#and when it all goes to hell would u be able to tell me sorry with a straight face! u try too hard to not look quite as desperate!!
justaboutsnapped · 1 year
i should make a nico or brocedes playlist with just fall out boy songs it's completely doable and it will be so funny
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iid-smile · 24 days
can't get rid of me , fushiguro toji
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a strong legacy to be left behind , chapter one
the series masterlist. | previous | next
cw: profanity, mentions of pregnancy (pills) but filtered for megumi's sake, mentions of violence in prison, you're broke, smoking cigarettes
author's note: sigh... im out of my fluff era 😞 (sorry guys) kinda wanted to write something that i think would actually happen in some sort of alternate jjk universe and um idk how far to go because this kind of stuff does happen in the manga, but writing it feels illegal??? idk...
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"mom?" megumi peeks out from around the corner in the hallway. "who was calling?"
another groan escapes your lips, around the fifth one in the last three minutes, and you silence your phone once again. "your— excuse my language, shitty deadbeat dad keeps wanting to call me." you slap your hand across your forehead and lean back on the couch, a small creak coming from somewhere below. "apparently he's getting aggressive in prison. shut off the house phone, but they still found my number..."
your son comes closer to you, and you scoop him up, placing him by your side. he glances up at you, and you swear your fight or flight instincts nearly kicked in, (not that you'd be able to fight of a guy as big as toji anyways) flinching slightly from his sharp gaze. it sucks how he looks so much like his dad, because you loved megumi so much. but the image of that guy was almost too much to bear, and he's the spitting image.
"shitty?" he repeats. for a well-behaved kid, he really doesn't respect your words.
"don't say that megs, it's bad language." you swear around him all of the time, so what's the point in scolding him? "only your mama can say it."
"don't tell me what to do."
wow. okay. why do you feel threatened by a six year old? "damn, you've got his attitude too." you mutter, but you've only got yourself to blame for that. you knew you were never cut out to be a mother, so your ways of parenting weren't the best.
he snuggles closer to you, and you openly accept, moving your free hand to his hair to rub over it. "why can't i see toji?"
ah, this lovely story again. "because he left me as soon as you were born, love." really, you couldn't and didn't want to stop yourself from wrapping him up in your arms, feeling the need to protect him. "at this point, he's dead to me. seems like he doesn't feel the same though... i'm so sick of his ass." you also knew it wasn't good parenting to rant to your child about adult issues, but you've only got him to talk to.
that hug was out of comfort then. why are you lying to yourself?
he looks up at you with an irritatingly cute but blank face. "why?"
"god, i hate how many questions you ask." you speak under your breath once again, looking up at the ceiling from any sort of help from a higher being. the amount of times you've had to family-friendly-ify things that have happened isn't even funny. you're not naturally rated u for universal. it's more embarrassing when he recites those same stories to his teachers, and you get called into the school for a little talk.
yikes... here we go. "he lied when he said he gave me the right magical candy after we visited the stork. tried to make it drop you off back to where babies are made in heaven, but i wanted it to deliver you to me, whether he liked that or not." the story's got to be a little filtered somehow. you'd rather not get yourself in the principal's office again. "you're my little hero; a miracle to me. i would've given up on myself ages ago. your dad is a bad, bad man."
the type that would kill. if he found where you lived, or perhaps where megumi goes to school...
"and now i'm left broke in an apartment that barely functions, yet i still spoil my little hero." you sing-song, leaning your head back. "and with what money? i'm broke as hell, megs. can't even make both of us breakfast in the morning cuz your elementary school is too damn expensive."
"is this my fault?"
"...no. no, baby, of course not." you furrow your eyebrows more, a small pout in your lips. "if anything, you made my situation a bit more fortunate."
it's a selfish way of thinking, using your child to avoid solving your problems, using your child to wail and complain about how much you hate your life, but you've got nothing to lose. nothing to lose except for the one person you love.
you can feel your phone buzzing again.
"you stay here and watch tv, okay? mama's gonna go to the kitchen and talk to her friend." he seems a bit relieved as you let go of him, and you stand up.
you hear him mutter. "it's only playing the news though..." no shit it only plays the news, you can't afford to get a good television company that has any kids shows. that is, unless you wanna get scammed out of all of your money.
begrudgingly, you make your way to the kitchen, confirm that you closed the door completely, and answer the vibrating device. "hello?" you sigh, placing the device over your ear.
the other person on the call replies quickly. "is this miss—"
"yeah, yeah, it is. what the hell do you want?"
"um... we apologise, but we strongly suggest that you come to the prison building. he—" the guy's voice cracks. must be really nervous. "pardon me. he's been physically assaulting other inmates and guards, he doesn't follow orders, he never leaves his cell unless it's to visit the closed visits room. you know, in hopes that you'll come..."
obsessed much? where was this energy six years ago? "that's got nothing to do with me."
"please, ma'am. he won't listen to anyone, and we are unable to place him into special facilities as he doesn't emit any cursed energy." ah, he's begging? that's a first. you never would've thought you'd hear a person who works at a prison begging.
cursed energy, cursed energy, this talk again and again and again. "urgh..." you take a deep breath. your options are limited, and they won't stop calling until they can get that lunatic to calm down... surprise, surprise, you really don't want to go.
but if you were really uninterested in him, wouldn't you have already spent the bail money that's been sat on the counter for ages, neatly concealed in an envelope? wouldn't you have paid off all of your debts already? "will i— hm..." choose your words carefully, goddamn it. "can i get a reward of some sort if i go? money?"
"yes, yes! please do visit. there's nothing we can legally do to him in check anymore." ...you think this guy sounds a little too eager.
damn toji and his "supernatural powers", or else you wouldn't get yourself into this mess. finally, after your moment of silence, you respond. "okay. i'll visit."
"thank you—!" you cut off the line.
"fucking bastard..." you drop your phone on the counter, running your hands through your hair and over your face. "stressing me out for what? you don't even love me." your words turn into whispers. with haste, you rummage through your back pocket, trying to find those last few cigarettes, but as your hands were occupied, your eyes moved over to the ashtray that was collecting dust on top of the microwave. oh, right... you don't smoke anymore because there's no ventilation indoors.
you'd have to head out if you wanted to, but then megumi would be in the apartment on his own. and nobody can babysit, because you don't have anybody to ask to babysit. great, you can't smoke until monday. it's a friday afternoon. you have two whole days to get through!
you know for a fact your addiction won't hold out for that long.
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sinfulpanda16 · 8 months
Forget Him Sweetheart
Gojo Saturo x fem reader
Synopsis: You were just cheated on by your shit ex and go seek comfort from your friend Gojo, but one thing leads to another and soon you receive a huge comfort
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You open the door to your apartment and head inside. So many things going on in your head and all of it gave you the biggest migraine. You close the door behind you and set your keys on the little table beside you. You stand there for a second and then your tears start to fall. You were able to hold them back when you saw your boyfriend cheating on you, on the drive home, and on the way up to your apartment. You wanted to be that woman you've always seeked to be. The one that would throw away her man like trash when he was caught cheating and not even be phased about it, but you couldn't hold them back. It only hurt your head more.
You walk to your bedroom and wrap yourself under the covers. This pain was immense, it hurt so much anyone could hear it in your cry. You grab one of your stuffed animals and cry into them trying to avoid being too loud. You never thought of yourself as cheatable but right now that's all you're calling yourself. Someone who can be cheated on easily. That night you fall asleep crying thinking that the last thing you thought of was yourself as unlovable but really the last thought in your head before you fell asleep was the thought of him, Gojo Saturo.
The next day you were working at your job. A cafe where a regular would visit. All the baristas fawned over him and honestly you did too. How could you not he was so tall and charming and not to sound full of yourself, he had a thing for you. Always calling you by pet names, sweet thing and sweetheart, he made you feel beautiful. Your friend had a way with women and you've always told him his future wife would be the luckiest girl on earth.
Speak of the devil, a tall white-head enters the cafe and immediately makes eye contact with you. He smirks and goes to sit at a table by the window. You go and stand next to him, "Hello ready for your order?"
Gojo looks up at you with an eyebrow raised, "What's wrong sweetheart. No 'Good Sir' today?" You have gotten close to him to the point where you'd call him Sir or Mr as a joke. Your guys relationship had a little bit of teasing in it but thats all it was you never thought more of it.
You gave a weak smile. "Oh sorry, I've just been," a flashback of your boyfriend kissing another womans neck came to your head. You heart pound against your chest and you subconsciously clutched the fabric of your uniform above your heart. You sighed, "I just been under the weather lately." You tried of thinking about anything else that would stop the tears from falling.
Gojo did not like the view in front of him. Why was sweet thing crying? He could tell that something was wrong but he knew he shouldn't push you here of all places. He could also tell that you were trying to hide it and probably felt embarrassed.
He chuckles softly, "Well then, I have my order ready."
You look at him and get ready to write down his order in your little notepad. He looks at you, "The whole menu. Cuz it's me-n-u." You're stunned but you laugh anyway. Gojo smirks, there we go that's better. Seeing that smile on your face just looks right.
You shove his shoulder playfully, "You wierdo."
He chuckles, "Ok for real though, can I get the espresso with..." he looks back at the menu for a bit but then turns to you "What are your favorite cookies from here?"
You smile at him, "I like (f/c). They're amazing Gojo! You should try them."
He puts his menu down, "Alright then sweetheart I'll have two (f/c) please."
You write down his order in your little notepad and giggle, "Alright then we'll have your order ready for you in no time."
He leans back in his chair "I'll be waiting. Don't take too long." he says giving you a wink. You blush and turn around to make his coffee all while Gojo stares at you in your cute uniform.
Gojo is smooth as hell. He didn't take his eyes of you. Anytime you were gonna look at his direction he'd already turn away to avoid your gaze. His strong instincts just knew that something was wrong. While you were making his coffee you looked a bit too sad when usually you would be smiling and he'd get to enjoy watching you be cute. Whatever happened to make you this depressed made him want to fight your problems for you. He would fight for you but you two established from the start that you guys would just be friends and so he knew it was not his place to go fending for you. That was your boyfriends' job.
After a while he finishes his drink and was on his last cookie. He grabs the last one and takes a bite of it. Why are you so cute? Even your favorite cookies were cute like you. He gets up and heads towards you where you were cleaning one of the tables. He acts dramatic when he says "MMM! These are good. I was expecting you to have terrible taste." he teases.
"Tch you're the one with terrible taste. Don't go rubbing it off on me." you tease back. By now the cafe has gotten filled with customers so you go back cleaning the table you were cleaning. You wish you could've just stayed home and take the day off. After what happened last night you honestly didn't have the will to work today. But if you didn't than you never were gonna become that strong woman who doesn't cry over a man.
"Sweet thing." Gojo calls for you softly interrupting your thoughts.
You look up at him. Although his eyes are covered with a blindfold, you can still read his facial expression. He had a soft look on him like if he was worried for you. You stare at his facial features and then he holds out the last piece of his (f/c) for you to eat. You stood there frozen for a sec. The rest of the cafe disappeared and right now it was just you and him. Then after a while you open your mouth and go to eat the cookie he has in his hand for you. You were careful to not put your lips on his fingers, but you accidentally did, and you didn't move back. You loved his taste and frankly he loved the feeling your pretty lips touching his fingers. You slowly pull away and chew on the cookie and then looked up at him.
He's looking down at you and then he rests the palm of his hand on your cheek. "Listen darling, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. I'm here to listen and comfort you. Ok?" he says waiting for a response.
In a quiet voice you say "Ok" and he smiles softly at you. Without another word he turns around and leaves. You stood there for a bit watching him leave.
For the rest of your shift, you didn't stop thinking about him. Truth is you did need someone to talk to and you also just wanted to see and be with him. So when you got of work instead of going home you went to his place. You're not sure why but you get the feeling that soon after your gonna forget all about these thrash feelings right now.
Finally you arrive and you go up to his door. You ring the doorbell to his huge house and after a while he opens the door. "Oh sweet thing! What are you doing here?" he asks leaning towards you.
You respond shyly "You said I can talk to you when I need someone. Gojo I need someone." Gojo shocked allows you inside and he brings you to his living room. He was being so sweet the entire time. You've never seen this side of him and you've never had anyone be that kind to you. Not even your own boyfriend. Your boyfriend cheating came back to mind.
You stop walking and Gojo turns around and goes to you a bit worried. You sniff "I'm sorry it's just-" you get cut off by Gojo. Telling you that shouldn't apologize for feeling upset. Gojo goes closer to you and you feel safe. Such a pretty feeling, you've been around strong men before but not once have you ever felt this intense feeling of comfort and security.
You let go, "My boyfriend cheated on me. I don't know why he did it. I know I'm not all that pretty but the least he could've done is brake up with me. It would've stung yes but not as much as this." You continue to cry and the entire time Gojo hates it. That fucking bastard. He thought that guy was doing his job of fending for you.
"I'm such an unlovable piece of shit! I'm not worth being loved"
Those words made Gojo wrap his arms around you. He was avoiding touching you because he didn't want to invade any of your personal space, but after hearing those heartbreaking words he knew he had to hold you.
You continue to let out your emotions in his chest. The whole time Gojo did not let go and after a while you begin to calm down. "Baby listen to me." Baby? You wipe your tears again and look up at him. "Its the other way around, that bastard does not deserve to love you. You deserve only the best kind of love and trust me when i say you do have it." He pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. He smirks, "I know you're not supposed to hear this right now but I love you sweetheart. Always had and always will and hearing you talk like this hurts. Seeing you cry hurts sweet thing. You are loved. I love you sweetheart."
God how you needed to hear those words. I love you. And those words are coming from him. You slowly start to realize the whole time you should've been with him. You start to realize that it's not your fucking boyfriend cheating on you that made you cry. It was the lack of love. The lack of his love. It was him that made has always made you feel beautiful and loved and right now you wanted that even more.
Gojo notices how your look went from sadness to lust. Careful with his next move he decides to let you do whatever you want to him. You lean in closer to lips and with that he lets you kiss him. Thats all he needed and now he can pull you closer by you waist and deepen your kiss. He continues to kiss you and then pulls away.
The taste was amazing unlike anything you've ever tasted before. Gojo smirks, "I wasn't expecting you to get so bold sweet thing." You're so hot now. You want more of him.
"Gojo please~" you sigh.
"What? Does baby want me to help her feel good?" he teases.
Now you go to kiss him again to which he happily returns. Without breaking the kiss he picks you up effortlessly and you wrap your legs around his waist. He takes you upstairs to his bedroom and places you on his bed. He gets on top of you and smirks, "Let me help you forget him sweetheart."
He takes your clothes off and you take his off. There you two were, fully naked with him on top but he was still wearing his blindfold. You reach out to take it off of him and he let's you, revealing his beautiful blue eyes. "You look beautiful" you tell him. He smiles and kisses your lips "As do you sweetheart"
He kisses every part of your body making sure you understand just how much he loves every part of you. All this riled up energy both of you have for each other leads to him positioning himself at your entrance already. You look up him with those gorgeous eyes and he goes to kiss you on your lips, "I'm gonna take good care of you darling." and before you can say anything he starts sliding into you.
He's so big, "Ah~ Gojo" you whimper and the only thing Gojo hears is music to his ears. Fuck so far he's been loving your cute noises but that whimper of filling you up made him smirk. He kisses your neck "Fuck baby you're so tight~" he says in a husky voice. You wrap your arms around his neck and wrap your arms around his waist wanting to feel every bit of him.
Gojo holds onto your hips "You're so cute when you're like this." he dotes on you. You look up at him with little tears in his eyes, "Please move~". So demanding, he licks your tears away and smirks, "Your wish is my command." He starts thrusting into you causing a wave of euphoria to rush into both of you. You feel amazing, he feels like he's in heaven and he wants, needs, you to feel the same so he focuses and making you feel good.
"Fuck yes~" you moan out loud. He's pounding into you with such force its driving you wild. As he continues to thrust into you he's looking at your face. Seeing you feel so good made him feel good and your noises drive him wild. You look into his eyes and the whole world disappears. Right now it's just you two making love and it feels so heavenly.
"Kiss me~" you moan, he leans in and kisses you. The kiss was full of passion and lust.
He pulls away, continuing to thrust into you the room full of moans and your whimpering. "Is my princess feeling good~" he moans to you which you nod your head, "Yes baby~ you feel so fucking good~"
50 minutes later of him thrusting into you and you hanging on for dear life and your phone rings. Gojo didn't even see it but it was right beside your head. He looks at the caller ID and its that fucking bastard. He answers the call and puts it on loud speaker.
Baby can we please talk about this
At the sound of that Gojo starts thrusting in and out faster and rougher and you moan but he's quick to kiss you, so you don't give away your secret just yet.
I miss you (Y/N). That girl meant nothing to me, I promise if you come back things will be different.
Gojo is thrusting into you with rage. He'll be damned if he thinks you'll go back to him. You whimper his name making Gojo smirk, he's got you now and he's not gonna let you go.
"(Y/N) please give me another chance.
Both of you laughed at that and Gojo pulls out flips you onto your tummy thrusts back into you causing you to let out a load moan. He's pounding you faster and rougher and he's not being dicrete about it anymore.
"(Y/N)?" the guys calls for you with confusion in his voice.
Gojo smirks, "My baby isn't going back to him huh? Who do you belong to princess?" he asks between pants. Loud and and proud for him to hear. You respond "I belong to you Gojo.~" you say breathlessness and before the guy can say another word Gojo hangs up on him and now you're both at your reach.
"Gojo I'm *whimper* close~" you moan out. Gojo grabs your jaw and makes you look up at him. He kisses you, moaning in it, and then says "Me too baby. Together yeah? On three" you nod your head eagerly.
You're already such a moaning mess and this causing you to moan even louder the whole world can hear.
Fuck Gojo is so close he starts pounding into you at an insane speed and with such force causing you cry out.
You both release and make it well known with your voices. He falls onto you panting and chuckles lightly, "That was amazing sweetheart." You reach up to play with his hair "You were amazing baby." He gives you a gentle kiss and says he'll be back. He leaves to the bathroom and comes back with a towel. He wipes you both down and then lays in bed with you holding you close.
"Gojo?" you call his name. He looks at you with his mesmerizing blue eyes, "I love you." he smiles "I love you too sweetheart"
You are that woman you want to be. A strong woman who forgets all about her cheating boyfriend and when she goes to find a better man to help her feel good.
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cheegu3 · 1 year
Enhypen - the glory (part 5)
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summary; after rejecting one of the most popular boys at your new school, you soon realised that you'd done the gravest mistake of your life; these weren't ordinary boys, and now they were set on making your life a living hell - heavily based on the kdrama with the same name
warnings; yandere, bullying, swearing, alcohol, hospital scene, mentions of murder & suicide, affair
genre; yandere
wc; 4.8k
pairing; enha x f.m reader
note; this is more of a chill chapter, we get someone's backstory :D but yeah u won't be as stressed after as the last chapter lmao, also I've changed the narrating a little based on this poll I did, if everyone hates it I will change it lol, but I felt it added a little more flavour ??? to the characters.
The sound of the phone hitting the floor echoed in the empty hallway. You backed away, slowly while never taking your eyes off of it; as if it had a camera inside and whoever texted was watching with a grin on their face.
It started ringing, vibrating violently on the floor. You ran up and picked it up, only because you were afraid they were still in the building and could hear it. But when looking down at the screen, you breathed out in relief. It was the number that Soobin had texted with.
‘’ Hello? ‘’
You waited in silence, not wanting to risk revealing anything in case that number wasn’t him either.
‘’ Y/n? ‘’
It was his voice, thankfully.
‘’ Soobin! I think they have my number. I got a text from someone else and I thought it was you. ‘’ you said in a hushed voice, starting to walk towards the entrance while hunched over.
‘’ What? Did you say anything? ‘’
‘’ Not anything that would make them think I was talking to you. But who do I say I thought it was? They will probably ask tomorrow. ‘’
Soobin quietened for a moment.
‘’ Maybe it’s best you don’t come to the academy tomorrow. ‘’
‘’ No, that’s a terrible idea! It will make me look really suspicious. ‘’
‘’ Will you really be able to lie to their faces if you see them though? ‘’
‘’ I have to try at least. But if I don’t succeed, a backup plan? ‘’
You heard him hum on the other side of the line.
‘’ We can use Yeonjun then. ‘’
Your face scrunched up, doubt written all over your face. You were pretty sure he’d reject it, rather rudely, based on him telling you to stay away from his brother the last time the two of you talked.
‘’ Or…Yena. ‘’ you suggested.
‘’ Yena? Who is that? ‘’
‘’ Jungwon’s sister. I’ve met her and she gave the impression of almost hating him. It’s a long shot bu- ‘’
Soobin sassily agreed, ‘’ It definitely is. ‘’
‘’ Backup plans don’t have to be super solid. I’m just gonna bet everything on plan A working out. ‘’
You didn’t have many choices after all. Yena was risky and uncertain, Yeonjun was almost certainly a no and you weren’t sure about Sunoo yet. With no other friends that could be undercover right under the noses of your bullies, all that was left to do was to believe in yourself and be confident; which was definitely a first.
‘’ What do I do if they text again? ‘’
‘’ Pretend like you knew it was them from the beginning. If they question it, say you were…drunk? ‘’ 
Your loud laugh echoed. ‘’ Soobin, your suggestions suck. ‘’
‘’ Sorry…’’ he mumbled back.
‘’ I might have to resort to that though, if it all goes to shit. ‘’
‘’ I still don't think you should go. ‘’
‘’ My parents want me to get good grades. I can’t lose my scholarship at this prestigious school. ‘’
‘’ But you already went today. Just use an excuse so you don’t have to see them. We can hang out instead, if you want? ‘’
Your phone vibrated again in your hand.
‘’ Hold on, I’m getting another call. I’ll let you know though. ‘’
‘’ Okay, bye! ‘’
You pressed answer on the incoming call after having hung up on Soobin. It was an unknown number again, so mentally you prepared yourself before putting the phone to your ear.
‘’ Hello? ‘’
‘’ Did you guess right? ‘’
The voice sounded familiar, but admittedly it was one of the last people you expected.
‘’ Sunghoon? ‘’
‘’ Well done! ‘’
‘’ How do you have my number? ‘’
‘’ Took your phone while Ni-ki was busy with you in the gym. ‘’
Ah, of course. It would’ve been almost impossible to divide your attention between all seven of them to catch them in the act if they went through your stuff. You were thankful for having changed your settings so you actually had a password now, making sure they couldn’t go through your phone and see Soobin there.
‘’ Do the others have it too? ‘’
‘’ Not yet. ‘’
You weren’t sure what to say next, letting the silence settle. You felt like there was something else, but he was taking his time saying it.
‘’ Oh, right! I forgot about that. ‘’ he shouted out abruptly as if talking to himself.
‘’ Forgot about what? ‘’
‘’ You texted me back, almost like you were waiting for someone to text you. ‘’
You panicked and was forced to come up with a lie on the spot in just a few seconds. Luckily, since he couldn’t see you, it was much easier to lie. Your face didn’t heat up and you didn’t have to maintain eye-contact with basically one of the living lie detectors out of the group. 
You were incredibly lucky today. If you were face to face, he’d be able to figure out you were lying very fast.
 ‘’ Yeah…my cousin just got a phone and said she’d text me today. ‘’
He went quiet for a moment, scaring you. Was he trying to assess your voice because he wasn’t sure if he believed you? 
‘’ Are you lying to me, sweetheart? ‘’
You froze but managed to press out an answer through clenched teeth, ‘’ No. ‘’
‘’ Are you sure? I can easily check up on your family, you know that. ‘’
But you had already made up your mind, it would be cruel and very stupid to throw Soobin under the bus now. The only option was doubling-down and lying until your nose turned red.
‘’ Yes. I’m sure. ‘’ you tried to put a little irritation to your tone to make it more believable.
After some time, he ticked his tongue and reluctantly answered,
‘’ Okay. ‘’
You waited with bated breath, for what he’d say next.
‘’ You’re coming tonight, right? ‘’
‘’ Tonight? What’s tonight? ‘’
‘’ Just hanging out. Jungwon’s house. Come over. ‘’
‘’ But- ‘’
Your protest was rudely cut off by the sound of the call ending. Looking down at the phone, a scowl formed on your face and you huffed. Another party? What was wrong with them?
You stood in the corridor, feeling completely dumbfounded. Could you even run away now, no- you glanced down at your arms, remembering what happened last time you did and cursing them for giving you such a permanent reminder.
Taking a deep breath you cautiously made your way to the entrance. Despite him not mentioning anything about the hospital, it was still pretty smart to be on your guard on the way out. Who knew if that girl had texted them as soon as you and Soobin left her room, and they rushed there to ambush you.
But it was fairly quiet when you reached the front desk. If they were hiding, they probably would’ve come out a long time ago, since you were just meters away from the entrance now.
You shrugged off the random burst of paranoia and sprinted to hail a taxi outside. Maybe they would let you go home quite early just like last time. There wasn't much you could bring to the table anyway.
You fished your phone out and texted Soobin, telling him that Sunghoon had called and told you to come to Jungwon's house. It felt a bit unusual. You’d never hung out with them after school up until the day before, when Jay dragged you to the party.
‘’ Miss, we’re here. ‘’
‘’ Thank you. ‘’
You got out and hurried inside as it was still snowing, albeit a lot less than earlier. They were standing in the entrance, all eyes on you when the taxi drove away. The gate stood wide open this time, and the front door was open which gave them a perfect view of the driveway.
‘’ Hey. ‘’ Sunoo smiled at you.
You groaned mentally, whole body screaming for you to turn back around and go home. They didn’t even give you a chance though. As soon as you had put your stuff down, you were dragged by the waist to the living room, where all those people had been last time.
However, this time the couches were empty except for when they started sitting down in them one by one. You shifted uncomfortably, being the only one still standing.
It was obvious that there was no party. No music and no other people, only the alcohol in the red cups was the recurring theme from the day before. Why did they make you come there all alone? You felt anxiety start to brew at the pit of your stomach. 
‘’ I-uh…can I use the bathroom? ‘’
It was the oldest trick in the book, but hopefully they had already had so much to drink before you showed up that they wouldn’t think twice about it.
Jake was the only one who answered, with an uninterested grunt. You went right away, in case they would change their minds. Locking yourself into the bathroom you texted soobin. 
6:00 pm
You: Soobin? They’ve dragged me to Jungwon’s house.
The phone pinged almost immediately, you panicked and turned off the sound, looking around in the silence to see if they might’ve noticed. Nothing moved around outside and no noises or footsteps got closer. 
Next you had to suppress a laugh as you noticed you named him cousin so the others wouldn’t notice anything. Naming him ‘’ baby ‘’ would’ve made all hell break loose if they had just spotted it once.
Cousin: What? Like a party? 
You: Not really, I’m the only one here.
Cousin: Can you get away? 
You sucked on your lip while thinking. There wasn’t really a way out of this unless you wanted to have more wounds on your body. The whole thing felt like a very annoying headache.
Cousin: Y/n? Hello? Do you need help? 
You: No! We have a plan, remember?
Cousin: Sorry :(
You: I’ll text you later
Cousin: I live close by, just run over
You: Will you drive me home? :) 
Cousin: ofc!
‘’ Princess? ‘’
You jumped and almost dropped your phone clumsily in the process of getting up from the toilet seat. The phone slipped into your pocket again. You unlocked the door and stepped out, coming face to face with Heeseung.
He only looked at you briefly, then pushed past you to get to the bathroom. You went back to join the others. Sunoo and Ni-ki occupied the only couch that wasn’t full so you went to them.
Sunoo lit up when seeing you and Ni-ki only said something under his breath before moving so you could sit next to him. Sunoo handed you a cup and you poured alcohol in it, downing it almost immediately in a poor attempt to fix your uneasiness.
‘’ Not drinking? ‘’
‘’ Not a fan. ‘’
Ni-ki sounded moody, resting his elbows on his legs so his whole form was slumped over. His head didn’t raise when he talked, indicating he wanted to be left alone. You looked at Sunoo for answers but he just shrugged, mouthing ‘ bad day ‘.
‘’ Do you still box? ‘’
He finally raised his head to give you a very vehement look. ‘’ Yeah. ‘’ 
Sunoo tried to avoid it when his eyes averted to him, knowing he was looking at him in disbelief over what he had blurted out when he was alone with you. Whistling innocently he looked away and pretended like he was interested in the intense and lively conversation Jake and Jay were having next to him.
Now that Sunoo was turned away from you two, you leaned in a bit closer to Ni-ki, asking what you’d been wondering for a long time.
‘’ Do you even like me? ‘’
He frowned and then looked a bit caught off guard, pulling his hood further up to cover more of his face. ‘’ Yeah? I…think so. ‘’
‘’ But like, as much as the others or…’’ you trailed off.
He glared at you through his bangs which made you close your mouth again, regretting saying anything at all.
‘’ Y/n? ‘’
Sunghoon called you over, patting on the empty seat next to him where presumably Heeseung sat in before. Reluctantly you sat down, glancing at Jake and hoping you wouldn’t catch his attention any time soon, since he was extra bad when intoxicated.
Sunghoon must’ve noticed, his long fingers came up to your jaw, turning your head towards him. You stared into his bleary eyes. He looked very drunk, long gone with his pupils struggling to focus on you. But there was still some tenderness in them.
Sunghoon was slightly anxious. He’d never been alone with you before, and not this close in such an innocent way too; they all acted as a group and stuck together as one, agreeing to not be alone with you for too long.
While leaning his head back on the couch the two of you were sitting on, he turned his head to look at you. It was embarrassing how nervous you made him, as if you were some crush he had in middle school. Just looking at you made his throat close up.
‘’ Do you like this house? ‘’ he randomly blurted out, through slurred speech.
You laughed lightly which made Sunghoon smile widely.
‘’ Yeah, it’s nice. ‘’
He wanted to say more, maybe the way to your heart was to make you laugh. But he didn't get the chance to before Jungwon plopped down on the other side of the couch, next to you.
He didn’t seem at all interested in flirting with you, instead going straight into a rather serious-toned conversation, a dead-pan look on his face.
‘’ Do you know why he invited you here? ‘’
‘’ No. Not really. ‘’ you tilted your head.
‘’ From now on, we want to see you outside of school too. ‘’
You turned to him. ‘’ Why? ‘’
His lips were licked as annoyance flashed across his face, his cold eyes piercing through you. ‘’ Because we said so. ‘’
The alcohol had started to rush to your head already, making your speech a bit slower, vision blurrier but also lips bolder. 
‘’ Why are you always so blunt with me? You’re kind of mean. ‘’ 
He grimaced at your whiny tone and got eye-contact with Sunghoon, who probably knew what his friend was thinking. But he could never really stop Jungwon, since he was the leader after all.
‘’ Because, you’re a brat. ‘’ he calmly said, although his eyes were anything but.
‘’ A brat? ‘’ 
You stood up and almost stumbled into his lap when the dizziness hit you. Tauntingly, you looked down at him while swinging your cup in one hand.
‘’ You’re the ones who fucking bully me, you piece of shit! ‘’
‘’ Y/n. ��’ Sunghoon warned, seeing Jungwon’s eyes narow.
‘’ Don’t talk to me like that. ‘’
You groaned and almost ripped your hair out in frustration. His calm exterior always made you feel crazy; it made you look hysteric in comparison, and wrong when you had all the reasons to be acting like that.
‘’ Shut the fuck up! ‘’ you yelled.
He snapped. Standing up so fast you flinched and lost balance, he was there to jerk you towards him with a harsh grip around your wrist. You lost your chance to talk as he hurried to drag you upstairs, Sunghoon running behind. 
You get pushed into a bedroom and Sunghoon got the door slammed in his face just as he was a few seconds away from it.
The tension in the room is high. Even though your back was turned to Jungwon, you could almost feel how he seethed of anger, but it was controlled and calculated, he was in control not you.
‘’ Face me. ‘’
You shuddered at his low voice, taking as much time as possible to turn around. The door was locked, who knew what he was going to do to you, away from the eyes of others?
‘’ I’m sorry. ‘’
You finally turned, and immediately your eyes unwillingly welled up with tears. It was the last thing you wanted to happen, but you became that girl in the gym again. Just one look at him and you wanted to cower away, beg for mercy or cry like a helpless child. 
You felt like a different person outside of the school. Because when the day was over, so was the torture. Seeing him look like he wanted to tear you apart in a different environment than the bleak walls of the gym reminded you of your grim future; they would torture you in your safe haven now too. It wouldn’t be over as soon as you passed the gates. They demanded you meet them at their houses and text them. What would happen if you answered just one second too late?
Jungwon stared at you wordlessly. He felt his chest swell with pride due to the sadistic nature of the situation. He liked that you were so afraid of him and that he, more than the others could elicit such a strong reaction from you - only a puppeteer could know his toy that well, know exactly what strings to pull for what; and what is that if not love?
You saw his face unmoved by your sniffling, so as a last resort you pathetically went down on your knees, hands clasping together while incoherent pleas left your mouth.
‘’ Please…please- don’t hurt me. ‘’
He crouched and was careful not to show any emotions. ‘’ Say you’re sorry again. ‘’
You looked up at him and he almost became entranced by the look of your teary eyes, glimmering while looking up at him, only him.
‘’ I’m sorry. ‘’
‘’ Good. ‘’ His lips twitched. ‘’ Stand up. ‘’
They tugged upwards momentarily when you obeyed. You kept your head down, scared to provoke him, even by doing the slightest of things.
‘’ I’m gonna give you my number. When I text, answer. When I call, answer. ‘’ 
He turned his back on you to dig his phone out from a bag thrown on the floor. You got the sudden urge to attack him and then make a run for it, but that wouldn’t lead to anything but short satisfaction.
You recollected yourself in time for him turning back and handing you his phone. When you’re done and he took it back impatiently, he stared at the screen for a while. Then he pressed the number and your phone vibrated.
‘’ Save it. ‘’
You gave a fake smile and nodded. However, seeing as it didn’t seem to satisfy him, you quickly did what he asked on the spot.
‘’ You can go now. ‘’
‘’ Already? I haven’t really talked to the others, and they don’t even have my number except for Sung- ‘’ you pressed your lips shut.
Although it was slowly starting to wear off, the alcohol had made you ramble again and by the look of dissatisfaction on his face, you could tell he wanted you to shut up.
‘’ You don’t need those yet. Am I not doing you a favor? ‘’ he stepped closer, making you automatically back away.
There were only a few meters until you’d back into the wall. You prayed to God that he wouldn’t force you to back into it entirely, so he could creep over you.
‘’ Do you want to be here? ‘’
Your mouth fell open at the horrible accusation. Why would you want to be at the house of one of your bullies, where they all hung around you, taking turns to poke their sticks into your skin to get a reaction?
‘’ No. I’m leaving. ‘’
He didn’t stop you, but you heard the arrogant scoff and saw the smirk when passing by him anyway. Your angry stomping down the stairs caught the attention of the other guys.
‘’ You’re leaving already? ‘’ Jake shouted, hurrying to get up so he could follow you.
Ni-ki and Sunoo watched you curiously, not saying anything.
‘’ You basically just got here. ‘’ 
He tried to pull you into a hug, which you quickly slipped out of, seeing Jungwon standing at the top of the stairs. 
‘’ I said she could go. ‘’
His stern voice made Jake freeze and he moved away from you, giving you a small smile which made you raise your eyebrows awkwardly.
‘’ Bye. ‘’ you mumbled, closing the door behind you.
Well that was…weird? 
‘’ I’m here! ‘’
Soobin ran over to greet you, a big grin plastered on his face.
Footsteps approached the hallway and rounding the corner, the owner of them, Yeonjun popped his head out. His smile dropped when seeing you.
‘’ Y/n. ‘’ he said, rather formally.
‘’ Yeonjun. ‘’
Soobin chuckled. ‘’ No need to be so awkward. You’ve met before. ‘’
You took off your shoes and he strolled off in front of you, making you hurry to follow as you didn’t want to be alone with his grumpy older brother.
‘’ Are you okay? ‘’
‘’ Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. ‘’
He looked relieved and started walking further into the house, waving at Yeonjun to come with and ultimately stopping in the living room.
‘’ Maybe we can watch a movie. ‘’
‘’ I’m fine with anything. ‘’ you smiled.
‘’ Is this the part where I leave? ‘’
‘’ Yeonjun! ‘’ Soobin gasped.
His cute attempt at trying to look stern made you snort.
Meanwhile, his older brother threw his head back and groaned in discontent, plopping down on the couch and crossing his arms in protest.
‘’ For how long? ‘’
‘’ I don’t know yet. Don’t be rude. ‘’
Soobin pressed on the control and the large flat TV screen lit up. You almost ticked your tongue and shook your head. Of course he was a Disney nerd.
He turned around, looking childishly excited, and came over to sit down next to you. The movie quite quickly became forgotten, serving as background noise while you and Soobin passionately fought over the snacks.
‘’ I’ll go make you kids some food. ‘’ Yeonjun said, rolling his eyes at the two of you, and leaving you and Soobin alone in the living room.
Soobin craned his neck to check that his older brother had really left before turning to you. There was something he had wanted to tell you for a long time.
‘’ Does he not like me? ‘’
He smiled knowingly and shook his head. ‘’ It’s not that, I promise. ‘’
‘’ Then…did he have a rough childhood or something? ‘’ you sarcastically joked as you didn’t like when people used that as an excuse to be rude.
‘’ Something like that. ‘’
You caught the way his tone sounded borderline uncomfortable so you cleared your throat awkwardly. ‘’ Sorry, I was just joking.
‘’ His friend got bullied when he was in middle school. I’m sure he just feels a bit- well, vulnerable around you. ‘’ 
You weren’t sure how to respond so you just hummed, it was your turn to feel uncomfortable as Soobin was determined to continue no matter what.
‘’ He really struggled to see him like that. There wasn’t much he could do. When he went to the principal he was shut down, told that it was just ‘ friends playing around ‘. Later he found out their parents were pretty rich though, and at least one of them was a part of the anti-bullying committee. ‘’ Soobin shook his head, sighing while a sour expression overtook his face.
‘’ If he confronted them, they wouldn’t beat him. No, they were different, almost psychos despite being kids. They would bully his friend harder instead, knowing it would push Yeonjun away from him because he wanted to protect his friend. In the end, he was lonely. Everyone he loved watched from a distance, knowing that if they intervened it would get even worse. ‘’
‘’ What happened after they graduated then? Did he never get his justice or revenge? ‘’
Soobin looked away from you, his heart felt heavy.
‘’ No. He never did. ‘’
Silence filled up the living room. Hearing that both made you feel incredibly sorry for Yeonjun and also anxious for your fate. Would it be the same as that boy? Would Soobin have to suffer the same way - by the sidelines watching helplessly just like his brother?
You raised your head, noticing he wasn’t completely finished with his heartbreaking story. He had to hurry because the rummaging in the kitchen had stopped, indicating Yeonjun was on his way back.
‘’ It had a very unhappy ending. Remember when I said I recognized the look in your eyes when you were walking to the rooftop? ‘’
Your heart sunk. ‘’ Yeah…’’ 
Did you even really want to hear the next part? 
‘’ He saw that one night. While walking home from school. So just like I did, he followed his friend to a rooftop. ‘’
‘’ He wasn’t as lucky as you were? ‘’ you filled in when he got quiet again.
He nodded, a somber look on his face.
‘’ But, he didn’t jump though. ‘’
You frowned.
‘’ What? What do you mean? ‘’
‘’ He was pushed. ‘’
This time the silence was deadly, stretching on for several minutes. On the other side of the wall, Yeonjun was leaning against it, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
‘’ Did he get justice?
‘’ No. Of course not. The rich and powerful always get away with it. Yeonjun went to the police station but when they arrived, a bunch of black cars were already there. Took about ten minutes of inspecting before they concluded it was a suicide. ‘’
You felt nauseous. 
‘’ Did he…did he see who pushed him? ‘’
‘’ Yeah, it was them of course. The worst out of them all did it, and while they all freaked out, he barely flinched. As a solution, they were transferred to different schools in Seoul and it was swept under the rug. Even if Yeonjun wanted to get revenge, it would be almost impossible to find them. ‘’
‘’ Fuck, that’s heavy. ‘’ you leaned back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling, taking in everything that had been said.
‘’ I think the worst part is that nobody believed him. ‘’ you turned and saw that he was crying now, his knuckles were rubbed due to the rage he felt on the inside.
Breathlessly you watched him. You hadn’t seen Soobin like this yet.
‘’ What do you mean? ‘’ you softly whispered and tried to reach out for him.
He let you take his hand, and you rubbed his knuckles instead, but in a more calming and loving manner.
‘’ Since those fuckers cleaned it up neatly, his parents fought a lot about it. When he told them, crying out and looking for support, his mom didn’t believe him, but his dad did. So they got divorced. Then, his dad met my mom. ‘’ 
He ruffled his hair and scoffed. ‘’ Turns out his dad didn’t really believe him either after all. One night he got drunk and confessed he had an affair and just wanted a reason for divorce. ‘’
Your other hand wrapped around his shoulder.
‘’ But you believed him. ‘’
Soobin nodded. The endless tears had started to stain his shirt.
‘’ Of course I did. He’s my brother. ‘’ he mumbled, pain coloring his voice.
‘’ Is that…why you were so quick to help me? ‘’
‘’ I thought that if I couldn’t help him then, well…’’
Struggling to find the words, you filled in for him. ‘’ Then you could help others, to prevent it from happening again? ‘’
He grimaced. ‘’ I haven’t been successful so far. People don’t really believe in me. ‘’
You felt his words sting. It hit a little too close to home and you found yourself feeling guilty for doubting him like everyone else had.
‘’ I’m sorry. ‘’
Soobin let out an airy laugh, knowing what you were thinking of.
‘’ Don’t apologize, you let me in the end, didn’t you? ‘’
You smiled shyly. ‘’ Yeah. I guess so. ‘’
He smiled too, warmth spreading all over his face. But it faded quite suddenly as he had to look away. Why was his heart beating so fast?
I can't tag some of u and idk why tumblr is being a bitch??? does anyone know how I can fix this??)
taglist; @peaceout97, @ayadikreino, @beoms-sugar, @keikeu, @sunghoonnsupremacy, @lilyalone, @roses-and-blue-perennial-salvia, @eunchaesmileyface, @nunugget, @seunns, @nshmrarki, @huening-ly
317 notes · View notes
alieinthemorning · 10 months
Sorry if this goes against the rules (dark nature but idk if this counts) but like, can u write about Leona feeling especially depressed and not being able to even get out of bed, then the reader-insert comes to wake him up (on behalf of Ruggie) and then realised and comforts him? Like angst to comfort! But no rush and no worries if this request is declined! I'll just ask something else then!
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Lean on Me [Leona Kingscholar]
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Content: Depressed Leona Kingscholar, Blood and Injury, Literal Sleeping Together, Bathing/Washing, Hurt/Comfort, Strong Language
Pronouns: None
Continuation of: For Thee, Not for Me [Leona Kingscholar || Malleus Draconia]
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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He knew he should have just stayed in bed. Shouldered this shit on Ruggie (he was competent enough), and just not have been fucking bothered.
But he did, and it came with consequences (other than him leaving his bed).
He wasn't paying attention, too stuck in his own head to realize that one of the mutts had fucked up, and the damn disc was headed straight for his noggin.
Shit was flying fast enough that it knocked him clear on his ass. It hurt like hell, the pain in the side of his head and his back, but shit—he'd rather be on the fucking ground than possibly bleeding to death than standing and acting like he wasn't on the fucking cliff's edge.
But then there you were (of course you were), kneeling beside him as you assessed the damages. You gently brushed the sticky brown locks away from the wound, wincing at what you saw. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as you silent contemplated something.
He opened his mouth, ready to stop you from doing something stupid (that stupid thing being saving his life).
But it was too late.
“Worry not, there’s nothing for you to abide by. Leave all your worries to me. For Me, Not Thee.”
And then he was sitting up with just left with a dull headache,
and your unconscious body that fell into his lap.
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You'd been asleep for a week now. Vita told him that it was a combination of a White Cold and Rapid Blot Accumulation. She told him that it wasn't his fault, that you were well aware of the consequences of overusing your Signature Spell.
Epel did bother hiding his glare. He was pissed, and rightfully so. He may have looked up to him, but he considered you as family. And here he was sitting at your bedside, as if he had the fucking right.
But regardless of Epel's silent furry, he remained there.
But he knew that wasn't it.
"You fucked up." Ruggie had told him one day as he had delivered his lunch. He didn't tell him to do, but his reasoning had to do with you.
"If you don't feed you, and I don't feed you, guess who's gonna be pissed."
When he asked Ruggie to watch you, he never expected for him to actually befriend you. He even stopped taking the money he had been paying him, calling it dirty money. He shrugged it off, less money out of his pocket.
"You better start learning how to grovel, Prince." Title, no name. "Or else someone else will force you on your knees.
If he had been paying attention to his surroundings, you wouldn't have been laying here. If he had been paying attention to you, he would have realized that you weren't fit to even be at practice that day (because he knows that you'd fight him tooth and nail to heal whoever was hurt).
Zigvolt had given him a good right hook when he appeared in the infirmary. Silver was there as well, he could have stopped him, but he didn't (and he didn't blame him).
"You'd best pray to any and all gods that will listen, Kingscholar." His eyes flashed with something dangerous—a promise. "May my lord forgive me for what I will do to you."
Hell, he should have just stayed in bed and wallowed like a fucking coward.
Draconia appeared late at night before Vita officially kicked him out. He simply looked over your sleeping form with a pitiful look on his face.
That didn't wash away when his eerie Fae gaze found his own muted chartreuse one.
But he didn't, and now you were the one paying the price.
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"Oi, Vita." A chair scraping against tile.
Two muffled voices, a door softly shutting, and a sigh.
You give yourself a few more minutes to accumulate to your current setting before slowly opening your eyes.
"Was that Leona, Vita?"
The one frowned as she looked at you over her heart-shaped glasses. "That's really the first thing you ask me?"
You give a dismissive hum, "...I suppose so."
"You are such a—yes, that was him."
"Okay." And then you closed your eyes again.
Close to a week later is when you were discharged, and allowed to return to classes. And that's exactly what you didn't do. Instead, you went on the prowl for a hiding lion. However, you were surprised to find that he wasn't at any of his usual spots, but instead decaying away in his room.  
The blinds were fully drawn, shielding him from the sunlight that attempt to penetrate. His room was more a mess than usual, as if he had torn through it himself in a fit of rage, before fizzling out and finding his final resting place.
You pursed your lips, that's probably exactly what he did. Oh well, that didn't really matter, so instead of worrying about that, you set about to clean the room.  You heard him shuffle on the bed a bit, but disregarded him until you were finished.
And when you were, you faced him. "..."
If he wasn't ready to talk, then that was fine. You eyed his body for any external injuries. There didn't seem like there were any, so you turned heel, heading for his en suite bathroom.
"Oi..." It was soft and weak, like he wasn't really addressing you, but just saying it in general confusion. You ignored him in favor of fulling his tub with water and oils (just the way he liked it).
When you were done, you simply gestured to the bath, not waiting to hear any sort of answer because you were already pulling the sheets off the bed before he could protest. So he followed your silent directions and entered the bathroom (leaving the door unlocked).
You made quick work of his bed, then got himself a fresh set of clothes as well as yourself (you knew how he was about outside clothes).
You knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"
He was fully submerged, a layer of bubbles covering what needed to be covered.
"Can I wash your hair?"
Despite his lips twisting into a frown, he nodded. You knew why. Of course you did. He felt guilty for what happened to you. And yes, maybe, he did have some responsibility for what happened—you also shared in that. You knew that you were getting close to blot, you also knew good and well that taking on Leona's injury would push you over the edge (not to the point of blotting, but damn near close).
But you still took it on, and you'd do it again.
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Then hours later, after slipping in and out of dreams, you heard him whisper against your chest.
"Thank you."
"Of course, you can always lean on me, you know." You smiled, setting a kiss on the crown of his head.
"Since I am your healer, after all."
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I ended combining these two because I wanted to use this title for the depression piece, but couldn't because I didn't know what else to name the For Thee, Not for Me Continuation. 
SO! I after having a "WAIT FUCK I CAN WORK WITH THIS!" moment, I decided to combine them!
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda„
Honestly he’d never outright call you his friend💀 ! Gn Demon Reader
Origins | DMC3
Let’s be FR he wouldn’t care abt your gender or lack there of he still sees you as lesser than
You’d have to be a Devil or half Devil to even linger around him
Im seeing you just come from Hell to be friends with him🦀
Naturally like any of the devils in DMC3 u were originally gonna attack Vergil bc NPC does what NPC is supposed to do
But you have common sense a pretty mf with a sword is bad news so let’s be friends dear beautiful one
Bear with me right—all ur demon gang gets slaughtered by this mf and you’re just standing there watching fascinated absolutely entranced by this mf
Seeing as you’re the last obstacle he points that big ass katana at you
“Sorry I just can’t fight someone so beautiful man.”
Gives you the MEANEST side eye
Still tries to HARM you and succeeds—but like you regenerate 💀
Mf would let out the BIGGEST sigh and just walk away🪦
You follow ofc bc who wouldn’t (a mf who wants to live 💀)
Me when might controls everything 🫦
Despite being a demon yourself you def would try to convince him to NOT open the portal
Bc lets be FR them other devils ain’t shit for nothin‼️
He constantly looks annoyed and has a mean case of resting bitch face
He’s very stand-offish and depending on how long/well you know each other he’ll listen to what you’re sayin
Especially if ur a person that likes to go on rants
DMC3 he’d be more open to a mf who has no attachments as seen during the scene where he stabbed Arkham
New to friendship and sees everything as a transaction
You give me this and I give you that typa thing
Would take FOREVER to tell you abt his childhood and by the time he does u pretty much already know bc of Dante
Would get along better if ur also half demon rather than full demon as he has a complex where he continuously tries to rid himself of his humanity
Bros on a MISSION so u gotta be able to keep up
Obviously being demon/half demon you got some power but if you’re weak he’s gonna drop you I’m sorry 💀(no I’m not)
Doesn’t celebrate his birthday
Just in general regardless of his childhood I just don’t think he’d like to
So no surprise parties please🫶
Now don’t get me wrong he IS smart but like also a dumbass💀
Constantly makes you think bc he’ll say smth so stupid but make it sound so smart
A very dramatic mf
Always makes dramatic entrances no matter where he goes
Walks into McDonalds with his blue coat flowing, snowlike hair, glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and a judgmental look
Baby let ur hair down🫦
Bro is effortlessly breathtaking and if u ask for tips or question what he does for his routine he looks you up and down, scoffs, and leaves💀
Spars with you bc luckily you can regenerate
Infinite punching bag
Love a reader with no shame(me acting like I didn’t write this)
Idk why but I feel like he can play the piano as just like a pastime thing
When trapped in Hell u just roam around y’know bc you’ve lived there for as long as you can remember 😭
Vergil is in a constant search for more power and ur just chillin watching him
Like those mfs who still calmly sip on their drinks when there is a bar fight
“Woohoo! Go Vergil you’re doin’ great!”
“Shut up!”
He loves you, I promise.
Talks shit abt Dante, lovingly ofc
After the events of DMC5 if he were to come back with Dante(ambiguous ending)
Y’all would prob live together
And they were roommates 😨
FR tho it’s like weird especially with Nero being recognized as his son
“Nero is my son?”
“You have a son?”
“I didn’t know..”
“How did you not know?”
Becomes more vocal during the friendship during/after the events of DMC5
He doesn’t see the need for an abundance of clothes so if ur into fashion your ideas fill 98% of his wardrobe
Honestly I think he can cook
More of a baker methinks
He probably wouldn’t like sweets but he’ll certainly make them himself
No I’m not going to make a berries delight joke.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Yuu, circa book 5, on one of their Earth Lore tangents, this one about the Iliad and the Odyssey: ok so then Odysseus sees an omen in the sky and is all like "what the hell?!" To one of the gods, and the God is like "this is a warning. You have one more mission to do tonight".
Lilia: oh?
Yuu: yeah, so Odysseus is one cocky bastard, so he's all like "Hell yeah! Let's fucking do this just tell me what to do >:]" but the God is like "nah chief you ain't ready for this" "Oh I think I'm READY!" "...alright then. But just so you know. This is an enemy that won't run away from you, even when he's on his last drop of blood".
Lilia: OH?
Yuu: "this is an enemy unlike any if your other foes, unlike even Hector. If you're confident you'll be able to kill him... then all you have to do is go through that door".
Lilia: and he goes through the door?!
Yuu: he goes through the door!
Lilia: whose on the other side of that door??!
Yuu: an infant baby!
Lilia: a what.
Yuu: yeah that was Odysseuses reaction. So he starts pleading with the gods and is all like "ill send him away, I'll make sure he never finds out, I can raise him as my own son." Cause like, telemikus- anyway!
Yuu: but the gods are like. Nah bro this is the son of your enemy
Lilia: ...
Yuu: you gotta kill this thing now before he grows up and kills you and everything you love! So ya know, he had to choose between his morality and the possible fate of his entire kingdom and family, a huge risk on its own but with a God giving you the warning it's basically a guarantee
Lilia: ... and he chose....
Yuu: ... so there was this wall-
(Sorry u just realized how much this part of the odyssey had in common with lilias backstory)
There are many themes in stories that are fairly universal, and being faced with the reality that your enemy is just like you, that his greatest treasures are fragile and his life just as meaningless is an extremely well liked one. I wonder if Lilia takes some comfort in thinking that his life's circumstances aren't as uncommon as he might have once thought, that even beyond the void there are people who would see him and know.
Or if it makes him feel even more alone knowing that he's the only one left alive.
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polina-tvorozhok · 2 months
U say we can vent to you, right?
Well...it was quite shocking, and yet I was devastatingly...numb? I was supposed to cry; why am I numb?!
Maybe it was because my grandma (dad's mom specifically) also died this year, in July. Maybe it was because despite us trying to nuture her to full health, she still died.
Maybe it was because of just being too familiar with being near some concept of mortality (I...won't elaborate on that.). Maybe it was because of the knowledge that I could die one day and it would be unexpected, even if it was from a disease I could inherit from either side of the family, and even worse—none of you will know because nobody in my place knows about this account, or will ever respect what comes from it if they know of it.
Maybe it was because of the fact I've already contemplated the fear and implications of literal death to a creative person, or anyone in general—even myself: what stories have they not tell, what ideas were never written out, what interests never shared, what secrets never shown—although if it was really meant to be there, it's better for secrets to be six feet under the grave.
I have no idea if this is selfish because...you know...things in my life fucked me up and my perception to myself and every aspect of life like, I dunno, DEATH?!
My religion doesn't believe that the dead become ghosts who either goes to heaven or hell, or anything about ghosts. Being an SDA will make you inevitably know about that part of our beliefs, where instead of such scenarios, the body was in a deep sleep until Jesus Christ comes. But at the same time, we can never tell what happens after—if it was an eternal slumber until the end comes, if we were just left...on Earth...and never wake up or be revived, if we reincarnate into other realities, if our ghosts roam in our own homes and cry over everything, if....anything happens.
Fuck...there goes the tears now...maybe writing does triggee the emotionsof the soul.
I believe that parallel realities and the multiverse can be possible in a separates way, because we live in a timeline where many things could have happen—for the better, for the worse, for everything that may or may not be mournable. But we indeed live in a timeline where misopportunities lead the evil keep on living, and misfortune for the good to fail so. The best thing we can do is to honor the stories and memories we have with Carla Carolina, to respect everything we know about her.
If the ghosts thing is true, maybe she can smile this way. If my religion's belief is true, maybe she would be told of how people reacted to her being lost from us. But whatever other things that could possibly happen...
I so sorry for the lost. Deepest condolences.
~✴️ (hope you know who is behind this)
I'm not sure who's behind the message, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is your experience. I'm so sorry for all of your losses.
Don't worry about the crying thing. I woke up to the news and still haven't shed a tear. Maybe it's because I wasn't as close to her as sime of you. Or maybe because I have already experienced a similar kind of grief (when my great grandma died in Ukraine, I won't be able to visit her grave in a good while) but the point is, everyone grieves different. Yet the thought that she a child still breaks my heart.
We both got in the hospital at the same time. Yet for some reason it was her who had two go. For some reason I felt guilty lying in the hospital while knowing that someone out there had it much worse than me. For a moment I believed that her getting hit by a car was some sort of a twisted way God used to send her to hospital and heal her.
Then again, she may not have survived but she hopefully had a painless death. I like to believe that her saying she was better was a swan song, a last boost of happiness the organism produces to comfort itself before passing. I'm sure she had people by her side to hold her hand. I'm sure she was loved till the very end and after it, because she is.
If you, as you say, are a religious or spiritual person, then pray for her and her family. Remember, Carla would want you to be healthy and happy so please take care of yourself.
Stay strong 🤍
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arminsumi · 1 year
hii !! ok so i LOVEE your work and i was just wondering if you could do an armin texting hcs? kinda like how he would text, random things he would text you about, would you be able to prank him, would he text you at 3am with random facts, sexting etc <3
AND I LOVE U 🥰enjoy, sugarplum hope i delivered hehe
˗ˏˋ꒰ 📱 ꒱ TEXTING
░ 🐬 Armin x gn!reader
⚠️Cws; fluff, sexting, drunk texting mention
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░ 📱Armin's an old-fashioned emoji kinda boy, he especially always uses this =D and this XD . Besides that, his most used emojis include; 🥺👻😔🏖️ and you bet he uses full-caps when he's excited. OMG are you coming to the party?? cuz then i might come too 🥺
░ 📱yes armin definitely uses lower-case for aesthetic and lazy reasons unless it's Y/n he always capitalizes that and expect to never see a single punctuation in sight
░ 📱Most of his texts to you open with just your name, and then whatever is on his mind follows in
░ 📱He will NEVER dry text, even if he's really uninterested in the conversation. And when he's interested? Expect paragraph-length replies! He just has a lot to talk about all the time.
░ 📱His status is definitely something about the ocean, like: 🏖️i just wanna be by the beach or something goofy as hell like: 🐚5'6 single looking for a shell
░ 📱Oh he falls for pranks alright – so easily, too. But he catches on quickly, and plays along so he can turn the tables and get you back. mmm yeah i knew you were messing with me i just played along 😈
░ 📱Texts you links to his favorite songs or documentaries on yt, sometimes he gives you notes in case you missed a class.
░ 📱But wait till his 3 AM texts. He might be drunkenly giggling over his phone, boldly telling you how you turn him on. Or he'll be having an in-depth conversation, or giving you penguin facts 🐧did u know they cuddle together for warmth isnt that so cute???
░ 📱Texts you and Eren simultaneously when he's confessing, or even when easing into sexting. He needs reassurance that his replies are good, y'know? They gotta be reviewed before being sent off 🤭EREN Y/N REPLIED WITH THIS WHAT DO I DO??? HELP
░ 📱He's so unexpectedly smooth with sexting. Well, ahem, to you of course. On the other side he is losing his mind, giggling and kicking his feet, rolling in his bed. Boy goes crazy over even vaguely suggestive replies from you.
░ 📱He can hardly part with his phone when he's texting you. Even when he has to go off to shower, he might just take his phone with him in the shower. A-and perhaps a few months after dating, he sexts you while in the shower... 👀🚿wish you could join me :(
░ 📱Armin's got the perfect balance of teasing and indulgent; he'll hold back from being too detailed about what he wants to do with you in bed... but he'll also tease you enough with his texts to get you turned on in an instant.
░ 📱He'll never admit it but he's definitely gotten hard by your flirty texts. Even the subtlest flirting. Whenever he texts srry gotta go for a bit i'll be back tho =D you bet he's taking care of somethinnn 👀and then he'll come back with sorry i took longer than expected omg
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
Okay S O--
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I promise I'm updating my Moon Knight fic (Like A Virgin), but this is an idea that's been nagging me like Khonshu for a while now and I've finally decided to share it! But please keep in mind that it's just what it is: an IDEA. So I'm sorry if this sounds a bit messy/incomplete/all over the place (and there's a possibility that some things could be changed), it's literally just me rambling and I think it's actually a pretty interesting idea! And this turned out a lot longer than expected ;-;
At the moment, I also have no clue what I wanna do with this idea (or if I'll ever even do anything with it at all). But I, obviously, take all credit for this so please don't steal (or at least tell me if you got inspired and plan on writing a similar fic to this cuz I would totally read the F U C K out of it) 🙃
So my idea is, basically, this: The story begins in Season 1 of Moon Knight and it mainly revolves around a romance with our one and only sassy baby boy, Steven Grant (and of course with some 🔥spahcy🔥 smut thrown in) ❤️
For Steven's love interest, I dunno if it would be an original female character OR a Fem!Reader situation going on, so for now we'll just refer to the love interest as MC (main character)
Now MC and Steven live in the same apartment building and are next door neighbours. They've also been dating for quite some time, but strangely enough Steven doesn't remember ever asking out MC.
Steven and MC are pretty much what is considered to be the "perfect couple". You can really tell that they love and care about each other a lot, but recently a rift has been slowly but surely growing between them. It all started when Steven has been mysteriously disappearing, sometimes for days on end with MC not being able to contact him and not knowing his whereabouts. It doesn't help that Steven doesn't know anything either which, obviously, is very concerning but MC really likes Steven a lot and (maybe quite foolishly) chooses to let the matter go. MC thinks that whatever the hell is going on, there is a good explanation for it and can be resolved once Steven is ready to open up.
But things only become much worse from there when Steven started to miss dates and other important events in his and MC's relationship. There are also some days when Steven acts very odd, being cold towards MC and acting as if he didn't even know who she is which obviously hurts MC especially when she continuously tries to help him and just wanting to figure out what's happening.
It eventually comes to a point when MC couldn't take it anymore so she goes to confront Steven about his behaviour. She is rightfully mad and confused, but nothing changes the fact that she's still very much in love with him and wants to properly work things out.
Once MC goes to Steven's apartment using the spare key she has, she is shocked to find a woman there (this is shortly after Steven is fired from the museum and he discovers Marc's things + the scarab in the storage locker). A frazzled Steven is shocked when MC suddenly appears, too, especially when the woman--Layla--introduced herself as his wife.
MC couldn't even say--do--anything, only staring at Steven with such hurt, angry, disappointed eyes before running out the door and out of the building. Steven chased after MC to explain, but he wasn't fast enough and the damage was already done.
Fast forward into Season 2 (I know at this point in time there's no S2 but just indulge me LMAO xD), MC is revealed to be living with a friend of hers as she picks up the pieces of her broken heart and starts anew.
But here's a lil twist: After the events with Harrow and the gods' Avatars died, MC became Hathor's (the goddess of love and music) new Avatar. I still don't know how this came to be, but just roll with meh 👍
While MC does her missions for Hathor, she eventually crosses paths once more with a familiar face who she is surprised to find out is Khonshu's (another god Hathor has quite smittenly told MC a lot about) Avatar--Steven.
Only... This isn't actually Steven, but a man who claims to be Jake Lockley.
Jake then explains to MC that Steven has dissociative identity disorder and that he, along with another man named Marc Spector, were alters in a system with Steven. Obviously this is a fucking LOT to take in, but MC eventually believes Jake and it made sense as to why Steven acted different sometimes when they were still together.
It is also revealed that Jake was the one who asked MC out and before Steven even knew her, Jake was the one who liked her first. But in an attempt to keep MC all for himself, Jake doesn't say the truth about Layla, of how she is now Marc's ex-wife since things never worked out with them and Steven is still very much hung up and in love with MC. So MC is kept in the dark about everything, still believing that Steven lied and cheated on her.
It is definitely weird meeting Jake, especially when Jake is extremely open about his feelings for MC and continuously attempts to go out of his way to find her and woo her (to no avail). MC knows that despite sharing the same body, Jake is an entirely different person. But it hurts a lot to just look at him since all she sees is Steven.
Overtime, however, MC gets over her heartbreak and realizes that she also has feelings for Jake and decides to say "fuck it" and take a leap of faith. At this point in time, MC is still under the impression that Steven is married to Layla (even though she hasn't seen the woman again at all). Deep down, MC knows that it's wrong, but she really does like Jake and believes that they both deserve to live their own lives and have a relationship with each other, even if it may be challenging to keep it a secret.
Once MC confesses to Jake, he realizes that what he's doing is wrong and if he truly cared about her, he needed to be honest. So Jake takes MC out on a date and plans on telling her everything, but before he had the chance to Steven suddenly gained control of the body!
Steven and Marc have both had suspicions for a while that there's a third alter and now it's been confirmed, along with the two of them being surprised and infuriated that Khonshu isn't actually out of their lives. But the more pressing matter is that MC was here, right now, with Steven, even though it shattered his heart to see her looking at him with those same pained, spiteful eyes that haunted him when she completely disappeared from his life.
But in a panicked rush, Steven told MC everything. Of how he didn't know he had DID before, about coming to terms with Marc's existence and Steven's own purpose, of how Layla was actually Marc's wife and they were now divorced, etc.
All of this was much harder to take in than when Jake told MC about their situation. Although, meeting Steven again made MC realize that she did still love him as much as she loved Jake. But that didn't erase the pain in MC's heart and while she was glad that the truth was finally out and all the misunderstandings were cleared up, MC just needed time. Time to heal, time to just really wrap her head around everything and determine where she stands in Steven and Jake's lives and where they stand in hers.
So that's what MC did. As much as Steven missed her, as desperate as he was to hug her and kiss her and just say that everything will be okay, he respected her decision. And he understood because he, too, needed time to get his and Marc's and Jake's shit together.
As time passes, MC and Steven meet again. And this time, they were ready to be together once more and for forever. Jake is there, too, and they all work together to navigate through their unconventional romance, but they don't worry too much because they know they will be alright. Because, just like the constellations in the night sky, their hearts had a special connection.
But as MC's love blooms with Steven and Jake, Marc is there. He's always there, like a dark shadow. Unlike the other two, Marc actively avoided MC and/or openly expressed his distaste. He didn't love Layla anymore, but the divorce really affected him as well as his perception on relationships. He just didn't want to suffer through that same heartbreak again, but this time he had a lot more to be protective over because he not only had to watch over himself, but also Steven and Jake. He absolutely would never forgive you and himself if you broke the boys' hearts.
Though let's just say, long story short, that you work things out with Marc and wormed your way into this lovable grump's heart 🥰
There are also two potential endings for this story. Ideally, of course, I LOVE a happy ending and I want them all to simply be lovey dovey (which they DESERVE). The other ending, ROUGHLY, is that some bad shit goes down and MC ends up having to sacrifice herself to keep the Moon Boys safe and she dies. This obviously completely fucks the boys up, so much so that they never fully accept MC's death while also losing their will to live and blaming themselves. As a result, during a mission for Khonshu, the boys are so out of their element that they end up being killed by their enemy.
B U T even tho me likes some good ol' angst, I could never actually go through it without a proper conclusion!! SO when the boys die, they meet and be with MC again who's been eagerly waiting for them at the Field of Reeds, truly for all eternity now and just U G H MY HEART 😭💔
Now that I've written this out, I'm SO fooken excited!! Though, as I said, this is only an IDEA (at least for now)
Buuut what do y'all think??? :3
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sasukeless · 1 year
#this reminds me of the fic where they exchange one eye bc sasuke is going blind w the mangekyou - (i know the fic lol. good stuff). we should expand on this actually. because i have no doubt naruto would give one, hell both of his eyes up for sasuke. god imagine sas with one blue one purple eye. wack. though id like it more without the rinnegan. but anyway sns giving up literal body parts for one another. new chapter title: naruto gives up up one of his kidneys for sasuke. lol. or hell lets go harder like full drama sasuke is dying from heart failure so naruto gives his own up. well a bit too drama for me i like fake-mourning but then they turn out to be alive after all, not full on main character death. but the possibilities are there because they would for sure pull this shit.
and since were on the topic of body parts. can someone tell me why no one has come up with henge arm replacement yet?? like youre telling me naruto wouldnt be able to just henge himself a temporary arm? please. or you know, chakra molded into a limb? they literally do shit like that already in canon? get that fleshy white zetsu arm outta here. gross. also sasuke would look sick with a purple susanoo arm. dont worry about the chakra drainage ok its fine. literally theres so many possibilities besides welding the very thing that almost destroyed your loved ones to your own body. no wonder sasuke said no. sorry for dropping essays in your ask. but also i wont stop
I AGREE. naruto would def do that without even stop to thinking but also when u said giving a heart all i could think was that meme
naruto: i will see u after the surgery 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
sasuke waking up alone: wheres naruto
kakashi: who do u think gave u your new heart 😔
also i really like the imagen pf both w one eye of each. i like also that part of the fic when narutos friend see the sharingan in him and are so completely unnerved and call it unnatural when he leaves because i really feel thats how the rest would view their relationship especially when it goes to extremes like that idk. because they just. dont get it
please i love when artists make sasuke use a susanoo for his left arm and naruto use kurama idc they are the most powerful shinobi by the end of the manga they should be able to do that without caring of draining their chakra or whatever
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p1xiemeat · 11 months
hi do you mind if I ask you what symptoms of bipolar you have experienced before/are currently experiencing right now? if this is too heavy for you to answer then that’s alright it’s just that I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 and I wanted to hear about the experience from another person.. thank you 
well i have bipolar 1 rapid cycling which is more severe than just having bipolar 1. and bipolar 1 by itself is more severe than bipolar 2, so definitely don't compare yourself to me too much. also everyone is different. not every person with bipolar of any type has the same symptoms. i also have anxiety, ptsd, and im seeing a psychiatrist in november to be tested for a neurological disorder that my therapist thinks i may have but she can't diagnose me. so sometimes those symptoms from other things overlap into what i experience. some things might be caused by my anxiety or ptsd. for example i've had hallucinations plenty of times which can be a symptom of bipolar but also could be from ptsd too. i have manic episodes all the time. and when im not having mania im basically in a constant state of depression. its awful. i do have impulses but ive spent years learning how to control them. they used to be uncontrollable and it ruined my life for many years. my sleep and appetite changes constantly. sometimes i dont need sleep at all and other times all i do is sleep. and most of them time i can't eat a lot. and when i am able to eat i end up binge eating to make up for barely eating most of the time. im extremely indecisive and its hard to focus on one task. i usually have like 10 different tasks going at a time which makes it hard to complete anything. but i also become obsessed with my interests. it actually annoys ppl because i will talk about the same few things over and over. i have suicidal thought all the time. only thoughts tho. i would never act on them. but before i could control my impulses i had multiple attempts to end my life. i also have constant racing thoughts or my mind feels blank and i'll be completely silent for days sometimes because i have nothing to say. except when it comes to my children. obviously i speak to them when they are around, but i won't start a conversation when my mind feels blank or i won't CHOOSE to say anything for days. yeah it really fucking sucks. life with bipolar is mainly living in extremes. [for me anyway]. im either exteremely happy or extremely sad. same goes with being confident or not confident, hungry or not hungry, etc. one of the hardest things is having so much energy when im manic and feeling constantly tired and drained when im depressive. because i have children and i HAVE to be productive on daily basis. i can't just NOT clean or do dishes or laundry etc. so when im depressive i have to mentally and physically force myself to do anything. its honestly absolute hell. and im so sorry you have it too. i wish i had more positive things to tell you about it, but im not going to sugarcoat it or lie to you.
as long as you put in effort to work on yourself and try to be aware of the way you react to things or what things affect your mood, it will get easier. i know that i NEED therapy. every time i left therapy i relapsed on drugs or i mentally deteriorated. so i highly recommend finding a good therapist if you start to struggle badly. or just have one just to help you even if you don't think you need one. they help sooo much with helping u understand yourself and your thoughts and actions. i wish you nothing but the best✨💜 bipolar disorder can be so crippling. it can even be a disability for some ppl. for me it is. i am getting disability soon because its pretty impossible to find a job that works with what im able and unable to do. it lowered my confidence a lot when i realized i needed the extra help but now im more okay with it because i know its just the hand i've been dealt. i didnt ask for bipolar disorder. just like i didn't ask for it to prevent me from working. its just what happened to me. and thats okay. 🖤💜 i hope you are well🥰
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
hiyaaa i was looking through ur art and was wondering if u could elaborate on why u think prumano would be toxic and evil if they were dating anyone else. 😀 thank youuuu! i <3 ur hcs in case u couldnt tell
hello my loyal prumanohead. it has been literally 2 months since you asked this i am so sorry i did that to you. not even gunna get into what happened my lord anyways okie LETS ANSWER DIS BAD BOY!!!
ANYWAYS OMIGAWD I LOVE PRUMANO SO SO SO see i actually talked all about this with my bruder LMV (user lucianoirlmurdervictim) like an hour ago on minecraft but theyre made for eachother because prussia is too stupid to die from romanos aids and romano is too insane to die from prussias aids. prussia is a terrible boyfriend. hes loud hes direct he doesnt think before he does things and above all he cant fucking take a hint ever hes an idiot he never THINKS but hes always like yay!!! 360 noscope gamer time! hes loud and just constantly parties and has fun no matter what and thats what makes him able to survive romano, an even worse boyfriend. romano is fucking psychotic. that bitch is constnatly on PMS he is an idiot he is a tsundere but a violent and cruel at that. its always his way or the highway and he gets mad at literally everything at all times but see prussua is too fucking stupid to feel damage when romano hurls insults at him and tries to make him die because everyone already does that to prussia so he just goes "DAWWWEEE I LOVE YOU ROMANO CHAN!!! <3" romano to prussia is basically a "nobody can bully you but me" boyfriend except prussia doesnt even think hes being bullied at all so they end up matching perfectly bc prussia's ignorance in relationships acts as an antidote to romanos violence and romanos violence ends up just making him pay attention to prussia at all times and prussias like OMIGAWD HE DIDNT LEAVE ME ON READ OR GHOST ME!!!! 😍😍. i actually think that prumano is really funny because romano wants to be really toxic and evil but is just too stupid to be able to and prussia is too stupid to get trapped by it. like because i wrote a whole prumano bible post before that i assume youve read but to reiterate i think prumano is special together because romano is able to learn the joys of loving instead of only desiring to be loved. because prussia loves him and because he doesnt care abt romanos insanity it feels like an unconditional love and its able to make romano chill out on his desperate need to be a pillow princess (since he doesnt have to fight for it for once) and realize that he enjoys loving prussia too. he wants to be the one who makes prussia smile too. romano learns he desires prussia because he likes seeing him happy too not only because he likes when prussia makes ROMANO happy. i think in most relationships romano has at the core he usually mainly likes people because they like him, not because he really likes them. so because prussia unlocks this true love shit in romano by being a tone deaf idiot whos constantly selfish and clingy to romano even when hes furious, romano gets his possessiveness HARDCORE. since i believe that romano inherently has a possessiveness built in him because yknow hes the fail italy brother mf literally gets NOTHING for his entire life. he dont even get the name italy hes fucking romano rodf. i think romano is very possessive towards prussia even though he constantly tries to kill him and because of that and his general inexpereince in relationships and his tsundereism it mixes together to make him actually have pretty toxic intentions because he genuinely loves prussia. i think hes the type of fella to be like "grrr.... i dont like when prussia is spending so much time with other people... hell no im not gunna tell him i miss him thats some fucking gay shit... i think instead i will punish him everytime he talks to his friends so he'll do that less. yes thats a very normal thing to do." and obviously you can see how that could lead to a super duper toxic relationship all bc romano refuses to communicate and i think in relationships with other people it would end up becoming toxic bc the other person would obviously catch on and become isolated n shit and all the bad shit would happen. but not prussia he built stupid 😍 because prussia doesnt notice when romano is being exceptionally mean to him as a punishment bc he just cant pick things up since hes too wrapped up in his own world. he cant pick up subtle queues from his partner so hes like la de da with romano
and doesnt get manipulated at all to become isolated or anything. plus romanos way of manipulating is fucking stupid and terrible too because he only thinks of trying to pavlovs dog other people to get what he wants or make them think theyre cursed unless they do what he wants without telling them what he wants. so hell punish/curse prussia by like putting spiders in his drinks secretly and thinks to himself "heh. that should teach him. next time hell know he should be only smiling at ME" and prussia just thinks that maybe he should change his name to spider georg after accidentally swallowing the 15 spider in a row. so really. i guess because romanos so incapable at manipulation it wouldnt really be hed be a toxic boyfriend more like just make life insufferable (on top of the fact ur dating romanos personality). so anyways though. i hope this answered ur question idk i kinda rambled abt prumano bc rn its hard to explain the intricucies of how they are perfect for eachother because they are the antidote to eachothers aids. but i hope you get what im sayin here 😍 i think actually prumano is like the mirror evil version of itager, but thats a whole nother post and maybe ill write it if someone asks me or if i feel like it. they make me crazy asf okay i lovee prumano i should write a prumano fanfic romano chan is so crazy hes so #girl they love eachother FOREVER <3
heres a old doodle of italy i did to test a pen. sorry i need to answer this now or else ill never answer it ever so i cannot get up rn and draw prumano or else this ask will be answered probably never 💔
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The Angel Of Death ("Thrasher" 's Story)
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AN- Please know that this, though being a backstory, will be a bit of a spoiler for both the original Long Live Nock, and especially for the eventual new version. As Thrasher is a major character in both, and this will make a lot of this boy’s story parts less surprising. Also, reading the warnings will give spoilers as well (but trust me when I say, you WILL likely want to read them as this story gets very very dark) so please be aware of that.
Also, I had a lot of technical issues on this, including not being able to upload the font I made for this to Tumblr so instead just taking pics, a video in this for some reason I could not crop correctly-
I refuse to work on this anymore so it is what it is lol.
Other than Copper, this is my most anticipated backstory. He has undergone a hell of a lot of character development since his first introduction, so much that honestly he is pretty much not even the same character.
Be aware, I consider his backstory the darkest out of everyone’s, so this is not for the faint of heart. 
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A shape shouted in an olden language, that was long supposed to be forgotten to all but the ancient sage’s.
10 Pure’s in white robes stood around a table, the sound of screaming clear as they chanted. For hours they had been doing this, as a lady huffed and pushed.
As the cry of a baby filled their ears, their chanting stopped as they rejoiced, the green hair and skin like emeralds to them. The father stepped up, grinning as he held onto his wife’s hand. Small black dove wings were curled around the baby as they spread a vial of blood upon his head.
“Welcome to the world… our little angel of death.”
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   The young kid looked around his small room, sighing weakly. His name, Razor, son to the most loyal followers of the cult leader ; to [ , Cruci and Laplace.
 He had been training constantly for years for… what he didn’t know. His parents just wouldn’t tell him. He hadn’t been able to go to school, wasn’t allowed to see other shapes not in the cult, and was constantly being forced to his limits. When he peeked over the fence and saw the kids playing and laughing, he couldn’t help but feel envious.
He didn’t understand why he was so different…
At 7 years old he was brought to meet the leader of the cult… Lady Marlene.
She looked at him with a look he couldn’t decipher, being just a bit younger than his parents. The look, he didn’t like, he didn’t know why- “Ah, my loyal followers, how goes the training?” “Wonderful my queen, we thought it was finally time for Razor to meet you.”
The lady’s eyes traveled across him, making the young one shiver uncomfortably. “Perfect. I would like time to check on his training, his holiness, and deliver his first… rune.”
They both bowed to say of course, lightly pushing Razor forward. He didn’t understand what that all meant, and he was terrified to find out. Why, he didn’t know. He slowly took her hand, though not wanting to, her leading him into what seemed like a bedroom fit for royalty.
“You should feel honored my dear, not everybody gets the chance to be this close to me.” “… U-Um… o-ok?” He didn’t know what to say, but with her expression very lightly 'souring he was sure he didn’t say it right. “You don’t understand what your future entails do you? You stupid kid~”
Her grip tightened right before Razor attempted to step back, him whimpering lightly. “I-I’m sorry- please let g-” He let out a cry as her hand collided with his face, the grip keeping him from falling. “YOU are destined to be my King, that means you have to get used to me.” The words made him fearful. King? She also sounded, angry, and there was a tone he didn’t understand nor like.
“Now, we have a major thing to do.” She walked into the closet, grabbing a strange box. When she opened it, his heart started beating quickly, seeing multiple strange metal symbols. “I think your old enough to be known as mine~”
He didn’t know how long he was in that room, screaming as the metal sizzled around his skin, in pain, crying and horrified as she did things he didn’t understand.
When he woke up again, his left leg felt like it had been through a house fire. He cried, trying to call out for his parents.
…. No one answered. He was left alone, with a new fate written out for his eyes to see.
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Less than 3 years later, on his birthday he slowly opened his eyes, hearing the pitter patter of footsteps coming up the stairs. Today would be the day, he was supposed to find a hero’s tattoo somewhere. He couldn’t help but be excited, which hero would he be? Water, Earth, Nature, Sky? He heard his door open, him quickly sitting up in bed.
“My dear, are you ready to see your fate?” Razor nodded, heading to the mirror.
 None on his face or neck, so he lifted up his shirt. Nothing, next he checked his legs.
… There was nothing. No tattoo… His parents didn’t take it well. They lost it, blaming him, saying he must’ve done something wrong. He cried out begs and sorries as he was beat into a bloody mess. When they finally left to tell the cult the news, his room was ruined, his body bloody , and his spirit broke.
He did something wrong… Like always. It always seemed to be his fault. He wished he knew what to do.
Breaking news.
The 1st known hero, Copper and his family has gone missing, along with his boyfriend Aero. If you have any information, please contact General Loga.
The headline of the newspaper was super surprising for Razor, especially since he hadn’t seen his parents in a couple of days. He tried again looking around for the two, shooting up hearing the door open. He walked over, his face paling seeing them covered in blood. “Razor. Grab a backpack and fill it with the essentials, now.”
Their tone scared him, but he did what he was told. He overheard them talking, making it clear to him they were the reason the Earth hero had gone missing. They had tried to kill him the usual way heroes were killed, ridding of all their reasons of living, and their hope.
… But he was still alive. Something was different. His heart beat quickened at the thought, but he had no time to think as they forced him out the door. They walked through the streets, his jacket keeping him hidden from the world. He cried as they suddenly threw him into an alley, his head smashing into the ground.
“Now, your real training begins.” Was what he heard as he slowly tried to get back up. When he looked up… they were both gone.
“…Mom…? Dad?” No answer made his heart pound, as he again called out for them, close to crying. He had never been outside on his own, or anywhere other than his backyard, training grounds and the cult place. It smelled horrible, was filled with creepy sounds, and felt cold-
With no one answering, he curled into the corner, sniffling his hands wrapped around himself.
Real training.. he was scared to find out what that meant.
 Razor had been walking throughout the forest for days, feeling more and more hungry and thirsty. A cigarette in hand to keep him calm, he smoked anxiously wondering what he was supposed to do. He had no idea why he was out here… but he sure knew he was getting weaker and weaker. His legs were feeling like they were made of lead,
Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before he collapsed, his vision weak. Before he passed out, he looked up, noticing someone staring down at him.
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Razor sure wasn’t expecting to wake up warm and comfortable, but it was a nice feeling. He slowly opened his eyes, growing confused. He was in a bed in a house he didn’t know… And he could smell food near him.
The house though, smelled strange. And was rather od and beat up.
“Hey kid, glad to see your awake.” He quickly looked over, seeing the older shape that he passed out to. He lightly backed up, before being calmed down by them. “It’s ok, not gonna hurt ya. My name’s Deviance… I’m sure your hungry.” He slowly ate, feeling himself relax, it being strangely really good.
“Where… am I?” “Let’s, call it an abandoned house for now-
… I was called to find you by your parents… You don’t deserve to have to go through this kid.”
Razor didn’t know what to say to that, tensing as the other wrapped their arms around him. It didn’t take long after he realized it was just a hug to bury into it, trying to register all that had happened.
After a few days of getting his strength back, he was shown around his, apparently new home. It seemed to be, well simply a crack house- But… despite that title strangely, the shapes inside seemed nice. They all said hi, them playing around while they worked… it was better than anywhere he had been.
Now he had his own bedroom again… but he was still sure it didn’t mean any big difference between what was waiting for him when the cult wanted him. He wasn’t ready for more pain and training… but he didn’t have much of a choice.
Come him being 15, his body was almost fully covered in runes, he had became the leader of the crack house now that Deviance was old and “retired”. Well, kind of, the other still ran everything mainly-
Razor now though, had found about the horrors and wonders of addition, becoming an alcoholic, drug addict, and nicotine addict. He loved being able to feel numb, though he did things he never remembered or wanted to do while the poison rushed through his veins. Seeing Copper though, that was the biggest shock of the past year. Him, Klay and Swarm had been the ones to see him, apparently they beat him silly after he knocked one of his teeth out. Luckily their healer, Shaku was easily able to fix it, still hurt though-
He found himself walking through the forest late at night, per usual, smoking his 5th cigarette today. He was interrupted by his train of thought though… by a soft meow.
He looked around in shock, a cat? Even if it was a cat based shape, that sure as hell wasn’t common. He quickly began looking around, the meow sounded so young. The meowing luckily was easily able to find… and it lead him to the smallest and most beautiful white kitten.
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“Heya sweetheart…” The pained meow hurt his heart, slowly leaning down as they limped over. Seemed to be a girl, no collar, so most likely no owner… He carefully picked them up, beginning to walk home. Once they were healed, he softly cleaned them, their purrs making him feel so happy. “I’m going to need to give you a name sweetheart…” They meowed happily curled up on his lap, him smiling as she purred.
“… I got it. Snowball?” “Meow!” He laughed as they nuzzled and licked his cheek, him petting her. “Snowball it is.”
The sound of chanting was clear as he covered his ears, shaking in pain and general exhaustion. He had finished his last rune… but that wasn’t why he was terrified. He knew what was happening outside of the cell he was in, the corruption. They were praying for the corrupteds to be dealt with. He was terrified of not knowing whether his family (Not the piece of shit mom and dad he had, he hadn’t seen them since they abandoned him) and little kitten were ok, not knowing what was happening outside the stone walls he was stuck in.
He heard footsteps approach him, each step making him terrified. He knew those footsteps. And he knew damn well what they brought with them.
“Ah my King~ Glad they have finally finished painting your body~” He tried desperately to back away, his heart beating quickly. Marlene’s hand grabbed his chin, fingernails digging into his skin as she ran her other hand across his cheek. He hated this.  He hated being so… helpless to her. So easily controlled…
As her hands travelled down, tears ran down his face, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop this.
He could feel his hope fading, it obvious to him that his fate would be everything he didn’t want for himself.
The next 8 years passed by in a blur, his addictions the only thing keeping him sane. He didn’t know what he did in those moments he didn’t remember, he didn’t know he was attacking Fresh, he hadn’t known he beat up Copper as a desperate trying to pass the blame he felt for himself. All he knew was the few moments he wasn’t drunk or on drugs, of misery and pain, exhaustion, and emptiness.
Now though… He was in front of a King. Nock, the king of corrupteds in the forest. His stare was deadly, his stance and energy filled with so much menace and hatred he felt it could rival the Corrupted Lords.
“HoW AbOUt WE hAVe A LiTTlE ChAT?~” ‘Does he think I’m dumb??’ He said, well what any smart shape would, no way while quickly walking away. But… they said something that immediately made him stop.
“i MaY HaVE a WAy TO hELp YOuR “PrOBlEM”.” He quickly looked over, the look on his face… He knew it was dumb.
But god was he desperate to change his fate. To have his own life. So, he slowly nodded, following the other. They sat down at a table, Nock offering a drink. He knew it probably was dumb to drink, but with his alcohol tolerance he doubted one drink of anything could get him drunk. So he acceoted.
… All it took was one sip.
And Nock had him wrapped around his finger, corrupting him to his will.
AN- And it’s finished! This is the last backstory I had planned, next will be… the remake of Long Live Nock. I’m really glad to finally have been able to tell these stories, also there probably will be some extras for these two backstories posted later.
Hope you all enjoyed!
(Also I will be posting an extras post for the two stories-)
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Hi! I don't think it was mentioned (sorry if I'm wrong) but it should be, in my opinion. Japanese drama Mitsu no aji (A taste of honey) has an amazing example of uncle/niece canon incest. I know these are rare, that's why I was so happy to find this series. It's dramatic AND romantic AND realistic AND shippable as hell. The best that I've seen about u/n, sorry to Daemyra haha (well, I can't say I'm an expert so don't eat me if you know a better canon ship in this category). The plot starts with a girl named Naoko who applies to medical university in Tokyo. We learn right away that she does it because she's in love with her uncle Masato who works there, and she wants to be closer to him. (Funny that she calls him "brother Masato" since he's only 9 years older than her and growing up she saw him more as an older brother. Before she fell in love with him, that is). She gets admitted and comes to Tokyo, only to find out her uncle has a girlfriend Aya and is planning to marry her. So that's how it begins. I'm not gonna describe the whole plot, but I will do a summary. (I would be thrilled if someone did a full review, though)
Aya guesses that Naoko is in love with Masato and is very jealous, she tries to do everything to keep them apart. Naoko can't stand Aya knowing about her love for Masato when he doesn't know, so she tells him she loves him. He is surprised, doesn't answer anything and marries Aya anyway. However, he slowly discovers they are not compatible, while falling for Naoko. Masato and Naoko kiss, but then he goes to USA. 8 years later, Naoko now works at the same university in Tokyo. When Masato comes back, their feelings for each other revive. But she now has a boyfriend who's her ex-classmate and also works there, while Masato is still legally married to Aya, and latter holds the hope to get him back. And, obviously, everyone is ready to remind them that it's wrong to be in love with your uncle or niece. But, tadada! In the end, they do get together (Aya gives Masato a divorce when she realizes she was wrong for trying to stop them). I wouldn't call this exactly a happy ending because they pay a heavy price for being able to be together. They lose their job, their home, their planned future and even their family because no one approves the relationship. The message is clear that they will only have each other now, as the whole world is against them. But they do not care: their love comes above all for them. I love this couple so much!
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This sounds too good to be true!
I am going to have to track this down. I have such a soft spot for uncle/niece and it's so rare. Incredible that they end up together, even after he marries someone else.
Thank you so much for the recommendation!!!
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lovebvni · 11 months
Hii My initial is BH
What I need to hear right now , is there any message for me especially about the void ? Will I be able to reach void and manifest my dream life before November 2023 ?? Thank you in Advance
Hi BH!!! I hope all is well and this message resonates with you and you take it to heart <3
Your Messages About Your Void Journey
so far, i see that things aren’t looking so great.
your head is hanging and you’re looking into a sewer, almost as if you lost/dropped something — like a key. i’m here to tell you there’s more than one way to open a door. don’t cry over spilt milk. calm down and call on the universe, they will help you.
all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish came on. it may have some significance with you.
you may feel like the universe is ignoring you and and your words, but they aren’t. why would that do that? they didn’t let you get into this situation for nothing. “all paths leads to success” is what i just heard. i wouldn’t shrug it off, i think this is saying that you that you can do anything right now and still reach your goal, because you will be calling into the universe soon.
i don’t fully know when you will reach your goal, but as november is literally like a day away, i doubt it sadly. i’m sorry this is kinda upsetting :(
love u sm!! i hope all goes well and you reach ur goals very soon!! the universe is always there for you and will always help you out of your lows into highs!! <3
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