#and ur like damn i procreated w that :
undermattsun · 3 months
picking your kids up at the skate park and all his friends ogling you
no literally like imagine just a million missed calls later and showing up at his apartment and you’re just tryna find your kid!!! finally you pull up to the stupid ass skate park he’s been attached to since forever with the rest of his deadbeat homies and of course your arrival is announced by makki screaming milf alert,,,, disgusting
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washa · 1 year
as @xanyiaz has posted, i am listening to Avior's playlist (finally) ‼️ So here are some of my favourite things i've said
spoilers ahead for videos 1 to 5 (It's not separated so. Can't tell you what belong to what video sorry 💔)
(i'll probably post a part 2 later)
I'm gonna fight him
he's talking abt closeknit isn't he???
im crying he rifted into hell?? 😭😭
oh god just rift me back please
i might actually start sobbing if be keeps complimenting Aria
Did he just fall into the fucking circle or fire.???
i imagined he just flopped onto the ground like a pancake
Working conditions my ass you are just a walking OSHA violation
YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT AND GO "well it's your choice 😊"
and i wanna marry his vocabulary
ok i touched it now what?? do i start spouting shit
PROCREATE??? you wanna try or something??
Wait why are we talking about children???
also ur not imperfect doll just stubborn and slightly an ass
he's basically in quarantine rn
yeah starlight shut up i love dramatic pacing
he just sips on whatever feelings he wants like somebody coulda lost their dog and he just like "oh yummy sad nom nom"
he just knocked you out and threw you in a meridian and waved you off w the same energy as "have a nice day of school kids 🤗"
dreamwalkers are basically jigglypuffs but with more pain then
its not everyday i get trapped in hell w a demon who got clickbaited by a cult member
again not really seeing why we cant just say fuck it and jump into said meridian (yes the foreshadowing is hilarious ik 😕)
why is he talking to me like im in labour "take a breath before you push again" my ass
wait if i die do i just respawn like a minecraft character?? do i just appear again at my set point or something 😭
HELP I JUST CATAPULTED BACK?? I just recoiled away from the merdian and ejected into the ring pits of hell??? Did my body make a boiing sound like those spring doorstops??
ofc i broke my damn leg. ofc i broke my damn leg 😮‍💨
ain't it hot rn? like fire is right below us 😭
What else is broken??? yk despite my fucking mental state probably
Ok ok Avior dearie, shit, is not what you say when treating a probably VERY broken arm. Like an arm whose bones would've probably put a bowl of mash potatoes to shame.
Wait was starlight like walking down the fucking street and a rift just appeared underneath them and they just fell down the damn thing???
Well ik why im here, because, perhaps, crazy idea, it was bc you rifted me here ‼️
guesses and theories?? what is this?? fucking blues clues???
by your sink hole logic, if we just lay here and wait for help it would be the best choice rn. bc like the more we crawl out, the more parts of the wall will fall in and trapping us more
the most cliche scratch on the cheek AND THE TOUCHING URGH😭
god he's like a shitty sour patch kid. Sour then salty, then sweet and hopefully not gone iygwim.
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pandemique · 3 years
damn demi saw how we reacted to all her art then pulled out that last one and said “okay but watch this”
HAHSHSHAH sorry its rare i have the time and energy to Actually Draw :””) please don’t expect this from me sjdjhsjs important psa @new followers:
this is a dnf brainrot blog 🤠🤠🤡🤡
but if u like that then welcome!! HAHAHAHAH
+answering the other asks below :’) thank u so much for being so lovely i always dont know what to do w myself :”) i’ll make the time to do more realistic stuff if u guys like hopefullyyyyyy
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ah no!! when i said “not as perfectionistic” i meant it as a good thing, because when i tryhard i really Tryhard to the point of like fussing over imperfections that actually add character to the art, so i’m really glad this time i can step back and focus on experimenting!! <3 thank you so much nonnie :”> i love u more
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..please don’t cry shwveksh thanku anon i love u!! :D that’s so flattering omgg happy to serve fellow gnf simps
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the most important part 😌 i was gonna give george and dreamxd matching mcD employee pins... boyfriend things 😍 real dnf could never 😩 this is a joke feel free to snipe me
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non i’ve been trying for the last hour or so but procreate is not cooperating 😭😭😭😭 i’ll be sure to keep one next time i do realism, i’m SORRYYY :( feel free to ask anything abt the process :””)
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thisiskindagross · 8 years
Satan and Me Asks
1.)  for the questions thing - are you cool w sexuality headcanons for ur characters??
I’m assuming you mean if people in the fandom make sexuality headcanons? And of course. You guys can do whatever you want. I know I’ve only posted about a few sexualities, so there’s not much to go on anyway.
2.)  Is hell really gone out of Satan forever? How long does Nat's wish last?
Hell’s not gone from Satan. It’s still inside of him, but he doesn’t hear the constant voices in his head anymore because of Natalie’s wish. That was what she sold her soul for, so the wish will stay in effect the rest of his existence.
3.)  Will we be seeing Pax or Felix soon? What about that small little boy?
Pax and Felix looking for Zadkiel is kind of a side plot in the comic, so I can’t say for sure when they will intercept. My guess is anywhere in the next 15 updates?
4.)  Do satan's earings indicate his emotions as well?
When Satan is in “human” form, his earrings are like his horns. They will change between yellow and red based on his mood.
5.)  is gabriel ok?
At the moment, no. He’s in considerable distress, but he will be. You’ll see this arc.
6.)  So im a ask, how does satan really feel about nat being damned to hell and him not being able to figure out how to stop it? He seems to care if she does.
He doesn’t like it at all, but since they can’t change it atm he is choosing to not think about it.
7.)  Has Satan thought about sex with Nat?
He’s been too preoccupied with the Apocalypse and the recent Titus thing (and now Natalie being sick) to really think about anything like that, I’d think. That’s not to say he’s never thought about sex in general, but just the plot never called for him to so? He really hasn’t.
8.)  any ships you generally don't like?
I mean, my taste in ships change all the time and have no effect in canon. There are some ships that become/are already canon that I don’t care for, and there are some I really like that I know will never be canon. For example, I used to hate Ganthea, but now I like it. It really depends. I flip-flop around a lot. I’d feel bad though listing ships I don’t care for, just because I don’t want to make anyone feel bad for liking something. Just because I don’t shouldn’t mean that you guys can’t like them. 
So in the spirit of not making someone feel bad IDK if I can fully answer this question.
9.)  any insights into how angel society works/what it generally is like for the various background angels? what do they get up to? are they all the same ones who were created back at the Beginning? how do they view current comic events (if they generally know anything)? what do they think of their 'leaders' (the archangels)?
Loaded question lol Well, the angels canonically in the bible are ranked. There are a lot of classes of angels; the archangels are actually second from the bottom. They’re literally just protectors and foot soldiers, I guess that’s the closest I could equate them to. So the vast majority of angels are just the society in the comic, whereas the ones who follow the archangels actually enlist to be in the army.
Each archangel leads a squad (except Raphael, who only works with the medic angels in the hospital). Each squad has a certain duty (ex: Jophiel’s is trained in recovery and surveillance, Zadkiel’s was p much the ones who take on tough jobs that have a low mortality rate, Gabriel’s is trained in support and backup to other troops, etc). They’re sorted and placed under an archangel depending on their test results. I actually do plan to do a dumb little comic about angels enlisting at one point.
Angel society as a whole aren’t 100% up to current events, because the archangels and higher up angels dictate what information is allowed to be trickled down. They also don’t want to cause alarm so they bend the truth a little bit. Right now majority of the angels aren’t even aware what really happened with Titus (like they didn’t know that someone was trying to overthrow Satan).
Not all of them were created at the beginning. Some were, others are fairly new. It really depends. It also depends on their personality if they like the archangels or not, so it’s hard to lump them all in together. For the most part the angels not in the army are blissfully unaware of the things around them. They stay in Heaven and mind their own business.
10.)  Why is Angel Michael so upset about Human Michael? And what does Human Michael think about Angel Michael?
Angel Michael is upset not at Mike P, but the situation. He likes humans but he doesn’t want to be a human. So the idea of being put into his body upsets him a lot. Mike P. doesn’t know anything about Michael; he’s just trying to process the information. When he does, he will want to get to know him.
11.)  Have any of the angels actually crushed on a human before
Quite a few have, but virtually none act on it. They would be executed if they procreated with a human, as would the nephilim baby. It’s a “look but don’t touch” situation.
12.)  okay okay you wont tell us the end game ships & das okay, but can you tell us who you personally ship Natalie with?
Natalie’s the rare character that I can ship with 95% of the cast, if written a certain way. The list would be too long lol
13.)  Do we get anything about Luce's past in the comic? I know there are parts from where he's an angel but maybe how he grew up or him as smol babe? Perhaps some cute scenes where they interact with God as their father and cutesy things?
There will be comics like this, yes.
14.)  What are the places/businesses Ipos and Sheila set up in the past? 
Ipos spent a lot of time around various parts of the world. During the 1700-1800s he stayed in Ireland, where he met Sheila officially. She spent most of her time in the Southern Hemisphere, and stayed in Australia for a while. 
Ipos was in the military for a while, too, so he could see more places, learn more about humans, keep tabs on everything. The real Ipos he’s based off of is actually an information keeper, so I tried to keep that true to form in the comic as well. Under different guises, Ipos and Sheila have run restaurants, bars, brothels, a hardware store, gun shops, camping supply stores, construction companies, real estate businesses.
15.)  Are all demons fallen angels, or were some just always demons? Also, is it possible for angels to have kids, either with each other or with humans? 
95% of demons are Fallen Angels. The few that aren’t are either born from bad circumstance/human sorrow, or have been made in a pact with another higher level Fallen. (I actually have a series that explains the first contracts with demons but that won’t debut for another few years I’d surmise. It’s touched upon as well in future “Here it Comes” updates.)
Angels can have children with each other, though it’s rare, and they can reproduce with humans. Nephilim, human and angel children, are very strong and very unpredictable so they’re viewed as taboos. In the bible it’s a big reason why God flooded the earth with Noah and his ark. Angels had copulated and had children with humans so they drowned them and their parents. (I’ve heard speculation that Goliath from David and Goliath was a nephilim baby too, but IDK how accurate that is).
  16.)  What is Kristi's family like? 
Kristi has her parents, Norma and Ray Lange, and an older sister who is in college, Lily. Kristi’s mother is high maintenance, which is probably where Kristi got it from. Her father grew up in town with Alex McAllister, and he used to bully him a lot. He had a crush on Carla (but was stuck dating her cousin), so that’s another reason he doesn’t like Alex. He settled for Kristi’s mom when he met her later, so it’s not exactly a love built marriage. He’s not too interested in his home life. Kristi’s sister is easy going and nice. She has a good relationship with Kristi.
17.)  Does Raphael have any fears about like real physical stuff/like how people have fears of snakes, spiders etc
Raphael doesn’t have a lot of fears like that. His are more mental stuff. But he is scared of bats. Won’t go near them.
18.)  Are there things about the story that you wish you could change but can't 'cause it's too late? if so, what?
Yeah, there are a couple. I wish I did more with Jericho. I watered him down for the comic, which I’m regretting. He was going to be more problematic than that. I’d like to keep Ipos and Sheila around a little longer, but they died p quick. There are scrapped updates I wish I went through with, but I can’t do anything about that now.
19.)  will we see pestilence and famine interacting with natalie and satan?
Not sure about Famine, but Pestilence yes.
20.)  Would it be fair to ask about what kind of piercings each character has? I know that each has their own unique ones and since we don't always see all the piercings (as with Anthea, whose belly piercings aren't revealed until that one episode) and it would be cool to know all the piercings that each has.
That’s a lot to list, but I’ll just say what piercing someone has if it’s under clothing.
Zadkiel has lower back dermals, Pax has a Apadravya, Jophiel has hip dermals.
 21.)  So how come Lucifer only uses "Festus" and doesnt call Felix "Felix"? 
Lucifer’s more formal like that. I’m sure if Felix pushed the issue he would change, but it’s really force of habit cuz that name comes to mind first when he talks/thinks about him.  
22.) How do you make updates do you write out a script or do you just make it up as you go?
I make it up as I go. Aside from a few events I know that I want to take place, I have no idea how I’m getting there and just let what happens on each new page take me there. A lot of times I’m surprised how the story changed, but that’s what makes it fun
23.)  Are we going to find out what happened to Yup's parents? 
If anything it will be subtle if it’s mentioned in passing, but IDK if it will. His dad and mom weren’t married so his dad split. His mom was into recreational drugs and was evicted from their apartment because of insufficient funds when Yup was 6.  She left him at the freeway underpass when she couldn’t deal with her situation anymore. When Zadkiel found Yup he’d been on his own for a month or so.
24.)  Do any of the angels or demons have any Phobias or fears? Just random things they are afraid of for no reason or for a specific reason at all
They do, it just depends on the demon. Anthea was afraid of driving on the freeway. Felix is afraid of being ignored. Zoe is afraid of small spaces.
25.)  i've always been curious... what exactly were titus' spikes made of? were they some type of metal? and did it hurt him to use them?
It did hurt, but he had a high pain tolerance. They were a mixture of calcium and stone (like Cain with Abel).
26.)  Do any of the angels have tattoos besides Gabriel and Raguel?
Some do, just depends. They usually have a specific reason in mind if they do.
27.)  Do any of the angels look less than human?
28.)  What was laila's brother's name?
Lyle. Laila’s name is actually Veronique and her middle name is Laila. After he died, she started going by Laila to feel closer to him, since they sounded similar.
29.)  Does Michael have an ex and does she have a name?
Michael does have an ex. They were together briefly before she fell, not enough time to really get attached but he was curious enough to try. They aren’t really touched upon in the comic so I never gave them a name.
30.)  So something I was wondering, bc I love Ipos and wish he was in the comic longer, does he have an Irish accent because he was in Ireland for so long and decided to adapt it? Also how tf is Ipos pronounced, bc i say it like eye-pos but idk if thts right.
He has a small accent, yes. And yeah, it’s eye-pos.
31.)  Have you ever imagined any Satan and Me babies? Not the characters themselves as children, but having children
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32.) Since Raguel is only 55, Does that mean he actually has a birthday then?
The day he was created was April 2nd on the 20th century calendar, as opposed to the other archangels who were born at the beginning of earth’s creation.
33.)  I was wondering is Michael jealous of how close nat and satan are? like when satan flew off with nat after the scuffle. I noticed Michael didnt look too happy. By the way I love your blog its the best It puts a fun twist on bible stories/charecters.
Michael is very jealous of Natalie and Satan’s relationship. It drives him up a wall.
34.)  I actually thought of one, surprise surprise. We know a few of the "who knew who first" scenarios, but did felix know of Lucifer first, or meet Anthea first? I suppose the same question could go for Anthea over Felix and Gabriel.
Felix knew of Satan first and was already enamored with him by the time he met Anthea. Anthea met Felix before Gabriel, though. In that WIP Gabriel and Anthea comic pre-fall I think it’s addressed that they met later down the line.
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