#and this that + the other. my aunt turns the corner and realizes i'm waiting at the front desk for her and like! turns the volume fucking
echantedtoon · 2 months
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch2
(Warnings: Some men being creeps towards Y/n, possibly some innuendos. Mentioned drinking and throwing up. Yn's bad date gets drunk.)
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A  soothing plot of violin music danced with echoed tones throughout the square shaped room. The lovely music beating from the speaker system in the upper right corner. The softness of the melody was married to the surrounding ambience of silverware colliding with porcelain, clinking of glasses, and the soft sweet murmuring of voices. 
A quant little scenery to beheld a romantic gesture. A meeting of courtship. Possible start of love.
Eating in such a luxurious restaurant was not something she expected to be doing today.
Dim candlelights and low lights added that soft glow to the blue colored walls. A beautiful small chandelier handing up right in the center for a piece of class catching the glow in sparkling crystals. A pretty sight for sure. The sounds of at least three couples enjoying their nights of passion and love humored the beautiful room making it alive and more beautiful as they sat among the the beautiful cherry wood tables sitting in plush chairs and smiling amongst the lit candles on their white laced tablecloths.  An elderly couple in their golden years smiled at each other lovingly as the husband held his wife's hand shakily but still with love that lasted decades. No doubt a new couple right across from them trapped in the enchantment of first love's fire burning bright. A third one no doubt also enthralled with one another in the moment.
The slight itch of eyeshadow caused a woman's eyes to slightly blink and look around towards the surroundings. A slight frown dusted lipstick colored lips as they turned back to the candlelight in front of f/c orbs.
"Are you ready to order now, Ma'am?"
You jumped at the sudden soft voice. Blinking and directing your eyes towards the person who suddenly appeared in front of you. A generic waitress in black and white uniform smiling that familiar customer service grin, pen and paper at the ready to write down the wishes of the customer's taste buds.
"Oh! No. I uh-.. Well you see-" Eyes glanced towards the beautiful antique looking grandfather clock I the far left wall. According to it it was six o seven in the afternoon. Two hours and seven minutes from when you were supposed to meet with a certain person. "Um. Yeah. No." An awkward smile was given. "I-I'm still waiting for someone."
The waitress gave a look. A knowing one that probably said more about the situation but didn't comment on it as she turned and simply walked away from you. The awkward smile persisted more until she left you sitting there. Frowning again and staring down at the empty plate. The sigh that left your lips was loud and if you weren't far from most everyone else then you would've probably gotten looks. 
"You sound as if you are saddens by something."
You jumped once again as a deep voice spoke and you turned all the way around. . And you stared. A few seconds in you realized you were staring at the back of a large torso, and part of an arm. Blinking your eyes slowly trailed up and up and up-
"I apologize if I am too forward. I just couldn't help but notice that you were sounding a bit distressed."
You stared up in shock and see at the man behind you. Holy cow. He was..very tall. A head of black hair and tan skin greeted you as well as a pair of pure white eyes. The entire image took you off guard but you were more surprised that someone like him was able to come into the restaurant and you didn't notice. Were you that distracted?
"Uh. N-No." You held up a hand. Don't know why, if his eyes were like that then he was most likely blind. "Im meeting someone. Well I-I'm supposed to be." You turned back around and craned your neck to look around... however you sighed in defeat. "At least that was the idea."
"A date?"
"Blind date actually." You deadpanned sighing again. "My aunt, she's a matchmaker and this was all her idea."
"Ah. That is very kind of your aunt to arrange."
"Not really. The last few have been quite terrible." 
"Oh? How so?"
Where should you start?  How about the first time where your date looked nothing like his age or picture from the profile your aunt found? The man was old enough to be your grandfather! Thank goodness for the call your mom put in to ask how the date went, couldn't fake an emergency call faster. Or how about the time she set you up with a narcissist 'freelance nutritionist' who insisted your slight pollen allergy was because you didn't hear about his MLM pyramid scheme- You mean his totally legit dietary plan he was gonna sell to you for only a hundred dollars!!..You blocked his number after nearly twenty texts from him asking when you were gonna buy his 'diet plans'.
Or how about the time your aunt surprised you by setting you up on a blind double date with your cousin, her boyfriend, and his brother!! Which you didn't know was a date and you thought you all were only hanging out until said boyfriend's brother tried to kiss you, poured his drink on your shirt when you refused, and stomped off leaving you shocked and covered in lemonade. And then you had to call a taxi home because your cousin's boyfriend got made at YOU for making his brother angry and left you at the mall alone. Thank God for taxi services.
Or how about the guy you met at the bar who was already drunk when you arrived and threw up all over your car when you drove him home?Or how about the time you had lunch with that librarian? He was very nice, polite, maybe a bit paranoid and you found out why when his WIFE carrying a five month old baby stormed into the cafe and started loudly cursing both her HUSBAND and you out. 
You stopped going on dates after that and had a VERY firm and long talk with your aunt about her meddling with your love life. You only agreed to go on one last date because some rich people had paid your aunt to set him up with a girl. ANY girl. Apparently they were desperate to get him to meet some people. You only agreed because your aunt needed the job badly and you were promised a free dinner for your efforts. 
So with your permission, your aunt showed the guy a picture of you and showed you a pic in return. Recent according to his parents. Taken at a relative's wedding. You had to admit, he didn't look so bad. Pretty normal with wavy but short brown hair and matching brown eyes, average height and weight for a man at twenty four. From what your aunt told you he's a local college student majoring in computer sciences and from her interactions he's pretty forward but nice when they spoke in person. Ok. She gave you thirty dollars to buy yourself a free dinner so it's not too bad.
You did receive his number and had a brief conversation with him. He sounded normal if a little bored sounding, but you both agreed to meet at a nice restaurant called The Tuttles' Bar and Food at four the following Thursday. And that following Thursday you got dressed up nicely and went to go meet him. Arriving a few minutes early, and sending a quick text to him.
Y/n: Hey. I'm here a bit early!
Jake: K
Y/n: I'll wait for you inside. Ok?:)
Jake: Sure. At a friend's so imma be late.
Y/n: That's ok. I'll be sitting on the right side. See you soon.
So you went in and sat down and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Until two hours and seven minutes (and counting-) went by. You did send him a text thirty minutes in.
Y/n: You still coming?
Jake: Yep! Just left the house 
And then another one two hours in.
Y/n: Hey. Did you get lost or something? I've been waiting for nearly two hours now.
Left on read.
Y/n: Do you need directions? You ok?
Left on read.
Y/n: Look. If you don't want to go on a date at least tell me so I can just know you're not coming.
No answer. Not even left on read this time. 
You were very frustrated but decided to be nice and give him ten more minutes before you got up and just go get take out with the money your aunt gave you. It was six o' seven so only three minutes left to go before you left. 
"Well I think I'm being ghosted." You shrugged despite knowing that the stranger couldn't see you at all. "I haven't seen him for over two hours. Won't even answer my texts. What about you? Waiting for someone?"
He smiled. "Goodness that does sound rude. No." He shook his head. "No. A good friend of mine recommended this place to me for the excellent steaks they serve. I happened to be in the area visiting the local shrine and figured I'd stop by."
"Ah. That sounds quite nice, Mister-"
"Gyomei Himejima." He nodded towards you. "How do you do, Miss?"
"Y/n. Y/n L/n.  It's nice to meet you, Mr. Himejima."
"Please call me Gyomei. Mr. Himejima was my grandfather."
You smiled happier looking at Gyomei before glancing over at the clock again. Six o' ten. Whelp looks like your waiting time was up. "..It was very nice to meet you Mr- I mean Gyomei, but I think I better get ready to go." You were already reaching for your purse. Since you didn't eat anything you didn't have to pay at least. Oh well. Take out night it was. 
"A pleasure. I do hope the rest of your night is we-"
A loud woman's yelp of pain caught both of your attention as you looked back forward and blinked.
"Whoops. Sorry 'bout that lady." 
You blinked and only watched as none other than your date stumbled in, literally stumbled. Walking a bit wobbly like he was dizzy and stopped a moment as a waitress looked on with a glare. He stopped with a large grin on his face. He looked around and spotted you before wobble-walking his way over and with a grunt plopped him down in the chair across from you, bumping the table and making the candle holder. You gasped and thankfully grabbed the candle holder before it could tip over and light the pretty tablecloth on fire.
"Hoo! Man what a party. I'm telling you that last round was a killer. Never try chugging lemonade in the middle of an eating contest." 
You stared at him still. "Uh..." You hesitated gently grimacing at the sight of him. "Jake?"
"That's me."
....The picture you saw didn't do him justice. Photo Jake looked nice. Not really fancily dressed up but nice looking. THIS Jake did not look the least bit presentable. He literally looked like he just got out of bed, messy hair, eye bags, and all and looked disheveled like he was hit by a giant gust of wind on the way here. Shirt untucked and partially opened, and lightly dirty by the looks of it. All his clothes were wrinkled and...
"Is that a lipstick stain?" You pointed at his collar but he didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
"Huh? Oh yeah. Won a lucky strike at spin the bottle." His hand flicked his collar before he leaned back in the chair and looked nonchalant. "Speaking of lucky. Dam! I didn't know that my date was cute." A shiver ran down your spine at the way he slowly looked you up and down like he had xray vision. 
"Uh-...*ahem* S-So!" You pushed an awkward smile onto your face. "I'm starving! Let's get something to eat!"
"Great idea! I could eat a fucking horse."
You only chuckled nervously however neither of you were aware of the larger spectator, tilting his head slightly at the table behind him.
"Are you ready for the check, Sir?"
".. Actually I think I'll get a small appetizer."
You managed to wave down a waiter this time who smiled at you both and handed you a menu each. Asking you what you'd both would like with a notepad and pen at the ready.
"Mm. This all looks so good!," you broke the ice gazing over the items in your price range. "You know it's my first time coming to this place? Have you been here before?"
"Uh huh. That's nice babe." He bluntly stated looking boredly at the menu before just closing it with an eye roll and tossing it back onto the table. "Hey, buddy. Be a pal and get me some of that beef wellington ya got there and some red wine. And..cremd brulee stuff. Y'know what. Scratch that. Just bring me the whole bottle." He motioned towards the other man.
 If the waiter was annoyed with his actions he didn't show it. Only nodded and wrote down what he said. "And your partner?"
You opened your mouth-
"Yeah. She'll have a small salad and water. No sides. Now hop to it."
Your jaw dropped in shock brain processing for a moment as the waiter nodded and turned to walk away from you all.
"A-Actually I'd like a-" It was too late. The waiter was already gone before he could get a chance to hear you. His footfalls faded away before you slowly turned back to the bored looking man. "Why'd you do that?'
"Huh? Do what?"
You felt yourself frown. "Order for me. I didn't ask you to oder anything for me, and I didn't want a salad."
"What? Are you trying to get fat or something?"
Once more you felt your jaw drop in the audacity of this man .. before deeply inhaling through your nose. It's ok. This is fine. At least your food would be fast to eat and cheap. You'd buy yourself a burger on the way home and forget about this entire thing. 
"So. Jake. My aunt told me you're majoring in computer programming", you tried changing the topic again. "That's really interesting. I'm taking online classes for baking and pastry arts myself! I'm hoping to start my own bakery!"
"Oh. You cook?" He finally looked not bored slightly.
You happily nodded. "Yes!"
"What stuff you cook?"
"All kinds of stuff really but mostly stuff like cupcakes and bread."
"Eh. Don't really like that stuff too much." That's ok. Not everyone had a big sweet tooth. "But you cook so that's one redeeming quality for you. Girls don't want to do anything useful anymore."
"Excuse me?"
"Bless you. But that's what she told you? Pfft." He rolled his eyes again pointing at you. "I'm only taking the dam course to make my old man happy. But the real money is in marketing! You ever heard of ai generating?"
Oh God. He was one of THOSE. 
"Um. Actually maybe we should see if our foods ready-"
"It's like giving a computer a brain," he ignored what you said talking over you and pointing his hands together. "But it's not self thinking see. It's more like a search bar online except you can use it for actual useful shit! Like I can make a website for people to pay me and then they can create stuff they want! I can even use it to write like reports and stuff! Y'know how many people doing those impossible classes would pay for something like that?! I'd make more money than my old man over night!"
If it didn't smear your make up you would've rubbed your face in frustration. He continued onwards speaking about ai generating programs and what he wanted to use it for. You think he even forgot you were literally sitting there for a while going on about his stupid rant. Until your saving grace arrived in the form of food. Oh thank gods! You swore you could've kissed that waiter as he brought over a tray of food. Wine, beef wellington, and a fancy desert for him....Water and the world's sorriest excuse of a salad for you.  This didn't even come with dressing. 
"So like I was saying." 
He spoke up pulling at the cork of the bottle until it went flying with a pop and instead of pouring it into the nice wine glass the waiter provided him, he tilted his head back, brought the bottle to his lips, and just straight up started chugging the wine! You could only watch dumbstruck as he gulped it back. Others stared at you and your 'date'. One woman even muttered something that sounded like 'oh my' before he just slammed the bottle back on the table and messily wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
"I'll pay one of those techno wizards to make the website for me and add like a security system and like a password stuff for only me to get into. Everyone else is gonna pay for it."
...you just started to silently eat the salad quickly. It gave you an excuse not to talk and the faster you finished it, the faster you could leave the guy going on about just being lazy in life and messily chewing the food between words grossly. You just continued to not make eye contact as he continued spouting off whatever. Chugging down wine and gobbling up the fancy food you were sure glad you didn't have to pay for. 
"So IIIIIII said why dontcha just shut up and dooo it yourself ??? Cuz like m not doing anything for a dam ass asshole who owes mmmmmeee fifty bucks already." He slowly started to slur his words swaying a bit in his seat. Food dripped onto his shirt and pants leaving stains no doubt. "Hhheeyy. Arencha gonna eat that?"
"I think I lost my appetite."
You gave a small shriek pulling your hands up from the table as without warning he slapped an arm across the table and grabbed your plate. The fork in your grip clattering to the floor as he dragged what was left of your food and dragged it over to him.
"Gimme! Ill eat the dam thing." Without even a pause he continued what he's been doing just chugging down the bottle and eating. "You're rrrrrreeeeaallllyyy good lookin' y'knooooww that? But if ya gonna be wit me ya gotta drop the wwwwwwhhhhooollleee silent act....Acccctually scratch that. I-I like ya better like that. Nnnn  when ya cook n cleeeeeaaannnn tooooo and*BURP!* Give my fiuuuuckin kiiiids a-a-....Did ya knnnoooow I'm dealing with any girls?? I got too many women in my dam family already.."
"Are you drunk, crazy, or both?! Because I think it's both!!" You scowled at him with hatred now. "I think this date's over now. Is anyone picking you up?'
"My pppppaallbut good idea.. we can go back to my pla-"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" You snapped around and locked eyes with the nearest waitress staring wide eyed at the sight. "Can I have the check please?! And quickly!"
A loud burp caught your unfortunate attention back to Jake before he stood up. Jostling the table and pushing it forward to shake everything on it, including your water that thankfully didn't spill on you but it did spill across the table. 
"What is wrong with you?" You shouted to him grabbing the table and stopping it before it could ram into your stomach. Another loud burp enveloped from his maw. "Uh! That's disgusting. At least say excuse me."
"Ah shuddap! Girls don't know what a real man is anymore thanks to feminism!! I'm a nice guy!"
"Oh dear gods. You're one of those too?!"
"Fuuuaasck ok!! I'm going just gggggooooo now-" He made a grunt sound as he looked into the barrel of the bottle and now decided to messily pour what was left into the wine glass(that somehow miraculously didn't fall over when he scooted the table up) and then dropped the bottle with a thunk when the glass was mostly full. "Look at that. I still got summm." He slurred his words shakily grabbing the glass and smiling at it. "IS FULLLLL..LOOKIT!!'
Time seemed to slow down as he thrusted the glass forward towards you. Red liquid toppled through the air turning over and over. And then a loud splash sound permeated the air as it mFe contact along the table and the fabric of a cotton candy pink dress. You shrieked out as red liquid splashed across the front top of your dress before you shot up. Looking down at yourself as it ran from the top of your dress to about four inches above your knees in a splattery line pattern. The wetness already seeping through your dress and sticking to the skin. You shot up to your feet looking down at yourself as your 'date' did nothing but messily drink on the empty cup before stumbling and dropping the glass. It shattered beside him as he wobbled on his feet and blinked at nothing really. 
"I don't feel so good."
You didn't even bother looking up when you froze hearing a wet splattering noise as soon as he turned around and one of the other ladies sitting in the restaurant screamed like in one of those horror movies. You could only stand there numbly and stare at yourself. 
"Hey...I didn' bring mah wallet. Can ya cover dis??"
You stood there still staring at nothing but your filthy now stained dress in the middle of the mess he made feeling the stares of everyone else around you staring...And then you just started crying. Crying, and crying as big tears rolled down your face and made your mascara run in black globs down your cheeks. Jake didn't pay attention just stumbling around a bit out of his mind. 
"So like...can you pay? Then I can like pay ya back a different way- *BURP!!*"
A hand extended over to make a grab towards the shaking woman's arm. However whatever motion was made was completely stopped by a much larger hand wrapping itself tightly around the arms enveloping it entirely. A mountain of muscle and body turned from where he had reached around to stop him. Drunken glazed eyes blinking at the whites of clarity thinking.
"I think that you have done enough. Why don't you step away from the table like a gentleman?"
You didn't hear what was said behind you. Only crying and staring at yourself but at one point you sat back in the chair as Jake stumbled off somewhere else entirely as you sat there still crying and sobbing.
"Excuse me, Miss." You flinched looking up into the eyes of a waitress that gave you a frown of pity. She gingerly held out a small piece of paper. "My manager asked me to give you this check."
Oh finally! It was about time! You just wanted to pay for your food, go home, and forget that this ever happened. You sniffled a little more wiping at your eyes staring at your bill.. before your eyes nearly popped out from your skull seeing what was listed on it. 
Beef Wellington: $100.54 Red Wine: $60.50 Small Salad: $10.95 Creme Brulee: $13.70 Tip:$37.00 Total:$ 222.69
$20 TC
$5 WG
You stared at it wide eyed and jaw dropped looking at it, then at the still empathetic waitress, then back to the bill. Again and again... Before pointing at it.
"W-What?" Was all you could say.
"Your partner wasn't able to pay and there's the additional damages to the tablecloth and wine glass, Miss." She explained pointing a hand to where it said 'tc' and 'wc' on the bottom of the bill. "That's what these stand for."
You stared gobsmacked at her. "B-But...I only had a salad! I-I didn't even do any of this!" 
"I know but someone has to pay and your 'date' already left."
"Excuse me?" Both of you looked up. An older man in a normal pair of clothes looked the both of you over. "Which one of you is Y/n L/n?"
You sniffed. "Who are you?"
"Your obor driver. I was called to meet you here in advance."
You stared confused. "...I-I didn't call an obor."
"Really? Well the guy waiting in the car says you were going to pay for his ride home." Your mouth dropped as he held up a hand. "Look. All I know is that the bill's in your name and I can't go anywhere unless I'm paid, and I need to be paid anyways for coming out here."
"Wha- I-...H-How much?"
"It's eighty for the entire trip here and where he told me he wants to be dropped off."
You only stared at the both of them before just looking down at the bill now weighing more heavy in your hands ..and your hands shakily reached out for your purse and the card inside. You weren't going to be responsible for a drunk idiot not getting home safely, and you just wanted to go home. In total you paid three hundred twenty seven dollars and sixty nine cents. 
Two hundred twenty two dollars and sixty nine cents was for the entire food bill, most of which you didn't even eat, including a twenty percent tip for the waiter! Twenty five dollars for the damages you didn't cause! And an extra eighty dollars just to make sure the idiot who caused your entire terrible experience didn't get hurt wondering around like a drunken idiot!! By the end of it you didn't have enough money to pay for a taxi ride yourself or for decent food!! And you were still covered in runny make up and wine and smelt like alcohol! 
You just paid and rushed out as fast as you could to avoid the eyes still staring at you. Breathing a sigh of relief when the smell of alcohol and barf was finally behind you. Standing outside on the sidewalk and breathing a sigh of relief to the fresh air. At least that Jake was gone so this night couldn't get any more worse-
You shrieked out as a car drove past you quicker than the legal limit. Hitting a rather large and VERY muddy puddle in front of you sending it flying through the air and splashing all over you as it raced past and into the setting sun's light....You stood there drenched as dirt clung onto you and your hair cling onto your face. Comically a glob of mud ran down your arm and dropped onto the wet sidewalk as the first rounds of another round of rain rumbled above you in thunder. 
...A fresh batch of tears started up in your eyes as the first few drops of rain hit your shoulders.
That's how you found yourself completely drenched walking home in the pouring rain, filthy, your heels just shoved under your arms from how sore wearing them so long had made your feet, most of your money gone, humiliated, clothes completely ruined, and- Your stomach rumbled again louder and completely empty. That sorry excuse of a salad not filling you at all(you didn't even eat the whole thing) and you didn't have enough money to buy yourself anything. You guessed it was going to be another instant ramen night. You were too tired to fully cook something and by the time you got home it'd be really late anyways.
Your feet hit the sidewalk with each step you took making a small splash sound. Well..At least now it couldn't get any worse. 
You squeaked again jumping in your spot before whirling around and finding yourself face to face with a torso..you blinked before looking up, up, up and staring into the eyes of the tallest blind man you've ever seen with his coat slung over his arm.
"Oh. Mr. H-Himejima-"
"Gyomei." You sniffed and wiped at your face. Wouldn't do a bit of good as you stood in the pouring rain. At least this guy had a comically large umbrella keeping him dry. "L-Look. If you want something O-Or if your food got ruined too I can't pay for it-"
"Goodness no. I'm not here to demand money of you." His large hand held up a purse comically small in his palm. "You forgot your purse at the restaurant. I had to catch up to you to return it."
Your eyes widened. "My purse!" You reached out to quickly take it from him immediately. You couldn't believe you forgot about this. "I can't believe it." You looked back up to him smiling. "Thank you so much!"
He smiled wider at you. "I would've returned it to you sooner but I wanted to be sure that man didn't try to harm you again and by the time I came back I couldn't find you anywhere in the restaurant."
"Y-Yeah. I did leave pretty quick. But thank you for this. You have no idea how much I appreciate it-"
You both paused as your stomach growled rather loudly making him tilt his head and you flush a pink from how loud your stomach growled.
"Your stomach? I take it you're still hungry."
"Um..Y-Yeah. B-But I can't eat until I get back home. You see I-I had to pay for everything back at the restaurant."
"Why don't I but you dinner then?" His head looked straight up. "By the smells in the air, there's a burger place just around that corner." 
"Oh no. You've already been a big help. I-I can't ask you to pay for me." You stopped talking when something thick and black fell over your shoulders. It took a few seconds for you to realize that it was a giant jacket. 
"I insist." He stepped closer. Not enough to make you uncomfortable but enough to shield you from the ran with his umbrella. "You've been through quite enough tonight. The very least I can do is treat you."
"Well. .. Alright B-But nothing very expensive. I don't want to be a bother."
"If it was truly a bother I wouldn't have offered."
It was a short walk around the corner and to a small hole in the wall burger joint. You were actually shocked by him when he reached over and pushed the door open before you could grab the handle.
"After you."
"Oh..Thank you."
The inside was warm and dry and completely empty except for a surprised looking cashier in the front. Guess she wasn't expecting a literally giant and a girl looking like she literally almost drowned in a mud hole to come walking in through the door. Not that you blamed her. You looked a mess.
"Order whatever you'd like." He smiled at you. "it's my treat."
"Uh. C-Could I just get a plain cheeseburger and some fries?"
The cashier slowly nodded still staring wide eyed at you both. "Uh...D-Do you want a d-drink with that?"
"No thanks. I've had enough liquids for tonight."
"Uh sure." A quick clacking of the register later- "That'll be eight forty two please. I-Ill get your food shortly."
You bit down into the juicy stack of beef, ketchup, mustard, pickles, onions, and cheese. The heavenly taste filling your mouth like fireworks compared to the bland salad from earlier. Humming in satisfaction with every chew you took. This is definitely better than any overpriced steak! Gyomei sat down in the chair across from you looking comically too big for it. Surprised it didn't collapse under his muscle. 
"You seem to be feeling much better now."
You nodded swallowing and smiling. "Yeah! Thank you so much! I mean it. I can pay you back if you want."
He held up a large hand. "No need. I'm just happy to know that you are feeling better after everything that happened." 
"Ugh! Don't remind me. I am NEVER going on another date again!"
His head tilted but smile remained. "Were all your dates really that bad?"
You shook your head. "Actually this was the first one yet but all the dates I've been on have been. I swear ever since my prom date ghosted me for that cheerleader because I was his fourth choice." You shrugged before taking another large bite. "Most aren't really bad. Most are just really boring or uninteresting but the dates my aunt always arranged for me are always the very worst."
He hummed in genuine thought. ".. Perhaps she's not a good matchmaker."
"No! Actually she's an AMAZING matchmaker." You corrected him before he got that idea. "She matched both my parents when they were younger and my cousin with her boyfriend and practically everyone else on her street. The local shops get a lot of business from her work."
Such as your uncle who owns a catering company, the bridal dress shop, the bakery made countless wedding cakes, and you lost count of how many times her couples would go to the local restaurant for dates.
"It just seems like I have insanely bad luck with dates. My aunt tried to help but I think that only made it worse."
He hummed again. "I can't imagine how. You seem like a pleasant woman to talk with "
Despite yourself you blushed before chuckling. "Thanks. I'm glad someone thinks so."
"Are you able to get home alright? It seems to be getting later and raining."
"Huh? Oh! My friend lives nearby. He works at a pizza place. I'm sure he'll give me a ride if I ask him." Now that you had your phone, you could text him! Putting your burger down, and digging through your purse to pull out your phone and texted your friend. 
Y/n: Hey. You still at work?
Murata: Ye. Y?
Y/n: My date was a bust. Can you please pick me up?
Murata: Yeah. I'm off in 10 minutes. Brt. (Be right there.) Wru?
Y/n: Thanks. I'm at a small burger place across from a flower shop.
Murata: k. See u then.
You smiled at your phone and sighed. "My friend's coming to pick me up."
"Then I shall wait until he arrives to be sure you're safety."
"You really don't have to do that. You've done more than enough."
"I enjoy your company. So it won't be a bother." His larger smile made you flush a pink. "Tell me what happened while I was gone."
It must've been at least half an hour of you ranting to him about everything as he just patiently listened to you until Murata's beat up car pulled up just as you finished eating and honked loudly.
"That's him!"
"Then allow me to escort you to the car."
He was very polite and opened the door for you again as you both stepped out. Thankfully the car was right there so you didn't have to run through the rain. Smiling you gave Gyomei one last smile.
"Thanks for everything tonight. It was much appreciated. Maybe we ought to get together sometime so I can tell you more stories."
"How does this Saturday sound?"
You blinked taken aback. "I- What?"
He only smiled. "I'm off this Saturday and I know this cafe with good prices. If you want to of course?"
Your eyes widened. "Are you.. actually asking me on a date?"
"Certainly. If you feel comfortable with going of course."
"I don't know..My bad luck with dates have been pretty consistent."
"I think this one would be different. Never know until you give a chance."
"Well...Ok. why not? Can I get your number first?"
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hummusxx · 9 months
I Don't care -JB5
parings: Jude Bellingham x fem!reader
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summary: It's New Year's Eve in Madrid. Everyone is out having parties and celebrating the new year while u is stuck home sick with the flu. Your boyfriend tries to cheer you up.
Of course. The only handful of days Jude and I can go out together is spent inside on the couch, watching some stupid show. I just had to go and get the flu. My aunt had forgotten to inform everyone that her demon of a child had every sickness known to mankind at Christmas dinner
" Babe get the frown off your face- Everything is alright " Jude tried to reassure me as he was walking towards the couch with a steaming hot bowl of soup.
I look at him in disbelief.
"No Jude. We were supposed to have fun tonight and go out. Not say home and watch this stupid show in clothes that smell like we haven't showered in years." With a frown on my face, I bury my head into the couch cushion.
I start to hear loud bangs and realize that fireworks are going off. I look outside the window with a somber look.
"Um excuse you but The Sopranos is one of the best shows in the world" Jude says offensively as he sets down the bowl.
"-and i wouldn't want it any other way. Just Me and My girl, alone, in pjs, watching a dumb show as u say." he sits next to me, laying his arm around my shoulder and pulling the blanket over him.
"Stop you're going to get sick Jude," I say, as I try and push him to the other side of the couch.
Jude doesn't move any inch. After my pity attempt to move him, he reaches and grabs the bowl on the table and starts to feed me like a mother would her babe.
"Judie I'm not a baby" I whine.
Well, you're my baby" he says, laughing as he watches me frown.
He suddenly puts down the bowl and makes his way into the bedroom.
"Jude where are u going."
"Just a sec" he responds. His voice was muffled by the loud fireworks outside.
He comes back in with a hat and party blower that says,'Happy New Year.'
"Jude what- How did u get this stuff." I say as u sit up from the couch.
Jude moves over to me and puts the hat on my head and the blower in my hand. He walks over to the kitchen and open the fridge.
He grabs 12 grapes for both of us and sits down on the couch.
"I grabbed all this while I was out getting your soup" I stare at him in disbelief. My eyes start to water.
" I know how bad u wanted to go out tonight, so I brought the out to you," he says while turning on the broadcast of the clock in Puerta del sol.
I look at the time, it's 11:57. It's almost the new year.
" Jude"
"mhm" he turns to look at me.
"I love you so much and I'm so grateful for everything that has happened to us this year."
He looks at me and grabs my hands
"Baby you have helped me so much this year and i am forever grateful for u" He Kisses my forehead right at the clock Strucks 12.
The chimes start and we eat the grapes.
We both finish them all in the chimes.
"Happy New year baby' he says as he grabs my head..
"Jude you're going to get sick" i say leaning in
"I don't care."
Hummusxx Corner
heyyy everyonee i hope this was good. I haven't wrote in ages it feels like so im happy to have a new piece out. In Spain, they have a tradition of eating 12 grapes with the 12 chimes of the clock in puerta del sol and if u finish all 12 you will have a good new year full of luck. So since Jude has moved to spain decided to include it in because it just felt right. If u liked it plssss repost or comment. Love yall and byeee
I wanted this to be posted on new years eve BUT I literally can’t wait so here it is early 😉
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iamknicole · 7 months
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Chapter Nine
A/N: Its finally here! First chapter of 2024! To those who have been waiting so patiently THANK YOU! Enjoy! Comment, reblog & share!⭐⭐ PART OF THE CHAPTER WAS MISSING! I ADDED IT!
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of abortion, excuse any typos, MINORS DNI
Chapter Eight
Christmas Excerpt
Following the new year, things were buzzing and busy. Zilla was in demand, working hard on the road to the company's biggest show of the year. Moriah on the other hand was being shuffled around due to a shortage but presented to her as praise for the good work she does. By the end of the shuffle, she landed in Pediatrics, the last place she wanted to be. The couple saw each other less but they tried to make the best of it. 
“Fat,” Zilla called out softly. He chuckled hearing her whine. “C'mon, Fat. Get up for me, please.”
She shook her head, trying to pull the covers over her head but Zilla snatched them before she could. 
“Nooooo,” she whined, “You already kept me up all night. Uhn uhn.”
“I'm not waking you for that this time. I got something to show you.”
After another ten minutes of struggling with her, Zilla finally got her up and out the door. He walked carefully behind her with his hands over her eyes, leading her to the complex's parking lot. When he stopped, he kissed her cheek lovingly.
“I forgot to bring one of your gifts with me to Texas, Fat. You ready to see it?”
“You woke me up out of my sleep, you damn right i’m ready to see it,” she joked.
Counting to three, Zilla removed his hands revealing the gift. She stared with a wide smile on her face.
“Isayah Fatu, you did not.”
“I did,” he answered softly.
“You did not buy me a car!” She squealed not caring about waking their neighbors up this early in the morning. She jumped into his arms, kissing his face repeatedly. “I didn't need it but I’m glad you got it!”
“Of course I did. I couldn’t be in my new shit and not have my lady in some new shit too, Fat. It’s only right. Plus. baby, you deserve it. I told you that I was gonna take care of you. This just the beginning, Fat.”
At that Moriah pulled back to look at him, laughing at the sneaky smile on his face. Knowing what was coming next, Zilla turned them to the side so she could look at the cars. She was so focused on her own car, she didn’t realize there was a car beside hers with an identical red bow on it.
“You got your Challenger!”
“I did. You tryna go for a ride before I gotta go?”
Moriah tilted her head and raised her brows. “Out here? Somebody might see, Zay. well … the windows are tinted. Let’s do it.”
He laughed loudly, dropping his head to her chest for a second. “I ain’t mean that kinda ride, Fat. I meant in my car.”
“Oh,” she said shyly. “My bad.”
“No need. If we got time for that then I’m aight wit it but if not you know I’ll still make it happen for you.”
“In both cars?”
“Yeah, Fat, in both cars. And you stay talkin bout me.”
After taking her for a ride around the block, Zilla dropped her back off and went to the performance center. While he waited for his class to start, he tucked himself away to work on the promo he had been working on for the next show. 
“Big boy! Where you at, man?”
Chuckling to himself, Zilla put his phone away and stood from the corner he sat in.
“You bigger than me, boy.”
Bronco laughed, slapping hands with him. “You still big boy either way. What's up though? How was the holiday?”
“Shit it was good, got to spend time with my family. My niece had shit everywhere.”
“I bet. My brother did too,” he laughed, “Soooo.”
Zilla squinted a little, chuckling under his breath. “What, man?”
“Did you see Rye's family?”
“Yeah, she tried to go to her mom's by herself and you know I couldn't let that happen so I went too. Her aunt and umi was there.”
“Got it,“ he nodded, “Her mom said anything out the way to you?”
“For once not really, she said like one slick thing but Umi shut that down quick. We only saw her that one day.”
Bronco figured if Zilla knew he wouldn't be as calm as he is and safely assumed his friend had no idea what he knew. The two moved into a different conversation
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“If I tell you again to get  away from me, I’m going to HR. Get out of my face, Thomas.”
“I just wanna have a conversation with you, Mo. Is that so bad?”
Moriah looked up from the chart she was completing and rolled her eyes. Two months into this year and she was contemplating whet or not she would spend the rest in prison. “Yes, it is. And this is the last time I’m gonna tell you to stop calling me Mo. Nurse DeBreaux and nothing else.”
He chuckled to himself. “I know you in the biblical sense and I gotta call you Nurse DeBreaux? That seem right to you?”
“I slept with you one time in that whole time we were together so I wouldn’t say that you know me but in any case if you repeat that again, I’ll kick your ass myself and then I’ll call Zilla to do it and you don’t want that.”
“Oooh, I struck a nerve I see. Listen, I just got one question and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Spit it out.”
“Why did you even bother to make me use a condom?”
Dropping the pen on the table, Moriah slowly looked up at him with an infuriated expression. “What did you just say?”
He titled his head still smiling. “You heard me. What was the point?”
“Explain what you’re asking me, Thomas and do it quickly.”
“Oh now you wanna talk to me? I think I’ll keep the rest to myself for another time.”
Not wanting him to know that she already knew about the partnership between her mother and him, Moriah thought of something quickly to throw it off. She knew if she bought it up, he would tell her mother and Zilla would find out before she herself had a chance to tell him.
“Stay out of my medical files, Thomas.”
“Medical files,” he repeated with a chuckle, “Sure thing, Mo … I mean Nurse DeBreaux. I’ll see you later.”
Watching him walk away, Moriah counted backwards from 100 in her head trying to calm herself down. When she realized it wasn’t working, she let the other nurses know that she was gone for a fifteen and hurried down to the ED. As soon as Toni saw her face, she handed her device off to one of the other nurses and guided the younger woman into the break room, locking the door behind them. 
“What happened?”
“Can you call Bronco to beat Thomas’s ass please?”
Toni chuckled, “I’m sure he would love that but why? Tell me what happened.”
“I’m filling out paperwork for a child that just got admitted and he comes over trying to talk to me and I tell him to leave me alone. Of course his ass doesn’t listen, never fucking listens.” She groaned.
Toni put a calming hand on her shoulder, “Breathe, Rye. Breathe.”
She took a few deep breaths before continuing on.  “So he looks at me and says what was the point of making me wear a condom. And he’s smirking, so happy and proud of himself. Fucking bastard.”
“He said what? Why would he say that to you?” She asked, frowning.
“Because apparently my mom told him more after they talked up here. I had to play it off like he had been in my medical records even though I know he wouldn’t be able to get into them.”
“You don’t want him to know that you know about him and your mom because he’ll tell her that you’re onto them and she’ll tell Zilla before you can.” 
“Exactly.” Moriah sighed hard, rubbing at her nose. “I fucking hate them. Especially my mama. Why won’t she just let me be? She’s done enough already.”
Pulling her into a hug, Toni rubbed her back and let her cry on her shoulder. There was a question she was dying to ask but she wasn’t quite sure how to ask it in Moriah’s given state. 
“Some people aren’t happy with themselves so they take it out on other people, especially the people that love them.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over the shit she’s done.”
“I’m not gonna tell you how to feel, what to feel or what to do with those feelings, Rye. I’m here for whatever you need. You call, text or come over anytime. Okay?”
Moriah nodded, pulling away from the hug. She wiped her face, trying to give a small smile. “I know you wanna know what he meant but I just can’t have that conversation right now. I’ll tell you at some point though. I promise.”
“No rush. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk. I do have another question, though.”
“What’s up?”
“When’s the next time Zilla has a day off?”
Moriah thought for a moment, rubbing at her eyes. “I think Thursday.”
“Okay, so you’re gonna be off on Thursday and Friday so you take that time to talk to him. It seems like you’re running out of time to tell him yourself especially with how out of hand Thomas is getting. And while I’m sure Zilla will not leave you for any of this, I know how important it is for you to tell him yourself. And I know he would much rather it come from you.”
Moriah stood quietly, replaying Toni’s words in her head.They were pretty much the same words she had been saying to herself.
“I know it’s gonna be hard,” Toni added interrupting her thoughts, “I know it’s gonna be scary but you can do this. If you want me and Bronco can be there for you both.”
“No … no. I can do it alone. But stay by your phone please.”
“Of course and remember that boy loves you a hell of a lot. He’s gonna be pissed, not at you but he will be and you have to allow him to feel and process things the same way you did.”
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Quietly, Moriah moved around their apartment to gather the few small boxes she needed and sat them on their kitchen table. She fixed breakfast for her boyfriend knowing that after she told him what she needed to tell him that he probably wouldn’t have an appetite. She had been texting back and forth with Toni to talk about her plan.
“Damn, it smell good out here,” he called out in between his yawning. “Mornin’, Fat.”
She chuckled, going to hug and kiss him. He held onto her a few seconds longer than he usually would then released her with a smack on the ass.
“How’d you sleep, Zay?”
“Like a rock. I ain’t realize how tired I been.”
Moriah led him to the table then went to get his plate and juice. “I’m glad you got some rest. You deserve it after throwing them people around every day.”
“Thank you,” he got quiet for a moment to say grace, “You right. You ain’t sleep good though. Not all that tossin and turnin’ you did.”
“Was I?” she asked, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Yeah you were. Had to hold onto your lil ass to get you to stop.”
“That was the plan all along,” she giggled. “I sleep better in your arms.”
The couple ate their food, having small conversations here and there about their upcoming week and schedules. Zilla finally noticed the boxes on the table after he was done eating. He glanced between her and the boxes.
“What’s that, Fat?”
She hummed, quickly taking their dishes in the kitchen.
“The boxes. What in em? What you ordered now?”
Going back to the table, Moriah sat across from him and pulled the boxes closer to her. She pulled the top box open just wide enough to slide a manila folder out of it. Zilla waited quietly for her to say something, his eyes darted between the folder and his girlfriend.
“What you got?”
“You remember when you told me that whenever I was ready to talk about what my mom did to me while you were gone that you would listen and be here for me?”
“Yeah and I meant it.”
“Well,” she sighed out, “I’m ready to talk about it now. I need to tell you before she does.”
He frowned a little. “What you mean? Why she wanna tell me?”
“Because she knows that if she tells you that you’ll leave me and that’s what she wants.”
“Fat,” he called out, reaching across the table for her hand, “Look at me.” He waited for her to look up before he continued. “Whatever she did to you, you didn’t have no control over that. I love you and whatever she did or said won’t change that. Aight?”
Moriah sighed. “I know you told me that but you don’t know yet.”
“Fat, baby … just tell me. Zilla ain’t goin nowhere.”
She held his stare for a few moments, trying to figure out how she wanted to start telling him. 
“When you got sentenced and stuff, I was distraught as hell. It was pitiful,” she chuckled. “I spent all my free time at your moms, in your bed and stuff. Then like three weeks after you left, I got sick on and off. Figured it was just cause I wasn’t eating like I should or a cold but three 
weeks later I was still sick. Arthur came over to see me and him and mama gave me a pregnancy test.”  
Her heart dropped a little, feeling his grip on her hand loosen. 
“The test was positive. Um, my parents and Mama were upset at first but they realized that there was nothing they could do you know and we went from there.”
“You was pregnant? And nobody told me?” He asked, trying to keep his tone calm.
“We were gonna tell you, Zay, but we were trying to figure out a way to tell you because you were gonna miss 10 years of the child’s life. That wasn’t gonna be easy.”
“So everybody knew but me?”
She shook her head. “No. Only me, my parents, Mama, Arthur, Auntie Kami and Umi. It didn’t go beyond us because we didn’t want anyone telling you before we figured it out.”
“Keep goin,” he demanded softly. 
She sighed softly, slipping her hand from his momentarily. Flipping through the folder for a moment, Moriah pulled out her sonograms and slid them across the table.
“My first appointment was at 10 weeks. I heard the heartbeat and the doctor said that the baby was fine. My mom kept saying smart shit but me, Mama and my daddy were happy. Mama cried when we found out the due date.” Moriah chuckled softly remembering.
He stared at the images in front of him, his thumb slightly grazing where the baby sat in the sonogram. “Why did she cry?”
“The due date was March 24th.”
Zilla looked up from the sonogram, locking eyes with his girlfriend. “4 days before Pops birthday.”
“Yeah,” she answered softly. 
He huffed loudly, placing the sonograms on the table. His hands went to cover his face for a moment, taking slow, deep, long breaths. It was hard but he was trying to keep his promise.
“Clearly none of yall figured out how to tell me cause I’m just now findin out. So what you do with our kid? The only kid I’ve seen is Sisi and she ain’t old enough to be ours.”
Moriah wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “I don’t wanna tell you, Zay.”
“Nah, nah, nah. You can’t start then stop, Moriah. Where’s my kid?”
“You’re gonna be mad at me, Zay.” She cried holding the folder tightly to her chest. “I don’t wanna tell you. She made me do it.”
“Moriah,” he called out sternly. “Just tell me!”
She jumped from his voice booming through their apartment which he immediately regretted. He stood from the table wiping his hands over his head and face.
“I’m sorry for yellin’ at you, Fat but just … please just tell me.”
Sitting the folder aside, Moriah played with her fingers trying to get her mouth to cooperate with her brain. 
“When I was 12 weeks, my mom told me that she had made another appointment for me to make sure the baby was okay. I was skeptical but I still went. Your mom was skeptical too.” She said between sobs. “It wasn’t a regular check up for the baby. She had scheduled an abortion. She let them take my baby and then she gloated about it.”
The word replayed over and over inside Zilla’s head. He was trying to wrap his mind around it but it wasn’t connecting. Feeling his anger start to rise well above what it should have been, Zilla started to pace back and forth. 
“I didn’t want to but I was a minor and I didn’t have a choice, Zay. And afterwards she made me go tell your mom that ‘it’ was gone so yall would leave us alone.”
 “Our kid is dead?” He asked softly.
“That bitch killed my fucking kid?” He yelled, not able to keep the rumble inside of him. “She killed my kid and got the nerve to act like mother of the fuckin year?”
Moriah wanted to hug him but she knew he would probably push her away so she stayed where she was with the table between the two of them. Her eyes followed him as he paced back and forth, mumbling to himself. Going into the other box, she pulled out a small baby blue box holding that tight in her grasp.
“Afterwards, I kept asking her what did they do with the baby and if they had told her if the baby was a boy or a girl but she wouldn’t answer me. I kept asking and asking,’’ she explained softly, “And finally she told me that she had them cremate the remains and that she had the gender. In order for me to get both and my sonograms, I had to do something else.”
His pacing stopped but he didn’t look at her.
“I had to get my tubes tied. I had to agree or she was gonna destroy all of it.” She took a moment and approached him with the box. She took one more look at it then held it out to him. “I did it because she had already killed my baby, I couldn’t lose the rest of the only pieces of him I had.”
“Yeah,” she said softly, “It was a boy. I know it probably doesn’t mean much but I named him Angel.”’
Slowly, Zilla took the box from her, his thumbs caressed the letters etched into the box. ‘Angel Fatu’. Hot tears rolled down his face uncontrollably as he cradled the box to his chest. Taking a chance, Moriah moved closer to her boyfriend and he took a step back, shaking his head.
“If your tubes are tied, why are we using condoms and why are you on birth control?”
The second time she’s heard this question, this time she felt more comfortable answering.
“I’m not on birth control, Zay. The condoms … it was easier to just keep using them because if we weren’t I know you would wonder why there hadn’t been any pregnancy scares.” She explained. “Nobody knows that my tubes are tied except you and my mom. I was ashamed.”
“The condoms that she gifted us at the going away party?”
“A sick joke. She’s been torturing me for years. She made me get a job in a daycare not more than six months after Angel. I was in the infant room. Whenever her friends or co-workers needed a babysitter, she made me do it.”
Taking a short glance at his girlfriend, Zilla moved around her with the box still in hand and grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter. He didn’t say another word to her, he simply walked out of their apartment slamming the door behind him.
Hours and hours passed without Moriah receiving a response to the texts she'd sent to her boyfriend. Ultimately, she was worried about his safety and just wanted to know he wasn't on the side of the road somewhere. The radio silence on her phone also let her know that he hadn't called his mom because she would have called or texted by now. He was angry and he had every right to be. 
By the time she got in bed there was finally a ping from her phone, alerting her to a message. Her heart dropped a little when she saw Bronco's name instead of Zilla's.
Couldn't text earlier but he been with me all day. I got em, he good, sis. Get you some rest. He love you, he been sayin it all day. He just upset. Lock the door and call if you need us. 
Thank you. Good night. I love him too.
She laid back staring at the ceiling debating with herself. Deciding she needed to know, she sent another text. 
He has the blue box, right? 
Of course. Angel chillin next to moms. Don't worry ya pretty lil head, sis. They good.
Letting out a soft sigh, Moriah plugged her phone up and put it on the dresser then moved to Zilla's side of the bed, cuddling his pillow. She said a soft prayer before drifting off to sleep. 
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“What's this smile about? Who are you texting?”
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Hassan pulled his phone to his chest away from his younger sister, Gabi's wandering eyes with a chuckle. It was their weekly visit and so far he had been splitting his time between entertaining her and texting. 
“I always smile, thank you very much.”
She laughed still trying to get to his phone. “Not like that you don't. Fess up. What's her name?”
“Why you always in my business? I need to call my brother in law on you?”
She shrugged playfully, trying to start the phone. “Call all you want, I'm still gonna ask. Now who is it? Or I'm gonna call my niece and ask her. I know she knows.”
Hassan rolled his eyes dramatically. “I thought you would grow out of being nosey. But if you must know, I was texting my friend, Tamara.”
“Friend Tamara? You mean your girlfriend!”
“Not my girlfriend,” he chuckled, “We've been seeing each other for a little, seeing where it goes.”
Gabi raised a brow. “Is this the same friend you've been going out with since before Thanksgiving?”
“It might be.”
“Uhuh so that's your girlfriend! When do I get to meet her?”
“Whoa, whoa. Slow down, speedy. It's not time for that yet.”
“You've been seeing her for almost five months and yall are grown. It's time. Does Moriah know about her?”
He nodded, smiling a little. “She was with me when Tamera approached me. Rye wanted me to go out with her. Even offered to be my flower girl.”
Gabi squealed, hugging her brother. “Yes! So she's in. I'm so happy because I was terrified you were gonna go back to that bitch of an ex wife.”
“Gabriella,” he called out sternly. 
She put her hands up defensively. “I didn't lie, she is a bitch but fine I won't say it again. I don't even know what you ever saw in her evil ass.”
“We're not discussing Nadine, we're discussing Tamera.”
“So tell me about her? You obviously like her with all this smiling and texting.”
His smile widened, starting to think about Tamera and the time they'd been spending together. When they first went out, Hassan honestly wasn't planning on taking her out again. He was simply going so Moriah wouldn't be on his back about not going but that first date pulled him in. 
“Tamera is a good person. She's a realtor, has been for quite some time. She has two kids, one boy and one girl. Not too much older than Rye.”
“Uhuh, keep going.”
Hassan laughed. “That's all I'm telling you, nosey. Whenever you meet her, you can ask her all the questions you want.”
His phone ringing interrupted Gabi, he held a finger up as he checked to see who was calling. 
“Is that your girlfriend?”
“No, it's Leata.” He responded sticky before putting the phone to his ear. “Hey, what's up?”
“I'm not interrupting you, Hassan. Am I?”
“Nope, you actually saved me from Gabi.” He laughed dodging his little sister's hit. 
“Oh tell her Hey for me. I'm sorry to bother you guys.”
“I'll tell her but you're not bothering us. Everything okay? Was it Nadine?”
Leata laughed softly. “No, no, not Nadine. Haven't talked to her since Christmas. It's about the kids.”
“What about them? They okay?”
“Well I was checking to see if you had talked to either of them. I haven't talked to them in three days and that's not like either of them.” She sighed softly. “I'm probably just being paranoid but one of them would at least text, ya know?”
“Uuuh I talked to Moriah Thursday morning I think it was. She was cooking breakfast and just called to talk for a few but not since then.”
“I'm worried about them. I think I'm gonna fly there to check on them, this isn't like them.”
Hassan thought for a moment. “I have Rye's friend's number for emergencies so I'll call her and see if she knows what's going on then we'll go from there. Deal?”
“Okay, let me know as soon as you do.”
After agreeing Hassan disconnected their call and started to go through his phone in search of Toni's number. Gabi watched him, although she was only able to hear his side of the conversation she could put two and two together. 
“You think they're okay? They probably just went on a lil trip and forgot to say something.”
“Yeah,” Hassan said softly as he put his phone back to his ear, “Hopefully so.”
The phone rang all the way to voice-mail, Hassan figured she didn't recognize the number and didn't answer so he shot her a quick text. A couple minutes later his phone was ringing. 
“Hey, Toni. It's Hassan, Rye's daddy. How are you?”
“I'm good, running some errands. I didn't realize that was you calling. Everything okay?”
“No worries. I just wanted to see if you'd talk to Rye in the last few days.” He took the phone from his rear to put it on speaker so he could text Leata. “Zilla's mom hadn't heard from them since Wednesday and I haven't talked to Rye since Thursday morning so we're a little worried.”
Toni sat on the phone quietly for a moment trying to decide how much of what she knew Moriah would be comfortable with. While she hadn't directly talked to either of them, Bronco had kept her in the loop and she did call and text Moriah but got no answer. 
“Toni? You there?”
“Yes, I'm sorry. I've talked to her and a mutual friend of ours has talked to Zilla in the last couple days so they're okay.”
Hassan let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he sent a quick text to Leata.
“Good, thank you.”
“I tell you what  … I'm near their apartment so I'll swing by and lay eyes on Rye for you. Let her know that yall are worried.”
“I would greatly appreciate that, Toni. Thank you so much.”
“Oh it's no problem at all.”
After getting off the phone, Toni carefully switched labs so that she could get off the exit closest to Moriah and Zilla's apartment. She was thankful that Hassan called because now she had even more reason to go check on her friend. Bronco had been telling her that he had Zilla and Moriah would respond to his few text messages everyday and that she was fine to give her space. But space isn't something Toni thought Moriah needed especially not after three days. Zilla went to his friend and Moriah's alone. She's isolating herself. 
Getting to the apartment, Toni carefully climbed the stairs with their bag of food in hand. She knocked on the door then pressed the ring doorbell and bent over a bit to talk into it. 
“You know you hear me at this door. It's hot and I'm melting, Rye. Let me in, please!”
A few minutes and a few knocks later, Moriah let her in. Toni sat the food on the coffee table then went right to Moriah pulling her into a tight hug. Although she tried to hold it, Moriah couldn't stop her cries. She cried on Toni's shoulder as her body shook from how hard she was sobbing. The older woman held onto her and rubbed her back while she whispered soft encouraging words. Minutes later, Moriah pulled away wiping her face on the sleeve of what Toni assumed to be Zilla's hoodie. Toni pulled her over to the sofa so they could sit. 
“I've been calling and texting you, Rye. Everybody has.” Toni spoke softly.
“I know,” she sniffled, wiping a stray tear away, “I'm sorry. I didn't wanna talk.”
Toni started to take their food out of the bag, setting it up on the coffee table. 
“I understand but a text to let people know you're alive would've been great, Rye. Your dad called me to see if I'd talked to either of you. Apparently him and Zilla's mom are worried about you two.”
Moriah sighed, playing with her nails. Leata had been calling and texting, his brothers had as well but she didn't answer because she knew she wouldn't be able to hide any of this from them.
“You should at least text them back. Cause it sounds like the two of them were ready to come do a search party.”
She nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket. The screen is filled with notifications. “I don't know what to tell them.”
“Just tell them you've been working doubles at the hospital so you've been sleep when you're not working. It's a lie but it'll work for now.”
“Yeah. Thank you,” she mumbled. Her fingers moved back and forth on her phone while she tapped out her messages. To Leata's she added that she would call when she got a free moment. “I'm sure Bronco told you but he left after I told him. I knew he would but I was hoping he wouldn't.”
Toni gave her the plate of food and her utensils. “Eat. It's jerk chicken and rice, you like that. He didn't leave you, Rye. He left the situation. That was a lot to find out after all this time.”
Moriah pushed the food around her plate before taking a bite. “He could barely look at me and when he did he looked disgusted. Like he hated me.”
“He was not disgusted with you and he does not hate you.” Toni reassured. “The situation and your mother, that's where those emotions are directed. You gotta give him time, Rye. Have you healed from what she did?”
“No, not entirely.”
“Okay so it's been almost ten years since she did it and your not healed so just remember that Zilla's only had a few days and there's no way he's gonna heal in those three days.”
The friends sat quietly for a few minutes eating their food. 
“That boy loves you to death, you don't need to worry. He left because he felt like that was the safest thing for him and your relationship. He didn't want to misdirect his anger at you. Okay?”
“What if he can't get over it, Toni? What if it's never the same again?”
“Hey, no … we're not doing that. Breathe,” Toni paused to take a few deep breaths with her, “You and Zilla are gonna be fine. Okay? Your mom will not win. You and him got this.”
Moriah nodded solemnly. “Okay, T. I just … I miss him.”
“I'm sure he misses you too. Sometimes space isn't a bad thing.”
“He hates space,” she chuckled softly, “He tells everybody the same thing. If he could live in my skin, he would. He loves being up under me all the time.”
“Trust me, I can tell with how much he interrupts my ED,” she joked. “Speaking of the ED, I'm tired of not having you there so I'm working on getting you back. That replacement of yours is working my nerves.”
“And Thomas is getting on mine,” Moriah added. “I used to wanna be in pediatrics but he's ruined it for me. I swear if I have to work with him any longer he's gonna need a colon repair surgery.”
They laughed loudly. 
“I'm sure Bronco and Zilla would more than agree with you. But I'm working on it, I need my girl back in the ED with me.”
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Constant buzzing during their workout was starting to annoy Bronco. He knew Zilla was tuning it out and he was trying to as well but he couldn't take it. Setting his weights down, he went over to the treadmill Zilla ran on and turned it off earning a confused glare from his friend. 
“What's up? What you doin?”
“Your phone, man. Either answer it or put it on silent.”
Zilla glanced over at it, seeing it light up and vibrate again. “Nah, I'm good. It'll be aight.”
“If you not gon answer it, put it on silent for the sake of the rest of us in here.”
He shook his head as he wiped his sweat with his towel. “Can't. Just in case.”
Bronco sucked his teeth and stared at his friend like he had the heads. “What? Just in case? Just in case what? Cause I know not an emergency with the way they blowing you up, Zilla. Or you mean just in case with Rye? Yeah that's what you mean. Right?”
Zilla didn't answer but he didn't need to. Bronco knew him well enough to know that's what he meant. 
“Look I get it, you're upset and you got every right to be but you shutting out the wrong people. And if you really cared about Rye being okay, you would've at least texted her to check on her.” 
“She straight, man.”
“How you know? I mean I know she straight cause I check on her but how would you? The crazy shit is, you not even mad at her, bruh. I get you don't wanna take some shit out on her that ain't her fault,” he fussed, hitting his hands for emphasis, “But communicate that shit with her. You left y'all spot three days ago and ain't said shit to her. You think that shit sound right?”
Zilla rubbed his hands over his face. He knew his friend was right but he was scared to talk to Moriah. After he yelled at her when they last spoke, he didn't want to do that again and hurt her. 
“And moms been calling you and she damn sure ain't do shit wrong but try and protect you, Rye, and Angel. But here you are not answering and stressing her the fuck out. She did the best she could, bruh. You putting a wall up with the wrong people, Isayah. You my boy and I love you but you doing the wrong shit.”
With a shake of his head, Bronco turned away from his friend and went back to the weight bench. Zilla too wanted to go back to working out but the lashing Bronco had just given him writhed heavily on him. Nothing that was said was wrong but he still didn't know what to do. Grabbing his phone and his towel, Zilla left the gym area and went to sit outside the Performance Center to get some air. He fiddled around with his phone trying to decide if he was going to respond to any of his notifications. 
I love u, Fat
I love you more, Zay.
Not able to decide what else he wanted to say to his girlfriend, he exited their thread and called his mother. She answered on the second ring. 
“Isayah, I've been worried about you and Rye.”
“My bad. Been busy,” he murmured, holding the phone to his ear. “We straight.”
“Yeah she texted and told me she's been working doubles. You don't sound like yourself, I need to see your face. Facetime me.”
He forced out a chuckle to throw her off. “Zilla aight, Mama. I'm at the PC supposed to be in class but wanted to check in with you.”
“Okay but I still wanna see your face so facetime me tonight.”
“Aight, Mama.”
“I mean it, Isayah. Don't make be come to Florida.”
He chuckled forreal this time. “Zilla got you, Mama. I promise. Zilla love you.”
“Uhuh,” she chuckled, “I love you too.”
He hung up with her then sent his brothers a message in their group chat and a picture of him. Proof of life so they would leave him alone for the moment. 
“You're a mama's boy, huh?”
His eyes snapped up from his phone to the woman talking to him then back to his phone.
“Yeah, you can say that.”
“That's cute,” she smiled, sticking out her hand, “I'm Gia. Nice to meet you.”
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Zilla stared at her for a second then shook her hand, briefly. “Zilla.”
“Oh I know who you are,” she laughed a bit, “Since I got hired, you're all anyone talks about. I'm one of the new backstage analysts.”
“That's cool, congrats.”
“Thank you,” she smiled watching him get up from the ground, “I think you're gonna be my first interview on Tuesday and I was little nervous.”
He started to squint at her but remembered he was at work and she was probably more than a little nervous. 
“You know you hear things about asshole wrestlers and stuff so just a lil weary but thankfully,” she paused to put a hand on his arm, “You don't seem like one of them.”
Although her touching him felt strange, he let her keep it there for a moment until she got the hint. When she moved her hand, he took a step back from her. 
“No, I'm not. It'll be cool.”
“Good to know. So what do y'all do around here for fun? I literally just moved here last week and know nothing about this area.”
“Wouldn't know. I don't go out much.”
Her smile widened and her hand found its way back to his arm. “Well how about we go find out together? 
Gently, he moved her hand off of him and gave her a small smile. “Ima have to decline, Gia. I'm good plus I don't think my lady would like that.”
“You girlfriend don't let you have friends, Zilla? We're co-workers, it's fine.”
He tilted his head to stare at her briefly. The door to the center opened revealing Bronco. 
“Aye, Book wanna talk to us, Zilla. Let's go.”
Thankful for the intrusion, Zilla nodded at Gia then jogged to the door letting it close behind him. Bronco stared at him.
“What the hell was that? Why she kept touching you and shit?”
“I thought she caught the hint the first time she did that shit but she didn't,” Zilla explained, “But she didn't. And she asked me out I think.”
Bronco squinted. “And you told her about sis.”
“Man,” Zilla sucked his teeth, “Of course I did but then she hit me with that ya girl don't let you have friends and then you saved me.”
“Sis let you have friends but not her ass.”
“Right. Fat will take my head off and hers. Ion play them kinda games with my life.”
Bronco nodded slapping hands with him. “As long as you know it. Watch that girl though.”
“Gotchu. Ain't nothin to worry about though.”
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simplepotatofarmer · 7 months
quick rundown on my 'from eden' au:
it's kind of another take on 'rabbit run' with some differences like playing with the idea of a populated smp.
c!dream is trans and a rabbit hybrid and was very secretive about his identity leading to like. no one knowing this about him.
c!sam denies any visitors into the prison until c!quackity convinces him to allow q into the prison to torture dream.
at some point, things go too far, sam gets Weird About Dream, and begins building a replica cell on his island.
eventually sam parts ways with q and takes dream out of the prison to keep him on his island. he continues to pretend dream is in the prison.
q finds out, threatens to tell everyone, sam relents and lets q back to the replica cell to continue torturing dream. it's Very Weird, they're both so strange about the situation.
dream is locked up for about two years.
he eventually escapes, gets cornered by pillagers and saved by techno who is like 'yo why is there a strange bunny girl here'
dream lies to techno about who he is, not speaking, and techno believing this is a traumatized person needing help, shelters dream and keeps his presence secret. it's not ideal because dream is basically living as a woman which sucks but he's like 'well i'm not being tortured so'
six months pass and finally sam and q are forced to go public with the whole 'dream escaped' thing but uuhhhhh the whole thing is really weird! people (read techno and the syndicate) are suspicious. dream is fucking panicking.
he freaks out a lot, techno is trying to calm him down, and is suddenly like '.....wait. what does sam and quackity have to do with anything about you.' and dream is just🧍and techno goes 'bruh'.
techno promises that he won't turn dream in because he realizes that the state dream was in, which was pretty fucking horrific, was the result of what those two were doing to him.
eventually the whole thing gets outed a few months later, i haven't really planned this part out, it's not like. super important to me but the gist is techno and co. wreck their shit and are like 'you are very strange people here's a restraining order don't come within 5k blocks of dream or i'll kill you'
dream and techno finally get some time to actually explore their feelings for each other!!!!
it a bit for them to actually get together and then like two years before they have a very small informal wedding
four or five years after that they have kids!!! :D they're very cute and call phil 'grandpa' and niki and ranboo are like the fun aunt and uncle who get away with giving the triplets too much sugar or loud toys or whatever.
they live happily ever after. the end.
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When I was young 3
A couple of years had passed, my mother insisted that her sister Stefania find another place to stay. The house was starting to get small for two families
My aunt said she was waiting for Emma to finish her first year of school and with her enrollment in high school she would move closer to Emma's new school.
In the meantime, my cousin Emma and I continued to attend the same school, I had moved to high school while Emma was finishing her last year of primary school.
We continued to promise each other love, to cuddle as if we would never leave each other.
By now Emma was my friend, my companion, my joy at every moment, my thoughts were only for her.
But at school there were also boys who looked at her, of course they looked at me too..but I pretended nothing was happening, instead Emma seemed to enjoy their courtship and was being simpering.
I got angry with Her several times. "You have to stop Emma, ​​if you continue like this they will think that you are into it.." I told her. "No it's not true" she replied "you are the one who makes things up! "
Sometimes when I caressed her angry and jealous I would tear her, I would squeeze her sex until it almost hurt or I would pinch her breasts trying to squeeze her small nipples, she would run away and scream "what are you doing! You are hurting me!" but then she would come back and cuddle with me, in fact I felt her caresses even deeper that made me so wet.
We had gotten into the habit of taking a shower together, we would lock ourselves in the bathroom, it was the opportunity to spend some time alone playing in the shower.
Mom would give me glances and sometimes she would say "You and your cousin are together too much! But when will you ever find a boyfriend if you don't detach yourself from Her!"
I still didn't think about boys, but Emma didn't!
One day while I was waiting for Emma, outside the school entrance, to go back to home together. I saw her behind a corner of the fence wall, a little hidden by a big tree, hugging tightly to a boy, while his hand was groping her bottom, she was doing the same on his pants.
I became furious, whoever saw me maybe saw my face turn red, I felt betrayed so I prepared to start a war…"Now you'll see when you'll come home!" I kept repeating to myself.
I turned and headed home without waiting for her, I was shaking, I was thinking about revenge, I told to my mother that I wasn't hungry and had a stomach ache and I locked myself in my room.
When Emma came back she ate calmly and then came into the room to do her homework.
I looked at her.. I told her meanly: "you're a whore, you said you only thought about me and instead.. I saw what you were doing to that boy… Do you like cock?!"
Without saying anything she came towards me, and slapped me… "This is for the whore! Then I want to try cock …yes ! I want it. I feel like I'm empty inside when you touch me with your fingers.. and then and then…"
I didn't let her finish her answer and I threw myself on her with desire, I laid her on the bed: for the first time her tits seemed bigger and harder than mine… I realized tthat even if she was a year younger than me she had become more of a woman than me!
She looked just like her mother so exuberant and undisciplined!
She had a lot of tits and ass…her curves were honey for guys and she knew how to use them. She used them with me too…I was attracted to her all the time.
I kissed her, trying to do everything to hold her tight, but she wriggled away saying "I want to be free I want to try going with a guy"
I didn't know what to say, I replied whispering "Be careful you can't go with the first guy you find" but then I realized that my answer was the stupidest thing I could say.
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yuujis-sunshine · 2 years
𝑹𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝑲𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊/𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: On Christmas night, the [Surnames] family opens presents but it is a big disaster when the Reader doesn't get her present. What will they do?
𝐴/𝑁: I also gave names to Kunigami's siblings and parents, so don't mind that. Also, if you want to request your character for my 25 Days of Animemas you can go ahead and tell me. Btw, next up is Natsuya Kirishima from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
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Its a beautiful christmas night and all of your family including your aunt, uncle and your 4 cousins came over to the Christmas Party. Everyone was laughing and being happy, and enjoying themselves. Anyways, it was time to open up presents as all the parents watched their kids opened their gifts that they got.
"Wow, he gave me a new toy car!" Said your younger brother before he had began to play with the car happily and copy the sounds of a car.
Everyone else opened up their gifts except for the (Hair Color) girl watched them open their gifts with a small smile plastering on her lips. "[Nickname], open your present up!" Said your aunt as she smiled at her, so she decided to open it up and felt her heart racing with joy. But when opening it, it wasn't what she wanted. Instead of it being [Your Gift], it was a big golden soccer that had beautiful and looks really expensive.
The girl had a broken heart from what she didn't ask, but didn't see the label with Kunigami's name. "Wait, this isn't what I asked for!" She said as everyone in the room gasped at her, seeing that it wasn't indeed what she asked for. "I'm sorry, [Name]." Her mother brought her in for a hug but had stopped after she got up, just to walk outside in the snow with the gift that she wanted.
[Name] sat outside in her long nightgown as she stared at the beautiful handmade jewelry. The way it sparkled in the snowy night was delightful and the fact that it was so big almost like her hands. Her tears then threatened to spill out her eyes, sad that she didn't get her gift but before crying... Something was on her shoulders in a amount of seconds.
"Why are you out here like that? You could get sick." He said. She turned around to see her crush Kunigami Rensuke. He seems to have a tiny tint on his cheeks when he started to look like he was hiding something from you. "R-Ren... What are you doing, shouldn't you be celebrating christmas with your family?" She asked him embarrassed, not realizing tears were still cornering her eyes.
"I should be asking you the same." You gasped lightly before turning around embarrassed, trying to not embarrass herself in front of him. He wiped her tears away and had gotten the box in his other hand, having a small but big smile on his lips as he blushed heavily. "I-I suppose this is yours... You must've gotten mines by mistake." Your face then had a blush as she stares down embarrassed, and then had his out. Then the both exchanged gifts together and stared at each other with a tiny tint.
Now, the atmosphere was too quiet. [Name] wanted to ask if he family could celebrate Christmas with them but was too embarrassed to ask. Damn it, [Name]! It's not that hard to say nine words to him... She thought. But before she knew it, Kunigami was about to leave with his present until the girl stopped him and finally feeling her comfort growing around him.
"W-Would you... Would you um, and your family like to celebrate Christmas with us?" He stopped before having a small smile, agreeing with her. And that is when they really had the best Christmas party night ever. Everyone was happy and went as it was supposed to go.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
truly I need to quit my job lol
#i had to go to the owner's main store today to run some items for customers (on my day off) and y'all. When I get there my aunt is on the#phone with the manager.. she has the volume turned up and i can hear the manager going on and on about how thoroughly i've overwhelmed her#and this that + the other. my aunt turns the corner and realizes i'm waiting at the front desk for her and like! turns the volume fucking#down! and then i got reprimanded for leaving her notes on the order forms explaining what to do/ in the emails notating what i'm taking care#of and what she needs to handle when she's back in.#which like???? would you rather have been left for dead? because I can certainly do that next time if it's easier for you to try and figure#everything out by yourself!#I'm like ok sorry I'm heading over to the manager's store after this so like i apologize + i'll explain everything she needs me to explain#when i get there. so I go over to the manager's store and i'm like hey hey! i'm here now! c: what can I help with?#and I find out. she's not at All overwhelmed by the notes i left on the order forms#literally the only thing she needed help with was two emails that I'm taking care of from home + left notes saying I was going to finish#them at home (in like. 72 point bolded + underlined all caps!)#so like! she was complaining to my aunt over nothing!! i got in trouble for nothing!#seriously i wanted to fucking imPLODE. like!! dude i could call my aunt to complain about every single thing you do but like!!! I don't!#I don't make you look bad in front of the owners! and the other thing too is that I told her last night that I left notes to help catch her#up + that she could call or text me if she needed any help with literally anything. instead she decides to call my aunt to rag on me :-)#absolutely stellar! :D i'm going to fucking lose my mind over this store. family business is a joke lol#like. i put in so much time this week to make sure things were as normal as they could before she came back this week. i literally worked an#entire day yesterday (on my day off!) to make sure she'd be caught up#and like my notes were not super convoluted. I asked my mom to read over them (my mom doesn't work at the store) and even she was like yeah#that makes sense#so like!!! what went wrong!#ughhhhh i'm going to implode#sriracha.txt#//#vent
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All The Best People (Are Crazy)
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Word Count: 10,000, deal with it.
Warnings: Blood, language, dark concepts, mentions of past abuse, and something a little steamier than I usually do so you guys have fun with that.
Series: Rational Thinking (Series Masterlist)
Summary: The goal? Stop Silas from rising. The plan? Steal the map to his tomb. See it sounds easy enough when you say it like that, but it's less easy when the map is, in fact, a tattoo on a living breathing person who just so happens to be your best friend. Kol wanted to kill Jeremy outright, but you would never let that happen. Instead, you'll do just about anything to sway Jeremy to your side. The ends justify the means... or so you hope. || Kol x Prodigy!reader || Here lies my Masterlist.||
A/N: Sorry about the long wait! Hope you guys enjoy this. ROLL TAPE!
I'm peeling the skin off my face
'Cause I really hate being safe
The normals, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are.
Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
"Y/N/N?" Jeremy's faint whisper seemed good enough to take as your queue.
You pushed open the freezer door, striding in to stand beside Kol. Damon's expression was carefully controlled but you could see a glimmer of fear in his eyes. Good. You smirked in satisfaction and shifted your gaze to Jeremy. 
"Yeah, sorry about the dramatic entrance, but that corner back there was really dark… just couldn't help myself."
"Y/N/N?" Your friend repeated. "Y-You're alive?"
Jeremy's eyes were as round as saucers, his face a picture of surprise, suspicion, and relief all rolled into one. He lowered the crossbow in his hands, staring at you like he'd seen a ghost. In a way, you supposed he had. As far as Jeremy knew, you had been dead for six months. Nothing that had happened in Denver or Kansas was his fault, but you knew he'd blamed himself. That was just how Jeremy worked. 
He was an all-or-nothing sort of person, just as Kol had said. In his eyes, either nothing was his fault or everything was. You could see it in him clear as day; first his parents (there was nothing he could have done), then Vicki (she'd never really had a chance), then Anna (you'd really liked her, the two of you were a lot alike), then his aunt (Jenna had deserved a whole lot better), then Alaric (you'd never liked the day-drunk history teacher but he'd taken care of Jeremy so that earned him some leniency), then you (you were alright but as soon as he realized you'd turned he wouldn't see it that way), then Elena. There's only so much one person could take and you knew this hunter thing was his attempt to be better, to do better, to stop losing people.
He couldn't see himself as worth the sacrifices others were making so he was sacrificing himself without even realizing it. You had made your choice in Denver to protect him. You had faced an original - a dangerous one thousand-year-old vampire - alone to protect him. You had made that choice!
And now what? He was just going to throw that all away?
No. No, you weren't gonna let him. Not this time. Not ever. And most certainly not for Elena.
"'Sup, Crackhead." You let your expression soften into a smile - not a smirk or a half smile - a real, genuine, joyful smile. "I'm alive."
"You're alive…" Jeremy smiled too and that crossbow slipped from his fingers, clattering to the ground. "You're alive!" The kid knew you weren't the biggest fan of hugs, especially long, clingy ones, but you figured this was a special occasion. So when he practically threw himself at you, nearly sending you both to the floor because he was easily twice as strong as the last time you'd seen him, you caught him with a laugh and just let him cling to you in a hug that very nearly crushed your ribs. "I missed you so much," He promised, voice thick with a myriad of emotions.
"Oh, you better have," You grumbled. That was just your way of saying: 'Me too.' Though you'd never admit it to his face, you had missed him more than you could express. The two of you had spent almost every minute of your lives together since the second grade, you'd hardly ever gone a day without seeing or talking to him in some form or another, so going through these last six months without so much as a text from him had been downright painful. Even though you hadn't been ready to see him, because you still had things you'd needed to work through and even though Kol had been an excellent distraction, you had still missed your best friend.
Jeremy let go of a breathy laugh. "You're a pain."
You grinned. "Indeed." Jeremy could hardly bring himself to pull away as if he were afraid you'd disappear the moment he let go, so he didn't. He caught the edge of your sleeve and kept it fisted in his hand just as he used to do when you were children. You allowed it, offering a slight smile. He watched you for a moment and his face fell.
"Y/N I…" He trailed off, shaking his head with a sigh. "I'm so, so sorry. I-I never should have left you, I should've stayed!" 
"Yeah, right, like that would'a done anything. You couldnt've stopped me if you tried," You scoffed, rolling your eyes. Your tone softened. "It wasn't your fault, Jeremy. I'm alright, and I forgive you."
Jeremy opened his mouth to speak but another voice cut him off.
"Ah, ah! Nope, no way! I'm calling bull on this!" Damon interjected. You snapped your gaze to him, fixing the elder Salvatore with a hardened glare. Yet he still had the audacity to continue, addressing Jeremy as though you weren't even there. "Listen to me kid, this is a trick - some sort of witchy illusion or something. Honestly, I dunno - but whatever that is, it's not your friend, Gilbert." The boy eyed you wearily. "Kid? Hey... Hey kid, look at me… Eyes on me, Gilbert!" He didn't respond. "Jeremy, look at me!" Damon caught his arm, tearing his eyes away from you. "Jeremy, listen - listen to me. She's dead. She's dead, Jeremy. Your sister and I? We watched her die - watched it happen right in front of us." He gestured to Kol who raised a brow amusedly. "This maniac? He snapped her neck. Alright? Snapped it. Like a twig. Get the picture? She's gone. Dead-zo. Y/N's gone, Gilbert… and she ain't comin' back."
Jeremy seemed almost convinced, but you weren't worried. The truth would win out. "You know, Damon? Your commitment to deceit would be impressive if it weren't so pathetic," You droned, examining your fingernails in a deliberate display of nonchalance. 
"Don't think I asked you, Sherlock," Damon dismissed.
You flicked your eyes up to meet his, raising a brow in an invitation.
Although you had never feared Damon, you had acknowledged his power over you - to ignore his superior physical capacity would have been an egregiously arrogant oversight on your part. Things were different now. Now you were a vampire and physically his equal. Damon had feared you when you were human for your intelligence - Kol had given you the strength to complement that. 
You didn't need to tiptoe around Damon anymore - you didn't need to hold back anymore. That invitation in your gaze wasn't the friendly sort. It was something decidedly more sinister, entreating him to contemplate, just for a moment, just how insignificant he truly was. You caught a glimmer of fear. You hummed.
"Maybe not, but we hardly get what we ask for, do we? After all, I asked only for a measure of loyalty in return for risking my life, but you refused to provide even that." You shrugged, narrowing your eyes. "Honestly, I see no reason why I shouldn't just kill you for what you did to me."
Jeremy's brows furrowed. "Damon, what's she talking about?"
"Beats me, kid." It was so obviously a lie, it made you want to scream. You turned to your friend.
"When we split up in Denver, he and Elena never planned on me surviving long enough to reunite with you guys in Kansas," You told him, willing him to see the truth in your eyes. He shook his head.
"No, Elena texted you the address - I watched her do it," Jeremy insisted. His grip on the crossbow tightened.
"Well that's a text I never got." You crossed your arms over your chest. "They lied to you, Jer. Elena and Damon intended for Kol to kill me."
The original vampire chuckled at that and you shot him a scathing look.
"What?" Jeremy's eyes flew wide and he rounded on Damon. "Is this true?!" He demanded.
"Of course not!" Damon scoffed. "Your sister loves you. She wouldn't do something like that and she would never allow me to either, regardless of how much I want to. As I said-"
"I'm not an illusion!" You growled. "I can prove it." Drawing your hand from your pocket, you displayed an old and tattered bracelet - a couple of multi-colored beads on a black cord. "You gave this to me in third grade. I've kept it on ever since, I never take it off. Do you remember what we wished for?" He nodded slowly and you held your hand out to him. "We wished to grow up and become dragons. Go ahead - take it!" You ripped the bracelet from your wrist and let it fall.
His hand shot out and the black cord caught on his fingers, swinging slightly. The corners of his mouth twitched up. "It's real... you're real!"
"Told ya' so." You smirked. You couldn't stop yourself from snatching the bracelet back just as quickly, tying it around your wrist once more. Maybe the magic was gone now, but giving up your wish was the least you could do for him. Now came the hard part. Jeremy's face fell, then hardened.
"You lied to me," He ground out between clenched teeth. He watched Damon out of the corner of his eye but didn't turn to face him. His knuckles were white and you caught the scent of blood as his nails dug into the palms of his hands. You could see the tension and effort in the lines of his body, the gargantuan restraint he showed in keeping perfectly still was baffling. The urge he felt to attack Damon must have been insane, but despite your hatred for the raven-haired vampire, you felt proud of Jeremy. A year ago, he would have thrown hands at the first chance he got. 
Damon cursed under his breath. "We had a reason," He tried. "Elena-"
"No!" The boy shouted. "No, there was no reason! You and Elena do this every time! Every time you don't wanna have to deal with the consequences of your actions, you just lie! Elena has no right to make decisions for me!" He turned his head, eyes blazing with anger and betrayal. "And neither do you."
"We didn't lie to you. We just omitted certain truths, because if we hadn't, you would have done something stupid," Damon claimed, crossing his arms arrogantly. "Now, before you go all VanHelsing on me, why don't you ask little Miss. Honesty here whether she's still human or not? I'm sure her answer will be very interesting." He shot you a sideways glance, smirking triumphantly.
Jeremy paused, eyeing you with a question he didn't want to ask.
You bit your lip, sighing heavily. You didn't meet his eyes. "Go ahead, Jer. You know I won't lie to you."
His eyes flicked to Kol, filling with a venomous hatred that surprised you. "What did he do to you, Y/N/N?"
"I'm alright, Jer."
"What. Did. He. Do?"
You took a deep breath and nodded reluctantly. "Vampire blood in a deplorably flat root beer followed by asphyxiation. I did that part myself - locked myself in a running car - Kol didn't do anything. It was painless, just like falling asleep."
Evidently, Kol took this revelation as permission to slip his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers. Two taps with his thumb on the back of your hand. It was something he did from time to time - a reminder of sorts, just to say I'm here. He had your back, no matter what. You weren't alone anymore.
"No." Jeremy shook his head. "No, you promised. You promised me you wouldn't!"
"I know I did," You sighed. "But circumstances change." 
"How could you?" He muttered. "HOW COULD YOU?!" 
Kol stepped in front of you, putting himself between you and the stake your best friend had unconsciously pulled from his waistband. It wasn't that he thought you incapable of protecting yourself; rather he was simply more durable. 
"Don't you dare condemn her, mate," He said, pointedly eyeing the stake that found itself in Jeremy's hand. "Not when you've corrupted your body with a curse of your own."
The boy's eyes widened and he dropped it as if the wood were a writhing snake. He snapped his head up, his eyes swimming with regret. "I-I'm sorry."
You nodded. "So am I." You tapped Kol on the shoulder and he glanced back at you, then stepped out of the way somewhat reluctantly. Moving forward, you approached Jeremy slowly, standing up on your tiptoes to give him a proper hug. "I'm sorry for everything," You whispered, squeezing his shoulders. "This never should have happened to you, and I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you needed me." You pulled away and offered him a soft smile. "But I'm here now, and I'm here for you. Come with us! Kol knows how to remove the Hunter's mark, we can leave this town behind. We could go see the world, just like we always wanted! The Saint Louis Arch, The Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China… Hell, we could go to Disneyland!" You laughed, grinning up at him with as much hope as you could put into your features. Jeremy's lips twitched up at the corners but his eyes still seemed unsure. "Please?"
"Nice try Hannibal, but there's no way in hell he's going anywhere with you," Damon sneered. You sighed, licking your lips and asking any deity out there for the patience not to rip his head off.
"Damon, sweetie, I think you've lost your relevance and right to be heard in this conversation." You glared at him out of the corner of your eye. "Now, why don't you run along?"
"I don't listen to little girls who commit suicide," He sneered. "You just want to stop Jeremy from helping us find the cure so you can appease your little boyfriend."
You opened your mouth to say something snappy, but of course Kol, never one to be taunted, beat you to it. 
"At least she sleeps with me by choice," He said, tilting his head with a smirk. "No sire-bond required."
Damon growled and the look on Jeremy's face as he eyed you was a poster for disgust. 
You just sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Kol, you realize how that's not helping, right?" You could picture the cheeky grin that was sure to be dancing across his lips without even looking back at him.
"You said to tell the truth, darling."
"Yeah, and I also said don't antagonize," You reminded him. 
"Ah, but he makes it so easy," Kol mumbled into your ear, squeezing your hips as he drew you closer to him and a little further away from Jeremy's confused and distrustful glare. You pursed your lips to hide your amusement and rolled your eyes.
"Just let me do the talking, 'kay?"
"As you wish."
You turned your eyes back on Jeremy who just stared at you in disbelief. You shrugged.
"Really, Y/N?" He demanded. "Him?" 
You raised a brow. "My dude, you actually kissed a ghost. Let's not get into each other's romantic decisions right now."
Jeremy opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it, shaking his head. "Yeah, whatever - we're not done here FYI. Anyway, I'm sorry, Y/N. But regardless of how much I hate him right now, Damon's right. I can't go with you."
You blinked, brows pulling together. "Why not?"
"I have to help my sister get the cure. She's sire-bonded to his ass and it's annoying as hell," He said, jabbing a thumb in Damon's direction with a wry smile. A moment later, that smile fell and you caught a glimpse of a boy who was much more tired than he ought to be. He sighed and there was resignation in his voice when he spoke again. "Elena's not meant to be a vampire, Y/N… and neither are you."
"If I can finish the Hunter's mark, it'll lead us to the cure. You and Elena can both be human again."
"But you won't!" You shouted. "You'll be gone!"
"The Hunter's mark is a corrosive spell," Kol stepped in. "It gives you increased strength and speed at the price of your humanity, eating away at your soul until you become more heartless, savage, and blood thirsty than the so-called monsters it compels you to hunt."
You nodded, willing your best friend to understand - to hear the desperation in your voice. "Don't you see, Jer? If you complete that mark, you won't have any desire to help Elena. The only desire you'll have is to kill her, along with every other vampire in this godforsaken town."
Damon scoffed. "You don't know that! You're just making that up."
"No, I'm not," Kol spoke, shaking his head. "I've studied magic for a millennia, I know of what I speak and so do you, Jeremy. You know it's changing you - you can feel it. Because it's not just ink on your skin - this spell - it's in your bones, it's in your brain, it's in your blood." He spread his hands as if laying the truth out for him to see. "That instinct? That need to deliver death? With every kill, it'll grow stronger… and that's a promise."
"Doesn't sound so bad if it's you I'm killing," Jeremy growled through clenched teeth. 
"Perhaps not." Kol shrugged. Then he tilted his head and grinned. "But then again… what if it isn't?" He paused, inviting Jeremy to consider it. "What if the next time you drive a stake into somebody's heart, you wake up only to realize that it's your beloved sister? Or perhaps it'll be Y/N laying dead at your feet?"
Jeremy rolled his eyes. But there was something unsteady in his voice. "That'd never happen. I wouldn't-"
"No, you think you wouldn't," Kol interjected, voice harsh. "But I guarantee that when those instincts are active, you won't be thinking. You'll just be killing. Mindlessly killing." Jeremy's eyes flicked to yours and you saw a glimmer of fear. "At least, until Damon here or someone like my brother kills you first, in which case they'd use your mark to find and subsequently raise Silas who will kill us all." Kol's eyes narrowed into slits. "A rather greusome ending any way you slice it, I can't let that happen."
"Please, Jer?" You pleaded. "Please don't destroy yourself for them."
Jeremy paused, seeming to think about it. When he spoke, his voice was quiet. "I'm strong enough to free you, Y/N/N." He shook his head and looked up with steel in his eyes. "I can do this."
You couldn't help the scowl that tugged at your lips. "Come on, man. Think this through."
"This is my choice!" He shouted. "I'm not gonna lose anyone else!" 
Your hands closed into fists and you clenched your teeth, trying your best to remain calm. "Can't you see it? They're using you!"
He cast his eyes away, locking his jaw. "I'm glad you're okay, Y/N/N, truly. But you don't know what it's like to lose you - to lose anyone! This is something I have to do. I don't expect you to understand."
You shook your head, feeling your shoulders slump. An odd feeling pricked at your eyes and you tried to blink whatever that sensation was away, but it refused to leave. Your chest felt tight. He was going to die all for Elena and her selfish desires. The thought of losing him hurt - it physically hurt.
What was this feeling?
You blinked rapidly but it did nothing to dampen the stinging in your eyes. This was awful! Your chest hurt so you hugged your arms around yourself, feeling as though you might scream or shake apart. Kol had told you that feelings were enhanced as a vampire but you had brushed off his warning. You'd never been very good at feeling things anyway and the things you did feel you hardly ever understood. 
You didn't know what this feeling was and you didn't know how to handle it.
You couldn't lose Jeremy. You just couldn't!
You couldn't think! You couldn't breathe!
"Well, I understand just fine," Kol said. You felt his hand settle on your back, moving in comforting circles while he continued to speak. "I could just kill you, but then I'd have to deal with the Hunter's curse and I-I don't particularly feel like being haunted for the next century." He paused glancing at you. He squeezed your shoulder gently and looked up. "Better idea!" He announced. "I'll just rip off your arms."
Kol lunged for Jeremy but Damon rushed forward and threw him into the wall. 
"Jeremy, run!" He cried, straining from the effort of keeping Kol pinned. 
Jeremy cast one last glance at you before he turned and raced from the room. Damon threw a punch at Kol's face and His head snapped to the side but he was grinning. You, on the other hand, wanted to move, yet you couldn't. It was as though your body were frozen in place, unable to process anything. Damon sent another punch but Kol caught his fist and twisted, whipping the raven-haired vampire around and into a headlock. From there it wasn't much effort to snap his neck. Damon's temporarily dead corpse dropped to the ground with an unceremonious thump. From there, Kol gave it a swift kick in the side just for good measure before looking up.
As it always did, his face softened when he looked at you. You were shaking; blinking and gasping as you stared at him. Kol just opened his arms and you threw yourself into his embrace. His arms wound themselves tightly around your back and he buried a hand in your hair.
"I don't understand!" You choked out. "What is this? Why does it hurt?!"
"Hey, shhh. It's alright, darling. You're going to be alright," He mumbled reassuringly. One hand rubbed circles over your back while the other played with your hair. You just clung to him, hoping he could make this pain go away. "This feeling you're experiencing is called despair. It can be consuming or painful, usually stemming from loss or the fear of it."
"I-I don't want it!" You hiccuped, fisting his jacket.
"I know." Kol pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. "I know it hurts, love but you need to let yourself feel it."
You shook your head. You didn't want to feel this. "This is why vampires turn their emotions off, isn't it? To make the pain go away?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"And does it work?" You whispered.
"It does… in a way." He held you tighter, curling his whole body around you. "But it leaves you empty - hollow. It's a different sort of pain and in it there's no satisfaction, no joy, and no love. It's just dull and numb."
"I wouldn't mind feeling numb right about now." 
"Don't turn it off, Y/N."
"Why?" You hissed. "I don't want to feel this! I don't like it!"
"I know, darling. Believe me, I know this pain. I know it better than anyone." He pulled away, cupping your face in his hands. His chocolate eyes drilled into yours, filled with something desperate and warm. "So don't you dare turn it off. I know you Y/N, and if you turn it off, you will never turn it back on again. I-I'd lose you forever." Kol leaned in resting his forehead against yours. "Please don't do that to me. Please, darling… I love you. Don't leave me just yet."
You were silent for a moment, mulling it over.
"What does love feel like?" You asked quietly. The boy's thumbs skimmed over your cheeks and he tucked a loose strand of hair back behind your ear.
"It feels like this."
Kol crashed his lips against yours, pushing you backward until your back was pressed against the freezing metal wall. His arm around your waist drew you impossibly close until Kol's body was flush with yours. It wasn't like any other kiss. This one was reality-shattering. It was so much more than just the lust you'd previously felt from him. It was sweet and adoring, yet hungry and passionate. It was like he put all the feelings he had for you - everything he was holding back, everything he was waiting for you to understand - into this one perfect kiss. You hadn't known it was possible to feel this much, this intense. There was so much. There was joy and pleasure, longing, and devotion. Emotions you'd never understood fell into place in your mind as he kissed the living daylights out of you. 
His fingers tangled in and tugged at your hair, drawing a gasp from you as Kol bit gently on your lower lip. He'd been waiting a long time to show this all to you. Kol broke away from your mouth, trailing kisses along your jaw and down your throat. His tongue darted out to taste, quickly, hesitantly sweeping across your pulse. You couldn't stop the moan that escaped your lips. That was all the encouragement he needed. You crossed your arms over his shoulders, urging him closer as you felt his teeth scrape along your skin. He moved lower, tasting and nipping, kissing your collarbone hungrily. His breaths were hot against your skin as Kol's mouth slowed. 
When he pulled away, his breathing was ragged and his voice was hoarse, but he was smiling. 
"That-that's what it feels like," He panted. He stroked your cheek sweetly, grinning like he just couldn't restrain himself. "You don't have to say it back, just know that I love you." His lips settled on yours again and it was quieter this time - slow and reassuring. The pain in your chest faded, blooming into a pleasant warmth.
"Kol?" Your voice was quiet - just a murmur against his lips.
"I think I love you too."
"I'm glad to hear you say that," He whispered. Kol pressed one last kiss to your lips before pulling away. "Now as much as I'd love to continue this, it's time to switch to plan B. I'll handle Salvatore, you need to track down Jeremy. You're okay to do that, right?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay now."
"Good." He smiled, leaning in for another kiss. You returned it in kind and he groaned. "Bloody hell, you're beautiful."
You just snickered and tapped his shoulder to tell him it was time to go. He released you with a wink and a smirk before rounding on Damon. You didn't much feel like sticking around for what was sure to come next - Kol knew the plan and you trusted him not to deviate from it. Now though, it was critical that you go after Jeremy.
You raced from the rank and dingy bar and dashed through the woods, grinning as the wind carded through your hair. It was almost as if you really were a dragon as you pushed off a fallen tree and launched yourself into the air. Your jump carried you a ways and you welcomed the weightless feeling of falling in the precious moments before hitting the ground. Mastering your new abilities with Kol along for the ride was now one of your fondest memories. You remembered racing between the redwoods of California with him beside you, urging you to go faster. Vampire speed was freedom and freedom, you'd found, was exhilarating.
Before long you found yourself in front of the Gilbert lake house. You had loved this place as a kid. Sitting on the dock and devouring popsicles side by side with Jeremy was your summer ritual… every summer but this last one. You shook those memories away and hopped up onto the porch railing, Jeremy wasn't here yet so you resigned to wait.
You didn't have to wait very long, however. Jeremy pulled up the driveway behind the wheel of Damon's Chevy Camaro. That was just downright frightening. He got out of the car and shut the door, turning back to his house only to see you perched on the railing. Your best friend nearly jumped out of his skin and you flung up a peace sign, shooting him a smug smile. 
"Now, who the hell was deranged enough to give you a driver's license?" You asked, tilting your head. "Didn't you fail the test like a billion times?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "It was seven hundred times, thank you very much." You snorted and rolled your eyes. His expression grew sober. "Why are you here, Y/N/N?"
"Well, I would have let myself in to wait inside and raid your fridge but I, uh… can't… so yeah." You shrugged and hopped down. "You gonna let me in now or what?"
Jeremy regarded you for a moment longer, then he sighed heavily. "Alright, sure, whatever." He stepped up and unlocked the door, holding it open for you. "Come on in." He seemed slightly disgusted that he had to say that to you.
You stepped over the threshold and immediately made your way to the kitchen. You had warned him that you were gonna raid the fridge, it was just inevitable at this point.
"Ya' know? With the way everybody made it seem, I thought being a vampire was gonna be awful - like constant starvation and stuff. Turns out, it's not. I mean, yeah I'm always hungry, but it's just that really annoying feeling you get when you're only kinda hungry. Not starving, just really peckish all the time," You rambled, flicking on the kitchen lights even though you didn't really need them. Opening up the refrigerator door, you glanced around inside only to frown. "My dude, half the stuff in here is green… and I don't mean the leafy kind." You plucked a half-empty and very open container of yogurt off the shelf and held it up. "This crap is frickin' blue. That's nasty… Though I gotta say I'm surprised you even have it so, kudos to you I guess." You chucked the thing at the wastebasket, then glanced back at Jeremy who stood leaning in the kitchen doorway with a dry and very weary smile on his face.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure that was Elena's from the last time she stayed here," He smirked.
"I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt." You laughed and kicked the door shut with your foot, moving on to the pantry. Inside you found a 60-ounce bucket of pretzels and grinned. You pulled it from the shelf and waltzed out, holding it up. "Score!"
"Y/N," He sighed. He looked so tired. "What are you doing here?"
Your own carefully constructed smile slipped just a little. This boy in front of you wasn't quite the best friend you had been so excited to return to. Though Jeremy was still there, he was buried under far too much loss.
"Well I'm attempting to resolve deep rooted emotional trauma, of course. I thought that was obvious from the -" You shook the pretzel bucket to emphasize your statement. "- snacks. I mean, it ain't milkshakes, but it'll do." Jeremy raised a brow. You cleared your throat awkwardly. "We're, uh, gonna need couches too, right? If-if, um, if memory serves…"
Finally catching on to what it was you were trying to do, your best friend cracked a smile and pushed off the door frame. "Guess I'll get the blankets then," He said.
A few minutes and quite a bit of pillow gathering later, the two of you had constructed what you deemed to be an acceptable blanket fort. Using more than a dozen clothes pins, four blankets, twenty or so really heavy books, and that tall lamp in the corner of his living room as both the central support structure and all-purpose lighting, you covered the floor with couch cushions and pillows from around the house and nested yourselves in middle of it all, sitting cross-legged with a game of connect four and the bucket of pretzels between you. It was a near-perfect reconstruction of a familiar scene from your childhood.
It was something Jeremy had been doing for you since the second grade. There were times in school when you would throw fits with teachers or get into fights with other kids and on those days, Jeremy would invite you over to his house for homemade milkshakes. Together you would build a blanket fort and play Connect Four while you ate your respective sugar-packed concoctions, and Jeremy would ask you about what had made you so angry that particular day. You just didn't understand people or how they worked. Figuring out your own emotions was even worse. You could never understand what it was you were feeling, why you were feeling it, or what you should do about it. Your mother hadn't been around when you were really little to teach you the basics; she only became involved in your life when your IQ tested at genius levels, and even then she didn't deem emotions to be a topic worth covering. You despised anything you didn't understand, so you lashed out at whatever you thought had caused your feelings. Only little Jeremy Gilbert seemed to recognize why you were so angry and mean all the time. 
"I think it's cuz you're just so smart," He'd told you thoughtfully. "You got all this stuff in your head and some of it just gets mixed up."
So, during these little talks, he would do his seven-year-old best to explain what you were feeling or why a certain task or behavior was important, or why someone acted the way they did. Mrs. Gilbert was quick to catch on and she made sure you got all the right information. Within the walls of those blanket forts, you learned how to differentiate your emotions into categories - telling frustration from disgust or jealousy, amusement from joy or excitement, and loneliness from fear or shame. When you reached the sixth grade, Mrs. Gilbert had explained what drama was to both you and Jeremy, and together you had decided that it was stupid. Despite their best efforts, however, you still didn't understand why the pain of others shouldn't be funny. 
What you should have gotten was therapy - not psychiatrists and medicine, like your mother, insisted on. Though it certainly hadn't been ideal, your best friend did a pretty good job and the tradition of milkshakes and blanket forts continued throughout middle and high school - right up until Jeremy's parents died. The two of you hadn't had one since. Until now.
Jeremy broke the silence, just like he always did.
"Why'd you do it, Y/N?" He demanded. The look on his face was that of a person who's tried - really tried with all their heart - to understand, but simply couldn't.
You nodded and offered him a wry smile. "That's the only question that really matters right now, ain't it?" Sliding a red token into the fourth row, you leaned back a little and took a handful of pretzels. "Well, there were a lot of reasons. I guess the first thing you gotta understand is that I asked him to - I asked Kol to turn me, Jeremy - not the other way around. You know, I actually think I had him worried when I asked? He told me to think about it, make sure it was truly what I wanted because… well, he never got to make that choice. So, I think I'll tell you the same thing I told him."
"And what was that?" He asked.
"I told him I wanted to feel safe," You said. You pulled at a loose thread on one of the pillowcases, taking a moment before continuing. "Realizing that Damon really truly wanted me dead was what started it, I think. Then I just kept thinking about how easily Kol or his siblings or any other vampire or werewolf in the world could kill me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried to find instances where I could think my way out of a bad situation - one where it was someone like Damon who wanted me to die, who wanted me gone - and I realized that I didn't really stand a chance. I-I felt…" Kol had told you the word for that feeling, the one where you were scared all the time. What had he called it? "I felt vulnerable, that's it. I felt vulnerable a-and small and insignificant and I hated it!"
Though he didn't say it, you knew Jeremy understood. He lowered his eyes back to the game board and took his turn. "You were never weak o-or insignificant," He said.
"But I was human," You countered. You eyed him with a meaningful look, pausing to draw a shuddering breath. "Look, you-you know what my… my mom… what she did to me." The words didn't come easy. You had to force them past your lips and even then it felt as though they wanted to crawl back down your throat to choke you - to keep you silent. "I-I just… I wanted to break free from her, you know? I mean, I always had to be the absolute best of everything, because if I wasn't… if I wasn't then she'd-" Your voice halted there and your whole body froze.
There was this one time, you remembered when you'd gotten a B on an Algebra test in seventh grade. Your mother had locked you in your room for the entirety of winter break. Two weeks you spent there - no food, no water. You'd been forced to drink from the bathroom sink, using your hands as a cup. The only way to escape was a fifteen-foot drop from your balcony window down onto a steep hillside that met with tightly packed trees at the bottom. Great way to die, that. Needless to say, you didn't jump.
Jeremy reached out and grabbed your hand in silent support, just as he always had. You scrubbed at your stinging eyes with your palms and grit your teeth.
"You know what she did to me, Jeremy," You croaked. For the love of Nick Cage, emotions were such icky, uncomfortable things! "You know what she did, you know what Damon did, you know what everyone in this damn town has done to me - what they keep on doing! A-and you know none of them would ever have stopped! I-I just wanted them to stop!" You sobbed. Jeremy's expression softened. You could only remember crying four times in your life. The tears that streamed down your face made this the fifth, as your best friend wrapped his arm around you and offered his shoulder for you to cry on. He'd always been there. "They never would've stopped. Never. I would grown up to live a life full of misery! All because of her! And I didn't want that! I-I had to be stronger… I had to."
"No, you didn't," Jeremy said, squeezing your shoulder. You wiped at your face fruitlessly once more. "You needed to be safe."
"You know, I think you might be right?" You sniffed. "Too late now though." You shrugged and slid a red token into the third slot, still resting your head on his shoulder. "Now I'm just immortal, and actually, I think I'm better for it."
Your best friend tensed a little, then relaxed and once again you saw that positively exhausted visage from before. He eyed you cautiously. "Are you?" He asked quietly.
"Am I what?"
"Okay, I guess?" He sighed, scrubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. "I don't know, Y/N. It's just that all this is so messed up and I don't even…" Jeremy glanced up at you. He looked so weary. "Do you really think you're better?"
You sent him a soft smile. "Yeah, Jer. I really do."
He laughed, but there was no humor in it. "How is that even possible?"
You huffed a laugh and opted to stuff more pretzels in your face. "This is gonna sound ridiculous but I feel more human now than I did before. I feel things deeper and I can finally understand what those emotions are. I mean, I even have a favorite now!" You elbowed him a little and he took his turn.
"Indeed! Kol took me to Niagara Falls and what I felt wasn't like anything I'd read about in books…" You smiled softly, losing yourself in the memory of the thunderous cascading water, Kol's damp hair as the mist sprayed over you, and that wide-eyed feeling that filled you like the churning bubbles at the base of the falls. "Kol called it Wonder and I think that's my favorite," You said.
The hunter was silent for a moment. "Does he… Does Kol know about… everything?" He asked.
A wry smile worked its way onto your face. "Well, considering he kinda helped me get my mother arrested…"
Jeremy shifted his whole body to stare at you. "You're kidding!" 
"For real?"
You nodded, smirking. "She's going away for a long time."
"Y/N, that's amazing!" He exclaimed. He wrapped you in a hug and squeezed tight enough to crack a rib or two. Then he pulled away, frowning. "But if she's gone then why would you…" 
The kid trailed off and an understanding passed between the two of you before you even had to say the words. Yet, you said them anyway.
"I think our reasons aren't so different."
Jeremy's face hardened.
"Yeah, they are," He said. "I could'a sworn I just told you this."
"You did, and you're right. I don't know what it feels like to lose someone," You admitted. "But that's just because I've never had anyone to lose. No one… Nobody but you." Taking his hands in yours, you shifted to look him dead in the eyes. Your voice was quiet and strained and harsh, but it was meaningful. "Jeremy, you're the only one who's ever given a genuine damn about me. I don't wanna lose you! Please don't do that to me."
"I know you're scared, Y/N-" He started. You cut him off.
"No, you don't! You don't know!" You laughed mirthlessly. "You have no idea what it's like to be on the other side of the bars!"
His brows drew together as if pulled by some invisible needle and thread."What are you-"
You sighed, closing your tear-filled eyes.
"Heaven knows I've never been very human - o-or maybe it was just that I was never very good at being human - not on my own, at least. A-and I tried to be like other people, I swear I tried! But I'm just not. 
"I'm broken. I don't feel things right. The things that I do feel make no sense to me. I don't understand right from wrong. I think it's funny to hurt people and the only thing that's stopped me from doing something awful - from doing exactly what every doctor, and every shrink, and every gossiping PTA mom said I was gonna do, from hurting someone so bad they don't get better, from rigging a match in the gas tank of my mother's car and letting it burn the whole bloody street down, from going absolutely insane - is YOU! It was only ever you! Don't you get it?!" You were yelling now, but you didn't care. This was something you felt in your bones and it wasn't something you would have had the capacity to feel or express if you'd been human. He had to know how much you cared about him. "You were always the most human part of me, Jeremy Gilbert! Human or vampire it doesn't matter, because I was always a monster on my own and I'll always be a monster without you!"
You'd wanted to say those words for years - wanted to say that feeling for years - and now, finally, the truth was out there. It was spilled all over the floor of the Gilbert lake house and you couldn't take it back.
Jeremy stared at you, speechless. "That-that's not true…" His voice trailed off because he knew. He knew it was.
"Yes, it is." You sniffed, trying for a smirk that ended up looking something more like a grimace. "You wanna know why it's so easy for me not to give in to the violent urges of vampirism? It's 'cuz they were always there! I've been fighting those same impulses my whole life! The only thing about me that's changed is the outside finally matches the inside. I was always this monster, Jer. I don't know how not to be."
The boy shook his head. "I refuse to believe that," He said. You couldn't help but snort.
"Says the one who should believe it the most!" You wiped your face on your sleeve and took some more pretzels. "You remember what I was like before you insisted on being my friend. Well, I'm still that way. Without you o-or Kol around, I'm always mad all the time - I'm frustrated and confused. You guys are the only ones who understand - who explain things to me. I've become entirely dependent on both of you and I know that's a weakness but…" You swallowed thickly, biting your tongue to put an end to your rambling. "I need you, Jeremy. I need you and I need Kol and I understand enough now to know that I need you in two entirely different ways… You're my brother - the only one I'll ever have."
He nodded, smiling. He was crying too. "And you're my sister, Y/N/N." He huffed a laugh as he wrapped his arms around you, his hold was firm but gentle. For just a moment, you thought he would make the right choice. You thought things would be okay. "But I have another sister too, and she needs me just as much," He whispered.
"Wait, what?" You reeled back like you'd been stung. "No!"
Jeremy seemed to realize he'd made a mistake with his words. "Y/N, I promise you I'll be fine!"
You shoved his chest, sending him crashing to the floor with more force than you intended as you climbed to your feet. That awful feeling - that despair - was building up inside of you again and this time, Kol wasn't there to help you. "No, no, no…" You shook your head, tugging at your hair. "No, you don't understand! You don't get it!" You screeched.
"Woah, Y/N! Calm down!" He tried to pacify you, grabbing a hold of your wrists. You shook him off.
"No, no, no! You can't promise me anything!" You shouted. 
"I can promise this! Why can't you just believe in me for once in your life?!" Jeremy scowled. "Elena does! Hell, even Damon thinks I have what it takes! Why don't you?"
You screamed in frustration, emotions pounded through your head faster than you could process them. "No! Shut up! Shut up about her! Shut up about both of them! Elena and Damon don't care about you. I DO!"
"Then prove it," He hissed.
"Why should I have to?" You demanded. "Why do you have to keep being stupid? This curse will make you just like me! Then you'll be gone, and I'll turn it off, and I'll never turn it back on again! Then they'll all win!" You would kill and maim and hurt and in doing so you would prove that everyone in town had been right about you all along. "Can't you see how hard I've tried! They shouldn't get to win! It's not fair!"
"They won't win if you don't let them! Just hold on, remember everything we've been through. My dad always told me - he said that memories are what give us the strength to fight for a better tomorrow," The Gilbert boy insisted. "You're strong, Y/N. All you have to do is remember and you'll be okay."
"No." You shook your head. "No, that's not something you get to ask of me!"
"Why the hell not?" He questioned. You could hear his jaw click shut as he clenched his teeth.
"Oh, come off it! You know Someone only asks a person to remember them when Someone knows that they're leaving - that they're not coming back," You explained, seething with barely contained anger and betrayal rattling around in your bones. "If you're leaving, don't ask me to remember you or what it was like to watch you go. That's not fair to me!"
"Guess what, Y/N?" Jeremy said, mockingly. "Life isn't fair! I had to watch every single person I've ever cared about die around me, helpless to stop it. So, you know what? Maybe it's your turn!"
You blinked and your entire demeanor changed on the flip of a dime, going from screaming and ranting like mad to calm and cool in a nanosecond - just like the snap of a rubber band. It wasn't something you hadn't done before, but you hadn't done it for a while - not since the fourth grade. Perhaps that was what scared him.
"Well that's too damn bad, 'cuz I refuse to let that happen." Your voice was devoid of emotion as you stared at him with eyes as cold and lifeless as the corpse to which they belonged. You were dead, after all. "You're gonna see the truth whether you want to or not, and if every resident of this awful hell-hole has to die for that to happen, then so be it."
All the color in Jeremy's face drained away. "Wait, Y/N/N. Don't do this…" You didn't respond. Instead, you just waited to see if he would change his mind. "Please, just stop now, before you do something you'll regret?"
He wouldn't change his mind. He refused to. Good thing you had a plan B in mind.
You tilted your head, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "I don't see why I should," You claimed. "You're the one making the evil choice - not me. It's not your fault you just can't see it. That selfish hag you call a sister has blinded you to the truth, but don't worry -" You popped one last pretzel into your mouth. "- there's still time to fix you."
Then you left, shutting the door behind you. With a single-mindedness you'd never had the luxury of experiencing before, you raced back to that dingy bar where Kol had remained to prepare the backup plan. Throwing open the doors of the freezer, you were met with a rather pleasing sight.
Damon sat on a metal chair in the center of the room, almost as if he were glued to it. His hands were wrapped around what looked like a yardstick that was half impaled through his body. If the raven-haired Salvatore's body language was anything to go by, that makeshift stake must have been uncomfortably close to his heart and as such was likely to be causing him excruciating pain. His electric blue eyes were locked on Kol's, unable to look away though he was undoubtedly trying. The Original vampire stood over him, grinning like a cat does as it plays with a dying mouse.
"Very good, darling," Kol appealed, his voice was that honeyed, penetrating tone you'd come to associate with compulsion. "Now, stab yourself a little bit further."
Damon screamed as his own hands, having no choice but to obey, pushed the jagged wood closer to his heart. Blood seeped from the gaping hole in his chest and you found yourself tempted to smirk. His pain - his suffering - felt good, you realized. This man had hurt you, he deserved to hurt in return. That was only right. It may have been wrong to enjoy the agony on his face, but you found yourself caring less than you had before. Why should you bother yourself with feeling guilty? Why not just feel good? Was that so bad?
"Awww, Damon-bow-bayman, does that hurt?" You sneered, moving to stand beside Kol. He glanced up from his work.
"Ah! You're here!" He said. His smile fell just a little as he took in your narrowed eyes and the twitch at the corner of your mouth. "I take it things didn't go over too well with Jeremy, did they?"
You shook your head. "He misses his sister more than he remembers her and thinks that if he destroys himself, he can bring back a person who was never there in the first place," You observed coolly. You blinked and peered up at the boy who'd said he loved you. "We'll just have to fix that."
Kol nodded and leaned down. His arm circled your waist and he pressed a soft, tranquil kiss to your lips. Somehow you felt just a little bit better.
"We'll work on it," He promised with another kiss. "For now, however, you're just in time. I was just about to get started."
"If you're gonna… kill me… do it like a… man," Damon panted, in what was clearly a desperate attempt to keep up his self-imbued tough boy persona. His eyes flicked to you. "Or run… like the cowards… you are."
You glared at him, lips curling with disgust. "The greatest cowards are those who run from the truth," You hummed. Kol's hand stroked your side and you leaned into him.
"We don't want to kill you," Kol continued. You nudged him and he amended himself. "At least, I don't - not at the moment. I just want to make sure you can be compelled."
"I'm gonna rip out your spleen," Damon threatened. It was a little pathetic in his current state.
Kol laughed at his attempt. "You ought to be thanking me," He reasoned. "You don't really want the cure found. I mean, you fancy Elena! Even more now that she's a vampire, admit it!" He kicked a stray arm from the pile of corpses out of his way as he leaned over Damon's right shoulder. "The last vestige of her humanity is her annoying little brother Jeremy… and deep, deep down, I bet you want him dead, don't you?"
You made no move to speak up. You knew what Kol was doing.
You hadn't thought to include psychological warfare in your backup plan, but his method was certainly a welcome addition. Mixing the older Salvatore up in the head just a little would probably help the compulsion stick that much better.
"Nope." Damon tried to play off his moment's hesitation as exhaustion or snark but you saw through his act.
Kol smirked. "You're lying," He said, proceeding to shove Damon against that wooden stake via a friendly pat on the back. "I bet you'd just love to rip his head right off… and I'm gonna give you your wish." 
Damon blinked and shook his head as if he were trying to clear it. His gaze shifted to you as Kol returned and wrapped an arm around your waist again.
"What, aren't you gonna try and stop this psycho?" The raven-haired vampire demanded. His tone was odd - almost desperate yet half-hearted at the same time. "I thought you were supposed to be mini VanHelsing's bestie."
"I am." You shrugged. "But you're not."
"Yeah, and?" Damon huffed, wincing at the pain his slightest movement caused. "What game are you playing at, Emperor Palpatine?"
"I'm proving a point," You snapped.
"By letting your boyfriend murder Jeremy?"
"No. He's just here to make sure Jeremy sees you try." You smirked, eyes glinting like ice crystals under cold starlight.
Damon's eyes flew wide and he shook his head. "You are one heartless bitch," He spat.
"So I've been told." You glanced at Kol beside you. "Remember what I told you?"
He grinned. "Word for word." Kol stepped forward, kneeling down to look Damon in the eyes as he spoke with that tone like a dagger through silk. 
"You're not going to remember what I say, or the conversation that took place here once you leave. You're going to find Jeremy Gilbert and when you do, if you care about him and his well-being as a person completely independent of your love for Elena or compassion for her emotions, then you're going to clap him on the back and buy him - I dunno - a Sherly Temple or something. But if that's not the case, if you only care about his safety as an extension of Elena - if you would trade his life for hers or if you would wish him any sort of harm should he become an inconvenience for any reason - then you're going to kill him, for his curse puts Elena in danger and she's better off sad than dead. You know he's a liability, and you've always hated those, so you're going to hunt him and you're not going to stop until Jeremy is either dead or you've run him out of the state."
When he finished, you reached out and ripped the jagged stake from Damon's chest. "Go get 'em, tiger," You said, smiling pleasantly.
The compulsion wouldn't let him stay, but he lingered just long enough to regard you with arrogant distaste. "He's never gonna forgive you for this," Damon snarled. You tilted your head, expression blank. 
"He'll never know."
Damon took off and Kol slipped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your head. The two of you stood in silence while he just held you for a bit, understanding what you needed from him without requiring you to say a word.
"Are you ready to go now?" He asked a few minutes later, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
"Yeah," You said quietly. "You can split; go play innocent for your family."
He pulled away a bit and lifted your chin so you'd look up at him. "I wish I didn't have to leave you," He whispered. 
"I'll be fine."
"You're a liar." 
You hummed and nodded, resting your head on his chest. Spending the last few months with him hadn't detracted from the warmth you felt in Kol's presence. He still felt safe - just like a home was supposed to. You'd never had a real one of those before him - your closest substitute had been the Gilbert house but that home was never really yours. 
Kol was yours. His heart belonged to you.
"I'm gonna regret this for the rest of my life, aren't I?" You asked. Kol's fingers combed through your hair gently and he sighed. You knew he would answer honestly. He had made a promise never to lie to you and he kept it.
"You will for a while," He said, tracing your lips with his thumb. "But slowly you'll realize that you did the right thing. There are scales that measure good and bad deeds, Y/N. A few merciful lies will not outweigh the billions of souls that will be spared because of them."
You nodded slightly and Kol leaned down, brushing his lips over your cheek. 
"What else is hurting you?" He asked.
"Why did he choose her?" You whispered, achingly. "She's not even his real sister. What makes her more important than me?"
"I won't pretend to know, darling." He smoothed a hand over your back, rubbing circles that succeeded in comforting you. "But his choice does not diminish your value. You are everything you need to be and more, and though you may at times feel the opposite, I'll be here to remind you that you were never meant to be perfect." Kol brushed the hair away from your face with a smile and this look in his eyes - it was the same look that had been in your own when he'd taken you to see Niagara Falls. "No matter what storms may come, I will love you while I may and I will hold you until the last star in the universe grows cold," He said.
You smiled at him, thanking any deity out there that you'd found him. "I'll try my best to do the same."
He nodded, kissing your forehead. "Your best is enough." 
You sighed. "I know we have to leave, but I really don't want to."
"Why not?" He murmured.
"Because whatever happens next is gonna change things," You answered. "And I don't know if I'm ready for that change."
"Come on, love-" Kol chuckled, eyes alight with mischief. "- This is where the fun begins."
You had to bite your tongue to keep from laughing. "Really? Star Wars?"
"What? I can have a little fun!"
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln @r13mar @rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03 @eat-cake @blackswann-53098 @felinegrate Hey, if your name isn't on here and you requested to be tagged, send me a DM to let me know! Tumblr wouldn't let me tag some people and I'm really sorry about that...
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thelovelylolly · 2 years
Howdy! Can I request a platonic headcanon between a teen!s/o and Matt Murdock? Basically this teen likes doing parkour late at night despite the dangers, but one night they ended up in a wrong place and wrong time when they witness some kind of mafia movement and also Daredevil was there as well. And basically this becames a whole survival game of cat and mouse, the plot I'll gave it to you cause I'm not good in imagining one, if you can make this if is not a bother that is. Thank you for reading this though!
Hardcore Parkour
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Summary : One night during your usual parkour adventures, you see something that you didn't expect to see. Warnings : None that I can think of :) Notes : This is such a fun idea, I love it! Thank you for requesting it! I did write it kinda late at night and in one go because i wanted to get this out as soon as i could for you, so excuse any typos or anything of the sort!
Ever since you saw the trends of parkour online, you were immediately hooked. You studied the videos and taught yourself how to do it. You started off just on the roof of your aunt's apartment building. Simple flips and jumps and such.
As you improved more and more, you ventured off into your neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. It started with going to your neighboring rooftops then to the alleyways between buildings as well. Soon enough, you were jumping from building to building, alley to alley. You'd say you were pretty good at parkour, matching the professionals in the videos almost.
But with school and responsibilities and your overbearing aunt, you could only parkour at night. Or at least, parkour around Hell's Kitchen at night.
You knew it was dangerous. You had heard about the crazy high crime rates in Hell's Kitchen and you heard about Daredevil, but you didn't really care. The chance of you running into Daredevil and crime is so small.
Though, it's still a chance.
"I'll be back soon, love ya!" You called as you left your aunt's apartment.
"Be safe!" You heard your aunt call back as you closed the door.
You smiled before running up to the roof top. The sun was set and the nightlife of Hell's Kitchen had emerged. You zipped up your hoodie and made sure your shoes were tied. With a running start, you jumped to the next building over with a flip.
You continued your way down the block then jumped down some fire escapes to get into the alleyway system. You jogged around to the next block and started to climb up the side of the building until you heard something.
It was muffled so you crept closer, carefully moving against the brick wall until you were at it's corner.
"L-listen I can p-pay you back! J-just give me-"
"You've had enough time, pal. We've given you three extensions and that wasn't enough."
Loan sharks, praying on an innocent person. It made you sick to think that people would harm others just for money, or even for fun.
"I think you pay us back now or you can pay with something a little more," the man paused and guns clicking echoed through the alleyway, "vauable."
You gasped as you peered around the corner, only to realize how loud it was. You clamped your hand over your mouth.
"What was that?"
"Someone was watching us, sir."
"Don't just stand there, go find them!"
You took off running with the loan sharks on your tail. You ran through the system, the maze of alleyways in hopes you could lose them. You ran into a dead end, or what anyone else would see as a dead end.
The tall fence was easily a foot taller than you. Luckily, there was a dumpster beside it so you backed up a few steps. You ran and jumped up on the dumpster before jumping over the fence. The loansharks turned the corner as soon as you got over the fence.
You stopped to listen to make sure they wouldn't follow you. Instead a thud followed by groans and grunts came from over the fence. You waited, and quiet fell upon the alley way. You watched as a figure jumped over the fence just like you did. But you recognized the suit.
"Oh my god," you muttered.
You didn't even give him the chance to speak before running away. He groaned and followed you. You ran around back to your block and to a random fire escape. He kept following you, but he paused as you scaled the building. When you reached the top, you flipped on to it.
He kept an ear on you as he climbed up another fire escape in hopes of catching you off guard. He followed the sound of you quick steps and jumps as you went from building to building.
Finally, he reached the top of the building he was climbing. He tilted his head to the side before jumping to the building next to him.
You thought you had lost Daredevil as you jumped to your apartment building. That was until he jumped over and tackled you.
You wiggled out of his protective grip but instead of running away again, you stood there. "Why are you following me?" You asked.
"Because you're a kid out, jumping around the streets at night! Do you understand how dangerous that is?" He replied, stepping closer.
"What are you, my dad? I don't need someone watching over me as I do what I want!"
"You got chased down by loan sharks tonight! They had guns, they could've killed you."
"But they didn't," you answered, sticking your hands in your pockets. You turned and walked to the door that led inside, but he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"You need to be safer. I don't care if you keep jumping around, but not when there are criminals walking aorund," he said, your arm still in your grip.
"Let me go, dude. I'm not some little kid who needs a babysitter!"
You pulled your arm away from him and opened the door.
"Just be safe, okay?"
"Sure thing, Mr. Daredevil," you answered, with a fake little salute. You closed the door behind you and walked down to your aunt's apartment. You opened the door and walked in.
"How was your run, honey?" You aunt asked as you locked the door behind you.
"It was fine. I ran into this weird guy though," you said as you took off your hoodie and walked to your room.
"He didn't do anything to you, did he?"
"No, auntie, he didn't do anything. He was wearing a stupid costume though."
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koutaroulogy · 3 years
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:) ; albedo
genre: fluff, fluff!
details: in which your desistence to photographs doesn't deter albedo from taking a photo of you. modern!albedo x you
notes: that one prompt about instead of saying '1,2,3' ur boyfriend says 'i lovr you' to maks you smile genuinely- featuring a piece of modern!albedo because i want to see him in a course other than chem or physics major for once :) for @glowmiko who wants a tag in all my works related to genshin. lub ya <3
word count: idk tbh i never count unless it's a whole ass chapter :,) no beta we die gargling like mommy mirror maiden
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taking a major in journalism and graduating cum laude was an achievement in itself. he'd faced countless people asking to take photographs of them, of other people, of food, of animals. make an advertisement? sure. an album with a certain concept? easy. what can he say? his clinical hands and his sights for the bigger picture were a gift.
now, the only thing albedo really can't concur is your irrational dislike for seeing yourself smiling in pictures.
"i mind it unless i really have to do it," his brow raises at your answer. he doesn't ask you, but he thinks it was because it made you feel a little awkward to smile. there's nothing wrong with a crooked set of teeth or a dimple sticking it out. it just meant you have to smile wider to play off the flaws and make it seem a little more natural.
so albedo resolves to make you smile in at least one photo he'd take of you.
on the weekend you came over, scowl and wrinkles deeper than your usual mien. as it turns out, your cousins had to decline the marine park trip at the last minute. you thought it was just an excuse for them to stay in and watch the new movie your aunt bought for them.
so you bring your boyfriend and his little sister instead.
"klee, don't run off!" you sighed exasperatedly as the little girl cheered, careening off towards the stingray and shark exhibits.
"albedo, my respect for you has grown," he looks up from where he was adjusting his camera settings amusedly.
"what for?"
"you deal with klee everyday. everyday. that's a talent nobody else can handle," but you, you deadpanned as you walked towards the little girl who looked at the display with stars in her eyes.
he smiles, alabaster skin somewhat paler in the dim light as he stops in his tracks, watching you head towards the small girl to bundle her up in the maroon scarf she sported around her neck. klee's dimples made you laugh.
the lighting was sufficient enough for a decent picture, albedo nods off absentmindedly until his mint eyes catch you picking his sister up in your arms.
a perfect posture, he realizes.
"hey," he calls you. his breath hitches when your eyes met, lips apart and a questioning look completes your response. his camera is posed, finger plastered to that button as he waits.
albedo opens his mouth.
"i love you."
he sees you look flustered. then he pulls his camera flush to his chest as he watched your cheeks widen, your eyes crinkle and the smile lines around your face wrinkle as you gave out an exasperated grin.
"albedo!" you whined and he ignored it in favor of looking at the picture he'd taken of you. his own face twitches, teal eyes curling into happy crescents while his mouth flutters up into a small grin.
although klee's grin shone with bright innocence, yours was just as brilliant, though it was tender. raw. it was a smile in the spur of a moment that was still infectious, making him smile a little wider at your imperfect grin.
albedo sees you stomping towards him from the corner of his eyes, flustered expression and a hint of a smile breaking through your demeanor.
you really couldn't hide your expression, do you?"
when you're happy, i'm happy.
albedo prepares himself for your incessant scolding.
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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wildwarcat · 3 years
I have no idea if you've seen nwh yet so please don't read this if you haven't!!
I was just wondering if your marvel asks included Andrew garfields spiderman after watching nwh I need some fluff with him cause that movie brought back my obsession with tasm
I also need fluff cause after nwh I need 3-5 working days to recover
I'm more than happy to write pieces for other Marvel films that aren't in the MCU. And yes, X-Men, the Blade Trilogy and Marvel TV shows. Thanks for the request! Hope you like it!
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Another World (Peter Parker 3 x Reader)
Summary: After the events of No Way Home, Peter returns to his world to find you worried about where he had vanished to. He’s more than happy to fill you in on his newly discovered secret. 
It was unreal. One moment you were watching Peter take down the Rhino before he plowed through a bustling Times Square, and the next he had just vanished. Rhino was left hanging from a skyscraper wrapped in webbing, but you and the rest of the crowd that had been watching Spider-Man were dumbfounded. 
“Wait, wasn’t he just here?” Someone asked aloud. 
“Yeah, where’s Spider-Man?” 
A vibration in your back pocket told you to take out your cell phone, only to see a call from Aunt May. 
“May, were you watching?” You asked quietly, weaving your way out of the crowd and to the nearest subway stop.
“I saw everything, Y/N. Is he really... gone?” 
“Looks like it. I’m gonna stop by Oscorp on the way over, maybe they’ve been working on some sort of teleportation device.”
May sighed and agreed that it was a good place to start before wishing you luck. You stepped onto the subway and put on your headphones. J. Jonah Jameson was sure to have a field day with this on his new Daily Bugle podcast.
“That’s right, folks. It appears the Spider-Man has disappeared without a trace! What sort of hero does he think he is? I mean, he just left the Russian rhinoceros guy hanging from the Chrysler building. All it’ll take is a nice strong wind and down the two-ton man will go-”
You gave up on listening to the podcast. Jameson didn’t know a thing about Peter. He didn’t know how hard it was for Peter to put that suit on ever since Gwen had... passed on. 
Of course, you had known him before he was Spider-Man, back when Gwen hadn’t even known who he was. You had been there when he was bitten by that spider, you were there when he first decided to become a hero, and you had been by his side for everything that had followed. In the months that followed Gwen’s death you had supported him in every way you could, until the realization hit you that you were in love with your best friend.
 You pushed it down, hid it as best you could without having to push him away. But then, after months of hiding your true feelings, he kissed you in front of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. 
“I’ve loved you for a while now, Y/N. I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right time to say it.” He confessed, his cheeks turning red from both embarrassment and the cold. This was it. Now or never. 
You kissed him back. 
Oscorp had been a bust. No one had any projects related to teleportation in the works and no one in their R&D department was planning on it either. So, you found yourself on the train back to Queens emptyhanded. 
When you got to your apartment, you fumbled with your keys and unlocked the door, setting them on the keyring just inside the entryway. You sighed heavily, hanging up your coat and walking toward the living room with the intention of turning the TV on. But as you strode past the kitchen, you saw a flash of red and blue in the corner of your eye. 
You froze. 
Then after a moment, you slowly backed up a few steps and looked into the kitchen. Standing there, with a wistful smile and tears in his eyes, was Peter. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He said, his voice quiet and raspy. 
“Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been?” You asked him, practically running to him. 
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He said breathily. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. His suit smelled of sweat and burnt copper. 
“Try me.” You smirked. 
Releasing you, he set his mask down on the kitchen table and motioned for you to sit. He spoke for over an hour, telling you about how he had been transported to another universe, along with a few of his enemies. He spoke of how he met two other Peter Parkers, both of them Spider-Men, and how they had worked together to save the multiverse. 
“Another world?” You breathed when he had finished. It was all you could think to say. 
He nodded vigorously, “Maybe someday I’ll figure out how to take you there.” 
You grinned, “As long as I don’t have to call you Peter 3.”
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Escape [S.B.]
Sirius Black x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
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You looked at the plate in front of you, without much interest: roasted quail with fresh vegetables, pasta, and a sauce that you weren't sure was made. Dinners with your fiance's family sucked. Without any exception.
You sighed and thought about stirring your food a bit but realized that it would earn you several accusing looks. All Blacks boasted excellent manners, the best education, and basically felt superior to any other family in the wizarding world.
You looked at the entire table and only saw bitter faces chatting with each other. There were Druella and Cygnus Black, her three daughters Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa, the latter next to her fiancé: Lucius Malfoy. Even Aunt Lucretia was with her husband; Ignatius Prewett. You moved your gaze a little more and looked at Orion and Walburga, with that hypocritical look they always held. By your side, your future husband, Regulus Black. But when you turned to the other side you noticed that there was still an empty chair, where should Sirius be.
You had been waiting all night for him, hoping that he could rescue you from the discomfort you felt around all those poisonous snakes. He had always been your prince charming, unfortunately for most Blacks, and not even an arranged engagement to Regulus kept the two of you from loving each other madly. You finally made up your mind and tried to eat something, but when you were about to pierce the meat with the fork, a thump was heard.
"Good night, beautiful family" he said behind you. You didn't need to turn to know it was him and from the tone of his voice you knew from him that he had done something to annoy all the guests. That and the stupefied faces of those present at the table.
"Sirius, what are you wearing?" your future mother-in-law muttered. You felt his callused palm on your shoulder and you had to restrain yourself to keep your gaze down.
"It's winter, mother. I don't want to catch a cold" he replied with a charming smile. He finally sat next to you and when you looked at him askance you noticed that he was wearing a scandalous sweater with the colors of Gryffindor.
Sirius always, always knew how to hit the spot when it came to upsetting his fabulous family.
"But hey, why are you so quiet all of a sudden? This looks like a funeral" he murmured, clicking his tongue. He watched you out of the corner of his eye with a playful look and you smiled at him still staring at the food. You knew that if you watched him you would laugh out loud.
The Blacks resumed the conversation, a bit uncomfortable for the simple fact that there were yellow and red stripes in the middle of their dark outfits. Sirius began to eat with all the ease in the world and from time to time he would sneak glances at you.
"Sirius, dear..." Bellatrix began, with her tone of kindness more than pretend "I think everyone here wants something, but no one has dared to say it. So I'm telling you: take off that stupid sweater, it's making me want to throw up just looking at you" she expressed arrogantly. Sirius only broadened his smile.
"Of course, cousin. It will be my pleasure, I was starting to get hot after all" he murmured. You took the opportunity to drink a little of your wine to try to calm yourself down by the fun that the young man was giving you. But when he took off his sweater and a shirt appeared that had 'Go, Gryffindors!' it was inevitable for you to spit out the drink you had drunk. With that you managed to get everyone's attention, even Sirius.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly, taking the cloth napkin next to his plate and offering it to you with a smile "I hope you don't spit like that either when you see the tie I'm wearing underneath" he whispered gently and you pursed your lips to keep from laughing.
"Sirius this is disrespectful" Druella replied, glaring at her nephew.
"Is having pride in my Hogwarts house embarrassing?" he asked innocently. You were wiping your mouth when you felt his hand go down to your knee and leave a soft caress on it. You took advantage of the fact that you had the napkin to cover your smile and a bit of your blush. "My parents taught me from a young age that the most important thing would be my Hogwarts house and that I should carry it with dignity."
"Because we thought you would be a Slytherin, like all the family. But instead you dishonored the family and surrounded yourself with those blood traitors you call friends" his mother spat. You noticed Sirius tense for a moment and you slipped your hand through your dress to reach his hand. You gave a gentle, sneaky squeeze to cheer him up and it seemed to work.
"That blood supremacy thing you defend so much is outmoded," he murmured, shrugging. "Besides, it's boring to hang out with your acquaintances, some muggles are very interesting" he said mischievously. But you knew that he was referring to you, you knew that he was the only one who knew the secret that could take away everything you had earned in the Black family.
You could free yourself from the commitment to his brother and be with him but, despite that, he never revealed that you were a mudblood.
"Sirius is enough" her mother yelled, getting up from her chair but without losing her composure. "We are not going to allow you to continue offending your lineage like this, aren't you ashamed to come here dressed like this and talking about those things?"
"Shame?" he asked, pretending to be outraged and putting a hand to his chest "Ashamed to be who I am? Never, mother" he murmured with his chin up. It wasn't the first time he had confronted his parents, but he looked like a wonderful light amid all the darkness. Sirius was always different, not only from his family... he was different from everyone "The only thing that makes me ashamed is that our poor Y/N listens to these discussions" when you heard your name a chill ran down your spine and when you saw him bow towards you you felt that you lacked air "I apologize, sweetie" he murmured softly, just for you to hear him "all the complaints towards the guests exclude you completely" with a gallant smile he took your hand to leave a kiss on the back and you felt something between the union of your skins.
Sirius was a man with deft fingers and without anyone noticing he left a piece of parchment in your hand. When he released you, you squeezed that hard and kept your gaze down.
"I think the best thing is that I retire before his bad taste in clothes rubs off on me" Sirius exclaimed, with his forehead high and the fun dancing all over his face "But my assignment is done, I hope to be the topic conversation for the rest of the night" he continued and you finally dared to look at him. He winked at you "It was a spectacular dinner, thanks for your hospitality" he said wryly. The dessert was already served and before going up to his room he took the plate of the expensive dishes from his mother to continue eating the cheesecake with raspberry jelly on it.
The atmosphere turned gloomy again and everyone continued to eat his dessert while talking about things you didn't understand and from time to time you heard Sirius's name in the conversation. You hadn't dared to open the piece of parchment because everyone seemed to have their attention on you. You knew that the love the two of you had wasn't something that could be hidden.
A quarter of an hour went by, which seemed unbearable, and then Walburga got up to make a statement.
"Now I ask you to accompany us to the living room. My son Regulus will play the piano for us" she murmured proudly. Suddenly you felt sorry for Regulus, as he had to fulfill all the expectations that Sirius didn't meet.
They all got up and walked talking among themselves. You stayed a bit back and quickly opened the piece of parchment carefully so that they didn't see you.
Find me, pretty
"What's that?" Regulus asked looking over your shoulder. You jumped in fright and turned to hide the paper behind you.
"Nothing" you said nervously. Reg smiled and stroked your cheek lovingly.
"Well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'll wait for you outside, okay?" he mumbled tender. You nodded and saw him come forward, with that royal bearing that identified him.
You saw him walk out the door and without wasting another second you ran down the other hall to escape to the second floor. To make sure you weren't overheard by the Blacks, you took off your boots and climbed the ladder barefoot. You walked down the hall, trying to remember which was Sirius's room, when you felt fingers catch your wrist and you suppressed a scream.
"I found you" said a funny voice that pulled you into a bedroom. You made no noise, no one could have noticed you, but once inside Sirius pushed you against the door and brought his lips to yours.
The air had caught in your throat and at first you answered the kiss shyly. Sirius smiled on your lips and guided your hands towards the back of his neck while he placed his own on your waist. Every time he kissed you, you felt a knot in your stomach and your whole body vibrated before his caresses. You tangled your fingers in his long hair, a little self-conscious, and the man suppressed a groan as he pulled you closer to his body, gently pushing your lower back. You separated to take a breath and even though you had your eyes closed you felt him smile.
"There is nothing better in this world than to endure a horrible day and be able to kiss you like that" he whispered. The space between your bodies was minimal and with a mischievous spark he pulled you until your torsos were against each other. When you saw that he had no intention of kissing you again, you opened your eyes and found him looking at you with devotion. "Let me kiss you again" he begged looking at your lips.
"Sirius, your whole family is downstairs listening to your brother, my future husband, play the piano."
"That's why I'm just asking you for a kiss, otherwise we would already be on that bed and not exactly sleeping..."
"Sirius!" you replied amused as you hit his chest. You spoke in whispers, not wanting to be heard, but also because of how close you were to each other.
You were silent for a few moments and after exchanging a few more kisses he spoke again.
"Escape with me" he blurted out. You frowned and placed your hands on his arms that held you against the wall.
"Escape to where, love?"
"Escape from here" he muttered seriously "escape from my family, from your commitment... we can escape from everything"
You have never seen Sirius so serious in his life and that the first time he was to talk about something like that made you pale.
Was he really suggesting that?
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I'm always ..."
"Sirius don't say it" you warned him and he smiled fondly.
"I'm serious. I've never been so serious in my life" he said in a whisper. His hand rested on the side of your hip "I have a small savings in Gringotts. It isn't much but it will be enough for a while. Moony said he has an apartment that he can lend us and... we won't live like royalty, but it is a start" he muttered.
You felt like you didn't have enough air and looked the boy straight in the eye. In front of you was Sirius Black, the most carefree boy you had ever known, the most irresponsible, flirtatious and childish... there was that man asking you to form a life together and offering you everything he had.
"I know that if you marry Regulus you will have all the money you want, jewelry, beautiful dresses, a respectable last name..." he continued "and I understand if you prefer that than living with a poor man rejected by his family. But I can assure you that even if he has all the money in the world he will never be able to love you half as much as I do" you felt his hand, fearful, caressing your cheek "It is impossible for someone to love you like I do"
You felt your heart beating like crazy and you were unable to utter a single word. If you married the youngest of the Blacks, your life was arranged, you had a high social status, you had a millionaire's life and the respect of many families. But all that could not replace the happiness that you knew you would have next to the man who was watching you with supplication.
"It's fine if you don't want to, it's just... I understand that Reg can give you a prettier wedding. Or well, I don't even know if you'd like to marry me..."
"And of course, you would have the support of all those old harpies..."
"But I promise you that I will strive to give you the best life I have in my han..." and before he continued, you pulled him by the neck and kissed him.
It was a calm and deep kiss, with which little by little you felt Sirius' shoulders relax.
"For God's sake, don't shut up unless I kiss you" you said rolling your eyes once you parted. Sirius smiled shyly "I'm not interested in anything, anything that isn't you" you replied. You didn't think of anything else to say to him, because the explanations left over and he would have been happy with a simple yes "I love you. And I know that my life will be perfect if you are with me"
Sirius smiled again, fighting back the tears that threatened to come out.
"We still have some time, we could say goodbye to my room, specifically my bed" he said softly, moving his eyebrows up and down. You laughed and just watched him with a smile. The boy's eyes flashed "Yes?"
"Just kiss me," you said amused. And he did.
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lovelyyy-luna · 4 years
pairing: (steve harrington x fem!reader)
fandom: stranger things
type: fluff
word count: 1333
date: march 4, 2021
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Steve was crushing on you big time ever since he saw you.
Which was about 20 minutes ago.
He was working and you were waiting for your aunt by the escalators. He walked towards you, his palms were already sweating, he stopped right in front of you.
He was so deep in thought that he didn’t hear your question.
He shook his head, “I'm sorry what?”
“Can I help you?”
“Oh sorry. Im- uh- I’m Steve.” he smiles trying to hide how nervous he is.
“I'm Y/N. is there anything else you need,” you say standing there awkwardly.
“I just wanted you to know that you look really pretty. And maybe you want to go out with me tonight?”
“Um well. I normally don’t go out with guys I barely know.” Steve looks down with his heart already broken, “but you don’t look like a complete asshole so pick me up at 7?”
He looks up with his face full of glee. “Yeah! 7 sounds great!”
He starts to walk away and you call out to him, “Hey! Idiot! I didn’t give you my information!”
“Oh right.”
“Here is my address and my house number.” you scribble it down and head over to your aunt who was waiting by the exit doors.
You look back at Steve and he turned to his coworker throwing his fists in the air. You couldn’t help but smile.
You didn’t know what to wear to the date. You didn’t know if it was casual or fancy. You just put on your cousin’s old camp t-shirt and some jeans. You head down the hall and chat with your aunt.
“Boys I'm ordering a pizza! What kind do you want?” your aunt yells to the boys in the living room.
“Plain cheese and pepperoni!” your little cousin yells.
Your aunt just looks at you and rolls her eyes and laughs. She orders the pizza and you both start talking about random stuff.
It was getting dark out and Steve was just around the corner. He was nervous, he didn’t understand why he was.
He pulled up into the driveway and made his way to the door and knocked. The door is opened by a small curly-headed boy. “Steve, what the hell are you doing here?”
He realized he was at the Henderson residence. “Dustin? Oh, shit did she give me the wrong address,” he muttered to himself.
You pop out of the kitchen and see your cousin Dustin chat with your date.
“Y/N why didn’t you tell me your date was with Steve?” Dustin says to you.
“Oh, I didn’t know you guys already knew each other.”
Steve looked nervous. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah let me go get my sweater.”
You head back to your room and leave Steve with Dustin once again.
“Listen to me, Steve,” Dustin says in a serious voice and Steve looks at him all wide-eyed and scared. “That girl is one of the most important people in my life and if you hurt her in any way shape or form, there will be hell to pay.”
You walk out of your room, “I’ll see you later Dustin,” you say as you scruffle his hair.
“I want you back here by 8:30!” Dustin yells behind you.
“Bye Dustin.”
You got into Steve’s car and you both sat there silently.
“So what do you have planned?”
He stammers, “Well I was thinking maybe we can go to Rockin Rollers and then…..” you look at him waiting for the other half of his sentence. “Oh, I guess that’s all I came up with.”
You chuckle, “Well that’s fine I’m good with just Roller skating.”
He smiles and starts the car.
The car ride was a little awkward, the music was a little too low and you could hear the nervousness in his breathing.
You pulled up to the back of the rink.
“Um, Steve why are we in the back? Is this where you’re gonna kill me?”
“Haha no.” he gets out of the car and opens the door for you like a gentleman.
He goes up to the back door and knocks on it. A girl opens the door, “Took you long enough.”
“Sorry got here as quickly as I could. Uh, y/n this is Robin. Robin this is y/n”
You both exchange smiles and she escorts you both to the floor and grabs you some skates.
You lace up the skates and contemplate how to stand up.
Steve looks over at you, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just that I’ve never been roller skating before.”
He looked at you in disbelief, “You’ve never been skating?!”
He stands up and extends his hand, “This is going to be a fun date.”
You grab his hand and take small steps on the carpet.
You finally get to the edge of the carpet.
You hold on to the railing and hold tightly to Steve’s hand.
You both go around the rink a few times and you are thinking you got the hang of it. You tell Steve that he can skate without you but he insists on holding your hand.
He can tell that your tense so he tries to calm you by him skating backward and holding both your hands. He started to spin you around and you chuckle and tell him to stop.
You then trip over your own skates causing you to fall on your back but you were still holding on to Steve so he fell with you and both of your heads collided.
Steve picks you up and takes you to the carpet and walks you to the bench.
He skates over to the concession stand where Robin was working.
“Wow Steve, you gave your date a concussion,” she says as she hands him an ice pack.
“God. after this she is probably never going to talk to me again.”
Steve walks back to you and hands you the ice pack and you press it against your head.
“Listen, this date was a complete disaster. If you want me to take you home I will,” he says as he looks down at his feet.
You chuckle, “Steve, listen, this date probably wasn’t the best date due to the fact we got injured. But I don’t want to end it. How about we go to the movies, somewhere where no harm can come to us.” you smile at him
“Really? You don’t want this to end?”
“Of course not! This has been pretty interesting and I like it.”
“Awesome! I think they have an 830 showing of Weird Science.”
“Sounds great!”
You both head to the counter to return your skates and say goodbye to Robin.
When you arrive at the movies you head into Steve’s work, Scoops Ahoy.
“Uh, Steve what are we doing here?”
“It’s a shortcut. Trust me.”
You both go into the back of the shop and walk down the service entrance.
You end up in the movie theaters and take your seats.
An hour and a half go by and you had an amazing time. You and Steve got popcorn and you had that romantic moment when your both reached for some and your hands touched.
He drove you home and walked you to the front door.
“I had a really nice night steve.”
“Me too y/n.”
You both stood there awkwardly.
His hand reached up to your face and wiped your hair out of the way.
You were slowly inching forward to his lips until, “ Where the hell have you been?”
You both chuckle, “Dustin shouldn’t you be in bed.” you say to him.
“Goodnight y/n,” Steve says as he smiles at you.
You smile back, “Goodnight steve.”
You walk into the house with Dustin.
Steve walks back to his car smiling still.
“Steve what the hell did you do to her head?!” Dustin yells from the house.
Steve gets in his car and hightails out of there.
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graceanne19822 · 2 years
Go For It
Based on "Go For It" by Djo
Pairings: Steve x ex!Reader
Summary: Their paths cross again. Exes/Enemies-Lovers
Warnings: Heavy angst. Slow burn.
A/N: I don't give permission for my work to be reposted anywhere. Thanks in advance😊 Minors DNI
Also, requests are open!
"Dustin!" you yelled as you saw your cousin's curly hair almost disappear behind the corner. He stopped before turning around, smiling.
"Y/N! You're here, you made it!" He hugged you tight and took your suitcase for you, leading you out of the airport. You stopped in your tracks when you saw the familiar car in front of you, closing your eyes as you hoped this wasn't the friend Dustin said would help get you from the airport.
"Henderson, there's no way this is your cousin," he scoffed, getting back into his car before slamming the door.
"I'll just get in the back," you whispered to Dustin as he closed the trunk.
"I uh...didn't realize you two knew each other," Dustin admitted sheepishly. "I should have said something beforehand."
"It's fine," Steve sighed. "Not like she hasn't caught me off guard before," he rolled his eyes as he started the car, not waiting for you to buckle your seatbelt before driving away from the terminal.
Your heart dropped in response, looking out the window the rest of the drive as Dustin tried to keep up the conversation so it wouldn't be as awkward. The answers you gave were short and shallow, but it was all you could do to stop yourself from bawling all over the backseat.
As the car pulled up to the Henderson's house, you unbuckled and were out of the car before Steve could pop the trunk. Your fingers tapped absentmindedly against the taillight as Dustin got out and started towards the house, getting his house key out of his back pocket. Steve got out and walked to the back of the car, sticking his key in and unlocking the trunk. He took your suitcase out and set it next to you before slamming the trunk shut. You winced, looking up at him with glassy eyes.
"Why?" was all you said. You wanted to elaborate. Why are you being this way to me? Why are you treating me like garbage? Why can't you be civilized in front of Dustin?
"You know why. I can't take back what happened, and neither can you. You can't just show back up here this close to what would have been our four year anniversary and act like you're the victim," he glared down at you as you looked away, pretending to be interested in the neighbor's flowerbeds.
"I can't help that my father got relocated. I'm sorry you felt the need to end us by hooking up with Nancy instead of agreeing to be long distance. The communication wasn't there, and then you had the balls to accuse me of cheating when nothing happened," you finally turned away from him, grabbing the handle of your suitcase and starting towards the door. You heard Steve sigh and call after you, but you refused to turn around. Maybe tomorrow would be easier.
The next morning, you got up and took a searing hot shower, fixed your hair, put on your favorite outfit, and went downstairs to eat breakfast with Dustin and your aunt.
"Hey sweetie! How'd you sleep?" your aunt asked as you sat down and poured yourself a bowl of cereal.
"Good, being back in Hawkins always helps me sleep. The city is too busy, I normally have to sleep with the radio on," you laugh softly to yourself as your aunt nods.
"Well that's good!" she kissed Dustin on the head as she grabbed her purse and keys. "I have to work today, but I'll be home around seven. Dustin knows the number if you guys need anything. Love you!" She smiled and gave a wave as she headed out the door.
"So what's the plan bud?" you ask as you shovel a spoonful of lucky charms into your mouth.
"Welllll..." he trailed off. "I have a ride set up for us, but we don't have to go if it'll be a problem. Steve's just the only one I know with a car."
"It's...fine. I'll deal with it," you nodded to him as he got up to put his plate in the sink. "Besides, how bad could it be?"
Oh, it was bad. He wasn't as harsh as he was yesterday, your words still stung. Instead, he just looked at you all day like a kicked puppy. Every time your eyes met, he'd give you a small smile, the one he knew you had a hard time saying no to.
You'd spent the day shopping around, finding a few cute things, but not really settling on anything. Dustin said he wanted ice cream, and due to the sweltering Indiana summer heat, you couldn't pass it up. Steve pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor, and Dustin practically leapt from the car, making you and Steve chuckle.
"Hey," he leaned back and softly touched your knee, making you wince and recoil. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting like such an asshole. I got scared when you said you were moving, and when you brought up having so many guy friends, I got way too jealous. I just assumed you'd do something, and I made the mistake of turning to Nancy. You shouldn't blame her, though. She had no idea what I was doing," he took a deep breath before laughing. "She actually cheated on me with Jonathan Byers. They've been together for a while now, actually."
"Thank you for your apology. It doesn't fix things, but I'd like to be friends," you patted the hand he had on your knee before unbuckling and getting out of the car.
The two of you walked into the ice cream shop, looking around until you saw Dustin waving his arms excitedly at a table near the back.
"Finally!" he said as you guys sat down.
The waitress came by to take your order, obviously eyeing Steve. You'd agreed to be friends, but now this girl was practically throwing herself at him. Dustin told her his order, and then she asked Steve what he wanted, batting her lashes at him. Instead, he pointed to you, but he still spoke.
"She'll have two scoops of strawberry, the kind without the frozen strawberry chunks. Top it with hot fudge, nuts, and whipped cream. No cherry," you gasped as your jaw dropped, flabbergasted he'd remembered your order. "And I'll have a banana split, extra cherries," he smiled as he handed her the menus before turning his attention to you. You couldn't help but smirk as she walked away in a huff.
"I uh-have to go to the bathroom," Dustin chimed in as he got up from his seat.
"You didn't have to do that," you smiled.
"Hey, she probably wasn't going to acknowledge your existence if I hadn't," he laughed. "Plus," he took your hand in his, "Something in my head just told me to go for it."
"Go for what?" you asked, turning to look at him.
"This," he smiled before leaning in to kiss you softly. "I know I fucked up, but seeing you now, I forgot how much I needed you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make this work."
And that's just what he did. Well, it took some work from both sides, but he somehow, he made sure you got your happy ever after.
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icyteaa · 3 years
So … I just read the recent manhwa. I don't know why, but I don't find anyone who talks about this, so I will speak up.
This picture:
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I don't know why, but this picture makes me very sad. I imagine the hardships Alberu had gone through since he was just a kid after his mom died, until he finally found a new family and friends (Cale and Co.).
My heart shattered as I thought about it. And I can't help but want to write something for him. So this is it. Headcanon that I dedicated to our beloved Crown Prince.
TCF Headcanon
[Found A Family]
Alberu dreamed last night. He didn't know he should say it was a good dream or a nightmare. He sure, finally met his mother again even if it's in a dream is a very good thing that rarely happens, but he too can't avoid the sorrow he felt after he wakes up from that dream. It makes him remember short but precious moments—the best memories he has in the twenty-four years he lives, mourning about it and wanting it to come back; to feel it again.
Alberu sighed without he can even resist. His morning felt rather gloomy because of that, but his responsibility as a Crown Prince in the middle of war never waited for him to get ready; so he took a bath and let the maid help him with the clothes. Push aside his feelings to the corner of his heart and wrap his prince-like behaviour that should never disappear in front of his people just like any other day.
He found a particular message in his communication device while he sorted all messages from his vassal and subordinate there. It's from his Aunt, Tasha. It's not something related to his duty, he thought, as he saw there were no formalities in the first greeting. So he just read it after he went through another meeting with noble about preparation for war and had a moment to rest for himself. Because responsibility always comes first than his own interest.
—If you want it, I can take charge of your task for today so you can visit your mother's grave. Don't push yourself too much. At least you can do that today.
Alberu chuckled. But there is no smile in his void eyes. Finally, someone brought it up. After all the silence his subordinate reluctantly acted in front of him, or even just normal behavior because they didn't know what date is today as they didn't have much care for the deceased person; someone finally showed care to him in the way most sincere than any bullshit talk all noble threw. And just like any year he passed, it's always and only his aunt.
Maybe that is why he has a rare dream today. Today is a special and gloomy day. He will never forget it. Nintheen years had passed, but he couldn't erase the grief in his heart. His most beloved person. The only one who is on his side in this cold palace. The only one who looked after him when everyone turned their eyes. The one who affectionately caressed him. It's just five years and still, Alberu can't get away from the sensation; or the fact he wants to feel it once more.
But remember the mountain stack in front of his eyes and duties that he should do today, he shook his head before answering his aunt's massage shortly. Rejected her offer softly before continuing with the paperwork he should read and sign. It's not the time for it. And he knew, he couldn't do it because it meant there would be people who see his weak side. And in this critical moment, that kind of weakness will be very dangerous if the enemies (any other princes or princesses) hold it.
Just like that, there is nothing different in Alberu's schedule. He read and signed paperwork—mountains of it, before he went to another meeting. And without even he realized, the time passed to the night as he found the moon shining brightly and illuminated his study.
It's tiring, of course. But it's not like he can complain much as this is the path he chooses himself. Alberu frequently questions his own decision. Why did he still stand when the favor of King had fallen from him? Why did he still choose to fight his step siblings to get the throne? Is it really just because of the power he will hold as the new King? Or is it because that is his right to have it? Is this continual tiring activity worthy enough for that?
Alberu can't help but let out another sigh. As time passed and he had let his subordinate get a rest while he finished a few more paperwork, he let himself not act as a strong prince without weakness to be pointed out. His too much absent-mindedly thought made him not realise someone had already transported into his study and observed him with absolute silence.
"You look more tired than normal, hyung." Alberu jolted when he heard the man's voice. His face narrowed with a big frown and his body all tensed up, before he realised his body again after he saw whose voice that he heard. He scoffed when he found the man so-called his sworn brother, stoicly staring at him while sitting on the couch opposite him. He huffed under his breath, "Can you step into my room with more proper attitude just like any other noble do?"
Unfortunately, the man is a few people that he can't really scold or punish even with any improper behavior he did in front of the Crown Prince. So even after receiving just a shrugged shoulder from the man as an answer to his sarcasm question, he just let out another sigh. Really, he didn't know why this man could be very unafraidly approach him. And then again, he didn't know too why he himself was never really angry because of his behaviour. He shook his head and reached another paperwork, "So, what business did our busy young master do in my study this late at night?"
At least Cale, the name of a young master that weirdly came to his life just a year ago, didn't come with an empty hand. They have yet another small meeting, discussing things they should prepare for war while Alberu finishes his paperwork left. It may be close to midnight when they finally end their discussion and Alberu finished his work. He stretched his stiff body before letting out another sigh. As time passed, it seemed he was too comfortable enough to let this young man see his un-prince behaviour somehow, so he didn't care and did it while Cale still observed him silently.
"Aren't you push yourself too much, hyung?" The reddish brown eyes observed him thoroughly. Cale rose his eyebrows with disbelief, as if Alberu's appearance right now made the young man pitited him. Alberu eyebrows rose too, "And whose mess do I take care of the most?" He said jokingly. Yeah, joking because even if he looks quite not like what the man did as he roamed and spread mess, it's too for the greater good of Roan Kingdom. They two know well about that. But still, found Cale scoffed when he heard Alberu complain, sure amusing to be watched.
"Seriously, your highness. I just state the fact, but it looks like our sun is too tired and wronged his subordinate without him even realizing." Cale stood from his couch and bowed in proper manner this time. Alberu could see unpleasant glints in the young man's eyes as they stared at each other, "Then I will take my leave so our sun can rest."
Alberu chuckled. This type of sulky face Cale has made him a bit better. It looks like teasing this young master can make his stressed out body more relaxed. "It's hyung." Alberu rose one side of his lips, "If our beloved hero can help this tired human, how about accompanying me with a few glasses of wine?"
They have a quiet night with just the voice of glasses collided with each other. He let his sober fly away as the wine passed his throat. His memories of his mother filled his mind. He didn't even realize that he talked about his memories with the young master. He didn't remember much, but he knew Cale heard his stories patiently until his body flopped into the table and his consciousness faded.
"I miss my mother." Alberu heard himself mourning as his body was lifted and Cale carried him in the shoulder. This can happen just because his consciousness disappeared bit by bit, and he wasn't in the state to care about pride. He is sad. And he really misses his mom. Cale, who is still by his side, is the only place he can mourn as he pleases.
He could see his way to the bed not smooth as the weak young man staggered to support him. Nevertheless, Alberu succeeded in plopping on the bed surface before Cale dragged his body again so he could lie down properly. He saw Cale's face that sat on the edge of bed. The young man still shut himself even if Alberu wanted to hear his response. It makes him a bit upset, so he scoffed, "You don't even react. Are you don't care about that either?"
Cale sighed softly. Alberu felt a warm hand in his forehead pat him stiffly after that. "If I didn't care, I would have left you alone a long time ago." Alberu shut himself as he felt the warmth caressed his head. It is surely not as soft as his mom did; but he can feel the same warmth. The one he really likes, and the one he really misses. His body relaxed more as the hand adjusted the hand move and running in his head more gently. "If you care … don't die. Don't leave me alone."
The hand stopped for a moment before doing his task again while another one moved the blanket to Alberu's neck to keep him warm. "I'm not planning on dying." He can hear Cale's voice. That voice calmed him down; like a lullaby his mothers always sang to make Alberu sleep. And finally, Alberu shut his eyes slowly and his consciousness faded fully as he heard the last sentence from the young man, "Rest, hyung. You deserve to have it."
In his dream, he met his mother again. But unlike today, he can feel this is going to be a good dream he has tomorrow as he finally comes to the realization that, he isn't alone. His mom couldn't support him again nor caress him, but someone had filled the hole in his sorrowful heart. Someone had reached his hand toward Alberu. Someone who can he call his younger brother—dongsaeng. Maybe he will not admit it openly, but he knew his heart had already accepted the man's existence.
If tomorrow he felt embarrassed because of his mourn in front of the young man, let it be the story for tomorrow. Just for today, he felt content. Because finally he realized; he had found a family.
I labelled this as TCF Headcanon, not AlbeCale because I want to write this not as AlbeCale stan, but as a fan of Alberu Crossman. I love him and I want him to be happy after all he has gone through up until now.
Please shower Alberu more love. Not just because of his looks or his relationship with Cale, but because of his entire existence. He deserves it🥺
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