#and total nonchalance about dangers and attacks they can handle as a sign of trust and respect on the other side
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hererafjastori · 10 months ago
The bats having no concept of healthy boundaries in a relationship and using concerned tracking and stalking as their primary love language is something that can be so personal
Love the idea of the batfam all being equally unhinged like Tim calls dick every two days with “why’d you take the cameras I use to stalk you down :(“ Dick is always placing trackers on everyone, Bruce just fucking shows up and watches his kids go about their daily lives, Jason’s got eyes all over the city to ping him if someone matching his families description pops up, Barbra is always listening and watching like love that shit
#batfam love#batman headcanon#batfam headcanon#I want them to be unhealthily obsessed but not in a way where anyone feels threatened by their family#just in that they have no consideration for the personal space and boundaries of those close to them#a complicated web of overprotectiveness stalking and violation of boundaries on the one side#and total nonchalance about dangers and attacks they can handle as a sign of trust and respect on the other side#clearly understood as a sign of care and devotion amongst the bats but absolutely incomprehensible to everyone else#wich leads to problems when befriending other superheros#I want them to be absolutely unhinged#every bat knows that they have at least 2 more subdermal trackers per family member than they are aware of#because everyone wants to have their own independent resources in an emergency#whenever they feel lonely when abroad or undercover they feel for the slight hardened knots under their skin#because these trackers remind them that someone wants to be able to drag them home no matter what#someone wants to be able to find them when tey are in trouble#someone wants to be able to gather all the pieces that are left of them to bury them#someone cares enough to make sure they are able to come after them#they track all of each other’s identities and purchases#because they want to know what the others are up to#they rarely if ever anounce anything because everyone detectives it for themselves#they know everything!absolutely everything#if one of the girls gets a period at a weird time there will be riots#because everyone has their calender memorised and notices if they buy hygene products at weird times#the girls know about the rampant worry from the search histories the others didn’t hide good enough not because they were told#there are whole conversations held via search history and websites used without anyone ever talking or texting#that might as well be a goup chat#same goes for drugs caffeine sleep and patrol schedules medicine comfort foods and shows etc.#noone ever talks about mental health or bad pain days but everyone knows and silently accomodies them as far as possible#noone will ever talk to each other out loud but finding groceries/medicine/food etc. in your heavily secured safehouse with no sign of#entry is a commonplace occurence. Same goes for magically repaired or upgraded gear and similar things
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itbethatwaysometime · 7 years ago
Uncharted Part 5
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 2.2k
A/n: Helll0oo! I’m back with another part of Uncharted, I hope you guys enjoy. I’m hoping you guys don’t think I’m going to slow, I really wanted to build a trust and a certain camaraderie between you and the team. Also, because it seems strangely unrealistic to have them suddenly trust you full- heartedly. Don’t worry Bucky’s coming soon…:) 
PSA: Tear In My Heart PArt 2 is coming soon too. I’m having some serious writer’s BLOCK so I’m sorry for that, it should be up this week though ! And I do have some other things coming so stay tuned :))) Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
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Part 4
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Gif not mine tbh just needed a good fight scene
Training Room, Avengers Tower
 “And why are we here?” Pietro asks in his accented English, one hand slung over his sister’s shoulders. The siblings were leaning against the stack of mats.  
“We’re here to test out the newbie!” Clint says snickering a little bit.  The sound of a glass door opening and footsteps interrupts their endless teasing.
 “Clint, please.” Steve walks towards the group with an exasperated glare. Natasha, Thor, Vision, Bruce, Clint, Pietro, Wanda and Sam were there, the only people missing was Tony and (y/n). 
“They’ll be here any second.” The rest of the group restarted chatting amicably before the two people they’ve been waiting for entered the room. 
Your POV 
You wring your hands together and pace the room while waiting for Tony. You were excited and nervous. You knew that you could do this, you’ve trained yourself for years and you were confident in your skills. But, even amongst a group of superhuman, sometimes enhanced, people, you had a fear of being the odd one out. 
The pressurized air hush of your apartment door opens and a familiar sound of footsteps enter your household. 
“Ready?” He asks standing next to you. You look up to him and you see something you’ve never seen before. Even in the short time that you’ve known him personally, there’s one thing you never thought he’d be. Tony was being serious, his brows were tightly knitted together and his lips were pursed.
  “Hey, you okay?” You place a reassuring hand on his arm..  
“Ya, it’s just,” he pauses, he rubs a hand over his face and slips a small smile onto his face,” actually, never mind. You’ll be fine.” You frown at him unconvinced, but leave it at that. 
He places a guiding hand on the small of your back and leads you to the elevator once again. He presses a couple of buttons as you make idle talk about trivial subjects. He almost distracts you completely from your purpose. It lingers in the back of your mind, but bothers you less now.  
You walk through a large and high hallway, or tunnel, that suited it better. Security cameras littered every couple of feet. You walked for a good minute before seeing two large frosted glass double doors with chrome handles and a keypad on either side.
 “Ready?” He pauses with one hand on the handle. You give a shaky nod. You walk through the door and hear the conversation die instantly._ How wonderful, just kill the vibe the moment you walk into the room_.  
 “So who’s going to step into the ring with (y/n)?” Sam whispers to Steve.
 “Not yet.” He responded, Sam gave him a confused look.
 You say hi to everyone and everyone responds in their one way. Sam, Pietro and Thor look like they’re on an episode of the Bachelor, sporting boyish smiles and tight shirts. Clint and Natasha give you friendly smiles, you were a bit taken aback by Natasha’s warm welcome, but took it as a good sign. Steve just gave you a big grin, came over and put a welcoming hand on your shoulder. Bruce was standing casually in the back, observing quietly, alongside Vision who was floating, observing you curiously.   
Steve turns to you and starts speaking, “Alright, so we’re here to see what you can do. Not that we don’t trust Fury or anything but still. Ok?” He talks as if he’s speaking solely to you, yet he’s obviously addressing the rest of the group too. You nod. 
“I want you to start off by demonstrating your powers. I only got a glimpse when we were in your apartment.”  At this point, the room had shifted and held an air of curiosity mingling with a certain stranger-danger. You totally understood where they were coming from though, you were, in the end, just a university student.  
As they looked at you intently, you stepped away from your blankets of safety and into the middle of the training area.  
“Let’s get started” you declare. 
Steve’s POV 
Her petite body moved swiftly and quietly to the middle of the large expanse of semi-hard mats.  
“Does someone have a soccer ball or like a baseball?” Her voice calm, collected. 
“Uh ya, here you go.” Clint tosses a softball in her direction. She catches easily in one hand, not even blinking. Good Reflexes. 
 “Steve? Could you turn your back to me and stand right there?” He raises a questionable eyebrow, but follows her orders, turning his back to the other members of the team. 
“I take it you have good reflexes, so you should be ok.” She says, that piques the interest of everyone in the room. 
 “Here we go.” She mutters to herself softly.  A beat of silence goes by. Then, a quiet gust of air washed over them and a jagged hole the size of a basketball just appeared mid-air. Seconds after, a second one showed up right in front of Steve. He stepped back in surprise, but went back to his previous position.  When you looked into the portal you could see the point of view of the other juxtaposing opening. 
From his view, he could see (y/n), in front of him. Around the edges of the portal were swirling particles of iridescent purple and blue hues seemingly suspended.  
“I’m going to throw the ball through the portal.” She explains. Lightly, she tosses the ball straight through, where Steve catches it easily about ten feet away.   
Your POV 
“That’s one way I could use it. Most of the time I just use it grab some stuff around the house.” You attempt to lighten the mood. You’re met with admiring gazes and curious looks. You didn’t really expect much else. 
 “WOah, that’s so cool.” You hear the voice of a really young kid from behind you. You jerk your head to the side to see a kid that could only be about 15 years old, who is taller than you. (At this point everyone was taller than you)
 Tony stalks over to the young adolescent. “What are you doing, Peter? F.R.I.D.A.Y  can you tell me how Peter got in here?” 
You let him have access to the Tower any time. I quote : “Just give the kid what he wants.” 
“Alright, alright, I got it. Ok, Parker, you get to stay here, but be quiet. We’re testing out the new girl.”  
The room quiets down from their barely controlled fits of laughter. Despite being the second newest member of the team, they really appreciated his presence. He added a youthful side to the team, always there to cheer them up with the naivety of any high schooler.
  “Oh hey! I’m, uh, Peter, ya, Peter Parker.”  You smile lightly.
 “Nice to meet you Peter.” The young boy blushes a bit. 
 “Ok, who’s going up against (y/n) in the ring?” Steve asks. You look at him incredulously, he just shrugs, an air of faked nonchalance hiding his discomfort. If you’re lucky, Steve probably feels bad for you, what a gentleman. 
 “I’ll go.” Clint says, sauntering over to your side. 
“Do I get to keep my gear?” He asks you tauntingly.  
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smile smugly, you hear a couple of people snicker. 
You climb up into the ring, mentally preparing yourself for what’s to come. You jump up and down, roll your neck one way then the other, crack your knuckles and stretch out your back. Clint is getting ready too, you could tell that his arms were ridiculously strong but his right arm might have more give then the left. His stance is solid, but given the chance to  knock him down, the left knee would be a keeper. You see him assessing you in the same calculating gaze and you let him.
You give a curt nod and start circling each other.  It was clear he wanted you to make the first move and he would wait until the end of time for you to make it so you decided to play it dirty and call a bluff. 
You breathed in deeply through your nose and moved quickly sending a light jab to his right side making sure it was quick and short, not enough to hurt but just enough to wind. You took your chance to send a swift kick, testing the waters, but a strong hand pushes you back and sends you hurling backwards only to be caught off guard again by a series of calculated blows through your torso. 
You grit your teeth and let out a low growl, blocking off the pain. You hit quickly and efficiently maximising the strength of your blows, making sure to lock your wrists. He was obviously taken aback, not recognising the fighting style you were using. 
You easily blocked his attacks using his lack of knowledge as an advantage.  You quickly get down to one knee pulling his other leg towards you, he gives out a off-guarded shout and before he knows it, you open a portal small enough for your hand that leads to his other ankle. Your grab a hold of it and yank as hard as you can, making for an ungraceful belly flop by Clint.  
He groans and you put one hand on the back of his neck, your right knee in the middle of his back with all his gear detached in your other hand.  You kneel there panting and sweating just a little bit.
 “God, you’re like a tiny Bruce Lee.” He groans laying on the mat. 
You stand up, still a little out of breath and look around the rooms. You’re not sure whether to be scared or proud. Thor, Pietro, Sam, Spidey are all looking at you with mixed levels of attraction, fear and pride. Cap and Tony both have a knowing smirk that said  I knew she could do that. Natasha had a small smile on her face, probably because Clint just got knocked on his ass. Wanda and Vision were obviously impressed, but smiled.  
“Well, welcome to the team.” Tony says proudly. Everyone vacates the gym, still seemingly impressed by your abilities. You just stand there and turn back to Clint who is still laying on the floor miserably. 
“Hey, Clint, you okay? Some of those techniques were rusty.” You offer a hand for him to get up. He looks at you and pauses at your outstretched hand, gauging whether he could trust you or not. He makes a decision and grips your smaller hand firmly and hauls himself up. 
“You’re really good. I’m surprised, most people Fury brings in don’t even hold up when they hang around us. 
“I’m impressed, you should train with Nat a bit, she’ll love it.” You blush slightly at the praise. Despite the fight you just had, he seems really nice, you couldn’t help but notice a fatherly vibe under all the childlike mannerisms.  
“Thanks,” you look back at the door where Tony was waiting for you. 
“I better head back now.” He huffs out a laugh.”Ya, he seems to have adopted you.” You chuckle at that. 
“I guess he has.” 
You leave the archer and walk towards the billionaire.
 “Hey sweet cheeks, how’s it going?” He slings an arm over your shoulders, you jump a little at the contact, but relax. 
“I’m still… overwhelmed.”  He leads you over to his lab where Bruce is already working. 
 “That’s pretty normal. Now I know you dropped out of MIT for reason you will not disclose BUT I am granting you access to my lab as long as you don’t touch any of my stuff without my permission. And Bruce’s for that matter, God forbid that happens again.” He says shaking his head. 
Then again, you don’t notice, because you can’t wrap your head around the fact that these people are being so generous towards you. A stranger.  
You just stopped in your tracks, staring at the floor. You were still trying to get your mind to comprehend the fact that you deserved this. 
“Uh, hey, (y/n). What’s going on? Because you know, if that was too much I could tell Cap, or maybe Clint. I could talk to Clint if you want… Or maybe…”
 “No, no. It’s fine. It’s just- are you sure they’re good with me? I mean with me on the team?”
 “Yes,” and the way he said it, so plain and so simple, it made you feel better instantly,” I can tell you’re going to be an incredible asset to the team. I mean, you got Thor to love you, and Cap’s already convinced you’re like a tiny ninja. Half the team is ogling you.”  
You laugh a little, that last bit of doubt slipping away. He’s really good at this comforting thing. 
 “Thank you.” The message you wanted to convey clear in those two little words. Tony seems to  understand that and offers your shoulder a comforting squeeze before dragging you to your new workstation and rambling on and on about his new discoveries, inventions and ideas. 
 You couldn’t be more content being on the receiving end of his thoughts. 
Tag List : @the-avengers-initiative99​ @wantingtobekorra​ @ipaintmelodies​ @i-love-superhero​ @carefullyawake @bexboo616​ @sophiealiice​ @peteachu666 @moonlightimagination​ @grey-stardancer​ @xxkweenjoxx​ @sassycat15​
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