#and well... i guess the sia thing was a sign lol!
lilacstro · 3 months
Astro observation pt 6
well, here it is, as I got the results from the poll. hope you enjoy :))
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1.People with 8th/12th house stellium often have some kind of thing of hiding. If you have Moon in 8th house too, its like, hiding but wanting to be seen at the same time. You may see these people have a social media, delete it, then probably see them posting a lot and suddenly they are gone. Its conflicting in some sense.
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2. Continuing on 8th/12th house moons, apart from the cliche they dont trust people, these kinds of people have a desire to connect on a soul level to people they like, but something holds them down, I would like to guess most likely past experiences or own solid opinions on how it is or very huge inner conflict. It is very touching to them if you actually understand such people. Giving me vibes of Sia's song lyrics
"Break down, only alone I will cry out loud You'll never see what's hiding out Hiding out deep down Yeah, yeah I know, I've heard that to let your feelings show It's the only way to make friendships grow But I'm too afraid now Yeah, yeah"
I would like to add this for scorpio/capricorn/leo moons
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3. Your moon sign can show how you like to relax and unwind. Infact if you are unsure on how to lift your spirits up when you are down, go to your moon sign, it works quite well imo. Example, Gemini moons may like to have a talk with friends, someone/something who can make them laugh, Leo moons may like getting a full glam time or watching some kind of entertainment, Libra moons may like doing some self care shopping/routine, retail therapy or just thinking and admiring their fav people lol or seeing pretty things scrolling pintrest
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4. people with Saturn in 10th house, Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn at capricorn degrees have some kind of unbelievable drive and will for what they want. Gives me "Unstoppable" vibes.
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5.I read this somewhere but I cant exactly remember where. If someone's Jupiter sign matches your moon signs or vice versa, you both have the ability to lift each others spirits. It holds 200% for me and my sister. She is libra moon and I am libra jupiter.
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6. People with Saturn conjunct Jupiter/harmonious aspects often dream the big, the unachievable and are actually ready to lay the plan out and work. Somehow, they should even find the luck they need to support what they need. I would even say, if they find some kind of redirection or change in their "big plans", its often for the good.
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7. As cliché as it may sound, people with major Scorpio placements/scorpio stellium have something on with black going on. Either they like black clothes, using black and white filters on their pictures often, liking nighttime, some romanticizing of melancholy through poems or sad songs, or looking good in black somehow.
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8. I would say, the 12th house in someones chart can reveal a lot. Someone can lie, their birth chart cannot. The planets in 12th house or sign or the degree your 12th house can show what are your unguarded deepest thoughts. 12th house scorpios (Sag risings) can carry trauma/ resentment for the past, 12th house Venus may like to fantasize about future lovers or happy times, 12th house at Leo degrees can show you are very creative and loud at creating scenarios in your head or thinking.
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9. people with moon in 9th house might pursue higher education of what they actually wanted to do since childhood. Could also be there was some influence of childhood that leads to the choice of further education. This placement also makes me think that you are studying what you actually want and connect to and most likely wont despise it.
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10. I think, i read someone saying the 8th sign from your Venus placement can show what actually ends your relationship. For example 8th sign for someone with Venus in Sag would be Cancer. So making decisions when you are extremely high on emotions, the thoughts or warnings of breakups or withdrawal and not really opening up or caring about someone to a fault can ruin your relationships. I checked this for a few people and think this is actually very accurate for some reasons. If you want I can make a post on this one.
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11. Mars in a women's chart can show what "bad boyfriend" she may fall for or thinks about. Mars in Taurus, someone who has money/luxury, Mars in Sagittarius? Someone who is free and adventurous and reckless kind of, Mars in Aries? Someone who is high on thrills and adventures and passion. Consider the house Mars is in for more info.
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12.I again have another theory. I kind of believe that though Part of Fortune can show where you are lucky and things like that, the house /sign it may be in can show what is kind of fated in your life. In 9th house it can be your higher education, in 11th house it could be the people you meet, in 4th house could be the family you were born into. I can make another post again if y'all like.
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13.Saturn conjunct moon is kind of a hard placement imo. It can again have several meanings, some of them being, having to raise your parents, your childhood was restrictive and did not allow you to show your emotions fully or an emotionally unavailable non-understanding mom. If this placement falls into your 8th/12th/4th house, it can show you carry some kind of trauma from both your parents.
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14. Eros in someone's chart can show what they get turned on by. Eros in 1st house could mean you find looks very attractive at first sight HOWEVER it could be, that people find you super sexy at first sight too. Applies to other houses too.
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15. People with Uranus in 3rd could change multiple schools when young. Could also be early education was very unstable and unpredictable due to multiple reasons. Maybe unavailable parents, finance issues etc.
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leave post suggestions and feedbacks if you like<33 if there is something you would like to add, please do it in comments/asks/reblogs. I love you all
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zarathustrart · 4 years
I see a certain celebrity has decided to show her ass online with regards to letting autistic people tell their own stories. This seems like as good a time as any to inform you all that I, a brown autistic person, am currently creating a webcomic about being trans and autistic in the newly digital global south.
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I aim to launch it before the end of 2020 (depending on how publishing goes) and update it twice a week. So if you’re like me and don’t celebrate any seasonal holidays around this time, perhaps this could be something to look forward to in December instead.
The protagonists are a buff horse monk and a curvy owl lady, and meeting each other sets them both on an unexpected journey of self-discovery as the city’s political battles rage on around them.
Here’s some previews where our horse monk gets a bit of advice.
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It’s a weird kind of story with a lot of talking and brooding and probably too much philosophy. I think it’s pretty neat. Hope y’all feel the same if you give it a go.
This goes without saying but I’d really appreciate reblogs on this, since I have less than a hundred followers on here and want to get the story out to as many people as possible. For updates, you can follow this blog or check out my Twitter @karhuette. I’ll gladly post about it constantly, even pre-release, if I sense that people are interested - that’s how being autistic usually works, after all.
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mackenzie-lukasiaks · 4 years
I find it strange that ANY newer moms really deluded themselves into wanting their kid to be “the next maddie” considering Abby treated Maddie like crap too. Maybe she wasn’t as outwardly abusive but she absolutely emotionally/psychologically abused her. I will never forget the scene from season 3 or so, when Abby (a grown ass woman) cried and gaslit and manipulated Maddie into feeling guilty and blaming herself when she left with Melissa during the mom sit out, when Maddie was just listening to her mother. Not to mention the way she continuously isolated her and the wedge she drew between Maddie and her friends, and the way she constantly tried to get into her head and convince her that her friends all hated her, no one liked her and everyone wanted to see her fail.
Abby “favored” Maddie but she didn’t treat her well or kindly at all. All of Abby’s “favorites” had breakdowns and meltdowns over not feeling good enough or worthy enough or being overworked and exhausted. Being the “favorite” of a psychologically abusive woman was really not all that lmao and yet, mothers still signed their kids up in hopes that they’d become just that. I don’t get how any parent would want to subject their kid to that sort of pressure and trauma. But I guess some people will really do anything for money and fame :/
yeah I mean lillianna found that out in s8. how many times did she have meltdowns because she felt so much pressure as the “favorite” and the “leader” of the group?
I think these mothers also think that, if their kid is treated like maddie, then their kid will get the same kind of non-dm opportunities as maddie. but the sia thing was very much a once-in-a-lifetime thing that came about because from the start of the show, maddie was treated as a prodigy. any other “maddie” that comes after can only ever be compared to the original, and even if abby has other “maddies”, sia certainly doesn’t (I know she had a video with lili but like.....One video as opposed to the entire cinematic universe sia has set up for maddie lol). plus sia is unique in that she is as batshit as abby and will continue to give maddie jobs no matter what. so these mothers are putting their kids through all this for a type of fame that they just aren’t going to have because there’s only one sia (thankfully lol). 
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loftec · 4 years
Hi! Re reading ntw I started thinking about ian's career and him being famous and i have QUESTIONSSSS. How famous he is? i mean, like, i can't imagine this situation, is he famous like Sia or something? but then he couldn't go anywhere without paparazzi following him around wherever he would go, right? or they do follow him sometimes? or he is not THAT famous ? how many followers he has on instagram? do people recognize him on the street? is he invited grammys? is he famous outside of the us? 🤔
Hello! I love this ask, this is a great ask (let’s see if I can do internet better this time and not close the tab before posting my answer. Sorry this took so long!)
I tried to think of a good comparison of how famous he is and I don’t think I have a 1 to 1, but... maybe think The White Stripes in the early oughts, everyone knew who they were, would recognise at least that one song who was in that film or on the radio that one time for a solid month, but 20 years later, do anyone really still talk about them? Well, I have a signed test print of Elephant on LP (weird flex) and I played that the other day, so I guess we are out here. And I think a lot of people still know who they are? This is maybe Ian’s band in 20 years?
Or maybe Judah & the Lion is a good one, sort of at the other end of the scale. Just a few years ago, they went on small tours playing a lot of covers mixed in with their original material, which is something Ian’s band also did when they played small gigs in Chicago for fifty people mostly there to dance and drink. And then they had a couple of hits and everything changed for them. So, somewhere in between The White Stripes and Judah & the Lion?
And Ian isn’t terribly famous on his own. His band is in the zeitgeist right now, they had a song on a show or maybe in an ad and now they’re selling out shows in venues with capacities for around 3000-5000 people. They probably could sell out larger venues right now, but they’re not terribly interested in playing stadiums. They’re still with the same management and the same label as they’ve been since their debut, they can be recognised because people do know what they look like, but their faces aren’t plastered on billboards or visible in music videos. Paparazzis are not interested in them. Ian isn’t on instagram (maybe he has a private account, but not a public one) but the band instagram has maybe around a million followers? I’m not super good with those kinds of numbers, but there’s an estimation. I think they would be invited to the Grammys! (Though this is another thing I know very little about, but you better believe I have a lil note somewhere about a future one-shot feat. an Industry Event.) I think they’re fairly known outside of the US, and will probably go on a European tour soon. First the US tour, then they’ve got a summer festival tour, and then maybe it’s Europe in the fall.
Does that clarify it a little bit? I could probably go on lol, but I shall spare you for now <3
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{ O O C }
Nickname: Britt (I guess I don’t like really have one??) Star sign: Scorpio  Height: 5′6″ (I think lmao) Favourite music artist: ahhhh well if I’m honest I don’t really look at names or remember names and I don’t have one specific artist I listen to. My playlist is an absolute mess. I do, however, like Sia.  Last TV show you watched: HUDSON AND REX best show ever you can’t change my mind What kind of stuff do you post: roleplay threads obviously, things about roleplay... Lots and lots of Alita Battle Angel content.  Do you have any other blogs: my main blog! @cautionbewareofdog who is super popular which is why I moved her to the main blog and Alita as a side XD  Why did you choose your URL?: It’s a quote from Alita herself! And it’s one that kinda sticks with me because she’s this super strong inspirational character in the movie, but she still has insecurities, she’s not perfect and she worries about what other people think of her. “Does it bother you that I’m not completely human?” Is the entire quote altogether.  Hogwarts House: I dunno :(  Pokemon team:   Pikachu (don’t judge me LOL) OR Alolan Raichu in Pikachu’s place, Mew, Vaporeon, Lycanrock midday, Litten (ONLY Litten I don’t like the evolutions .-.) and alolan Nine Tails Favourite colour:   blue and purple How many blankets do you sleep with: one big one Following: 54 Followers:  35 (on my archived blog for Alita I had somewhere over 300 which were mostly personal blogs, fans of Alita for my Alita content XD)
Tagged by: @undxroos Tagging: @uslivin @casqet @nverletmego
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twyt-podcast-blog · 5 years
❝tea with yours truly❞
—grab your cups and let me serve you some hot pipping tea.
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today’s episode: the mgas.
unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what time it is. it’s been five seasons now. it’s the freaking mgas. mnet global auditions that never feel global but who cares? am i late to start talking about it? no. why did i decide to wait? because, i’m over it. i’m over survival shows. i’m over having a heartbreak and being an emotional wreck when my faves are eliminated. that’s why i decided to wait and to stalk. lol. i binged watched freaking four episodes of it. even then, i did not miss the entire season. i was a bit impatient. everyone’s talking about it. everyone’s balls and ovaries are bursting left and right. my bad, if you thought that this podcast is suited for work, you’re listening to the wrong podcast.
before anything, i just want to say that i’ve caught myself listening to luxe’s every night. it was really a good song. y’know, royal, trc, sphere, kt and...nova...are going to recruit new trainees for their companies, but what about the groups that they already have? see, royal’s luxe haven’t been around since march. their main rivals are still fresh in the memory. i’m talking about trc’s k.arma and kt’s eclipse. eclipse even got a summer comeback. the best time to come back honestly with all the festivals. sphere’s convex came back in april. that’s not too long ago. then, you have nova ( /sighs;) i guess that nova is in need of trainees so that they can one day debut something. anything. didn’t i ever tell you guys that, as a little child, was obsessed with jewelry. i didn’t have their talent though.
anyways without further ado, here’s my opinion, as if anyone really cares about it honestly, about the first four episodes of the mgas. i got my notes. it’s all opinions. my opinions. yes, i’ll be biased; however, i expect y’all to bother to check the episodes and performances to make your own opinions and faves.
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oh, i almost forgot, today’s drink is starbucks’s matcha frappucino. it’s summer. we drink our tea cold, but doesn’t mean that what we are spitting isn’t pippin’ hot.
episode one started with a nice little shot of the places where the auditions were taking place. cute. there’s a lot of hopefuls. then, we get to see the ceos that we love so much ( /chuckles;) then, they do some lowkey scripted chitchat. you know “oh, it’s a new season again” “i know right.” “i can’t wait to meet the contestants and sign trainees who will probably never get the chance to debut” lol. speaking of contestants, there are 100 people. let me tell you who caught my attention. first, there’s this one named kim seungmin? seunghun? legit, he was imitating animals. like, top pick of the episode. yes, i’m weird like that. to be honest, the entire episode, the ceos were savage. but, i don’t blame them, because sweeties it’s freaking season 5 so you’re supposed to bring it. period. you’ve seen the show at least once, you should know. lot’s singing, dancing, rapping. y’know. it’s what you expect. by the way, an ex-member of convex freaking showed up. i was shook. like, i remember that there were redemption stories since mga season 1. but, it was usually former contestants given a second chance or trainees. a freaking ex-member. it’s freaking romeo under a new alias? i mean you guys know the rumors...but he left allegedly for personal reasons. i have the highest of expectations on him. like, i feel for his fans from back when the season two of the mgas happened. the rollercoaster ride of emotions. i feel for y’all. i’m not gonna lie to y’all. the first episode...i mean...i’m binge watching so i didn’t really take the time to really find my top picks.
let’s move on to the next episode.
episode two: the way episode two started was weird. i mean i can’t be the only who watch that little moment involving...let check my notebook for the names..ah yes, choi yena, wang jackson and son hyejoo. it’s been five seasons... doesn’t the mgas have the budget for seats for all the contestants? as for the skinship moment, y’all know that the fans are out there being like “i ship hyena or yejoo”. anyways. moving on. episode two is, in a nutshell, more singing. more dancing, more rapping. it’s also leads to the first round of eliminations. as i mentioned before, i’m not here for the heartbreak. i know that through binge-watching, i’m not getting emotionally attached to nobody. i’ll cry moving forwards from episode four and onwards. rappers who come up and perform their own stuff. i support you. i kinda expect rappers to be able to pen and to have the courage to take the stage with their own work. does that discredit the other rappers? no, i just happen to love the creative rappers and we all know tiger jk love them too. over the years, the rappers with creative genius had more chances to land in trc. it’s just how it is. so, yeah, choi yoona caught my attention. the whistling rapper, na jaemin too. i like him. recycle boy, hwang minhyun seems to have left an impression because they replayed his clip. oh, and, see, the girl hyejoo who had a moment in the beginning of the episode had another highlight moment. she switched from dancer to rapper and promoted a self-made song. should i make her a top pick? i mean she fits what i like. maybe, if she’s still around in episode four. i’m just gonna say one thing...that guy...park jinyoung. yes. biased? maybe. i mean give me a man with a guitar and that voice. mhm. so, at the end of the episode, they go through the elimination. they also reveal the top three for each category. who am i not surprised for? freakin’ minho.
up to this point, the people i got my eyes on are still alive. there are two episodes left tho. like i said, i didn’t dive into everything. i’m playing catch up. on top of that, i had to have my eyes on my picks. anyways.
i’m taking this moment to take refresher but also talk about our sponsor. so, we are sponsored by this lovely game reminiscent of that one otome mobile game that destroyed our sleeping patterns. if i love you is nice f2p game where you decide to use a dating app. you will be texting, chatting, going on dates and receiving phone calls from waifu or husbando. the upside is that you don’t have to set alarms and to miss on work or school. now back to the mgas.
episode three: so, isn’t just me or interviews are meh. i mean maybe it’s because i just want to reach episode four as quickly as possible so that i can get into the social media aspect, but, some of these interviews...chile. y’all sound so cocky and cocky isn't cute. i could also blame the editing, because it’s mnet. you can’t expect a snake to be nice. it’s the duo performances. man, it’s a staple since the first mgas. i am watching and i’m loving every single second that i am given. the groups overall are really strong. i already brought up names and they didn’t disappoint me. i’m not going to go to deeply on episode three, because episode four is right down in the corner. i kam already seeing myself getting attached, but i can’t deal with a double heartbreak back to back. i need to calm down. i am betting after watching this top 3 that minho is simply gonna ride smoothly. he was in the top in season 2. he bet it’s gonna be the same for season 3. like, everything he did was great. it’s like everything he touches turns to gold. also, two of my picks were eliminated. i’m talking about jinyoung and yoona. see, i should have waited until i reach episode four before i freaking choose the people i’m rooting for. anyways.
all this binge-watching without a chance to really watch highlights on naver as led to the last episode to have aired.
episode four: my children, we made it. all caught up. it’s essentially the second round of the duo performances. they were nice. i want to say that i feel genuinely bad for the contestant lee nakyung. so, first, the ceos commented on how she had been throwing away her jacket every performances. i got to admit that you can’t use the same trick over and over and over again. then, they said that she had better chemistry with minho? that was sad. the way it was edited it pretty much gave the vibe that nakyung is nothing without minho. he was the partner. i feel like everyone who will partner with minho, who’s a vet, might get similar backlash that minho is their saving grace. the girl’s talented. mnet, i know that the comment was about her lack of chemistry with her new partner, but your editing really sucked. sorry, i had a lot of feelings about this above all. anyways, like the hopefuls are very good this season. like, i see no holes. at the end of the day. it is still a competition. then, my friends, they panned on two empty seats. so they brought back the people who were eliminated, bitch. my eliminated faves were separated, but, y’know what, i’m okay. also, i’m sorry that wang jackson was not on list, but then, he did that with park jinyoung. they did that. also, i didn’t give ryujin or sia the attention they deserved. i had to go back and watch their performance to understand why they were top three. ladies, yes. yes. YES. i hope i conveyed my opinion well. minho, again, top three. no surprise there. so, back to the returning kings. they are my picks. y’all know that i’m jinyoung biased at the moment. i got other people on my radar. i’m sad that hyejoo was eliminated. was rooting for her. nakyung, i’m gonna shield her and protect her from harm. i will fight. now, i can finally get into it. maybe some of you were expecting your names to be shouted out. moving forward with episode five, i will be able to really go in-depth with the performances and the people. i also get to check their social media and to see what kind of people they are. 
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Thanks for the tag @thestarstabletimes ! I didn’t know you were in Canada! (or maybe I did and completely forgot as I tend to do while in midterm mood) Whereabouts in the Great North are you?
[name:] Sarah
[sign:] I’m a Virgo baby
[height:] 5′2 (or 5′3, haven’t checked in a while); this is what happens when your parents are the shortest in their families; yet somehow, my younger brother is close to 6ft.
[put ur songs on shuffle & list the first 4 songs]
1. Lie - Martin Baltser
2. Shenandoah - Celtic Woman
3. To Be Human - Sia, Labrinth
4. Let It Go - Demi Lovato
[grab the nearest book, go to pg. 23, what’s the 17th line?]
“seems appropriate, then, that this present treatment of winter ecology” (I’m studying for a midterm tomorrow so the closest book is my textbook lol)
[had a song or poem written about u?]
I think one of my siblings wrote either one when we were younger but I can’t exactly remember
[when was the last time u played air guitar?]
Probably like... 3 seconds ago while listening to let it go
[do u believe in ghosts?]
Hell YES! Never seen one myself but I am 100% certain that not everyone who dies moves on.
[do you believe aliens?]
Also yes, but not the sci-fi kind. More like extra-terrestrial bacteria & micro-organisms. I mean, the university is HUGE! There is no way we are the only living things out here.
[do u drive? & if u do, have u ever crashed]
I do drive, thank god; otherwise I wouldn’t get anywhere. And unfortunately I did have a small crash into the front lawn area of the grocery where I work... as I was going to work. Yeah, not my best day ever.
[last book u read? actual book?]
Besides my textbook, which doesn’t count, the last book I read was Tortall & Other Lands: A Collection of Tales by Tamora Pierce. I am huge fan of her work and highly recommend her to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy book, especially one with well-developed characters and kickass female leads!
[do u like the smell of gasoline?]
Sort of? It reminds me of my grandpa’s workshop so there are good memories attached to the smell.
[what was the last movie u saw?]
I’m pretty sure the last movie I saw was Mary Poppins Returns. My younger siblings and I went to see on the last day of winter break. Really fun movie!
[do u have any obsessions right now?]
Bella Sara cards. My friends can easily attest to that! Also true crime shows; been binge watching those a lot lately when I can.
[do u tend to hold grudges?]
It depends, I guess, on what people have done. I tend to hold them more against my siblings since we’ve been together 17+ years, so we know which buttons to push the most.
[are u in a relationship right now?]
Yeah no, never have been either. On one hand, it would be nice to have that special someone to spend time with. But I’m got my own problems to work through right now, don’t need to add more to that mess. Plus I got my toads, they’re the love of my life right now lol.
Alright, I’m gonna tag @twracehorse, @zdusk, and @centeris2 (and anyone who wants to do this also)
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bouncyirwin · 7 years
Get To Know The Blogger Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @wolf08 who enjoys torturing me with extremely well-written fic.
1. Name/nickname: Rama / Bouncy
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Taurus
4. Height: 5′2
5. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (last time I checked that is)
6. Favorite animal: Wolf/dolphin
7. Hours of sleep: 7-10 on break / 4-6 when uni starts
8. Dogs or cats: Both!
9. Number of blankets: uno
10. Dream trip: Bali / Japan / Italy
11. Dream job: Successful movie director/scriptwriter
12. Time: 2:40 a.m. I should be sleeping. Meh.
13. Birthday: April 29th
14. Favorite Bands: Coldplay, Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, All Time Low
15. Favorite Solo Artists: Sia, Adele, Sam Smith, Halsey, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, ZAYN, LP, James Arthur
16. Song Stuck In My Head: Reputation by Taylor Swift, unfortunately. 
17. Last Movie I Watched: 21
18. Last Show I Watched: I’m watching Project Runaway Middle East atm
19. When Did I Create My Blog: 2-3 years ago I think
20. What Do I Post/Reblog: Mostly Naruto-related things. My fanfiction and decent tries at art. Yuri On Ice. The occasional memes. I reblog A LOT of art. 
21. Last Thing I Googled: Another word for something, probably. I can’t remember. I google a lot of shit. Just today I googled if two women can have a child. Apparently, it’s looking more and more likely.
22. Other Blogs: oooh boy, plenty. @nejitenlover @naruto-confession @incorrectshippudenquotes @bouncyirwinrants and others
23. Do I Get Asks: Often enough, usually prompts and the occasional good wishes from my lovely KakaSaku fam
24. Why I Chose My URL: Here we go again. Ashton Irwin, drummer in a band, I love the dude. He was my favourite. The fandom used to call him a kangaroo. Thus the name... bouncyirwin. The name bouncy kinda grew on me now though.
25. Following: 1,891 and to be frank, I need to clean them. I outgrew some stuff and I should probably unfollow a few blogs that no longer interest me. 
26. Followers: 2,072 
27. Lucky Number: I guess 4 and 5
28. Favorite Instrument: DRUMS. Not that I can play them yet but damn, I love them. 
29. What Am I Wearing: A turquoise coloured, sleeveless pyjama top and shorts. I know its winter, but I’m doing laundry. Pray for me.
30. Favorite Food: lo mein shrimp. It’s a bowl of noodles, veggies and shrimps. I live on that shit. But generally, shrimp. 
31. Nationality: Syrian (I bet so many don’t know this since I live in Dubai, but there THE TRUTH IS OUT lol)
32. Favorite Song: It is entirely mood-dependent.
33. Last Book Read: The Martian. I fuckin love it.
34. Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Naruto, definitely. Harry Potter, would be very very interesting. MARVEL, please. Preferably, near Loki. Ideally, on top of him
I mean what
Whoa, that was long. Well, onto the tagging... I shall tag those few lovely people that I adore @mouseymightymarvellous @raendown @denilmo @moonfox22 @meliss-cake <3 
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maxrev · 7 years
Since I was tagged 3 times @sharonaw​, @arideya​ and @humblydefiant​ I guess that means I should do this xD  @sharonaw​ You get 2 bonus questions because yours was only 28.
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: We’ll just go with Max ;)
Gender/pronouns:  She/her
Star sign: Libra. I don’t really pay too much attention to signs per se but from what I’ve seen here and there, yeah....pretty close.
Height: 5′ 5″ (until a year ago, I thought I was 5′7″ - either I was lied to or I’ve shrunk)
Time: 2:14 pm
Birthday: First week in October
Favorite bands: Alter Bridge, Breaking Benjamin, Shinedown, Linkin Park, Maroon Five, Daughtry
Favorite solo artist: Sia, Ruelle, Zayde Wolf
Song stuck in your head: Renegade - Daughtry
Last movie you watched?: Wonder Woman
Last show?: Knightfall -- though I’m already behind and it’s a new series. (I fail spectacularly at TV watching.)
Why did you create your blog?: Ha...my blog. Let’s not discuss my blog, k?
Last thing you googled?: how to trim a cat’s nails when they’re trying to kill you.
Other blogs: Yes.
AO3: yep, linked on my blog.
Do you get asks?: *checks calendar* Is it a blue moon?
How did you get the idea for your URL?: lol well, um, a random generator. Should I mention how many names I went through before getting this one?
I follow: 80
Followers: 123 - hiya! (but seriously...why? Nothing interesting here)
Average hours of sleep: 6-7, occasionally 5
Lucky number: Is there such a thing?
Instruments: I took piano lessons for years when I was a kid at my mother’s insistence. As soon as I got old enough I rebelled. I kind of regret that now though she will never, ever know that. (stealing this answer lol) Also played alto sax for a year.
What are you wearing? The height of fashion - T-shirt, sweats, fuzzy socks and an oversize sweater.
Dream job: Travel/landscape photographer
Dream trip: Scotland. I’m determined to see it in the next 5 years.
Favorite food:  Homemade pizza
Significant other?: M husband
Last book I read: Something by Tami Hoag I think. It was back before I got lost in fanfic.
Top 3 fictional universes: Mass Effect, Fallout 4, Assassin’s Creed and more recently Dragon Age and for books the Fae.
Not everyone I know likes these personal memes, so if you’re interested do it! Tag me so I can see your answers ;)
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formerlyjannafaye · 7 years
Tagged by @thezoomermax and @freshxbloom thanks Rachel and Jazz, you’re both angels and I’m glad you exist.  ❤️
Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know them better
Nickname: Banana, Fazers, Janaynay
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′4″ 
Time: 12:21 pm 
Birthday: February 12th
Favorite Bands: Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, BSB
Favorite solo artists: Taylor Swift, Sia, P!nk, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, Josh Groban (HE SINGS LIKE AN ANGEL OKAY?)
Song stuck in your head: “Treat You Better” by Shawn Mendes
Last Movie I watched: Hacksaw Ridge (I don’t do violence well so I can only watch a war movie every 10 years but holy crap was it inspiring and sad and Andrew Garfield continues to be one of the most talented actors of this generation OMG)
Last show you watched: Brooklynn 99 (YAY ITS BACK FINALLY)
When did I create my blog: November 2017 (its a baby)
What do I post: I post whatever I’m obsessed with ATM, which means that currently I’m 95% ST and 5% miscellaneous.
Last thing I goggled: "My Cousin Vinny” so I could find a pic of Joe Pesci to add to Ross’ Van Gough post, lol.
Do you have any other blogs: I have a private password protected blog where I post pics of my son for family members to see. :)
Do you get asks: I wish! Grace is always hitting up my ask box but other than the mutuals I don’t get many asks. HIT ME UP YO. I will do your headcanons and maybe even a prompt or two.
Why did you choose my URL: I think about changing it allll the time, but I don’t want the mass confusion. I picked it because its a play off my name and an old account I only use for the private blog.
Following: 55
Followers: 388
Favourite colours: I love all colours, but I guess magenta and teal blue.
Average hours of sleep: 5-7 but I’m always tired
Lucky Number: 2
Instruments: I can kind of play guitar, I played trumpet in high school...but I can sing, so that’s my main instrument I’d say.
What am I wearing right now: Black and white patterned tights, a red tank top, long black cardigan.
How many blankets do I sleep with: a sheet and a big thick comforter (its winter in Canada, I’m cold)
Dream job: I’d love to be a Broadway performer, always wanted to be.
Dream Trip: I wanna go to Disney World sans kids with my siblings - we would have so much fun!
Favorite Food: Chocolate, guacamole, cheese
Favorite song now: I literally cannot stop listening to Boyce Avenue’s cover of Bittersweet Symphony - I just have it on loop all day! Obsessed right now.
I tag anyone who feels like doing this! :)
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griffinpuff · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @omgkcjade, thank you love! 
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know more
nicknames: stassia
gender: female
star sign: leo
height: 170 cm or according to google 5′6″
time: 01:04 GMT
birthday: august 19th
favourite bands: autoheart, florence and the machine, banners, blossoms
favorite solo artist: sia, ed sheeran
song stuck in my head: scrubs (no angels) by Bastille feat Ella Eyre
last movie i watched: Baby Driver
when did i create this blog: in februari of 2015 i think? 
what do i post: multifandom and some other stuff. just a mess basically
last thing i googled: what 170cm is in feet lol
do i have other blogs: yes, my previous anime blog lol
do i get asks: rarely
why did i choose my url: griffin for clarke cuz i love her sm and puff cuz i’m a proud hufflepuff  
following blogs: 362
followers: 687
average hours of sleep: around 6-8 
lucky number: eh, 6?
how many blankets i sleep with: one
dream job:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
dream trip: America, Scotland, Switzerland, Thailand, Japan
favourite food: salmon, pizza, frozen yoghurt
nationality: belgian 🇧🇪
favourite song right now: papaoutai by stromae
instrument: i did some violin and piano but that’s a loooong time ago
what am i wearing: sweatpants and an oversized sweater
last book i read: oh wow... don’t think i even remember? 
three fave fandoms: well i’m only really in the 100 fandom so i guess that’s one by default
you don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna 
@hufflevert @divineandmajesticinone @lightcomingthroughthedarkness @rubysvida @marya-nikolaevna @alderaann @lenaluther @coralinejones @beverllarke @stevencarington @maisieswilliams @scofieldspecter @clarkegryphus @harpermacintyre @bellamyaugustus @para-hell-dise @thearmada4231 @goldenheadfreckledheart
also whoever wants to do this feel free ;) 
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hillnerd-art · 7 years
Tumblr media
Tagged by @fightfortherightsofhouseelves (thanks for thinking of me! Hope all your studies have gone well!)
Nickname(s): hilly, pillbug, little bean, mustela, hill
Gender: female
Sign: Virgo (sun sign)
Height: 5 foot 1
Time: 4:33pm
Birthday: the first day of fall! :D
Favorite Bands: Postmodern Jukebox, Pentatonix, Beatles, Queen, Panic at the Disco, The Clash, My Chemical Romance, Redbone, Foxy Shazam, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Tenacious D, Led Zeppelin, flight of the conchords and more...
Favorite Solo Artists: Ed Sheeran, Sia, Little Wayne, Elton John, Billy Joel, Taylor Swift, Regina Spektor, David Bowie, Barbra Straisand, Ciara, Marvin Gaye, Mika and way more
Song stuck in my head: Breezeblocks, by Alt-j
Last movie I watched: Oddball- the heartwarming tale of penguins being saved from foxes by a shepherding dog. Had to check doesthedogdie.com before watching, as I don’t watch movies where the dog dies, as it makes me sob when animals are hurt. (This is why, I generally avoid horse movies, as the horses are ALWAYS mistreated at some point.)
Last show I watched: The Great British Bake-off Masterclass (Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood are life)
When did I create this blog: July 2015 apparently. I didn't post much, though.
What do I post: Well, this is my art blog- so that's all I post here, besides responses to people. It's definitely heavy on the Harry Potter, as it's my jam. Got others for other stuff though!
What did I last google: Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban pdf
Other blogs: My blog with random stuff, rants, fics, HP stuff, memes, funny stuff etc. is @hillnerd. My blog for political stuff is @suffrajett.
Do I get asks: Recently, I have gotten some. :) I like em, as I'm social, but am shy about contacting others- so it's nice to have the interaction!
Why did I choose this URL: Lol. It's just my name. :P
Following: I don't know where to find that number. Basically all illustration/art and HP blogs, with a few other things mixed in at random.
Followers: 570 +/-
Average hours of sleep: Never enough. Like 6 is the average, I guess.
Lucky number: Never really had one. I like the number 24 for no real reason.
Instruments: singing is my main one. I dabble in piano, and recorder (the most annoying instrument.)
What am I wearing: grey sweater and black tights, and green fingerless gloves
Dream job: Developmental artist
Favourite food: I love carbs, and chocolate.
Last book I read: 'Darcy by Any Other Name'- I love Pride and Prejudice spinoffs and AUs- this one is a particularly silly premise, but I genuinely enjoyed it. After the netherfield ball Darcy and Collins are struck by lightning and switch bodies. It's cute to see Elizabeth fall in love with Darcy in the body of Collins- thinking he IS Collins- so there's no 'maybe it's just because he's rich and goodlooking' for why she likes him. Very cute.
3 favourite fandoms: Harry Potter is the only fandom I'm active in right now. That being said, I'm into a ton of other nerdy stuff. :)  (Heathers, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen in general, Game of Thrones, Heathers: The musical, Marvel, old musicals, Hunger Games, Anne of Green Gables, Redwall series, Star Wars, Sailor Moon, Star Trek (oc, tng, & current films), Disney, Man from UNCLE (new movie), The Secret Garden, Hamilton, Wicked, DC, Avatar the Last airbender, Little Women, ReBoot, Fruits Basket and more. )
I get nervous tagging people (is it social anxiety if it's social media?) Lol.
Erm, I like you all, and hope to see your answers- so just tag me back if you fill it out, cause I wanna see! :D
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Aye y’all
thanks so much for tagging me @carryonmywaywardlester and I’m so sorry for getting to this so late :( but anyway
Rules: Answer thirty questions and tag twenty blogs you are obligated to know 
Nicknames: Kat/Katie, emma the dilemma, bisexual whale
gender: female
Star sign/zodiac sign: geminiiiiii
Height: 5′6 or so
Time: 4:54
B-day: June 3rd, I know I have the same birth month as mark and dan, be jealous lol
Favorite bands: sleeping at last, my chemical romance, acdc, little mix, coldplay
Fav solo artist: um I guess christina grimmie, kesha, sia, and lea michele. sorry, couldn’t narrow it down
Song stuck in my head: phineas and ferb theme tune always
Last movie: It or Moana, i forgot
Last tv show: teen wolf, just started! thanks @not-reddie lmao
REason i started my blog: Well I guess it’s a mix of wanting to find other people with my interests and become more part of the community, and also memes.
WHat do i post: well mostly shitposts about my fandoms(see description) and I’m hoping to get my first fic up soon!
last thing i googled: that one comedian who died a couple years ago , lmao why was i searching that
other blogs: i don’t have any, might make a separate one for fics tho
why url: accurately describes me as a human that’s why
I follow: 65 blogs
Followers: 18
average hours of sleep: um two
lucky number: gotta be 67, 27, or 3
Instrument: voice, guitar, and trumpet
what am i wearing: light gray/purple jumper, ripped jeans, fuzzy socks and a flower crown
dream job: psychologist, youtuber, or actress/singer
dream trip: ireland, london and france, greece, or canada.
favorite food: mac n cheese, jelly babies
favorite songs right now: good old days by macklemore and kesha, sorry not sorry by demi lovato, and the entire moana soundtrack
last book i read: wild embers by nikita gill, and the cabinet of curiosities 
top three universes: doctor who, it, stranger things, and supernatural. i picked four, fight me.
my favorite blogs/ people:
@botanistlester @its-reddie-bitch @richietoaster @not-reddie @no-strings-puppet @jim-protection-squad @philsdrill @jim-news @elliesfics @gaybev
@sherlock5countdown @petchricor @mishapocalypse @queenofadventures32 alrighty didn’t really have enough blogs but whatevs, love all of you so much and you make me feel so welcome!
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jadedbirch · 7 years
a meme
tagged by honest to god everyone I know....???  @brassfannibal @old-long-john @vowel-in-thug @favouritealias  You’re all good people and I’ve had the week from heck
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better omg heck off
My ears fucking hurt b/c apparently all the stress this month has triggered some fucking tmj and anyhoo I hate my mortal coil and I’m on painkillers now and I have been told by a doctor to relax so this is me... relaxing.
1. nicknames: people have called me all kinds of things including but not limited to Athos, Satan, Jade, Ellie-Poo (I’ll cut you), Kat, and Empress.
2. gender: Female
3. star sign: prostate Cancer
4. height: 5'5″
5. time: 4:04pm PST
6. birthday: July 9
7. favorite bands: MUSE, 30 Seconds to Mars, Gogol Bordello, Massive Attack, Radiohead (yes I’m old)
8. favorite solo artists: Bjork, Ivy Queen, Sia... and Maria Callas obviously XD (I’m actually older than dirt)
9. song stuck in my head: Right now the only thing stuck in my head is my ear pain, or technically jaw nerve pain
10. last movie i watched: Call Me By Your Name <3
11. last show i watched: I think it must’ve been s2 of The Magicians.  I don’t know why I watch this show, it’s so dark and violent, why, self, why.....  Probably contributed to my stress this week.  Idiot.
12. when did i create my blog: January 2013 I think
13. what do i post: Hot people doing hot things, I’m very shallow, but look they’re all hot.  Also kitteh and puppeh.  And salt.
14. last thing i googled: probably how to treat tmj lol
15. do i have any other blogs: I do but most of them aren’t active.  I have @kripkesheadcanons from I had way too much fun with the Revelers.  I have @youhavenosenseofpoetry (my Crowley side blog) from my time in SPN Hell. @donnaimmaculata and I have @arathos which is the side blog for Immortality AU and it is in fact still active :D
16. do i get asks: Sometimes
17. why i chose my url: Why do you fucking think?
18. following: always 69 *evil grin*
19. followers: idk like over 1K ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve been around for centuries I guess
there is no question 20? Really? Weird. Can I make up one of my own? What’s your hair color? thanks @favouritealias for once again catching a typo, this time in a fucking meme!  even DRUNK you still find other people’s fuck ups!!!!  Anyways, my hair is brown.... a rapidly graying brown that needs to be constantly dyed.
21. average hours of sleep: does it even matter if i can’t ever wake up rested? I usually get around 7-8/night.  I got 10.5 last night!  And I STILL woke up feeling like ass.
22. lucky number: 3 and multiples of 3
23. instruments: I play the guitar and the trumpet (and a bit of flute because who the hell doesn’t??)<--- I’m keeping @favouritealias‘ reply b/c WHO THE HELL DOESN’T????   HOW DRUNK WERE YOU??? Well, I for one do not.  Nor do I play the guitar, nor trumpet.  The only instrument I play is on your nerves. :P
24. what am i wearing: blue jeggings and a very loose, very old “house” t-shirt.  It’s soft and black, like my soul.  And I just noticed it says St. Thomas on it!  OMG OMG LOL!!!!
26. dream job: Opera critic.  Honestly just pay me to go to the opera and then talk shit.  
27. dream trip: Back to Italy.  Pls @ gods, I’m gonna cry.
28. favorite food: Anything that the Italians would like to make and feed to me.  Also sushi.
29. nationality: ‘Murican by the grace of naturalization lol I cannot believe we fled the Soviet Union for THIS!!!!  FOR THIS!!!!!  Fucking Giant Meteor 2k18.  I am ready.
30. favorite song right now: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t even listen to the radio anymore Idk what’s going on in the world except that it’s going to heck
tagging:  how about not?  i’m so tired and i’m sure everyone has already done this.  I love y’all, good night <3
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babiebryn · 7 years
I was tagged by @fbismostwanted
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20
Nicknames: Bean, which is what my family calls me; and then there’s Bryn but that’s not really a nickname, that’s just what i wanna change my name to since i’m trying to transition properly into being nonbinary when my gender is nonbinary,,; and then my gf and friend call me glasses when they talk about me around my gf’s sister since my gf isn’t out yet,,, uh,,, i respond to Lesbian,,, i think that’s it lol
Gender: fuck uhh lol genderfluid, but my gender only really moves between a female and nonbinary gender,,, lol i shouldn’t have to fucking explain my damn gender
Star sign: virgo
Height: about 5’? 5’1”? smt like that
Time: 9:58 PM
Birthday: september 6th
Favorite bands: uhh maroon 5, marianas trench, imagine dragons,, there’s probably more but i’m not remembering rn
Favorite solo artists: hmm porter robinson, sia, madeon, sam smith, p!nk, logic, adele, ed sheeran, and i’m gonna stop here cuz the list will be too long
Song stuck in my head: Havana by Camilo Cabello literally i hear it constantly it’s not my fault
Last movie I watched: i think it was Cars
Last TV show I watched: i watch so many shows i don’t even remember
When did I created my blog: idk when i created it but i started being somewhat active on it in i think november of 2016
What do I post: art and shitty updates of how i’m feeling as wells as loads of gay shit and nerdy things
Last thing I googled: umm how bout let’s Not talk about that
Do I have other blogs: yeah i have an nsfw blog and a blog run by both me and my gf you should check it out @straight-men-dont-interact
Do I get asks: not much
Why did I chose my URL: it’s a play on the word emotional and i like mochi and i think it sounds soft and cute,,, my sister helped me come up with it
Following: idk i gotta check
Followers: 250 or smt like that?
Favorite colors: like,, soft reds
Average hours of sleep: oh lol like,, usually 4-6 hours on weekdays, 8-12 on weekends lmao oops
Luck numbers: idfk lol
Instruments: i took piano for a while but i can’t really play,, i sing tho
What am I wearing: soft joggers, a men’s mlp t-shirt, and a really soft somewhat oversized dark purple flannel with pink pinstripes
How many blankets do I sleep with: i sleep with a comforter with a duvet on it and a sheet,,
Dream job: psychological therapist !!
Dream trip: probably tokyo?
Favorite food: sushi/sashimi love that shit
Nationality: mostly indian, but my mom is hella mixed so i have bits of british, Portuguese, and other shit in me
Favorite song right now: uhhh omg i can’t pick that wouldn’t be fair,,,,,,, but i guess,, the girl on fire by alicia keys
i tag whoever wants to do it
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www98vikitoo · 7 years
Tagged by @hunterxblog
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people(we all know they wont be 20 rite ;d)
Nickname: Viki, Viksie, Fiki, smol dork (friends and brother), lil’ monkey(my mom)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5ft3 I guess? (158cm)
Time: 6pm
Birthday: November 24
Favorite band: I'm gonna say Nickelback
Favorite solo artist: Sia 
Song stuck in your head: Believer by Imagine Dragons
Last movie I watched: Murder at Orient Express(idk if thats the english title lmao)
Last show I watched: bnha
When did you create your blog: 2 or 3 years ago
What do I post: anime stuffs(mainly hxh and bnha atm), animals, a lot of memes also, some art here and there
Last thing I googled: don remember lol
Do I have any other blogs: nope
Do I get asks: sometimes. on a side note - I have a few asks sitting in my inbox, I swear I’ll answer I just don no when ;;
Why did I choose my URL: Cuz I had to I use this url almost everywhere sooo
Following: a lotta anime blogs(mainly hxh), a few k-pop blogs, some aestethic blogs, art blogs porn blogs
Followed by: 200+ but idk how many are porn bots ;d
Average hours of sleep: varying from 2-3 hrs to 4-5hrs to 8-10 hrs lol
Lucky number: dont have one
Instruments: I'm a musical disaster lol
What am I wearing: my peach colored pajamas ;d
Dream job: if i got paid for sleeping in and staying in bed then that. it would be gr8 if i got a well paid job in a pharmacy after finishing uni(if i finish uni lol)
Dream trip: I just wanna go somewhere it dont matter. So I guess my dream trip is any trip :D
Favorite food: pizza, homborgar, anything chocolate related :D
Nationality: Bulgarian
Favorite song: idunno I have a lot of songs i love
Last book I read: don remmeber 
Top 3 universes I want to join: pokemon idk about others maybe shaman king lol
Tag 20 less than 10 people:
@isnicks @xkilluas @shimmy-sham-with-the-fam @mowedith @kiroko-chi @burritalks @minima-life
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