#and we had an overnight staff who showed me the 8am medications and he told me in a way that made me thought
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werewolfdog · 11 days ago
I was told today that I made a big mistake at work yesterday ( not giving a client their morning medications— I didn’t know she has morning meds ), and five coworkers are aware of this but I was assured they won’t tell on me, holy fucking shit. 😭😭😭
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helireach · 8 years ago
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Dad got a call on Saturday that there was a medivac for a lady who had a baby, but the placenta wasn’t coming out. Dad asked if I would like to go with him. I said yes! So Dad told me to get something to eat and I jumped in the car and we drove to the hangar. Once we got to the hangar, the brother of the lady was there and he told us where she lived and so Dad and I went into the hangar to see where the village was and what the weather was like there. Unfortunately the weather was not good enough to allow a flight that day. So Dad decided that we would try to go the next day at the crack of Dawn. Later that afternoon, Dad got another medevac call for a man who had fallen of a roof, so we planned that one for the next day too. In the morning we woke up at 515am and although I was super tired, I was excited to go. Once we got to the hangar, I helped Dad get the helicopter ready. Once we were all good to go, the brother showed up and told us that the placenta had been delivered overnight and the mum and baby were safe. We sat around the hangar until around 8am and then the weather was good enough to go and get the man who fell off the roof. The take off in the helicopter was a bit scary. But once we were up in the air, I really liked it. The clouds were awesome and fluffy, like fairy floss. Once we flew over near the village, I could see people running towards the sound of the helicopter and I could see the helipad they had made out of rocks, but Dad was a bit uncertain if he could land because the helipad had been made a bit too small. He hovered around for a bit and I could see all the grass, and trees blowing around. Dad landed it, but left the helicopter running and I had to open my door and check to make sure the skid of the heli was on the helipad. All the people from the village started running down and Dad had to tell them to stop otherwise they might get hit from the blades. Dad shut the machine down and I was allowed to get out. I could see them carrying the man down to the helicopter. He had a bandage on his head and leg with blood leaking through it and his arm was in a sling made out of one piece of string. He was loaded into the helicopter while I met some people and were shaking their hands. This time I had to sit in the back and face backwards, I felt sorry for the guy and I was trying to imagine how he fell off the roof because it looked more like he had been beaten up. We flew him straight to the hospital and the medical staff were waiting for him with a stretcher. They helped him out and then we flew back to the hangar. Sometimes I also go with a friend and do hospital visits. We go to see the patient after a few days and take them a care package, with a towel, plate, soap, cup etc. and we get to pray with them and make sure they are being looked after. I really like the work that we do here, because I like helping people.   Mein Dad bekam am Samstag einen Anruf fuer einen Rettungs Flug. Eine Frau hatte ein Baby gebohren aber die Plazenta war noch nicht heraus gekommen. Dad fragte ob ich mitkommen will. Ich sagte ja aber ich fuelte mich nicht so gut weil wir gerade von einer holprigen Auto fahrt nach Hause kamen. Deshalb war ich mir nicht sicher ob ich mitgehen wollte. Dad sagte mir das ich was essen soll und wir stiegen wieder ins Auto und fuhren zum Hangar. Beim Hangar tarfen wir den Bruder der Frau. Er sagte uns wo die Frau wohnt. Dad und ich gingen in den Hangar um zu sehen wo das Dorf war und wie das Wetter dort war.Leider war das Wetter nicht gut genug um den Flug an diesem tag duchzufuehren. So Dad beschloss den Flug frueh am naechsten morgen zu machen. Am Nachmittag bekam Dad noch einen Anruf fuer einen anderen Rettungs Flug, ein Mann war von einem Dach gefallen. Also planten wir diesen Flug auch noch fuer den naechsten Tag. Am naechsten Morgen um 5 Uhr 15 standen wir auf und obwohl ich sehr muede war, freute ich mich sehr. Im Hangar half ich Dad den Heli zum fliegen vorzubereiten. Gerade als wir fertig waren kam der Bruder der Frau wieder und sagte uns das die Plazenta in der Nacht raus kam und die Mutter und das Baby wohl auf seien. Wir warteten im Hangar bis um ungefaehr 8 Uhr, dann war das Wetter gut genug um den Mann der vom Dach gefallen war abzuhohlen. Der Take-off war ein bischen unheimlich als der Heli anfing sich zu bewegen. Aber als wir in der Luft waren machte es mir Spass und die Wolken waren schoen und sahen aus wie Zuckerwatte. Als wir in die Naehe des Dorfes kamen sah ich wie Menschen in die  Richtung des Rotoren laerms rannten. Ich sah das Helipad das aus Steinen gebaut war. Aber Dad war sich nicht sicher ob er auf dem zu kleinen Helipad landen kann. Er schwebte mit dem Heli ein bischen herum und ich sah wie Grass und Baeume herumgeblasen wurden. Dad setzte den Heli auf aber lies ihn laufen und ich musste meine Tuer aufmachen und schauen ob die Kufe auf dem Helipad war. Alle Dorfbewohner begannen den Berg herunter zu laufen und Dad musste sie stoppen sodass sie nicht in die Rotornblaetter liefen. Dad stellte das Triebwerk ab und ich durfte aussteigen. Ich sah wie der Mann zum Heli getragen wurde. Er hatte einen Verband am Bein und am Kopf durch den das Blut sickerte und sein Arm war in einer Schlinge die aus einem Stueck Schnur gemacht war. Als er in den Heli geladen wurde schuettelte ich viele Haende. Jetzt musste ich rueckwaerts im Heli sitzen. Der Mann tat mir leid und ich versuchte mir vorzustellen wie er vom Dach gefallen war, da er aussah als ob er verpruegelt worden war. Wir flogen ihn direct zum Krankenhaus wo die Krankenpfleger schon mit einer Trage auf ihn warteten. Sie halfen ihm aus dem Heli und wir flogen zurueck zum Hangar. Manchmal gehe ich auch mit einer Freundin zum Krankenhaus um Patienten zu besuchen. Wir besuchen die Patienten nach ein paar Tagen und nehmen ein Hilfspacket mit. Mit einem Handtuch, Seife,Teller,Tasse usw. Wir beten mit ihnen und stellen sicher das nach ihnen geschaut wird. Mir gefaellt die Arbeit die wir hier tun weil ich gerne Menschen helfe.
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werewolfdog · 3 days ago
Spilling ranty thoughts around M with the gossips and all
Okay, so what happened that brought upon this weird gossipy condition with M is on Family Day last Monday, I forgot to give the 8am medication to one client. I was gathering the meds and an overnight coworker who I see as a friend ( R.SM. ) was showing me them, which got me distracted and he asked if I got this client's meds. I almost said yes thinking she had only mouthwash, but he checked and said I do, but I actually didn't and forgot her pills. Keep in mind this was my first time doing the 8am medications as doing the shift at 7am.
The next day, I had two different overnight weekday staffs ( W + R.SU. ) informing me about this error, and told me they won't report me because they understood I'm still fairly new and accidents happen. Later, an evening-night weekday staff ( O.I. ) informed me as well with a day weekend coworker being aware of this, so I had at least four people in the team who knew this error, and then five ( which they all assured they won't report on me, thankfully )--- I later told R.SM. about this a few days ago on Saturday after I found someone forgot to give a client their new 8am medication because R.SM. first shared to me that a long time ago M, my closest coworker and irl friend, reported on him and his usual coworker that they missed giving a client's medication.
Now here is a thing Sol and I have been finding recently with M from our coworkers: There seems to be an air of some wariness and bitterness happening around M that I have no idea why overall beside the fact he reported on a duo staff for the medication error. I had R.SU. telling me that even though M is my friend, I shouldn't trust him and let him know about my error or he'll tell our supervisor on me, which I can get suspended, fined, and fired as the final punishment. O.I. had also told me that M can't know about this at all and even tried to hush me with the quiet gesture, warning me as he will report on me.
When R.SM. shared to me about M reporting him and the other due to medication error they made, he and another staff, O.A., spoke about M with such distaste and resentment as if he's the bad person. Even R.SM. told me along the llne, "You and M are close, but with others ( our other coworkers ), he doesn't care at all." Then O.A. told me to watch out for "my people," being Asian folks like myself and M with this mindset that us Asians are hellbent on following rules and being goodie two shoes. I've asked M today what would happen if someone missed a client's medications and he shared me an experience that he had to report someone ( that being R.SU. ) for the medication error because he already left the shift and M didn't want to get in trouble for not making the report, otherwise M would've informed him. M did told me making reports isn't worth it and it's better to remind them and be more careful next time, so I know he didn't report on R.SM. out of maliciousness like the way R.SM. was making it be so. Despite the warnings I got from my coworkers, I told him about my error and he only reassured me it's alright and nothing will happen to me, and I have to be more careful. He repeated several times that I'm okay and I just know he won't tell on me.
It's genuinely so crazy to me many of my coworkers don't trust and like M. Yes, he may be somewhat reserved and distant kind of person, but none of these people know him the way I do at all. Our coworkers only see we're close based on us just expressing to each other more openly and the fact that we built a snowman together. If M really isn't a caring person, he wouldn't care enough to often ask me if I'm okay or checking on my health conditions. If he really isn't a kind person, he wouldn't give me candies on holidays and objects as my rewards for doing the Rubik's Cube methods right. If he truly isn't a good person to me in the end, then he'd never speak to me with such raw fatherly attitude as he would never do so many things for me that he didn't have to at all, but he did just because he wants me to be happy.
Actually, no one in this team is as interactive and expressive as M is to me, and i don't think I will ever find another coworker who I can share similar experiences with M. He actually cares so much about my wellbeing and choices and life that my absent father and toxic mother can never. We may not speak beyond workplace and we're still learning about each other more, but he and our dynamic are very special to me. I don't know or understand why our coworkers are on such a negative term with M and I likely will never get to learn the reasons, but I really don't like how some of our peers made M seem like he's a selfish person who doesn't care about others in the end. He does care about me and no one gets to see beyond a single percent of what he does for and say to me, hence these assumptions I'll be hurt and taken advantage of by M.
Just because I'm new and especially the youngest doesn't mean I'm stupid and naive. I had been hurt and used on by those I thought were closest to me many times. Sol and I would be able to sense after nearly four months of working together the most if M was doing anything harmful or malicious towards me, but he's not like that at all. People should leave him alone because not only is it disrespectful to gossip and bad mouth about someone but it's not a good image to make at all when one make a huge implication that someone is a bad person because they did something " unnecessary " to avoid getting into dire trouble that was made by someone else in the first place or they act in certain ways that may not be socially acceptable.
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