#and when i manage to patch the game so that i can play online i'll drop a friend code
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guplia · 30 days ago
I am asking a small, small group of people this but who else finds this screen nostalgic
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It was at the beginning of Mario Kart Wii...
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neonrain-dev · 8 months ago
The dreaded D word
Yep, a delay.
So, almost everything I promised for the demo is nearly finished, and then some. But what's the catch? Well, there are two main points I want to address.
Point A: I'm not working on Neon Rain full-time, and for the most part, I'm a one-man show. So when major bugs or issues arise, it sucks up every ounce of my little free time (I try to work on it at least 20 hours a week, but sometimes life happens). A major setback has put me behind by at least a month. However, I've managed to squash major performance pain points, so it hasn't been entirely fruitless, leading to Point B.
So, I want the demo to be better. It needs to be better because I want to open a Ko-fi page for people who want to directly support the development of the game. There are areas that I found lacking that I want to flesh out more, and I want to address the current pain points and suggestions from my volunteered playtesters. I could have easily just shipped this thing out after building the second boss and roughly playtesting it, calling it a day. But that isn't me, and it doesn't feel right to do so.
I don't want to end on a sour note, so I've compiled a list of what needs to be done to show that it won't be a long delay (I don't have a specific date in mind, but expect an announcement two weeks in advance):
The first boss is 95% done. I'll get it finished this week. :)
The second boss model is done; now I just need to do everything else.
There will be an enemy encounter before the second (or first, because you can do this out of order) boss.
A shader compiler: Among my close peers, it's understood that Godot shader compilation is painful and requires a lot of patience while playing through the stuttering(if you don't know what mean, think of a online game lagging) until it is done compiling. However, not everyone else knows this, and it's unfair to ask for that patience. The Godot team is working on an official solution, but it's only slated for Godot 4.4, and we're currently at 4.2.2... Yea nah I'll get on that sometime soon...
The lacking areas in question would take a maximum of two weeks to flesh out (but life happens). I already have plans for them and props in mind. These lacking areas are essentially just empty spaces that I already have ideas for, so why not ship the demo with them?
Sometimes enemy pathfinding (when they try to get to you or a target) is broken. Initially, I was going to patch it after the demo launch, but after working on bosses, I've found the root cause of these issues. It should take less than a week to fix. If not well, so be it until the next demo or a patch. It doesn't exactly ruin the experience in any major way and it only happen sometime but you know, if this fix work swiftly, we're all winners!
A new monster to go alongside the orange trash gang, and maybe two if I can manage it. 
So, what did I learn? Well, not to announce any release dates until the content is ready, which is the approach I'll be taking for the next one. Thank you for your time and patience.
Gerp loves you.
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maximuswolf · 4 months ago
I wanna apologize to the entire gaming community for doubting that EA sucks.
I wanna apologize to the entire gaming community for doubting that EA sucks. All these years I've seen a plethora of posts, videos etc. online, either serious or humorous ones, about EA being greedy as hell while putting the lowest effort possible. I always thought that people were just being overdramatic or said all that so they can make their joke. But yesterday I realized that behind all the memes, articles there was truth to be found. And they weren't just true, they were VERY true.I had bought Mass Effect Legendary Edition during the Steam Summer Sale for 6€, installed it, but didn't try it until yesterday (the same thing I do with most of my Steam games to be honest). The second I clicked "play" and realized I was being directed to the EA app, I didn't particularly like it but I didn't think much of it. I started to think much of it when my game turned out be unplayable though.It just said "preparing game" on the EA app for a while and then shut down. No big deal, I'll just close Steam and the EA app and try again. Didn't work. Tried it many times, it just didn't work. I went ahead and restarted my PC, but it also didn't work. I verified integrity of the game files and there was no problem with them. I then tried to launch the game via the EA app, the same "preparing game" and shut down combo. Same thing happened when I tried to launch it directly via the Launcher in the game files.Now it really started to piss me off. I just wanted to play the game I had already paid for, nothing more but also nothing less. I searched online for possible solutions. I deleted the registries of the game in Registry Editor, it didn't work, I used Task Manager to close any EA related app before launching the game, it didn't work. I went as far as installing the discontinued Origin with a patch called Fuck Off EA App (which I totally relate to) because it makes it actually usable and it doesn't force you to install the EA app as it would normally do. Then, I started the game using the Launcher found in the game files and I finally managed to launch it! But after closing the game I couldn't get it to work anymore, it was a one time thing. I was getting mad, it had been an hour and a half up until that point.I decided to take a look at EA's forums but they didn't help me at all. Since I was already on EA's website though, I thought "why not use their support page?". So after some digging I managed to create a case about my problem (they even made it difficult for me to create a case compared to other game companies' support pages I had used in the past), with little faith in them helping me. After a few minutes, a "specialist" replied to me in the most generic way possible, even though I had explained what my problem was. I tried to write back to him but my case had been paused for some reason and it didn't allow me to resume it. When I pressed "resume" it redirected me to another page, where I received a notification about my current case, and when I clicked on it, it prompted me to resume the case, and it was just an infinite loop. I still haven't figured out what's wrong with the game.All in all, 6€ isn't going to put a dent in my wallet. But I paid for Mass Effect and I can't even play it. It isn't even my fault, EA doesn't let me play a game on the platform I used to buy it, and instead they make me use their platform that isn't even half good, it's straight up terrible. That is 100% on them. Likewise, their support page is also really not user friendly. I never had problems with EA before, and other games like NFS Heat, which I own Steam, run properly on the EA app. That's why I always doubted the fact that EA sucks. I spent money and several hours of my life trying to figure out the problem they themselves have caused. I apologize for doubting you all. Submitted November 10, 2024 at 08:10AM by DeathNum https://ift.tt/AGDd7ab via /r/gaming
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kieuecaprie · 2 years ago
KieueCaprie's List of Games Finished in 2023 Entry #8
#16: LEGO 2K Drive
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What Platform? - PC, Steam
Finished when? - 18/5/23
Okay, so you may have some questions about the finished date because that date is before the actual release date of the game. So what gives? Well, first, I acquired the Awesome Edition of this game from a trusted 3rd party site for Steam that allowed me to split the purchase up into three instalments rather than buying all the money upfront.
It's a pretty decent game all things considered, I didn't care very much for the story and found the voices to be a bit grating sometimes but exploring the world in a LEGO® car was pretty fun.
The one thing I don't agree on is the heavy monetization that 2K shoved into the game and it's kind of making me regret picking this up in the first place. At least the "battle pass" has no time limit, I guess, but I would not recommend paying full price for this game if you can help it. Maybe at a steep discount, y'know, like the Hot Wheels game.
#17: Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer
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What Platform? - PC, Game Pass
Finished when? - 1/6/23
Clear #2:
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What Platform? - PC, Steam
Finished when? - 1/6/23
100% Achievements:
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Finished when? - 9/6/23
Well, that's quite a bit to chew through there but Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer was a game that I played through not once, not twice, but thrice because I enjoyed it that much. Hell, I even bought it on Steam even though I could just play it on Game Pass because I felt like I was committing robbery by doing so, something that very few games on Game Pass has even managed to do with me (The other being Psychonauts 2 and HI-FI Rush, btw, the latter of which I still need to pick up for my Steam library someday).
I loved the aesthetic, the whole narmy edginess, and just about everything about it. Also when I initally posted my log entry to the bluebird hellsite, I was congratulated by the developer himself.
Thank you Zane, I'll be sure to put this on my fridge to remember this accomplishment for years to come.
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#18: Street Fighter 6
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What Platform? - PC, Steam
Finished when? - 12/6/23
What was finished? - World Tour Main Story, Classic Control Scheme
Now, when it comes to fighting games, I'm more of a platform fighter person, you'd see me playing Smash (maybe not as much since online has soured it for me) or Rivals of Aether more than anything else since I'm too stupid to play the original fighters.
Come Street Fighter 6 and it caught my attention right away with its bright graphics and peppy mood, as well as a custom character creator, which I set about doing to create Azie, whose last name I've yet to determine at this time of writing, because I wasn't too sure who to make an avatar of.
World Tour was pretty much a very glorified tutorial with a story that's kind of hit-or-miss but it's fun fighting goons out in the streets before taking on Luke from Streets™ to gain some style EXP for his fighting moves to equip to my avatar.
I loved it, what more can I say? Well, beside the fact that it finally taught me how to do some of the basic inputs for some moves without making me do a quarterback triple-kickflip to shove-it to manual on the d-pad.
Also played it all the way through with mostly Classic controls, because I wanted to.
#19: Unreal Tournament (1999)
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What Platform? - PC, Steam (Game is unlisted, sadly, but I can still play it!)
Finished when? - 15/6/23
What was finished? - Campaign, Average difficulty
The reason? Nostalgia. Unreal Tournament '99 was one of the few FPS games that still sit in the back of my mind for me, and for good reason. In some ways, it feels better than UT2k4 and other ways, the latter is better, but UT99 is still great, even if it's a pain in the ass to get working on modern systems even with the funny fan patch.
#20: Chocobo GP
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What Platform? - Nintendo Switch, the only platform that it's on at this time of writing (and probably gonna be there forever unless Squenix decides to port it to other systems)
Finished when? 21/6/23
When Square Enix re-released the game with ALL of its content packaged in and free from any battle pass bullshittery, I decided to reward them for once and... buy the physical copy because it was cheaper than buying digital at the time lmao.
But it was quite worth it because I felt like I would enjoy the game and the story mode, and I did, the only thing that was stopping me was the awful MTX and Battle Pass shit that really bogged the game down and made it a terrible grind.
Believe me, the game feels 10x better when you're not constantly grinding to get a character before time runs out. It's almost like they should've done that from day 1!
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soniabigcheese · 2 years ago
Hello! For the warm & fluffy bingo, how about Alan + Distracting you to win ?
Ohhhh ... thank you!
And thank you to @warmandfluffybingocards for the bingo card
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The Online Conquests of Alan Tracy - Sorta
I don't normally go for writing stuff down in a journal, cos it's boring and I have my brothers to do that sort of stuff. Especially big bro Scott.
Ho boy, is he a pushover.
Just the other day, I was bored, I'd finished my homework and avoided grandma's 'tasting sessions' in the kitchen. When I decided to challenge Scott to my latest tournament game.
Reluctantly, he agreed. Couldn't use the excuse that he was helping Brains with some retro fits to Thunderbird One, cos just then, Brains popped up to say the parts weren't ready yet (we make most of our stuff on site, rather than wait for someone to deliver)
Anyways, I showed him how this tournament worked - as he hadn't a clue. He didn't listen, wanted to dive straight in. Just like the impatient big bro that he is. We were going well to begin with, then I yelled 'THERE'S A ROCK!' He laughed, didn't bother to duck, so it hit him and his character died. All lives lost.
He wasn't happy about that, said it was a stupid game and stormed off.
Game time total? 15 minutes - I think. Could have been 5. Happened so fast I wasn't keeping track.
Next one was Virgil.
Another sucker. He lasted a bit longer than Scott
He's not really that into video games, but he, like Scott, would do anything to get out of tasting grandma's food. He didn't fall for the rock trick. So I had to be clever and pretend that his character was the medic (it wasn't) Bribed him with a promise of proper cookies and coffee
Ha! First beast his character encountered, it was bleeding so his first instinct was to heal it. Tried to tell him that this beast reacted badly to the potion his character was carrying.
Got slaughtered on the spot, used all his lives up.
Virgil sat there for a few minutes, dumbfounded and protesting that he was doing his best. Before stalking off, grumbling that the game was dumb.
"That's not how stuff works."
Was his parting shot.
Game play, total of half an hour - or thereabouts
John next.
Now he took some convincing. And had EOS on his side so he had an unfair advantage. They were both familiar with the game, after she sneaked inside to make sure there were no bugs in the game or cheat codes.
I have to admit, they almost got me, but I managed, when I told John that EOS was changing the score. Things got a bit tense and the game almost crashed, due to EOS' temper tantrum.
It wasn't my wisest move, as now I have made an enemy out of EOS now. I have a lot of sucking up to do, cos she never forgets and can hold one heck of a grudge.
Game play total? Lost count after several restarts and crashes - along with EOS shutting it all down without saving (glad it auto saves after a pause or two)
Forget it.
He knows my moves only too well, and no amount of bribery can get him to play with me. Besides, he's too googly-eyed over a certain Lady Penelope.
A worthy opponent.
She's a fast learner and can outwit me and the game itself at every turn.
I could say that my defeat was because I'd 'turned all noble' but nope. She beat me fair and square. I think I'll make her as part of my team, so we can battle beasties together.
She died twice, only because .... I don't want to talk about it.
Nope, I will.
For some reason, my stupid game glitched and my hero character started making funny spins and pirouettes - I'm watching you EOS - so I couldn't control him. Then the graphics went weird.
Funny how it never happened to her character.
Game play? I lost track of time but it's got to be a record though.
We had to give up, I checked online and it was a common glitch - apparently - and they were fixing it right now. Just suggested that once a patch was released, we have to do a hard reset of the game.
Well, that sucks.
Okay EOS, you're forgiven
Alan Tracy - out
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