#and when i saw that tiktok i had so much inspo to write that for my richie
ja3yun · 4 months
To, Future You | S.JY
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sim jaeyun x fem!reader warnings: fluff, smut (mdni), unprotected sex, oral (f. rec), fingering, spitting, body worshipping, whimpering and whiney jake, mutual pining, confessions, mentions of alcohol, anti-men in some parts, not proof-read anything else lmk! wc: 16.1k synopsis: in your fourth year of secondary school, your home room teacher made you write a 'to future you' letter to someone in your class. while you had no idea who to write it to, sim jaeyun knew exactly who would receive his letter. he just never expected it to actually come through 10 years later. a/n: hi! so this was something that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. i saw a tiktok that was someone writing a confession letter and ten years later receiving it so that is the inspo (pls if anyone knows it please send me the link so i can tag it!) i hope you enjoy this, after i post this i am taking a little break and stepping back so i can focus on my heeseung series! there might be some random fics here and there but i wont be posting as much (sorry!) as always, feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments are all welcome <3 ilysm
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Your phone vibrates on your cluttered office desk, a blessed interruption from the mundane chore of sifting through emails. With a sigh, you pick it up, expecting yet another spam message or discount offer. However, as you enter your pin and swipe down the notification, your curiosity piques, and your posture straightens instinctively, uncrossing your legs and firmly planting both feet on the ground.
The screen displays the sender as 'To Future You'. Memories flood back from a decade ago when your teacher, Mr. Yang, initiated a unique project in your fourth year of secondary school. Instead of the typical 'what I think will happen in 10 years' pitch, Mr. Yang offered a more intriguing idea that got the students on board.
Your class was tasked with writing letters to someone else in the class, detailing how you perceived them then and what you believed they would become in the future. Mr. Yang's intention was to leave everyone with a lasting memory, knowing that some would stay for fifth and sixth years, while others would move on to college or the workforce.
He didn’t pair you all up, leaving you to your own devices; it could be a friend or someone random, the only stipulation being that it was someone from your home room.
Honestly, you hadn’t given it much thought at the time, sending one to the girl next to you with hopes that her dreams would come true. All your friends were in different classes, so you couldn’t even enthusiastically engage with the exercise.
However, you never expected to get one yourself. Your home room was filled with the popular girls and guys who were a world away from you and your quiet life. While they were out partying and having fun, you were studying to get into University, promising yourself a life of fun after you had graduated with friends you made along the way.
Of course, that’s not how it worked and you found yourself in a job you hated with bosses who make sly remarks about you and your competency even though you are much better at your job than any of these middle-aged losers. What’s that song from Bowling For Soup? High School Never ends, and by fuck were they right.
So as you stare at the unread email, you brace yourself for the torment from school to haunt you now as a 26-year-old. There was one girl from class who hated you, convinced that you ratted her out for smoking in the girls’ bathroom, which by the way, you had no part in; perhaps this letter is cursing you out wrongfully one final time.
Yet, the letter is not anything of the sort, leaving your palms sweaty at the unexpected turn.
Hi, Y/N.
How are you doing? From the looks of it, you’re struggling with what to write. Me too if I am being honest. This is a bit weird, isn’t it? I feel so strange writing these words when you're just a few seats away.
Anyway, hi again!
I don't know why I'm pouring my thoughts out to you of all people, but…I trust you. You’re genuinely nice and kind to everyone, even when others aren't :( sorry about that, by the way, for my friends. They can be real pissheads, and I personally hope they live unfulfilling lives. Once I leave next month, I pray I never have to see them ever again.
Is that too harsh? 
Sorry, I should get back on track. You look super pretty today! I noticed you got a new bracelet. Was it for your birthday? Come to think of it, your birthday must have just passed if you're receiving this 10 years later, so happy 26th birthday, I guess! It’s so strange to imagine you as a 26 year old, or me for that matter lol.
I’m supposed to predict what I see your life like in the future, right? I think you’re an amazing lawyer (that is what you’re going to study at University, isn’t it?) I peer-reviewed one of your English papers once and you made me totally change my mind on The Woman in Black, I mean, she shouldn’t have tormented him but she was also grieving. I knew then that you could see the good in everyone, exactly what a good lawyer should be. Umm…you’re probably happily living with your husband who you met in a lecture and bonded over some conversation about how to save the world or what near extinct animal you should fundraise for.
I’m jealous of him just thinking about it.
Can I make a confession? Since I don’t think we’ll miraculously become friends and you’ll somehow read this while I sit beside you. It’s actually the real reason I’m writing this to you (I lied earlier about not knowing, I just didn’t know if I would say this part lol.)
I like you, as in, like you - like you. I have since first year when you walked into homeroom with your hair tied up and your Hello Kitty backpack. I might even be in love with you, as much as a 16 year old boy can be. You’re so passionate and beautiful that I can’t keep my eyes off you. Even now in the computer room, I’m staring straight at you and you haven’t even looked my way once. It always goes like this but I don’t blame you for it, don’t worry! It’s my fault, I should stop being a coward and ask you out, or at least try and be friends with you.
I’m leaving at the end of fourth year, I hate this place, to be honest. I have no idea what I am going to do or who I am and I’m scared as fuck. I wish in another life I could have you by my side through adulthood. I think it’s the only way I can cope, it’s the only reason I survived this hellhole. One look at you, and I feel safe, like the world isn’t crashing down on me. That’s weird, isn’t it? To think that about someone you don’t speak to.
This is coming off as creepy, like I don’t stalk you or anything, don’t worry. I just can’t express my feelings well but I guess it’s as simple as:
I think I love you, I hope no matter what happens in the future you have the life you deserve, and if I do happen to build up the courage at the end of the year to confess and you fall in love with me and I am in fact that husband I spoke about earlier (although way cooler and less of a knob) then do not speak about this lol.
Take care of yourself, Y/N. The world is so much brighter with you in it.
~ Your secret admirer.
LOL imagine I left you hanging like that :P 
~ It’s Jaeyun (Sim, not Lee)
You stare blankly at your phone screen, the words swirling before your eyes like a whirlpool of emotions. A tidal wave crashes over you, leaving you paralysed in your seat, suspended in a moment of disbelief and regret. It's as if time itself has come to a standstill, and the world around you fades into insignificance as you grapple with the weight of Jaeyun's confession.
How could you not have noticed? How could you have been so blind to his feelings, so oblivious to the subtle signs of affection that now seem painfully obvious in hindsight? Jaeyun, of all people, someone who had offered you a smile while his friend group glared at you, or how he volunteered to be your dancing partner during PE, all that time you figured he was doing it to mock you when in fact, he was someone who had seen you for who you truly were when others merely glanced over you.
Jaeyun had been there all along, quietly observing, silently hoping for a chance to make his feelings known.
And you wish he did because out of all the popular students in your year, he was the one you would have been opened to. You had a crush on him like any girl does in their youth, but that's all you thought it was, an unrequited crush that could never be anything more than that. Yet, here he was telling you he liked you, so casually, in a letter he wrote at 16.
In his predictions, he was right about one thing - you are a lawyer, a damn good one at that. It’s amazing how he even knew that considering you don’t remember telling him nor did you share any inclination with even your friends that you were planning to go to Uni for it. It wasn’t for any reason other than usually when you tell someone you are going to do something, you end up never achieving it. 
However, he missed the mark on the marriage front. Between the demands of University and your intensive full-time job, which frequently spills over into overtime, your romantic life has mostly consisted of fleeting Tinder dates and occasional hookups. Yet, it's not a life steeped in sorrow, marriage and children have never ranked high on your list of priorities, so you harbour no discontentment with your current relationship status, not really...
Suppressing the lump in your throat, you resort to the timeless ritual that any single woman in her mid-twenties indulges in upon discovering that someone from high school had an interest in her, particularly when she once found him undeniably attractive and frequently mentioned him to her closest friends back in the day: you embark on an Instagram stalking expedition, naturally.
Abandoning your pile of emails and the documents of your current case, you cast aside all distractions in a quest for Jaeyun. Despite only sharing a couple of conversations with him that linger in your memory, you're compelled to uncover what he's been up to. Typing his name into the search bar, you hold your breath, hoping that finding him won't prove too difficult given his distinctive name.
Thankfully, user simjakeyun emerges with ease, and in no time, you find yourself perusing his profile.
There he is, just as you recall him - those beguiling puppy eyes you once avoided now ensnaring you with their warmth, and that infectious smile rendering him ageless. As you delve into his world, you're entranced by the adventures he shares and the moments he has captured. His life appears so rich and fulfilling that you can't help but feel a pang of contrast with the dreary confines of your current office.
As you scroll, you see how he is embracing life to its fullest, travelling the world and seeing countries you can’t even point out on a map, all while you find yourself tethered to the prison of your office walls for hours on end. It's not that you despise your own life, but in this moment of comparison, a sense of discontentment begins to gnaw at you.
There are a few girls on his page but none that are consistent, with no wedding ring and no kids, you wonder whether it’s worth dropping him a message. 
Are you really going to slide into Sim Jaeyun’s DMs? Yes. Yes, you are.
Creating a new private message, you hesitate, staring at his profile picture at the top of the screen. That beautiful smile makes you second-guess yourself. Why would he care about a silly little message from you? He’s out there striving and thriving, while your Instagram chronicles the life of a busy lawyer with only two close friends and an obvious wine addiction due to the countless glasses that makes frequent appearances.
You linger on the message screen, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. The doubts swirl in your mind, but something pushes you forward. Taking a deep breath, you begin to type.
"Hey Jaeyun, it's been ages! I just stumbled across your profile and couldn't resist saying hi. It looks like you've been on some incredible adventures. How have you been?"
You pause, re-reading the message. It feels both too casual and overly formal at the same time. With a sigh, you delete the last sentence and try again. Your mind is screaming at you not to bring up the letter, yet it might be the only way to get a response. At the end of the day, he was right - you weren’t friends in school, so why pretend you were just to start a conversation? Surely, that would make him think you were a weirdo.
But he told you he might be in love you, and you’ve gone ten years without knowing. Bringing it up could be the key to getting a genuine reaction from him, but it could also backfire spectacularly. He might recoil, feel uncomfortable, and even block you completely. You know you'd have that reaction if the roles were reversed.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to take the plunge. You start typing a new message, carefully choosing your words.
Hi Jaeyun! I don’t know if you remember me but the funniest thing just happened. Do you remember Mr. Yang made us write those letters to someone in the class that would be sent ten years later? I got one today…from you, actually! You probably won’t remember but  I thought I would let you know that I got it and thank you :) 
You hesitate before hitting send, re-reading it over and over again to avoid spelling mistakes and accidentally telling him that he told you he loved you. As the message goes through, your heart races and a mix of anxiety and anticipation swirls inside you. This is a leap of faith, and all you can do now is wait.
Unfortunately, all you do is wait because it's been two days, and Jaeyun hasn't replied. The silence is deafening, amplifying your doubts and fears. You replay the message over and over in your mind, wondering if you said too much or too little.
It has to be because you mentioned the letter; he probably has a girlfriend. It wouldn't be uncommon for a guy as gorgeous as him to be snapped up quickly. He probably has one of those stunning girlfriends with long blonde hair and a figure straight out of Vogue.
You try to push the thoughts aside, but they persist, gnawing at you. Doubts mingle with vivid imaginations of his perfect life, further widening the gap between your reality and the fantasy you've constructed. Much like he passively fantasised about the prospect of being your husband all those years ago, you now find yourself lying on your couch, imagining what it would be like to be his wife.
The images in your mind are vivid and alluring: travelling the world together, exploring new places, sharing laughs and quiet moments. You picture the two of you living in a charming apartment, hosting dinner parties, and supporting each other through life's ups and downs. The fantasy is intoxicating, but it also leaves you feeling a bit hollow as you contrast it with your current life. 
Why are you thinking about all of that about a man you haven't seen or cared about in 10 years? Are you really that desperate, wallowing over what could have been when you had practically forgotten about him?
The more you dwell on it, the more you realise how much you've let his lack of response affect you. Deciding that it's time to regain control of your thoughts, you put your phone aside and focus on something productive. You dive into cleaning your house, finally discarding the takeaway boxes and clothes thrown around the room.
As you clean, the physical activity provides a welcome distraction and a sense of accomplishment. You clear the clutter, creating a more organised and inviting space. Each piece of trash you throw away and each item you put back in its place helps you feel more in control. The mess around you had mirrored the turmoil in your mind, and now, with each cleaned surface, you feel a bit more at peace.
You remind yourself of your strengths and the life you've built. Your career, your friends, your favourite plant that you bought on a whim - all these things are a testament to the vibrant and dynamic life you lead. You're not defined by a response from Jaeyun.
His life is not yours and yours is not his. You are an independent-
Leaping over your couch, you unlock your phone and see the Instagram notification and smile brightly, like it was a job offer you’ve been patiently awaiting or an early release of your favourite manga.  The rush of anticipation and excitement courses through you as you eagerly open the app to read Jaeyun's message.
Hey there! Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I've been on a marathon journey back from the UK over the past few days. Opted for the budget ticket, and obviously, it turned into a 36-hour saga with three stopovers 😅. But hey, I'm finally back home! 
It's genuinely awesome to hear from you! Can you believe that letter actually made its way to you? I half-suspected it was some scheme Mr. Yang cooked up to sneak a smoke break with Mr. Kim lol.
I remember writing that letter! I said a few things in there...didn’t I? 😳 So, are you still in town? We should totally catch up tomorrow if you're free. I'm all yours if you'll have me.
Your heart skips a beat as you read Jaeyun's message, a rush of excitement coursing through you. His casual tone and mention of the letter bring a smile to your face. It's a relief to see that he's not put off or weirded out by your message; instead, he seems genuinely happy to hear from you. 
His apparent recollection of what he said in the letter adds a layer of complexity to the situation. He may want to meet up to address it, perhaps to clarify that it was meant as a joke or to downplay its significance. You find yourself mentally preparing for the possibility of him saying something along the lines of, "Hey, sorry, that was just a joke, so please don't read into it."
While you tell yourself that you'll accept his explanation, deep down, you know that these past two days have shown that you may not take it as casually as you initially thought. If a simple message, or lack thereof, got you in such a tizzy, you can't imagine how you'd react to a rejection of a confession that you didn't even make.
Regardless, you type your response rapidly, not caring if it makes you look desperate and available.
You must be exhausted after travelling! But I'm glad you made it back home safe and sound. I'm free tomorrow. Can you do after 6pm? There's this cosy cafe downtown that's perfect for catching up, it’s called Daisies. I'll make sure to save you a seat. Looking forward to it! 
With a quick tap, you send the message, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness about tomorrow's meeting. However, you don’t get long to be alone with your thoughts as another ping of your phone comes through.
Do they do double Jack and Cokes? I think I might need it if I remember what I wrote lol…😅
In all honesty, you might need one as well.
Straightening the napkins on the table for the seventh time in the space of an hour, you watch the door patiently, anticipation coursing through your veins, waiting for Jaeyun to walk through the glass door of the bar you had both settled on. Each of you knew that you wouldn’t be able to have this conversation without some form of alcohol.
It’s not that you’re nervous about seeing him again; after all, you used to see him every day. But it's the weight of the conversation that looms over you. The realisation that the first real conversation you are going to have with him throughout all these years is about a letter he confessed to you in - a letter never meant for you to read because he thought it was a hoax assignment. His actions, unintentional as they may have been, have consequences, and you can't shake the uncertainty of it all.
As the minutes tick by, each second feels heavier than the last. You find yourself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, replaying scenarios and conversations in your mind, trying to predict how tonight's encounter might unfold. Will Jaeyun be as casual and friendly as his messages suggested, or will there be an underlying tension lingering beneath the surface?
The sound of the door opening snaps you out of your reverie, and you glance up, heart pounding, only to find it's just another punter entering the bar. You let out a sigh, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly, but the anticipation remains palpable.
You take a deep breath, reminding yourself to stay calm and composed. This is just Sim Jaeyun, not an ex, not a lost lover, not your dad’s work colleague—there is nothing to be nervous about.
Jaeyun’s melodious voice breaks through your thoughts, and you look up to meet his gaze with wide eyes, startled by his sudden appearance. How on earth did he manage to slip through that door without you noticing? The surprise registers on your face as you take in his presence, a mix of amusement and disbelief dancing in your eyes.
"Jaeyun, hey!" you exclaim, your voice betraying your surprise as it breaks, forcing you to clear the bubble in your throat and quickly regain your composure. “I mean, when did you get here?”
He laughs loudly, the rich sound filling the room as he takes the seat opposite to you. The genuine warmth of his smile is infectious, closing his eyes slightly as he enjoys the moment. “Just a minute ago, I went up to the bar first to order us a drink. You like white wine, yeah?”
Nodding, you tilt your head, intrigued. “Yeah, how did you know that?”
“I saw you started without me,” Jaeyun chuckles once again, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he points to your empty glass, “I made an educated guess.”
You can't help but marvel at Jaeyun's appearance. His features are striking, his smile infectious, and there's a certain magnetism about him that draws you in. It's as if he effortlessly commands attention without even trying. A face that gorgeous shouldn’t be allowed to roam so freely, you think to yourself. It should come with a warrant, or at the very least a warning label.
He’s also wearing a pretty cream jacket with a simple white Stussy t-shirt, and some cargo jeans. His hair is much longer than when he was younger, with whisps of his fringe covering his face. 
It’s parallel to your business-casual outfit, having just come from the office you decided to opt for a baby pink blouse - in honour of your hero Elle Woods, a cream thigh-length skirt, and a pair of kitten heels. It wasn’t exactly how you wished to dress while meeting Jaeyun again for the first time but due to having consultation with clients, you couldn’t exactly wear a little black dress.
Not that Jaeyun minds; as you’re lost in thought, his eyes are tracing over your body, how your clothes look tailor-made and your tits are sitting beautifully. He feels like a perv for staring at you, this is the first time he’s seen you in so long and here he is, eye fucking you. Though who could blame him? Even as he focuses on your face, forcing his eyes to leave the contours of your curves, all he can stare at is your lips and how they’ve been freshly glossed.
Clearing his throat, Jaeyun tries to shake off the inappropriate thoughts flooding his mind. "So, how have you been?" he asks, his smile innocent yet tinged with nervousness.
"Good. Yeah, good. You?" you respond, keeping your tone neutral, not revealing too much about your well-being. To you, your life is boring and lacks anything worth speaking about.
"Yeah...good," Jaeyun replies, the awkward tension between you palpable in the air.
The atmosphere strange, a tense undercurrent clouding the breezy air. Being alone with him, even being with him at all, feels unfamiliar and stirs a tinge of awkwardness in you. Luckily, he seems just as uneasy.
But when your eyes finally meet, you both burst out laughing, the tension melting away. The sound of your harmonious laughter fills the bar, louder than the soft hum of music or the chatter of others in the background.
His laugh is just as infectious as you remember it, filling the air with its higher-pitched squeals that seem to come in four successions. You watch with fondness as his body leans to the side, his eyes scrunching together in pure joy. It's a sight you hadn't realised you missed until now, a flood of memories rushing back to you in an instant. You hadn't known you knew that about him - the way he laughs, the way he tilts his head when he finds something amusing - but now, it's like a long-lost memory has suddenly resurfaced, and you're hateful to yourself for ever forgetting.
He straightens up, shaking his head to calm his amusement, yet the smile still beams from his face. Huffing out, he nods and looks at you, as though agreeing with his thoughts. “You know, I just realised that we haven’t ever spoken, so this is a bit awkward, isn’t it?”
Shaking your head, you lean forward, your fingers deftly smoothing out the tiniest wrinkle in your shirt as you relax, feeling your body shift with the new atmosphere. “That isn’t true, we had that conversation during country dancing classes.”
“Oh, you mean, ‘Can you not step on my foot, please?’ I would hardly count it as a conversation,” he dismisses it lightheartedly, offering you another chuckle as he remembers.
What he doesn’t know is that you do count it. It was your first proper encounter with him, and even though he kept squashing your toe under his tatty trainers, you let it go because it was also the first time you heard that melodic Australian accent say your name as he mumbled a quick, ‘sorry, Y/N’.
You both laugh again at the memory before the waiter brings over your drinks. “Cheers, mate. Thanks.” Jaeyun smiles politely at the man. It’s the bare minimum to thank your server, yet you can’t stop the butterflies in your stomach as he does so. It’s a testament to his kindness because most of the guys you have ever dated have been the type to snap their fingers or complain about the tiniest thing that could easily be fixed.
Not Jaeyun though, he is far too sweet to act like an arsehole. You haven’t even spent 10 minutes with him and you already know it.
As the waiter walks away, you reach for your wine before stopping for a beat, looking at it thoughtfully. There is a slice of lemon inside the glass, the sight peculiar not because you don’t like it, but rather because you do like it. It’s not conventional to have any garnishes on wine; most connoisseurs say that the wine is already perfect as made. But you like things extra bitter and everything citrus; it’s been this way since college.
You glance at Jaeyun as he sips his Jack and Coke, his attention solely on his drink, seemingly oblivious to your curiosity. Could he have known you liked wine this way? But how? It’s not like you brought a 125ml and a wedge to school. And you certainly don’t come here frequently enough for the bartender to remember you or your order.
The thought niggles at the back of your mind as you take another sip of your wine, mulling over the possibilities. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, you tell yourself, trying to rationalise the situation. But it also isn’t a big deal, you got what you wanted without asking for it which is a very rare occurrence, so you’ll take it and run.
Setting the thought aside, you indulge in a sip of the crisp wine, a contented hum escaping your lips as you enjoy the taste. With a playful shoulder dance, you set the glass down on the table. “So, how has life been since you left school?” you ask casually, even though as you glance up at him, you catch him licking the residue of his drink from his lips and it makes your body flush with heat. 
Your gaze lingers for a moment longer than intended, a fleeting moment of admiration as you catch the subtle details of his expression.
“Really…amazing actually,” he begins, his voice laced with a sense of joy as a broad smile lights up his face. “When I left, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I just got a part-time job, saved up enough to travel and see my brother back in Australia, and from there...just travelled. I did odd jobs to make money, enough to pay rent for a few months at each place.”
As Jaeyun speaks, you can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy creeping into your thoughts. His carefree lifestyle, filled with adventure and spontaneity, sounds like a dream compared to your own mundane existence of endless paperwork and court cases.
“Wow, that sounds incredible,” you respond, trying to mask the envy in your voice with genuine interest. “Must have been amazing to just pick up and go wherever you want.”
Jaeyun nods enthusiastically, his eyes alight with the memories of his adventures. “It is liberating, honestly. I’ve learned so much about myself and the world. It was good for me, it turned out to be exactly what I needed.”
He takes another sip of his JD, his expression shifting to one of apology as he notices the dejected look on your face. “But what about you? Aren’t you a fancy lawyer now? That’s way more impressive than a country-hopper.”
You know he's just trying to be polite, but his words only serve to magnify your own feelings of inadequacy. In no world is your tiresome job and lack of social life anywhere near as impressive as what he has managed to accomplish in 10 years.
Taking a big swig of your drink, you bob your head from side to side, downplaying the enormity of your profession. “Yeah, it’s okay. It pays well and I do love it some days. I work in corporate law, so it isn’t as exciting as I would have liked.”
“You wanted to do immigration law, right?” Jaeyun asks, his tone is casual but his question catches you off guard.
You pause, your eyes narrowing with scepticism as you look at him. It's one thing for him to recall your career aspirations, but for him to remember the specific field you were interested in seems almost uncanny. After all, you never spoke about it except in your university applications. So unless he had some insider knowledge, there's no reason for him to know such specific details.
Nodding slowly, you set your wine glass down and lean back. “Yeah… how did you know that? I never told anyone about it.”
“I guess I'm just quite the observer,” he jokes, though there's a hint of sheepishness in his tone as he scratches the back of his neck. He curses himself inwardly for being so casual about a minute detail that he knows he shouldn’t know. “I actually, uh, I saw you checking out an Immigration Law and Social Justice book one day. Figured that’s what you wanted to do.”
Jaeyun wasn’t lying; that really was how he knew. It was just before summer break, and he was returning his physics books when he noticed you in front of him, a pile of books in one arm, the first one being about immigration law.
You look up to the ceiling, a smile of understanding spreading across your face as you let out a contented 'oh', finally piecing together the mystery. "That makes sense now. I was so confused when you wrote about me going on to become a lawyer in that letter because I could have sworn I never uttered a word to anyone."
“That’s right! I predicted you would be a snooty lawyer,” he exclaims, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he lightly bangs his fist on the table. His chuffed grin widens, spreading across his face like he's just won the first question on a quiz show. 
Laughing, you nod in agreement. You don’t tell him that he never called you snooty because he also isn’t wrong as he adds the adjective. Although you’re easy going outside of the office, you hold yourself with high pride while at work, looking down on the men you work with. Perhaps you would be more kind if they weren’t gigantic arseholes with no morals.
So in that sense, yes, yes you are snooty.
“You also said I would be married with kids,” you point out, a chuckle escaping your lips as you recall the absurdity of the prediction.
“So? Did I get two for two?” Jaeyun retorts, a playful twinkle in his eyes as he wiggles his eyebrows. Beneath his casual demeanour, though, a subtle flutter stirs in his heart at the mention of a husband. He wants you to be happy, obviously - why wouldn’t he? But he can’t deny the pang of jealousy that tugs at him at the prospect of you being happy with another man.
You notice the subtle shift in Jaeyun's manner, the conflict between his words and the emotion flickering in his eyes, but you choose to let it pass without comment. Instead, you simply shake your head and lift your eyebrows, taking another sip of your white wine. If you don’t slow down, you’ll be finished five of these before Jaeyun has even made a dent in his first drink.
He audibly gasps at your silent confession, his surprise evident in the way his eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly. As much as he had hoped you wouldn’t have a man waiting for you at home, he can’t believe that you don’t. 
“Seriously? I would have thought someone would have snapped you up in a heartbeat,” he admits, still flabbergasted that the bright and beautiful woman sitting before him is, in fact, single.
“Nope. I guess it’s just like high school,” you say, shrugging nonchalantly as you downplay the situation. Despite trying to be casual about it all, a hint of vulnerability lingers beneath the surface. You know how it looks, being in your mid-twenties and never having been in a serious relationship. It has made you wonder countless times about what could possibly be so repulsive that men don’t want to pursue a relationship with you.
But then you remember the richness of your life - a nice cosy flat, paying all your own bills, having friends who love you unconditionally, and a supportive family who stands by every decision you make. In the grand scheme of things, your life is fulfilling in its own right, far beyond the confines of a romantic relationship.
It doesn’t mean you don’t sometimes feel like you’re missing out though, but you've come to appreciate the career-driven journey that is yours alone.
Jaeyun's laughter fills the air, warm and genuine, but there's a certain intensity in his gaze as he looks you dead in the eyes. His iris’, a shade of deep brown flecked with golden hues, seem to hold a wealth of unspoken words, as if there's something he's yearning to express beyond the surface banter.
“Like high school? As in you’re too busy to notice people looking your way?” he quips, his voice light but tinged with a hint of vulnerability. There's a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a silent recognition of the unspoken truths dancing between you due to one letter.
This damn letter.
“You did mention how you would always look at me. Although, you made it very clear you were not a stalker,” you remark with a snort of laughter, thinking back to the playful disclaimer he had included in his letter. The tension between you dissipates slightly as you both chuckle loudly with one another much like before.
Even when the air is awkward, you both still manage to find comfort in it. Perhaps it’s because you both share feelings that none of you are aware of. As far as you’re concerned, he left those feelings behind in secondary school, and he thinks you’ve never cared about him at all.
Jaeyun covers his face as the memories invade his mind of writing and re-writing the paragraph to make you abundantly aware that he did not sit outside your house at night and watch you through the window - a sentence which was in the first draft - or that he didn’t transfer classes to National 3 Maths to be close to you - even though he did and he should have graduated high school with National 5, sacrificing his academic standing just to have the seat close to yours.
“Can I read it? I need to know what I should specifically be apologising for,” Jaeyun titters, his voice muffled by the palms of his hands as he peeks through his fingers at you. The request hangs in the air, laced with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, as if he's both eager and apprehensive to revisit the words he had penned so long ago.
Reaching for your phone in your bag, you nod, trifling through the empty wrappers of gum and secret chocolate bars you sneakily eat in the office. The last time you ate your well-deserved Mars bar, your boss made a snide comment about how you must be starting your period soon. It’s men like him that make Jaeyun’s bare minimum of thanking the waiter a much-needed standard.
You retrieve your phone and open up the letter, passing it to him which he awkwardly accepts, smiling apologetically at you already for whatever 16-year-old him thought was appropriate to say. He begins to scroll, his face changing from amusement to disdain and then back to amusement. Yet one solid feature is etched on his face the entire time, hiding behind the other emotions he is portraying but you can’t figure it out.
You observe Jaeyun as he clicks the phone to lock it, a myriad of emotions flickering across his face before he passes it back to you. There's a hint of apprehension in his eyes, mingled with a quiet resignation, yet he does what Jaeyun does best; he smiles and washes his true feelings away.
“It was even more cringe-worthy than I remember, I seriously gotta apologise that you had to read all of that,” he says with a self-deprecating chuckle, his tone light but carrying a hint of genuine remorse. It's his way of deflecting, of downplaying his confession, but you can't help but sense the underlying sincerity beneath his words.
"I honestly thought it was a joke when I opened it and saw your name," you admit softly, wary of your words. You don't want him to think you found his feelings laughable, but rather that receiving a love letter at all was the punchline, particularly back then.
Contrary to his portrayal in the letter, you didn't consider yourself pretty or beautiful in high school. You felt average, plagued by acne, with scars that still dot your face as lingering reminders. Your hair was often a mess, your face untouched by makeup, and you never settled on a style, finding them all too mismatched with your personality.
Upon hearing your confession, Jaeyun's eyes widen in disbelief. "Seriously? Why?"
You shrug, picking up your glass and swirling it thoughtfully before responding. "You were with Chris and the others, and let's be honest, they weren't exactly my best friends," you scoff, recalling the snide comments his friends used to make in passing, or the 'accidental' bumps that would cause you to drop your phone or books.
There is a pregnant pause in the air as Jaeyun's expression softens with understanding, a hint of regret shadowing his features. "I'm sorry you had to deal with all that," he murmurs, genuine remorse colouring his tone.
You offer a small, dismissive wave of your hand, attempting to brush off the memories. "Water under the bridge now," you say, though the bitterness still lingers beneath the surface. It wasn’t his fault; he had no control over his friends' actions, and in hindsight, he was the one in the group who never laughed at your discomfort or instigated trouble for you. He was always there to offer you an apologetic smile when you needed it.
Back then, it was hard to see him as an individual from the others, considering he was always by their side. But in retrospect you realise that your crush on him had been rooted in an unspoken recognition of his genuine and kind nature, even if in high school you couldn’t fully see it. You never hated him, the opposite in fact, and there was a reason for that.
A chuckle escapes Jaeyun's lips, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "If it makes you feel better, I got my wish," he says, laughter lacing his words as he knocks back the rest of his drink. "Half of them peaked in school, and Chris is divorced and balding as we speak."
You can't help but laugh along with him, the irony not lost on you. "Well, karma works in mysterious ways," you quip, raising your glass in a mock toast to the twists of fate.
Jaeyun grins, clinking his glass against yours. "Cheers to that."
Settling comfortably back in your seat, you smile fondly at him. Despite the heaviness of the conversation, you feel at ease. There’s something about him that makes you feel safe, a sense that no matter what’s going on in your mind, he can calm you down. You recall his words in the letter, how he could look at you and instantly feel better.
Jaeyun's gaze holds a gentle intensity, his eyes sparkling with a glint of satisfaction as he observes your visibly relaxed state. "It's nice seeing you like this," he murmurs softly, a hint of warmth lacing his voice. "I always hoped we'd have a moment like this someday."
You hum softly, grinning sheepishly at the prospect that Sim Jaeyun could have thought about you even after your school years. It does beg the elephant in the room to be addressed, however, both of you sneaking around the main focus of his written word.
"In the letter," you begin, feeling a curious mix of apprehension and anticipation swirl in your chest. The question hovers on the tip of your tongue, laden with the weight of untold possibilities. "Why didn’t you ask me out?"
The inquiry catches Jaeyun off guard, momentarily stalling his easy demeanour. He blinks, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before he recovers with a thoughtful expression. It's evident that he hadn't anticipated such directness from you, despite knowing your inquisitive nature all too well.
Straightening out his jacket with a nervous flick, Jaeyun adjusts his posture to convey a sense of faux confidence. He clears his throat and licks his lips, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I shouldn’t have been a coward," he admits, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
Jaeyun's candid admission bubbles shock into you, yet you find it refreshing coming from a man. You nod in understanding, silently acknowledging his confession.
"You were just…you," he says, meeting your eyes with candour. "Smart, attractive, career-oriented, and determined to change the world. And I was just a screwy little kid with no life aspirations and nothing to offer a girl like you."
His words resonate within you, with a genuine honesty that is both disarming and charming. Despite his self-deprecating tone, you can't help but be empathic to the vulnerability he's exhibiting.
"I didn't see you that way," you say, your voice soft but genuine, hoping to convey that you never considered him beneath you. In your view, you could never be on his level, not in a negative sense, but in the understanding that he exuded charisma and confidence that seemed out of reach. Your personalities were too contrasting, with him being cool and outgoing, while you felt you would have fallen short.
Jaeyun lets out a rueful laugh, a wry smile playing on his lips. "You didn't see me at all, did you?" he replies, his tone carrying a mix of self-awareness and resignation.
His words hit you like a blow to the chest, a painful realisation dawning upon you. You wince, feeling yourself crumble inward, the weight of missed opportunities and unspoken truths bearing down heavily on your shoulders. If you had stuck your head out of your own bubble, maybe you would be sitting and having a drink with him as something more than high school could haves.
"I'm sorry about that," you say, your voice laced with regret. "I was so focused on studying and staying away from your crowd that I just didn't see."
Jaeyun's expression softens, his features reflecting a mixture of empathy and knowing. "It's alright," he says gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on yours. “The way you were back then, it was exactly the reason I lo-, I liked you so much,” he confesses sheepishly, stumbling over his words as he skirts around the most obviously avoided topic of his letter.
Shaking off the intensity of the moment, Jaeyun gestures for the waiter to return, his easy smile returning as he orders more drinks, figuring that if he’s sipping, he isn’t saying something he might regret. 
“So, tell me about being a lawyer.”
For the next three hours, you both speak about everything and anything; from his adventurous travels to your disastrous dates, from your awful bosses to the state of the government, you discuss it all. Each topic seamlessly flows into another, and you find yourself conversing with ease, as if you're best friends on your weekly catch up.
As the evening progresses, you've shared stories, laughter, and even a few moments of vulnerability. The wine has flowed freely, the bottle emptying with each heartfelt story, while Jaeyun has indulged in his fair share of Jack and Coke, the familiar burn of the alcohol helping to dissolve any lingering feelings of apprehension.
Despite the passage of time and the years spent apart, it feels as though no time has passed at all. You find yourself effortlessly connecting with Jaeyun, discovering new facets of his personality with each shared anecdote and heartfelt confession. You wonder if you would have gotten along this well in secondary school.
"Is this you back for good then or?" you ask, the wine buzz kicking into your system enough to make you lean forward, resting your chin on your hand as you gaze at him with an undercurrent of longing.
Jaeyun's expression softens, his eyes never meeting yours but they shine with a hint of something you cannot put your finger on. "I'm actually going to Malta the day after tomorrow. This was just a flying visit," he replies, his tone tinged with a sense of wistfulness.
The news comes as bittersweet to you because just as you had Jaeyun within reach, he is also leaving you just as quickly. But you’re also envious that while you have to get up early and represent people in a boardroom who only see value in money and nothing else, he is galavanting to another dream destination.
"Ugh, I am so jealous!" you proclaim, unable to hide the playful pout that forms on your lips. Your declaration elicits a hearty laugh from Jaeyun, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he shakes his head, seemingly amused by the idea of someone successful like you being envious of him.
Because little do you know, that behind the facade of excitement of his adventures lies a loneliness he's kept hidden for years. He couch surfs, has little money to his name, and lacks solid friends to call in times of need. He hasn’t even seen his family in years, missing out on cherished moments like Christmas and birthdays. Despite the allure of adventure and freedom, his heart aches for companionship, for someone to share his experiences with.
As if a lightbulb goes off atop his head, he bites his lip and begins to speak. “You could co-”
“Sorry guys, we actually need this table for a last-minute reservation, could you sit at the bar until a free table is available?” The interruption from your waiter cuts off Jaeyun before he can finish his sentence, leaving him momentarily stunned.
You glance at your phone and smile, "It’s getting late anyway so we should go. Thank you though," you respond politely, masking any disappointment you might feel.
Jaeyun nods in agreement, thanking the waiter once again before standing up. He holds out his hand for you to take as you rise from your chair, an action that sends butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It’s not the gesture itself but the way he extended his hand without thinking about it.
Taking Jaeyun’s hand, you stand up, careful not to bump into anything as you step out from behind the table. Together, you retreat outside, the cool night air hitting your alcohol-flushed faces, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the crowded restaurant. The sensation brings a sense of relief, washing away the residual tension from the interrupted conversation.
Jaeyun notices the icy air, but instead of embracing it, his gaze falls on you, and he can't help but notice how your thin blouse must be providing little protection against the chill. Swiftly, he takes off his jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, adjusting it with care to ensure you're snug and warm.
You're taken aback by his offer, feeling a rush of gratitude and warmth flood through you at his thoughtful gesture. "Thank you," you say softly, a smile touching your lips as you pull the jacket tighter around you.
He returns your smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine affection. “Let me walk you home?” he offers, his tone gentle yet insistent.
You hesitate for a moment, trying to save him the inconvenience, but he's not fooled. Jaeyun knows the dangers of a woman walking alone at night, and while he trusts your ability to handle yourself, he wouldn't feel right if he left you and something did happen. Plus, deep down, he relishes the opportunity to spend as much time with you as possible.
Touched by his concern, you look up at him and offer a small smile. "I only live down the road, I'll be fine," you assure him, though the underlying appreciation in your voice is evident.
Jaeyun shakes his head with determination, a glint of resolve in his eyes. "I insist," he says firmly, reaching for your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I won't take no for an answer."
His sincerity and insistence warm your heart, and you find yourself relenting, knowing that his company will make the short walk home all the more enjoyable. With a grateful nod, you lead the way, feeling a sense of comfort and safety in his presence as you navigate the dimly lit streets together.
You really do only live about 10 minutes away, so the walk is quick by usual standards. Yet, tonight, you find yourself taking your time, savouring each step as if seeing the world through a new lens. Perhaps it's the lingering effects of the wine, or maybe it's the comforting presence of Jaeyun's hand in yours, but suddenly, the world feels lighter and fresher than it did just this morning.
As you stroll through the streets, you notice the ebb and flow of life around you. People are walking into bars, some are finishing up for the day, and others are simply enjoying a leisurely evening stroll. The streets hum with a busy yet serene energy, a unique blend of activity and tranquillity that can only be found when there's no rush to get from A to B.
Reaching your apartment building, you slow your pace, allowing yourself to take in the familiar surroundings with newfound appreciation. The soft glow of the streetlights casts a warm ambience over the building's facade, while the gentle hum of the city envelops you both.
You pause in front of the entrance, turning to Jaeyun with a smile. "This is me," you say, gesturing with the hand clasped in his, pulling him out of whatever thoughts have plagued him this whole journey.
While you were admiring your hometown, Jaeyun was overcome with thoughts that, once you reach your flat, this could be the last time he sees you again. He doesn’t want to come across as greedy for your time or clingy considering this is the first time you’ve both interacted in ten years, but he had so much fun that he doesn’t want it to end here.
Luckily for him, you have the same thoughts even if you aren’t projecting them in your manner the same way he is. “Would you like to come up?”
Your invitation hangs in the air, laden with the unspoken hope of spending just a little more time in each other’s company or maybe something else. Jaeyun's heart skips a beat as he meets your gaze, seeing a glimmer of anticipation reflected in your eyes. He hesitates for only a moment, the weight of his own desires battling against his fear of overstepping.
But in the end, the pull of your company proves too strong to resist. With a soft smile, Jaeyun nods, his voice barely above a whisper. "If that’s okay, I would love to."
The thing about you both is that you’re seeking companionship in one another while also oblivious that the other feels the same way. You aren’t noticing how Jaeyun subtly prolonged the walk, pulling you back a few times as if reluctant to let the evening end. And he certainly didn’t notice the hopeful glint in your eyes as you asked him for another bout of his time, knowing what this could lead to.
As you both step into the building and make your way up the stairs to your apartment, there's a quiet anticipation between you, a sense of possibility tinged with the thrill of the unknown. Each step brings you closer together, the space between you filled with unspoken thoughts and unvoiced desires.
As you unlock the door and step inside, the warmth of your home envelops you, a comforting embrace that welcomes Jaeyun into your world. 
You are also very glad that you had that anxiety-induced cleanathon.
Jaeyun wipes his feet on your doormat before heading inside, looking around at your quaint yet busy home. “Your flat is nice. Homely.”
“I’m either here or the office so…” you explain, taking your shoes and his jacket off, discarding them on their appropriate stands. 
Since you spend a lot of evenings in your office, which is sterile and minimalistic, you wanted the opposite tone for your house. You filled it with knick-knacks and plants, every available surface adorned with shelves or posters, while the warm orange paint added a cosy glow to the environment. This was your sanctuary and you couldn’t love it any more.
You wonder if you would love it so much if your office wasn’t your only other option of residence.
You open the refrigerator and peep at the beverages you have on hand. "Do you want a beer, wine, or I can make a coffee?” You offer, grinning and looking at Jaeyun.
“Beer sounds good, thank you,” Jaeyun replies, his attention drifting towards one of your paintings that hangs just beside a free-standing bookshelf filled with your favourite romance and fantasy books.
You don’t get the chance to read as often as you would like, but when you do, it has to be filled with a romance that is so out of reach that you can convince yourself that it would never happen to you anyway. If it’s too realistic, you start to feel a little burdened at the lack of love you receive from a partner.
Grabbing a beer for him and a glass of white for yourself, you make your way over to him, extending your hand as you offer him the ice-cold drink. He accepts it with an appreciative nod and suddenly, his eyes dart over to your University degrees, each one showcasing your incredible knowledge and talent. You always ended up top of your class with first honours, a testament to your hard work.
“You really made something of yourself, Y/N. It’s incredible.” Jaeyun says softly, clinking your glass with his bottle.
“Eh, it’s all amazing and then you’re suddenly working crazy hours with not so much as a thank you,” you shrug, voice bitter as you think about all the times your dedication to your clients goes by unnoticed. You don’t do it for the acknowledgment, however, when your colleagues are getting praise for doing the bare minimum, it starts to nag at you.
Turning to you, he tilts his head, “Do you hate it?”
Do you? That’s the big question. Maybe if you had stuck to immigration law like you wanted and weren’t swayed towards corporate all because your University advisor had told you ‘It’s what is best for someone of your calibre’ then maybe, just maybe, you would be content. You aren’t being fulfilled the way you hoped you would.
“I don’t think I hate the work as much as I hate the people. They are soulless, money-hungry, misogynistic pigs with no manners,” you say spitefully, the anger bubbling inside you evident in the fire that flashes in your eyes. As much as the job might not be totally fulfilling, you think you would enjoy it more if the men in your office or those you represent had even a shred of respect for you.
Your shoulders tense, the frustration threatening to overwhelm you, but as you hear Jaeyun’s subtle laughter, you whip your head around and knit your brows together. “What?” you demand, your tone sharp with irritation. There was nothing funny in your statement, so you're finding it rather difficult to understand the chuckle that is flooding your ear.
“No, no, I’m not laughing at your struggles,” he says softly, sensing your manner change to slightly standoffish. “It’s just…you haven’t changed. You’re still passionate and driven. Just like the girl I fell in--”
He stops himself abruptly, the words dying on his lips as he realises what he was about to say. Mentally kicking himself for almost letting slip, not once, but twice tonight, he trails off into an awkward silence, the unspoken words hanging heavily between you.
But you can’t let it slide a second time. If you’re going to talk about it, now is as good a time as any.
You inhale deeply, the air heavy as you gather your courage to broach the difficult conversation. It’s not one you particularly want to have, but you know it's necessary nonetheless. Steadying yourself, you meet Jaeyun's gaze with determination, steeling yourself for what's to come.
“Jaeyun, when you wrote that you thought you loved me in that letter, was it true?”
His initial shake of the head sends a pang of disappointment through you, but before you can fully process it, he continues, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity. He places his beer on the unit beside him and takes a step forward, his expression earnest.
“No,” he begins, and for a moment, you brace yourself for the finality of his words. But then he surprises you, his next words washing over you like a wave of relief and warmth. “I didn’t think I loved you, I knew it. I just didn’t want to come across as weird or pathetic.”
His honesty leaves you momentarily speechless, your heart racing as you take in the depth of his confession. And as he reaches out, gently taking the wine from your slightly trembling hands and setting it aside, your breath catches in your throat.
With both his hands cradling your face, you find yourself drawn into his gaze, the intensity of his eyes locking with yours. In that moment, time seems to stand still, the world around you fading into the background as you lose yourself in the connection between you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, I really am,” Jaeyun admits, his voice laced with regret as he pours out his heart to you. His eyes close for a moment, as if savouring the sensation of your face under his fingertips, the soft beating of your heart a comforting rhythm in the silence between you.
“Adult me hates teenage me for not jumping on the chance to tell you how beautiful and awe-inspiring I thought you were, that I still think you are,” he continues, his words filled with raw honesty. “I was scared because you were so out of my league that I felt ridiculous for even thinking you could love me back. I fucking regret it all because even though we never spoke, I knew I wanted to be with someone as brilliant and wonderful as you. I tried so hard to find someone like you over the years and yet not one person ever compared, because there is only one you, Y/N. And I hate that you weren’t mine for even a minute.”
You have no words to say and it agitates you because here was Jaeyun, telling you how he felt and you couldn’t even give him an ounce of assurance that you would have been his if he had just asked. Your feelings back then were not as intense as his but they were real all the same. No, you didn’t love him but you wonder if you could have.
Jaeyun leans in, resting his forehead against yours, nudging your nose with an affectionate, almost playful tenderness. His warm, alcohol-tinged breath washes over your face, causing you to close your eyes along with him, immersing yourself in the intimate moment passing between you both.
“I don’t want to make the same mistake, Y/N. I can’t.”
His words hang in the air, laden with meaning and urgency. Before you can fully process them, he kisses you. It's a kiss so tender, so full of reverence, it feels as if you were a delicate rose being presented to his most cherished person.
Despite the sincerity and fondness you feel through the gentle pressure of his lips, a wave of uncertainty washes over you. He is leaving for Malta in less than 48 hours, and the thought of the impending separation threatens to overshadow the moment of intimacy you share.
But in this moment, with Jaeyun's arms wrapped around you and his lips against yours, all thoughts of the future fade away. You're consumed by the warmth of his embrace, the sweetness of his kiss, and the undeniable chemistry that ignites between you.
You know there are risks involved, that giving yourself to him could lead to heartache when he inevitably leaves. But this might be the only chance to embrace him, to have him as your own, even for a moment, just as he had wanted all those years ago. Deep down, you know that you could live to regret not taking this chance, the same way he regrets not confessing to you in fourth year.
So you let your inhibitions go, allowing yourself to be swept away by the intensity of the moment. His tongue swipes over your lips, a soft purr escaping him as he seeks to taste more than just your cherry-tinted lip balm. You can't help but surrender to the intoxicating pull of desire.
He pushes you gently against the wall by your hips, his lips never leaving yours. His senses are overwhelmed by you in every way possible: the taste of you on his tongue, your perfume drifting into his nose, the feel of your body pressing against his, and the soft echoes of your moans filling his ears. He loves it all so much that he thinks he could get addicted to it.
As Jaeyun deepens the kiss, your hands instinctively find their way to the nape of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. Each touch, each caress, feels electrifying, sparking a fervour that neither of you can ignore. The taste of him, mingled with the remnants of his drink, is intoxicating, making your heart race faster with every passing second.
Jaeyun’s hands wander from your hips, tracing the curves of your waist and back, committing the feel of you to memory. He pulls you closer, erasing any remaining space between you, the heat of his body seeping into yours. Your breaths come faster, mingling with his in the small, shared space between your mouths.
Breaking the kiss, he rests his forehead against yours once more, both of you breathing heavily. His eyes search yours, filled with an intensity that makes your knees weak. “Y/N,” he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion, “I’ve wanted you for so long, even when I thought I would never see you again, I thought about you.”
“Yeah?” you ask breathlessly, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, your fingers tangling in the soft strands.
Nodding, Jaeyun’s features shift, his gaze darkening with a hunger that makes your pulse quicken. He kneels before you, his hands moving with deliberate slowness as he finds the zip at the back of your skirt. His fingers work the zipper down, the sound of it seeming loud in the charged silence of the room.
His eyes never leave yours as he sinks down, the skirt slipping down your legs to pool at your feet, leaving you in your white panties. The vulnerability of the moment sends a shiver down your spine, but Jaeyun's adoring gaze and gentle touch reassure you.
Jaeyun places his hands on your hips, his thumbs brushing over your skin in soothing circles. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his voice filled with awe as he looks up at you from his kneeling position. His eyes trace the lines of your body, drinking in the sight of you.
The raw adoration in his gaze ignites a fire within you, and you feel a rush of emotions you can barely contain. “Jaeyun,” you breathe, your hands resting on his shoulders for balance as you steady yourself against the overwhelming surge of feelings.
His hands move from your hips to your thighs, his touch light but firm as he traces the contours of your legs. The anticipation builds with each gentle caress, your skin tingling under his fingertips. When he finally leans in, pressing a tender kiss just above the waistband of your panties, a soft gasp escapes your lips.
His touch is reverent, each movement deliberate and full of intent. He hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties, looking up at you for permission. You nod, your breath hitching as he slowly slides them down, his eyes locked on yours the entire time.
Jaeyun’s mind races as he sees you in this vulnerable state, yet he is the one who feels exposed. His feelings are pouring out of him like never before, and it’s all down to the fact that you bring that side out of him. No 16 year old should have had the emotional intelligence to decipher a crush from love, yet with you as his focus on the subject, he knew exactly what it was. While his friends were goofing off with people at parties and at the bike rack at school in a fleeting fling, he was wondering how he could make you his.
Looking at your exposed heat, he places a soft, lingering kiss just above your clit, making you jolt. You hadn’t expected him to find it so quickly, yet, it was as easy for him to find as a horse in a cow farm, like he had been doing this for years with you.
Once he feels your fingers threading through his hair, massaging his scalp, he takes it as the go-ahead to dive in deeper and explore you in ways he only imagined he could. Placing your left leg over his right shoulder and keeping his grip on your thigh for balance, he dips his tongue into your folds, moving in slow but strong strokes, lapping your taste up in his mouth. If your lips had him intoxicated, your pussy had him obsessed.
You throw your head against the wall and buck your hips up to open yourself up further to him, allowing him the privilege to get lost between your thighs and drink you up like a man deprived of cold water on a hot day. He’s so eager to please you that you can sense how much he is enjoying this, maybe even more than you are. 
Jaeyun’s tongue swirls at the entrance of your core before he pushes in, tracing the bumps of your wall as he explores your pretty pussy and its tightness; he can only imagine what his cock will feel like clamped inside you, if you grant him the honour to do so.
One thing you crushed on Jaeyun the most over in secondary school was his nose - the prominent feature stood out against everything else and you couldn’t help but marvel at it from time to time. Big noses have been your weakness since your hormones started to kick in and Jaeyun’s was perfect. You know this for a fact now as it brushes on your clit as he slurps and sucks up your cunt.
You revel in the sensation, how his enthusiastic and skilled mouth shivers down your spine. It's a testament to his attention to detail, his dedication to your pleasure evident in every movement, every touch.
His hands paw at your thighs as he loses himself in worshipping your mound. It’s tang on his taste buds only driving him further into madness - he can’t believe how lucky he is in this moment, so much so that he is grinning like a Cheshire cat as he continues to devour you.
“Jaeyun-” you breathe out sharply, the air in your chest leaving your body as he licks fast stipes up to your clit, focusing his attention where he knows you want it most. It is truly remarkable how well he knows you despite only knowing you from afar until now. 
“Tell me what you want, baby,” he mumbles into your cunt, burying his face into you as he laps up the juices that are leaking from your hole, “I’m here to please you, please let me.” Jaeyun doesn’t mean for it to come off as begging but he is so desperate for you he can't help it; and when your thighs tense slightly at his words, he thinks perhaps you want him to plead with you.
You’re so used to being around men who think that they own you, that are superior to you, that as Jaeyun asks you to let him pleasure you, it's a refreshing change. His words, muffled against your wetness, carry a genuine desire to fulfil your every desire. You can feel the sincerity in his actions, the earnestness in his plea.
“I want you to make me cum, please, Jaeyun. I need it so bad,” you whisper into the hot atmosphere that surrounds you both. You’re close and he can sense it too and right now, that is all you care about. You need to feel that satisfaction rush over you, your body is aching for it because it knows Jaeyun can bring you to that peak.
Whimpering below you, Jaeyun loses all sense of control and picks up his pace, his fingers now circling your entrance before slipping into you, scissoring you open in a mix of gentleness and roughness. He loves the idea of being able to touch you like this and make you release over his hand and tongue.
Nibbling at your clit is the final straw and you feel that tightness in your stomach and clench in your pussy as you cry out, cumming all over his face. The whites of your eyes come to the forefront as your entire body rolls and the wave of your climax consumes you like a tsunami. The grip you have on his hair tightens and you hold him in place, your body riding his face as his nose, tongue, and fingers work in tandem with you to help you ride out your high.
You don’t think you’ve cum so hard from just oral, these types of experiences being between you and your toys. Jaeyun is a man above the rest and you can’t wait to have more of him.
As he gently guides your leg back to the ground, his hands steady you as you tremble in the aftermath of pleasure. His thoughts wander, contemplating the possibility of lingering between your thighs for just a few more precious moments, coaxing yet another orgasm from your willing body.
For Jaeyun, the idea of bringing you to such heights of ecstasy is not just a source of pride but pure joy. The thought of surrendering himself completely to your pleasure fills him with a sense of fulfilment like nothing else. In a world where some might find embarrassment, he finds only bliss in the act of surrendering to his woman, to you.
Looking down at him, his eyes locking with yours past your heaving chest, you moan quietly at the sight of him; his hair dishevelled thanks to your hands, your juices over his face and lips which he wipes his fat tongue along to collect, and his eyes filled with pure adoration and lust.
You’re never going to be able to let him go.
Tracing a path of tender kisses along your body, his lips remain in constant contact with your skin, leaving a trail of warmth and sensation in their wake. With each gentle press of his lips, he conveys his adoration and reverence for every inch of you. It's a silent yet powerful declaration of his desire to explore and worship every part of your being.
Once he reaches your neck, he stops, nibbling softly at your nape. "God, you taste so good," he murmurs against your skin, his breath warm against your neck. "I could spend forever right here, just worshipping you."
His words send a shiver down your spine, a delicious anticipation building within you at the thought of what's to come. You tilt your head slightly, granting him better access, silently urging him to continue his actions. 
"I could lose myself in you," he continues, his voice husky with desire. "Every touch, every kiss, I want to claim every part of you for myself, even just for tonight.”
His honesty pangs in your chest because what if it is just for tonight? The probability of that is high and yet you don’t dare think about it, the revelation too upsetting for you to consider. So you push it down, committing yourself to enjoy this, regardless of the what-ifs. Having him now is all that matters and you’re going to relish in it.
Grabbing his t-shirt, you yank it off his body and kiss him desperately, your arms finding home around his neck as you waltz him to your bedroom, thankful for your familiarity with your apartment as you weave around coffee tables and decorative baskets.
As you reach the bedroom, a primal need surges between you, an urgency and determination unlike anything you've experienced before. With a sense of raw desire, you turn him around and push him onto the bed, your actions driven by an irresistible force that neither of you can deny.
Straddling him, you see his face light up in excitement and glee as you initiate the next move. Jaeyun loves it when his eagerness is reciprocated and by the way your thighs are squeezing each of his sides and your hands are cradling his face as you kiss him messily, he feels so wanted at this moment.
His hands eagerly grasp at your blouse, urgency guiding his movements as he tears it open and discards it aside. With unbridled desire, he buries his face into your chest, kissing and nibbling at the exposed flesh above your bra. Fingers knead and lift your tits, enhancing the sensation as he revels in the intimate contact between skin and skin.
The heat between you intensifies and Jaeyun's ardour only grows stronger. His lips trail from your chest to your neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive skin, igniting a flurry of sensations that ripple through your body.
With a skilful touch, his hands explore the curves of your body, tracing the contours with a fervent hunger. Fingers dance over the fabric of your bra, teasingly tracing the edges before deftly unhooking it, revealing your breasts in all their glory.
“You’re a fucking dream, Sweetheart,” he confesses, knowing that you have, in fact, clouded his dreams some nights. “You always have been.”
Grabbing his chin gently, you lift his eyes to meet yours and smile fondly, showcasing your affection through your sparkling pupils. “You’re so pretty, Jaeyun,” you utter quietly as each syllable matches the thumping in his chest.
Jaeyun flushes red and smiles brightly, like you’ve just called him a good boy and he’s your golden retriever. What you don’t expect is for him to open his mouth just wide enough to poke his tongue out, asking for something.
It takes a moment for you to grasp his silent request, but once you do, your hold on his chin transitions to his jaw, gently urging it wider as you oblige, softly spitting into his waiting mouth. A soft whimper escapes his throat as his eyes flutter closed, savouring the intimate exchange with an fervour.
Emboldened by the connection between you, you lean in closer, your lips brushing against his in a silent promise of more to come. His response is immediate, a soft moan escaping his lips as he eagerly presses himself against you, seeking to deepen the connection between your bodies.
You feel his clothed cock against your naked heat and suddenly the room is filled with explicit moans, both of you dry-humping one another like horny teens. It’s electric and you both want each other more than any destination or University degree, it feels like you’ve found your hearts true desires in the confines of this bedroom.
“Let me have you,” His plea resonates in the air, heavy with longing and urgency, as his fingertips caress every contour of your exposed skin, eliciting a cascade of goosebumps in their wake. "Please, Y/N," he groans, his voice thick with desire, the intensity of his gaze locking with yours in an unspoken plea for surrender.
“If you let me have you,” you whisper into his mouth, ghosting your lips above his,
“Baby, you’ve had me for a lifetime.”
His response is without a moment of silence, followed by a deep kiss that ignites a fire within you both, drawing you into a passionate embrace. With a gentle yet possessive grip, he pulls you closer, his hands trailing down to caress the curves of your ass. The sharp sound of his gentle slaps mingles with your moans, echoing off the walls as pleasure courses through your veins.
As the heat between you reaches its peak, you break the kiss with a soft gasp, a mischievous glint in your eyes. With a playful smirk, you slide your hands down to the waistband of his trousers, fingers deftly undoing the buttons as you tease him with each deliberate movement.
Jaeyun watches you with a mix of anticipation and desire, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he eagerly awaits your next move. You climb off him for a moment as you peel his trousers and boxers down his legs, revealing his hardened length, aching for your touch. His arousal is evident and his cock is thick and twitching with its need to be buried inside of you.
Discarding the trousers aside, you meet his gaze with a wicked grin, your desire mirroring his as you hover above him. Your eyes sparkle playfully as you slink forward, your lips caress his teasingly, then trail kisses down his chest, creating a path of fire in your wake. Jaeyun's breath hitches as he watches you with rapt attention; his anticipation grows with every second.
Your fingertips follow enticingly down his thighs as you approach his waist, sending shivers of expectation coursing through his body. You gently but firmly guide his legs apart so that you can lower yourself between them for better access.
Grinning slyly, you approach him closely, your breath ghosting over his skin as you torment him with every instant that passes. Then you take him quickly into your mouth and engulf him with a hunger that leaves him panting for air.
Jaeyun surrenders to the thrilling sensation as waves of pleasure rush over him; his hands tangling in your hair as he leads you, lost in the depths of bliss. In this moment, there is nothing but the two of you, bound together by a passion that knows no bounds.
However, as good as your mouth feels, and fuck does it feel good, Jaeyun needs to be enveloped by your warm walls, he craves it like an addiction, and he genuinely thinks that once he gets a taste of you wrapped around him, he might just have to check himself into pussy anonymous.
Using his grip on your hair, he yanks you up off of him, causing confusion to overcome your expression. “Baby, if I’m not fucking you in the next 3 seconds, I might just die,” he laughs but he is serious, you can tell he is by how he’s already grasping his cock with his freehand and holding it in position for you to sink onto it.
So that is exactly what you do. You straddle him one more, lining him up at your entrance before slowly easing your way onto him. With each inch, you take your time, allowing yourself to adjust to his size, the sensation of him filling you completely overwhelming your senses. Jaeyun's hands grip your hips tightly, guiding you as you slowly sink down onto him, his breath catching in his throat as you finally envelop him completely. 
Due to his thickness, you take your time to adjust to his size, grinding on him to open you up a bit more, not that any of you mind because as you do so, the tip of his dick is brushing inside you blissfully. 
"You're taking me so well, beautiful," Jaeyun says, his voice hoarse with need, his hands tracing patterns of heat over your skin. "I was made for you.”
You begin to ride him while moaning gently beneath your breath. At first, your motions are shallow as you slowly elevate your hips. Each motion causes a surge of pleasure to course through your body, sparking a fire that grows more intense with each passing second.
Jaeyun's hands are firmly grasping your hips, directing you as you find your rhythm. His own groans blend with yours to create a symphony of want. Your walls are squeezing his thick cock so tight that each time he lifts you higher, the bell of his cock snags on your entrance, trapping him inside.
“You’re bouncing on my cock so well, Y/N,” he compliments as he kisses you gently on your bouncing tit. His heavy breath mists over your heart and it clenches along with your core. He’s so beautiful and adoring that he has ruined every other man for you.
As the ecstasy consumes both of you, Jaeyun's control starts unravelling and his primitive impulses begin to take over as he loses himself in the intensity of the moment. He jackhammers himself further into you with each thrust and he lets out a howl, completely losing all control of his movements. His thrusts become more frantic and more desperate as he hears your cries of pleasure.
The rhythm of your fucking frenzy transforms into a symphony of desire, the sound of his hips meeting yours echoing off the walls as he pounds into you with unrestrained passion. Each thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure rippling through your body, pushing you closer and closer to the edge of oblivion.
You cling to him desperately, lost in the overwhelming intensity as you surrender yourself completely to the pleasure that consumes you. With each powerful buck of his hips, you feel yourself hurtling towards the brink, the sensation building to a fever pitch as you both race towards the climax that awaits.
"F-Fuck, Jaeyun!" you groan out, your voice a mixture of pleasure and desperation as you hug his head between your cleavage, unable to contain the overwhelming sensation coursing through your body.
Jaeyun is completely lost in the moment, his focus solely on the incredible feeling of being enveloped by you. He bites down harshly on one of your breasts, leaving a bruise as a mark of his passion, eliciting a cry of pleasure mixed with a hint of pain from you.
Taking control, Jaeyun’s only objective now is to feel you cumming on his cock, so he picks up the pace, bringing your body down to lie on top of him as he sinks into your mattress. Using his legs as anchors, he thrusts into you with an otherworldly speed, each movement driving you closer to the edge.
“Come on, Sweetheart, cum all over me,” he grits out, all of his focus on his hips.
The slapping of your skin and how his tip is puncturing your cervix is enough to tumble you over, a roar leaving your mouth as you come undone just as he wanted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Jaeyun!” You can’t form coherent sentences because to put it plainly, the dick is too good. It’s rendered you dumb and the only thoughts in your mind are; Jaeyun, cock, feels good, cumming.
Smiling brightly beneath you, Jaeyun marvels at your face as you let the pleasure take over. Your eyes are screwed shut and your mouth is open wide with short breaths escaping, your chest is panting against his and he can feel your heart race against his.
“That’s it, baby. God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” Jaeyun whispers earnestly.
As you start to relax into the aftermath of your second orgasm of the night, he picks up the pace again, now content to seek his own release. Clawing down your back, he holds your hips still and batters into your sensitive and spent pussy, knowing that the beating it just took must have left you sore, so he needs to cum quickly.
You aid him in his quest for release, showering him with kisses across his chest, neck, and face, your droopy eyes still gleaming with adoration despite the ache that lingers within you. "Jaeyun, you're fucking me so good," you whisper gently into his ear, nibbling at his lobe in a gesture of encouragement that sends a jolt of electricity coursing through him, his length throbbing inside of you in response.
Empowered by your words, Jaeyun's rhythm becomes even more intense, his movements propelled by an innate urge to reach his climax, which between your tight cunt and your seductive words, it doesn’t take him long.
"I'm cumming, fuck, I'm cumming, Baby," Jaeyun mewls, his voice strained with desperation as he tries to push you off of him, but you hold him firmly in place, unwilling to let him escape the imminent release.
With a whispered plea, you encourage him to let go completely, to surrender to the intoxicating pleasure that courses through both of you. "Cum inside me, Jaeyun. Let me feel you," you urge, your voice filled with lust and longing.
He shakes his head and tries to roll over to pull out, yet you remain headstrong and unyielding to his attempts of escape. “I have the implant, Jaeyun, you can cum in me as much as you want.”
The lawyer in you is furious that you’re letting him bust a nut inside of you due to your irresponsibility, but the happy and content you is relishing in the fact that any second, you’re going to be filled with Sim Jaeyun’s seed.
Looking deep into your eyes, he sees you’re serious and huffs out a laugh of joy. It's not that he didn't want to experience the ecstasy of releasing inside you - ask the stars, he did - but he also understands the importance of being responsible.
However, as you resume your rhythm, bouncing on his cock and firmly holding him down by his chest, any lingering hesitation evaporates. He becomes consumed by the overwhelming pleasure, his primal instincts driving him to chase his climax with an intensity that matches yours.
“Cum for me, Jaeyun, please,” you beg, wanting nothing more at this moment.
Coaxed by your words and the overwhelming pleasure coursing through him, Jaeyun succumbs to the irresistible urge to release deep inside you. With one final, powerful thrust, he empties himself into you, his hips stilling as he rides out the waves of his high.
"Fuck, Baby, fuck I'm cumming, don't stop."
The sounds that escape his lips are a symphony of pleasure, soft yet needy, low but whiney, a perfect embodiment of every fantasy you've ever entertained. As you massage his chest and shoulders, soothing him down from his orgasm, his features are painted with bliss and love, a smile mirroring your own as he gazes at you with adoration.
"You're amazing, truly out of this world, Y/N L/N," Jaeyun huffs out, his voice filled with reverence and admiration.
Gently moving you off him, he guides your head to the pillow before hovering over you, peppering your lips with affectionate kisses. Finally, he settles on top of you, his head resting against your chest, the steady rhythm of your heartbeat calming him instantly.
Resting his chin in the valley between your breasts, Jaeyun's touch is gentle as he reaches up, tenderly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. There's a glimmer of something in his eyes, a silent contemplation that leaves you wondering what he's about to say next.
For a fleeting moment, you fear he might choose to end the encounter, bidding you farewell with a polite smile and a promise to call. But to your surprise, he does the opposite.
"Come with me, Y/N," he says, his voice soft yet filled with determination.
Stunned, you feel your chest tighten as you replay his words in your mind, each repetition only adding to the disbelief that swirls within you. There is no way he is asking you this when this is the first time you’ve really spoken to one another. He might as well be asking a blind date he’s just met to leave with him.
"What?" you manage to utter, blinking at him in shock.
For Jaeyun, however, there's no hesitation. In his heart, nothing has ever felt more right. He's harboured feelings for you for so long that now, with you in his arms, he's determined not to let you slip away so easily, even if that means proposing a notion that can be deemed outlandish.
"To Malta, to everywhere you want to go," he continues, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability. "Come with me."
You stay silent, nervously biting your lip, there isn’t much you can say, your inner battle between your head and your heart make it difficult to hear anything clearly. 
Noticing your silence, he offers you a gentle smile and grabs one of your hands, kissing your palm gently. “Y/N, you’re miserable here, I can feel it. You’ve practically said it yourself,” he argues with you even if he cannot hear your turmoil, “Think about it; you come with me, experience everything you’ve ever wanted, study Immigration Law at one of those Open Universities if you want, or do literally anything else that makes you happy.”
You shake your head. "I'm not miserable, Jaeyun."
“Then tell me you’re happy.”
Silence ensues. A profound quietness fills the space because...you can't. You can't fabricate happiness. Are you content with your life? Undoubtedly. But true happiness eludes you. Until he posed that question, until you stood eye to eye with him, you had mistaken contentment for fulfilment, believing that your family and friends held the key to your happiness, that working hard to get to the top of your law firm was all you could want. But you aren't truly happy.
“Y/N, I came here for you,” he admits, his voice just above a whisper.
“What do you mean?” you ask, confusion palpable in your manner.
“I was supposed to be leaving the UK straight to Malta. I had my bags packed and ready to go and then I got your message on Instagram. Before I could even reply, I was changing my flight to come home to see you. I just…I couldn’t let the chance of seeing you pass me by,” his voice quivers with raw emotion as he speaks, his grasp on your hand tightening,  “Do you know how many times I’ve hovered over that stupid send button, desperate to reach out but was too scared to? When you got that letter and messaged me about it, I knew this was my only shot and I couldn’t waste it.”
Jaeyun, deep down, is still the scared teenage boy who wrote you that letter. You can see him fighting himself, terrified that as he pours his heart out to you that it’ll be a disaster, but he has spent so long contemplating what life could have been had he just plucked up the courage that right now, he’s powering through his insecurities to try and reach your heart.
You sit up, intertwining his fingers in yours as a form of reassurance. “Did you come here to see if I would come with you?” you query, the tone of your voice light despite the heaviness of the subject.
"No, I came here because I wanted to see you and...to see if I could find some closure for teenage me," Jaeyun begins, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your hand. The nakedness of both of you both being and soul amplifies the vulnerability that envelops you. "But I can't bear the thought of losing you again."
"You don't really know me, Jaeyun," you counter, not with hostility but with a sense of realism. 
How could he be so sure he wants you by his side when he knows you as far as he could throw you? Sure, you have both connected in a way you didn’t know was possible in the past 7 hours, and you have in some way known one another for years, but you don’t know each other. Not enough to leave the country with him…right?
With a sigh, Jaeyun gently strokes your hair, his gaze softening with affection. "I do know you, Y/N. I see you for everything you are, I always have," he insists, his voice now infused with unwavering determination. “I don’t know if I love you the same way I did ten years ago, we’re both different people. But I want the chance to find out, I want the chance to fall in love with you as you are right now.”
You stare into his eyes, contemplating your future. You could stay here and go about your life as is, sitting in a swimming pool of ‘what could have been’, forced to see bosses who could never give you the time of day, or you could follow Jaeyun, explore the world and let your hair down, meet new people and enjoy everything that life is supposed to be. Pragmatically, you have enough savings to get you by and worst case, you work shitty jobs in beautiful cities.
There is nothing holding you back except yourself.
With a beaming smile, you nod a silent promise to him. “Can we go to Venice?”
Jaeyun's eyes widen in surprise at your request, a flicker of disbelief dancing in their depths. But as he takes in the earnestness in your gaze, the longing for adventure and new beginnings, his heart swells with a profound sense of gratitude.
"Venice, huh?" he echoes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Let's do it.”
The words hang between you, laden with the promise of excitement and possibility. You leap forward and kiss him, pushing his back onto the mattress once again, enjoying the moment with him, knowing it’s not the end but the beginning of future you.
perm taglist: @immortalvee @snoopypupp @sunpov @heeseungspookie @strawberrysavi @monstanctiny21 @diorsyun @heexzbae @pockettwinzz @yzzyhee @baekhyunstruly @zeeloveshee @haechonly @berryblog @emi-en @no-mannerism @jaehoonii @notevenheretbh1 @iikeustar @shawnyle
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chlmtsdoll · 19 days
Guys I loved writing the first short n sweet inspo fic so here’s more bc that ovulation album is too good <3
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౨ৎ Summary: your hosting a slumber party at Art’s mansion. But you can’t quite stay away from your pull to get the man in a room where there are no others. Inspo from Bed Chem by Sabrina Carpenter 🤍
+ 18 | very much smut !, unprotected sex, age gap, (reader early 20’s) dilf!Art, size kink, first daddy kink fic (omg) semi-public sex, oral (f) reviving, pet names, this made me feel a bit slutty just writing it, needy!reader, fatherly Art ;)
A/N: the fucking edits on tiktok of Mike to Bed Chem are making me go insane ! just when I thought there was no possible way for me to be crazier over this man omfg. So I had to give the girls a fic to go w it ofc <3
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It was like fate. The day you met him.
Nothing could of been more perfect when the stars aligned to bring you to accompany your solid group of trust fund friends to one of his tournaments that evening. You were like most girls your age, makeup, pop music, nice ornaments for your wardrobe — you weren’t the kind of girl that could say she knew much about sports, and certainly little to nothing to be caught landing a seat at the us open... but eventually that grew to be a substantial part of what found him to be so drawn to you.
It was that day when you’d been in the bleachers watching the blonde play like it was his life’s greatest prophecy. For the first time in your still too little years of living, you’d never felt that aroused by a man you’d only saw from the mere view of him hitting a ball with a racket.
But he was unearthly.
Built like how men used to be. Face like it came straight from heaven. Serve like he knew a thing or two in bed.
You were drunk on want, need for him. You were damn lucky your friends were loaded enough to go to all the after parties with most of the star athletes. It was insane to you that you would follow the vip and your most sports driven friends (enthusiast if you will.) to where the elites spend their time. You wanted a nice hang out. Good food. Expensive drinks. But it was between you and the universe that you’d leave with so much more.
You were in a sheer dress and kitten heels when he spotted you. Just his star studded sly smile from across the event hall, when he saw you and your friends conversing in mostly a pretentious manner like most kids your age did when they could afford the lifestyle most people only dreamed of. But not you, you were entranced, pulled away. By his wide, blue eyes that you assumed filled with the same yearn you’d been struck with. And to your quick manifest, Art was gazing right back at you.
Only sharing a couple brief exchanges with the tall and stature, modest but kindly — beautiful and magnetic man around mutual friends, before you’d both been rushed to leave. Him with his team, and you with your entourage.
Like that you were tied to the tennis star in the blink of a moment. And Soon enough — being photographed with him around the heat of the city.
Games, athlete dinner parties, press events. Even photos of you two sharing more than a couple of words, maybe even kisses, behind menus at glamorous rooftop restaurants. Magazine outlets went crazy through the roof in just a few weeks time. Milking whatever they could out of Art Donaldson and his controversially younger girlfriend.
They didn’t have enough tabs on what you two had officially been to one another and that was perfect for the two of you. Because now that time has pushed you and the blonde closer and more into each other — you’d spend days and nights locked away with Art in his new found mansion post his former divorce. Home so beautifully articulated and big enough for you to be extra generous with your time with the dream boat of a man.
It would go down in history what the two of you had done in every room.
Now, a gorgeous weekend ahead of you after your week that was always filled with Art treating you to the finest cooked dinners, at home date nights filled with breezy smiles and full closeness to balance your dates out on the town. Going wherever you felt just to hold hands under umbrellas and traffic lights. With all the new adorned love in your life, and man with too much mystic taking up your time, it had been a good minute since you saw your girlfriends, caught up or shared a drink. You were just so wound up in Art and the way he treated you like a princess to, and in your own world.
So you’d asked Art if you could host a sweet little sleepover for you and your girls at the mansion — and of course he complied. It was anything for his perfect girl since the beginning.
“I could ask the chef to whip up some,” Art spoke into you as he held your hips in his vast hands running carefully over the hem of your satin bottoms as you stood in the middle of the spacious kitchen with him.
“That’s okay, I wanna do it.” You laughed softly, as you stared up at the man. “Nothing says fun girls night like making our own home made friandises”
Art had tilted his head in slight confusion with eyes in question to your tone when you’d practice what you’d been learning in your French courses on him. It was all the most adorable to you really. Your laugh echoed.
“Treats, baby.”
“I- - I knew that,” He scoffed and your giggles were infectious with delight to him.
“It’s gonna be fun. We’ll watch movies, paint our nails, share snacking tips. It’s been so long since I’ve seen the girls.”
Art grinned at the way you lit up with excitement, and his icy eyes looked down at your figure below him. He tried not to bite down on his lip at the way you were in the pajamas usually he only saw you in. Pink lace two piece jammies. Completely recognized because he got them for you. The transparency to them was way too easy on the eyes.
Arts tongue darted out to wet his lips before he questioned, “Is that what you’re wearing ? There aren’t gonna be any boys.. right ?”
“No, silly. That of course counts out you — if.. you wanna join us.” You looked up at him through your lightly mascara coated lashes, it felt as if the flirtatiousness through your gaze just hooked Art by the belt.
“No, no. I’ll give you and your friends your space, doll.” The blonde gave you a chary little smile, “I really doubt they’d want an old man around while you’re trying to have fun.”
“Quit it ! You’re not old. And they adore you.” You stood on the tips of your toes, Art met you so you could leave a sweet kiss on his cheek, with a blush to your own.
“Thank’s for letting me have this little party, baby.”
“Course, what else would be better use for all this space ? Other than for the amusement of twenty something girls.”
Art chuckled and you surely were in agreement, because when your girlfriends did arrive it was immediately shrieks of girlish camaraderie and chatter of awe as you brought them around the place of posh and eloquent nature. Your laugh could of been heard from the other side of the place where Art had eventually been stored away for the night while your hands were knee deep in cookie dough and rainbow sprinkles. Pj sets all from the brands you and your friends never stopped talking about. Having your night filled with reruns of classic movies to sipping champagne.. and the wine, red, (your pick) was certainly slipping through you as the moments went on.
You’d been with your best friend when you two had a moment alone to catch up in one of the halls of the buoyant abode. Whispers and giggles coming from between the two of you as a glass of wine hung from your palm.
“God, he was a such a cutie.” She coo’d as you two had found a very special wall of framed photos of Art from back in his prime tennis days. The blonde around your age who seemed filled with joyfully energetic faces and awards from across the globe. A smile woke upon your face as you folded your arm to admire the man you’d now call your own.
“Sometimes I wish I’d known him then,” you simpered. “But I’m beyond lucky now. Because he’s still cute, and sexier.”
You tittered fondly and your friend laughed with you as she playfully tugged on your shoulder. “You gotta lock that down, y’know… you’ll be like- - hella famous just from being a world class tennis superstars hot young wife.”
She announced as she sipped on something burgundy and you thought with a heightened grin. She couldn’t have been farther from right. And as the months go by you would fall farther and farther head over heels for Art every day. You’d be his wife in an instant. That was the dream after all, and you could certainly say you’d been living one.
“I guess I’ll just have to wait for him to put a ring on it..” You smiled with a dazed shrug as you embarked your wine glass to your lips again.
“He better.” Your friend chirped with a proud glint and you couldn’t help but stay stuck in your thought of your boyfriend who’s been just a few rooms away for the past couple of hours while you’d been enjoying all the perks of your girls making the most of their time with you. But you couldn’t help but want Art to be nearby now, and the red wine in your system maybe hit more than just your head — you couldn’t even try to fight it.
You missed your man.
So after you’d take in a few more drinks and a bit sensually themed games with your friends, you’d made your attempt escape off to find Art. Slipping away from the girls was easy when you’d have every necessity needed to execute a very graceful grown up girl sleepover provided for them.
You’d been walking down the hall heading to where his office and master bedroom would be at the end of the home, and as you passed by the lush kitchen area, to your surprise, there he was. Muscles looked enchantingly delicious in this light as they flexed to pull on the fridge handle and when he turned, his eye line met your glance staring back his way (of course you’d both arrive at the same time.) Arts lips began to curl in an amours grin when he saw your petite figure making it’s way over to him with the same like of smile across your face.
“Hi, baby. You having fun?” He glanced down at you through his blonde lashes to meet your nod, only following up with a soft titter as you stepped closer to the man. He almost immediately picked up on the lust laced within your eye and the way you slightly leaned onto the fridge door with your aura basically gooing with sex at him now. The blonde had an eyebrow furrowed as he chuckled just a bit and he sized you up.
“Are you drunk, princess?”
“No. No… no,” you shook your head.
It had been true. You weren’t drunk, but a little wine tipsy and horny ? Definitely.
Art hummed and put the back of his hand to your forehead gently as he observed your state. “Did you eat?”
“Mhm, did you ?”
“No. That’s why I came down, not to stalk you. I promise.” The man laughed, to which you did as well and you only raised your arms so they could embrace your boyfriend’s shoulders with a soft hum.
“Y’know, if you’re hungry, you can eat me.” Your finger tips grace Arts neck unashamed as you smile into the crook, and he took in a breath, proceeding to hold you close.
“Oh- -” his chuckle matched your giggle as he noticed you’d changed again. His hands were gliding up the ruffle of the even more transparent sheer cover on you’d been dressed in. Lime tinted. The shorts were near pantie like.
“Mmm, I miss you, I want you.” You peppered kisses as close as you could to his earlobe from your height and Arts breath hitched as he was weak to your slow but enticing touch to him. Fogging up his knowledge that you’d been right in the middle of the open kitchen that was just a few ways down from the living area your friends had been in.
“Here, sweetness ? Your friends- -” Art murmurs down to your ear, but you just locked your arms just above his shoulders without a care.
“And- - ? What about them ? I need you,” you whined. “I want your touch.”
“Yeah? You want me to touch you?”
You nodded again with a naughty giggle and the blonde was smirking now, his hands roamed your body. Large and groping your curves. As much as he knew what was rightful, Art just couldn’t deny your cling to him in that damn near lingerie that had him going almost unbearably hard beneath his jeans since you walked in. Feral even. It was beginning to get miserable as you pressed your dainty chest against his, he felt your nipples grow hard and sensitive against the cloth. So into his aroma, presence, like you were a moth to a torch.
He’d fallen into your pecks merging with his now. Kissing you against where the cupboards stand like your lips were candy. Your small legs stumbling as the man towered over you “Fuck, you look amazing in that set.” Art pulled away from your plump lips to view your gorgeously perfect petite body. You batted your lashes once. And his attain just couldn’t be stopped. Art slid his hands across your soft ass cheeks, massaging and kneading it in his palms before leading up to laying a solid smack which made you hiss out an excited squeal-like giggle. Your fingertips slid down his ample biceps brushed with virile bristles of hair.
“If I had known you’d like this set so much, I would of worn it much sooner for you.”
Art leaned into you and he held a sly smirk, “this was your plan all along, yeah? Wearing that to get my attention so I would come out here and fuck you in the middle of your slumber party.. you’re such a naughty girl.”
You only giggled more into his skin with a slow exhale, your freshly painted french tips exploring him as he explored you. Art took his sweet time just feeling the way your ass jiggled in his palms and you felt like you’d been going weak in the knees before his tender contact turned rough when he turned you around without warning, making you gasp.
Art made sure you could feel how hard you’d gotten him as he pressed himself to your core. Facing the counter, you lost yourself in complete bliss just to the feeling of not knowing where he’d pleasure you next — Arts restrained bulge against your clothed cunt was just something else. The blonde pushed up your sheer top just a bit and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, you made a soft noise with it.
“Feel what you do to me, pretty girl.” Art nibbled on your earlobe and you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip to subtle your smile. His hands bracing your hips as he stared down at your lacy panties and your minx-like eyes followed Arts famished expression while he licked his bottom lip.
“All yours, daddy.” Your sweet voice immediately made Art go nearly lightheaded and that was it. He melted.
The man tucked both his thumbs into the fabric and pulled your panties down clean with raucousness, followed up with him getting down on his knees before spreading you with his palms and your hands reached for the marble with a soft whimper.
“That’a girl, stay open for me.. Let me taste you.” Art huffed out before he pushed one of your legs up on the counter and you breathed out at the feeling of him making your body his toy for amusement. Art took his fingers and ran them up your folds, getting them wet with the slick of your pussy. Your cheeks turned scarlet just at the wonderful pad of his index running against your core like that , making you let out a soft, “oh..” by the way he moved to rub around your clit. Arts lips kissed on your exposed inner thighs, and your jaw became unlocked extraordinarily far when his tongue finally rolled on the soft tissue.
He was splitting you clean open on the counter as tiny whimpers escaped your throat. You were lost in the draw you had to the man making you feel surpassing of even the way you played it all out in your head. “Mmm, yeah- - yes” you panted and the man flicked his digit over your bud at the same time he’d been making out with your cunt. Letting deep groans flow throughout your opening. You’d been on the tip of your toes for him. Letting him suck where you pulsed till you’d been overstimulated if he wanted.
Your head had been spinning from the friction of his perfectly sculpted nose rubbing against your sensitive area. Art was known to be gifted with his mouth so much so, you almost wondered if your friends would have heard if you just couldn’t keep your moans level — but with the way Art held your hips, fucked his tongue into your cunt like you’d been his last meal, your anxiousness washed away. All you could do was let the shake of your thighs and Arts dripping oral member lead you to a crisp pleasurable cry.
“Shit,” Art took a brief exhale as he pulled away from your entrance, dampened lips of your juices going wide with a grin and he ran his palms over your slick thighs again,
“you’re so fucking wet for me, princess. You gonna take my dick? Let me make you feel good?”
“Mmm, please. Fill me up, Art. I wanna feel you.”
“You gotta be quite for me, baby.” Art stood to his feet.
You didn’t care. All you could think about was dick. Arts phenomenal dick. You wanted him to toss you over and split you open till you were sobbing on his thick member, your wine drunk friends would understand. A girl has her needs.
The risk made your blood pressure rise as the moment went on, when Art reached over you to tug your panties dangling from your thighs all the way down — he kicked them off to the side. Taking note of his own belt buckle and undoing it quickly, which you only grew more greedy by the sound of him unzipping his fly. The blondes aquamarine orbs swam with the need to pump you fuller than you’d ever taken him.
“Bend over for me, sweet girl..” Art breathed out softly as his slightly calloused hands ran from your hip up your spine while you did so, bending over fully and displaying your sweet dripping cunt for the mans lidded eyes. He sucked in his breath and his now aroused dick twitched when it unveiled from his boxers — going barmy with just how tiny and soft you looked beyond him.
“So fucking tight and small- - your amazing with the way you take me when I barely fit in, sweets.”
You bit down on your finger as you watched Art run his hands over your ass. Take your hips and line his cock up with your hole. He hissed at the way your soaking cunt wet his tip, you almost croaked out a deep moan at his gestures to tease your pussy. Just nodding along as you’d gone cock drunk before he’d even been in you. Your nails run at the marble counter as Art slowly burrowed into your drooling core. Working you open as his cock disappeared into your body inch by inch — he pushed your thigh higher onto the ledge as you whined at the stretch.
“Ah.. mmm- - fuck, fuck, fuck,” you groaned as you adjusted to the size of his warmth finally filling you full. Art was big. And he’d never want to put you, his sweet doll in discomfort for long, never. So when he started to plunge into you, he watched as your face scrunched up from ache to pleasure in time. His name sputtering from your mouth as you clawed at the counter top and he watched your pussy lips that were just throbbing around his erection like it was begging to be so sporadically fucked by him.
“That’s it baby doll,” his own groans heightened as his hips knock into your cervix, chasing that spot of yours till you were moaning and whimpering like a slut around him. Hole so full with yours and his pre-cum and you sucked in your bottom lip, tussled hair going wild on your back. You just had to look over your shoulder to watch him — see Arts gorgeous face as he snapped against you all shimmering with light sweat as he focused on the way a ring of your wetness pooled around his base.
“You love this, hu? Getting me to fuck you while your friends carry on without you- - At your party. But you just had to come.. looking for daddy’s cock, yeah? You love being a dirty, dirty girl for me.” Art rasped as he clenched his jaw with the overwhelming feeling of your tight cunt clenching him. It made your skin feel like it had been sparked with fire, so exhilarated. He put his hands in your hair to fuck into you as your jaw dangled open.
“Oh! F-fuck! I needed that big fucking dick, daddy… w-want you to cum all over me, mmm- -” you were choking out whimpers and your pretty little hole dripped with Arts pre-seed slipping from you, making it drag out when he pulled out of your pussy to turn you around and pick you up in one swift motion. Your high pitched gasp echoed as you wrapped your legs around the mans abdomen and Art set you on the counter. His lips curl up into a smirk and his eyes met your wide doe set ones. Slipping back into you he watched you cry out his name. Rutting into your heavenly body at this angle, hands go squeezing your thighs, and Art kept them apart as he took you at a wild pace. Hitting that gooey spot till you didn’t remember your own name. “Good fucking girl. That’s it- - such a sweet thing for me, taking all of my cock. It was made for you, doll.”
You couldn’t even catch your self as you’d leaned back on the counter and let Art pound into you. Your tits bounced with each thrust and you were shuttering as your orgasm ripped through you without warning. “Yes ! Ooh- - shit, yes yes yes…” you were whining out as you came on Arts dick. He held your legs spread as he grunted and watched you soak him uncontrollably. You loved it. Feeling like his perfect little gift. Art licked over his lips at the sight of your beauty, throwing your head back in bliss, he pulled out of you and pushed up your dainty little baby doll top — making space as he pumped his throbbing dick over your stomach till he himself came hard. Ropes shooting out on your candescent skin and making sure some got on your pussy just for the fun of it, he grinned and trailed his thumb up your gentle inner calf that had been dangling by his side.
You were whimpering like you’d gotten your brains fucked out to the sweetest soundtrack you’d ever heard. Art was so cinematic in moments like these, he leaned up to kiss at the nape of your neck, cheek, and lips.
“Pretty, perfect girl.. I love you.” Your gentleman muttered against your mouth. You smiled and sunk your teeth into your bottom lip as Art brought your panties up to help you slip them back over your thighs and to your feet as steady as you could. Dressing himself as well, he glanced down at you through his hooded eyes to see your impressively only slightly disheveled state. You were just always glowing, it was hard to make that go away anyways.
“You sleeping down here tonight?” Art buckled his pants again as he questioned you with a soft raised brow. You started to smirk at the way he was heading. You shrug.
“Maybe, maybe not… I’ll sneak into your room when they’re sleep, if you want.” You offered the man, the glint in your eye saying you’d suck his cock and let him have you in as many different positions as he’d like in a couple hours till you were all tapped out. The blonde only scuffed and towered over your presence that was still taken by your hoyden attitude, just to turn you back towards the door way.
“Go host your party.” he taunted almost fatherly, to then leave a light slap on your ass that made you giggle on the way out.
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bluelizze · 4 months
spinneraki figure skating au
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i was inspired by this tiktok of this guy ice skating to good luck babe! (this song is literally the inspo for this au)
Idk much about the actual figure skating world or anything so if anything is inaccurate to the real thing, I apologized T v T
spinner was a former hockey player and was bullied for being weak
tomura is a figure skater where the bastard afo is his coach and pressured him to win against all might (a fellow coach)
izuku, bakugo, and all might have a pretty similar plotline with yoi but that's another story
spinner was going to practice late at night when he witness tomura, already on the rink, skating like a fairy and that's when spinner decided to quit the team
this made spinner confuse bc it angered his team and he's like "but u call me weak and i'm kinda doing u a favor????"
if i were writing this as a fanfic, this would mostly be in spinner's pov bc tomura is suppose to be a mystrious but beautiful figure skater
when really, tomura is going thru a lot behind the scenes bc of afo pressuring him
eventually tomura notices spinner decided to help him and the first thing he does was to find a coach
giran recommanded mr. compress who was a former figure skater but due to some injuries, he was forced to step down but is a really good coach
which enters the rest of the lov
twice and dabi used to be figure skaters, coached by compress
himiko is a young junior figure skater, coached by compress
btw, as cliche as it sounds, tomura is in a bit of a situttion ship with dabi (that's a whole other subplot)
ANYWAYS tomura also offers some private lessons for spinner to do with him
these privates lessons helped them grow closer to one another and soon tomura starts revealing little stuff about himself
how he is not happy doing figure skating, despite it being something he always wanted to do
or smth else idk
NOW THE CONFESSION SCENE: honestly i think this is when tomura becomes the most vunarble
he tells spinner that he has seen his hockey games and wanted to get to know him but afo, being a bitch, did not let him
he doesn't really want to compete against that damn kid izuku. all he wanted was to skate (he just wanna vibe ig)
he only got together with dabi bc he was despatre to love someone and dabi was the only other person before he met spinner to relate? understand? he doesn't know
he even considered quitting but afo wouldn't allow him
spinner comforted tomura and said that they will work things out
before i forget, yes kurogiri is in the au, but he's kinda the acting coach for tomura but unlike afo, he watches over tomura's physically and mental well-being
so when he saw how spinner helped tomura, kurogiri sugguested to do a compietiion together
tomura was hesiated but kurogiri said he got sutff under control
afo will be get rid of (idk how but dw, he's gonna be gone by the end) and kurogiri becomes tomura's permitted coach or gets to be coached under compress
their first compeition together was the first time they truly had fun and felt free
tomura's outfit is my fav to think of bc i imagine he's always wore black in his costume but during his first competition without afo, he wore white instead to symbolize tomura's new beginning and the start of his healing jounry with spinner
they had their first kiss when they won :)
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𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. | 𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
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⬷ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬┊ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: felix x fem!reader (afab) // chan x fem!reader (afab)
genre: nonidol/collegegrad!felix. waitress!reader. college au. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. friends to enemies to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining. cheating. abusive boyfriend/ex. drama galore. the sexual tension is REAL in this one.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. felix is reader's estranged childhood bestie. chan is low-key an asshole in this ngl. heavy topics are mentioned such as: abusive/toxic relationships, cheating, and pathological lying. drinking/partying. the summer vibes are real in this one. there will be humor/fluff throughout to balance everything. and ofc smut too because who am i if not a whore for filthy felix smut. 😉
word count: 4.1k
summary: ever since you were born, all you've ever known is living a simple life in the small australian coastal town of bridgeport bay. you're content with working at your parent's beachside restaurant angel waves for the rest of your life, and you're happy with your place in the world - you have good friends and an even better boyfriend. that is, until everything comes to a standstill when a familiar face from the past visits town for the summer. and in the wake of his return, lee felix upturns everything you thought you were content with here in your comforting little beach town.
a/n: I literally got the inspo to write this chapter from a TikTok I once saw like, 2 months ago. and I was like, huh- that'd actually make a good fic idea!! 💀 anyways, stream skz's lola performance tmrw!!! 🫣 also, thanks to @cb97breathing for literally being my biggest cheerleader with this fic lmao, you ROCK bby and ilysm!!! 😭🥹💙 ALSO YES I JUST CHANGED MY ENTIRE TUMBLR THEME YESTERDAY SO IF YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE MY NEW LOOK IM SO SORRY- 🤡
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
Every day leading up to the party at Jeongin’s, you met Felix outside early in the morning. At first, it just started as you waking up before the sun rose to catch a glimpse of him wading into the ocean waters. 
 But then, things steadily turned into you sitting outside on your parent’s porch, just like you had on his second day back at Bridgeport Bay. And each time he acknowledged your presence there in the wicker chair, he’d come over after his swim, trickling with cerulean teardrops from the sea and smelling of warm salt and sand. 
 The two of you got to talking, as the mornings passed. And the later in the week it grew, the more you realized how much Felix hadn’t changed. He was still the taekwondo prodigy from elementary school, who had risen to fame amongst his university classmates in South Korea. He was still the goofy kid from your childhood, the middle schooler who had grown up to play weird pranks on his friends in university. He was still the kid from high school who hated tomatoes, and always asked for them on the side when his university’s canteen had ‘burger night.’
 He was everything you had known him for, but so much more too. 
 He was a grown adult, who had foraged a life of his own in a country thousands of miles away from Bridgeport Bay. He was a fully-fledged man - who had a degree in Performing Dance Arts and hoped to become a dance instructor after his summer break. 
 Not to mention, he looked very different from how you used to know him.
 Every day that passed, with him standing there in front of you, drenched in seawater, you were reminded of this fact. 
 From the chiseled abs and sculpted arms and sharp, pointed jaw. 
 When the sight of that side of him became too much, you usually called it quits - claiming that you had to get ready for the day. In reality, you just had to make a hasty escape. 
 So that you could sink to the floor in your bedroom after you had said your goodbyes. 
 So that you could listen to the raging clang of your heartbeat against your ribcage in the quietness of your room. 
 So that your mind could play that version of him over and over again in the forefront of your mind. 
 And then before you knew it, it was the day of the party and you and Yeji were driving over to Jeongin’s house in her car. Chris lived close to Jeongin’s place, so he was going to meet you guys there.
 “This party is gonna be so fucking good,” she was saying, just as she pulled up to his place. Already, there were loads of cars lining either side of the residential street. And just as you had remembered it, his quaint house was tucked right next to the beautiful mountainside of Bridgeport Bay that you had always glimpsed from your bedroom window growing up. “Like, I’ve been wanting to go to one for a while now… thanks so much for inviting me, babe.” 
 As you stepped out of her cherry-red Corolla, you flashed her an easy smile. “Yeah, no problem, I thought it’d be fun to have you tag along…” Plus, you had a feeling that you wouldn’t know many of the people at the party besides your immediate friends. And Chris, of course.  
 The two of you began to make your way over to Jeongin’s front door. You noticed the large number of people who were lingering outside, with adults who looked around your age holding bottles of beer, and couples making out while sitting on the front lawn. So basically, the usual that happened at such parties. The bass of the music vibrated through your heels and into your spine as you finally stepped through the threshold of the house. 
 Everything was dark, save for the few lanterns and candles that were lit throughout the place. Party-goers were everywhere, only getting rowdier as the minutes ticked by and the alcohol flowed through bloodlines. There was a makeshift dance floor in the center of the living room, which was almost unrecognizable from how many wriggling bodies were crammed into the small carpeted space. Men and women alike rubbed up on each other, and you quickly averted your eyes as soon as you saw a few begin to move like fucking pole dancers. 
 “I need a drink,” you said, massaging the back of your neck in awkwardness as you and Yeji flooded through the cramped hallway. It had been so long since you had been inside Jeongin’s house, but walking between the dark sage-colored walls brought you back to your teenage years when you used to come over on occasion to hang out with Felix and Jeongin and the rest of their friend group. 
 The kitchen wasn’t bustling with as many people as the rest of the ranch-style house, meaning that you could catch your breath for a few seconds. As you stood there, off to the sidelines, you watched as Yeji fetched you a beer - she was going to be the designated driver for the night, so no alcohol for her. The few guys that stood near the countertop that was overflowing with bags of chips and candy gave her silent looks of interest. 
 Your best friend had always been rather gorgeous, even at the tender age of nine, when you had initially met her. Her long, raven-black hair was silky and seemed to shine under the lights of the kitchen, and she had a perpetual smile plastered onto her face. For the party, she was dressed in a show-stopping black mini-dress that brought out the milky tone of her skin and clashed perfectly with her dark eyes and red-tinted lips. 
 On the other hand, there you were - in a simple pair of light-washed shorts and a pastel blue tank that had a small daisy print on it. Your outfit was nothing fancy, and nothing compared to the glamorous aesthetic of your best friend. But it was comfortable and you liked being comfortable. 
 Just then, you felt warm fingers thread through your own, pulling you back. You peered up to see a smirking Chris. “Hi, there, beautiful… mind if I get your name?” He asked in a low voice that was hard to hear over the blaring EDM music that was pulsing throughout the entire house. 
 Already feeling the smile brighten your entire being, you leaned up into him and gave his lips a sweet kiss. “Hi, babe- did you just get here?” Yeji stepped in front of you then, pushing a red solo cup of beer into your free hand that wasn’t currently threading through your boyfriend’s dark tresses. 
 “Nah, I’ve been here for a while- it's been nice catching up with some old friends.” Chris reached forward, grabbing the cup out of your hands and taking a big swig of the liquor. As he pulled the rim of the cup away from his mouth, he frowned slowly. “Ugh- this tastes like shit. I need to give Jeongin some pointers next time he buys the alcohol.” 
 “Hey Y/N, do you mind if I leave you here? I’m pretty sure I just saw one of my old friends from high school and I-”
 Chris was already waving a nonchalant hand in the air, pulling you a little closer to his side as he said, “Don’t worry about it, Yeji, she’s in good hands.” You drew your gaze away from your boyfriend’s chiseled jaw and offered your friend a delicate nod. 
 “Seriously, don’t worry about me and go out there and have some fun… you deserve it.” Yeji squealed at your approval, wrapping one of her arms around you and giving your side a tight squeeze before she was flitting out of the kitchen altogether. 
 Just then your boyfriend was tugging on your hand, pulling you through the threshold of the kitchen and out into the throng of people again. “C’mon, I want you to see some of the guys from high school.” By ‘guys,’ he meant his best friends from the soccer team that he had played on throughout high school. He still kept in touch with them regularly, but you didn’t hang out with them that much, so it had been quite some time since you had seen their faces. 
 “But I hate big crowds,” you whined at him as he tugged you through the bodies that were smashed together in the dining room. Felix had said that it would be a small party with just some close friends, but obviously, he had only said that to get you to come. You’d need a lot more than just one beer if you were going to get through the night unscathed and still standing. Chris pulled you out to the back patio area, passing the pool that was full of shouting drunks. “And I don’t really-”
 Your voice caught in your throat as your boyfriend finally stopped in front of the fire pit that was tucked away into the corner of the backyard. You had sat around the raging fire and had roasted marshmallows one time before, back when you were a junior in high school and it was winter out. 
 There, sitting around the fire, were a handful of Chris’ former teammates from high school. And also, some of Felix’s groupies. 
 And then, there was… 
 Felix, too. 
 He was sitting in a lawn chair that was pulled up close to the fire. He was tipping his head back as he took a long draw from his glass that looked full of coke. He had never been a big alcohol drinker. Similar to you, he was dressed down - in tight black jeans and a baggy graphic tee. A single thin silver chain hung around his neck, drawing attention to his exposed clavicle. 
 It took him a moment to notice you, but as soon as he did, he was rising from his seat and darting over to your side. “Y/N- hi, happy you could make it!” He exclaimed cheerfully, as he gave you a quick side hug. 
 Almost instantly, Chris was pulling away from your form and finding a seat near his friends, seemingly forgetting about your presence right then and there and instead focusing on his old friends. 
 You gave Chris a glare from the way that he was practically abandoning you around a bunch of near-strangers. But you managed to flash Felix a faint smile, “Yeah, thanks for inviting me. Although, I didn’t think there’d be this many people here…” Your voice trailed off, as your eyes followed the line of people that were spaced around the pool’s edge, jumping into the blue-tinted water or chatting with alcohol in hand. 
 Felix ran a nervous hand through his blonde locks, grimacing quietly, “Jeongin said it was just gonna be a quiet thing. But, obviously, he invited more than just a few people.” Rolling his eyes at that, he motioned with a tilt of his head to the two empty chairs that were nearby. “Wanna roast a couple of marshmallows with me?” 
 “I’d love to.” You said with a grin, as you took a seat beside the fire. Immediately, the warmth enveloped you, calming your racing heart and forcing you to relax in your chair. 
 Your anxiety was just from the large party. 
 You had never been a big fan of immense crowds. 
 Yeah, it was definitely from that. 
Felix kept his gaze on you as he slid two fluffy white marshmallows onto separate roasting sticks. “I thought you were bringing Yeji tonight.” He gave you one of the sticks, and you soon leaned forward and slowly began to roast your marshmallow. 
 “She’s here- just off catching up with some of her old friends from high school,” you began, as you watched the flames lick around the whiteness, biting into the gooey skin and toasting it a beautiful brown colour. “You know how it can be sometimes… time slips past you when you meet friends from the past.” 
 Your eyes flitted over to his form then, and he caught your stare. The air seemed to halt around you, the tension snapping between you as his face darkened somewhat. The starry-night sky did little to brighten the atmosphere, the waning crescent moon shining high above your head and casting a light glow across his freckled cheeks. 
 Like the fucking elephant in the room, you both knew that your words were meant for more than just Yeji and her friends. 
 “Mhm- it can be a lot to deal with when you see old friends again.” He mused in a low voice, one that you knew was only meant for you to hear. His gaze slid away from you then, as he focused all his energy on smushing his browned marshmallow between two pieces of cinnamon graham crackers and a slab of milk chocolate. “Here,” he moved towards you, offering up the s’more with delicate fingers. 
 You snorted incredulously, pushing his hand away from your face, “That’s yours, Felix.” 
 “Well, I want you to have it.” 
 And before you could offer up any more protests, he was shifting against your side, shoving the sweet thing into your open hand. Fingers brushed across fingers, and you were jolted backward from the contact. From the softness of it all. From the feeling of his palm swiping against your knuckles. 
 “Besides, I’ve already had like, five tonight. I don’t need any more marshmallows for a while.” 
 Quietly, you took a tiny bite out of the warm dessert. The sugar burst across your tongue, and you were brought back to your childhood, during the days when you and Felix used to roast marshmallows on your parent’s porch deep into the summer months. 
 The melty center of the marshmallow reminded you of him. 
 The saccharine taste of it all remained you of him. 
 And suddenly, you no longer felt hungry for another s’more. 
 Eyes scanning over the fire pit, you caught sight of Chris. He was sprawled out in his chair, chuckling over something stupid that his friend was telling him with animated gestures. You could tell that the liquor was going straight to his head, making him dizzy and irrational. You always hated when he drank. He turned into a different person whenever he did. 
 Just as you were about to tell Felix that you didn’t want another s’more, a voice rang out from across your side. “Ayo- you made it Y/N… good to see you!” You peered up from your seat to see a beaming Jeongin. He reached out to you, rustling your hair playfully as he drew closer to the bonfire. 
 “It’s a bigger turnout than I thought it would be, that’s for sure.” You said, but you couldn’t help the smile that erupted across your face at the sight of your old acquaintance. It was good to meet up with the people from your childhood. It felt like you were taking a trip down memory lane, one which was endearing and peaceful, and full of happiness. 
 At least, most of the feelings you felt right then were joyful ones. 
 “I bring offerings,” Jeongin announced to the entire ground that sat around the fire pit, holding up the plethora of green beer bottles that he had clasped in either hand. “We’re about to play a lit game of truth or dare!” 
 Seungmin, one of Felix’s friends from high school, grumbled out from across the roaring flames. “Can you please stop using the word lit? It’s really fucking annoying and super outdated.” 
 Jeongin rolled his eyes dramatically, sticking out his tongue in defiance. “Get used to it bro- it’s my new favorite word.” 
 “You guys are so fucking ridiculous…” You heard Felix say under his breath from beside you. Nonetheless, you saw the fondness that crossed his face at the sight of his friends bickering together. Just like old times, it would seem. 
“The rules are, if you can’t tell the truth or do the dare, you have to take a shot,” Jeongin explained, as he picked a few empty solo cups off of the ground and began to fill them up with beer. “We’ll go clockwise, so… Jason, you start.” 
 The first player up was one of Chris’ friends, and he chose one of the girls that you didn’t know to pick truth or dare. She chose a dare and was forced to jump into the nearby pool fully clothed. Everyone around the campfire clapped in delight at how daring she was, and the game steadily continued from them. 
 Halfway through the first round, Yeji appeared from the backyard porch. “What’d I miss?” She asked, as he leaned over your shoulder and peered into the fire. 
 You shrugged, giving her arm a fond squeeze, “Nothing much, we’re just playing a few rounds of truth or dare. You wanna join in?” You watched as she found a lone chair somewhere off into the distance, dragging it towards the fire and plopping into it right beside you. And just like that, Yeji joined in on the fun. 
 The first three rounds passed in a blur of shots being thrown back and confessions being thrown around. You had avoided playing wholeheartedly, instead opting to take a few drinks in the wake of avoiding pressing truths or a crazy dare. 
 As the night passed on, the crowd of people around the pool seemed to grow, the music from inside the house getting louder and spilling out into the backyard. A few more people joined in on the game as time slipped by, and soon, you had a large group participating in the fun. The entire time, Felix hadn’t taken a sip of alcohol, instead opting to nurse his cherry coke. You guessed he must’ve been the assigned designated driver for the night for some of his friends. 
 Yeji lost her rights to drive by her third shot, and since everyone else was pretty shit-faced, that left only Felix as the completely sober one. The idea of having him drive you home sent a pang of hurt to course through your veins. You didn’t want to be a nuisance or bother him in the least bit. 
 “I choose… Chris!” Changbin, one of Felix’s older friends, shouted over the loudness of the party. It was his turn to pick his victim and you could tell his ideas were going to be bad - if his wide smirk was anything to go off of. “Truth or dare?” 
 Chris’ eyes were so glazed over, the red flames from the fire reflected off of his irises in an eery kind of way. His cheeks were dusted with a crimson flush from the liquor, a deep, toothy scowl permanently etched onto his lips. At that moment, you didn’t even want the others to know that he was your boyfriend. His drunkenness was too embarrassing. Albeit, a lot of the others were nearly blacked-out too, but something about Chris slurring his words and yelling loudly did something funny to your heart. Made it trip over itself and forced a lump to form in your throat.
 “I- choose… dare.” He mumbled elatedly, throwing his hands up into the air in defeat. But he seemed rather pleased to still be playing, to be given a dare that was cutthroat. He had always loved drinking games. 
 Changbin rubbed his hands together, grinning mischievously, “Alright… I dare you to… kiss the hottest girl here.” 
 You felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. You hadn’t expected the dare to turn out in that kind of sense. The others around the campfire let out dark chuckles, and you felt a shiver run down your spine as Chris shakily rose from his seat. 
 “Not even a fucking debate-” He started in a scratchy voice. As he neared you, you could feel your eyes widen painfully. 
 No, no, no, please don’t- 
But then just as you thought he was going to dip into your form, he was turning to your side, eyeing Yeji like she was a piece of meat. She was pretty shit-faced, but still had enough sense in her to blush profusely. 
 And just as Chris was about to lean into her for a drunken kiss, you found yourself shooting up from your spot, palms landing on his rigid chest as you pushed him back so hard he bumbled around the lawn like a complete drunk. 
 “What the fuck, Chris?!” You screamed, the tears already beginning to prick at the corners of your vision. Your boyfriend gave you a deep frown, the light in his eyes dimming to annoyance. You could feel the eyes of everyone on you guys, and the sounds of the party seemed to dim in the background, as you stared at your boyfriend with the hurt already beginning to bloom in your chest. “Why would you-”
 “I wasn’t actually going to kiss her, stupid!” He retorted back, chuckling at how stupid you had been. 
 And maybe you were being stupid. 
 Maybe you were overreacting. 
 After all, it was just some dumb drinking game. 
 It wasn’t that serious- 
 “Don’t call her stupid.” 
 Felix’s voice seemed to ring out across the entire yard, dancing around your ears and making your cheeks heat up in a peachy-pink colour. You turned to him, noticing the way he was scowling Chris’ way. He was up from his chair, fists clenched at his sides. It was hard to see through the tears that were steadily flowing down your cheeks, but you could faintly make out the taut line of his lips that were pressed into a displeased line. 
 “Felix, I-”
 But then you had no time to react, as one of his hands was clamping down around your forearm, yanking you backward and to his form. “Let’s get out of here.” He said in a low voice, as his hand trailed down your bare arm and his fingers threaded through your own. 
 Just as you were getting dragged away from the scene, Yeji stumbled out of her chair, calling out to you in a desperate plea, “Y/N, wait!” 
 Felix offered her no time to explain, as he pushed you through the crowd of people and into the house. He lead your wobbly legs the entire way, holding onto your hand firmly as it was hard to see through the mistiness of your vision. Finally, when you arrived at his car, he opened the passenger door and helped you into the seat. 
 When he had buckled himself into the driver’s seat and the ignition was roaring to life, Felix finally turned to face you. Reaching over the center consul of his car, he gave your hand a tight squeeze. 
 “Forget about him, yeah? He’s not worth your energy right now.” He said in a faint voice, one that graced over your ears and was a nice respite from the booming sounds of the party. 
 You roughly scrubbed at your eyes, trying to will the tears to stop. You were feeling so many emotions all at once… embarrassment, betrayal, but also… relief, to be taken out of such a situation so quickly. 
 “Where do you wanna go?” Felix asked upon your silence, and just then you managed to peel your eyes open, taking a glance at the clock on the dashboard and reading that it was well after midnight. “Home?” 
 You leaned your head against the black leather seat. It felt cold under your skin. Comforting, almost, to have something chilled touch your feverish cheeks. “No, I don’t want to sit alone in my room, not yet…” His face became clearer in your mind then, and you saw the way his mouth ticked up in a faint smile from your vulnerable admission that you didn’t want him to leave your side so soon.
 “Then I know just the place.” Felix mused in that silky, deep voice of his. And soon, he was pulling away from the curb of Jeongin’s home, merging onto the street and taking you to his mysterious location that would seemingly make everything better. The entire time he drove, his palm stayed pressed against yours, fingers threaded through yours. “You just focus on my hand, yeah? Don’t think about anything else…”
 Just like that, his soothing voice was lulling you into a mindless kind of stupor. With the bright town lights flashing around you as he drove steadily down the highway, you were brought into a listless state of limbo. 
 And he was right. 
 Focusing on him, and his touch was helping tremendously. 
 Helped take your mind off of everything, and all of your warring feelings. 
 And instead, all you could focus on was the way that his palm felt so soft pressed against yours. 
 The way his fingers fit so perfectly between yours. 
 Almost like, you had been destined to hold onto each other’s hands. 
To be continued...
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
any tips on how to write for beginners? also where do you get the inspiration?
i guess just go for it. when i started writing on here i had minimal writing experience, especially story writing, and then over the course of the last year and a bit, naturally i’ve improved (i hope)
i think it’s easy to read other people’s work and want to copy their style, or want what they have. which is just part of human nature, so i say when you start out— write to find your style, even if it is a subconscious effort to do so. by either using other people as a guideline or fully winging it until you’ve formed a way that’s uniquely yours which is a lot easier than it sounds i promise. you kinda just naturally progress the more you write
don’t expect to have a whole novel length piece of work written. it’s hard, writing takes time and a lot of brain power. write small tidbits, little poems, things you like, things you see. find a prompt and write a couple hundred words about that. i think my favorite part of writing is the little excepts that have no context whatsoever in my notes, but just sound pretty and paint the image enough for you to imagine the story further or create a whole new world
uhhh what else…
write for yourself!!!!!. i struggle with this a lot and have to constantly remind myself that what i write should be as much for me as it is for other people. i tend to put pressure on myself and then that makes what should be a fun process entirely unenjoyable and then it starts to feel more like a job than a hobby
depending on what you write, research is always fun and a good place to start. which can sometimes lead to further development of plot ideas.
don’t be scared of stereotypes. i think there’s a negative connotation between writing and stereotypes but sometimes they’re the best stories!! sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect, or read something that can evoke something like nostalgia because the story follows the lines of something you’ve seen before (no plagiarism though!!! that’s stinky)
i get inspiration from a lot of things!! a lot of my fics are based on scenarios i come up with while trying to sleep. i think i’ve talked about this before, but usually before i sleep, i’ll come up with film ideas or drama ideas and essentially script out movies in my head which i turn into fic ideas as i’m not exactly able to produce an entire millions of dollars budget film. which is why i feel like my writing, at least to myself feels more visual, because it’s a visual piece in my head
fics like ‘standing next to you’ was inspired by the part in the MV where he’s on stage performing in-front of the actress on the car.
some of my writing is inspired by words i like, simple as that
or certain themes. a common theme in my writing is stars and destiny, something i really really love writing about hence why i probably bring it up so often
“stardust” was inspired by an article i’d read. movies i like. that one tae idea surrounding howls moving castle. “helping hands” was inspired by a tiktok i saw. stuff like “the feminine pact” was derived from my own ideals surrounding femininity, and my own sort of weird relationship with the term “feminine”
of course i get inspo from requests as well
really if you think about it there’s a story in every little detail of your life. and finding inspiration becomes hard when you’re actively seeking for it so let it just naturally come. i have a over active brain so i’m constantly thinking which on the occasion is incredibly useful when it comes to pulling ideas from every little detail of my life and the things that surround me
i think the assumption is that inspiration has to be something big, or meaningful to a large group of people when really it can be smaller things that other people deem insignificant, that you love
i hope that sort of helps?? this is purely from my own experience over the last year and a bit ☝️😔
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
The way that you actually searched up what the length of a novel is LMAO but omg…and you exceeded it by 1.6k words too…honestly this is top tier novel content (WAY better than um. Some interesting concepts. That get put out there….!!! I mean no shame ig but from a subjective standpoint I’d like to think so…)
I’m crying the inspo you get from tv shows though is actually really funny even if it is just a more minor detail LMAO no because that random reference had me laughing and cringing…it really brings more depth and engagement to the story though and I love it!
SAMEE ugh when they don’t know their own feelings and have to navigate through them >>>>> LMAOO yeah I don’t blame you from what I see even without being on like “mhatok” or whatever the fandom is uh….yeah….from what I have seen of the story it’s actually not awful though (you should look up a picture of Aoyama though just for the visual because I fr laughed a bit everytime I saw the name)
Wait you’re so right….we fr need a second egoist bible with more info because iirc that’s where we saw Isagis parents and Bachira’s mom???
Dense y/n is my fav in scenarios like these like DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF LMAOOOO
Otoya in his boxers too made me laugh too like it truly embodies his closeted loser go with the flow personality like that little detail fr just captured his character so well!!
Petition for you to change your header to be Karasu once (not if because surely we will will it into existence) we get a Karasu focused epinagi panel!!
Shshshs YOU GOT THIS!!! In Mira we trust pt. 10…sending inspiration your way LMAO just think about another loser who doesn’t understand what love is…./hj…….maybe listening to more tv osts and tiktok audios will help /j
Omgg enjoy!!! But stay cool SHSHSGS and I hope your nose doesn’t get assaulted any further by any odd odors…..
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO i had to know the truth!! i’ve def written book length stuff before (cough pomegranate ink cough) but 40k is right at the edge so i wasn’t sure if it technically counted or not FJDKJD i guess it does though!! PLSSS baby karasu solos booktok let’s be real /j
i like throwing in references to my obscure favs HAHAH especially that particular show omg i’ve love using lines from it it’s just so funny and nobody knows abt it so it’s like a little easter egg for me 😩 and adding in small stuff like that like you said makes everything just feel more engaging and real!!
HELP MEEE I JUST LOOKED UP AOYAMA FROM MHA I’M CRYING that is baby karasu’s biggest opp right there 😭😭😭 FHDKJD who would pick him over tabito fr 😵‍💫
i’m afraid a second egoist bible would not give us any more canon female characters LMAOO i lowkey think kaneshiro is allergic to women but ykw i honestly don’t mind i’d rather there be no women at all than poorly written ones which get slandered and sexualized by male fans (as we’ve discussed before)
NO LITERALLY WDYM YOU’LL DIE IF HE LEAVES YOU?? WDYM YOU’RE ALWAYS HUGGING HIM AND CLINGING TO HIS ARM?? WDYM YOU DON’T LIKE ANYONE IN THE WORLD AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE HIM?? like she was so so in love with karasu the entire time it was hilarious for her to be like “yeah i just see him as a little brother 🤩” especially because i have a little brother of my own LMAO like that is not how you treat a sibling girl!! tbh i based a lot of tabito and yayoi’s dynamic off of my brother and i’s interactions so hopefully it feels like a realistic sibling dynamic because i can’t even lie sometimes people write siblings so weird and you can tell they’re only children because it just sounds off 😰
OTOYA’S BOXERS >>> no the way he was just wandering through the apartment complex in the boxers during y/n and karasu’s emotional reunion cracked me up because it’s so unserious but so him 😓 he was fr putting in the WORK to get those two together
no because i’m so tempted to make my blog karasu themed but at the same time i love my current theme 😨 which is a surprise because normally i change my theme like once a month 😭 but given how much i love karasu and talk abt him i feel like it might be time to give him the spot of honor especially since nagi had his time as my theme a while ago 🤔
BFISJDSJ i tried listening to songs and audios and whatnot and it just made me think more abt karasu (and also nagi for the few songs i associate only with him) like EVERY song is abt him it’s so bad but i need to lock in and stop thinking abt him for a few hours so i can write for my requests 😩 although i’m seriously considering starting a long fic for him now because as much as i love hollyhock and will not be abandoning mr ninja it’s giving me sm second lead syndrome and karasu isn’t even a second lead or a lead at all he just exists in-verse 😓 i need to write smth extensive and insane for him too!!
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1d1195 · 10 months
Your writing IS worthy all the lovely feedback and interactions! But yeah I know what you mean lol
I honestly do think we share at LEAST one cell bc it's WILD the amount of similarities but ngl i love that for us lol And honesty writing it out is very therapeutic and Im glad your blog is a safe outlet for you!❤️Mine is just my notes app and it's really SOMETHING. So if you ever need inspiration just ask for a screenshot of my notes bestie 🤪
Omg no it's not lazy writing! It's like your signature and it's so sweet and it truly would not be a Sam story without it! I love it! The names were so cute and honestly idk Italian but Im sure those words aren't to hard to mess up! I wish I could help but sadly I am a spanish speaking girlie so I am no help lol
With or without makeup bestie I am sure you were GLOWING!!! Also what book were you reading, did you like it?! An no pressure on part 2, you deserve some rest!
And studying is HELL rn but it will be okay hopefully lol Thank you for constantly being so nice, I really do always love talking to you!- 💜
OMG SHOW ME THE NOTES. I always need inspo.
Oh stop lol I have a really bad skin routine (soap and water HAHAHAHA) so I feel like my skin is pale and gray all the time. Not much glow around here 🤣
That's cool you speak Spanish! I am lame af and my only language is English (and I'm still pretty bad at speaking it). I have a student who speaks only Spanish and god BLESS I teach math because I am already driving the struggle bus and sitting with Google Translate out only for me to find out that "multiply" is just "multiplicar" like how embarrassing 🙃
The book was fine but I was STRESSED. I read it in two days because I was all stressed out about how the author was going to fix the mess she made. It's called "Lesson Learned." I saw it on TikTok because it's about teachers so I had to. (It was actually a little like my Made to Be series and crossed with Love and Dryer Sheets. But I wanted it to be more like Made to Be but ended up being more like Love and Dryer Sheets--hence the STRESS). But it's the first book I've read since September after doing a record of like...idk 15 books over the summer (that's when I actually have time to read). So it was good but I'm hoping the next book I read is a little more on the lovey-dovey side of things and less stressful.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? What are you studying? Have you always lived on the West Coast or are you just going to school out there? Just want to get to know you more! 💕
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richtozicr · 5 years
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It’s hard to hear that a ton of different arcades are shutting down. It’s kind of depressing. The town over- the place that many would go to flex on people that didn’t live in the area- had lost their arcade a month ago. It made Derry’s arcade more popular. But it also brought a lot of strangers into Derry that Richie doesn’t actually know.
There’s a redhead that shows up one day and Richie is immediately captivated by him. He sits back, watching the other play Street Fighter with amazement. It doesn’t take awhile for Richie to realize he’s not paying as much attention to the boy’s gameplay and is now watching all the freckles on his face. Bright blue eyes trail down to the other’s lips before he catches himself and looks away fast. Guilty. He feels like a sinner. That’s what the church calls him. Not him, specifically. God, no one knows. Bowers has maybe a hint of knowledge. The same with his gang. Their murders flash through his memories. Brief seconds. Bowers is locked up for good. He’s safe. For now. It’s nothing to panic about.
He doesn’t even realize due to the fact that he was so caught up in thinking about everything that the redhead is now talking to him. His eyes dart up and Richie clears his throat to pretend like things are okay.
“You can play now, if you want,” is all Richie hears, as his eyes glance over at the high scores. TZR. Second. He rushes to the machine and looks at the high scores. Second?! He’d been top ranking in Street Fighter for three years straight. He looks at Rank #1. JMS. He turns back around to face the other and looks severely impressed.
“Woah, you’re insane,” is all he can get out. “Do you know how long it’s been since anyone’s even remotely tried to get top?” He asks, pushing up his glasses so he can just stare at the other. Richie is amazed. “I’m Richie, by the way. Most everyone calls me Trashmouth,” he sticks his hand out for the other to actually shake. Richie is more than excited to make another friend around his age who actually likes Street Fighter. The stranger shakes his hand, accepting the invite for friendship.
The stranger’s name is Jaymes. He lives another city away. Around a 25 minute drive. Richie wonders if this shit stain of an arcade is even worth it, but he’s also sure maybe he’d be the same way as this guy if Derry’s arcade shut down. Richie wonders what Jaymes’ score was back in his original arcade. How’d he get so good? Especially to beat Richie?
He spent the next two hours until the arcade closed just playing with Jaymes. The entire time, Richie felt like his heart was being thrown into his throat. This boy was cute and they had a lot of mutual interests besides Street Fighter. He figured that this would actually be a good way to be able to start getting friends that weren’t the losers club---- seeing as they had all started to slowly stop hanging out with each other. He still saw Stan, and he still saw Bill, and even he’d joke around with Eddie here and there, but it was like they were in high school now--- things changed. Bev had moved away and it was just difficult for any of them to care anymore. 
It was good for the first few weeks. Great, even. Richie tried not to stare at Jaymes a certain way, or smile around him, but by god, he was hot and Richie couldn’t help but stare sometimes. He’d hope that Jaymes didn’t notice. He really did hope that Jaymes didn’t know. He remembers the day he asks Jaymes if he wants to catch a movie and that he heard great things about Edward Scissorhands. To Richie’s shock, the other actually agreed.  
Richie had been waiting the whole week for the date-- well, though it was just literally the two of them catching a movie. It wasn’t a date. That’s what he kept having to remind himself as he got ready. He chose a muted colored hawaiian shirt this time, instead of opting for the more colorful ones he had suddenly acquired at the start of the decade. Something subtle. Something that wouldn’t gather too much attention to the two. Two boys seeing a movie together that wasn’t an action film? Especially since it was a romantic movie, according to critics. They were playing a risky game.
The movie had gone splendidly, though halfway through Richie had been distracted by the fact that Jaymes had actually held his hand. It was secret. Under the security blanket of their popcorn box---- no one would know either way. It had made Richie want to throw up he was so nervous. But he remembers glancing over and pushing his glasses up in the dimly lit theatre to look over at his date. Jaymes was just smiling back and Richie could have sworn he saw the other wink at him as they continued to hold hands throughout the rest of the movie. 
As the movie ended, Richie left the theatre, unsure of what to say to Jaymes. The redhead had told him to walk him to his car and that he’d parked behind the theatre just to be on the safe side, and Richie believed him. They went down the alleyway next to theatre and stopped behind it. He saw a few employee cars but the workers were still definitely in the theatre. “Hey, I just wanted to thank you for coming with me. I know you didn’t have to or what----” The Tozier wasn’t entirely used to being interrupted so when the other actually leaned in and kissed him-- Richie’s heart soared. Holy shit. His first kiss. Oh god, he felt like a fucking fish. But he was so stunned.  Once Jaymes pulled back, he just saw that the other was laughing after kissing him.
What? Wait, laughing? Richie was pretty damn sure he hadn’t said any type of joke.  “Wha-- Sorry, uh,” Richie cleared his throat and felt his face was entirely heated. Pushing up his glasses quickly he looked back at Jaymes in confusion. “Sorry, like, that was my first kiss-- so I don’t really get what’s so fucking funny.”
“The funny thing is you actually were a fag. One of my boys pointed it out to me and at first I didn’t believe it. You queers really do fuckin’ think that you can just pretend to be straight to trick people into your little web, then you use them to get your own sick fantasies out of it ----” Richie looked stunned. He looked behind him after hearing a few leaves crunching in the street behind them. Oh god, had anyone seen them? Coming up on them was a group of four different guys. Maybe around their age. Richie didn’t recognize them either. 
Richie suddenly realizes what’s going on. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. He has to get out of here. “No, no ---- fuck you, “ he spits, pushing at the other. “ You fucking kissed me you asshole. If anyone’s gay here it’s you. “ That’s about the last thing Richie can get out before he’s grabbed and held down by two of the guys that had come up behind them. He’s recognized them. Slightly. He’s pretty sure he’s seen them around Jaymes. This was all some fucking set up. He can’t even scream because if he grabs attention to this, someone’ll spill the beans that Wentworth Tozier’s son was kissing a boy behind the fucking cinema. It’d ruin his dad. 
The first punch is what knocks his glasses off his face. It’s in his jaw and he’s automatically regretting ever laying eyes on Jaymes. He hears one of them --- a blur, he’s not even sure how close that person is to him---- pick up his glasses and then smash them on the ground. “Fuck off, all of y--- “ his face is slammed into the brick building. Once. Twice. Richie can already taste the iron dripping from his gums. Everything is a blur and it makes him feel dizzy. He’s surrounded and he keeps getting knocked down, picked back up again and he feels a lot of pain coursing through him.
It scares him. Is he about to die from a hate crime? Oh fuck, oh fuck he might die ---- until he hears one of them after what seems like ages. He’s pretty sure it’s Jaymes but he can’t see anything. It doesn’t help that he’s crying. He’s a fucking mess on the ground. “We don’t want to kill the faggot, “ is all he hears. It’s at least mercy. One of the other friends says that Richie deserves to die because they’re just spreading their fucking diseases everywhere anyhow. Richie spits out blood as he tries to pull himself up as they’re talking amongst themselves. A swift kick to his head knocks him out fully.
It’s maybe a few hours later when Richie finally comes to, on the floor next to a dumpster---- hidden, dried blood all over him. There’s also a foul stench that is something Richie recognizes but can’t actually figure out. It’s rancid. He feels around for his glasses on the ground, hoping they’ve at least let the glasses slide somewhere near him. It takes a few minutes for Richie to find his glasses and even hoist himself up. His glasses are broken. Half the glass is missing. He has a horrible prescription, so even telling his mother or father what happened is going to be hard. That’s money they have to spend, but his mom will make some quip about how all they do is spend money on Richie. Once his glasses are on his face, the bridge of the glasses hit up against his nose and it automatically makes him revolt in pain. Oh fuck. Oh god, his nose is absolutely broken. He leans up against the wall of the cinema and looks down at the dried blood everywhere. Then he notices the permanent marker that’s on the ground. 
Oh no. 
He’s not fast. He’s honestly wishing he had just never went back to walk Jaymes to his car. As he hobbles, he’s glad that it’s late in the night. Perhaps even early morning. Once he gets to his car, he realizes the paint that’s all over the windshield and he curses. Fuck. How’s he going to be able to get this off his car? Once he unlocks his car and gets in, struggling to not sit in a position that spikes pain through his body, he turns on a car light and looks at himself in the mirror.
There’s ‘FAG’ written all over his face in permanent marker. He just takes his hand and smears the blood over the words, hoping to god it helps masking a little bit of what he says. The key turns the car over and he is relieved to know the assholes didn’t siphon his car of gas, but he’s also dreading even driving home. He punches his steering wheel and just starts crying all over again. Who the fuck is he even going to go to?
Never mess with Derry. It was too dangerous of a place. No matter how hard people marched, Richie was pretty sure Derry, Maine was always going to be the worst place to grow up no matter who you were. 
16 notes · View notes
harryhandstan · 3 years
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prompt: harry wakes up early on starbucks cup release days and surprises you by buying all the ones he thinks you’ll like. he’s usually able to escape the paps but this time they catch him and he ends up having to explain it in his next interview and gets all shy and can’t stop blushing.
a/n: hello all!! first I want to apologize for my 4 month long writing absence. life just has not been kind to me lately and unfortunately zapped a lot of my creativity energy, but I’m happy to have something done now! hopefully I can continue and keep a more consistent schedule for the remainder of this year!
immense thank you’s are owed to my kind friends @tobesolonely and @meetmymouth for the encouragement to find my creative spark for writing again and for being amazing betas! and to @taintedwonder for the lovely idea! @theharriediaries​ was so sweet to beta for me as well!!
word count: 2.1k
writing tag | masterlist | tiktok inspo 
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Harry was usually smarter than this. He had a schedule, a plan, a way to get in and out pretty quickly without being seen. 
But today, he’d lingered too long at the mugs, curious if you’d want one of those as well. Your go-to was iced coffee, even year round in the winter you would prefer something cold over anything warm. He was thinking though, of the nights you were stressed and wanted a cup of soothing tea before bed, or those slower mornings where you don’t have to rush and a mug of coffee fits nicely in your hand while he admires you from across the kitchen table.
By the time he’s decided that yes, you do need this mug with the pastel rainbow print to add to your collection, along with a few of the other cups he thinks you’ll adore and a fresh bag of your favorite flavor of coffee, there’s already a small crowd of people forming in the lobby of the coffee shop and he hopes that he can get through them without being recognized as usual; prays that it’s only the regulars filing in for an early morning fix of caffeine before they rush off to start their day.
The barista thankfully is quick, skillfully giving him his total before rushing off to make the drinks he ordered for the two of you as well. He sees the way her eyes keep darting to him though, knows after years of experience that she knows who he is and is trying to work up the courage to say something to him or ask for a photo. He almost considers offering, she’s been so nice not to draw any attention to him, maybe something discreet could be pulled off. 
In the end he chooses not to, not wanting to assume that’s why she keeps looking over at him. It could be that he still has the hood of his sweatshirt tucked over his beanie or the fact that he’s now walking out of the shop with a small handful of the brown shopping bags with the familiar green logo imprinted on the front.
He breathes a sigh of relief when he makes it back to his car without anyone stopping him. He’s so distracted by securing the bags in the backseat he fails to hear the small clicks of the camera not too far away.
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There’s a small comfort in the quietness of your shared apartment when he returns. While he loves coming home to the sound of you dancing around the kitchen making breakfast, his favorite is getting to wake you up himself. There’s a sweet softness in the way the side of your face rests against your pillow, mouth parted slightly and a gentle snore vibrating through your chest. It never fails to make him smile. He cherished the way you inhale faintly, stretching your limbs before blinking a few times, adjusting to the new day you’re waking up to. If he was there, already awake, your eyes always found him before anything else.
This morning is no different, except for the confusion on your face when you find him sitting on the edge of the bed instead of snuggled next to you. 
“You’re up to something, I can tell.”  You’re propped up enough now to accept the coffee he’s holding out for you. You take a few small sips, sighing and letting your head fall back against the headboard as you savor the taste.
“M’that easy to read, huh?” He chuckles, his hand on your thigh now, warming your skin even through the blanket, “Well..would you like your surprise here or will you be joining me in the kitchen while I make you breakfast?”
“Oh I get a surprise and breakfast today? What’s the occasion? Little early for my birthday, H.” 
“Don’t need an occasion to spoil my girl, do I?”
“I guess not.” 
You shrug, trying not to let the guilt bubble up enough to where it flashes across your face. One of his loudest love languages had always been gift giving, a quality about him you thought was wonderful, but still had a hard time accepting. You had to be careful about mentioning things you may want around Harry, he would use any excuse to treat you.
He’s rambling off his reasoning already as he leads you into the kitchen and settles you in one of the tall chairs next to the counter. He always ends his explanation with “I know you told me not to, but…” followed up by what you’re sure to him sounds like a very logical justification for why you need/deserve whatever he was gifting you. There’s nothing out of the ordinary of your regular kitchen set up this morning though, so you do what you normally do when he announces a surprise for you; let him take the lead, not wanting to take away from his excitement. 
“So..surprise or breakfast first?” He stands on the other side of the counter now, his hoodie and beanie discarded, wearing a t-shirt you were sure you bought for yourself but he seems to have laid claim to.
“Breakfast, please. If you don’t mind.” 
“‘Course not. Any requests, baby?”
Your heart flutters for a moment, just as it does each time he uses that particular term of affection for you. He’s already opened the refrigerator, scanning over options for what he could make for the two of you. You recover long enough to tell him no, that whatever he wants to make would be fine, sitting back and enjoying the view as he cracks a few eggs into a bowl.
You don’t even notice that you’re staring until he turns and catches your eye, “What? Did I get a shell in the eggs or something?”
You giggle as he even picks up the clear bowl of eggs that he’s already scrambled and seasoned, even going so far as to swirl his finger through the liquid to double check before you can stop him.
“No, it’s just..I can’t get over the fact that you’re making breakfast for me while wearing my t-shirt.”
“S’it yours?” He glances down at it, “Thought it was mine, sorry..”
There’s a smirk on his face as he turns back to the stove, and you know just by seeing that he knows you don’t mind; you love seeing him in your clothes as much as he adores seeing you in his.  
It’s not long before he’s presenting you with a plate, sitting next to you with his own plate in front of him. When you don’t immediately dig in, he leans over to inspect the food, worried that maybe he’d overdone the eggs or your toast was slightly more brown than you liked. 
So when you say, “You’ve forgotten something very important, haven’t you?” he panics, thinking maybe he should’ve taken the time to include fruit to balance the meal. You take pity on him, not making him wait too long before you lean in and he instantly softens, realizing what you’re asking for. 
He meets you the rest of the way, lips soft against yours, the taste of the coffee you’ve both had lingering for a moment before he pulls away, “Very important. How could I ever have forgotten?”
When you’ve both finished eating, he downs the last of his coffee and stacks your now empty plates to take to the sink, pecking your forehead with another quick kiss, “Alright, close your eyes. Count to 20.”
You begin to count off in your head, and you hear his voice, a bit further away, “Out loud, angel.”
There’s a rustling of bags getting closer as you count, and you can even hear a few clinks as they come closer. You can feel him moving around you, positioning things perfectly for when you open your eyes. 
He’s still behind you when you finish counting, hands squeezing your shoulders to urge you to open your eyes. When you do, you immediately recognize the bags and know exactly what he’s done.
“Oh no. Absolutely not. This is too much, Harry. I let you spoil me with little things here and there, but I cannot accept this.”
Sitting in front of you are..you stop to count them now; 1, 2, 3, 4..6 bags from Starbucks. You know from experience that each one of them contains 2 cups or mugs. You’re sure at least one of them also includes your favorite roast of coffee. He had done this before around Christmas time, when you’d mentioned how adorable a few of the ones from the holiday collection had been, not thinking that he would go back later without you and buy all the ones you’d touched or admired.  
He ignores your refusal, “You can take back any you don’t like. Go on,” He peeks inside one of the bags closest to him and then pushes it closer to you, “Start with this one.”
“Harry, really..”
“Don’t think, just open. If you really won’t accept any of them then I’ll take ‘em back and buy you something from somewhere else.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” You try your best to look serious, but you can’t stop the smile from spreading across your face, “Thank you, H.”
You finally go through most of the bags, offering oohs and ahhs and even a few squeals of joy at certain ones. 
“I think I got all the ones you’d pick for yourself. Saw you eyeing one or two the other day and the others I just guessed.”
He had done very well in choosing for you, even going so far as to get the two of you a matching pair of the kind that changed colors with the temperature. 
“For our smoothies.” He explains when you give him a particularly soft look at the idea of matching with him. 
“Also got us a matching set of these,” He skips to the last bag, too eager to wait for you to open it yourself, revealing the mug he’d taken the extra time to select, “For our Sunday morning tea. Or if you change your mind and ever want a hot coffee.”
All you can do is repeat the same expression of gratitude as before you had opened them, “Thank you again, H. I love them all, really. No more though, alright? We’re running out of cabinet space. Did you go to our regular spot or a different one so you wouldn’t be recognized?” 
“Different one. Can’t believe I wasn’t spotted though. Must’ve been too early for the paps to be out and about.”
“Or maybe you aren’t as interesting as you think you are, babe. Harry Styles coming out of a Starbucks is old news now.” 
His eyebrows shoot up in mock surprise, “Oh is it now?”
“Mhmm. You’re just plain boring now, H.” You shrug, peeling at the price tag on the bottom of one of the cups, avoiding his gaze; knowing if you look at him you’ll break into a fit of laughter. 
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He’s impossibly calm, just like he is before any interview he does. 
You sit across the room from where he’s currently getting his hair done. The stylist was nervous, understandably so, her hands unsure at first. It only takes a few moments of being near Harry; working his quiet, delicate magic of putting anyone he’s near at ease. By the time his hair is finished he’s pulled a few laughs from her and she leaves the room with a big beaming smile and a wave to the both of you.
Now that you’re alone again, he beckons you closer and tugs you down to sit in his lap, despite your protests of the possibility of wrinkling his incredibly expensive suit. 
“Don’t care,” He leans up to press a kiss to your neck, keeping his face tucked there in your warmth, “Just want you close for a moment.”
Normally you would run your fingers through his hair, but you don’t dare do that now, hand drifting to the side of his face instead, “Not nervous are you, H?”
He lets you gently push him back enough to see his face again, “Never. Just happy to have you here with me, that’s all.”   
It’s not until he’s in front of the audience, presented with the evidence of just a few days before, displayed on a screen for all to see. He had been caught, despite his confidence of getting away. He falters for only a beat, head down in hopes to hide the blush spreading high along his cheeks. He finds you in the crowd, sending a bright smile your way before he shrugs, turning his attention back to the host.
“What can I say? My sunshine likes her coffee.” 
tag list: @harrysblackcoat​, @summertime-pills​ 
thank you for reading!! as always likes, rbs, and feedback is welcome and appreciated!!
240 notes · View notes
Take Your Feelings, Put Them Into a Song (A.I)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Wallows! Fem! Reader
Requested: yes!
Summary: Y/N Sixx, bassist from the famous band Wallows, is helping 5SOS write their latest album CALM. If only she could keep her crush on the drummer under control…
Warnings: Fluff. Language. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 4.6 k
Author’s Note: IM BACK! Remember that Reblogs, Likes, Comments and Feedback are very important! You have no idea how much they help 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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anon: Can you do a one-shot where the reader was born on 1996 and she’s the daughter of Nikki Sixx and Brandi Brandt and it’s the bassist and songwriter of Wallows (…) and she helps 5sos write songs for the album CALM and starts dating Ashton and the fans go nuts (in a good way) with shipping? There’s no drama like it was in EUH
It was another boring day in the studio and you would literally prefer to do anything else than to listen to Cole talk about the last date he had instead of working on your new song. But inspiration was lacking between you and your bandmates and you really had no other choice since you already took that time on the studio’s schedule.
One would believe that you would be used to dull times in the studio, having spent a lot of time on them while growing up with your parents, but boredom was a cruel crime inside your head and today your patience was running thin.
“Hey, peanut!” Dylan called your attention “Everything good there?”
You were laying on the sofa, looking at the ceiling for some kind of saving grace, but Dylan’s voice brought you back to your reality.
“Are we going to get something done today?” You asked with a sigh, with your eyes still glued to the ceiling “Cause we are really just wasting time by now and I don’t think Cole’s last fling will bring any kind of inspo into our little group”
“Hey!” Cole protested, earning a chuckle from Braeden.
“Whatever,” You said, already getting up from your spot “I’m going to take a walk”
You took a deep breath once you closed the door to your private room. You loved the guys, you really do, but sometimes people can be too much, especially people who you spend every single day and hour with.
Memories from the past year started to fill your mind and you smiled when thinking about how much your little band has grown. Wallows was now everywhere, you created a name for yourself without using your parent’s influence and you were so damn proud of that, yet when moments like these come around - the moments where you just need to breathe to escape the reality for just a while - you start to reflect on every choice you made and if they were the right ones.
It’s the overthinking that got you to write those first lyrics in the first place, the ones that were put into songs and now were, somehow, all over TikTok with thousands of people relating to them. So maybe, overthinking now might not be such a bad idea after all.
“It’s a terrible idea if you think about it for more than one minute, mate”
You stopped in your tracks when you heard that voice, thinking that maybe you were finally going crazy or someone could’ve read your mind. But it wasn’t until you heard someone else answer that you realized it was a conversation.
“Well, I don’t know what to do with it anymore!”
You turned your head to the left and smiled when you saw the little sign that said “5SOS now in session. DO NOT DISTURB” And realized that your other favorite boys were back in town.
Of course you ignored the sign and knocked on the door a couple of times before opening it shamelessly.
“Well, well, well…” You said with a teasing smile as you leaned over the door frame “If it isn’t my second favorite Aussie band”
The faces of two of the members of said band light up once they realize it was you, quickly getting up to wrap you in a hug.
“Mini Sixx!” Calum said, ruffling his hand through your hair “About time you came to visit us”
You pushed him and Luke away from you “And you should’ve told me you’re back from your break! I could’ve escaped Dylan and the other minions earlier”
“Rough session?” Luke asked, seating down and patting the place next to him for you to sit on.
“Oh, you have no idea”
You loved the 5sos guys, it was impossible not to. Ever since you met them at a label party in 2015 when you were introduced to them because you were the same age as half of the group, you knew that they were made to be on the stage.
It was easy to become their friend, given their welcoming attitude and easy-going smiles even before they found out who your parents were. It was nice for a change not to be Y/N Sixx, daughter of the famous bassist of Mötley Crüe and famous Playboy doll Brandi Brandt, for a moment and just be Y/N, a bassist that had a lot to give to the world. And with the boys you didn’t even have to try to be someone you were not, with them everything was just so… real.
Just like now, where you were allowed to complain about your lovely bandmates to them and they would complain just as well, with no judgment nor responsibilities, just three friends letting out some steam due to the stress of your careers.
“-And basically we don’t know what else to do with the song” Luke finished his rant on the missing piece of their new song for their next album.
“And you have the lyrics ready?”
“Yeah, me and my girl wrote it a few weeks ago but the melody is just…”
“It’s missing something” Calum finished for him with a sigh.
You hummed “Can I see it?”
The two Australians got to work, playing the song with the piano and the guitar and you came to the conclusion that they were right: there was something big missing.
“So it’s a ballad,” You said, thinking of ways to fix it.
“Technically yes, but when you play it like that it sounds incomplete and the lyrics won’t work with another type of rhythm” Luke sighed “We’ve been at it for days now.”
You stayed quiet for a while, reviewing the lyrics and melody more carefully now, analyzing the situation with different approaches but without getting anywhere. It was a beautiful song, it truly was, but it needed something else, something that could create a “boom” sensation for whoever was listening.
Something like…
“Hey guys, have you finished with the- Oh, Hey, Y/N/N!” Ashton said, opening the door and finding you with his bandmates in deep concentration.
“Uh, why are you smiling at me like that?” Ashton asked you with a chuckle, but you didn’t even address him as you turned to Luke and Calum.
“It needs drums”
“What?” The three men said in unison. You rolled your eyes and snatched the notes from Calum’s lap and started to sing the melody.
“Here!” You pointed out “In this part, before finishing the first chorus: I already made, already made that…” And then you started to make drum noises and movements with your arms for them to get the idea.
In a matter of seconds, Luke got up from his seat and walked towards you, taking the notes from you and reviewing them with new eyes, smiling as he got the idea.
“Ha!” He laughed loudly, “You’re a fucking genius!”
“Thank you,” You said with a smug smile as you, Calum and Luke started to discuss the arrangements.
“Wait, hold up” Ashton interrupted the chatter “Y/N, I appreciate you trying to help and no offense and all but I think this isn’t your place to just decide something like that,” He said, pointing to the three of you.
You rolled your eyes. You’ve dealt with stubborn people before, but Ashton did take a spot on your top three and you knew just how to handle him.
“Wow,” You said sarcastically with a teasing smile “One would think that by being half of the rhythm section you would have more… I don’t know, rhythm?”
Ashton crooked an eyebrow and you and you knew you had him in the bag “I just don’t think-”
“You don’t think?” You said, getting up from your chair and walking up to him to be almost chest to chest. You looked up to his eyes and challenged him “Or you just can’t handle the fact that I might’ve had a better idea than you”
You could see by the sparkle in his eyes that he has taken the challenge to heart. He took a step closer to you, almost pressing his body completely against yours, and smirked.
“Want me to prove you wrong, princess?” He teased but you didn’t back up.
“I’d like to see you try, darling”
Ashton’s smirk widened as he took a step back, turning his head towards Luke and Calum who were watching the scene with intrigued eyes and knowing smiles “Get your asses back in the recording booth”
He followed them as they walked into the big recording space they had, but not before sending you a wink seconds after he closed the door.
You were thankful he didn’t see you blush.
Once they were all set with their instruments - Calum on the keys, Luke on the guitar, and Ashton behind his drum set - You pressed the buttons of the console that would make it possible for you to hear them at the other side of the mirrored glass.
“Okay boys, show me what you got”
You became an official 5SOS songwriter after that day and even Ashton had to admit that you were adding so much more to the band lyrics and melodies since you started to work with them.
Every day you would find yourself walking towards their studio after your band’s session and you start to work wherever they left off. It was a simple dynamic that worked wonders for everyone and after every session, you would get even more inspired to write your own music for Wallows, so it was a win-win situation, not to mention, spending time with your new co-workers; especially a particular drummer that grew closer to you that you would’ve ever imagined.
When you first met the band you hit it off pretty quickly with Luke and Calum, them being the same age as you and having pretty much the same interests; then came Michael that shared a similar sense of humor with you and with whom you discussed videogames with. But Ashton was always the one that you consciously tried to not get too close to.
In all honesty, he intimidated you but not in a bad way. He was smart, talented, and super funny, not to mention also ridiculously handsome. But he was also stubborn, a little bit egotistical, and the only one that could keep up with you in a battle of wits, teasing, and sarcasm. And you knew that if you mixed that all together it might mean trouble, especially when he smiled at you like that.
Of course you had a crush on him, who wouldn’t? But the fact is that you know what it is like to date in the industry and having feelings for a member of another pretty famous band might bring some tension to the table, so it was safer to play the crushing card and just stay friends. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself every day since you started to see him regularly and spend more time with him than with any other of the two bands.
Speaking of…
“Earth to Y/N?” Called Braeden waving a hand in front of your face “Is anybody there?”
You blinked a few times before pushing his hand away with a scoff “Very funny, B. What’s up?”
“You spaced out again” Cole added, fidgeting with his drumsticks “Just when we were going to start complimenting you on that bass line you wrote the other day…”
You smiled as you threw a pillow at him that he was able to easily dodge “Sorry, I was just-”
“Thinking about a particular drummer again?” Dylan teased, to which Cole added.
“I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to fall in love with me”
You searched for other pillows and started to throw them at your band members, giggling as they started to throw them back at you and starting an improvised pillow fight in the middle of the recording booth.
“Hey, Y/N/N! I was wondering if you-” Ashton’s sentence was cut short as he opened the door and took in the scene that was in front of him.
You were so busy chasing Breaden with a pillow on each hand and a devilish smile that you didn’t even notice when the door opened or that Ashton was standing there, smiling at you with his arms crossed as you aimed at your bandmate's head.
“Oh look, peanut!” Dylan said teasingly “You knight in shiny armor is here to-” But before he could say anything more embarrassing, you threw a pillow directly at his face to shut him out.
You quickly turned your head to Ashton who was fairly amused by your battle skills and smiled at him.
“Hey!” You said breathlessly after chasing down the others.
“Hi,” He smiled back “Am I interrupting something or?”
“Nah, you’re good,” You said, throwing one last pillow at your three friends that stood in a corner blowing teasing kisses and puppy eyes at the two of you “These assholes and I are done for the day” You commented before said assholes started to pout and complain, but you were already out the door before they could say something embarrassing again.
“So…” Ashton trailed off, starting to walk alongside you with his hands in his front pockets.
“So,” You said, drifting your eyes from him and praying to the universe that he didn’t hear anything or else it would make the blush on your face even pinker “You needed me for something?”
You wanted to get the topic of work right there in the open as soon as possible, not wanting him to notice how nervous you got when you were alone with him. At least when you were talking about work you leveled the ground in some parts.
“Actually, I’m going home early today” He smiled softly “Luke and the guys are working on a love song that’s just way too happy and butterflies - in - your -stomach like and I didn’t think they needed me there if I can’t bring nothing to the table”
“You’re not a lovey-dovey feeling kinda guy?” You teased by bumping your arm with his, earning a “hey” from him “I actually get it, I’m not that kind of person either”
“It’s not like I don’t like it, it’s just that-”
“You process your emotions differently, and it’s easier to write those when you think of love in other stages and/or mixed with other complex emotions because-”
“Love is not just one-sided! Yes!” Ashton celebrated, amazed that you could understand what he was saying “I knew you would get it”
That comment made your cheeks heat up as you looked at him, all dimpled smiles and light chuckled as he looked at you with sparkly hazel eyes. Oh no…
“Well,” You said, breaking that little moment “If they are going to work on that all day then I guess I would head home, too. I don’t think I’ll be able to provide anything else either”
“Actually,” Ashton said as he stopped in the middle of the hall leading to the exit, making you stop as well and turn to him “I was wondering if you would want to get some coffee with me now that we are both free. Of course, if you really are free and have nothing else to do and want to actually drink coffee or tea… or maybe not and you’re not that type of person and-”
“Are you asking me out?”
Ashton stopped his rambling and looked at you with an incredulous smile and lightly blushed cheeks.
“I- well, yeah,” He said shyly “Yeah, I am”
You smiled and softly chuckled “Look at the famous drummer all nervous” You teasingly took a step closer to him, not knowing where this confidence was coming from, and he did the same “It’s just me, you know?”
“And that’s exactly the reason why”
“Do I make you nervous, darling?”
“Let’s say that if it were anyone else, I wouldn’t have rambled like that, princess”
You pressed your lips in a thin line and smiled as you looked away from him, blushing like a teenager on her first date.
“So…” You trailed off.
“Lead the way”
From that moment both of your routines changed once again. Now you took time off the studio at least two times a week to go with Ashton on those small friendly dates as he took you out for coffee or just simple but meaningful talks.
Soon enough you lost all the doubts that made you nervous around him, seeing how easy it was to talk to him and how much you had in common in more aspects than just music. You became more comfortable around him and your level of teasing and playing grew alongside your relationship, not to mention the level of teasing and playing you received from your band members and the other 3 Aussies who joined in on all the fun.
You were used to blushing and dismissing comments about your - undeniable - crush on the drummer, but Ashton didn’t seem to be affected by them at all. On the contrary, Ashton played along and even seemed like he was enjoying it. Like in one particular occasion where you were working on a song together and Michael said:
“Oh my god, date her already!”
Ashton didn’t blink an eye before responding “I’m trying! But she just wants to focus on the harmonies”
And you’d be lying if you said that didn’t put a smile on your face.
Yet, you kept it all professional while being in the studio; no need to mix your personal lives with whatever was going on down there, that’s why those coffee runs were your favorites.
It was an unspoken rule between the two of you that “work-talk” was forever banned from those outings.
“So what are we going to talk about?” You asked him the first time you went into his favorite coffee shop.
“Us” He simply answered, unaware of the butterflies he just set in your stomach.
“Yeah, I want to get to know you better, princess. Who is Y/N Sixx?”
“Who is Ashton Irwin?”
“I asked first”
“I asked second” You countered
Ashton smiled widely “You think you’re clever…”
“It doesn’t matter what I think” You answered, casually sipping on your coffee “I know I’m clever just like I know you like me that way”
You were testing the waters back then, hiding the shaking of your knees under the table as you longed to know how he felt about it. But the way he smiled and how he blushed a little bit made all your fears go away.
“Yeah, that I do”
Your cheeks turned red whenever you reminisced about that moment - or any moment that you spent with Ashton for that matter - which gave you the perfect idea for a song.
“I don’t want to kill my time with somebody else…” You hummed to yourself as you wrote down what you think is the chorus to a new song.
You told Ashton that you were not the type to write silly love songs or very uplifting songs; but there was something in that memory, something in that feeling that you couldn't ignore or just let it be without doing something about it. So, you started to write it.
You couldn't separate the feeling from the art, after all, feelings were what led you to dedicate your life to music. People would say it was because of your parent’s influence but they had little to nothing to do with your decision. This was you, the authentical you writing whatever came to mind and then sharing it with the world and only a few people will get it in its entirety. And surely Ashton was one of them.
“Dadadada something, want you all to myself”
“Wacha doing there, princess?”
Speaking of the devil.
Ashton smiled at you as he hunched over the table you were working on, trying to peek at what you were writing. You lifted the notebook and pressed it against your chest faking offense as he giggled.
“Didn’t your mother taught you not to sneak up on people, darling?” You asked as he walked around your workspace and sat himself down on the chair next to you “Besides, you’re late. You were supposed to meet me here like half an hour ago!”
“Aww, sorry Sixx” Ashton pouted “But there were no chocolate chip cookies left in the shop so I had to go around town to get you some” He then put a bag of freshly made cookies on top of the table with a cup filled with coffee.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?”
“Of course I did! You always only eat chocolate chips cookies in the afternoon”
He started to giggle again, ignoring the way you were looking at him “How did you know that?”
“C’mon, Y/N/N, every time we go for coffee you order two, one for the coffee and another one for the road. And every time we cater something you never touch anything but those cookies”
“I never knew you were so observant”
Ashton shrugged “I just pay attention if I like what I see,” He said nonchalantly with a wink, making you blush instantly, but you covered it up with an eye roll.
“God, you’re terrible” You scoffed.
“I’m honest!” You shook your head and went back to writing, but Ashton was not going to let that go so easily. “Look, how else could I know that you always put an extra bag of sugar in your coffee?”
“‘Cause I always drink the same thing,” You said without looking up from your notebook.
“Yeah, a mocha latte with extra chocolate drizzle and no foam. Honestly, how can you handle that much sugar?” You were about to answer but he caught you off. “But that’s not all you drink, whenever you have a bad day you always order a cup of mango and ginger tea because that’s your mother’s favorite drink and it helps you calm down. You also don’t want anyone to know that you’re having a bad day but the minute someone looks away your smile starts to flatter until you’re back in the conversation”
You stopped the writing completely as you turned to him, suddenly feeling how your heart started to jump all over your chest as he kept talking, eyes never leaving yours as he gave you a soft smile, almost as if he was remembering all those moments with you.
“You draw flowers on the corner of your notebooks whenever you feel bored. You love the sad songs on the radio and you know every single word to Lorde’s Melodrama, yet every time you have to choose a playlist you put 2000’s pop and R&B songs because it hypes you up. You hate awkward silences unless you are the one being quiet. You help Dylan dye his hair every time he asks you to because you would trust each other with your lives, you give Cole relationship advice because you care about him and he always appreciates your advice more than anyone’s and Braeden is your best friend because you always say that he is one of the few people that could make you laugh in a bad day and you have no idea how much I want to be included in that list”
“You write better with dim light, it helps you concentrate on your work. You say you don’t believe in astrology yet you check your horoscope every day. You want to make sure that everyone has a good time and feels included, that’s why you always make conversations with Micahel about games you never even heard before or let Luke braid your hair when he’s bored or how you switched topics when you noticed that Calum was not engaging as much in a conversation. You literally take care of everyone but you never let anyone take care of you, and when we do you get all shy and you blush as you say thank you and you have no idea how fucking adorable you look”
You sat there speechless as he spoke. You felt the back of your throat dry as you tried to find the right words to answer all of that.
It was too much. The fact that he knew all of that and how he said it like he was just talking about his favorite things in the world, it was just too much but at the same time, you want to hear him say that again.
A weird sense of joy and shyness came over you as he set his hazel eyes on yours. You gave him a small smile as you averted your gaze to the floor.
“Wow, I-” You started “I never thought someone noticed all that”
“How could I not?” You heard him say “You’re all I can think about and to say that I don’t notice you is like saying I don’t notice the sun in the sky or the stars at night. You’re the brightest light out there, Y/N, you shine everywhere you go”
You noticed how he pulled his chair closer to you and suddenly you felt how your chair started to slowly turn his way until you were face to face.
Ashton carefully placed his fingers under your chin and tilted your head until you were finally looking into his eyes again.
“There she is!” He smiled when he noticed your blushing cheeks and gleaming eyes.
“What do you mean when you say I’m all you think about?” You asked expectantly, curling your fingers nervously on top of your thighs.
Ashton chuckled. “Well, if you didn’t notice, I really fucking like you, Y/N”
You looked up at him, smiling with hopeful eyes and feeling as if a weight was lifted off your chest thanks to the joy you were experiencing while hearing those words.
“You do?”
“Unless you don’t like me back and I just spilled my feelings for nothing-” You smacked him playfully in the arm “Ouch! I’m kidding! Of course I like you! Fuck, Y/N I’ve been falling for years now and I thought I was being pretty obvious”
You laughed “I thought you were just playing!”
In an instant, Ashton pulled your chair closer and grabbed you by the hip, lifting you up and making you sit on his lap as he hugged you by the waist and you placed your arms around his neck.
“I’ve never been more serious in my life,” He said, “I’ll do anything to prove it”
“Well,” You said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and knocking your forehead to his “How about you help me finish this song and then you take me on a date? Cause I’ve been falling for you, too and I don’t want to waste any more time”
Ashton hummed as he nuzzled his nose against your cheek, kissing it softly as he murmured “Will I get to kiss my princess at midnight?”
“Maybe… or you can take your chances now if you’d like”
He smiled.
“I like those odds”
And just before you know it, he softly pressed his lips against yours; finally creating a happy beginning for the two of you.
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fayemarvels · 3 years
Backseat rider
Peter Parker x fem!reader (She/her)
Inspo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9lOKWFG54
I tried to write this in the second person so please tell me how you like it.
Summary: Inspired by the wonderful song Backseat Rider by Sara Kays, with my little twist on it, and with a happy ending.
You and Peter have been friends for a long time, and he promised you the first ride in his car. When you come back from your Europe trip, MJ is sitting in the passenger side. The fact that you are in love with him doesn't really help.
Or: Peter promised you a ride in his car and his stupid plan fails because he is jealous.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bad writing, grammatical mistakes,
Word count: 5.1k
English isn't my first language so please don't mind the grammar and sentence structure mistakes and stuff. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, please let me know.
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist *******
9. September 2013
It was the first day of school and you were standing at a bus stop just a few blocks from your new apartment. You and your parents just moved to queens and you were starting in a new school.
With your new schoolbag which you got for your 12th birthday just 3 days ago slung over your shoulders, you tapped your foot nervously against the concrete under your newly polished shoes.
You were so excited to start 6th grade in a new school, away from the people in your old one. You were always a shy kid and some of the kids from your previous school picked on you just because of that.
The school became hell and you started making excuses as to why not to go in. At first, your parents were annoyed thinking you were just lazy. But you later opened up about your struggles and they started to take action.
But before much happened, one of your parents got a job opportunity in Queens, New York, and without much thinking, took it. When you left the school, you felt like you could finally breathe. A huge boulder fell off your shoulders and you were so excited to find some new friends and meet new people. To get a new start.
Due to the traffic, the bus came with a 7 minutes delay. And as the bus rounded the corner to arrive at the bus stop, a frazzled-looking boy came crashing into you.
Before you could crash to the ground, he caught your hand and pulled you towards him in an effort to save you from crashing into the hard ground.
“I am so so sorry, I didn’t mean to I fell asleep and burned my toast and spilled toothpaste on my shirt, and ” he took a deep breath before he continued with his rambling.
“Oh god I am so sorry, I’m rambling” He scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, truly. But I would really appreciate it if you let me go.” You said quietly and the boy’s eyes widened in horror.
“Sorry, sorry” he kept apologizing and mumbling underneath his breath.
“Please stop apologizing, nothing much happened,” You laughed lightly and he breathed out in relief.
“I’m Peter, by the way, Peter Parker,” he introduced himself more calmly. Now, that he wasn’t rambling and frantically running his hands through his hair, you could finally focus on his features. He was slightly shorter than you, with curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were still tinted with sleep.
“Nice to meet you Peter my name is (Y/N) (L/N).” You introduced yourself and you stepped together into the bus. You looked around for two places to sit, preferably together.
“There,” Peter pointed to the back of the bus. You pushed through the crowd of people standing and made it to the seats. Peter let you sit beside the window and sat beside you.
“The public transport in new york is so horrible,” Peter whined and you raised your eyebrow.
“Is it? I just moved in like 2 weeks ago so I didn’t have much time to explore.”
“Oh, so this is your first day of a new school.” His eyes widened in realization and you nodded.
“What school are you going into?” He asked and you could see the excitement in his eyes.
“Palm tree elementary school.” You answered and Peter jumped in his seat.
“Oh my, me too, that’s so exciting, Ned will be so happy,” he squealed you smiled widely.
You talked the rest of the ride to your stop, and through the short walk to your school. This boy might just make this school much more exciting than you thought.
20. August 2019
“Okay, just wait for me outside of your apartment building I’ll come and pick you up,” Peter said into the phone and you hummed in acknowledgment.
“Okay Petey, I’ll be waiting, I missed you so much throughout the summer, I’m sorry I didn’t call” you apologized feeling guilty.
“It’s okay, I get it, I was the one to suggest it. Okay, I’m leaving, I’ll be at yours in about 10 minutes. ”
You and your family went to Europe for the majority of summer. You tried to keep in contact but of course, it was hard the time difference made it very difficult to find a time where you both can call and don’t lose sleep.
The first person to stop trying was Peter. On a rare call one night, he informed you that he didn’t want you to lose sleep just because you wanted to talk to him
“Don’t worry, you’ll tell me everything when you get back, just don’t forget to bring me souvenirs.” Peter teased and you laughed sadly. You missed him so much and the heavy feeling in your heart wouldn’t go away.
“Okay, just prepare yourself because I’ve gotten you a souvenir from every single location we went to.” You sniffled.
“Hey, don’t cry, everything will be alright nothing will change I promise.”
10 minutes later, Peter pulled up to your parking lot and your heart skipped a beat. Your smile widened and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. This was the first time you saw Peter after a month and a half. You returned from Europe only 4 days ago so you used that time to get rid of the jet lag.
Your smile dropped when you saw a shadow sitting on the passenger side. You shook your head and moved closer to the car. Peter stepped out of the car and you flung your arms around him. He tensed for a bit before he wrapped you up in his arms and breathed in your scent.
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” he mumbled into your neck and you pressed your lips into his hair.
“I missed you too, for the last two weeks, my parents were a pain in the ass,” you complained and Peter laughed. Then he got serious.
“Well, at least you have parents.”
“I’m just kidding, don’t worry bug,” he giggled and you hit his shoulder lightly.
“I hate these jokes,” you complained.
“I know, that’s why I make them.” He giggled and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay. C’mon, I have my classmate MJ here, I wanted to introduce you two he stepped away and you wrapped yourself around yourself.”
Peter opened the back door for you and you thanked him. When you got into the car he closed the door behind you and quickly got into the driver seat.
“So MJ, this is (Y/N). Bug, this is MJ.” He introduced you two and you waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I heard about you so much, is so nice to meet you.” MJ greeted and you smiled.
“I would like to say the same but Peter has never talked of you,” you scratched your neck shyly and MJ waved her hand.
“It’s fine, me and Peter only started hanging out about 3 weeks ago, but we’ve gotten a lot closer.” She explained and you nodded.
“So, Peter told me you are in an art school,” Mj started and you shuffled to the edge of your seat so you could hear better.
“Yeah, I do interior design, color pallets, and furniture designs.” You explained and MJ nodded her head.
“That sounds really cool, you’ll be the first I’ll contact when I’m furnishing my house” MJ laughed and you giggled.
“Yeah sure, just give me a call,”
But then, it got quiet. You just relaxed against the seat behind you and closed your eyes for a few moments.
“So, I saw the star wars movies the other day, it was so good,” MJ exclaimed and Peter laughed out loud.
“I tried to get this lady into it but she hated it. The same with star trek.” Peter said, pointing at you.
“Yeah, I hate it so much,” you chimed in but they didn’t respond. They just continued laughing and talking without you. You couldn’t help but think that they looked so much like the two of you looked when you talked about both of your favorite things.
MJ sat in the passenger seat for the next five weeks. When you traveled to school, from school, or even during the weekends.
She was there every single time Peter came to pick you up. And to be honest, it hurt just a bit more every single time you saw her sitting in the front seat of his car.
You and Peter were supposed to go to see the new astronomical exhibition today. You were getting ready in your room when your eyes drifted over a framed picture on your vanity table. It was taken last summer, before he got his car, before MJ. You had taken it with your Kodak disposable camera in a parking lot in front of your local Target. You remember it like it was yesterday.
21. July 2018
It was around 10 p.m. when you and Peter left the target with a plastic bag of candy and a brand new disposable camera that you found in the sale aisle. You tore the safety tape away from the box and pulled out the instruction manual.
“I’m so excited; I’ve never had any of these.” You exclaimed and Peter chuckled at your happy face, threw his arm around your shoulder, and pulled you in closer to him.
“You are going to love it, it’s so fun. Especially because you have no idea how the photos are gonna turn out.” He smiled and you nodded.
“I always watch the tiktoks of people’s reactions to the developed photos, and they always look so happy, I want to try it.” you declared and pulled the camera out of the box.
“First things first bug, just a quick info, you need a lot of lightning for the photos to turn out good,” Peter explained and you waved your hand mindlessly, messing around with your temporary camera.
You quickly pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight. You put the phone on the ground in front of him and he looked at you puzzled.
“Will you do me a favor and be the first photo on this camera’s film?” You asked him and Peter nodded, acting very posh and snobby.
“It would be an honor, my lady,” he faked a bow and you burst out laughing.
“Okay smile for me,” you giggled and Peter smiled widely. He was so beautiful. Hair messy, and a hoodie a little too big on his body, with the long sleeves making cute sweater paws.
“Come onnn take the picture so we can eat the sweets,” Peter whined and you quickly snapped the picture of him. He bent down, took your phone from the ground, and turned off the flashlight.
“Come on I even got us and your fuzzy socks so your toes won’t get cold,” he said and you hugged him from behind.
“you are the best, you know that?” you mumbled and he shrugged.
“Might’ve mentioned it a few times before” You let him go and he pulled out the blanket from his backpack.
“Come on let’s sit here,” he pulled you towards the curb a few feet away from the spot you were standing at. He sat down, wrapped his arms around your legs, and rested his face on your stomach.
“Let’s sit here and eat all these delicious candies” he looked at you with wide eyes and you dragged your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Okay Doll, let’s do this,” you teased and he blushed hard.
“Stoop you know I blush when you call me that,” he complained and you laughed softly. You gently unwrapped his arms from your legs and sat down next to him.
“So, let dig in,” you rubbed your palms together and he put the bag between you two.
“I want the Reese’s,” you said and Peter handed them to you.
“Smiile,” you smushed your cheek against Peter’s and he smiled into the camera. The flash had gone off and you smiled to yourself.
“I bet this one’s gonna be so good.” He said and you nodded.
“So, as I was saying, May told me that she wants to buy me a car for my 18th birthday. I don’t know how she wants to do that but I’m not complaining.” Peter gushed and you wrapped your arms around his middle.
“I’m so happy for you, you deserve it.” You smiled and Peter continued.
“I want to take you on a road trip when we finish school. All around the US. From New York to L.A,” he looked at you hopefully and you smiled at him widely.
“That sounds so good, we can go to grand canyon and Zion and so much more, Oh my God, we will need so much more of these disposable cameras. Peter, we need so much food and tents and sleeping bags and maps.” You took a deep breath before you continued.
“We should make a checklist, we should start preparing, Peter why are we sitting here?” you asked and Peter gently shushed you by putting his pointer finger on your lips.
“We still have 2 years bug, no need to overthink it, everything is gonna be fine.” He assured you and you nodded.
“Come here,” he pulled you towards him and your head landed on his chest. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent.
You were pulled back to reality when your phone rang. It was Peter.
“Hey (Y/N), we are nearly here, only about 4 minutes.” He informed and your breath got stuck in your throat. ‘WE’. MJ is coming with you. He didn’t ask, he didn’t inform you beforehand. He just invited her.
“Ummm Pete I’m suddenly not feeling very well, I think I should go and lay down, maybe you should go alone,” you mumbled and he hummed.
“Okay, get better alright? We can go somewhere tomorrow.” He suggested and you hummed in agreement, as you couldn’t do anything else without breaking down.
“Okay (Y/N) goodnight, get well soon. I’ll see you tomorrow” He didn’t wait for your response before he hung up.
You stared at the phone as the tears cascaded down your cheeks and you put no effort into stopping them. You slowly wiped off the makeup you put on just a few moments prior and threw out the cotton pad.
You stood up from your vanity and moved over to your bed. You couldn’t understand it. What have you done wrong? Just a few months prior, Peter would drop everything to be with you when you weren’t feeling that well. Now, he didn’t even ask what was wrong.
You cursed yourself as you tried to keep your sobs at bay. You lost him and it was all your fault. If you called more often or at least texted and kept in contact during the summer, everything would be fine. He wouldn’t be in his car with someone else but with you. But the more you thought about it the more your mind betrayed you,
‘Wait, he was the one to suggest that you two would stop the contact, did he get tired of you? Did he want to get rid of you? Is he sending signals by hanging out with MJ every single time they should be hanging out alone?’ the thoughts in your brain were running around before they suddenly stopped.
“He didn’t call me bug,” you realized. He always called you bug, never (Y/N). He only called you that when he was annoyed or angry with you. You started thinking back to every single hangout you had in the past 5 weeks to see if you could stumble upon a memory where you angered or annoyed him. Nothing.
Your shoulders sagged and you put your face in your hands.
“What should I do now,” you asked yourself as you tried to remain calm and not to let any more sobs out. As you looked around your room, slowly calming down, you saw a piece of Peter’s hoodie peeking out from your closet. In a rage of fury, sadness, and anger, you quickly gathered every single piece of clothing Peter ever gave you and put them in a cardboard box.
Taking out a piece of paper, you took your favorite pen and started writing a little note for your now ‘ex’ best friend.
Dear Peter, returning your clothes, maybe you can give them to MJ, now that she is your best friend and you don’t care about me. Could’ve at least told me you didn’t want me in your life anymore, instead of sending mixed signals and hurting me by that. Fuck you. – Love, (Y/N)
You signed it with fury coursing through your veins and closed the box with duct tape. You swiped the stray tears that fell down your cheeks and threw on a hoodie.
“Going out for a few minutes!” you shouted to your parents and closed the door, before hearing their response. After putting the hood up, you opened the window to the fire escape and you threw your legs over the window sill, taking the full cardboard box with you.
“Let’s do this,” you mumbled to yourself and dropped down to the ground.
The walk to Peter’s apartment didn’t take long, only about 10 minutes. But the walk felt so much longer this time, maybe because this would probably be the last time you would ever make it. You started tearing up just at that thought. You didn’t think this is how it would end. Six years of friendship ended just because you were too annoying. You shook your head and continued walking; you couldn’t afford to burst into tears in the middle of the road.
You stopped in front of Peter’s apartment and let out a shaky breath. This is it. You knew May would be at work, so you let yourself in with the key, underneath their doormat. You stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind you. You rushed into Peter’s room and threw the box on his bed. You didn’t want to linger around and experience the pain of remembering all of the memories you and Peter shared in this room.
You looked around one more time, and your eyes watered when you saw your favorite t-shirt thrown over his chair. You really wanted to take it but decided to against it. ‘He can do whatever he wants’ you thought and closed the door behind you.
The walk from his apartment wasn’t much better. But it was a bit shorter than the one before. You hadn’t had much time to think this time. You just came out of his building and in a few seconds, you were laying in your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks.
Now, that you calmed down a bit and your head cleared, you laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling, face blank of any emotion. You got pulled back into reality by your phone vibrating. You sat up and moved the phone closer to your face. It was Peter.
You had 6 missed calls and 26 unread messages from the curly-haired boy. But you decided to ignore them and turned on the airplane mode. You curled up into a ball and snuggled up into your fluffy blanket. It was going to get better, you will get better, the pain will subdue, the anger will not.
You were so damn angry at him. How could he do this to you, string you along when he doesn’t want you in his life anymore? Letting a few tears slip, you let your eyelids droop and let your mind wander into the darkness of sleep.
“I don’t understand, what does she mean by a new best friend? What does she mean by not want her in my life anymore?” Peter asked as he paced around his room, with your note crumpled up in his right hand.
“I think you did the opposite of what you wanted to do you know?” MJ interrupted him and he looked at her horrified.
“This is all my fault, I’m the reason she feels like this,” he mumbled and continued pacing in circles.
“Remind me why you wanted to do this again?” MJ scoffed and Peter stopped to think.
“To make her jealous,” he mumbled and MJ stood up and hit him across the forehead with a rolled-up engineering magazine she found randomly thrown under his pillow.
“You are so stupid, Peter. And I can’t believe I helped you. But at least I got the cute girl’s number,” she mumbled the last part and Peter ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
“I fucked up,” he announced and MJ glared at him.
“Yeah, no shit genius. Remind me how this started again. In detail and soak in just how stupid you are,” she growled out and he got lost in the painful memory.
It was around 3 weeks after his best friend left for Europe, he was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when he saw a photo she posted just 4 hours ago. He went to like it but his thumb froze before he could double-tap. It was a photo of her smiling, looking as beautiful as ever, on a beach with a sunset behind her. But it wasn’t her that made him freeze, it was the boy that was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She was grinning at him, her smile shining brighter than all of the stars in the night sky.
“Who the fuck are you?” Peter mumbled to himself as he looked over more of the photos in the post. As he scrolled, the pair of them only grew closer on the pictures. Them sharing a meal, them in the sea, them on a carnival with a huge green teddy bear in her arms. Just from the last picture, it was clear that the boy won the plushie in one of those shitty scam carnival games Peter couldn’t play even if he really wanted to.
But what really got him, was the post from her private Instagram, the boy from the previous photos was kissing her on the corner of her mouth. Tears gathered up in his eyes as he exited the app and ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
‘Could she have a boyfriend? But she didn’t tell me,’ his breathing got quicker and he had a sudden urge to puke. Before he could stop himself, he opened his contacts app and scrolled to find MJ’s phone number, she could help him.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to ask but I need you to help me make my best friend jealous.” Those words came from his mouth before he could even think about them.
“I told you before you started with this stupid plan of yours that it won’t work out,” MJ snapped him out of his mind. Peter stared into the distance before he snapped out of it.
“I need to go and see her, I need to explain,” Peter rushed out before MJ stopped him.
“You need to give her some time, she wouldn’t want to see you, and only get angry or even more upset.” She explained and Peter nodded in understatement.
“You are right, I will let her cool off for a week, and then talk to her,” Peter concluded. MJ blinked in surprise.
“Are you sure you want to give her a week? I was thinking more like 2 days, not 7,” MJ said cautiously and Peter huffed out angrily.
“God, why are you so cryptic, why can’t you just tell me and help,”
“Because this is your relationship, that is on line, not mine. And you want me to solve this for you,” MJ raised her voice and Peter rolled his eyes.
“God, this is useless” he mumbled and the girl in front of him scoffed.
“I can just leave if that’s what you want,” She stood up to leave but Peter grabbed her forearm gently.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just really anxious and I want to see her. But you are right, I shouldn’t leave her without explanation for such a long period of time,” Peter apologized and MJ nodded.
“I need to go, mum wants to watch this new movie she saw in Target, I’ll text you okay?”
“Okay bye, enjoy the movie,” Peter mumbled and MJ walked out of his room.
“Great Parker, just great,” he mumbled to himself as he watched her leave through his window.
2 days later
Peter was standing in front of your school, waiting for you to finish. The last two days have been torture for him and he couldn’t wait to talk to you. When he heard the bell ring on the inside of the building, he stood up from the bench he was sitting on and moved closer to the main entrance, just a precaution and so he wouldn’t miss you walking out.
He started to get worried when he didn’t see you walk out even after 15 minutes.
‘Maybe they had some science lab and are cleaning up or something he thought to himself to calm down a bit. Then, he saw one of your friends, Bee, walk out and he waved at them.
“Hey, she isn’t here today,” Bee said to Peter. He only frowned. That’s weird.
“Okay, thanks Bee, do you think she could be at home? Is she sick?” Peter asked and Bee frowned at him.
“I thought you were best friends, you don’t know where she is?” Bee asked him and Peter looked down looking very guilty.
“We had a fight,” he mumbled and Bee scoffed.
“Well, I guess you fucked up pretty bad because she never misses school.”
“I know, I fucked up and I hurt her, but I just want to make it better, I gave her time to cool off and now, I need to apologize,” Peter explained and Bee nodded their head.
“Okay Parker, last chance, if you hurt her to this extent ever again, I’ll kick you in the balls.” Bee threatened and Peter nodded.
“Don’t worry, this is the first and last time this has ever happened, won’t hurt her ever again, I promise,” Peter said and Bee could tell his words were genuine.
“Fine Parker go, and if she is not at school tomorrow, you are a dead man, I’m telling you that right now.”
“Don’t worry Bee, I’m going to make this right,” Peter promised as he walked away from your school.
“Honey, someone is here to see you,” Your mom called out and you looked from under your blanket. You couldn’t function correctly for the past few days, the loss of your best friend being too much to bear.
“Tell them to go away please,” you mumbled and she shook her head sadly. You stopped crying a while ago, no tears left in your body.
You heard a gentle knock on your door.
“Hey bug,” You whipped your head towards the voice, and the tears you thought ran out, welled up in your eyes. He was there, even after he exchanged you for someone else.
“Pete,” you whispered and he quickly walked towards you and sat on your bed. You threw yourself into his arms but then quickly pulled back and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and Peter shook his head.
“I came to apologize, I hurt you by my actions and made you think something, that isn’t true at all,” he explained and you tilted your head, reminding Peter of a cute, confused puppy.
“I will just tell you the truth, and hope you will be able to forgive me.”
“I was jealous. It’s simple as that, and now that I’ve said it out loud, it sounds so stupid.” He took a deep breath and slowly tangled his fingers in yours.
“The truth is, I have feelings for you. You know what? Scratch that, I’m in love with you and have been for a long time. When I saw you with the guy in Europe, being all cute and sweet together, I just lost it.” He confessed and looked up to see your face. You had an unreadable expression on your face.
“Fuck, he even got you a huge teddy bear from the carnival scam games, I could never do that for you, and I know you love that corny stuff.” He said with a shaky voice and could feel the tears push into his eyes.
“I wanted to make you jealous, but I hurt you instead and that hurts me even more than seeing you with that boy.” He said and then kneeled on the floor beside your bed. He took your other hand into his and kissed your knuckles gently.
“I’m so sorry Bug, please forgive me,” he begged as he put his forehead against your hand. The tears that gathered in his eyes flowed freely down his perfect face and it hurt you to see him like this. You took your hand away from his and you could see the quick flash of pain on his face. You caught one tear with your finger and whispered.
“Please don’t cry, I’m going to cry too,” he quickly looked up and smiled sadly, when he saw your sunken and tired face.
“I forgive you, Peter.” You said with a crack in your voice.
“And you know, it actually worked out, I was so jealous when I saw you with her.” You confessed.
“I love you too Peter, I always have” you whispered and Peter’s face lit up with joy.
“You, do?” He asked and you nodded with a slight smile on your face.
“I do, so so much,” You caressed his cheek, shuffled closer to him, and kissed him on the forehead.
“Come here and lay with me,” you demanded and Peter chuckled.
“Well, what my lovebug wants, she gets.” Peter teased and you hid your face in the blanket.
“I kinda like it,” you whispered shyly and Peter laughed lightly.
“Scoot over love, let me lay with you.” You shuffled over and Peter slipped under your blanket. He laid down and slowly maneuvered your body, to lay comfortably on his chest.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, we’ll work it out, I promise.” You mumbled and Peter nodded and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, Peter”
“I love you my Bug,” It was quiet for a bit before Peter spoke once again.
“So, who was the boy in the photos?”
I'm sorry I kind of disappeared for two months, but I had an extreme case of writer's block, but I am back. But I still have no ideas so if you have any ideas, I would be forever thankful if you pitched them to me.
I would also like to thank you for 97 followers, it's unbelievable.
I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback and told me what I can change.
Thanks for reading
- Faye xxx
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orenjineki · 4 years
Dabi the house-elf
Summary:When you don't get your Hogwarts letter at 11, you spam Hogwarts with letters until they get pissed of and send you a human Dabi who thinks he is a house-elf. And he's always naked and hung. Crap.
Warnings: Dub-Con, Dubious Consent, R18, Minors DNI
Notes: I am so sorry but I saw this tiktok by @savs_creates where Dabi is a house-elf and I just couldn't stop myself. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMerqQ5Dc/
I thank @mangospams who is my greatest inspo when it comes to Yandere Dabi.
You had a house-elf. As a muggle. A house-elf. The size of a grown, human!, man with a sizeable…erm, well size. Not only his frame was decently sized but also his private parts, as you liked to call them in your mind when you happened to accidentally see them from the corner of your eyes when the brown bedsheets you had given the man? elf? once again did a terrible job at covering him.
Which you did not want to see since you were still unsure about his race. To be fair, you were unsure about a lot of things since you turned eleven. Up until your 11th birthday you were convinced that you would get a letter from Hogwarts, be declared a witch and go on a great many adventure with your new, magical friends in a school that was essentially a death trap for children. (They have a forbidden forest with giant spiders, that can and will eat you, unless you raised the og spider because you thought it was a cute pet!). The thought that Hogwarts was not real, merely a product of fiction, did not occur to you. And why would it, since quirks were real, why shouldn't magic be?
And so you waited for your letter, standing on the doormat of your home, looking for owls. But none came. But they had to! And so you waited. And waited. With the interruption of school, food and sleep. But not a single bird, not even a pigeon, dropped a letter with a red wax seal in front on your feet. But you never gave up hope, maybe they just got lost on their way?
You waited so long that you eventually turned twelve. Angry about this unreliability and with a feeling of betrayal, you decided to take matters into your own hands and write them a letter instead, ha! And so you did, every day, complaining about the fact that this magical institute had the audacity to not send you your magical letter! Heck, even an email would have been fine! Your parents tried to stop you at first but since you were somewhat decent at school, they let you keep your paper intense hobby. When you had sent your 6666thletter, way past your 18th birthday, you finally got an answer!
''Dear Ms. …,
We have received your thousands upon thousands of letters, demanding to be announced a witch and allowed into our school. However, we are glad to inform you that you are, through and through, a muggle. Usually we would ignore such profligate attempts at gaining something which you do not deserve but the amount of paper you have wasted for your letters poses a threat to the environment which muggle folk already treat with so much disrespect. Therefore, as a reimbursement, and a desperate attempt to get you to stop writing us, we will send you a human who thinks he is also a magical being without a trace of magic in his veins. In this case it is a human man who got hit with a confundus charm as a child and is convinced that he is a house-elf. When you finish reading this letter, you will find him standing in your kitchen, awaiting your orders.
Sincerely, the secretary of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.''
Wait, so Hogwarts is real? And you have a house-elf/human now? What? You drop the letter and rush into the kitchen to see a man, with white hair, piercing blue eyes and piercings on…anyway. You couldn't decide what was more confusing about the situation. The fact that he appeared out of nowhere, the fact that large parts of his body were burned or the fact that he was naked. You decided to accept this new version of reality by staring at him incredulously for a good five minutes, in which he did not blink once, staring back at you.
Since he didn't say anything and you started to feel a little drowsy from this… revelation, you decided to end the day early and go to sleep in your one-room apartment. Sadly, your apartment was too small to hide in another room, hoping that he would be gone, only a really weird dream, when you woke up and entered the living room the next morning. Sadly, your living room was also your bedroom and your kitchen and so you could only turn around and stare at the wall incredulously until you fell asleep. The next morning you woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed, since your apartment was always too cold to catch a good night's sleep. But somehow you felt really warm, as if you had shared the bed with another, very warm body.
Was that breathing you heard near your ear, right behind you? You turned around in a millisecond and went right back to incredulously staring at your house-elf-human. Holy shit, he was still there. And naked. And now he spoke, making it even harder to ignore his existence. ''Is master mad at Dabi? Should Dabi burn himself as punishment?'' He raised a hand and a very hot and very scary looking blue flame emerged from it. Great, so you had a crazy human who was convinced to be a house-elf with a fire quirk in your very small and very expensive apartment. Just great. You decided to pretend this was real. Maybe if you went along with it, he would be revealed to be a figment of your imagination and someone would send you to a mental hospital where live might be a bit more normal than this. ''N…n…no, please don't! I'm just confused, it's fine, you did nothing wrong.''
And so you had a human house-elf. You tried really hard to convince him that he wasn't an elf, but his believe in his magicalness was as unyielding as 11 year old you's. You decided to just treat him like a really confused roommate. Very, very confused. He kept standing or laying as close to you as possible, staring at you so hard you worried he would set you ablaze with his eyes. Those eyes…
They were always on you. If it wasn't such a weird situation, he might have been your type, though more ''normal'' in his speech patterns preferably. The scars didn't look ugly, just saddening when you wondered about the pain his quirk must have caught him. In order to give him and you more privacy, you gave him an old brown bedsheet as clothing since he refused anything that was new and without holes. He was actually quite helpful around the household, watching you doing daily chores and picking them up immediately the next day until all you had left to do yourself was work and grocery shopping.
He did however always manage to make you slightly uncomfortable with the way he would stare at you whenever he had nothing to do but you had to write a paper or watch a cat video. And he was absolutely horrible when he interacted with other people, other men to be exact. One time, when you forgot to tell him to hide under the blanket when the doorbell rang, the delivery man had been visible from the kitchen unit and he stared at him, an eerie smile on his face, and a blue flame in one hand. You decided to push the delivery man out of his view, grabbed the package and slammed the door shut. After that you had a serious discussion about ''politeness'' with Dabi and he just kept insisting that ''Master doesn't need anyone else, only Dabi''.
You tried to talk him out of this worldview, but every time you even remotely disagreed with him, the room suddenly got very hot and smoke poured out of his ears and you decided to drop it. Maybe you should get a post office box instead.
From that day on everything seemed mostly fine, until you came home from work, very exhausted, with a sore neck. You yawned a lot more than usual when you tapped away on your phone and stretched your arms and moved your head around in a desperate attempt to ease the pain. Suddenly, two very warm hands found their way on your shoulders and a very hard and apparently large cock pressed into you from behind.
You gasped in shock, your breath stopping. Soft, white hair tickled your neck when your ''house-elf'' whispered into your ear: ''Does master need help relaxing? Dabi saw some of those massage videos master always watches at night on her phone. The humans in the videos look very calm after the massage.''
Your eyes widened in realization and horror, your ''house-elf'' had found your browser history. Great…
You tried to wriggle free from his hold, but only managed to rub your ass into his hard, and pierced, member, making the ''house-elf'' groan softly. The deep noise made your legs quiver and pulled a pathetic whimper from your lips. To your own shame, the most recent ''massage video'' you saw came to your mind and you wondered if he would really go this far. Before you could form another coherent thought, he let go of you to grab a glass of coconut oil from the fridge, melting it's content in his hands.
Then, his oily hands wandered, one under your shirt to softly massage your left nipple and make you whimper, the other under your waistband, inside your panties, to softly rub at your clit. Apparently, he had seen one of the more ''romantic'' videos, because you also felt his lips press soft kisses all over your neck and collarbone. Maybe he was really a magical creature, since the way he played with your admittedly very single body wiped all coherent thought from your mind. He kept rubbing and rubbing your clit until you came with a very embarrassing, very high-pitched moan.
''Don't worry master, Dabi will make you feel even better''. Before you could really grasp what he meant, something warm, hard and big was slowly pressed into your now soaked pussy. An even bigger, even more pathetic whimper left your lips. At your very audible reaction to his actions your ''house-elf'' stilled inside you once he bottomed out and laid his chin on your shoulder, looking at you with the widest eyes you ever saw on him. ''Is Master in pain?''.
You shook your head, bit down on your lip, and realized that you desperately needed him to pound you against the kitchen counter. ''I'm…I'm fine, please just move''. The desperation was very audible in your voice and the look of concern disappeared from Dabi's face. Instead, he licked your ear and whispered:'' Only if you Master admits that master belongs to Dabi''.
''Say it or Dabi will burn the next man that tries to sneak into master's home with a package.''
''O..ok, whatever. Master belongs to Dabi''.
The reaction where a dark chuckle and a kiss to your ear before he pulled out of you completely to thrust back in. When you didn't protest and your moans only grew in volume, his hands wandered and he started to squeeze each breast with a very large and warm hand. For the second time that night you wondered whether he actually was magical, since this felt like a very ''magical'' experience. Definitely fantastic with the way the various piercings battered into your g-spot and your clit, making you moan and whine just as loud as the women in your ''massage videos''. When Dabi saw your head fall back on his shoulder and your tongue roll out, he decided to make sure that everyone could see you were his and bit down on your neck, hard. You yowled out in pain but he compensated for it by rubbing your clit and thrusting so hard that you came on his cock half a minute later. The sensation of your walls squeezing him tightly and your cute whines also pushed him over the edge and you could feel his warm seed trickle out of you once he slowly retreated.
The house-human picked you up and held you bridal style in his arms before you could collapse. You still groaned softly from the overstimulation and he carried you to your very small shared bed. After carefully tucking you into bed and pulling you into his naked chest, he softly pushed your hair out of your face and gave you a number of soft kisses all over you face, on your nose, cheeks and mouth.
Before you managed to fall asleep, completely exhausted, you could hear him whisper into your hair after kissing your head:
''Now Master is Dabi's mate. I love you master, but if I ever see another man at the door I will turn him into a pile of ash''.
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
you shouldn’t mess with me - sugawara koushi x reader
REQUEST: “Ahhh you are such a good writer!!! Could I request a lil thing where reader is a manager and sugawara’s gf and at a game someone purposely hits you with a ball and the whole team is just in full murder mode headed by Suga :) lots of flufffffff and ofc Noya and Tanaka being their protective selves - @lollypop-lam “
A/N: AHHHHHH thank you so much for reading my writing! i hope i didn’t disappoint you with this one. my inspo for this was from an audio i found on tiktok and i hope you liked it!
A/N: i just remembered- the audio was starred in, “The Addams Family” movie. and i apologize to this semi cliche story- 
WARNING: Fluff and Crack (just cause)
WHO: Sugawara Koushi x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Y/N-san!” Tanaka and Noya came running to the bus where you were standing waving at them with a small smile.
“Hey guys-”
“TANAKA, NISHINOYA! DO NOT TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND!” Suga, your boyfriend, had ran yelling at them and they both stopped facing opposite directions whistling.
“What do you mean bro?” Tanaka said.
“Yeah, we weren’t gonna do anything.” Nishinoya mentioned and your boyfriend smacked them both on the back of their heads. i like ya cut g
“It’s okay, baby, they just wanted to say hi and reserve a seat on the bus first.” you turned to the pair and winked at them while smirking and turning your attention back to Suga.
“Y/N-san... Is... So... Cool...” they both gushed and you giggled before talking again and facing them.
“Alright, you boys should go sit down. Find a seat you like and claim it, cause I know some people really want the window seat recently.” 
“YES MA’AM!” as Tanaka and Nishinoya rushed inside the bus for a seat.
“What would I do without you here to contain them.” Suga sighed and you chuckled.
“I am a manager after all. I gotta contain them. That means you too.” As you winked at your boyfriend sending him a flying kiss and entering the bus to find a seat in the back.
“God I love her.” Suga blushed and Daichi laughed with Asahi.
“We get it bro, you’re whipped for her.”
“S-Shut Up!” Suga said bluffing. Asahi and Daichi both laughed.
Suga had entered the bus and saw you sitting in the back with your earbuds in probably listening to music though you were staring outside of the window seat even though the bus didn’t move.
“Hey baby,” Suga said sitting next to you. You took out your earbuds and turned to his direction.
“Hey,” you said. Suga had put his head on your shoulder, while also closing his eyes. “You should get some sleep. You studied all night and need to rest.”
“How did you know that?” Suga took his head off your shoulder and you shook your head in disapproval clasping his hands.
“Your hands look a little rough and I can see the pen markings from last night. As well you look a little less stress than you did from this morning.” You said dropping his hands and putting your hands at the side of his face instead to give him a small kiss on his forehead.
“You can tell?” he asked shocked.
“Babe, I called you last night and you didn’t pick up and I assumed that you were studying because you completely ignore all calls coming your way.” you chuckled bringing his head to the crook of your neck.
“It’s fine... Now you should get some rest. You’re going against Aoba Johsai.”
“It’s not like I’ll play-” you looked down at him and pinched his cheek.
“Ow, what was that for?” he said rubbing his cheek.
“First of all, where is this attitude coming from? Second of all, since when did my Koushi ever put on this display and third of all, why are you giving up so easily?”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for putting some sense into me.” He said giving you a hug.
“Okay, now it’s nap time for you.” 
“Sleep.” you started running your fingers through his hair. Suga relaxed to your touch and snuggled in closer to you. Soon enough he had dozed to dreamland and you shortly joined him too.
“Look who it is...” a player on Aoba Johsai said smirked seeing the team arrive. 
“Seems like they have a new manager?” Iwaizumi said shrugging.
The rest of the team had walked inside and you stayed behind because you had to unload the bus with the boy’s drink carrier.
“Ah ha ha! Let’s see how this goes.” the player smirked seeing you.
“I don’t think you should-” Iwa had said but it was too late as they were walking over to you.
“Hey pretty lady, do you need help with that?” he said behind you and you smiled before shaking your head.
“It’s alright. I got this.” As you took the water carrier out and carried it.
“Woah, woah, woah. Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, darling.”
“Nope never heard of you and I don’t need your help... I should be heading to the gym right now, see ya later!” as you dashed to the gym with the big water carrier in your hands.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, she just DENIED your ass!” Iwa had laughed
“I’ll get her, just you watch!” He stammered, “Come on, let’s go.” 
Both boys had returned back inside the school to go to their gym to prepare the match. 
It was Aoba Johsai’s ball and that player from earlier was up to serve. You sat at far end of the bench observing the whole game play while writing and taking notes of how the boys were doing. 
Suddenly the feeling of a volleyball being smashed at the side of your head was all you could feel. Your body had fallen off the bench and onto the ground where you laid. The sound of the gym being ever so silent and the volleyball bouncing on the ground to a stop was all that could be heard from the stands.
No one moved or said anything after the sound of the whistle indicating the serve was out.
“OH MY GOD, Y/N ARE YOU OKAY???” Yachi and Kiyoko came running to your end of the bench. You held your head in your hands and suddenly the pain started to throb and grow. Takeda-sensei had called for a timeout and everyone was rushing off the court to surround you.
“Ah shit.” you managed to say while closing your eyes. Suga had taken a moment to realize you were down, till he ran full speed over to you.
“Babe? Y/N? Are you okay?” as he held your head in his hands.
“Y-yeah, I think so, just stop asking questions.” you instructed, trying to find some silence and peace to ease the pain. You latched onto Suga before being put up on the bench again.
“Yachi, can you bring Y/N to the nurse’s office. Everyone else, get over here. I need to have a chat with you all.”
“Yes sir.” Yachi had said helping you get up and heading out of the gym. 
“First things first. Sugawara, Tanaka and Nishinoya. You will NOT and I repeat will NOT be injuring them at any rate. It was by mistake and he landed it out.” As Takeda-sensei had mentioned before staring at the rest of the boy’s faces.
“Actually, that goes for each and every single one of you, boys. You WILL NOT be HURTING that boy in ANY way.” Takeda-sensei had instructed and all their faces went dull.
“That is correct, you boys will NOT be hurting any of them, but you can take your anger out on the ball. I will go check on her and you all better NOT hurt anyone today.” Coach Ukai mentioned.
“Yes sir.” As the whole team said in a scary tone. The feeling and vibe in the gym felt different. People in the stands could feel the tension and anger radiating off of Karasuno. Let’s say things ended well on a positive note :)
“Baby!” Sugawara came rushing out of the gym to see you walking back with an ice pack next to your head.
“H-Hey...” You said giving him a small smile. Tanaka and Nishinoya ran to see how their queen was doing by pushing Sugawara out of the way.
“Are you okay, Y/N-san?” They both talked and asked you and you winced feeling the ringing in your head because of their loud voices.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, sorry I missed your guy’s ending.” you apologized giving them a sad smile.
“Oh don’t worry about it, we won in the end.” Tanaka and Nishinoya smirked. You gave them a concerning look but shook off the confused face.
“Congratulations for the win. Good job on playing well out there. Tanaka, I liked your spikes and Noya I liked your dives for the ball.” you said complimenting them and they stood there flustered.
“I-It was nothing.” they boasted and you giggled before heading to Sugawara.
“You didn’t hurt him did you?” You asked latching onto Suga.
“No...” he grumbled.
“Good job out there.” You gave him a small kiss on the cheek as you headed out of the school with the rest of the team and Suga’s arm around your shoulder.
“Hey pretty lady, how’s your head feeling?” the boy from earlier asked smirking, stopping you in your tracks.
“She’s doing fine, thank you for asking.” Suga talked for you.
“Is she really? I made sure to aim right at her.” At this point Tanaka and Nishinoya were running towards your direction including the team turning around to face him. You had placed a hand in the air stopping the duo mid-air.
“Look, I understand that you were petty and angered by the fact I turned you down earlier in the parking lot, but you didn’t have to be that petty to hit the ball right at me. Next time if I were you, I’d rather have you focus on the court than on the girl who turned you down for someone better.” you smirked raising an eyebrow. “Let’s go, Koushi. You too, guys.”
You had tugged your boyfriend to walk past the boy and soon followed the rest of the team smirking at him. Featuring Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata sending him some faces and Daichi dragging their asses back to the bus.
“That was really cool, Y/N-senpai!” Hinata turned around in his seat and you laughed placing on a smile.
“Was it really? I didn’t mean to sound like that.” You rubbed the back of your head.
“Mannnnn, Suga-san, I am jealous of you. Your girlfriend is so cool AND so beautiful.” Nishinoya said sending you a wink.
“Aww thank you, Noya.” you gave him a cheeky smile.
“Alright, that’s enough. I need my girlfriend back.” Suga wined putting his arms around your figure.
“Jealous, much?”
“Yes, very much.” He kissed your lips and you smiled into the kiss, giving him one back.
“Kiss me one more time?” he looked up at you with his puppy eyes. 
“Anything for you, sugar~” Giving him another kiss before snuggling into each other while on the way back to Karasuno and letting your head rest.
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Late (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: You’re getting married in two days and drunk Todoroki has something he needs to say.
Inspo: This Tiktok by avoeia
Word count: 1,985
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​
a/n: Oh boy, hold onto your butts and grab some tissues, I’ve written myself deeper into my depression with this one.  Have yourselves a nice little downward spiral with a small side of slow burn. Not gonna lie though, it feels really great to write angst again, it’s therapeutic in a way.  Also I’m really not gonna write a sequel to this, I’m sorry :(.  I’ll keep the ending open for you guys to decide what happens for yourselves or debate about it.
"Shouto," I hold back my giggles.  Both of us are admittedly a little too drunk for either of us to be standing at all.  Which is why we're face up on in the middle of the dance floor, his body facing the opposite way as me and his head still next to me.  "Stop it, my stomach hurts!"
"And remember that time," the boy continues, his own speech garbled by petals of laughter, "When we were younger, you fell from a tree and you ended up getting dirt in your mouth, and I teased you for eating dirt, and you got so mad you actually scooped up a handful, stared me straight in the eyes, and ate it?"  He rolls towards me, guffawing at the memory.
"You-!"  I shove him aside, bursting out into my own fit of laughter again, the fuzzy image of his shocked face appearing before my eyelids.  "You didn't think I could do it, so I did it, I had to show you up!"
Even through my spinning vision, I can tell Shouto's eyes have squeezed into crescents, the biggest smile on his face.  Finally breathing to rest my aching stomach and lungs, I lay my head on my arms, admiring him with a dumb smile.  He's looked so happy this entire day, it gives me a warm feeling inside to know he's living a better life than he did before.
He's changed so much in the past...wow almost 20 years?  I think to myself, finally doing the math.  We've known each other since we were five, meeting in Kindergarten and slowly building a friendship since then.  There were rough patches on his part, starting from him father's push to train him into something he never asked for.  Shouto would always sneak out every night, pouring his heart out to me with teary faces and anger I know I've only seen.  Every insecurity, vulnerability, and regret of even being born, every dark secret and thought he's ever had towards his father, I've been there to help him through it.
Going through the same high school, I saw his change, even though I was in the General Studies class.  Seeing him make other friends who helped him grow when I couldn't be with him all the time, I'll always be indebted to them for taking care of my good friend.
Now, seeing him as free, open, and joyful as he was when we were just stupid kids feels like it's all come full circle.  As we lay here in the middle of a makeshift dance floor, the last people at a party that one of my other friends threw for me, strung up with alcohol still pumping through our veins, I realized he's matured so much.
"Thank you for being in my life, Shouto," I mutter softly.  "I can't imagine anyone else being here with me right now, before I move into the next part of my life."  I chuckle to myself.  "I wouldn't want anyone else next to me right now."
Shouto's laughter finally dies down, wiping the tears off his face.  The purple-pink colored lighting casts onto half his face, bicolored hair sweeping into his eyes.  His tie and the first few buttons on his shirt are carelessly undone and his cheeks flush because of the alcohol.  "Yeah.  Who knew you'd get married before me?  You always said I was the more attractive one."
"Shut up," I scoff, poking his forehead.  "So what if I did?  There are some really mean but handsome people too."
"You're calling me mean?" he smirks.
Sharing another round of lighthearted chuckles, I scan his upside down face, my ear pressed again the cold, tile floor.  We bask in the pleasantly heavy and warm nostalgia around us, our history that brought us here.  It's funny how time passes but you always somehow end up in a similar place.  Shouto stares back at me, fingering his now-empty bottle of beer while his eyes blink out of sync with each other.  My eyelids slowly close, hearing the familiar sound of his breath in the timeless moment.
"I love you, (Y/n)."
Just like that, the spell breaks.
My eyes fly open.  One look into his melancholy eyes tells me he doesn't mean it platonically.  I force myself up to sit up, cold waves passing through me.  Conflicting feelings of fear, surprise, anger, and closure mix together.  Somehow, I knew this would happen for years, I was just waiting for the shoe to drop.
It's hard not to fall in love with your best friend. When you've seen them at their worst and their best, helped them through every growth milestone in their life, you can't help but fall in love with them.   And I did, while we were still in middle school, maybe even earlier than that.  I just never confessed because I didn't want to burden him with everything his father was putting him through, it was never the right time.
Funny how life works, giving you something you wanted just a few years too late.
"This was probably the worst time to say that, I admit."  The rustling behind me signals that he's rolling up to sit also.  "But I can't let you get married without me getting it off my chest first, it would have eaten away at me and something else would've happened.  And I don't expect anything, I just want you to know how I feel."
I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to that now.  The anger builds up inside me looking back at the entire history of our relationship.  I wobble up to stand on my feet, ignoring the wave of dizziness that threatened to knock me back down.
"I know you're angry, and you have every right to be-"
"When did you come to this genius conclusion?" I snap.
There's a silence before he answers in a mumble, "In high school."
I whirl on him.  "And you waited until now to tell me this?!"  Noticing the shame embedded into his features, I run a hand through my hair in frustration.  "I can't believe- What do you want me to say, Shouto?  What did you think I was going to say?"
He rubs the back of his neck as he stands on his feet slowly.  "I'll be honest, I didn't even think I'd be able to say it, I didn't think that far."
I huff and pinch the bridge of my nose.  Well, since we're clearing the air.  "Shouto," I start, calming my shaking figure down, "I...I loved you too, but I knew way earlier than you."
"Then why didn't you say anything?" he raises an eyebrow.
"How was I supposed to?" a bitter laugh escapes me.  "In high school, you said you didn't think you can handle love!  You wanted to focus on sorting out your identity and find yourself, and I respected that!  And the only reason I didn't tell you before that is because your stupid dad was already giving you a hard time, why should I burden you with my feelings?"  My hands cover my face as I wobble a few steps.  I remember how torn up I was the few days after he admitted this to me.  How was I supposed to feed my selfish desire when he needed support a different way?  "It was just never the right time and you weren't ready.  You needed a friend more than a lover at the time, and that's what I gave you."
"But what about now?" he steps closer to me.
"Shouto, I'm getting married in two days!" I yell at him.  "I got over you because I thought you would take a long time to be ready, but obviously you were just lying to yourself!"
His mismatched eyes downcast.  "I know, I'm sorry.  If I wasn't a coward about everything and I had sorted out my feelings earlier, we wouldn't been in this mess."
I sigh, blinking back the frustrated tears starting to pool in my eyes.  "Don't apologize for that.  You're not the best at emotions anyway."
In the silence that followed, I think about what he said.  If he had said something sooner, or if I'd been selfish, where would things have been?  What kind of life would I have lived with him?  He'd probably be the one I would be walking down the aisle towards.  The image chokes me up with tears again.  I feel guilty that my heart skipped a beat seeing it.
Shouto patters up to me and rests his hands on my quivering shoulders.  "Do you...still love me?"
A sob escapes at his question, unable to hold back anymore.  "I loved you for so long, it wasn't easy to get over."  I swipe my tears off my face.  "But I love him too, Shouto, and I can't abandon that just because we sorted this all out now.  That's not fair."
I didn't have any regrets or lingering feelings saying yes when he proposed to me, why am I feelings this now?  It makes me feel worse.
"I suppose it wasn't meant to be, then," my friend whispers quietly.
Overwhelmed with emotion and my running stream of tears, I throw myself into his chest and he immediately wraps his arms around me, stroking my head softly.  "Idiot," I cry, "We're both idiots."
"I know," he agrees quietly.  "It's better this way.  I probably won't make you as happy as he will."  I don't know if he truly believes that or he's just saying that for me, or for him, or for both of us.  "Just look at the mess I made now, I'm quite the homewrecker."  At the small breath of a chuckle I let out, he gently cradles my cheeks in his palms.  "You'll live a great life with him and you'll love him as you did me, I know you will."
I lean into his touch.  "You were my first, it won't be the same."
"I know," he offers me a sad smile and wipes the remaining wetness from my eyes, "But you have to try."
I sniff, trying to keep anymore tears from falling.  "Damnit, Shouto, look what you've done.  You did this to ruin my wedding on purpose, didn't you?"
"It wasn't my intention, I just wanted to be honest."  He runs his hands down my arms.  "I think you've had enough partying and drama for the day.  Off to bed."
He gently leads me by the arm into my bedroom, turning his back to let me change.  The fact that he even remembers which drawer has my pajamas in them as he picks out a set makes my heart sink.  Leaving me to get a glass of water, he returns once I've settled down onto my bed, legs held to my chest.
"Alright, get to sleep."  He pulls the covers over my legs and guides me to lay down.  This all reminds me of the time I got drunk at our graduation party and Shouto had to carry my drunk ass home and put me to bed.  Smoothing the sheets and blanket over me, he turns off the bedside lamps and stands up.
"Shouto," I shoot up and grab his wrist before he leaves.  I hate letting him leave like this.  I've already rescinded my fate, but part of me still wants to be selfish.
He understands without me saying anything else, but he doesn't oblige me much.  Laying me back down, he brushes my hairline with his thumb and plants a lingering kiss on my forehead.  The small act holds so much affection that I know he's still suppressing.  "Goodnight, (Y/n).  Sleep well," he whispers.
With that, he rises and leaves the room silently.  His familiar footfalls decrescendo as he walks through my apartment, opening and shutting my door, leaving me trembling myself to sleep, lamenting what could have been.
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Hi there! I always laugh so much when I stalk your blog, but when I saw that anon I was like 🤡🙄🔪 lmao some people are just stupid
Thanks on the fic advise! It really helped me 🤍 my beta is doing an amazing job and I think it’s taking the fic to the next level and I’m happy about that 🤍 but you’re right, it’s still worth sharing, and it’s a piece of work that is just so linked to my heart and means so much to me! I can’t wait to share it!!!! I always rush projects and fics but now I have to wait for my beta to finish revising and it’s taking a little bit but that’s okay because it’s teaching me a lot about patience (something I really lack lol)
OKAY YOUR SONG CHOICES ARE AMAZING!!!!! Many of them are my favs too 🤍 and I love that you included so many from up all night, she deserves so much better, it’s a great album for real. And my fav is also four because it’s almost flawless (I hate change your ticket skdhdjhddj but besides that it’s the perfect album) and you’re right about choosing favs, I never thought about it that way. I always decide on favs once a long time has passes and I can make up an opinion, but it can change with time
Moments is SO GOOD, and it’s so underrated. And sjhdjdjd your whole deal with story of my life is so funny to me idk why- I mean, let’s recap: it was a single, was played on the radio nonstop and it’s a gorgeous song. I feel like it’s harder to see now but back in the day with Ed Sheeran blowing up the charts, songs like photograph and soml were EVERYWHERE. We were all just depressed lmao I think it’s my only answer, but the semi-slow ballad with guitar was one of the side effects the world had to endure with the rise of Ed sheeran. Nowadays the music panorama is soooo different to the beginning of 10’s. there’s much more r&b, trap and Latino sounds taking over the music field, and pop music is not the ruler anymore- tbh the boys got in the hiatus right on time: they were at the top of the last wave of pop music and went down smoothly and now none of them are purely doing just pop, it’s a mix of genres and it’s more versatile. Look at zayn with his chill vibes, or Louis going for the more 00’s Brit pop/punk. Harry and Niall taking more of a 70’s rock inspo mixed in with pop which is amazing, but the one who’s understanding the most about the music landscape nowadays is Liam: he’s right there in the middle of the action with tiktok. I know boomers are gonna hate me for saying this and fuck them but tiktok is the new trend setter for music, and it’s the platform that determines whether you make it or not. The whole 1D resurgence is due a lot to the tiktok popularity (they had multiple songs trending and there’s a huge fanbase of new people meeting them for the first time) and Liam is right there with open arms, welcoming the new people. Yeah, that’s just my take lol ddjdkd -☁️✨
Oh yeah I was definitely  🤡🔪 as well like who in their right mind actually sends asks like that? Like what goes through someone’s mind when they decide to take their time sending an ask like that instead of just... blocking or unfollowing? Oh well, I mean they were prob already having their own bad day and just decided to take it out on me, at least I know that I’m not actually doing anything wrong and they’re just pathetic qwjeklje
I’m not like super smart or all-knowing or anything, especially when it comes to fic stuff, and sometimes I hate giving advice because I’m anxious and don’t wanna say the wrong thing, yknow? But also I love helping people. Like, especially with ppl I care about, I may not have great advice or anything, but I always try to say what I think I’d really appreciate in the same situation. I also lack patience when it comes to fic stuff, like I never want to rush my betas but also I just wanna read their comments and see what they think (and realize how many mistakes I make when writing lmao).
I tried to only include a couple from each album. Because in reality, there’s maybe (MAYBE) like 2-3 songs that I actively skip akjdkja like I just love them all so much! They’re ALL bops okay! And also Up All Night DESERVES BETTER I love it so much! My OG bops are from UAN and TMH and I wouldn’t ever change that. (Change your ticket is a little boppin but... only a little lol I agree). Moments is so much. Like I do skip it sometimes because I can’t handle my own emotional trauma related to that song. But I literally love it so much and will defend it until the day I d*e lakjwlekj. Also I guess I do understand the hype for soml especially considering the time it came out and all that jazz. I guess I’m just too biased, because I love soml but I personally think there are other songs that could’ve been better singles/radio hits. But all things considered, I suppose I understand why exactly it was so popular and everybody loved it. (And I am not afraid to say that I absolutely love how drag me down has more streams lkajdfk but like I said I am biased soooo). Tiktok is the new trendsetter for music ! I agree 100%. And Liam is taking Tiktok by storm and I’m very proud of him for that! I personally don’t think I want to be apart of the Tiktok fandom, like some 1d/larry videos come up on my FYP sometimes which is neat and I don’t mind, but I think I prefer the Tumblr fandom a lot more and would like to keep my Tiktok experience close to my Vine experience (listen if I’m scrolling through taktak and not laughing then it’s not worth it lol). But I also agree that I do think there’s a huge resurgence in followers/directioners (feels weird actually saying that term again) due to Tiktok.
0 notes
templeofgeek · 4 years
Light Side? Dark Side? Which side will you join? That’s the question every Star Wars fan must answer. Personally, we’re swearing our allegiance to the Galactic Coven.
This group of stylish, Star Wars-loving social media friends met on Instagram and formed a group chat to discuss the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian. Their conversations evolved to include Star Wars in general, theories about the fandom, and even subjects not related to Star Wars.
Eventually, there were so many members and so many discussions going, they had to move the chat to the Slack app, member Tina Estrella said. The Coven began as a safe space for women and nonbinary individuals to talk Star Wars and became a welcome source of support and solidarity when the coronavirus pandemic hit.
“We have like seven to nine channels on (Slack) because we all have so much we want to talk about,” Estrella said.
“Especially during this unnerving time where many are either struggling mentally, personally, or otherwise, we have this group of amazing people who are ready to defend, support, and cheer up anyone that needs it.”
The group organized a meetup in February at Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge. Several members gathered in Batuu. They created a stir when they showed up wearing bold, red outfits inspired by the Nightsisters from The Clone Wars animated series.
“We’re not all bounders, but wanted something fun to wear as a group without getting too complicated,” group founder Solanah Hernandez recalled.
“When we all got to Batuu, we realized just how much we stood out, a group decked out in red against the sandy architecture. We would’ve had fun regardless, but the outfits got such a positive reception, from travelers and cast members alike. It was a completely unreal experience, but the highlight was really just hanging out together.”
“Truly, it was such an incredible day,” Estrella agreed. “I’m so glad that we all had that weekend with each other before the pandemic took over.”
Estrella said the Galactic Coven’s day out in Batuu included lots of laughter, an encounter with a skeptical Kylo Ren, attention from Stormtroopers, an arrest by Chewbacca, and reservations at Oga’s Cantina.
Shortly after the meetup, epic photos of the group’s vibrant, witchy bounds began circulating on social media, garnering buzz and catapulting the Coven to Star Wars fashion icon status.
Their status was further cemented when, a few weeks later, the group participated in the #passthebrush challenge on TikTok. Members showed off their best Dark Side looks in “Don’t Rush the Dark Side,” a video edited by Epi Erichsen. Lightsabers, force pulls, a dyad pass, and a force choke were involved.
“This challenge was so fun to do because each of us brought our own style and personality to our ‘reveal,’” Estrella said.
“So many people commented and messaged us about how they loved it and were inspired to make their own and it truly warms me up just thinking about how so many people enjoyed it! … We truly tried to sprinkle in so many little details we hoped Star Wars fans would appreciate, so it was great to see the video be so well received.”
“It was a really fun thing to do during isolation that made us feel more connected, and I think that came through,” Hernandez agreed.
The name Galactic Coven was coined by member Nina Penalosa. The group’s original title was “Mandalorian Bitches.”
“We were all like, ‘Wow,’” Estrella said. “That sounded so much better fitting for us, as The Mandalorian was already over and we had moved on to discussing so many other aspects of Star Wars, such as the novels, movies, and animated series.”
The Coven made a major impression on social media while rocking some serious Star Wars style. It’s not surprising, considering many members of the group make fashion based on the fandom and run geek fashion businesses. Other members are artists and/or work in creative fields.
Hernandez began hand-painting leather jackets for herself and a friend to wear to Star Wars Nite and the May the 4th celebration at Disneyland in 2018.
“A year later, I took a chance and asked if any of my followers would like a Star Wars-themed jacket and, unexpectedly, orders poured in,” she said. “It’s really fun working with people and discovering what Star Wars means to them, because it’s so different for everyone, and I’ve really learned a lot.”
Estrella hand-paints purses, inspired by Eliza Sidney and Hernandez. Members of Galactic Coven include a film stylist and designer, a zine maker, an illustrator, a hair stylist, several writers, lots of vintage fashion enthusiasts, and cosplayers and makers of all kinds.
“I think (the group is) really just artistically oriented,” Hernandez said.
“Each of us loves Star Wars-inspired style, music, visual art, writing. We all bring something different to the table. It’s such a vast and varied universe, there’s a little something for everyone, and so many ways to be inspired and bring that into everyday life.”
Fashion is a natural fit when it comes to Star Wars, Estrella said.
“With Star Wars, some of the most prominent and iconic features of the films are the fashion and styling. From the sleek lines of a general’s uniform to dramatic statements, such as Padme’s entire wardrobe, Star Wars iconography is very fashion-based. Being able to create our own interpretations of Star Wars fashion is what makes our group very unique and I appreciate the talent of the many members.”
More than the killer fashion they’re putting out into the world, the Coven members say they appreciate the group’s “respectful and supportive” vibe.
“One thing I’ve heard over and over from, mainly, young women is that our openness and positive take on the subject has inspired them to delve more into Star Wars,” Hernandez said.
“It’s an incredibly intimidating fandom from the outside, but creating a small space to freely discuss one of the most divisive movie sagas there is, without judgement or gatekeeping, is the reason I still love Star Wars. Without a positive community, it wouldn’t have the same appeal.”
According to Estrella, the Coven planned to meet up in person this summer at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim (which will likely be postponed) and will gather at some point for another group bound in Batuu.
“Truly, I want to stress that we are a coven, not a club,” she said.
“We are friends who have bonded for months over Star Wars and we want to encourage everyone and anyone to find their own ‘galactic coven.’ We saw a void in the community where diversity and inclusion of non-male fans was missing and so we harbored a space to fill that gap. This is just the beginning!”
In honor of May the 4th (known as Star Wars Day), Temple of Geek Chic spoke to members of the Galactic Coven about Star Wars fashion. Read on for their favorite fandom fashion icons, Star Wars style inspo, and more. You can follow the group on Instagram, @galactic_coven.
Solanah Hernandez
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I vaguely remember my family watching the originals but I wasn’t too interested as a kid. But then Anakin Skywalker comes outta nowhere in my early teens and suddenly his poster is on my wall. I became interested again after The Force Awakens, but obsessed after The Last Jedi.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
No one can compare to Padmé Amidala.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I love finding old prequel tees secondhand. They’re something I can enjoy daily!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I find so much vintage wear I love that I haven’t experienced too many geek or Star Wars-based brands, but I love the pins Rather Keen releases and the tees Super Yaki does!
Tina Estrella
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I had casually seen the films growing up, but I did not start to become a true fan until high school. Being a foolish kid that wanted to maintain my “cool” appearance, I suppressed my love of fandoms like Star Wars and Harry Potter because I did not want to be seen as a geek (mind you, I was an honors student and helped stage our production of Little Shop of Horrors, so I was def a geek whether I wanted to accept it or not, lol).
Then after high school, I was kind of like, “Who even cares?!” and I fully embraced my fandom love by wearing merch and attending fan events at my local AMC theater. Now I’ve attended two Star Wars celebration events (Anaheim and London) and am looking forward to continuing to immerse myself into this community of fans!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I love me some baddies! So I am all for the dark side fashion. Darth Vader will always be the most iconic to me (maybe because I love wearing black so much). So definitely Darth Vader, he might not have the range of Padme but he definitely is the most iconic character that I think many instantly recognize.
Even just seeing the character at Disneyland, something about that giant suit exudes power and I can’t help but gush over it!
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite item that I own is an item that I’ve kept for seven years. Again, because of my love of Vader, it’s an old H&M knit sweater with Darth Vader’s helmet prominently in the middle. It’s simple but I love it. Even though it fits a bit snug these days, I don’t think I will ever part with it.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
While she may not be a “brand,” I think Solanah is doing things that haven’t been done before. She truly has a way of incorporating the most brilliant designs into her jackets. As a fellow painter of clothing items, I am in awe of her every time!
I think that Super Yaki is also a brand that stays so current to geek and pop culture. Their shirts are so fun and many are those “if you know you know” type of designs and I think that it’s awesome when you can have a bit of fun with shirts like that.
I also think that Hot Topic is a brand that is so easily accessible and continuously makes amazing Star Wars and other “geek” collaborations. I especially love their artist’s tees. It’s where I go shop every Christmas because they have something for everyone.
Curstie Prater
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
The prequels. My father is a big Star Wars fan and when I was younger, he introduced me to the character Queen Amidala and from there on I was obsessed with Star Wars. I had this really amazing Queen Amidala paper doll book growing up and I remember playing dress-up quite often, trying to recreate her iconic looks.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Oh, that is a tough question because there are quite a few characters that inspire me but if it isn’t my own version of a Sith look, I would say Leia Organa and Padmé Amidala. Leia has a lot of looks I can see myself wearing in my everyday life, especially her Endor look. I love that cape. I also wouldn’t mind owning Jyn Erso’s outfit. I really loved that look.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I LOVE my Kylo Ren Hooded Capelet. I bought it for my first trip to Batuu and I wear them all the time. Even for looks that are not Star Wars-inspired.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I would say Her Universe because they have released some amazing t-shirts featuring lesser-known Star Wars characters and I really appreciate that. I also really enjoy thrifting at vintage stores or small businesses that carry simple pieces to create my own Star Wars inspired looks.
Ren Rice
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My introduction to Star Wars was when I was a kid and my babysitter at the time tried to get me to watch it and I absolutely made a fuss about it. I didn’t care. Then, it came again in my early 20s when a friend at the time was incredibly obsessed with Han Solo and I didn’t get it, so she sat me down to watch one of the original trilogy films, couldn’t tell you which, and again I was just like, “What is this? This is boring!”
What really got me was the trailer for The Force Awakens. I remember when it was announced and everyone was so excited about it and I couldn’t figure out why. To say I was annoyed was an understatement. Looking back, it was definitely one of those, “I am not in on it and because I’m not I’m pissed everyone else is excited” situations.
So when the trailer came out and we see John Boyega’s head pop up, that’s when it hit me. I knew him from Attack the Block, so seeing him in a franchise where my only introduction was to a bunch of non-POC characters, I was just … immediately attached to him. That ended up being my first Star Wars theater experience and I’ll never forget it. Once I saw the trailer, I went back and watched all the previous six films by myself and the rest is history.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
It’s funny because I feel like if you asked anyone they’d have a clear-cut answer. I could say Padmé but honestly, while iconic, she’s not my favorite. I honestly don’t think I have a favorite? I think for me, because I am moreso on the back end of fashion, meaning I’m a designer. It’s my job.
I design and wardrobe style for film and for fun and I don’t really dress myself up. I’m really casual with hints of nerd in my day-to-day. But if I’m designing and creating for fun and I look to Star Wars, a lot of my inspiration comes from things like the tech, the helmet designs, the one dress a background character wore, the planet Crait … things like that.
If I do a round-up of things I’ve designed, I’d say a lot come from the First Order or the Siths. Currently, my obsession is translating Padmé gowns to scarves. In short, I’m all over the place. My own personal style, I suppose, is like that tomboy next door who is obsessed with Darth Vader.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Probably my denim jacket. I used to work for Levi’s at their cooperate office in San Francisco. I bought a black denim jacket and had it embroidered to say “First Order” and then there was a shop in the lobby where you could buy clothes and I bought up all the Dark Side Star Wars patches to have them put those on for me too. Now it’s just decked out in First Order/Sith/Dark Side pins too. It’s fun to wear.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t think I have a favorite one. I tend to shop all over the place. Currently, I’m obsessed with Super Yaki stuff though. They have a bunch of cool tees inspired by film and their Star Wars ones are great. I own the “The Prequels Were Great” tee.
Janey Ellis
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
Sadly, I can’t remember my first viewing of Star Wars. It was kind of just always present in my house. My brother and sister are 14 and 16 years older than me, respectively, and so they were children when the first films came out. At some point, I saw it and started playing with my brother’s original action figures. I remember when the re-releases came out, followed by the prequels, which continued my passion for the universe as a child.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Even though I’m not a fan of the prequels, there is no denying the style of Padme. And even though she may only appear for a brief moment and in one outfit, General Holdo’s ensemble is one of my all-time favorite looks in the saga.
What is your favorite Star Wars fashion item you own?
Far and above, my Han/Lando jacket that Solanah made me. Lando is my favorite character, followed by Han, and I have always loved their relationship, so I wanted a jacket that showcased that relationship. I also recently made a dress using my brother’s old Return of the Jedi sheets. In terms of accessories though, I would say the Poe X-Wing fascinator I made from one of the Revell model kits is one of my favorite pieces.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Geek fashion brands are something I need to explore more. Sadly, there are only a handful out there, and I’m personally not a huge fan of any of them. I buy most of my clothing secondhand, and try to piece together Star Wars-inspired outfits using regular pieces of clothing. Or I like to sew my own stuff.
I do own a handful of Her Universe items, however, I have always struggled with fit with their stuff. While their items are cute, often the bust-waist-hip ratio is off, and the waist far above my natural waistline.
Alyssa Bradley
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
One of my earliest memories was watching A New Hope with my dad when I was 4 or 5. I have loved Star Wars ever since.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
It’s a tie between Padme and her grandson Kylo, the best fashion icons in the galaxy.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
A gorgeous custom bag inspired by Queen Amidala, hand-painted by Solanah.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I honestly have so many brands and creators I love that I can’t list them all. Jordandene is responsible for getting me into geek fashion and I love all her stuff so much. Also, so many members of this coven make the most beautiful clothes and accessories, like Ren, Solanah, and Janey, just to name a few! I love supporting independent artists when adding to my geek wardrobe.
Allison Erland
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I found a Leia figure in the dirt in my back yard. I asked my dad about her and saw the original trilogy then at 6 or 7. I liked them but my dad wasn’t much of a fan so I didn’t really have the opportunity to delve back into the films until the prequels came out. I had a huge crush on Hayden Christensen and I instantly wanted to be Padme so it definitely instilled the love for Star Wars that came back full-fledged with this new trilogy, dressing up at Disneyland, and wanting to bring these strong, wonderful women to life.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I don’t think there’s anyone in the galaxy who can hold a candle to Padme as far as I’m concerned. But I do have a soft spot for Qi’ra and find her style just a little easier to attain out in the real world.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
That’s a toss-up between my Japor snippet necklace, like the one Anakin made for Padme (I wanted one for so long, I was ecstatic when Disneyland sold one) and my custom jacket, painted by our founder Solanah.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I always try to find vintage or secondhand items first, when I can, since I find it brings a more unique, interesting story and obviously is great for sustainability. I definitely have a weakness for custom clothes. One of my favorite small shops is 1138 Clothing. (I was lucky to have a chance to model a Star Wars wedding party look for them a few years ago.) On top of that, many of our Coven members sew and I hope to guilt them into letting me commission some pieces soon.
Brittany Alyse
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was very young, probably around 4 years old. My parents had the original trilogy VHS box set on display in our living room and I was always fascinated by the cover art. The original trilogy was always playing on TV in our house. I have these various vivid memories of my cousin Jessica and I always watching Return of the Jedi and pausing the (original) scene in Jabba’s palace just before the Max Rebo Band came on.
Jessica and I would run from the living room to the bathroom to put our hair in high pigtails and slap some lipstick on and then rush back to the living room to resume the film. We would then dance our hearts out and sing along with Sy Snootles. I really wish our parents had caught that on video. It was a bizarre and special little thing we did.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
In terms of fashion, it’s always Padmé for me. Her range was truly incredible. I really, really hope we get to see characters in future Star Wars projects that follow in Padmé’s footsteps when it comes to her iconic wardrobe.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
It definitely has to be the breathtaking Padmé leather jacket that Solanah designed for me. It’s a work of art. I knew I wanted something Padmé, because she has so little merchandise available and I wanted to represent her adequately. I let Solanah design it free range and she blew me away with the end result. It’s definitely the Star Wars jacket of my dreams!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I really love Jordandené’s unique slogan shirts. I wear my “This is the Way” top so often. The fabric is so soft and the quality of her shirts is incredible.
Obviously, Solanah’s designs are out-of-this-world good. I am SO happy to see her thrive within the community and witness her craft evolve. I also really love fellow coven member Ren’s Star Wars-inspired hoods. Ren is so talented and their attention to detail is exquisite and precise. Right now, they are creating a double Padmé hood design and I absolutely cannot wait to see how they come out!
When it comes to Star Wars fashion, I really love taking subtle pieces and using accessories to make a “normal” outfit more of a galactic fashion statement. Shopping from small brands that aren’t at all affiliated with Star Wars has really been fun for me.
For example, I recently commissioned a piece from a shop called Sacred Crystal Co because Solanah had a beautiful red crystal necklace made that looked like a kyber crystal, so I commissioned a white crystal piece inspired by Ahsoka Tano and now it’s my favorite piece of jewelry that I own.
For my Nightsisters outfit, I wore this incredibly badass waist belt made by AELYSE and it really pulled my outfit from being just a normal, everyday thing to looking more like a Nightsister.
Madeline Grace
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
When I was 9, Episode I just came out and my dad took us to see it. I remember sitting in a packed theater with people carrying lightsabers and having no idea what was happening. I remembered thinking how amazing Padme was. I had little to no idea that there were other Star Wars movies! I actually watched them chronological because of it!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Fashion-wise, Padme always. However, my favorite character is Hera Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels. She is who I relate to the most and feel the deepest connection to. A woman in the galaxy just trying to do what is right.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Purchased, my Godspeed Rebels jacket from Solanah. But my favorite me-made item is my Clone Wars dress that I designed and made for May the 4th last year!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Oh, this is hard. Her Universe is one of my favorite major labels. I own so many pieces from their collections over the years. I also love Elhoffer Design and Jordandené.
Angie Coronado
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was introduced to Star Wars by my older brother when I was a kid. The first scene I ever saw was one of the final scenes of Return of the Jedi, when Luke is burning Vader’s body, so I guess you could say I got spoiled, haha!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Favorite fashion icon is for sure Padmé. That’s really the only right answer. My favorite characters are definitely Obi Wan, Han, Leia, Poe and Rey.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
One of my most prized Star Wars fashion items is definitely my Solanah original jacket. We worked together to find the perfect design for a Poe Dameron jacket and I love it.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Super Yaki makes one of my favorite Star Wars tees and they’ve been putting out so many cool geeky tees recently.
Also I mentioned Solanah original jackets earlier. She’s been pumping out jacket after amazing jacket with so many unique designs. She really makes the design unique to the wearer.
Catherine Fanchiang
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My introduction to Star Wars would have to be the Star Wars-themed Muppet Babies episodes. I think I always knew about Star Wars as a child from random images I’d see of C3PO and R2-D2, Jabba the Hutt and, of course, Darth Vader, but I don’t think I ever really knew what they were or where they were from. I remember watching Muppet Babies a lot as a child and the Star Wars episodes were fascinating to me. I can still see Kermit Luke and Miss Piggy Leia so vividly in my mind.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite Star Wars fashion Icon isn’t necessarily a specific person. It’s basically the entire Dark Side. I just feel like the Dark Side has all the great looks that are flattering and never go out of style. But as I’ve gotten older, I do have say that Padme and all Naboo Queens really have some amazing looks.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite Star Wars fashion item that I own has to be my leather jacket done by Solanah. I just have so many things to say about Solanah and I don’t even know how to express them. Solanah is just so extremely talented and really puts in a lot of thought into her designs. She might not know the references you give her but you wouldn’t even be able to tell once she’s done with something.
She really cares about what you want and is open to all ideas you might have. I trusted her 1000% throughout the whole process and I got an amazing one-of-a-kind piece. Like, my jacket glows in the dark! How cool is that?
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t really have a favorite geek fashion brand. I kind of just randomly search for my geek clothing based off of characters I like and go from there. But, one brand that I’ve always loved just for its simplicity and comfort is Jordandene. I love that they’re more subtle in their geekiness so you can wear it anywhere.
Courtney J. Nelson
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
Star Wars has always had a presence of some sort in my life, as it is in most, but I wasn’t drawn to it given the toxic fandom that was around it. I got the “not for you” message loud and clear. The Force Awakens is when it finally clicked for me, and I’ve dived into the fandom since then, and I love all of it so much.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite character is Ahsoka Tano, her character development has struck me the most. I really appreciate and relate to a lot of her personality traits, especially her loyalty and grit. But most of all, that she has come to represent thinking for yourself and really being your own person.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
The one I wear the most is my Japor snippet, but the most special piece is my fringe leather jacket painted by Solanah, another one of the coven members. It’s dark vs. light themed, and has a glitter rebel symbol on it. It’s the best.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t particularly have a favorite brand. I pick up pieces here and there, but the best outfits are from a mix of that, thrifting, and supporting small shops/artists who make one-of-a-kind pieces.
Alice Fanchiang
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I honestly didn’t sit down and watch a Star Wars through until high school, but I knew about it since I was a kid. I remember seeing parts of Star Wars movies on TV and parody forms of it in cartoons. Star Tours was also an early experience of the galaxy far, far away.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
I have to say Padme for fashion. Every single one of her outfits is different and beautiful. My favorite character is Obi-Wan Kenobi though, and I do appreciate the earth-toned Jedi aesthetic and boots. I’m about the boots.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorites are all from small shops/creators. I have to mention the Jedi Fallen Order jacket I commissioned my friend Solanah to custom paint for me. Her work is so detailed and beautiful. Before that, it was two necklaces made by and gifted to me by my friend, @sparklingrampage on Instagram. One is a simple Rebel Starbird pendant; the other is a Lothcat.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t know if I have a favorite Star Wars specific brand, but my go-tos have been Jordandene, BlackMilk, and Elhoffer Design. More recently though, I’ve been looking at small shops that aren’t geek specific, but they have clothing styles that are great for styling in geeky outfits — like Church of Sanctus and Nuit Clothing Atelier.
Liz Lund
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I was introduced to Star Wars by my father. He had been a fan for a long time and couldn’t wait to show me and my three brothers the original trilogy during family movie nights.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
When I was growing up, my favorite Star Wars character was actually Oola from Return of the Jedi. Although she was only in a small portion of the movie, her brief arc completely transfixed me.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My custom-painted leather jacket by Solanah is my absolute favorite piece I own. She was able to take my love of so many elements of Naboo, including both Queens Amidala and Soruna, the N-1 Starfighters, and the architecture of Theed, and design a gorgeous work of wearable art!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Some of my favorite geek fashion brands that have done fantastic Star Wars lines are RockLove Jewelry and Han Cholo.
Epi Erichsen
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I inherited love for Star Wars from my mother. I remember as a young girl, sitting down with my very excited mother to watch the prequels. I still remember to this day when she saw Anakin building up C-3PO, she jumped off the couch and yelled, “That’s C-3PO! He’s my favorite!“ Ever since then, she’s always indulged my Star Wars whims. She even made me a Queen Amidala costume from scratch for Halloween once. And she’s no seamstress, but it looked great.
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
This is such a hard question. It kind of feels like you’re asking me if I would rather dress like a Hobbit or an elf for the rest of my life. I think, more than characters, the fashion of this Galaxy far, far away is what inspires me. Whenever I put together a Star Wars look, I just try to tell the story of the character through my clothes, and it really depends what character I’m trying to portray.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I don’t really own many Star Wars fashion items. I did just purchase a beautiful hooded scarf from Ren. They made it with such love and such quality, it’s amazing! I’ll be wearing it for all sorts of looks, you can count on that.
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
I don’t really buy from many “geek brands.“ I’ve recently been trying to lower my environmental footprint, and I’m trying my hand at plus size thrifting or ordering handmade custom items I know will fit me for a long time and just right. I can’t imagine Queen Amidala going to a mainstream mall, so should I?
Nina Penalosa
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
My proper introduction to Star Wars was when my aunt took my sister and I to watch the original trilogy’s theatrical re-release in ‘97. Before that, I vividly remember — around the age of 4 or 5 — walking into the living room at the part in The Empire Strikes Back where Darth Vader dismembers Luke’s hand. I was traumatized for quite some time but, ironically, Empire ended up becoming my favorite among the Star Wars films!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Padme Amidala and Lando Calrissian, without a doubt! I’m enamored with both of their styles. I mean, how can you not?! But I can’t help but gravitate towards the Dark Side when it comes to my own sartorial choices. From the clean lines, tailored coats, mock necks, and overall color scheme, the Empire and the First Order is a smorgasbord of style inspo.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
I have an incredible Admiral Ackbar statement necklace that I purchased from Jennifer Landa a few years ago. She upcycled an old Micro Machines toy and it’s by far the most extravagant piece of Star Wars jewelry I own!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
Her Universe really helped pave the way for geek fashion — a lot of my Star Wars clothes came from them at first, but I really love smaller brands like Jordandené for their subtly geeky hand-lettered tees, Utinni Bikini for their fun skater dresses and enamel pins, Po-Zu for their comfy-stylish-eco friendly Star Wars shoes, RockLove for their beautifully detailed jewelry, and Lantern Pins and BB-CRE8 for enamel pins. I love finding geeky t-shirts on RedBubble, TeePublic, and TeeTurtle as well.
Britney Waite
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
To be honest, I don’t remember a time when Star Wars wasn’t in my life. Growing up, I watched the Original Trilogy with my family. Then, as I got older, I went opening night or weekend to see the prequels come out. My sister always loved Star Wars too, so marathoning all six movies was something we would do regularly!
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
Even though it could be seen as the obvious answer, I HAVE to say Padmé. All her looks are so incredible with all the textures and details. Her hair and makeup are phenomenal as well and super inspiring to me as a hairstylist. In one of the Star Wars books, they even explain how her looks aren’t frivolous, they have cultural symbolism and even feature things to keep her safer. I do have to say that my favorite character overall is R2-D2! I always love the droids but I especially love R2 for his sass.
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
Last Christmas, I got one of the CoachxStar Wars purses and it is my favorite for sure, I use it every day! I had been on the hunt for a certain size of purse for my new everyday bag and the fact I got it 70% off AND it shows off my love for Star Wars, it’s an all-around win. Plus, it’s sparkly and the strap is super extra!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
This one is hard to answer because I love sewing and making my own clothing as much as I can. I do love Loungefly and Danielle Nicole handbags, I love novelty purses so much. A lot of the time though, because I am always looking for sewing inspiration, I love looking at designers like @adria.renee, who makes some of the greatest couture gowns. Her Star Wars collecting is SO GOOD! Such amazing inspiration for how to add special fandom details to my every day clothing!
Sylvia Clarino
What was your introduction to Star Wars?
I first saw Star Wars on the big screen in 1977
Who’s your favorite Star Wars fashion icon/character?
My favorite Star Wars fashion icon is, of course, Padme Amidala, but my favorite characters are Jyn Erso and Ashoka Tano
What’s your favorite Star Wars fashion item that you own?
My favorite Star Wars fashion items I own are my two original painted leather jackets I commissioned from Solanah!
What’s your fave geek (or Star Wars) fashion brand?
My favorite geek brand is Jordandene — she’s the original — but I love supporting all my creative indie friends, like Solanah and @stvchcraft!
Other Members of Galactic Coven:
@ravenzahara, @sacredsomethingbykara, @vexxing, @k.in.your.book.
For More Star Wars fashion see:
Temple of Geek Chic: Star Wars Geek Gear from Musterbrand
Temple of Geek Chic: Galactic Apparel by Elhoffer Design
Temple of Geek Chic: Galactic Coven forges fashionable bond of Star Wars sisterhood @galactic_coven #galacticcoven #starwars #maythe4th Light Side? Dark Side? Which side will you join? That’s the question every Star Wars fan must answer.
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