#and vox please put your hair back up dont do that again
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Been itching to do an attempt at portraits so have some formal wear with these two !
(rambling is stored in the tags, if you want to read through them.)
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love at first sight~ chapter 2
TW: groping, forcing, biting a dck, slight smut,
it had been a week since you started your new job. you would get married in one month to someone you didn’t love. or even like.
you looked at Vox, who was assisting a customer. Vox ordered you to take the trash out. it was pointless, but you needed money.
you had to walk for a few minutes to the nearest dumpster. you opened the lid and tossed it in. you read an old poster on the wall from the 20s. some serial killer.
“ahh, Y/N”
“Tristan. what a… pleasure… to see you.” you said sarcastically.
“well, come on. your parents want you to come home.”
“no! i’m not going back. i have a job here.” you crossed your arms and gave a fake smile.
he rolled his eyes and grabbed your arm. “hey! let me go!” he chuckled. “cant do that.” he starts to drag you away.
“let her go.” you hear a familiar voice shout. you looked his way and smiled. Vox punched him in the face, and he dropped your arm. you fell, but he caught you.
“what the fuck?! i’m just trying to get her home since her parents ordered me to.”
“i believe she doesn’t live there anymore. now, dont ever touch her again unless you want your hands cut off.”
he ran away as fast as he could, and vox chuckled lowly. he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “are you alright, darling?” you nod, processing what all went down.
you walked back inside, and vox muttered something under his breath. you took a deep breath and took him by surprise when you hugged him. you wrapped your arms around his neck. your heartbeat picked up when you felt his hands grip your waist. he seemed perfectly calm. “i can feel your heartbeat, dear.”
your face turned hot. you pulled out of the hug, hiding you face with your arm.
you could have sworn you heard him groan when you pulled out. he used his hand to move your arm, taking in how flushed he just made you. he used his other hand to hold your chin. he tilted your head to meet his gaze. “don’t hide from me, my dear. i want to see your pretty face.”
you blushed, and he chuckled lowly. “i love teasing you and seeing you like this, but let’s save it for later.” he winked and walked away, organizing a pile of remotes.
he heard a customer walk in.
“can you assist the customer, baby?” you blushed from the name he accidentally called you.
“u-uh hello, welcome to VoxTech. is there anything i can help you with?” you brush off the name, focusing on the customer in front of you.
“just looking for a TV. i’ve been here before, i think it’s in the back.”
“oh, it must be. follow me.” you lead the way, and look for a TV. there are no TV’s in the back. you hear the door lock.
“the fuck-“ you feel him grope your ass. “stop!” you scream and try to push him away. “is this room sound proof or what?”
he unbuckles his belt. “please.. s-sir.. please don’t!”
he laughs and lets his pants fall. he grabs your hair and makes you fall. he puts your face to his cock. you try to move your head away, but he has both of his hands on your head.
“suck it, bitch.” he forces it into your mouth. you bite his cock, and he screams and lets you go. he pins you to the floor, stripping you. he finds some rope and ties you to a pole. you groan, feeling the rope dig into your skin.
the back door opens, and vox looks at him, horrified. he takes a deep breath.
“you’re going to go to that corner and stay there until i get her untied. then we will decide what to do to you.” he pushed him to the corner.
he uses a pocket knife and cuts the rope. he cuts the last piece, and catches you with one arm.
“tell me, darling. what should we do to him?”
“hmm…” you think, and then grin mischievously. “well, i think we should kill him.”
vox was a little surprised. vox approached him, with the blade out.
“please don’t kill me! i’ll do anything!”
“i’m afraid it’s too late for that. you really were my best customer, but nobody messes with my Y/N” he stops, the blade didn’t even touch him yet. “how about you do it, dear?” he tosses the knife to you.
you gulp. you didn’t know how to kill. you dug it into him gently, not even breaking skin. vox appeared behind you, pressing it deeper until the whole blade was in. you started to do the same, but faster.
you were stabbing him like a maniac now.
he screamed. “stop! i just wanted to make her mine!”
vox chuckled lowly. “too bad she already ‘belongs’ to someone.”
you were still stabbing.
he was already dead, but you kept stabbing him all over. you caught your breath and stood up. you hugged him tightly.
you looked up at him, and you felt his warm breath against your skin. you moved your head closer, closing the distance between both of you. his lips were soft against yours.
he gripped your waist, not breaking the kiss.
a few minutes later, he broke the kiss. he pulled away, also breaking the string of saliva that connected your mouths.
he chuckled. “darling, let’s save this for later.”
that was… interesting, right?
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hazbinswappedau · 5 months
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐚 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
*+:。.。Hazbin Hotel Swap Au。.。:+*
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Memory 1, loading..
"Charlie! Come, come to me my little duckling!" Lucifer smiled, watching his little girl take her first steps towards him. Lucifer practically beamed, cheering her on as she finally made it to him.
Charlie was holding onto Lucifers arm, giggling in childish joy as she hugged him. Lucifer's eyes sparkled with adoration, wondering to himself how he was so lucky to be blessed with a daughter like her. What did he do to deserve her?
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Memory 1.
"Charlie! Come, come to me my little duckling!" Lucifer smiled, watching his little girl take her first steps towards him. Lucifer practically beamed, cheering her on as she finally made it to him.
Charlie was holding onto Lucifers arm, giggling in childish joy as she hugged him. Lucifer's eyes sparkled with adoration, wondering to himself how he was so lucky to be blessed with a daughter like her. What did he do to deserve her?
"Pa!" Charlie said, grabbing a teddy bear and putting it into Lucifers arms, making him chuckle as he put his forehead against hers.
"Pa is proud of you sweetheart. Very proud." Lucifer cooed, stroking her hair as he picked her up, lifting her into the air and pretending that she was a fairy.
Charlie gasped and squealed with happiness, listening to Lucifer make wind noises. She had the biggest smile on her face that made Lucifers heart explode with love. She was just too cute!
They just kept bonding, playing until Lilith walked in.
Memory end.
Lucifer was thinking about his family again as Adam and Vox argued. But then Molly appeared, snapping him out of it. Flipping her hair back, she walked into the hotel. Molly, the first and original resident, had just finished shooting an adult film and returned from the studio.
Letting out an exhausted sigh, she crashed into the couch, slicking back her untidy, messy hair while she took a long drag of her cigarette. Finishing the cig, Molly tossed it onto the floor carelessly, grinding it into the ground with the heel of her shoe, groaning. Molly had a long day, that was very clear...
Lucifer went up to her, patting her shoulder as he stared at her, concern etched onto his face. He wasn’t ever close to Molly, sure, but he cares about his residents no matter what. That’s what the hotel is for, after all. "Hey there. Had another long shoot, huh?" He said, gently smiling at her.
Molly only looked to the side, responding with: "Yeah.. no biggie though! It ain't like this is some shit I cant fuckin' handle anyw— Wait a sec. Oh my, you didn't tell me you invited some flings of yours over!" Molly suddenly got up, a smirk making its way onto her face as she walked towards Vox.
Vox looked at her with disdain and backed away with every step Molly took. Molly only giggled, covering her mouth as she does so. "Awh, and who are you sweetheart?" Molly purred, trailing a finger down Vox's chest.
Almost instantly, she got teleported 10 feet away, with a spiteful Vox scowling at her.
"Molly! Look, your stupid, but not that stupid. Come on! That’s the literal radio demon!" Lucifer exclaimed, gesturing to Vox with a hand.
"Never heard of him." Molly mumbled, grabbing a popsicle from the minifridge.
Lucifer facepalmed and turned to look at Velvette, who was busy ripping the wallpaper and redecorating the entire hotel. Obviously, Lucifer didn’t appreciate that at all and stormed towards her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he stopped her from her continuous destruction.
"Stop destroying our hotel! I get its not your style but you dont just walk in here and-"
Velvette harshly kicked him away and snickered, crossing her arms as she looked at him rebelliously. "Oh please love, this place looks worse than a dumpster fire! You, Luci, in desperate needs of an update." Velvette grinned, ignoring the fact he’s glaring at her with a disapproving look.
Lucifer was basically running around back and fourth to scold the Vees.. He is not pleased with what they are doing. At all.
Lucifer pointed at Vox, jabbing his finger into his chest, "Sorry, Vox," Lucifer sarcastically said, practically hissing at him with hate and contempt, "But your servants are ruining my hotel! What in the world are you doing?!"
"Business! Adam accepted my plan, and... well, I’m helping your miserable hotel attract sinners!" Vox stated ever so egotistically, leaning closer to spit those words at him with derision.
Lucifer’s eye twitched ever so slightly and he turned his back on Vox, contemplating what to say without being mean. I mean, who dares to treat him like this? He’s the king of hell! How dare Vox treat him with mockery and lack of respect? Vox should know, Lucifer could snap his fingers and he'd disappear! Hes the ref!
"I... I’m the king of hell, you shithead! And you shouldn’t disrespect m-"
Vox interrupts, humming loudly as if to tell Lucifer he doesnt give two shits. Vox honestly just finds his attempts to gain control of the situation hilarious.
'Stop interrupting me, you tacky piece of-"
"Anyway! Valentino, how about you get to work instead of decorating your shitty shop with dildos!" Vox cheerfully said. Though, everyone could hear his patience wearing thin. Vox's voice got more static-y, more louder and more well, annoyed.
Valentino immediately dropped the dildo he was holding and instead, started organizing his shop. Vox was terrifying when he was pissed off, and Valentino did not want to get killed at the moment. How would he live without his vibrators?! He sniffled, tearing up as he gave the dildo on the floor one last kiss.
Vox's strained expression turned calm and he sat down, watching Velvette demolish the entire hotel and replace it to the Vee's liking. In all honesty, Vox had no intentions of changing the hotel at first, but then immediately realized how fun it would be to rile up the literal king of hell. And guess what? It was absolutely worth it.
Lucifer knew Vox. Lucifer knows its on purpose, and he despises Vox for it. Unfortunately, Adam with his kind, blessed heart wanted to give every sinner a shot. Even the ones who believed the hotel was a laughing stock, even the ones who ridiculed them. It was exasperating to see, naive little Adam get fooled so easily. Like a mouse walking into a mouse trap..
"Uh, so whats the shortie doin'? Why is she fuckin up our hotel?" Molly pointed to Velvette, who was busy still wrecking the hotel.
Obviously, Velvette ignored her as she was too focused on designing the hotel to her taste.
"Oh my god, you pigtailed lady. Could you stop?!" Lucifer yelled, which led to Velvette shouting back that quickly developed into a heated argument.
Molly sighed and shook her head, walking away from the scene. She was too worn out to deal with the newbies. Tossing her coat onto the couch, Molly removed her hair ties from her hair, throwing them onto the ground and went back to her room.
She definitely left a mess, a mess Velvette immediately noticed and started cleaning up. Velvette was sure to cuss out Molly for being so untidy!
Molly tumbled into her room, collasping onto her bed as she closed her eyes. When will her boss let her rest, she thinks as she screams into her pillow, the cushion doing a fantastic job at muffling her frustrated screams as she slams her fist against the bed. Why is her boss like this? How could she have believed her boss's tricks and sold her soul?! Why could she never catch a break?!
Molly suddenly stopped in her state of anger and turned to look at Keekee, her pet cat. The little kitty walked over to Molly, her tail swaying in excitement. Keekee seemed happy to see Molly! Jumping onto Molly, she started rubbing her face against her arm, purring and meowing at her.
Molly's heart immediately melted and she scoops Keekee into her arms. Nuzzling her, she gently petted Keekee between her ears and smiled.
"Oh Kee, you never know how much ya make my day."
Molly smiled gently, holding Keekee up before bringing her close and nuzzling her nose. Bringing Keekee down onto her chest, Molly pat her head again and held her close.
Maybe Molly's dead life was horrible, but with Keekee by her side? Ehh, maybe not so much...
She just hopes she'll survive this mess, surviving this alongside Keekee. She cant afford to loose Keekee..
Adam watched them bicker nonstop, sighing and walking off to find Lute.
Lute, his bestfriend that fell with him for defending the same thing, always supported him and helped him with all his plans. Adam was extremely thankful he found someone like her. All these thoughts led Adam to get all giddy, smiling ear to ear as he entered her room.
Despite Lute being cold and brutal, she never acted out of line towards Adam. After all, she runs the hotel with him and is his assistant. She was very calm and collected when around Adam.
As Adam entered the room, he noticed Lute was sharpening her swords. She knew he was trying to sneak up on her, so she turned around immediately.
"Nice try sir." She said, her tone indifferent as she lightly tapped his head with her sword.
Adam groaned and pouted, sitting on her bed with a disappointed look. "Your no fun dangertits. And fuckin' watch it! You'll chop my head in half."
"Sometimes I wish I could."
"Fuck you!"
"Oh, and have I informed you that we have a meeting with heaven tomorrow? Well.. you do, actually."
Suddenly the tension in the air got thicker, and Adam seemed baffled by what Lute said. Replaying what Lute said in his head a million times, he finally registered what she said and screamed:
Written by mod Shello
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
V Is For Love
《Part 1》 Cry Me A River
The night in london wasnt the same tonight, V was walking ontop of the rooftops searching to lay justice on whatever was left of the chancelor Forces.
But unforseen events dont often happend and tonight was the exception.
He was shuffling trough the dark alleyways when he heard a familiar tune coming from one of the houses,not very loud since it was late night.
He stopped in his tracks.
He knew that song...
_Now you say you're lonely_
_You cry the whole night thorough_
_Well, you can cry me a river,_ _cry me a river_
_I cried a river over you_
_Now you say you're sorry_
_For bein' so untrue_
_Well, you can cry me a river_
And the familiar voice was accompanied with a second foregein one.
A sweet voice that seemed to call him specifically.
So he scaled the building Next to him, being silent as the night itself.
And voila there she was.
Painting in a canvas all by herself, a black cat and a white one sitting on her bed.
She was beautiful,dark brown hair that was in a bun.
Her clothes,Improvised painting ones still looked fitted her just right.
But then she Turned around, she smiled at V, as if she wasnt scared, and those green eyes of her.
Emeralds they were.
She softly nodds at him and then dissapears in the kitchen, he hears the cluttery of forks, spoons, mugs And cups.
Then, a couple of minutes later, she leaves a freshly brewed cup of tea by the windowsill.
As if she was inviting Him to come in.
She sat looking at the Window while the black cat,now awaked rested in her lap.
And the music kept playing.
_You drove me, nearly drove me out of my head_
_While you never shed a tear_
_Remember, I remember all that you said_
_Told me love was too plebeian_
_Told me you were through with me and_
V couldnt resist it as if she had put on a spell on him, he felt dreamy, she still had that soft smile on her lips inviting Him in.
_come on...I wont hurt you_
_Now you say you love me_
_Well, just to prove you do_
_Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river_
_I cried a river over you_
_I cried a river over you_
_I cried a river over you_
And so suddenly there he was, drinking the tea sitting on her window sill, no words spoken.
When they were finished drinking their tea she offered her hand to him, and he took it, dancing across the small appartment away from any Window.
And then the music ended.
--Who are--he tried to ask her.
--sush..they are coming
And so he heard soldiers walking down the street , they were looking for V.
After they passed she closed the Windows and the courtains.
--void go and check if they are still around
The black cat, mewled and slipped trough the closed Window like liquid.
Then she sat with V on the bed.
He tried to resume his question--Who are you?
--Who comes with the function of What,and what I am Is the person who saved your ass
He snickered and nodded--Whats your name my dear?
--Jerico Von Terra
--Von terra?of course you are
--oh never mind...its an inside joke
She nodds chucklig-- A name would be useful
V stood up and smiled under his mask.
Oh this was his favourite part.
--Let me suggest the character of this dramatis persona,
Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.
However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V...
She seemed amused and her smile grew bigger without losing that warm aura.
--Fine , V, you might as well try and spend the night here ,until tomorrow night they Will be looking for you
--until tomorrow night?
Jer stood up and made a gesture with her hand-- lets say my cat enjoys eating pigs
He shrugged it off and finally he looked around the place.
The livingroom,also bedroom had also little and sublte decorations he took a little while to recognize.
And when he finally realized why he felt so secure in this place, with her, it hit Him.
--Yes I am
--Why did you save me ?
--Because god does not play with dice and I dont Belive in coincidences
Weird, he swears he had said that line before.
--Well, its already late isnt it?
V took one good look at the clock on the wall just above her painting supplies.
It was really late.
Jerico pulled out a spare matress , and made the bed.
--Wich one Will you take?
--Please le me take the spare one I do not want to deprive you from the comforts of your bed.
--But youre the guest
--Youre the owner and you saved me , lets name this my way of thanking you
V clearly had no idea about terrans because jer, already laying on her bed pulled him by the hem of his cape and he was just with her laying on the matress.
She was on the other side of the bed, he was facing the wall.
And so she rolled out of the bed falling on the spare one.
--You Will not win so easily!
And he grabbed her falling with jer on the spare matress.
They faced eachother and went silent for a bit looking into the others eyes before laughing and subtly pressing their foreheads togheter.
--Youre a sneaky little Fox
--I preffer owls
--my little sneaky owl
They chuckled containing their laughter before meeting their gazes that derailed from eachother when they laughed.
And silent they were again with their cheeks flushing red.
They looked away and laid facing different directions.
Yet their backs pressed togheter and as the covers kept them warm, there between the two a feeling was tucked in.
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