Happy birthday to your keykid @yuu-maxiem!
A little fic for you, my dear mutual. 🫶
Hope you enjoy! 🙏
A Fight club is the way to a person's heart
- Bottoms (inspired) modern school AU
- Brain/Player, Strelitzia/Player
- Heart (my keykid), Maxie (yuu-maxiem's keykid)
- Yes, there's in fact two of them lmao
GUYS, GUYS! I FIGURED IT OUT!" Ephemer exclaimed with excitement. The white haired boy was overflowing with enthusiasm, as he was running across the school hallway to the table where his friends were seated.
"Figured out what, exactly?" A black haired girl asked while raising her eyebrows. Skuld poked a friend of theirs beside her who was half asleep. An orange haired boy sat up sleepily fixing his glasses.
"You remember our conversation from last week? When we were in the school cafeteria?" Ephemer explained while waving a white paper sheet in his hands.
"Which day?" Skuld asked. She kicked another friend of theirs with her foot under the table.
"Ow!" A dark brunet haired boy whined. He side-eyed Skuld.
"Both of you! Focus!" Skuld pointed both Maxie, the orange haired boy with glasses and Heart, the brown haired boy. Then she turned to face Ephemer.
"Okay, so, I had this great idea. I figured out how we will get the attention of..." Ephemer started to drum the table in front of him.
Very Ephemer-like, that was something he would totally do, the rest of the group thought.
" ...Brain and Strelitzia, of course!"
"..Go on..?" Skuld raised her eyebrows again. There was no way of predicting if Ephemer's ideas were actually pure genius or stupidity.
"I don't like where this is going.." Heart had a worried look on his face. Maxie on the other hand just stared at Ephemer like he just said something outrageous.
"We'll start a fight club!"
"A Fight club? Why on Earth, would we start a fight cub?" Skuld questioned. She looked both Maxie and Heart with a confused expression on her face, and the two answered with just as confused looking face.
"No, You need to hear me out-" Ephemer started his rambling again.
"Last week at the cafeteria we talked about how Brain and Strelitzia are always with their own friends. It's almost impossible to approach them, right?"
All of them did recall the encounter in the school cafeteria. They had been sitting on their usual spot, just eating lunch together, when Brain had suddenly walked past.
Heart had almost choked on his food as Ephemer had started his usual friendly teasing about when Heart was going to make a move on his crush.
Of course Heart had defended himself by saying that it was almost impossible to even try to approach Brain as he only hung out with people he was personally friends with.
But it really had sparked a deeper conversation about Brain and Strelitzia in general between the friends.
"Okay, Ephemer what's your point?" Skuld scoffed, clearly not following the point the white haired boy was trying to make.
"Guys! Ventus is the key! That's how we'll lure both Brain AND Strelitzia into our little club!"
"Oh no..." Heart let out a deep sight. The brunet haired boy already had a guess where this was going.
"What!? There's no way you are going to get Ventus on a FIGHT CLUB. The kid trips on his own shoelaces!" Skuld still seemed skeptical. And so did Maxie.
"No, please, just hear me out. We talked about this, remember? Both Brain and Strelitzia only hang out with people they know, so that's Lauriam, Elrena and Ventus. And thanks to Lauriam and Elrena for being in the cheerleading team, all of them are like, super popular!" It really seemed that Ephemer was dead set on this plan of his to work.
"Yeah, but that's why it's so difficult to befriend any of them! Because they have at least 100 other students bothering them every single day with their nonsense. Not to mention that, especially Lauriam, Brain and Elrena are like everybody's hallway crush here." Skuld crossed her arms around her chest.
But she was only right, all of them knew that. Both Lauriam and Elrena were beautiful and fit, athletic people and cheerleaders. Of course they were popular. But also their fame affected Strelitzia, who were Lauriam's little sister and Brain who had been friends with Lauriam since childhood. It even affected Ventus, who somehow was adopted into the group a few years ago by Lauriam.
"Yeah, but Ventus is in the same study group as I am. I have talked to him, we are getting along pretty well. So, just give it a few weeks and I'm sure I'll convince him to join our club. The rest of them will follow after. They always do that." Ephemer finally put down the paper on the table from his hands. The sheet seemed to be some kind of club joining list with the details of who were the club's owners and the teacher responsible for supervising the club.
There was a short moment of silence. All of them sat quietly, clearly thinking about Ephemer's proposal.
"You know what, I'm in." Skuld broke the silence. She stood up from her chair and then pointed first Heart and then Maxie.
"This might actually work. And I'm tired of you two always complaining how you don't know how to approach your crushes, so let's do this." She stated.
This seemed to get Ephemer again to his overly excited state.
"When we get both Brain and Strelitzia in our club, Heart you ask Brain out, and Maxie you ask Strelitzia out. And that's a deal." She continued.
But she only faced two disagreeing faces. Neither Heart nor Maxie seemed happy with the plan.
"There's no way! No way, I'm asking Brain out! There are rumors of him and Lauriam dating!" Heart bridled.
"Yeah, and we need a teacher to supervise us! I bet none of them will, since a fight club is a disaster waiting to happen. What if somebody gets hurt?" Maxie finally spoke up, clearly backing up Heart's statement.
"Oh, Mr. Aced already agreed. I asked him." Ephemer protested against the two boys that were still sitting on their seats.
"What!? That means you just did all of the paper work behind our backs!" Heart stood up, clearly disappointed.
"Yeah, I did, because I knew if I tried talking to you two, you would have refused entirely." Ephemer said.
"But don't worry, nobody will get hurt. Not on our watch! Let's just be careful, and I'm sure everything will be fine. And no need to worry about those rumors either, since we have no way of knowing if they are true or not. You just have to ask Brain out, I'm sure he'll refuse if he really is dating someone." he continued.
"Yeah, and me and Ephemer can operate as teachers! You two can work as.. secretaries...?" Skuld tried to defend Ephemer, only to realize that her statement didn't make that much sense.
"Secretaries? Are you two serious? It's one person's job and why would a fight club need one??" Heart snorted while shaking his head in disbelief.
"Oh come on guys! Let's just do this! I'm sure it'll work. Just give it a chance." Ephemer pleaded.
"Yeah, just think about it. We can make some sort of.. Scoring system? A way for people to have a friendly competition against each other. You two can count the points." Skuld joined to plead with Ephemer.
There was again a moment of silence before Maxie spoke up.
"Fine. I'll do it. But only if we stay out of trouble."
This caused Ephemer and Skuld both to cheer with excitement and Heart to groan with frustration.
"Please, Heart. Let's do this. If somebody actually gets hurt we'll stop, okay?" Ephemer continued to plead at the brunet haired boy.
"Fine… But just, we have to be careful."
"YES! FIGHT CLUB HERE WE COME!" Ephemer nearly screamed and jumped with Skuld.
"Finally! It's time that you two start making those moves! Everybody better watch out for you two!" Skuld cheered while clapping her hands, causing Heart and Maxie to share a regretful look with each other.
Now they were only one piece of paper away from getting Brain and Strelitzia to notice them.
And the plan worked, surprisingly.
The first lessons were a hit amongst the students. I guess being in a 'fight club' was a nice change of scene compared to other clubs.
The weeks passed, and so did the club lessons. And thanks to Ephemer's effort he was able to convince Ventus to join them.
And as predicted, it only took a few weeks before his other friends started to join as well. And that's when the plan was set in motion.
Both Heart and Maxie sat besides the other students in the auditorium of the school gymnasium while Skuld and Ephemer taught in the front. And the scoring system was a hit too.
There was a moveable blackboard a few metres away from the middle of the hall, where Skuld and Ephemer stood. On the board were all kinds of rankings; there was one category for testing strength and another for speed. Only ten best were ranked in both categories and both Skuld and Ephemer did their best to always remind everyone that the competition was friendly, since there were a couple of kids that took the competition quite seriously.
The lessons had gone quite peacefully, without much trouble. Even though there was sometimes someone -and that someone was mostly Brain- who wondered if Ephemer and Skuld were actually qualified to teach.
Somehow the four of them still managed to pull it off, with the help of the wonderful world of the internet, of course. Because in reality none of them had any idea how to actually fight, they ended up searching on Moogle for simple kick and punch techniques. Luckily for them, it had really worked, since none of the other students had most likely as much experience in combat as them.
"Alright everybody! Take a seat!" Ephemer's shouting echoed in the school gymnasium hall.
"It's nice to see everyone again! Last week we practiced some karate kicks, so this week we have decided to teach some new punching techniques" Skuld clapped her hands to get people's attention.
While Skuld and Ephemer started to give instructions, both Heart and Maxie we completently distracted by other things.
Thanks to Ephemer for befriending Ventus, Lauriam, Elrena, Strelitzia and Brain have been much easier to chat with. It really had become a normal occurrence that their friend group were seated beside -or at least very close- to Maxie and Heart. This has given both boys an excellent chance to get to know their crushes more.
You could often see Strelitzia and Maxie having these small conversations together while Brain and Heart would chit chat with each other just one row above them.
And this day there was no expectation.
After Skuld and Ephemer gave their introductions they guided the students to make smaller groups and to take some space from each other. That had been proven to be the best way to let people practice. Despite, in smaller groups there was a lower change of people getting hurt and easier to socialize with friends. It helped to keep the mood of the club friendly too.
As the students started to form smaller groups both Maxie and Heart started to head towards the middle of the hall where Skuld and Ephemer were still located.
Mr. Aced, the club's supervising teacher had a habit of checking in around this time. So, they of course had to be prepared to chat with the teacher, as they were part of the club's establishers.
Heart and Maxie arrived just on time before they heard noise from the hall's entrance.
"So, everything going well over here?" The teacher voice was questioning. Mr. Aced walked over to the four of them, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Yes, we are doing fine." All of the four nodded at the same time.
"Well, that's nice to hear. I have assignments to mark, so I'll check in an hour when the club meeting is ending." The teacher cleared his voice, with a stern cough.
All of the four friends nodded again.
But then suddenly everybody's attention was on a gut wrenching scream that echoed across the hall.
As everybody stumbled to see what was going on, Mr. Aced cleared his way to the scene.
Ventus was sitting on the floor eyes filled with tears and holding his nose. There was a small flood of blood on the floor that indicated that he was hit on the nose by someone. Strelitzia was panicking beside him, trying to help somehow, but she most likely ended just being on the way. Lauriam was on his knees in front of Ventus, offering him a napkin of some sort, while Brain and Elrena looked worried behind him.
"What's going on?" The teacher asked firmly and shoothed to the other students to back away.
"It was just an accident. Strelitzia hit Ventus with her elbow. She didn't see him because he was behind her. " Lauriam explained.
Mr. Aced kneeled next to Lauriam to take a closer look on Ventus. He let out a frustrated sight that revealed that the boy's nose looked bad, like really bad.
That made Heart, Ephemer, Skuld and Maxie exchange a nervous look between each other.
"Can you escort him to the school's medical room? " The teacher asked, looking at Lauriam, who only nodded as a response.
"And I want everybody who saw what happened with me." He continued, rising up and pointing at Strelitzia, Brain and Elrena.
"And I want you four to come as well." The coldness in his voice sent shivers down everybody's back.
"What on Earth did we do?" Ephemer whispered, clearly panicking.
"Shhh, shut up. We are responsible for this club, remember!?" Skuld shot back and grapped his hand. Ephemer on the other hand cling on Maxie, who cling on Heart.
"Let's go!" Skuld rasped out to the three boys, and started to pull them towards where the school's medical room was.
"And I don't want any of you to talk while I'm gone." The teacher's voice echoed in the dead silent room.
Ephemer, Skuld, Heart and Maxie sat in the front row in a classroom that was otherwise empty. It was just them.
All four of them watched as the teacher exited the classroom, most likely to make a phone call or to go run some other errands.
As the door shut behind the teacher, the room fell into another silence.
Expect that it didn't last very long, since the teenagers bursted out laughing the minute they looked at each other.
"There's no way we actually got detention over this!" Ephemer giggled in his seat.
"Oh geez, it's going to look so bad on paper." Skuld added, while trying to hide her laughter.
"Well, at least it's just us." Maxie sighed, but it was clear he was pretty amused too.
"Yeah, Mr. Aced was nuts for trying to give detention to the others as well." Heart shook his head disapprovingly.
According to the teacher the school policy obligated to give detention to everybody involved in the incident and the club's owners, if there were any incidents in the club's activities. You can only imagine what that sounded like in the ears of the students. At the end of the day, it had just been an accident.
Luckily, - and also surprisingly- both Heart and Maxie insisted that Lauriam, Brain, Elrena nor Strelitzia shouldn't get detention, because all of this has just been a big accident.
Both of the boys offered to go to the detention themselves with Ephemer and Skuld, since it was their idea to establish the club anyway.
And even more to their surprise Mr. Aced agreed. I guess the teacher didn't feel like arguing with the students over something so minor, besides someone still had to get detention.
"It was really brave of you two to save the others from the detention, you know." Ephemer teased both Heart and Maxie.
"Yeah, we sure were their knight in shining armour." Heart snorted with a laugh.
"I'm just surprised if they don't hate us after this. After all we got them in a pretty big trouble because of the club." The brunet haired boy continued.
"Eh, I don't think so. You two saved their asses from detention. So, if anything, they should be thanking you two." Skuld shook her head at Heart.
"Maybe you have a point. But we can't know for certain from here." Maxie admitted.
"Well... At least you two got your crushes attention. So, hope for the best?" Ephemer let out a big smile that made the others giggle again as well.
But their laughter withered away as quickly as it had begun, as they heard the teacher enter the class again.
So, there the four of them sat in utter silence for the rest of the detention.
It passed slowly and painfully, but once the teacher showed them a gesture to start leaving all of them sprinted out of the classroom as quickly as possible.
"It's almost 6PM! We wasted the whole evening in detention!" Ephemer was the first one to speak again, complaining while checking the time on his wristwatch.
"Seriously!? Mom's going to be so mad! I haven't had time to check in with her, since the incident and everything." Skuld joined Ephemer's complaints as the four of them walked in the hallway.
"..Umm guys, maybe we should check in with Ventus?" Maxie said suddenly.
"Yeah, his nose looked pretty bad. Maybe he's still in the medical room?" Heart admitted.
"He'll be fine. Call it luck, but he didn't break anything." A sudden voice made the whole group turn on their heels.
It was Brain.
And even more surprisingly, with him was both Strelitzia and Elrena.
"Well, that's good to hear." Ephemer sighed out of relief.
"I- I mean we just wanted to come and thank you all. You saved us from detention." Strelitzia spoke up. She looked a little bit nervous as she walked up to them, right next to Maxie.
'So, I guess.. Uhh, Thank you?" She gave a little shy hug to the boy with glasses next to her.
"You're welcome. It's not a big deal, really." Skuld gave an encouraging smile to the shy orange haired girl.
"It was quite brave, eh? I didn't expect to you two to start hassle against the teacher." Brain admitted, while looking both Heart and Maxie.
"Exactly!" Strelitzia added.
And Elrena rolled her eyes because of the cheesiness of the conversation.
"But I guess we'll be going now. We need to go back to Lauriam and Ventus to the medical room." Brain continued.
"But, I guess we'll see all of you around school tomorrow?" Brain said to the whole group of four, but raised his hand on Heart's shoulder, as a gesture that the question was first and foremost directed at him.
"Y- Yeah, sure." The gesture was shocking to Heart, but he managed to answer.
"Well, in that case. See you tomorrow." Heart was sure he saw that taller black haired man wink at him.
"See you!" Strelitzia waved while smiling. She especially smiled at Maxie.
And the three of them were gone just as quickly as they had arrived, leaving the rest of the group in shocked silence.
"What just happened?" Skuld asked.
"Did you see the way Strelitzia hugged Maxie??" Ephemer let out a teasing laugh, poking light hearted fun at Maxie, who seemed abashed.
"Stop it!" Heart tried to defend his friend from Ephemer's teasing, but only ended up bursting out laughing along with his friends.
"That hand thing was super smooth!" Skuld giggled while pointing at her brunet haired friend, who only became flustered even more.
"At least we didn't do this whole thing for nothing!" Ephemer laughed and continued: "You can thank me later for my wondeful idea!" .
"No way!" All the three of his friends protested amused.
"You never even mentioned where did yo get the idea?" Skuld poked at Ephemer's face as a form of teasing.
"I got it from a movie!"
"Yeah, never do that again. Promise us?" Maxie let out a small laugh, but got a nod of approval from both Heart and Skuld who seemed to agree with him.
"Yeah, yeah... What ever!" Ephemer rolled his eyes, but he was clearly amused.
"Seriously, sometimes you can be a bit of a dumbass, Ephemer." Heart teased.
"HEY! That's not fair! My plan worked!" The white haired boy pretended to be hurt from his friends words.
"Ehhh, Heart's right. " Skuld admitted while laughing.
"Maybe, maybe not. But at least it worked." Ephemer defended himself against the accusations thrown at him.
And truthfully, it's not clear whether their missions would actually count as successful or not, but in the end it worked.
And that's all that matters.
#khux#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts union cross#kh#kingdom hearts union x#keykid#kh player#player#kh brain#brain#kh ephemer#ephemer#kh skuld#skuld#kh strelitzia#strelitzia#kh lauriam#lauriam#kh ventus#ventus#kh elrena#elrena#HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAXIE ❤️🫶#idk if this fiv makes any sense but i guesss its alrightttt#ephemer is a dumbass friend but its okay we love him just as he is 🫶#and aced propably should be fired LMAO#anyway theres like 123729372 typos most likely in the text so SORRY#brainplayer#plitzia#bottoms
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make brainplayer canon in Missing Link, and I will in fact sacrifice my family and friends to you. 🙏🙇
Because Brain most likely had children in Scala ad Caelum, and they better be with Player.
And no, I don't care if it's impossible to do because "What if my player isn't someone who has female reproductive organs?"

#khux#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts union cross#kh#kingdom hearts union x#kh brain#brain#kh player#player#kh plain#plain kh#brainplayer#the internet footprint goes CRAZY#ANYWAY THIS IS A JOKE#or is it... 👀
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🫵🫵🫵 YOU 🫵🫵🫵 a brainplayer/plain fan too???
me personally i like the idea that they terrorize scala ad caelum, but on opposite ends of the spectrum; on purpose vs on accident.
brain doesn't really know scala etiquette or how their society works fully - a big, fancy city is much different than daybreak town was, and he hasnt been there very long - and he frankly doesn't care. he's not rude on purpose, usually, but he definitely would cause a scene on the streets and he loooves to snoop. he's giving all the scala higher ups grey hairs. on purpose.
player, on the flipside, just doesn't know. they don't know anything about scala, and they don't remember anything before scala, either. they don't try to be rude but they fumble their way through everything and their only saving grace is how quiet they are. they do NOT like hanging with anyone except for the baroque society and later on brain for this reason. much harder to come across as weird and unsocialized if you stay w the coworkers who found you on a beach full of trash.
also theyre qpps <3 qpp plain <3 definitely leans more romantic but qpp <3<3 cam anyone hear me.
#kingdom hearts#khml#khux#kingdom hearts union x#kh plain#plain kh#plain#kh player#player#kh brain#brain#brainplayer#everything related to this ship WILL be reposted
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3 a.m. can't sleep delirious telling my brother about brain x player propaganda and the various ship names (plain, blayer, brainplayer) and he goes " 'brainer'. cause its a 'no-brainer'!" and hes so right. hes so right
#khml#kh plain#khux#kingdom hearts#kh#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh brain#brain#kh player#player#brainplayer#plain kh#plain#big brain moment right there
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pls pls pls do romantic brainplayer for upcoming valentine's day im begging you pls pls pls


does this count as romantic KJAHSDJA
#kingdom hearts#kh#khux#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh brain#brain#kh player#player#kh plain#plain#brainplayer#MMMMMMMMMM#YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS 🫶❤️#love them
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♥️🌸💝 Happy Valentine's Day! 💝🌸♥️
Especially to YOU, my fellow KHUX enjoyers. 🙏🫵
Today's not only Valentine's day, but also my beloved keykid's birthday! So, I've dedicated this little infopost to my keykid, ✨Heart✨.
Enjoy~ 🫶

#khux#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts union cross#kh#kingdom hearts union x#kh player#player#keykid#MY BELOVED KEYKID 🙏😭❤️#seriously i can and will talk abt my little dude for hours#ALSO: his eyes are actually brown not grey#i just didn't like the face models that the game had with brown eyes 😞#AND ALSO PT2: he's a gold wearer not silver 🥺#anyway i love him
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y’know what i don’t think is talked about enough
this entire scene elrena is present for. elrena who isn’t a union leader and isn’t supposed to know the truth about this world bc she got her memories messed with. so either they had to break the news to her and implode her mind or they never bothered to explain anything and she has no idea what they’re talking about rn
certified ‘girl help’ moment
actually you know what they did the same thing with player even earlier on in this scene. ‘[player] isn’t allowed in here!’ ‘oh it’s fine’ truly the union leaders are out here making exceptions to key rules for their friends. and maybe their friends are getting really stressed out having all this on their heads too
‘ephemer what have you dragged me into’
#kingdom hearts#khux#kingdom hearts union cross#my poor keykid 😞#actually our poor keykids#they haven't got a clue abt ANYTHING that's going on#kh player
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Also my keykid sucks at magic like Sou, so I feel like a copycat rn. 🧍
and u don't have to worry about that, it's not like he has a monopoly on sucking at magic (as funny as that thought is) so they can suck at magic together KAHSDKJA
#kingdom hearts#khux#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh player#player#do raise your hand if your keykid belongs to the 'suck at magic club' 🙋♀️#fellow bad at magic keykids UNITE
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I loved the part in khml where brain said "it's braining time" and brained all over the place
not even gonna tag this one as unreality that’s so real
#khux#kingdom hearts#kh#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh brain#brain#um 😳#he did exactly what????
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No because hear me out:
Adam Lambert's "Whataya want from me?" Is a PERFECT brainplayer song???
Just look at the lyrics! I'll put my comments in the end!
The lyrics:
{ Hey, slow it down
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, I'm afraid
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
There might have been a time
When I would give myself away
(Ooh) Once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now here we are
So whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And there's nothing wrong with you
It's me, I'm a freak
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly
There might have been a time
When I would let you slip away
I wouldn't even try but I think
You could save my life
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up on me
I won't let you down
No, I won't let you down
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
(Whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me }
There's sooo much to talk about, because it can be from both Brain's and Player's pov.
If you think about it, both have a tragic past behind them. They are unsure about a lot of things regarding the past and the future, but I feel like they are also very cautious of each other's behaviour! And that's because they don't really know what the other wants from them!
Also I feel like they both struggle a lot. Brain has lost all of his friends and everything he knows, while Player most likely don't remember anything AT ALL besides nightmares. So, I think the line "It messed me up, need a second to breathe" describes both of their situations very well. It's like they are both stuck on this cycle of running in circles because of their past and they just can't slow down.
Then there's the line "Just keep coming around" . And OH BOY this makes me sad, but all they have left is each other. There's no one else anymore. So, I think they kinda yearn for each other's company. They spend their days just secretly wishing they could spend just a little more time together.
I think the lyrics over all describes Brain's and Player's feelings well. Both of them are terrified, everything is new, uncertain and foreign to them. They are afraid and confused, haunted by the past, and even more conflicted about their feelings for each other because they don't know each other's motives. But they still try to cling to each other because they are in love. But they are also grateful, because of their love for each other. There isn't anybody else that can understand their experiences,so it's just the two of them.
Hope you like it! And sorry if it's a little long text.
wow I haven’t heard this song in a hot minute!!! Still a certified banger
and oh boy OH BOY!!! I see your vision!! I love me a dynamic where both parties have been through so much that they feel like they don’t really even know what they want anymore, or who they’re supposed to be to other people, especially not in terms of a relationship.
But they end up finding that they want to hold onto the other person, and whether they understand why or not, it drives them towards growth and change. I’d love that for Brain and Player. Like the vibes of the song, I do think they’d keep trying to meet each other in the middle despite their struggles, and hey, ain’t that what love is?
Thanks for the song + ship combo!
#khux#kh brain#brain#kh player#player#plain kh#kh plain#plain#brainplayer#live laugh love brainplayer#I LOVE THIS SHIP
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My therapist: "Buff Ephemer can't hurt you." Buff Ephemer:

#khux#kh#kindom hearts#kingdom hearts union x#kingdom hearts union cross#i'm laughing my ass off#😭#kh ephemer#ephemer
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It's been like 4 - 5 YEARS since it started and there doesn't seem to be an ending for it.
Every single day I wake up and just think abt KHUX. Like, I have way too many AUs and headcannons and I want to write so many fics abt KHUX and draw the characters, and my fucking beloved ships. Don't even get me started on THOSE.
#khux#kingdom hearts#kh#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#I NEED HELP#SERIOUSLY#LIKE IT JUST DOESN'T GO AWAY#IT ALWAYS COMES BACK#ALWAYS#i'm crazy#but free 🥺
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I'm saluting all of you Blauriam shippers as my fellow siblings bc at this rate I'm part-time Blauriam shipper. 🙏🫡
I have to put it in my every AU for the drama's sake. Like, it's a must. It's a very serious need. It's for the Laurphemer and Brainplayer drama. It just HAVE TO BE THERE. THERE'S NO ESCAPING.
#khux#kingdom hearts#kh#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh ephemer#ephemer#kh brain#brain#kh lauriam#lauriam#kh player#player#GYUS NOTHING IS BETTER THAN MAKING EPHEMER AND PLAYER SUFFER TOGETHER BC LAURIAM AND BRAIN SHARE A BED#THEY SUFFER TOGETHER LIKE GOOD FRIENDS SHOULD 💪😎🙏#seriously the drama and the angst IT GIVES ME A WILL TO LIVE 🙏#blauriam is a really good ship i understand why people like it#sadly it's still not for me bc i'm not a fan of multi shipping#but like you all blauriam shippers still have my biggest respect we are like best friends over here#or atleast i hope so#anyway my hyperfixation on laurphemer and brainplayer is never ending#blauriam#laurphemer#brainplayer
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I don’t think I ever posted this here so
doodle made on the day of the khux finale (05/31/2021) originally posted to twitter captioned “patiently waiting for translation videos”

#khux#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#you just unlocked a memory in me#i remember being so impatient and excited every time new cutscenes were dropped but they were in japanese 😞😭#also DAMIAN OUR GOAT 🔥💪#they were a life saver fr 🙏#mad respect
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KHUX Modern AU where skulmerayer has a group chat with just the three of them with a criminally cringe outrageous brainrotted name. 🙏
And their contact names for each other would be just as bad. 😭💀
Like who is this 'Rizzlerman123' who keeps calling you? Oh, it's just Ephemer...
#khux#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts union cross#kingdom hearts union x#kh ephemer#ephemer#kh skuld#skuld#kh player#player#skulmerayer#the brainrot is VERY real#but i don't care
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papa me want more brayler brainrot NOW 🙏

he's wondering if he's just been poisoned
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everyday I feel closer and closer to Baldr's mental state. and lemme tell you that's not a fun mental state to be in
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