#and we’re planning on putting in stalagtites and making it look like a cave
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mossy-covered-bones · 2 months ago
I am scheming something delightfully fun in the way of homebrew oneshots
#for context. me and my mom moved back in august. we’re still working on gettinf the house together and decorating it. and its taking a while#bc she works a lot bc financial strain of new house and divorcing her shitty ex husband and im in college so im not home very much#but we have a designated game room bc we’re avid ttrpg players#and we’re planning on putting in stalagtites and making it look like a cave#and last night we were talking abt how we’d do sessions using the backyard since the gameroom has a door to outside#and talking abt making d20s in little plastic boxes so you could roll for combat + stuff by just shaking the box#and having little compartments in the staligtites for them or for game props and notes#and i started spitballing some way to do like an improv murder mystery with having game notes for the players in thsoe compartments#and their like. character roles/archetypes randomly assigned by where they sit#and then have a whole oneshot game of clue where each of the players have like a stack of cards they can play to get revelations from the dm#or flashbacks to scenes that the characters have to play out (the victim fighting with one of the suspects in the kitchen or smth)#and have branching paths with multiple outcomes#and they have to come back to the game room to make accusations and then the accused can play an alibi card or smth!!!#i guess i could also do that before the game room is completely finished since we’d be all over the house and yard#itd be so fun tho. plans for when im off for the summer or after i finish my degree#sev rambles
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a-d-n-d-journal · 5 years ago
Game Session #6
Bakunawa, dragonborn paladin; copper scales, chainmail, a shortsword and shield
Zastu, dragonborn rogue; white scales almost completely covered in a hooded cape and mask, leather armor, short bow and shortsword + dagger
Rysiel, half-elf druid; simple clothing and leather armor, scimitar
Teir, tiefling warlock; vibrant gold skin and black hair w/silver highlights, horns, hooves, expensive-looking clothes and leather armor, carries a dagger as his only (physical) weapon
Sydiri Haunlar, human (Chondathan) fighter; brunette, chain shirt, dagger, shortbow, wooden club
Alara Winterspell, human (Rashemi) fighter; deceptively light and warm head wrap, chain shirt, dagger, shortsword
Kaelen Zam, human (Illuskan) fighter; bald, small handlebar mustouche, chain shirt, dagger, greataxe
For this game, I was at Teir and Rysiel/Riceboy's place and it was a longer game than usual (since it was on a Friday and work schedules were better)
This one was fun from a technical perspective! I'm getting more acquainted with the shortcut keys, and being in a cave system means I get to play with the show/hide features on the map. (I just have to remember to describe the scene before I reveal it--for effect) Also, I discovered that you can put a big X on tokens to indicate that the creature is dead... I like showing the players where all the bodies are. I also made liberal use of the aura-effect you can put on tokens, creating a 10ft-radius for a spell effect, and to show the reach of large creatures and range of sight across caverns in the dark...
Picking up from last time...
Rysiel and Zastu have just approached their unconscious comrades--Bakunawa and Teir, as well as the guards Sydiri, Alara, and Kaelen. There was a rooster that looks like Jest pecking at Kaelen's face as he was waking up, and Rysiel was so happy to see it that he forgot about his plan to dump water on Teir's head. Rysiel casts Cure Wounds on Bakunawa to help him regain consciousness, then the paladin uses his Lay on Hands ability to heal at least one hitpoint for the other four and wake them as well. After that, they can all commence a Long Rest! Guard Kaelen asks if he can have the greataxe that they've pilfered, while Sydiri asks for a shortbow and arrows and Alara asks for a shortsword. The other shortsword and the only shield goes to Bakunawa, and Teir declines the wooden club in favour of his magic, so it goes to Sydiri (even though a club and a dagger both deal 1d4 damage). After the Long Rest, Rysiel discovers that he can now remove the dragon-skull helmet from his head. He also realizes that he understands more about it--it came from a blue dragon, native to the coasts not far from Waterdeep, and grants resistance from Lightning damage. More may manifest as he spends more time wearing it. Also, Teir wakes up from a dream filled with the rustling of feathers to find a new grimoire in his arms. It grants him a few cantrips while he holds it and allows him to write rituals within its pages. As the discuss the next steps, Sydiri says she knows the forest here fairly well. They shouldn't be too far away from the bat cave where the villagers fled. The party decides to follow her, and soon come across the obvious tracks of thirty-or-so villagers leading north and to the bat caves.
The Ardeep forest itself is riddled with such caves, but only one fits the description of what they're looking for--it sits inside a large rocky hill topped with pine trees, and the opening is about 12 feet wide and 20 feet high. The adventurers decide this is a bit sketchy and/or intimidating, and proceed with caution. It is currently mid-evening, and the sun rests low of the horizon, but inside it is pich black. Of the 7 of them, only Teir and Rysiel can see in the dark, so they edge forward and see what they can see. A Very Lage form sits a short distance from the open tunnel, just within the darkness. Steam rises around it as it splashes and drips slippery mud over itself. A dense collection of stalagmites obscures a second Very Large form within a larger cavern. A couple ledges are just visible as well, each with another form that looks like a goblin. Teir declines to send his raven in due to the profusion of stalagtites coming from the ceiling. They ask Bakunawa if his Paladin senses (Divine Sense) can discern the nature of the creatures within. He concentrates for a moment, and confirms that those they see are evil (though not the strong evil you might get from an abomination or undead), and that he can only sense as far as they can see. Sydiri suggests they take a look around the hill for another entrance. The one they found is on the southern side, and as they circle the hill they find a second entrance at the base of the western side. A stream flows down it, and looking inside, Rysiel reports that the tunnel is mostly straight and ends just before the limit of his vision, ending in a small cave. They continue around the hill. On the eastern side is a dry tunnel that runs for farther than any of them can see. They ponder their options before Teir sends his spectral Sentinal Raven over the hill to look for more openings. The hill is fairly large--it took about an hour for them to circumnavigate as they searched--so the raven takes an appropriately long time before it comes back. Teir learns there's a small opening up there, so they all climb the hill to take a look. Looking down the dark, dark hole, they can't quite see the floor beyond the natural chimney, but somehow decide that this is their best option.
Between them they have quite a bit of rope, so they tie one end to Rysiel and the other to Bakunawa. The half-elf stealths down the chimney, aided by the many convenient handholds within. As he approaches the floor, he spots a lone goblin half-asleep and decides to... Actually, he doesn't really have a plan, but he unties himself anyway since he's confident that he can take out one goblin. As soon as he touches the ground however, the goblin starts awake and immediately starts cowering in a corner. "Ack! No! Nokill! NokillSnigbat!" She shrieks in a heavily-accented high-pitched voice. Startled at the revelation that goblins can speak (?!), Rysiel responds with the standard "Give me a reason not to!" The little goblin is very hard to understand, and rambles on about "NoKill! KillBoss! SnigbatBeBoss! GuardDutyBad" and etc. Rysiel tells her that he doesn't trust her, and he's going to tie her up, but she refuses and backs away. Snigbat continues to try to convince the half-elf of... Something, but Rysiel is getting increasingly worried that the goblin's agitated tone is going to attract someone or something. Soon the goblin is frightened enough to make a dash for the narrow tunnel leading out of the little cave. Rysiel is ready for it though, and he tackles her to the ground and grapples her. The goblin isn't spry enough to escape, and the half-elf manages to tie her up. In response, the goblin starts to wail, but Rysiel stuffs her mouth full of some random cloth. With the goblin secured, Rysiel casts Produce Flame and throws it up the chimney. Unfortunately, no one remembered to decide on any kind of signal... Teir is looking down and decides that the flash of light means that Rysiel needs some sort of help. Since he's the only other one who can see in the dark, he heads down the rope to help. When he arrives, Rysiel asks if he might be better able to understand the goblin. He asks the goblin to repeat what he said, but forgets to remove the gag, so the goblin just muffles in a high-pitched tone. Teir removes the gag with the promise of pain if the goblin makes too much noise. Snigbat immediately starts ranting about "NoKillSnigbat, killBossHark, SnigbatBeBoss, sheHelp! GoblinNoKillBigg'Uns, SnigbatBoss, tellGoblinNoKill" in a raspy, high-pitched voice. Teir isn't sure he understands, but starts questioning the goblin anyway. "How do we know you won't attack us next?" "SnigbatNoKill, helpSnigbat!" "Right then... Are there others like us?" "Yup!" Snigbat spits out. "Like me?" Teir asks, pointing at his horns. "Yup!" "Like him?" Snigbat hesitates, then "Yup!" "Anything else? Are there guards around the villagers?" "SnigbatNoKill, helpSnigbat!" Snigbat whines, and the rest is unintelligible. At around this time, Bakunawa comes down to investigate. Unfortunately, Bakunawa cannot see in the dark. He lands on the cave floor unable to see anything, and asks if everything is okay. Rysiel lights a torch for him and hands it over. "We're trying to figure out what's going on with this Snigbat here. He won't tell us about the villagers." "Let me try?" Bakunawa offers. The paladin intimidates the Goblin, causing her to cower. "Where are the villagers?" "'crossBigCavern," Snigbat mumbles, along with something unintelligible. "Are there any guards?" "Bats!" "Big ones?" Teir interjects. Snigbat says something unintellibile. "Anything bigger?" Teir asks. Snigbat hesitates again. "...Yup!" "What?" "BigNastyDwarf! BadDwarf!" "Anything else? "Ogre" "There are Ogres? Will they attack us if we help?" "NoOgre, noOgre, justGoblin...." "You just said..." Teir. "This is hopeless, let's just get her to lead us to the goblin boss," Bakunawa says, and he picks up the bound goblin easily, carrying her over to the tunnel. But Snigbat's legs aren't tied and she starts kicking and thrashing. "CUT THAT OUT!" Bakunawa yells, and everyone cringes. He hits Snigbat over the head, knocking her out. After that, the rest of the party decends the rope down the chimney. They leave Alara at the top to keep watch. They need to figure out where to go next, and they don't trust the goblin bound at their feet. Zastu holds the bullseye lantern that she lifted earlier, and lights it so they can see down corridors if they need. Meanwhile, Rysiel volunteers to scout a bit, and casts Pass without Trace to boost the Stealth of the whole part for an hour. This turns out to be a great asset... Snigbat had indicated that the goblin boss was to the left from the cave, but they don't believe her, and they go right. Within a few dozen feet, Rysiel discovers a large cavern with several ledges along the edges, including immediately to his right, upon which a goblin stands. Within the centre of the cavern is a cluster of stalagmites rising from the ground, and within them is a hulking shape that looks like the one they spotted from the other entrance. He's pretty sure that's an orgre, and that there's another one. He also spots a shallow pool and another exit from the cavern far in front and to his left, then he returns to the group to report what he saw. From what Teir can remember, ogres are intelligent, but not by much, and they are quick to anger. They decide not to go that way, and Rysiel checks out the tunnel to the left. He quickly finds another cave, about twice the size of the one they hide in. The sound of rodents permeates that corner of the caves, becoming clearer as he pops his head around the corner. Three goblins are standing around laughing and pointing at a mass of rats that Rysiel can only just barely see around the corner. He's not sure what's going on, but if he can see the goblins as clearly as he can, then they can see him. Fortunately his stealth check is very high. (Nat20 +10 from Pass without Trace makes 33!!) The goblins are too engrossed in their entertainment to notice anything else. Rysiel returns to the group to describe what he saw and heard, and they spend the next 15 minutes planning what to do next. Bakunawa douses his torch and leaves the bullseye lantern with Zastu as he makes his way (in the pitch darkness...) to the opening of the cave where the goblins cackle over some rats eating... Something. (he makes his Stealth roll with disadvantage due to the dark, not his armor; but still succeeds due to the active spell) He stops when he reaches the far wall and waits for Teir to follow up, and then Zastu with the lantern (I'm guessing because she's the most mobile? I didn't understand this part of the plan) Teir succeeds on his Stealth roll as well (barely), and stops beside Bakunawa (he can see fine in the darkness). Excited about his new spell, he casts without waiting for everyone to catch up, mumbling a brief warning for everyone to cover their ears... (Shatter) A sudden loud ringing bursts from the center of the goblin cave, echoing outward throughout the cave system. The walls and floor shake briefly. The bodies of three goblins, seven giant rats, and one (dead) human are flung against the cave walls and smashed to bloody pulps. Nothing alive remains in the cave. (note: Teir rolled 8-8-6 on 3d8; and even those creatures who succeeded the Con save didn't have enough HP to survive half damage)
With a painful ringing in their ears, Teir and Rysiel investigate the area for survivors. Zastu hangs back with the directional lantern, shining it so Bakunawa can see (he lights a torch again), but refuses to enter the gory scene. After a second of careful listening, Rysiel picks out some faint whimpering, and beckons for everyone to investigate. At the rear of the irregular 20x20 cave is a small larder with various animal and human bodyparts strewn about. A young woman in a nice dress (ripped to pieces of course) cowers in the corner. Surprisingly, she doesn't shriek (much) when she hears the adventurers approach. "Who's there? Are the goblins...?" "The goblins are dead," Teir says. "So... I'm saved?" The woman asks. "Yes, we are here to rescue you," Bakunawa replies, bringing the light over so she can see. The woman sobs for a moment in relief and pent-up fear. "Are you hurt?" The paladin asks. "Just... Just some scrapes and bruises... I haven't been able to see anything since we entered the caves, so they practically dragged me over here..." She sobs. "Do you know where the other villagers are?" Teir asks. The woman blinks in the torchlight for a moment, sniffling and trying to think. She shakes her head, but reconsiders. "It's a little ways, there's a tunnel, and beyond that a cavern... I could hear something big moving around, and the sound changes from when you're in a tunnel... We were kept in another cavern through a tunnel, all of it in the dark. Morak, Destiny, and Grin set us up on ledges... But we had to be deathly quiet, or the bats would swarm." "Okay, we're going to get you out of here," Teir says, then hesitates. "It's pretty gory out there, do you want us to take away the torch?" The woman also hesitates. She's been in the dark for almost two days now. But she decides against seeing the blood and nods to Teir. Bakunawa goes ahead and around a corner to hide the torch while Teir follows-up with the woman. They all talk for a moment to try to calm her down further. Her name is Daphne Featherstone, and she is (was) Lady Velrosa Nandar's Lady-in-waiting. Teir asks if she recognizes him, but she doesn't, and he chooses not to tell her that Lady Velrosa is dead. Once back at the base of the chimney, the guards (who have lit their own torch) from the town help Daphne up the chimney, where Guard Alara can keep watch with her at the top.
Another tunnel branches to the left (south), opposite the cave of dead goblins and rats (north), so they investigate that next and quickly come across a fork where a boulder obviously placed to prevent people from entering one side (west). Teir investigates it thoroughly and declares it is an ordinary boulder, and also it can easily be moved. He stands aside and beckons Bakunawa to move the big rock, which he does (barely). Beyond the boulder is a small cave with a grass pallet (bed) and a dinged-up chest. Teir investigates the pallet to determine if it's seen recent use (yes?) and Zastu investigates the chest. She reaches for her lock picking tools and the lock... Only to find out that it is a terrible lock. She gives it a yank and it just comes apart. Inside the definitely-not-trapped-chest they find some meager loot, plus a healing potion (which Baku takes)
The four of them continue on down (south) the tunnel to another fork. Teir sends his raven down quickly, and determines that the fork is false--it's just a large irregular pillar in a small cave. To their right (west) is a pool fed by a gentle stream coming in from a tunnel. Teir suggests this is the stream they saw from outside and sends his raven to investigate (it is). They take a brief moment to refresh themselves and clean off the blood splatters. (I manage to psych them out enough that they're paranoid about the water being poisonous...) Bakunawa casts Purify Food and Drink just in case, so they don't get poisoned or contract any diseases. (Rysiel can cast this spell too, but he didn't have it prepared while Baku did--though it's worth noting that if he did, he could cast it as a ritual, while Baku cannot) The water tastes... Weird, and they determine it's kind of mineral-y. Teir recognizes this because it's the sort of shit that nobles like to pay for.
Teir decides to be the one to investigate the next tunnel off the little cave, opposite the stream (east), but it's not very long and soon enters into the big cavern again. Another ledge sits to his right, with another goblin. They decide not to go that way, and double-back past the chimney room to the other entrance to the cavern at the far (north) end. Teir and Rysiel get together to form a plan to lure the goblin there off its ledge, with Teir using Thaumaturgy to imitate the sound of "something yummy" (this ends up being a chicken, they decide). The goblin (Slibberdabber) is bored, and a bit hungry (and failed its Wisdom roll vs Teir's Deception), so it hops off the ledge and starts to enter the tunnel. But while it is pitch-black for you and I, goblins (and Tieflings and Half-elves) can see in the dark, and the goblin starts to panic just as Rysiel attacks with his dagger. It takes two hits, but Slibberdabber is knocked unconscious. They drag them back to the chimney room and tie them up with Snigbat before returning to the northern tunnel. The adventurers pair-up to cross to the other side of the cavern along the north wall, in pitch-darkness--Teir leading Bakunawa, and Rysiel leading Zastu (Zastu shields the lantern). Teir and Bakunawa Stealth along still under the cover of Rysiel's spell, and discover a wide tunnel leading away to their left (north). Directly to their right (south) is the collection of stalagmites, with something large resting within. They start to walk that way, but a huge rift blocks their way. Peering down, Teir determines it's only about 20 feet deep and 8 feet across, but that's deep and wide enough. Where-ever it goes, the villagers are not on the other side. They continue onward and Rysiel starts to lead Zastu. Just after leaving the wide tunnel, Bakunawa and Teir encounter a shallow pool. Teir skirts around it naturally, but Bakunawa splashes in the water for a second, blowing their cover. An arrow (from Pox) streaks across the cavern from the far side, hitting Teir. (roll for initiative)
Having been hit, Teir is the first one to react, his infernal reflexes casting Hellish Rebuke on the one who injured him. Bright purplish flames briefly outline a small figure on a ledge in the distance, and the goblin can be seen falling down. Teir runs back toward the tunnel entrance, leaving Bakunawa in the dark. Round 1 Being quick-thinking herself, Zastu unshields the lantern and climbs the ledge beside her (where Slibberdabber was positioned) using her Rogue abilities. The huge shape in the stalagmites has emerged to reveal herself as a naked ogre (Thog) with a greatclub! Zastu shoots the ogre as she tries to reach the ledge just above her head. An arrow from (Nitch) the ledge to the right (south) streaks by Zastu, missing her. Zastu's lantern gives just enough light for Bakunawa to see by, but he decides to produce a bit more. He takes in a deep breath and breathes out a line of fire at the ogre (Thog), hitting squarely and getting her attention. (and rolling 5-5 on 2d6, nice!) Rysiel joins the fight by entering the cavern and casting Numbing Frost on the ogre. A thin film of frost covers the naked giant, dealing damage and imposing disadvantage until the end of her next turn. Teir runs to the south, under Zastu's ledge, and into the tunnel entrance there just before casting his next spell: Toll the Dead. A dolorous bell fills the air for a moment, dealing necrotic damage to Thog (1d12 since she's already injured) Round 2 Zastu fires her bow and hits* the ogre from her ledge , then hides immediately afterward. Thog swings her greaclub (with disadvantage) at Bakunawa, but misses. *whew* Goblin Nitch can't seem to see where Zastu went, so s/he knocks her/is bow and shoots at Bakunawa, drawing a bit of blood. Bakunawa makes a Vow of Enmity using his Channel Divinity ability for the day, gaining advantage on his attacks against Ogre Thog. He uses his advantage immediately, casting Thunderous Smite on himself and attacking with his shortsword for piercing and thunder damage all at once. Unfortunately, the ogre resists its secondary effects of pushback. Rysiel leaps forward and slahes at Thog with his scimitar, drawing blood... Just as the second very naked male ogre (Nob) charges up at the two of them. Teir takes advantage of their momentary clustering to cast Shatter a second time. A loud ringing once again echoes throughout the cavern, damaging the two ogres (who both make their Con saves for half damage) Another goblin (Gleek) looks around for a target, but is too far away to see what's going on. Round 3 Zastu emerges from hiding to shoot at the female ogre once more*. Thog dies as Zastu melts back into the shadows (Pass without Trace still in effect). Goblin Nitch searches for the source of the arrow that killed an ogre, but cannot see... So s/he shoots an arrow at Rysiel instead! The arrow pierces Rysiel, drawing blood. Bakunawa attempts to utter a Vow of Enmity on the second ogre, but his Channel Divinity is used up for the day. Instead, he moves to flank Nob and swings his shortsword, casting Thunderous Smite a second time. Ogre Nob is hit with piercing and thunder damage, and is knocked backward 10 ft into some stalagmites and falls prone. Rysiel takes Advantage of the prone ogre and slashes at him with his scimitar, drawing blood. Nob doesn't bother getting up, and tries to swing his club at Bakunawa, but his disadvantage causes him to miss. From his position at the mouth of the southern tunnel, Teir casts Toll the Dead on Nob. The dolorous bell sings out again, dealing Necrotic damage to the ogre before Teir ducks back into the tunnel. Goblin Lop takes his first turn as Bakunawa steps within his line of sight, shooting an arrow that pings harmlessly off the paladin's armor.
We had to stop here for the night, as it was suddenly midnight! Round 4 starts next game.
(*Zastu gets sneak attack damage on ranged attacks as long as an ally is next to her target)
Spells cast:
Cantrips: Produce Flame, Frostbite
Spells: Cure Wounds*, Pass without Trace
*Used before a rest Slots used: 1st 0/4; 2nd 1/2
Cantrips: Thaumaturgy (Racial), Toll the Dead* x2
Spells: Hellish Rebuke (Racial), Shatter x2
*for some reason, we kept rolling an attack die for Toll the Dead, when it's actually a Wis save Slots used: 2/2
Paladin abilities: Lay on Hands*, Divine Sense, Vow of Enmity (Channel Divinity)
Spells: Purify Food and Drink, Thunderous Smite x2
*Used before a rest Slots used: 1st 3/3
Bakunawa: 0 Teir: 3 goblins (Ratcha and Zukluk, then Pox), 1 goblin boss (Hark), 7 giant rats Zastu: 1 ogre (Thog) Rysiel: subdued 2 goblins (Snigbat and Slibberdabber) without killing them!
Treasure looted:
12 gp, 55 sp, and 87 cp (loose change)
A matching pair of silver salt and pepper shakers (Teir)
A bloodstained leather case containing a complete set of thieves’ tools (Zastu)
A holy symbol of Silvanus carved from wood and in-laid with gold (Rysiel)
A potion of healing (Baku)
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