Perhaps you'll be lucky enough to be ginger. You may be going through a existentiel crisis, because yes, you're probably the last of your species. At least, when your ex is not popping around, which is always such a surprise for you. YOU are the one creating the change, so you can step into a new and evolved version of yourself, even if this version is not blessed with the existence of eyebrows. You can also be trying to resist the change, Mister I-Don't-Wanna-Go, and delaying the necessary destruction. Yes, it's not fair. But it has to happen. Just know that if you continue to resist this change, it will force its way into your life even more.
So yeah. 10th Doctor, as The Tower. I have to admit- I like the french name better, for this one. It's called La Maison-Dieu, or The God-House. Fitting, for such a character, with his burning Tardis.
Only need to find one for 9th, 11th and 12th, now. Perhaps I'll also do the classics, I don't know.
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And that's it for today! Hope you liked it. I sure did. As a last treat, here are all of the Doctor Who cards so far ! Funny how the three Masters were my first, and now, the 10th Doctor is my 30th.
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chishiyasleftnut · 8 months
Hi! („• ֊ •„) This is a long one (divided into two parts), inspired by various bots from Cherubin on Character AI. I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
Stuck With You (part 2)
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Warnings: Smut. Pairing: Chishiya x fem!reader.
Plot: After getting separated from Arisu and the others when the King of Spades attacked, Chishiya and fem!reader camps out together on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Part 1 word count: 2000. (Click here to read!) Part 2 word count: 2793. Part 3 word count: 3088. (Click here to read!) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Drip, drip, drip
You must have cursed yourself when you rejoiced in the lack of rain earlier that day, because when night hit it was once more pouring down. The constant sound of rain hitting the thin, waterproof fabric of the tent, which at this point had been keeping you awake for hours, seemed to have no end.
Perhaps it was the fact that the small two-man tent Chishiya had found at a deserted convenience store (they really sell everything, huh?) was not exactly the best quality, doing little to keep the cold out and heat in that kept you from dozing off. At least it was dry. All things considered, dry was heaps better than wet.
Just as you had decided to close your eyes to at least rest a bit, a loud bang disturbed you as thunder rang through the forest. Instinctively, you grabbed Chishiya’s hand out of fear, not even realising what you had done. Chishiya, who had otherwise been sleeping soundly through the storm, woke up at the sudden contact but didn’t pull his hand away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, still half asleep as he rubbed his eyes with his free hand.
Not wanting to admit that thunder had scared you, you lied. “Nothing.”
Even in the pitch-black darkness, you could sense the growing grin on Chishiya’s lips. Although he was sleepy, nothing could stop him from being a mild dick to you at every chance possible.
“Then why are you holding my hand?”
Your hand immediately recoiled from his as if he was toxic, instead placing it on your chest.
“I wasn’t.”
“Come on, I’m not stupid. I know what I felt.”
“You felt nothing, okay?”
The sound of Chishiya amusedly huffing air out of his nose filled your ears, but to your surprise he didn’t say anything else for a while. Somehow that was even worse, leaving you no distraction from the terrible feeling of embarrassment that spread from your chest and all the way out to your fingertips.
“It was kinda nice, though,” Chishiya finally said casually, his tone not sounding like a joke.
Your head snapped towards his only to realise your faces were mere centimetres apart. Despite this, neither of you looked away.
“What?” you almost whispered, unsure if you heard him right.
“I said that it was kinda nice.”
Nice? He thought holding hands was nice? That couldn’t be true, Chishiya didn’t seem like the type of guy to get any comfort from physical contact - quite the contrary actually. He had always kept to himself, never initiating any touching with you that wasn’t strictly necessary for survival.
Astute as he was, Chishiya was perfectly able to read the confused expression on your face, somehow almost entering your mind and listening to the little voice in your head that was currently arguing with itself.
“I’m not a robot, you know,” he began with the tiniest smirk on his lips. There was something endearing in the way your befuddled eyes hectically darted around his face to make sense of his words. “Hand holding is nice.”
To your surprise, you felt Chishiya’s fingers inching closer to your body, inviting you to take his hand once again. He didn’t want to just forcefully grab your hand - that would ruin the comfort part of hand holding. It wasn’t long before your own hand shakily moved from your chest and down your body until your hands touched once more.
Slowly, almost as if he was afraid to scare you away with too sudden movements, Chishiya’s fingers perfectly interlocked with yours, squeezing you slightly and running his thumb up and down the back of your hand. It was surprisingly calming. Nice, even.
“Your hands are cold.”
Chishiya continued to run his warm thumb soothingly across the almost freezing skin of the back of your hand.
“Well, it’s cold outside.”
“Still,” he said, his eyes darting from your face and down to your hand. “Do you have any issues with blood circulation?”
You laughed at the sudden seriousness of his question. “What are you, a doctor?”
“Something like that,” he said vaguely with a smile, finding humour in your words that you didn’t get yourself, while his eyes locked in on yours again. You had never really talked about your lives before the borderlands with him. He was way too secretive to let anyone in like that, and you respected it. Getting close with someone in this world only leads to heartbreak. It was better if you didn’t know more than you needed to. 
For a moment, the only sound audible was that of raindrops hitting the polyester walls of the tent. However, this time you didn’t mind the silence. For once it wasn’t awkward but actually quite soothing. Even the eye contact with Chishiya felt comforting. It felt so… human?
“You know,” Chishiya finally broke the silence. The mischievous twinkle in his eyes told you that he was about to ruin the otherwise serene moment with some dumb comment. “If you’re cold, you can just move closer to me.”
You almost choked on air. “I’m sorry?”
“You can move closer to me,” he repeated as if it was the most natural thing he could have said. “I’m warm. I don’t mind heating you up. It sure beats having to take care of you when you inevitably get sick.”
For a few seconds you neither spoke nor moved. Did he seriously just suggest that? But then the thought of finally being warm again crept up in your mind. Perhaps cuddling wouldn’t be bad - it was innocent enough, right?
Without saying a word, you moved into his arms and placed a hand on his chest, sighing when you felt his body heat radiate over your stiff and cold body, simultaneously awakening your senses and causing you to become sleepy. Chishiya wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in close as if you had done this plenty of times before.
“You smell nice” you finally commented, still warm and cosy in his arms. Sure, you had been living uncomfortably close to Chishiya for the past week, but this was the first time you truly got close enough to smell him. It was hard to explain what he smelled like. You knew it wasn’t deodorant or aftershave - he had brought back neither from his 7/11 runs - so it had to just be how he smelled.
“Good to know,” he said lowly, pausing for a second before continuing. “You smell nice too.”
Without actively intending to, Chishiya began slowly caressing your arm, tracing his fingertips gently across your cold skin and heating you up. It felt comforting so you didn’t want to point it out and risk him stopping.
“It’s been a weird week.”
He hummed and nodded in response, leaving the only sound in the tent that of heavy rain drops hitting the roof and gliding down the sleek polyester. “It has,” he finally replied.
“If you had told me a week ago that we would be cuddled up in a shitty two-man tent together, I would have laughed in your face.”
“Am I really that bad?” he asked, sounding more amused than offended.
You didn’t reply for a while, mostly because you weren’t sure what to respond. On one hand, Chishiya was a pain in the ass to deal with. He was stubborn, smug, and an annoying know-it-all. On the other hand, you weren’t sure you would have survived if you hadn’t stayed with him. 
“No,” you finally replied. “You aren’t that bad. You’re just… you.”
“I see,” he began slowly, carefully choosing his words while continuing to stroke your body with nice, gentle movements. “You’re not that bad either. If I had to be stuck with someone, I’m at least glad it’s you.”
You tilted your head upwards to meet his gaze. Despite how little moonlight that got through the material of the tent, you could still clearly make out the face you had come to know so well. With one hand still caressing your arm, his free hand began trailing up your body to your face where he cupped your cheek, pulling you in close to him until your lips met.
Although the kiss was firm, you could also feel that Chishiya was giving you a chance to back away. For a short moment you considered this possibility: you knew that your entire dynamic very well could be changed if you did this. It could potentially put both of you in danger in the future if you actually got attached. Despite this, you decided to not back away and instead kissed him back equally as firmly, your lips moving in sync with each other.
Slowly, you felt as Chishiya’s body rolled on top of you, pressing you down against the thin and rather uncomfortable sleeping mats that covered the floor of the tent. However, at this moment you didn’t care, not even noticed the uncomfortability of your sleeping arrangements. All your mind was focused on were the sensation of Chishiya’s lips and tongue, and the calming way at which his body weight was grounding you.
As his kisses got sloppier and his hands rougher in their movements around your body, you for the first time felt emotions from Chishiya that weren't just smugness or stoicism. He seemed almost desperate for you as his lips left yours to traverse down your neck, the sound of his heavy breathing filling up the confined space of the tent.
His lips left your neck as he sat up in between your legs and admired the view in front of him. Your hair was spread out wildly behind you, covering the mat; your lips apart and gasping for air; and your chest heaving up and down. Chishiya didn’t look for long before he got to work on undressing you, helping you pull your shirt over your head.
Due to the rather cramped conditions, he had you sit up to undress your lower half, undressing himself as he waited. And there you were: naked and absolutely gorgeous. His eyes lingered on your body and although it was rather dark, he could easily make out your silhouette. You laid back down on the mat, waiting for him to climb back on top of you but he didn’t. Instead, he kept eyeing you over, studying every curve and valley of your figure.
“I don’t have all night,” you joked, using humour to deflect how shy his gaze was making you feel.
Chishiya chuckled, realising that what he was doing was taking longer than he intended to.
“Bear with me,” he said with an obvious smile audible in his tone. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen a woman like this.”
“It’s too dark to see me well anyway,” you smiled and wiggled your body a bit to invite him closer. “Don’t leave me hanging, it’s cold laying alone like this.”
Chishiya sharply exhaled air out of his nose at the joke, and gave into your wish. He climbed back on top of you, making you share your combined body heat. His lips began exploring your cheek, jaw, neck, and collarbone before he tried moving further down south. However, he was quickly stopped by the lack of space. After a moment of silence where he tried to change his position around, he finally spoke confidently while laying down beside you.
“Sit on my face.”
“I’m sorry?” you asked, shocked by how forward he was being.
“You heard me. Sit on my face.”
After the initial surprise had simmered down, you decided to follow his rather abrupt demand, sitting back up and straddling Chishiya. Slowly, as if you were unsure if this was the right move, you shimmied your body forwards towards his face, hovering your needy centre just above him.
“Sit.” he commanded while hooking both arms around your thighs and putting pressure on them to push you down towards him.
“I don’t want to suffocate you.”
Chishiya chuckled and tried to pull you down towards his face again. “If that’s how I go, then I won’t complain. It beats dying in the games.”
Deciding that Chishiya was serious about this, you obliged, lowering your body to immediately get met by the overwhelming situation of Chishiya wildly licking up and down your wet folds, slurping in the juices your core so politely offered him.
“Fuck, too much,” you mewled, attempting to stand back up again but being held down by Chishiya’s strong arms while he continued to relentlessly lick up wetness.
You closed your eyes to focus on the pleasure aspect while trying to ignore just how overstimulating Chishiya’s quick tongue swirls were. It didn’t seem as if he had any intention of stopping anytime soon, so you instead allowed yourself to melt into his mouth. Relaxing helped, turning the repeated overstimulation into welcomed pleasure, and causing your mewls to turn into moans.
Chishiya’s grip around your thighs relaxed and instead of drilling his fingertips into your flesh, he caressed your skin up and down, only adding another dimension to the wonderful sensation of his body on yours. Too into the way his tongue so precisely seemed to know exactly how to move, you didn’t notice when Chishiya’s left hand abandoned your thigh to stroke himself until you heard him grunt into your cunt.
The combination of his tongue’s precise movements and the vibration produced by Chishiya’s own groans eventually sent you over the edge, making your thighs clamp hard around Chishiya’s face as you came undone on his tongue. Currently having no other options as he was stuck between your thighs, Chishiya slurped up your arousal, gladly accepting every drop your body offered him.
Once your high was over, you let go of Chishiya’s face and fell to the side to lay down beside him on the thin mat, your chest heaving up and down dramatically as you tried to catch your breath. While licking his lips clean, Chishiya sat up to climb on top of you, smashing his lips onto yours so you could taste yourself.
“You okay?” he whispered in between kisses, waiting for you to nod before he lined himself up at your entrance.
Chishiya didn’t waste longer than he had to, sinking himself into you once you had let him know that you were ready. You felt a mix of pleasure and pain as he stretched your core to its limit, slowly pushing his entirety into you until his tip leaky hit your cervix, gently kissing it as he paused there to let you get used to him.
The slightly burning feeling of Chishiya’s hard dick stretching you out soon enough got replaced with ecstasy as he rhythmically began thrusting in and out of you. First it was slow, but he soon quickened the pace, making you burrow your nails deep into his back as your mind got clouded by the pleasure he provided.
The thrusts, which had been so careful to begin with, quickly gained strength as he repeatedly pounded against your cervix, causing you to hiss and moan alternately. Despite the pain, you didn’t want to ask him to stop - instead you enjoyed the thought that you would be able to feel the aftereffects of this moment for hours to come.
Just as you felt like you had gotten into a good rhythm, finding immense pleasure in the way Chishiya’s hardness was continuously hitting against your sensitive walls, you felt as his movements became less regular and more shaky.
“Fuck,” he grunted into your ear, trying his best to keep up the losing battle. “I’m gonna… fuck.”
With one final groan, Chishiya’s hips stuttered as he buried his length deep inside of you to empty himself. It felt warm and nice, and although you knew that that meant it was all over, you weren’t upset. Instead, you gently caressed his back, trying to let him peacefully ride out his high. Eventually, he rolled off of you, lying beside you while trying to catch his breath.
“Sorry,” he mumbled out of breath. “It’s been a while.”
“It’s fine,” you quickly said with a reassuring smile. “It was a good. Don’t worry.”
Chishiya pulled you in close to him, wrapping an arm around you and letting you rest up against his chest. For a while, the only sound in the tent was that of heavy rain drops hitting against the roof and your slowly easing breathing.
“You know,” you began with a tired smile. “You owe me a better experience now. Looks like we would have to do this again.”
Thankfully, Chishiya chuckled, and you felt him nod his head.
“We need to sleep,” he whispered into your ear. “We’re taking on a face card tomorrow. If we survive, we can celebrate. I promise.”
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rosesbxrry · 1 year
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Pairing: Rugby Boyfriend! Jay X Cheerleader Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞 (Minors DNI), secret relationship✌️
Warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it), Dom Jay, creampie, voyeurism (watching each other masturbate), so much mention of alcohol drinking, fingering, dirty talking, making out, riding, praising, mention of other sexual act done by them. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else.
Summary: Your secret relationship with Jay is torturous to say the least, no thanks to the strained relationship between the cheerleading and rugby teams. Now with tournament season coming up and Jay being busy with training, you and he meet up for a secret rendezvous at a frat party after not seeing each other for two weeks, taking advantage of the situation where you both don’t have to worry about the peering eyes of your teammates. 
Main masterlist
Word count: 4,188 words
a/n: I don’t know how I ended up finishing this Jay fic first out of all the wips I have, and I still need to complete the nsfw links for him as well 🙃🙃 I guess rejoice to Jay stans, this one is for you 🫶🫶
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You weren’t going to lie; the whole cheerleading thing was getting on your nerves, mainly because you could list all the drawbacks at the top of your head. 
Firstly, you bet you could find longer skirts that covered your ass better than whatever you wore they called uniforms. Secondly, no matter how bad the weather was, you had to stay on the field as long as the players were still playing, even if your pom poms were soaking wet from the rain. Thirdly, the amount of spare time you had to sacrifice to train between classes and assignments made you contemplate whether everything was worth the time and energy. 
How did you get into this position you may ask? Well, your friend Gaeul thought it was really funny to sign your name in the recruitment paper, dragging you along into her crusade of becoming the queen bee of the campus, even though she could very much have achieved that without you.
But the last drawback was the final nail to the coffin; it was embedded into the heads of all the new first-year students by the cheerleading captain that relationships with the rugby players were forbidden. Be sure to cooperate with that one rule and avoid getting kicked out of the team immediately.
Honestly, you weren’t sure how the feud between the rugby and cheerleading teams even happened in the first place. Your captain said that it goes way back, passing through alums, but you weren’t interested in history to remember the rest.
This drawback wouldn’t have affected you if only it weren't for Park Jongseong coming into the picture.
The secretive romance between you and him has been carefully built up behind the scenes, mostly because the amount of mutual friends you’ve shared with him ensues the moment you wake up naked in bed beside you after a very drunk party. 
Dealing with overly chatty teammates every day did have its perks, and based on what you can recall, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for the rugby players and cheerleaders to hook up with one another in silent compliance; whatever happens in bed, remains in bed. The players were informed of the same rule by their own captain about the rule which only further confirms the weird rivalry between the two teams. 
Having that little reassurance, you were sure the one-night stand was a one-off thing, but it seemed Jay wasn’t ready to let go of you yet. 
Months of his flirtatious advances led to the classified yet cliche friends-with-benefits relationship you had established with him. And sex with Park Jongseong was inhumanely insane, like out of this world fucking good that it hurts to even think of how his hips move in and out of you.
You could list all the places you’ve had sex with him; in a frat party, in an empty lecture hall— hell, you’ve even gone as far as fucking in the shower stall with him in the male’s locker room, only because you had waited for him when the players had an extended practice from the coach.
The cocky, rough sex in his car after his team won a match? That was just the cherry on top. 
All because you two couldn’t find a meeting place without everyone else's peering eyes, making it harder to hook up. 
At first, you were sure you had only entertained him because of the banging part but my god, the number of butterflies in your stomach every time he winked in your direction in the field, or when you were sick, he had discreetly visited your dorm through your window in the middle of the night to see if you were okay. 
Falling in love wasn't on your agenda, and as much as you hate the cheerleading club, you weren’t looking for trouble, yet he was exactly one. 
When the feelings were growing more than just sexual intimacy, the emotions took over. He kissed you passionately on the lips that it wasn't humanly possible for someone to show love through action alone, but this was Jay we’re talking about; he was able to make the impossible possible. 
With that remark, you found yourself making love with him that night, and the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship between you two was kept under public scrutiny, even with your teammates and friends. 
Or so you thought. 
“I think I kinda know who Jay's mysterious girlfriend is.” 
A chorus of hard coughing emitted from your throat when you choked on your drink, causing Gauel to look at you worryingly. The loud bass of the frat party almost swallowed her voice down. 
“You okay, Y/N?” 
You wave her off, closing your mouth to control the fits. “I’m— I’m fine. Who is it? I mean, who’s Jay’s girlfriend?” You nonchalantly ask, but the panic clawing in your chest starts to hurt. 
She gave you a once-over before replying. “Yeonjin from the drama club. Apparently, she used to pin him for months now. The other cheerleaders kinda conspiracies that it might be her.” 
Okay, you always hear gossip between your teammates, but why is this the first time you’ve heard it? 
Yes, you both agreed it was a good charade to tell people— talking about your significant other like separate entities as if you weren’t dating each other. A reasonable excuse for many advances and open invitations that includes your friend’s antics. 
However, you were starting to regret doing it because you have a feeling that your teammates aren’t the only people with a blabbermouth. If not, there wouldn’t be a hunt for Jay Park’s alleged girlfriend among the student body. 
You sighed, moving deeper into the foyer to give way to the drunk students walking down the stairs. “We should stop snooping around like this. There’s a reason why he wants to keep his girlfriend a secret in the first place.” 
You gave her a pointed look before continuing. “Such as from people like you.” 
“Come on, Y/N!” Gaeul exasperated, leaning in to give you a lethal combo of puppy eyes and pouty lips that you know so well. “Aren’t you at least a teensy weensy curious about who she is?” 
“No.” You deadpanned, using your index finger to poke at her forehead, successfully pushing her away from your personal space. “What I’m interested in is getting more alcohol so I won’t hear whatever nonsense you’re spouting next.” 
Gauel frowned. “You suck.” 
You snort, raising your red cup at her mockingly as you head towards the kitchen. It was a much less crowded area. You could spot slightly more sober students chatting away while mixing a concoction of mocktails to dare each other to chug. After pouring yourself a cup of soda to clear your head, you lean against the cabinet, deep in thought. 
The sound of music and revelry blast through the kitchen when the door opens, followed by its absence when the person steps into the room. 
You kept glancing at the new presence through your lashes. A sharp tanned jawline, slick back raven hair and clothes fitting him deliciously well that got you biting on your lower lip. When he looks around and catches your figure, his eyes glint in pleasure with a small smirk. 
“Hey.” He greeted flirtatiously once he was close. 
“I have a boyfriend.” You impassively respond against the cup's rim without sparing him a glance. 
His chuckle was deep, almost tugging at your heartstrings. “Must be a stupid boyfriend for leaving his beautiful girlfriend alone.” He leaned against the cabinet adjacent to you, placing his red cup on the marbled surface. 
“You have no idea,” You roll your eyes, crossing your arms around your chest. “He hasn’t taken me out on dates for weeks. Too preoccupied with the other love of his life.”
You baited back, accentuating the last few words to insinuate one particular sport he played. The grip on your cup tightens when he pushes himself off, moving close to tower over your height. 
“Then what does he have to do to make it up to you?” He whispered curiously, peering down and boring his dark eyes with yours until you couldn’t break the trance he had on you. 
When he places both hands on the surface behind you, caging you in only his addicting scent and his face so close that it becomes hard to breathe, you become overly conscious that the students in the room would notice the both of you.  
The proximity of the sight would paint the whole picture perfectly.
“D-Don’t…..” You warned meekly, but your mouth went numb when he leaned so close that if he moved even an inch more, your lips would collide and erupt into flames from the dormant amber. The alcohol in your veins told you to kiss him, but your head was actively fighting to prevent that. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Does he have to be on his knees?” Your eyes followed how he sensually wet his lower lip with his tongue. Your heart was beating against your ribcage at the sight, biting the inside of your cheeks.
He tilted his head to the side, his breath fanning the high points of your cheeks. “Looking up at you while his mouth works between those trembling legs?” 
Shit, shit, shit— 
“Jay, not here." You place a palm against his chest to retaliate, finding the strength to lower your face to the ground. "Please.” You added with a shaky voice, swallowing down the lump of saliva with your eyes closed. 
There was a slight stillness and tension in the air before you heard the creaking noise of the cabinet above you.
“Relax, Y/N.” He reassures you softly. The weight of his proximity dissipates, and you finally breathe a breath of relief. He moves away to stand in front of you with a bottle of alcohol. 
“Just getting something above you.” He winks and breaks into a grin when you give him an annoyed frown.
Of course, he’ll use every opportunity to tease the shit out of you, but the beating of your heart never ceases, even after his little farce riles you up. You were glad that the dimmed lights hid the flush on your cheeks. 
“Asshole.” You muttered spitefully behind a hand.
He poured the liquid into his cup before filling up yours as well. He chose to ignore you cursing at him with a little smile. 
“If you ever find yourself getting bored while waiting for your boyfriend tonight,” He says, slowly backing away while still facing you. “You’ll know where to find me.” He gave you a quick once over before trudging away into the party. 
With him no longer here, you feel the emptiness you felt for the last two weeks without him sinking in. 
You turned to the left and saw the group of students still preoccupied with their recreational stuff, the amount of alcohol making them more delirious and loud. Good, you thought before grabbing the drink to go and search for your friend— waiting for the time to pass until the whole party was intoxicated. 
When the humidity of the place starts to smell like liquor and the students begin to lose themselves in the music in the dead of night, you carefully make your way up to the second floor. You’ve sneaked here many times before, knowing where each door leads. 
You’ve made sure to control how much you drank but can’t help feeling tipsy with Gaeul constantly dragging you for shots of vodka. Opening the door to a familiar bedroom makes you feel more agitated and nervous. 
Jay’s taste in decoration was the definition of suave; the room was polished and slick, much like its owner. You remember the first time he tangled you in his bed sheets or when you spent hours making out on his black leather sofa— the one he was sitting on right now.
“I take it that your boyfriend ditched you?” Jay calls out. 
He sat casually spread on the seat with his jacket thrown over the channel back. The loose t-shirt he wore hung over his board body, and the same red cup in the kitchen was placed on the coffee table. Classic Jay— he was waiting for you to come to him. 
“You should really stop with the act.” You replied, climbing to sit on his lap and straddling your legs on either side. 
Jay’s face twists into content, welcoming you to him by circling his hands around your waist. “Makes me feel like I’m really cheating on you right now.” You pouted, letting your fingers trace his exposed neck to his visible collarbone.
His hands cup your face, bringing you down until your forehead touches. He smelled compulsively musky with a hint of pungent booze at the end. 
“Sorry, love.” He whispered sweetly, but his eyes were filled with dark flickers. “I can’t help it when you look so damn cute when you’re flustered.” You wrap your hands around his neck. 
“Fucking tease.” You whispered back. He smiled effortlessly. 
“A tease only for you.” 
You could feel the serotonin kicking the moment he captured your lips. He felt slightly warm, tilting your head to the side to deepen the kiss. Your mouth dances with him in unison; the initial passion turns into obsession when the both of you realize how much you missed the taste of each other’s lips. 
His hand creeps up past your shirt, groping the sensitive skin of your sides. It made you moan softly in his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue into you. You dug deeper into his lap, fingers gripping the raven locks of his hair, feeling absolutely drunk in his arms. 
The wet sound of saliva echoed throughout the room— two mouths continued to bite, suck, nibble and pant against one another. Your hips moved on their own, slowly rocking your clothed core on his bulge. The tight confinement of your bra came loose, falling to the floor before feeling his fingers pinching your hardened nipples.  
It was getting hot, and you were breathless when he broke the wet kiss. He was staring at you with hooded eyes as he continued to grope your breast underneath your shirt. 
“I fucking miss you so much.” He confessed, moving to attack your neck with wonton kisses. You hold him tighter by the hair, pulling your head back to give him more space. “You’re always on my mind. Your smile, your voice, your body. You’re driving me crazy every second, my love.” 
You whimpered, feeling him growing harder as he professed his undying agony for the past two weeks. He moves down to place his hands on your ass, encouraging you to keep humping on his hard-on while he licks your lower jawline. 
“Miss you too, baby.” You press your lips close to his ears, purposely moaning lewdly for only him to hear. “I’m always thinking about you, while I’m eating, while I’m in class, while I’m in my—“ 
You paused. “—while I’m in my bed at night.” 
The sentence came out more sensually than you meant, causing Jay to pull away to look at you. He saw the bashfulness in your expression before he morphed into realization at the innuendo of your words. 
“Did you touch yourself?”
When you didn’t answer him, he took that as confirmation. He inhales a sharp breath, and you can feel his fingers digging into your bare ass underneath your skirt, causing you to gasp and look at him. His jaw was slack, and his eyes were swimming with desire yet curious at the new revelation. 
“Show me.”
It wasn’t a request but a demand— a demand you couldn't refuse when he looked at you like a starved man. So you move out of his lap, sitting on the coffee table while facing him, removing your shirt to let your boobs bounce out. 
Fondling your breasts, you let out a whiny moan when you roll your puffy nipples with your thumb, the way you always do while you masturbate to the thought of him. It didn’t help that your mounds were already sore to the touch at his ministrations a second ago. 
Jay was really enjoying the sight, removing his shirt while keeping his eyes on you. 
His body was carved like a Greek god— beautiful taunt muscles at every region with a sun-kissed glow; watching his biceps flex as he loosened his belt and pulled his pants down. 
“I know you touch yourself more than that.” He urged from his seat, palming himself through his briefs. “Show me how you play with that pretty pussy for me.” 
His voice was like a spell— coaxing you to remove your skirt and peel your soaked panties off. Placing your feet on the table’s surface, you spread your legs to expose every inch of your pussy for only his eyes to feast. You can’t help but whimper at how he was eye fucking your entirety. 
Pushing two fingers into your mouth, you coat your fingers with saliva before slipping them between your thighs. You were drenched— every slip of your fingers between your folds spilled more juices that puddled on the crack of your ass. 
“That’s it, fuckin’ beautiful.” His muttered praises only made you moan louder, peeking through heavy eyelids as you watched him jerk his big cock to the rhythm of your fingers while the other rested at the back of his head. 
You open your legs wider, pushing two fingers into your entrance, absolutely enamoured by the feeling of him watching you finger yourself that’s making your body burn into a pile of ashes. It was not easy on him either— watching you pleasure yourself got him lightheaded and head oozing with precum. 
“Is that how you fuck that pretty pussy with your fingers, hmm? Stretching that perfect hole wide like how I would with my cock?”
“Jongseong.” You crooned desperately, falling to rest your back on the table. Your thumb found its place on your clit, rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves until your hips were bucking the air, inwardly screaming at the blinding pleasure. 
“Fuck.” He cooed, wincing as he thumbed his sensitive head. “Look at you playing with your clit. So fucking sexy. That’s how you always feel, baby, so soft and sensitive on my fingers.” 
Jay’s filthy words spurred you on, plunging your fingers until they reached the spongy spot deep within, your back arching at the pleasure of the simple movement. But it wasn’t enough; the knot in your stomach would not come undone— the only thing that could quell your thirst was him. 
You craved his cock, needing it to split you open until you forgot your name.
“Jay, it's not enough.” You begged, sitting up with every strength you had. “I need you inside of me, please.” 
He sensed your hunger, your anguish— your desperation, and didn’t spare a second to open his arms to you. 
“Come here.”  
You immediately jump to straddle his lap, trembling hands holding onto his shoulders for leverage as you grip the base of his cock to align it with your entrance. Jay hissed at your touch, hands found purchase on your sides to support your weight. 
“Hey, hey, hey.” Jay gently whispered, noticing how you impatiently tried to nudge the tip of his cock into your hole with frustration. “Slow down, love. I’m not going anywhere.” He cradles your cheek with both hands to pull you closer to his face, smiling softly once you look back at him. 
“Relax and don’t hurt yourself, okay? I can wait for you forever like this.” He pushed back your hair to mouth kisses just under your ear, causing your muscle to ease up at his touch, dissipating some of the eagerness that clouded your sanity. 
Taking a deep breath, you probe his tip to your hole and slowly sink his length with your eyes closed. 
“That’s it, that’s my good girl.”
The way he purred, those words caused you to claw at his shoulders, his girth burning your walls so deliciously that you can’t help but clench around it. He massage your ass, letting you bottom down until you sit on his lap. 
“Ah god, Jongseong, you feel so amazing.” You gritted out, moaning rapturously at how full you felt with his cock, feeling the size and length of it moulding your womb. 
“My good girl, taking my cock so perfectly.” He thrusts up, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your fingers curled into his messy locks to steady yourself, bouncing back to the movement of his hips.
Fuck, the way his cock dragged against your velvet walls, pressing on the deepest spot that brought you solace repeatedly— you were practically melting in his arms. 
Jay’s groans vibrate against your neck, feeling you clench and unclench around his length erratically. You were throbbing endlessly until all he could fathom was your scent and your sweet moans that consumed him with the desire to fuck you senseless.  
“You’re mine.” He breathed out, lunging a hard thrust that got you screaming. He slaps your ass, digging his teeth at the base of your neck, loving how you clung to him like he was your deity. He rutted into you, cock never slipping out, not even an inch.
The sound of skin slapping overthrew the music coming from the party downstairs. 
He growled. “All fucking mine.”
“A-ah, I’m all yours.” You swallowed, pressing your lips against his ear, lapping at the outer shell with want. “My mind, my body, my pussy— I belong only to you.” 
You have awakened the carnal urge he had suppressed for so long, making him stir into a frenzy, bringing you up and slamming you down on his cock so that all you could do was succumb to your orgasm. 
You could feel the knot in your tummy come undone, bathing you in the familiar warmth you longed for. Jay kissed your lips deeply, grinding a few more times before he too came with a heavy grunt, filling you up raw with ropes of hot cum.
You were blinded with pleasure, your vision slowly giving out, and all you could feel was the force of each other’s release. 
At that moment, you prayed to whoever above to promise you that heaven would feel as good as this.  
Once the air starts to clear up and Jay finished riding you out of your orgasm, he pulls his cock out of your spent pussy, his release dripping down your inner thigh while you lay limp in his arm. You could hear the heavy panting from both sides; exhaustion finally computed in your mind. 
He started to make motions to move you into a more comfortable position to clean you up. Your heart swelled with butterflies, reminding yourself why you had fallen for him in the first place. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his. “Later,” You persuade softly, inevitably stopping him from moving. “I want you to hold me closely.” 
“Okay.” He sighed, staring deep into your eyes.
It was lethal to your heart— how you could see the entire galaxy shining in the specks of his gaze. He smooths your back with the palms of his hands, lovingly pecking at the corner of your mouth. 
Your bodies fit into the compact confinements of the sofa, legs stretched out to tangle with each other. The side of your face rested on his arms, hugging him close until your bare skin touched. His other arm was draped around your waist, softly tracing the skin at the bottom of your spine. 
You're not sure how long you were staring at each other before he opened his mouth to mutter something in the embrace.
“You’re beautiful.” 
You giggled, shaking your head. “You’re more beautiful.” 
He burst into a laugh, eyes forming breathtaking crescent shapes, the afterglow of sex making him glimmer like the sun. The laughter soon quiets down, the soft sound of the bass downstairs filling the room. 
He looks at you once more, but the frown on his face catches you off guard. 
“I’m sorry I can’t spend more time with you.” He said. You recognize the guilt in his voice, pulling him closer to your body. “Just that the pressure from the coach and with all the other members being on edge with the final tournament…..”
You kiss his chest, feeling him sigh with relish at your lips on his skin. “It’s fine Jay, the last thing I want you to worry about is me. Focus on playing your best, and I’ll be there cheering once you win.”
He pushes back a strand of hair behind your ear, chuckling at your words of confidence.
“I promised to make it up to you.” His ardent oath caused you to snuggle into his chest, feeling him reciprocate your hug by placing his chin on the crown of your head. 
You mumbled close to his beating heart.
“Don't worry, I can wait for you forever like this.”
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midnight-bay-if · 1 month
Alright, everyone else gets angst posting, I’ll give it a shot.
How would the RO’s react to some sort of spell being cast on the MC, making them think their father is there? Some sort of ploy to get the MC closer to them, probably for harm.
Loving the story so far!!! :)
(Ouch, this hurts... My fellow pain enjoyers, rejoice! Also, apologies that this took so long to get to.)
S: They see it. The clarity in your eyes fog over, the once bright light filling with murky water. It's a sight S has witnessed often. You have been hit with a powerful curse to dominate your mind and fill your head with painful visions.
You whisper the familial title like a solemn prayer, reaching out into the empty space before you, and S's chest lurches. They do not hesitate to act. In moments, they stand in front of you, grasping your face with both hands as they stare into your eyes, filling your vision with them rather than what they can only imagine coaxes you behind them.
"It isn't real. Look at me," they order, pressing their forehead against yours. "I'm so sorry, my love, but it isn't real. Whoever has cast this curse on you means to harm you, and I will not let that happen. Keep your eyes closed, darling. Keep them closed until I can take it away."
Rain: Rain doesn't understand what is happening. One moment, both of you were enjoying a bit of banter, a playful back-and-forth with teasing insults, before it stopped. Everything stopped.
Nothing. Then, something. You look straight past them as you call out to the darkness. "Dad..."
"Oh, no."
In a flash of realisation, Rain steps between you and the apparition. Anybody or anything willing to conjure up an image of your greatest wound does not have good intentions, but Rain cannot fight what they do not see.
"I'm sorry for this, MC," they whisper, clasping a hand firmly over your eyes. "Your dad isn't there, MC, I promise you that. I'm so sorry that I can't make it different."
Taj: Taj senses it before they see it. Something in the air, like a crack of electricity whipping across their skin. It causes the scars to ache. Then, Taj turns to you, ready to ask if you are sensing something similar. But what they are greeted with terrifies them.
Your usual colourful eyes have dampened as if a dark smog is purposefully shutting out the light. It scares them.
Taj watches as you reach for an empty space, an lifeless smile on your face.
"Oi, Koel, snap out of it." Taj snaps in front of your face, their heart beating rapidly in their chest. When you keep reaching out to nothingness, Taj grabs your hand and holds it to their chest. "There's nothing there, so stop it. Please."
When even that doesn't seem to work, Taj snaps. "Oh, fuck it." With their forehead pressed firmly against yours, they hold you in place.
"Listen to me right now. Your dad is dead. You spent your entire life fucking shit up because of it, and I fuckin' love you for that. No matter how shit things got, you never gave up. So don't you dare fall to this now. Ya hear me?"
N: N knows dark magic when they see it. They are sure to some their magic could be considered dark. In their opinion, a little mind-reading wasn't really hurtful... Well, that was what they believed until meeting you. Now, they see you reaching out into nothing and feel their burning skin turn cold.
"Oh, no you don't," they mutter, standing between you and the nothing you reach for. "Sorry, my dear, but I get terribly jealous. I can't let just anyone inside your head."
N is inside you in an instant. For once, they don't wish to see. Instead, they concentrate hard on creating some kind of barrier to stop access. "Feel free to punish me later. I'll wait with anticipation."
Umbra: Umbra has spent far too long gazing into your eyes. They have every tiny variation of colour seered into their mind. The instant the colour of your eyes becomes muted, their already pallid skin grows paler.
They turn towards where you reach for, and they realise you are grasping at nothing.
This isn't like them. This moment isn't like theirs. They had no body to lose; it was given. But it breaks their heart to think you might believe this is possible thanks to what they are.
With a tentative touch, Umbra reaches up to cup your cheek, hoping the cold of their touch might serve as a light raft to pull you to safety from wherever your mind lays adrift. "Feel the cold, MC. Feel what is real, and know what is not. I'm sorry, I know it is selfish, but I need you back with me."
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velvettte · 4 months
part three (prev.) || series masterlist (read part one here)
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the whole conference room’s eyes was on nanami kento when he made a remark that would cement the next few months at jujutsu technologies.
“if atlantis solution’s ceo is against the request to maintain a base here during negotiations and product collaborations, i will have to deny the contract for the deal.”
not even an hour later, the free executive office to his left was filled with moving material, an interior designer consulting her assistant on how to brighten the space.
you were suspiciously absent from the office for the last few hours — presumably arranging things at your own office headquarters.
as much as he couldn’t help but admire you, every part of him that still remained practical in your presence rejoiced in forcing your move.
having you nearby was less selfish than it appeared.
while gojo would laugh and say that he was doing it for himself, in reality, it was out of a very real fear that you would do some background work that could lead to his end as ceo.
as disgruntled as he seemed, he truly loved his job. he knew full well that someone as accomplished and ambitious as yourself could use that very love to bring him to his knees.
though truthfully, he thinks you don’t need all of that to do that.
just you being yourself was enough.
in the midst of this thought process, you finally entered the office again. some part of you seemed more subdued since the meeting, and he ached to know what it was that you were thinking about.
“hello,” you say, seeming tired and not at all like yourself. “is it alright if i sit down? my office is kind of a war zone.”
“by all means,” he says, getting up to extend the chair for you. you smile graciously, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes as you sit down. “is something the matter?”
you sigh and meet his eyes. in some twisted sense, this is the most genuine he’d seen you since last night in the rain.
“i needed to tell my office headquarters, send an official notice as to my whereabouts, and…got into a particularly heated argument with a collaborator of mine.”
“collaborator?” he asks.
“for a time, atlantis solutions was a partner venture. i worked with a person you might know. he is far away from this whole scene—gojo made sure of it. he’s bent a few laws but he’s a good person. of course—until i made a split second decision.”
“to work here?” nanami can shamefully admit that he is hooked to whatever words leave your lips. everything is so well said, so beautifully phrased, and your voice makes it so intriguing. he finds himself thinking that he could listen to you talk for hours.
“he wasn’t happy with me choosing to make a deal with gojo’s company at all,” you sighed, “they have some brief unresolved problems.”
and then it hits him. “your collaborator is geto suguru?”
“the one and only,” you laugh, though it falls flat of your normal joyous tune.
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ahhh i love doing this — feel free to send an ask with any questions or comments you may have :3 i have so much planned
read part five coming soon
taglist: @iniyalovesall @debussy42 @chosostonguepiercing @salsakiyoomi @m1gvmi @mysterystarz @prettypyromaniac
send an ask or comment to be a part of the taglist!
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yeahspider · 3 months
Ve's note - angsty and sexy just how i like it. im sick off my ass and eating animal crackers a s i write this but i feel like thats when i work best. hwang hyunjin x gn!reader no warnings this is pretty tame all things considered. hope you enjoy this installment in the series !! link below to read the other parts. lightly proofread (sorry not sorry give me a break I'm sick) love yall xoxo
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this wouldn’t have happened if you’d grabbed your umbrella before you left your room. now you are sitting on a bus stop bench hiding from the rain. you blamed it on him, always bringing rain and storm clouds in his wake. your phone went off- it could only be one person.
what are you doing sitting in the rain
this can't be how you spend your time now
kinda pathetic
you looked around not shocked at all that he was sitting on an identical bench on the opposite side of the road . he always had a way of finding you . it’s like there was a red string tethering you to him . his inner navigation always leading to you .
you blocked his contact . you didn’t want to deal with him. you just wanted to get home. your action just made hyunjin smile. always so cocky. always finding you amusing.
nothing was amusing about your relationship . about the way he tethered you along for months . feeding you empty lies . comforting you with open arms that wrapped around you and tied you hands behind your back . bound is what you were . to the evil that was hwang hyunjin .
you watched as a bus stopped in front of him, relief filtered through you once the bus drove off and he wasnt at the bench anymore. maybe he wasn't there at all. he had a habit if popping up at your low points. settling back in the bench youve becom e so familar with , you start browsing through your gallery . A feeble attempt at wasting time. A certain picture stopped you in your tracks. It was of you and hyunjin, from the begiining of whatever you guys were. His hand wrapped around your front gripping your throat as he kisses the lower part if your ear. A frown makes its home on your face, yiu look so happy - you were happy.
"oh, i love that pic mind sending it to me". you hear from above your shoulder. how predictable he was.
"What do you want hyunjin?" you asked in malice. you didn't want to speak to him right now. the wound he created in your heart all too fresh and steady leaking. you couldn't do this with him right now. all you had wanted was to get something from the gas station. you weren't mentally prepared to deal with him or his stupid smile.
"Now who says I want anything? Maybe I just missed you." his tone is so sickeningly sweet you almost fall for it. almost. You intend to trace your steps back to your hotel room by getting up and stepping out of the safety of the bus stop. quickening your pace to avoid whatever conversation he wanted to have. you could hear him following, his step in time with you. It wasn't like you could hide from him. The suite your staying in he paid for. His attempt at giving you the space you wanted, but within his unrelenting reach. A part of you rejoiced at his effort, his show of care, which was infrequent throughout your time together.
the chase ensued as you stepped into the hotel lobby and up the elevator. standing in front of room 320. turning quickly to face the tormentor of your dreams. you took in his appearance. Soaked from head to toe yet still undeniably beautiful drops slipping from his hair and landing at his feet. you can still see the man you fell in love with. underneath all the layers the world forced him to wear. you took a deep breath hoping you wouldn't regret your next words.
"you can come in until the rain stops...I have a set of dry clothes you can put on," you said as low as a whisper. which of course he heard. for all his shortcomings he always did hear you. That smile that causes a bittersuite taste rises in your mouth spreads across his face. you'd always let him in, your heart was his home after all.
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c.w. - drug use (marijuana), implied fem reader, fluff, idiots in love, pining
a/n - this is just two short blurbs inspired by the song 'nothing' by bruno majors, this is the same remus and r as the look after each other verse (if you wanna check them out look here)
remus was wearing grey sweatpants and a faded graphic tshirt. you were wearing a star wars hoodie and fluffy pyjama shorts. 
you both had mugs full of red wine on the coffee table in front of you. your mug was an care bears mug and remus had a jurassic park one.
the end credits of scooby doo were rolling on the screen. matching pairs of worn doc martens were in a pile by the door and phones were discarded face down on the table.
remus stretched lazily, causing his shirt to ride up and you to get a lovely view of his pretty happy trail disappearing behind his low hanging sweatpants, “wanna play a game now, bunny,” he asked with a slight yawn.
“only if you’re ready to lose,” you said with a cheeky smile.
remus set up mario kart and sat next you on the couch. you sat criss cross applesauce, you socked foot and bare knee touching his leg. he handed you your controller, one half pastel pink and the other half pastel yellow. his were pastel purple and pastel green.
you loaded up the game, you were always player one. you selected your usual character and kart combo, while remus selected his usual character, dry bones.
you played the egg cup, you came first on every course. you were laser focused, leaning towards the screen, the controller clutched tightly in your grip.
you never noticed the way remus would stare at you with an affectionate smile, adoring your concentrated expression. 
whenever he played against james or sirius he effortlessly beat them everytime, rejoicing in watching them lose, he usually hated losing but he didn’t mind it so much when he got to watch you win.
it was worth it to see you smile.
one of remus’ favourite spots to sit was on his fire escape. he had his set up like a proper stoner with an ash trays and pillows to rest on. on those rare nights without rain you would usually find him out there, the window open as some old music pours out from inside.
and more often than not you would join him.
you'd sit shoulder to shoulder, gazing at the stars and humming along to the music, chattering aimlessly.
“do you think aliens are real?” you asked softly.
“more than likely, but i don't think we'll ever have confirmation,” remus replied.
you'd hum softly and bring the pink bong up to your lips for another hit. as you exhale the smoke your eyes flutter shut and you would lean your head back.
“i think you might be an alien,” you would say sweetly, not taking your eyes off the stars.
remus raised his eyebrows, “oh yeah? whys that bunny?”
you giggled softly, the green coursing through your veins made your thoughts slower and heavier, “because you're like, so perfect for me.”
remus chuckled, “that makes me an alien?”
“yeah because scooby doo, y'know?”
“i'm afraid you've lost me, love.”
“theres this scooby doo movie called alien invasion and shaggy and scooby meet this girl and her dog and they are just so perfect for them but then it turns out they're aliens and they can't be together.” you explained with a small pout, “sometimes i worry that the real reason you're so perfect for me is cause you're an alien about to leave me.”
remus smiled affectionately and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, gently moving you to rest on his chest, “you got nothin’ to worry about sweet girl, i promise i’m not an alien,” he kissed the crown of your head gently, “and even if i was, i wouldn't want to leave you.”
you hummed and put down the bong, intertwining your fingers with his, “you promise you'd tell me if you were an alien?”
“pinky promise, bunny,” he brought your linked hands up to kiss softly.
you stared at the stars together silently for a few beats, the only sounds being the traffic below and the bowie record playing inside.
“have i told you lately i’m grateful you're mine?” remus whispered softly.
you blushed and giggled, “shut up,” you said playfully, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
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pippin-pippout · 4 months
Both our main villains have had A+ death scenes, deserving of the complexity of their characters and their narratives.
Wanning: Literally died for love, believing the one she loved had betrayed her (and he did - his first suggestion was to kill her). She had been used by men in their political games all her life. To be a hostage, to be a lowly concubine, to be the "one on the inside". And it drove her crazy – and she thought she needed ultimate control and could not stand for anyone who would not give her that. But what she really wanted was to be loved. She thought she was unclean because of all she went through and all the evil she had done, and so had to drag the man she loved into the mud with her to be worthy of him.
But ultimately it was her standing in the rain, letting it wash her clean, and choosing to take control of her own death and make the ultimate sacrifice for her love, even though she never received it in return.
Shen Yurong: Fell from his perch high above everyone else, dressed in white, like an angel falling to hell. Although that's very christian imagery, I feel like you could also say an immortal falling to the path of the underworld. The pure white scholar stained himself with blood, and finally accepted what he became, chooses to fall to his death.
And when he did, the one who had suffered the most at his hands did not pity him or rejoice in his death. It meant nothing to her, while his last moments were spent desperately grasping the symbol of his love for her.
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hi, can I requests hcs of the bachelors and farmer aving a cozy date night at the farmm thank you! :)
Sure thing! Enjoy some fluff headcanons, dear anon, and have a good day 💕☺️
SDV bachelors x Farmer having a date night at farmhouse:
Shane and Farmer had already prepared some not-so-healthy but very tasty snacks with drinks, because tonight they were having a movie marathon! Since the lovers wanted a nice evening just for the two of them, but both of them were not burning with the desire to leave the cosy couch, Shane suggested Farmer to watch their favourite movies. And, oh boy, they had a blast! Shane made his spouse laugh as he parodied a character from a comedy, hugged Farmer during a horror film trying to pass himself off as brave (he was scared too) and bounced around with them excitedly when the main character in an action film managed to win a fight. The chicken lover didn't notice how Farmer, after already 4 films, fell asleep on his shoulder, sniffling quietly, satisfied from a wonderful evening, goodies and the attention of their beloved spouse. Shane kissed them on the forehead and they both settled comfortably on the sofa, falling asleep.
Even without stepping outside the cosy farmhouse, Elliott had heaps of great ideas to turn his and Farmer's ordinary evening into the most romantic date. And the writer decided that spa treatments and wine tasting would be a great time, especially since his beloved spouse was in favour of the proposal. Soft candlelight, the smells of flowers and essential oils throughout the house, the pleasant steam from the hot water in the bathtub, the bubble bath, rose petals and fragrant herbs... Elliott and Farmer will sit opposite each other in a large and cosy bathtub, playfully blowing bath foam on each other, laughing and clinking glasses filled with sparkling wines, snacking on delicious tartlets and savoury cheeses. Add to that classical music or light jazz from the radio and these two lovers will warmly remember this beautiful evening forever. Ah, just like in the novels...
Cooking a dinner together, according to Harvey, is a win-win for a romantic date night. Although the doctor usually takes the responsibility of kitchen duties, believing that his dear spouse should be resting after the hard farm, cooking fancy meals, delicacies and salads together proves to be quite a pleasant and fun pastime. Now and then Farmer playfully prompts Harvey that it's time to take out the baked fish from oven, and Harvey playfully teases the Farmer, who try to steal sliced pieces of fresh fruit from the board. The dishes turned out uncomplicated and delicious, with both lovers enjoying the cooking process and the flavour of the food. And, oh what luck, Harvey and Farmer's favourite song came on the radio, so they both are sure to start the slow dance. Not hurriedly, enjoying every minute, they moved smoothly to the music and showered each other with compliments, and then returned to the table and continued their dinner.
Ha! If the silly rain thinks it's going to spoil Sam and Farmer's wonderful evening, they're sorely mistaken. So what if they didn't get to go for a walk in the woods tonight? There's always everything they need in the house to make it an exciting and memorable evening. In fact, Sam doesn't know why they haven't offered Farmer a video game night before, but tonight the young guitarist will rectify the situation. While he's running around kitchen cupboards, pouring their favorite sweets and snacks into plates and brewing hot chocolate/coffee/tea, Farmer is already starting up the game console. And to the loud soundtracks from the TV and the crunching of snacks, Sammy and Farmer will sit on soft cushions next to each other, rejoicing at another victory in the game and exchanging kisses.
Truth be told, Alex doesn't have a clear plan for a specific activity to spend time with Farmer, so the young athlete tries a little bit of everything with the excited Farmer. From cooking dinner for two, dancing and massages, to pillow fighting, jigsaw puzzle and karaoke. They probably had a lot of fun with karaoke, even with the fact that the two of them are such poor singers. But the important thing was that they were having fun, so no judging here! Then it was time for delicious food, where they sat by candlelight and enjoyed the dishes they had prepared together, exchanging compliments. After all these activities, Alex sits down with his spouse on the sofa and suggests that they plan a holiday together for the future, deciding where they can go for a week, what wonderful places they can visit. A bit of a chaotic date night, but both Farmer and Alex are satisfied with a wonderful and successful evening.
Well, what's a date night at home without board games? Luckily, 'Solarion Chronicles: The Game' allows even just two participants to have a fun marathon about the adventures of the heroes and their battle against the forces of evil. What's more interesting is that Sebby and his beloved Farmer will even dress up thematically: emo's head will be adorned with a wizard hat, while Farmer will throw a knight's cloak over their shoulders. Hee hee, what a dorks and nerds, these two... After a few games with the best score, the two lovers will build a veritable fortress out of pillows and blankets. It may seem childish to some, but Sebastian and Farmer have never had so much fun. With a garland, plates full of snacks and a laptop, they will start watching various films and videos in their "impregnable fortress" made of soft cushions and a blanket roof. Hey, a good date night!
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .005
first part | previous part | next part
NOTE: Sorry Johnny fans </3 I promise he’s getting more content in the next chapter (he still has a little crumb in this chapter to set up for next chapter, don't worry!)
Rejoice for Kenshi fans though because he FINALLY gets some spotlight here.
This should be the longest chapter so far, over 7k words! Enjoy!
Also! It’s time for yet another poll! As usual, AO3 people please let me know your thoughts on Rain! As usual, thoughts and such will be taken for about a week after this is published, AKA when the tumblr poll ends.
It’s now been about two weeks since you’ve started to train the four, but you’ve already seen great improvement.
“Keep your balance Kung Lao! Don’t lean too far forward.” You corrected as you watched the man spar with Johnny Cage, keeping a careful eye on their technique. You crossed your arms as you scrutinized the two men, trying to keep track of the flaws they each exhibited. “Johnny, stop trying to look flashy! Technique first, please.”
You watched as the men tried to implement what you told them…one of them better than the other. You sighed as you watched Johnny Cage try to go for a risky kick which allowed Kung Lao to duck under it and quickly sweep the actor off his feet. 
“Good job, you two.” You praised as you saw Johnny Cage yield, hands help up in surrender from his position on the ground. Johnny Cage sighed as he got himself up, dusting himself off. You watched as Kung Lao shone with pride as he walked off to the side to join the rest of you. “Raiden, Kenshi, if you please.” You instructed, gesturing for the two to fight.
You watched them begin to spar, yet your mind drifted off slightly, thinking back to the progress the group has made.
From your experience, you noticed that Kung Lao and Raiden were the stand out pupils. Kung Lao was naturally gifted, and you recognized the marks of good training Madam Bo had implemented into him. He took criticism well, which was a slight surprise to you due to the self-confident attitude he had. 
Raiden, although not as quick to catch on, was rather determined and put in far more hours than the others. Not to mention, he was rather perceptive to the tips you gave him. You had a soft spot for him, which you supposed was a bit unfair since you spent a lot of time training him in the middle of the night.
Much like how you had your daily ritual with mornings with Liu Kang, now you had a daily plan to train Raiden at night. It just happened naturally. You, with your restlessness, and Raiden’s overeagerness to train, it was just a natural occurrence after that night.
You felt slightly guilty that it could be considered that you were showing some bias towards the man, but then again, if the others ever approached you it’s not like you would turn them down. 
You snapped back to reality as you continued to watch the two spar. You watched silently as the duo fought, only really speaking to give criticisms here and there. Ultimately, you watched as Kenshi came out on top. You surmised his experience in the Yakuza was still giving him some leverage over the farmer boy. 
You wondered just how long that would last. 
“You’re all dismissed.” You informed them. As usual, they dispersed. All, except for one. You blinked as you turned your head to look at Kung Lao who had taken off his hat and looked wistfully at him. You observed for a few more moments, before walking over. “What are you thinking about?” You inquired as you walked over to his side.
“I have an…idea.” Kung Lao said as he tilted his hat, the same hat he had thrown at Sub Zero during the exam. You raised an eyebrow, having a feeling on where this was leading. You hummed in acknowledgement, gesturing for him to go on. “I was thinking I could turn my hat into a razor, lethal bladed weapon.”
“I can see the vision.” You encouraged him, the little voice in your head, for once, agreeing with you to send him down this path. You had a feeling, from watching him, that he had been missing something from his fighting style. You watched with a bit of pride as Kung Lao beamed at you. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well, I was planning on basing it on a chakram.” He explained, tracing the edge of the hat as if to indicate where the blade would go. You nodded, having a memory of the hat he used to have. You wondered if he had always made his own hat previously, or if it was something passed down to him. “Maybe I could even add some additional blades to the hat to make it more effective.”
“Hmm…” You held out your hand, and he handed his hat to you. You traced the edge of the hat, making a mental note of it. “Have you trained at all with any sort of throwing weapons?” You inquired, looking up from the hat to look at Kung Lao with a raised eyebrow. 
“No.” He admitted, but his lack of inexperience didn’t seem to deter him. You watched as he looked down to his hands, clenching and unclenching them. “But when I threw my hat at Sub Zero and then threw that chakram, it felt…right.” 
“Do you know of anyone who can help you achieve this goal? Any blacksmiths?” You continued to ask. You watched as Kung Lao gave you an awkward smile coupled with a shrug. You raised an eyebrow at him, slightly entertained by his enthusiasm despite his incomplete plan. “Do you have another hat?” You watched him pause. 
“I do, why?” You held back a chuckle as you carefully took the hat into your hands.
“I hope you weren’t too attached to this one, then..” You said, watching as Kung Lao slowly processed your words. You grinned. “I’ll see if I can get some arrangements to get that idea come to life, plus I’ll talk to the monks about having you train on throwing weapons.” You told him, feeling good about yourself as you saw the enthusiasm grow within the man.
“I will!” The man said, bowing excitedly as he said your name. “I promise I will not let your efforts go to waste.”
“Good. I expect a lot out of you, Kung Lao.” You said, and you noted with amusement as he seemed to glow at the high expectations. Still smiling you turned around and walked off, ideas buzzing in your head as you did. You hummed as you traced the edge of the hat, imagining how it would look in due time.
“I see you have Kung Lao’s hat with you.”
Looking over from your shoulder, you watched as Liu Kang approached you. He was on time, as usual. He had a smile on his face, yet there was a knowing look in his eye as he approached. You smiled at him as you held up the hat you had held in your hands. You had just been idly messing with it, flipping and twirling it around in your hands, thinking of how it would feel with more weight on it. 
“I do.” You said as you turned to present the hat to the fire god. He took it gingerly from your hands, inspecting it as you did before. “I actually have a request on his behalf.” You said as you leaned back on the railing, resting against it. “I was wondering if you knew any blacksmiths so we could create a blade on his hat.” You gestured to the edge of the hat. “He also thought of adding more blades, but I thought it’d be best to try and test it with one blade first.”
“I see your progress on training is boding well, then.” Liu Kang remarked as he inspected the hat. You nodded, smiling proudly. His fingers traced the edge of the hat, and you observed the expression on the fire god’s face. It was wistful, and in his eyes you could sense what seemed to be…nostalgia? 
What could possibly cause him to feel nostalgic?
“I can contact a blacksmith to get this arranged, but it will be a lengthy process.” He warned. “It may even take almost until the day of the champion test for this to fully come to fruition since we would have to go back and forth between prototypes and designs.”
“He seemed pretty enthused about the whole thing, I think the wait would be worth it.” You encouraged, nodding as you thought back to the bright smile the farmer boy had when you had encouraged the idea. “Plus…” You began, looking off to the side as you recalled the memories of Kung Lao in your previous life, and how he wielded a razor hat. “It feels like he has been missing something from his fighting style.”
“I see.” Liu Kang said, after staring at you with an unreadable look. You swallowed, wondering what that had all been about. Never once could you interpret that look he gave you, you just knew he always did it after vaguely referring to the memories you’ve gleaned. “I will help aid you, then. Do you have any of his designs to give for reference?”
“Ah, I forgot to ask.” You muttered, smacking your head. “I’ll go ask for them the next time I see them.” You said, sighing. You were planning on taking a few days break from training the men. You had not had a break in a bit, and you remembered Madam Bo reprimanding that you do so when you had last asked her for advice on training the men.
“Just remember my lessons.” She had told you. “You were a good student and will be a good teacher, but you will become a poor one if you do not rest. Don’t forget all those times I caught you training in the middle of the night.” The old lady had then given you a pointed look, one that seared into your memory. 
You were suddenly thankful in that moment that you had not mentioned how you had also been assisting Raiden by mentoring him at night.
Maybe you should also tell him to take this same advice.
You were planning on going to the Lin Kuei temple to ask Smoke for a favor, you supposed that you could always drop by the Wu Shi before you went. You contemplated your schedule, crossing your arms. You didn’t realize how obvious your planning face must have been until you saw the concerned look on Liu Kang’s face towards you.
“Is there something wrong, Liu Kang?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Are you certain you are not overworking yourself?” Liu Kang said, and you heard especially how concerned he must have been as he said your name. You blinked before waving your hand dismissively. “I am serious, I know you have been up late training Raiden.” You were stunned for a moment.
“How did you-” You began, before realization washed over you. “Right, God of fire.” You muttered, sighing. He nodded, and you felt slight guilt as the man continued to look at you. “I’m fine, I go there because I can’t sleep anyways, and it allows me to still be productive.” You said, shrugging.
“I’ll take you on your word.” Liu Kang replied, but you sensed the slight hesitancy in his voice. You couldn’t help but wonder why he was looking at you with such worry. Well, you actually knew, but you didn't want to think about...that. Even as his face shifted into one meant to comfort you, you could still see a glimmer of concern within his glowing eyes. “But just know you can always confide in me if you have any worries.”
“I appreciate it, Liu Kang.” You said, feeling a mixture of comfort and guilt. Comfort in knowing that the protector of Earthrealm cared about you in a sincere way, but guilt at knowing that you had been avoiding doing so despite knowing this. 
“If you ever need more time for a break, just let me know.” Liu Kang insisted, his hands now idly turning the hat. The way his hands moved the hat seemed almost like second nature. “You may be in charge of Earthrealm’s champions, but you are first and foremost, a dear friend to me.”
You felt warmth in your heart.
“Alright, I will.”
“Thank you for letting me pick these up on such short notice.” You said, walking down the hallways of the Wu Shi with Kung Lao, the papers full of the design ideas for his hat in your hands. It was early morning, and you were thankful that Kung Lao was an early riser due to his past as a farmhand. You noted with amusement how the hat he donned now was an exact replica of the hat you took.
“Of course, anything for the one helping me achieve my razor hat dreams.” Kung Lao replied, a joyful note in his tone as he walked by your side, seeming all too pleased. “I’m a bit surprised you arrived early today, I thought the monks said you were taking a bit of a break?”
“I am.” You confirmed, folding the papers to make sure that you could carry them carefully in your hands. “But I have plans to visit the Lin Kuei today, so I wanted to make sure to get these first since I’m already heading out today.” You told him, sighing as you remembered where the Lin Kuei was located. 
In the snow.
“The Lin Kuei?” Kung Lao questioned, raising his eyebrows curiously. A small smile appeared on his face as he chuckled. He crossed his arms, a common habit of his. “You’ll have to thank Bi-Han for me for inspiring my hat while you’re there.” 
“I think it would be better suited to thank him yourself.” You told him, imagining the unimpressed look on Bi-Han’s face already. “Maybe you can thank him and show it off once you get it, that’d leave a lasting impression on him. I doubt he’d think much of it if I were just to say it for you.” You suggested, glancing over to the farmer. 
“That is a brilliant idea!” The man said, an enthusiastic gleam in his eye. You matched the wide grin on his face. If there was anything you’ve learned from teaching this group, their enthusiasm and smiles were infectious. “I’ll do just that when I see him next.”
“Good, in the meantime, I expect you to keep up with the training the monks are giving you, especially the ones focused on throwing weapons.” You said, your teaching side shining through once more. “It would be a waste to create such a hat only for you to not be able to wield it properly.”
“I will.” Kung Lao promised, your name rolling off his tongue easily. “I will not let you down.”
“I’m sure you won’t.” You said, bidding him farewell. You watched as he walked away, only to be distracted by a familiar figure out in the courtyard. It only made sense that both of the farmers would be early risers. You sighed as you walked over, crossing your arms as you snuck up on him.
“Already training, Raiden?” You inquired, making the man jump. You held back a chuckle, remembering the same way he had jumped when you had first encountered him training by himself. You watched as he quickly bowed to you, and you returned the gesture. 
“I am, there’s been a combination I’ve had trouble with.” The man replied, gesturing to the dummy. He looked at you for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I thought the monks said you’re on break for a few days?”
“I am, I just came to pick up some papers.” You informed him, waving around the folded sheets of paper in your hands. You watched as the farmer eyed it curiously, eyebrows rising. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so up and early training already.” You said, furrowing your own eyebrows as you frowned. “You know, there’s a thing called over training.”
You knew if Madam Bo were here, you knew she’d scold you for not practicing what you preached.
“I know, but I have been struggling and…” 
“And the body needs rest.” You cut Raiden off, feeling a bit guilty for doing so, but you needed him to understand the importance of rest. You held up a hand, making sure he got the memo. “Go back inside and rest until the monks train you.” You instructed, putting on your stern tone. 
“Alright.” Raiden said, dipping his head in an almost guilty manner. You felt a twinge of guilt, but you knew it was better for him to learn this lesson now, rather than later. 
“Good. And I expect you to not overwork yourself either while I’m gone.” You continued, sending him a soft smile, trying to cheer him up. “So no practicing at night until I’m back, okay?” You saw him open his mouth to protest, and you sent him a small glare. “Consider it an assignment, okay?”
“I will do my best to honor this agreement.” Raiden said, nodding. You smiled, looking at his face and nodded in approval. “I will rest now.” You watched as he turned to leave, before hesitating and looking back with a shy smile. “Thank you for looking out for me.”
“Any time, Raiden.”
“You been giving the farmer boys special treatment?”
You turned, the smile dropping off your face as an eyebrow raised to look at Johnny Cage. He looked less composed than the other two, but nevertheless still awake. He probably just woke up. He strode over as he pointed to the papers in your hands and towards where the Raiden had gone.
“Just saw you with Kung Lao with those papers, then you were talking with Raiden.” The actor paused, his face turning into a thoughtful one as he scratched his cheek. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He asked the question everyone seemed to be asking you today. 
“Important papers.” You explained, holding up the folded up pieces of paper. “And I was just telling Raiden to take a break, he’s always working. As for the break, yes, but I needed to pick up these papers before I left.”
“Huh, that makes sense.” Johnny conceded, nodding thoughtfully before shrugging. “So when are you going to spend extra time helping me?” He asked, sending you a playful grin. “Still need your word that you’ll take a part in one of my movies.” 
“We can discuss that after my break.” You told him, letting out a small chuckle. You weren’t certain if you were going to go help Johnny with his movies yet, but you were still curious on what Johnny was going to try and say to convince you. “You look like you need some food, go eat.” You encouraged, gesturing to the dining hall. “I need to get going.”
“Alright, I’ll keep you on your word. See you, teach!”
What an interesting nickname.
The Lin Kuei temple was located in a cold region.
It made sense since the grandmaster’s family had long trained in cyromancy, but that did not make you resent the constant snowstorms any less.
You trekked on, donned the form of a snow leopard so the cold would not freeze you to death. Not to mention, travel felt much faster in this form due to the snow that lay upon the land. The wind tried to batter you around, but you stayed resilient.
You often told yourself you would visit more often if the walk out was not as irritating. 
Reaching the temple, you strode up to the gates. The Lin Kuei guards peered at you curiously, and gracefully you took a step, transforming back into your usual form. You allowed the coat of the leopard to remain on your exposed skin on your arms and legs to battle the cold since you were still outside. How these guards could bear being out here in the cold for so long, you could never understand.
“I’m here to see the grandmaster.” You told them, your breath coming out in icy puffs. It was partially true, but they did not need to know that. You let out a sigh as you grew out a collar of fur to bury your face in. It was only a few mere moments, but you could tell your face must be flushed from the cold.
It didn’t take long for the guards to recognize you, and you nodded to them gratefully as they let you in. 
Once inside, you let out a breath of relief as the much warmer air inside welcomed you. You transformed fully back, the fur on your skin no longer necessary. You shook off the last bits of snow, huffing as you tried to prevent it from soaking in your clothes. You looked down to brush off any remaining bits of the powdery snow that had gotten on you.
“I was not aware you were going to visit.” A voice spoke, and you glanced up to see Kuai Liang approaching, a faint look of surprise on his face. You smiled at him, glad to see the younger brother during your visit.
“It was a bit compulsive.” You explained, rubbing your cheeks to return your flushed face to normal. You watched as Kuai Liang looked you up and down, probably to see if any remaining snow remained on you. “Am I not a welcome visitor?” You teased, holding back a soft laugh.
“You are always welcome here.” Scorpion replied a bit more seriously despite the teasing tone, a warm note in his voice. You took a moment to recover from his sincerity. “Were you here just to visit, or do you have business here?” 
“As much as I would like to say I’m here purely for pleasure, I do have some favors to ask of your brothers.” You informed him, placing a hand on your hip. “But afterwards, I am welcome to stick around before I depart, I just want to get my business done first.”
“That would be pleasant.” The yellow clad ninja agreed. He paused for a moment before gesturing to the hallways. “Would you like me to accompany you to find Tomas? Or to brother’s office?” He offered, and you hummed in deliberation. 
“If you could accompany me to Bi-Han’s office first, that’d be preferable.” You requested, deciding to tackle the conversation with the grandmaster first. A sense of uncertainty hit you, remembering the unresolved matter you two had never discussed. Your hands fidgeted with each other as you thought, reflecting your nerves.
You hadn’t gone out of your way to talk with him about it, and Bi-Han seemed to always sweep the conflicts you two had under the rug.
“Of course.” You saw Kuai Liang glance down at your hands, yet there was no judgement that you could see. He simply nodded and allowed you to join his side. Even without touching, you could feel a comforting warmth from the pyromancer. It was much preferable to the freezing chill of the snow outside, it reminded you of the same way Liu Kang’s warmth soothed you during cold rainy days. 
Was that just a pyromancer gift?
“Has training with the champions boded well?” Scorpion inquired, striking up conversation. It was odd, having him initiate, but it was a welcome change. You smiled at the man, looking over the man. 
“It’s actually been great.” You informed him, feeling pride for yourself for being able to say that. You had never envisioned yourself a teacher before this, but the joy you got from seeing others flourish from your teachings made you feel excellent.
It reminded you of the man who reminded you of Madam Bo so much. You didn’t remember much of him other than a warm fondness and a longing for his approval.
You hoped one day you could unravel the mystery of the man who meant so much to you.
“I told you that you would be an excellent teacher.” Kuai Liang said, a tone of pride in his tone without any smugness. You saw him smile at you, and his smile alone felt like high praise. You knew that no one in the Lin Kuei gave praise that they did not mean. “Has the actor proven to be difficult?”
“Johnny? He’s actually been fine.” You said, chuckling at the memory of the superstar working hard. “He may complain here and there, and sometimes try to be too flashy, but he has a good work ethic.” You praised the man, knowing that you could never tell the actor this, lest his ego grow twice its size. “I think you all would loathe training him.”
“You have a duty I do not envy.” Scorpion admitted. You sucked in a breath as the two of you arrived at the grand doors of Bi-Han’s office. You glanced over to the yellow clad man, who gave you an encouraging nod. You closed your eyes, steeling yourself for a moment before you opened the doors to enter.
Stepping in, you took a moment to admire the organized manner which the office was. You could spot the remains of the influence of the old grandmaster lingering in this office despite it also feeling distinctly Sub Zero. You eyes wandered around before they landed on the current grandmaster himself, who stared at you with an intense look.
“What are you doing here? What task did Liu Kang send you here for?” Bi-Han asked, his gruff voice echoing through the office. Despite his words, you sensed no outright hostility towards you. You could feel a slight disdain in his voice when he mentioned the fire god’s name, to which you were uncertain why that was. You strode up to the desk, and you felt the tension rise as you did.
“Can’t I stop by to say hello?” You inquired, testing the waters. You watched as Bi-Han kept his intense stare on you, unwavering. You pursed your lips, knowing very well that he did not believe that sentiment. “Believe it or not, I am actually here by my own volition, not Liu Kang’s.” You admitted, and you watched as Sub Zero’s gaze soften just a touch. His jaw relaxed.
“For what purpose?” He inquired, still a hint of suspicion in his tone, though he seemed a bit more relaxed knowing you were not here on behalf of the fire god. 
“I wanted to ask for your permission to ask Tomas to help train the champions I’ve been responsible for training. I thought having him duel them for a day would help test them.” You told him, not beating around the bush this time. Bi-Han’s lips pursed as he narrowed his gaze slightly. You heard him exhale, and you wondered why he was still so tense.
“And you sought my blessing for such a minor task?” The grandmaster huffed, the tone in his voice making it clear that he thought it ridiculous that you came all this way for just that. You held back a scoff, simply opting to keep your calm gaze on the man. “Was that all you came here to ask for?”
“No.” You said, crossing your arms as you closed your eyes, remembering the events that had gone down in Johnny Cage’s manor. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened at Johnny’s mansion. What was up with all of that? You know I can defend myself, there was no need to be hostile.”
You felt the temperature drop in the room a bit. Goosebumps crawled up your arm, and you held back an instinctual shiver. 
“The actor was being foolish and arrogant.” Bi-Han huffed, contempt filling his tone at the memory of Johnny. You watched as a small snarl curled at his lips. “You would have let the man off with a glare, he needed a proper warning to put him in his place.” He explained, but you did not feel satisfied.
“That’s a rather stupid excuse to fight someone.” You pointed out, and Bi-Han’s nostrils flared at the insult. You stared at him with the same glare he gave you. “You’re telling me you had the urge to humble an actor for being egotistical?” You inquired, feeling like there was more to the conversation.
“It was the principle of the situation.” He insisted, shaking his head dismissively, as if trying to move past the conversation. He fixed you with another glare before waving you off. “Don’t you have to ask Tomas for your favor?” Bi-Han’s voice dropped to a growl upon mentioning his adopted brother.
“Yes, I do.” You confirmed, nodding, seeing as how the two of you were not going anywhere past this point about the conversation about the actor. You sighed, shaking your head. If there was one thing you learned from your years of knowing Bi-Han, it’s that you both were stubborn to a fault. Still, this conversation felt better than trying to move past the conversation entirely. “Let’s spar next time I come here, it’s been a while.”
If there was one thing you knew, it’s that the two of you could always duel out the frustration. Perhaps not the healthiest way to deal with issues, but it was better than butt heads relentlessly.
You watched as Bi-Han nodded approvingly. The two of you were fierce competitors during spars, with your drive for competition and his lust for fighting strong opponents. The tension in the room relaxed a bit, and you cracked a small smile.
“Prepare your bandages next time, I’ll have to patch you up next time then.” You said, a tone of confidence in your voice. You heard the man scoff at your trash talk, and you turned and began to walk out of the room with a sense of satisfaction. As you opened the door, you turned back, sending the grandmaster one last look.
“I still think you fighting the actor was crass of you but, I appreciate you trying to defend me if that was the point of your stupid squabble.” You admitted, tearing your gaze away from the cyromancer. “Next time you’ll see though, that I could easily do it myself.”
You shut the door, leaving Bi-Han to stare at where you had been mere moments ago. HIs jaw tightened as he looked down at his desk, a sigh leaving his lips.
“I know.”
It didn’t take long for you and Kuai Liang to find Tomas.
Much like you, Smoke often found himself aiding those in training, and you watched with interest as he instructed a younger generation of Lin Kuei. You crossed your arms, silently waiting for the lesson to end. You stayed back with Scorpion, waiting patiently. Luckily, you seemed to have caught the tail end of the current lesson, watching as the man soon dismissed the group for a break.
Turning around, you were not surprised to see the look of surprise on his face as he spotted you and Kuai Liang.
“I was not aware you would be visiting.” Tomas said, yet despite his unpreparedness for your arrival, he gave you a warm smile. You returned the gesture, nodding. He looked between Kuai Liang and you, raising an eyebrow. “Was there something you needed from me? Or were you here just to say hello?”
“I was just here to help find you.” Kuai Liang said. He glanced at you before nodding his head. “I’ll leave you to your conversation.” The pyromancer said, before walking off, letting the two of you have privacy. 
“I’m assuming that you’re here to say more than hello?” Tomas inquired, crossing his arms, His eyebrow raised as he gave you an expectant look. Your grin grew and you mimicked his actions, crossing your arms as well and raising your eyebrows. 
“Is it so strange for me to come all this way just to say hello, Tomas?” You asked, a light teasing tone in your voice. You were met with a look that told you that he did not believe you, yet there was a slight playful look in his eye. You returned the look with a laugh. “You’re right.” You admitted, rolling your eyes. “I’m here to ask a favor from you.”
“A favor?” Smoke inquired, his curiosity growing. He leaned towards you slightly, his head tilting. “What possible favor could you ask from me?”
“I was wondering if you’d be interested in aiding me in training the champions one day.” You said, getting to the point. The Czech man seemed surprised at your offer. “They stale from training with only each other during my teachings, so I thought bringing someone with a much different fighting style would help.”
“I’m not against the offer, but why me?” Smoke said, a note of disbelief in his voice. His face scanned your face, as if searching for an answer “Would Kuai Liang or Bi-Han not be better options?” 
“The way you move is unpredictable compared to them.” You explained, recalling his fighting style. “It would help them learn how to do better defense against an opponent who likes to attack from angles they aren’t ready yet.” You paused before sending him a look. “Plus, are you doubting my judgement on who’d be best?”
“No, not at all.” Tomas admitted, sending you a slightly sheepish look as he smiled at you. He seemed to take in your words, nodding slowly. “I’m just surprised.” He said, shrugging. He considered your offer, before nodding. “I wouldn’t mind helping you.” He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, predicting what he was about to say. 
“I already discussed this with both Bi-Han and Lord Liu Kang, they’re fine with this arrangement.” 
“Wow, you were really prepared for this.” Smoke said, stunned for a moment that you had already discussed the plans with the others. “Alright, I’ll help you.” He agreed, and you sent him a big grin. You placed a hand on your hip as you reached for his shoulder, squeezing it gratefully. 
“Thank you, Tomas, you have no idea how much this means to me.” You said letting out a sigh of relief. It felt like your worries washed away. You felt your smile grow as Smoke sent you a look that you couldn’t quite identify, but it filled you with warmth. You let out a chuckle as your grin turned a tad bit mischievous. “I’d hate for my students to miss out on a chance to duel the King of Smoke.” You teased, and you watched as Smoke coughed into his fist.
“Let it go! I said that one time.” Tomas groaned, a bit of embarrassment in his voice as you reminded him of the nickname he had used one time before the two of you had dueled. He pulled at his face with a hand, playful distress on his face. You sent him a look that told him that you were not going to let it go anytime soon. “What would it take for you to stop using that nickname?”
“Nothing can ever change my mind.” You teased, chuckling at his embarrassment. “Why would I let such valuable teasing material go?” You pointed out, and you squeezed his shoulder to emphasize your point. The Lin Kuei member looked at you before rolling his eyes before sighing. 
“One day I’ll get you to change your mind.” Tomas promised, saying your name with such conviction you almost believed him. You couldn’t help the laughter that left your lips. He stared at you with a look you weren’t certain what to call it, but it made you feel happy. 
“Tough luck, Tomas.” You said cockily, dropping your hand from his shoulder. You were surprised as he caught it, squeezing it with both of his hands. 
“I mean it.” He said, his voice teasing. Yet, there was something there that made it feel a bit more serious than a joke. Nevertheless, you leaned forward with a challenging look in your eye. You watched as his expression changed slightly as he looked at you, opening his mouth to speak. You found yourself attracted to the movement in the background, and you cleared your throat, interrupting whatever he was about to say. “Looks like your class is back.”
“Ah.” He said, dropping your hand quickly as if it were on fire. You wondered briefly whether the final squeeze he gave it was on purpose or not. He looked at them, beckoning them in before looking at you. “Since I’m helping you out, would you also like to assist me?” He offered, and you couldn’t help the excitement that surged through you.
“Of course.”
It was late at night when you made your way to the Wu Shi academy. 
At first, you were planning on going back directly to the Fire Temple after spending the day at the Lin Kuei temple, but your footsteps drew you back to the academy.
Between visiting the Lin Kuei on business and being back here, you figured you were doing a shitty job of taking a break. You could practically hear Madam Bo scolding you. You stared at the entrance for a few moments, before sighing.
You were just going to check if Raiden was awake, and send him to bed. That’s all. 
You watched in, making sure to be stealthy as usual. Not only to keep the peace, but you figured that if Raiden had been training behind your back, you could give him a good scare as punishment for not listening to you. 
That and well, it was a bit funny to see the man jump.
Much to your displeasure, you heard the familiar sound of a dummy being beat up…rather frustratedly too. Sighing, you shook your head as you lurked in the shadows as you made your way to the courtyard. Yet, what was waiting for you was a sight you were not prepared for. 
It was Kenshi Takahashi there, swinging his sword adamantly at a dummy. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you crept closer, keeping to the shadows as you did. Unlike Raiden, the man did not seem to be practicing any forms. Although his strikes were precise, they were done without much direction and thought. This seemed more instinctual than training.
You watched as he grunted, huffing as he gripped the sword as he knocked over the dummy. You saw pain, anger, and the like on his face clear as day. Unsatisfied, you watched as he righted the dummy. You observed for a few more minutes.
Interestingly enough, you watched as time went on, he tensed up. Kenshi seemed to mystify himself why he was doing so. He looked around for a moment, seeming to sense something. He had glanced at you for a moment, not realizing you were there at first, before doing a double take.
“Have you always been there, watching me?” Kenshi asked, an intense stare at you. You held up your hands to show you meant no harm. He narrowed his eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He inquired, much like everyone else did. His tone was accusatory, and you sensed he was in a bad mood.
“I only arrived a few minutes ago. I heard the commotion and decided to check it out, I thought it was Raiden, I was surprised to see it was you.” You said, defending yourself. You crossed your arms as you leaned back on the pillar you always seemed to gravitate towards. “I am on break, but I came here to make sure Raiden wasn’t training late at night since I told him not to for a while.” You paused. “You have good senses to notice something was off.”
“Raiden trains late at night?” Kenshi inquired, mystified, before shaking his head dismissively and sighing. “Being in the yakuza instills that instinct in you. A useful skill, even if I hated being there.” He said, sheathing his sword before facing you. “Sorry for being so short with you, I wasn’t prepared for my instructor to sneak up on me.”
“No need to apologize.” You said, waving off his apology. “I was being a bit weird standing here.” You said, shrugging before sending Kenshi a concerned look. “I might be overstepping here, but you seemed distressed.” You pointed out. You watched as Kenshi grimaced and glanced away. “Did you want to talk about it? It might do you some better than slicing that poor dummy into wood chips. I promise no judgement.”
The dummy seemed to be on its last legs. Funny how Kenshi just happened to choose the one that Raiden always seemed to use. Regardless, you gestured to the spot next to you, taking a seat on the ground.
The swordsman seemed to contemplate for a moment, his face shifting before he walked over and sat beside you. He rested on the pillar, turning his gaze to the stars like you did.
“I dreamt I was still stuck with the yakuza.” He said, after a few minutes of tense silence. You tore your gaze away from the stars to look at the man. He seemed haunted as he confessed this. His fingers tapped idly on the sheath of his sword. “The things I did while under their control, it haunts me.”
“How bad are the yakuza?” You inquired lightly, not all too familiar with the group, only knowing the basics of what Liu Kang had told you. 
“They’re a horrible group. I hope you, or anyone you know, never encounter them.” Kenshi said. Although he did not elaborate too much on them, the resentment that carried in his voice told you enough of what you needed to know. 
“I see.” You said, pursing your lips. You watched him for a few more minutes. “Well, you aren’t with them anymore.” You pointed out, curling up your legs to squeeze them to your chest. Your arms wrapped around them, as if giving yourself a hug. “Lingering on the past won’t help.” You said, knowing how hypocritical you were being. 
“Easier said than done.”
“It always is, isn’t it?”
There were a few moments of silence, before you heard Kenshi agree. 
“You never relished in the power the yakuza gave you, correct?” You asked, looking over to the swordsman once more. You saw him think, before shaking his head. “Then why feel guilt for things you were forced to do?” You continued, trying to guide his thoughts.
“That doesn’t change how horrible the deeds I did were.” The ex-yakuza member pointed out. You reluctantly agreed, some deeds, no matter how guilty the person felt, were dirty deeds still. “My family is still stuck in their grasp, and I’m here.”
“You’re bettering yourself for them, trying to go back unprepared is worse.” You countered. You paused before continuing. “I may not fully understand the extent of your guilt, nor the pain you carry, but I do understand that you are truly sorry.” You searched Kenshi’s face, noting the pain he carried. “It’ll take time, but learning to forgive yourself is what I think is truly best.”
The silence stretched between you two, but it was not uncomfortable. It settled in gently, like a slow realization. You knew he could not change his mindset in one mere conversation, but you knew that the words you told him were still comforting at the very least.
“How about we change the topic, get your mind off of that nasty nightmare of yours?” You offered, feeling happy when the look on his face didn’t seem to disagree with your line of thought. “How has it been, training with Johnny Cage?” You watched with slight amusement as Kenshi rolled his eyes at the actor’s name.
“He’s been irritating.”
“Now that’s something we can both agree on.” You jested, even though you didn’t quite think that low of Johnny Cage. You felt satisfaction as a tiny smile appeared on Kenshi’s face.
Helping people felt great.
part six
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hm... ribombee?
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Gardeners rejoice! Ribombees would make great pets for anyone who has the means to provide them with the resources they need for their lifestyle.
It goes without saying, but ribombees are relatively itty bitty at only eight inches tall. Mobility won’t be an issue in even the smallest of homes, since these little pokémon spend most of the time flying around anyway. That doesn’t mean, however, that they don’t require a specialized sort of space to be happy and healthy.
Ribombees are pollinators who seek out flowers for their pollen, which they can use for numerous purposes (Sun). It is fairly likely that a ribombee, if prevented from taking part in this instinctual behavior, may develop behavioral or even health issues and lash out. Luckily, there’s two main ways to get around this as a pet owner. For one, if you have a green thumb, you could keep a flower garden at home for your ribombee to gather pollen from. Exactly how much pollen a single ribombee will need is unknown, so it’s possible that you may need a large and diverse garden, but that may not be an issue for people who already have an affinity for gardening. Alternatively, you could let your ribombee freely gather pollen from the wider area around your home. Like real-world bees, ribombees make home bases in which they can rest when the weather is bad and which they can return to after gathering pollen (Ultra Sun). Real-world bees sometimes travel far distances for pollen without getting lost from their home hive. The only concern with this would be your ribombee’s safety. While their free pollination may be great for the environment in the area where you live, they may be at risk of being snatched up by hungry flying pokémon. Ribombees can certainly protect themselves in some situations, as we’ll get into later, but you wouldn’t be able to guarantee their safety. All that being said, you do have options when it comes to providing ribombees with the pollen they need.
If you live somewhere where it rains a lot, I might reconsider adopting a ribombee. These pokémon hate the rain and are great at detecting when its on its way: when a ribombee detects that rain is coming based on the air’s moisture and direction, they will hide in a tree hollow or other home base until the skies have been cleared for days (Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon). In regions that get a lot more rain, like the Galar Region, wild ribombees are rarely seen (Shield).
On a brighter note, ribombees are exceptionally friendly. They are great judges of when someone is feeling down, with an uncanny ability to sense mood, and delight in cheering people up with their pollen puffs (Scarlet). Like I said earlier, ribombees’ pollen puffs serve multiple purposes. One purpose (and perhaps the primary one) is as food for themselves (Sun). The kind of pollen puffs they offer to humans as gifts are highly valuable as they not only help relieve fatigue: they’re highly nutritious (Moon, Violet). This indicates that ribombees may even make great service or emotional support pokémon for people who struggle with energy and mood.
Also like I said earlier, ribombees can protect themselves, to a certain extent. A third use of their pollen puffs is in combat (Sun). Ribombees can use specialized pollen puffs to paralyze with the move Stun Spore or damage them with concussive force using their signature move Pollen Puff. Ribombees can also make use of bug and fairy-type staples such as Bug Buzz and Draining Kiss to deal out damage to enemies. Luckily, this species does not appear to be particularly violent to humans. If their behavior is similar to real-world bees, you shouldn’t have an issue most of the time so long as you don’t mess with them or their home. Even in a bad situation, this species isn’t likely to be deadly anyways, with the exception of health conditions that could be exasperated by paralysis.
Overall, so long as you are able to allow your ribombee to engage in their pollinating instincts, they would make great and even beneficial pets.
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silentmagi · 4 months
Rising Star
Main Page
I’m hoping that you are all still enjoying the tales. We’re moving along at a good pace, and I hope that you all are ready or what’s to come.
The winner of this poll was:
The druid’s history of magic
The chief stared at the stars with unfocused eyes before speaking. “Our history of magic?” he asked, catching Star’s attention. Focusing on the two guests, he motioned towards the sitting area around the fire, where food was being prepared. “Come, let us talk about our history, I believe that you will find it interesting.”
As they settled in, he cleared his throat and began. “Many ages ago, when man was young, and the gods had not left this world. There were friends that walked different paths… and yet wove together a harmony.”
Ivy the dryad watched the human girl curiously. They were often in her glade, and always fun to watch. She would sign, juggle, or dance to pass the time. It was always a joy to watch her celebrate being in nature.
Then one day the human woman came to the glade crying under the very tree that Ivy was inside. Finding her long time source of joy, suffering, Ivy emerged from her tree and drifted closer, reaching out with her thin branches that were mimicking the human fingers. “Why does water leak from you?” she asked quietly as her hand contacted the crying woman.
The woman leaped at the contact and voice, whirling and eyes going wide. “Oh… uh… hello? I’m Belle, I didn’t know I was intruding…” she answered while bowing. “I apologize for coming unbidden.”
“Belle… what makes the water fall from your eyes, and the light fade from your face?”
Belle looked at the strange creature before telling her tale. Her father had pulled her aside, and told her that they were going to lose the land if their crops failed again. The lands had been blighted for crops, and the farms were failing. She didn’t know what to do.
“Let Ivy help! You sing for Ivy, many times. Now Ivy makes land sing for you, take Ivy there!” the dryad had stated eagerly to repay the girl that had filled her days with such warmth and joy. “The Belle will sign again, yes?”
And so the girl took her fan to the edge of the farmland, and showed the sick plants. With the dryad looking over the land, she reached out and touched the dying leaves. “Sing for Ivy, sing for plants.”
At that command, Ivy touched Belle’s hand and a warmth washed over her. Her song rang out, a soft and gentle melody beseeching the plants to grow. From the high sun to the setting she sang her songs, and under the moon, the field was lively and growing. Ivy smiled and patted Belle on the handle before fading into a nearby tree.
Belle returned to the glade and sang again, this time Ivy emerged and watched from a branch, listening to the grateful song. Then they talked for a time, and the Belle mentioned that there was no rain, and that was hurting the plants. Ivy paused for a moment before nodding. “Come, Ivy take you to Eddy.”
Eddy was a water spirit that Ivy had spoken with before living in a spring nearby, and after the dryad had told the tale of what Belle had done for her, and the boon, Eddy asked for her to sing for her, and took her hand. By the end of the song, a storm had started, the steady driving rain covering the lands in water that soaked into the ground.
Long was the friendship of the three, with much singing and joy. The lands rejoiced around them, with Ivy and Eddy letting Belle use their control over the worlds. Eventually, Belle found herself able to do little things without her friends, and was overjoyed to show them.
Then a danger came to the glade and the pond. A beast that hunted Ivy and Belle hungry and snarling. They wanted to warn Belle, to keep her away, however they could not without being harmed. So Belle came, singing and dancing with a basket. The beast heard her approach, and sat down tilting its head this way and that at the singing. Coming into the glade she had always found safe, Belle continued singing, and the beast listened.
She set out food and settled on the root she always sat, singing happily about the farms and fields, and skies above. The beast moved closer, settling before her and then laid its head in her lap. She fed it food, and soon the beast faded, and her eyes took on the yellow color and slitted pupils of the beast.
From that, she was able to talk to the birds and creatures of the forest.
The gifts of magic, bought with joy and song lead to many more, and Belle taught those that found the way to the glade, sharing the gifts with them. It is said that Belle never aged, remaining with Ivy and Eddy long past normal human life, happy and singing.
“Sometimes late at night, you can hear her voice in the wind, guiding druids to where they are needed,” the chief concluded with a smile. “Come now, time to eat!”
The two travelers were provided plates of food, mainly vegetables and simple grains, with preserved and cooked meats. “Excuse me, how did you know I was curious about the history of magic?” Star asked between bites.
“Oh, there are many who speak to us, if we but know how to listen. While our magic is gone, we still remember our lessons, and embrace nature with a song. After you sleep, one of our numbers will take you through the shortcut. I hope this helps you with your mission.”
“Thank you?” Star asked, sharing a look with Luna as the chief gives a knowing wink towards thin air.
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I Pray for my Brothers and Sisters
God wants all His children to know Him and to love Him. God convicts us to pray for each other, friends! Let us do so without ceasing!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Matthew 5:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
Amos 7:4-6 "This is what the Lord God showed me: behold, the Lord God was calling for a judgement by fire, and it devoured the great deep and was eating up the land. Then I said, 'O Lord God, please cease! How can Jacob stand? He is so small!' And the Lord relented concerning this: 'This also shall not be,' said the Lord God."
Ephesians 6:13-20 "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak."
James 5:16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
1 Timothy 2:1-4 "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
Isaiah 62:6-7 "On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in the earth."
Hebrews 7:25 "Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them."
Luke 6:28 "'But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.'"
Psalm 20 "May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans! May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions! Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright. O Lord, save the king! May he answer us when we call."
All verses from ESV
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pairing: kitana/reader
warnings: none, just fluff <3
a/n: my first kitana writing! i’ve loved her for a very long time and i felt the need to write about her because of the lack in fics about her. i might write about other mk ladies as well ;) This fic contains mentions of good Sindel, because Kitana deserves a good mother!
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Rain patters against the window of the castle as thunder rings from above. Kitana sits in the silence of her office, the only sounds coming from the rain and her brush signing away documents picked from the giant pile of paperwork next to her right hand. Ever since becoming Outworld’s Kahn all the work she had as a princess greatly increased, leaving virtually no time for any leisure, only scribbling away on documents, meeting dignitaries and council meetings. Kitana felt overwhelmed, but as she had learned since she was a child, she bottled those feelings away, hiding them away on the outmost corner of her mind, continuing to carry her duties with her head held high, however she was alone no longer. Two soft knocks ring in the heavy door, slightly starling her, however she quickly composes herself, bushing her clothes and uttering a commanding ‘Enter’.
The massive door is slowly pushed open, dragging across the ground and creaking loudly. To Kitana’s surprise, a woman emerges from the dark holding a candlestick. The warm light of the candles shine on her face showing brows furrowed in sleepiness. She drags her blue tinted robes towards Kitana’s desk and stops right in front of it. Kitana can feel the woman’s anger radiating from her as the calm and quiet that formerly inhabited the room is replaced with distress. Placing the candlestick on it, she crossed her arms and glares.
“It’s late”. Is all she says. The woman keeps staring, more like glaring, as Kitana clears out her throat. She gets up swiftly, crossing the desk and coming to stand next to the other woman. A pitiful look crosses her face, twisting into an apologetic pout.
“My queen, I apologize for my lateness. The council has been debating over these matters for weeks now and I wished to present more accurate research, however it seems as I have neglected you”. The Kahn bushes her wife’s hair away from her face, kissing her cheeks. She gives one kiss after another, twisting her love around until they both face each other. Kitana places her forehead against her wife’s, their noses brushing against another, until the other pulls back. She steps backwards, turning and leaning on the large wooden desk.
“You have said that a lot these past few weeks. I intend to forgive you, however you must know this is not right. After we had won the battle, destroyed our enemies together, I expected more. Our wedding was the most beautiful Outworld had ever seen, your mother congratulated us both with a painting to signify our eternal love, this one that sits above your desk. Our honeymoon was the most magical moment of my life. But now? Now all I see of you are the painting across this castle. Tell me Kitana, how will we fix this?”. The young woman says, a grimace present of her face. She pondered about their marriage and the amazing time they had shared.
When they bested Kronika and the mighty Shaolin had given their universe another chance, the two women rejoiced. Having met on the battlefield while her Queen served under her, they quickly bonded over their knowledge of battle strategies while planning attacks. Late nights discussing what territories they would invade turned into talking about their shared interests and soon, a confession of love. As soon as Kitana had become Khan, they married in a most beautiful ceremony, the former Queen Sindel blessing their union. The main ballroom had been filled with blue flowers, those coating the walls as light fixtures shone a very soft light on them, the entire room shining like the moon. Kitana wore a white dress, as was customary for the ceremony, her lover wearing one in baby blue to match the circlet worn by the Kahn. When they finally kissed, cheers could be heard from all of Outworld. All of that passed through both their minds, contemplating. Kitana thought back from the past few weeks, lonely days and ever lonelier nights without her lover to warm her in the tender and affectionate hugs.
“For starters, I will adjourn tomorrows meeting. We shall spend the enter day together, Perhaps we could go to that coffee place my mother always recommends. Believe me, my love, I shall never leave you again. If I ever do, slice me with my very fans, because that shall be someone eles” Kitana smiles to her love as she sees a slight smile cross the other woman’s face and a laugh falling from her light.
“I do not need your fans. I shall rip your false copy with my blade. But, yes, take me to that coffee shop. I had been wanting to taste their cakes for a very long time. I will want more evening like these, however. You are not forgiven yet” The Queen moves forward, taking Kitana’s hands in hers and moving for a kiss. Their lips touch, moving against each other in a passionate dance before the Kahn pulls away.
“Oh yes, my dear. I shall keep you on your toes!” Kitana kisses her again, picking her up and placing her gently on the table. The two lovers kiss into the night, their happy giggles ringing about in the cold castle, warming the quiet walls once more.
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