#and until it does narinder has A lot of resentment
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captainclovey 10 months ago
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You believe me like a god I'll destroy you like I am
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skyartworkzzz 9 months ago
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The Followers (pt 1)
HEY YALL!! Finally got around to designing some of my COTL OCs which will be taking part in some future stories
Down below is some info about each of them from left to right! Some of it may be subject to changes futurely...
Enjoy <3
Astrid (she/her)
Rescued from Darkwood
Nurse apprentice
Was rescued by the Lamb while running away from heretics that chased her down the woods
A little clumsy, but tries her best and has an overall bubbly personality
Fun fact: Astrid was based off the pink-bow bunny from the official COTL animations!
Beau (he/him)
Rescued from Darkwood
The yellow cat! <3
Head-farmer and gardener of the cult, he is the one who decides which crops will be planted
Was a single child of a farmer family, they used to donate their crops to those who needed food
Managed to escape the heretics a few times, until eventually getting caught to be sacrificed to the Bishop of Chaos, thats when Lambert found and saved him
Felix (he/they/it)
Our little freaky lemur 馃槍 most of the followers think hes weird, but he does not mind and even finds such aversions quite amusing
Felix is a Witness. He was born in the cult a few years after Narinder became a follower, and turned into a Disciple somewhere before Lambert set off to free the Bishops from their Purgatory
One of the closests to the Lamb, he's seen as their little guy
Was raised by a lesbian couple that is still alive and love him very much <3
Tetris (she/her)
Rescued from Anura
Head-nurse of the Healing Bay, she mentors new nurses and defines their tasks
She used to have a family of her own, until they were taken away by illnesses and heretics
Very sweet and patient, sometimes quiet even, it takes a lot to get on this woman's nerves
Nanaty (she/her)
Rescued from Anchordeep
Widower; also used to have a family of her own, until they were slain by the heretics. Ever since then, Nanaty has resented the Old Faith and sought revenge
Was converted after fighting the Lamb during one of their crusades, with them promising to find the ones responsible for her tragedy. Once it was done, she swore her loyalty to the Lamb and became their guard
Loves children and is a natural mother, putting her guard down for the little ones whenever needed
Morris (he/him)
Rescued from Anura
Despite being a loyalty enforcer now, Morris was the first to dissent and very skeptical on his first days at the cult
Challenged the Lamb to a fight pit once, where he was brutally beaten up but spared at the end, taking the experience to learn from his stubborness
Nowadays he is the friendliest one to welcome new members of the cult and help them get used to their new home
Fun fact: altho Morris was based off on 2 bison followers I had in my gameplays, I also took inspo on the bison we see in the official COTL animations!
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kyoukorpse 2 months ago
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So... I'm just gonna address these all in one go. cracks all my fingers.
First of all, ascended!Chirin is technically one of like... four solid different endings I've thought of for them in their AU. i think they're all fun to play with, but the first three I've thought of are definitely not so great in regards to them ever getting better or gaining back their full autonomy, or even a semblance of normalcy.
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I'll try and answer the questions real quick before I mention the fourth and most recent ending my brain came up with.
"Does Chirin ever regain their mind?"
"Ascended"? No. in "Bliss"? Not really either. in "HttC" they do after their son usurps them but it's a really rough process that leaves them resentful and full of anger for a long time.
"What happens to their relationship with Narinder? How is he throughout this?"
In the endings where Chirin ascends and leaves the cult it obviously puts a somewhat loose split to their relationship. It doesn't formally end, but obviously their relationship can't continue with one of them being GONE lmao also the fact that as Chirin lost their mind they lost connection to their emotions as a mortal and their feelings withered regardless. Narinder doesn't fare too well through out this but in the endings where Chirin leaves they have a child that he's taking care of and his priorities are there. To me he doesn't have the spoons or skills to help Chirin and doesn't know what they need, but who would.
In "Bliss" their mind degrades a bit but only so much so they're able to live relatively "happy" as a family and with Chirin still around and leading, but it's iffy because it doesn't leave Chirin whole and there's progress and growth they'll never have because they more or less stagnate as a person. It's not the best ending to me because someone who can't move forward or move on in general doesn't really get the best ending. Life involves progress and there's none in this ending.
"What does Narinder think of the changes? Does he try to stop it?"
In "Ascended" and "HttC" it's one of those gradual changes that shows slight differences here and there over centuries and by the time he notices how far it's gone it's too late. It's also hard because Chirin has a savior complex and they do and say odd things that seem to come out of nowhere all the time. The little changes over time concern him and he takes note of them but the sudden changes happen so few and far between that they seem like isolated incidents until their overall altered personality is more than noticeable and by then there's not much that can be done, and what could be done, he isn't sure he wants to try and risk the consequences doing something that might backfire on Chirin and their psyche.
When he realizes Chirin is becoming a person he no longer recognizes it's gutting, but what can you do. How do you reverse such a thing?
"Would the bishops be alive during this period?"
Yes, they are alive through this in "Ascended" and "HttC" they decide to keep their golden skull necklaces to be with Narinder and Azriel after Chirin leaves. In "Bliss" they live a normal lifespan.
"Has his positions/duties changed over the years? How has his relationship with Chirin evolved?"
THIS question I won't answer right now, because I can actually answer this eventually with something I'm working on that I've started this week.
So... rubs my little hands together. The fourth and most recent ending I've come up with is actually what I would consider a good ending for them and everyone involved. I honestly didn't see a way out for Chirin for a while given the circumstances I gave them but, ykno... Rambling and talking headcanons with friends always gets the gears turning (:
So the good ending is what I'm working with on this new project that I'm actually having a lot of fun with already and am very excited to continue with for as long as I can. I genuinely want to see it through to the end, fingers crossed for hyperfixation brain.
With that in mind, keep an eye out!! Should have the first part up soon!! Maybe within the next week, or even this weekend!
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alllgator-blood 11 months ago
Correct me if I'm wrong. Leshy is kallamar's favorite (mostly because he's scared of the others, or has conflicted feelings with shamura). Heket's favorite is shamura. Shamura and narinder are each other favorite. Leshy I also want to say shamura, but I could see kallamar
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You nailed it tbh!! I struggled with deciding if leshy likes shamura or kallamar best and I settled on "he spends the most time with kallamar but since he's the baby of the family, he has the strongest bond with the person that raised him: shamura". Kallamar just likes leshy best by default because they hang out the most, but also because he feels the least threatened by him. Heket is civil with her remaining two brothers just because she doesn't want to lose what she has with them, but 90% of her hangouts are with shamura rather than the brothers.
I will say for the au comic I wanna work on, shamura was probably a preteen when they found baby kallamar so he's been through objectively a lot more than the others, just because shamura had no idea what they were doing. So he probably has some resentment and trust issues from being the guinea pig for shamura's child raising skills. Meanwhile heket and leshy were absolutely showered in love and care because they were the last siblings, and shamura had seen the older two brothers became pretty mentally unwell teens LMAO-
Narinder always hated kallamar even when it was just those two, and fought for shamura's affection until heket got added to the mix. Then leshy showed up too. And those two were ANNOYING ass kids so narinder just felt like he was fighting a losing battle trying to fit in. So he just hated those three forever because they drove a wedge in between him and the only person he gave a shit about. He doesn't even really *like* shamura that much I don't think, but he does love them more than anyone. They just made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of oversights that led to him having kind of a miserable life, if only because their love outweighed their ability to handle the family's issues
I'm having a weird day and reread this 500 times but can't retain any of the information so if something's wrong I'll come back and fix it later kjshdfkjsfd
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lagomorphics 4 months ago
Majora's Mask remaster for the Nintendo Switch OLED screen could you please make a relationship chart for your AU's 馃ス馃憠馃憟
ABSOLUTELY. SMILES. i've only made charts for narigoatlamb / narilamb but at some point i'll probably do some big charts including the bishops and other side characters :)
PUTTING IT UNDER THE CUT THOUGH BECAUSE THIS GETS. VERY VERY LONG. because i looove overexplaining myself <3
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starting with lucky card!! since i'm still working out everything for how i want these threes dynamics to evolve i only have one version of their relationship </3 but heres my longass ramble on each dynamic:
Ines and Jahel's relationship kinda takes front and center for most of the au, since they're in close proximity most of the time, and they care about eachother A LOT. pre-Ines' deal they were 'friends', and only got closer because of All This Mess. Ines likes the fact they can be themself around Jahel, and Jahel loves Ines for all their snark and charm <3
Ines and Nari spend a lot of time having a very hot n cold relationship. Narinder usually texts Ines and holds the deal over their head to get them to go somewhere or come to the casino for something, which pisses Ines OFF because they like DOING THINGS, NARINDER. Nari has a very hard time being emotional and is practically A Wall, and Ines is. well. the opposite. Ines does think Nari is extremely hot, and (while annoyed) does go along with the deal they have, but it's only really late into things do they actually start to genuinely Fall for Nari. Nari falls first, because Ines' presence starts becoming less of an annoyance and more of something she.. really enjoys. Sorry about the divorce in their future
AND FOR THE MOST STRANGE OF THE BUNCH. HOO BOY. Nari does NOT trust Jahel (for very funny reasons. haha. lmao. lol.) and thinks they're going to ruin everything she has been trying to accomplish. Jahel is doing everything they can to convince her like "hey. i know. i swear i'm not that." but its. a very very slow process. The two probably wouldn't ever be alone with oneanother until like halfway through the plot, where Nari DOES try to kill Jahel. lol. it's fine. I'd say after that they'd start trying to get along a little better. They don't fall in love until post Nari's 'defeat' though
i also included a little funny. Jahel has another connection that they feel very very conflicted about :) wow i wonder who that is. aha. whaat. runs away extremely fast.
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SNAH au <33 three lil versions of their dynamic evolving (can you tell i REALLY rotate this au around)
to start off; when Narinder was TOWW, Lambert was VERY infatuated with him, to the point that they kinda convinced themself that despite how much he talks about sacrifice, they would be the exception. To TOWW though, he grew to care about them and admired how vengeful they were, but watched as that vengence slowly cooled and mellowed out, almost resenting it. He always planned to sacrifice them, because to him; what's a greater honour than that? he promised he'd make theirs meaningful, though. Obviously Lambert did not like this in the slightest.
Post-defeat and for the early days of their relationship, Nari just kinda hated them really bad. To him, Lambert took EVERYTHING from him, including his own death. my Nari is.... not the most stable at the start? he struggles a lot mentally, and (if the day ever came) he knew he wanted death to be his end, to not even have That pissed him off. Lambert, however, still has lingering feelings for him, because at the end of the day, Narinder was like a friend to them. he did listen to them, let them spend time with him, gave them advice etc etc... so it hurts a lot to know that a) he was gonna sacrifice them (they are very pissed off about that still) and b) he is actively making everything difficult. it does not help that Nari is able to read minds and can use magic, hes causing problems and its stressing them out </3
they do eventually get to a point of being friendly though!
AND THE LAST ONE. so in SNAH, Nari DOES die at a specific point (lol), and it is an extremely rough time for both of them because Narinder realises Oh actually. i dont want to die. and his time in the afterlife is horrible, and Lambert is freaking the hell out because Holy shit. Hes dead. Oh my god. They actually personally go and retrieve his soul because the last thing they wanted was to potentially fail the resurrection ritual, but after all that happens they both just... grow closer. Narinder realises that Lambert cares about him so much, always reaches out for him and is ready to catch him at any moment. He realises he does still care about them, and he also starts to appreciate mortal life and everything way more. what dying does to a mf.
Nari dying also made Lambert realise their infatuation HAD changed into being genuine love and care, and also it hurt really bad to see him like that. it also helped them connect better to the domain they now rule over, and just... they realise that they never want to see him hurting like that again. they really do love him and want him by their side, if he wants that too. (they get. way better at Being Normal about their own emotions)
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