#and um life but you see im having a hard time being alive rn. lol
munamania · 8 months
in an absolutely abhorrent state and cannot tell. omg this part of house in nebraska always makes me think of jo maskin. the guitar break. anyway. cannot tell u if it's the depression or winter specifically or im about to start my period or me trying not to use any weed for a min or the state of the world or my personal life but I can tell you in the first hour of waking I experienced grief older than my lifetime
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dominarava · 5 years
YOOOO dog u should totally write some nasty adorable dom ghostface.
oh man your lucky im so hard for him rn lol
i tried something a little different this time and made the subject gender neutral so everyone could have a good time with the ghostman~
Warnings: um i think dub-con, sex, & some pretty violent shit
Hello~ My name is-- Mr. Fear~
Curious eyes at the bar lead to quiet conversation. Clinging to his side rest his camera. A journalist. Introducing himself as a Mr. Jed Olsen, he was relatively new to the area. Floating conversations danced around their head as he went on about his job and asked about their life. How shaking it was when he popped up a few days later at the store, taken with him though and the smooth of his conversation coupled with his good looks let the question slip.
"You wanna grab a drink sometime again?"
A sly smile stopped their heart, "We had such a good time last time, why not?"
Soon it became a regular thing to run into one another. Having a drink or just around town, he always seemed to be lingering nearby. How sweet the bitter taste of their sorrows spilling in to his lap became with his keen interest in every piece about them. Even going so far as to lament about this growing feeling swallowing them alive, this consuming paranoia of constantly being watched. The figure lurking in the shadows that had been following them tormented their head space and even crept into the safety of their dreams. Though he kept his cool the fact he was getting so far under their skin was just as thrilling as his grande finale. Knowing when their resolve finally broke, the shift in their closeness to him let another simple question fall from their lips in a dripping slur.
"Your place or mine?"
A brush away for him to dip away into the men's room let him come back with a wafting scent of a heavy musk to refresh himself. Enamored they had no qualms about the suffocating scent as they nearly drug him back to their place with giggling grins shared between them. Something about him demanded to be in the lime light of their affection, but even so, he drilled them on more details of their life that wouldn't be so easily given up. He knew how to pull the answers he wanted though, almost uncaring to any of those that could have heard him on the darkened streets.
"What was your first car?"
"Who do you listen to most often?"
"Did you ever want to leave this city?"
"Has someone ever broken your heart?"
Inquiries about every part of them made them feel like someone cared for once, easily falling into the safety net of his facade as he kept them as close as he could. Never would they ever be able to forget the surrounding fragrance of his cologne when he pulled them in for a heated kiss beyond the shine of the late street lamps. It felt like they weren't ever going to make it home, feeling a jolt of excitement when their front door came into view with their prize from the bar being holding their hand tight.
Burying his lips against their neck he murmured quietly as they fell through the front door with their affection, "Would you believe me if I said you were my first?"
"No?" They chuckled quietly, "You're way too good looking to be a virgin."
"Mm you think so?" He thought aloud before giving them a tap on the rear, "Go freshen up while I make myself more comfortable."
Too drunk to really give much mind, they took off for their bathroom to clean up a touch before getting into the depths of their probable short encounter. The mirror looking back at their own intoxicated visage almost made them reconsider what was happening, but the pump of desire ripping them apart wasn't about to be ignored as they made their way back into their bedroom. Taking the breath from their chest, it was strange to see a camera on a tripod hanging out at the end of their bed.
A scream almost cut the silence as a leather clad hand wrapped over their eyes, "Shh-shh-shh it's just me still. I hope you don't mind," He spoke with the brush of his lips against the tenderness of their ear, "I'm kinda into takin' pictures."
"Somehow that doesn't surprise me Mr. Journalist." They snickered as their barely clad frame brushed against the tight grasp of his being hugged by the buckles and leathers unseen under his clothes the entire night.
The short huff of a laugh he gave before binding their eyes made them sweat a little before the soothe of his tone danced through their ears, "Do you trust me?"
What a strange question, "I-I think so.."
"Good," The seethe was almost a sigh of ecstasy, "Get on the bed."
Familiarity guided their nervous steps to the bed before falling into the greeting of its comfort. Another instruction to remove what was left of their garments left them exposed for his eyes only. Was this the game he played? Getting someone drunk and capturing them in film them for his personal enjoyment? The idea crossed their mind more than once as they felt the brush of him moving between their legs.
A careful brush of their fingers against a hard plastic where his face should have been made even more unease crawl down their throat. Reaching for the strap that blinded them, his hand caught their wrist in movement so swift it stopped their heart.
"Don't worry, you'll get to see- but not yet. Okay?"
"Okay.." They whispered before the warm press of his lips brushed theirs, guiding their hand between their legs.
"Go on- you know what to do." He murmured in a tone so sickeningly sweet they could have melted into the bed.
Their slightly uncoordinated fingers began to lay a gentle pleasure to their heat as he shifted back off them. Silent paces of his feet around the room could be heard floating around them before they returned to their place before them. Feeling a relaxed wave wash through them as he let his hand move between their thighs, the security they felt with him was quickly shaken with the whispering shutter of a camera. Timid, their hand paused their sweet feeling only to have him soothe them with the tender wrap of his words.
"Don't worry about me- you look great~"
Still finding themselves bit taken aback by the thought, they went on as the camera shuttered a few more times with his place getting closer and closer to the intimacy they both desired. When the brush of something hard and cold came across the supple tautness of their breast, the resulting hiccup of fear that held their chest earned a hushed sigh from him before he came back down from his high to ease their worry.
"You said you trusted me right-?" The way his covered hand caressed their cheek was enough to stop anyone in their tracks with the affection laced within it.
A tense nod kept their head from giving much more than a slight nod at the rustling of what they assumed was his pants for him to reveal himself for their moment. Their was a shift in his form as it felt like he leaned back for just a breath of moment before caging them in the pin of his arms, forcing a gasp to quietly belt from their chest.
"I've been watching you-" He chimed quietly with the excited rut of his lubed cock against their sex.
Already the admission of that had their heart pounding, "What- do you mean?" They pressed as he prodded them playfully.
He didn't answer before he was inside, letting them hear the drawn out groan he gave from their tightness holding him firm with their swallowing warmth, "Mm, I mean I took an interest in you-- when I saw you-- I knew you were going to be my next big story."
Nothing prepared them for how much his girth would open them up, letting the space fill with their shaken cries as he laid into them like an animal in heat, "Oh God- I couldn't tell you-- how hard I was-- hearing you talk about that 'Shadow Man' of yours-- you looked so fucking scared," A chuckle that left him before thrusting himself to the hilt made a sickness twist in their gut, "It was so hard- not to tell you it was me~"
With a thrash and squirm they tried to get out from under him, "You fucking prick!"
Having no problem holding them still he went on, "Shh- shh- shh- I never hurt you, did I? Though I'll be honest," The sound of slipping leather and buckle jingling about was quickly silenced by the swift binding of their hands, "There were many nights I thought about not holding back-- good Lord did you tempt me-- but then I would have ruined our big night if I hadn't-- And we couldn't have that now could we?"
"Why- are you telling me this?" They tried to keep their voice level but the overwhelming pleasure of having him so deep was earth shaking.
Finally pulling the blind from their eyes, they were met with the stark white of a ghostly mask clad in black leathers and straps pulled snug around his form, "Because," He started with a deep lean in against their ear as his hips didn't give up their pace, "I want you to hear the story that'll make you famous~"
Before anything could be done to stop him, the still of his knife met the fire of their chest. Being unable to stop their own demise, their sputters of life sprayed across his mask in a gory display. How beautifully it poured and gushed around his blade as the room that was once overflowing with the sound of their pleasures now echoed with the deep, wet plunges of his true dominance. They couldn't tell for sure, but in their fading moments, it felt as if that is when he met his end as well with his pace becoming ragged from the crushing ecstasy pumping through him.
Pinning their ribcage under the stop of his tool, trembling fingers grasped for the grip of it as he grabbed his camera, "Ah- ah- ah- not before we take our final shot for the night~" The upbeat of his tone only settled to make the moment that much unbearable as he positioned himself well betwixt their legs once more.
How many times the camera shuttered before their light faded couldn't be counted, but the excitement in his job well done was the last taste of him they would have before it all went dark. Finding his fun had ended, he made short work of the mess they'd made. The mess He made. On the way out, he couldn't help but stop at their fireplace mantel to glance over all the tchotchkes and photographs that littered it. Sticking out of the inner corner of one was a wallet sized portrait he assumed had been done recently. Plucking it from the frame, he gave it a long look before the swipe of his thumb over the crisp photo of their smiling face left a rouge smear across it, "You'll be my favorite story to tell."
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whenismuna · 7 years
1. Name: stephanie, steph, stoof, mistake
2. Birthplace: iowa bye
3. Ancestry: german and swedish aka whitest of the whites
4. Zodiac Sign: aries :)
5. Biggest fear: lmao being alone and losing trust in the people i care about most haha
6. Strength/Weakness: nothing/everything
7. Worst habit: breathing
8. Favorite holiday: halloween
9. Ever been in a car crash: almost
10. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: lol who hasnt
11. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house: fill up my water and take off my pants
12. Age at first kiss: 17
13. When did you fall in love for the first time: 17
14. Who Is Your Longest Friend & How Long: michelle, the loml, 10 1/2 years :’)
15. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: dont die maybe
16. What were you doing at midnight last night: listening to after laughter
17. When was the last time you laughed hard: this morning talking to michelle
18. Who was the last person that told you they love you: michelle :’)
19. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up yesterday morning: how am i supposed to know bye
20. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with: very first date was a double-date with my then-friend and our then-boyfriends and we saw that movie with justin timberlake about time?
21. Who’s wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen: my moms :)
22. Who did you see in concert first: weird al in like 4th grade
23. Who was your favorite teacher: SARAH JACKSON MY MOTHER I LOVE HER THE REAL LOML
24. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day: michelle
25. Who do you think about most: michelle or carly rae jepsen
26. Is your ideal occupation? doing anything with animal husbandry/rehabilitation
27. Beer, wine, or liquor? liquor 100%
28. Favourite restaurant? old sammy t’s or maybe legume
29. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ben and jerrys americone dream
30. McDonlads or Burger King? neither?
31. Fantasy dinner guest(s)? crj, griffin mcelroy, rachel carson
32. Have you ever been drunk? When was the last time? yee like january wtf
33. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done drunk? lmao i sent michelle a bunch of snaps once crying about how much i love dogs
34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? wonder woman
35. How many pets do you have? none but i wanna get a kenyan sand boa so bad :(
36. What would be the first thing you bought if you won the lottery? an education
37. When was the first time you smoked? like july?
38. Who last sent you a text? delaney
39. Who did you last send a text to? delaney
40. What 4 things would you take to a desert island? rope, a knife, a lighter, and plastic wrap
41. Name the 3 most important people in your life? michelle delaney and nay
42. Favorite song? rn probably fake happy tbh
43. Favorite movie? always hsm bye
44. When did you last cuddle someone? last night :)
45. When did you last have sex? tuesday
46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? so much oh my god
47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? i mean this time five years ago i was getting ready to go to camp for the first time so i was probably worried about people liking me and like some of my best friends are from camp so obviously thats not a fear anymore
48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? just one?
49. What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go? literally none
50. Where would you take a road trip? everywhere
51. How do Mondays feel for you? time isnt real. i havent known what day it is for the past month
52. If you could spend ten minutes with your ‘hero’ alive or dead what would you ask them? “hi rachel yeah a) are u gay, b) will you marry me?”
53. Do your practice ‘self love’ or ‘self loathing’? love in theory but loathing in practice
54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? beating a game of solitaire in 25 seconds
55. What scares you about your future? literally everything
56. Why does pizza come in a square box? idk?
57. What would happen if you knew you could not fail? id already have my dream job tbh
58. How does it feel to be photographed? if its on my terms, very nice, otherwise no
59. If you could erase an event from your mind, which one would you choose? all of middle school
60. Do you want your children (if you have any) to be ‘just like you’? trick question, i dont want kids
61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? im the most non-confrontational person i know but if it really gets to morals i will absolutely stand for what i believe in
62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? travel
63. What are you thankful for, this moment? my friends
64. Do you have same sex fantasies? im gay?
65. If you have had sex in a public place, where? nope
66. Have you ever cried during/after sex? nope
67. Who is the oldest person you’ve had sex with? 25
68. Who is the youngest person you’ve had sex with? 19
69. Would you rather be in a relationship with a totally submissive partner or a totally dominant partner? dom bye
70. How tall are you? 5′10 bye
71. How much do you weigh? lmao i dont even know. i havent weighed myself in so long like i dont care lowkey
72. What color is your hair naturally? brown
73. What size jeans do you wear? umm???? 10??? 12????? idk
74. What is your favorite color to wear? black
75. Do you have any piercings? no :(
76. Do you have any tattoos? no :(
77. Do you care how other people see you? sometimes
78. Do you like sports? eh
79. How do you feel about age differences in relationships? it depends. as long as its not a huge age gap its fine idk
80. How do you feel about race differences in relationships? why would that matter?
81. Do you believe in karma or fate? both? more karma though
82. Do you keep a journal? i used to
83. Describe the last dream you remember: i was at delaneys house and her and her mom were showing me around the house and i was sobbing
84. Describe your favorite dream: see above
85. Where are some places you would like to visit? everywhere
86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? harry styles, handsome ghost, misterwives
87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? it depends? mostly carly rae jepsen tho lbr
88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? mostly folie a deux or vices or something
89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? candles
90. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? oh yikes becherovka
91. What are your favorite alcoholic beverages? anything fruity
92. Do you smoke cigarettes or cigars? What about marijuana? nope
93. Who is your number 1 friend and why is he or she there? MICHELLE!!!!! we are soulmates and tbh i swear we were friends in a past life and when we met we knew because we were instantly best friends and i trust her with my life and tbh i could write a 10 page paper on why i love her and why shes my best friend bc wow a+ what a gal i love her so much and she will always be my #1. i am michelle trash #1
94. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? nope
95. Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? yeah probably
96. Would you ever have sex in the shower or the bath? nope
97. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? im gay
98. Do you think your last ex still wants to be with you? lmao tbh who cares im so over that and like lowkey if she sees this i dont really care bc like so much happened and also i have agf now so it doesnt even matter?
99. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? IM GAY
100. What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual people? I AM GAY
101. How often do you brush your teeth? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not, but usually at least twice a day
102. How often do you shower?  When was the last time you had a shower? depends on if im in a depressive episode or not but usually every day, and i showered yesterday
103. How often do you shave your legs? lmao like once a week maybe, that also depends on seasons and stuff
104. Political affiliation? liberal 100% like?
105. Opinion on abortion? jesus christ i dont care like im not boutta stop yall
106. Opinion on immigrants/ immigration reform? we need reform bc people need help and we cant just let them die yknow?
107. Should prostitution be legalized? oh god this is lowkey a super loaded question like theres a lot that would go into this holy shit
108. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? literally what does even mean
109. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? good question
110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? just one?
111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? being at camp
112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? it depends? but probably?
113. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? probably france? idk i just always liked it?
114. Why are you the person you are? jesus i wish i knew
115. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? id like to think so?
116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? misunderstandings 
117. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? so many things
118. Were you happy when you woke up today? i mean i got to facetime michelle so
119. What’s a fact about the last person who text messaged you? shes such a good friend and i miss her and i cant wait to hopefully see her in august bc wow its been almost 2 years since we saw each other and i cry every day
120. Want someone back in your life? my grandpa tbh
121. What are you excited for? a lot actually for once
122. Are you scared to fall in love? absolutely terrified 
123. When is your next road trip? um i guess june because im going to pennsylvania?
124. What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? listened to harrys album
125. Do you like to cuddle? yeS
126. Have you ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours? nope
127. Plans for tomorrow? i have no clue
128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? probably too much
129. How is life going for you right now? um id say pretty good. definitely better than it was at this point last year
130. If you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept? maybe? idk
131. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? haha yeah lol
132. Could you stay in the same relationship for over a year? i have before so... yes.
133. If you could have one super power what would it be? idk man
134. Background on your cell phone? my dog :’(
135. What are you thinking about right this second? after laughter and how sad/relatable it is ://////
136. Last book you read? How was it? um i still havent finished it but oil and honey and its so good i love bill mckibben so much
137. What is the last thing you bought? halsey tickets :’)
138. Do you live with your parents? yea
139. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? theres really no “sneaking out” of my house anymore bc my dad trusts me to not fuck up?
140. Have you ever met a celebrity? tyler joseph oh my god aleX CAPLOW WOW
141. What are you like when you’re drunk? im super laughy. im a typical drunk girl like idc
142. What are you like when you’re high? chill idk
143. Do you want children? not really
144. Do you want a church wedding? idk probably not tbh
145. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 but i have 4 that i lay on my bed?
146. Have you ever been scuba diving? yeah i wanna go again and get certified tbh
147. Who was your first real crush? yikEs
148. What are you allergic to? nothing i am perfect, evolution did me well
149. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nope
150. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? neither
151. How did you get your name? my mom chose it 20 minutes before i was born
152. Name one thing about your body you love? my eyes/eyebrows :)
153. What is your biggest goal in life? be happy and have a job that i love
154. Do you still have feelings for your ex? nope
155. Do you think aliens are real? absolutely
156. What age did you start drinking? 15? 16? 17? i dont know
157. What do you think of President Obama? overall good
158. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? i sure hope so?
159. Describe your dream girl/guy? my gf :)
160. Story of your first kiss? lmao nop
161. Story of the first time you made out with someone? lmAO NOPE
162. Story of the first time you had sex? FUCK NOP
163. When did you first have sex? 18 bye
164. First time you gave/ received oral sex? 18 jesus
165. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? nope but im gonna have to soon kill me i want to die
167. Favorite fictional character (movie, book, tv show)? cosima niehaus
168. How many followers do you have on tumblr? What about twitter/ instagram? 500 something idk? twitter like 200 something and insta 200 something too? idk im not really on insta anymore?
169. Are you friend with your parents on Facebook? who isnt?
170. First time you thought you were in love? When did you realize that you weren’t actually in love with that person? haha lol wow what a mistake jahahahaha
171. Do you talk to yourself? constantly
172. How old will you be on your next birthday? 20 what the fuck
173. How did you meet the last person you kissed? we were in public speaking together rip
174. Do you have any hickies? yea
175. Turn ons? girls
176. Turn offs? boys
177. What qualities did you get from your mom? all of my bad qualities
178. What qualities did you get from your dad? also all of my bad qualities
179. How many siblings do you have? 2 older brothers
180. Have you ever taken anyone’s virginity? nope
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peaceandcows · 8 years
Finally had time to do this thx so much @songmeanhoe! u know me and my fandoms so well :)
Send me a show/fandom and ill answer -  Teen Wolf (my fave trash show)Top 5 favourite characters: 1) Lydia Martin, 2) Stiles Stilinski, 3) Allison Argent, 4) Scott Mccall, 5) Isaac Lahey (Derek is a close 6)Other characters you like: Alot of them. Derek, Kira, Malia (but it took me until s5), Danny (WHERE DID U GO BBY?) The twins, Cora, The parent trio (Melissa, Sheriff, Chris), Mason, Erica, Boyd….i think i should stop now….Least favourite character: UM I HAVE ALOT. but lets just say Gerard, Theo, and Kate cuz i really hate them.Otps: STYDIA STYDIA STYDIA (FOREVER AND EVER MY BBIES). Also scallison (i miss them everyday). I have alot of ships but these 2 are the OTP level.Notps: LMAO MARRISH (EW FUCK THAT NASTY SHIP), Jydia (Jackson was not a good bf to Lydia and that is that), Stalia (though i do enjoy them as a brotp)Favourite friendship: OBVI SCILES. Just the pack in general gives me so much feels. OH OH allydia was beautiful and i miss them sm. Also i am enjoying lydia and malia’s friendship this season. very much appreciated.Favourite family: the mccall pack is a family tbh. But also the stilinski family. Stiles and his dad are SO IMPORTANT AND THEIR STORY KILLS ME!!!Favourite episode: Ummmm this is so hard. I love 3x06 (motel california, but that’s almost everyone’s fave ep), 5x16 (MY FAVE STYDIA EP TBH), and 6x05 (wonderful just wonderful, makes me cry). its legit a three way tie.Favourite season/book/movie: Season 3. Specifically season 3a. Everyone picks 3b but their are some things that trigger me in that season…(stiles stabbing scott when he went all void, allison’s death, stalia banging in a dingy basement…just alot of weird shit)Favourite quote: “Not all monsters do monstrous things”….”Be your own anchor”….”I look for my friends”…”We always seem to find eachother anyway” and some others that i cant remember rnMoment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: stydia’s first kiss, when scott said “because I love you” to allison and in the s1 finale she said it back to him.When it really disappointed you: Lmao seasons 4 and 5 dissapointed me alot. Specifically the way they treated kira in s5, never mentioning allison unti it was ‘necessary for the plot’. TAKING WAYYYY TOO LONG FOR STYDIA TO BE CANON (and putting unnecessary relationships in the way like stalia). believing it was totally okay for a deputy to be having sex dreams of a female high school student. ew. amongst other things….oh and this wasnt in s4 or s5 but stiles losing his virginity to a girl he barely knew in the basement of some mental institution was the most ooc thing ever with his character like what the fuck was that???Saddest moment: ALLISON’S DEATH. I STILL CRY AND GET TRIGGERED IT WAS JUST SO SAD. also boyd and aiden’s deaths were super sad aswell. UM LETS TALK ABOUT SEASON 6 WHERE EVERYONE HAS FORGOTTEN STILES INCLUDING HIS SOULMATE, BEST FRIEND AND HIS DAD. There are plenty of others….Most well done character death: Allison’ death for sure….I did not see that coming at all. And it has had long lasting affects on the pack and the show in general.Favourite guest star: Ummm idk…has teen wolf had guest stars?? oh oh Posey’s dad guest starring was cute.Favourite cast member: DYLAN O’BRIEN TRASH IS ME. Also, holland roden and tyler posey.Character you wish was still alive: ALLISON ARGENT NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. and i might be super selfish…but claudia stilinski FOR REAL (thx s6).One thing you hope really happens: UH UH KIRA TO COME BACK. THEO TO DIE FOR GOOD, GERARD TO DIE FOR GOOD. THE PACK GOES TO ALLISON’S GRAVE. STYDIA REUNION KISS AND THEM BEING FLUFFY CANON IN 6B. for everyone to graduate lmao. Most shocking twist: ummmmmmm STILES BEING VOID WAS WHAT THE FUCKK. allison dying…idk what else. OH THAT ENGLISH TEACHER BEING THAT DARACK OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED. 
When did you start watching/reading: well back in the 10th grade, so over two years ago thx to @songmeanhoe lolTrope you wish they would stop using: Idk thinking all teen watchers care about is couples making out/having sex. give me intimacy thx very much (aka why i love stydia so much haha)One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Hmmm giving supernatural plot lines that are actually interesting/creative. Making me really really care about these characters (specifically stiles, lydia, scott, and allison). Oh! actually having the parents involved in their kid’s lives and help elevate the plot. they aren’t just there to be there they have a purpose in this supernatural teen drama shit.Funniest moments: LOL that time when scott and stiles went to a gay club in s2. When stiles was FREAKING OUT that he was going to get sacrificed bc he was a virgin in 3a (”someone needs to sex me today, like someone needs to sex me right now!”), anything coach says. idk teen wolf makes me laugh alot before everything got wayyy too dark like woahhCouple you would like to see: CANON STYDIA. THEY ARE IN LOVE SO GET STILES BACK AND BE CANON ALREADY. i’ve always said this…sheriff and melissa (tho that is wishful thinking at this point)Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Ummmmm idk tbh. like any young female actress would be great thanks.Most boring plotline: lol season 4 was SO BORING LIKE WHAT WAS THAT. Just all of s4 was a mess.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: OMG OMG WHEN THEY HAD THAT BIG FLASHBACK OF ALLISON IN THE S5 FINALE FROM SCOTT’S MEMORIES IT ACTUALLY STILL FUCKS ME UP THAT WAS WONDERFUL AND UGHHHH. I dont think tw has done flashforwards…that i rememberMost layered character: I think Lydia or Stiles tbh. i wish it was scott cuz he’s the PROTAGONIST but whatever fuck u writers 
Scariest moment: void stiles was scary AF. well done dylan lmao. not alot of things scare me on this show tbh. OH LETS TALK ABOUT LYDIA TAKING FOREVER TO OPEN HER EYES AND I THOUGH MY QUEEN WAS GONNA DIE WHILE STILES HELD HER FACE IN HIS HANDS THANKS TW.Grossest moment: alot of things are gross on this show. Anything having to do with that black blood or the cut open brains (u know what im talking about @songmeanhoe). Also gerard is a gross human being so whenever he is on screen hahaBest looking male: i love stiles but tbh derek has always been hot as fuckBest looking female:  all THE FEMALES R BEAUTIFUL. but i think lydia or allison are tied first idkkkkWho you’re crushing on (if any): STILES STILINSKI OBVI, also isaac lahey and scott mccallMost beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): hmmmmm ok ok the scenes with that HUGE WHITE ROOM that they had in s3 was shot soooo nicely. idk teen wolf has a SERIOUS LIGHTING PROBLEM. so tbh whenever their happens to be light its good.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: WHAT IS STILES STILISNKI’S REAL NAME GOD DAMN IT I HAVE TO KNOW. ALSO WHERE HAS EVERYONE GONE? SPECIFICALLY DEREK, ISAAC, DANNY, AND ETHAN LIKE COME BACK MY BBIES.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I fell inlove in season 1 at some point. i cant remember exactly when. i think episode 5 was when i got hooked for life!
this was so fun! thanks for asking me @songmeanhoe.
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