#and voicing my thoughfs
alxclaremont · 1 year
i keep forgetting that me getting a large amount of refund money from my scholarships does not, in fact, mean that i can spend the extra amount not used for rent on whatever i want and that i do, in fact, have to make it last for six months
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Hello love I just got a idea from the cookies dough where Kai said What I say gos can you do one like were his like I’m the man of the house and you have to listen to me after his s/o dose something he doesn’t like and she gos on a mum rant like almost all mothers and is like no im the man because not only do I put up with your bs but Ipushed 2 annoying but lovable parasites out of my vagina so you show me respect brat you know General angry mum stuff with fluffy ending but If you can’t do it ok
Oh shit angst where parents fight not cool
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The moment the room went silent and you and Kai just glared daggers at each other was enough to make shivers to appear in both of your childrens bodied... Kaito was still with his face serious as ever but his tiny muscles and whole body in general were tense and frozen, while Kin just weared that wary look on her golden eyes.
"Kaito, Kin." You said more serious than normal, not daring to look away from your husband threatening eyes "Is better if you two go to another room."
"Agreed." Growled Chisaki, not even blinking as he stared you down.
"But mo-"
"Are you deaf Kaito Chisaki?" Asked bitterly Chisaki, looking at his son with only anger in his eyes, but voice still calm "Out."
"You don't need to talk to him like that." You said sternly, trying not to flinch when he directed his threating golden eyes at you again abruptly.
You made again a signal for your kids to left the room, and thankfully this time both obeyed and left, Kaito looking at the scene one last time before closing the door.
"What's going on here my favorite brats?" Said the elder as he notice the faces of his grandchilds.
"Mommy and Daddy are fighting..." mumbled the four year old girl while her older brother glued his ear in the door.
"Is that so? Is rare seing these two fighting..." spoke in worry now Pops before his ten years old grandson mentioned him to do the same actions he was doing.
"Maybe is better to let your parents be Kaito... why not both of you come with me instead..." hesitantly the kids complied, praying that you two wouldn't get serious with this argument.
"Wait wait so I am the wrong here? Seriously?!" You spoke in disbelief as he sighed in annoyance while massaging his temples.
"(Y/N) you don't have any earing or mental problems so I don't have to repeat myself again like a fool."
"Just because I let some of the damn dishes to wash later you doing this?! Ah yeah I forgot! Because apparently I didn't do a good job on cleaning both of OUR kids room is that it?!"
"I could do better in my sleep than that." He growled, oppening his eyes threateningly "You already know what I am and what I wish for."
"Listen. I'm tired of you always complaining about those... those IDIOTS AND USELESS things of yours! I thoughf that whole germophobic thing had at least settled down for once! For God's sake you changed Kaito's and Kin's diaper!"
He never did complained until now, you knew that his anger was just because of a probably a bad day, and you knew that, but you were just surrounded by anger that you didn't think too much on what you were spilling in fact.
"Idiotic? Lets see who is the fucking idiot in here when one of us get sick." He growled "Then who is going to be the one to blame for?! Answers me (Y/N)!" He shouted this time making you flinch.
Chisaki never was one to raise his voice, childhood trauma leaded to that, so you it was a understatement when you got scared at it and lowered a little bit your own tone of voice.
"Hey don't need to raise the tone of voice, Kaito and Kin might be-"
"So what?! Is not like they need to hear how SICK OR CRAZY THEIR FATHER IS or HOW USELESS THEIR MOTHER IS!" He shouted and immediately regretted, getting a deja vuu at saying those disgusting words himself directly to his dear loved wife.
The way you widened your eyes and some tears were stuck on them felt like a shot to his heart.
"Useless..? I'm sorry, could you repeat that again? Chisaki..." you said coldly and bitterly his name while you holded back your tears.
Ah shit. You used his surname... you were pissed.
He knew he had cutted all of your pacience...
"Can you repeat that again to me? Repeat that to the person who loved you to no ends for years already? The person whose you called 'angel' countless times until the current days? The person who always was by your freaking side and hold your crying self when no one else would because you're too FUCKING PRIDEFUL AND ARROGANT to accept that you need help BECAUSE YOU'RE SICK?! THE PERSON WHO PASSED THROUGH HELL TO GIVE YOU TWO LITTLE TREASURES IN YOUR GODAMM DARK LIFE?! I'M THE USELESS THEN CHISAKI?! ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?!" you yelled while some of tears fell to the ground.
Chisaki didn't answer due to his own shock surrounding him... he didn't mean it to let out those words, he sweared to God that he didn't...
He hesitantly extended his hand but you took a step back.
"What happened with the 'no touch'?" You whispered angrily which he only lowered his head.
Both of you stayed silent and frozen until you regained your compusture and went in the direction of the door. You stopped to say something.
"I'm going to take a walk... both of us need to cool down our heads apparently."
He nodded numbly before he heard you closing the door... He dropped on his couch with his hands burried in his dark brow hair in anger at himself, shame and sorrow.
You left the room and breath in slowly to calm yourself as you went towards your shared room.
Both of kids were already in bed, and Kai thanked Pops for the help. The elder noticing his boy's discomfort placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the way he tensed and cringed at the contact.
"Kai, was the fight that bad to let you on this state?" Chisaki merely lifted his eyebrow, giving the answer Pops needed.
"Look my boy, it's normal to have fights with their significant others, but what is not normal is to sleep through it without a damn apology from both of your sides. I could hear (Y/N) and your screams from afar..."
Chisaki still weared that numb expression as he looked down in thought.
"I was the one who fucked up the most honestly..." he mumbled monotonously as he felt Pops's hand leaving his shoulder.
"Then why don't throw that arrogance of yours away and go apologize? Its at least the advice I'm offering you..." he left to his own room.
"Night Kai. Wish a good night for my daughter in law for me, will you?"
He sighed while massaging his temples... That is if you were still accepting to be his wife...
He oppened the door slowly and thanked internally that you haven't locked it. He immediately catched your figurine messing around in your cellphone while he noticed that the bedroom was far more organized and clean than usual.
As much as he was pleased with this he felt a knot forming in his stomach, already knowing why exactly you did that...
Your eyes found each other and you immediately looked down at your phone to turn it off and lay on the bed to sleep. While him was still preparing too.
He after layed down and notice you were too far away for his liking.
"You're going to fall from the bed.." he stated while looking at you, who was with closed eyes.
You didn't respond, causing his heart to clench a little.
"(Y/N), I know you're awake..." he said, again with no response.
"... I'm sorry angel." He murmured sadly, surprising you when he got closer and higged you tight.
"I'm sorry... words can't express how regretful I am for saying those words to you... I was completly out of my element and even dared to say something that my... that I once heard... I know an apology can't fiz how hurr you must be now... you can retribuit all the things I did with me if that's mean you will feel better again..." he let go of you and stared at your now open eyes.
You stared for a couple of moments before lifting your hand to caress his jaw, your heart clenching at the way he flinched at first, probably thinking you were going to hit him...
"I own you a apology too... I called you things and yelled as well, even knowing how you hate it... guess we both fuck up."
"Apparently..." he whispered still looking everywhere but your eyes.
You two stay in silent until you took the courage to grab his gloved hand and rub little circles on his palm.
"You're not even a bit useless... you had to atture me for ages now..." he said, breaking the silent "After all... who takes more than two months to show their face to their loved one...? you maybe be right about me being the sick one..."
"You take that back." You squeezed his hand gently, finally getting him to look at you.
"You aren't that, neither I am... we both said things we didn't mean to at the heat of the moment... it's fine." You smiled at him which he only scoffed.
"Why do you do this? Forgive me this easy...? I don't... I don't deserve it such a angel like you... my only worth is-"
"Stop that." You said gently, hugging his torso and burring your face on the crook of his neck, noticing how his muscles fir a second tensed but instantly relaxed.
He slowly bringed one hand to carry your hair while his other arm holded you firmly pressed to him.
"Forgive me my angel?" He whispered in your hair.
"As long as you forgive me too my devil..." you hugged him a little tighter when he muffled pressed a kiss in the too of your head.
"Thank god... no more fights like this... it gives me a sick feeling on my stomach..." he pressed you on the bed as he got up on you staring you down.
"Can you really forgive me that easy?"
"Look what love does to us right my handsome husband." You giggled when he breathlessly chuckled before taking his mask off and started to shower you in kisses. Every part he could reach his lips were pressed on it.
"I still think I own you though." He said nibbling on your ear lobe "So I guess I will."
"... Are you serious?" You asked smilling up at him, seing already his dark lusted look.
"My angel, this is my punishment." He pressed his lips against yours gently but the kiss itself was enough to leave both of you breathless.
"And I'm happy to pay for my sins..."
"Hmm... you were the demon of lust this entire time I knew you then?" You started to laugh at the mortified and disgusted look he gave it to you.
"I am not. How dare you?" He said darkly but offended as well.
Your laughing didn't collaborate for his red face... but he was still trying to contain his own smile growing at seing you happy with him again.
Well, nothing better than a bite to quiet this angel down.
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alexajanecollins · 4 years
A movie night part 3 - J. Maddison
Another part of this one - thanks to @footballffbarbiex writing challenge, I started with this idea and it’s leading into more parts! 💙
Part 1 - Part 2
“Daddy, why does the baby make mummy so sick?” Your little boy asks looking up at James for a second as they were watching a Disney movie, the both of them all cosy on the sofa. “Because it’s growing, and taking all mummys vitamins away.” James answers trying his best to explain it in a way the boy could understand. “Ohh.” He nods looking back at the tv. “That’s not good is it?” He asks after a moment of thinking of James answer, his eyes focused back on James. “It actually is, it’s only in the beginning.” He says. “Mummy will be better in some weeks, maybe days.” He adds kissing the little boys head as he turned back to the movie after James answered him, the little boys body completely leaned against his dad. 
“Should I bring mummy some water? Some medicine?” The little boy turns to look at James once again, a smile forming on his face. “No buddy. Your mummy is fine, but it’s sweet of you to keep asking about her.” He says with a big smile, the little boy nodding. “Look, there she is.” James smiles when you enter the livingroom, the little boy looking in your direction as well. “Mummy, did I take all your vitamins away as well?” The little boy asks after you take a seat,  a confused look on your face when you hear his question. “I just explained you are feeling sick because of the baby growing and taking your vitamins and stuff away.” James shrugs looking at you. “Ohh right.” You nod. “Yes you did.” You say messing up the little boys hair a little. “That’s why you are all big and strong now.” You say tickling his side, laughter coming from the little one who was trying to push your hands away. 
“You can finish this movie and then grandma is coming to pick you up.” You say with a smile when the little boy moved to sit against James again. “Okay.” He nods looking back at the tv, his fingers moving over James tattoos on his arm that was wrapped around him. “You alright?” He asks looking at you. “Yeah.” You smile. This baby is just asking a lot from me.” You sigh but still smiling. “You know what they say?” You look at him. “That girls take mummys beauty away, you always feel more sick and stuff.” You explain looking at him. “But not sure if it’s really the truth.” You shrug moving your hand over your small but visible bump. “Really?” He asks surprised while smiling at you. “That would actually be very nice.” He nods. “I mean, another boy is welcome as well.” He smiles. “But still, a little you would be nice.” He says with a big smile, the little boy shushing the both of you as he wanted to watch the movie. 
“We might know the gender after our appointment later the day.” You say while getting up from the sofa after the movie ended. “Really?” He asks while standing up as well, the little boy clinging onto his arm like a monkey. “Yes, really.” You nod. “That’s why I wanted you to be there as well.” You add while entering the kitchen. “Right. Now I remember.” He says moving the little boy a little so he was holding him in his arms. 
“Do you prefer a gender?” He asks sitting the boy down on the counter, his hands resting on his knees. “Not really.” You shake your head. “But if it’s a girl, we can stop trying.” You add. “Then this famil is complete.” You say with a big smile, a smile appearing on James face as well. “You get him his shoes on while I use the bathroom one more time.” You add while rushing out the kitchen reminding him that his mother can arrive any time soon.
James mother arrived quickly after to pick up the little boyas she decided to take care of him today since you had a doctors appointment and she wanted to give you and James some alone time. The little boy always liked spending time with his grandmother as she always let him do way more than you would ever allow him, but that’s what grandparents are for so you didn’t mind. You and James left the house pretty soon after, the appointment making you a little bit nervous and James could sense as you were constantely asking for his hand to hold even when he was driving and stuff, something he thought was very cute. 
“Babe, why ar you so nervous?” He asks squeezing your hand while you both sat down in the waiting lobby of the hospital. “I don’t know.” You say shaking your head. “What if something is wrong.” You sigh looking at him for a second. “Stop worrying so much.” He smiles a soft kiss placed on your forehead.“Mrs Maddison.” You hear a voice call you after a while. “That’s us.” You smile silently while standing up, James hand in yours almost immediatly. “The doctor is waiting for you.” The nurse smiles leading you the way to her office. “Thank you.” You smile after getting inside, your doctor sitting behind her desk standing up when you enter. 
“Hi, how are you?” She asks shaking your hand, shaking James hand as well before you all sit down again. “I have been feeling extremely sick these two, maybe three past days.” You start to explain. “I also am super tired, even though I get enough sleep.” You add and James nods as he had been taken care of the little boys sleeping time ever since you started to feel sick. “Okay, lets have a look at the little one.” The doctor says after explaining where the sickness might come from and such. “This might be a little cold.” She says while putting the gel on your stomach. You smile looking at the screen where the ultra sound was showing, the doctor explaining what was visible and such. 
“Would you like to know the gender?” She asks looking at you. “Yes. If that’s possible.” You say with a smile when James was holding your hand while looking at the screen with you. Many kisses were shared between the both of you once the doctor told you the gender of the baby. The ultra sound picture in your hands while the both of you walked towards the car. 
“Is our family complete now?” James asks while starting the car smiling while looking at you. “Maybe.” You say with a smile yourself, your eyes still on the picture. “For now it is.” You say looking at him for a second, your eyes all shiny. “Ohh baby, don’t cry.” He says moving his arm around your shoulder for a second kissing your head. “I.. I am just so happy.” You say wiping the tears from your cheeks. “Everything is changing so quickly, I.. I can’t believe we are getting a daughter.” You say looking at him. “A little princess.” James smiles kissing your lips, the both of you smiling. 
“Oh my god, y/s/n is going to be so excited.” You say breaking the kiss, the thoughf of him becoming a big brother making you all happy. “He will, but for now, lets enjoy this day with just the two of us.” He smiles while driving away from the hospital. “Three of us.” You smile looking at him. “Exactly.” He says.
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