#and vince is pestilence
cometsandstardust · 3 months
Assigning Elements of Supernatural to the 14 Fear Entities of the Magnus Archives
(inspired by a conversation with @rosalineandrosemary while i forced her to watch doctor who)
the buried:
- dean waking up in a coffin and crawling his way out of the dirt
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- 1x03 - dead in the water (specifically them all dying via drowning)
- 4x21 - when the levee breaks (being contained in a small space over a period of time)
- also can fit into the spiral or the web since sam is essentially detoxing and facing the mental repercussions
- 3x06 - red sky at morning (more drowning)
the corruption:
- 1x08 - bugs (obviously)
- lucifer’s affect on vince vincente’s body
- pestilence
- the toll of the trials on sam
the dark:
- any instance of the empty
- pamela being blinded by castiel
- any instance of the darkness
- eyes being gouged out in 1x05
the desolation:
- mary and jessica’s deaths
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- burning of bodies
- burning off sam’s tattoo
the end:
- the apocalypse(s) (duh)
- would also fit into extinction but i’m not including it
- any time anyone dies
- the entirety of s3, where sam is trying to save dean
- death and the reapers
the eye:
- the supernatural books
- 1x05 - bloody mary (the knowing of secrets)
- sam’s research - “so get this”
- men of letters library
- sam’s psychic visions
the flesh:
- cutting of hands for blood
- 4x04 - metamorphosis
- levithan-infected food
- 9x13 - the purge
- sam coughing up blood during the trials
the hunt:
- demon!dean
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- soulless!sam
- mark of cain
- sam and dean are both followers but not necessarily avatars
- werewolves and vampires
the lonely:
- the empty again
- also heaven
- sam and dean’s long drives on empty roads
- any angel (“things that appear human but don’t have any personality to them”)
the slaughter:
- sam being hunted through the bunker by demon!dean
- end world
- apocalypse world
- 8x06 - southern comfort
- war
the spiral:
- mystery spot (that needs no explanation)
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- sam’s hallucinations of lucifer
- any instance of time travel (?)
- jesse the antichrist (5x06)
- gabriel would absolutely be an avatar of the spiral
the stranger:
- any instance of possession (gadreel, lucifer, apocalypse!michael, etc.)
- anything with shapeshifters and leviathans
- anything with clowns
- 2x20 - what is and what should never be
- 4x02 - are you there, god? it’s me, dean winchester
- sirens
- 4x17 - it’s a terrible life
- 5x05 - fallen idols
- 5x12 - swap meat
- 5x15 - dead men don’t wear plaid
- also fits with the flesh when they go rabid at the end but more so the stranger
- 10x11 - there’s no place like home
- 12x05 - the one you’ve been waiting for
- all of the apocalypse world doppelgängers
- any instance of someone being without a soul
the vast:
- dean’s fear of flying
- the empty yet again
- 1x04 - phantom traveler
- 11x14 - the vessel
- adam and sam falling into the cage
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the web:
- 2x05 - simon said
- 4x18 - the monster at the end of this book
- specifically chuck’s whole thing
feel free to reblog/reply and add your input or ideas
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vinceleemiller · 3 months
Discerning God’s Will | 1 Samuel 6:7-12
Are you trying to discern what God wants you to do?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 6. I've titled this chapter "From Confusion to Clarity."
In chapter 6, the Philistines have had enough of the Ark of God. Since capturing the Ark seven months ago, they have been tortured with the Black Plague and severe hemorrhoids. Some pagan priests devised a plan to rid themselves of the Ark, and they decided to try this unusual experiment with a couple of cows. Here is how this plays out in verses 7-12:
Now then, take and prepare a new cart and two milk cows on which there has never come a yoke, and yoke the cows to the cart, but take their calves home, away from them. And take the ark of the Lord and place it on the cart and put in a box at its side the figures of gold, which you are returning to him as a guilt offering. Then send it off and let it go its way and watch. If it goes up on the way to its own land, to Beth-shemesh, then it is he who has done us this great harm, but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that struck us; it happened to us by coincidence.” The men did so, and took two milk cows and yoked them to the cart and shut up their calves at home. And they put the ark of the Lord on the cart and the box with the golden mice and the images of their tumors. And the cows went straight in the direction of Beth-shemesh along one highway, lowing as they went. They turned neither to the right nor to the left, and the lords of the Philistines went after them as far as the border of Beth-shemesh. — 1 Samuel 6:7-12
Test It
For some reason, after seven months of torture, the Philistines are still unsure if God was behind the disease and pestilence that had struck their land. It had poisoned people, weakened wealth, and created conflict among their people. Yet still, the five kings of Philistine wonder if this is just a coincidence or if it is the God of the Ark. So they devise a plan to deploy a cart that will carry the ark, pulled by milk cows, to test and see if the God of the Ark takes it home.
Milk It
The pagan priests decided to use milk cows, not draft animals. Typical draft animals in their day were castrated oxen mainly because they were strong, steady, and orderly. Milk cows would not be the choice, mostly because they were tribal and protective mothers who primarily produced milk. Strapping them to a cart, freshly separated from their young, was a remedy for disaster. But we see they respond unexpectedly. They head directly for the closest Israel territory, lowing as if they were being called and guided to their home. This was highly unusual given all the factors that could have gone awry.
Discern It
God, by nature of his supreme authority, is always "leading the cart" of his creation. Yet there are times in our lives when his leading is more difficult to discern. When it is difficult, we will often look for his leading in and through the circumstances of this life. We look for his move so we can determine our move. We are trying to discern his general revelation, or how he reveals himself to us through the natural world and human experience.
General revelation has a whole lot to say about God. The apostle Paul clarifies this in Romans 1:19-20:
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. — Romans 1:19-20
Thus, through general revelation, we, like the Philistines, are without excuse. God demonstrates through creation that he exists. But we don't just have a general revelation. We have more specific revelations. God gave us Jesus, Scripture, and the Spirit. He also gave us a means to talk with him in prayer and a means to hear of him through the wisdom of other believers. When it comes to discerning God's leading, we have all kinds of resources at our disposal daily and all the time.
Seek It
So, if you need direction today, you could look merely to general revelation. Or, if you don't want to wait through seven months of torment and track down a couple of milk cows, you could turn to the resources and tools God has already given you. But I will leave it up to you.
#DiscerningGodsWill, #SeekingClarity, #DivineGuidance
Ask This:
How can you distinguish between God's leading and mere coincidence in your own life circumstances? 
What specific steps can you take today to deepen your reliance on God's guidance through prayer, Scripture, and wise counsel from fellow believers?
Do This:
Seek general and specific revelation.
Pray This:
Father, help me discern Your will clearly amidst life's uncertainties, relying on Your guidance through Scripture, prayer, and the wisdom of others. Strengthen my faith to trust in Your leading with confidence and obedience. Amen.
Play This:
Lead Me On.
Check out this episode!
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arnold-layne · 5 years
okay but why no one talks about four horsemen of the apocalypse!crue au
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Mötley Crüe as the four horsemen of the apocalypse moodboards
Thank you so much to @cosmicrealmofkissteria​ for this amazing idea. I just made moodboard because that’s what I do, lol
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Nikki Sixx as War
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Vince Neil as Pestilence
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Tommy Lee as Famine
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Mick Mars as Death
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bloody-teared-angel · 3 years
I remember when @cosmicrealmofkissteria came with the idea of 'Mötley Crüe as Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', then life happened and I never contributed. Until now.
(Also I saw @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands moodboards so I thank her also)
Nikki Sixx as War
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Tommy Lee as Famine
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Vince Neil as Pestilence
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Mick Mars as Death
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Hope you like it!
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emilbecker · 3 years
—  MAY 22ND,  DEATH HQ,  WITH VINCENT KILATAN.  ( @vincentkilatan​ )
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pestilence finds more ways to leave emil feeling like sanctuary is getting further and further from his reach. the boat had been an impossible place, another realm where they felt invincible amongst death's ranks. but now, drug peddlers and sadists click their heels against the floors, leaving the space too crowded. emil keeps their mask on tight, forcing the discomfort from their bones as they move through the party. drinks are offered and emil politely declines. alcohol had always been consumed with caution, even more so since their unexpected fame, he doesn't dare to consume anything pestilence offer. 
they search for a familiar figure, anyone to make him feel a little less alone. vincent has never been hard to spot, and donning their signature skull mask doesn't make it any harder to pinpoint him. emil almost calls out his name, but they can't help wearing caution like armour with this many snakes around. emil approaches vincent from behind, lowering their head to speak closer to vincent's ear over the music. “having fun, vinny boy?” they question sarcastically with their voice an octave or two lower than usual, “this is my straight cis man voice, what do you think? am i intimidating?” they laugh, snaking an arm over vince's shoulders and looking out at the rest of the masked partygoers. “isn't this just the fucking worst? pinketts, drug dealers, psycho doctors. i think we're gonna need to bleach the place after this. honestly, i wanna say i'm surprised uriel agreed to any of this, but i think they kinda like pestilence. jack, charlotte, whatever the fuck this is supposed to be, what next? a buddy system?” emil shudders, his arm falling off vincent's shoulders, “even saying it is giving me bad vibes, lets hope i didn't jinx us.”
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glitchxxd · 3 years
Location: Vincent’s Townhouse Date: March 13th, 3 a.m. Starter for @vincentkilatan​​
     Some of Death’s missions were definitely not Enzo’s style. He never really knew what ‘be a distraction’ meant, but being annoying is something the hacker excelled at. Certainly not expecting to meet Fletcher at his mission’s destination, though, he was walking through London’s streets like a drunken homeless guy after receiving a few serious blows to his pretty boy face and listening to Fazal’s pent up rage being spat in his face. The hacker hated most of the Pestilence personas he met tonight. It didn’t help that he was issued at enemy territory either, but an Angel had to oblige. A single question was in his mind, gnawing at the back of his brain like a parasite. Did they catch a glimpse of his tattoo? Even if they did, was there a way to dodge suspicion, twist lies back into neutrality? That was a problem for another day, he figured. Red painted his right eyebrow and blood dripped from his lips, black marks forming around his eye socket, soon to turn purple. The hacker was sure Fletcher also got him somewhere on his body, but the alcohol in his system was probably killing the pain.
     Enzo’s legs were barely functioning from tiredness as he made a left turn and decided to go for Vincent’s other house. Maybe he was there, sleeping, crafting a pyro gadget or anything, really. He vaguely remembered his friend mentioning he’d be staying there for a few days on his last visit. Either that or he’d pass out on the stairs in front of the place, no biggie. The only person who would care to help him was Vincent anyway. He didn’t want anyone else’s aid. If he lost consciousness, at least he’d be alone in the crooks of London’s streets back were the trash was held. Fitting, he supposed. Resting on the door with one hand upon arrival, his other bruised fist slammed against it with heavy force.
     “Vince, I have a surprise visit for youuuu!” Enzo’s voice was inadequate, big breaths before each word. “Open or I’ll fucking sleep out here, birds shitting on me, bleeding and waiting for you to kick me awake in the morning.”
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error01010110 · 5 years
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Vincent Cavalier shares our delusions. They are an unknown age, a Horsemen (Pestilence) who looks just like Grant Gustin. They are a sponsor. While they might be enthusiastic, sometimes they get obsessive. They are a switch in bed, and pansexual. They are into voyeurism and temperature play, and want a dom/sub/switch partner
There has always been confusion over what mantle he's carried, Conquest or Pestilence, but the answer is both. In the beginning Conquest wasn't the same person but playing games in the mortal world has a way of changing people. There was a realization along the way, a deep wound, and something shifted. From that point who they first were was gone, and so was most of the lust for power he used to feel. He stopped caring about the things that used to matter and resolved to no longer let the unpredictability of mortals simply pass rather than indulge it.
Having spent more time ducking in and out of the mortal realm than his siblings, he's seen humanity take its' stumbles along the way. He might have more empathy for mortals but the more popular opinion among the family is that too much time directly in the company of them has left him legitimately insane. It’s not an unfair assumption.
He's certainly felt rough spots dealing with the living, his sister Izzy refuses to let him keep any of the various connections he's made with the living over time as mortals do have to die and Vince never wants to let them go. The two have it out occasionally when a friend or lover he's overly fond of dies, usually ends in a shouting match and cold shoulders for a while before he forgives her for doing her job.
Being the 'oldest' of the Horsemen does absolutely nothing to instill reasonable maturity in him. It does make him intensely protective of his siblings though, knowing they can look after themselves doesn't stop him from being the annoying big brother every chance possible. The type of big brother who nags, bothers and basically makes a point of being in their business. Out of love, of course.It's generally one of the few things he does take that seriously and it's not a great idea to test his tolerance of people bothering his family.
Vince fully understand and accepts that his siblings are equally off-centered and messed up in their own special ways. It’s a fact he adores them for; their jobs would wear anyone down over time and it is just trying to cope with the burdens. While he does enjoy teasing them over their quirks, Liam often the target of choice because annoying his ‘little’ brother to the point of shouting matches is something he finds hilarious, he’s the first one to defend them as well, even against each other.
His own habits are hardly what most people see as typical at times. He absolutely has converted the basement of their shared home into his own little mad scientist lab of sorts where he toys with all sorts of diseases and works to invent new ones to keep humanity on its’ toes. It’s a hazard to anyone who wanders down there because things are often broken, out of place and there’s no telling what he’s busy with but, thankfully, none of the siblings aren’t human enough to be affected by anything he creates.
He very often fights over control of the TV with Dev because he gets tired of her watching wrestling shows when he would much rather binge watch Martha Stuart or a dozen other crafting shows that he clearly has an addiction to. But really they should all appreciate it more than they do because the house looks much better because of it, thanks. Or Bill Nye, the old kids’ show is still a favorite he has every episode saved on the DVR and even the thought of erasing it carries the threat of terrible consequences.
Entirely overly indulgent in practically everything, Vince gets carried away in most things he does. It makes him a very interesting person to drink with, yes. But he also fixates on ideas and will get stuck in the pattern over it until someone manages to shake him out of it. He’s very much a details person and if he does get focused he’s brilliant at solving problems, or creating them. It’s just the getting him to break that focus that proves to be difficult.
Since he is Conquest/Pestilence, he is, surprisingly, a good archer. The old tombs and scrolls that mention the objects each Horseman carries are true, and Vince has always carried the bow. Said weapon doesn’t seem all that dangerous compared to something like Dev’s sword until you consider the fact that the the arrows are very, very toxic with all sorts of infection-causing bacteria. Not something you’d want to deal with.
His two pet rats, Typhoid and Salmonella, or Ty and Sal for short, are adorable really. They’re are infected with a few stray diseases but nothing contagious or dangerous to the fuzzballs. He loves them and often wanders the house with at least one of them perched on his head. Ty is an red-eyed albino and Sal is a black Norwegian roof rat and both are rather large, curious and excessively friendly. Sal drools a lot too but just ignore that.
Vince has an affinity for glitter, shiny things and sparkle. He gets excited over the most random things and has, on several occasions, tried to tape a horn to his horse because of his affection for unicorns. All of this translates into his owning a craft supply store in town where he’s seen roaming around often enough, though like his siblings he has no real grasp of time so the place has no consistent hours.
He also very much enjoys technology, a real nerd in fact, and has been trying to figure out a way for decades to extend his power to the area of computer viruses as well. He finds random gadgets very interesting and spends far too much time on Youtube or medical forums, he processes new information very quickly but just as often he’s just there to entertain himself and will sit and watch videos of people making home decor out of cardboard or whatever other strange DIY weirdness that has his interest. He has a more impressive account on site than just about any Pintrest mom out there. 
In spite of the gravity of his purpose in the world he’s a fairly cheerful, clumsy and at times downright awkward guy who is painfully optimistic. Sure, the world is probably going to end sooner or later but at least he’s going to know about it beforehand since he has to start that nonsense, right? Until that point life is so much better than wallowing in misery. The real darkness is lingering out in the world now, which does worry him since even he hasn’t encountered anything like that before, but so long as his siblings are safe inside the town he doesn’t really see much point in being down about it.
He’s Pestilence, by design that means diseases, illness and wasting away. He’s responsible for crafting new sicknesses over time and allowing them into the world, as well as controlling somewhat the spread and direction of diseases. While it seems like a dismal job it has a very important purpose; humanity has always feared death and sickness and from fear comes change. Mortals have grown and progressed as a whole as a direct result of trying to survive so his role isn’t so much to destroy the world anymore than it is any of his siblings, people don’t see it however that the real point in what they do is to keep mortals moving forward and evolving with each new challenge the Horsemen throw at them. It’s a job he enjoys, finding a great deal of pride in and respect of mortals for their intense determination; he really is very fond of them.
There are limits to what he can do directly to a person. It requires contact and willful intent so he doesn’t really cause harm without purposely doing so. He is also limited to sicknesses that a person has, in fact suffered before in their lifetime or already has the predisposition for; he cannot infect someone with an illness or condition that might not have already been in their genetics; he basically just speeds it along. So if a person has ever had the flu, for instance, he can cause them to suffer it again with his touch. Or even if they’ve never shown any signs of it but somewhere in their genes there is the marker for something like cancer he can bring that to the surface and cause it to rapidly develop. He couldn’t do something like infect someone with the Bubonic plague, however, unless he actually had the virus with him at the time because it’s not something people inherit.His power runs the range from physical sickness to mental illness as well, the latter is, however, harder to ignite in a person.
While his powers are basically useless against his siblings because there is some built-in clause to the idea of the Horsemen not harming each other, plus he wouldn’t want to harm them, his powers have erratic effects on other inhuman races. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t, there seems to be no logic as to why or how or even what the end result might be when he tries to cause sickness in the inhuman.
That power does work on himself though, and he’s often experimenting with it to experience what mortals do in regards to various diseases or conditions. Sometimes the end result is a sickness or disorder that will stick around a while before it finally fades away. Narcolepsy is the current issue and he does at times fall asleep without meaning to.
Along with his work directly with sickness in mortals he also can extend his powers to other natural things; plants, animals, most anything really. Animals in particular are an area of interest for the simple ability he has of being able to control ones that suffer very dangerous diseases. With that control he can direct them to do as he wishes or can gather limited information from them through sight and other senses. Rats are his favorite in that regard, he very often uses them to keep an eye on areas of the world where he cannot physically be at the time but needs to know the details of how his work is playing out.
Along those lines, he is very acutely aware of the world. He knows where sickness dwells and at any given time can focus and track the progression of it anywhere in the world. He keeps nearly endless records in the basement, keeps track of epidemics and the state of mortality with them. He’s incredibly well organized in keeping up with his work and how it is effecting things, and that nearly constant devotion of part of his attention to the idea always in the back of his mind is part of the reason he lacks the ability to keep his attention trained too well otherwise. He is nearly always aware and distracted by his power because his is one that is consistently out there changing things day to day and requires very close supervision to keep in check.
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thetinyspinosaurus · 6 years
New muses added + update on Sylvester.
The Angels of Death are not part of Heaven or Hell, they function independently, only following orders from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Angels of Death usually work for one of the Horsemen:
Angels of Death that work for Pestilence will come to guide the souls of those that died from a disease or illness as well as from medical emergencies.
Angels of Death that work for War guide the souls of those that died in combat or in aggressive fights.
Angels of Death that work for Famine guide those that have died from a lack of food or water.
Angels of Death that work for Death specifically guide those that have died from old age or as a result of freak accidents.
Angels of the same horseman tend to share similar characteristics in terms of appearance.
Sylvester is an Angel of Death that works for Pestilence, like most angels of death he holds a certain fondness for dead things, he collects taxidermy animals and occasionally makes them himself. Besides this obsession with death, he also likes botany and he has a greenhouse with rare plants that he takes care off. Sylvester can be distant and a bit catty to those that he doesn't know, once he comes to trust someone he will usually be very caring and kind, showing a fatherly side to him. Sylvester usually wears a plague doctors mask as well as a leather trench coat. His hair is brown with grey streaks and he usually wears it slicked back, his eyes are a piercing light blue. Like all angels of Pestilence, he looks a bit sickly.
Anthony is an Angel of Death that used to work for War but turned out to be unsuitable for that position, he has since become one of Pestilence's workers and he is doing a fairly good job so far. Anthony is an anxious man who can usually be found in a laboratory where he researches diseases and tries to create new plagues. Outside of the laboratory, he comes across as nervous and antisocial, in the laboratory he is very much a mad scientist who seems to rise above his usual nervosity. Anthony has brown hair that is usually a bit dishevelled, his eyes are a greyish blue, he wears glasses and a lab coat. Like all angels of Pestilence, he looks a bit sickly. (a transformation in terms of appearance took place after he switched to a different Horseman)
Marianne is an Angel of Death that works for War, she loves watching fights break out and she's gotten in trouble for encouraging these fights which is something that she's not allowed to do, after all, she's supposed to remain completely neutral. Marianne usually goes by the nickname "Mary" or as her friends like to call her "Bloody Mary." Mary has red hair that she usually wears in a ponytail, her eyes are hazel. She wears ripped jeans and a leather jacket. Like all angels of War, she is quite muscular and has some scars as a result of fights that she's gotten herself into.
Vincent, also known as "Vince" is an Angel of Death that works for Famine, he is always hungry yet despises food, he simply refuses to eat anything because no matter what the food is, it always makes him feel extremely nauseous. Vince likes sleeping and can often be found napping, this might be a result of the fact that he has very little energy. Vincent has curly, honey blond hair, he wears loose clothing. Like all angels of Famine, Vince has a very thin physique and looks like he's starving.
Mordux, who also goes by the name "Mori"  is one of the Angels of Death that works for Death himself. Mori is very serious, he does very little besides guiding souls and it could even be said that he only really exists for that exact purpose. Sylvester is occasionally able to break him out of his shell by sharing his hobby of taxidermy. Mordux has long black hair and he always wears a black suit with black leather gloves and shoes.
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exitpursuedbyasloth · 7 years
Breakdown of Recurring Supernatural Characters
Recurring= two or more episodes
BOLD = alive
ITALICS = dead
Characters that have had multiple vessels are included in all their categories (Hannah is in both White/PoC and Male/Female, as she’s had a white female vessel, and a Middle-Eastern male vessel). This does not include characters like Castiel and Crowley who spend the majority of time in one vessel, only temporarily inhabiting another. 
Recurring PoC Characters: (7.7% survival rate)
Victor Hendrickson
Raphael 1.0
Raphael 2.0
Kevin Tran
Linda Tran
Edgar (Leviathan)
Susan (Leviathan)
Alpha Vampire
Jake Talley (Special Children)
Hannah 2.0
Gerald (Demon Pimp/Rapist)
Billie the Reaper
Max Banes
Alicia Banes
Joshua 1.0
Simmons (demon lady)
Rick Sanchez (President Notobama’s Secret Service Guy)
Missouri Mosley
Recurring White Characters: (26.7% survival rate)
1.     Dean Winchester
2.     Sam Winchester
3.     John Winchester
4.     Mary Winchester
5.     Henry Winchester
6.     Bobby Singer
7.     Karen Singer
8.     Jess
9.     Castiel
10.  Gabriel
11.  Balthazar
12.  Rachel
13.  Metatron
14.  Samandriel
15.  Zachariah
16.  Naomi
17.  Bartholomew
18.  Bela Talbot
19.  Human!Meg Masters
20.  Meg 1.0
21.  Meg 2.0
22.  Ruby 1.0
23.  Ruby 2.0
24.  Charlie
25.  Lilith
26.  Crowley
27.  Lucifer
28.  Benny
29.  Samuel Campbell
30.  Gwen Campbell
31.  Christian Campbell
32.  Mark Campbell
33.  Dick Roman
34.  Amelia
35.  Lisa
36.  Ben
37.  Sarah Blake
38.  Jodi Mills
39.  Abaddon
40.  Adam
41.  Alastair
42.  Azazel
43.  Anna
44.  Jo Harvelle
45.  Ellen Harvelle
46.  Garth
47.  Ash
48.  Pamela Barnes
49.  Kubrick (Jesus Hunter Guy)
50.  Martin (Hunter killed by Benny)
51.  Special Agent Carl Reidy
52.  Krissy Chambers
53.  Harry Spangler (Ghostfacer!)
54.  Ed Zeddmore (Ghostfacer!)
55.  Tessa
56.  Eve
57.  Andy (Special Children)
58.  Ava (Special Children)
59.  Lenore
60.  Pestilence
61.  Dr. Visyak
62.  Hannah
63.  Gavin MacLeod
64.  Death
65.  Cain
66.  Chuck
67.  Becky
68.  Claire Novak
69.  Alex
70.  Donna
71.  Rowena
72.  Dar
73.  Adina
74.  Kate
75.  Cole
76.  Ronald Reznick
77.  Lester
78.  Guthrie (Crowley’s Beardy Demon Friend)
79.  Frank Devereux
80.  Chet (Leviathan)
81.  Dr. Gaines (Leviathan)
82.  Daniel Elkins
83.  Cuthbert Sinclair
84.  Jonah
85.  Efram
86.  Ingrid
87.  Monroe Styne
88.  Eldon Styne
89.  Eli Styne
90.  Amara
91.  Detective Madsen
92.  Donatello Redfield
93.  Mick Davies
94.  Kelly Kline
95.  Toni
96.  Ketch
97.  Deputy Jenna
98.  Vince Vincente
99.  Eileen
100.         Wally
101.         Aaron Bass
102.         Tommy
103.         Mrs. Hess
104.         Walt
105.         Roy
106.         Joshua 2.0
107.         Jack Satan
  Recurring Male Characters: (21.8% survival rate)
1.     Gordon
2.     Victor Hendrickson
3.     Raphael 1.0
4.     Uriel
5.     Rufus
6.     Kevin Tran
7.     Edgar (Leviathan)
8.     Alpha Vampire
9.     Jake Talley (Special Children)
10.  Dean Winchester
11.  Sam Winchester
12.  John Winchester
13.  Henry Winchester
14.  Bobby Singer
15.  Castiel
16.  Gabriel
17.  Balthazar
18.  Metatron
19.  Samandriel
20.  Zachariah
21.  Hannah 2.0
22.  Crowley
23.  Lucifer
24.  Benny
25.  Samuel Campbell
26.  Christian Campbell
27.  Mark Campbell
28.  Dick Roman
29.  Ben
30.  Adam
31.  Alastair
32.  Azazel
33.  Garth
34.  Ash
35.  Kubrick (Jesus Hunter Guy)
36.  Martin (Hunter killed by Benny)
37.  Harry Spangler (Ghostfacer!)
38.  Ed Zeddmore (Ghostfacer!)
39.  Andy (Special Children)
40.  Gadreel
41.  Gavin MacLeod
42.  Pestilence
43.  Death
44.  Chuck
45.  Cole
46.  Ronald Reznick
47.  Lester
48.  Guthrie (Crowley’s Beardy Demon Friend)
49.  Frank Devereux
50.  Chet (Leviathan)
51.  Dr. Gaines (Leviathan)
52.  Daniel Elkins
53.  Gerald (Demon Pimp/Rapist)
54.  Max Banes
55.  Joshua 1.0
56.  Joshua 2.0
57.  Kelvin
58.  Rick Sanchez
59.  Aaron Bass
60.  Tommy
61.  Monroe Styne
62.  Eldon Styne
63.  Eli Styne
64.  Cuthbert Sinclair
65.  Jonah
66.  Efram
67.  Wally
68.  Mick Davies
69.  Ketch
70.  Donatello Redfield
71.  Vince Vincente
72.  Detective Madsen
73.  Special Agent Carl Reidy
74.  Bartholomew
75.  Cain
76.  Walt
77.  Roy
78.  Jack Satan
  Recurring Female Characters (23.6% survival rate):
1.     Raphael 2.0
2.     Linda Tran
3.     Channing
4.     Susan (Leviathan)
5.     Missouri Mosley
6.     Mary Winchester
7.     Karen Singer
8.     Jess
9.     Rachel
10.  Naomi
11.  Bela Talbot
12.  Human!Meg Masters
13.  Meg 1.0
14.  Meg 2.0
15.  Ruby 1.0
16.  Ruby 2.0
17.  Charlie
18.  Lilith
19.  Gwen Campbell
20.  Amelia
21.  Lisa
22.  Sarah Blake
23.  Jodi Mills
24.  Abaddon
25.  Anna
26.  Jo Harvelle
27.  Ellen Harvelle
28.  Pamela Barnes
29.  Krissy Chambers
30.  Tessa
31.  Eve
32.  Ava (Special Children)
33.  Lenore
34.  Dr. Visyak
35.  Hannah
36.  Becky
37.  Claire Novak
38.  Alex
39.  Donna
40.  Rowena
41.  Dar
42.  Adina
43.  Kate
44.  Billie the Reaper
45.  Alicia Banes
46.  Dagon
47.  Simmons (demon lady)
48.  Toni
49.  Deputy Jenna
50.  Eileen
51.  Kelly Kline
52.  Amara
53.  Ingrid
54.  Paige
55.  Mrs. Hess
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vinceleemiller · 3 months
Glory In Motion | 1 Samuel 5:11-12
Do you see God's glory in this world?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 5. I've titled this chapter "Clearing The Path To Glory."
So far, in Chapter 5, God has cleared his own path to glory. He has afflicted the Philistines with hemorrhoids, and in doing so, they have passed him around from Philistine town to town until there is a meeting of the five kings in Philistine. Here is how this chapter closes off in verses 11-12:
They sent therefore and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines and said, “Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it return to its own place, that it may not kill us and our people.” For there was a deathly panic throughout the whole city. The hand of God was very heavy there. The men who did not die were struck with tumors, and the cry of the city went up to heaven.  — 1 Samuel 5:11-12
If you recall, at the end of Chapter Four, the wife of Phinehas declared that the "Glory had departed from Israel." This was such a significant moment that in her death, she named her orphaned son Ichabod based on this declaration. While the glory has departed, it has not vanished. In Chapter Five, we learned that God's glory has been moving around independently, self-sustained, self-proclaiming, and finding its own way back home.
God wants to work in harmony with his creation. However, when humanity desires to play God and seeks its glory, this won't work. Our glory and God's glory are no match. We either submit to the heavy hand of God, or we are subject to the heavy hand. It's better to submit to it than to be smitten by it.
This life is full of God's glory. Through his revelation, we can see it everywhere. Today, anticipate it and point it out. See it moving and making its way. Look beyond the noise of propaganda, lawfare, war, hate, and violence and see his glory. God's glory is still moving. Then, when you see it, point to it, praise it, and proclaim it. It's far better to submit to the heavy hand of God than to suffer under it to the point of pain, pestilence, and punishment by death.
#GodsGloryInMotion, #DivinePresence, #SubmittingToGodsHand
Ask This:
How can we actively recognize and celebrate God's glory moving in our lives and in the world around us, even amidst challenges and difficulties?
In what areas of our lives do we struggle to submit to God's heavy hand, and how can we cultivate a posture of surrender and obedience to His will?
Do This:
Look for God's glory, point to it, and praise it.
Pray This:
Father, help me to see your glory moving in every aspect of my life and give me the full courage to submit my will, knowing that your heavy hand is for my good. May your presence be my constant guide, leading me closer to you, which is ultimately found each day. Amen.
Play This:
Here Comes The Glory.
Check out this episode!
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junker-town · 5 years
Who won Hall of Fame Game week in the NFL?
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Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Michael Thomas got a massive contract. Vic Fangio got a kidney stone. Tough call, tough call.
Winning in the NFL doesn’t just happen on the field. Victories large and small come in many different forms, ranging from nine-figure contract extensions to a few kind words said by an important figure.
While we’ve got a whole table to determine division-by-division standings and playoff odds, we often lose track of the more subtle victors each week. Rather than just running down a list of the Dolphins’ weekly opponents this fall, I decided to take a deeper look at the winners who transcend the box scores and spill glorious into the greater world as a whole.
Which is good, because this week’s, uh, limited slate of games didn’t tell the world much about the 2019 season other than which team, the Broncos or the Falcons, had the weaker fourth-string lineup. So who “won” the first, single-game week of this summer’s preseason?
First let’s start with who didn’t.
Not considered: the actual football at the Hall of Fame Game
Due to an internet outage, I missed the first two minutes of gameplay in Canton. Somehow this equated to TWO ENTIRE POSSESSIONS.
Through their first three drives, the Falcons had twice as many penalties (two) as net yards (one). Ten of the game’s first 12 drives ended in punts. Three of those punts were muffed. It took rookie quarterback Drew Lock four passes to get within three yards of his intended target downfield. Denver challenged a pass interference call seemingly just to be the answer to an obscure trivia question for years to come.
But hey, if you liked six-yard passes on third-and-9, THIS was the game for you.
the 2019 Hall of Fame Game's longest plays: 3. DEN RB Khalfani Muhammad, 31 yard run 2. ATL DE John Cominsky, 33 yard muffed punt recovery 1. DEN CB Linden Stephens, 43 yard pass interference penalty
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) August 2, 2019
Kurt Benkert was the shining star of this wind-up car demolition derby, and he still threw for 5.4 yards per pass and left the game in the fourth quarter with a foot injury. He and Matt Schaub are currently dueling for the chance to start Atlanta’s meaningless Week 17 game after half the roster has been shunted to the injured list by conquest, pestilence, war, and death. Falcons fans will shake their heads and mournfully tell the world they “knew it would end this way.”
While we’re on the topic of premonitions Falcons fans can feel in their bones, Atlanta lost thanks to a tipped-ball touchdown on fourth down with under two minutes to play. This was the only vaguely exciting moment in football’s 2019 preseason debut.
Now, on to the winners ...
5. Resplendent old guys at the Hall of Fame Game
Tony Gonzalez is gonna look like this until he’s 80:
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Tell me he wouldn’t still put up 60 catches if the Patriots or Cowboys called tomorrow.
Ed Reed would probably do all right too. He looks like he’s spent the past five seasons gearing up to fly a fighter jet against an alien invasion that will ultimately be foiled because their spaceships run on binary code.
@TwentyER pic.twitter.com/9Bd1jZ0Jqw
— Baltimore Ravens (@Ravens) August 2, 2019
Former WCW superstar Kevin Greene (and part-time pass rusher, I guess) also made the most of his camera time.
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The guy’s 57 years old and still rocking an absolute Hercules mane. Bonus points for wearing a watch apparently made from the tie-down straps of a military cargo plane.
4. Nathan Peterman, whom everyone* likes
Everyone loves an underdog. As far as NFL quarterbacks go, there’s no bigger underdog than Peterman, the man who once threw five interceptions in a 14-pass stretch to kick off his first NFL start. Getting chased out of Buffalo for ineffectiveness is typically the kind of offense that precludes a player’s journey to a budding and ultimately fruitless spring football league.
Not the Peter Man.
No, the quarterback whose bedraggled play in western New York made us all fall in love and spawned the least-hype hype video ever made is getting a second chance in Oakland. And, like the guy he beat out for a roster spot last year, Jon Gruden has a preseason crush on him for some reason.
“I like these guys. This Nate Peterman is growing on me,” Gruden told reporters at training camp. “He’s athletic. I know he’s had some nightmare performances in the NFL, but when you watch the film you can see why. It’s not all his fault, but he’s got some talent, he’s got some athleticism, he’s got some experience. Here’s an opening day starter for the Buffalo Bills last year. I take that very serious. And he’s smart. He’s done a good job, he’s been consistent and I think he’s starting to get his confidence back and we all need that.”
Naturally, this news was well received by Raiders fans. From SB Nation’s Silver and Black Pride:
No, coach, no. This is the sort of thing that Mark Davis should roll up a newspaper and smack Jon Gruden on the nose for saying. I get that Peterman played for literally the Bills and that he looks the part, like how a successful quarterback should look, in shorts. But Peterman also has a record of 1-3 as a starter and a QB/INT ratio of 3/12. He was aggressively ‘meh’ in college at Pitt, where he was essentially a more boring version of Tyler Palko, and when he got to the pro ranks based entirely on his genetics and through no achievements of his own, he proved how overmatched he was and how his decision-making ability rivals that of the kid who climbed in the gorilla pen with Harambe. Nate Peterman is the sort of musclebound stiff Vince McMahon would try and fail to make a big star in the 1980s.
But the joke’s on you, Peterman haters. Gruden’s not the only guy who likes this scrappy young upstart.
Find yourself a teammate who supports you like @derekcarrqb supports Nathan Peterman. #HardKnocksNow pic.twitter.com/WaElOAE0fA
— NFL Films (@NFLFilms) July 31, 2019
Peterman’s just out here trying to do his best, man. Listen to Derek Carr and give him his shoe deal. Preferably something from Member’s Mark.
*citation needed
3. Derek Carr, who is not threatened in the least
He gets to be friends with Peterman! He’s gonna be neighbors with Gruden!
It’s true. As David Carr said, Derek Carr has bought a home in Las Vegas. When it’s complete and he finally moves in, his neighbor will be ... Jon Gruden. #Raiders
— Vic Tafur (@VicTafur) August 1, 2019
I hope he likes cookouts where the only food option is Hooters takeout.
2. Jordan Lasley, who proved himself worthy of the Raiders (while a Raven)
If you get released for punching teammates and celebrating too hard, you get to be on Hard Knocks. Sorry, that’s how the league works now.
Here, you can kind of see the ball Jordan Lasley threw into the nearby pond shortly after his fight with the DBs. pic.twitter.com/AQyrDw8509
— Jonas Shaffer (@jonas_shaffer) July 29, 2019
The Raiders claimed Lasley — a 2018 fifth-round pick with zero career NFL receptions — days after Baltimore released him for fighting cornerback Cyrus Jones and turning his fists on safety Bennett Jackson for having the audacity to prevent him from breaking his hands on Jones’ helmet.
First fight of Ravens camp: WR Jordan Lasley takes exception to CB Cyrus Jones going high in press coverage and the two exchange blows. S Bennett Jackson tries to break it up and Lasley swings at him. Jackson then tackles Lasley to ground.
— Jamison Hensley (@jamisonhensley) July 29, 2019
Now Gruden has two quarterbacks who are best friends and an entire roster that wants nothing more than to fight anything and everything in its path.
Oakland’s final day of camp should just be a 30-man over the top rope battle royale. Last five men standing get roster spots. Winner takes on Vontaze Burfict at Halloween Havoc.
1. Michael Thomas, who now has an opinion on the capital gains tax
Is Thomas the best wide receiver in the league? It’s debatable, but you can make a strong argument for it. The fourth-year wideout has excelled in New Orleans, catching 229 passes the past two years for 2,650 yards. More impressively, he did so despite drawing constant double-teams from opposing secondaries who saw fellow wideouts like Tommylee Lewis, Willie Snead, Tre’Quan Smith, and a hobbled 33-year-old Ted Ginn and giggled to themselves, “heh, no.”
Is Thomas the highest-paid wide receiver in the league? He is now. Rather than run even the slightest risk of losing Drew Brees’ favorite target to either a preseason holdout or 2020 free agency, the Saints made him the first pass catcher to garner a $100 million contract, inking him for five years with $61 million in guarantees. He’ll now be counted on to present a field-stretching menace who not only gives Brees the latitude to make video game throws downfield, but also creates a little extra space for Alvin Kamara to create havoc.
Most importantly for New Orleans, Thomas was the balm that soothed Brees’ late-season blisters. The veteran quarterback appeared worn out while falling off an early MVP run; after recording a 126.9 passer rating in his first 10 games, that number dropped to 91.5 in his final five. Thomas’ numbers fell off in that home stretch too, but he still averaged eight catches and 65 yards per game. If the combination of extra defensive pressure and a reduced Brees aren’t enough to drop him to sub-Pro Bowl levels, what will?
Thomas got a record-setting contract and more ammunition in his battle to be crowned the league’s best receiver. And he didn’t have to play in the Hall of Fame Game. He wins this week.
Special mention: NOT Vic Fangio’s urethra
Fangio’s first game (kinda) as an NFL head coach after breaking into the pro coaching ranks 35 years ago almost didn’t happen.
Broncos’ HC Vic Fangio, scheduled to make his HC debut tonight vs Atlanta in Hall-Of-Fane game, spent a good part of the day in a Cleveland hospital with a kidney stone, per source. Fangio has not passed it yet, but he is doing better and he will try to coach tonight.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) August 1, 2019
That every Broncos sideline shot Thursday night wasn’t just a window into the depths of human suffering was the Hall of Fame Game’s biggest upset. Every second he stood upright was a victory over the mutiny taking place inside his own body. With pirate ships circling his kidneys, Fangio stood atop his deck, surveyed the landscape, and asked his first mate to bring him his red pants.
Not that the pain wasn’t evident at times, despite a stoic front.
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Fangio, for the record, wore this expression for four straight hours. Did he do all this just to become the first NFL coach to challenge a pass interference call? Probably!
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words-n-illos · 5 years
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The year is 1874. Vince Browder is about to unleash a plague- and pestilence-breathing dragon upon an unsuspecting young nation. All that stands between him and the ultimate land grab is young Matthew Graham and a dragon of his own named Crazy Squirrel. Against seemingly impossible odds, Matthew is joined by a band of heroic individuals…
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