#and uglier because it’s hotter
sloaners · 5 days
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embrace perfection
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
Current day Wolfstar(let me preface this by saying, you should take liberties when it comes to these character, JKR sucks, these are just my gripes with how the fandom currently perceives these two)
Aka I’m annoyed so I’m making it everyone else’s problem. The “stupid feminine Sirius who’s 5’4 and who’s oh so much uglier than Remus, and he’s basically just a charity case!” STOP IT, stop it stop it, stop it. I have zero problem with feminine Sirius, go wild, my problem is with relating femininity to weakness and stupidity.
Also, I am so, SO sick of “big alpha 6’5 hot Gryffindor Casanova Remus Lupin”, not only does it not make sense, it’s annoying, and it reinforces gender roles. Remus Lupin spent his whole life being told he was basically a big scary monster, who can’t be around other children, HOW do you think he would react to being perceived as this big angry asshole with no regard for the people around him?
ALSO, Remus Lupin was NOT drop dead gorgeous, I’m sorry to say, he was not the hottest guy around(that is still my darling man and I will not tolerate anything against my darling man), he was a scrawny werewolf with scars, and premature lines and shabby clothing, if anything, he looked like an anemic average British man in the seventies, if not below average.
Sirius was literally “Hogwarts’ pretty boy”. I’m not saying this to make Remus seem like a charity case, because, wolfstar is pointless when you make one the “man” or “woman”, or “hot” and “ugly”, i’m saying this because Casanova Remus Lupin annoys me, if ANYONE was “Casanova of Gryffindor Tower” it was Sirius Black. (I also think people forget the negative connotation with the term “Casanova”, which is sometimes annoying to see when talking about Remus, or Sirius)
Also, I could talk about how canonically, Sirius was the tallest marauder, or how a huge part of his character was HOW hot he was, I could talk about how he was hotter than Regulus, i COULD talk about how Remus wasn’t the smartest marauder, I could talk about how Sirius is canonically an overly clever wizard, I could talk about how if anyone is aggressive between the two, it was Sirius, but, I don’t think I will, because that will seem like I’m trying to push Sirius being the “aggressive man” of the two, and Remus being the “ugly woman” of the two, and I don’t believe that,
Wolfstar has now become just a way to reinforce gender roles on two characters, and that’s gross, making Remus the smart aggressive “man” of the relationship, and Sirius the stupid small “woman” of the relationship, is just gross dude.
Wolfstar doesn’t HAVE to fall into gender norms, that’s not necessary, neither of them HAVE to be the “man” or “woman”, that’s NOT necessary.
Remus being a funky looking guy, while Sirius is a hot nepo baby, is so beautiful, and it makes their relationship so much more interesting than “man aggressive and hot” and “woman ugly but pretty and pathetic”.
Anyways, let Remus be a skrunkly little man, and let Sirius be hot, also STOP ASSIGNING GENDER ROLES TO THEM OH MY GOOOOOD DHFBFJDJCJ
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 7 months
Ran's posing like that because he's finally wearing glasses and is shocked at how everyone actually looks
I generally can't decide if it's funnier that everyone's hotter then he thought or if they're all uglier but he'd probably have the same reaction to both! Losing his mind rn
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crumb · 6 months
I love when actors start getting older and uglier because they’re actually getting hotter if you even care
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tellmealovestory · 11 months
Crochet Sweater
Summary: You started a new hobby and your first project doesn't come out the way you hoped.
Warnings: A few lines of suggestive dialogue.
Spooktober Masterlist
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“It’s finished!” You exude excitement as you skip up to Eddie carrying a black bag stuffed with orange tissue paper that crinkles every time you swing it back and forth in your hands.
“Took you long enough,” Eddie teases, grimacing when you slap his chest playfully. “Ouch, lady! You wound me.” 
You roll your eyes at his dramatics because you clearly didn’t. Shoving the bag into his arms you wait with bated breath as he pushes aside some of the tissue paper to peer inside. His eyebrows meet in the middle of his forehead, lips turning down into a frown and your stomach twists and turns like a pretzel. 
“It’s a Christmas sweater?” he asks with confusion. “Little early for Christmas presents isn’t it? Only October last I checked.” 
“What? No,” you say. “It’s the sweater that Freddy Cougar wears from that movie you won’t stop talking about.” 
“Cougar? You mean Kreuger?” 
You shrug your shoulders and scrunch your face up. Cougar, Kreuger it’s all the same to you. It’s a horror movie villain and you refuse to watch horror movies because you get scared easily and despite Eddie’s promises that he won’t let anything happen to you you still refuse to go to the movies and see it with him. 
“Huh,” Eddie says, pulling the crochet sweater fully out of the bag. The tissue paper crinkles again and he carelessly tosses the bag to the floor, his confusion only growing when he sees it fully. 
All he had told you were the colors were red and green so naturally you had chosen colors that were bright and cheery. A bold green, almost neon like something the Grinch’s fur would be covered in. A red that was cherry colored, the color of ribbons and bows strung up on porches during the holiday season. 
Holding it up to his body he doesn’t even try to hold back his laughter that bursts out loud and hard until his shoulders are shaking and he can barely breath. One sleeve is far longer than the other, covering his rings that rest on his fingers, the other only about a quarter long. It’s wide, but short and as you stare at it and then him you’re mortified. 
It’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. In your defense it was your first attempt at a new hobby, but still…
“You don’t have to wear that,” you blurt, reaching out for it to take it back and shove it in the bottom of a dumpster in a part of town that no one goes to, but Eddie is quicker than you, pulling it out of your reach as he slips it over his head. 
Dear god it’s even uglier on him and he’s a man that could pull anything off. 
Your face hurts from how hot it’s burning, but Eddie seems to be having the time of his life. Using the arm that has the longer sleeve he flops his hand about in the air and grins like a mad man. There’s a sliver of midriff showing where you didn’t get the measurements quite right and when he turns around and spins like a ballerina you can see some of the yarn you used already unraveling near the back and the bottom.
“Eddie. If you care about me at all you’re going to take that thing off and burn it in the backyard.”
“Naw. Gonna wear this on our next date. Make everybody in this town jealous. Hey, you ever thought of making one for yourself? We could wear matching sweaters on date night.” He wiggles his eyebrows like he’s come up with the best idea in the world.
This time when you slap his chest you make sure to add a little more force so it hurts. 
“Gonna sleep in this. Gonna wear it till it falls off. Gonna make sweet, sweet love to you in this,” he says, eyebrows dancing higher and that’s the final straw. 
“Oh my god,” you mutter, face burning hotter because only Eddie would think of saying something like that. “I swear to god if you plan on wearing that while we’re making out the only person you’re gonna be making love to is yourself.” You say putting air quotes around the last few words. 
His boisterous laughter is the last thing you hear before he’s enveloping you in his arms and the ugly sweater, mouth covering yours as he kisses you. “I really do like it,” he murmurs against your lips. 
You want to call him a liar because how could anyone love something that ugly? But before you can get a word in edgewise he’s kissing you again making you lose your train of thought.
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noonajoe · 2 years
When you use dress that shows your back scar
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Synopsis: Y/N is wearing a backless dress for the first time to their college farewell party. The dress showed her back where there is a big scar on it. She's pretty insecure about it but their boyfriend tries to comfort her.
Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Reader, Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader, Bokuto Koutaro x Reader, Miya Atsumu x Reader
Word Count: 608
©noonajoe (Published on 20 March 2023 - 23:10 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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Kageyama Tobio:
“Oh…” He is shocked when he saw you in a backless dress, standing in front of the mirror.
“Oh my gosh, Tobi! What are you doing here?”
“You are… so… pretty… and we’re late”
“Can you please give me another 5 minutes, hon? I’ll be quick”
“That’s the 7th time you said and it’s already been an hour. Is there any problem?”
“I… uh… should I use a cardigan?”
“If you’re ok with it just use it. But if it’s uncomfortable just take it off”
“No. I mean, my back scar….”
Kageyama just realize her scar, he didn’t pay attention to the scar that she has been insecure about for years
His mind went blank, trying to search for comforting words when he knows he was not good at it.
“You’re pretty. With or without a cardigan… To be honest, I even didn’t notice your scar when I looked at you in this dress for the first time”
You look at him, and he blushed.
“So.. without a cardigan… are you ok with it?” you teased him with a happy face, grabbing his hand playfully.
“Yeah… more ok…” he just kept blushing
In the end, you chose not to wear a cardigan
Kuroo Tetsuro:
“Damn mama you look good”
He startles you because you don’t know he’s been there
You quickly use a jacket/cardigan to cover your back
“What? No honey you look much hotter without these,” he told you while taking your cardigan
Then you use your hair to cover your back
“No! Just keep your hair like before!” 
Debate with him because you’re insecure about your back scar
In the end, he doesn’t want to force you, lets you still use a cardigan
Until you reach the party hall, you still use a cardigan with a pinned-up hairstyle
He just keeps complimenting you because this is the first time you use that dress
Until you found the cardigan is uncomfortable, you took the cardigan off
People look at you, but he didn’t mind to always grab your hand tightly
“This hottie is my woman”
Bokuto Koutaro:
“Y/N are you sure to wear that?”
“H-uh? Is it ugly? Is it because of my back scar?”
“What? No! I’m sorry honey but you look so…. hot, I almost didn’t recognize you”
“Don’t worry Kou. I will use a cardigan later at the party”
“Is it because of your scar?”
Suddenly your face turned red with a sad expression
“No no no don’t cry, honey. I mean, I…. uh… just… stay beside me, ok? I don’t want any of our guy friends flirt to with you”
“Huh? Why another guy wants to flirt with me?���
*Bokuto clearly understands his Y/N is too innocent to men*
"Well- because, you're soo hot in that dress! Our friends may never see you in this look"
"So, maybe it's weird as well because this is somehow not my style, Kou?"
"What? No! I mean, you're not just a pretty girl right now. Plus, you showed your back-"
“Well I know this scar will make me uglier, so they will no-”
“Just stand beside me Y/N! You’re too hot in this :(“ he pouted childishly 
Miya Atsumu:
“Lookin good, woman”
You only smiled sheepishly because he smirked.
You quickly search your cardigan in your wardrobe
“Did you see my cardigan?”
He already has your cardigan in his hand, and showed it to you, “I know you’ll search for this when you use that kind of dress”
“Well… I’m still not ready for my back scar”
He gave you his suit and put it on your shoulder”
“I’d rather give you my suit rather than you use a cardigan”
“Hah? You’re weird. Why?”
“Cause you’re more more hotter in my suit honey”
You smack him because in the end his dirty-minded still hasn’t changed.
“What?! C’mon even the most stupid man in the world would agree with me!”
“That’s it, I’m using a cardigan, give it back to me, tsumu!” You take his suit and try to grab your cardigan from his hand
“No. You’ll wear my suit and that’s it”
“Really? Don’t argue about this dumb thing, tsumu”
“No, it’s not! Your looks will never be a dumb subject to discuss”
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Aemond drabble
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This is a little drabble idea I got before going to sleep and I had to write it 😅 (this is not a part of my Little mouse series...)
You heard raised voices from the courtyard and you rushed there 
“Look at yourself, uncle, what kind of woman would chose you? With this ugly scar on your face and even uglier personality,” Jace insulted Aemond and you felt your blood boil in your veins
You quickly aproached them before Aemond had a chance to react
“He is ten times hotter and more handsome with his scar than you with your stupidly smooth face!” you barked and Jace looked at you in shock
“And it was your fucking brother, who gave him that “ugly scar” as you called it. And he has never been punished for it. He has never apologized for it! How dare you to come here and mock him because of it!!” you were furious, you looked more dangerous than Aemond and Jace started retreating with fear written in his eyes
“Get the fuck out of here, before I will cut your stupid face so many times, that your own mother won’t recognize you!!” you hissed and pushed shocked Jace so harshly, that he fell on the ground. 
“Get lost, lord Strong!” you mocked him, and kicked his ass as he was trying to turn around and run away from you as quickly as possible 
“I think that the rumours are wrong, Aemond, that kid is not strong at all, he is a little coward,” you turned around with satisfied smirk and you were greeted by pair of lips.
Aemond kissed you passionately, making you melt into his arms immediately
“That was so fucking hot, Y/N!!” he said in awe, his eye shining with excitement
“I won’t let anybody insult my husband! You are my badass warrior and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you!” you pulled him in for another passionate kiss, completely ignoring the crowd of people around you. 
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Ianthe Tridentarius Propaganda Post
shes tall pale and has no ass. she has the ability to manipulate her fat distribution so she chooses to look like a wet cat. everybody forgets about her because her sister is so hot, but while everyone else is fucking around and trying to figure out whose been killing people, shes been figuring out the secrets to an ancient necromantic theorem. it turns out her hot sister isnt actually a necromancer and ianthe has been doing the work of two necromancers her whole life. she regularly does cannibalism. she eats the soul of her cavalier, who nobody cares about, and becomes a saint of the king undying. her sister is deeply upset that she did not eat her. she gets her arm ripped off by one of the original states. she performs a lobotomy on one of the main protagonists because she asks her to. they have immensely homoerotic tension but its entirely one sided. she cries every night. her soup recipe amounts to burning onions on the bottom of a pot. the scene in which said main protagonists creates her an arm out of bones is the closest the series has to a sex scene. she meets the other main protagonist and says "but your fist is so large and my ass is so small". she stops god from being killed, which everybody hates. in the space between books, she has a terrible terrible no good friend ship with the main protagonist i mentioned before. i love it. they probably fucked and it involved chussy. they have friendship bracelets. she possesses the body of her dead cavalier who nobody cares about to gallavant around in. shes dangerously obsessed with her sister, who after not being eaten has been radicalised and now is a leader in an insurgent cell. she is the target of "then perish" during the epilogue. apparently in the next book she is going to do something horrible. i love her immensely. she has very few redeeming qualities. she is my ebst friend
listen. she ate a man's heart to become immortal. she is described as the shadow of her twin sister. she calls the protag a fruitcake. she will betray anyone and anything to get what she wants.
Wet Rat who sucks commits cannibalism for won her way through the lyctor olympics of the first books ate her cavalier to go to gods party swinger yatch. She has no fucking idea of what she's doing but she's slaying all day everyday, literally and figuratively. Made everyone believe that her twin sister was a super good necromancer while her sister has no powers by necromancing for her in secret. Idk she's just. She's just so.
The uglier of the supposed pair of the genius necromantic princess twins. Jk, she’s the only necromantic one she's just so good she seems like two geniuses combined, she flies under the radar, doesn't take part in gruesome lessons on powerful necromancy but just figures everything out by thinking alone, kills a dude she known her whole life the moment she learns it will give her more political and magic power, does a truly villainous monolouge when caught for that murder cause who cares about a male dying why are you so mad. Then later murders her much stronger beloved mentor the minute she's asked to gain even more power and prestige and from a princess of one planet becomes a saint and prince and military powerhouse of a divine empire, loyal only as long as her hotter twin sister is safe, truly an inspiration for all feminists everywhere
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f0point5 · 4 months
It's also interesting how being pretty is so different when talking to a woman and a man. Like I got complimented countless times by female co-workers and friends but very very rarely by men.
I don't count myself as ugly ugly, but I know I'm not conventionally attractive because I'm plus size. I have a more masculine face when I put my hair up or if it's short, and no amount of make up changes that, so essentially I have to put a lot of effort into looking like a conventionally attractive woman for men. I can count on one hand how many men approached me and asked me out my whole life.
And my girl friends think it's weird bec they genuinely think I look good. I trust their opinion on this, and I think I have a healthy view of myself despite being the "ugly" friend.
It's insane how men view female beauty and what you said about their brain activity. I can even find ugly dudes beautiful, especially after finding their personality good. But I just know that men think they're doing you a favour if they give the "ugly" girl a chance. Wild.
The funniest thing is when unattractive guys still always shoot their shot with hotter women and they succeed so much more often then reversed. These uglier dudes wouldn't even blink an eye in the direction of a girl on their level.
Yeah “girl pretty” and “boy pretty” is two different things and there’s overlap but they’re not the same. I think boy pretty is like, “attractive to men” whereas girl pretty is like “objectively nice to look at”. I’m definitely “boy pretty”. definitely not photogenic, features very meh, but it seems to all come together in a way that appeals to men, but I’m definitely not just randomly nice to look at. Everyone always tells me I’m hot/sexy/gorgeous(if the guy is trying really hard 😂) but I think only my mum has ever called me pretty lol
Here’s my other tidbit about men and this is just based on my own experience and all my male friends have confirmed this to me - men date for the validation of other men. So they go for the girl they think has the most social capital, which is overwhelmingly based on her looks. Men are literal clout chasers. Sometimes I wonder if some of them don’t even know what they actually like besides liking whatever they feel like other men can’t get.
Yeah, I used to say that men have no internal regulation system. They lack the self awareness to be like “nope out of my league”. But the last couple of years ngl I’ve seen that change. Now nobody has any sense of regulation. On the whole both genders are at a whack with their expectations nowadays idk dating is the trenchessss. You got women thinking everybody needs to fly them to dubai, you got men living in their childhood bedrooms sleeping on one pillow thinking Sydney sweeney should date them. It’s Brutal out there.
But yeah don’t EVER let any man treat you like they’re doing you a favour. It is never what you bring to the table, girl you are The Meal. If he’s confused he needs to eat elsewhere
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thevilqueen · 7 months
Rating Mimi and Kaley’s Men
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Ushijima, the lowest ranked of all men, he could be uglier certainly but he could be hotter too. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s the type of man even makeup could save for me.
Izuku is average leaning a little ugly. There is potential but considering he will probably be beefy in upcoming chapters his ranking is meant to remain low.
Baji, Hisoka and Illumi are all solid choices to me.
Tsukasa is a good one. I’ll admit he’s very pretty but once again the beef had me lower his ranking.
Malleus is gorgeous and the fact he is a dragon also plays in his favour.
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Daichi isn’t that ugly but he is too bland to be qualified even as average.
Hinata is average. There is potential there but the short and beefy combo isn’t for me.
Draken there is potential but the hair has to go.
Atsumu is fine but we need a better blonde for a better rating.
Chrollo is attractive when he doesn’t do his hair like this. He needs to solve that for a better rating.
Geto is a fine man. He doesn’t get full rating because I’d find him even more attractive if he was more feminine.
Rook is gorgeous. He can even pull off that bob. Nothing to say.
Overall both @heavenlyakin and @izvmimi could have better taste in men but it is certainly not that bad.
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windupaidoneus · 23 days
1, 2, 12, 31 for the ship asks >:]
smiles so so big. thank u my friend....... under the cut bc many words. also some of it is kinda spoilery SORRYYY. sniff
1) Who fell first? Who fell harder? depends who you ask. it's a tricky one due to. well. past life stuff... & also how their dynamic started out in current times. for the sake of simplicity though: emet fell much much sooner, & hilde fell much much harder. helps that the guy fucking died on him at his own hands ngl if i was already having conflicted feelings i couldn't quite place i think that'd get me too <- saying this about a self insert he introjected
2) Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much? you knowwwww it's emet & it's not even close... hilde can fuss here & there but he's also really bad at taking care of himself & emet is number 1 complainer in the whole wide world. he WILL complain about hilde forgetting to take care of his skin, his scales, his meals, how he threw himself into life-threatening danger for the third time this month, how hilde cut his hair just short enough that he can't mess with it as much as he'd like, so on so forth. hilde doesnt mind. sometimes it makes him feel a little guilty but mostly they're proof emet cares, so it's a net positive to him. makes him feel loved
12) What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered? in hilde's case emet will do a lot of things specifically to fluster him so it's hard to list them..... he teases a lot. cant help himself. hilde is less the tease type but whenever he gets really assertive in a situation it does leave emet a bit dazed. depending on what kind of situation it may very well fluster the hell out of him. another thing though. referring to emet as his wife is something hilde did once for fun, he noticed it made emet shortcircuit for a moment & he just kept doing it afterwards (emet gets back at him by proposing first)
31) How would they describe one another. really depends who they're talking to... also at what point in time they're being asked. in the time where they're more stable & Fine though i'd imagine something like "a worrisome fool with a heart too big for his own good always recklessly throwing himself into some danger or another", & "i don't expect anyone to believe it, but despite everything i've seen his heart, and it is good". or on another day "why, the sweetest man you could possibly imagine - especially endearing when he nearly drinks from his pot of ink rather than his cup" & "oh, just the reason i've been late to every morning obligation i've had this past month". they both deeply care of course. emet views hilde as someone with a little too much kindness & compassion (mixes very well with his own crushing guilt but this isn't abt him) but he also knows the "ugly" sides of him very intimately. he once had some reservations regarding them, but nowadays he'd argue they make hilde's kindness hotter. & of course he finds the uglier parts thrilling. he would hardly ever describe him like that, because hes not telling people intimate, private things about his lover, but he's thinking them! hilde of course thinks emet is a grump with a kind heart because that's just what he is. there's a loooot emet has done that is downright unforgivable & he wouldn't deny it (& would've held it against him better/longer if the grief hadn't consumed him to the point it did) but he also wouldn't like. describe him as a seasoned war criminal LMAO. he sees emet for who he is now but also who he used to be, & how who he used to be still shines through despite all the things he's been through. which is reciprocated in a weird way. so he'd call emet a prodigious sorcerer, one praised for his willingness to lend a hand despite his protests, & would encourage people to not be deterred by his perhaps unpleasant facade. that he no longer is the villain he played in the countless stories in which he was a pawn of zodiark. that he is loving & good. sorry i'm getting a little too into it what were we talking about
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perfectioninsilks · 2 months
It's been a bad day.
Idk why.
Had to shop for my sisters and back in the day besties birthdays today. Ehich ive been stressed about because i want everything to be perfect for them. Did that.
I tried on an outfit before leaving, which showed a tiny hint of midriff through lace, and gf really liked it and wanted me to wear it out. And I felt fat in it but I wore it to please them. Only two different girls gave me a LOOK, and I couldn't figure it out.. it was maybe just the look of like... figuring out where they ranked compared to me.. because bitches do that sometimes.. is she pulling it off better, is she hotter. (Both of them also were wearing clothes with their midriffs exposed) but both times it made me feel horrifically uncomfortable like can everybody just FUCK OFF and stop perceiving me and just let me exist without looking at me and deciding I'm uglier than them k thanx. It's enough that every time we go out as a femme butch couple, we get usually creepy old men staring at handsome gf angrily, and I'm always the one who is willing to front.. and that had already happened, and idk. I just wanna be able to exist without other humans looking at me ffs.
Then gf made me food, about 600cals and I ate it because I didn't wanna hurt them then sort of had a mini breakdown about being fat and also the house being a big mess. Which it wasn't really just all those little things that build up like top many books and we need to sort through them.
Anyway. Then I purged. Then I was bombarded with intrusive self harm and suicidal imagery.. which is a thing that happens for me - only at least since the meds I don't give in to it anymore.... Then I listened to Brand New and Silverchair on repeat while tidying. Then I cried. Now I'm here.
I only have 4k steps and I'm finding it hard to care. I just want to curl up into a fat little ball and cry.
Ana community if you see this.. send meanspo or sweetspo please. I need something to shake me into being strong enough to do something other than play borderlands.
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gurugirl · 1 year
I don't know if I'm influenced by all your dilf harry stories or is it just my mind racing too much🤷‍♀️ anyway my dad has a group of friends that he throws a lot of pool parties with during the summer and it just so happens that there be this his friend he is really sexy and hot only problem is he is married and has a daughter who is also friends with my sister. but let's go on! I've already seen him other times when I went to pick up my sister from school and we always greeted each other well because he knew my father … but like 10 days ago my father organized a pool party with these friends of his where there was he is also.
at first i swam in the pool and everything was very calm then later they started making cocktails and without me saying anything he brought me one and my mind was already thinking some things… then after towards lunchtime they started cooking and he started making pasta and i was like holy shit he's so hot and he's good at cooking too! after I finished eating I went near the swimming pool to lie down and relax a bit (there was nobody nearby because they were still all near the part where the outdoor kitchen was) then when I see him coming he gives me a smile and tell me "hey miss!” I returned the smile and greeted him, but then other people arrived so the moment was over.
i know it should be wrong to think that way about a man who could be my father and also has a family but he's so sexy my god
OH WoW 😅 Well, I think there's nothing wrong with looking and having a crush or imagining how things could progress. Like in fantasy and in fic this thing is can be so hot. In reality it's way messier and uglier than it's ever portrayed in fiction.
Though... I can't say this isn't a bad fic idea. The begining sounds a little like @swiftmendeshoran curvy secret 👀 though Harry's not married in that one. But still. The idea and the fantasy is always way hotter than the reality.
BUT, that being said! Don't feel bad for having a crush! Sometimes it's nice to have a little fantasy. It hurts no one as long as it stays a scenario in your mind.
Have fun with all those pool parties and cookouts, babe! That's what summers are for. And it doesn't hurt that you have a little eye candy as well 🤭
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eyesophile · 1 year
archeyeved: " i had to ! i had to do it , martin ! " voice lifted if only for a brief moment , anger rose it colored cheeks and flooded the archivist with warmth . " i've felt helpless ever since this all started ! they tortured me , kidnapped me , kept me in the dark i didn't … i didn't know what was happening they strung me along . " jon felt breath hitch as eyes glittered , staring at his partner . " she deserved it . " the severity of those last few words were spat from sharp tongue . and it was because he was so unsure , did he do the right thing ? what was the right thing anymore . at this point , he was trying to convince himself . a flinch as if physically struck . and there it was , really . martin was of course correct and it brought back the insecurity felt by his choice . martin was not protected , they could have gone another way and because of this fork in the road his partner was hurt . physically , emotionally . and he had every right to be . none of the excuses justified what was done . and when martin asked him to stop , he did . he grew quiet for the time being . they needed to move , the air was still thick with smoke . every breath was becoming uncomfortable but first he wanted to see the wound . after a few hesitant moments , martin held out his forearm . with a sigh , sounding exasperated he chided he other with a curt martin . and managed to reach out grasping his hand , gently moving it further up exposing the skin there . and the scarring that had clearly healed over years previous . a quick intake of breath as gaze shifts upward to look martin in the eye . " martin i… what is this ? " a bit breathless , chest tightened because now , even without the knowing . even though the information tickled along the back of his neck whispering effortlessly into his ear use me use me use me jon knew . recalling the reaction given to going through fire of course ! of course it was terrifying but martin had a fantastical reaction didn't he ? and wasn't his mother .. the information was there , the rest of it but he didn't look despite the desperation to do so. he just ..he knew . " oh god martin i'm so sorry . " the apology was strangled . " i didn't know , i never .. i didn't put it together - you told me not to use the beholding and i didn't . i won't . i just .. i should have known . "
it's strange, how something like the archivist losing his temper could actually serve to make martin feel less emotional himself. but jon is always so unflappable that it's almost a comfort to see him react at all, and for a moment ...martin's hurt and frustration and fear ebb to give way for at least some understanding. jude perry hadn't used him; not really. not for anything more than a moment of cruel amusement. she hadn't known about elias' grand scheme - she'd been the same as any of them, really: just another cog in his apocalypse machine. ...but she'd hurt jon when he'd felt his most powerless, when he'd been pleading for answers from entities that would have been just as happy to see him dead as anything else. of course he'd wanted to hurt her back, now that he finally had the power to do so.
...but if he needed to hurt martin in order to do it ...then was it really worth it to him?
what is this? the archivist asked in something that sounded like only the shadow of an actual breath, and martin immediately snatched his arm back as though it had been burned for a second or evidently third time. a tic settled into the blonde's jaw as it clenched, his other arm coming up to unconsciously cradle its scarred partner. he watched from behind a defensive expression as the other's all-seeing eyes worked, as his overflowing mind seemed to puzzle out the connections, and then -- I didn't know. and suddenly his defensiveness flares into something hotter and uglier.
" -- you shouldn't have had to!! " he bites back, perhaps somewhat unfairly. despite that, his words fly like artillery fire. " -- I shouldn't need to have some-some unshared trauma for you to listen to me when I tell you that I'm scared, jon! when I tell you that I hate something, or-or that I don't want to do something, that should be enough! if it's not something that we absolutely have to do, then that should be enough. "
his voice sounds strangled in his own throat, and martin can feel the hot threat of tears burning behind his eyes, so he casts them down and away from the archivist in a vie for some semblance of control. he's curled in on himself, feeling ...for the first time in nearly a year, like that self-same pathetic child groveling for the love of someone who was supposed to give it innately, to be able to care for him without conscious effort. and hating it more than he could possibly put into words. he attempted to swallow the lump quickly swelling up to fill his throat, but his voice sounded even more damnably weak when he tried again.
" ...it's not like I don't get why you felt like you needed it, jon. but if you had to choose between revenging yourself on her and sparing me ...all th-that. ...then was her death really worth it? ...or was it just that ...I-I'm worth so much less?" the last word was choked, like the noose of his emotions had finally slipped taut around his throat, and any further attempts at speech would only result in the garroting of his composure altogether.
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aajjks · 1 year
bc!jk in bunny!jk body
FETISH?! YOU’RE the one who said my name was tatted on your body!! oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH you really aren’t my bunny koo. ok stay calm—CALM DOWN!! kill me?! i’m not the one who’s trapped in a bunny hybrid’s body!! i’m also not the shit-talking the person who has been feeding you and why you’re still living and breathing. i’d be wise if i were you, bunny. it’s a scary world out there and if you’re smart then you must know how much money one would pay for a rare breed like you. you’re half human and rabbit. if you wanna get kidnapped and sold like a damn pet then you can do so in your OWN body and not as my precious bun. trust me, i really want you to have your body back cause you’re an asshole but in order for that to happen, you gotta help me. now stop being a brat, sit your ass down, and help me.
[mommy? sorry..mommy?]
“Shut up, you didn’t hear that… I don’t have your name tattooed on my body you’re not that special I lied. And you are not my yn as well, you’re uglier. No offence. How old are you again? I Don’t get it why do you look so much like her? She is prettier than you, but I wouldn’t admit that loud to her she doesn’t need to know that of course.. I’m not your bunny, just because I have bunny teeth, it doesn’t mean I’m a fucking rabbit, I’m sure you and your partner are into some kinky weird ass shit, do you guys role-play like bunnies?! Shut up you don’t know anything… what? What did you just say? Sold? I’m a fucking human, it’s not my fault that I’m stuck in your partners body, why does your partner look so much like me minus the tattoos and piercings?? This is so freaky are you a witch? Call me an asshole all you want, I’ve been called worse names and I love it. I guess I am willing to help you because I cannot stay in the body. I am bulkier, hotter and this tail… it’s freaking me out- DID YOU JUST CALL ME A BRAT???! Okay Mother please help me… Oh, I’m so scared I’m shivering, Look! You are so bossy, it’s making me want to puke.”
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cuntylestat · 1 year
agreed @ that last anon except about the much hotter men bit because like lestat......is unfortunately very fine. Like i don't blame louis for being distracted while out with armand. Even tho armand is pretty
he should be uglier, then maybe he wouldn't get away with so much bullshit. but unfortunately he is very fine
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