#and what im just supposed to clean it when i didnt make the mess
trash-user · 1 year
why are people so unbelievably annoying
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acidichcl · 7 months
My babies
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Was playing around a lil with how i draw them
Anyways, im bored so below is just me rambling about my tmnt fan iteration
If ur gonna read it, be warned, it’s long 💀 i tend to yap alot. I’ll make a clearer post once i figure everything out lmao
I guess i’ll start by explaining the background of it all
Baxter stockman found a crystal near an alien crash site and he found it super pretty, he wanted to give it to april’s mom, who he fancied. At the time, he didnt think much of it. He just thought it was a regular pretty crystal that was probably formed because of the crash impact or something.
(Little comic about this) As baxter gives the crystal necklace to april for her to give to her mom, april ends up giving it to Leo instead because april doesnt like her mom and refuses to give any gifts to her. Leo wears the crystal necklace in gratitude for April and on that night, leo had something happen to him. It’s like something from the necklace is taking over his body. That something is basically the crystal’s energy getting embedded to his body, this includes a hologram being (like an AI i guess) that is part of that crystal
This hologram being is what u call a Chronix. Chronixes are blue hologram AI beings that usually take a dragon-like form. Chronix doesnt immediately show itself to Leo, as just like any other virtual assistant, it only shows up when needed. When the crystal’s energy was embedded to Leo, he just thought that it was somehow Donnie’s mischievous doing. Maybe he was experimenting with things and Leo got caught in the way. Leo quickly dismissed it and went on with his day after Donnie gives Leo a device that would help tame the energy surge.
One day, a bunch of utroms have been spotted roaming around the town. While April was still sleeping, an utrom managed to get into april’s place through an open window and climbed onto leo, causing him to freak out and accidentally spawn a holographic whip that would break April’s shelf of her beloved figurines. Leo begged Donnie to fix everything and he also tells Donnie that the device he gave isnt working. Donnie agreed to fix the issues and he tells Raph to distract April, and Mikey to help clean up the mess a bit. While Donnie is fixing up his device, Leo is sitting alone in his room, wondering what actually is happening to him.
Prompted by Leo’s question about what’s happening, Chronix appears and tells him that the energy surges he’s getting are because he’s not used to it yet. His body is not trained enough to be a container for the energy nor to gain better control of what he spawns. Chronix explains further about what it is and where it came from: The utroms have a very advanced living condition and what keeps their conditions alive is a sun crystal that powers everything in their planet. It is linked to everything there and it casts virtual assistants to serve the utroms. As they were fleeing their planet that’s about to be taken over by shredder, the utroms took the big crystal with them as its huge energy source is believed to be able to form a new world and Shredder will have his own loyal army. When the utroms fled with the crystal, they crashed to earth, causing the crystal to shatter to multiple pieces. Those who came to check out the crash site notice these crystal fragments and take them, either its for collection, or for profit purposes, or for research, whatever. Ppl just like shiny things. The utroms are trying to gather all the pieces to form the crystal whole again to restore their home planet, while shredder, and other alien invaders, are also actively trying to seek out for this crystal for power.
As Leo is one of those who is in possession of the crystal, he is now a target, hence why an utrom climbed up onto him that morning. Now knowing that he’s not supposed to be in possession of the crystal, he tries to take off the necklace but he is now bonded with the crystal so he physically can’t take it off. The crystals dont have the same effects on other living things tho. I'll tell why eventually in future posts.
To avoid any more accidents, he asks for chronix’s guidance on how to make his body stronger to contain and be more in control. Chronix tells him that he just needs to train n stuff. For better guidance, he tells his brothers. And then april, who then mentions that there’s a dojo nearby and thats where they meet casey jones and his grandpa who owns a pet rat, Splinter, who shortly gets in contact with an utrom and gets mutated. Also the grandpa’s pretty old so he passes away not very long after. Casey is still too young to continue his legacy, but splinter is now an old wise rat who knows of the grandpa’s techniques. So splinter takes the sensei role to initially train only leo and casey, but the other turtles and april also wanted to join in just to have something to do
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
Runaway {pt 2}
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Parts: One , Three
Synopsis: Small Family moment with your Brothers. Ao’nung confesses why he stayed. Ao’nung hissing at his mom 
“Sister. I bring you my hunt today” Lo’ak said barging in as if you hadn’t been asleep. 
Groaning, you rubbed your head as you sat up. “Eywa, Lo’ak you could have at least made noise just so i wake up normally”
You could see Neteyam come up behind him and smacked him. 
“You’ll be happy to know Everything is well in the family. Cant say Lo’ak hasn’t gotten into a few scuffles here and there however”
“ I have not!”
“Of course he did”
Neteyam nodded. He had always been able to confide with you as you two both had the same responsibility to look after your youngers. “I am guilty of it too tho. Had to make sure this Skxawng didn't get lost as sea as well” 
“Translation: He wanted to have fun” Lo’ak Said slicing the fish he had Brought to you
You could only roll your eyes as you took a bit of the fruit that had been left there. 
“I heard Ronal isn’t at all too pleased to know Ao’nung stayed here last night” Neteyam said
“Oh please I was asleep. Apparently the fool slept sitting” you spoke watching Lo’ak prepare your food. Luckily enough he was getting better and better. Perhaps your mother taught him a thing or two. “However, I am going to ask Ronal if she could Teach me. Not train me per say but hopefully something so i can repay her kindness. I mean once this baby is born its really just Tsireya. I would like to help her, you know?” 
“Hmm Maybe. If Ronal would allow you such” Neteyam said Splitting the food to you three. 
“Where’s The rest of the family?”
“Mom is preparing some food for Kiri and Tuk. I think Dad’s still Out with Tonowari? I dont know for what really tho so i cant really say” Neteyam spoke handing you bits and pieces of the fish and fruit.
It made you smile, and roll your eyes. You weren’t a child but it was nice of him to know he still cared for you as such. Even tho you werent at all that much younger than him. 
“I see” You nodded as you continued to eat. You should give Lo’ak credit for the meat being prepared well. 
“Its nice all of us. Eating like this” 
“Yeah cause we don't eat” You spoke feeling a hard slap to your side. “LO’AK?”
“You know what i mean okay”
“Lo’ak do not hurt our sister. Cant you see she is on her deathbed” 
“You both are the worst you know? It would be you dead if i hadn’t stepped in you know?” 
It was just this for a while. You didnt count the seconds that passed. You just basked in it. But soon they had to leave. You bid them farewell and to tell the rest of the family to enjoy their night. As you sat there. Waiting. And it hadn’t been long till you heard the jostling of beads at the door. 
“You may come in” 
To no one's surprise but maybe Ao’nung himself. He stepped in. “Mother brought this” he spoke, handing you the bowl of very still Wet Algae along with some roots that had been boiled alongside it. “Its suppose to help with any internal pain you may feel"
“Thank you” If it was bitter tasting well you didnt have to let him know. “ i heard you got one nasty cramp on your back since you stayed here last night”
“Well you heard wrong”
“Ao’nung. I saw you” You said giggling a bit to see his ears flatten. 
“Alright well what do you want me to do? You were basically giving me your last words last night. Cant exactly sleep knowing id be blamed for leaving you alone”  He said moving the mess your brother’s didnt exactly clean up. 
“Im sorry i left you on such a bad note” You apologized. Drinking the last bit of the bland broth and chewing on the roots. 
“Man. Your Brothers suck at cleaning you know?” 
“They tried their best” You could only chew harder. The question is harboring in your mind “may i ask you something?”
“You already did.  But go on” Ao’nung sat in front of you. 
“Do you think, I could ask your mother to teach me some stuff? Not Tsahik training or anything of that sort. But just to help her when your sibling is born?”
“I mean i dont think she’ll like it all too much. But she's a reasonable woman. So i know she'll teach you if you ask” Ao’nung took your fruit bowl from you and began eating “But you are the most Reasonable from your siblings too. Given you haven’t gotten into fights and you have learned our ways faster than your siblings. Well aside your sister” 
“ i guess you’re right, Maybe i did more good in not joining in on kicking your ass”
“Pff. You think you can beat me?”
“In anything Fish lips”
Ao’nung couldn't help but laugh. Making you smile as you watched. 
“I think this is the first time i heard you laugh like that. Its nice” you smiled at him looking at the floor as you felt your hair fall down. 
“Was the way i laughed before ugly or something?”
“Way to ruin the moment” you laughed a little rubbing your temple. “I meant in a sense where you aren't laughing out of mocking someone y'know?”
“Yeah oh” You Were getting tired. The food and the pain numbing as you laid down. “Now if you may. You better get going before your mother gets mad for you staying here again” you didn’t wait for a respond. Not that you could hold the sleep coming to you
But Ao’nung didnt move. His spear now at his side as he sat between your sleeping form and the only entrance to this place. He didn't know why. But something in him told him to just protect you while you were in this vulnerable state. 
He thought himself crazy. Why was he so persistent on caring for you? Why did he agree with his mother? Why wasn’t he bothered? But seeing you just lay there made him think. Made him fall back on seeing your body heave and wheeze with the pain of having an open wound. You were nearly dead. You almost died. It did not only affect Tsireya but himself too. 
He just kept watch grip tightening when he heard the faintest of noise. Tail laying atop of you making sure you kept breathing. Letting out a low hiss when he saw the curtain open. But quickly dropping his ears. 
“Ao’nung! Its time you head home” His mother spoke. Stern and cold. Looking down at you as you didnt stir. 
“No, I will not argue this. You are to go home and she will be sleeping here tonight alone. You can see her again tomorrow evening. I dont know why you want to but you can then. For now go home and head to bed” She ordered leaving no room to argue. 
She watched as he bit back his tongue. Standing up spear in hand as he walked out. Ronal only turned to look at you. Placing the wet paste on top of the sheer wraps around you. “ I dont get what this boy sees in protecting you. You are safe and alive. It should be enough” She muttered out. 
She looked at you. Your worried expression trembled as your hand shook and moved slightly, reaching out. She could only sigh in exhaustion. ‘Soon’ she thought as she had to think. She would rather swallow her pride than let Neytiri help her as she had offered for helping her children. But realistically what other option was there, she thought. 
“Hush now. You are well as is he” she could only whisper as if to ease your worried mind. Eywa had saved you, and that should be enough.
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rockermybuddie · 7 days
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A/n: this might be the first story i actually post. I have one finished and one in the works in my drafts im just too scared to post them lol.
Tommy x Evan (Buck)
Summary: When Tommy comes home and sees broken glass everywhere his first thought is Evan. He finds Evan pretending to be asleep in bed after a really rough shift and comforts him.
~Bucks POV~
The moment the engines came to a stop in the bay i jumped out and went straight to the locker room grabbing my bag. “Buck!” Eddie calls out. I’m supposed to help stock the engine back up on supplies and clean up since its after shift but i’m too upset. “Leave him be.” Cap told Eddie.
I felt everyones eyes on me as i threw my bag in my jeep slamming my door shut. I drove out of there fast and went straight home.
When i arrived at home i saw that Tommys truck wasnt in his spot. I remembered that he said he picked up a shift which means he wont be home till later. That just made me a little more mad.
I unlocked the door and threw my bag down, I immediately went up stairs and took a shower to wash all the blood and soot off. I watched the red and black color go down the drain.
I got a flashback from the call and its all i could think about. My anger building inside of me about to burst. I got out of my shower and I couldn’t tell if the steam coming off of me was from the hot shower or if i was just that angry.
I walked downstairs to make dinner so i could try and get my mind off of the call. I got out the ingredients to make chicken parmesan pasta, Tommys favorite. I figured if i could just focus on Tommy i could get past this.
I got out a glass pan for the oven but set it down too hard out of anger causing it to shatter.
I didnt feel bad. It was just a glass pan. Usually i would be upset that i broke it but i dont feel anything but anger, not towards the broken glass.
Next thing i know im ripping open the cabinets knocking out everything, hearing the glass shatter on the floor and the need to break everything that can break.
I don’t remember anything after that, whatever happened after that was a blur.
~Tommys POV~
I pulled into the driveway and saw Evans jeep in the drive way, making a smile appear on my face because my love was home.
I walked into the house, i saw Evans bag tossed on the floor untouched which is weird because he always unpacks it and does the laundry.
“Evan?” I call out. No answer.
I put my bag next to his and make my way into the kitchen. I stopped in short when i saw all the cabinets open and they were empty. When i walked in further i saw all the broken glass everywhere. My first thought was we had an intruder. My instincts went straight to Evan. Where is he?!
“Evan!” I yell. I ran upstairs and swung open the bedroom door. My heart beating fast but slowed down a little when i saw him laying in the bed.
“Evan?” I say turning on the light, its only 7pm theres no way hes already asleep. “Evan i know you’re not asleep.” I walk over to his side of the bed.
I see his tear stained face as he looks up at me, his eyes are filled with sadness and his hands are shaking ever so slightly.
“Did someone break in Evan?” I ask him, maybe thats why hes so shook up. He shakes his head no.
“Whats wrong my love?” I crawl over him sitting on the other side. Buck moves to sitting between my legs leaning against me, his head resting on my shoulder.
He tells me about the call he was on about the call he was on and the whole time i just rubbed his head with my hand.
“I’m so sorry Evan. That had to of been rough.” I say when he finishes talking. “I know everyone there did their best. But sometimes those things happen. You had no control over that.” I tell him trying to comfort him.
“I’m sorry about the mess downstairs. I’ll clean it and buy new stuff.” He says. “Shhh, dont worry about that. I’ll deal with it okay?” I tell him, I kiss his forehead wishing i could take all his pain away.
“Thank you for this. I really needed it.” He says nesting his head deeper into my shoulder.
“Anytime.” I plant a kiss on his lips as we sat there a little longer.
A/n: i know this is a basic story, but my first ones gotta be a little rough to read. I hope you thought it was ok, lol. I will write more because of my non-stop brain but if this gets positive feedback i will post the others when i write.
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axiigotlost · 25 days
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repost because the original didn't show up in the tags
Have my everguard oc Ethryn Ahosath!!! They're a triton padalin
Im so glad to finally get this out :0
Rambling about them under cut
I know triton arent canon in infinights but ive had them as an idea for quite a while now and also theyre a really cool race. I had fun with drawing their markings (ex forearms + mouth) because why not?? A cool detail is that the single strand of hair falling out of their bun is supposed to represent an angerfish antenna thingy, and the markings on their forearms are supposed to be like water splashing. Plus they're in the blue-greenish color variety thingy and I didnt color it bc I was tired af
For their backstory- i thought of the idea of a small group of triton living among the merfolk. At some point- Ethryns parents we're all like "okay when will you get a real job instead of chasing the krill around all day?" And they replied with "im not allowed to chase the krill around all day??"
Since their parents believed paralyte was 'doing the right thing' they sent Ethryn off to become an everguard as a boot camp sort of thing.
They absolutely hate wearing their uniform- which is just a shirt to go over their armor, a cape belt thingy (idk what its rlly called), and boots. I want to make it very clear they dont know what socks are.
Theyve been fired quite a few times but their parents (with quite a lot of convincing) sends them back. Ethryns opinion on the infinights is all "Oh if theyre so powerful and great why do we have to clean up their mess??" And stuff
Ill probably rb this when i finish the other idea i have for them but anyways heres Ethryn asshole-
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pettal00beaine · 1 year
Detention - Snape x inocent!reader smut
reader is described as a female, and is in hufflepuff
a/n- idk what possesed me to write this but this is so dirtly yall, im thinking abb turning this into a series but idk. Also its my second post thats an actual fanfic, so hope yall enjoy
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(Y/n)  (L/n) was discribed as a inocent, kind and soft girl. She had (h/c) hair that ran along her pretty face, (e/c) piercing eyes and a curved, bouncy and round body every boy wanted to touch. Even though she doesn't even know that boys have genitals.
She wasn't given the talk when she was younger and for certain she was discribed as a sparkly ray of sunshine at all Hogwarts. She was a Hufflepuff and was excellent in many classes, greatest being Herbology. 
She was often praised a lot from proffesors. She was the one who earned Hufflepuff many points through the years. But there was one class she wasn't a fan of.
Potions. Lead by non other than Proffesor Severus Snape. He never spoke about the girl, but was strict to her at times when she got a few measurements wrong in her potion. One time instead of healing a frog she turned it into a pigeon. Nobody was really surprised though, her patronum was a pigeon after all.
 But aside from some little incident there weren't tragic mistakes she had made. Until today at class. They were supposed to be making Amortentia, a very powerful potion. But with one slight bump of her classmate she managed to add half a bottle of peppermint oil into the mix resulting in her desk being flooded by the messy jelly like substance. And with one glare from Snape she knew what was going to go down . 
"Five points from Hufflepuff. Miss Glitheard you have detention here later today., at the end of all your classes. Everyone stop experimenting, Miss (L/n) clean this mess up." And with a sigh that left her mouth she begun cleaning the mess. With her head down for the rest of the day she completed all her classes and went to change her robe before going to her second detention at Hogwarts. 
The first one was in Astronomy when she broke a crystal ball. But she just had to clean the whole class of dust and that was it. Plus Ms. Sinistra added five points to Hufflepuff for her hard work. But she didnt know what Snape was like. With one final deep breath she opened the large door of the potions classroom. 
There sat Snape right in the front of the classroom writing onto some papers. He looks up and says: " Oh Miss (L/n) you finally appeared go on and sit down , and dont make a peep." She sat in the way back and put her bag onto the table. After about five minutes she felt bored and started to get pretty tired so she laid her head onto the desk letting herself dream into her sweet dreams of candy. 
(Snape's point of view)
I finished signing all of my paper on grading the fifth year students. And looked up to spot Miss Glitcheard quietly sleeping on the desk. I started to get mad at her actions and took my wand with me and started walking to her desk. I stood there before slamming my wand against the end of the desk letting little sparks fly out of the end. She got startled and fell to her knees right in front of me and looked me straight into the eyes.
I couldn't help but feel excited. "Oh my Merlin im so so sorry Professor Snape!" She quickly tried to get back onto the chair but i pushed her down with my right hand. " W-what ar-are you doing P-proffesore?" she asked as she looked at me inocently and blushed a deep red color. She wasn't lying she really didnt know what was about to happen.
 " Do not move a muscle." At that she sat still as i walked to the door, i pointed my wand at the doorknob and in a deep voice said: "Colloportus." 
With that i turned around to look at her looking at me. I slowly walked over to her as she turned her hair to look at the floor. I moved my wand across her jawli and moved her head up to look at me. "Proffesor my knees hurt, can i please sit on the chair?" 
"No. You are to remain here until i say so and until im satisfied." I said as i tapped my wand against her small but plump lips." Do you know what mens genitals are called Miss (Y/n)? Hmm?"
 "N-no sir i dont i swear. My mama said thats not good. So i dont know." 
She's telling the truth. This is going to be fun, a smirk is already forming onto my face as i look at her eyes. " You can sit down now." She obeyed as she sat down, i quickly made my way over and sat beside her. I started stroking her thigh and rubbing her robe.
"Its a little hot in here isn't it Miss?" 
" A bit." She said. 
I started taking of my robe revealing the pants and pullover that i had underneath. "Why dont you get comfortable yourself Miss?" She looked at me shily before removing her robe reveilng the sweater, tie and dress shirt. Her skirt was relatively short, i could see her chubby thighs. On the were the cutest pair of thigh highs i had ever seen. They were thick considering it was chilly outside and had adorable little pumpkins on them. I could just take them off one by one. But ill be patient. "Tell me Miss do you know what an erection is?" She shakes her head no.
 "Well, an erection is a hardened male genital or so called penis. Its caused by a male getting aroused by sexual tention." She lisened carefully as i suggested: " Would you like to try giving me an erection Miss.?" She looked shoked, she started getting teary eyed and shed a few tears. I cupped her cheeks and wiped away the tears.
" Oh Miss im sorry, whats wrong? " She looks at me with a quivering lip, "Momma said thats for bad people i dont wanna be a bad person mama will be sad." " Oh no deary its only bad if its forced but you want this, dont you Miss Glitcheard?" she looks patheticaly at the ground as i sense her thinking, maybe some old giving in will do the trick. 
I lean in close to her ear as i wispered:" Not even if i give some pathetic points to hufflepuff? Hmm? Wouldn't you like that little Miss?" And at that she looks at me and with a frown quickly nods her head." Alright then,lets get started. Get down on your knees infront of me." 
She obeys my orders as i move the chair to the side. She sits right in front of my legs. I started to move down the zipper on my pants revealing my white boxers. I slowly reach my hand into them as i take my huge cock out. She looks at it with wonder her eyes growing larger .
 "Its already half erect and leaking precum. Go on and put it into your hands Miss." She then slowly took it into her soft hands and squeezed it a little bit."Oh my Merlin that feels soo good. You see those ball like testicles under? You need to squeeze them gently." As she reaches down i cant help but feel excited, than i saw that my cock had twitched now fully hard.
She looked at it in surprise before slowly squeezing my heavy balls. It felt like i was in heaven. But i knew what would make it even better. " Do you see that mushroom shape? I want you to put it in your mouth." 
She looked at me so innocently as she opened her mouth, slowly taking in my tip. As she started to suck on it like a lollipop, it felt as if i was in heaven. I then pushed her head further as i heard her gag and choke, i looked right into her eyes as i saw tears flowing onto her cheeks. 
I tried to reach out to wipe them away as she started to gurgle and tap my thighs violently. I let her go to breath air as she started caughing. After a few seconds i took her back onto my cock, this time i felt i was close so i started to pound into her mouth. 
My balls slapped away on her jaw as she choked. "It'll be over soon i promise, just a few seconds more." I saw her eyes roll back into her head. She looked so fucking hot like that. I soon aproched my goal and for the last time i held her head down to my pubes. 
Her hands violently hit my thighs and her eyes had closed, knowing she was going to pass out i pulled out. I closed her mouth with my hand as i said: "I want you to swallow it all, or else you get punished." She shook her head no and moved back, as soon as my hand left her face she spitted out my jizz leading to a few coughs. 
She looked at me sadly as i just looked at her with slight anger for spitting my load out. " Im sorry i couldn't do it, it was too yucky and salty." "You think that its disgusting huh?" She shook her head yes. "You really are spoiled rotten. You think you can just spit it out like that huh? It takes time for me to make it happen you know. Do you understand that?"
She looked at me with eyes blowing with tears.
" Y-yes i do. Please dont punish me i wanna be a good girl, not a bad one. Am i a good girl sir, am i?" Her lip wobbled as she said that. " Right now your a really bad girl. You wasted what i gave you. And you will get punished. Now bend over the desk." She shook as she got onto her legs and took a few steps, she laid onto her stomach on the table. 
I put my cock back into my pants and walked behind her. I put my hand onto her hips as she shook a bit, trying to look over her shoulder. I then put a hand under her skirt and took it off with one swift motion along with her underwear.
 I kept her thigh highs on though, she looked so hot in them. I then took my wand into my hands and said ill give 10 spanks to your pussy, you will count each one, if you miss one i will start again. Understood?" 
"Yes i undertand sir." She said cutely.
I then so sudenly bought the wand down to her right cheek, making her jump in suprise.
"One!" She yelped. I made sure the second smack was a little more near her cunt.
"Two!" She yelped yet again. I had a smirk on my face as i continued the abuse on her cheeks. 
On the last slap she was crying so beautifuly, while i was rubbing her wery sore cheeks so it would hopefuly relieve some of the pain.
"You were good my sweet little dove, you deserve a reward dont you now? How about 30 points to hufflepuff? Hmm, would you like that?"
"Yes thank you Proffesor!" She said with a cute smile, as always.
"How about i bring us some tea darling, would it make you feel any better?"
"Yes Proffesore, with honey please!"
"Of course sweetheart." Oh how i love her.
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Hxh ch 396-397 review
Anyways yeah I didnt do reviews for the past couple of weeks because Things happened and I got busy and it got me out of my groove so.
I have been reading of course because who am I .
I’ll do an overview of the rest of the flashbacks because those Messed Me Up actually and I have art and things to say about it.
Spoilers, obviously . (Warning for Child Abduction and death)
Chapter 396: Founding part 2
Sadly I dont have viz screenshots because of it only being the recent 3 lol so I’ll be using an unofficial translation
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There he is again with some weird Popcorn Cauliflower lookin things and ooh nooo
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Hi Uvogin!
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Also hi Phinks with the walnut hair. At this point I’ve adjusted to how wonky it looks though but
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SARASA *50 crying emojis*
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I actually love Sarasa a lot. She’s adorable and confident and fearless... I really hope nothing BAD HAPPENS TO THIS CHARACTER. auughgggggg
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I also really like Sheila. Even though they didn’t end up being actual phantom troupe members Sarasa and Sheila matter to me and I really want to know what Togashi has in mind by bringing her back into the plot. But aside from that we also get another moment of exposition for Pakunoda and Chrollos relationship. Im Not Crying Youare.
I love to think that while a lot of other people call him ‘Little bro’, Pakunoda is the closest to being his actual “big sister”  
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Power cleaners moment. I actually slipped up and call them Power Rangers sometimes or like for example “Ranger red” instead of Clean up red. Whats funny is that I didn’t even watch power rangers as a kid this is just how it is
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Look at all those sillies
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I really really want to know what this sounded like because Im not gonna say that it’s really bad just because they’re kids, but I think it would be very funny if they were sugar coating it not even on purpose because of how young and silly they are.
Chrollo is actually 11 you learn in 397 so I’m guessing that would mean Paku is 10, Sarasa is like 8-9 or something since she’s the youngest, and Sheila is somewhere inbetween them all.
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I love how out of context he sounds like a victorian child whos about to make an important announcement.
“Father, may I have the mic?” I never thought I would hear those words but knowing that it comes from baby Chrollo makes it all make sense.
Also look theres Nobunaga!! Wow!! He’s finally in his own flashback!
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I like the composition of this panel because This chapter is supposed to be a highlight on Uvos progression and his relationship with Chrollo and the fact that Chrollo is straight ahead of him really drives that home.
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To be honest you gotta love this because you really just see how sincere he is in just wanting to make all the other kids happy here, and they are ecstatic
With Chrollo doing all the same lines though just imagine theres this kid and he just has crazy vocal range for no reason and hes talking to himself in 7 different voices
omfg is he Jerma985. .
..i mean  i did make this one thing
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I bet he put his entire freakin heart into that line like no holding back
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I love how everybodys like stunned and then theres just Nobu who is there
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HELLO??????????? JFC
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ALSO IS THIS A SAIKI K REFERENCE BECAUSE I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF TOGASHI JUST SLIPPED THAT IN THERE... (In some volume extras I think of vol 35 he put references in random panels and replaced the text and there was a saiki k reference in one. Fun fact)
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Scrungly Sarasa and Sheila only ever
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I also really like the composition of these panels.. Its also very centric on Uvo and Chrollo which I appreciate. Also I can see it being animated a lot for no reason like its so easy to imagine with this format.
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When the Sarasa are Scurngly and adorble
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Im just gonna put this whole page here and then talk abt it I love it so so so so so omuch and tears are definitely not in my eyes right now because of it.
So first of all, I read this translation first, and I think the lines they put here are better than what they put in the VIZ one. I don’t remember what they were, but the top panels lines here are just so raw and “That was me dubbing you!” Flows well. Sometimes unofficial translations can be wonky, but they did great on this page.
I love Love Love the way this page was drawn too. The way that Uvo and Chrollo just look shocked and are shown side by side is great, and I love the focus and detail on Sarasa and also even though it’s a still picture, her hair has so much motion and i i i i
Everybody’s reactions are nice too. I’m just thinking. No wonder Togashi had to take all that time off especially for these chapters. Drawing this many people is not easy at all...
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I like Uvo and Machi’s dynamic lol. They seemed to already be friends which is just really funny since she’s just this tiny little child and then Uvo is like. Already like 6 foot 2 or something idk. (He grows to be 8′5.)
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This is so funny because when you think of the Phantom Troupe you think of incredibly twisted people, but no, their original original name came from them trying to make a company name for their little dubbing thing.
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Im Crying again haha. I mean I guess in the end he did become a villain, so wish fulfilled!
This line is so relevant to so many things involving Uvogin, even having to do with his character in the yorknew arc
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Chapter 397: Founding Part 3
at least this time I can take fro m the viz official translation.. Ha ha
Are you ready guys? This is going to be a wild ride! (Warning for Child Abduction and death especially here)
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So they finally notice that Sarasa’s not here and there Might be Something wrong! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE RIGHT ABOUT THIS IN MY CHAPTER 395 REVIEW.
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This is Depressing but I love the attention to detail with how he’s gripping his shorts. I just wanted to point that out
Oh and haha he’s blaming himself for something only somewhat inside his control as a young child... Hmm.. That sounds familiar...
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Dont you love when you start having a little more hope for something again...
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Oh haha look at them on the bike Oh look everybodys doing their own part in the search!!!......
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Oh god....
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....And then everything just plummets....
Seriously when I read this part I felt my heart drop. SO much so that I made a whole redraw of it for chapter 357!
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I love Hunter x Hunter.
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mmm I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this
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Currently completely Fine right now actually ignore everything I just said.
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My exact reaction
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Thank You.
I feel like the flowers on her head would be little orange roses.. Because well for one, the orange cleaner, and also orange roses are a symbol for Joy I think and that’s perfect for her
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Im so glad that Togashi decided to make this little scene because I wouldn’t be able to handle what just happened before without this closure and Im pretty sure that was done on purpose because That was like one of the most horrific scenes in Hunter x Hunter in my opinion.
You could feel how everybody was panicking and the grief and anguish and it was just aaahhhhhhggghghhgh.......
Anyways. Onto another thing that is helping me process all of this lol
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This is another line that I liked better in the unofficial translation
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JUST. JUST. “Those pretty eyes of yours make my skin crawl.” ESPECIALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF MACHI IS SUCH A COOL LINE!!! anyways :)
I like nen so This is also very relieving. We are getting lore....
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Add Predicts the technological revolution to baby Chrollo’s achievement list. This kid Hunter x Hunter children are insane for a fact
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He would do great in my English 10 Honors class with all that evidence and reasoning there
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hey guys its Shalnark here  and today I’m going to explain chrollos Nefarious plot  
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Hes so happy that he didnt have to do 3 paragraphs of more explaining! ..also
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Jus dont even ask why I made this but I sure did I also made a video but idk how to put videos on tumblr other than have them be at the top which is not what I want so you just get this
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I kind of wish we got more of younger Shalnark because we got focus on Paku and Uvo who are both... decreased  and you know...  
oh god I just realized
All the phantom troupe characters that are commonly nicknamed are Dead. Quick everybody stop saying Nobu for Nobunaga
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At least he gets a little bit of a moment here
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I feel so bad for Sheila little sheila talk here
Like man her best friend just got Murdered and she can not do this. I bet part of her does not want to be involved with the troupe anymore because they have the most to do with her death, and maybe she even counts them responsible for them not caring, and with that she probably blames herself too.
I really want to see her again she is such a character and there’s no way that Togashi’s just gonna bring her back here and not have her be plot relevant. Was she for or against the kurta massacre!??!?!?!? wha????
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Top ten ways to become a mass murderer
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lets play a game. Is this a quote from Kurapika or Chrollo?
Look at all these parallels and foreshadowing... Putting that in perspective, that means that Chrollo became the very person he sought to destroy as a child, and I wonder if he realizes that, especially now in his current mental and emotional condition. But at the same time, he may have been expecting that. He should know that the Troupe has all the right to be persecuted with the amount of carnage that they’ve caused.
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I think the whole thing with the Villain and this panel is a callback to Uvo’s line about being the worlds greatest villain, and maybe Chrollo was thinking that he would fit as leader because of that but...
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Get pranked! Also notice how Paku is also gripping the end of her dress. Since I’m an empath, I can tell that Paku is having mixed feelings and is nervous about this /s
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In 3 years he shed his old pair of eyes and then regrew Strange Eyes. Hold on.
This is extremely important and like one of the best things Ive ever made.
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I decided I wanted to do math So their reunion happens around 7 years before the Kurta massacre, and that’s when Chrollo is 21.. so 10 years after sarasa’s death is when the Kurta massacre takes place.
Ok were finally to the end of this fun fun fun Chapter! I have 2 questions.
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1. Where is Phinks?
2. Shalnark What has he the Hair and Outfit? What? Ok well technically he’s in style since this is like the mid-late 80′s then but he looks a little bit like a Flamboyant Pop star from that era and then everybody else is just regular for their character. Then there’s just Shalnark with his fluffy mullet and the oversized suit and the collar
And also if that was his style when and why did he change? We could have had a totally different Shalnark tbh but I’m happy with the one we have.
Hope you enjoyed this absolute behemoth  of a post and I may do another one with the next two chapters some time
In the meantime, who knows, just keep doing what you do & make sure you drink enough water so that your pee looks like light pineapple juice or lemonade (that means youre healthy)
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anotherfloridaman · 1 year
Somewhere, beyond the sea~ pt 2
Part 1 is here
In the classroom, Iruma looks at the sheet of paper in front of him. Reading every letter, knowing every syllable, but the question itself is what throws him to the ground.
“When is the velocity of flight to outweigh the condition of elemental mana as fire, if the defensive has only healing mana?”
Worse yet…
He needs to explain it instead of multiple choice.
“Iruma-sama, are you feeling well? You look pale.”
“Oh yeah, im fi—” “You didnt eat enough in the morning, did you?! I knew we should have gotten more trays! Those idiot chefs have no clue who they are supposed to be feeding! Dont fret, for i, Ausmodeus Alice, will begin making your morning feast at exactly 0:06 hours every day!”
At the commotion, Clara joined in. “I wanna help Irumachi too! Im gonna make all KINDS of delicious yum yum bake cake treats for Irumakins!” Ausmodius sighed and Iruma just laughed, trying to tell them he was fine, in reality, he was worried about his grandfather and the way everything will play out sooner rather than later.
A few minutes go by, and Grandpa appeared at the door of the royal one, with Ifrit and Marbas in tow. “Kalego-kun!!!!! I need a word with you for just a few minutes, please!!!” The dog couldn’t say no to him, but he could have a sour face. So he followed and grumbled about how the old fool was interrupting his class.
Marbas and Ifrit just walked around, watching over the kids and joining in on a couple conversations over the time they spent there. It was a half an hour before someone(Clara)asked where Edgy-teach was.
And when the last letter left her mouth, two figures entered the royal one. One had shoulder length, unruly hair, with curls and waves at random, wrinkles all over his teacher uniform. The other had long, knee length hair, straight as a pencil, and neat clothes. Iruma saw two things that almost solidified who they were.
One; they had dark purple hair.
Two; both had the little horns of hair that Kalego has all but trademarked.
The neat one speaks first. “Alright, you both can go back to your classrooms, this room and these students will be secured with us.” He states while fixing the cuff of his sleeve.
“Hey there! You are..?” Marbas tries to question, and Ifrit, not knowing either of them, squares his shoulders and tenses his legs, Waiting for some kind of fight.
“I am Narnia, your dog’s brother. And this is our uncle, Lord Sullivan and Dantallion-san know him.”
After a quick check in with Sullivan trough the telepathic link, and confirmation of these plans, the teacher’s leave with a parting gift of wisdom. “These kids get hurt, you will die.” And the classroom is left in silence.
Narnia and his uncle take what seems to be practiced steps to opposite sides of the room. The elder dog goes to a bay window and sits, leaning against the wall and glass. The brother, steps behind Kalego’s desk and picks up papers, reading over their teacher’s notes.
“Uhh, hey, maybe you don’t mess with Kalego-sensei’s things? He might not be too happy with that.” Lied, poor poor Lied speaks. Narnia’s eyes snap towards the boy in question, and a slight smirk takes the new dog’s thin lips, a knowing glint in his eyes. Lied almost shrank in his seat, toes curling inside of his shoes, and nails digging into the palm of his hands, almost regretting speaking up.
“It’s alright Lied, he won’t mind if it’s me, Kalego and i have similar taste in organization.” The look turns a little playful towards the end, and Lied is able to take a breath of relief…
Then Clara speaks up again. Great.
“Hey not teacher! How did you know Liedy-kun’s name?” She almost screams across the campus. The dog in the back of the room begins howling with laughter, almost completely on the floor with how his body shakes on the window. “NOT EVEN FIVE MINUTES!”
“Uncle, please dont laugh. Kalego will literally never talk to me again.” High pitched wheezing leaves the dog’s throat, then a cough. And sudden silence.
“Before walking in, i took the liberty to scavenge through the school records, and therefore, teacher’s homeroom classes. That’s how i know all of your names.” Narnia manages to wring out an explanation easy enough, until the lazy dog on the window opens his mouth.
“Kalego brags about all of you the first chance he gets, every chance he gets.” Was a sudden burst of information from the back of the room.
Jazz, Lied, and Camui, all screaming over each other as the class burts with life in disbelief or pure joy. Some were a mixture of both. Sabnock just laughed like he was plotting murder and going to frame someone else.
One solid “Enough.” And the class just froze. After a second, they got back to their seats and stayed. The worst part was, he said it like it was a request, but the mana flooding from him said differently. If Iruma felt the shivers, then what did the actual demon children feel?
Whoever these people are, they’re more of a threat to Iruma’s humanity than this school ever will be.
The boy’s eyes lock with Narnia’s, and The man closes his hand into a fist at his side. Both have the same thought. ‘This one is a problem.’
31 notes · View notes
inncubus-honey · 2 years
treating wounds with skz
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a/n: hey sorry for being mia, but im back with an ot8 post before the next royal fic. these scenarios are not connected in any way and are written in different aus for each boy
tw: talks of open wounds, blood, gunshots and graphic death in jeongins part(let me know if i missed anything)
ot8 x gn!reader
Word Count: 3.7k
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bang chan- night after a full moon (werewolf au):
bruises were lightning down his back, mainly focused on his shoulder blades. darker than the rest, while others just blotted around.
"are they as bad as last time?" his eyes met mine as i came around to his front, his normally deep voice that echoed just barely came out as a whisper this time, it was more hoarse than normal. i dabbed cream to the corner of his lips; he always has some cuts on or around lips after a transformation. 
after chan transforms back, he always comes home with new bruises and scars. thankfully, they're not as bad as last time. in the woods, there were hunter traps set up. chan thankfully only got caught in a net trap, but when one hunter cut the rope, he had bruised ribs for a week.
"no. just those bruises on your back and scratches here and there." he gave a slight hiss as i started rubbing in the cream on his lip. so i placed a gentle kiss onto his jaw; one hand came up my cheek to which chan then buried himself into my neck.
chan just rested himself on my neck. i dont blame him, i would do the same if once a month my body contorted in the most extreme ways a human body can. now chan is just bearing with me as i fix him up, but its better than going to bed now and waiting till morning to clean him up.
"wanna go to bed early, wolfie?" my hand came up this time and i played his soft curls as they faded into a dull blue. 
"please..." he pleaded softly into my skin. giving him another kiss on his forehead, i laid chan down on his side of the bed. making sure his wounds didnt hurt as he moved or that he wasnt lying on them. leaving the room, i went to the kitchen and got some water and pain pills for the morning.
changing into my pjs of choice, i gently climbed into bed and hugged chans back. then we were brought into the sweet arms of sleep.
minho- kitchen accident:
it did feel a little bad to laugh at minho as he pouted next to me. his glare looked like a cat getting a bath, just staring down the members.
"minho hyung, we're sorry! please forgive us!" han and hyunjin crowded minho. their faces contorted into worry as i bandaged his hand.
hyunjin and han decided to pop confetti cannons for minho because they thought he was so cute as mc today.
bad part was minho was cutting vegetables which caused him to slice his palm. thankfully it's not deep nor requires stitches which is why i am bandaging it now.
"minho hyung say something please! even if you yell at us, just say something!" hyunjin pleaded at his feet, han coping the action, their hands in the prayer position.
"...next time make sure no one is holding a sharp object before you let confetti cannons, you idiots." his voice was stern, but he didnt sound too angry with the boys. 
i gave a slight chuckle at what i was watching go down, minho turned to me with a slight glare. i focused back down on his hand and put a safety pin in to keep the wrap together.
"we're so sorry again, hyung! we'll be super duper careful next time!" then like the kids they are, they ran off do whatever now.
"you're like a grumpy uncle to them whenever chans not here." he brought his hand into his lap as i went to the kitchen and cleaned what mess was left there.
"does that make you a cute and sweet aunt to them?" i could hear the smirk in his voice as i washed the cutting board. looking back, he did have his signature smirk which made my cheeks hotter than before.
"i suppose so, uncle."
his non-injured hand came around my waist as he left little kisses to the nape of my neck.
i got the vegetables out and started cutting them again.
"i suppose so, aunty."
changbin- after a battle:
his armor sat on the chair, his claymore standing tall against it. i brought the pitcher from the dresser over the bowl on the nightstand. changbin rested on his back, thankfully no major injuries there.
diagonally across his chest from the valley of pecks ending below his left peck by two or three inches. 
"has the medicine helped at all?" dipping a rag into the warm water, ringing it out and dabbing it gently across the wound it went from stark white to a pick tint.
changbin hissed and gave a muffled groan at the contact. he looked over my eyes and held contact as i cleaned his wound.
"better, not by much...but seeing my love after weeks without their beautiful eyes, warm smile or comforting touch i would never need any medicine again..."
fluttering smiles came along with avoided eye contact, changbin always knew how to bring my heart into my throat. i moved with light movements to clean his wound, changbin letting out hisses and groans every now and then. 
i gave him my free hand to hold as i finished up with cleaning.
"i'm almost done, my dear. but soon then i'll have to start on stitches..." changbin gave my hand a hard squeeze as i moved to get the needles and thread.
"can i get a kiss after every stitch, darling?" 
leaning over, i pressed my lips to his slightly dry ones. his callused hand cupped my jaw, bringing me closer to him; as much he could with his wound between us.
"your wish is my command, love." 
hyunjin- after a surgery:
"y/n-this is the worst part...." walking with a bowl of warm water and a little bit of soap, hyunjin starting groaning and tried moving away from it as much as he could without hurting himself.
"i know, love. its only a couple of days until the doctor allows you to take a shower fully." sitting next to him, hyunjin grumbled to himself on his phone as i started moving the blanket and his shirt away from the stitches.
ringing out the cloth given to us by the doctor for the stitches, i lightly dabbed the area to keep it clean. glancing between hyunjin and my hand as i cleaned, i made sure not to make any rough movements on the stitching and causing more discomfort for hyunjin. 
“i must look so gross for you, huh?” hyunjin rubbed his face with a whine. i felt myself frown at his discomfort because of his situation, i would feel the same way if i had to wait a week for a shower. when i got an idea to help him with this feeling. i told him i’ll be right back and went to the bathroom and brought in a chair for him to sit on as i would wash hair and face without getting his wound wet.
“hyunjin, lovebug, do you think you can stand up for me?” 
“um yeah, but what for, y/n?” i grabbed his hands and gently pulled him up as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed while being mindful of his wound as he bent over on it.
“i think i have a way to wash your hair and face without getting your wound wet.” i wrapped plastic wrap around the incision to keep it dry. i got to work on cleaning his hair and face for him, hums of content as he has not been able to lift his arms above his head in a week.
10 minutes later, hyujins upper body is clean and hes back in bed now with a clean wound and clean hair.
han- falling off a skateboard:
“babe, this trick is for you!” han pointed towards me as i sat on the bench with seungmin. looking over at him, he got a running start towards the quarter and half pipe with changbin and chan cheering him on behind him. it was an autumn night in seoul; han, i and his friends were at an empty skatepark. 
han grabs his board and pulls a cool 1260 flip of it and i felt a slight blush as he winked at me, i heard seungmin fake gag to my right. but upon landing his flipped underneath him shooting him forward and he rolled a couple feet. 
“hannie!” jumping to my feet, i start racing towards him with changbin and chan coming from the other side, dropping their boards. carefully, i placed a hand on his shoulder as he sat up from his tumble.
“han, are you okay? that was a nasty fall…” chan also looked at han as he held his face in hands. he looked up and slowly removed his hands to only show the bottom half of his face covered in blood.
“oh shit, thats a lot of blood. hold on, bubs i have napkins in my bag.” quickly i ran over to where i was sitting, bringing it back with me over to the boys. chan and changbin did their best to control his bleeding as I dug around my clustered bag.
“found them! gently press them against your nose and tilt your head forward baby.” han slowly moved his hands, some blood dripping onto the concrete as he made sure not to get anymore on his clothes. a little bit had gotten on his shirt when he initially sat up, one i had given to him for his birthday and i think he felt bad.
“i have water in my car, ill help him clean up over there.” chan and changbin nodded, helping me stand han up. when we get over to my car, i grabbed my water bottle and poured it over the blood staining his cheeks and mouth. 
“are you okay, hannie?” he could finally talk now that he had no blood in his mouth. he took some napkins and dried off his mouth.
“did you like my trick tho?” stopping in my tracks, i looked up at han with wide eyes as his puppy eyes glanced back at me.
“babe, you just busted your nose and had what looked like half a liter of blood on your face and thats what you’re worried about?” his eyes got bigger before answering with a pout pursing his lips.
“yes! i was only worried you thought that it sucked cause i busted up my face…” he mumbled as he peered up at me through his hair. letting out a soft chuckle and carefully moving the hair from his eyes, i pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“i thought it was cute that you dedicated a trick to me, but i hate seeing you hurt. i know its your not fault you got hurt, but i still get worried.” i cupped his adorable quokka cheeks in my hands as he gave a toothy grin at my words. 
“i love you, y/n..” it came out as a whisper. 
gently i kissed him busted lips.
“i love you, han..”
felix- scraped knee:
“hurry up y/n, you slowpoke!” felix dragged on my arm as we walked towards the arcade, an iced americano in one hand while his other was in mine. i held my drink in my other free hand at a slow pace to his favorite place. 
“luvs, its around the block, we’re in no rush to play games.” he huffed, making duck lips with a pout and reluctantly came back into my side. i hooked my elbow through his as we made our way down the sidewalk.
“plus, its so pretty outside today. we have a nice walk to the arcade before we have a day of playing games until the sun goes down, bokkie.” a little nudge of my arm into his caused me to sigh and nod into my shoulder.
“Is there anything you’re looking forward to playing when we get there?” his chest rumbled against my shoulder as i thought about it.
“either ddr or crane games. i hope i can get at least one stuffed animal before we leave.” felix rolled his eyes and groaned, jokingly, as i elbowed him in his ribs.
“well, you always play beat saber or shooting games, mr. bokkie.” felix let go of my arm and let out a gasp at my accusation. putting his hand over chest in a dramatic way then moving them to his hip.
“i dont always play beat saber or shooting games y/n…i also the driving games.” he stated then took a sip of his drink. covering my mouth as i laughed at his dramatic actions. rounding the corner with felix was on the side towards the street. he would never let be on the streetside cause he would always say ‘then i would push you out the way and we could have our kdrama moment.’ then i would just roll my eyes at his cheesiness. 
but as we turned, felix tripped causing his drink to spill, but also he was wearing shorts as it was spring his knees were all scraped up now.
“felix, are you okay luvs?” he hopped up onto the bench behind him as i looked for napkins in my bag. a few blood trails traveled down his legs as we both looked at them, his drink long forgotten melting into the sidewalk.
“yeah, just a scrape. but i spilled my drink…” he mumbled while looking at his knees. looking around for a cafe where i can grab napkins real quick.
“ill buy you another drink in a bit, but i want to get this cleaned up first. im gonna quickly get some napkins, dont move babe.” 
jogging back to where felix was, i gently pressed them to his knees and used the water i had in my bag to clean up the dried blood. standing up from the ground, i held my hand to felix. confused, he looked up back to me.
“lets you another drink then go to the arcade, luvs.” a smirk appeared on his face and took his hand in mine as we walked to the cafe i got the napkins from.
“thank you, y/n. even though its just some scrapes on my knees, thank you. i love you.” he pecked my cheek as we entered.
“no problem, bokkie. i know you would do it for me as well.” 
seungmin- escaping the enemy (fantasy au):
seungmins tight grip on my hand pulled through the burning fields. his other hand held his sword out in front of him to defeat anyone in front of us. wind whipped past my ears as his ebony locks flew off his forehead showing his stern, but boyish face that sent my heart skipping beats.
“this way, y/n! into the forest, we’ll lose them there!” he guided us to the treeline, my legs were screaming for break, but they were right on our tail. i couldn’t slow seungmin down and risk us getting caught, so i had to push forward and ignore the pain in my legs and lungs. arrows raining into the ground as they just barely missed us upon the emerald painting of trees. 
the field was painted like a sunset with the fire that was roaring from the enemies arrows. gods, we didn’t even have a minute to process what happened; we had to keep moving to the castle.
“seungmin! seungie, i can’t breathe…” it was either from the smoke or from running for so long and far, i couldn’t tell. coughing into my arm caused seungmin to look back and for us to finally slow down.
“j-just a minute, please…i think we lost them anyway.” taking deep breaths to control it better, i finally got a good look at seungmin and how he was faring in all of this. his left arm was bleeding at the shoulder and seeping into the white fabric of his shirt. 
“seungmin, you’re bleeding! we need to treat this before it gets in-!” cutting me off was seungmin pulling me into a bush and clamping a gloved hand over my mouth. he pressed me into his chest as we saw an enemy rider wander past our hiding spot.
i felt seungmins heart beat violently against his ribs as he sandwiched us together. soon the rider left our spot and disappeared behind the flames which lead seungmin to let out a breath.
“s-seungmin..you c-can let go now..” i whispered, not daring to speak normally at this moment. seungmin locked our eyes back together. i think i saw the apples of his cheeks dust with a pink before he slowly released his grip on my body to his.
“forgive me, my liege.” tearing his gaze from mine to the forest floor. looking back at his left arm, it looked like it was still bleeding. so i grabbed the dagger hidden in my boot and took it to the bottom of my flowy shirt, cutting a strip.
“y/n, what are you doing? you’ll ruin-” seungmin reached his arm out to stop, but i was done before he could stop me.
“its just a shirt, seungmin. i can get a hundred more like it if i asked father.” i pulled seungmin closer by his outstretched arm and went to his left arm.
“its a scratch, y/n. i can worry-” he stopped himself when i tightened it around the wound.
“but you are injured. i dont like seeing you injured, seungmin.” glancing at him through my lashes, i saw the same dusting back and i fought back a smile at this moment.
“now lets worry about finding a way back to the castle.” seungmin only nodded and gave my hand a squeeze; he started leading us through the woods with smiles etched into our faces.
jeongin- pistol whipped (cod/military au):
gabes men held the boys and i by our arms as he spoke with a stupid smirk on his face, guns pointed into everyones backs. one false move and you're dead. 
“the world will only benefit from the mission going wrong! you're all either against me or with me! if you are with me, step forward and you will forgiven for your transgressions!” we all shared looks between each other as no one moved. 
“your stupid plan isnt going to work, gabe! the only one benefitting from your plan is you. you've just conned these poor soldiers into doing your dirty work.” all our eyes moved to jeongin as he spoke up before anyone else could. gabe glared hard at the youngest boy, nodding towards the man behind him. 
jeongin was brought forward to gabes feet, chan and I gave each other panicked looks as he pulled a gun on jeongin. shouts and cries came from the other boys as we all tried to rush to his side.
“no don't! gabe if you fucking touch him-” 
“if i touch him, you’ll do nothing cause then i’ll actually kill him y/n.” jeongin looked back at me, worry shown in his eyes but also gave a nod showing that it was okay. standing down from gabe, jeongin turned back to him only to be met with his pistol.
jeongin jerked to the side from the force, gabe forced him back to look at him with a tight grip on his jaw with blood splattered across the side of a truck as he pulled away. i saw blood dripping from the barrel of gabes gun as he raised it again to hit the other side of jeongins jaw, slightly moving forward only to be pulled back by the man holding me.
“its for the greater good that you all be stopped! so i can bring-!” a bullet entered his head before he could finish; blood moved down his face and soaked into his gear as the gun dropped from his grasp. his body dropped like a sack of flour as everyone trained their eyes to the direction of the bullet.
changbin held out a handgun with the man that was holding him dead behind him on the ground. this shot everyone into action and started fighting the remaining gabes men. i head-butted the man holding my wrist and grabbed his gun from the hostler, shooting him in the chest twice before rushing over to jeongin who held his head down.
“are you okay, jeongin? is anything broken?” gently, i cupped his jaw and moved his face to look up at me. blood pooled onto my hands from his jaw, coughing up blood into his hands before fully looking at me. his big brown eyes gazing into mine which made my heart flatter a bit at the bit.
“im fine, lune. are you? they didn't hurt you too badly, did they?” carefully, i looked at his nose to make sure its not broken. thankfully, it was not broken and i pulled out my handkerchief for his nose. 
“no, im fine. i just got so scared for you when gabe pulled out the gun on you. don’t sacrifice yourself in the future or else i’ll kill you myself, you stupid fox.” pulling jeongin off the ground and into a jeep with the boys. jeongin chuckled at my statement which made me pout.
“noted, my lune. also that adorable pout of yours makes me really if you really are a cold, hearted sniper.” he nibbled at the shell of my ear. i gave a light punch to the shoulder as i pulled out the med kit from the back of the jeep and go to work on properly cleaning up jeongin.
“but for real, don’t be a hero and always put yourself in harms way. i-we need you; the boys would miss their youngest member.” i cleaned up the blood around his mouth, his eyes bore into mine as the car jumped and threw us around.
“i’ll try not to in the future, lune. i know how much you miss me.” he smirked at the slip up i made earlier.
leaning down, he pressed a kiss softly to my lips and I kissed back. chan drove us to the next meeting spot where captain price was waiting for us to figure out what was going on.
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
heyy!!! i honestly dunno how to write requests if im suppose to be really indepth or just give u a prompt or smth but if u could i would really like some roommates au kazuha and the antics that come with it
this was a very nice prompt lol thank you for sending it in! i think having kazu as a roommate would be such a fun experience i hope you like it
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synopsis: kazuha is your college roommate and he likes to bake really really late at night
warnings: none really i mean a little fire maybe
characters: kazuha
notes: this can be taken as platonic or romantic don't matter uh this was nice to write and i like the idea of kazuha having a little bit of adhd symptoms bc i can say myself i have baked cupcakes at 2 am and almost caused a fire....
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•you weren't too excited to have a college roommate, but when kazuha had introduced himself upon entering your small shared apartment, you assumed he was the quiet type so he wouldnt be a bother, boy you were wrong
•kazuha was definitely the quiet type, most of the time you couldn't even tell he was home until he crept up behind you tryna talk to you but instead just scares the mess out of you
•he always had little knick knacks sprinkled around the apartment, one time you found a wooden squirrel with a beanie on the counter
•he was practically the perfect roomie, he'd make breakfast in the mornings often and would clean up (of course you'd offer to help) buys you dinner and stuff , so sweet
•he luckily was not one of those roommates who had people running in and out, but he did have this little green haired guy come over every now and then. you tried to introduce yourself but he kinda ignored you lol
•you also found out he played guitar! he even pops into your room to just strum some songs for you or recite his little lyrics
•it can get kinda annoying when he's playing his instrument in the middle of the night tho :/
•he often asks if you want to go hang out with him like taking walks or going to coffee shops
•he tried to convince you to get a cat for the apartment, when you finally agreed, he instantly had to get rid of the cat bc the landlord saw you tryna bring cat litter into the room lol (we miss you coco)
•in all he is a great roommate
there was one time though...
you knew kazuha was an eccentric person and that sometimes he would have little phases where he'd hype fixate on new hobbies, but baking an entire two tier cake at 2 am had to be a stretch. you were cuddled in your soft blankets in your room, sleeping away from the rest of the world uninterrupted. yet, when a a foul energy entered your lungs and awoke you with a coughing fit.
you threw your comforter off and ran out of your room following the path of black smoke to the kitchen. you mouth flew open with hands on your hips, you found the culprit of the fire, ther was kazuha hardly dressed with just a red shirt on with an underground band on it and a pair of grey basketball shorts. his snow unruly hair held back with a hair tie like he had been working on something. he was hissing through his teeth while carrying a gray steel pan with pink mitts on, he placed the pan on the counter then closed the oven. kazuha's eyes were squint, he hunched over and let out a mess of coughs. the gray smoke accumulating in the air made your eyes stung.
"kazuha what the hell." you coughed out. he peered up at you with his strawberry eyes, a small smile grew on him happy to greet you. you scowled at him. "come on man what are you doing, its two am..." he shrugged and waved the smoke from his face. "making you a birthday cake? he quiped. you walked past him to the window and lifted it up. "dude, my birthday isn't for three more months." you heard kazu chuckle. he took the pan and began to work on his cake again, as if he didnt almost cause a fire. "oh good, it not burnt." you purvhased yourself against the wall, staring at him bewilderingly, he truly was a free thinker. "wow! that smoke you made could have told me otherwise." kazuha let out a bark of laughter, he turned to you with the brightest look on his face. "oh hush, i'll let you have first bit if you stop complaing." he sung. you couldn't say no to that, if the cake comes out right. kazuha definitely wasn't roommate of the year, but he was an amazing person to have by your side, you could never admit that to him though.
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}───── ⊰
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spiderlegeyelashes · 10 months
yesterday at my friend's house we were dicking around watching stupid shit and taking shots (we were supposed to have sangria, but it turned out so disgusting and nobody wanted to go to the store to buy better alcohol so we decided to just take shots of the vodka we were supposed to add into the pot and make a drinking game out of it) and well i got too cocky as is my habit with taking shots and when my friend jokingly said they still have the raki from last time and i should finish it i said id do it. big mistake i ended up throwing up so much on her bathroom floor AND got a nosebleed its humiliating. interestingly my first instinct was to lock the door behind me when i started throwing up to make sure nobody would witness the mess i made and the moment i stopped throwing up i got to cleaning it. like i knew it'd be fine and they're my friends and this is a normal stupid thing to have happen, no need to be too ashamed of it, but when things get ugly the only thing i want to do is make sure i'm alone so i can clean my mess up and only let people in once it's tidy. spent like 40 minutes in that bathroom cleaning my sick off the floor with my nose bleeding and vomiting every once in a while and unclogging the toilet with my bare hands cause the paper i was cleaning the floor with would clog it every few flushes and oh my goddd it was a mess and whats interesting is that the moment i locked that door it felt like i had clipped through time and i just stopped being a real human living in the moment but just someone watching myself wipe and puke and dig and giggle. didnt cry cuz it wasnt sad in fact i was kinda laughing because hey im gonna remember this and its going to be q funny story but maaaaaaaan does this say a few things about me. NOT SUBTLE AT ALL!
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therealpontius · 2 years
Possible fuck
No sub or dom dynamics
Plot: you visit your best friends house to play some guitar hero…. Just some guitar hero…
Warnings: self deprecation, smutty stuff but no sex
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You got your the keys from your pocket that unlock your best friends house, ryan.
You had been friends with ryan since you where 11 and he ment the world to you, you often got told that you acted like a married couple but you both just laughed it off.
entering the house you got smacked by the pungent smell Miller lite and what was either puke or body oder "ry!" You shouted, closing the door behind you. There was no call back as there usually was so you started walking around his small house seeing crushed cans of beer and old takeaway boxes but no sight of the scruffy ginger man.
Walking down to his bedroom you started loosing hope that he was in but you saw him sprawled out on his mattress that lay on the floor shirtless and clearly hung over. Kneeling down next to him you got out the chocolate donuts you got him and placed them on his tummy "hey ryan, wake up" his left eye opened slowly and focused on you "hey sweetie" a nickname he gave you awhile ago that just stuck "i brought some donuts" ryan lifted his head to where you had pointed to see a box of four unopened donuts "hey chocolate, my favourite!" You got yourself comfortable next to him, letting your feet warm up between his legs. You shared the box and you could see him slowly waking up "so what sort of partying have you been up to?" Your speach muffled from the donut getting devoured "partying? Partying my ass, pity drinking" he said dramaticly, you tilted your head "i was supposed to be hooking up with this totally hot babe but of course bam stole her with his 'charm'" you both scoffed in sync since it wasnt the first time this has happened "i dont get what they see in him, hes a total ass pube. Me on the other hand? Im charming, kind and i have a bigger dick. They probably regret it as soon at they see that puny thing" he had no hint of joke in his voice but you couldnt help but laugh "your right its fucking tiny" he shot you a look "how the fuck do you know?"
An hour later ryan was leading you upstairs to play guitar hero, going on about how much he loves it and whatever. You got to the stinky living room and ryan looked around "sorry for the mess sweetie" "its fine ry, honestly i dont care" you both took turns kicking the beer cans away from the small, musty couch to clear some space. Once it was, partially, clean you both slumped onto the couch and he turned on the tv, picking up the wii remote that sat on the couch and the plastic guitar that sat on the ground. You pulled your phone out, going through your contacts when ryan set up, hearing welcome to the jungle by guns and roses start the game it got you exited "i love this game" you added making him nod "yeah im like the big daddy of this game" he didnt think of what he said, you froze "the big what?" "The big daddy" "just... play the game"
25 minutes of back and forth classic rock songs and crouds cheering telling you that you rock and a slight awkward silence that was filled with ryans thoughts musted the air. "i dont see whats so wrong with me" ryans random self deprecation caught you off guard and you lost you 100 note streak "what?" Your tone didnt sound so intested since you where too concentrated on finishing this song "sorry, i just dont get why no girls want me you know? Like im famous, am i just ugly?" You paused the game "wow wow wow wheres this coming from?" Putting the guitar down you moved your body round to face him, his eyes where teary and his mouth was down turned "ry whats got into you?" He laughed and put his head down "sorry i killed the mood" you could tell he needed some cheering up, as much as this would be a way of hinting he was being genuine, he wasnt open about his emotions "talk to me about it, i wont judge, im not bam, ryan" you both giggled "yeah okay i guess. I guess its hard to sort of be in bams shadow like everything i do is with bam. Dont get me wrong i love that stupid fucker and together we are better than apart but it makes him get all the girls. 'Bam! Bam! Bam!' All the girls running for him and he loves it. What about me? I live in a tiny house and the only girl in my life is my best friend" his frustration reeked and his face was getting red "sorry i didnt mean that in a bad way" you shook your head and placed your hand on his shoulder "ryan i dont care, im proud of your for sharing your feelings, and i think your hot if it makes you feel better" his face went red and he looked away "heh thanks, lets play guitar hero"
The song finally finished and he played his, this gave you time to think of what you had said "why the fuck did i just call him hot, now when i look at him he isnt actually bad looking. Wait, ryans really hot. Holy shit what the fuck" your mind raced and the realisation that your life long friend was actually hot "did you mean what you said?" He said catching you off guard "yeah ryan, i did" ryan cleared his throat and his cheeks flushed "i think your pretty hot too sweetie" he didnt look away from the screen, acing every note that flew his way. You sat in a pool of shyness, what has gotten into you. "I mean i dont know if its just this occasion, man he looks hot when he concentrates. The way his hands strain to play the notes fast look so hot, ah fuck it" you thought, bringing your lips to his, pushing his face your direction softly
The noise of notes failing and the singer singing alone as the guitar had stopped playing along, he moaned into you softly as you slithered your tongue in his mouth.
The croud screamed at the shite concert, but you didnt care. Ryan was lying ontop of you inbetween your legs as you caressed his face feeling his mouth upturn "you finally done it sweetheart" he spoke making you pull your face away, he was smirking and his eyes adored you "cmon, ive liked you for so long" before you could awnser he continued kissing you, grinding his buldge against your wet heat. You could felt his bulge growing fast and you fiddled with his button as he continued to kiss you
"Hey ass fa-" you both turn around swiftly to see bam standing at the door with a girl, both mouths wide open as the sound of thousands of men booing continued from the screeen. The woman stormed out "i was going to say your little lady felt guilty about ditching you last night that she woudnt even do me but whatever" bam walked out slapping his hands against his thighs. Ryan stood up fast "no wait, lucy come back!"
You where left alone with a croud of men booing you and your best friend, now crush, running away from a possible fuck with you for a possible fuck with another girl.... WHAT A DICK
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
ayup it’s the person that sent those vera things like a week ago ?? yk the one that made a fool of themself by rambling about ur oc ! anyways i reread it bc ofc i did and. idk. it’s such an amazing fic like genuinely and i felt a need to express it. like outside of how well-thought vera is and how interesting her dynamics with marvin + leon are (and claire ofc) and just. the pacing and story progression. it’s all so well done. and i’m sure someone has told u this in ur ao3 comments but the way ur reinterpreting canon a lil and having vera shake things up is so fun and genuinely interesting which is why i went back and reread it all. it feels like there’s a lot i kinda missed the first time round with the nuances of vera’s character which was. very fun to go back around and see again. hope ur doing well <3
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(you aren't a fool it's my inspiration and motivation juice YOU TAKE THAT BACK🔪)
first of all you are A CHAD. The fic is 100K words oh god I can't imagine -- im happy it was more enjoyable the second time around at least 😭😭😭😭 It's amazing to hear that despite the fat word count, you think the pacing and progression is going well!
Unrelated tidbit but I really didn't know how to introduce Vera before starting the fic and was debating on starting from pre-RE2R in the summer of 1998, spend five chapters and so with Vera assisting Jill in her investigation and unravel things from there. But at the end I was like "literally nobody would read that" and thought what best technique is there by starting right in the middle of action and chaos? And the rest I winged it.
That had to mean I had to go through EVERYTHING about her life and how she got to that point by peppering the events throughout the plot as Leon and her story also progressed alongside it, and I couldn't gloss over anything, so it just expanded and expanded and expanded and I'm sure got boring as hell at places since she hides a bunch of shit from the others and good god do they have to be integrated to the plot of re2r AND UGHHHHHHHH. Thank you for telling me I havent messed up LMAOOOOOOO
About the canon. I have a bone to pick with some of the game and the story, I don't like how they went about a couple of things. This is me trying to lay the groundwork to fix them and everything by tweaking .
For example Leon pulling the "i have to talk to the chief first" bs and saying "Idk what happened it happened to fast" to ada like he was trying to make excuses like a child to his parent really irked me, especially in the original re2 he bent over backwards to get ben out of the cell so he could come along with them. (dont talk to me about how a law-abiding rookie he's supposed to be. that could have been done better. leon simply isn't a person to leave someone like that, and he was hearing about chef irons the writing on that could have been better) And the way Claire and Leon barely interacted when they are the core of re2 together was just not it. The lack of Sherry and Leon together was also weird when Sherry is a big part of why he was taken by the government and stayed, and how Sherry blatantly says he saved her in RE6. (I know they just completely wiped the slate clean off Sherry and Leon with RE4R backstory by just saying Leon just didnt have a choice but like. yeah) and also Ada. God Ada "(to the woman she wants to discreetly capture. since she's A SPY) We're here for the g-virus and i will now proceed to jump in front of the bullets" & "Where's Leon when I need him (has treated him as a nuisance the whole way)" Wong. Im sure there are a lot more things but i cant think of them rn but I am annoyed with Things
SORRY I JUST WENT OFF ON A TANGENT. But like. Having Vera involved and having her existence be a reason on changing things around is so much fun. I could just expand on child experimentation and the truth of the orphanage through her, it was always something wildly bothering me that they kept that plot so subtle in Claire's story. Birkins (or maybe just William. we'll never know) were using children in G-virus experiments WHY DIDNT THEY TALK ABOUT THAT MORE DUDE? That's why canon divergence makes things so much more interesting because it's not just transcribing the game and inserting an OC along the way, it's changing things and making new things up, keeping things fresh
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taegularities · 2 years
lets go
i usually dont read royals fics because i thought i wouldnt like them but THAT WAS NOT THE CASE
i spent and embarassing amount of time searching for ball gowns so i could picture oc perfectly
thing scaleted so quickly they almost f*ck*d in the carriage i gasped so loud
after they had their intimate moment i felt in my guts something bad coming and it made me really happy that he was talking with his uncle because i deadass thought he was planning to leave city with another woman. ( for a sec i was like HE IS LEAVING WITH HER SISTER)
WITH THAT SAID i dont know what to think about the last scene im so torn
i feel like he didnt lied do oc, he is trying to become a "better" person and coming closer to her is one step towards that goal
but what the hell was he discussing in the f****** uncle?????? it makes it look like he using her to clean his reputation.
my theory is: his uncle wants him to do just that: use her to clean jungkooks rep and he "agreed" bc he is in under pressure and seems like easy manipulated by the uncle. BUT he didnt lie, he is trying to leave this problematic persona behind and become closer to oc and he really is starting to like and care for her ((and know she heard everything whichs gonna make a MESS))
My last comment is a taylor reference: i think is jungkook is trying to leave his reputation era and enter the lover one
ANAAAAAAAAAA, DEAREST BELOVED, YOU'RE SO KIND !!!! a bullet point review? ily 😭 thank you for giving c&f a chance, despite the fact that you don't usually read royalty stuff 🥺 what ball gown did you find, btw? 👀
and yes, i guess when things seem too good to be true in a taegularities fic, there's danger lurking just around the corner 😭 so your gut feeling was spot on. BUT LMAO IMAGINE HIM ELOPING WITH OC'S SISTER, that'd be fun, huh?
yes yes, being torn about it is a good thing !! the confusion was definitely supposed to happen, bc yup, what the hell does jk think/want/feel?! your theories tho... nice. so we have: clearing his reputation, manipulated by the uncle, has actually started liking oc. interesting interesting intere–
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shrug-em0ji · 2 years
had not intended to readmorepost but this is long and rambly and has some sensitive stuff i think?
i mentioned to my coworkers the other day that my mom was a pathological liar (it was relevant, i promise) and neither of them dug for further details but i got caught in this loop of wanting to explain and justify it, probably because its a thing that i used to do a LOT and have only recently gotten better about. but i was thinking about like. why people lie. and my mom and i in particular. and about how when you are hurt profoundly, especially over a prolonged period of time, in ways that people cant see and often dont acknowledge as being worthy of consideration, it becomes really easy to just. fudge the details a little bit. add in an extra pinch of violence. make it sound just a little worse so that when people react their response is proportional to how you felt rather than to what happened.
i have a story that i have often used as an example of the things that happened a lot when i was growing up - i was supposed to be cleaning my room, but i was a kid, and i was bored and overwhelmed by the mess, so i sat down on the floor, on a pile of clothes, and spent 45 minutes daydreaming about my toys coming to life and helping me. when my dad came upstairs to check on me and saw that i hadnt cleaned at all, he got really angry and picked up a little armchair that i had in my room and threw it at my wall hard enough to leave a decently big hole.
for a long time, when i told this story, i said that he threw the chair at me and missed, that i didnt hear him come in, that i had been working and he just wasnt happy with how far id gotten. and i used to get really angry at myself for lying about it - obviously, if im lying to make it sound worse it must not have been that bad, im making a huge deal out of nothing, theres no reason for this to even be a thing that i tell anyone ever. but it was the opposite. i was on the floor, in the only place that i felt safe or like i had any modicum of control over, and someone who was supposed to care for me came in, towered over me, made me feel small and helpless, and then intentionally picked up a large heavy object and threw it across the room because he knew it would scare me. he wanted me to be very very aware at all times how big and strong and angry he was, and how helpless i was to stop him. "even in this safe quiet space that is yours i can break your stuff and hurt you, you are not really safe here at all, i am always in control"
but like!!! i was a kid!!! i didnt understand the concept of subtext! now, when i tell people that my dad threw stuff a lot when i was a kid, im usually talking to people who understand that throwing things is inherently threatening. it is a thing that abusive people do to scare you and let you know that they want to hurt you and they can hurt you if you make them. but when i was growing up this was very much not the case! if i told an adult my dad threw stuff their response would be "well you didnt get hurt so you're fine, nothing to complain about"
so i lied about it, because i was terrified of him and needed people to believe that he was terrifying.
i was reading a book recently - one of the big abuse books that everyone recommends, though i dont recall precisely which - and i got to a bit about incest and immediately felt so unbelievably guilty. i never accused anyone in my family of sexual abuse but i wanted to so badly, and i never understood why. i just felt like id been taken advantage of, like my body didnt belong to me, like i was tainted and ruined somehow, but no one had ever really done anything so i had no reason to feel that way.
and then i kept reading and the author specifically started drawing attention to specific behaviors - not illegal behaviors, not behaviors that get you barred from having custody of your kids, just... weird stuff. a parent drawing attention to their kids body, making sexual innuendos about them, commenting on their imagined sexual activity. stuff my dad did. "you'll probably be really good at sex someday, just make sure you dont end up a whore like your mom" "i miss when you were a little kid, now youre ready to start popping out babies" "people will say anything to make me look bad, i bet theyre spreading rumors about us sleeping together" "youre almost like a wife, theres just a few really important things you cant do"
it made me feel....... gross. and i didnt know why. i didnt understand it. i wanted very badly to not feel that way, but not as much as i wanted someone to understand that i felt that way.
i stopped showering regularly in middle school, when i moved back in with my dad, because i didnt want to be naked in the same house as him and my brothers (for related reasons) but i could never explain it to anyone. i spent a lot of time in the guidance counselors office being questioned about what the problem was and utterly unable to find the words, or really understand it myself. so it got chalked up to being lazy. and i just spent several years absolutely hating myself and not understanding why i felt the way that i did. i wanted to lie to explain it and could never quite get there. and then the other thing happened and gave me a plausible explanation so i ran with it, and have continued running with it for years now, despite the fact that the worst symptoms predate it by 3 years.
im not.... entirely certain why i wrote this out. i think its just been stuck in my head for a while now? and i wanted to say it. i wanted to be able to say "here is a real thing that happened to me and here is how i felt and feel about it and actually i dont care if you think my feelings arent proportional to the events, i need to be able to accept this as a thing that happened if im ever gonna get over it"
so fuck it.
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v 66-80 thoughts! oh my God So Much Happens All The Time. we got to the fourth opening/ed already??? im halfway into the series I think and im shocked by the implications of the op/ed (that we'll seemingly be spending another full arc in synchro. not complaining I just thought this would be shorter, at this rate most of the series will be taking place in synchro wont it?? whats the synchro to standard episode ratio...)
-aaaah crows kids showed up to watch him duel and it had him worried for the majority of the duel. cute. (also I hope theyve been ok since hes been in jail/here at the friendship cup locked in a fucking room) im glad he won…
-….and concerned bc Crime Dad broke into yuyas room to tell him the losers (and also ppl who get taken from the prison) go to some kind of underground garbage plant to basically be WORKED TO DEATH. see when a few eps ago we learned some ppl get taken out of prison and never return I assumed they just were. shooting them to kill them out back like ole yeller bc of overpopulation. nope! cant decide if this is better or worse than that assumption… both are pretty bad…
-how tf is layra supposed to do a riding duel!! theyre so tiny! where will their emotional support stuffed animal sit! tf! im glad yuya and crimedad are treating this as awful as it is and are also pissed. what the FUCK and god layra RUNNING to yuya and clinging to him and yuya tearing into reiji saying 'if YOU wont protect layra /I/ will!' LIKE. LOVE THIS ENERGY YUYA. I feel like reiji is 100% withholding info about layra but still. kid is TERRIFIED and yuya had SO many valid points (layra still wanting to be with big bro reiji and trusting him auugh)
-reiji is a bit Too Calm abt all of this so I cant imagine this is his first time handling this kinda situation. and layra having a goddamn meltdown panic attack when reiji leaves and running after him BEGGING him not to leave and saying 'ill do whatever u want!! always!!!' I DONT LIKE THIS. NOT ONE BIT. at least reiji was like 'its okay. im proud and happy youre defying me bc it means ur developing a will of your own' and having ninjaguy fight in layras place…like. very many feelings abt this. I still can't fault reiji 100% either bc we Learn layra is from a 'war torn region in a certain country' I KNEWWW IT I KNEW LAYRA WAS ADOPTED the timeline with reijis dad going to academia didnt make sense for reiji to have a younger sibling. my original theory was xyz dimension but it didnt look like heartland in the little bit we could see. so just some random war-torn country…um. so they have ptsd. and reijis mom is like 'yeah hes got no will so he can be a useful asset to us!" throw the whole woman away. tf is wrong with u ppl. at least reiji is defying his mom on this and wanting layra to be happy… oh…reiji im so sorry sweetie both u and layra have such shit parents….maybe its actually for the best reiji took layra with him, i would not fucking trust his mom with this kid! reiji is just Cleaning up his Parents messes. actually that perfectly explains his Hyper Responsible personality. he prob never got to be a kid….IM SO SAD. AAUGH! ygo is nothing w/out family drama
-…yuya getting mad reiji sent ninjaguy in layras place but dude SOMEONE wouldve had to go if not him?? what do u want reiji to DO yuya hes working with what he can and hes prob 10 steps ahead anyway
-yooo shinji is fun actually, I feel like him and shun would get along great. both freedom fighters. shinji trying to start a RIOT with his duel. love that. (also just love ninjaguy too. i didnt love either enough to root for one or the other, im fine w/ whoever wins but shinji had a CAUSE yk)
-so reiji is fine w them being sent to the forced labor place. I mean. all of them but the top winner WILL be so ofc he had a plan to get them out of that. not at all surprised bc hes been THEE best at planning and staying cool as a cucumber. not even worried abt it if hes in charge. if reijis not worrying neither am I
-smile chojiro is a great character. i love his whole motto 'dont be ashamed of defeat, dont be complacent in victory' im also glad he didnt just throw the duel to keep yuzu from going to the forced labor camp (I mean…/i/ would have if I was fighting a 14 yr old girl kajhfkj gotta protecc the kids or whatever) but that wouldve cheapened her win. I KNEW she would win and im so proud of her. yuya tearing up when she used his catch phrase to let him know shes ok ;__; god that duel made me SO emotional theyre both great
-I knew serena would win fast against some rando named 'tony' with the blandest design ever. did not disappoint. but the other characters made comments like 'oh if I wasnt dueling today I coulve slept in'…theyre only doing like FOUR DUELS PER DAY IN THIS TOURNAMENT?? PEOPLE GO TO A STADIUM TO SEE (4) DUELS???! oh my god thats so ridiculous. how much is a ticket in???…how long have they been in synchro dimension??? like, they were in jail a While too werent they?? so like. a MONTH?? LONGER?? everyone is gonna be so behind on school when they get back. yes thats what im worried abt.
-yuya getting mad this is all unfair and yelling its wrong and the 'friendship cup' should be canceled bc the losers just get sent to the forced work facility (slave camp. yuya, just say it for what it is) is like..well whatre you gonna do abt it! we already had a lil speech abt how the 1% of this world are living it up and the 99% are in slums, having to clean up the MASSIVE waste the 1% cause and having to struggle to SURVIVE and your only NOW getting really pissed abt it? (also, too real) you HAVE a pocket demon we havent seen in like 30-40 episodes…bring it out and let it eat the rich people and the cops! whats the problem!
-OH MY GOD. jack atlas and reiji and layra hanging out having dinner together. i am going to lose my mind. HE THINKS YUZU HAD THE MOST PROMISE OUT OF ALL THE DAY ONE DUELISTS TOO!!!! BRO. JACK. JACK U ARE THE BESTEST EVER!!! SAME HAT!!!!!! also the fact no one else is Eating but layra has a full course is so funny jsdkj whyre they all just having tea? did they finish before them or…
-god damn jack is different…he seems more mature? he called the commons his origin and his pride and is super observant of layra and says he wishes he couldve seen them duel and. tbh thats cute and probably smth layra needed to hear (I am still FIrmly against letting this child on a motorcycle tho) jack. jack i love u
-god the card jack got inspired by was the one he gave to sam who was UNGRATEFUL FOR IT. i cant believe this. this jack is SO nice i love him so much
-tf why is the crowd cheering a cop on a bike and booing yuya. yuya im SO sorry for these dumbasses. /I/ am cheering for u. AND HES TELLING THE CROWD ABT THE LABOR CAMPS!!! HEY YUYA I LOVE YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH. im sorry the crowd is…Like That! theyre all CHEERING like 'HELL YA WE LOVE WHEN THE LOSERS GET SENT TO WORK CAMPS TO DIE!!' WHAT THE FUCK!!! jack is like 'dude they only care about WINNERS opinions' HAHA speaking from experience aren't u jack. hes kinda right tho. WIN and THEN make ur speech. its all about TIMING unfortunately
-hey the cop has a fusion card. WHERE did he get that? reiji says a rat is in and my first thought was dennis, but hes been locked in his room too, right? (and lets be real I dont see fucking DENNIS as a real threat. nor do I see a random literally characterless faceless cop as a threat, but its the implication a fusion person snuck in synchro and is sabotaging our Heroes)
-yuya's eyes lit up for like 0.2 second. I wish I could tell if that was yuto's influence or yuyas demon (?? I need a better name for it. but we havent SEEN it in like. 30-40 episodes LMAO let alone had any kind of explanation, so) I geeeeeet that sending ANYONE to the horrible forced labor camps is bad, but yuya. you gotta get to the top if you want ppl to listen. you cant single handedly do much, you are 14. 'bc of me he was sent underground' if it wasnt him itd be u. and its not like u took him there urself, chill yuya. we'll fix this stuff im SURE
-oh my god shingo v yugo is happening. I am SHAKING. the SILLYBOYS. I want them to interact MORE. I figured yugo would win (since im sure we'll get a yuya v yuto match based on the op…) but shingo put up a GOOD FIGHT and put on a good show and im proud
-…yuya seems to be able to directly tap into yugo's thoughts when their dragons are like resonating and seemed to be losing his sense of self. concerning? we havent really seen serena or yuzu do smth like this so im like. is it rly Just smth abt the yuya counterparts?? very unsettling scene. yuya has SOME level of influence too bc yugo said yuyas lil fun catchphrase (smth both yuzu and shingo caught…) …is that why yuya kinda absorbed yuto ?? bc hes like. the Alpha Counterpart or smth. ?? horror movie stuff!
-sergey is the scariest man ive ever seen. christ. he 'died' once before and can CONTROL MINDS?? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
-omg ninjaguy snuck into 'hell' to make sure everyone is ok. is THAT reijis plan? just rely on ur personal ninja to do everything? ok tbf if /i/ had a personal ninja Id Do The Same Damn Thing. im sure eventually hes gonna use him to get them out…the way I believe in them…
-theres a rumor roget is from another dimension so he def is. like working with leo? not at all surprised. hes def getting the duelists from hell from gallagar to send to fight in the fusion v xyz war is my assumption
-yuyas letter to yuzu was also Cute
-god why does shun keep having to duel Secretly Fusion ppl this sucks for him LMAO. not that I think Fucking Dennis can beat shun but STILL. at least shun is like 'no hes def bullshitting' like hes a smart cookie.
-…what the hell are they going to do if dennis DOES show his true colors btw? theyre all kinda stranded in another dimension rn. are they just gonna let him go to the underground plant and not get him out too?? jkhfksdf omg I CANNOT see reiji doing that. i feel like dennis is enough of a weenie we can bully him into switching sides. the tension between shun and dennis tho…preddy thick. pretty spicy
-Oh! hes got ancient gear cards! didnt the prof from gx use those? that tracks. fun callback
-reiji not even PHASED by dennis being academia hes like. and? and bitch? you got smth to say? to the council. LMAO I LOVE him no bullshit with him ever
-oh HELL no dennis was the one who STARTED THE ATTACK ON HEARTLAND (that he calls the hunting game) BECAUSE HE FOUND RURI??? 'i wanted to keep doing street shows' WELL YOU SHOULDVE.
-omg ruri's design is SO cute. shes got feather motifs! does she also have a birdy deck like her bro! thats cute! I hope so!
-dennis being like 'now that ive cast aside being an entertainer, even the action cards have forsaken me?!" no…no bud its prob bc YOU caused debris all over the field. so still kinda your own damn fault which is funny to watch
-SHUN SNIPED DENNIS FROM SPACE. BEST FINISH TO A DUEL EVER. EVER EVER EVER XYZ REPRESENT YES SHUN YES!!!!! he was aggressively trying to turn him into a card and when that didnt work (reiji modified his duel disk lmao) HE TRIED PUNCHING HIM AND GOT PULLED AWAY. WAS HE GOING TO BEAT HIM TO DEATH THE OLD FASHIONED WAY??? SHUN. PLEASE. i love u.
-waaait is 76 just a recap ep. booooooo ive been binging these i dont NEED a recap. I JUST watched them all in a row like a maniac. im watching this ep on 2x speed to make it go Faster. smh. I do kind of appreciate a streamlined explanation of why the council ppl kept roget around even knowing hes a snake but Still.
-oh, its also interesting yuris job seems to be taking the yuzu-counterparts? do him and serena know each other? i dont THINK weve seen them interact but idk! since all of the yuzus and yuyas seem to be friends its just interesting hed be chosen for that job
-ok only the first half or so was a recap? cool. slowin it back to normal then...
-…what the fuck is kings gambit. he put MIND CONTROL CHIPS IN ALL THE COPS BRAINS? HOW? Roget is going against academia for his own purposes. reiji immediately calls him out on his bullshit invitation to help. fucking love you reiji
-sora got dennis hahah. how do sora and dennis not Know each other. it was weirdly nice of sora to help dennis and sora is like. Determined to get serena and yuzu. but. We Will See about that. I feel like serena is just gonna pummel him into a pancake and yuzu will give him a smack with her fan and a tight hug and he will break down like a little nervous chihuahua. this is my prediction.
-new op and ed this ep too btw! LOVEEE the new op, prob my 2nd fav next to the first one. really good soft metal sound. new ed is also REALLY GOOD. awww all the girls together!! and even. sora and jack next to each other. god last ed was my fav but this one is FIGHTING it I cant pick which I like better LMAO theyre REALLy good. interesting imagery too. MAYBE im reading too much into it but jack and sora are both on the outskirts of the grass…are they going to interact? and sora is sorta balled into himself and turned away from everyone else, but he very much still IS with them in the grass. makes u think….
-also the ed has yuri in it and ruri and rin finally. theyre also hanging out and being cute. when will yuri and the girls join the gang. we can all be friends :3 even if ur a lil squirrely evil guy its ok!
-…also shingo blushing and looking at serena. WHAT. have we gotten any inkling of a crush on her from him?? we havent right??? like HUH? she does punch him in her sleep which is so funny KJHADKJF but like. theyd be the funniest couple ever im wheezing
-yeah ok this is my favorite ed so far. its so goddamn cute theyre all just RELAXING TOGETHER BEING ADORABLE. sleeping baby layra and reiji sleeping in his glasses like a nerd sold me.
-I'm around the halfway point of the series I think! thats fun! …none of my big questions have been answered in any substantial way yet hahah. I'm hoping the next arc..we get to see yuri more finally (and for yuto to make a comeback, which. obv he must before the series ends…) and also I want to see ruri and rin more!!! and more lancer interactions in general I want them to hang out and be buds…I know the whole plot is stopping an inter-dimensional war which does fuck severely but I just. dunno. some slice of life eps would be nice after this arc…everything has been go go go fast heavy for a while and i need. a breather (that isnt a recap..)
-something I realized about Character designs (im in the middle of doing fanart while watching haha) Yuya's dad is dressed like a ringleader. yuya is clown-coded (aka part of the ringleaders circus). yuyas dad disappeared. so…would it be insane to assume he might be Behind stuff, like a plot twist villain? I know hes at least INVOLVED SOMEHOW (he gave yuya his pendulum necklace too didnt he…much to think abt) ….hm…. also! fun thing I didnt notice until now is yuya is color matched with his odd eyes isnt he? both are red/green? thats so fun
-yuzu v sergey was a big pile of bullshit. she didnt deserve to lose the first match of the 2nd round. I saw it coming and it still pissed me off. i wanted her to WIN, or at least get to the finals! generally just really annoyed over it. fuck you sergey and fuck you to the ppl who wrote it like that
-yuya v shinji (who I cant help but think of as a k-mart generic brand yusei from the neurotypical section instead of my Beloved Brand Name Yusei from the Autism section) was Tough. yuya is trying to fight for an interdimensional war (…his goal of making everyone smile pushed aside for the moment…which is like. fair. rn dueling is a tool of WAR or REVOLUTION we cant do those with smiles usually…) but shinji is trying to start a revolution against the upper class…neither of them are WRONG and it sucks but yuya as the main character Couldnt Lose. And the stunt Roget pulled after sucked for everyone :< ...cant believe crow actually believed it tho god. I know its for plot reasons but imo hes smarter than that..
-I will say im SO glad sora is back. omg hiii sora :D he 1. saved yuzu 2. WENT TO MAKE SURE YUYA KNEW YUZU WAS OK??? so fucking good Im so Glad. (also bonus points to ME for calling this happening. sora NEVER had any ill will towards the two of them, i KNEW he was attached to them) hes gonna join up soon isnt he :3c i KNEW it. <- pleased I called this (tbf I thought itd happen way later but who knows if its actually happening now or if yuyas just planting seeds of doubt in his brain. sora already is calling academia a hell so. he just needs a gentle lil shove in the right direction...also I want to see him and shun make up an be buds. that might be asking too much tho...shun doesnt owe him forgiveness but...it would b CUTE)
-then him and yuya just sit and talk about it…sora admits theyre his first real friends I AM LIVING RN. BEST BEST TROPE EVER. HE HAD SUCH A HARD LIFE TOO FUCK U ACADEMIA. he SCOURED academia and even checked standard to find yuzu…so sweet… his big plan was to let yuya let him take serena back home instead of yuzu and thats like. even IF yuya was that heartless (which hes obv not…) and they did that, its a band-aid solution bc dennis will prob report yuzu… ergh.
-they then hype yuri up more like 'ohhh its only a matter of time before they send him!' PROMISE, ROGET?? I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HIM. ITS LIKE. EPISODE 80 AS I TYPE THIS….I THINK WE'VE GOTTEN LIKE. 1-2 MINUTES OF SCREENTIME FOR HIM EVER.
-BY THE WAY. sora is a goddamn parkour master, jumping around on buildings and stuff my god. I know he was trained and stuff by academia whcih we saw a bit of in a flashback montage…but its lichrally insane. anime parkour
-oh my god crow v shun is next. why do birds have to fight….. sad! my prediction is crow wins just bc shun doesnt have any real personal stakes rn...I mean sure the lancers are trying to prove their might or w/e but on a personal level shun has no beef w crow or synchro yk. whereas for crow hes got beef w jack (and now yuya possibly due to the shit roget did lol) so. obv feels like crow will win for meta reasons. same w/ whoever serena ends up dueling later, but we'll see!
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anyway. look at them. :)
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