#and watching all of these failing relationships around me and listening to them try so hard to convince me this is how it should be
spade-club · 2 years
Getting really anxious about romance. I just can't cope with it right now. Its just. I feel like everything is so hopeless and I'll never find anyone or anything. I thought moving here was my chance to meet likeminded people but it almost feels like everyone here is worse and its only just so much more pressure now that I'm living in the real world and I still struggle so hard to date. I just want to find myself a person but who could love this. Who is going to meet me and we click and I'm able to be all of me and they still love me. And i still love them. And its not complicated. Its always going to be complicated. Because how does someone just simply love this??? Fuck. I just dont know how to deal with this. How do people just find love?? Everywhere I go I'm more and more alone. What do I do?? How do I do this??
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manmuncher777 · 2 months
I am BEGGING YOU to write something about Aegon being literally OBSESSED with the reader, like to the point that it’s dangerous.
a/n - I love this idea, I think it matches Aegon’s character so well. I felt super motivated to write this so thank you my love. I hope you enjoy. xoxox
⋆༺𓆩⚔𓆪༻⋆ 𝘼𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙚𝙣 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 - 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩 ⋆༺𓆩⚔𓆪༻⋆
𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
NOT proofread lol. If you have sent a request I promise I will get to it, one fic takes me a while to write so ill try to get to it asap. LOVE YOU
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𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 - 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞(𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐩), 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
Aegon craved you. Aegon needed you, if you weren’t around, he would loose his mind.
For a few years now you had been one of the maids that Aegon had, starting in the lower ranks before being the personal lady to the king. Of course Aegon had others, but you were different, you were special. You saw the king for what he truly was - a broken young man. And instead of hating him for it, or offering him some fake pity. You helped him.
You could understand why he so craved the support, you had witnessed his family interactions, and heard the gossip that would travel through each servant of the crown. You understood he had a complicated relationship with his family, and a lot of external pressures to deal with. Every encounter that one would expect to be private was known by every maid, cook, cup bearer and servant. So after having heard so much over the years, you felt empathy for the king, aware of his lack of someone to talk to.
So on that fated night when you came in to change the kings bed sheets and found him crying, thats all you were, just someone to talk to. Aegon had never had this before, never had such a simple kindness been shown to him. And for that he was ever grateful. This greatfulness soon blossoming into something more. A deep sense of caring, a deep obsession. This would soon form a routine for you. Not long after that night he told his mother he wished for you to be his main lady, of course his mother had worries about this, but accepted his proposition. Most evenings instead of completing your nightly chores (Aegon had this duties bestowed upon someone else) you would sit with the king in his chambers, and listen. He would treat you with such respect and kindness that it was enjoyable for both of you. You would share his wines - some of the finest you had ever tried- and eat his food (he would have the cooks prepare his extra dinners and fruits to snack on because he wanted you to have them). Some nights were filled with lighthearted talk, some with laughter and drinking, others were filled with deep emotion. All of which you enjoyed.
“hello Issa gevie hāedar” he would say to you each evening with that handsome smile on his face. my beautiful girl
He would watch you enter with a glint in his eyes, each time you would knock in the same pattern so he knew it was you. That was a sound he soon began to adore.
You never understood valyrian, but it warmed you to know he gave you nicknames.
“Hello my king” you would blush in response before sitting on the edge of his bed, beggining your nightly conversations.
Aegon never failed to ask you about yourself also, but you rarely kept on the subject. You knew he was the one who carried the heaviest burden of all. You wished to relieve some of that pressure.
Aegon loved how shy you were, it was so much fun for him, to watch you blush under his gaze. He loved it, loved the effect he had on you. So of course he couldn’t just leave you there sitting so far away from him, soon the sitting on the edge of the bed each night became lying next to him, both sat up with pillows behind you. That soon became him resting his head on your lap, looking up at you. And every now and then, it would end with you holding each other. Nothing scandalous. Just enjoying each others embrace.
Soon Aegon got bolder, wanting to watch you become a blushing mess around him. He would reach up slowly towards your face, brushing some strands of hair behind your ear before gently caressing your cheek. Of course your skin would burn with the sensation of his hand touching you for hours after it had actually occurred. As if his touch awakened something inside you.
You cared for the king greatly, but you weren’t a fool. You knew that if anyone found out about what went on each night you went and visited him - despite it being nothing overly scandalous - you would be put at risk. You knew it wasnt a good situation to be in. There were already rumours that you were sleeping with him, some of the other maids even being bold enough to ask you if you were sleeping with the king to which you had aggressively denied. But it did nothing to stop you visiting him. There was just always a voice in your head warning you not to get too close.
But there was that part of you, whenever you saw him that would swoon over how handsome he was, how beautifully his hair was frame his face, and how his violet eyes would sparkle in the candle light. how good he smelled and how nice it was to feel his muscular frame next to you. Everything a young maiden craved in a man.
Aegon would even go as far to gift you smalls things, flowers being left in you quarters, books you would like and beautiful ribbons for your hair. Aegon had even had a necklace made for you, a beautiful delicate chain with a singular dragon on it. as a symbol of him.
a symbol that you were his.
So when he found out that you had requested the night off as it was your birthday, and you were allowed it, he was furious. Of course he wanted you to have a good name day, but you could’ve spent it with him, he wouldve got you anything you desired. In fact you didn’t even mention to him it was your name day.
He sat waiting in his chambers for you as he usually does, only to be met by one of the older maids who would serve for him.
“Where is y/n?” he snappily asked the woman who had only just graced the king chambers
“In the town my lord, celebrating her name day”
Not saying another word he stormed out of his room. He was angry, not at you of course. never angry at you. He merely wished you had told him, he wouldve joined you, had a gift made for you. Anything.
The wooden doors of the servant quarters smashed open with aegons force, stopping the movements of all inside.
“which one of you knows where y/n is this evening?” he asks, scanning the room for anyone who looks like the have the answer
“Her uncles tavern your majesty, the red anchor” one piped up
Once again in silence he stormed out. The red anchor, he had probably been there before on one of his evening out, he couldn’t remember. no matter, he would find it.
Determination flowed through the young prince. He couldn’t understand why you wouldnt tell him. Honestly he didn’t even know what he was going to say when he found you, but to have a night without your presence already felt crippling for him.
His steps echoed on the castle walls, each step carrying him closer and closer to his destination, you. As he passed through the halls, he was spotted.
“My king, where are you off to in such a hurry tonight, the hour is late” Ser Arryck asked from his post.
Aegon not even bothering to stop responded to the man with haste “I have some business to attend to in the city, I wont be gone long.”
“The hour is late my king, allow me to accompany you” Arryck was walking too now, having to match the kings pace that didn’t show any sign of stopping. confusion clear on his face about why he was determined to go alone.
“No, I don’t need any assistance. I will go alone” Aegon was getting more and more angry as the seconds passed. Angry that he couldn’t see you, angry that Ser Arryck was trying to stop him from seeing you.
“My king, my apologies but I must come with you into the city, if it is found that I allowed you to go with no protection I could be expelled from my position” Ser Arryck wasnt wrong, kingslanding was a dangerous place, and selfishly he feared that if something bad were to happen to the king he could be worse than just expelled, it put his life on the line. He has sworn to protect his king. But Aegon wasnt feeling rather empathetic in this moment, Arryck couldve been on fire and it still wouldnt have stopped him.
“Fine then ser, as you king I command you that I will not be accompanied this evening. Is that fucking clear?” Luckily for Aegon this conversation had allowed him to get closer and closer to the door, but it didn’t stop the rage at Ser Arryck’s questioning. If Arryck did come with him, then Aegon risked putting you in danger also, he understood that for the moment no one could be aware of the unique relationship you shared.
“Your majesty please-“ Ser Arryck had made the fatal mistake of touching the king. He had stopped Aegon in his tracks by gripping his shoulder. Aegon couldn’t explain where the flash of rage came from, but it gave him the strength to twist around, landing a punch directly of Arrycks nose. The punch catching the knight so off guard that it sent him flying backwards. His armour clashing against the stone as he fell. But Aegon didn’t stop there, he mounted Ser Arryck - landing multiple brutal shots to his face, aegons fists becoming bloodied from the mans face.
How dare he try and stop the King from seeing you. How dare he try and stop Aegon from being with you. No one was every going to take you away from him.
Aegon only stopped when he was sure Arryck was unconscious. arrycks face was bloody and bruised, already swelling with the punches it had just recieved. And without a second thought Aegon left him there.
Finally, he thought. finally out of the castle and one step closer to you. He swiftly grabbed one of the cloaks he would leave stashed outside of the doors incase he wished to make a speedy night time trip into the city. Yet with even the hood pulled up over his head, it couldn’t even block out the thoughts of you. you were like a drug and Aegon was going through sever withdrawals. He missed everything about you, he missed the scent of roses you would bring into his room with you, he missed the way you laughed, he missed the sound of you saying his name. He missed being able to glance down and see the dragon necklace sitting perfectly presented just above your tits.
He couldn’t believe it, hes always thought of you romantically, thought of how you would look on his arm, as his wife. But hed never felt this way about you, you had always been with him. so when you were finally taken away from him, it sent him crazy.
He could feel himself getting more and more overwhelmed the further he went into the city. To any other onlooker he looked drunken and crazed. In truth he felt like he was going through some kind of frenzy. His head was snapping and pinning in each direction, scarred he would miss you in the crowds of people, his steps becoming messy and unbalanced due to him not looking ahead.
His mind was playing tricks on him, making him think that he had seen your beautiful silhouette on the side of the street, only for it to be a shadow and nothing more.
With everything going on around him his mind started to race, kingslanding was a crazy place at night. The street performers displaying their talents with flames in al different colours flying about the place, a man on stilts in the distance making his way though the crowd. Fortune tellers on the sides of the streets calling aegons name as he passed the. Groups of drunk people, fighting, fucking and laughing. He couldn’t take much more of this. What if you were out here and in trouble, what if you were with someone else.
Aegon couldn’t take much more, he grabbed the nearest person to him which turned out to be a drunken old woman who was shouting with a bunch on gamblers at a card game
“Where is the red anchor?!” He had the woman by both of the shoulders, demanding in her face for her to tell him
“Your stood in front of it you fucking blaggard.” she said unhappily wrenching herself from him grip before returning to her jeering at the ongoing card game.
Aegon could scream. If only you knew what effect you had on him. He was certainly about to show you. There it stood in clear letters on the sign hanging above the tavern “The Red Anchor” with the corresponding symbol underneath. Without waiting another second the tavern doors were shoved open by the king. Who was eagerly scanning to find you through the crowds of busy drunk men.
He had been here before, many times. He recognised the layout. He couldn’t yet spot you so deeper into the pub he dove, walking much slower now into the main bar area, hoping to arch a glimpse of you
And as if the Gods had answered his prayers, there you stood. In centre stage of the room, there you were stood by the bar, talking to the man on the other side. Your uncle Aegon assumed (And hoped he was right).
You looked so different, so free. You wore a beautiful dress that complimented you well, it was simple but the nicest you could afford. The colours and style suited you perfectly. much nicer than the uniforms you had to wear at the castle. Your hair was down and flowing freely unlike when you wear it up at the castle. Aegon could tell you were in your element. You looked ethereal, a smile gracing your features as you chatted with those around you.
Aegon was about to make Hi way over to you when out the corner of his eye he spotted it. A fat drunk man making his way over to you, predatory look in his eyes. Aegon watched as the happy girl you were moments ago now shrivelled at the mans advances. You clearly having turned him down because the mans expression changed, him placing a hand on your shoulder and pulling you closer to him.
He was touching you, he was touching what belonged to Aegon
Zȳhon gevie hāedar. his beautiful girl
Wishing seconds Aegon was next to you. The hand that was previously resting on your shoulder was now pinned against the wall with a dagger through the palm. Aegon’s dagger.
Rage filled Aegon as he slammed the man into the wall, pinning him there tightly, staring into his eyes. The man screamed out in pain, only silencing a few of the near by people, the rest of the tavern paying no mind. Aegon could tell by the mans face he was scared. good.
“Don’t ever lay a hand on her again” He gritted out in the mans face, eyes wide and bloodshot. Aegon ripped the dagger from the mans hand causing him to let out another agonised scream before silencing himself due to the feeling of the same blade being pressed up to his throat.
“Do you understand me” The cowards in front of Aegon merely mustering a nod yes to his question.
god Aegon wanted to kill him, Aegon wanted to cause him so much pain. To drag it out and make it as gory as possible. How dare he lay a single finger on what belonged to the king. How dare he make you uncomfortable and try to damage something so perfect. Aegon couldn’t remember feeling a rage like this, it was like nothing he had ever felt before. He had never felt so protective over you before. It took everything in him not to push that blade into this scumbags neck, but he didn’t want to do that in front of you. So with a sigh he let the man go, who quickly ran out of the tavern.
You were still yet to recognise Aegon as he still had his hood up, so it was a shock for you when this hooded man grabbed you by the arm and lead you through the busy crowds of drinkers and locked you both in a storage room.
“what in seven hells - Aegon?!” once the man finally pulled his hood down to reveal himself, you were shocked. Aegon was your saviour, the one who so violently apprehended the man previously bothering you. But why, how on earth did he know you were here. why was he here?
You didn’t actually get to ask him any of these questions before he trapped you in a searing kiss. He pinned you up against the wall - the stone of the wall biting into your back slightly. You moaned into the kiss as the Kings hands held onto you waist. His body was pressed into yours as he kissed you hungrily. All the many days of wanting, the house spent obsessing over you and the feelings of tonight’s events all put into one kiss. And you could feel it, feel all the emotions - hunger, lust, desire maybe even love. You kissed him back wiht just as much passion, the kiss as fulfilling for you as it is to him. One of your legs now wrapping against his wait, hid rigged hand gripping your thigh. Pushing himself into you with a light groan. Your hands found his hair, gripping at the silver strands as he tongue enters your mouth.
Finally he gets to taste you. He could taste the ale you had been drinking on your tongue. He broke the kiss only for a second to look at you. Gods you looked perfect. Your lips now pink and plump from your kiss, hair slightly dispelled and dress begginging to bunch up at the sides. Your chest heaved slightly with a light pant as you tried to catch you breath. Your cheeks coated with a dusting of blush. You were the image of beauty. He could still se your shy nature on your face but was sure you were a lot more confident tonight.
“Aegon…What are you doing here.” you whispered, your leg still wrapped around Hi , his face mere inches away from yours.
“I couldnt take it anymore. I must have you, I must call you mine. No one else will ever come close to you again.” he confessed, hunger in his eyes as he speaks to you. His frame towering over you as he watched your eyes widen at his words
“Tell me you want this too gevie hāedar. Tell your king what you need.” he whispered, lips brushing against your ear. beautiful girl
You were silent for a second, no longer. And in this second thousands of thoughts flashed through your mind, what were you going to do after this? what would be the consequences? But those thoughts were clouded with want, and there was nothing in that moment that wouldve stopped either of you.
“I want you Aegon.” You whimpered, completely at his mercy.
This was everything the young king had dreamed of and more. His beautiful blushing girl looking up at him, begging for him. Needing him like he needed her and who would he be to decline such a polite little thing. A smirk graces his face before his lips are on your again. His tongue invading your mouth. You moaned again louder this time as you could feel his hardness pressing into you.
When you were back in the castle he would take his time with you, exploring you with his hands, his mouth. UNtil he had every inch of you memorised. You were his now and no matter the consequences, everyone was going to know it. You were untouchable with his favour. But until he could get you back in the castle, he needed you right now.
He pushed the skirt up, bunching it at your waist with desperation as he kissed at your neck, nipping at the skin lightly just to get those beautiful noises you made. He would never be able to forget how you sounded. His toungue licking and sucking at the sensitive skin while his fingers brushed over your already wet cunt. He cold feel it over your underclothes, and couldnt hide the chuckle that left him when you moaned so sweetly.
“Are you enjoying yourself Byka mēre?” he questioned, and you could hear the smugness in his voice. You could only bring yourself to nod. Your head already fuzzy. little one
“Oh my dear, don’t tell me you’ve already gone quiet, I’ve hardly even touched you yet” his face now back in view, smirking at you. His fingers now working their way past your underclothes - gently brushing through your folds. You gasp at the feeling, innocent little eyes begging for more.
“Tell me, has anyone ever touched you like this before?”
“No, my king” Gods, he felt his cock throb in his pants, what a naughty thing you were using his title like that. Maybe not so shy as he thought. He would be lying if his heart did jump at the idea of being your first. He felt it was right, he would be the only man to ever touch you in this way
“Good girl” he whispered, before pushing one of his fingers into you, watching as your mouth hung open in pleasure. Slowly he began to pump him finger inside of you, before taking another and gently pushing it inside. You were glad for the busy night in the tavern because you couldnt control your moan. Your head lolled back against the stone and your hands gripped aegons forearms tightly, squeezing him. You hadn’t felt anything like this before, it was amazing. With every thrust of his fingers Aegon’s palm came into contact with your clit, the sensation jolting through you, giving you goosebumps all over. You whined and moaned, unable to do anything else but take it as he watched you, smile on his face. He was proud to be the one that left you crumbling beneath him. Your leg hooked around his waist for support, you worried your legs would give out. A strange sensation began to build in your stomach as Aegon kept the same torturous pace, listening to the sounds of your we cunt as his finger would leave you hole briefly to play with you folds, seeing you cry out at the teasing.
“Feels so good Aegon, please don’t stop.”
“I wouldnt dream of it my love.” he says, completely true. All he wants is to give you what you deserve, the pleasure that you deserve. He can feel you tightening around his fingers now, he can tell your close
Your whole body is on fire with pleasure, not only at what his finger are currently doing to you, but the whole situation, his handsome face smiling down on you as you come undone for him. You cant control the moans coming from your mouth as the feeling grows
he leans down right next to your ear and whisper to you, “let go for me Issa jorrāelagon”. my love
And that was all you needed. All you could think to do in that moment was scream his name as you came all over his fingers, the feeling far more intense than you expected. Black clouded you vision as his fingers never stopped, coaxing you through your orgasm. You barley had enough time to catch your breath before he was kissing you, pulling himself free of his trousers and lining himself up at you entrance.
He waited, looking for you to signal to him you wanted this. you nodded and he sheathed himself inside you. The slick from your orgasm allowing him to slide in with ease.
You both moaned in unison as the feeling, both being so close to each other finally. And he was about to show you how much he craved this. Aegon couldn’t hold off long before he was pistoning inside of you, his pace hard and fast. The feeling of you being so tightly wrapped around him causing guttural moans to leave him. Gods you felt amazing, better than anything he imagined, better than all the nights he used his hand while thinking about how good you would look on his cock. His imagination falling short of this moment.
A slight sheen of sweat coated your skin, your tits basically bursting from the top of your dress as his cock pounded your tight hole. Once again the necklace he gifted you taking pride of place on your chest. Your eyes rolled back so beautifully, struggling to stay on him. Your moans consisting of his name and a string of curses.
All you could do was tell him how good he felt. Good being an understatement, you could basically feel him throbbing inside of you. He was big, stretching you out so perfectly, hitting a spongy spot inside of you that had you seeing stars. When his pelvis connected with yours, it would brush against your clit. The pressure against the bundle of nerves causing you to tighten around Aegon. Which made him release the most delicious sounds you had ever heard.
Aegon looked down, watching where you both connected, this moment was surreal, all of the anger and stress from earlier now melting away each time he plunged into your soaking cunt. He watched himself slip in and out of you, his hard cock coated in your wetness. Already he could feel himself nearing his end, he wasnt surprised, all these days spent dreaming about you had him riled up more than ever.
One of the hands that was gripping your hips so tightly travelled down between you both to rub at your clit, the squeal you let out not going unheard by Aegon.
“So good for me my love, you have no idea how long ive waited for this.” he huffed out “so beautiful”
Your legs were quivering and you were glad you had him ther to support you or your legs would have failed you, the same feeling building in your stomach began, only stringer this time. The stimulation from his finger and his cock was almost too much for you to handle
“My king!” you squealed out as his thumb drew quick circles on your sensitive bud.
“I know little one” he muttered to you sweetly as you feel apart for him once more. Your orgasm hitting you even harder this time. Clenching around Aegon so tightly that he couldnt hold off anymore, his hips stuttered before he bottomed out inside you.
You could feel him throb as his seed filled you. Both of you left panting for breath, staying as you were fore a moment, with him inside you. He kissed you once more, much gentler this time.
“you are mine now Issa gevie hāedar” my beautiful girl
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sinofwriting · 3 months
Clingy - Ollie Bearman
Words: 1,211 Summary: Ollie just wants to touch his girlfriend. Which is a bit of a problem when the public doesn’t know about your relationship. (Requested)
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Ollie Bearman adores his girlfriend. The sky is blue, Charles Leclerc is a future world champion, and Ollie Bearman adores his girlfriend. Those are facts of life as far as he is concerned.
But honestly he dares anyone to not adore her. She’s perfect. Her eyes shine, lighting up and nearly glittering. She listens attentively to everything and everyone. Her hand perfectly fits in his. She always has a sarcastic comment on hand. He has hundreds of thousands of things he loves about her, adores about her, and they all make her perfect.
And it’s hard for him to pick one thing he loves the most about her. There’s the excitement on her face that greets him every time they see each other. Or how she rubs at his earlobe when they fly together. Maybe it’s how she knows all of his favorite things, from snacks, candy, music. But really, it’s the way she lets him cling to her.
He always has to be touching her. It embarrasses everyone they know, the way he just clings to her, gluing himself to every inch of her that he can. His parents, his mom especially, pleads with him to give her space, to let her breath, but he can’t help but touch. Her best friend, every time she sees them, always groans, telling them to get a room. Dino’s face screws up in disgust, usually mock. And she just laughs, running a hand over him, leaning more into him, silently letting him know that it’s fine and that she wants him to touch.
But now, she won’t let him touch, cling, and he pouts.
“Baby,” He whines, reaching out for her, but she stays where she is. “Ollie, if you touch me now, you won’t stop.” “I know.” Her hand comes up to rub at her chest. “And you can’t do that or fans will find out.” He shakes his head. “They won’t! We’re only around Prema and they all know not to post photos of us.” She looks unsure. “No fans will be able to see us. Please let me hold you. And I’ll stop as soon as we leave this area.” She still looks unsure but opens her arms, stepping forward and he quickly meets her.
His arms wrap around her tight, hands finding their way underneath her shirt, to get some much-needed skin contact.
“This is so much better.” He breathes, eyes closing as he lets the feel of her wash over him.
Thirty minutes later when they move to go to Prema’s motorhome, he doesn’t stop touching her. His arm slung around her shoulder, keeping her close as he kept dipping his head down to brush his lips across the top of her head, no matter how difficult it makes it to walk. He’s so wrapped up in her, and her in him, they both fail to notice the person taking a picture of them.
Then later when it’s dark and all the fans and press are gone, only the teams are allowed to still be at the track, a group of them all go to where the fans sit on camping chairs and blankets, sitting on the grass somewhat close together.
“This is nice.” She murmurs. He smiles, moving a little so she can rest against him. “Isn’t it? We don’t get to really ever hang out like this. I mean at restaurants and clubs, sure. But there’s never this many of us at the track together and chilling.” She looks around at the drivers that came with.
Dino, Paul, Jak, Christian and Pepe are all throwing something at each other. Luke watches them and is clearly trying not to laugh as they keep nearly dropping whatever they are throwing. Dennis is fiddling with his phone that's connected to the speaker he brought, Arthur standing behind him also looking at the phone screen.
“It’s a good group.” He laughs, “well, I would hope so since they are all my friends.” “You have more than I thought. Track friends.” She clarifies. “When we first got together, I thought maybe you’d have two or three. But you’ve got nine, they all are amazing.” “It’s too bad Fred couldn’t be here.” “Yeah.” She agrees. “But we’ll see him next week.”
He doesn’t really think about the day. It was just a normal Thursday, it was whatever. He went over the data he needed to, did a few interviews, did some funny stuff for socials. The two things that stick out are her being there and him being able to cling to her and the hangout they had.
He wakes up on Friday to his girlfriend not beside him, but rather standing at the foot of the bed. “What happened?” “A fan took a picture of us yesterday. And Christian posted a few photos on his Instagram story last night and in the very background you can see us.” “Fuck.” He breathes. “Yeah.”
“We’ll just have to be a bit more careful today.” He finally says, sitting up. She gives him a look, “I think it might be best if I stay here for the rest of the weekend, or just stay away from the track.” “What? No!” “Baby, I love that you want to touch me all the time. I would never change that about you.” She tells him, moving onto the bed and holding his hand. “But, we are supposed to be secret. And y’know, we tried me coming to a race and now we know that we can’t do that.” He thinks about her words for all of a second before shaking his head. “No.” “Ollie.” “No.” He tells her. “I know that we were supposed to wait until like August to be public, but it’s not like everyone doesn’t already know that I’m signed with Haas for next year. And I’ve already signed the contract with them. They can’t rip it apart because of this.”
He sighs when she doesn’t say anything, carefully taking her face in between his palms. “Let me worry about what Haas might or might not do. This is on me after all for being clingy.” Her hands come up, fingers wrapping around his wrists. “I love that you're clingy.” Ollie smiles, blood rushing to his face at the quiet words. “It will be okay.” He tells her, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to her lips. “Promise.” “Okay.” She agrees, smiling at him. “Just promise me that you won’t put your hand in my back pocket.” His eyes widened, “You can’t ask me to do that. That’s like asking me not to kiss you.” Her nose wrinkles as he presses a kiss to it. “I can ask that. I don’t think we need pictures of us with your hand on my ass.” He pouts, hands moving from her face to her hips, giving them a squeeze. “But it’s so nice.” He whines before sighing. “Fine. But only if I can put my hand under your shirt.” “Well, I can’t deprive you of everything.” “Exactly.” He grins. She shakes her head, but there’s a smile playing on her lips as she gets off the bed, extending a hand out to him. “C’mon baby, let’s get ready for our first appearance as a couple.”
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
I love all ur blog sm!! Can I ask abt something with the slashers (specially Thomas <3) with an foreigner!reader that don't quit speak english very well and normally forget words?
(Sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my native language lmao)
Absolutely, I can!
And because the request didn't specify, this fic will strictly be about speaking a foreign language.
Sorry if this is inaccurate! I'm a native English speaker and don't know many who aren't. Sorry in advance!!
Slashers x Foreigner!Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•This man will act like he doesn't care but in reality he's so intrigued. (It might be why you're still alive) 
•He’ll spend his time watching you practice your pronunciation and recognition patterns, like it's a movie.
•Is he a bit mean about it? Yes. Will he laugh? Probably.
•If you find yourself not knowing what certain words are and stumble around until you find the right word, You'd be surprised at how patient he is. 
•If you are very new to the English language he'll secretly get you flash cards and stash them into a place he knows you'll find them
•Despite everything, if you ask him for help, he will help. He might be mute but he can write and use TV to aid you.
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•Stu is already romanticizing your language, but instead of using the actual name of your language, he calls it “Talking pretty to me”
•Billy asks if you want any text books or study equipment to help you on your English speaking journey 
•Both boys are a surprising help! Stuttering trying to articulate what you mean? They've already jumped in to, A) help save you some of the embarrassment, and B) give you time to think about what you're trying to say. 
•Someone making fun of you? They're either dead or a social outcast by the end of the week. 
•Are you struggling to remember a certain word? These boys are willing play charades until you figure it out. And they won't drop it either, Stu says ‘It’s bad to give up when you've already come so far.’ 
•Over all it's not so bad (Stu 100,000,000% uses Google translate to figure out how to say ‘i love you’ in your native language) 
Thomas Hewitt:
•When both of you met, he had never met an actual foreigner before.
•He knew people travel around and occasionally some valley girl would end up in their small town, But someone from a whole different part of the world?
•His interest in you spiked the moment he heard your accent 
•Thomas has so many questions but doesn't know how to ask you
•With him being mute and your struggles with English, It's not the easiest relationship. In the end both of you just end up pointing at things and making noises to get your point across. 
•Absolutely loves to listen to you speak in your native language, Even if he'll never understand it. 
•When he's first trying to court you, he leaves you slightly damaged flowers (he struggled to pick them) to communicate his affection. 
•even with a language barrier, he's gonna love you like no one ever could 
Bubba Sawyer:
•He had no idea people outside of America existed 
•When You fell into the palm of Texas and his brothers found you failing to remember the word for your favorite snack, They knew you would be an easy target.
•When they kidnapped you and brought you to the basement so Bubba could chop you up, he was fascinated by the way you desperately tried to beg him not to kill you. 
•It ended in a huge fight in the family, But he got everyone to let you live a bit longer.
•Sits Criss Cross applesauce while you speak for your life. You could babble about anything and he would listen intently. 
•He pulls out his alphabet soup machine and spends hours typing with you. (You help him finally get past the clown level)
Bo Sinclair:
•absolute meanie, stinky poopy head about it >:(
•will mock your stutters and say stuff like “Oh come ON! The word is Cat! C. A. T. CAT! What's so hard about that?” 
•If you speak your native language around him, He thinks you're insulting him or intentionally hiding something. 
•”If you could say it to my face in your language you can say it to my face again in mine!”
•The same sentiment is not shared when it involves bedroom fun
•Will eventually apologize, But that's going to take a while 
Vincent Sinclair:
•As another non-speaking fellow he takes his time to make sure you two can understand each other 
•He’ll mostly use body language and and little doodles to get his point across 
•Stuttering over a word? He doesn't care, he'll let you work it out without any judgment!
•Want his help? He has several books, Vincent will just pull out a book he knows as the word in it, flipped to the page, and point at the word. 
•Love listening to you talk, In English or not. He'll happily let you yap his ear off. 
Lester Sinclair:
•Poor boy was lovestruck when he first heard you talk!
•Full on heart eyes while you explain where you're from and how you ended up here 
•If you end up fumbling on a word he'll start shouting out potential words for what you're trying to say. 
•Example: “and then I had too…uh…um..” “Run? Pee? Eat? Were you hungry? Are you hungry right now?” 
•So helpful, I know
•But the guy is already googling restaurants based off your native cuisine. He's got the date set up. 
•”It's no biggie, I'm a native English speaker and I still can't get it right!” 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy 100% understands the struggle of finding the right word to say 
•He can't stop stuttering himself, so when you start stuttering you kind of reinforce us in his brain that you were meant to be together 
•He feels like he can bond with you over it, and even feel safer around you knowing that you also mess up 
•the thing is if you start stuttering, he'll start stuttering. If you can't get it by God he will.
•”W-we can't bo-oth be wrong.” 
Brahms Heelshire:
•this man will 100% try to learn your language as soon as he finds out you're a foreigner
•That man has a huge library, there's bound to be at least one book written in your mother tongue 
•He spends a lot of time practicing your native language so he can speak to you more comfortably
•You already know he has children's learning books he'll pull out if you ask. 
•Can't find the word you're looking for? He's already 10 books deep, he'll find it for you. 
•Brahms is a well-educated man and he intends to use His years of learning to help 
•If you want to take classes to better your English skills he will 100,000% throw money your way to do so.
Hannibal Lecter:
•Now Hannibal really understands 
•He's a Lithuanian who learned English as a 10 year old
•He didn't struggle as much, But for the first couple of months you bet he was stumbling. 
•If you're struggling with a word, He has a process of teaching you so you don't forget it again. 
1) Identify what you're trying to say 
2)Slowly begin to sound out the word 
3)Have you recite the word a few times 
4)He'll either teaches you a little tune to remember or he'll do something so you remember the moment 
•Does it feel a little condescending? Yes. But it works 
•He's also willing to pour an ungodly amount of money into your English education if you ask 
•He'll even teach you himself in his spare time
Will Graham:
•Doesn't really know what to do, He's a bit awkward about it 
•He'll also identify the word and repeat it a few times so you can get a better handle on it.
•He thinks it's a bit funny and a bit cute when you stutter or mispronounce something 
•He will gently correct you and move on like nothing happened 
The Lost Boys:
•holy fucking shit this is a cluster fuck, let's do this one by one 
-David, having been around a while, has picked up a couple languages.
-If he does know the language you're speaking he'll speak it back to you and guide you into English better than the other boys could 
-If not, he'll just read your mind and tell you what you're trying to say. It's by far the easiest way to articulate what you mean. 
-Dwayne being just slightly younger than David has also picked up a couple languages 
-It's really the same if he does know your language But with a little more verbal teaching 
-If he doesn't he'll patiently wait until you figure out what you're trying to say. 
-as soon as you start to stutter over yourself Paul starts shotgunning words off 
-some slightly related to the situation and others wildly out there 
-”Drink? Food? Ocean? Horse? The unforgiving eyes of God and His kingdom???” 
-he'll do this to confuse you and have a nice laugh 
-Marko speaks English and Italian, so if your language isn't one of those two you're kind of shit out of luck 
-”Come on babe, you'll get it” 
-He finds it a bit funny but still tries to help in little ways 
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry if this seems hastily written together, I haven't had the request in a while so I kind of jumped at the opportunity.
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popponn · 10 months
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summary: there are parts of him that appears after he starts dating you, and of course these parts are exclusive for you and you only. (aka another relationship hcs with bllk boys, even more smitten edition.)
notes: doing this thing is healing sigh. so, here they are. some paragraphs full of love for them. warning: none, fluff of soft smitten™ boys, established relationship, pro/post canon au, reader's gender unspecified, mention of marriage on reo's part.
characters: isagi, reo, nagi, bachira.
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isagi knows this will make him sound like a neighborhood grandpa even though he is not, but he really enjoys afternoon walks with you. he loves holding your hand, walking around the familiar scape, and watching the lighting light every contour of your profile. sunset, moonlight, daylight—he really doesn't care, it's all different but all pretty to him all the same. he usually doesn't talk much during this, either letting the pleasant silence grow on its own or having you fill it with your musings. he will still listen though, so just let him enjoy his downtime with you in his own way. enjoy his company, his soft smiles, and the way he will stare at you as if you are the one who draws the stars in the sky.
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reo, after he starts dating you ("with marriage in mind," he will always add at the end), always buys a jacket or a coat based on "how good and cute you will look in it". of course, he still buys you your own set of ridiculously custom-made jackets and coats. but, what use is his outer if it doesn't make you look soft when it got draped on you? is it really good if you don't look good in it? the only ones that got exempted from this rule of his are the ones you bought for him—and even then he will still have a critical eye plus a hand on his chin if he thinks it doesn't suit you. "for future reference" or so he says. though, hey, at the very least reo is good-looking enough that 90% of outfits fit him without much thought, at least? so it's no harm. just let him spoil you, for his sake too.
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nagi likes it when you draw on his hands. at first, he really doesn't get it and lets you do it because "stopping you is a hassle". but at some point, it just becomes sort of a ritual and lucky charm for him before matches. so, like a child with an x for a mouth, he will cling to you and demand his lucky charm. then fast forward and at some point if you try to do it to someone else you will get a pouting brat. if you try to draw on your own hand out of boredom while he is beside you, he legit looks so offended. "you have me???" is somehow written in his blank stares. at least, if you doodle on the paper, he will settle with only looking, just don't forget to draw some stars or flowers on him too soon though.
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bachira will pull a goddamn concert if you cry just to cheer you up. a bad day so bad you cry the moment you enter your home? don't worry baby, bachira meguru is ready to sing, dance, make you laugh, and dribble a soccer ball all at once. most of the time, you laugh simply because the things he will pull are so unexpected, but bachira will take that happily. he really just doesn't look like seeing you sad and when he once said (repeatedly, actually) that your smile is one of the most precious things to him, he means it. and, if he fails, bachira will still be there as your personal comfort monster! providing from 10 out of 10 cuddles to sweet treats!
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theemporium · 1 year
poly drivers (literally any idk they can all take me to Paris) reacting to a media personnel making a comment about reader… 👀👀
a mood💀thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“My next question goes to the two fellas on the right.”
You pressed your lips together to try and bite back your smile as you watched Max subtly roll his eyes as he reached for his microphone. 
It never failed to amuse you how much the boy hated media duties, even after so many years being involved with the sport. He hated it, he thought it was a waste of time, and if he could avoid it, he would. 
Meanwhile, Charles sat next to him with a charming smile on his face. Despite his questionable acting skills, he was a performer in front of the cameras. He seemed to naturally know what people wanted to hear, what they wanted to hear from him. He seemed to have the media stuff under lock and key after so many years of having a camera shoved in his face. 
And conferences like this one—where both your boys were in one group—were your absolute favourite to watch. Just seeing the mere difference in the men you loved never failed to entertain you.
But as quickly as your good mood came, it quickly dropped when you heard the reporter's question. 
“Do you think sharing the same woman has helped your relationship on track or made it worse?” 
Your stomach dipped as the room fell silent, only the clicking of cameras and scribbling of pens on notepads could be heard. You didn’t care about the other journalists gawking at you, or even the other drivers on the couch. Your eyes were firmly glued to your boys.
Charles was frowning, a look mixed with shock and disbelief written across his face. Your boy in red liked to see the best in people, expect the best in people. And you could actively see his brain trying to work around the question to see if he just misunderstood what the man had just asked. 
But Max was a different story. 
His face was stoic and the glare he sent the reporter was almost bone-chilling. You honestly expected him to storm off, or even throw something at the reporter—to act out in the way you knew he was constantly scolded about by the Red Bull PR team. 
What you weren’t expecting was for Charles to be the first one to speak. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
The shock and surprise was clear on everybody’s face as Charles straightened up in his seat, his brows furrowed as he stared at the reporter in disgust. The man opened his mouth to speak, to probably defend himself, but Charles didn’t give him the chance. 
“No, seriously, who do you think you are?” Charles continued, his accent coming out a little thicker as he spoke. “We are racers. This is our job. Our relationship has nothing to do with anything, and it’s disrespectful that you would even bring it up, let alone talk about our girlfriend like she’s an object. She’s a human, unlike whatever you are.”
You stood there, mouth agape at the words that just came out of your boyfriend’s mouth.
However, Max almost looked proud before he lifted the microphone to his lips.
“You’re a fucking dickhead, have fun completely ending your career,” he stated simply with a smug look on his face before he dropped the microphone, not even bothering to listen to the media managers as they scrambled to get him to sit back down as he walked out with Charles following. 
Your cheeks burned as everyone turned to look at you, but you didn’t pay them any attention as you quickly slid out of the conference room. You barely made it three steps out the door before you felt an arm winding around your waist and tugging you towards a hard body, the smell of Charles’ cologne hitting you seconds later. 
“Amour,” he murmured as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapping tightly around you like he was scared you would disappear. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
“Shh, it’s not your fault,” you cooed as you wrapped your arms around him, your fingers running through the hair on the nape of his neck as his body sagged against yours. “You were quite bold in there.”
“Didn’t like the way they were talking about us,” he grumbled.
You lifted your head when you spotted Max a few steps away, the smug look still painted across his face as he reached for you, his hand placed on the small of your back. 
“Personally, I think that was the best conference I have ever been a part of,” Max commented with a shrug, his smile widening a little when he saw you snort. 
“Be nice,” you chastised.
“I am,” he defended. “It was hot.”
“It was,” you agreed, and Charles’ arms tightened around you. 
“Let’s get him fired,” Charles said suddenly as he lifted his head to look at you both, trying to ignore the fact his cheeks were burning at your words. 
“I think he did that fine on his own,” Max said.
“No, I want him fired,” Charles frowned. “I don’t want to see him near a paddock ever again.”
“Okay, calm down,” you murmured as you ran your hands up and down his back. “Let’s just get out of here and let you cool down before you do something irrational. I think you’re on an adrenaline high.”
“I don’t like people who say things about us, about you,” Charles huffed.
You smiled as you leaned up, pressing a lingering kiss against his pouting lips. “And I appreciate that very much, baby.”
“Our knight in shining armour,” Max teased, only to wince a little when you pinched his side. “Kidding, schatz, I love you both.”
“Better,” you grinned before pecking his lips too. “Let’s stop by the Red Bull motorhome before we head back to the hotel, I want more of those churros.”
Max snorted. “Whatever you want.”
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w4w4lycsss · 2 months
Hook x Reader
when Uliana try’s to get back at Bridget for humiliations her with the cupcake the reader gives uliana the truth that it’s her fault and not Bridget’s, Uliana goes crazy and try’s to attack the reader but hook stops her and instead she attacks him, but the reader grabs hook and the two have to run away from Uliana
summary: You thought you were losing the spark in your relationship with Hook until he took a chance on you. pairing: James Hook x gn!royal!reader warning: maybe some angst? fights, public drama, slight mention of injuries a/n: thanks for the support ❤
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Maybe it was a bad idea to dress you in a sweater that Hook had given you a month ago, when your relationship was still more stable. It wasn't a bad 'relationship', you weren't even sure whether to call it that. They both fell in love secretly and maintained a romantic relationship that was quite hidden and discreet, but overnight it seemed more dull.
You left your room to take your classes wearing his sweater, was it comfortable? Yes, his smell was comforting and you looked good, you were relieved that no one knew it was his, you felt a breath of air. All until the VKs got fed up with peace.
You were friends with Maleficent, she was the only one who knew about your relationship problems and the anguish you felt every time you tried to calm your head. You hadn't deigned to hang out with Hook, you snuck away with her (and Hades as a busybody) to get some peace of mind.  
You were hidden in the shadows of your friend, watching how the leader of the VK went crazy after having turned into a flamingo, soaked by the magic of the fountain.
You recoiled at the scream, even if it wasn't directed at you. You hugged the strap of your backpack hanging over your shoulder, frowning uncomfortably at the scene.
“Gods, how can she be so stupid?”
Suddenly (and unfortunately) Uliana turned to you, looking furious as if you had been to blame for her current state. You gulped and backed away as much as possible until he cut you off, placing one of her tentacles on your back.
"What did you say?"
You frowned, maybe you had anger and stress built up from a failed relationship or a bad hair and makeup day.
“Listen, it’s not her fault, she told you it would be a bad idea, look at you!” You bit the inside of your cheek, not knowing where you were getting the courage to continue talking to him like that. “In part it is your fault."
Uliana was angrier than before, approaching you menacingly and almost forgetting about Bridget. She wrapped the tentacle that was on your back around your waist, lifting you into the air and making you drop your backpack in shock.
“Uliana, let them go!” Hook shouted, freezing as he heard himself raise his voice. He swallowed when he realized that the eyes were on him. "You should not have done that."
“Oh, you defend the little royal?” She scoffed, dropping you and turning her attention to Hook.
He ran over to you, taking your arm to help you stand up and see if everything was in order. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek as the cold metal of his hook settled on your lower back.
"Are you okey?" He asked softly, which you felt scared by having the eyes of others on you.
"You are pathetic." He spat at Uliana. "Royalty? Oh really? You've fallen under."
“Hook, stop-”
He interrupted you with a whisper. “Please don't tell me like that.” He looked at you pleadingly and turned angrily to her. “Don't do anything to them.”
“You are a coward now, you are a villain, you are vile and cruel!”
“I still am! Just…maybe I'm in love…”
“I don't want you to come near me again.”
Uliana tripped Hook with one of her tentacles, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the edge of the fountain, opening a wound.
"James!" You crouched down to his level, being followed by his worried friends. “That was so stupid.”
"It was worth it."
"No! You're bleeding."
“I don't really care, I'm not going to die.” He let out a carefree laugh. "I love you."
“I love you too, idiot.”
Maleficent crouched down to his height and with a little magic managed to heal the wound on his head. You helped him pick him up while you scolded him for the foolish thing he had just done and that he declared his love for you publicly, but he didn't look remorseful.
You guided him to your room, sitting him on your bed as you walked in circles.
"What are you going to do now that the whole school knows you're dating a royal?"
"Love you better." He said bluntly. "I love you, I'm not ashamed to love you in public, rigth? I don't want it to be a secret anymore."
"I thought you didn't like to show public affection."
"Maybe, but right now I don't care."
You frowned compitably and sat down next to him carefully. He dragged his hand toward yours over the sheets and intertwined his fingers.
"You're a big idiot."
"That's how you love me."
You rolled your eyes and kissed him, at the end of the day, you had no choice but to be happy with someone who had a small scar on his head for having defended you.
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lnfours · 6 months
* ✰. — supernatural | l.n
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summary: this love’s possessing me, but i don’t mind at all ; a new year with the same boy, but in a different way.
warnings: fluff, another friends to lovers!au brought to you by yours truly, based off ‘supernatural’ by ariana grande, pining so damn hard, a hint of language, not proofread bc i can’t sleep and i have this on my mind
masterlist | listen
you weren’t really sure when things changed with lando. how the once platonic touches turned into lingering ones that left a fire burning beneath his fingertips. how quick glances turned into longing stares before the other would notice and a quick shift of vision. everything suddenly meant something.
of course, everyone had put money on it years ago. they all had a gut feeling that at some point, things would come clear to the both of you that you were meant to be all along. how all those past relationships, situationships and failed first dates never worked out because no one could compare. and as always, the two of you would always shut it down. quick to reassure your other friends that if it ever were to happen, it’d ruin a life long friendship which was far more important.
they didn’t want to hear it though. always giving a slight nod, a ‘sure’ or a ‘we’ll see about that’. and boy were they right. they were onto the both of you before you even started. assumptions slowly coming to life as they all watched how the two of you acted around the other all of a sudden. how he’d always have an arm around you, not in a protective way, but in a ‘i need you right here with me’ kind of way. they all noticed how you never backed away, how you’d simply melt into him as the night progressed. your head leaning back on his shoulder as you talked. or how you would slip a hand around his back, occasionally drawing shapes onto the thin material of his shirts. a simple giveaway to them about something you didn’t even know was happening yet.
but now it was new years, the house party buzzing with people and music and everything in between. a celebration of the end of another year and into a new one with new beginnings. manifestations of good things in the air as the music played through the speakers of the house.
you were sat on the couch, drink in hand as you laughed with some of your mutual friends. lando couldn’t help but keep glancing over at you, eyes dancing over the way your eyes sparkled in the dim lighting. how your eyes creased when you laughed and smiled, how suddenly you were all he could see in a room full of people.
“mate,” max’s voice brought him back to earth, “did you hear what i said or were you too busy eye-fucking y/n?”
lando turned to his best friend, eyebrows pulled together, “what?”
he was trying not to get defensive. trying so hard not to tell his best friend that he wasn’t eye-fucking you, but rather looking over at you lovingly. looking at you as his heart went a mile a minute, scanning over all the features of your face for the millionth time, but all of a sudden taking this time, right here, right now, to try to memorize it. memorize everything little thing that made you perfect to him.
“c’mon, mate,” max sighed, almost as if he was tired of the same story, “you’ve been staring at her for the past five minutes. when are you going to go tell her you love her?”
lando swallowed the sip of his drink, rolling his eyes at his friend, “i don’t know what you’re on about.”
“please,” pietra joined the conversation now, arm linked on max’s, “you’re a terrible liar. you both are.”
he looked at the blonde with curiosity in his eyes. you both are? what was that supposed to mean? could it be-
he was about to ask before she spoke, “listen, you’re both single. clearly you’re into each other, just go talk to her!”
and with that, the couple was gone. off to join the circle of people in the living room who were counting down to midnight. he looked at the time on his phone, twenty minutes to the new year. to the new chapter he had desperately been craving.
he took another sip of his drink before he felt a hand on his shoulder, a soft ‘excuse me’ echoing in his ears. he looked up, a smile on your face as you squeezed past the person next to him to stand beside lando. he was quick to wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him in the crowded area.
you smiled, tucking a strand of hair from your face, with your free hand as the other wrapped around his neck, “hey,”
“hey,” he smiled right back at you, “feeling okay?”
you nodded, “i am now, yeah.”
oh if his heart wasn’t already flying out of his chest, it sure was now. your smile alone could send him over the moon. your fingers absentmindedly reaching towards the curls at the nape of his neck, twisting them lightly between your fingers. you loved when he kept his hair a little longer than normal so you could do this.
little did you know, he kept it a little longer just for you to do it.
“want something to drink? i can go grab you something,”
you shook your head, “i’m okay, thank you,”
he nodded back at you, “so, find your new years kiss yet?”
you scrunched your nose, looking around the house, “have you seen the people here? i don’t think i’ll have much luck. you?”
he shrugged, “haven’t had much luck either, but i also haven’t even really been looking.”
you laughed softly, “you haven’t?”
he shook his head, looking past you to look at the clock. ten minutes.
“i mean,” he started, “there’s one girl but i don’t know if she’s into me.”
you raised an eyebrow, trying not to let your face fall as your heart went to your feet, “well, what’s she look like?”
he swallowed a sip from his drink, “she’s gorgeous, even when she thinks she isn’t, she is. she’s really smart, possibly the smartest in the room right now. and she likes to go out, but she’d much rather curl up on the couch and put a movie on or read a book or something. and she keeps me in line, knows when to bring my ego back to earth.”
you smiled softly, “she sounds great.”
“she is,” he scanned your facial features, “she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
you sucked in a breath, “is she here?”
“yeah,” he smiled softly, “she’s right in front of me.”
suddenly the world stopped. it felt like time stood still as you stood in front of him. it was like you two were the only ones in the room.
“lando,” you breathed out, unsure of what to say. every birthday wish, every shooting star, you had used for this very moment. and now it was unfolding in front of you, and nothing has made you feel so many things at once quite like this has.
five minutes to the new year.
he smiled back at you, the toothy grin you had learned to fall in love with no matter how much he picked it apart whenever he would take pictures. you loved the little gap between his teeth, the way the moles and freckles charted his skin like constellations. constellations just for you. it was right here in this moment that everything everyone has ever said started to make you realize it has been him all along.
“i know it’s scary and new and every thing we always thought was something that was going to ruin our friendship,” he said, “but i can’t help it. i’m falling in love with you.”
the people around you started counting down, “59, 58, 57…”
“i’m falling in love with you, too,” you said, eyes scanning over his, green with specks of blue and oh so pretty, “i’ve been in love with you since the moment we met.”
he stood now, pulling you closer to him. 30, 29, 28…
“i want this,” he said, “i want you. i always have, and im sorry it took me this long to finally admit it.”
you wrapped your arms around his neck as his snaked around your middle. he was holding you as close as possible, and although it wasn’t a new experience to be this close, to take in the smell of his cologne, the smell of his shampoo and the cream he used to style his stupidly perfect curls. it wasn’t new to experience everything that made him ten times more irresistible, but right now, your heart was about to fly out of your chest at the feeling of him being this close before. a step into uncharted territory and you were growing impatient by the second. wanting nothing more than to just call him yours already. to let the world know that he was yours and yours only. to let your friends know that they were right all along, ready to hear the ‘i told you so’s as long as it kept him right here.
“i’m sorry, too.” you said. and you meant it. you had wished this had happened sooner, you couldn’t help but wonder that if it had, where you two would be now. what your little life would’ve looked like right about now.
with ten seconds left on the clock, he smiled and mumbled to you softly, “be my new years kiss,”
you smiled back at the curly haired boy you’ve loved your whole life, “i wouldn’t want you to kiss anyone else.”
five, four, three, two, one…
there were yells of celebration in the air, the echo of the fireworks on the tv. everyone either toasting to the new years or ringing in a new year with their loved by celebrating with a kiss. but you paid no mind to any of it, to any of the noise circling around you as you took in the way his lips slotted against yours. how his lips tasted like the cherry lip balm you had lent him earlier on in the night with a hint of the whiskey he had been nursing. his hands holding you in place in front of him, yours wrapping around his neck as he took it a step further and licked against your bottom lip.
everything about it sent butterflies straight to your stomach because after all this time, all the dreaming about this moment, it finally happened. you two had managed to crack, let down the facade. and truthfully, it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders and it made you question why neither of you came clean sooner.
his nose pressed against yours and you laughed softly, meeting his eyes. he was smiling back at you, wrapping a strand of your hair around his finger before slotting it back behind your ear.
he licked his lips, the both of you basking in each other after years and years of pining, “wanna get out of here?”
“please,” you sighed, and with that he led you through the crowd around you. led you to the door of the house party, nodding and bidding his few goodbyes before heading out. you held onto his arm the whole way, until he was unlocking the doors to the mclaren parked down the street. he opened the door for you, just like he always had, and you slid in. this time as he closed the door, you couldn’t help but notice the shift of energy. the way everything was unfolding was nothing less than exciting.
he climbed in on the drivers side, starting the car before slotting his hand with yours.
“mine or yours?”
you shrugged, looking over at him with a smile, “doesn’t matter,”
he nodded, pressing your hand to his lips as he pulled away from the curb. and really, it didn’t matter to you. because you would follow him anywhere. even to the ends of the earth and back.
which, of course he knew that. because he’d do the same for you.
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s-ublimewrites · 13 days
xanax (melissa schemmenti x f!reader)
synopsis: melissa needs a push to make a much-needed change in her life
words: 2.9k
warnings: swearing, mild angst (mel & reader argue), gary bashing, republicanism mention
note: i wrote part of this, didn't touch it for eight months, picked it back up, and now here we are: another fic where nothing actually happens between mel & r, but also everything happens. enjoy!
“Don’t go in there yet,” Janine stops you before you can enter the teacher’s lounge. 
“Uh, why not?” You prepare to step around her and she blocks your path. 
“Y/n, it’s tense in there right now,” she insists. She’s stress sweating, you notice. 
Your brow furrows. “Janine, it’s the first day. It’s…” you check your watch, “7:04am. How is it already tense?”
Janine checks over her shoulder and lowers her voice slightly. “So, you know Gary? Melissa’s vending machine guy?”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. Yeah, you know Gary. You are, in fact, acutely aware of Gary’s presence in Melissa’s life. Listen, you’re super happy for Melissa - she seems to like him, they just spent the summer in Jersey Shore together. You just think it’s kind of weird how he relates everything to vending machines. And you’re kinda wary of asking Melissa who he voted for in 2016. And 2020. And, okay, maybe seeing him kiss her goodbye in the break room makes you want to puke. Whatever. 
“I’m familiar,” you say to Janine.  
Her eyes flick to the cameras, then back to you. “Okay. Well. On the last day of their Jersey Shore trip, something happened. Melissa is pissed and Barbara totally knows why and I think they’re maybe mad at each other about it? Anyway it’s basically a war zone in there and you need to tread very carefully, Y/n.”
There’s genuine fear in Janine’s voice. Poor girl has definitely suffered the wrath of Melissa Schemmenti this morning. 
“Do you know what happened?” you ask. 
Janine shakes her head. “No, but Barb keeps shaking her head all disapprovingly and saying ‘Melissa Ann Schemmenti, just you wait until Y/n gets here,’ so…” 
Her Barb impression is… pretty bad. You don’t comment on it. 
“Ah,” you say, “so I’m the bomb-defusing robot you’re sending in so Melissa will stop being mean to everyone. I see.” 
Somewhere during your time at Abbott, grumpy Melissa has become your responsibility. Not that you mind very much. You like being the only one that can get through to her when she’s like this; you like that everyone knows it, too. 
“If rugs are Xanax for second graders,” Janine says, “you’re Xanax for Melissa. Good luck!” 
Janine scurries off and you take a deep breath. Here goes nothing, you suppose. 
It’s just Barb and Melissa in the lounge — you figure the palpable tension that hangs between them has scared everyone else off. They sit at different tables, decidedly not talking. Melissa’s face is buried in her phone, glasses on the end of her nose, and Barb stares at the yogurt that she’s stirring but not eating. 
“Good morning,” you offer softly as you step into the room, trying to give an air of ‘I’m perfectly normal and don’t know anything about your potentially-failing relationship.’
Melissa’s eyes flick up from her phone, landing briefly on you before she returns to whatever is on her screen. Barb, though, snatches up her bag and her yogurt and is on her feet moving toward you. 
“Maybe you can talk some sense into this one,” Barb says to you furiously. She keeps walking, heading right past you, and slams her yogurt into the trash before exiting the room. Somewhere in this time, the camera crew has the good sense to scram.
You look at Melissa. She looks back at you. 
“What?” she all but spits - angry, sure, but also upset. Hurt by something. Someone. Your hatred for the vending machine guy is set in stone. 
“C’mon, you don’t get to be mad at me - I literally just got here,” you remind Melissa and drop into the seat next to hers. 
Melissa doesn’t say anything, but she looks at you with less loathing. It’s a good first step. 
“You traumatized Janine,” you reattempt. 
“A strong gust of wind could traumatize Janine,” Melissa mutters. She puts down her phone and finally looks at you, moving her glasses to sit atop her head. “Why? What’d she say t’ya?” 
You remember Janine’s words — tread carefully. “Not much. Something about things being tense with you and Barb… Something about Gary.”
Melissa’s jaw sets and she looks at her lap and she doesn’t say anything. 
“Did you fight?” your voice is gentle.  
Melissa plays with her fingers and shakes her head. “No. Well, I don’t know. Kind of? I don’t know. Maybe.” 
You stay quiet while she thinks about this (you didn’t intend for it to be such a difficult question, but you don’t say that).
“Not yet, I guess,” Melissa finally decides. “We haven’t fought yet.” 
You nod, beginning to understand. “Does Gary know that you’re potentially going to be fighting?” 
She shrugs. “Dunno if I wanna make it a thing.” 
“So, there’s two things going on here? You’re mad at Gary for something, and Barb is mad at you?”
She nods. You nod. She suddenly becomes interested in her cuticles.
“Okay,” you retry, “which do you want to tackle first?”
“Why dontcha just drop it?” Melissa snaps. 
You don’t back down; rather, you give her a pointed look, and she sighs heavily — her international sign of realizing she was mean to you.
You try again. “So, Barb is mad at you.”
“Because of the Gary thing?”
“Did you fuck up, or did he?”
Melissa goes quiet again and you kick her under the table. 
“Hey, I don’t care either way. You know I support women’s wrongs,” you do your best to keep your tone light.
This draws a half-smile out of her. “Him. Mostly. Then, kinda me… Kinda.”
It’s your turn to stare at her, because what the hell are you supposed to do with that?
She huffs out a sigh, averts her eyes, and her words come out in a rush: “He fucked up and did some stuff and Barb is mad that I haven’t dumped him yet, okay?”
You nod, trying to piece the information together. “So, you wanna give him another chance, but Barb doesn’t? That’s… not usually how this goes.”
“I’m old, alright?” Melissa breathes out, any trace of venom having left her words. Now, she just sounds exhausted. 
“Hang on,” you hold up a hand to halt her train of thought, “what? First off, no you’re not. Second, what does your age have to do with anything?”
She looks at her lap. “I found someone who wants to settle down with me. I got divorced and wrote off love then found it again and I can’t afford to be throwin’ it away.”
Every once in a while, Melissa will let you see her frayed edges like this. They’re ragged and raw and tender and she trusts you to not probe more than necessary. It makes you feel… something. Something deep and warm that burns inside you like brandy and makes your hands tremble. 
“But?” you coax gently, and she runs a hand down her face in something akin to defeat.
Melissa’s eyes flick to the door, and you know she’s making sure there’s no camera crew and no Janine.
“But somehow we got this far in without talkin’ about politics. I mean, I talk about it. All the time. And he nods, so I thought we were on the same page, but…”
Christ alive, I was right about the elections, you think, and clamp your mouth shut (it is so not the time for an I Told You So).
For the umpteenth time this morning, you choose your words with care. “I’ve never known Melissa Schemmenti to compromise her beliefs for anybody.”
And, well, there it is. You’ve said the thing that both Melissa and Barb knew you’d say, and she wouldn’t be able to fight you on it, because it’s you. Her Xanax. 
She spends a moment chewing on her bottom lip, and her voice is low when she says, “I don’t wanna hav’ta start all over again.”
It occurs to you that this woman is deeply scared that she’s never going to be loved again. 
You don’t know how to reassure her that you’re not going to let that happen. 
Instead, you just say, “Yeah,” because what else is there to say?
After a beat, you add, “You also don’t wanna hav’ta date someone who thinks they’re putting litter boxes in classrooms for all the kids who identify as cats.” 
Melissa huffs out a somewhat incredulous laugh and blinks away the tears that you weren’t planning on pointing out. She shakes her head like she’s clearing out cobwebs. 
“I was hoping we could just ignore it. That it would be one of those things we don’t talk about,” Melissa tells you. 
You look at her pointedly. “Right. Until he tries to tell you that unions strip you of your individual voice and makes you watch NewsMax after dinner every night. Melissa, you’d murder the man.”
The glare you receive in return only confirms what you both know: once again, Melissa is incapable of arguing with you, and she’s kinda peeved about it. 
“Why d’ya gotta to be so…” she fishes for the appropriate word, “…right? It’s obnoxious.”
“It’s obnoxious that I know you?” You suppress a smirk. 
“So you want me to let you keep dating a republican?”
Melissa crosses her arms over her chest. “Shut up.” 
“You gotta dump him, babe. Before there’s a questionable campaign sign in your front lawn,” you stress, and she groans. 
“Then who’s gonna take me to Ocean City and haul me back to the hotel room when I’m eight Manhattans deep and three g’s in the red?” She pouts. 
Your eyebrow quirks up. “Is that your only qualifying factor? I can do that.”
The pout gives way to a small smirk. “So, I dump Gary and you take me to Ocean City? Is that the deal?” 
You pause. Or… maybe ‘freeze’ is a more accurate word. 
“I… guess?” you manage to get out.
Melissa considers this for a moment, head cocked to the side. “Not a bad incentive.”
How did we get here? you briefly wonder, and you push the thought aside. 
“So you’re gonna leave him, then?” you try to keep your tone light, hoping to urge her back toward your main objective. 
Melissa huffs, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. You wanna be my knight in shining armor. You’re not gettin’ me to Ocean City that easy, kid.” She smirks, but it’s tight. Almost forced. 
“Hey, I’m just saying that if all it takes is some drinks on the boardwalk, I’m your gal,” you laugh softly, and she cracks a smile back. 
For a brief moment you feel like you’ve successfully dodged the bullet; Melissa’s more relaxed now, some of the tension having left her shoulders. You just have to coax her a little bit further. 
“I’m serious, Melissa. You deserve way better than a guy who…” is politically vomit-worthy “… doesn’t share your values, y’know? You don’t have to settle.”
That’s when something changes in the way she’s looking at you. The smirk disappears, her eyes narrow, and when she speaks her voice has cooled significantly. 
“Settle?” Melissa repeats. “Who’s settlin’?”
It’s like the air thickens around the two of you. You try to backpedal, to shove the words back in your mouth and swallow them, but it’s too late. Melissa is putting those walls right back up. 
“I don’t need you to swoop in and save me, Y/n,” her voice is sharp, intentionally chosen to carve out space between the two of you. “I’ve stuck it out through way worse than this, alright?”
You sit back in your chair a little and do your best to keep your voice even. “That doesn’t mean you have to-“
“I don’t have to do anything.” Melissa is already shaking her head, voice firm. “I didn’t ask for advice.”
Ouch. Okay, so, she’s kinda pissed. Usually your talks go a lot better than this, and you’re both laughing by now. Then again, usually the talks are about Ava’s inadequacies as a principal or some annoying parent. Not Melissa’s love life and sense of self-worth. 
“Melissa,” you try to control the damage, “I’m not trying to-“
“I’m not some delicate little flower who can’t handle a little trouble. You know me,” Melissa leans forward. “I’ve dealt with way harder stuff than Gary screwin’ up a little. You don’t know half of what I’ve gone through, so don’t sit there and try to pretend that you do.”
Her words hit you square in the chest. You didn’t know what to expect coming back to work after not seeing Melissa all summer, but you didn’t imagine it would be like this. 
Not that you imagined it often. Definitely not. 
You had hoped nothing would be different between you, but she’s evidently putting you at arm’s length now. 
“Melissa, I’m just saying,” you take a breath and try to regroup, “you deserve better than him.”
“Better than what?” Melissa shoots back, arms crossed securely in front of her chest. “Than a guy who wants to settle down with me? Yeah, he’s got some rough edges. So what? Who doesn’t?”
You make a mental note to unpack that sometime down the road. 
“Rough edges?” your eyebrow raises. “Melissa, I’m just trying to make sure you’re happy and not… settling.”
You’re hyper-aware of your use of that word again, and so is she. 
Melissa looks at the table and her jaw clenches. “Yeah, well, maybe you don’t get to decide what settlin’ looks like for me. We’re not on the same page with this, alright?”
In the tense beat of silence that passes between you both, you can feel her withdrawing further from you. The months you’ve spent apart have made it all too raw, too soon. She leans back, arms still crossed, face set in a stubborn scowl. 
“I’ve been fine without your opinion all summer and I’ll be fine without it now.”
You sit back in your chair and try to not let the sigh you let out sound too irritated (or too hurt). This isn’t your first rodeo with Melissa, but still… Ouch. 
“All I’m saying,” you start gingerly, “is that just because you can get through something, it doesn’t mean you should.”
Melissa’s eyes narrow again, but they’re softer this time. She’s listening — even if she doesn’t want to be. 
“I know better than to try to tell you what you can or can’t do,” you continue, keeping your tone casual like you’re discussing the weather. “But I know you, Melissa. You don’t accept less than what you deserve. So if you’re ’sticking it out’ with Gary, there’s a reason, but I don’t think it’s the reason you think it is.”
Melissa doesn’t speak right away, just… stares, with this thoughtful expression. You let the silence hang between you, allowing your words to sink in. 
“You dunno everything about me, Y/n,” she finally says, looking away from you, and her voice has lost some of its edge. 
You offer a small smile. “I never said I did.” 
Another beat of silence. You can see her chewing on your words, probably fighting the urge to make it an argument again. This is always the hardest part — getting her to let go of the fight without feeling like she’s losing. 
“I just… I think you’re worth more than whatever this is,” you say carefully, making sure to keep your voice low. “And maybe it’s time you stop sticking it out just because you’re scared of what comes next.”
That does it. You see Melissa flinch, just barely, but it’s enough to know you’re getting through to her. 
“I’m not scared,” she mutters, but it lacks any real conviction. 
You don’t argue with her, just nod. “Yeah. I know.”
Melissa shifts in her chair, arms still crossed, but she’s less tense. She’s still mad, sure, and maybe she’s even still mad at you, but the fire behind it is dying down. 
“You always gotta be so damn calm, dontcha?” she grumbles. 
“One of us has to be,” you chuckle softly. 
Melissa finally cracks the tiniest smile, her boot nudging you under the table. “Good. You’ll need that calm at the craps table.”
“You’re totally gonna hold me to Ocean City, aren’t you?”
She shrugs. “Gotta have somethin’ to look forward to since you’re makin’ me dump my usual company.”
“Hey, I’m not making you-“ you pause. “Oh. So… you’re gonna do it, then?”
“Yeah,” Melissa nods with a sigh. “I guess I am.”
You just nod, and it seems like Melissa is really absorbing the fact that she’s about to be single again. She looks at the clock like it’s a ticking bomb. 
“Guess I’ve got some time to figure out how I wanna do this,” she says, and you know she’s going to be an anxious mess until 3:30 rolls around. 
“One thing at a time,” you offer a small, supportive smile, and she nods. 
She chuckles softly, more tired than amused. “Right. Should probably focus on my thirty second- and third-graders first.”
Right. Teaching. The thing you’re here to do. You both stand up and start gathering your things. She doesn’t make for the door when you do, and you stop. 
“It’s gonna be okay, Melissa,” you reassure her. “And you know where to find me if you need me.”
Melissa nods and takes a steadying breath. “We’ll talk later?” She sounds almost… hopeful. 
“Of course,” you smile. “If I recall, we’ve got an Ocean City trip to plan.”
Melissa huffs out a small laugh and gives another nod. The tension seems to leave her frame slightly as she finally heads for the door. You follow behind her, knowing the hardest part of the day is yet to come. But maybe, you think, everything will turn out just fine.
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Stop Sending Me Fruit Pics
Joost Klein x reader fanfic 18+ MDNI | RPF!!!
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Joost hears something you don’t exactly want him to...
Reader: established relationship, f!reader, tried not to be too descriptive with physical characteristics but I’m sure I slipped up somewhere
CW: 18+ NSFW, RPF, smut, consensual but consent is not explicitly stated so be warned if you care about that, kind of rough, unprotected piv, cream pie, filthy onomatopoeia, cringe dialogue?
Words: ~1,900. Just a lil blurb. 
A/N: Ayy you know when sometimes you’re so wet you realize you can hear your pussy makin’ little *schlick-smack* noises when you walk? No? Just me? Dang. Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.
No I did NOT listen to WAP when I was writing this…
🍌🥝 🍌🥝 🍌🥝 🍌 🥝 🍌🥝 🍌🥝 🍌 🥝 🍌 🥝 🍌 🥝 🍌 🥝 🍌
You just got home. 
You had been at Tantu’s all day and you had been so worked up the whole time. You tried to play it cool, keeping to yourself on the beanbag in the corner while they worked, pretending you weren’t thinking about choking on that dick. 
Sometimes you think the fact that you don’t have a dick makes you a little too bold. Since you don’t have to worry about boners there is literally nothing to stop you from having wild fantasies in public and you rarely fail to take advantage of this. There have never been consequences so far, you’ve never been rendered unable to act normal when people engage with you. Still, you wonder if one day you’ll slip up and say something like ‘oh hey, how’s it boning?’. The possibility hasn’t stopped you yet. 
You sit there all afternoon thinking fairly depraved thoughts with no one the wiser and try to look busy on your laptop while discreetly watching Joost work.
When evening rolls around they decide they are done for the day and you are happy to see there is no spot on the upholstery when you get up. You gather your things and say your goodbyes. Then, as you’re heading out the door, you realize you can hear something strange. There is a little *schlick* with each step. Schlick...schlick… Oh. That is definitely your pussy. Guess you got a little carried away. It seems quiet enough that no one will put two and two together though and you just hope if Joost does notice something he will chalk it up to the bouncing click of a zipper or the back and forth of the synthetic material of your coat. You resolve to change your underwear as soon as you’re home. 
You’ve arrived and you’re taking off your shoes by the door when you look over and see Joost’s brow furrowed, looking at you curiously. Fuck. You’re not sure when it caught his attention but it has now and you try to walk into the living room slowly to dampen the sound. Maybe you can keep him from zeroing in on it. You can hear him put down his bag and slowly pad after you. 
You’re halfway through the main space now. Act casual, act casual. The bedroom door is right there. Be cool, be cool. You look behind you to see if he’s following and happen to catch the moment it clicks for him because his eyes go wide.
His strides are swift as he bridges the gap between you and grabs your wrists when you turn and try to backpedal, palms raised in defense. He’s got a disbelieving look on his face and it’s turning into a shit-eating grin.
“Are you….wet?” 
“No, definitely not.”  You don’t even know why you’re lying. It’s not like you’re not super down to get it on. You’ve been lusting after him since this morning. Just, something about arousal to the point of being audible is embarrassing. What did that one guy in the vine say to his mom when she was making mac ’n cheese?
“I think you’re lying schatje.”
He spins you around and bends you over the arm of the couch before you can think of an excuse.
“Joost! Come on!”
You try to stand up but he has a hand on your back and his other one immediately works to shimmy your pants down. 
He’s ignoring you. As soon as he’s got them down far enough he presses his fingers to your panties and swears violently at how obviously little they are doing to contain the situation. You suck in a breath. The gig is up. He rips them down to join your jeans and you can feel the string that connects them to your pussy break and stick to your thigh. God. He brings his hand back up quickly and dips his fingers in. He runs them through your folds and huffs out a laugh in awe.
“Joooost” you whine. You can’t believe he’s laughing at you.
“Schatje, what has you so fucking wrecked?”
“Shut upppppp” You groan.
“Is this all for me? You’re so wet I can’t believe it.” 
It is in fact all for him but your tongue is now stuck to the roof of your mouth with the way he starts tracing around your clit. He teases circles around it for a little while. Not right where you need him but close enough to keep you arching into his hold. His huge hand on your back feels like a brand. 
“Aww that’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
You do your best to make an indignant noise into the cushions.
Continuing his investigation he drags the tips down to your entrance and traces around it lightly. You squirm a bit, it almost tickles, but his pin is firm. Suddenly he drives two fingers in to the knuckle and you choke. It makes the most filthy squelch. He pumps them in and out a few times slowly, repeating the noise. 
“My god schatje”
Your face is on fucking fire.
You want to make some quip, tell him if he doesn’t like it he can stick his damn fingers somewhere else, but you know that it isn’t an actual criticism. No, not with the way he is deliberately plunging his fingers to get the loudest possible *smack-slurp*. Not with the way he’s withdrawing every few pumps to run his drenched fingers through your folds, making equally obscene noises. It feels good but you can tell his entire focus is on reveling in the sheer quantity of your arousal rather than actually driving you higher. You start chasing his fingers, rocking back into his touch.
Then, just as suddenly, he whips his fingers back out, undoes his belt, rips down his pants, lines up, and sinks in in one go.
You scream.
Not in pain, but at the intensity of sensation. Things never usually move this fast. You were already so turned on that it felt fucking perfect though. You have no idea if he’s saying anything to you because you white out for a moment. He holds there as deep as possible for a few beats but slowly he pulls back and starts to build a rhythm. 
“Mmmmmmn, baby, you feel so good. Were you waiting for me today?”
“Oh my god oh my godohmygodohmygod” You don’t know why he thinks you can talk right now.
Having done the bare minimum to not absolutely murder your cervix he begins picking up the pace. Soon he is jackhammering you into the couch as you scrabble for purchase on frustratingly smooth cushions. You can feel yourself dripping down his balls as they slap against you. The noises are worse than ever. The endless *slap-slap-schlap-shlup* is doing something to your brain.
Your hurtle towards orgasm alarmingly quickly. As soon as he reaches around to massage at your neglected clit you can’t even choke out a warning before your eyes roll back and you’re spasming around him in wild pulses. You whimper his name over and over in a way you will probably find embarrassing later.
At the feeling he grips your hips that much tighter, thrusting savagely as his gasps gain a breathy quality. Just as you start to go boneless he hooks an arm around you, pulling you back up into his chest before you can face plant, making your back arch sharply as he slams home and stays deep, spilling inside of you.
You’re not sure you can actually feel his cum but there is some sort of twinge of warmth and it has you twitching all over again. He groans at the feeling and bucks into you again lightly, teeth coming to gently press into your neck. You whimper and let yourself soak in the feeling of him in and around you. The weight of him still inside you and his bruising grip holding you so sweetly. 
After a minute he removes his teeth and brushes his lips over the spot. He kisses over your shoulders, gradually letting you both come down. Eventually he loosens his hold, releasing you from the somewhat contortionist pose. Once you’ve got your hands on solid couch again he pulls out slowly. Immediately his cum runs down your legs and you can’t help but let out another little noise. You try to close your legs to stop it but he grabs your thighs and holds them open, leaning back to watch. One of his thumbs moves to spread you open just a little, admiring his work. He gives a happy little sigh.
“Jooooost” You complain, but you really don’t have it in you to stop him.
He groans and pulls away finally, taking off his own shirt. He wipes up your thighs gently. When he’s done he wraps his arms around you and drags you up into a hug, your back pressed against his chest. He kisses at your temple a few times and then turns you around so he can finally kiss your mouth. You sigh heavily in his arms. As nice as it is to get dicked down you had missed his mouth. You always crave his kiss. You feel your strength returning and you bring your arms up around his neck so you can deepen it. You make out languidly for a few minutes but you are tired. All of that kind of made your back hurt. When you part from his mouth he is looking at you appreciatively.
“Was that okay?” he asks. “I know it was kinda fast. I could’t help it, I had to feel your pussy.”
“Yeah, that was really hot, even if it was kind of embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing that you were so wet I could hear it?” He leers at you.
You look away, shy all over again. He chuckles and kisses over your face.
“What made you so wet schatje, hmm? I still want to know. What is there to think about in the studio?”
You bury your face in his shoulder now, groaning.
“Come on babyyyy what has you so hot that I could hear it?”
“Hhhhhh…..the fruit.” You finally mumble into his skin. You still can’t look at him.
“Hah? The fruit? Oh!! Really?” 
You remember the moment you received the selfie with the kiwi. He had left for the studio earlier than you. Later, when you were on your way to join him, he sent you a picture of his snack with the words ‘babe my cum is gonna taste so good’. A few minutes later he sent another one with a banana. You sent him a simple tongue emoji. Your relationship was no stranger to sexting but something about this made you blush. You spent the whole train ride to the studio flipping through your mental catalogue of the many times you had blown him. The weight of him on your tongue and the feeling of him in your throat. When was the last time he actually finished in your mouth? Oral always turned into fucking. God you want him to come down your throat. By the time you made it to the studio you were feeling more than a little warm.
“Yesss fuck you it was hot okay”
“Ohh? Do you wish we did something else? I can give you a taste next time kay?” 
You can feel his grin pressed to your ear. You sigh as dramatically as you can manage. You feel your snark recovering. 
“Okay, I guess I can wait.” 
You pull back to look at him.
“In the mean time, we do have blueberries in the fridge.”
*Cues door de Kirk* ~chap die poenie als bosbessen!!! 🫐✨
But like, the other way around,
eh you get it
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delzinrowe · 1 month
Got amy headcanons about being in a secret relationship with jjk? I feel like they'd all have separate reasons for keeping everything down low
For the sake of my sanity i'm not doing all of jjk like in my hc posts I hope you're not mad at me for that
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A/N: I only choose a few ones, if you want someone specific I haven't picked just send me another ask and I'll do my best. But these are the characters I feel the most and feel I can portray well. Includes: Yuji, Megumi, Takuma ☆ Choso, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Yaga
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Yuji just kind of accidentally kept it a secret. With Nobara around she talks a lot, and Yuji listens, he doesn't interrupt his friends. He was going to tell them about you two eventually, but whenever he wanted to tell them something came up, mostly missions. And after a while it slipped his mind that he hasn't told anyone. He's a kind and good guy, but he's not pushy when it comes to his own daily life. When he has good news he likes to share it with friends, but after a while of trying and failing he forgot about it.
Megumi is and has always been a more private and reserved person. He takes a while to warm up with others. So, once it got serious with you two he asked if you're okay with keeping it more private. Or rather, he implied it, you already knew it was gonna be more private. He doesn't like his private business being the talk of the town. After a while he would confide into Yuji, with the promise of him not telling anyone. Nobara? Hell no, out of the question. Megumi's main goal is to keep Gojo in the dark because the poor boy would never hear the end of it if Gojo ever found out he has a partner.
Takuma would only tell it to Nanami. He might have the feeling of shouting it from the rooftops that the person he likes also likes him back. But he would much rather just confide in his mentor. Which he does. And thanks to Nanami's private nature he doesn't tell anyone else, but he is proud and happy for Takuma. That's enough for our local skaterboy. Hearing that his mentor is happy that he's happy is all he needs, therefore no one else really needs to know about it. After a while he would lose that mindset and it would be replaced with "fuck it, I wanna show you off" which is what he does. He'd have his arm around you and walk around the entire school grounds and all over Tokyo just yelling "That's my partner!" "Watch out, happy boyfriend coming through." He's the epitome of golden retriever energy.
Choso doesn't really know the etiquette of dating, his worst fear is to do something wrong and lose you. He isn't sure if being in a relationship is something you keep private or parade around. He does see couples on the street and on tv, but it's still new to him. He's only had a human body for a few short months. The thought to introduce you to his sorcerer friends doesn't even really occur to him until you ask, which prompts a conversation between you where he asks you all sorts of questions on this matter. He eventually settles for only telling his brother Yuji as he's concered for your safety. He is a curse who murdered people after all.
Gojo keeps your relationship a secret from the very first moment, even if you wouldn't have expected it from him. Being known as the strongest came with a big target on his back, he's had bounties on his head since he was a toddler. Even if he can easily take care of any threat, he would do anything to keep you safe and out of danger. The less people know about his sole weakness the better. He does apologise and spoil you to make up for it, but he cannot and will not risk putting you in harms way. If you're involved his judgement isn't as clear as it should be.
Geto could potentially have two reasons, depending on if he stayed with jujutsu high or defected. If he stayed the most prominent reason to keep your relationship a secret would be Gojo. His best friend has his nose in everything, but it's also partly since he's known as one of the strongest and you prove a weakness, in that sense he's similar to Gojo. Now... if he defected, then it's solely to keep up appearances as cult leader. Since he's not stupid he knows that a lot of people only join his cult because of his looks, and he fears that once it's known he's in a steady relationship that his cult would lose a lot of members.
Nanami is not a secretive person, but he is a more private one. He doesn't like sharing his business everywhere. What's going on in his private life will remain private. He does not like to mix personal with work, therefore he would keep your relationship quiet because it simply has no place in his work life. Especially since coming home to you is his happy place that brings him peace, he wouldn't taint that by mixing personal and work.
Yaga is an authority figure. As principal he holds a certain status, while he doesn't care much for the authority he holds, he does need to be respected. It's therefor a mix between Gojo and Nanami, where he doesn't want to mix personal too much with work, but also doesn't wanna put a target on your back. Considering he is also the only one who knows how to make cursed dolls he is already the target of some people. Dragging you into all of this would only be harmful. The only one who really knows about you two is Panda, obviously.
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01zfan · 9 months
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third | j.sc
boyfriend!sungchan x fem!reader | 3.9k words
this is a mature work, minors do not interact
third base - touching below the waist (without sexual intercourse) or manual stimulation of genitals.
contains: established relationship, mutual masturbation, f. fingering, switch reader and switch sungchan if you squint. only slightly proofread.
base series: first | second | third | homerun
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you looked at your boyfriend sitting at the foot of your bed. you could feel the gentle kneading on your feet, trying to dull the ache that was brought on by being on them all day.
this was becoming a part of your friday night routine. sungchan would pick you up from your late night shift at work and drive you home while you complained about customers and laughed as you recounted funny moments with your coworkers. sungchan always listened attentively, also in shock at the stupidity of the customers you had to deal with. sungchan would talk about his day then he would drop you off in front of your house, coming around to open the door for you. you would kiss and say goodbye. then he would drive off.
this was all a part of the master plan you came up with to sneak your boyfriend into your parents house. the front door camera would see him drive away after waiting for you to close the door to go inside. what the camera wouldn’t see is sungchan park his car at his friends who lived in the same neighborhood as you and “sneak” up to your window so you could let him in. you enjoyed being rebellious, and he enjoyed humoring you. you loved watching sungchan pull himself up through the window into your room. sungchan would never admit it but he loved showing off how easy it was for him.
even in the dark of your room looking at his back you could see the tentative and concise movements. his white tee moved in tandem with his ministrations on your foot. the fact that he was perched at the end of your bed like a little bird while being gigantic never ceased to amaze you. he carried himself similarly to a large puppy. so innocent and playful, while not knowing his true size. there were moments where he would lay on you and you would have to pinch him to get him off. he often picked you up like you weighed nothing, and you still weren’t sure if he knew how you felt when he’d lean against a wall looking down at you. the only illumination from the television helped you see through the negative space in his shirt. did he even know his muscles rippled underneath that white tee, that his shoulders were so broad?
you almost felt guilty when he turned around and smiled at you laughing at a funny part in the show. 
“this show is hilarious, babe.” sungchan told you, shaking your feet slightly for emphasis.
“it is but you can’t be too loud my parents might hear you.” you said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. you wanted to jump his bones more than anything, but you atleast had to give the illusion that you weren’t completely objectifying your boyfriend behind his back.
“oh you’re right. i completely forgot.” sungchans voice went completely down to a whisper and that made you smile. he turned back to the show and started massaging your calves.
“you’re really tense.” he whispered.
“sungchan.” you whispered matching his volume.
“hmm?” he looked at you again with his pretty brown eyes. “want me to go back to your feet?”
“can you come up here instead?” it was a struggle to sound neutral. something was in the air, you usually weren’t this desperate. 
sungchan gently set your legs back on the bed and crawled over to you. he sat up next to you leaning on the headboard. it felt like there was an awkward blanket surrounding you two. it was strange, even during the awkwardness in between moments of intimacy you still felt adrenaline bubbling underneath your skin.  he was your boyfriend, intimacy wasn’t new to either of you but it always felt like the first time without fail. maybe that comes with the territory of being young and in love, you feel on fire constantly. 
you put a hand on his thigh, patting him trying to break through the moment. sungchan instantly puts his hand over yours.
“thanks for the massage. and for picking me up from work. and for sneaking through my window.” you grab his hand and kiss it. sungchan slowly sinks down from sitting on the headboard to lay next to you. 
“no problem. i love doing stuff for you.” he said it with no hesitation. like it was his second nature. maybe he really was a puppy.
you slowly leaned forward to kiss his nose. it was a simple peck you pulled back as soon as you went in. when you saw sungchan’s face get a little red. you two held contact like that for what seemed like centuries. both chests heaving in anticipation, grinning ear to ear like idiots. him looking down at your lips gave you the confidence to go back in for a kiss right on his lips. 
sungchan immediately took control of the situation, putting a gentle hand on your cheek to pull you closer. the other hand rested on the nape of your neck, as a guide to help you deepen the kiss. your hands opted to rest on a shoulder with his shirt in a vice grip. your teeth occasionally clashed together, not used to this slightly awkward angle. you reluctantly pulled away. sungchan’s hands still rested on your body. his lips were swollen and had a pinker tint than usual. 
“is something wrong?” his blown out pupils only made his eyes more expressive, slightly worried he went overboard.
“can you sit up?” 
“yes. of course.” sungchan said a little too quickly propping himself on his arms while his back leaned against the headboard. you could see his curious face light up from the television as it cut to another scene. whatever was showing was long forgotten as you put your legs on either side of him. 
your bout of courage to straddle sungchan subsided. now he was the one looking up at you, mouth slightly open. sungchan always looked at you with such awe and curiosity. how did he land in your bed with you on top of him, guiding his hands to your hips? he knew he was the luckiest man on earth when you pulled him close to kiss him again. you pulled him in, desperate to get a close as possible. sungchans hands moved to the small of your back. you could feel his large warm hands resting there, splayed out to cover the most area possible. when you put your tongue in his mouth his hands on your back pulled you in.
you two were chest to chest. sungchan tilted his head to get a better angle. you will admit you were still clumsily going through the motions of kissing. you weren’t sure when to tilt your head like sungchan was doing his, or how to properly incorporate your tongue into kissing. all you knew was that you were ravaging him, not able to get enough. you knew sungchan felt the same way because his arms wrapped around you, caging you in. he had you surrounded the best way possible. the need running through your veins gave you another dose of courage to grind against him. sungchan broke through the sound of kissing with a moan. you began letting out breathy pants and whimpers. you were desperate to let him know you were enjoying everything.
sungchan’s hands were now on your waist. you two had taken a break from kissing to rest forehead to forehead looking in eachothers eyes. sungchan looked at you, not breaking eye contact as he slowly pressed you down on the hardness in his pants. you let out another moan, nodding your head and gripping his shoulders. he looked down where you two were touching, mouth agape. 
you could no longer kiss him, too focused on trying to swivel your hips to feel that pressure. sungchan’s grip on you was only getting tighter, his breathy moans becoming more frequent.
you leaned back moving your hands to grip his thighs. using your leverage you were able to control the pace and feel every inch of him. his gray sweatpants and your pajama bottoms allowed both of you to feel the pressure. your head lulled back when sungchan helped you slowly drag against his whole length. when you looked back up sungchan was staring at you. he looked ready to eat you then and there, eyes low and staring directly into yours.
“i can do this all night,” sungchan said, a smile breaking on his lips “you’re so good at this.”
“take your shirt off.” you pushed yourself off his thighs and went to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up. sungchan lifted his arms up and took off his shirt with one hand. you moaned and began rubbing your hands all over his body. so defined, brought on by hours of discipline and exercise. everything about sungchan was so hot you could barely control yourself anymore.
“you want it bad, huh?” sungchan teased. his hands dipped underneath your pajama pants to grab handfuls of your ass. he used the grip to move you against his length again. “no underwear.”
“i never wear underwear to bed.” you said. sungchan throbbed underneath you. “and you’re the one that picked me up dressed like a slut.”
sungchan’s laugh boomed in your room. you were knocked out of your current state to bring a hand to his mouth. you didn’t pull your hand away until he had stopped laughing. you smiled on instinct, despite trying to be authoritative.
“a slut?” sungchan made sure to whisper.
“a white tee and gray sweatpants is the sluttiest thing a man can wear.” you said with a serious face but you couldn’t stop the tone from coming out jokingly.
“so you were degrading your poor sweet boyfriend while he was rubbing your feet?” sungchan tried to pout, but the way he pulsed in between you let you know he liked it.
“oh but i’m very grateful.” you smiled, slowly resuming movement of your hips. sungchan caught on quick, his big hands moving to guide you again.
after building the tension back, sungchan pulled you in for another kiss and you happily obliged. it wasn’t long until you could feel the wetness seep through your thing pajama shorts. you knew that evidence of your arousal would be all over sungchans sweatpants.
“i’m really wet.” you whimpered in between kisses. 
“can i see?” sungchan pulled at your waistband, letting it hit snap back against your skin. your body was on fire as you nodded, moving your body backwards on the bed. sungchan moved to a sitting position, trying to give you as much room in front of him as possible. it was almost awkward moving backwards in a crab walk position, but sungchan’s hand on your knee egged you on.
once in a good position you propped yourself up on your elbows and with your knees raised slowly opened your legs more and more. sungchan watched attentively, swiping his finger over your clothes slit. 
“wow,” he sounded amazed. “you’re so wet.”
sungchan’s finger went back to your pants. rubbing up and down slowly. your body twitched in response, the teasing becoming too much.
“can i turn on the lamp? i wanna see you.” sungcchan’s other hand that was on your bent knee rubbed soothing circles, trying to get you as comfortable as possible. 
“yeah you can.” 
sungchan turned his body to your bedside lamp. without his hand on your knee, you instinctively let your knees come together, trying to cover your lower half. 
the light came on and you were suddenly hyperaware of the growing wet spot on your pants and sungchan’s sweats. you could also get a better view of sungchan’s body, his abs flexing as his hand went back to your knee.
“you’re so cute.” sungchan said smiling. his reassuring hand gave you the confidence to spread your legs again. he went back to drawing his finger up and down your vagina. sungchan honed in on your clit, the bundle of nerves that was slightly protruding out. you couldn’t stop the moan from coming out and he slowly circled your clit.
“feels really good sungchan.” you wanted to close your legs again on his hand in efforts to keep it in place till you reached your climax. but sungchan’s hand was steady on your knee, with just enough force to keep them apart.
“can i take these off?” sungchan asked quietly and he reached for your waistband again. you nodded and lifted your hips up, giving him the room he needed to slide your bottoms off of you. 
sungchan sucked in a breath as all of you was put on display for him. you weren’t sure if you were imagining things but you swear you could see him twitch in his pants. sungchan was staring at your center, both of his hands running up and down your thighs. he slowly pressed his hands on either side of your inner thighs, forcing you to spread apart more. now you were really on display for him.
“you like what you see?” you asked playfully. the tent in his pants was making you feel powerful.
“i love it.” sungchan sounded breathless as he stared at your center. his dick clearly jumped in his sweatpants as his hands got closer and closer to your heat.
“you off your pants so i can see how much you love it.” you used your fingers to spread your pussy out even more, showing him how you were clenching around nothing. 
sungchan took his pants off quickly, heeding your request. his dick bobbed up and down, resting on his stomach. it was solid and hard, a little bit of precum dripping from his tip. 
he let his legs spread out on your bed, making his body even larger than before. he looked like a sculpture, each muscle carved delicately carved out in stone.
“you look like a painting, babe.” sungchan spoke like he had just ran a mile. his hair was haphazardly pushed back, he didn’t even want to take the time to move his hair out of the way if it meant taking away from looking at you. “just for me to look at.”
“only for you.” you moaned pushing up your pajama shirt to reveal your boobs. you touched them tentatively, already so sensitive.
sungchan is the most articulate person you know. you just didn’t mean speaking, though. sungchan is always very purposeful with every action, sentence, and to you it seemed like even his thoughts were well managed. you always reveled in his discipline, especially when he would describe to you his day. school, workout, homework, eat, sleep. he was always very in control of everything while also being the warmest personality in the room. sungchan’s control was one of his strong suit, so it always took you by surprise when an action or unregulated thought slipped through the cracks.
he was also very considerate. he never wanted to make you feel pressured to do anything, to the point where he would never initiate touching first. so when sungchan’s face heated up in embarrassment after telling you he masturbates to the thought of you like this, all spread out and on display for him, your face heated up too.
“sorry. i didn’t mean to say that.” sungchan smiled sheepishly. you couldn’t stop imagining him in the confines of his room, thinking of you while he touched himself.
“c-can you show me how you touch yourself when i’m not there?” you slowly pulled your finger in and out of yourself, gathering as much slick as you could. sungchan watched you carefully as you dragged your finger on the underside of his dick, giving him extra lubrication to jerk himself off.
sungchan got the hint quickly. he spread the precum on his tip and your slick together up and down his length. after an experimental stroke he slowly leaned forward, bringing his hand to your face. you looked at him in confusion.
“spit.” sungchan said, the most impatient you’ve ever seen him.
after letting some spit dribble from your mouth, sungchan brought the same hand to his mouth and spat roughly. 
sungchan let out a ragged breath and he gently stroked himself, slowly at first. he looked at his hard dick fisted in his hand then looked to you. he kept eye contact and you looked everywhere as you watched him in awe. his stomach flexed with each stroke, his slow hand making himself twitch. his arm was picking up a slow but steady pace, and you watched as his index finger spread the precum from his tip around.
you have never seen anything like sungchan, and the way his pupils were blown out he must’ve thought the same thing about you. you fully took off your pajama shirt, letting him get a full view of your naked body. sungchan moaned, quickening his pace slightly letting his head fall back. 
“what do you think about when i’m not there?” you asked. this brought sungchan’s gaze back to you. you were tempted to start fingering yourself, but you were too caught up in watching sungchan chase his pleasure.
“i think abouttt—fuck. i think about your body.” his voice was so close to becoming whiny, still trying to keep his composure for you. 
“what about my body?” you asked. you began applying pressure to your clit, trying to egg sungchan on.
“your boobs. your ass. your curves. everything about you is so perfect.” sungchan used his spare hand to wrap around your thigh. as quick as his hands were on you, he pulled you closer to him. you were so close to him now. he guided his penis to slap your spread pussy. you gasped out loud at the sudden action. “i think about this pussy the most, though.”
sungchan went back to jerking himself off, you couldn’t help but slip a finger into your heat.
“i think about you all the time too.” you confessed. you were desperate to catch up to where sungchan was. his pace was steadily increasing as he watched you finger yourself.
“what do you think about?” sungchan asked curiously, looking at you finger yourself. “put another finger in, baby.”
“your hands,” you said while putting in a second finger. “they’re so soft and longer than mine.”
“you can’t hit all the spots that i can, huh?” sungchan smiled down at you. he took a hand that was gripping your thigh to reach down and rub circles over your clit.
“n-no. it doesn’t feel as good when i do it either.” you were squirming underneath him. between your fingers and his, you weren’t gonna last much longer. 
sungchan noticed you getting closer and closer. he had completely abandoned jerking himself off to keep a hand on your clit. you felt his other hand creep its way to your heat. when he slipped a finger into you as well, you couldn’t help but moan loudly.
“we gotta be quiet right?” sungchan looked down at you from the headboard. all you could do was nod and bite your lip. sungchan looked at your fucked out face, bending down to kiss your cheek. sungchan made an effort to pick up the pace of your fingers and his. 
“so cute,” sungchan smiled at your furrowed eyebrows, kissing the space in between. “it’s kinda like we are holding hands.” he put an emphasis on his words by touching your fingers. it was all so lewd. the squelching, the moans, the fact that you could feel yourself clenching around you and sungchan’s fingers. 
“i’m close.” you whimpered.
“i got you.” sungchan increased the circles on your clit and you quickly grabbed his dick, jerking him off.
“i want to fuck you so bad.” you moaned, swiveling your hips. his finger was so close to hitting that spot deep inside of you, the one that was just for him.
“no condom babe, gotta be responsible.” sungchan was laughing at you in your desperate state. him laughing at you only made you more desperate, something about the way he mockingly pouted over your neediness. you changed your motions to match how he was jerking himself earlier. his expressions changed almost immediately, getting harder in your hand.
“i’m close now too. keep going please.” sungchan bent his finger inside of you and you had to bite hard on your lip to hold it in. you brought a leg to his shoulder and he immediately attached his mouth to your calf, sucking on the skin.
you came first. it hit you suddenly when sungchan pulled your fingers out and added another one of his. you ended up pulling him closer with your legs, making him bend over. sungchan’s head rested on your stomach as you rode his fingers, one hand on his shoulder digging into the skin. he let out sympathetic whimpers to match your moans. he kept murmuring “i know, i know” as you came down from a high thats been building up for hours. 
when you were done, you used all strength left in your body to sit up, so you could kiss sungchan. his fingers were still inside of you and your hand was still on his dick. you kissed him deeply and started jerking him off again. you wanted him to finish, to see that same feeling of ecstasy that you got to experience.
“fuck.” sungchan pulled away and rested his face in the crook of your neck. “just like that.” he whined.
you kept going, and he took his fingers out of you to to let his hands touch all over your body. you felt his large hands grab your breasts, your sides, your ass, your shoulders, everything. sungchan started to whimper in your ear.
“im about to cum.”
you responded by picking up the speed. sungchan let out on final whimper and he started to slowly collapse against you and could feel his cum go down your hand, dripping on your thigh and core. he continued to whimper and moan in your ear as you quickened the pace.
“oh my god.” sungchan gripped your shoulders as he pulled away to look in between the space of your bodies. he could see the mess he was making on your thighs and core. he slowly leaned back against the headboard, whining as you kept going. “fuck fuck fuck.” 
you didn’t stop until sungchan pulled your hands away and put them at your sides. he was breathing so heavily, chest raising up and down. his eyes were wide open, clearly trying to come down from the overstimulation. seeing him in such a weak state made you want to keep going, but you couldn’t when he pulled you into his sweaty chest. you instead made a mental note of overstimulating your boyfriend in the near future. sungchan pulled you closer to his body and rubbed a soft hand up and down your back. this was his signal that he was done and spent for the night, wanting to cuddle with you and bring you close as possible. you turned around, so sungchan was resting on your chest. you pulled him in even closer and you went to rubbing his head and playing with his hair, something you loved to do to calm him down.
“that was fun.” sungchan said, looking up at you from your chest.
“it was.”
you and sungchan were quiet for a few moments, just holding eachother.
“do you think your parents heard us?”
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soft-mafia · 11 months
Buggy Headcanons (NSFW + SFW)
warnings: mentions of female reader, the NSFW isn’t separated from the SFW it’s kind of mixed in
a/n: I wanted to do some more Buggy headcanons to get my creative juices flowing loool
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• The man stress eats(and drinks), when he’s frustrated over another encounter with straw hat, or a failed treasure hunt, he’ll sit on his throne or in his quarters and shovel food into his mouth. Whenever you’re sitting on his lap he can accidentally get a whole lot of crumbs on you.
• He’ll have days when all he wants to do is fuck. He’ll have sex with you for hours, until the room smelled like sweat and raw sex. His hairy torso pressed up against your back while he’s holding you down, grunting like a bull as he cums in you for what feels like the millionth time. Of course he takes breaks after every round, giving himself a breather while he either holds you close to him, or plays with your sopping pussy.
• The most annoying thing about sleeping with him at night is when he’s spooning you, he sometimes snores right into your ear. And it’s loud, especially when he gets choked on his own mucus and goes into a loud coughing fit.
• As soon as he gets into his quarters after a long day of pillaging and pirating— his clothes as off. As soon as that door closes he’s already in his underwear flopped onto the bed.
• He always makes sure that you’re eating. Even when you’re full or not hungry he’ll shove some food into your mouth or hand feed you a fruit or something. And he’d always do it at the worst times too, whenever you’re talking to one of his pirates about something, or if you’re talking to him, he’ll his hold a piece of food up to your mouth like you’re an animal(or his floating hand will just show up beside you) and he’ll expect you to take it, and if you don’t he’ll just shove it into your face again.
• Buggy loves grabbing your ass, especially when you least expect it, he’ll pull you into a firm embrace, and when you think he’s just being all lovey dovey— your eyes go wide when you feel his strong hands gripping your ass, your face going red as you feel his deep laughter rumble in his chest.
• He goes crazy over chin scratches, will literally go loopy when you scritch him.
• It’s hard getting all of his thick cock to properly fit into your mouth in one go, so he takes his time easing your lips around him. His muscled thighs twitching in his pants, grunts escaping him as he guides you through it. “Yeah.. that’s it, all the way down that pretty throat.” He chuckles gravely behind grit teeth, “You’d think you’d get used to it by now!” He laughs. Gently holding your head while watching your cheeks puff out with his cock is one of his favorite things about blowjobs.
• Gets jealous and protective whenever he’s around someone he sees as a threat to your relationship. It’s kind of a similar situation to his nose, where he’s so insecure he thinks everybody is out to steal you from him. You’re with him while he’s talking to somebody he sees as stronger and more attractive than he is(impossible), they’re speaking to him about something but he’s not listening to because he’s thinking about them stealing you and you running off with them. Buggy growls and randomly blurts out, “HANDS OFF MY GIRL, SHE’S MINE!” Which leads you, and the person in question confused.
• There was an incident where Mr. 3 sarcastically asked Buggy if he had to choose between Y/n and the one piece, Buggy just stood there with his mouth open, looking between you and 3, genuinely torn between the two options. You were rightfully pissed and didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day. While you were giving him the silent treatment, he was an emotional rollercoaster, going from whining, to straight up shouting at you. “Come on baby it was hypotheticalllll!!” “STOP BEING DRAMATIC!!” “At least look at me when I’m talking to you!!!” “LOOK AT ME Y/N!!!”
• Sometimes he does things to try and get you to laugh, and every time he does something that unintentionally makes a fool out of himself, and usually it always gets you to break and burst out into laughter.
• Buggy is by no means a 5 star chef but one time he tried to do something nice and surprise you with breakfast in bed. The typical bacon and egg smiley face breakfast. It was so adorable that you didn’t even complain about the burnt to a crisp, tasteless bacon.
• He lets you deal with his hair because it’s too much of a hassle for him, you have the honor of washing it, deep conditioning it, brushing all of the knots out of his hair(with the plus of him shouting and complaining at you during the entire process), and styling it into his hat.
• Buggy loves neck kisses, as if his neck isn’t just begging to be kissed. He’s a sucker for when you hold his jaw and lean in, then gently brush your lips over his thick, muscled neck before pressing a soft kiss to it, it makes him shiver and blush every time.
• You’re the only one who he has ever let touch his nose It’s a privilege you get from being his. He obviously doesn’t like it, and he never lets it go as far as a typical kiss or nose boop, he’ll turn away to grumble and frown about it, but it always leaves him flustered every time. It gets him to shut up as well, it’s like an off button, if you’re having a heated discussion with him and you know you’re right— just boop the snoot and he backs down.
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sofs16 · 11 months
spill your guts!
charles x singer!reader
fc: olivia rodrigo 🫀
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 13,493,191 others
yn two days and guts is yours to have💞🪄💌💟
view all 188,694 comments
yn.updated cant wait! 💜💜💜
ariana_2000 whore
⤷ theynroom stfu
⤷ ariana_2000 she literally gets a new boyfriend every month and writes an album about them 😂
september 6, 2023
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liked by charlesss__16, and 1,191 others ynvroom youre joking. YOURE ACTUALLY JOE KING. view all 68 comments
charles.updated what’s happening?
september 7, 2023
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liked by yn, carlossainz55, and 4,559,606 others
charles_leclerc Beautiful night at the @ ferrari Gala in New York! Congratulations on the amazing performance @yn 😉❤️
view all 87,585 comments
yn Thank you!!!💜💜💜
[liked by charles_leclerc]
september 7, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,272,282 others
yn grazie for having me @ ferrari! the people here got to a hear the album a day early haha🪄 (didn’t get a photo with my favorite drivers but got a photo of them in a non stalker way..)
view all 436,474 comments
charles_leclerc Oh no, next time! I would have loved to take a photo with you! [ COMMENT DELETED ! ]
charles_leclerc Oh no, maybe next time:) We would have loved to meet you!
⤷ yn definitely! hope to maybe see you guys at japan gp;)
september 7, 2023
━ charles_leclerc has sent you a dm!
Charles Leclerc
You are going to the Japan GP?
Yes!!! Failed to get paddock tix though:(
Charles Leclerc
If you would like, I have extra tickets😄
ooo no thank you, i wouldn’t want to be a hassle😭
Charles Leclerc
It’s no hassle at all! No one will be using them anyways.
are you 100% sure?
Charles Leclerc
1000% sure, is this a yes?
seen 4 minutes ago
Charles Leclerc
Sorry i was jumping around my living room.. YES!
Charles Leclerc
Haha anytime! I did not know you were that interested in F1
truth be told, i’ve been watching it for over a decade like i remember you in f3 2015😭
Charles Leclerc
Oh no🤦‍♂️
it’s okay, just an inchident 😁
Charles Leclerc
No one will let me live this down, yes?
Yes 💌
delivered 20s ago
listen, i really enjoyed talking to you but sadly i have to cut it short since i have this listening party for the album. thank you sooooo much for the paddock tickets and ill see you in a week:))
Charles Leclerc
I will be (re) listening to the album! See you:)
[ yn reacted with ❤️‍🩹]
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,697,697 others
yn 😭guts😭is😭out😭
view all 2,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc INSANE! 💜❤️
[liked by yn]
⤷charles1616 oh my god?
taylorswift Amazing, showstopping, splendid, and all that! [liked by yn] carlossainz55 Want to write a song about chilis 🌶️ next time?
⤷ yn done. francisca.cgomez you’re hot.
⤷ yn wait 🤭🤭🤭🤭
september 8, 2023
tokyo, japan
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,239,448 others yn 🇯🇵
• “get him back!” broke biggest streaming song in the world in one day (22 MILLION?????)
• guts broke biggest streaming album in the uk ???
• top 10 in billboards is all guts ??? how is life real??? thank you everyone ❤️❤️💜
view all 2,383,595 comments
ynvroom did she just try to sneak in a f1 garage pic. L4NDOS she’s hot in the last slide and knows it
scuderiaferrari ❤️💜
charles_leclerc Congrats! 🍾
⤷ yn champagne is for podium, sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc My bad…
⤷f3rarri55 so we’re never getting champagne? september 15, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,383,292 others
charles_leclerc P2! 🍾Thank you! We did the best we could today❤️
view all 821,119 comments
yn LETS GOOOOOO!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾
[ liked by charles_leclerc]
september 18, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
view all 1,111 comments
september 18, 2023
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[ slides 1 and 9 of 9 ]
liked by charles_leclerc, yn, and 2,118,282 others
pierregasly Japan dumppp
view all 1,149,383 comments
[ pierregasly deleted the 3rd slide! ]
september 26, 2023
monte carlo, monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,282, 383 others
yn beautiful place
view all 1,393,101 comments
chhgasly oh she’s confirmed wag.
yndata not this being her first post non promo post in 2 months😭
⤷ chayn.updates after the 4 “yn seen in paddock/ferrari garage” mentions 😭
conangray i wonder what’s interesting in monaco
carlossainz55 Whose camera is that? Its nice
carlossainz55 What camera is that? It’s nice november 29, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,118,119 others
charles_leclerc Back home!
view all 632,382 comments
november 30, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,696,697 others
yn YNDUMPSTERS ITS BEEN A WHILE BUT CHARLES FUCKING ACCDEITANLY STAINED MY TS CARDIGAN WHILE DOING CAR THINGS AND I NEARLY CRIED. now that i think of it im happy because it’s stained with him and i love him tho🤷🏻‍♀️ im freezing someone get me a sauna
view all 12,282,595 comments
charles_leclerc Though most likely unintentional to post here, this is the sweetest and most chaotic thing someone has ever said about me. I love you too
charlesyn111 STOP “it’s stained with him” LEAVE ME BE
pierregasly Who might be in this dump account…
⤷ landonorris YOU’RE IN IT?
⤷ carlossainz55 Been in there for 3 months papaya…
december 23, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,796 others
december 24, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 19,595,282 others
yn well.
i kinda fucked up how we were supposed to share our love with the world but now that it’s out there, charles and only charles has my heart, forever.
i wrote a song when i was 15 about having a dream guy and losing him because life isn’t always so kind. though charles showed me that isn’t always true. to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world, you are the 1.
“the 1” out now on all platforms 💜💌🏩❗️
view all 2,272,292 comments
charles_leclerc Proudest of you, Amour! Je t’aime💜
maxverstappen1 du du du du du Max Verstappen is better / kidding.
⤷ yn ngl… yeah.
ynsline “if my wishes came true, it wouldve been u” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
december 24, 2023
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liked by yn, and 7,363,722 others
charles_leclerc Spilling my guts, I love my girl! 💜
Happt anniversary @yn 😘 view all 3,226,112 comments
yncharles 3 years and charles is still WHIPPED!
yn mwahhhhh loveu babe
⤷ landonorris Ew
⤷ yn me when i see u
⤷ landonorris wow
⤷ yn jk loveu lando no rizz
carlossainz55 Why does she not age. ⤷ charles_leclerc My pretty girl 💜
november 30, 2025
charles_leclerc instagram story :
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842 notes · View notes
feelinmatcha · 15 days
DESCRIPTION: hcs on having an unreciprocated crush on your best friend, sanji A/N: told my best friend of 8 years who is taken that im in love with them and its the reason why im no longer gonna contact them until i get over this silly lil feeling (i think shes it for me tbh). but!! im writing this because i miss them so much and breaking no contact with them is wrong!!! 🎵: i love you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
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just the way life goes I like to slam doors closed
when he's hurt or in trouble, you're the first to offer help or a comforting hand on his shoulder
on special occasions, like his or his mothers birthday, you'll anonymously leave a letter on the kitchen counter that would leave him tearing up in the most embarrassing way possible
you write letters filled with your true feelings, incorporating one for every other day. you label the dates, of course, in case you lose track of how many months its been since you've starting having such feelings for him
during late-night conversations, you find yourself pouring out your heart, sharing your dreams and fears. he listens with a cigarette pinched between his fingers, eyes sparkling with genuine interest, unaware that these moments are your way of expressing your hidden feelings
Trust me, I know it's always about me I love you, I'm sorry
you dream about him on the daily to the point where you're waking up to feel the space next to you cold
even with the subtle playful flirting, he doesn't see it as anything more than just friendly banter
when you're around him, it's like everything pales in comparison. you steal glances over the fire, the crowd, luffy's head in the mornings, and even early in the mornings when he's prepping for breakfast
when he gets upset over another failed pursuit of a relationship, you offer the same advice all while sharing some of your own romantic desires
'Cause that's just the way life goes I push my luck, it shows
you insinuate your feelings at one point, since its been almost a year
it was on a particular evening when the rest of the straw hat pirates were out on the deck, watching the swirls of blue and pink in the sky, while your loverboy sulked over nami for the millionth time this month
"you could always just ask her, sanji. it's just nami."
"yes, that's exactly why i shouldn't say anything. it's her!"
"we've been sailing together for how many years, you know her just like you know me and usopp, she's--"
"she's not like you, or usopp!" he groans, ignorant of the way your lips turn downward into a frown at the tone of his voice
"anyone would love you." you say softly
"you're just saying that," he runs a hand down his face. the tears threatening to spill over and his unkempt hair makes this situation so much worse than all of the other times he's cried over a woman. "you're part of the crew, of course you'd think that."
even through the threads of countless lives, your soul would search for his in order to endlessly love him through every echo of existence
a pang blooms in your chest
Thankful you don't send someone to kill me I love you, I'm sorry
it's been a year and a half since you've got feelings for the cook
nothing got better, but at least you're semi thankful for sanji not having the balls to confess yet
even if he did, nami knew of your feelings
she would spend at least one hour a day pestering you about your feelings for him and you didn't have the heart to tell her that he was in love with her instead
because he might just cut contact with you for that
You were the best but you were the worst As sick as it sounds, I loved you first
"why do you love him anyway?"
zoro asks you this one night when he catches you slaving over the counter, trying to prep the dishes and ingredients sanji will need for the next morning
you're rearranging your plans to accommodate sanji's needs when you stop on an island
you decorated the kitchen space with little touches that cater to his tastes-- framed recipes, kitchen gadgets, and cozy blankets draped over the usually chilly kitchen chairs
once every other month, you collaborate on ship projects like redecorating a space or choosing what else to grow up behind the main mast next to nami's mandarins
you don't know when it started but you started to express your affection through gestures like tucking his shirt in for him or fixing his collar from across the table, usually in a more private setting
most mornings he meets you in the kitchen at 4 and getting greeted with a steaming cup of his favorite tea
I was a dick, it is what it is A habit to kick, the age-old curse
"you're going to spend the night at hers?" with a sparkling drink cupped in her hand, you look up at him, a furrow in your brow. "sanji, we're leaving tomorrow morning. why do you think we're not drin--"
"why are you so insistent that i stay?" he rebutted. the girl that was gonna take him home shied away, like you were his mother berating him for something like swinging too high up on a swing
because i love you and i hate seeing you love everyone back but me, you hoped to say
"everyone said it was fine, so i'm going."
when he left, nami consoled you as you tried your best not to burst into hot tears
and when you saw zoro across from you, looking slightly hurt for you, you knew it was time to bury these feelings in the ground
I tend to laugh whenever I'm sad Stare at the crash, it actually works
after you avoided him for a week, which he thought couldn't be possible because they were on a ship, he begins to realize that a chunk of his life quite literally washed away like a plank in the ocean
the frame of you two sat would sit on the dining table after everybody had left, having been previously used for a recipe until you decided to change things up a bit one day
and when sanji saw it that day, he was glad and pointed out that its a nice picture and a good reminder of how fun that day was
to you, the photo was once a symbol of hope and affection but now it felt like a reminder of the emotional distance between the two of you
you threw it away the night you returned back to the ship, knowing he was in bed with another girl
Making amends, this shit never ends I'm wrong again, wrong again
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NOTES: plsplspls ignore the errors im writing this at 12am ^^
91 notes · View notes
nataliasquote · 5 months
This Is Me Trying | n romanoff
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Summary: Inspired by ‘this is me trying’ by Taylor Swift
Warnings: angst, break up, slight toxic relationship, alcoholism, glass smashing, no happy ending sorry
wc: 2.3k
note: happy TTPD countdown day :) thought it would be a good idea to post a Taylor fic before all I think and talk about for the next few days is TTPD 🤍
Some relationships are simply not meant to be. No matter how hard you force it, or swear that it will get better, the foundations were cracked from the beginning and no amount of work will ever truly fix them.
And as Natasha stood in the pouring rain, the wilting bouquet of flowers hanging limply by her side as you shut the door in her face, her resolve threatened to crumple like the cellophane in her palm.
She was convinced you were the love of her life. Days with you used to feel breathless and electric, a stark contrast to the strained atmosphere between the two of you now.
Natasha had tried everything. She gave her notice in at work, not just retreating to desk work but quitting all together, just for you. It was what you wanted, you’d made that clear. Your nerves couldn’t handle Natasha in that field for a day longer.
But that wasn’t enough; nothing ever would be. No matter what Natasha did, you were never going to work out. She quit her life for you, and somehow the rift expanded at twice the rate. Constant arguments and fights inevitably lead to an explosion of words that led to you storming out, the slam of the door rattling the windows in their frames.
You walked out that day and took a piece of her heart with you, leaving a broken redhead on her knees in the echoing apartment. Natasha began her free fall, not having work to consume every moment she had anymore.
How did Shield’s top agent drop so far behind that she was passed out on the couch mid afternoon, a bottle of vodka just out of reach of her fingers as her arm hung off the couch. Her hair was greasy, scraped back into a messy ponytail and her skin was blotchy as a result of her neglect.
When she wasn’t asleep, she watched her phone with her knees pulled up to her chest. It sat on the other side of the couch, the screen blank, and she almost bore holes into the glass from how hard she stared. Just willing a message to come through. A reply to the fifteen texts she’d sent you. One for every day you’d been gone, pouring what was left of her heart into an apology and promising to do better.
She thought she was the problem, her clouded judgment not allowing her to see that you weren’t all that innocent either. She never blamed you for being paranoid, working as a nurse in the busiest ER in the state had your nerves frayed anyway. Nevermind always being scared that you’d see your girlfriend on one of those gurneys, her name being added to a list of patients you’d lost under your care.
Fear made you cold and you took it out on Natasha. Did she deserve it? Absolutely not, but your words were out before you could stop them. The hot headedness between you both always clashed and on the nights you couldn’t solve it with heavy make up sex, at least one of you would be yelling whilst the other sat with their head in their hands.
Natasha didn’t know what she was doing when it came to love, you were her first and by the looks of it, her last. She was too hard on herself, and it hurt you to listen to the way she berated herself after a failed mission. But whenever her mind was set, there was no changing it. Harsh or soft, your words did nothing to change her destructive mindset and it was beginning to get to you. You wanted your home to be light, a place filled with love that you could return to after a horrible day. But instead it was dependent on how Natasha felt and whether you were going to be walking on eggshells that night or not.
But there was only so much creeping around you could do before your patience snapped. You didn’t mean to shout but it all happened so fast and suddenly there was glass everywhere and the last thing you knew you had grabbed your scarf and fled. Hands shaking on the wheel as you pulled up to a red light, pressing decline as Natasha’s name flashed up on your phone for the third time.
Twenty missed calls. Fifteen texts. Natasha was close to smashing her phone against the wall too. Her nose ran as she sat there, chin on her arm. Ears barely even registering the sound of the doorknob twisting or keys rattling in the door. She just wanted that message to appear, or even a phone call.
What she’d do to hear your voice again.
Heavy but tentative footsteps sounded down the hall before they stopped in the doorway of the living room. Natasha only looked up when a cough caught her attention, and the brunette in the doorway was certainly not who she was expecting to see.
“Y/n has gone to stay with her brother,” the woman began, her arms folded, unimpressed with the state of her friend. “Bucky told me everything that happened. Oh, and you look like shit.”
“Thanks, ‘Ria,” Natasha grumbled sarcastically, her voice low and monotonous. Maria walked over and grabbed her arm, surprisingly met with very little resistance as she pulled the redhead up off the couch and shoved her in the direction of the bathroom.
“I’m gonna clean up in here, you need to shower, and then we’ll talk.” Natasha went to protest but abruptly shut her mouth at Maria’s raised brow. “I’m moving past the fact that you haven’t called in about three months, so go, sort yourself out Nat. This isn’t like you.”
As the redhead trudged off to the bathroom, Maria collected up the empty bottles, shaking her head at the amount she found. How the same woman who had set records in Shield’s history and had the most prolific skill set she knew, had now drank herself into such a mess, Maria had no idea. Bucky hadn’t said much on your state but she doubted you were thriving either.
Once the living room was straightened out and all the bottles hidden away, Natasha emerged from the bathroom looking slightly better. She relayed the details from two weeks ago and Maria’s face fell at how Natasha barely kept it together. Her chapped lips trembled and her nails itched at the scars across her hands as she spoke, eyes looking everywhere but her friend.
“I still love her and it’s fucking terrifying,” Natasha cried, sinking her head into her hands as she hunched over her knees. “I’m not cut out for this love stuff, but I want it with her and now I’ve lost her. She won’t call, text, nothing, I’ve never felt so lost. I don’t even know what to do!”
“Nat, just breathe for a second or you’re gonna have a panic attack,” Maria interjected, leaning forward in her chair slightly ready to assist if needed. But Natasha just slumped back against the misshapen cushion and sighed heavily, zoning out on a bottle of whisky beside the tv.
“I’m trying, Maria. I’m really trying but she doesn’t want anything to do with me. What am I doing wrong?”
Maria shook her head and moved onto the end of Natasha’s couch. “You’re not doing anything wrong Nat, I promise. Ok, so the drinking was a shitty move, but at least you’re trying.” Her words seemingly fell on deaf ears but Natasha had heard her. And they resonated hard.
At least I’m trying… right?
“When was the last time you left the house?”
“I can’t,” Natasha croaked, her teeth chewing on her lip again. “I can’t go anywhere because all I see is her. It’s really fucking hard when every tiny thing is a reminder of her and what I’ve lost. Even the films, for god’s sake! I can’t even numb myself with tv because she’s somehow always there!” She gestured at the blank tv screen and came face to face with her disheveled reflection staring back from the black screen. “I’m sorry I missed your birthday, I tried-“
“It’s okay, birthdays happen every year. You’ll be there for the next one.” She gave Natasha a warm smile, and for the first time in weeks, Natasha felt her lips curl up slightly too. “I’m going to order takeout, and then you and I are going to watch a Bond film, no protesting. Give her time.” Maria spotted the phone on the table in front of her. “I’m also confiscating this or you’ll drive yourself insane.”
Natasha was too tired to protest, so she nodded blindly and let Maria drag her around. She didn’t admit it, but letting her mind drift away from Y/n for an evening was refreshing. Maybe she could do this. If she tried hard enough, life could be good again. She could work through it, toughen it out like she used to do.
After all, this was her trying…
But the same couldn’t be said for Natasha a week later. She’d woken up late and anxious, after a nightmare involving Y/n had shaken her to the core. She waited out the day with sweating palms but as the clock struck seven she couldn’t wait any longer. The weather was horrendous and heavy raindrops ricocheted off her windscreen as she drove to the grocery store, her eyes hazy in the streetlights.
Grabbing the first bouquet of flowers she saw, Natasha walked down the alcohol aisle to get to the checkout. But her eyes fell on a familiar bottle of brown liquid and she froze, almost dropping the flowers onto the floor.
The first bottle of whisky you’d ever bought her as a gift, the same one that was on the tv stand, now stared back at her on the shelf, the reduced sticker glaring bright. Without a second thought, Natasha grabbed it off the shelf and scanned it at the self service, her chest heaving as she fumbled with coins to pay.
The rain hadn’t eased up and her thin hoodie did nothing to stop the water from soaking into her skin. Her purchases lay abandoned on the passenger seat, the place you normally sat, as she weaved through the streets towards your brother’s house. She knew the way for emergencies and a single thanksgiving dinner.
But she didn’t get out of the car straight away, like she’d envisioned. The engine cut off and she sat in the dark vehicle, eyes trained on the front door like she willed you to come out and greet her. All the courage had suddenly fled from her body and she felt like curling up on herself like a scared child.
With a grunt, she grabbed the flowers, leaving the bottle discarded on the seat, and crunched across the stone driveway to the front porch, knuckles confidently knocking on the damp wooden door. Faint rustling could be heard and Natasha thought as though her heart would fall out of her chest and drop onto the ‘Welcome’ mat like a cat’s peace offering of a mangled bird.
The door opened. Natasha’s legs almost gave way when she finally saw your face, paler and a little thinner than it was before. She watched you take her appearance in, the soaked bouquet of flowers slightly crushed from their journey. Her mouth opened and closed, no words offering themselves up for her to use.
“I, um-“
“What are you doing here, Natasha?” You asked, voice cold. She wasn’t used to you talking like this to her, even if that’s how the last month of your relationship had been. She remembered the happier times and clung on to them for dear life.
“I just…” she trailed off, feeling so ridiculously hopeless. Maybe she didn’t quite know what to say, now that she was actually here. “I miss you- us. Look, I just wanted you to know that I’m trying, I really am, and I can do better. I want to make it up to you, please Y/n.” She held out the bouquet, feeling more like a teenage boy getting rejected by his crush.
Y/n’s conflict was so evident in her eyes, but she could feel her brother’s presence only meters away and she knew what he’d say if he invited Natasha inside.
It was too soon, and as much as she wanted nothing more than to run into her redhead’s arms, the smash of a plate still echoed in her mind and she couldn’t go through that again. Not yet anyway…
“I can’t, Nat, I’m sorry. I know you’re trying, I am too, but I can’t do this again.” Natasha’s eyes threatened to fill up with tears as she gulped. “Not yet. I’ll call you when I’m ready and we can talk. I’m really sorry.”
You didn’t mean it, but you had to shut the door before she saw your tears fall. It barely fell into the lock before you sank to the ground, shoulder against the door as tears streamed down your face. Seeing her face hit you harder than ever before and you wanted to run into her arms, feel her and smell her around you as you promised everything was going to be alright.
But it wasn’t.
And as Natasha trudged back to her car and leaned against the locked door and the rain beat down on her fragile body, she let out the most heart wrenching sob. The flowers dropped onto the soaking asphalt as she pulled her arms tightly around her body, trying to mirror the comfort that your hugs used to provide. She didn’t even care that she’d probably get sick from the rain, nothing mattered anymore.
Nothing mattered but you, and your name fell from her lips as she cried, tears mixing with the raindrops. She didn’t know you were crying out for her in Bucky’s arms only meters away, wanting another chance.
You wanted to try again, all for her.
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