#and today i went but mom chill its normal'
wall-e-gorl · 2 months
Now that I'm over 12 hours after the fact. It's a little funny of the universe to take away my braincells and let me burn my fingers so badly I got to give my work a doctor's note saying I'll be out for the weekend. After I complained for the nth time that 5 day weeks aren't good for me and I can't wait til end of summer for it to stop
Blisters under the cut! It's not gorey I just wanted to show what I'm dealing with but it is blisters so
Big ones are circled with thicker lines. Small ones are w smaller lones. The docs note us mostly so I don't risk infection at all, cause he thinks the blisters Will pop (which sounds Awful)
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onepiecestarry · 13 days
Katsuki Bakugo Fluff Oneshot
I've had this bouncing around in my brain for a few days and just needed to get it down :) This is lowk based off of my life so I apologize since its a niche situation. But enjoy some Bk fluff and lmk if you want another part to this!
Katsuki x Reader
2.3k words
Most days you wake up, go to class, study, and train late into the night. You are a busy person, with many priorities, but this didn’t stop you from making many friends. You got particularly close to Mina and Sero, and along with that the rest of the bakusquad- besides Bakugo himself of course. You had tried many times to befriend him but to no avail. You decided to give up since you were already a part of his friend group. 
You tried your best to make time for your friends but most weeks you wouldn’t join the nightly hangouts. On any days off you went home to help your mom, only Mina truly knew why you were never in the dorms. 
“Alright class, today we are-” Aizawa started his long speech about your new upcoming project. You start to zone out, but quickly focus again to get the project details, jotting down any important notes you might need. 
“I am going to randomly assign partners for this, please do not ask to change because there will be no exceptions this time.” Mr. Aizawa says in his regular monotone voice. 
He starts to list off the groups and eventually says your name. “Y/n and Bakugo” 
“Not that fucking nerd!!” Bakugo yells slamming his fist onto his desk.
“Shut it Bakugo,” Mr. Aizawa says activating his quirk on the rowdy student. 
The rest of the day went by normally, you finished classes and began packing your stuff to study and train. 
Around 1 am you get a text.
“Where are you dipshit”
“Training, why?”
“Tf you training so late for, gts”
“Dude leave me alone, what do you want”
“Friday at 11 am common room”
“The project?” 
He likes the message and the conversation ends. You look at the time and realize you should be going to bed soon, you do a few more reps before heading back to the dorm. 
It's a cool night, as you walk a chill runs up your spine from the cold. You shake it off and continue to your dorms. As quietly as you can, you open the door and make your way to your room. You fall asleep to the crickets and cicadas chirping outside your window. 
The week goes by quickly as the weekend approaches. You completely forgot about having Friday off, but Mina reminded you on Thursday to text your mom to remind her. 
What everyone in the class doesn’t know is that your mom moved with you when you came abroad to study at UA. She and your little sister rent a small house not too far from campus. Your step-father refused to move with them, so on any days you have off you go home to watch your 2-year-old sister while your mom works. The only person who knows about this arrangement is your best friend Mina. She covers for you whenever you are there. 
You wake up to the loud beeping of your alarm, as you look at it to shut it off it displays “4:30 am”. You groan and move to get up. Your mom starts work at 6 on the days you have off so you have to get to the house early so your sister isn’t home alone. 
You grab your prepacked bag and school backpack and start your walk home. The sunrise is barely a sliver when you get there. 
As you take care of your sister throughout the day, coloring, watching movies, and playing dress-up, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as she’s happy. Once you put her down for her nap, you throw yourself onto the couch half asleep. Then your phone starts going off over and over. You grumble something about a group chat and open your phone to see it’s Bakugo. 
“Where are you dipshit”
“If you aren’t here in the next 3 minutes I’m blowing your ass up in your dorm”
“Why aren’t you in your dorm”
Bakugo has requested your location. 
“Oh boy” You mumble to yourself
“Chill dude, I’m sorry I forgot we were supposed to work on the project today, can we do it Monday?”
“NO, dumbass it's fucking due Monday”
“Where are you, answer the fucking phone now��
“I can’t answer the phone rn”
“Will u chill tf out if I do?”
Bakugo likes the message.
Y/n started sharing their location with Bakugo
You huff and turn your phone off falling asleep on the couch. Not long after you wake up to three aggressive knocks on your front door. Knowing Bakugo you jump up to stop him from knocking more and waking your sister. 
“Chill tf out, I’m right here,” You say as you open the door. Bakugo pushes past you walking into your house and turning to look at you. 
“You are so fucking useless, we were supposed to have this project done today! I fucking should’ve done it myself” He says with his fingers on the bridge of his nose. 
“Look, I’m sorry but Aizawa would know if you pulled that shit AGAIN” 
You slam your palm on his mouth as he begins to yell. Shock is written across his face when he suddenly pushes you off him. 
“What the fuck” He spits at you.
“You have to be fucking quiet dipshit” You whisper.
“Why wou-” He gets interrupted by your sister crying and running to you. 
You pick her up gently and start to soothe her from her startling wake call as you glare daggers at Bakugo. He stands there in complete shock, this time not hiding it at all. You nod your head in the direction of your dining table and say, “Go set up there, we can work on it now.”
He doesn’t say a word while he gets his stuff out and sets up. You put your sister down to start making some lunch for her. 
“Did you eat?” You ask not looking at him.
“What?” He asks snapping back to reality.
“Did you eat lunch?”
“Oh um no”
“Ok,” You say, silently making another serving more. 
As you continue to cook and Bakugo silently sits there trying to think of what to say, he blurts out. 
“So, who’s the father?”
You turn around from the stove and stare at him blankly for a second processing what he asked, then you see how serious his face is. You burst out laughing- “BAHAHAHA, WAIT,” you say wiping a tear forming in your eye from laughter. Bakugo glares at you to stop laughing. After you take a second to compose yourself you answer, “Bakugo, meet my sister, y/s/n.” You say as y/s/n goes up to Bakugo and hugs him. He has a horrified look on his face realizing what he just asked you. 
He tries to jump away and get her off unsuccessfully. He accepts his fate and allows her to hug his leg. 
The next few hours went by awkwardly, you served lunch and while your sister was busy eating you spent your time working on the project, allowing Bakugo to have a break and eat too. But as soon as your sister was done you were up and taking care of her again. 
Hours go by and you realize you have to figure out dinner. 
“Fuck” You whisper so your sister can’t hear. “What do you want for dinner Bakugo?” You ask from your sister’s makeshift playroom in the living room. 
“I don’t know, don’t care.”
You look at him exasperated as you sigh and ask your sister.
“PIZZA!!!” Your sister says excitedly. You pick her up and gently whisper how you can’t afford to order pizza right now, and how you can make her something at home. She begins to sulk and goes back to her toys. You get up walk to the table and look at Bakugo to ask again. 
“Wha-” You begin.
“I already ordered it.” He says not looking up from his notes.
“What?” You ask baffled.
“The pizza, I already ordered it.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that, seriously.” 
“It's fine. She said she wanted pizza.”
“Okay, how much was it so I can pay you back.” You ask getting your wallet out.
“No.” He says not sparing you a look.
“What?” You ask again. 
“I said no. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Oh, okay, well thank you.”
Once the pizza arrives you all sit down to eat, but once again you don’t eat so you can work on the project. As you sit at your laptop across from Bakugo eating his pizza, your laptop suddenly shuts. 
“Wha- What the fuck man?!” You half-yell at Bakugo. 
“You haven’t eaten all day, so eat the pizza and then I’ll watch your sister so you can work.” 
“No. I said what I said.” He stares at you, silently telling you that you won’t win any argument with him. 
He kept true to his word, he took care of your sister while you worked efficiently on your project. Around 11:30 you come back to reality and close your laptop, realizing that you should have put your sister to bed long ago. You walk into the living room to see Bakugo and y/s/n on the couch watching her favorite movie, Totoro. Y/s/n being asleep on Bakugo you decide to sit on the other side of him and continue the movie. 
“Everything is done, we just need to make the slides and practice.” You whisper. 
“Alright cool, that should be easy.” He says continuing to watch the movie. 
You look over and admire how calm he is. His arm wrapped around your sister, her head in his lap fast asleep. You had to admit, he was great with kids. While you were working he was playing dress up with her, you managed to snap a few photos of him with a tiara on before he noticed. He was so sweet and gentle with her all day, the opposite of his regular personality. He didn't call her a brat even once, not even one time?!?
He notices you staring and looks over, “What?” He says annoyed. 
“Nothing,” You say silent for a few seconds, “Just- thank you for today.” 
He lets out a scoff, showing you he was listening.
“Is this where you disappear every night?” He asks.
“What? Oh. no, I actually do train every night since I’m here on the weekends. I usually get up at 4:30 and either stay here or go back at 2 am.” You answer. 
“You do this only on two and a half hours of sleep?” He asks with confusion and shock hinting in his voice. 
“Yeah, I don’t have much of a choice. No one else can watch her.” 
The conversation fades as you both focus back on the movie. Eventually leading to you falling asleep on him as well. 
Bakugo sits there on your couch, with your sister asleep in his lap and you asleep on his shoulder. He quietly watches the movie until your mom returns from work. She opens the door and hears the T.V. on, so she goes to the living room to check and she sees all of you there. Bakugo’s head swings at the noise and sees her. 
“Oh my, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t know y/n had her boyfriend over!” She says quietly moving to sit on the adjacent couch. 
“Oh- um, I’m not-” He starts.
“Here let me move her to bed, they both sleep like rocks don’t worry.” She says with a wink, picking up your sister and taking her to her bed. She returns to see Bakugo hasn’t moved with you still asleep on him. 
“How long have you been here? I’m so sorry for any trouble they’ve caused.” Your mom laughs.
“I got here around noon. Me and y/n were supposed to work on a school project but she forgot so I came over to work on it.” He starts
“Oh! I’m so sorry about that dear.” 
“It's okay.”
“So how long have you two been together?” She asks excitedly. 
“We aren’t dating,” Bakugo says quietly still trying to not wake you up. 
“Really? Huh, I swear I’ve heard y/n talk about you before.” A light shade of pink finds its way to Bakugo’s cheeks.
“Well, thank you for helping take care of my girls, I really appreciate it. You should stay here tonight, it's too late for you to go back to school. Y/n’s room is there and there are blankets in the closet.” Your mom says getting up to go to bed. “And thank you again Katsuki Bakugo.” She finally says before disappearing into her room. 
Bakugo tightens up at the sound of his full name, knowing well that means y/n has talked about him enough for her mom to know who he is. 
He decides to stay on the couch, not wanting to disturb your peace. He pulls a blanket on the both of you and shuts his eyes. He thinks about all the times he couldn’t spot you at parties or hangouts. Or how you would vanish off the face of the earth on weekends. It all made sense now, you were working yourself to the bone to take care of your family. 
Bakugo always had a soft spot for you, which is why everyone would always make you ask him to hang out with them, even if you weren’t going to be there. He never knew why he was murder-y with you but it scared him so he pushed you away even more. Hence you trying to be friends with him but ‘failing’. 
But now he’s here, lying on your couch with you on top of him asleep, coming to the realization that maybe his soft spot for you isn’t all that bad. 
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alwaysonthemend · 10 months
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Author's Note: I got one request for Jake saying I love you for the first time and another one just asking for some Jake fluff in general. Figured I could easily make these into one fic. No smut (shocker I know) but figured it's okay since my next fic is FILTHY. I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 2763
Warnings: Literally none. Jake is a sweetheart. There is some awful flirting though. (I'm a classics major I only know how to flirt with history nerds)
Song to Listen to While Reading:
.•° ✿ °•.❁.•° ✿ °•.
“Hey, Jake?” You call out, grabbing your keys from their hook on the wall as you slip your shoes on. 
“Yeah?” Jake’s face peaks out from around the corner to look at you, chestnut locks falling in messy waves on either side of his face.
“Since you’re so insistent on following me around today,” you say with a smile, turning to grab your purse from the kitchen table, “would you be so kind as to come with me on an errand?” 
“Sure!” He nods enthusiastically, stepping fully into the room with a wide smile on his face. “I love car rides.” 
You just shake your head fondly at him as he practically skips across the kitchen to follow you out the door.
Jake had arrived at your door earlier this morning, a coffee cup in hand and a glimmer in his eye as he’d announced his plan to spend the day with you. 
“Well, I don’t really have anything fun planned to do today…” You’d hedged, trying to ignore the butterflies that erupted in your stomach at the knowledge that he wanted to spend time with you. 
“So?” He had shoved past you and walked into your house as if it were his own place and plopped himself down on your sofa. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. We can just have a chill day.” 
He’d kept true to his word, content to just spend time in your presence as you went about your boring Saturday. He’d gone with you to walk your dog and then had sat next to you as you folded laundry – all the while insisting that he didn’t mind what you two were doing so long as he was with you. It had all felt so domestic and you’re pretty sure that you had been blushing non-stop since he stepped through the door. But, you try to remind yourself that this is what best friends do. They hang out with each other. They do laundry together. They dance in the kitchen while they cook lunch. All totally normal best friend things to do. 
You keep reminding yourself that as Jake climbs into the passenger seat next to you and immediately hooks his phone up to the AUX because he knows you won’t ever tell him no. The afternoon light is spilling through the windows and painting his face in a warm glow and making his chocolate eyes reflect back a honeyed brown as he turns his head to look at you. 
“Where are we going?” 
The sound of Chris Stapleton wafts its way through your car’s speakers as you pull out of your driveway.
“I want to go buy some flowers. There’s a new shop down the road and I wanted to go check it out.”
He nods once, shuffling a little in his seat and as your eyes track the movement, you realize suddenly that he hasn’t buckled himself in. 
“Jacob Thomas, fasten your seat belt right now.” You scold, turning your eyes back to the road. 
“Ugh. Sorry, mom.” He grumbles but relents. “Why is my best friend so mean to me?” He elements, sarcasm evident in his tone.
The corners of your lips turn upwards despite yourself. 
“Don’t make me turn this car around.” 
He smiles – the one that makes his eyes crinkle around the edges and you tighten your grip on the steering wheel. Just friends, you remind yourself. 
“Whatever.” He says finally, fiddling a little bit with his white bracelet that’s definitely seen better days, and you don’t hesitate to tell him so. 
“It’s got character.” He tells you, fondly running his fingers over the knotted rope. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You look both ways before turning into the parking lot of the shop – Oak St Garden Shoppe painted lovingly on the side of the little building. You park the car and unfasten your seatbelt. 
Jake only shrugs before unbuckling and stepping out of the car. You do the same and he catches your eye over the roof of the car.  
“Who are you getting flowers for, anyways?” 
“Myself. The kitchen needs some brightening up.” 
Jake follows you dutifully as you walk into the shop. He walks close enough that your shoulders brush and you can’t help the warmth that spreads through you at the feeling. As you both walk up to the front, your eye is captured by some potted sunflowers lining the walls of the patio. 
“Do you remember how we met?” Jake asks you, his mind clearly going where yours had at the sight of the flowers. 
“'Course I do.”
.•° ✿ °•.❁.•° ✿ °•.
“Y/n, baby?” You hear your mother’s voice call from downstairs, causing you to look up from your sketchbook in slight annoyance at being interrupted.  
“Yeah?” You call back, allowing your annoyance to bleed into your tone.
“Can you come down here please!” 
You huff a breath, closing your sketchbook and making your way downstairs as slowly as possible – just to spite her a little bit for bothering you. 
“What?” You snap, rounding the corner into the kitchen with heavy footfalls, only to stop dead in your tracks to see a woman you’ve never seen before sitting at your kitchen table. Her eyes, and the eyes of the two young boys who stand next to her, cut quickly to you. Your cheeks redden slightly. 
“Um. Hi.” You say, wringing your hands together a little. 
“These are our new neighbors.” Your mother says, coming up behind you and resting her hand on your shoulder. “I wanted you to come say hi.”
“Oh. Hi.” You give them a little wave, unsure of what else to do. 
“Hello.” The woman says, her kind eyes regarding you as she speaks, “I’m Karen. And these are my boys Josh and Jake.” She turns to look at them, nudging each of them subtly to speak. 
They both speak at the same time and your eyes widen as you really look at them for the first time. They look exactly alike. Like, completely alike. 
Karen laughs lightly as she takes in your shocked expression as she rises from her seat at the table. 
“They're twins if you couldn’t tell.” 
Your mom laughs behind you and squeezes your shoulder lightly before stepping away. 
“Josh and Jake will be in the same grade as you once school starts.” Your mom says, walking over to the stove to stir whatever it is that she’s cooking. “It’ll be nice to know some people going in. Making friends in middle school can be a little scary sometimes.” 
“Oh cool.” You don’t really know what else to say to them, and Josh and Jake (you’re still not sure which is which) both look to be in the same boat. 
“Well,” Karen says, brushing her palms across her skirt as she looks down at her sons. “I suppose we should get going now. Your dad will be coming home soon. Jake?”
One of the boys – the one on the left, looks up at her. 
“Want to give Y/n here her gift?” 
Jake nods, stepping towards you tentatively and you realize now that he’s been holding something behind his back. He brings his arm forward and you see that he’s holding a single sunflower in his hand. He holds it out to you, eyes trained on the floor. 
“Th-thank you.” You tell him, taking the flower from his grasp. 
“You’re welcome.” He says, a tiny grin peeking out through his shyness.
You watched the three of them go before looking down at the flower in your hand. 
You had kept it for a very long time. 
.•° ✿ °•.❁.•° ✿ °•.
“You’re lucky.” Jake says, brushing past you to go look at some ferns hanging on some hooks on the awning. 
“And why’s that?” 
“Imagine if me and Josh hadn’t agreed to be friends with you. Middle school would’ve sucked for you.” 
“Oh, really?” You ask him, placing your hands on your hips. “The way I remember it, I was the one who decided to become friends with you two.”
“Mmm. Sure.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“I could have made plenty of other friends if it weren’t for you two ruining all my cool points.” You tell him, though you both know that you’re not serious. The three of you had been inseparable – completely content with only each other. You hadn’t needed (or wanted) anyone else.
Jake tosses his head back and laughs loudly, his eyes closing against the afternoon sun. Your heart feels like it might explode. 
“Pretty sure it was just Josh ruining all your street cred.” 
“And how do you figure that?”
He shrugs.
“He was a weird kid.” 
“And you were emo. Your point?” 
Jake turns to you, a hand placed dramatically over his heart as he drops his mouth open in mock offense. 
“And what’s wrong with being emo?” 
“Your music taste, for one.” You tell him, leading him away from the ferns to go look at some of the bouquets that line the opposite wall. 
“You wound me.” He says, giving you an over-the-top pout.
“And your hair.” 
“It was glorious. And hot.” He says with a cocky grin. “All the chicks loved it.” 
“Uh huh.” you giggle at him, grabbing his wrist and tugging him over to come stand next to you again. 
“Which one?” You ask him, gesturing towards the overwhelming amount of bouquets. 
Jake crouches down, the tip of his pointer finger coming to rest on his chin as he looks at the flowers and you take the opportunity to look at him instead. His hair is messy – like he’s been running his fingers through it incessantly (which you know he probably has, despite how many times you tell him to leave it alone). He’s wearing a pair of old jeans and a distressed old band tee and he’s got a bandana twisted up and tied around his neck along with a few necklaces. The afternoon sun once again bathes him in warmth – making his brown hair reflect almost auburn beneath its rays. He looks so… soft as he crouches there. The way he’s actually thinking about which one to pick (when most guys wouldn’t even care) makes your heart flutter and butterflies to once again take up residence in your tummy. You long to reach out and feel his soft hair or his warm skin beneath your fingertips. Your chest aches as you stand there watching him, feeling as though this moment is the first one where you’ve known true happiness – just basking in his presence and feeling lucky that even after his band has found success, he still is content to come and spend his day with you. You wish that this moment could last forever. You want to bottle up his warmth and sweetness and keep it in your pocket for rainy days when he’s gone. 
…All of which you remind yourself is totally normal to want around your best friend. 
“This one.” He finally says, snapping you from your thoughts as he stands back up. 
You cast your eyes downwards to look at the one he’s pointing at and your breath catches in your throat. It really is a beautiful bouquet. It’s mostly greenery – with white petunias, tulips, and daisies throughout. But at the very center are three sunflowers – their yellow petals contrasting beautifully with the green and white. 
“It’s perfect.” 
.•° ✿ °•.❁.•° ✿ °•.
Jake had insisted on paying and there’d been nothing you could do to change his mind – he’d claimed that it was a thank you for spending the day with him. Clearly, he didn’t realize just how much you wanted to be in his presence. 
“This really is a beautiful bouquet.” You tell him as you place the flowers into a vase of water on your kitchen counter. 
“What can I say? I’ve got a great eye.” He grins at you. 
You glance back downwards and your eyes widen as you see a bumble bee crawling pitifully across one of the sunflowers. 
“Oh no!” You cry, looking around frantically for something that might help the little thing. 
“What?” Jake asks, straightening up from where he’d been leaning against the counter. “What’s wrong?” 
“There’s a bumble bee in the flowers and he doesn’t look good.” You tell him, running to your fridge to grab a bottle of water. 
Jake visibly relaxes. 
“Oh. God.” He breathes out, leaning back against the counter again. “I thought something was really wrong.” 
“Something is really wrong, Jake.” Your voice trembles a little as you unscrew the top from the water bottle and carefully pour a little water into it. 
Jake, sensing your distress, strides over the flowers and looks at you a little guiltily. 
“You’re right. Sorry.” He says, looking down at the poor bee. “What can I do?”
You walk carefully over to him with the cap of water. 
“Can you pick him up and put him in the cap? He’s probably dehydrated."
Jake looks at you wide eyed.
“Won’t it sting?” 
“It’s a carpenter bee, so probably not.” You tell him, concern still painting your features. Jake looks unconvinced so you sigh and hold the cap out for him to take. “Fine. Switch with me.” 
Jake cups his palm around the cap and watches as you carefully lift the bee from the bouquet and place him on the rim of the cap. With no small amount of skill, the two of you manage to deposit the cap back into your palm without disturbing the bee as it drinks. Almost immediately, its little wings begin to perk up a bit and you smile widely down at it. 
“Thank god. It’s precious.” 
“Yeah.” Jake says quietly. “It is.”
You look up at him with a proud smile and you find him already looking at you fondly. 
“You are not keeping it, though.” He scolds, pointing his finger at you.
“Ugh. I know. Here.” You nod your head towards the double glass doors that lead to your backyard . “Will you open that for me?” 
Jake nods and unlocks it before opening it fully and holding it there so you can lift your palm up. The bee takes its cue and buzzes away, disappearing into the sky as you stand there watching it go. 
“God I love you.” 
Jake’s voice startles you and you turn your eyes away from where the bee had disappeared to look at him. He’s got a strange look on his face – one that you haven’t really seen before. His brown eyes regard you nervously, as if he's surprised himself by speaking.
“I love you too, Jake. You’re my best friend.” You tell him with a smile, patting his chest once before turning around to walk back inside to place the cap of water back on the counter.  
Jake follows, allowing the back door to close loudly behind him. 
“No, no. I mean… I’m in love with you, Y/n.” 
“What?” You don’t mean to say the word so loudly and you can physically see Jake recoil as if he’s been struck. You’re stuck there for a moment, frozen in place as you both stare at each other. 
Jake’s face falls and he drops his head, taking your silence as a rejection. It’s anything but that. You can hardly believe it. Years. You've spent years pining after him and wishing that he felt the same. And suddenly you realize that maybe he's been doing the exact same thing.
“I’m sorry. I-” 
You silence him by crossing the kitchen quickly and practically tackling him into a hug before pressing your lips to his. His eyes widen in shock before they flutter closed and a soft exhale escapes him. It's everything you've ever dreamed it would be.
As you pull away, you’re met with a wide-eyed Jake with a pretty blush spreading across his face. 
“I’m in love with you too, silly.” 
A smile spreads across his face, making his eyes glitter in a way that makes your knees weak. 
“Really.” You tell him, lacing your fingers with his. “Just didn’t think you felt the same.”
“Neither did I.” 
Jake looks away suddenly, casting his gaze back towards the glass doors where the sunset is on full display. A tiny little laugh falls from between his plump lips. 
“Oh, nothing.” He says, turning back to look at you. “I’ve just always dreamed of kissing you in front of a sunset.”
“Oh.” You can feel the heat spreading across your face. “Maybe um. Maybe you should do it again. Just to make sure you remember the feeling.” 
“I don’t think I’ll ever forget.” He admits, before pressing his lips to yours once again.
.•° ✿ °•.❁.•° ✿ °•.
If you're reading this, I love you! 💞
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Mama's Boy
Summary: You didn't understand why you felt so bad while at Miles house
Type:Scenario:Angst:Miles Morales & M!Reader
Version: Itsv
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I never understood why I felt so horrible at Miles's house. Every time we were there while his parents were home, I felt like crying. I didn't get it. His parents were amazing, really nice, and welcoming, yet they made me feel so bad. I always had a sad look on my face when I left, a strong feeling that made me want to break down right there in tears. Or maybe it was because I had to go home? It never clicked to me. I loved going to his house, and every chance I got, I was over there. Luckily, Miles and I were good friends. His home felt more like home than mine. I didn't get it, I loved my home, it was cozy and nice, I didn't get it. Especially today.
I was over at Miles's house, laughing while playing some video games in his room. I was wining, and he was trying to distract me.
"Admit it Miles! You suck at this game!" I laughed at him.
"No! Your cheating, you dirty cheater!" He practically pouted as he pushed me away with his foot.
I laughed harder and bumped him with my shoulder, causing us to start shoving and pushing each other like brothers. Miles tacked me onto his bed, putting me in a headlock as he gave me a nasty noogie. His mom opened the door and stopped, huffing playfully before chucking
"Boys, get off each other and come eat." She smiled at us before closing the door.
I could feel my smile brighter slightly, Rio always made me feel warm. But not in a love way, in a homey way, like I was truly welcome and wanted there. It was odd. Me and Miles got up and went to the dining room, shoving each other before racing to the table. I got there first and flipped him off as his parents weren't looking. He did it back before we both started to eat. After dinner, Miles and I sat on the couch, just talking to each other his dad walked over.
"Y/n, do you need a ride home? We could drop you off at home if you want" Jefferson smiled at us, his car eyes in hand.
"Oh, no. I can walk, you don't have to drive me" I returned his smile, not wanting him to have to drive me home this late.
"You sure? Its a quick drive" Jefferson looked a alittle worried.
"Yeah, it's a nice walk of fresh air anyways" It made me feel giddy that someone was worried about me.
Jefferson nodded and walked away, not wanting to push anymore. I turned to Miles, and we continued talking for a bit before I went home. It was a peaceful walk, the quiet and chill night drowning out most of my thoughts. I let out a soft sigh as I unlocked the front door and walked in. Immediately, I'm welcomed by my drunk mother and passed out on the couch. This was a normal occurrence. My mother was always drunk and drinking, even when I was younger. It was normal, it's all I knew, when I was born she started drinking again. My mother probably drank while she was pregnant either way. I sighed and locked the front door before walking over to her and drapping a blanket over her. I gently kissed her forehead before mumbling a soft good night and going to bed. The next morning, I woke up to my mother yelling at me from downstairs. When I went downstairs, I almost got hit with a bottle. I was so tired I didn't even hear what she said before storming out the house. I stare at the door, confused before quickly rushing to clean up the glass and going back to bed. I went to Miles house again today, I waved happily and instantly noticed the look of concern on his face
"Y/n? Why is your hand bloody? And your arm" Miles sounded really confused, and worried.
Miles stood up and walked over to me, I narrowed my eyebrows and looked down at my hand, turning it my hand around and gasping. When did this happen?
"I'm not sure..." I was confused, I wasn't fully sure how this happened. Maybe the glass from earlier?
I shrugged, but Mike's gently grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom and patched me up, cleaned my wounds, and bandaged it skillfully. Probably because his mom was a nurse. The same thing happened today: I messed around with Miles, played video games, talked, ate dinner, and went home. My mom wasn't home. It was quiet in the house, meaning a peaceful night of sleep. The following morning, my mom yelled at me again, hitting me a few times before leaving and making me clean up the kitchen from her. Then I went to Miles house. As I was over there, he looked concerned but didn't say anything, and that day I realized I mainly ate at Miles house, my mother didn't cook much, and I couldn't really order take out, I didn't have the money for it.
I felt it again.
When I was at his house I could feel my heart beat louder in my ears as I watched him hug his mom and say a small I love you before we both left the house to go to the store. I was quiet for a bit. There was a growing pain in my heart, like I had been stabbed or someone tore my heart. I didn't know why. Was it the affection? I never really got affection from my mother. When I got home, my mom was drunk, but awake. And she was pissed. I gulped and tried to sneak by, that didn't work. I slept in pain and paranoid that night. When I went to Miles house he was quiet when he saw me, staring at me with these big eyes of concern. Why? Was there something wrong?
"Y/n...are you okay? You keep coming here with...injuries. " Miles voice was quiet and soft, something I wasn't fully used to. It was filled with so much. Concern.
"Oh, that? Don't worry about it" You didn't want to worry him, when he saw your reassuring smile he gave a small smile back and didn't ask about it.
When you went home today, you finally realized why you hated going home from Miles's house. The first thing you saw was your parents fighting. Your mom was clearly drunk. Your heart sank as you stood in the doorway watching your parents fight. They did this a lot. You sighed and walked by them, mumbling a small hello before going to your room. You wanted to go back to Miles's house, where there was no yelling or fighting there, it's nice at his house. Peaceful, but you have to wait until tomorrow, like always.
[A/n:I'm not sure if I like this or not. I hope you enjoyed]
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akaashislover1 · 6 months
Part 2 (Cop NanamiXwife reader
If you haven’t read part one here it is💕:
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out.
It has been a month since the incident. A month since you’ve lost your baby girl. A month since your family crumbled.
“Come on, y/n. Y-you gotta eat something. I know today is going to be difficult but remember we’re in this together. I love you.” Nanami whispered on the top of your head, ending it with a little smooch. He had placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you. Your brain instantly went to your daughter as you stared at the bowl. She always loved to crush crackers with her bare hands and sprinkle them into the soup. Every time she did that, she yelled that it was snowing.
Your eyes looked over to where she would normally sit. She loved sitting at the end of the table. It made her felt like she was royalty or something. She was always daddy’s little princess.
Nanami sat down in the chair across from you. He looked exhausted. His face also wore a blank expression. You could tell just by his eyes that he was ready to fall asleep. Ever since the incident he’s been working more and more. Working harder to find the scumbags that took your joy away. So far he’s had no luck. Mostly everyone that was there answered any questions they could. ‘Did you see anybody before the shootings that looked suspicious?’ Or ‘Did you happen to know or recognize any of the shooters?’
Nanami even got his partner to ask you to identify some recent criminals they caught in other shootings. He knew the toll that that took on you but he felt like it had to be done being as you were the only one that he knew of that saw them. Still, it didn’t make him feel any better when you teared up, shaking your head, none of the guys in the line up room matched what you remembered. It made Nanami sick to his stomach every time he would have to ask you questions about it. It would either end in an argument or both of you embracing each other covered in tears.
What Nanami hated the most though was almost every night you would wake up screaming. Nightmares and paralysis would haunt you. Images of your daughter’s dead body surged through your head every night. You would sometimes feel the tingles and chills as you remembered the feeling of blood on your skin or on your clothes. Nanami has long threw out the clothes all four of you wore that day. You wanted to keep your daughter’s shirt at least but the stained blood said otherwise.
Nanami cleared his throat and gripped your hand that was resting on the table.
“We have to be there in about two hours. Before the guests arrive too. Your mom called me and said her and your dad were going to stay for a couple days after.” Your eyes started to water and the hand that your husband didn’t have made its way to your mouth, trying to stop the whimpers. Before you could say anything, your baby boy started crying. He was lying in the portable crib you had in the living room. You had given him a bottle when Nanami woke you up. If you were being honest, Nanami and your son were the only things keeping you going right now.
You had the door to the bathroom open as you stepped into the shower. The lukewarm water began to drench your body. Your hair slowly fell into place when you looked down at your feet.
“You doing okay, my love?” Nanami’s voice startled you slightly.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine.” Before you could say or do anything else, you felt your husband’s cool hands on your waist. His lips pecked the top of your wet hair. When you turn around Nanami hovered over you. One of his hands stroked your hair out of your face. The water now covered both of you.
“I don’t understand how you take such cold showers.” He chuckled lightly. You gave a nervous smile. The thought of him thinking warm was cold amused you. Nanami reached behind you to turn the water temperature up. Nanami then reached for the shampoo, the scorching water temperature startled you. He squirted some on top of your head, the cool substance contrasted the hot water. His large hands began to message your head. The soap started to bubble as he lathered it all over your head. A light groan escaped your lips as your eyes closed. Nanami’s fingers scrubbed your scalp a little harder.
“I love you so so much y/n. I know with everything it’s been really hard but I am worried about you. You’re barely eating, you’re not getting enough sleep. You know, you could just stay home and I can handle the-”
“No. I-I want to go. I have to. I just. I just miss her so much.” Your eyes teared up. Your husband stroked his fingers through your soapy hair. Your arms instantly wrapped around him. It soothed you, the way he started to stroke the soap out of your hair. Right now was probably the first time in a while that you felt normal. You could hear Nanami’s heart beat against his bare chest. As much as you didn’t want this feeling to end, the both of you knew you had to get ready to leave.
Nanami got your son ready. He wore a little black tux that Nanami had bought for him before he was born so they could match. Your husband always joked about how thankful he is that your baby still fits it. Speaking of matching, Nanami wore a similar black suit but with a black dress shirt underneath. He finished it off with black dress pants and a pair of shiny black dress shoes.
You on the other hand had managed to fix your wet hair into a tight fishtail braid. You had on a multicoloured beaded necklace that your daughter had made for you when she was in kindergarten a few years back. It contrasted the black, skin tight A-line dress that you wore.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked Nanami, who had your son’s diaper bag strapped over his shoulder. He nodded and grabbed the keys to your shared vehicle.
Given the circumstances, it did brighten your mood a little bit that it was such a nice day outside. You and Nanami both would prefer it being sunny and warm as opposed to a cold and rainy day. Your son’s babbling and giggling also made you smile. You looked at the backseat to see the strap on mirror on the backseats headrest. In the mirror, your son was smiling and gripping his clothed feet. A chuckle escaped you as you pondered at how he always managed to get his little shoes off. Suddenly you felt a hand grip your thigh.
“It’s nice to see you smiling again, my love.” Nanami smiled, slipping glances between you and the rear view mirror all the while driving. He gave you a light squeeze as you noticed you were getting closer to the church. Your heart skipped a couple beats. The colour drained from your face as you saw all the different cars starting to arrive at the same time as you.
When you parked in the church’s lot, a group of people dressed in albs and robes, who you guessed worked there came and guided you into the church. The priest and a couple of funeral directors met with you in the back office. Nanami was the one mainly answering questions. You felt as if you were going to start bawling every time you opened your mouth. And if you thought that was tough, when you made it to the main part of the church you saw your mother and father greeting and talking to other relatives. When your mother saw you, you ran up to her and started crying. She embraced you with the tightest hug and you never wanted her to let go. You and Nanami have seen your parents multiple times since then but it didn’t feel real until now.
Nanami hugged your father and they said a few words. You watched still in your mother’s grasp. Your father’s eyes were red and puffy as he spoke. Your husband kept his composure, listening to every word he was saying. Come to think of it, this was a rare occasion, seeing the two most important men in your life on the verge of crumbling. You hated it.
“We’re going to get started soon, if that’s alright? It seems as though everyone is here” the main priest mentioned quietly. He had a look of empathy towards the four of you. You cleared your throat as you looked around. The church wasn’t packed but it wasn’t exactly empty either. A white haired man who you recognized to be Satoru Gojo, your husbands partner, conversed with other coworkers and guests. You remember he was the one who had asked you questions at the station about your daughter. He has known your husband before you two even got married, before you met even. Looking around more, you noticed even more friends and family seated across the church. Most were talking and hugging. Some were quietly conversing. Every second or so a few of that sum would be watching you and/or talking about you. They would have looks of sympathy plastered over their faces. Again, you hated it.
“Hey y/n, how’ve you been?” Gojo appeared out of nowhere. He wore his signature black round shades but it was the fully black suit he was wearing that threw you off. It was the complete opposite of his usual white dress button ups that he wears for work. He wrapped his arms around you. Nanami had warned you so many times of his no sense of personal space but today you found it a little less annoying. More comforting. You squeezed him tighter. Before you could say anything Nanami came and rubbed your back.
“I think everything is ready to go. Satoru, are you going to come sit with us? I think it would be best, especially if you plan on helping.” You moved to Nanami’s side. Gojo agreed only if it was okay with you which you had no problem with.
Nanami escorted you to the front of the church, where your parents were sitting. He gave you a quick kiss and then nodded for your father to join him and Gojo. Your father, Nanami, and Gojo and some other coworkers of your husband all walked towards the doors of the church. Some of them wore their police uniforms while the rest wore all black suits. It made you begin to cry as you saw them lift the small casket. You turned back towards the front of the church. Your mother who sat beside you wrapped her arm around you. Her head landed on your shoulder as the music started.
The tears really didn’t fall until the casket finally made its way to the front. All you could hear was sniffling when the music finally stopped and the casket got placed gently onto its stand.
After the indoor ceremony, you and all of your guests were asked to make your way outside to the cemetery for the burial. Nanami came and gave you a light squeeze and kiss on the cheek and gave your baby boy a little peck before heading back to help carry the casket.
As soon as you, your son and your mother got outside other guests that you haven’t greeted yet surrounded you. They were talking and mumbling at you all at once. Not one thing stuck out to you as you continued walking towards the cemetery. The only thing you noticed was that it was really sunny. The sun played peek a boo, hiding behind the bright fluffy white clouds. Your daughter loved it when it was sunny out. You smiled to yourself as you remembered every single time she would beg to be outside. She wouldn’t stop until she got her way of course. She never stopped. She always reminded you of Nanami in that way. They were both stubborn as hell when they really wanted to be.
Once your mother yelled politely told the people to back off, she yanked your son’s carrier out of your hands. You were too caught up in your thoughts to notice that she began to yank you as well. It took a couple minutes but once everyone made it outside the burial started. You noticed some people had left. You couldn’t care less who was here and who wasn’t at the moment. All that mattered was you and your family.
You saw that her grave was already dug and there was already the metal framework, waiting to be used. Soon enough her casket came. You got to take in the fine details of the woodwork that decorated the top. Once it was placed, your husband walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes closed and your arms went to wrap around his broad back.
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. One of your hands rubbed the back of his neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out. He’s been holding it together this entire time. Other than the day it happened this was the only other time you’ve seen him cry about her. Now he was finally letting it all out.
You felt your lips quiver with every sob Nanami was letting out. One of your hands began to rub his back as you tried to squeeze him closer if it were possible. It drained you to hear the sobs and hiccups of your husband but you were more than relieved to see him finally letting it out.
“I’m here. You’re okay, my love. Just breathe.” You whispered into his ear. His arms tightened and he planted kisses on your neck and shoulder, reassuring his love and appreciation for you.
After the funeral, your parents took your baby boy back to your house so the two of you could stay with your daughter for a bit. Everyone had left, including the priest and ushers. Nanami laid his jacket on the ground so you could sit down. You laid your head on your husband’s shoulder as he sat with his legs crossed out and his long arms held up his body.
“It’s going to be so hard to get used to not seeing her around. It’s been so weird not being able to read her bedtime stories or play games with her. I know I have you and our son and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you both still. But I just can’t shake this guilty feeling.” Nanami finished as he took your hand in his. You scrunched your face, confused.
“Guilt? What are you talking about?” You asked worried. You squeezed his hand and looked him in the eyes. They were red and puffy but he still looked beautiful. Tears streamed down his face and when you focused more closely you could see that his lip would quiver every so often. It almost looked like he was reluctant to answer.
“I just. If I was quicker- if I had heard you yelling-”
“Hey, hey. Kento… Listen to me. You had no control over where those people were going to shoot. You can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over. As easy as it sounds I know it’s hard to accept it but we’re going to get better, okay? We’re going to be fine.” Your heart sank as those words flew out. That was probably the first time you have said that word and meant it. Even though you felt like crying, tears never came out. Nanami placed one of his hands over his eyes in attempt to shove his tears back into his eyes. You squeezed him into a hug.
Despite your husband’s feelings of guilt and sadness, for whatever reason after you said that your could feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Like you needed to hear yourself say those five words out loud.
We’re going to be fine.
Omg I finally finished it. I am so sorry for the long wait. I have been working non stop even just rn as I write this I’m getting back from a 15hr shift. Gotta bring home the dough.
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it, it is a little on the long side, but I think it’s good. 💕💕💕
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gailsfrog · 15 days
A very ridiculously long rant of my SMG4 and Mr. Puzzles Theory's (it's long;-;)
Has anyone ever thought its weird how Smg4 is PERFECTLY NORMAL the Saturday after IGBP!?! like Bro just got done being mentally insane like literally a few days ago and he's just like mentally FINE after all that!?? Nuh Uh- Aint no way- Smg4's probably still coo coo crazy a bit or a lot cuz yalls not gonna be chill after all that far as i know thats not how human minds work. >:/
In SMG4 doesn't meme for one second he's hardcore creepy vibes, ofc more memey ofc which is funny- (Bald Smg4💀) but still sinister none the less :0
then ofc him saying "time to come up with the PERFECT video" in SMG4 simulator then ofc im like NOO :C DOnt gO eVil again and idk do some crazy crap with mr. puzzles and make ur perfect video- amd go all evil- evan tho its cool and eerie-NO :C
Then smg4s really creepy/scarry coocoo cazy vibes in the MEME Factory. Cannon smg4 did actually have an effect on our poor meme boi like bro lost some of his sanity has Mr. Puzzles trauma and now is more antagonistic- which Mr. Puzzles said he makes a good villian Whitch he does in a creepy funny memey way witch is great! and sort of a plot twist cuz smg4 is all cute and bubbly and sweet then he goes all >:000 >:) Creepy and sinister is awsome! it would be cool to see Smg4 as a main antagonest for an arc although we got IGBP so its GREATTT!! AAAAAAAA-
I also sorta feel like Mr. Puzzles is like Smg4 but like: What if smg4 never had any freinds? so he like sorta obsesses and rellys on The TV and makeing entertainment so they dont feel alone or have some sort of purpose. Smg4 and Puzzles are really similar in a way just took a small but major path. Smg4: had freinds his whole life, like a main roll purpose (hes a frickin meme guardian!!!!!! >:D) home and ofc his youtube and whatever chaos happens in this world. Mr Puzzles: never had freinds, probably had crap parents and school bullys, (ISTG HE PRoBably made/re-created little shows with like socks pupets as a kid- AAAA_) anyway- Puzzles sorta just watched TV to comfert him and sorta be his 'freind' in a way which probably ended up inpireing him to proove himself as an actress and become fameous weather to proove the world hes good enough or loved or himself. (Poor Mr.Puzzke wuzzle :'c) So anyway Smg4 and puzzles are like opisites of what they have but similar.
(Mr. Puzzles Headcannon Back story time B) since i wanna type today ;-; ) So ive sotta headcannon mr puzzles childhood suck like- bro had no freinds crappy/neglectfull parents and overall a shit life back then like i sort of immagine his mom being like "shoo im buisy go watch TV or smthn" while on the phone or something idk sad sappy stuff- so little Winston Puzzles (if you have MR theres a first name so puzzles is last name, ITS WINSTON PUZZLES-) aNyWAYy- so puzzles just watched TV ALL. DAY. and probably went to school got bullyed for whatever reason :/ so the beginning basics of the story +Context dElUxE- when mr puzzles got older he bought the showgrounds (whitch in cannon used to be a circus/carnaval) so mr puzzles ran a carnaval place and did some sort of shows + amusement park stuff prbably for like a few years or a couple decades untul money came a problem or went out of buisness, (he still has his face btw lol) so he eventually closed the place and sorta abandoned it and probably the *iNteRnEt* was probably becomeing a thing by now (TV MAN OLDDD-) so he probably doom binges EVERYTHING on youtube in some apartment and works at MC deez or something- idk mOnEyY :/ eventualy yalls probably up at 5am waching Si-fi and stuff with robots get the idea of being a cyborg ither googleing 'hOw tO bE a cYborG EASY" on youtube like a maryos Plane Trip thing AKA Smg4 logic LMAO and probably winging it and then getting his SUppeR fAbulus and Iconic TV head and nows hes probably immortal now :/ (he was probably an old man by the time he finnisghed the body lol not to mention prototypes :/) then he probably did some evil villian laughter shit then downloadded the internet in his brain then eventualy selling the showgrounds to SMG4 and the rest of Puzzlevision continues :/
If yall read all that- WOW :/ its 1am and im typeing esays ;-; anyways this has been cooking in my brain for too long so now its all here now :/
*fades into the distance MEME STYLE B3*
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webginz · 5 months
i had the worst shower ever. i was like, tripping out. reminded me of my "episodes" i had in middle school. just like voices and not knowing where i am. and not being able to get back to reality.
well now im on my way to the dentist, theres no way in hell they wont be able to notice i was just crying. (from fear of going to the dentist, not from the shower thing lol)
im so scared :(
[took out a part here but it was just about stress and disordered eating things from this morning]
then i got to the dentist and it sucked. long dentist story ahead
okay dentist. everything that couldve gone wrong, went wrong.. i tried acting normal, and we had small talk or whatever like normal dentist x ray stuff, but she could instantly tell something was wrong with me, i guess.
she gave me a health form to fill out. i was still chill and this point and was like oh yeah i have blood pressure problems but its only if im up moving around!! so not doing that at the desntist hehe amirite?! i also checked anxiety and i think thats what she wanted. just personal confirmation everything was gonna go wrong.
after she learned i had anxiety, she was nice, too nice imo... like i was a child. im okay with that though i guess. (i mean.. she could definitely tell i was just done crying)
she was like "the xray blanket is heavy and could help with ur anxiety" BUT I WANTED IT OFF AND COULD BARELY TALK SO I JUST NODDED. it made me feel so overwhelmed immediately. THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING STARTED GOING BAD
im also just constantly aware of my hair and when you lean back on the stupid dentist seat my hat falls off. its like LOOK THE FREAK WHOS SCARED OF THE DENTIST AND PULLS OUT ALL HER HAIR!!
whatever. so there i am on the dentist chair. bald spots for the world to see. xray blanket sensory overload. sunglasses on top of my regular glasses. but im pushing through.
she starts using the tool on my teeth. a metal vibrating thing that sounds like a drill. my worst most awful fear is high pitched drilling noises. if im in a good mood i can put up with them for a bit, but obviously todays not that day. i try not to freak out, but she notices and asks if im okay and im like "yah" (with tears)
but then my mom comes in and shes like "can you not do it a different way?!?!" "shes freaking out" and just making everything WORSE. (used the chaos here to get rid of the dumb xray thing)
ive been on and off hyperventilating through all of this btw... i heard one of the dentist ladies say "shes crying and breathing really fast..." which was like. kill me now please god.
so back to my mom asking "can you not just do it a different way?" they do have a different way btw. without the scary machine! but then dentist lady says "she used this machine the last 2 times she was here? we dont have enough time to do it manually." (proof i was just having a bad day and i totally can be normal!!! but hearing this made me feel awful like i could feel all the dentists were thinking "she did it fine last time why is she carzy today?!?")
she then asked to step away to find the MAIN dentist lady.
at this point i was crying shaking hyperventilating and felt like i was gonna throw up from nervous energy. also my mom is pestering me a bunch (shes concerned but making everything worse, her hearts in the right place tho ily mom)
so big boss dentist lady is here. she says she looked at the xrays (from the beginning, remember?) and i have A GAZILLION CAVITIESSSSSS!!!!!
she says for my dental things from now on i should go to a SEDATION DENTIST!!!!
i was so out of it i didnt even know what to say. well now i do!!!
im not usually that scared. i was having a VERY BAD morning.
the dentist i go to now is all women. the sedation dentist is a MAN, that none of the women there had ever met. I HAVE TO GO MEET A MAN TO SEDATE ME SO I CAN BE ALONE WITH HIM? SO HE CAN DO MY TEETH? i might have a silly joking tone to this post but with this im being so serious. im scared as hell that thats just gonna end with me being raped.
i dont like male doctors/dentists/anything and always have my mom with me when i have to. there was a female assistant when i had my endoscopy and female nurses when i had my surgery. i dont want to be alone, asleep, in a room with a man i dont know. JUST BECAUSE IM SCARED OF THE DENTIST???
god i keep seeing stuff in the corner of my eye as im writing this. i think my psychosis is coming back for some reason.
every things going wrong today and forever
pls like/reply this post if you read it all im sorry for my ranting
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ranchu-star · 2 years
possibly the funniest thing that has happened to me was when i was like 11, at the birthday party of one of my mom's friends, and was upstairs in the bedroom of one of my moms friends kids (important context: everyone there is latino so the downstairs party was pretty intense)
there was like 5 kids there, (may or may not be including me and my sibling i can't remember) so me and my older sibling were talking to 2 boys there because they were basically the only other people we could talk to.
one of the boys took my tablet at some point, it was alright because it was all good fun, but then he goes under the bed so i cant get it back.
then he starts looking at my gallery, and went through some albums that weren't just the basic photos or screenshots, it was alright i guess because the albums were pretty average, there was like art i liked, and a homestuck album of random fanart because that was the first year i was into homestuck, but then he found this one album i had, titled stuff.
ok ok tangent here, at the time i did not know that i was internally a silly guy, so i just looked like an 11 year old girl with some silliness, but mostly normal, the only thing he knew about me was that i drew art.
that album... was not just average stuff you woukd expect to find in an album titled stuff. it was an album with 251 images i compiled of davekat fanart because it was (and still is) a comfort ship, i titled it stuff because i was scared my sibling would think i was weird for having an entire album dedicated to davekat, even though LITERALLY NOBODY WOULD EVER WANT TO LOOK THROUGH MY ALBUMS, RIGHT?
now imagine being an 11 year old boy, stealing a tablet from some weird girl you have only had like 2 interactions with, looking through the albums expecting to see not much, maybe like screenshots of anime because this girl draws or whatever, and finding an album filled to the brim with gay fanart.
my sibling alerts me that he found a homestuck album, he starts laughing, i start freaking THE FUCK OUT out internally, because one of the fanarts had dave and karkles chilling on a bed and blushing because it's wholesome (it was a fanart koroke did) and he might think its GAY PORN.
then literally nothing happens, he just laughed a bit and then i got my tablet back so it was all alright.
i hope whoever found this post enjoyed reading this because it's the funniest shit that has ever happened to me, and for some reason i only remembered it today.
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predoom · 2 months
Saturday, September 24th, 2005 2:14 pm but i am too weak to be your cure night started out strong. got kinda wack. want to go on a date to the corpse bride? (157 Comments |Comment on this) Tuesday, September 20th, 2005 12:56 pm ruckus juice dear demar,
i am sorry.
sugar in chicago. Monday, September 19th, 2005 12:19 pm mike murphy all up in demar hamiltons ass went to the alk3/my chemical bromance with demar and nick on the dick. pretty hilarious. the bands let the good times roll. went by pizza metro and made awesome jokes. and ate like 60 bucks worth of super flat pizza. startling revelations about demars life. i like hanging with old friends. down the street from the girl to trevia. kinda chill. matt skiba talked to me about clandestine. pretty amazing. we are wearing all black coming up hats. greg let me dj for a minute and i played some faint and refused. P-Unit. people at my house when i went home. freaked me out. sleeeepover prince. search the net and you can find some amazing pictures. Saturday, September 17th, 2005 4:52 pm reNICKulous woah. got my g.i. joe aircraft carrier in the mail yesterday. its seven feet long. thats like me and patrick stacked on top of eachother. ate a box of life cereal yesterday. kinda gross. somehow with all the chaos of everything i got normal again. its weird to me that 50cents mom is a lesbian. i dunno why. it totally fits and totally doesn't. just like everything else. i saw the motorola commercial we were asked to be in with madonna. yeah thats right- "sell out boy" turned one down cause it wasn't the right situation. haha. we would have had to cancel shows and all- just wasn't right. i just wanted to meet the material girl. we don't do everything were asked to. waited out going over to watch demar pass out and get kissed. instead went to the city. carnival life. we bought ice cream shoes online from hongkong. get jealous. counted freckles. yawn. patrick came over today. we worked on some secret stuff. him and his gee eff are way too lame and cute. i cant wait to see corpse bride. awesomeness. just waiting for tonight to happen.
oops comments wahahaha. Thursday, September 15th, 2005 11:27 pm this week he's mopping floors, next week he's on fries early bird gets the worm. took a headache for my tylenol. went to the cover shoot for spin magazine. it was ridiculous as always. i put myself into the worst clothes i could find cause thats just funny to me on the inside. nickplan and drunkmar showed up cause they keep it the realest. got weird emails all day. pretty standard. someday we'll be nostalgic for right now. but until then you can put it in a pinebox. its funny the mistakes you realize you are making as you go about things. cause those are the worst. it only makes sense when you are that close. otherwise its blurry and filled with lies. and you can say whatever you want but in the dark i know what you look like and think- and no one else does. nothing that needs to be spoken of. im the kind of kid that will go to the goddamned end. file me under: fucking speechless. right to her house. wow, it's been a month. we don't talk. it goes without saying. freckles. kinda dreamy. and i ain't too hard on the eyes. only those arms make it okay. i just don't care anymore. this is the three year boy. this is the lover boy. this is the keeper. the is the one that got away. i drop records, not names. so i'm not letting you in. buzznet updated. please leave my friends or whatever alone, because i have- and im sick of hearing about it. raise your hand if you're excited for fall tour. time to become the person i was supposed to be.
Current Music: you make me wanna lala 12:59 am "growing uuuuuuuuup, i guess i am my own better half" what were they thinking? i'm tired. ate for the first time in what feels like forever today. you know gotta keep that charm. what does that even mean? actually have to get up at 9am for a photo shoot tommorrow. the wackest. i guess it could be worse. i could have to sell stuff or work in a factory instead of just getting laughed at by some dumb photographer cause we don't know how to pose right. flashflashflash. goddamn the new panic at the disco record makes me feel okay in any situation. only two people in the entire world know how it goes. its kind of funny that i get to be one of them. but its strange the way only one person makes you feel electric. like you were meant to be three inches away from them always. but then its gone. or they are. went to green street hooligans. ate your popcorn and drank your soda. cause im kinda a baby. movie dates are funny cause you either watch the movie or you talk the whole time. both are kind of a let down. fall is definitely hug season. bring it on. who knows how it turns out. don't believe the hype. i didn't overdose. this really is me typing.
Tuesday, September 13th, 2005 10:39 pm difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week. oh no oh no. i don't get it but then i don't think i am supposed to. today woke up and bought my friend shoes cause she's rad and i like buying stuff for my friends. i am sick, but it's gonna be okay. i love going to bars with my friends and ordering 5 dollar sprites. yeah i'm that guy. right now i wish this was a lyric i wrote: "i dunno why other rappers try and dis you. cause even my superficial raps are super official". i'm supposed to be waiting by the phone but i'm always at front desk in the hotel lobby. i told my friend that i want to get super big bling jesus necklace- they said it doesn't make sense because im not super into jesus- but i told them that was the whole point. i sing the blues just for the covers of magazines. oh yeah. the rest of my day. ive been going out into the real world alot lately. the sun hurts my eyes but you're making me grin. went to joes house in boy's town- its like one inch big and filled with 80 million things. ebay says that my g.i. joe aircraft carrier is in the mail. but who knows cause i tell people shit is in the mail all the time. its like waking up from a dream and not being sure. for sure. our new video is pretty sweet. hung with the bestest. it feels nice outside. time to go play. i think i am going to be vegetarian again, then probably vegan. cause it just feels right. like you. all i do is watch thundercats and crush hard. what a life.
Current Music: christina milian 2:22 am go right on reds, get left at altars i want to write a "hey momma" song for the emo world. it smells like coffee and rain everywhere today for me.
i have lost all respect for you. before you make accusations, check the scoreboard sweetheart.
just when you are about to give up sometimes a light comes on. like its the only one out there. and when you are unhappy they are a shoulder. and they make you laugh when you get thrown out the window like trash from a car. old friends bend. you got me smiling like it was a dream. and i am slowly letting everything else go.
let go let go.
ive got a crush.
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misteria247 · 2 years
I'm just gonna talk for a moment cuz I kinda need to and it'll help me out personally so feel free to ignore this lol:
So I'm gonna be honest here today was a kinda crummy day. For context.
I had this winter hat that I literally adore with every fiber of my being. It was a green hat with a fluffy ball on top and it had a grumpy cat with a bell and Santa hat on its head and it looked like my actual cat Rajah. Originally it was a gag gift that my mom had gotten me at fifteen, sixteen years old to poke fun at me somewhat. Unknowing that instead of getting the typical teenage response of teenage embarrassment, I'd quite literally fell in love with this hat. Put that sucker on my head and wore it to school the next day and it's been my winter hat ever since.
Anyways this morning I'd been wearing this hat and was being taken to work (I'm currently working on getting my license as to why I don't have it yet is something I'd rather not explain) and I'd realized a little bit too late that it was a bit too warm out for said hat and scarf combo I was currently wearing this morning. So I'd asked my mom if she'd take it inside the house when she got home and left it in the car and went to work as normal. After work I get picked up and as soon as I get into the car I'm instantly aware that my mom and sister are ungodly silent. And then I noticed that my scarf was still in the car but there was something missing.
My hat wasn't with it.
And that's when my mom and sister finally broke the silence. Basically my sister (who has her license) had borrowed my mom's car during her work shift as she does sometimes and she'd picked up a couple of friends and spent the day with them. It was during this time that my hat and scarf, having been left in the car cuz my mom forgot to take them inside, had basically went on this trip with my sister and her friends. Long story short my hat had gotten lost and at first I was chill at this thinking that it was lost somewhere in the car but that was quickly crushed when my sister explained that she'd dug around the car searching for said hat when she noticed it was missing and couldn't find it. Which meant that my hat wasn't just missing.
It was lost, lost. As in it's most likely never gonna be recovered.
Once I heard that I basically just.....shut down. My mom and sister were apologizing profusely (and they still are hours later) and I told them that it was fine and that it was whatever while quietly losing it. To make matters worse I honest to God felt my throat tighten up and my eyes sting and realized that I was essentially going to cry over a silly little hat and to spare myself from embarrassment and adding unnecessary guilt onto my mom and sister quickly shut down the conversation and told them it was fine.
To be honest typing this out now makes me feel absolutely silly and somewhat childish, knowing that I was gonna cry over this winter hat (even now I'm getting a bit saddened by remembering it and it's still super embarrassing). Like I'm a 25, nearly 26 year old woman and I was literally gonna break down over a hat. I just I don't know at that moment I was fully prepared to just burst into tears over this hat and it's just really silly now that I've talked about it.
Anyways my mom and sister are gonna buy me a new winter hat to replace the old one. So I'll take that little positive thing and try to get it together. But yeah basically today's been a day lol.
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sugaroto · 10 months
Not to be mean or anything but I hate when someone texts/calls from 3 different ways
She texted me on messenger then on (phone) messages and called me twice (I was talking to my mom that's why I didn't pick up the first time)
Like dude- you don't need to text me on every single app. Especially since I don't have internet here and I'm using my data 24/7 I need data for both messenger and normal messages its not a "Oh what if she doesn't have internet" I need internet to even receive the normal ones(idk why but since we bought the packet for unlimited data I can't use my messages without it)
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It's not even like it took me long to respond for her to need to use 3 different ways to contact me
Also the message that came at 12:27 came after I answered her call and told her that I would cook, so I suppose she sent it sooner and it just came late
And dude, this might be a me problem but we just ate breakfast (we, yes I woke up at 8:30 and went to the λεσχη at 9:00 for breakfast with her) I can't eat lunch at 12:00 I still haven't woke up I'm chilling in the floor drinking coffee now
I'll probably cook and eat at like 3:00 or something
Also... since I'm complaining already... she eats so slow😭😭😭😭
I try to be patient really and it usually doesn't bother me but we went to eat the other day at 7:00 pm and left at 8:40 pm
I had gotten off class early (went to a different εργαστήριο) bc I wanted to go home early and not go back at 9:00 but waiting for her to finish didn't make much of a difference I guess
And today at breakfast we went at 9:00 we were the only ones when we went in, 3 other people came by (last one came at 9:30) they all left and she was still eating, λέσχη supposedly closes at 9:30, we left at 9:40 (sure they wouldn't like throw us out or something but even the dude that came in 9:30 left before us😭)
Also back to the contacting-me-through-3-different-ways, my mom also does it which is pointless cause we use the same unlimited data packet she pays for and supposedly she knows that I can't receive messages unless I have my data on so why does she do it😭
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was a really good day but also really surprising in different ways. I felt better then I expected. I was absolutely exhausted when I woke up. I did not sleep great. I really struggled to fall asleep. And when I did sleep it just want good. I had very scary dreams. And woke up really groggy.
But I did my best to power through and shake it off. I got washed and dressed. I felt like my hair was to fluffy today after washing it last night. But it was fine. James set up a little snack box for me and walked me outside. They were biking to DC today, and would let me know when they got there. I would head to work and got there on time.
And it was a lovely day. I was a little colder then I expected. I would be warm in the sun but whenever I was under tree cover I was really cold!
I would spend the first hours of the day setting up some stuff around camp. Putting away other thing. I also continued to work on my lessons. And then started drawing some ideas for camp swag.
Alexi would come in and she told me all about her Disney trip and showed me pictures. Heather would join soon and we all chilled and talked about things I can be doing and some ideas for camp next year. A lot of talking about training and the buy in and the bit. It was a really productive conversation.
Heather and me would go up to to the barn for our little group. This is a school with high support needs students and they will come out every week. It is a small group, but that's even better. I love a small group.
We would get set up with Chloe. There was some road work being done but they promised to take a two hour break so the noise wouldn't upset our students.
They would show up just about on time. I was chatting with Chloe about my new role at camp while the bus driver did some pretty impressive moved to back up the bus and park it on the path because their was a delivery of rocks that was piled in the normal parking space. She was a master at moving that bus seriously we were impressed.
The group was really nice. But we were all a little alarmed when they told us they had stopped and used the girls latrine and it was covered in dead wasps and what they described as "writhing mice". This was super concerning.
So I took a broom and went down to investigate. And sure as shit there was like a few dozen giant dead wasps on the ground and in the shorts and sinks. Horrible. And there were two (I would find a third later) baby mice just on the ground. Not even near each other!
I found a washcloth and picked up the two, adding the third which was in the worst state laying in its side and covered in cob webs, and put them in the sink while I dealt with the wasps. I swept them all out the door and tried to make it nicer then it was. And then I collected the washcloth and brought it with me back to the barn.
I did not have a plan. Chloe gave me a bucket of hay to put them in with my washcloth and eventually my sweatshirt. I just needed to get them warm, they were so cold. I learned that baby mice can't regulate their own temperature. So I did my best to warm them up.
So I was a little distracted. The woman in charge of the group kept saying that the mice were being weird, acting like they were on LSD. And I was just like. They are just abandoned babies, it's alright. Heather suggested feeding them to the snakes but I am not sure why mom abandoned them so I didn't want to risk it. And of course then I got a little attached.
They would be fine in the bucket for now. I hsd my program to run.
I was in charge of helping the student wash buckets. They liked using the hoses. And we got 4 buckets cleaned and filled with fresh water for the horses. They did a good job.
The one student I remember from last year and she seemed so much more self assured. She also just really liked putting her hands in the water buckets. I don't blame her I also like being in the water.
Once they were all done petting the horses and cleaning the tack, they would walk up to the fields to return the horses. I would stay behind and put a few things away and get my baby mice.
I bundled them up and put them in my cleavage. Kept them warm and kept me hands free.
After I put stuff away I went up to see the horses in the feild and it was very bright but also just super beautiful. I showed them the mice and I think everyone thinks I'm being silly. But Heather said it was sweet.
We would finish up with them and had a nice walk back to the barns. The students got back on the bus to leave and we finished putting things away and then me and Heather drove back to the office.
We talked about pregnancy, because the one teacher was pregnant, and Heather told me about when she had her kids. And how hard it was getting pregnant. But how her second happened so fast. Which I thought was interesting. And we went inside.
Where I showed Elizabeth the cup of snails I had brought from home, and my cleavage of mice. She didn't believe at first. But I showed her and Alexi my mice. And then went to find a better container for them at nature.
I also dropped my snails in their new tank, which is still just so cold?? I'm going to have to get a heating element if we don't have one in storage. I thought the lamp I put up would warm the water but no such luck. Hopefully this set lives until then I guess.
I got a critter keeper and some more towels. I set the mics up real cozy and once I got back to the office I microwaved a water bottle to give them something warm to cuddle against. Which they seemed to like for the most part. They make the smallest peeping noises. It's very sweet.
The afternoon would be eating my leftover poke burrito. The rice was to dry and the pineapple turned green but it was still very good. I finished my first sketch for my camp merch idea. I did some research for supplies. I went and set up my Native American field trip for Thursday because I wont have time tomorrow. I felt good. I felt productive.
It was nice to drive around camp getting stuff set up. I used my wagon to get things from my car to the lodge and that helped with the amount of trips. But I was getting really tired.
It was around 3 and I was feeling it hard. I just get so tired at 3. But I went back to the office. I took it slow. I did some research for Heather. I helped brainstorm some theme ideas. I took some notes for project ideas. It was a good time. I only played around on my phone a little.
And soon enough it was time to go home.
I collected my mouse box and buckled them in. I realized I left my chapstick on the table at the barn so I would drive up there first before letting James know I was heading home. I had a snack bag of popcorn while I drove and drank all my water. There wasn't any traffic. And I was happy to be back home.
James seemed very happy to see me. They helped me get the mice set up. Heated up a small heating pad (and misunderstanding and microwaving a slim Jim style cat treat??) And got me the cat milk to try to feed them. But I couldn't find my pippets and was very frustrated. Was pleased when I got them to just kind of nurse on my finger but it probably wasn't enough if the internet was to be believed. I tried my best. They mostly just seemed thrilled to be warm in my hand. I held them until my arm ached. And set their container on a high shelf so Sweetp won't notice them.
I hung out on the couch with sweetp for a long time. I didn't want to do anything really. There was stuff I could do but I didn't want to. I did clean the kitty litter. I did vacuum what I spilled. But I mostly just wanted to melt into the couch.
And that's what I did. Until around 630 when we decided to go to Mathew's pizza for dinner. We had been waiting to see if our friend Lane was coming over but she was not able to. So a little dinner in highlandtown for us.
And it was a really nice dinner. The waitress knew our order without us saying anything. James is so sad to know they could have been speaking in Spanish to her this whole time. I showed James my drawing from today. And Jess texted me that she booked our birthday Disney trip for late January/early February! What a lovely way to end a good day.
I was getting really exhausted though. James said they would carry me but I really don't like being carried. Because I don't like to be squeezed. But it wouldn't come to that. We drove home. I made it upstairs. We checked on Sweetp and fed the aquatics. And got the mice a little more milk.
I finally remembered where I put the pipettes and I don't know if it really worked great but I got them a little more at least and we reheated their heating pad. I hope they will be okay in the morning.
My plan is to put the container in the girls latrine in the morning and see if their mom comes back. If not I'll keep trying to take care of them. If I can keep them alive until their eyes are open I will be thrilled because then they can just eat regular food. And if they stay alive I'm going to make them an interesting habitat in the nature center. Away from the snakes.
Now though I am really tired. I am going to go take a shower. I need to be well rested. Tomorrow is a busy day.
We have groups tomorrow and I have my appointment to get my IUD taken out. To say I'm nervous is an understatement but I will be okay. I'm just afraid they are going to pull it out like they are starting a lawn mower. Which is unlikely but is still what I'm afraid of??
Wish me luck. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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igot-sarang-ggg · 6 months
Jolyne's Teacher pt. 5 (Teacher reader x Jotaro)
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Chapter 5- Friday
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Chapter 4- Monday |Masterlist| Chapter 6- Encounter with Dio
Small Summary: It's a new school year, you're a third grade teacher at an elementary school in Florida with Jolyne Cujoh being in your class.
TW: a bit of strong language towards the last part
PS: this week is my b-day
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It was now Friday, I made sure to gather everything needed for today's meeting. "Are you thinking about him again?" His voice is back. I chose to ignore it, I walked past him and towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror he stood at the doorway watching me, "Y/n my sweet. Why do you ignore me after everything I've done for you? After Everything I've given you?" He walked up behind me wrapping his arms around me. "I've noticed your heart beats fast when you are with him." I didn't answer and walked past him. "You keep ignoring me but I'm not going anywhere. We made a deal or contract should I say." 
 I turned to face him, "You forced me into the contract. I never agreed to be your slave." He chucked, "Oh, but, you did. For the chance to live, you would do anything, this made you become my slave." His ghostly figure traced my jaw before grabbing my face, "That's why I'm never leaving you." His grip felt so real, it felt like he was still here. I shut my eyes trying to hold back tears. I pulled away passing through him, "You'll never escape me Y/n! I AM A PAR-"
"Be gone." I said to him. "Fine..."
He disappeared from view. I looked at the time and realized I was gonna be late for work.
Everything seemed fine at the school. Normal Friday. Kids talking about their weekend plans and so now... I sat at the back of the class helping a few students with a couple of questions they got wrong in an exam.
As I helped the kids I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Why is that box moving on its own?! Did any of the students see it? I looked around. None of them were freaking out or panicked so I guess I'm the only one seeing it. The box fell to the ground with a loud thud causing the class to go silent, they all looked at me. "It seems I did place the box properly on the table, sorry everyone, please continue your work."
Everyone went back to doing what they were doing and I quickly went over to pick up the box. That was weird... it was floating. Could it be a stand?... I decided to push the thought aside. I've worked at this school for two years and haven't sensed a stand user as of yet... a chill ran down my spine.
After school, the meeting took place, and everyone that showed up were moms; that was until Mr. Kujo walked in.
"Mr. Kujo, it's so nice of you to join us for today's meeting."
Most of the moms got up and greeted him, pushing me aside as if he were some celebrity. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. "Ms. L/n are you okay?" Jotaro reached his hand out helping me to my feet, "Thank you I'm fine." I dusted off my pants and shirt. "Okay let's start today's meeting." Jotaro sat at the front of the group with most moms now joining him in the front. He rolled his eyes murmuring something to himself and pulled his hat down a bit.
The meeting went as usual. A quick presentation and also seeing who can chaperone for the next field trip and as well as some of the school activities and answer any questions regards to these activities as well. Jotaro volunteered to attend the Halloween event at the school and even proposed for the kids to be in Halloween customs for the day. 
After the meeting was done I said goodbye to most of the parents and started putting away some boxes. There was a box at the top shelf I couldn't reach, suddenly a shadow hovered over me. I felt the room area around me turn cold... he's not alive calm down. I turned around, "Oh Mr. Kujo I thought you left with the group."
"Do you need help?" He asked
 "Oh, Mr. Kujo you don't..." before I could even finish he walked towards me squeezing his way into the closet, and reached over me to grab the box I was trying to get. I was pushed up against the shelf with him behind me. "What color is the box?" He asked, "B-blue." he grabbed the box and walked out I followed, placing the box down on top of the table he turned to me, "Is there another?" He asked. "Yes, there is." He walked back into the closet I followed behind, When I felt something push me inside the closet and shut the door behind me. I had fallen into Jotaro's arms.
 "I'm so sorry Mr. Kujo. I - I don't know what's going on." Here I was now locked inside a small closet with a 6-foot-something man, with our bodies pushed up against each other. Why is this happening to me?! "I'm so sorry." I tried my best not to touch him but I ended up placing my hands on his chest. "It's fine, you don't need to apologize. Is there a way to open the door from inside?" He didn't pull my hands away.
"There isn't, But there should be a light switch to your left Mr. Kujo." The lights turned on. I could now see how little space there was between us; Jotaro took most of the space and I noticed how flustered he looked. His ears were red. "Did something weird happen today?" He questioned, "There was a box today floating on its own and then dropped to the floor with a loud thud... I'm glad none of my students saw it."
 I could hear footsteps inside the classroom, and the classroom door close. "Someone closed us in here." He said
"Who do you think could've done this." I looked up at him, and he shifted slightly, "I think might have an idea who it is but we need to get out of here first... I'm gonna try something but I need you to turn around so I don't accidentally hurt you."
I did as he said and in seconds the door was opened. "Woah that's pretty impressive Mr. Kujo. How did you learn to do that?"
"High school back in Japan, I would find anywhere to take a smoke break so I would break into the janitor's closet." A small smirk now on his face, "You used to smoke?" I asked him, "Yeah used to not anymore. I quite a few years back."
I could hear footsteps echoing through the halls with voices following, and I guess Mr.Kujo heard it too.
It was Ms. Jones and the principal of the school walked into the classroom. In mere seconds I was holding a box and Jotaro was holding about two and placing them on the table, "Is here fine?" Jotaro asked. The principal looked more confused than I did. "Uh yeah. Try not to put it too close to the edge of the table it's a bit wobbly, Mr. Kujo." How am I holding these boxes? WHEN DID I EVEN START CARRYING THEM?!
 "Oh, Mr. Kujo what brings you here?" Mr. Brown the principal asked.
I could feel the cold ghostly hands gripping my shoulders. "Do you now see how similar we both are? He stopped time Y/n..." There's no way he stopped time. Mr. Kujo isn't a stand user... is he?
I looked at Jotaro. He continued talking with the principal, "So you see Mr. Kujo there's been a misunderstanding. You see Ms. Jones saw you two enter the closet closing the door behind you both." Mr Kujo looked at Ms. Jones, "We didn't close the door someone locked us in there. Ms. L/n mentioned that the door can only be locked on the outside using a key."
"I didn't have my lanyard on me since I was moving some stuff around in the classroom."
"If you were locked how did you get out?" Ms. Jones questioned us.
"Mr. Kujo kicked the door open." I looked at the door it was completely fine in one split second the door handle was now destroyed there was a hole where the handle was. He's a stand user!? Does that mean... "I'm glad you and Mr. Kujo were able to get out Mr. L/n."
"I do apologize for the misunderstanding. if you'll excuse us." Mr. Brown grabbed Mrs. Jones's arm practically dragging her with him.
"Thank you, Mr- Jotaro. You saved me from that headache." I walked over to him, "No worries... I think that teacher has it out for you. Be careful around her." 
"I will thanks for the worrying- the warning... warning me."
"Let me help put these things away. Jolyne is about to get out of the after program." 
Jotaro helped me put the boxes away and even helped with placing next week's homework on the student's desk. We said our goodbyes and went on our separate ways for the rest of the day.
"Y/n he can stop time! HE IS A STAND USER WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!" why can't that voice leave me, "You must listen to your master!" I covered my ears, "You died and you continue to hunt me even after death. why can't you leave me alone?! I refuse to believe that he is a stand user and I refuse to believe that he has the extract same power as you!" I looked up at him, "You said it yourself stand users have unique powers and NO ONE can duplicate them, so why does he have the same one as you!? DID HE STEAL THE WORLD FROM YOU?! IS THAT WHY YOUR FUCKING HUNTING ME?! CAUSE YOU WANT THE WORLD BACK!?"
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lostacelonnie · 7 months
It sure is the new year & somehow im still tired and way busier than i would like. So uh. Sorry this took me a bit to get to. The first time i read your response i thought you'd said you were watching bocchi which confused me because you had already. But im glad you are enjoying bofuri. She's such a chaotic disaster character. Ohh i think i feel you on that my brother in law & i have like. Opposing autism vibes & coexisting with him when we share apace is exhausting. I hope school is going well for you! Yeah like. Honestly sometimes ill chat with people at a theater but mostly just. Please do not. Im just there for a film. Love the communal effort to just. Understand your teacher what a time that must be. My parents did teach to cook a bit. I learned spaghetti & a basic taco recipe from them. But i learned a lot from there so i had a bit of a spring board to go off. I hope you have a fun time learning to cook stuff i enjoy it immensely. Even with all the dishes it can make. Honestly schools are just. Weird if anything. Liminal space adjacent but in a way neither good or bad. Im sad i missed getting to pull her i want ruan mei but due to bad storms my internet was out, which also contributed to late response, for the last days of her banner. So i have to save for her re run. I am so normal about her & stelle(lying). I finally finished the argenti quest but had to level & gear himeko & welt. Got kafka on my console account from her banner & it gave me e1 bailu when i hoped for clara. Ohh so its like a character growth/change type thing. As the story progresses & they change they gain new herscherr forms. I think if my understanding is right. Or right as it can be for something not fully explained? I miss manaria & the gang already. Can only tide myself over with other villainess shows til it returns. Or i read more. Dungeon meshi at least has an airing anime adaptation now which means i can see my favorite fail girl marcille in animation. I will remember that & look to the community for help as needed if i pick noita up thank you for the tip. I too want himeko to be fine & alive so i sympathize with the hi3 fans. I dont remember if she's getting off on penacony or not if thats been said. But penacony definitely has some characters i want. Oh okay damn i always wondered about her floating. So thats one mystery solved. Wait seele has just. Basically a good dog aura? Oh so kiana mei & bronya have the most extensive lore? What about uh. Durandal? I feel like ive seen that particular polish phrase before whats it mean?
HI HELLO its been 20 years which im SO FUCKING SORRY about...... my life has decided to just Not give me a break recently. and understandable akdfkgjksj i should really continue watching it but ah.... so busy. and Tired all the time. actually got to skip school today bc i was so sleep deprived i thought i was sick but then i slept for another 4 hours and i feel so much better now. should be studying [have 8 exams coming up until the end of february.......] but i also Need to chill for a bit. agghhh. and oh understandable!! it really is just like that sometimes. school, as i said, is. psychologically torturing me but im actually not in that much pain so yeah!! and thanks also. i hope my teachers let us catch a break soon. at least ive recently picked up baking to destress so at least im not about to become the joker. and REAL LIKE i also dont mind talking with people in public places from time to time but i usually just wanna mind my own business. and yeah its SO funny but also im surprised how nice all my classmates are about helping others. like. if we had to cooperate to create a message with my old classmates everyone would just instantly start making fun of each other for not knowing something. OOOH COOL....... when i have more time i should learn to make some spanish dishes. went to gran canaria with my mom recently and god ive missed their cuisine SO much. god yeah schools are like another dimension to me ngl. they work based on different rules then the rest of the world. AND AUUGHGH PAIN...... good luck with getting her on future reruns tho!!! same with being Totally Normal. and hey congrats on all that!!! i also ended up doing argentis quest and luckily didnt have time with fighting him thanks to clara who makes it extremely easy. generally shes always carrying me. finally got to trailblaze lvl 65 and i only have my clara team at lvl 80 rn so i should probs work on kafka etc but i hate grinding mats...... hell on earth. oh well. and yeah more or less!!! tho it also depends on the person and circumstances, as some people will get new authorities, some will kind of. get closer to their current one? and some people might even give up their herrscher authorities with time. but yeah honkai loves to retcon itself so its kinda blurry sometimes. I MISS EVERYONE TOOOOOO and i started watching reborn as a villainess some time ago but ah. didnt have time to continue. i ALSO started watching dunmesh and ALSO didnt have time to catch up with it but im SO excited for it bc ive only watched 3 eps but love it already. if you ever Do pick up the game then good luck!! its as brutal as it is fun to play. himeko protection squad forever....... i should finish penacony when i get the time and motivation. wasnt too interested in any chars at first but acheron stole my heart....... so would sparkle if she wasnt so Racist for no reason. yes seele Does have a good doggy aura SHDKFJKS even The Great Herrscher Of Sentience cant say no to her. shes so sweet and i love her. and yeah basically!!!! since theyre effectively all the protags, even if kiana is the "main" one. AND I WILL VERY EXCITEDLY TELL YOU LITERALLY ALL DURANDAL LORE AS I KNOW IT BY HEART BUT ALSO LITERALLY DONT HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO WRITE IT ALL DOWN RIGHT NOW SO ILL TRY TO GET THAT DONE BY YOUR NEXT MESSAGE. so well both have time to write our respective stuff. and oh polska gurom is a misspelled version of polska górą [since its pronounced almost the same] which more or less means poland on top. its used ironically most of the time and i LOVE saying it
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baja4nia · 8 months
hundreds of people here today. i'm jus people watchin. staying OUT of trouble. funny cause i got here i changed i went to go shit at my favorite bar ran into beach bar guy we're still good so thats lit. everyone saw him hug me and started staring at me like yea you're all tourists and i actually live here wassup. got a to go beer got a stand hamburger then went looking for some trouble. walked to reed with my to go beer my hamburger my bathing suit my mom shorts and vintage sandals and greasy hair. obviously everyone checked me like yup thats the vibe. got to my friends van gave them the stand burger talked things out a little bit really really pushed things with redacted then left. walked to the liqour store got a single said hi to the owner. i should probably go skate soon it's almost 4 pm. going home soon ob beach vibes are way better suited for me at night. might go see my roommate bartend at his bar. he had a girl over last night lmfao. chilled w his cat alllll morning it was so nice. she was ramming her head into me while i was trying to do yoga. its finally nice out so people are flocking here. the boardwalk is so sick its sooo sick. i mean it was busy last night in ob i forced myself to do a couple rounds to the mainstreet but pb... today.... with this weather... ooof.. you can just feel it coming off of everyone. it's like a refresher of what the summer will feel like here. and all the beautiful girls i mean this is the spot. this is where there's more beautiful people than normal people. ahhh
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fenimores-book-nook · 8 months
Day 19 <3
Late night writing ~ 10:26 pm January 18th, 2024, Thursday
I'm currently sitting on the floor in front of our heater, getting all nice and cozy. :) I was checking some updates and felt in the mood to do a quick lil' writing. Which might be shorter than normal since I am pretty tired. ;)
To start out, I'll say that my day today was a good one! Which is something that I need to focus on more: the good things that happen in the day. Work was pretty good, I had a good vibe going with customers-it was a day where I felt very happy to have my job. <3 Other than it being cold in the shop, it was a good shift! (the heater has been having a hard time catching up to the cold weather lately) After work I stopped by the library (for the second time in a row) to pick up some books. :) I had stopped by yesterday and got a pile of graphic novels, then after reading one of them I really wanted to go get more of the books from the same author.
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I have very much been in the mood to read good-feel graphic novels, mostly middle-grade type books, but I love them. They give me just the right amount of comfort and interest. :)
So at the library I picked up only one other book by this author, since there was only one left, but I grabbed two other books that seemed interesting. I had been trying to scope out some graphic novels with Aspec representation and where with some of them, I can just view it from that perspective, but I only ended up finding one that really sounds like it has that representation. I haven't read it yet but I guarantee that I'll be writing about it. ;)
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(illustration I found on pinterest) <3
When I got home, I chilled a bit and watched some Doctor Who, ate lunch, watched some Hilda (just started and I love it so much), took a nap, and then took a shower before my plans for the evening. It was one of those "Third Thursday" events I've written about in past posts. :) I met up with one of my friends and we went to it together. It was a fun time, I'm glad I was able to go and hang out!
I came home a little after 8:30, when it had been snowing again-ahg-but it seemed like very light snow. It was mainly very windy, but hopefully soon the spring weather finally starts blooming its flowers! I chatted with my mom for a little while, then changed into comfy pajamas and nestled onto the couch to read. I finished Remarkably Ruby earlier when I came home from work and started the other book from that author: Just Jaime. So I read that one for quite some time until I wanted to snack on some, well, snacks, and put on Hilda. And now, I'm writing. ;)
I have some fun weekend plans too! Tomorrow, I work my normal schedule, then, at 6 I have my DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) meeting with my sister, brother-in-law, and my brother-in-law's best friend. I know it sounds like a strange mix of people, but it's actually so much fun. I *think* we're ready for either session 4 or session 5, but I am excited! My sister and her hubby (bro-in-law) will pick me up for it since I'm going to be crashing at their apartment for the weekend! I thought it would be fun to hang out with them again since I hadn't for a while. Plus, I think I could use a change of scenery, even if that scenery change is only 45 minutes away. ;) So, I'll be going home with them too and staying until Sunday, when my parents will pick me up and I'll go to their church with them and Bible study! I am a bit excited for that as well, hopefully it'll be a good time!
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The pretty sky this morning. :)
So, lots of fun things happening. I've been feeling like I should do more when I come home from work, though I just rarely ever feel like it. But, I mean, if I'm filling my days with good things for me that I enjoy, then that's great! I think I gotta get it out of my head that I have to be doing all these things that I don't really want to do. It probably plays in with the fact that most of my friends are in college and seem to be doing bigger things right now. Which sure, they are doing great things, but so am I!! And I just need to realize that and remind myself of that more often. Just because my life doesn't look like theirs does not mean that mine isn't lovely and successful and just enjoyable! I'm doing great, and that's something I gotta tell myself more often. :) (and if it's something you need to do too, here is your reminder!)
Well folks, I'll see you in the next one,
Thalia <3
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