#and we were driving together today when he brought up that he'd looked up the actor who played 'the woman' and discovered they were nonbinar
grinchwrapsupreme · 2 years
my dad is the kind of person who makes fun of things (mental illness, gender, sexuality, etc) until he encounters it at a close enough proximity to actually think of it as a real thing at which point he’s totally normal about it forever which means I get the honour of gently guiding him through conversations about Vico Ortiz now that he’s discovered they’re nonbinary in the same way a bull is gently guided out of a grenade-strewn china shop
#transphobia in the tags#his not mine#i introduced him to ofmd a while back and he really enjoyed it#to the point where he is currently watching it again#and we were driving together today when he brought up that he'd looked up the actor who played 'the woman' and discovered they were nonbinar#nonbinary*#cue kill bill sirens in my head as I recalled him posting transphobic jokes about nonbinary people on facebook#literally two weeks ago#and i was like 'uh huh? :)'#and made comments about how cool they were and how much i enjoy them to like set the tone of the convo before he could#and he did the thing he always does when he doesn't know how to behave about something where he'll#gingerly make a very neutral comment about it thats kind of bigoted but not maliciously#and he said 'the articles about them are very... PC. You can't even tell what they started out as'#and in the voice one uses to talk to a child i was like 'well yeah they're nonbinary that would have been rude'#literally like bare bones concepts in a way he can understand#and he was like '... yeah it would have been'#and then i redirected the convo back to ofmd#but like#this is exactly what happens when he gets used to ideas about like adhd and anxiety and sexuality#will my dad become less transphobic??#could i be seeing the dawn of an age where coming out to my dad is like#a thing that wouldn't make me sick to think about???#like this may seem small to people who don't know him but#i've seen him reconnect with his eldest daughter and promptly get cut off again because he doesn't know#when to stop being an asshole#the fact he didn't openly make fun of vico is like#genuinely a huge deal#buying party poppers to keep in the linen closet just in fucking case
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Her family doesn't like Tyler and, as a result, haven't been in her life for quite some time. But with a baby on the way, she gives them one last chance.
Warnings: angst and toxic parents
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Even after all these years, Tyler Owens still loved watching the weather. He stood on the porch as he watched dark clouds move in. Just some rain, not enough for a storm.
"Ty," came his wife's voice. Hand on her swollen stomach, she locked the front door and walked towards him, slipping the house keys into his pocket.
Immediately, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him. His lips met the top of her head. "Ready to go?" He asked, his raspy voice a reminder of just how early in the morning it is.
She nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning against him. It was one of their pre-chasing rituals. Both of them would have given anything to be chasing right now.
Taking her hand, Tyler led her own to the truck. He'd spent the last six months looking for a more practical car, but he wasn't giving up his truck for the world.
He helped her into the passenger seat. Any day now, she was going to pop, he thought as he looked at her stomach. And then he'd have that precious baby boy, the thing that tied him to her forever, in his arms.
Chase Owens. The name was easy to pick once they found out they were having a boy. Kate laughed, but Boone was one hundred percent on board.
Tyler pulled out of the driveway. "How're we feeling, mama?" He asked as his hand settled in her thigh.
She squeezed her legs around him, holding him there. "Terrified," she and and swallowed thickly.
It was a terrifying situation. Her parents had put up with her relationship with the young, hotshot bull rider until he disappeared, ran off to college. They thought that would be the end of it.
But six years had passed. Six years since Tyler came back from college, six years since they started chasing together, six years since she last spoke to her parents.
And here she was, driving to make amends before the baby was born, to give her little boy a shot at knowing his grandparents.
Tyler freed his hand from the death like grip her thighs had on him. He took one of her hands off of her stomach and brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of it. "Everything's gonna be fine," he tried to reassure her, but it was doing very little to actually reassure her.
She knew what he was trying to say. That she had him and Chase. And, if her parents didn't want to know, then it was their loss. They would be the ones not meeting their grandson, they would be the ones not having a relationship with him.
With her head against the headrest, she turned to look at get husband. "I love you," she whispered.
That was the other thing: Her parents didn't know they were married. There wasn't much family at their wedding, Tyler's parents and his sister, an aunt and a grandparent. Nobody from her side, nobody even knew she was getting married.
For today, the rings were hidden on chains beneath their clothing. On, but not visible. Her parents wouldn't have been able to handle two bombshells in one day.
It wasn't a long drive, but that just made the feeling worse. They weren't very far, but they hadn't seen each other in four years. There was always a chance they moved and never told her.
Seeing her fathers car still in the driveway, she furiously wiped at her eyes. If she was going to do this, she was going to be strong about it.
Tyler killed the engine and looked at the house. It was just the same as the last time he was there. After college, in his old truck. When he picked her up and they never looked back.
He let out a low whistle. "I wonder if your dad is gonna pull the shotgun on me," he said, adding a quiet 'again' as an after thought.
"I'm not gonna let him," she replied. Sucking in a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped out. No waiting for her husband, like she usually did not that she was eight months along.
Tyler was quick to follow. He took her hand, fingers brushing her stomach. Baby Chase gave an almighty kick, almost like he knew it was his father out there.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he whispered, his forehead touching hers.
She looked towards the house. Slight movement in the window indicated that it might have been too late to turn back. "We've got this," she said and kissed him quickly.
Tyler kept his arm around her as she walked up the drive. It was a protective thing, something he did more and more since the positive tests six months ago.
She was the one that knocked.
There was a moment, someone waiting by the front door until a minute had passed, desperate not to seem to eager. But they'd forgotten that she could see through the stained glass panels on the front door just as good as they could.
Her mother pulled open the door. "Darling!" She cried and opened her arms. "Oh, I've missed you!"
She didn't acknowledge the bump as she looked past her daughter, looked at Tyler. Her facial expression grew tight, as it always used to when he was the topic of conversation. "Tyler," she said stiffly.
"Hello, ma'am," Tyler said, smile polite as he pulled his hat from his head.
The tension was already in the air, but there seemed to be little hope for recovery.
Her mother turned back to her, expression once again cheery. "Come in, darling," she said and took her hand, pulling her into the house. Ignoring Tyler completely.
If she could have been unwilling to go into the house, she would have. Tyler followed her in, closing the door behind him. Funny, he didn't think he'd ever entered the house through the front door before. The upstairs window, though, he was very well acquainted with.
Things were tense in the kitchen. Her father had greeted her by the time Tyler walked in, his glare fixed on him.
"Mom, dad," she began and sucked in a breath. "We came here today because we've got some pretty big news." They already knew. They had to, how could they miss her bump?
"I'm sorry, darling," her mother began, feigning sympathy. "But it might be too late to get it fixed. You're gonna have to live with the choices you've made."
What in the actual fuck? She stumbled back as if she had been slapped, Tyler easily steadying her. "That's not why we're here," he said, hand settling on her bump.
"Well, you're not seeing any money from us!" Her father barked. "Not a cent! Not for you or that bastard child you knocked my poor daughter up with!"
They should have expected this, shouldn't they? This level of hostility from her parents. It still hurt, but it stung less than it would have six years ago.
She took in a steadying breath. "Actually, we came here because we wanted you to be in out baby's life, but you can forget it," she said and turned on her heel.
Tyler followed her out of the house. Her parents didn't try to follow. That bridge had been destroyed and there was no chance of rebuilding.
She didn't cry on the drive back to the home they shared. No, she was just angry. Angry at her parents, angry at the universe for making things this way.
Tyler pulled into a gas station. Food and gas, that was what they needed. But, before he climbed out of the truck, he paused. "You know, at our wedding Chad and Jake offered to take on the role of grandparents if it was ever needed," he said trying to lighten the mood.
A small smile graced her features. "Chad and Jake? Your thirty year old cousins want to be Chase's grandparents?" She asked through a laugh.
There she was, his girl. Tyler dropped a kiss to her lips. "I'll be right back," he said and set about getting the gas and snacks.
Everything would be okay. Even if her parents had made it pretty clear that they didn't want her. She had Tyler, and soon she'd have baby Chase, too. That was all the family she needed (grandma Chad abd grandma Jake were just a bonus).
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armpirate · 7 months
Did I say I love you? || Jungkook
Bf experience
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pairing: idol!JK x fem!reader
w.c.: 6k
Warnings: smut, fluff, breast play, female masturbation, male masturbation, public sex, unprotected sex (Minors DNI! Refrain from reading if you're not +18, and ignore if you don't like this type of content)
Aprox. time of reading: 26 minutes
Summary: Jungkook didn't prepare that trip with the idea of confessing his feelings, but his heart spoke up before he could control it.
Boba ball: Put smthg comfy on today
Boba ball: I'll pick u up at twelve
You were quite used to the special weekend dates you two planned, it was the only thing that made you move throughout the week in a good mood, excited for Saturday ever since Monday kicked in.
Two months back, it was his way to adapt into your life when seeing you in the evenings, after you finished your shift, wasn't enough. Although most of those dates happened usually in either of your places, because even if you liked each other a lot, you knew the risks of going out in public. Maybe that was what pulled you back from actually accepting a date from him the first time he asked you out.
You knew him long before your eyes met at your company's year-end party. His aura was already powerful when you admired him through a screen, but it was completely different when he approached you first, with a nervous smile that you thought he'd never dedicate to you. You knew everything about him before you two went on a first date, but it felt like you were discovering those things for the first time as you heard them coming out of his mouth directly. You knew the superstar, and all the consequences that'd come with it. But you also knew that boy who made dumb jokes that you'd only find funny if they came from him, because his giggles had you smiling immediately after. And with that boy you were head over heels for, you completely ignored those consequences, and were ready to face them as soon as they came.
You frowned, confused when you saw his car parked in front of your building while he waited for you, with his lower back resting against the bonnet.
Jungkook smiled as soon as he saw you doing a little run to him, ready to wrap his arms around you as soon as you stood in front of him. Although you stopped yourself from doing, holding back from also linking your lips together in a small peck, followed by a new one, and a new one, until you moved your head back to look into his sparkly big eyes, when you realized you were out in the open.
"I see you're excited for today" he joked, standing straight in front of you.
"What did you prepare?" you questioned, tilting your head.
"Hmm" he pursed his lips, looking away from you, "Should I tell you or should I let you guess?".
"You won't tell me, right?" your eyes were squinted at him, knowing him for long enough to know that he probably would keep the suspense until he thought it was the proper time to reveal it.
You hopped inside the car after he opened the door for you, seeing him surround the bonnet before he joined you and gave you all those pecks he felt only safe giving you behind the tinted windows of his car.
As he drove, you tried to guess what the surprise could be, taking in consideration the fact that he was wearing comfortable baggy clothes -not that they weren't his usual style, but he also asked you to wear something similar-, and how he brought his car instead of his motorbike.
As time went by, and Jungkook kept driving on different roads you hadn't been in before, you turned to him.
"Are we going on a trip?" you asked excitedly.
"You're close" he nodded, tilting his head while he kept his eyes on the road.
That answer left you confused, trying to think what could be close to a trip, and that'd also require you to leave the city.
"We aren't going camping, are we?" you tried to take a guess, unable to hide the hope for a positive answer with your question.
His hand laid on your knee, squeezing it as he giggled to your reaction "That's exactly what we're doing".
Your legs shook on the spot, before you took off your seatbelt and kissed his cheek out of excitement. You remembered you had mentioned it a week back, while you were watching one of the episodes of the kdrama you started watching together. It wasn't something you gave a lot of importance to, just something you mentioned because it also appeared, and it reminded you of when you used to do it with friends back home. The fact that he took all that information, and turned it into a surprise made your heart squeeze in your chest.
After twenty minutes on the road, Jungkook turned his face at you, giving you a quick smile "Is it a good plan? Or maybe you'd have preferred to stay at home and get some rest?".
"Don't be silly" you squeezed his knee, trying to reassure him that you were the happiest by his idea. "This is the best plan you could've come up with".
Your words only made him smile wider, thinking the corners of his lips would leave his face at any point by how they kept stretching whenever he was around you. It was simple: you made it all better, and seeing you excited and happy only topped that full sensation on his chest that he was feeling in that moment.
He remembered the first time he saw you, and how it all clicked even before you two spoke to each other. He thought that floating sensation that people talked about was only real in movies, but then he met you. Jungkook was convinced that the moment you two made eye contact for the first time, his feet raised from the ground and made him fly exactly where you were.
It was a non-stop need since you exchanged the first words, never getting enough and extending that small talk, that was supposed to last a few minutes, to turn it into a conversation that would only end when he dropped you at home the morning after.
He didn't even think he had that many things to talk about with anyone.
"How's work been?" he asked first.
"Good. It has been a calm week, surprisingly" you scoffed, turning to him. "What about you? How was it like to go back to the routine?".
When you two met each other, Jungkook was enjoying his last few weeks of that improvised break. He had all the time he could think of, and he invested most of it in you as soon as he met you. Calls, texts, quick visits to your company, late night sneaks to take some fresh air, or chill evenings cuddling on the couch... that was what you were introduced to after you started seeing each other after only a few weeks. And right when you were close to growing a deeper connection, he was sent back to reality -almost having him regretting getting back to work.
It still worked out.
You didn't see each other as much, but it was still enough to remind you both of how bad you actually wanted to be next to the other. Even then, your minds were still linked, to the point where the smallest thing would be a reminder of your relationship, or the things the other liked or disliked, the places you could go to together, or the things you could try to eat when you saw each other in the weekend or in those secret and short night outs in the middle of the week.
Jungkook settled everything when you arrived at the place, all while you stayed to the side while waiting for him to need your help. But he'd only turn to you every two minutes to dedicate a gentle smile to you while his nose scrunched, before he turned back to the half assembled tent.
"Are you hungry?" he turned to you with a sided smile, clapping his hands when it all was already settled.
Your stomach squeezed at the mention of food. Even if you two stopped at the resting area to get something for lunch on your way to the beach, your body was already craving for something more than some snacks.
It only took him one tiny move of your head to start walking back to his car and open the truck to get a few bags out. As you looked inside, you could see some meat packages, but also some recipients that you were sure had food inside.
You sighed, aware of all the work it took him to prepare all that for you "You should've told me, I would've prepared or bought something".
Jungkook smiled at you fondly, poking his hands inside his baggy pants. He obviously had the money to buy all the food you wanted in the world, yet there you were again: making it seem like he wasn't and he'd probably go bankrupt after buying a packet of pork belly. Maybe that was what he liked the most about you. It was always with small gestures like the one you just had, with the way you never, in those two months you had been seeing each other, made him feel out of place. You gave him a safe corner, where he was allowed to be himself, to be seen as much more than just the idol.
"If I had told you, there would have been no surprise".
You puckered your lips while smiling, thinking that he definitely had a point with that, but still feeling a bit guilty.
"Don't look at me that way" he chuckled. "I'll let you cook if you want".
"Okay. Deal".
Your upset expression quickly turned into a playful smile as you reached for the camping gas box he had brought along with the bags. Although it'd quickly disappear in a frown when you tried to understand how to get that thing to work.
You looked up to him with a naughty smile, pointing to the pan "Can you do one last thing for me?".
"Five thousand wons" Jungkook answered with a serious expression, offering his hand to you. Your smile dropped at that, feeling your eyebrows slowly turning into a straight line while you looked at him "Or, a kiss".
"Okay" you giggle, motioning him to get that thing started.
It probably was more simple than what you thought if you had only paid attention to it, but your focus was on the way the tip of his tongue peeked through his lips and moved his piercing to care about how Jungkook got that thing to work.
"Done" he sighed, catching you red handed staring at him. "What will you do if it stops working?".
"I'll ask you to turn it on again" you shrugged.
Snorting before he giggled, he bent over you to go for that peck he earned, aiming to go for a second one before you moved your head back.
He was so good at distracting you. And he knew.
As you fought to open the meat package, he saw some of your hair locks falling over your face, turning into something that could bother you to cook -at least until he took his beanie off, putting it on you so your hair wouldn't be getting in your eyes and face.
While you cooked, you could feel Jungkook's eyes on you. It was nothing new from him, but they had a special spark that day. You could feel there was something different in the way he looked at you, but you couldn't quite tell what. You just knew it made you nervous, ending up feeding him every few pieces that were cooked to try to divert his attention from you. But it only had you giggling at him while he chewed on the hot food, exhaling some air while he tried to cool it down in his mouth. And Jungkook wouldn't take long to do the same for you, taking his chopsticks before blowing on the piece so it would be at the right temperature when he offered it to you.
Just like you cooked, Jungkook offered to clean all of the things that were used, singing random verses with his honeyed voice while you just stared at him the same way he looked at you before, unable to believe everything was indeed real, and that special human being allowed you to take a spot in his most genuine and intimate side, which wasn't too far from what Jungkook kept thinking about whenever his eyes laid on you. You fitted together perfectly like puzzle pieces, and you made him feel complete, aware of how there was something missing when he thought he had everything he needed.
Right when you thought he'd sit still and finally join you to enjoy the chilly weather and the beautiful sight, you saw him walking back to his car with the bags, and returning to you with a small bottle and something that seemed like a tiny canva.
Of course his creativity wouldn't relax, not even in that short getaway.
"What's this for?" you took the canva from his hand.
"I'll explain it to you there. Let's go".
Jungkook held your hand tight as you walked into the beach, leaving behind the grassy space you had settled your camping on. You'd have expected anything, but not that he actually wanted to create a memory out of that weekend with you.
It was special, meaningful... and it also meant that he probably saw your relationship as something that could be long-term even if you had been only two months into your relationship.
"Let's put some glue on your hand" he started, holding your wrist to keep your hand stable as he traced a line on each one of your fingers and some circles to mark your palm, "and stick it on the canvas".
"You saw this on TikTok, didn't you?" you teased him, with Jungkook answering shortly with a proud nod.
You knew because you had also seen that video of a couple doing exactly what you were doing.
"It reminded me of you" he confessed with a soft tone. "That's why I picked this place".
You smiled as you followed his guidance, pressing your hand to later help him pour some sand over it. When it was his turn, you tried to make sure you poured the white glue the same way he did, marking the main lines of his big hand before he placed it next to yours.
Jungkook lifted it up with his clean hand once it was done, showing it to you proudly. That was it, apart from all the videos and pictures, that was your first memory together.
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Sitting next to each other, you two looked up at the starry sky, while covered with a warm blanket Jungkook just happened to have in his car -and that thankfully he carried with him. Your hands were sneaked under it, intertwining your fingers close, while his thumb traced some nonsensical lines that made your head feel at ease.
"Thank you for today" you whispered, only moving from looking at the stars in the sky to looking at the universe reflected in his eyes.
"Thank you for every day you've spent with me" he answered back, dedicating one of the sweetest smiles you had ever seen on him.
The burning sensation on your cheeks didn't take long to show up, forcing you to move your eyes away to look back at the sky as you fought to control the wide smile that was attempting to appear across your face.
"Hmm, what wish would you make if you saw a shooting star?" you quickly tried to switch the topic.
At first, you thought it'd be a way to change his focus from you to get it back on the sky over you, but it only made his gaze feel heavier on you.
What wish could he make?
He already had everything he wanted and needed, but he still tried to find the answer to your question, going through all the aspects in his life, covering up every corner, and all of a sudden every wish had something related to you. Jungkook didn't want that to end, that was his wish. He wanted to be with you, and he felt the sudden need to know you also felt the same way.
His heart pumped against his chest harder when those thoughts started crossing his mind, trying to order them all in his head to find the best way to say them out loud and getting them to make sense so you could understand.
"That the girl I love says she loves me back".
When you first heard him, you thought that maybe your Korean failed at some point. Could be you misunderstood a word, could be you misplaced the sentence in your head as you translated it. But it didn't seem like it when you looked back at him, finding his doe eyes bigger than usual, filled with that spark you had seen a few times throughout that day.
"I love you" he pronounced each word with the softest voice, holding your hand a bit tighter as he said them. "I know it might be too early, and maybe I'm rushing it, but I really love you. I want to be with you, and have these dates for a long long time. But I also want to be there for you when you need me, and look after you when you feel weak, I...".
"I love you, too".
You couldn't contemplate a universe where you didn't tell Jungkook you wanted exactly everything he wanted. Getting to know him during that time, actually spending quality time with him as you witnessed each and every single one of his facets made all those feelings that you had for him intensify every time your lips touched.
Hell, even your body felt lighter when he only pronounced your name.
His lips felt soft in contrast with the rough metal of his two lip rings when you linked your lips together, sucking on his lower lip before you moved to suck on the top one.
You just wanted everything from him.
"Come here, babe" he whispered, breaking the kiss.
"That chair won't handle our weight" your giggle built a few centimeters of distance as your head moved back.
"It will. Come here" he assured you, letting go of your hand to move the blanket away on his side.
How were you supposed to ignore those big brown eyes when he asked for cuddles?
You held onto the warm cup filled with hot chocolate he made sure to prepare on the camping gas before you could get all cozy.
"Can you say it again this close?" Jungkook asked once you were covered by the blanket while sitting on his lap.
A scoff left your lips at his question, knowing by the look he was giving you that he wanted it to be the second of so many other times hearing those words coming from you.
"I love you" you whispered, kissing his cheek.
"That won't work" his head shook while his lips were pressed together in disappointment. "You can't say those words and kiss me on the cheek. Repeat that, please".
"I love your annoying ass" you repeated, kissing the corner of his lips.
"Wrong sentence, and wrong place again. I can do this all night" he assured you.
His sassy tone made you giggle, trapping your lower lip between your teeth before you spoke again: "I love you".
Jungkook moved his head first, capturing your lips before you could totally lean over to him. It started sweet and gentle, but both of your mouths opened a little wider with every move you made, knowing it probably would be only the beginning of a whole make out session that could last for hours if you wanted to.
Except for the chair underneath you.
You only felt your body losing stability, and a loud gasp announcing the soon landing on the ground before you were actually aware of what happened.
Your cackles could probably be heard from meters away once you both made sure the other was okay, except for the hot chocolate messing up your oversized sweater and staining a bit of Jungkook's hoodie -although it was barely noticeable through the black fabric.
He got up first to help you stand up, holding your hands tight to make sure you wouldn't trip in the process.
"Look at your clothes" his concerned face made you giggle, thinking that he was more worried about it than you. "Change it and wear this".
Your mouth went dry when he took his hoodie off by pulling the neck up, making the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath rise with the fabric and expose his well-marked abs. You could feel your hormones start boiling up with that slight exposure of skin, feeling like you were back in your teenage years when the smallest thing was instantly connected to sex.
It was his power though.
Ever since you started dating, and even if you two tried to assure a normal date, the desire and hunger you felt for each other was always bigger than your willpower. Neither of you ever got enough of it. And that night would be no exemption.
"Babe, what are you thinking about?" he scoffed, looking at your blank expression as you held his hoodie tight in your hands.
But he already knew what was going on through your head. He could easily recognize the way your eyes darkened with some thoughts, and how you instinctively bit your lower lip to suppress them.
"Nothing" you shook your head, trying to get back to reality.
But it was too late to escape your ideas, because Jungkook already had a glimpse of them.
"Let me help you take off your sweater" his eyebrow raised with pettiness, stepping closer to you.
He blew into his hands, rubbing them together to warm them up before he started lifting your sweater slowly, making your body squirm lightly when the reverse of his fingers touched your stomach for the first time. The smirk told you everything you needed to know in that moment: he was going to help you give in to those filthy thoughts that flashed through your mind at the speed of light.
His nose rubbed against yours softly, almost getting your lips to touch as his hand moved dangerously close to your bra.
And you were already lost in him and his touch. With your boyfriend not having to do much more than just move his finger through your torso to have your knees almost shaking, eager for the kiss that would get you to lose your balance.
Before Jungkook could kiss you to let all his intentions be known, you moved your head back while a palm stopped him by his chest.
"Someone could see us" you giggled nervously.
"There's no one around. No one will see us. Don't worry" he assured you with a honeyed tone, rubbing right below the arch of your bra.
You both had tried to be careful with your relationship since the beginning. Barely going out -or showing no affection in public when you did, acting like strangers-, unable to act like a normal couple because the weight of his image was always heavier than your relationship. That, now that you were alone in the middle of nowhere, just lighted up by the fire he started, had you paranoid of someone popping up out of nowhere.
Jungkook was relaxed about it though.
Two of his fingers hooked on your chin, linking your lips together on a sweet kiss that would wash all those worries away, knowing a little bit too well how to get you to focus on him only.
Not even his smile kept you from moving along when your arms wrapped around his shoulders, sinking your fingers in the strand of his short locks as you tried to deepen the kiss. You could feel his mouth opening a bit wider when the tip of your tongue played with his lip rings, asking permission to get through. A gasp was shut down and drank by him when the hand on your torso moved down it until it reached your ass, squeezing one of your cheeks to pull you closer to his body and allowing you to feel the way his bulge started to grow against your lower belly. His hand moved a bit lower, digging in the link between your legs to steal a moan from you, when his fingers teased your pussy over your sweatpants.
You broke the kiss first, pulling from his lower lip, sucking on it, until it freed from your grip with a loud pop sound. Your open-mouthed kisses through his throat and neck, giving attention to every single mole in it, were also in sync with your silky and cold fingertips digging down his t-shirt, hearing Jungkook's groan above you by the contrast with his warm skin. You could feel the way his muscles contracted as you traced down your fingers over them, pulling playfully by the earrings on his left ear to get him to squirm and giggle because of it.
Your clit throbbed when his fingers digged over your clothed pussy "You aren't naked yet, and I can already tell how wet you are" his raspy voice teased you, while his fingers traced circles over your entrance.
"I haven't touched you directly, and I can tell how happy you're to see me by just doing this" you grinded your pelvis against his, feeling how hard and big he already was. "You're in no position to tease me about that".
"Get inside the tent".
You obeyed, taking your shoes off before you crawled inside the tent he settled earlier that afternoon. Before Jungkook could join you and tell you to get naked, most of your clothes were already gone, only having your underwear left. And when he joined you, he was also dressed with only his boxers, kicking his pants inside the text to crawl inside and close the zip.
It didn't take him long to kiss you again, with hunger and neediness, that you easily recognized because it was the way he kissed you whenever you were in that situation, moving his lips dominantly over yours while his tongue fought against yours.
The straps on your shoulders felt loose when he moved his hand through your back, moving the fabric away until it was blocked by your elbows on the flood, although it was just enough to expose your tits.
His tongue moved around your stiff button, almost as if he was preparing you for the moment he moved his flat tongue over it, sending an instant electricity through your spine. While one hand held your back, covering most of it, to keep you arched, his other hand reached to your mouth, moving his thumb in between your lips for you to suck it. He felt every rugosity as it got harder against his muscle, with his dick twitching in his boxers by the way you sucked on his finger.
"You're so beautiful, love" he admitted with a raspy voice, giving a peck in the middle of your breasts. "And you taste so good, too...".
Those last words were almost muffled with his lips enclosing around your nipple, moving his thumb away from your mouth so he could move it around the other one, just like he would have with his tongue, just to later pinch it at the same time his teeth bit on the other to get a loud gasp from you.
Suddenly the straps of your bra were a bother, keeping you stranded from touching him until you took it off completely. Your fingers sank in his hair again, making sure he wouldn't move away from that spot, while your other hand moved back his wide back with a soft caress that almost made him go insane.
Jungkook was too focused on the way you tasted, on the sounds you made, and the way your body squirmed under his, to notice the moment your hand moved to the front and digged in his boxers until your fingers wrapped around him.
The chilly air made you hum when he moved your panties aside, sliding two fingers through your slit until he found your entrance. He slid them into you slowly, until they were knuckles deep into your pussy. The steady in an out pace made your heart a little bit faster, and your mind clouded a little bit more, driving you crazy when he added a thumb on your clit, to tease you back by the way your fingers wrapped a little bit tighter around him whenever they reached his tip.
His fingers curled inside of you, tempting a spot that almost turned your spine into hot tar as he moved them up and down against that sensitive spongy spot, with your legs trembling the longer he went on it.
"Kook..." you tried to warn him.
"I know, babe. Cum on my fingers".
He said those words while his chin rested on your chest, admiring your face as he helped you be teared apart. Jungkook loved seeing how those lovely and innocent eyes went all lustful and dark when he did those things to you. He loved knowing he was the only one who could see you that way.
Your fingertips digged on his scalp, and your fingers set him free as your wrist twisted with the pleasure that ran over you, and took control over your body, when Jungkook awarded you with an orgasm.
You took a few seconds to get back at yourself, looking down at him with hooded eyes and a pleased smile, before you pulled him again for a kiss.
Your bodies moved almost at the same time, reading through each other as you sat on your knees to get rid of the remaining pieces of clothing to be fully naked.
Jungkook dragged you with him, sitting with his legs crossed, while his hands guided you to wrap yours around his body.
"Wait, the condom..." you reminded him, breaking the kiss.
"Fuck, I didn't bring any" he whined, throwing his head back.
"I didn't either" you puckered your lips, holding onto his shoulders. "It's alright" you shrugged, moving your hands up to his neck ", I'm on the pill".
"Alright" he purred, giving small kisses that never fully ended up with him sucking your lower lip.
One of his hands never left your body, always making sure you knew he was there for you, while the other lined himself up to your entrance.
You both moaned in sync when you helped him, lowering your hips slowly to take him in inch by inch, feeling him stretch you out and getting used to him while your walls wrapped around him perfectly.
One hand was supported on his thigh, while the other found some support around his shoulder and neck, finding the perfect stability to start moving the best you could in that position. He dedicated you one sweet smile before you felt attracted to his lips, feeling the need to kiss him even if it'd be interrupted every few seconds by your gasps and moans, or your sudden need to get more air.
"Are you comfortable like this?" he tried to make sure, rubbing his palm on your flexed thigh.
"Uh-hum" you nodded, too concentrated on the way his cock felt every time you dug it back in after lowering your hips.
"You're such a goddess" he caressed your cheek.
Jungkook was the type to do dirty talk whenever you had sex. He loved the blush on your cheeks, or your fucked out face whenever he said something that'd have you slapping his face in any other context. But he also loved showering you with love and praises when the mood asked for it. And that night he only wanted to worship your body, stare at you as you took him in and admire the way your lips parted whenever his tip rubbed over the right spot every few thrusts.
When you opened your eyes, you found him staring at you with that particular look he had given you many times before, making you smile almost instantly. You wrapped your arms around him, gluing your torsos together as you worked on him.
"I love you" he whispered against your lips, moving your locks away from your face. "I'm so in love with you" he repeated, almost as if he indeed wanted to leave it clear for you.
Your answer was interrupted by a sudden moan, before you tried to speak again "I love you, too" you let him know with a high-pitched voice, resting your forehead on his.
Your fingers dented on each other's skin, tried to get ready for the new wave of pleasure as your pulse started racing up and your breaths got heavier and more difficult with every move. There was desperation in his eyes as you looked into them, knowing your eyes were probably reflecting the right same thing with every move you made. His needy short moans almost made you lose yourself, delighting yourself with those sounds and knowing that was one of the few things you'd want to keep hearing for the rest of your life.
Both of your moans turned messier and cracked, while your fast and determined moves turned into arrhythmic and sloppy as all the hairs in your body raised with the new orgasm. And even though you could feel his cock twitching inside of you, spilling his seed, Jungkook held you close and tight, caressing you through the last few and slower moves until you stayed completely still on top of him.
The only things that could be heard in the tent were your shaky breaths, and the fabric of the bed beneath you wrinkling as Jungkook adopted a more relaxed position for his legs.
"Did I already say that I love you?" Jungkook inquired, looking up at you.
You didn't answer with words, but you did answer with a happy giggle and an intimate peck that quickly evolved into a deeper kiss.
The next afternoon, after eating lunch early on the beach, he drove you back home. Jungkook's hand rested on your thigh, while the other kept the wheel controlled, dedicating you a few looks every few minutes just to get to see you smile again.
"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" you asked, after Jungkook parked his car in front of your building.
"I'd love to" he assured you. "But I have a schedule tomorrow, and I don't want to wake you up earlier than needed. I'll send you a text when you wake up".
He always did.
Jungkook learned your habits the more time he spent with you. So even if he woke up earlier and you weren't together, his good morning message always showed up on your screen at the same time your alarm blasted to interrupt your sleep.
"Don't stay up too late" you asked him.
Although Jungkook gave you an accusing look, reminding you you were always the reason he stayed up later than what he planned first.
"I won't answer your tests after nine. This time I mean it" the threat you just threw at him was probably the biggest lie you had ever told him.
"You will, unless you want me to show up here five minutes later".
And he'd certainly be able to.
"You're so annoying" you scoffed, shaking your head.
"But you love me anyway".
Jungkook had been dying to say that sentence and for it to be true for a long few weeks already. And the fact that he was already able to say it with certainty that it was true made him proud, and you could tell by the way his voice sounded cheerful as he said it.
"I do. That's why I'm telling you to rest well" you repeated.
"I'll try my best" Jungkook assured you.
"Send me a text when you get home" you softly said, leaning over to kiss him.
"I will" Jungkook always did, but you liked reminding him.
After giving him one last peck, you got out of the car and walked to your house. Not without turning to him a few times to wave goodbye at him and manage to see his smile one last time before you close the door to your building behind you. 
Taglist: @ttanniett
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
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𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐭
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦
𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐊𝐀 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"I wanna meet your dad."
You freeze.
Jake is staring up at you with his brows drawn together, with his mouth in a tight line--though you can see that a tentative smile is starting to tug at his lips. There are little beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, his cheeks flushes that pretty pink you like so much. He's gripping your naked hips, holding you down on him, and he was bucking his hips into yours a moment ago but he's still now.
"You've...met my dad," you say, shaking your head softly, throwing your hair over your shoulders.
You're panting now--you were licking the heels of another orgasm, so close you could taste it. It's fading fast, a fleeting thing that's exiting stage right as Jake pulls you stage left.
"Yeah, I know," Jake breathes, pressing his forehead against yours and pressing a few chaste kisses to your lips. He groans softly when you wriggle, just enough for his cock to pulse. "But like I want to...meet him."
He's seated deeply inside you, filling you up so perfectly that it makes you wanna cry--and yes, you have told him that and yes, it did go to his head but yes, you don't really mind anymore--and he's securing your stillness with the capable palms of his hands. He's stroking your hip bones absently, the way he always does.
Jake didn't even know that he liked to touch--or, honestly, to be touched--until he started spending his evenings with you. Now he wants to touch you in any and every capacity, all the time, everywhere. His arms around your waist as you bake cookies in his kitchen, his lips against your shoulder as you wash your face at night, his hand on the small of your back as you walk through the foyer, his foot nudging yours under the desk in the briefing room.
"Jake," you whisper, adjusting again--which makes the both of you moan lowly--and pressing your lips to his forehead. "Maybe we could talk about this later?"
Jake nods, cheeks pink. He knows he should bring it up really...any other time. But you don't really like to talk about your dad--and he gets it, he respects it. You spend all day listening to everyone talk about him dying and come to Jake's house to find solace in his company. He doesn't want to force anything on you.
And really, he didn't mean to start thinking about it right now of all times, but it's just something that happened. When you came to his house tonight, just after eight o'clock as usual, he could tell that you'd been crying. And when he'd started to coo at you, pushing your hair behind your ears, trying to coax some sort of admission out of you, you'd kissed him with a hunger that only he knew how to quench. Who was he to deny you? Especially when your lips were so minty and your body was aching for him so bad and he hadn't touched you hardly at all today.
So as the two of you trampled to the living room, feverishly kissing each other's open throats and tearing clothes off two at a time, he wondered about the cause of your tears. Really, he knew. Your dad--it's always your dad. And he knows that it isn't going to be long now. He'd looked it up; most people who start hospice live about three weeks. It'd been two since your dad started.
And just as you were totally bare before him in the glow of the television and nothing else, just as Jake brought his mouth down to your nipples, just as you cried his name and raked your fingers through his hair the way that drives him crazy--the thought occurred to him.
Your dad won't be here for someone--maybe him if he plays his cards right--to ask his permission to marry you. Your dad isn't going to walk you down the aisle. Your dad will never meet any of his grandchildren.
He has one foot out the door and you're living everyday like it's his last but still pushing through your own life because that's what you have to do. Jake understands this. He gets it.
And even though he wrapped your hair around his fist a moment ago and started a merciless assault on your clit the way he knows you like, he has the sudden urge to be very gentle with you. He can't think about all the nasty things he's said to you in the past--really, it makes him nauseous and keeps him up at night, even if you're tucked into his side--so he whispers your name and tells you what a good girl you are.
You're just trying to survive, your orgasm approaching with a suddenness that leaves you genuinely quaking in his arms. Your eyes are clamped shut in ecstasy and your skin is goosed and your cheeks are frying.
"Let go, baby," Jake was whispering to you, his breath hot against your chest. "Give it to me, baby. I've got you, I'll take it."
And just as you knew you were being tipped over the edge, just as you were about to cum on his fingers, you opened your eyes to look at him. He liked to look at you when you came--you knew that and you gave it to him regularly. Recently, you were starting to think that it had less to do with ego and more to do with affection, though. But when you looked down at him, all those planes of rippling muscle and tan skin, the breath was knocked out of your lungs. Because even in the dim light in the living room, even though your eyes were bleary and your mind was buzzing, you saw the softness in which he gazed upon you. His sweet, green eyes were glossy and swimming with something that was achingly close to love. His brows were knit just so, just that tiny bit, and his mouth was parted and wet.
When you met his eyes, your fingernails embedded in the skin of his arm, he smiled very softly.
"Cum for me, baby," he whispered and it proved wildly effective.
You did cum for him, crying out his name, writhing on his lap. There was something so delicious about him giving you pleasure with no expectation. You weren't even touching his cock, but you knew he was hard. Just him touching you made him hard.
And as you came down from that first orgasm, mind still reeling from his gaze and his touch, he muttered little bits of affection towards you until you were dizzy. You collapsed onto him, laughing dryly, trying to catch your breath. Instead of picking your hips up and pushing into you, instead of pushing you that much further, he wrapped his arms around you. It was something he was careful about doing, choosing his moments wisely, and you didn't shy away when he stroked your hair.
"Y'alright?" He muttered softly.
You nodded into his neck, wrapping your arms around him, too.
"Fine," you told him. "You ready to go?"
And now, right now, he's staring back at you with those soft eyes again. He looks mildly embarrassed for having brought up your dying dad while filling you to the hilt and it makes a pang of chest radiate through your chest. Because despite yourself--and your best efforts--you don't like Jake to feel embarrassed. You don't like him to feel anything but happy and good. This is all new, achingly new, but you know that with every little hair on your body.
"Yeah, I--sorry, I was just..." he starts to ramble, absolutely wanting to kick himself for bringing it up right now. He leans forward, starts to feverishly kiss you again, but you're smiling now.
"Slow down," you whisper. Both of you choose to ignore the fact that he's inside you right now. "It's really--it's okay. Don't be sorry."
He nods, biting his lip. He pushes your hair behind your ears, the way he's been doing for a while now, the way you like so much. And then he smiles softly. You're waiting for him to continue his thoughts and he's trying to gather them.
"I just thought I could meet him. You know...as your," Jake shrugs, swallowing hard and shrugging, "boyfriend. If that's, like, what you want."
You're tingling now. The two of you haven't had an explicit discussion about what your label is. You haven't been explicitly hiding it around base, some less-than-subtle glances and lower back grazes here and there, but you haven't been broadcasting this from the rooftops either. You've just been in your own little world together.
You've known for a while now that this is more than just fucking--you can tell, he can tell. But you didn't think he'd want this. You didn't think Jake Seresin was the kind of guy to settle in, settle down.
But he's been exceeding your expectations for a while now.
"Boyfriend, huh?" You whisper, a grin tugging at your lips. "You sure you wanna get involved with...all of this?"
He knows you're trying to make the situation seem less serious. He knows you're trying to kid with him, trying to get him to crack a grin. But he doesn't smile. He just keeps looking into your pretty eyes and nods, very seriously.
"Yes," he simply says. "I'm sure."
Your heart stutters. You could press him. You could tell him the Hell your life has been since your dad's cancer came back. You could tell him about your terrible third cousins that you're almost certain are stealing your mom's silver. You could tell him about your sister and the way she's been drinking a bottle of wine every night in the name of grief. You could tell him about your dad's unwillingness to accept that things are a fucking mess right now. You could tell him about how badly you want your dad to stay--how you're so afraid of what will happen when he's gone that it's almost unthinkable.
But looking at Jake now, looking at him look at you with those fucking green eyes, you know that he won't scare off. Not that easily. It would be a fruitless attempt if you tried.
"Okay," you bite your lip, nodding. "Yeah, okay. Yes, let's do it."
Jake can't help himself--he kisses you, kisses you with a grin on his face, kisses you with a giddiness that has you laughing, kisses you with a sweetness that makes your toes curl.
"Good," he mumbles against your lips, shaking his head softly. "I won't let you down, okay? I promise."
You hold his cheeks, brows knit slightly. You're making him look you in the eyes and for a moment, he's worried that he's upset you. But then you just tut.
"Jake," you whisper to him, "I wasn't worried about you letting me down. Not even a little bit."
✧ ✧ ✧
You're nervous. Even though you know you shouldn't be, you're nervous. Maybe it's because your house is so quiet right now--like quieter than it's been in months. Your mother, the saint that she is, had sensed your nerves and somehow managed to get all of your family out of the house for a movie and lunch.
So it's just you and your dad as you wait for Jake.
Maybe you're nervous because your dad hasn't ever met any of your boyfriends before. And despite this feeling in your gut that knows better than you do, you're worried that it's too new. You've only been official for a few days. Your shower encounter was almost three months ago--maybe you should start counting from there.
Or maybe you're nervous because this feels like an ending of sorts that you are wildly unprepared for. You know that Jake is doing this because this is his only opportunity. You know that he's doing the right thing meeting your dad, trying to do right by you and Ice. But it still feels like this is an ending you're ill-equipped for. Really, you're not prepared for any ending. At the very least--you're readying yourself for your father's death.
But for him to meet Jake as your boyfriend for the first time, for them to shake hands and agree that you're something special, it makes your heart ache. If things keep going the way they're going with Jake now--good, just blindingly good--you think it might break your heart even more to know that Ice will never meet Jake as anything but your very new boyfriend. Never a fiancé, never a husband. You know you're getting ahead of yourself, really you do, but when your dad is dying--you have all the time in the world to get ahead of yourself.
A sudden tapping takes you out of your swimming mind and drops you down in the big chair beside your father's bed. He's awake, and more than that, he's knocking on the wooden table beside him to get your attention.
"Hey, dad," you whisper, sitting up a bit straighter. You make it a point to not cry in front of him, like you always have, so you're all smiles as you lean forward. "You're up!"
Ice nods, mustering a tired smile for you. He points to his hair with an eyebrow perched and watches your grin spread.
"Lookin' good," you tell him. "No bedhead here."
He nods, settling into his pillows.
"Can I get you anything? Water?"
He shakes his head. He's been up for a little while. When he came to, blinking himself out of a fitful sleep, he just watched you for a while. His daughter--his precious, sweet daughter--so pensive. You've always been pensive; you get it from him. But as he watched you chew on your lip, glazed eyes gazing out the window, he knew there was something you weren't saying. There was something you weren't saying for his sake; he knows this. He's always been able to read you like an open book.
And even now as you smile at him, Sarah's smile, he knows it's just between your teeth. Ice knows he's dying--he's accepted this. He's lived a good life, raised good kids, loved a good woman. He's okay with this being the bookend of a very fruitful life. But what he has not accepted is leaving you all behind. He has no accepted putting you in a position where you can't cry in front of him, a position that makes his other daughter drink too much, a position that makes your once-peaceful home a revolving door for strange family. He has always been a provider and protector; it's hard for him to sit back and wait.
He makes sure you're looking at him when he signs it: what's wrong, flower?
You smile. He's called you that since you were little.
"I'm fine," you say with a soft smile. "Nervous, maybe. But fine."
Ice gives you a pointed look--one that makes your heart falter. Of course he can tell that you're lying. He always can.
Tell me. Humor an old man.
As if to prove his age, he pretends to cough wearily. You laugh. He's always been able to make you laugh--even when you want to cry.
"I don't wanna worry you," you tell him, wringing your hands.
Ice scoffs, waving you off.
I'm a retired Admiral. Don't flatter yourself.
You're laughing again. Ice smiles--he loves that sound. He's going to miss it.
So now you look at him, your face softening in the glow of the sun. And you can feel that you're going to be honest with him. Like the kind of honest that makes your teeth hurt. You can't lie to him. You can't say everything's okay.
"I'm scared," you admit.
It's the most honest you've been with him in week. Honestly, it's the most honest anyone's been with him in weeks. And Ice relishes in that honesty for a moment. It's such a simple thing to tell him, but he knows that it was hard for you to say it. There's that courage you've always had, the one that makes you tough enough to fly F-18s.
I'm not. Ice smiles very gently. Lived well. Loved good.
There are already tears clouding your vision. You nod, sniffing, but continue.
"Are you ready, dad?"
He thinks for a moment. Of course he isn't ready to leave you--any of you. He's going to miss cashmere blankets and the sun on his face. He's going to miss the scent of leather and good Scotch. He's going to miss Sarah's snores and playing charades after big dinners. But he's been sick for a long time; he's tired.
I'm tired. Ice nods, sighing before continuing. Don't feel good.
You nod. You keep nodding. He knows you're about to crack. And he's right--as soon as you bring your hands up, your lips begin to quiver. A few tears stream down your face.
"I'm not ready for you to go."
Ice already knows this. He knows. And it's a strange sort of pleasure and pain that fills him up that someone has finally said it. All of you, his sweet women, have been putting on brave faces for him. Telling him that you understand, that it's okay. But here you are, being so honest with him the way you used to be, the way you've been trying to hold back.
You're proper weeping now, sniffling and wiping your eyes with your shirtsleeve. You're blinking at this force of a man, this man that used to carry you on his shoulders around Top Gun and let you sit in his jet, and feeling an overwhelming loss wash over you. Time is running out. You both know it. And you're not ready for him to go. You're really, really not.
I know. Ice signs, shaking his head softly. But you're gonna have to be.
He signs this with softness. He's never been anything but soft with you and your sister and your mom. You know he's just telling you what you need to hear.
"I'm scared that I'll mess up. I'm scared I'll make the wrong choices. You tell me when I'm wrong. You tell me when people are good or bad, dad. What am I going to do? How am I going to live?" You're rambling--you know it. But you can't stop it now that it's started. "What am I going to go, dad? Tell me."
It feels good to let it off your chest. All of these things you've kept buried deep with the help of Jake.
Ice clears his throat.
Fuck it.
You laugh--partly in shock and partly in wonder.
"What?" You sputter.
Ice smiles softly.
That's how you live. You mess up. You let the bad people in. You make the wrong choice. You drink too much. You don't sleep enough. You get bad haircuts. You order the wrong coffee. You get in trouble. You cry. You say mean things. You fight. You nap. Fuck it.
Your chest is aching now. Thoroughly aching. You wish you could write all this down, that you could have it in his pretty script, but you know in your heart that not a word of this will fade from your memory.
"Fuck it?" You ask tearfully.
He nods, clearing his throat.
"Fuck it," he whispers.
His voice is gravely and rough and you know that it hurts him. You know that this is probably the last time you'll ever hear him speak. You want to laugh, but a bigger part of you wants to cry.
Ice watches you carefully. You look so much like a little girl right now. That hard-headed little thing that followed him all around the house, picking up his heavy pens and scribbling on his nice card-stock just to be like him. The little girl that threw a tantrum for Sarah when she took you to get shots but wouldn't let a single tear fall when he took you. You're the strongest person he's ever known. He doesn't know where you get it from.
I love you. He continues signing. I would stay if I could. For you. For your sister. For your mom.
You nod, sighing, still weeping. Your fingers are numb with grief.
"I love you, dad," you whisper. You know that it won't be the last time you tell him that.
That's precisely when Jake finally gets the nerve to knock on the front door. He's nervous, too, but he isn't going to let it show. He's been practicing his handshake with Rooster for the better part of an afternoon and asked Phoenix what he should bring. He let Bob of all people pick his outfit--in exchange for Hangman telling him what's going on between the two of you--and he called Coyote on the way over for a pep talk.
So now he's standing on the front porch of your family home with a bouquet of flowers he doesn't even know the name of and a bottle of wine he's certain is more expensive than his car.
But then you open the door and in all your softness, your red eyes and your swollen lips and your messy hair, he relaxes. It's you. It's you and he knows you and he wants to do the right thing so that's why he's doing this. And that makes it easier.
"Hey," he says softly. "Is this the Kazansky residence?"
You bite your lip, wiping a stray tear. You don't feel ashamed about them anymore. Fuck it.
"If I say yes, are you gonna run for the hills?"
He grins. You've already managed to calm the erratic beat of his heart just by being here, just by being in his direct line of sight. He sees your tears, but he somehow knows that you don't need to be coddled right now. He knows you're okay. You look like you've released a breath that's been held for months.
"Not even a little," he promises.
You're eyeing the flowers now. Bluebells--they're your favorite.
"Those for me?"
Jake hands them to you very carefully, watching the pink in your cheeks spread when you inhale their scent.
"You're beautiful," he finally whispers.
He wishes that he hadn't waited so long to say it to you. It's the first thing he should've said when you opened the door. Hell, it's the first thing he should've said to you when he saw you.
You smile at him, pretending to roll your eyes.
"It's not me you have to butter up," you tease, nodding for him to come inside. "It's my dad, remember?"
Jake is feeling less and less nervous the farther you two venture into your home. It smells like you--or maybe you smell like the house--and it's crowded with photographs and comfy couches and big windows. He likes it--he can imagine that it was a good place to grow up. He can just about imagine you running around the halls with your little brows furrowed, chasing some poor but good-natured dog.
"Don't put those in a vase," he says, his hand falling onto your lower back. "I'll get it, okay?"
You just nod, biting your lip. A man after your own heart.
Just before you're about to guide him into your father's room, where you know he's waiting for you, Jake cups your cheek. Silently, he thumbs away a mostly-dried tear. He doesn't prod, doesn't ask what the tears are for. He won't make you tell him anything you aren't ready for.
And for that--you kiss him. It's a kiss that's becoming more common in your relationship now, one that doesn't always lead to sex, one that is just for the sake of closeness.
"Hope your dad is ready to have his socks knocked off," Jake whispers against your lips, nuzzling his nose against yours. "Cause I'm about to charm them off his feet."
You want to roll your eyes--but instead you laugh.
"I'll lead the way," you offer.
He has even relinquished his nerves entirely when he walks into your father's bedroom. And he's met Ice a couple times, mainly at ceremonies or in passing at galas, but never anything like this. His heart starts to race but then you take his hand and squeeze it and suddenly the world is right again.
"Dad," you start softly, smiling at Ice, who is sitting up straighter in bed now. "You've met Lieutenant Seresin before, yeah?"
Ice nods, motioning for the two of you to come to his bedside. Jake follows you wordlessly, plastering a smile to his face--a charming one, one that could make even grown men swoon.
"Pleasure to meet you again, sir," Jake says, saluting.
Ice smiles and gestures for him to fall at ease. And then Ice reaches out for Jake's hand--and Jake just about trips over himself to shake it.
This is the moment him and Rooster have been waiting for.
You watch on with a fond smile, feeling lighter and heavier at the same time. You're glad you were honest with your dad--but it's still a whole lot of truth to swallow in a short amount of time.
Ice lets go of Jake's hand and catches your gaze.
Good grip.
You smile, holding your hand against Jake's lower back.
"He says you've got a good handshake," you tell Jake, who's watching with a small smile. "That's a pretty high compliment from someone that's shaken the hand of two presidents."
Ice knocks on the table, his brows furrowed.
He holds up three fingers with his lips pursed.
"Sorry," you chuckle. "Three presidents."
Jake laughs, too. He can see where you get your sense of humor from now. That and your attitude.
You tell Jake to sit in the chair and he does, wanting very badly to pull you down over his lap, but knowing better. You perch yourself on the arm of the chair and fight the urge to comb your fingers through Jake's hair.
How long?
"He's asking us how long we've been together--?"
Ice shakes his head again.
How long as he been in love with you?
You gape at your father, your cheeks instantly flooding. Your heart is suddenly racing and you're narrowing your eyes at him, shaking your head. He's smiling at you, something between a grin and a smirk, and he just shrugs.
Ice is only kidding around with you--partly. But he knows that you're falling in love with Jake. He can read it all over your face, the same way he could read it all over your mother's face. You're wistful and sweet, prancing around the house, smiling down at your phone. He knows it. And just seeing the way Jake is looking up at you now, something dazzling in his gaze, Ice knows that Jake isn't far behind if not up ahead.
"You're bad," you hiss playfully. "Why don't you start with some lighter conversation? Like how was your afternoon?"
Jake's heart is squeezing watching you talk to your father. He can see it, clear as day, that you admire your father. You love him. He knows how difficult this is all going to be. And usually, that would scare him. It would send him running for the hills. But right now, the only place he can imagine being is right here; next to you.
Ice sighs, shrugging. He signs again and you laugh. Jake watches on, amused.
"He says I'm no fun," you say with a fond smile. "Jake thinks I'm great fun."
Jake finds himself nodding, letting his hand rest on your lower back. He strokes the skin there softly, content in just feeling you against his skin. It soothes you, too--just knowing that he's here and he's close.
It goes swimmingly, really--like better than you could've imagined it going. Your father is on his best behavior and Jake is, too. Jake is charming--more charming than you care to admit. You act as your father's translator, hardly getting through a conversation about cigars and scotch. Jake presses his hand to yours the entire three hours he's there, squeezing you to check in on you every now and then. And you're smiling, lighter than you've felt in a long time.
So when you're at the front door, tangled in each other's arms, you feel like crying again just from the relief and the grief of it all. It's over--that was the first and the last time.
"Thank you," you whisper to Jake, pressing your forehead against his. "It means a lot to me. I'm sure you didn't want to--!"
Jake kisses you, shaking his head. He tucks hair behind your ear, kisses your nose and cheeks.
"Hey, it was my idea, remember?" He whispers. "You can't take the credit for this one."
It's the perfect thing for him to say--it's enough to make you laugh and just enough to keep you from crying. You kiss him again, holding him tight.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?" You whisper to him. "Gonna help my mom make dinner and then I'll head over."
Jake nods, kissing your forehead.
"Okay," he whispers. "I've got a bottle of wine with your name on it, sugar."
And it's after a few more kisses, after you've waved him off, after you let your heart settle in your chest again, that you walk back into your father's room. He's waiting for you, has even scooted over to make space for you.
Wordlessly, you climb into bed beside him. He puts his arms around you and you lay on his frail chest. You've always been a daddy's girl--this position is familiar. It brings a warm, warm comfort that you can feel in your bones.
For a long time, neither of you speak. The house is quiet. His breathing is shallow. His heartbeat is steady. You're not crying anymore.
"What'd you think?" You ask finally, your voice hushed. "About Jake."
Ice is still relishing in holding you. He hasn't held you in too long. He hates that father's stop holding their daughter's when they grow up. He's thinking that if he could live his life again, he would hold you everyday. But he can't, so he just keeps you close to him and hums softly.
You look up at him and he smiles down at you.
You pat his chest softly, laughing.
Ice hopes that he can still hear that laugh when he gets to where he's going. It would be mighty lonesome to never hear it again.
He's good. He loves you.
You're blushing now, shaking your head and biting your lip. It's almost too much to think about. Your dad is dying--you can't think about Hangman being in love with you.
"It's new," you tell your dad, your voice thin. "Like, really new."
Ice waves you off.
Doesn't matter.
You nod. Him and Sarah famously got married after knowing each other for four months.
You think hard about it now, chewing your lip. Maybe this dizzy way you feel is you falling in love. Maybe this is why there are butterfly wings in your veins. Maybe this is why your tongue gets thick with tears when you think about the color of Jake's eyes or the gatorade in his fridge. God, you've been in love before--here and there--and you've always known immediately. But there is so much happening in your life, so many moments you're worried are going to be the last, that you haven't even stopped to consider it.
And usually you can tell when boys are in love with you. But the more you think about it, Jake's displayed all the tell-tale symptoms. He's soft with you, never grasping you harder than he would a baby bird. He makes you cum before you even touch him. He kisses your eyelids when he thinks you're asleep. He knows your favorite drink. He always saves a spot for you at every table. He likes to hold your hand in the car.
But now, in the safety and comfort of your father's arms, the realization dawns on you. Shit. Jake is in love with you. And you're pretty sure you're in love with him, too.
"And what if we are in love? What do I do next?"
Your father smiles--it's good to see him smile.
Fuck it.
𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬
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uhhhh hi guys. first of all? I am. so sorry. this was so sad. I was literally bawling when I wrote this. but yay, I updated!!
thank you so much for all your love and support!! let me know down below what you want to see from this couple!!!
here is my official apology for this chapter :( I'm sorry!
here is my tag list!!
if you liked this, consider checking out my Jake x You story!
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devnmon · 2 years
Eyes on The Road
Daryl decides not to drive his bike somewhere for once, which opens up a new opportunity for you.
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Disclaimer: This is probably going to get filthy. Minors u are NOT welcome here! i mean it, don't even interact.
Warnings: Smut!!! oral (male receiving), dom!daryl, doggy style sex on the side of the road, head while driving, begging, teasing, fem!reader (reader with female anatomy), praise kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it ppl), language
word count: 3.3k
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Daryl and his bike were two things in the world that weren't without the other very often, much like his leather vest and familiar crossbow. He would become stubborn over taking a truck when one needed to be driven, because he was always sure he'd be faster on his bike.
Today though, he'd missed the smell of motor oil and a running engine of something that wasn't a bike. Before the turn, Daryl had driven his father's truck a hundred times and always loved being behind the wheel. As it was, there was a supply trip scheduled for you and him to venture out upon. The area for scavenging was big, not to mention guaranteed to have supplies. So, a truck with the capacity for a large amount of boxes was the right way to go.
Hesitantly, Daryl chose to leave his beloved bike home for a pickup truck that he had conveniently fixed up to use for days like this. Not only because the two of you continuously brought back an abundance of supplies; Daryl always wanted to be able to look over at you while driving, which didn't happen, couldn't happen, when he rode his bike.
Although, Daryl was fond of the way your arms gripped his torso when you rode on the back of his bike. Rick said the two of you looked like one of those couples in a movie that went riding off into the sunset together.
As Daryl walked down the hallway, he relaxed his eyes on you, sat on the couch. You were already preparing to leave on the supply run with him. he had always wanted you to be safe behind the walls while he went on runs. Though, him getting outside Alexandria without your company was never an option.
"Hey, you. So listen, uh, 'bout the run.."
Your gaze lifted from tying the brown boots at your feet to the familiar voice that met your ears. Rising from the couch, you looked at daryl who was stood a couple feet away, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. The leather jacket he'd found for you rested around your shoulders and the sight of you in it brought back Daryl's constant itch to kiss you.
"Hey, what about the run? If you tell me I can't go, Daryl, I swear-"
"No- no, sunshine. I still want ya with me. We're just gonna take one of them trucks outside 'stead of my bike. Just, we ain't gonna know how much we might find 'till we're out there. So, I wanna make sure we got 'nough room."
"Oh, okay. Wow, Daryl Dixon behind the wheel of a car for once, that'll be a sight to see."
"Pfft, stop. I'm just sayin' it'll be safer for us, ya know?”
"Yeah, I know. With you, it will be. I trust you."
The image of Daryl behind the wheel of a truck sounded unimaginable, since he’s always taken his bike on runs.
This time though, you would finally be given the opportunity to gawk at his charming face while he drove.
You could hold his hand, too. you could do a lot of things.
"Mhm, well we should get goin', 'fore we lose any light. Ya got everythin' you need?"
"Oh I definitely have everything I need." He picked up on the look you shot him immediately, walked over to where you stood and took your hand.
"C'mon, let's go." The grip he's got on your hand tethered both of you together. Even without it, you would follow Daryl anywhere, and you knew that already.
With help from the archer, the truck got packed to head out through the Alexandrian community you called home. Long roads you drove down were curved and lined with trees, until Daryl finally pulled onto the highway.
Your view moved from looking out the window to the man next to you, relaxed in his seat as he drove. You took in the sight of him, accompanied by his usual dark flannel shirt and pair of angel wings on his back.
In that moment, the pesky little idea you tried to push away earlier returns to your brain.
Daryl's ruggedly handsome figure sat inches from you, and you weren't all over him. It was time to change that.
That being said, it was the perfect time to put your idea into motion.
You shifted closer, just enough, so the both of you were shoulder to shoulder. That's when Daryl glanced over at you, seeing the slight smirk on your face. He thought nothing of it as his eyes went back to the road in front of him.
He felt your left hand drop softly onto his inner thigh, gripping it ever so lightly.
"What do ya think yer doin’?" Daryl cleared his throat, caught off guard by your movement. Without responding, your hand shifted further up Daryl's thigh, rubbing against the inner denim of his leg.
Your doe eyes studied his face, soaked in lust, wondering whether he would let you go further or not.
Daryl’s eyes didn’t budge from the road.
"I just wanna make you feel good, Dar."
That was the moment he realized what your motive was. It’s not that he didn’t want it, Daryl was damn sure he did.
It was just, well you caught him a bit off guard.
"Sunshine- wait-"
You paused.
Shit. Oh my god, what if he doesn’t want this.
“Daryl, you want me to keep going?”
His gaze on the road faltered a bit.
“I- yeah course I do, but-”
“But what? Daryl, if you don’t want this, please tell me.”
“No- it’s just- ya don’t gotta.”
Daryl wasn’t the type of man to believe since you were together, you had to do things like this for him.
No, in retrospect, it was the complete opposite.
Daryl was the one on his knees for you most of the time. Of course, you enjoyed it. Hell, you lavished in it. Though he didn’t speak often, Daryl was good with his tongue. He hadn’t given you a chance yet to be the one on your knees in the name of his pleasure.
Your hand moved again, rubbing over the little tent in Daryl's jeans, such jeans that were growing way too tight for his liking.
"But, I want to, Daryl. Let me, please."
There was a part of his brain that wanted to tell you no, that it would be dangerous for you to do while in a moving vehicle.
But there was a completely different part of him that was going to ignore the other half of his conscience and let you continue.
Daryl himself had one or two or several dirty thoughts about you in a car, so the notion of you doing that to him while he drove wasn't completely out of his comfort zone.
"God- shit, sweetheart. I-I mean.. shouldn't I pull ov-"
You scooted impossibly closer to him and leaned up to his ear.
Your hands moved then, undoing the button and zipper of Daryl's pants. he felt your hands moving swift as an arrow to rid him of his straining boxers.
Daryl could taste the tension on his tongue at this moment. He so very badly wanted to rip his eyes away from the road.
Though, he could feel the warmth of you surrounding him then. His length finally hit the air, and more importantly, your hands.
Daryl groaned at the sudden feeling from you and bit down on his lip so hard, he could've sworn it drew blood. His resolve weakened when he glanced down to catch an image of your hands on his length. One he could pull from his brain the nights he was away from you.
He didn't catch one, though. All Daryl got when he looked was you glancing up at him followed by your hands slowly halting their movement and pulling away.
"Eyes on the road, Dar. Or I stop."
His eyes locked right back on the road, in time to swerve around an abandoned car left aimlessly to rot away.
Though his teeth were hooked atop his lip, another groan escaped him.
"Fuck- fuck. Sorry, sunshine, shit. You just- you felt so good."
"Daryl. Are you watching the road?" The condescending tone you spoke to him with made Daryl want to slam on the brakes and cut your teasing short. The only reason he’d held out thus far was the sole fact that you hadn't put your mouth on him yet.
"Yes- yeah, I am." He felt your hands crowd him once more, one of them now resting at the base of his shaft, the other wrapped around his tip, thumbing gently.
Daryl's work-weathered hands gripped the steering wheel with more force now, the feeling of you egging him on so intensely. His foot on the gas pedal increased pressure, making the truck speed up.
Your hand dragged up and down slowly, as he hardened even more between your fingers. Your hand at his tip moved to his thigh, only for the loss of you to be replaced by your mouth.
Now circling Daryl's tip slowly, he tossed his head back with a groan at the sensation you brought him. He realized how much he almost couldn't take the wetness from your mouth dripping down his cock. In that moment, your lips leave him, only for your tongue to lick a stripe down his length.
One of Daryl's hands lets go of the steering wheel and landed on the back of your head to gather your hair in a makeshift ponytail. Groans slipped from his lips one after the other, soaked in his enamor for you. The pleasure of him surrounded by you, against your tongue, completely overwhelmed him.
You hum against him in response to the low sounds he made. He had to hand it to you, whatever the hell you were doing to him was damn good. The vibration he felt from your mouth on his length sent a shiver running up his spine.
You'd continued your path up and down Daryl's length until suddenly, the truck ran over a pothole. Daryl's torso jolted at the sudden dip in the road, your mouth enveloping an inch or so more of his cock. He burrowed his fingers deeper into your hair now as you gagged against him.
Daryl groaned at how much more complex it became to keep his eyes on the fucking road, like you'd asked him to.
All he wanted was to look down and admire the sight of your pretty mouth wrapped around him, tongue hungrily swirling. His gaze on the road ahead of him faltered more and more as another expletive followed by your name dropped from his lips.
A short moment was all it took. your lips around his length, the ever growing desire to look down and watch you, it was all too fucking much.
"Tha's it. Yer done, girl." Daryl's foot hit the break as his hand lifted your mouth off him. He stopped the car and shifted the gear to park, where you were now on the side of the road with him.
"What are you-"
"Get outta the car." Daryl's drawl deepened and you did as he said; he followed you to the front of the truck.
"Are you okay, Daryl? What's wrong?" You were clueless, like you didn't just have your head between his legs. It was fucking evil, how much pleasure you brought him, all while he was forced to just keep driving.
Yeah, he’d had enough.
"What's wrong is I ain't been able to see your beautiful mouth stuffed with my cock. Now yer not gonna get to see how good ya take me."
"Shut up.”
“This is exactly what you wanted, ain't it?”
“Gettin' me all worked up while I was drivin'? Forcin' me to pull over? An’ don’t even say nothin’, I know it is.”
All you heard next was “Take off your clothes” before you were being pushed over the front of the truck.
Daryl's demands rang in your ears as you watched him start to undo his pants.
Your hands hurriedly removed your bottoms, so he could take you.
Like you had planned all along.
Daryl wasn't stupid, he'd only played along because he too wanted to find the right spot between your thighs that made you whine, while in the car. Or in this case, over the car.
Now bent over the front of the vehicle, one of Daryl's hands rested on the small of your back. Your hands were placed on the hood as well.
Daryl's other hand landed on your ass, gripping tightly. His grip disappeared and landed right back onto your backside with a smack. a moment later, he leaned over against your back to whisper in your ear.
"So desperate for me, ain't ya? Bet you're all wet from havin' my cock down yer throat, too, huh? My pretty little slut."
Daryl's hand wrapped around his length and ran his tip over your sensitive bundle of nerves, spreading the wetness that leaked from your entrance.
"Daryl.. P-Please.." you whimpered at his payback teasing, which was only going to be worse on the receiving end.
"Hm? What's that, doll?" He halted his movements between your legs.
"P-Please, give it to me good, Daryl."
"I dunno.. Maybe I shouldn't give ya anythin' after teasin' me earlier. So i guess yer just gonna have to convince me."
"N-No.. I want you to take me.. please, please. Wanna feel you inside me, I need it. Need you."
"I want ya so bad, darlin'."
Daryl could tell you were desperate, craving so badly for him to thrust into you and hit those spots inside you only he could.
He couldn't lie either, he was desperate, too. And he'd quite frankly wanted to bend you over the truck ever since you'd gotten in it with him.
Daryl lined himself up with your slit. With each slow, heavy push of him, he entered you slowly.
As he bottomed out, a groan slipped from his lips.
"Sh-shit, Dar. Oh my god, you're so big." Those words slipping from your lips made his cock twitch.
"Mmm, yeah?”
“Y-Yes.. Love it, love you, Daryl.”
Daryl chuckled to himself. Just minutes ago you were beckoning his release in the truck, and now you were proclaiming your love for him with his cock inside you.
So innocent, yet lust dripped from your voice.
“You're so wet, sunshine, shit. All from gettin' on yer knees for me?”
You muttered a mhm paired with a pathetic whimper for him in response. The feeling of Daryl inside of you clouded any coherent thoughts you were going to have.
“What, got nothin’ to say now?”
“Daryl, please, move.”
His resolve diminished, as the grip on your hips tightened. Slowly, he pushed fully inside again, hitting the deepest parts of you. Daryl pulled back even slower, almost fully so just his tip remained inside you.
One loud moan slipped out, when Daryl pushed in again.
“Torture, ain’t it?”
You mumbled something under your breath, which you hoped Daryl didn’t hear.
Though, he was a hunter, of course he heard you.
“What was that?”
“I said, just fuck me already, Dixon.”
That had done it.
That was the key to cracking open a side of Daryl you didn’t see often: a rougher side. Especially during sex.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.”
Daryl didn’t waste any time as he found a steady but fast rhythm of thrusting inside you, only harder now. He cursed as you involuntarily clenched around him at the sensation.
Each time he fully buried himself into your entrance, his tip pushed against the deepest parts of you. Sultry moans followed by Daryl's name were audible as you gripped the hood of the car like no tomorrow.
One of his hands, followed by clever fingers, found its way between the two of you to swirl at your sensitive bundle of nerves. The sudden jolt of friction against your clit made your legs shake.
The onslaught feeling of Daryl only beckoned you closer to your release, one you were so prominently chasing. He pulled even more delightful sounds from you for his listening pleasure.
Daryl repositioned a bit before thrusting into you harder and rougher than before. The angle he hit now sent your head spinning with pleasure as your climax inched closer.
"Da-Daryl... I-I'm-" Despite the attempt to hold back, you couldn't bear to be without the feeling.
"You wanna come, don't ya, sunshine? I know yer gettin' close. C'mon, lemme feel it, babe. Let go for me."
Daryl's words pulled your orgasm out of thin air, quickly sending you over the edge as the last syllable left his lips.
"Tha's it, pretty girl. Fuck, look at ya, all messy for me. So damn gorgeous."
The jolting of your body as you rode out your high caused Daryl to quicken his movements inside you. He was chasing the same feeling you'd given him the very first time you'd slept together.
"Fuck, darlin'. You're perfect. Can't focus all day cause I just-just wanna be doin this." You moaned again at Daryl's reassuring words and clenched around him again, wanting so desperately to catapult him to his finish like he'd done for you.
"Shit.. Fuck, I'm gon'-"
"Daryl... You feel so good inside me.. No one can ever make me feel as good as you... C'mon, come for me, baby. Just let go.." The praise dripped from your mouth in a breath, and it sent Daryl over the edge. His pace quickened for a few thrusts until he pulled out and came in his hand with a groan of your name.
"Sh-shit... oh f-fuck, darlin'. You're so fuckin’ good at that." You blushed and turned to catch Daryl in his afterglow.
"I learn from the best. Besides, you always know how to make me like that.”
Daryl glistened in the sunlight, beads of sweat painted across his chest, his shirt sloppily unbuttoned. You stared a moment longer at him, his torso heaving from the activity you’d just participated in with him.
He chuckled, and beamed with pride at how he will always be able bring you pleasure, no matter what he did.
"I know I do. Now, listen to me. If you ever tease me like that again, I’ll fuck you till ya can’t walk, understand?"
"Oh, I understand. Just name the time and place." Daryl could tell you were half serious and he scoffed. He'd begun to pull his pants back on, and you did the same.
You glanced over at Daryl to see he was making sure the highway was still clear. Your arms wrapped around the nape of Daryl's neck as his hands met your waist again, more softly this time around.
"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Daryl questioned, but he already knew the answer. You just smiled with just the slightest twinge of blush on your cheeks.
"You know me so well." The smile cracked across your face was due to the brown haired, blue eyed archer before you.
"Course I do. Love you." Daryl's lips met yours in a soft kiss, as his arms surrounded you in the same moment.
"I love you too. Maybe we should get back on the road now. You know, before we're surrounded by walkers. I mean.. they definitely all heard me.."
Daryl chuckled, since the two of you in the act probably did catch the attention of whatever was roaming by.
"Yeah, we should. Just, no more teasin’, alright? Or else.”
You knew you really shouldn't tease Daryl anymore than you already did, but that or else option just sounded so good.
"Alright, let's go."
The both of you climbed back into the truck, your minds clouded by thoughts of what you’d just done.
If teasing Daryl led to things like that, you were definitely going to tease him more often.
a/n: likes + reblogs are appreciated!! it lets me know how much everyone enjoys my writing & sharing to others is a generous thing to do. much love & thanks :)
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yiiyiiwrites · 2 months
➰| Hiraeth | Prologue |
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[Part one here]
Summary: Half fae, half Illyrian Keres has been moving between the shadows of the Hewn city. Her plan of escaping the cruel court doesn't go as planned though as she comes face to face with her younger half brother Azriel.
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Azriel grew bored of the Hewn city, their inhabitants grating on what ever patience remained. He didn't know how Rhys could navigate their complaints and return their backhanded compliments to them without them realising it. Most of them spineless, quick to flip the knife and stab the person they considered a friend.
The only advantage, his shadows thrived in the court of darkness. One place they could roam freely and not arouse suspicion. A day in there and he'd gathered enough intel to discuss with Mor the potential rebellion.
Keir stood at the bottom the steps leading to the throne, "you'll be glad to know that we have identified the thing wreaking havoc in the depths of the city," he said glaring to Azriel and his dark companions. "They are just outside those doors."
The depths were the slums of the city, a decaying place full of ruthless fae willing to do anything in order to survive. Azriel was the first to be under scrutiny when the darkness increased in the area, but his absence in the court helped prove his innocence.
Four guards guided a women into the room, the darkbringers living up to their name as they brought the very thing in. They left as quick as they arrived, Keir following behind them leaving her in the middle of the throne room.
She looked like she'd been forged by darkness, black silhouette moving like the shadows weaving in and out of the sheer fabric hanging from her waist, hem reaching the ankle of her polished boots. Silver clasps snapped over her leather vest, billowing long sleeves as light as the grey mist twisting around her arms in a frenzy.
As she walked closer to them, the smoke fell away from her face and Azriel swore that what he saw was an illusion, a trick of the light. She might not remember him, but he would never forget her.
Bronze skin dull as if she'd become one with the shadows, the warmth in her amber eyes no longer glowing. Inky hair plaited and laid over her shoulder, he stilled as he realised her wings were gone.
No it can't be, he thought. Centuries of longing for something that wasn't gone forever, now stood in front of him.
"Azriel," Rhys snapped, repeating his name for a second time.
He couldn't look away from her, her narrowed eyes flitting to his gloved hands. As if she had just pieced everything together.
"I suppose congratulations are in order," she scoffed, "you became exactly like the bastards you hated." Her shadows trembled with her body, laugh sending a shiver down his spine.
"Keres," Azriel said, descending the stairs. Black wisps hissed at him to stay back, like the same venom in her own voice.
She shook her head, "do not." Fingers tracing the empty holster at her hip as he stalked closer to her.
"I thought you dead.” He ignored her silent warnings and stopped in front of her.
"If I ever see you again," she leant in, shadows merging with his. "I will rip those wings off your back myself," she whispered, smile stretching her thin lips.
Keres stepped back into the shadows, shifting through the planes of darkness. Azriel nearly missed his step, but he followed after her, each move hurried as he tried to keep up with her. His fingers clutched onto her sleeve, she twisted in his hold and slipped through another gap in the depths of obscurity.
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Wrote this little fic stuck in traffic today (I wasn't driving) maybe I'll do some more. :)
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pygmi-cygni · 1 month
part one of my fifteen minute fic series - where I set a timer for fifteen minutes and write a blurb based off a prompt and a genre.
Today's pick: Nathan Bateman x Reader, fluff, denial of feelings
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Go away, he'd spit as you showed up at his door with a cup of tea and his breakfast.
I don't want to, he'd grunt when you suggested he take a day off.
Leave me alone, was scrawled in black text over his locked office door.
Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, you'd smile patiently in response, what a stubborn mule you are. He'd get riled up even farther, egging you to raise your voice. He'd prod and poke your weak points to start a shouting match, only to be shot down with a pat on the shoulder.
He wanted you to get mad. He wanted you to sneer at him, to watch you march off, bags in hand, never returning. He wanted you to leave.
More than anything, he wanted his chest to stop squeezing.
It's okay, you whispered when he angrily destroyed a laptop after a coding mishap.
You'll be alright, you soothed, rubbing ointment into his bruised knuckles.
Don't worry, you assured, hastily fixing the hole in his schedule that was driving him to panic.
Every punch he threw, every barb he spat, every cruelty he flung at you would dissolve in your gentle glances, your unwavering appreciation. He didn't know how anyone could put up with him like this. Give in, he'd glare when you deflected his spite again. But alas, you shone bright and refused to let him in.
Okay, he'd cede when you brought him lunch.
In a minute, he'd mutter when you reminded him of his sleep.
Door's open, he'd throw over his shoulder, hoping to see your face flit by.
Like Newton's Cradle, you fed off each other's energy, slowly taming to a comfortable neutrality. No more fights, no more shouting. Nathan resisted a knee-jerk insult and you gained confidence in your reminders. I care, you'd explain when he questioned your motives for the umpteenth time. It's not in my nature to watch someone suffer.
Come in, you offered when he showed up in a fit of terror.
I'm sorry, you said genuinely, listening to his scattering thoughts and crippling fear.
I won't leave, you laughed after he shyly brought up your absence.
How could you leave, when he'd finally opened his walls? His garden was growing, slowly, yes, but soon the flowers would bloom and he'd be okay. You would never miss out on such beauty. It was slow, careful, tedious, the way he warmed up. A brush on the back of your hand, then a strong grasp on your wrist. He'd let you whisper your lips across his cheek if he thought nobody was looking.
Come here, he'd plead when you shifted across the mattress.
More, please, he'd mumble when your hands rubbed his soft skin.
Don't go, he'd yearn when you mentioned a job in New York.
He was fragile still, a new leaf unfurling. You knew to be gentle, to hug him gently and murmur soft things in his ear. You never yelled, afraid his eyes would mist and he'd shun you with an angry huff.
your chest warmed when his hands would clutch you, finally brave enough to reach for what he wanted. His face was slack with sleep, lips twitching in a serene smile. It had been a good day; his work was finished and you'd made his favorite dish for dinner. He'd told you so after your lips were too kiss-numb to respond.
Love you, his heart thrummed when you settled back beside him.
I know, yours thumped, beating together in the cradle of your bed.
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??? the style kinda came out of nowhere but we ballin
let me know if you wanna be on my taglist!
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yxlnst · 5 months
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Idol!seungkwan x reader!y/n
🎀 Summary 🎀 : Seungkwan takes you to a citrus grove for a first date. You bond, compete, and share a lovely day together.
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 1,086
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
It was a warm Saturday morning in Jeju, the kind of morning where the sun kissed the fields with gentle warmth and the air was fresh with the scent of citrus. You were pacing back and forth in front of the local market, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. You were about to go on your first date with Boo Seungkwan, a sweet guy you'd met through a mutual friend. Today, he was taking you to an orange grove to pick fruit. It sounded like the perfect way to spend a day, but you couldn't help feeling a bit anxious about making a good impression.
You checked your watch for the third time. It was just past nine, and Seungkwan was supposed to meet you here. You smoothed your hair and tried to take deep breaths. What if he didn't show? What if you said something awkward? What if—
"Hey!" a cheerful voice called from behind you. You turned to see Seungkwan jogging toward you, a wide smile on his face. He was dressed in casual jeans, a simple white shirt, and a light jacket. His hair was styled neatly, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Hi," you replied, trying to calm your racing heart. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten."
"Me? Forget a date with you?" he said, pretending to be offended. "Never. I just had to make sure we had everything we need for the best day ever."
You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. Seungkwan had a way of making you feel at ease, even when you were nervous. "So, what's the plan?" you asked.
"Glad you asked," he replied, gesturing toward the parking lot. "I borrowed my mom's car, so we can drive to the orange grove. It's not too far from here. And I brought some snacks for the trip, just in case we get hungry. You like kimbap, right?"
"Love it," you said, feeling relieved that he'd thought of everything. As you followed him to the car, you couldn't help but notice how he made you feel at ease, like you'd known him forever.
The drive to the orange grove was filled with laughter and light conversation. Seungkwan had a great sense of humor, and he kept you entertained with stories about growing up in Jeju and his various misadventures. You shared a few stories of your own, and by the time you arrived at the grove, the nervousness you'd felt earlier had melted away.
The orange grove was a beautiful sight, with rows of trees stretching out in every direction, their branches heavy with ripe, golden fruit. The sun was higher in the sky now, casting a warm glow over everything. It was the kind of place that felt like a hidden treasure, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
"Wow, this is amazing," you said, looking around in awe.
"Right? I used to come here with my family when I was a kid," Seungkwan explained. "We'd pick oranges and have picnics. It was always a lot of fun. I thought you'd like it."
"I love it," you replied, genuinely touched that he'd chosen such a special place for your first date.
Seungkwan led the way through the grove, pointing out the best spots for picking oranges. He handed you a small basket and picked one for himself. "Okay, here's the game," he said, grinning. "Whoever picks the most oranges by the end of the day wins. Loser has to buy the winner ice cream."
"You're on," you said, accepting the challenge. You both started picking oranges, laughing as you raced from tree to tree. Seungkwan was surprisingly competitive, but he also made sure you were having a good time. He'd pause to help you reach a particularly high orange or to crack a joke that made you both double over with laughter.
As the morning went on, the baskets slowly filled with fruit. You took a break under the shade of a large tree, enjoying the snacks Seungkwan had brought along. It was a simple picnic, but it felt perfect. You sat on a blanket, munching on kimbap and sipping cold drinks, talking about everything and nothing at all. Seungkwan was easy to talk to, and you found yourself sharing things you'd never shared with anyone else.
"I really like spending time with you," you said, almost without thinking. The words just slipped out, but you didn't regret them.
Seungkwan looked at you with a gentle smile. "I like spending time with you, too," he replied. "I was a little nervous about today, but I'm glad I asked you out.
You felt a flutter in your stomach at his words. It was a strange feeling—like butterflies and sunshine all at once. "I was nervous, too," you admitted. "But this has been really fun."
"It has, hasn't it?" Seungkwan said, taking a sip of his drink. "I think we make a pretty good team."
"Yeah," you agreed, smiling. "I think we do."
After the picnic, you both got back to picking oranges, but this time at a more leisurely pace. You walked side by side, sometimes in comfortable silence, other times chatting and laughing. It was like you'd known each other for years, even though it had only been a few weeks.
By the time you returned to the car, your basket was overflowing with oranges, while Seungkwan's was slightly less full. You raised an eyebrow at him, pretending to be serious. "Looks like I won," you said.
Seungkwan laughed and held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, you win. I'll buy the ice cream. But I still think I picked the best oranges."
"Only one way to find out," you replied, taking an orange from his basket and peeling it. The citrus scent filled the air, and you both took a bite. It was sweet and juicy, the perfect reward after a long day of picking.
"Okay, I admit it," Seungkwan said, grinning. "You picked some pretty good oranges, too."
As you sat on the hood of the car, eating oranges and watching the sun begin to set over the grove, you felt a sense of contentment that you'd never felt before. It was like you'd found a piece of home, a place where you belonged. lol
"Thanks for inviting me today," you said, leaning your head against Seungkwan's shoulder. "This was perfect."
"I'm glad you came," he replied, wrapping an arm around you. "I hope we can do this again."
"I'd like that," you said, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. It was the start of something new, something special, and you couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of orange and pink, you knew one thing for sure: this was the best first date you'd ever had.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
Hey, dear! could i get an extremely fluffy picture/oneshot Daemon x pregnant!poc reader where ever since they found out about reader's pregnancy he has been super protective, loving and an excellent husband with her and the unborn baby so one afternoon they're spending quality time together (maybe she's reading to him) while he caresses her belly and the baby kicks for the first time, please?
Here you go.
The soon-to-be father
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Pairing: Daemon x Fem. Reader (From the Summer Isles)
Themes : Soft | Fluff
Warnings : None
Word Count : 1.3k words
Want to be tagged? Want to know the reader request rules? Read all   here
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It was the height of autumn.
The leaves turned red, dusk crept in faster, and there was a growing nip in the air.
The dragons had taken to gorging on anything and everything the dragon keepers offered them, as if preparing for the lean winter years. It would not be long, they said, before the dragons retreated under the pits to sleep away the winter.
Even here, in the Red Keep, life grew slower, with the rooms and corridors growing darker. Torches were lit everywhere, and fires were blazing to provide the warmth and light that the sun couldn't. Despite everyone’s efforts, the cold still crept in through tiny cracks and crevices, as if the season was determined to have the last word.
Today, however, was tolerably pleasant, although you debated if "tolerably" was the right word. As a lady of the Summer Isles, you were accustomed to warmer weather and sunnier skies. Still, this was the place your husband called home, and you were determined to love it.
No, you tell yourself. This isn’t just your husband’s home. This is the place your unborn child will call home soon enough.
Your hand fluttered to your growing belly. Two more months, the Grand Maester said. Two more months, and everyone will know if it is a son or a daughter.
Your husband didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl. He was just eager to be a father. A father who was driving everyone to distraction with his plans for the nursery, the midwives, even going so far as to insist on being present for the birth. Not that you minded. You were just happy to indulge his whims, often shaking your head and grinning whenever he went overboard, something he did frequently and without shame.
A pelt being draped over your shoulders brought you out of your daydreaming.  "You’re shivering." Daemon had walked in, silent as always. "Come sit by the fire, you’ll be warmer."
You studied him, discreetly, as he went over to the hearth to add more logs to the fire. Daemon was much calmer now, a far cry from the bundle of brash energy he was when the two of you wed. He also looked a little surly this afternoon. "What happened at the council meeting?" you asked, as you made yourself comfortable on a large sofa. Daemon finished his task and took his usual place next to you, picking up a book as he did so. He threw an arm around you and sighed.
"The pissant everyone is determined to make king has been visiting fighting pits every night for weeks now." Daemon rubbed his eyes, wondering how his brother managed to sire one such as his oldest nephew. Perhaps it was a punishment from the Gods for what had been done to the late queen Aemma, he reasoned, though he'd never say it aloud.
"Fighting pits?" You inquired, your gaze drawn to the book in his hands. It was dubbed, The Songs of the Seven Kingdoms. "Like your boxing?"
Daemon sighed and shook his head, his mood darkening. "I wish it was the case. We all do. No, my sweet, this is nothing like that, where there are judges and rules and where the opponents are grown men.
"But I’d rather not talk of that." He continued after a moment’s pause. "I just want you to promise me that you’ll come to me if Aegon comes anywhere near you."
You'd heard the rumors about the prince; everyone had. But hearing something that was passed off as mere gossip confirmed as true was a frightening prospect. "It cannot be that bad…." You say in disbelief. "I mean…. Aegon is a prince… He’s Viserys’ son, surely he…"
"Aegon is nothing like his father, so promise me," insisted Daemon. "Promise me you’ll come to me. Aegon is nothing like the sweet princeling he pretends to be. He’s far more dangerous than you think."
You swallowed as the gravity of the situation started to sink in. Daemon had moved with and fought alongside some of the most dangerous men in the kingdom. And if he thought Aegon was that bad, then—
"I will come to you if Aegon approaches me," you promised.
"Good," Daemon was pleased. "And how have you been? How is our child?"
"A little uncomfortable now that the baby is getting bigger, but I’m good. And the baby is healthy," you said indulgently, rubbing your belly. "And growing strong. The Grand Maester is very happy with everything. He said two more months before the baby is due to make their grand appearance."
Daemon placed a hand over yours, his joy matching yours. "That’s good. I told Viserys I’m not going anywhere till after out child arrives. He agreed."
"And I’ve had word from my mother," you picked up a letter on the side table and hand it to him. "She’ll be here before the birth. She also said four of my father’s finest warriors will be coming with her, and that they’ll be staying here as my sworn protectors. It’s rather odd, since I never asked for such a thing."
You tilted your head to one side when Daemon went red in the cheeks. "Husband," you said in amusement. "What did you do?"
Daemon groaned and mumbled something under his breath.
"Husband," you snickered. "What. Did. You. Do."
In one quick breath, Daemon  finally mumbled: "Imayhavebadgeredyourfatherintosendindwarriorsforyou."
"I’m sorry, but what?"
Daemon groaned again, speaking more clearly this time. "I- may have - badgered your father into sending warriors for you."
You just chuckled and buried your face in your hands. "Oh Daemon. It’s not necessary, my love, really."
"Not necessary?" Daemon stammered in shock. "My dear wife, did you not just listen to a word I said about Aegon? And have you not heard of that brother of his?"
And there he goes, being the protective husband. You couldn't fault the man because your own lord father was exactly like him. It honestly made you love him even more. "I heard you. And yes, I have heard the stories about Prince Aemond. Alright. Father’s warriors can stay."
"Thank you," said a relieved Daemon. "Now, enough of dark topics. How about something light?"
"Like this book?" You hold up the Songs of the Seven Kingdoms. "Perhaps I could read it?"
Daemon picked out a story, about the North and the children of the forest. He was content to let you read, his hand still over your belly.
The afternoon drifted on, with nothing but you reading stories out loud and Daemon rubbing your stomach whenever you grew uncomfortable. He became aware of something beneath his palm. Muscles rippled as something moved. "What’s that?"
There it was again, and this time you too felt it. "That, my love, is our baby." You put the book down, placed your hand over his. Sure enough, there was another ripple. "Kicking at my insides again."
Daemon grinned. "A child of true Targaryen and Summer Isle stock then,"  he said it so gleefully, you forgot your discomfort in an instance. "I wonder if they would be the one to bond with Grey Ghost."
You gave him a double-take. A wild dragon? Your child wasn't going anywhere near a wild dragon. "Grey Ghost? No."
Daemon’s eyes glinted mischievously. "Sheepstealer then?"
"Not on your life!"
He tsked and thought about it again. "I know! The Cannibal!"
"No!" You grinned. Daemon was only teasing you, after all. "My love, can we please stick to the practice of placing a dragon’s egg in the babe’s cradle?"
"Spoil-sport," he said cheerfully. "Alright, my love. An egg in the cradle it is."
"Thank you." You allowed Daemon to take the book. He then spent the rest of the afternoon reading to you and the child in your womb.
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saninthebuilding · 1 year
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"with you"
❤️‍🩹 pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
❤️‍🩹 summary: celebrating your birthday has never been your thing. but with jungkook, it can be pretty amazing. and you realize how much he means to you as your special day comes to a close.
❤️‍🩹 word count: tba
❤️‍🩹 genre: boyfriend!jungkook au, fluff, domestic vibes
❤️‍🩹 trope: pre-established relationship
❤️‍🩹 warnings: mentions of sleep, mentions of teary eyes, mentions of food, birthday, jungkook being an absolute sweetheart
❤️‍🩹 a/n: lil self-indulgent drabble all for myself. :]
"you're really tired huh?" i hear his grin before i see it, forcing my eyes open just enough to see a teasing smile playing on jungkook's lips.
"mm, very" i mumble tiredly, before shifting closer to him.
he pulls the covers back as he pulls me towards him, making room for me in his arms.
the two of us were currently piled up together in bed, the exhaustion of a busy day having long-since worn us both down to the bone. it had been my birthday today, and jungkook had made it his mission to ensure i enjoyed it to the fullest.
i wasn't really big on my birthday- it just wasn't that important to me. after all, it's only the day i was born. what's so special about that?
but jungkook was having none of that today. he'd woken me up early, practically dragging me out of bed and forcing me to get ready. then he'd taken me out for brunch, before driving the both of us down to the amusement park i had briefly mentioned 3 weeks earlier. then after spending the entire afternoon enjoying all the rides he brought me home, where the other members had set up a mini party with just the 8 of us. and finally, when everyone left, he had taken me out to see the night sky, and then given me the gifts he'd bought me, plus a little something he'd made for me himself.
it had warmed my heart at how jungkook had planned the day so carefully, even remembering the little things i had talked about or mentioned liking. the amusement park, how my favourite flavour was chocolate, how i would love to go star-gazing with him someday.
he'd made so many of my wishes come true in only 24 hours, and it had all only reminded me of how lucky i was to have him by my side.
feeling a new wave of gratefulness, i pressed myself into his side, burying my face in his neck. he let out quiet chuckle, before wrapping his arms around my waist.
"you should sleep, baby" jungkook whispers, "we had a long day and i know you're tired."
i hum in agreement, but made no move to try and close my eyes. instead, i pressed my nose to his skin, marvelling at the scent of lavender and chamomile that seemed to follow him everywhere he went. leaning back just a bit, i tilt my head up to look at him, chin resting against his chest.
"thank you jungkook" i whisper, giving him a sleepy smile as i meet his soft gaze with drowsy eyes. "i loved today, it was absolutely wonderful. not because you bought me a bunch of stuff though-"
he lets out a giggle, nose scrunching up as his bunny teeth make an appearance in that smile i know so well, and i laugh with him.
"-but because i was with you. i wouldn't have enjoyed myself as much as i did if you weren't there, but i'm just as sure i'd have enjoyed staying in and doing nothing if it was with you. i got spend my birthday with you, and that was the best gift of all. you are the best gift, jungkook. and i love you so, so, so, so much."
i accentuate each "so" with a kiss: one to his collarbone, one to his neck, one on his cheek, and finally one to his lips.
he holds me there, warm hands coming up to gently cup my jaw as his thumbs brush over my cheeks. his lips are soft against mine, and he tastes like mint as he kisses me back. i let on hand rest on his chest and the other trail up into his hair, carding my fingers through the thick brown strands.
when we break apart i notice his expression has sobered up at my words, and i can see his eyes glistening in the dim moonlight peeking through the curtains.
"i love you" jungkook whispers, his voice thick with emotion. his hands move away from my face, only for him to pull me back into his embrace, letting his actions take over where words fail him.
i understand all the same, pressing a kiss to his chest, before hugging him closer. his warmth seeps through the soft cotton of his t-shirt, the black material stretching thin around his biceps as he holds me close. i let his heat surround me, the feeling of him lying here with me calm my mind and soul until i can feel my eyelids drooping as sleep begins to take over. 
it isn't long before i'm fast asleep, and jungkook notices this too, my even breaths echoing in the quiet of our shared room.
smiling to himself as he stares down at me, he adjusts the covers over my shoulders, before pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head.
"happy birthday, y/n."
❤️‍🩹 i hope you enjoyed! likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank you for reading!
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agentfascinateur · 7 months
My dad would be 94 today. My candour is a direct product of my upbringing. I had the best conversations with my dad, growing up. He encouraged truth-telling. We washed the car together on Saturdays and I sat behind him on those long drives to see his mother on Sundays back to the countryside. He met my mom at age 19 at a wedding, and married her 9 years later. She was the more politicized one. We had no idea what she was saying at the table, growing up. He tried to be thoughtful, let her air her outrage and positions but once in a while when it got to be too much, he'd bring it back to laughter by teasing her and tickling her. He was brought up differently, with nannies and labourers. His mom ordered from American catalogues for her huge brood and drove a convertible through the countryside. He never ever denigrated her. Sometimes, his wild youth of scouring New York City for fun and the club scene from the countryside to downtown, the cars and clothes, gave a glimpse of his privilege but my parents were always equals. He was actually a bit softer. Looking back, it's clear he hadn't fully known what he got into but then again he chose to forgo what his father had to offer him so he got us. And we got him.
Thank God for that. 💟
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svnriseblvdd · 2 years
Family Reunion | Steve Harrington
Author: @svnriseblvdd
Word count: 2353
Warnings: bitchy relatives (an aunt and a cousin only) but none apart from that
Summary: In which you're sick of the judgmental questions from your aunt about boyfriends, and you enlist Steve to be your fake boyfriend for a family reunion
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Steve is literally so cute in that GIF I can't -
It was a beautiful summer day, decently warm, but a nice breeze blew through the air. The perfect day, really. Except today was the family reunion.
You were dreading it with every ounce of yourself. Every single one of these brought new rounds of hurtful jokes and teasing from your family. Not always aimed at you, but quite often. And aunt Violet was probably the worst for it. She was almost always picking at your lack of a boyfriend, always comparing you to her daughter, who each time showed up with a boyfriend on her arm. Said boyfriends had two out of three times turned out to be complete assholes, but that didn't matter. Keira had a boyfriend, that was what mattered.
Today, though, would be different.
You'd employed Steve Harrington to act as your boyfriend for the day. Steve was one of your best friends, so you trusted him absolutely. You'd first met through mutual friends, because he'd been enlisted as help when tracking down Dustin's adopted baby Demo-dog, and you, as a friend of Dustin's, had also been called upon.
Together, you and Steve had parented and protected the children and undergone heavy levels of parental stress which was, quite frankly, unnecessary and unappreciated.
He'd rung your doorbell at eleven thirty, a smile growing on his face as he looked up at you, elbow on the doorframe as he leaned against it. He was dressed in jeans and a blue button up, hair sat perfectly atop his head - so very Steve.
You were wearing a pretty blue dress with a neckline across your shoulders, some white shoes, and a belt sat around your waist.
"Hey," he greeted. "You look gorgeous."
"You clean up pretty good yourself, Steve," you chuckled. He held out an arm for you, and you took it, smiling, closing the door behind you. He led you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. "Such a gentleman."
"Only the best for you."
He closed the door, crossing around the front of the car and getting into the driver's seat, beginning to drive to your grandma's lake house.
"Okay, you remember the cover story?" You checked. Everything had to be perfect. If there were any holes in your story, someone (probably aunt Violet) would gauge at them and sink that ship before it reached the harbour.
Steve nodded. "We met at a costume party. We started dancing together because you were making eyes at me from across the room because you dug my attempt at Tim Curry's outfit from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Next thing we know, we're dancing together and then I'm asking you out and boom... Now we're dating."
You looked over at him, deadpanning. "Why didn't I ask someone else to do this?"
"What other guys do you know?" Steve asked. "Aside from Jonathon, because he hates everyone, and he's with Nancy."
"I would've found someone. Maybe someone who would've acted like a mature, responsible person and take this seriously."
"Okay! Okay! I'm trying to be the best boyfriend I can here, I can only do so much seriousness. We were paired together on an English project, and you were super into Macbeth and I wasn't really until I heard you talking about it with so much passion that I kind of instantly fell in love with you and the play."
You nodded. "Thank God. Maybe there's actually some hope for this after all."
Steve stopped outside the lake house, which had many cars parked outside already. He turned the engine off, and got out of the car, running around the front and opening your door for you, taking your hand as you stepped out.
"We're not even in there yet," you reminded him with a small laugh. "You don't have to be all chivalrous yet."
"I know. I'm... Getting into character."
You laughed. "You sound like a real actor."
You pushed open the front door, Steve's hand slipping into your own. "You've got this," he reassured her. "If anything happens, I'm fully ready to throw some punches at Aunt Violet."
You grinned at him. "Hopefully it won't get that far."
The two of you walked inside, looking at the extended family all talking. And through the crowd comes your Aunt Violet, lightly pushing others aside to come greet you and judge your appearance first.
"Y/N, how lovely to see you," she greets, bright red lipstick forming a smile and huge dangling fake diamond earrings swaying. She gives you an airy hug, wherein she barely touches you, just enough for it to be called a hug. Her eyes catch Steve over your shoulder and her face twists into nothing other than blatant shock. "And you brought a friend, how nice."
Frankly, you're not surprised at her comment. The family's lost hope in your bringing a boyfriend, a boy friend would be a surprise certainly, and yet the tone she holds is odd. You know that some part of her doesn't quite want you to bring a boyfriend to one of these, it outshines her daughter. You bringing a boyfriend would be a huge shock to the family, you'd both totally steal Keira's thunder.
Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, noticing your slight nerves. You relaxed rather quickly, just the reassurance that he was there calming your nerves. "This is actually my boyfriend, Steve," you told her, smiling.
Steve's arm around your waist reinforced your confidence and you smiled, giddiness overcoming you like a massive wave. No more teasing about boyfriends, that was for sure.
"Boyfriend?" Aunt Violet splutters, shocked.
You nodded, Steve lightly squeezing your waist. "Do you want me to hang up your jacket, sweetheart?" You nodded, and he took your cardigan, hanging it alongside the rest of your family's jackets.
Steve was surprisingly... At ease. Despite the King Steve confidence he'd maintained throughout high school, he could be quite insecure at times, and honestly, he'd been quite... skittish around you lately. But yet here he was, with the calm confidence he'd had in high school, with the same sweet personality he'd developed since.
"Oh, well... It's lovely to meet you." She turned away, heading to talk to someone.
Steve leant down to whisper in your ear. "Personally, I think that was pretty successful. One point to us."
You turned to look at him, hands on his chest as he held your waist. "Her face was priceless."
"That was amazing, really. Come on, let's go grab some food, and then we'll go talk to whoever you want. If whoever you want to talk to is literally no one, that's fine. We can sit there eating and talking between us the entire time."
"I usually just wait for people to come up to me. They will eventually. Especially today."
The two of you grabbed some food from the kitchen and moved to sit on the deck outside, overlooking the lake. By now, Aunt Violet would've told practically everyone about the news.
This was proven rather quickly as Keira came outside, a tall, muscly guy following her out. "Oh my God, Y/N, it's so good to see you!" She, like her mother, gave an airy hug too. "And who's this? Is this your boyfriend? Mom was just telling me you'd brought someone. She failed to mention how handsome he was."
The guy behind her wasn't listening, clearly uninterested in the day.
"This is Steve," you introduced.
"So great to meet you, Steve. I don't - should we hug? I feel like we should hug." She placed a hand on his shoulder, your eyes landing on it and jealousy striking through you.
"Hello," Steve greeted simply, taking her hand off of his shoulder and sliding an arm around your waist.
Keira seemed a little taken aback, straightening herself up. "Anyways, I have to go talk to people. Love you, talk to you later."
"Of course. I'll see you later."
Keira led her boyfriend away, your eyes travelling down to your fumbling hands as they left. You were picking beneath your nails, Steve frowning as he noticed. He held your hand, meeting your eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. She just really gets on my nerves, that's all."
"Were you jealous?" You looked away from him, rubbing the back of your neck. "Oh my God, you were totally jealous."
"Shut up!"
"I promise, you had nothing to worry about."
You smiled at him, your gaze flicking down to his lips momentarily. It was then that your grandmother chose to come say hello, accompanied by another aunt, Aunt Beatrice, the two of them sitting down with you and Steve.
"Y/N! How wonderful to see you!" Your grandmother exclaimed happily. She was, unlike her daughter (Aunt Violet) a lovely person. "I assume this is Steve. Violet's been telling everyone. Between you and I, she's a little outraged. But ignore her. Tell me everything." She patted your knee.
"How did you meet?" Aunt Beatrice inquired.
"Last year, actually," Steve replied. "We were paired up for a project in English. I wasn't totally interested in it. I never understood Macbeth. But Y/N explained it so well and she was so passionate about it and I just kind of instantly fell in love. With her and the play."
"Oh, that is gorgeous," your grandmother commented, a hand on her chest.
You turned to look at Steve, finding his eyes already on you. And for a moment, you forget that it's all fake. The way he's looking at you, that damn smile, the love in his features as his hands find yours. But you have to remember. Of course it's fake. He's just really good at this whole boyfriend thing.
"Steve, what our your intentions with our Y/N? We can't have her getting hurt, of course." Your grandmother and Aunt Beatrice are the only blood relations (aside from immediate family) who don't suck on some level. They're genuinely nice people.
"Y/N is honestly one of the most, if not the most, incredible people I've ever met. She's changed my view on the world, and helped me change for the better. I feel like she's constantly surprising me, because I always wonder how on earth she could be so amazing, and then something comes up and I've learned something new about her. She's just so unbelievably awesome, I mean she totally rocks. She's turned my world upside down." You supressed a laugh at his words. "And I'm gonna be here as long as she wants me to be. And I'll try to make her as happy as she makes me, even happier."
Your grandmother and Aunt Beatrice were speechless, honestly. You turned to look at Steve, a look of almost shock on your face.
"This one's a keeper, Y/N. Better than any of the idiots Keira brings for us. All beauty and no brain, or personality for that matter. This one is sweet."
You could see Keira watching from just inside one of the doors that led out onto the deck, her anger clear in her eyes. The attention wasn't on her and she was pissed, clearly, but that was the least of your worries.
"So, Steve, tell us about yourself," Aunt Beatrice prompted.
You took the opportunity first, to show Steve the same love he'd shown to you just moments ago. "Steve is amazing. Really. I mean, was he a little bit of a jerk in high school, absolutely, but he's changed himself around totally. And don't let him fool you. He'll tell you I helped him change, except he never needed me. Because he was always a good person. He just needed the eye-opener to realise it. He's become so wonderful. He plays basketball, he's a great swimmer. He doesn't know movies, but that can be easily fixed, he has a good taste in music. Those kids I've told you about, he acts like a second mother to all of them. He's so protective over them and he cares so much for all of them. It's honestly one of the best things to see."
"Steve, you sound almost too good to be true," Beatrice chuckled.
"Yes, don't let this one go, Y/N," your grandmother agreed. "My camera! I need my camera. I need a picture of the two of you." She was up and away rather fast for an old woman, and she returned quickly with her camera, ready to take pictures.
You and Steve stood, finding a good place to stand, with the lake right behind you, leaning against the railing. His arm was round your waist, yours around his, bright smiles on both of your faces.
But then, he did something unexpected.
It had happened rather suddenly, and you had barely registered it before it was over, all too quickly.
Steve's lips, on your own. They were soft, and the kiss was even more so, gentle like the stroke of a feather against your skin.
He pulled away from you as the family outside cheered a little among themselves, grinning. His eyes searched yours for a moment, your tongue darting out to wet your lips, his eyes following the brief action.
"Oh, that is a lovely one. That is absolutely beautiful. Look at this one, Bea." Your grandmother showed Beatrice the picture, and her face lit up in a smile.
"That is gorgeous." And then the two of them walked away.
"That was..." You murmured.
"Yeah, it was."
"You should've picked drama, you're really good at this," you told him in a quiet voice.
He chuckled, looking down at his feet for a moment as a blush crept up his neck. "I don't have to pretend that you mean the world to me."
You paused, thinking his words over. Did Steve Harrington just admit to having a crush on you? Because it certainly sounded like he did. You looked up at him. "Did you just -"
"Yes. Probably. If you're thinking what I think you're thinking."
A huge smile grew on your face, your hands reaching up and grabbing his face, pulling him down to you, your lips meeting his an a kiss that lasted much longer than the first.
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allisonlol · 2 years
Can I request a Fyodor Headcanon of his s/o and him being caught in the rain? he’s so flawless I couldn’t see him caught in the rain lol. Please take care <3
a/n: this is adorable yes yes yes. added some of my other favs just cuz!
warnings: none!
(Fyodor, Ranpo, Jouno) Getting Caught in the Rain With Their S/O
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i agree that he's almost too perfect to imagine in this situation BUT
the two of you had been out for a date, and it was on the walk home that the sky had turned cloudy and grey
rain hadn't been in the forecast so neither of you were really prepared when it started pouring
you hear fyodor curse under his breath while he quickly takes off his coat and throws it over your shoulders <3
i feel like he really hates the rain. specifically, the getting wet part cuz we know his anemic ass is gonna be freezing
does that thing where he pulls you close to shield you more from the rain
^benefits of having a bf who is tall asf i guess!
y'all just huddle together and try to speed walk towards the nearest place for shelter
y'know those pictures of cats where they get wet and look all pathetic and pissed off? yea that's what he ends up looking like
you've been too busy laughing at that and he's just shooting you the nastiest glares while literally trying to squeeze the water out of his clothes bye
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so this time, y'all KNEW it was going to rain but had still tried to plan your day around it
unfortunately, you severely misjudged the timing and ended up getting LOST in the city when it started storming
remember that scene of the gif i inserted??
you would think he'd be prepared like that again but nah, no umbrella this time
instead, ranpo give you his little cape (?) thing but it gets all soggy and deadass weighs you down so you throw it back at him PLS
wrings it dry-ish and holds it over both of you as a makeshift umbrella
and then y'all take off and start BOLTING down the sidewalk in search of a directory or something to tell you how to get back home
(think of that meme with the two people in the jacket running in the rain and just screaming AAAAAA)
needless to say you guys are still lost and end up calling kunikida with ur literal waterlogged phone
bro has to drive around until he finds y'all and to top it off you guys get water all inside his car??
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oh lord. you guys already know how this is gonna go down
so. you and jouno like to go for walks in the city, right? y'know holding hands n all that cute shit that he pretends to hate
today the forecast was supposed to be good, but jouno wouldn't shut up about how he "can sense rain coming"
you're just like "ok sweetie, whatever you say" LMAO
but he was actually right and like 30 minutes later it downpours
jouno hates the rain (cuz it messes up his hair or some shit) so he's immediately gonna start bitching
starts walking super fast and dragging you after him
you're all like "oh i WISH i'd brought a coat so i wouldn't get all wet" in a subtle attempt to get him to give you his but
mf just goes "no shit, you really should've" petty ass
LOL dw he does end up giving it to you but claims it's cuz it "got so drenched it's not even worth wearing" yea mhm ok
you guys wind up sheltered in some random shop and jouno terrorizes the owners to let y'all stay past closing till the rain has stopped
usually you'd be like "bro stop" but you let it slide this time since he looks so cute. like when you give a kitten a bath and it's all soggy and miserable <3
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Innocent Pt. 9
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After our time together in the church, I couldn't get Rafe out of my mind. I hated to shower because then I washed his scent off me and out of my hair. I found myself tracing all the places he'd kissed me with my fingers, molding it into memory. I was infected by Rafe Cameron and I couldn't wait to see him again. I was sad to learn that he had gone to the Bahamas for a few days with his dad the next day. I don't know why I'm so disappointed that he left without a good-bye or even bothered to tell me last night when we were together. I huffed in disappointment but Leah snapped me out of it, offering me some M&M's she'd just paid for.
"It's sad, yaknow? John B and Sarah." Leah's comment snaps me out of my funk, reminding me that Rafe's sister had died and never once brought it up. And I'd never asked. Guilt seeps in deep to my bones. "Why do you look like you're going to be sick?" Leah widens her eyes at me.
"I uh, just feel bad that we didn't really know them." I lie and she knows I'm a liar.
"Whatever. I know you got the hots for Rafe Cameron." Leah calls me out just like that and nervous laughter slips from me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I snatch the M&M's from her and pour some in my mouth. She swats at me and takes the bag back.
"Did you sleep with him? You seem different. Lighter, maybe? Like you're happy." Leah eyes me suspiciously and I cave. I spill my heart and soul about the ongoing situation that is me and Rafe Cameron and she downs M&M's like popcorn. Minutes tick by before she finds the ability to speak again.
"Do you think you'll do it again?" Leah wags her eyebrows at me and I laugh.
"I don't know. Maybe? I want to get on birth control but I can't do it without my parents finding out." I sigh.
"Just go to the clinic. Tell them you don't have insurance and you'll get it for free." Leah shrugs so casually. The last time I'd asked my mother about birth control she'd told my father and it didn't go over very well.
"Do you want to carpool to school Monday?" I changed the subject.
"Uh duh? I'll pick you up. We don't want to risk your car making us late all the time like last year." We both giggle as we finish off the M&M's. I was thankful school was starting back up so I didn't have to spend mornings hiding in my room at home. Tomorrow is Sunday which means the store is closed and Leah insists we go to the clinic to start birth control. I agree but only if she goes with me. I settle on an IUD so I don't have to worry about hiding or forgetting pills. This way my parents will never know.
Monday rolls around and the whole school is quiet over the loss of John B. Sarah went to the Kook Academy but a lot of people here still knew who she was. The whole thing was sad. I couldn't believe John B was charged with murder of the sheriff and Sarah ran off with him anyway. They took a boat head on into a tropical storm and the cops lost them, ruling their deaths an accident. They chose to die together instead of being apart if John B had gone to prison. After school, Leah takes me to the store and she's quiet the entire drive. I can tell she's having a hard time keeping her mouth shut. I'm about to call her out on it when she finally speaks.
"I heard something today." She blurts, casting me a nervous look.
"Okay? What was it?" I question, checking my phone again to find zero messages from Rafe.
"The Pogues are telling people that it wasn't John B that shot the sheriff. It was Rafe." My phone slips from my hands and hits the floor board. We roll to a stop at a stop sign and Leah meets my wide eyes. I can't think of a single thing to say. Is this why he kept saying he was a bad man? Did Rafe really kill the sheriff? He all but told me he'd hurt someone. He'd told me so many times and I hadn't listened. I thought he was just trying to scare me away.
"I thought you should know." Leah says softly as we pull up at the store. I nod and get out without another word. I relieve my mother and take over managing the store with my mind running a mile a minute. What had I done? What am I going to do?
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radiant-reid · 3 years
Tough Day
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As soon as Spencer walked in the door of his apartment, Y/n knew something was off. She had gotten his text to say they were coming back from Atlanta that night. And like any good girlfriend, she picked up some of his favourite Indian takeout before driving over to his place.
When she reached the apartment, Spencer hadn't returned. Y/n sat down on the leather armchair he usually read on and picked up a book from the side table. She could guarantee it was what Spencer was last reading. As if working for the FBI wasn't enough, he still had to read Agatha Christie.
She let a giggle out at his choice of literature.
Not able to read 20000 words a minute, Y/n had almost read the first chapter when the door unlocked for the second time that evening.
"Hey, Spencer, how was the case?" She yelled out, trying to sound as cheerful as she could. The book was intriguing and she hadn't flicked her eyes up to look for him yet.
It wasn't always easy being with someone who had to witness such gruesome things daily but she did her best to be a source of light.
She could tell she was going to have to try extra hard this evening when she finally took his figure in. First, it was the way he shrugged off the question. Even the way he was walking was an ode to how upset he was, slowly dragging his feet across the wooden floorboards.
His posture was bad but today it was worse than normal. She also noticed he hadn't shaved since he left.
Y/n got up out of the armchair and walked over to him, immediately wrapping him in her arms. "Spence, do you want to talk about it?" She asked him, running her fingers through his knotty hair.
He only shook his head, finding the strength to move his arms to her back. "Just wanna be with you." He mumbled quietly.
Y/n nodded and pulled him over to the 3 seated leather couch. She laid down first and silently told Spencer to lay with his head on her collarbone. Because of how much taller he was, his feet stretched off the end of the coach as he kicked his converse off.
They just lay together for a while, Y/n combing her fingers through Spencer's brown locks. Without saying a word. All he needed was her comfort, and that was what she was going to provide him with.
Y/n could feel his wet tears seeping into her jumper. Spencer had always been a quiet crier. All she wanted to do was make his pain go away but she wasn't sure how to. The only thing she could do was hold him.
Spencer had barely said a word until now. "Is there anything here to eat?" He asked.
Y/n smiled at him, stroking her thumb over his cheekbones. He looked so precious like this, so genuine. "I brought you Indian."
It was the first time he had smiled since she saw him 4 days ago. "Thank you."
Spencer wiggled off her to get up and she followed him to the kitchen. His facial features looked so sad in the dim kitchen light. His eyes were completely sunken with dark circles around them and she knew he hadn't slept since he'd been gone.
Y/n knew he probably hadn't eaten much either which is why she was happy when he dished up a plate of curry.
On most cases he survived off coffee and chocolate bars alone, she wasn't sure how. But she was positive that he would have more IQ points if he nourished his body.
"Can we watch a movie?" Spencer asked as he shuffled to the living room with his dinner.
Y/n nodded. "Yeah, go and get changed, Spence. I'll find something you'll like." She instructed and he followed the command, leaving his plate of food on the living room table.
Usually, he would have shot back some statistics about how many times she actually picked a movie he liked when she said she would instead of some cheesy rom-com. But today was not usual.
He came back a few minutes after, his hair still messy but he had changed into a hoodie and matching sweatpants. When he sat on the couch and picked up his dinner he couldn't eat it.
"She looked just like you," Spencer commented, Y/n's attention immediately turning to him.
"Who did, Spence?" She urged softly, trying to get him to talk.
He couldn't even put the food near his mouth. "The uh... the victim... she looked just like you... same hair and eyes." He confessed to her, tears in his eyes again.
Y/n turned to look at him and put her plate of food down. "Spencer, what happened?"
Before he started the story a tear rolled down his cheek. She reached up to wipe it off and held his face as he told her the details of the case. "She died, Y/n... right there in my arms... we told the unsub not to slit her throat.... but he did... Morgan still shot him... and I just held her while she lay there... she lost so much blood...that when she got to the hospital...I begged them, Y/n, I did... but they couldn't do anything." He managed to get out in between sobs.
"Spencer." Y/n cooed. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." She told him as she locked eyes with his deep brown ones.
There was a glimpse of hope as he nodded. "I just... I'm, uh, so scared... of losing you one day." He confessed, his nose scrunching as he continued to cry.
Y/n held his face even tighter. "You'll never lose me, Spencer. I promise." She reassured him.
He shook his head, roughly pulling away from her. "You don't know that." He was still crying as he put his head in his hands and lent forward.
"No, I don't." She agreed, moving her hand so she could rub his back in the hopes of comforting him. "But I promise that there is so much good in the world, Spencer. You just have to see a lot of bad things but you're so strong."
"I just wish I could have saved her, Y/n." Spencer let out another choaked sob. Y/n could physically feel her own heart-shattering. "I promised her boyfriend we would. I can't help but imagining that was me."
"I know you do, baby. And I know her boyfriend would have seen you do everything you could to save her. I am so proud of you for everything you do." Y/n reminded him. "Just have something to eat and we can watch a movie and then go to bed for cuddles." She promised. That perked his head up.
Y/n instinctively leant over to brush the tears off his cheeks, holding his face before leaning in to give him a kiss. She could feel the sweet boy relax a little with her lips on his.
"Okay." He agreed once he pulled away. "And thank you, Y/n. For everything."
She rested her forehead on his. "You never have to thank me, Spence."
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
That was difficult to decide!
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This is a blurb from the Keep Driving AU
Read PART 1 & PART 2
Harry and Y/N had been in Italy for two weeks and she got to witness his creative streak for herself. It was impressive how just between three of them they were creating the most incredible songs, all of it of course being documented by his photographer. Harry wasn't withholding from her, but she could tell that he was still a bit timid in sharing about what he was writing, so she never pushed him. But she was listening eagerly when he'd let her in.
Today had been particularly long. Due to the time difference Y/N was having a 1am meeting at the moment, it was technically 4pm in LA. Harry still hadn't come up to their room. He had a little writing room and very small studio set up in the den of his Italian villa and he'd been locked away almost all day. Truth is, things had been a bit rough with their work and having enough time to spend together, but they continued to make the best of it however they could.
"Well thank you everyone for your time, have a lovely weekend." Y/N's boss said and Y/N smiled and waved one last time before getting off the zoom. She sighed and reached for her phone and text Harry, seeing if he'd be any longer. After not receiving a response ten minutes later she just decided to get ready for bed. She had washed up and brushed her teeth and was now slipping into one of his crew necks, it came down to her mid-thigh. With that she plopped onto the bed and sighed aloud, jumping up at a few knocks on her door. She went over and saw Anthony, Harry's photographer.
"Hey, sorry to disturb you, were you asleep?" he asked with a small frown.
"No, no. I was barely about to go to bed." she assured him.
"Oh OK. Well, either way ummm, Harry's quite fucked up." he said with a timid smile, "But he really kept insisting that I show you this picture we took." he said as he brought his camera up. Y/N knew just by the looks of it that he was high out of his mind and she giggled, "Wanted to know if you wanted a print of it to remember him by?" Anthony chuckled and Y/N sighed.
"Oh god... I mean, yeah I'd love one. Is he still outside?"
"Yeah, on the grass looking at the stars." Anthony smiled and she giggled, "He probably needs to be coaxed to come in, wouldn't listen to me."
"For sure." she said.
"Alright, well good luck and good night." he said and she smiled.
"Thanks, Anthony. Good night." she said and he headed off towards the room he was occupying. She went to slip on her shoes and headed down, careful not to make too much noise as she headed outside. Sure enough, she found Harry on the ground, sunglasses on his face. "Hey, H. You alright?"
"Y/N?" he asked and she hummed, coming down beside him and helping him sit up.
"Yeah, it's me." she said.
"Did you see my picture?"
"I did. Why's it one to remember you by?" she asked.
"Because, it's starting." he grumbled and she grabbed his hands.
"What's starting?"
"The downward spiral. I get busy, you get busy and then everything just gets all fucked up." he said sadly and she sighed.
"Don't say that." she tutted.
"You don't feel it and see it happening? You're leaving in a week." he asked and she sighed. Of course she did, but she didn't want to dwell on that. Harry was frowning as the thoughts consumed his mind. He was scared to lose her. She had helped him so much in the months that they had known each other. He felt like he was finally coming into himself and her encouragement and understanding pushed him to dig deeper. To be more present, to be more real. Being with her was the happiest he had been in a long time. He didn't want to lose her yet, he wasn't ready for that.
"How about we go to bed, H?" She asked gently, ignoring that sinking feeling in her stomach after what he'd said.
"Still wanna be in the same bed as me?" he asked with a small pout.
"As long as you'll have me, yeah. There's nowhere I'd rather be." she said with a small smile and he smiled back at her. After a moment he allowed her to pull him to stand and she guided him back to his room, they were sharing it during her visit. She helped him brush his teeth and get out of the layers of clothes he was in. He then dropped himself on the bed and she followed.
"I'm sorry for saying the shit I said." he broke the silence.
"It's OK. We need to acknowledge everything, good and bad." she responded into the darkness. He felt regretful, he felt like maybe he had driven a wedge between them and all he wanted now was to feel close to her.
"Baby, can you play with my hair?" he asked softly.
"Of course, c'mere." she insisted and he moved around until he settled his head against her chest and her fingers started weaving through his hair tenderly. Her mind was wandering though, she knew that she didn't initially agree to connect with him in the hopes of a romantic relationship, but they sort of fell into that. And Harry was right, things were changing between them and quickly. He would only be getting busier and she very well couldn't follow him around for months on end. He had never even asked her properly to be his girlfriend or anything more, maybe because he knew where this would go. Nowhere. He was probably protecting himself and her from the inevitable and crushing let down of reality.
"Baby," he mumbled softly.
"Yeah, H?"
"You know that you mean so much to me. You're practically my muse." he hummed and she wanted to roll her eyes, that couldn't be true, "And it's the truth, don't you mentally roll your eyes at me." he knew her so well and she giggled, "Know what you're thinking."
"Harry, when I'm with you I feel so, so happy." she confessed, "And nothing in the world could ever tarnish that for me." she said softly. She wanted to reassure him that to her, whatever they were, they weren't a mistake. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat upon hearing this, it made him expel that horrible feeling he felt, like he was doomed and bringing her down with him. This was just life and they were on different paths, it wasn't anyone's fault.
"Even if things don't end up how we want them to?" he asked more quietly.
"Of course. I don't regret anything with you." she reassured, "Never will." she confirmed with a smile and he smiled as well and kissed her chest. His heart started pounding nervously as the feeling took over his body and the words crawled up his throat, but he just needed to say it.
"I love you." he confessed quietly and she felt her heart start to hammer in her chest at his confession. She probably stayed quiet for a little too long because she felt Harry tense a bit, but she just couldn't believe it, she was so happy to hear what he had said. But it also made everything that he'd brought up that much more terrifying. But she pushed her fear aside and she leaned down and kissed the top of his head and smiled against him.
"I love you, Harry." she whispered.
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