#and tysm to my collaborators they worked so hard to help make these pieces come together <3 <3 <3
muriers · 11 days
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Hiya, this is my part in a collab for the Gamer's Outreach Charity Event section in the @hermitseasonzine! Y'all can download the zine here and see the full piece and the amazing work my collaborators did :D
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And here's the second piece we did together for the charity section!! I drew Doc, Pearl, False, and Martin, Yuzuki Makata drew Tango, Ren, and Cleo, and TheIvyShadow drew Impulse, Iskall, and Scar!!
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fmufmu · 5 years
Somebody else. (M)
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[Can you write about enemies to lovers with minsik tysm ❣️]
a/n: unedited, wanted to get something out because i missed you guys and this also does dip at the end. maybe a rewritten ver. at some point!
               Being locked in a cupboard makes for interesting conversations
               Being locked in a closest makes for interesting conversations, or maybe, no conversation at all.
You don’t know why Minsik and yourself don’t get along. You’ve butted heads since you joined h1ghr as a producer. Maybe it’s because you’re polar opposites; Minsik is extroverted and loud and you’re just . . . not. And of course, arguments would bloom and suddenly the studio or the conference room or anywhere that Minsik and you would be becomes a battlefield filled with nasty jabs and petty insults that usually result in you storming out.
The worst part is you both were friends. Not great or close but you were friends and it was nice. Minsik was the first person to make you feel welcome, to take you out for dinner, to listen to your music and critique it. You’d even go as far to say that maybe there was even a spark between you both. That was the first few weeks of working at h1ghr and suddenly now, you can’t even go five minutes without trying to rip into each other like wolves.
               And now, sat across from Kwon Minsik, the bane of your existence of the last few months, you wonder just how long you’re going to be sat in the closet for. The light above you both flickers and you sigh heavily, pulling your legs up to your chest and letting your eyes focus on your sneakers. Your back is leant against the lock door (thanks Jay. Or maybe Haon. Or maybe Junwon. It was one of their stupid ideas.) and Minsik leant against one of the leaning supply racks, pulling at the threads of his jeans. Your eyes catch each other, and you look away quickly, sighing once more.
               “We’ve been sitting here for the last twenty minutes and you’ve sighed at least a hundred times since we’ve been in here.” Your eyes find Minsiks and a smirk falls onto his lips. “You’re having the time of your life, right? Not regretting it at all, right?”
               “I’d prefer to be home right now, thanks.” You say to him, frowning. “Not sat with an arrogant asswipe.”
               “You can talk, y/n.” Minsik snips at you, rolling his eyes as he flicks some dust off the floor. “You’re just as arrogant with your shitty indie beats. I’m surprised you don’t regret it.” A chill pricks down your spine. This is how it starts – with a comment that’s flippant that jabs you in the stomach and fills your stomach with anxiety and annoyance.
               “Regret it? What the fuck? You think you’re better than me?” You say, sitting up properly. “You have two distinct beats and use autotune on your voice. The only thing you need to worry about is when your fifteen minutes of fame will be over.” It starts.
               “My fifteen minutes? What about your fifteen minutes, y/n? You’re just another pretty face, y/n.” Minsik shoots at you, letting out a humourless laugh. Ouch. You’re not just a pretty face, you’re talented. More talented than Kwon Minsik.
               “Eat shit you jack-off.” You say, kicking out your leg and hitting his shin. “You don’t know shit about music and your last album shows it.” You bite down your on your lip and Minsik laughs, kicking your shin back.
               “And your only ep does?” Minsik laughs at you. You’re face goes hot and a flush runs down your body. “Jesus Christ, thank you, y/n for gracing us with an EP consisting of five songs that are, quite literally, shit.” You suck in a deep breath. That’s not true. It’s not true, you tell yourself. Okay sure, you’re EP was slightly rushed, and the collaborations could’ve been better but – but that’s not fair for Minsik to say that.
               “You piece of shit!” You say, raising your voice. No, you won’t let Minsik get under your skin, even if he is right now. You’re better than this. You swallow hard and lower your voice, saying; “Get off your fucking high horse. You don’t know shit about what I do and what I produce.”
               “Right, and you do right?” Minsik leans forward. “I’ll give you a tip y/n, to be successful in this kind of industry, you have to have some talent. Not just good looks.” You hate him. You shaking with anger as tears fill your eyes. Who the fuck was Minsik to speak to you like this?
               “I am talented.” You say, angrily. “I have more talent in one hand than you have in all your body.”
               “You know,” Minsik says. “When Jay told me he’d signed you, I asked if it was a pity thing. Because how can someone so fucking untalented get into a company like this?” You sit back, stunned. “I thought maybe you were blackmailing Jay –,”
               “ – how fucking dare you –,”
               “ – or maybe you’re family is rich, and this is how you got to be where you are –,”
               “ – you fucking –,” Your fists are balled up completely by this time as you stumble to your feet. “How fucking dare you even think that I fucked anyone to get where I am! I worked hard for this position! I worked my ass off in college and now!” You’re not going to cry. You’re not going to let Minsk’s words, words that you read each and every day when you see articles about yourself, affect you. He was only saying this to get a rise out of you.
               “Am I fucking wrong!” Minsik stands up. “Because from where I’m standing, I’m fucking right! And everyone else seems to think so! Don’t regret things you do, y/n, it’ll make us all look bad.” Regret things? The only thing you regret is ever thinking that Kwon Minsik wasn’t a complete jerk-off.
               “The only reason you’re famous is because you’re hot!” You yell at him. “That’s the only reason you’re where you are! Without your looks, you’d be a nobody living in a semi-basement. You’re nothing in the grand scheme of things! All you do is write shitty songs about your ex who you cheated on looking for sympathy so – so drop dead!” You clap your hand over your mouth as your eyes go wide.
Minsik visibly flinches at your words, letting out a scoff.
“Right.” Minsik says, shaking his head.
“I didn’t . . . I didn’t –,”
“ – you meant it.” Minsik says, “Every word. Fuck you, y/n.” If you weren’t angry before, you sure as hell is now. You’re positively radiating with anger, fists clenched, and your throat filled with a million and one things to say.
“You’re not allowed to get mad at me when you’re the one always coming for me!” You blare out, furious. It happens too fast, the way you can’t help how you shove Minsik back against one of the shelves. “You call me cheap, worthless, talentless!” Tears fall from your eyes and the hits against his chest slowly stop. “And suddenly I say something you’re acting like this!” Your hands push against his chest.
“Y/n . . .” You wipe your face, shaking you head as Minsiks face turns to something you’ve never seen before: guilt. He looks guilty like he never considered that you had feelings before right now.
“No.” You sob, looking away from him. “You deserve this.” You turn your head back to Minsik. “You deserve everything that ever happens to you because you’re the biggest piece of shit. I worked hard to get where I am and -  and –, ” Minsik hugs you. He takes a step and envelopes you with both arms, your head pressed into his t-shirt. Kwon Minsik, the guy who’s never liked you for months, hugs you. You both don’t say anything. You don’t move. The light turns off and leaves you both in the dark.
“Remember the company party when you first ever joined?” Minsik says, into the darkness. “You got pretty drunk and you told me you thought I was cute. I remember I was about to come into the studio, and I overheard you say that you regretted what you said, and I was hurt. I didn’t want you to regret it.” You don’t speak. You move your arms slowly, letting them hang around his waist.
“Oh.” You remember that night. You remember being nervous and drinking too much. You remember the club, the comfortable seats, the bass the boomed underneath your feet, the taste of champagne in your mouth and how the shots were getting easier and easier to digest.  “Minsik.”
“I’ve never seen you cry before.” Minsik says. You can’t see his face in the dark as you pull away. “I didn’t . . .I went too far, right?” You let out a small chuckle.
“Yeah, just a little.” You bite your lip. “I wasn’t too nice either.” Minsik is still close, his arms are holding your waist, unmoving. It feels nice, something you never think you’d associate with Minsik. What the hell is going on right now?
“What now?” You can feel his breath fanning against your face. “What now, y/n. Where do we go from here?” You’re not thinking straight. With all the crying and yelling, you’re not thinking straight. Minsiks hand against your face is soft and you’re not prepared to feel his forehead against yours.
“I don’t . . . I don’t know.”
“You won’t regret this, right?” Then Minsik is kissing you. Softly with his lips pressing against yours and as he pulls away, you grab his face and blindly kiss back harder. Your stomach flips a million and one times as your hands hold his face, moving to his neck. It’s a frenzy, you’re quickly pressed against the door. Minsiks’ body pressed against yours the best feeling in the world as he holds you tightly. His leg moves between your legs and you’re quick to pull away, breathless, foreheads touching.
“Minsik . . .”
It’s not until the door swings open and Minsik and you stumble out into the hallway with Woojae looking shocked. You’re just as shocked, the last forty-five minutes, too much has happened. You look between Minsik and Woojae and push away yourself from Minsik with a nervous laugh, smoothing down your t-shirt. You don’t know what happened right now. You’re – Minsik and you? You’re supposed to hate him. You are.
“Uh.” Woojae says, blinking between you both. “Jay told me to let you out.” Minsik looks sheepish.
“Kinda seems like you both were busy.” Woojae says, eyeing between you both. You’ve never wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole completely.
“Can you give us a minute, please?” Minsik asks.
“Happily.” Woojae moves like the speed of lighting down the hallway, shaking his head. You turn back to Minsik who looks at you, almost shyly. You suddenly feel just as shy as him. A moment passes as you stare at him.
“So.” Minsik says back. “Can I – let me make the last few months up to over some coffee?”
“That – us kissing was an expectation.” You say, biting your lip. “It – it was nice, but we have, you know, we have time to make up on. Because you did hurt my feelings. And I know I hurt yours as well.” Minsiks’ hand finds your and they tangle together, your heart skips a beat.
“Baby steps.” Minsik says. “Maybe coffee?”
“Coffee is a good start.”
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