#so like! she was complaining to my aunt over nothing!! i got in trouble for nothing!
Chapter two of The Teenage Mutant Phantom of the Opera!
@daboyau Helped out with this chapter a good amount! I recommend reading their amazing works too!
Usagi walks into the theatre bright and early. It’s a far cry from how it is at night. People are walking around in a flurry to get things prepared. Usagi looks at the stage where several people are already there and reading lines with a bit of envy.
Still, he carefully balances the several different orders of coffees, teas, baked goods, and other drinks he was sent to get. As several people take their items without even sparing another glance at him, he’s extremely glad that they don’t make him do this every day.
The last order would definitely be the more difficult one though.
It had been a problem the moment he was even just getting the order. The barista, a lynx yokai, went nuts when Usagi mentioned wanting flavorless juice.
He thought she was going to drag him over the counter.
Apparently she’d driven herself half mad trying to find out what that actually meant and how to make it. She had complained and complained about how a kid keeps coming in, orders flavorless juice, and always called in later to say it wasn’t made right.
Never to get anyone in trouble, just to state it for the record he’d say.
She wanted to end him she had said.
Now, Usagi walks towards Donnie with the last cup.
Donnie notices him and hops off the stage.
“Finally, I was dangerously close to dehydration. Although I suspect this will be disappointing.”
Usagi smiles with determination as he hands it to him.
“You might just be surprised.”
Donnie looks at him like he didn’t believe a single word, but takes the cup and sips it anyway.
His eyes widen.
“It can’t be….”
Usagi crosses his arms proudly.
“But it can be! And it is! Flavorless juice, boom!”
“How did you do it?”
“My aunt and I used to live on a farm, I didn’t learn a lot, but she knows her stuff. I called her up and asked her for advice. The result is: unripe dragon fruit and soaked chia seeds! Flavorless, and full of nutrients!” Usagi’s hands went on his hips and his ears shot up, pointing outwards in pride.
Donnie’s eyes follows the happy movement of the ears before quickly darting away.
“I suppose you’re expecting a thank you? Or a “good job”?”
“Uh….just a thanks is fine? Everyone else is kind of treating me like I don’t exist so it would be nice.”
Donnie considers this for a second or two.
“That’s what happens when you let them. That’s why you didn’t get a lead part. You need to be more memorable. Make them notice you! Or else you’re just going to keep vanishing in the background and losing to singers with more stage presence, like me.” He smirks slightly.
Usagi’s ears drop down and to the back of his head as he pouts.
“Being an understudy nothing to be upset over! They’re important when things go wrong!”
Donnie starts to look away from him.
“Stop giving people the benefit of the doubt. It’s already put you in a bad position. The role you’re playing up isn’t one that exists. It’s not even the one you really got. Can’t you see that?”
Usagi tightens his fists.
“…..It’s the only chance I have.”
Donnie looks back at him, slightly surprised that Usagi was so…..polite in this situation.
He would have been swinging his tech bō at him already.
Although, he also wouldn’t have put up with what they were making Usagi do either.
“There’s other chance out there. Don’t stay somewhere bad for you just because you think you’re stuck.” Donnie advises before beginning to walk away.
Usagi relaxes slightly in surprise at what he had heard.
“And…..thanks.” He mumbles as he goes up the stairs.
Usagi’s smile returns slightly before he was pulled away to help with something else.
The hours until he’s alone were exhausting. They had him do everything except his actual role.
He ended up just laying on the stage, staring up at the catwalk.
One long blink later and Leo was staring back down at him while leaning on the railing.
“You came back.”
He had been watching the production all day so he already knew that, but it still filled him with joy that he could talk to him again.
Usagi smiles up at him.
“Hey! I’m really glad to see you. You would not believe the day I had.”
“Maybe I would.” Leo makes his way down to the stage.
“Care to join me on the floor?”
“It hasn’t been cleaned yet, do you know that?”
“It’s too late for me. I’m one with the dust bunnies.”
Leo stares down at him.
Usagi stares back, feeling incredibly awkward about the joke he just made. He had no way of knowing if he hated puns like that or not. Donnie very much did, if looks could kill he’d be dead a hundred times over.
Leo covers his mouth slightly, turning away as he chuckled softly.
Usagi smiles in both relief and absolute joy that he actually likes the dumb attempt to be funny.
Leo soon took his place next to him on the floor after he was able to stop laughing.
“Why the floor?”
“I like looking over at the painting on the ceiling over the seats.”
Leo rolls his eyes back in order to look towards the painting he was talking about. It was bittersweet for him. He tended to avoided staring at it for too long.
He remembers when Melyna painted it. A ceiling filled with stars. Leo already had anxiety just leaving the theatre, so ever going on the surface above the Hidden City would probably be near impossible for him.
He’d never see real stars.
It made his heart hurt to remember how much she did for him. How much she cared. How much she loved him.
“Hey….are you okay?”
Leo turns his head towards Usagi’s gaze and then quickly touched his own face to make sure he wasn’t crying.
He’s surprised that he’s not.
How did he know he was upset with part of his face covered?
“I’m fine, just thinking about something.”
“Are things alright for you?“
“I thought we were going to talk about your day.”
“We don’t have to. If there’s something bothering you, I’d want to hear it. I really appreciate what you agreed to do for me, and I like to think it makes us friends. Friends listen to each other.”
Leo’s heart flutters.
Friends, so soon?
Surely, he must also feel the connection between them.
That doesn’t mean he can be honest with him about everything though.
“I….knew the person who painted the ceiling.”
“Really? No wonder you like coming here-….I’m sorry, knew? Past tense?” Usagi sat up on his side, arm pressed to the floor to keep himself steady.
Leo doesn’t move.
“Past tense, meaning….she isn’t here to do anything now.”
Usagi frowns.
“I….won’t say I’m sorry for your loss, or that I understand how you feel. I know that it probably won’t help. I got told that a lot when I lost my parents. There was only one thing that made me feel better, and it was my aunt who said it.”
Leo finally sits up.
“What did she say?”
“That there was never going to be one thing that was going to make me feel better. That it was….a process. No easy solution. One she’d help me through. She said I wasn’t going to be doing it alone. She was right….hearing that didn’t fix everything. What helped was that she was there every step of the way.”
Leo looks down.
That was easy to say when there was someone to be there.
“I know I’m lucky I had someone….but if you don’t have the same, I’ll be that person.”
Leo stares at him in shock.
“Are….are you sure? This is our second time meeting, and….you don’t even know my real name.”
“If you were a bad person you would have done something bad already. And if you’re not a bad person, then you deserve someone to talk to. That’s what I believe at least.”
Leo looks back down, feeling his face heat up slightly.
Not a bad person?
Oh, how naive he was, but still, that was so flattering coming from someone like him.
“I’d be very happy to keep talking to you.”
“You kind of have to in order to help me with my singing, right?” Usagi chuckles.
“That reminds me, you still haven’t talked about your day.”
Usagi sighs.
“Ugh. Donnie was being kind of a jerk, and everyone else treats me like I’m doing something wrong. All I want is to practice my role in case they need me. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to actually do what an understudy does.”
Leo stands up and offers his hand to him.
“Let’s do what they’ve been robbing you of then.”
Usagi takesnit, letting Leo help him up.
“My first chance to sing all day.”
“It must be torture to be around music but never be able to join in.” He kept Usagi’s hand in his until it slips out of his grasp.
“It’s like holding in a sneeze. The songs in this opera are so much fun, who wouldn’t want to?”
“They shouldn’t deprive that joy, that’s for sure. It’s why you should sing your heart out now. Let’s start with your favorite song first.”
“I am not judging how you want to teach me at all, but can I ask why not start with the first song?”
“It’s a good question that I don’t blame you for asking. It’s important to put your soul into every song you sing, but that’s easier to practice with a song you’re already attached to most.”
“Alright then I guess….” Usagi begins to sing.
“Hold on, not yet.”
Leo hops off from the stage and goes all the way to the back of the seats.
“What are you doing?” Usagi shouts.
“I’ll tell you after! Start again!”
Usagi’s ears twitch a bit in curiosity before he starts singing again.
Leo says nothing until he was finished, walking back onto the stage.
“So….how was I?”
“Is this the first opera you’ve done?”
“First opera, play, first anything theatre related honestly…..is it that obvious?”
“It’s obvious when anyone does anything for the first time. It’s not your fault and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s why I’m helping you.”
“How can I do better?”
“To set yourself apart from everyone else, you need to do something that takes more effort. Anyone can get the attention of the front row, maybe even the middle row, but the back row is often forgotten by actors who don’t care. What you’re going to accomplish is getting all the rows to be unable to take their eyes off you.”
Usagi looks at the back row nervously.
“Am I really going to be able to do that?”
“Yes, you are. I know you have it in you.”
“Why didn’t you audition for the opera? Your voice is way better and you seem to know a lot more than I do. You even have part of a tragedy mask on your face. It’s like you were born to perform.”
Leo turns away from him.
“I couldn’t audition. I can never audition. This mask…..I have to wear it. Nobody would want me on stage without it, and I can’t show my whole face to emote with it on.”
“I….I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be so insensitive.”
“No, it’s okay. You have the right to be curious. We just met yesterday. There’s a lot of questions to ask each other. You don’t even know my name.”
Usagi’s ears shoot straight up.
He really hadn’t asked.
Why did he just accept him introducing himself as “the phantom”?
That was so rude, and probably a little dumb too.
“C-Could you tell me your name?”
Leo turns back to him.
“Let’s make another deal. I’ll tell you something new about me every time we practice, but you can’t give up.”
“Wow…..these deals have just kind of been in my favor. Don’t you want something?”
“…..I want you on this stage, Yuichi. I can’t be here, but you have a chance. When I listen to opera, it’s like I’m there too. I can feel the emotions of the people who worked so hard to be there. I know that it’s the most important thing in the world to them right at that moment.”
Usagi starts to feel like his eyes were burning. When he sang a song with lyrics already there, already made to get across a message, he couldn’t mess it up. It was hard for him to communicate right sometimes. He accidentally made a lot of enemies.
Music is supposed to bring people together.
“I….I understand! I’ll be on that stage, I’ll do what I can!”
Leo smiles softly.
“Thank you. Let’s start again.”
This time as Usagi sings, Leo taught him to put all the emotion he has into his voice and movements.
Usagi couldn’t help but be in awe in the purpose with which Leo decided how he moved.
It’s like every single thing he did was chosen so carefully.
Usagi couldn’t say he couldn’t be as graceful or purposeful, but he liked to think that he did his best as they practice.
Leo would graciously and carefully show him how to make more of a presence. He would lift his arm higher, turn him, have him in a better position.
It also helped that Leo would play the other lead. Usagi could respond better to the movements he would have to just imagine otherwise.
This went on so long that their concentration was interrupted by Usagi’s phone ringing.
He had taken it out of his pocket and made the face of someone who knew he was going to get a sandal thrown at him the moment he got through the front door.
“Oh no! I really have to go, I’ll see you tomorrow!” He answers the phone as he runs off, shouting coming from the speaker.
Leo watches him leave the whole time, gaze never stopping.
Usagi stops for just a second and turns his head back.
“Thank you, I mean it.”
Then, just like that, he was gone.
This time, loneliness didn’t fill Leo’s heart.
It was excitement.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Grey's Anatomy: Wasn't Expecting That (19x02)
Nick is the most boring character Grey's Anatomy has ever written! Sorry!
Like, seriously. Meredith's whole speech about how she went numb when she lost him... please. I think my problem with him is that it's hard to think of him being anything more than a blip on Meredith's radar. Her life has been filled with vibrant and interesting characters, and Nick is not vibrant or interesting.
You know I have to complain about this... Owen and Teddy. I will say that the somewhat comedic marital woes are a step above the angsty, overwrought drama we usually get with these two, but it's still not exactly pleasant to watch all the same! I was complaining last week that Owen's whole plot thread last season led to absolutely nothing in the way of real consequences. Well, apparently the consequences are going to be marital problems between Owen and Teddy. Yippee. Can't wait to see that. Ugh.
I continue to enjoy seeing Meredith as chief even if I'm not thrilled about the Nick stuff. The episode ends with a reminder of the other part of Meredith's life that we don't get to see much of: she is a mother. Zola looks so big, it's crazy how long this show has been on the air. While she's making a presentation on her hero, her grandmother Ellis Grey, she panics and talks about how Meredith and Maggie are both also going to get Alzheimer's and die and she'll be all alone. First of all, Zola, that's a super relatable anxiety. I'm curious how this story will continue, if we're going to loop around to that looming threat of Meredith's health. After all, it's been roughly two decades since this show started. She's got to be getting close to the age her mother was when she exhibited symptoms, right? Crazy to think about.
It's fun to see Bailey get some time away from the hospital! She deserves it, and seeing her settled into her role as a mother is a special treat after all the drama and pain she underwent on her journey to get there. She and Jo being mom friends is such a lovely little detail. This show is inconsistent at best at showing these people having lives outside of their work, but when they get it right, I often really enjoy it.
The interns continue to impress me. It's early days yet, but they all feel distinct and interesting. I liked that there was a medical mystery this episode that they all got to come together to solve. They save their patient's life, although he is forced to have his leg amputated. I like how this played off of various strengths and weaknesses among the various interns. Simone gets to have the insight about the diagnosis, Jules gets to amputate his leg, but things almost go badly when she can't control the bleeding. I loved the scene of the two of them in the gift shop at the end of the episode, calming themselves down. I could see a real friendship forming there!
Not much of a friendship forming between Blue and Lucas, however. The cockiest of our new batch of interns sees Lucas and Amelia speaking in hushed tones together coming out of an on-call room, and incorrectly believes they're sleeping together. The truth? Aunt Amelia was trying to make sure Lucas had a place to sleep and food to eat! But Lucas doesn't want his coworkers to know he's related to the Shepherds, so he's keeping his mouth shut for now. That should be interesting.
The marital trouble in this episode didn't stop with Owen and Teddy. We also see Maggie and Winston at odds, as Maggie depends too much on Winston to basically act as her resident during the time when they didn't have a class of residents. Because of this, his own surgeries are constantly getting pushed around, his assistants are being poached. Winston is fed up. The thing is, in contrast to Teddy and Owen's over the top snark and bickering, Maggie and Winston feel like a realistic married couple, navigating the challenges of working together. They resolve it by the end of the episode, Maggie explaining herself but also admitting wrongdoing. I remember when Maggie and Jackson dated, and two characters who I had otherwise quite enjoyed, became insufferable to me. I'm so glad Maggie and Winston don't make me feel that way. I rather enjoy their relationship!
I'm sure there are other notable developments that I'm missing, but that happens all the time with a show as stuffed full of characters as this one is! That's where I'll leave off for now!
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imarawbu · 5 months
I finally realized why seeing the stuff about my ex's brother getting married bothered me so much and brought back all the flashbacks. I think it was that I never got a wedding or any kind of celebration when I "joined" the family. I got hostility, disgust, and indifference for the most part. There would never be a celebration or a wedding for the family, as his family hated him and he had no money. We got married when he convinced me to run away to another country. We came back after his mother contacted me through Facebook and said we could live with his parents. This went back and forth because of his behavior but they picked us up from the bus station and I lived with them until he got us kicked out. His brother and sister constantly called or texted their parents asking about what trouble I was causing. His mother always responded that it was him that was the problem, not me. His brother called me a fat whore when he was talking to my ex over speaker phone, and said he wanted nothing to do with us. His sister visited shortly after we came back at Thanksgiving, didn't talk much with me, never gave me her number, blocked me when I tried to friend her on social media, and most likely blamed me for the attack my ex did on their mother. Plus, when my cousin (who somehow got her name and found her Facebook) contacted her telling her about the abuse and specifically mentioned rape. She complained to her mother, who then asked me why I was telling my cousin to tell her stuff. Both his brother and sister blocked me on Facebook. His brother later unblocked me when he came around after his mother told him she goes and marries someone like me. He did talk to me soon after she said this, apologized multiple times about not being able to meet me, for doubting my conversion, and said he appreciated how kind I was to his parents.
His parents went to visit his brother 3 hours away for Christmas. When they came back, they gave me a plastic bracelet and a cheap watch worth a total $20-$25 dollars as a gift from him. I still have those somewhere.
My ex's parents did like me as I've gone into before. Mainly his mother, as his father's English wasn't good and it's not appropriate for fathers in law to be very close with their daughters in law in their culture but he was always asking me if I needed anything or encouraged me. The extended family wanted nothing to do with him because of his ex and behaviors he'd shown since meeting her, drugs, alcohol, etc. he also asks everyone for money. Their impression of me was also as the one who manipulated my ex into marrying me and also somehow I was this mastermind behind this but that because I was 19 I was young and immature. For reference, my ex turned 30 soon after we got married. This was his siblings impression as well, because I had bought the tickets to his country and became Muslim before we got married. So it must be fake, was their impression of my conversion.
I never met any of his extended family. He has over 60 cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandmother in the city we live. I never met his brother either.
Now the ultimate insult in their culture. When a new sister in law joins the family, it is the culture for everyone to give some sort of very expensive gift. Like gold bangles or gold jewelry of some kind. To not do so is an insult. My mother in law gave me lots of small gifts, gave money to me to buy food, and maybe some other things. She did apologize once that she had no gold to give me because she had sold it all for my ex to end up stealing. Whether that's true or not idk. Then there were his brother's two gifts. And that's it. I didn't and don't really care about the gifts or not. Now I understand the culture, I understand the disrespect. Because you can at least give sweets and that's acceptable when someone gets married. Even as bad as he was, if family would have still thrown a wedding of some kind- they would have insisted on it- given some sort of gold, I would have met everyone, and my conversion would not have been questioned-- if I was from their culture. Even if we ran away together and eloped.
I see this in my own marriage. My husband hid our marriage from most of his family until July last year (2.5 years) because they wouldn't accept a "non-Muslim" as to them there's no such thing as conversion, or they accused me of converting to marry. They did give me gifts and gold- from literally everyone, my husband has 12 siblings, most are married and have kids. I did meet almost everyone as once they knew I was at the family house, they came to visit or if they couldn't physically go there, they did a video call and asked me to come visit as soon as possible so they could give me gifts. Everyone wants to know when we will have a wedding celebration and they will help pay as is the tradition. There are other details that I know as well that I won't get into but I know based on the specific country that his brother's wife is from since it's the same as my husband's best friend's wife. When we say wedding celebrations, we are talking about 2-3 massive events with a minimum of 500 people, any American wedding is boring and cheap by comparison.
I have seen his brother's wedding videos or photos I can tell no expense was spared even though they had a very intimate ceremony with only immediate family. It is clear by the engagement photos, wedding photos, and video- estimated at about $3-5k. Big expenses like venue, decor, cake, printed menus, catering, etc was at least $20-25k. For a total $10-15k more than the wedding reception me and my husband did after the fact, post COVID. It was a hybrid celebration, some American stuff, some of his culture stuff. Their reception and other event they just had in February, was easily $70-80k or more. Maybe her parents paid for part of it or all of it, like my husband's best friend's wife's family did for theirs. She's not rich as she works in environmental policy. His family has little money, so they told me, and his brother had huge debts from my ex and $100k student loans (he only graduated in 2016 with his medical related degree). And as he told me many times, he was barely breaking even, and I paid him back his $300 of money he loaned to me, for my ex. Which was very hard to pay back when my ex got me $5k in debt and I was working part time making $10 an hour.
Anyways, fun unpacking crap that I have literally not thought about or cared about in 5-6 years.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
truly I need to quit my job lol
#i had to go to the owner's main store today to run some items for customers (on my day off) and y'all. When I get there my aunt is on the#phone with the manager.. she has the volume turned up and i can hear the manager going on and on about how thoroughly i've overwhelmed her#and this that + the other. my aunt turns the corner and realizes i'm waiting at the front desk for her and like! turns the volume fucking#down! and then i got reprimanded for leaving her notes on the order forms explaining what to do/ in the emails notating what i'm taking care#of and what she needs to handle when she's back in.#which like???? would you rather have been left for dead? because I can certainly do that next time if it's easier for you to try and figure#everything out by yourself!#I'm like ok sorry I'm heading over to the manager's store after this so like i apologize + i'll explain everything she needs me to explain#when i get there. so I go over to the manager's store and i'm like hey hey! i'm here now! c: what can I help with?#and I find out. she's not at All overwhelmed by the notes i left on the order forms#literally the only thing she needed help with was two emails that I'm taking care of from home + left notes saying I was going to finish#them at home (in like. 72 point bolded + underlined all caps!)#so like! she was complaining to my aunt over nothing!! i got in trouble for nothing!#seriously i wanted to fucking imPLODE. like!! dude i could call my aunt to complain about every single thing you do but like!!! I don't!#I don't make you look bad in front of the owners! and the other thing too is that I told her last night that I left notes to help catch her#up + that she could call or text me if she needed any help with literally anything. instead she decides to call my aunt to rag on me :-)#absolutely stellar! :D i'm going to fucking lose my mind over this store. family business is a joke lol#like. i put in so much time this week to make sure things were as normal as they could before she came back this week. i literally worked an#entire day yesterday (on my day off!) to make sure she'd be caught up#and like my notes were not super convoluted. I asked my mom to read over them (my mom doesn't work at the store) and even she was like yeah#that makes sense#so like!!! what went wrong!#ughhhhh i'm going to implode#sriracha.txt#//#vent
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ptergwen · 4 years
warmer than cuddles
Tumblr media
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: may plays matchmaker and makes some suggestive jokes
prompt: you and peter get caught in the rain and have to share an umbrella
a/n: thank youuu to the angel who requested <3 swear this is my favorite trope to write hehe ☔️
one of the many things you and peter have in common is being lazy. it’s sort of the basis of your friendship. you’re not the kids who drink or party or get in trouble. you play board games and eat pizza on his ripped up couch. the riskiest thing you’ve ever done is sneak into a movie.
peter was so paranoid you’d get caught, he couldn’t even pay attention. he kept whispering to you about paying the whole time. you had to drag him out by his hand after the movie ended. the next time you went to that theater, he bought an extra ticket to “make it even.”
that about put an end to your trying new things phase. you went right back to your comfy nights in pajamas. tackling each other for the remote, baking terrible cookies that you just throw out, sharing a blanket to stay warm. what also helps is that you cuddle under it.
all the fun you need is you, peter, and your love for doing nothing. may disagrees.
she’s always trying to get you two out of the apartment. in her words, it’s “unhealthy for developing teens to spend so much time cooped up inside.” peter once asked which mother’s facebook group she joined. you snickered at that. may gave you a warning look.
well, you don’t have a choice to stay in today. she’s kicking you and peter out because she has guests coming over.
“it’s girl’s night,” may tells the two of you with a satisfied smirk. she hangs her raincoat on the rack and comes into the living room. peter squints his eyes at her. “you have friends?” he sounds too surprised for your liking. you flick his arm hard enough to make him go “ouch!”
“peter, we only have, like, four friends. that’s counting ourselves,” you inform him with a laugh. peter drops his head onto your shoulder. “and i don’t need any of them but you,” he says sarcastically, rubbing his cheek on your sweatshirt. “aw, i know,” you coo and rest your head on his. may crosses her arms and shrugs.
“you should do a group play date with everyone! i haven’t heard from ned in a while,” she suggests, your eyes flicking over to peter. he’s biting back a grin. “play date?” you try to stifle a laugh when you ask. “you know what i mean. a hang out,” may nods at her better word choice. peter winces in protest.
“eh, ned will probably wanna go out somewhere. we don’t do that,” he tells may, like that’s a completely normal thing for a teenager to say. you raise a finger in agreement. she laughs in disbelief at you and peter. you’re splayed out on the couch, on a saturday, complaining about doing anything else.
“you two make me feel young.” may’s words are a joke, but her tone isn’t. “you are young, may,” you reassure her and smile a little. peter says nothing. his eyes become hooded as he settles into you more. “look at you two, like some old married couple,” may gestures to you from where she’s standing. she smiles this time.
peter’s face gets hot from the mention of you being a couple. your heart skips a couple of beats. you’re pretty sure he can tell from how close he is.
“do whatever you want, just not here,” she gets back to the real conversation. peter hides his entire face in your shoulder as a form of protest. you pat his back. “and not each other. unless you’re safe,” may adds. “may, please. no,” he groans out, positive he’s all red now. you blink at her in horror.
may knows what she’s doing. peter isn’t the most subtle person, especially not about liking someone. she’s learned all the signs that her nephew is falling. he’s falling for you. she sees it in you, too. the way your eyes soften when they meet peter’s, how fast you are to hug him back or beam at the silly things he says.
you two spend so much time apart from your other friends, you basically are a couple. you’re just not old or married. the only thing you need is a push to realize that.
“ok, we’re gonna go now,” peter decides and pulls away from you. “god bless,” you say only so he can hear. he chuckles at that, you getting up from the couch. giving him a knowing smile, you grab one of his hands. he lets you pull him to his feet while exhaling. he’s already exhausted. may watches and shakes her head.
peter walks up to give her a quick hug. “enjoy girl’s night. love you,” he murmurs as she squeezes him tight. even though they tease each other a lot, their relationship is really sweet. it’s very telling how a guy treats his mother. well, aunt in this case. that thought has always been in the back of your mind.
“have fun!” you grin at may when her and peter pull apart. he comes back over to you and tugs on your sleeve. “thanks, kids. we’ll be done around eleven,” she lets you know. you’re already getting your shoes on and ready to leave. eleven is a while from now.
“don’t forget an umbrella! it’s drizzling!” may calls after you two. peter grabs hers that’s leaning against the front door. it’s pink with purple polka dots. you giggle at that. “hey, i like pink,” he defends himself and opens the door, letting you out first. you raise your hands in defense, leaving the apartment.
peter waves at may one last time. “good luck, peter,” she tells him once you reach the stairs. he furrows both eyebrows. “good luck with what?” “you’ll see,” may raises her own eyebrows in a way that’s all too familiar to peter. he calls it her face of wisdom.
still confused, peter heads out. he finds you at the bottom of the stairs. you shove your hands in your pockets and push against the door to open it. peter meets you outside, twirling the umbrella between his fingers.
“is there anywhere you wanna go?” he asks as you start to walk. you’re just going down the block for now. “back upstairs,” you sigh out. “i wish. not an option, though,” peter puffs some air out of his cheeks. you fumble to pull up your hood. he easily reaches over and does it for you.
“thanks,” you say quietly. “you’re welcome,” peter pats the top of your head for emphasis. “we could just walk around.” “until eleven o’clock? that’s five hours from now,” you laugh out, adjusting your hoodie to block your face. disappointment crosses over his features.
“should’ve brought my suit,” he mutters mostly to himself. linking your arm with his, your eyes widen. “i’m not trusting you to swing me around in this weather.” his bicep flexes when your arm wraps around his own. “what? i’ve done it before, y/n/n. on patrol.” you turn your head towards him.
“didn’t you get hurt last time?” you already know the answer. “sprained wrist and a few cuts,” he grumbles, you humming because you’re right. he’d called you in tears when he got home, scared he broke something. you reminded him he would heal soon and stayed on the phone until he calmed down.
that ended up being the whole night. you’re probably the most supportive of peter being spider-man. you of course worry about the toll it takes, but you understand why he does it. the least you can do is be there for him while he navigates the superhero world. not talk him out of it or scold him for making mistakes, be there.
that’s why he loves his lazy days with you so much. they’re his break, his escape from what he lies awake worrying about most nights. you’ve seen what he has to go through, so you respect that. whatever he needs to do to unwind is fine by you. as long as you get to do it with him.
“then you couldn’t patrol for weeks. you could barely hold a pencil.” your other arm sneaks around his. they’re both hugging him now. “you had to be my note taker,” peter reminisces, a smile making its way onto his face. “that sucked, man. you’re such a perfectionist about them,” you breathe out.
peter flips the umbrella around in a show-off kind of way. “you don’t complain when i send them to you.” he sounds so cocky you can’t help but roll your eyes. he isn’t wrong, though. “whatever. seriously, where should we go?” “uh,” peter’s eyes scan the block for inspiration. they land on a man carrying takeout.
“dinner? not at a restaurant since we’re in sweats,” he adds the last part so you don’t have to. “ooh, let’s go to panera,” you happily squeeze his arm. peter quirks an eyebrow at you. “you’re always hungry after.” “so? we can get dessert, too. we have a while.” that makes his heart flutter. a while with you.
“cool, cool, cool,” he sings to you, leaning into your side as you walk. you giggle and push at his shoulder. “i think we can make it there before the rain picks up.” there’s a clap of thunder right after he says that, like something out of a movie. it’s followed by a heavier rain coming down on you two. you pull at the strings of your hoodie to keep it tighter on your head.
“jinxed it,” you remark, both of you stopping so peter can open the umbrella. “ugh,” he grunts out. his lower lip is between his teeth while he undoes the velcro. he pushes down and watches as the umbrella springs open for you two. “here, c’mere,” peter welcomes you under as he holds it above your heads.
it doesn’t quite fit you both since it’s only meant for one person. you forgot he took may’s. the two of you have to squish together so you can avoid the rain, which is pitter pattering down hard on the sidewalk.
you’re comfortable under here with him. the freezing cold weather outside of the umbrella is hardly an issue anymore.
peter turns to face you, letting out a breathless laugh. “you can take off your hood now.” your arms slip from around his. you remove it from your head and give him a toothy grin. it’s one that’s meant to be over exaggerated. “there’s that pretty face,” peter’s voice gets quieter. unlike what you did, that wasn’t a joke.
your pretty face loses its smile. you’re suddenly very aware of how close peter is to you.
you can see the faint scar on his chin from when he banged it into a wall in your living room. he’d ran straight into it during your two person game of hide and seek. yes, you still play that. it was gushing blood for half an hour.
there are also the thousands of freckles dotting his face, the ones you only notice by looking at him super hard. you try to count them whenever you get bored. peter stares back at you while you fall in love with every tiny detail about him.
he takes the time to admire your lips, not just because they look really kissable right now. because of every curious expression they press into when he does something you can’t believe. your eyes, that he feels a sense of safety and honesty and familiarity every time he looks into. he finds them and feels like he’s home.
“peter?” you speak up after a few moments. your tone is hesitant, as if whatever you’re going to ask will change what you have forever. that’s because it might. it’s silent except for the sound of the rain hitting his umbrella. peter finally answers, almost in a whisper. “yeah?”
“i... i think,” you clear your throat before going on. his eyes trail down to your lips again, then back up to your twinkling ones. even on a gloomy day like this, they could light up the whole sky. “i think i love you,” you get out, a hand over your racing heart. peter gives you a small but sure nod. “i think i love you, too.”
he takes a step closer to you, if that’s even possible. his hand without the umbrella comes up to hold your cheek. you watch as he uses his thumb to wipe away a few stray rain droplets. your head tilts to the side, lips parted on instinct. peter leans in until his lips just brush yours, letting you decide what comes next.
you choose to close the space between you two. his eyes squeeze shut, whole face scrunched up when he kisses back. this is a release of all the emotions he’s been holding in that he didn’t even realize he had. you slip into a rhythm, using the angle to move your lips against peter’s.
his hand drops from your cheek to your jaw to support you while you kiss. your own hands grab his biceps, fingers pressing into him, depesrate to have him in your arms. peter lets out a content sigh against your lips before detaching them. it’s not for long. he comes right back in after taking a breath.
you get one long peck from him, then another that’s softer than the last. you give him a short kiss back, lips curving into a smile when this one ends. peter’s thumb smooths over your jawline while he searches for your eyes. he grins at you and tightens his grip on the umbrella handle. he’s surprised it didn’t blow away in the midst of your mini makeout.
“i definitely love you, peter,” you state so genuinely, hands on his shoulders now. that has to be peter’s favorite sentence he’s ever heard. the most beautiful combination of words, said by you to him. “i definitely love you, y/n,” peter agrees, punctuating his statement with one last kiss. you haven’t stopped smiling when his lips meet the corner of yours.
may was right about two things that night. you needed the umbrella for that huge storm, but it did more than protect your from the rain. it also brought you and peter together in a way. the second thing she was right about was that peter loves you, and every feeling he has mirror yours for him.
actually, she was right about three things. you two have to get out of the apartment more often.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“It's a beautiful lie: It's a perfect denial -- Such a beautiful lie to believe in... So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me -- Oh! Everyone's looking at me -- I'm running around in circles --  A quiet desperation's building higher: I've got to remember this is just a game... So beautiful, beautiful...”
~“A Beautiful Lie” by 30 Seconds to Mars
Mia had always had faith in the Ministry of Magic. She really hadn’t ever been the sort to actively act out against authority, even back at school, and she generally believed that most of those who’d reached a position of authority in the Wizarding World wanted to do sincere good for their constituents. But as 1995 wore on, even Mia had to admit that Florean had had a point, that the information put out by the Daily Prophet (and by extension the Ministry of Magic) didn’t always make sense.
For one, there was Florean’s first-hand testimony regarding Harry Potter’s character. If he was truly as modest and unassuming as he’d seemed when Florean had meant him, then why was he suddenly so seemingly obsessed with getting attention? Even the quotes credited to him by Rita Skeeter in the old articles Mia had managed to scrounge up from her coverage of the Triwizard Tournament -- in retrospect -- seemed oddly theatrical. Mia had certainly never encountered a teenage boy who would admit to crying about his dead parents at night, let alone to a complete stranger.
If Olin or Skylar ever rambled about crying themselves to sleep every night, I’d be convinced they’d taken a Babbling Beverage, Mia thought to herself, thinking of her sister Tia’s two young sons. After getting chucked in the head with a miscast Confundus Charm. 
Then there was the arrest of Stugis Podmore. Mia hadn’t known the man very well at all, but according to Tia’s husband, Dirk Cresswell, he was a rather stoic, but dutiful man who’d never once been in any trouble with Law Enforcement before. Tia herself had remarked on how when she’d once had Sturgis over for tea, the man had caught Skylar in the act of trying to serve him tea in a nose-biting teacup, but merely patted the boy on the head and told him to stay out of trouble. Even Florean had had nothing but nice things to say about Sturgis -- his grandfather was apparently on very good terms with the Podmores, given their respected position in multiple departments of the Ministry. By all accounts, a man like that would have no reason at all to try to break into the Department of Mysteries -- and yet for some reason, he apparently had. Was it because he’d been framed? Or...
Then there was the troubling letters Mia received from Olin. The older of her two nephews had just started his fourth year at Hogwarts (Skylar was set to start in the fall of ‘96), but the teenager still dutifully wrote to both his mother and his favorite aunt, so as to keep them in the loop of the goings-on at school. His letters to his mother were often idealized and rosy -- with his witty, firebrand aunt, he felt more comfortable venting his frustrations. In the past the Ravenclaw boy had frequently complained to Mia about his previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors (except for Professor Lupin -- Olin had loved him), but the stories he sent along about Cornelius Fudge’s hand-picked candidate, Dolores Umbridge, made Mia cringe. 
I had my first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Umbridge today. I hate to pass judgment on someone so quickly, but...I really don’t like her. At all. I’m hoping we get to do more in our next class.
Tuesday marked yet another awful class with her Royal Toadliness, Professor Umbridge. I swear, I can’t help but feel like she’s here to watch us, more than teach us.
As for Defense Against the Dark Arts -- it’s just painful, Aunt Mia. Every class period, we do nothing but read from our textbooks, while Professor Umbridge sits behind her desk the whole time, just staring at us. Normally I wouldn’t mind reading, of course, but these textbooks are so dull! There’s so much prattling-on about how to be a ‘fine, upstanding wizard’ and ‘promote proper magical safety’ and such, and absolutely nothing practical whatsoever! No charts, no diagrams of spell movements, nothing actually useful -- just Wilbert Slinkhard talking down and lecturing us through the page like we’re a bunch of misbehaving kids! I’ve never been so frightfully bored in all my life! 
In other news, Professor Umbridge has now been named Hogwarts’s new “High Inquisitor,” which is basically a professor whose only job is to pick apart every other professor at school. The idea that a teacher as dreadful as Umbridge is taking pot shots at the likes of Professor Flitwick is just insulting. 
In regard to what Mum and Dad have heard about Umbridge -- that’s utter rubbish! I don’t know who this Percy Weasley bloke has been talking to, but Umbridge is hardly an ‘unqualified success!’ Just about everybody dreads going to her class -- the only ones who don’t are probably the fifth year Slytherins, since they get to watch her smack Potter around. I even saw him leaving detention with her the other night, holding his right hand, which looked like it was bleeding! I really hope it was nothing she did...but I hate the fact that I even have to wonder that!
P.S. This morning Filch stopped me, saying that he'd gotten a tip that I was trying to order some contraband goods from Zonko’s, and confiscated this letter, so as to bring it to Umbridge to look over. Fortunately Professor Flitwick stepped in when I chased after him, demanding he give me my letter back, and I was able to send this in peace. 
I am beside myself! In Defense Against the Dark Arts today, Umbridge remarked that we haven’t any competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, aside from her. When I rose my hand and immediately brought up Professor Lupin, she shut me down, calling him a ‘dangerous half-breed’ and saying that no one of ‘that sort’ is safe around children! Ginny Weasley snapped that she would take Professor Lupin’s ‘sort’ of teaching over hers and ended up getting detention for it, but I quite agreed with her. I don’t care that Professor Lupin was a werewolf -- he was a wonderful teacher, and the fact that him being a werewolf is all Umbridge cares about...UGH! It’s disgusting!
Umbridge is being rotten, as per usual. With this new Decree she’s put up, she’s banned all Hogwarts clubs, teams, and organizations unless they get her explicit approval! Sure, the Dragon Club’s been able to reopen again, no problem, but I heard that she almost didn’t let the Gryffindor Quidditch team reform until Professor McGonagall put her foot down. I mean, sure, it’s not my house team, but if Gryffindor wasn’t allowed to play, that would completely ruin the Quidditch Cup for everyone! And it was clearly all just because Umbridge doesn’t like Potter, the Gryffindor Seeker.
Honestly, all I’m hoping is that Father Christmas leaves a bucketful of coal in Umbridge’s stocking this year. And a letter firing her once and for all.
What worried Mia more than anything else, though, happened right after the New Year. 
The mass Azkaban breakout in January 1996 was the worst in the wizard prison’s history, up until that point. Not only did it result in ten prisoners escaping, but these prisoners were all ex-Death Eaters who’d been placed in some of the highest security cells in Azkaban: Augustus Rookwood -- Antonin Dolohov -- even Rabastian, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix Lestrange. Cornelius Fudge had told the Prophet that the Ministry suspected Sirius Black’s involvement, which Mia had to grant could be true...but she remembered that Barty Crouch Jr. -- who had originally been arrested and imprisoned for what happened to the Longbottoms, along with the Lestranges -- had been captured and his soul sucked out by a dementor, right after the Triwizard Tournament. At the time, it was supposed that he’d gone mad, acting like he was working for his old master even after he was long dead. But now...thinking of that and Sirius Black’s own unexplained escape from Azkaban, alongside these news stories of dangerous Death Eaters suddenly walking free...Mia couldn’t help but wonder if Florean had been right, to compare Fudge’s behavior to those of Ministers Fawley and Jenkins. 
“I hate to question the Minister,” Mia told her sister Tia over tea one January afternoon, “especially when I’m sure he’s doing his best...but it just seems...well, suspicious. I can’t be the only one who sees it.”
Tia put down her teacup in her lap, her green eyes (very similar to her sisters) drawn down to the gray liquid within as she considered this.
“It is troubling,” she said quietly. 
Her sweet, level voice was much more measured and methodical than Mia’s -- as if she weighed each word very carefully. 
“...Dirk has said that people are starting to whisper at work. Apparently there have been multiple cases of people receiving letters or packages through Owl Post that have already been crudely opened by persons unknown. Some cases have been traced back to open investigations by the Auror Department, but others...well, no warrant has been linked to them. Some think it could be the Department of Mysteries at work, but others worry it’s someone within the Ministry who doesn’t want to be identified, for whatever reason. Some of those letters have even come from Hogwarts that way.”
“Olin said something about Umbridge telling Filch to bring him a letter he’d written,” Mia recalled. 
Tia was startled. “What?”
“Apparently Umbridge had heard a rumor that he was ordering some kind of contraband and had asked to look over Olin’s letter to me. Fortunately Professor Flitwick stepped in before either Filch or Umbridge could read it or Olin could get in any trouble.”
Tia smiled softly, clearly relieved. “Thank the stars for Filius -- he always was so good at bringing the temperature down...” 
Her demure, lady-like face then gained a much more solemn expression. “...Oh, but that couldn’t be true, could it? If any of those opened letters were read by Dolores Umbridge -- think of what a violation of trust that would be. Among our government officials -- our student’s teachers...”
Mia’s lips knit together tightly. “...I know. Surely the Ministry could claim they have good cause, to enact such awful measures -- normally I’d be tempted to think so...but what cause could there be, if our World is not in active danger? If everything is fine, as the Minister claims?”
“Could it be because of the break-out that they’re so alarmed?” Tia pondered. “Everyone’s been so shaken by that -- I’m sure the Minister must be too...”
“But that stuff had to be going on before Tuesday, for Dirk’s coworkers to be so concerned,” said Mia. 
She put her own cup of hot water and lemon (her usual substitute for tea) down on her sister’s parlor table, her posture visibly restless. 
“Tia,” Mia said slowly, “a few months ago, Florean expressed some concerns that the Prophet might be...well, not telling the whole story.”
Tia raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What do you mean? You mean, on purpose?”
“No. At least Florean didn’t think so...”
Mia told her everything Florean had said about Harry Potter and how it didn’t match up with the Prophet’s depiction of him, as well as how Olin’s accounts about Dolores Umbridge didn’t gel with the Prophet’s view either. 
“It just doesn’t add up,” said Mia. “Harry Potter can’t simultaneously be quiet, modest, grateful, and kind and obnoxious, arrogant, deceptive, and attention-seeking. Dolores Umbridge can’t be ‘revolutionizing education’ while doing nothing but sitting in her classroom watching her students read and refusing to teach them any actual spellwork at the same time.”
She crossed her arms. 
“Florean didn’t think the Daily Prophet was getting things wrong on purpose, but I’m...I’m not so sure. It almost feels like the Prophet isn’t writing what’s true -- but rather writing good or bad about people solely based on who agrees with Fudge and who doesn’t.”
Her pink lips twisted into a troubled frown, Tia put down her own cup of tea and reached out to take hold of her sister’s arm. 
“Do you really think it’s as bad as that, Mia?” she asked softly. 
Mia looked down. “I don’t want to think so, but...”
Her eyes welled up with anxiety as she looked back up at Tia.
“Tia, if it is true, then how do we believe anything they write? How do we believe the Ministry has things under control, or that Hogwarts is in good hands? How do we know...?”
How do we know You-Know-Who isn’t really back...?
She choked on the end of the question, unable to finish. 
Tia squeezed her sister’s arm gently.
“Maybe we should talk to Callie about this,” she suggested. “She works for the WWN -- maybe she’ll have heard something...”
“All of Callie’s ‘interviews’ are utter fluff -- what good could come of that?” Mia muttered. 
“Not all of them,” Tia pointed out. “Remember, she had Jacob Cromwell on about the Chamber of Secrets, several years back...”
Mia scowled. Jacob Cromwell’s name was like an irritable fly, continuously getting in her face. 
Tia offered her younger sister a softer smile.
“Mia...I know you and Callie don’t always get on, and I know you’re still mad about her giving Jacob Cromwell a second chance...but family comes first. I know you believe this as much as anyone.”
She gave her arm another light squeeze.
“We have to find out the truth from somewhere,” Tia said earnestly. “Maybe Callie will have heard something through the grapevine of where to get actual information, about these goings-on. If something is happening, behind the scenes...” her eyes darkened with anxiety, “...then Dirk and I have to make preparations -- to protect the boys.”
“We’d all have to make preparations,” Mia agreed. 
Dad wouldn’t be in any fit state to fight off anyone who might be a threat. If these Death Eaters on the loose are running wild...
Mia exhaled softly through her nose. 
“Okay, I’ll ask her.”
Hopefully she’ll refrain from gushing even more about Jacob Cromwell within my earshot.
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snelbz · 3 years
The Return {The Arrival, Part 2}
Summary: Back at the lake house, ten years later... Collaboration with @tacmc.
Word Count: 6402
The Arrival Series Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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10 years later….
“Every year,” Nesta began, shaking her head as they drove up the long, winding driveway. “Every year, we are the last people here.”
With a roll of his eyes as he put the truck in park, Cassian got out and shut the driver’s side door behind him. Once again, he had the boat, which the others, who had surely arrived hours before, were most likely waiting for.
They needed a getaway.
As of the month before, Cassian had three times the responsibilities at work. Add two teenage boys and a ten year old that thought she was far older than she was, Cassian was exhausted. He knew Nesta was, too, and when she got out of the car to leave the boys to their bickering, Cassian knew she was feeling that exhaustion, deep.
She looked over at him and he gave her a smile, which she immediately returned before opening up the back door and giving her first order of the vacation. “Thorn. John. Bags inside. Now.”
John groaned as Thorn muttered, “I’m eighteen, I shouldn’t even be here.”
Cassian knew Nesta was biting her tongue as she told Scarlett to follow her around back to find Nesta and Elain.
Cassian shot Thorn and John a look that shut them both up as he heard, “Boys giving you a hard time?”
He looked over his shoulder to find his oldest niece, and smiled. “Hey, Lunabug. Where the hell are the rest of your pants?”
Luna looked down at her cutoff shorts before snorting and giving her uncle a hug. “First of all, watch your mouth. Second of all, these were eighty bucks, so be nice.”
Cassian hesitated. “Eighty… Your dad let you spend eighty bucks on a scrap of denim?”
“It’s good to see you, too, Uncle Cass,” Luna said, ignoring the question altogether.
As he unloaded the rest of the bags and hopped back in the truck to pull it around back, Nesta found Feyre and Elain just where she expected to: tanning on the back deck.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Feyre crooned, raising her sunglasses to look up at her older sister.
The glare Nesta gave to Feyre told her if her daughter wasn’t feet behind her, she’d be giving her a very vulgar gesture.
“Hi, Scarlett,” Elain smiled, ignoring the silent bickering between her sisters. “You ready for a fun weekend?”
“Yes ma’am,” she replied, her manners nearly as impeccable as Luna’s. “Where is Layla?”
“In the bonus room with the twins,” Feyre said, letting her sunglasses drop back into place as she laid down on her chair. “They brought a bunch of makeup, so I’m pretty sure it’s makeover time.”
Scarlett’s eyes were bright as she smiled up at her mother and hurried into the house.
“Where are the boys?” Nesta asked, stealing Feyre’s drink and downing half of it in one large drink.
Feyre snatched it back, with a muttered, “Bitch,” as Elain shook her head and pointed to the dark haired brood on the docks.
“They’ve been swimming while they waited on Uncle Cass to show up with the boat.”
“Not only do I have Thorn and John to deal with, I’ve also got Little Miss Drama Queen herself to get ready and in the truck,” Nesta said, eyeing Feyre’s drink again. “Plus Cassian. But I gave up on wrangling him years ago.”
Elain shook her head as Feyre snorted. “And Thorn is too much a spitting image of Cass, is that the issue?”
Nesta shook her head, plopping down in a lawn chair opposite of them. “Thorn wants his independence, but he also wants me to cook his food, do his laundry, and clean up after him. That’s Thorn’s issue. And John wants to do everything his cool, adult big brother does. Which annoys Thorn.”
“He’s eighteen now,” Elain said, sighing. “Our husbands were no different at that age. Wanting to be men, but too immature to handle themselves.”
“They’re still too immature to handle themselves,” Feyre mumbled, which made them all laugh.
Her sisters - they were exactly what Nesta needed.
They watched as Cassian drove down to the dock and lowered the boat into the water. Bennett and Lannan were there, swimming, and the eldest helped Cassian guide the boat in and tie it up. Lannan helped, too, but being only ten, his judgement wasn’t the most trustworthy.
The sliding door was pushed open and Azriel wandered out, the top of his hair combed back, and sporting a hot pink lipgloss, which he was attempting to wipe off with a tissue. “Shit, this stuff stains.”
Elain arched a brow as she caught sight of her husband. “I kind of like it.”
He narrowed his eyes at her, but there was no denying the small smile that appeared on his lips.
“It’s a good look,” Feyre agreed, to which Azriel rolled his eyes.
“It’s better than the alternative,” he sighed. “They wanted to recreate a look they saw on YouTube, but were devastated when they realized the signal wasn't strong enough to play a full video in HD.”
“What a travesty,” Elain gasped, faking her horror.
“Thorn is going to hate that,” Nesta snickered. “He may not be able to FaceTime his girlfriend.”
“He’ll live,” Cassian announced, jogging up the porch. “Spending three days focused on his family is good. The kid needs it.”
“The kid needs a kick in the ass,” Nesta muttered, and motioned for Cassian to come closer. He did so, climbing onto her chair and nestling himself between her legs. “But I love him, like I love you.”
Cassian hummed and kissed her, softly.
“My god, what do your kids think when you do this at home?” Feyre asked.
“They’re used to it by now, I’m sure,” Azriel mumbled.
“Absolutely,” Cassian mumbled, before kissing his wife, again.
“Party’s here!” Rhysand came around the corner of the house, carrying two cases of beer. He repeated the same thing his wife had said, looking at Cassian and Nesta. “It’s about time you joined us.”
“Blame the kids,” Nesta said, her arms wrapping around Cassian’s broad shoulders.
“Speaking of the kids, tell them to get ready,” Rhysand said, dropping the cases of beer on the porch. “As soon as these are in the fridge, we’re starting up the boat.”
“I don’t want to go on the boat.”
They all spun around to find Thorn, his phone in the air as he tried to find signal. “Can I have the keys to the truck?”
Cassian scoffed. “Hell, no.”
“I have to run into town,” Thorne said, stubbornly.
“You can tell Marion that you’ll call her when you can,” Nesta said, calmly.
“This isn’t about Marion,” Thorn argued - a complete lie, and they all knew it. “We don’t have anything to drink. We just have water, juice boxes, and alcohol. And, unless you want me to break into the beer-.”
“Try and see what happens,” Cassian warned.
Thorn rolled his eyes, and even though he was the spitting image of Cassian, the look was so much like Nesta that Cassian couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I’ll take Luna and Bennett. They’re trustworthy,” Thorn pushed.
Cassian looked at Azriel and Rhysand, who shrugged.
“Fine. Be back in an hour,” he said, and dug the keys out of his pocket before tossing them to his oldest son.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, and went back inside.
“You know we have drinks in the cooler in the garage, right,” Feyre asked, rolling her eyes as Rhys got a warm beer out of the case and popped it open.
“I figured,” Nesta said. “But Thorn would do nothing but complain the whole time on the boat and would, in fact, break into the beer if we left him here. Might as well let him go have a little freedom before dinner.”
“And if he takes Ben and Luna, he’ll be less likely to get into trouble,” Cassian added, even as Rhys and Az gave each other disbelieving looks.
“Luna, yes, but Bennett is as likely to get him into trouble as he is to get him out,” Rhys admitted.
Feyre finished off her drink and said to her sisters, “Why did we procreate with these idiots? It made our kids idiots.” She stood and said, “I need a refill.”
Elain stood and grabbed her empty glass as well. “Speak for yourself, my kids are all honors students and make good choices.”
Cassian groaned as Nesta rolled her eyes. “Yes, your prized children are the exception to our hooligans. Now, I’m going to put on a swimsuit and tell the girls to do the same.”
Cassian watched her as she left.
He, Azriel, and Rhysand threw beer into the cooler as they heard Thorn, Bennett, and Luna speed away in Cassian’s truck.
“They’re going to do something stupid,” Rhysand mumbled.
“Don’t drag Luna into this,” Azriel countered, carrying the cooler down the hill to the boat.
“She’s already been dragged, bud,” Cassian said, clapping a hand on Azriel’s shoulder. “Now we just pray that they return in one piece.”
“Where are they?” Elain sighed. “We’re not even going to get on the water before the sun goes down.”
“They were finishing their makeovers,” Feyre said, sipping from a glass of wine by the island. “Lily said they’ll be down soon.”
“Aunt Feyre,” Layla’s little voice called from the top of the stairs. “Can you come here for a minute?”
As one, the sisters looked at each other.
“This can’t be good,” Feyre sighed, taking another drink from her wine glass and heading for the stairs.
Nesta and Elain followed, and they could all hear the frantic, panicked words before they even topped the stairs.
“It wasn’t supposed to look like that! You should have followed the tutorial.”
“I can’t. I couldn’t watch the TikTok to make sure I was doing it right.”
“What happened?” Feyre said, pushing the door open and freezing.
Layla and Scarlett were sitting on the couch against the far wall, caked makeup on both of their faces, but the twins were sitting at the desk, a mirror in front of them. A long strand of Lily’s hair laid on the desk in front of them, and she had a pair of safety scissors in her hands.
“Don’t be mad,” Lily said, locking eyes with Feyre in the mirror.
Crossing her arms and leaning on the door frame, Feyre smirked. “Why would I be mad, it’s not my hair that got chopped.”
True enough, Lily’s hair looked far differently than it had the last time her mother had seen her. A fourth of her head looked like it had received a very dreadful bowl cut, while the rest of her hair remained the same, hanging halfway down her back.
She stared in the mirror in horror as Olive tried her best to style her twin. “I mean, it’s not so…bad.”
“I’m going to start freshman year looking like…” Lily’s hands slowly covered her mouth as she stifled a quiet sob.
“It’s not so bad,” Olive repeated, a little more convincingly. “It just needs…some product…”
“It looks like I took a knife to my bangs!”
“Bangs?” Nesta repeated. “Is that what you were going for?”
“Yeah,” Scarlett said, answering her mother in favor of her cousin. “They told her to on Tik Tok.”
“Oh, Lily,” Elain breathed, trying to hide her quiet laughter.
“This is a disaster!” Lily said, covering her entire face.
Feyre sighed and stepped up behind her daughter, resting her hands on her shoulders. “We’ll go see Aunt Mor and get it fixed when we get home. There’s still some time before school starts for it to grow in, and I’m sure Aunt Mor can work her magic. Okay?”
Lily sniffled and nodded.
“Come on, girls,” Nesta said, holding a hand out for Scarlett and Layla. “Let’s go get ready to go on the boat for a bit before dinner.”
“And you, Lily. We’ll find you a hat to wear,” Feyre said, dropping a kiss to the top of Lily’s head. “You, too, Livy.”
“Olive,” she snapped. “It’s Olive.”
With a heavy sigh, Feyre said, “I’m sorry, you’re right. Olive, my apologies. You girls go get changed and meet us on the dock, please.”
Elain and Nesta headed down the stairs, Feyre on their heels, but they waited until they got onto the back porch before looking at her.
“What was that?” Elain asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at her.
“That is new,” Feyre sighed. “For whatever reason, we can’t call her anything but Olive. Liv, Livy, she’s not having it. It’s immature.”
“So, if I call her Livy, the name that I’ve called her since birth, she’s going to snap at me?” Nesta asked. “Yeah, I’m not going to call her Olive. It’s weird.”
“Well, it is the name on her birth certificate,” Feyre said, laughing.
Nesta shrugged. “Details.”
Elain agreed that it was weird, and they were still talking about it as Scarlett and Layla ran onto the deck, ready in their swimsuits, then down to the docks where their dads and Lannan were waiting. The twins were close behind, Olive still moody and Lily covering her hair with a hat.
When Rhysand questioned why she was wearing a beanie with a swimsuit on a boat, they all told him to mind his own business.
“Where is Luna?” Lannan asked, looking towards the house, as if his big sister might appear out of nowhere.
“She went with Thorn and Bennett into town. They aren’t coming on the boat, but they’ll be home before dinner,” Elain promised, which earned a pout from Lannan. Even though they were years apart, the two were still extremely close and it warmed Elain’s heart.
After an hour or so on the boat, the sun had begun its slow descent, and they headed back in.
“Everyone go get washed up while we make dinner,” Rhys announced. With a smirk, he added, “No impromptu haircuts.”
Lily’s beanie had fallen off during one of their faster rides and Rhysand tried not to laugh.
He really did.
He did not succeed.
“Dad!” She cried, hurrying up the deck stairs and rushing towards the house. “It’s not funny!”
As soon as she was in the house, he muttered to Azriel, “It’s pretty damn funny.”
Elain went into the house to start the food, but came back out a few minutes later. “The kids aren’t back yet. They were supposed to be back by now.”
“I’ll try calling Bennett,” Rhys said, heading into the house and going to their room. A few minutes later, he joined them in the kitchen. “No answer. Have y’all heard from them?”
“No,” Elain said, shaking her head. She looked at Azriel, concern written on her face. “And it’s not like Luna to go so long without checking in.”
Azriel frowned. “I’m sure they’re fine, Lainy. I’m sure they’re just being teenagers.”
Even he didn’t believe himself.
Cassian swore. “I’m sure Thorn was leading the way. He’s-.”
They could hear a car pulling into the driveway, and all six adults turned their heads toward the sliding door, waiting.
Luna and Bennett appeared a moment later, looking sheepish and refusing to make eye contact with any of them.
“Luna,” Azriel began, starting with the one that was most likely to talk. “Where’ve you been?”
“In town,” she answered, without missing a beat.
Nesta was looking around. “Where’s Thorn?”
Neither of them answered.
Cassian crossed his arms, and repeated, “Where’s Thorn?”
Bennett was rubbing the back of his neck when he muttered, “Jail.”
Everyone froze. It was Nesta who said, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Thorn got arrested,” Luna whispered, staring at her feet.
“He— What do you—?” Nesta was shaking her head, clearly not processing what they were telling her.
“Luna, Ben, follow me,” Rhys said, pointing to the back hallway where the adults’ bedrooms were situated. He looked at Feyre. “Think y’all can start on dinner while we handle this?”
She nodded, but was moving towards Nesta, who looked like she was about to pass out. “Go. We’ve got this under control.”
Cassian looked inclined to disagree, but Rhys walked down the hall, Luna and Bennett a step behind, and he and Azriel followed. They sat down on the end of the bed and faced their fathers and uncle as Rhysand shut the door.
“What happened?”
Luna looked like she was going to be sick under the disapproving gaze of her father. “We got drinks and were hanging out in the park by the Square. There weren’t any kids around so we were just messing around on the swing set. And then Rion got there and—.”
“Marion?” Cassian interrupted. “Thorn’s girlfriend showed up?”
They both nodded and glanced at each other. “I guess she was planning to come up the whole time.”
“The drinks are in the bed of the truck,” Bennett interjected, clearing his throat.
“Ben, in the kindest way, I don’t give a damn about the drinks right now,” Rhys sighed. “What happened that was illegal? Why is Thorn in jail?”
“They went back to the truck,” Luna said, quietly. “We stayed on the playground and we figured we’d just leave when they were done.”
The men silently stared at them.
It was Azriel who awkwardly asked, “And when you say they went back to the truck…?”
“They were having sex,” Bennett replied, bluntly, while Luna’s cheeks were on fire.
“In my truck?” Cassian asked, outraged.
Again, they both nodded. Luna went on. “We noticed it was getting a little late and started heading back that way and when we got closer, we saw the cop putting them in handcuffs.”
“The cop at least let us take the keys, so we could bring the truck back,” Bennett shrugged. “I guess he let Rion off, cause he only put Thorn in the back of the cop car.”
“Are we in trouble?” Luna asked, her wide, hazel eyes filling with tears.
Rhys and Azriel looked at each other and sighed. “No,” Azriel said, at least. “But you should have called us immediately when something went wrong.”
“My phone was dead,” she defended, pulling it out and showing them.
Bennett looked at Rhys. “And you know I never have signal out here.”
Rhys nodded and sighed. “Go get cleaned up for dinner. Don’t tell your brothers and sisters about this. We need to talk to your mothers first.”
They nodded and headed for the door, but Luna looked up at Azriel and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry, Dad.”
Taking a deep breath, he hugged her and said, “I know. We’ll get this taken care of.”
She nodded, and followed Bennett out of the room.
Azriel and Rhysand both looked at Cassian, who had his hands on his hips and was staring blankly at a spot on the carpet.
Without another word, he grabbed his truck keys from where Bennett had left them on the bed and was out the door. There were words going about behind him as he went, but no one stopped him. It wasn’t until he was outside unlocking the driver’s side door that someone called his name.
“Cass.” He turned around to find his wife on the porch, holding up a shirt and his wallet. “Forgetting something?”
With a defeated sigh, he slowly walked back up to the porch and pulled his t-shirt over his head. “He got arrested for public indecency, Nesta. Marion came up. He was fucking in the back of my truck-.”
“Don’t act like you and I weren’t doing the same thing at eighteen,” she interrupted, looking up at her husband and his grim, frustrated expression. “Sneaking your girlfriend somewhere, taking advantage of the short time you have together… It wasn’t that long ago it was you and me.”
Cassian crossed his arms. “That’s not the point. How the hell are you so calm right now?”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong.” Nesta scoffed, one brow raised. “I’m gonna kick his ass when he gets home. He’s grounded, which he’ll protest because he’s eighteen, which is gonna make me kick his ass even more. But, for me to do that, you need to go get his ass and bring him to me, which I know you’re not gonna wanna do, because you're stubborn and pissed off.”
Cassian’s jaw locked. He didn’t say she was wrong…because she wasn’t.
“How many times were you arrested when you were his age?” she asked, rubbing her hands up and down his crossed arms.
Cassian didn’t answer.
“We all do stupid stuff,” she continued, then reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him, softly, even though Cassian’s lips hardly moved in return. “Go get him, have a civil conversation, don’t yell…too much. Then bring him home, so I can make him cry with my disappointed stare.”
At that, Cassian cracked the smallest smile, knowing she was absolutely right.
He turned to head for the truck and she hollered, “I’ll save him a plate. I doubt the food is very good in prison.”
Pausing as he opened the truck door, Cassian scoffed, glancing back at his wife. “He’s been in jail for less than three hours. I’m sure he’s fine.”
She was smirking, but he could see the sadness and worry in her eyes. “Bring my baby home safe, please.”
Half an hour later, Cassian was parking the truck in the lot behind the police station of the small town. It was mostly a vacation spot, for people like his family, so they’d never needed a big police force. Crime was low here. The worst sort of thing that happened in this town had: teenagers being stupid teenagers.
After speaking with the woman at the front desk, signing a bunch of paperwork and posting his bail, Cassian was leaning against a wall near the front door, waiting for his eldest son. A sullen looking Thorn appeared a moment later, an officer behind him. After shaking the man’s hand, Cassian and Thorn were out the door and heading for the truck. They hopped in, the engine revved to life, and they were off, heading back towards the cabin and their family that waited for them. And still a single word hadn’t been spoken.
Thorn was the one to break the silence. “Well?”
His tone immediately set Cassian on edge and he had to remind himself that that was because it was often so much like his own and to calm down. But it didn’t stop his hand from tightening on the wheel. He took a deep breath before saying, “Well, what?”
Cassian’s eyes were still on the road, but he could feel Thorn looking at him. “Aren’t you going to yell at me?”
“Do you want me to yell at you?” Cassian asked. “Do you want me to tell you what a dumbass decision you made today, not only jeopardizing your future, but also Marion’s, and you could have gotten your cousins into serious trouble, too?”
“Luna and Ben would’ve been fine,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and slumping in the seat. “They weren’t even involved—.”
“And Marion?” Cassian interrupted. “I assume since I didn’t get to have a nice chat with her father in the lobby, they let her go, but she could’ve been in big trouble, too, Thorn.”
The truck cab filled with silence and Cassian took another deep, calming breath before he went on. “Do you know what my first arrest was for?”
Thorn looked over at his father, the man on the Velaris Police Force who never did anything wrong. “You’ve been arrested?”
“More times than I’m going to admit,” Cassian said, but glanced at Thorn before settling his eyes back on the road. “And the first time was for public indecency.”
The silence returned. “Were you having sex-.”
“No,” Cassian said, stopping him before he could finish his sentence. “I was at a party, eighteen years old, and I got drunk, then went streaking down the middle of the road. It was a nice neighborhood, too. Scared the shit out of an old woman sitting on her porch, reading a book. There was a police car sitting right around the corner.” Cassian nodded to Thorn. “At least you were arrested with your clothes on.”
For a moment, Thorn said nothing, but then he laughed, quietly. “Sounds stupid.”
“It was stupid,” Cassian agreed. “Almost as stupid as shagging your girlfriend in the back of a truck in broad daylight.” He gestured outside, to the setting sun.
“Shagging?” Thorn repeated.
“You’d prefer me use a different term?” Cassian shot back.
Thorn shook his head. “Look, I get it, alright? But there was no one else around-.”
“Yeah, which is why you didn’t get yourself in deeper shit. If there had been kids around, Thorn—.” Cassian snapped, then took a second to calm himself back down. “If that cop hadn’t driven by the parking lot and seen the truck off, but moving, I’m sure you wouldn’t have gotten caught. You’re right. But, that’s not the point. The point is-.”
“I know, dad,” Thorn said, his tone hardening. “I don’t need the lecture.”
“No?” Cassian asked.
Thorn shook his head.
“You already know what I’m going to say, then?” Cassian pushed.
Thorn nodded.
Cassian snorted. “Then do tell. Please.”
“You already said it!” Thorn said, tossing his hands in the air. “I’m an idiot, alright? I made a dumbass decision because I can’t control myself. I almost got Marion and Ben and Luna in trouble, and I got my ass tossed into the back of a police car, alright? I know what I did wrong, dad. And I’m embarrassed enough, so…just…please. Save the lecture.” Near the end, his anger faded, and all Cassian could hear was defeat.
Cassian cleared his throat. “Why embarrassed?”
Thorn shot his dad an exasperated look. “Seriously? I just got my naked ass dragged off my girlfriend before getting handcuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car, and you want to ask me why I’m embarrassed?”
Cassian looked over the console at Thorn, then back to the road. “Worried she’ll dump you?”
Thorn thought for a second, then shook his head. “No, but it’s just…not how I wanted today to go.”
Cassian nodded, then thought carefully about how he would ask his next question. “When you two… I mean, I assume it’s not the first time you’ve… You’ve been together a while…” He sighed, then bluntly asked, “You’re careful, right?”
“She’s on the pill,” Thorn mumbled, and when Cassian glanced over as he pulled into the driveway and parked the truck, his son’s cheeks were bright red.
He smirked. “So you’re man enough to have sex, but not to talk about it?”
“Not with you,” he muttered, unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing out of the truck.
Cassian followed suit and clapped a hand firmly on his son’s shoulder. “Well, that’s too bad. Cause not only are you about to have to talk to me about it again, but your mother as well.”
Thorn’s eyes went wide and his feet stopped moving. In the moonlight, the color of his eyes weren’t visible and he looked like a mirror image of Cassian at that age. “Mom knows?”
“Oh, yeah,” Cassian replied, getting him moving again. “The only ones that don’t are your brother, sister, and cousins. But the three of us are about to have a conversation and I don’t know if you’ll enjoy it as much as you enjoyed ours.”
Cassian could see a fire going down by the docks and hear the laughter of his family. He knew there would be one person missing from the revelry and found her sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and two plates of food on opposite sides of the table.
Nesta was rolling the coffee cup between her hands and her steely eyes flicked up to them the second they opened the sliding glass door.
Cassian didn’t say anything, just picked the plates of food up and took them to the microwave, heating them up, one by one.
Thorn lingered by the door, his hands shoved into his pockets. Finally, he started, “Mom, I—.”
Nesta held up a hand to stop him and pointed to the chair closest to her. “Sit.”
She stood and met Cassian in the kitchen, while Thorn did as he was told. She quietly asked him, “You talked?”
Cassian nodded, already diving into the plate of food. “Yeah.”
“You talked or you yelled?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
With a shrug, Cassian ate another bite of steak. “Both. I’d say it was a productive conversation.”
“So should I be the good cop or the bad cop?” She asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter.
“I think he’s probably had enough of cops today,” Cassian said, and Nesta could see he was trying not to smile. “Probably best for you to be his mother instead.”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nesta sighed. “You know what I mean, Cass. Do I need to break him down more or should I start picking up the pieces?”
“I’d say a bit of both,” he admitted. “He’s embarrassed, and rightfully so, but I don’t think the ramifications of how bad this could have been have settled in yet.”
She nodded and picked up the second plate. Looking up at her husband, she wrinkled her nose. “Go take a shower after you eat. You smell like the lake.”
Nesta didn’t give him a chance to answer and instead carried the food back out to the dining area and set it down in front of Thorn, before taking her seat again.
“I’m not hungry,” he mumbled, staring at the food in front of him.
“Too bad.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Eat.”
He did as he was told, eating a few bites in silence until Cassian crossed through the living room, headed for their bedroom. “By the way Nes,” he called out. “Marion is on the pill, in case you wondered.”
Thorn dropped the fork he was holding and covered his face. “Dad.”
“Have a good talk!”
Nesta had closed her eyes and was taking deep, controlled breaths. When she opened them again, her blue-grey eyes met Thorn’s identical ones. “I’m too young to be a grandmother.”
Thorn looked away as he said, “I’m not… We’re being careful.”
“It takes more than her being on the pill to be careful,” Nesta said, calmly. “Accidents happen.”
“I really don’t want to talk about this,” Thorn whispered, staring at his plate.
“Then you shouldn’t have gotten arrested for not being able to keep your hands to yourself,” Nesta replied, simply. “Thorn-.”
“I love her,” he replied, finally looking back up at Nesta. “I love her, and when I’m around her, I can’t even…think straight. I know what we did was stupid, mom, but in that moment…” He shook his head. “You can blame it on stupid teen hormones or whatever, but that wasn’t what this is for me.”
Nesta sighed, setting her coffee down and laying a hand over his. “It’s not that you got caught having sex. It’s not even that you were arrested, but that is a part of it. It’s that you lied to us, Thorn. To me, and your father, and your aunts and uncles. You told us going into town had nothing to do with Marion, but in all reality, that was the whole reason you wanted to go. And you roped Bennett and Luna into it, which could have affected them.”
He nodded, not saying anything, just taking the reprimand.
“We’re upset with you because we’re disappointed. This could have ended much worse, and Marion is lucky they let her go.”
Nesta released his hand, but turned her own palm up, holding it out and waiting. Thorn looked at it for a moment, before glancing up at her face, and sighing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and placed it in her hand. She placed it on the edge of the table and said, “You won’t be getting this back for the rest of the weekend. And when we get home, your father and I will discuss your full punishment.”
“I got thrown in jail,” he mumbled. “Isn’t that punishment enough?”
Her sharp laugh surprised even herself. “Absolutely not. But this weekend isn’t just about us. It’s about your cousins and your aunts and uncles and spending time with them. So finish eating and go join them around the fire.”
“And if they ask where I’ve been?” He asked as she stood and picked his phone up.
Pausing for a moment, she considered telling him to tell them anything but the truth. But they would all find out eventually. “That’s up to you. But keep the sex talk to a minimum. Scar, Lannan and Layla don’t need to hear about that yet.”
Thorn’s jaw locked, but he nodded, once. He stood and cleared his plate, even though anything had hardly been eaten off of it. He stopped before walking out the back door. “Can I at least text Rion to make sure she got home alright?”
“I’ll text her mom,” Nesta replied, simply.
Thorn hesitated. “Saying what?”
“Just making sure she got home safely,” she said, shrugging. “I’ll tell her to let Marion know you're grounded from your phone for the weekend so that she doesn’t worry.”
Thorn nodded, slowly. “And…the other stuff?”
Nesta watched him for a long moment before saying, “Even I think having your ass handed to you by Mr. Salvaterre for being caught with his daughter by the cops is too harsh a punishment. I won’t say a thing.”
All of the breath left Thorn’s body. “Thanks.”
The second Thorn was out the door, Cassian came around the corner, his plate cleaned.
“I should’ve known you were listening,” Nesta said, sipping from her mug as she watched her husband stride to the sink.
As he set his plate inside, he chuckled. “Oh, I wasn’t missing that. And I think you should reconsider. Watching Lorcan kick Thorn’s ass for defiling his daughter may be good for us all.”
Nesta rolled her eyes and looked out the back door, where Thorn was slowly walking down the hill toward the fire. “He means it. I can tell. He loves that girl.”
“You sound like that worries you,” Cassian said, sitting in the chair next to her before pulling her onto his lap.
“I don’t want his heart broken. That’s my baby,” Nesta said, simply.
“Ah, yes,” Cassian muttered, his lips on her shoulder. “Our little felon.”
“Don’t call him that,” she chastised. “He made a mistake. A big, stupid mistake, but I think he understands the consequences of his actions.”
“He better,” he murmured. “They each only get one get out of jail free card.”
Nesta’s quiet laughter shook her body. “I’m fairly sure neither John or Scarlett will need theirs.”
“You’re probably right,” he said, holding her tighter against him. “We can let this go until we get home. Let’s enjoy our time while we’re here, yeah?”
“Exactly.” Nesta turned and kissed him, but when he made a move to deepen the kiss, she put a hand to his chest and pushed him away. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you smelled like a lake. You need a shower.”
Rolling his eyes, he gave her another quick kiss before she stood. “Fine. I’ll go get in the shower. But only if you promise to make me a s’more when I get out.”
“Sounds like a fair trade,” she said, heading for their bedroom, Thorn’s phone in hand.
“I’m surprised he didn’t ask you not to go through his search history,” Cassian called from where he still sat at the table.
“You’re disgusting,” she hollered back.
“I’ve also been an eighteen-year-old boy,” he chuckled.
“Oh, I remember well,” Nesta laughed, turning off her son’s phone and placing it on the top of her dresser.
Thorn would be fine, reckless nature and all. He was his father’s son, after all, and Cassian had turned out pretty damn good, even if he was the cockiest, most reckless young man Nesta had ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Even if said man was sliding out the back door and not following her down the hall to take a shower like he’d said he would.
Exasperated, Nesta went onto the back porch to yell at him, but he was running down the hill, taking off his shirt as he did so. Once he reached the bonfire, he was throwing Thorn over his shoulder and running down the dock, toward the lake.
Nesta had no idea how he could still toss Thorn around like a sack of potatoes. They were nearly the same height, with those same broad shoulders.
She watched as Cassian jumped off the end of the dock, taking Thorn with him beneath the dark water, jeans, shoes, and all.
Nesta laughed quietly as Rhysand, Azriel, Bennett, and John all followed their lead, running down the dock and diving in.
Her eyes shifted to the fire, where everyone else sat. Feyre was waving for her to join them. “Come have a drink and help us laugh at these foolish boys!”
Nesta could hear the girls giggling as she walked down the hill to join them. Lannan was sound asleep on the ground in front of the fire, obviously having worn himself out from the day, and Scarlett and Layla weren’t far behind.
Nesta took the lawn chair that either Rhys or Az had vacated between her sisters, and took a deep breath in as she gazed up at the stars. They weren’t as beautiful as the ones she’d come to know and love in Velaris, but they were still a glorious sight.
“Everything okay?” Elain asked, taking Nesta’s hand.
She nodded, eyes still on the stars. “We’ll deal with it when we get home,” she replied, looking down at her sisters. “For now, we want to enjoy this weekend. Enjoy our time with our family.”
Feyre and Elain both smiled at that and Feyre rested her head on Nesta’s shoulder.
Tomorrow would be a new day. The sun would be bright and shining and they’d spend the day how they’d originally planned.
But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be a day as crazy as today had been.
145 notes · View notes
jamiethetrans · 3 years
Women of SVU - Day 4 - Under the influence of strong medicine, alcohol or edibles
Alexandra Cabot x Reader
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AN: Hey everyone!
Sorry about the long wait. Got a lot going on at the moment, and needed some time away to clear everything out.
I’m currently on waiting list to get testosterone/hormones for my transitioning and I’ve waited for almost six months now, so it’s taking quite a toll on me at the moment.
Plus I’m changing location of my job because I hate the current managers and everything is just going very slowly when you have a whole month ahead of you with those people still.
But I am back and I’m planning on writing more than ever!
Sorry about the spam of all the stories and chapters but needed everything transferred before deleting the account.
Hope you like this one!
- Jamie
"Would you say you're a charming man, mr. Brown?", Alex asked as she began her cross examination, looking down in her files. Both you and Olivia scoffed at the way the man's face instantly turned into a smirk. Not to mention the biggest one yet in the four hours the trial had taken so far.
"I would say I'm rather charming yes", he answered and Alex looked up from her papers meeting the man's eyes.
"So you don't have trouble finding women?"
The man shook his head. "No. It has never been an issue"
"Then why rape Bridget Harper?"
"Objection!", the defense called and the judge nodded.
"Withdrawn", Alex quickly said though before the judge could say anything and conitued. "Mr. Brown is it true that miss Harper worked at your firm for almost ten years before you fired her?"
"I didn't fire her, she decided to leave the company herself", he countered and Alex gave a weird smile towards him.
"It's funny you should say that”, she said walking back to her desk. “Because in this e-mail, people's exhibit fourteen, you're using the exact line 'You're fired'. And from her respones, it doesn't give any clue nor indication that she herself put down her resignation", she countered back and mr Broan immedietly froze looking down. He looked down at his fingers and you smirked as you sat next to Olivia.
"I-I didn't mean-"
"She also writes, and I qoute 'You're only firing me because I told you no. And then you raped me" You turned and wathced as Bridget let a tear fall down her cheek. "She's accusing you of raping her"
"I didn't-"
"She told you no. You couldn't take no for an answer so you raped her and fired her for it", Alex said and mr. Brown sighed and looked down. "Nothing further", she said and walked back to her seat.
Right in that moment, mr. Brown turned to one of his people from behind the defense table and one of them suddenly stood from his seat. You immediately noticed the gun in his hand, pointing it at Alex and you stood from your seat and held up your own gun.
“Drop the gun!”, you yelled and the man turned, redirecting his gun towards you. You quickly shot him in his shoulder and everyone screamed and got down on their knees.
Before you could react you heard another gunshot and felt a heavy amount of pain in your own shoulder, falling to the ground. “Y/n!”, Olivia yelled and the shooter was quickly shot down as well. She brought her hand to your shoulder and held the wound tightly.
“Stay with me y/n. Stay with me”
You felt yourself slowly getting tired as you saw the blood floating from your body and onto the wooden floor. You turned your head and saw a wave of blonde. “Y/n? Y/n stay with us”
The last thing you saw was blue eyes and a wave of blonde getting closer to your face.
When you opened your eyes again you saw a small hand in yours and immediately squeezed it as hard as you could but for the small hand it only came as a soft squeeze. “Mom! Mom she’s awake”, a voice yelled and you feel your head already banging.
“Ssshh, easy Noah”, a soft voice said and you turned your head slightly to see your Captain walking towards you from her seat on the couch. “Hey champ, how you feeling?”
You chuckled giving her a nod. “I’m good thanks. What happened?”
“I drove with you to the hospital while Fin drove Alex over here. They’re in the cafeteria getting some coffee”, she said and you sighed turning to Noah who stood next to his mother. You had always adored the boy and you would do anything for him.
“Hey kid”
“Hey auntie y/n”
You chuckled and right there the door opened and you all turned to see Fin and Alex walk in, Kat and Rollins following up. “Hey kid, how are you feeling?”, Fin asked and you chuckled. He always called you kid. No matter where it was.
“I’m fine Fin. My shoulder hurts like hell though”
They all gave you sad smiles and you rolled your eyes. “Don’t give me those pity looks. I’m fine”
They all let out small laughs and your eyes met Alex’s. Oh how you loved her eyes. Sea blue with a hint of choral green.
“Alright miss y/l/n”, a voice suddenly said and you all turned to see the doctor coming in. “You’re awake. How’s the shoulder? Any pain?”
You wanted to be strong. Show your strength to your colleagues, to Alex. You wanted to show it to Noah, showing him you were his strong aunt that could survive anything. But the pain was just too unbearable. So you nodded and moved your neck away from him.
Olivia walked over to Fin and squeezed his shoulder. “We should let her be”, she whispered and Fin nodded. She turned to Kat and Rollins and they both understood the gesture.
They all left the room after goodbyes to you and that left Alex standing alone by the end of the bed. “I will give you some pain relievers, it should hold the pain down for a while”, the doctor said and you nodded. He walked out of the room and you turned meeting Alex’ eyes.
“Hey you”, she whispered and you smiled softly, trying to hold back the tears. She walked over to you and let her hand softly squeeze yours. “God you scared the crap out of me”, she said and you chuckled.
“Sorry. But I’m fine. I’m getting painkillers and I will get better, okay?”
She nodded and gave you a weak smile, your hands tangled together.
When you opened your eyes you immediately noticed you were alone. You turned your head and saw the bright light shine through the curtains. You felt yourself getting light headed, not able to control your own brain. It felt like that anyway.
The door opened and you Olivia walked in, Fin right behind her. “Eeey, my cap and my serg”, you said with a lousy smile. The two shared a look and you held out your hand for Olivia to take.
“How is my beautiful Captain today, mmh?”, you asked and the woman couldn’t stop herself from chuckling.
“I’m fine y/n, how are you?”
“Oh pft! I’m fine!”, you said with a pitched voice and Fin frowned at your behavior. Olivia simply chuckled, happy to see you in a better mood than yesterday.
The door opened again and you widened your eyes at the sight your partner. “Katty. Katty! Oh my god I have missed you so much!”, you said with a wide smile and Kat frowned with a smile at the nickname, turning to Olivia who simply shook her head.
“I’ve missed you too girl”, she said and you smiled wide.
“Oh of course you do. You and I? We are the best partners in New York!”, you said and extended a turned fist towards her. She smiled at the action and extended her own turned fist towards yours, doing your handshake. Up and down, meet in the middle for a fist bump before making a finger gun, firing it off.
The door opened again and Alex walked in, a file in her hands. Your eyes widened and smiled wide. “Alex!”
The blonde turned to you and smiled. “Y/n. How are you feeling?”
“Oh I am so good! I feel like I’m on fire! And that’s not just because of the meds”, you said giving her a wink and Alex’ cheeks reddened at a blush. Kat raised her eyebrows turning to Amanda who looked just as shocked.
“You guys wanna know a secret?”, you asked chuckling, feeling yourself getting higher. “I’m secretly in love with Alex”, you half whispered, holding your hand to the side of your mouth, meeting Kat’s eyes.
Kat widened her eyes, Amanda slamming her palm to her mouth while Fin turned to the others. Olivia turned to Alex who stood frozen in place looking at you.
It had only been a week since the blonde had come to her apartment and confessed her feelings for you. They had talked about it for hours, Alex practically exploding her heart into the apartment.
“But don’t tell her!”, you said obviously to the tension filling up between the others. “She doesn’t feel the same so please don’t”
Kat found herself nodded with a smile. “Of course partner”
You smiled nodding and soon you fell asleep, the meds taking all of your energy out.
The day you went back to work, you had your arm in a sling, your shoulder completely covered in bandages. Kat was the first to notice you as you stepped into the squad room and she stood from her seat faster than ever before.
You groaned at the tightness of her hug, feeling your shoulder complaining at the amount of pressure. “Sorry”, she whispered and you shook your head.
You made your handshake before you turned and saw Amanda standing ready. You let her hug you as well, though a little softer. “How you feeling?”
“Better. The painkillers are definitely doing their job”, you said and the two women shared a look making you frowned at them. “What?”
“Nothing”, they both said in unison and you raised a perfect eyebrow at them as Amanda walked back to her seat. You shook it off and sat down by your desk, feeling relief wash over your body as you were finally back to work. God how you’ve missed it.
You sat and worked on a few reports for the next hour and you were almost done when you heard the familiar heels sounding through the entire squad room. You turned and met Alex’s eyes and the woman gave you a linear smile.
“Detective. Good to see you back on your feet”, she said and you sat completely tranced in her beauty. And completely unaware of what had happened at the hospital.
“It’s good to be back”, you said in a haste, blinking your eyes and she smiled at you. “I’ve missed working”, you continued.
“Of course you have. You’re a workaholic. Working is what you’re best at”, she said and you froze for a moment looking at her.
“Are you o–“
“Alex. Good you could make it”, Olivia came and interrupted and you watched as the blonde followed the brunette inside.
“You okay?”, a voice sounded through your ears and you turned to Tamin who gave you a soft smile.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m good. Wha... what was that about?”
“You don’t remember?”
You frowned at her quizzed expression and you shook your head gently. You had absolutely no idea what had happened. “What?”
Tamin turned to Rollins who sighed with a nod, telling her you deserved to know. Taming turned back to you who still sat with a frown.
“You were high on meds. You…”, she trailed off.
“I what?”
“You… you confessed your feelings for Alex to me”, she said and you blushed hard.
“Uhm… okay. Well, that’s not that ba–“
“While everyone else was there too”, she continued and this time you froze.
“You… you mean…”, you were unable to finish and both Tamin and Rollins nodded their heads.
All the color suddenly drained from your face and you turned towards Liv’s office and instantly met Alex’s eyes.
You turned to the sound and noticed the bartender standing in front of you, looking down at your now empty glass of scotch.
“Yeah sure”
The bartender took the bottle and poured, you watching the liquid fall into the glass.
“You sure that’s healthy for you?”, a voice suddenly asked and you turned to see Olivia standing next to you.
“Well, it’s too late now”, you said and Olivia rolled her eyes with a smile and sat down next to you, the bartender immediately noticing.
Olivia shook her head with a smile at the question before turning to you. “You should talk to Alex. She’s been absolutely out her mind since you got shot”, she said and you chuckled.
“Really? She’s not scared since I basically confessed my heart out in front of everyone?”, you said and Olivia chuckled.
“Well you’re not the only one who’s confessed their heart out”
You frowned at her and Olivia smiled. “She adores you y/n. She absolutely adores you. Go talk to her”
You sat and stared at your drink for a moment debating your thoughts before standing from your seat. “Thanks Liv”
Olivia smiled at the kiss she received on her cheek before watching you leave the bar faster than ever before. She smiled and looked down at your still full glass and turned to the bartender. “Give me her tab”
It was just past ten when Alex heard a knocking on her door, frowning at the sudden guest at this time. She stood from the coach, turning the tv down before walking over to the front door.
When she opened she met your eyes and froze. “Y/n?”
You stood still staring into her eyes and Alex felt herself blush under your gaze. You stood for a solid minute staring into each other’s eyes, her blue ones the most beautiful ones you ever laid your eyes on.
“You want to come in?”, Alex suddenly asked and you nodded walking in. You noticed the tv and smiled.
“Say yes to the bride”, you read and turned to the prosecutor who blushed.
“What? I like the program”, she said and you smiled.
“It’s okay, I’m not judging. I like it too”, you said, trying to make her feel better about her little guilty pleasure. You caught yourself staring into her eyes again and blushed hard clearing your throat.
“May I… May I watch it… with you?”
Alex smiled at the small voice you used to ask and nodded. “I’d love that”
You smiled wide and sat down in the couch, Alex sitting next to you. You were about five minutes in when Alex began commenting on the dresses, and you laughed every time. Either they were too ugly or too big or just didn’t suit the woman who was wearing it.
“Wow Alex, if I knew you would be so savage with this program, I would have watched it with you sooner”
“Shut up”, she said hitting your arm and you laughed making her smile as well.
“This is nice”, you said after a while and she smiled. She laid her head on your shoulder, her hand squeezing your arm and you felt yourself blush.
“You know, don’t you?”, you asked into the silence and Alex turned to you, her eyes meeting yours. Your faces were so close now and you felt your heart beat faster.
“Know what?”
You knew she was challenging you. You could see it in her eyes. She wanted you to say it.
“That I have feelings for you”, you whispered and Alex stared into your eyes for a while, her hand coming to softly stroke your cheek.
“You should know too then”, she said and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Know what?”
“That I have feelings for you too”
Before you could get a word out, she brought your face closer and brought your lips together in a chaste kiss.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Baseless Jealousy
Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley
BG: Fred and y/n’s relationship is currently 3 years long strong. After a summer apart, it seems to be a 3rd party had become closer to y/n. Is it something that Fred has to worry about or is it just baseless jealousy?
a/n: The pairing the won for this fic is Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous! Fred Weasley, Thanks so much for voting!
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You and Fred started dating 3 years ago. Fred would like to believe that the relationship is strong, other people believes it so too. However ever since the start of 5th year, something started to get on his nerves, or should he say someone.
See, Fred had noticed you getting closer to his Quidditch captain, Oliver wood. He didn’t want to blame it on the summer you two spent apart but he could quite help himself. You had spent the entire apart, no letters whatsoever. At first, he tried to be understanding, it was after all a summer you and your family spent in Italy while attending your aunt’s wedding, you had told him that this was the first time in 8 years that the whole side of your mother’s family was present as they were all scattered into various parts of the world. He understood the importance of family so he had let it slide that you and he hadn’t communicated in the past 2 months- besides, it must be really exhausting to overwork the owls to post cross country.
Which was why he was so excited to finally see you in person at Platform 9 ¾ on the first of September, to his dismay, you had arrived with Oliver Wood. Back then he had pushed his jealousy aside and concluded as a coincidence that you had turned up together at the barrier. You and Oliver are just friends, he told himself, and that was completely fine.
Fred had sneaked a hug behind you and whispered into your ear. ‘Had a great summer?’
You had jumped at the touch but once you realised who is was from you relaxed. ‘Ohh Freddie!’ You turned and hit his chest. ‘Don’t scare me like that!’ Earning a laugh from him. ‘I did, I had such great times catching up with my cousins! You wouldn’t believe how much trouble we almost got into. But of course.’ Your fingers played with the back of his head. ‘I missed having my love around.’
‘Hey love I’m off to Quidditch practice now.’ Fred informed, kissing your cheek. ‘Will you be there?’ Ever since you and Fred got together 3 years ago, you would go cheer him on during Quidditch practices whenever you can.
This year however, more are at stake.
During the semi-finals, Quidditch matches are dotted with professional quidditch team mangers in hopes to scout for potential recruits to join their team upon graduation.
It is rumoured that the manager for Puddlemere United would be attending the next match, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Puddlemere United being Oliver’s favourite and dream team, he had been pushing the team with more frequent trainings then ever, hoping to perform the best game they would ever play, to further increase his chances to chosen to be part of the team.
You looked up from the letter you were writing. ‘Yep, just gotta make a quick stop to the owlery. I’ll soon you soon okay?’
Arriving at the owlery, a large parcel instantly caught your eye. ‘Oh mum..’ Examining for any potential damage, which thankfully weren’t any.
The barn owl nearest it hooted. ‘Alright! Alright! I was looking if there were damages.’ The owl flapped its wings in annoyance. ‘Here,’ offering your owl some treats. ‘You’ll need to store up some energy on the way back.’ Another hoot sounded, this time from a grey owl, that you recognised belonged too your mother. ‘There’s some for you too.’ After the 2 owls finished their food, you attached your letter your owl’s leg. ‘This is for mother, a thank you note on behalf of Ollie. I’ll write another when we see his reaction to this-I can’t wait.’ You bid the 2 birds goodbye, watching until they disappear unto the horizon.
Now you turn to face your major problem. You had thought that your mother would have had it placed in a box, rather what you got was a large parcel that is clearly wrapped with parchment, with no subtlety in hiding what it truly is.
You had finally manged to sneak the parcel into the Gryffindor boys’ locker room, though it had taken a lot more effort than you thought.
You were just leaving when you had bumped into someone.
‘oopf! Sorr-‘
‘y/n love! What are you doing here?’  Fred wondered, looking over your shoulder, trying to figure out what you were up to. ‘You missed the whole practice.’
‘ohh it’s nothing really----Ayyeee! Not so fast!’ You grabbed Harry’s shoulder, preventing him in enter any further. In all honestly, you hadn’t hidden Oliver’s surprise well, there aren’t a lot of hiding places in the changing room. Determined to not ruin the surprise, you need, you must get Oliver to see it first. ‘Had any of you seen Oli-‘
Right then you heard his unmistakably Scottish accent. ‘I’m just saying George, with this new and improve game plan, we are for sure going win the House Cup!’
‘Oliver!’ You shouted, pushing your boyfriend and Harry aside to reach him. ‘Come quick, I’ve got something to show you!’ With all your strength you hauled him to move faster.
‘What is it now y/n? Can’t you see I’m……..’ Oliver had come to a stop. Based on his sudden lack of complaining, you knew he spotted it.
‘It’s a gift from mum and dad. We thought it would future help your chances to be in the professional league.’ You noted. ‘I wasn’t sure which one of these was your locker, so I decided to just hide it behind the benches.’
Oliver hurriedly torn away the wrappings. ‘Oh my…. y/n! A FIREBOLT!’ He turned towards his teammates with eyes watery. ‘A FIREBOLT, A 1993 EBONY WOOD WITH BIRCH TWIGS FIREBOLT!’ He declared with glee.
Too caught up in your cousin’s precious reaction to your gift, you however had failed to noticed Fred displeasure.
‘I think I’m gonna be sick. So much for a girlfriend.’ He grumbled to George. ‘Excuse me.’ Shoving his broom to Harry, Fred walked out of the locker room.
The next thing you knew, you were spinning through the air. Oliver had lifted you in celebration, ‘Thank you y/n thank you so much!’ He mumbled into your hair. ‘Pass on my gratitude to Aunty and Uncle.’  
‘Wait? Did you just say Aunty and Uncle?’ voiced a very confused Harry.
‘Yea.’ Confirmed Oliver. ‘Y/n is my cousin.’
George’s bafflement turned into a startle. ‘You’re joking right?’
‘No, why would be joking George?’ You frowned. ‘Didn’t you know?’
‘Nope’ He replied, popping the “p”. ‘Now it clears everything up. Freddie is going to be--.’
‘Speaking of, where is Freddie?’ You scanned around, wondering where he might have gone to. Which was when you spotted Harry holding up not one but two brooms. ‘Harry…’
‘y/n listen…..Freddie is uhh ’ George was trying to come up how to break it to you gently.
When Harry blurted out. ‘He left.’
‘He whot?’ demanded Oliver.
‘He left, said something about being sick of his girlfriend.’ Commented Harry frankly. ‘owhh!’
Even though it would have been too late to stop Harry from spitting out more wrongfully worded sentences- the damaged has been done- It still made George happy to put some sense into him. Praying that a smack on the head would have made Harry shut up, George took control of the situation, hoping it could still salvage the weakening remain of his twin’s and y/n relationship.
‘Listen y/n. Regarding my idiot brother, you got to know that he, like everyone else in the room, had thought that you and Oliver were flirting with each other.’
‘eww!’ You couldn’t control your reflex.
‘yeah, his emotions got to the best of him when he witnessed everything that got down here and stormed out because of jealousy.’
‘Oh gosh.’ You head towards the door, you could see a red figure walking towards the castle, kicking at fallen leaves every now and then. ‘I’ve got to get to him.’
You felt someone grab your arm ‘No let me handle this y/n.’ voiced Oliver. ‘I’m part of this… complication after all, besides I bet Fred’s fuming right now and as your older cousin, I am willing to take the heat and make him see reason until he has finally calmed down to talk to you with a clear head.’ He explained reassuringly.
‘No buts.’ Oliver kissed your forehead. ‘Stay here and send for him back so all this misunderstanding could be sorted out. Now…’ he addressed Harry to get his new firebolt. ‘I’ve got a relationship to fix.’ Oliver hopped on the broom and sped away.
‘Fred! Fred!’ Screamed Oliver.
Fred choose to ignore him, picking up his pace.
Leaving Oliver with no choice but to cut him off.
‘WEASLEY!’ Oliver jumped off his broom.
‘Get Out of My Way Wood!’ Fred raised his hand to shove the other boy away but met with resistance. ‘I SAID GET OUT!’ Fred tried to free his fist from Oliver’s grasp, but the older boy was much stronger.
‘Not until you calm down and listen to what I have to say.’
‘Fine.’ Oliver let go of him, he raised his arms high in surrender. ‘y/n sent you, didn’t she?’
‘No. I came here on my own will. I told her to stay behind to protect her.’ Oliver confessed.
‘To protect her?’ scoffed Fred. ‘From what? From me?’
‘Yes, as a matter of fact.’
‘Oh of course, it’s HER who needs protecting and not me. Not me, after I see you both shamelessly act so close to one another, closer, might I tell you then her own boyfriend! If was as if I wasn’t there’
Fred brushed his hand away, ignoring Oliver’s interruption. ‘When did you two get so close anyway? You know at first, I tried to pass it off as friendship but as time when on, I could help but think-‘
‘Y/N IS MY COUSIN!’ blurted Oliver, unable to hear another person thinking that they were other than family. ‘THERE’S NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN US!’
‘Apparently for some reason most of you lot don’t know. George and Harry were just as surprised too. But yes, y/n is my cousin, on my father’s side. My father and her mother are brothers and sisters. I thought with all these years we’ve known each other that you’d know we’re related. Guess I was wrong.’
‘I….I didn’t know.. I’m sorry.’
‘Apology accepted but we both know there is someone more deserving of hearing that apology.’ Oliver nodded towards the locker room. ‘She’s there waiting.’
‘Thank you, Oliver.’ He held out his hand. ‘Friends?’
‘Friends’ Oliver shook his hand, the stared straight into his eyes. ‘BUT…’
‘But if you hurt her again Weasley, you have me to answer for, that is of course after she’s done her share.’ Without another word, Oliver flew off, testing out his new gift.
Fred ran full speed ahead, praying that he didn’t completely ruin a wondering 3-year relationship with the girl of his dreams. Before entering the room, he conjured up a bouquet of your favourite flowers, hoping that could help out his image.
Testing the waters, he called. ‘y/n? are you in here love?’
‘In here’ you sighed. He hated hearing you so sad. He hated it more that it was him causing you to feel that way.
Cautiously he made his way to you with arms outstretched. You accepted the flowers, to that he let himself relax a bit, bringing them up to you nose, you noted. ‘They smell nice, thank you.’
Fred was grateful that you hadn’t scolded him off on his baseless jealousy, still he knew he had to apologize and win his girl back. Kneeling in front where you sat, Fred took your hands and poured out his heart.
‘Y/n, I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, I… I got jealous of how you had gotten close to Oliver this year.’ He confessed.’ Ever since the start of this year, I thought that Oliver was stealing you away from me. I thought that perhaps you two had something going on behind my back.’
Chuckling to himself he continued. ‘I didn’t even realise that you were cousins until he told me just now. I feel so stupid. 3 years together, 5 years of knowing you. It was so obvious.’ Fred closed his eyes.
‘Still, with my worries, I should have asked, asked what you and Oliver were.’ He stressed. ‘I should have come and talked to you, to sort this out like what a, healthy, trusting and understanding relationship would. But instead I keep all my doubts and insecurities brew, I went deep into my own conclusions that were without evidence, I let my jealousy get the best of me.’
Fred brought your knuckles to his lips. ‘y/n love, I’m sorry. I love you and if you want a space, I understand. But there is no a day in this world where I would not rather be back in your loving arms. I hope that you could forgive me.’
‘Freddie, I forgive you.’ You cup his tear stained cheek. ‘It was just a stupid misunderstanding.’
Gesturing for him to sit beside you ‘I thought it was common knowledge that Oliver and I are cousins. Apparently not. Yes, we weren’t that close before.’ You admitted.  ‘But we really did get to know each other in the summer. 5 weeks either being sounded by adult relatives or small children, we hung out often, being the only 2 cousins similar in age.’
You return back into a more serious tone. ‘Of course, I did wish you had voiced it out, we could have avoided this conflict altogether. So, promise me this. Whatever problems may arise, before we delved into our own assumptions, we would always talk it out. Alright?’
‘I promise.’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
Tagging also all those who voted for the~Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley~ Thank you! @jenniweaslee​ @ najiler @ im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @ gweaslvy and the lovely anons!
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Phenomenon of the Immortal Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 6
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer!
Authors note: I have no idea if I used these song lyrics in a previous chapter in Eclipse... I have a garbage memory.
"Stars did fall. Thunder rolled. Bugs crawled back, In their holes. The couple screamed, but it was far too late. Her jealous heart did retaliate."
Ten Cent Pistol by, The Black Keys.
Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie looked like they wanted to kill someone. Alice, Dean, Esme, and Bree all looked confused and hurt.
Rosalie inhaled deeply.
"We need to do something about those two..." Rosalie said.
"They're way out of line... Edward especially... human or not I would kill anyone who comes near Fleur." Jasper added, fury was still in his voice.
"What can you guys do he's your brother. Besides after Bella turns they were going to go live in that cabin you guys renovated for them."
"We'll need to do something, you don't need any of this right now... I'm disappointed in him." Esme said sadly.
Before I could say anything else I could hear Bella scream.
"She must've just gotten bitten." I murmured.
"Hey you're probably thirsty, your eyes are starting to turn black, let me get you something," Esme suggested.
"That'd be great thanks... Jazz, could you hand me my phone?"
"Sure, what for darlin?" Jasper said sitting next to me.
"I need to call Sam and Leah... they need to know about this too. If we keep it from them, they could consider it a threat."
Carlisle's office door swung open, Edward ran toward the front door and slammed it. Carlisle came out with an annoyed look on his face.
"He's going to be the second death of me I swear he is."
"Well Seth already knows, maybe he told Leah." Bree suggested.
"Maybe he did but it won't hurt to check." I replied. I dialed Leah's number first thinking she might be a little more understanding.
"Fleur?" I heard her ask on the other line.
"Hey, Leah... has Seth told you anything lately?" My voice trembled slightly. I heard Leah sigh before letting out a laugh.
"Yeah, Seth told me you were pregnant calm down." I heard her reply.
"Oh, so Sam knows too?"
"Yeah but he's a bit skeptical... you know how he is." Leah mumbled.
"Yeah... but what about Bella... he does know that today is her changing day, the transformation is already happening."
"The last thing he told Seth about her is that she's not our concern anymore... it's her choice to change, we can't stop it." Leah explained.
"Listen I gotta go, I'll see you soon."
"See you later." She hung up a few seconds later. I rested my head on Jasper's should and sighed in relief.
"Here Fleur, maybe this we'll make you feel a bit better," Esme said, handing me a glass.
I grasped the cup and chugged it, it was gone a few seconds later. I didn't feel much better.
"Your eyes are still black...each bag should have the exact amount of blood you need for the next few days... How about you have some more?
I gulped down another bag, it still wasn't enough.
"This isn't good." Carlisle explained, he looked puzzled.
"Ehh...why isn't that good?" I inquired
"Well, if you can never be satisfied with the amount of blood your drinking you will eventually begin to starve. You will lose your strength, and could possibly have moments of insanity." Carlisle explained.
"I can handle this... it'll be worth it for him. Besides like you said before it most likely won't be a full 9 months."
"We'll all be by your side darlin." Jasper reassured, kissing my cheek.
"I'll monitor you whenever I can, it seems they're already growing quickly." Carlisle said, gesturing down to my bump.
Over the next few weeks, my baby grew more and more, but I was beginning to get weaker. No matter how much blood I drank, nothing seemed to sedate me. The rest of the Cullens were on edge with Edward and Bella, and since Bella was finally a vampire, they couldn't trust them at all. They weren't around much but when they were Rosalie and Jasper seemingly stood guard for me. I was zoned out, laying in an armchair since I was beginning to get sick of sitting on the same couch when Esme interrupted my concentration.
"Fleur, Leah and Seth are here." She called out.
I sat up and smiled, gesturing for her to bring them in. Leah and Seth walked in carrying some wrapped boxes with them.
Esme walked in with them before giving a quick goodbye as she wanted to help Carlisle and Rosalie with collecting food for me.
"You two did not have to get me anything." I said.
"Look aunt Leah has to get my nephew something." She said a smile was on her face.
I opened the box, a stuffed wolf plushie was inside, a dreamcatcher was underneath the plushie.
"These gifts are great thank you!"
"No problem, I thought they would be nice."
"You are the only one who thinks it's a boy, everyone else thinks it's a girl."
"I trust your instincts." Leah shrugged before pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.
"So how are you Fleur?" Seth asked, he shuffled around in his place, his eyes were scanning for someone else.
"It's getting rougher now since he's growing so big but, I know it'll all be worth it in the end."
"Your eyes look really dark, aren't they suppose to be red?" Leah inquired.
"We're beginning to think he's half-vampire half-human, he has a heartbeat it's just slightly faster than usual humans. He's definitely drinking the blood I get."
"I heard what happens to vampires when they don't feed...it gets rough." Leah said rubbing my back comfortingly.
"I have my moments but, they haven't been too bad."
"Where's the rest of the Cullens?" Seth inquired.
"Hunting, Edward, and Bella don't show up much... they don't want me to have my baby. But the rest of the Cullen's are really supportive and Jasper is ecstatic about it." I rubbed my bump unconsciously.
"But how do you eat?" Leah asked, her eyebrows were furrowed.
"Carlisle and Rose get these bags of animal blood for me." I saw Leah sigh and Lean back against her seat.
"These vampires aren't so bad after all...I'm glad Seth found Bree... she seems nice." Leah smiled.
"Oh she really is, she didn't know what she was doing when she was turned... I'm glad we're able to help her."
"So... when do you think you'll give birth?"
"Carlisle said I could give birth in a week or two... It's nerve-wracking, it's so unpredictable."
"Hey, you'll be fine... I'll stay here for a bit if you need." Leah offered.
"That would be nice but, I don't want to put you through any trouble."
"It wouldn't be any trouble besides If Edward or Bella tries something... they're going to have to deal with me too."
I laughed but before I could say anything I could sense Edward and Bella coming in, but the others were still farther away.
"Great... now we got werewolves constantly coming in." Bella complained.
Seth and Leah looked up shocked.
"Bella... did you forget you were in a toxic, manipulative love triangle for a solid year with a werewolf... for a solid fucking year." I snapped back.
"Jacob doesn't talk to me anymore!" Bella roared.
"Good for him, he needs to move on." I said, Leah nodded in agreement.
"You always have to stick your opinion in don't you?" Bella said.
"Uhh... you walked in for 5 seconds are were already trying to start shit with me." I snapped, the rage in my body burned.
"Hey, don't you snap at my wife." Edward snarled, he started walking up to me slowly.
"Back off Edward." Leah warned, she seemed to feel how pissed off I was.
"Can it mutt."
"Edward... I've been starving for almost a month... don't try me."
"What can you do? You're frail, weak, impaired." Edward pushed, walking up in front of me.
"What in the fuck are you two still doing here? I mean... honestly, you both got what you wanted, Edward you got a mate, and Bella, you became immortal. If you can't stand the decisions we're all making then why don't you just leave?"
"Because we're protected, we're the feared Olympic coven... Who wouldn't want to stay here." Edward explained, he rolled his eyes as if it were obvious.
"Oh I see... you're using them, you're too unskilled to protect yourselves so why wouldn't you want to let everyone else do the work?" I said in fake shock, Leah and Seth began to chuckle.
"I'm not unskilled enough to protect myself from you." Bella smirked, joining Edward in front of me.
"...You two fucking try something I dare you because the way I've been feeling all month I fucking dare someone to mess with me. I growled standing up on my own, it was strange... it was like a new strength filled my body.
Leah came up in front of me and put an arm between us three.
"Just drop it you three... this isn't going to end well." Leah warned.
Edward smirked and then grabbed me, I quickly flipped him around and as I warned before kicked him through the glass wall.
I heard shuffling and turned around to see Leah holding Bella down with Seth helping her out. I turned back around to the window, I saw Edward lying on the ground with Dean, Alice, Esme, and Emmett looking up at me in shock. I saw Carlisle approach Edward, a deadly look was on his face.
"Damn short stack!" I heard three sets of feet running inside Jasper, Rosalie, and Bree came into the lounge room. Bree went to go help Seth and Leah with Bella.
"Darlin are you okay?" Jasper called toward me worryingly. I couldn't say anything however as that newfound strength had dissipated, and I clutched my head. Rosalie and Jasper rushed to me.
"That's it I can't stand those two anymore they have to get out of here!" Rosalie exclaimed, Jasper just nodded in agreement.
When I was sat back down in the armchair I decided to explain what happened. The rest of the Cullens came back in, Edward couldn't look me in the eyes now.
"So sweety, what happened?" Esme inquired.
"I was just sitting with Leah and Seth when Bella started complaining that Leah and Seth were here."
Bella tried to say something but Rosalie gave her a glare.
"I snapped at her I'll admit but... then Edward started coming up to me threateningly... but he then he said that he was just living with you guys because he was being protected... and long story short Edward grabbed me and I kicked him through the glass wall." I finished. I had never seen Carlisle or Esme so mad before.
"Is that true?" Carlisle inquired.
"HE SAID IS IT TRUE!" Esme interrupted.
Edward bit down a growl before answering.
"You two can't come around here anymore...nor do you two belong to this coven." Carlisle demanded.
Bella gasped.
"What a second we can work something out..." She started.
"Look I'm not going to spend decades of you three fighting all the time... and personally, I'm personal want to keep the one I like." Rosalie sniped.
"Leave at once," Carlisle said.
Edward and Bella stormed out of the house and ran off. A thick silence overtook the air.
"Uh...sorry about the wall." Jasper shushed me before pulling me in for a kiss.
"You two okay?" He asked, rubbing my stomach.
"Oh yeah he's having a blast...you should've felt him, he was kicking up a storm. He's a fighter I can tell." I said smiling. Jasper curled up to me and rested his head on mine. I saw the Cullens as well as Leah and Seth glance at each other, leaving the room.
"You know, I can feel what emotions they feel," Jasper stated.
"Really? How is he feeling now?"
"They loves the sound of your voice, I can tell. They get so happy when they hear it."
I smiled fondly on my bump before rubbing it softly.
"I'm glad you love it, we both love you that's for sure..."
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whump-town · 3 years
Counting Down The Days
The real kicker here is that I don't even like Christmas and I don't know at all why I thought of this...
Fluff, not really sad
No Pairings
Spencer has never liked Christmas.
As a child, December rolled in and cast over the city an impossible task. His thin wrist grabbed as he tucked pudding into his sweater and his ears tugged at when he bolted for the door, knowing getting caught one more time would mean child protective services would come back. And each time he picked his mother up off the floor, every time he tucked himself in the coat closet to try and hide from her wailing and shouting, he knew they would see through the veil. His mother wouldn’t survive having him taken away. No one else can get her to take her medication. No one else could read her books in their original forms. German and Arabic and Spanish. And what was the point in reading Don Quixote except to do so in the original Spanish?
But not getting caught shoplifting in December, when all of the staff of every store was watching for just that, is impossible. December met icy cold fingers dragging through his stomach and lying to his mother that he had eaten something while he made her ramen. He can go one more day but she can’t take her meds on an empty stomach.
As an adult, these things have changed drastically. Christmas is great. He really can’t complain. He loves dressing up for Dave’s fancy dinner and turning into a bragging point. The feeling of Dave’s heavy arm around his shoulders, showing him off to his friends. Finally being able to understand what it must feel like to have a parent bragging about you to other adults, even if at a certain point they’re just trying to show up to their friends. That doesn’t change the flush in his cheeks or how nice he feels smiling and stuttering around an explanation of his PhDs. Stomach twisted up and cheeks hurting when Dave finally leans in and relieves the guests with a “see? Kids so damn smart I don’t even understand what he got a degree in!”
He misses Morgan and Hotch.
They’ll come around for Christmas, he knows.
Hank is getting so big and he’s carrying on the tradition of all of Spencer’s other nephews and calling him “weed” but there’s nothing like that big baby smile when he comes in through the door. Tottling steps and an armful of baby. It just makes him want his own kids but for now, he’s content with his nephews. Jack calls him a lot. He got the ability to do math from somewhere but certainly not from his parents -- Haley was an English major and Hotch uses a calculator for basic math. So Reid is generally the only person that he knows who can talk math. Christmas will bring Henry and Jack home from college. There’s speak of a boyfriend but Emily knows only minimally about this from what she’s heard from Hotch and what Jack has told Hotch is also minimal at best. Henry is… JJ gets a lot of radio silence from him but Hotch is quick to assure her that is just typical. Jack did the same thing but now he’s a senior in college and Hotch is lucky if he goes three consecutive hours without some sort of text or call.
“Who is my doctor at home?”
“Do you think Uncle Derek can change my oil? Wait, can I go that long without checking it?”
“What year was Aunt Jessica born? Don’t tell her I asked you that.”
“How old are you again? 53? 60?”
Spencer is just excited to have everyone under one roof.
Hotch and Emily grew up under the kind of parties that Dave throws for Christmas. Tokens to be shown off by their parents and ignored under every other circumstance. Both having been shipped off at least once during their childhoods when they no longer fit a certain look. Emily was no longer young enough to attract her mother’s friends, breast a little too formed, and acne that could not be tamed. Hotch with shadows of bruises that would not heal. Dead eyes that no longer raised from the floor.
Dave’s parties bring out the worst in them. Emily is a very bad influence on Hotch and together they have considerable tolerance for alcohol, they can do some damage. But they’re not loud. Spencer loves to watch the two of them, the way they ease into the night. Hotch warm now, his edges softened to pleased little smiles and thoughtful hums. Emily is chatty, leans into touch, and stretches out like a cat bathing in the sun. The night ends with their soft arguing. Spencer could butt in at any time to the subjects that they talk about but he finds himself far more content to sit and watch. Emily’s toes tucked under Hotch’s thigh and his head turned on the sofa, lazily listening to her speak.
They always approach every subject as if it’s the simplest thing. Let it be Marx, spending the hours in front of Dave’s parlor fire speaking in hushed tones about surplus-value and what makes a commodity. About the ins and outs of Cormac Mccarthy, Hotch loves The Sunset Limited and Emily does not. Whitney Houston and how poor Hotch’s Spanish is and if that’s his fault or hers.
Garcia loves the parties even if it does create a little cognitive dissonance for her. Her parents would hate this but she feels pretty in her gown and no one lets her forget it. She keeps track of the kisses placed on her cheeks. Derek smelling of something woodsy as he leans in with a wink, “you’re very beautiful this even, mama.” And Savannah smells warm and inviting and she gives the very best hugs. “Green,” she whispers, “is very much your color.” How Hotch hums along to songs and always gives in to her request for one dance, his smile growing wild as she steps on his toes.
And Spencer loves that she always asks him to match her. So he’ll proudly come in with his matching bowtie or pocket square. Lending her his elbow as they step in, stepping just out of the way that the right people come to greet him and no one else. Morgan is warm and tight, always squeezing just a little too hard. JJ fussing with his hair.
But it’s only September.
He’ll have to pass through Halloween. Jack and Henry are too old these days to run through the bullpen dressed as whatever fictive hero they have grown obsessed with this fall. Coming up to his desk knowing he’s hidden the largest bowl of candy, that he’ll sneak into their pockets whole-sized candy bars to eat as they trick or treat. At best he might get some pre-game pictures from them both, neither having grown out of their love for Halloween. Jack is still very into dressing up but Henry will still throw something together.
There will be Thanksgiving, a holiday choppily shared between them all. Just showing up at Dave’s randomly or Morgan’s depending on who wins that argument this year. He’ll be lucky to see them all under the same roof. If it’s at Dave’s then he’s guaranteed warm and cozy Hotch and Emily. Both bothering Dave in the kitchen, their lost childhoods always burning the brightest around one another, and exasperating Dave. Maybe Garcia will win her favorite game and Dave will teach her to cook whatever he’s decided they’ll have this year. If it’s at Derek’s then at least he’ll get to see Hank. JJ and Savannah will be there, they’re pretty good friends. Garcia will certainly be cooking something and Derek will be manning the grill.
But it’s months out until December.
And all Spencer wants is unabashed affection.
Dave’s arm around his shoulder and his high sung praises.
Emily snagging him up to dance to “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and kissing his cheek for the trouble.
To see Matt and Luke interact with the team. Dave’s attention turning to point out his other boys, “knuckleheads but they mean well”. How Tara will take up the empty space left on the couch and butt into Hotch and Emily’s argument, turning warm and comforting like the other two. And Spencer can’t wait to see how similar the three of them are-- you just have to see through the layers.
Until it’s nearly two in the morning.
Jack and Henry are missing, Luke thinks he might have seen them on the back porch.
Emily is sleeping, head in Tara’s lap and feet in Hotch’s. The other two blinking slowly into the fire, glasses of wine warm in their hands and dangerously close to falling.
Matt is sitting on the floor, children spread out around him.
There’s the buzz of conversation still coming from the kitchen. Garcia, JJ, Savannah, and Kristy giggling over wine and gossip they’re certainly not supposed to know.
Spencer looks up at the calendar sitting above his desk and crosses off the day.
He always hated December. He never got to appreciate Christmas. They represented everything he didn’t have, all the things he thought he could never have. But as mid-September leaves a crisp edge to the air, he finds himself counting down the days tell what used to be a measure of his insignificance.
Now it’s the only day that seems to matter. The only day he feels like he matters. Surrounded by the warmth of familiarity. By love.
He misses his family.
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Hey ive been swamped with ACT studying latley, i was wondering if you can do head canons on what Benimaru would be like as a dad (x mother wife) where the two of you have kids? Since he is a proto nationalist I totally see him wanting a big traditional family. How would he react to pregnancy news? What would he be like when his s/o is in labor, or his reaction to babys first steps or first word. So much fluff!!
If, while reading this, you get the feeling that it was wirtten by some caveman who doesn't know shiet about children or words, know that this caveman tried her best to make it as cute and fun as possible, and that really is the pinnacle of her abilities. Okay?
+ As always, sorry for delay, I know how nerve wracking can exams be (just finished my midterms) and I hope you will achieve the highest possible results. Unfortunately you asked an author who is what she is ... Please take these 1 500 words as compensation.
Benimaru took the news of your first pregnancy in silence. In a silence so deaf and long that every passing second tightened the hoop around your heart tighter and tighter.
It took you three days to get ready to say it to his face, and yet the stress was still eating you from the inside. His lack of response as you fumbled the ends of your T-shirt in your hands did not make it easier nor better.
You looked up sharply, preferring to face his anger rather than spending another second in uncertainty, and you found that Benimaru was looking over your shoulder, present body, but definitely not mind.
After a few calls and waving in front of his face, Benimaru seemed to wake up and shifted his lost gaze to you.
"We will have a kid?"
"Yes, we will." You repeated, stressing each word, trying to get through to him this time. You expected many things, but not so much confusion.
"A kid." He repeated, and his crimson eyes lit up the glow. "A kid!"
Benimaru cuped your checks and kissed every inch of your face. Lips, checks, temples, forehead, nose, eyelids.
"A kid."
The next person to hear the happy news was Konro, and then the whole city somehow. The residents' mouths did not close for the next 9 months.
Each time he took it better and better. Each time he almost went out of his skin showering you with kisses or dancing around the room with you in his arms. Only this first stage of the shock was shortened.
Benimaru didn't know at first what a pregnant woman could and couldn't do, so it was best if you didn't do anything. After long interpretations from the midwife, the range of your allowable activities extended beyond sitting and breathing, but there was no question of any use of force.
After a while, you even stopped trying to lift anything above the bowl of rice. Every time Benimaru saw that you were carrying a package, you happened to get the slightest rebuke. It was worse for all Hikeshi within 100 meters for not-helping. After that, you didn't want to trouble the innocent firefighters anymore.
As you can't even look at sake, your evening drinking has turned into making up names over tea. (Not that Shinmon suddenly stopped drinking. He doesn't want to drink in front of you when you couldn't, and after every news of the next baby, the alcohol flows in streams, so he can't complain about abstinence.) He loves holding you in his arms, with one hand for growing belly. Once he felt a kick, he literally melted.
With time, as the family began to grow, it was his duty to make sure that the older children did not tire you and find them to do something.
The first time he had no idea what to do. He literally turned to Konro saying:
"Konro, [Y / N], labor, what do I do ?!" Sould he wreck some buildings?
Konro, as a loving friend aware that there was no time to explain it to him with words, kicked his composite ass to the hospital.
While the whole city was celebrating the birth of another Shinmon, Benimaru was sitting next to you, holding a small bundle in his stiff hands.
"You can hug them, you know?"
"They are too tiny!" he muttered, afraid to raise his voice so as not to wake the sleeping figure.
“They are stronger than you think, Love. They're Shinmon after all, ”you recalled with a chuckle.
Since then, every time the inhabitants of the viewer of Benimaru running to the hospital (have you ever seen Benimaru running? Me neither.), they immediately reach for alcohol.
Benimaru has experience and no major problems in taking care of children, especially since they are his. In his time off work, you can see him sitting in front of the Guardhouse, giving his toothless child to chew on his forearms, and sometimes making a tour around the city together, to the joy of all the residents. Other times, he will sit in front of the little one trying to teach him the first words.
"C’mon kid, da-d." Benimaru tried to keep the child's attention who was much more interested in chewing a wooden puppet.
"Daaa ~"
"Close enough, da-d." Some time ago he made a bet with [Y/N] that their first word would be dad, and the rules did not exclude support. "Da-d."
"Maaa ~"
"No, DA-D." He sighed softly and looked up sharply for the approaching steps.
Konro stepped into the yard, gloomy, looking around until he found the Captain.
“Oi Waka, have you seen Hika and Hina? I can’t find them anywhere. "
The red-eyed man shrugged, pointing to the street.
"Maybe they are terrorizing the candy seller again."
Konro sighed heavily and disappeared behind the building, leaving them alone again, and Benimaru returned his attention to the child, already scrambling onto his lap.
"Wanna sleep?" He helped them climb a little higher and leaned in as they held out a small hand at him. He was expecting an awkward slap on the nose, but instead got a tug on his hair almost to the floor. "Ack! What the… "
"Waka ~"
"What?" He froze as he tried to untangle the strands from his impossibly grasping fingers.
“Waka ~” The child repeated, tugging again, and giggled smugly.
Waka? Does it count as a dad? Did he win?
The next achievement was to make sure they didn't repeat all those curses after him, or at least so [Y/N] wouldn't hear.
Beni with big family
You probably expected that just as with twins, the whole Guardhouse will look after them ? Hah, ya wrong.
ENTIRE CITIES WATCH OVER THE MINI MIXES OF BENI-CHAN WITH [Y/N] -CHAN. They are so spoiled that sometimes it feels like only you and Benimaru have any rules. On the other hand, there are no problems with finding your children, just call them by name and half the street will indicate their whereabouts.
• Maybe you can't see it, but Benimaru doesn't know what to do with himself out of happiness. Even when he comes home in the evenings after a really long day, the sight of all those faces looking at him as the center of the world makes him smile. At such moments, he will always find some strength to play.
• The fun begins when they are old enough to help him with his work, not putting the Infernals to rest or blowing up houses, but just making a errands around the city where he can show them what Hikeshi's job is and teach them about his core beliefs.
He doesn't always succeed, but he knows he can rely on you and your ability to use words if he does.
• Benimaru has no problem with cases when one of his children doesn't want to follow in his footsteps, he knows that he has raised them well and that when he is gone, they will take care of his city regardless of his position or profession.
You had to use force to stop him from throwing your daughter's boyfriend out the door when he heard he was with the empire.
Play time
Benimaru's favorite form of spending time together is, of course, teaching his children everything he can. Regardless of their gender, they all have inherited above-average amounts of fire power and a love to destruction.
After several dozen problems with stopping his own children from killing their siblings, Benimaru created a game called: "dad agains everyone"
It’s fun to watch Benimaru surroded by figures half his height, who try to collapse him to the ground.
Rest of the family
Grandpa Konro
This man survived small Benimaru and the Twins. There is nothing this man haven’t seen. Which makes him the best grandfather in the empire. At this stage, Koro already has a separate locker for everything from his numerous grandchildren.
He is also your kids safe place when the parent's fury rages outside.
Aunt Hika and Hina
There were times when you had to entrust your older children to the care of twins (if your children were several years old, Hika and Hina were also older, don’t get me wrong). The girls made sure that the younger members of the family learned everything they needed to know about Asakusa, the inhabitants and their usual behavior.
In fact, at some point they were considered to be part of their siblings, and so were treated like ones (read: regular bloodshed).
Nevertheless, every time one of the stepsiblings messed up with someone they shouldn't (manga readers know perfectly well that kids have it after their dad), the two fire foxes turned into two bloodthirsty beasts, ready to chase away any problematic individual.
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sweetaesuga · 4 years
in your heart | halloween
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, lil smut, fratboy jk, ex-fuckboy jk, bookworm reader! established relationship!
warnings: language, jk is horny😐 but she lets him hit it🤠, annoying kids
word count: 2.1k
synopsis: halloween with jungkook and his cousin.
timeline: takes place after the events of in your eyes
↳ in your heart; masterlist
a/n: this is late but EYES WIDE OPEN IS A BOP. i need to start writing my next fic and stop writing drabble skdjdjd
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"Fuck, you look so good. Lets just go to your place and spend the night there. Fuck them kids," Jungkook's hands disappeared under your purple dress that he adored and despised at the same time. He wasn't complaining but he didn't want any other person possibly looking up your dress to catch a peek of his favorite pink panties.
"We're not ditching Hyun. You promised him last time that you wouldn't miss out again," he groaned as he instantly knew what you were referring to. Last Halloween, he ditched the both of you for a girl he was wanting to mess around with. Jungkook wasn't going to let this opportunity pass up so last minute he notified you that he wasn’t coming.
"Stop reminding me of my shitty mistakes," he sighed. His face was buried into your green scarf that tickled you every five seconds. His slicked back hair brushed against your cheek constantly. His hands slipped under your underwear causing you to yelp and push him away. "What the hell is wrong with you? It's Halloween and there's kids around."
He pouted, his lower lip pushing out. "What's wrong with me? Not my fault, you look incredible," his eyes lingered on your purple gogo boots that he seemed to be obsessed with. Even imagined you bent over with them while he was behind you, pounding into you. You looked so angelic with them on. He wasn't sure how long he can hold himself back for. "Why would you wear this if you know how I am?"
"It's our costume, dumbass," you pointed at his white pollo shirt with the bright red tie in between. His dark jeans which tightly enclosed around his thick thighs. "I'm Daphne and you're Fred Jones," you turned away from him, waiting on his cousin to burst through those doors anytime soon so you could avoid Jungkook’s stare.
"Why couldn't we be Shaggy and Velma?" he leaned on the hood of his car, watching a child trip over his own feet. He was close to bursting out in laughter but you shot him a glare just in time. "I wasn't gonna laugh. Seriously though, we're better off as them. Appearance wise—well actually Daphne could've suited you more than Velma but whatever."
You rolled your eyes and stood next to him. His arm came around your shoulder to hold you close. His Victoria's Secret perfume was strong but you don't comment on it."Hyun wanted to be Shaggy. It would make way more sense for him to be, he has a dog."
The second you finished your sentence, a brown Great Dane puppy came running down to you from the house his owner was in. Her steps are big as she leaped to make it to Jungkook and you fast. You squealed, throwing your boyfriend's arm off of you. Jungkook would whine about it but how could he, when it's a cute puppy.
"Nala! Hi girl, how are you doing?"she wagged her tail around as you bent down to caress her fur. A red harness around her chest but no sign of a leash on her. "You don't have your leash on, go put your leash on!" she ignored you and jumped on you again.
"We should get a dog," Jungkook thought out loud from thinking about it too hard. His ears flushed a tint of red from the tip. He turned to see your reaction but you don't appear to be bothered from his suggestion. He released a breath he didn't notice he was holding in. His stupid mind wondering the impossible. There was no way you would want a dog with him.
Luckily his aunt and cousin saved him from any more trouble. He rolled his eyes when Hyun came running to your arms instead of him, his cousin. His brown hair was messy to fit the role of Shaggy. Honestly, Jungkook still thought that he would've made a perfect Shaggy.
"Aww, you look so adorable Hyun! I haven't seen you in almost a year," you hugged him tightly. Ignoring the way your boyfriend was glaring at him, he kissed your cheek. "I can't believe I missed your birthday, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," he reassured you as his mother came from behind him. She greeted the two of you, mentioning how she was happy when she found out the news of the two of you being together.
"It was about time," she muttered under her breath, taking a glance at Jungkook when she bent down to hook the leash on Nala. He looked away, ashamed of previous actions. If Jungkook could’ve been with you over sooner, he would've stopped fooling around with other girls. "Alright, you got everything?" Hyun nodded and gave his mom a kiss. "Behave good for Jungkook and Y/N," she turned to you, handing over this pumpkin basket. "If anything happens please call me. Have him home by ten please."
"We will, come on Hyun," you held your hand for him to take. He hugged his mother again before grabbing your hand. The contrast between the two was cute, your larger hand engulfed his. Jungkook made sure that he rubbed the top of Hyun’s head gently so he wouldn't fuss about Jungkook being extra vicious with him.
Hyun waved at his mother as Jungkook clutched his free hand, watching her figure shrink. He tightened the grasp around your hand. Nala walked in front of you, sniffing all the areas. She became annoyed at one kid, dressed as a witch, coming to pet her harshly. Jungkook was close to telling the child to fuck off but you warned him.
"You're not dad material," you followed Hyun to a house. Jungkook's hot on your trail and ready to defend himself but Nala ran towards a plant to piss on it. "Seriously, don't bother trying to get me pregnant, I do not want your babies."
"Oh shut up. You told me I'm daddy material."
"I thought we agreed we weren't into that too," Hyun ran up the house with the minimal decoration. There were really no other Halloween decorations besides the basket outside with a note on it and a pumpkin on the right. Talk about being in the spirit. "It says to take one," you pointed at the basket filled with bags of candy.
"Take all of them."
"No! Just take one."
"Take all of them, who cares?"
"I care!" you turned around to give him a dirty look. He was already smiling at you, apparent that he knew that he was annoying you. "Take all of them, one of the kids are eventually going to," he shrugged when you continued to stare at him. "I'm speaking facts, bubs—oh! Nala's pooping, did you bring a bag?" he asked while having a stare down with the puppy. Her eyes stared simply at Jungkook as she continued her business on the freshly mowed grass.
"Why would I bring a pooping bag?!" you turned towards him and away from Hyun. He picked up handfuls of candy, nearly putting it in his basket before he noticed something.
"Well shit," Jungkook laughed, looking around to see if any other kid heard him. There's a group of kids coming for the house you're standing at. "My aunt didn't give me one."
"I'm not leaving the poop here," you pointed to the sign that clearly said to pick up after your dog. Jungkook groaned before becoming aware of what was in Hyun's hand. He handed him the poop bag, small poop emojis imprinted over it.
"That's so cute," you gushed over the stupid bag and the puppy too. You don't listen to the basket of candy being emptied into Hyun’s pumpkin basket, too engrossed into Nala. Jungkook shot a thumps up to Hyun, satisfied with his cousin.
Even if you do seem to notice how full his basket was despite only being to five houses, you don't mention it. His collection of candy for the night was becoming so full, Jungkook had to carry some in the pockets of his blue jeans until they eventually became stuffed. He also filled up a takeout bag of Burger King where Jungkook took the two of you to eat.
Nala's on his lap, sleeping from the almost two hour walk. Jungkook picked her up after the first hour and was pleased with how sweet she was in his arms. She clearly enjoyed his warmth the most out of the two of you. The evidence was her snoozing in the middle of noisy fast food place. Hyun was somewhat tired and ready for bed. His bedtime was nearing and the signs of exhaustion were lucid.
"Is Y/N like your girlfriend?" Hyun asked, his chicken nuggets being sloppily dipped in the ketchup. His feet swung high since he was unable to touch the ground.
"Sadly, yes," Jungkook sighed and looked over at you. He smiled at you as he watched the grin grow on your face. "We're dating now. No longer am I a free man, Hyun."
"If you marry her then does that mean she's like part of the family?" Hyun blinked. A bit of ketchup sliding down the corner of his mouth before you wipe it for him.
"Yes—actually I don't what she'll be to you but yes she'll be apart of the family," Jungkook grabbed a fry before pointing it at you. "So if you want her to become apart of the family, tell her to start proposing to me."
"Isn't it the other way around?" he asked, innocently. His curious eyes make your heart flutter.
"No," Jungkook and you respond at the same time. He kicked your boot lightly underneath the table, smiling like an idiot. "Y/N will be proposing to me, we would like to break stereotypes. I want an expensive ring too and I expect you to take care of me."
"Can I be your boyfriend too?" Hyun almost cut off Jungkook to ask his question. You could practically see the steam rushing out of Jungkook's ears the second his cousin finished. You giggled and nodded. Jungkook kicked you underneath the table, trying to persuade you to glance over at him. Hyun hugged you, eyeing your boyfriend. The glint of the sinister in there from your response.
"Well if I marry her, she's my wife," Jungkook jabbed his pointer finger into the boy's chest. "And you're just her boyfriend so you would be nothing compared to me," he leaned back. His arms crossed over his chest, his biceps flaunting out of nowhere. You mentally rolled your eyes at his competitiveness emerging. "Besides she said she wanted a big strong man not a little boy like you."
"That's not true, right?" Hyun turned to you. His eyes begging to you that you truly did not say that. You were prepared to disagree but Jungkook spoke again.
With a playful smug on his face, he rubbed the end of his combat boot against your exposed skin. "That's not she told me last—"
You kicked his leg harshly, earning a cry from him. He grunted as his small jump away from you awakened the puppy. "Be quiet, we're literally in a public place," your cheeks are warm from the information about your intimacy he was spilling out. "We should get going, it's getting late," you slid out of the booth and ignored the protests of the boys who wanted to stay longer. You poured water into Jungkook's hands for Nala to drink outside before departing.
Jungkook carried Hyun on the way back. Slumber made up its mind and took over the exhausted kid. He had poured his energy out running from door to door. Jungkook offered to also carry Nala on his other side but you didn't want to force him to bear all that weight so you suggested for him to take the basket. Once you returned to his aunt’s home, his uncle removed Hyun from his arms before thanking you for looking after him and wishing you a good night.
Jungkook's ready to doze off too tired from the events of tonight to even go to his own place. His ascot tie undone by the time he reached your small apartment complex. He almost missed it if he didn't stop to stare into the mirrors to make sure he wasn't parking on the red line. Your fingers hooked around the ends of your pink lacy underwear before pushing it down. He doesn't grasp how in a blink of an eye, you're on top of him with your buttons from your dress undone.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his hands already on your hips to direct them. Jungkook fidgeted as he watched you pull the straps of your bra down slowly. He was on the verge of taking you right then and there in the backseat of his car as you teased him.
“Giving you your sweets too.”
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euphoricethan · 3 years
Alpha’s Kingdom - G.D
Summary: Grayson and Y/n have been friends since high school; a little before that to be exact. They had a not-so-friendly altercation 8th grade graduation, but began a spark with polar opposite attitudes. A typical college party turns to the most surprising nights of their lives.
A/N: this is an old, old, old draft from the beginning of last year that i never finished but now it’s done & i hate it so enjoy! (also lmk if i need to add more tw warnings just in case)
Warnings: smut, mentions of abuse, language, underage drinking, public humiliation(?), violence (blood)
Word count: 5.6k
That evening, Y/n (typically) would be in her dorm blasting music so loud in her earbuds that her introverted, comic-loving roommate would yell at her to turn it down as she studied for a big test the next day.
But, instead, she was called to "haul her ass" over to the Alpha Kingdom —which was what Grayson and all his buddies called the frat— to help with their party they were having for the reason she didn't know.
Y/n was against it, but she had no other choice since she was close friends with Grayson and owed him a favor. (Not to mention that he couldn't hang up streamers to save his life.)
So there she was, resting one hand on his broad shoulder while she pressed the white streamer into the ceiling.
"Hold still." She said under her breath, while Gray was moving around a bunch in hopes his knee's wouldn't give out.
"I can't, my knees are about to give out Y/n," he was looking up at her, watching her shove the dainty piece of paper up into the ceiling.
"'s not my fault." Y/n licked her lips, concentrating hard.
Sooner or later, she came down from the wobbling ladder and took a few steps back to look at her work.
"Looks good kid." he awarded.
"Kid" was always Y/n's nickname; no matter who was older. She was always "kid" and he was "Blue".
Ever since last year or so, Grayson has grown into a huge Godzilla look-alike, and Y/n thought it was hilarious since the reason behind it was that he wanted to impress some girl he met the beginning of the school year and claimed she liked guys who were "bulky."
Then, Blue Whale was introduced. But Y/n got tired of adding the Whale, and Blue just kinda stuck.
"You should help me and Brandon grab the kegs from the back." Grayson folded up the ladder, and whether Y/n was following or not, he walked away to place it back where they got it.
"You know, you really are the impidamy of a typical college frat boy!" she called out.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Brandon, another frat member who was just as dumb as the rest of them, said.
The fact that they didn't even get the joke just claimed to prove her point to where she just shook her head and proceed to the backyard to help the two twin towers carry the one-hundred sixty-five pound keg into the house.
They were all soon lifting, Y/n rather struggling while the two other boys grabbed it with ease.
"God, where do you guys even get these?" she was generally curious, she hadn't seen an actual beer keg in person before. They've only been in movies...
"Brandon's friend's uncle who worked at the bar downtown."
"He got fired when the manager started realizing that he was missing a bunch of kegs like every week." Grayson said this with ease as him and Brandon finally set the huge keg onto the kitchen floor.
"Kid, pass me that thing over there will you? It's over there." Grayson pointed with his head.
"Grayson, you can't just tell me to hand you something and point with your head and just assume I know exactly what you're talking about."
He was apparently fed up with her, as: he stood, reached behind her, and pulled the hose and nozzle with a sly smirk on his stupid face.
"If you guys need any help, I'll be on the couch." she told them both and exited the kitchen before they said anything; if they hadn't already decided she was no help to them.
Shortly after, Brandon was walking into the living room to sit next to Y/n and place both of his legs over her's.
She let out a small grunt, letting her phone slip from her grasp and leaned into his legs.
"Jesus." she went to retract her phone, but he had beat her to it and was holding it above his head trying to see what she was doing.
"Whatcha doin'?" he asked, flashing the screen on his face.
Y/n was now reaching over him, still just reaching for her phone. "Brandon, I swear to god." she muttered.
"Who's Bryson? Ooh yikes, he has a B name..." he gave Y/n a hard look with his eyebrows raised slightly.
"You have a B name." she shoved his legs off her and was now even more invested on getting her belonging back.
"Yeah but that doesn't count," he was now facing away from her, pulling the phone close to him and reading her most recent text word for word.
"Don't think i'll be able to make it tonight, big test tomorrow. Y/n, what is this!" he showed her own screen to her as if she didn't know what it said.
"Can I please just have my phone back? You're being a dick." she told him.
"Hey Grayson! Y/n's got a boyfriend!" he called out, causing him to walk into the room with his face slightly scrunched in confusion.
"Huh? What'd you say?" he ran his hand though his hair before placing both on his hips.
"Look." he said.
"I don't have a boyfriend, he's just my parter for a class, now can I please have my phone back?!" Y/n was reaching over him again but he had moved his hand.
Just then, Grayson grabbed a hold of his wrist and took it from him. "Dude, don't be a cunt."
"Here kid." his eyes flashed over to her, handing it over as their fingers came in contact with one another.
Grayson found his way back into the kitchen, letting out a heavy sigh as he walked away.
She had followed behind him, seeing his behavior shift and his shoulders drop.
"What's up?" she said, leaning over the counter and watched him rinse off the dishes.
"Blue? what's wrong with you?" she said now, furrowing her brows.
A small sigh left his nose while he just placed the dish in the rack.
Grayson had always been protective over Y/n—ever since they were 11 and some kid made a joke about she smelt like cigarettes because of her father.
He always stood up for her, always. Even though he knows she can defend herself he feels the tightness in his jaw and in his fists when someone mentions her in the conversation.
"Are you mad about something?"
He sighed again, moving from the dishes to the restocking of the fridge.
"Can you talk to me? Like I don't know why all this sudden you're having a pity party..." she cocked her head forward to try and get something out of him.
"It's nothing. It's fine."
"Well no, obviously something is bothering you. You can tell me. Like did I do something? Was it the phone thing? What?" Y/n slid her hand across the counter, standing up now and walking towards him.
"You shouldn't told me if you had a boyfriend." His eyes were harsh on her, leaving them to look at her until she turned her head.
"He's not my boyfriend..." her eyes were to the floor.
"Doesn't sound like it." he closed the fridge and started smashing the cardboard boxes the drinks came in.
"Blue, it's not like that, like at all. We're just parters, he wanted to work on our project tonight but now i'm here so..."
"Why don't you go, since you don't wanna be here." he smashed the final box hard against the counter, causing Y/n to flinch and blink quickly.
"I wanna be here! Damn Grayson why are you being like this holy fuck! Are you drunk already?" Y/n cheeks were getting warm and she gave Grayson side eye until she scoffed and turned on her heel.
She didn't know what he was thinking, getting mad about something like that and telling her to just go home?
She didn't know the reason behind why he said it either... because if she knew now she probably wouldn't hook up with him later that night.
It's 8th grade graduation. Ethan and Grayson are about to get called up to get their "diploma".
But as soon as the kids who were seated in front of them had to get up and wait to get called up left, Grayson was no where to be found.
Along with Y/n who was a few rows behind them.
Where were they? Good question.
Behind the Gymnasium drinking a Mike's Hard Lemonade Y/n had snuck from her dad before they left.
"Y/n, we're gonna get in so much trouble!" Grayson whisper-yelled, watching her lean over in her dress and press the top of the bottle on the jagged wall.
The top had popped off and she giggled before taking a gulp and holding out for him to hold.
"Shh! We'll only get in trouble if we get caught, now take this before I spill it on my dress. My dad will shit his pants if I ruin it."
Grayson took the bottle from her, awkwardly holding it in his hands.
"Take a sip, it's so good!" she told him, her smile wide and her eyes filled with adrenaline.
This was the first time he had seen Y/n in girl clothes and makeup. Her Aunt was in town for her graduation and helped her pick out a dress and did her makeup.
She complained about how the mascara felt weird on he eyelashes, but he thought she looked beautiful.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't always think Y/n was beautiful. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his whole life.
He trusted her with his whole heart too. Took everything she said serious and was so gullible it made Y/n laugh so hard she lost her breath.
He loved her laugh too. Making her laugh was his favorite thing he could do, it was like a super power to him.
Which is why when she caught him staring at her in her puffy dress and little platform heels, his cheeks turned bright red and he couldn't stop himself from putting his lips on hers in a quick peck.
He tasted the Mike's Hard Lemonade on her lips, and she was right... it was good.
So good that the peck lasted longer and longer until Y/n placed her hands against his fiery cheeks he let his hands go numb and the bottle shattered onto the concrete.
She pulled away, quickly opening up her eyes to see how dilated his were.
But then, almost at the same time, both of them turned their heads around the corner to see one of the teachers coming to inspect.
Grayson took her by the wrist and they sprinted around the corner until it was safe to quickly walk back to the ceremony as he was called up on stage.
And there he was, walking across the stage in front of almost a thousand kids and parents with the biggest boner ever as Y/n sat in the crowd, her cheeks red and holding the bottle cap in her palm.
They never talked about it after that.
And that summer, going onto freshman year, Y/n had gotten her first boyfriend... who wasn't Grayson.
His name was Tony, and he was a Sophomore.
Grayson was supportive of their relationship of course, but his little heart broke almost every time he saw them together or every time Y/n brought him up.
After September, he had finally broken up with her because she wouldn't give herself to him. She was heartbroken.
But again, Grayson was there for her. Always.
She never knew why he cared so much, because unlike her father, he didn't give up on her— he didn't tell her how much he loved her and then disappeared to get drunk for days at a time.
She really only had Grayson if were being honest here. Her mother moved out of state when she was little, and shortly after that they moved and she met him.
She knew there was always something there. She just didn't know what was stopping her from doing something about it.
Until tonight.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." Grayson said walking past Brandon to quickly walk up the stairs two at a time.
By now, Y/n was now back at her dorm with a million thoughts cursing her brain.
"What's up with you?" her roommate asked, sitting at her desk while finishing up a project for her class.
"I hate men." Y/n said.
"Same. I'm just saying, girls are so much more fun."
Y/n collapsed on her bed, curling up in her jeans and t-shirt as she spoke her thought out loud.
"Should I go?" she asked to no one in particular.
"Go where?" her roommate asked.
"Graysons having this party tonight at the Alpha Kingdom or whatever and I think I kinda wanna go." she was now sitting up in her bed, watching as she turned around.
"You should go. Why not?"
"Well he had a fucking hissy fit earlier because his roommate or whatever took my phone and that Bryson guy kept texting me and— whatever. He's just being overprotective for no reason & told me to go home."
"But I low-key wanna piss him off s'more."
"You should. You can wear that like skirt thing you got and be all slutty. Plus I met this girl yesterday at the coffee place by the L campus and I think we're gonna..." she gave Y/n a raised eyebrow glare and pointed with her head towards her bed.
"Well first of all, I'm not gonna dress slutty; that's like asking for it. Second of all, T.M.I."
Her roommate scoffed. "It is not asking for it, it's called having confidence and if they take it too far that's on them. I say you wear it."
So that's what Y/n did. She put on that dress she had just bought with the red little cherries printed all over, slid her shoes on after brushing out her hair & sprayed her favorite perfume.
"See, told you." she told her once Y/n had grabbed her phone off her bed and jumped down.
"Yeah see and I even put on those pair of thongs I got too. Look!" Y/n lifted her dress slightly, showing off the dainty piece of material.
She gave her wide eyes before saying, "Don't get pregnant now." as Y/n opened the door.
"Same for you."
When Y/n arrived at the "Alpha Kingdom" she was greeted by the heavy smell of beer and blaring music from outside the front door.
As she entered, she made her way to the kitchen where her and Grayson's altercation took place to grab a red solo cup and fill it with punch.
Just before placing the ladle back into the bowl though, someone was grabbing her arm and dragging her with her cup to a secluded area away from everyone else.
She met his eyes with confusion laced in them.
"Ethan, what the fuck man! You made me spill my drink everywhere!" she told him, looking down at her arm as the red colored drink slightly stained her skin.
"Shh!" he told her, gently placing a hand over her mouth before she stuck her tongue out to retract his fingers.
"What do you want." she was shaking the drink off her while putting the cup in her opposite hand.
"Does Grayson know you're here?"
Her brows were furrowed, and she gave him a look that simply answered his question.
"Just come with me." his hand was gently wrapped around her wrist, now taking her out back where at least a hundred people were scattered about.
"What are you doing? And let go of my hand!" she pulled her wrist away from him harshly and placed both of her hands around her cup.
"Fuck! Where'd he go?! Fuck." Ethan muttered to himself.
"E, what's going on?" now Y/n had a worried pitch in her voice, watching Ethan's eyes as he scanned over the back yard desperately looking for his twin brother.
"This guy. He wants to fuck Grayson up or something." he was running his hands though his hair, looking a frantic mess and acting like he was having a bad trip.
"Are you high?" she asked, quickly watching him snap at her.
"No Y/n I'm not fucking high! I don't want someone to beat the living shit out of Grayson, okay?"
"Have you seen him? He's huge. Plus, why would anyone wanna beat-"
"Because of you okay! Some shit went around that you were with this guy and you cancelled to come hook up with Gray. Now he's pressed and is probably gonna kill us both."
"Wait— who? Who said that? Ethan?"
His head along with almost a hundred others spun around when a loud "Dolan!" was called out from the deck above us.
"Fuck me." he said under his breath.
Bryson made his way down, taking the steps two at a time and skipping the last three to land hard on the grass with his heavy work boots.
"Hey Y/n." he spoke, vial in his tone and liquor on his breath.
Y/n and Ethan stood there both in shock. For two different reasons. Ethan was shitting himself, thinking this was how he was gonna die because he hates conflict; and Y/n thought back to the last three hours catching up to her wondering why she came over in the first place.
"So, this the guy you came to fuck tonight? Because it's certainly not me." a chuckle escaped his lips as he took a few steps closer and now having everyone's attention.
"Look man, we don't wanna start anything. I'm sure whatever's going on can be resolved peacefully, alright?"
Bryson took one look at Ethan before retracting his eyes back to her.
The crowd was starting to form around them and soon peoples phones were pulled out filming every second.
"What do you want, Bryson." It wasn't a question, but a statement.
"I just came for the show. You know."
Y/n scoffed at him, brushing the hair away from her face.
He took a deep breath in, now interacting with the crowd that was formed and made eye contact with a few people.
"Y/n can be kind of a slut—" the ooh's and small gasps got him willed up, so he continued. "Don't get me wrong, girls who dress slutty and act it in the bedroom is hot... but when you go to a study session and she begs to suck your dick in the library; see, that's I guess that's just the price you pay when you go to school with the Y/n Y/l/n."
"Dude—" Ethan tried stepping in now, getting in front of Y/n and looking Bryson dead in the eyes. "Don't be a fucking dick."
"Don't act like I'm wrong. Well all know she's a slut! Just look at her!"
Everyone's eyes were shifted upward, looking past Bryson to see Grayson standing by himself in a white plane T-shirt with a green olive jacket on top some jeans.
His tall shadow was standing behind Bryson, causing him to turn around and now face him but he couldn't even get a single word out before Grayson took his balled up fist and forced it against his jaw.
In seconds he and Grayson both were on the floor while Bryson took multiple punches to his face as Y/n's screams for him to stop muffled out.
How dare he say something like that about Y/n? How could he say that to her when she's such an angel? Did she really do that in the library?
The questions were sprinting around in Grayson's head as he took punch after punch to Bryson before the ringing in his ears faded away.
"Grayson! Stop, please!" Y/n's desperate scratchy screams were loud enough to where he looked up at her only for him to be pressed up against the grass.
Bryson was punching Grayson now, and with all his 175 pounds on him, Ethan and some random guy was holding him up and had his arms behind his back.
Grayson stood— only with a bloody nose, split lip, some some small bruising around his eye and both of their blood on his knuckles.
He spit blood out onto the grass, looking around into the crowd —including Y/n— and walked inside while shaking his hands as if they were wet.
Back in the kitchen, Grayson had placed the frozen carrots on his hand and let his head fall between his shoulders over the sink.
He felt her presence approaching, the familiar smell she carried around with her everywhere. "What the fuck was that about Grayson!" she screamed, stomping in the room with her eyes staring at him hard.
"Nothing Kid." his jaw was clenching. He was about to explode again.
"Nothing?! That was nothing!" she was already gone. God, why did she even come in the first place?
"I told you to go home." his eyes were digging into her and he placed his finger to his lip to wipe the blood away before he disappeared up the stairs.
Y/n was about to be death of him.
"You can't just ignore me!" Y/n said while banging on Graysons bedroom door after repeatedly trying to turn the nob.
Inside the four walls Grayson had trapped himself in, he was alone with his thoughts and Y/n desperate to come in and give him company.
Then there were four knocks on his door. The same four knocks they did when they wanted to apologize to one another in 8th grade but we're too ashamed to say the words aloud.
It was their only promise they held to this day. Which is one of the only reasons Grayson sighed heavily and opened up the door for her.
He closed the door behind her, now both of them standing in awkward silence.
Y/n's eyes were glued to her feet while Graysons were softly looking at her in all her glory.
As mad as he was, and the fact that he was breathing hard from his nose to subside how much he wanted to finish Bryson off, when his eyes fell on Y/n he was in awe.
He hadn't noticed how nice she was dressed until now. With a soft white dress, curled hair, and her favorite sneakers that didn't quite match. It made him chuckle.
Her eyes were on him. "What?" she asked, placing her arms across her chest.
"No, what. Now you have to tell me."
Grayson shook his head in disapproval.
"C'mon Blue, I tell you everything!"
Her words stung him like a bee, because she could see his jaw tense up again and walk away from her.
"Just like when you told me you didn't have a boyfriend?"
"So this is what that was about? Because he is and never will be my boyfriend— or anything remotely like that, ever."
"But you still sucked his dick in the library? See, Y/n I don't understand you sometimes. You can be the nicest girl i've known since we were 13, or the complete opposite."
He was inching closer to her now, his vile words building up to protect himself from slipping his biggest secret.
"Why are you being such a dick! So what if I did?! It's none of you're business anyway. You're so protective Grayson... so manipulative and controlling. You spend all you're time worried about me you can take one second to see what you've done. For fucks sake you just beat the living hell out of some kid in your backyard!"
"He was harassing you!"
"He was drunk. And so are you? How much have you had to drink? Huh?!"
"This isn't about me— it's about the fact that—"
"It's about me! Always my fault, isn't it?! It was my fault I got us in trouble in middle and high school, my fault I caused you to almost lose you're scholarship... is it my fault my dad was a drunk and used to beat me?!" she shoved his chest, causing him to stumble backward a little.
"I never said that." he sighed.
"No but you've thought about it. C'mon admit it! You've once thought about how I could have ruined you're big dreams. And now you wouldn't be here now right?" another shove to his chest.
And that's when Grayson is pressing Y/n against his bedroom door, his hands surround her cheeks and her arms fall to her sides only to be gently placed against his torso seconds later.
They were so close. So close just like the time they kissed in the back of the Gymnasium when they were younger. Her lips were the same to him, still holding onto that Mike's Hard Lemonade, but this time it was more fruity due to the punch Y/n had drank.
But to Y/n it was different. It was so different.
She was taken back almost six years to when she took that lemonade from her Dad's outside fridge and got so much shit later that because he found the bottle cap on her dresser.
She never regretted it though. She felt alive, being rebellious, being secretive and her adrenaline pumping through her veins. She haven't felt the same since... until now.
Grayson opened his eyes, slowly pulling apart and watching her eyes flutter open to look up at him.
"Gray..." he was scared of what she might say next.
"You're drunk." her voice was soft, but it still cut into him like butter and he pulled his hands away from her and took a step back to sit on his bed.
"I'm drunk? That's all I am Kid! Because last time I checked I was in love with you." his mouth formed the sentence and spit it out before he even had a chance to think it over in his head.
"Grayson..." Y/n was still against the door, too afraid if she moved he'd have her back where she was.
"Do you realize how long I've liked you for?! Go on ahead I wanna hear what you have to say." the tone in his voice was something she had never heard before.
"The first day I met you Y/n! The second I laid my eyes on you I- I- I had this feeling in my stomach- butterflies. That never happens. Ever. And you know what else?"
She stood there with her arms pinned to her side waiting for him to speak again.
"You'd always flirt with me, all the time. Do you remember that? Remember all those times in the library when you'd drag me down an empty hall and hold my hand until class was over? Or after school when we went to the park and you convinced me to write on the playground? I even wrote our initials under the slide!" he took a deep breath in before he stood up and started pacing the room.
"Oh yeah! And the endless times we would skip class to hid in the locker room and take people's locks and switch them around! You did that shit to me all the time Y/n! And I let it happen..."
"It's not like that," her voice was just a whimper compared to his.
"It's not like that?! What is it like then? You fucking led me on all the time for years and I still stuck around because you're Dad was a drunk and I was the only friend you had and I liked you so much it wouldn't even matter if I wanted to leave!"
"And when you kissed me, behind the Gym at our graduation, I went home and looked at rings because I was so delusional that I thought I'd marry you." Grayson's hands came up to ruffle through his hair, and the tears had started to form in his eyes before he could do anything about it.
"Will you please just listen me to me!" she had raised her voice now, her hands talking with her while her eyes locked with his.
"I like you Blue. I just- it's complicated."
"Right. Because you don't like me like that. Right?"
Y/n sighed. Both of them were too fucked up to be having this conversation right now. "No, because I'm fucking scared! Okay?! You're the only man in my life who hasn't treated me like absolute shit and- and what happens if we do this? Then what? I lose you too? Jesus Grayson do you ever think about anything through before you just go on a rampage?"
"Y/n, just shut up." and that's when Grayson's hands were pressed hard against her cheeks, pulling her close enough to feel him through his jeans.
Y/n still didn't know how it had happened, how they had gone from fighting to her being pressed up against his twin-sized bed in his room with him between her legs.
He hovered over her with his hands on either sides of her face while they locked the eye contact with silent consent.
Grayson's hands found Y/n's waist and slide down slowly until both of his hands were holding her legs open.
"Lift your dress Kid." he said, and she could feel his breath against her clothed clit while doing as he said quickly.
His hands rubbed slowly on her smooth thighs while he watched her do as he said before he pulled the dainty, thin piece of fabric Y/n was wearing to the side.
While doing so, Y/n's breathing caught in her throat to the touch of his rather large fingers grazing against her.
She was nervous, but the adrenaline she craved took over and followed every order that was asked of her.
There was another moment of consent, and that small nod was all Grayson needed as his tongue came in contact with Y/n's wet core.
He started off slow, trying to see how long it would take before she was begging for more, asking him: "Please, Blue... please."
The thought of it made him groan as he felt himself grow in his jeans that caused them to fit a bit more tight.
"Oh," Y/n moaned as Grayson made eye contact with her, just to pick up his pace.
He could hear the light taps on his comforter, and so he took it as another sign until she was slightly arching her back due to his work between her sweet folds.
He didn't realize he was burying himself in her until he loosened his grip on her thighs and stopped quickly to get a breath of air.
But Y/n's breathing was a bit harder now, and she croaked out a small "Gray," to beg him to continue.
But that's not what he wanted to hear. Blue.
His right hand let go of her leg, only to reach down and lightly trace along her silky folds to her pearl. "Hm?"
Y/n reached forward a bit at the sudden touch, and he found two of his fingers slowly dancing around her small numb that made her beg.
"Ple... please," she breathed out feeling him between her with a playful look on his face just knowing he'd get her to say it.
"Pleaseeee, what?" he mocked, opening his fingers just slightly to find her small, tight opening.
Grayson's mouth was just near an inch away from her core as he blew cold air into it making Y/n squirm just to have him grip onto her thigh.
"Gray," Y/n had a hard time finishing her train of thought before he had taken the two fingers and slid them into her wetness as they disappeared in her.
She gasped now, gripping onto his bed sheets and pulling her brows together to help keep the moan in.
She could fight it for as long as she could, but if he kept doing this to her, the whole neighborhood would know what they were up to.
Once again Grayson sped up, now moving his fingers in and out of Y/n while also swirling his tongue around her numb before kind of kissing sloppily and mixing the fluids around slightly.
"Fuck," she said, trying for reach for him as he moved her hand away.
"Say it Kid, go on." Grayson continued while he waited, listening to the sound of fingering his best friend.
And there were the magic words. "Blue, please... shit,"
This time Y/n successfully reached up for him, grabbing onto his brown locks and pulling him close to her core and using both hands to hold her still.
Grayson's mouth was open against her, and when he heard her screech as he felt her legs start to shake, he knew he was doing something right.
This continued, and he loved the sounds that he made her make, and he was nearly coming to his breaking point when he heard one last moan and felt the warmth on his chin.
He took a small collection of Y/n with his tongue and pulled her even loser while she whined and breathed heavy, her grip on his hair still strong.
Once she finally let go of Gray, and before he could even say a word to her, she said: "Fuck me Grayson."
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
i randomly remembered when enzo broke his arm around a year ago, i know it sounds mean but could you possibly do one of mac/maya doing the same (nothing major to cause it)
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"It's okay." Amy hears herself repeat the phrase for probably the hundredth time now. "It's okay." It's probably supposed to calm them all down, all three adults and one little crying, screaming boy in the car, but it's barely working.
"It's not!" Jake hisses into her direction, the fear and panic and worry in his eyes more than obvious as he clutches Mac's head against his shoulder some more, tightens the grip around his back.
"It's gonna be, though." Rosa says from the driver's seat in front - she was clearly the calmest of all of them after what happened, so she'd grabbed Amy's purse, pulled their car keys out of it, and then pushed all three of them into the backseat before starting the car. And now she was making her way to the emergency wing of the hospital at about 15mp/h higher than allowed in the inner city. "The arm's broken, but not in a bad way. It's gonna heal."
"How can a bone break in a good way?" Asks the man who once stated that as long as his blood was still inside him, things were obviously good. Mac starts wailing a little louder in his arms.
"You're stressing him out." Rosa states, matter-of-fact, before slowing down just a little before a right turn so the kid in Jake's arms doesn't get jostled too much.
"It hurt." Mac sniffles and looks over at Amy with the reddest, most tear-filled eyes she's ever seen, and it takes a lot not to cry with him.
"It's gonna be okay, peanut. The doctors like uncle Jorge are going to fix it." She tries to calm him, and maybe Jake a little bit, who nods and scratches through Mac's hair like he does when he's trying to lull him into sleep.
They make it to the emergency room in record time, frankly, and if Rosa's rushed past some traffic lights and speed radars, Amy's not going to complain once the tickets come in the mail.
A bored-looking nurse informs them that there’s only enough space for one parent in the room during the x-ray and the cast and treatment, and Jake wants to debate for the first time in his life, because that’s obviously bullshit, but Amy puts a hand on his arm and then lifts Mac out of them.
“Sit with Rosa”, she says in that voice she’s started using after Mac, that mom-voice that’s always right, “Calm down, and we’ll be back before you know it. And it’s all going to be fine.”
She’s off with the crying toddler and nurse before Jake can really protest, and Rosa is already sitting in a corner of the waiting area, so he drops down next to her instead and buries his head in his hands.
“Dude, you’re blowing this out of proportion. Kids hurt themselves all the time. He’s gonna bounce back like always.”
“I broke his arm, Rosa.”
There’s a beat of silence between them as the weight of that statement settles. Rosa gives up her nonchalant pose to lean forward as well, trying to get into Jake’s field of vision, but it’s kinda hard when he’s staring down onto the floor.
“You did not.” She hisses. “Jake, you didn’t. He fell. He was climbing. It happens.”
“I helped him up on that tower, he’s too little for it-”
“It’s on the playground, he was gonna go for it eventually-”
“I was right next to him-”
“So were Amy and I-”
“You were talking-”
“So at least you were paying better attention-”
“I coulda grabbed him, I shoulda-”
“You did what you could, immediately and without question. It’s not your fault the kid drops faster than a cannonball.” Rosa ends their little squabble, and the old lady across them lets out a little harrumph, but Rosa shoots her the deadliest glare she can muster, which means a lot. “You were over there in a flash, Jake, I’ve never seen you move so fast.”
“Wasn’t fast enough. Wasn’t good enough.” He mumbles into his hands, rubbing across his face and his hair that’s already a mess. Rosa watches him for a moment, and calculates. Pieces together the evidence, like she does as a detective, and comes to a solution that most people probably won’t like, but those usually get her results.
“Do you want to leave?” She asks, and he looks at her like she’s grown a second head. “Amy’s got it under control, she told you. It’s probably gonna take a while, anyway, we can dip out for a drink to calm down and come back and they’ll be none the wiser.”
“Are you insane?!” Jake hisses back now, giving her exactly the reaction she’d expected. “I’m not going to leave my son in the hospital to go to a bar-”
He stops and stares at her, and it seems like his own detective brain is finally catching up with his panicked dad brain, because he sees what she’s doing. So she nods.
“You’re still good. You’re still better.” She says, and they don’t need to mention who he’s better than. It was the first of his stories that he told her, after he hurt something in his wrist at the academy - how that wrist never really healed right anyway, not since he was 5 and Bobby Linder drove over it with his tricycle by accident and his mom had to rush him to the hospital and his dad asked ‘what is that?’ with beer on his breath when he showed him the cast later. They’d known each other for barely a month back then, and Rosa was still refusing to think of anyone as her friend, but the way he’d looked at his wrist in its bandage and smiled the most broken smile she’d ever seen had set something off in her head. Something that yelled Protect at her every time he mentioned his dad later, something that made her threaten Roger Peralta with one of her knives after their graduation when Jake was in the bathroom ‘real quick’, but she knew he was hiding in there so no one could see his hands shake. Good thing Rosa never gave a damn about going into the men’s toilets anyway, because she sure as hell went after him when Roger had dipped out as usual.
She watches Jake’s tense shoulders drop with another sigh.
“Being better doesn’t make me good. That bar is set so fucking low.”
“I’m not having this entire discussion with you again, Peralta. We’ve been through this way too many times anyway. You. are. a. good. dad. One accident doesn’t change that.”
“Okay.” He nods, and she can tell he’s trying to imprint her words into his brain, so she continues.
“Mac’s going to hurt himself, and others are going to hurt him, and things are gonna go bad sometimes. You’ll probably be back here in the hospital a few times, considering how much he seems to love danger. And it’s going to be okay, just like Amy said, because you’re going to be there, and you’ll help him through it, and take care of him while he heals.”
“Yeah.” He nods again, and Rosa leans closer to him some more, and finally gets into his field of vision.
“And you’re not going to even think, for one second, that you could be anywhere as bad of a father as that piece of shit. And you’re not going to believe, whatever anyone says, that Mac doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you as a dad.”
He nods a third time, and she remembers how he jokingly told her once, after a few drinks, that the little screaming voice of conscience in his head always alternates between either Amy’s voice or her voice. She hopes she’s given him some new tracks to replay if he needs to.
“Thank you, Rosa.” He says, and leans back in the most uncomfortable chair either of them have sat in, and they’ve both been to prison. He tilts over when she leans back too, lands his head on her shoulder, and she doesn’t shrug him off for once. She can have a soft spot for the Santiago-Peraltas when no one else is there to see, she supposes.
“You looked like you wanted to punch out that nurse.” She says with a quick grin, and hears him snort.
“Was thinking about it. Not enough space for two parents, what kind of bullshit is that?!”
“You couldn’t throw a proper punch anyway.”
“Hey, I know how to hit people. I trained to do it just as much as you.”
They share a giggle as the exhaustion and stress of the last hour flows out of them, and the old lady across them seems mildly shocked rather than annoyed by now, but who cares.
Amy comes back with Mac in her arms an hour later, and they’re both all smiles. Mac sports an impressive new sticker collection on his shirt, and a lollipop that’s painting his lips orange. (Amy’s have a slight tint to them as well.)
The cast on his arm is bright green, and he carefully lifts it to show Jake as he switches from his Mama’s arms into his. (Jake had jumped up from his chair so fast he almost threw Rosa, who was also getting up, to the ground.)
“Like ninja!” he says around the lollipop, and Amy wipes a bit of spit away before it can drop on Jake’s shirt.
“Yeah, just like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, buddy.” Jake nods because of course he understands his kid’s train of thought better than anyone else, and kisses Mac’s temple, stays there a second longer for that perfect toddler scent, even as it’s mixed with hospital disinfectant and playground mud.
“Look, RoRo!” Mac yells into his ear and leans over to show Rosa as well. “Turtle shell!”
“That’s pretty cool, dude.” Aunt RoRo answers as she inspects the cast to see if it’s well done or if she has to go back there and punch out a nurse herself. “Let’s get you three home.” She says after concluding that the cast is acceptable enough to let the poor hospital workers alone.
She was planning to drop them off, park their car and then head for the precinct where her bike is waiting for her, but Amy invited her up for some coffee for ‘her nerves’, and Jake offered dinner as a thanks, and Mac absolutely needed to show her the new toy he got in that package from abuela, and then suddenly she’s on a playmat on the floor for an hour after Chinese takeout and pretending to be a Ninja Tortoise or whatever. That soft spot is gonna be more trouble than it’s worth, she thinks for a second before Mac smiles at her as his Jedi figure shoots lasers at her turtle doll, and immediately realises it’s worth so much more than any trouble. Mac looks at his cast a little worried, whenever he thinks no one is watching him, and god, could he be any more like his dad? At least she and Amy already have a good instructions booklet on how to handle him, in that case.
“That green cast is pretty cool.” She says when she catches him look once more. “But you know what would make it even cooler? Drawings.”
“Drawies? On my arm?”
“Yeah, buddy. We can draw on it with a sharpie.”
He’s up and running to Amy, asking for a sharpie, in no time at all and yep, he is just as easily distracted as his dad. Mac grins wide and unworried now as he climbs on Jake’s lap on the couch, asks Amy to draw something when she returns with a set of markers, calls Rosa over to draw something too.
Amy does a little bear, his favourite animal at the moment. Rosa does a rocket ship and a pirate ship, the two best ships in the world, as they both agree. Jake does a Ninja Turtle cartoon face yelling PIZZA!, which is obviously Mac’s absolute favourite the moment it’s done.
When Jake wants to cap the Sharpie after his work of art, Mac grabs his hand and pulls it back down. “Steady, peanut. Don’t wanna scribble over Aunt RoRo’s cool ship, right?” He says with a grin over to her as she rolls her eyes. Mac’s already tried to cover several walls, most of his storytime books, and the kitchen table with his drawings as soon as he’s handed any sort of writing tool, so Jake won’t let go of the marker just to be safe, but he does let Mac’s little hand guide his big one as he makes him draw a wonky heart, right on the cast over the back of his hand, and then places a kiss on the same place on Jake’s hand.
You’re not going to believe, whatever anyone says, that Mac doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you as a dad the little Rosa voice in Jake’s head repeats as he smiles at her, and she actually smiles back.
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opheliasbrokenmind · 4 years
heartbreaker - tommy shelby
hiiii, i’m back on my obsession with this man... i was going to write something short but then i couldn’t control myself and this happened. let me know your thoughts, feedback is always welcomed <3 
and idk what kind of writing is this, since i find it hard & scary to write a full one shot but i know this isn’t a hc or drabble as well, i only hope you enjoy it :)) and i’m free for three weeks and i’m waiting for your tommy requests as always
gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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being the most reckless teenage girl in small heath, it wasn’t a surprise you hung out with the blue-eyed princess, ada shelby
it all started when you were barely ten, going to the same school
soon you were sharing a desk and tons of laughs
even the teachers failed to make you silent. if they tried to separate you two, you’d cause a huge mess in the classroom
spending time at shelbys after a long school day, chatting all afternoon in her room, ada complaining about her brothers and you giggling at her words
one day you laid your hands on a book and it was it, you were telling stories to ada all day long
you started talking about how small the small heath really was, a tiny world which you decided to leave the first chance you got
then you were fifteen, a young soul with wildness, searching for every kind of trouble possible 
ada on your arm, going on dates with boys you knew from school, sneaking out all the time
but ada wasn’t the same, thanks to her overprotective brothers. they believed you were a bad influence for her but your souls were bonded
and that never stopped john from taking you out a night, getting you a drink and kissing your lips 
you weren’t looking for a strong relationship and neither did he so it was just a few days and a few more kisses, none of the family members knowing it - or you both thought that
you were hanging out with a boy for a few months, then you were over it in a day. next week, you were going to pictures with another guy, laughing and enjoying your life
ada insisted you spent many nights with her, you girls talking about everything and by the time you were seventeen, you thought her older brother tommy looked quite good
one night you woke up, walking downstairs to have a glass of water and there he was, sipping tea in the middle of the night
‘what are you doing, tom?’ you asked, your eyes still trying to adjust to the light as you frowned, wondering if something was wrong
‘i’m thinking. care to join me for a cup of tea?’ he suggested and well, who were you to say no?
you took the chair next to him and watched him bringing you a cup and pouring you hot tea. the view seemed and felt too regular to you, you’ve seen him doing the same for his siblings for thousand times
just before you reached for the sugar, he leaned forward and put the exact amount of sugar you used. you didn’t say anything as he looked at you, you watched his fingers holding the hot cup, knuckles almost white
‘what are you thinking?’ you asked shyly, you weren’t so close with him unlike other shelbys. john was a friend, arthur was like a brother but tommy? you didn’t know what was he to you
he was the brother who tried to keep ada on the line and you were the distracter. the young, reckless friend filled with passion for everything. you were excited about books, boys and anything life had to offer you
‘the war, the soldiers’ he said like he was talking about the weather
‘what? you’re not thinking about going there, are you?’ you frowned immediately, leaning in to look directly into his eyes
‘i don’t know, feels like i should be there like the other boys’ he said the truth and you grabbed his wrist, an annoyed look plastered on your face ‘are you serious? don’t act like a fool, tom’
his name sounded harsh on your lips, like the times he spotted you and ada at the pub, taking you back home as you resisted. even though he was seven years older than you, you were never afraid to say his name as you wished
‘do you think it’s a joke, y/n?’ he asked, his blue orbs focused on you, ignoring your glued fingers on his arm
‘your family needs you here, not in a shithole in france. you’ll go there and what? that’ll prove something to the people? or you’ll end up as a man with no grave? leaving these people here just with pain?’ you hissed, glaring at him as you let go of his arm
‘you speak like i don’t care about them. i want to protect this country so they’ll be safe’ he explained calmly
‘you can’t leave them’ you said but it came out as a whisper, you almost said ‘us’ instead of ‘them’. tommy watched you staring at the tea and he tried to guess what was going on inside your head
‘as if you like me, y/n’ he faked a smile in an attempt to cheer you a bit but it only made you angrier, ‘fuck you, tom’ you hoped he didn’t see the blush rising to your cheeks and turned your head away from him
‘that’s not what you’ve said to john, huh?’ he couldn’t control the words so when you heard him, your lips parted with surprise. ‘i don’t have to defend myself to you, that was two years ago’
‘i saw you two, then you broke his heart’ he let it out and you didn’t know what to say, ‘it wasn’t something serious and that was before martha, he looks very happy now’
‘that’s just what you do, right? breaking hearts and moving on’ his words caught you off guard and you thought he was trying to change the war subject. if he wanted to argue, you were up for it
‘it’s not my problem if boys are that fragile. maybe they should, you know, grow up’ you said simply, waiting for another smart answer
‘grow up and what, break your heart?’ he asked back and you found yourself smiling, ‘oh, no. i’m the heartbreaker here. they should look for a girl who’ll marry them and stand them’
‘wise words for a little girl’ he said as he smiled, a real one this time. ‘little girl? i’m almost eighteen and i remember, your girlfriend isn’t too older than me’ with the mention of greta, his smile fell off and you could tell something was wrong
‘what’s wrong, is she okay?’ you asked and waited impatiently for an answer. ‘she’s sick, i-’ he stopped and shook his head slowly, ‘i don’t know what to do, she’s not getting better, just worse and.. her parents don’t let me see her’
‘i’m so sorry’ you managed to say and when he looked at you, he knew you meant it. ‘why didn’t you tell....’ you were going to ask if the other shelbys knew but it sounded ridiculous in your head
‘i don’t know how to. whatever, i shouldn’t have told you, too’
‘you know, i’m not your enemy. yet it looks like you’re searching for more, huh?’ he was thinking of an answer but you weren’t waiting for one, you got up and walked to the stairs, leaving him with his thoughts
that was the last time tommy saw you, you disappeared for the next days and soon he found out from ada, your aunt passed away and you moved to london with your mom
unlike her shy, sweet sister greta, kitty jurossi was outgoing and she happened to be a friend of a friend of yours. before you left for london, you managed to persuade your mother to go and speak to her family
with that, tommy shelby was allowed to stand by his first love and hold her hand for three months until she closed her eyes and never opened them again
days after her funeral, he’d learn the reason why her parents let him stay with her. then he signed up for war, leaving without looking back. in the end, there was nothing for him to stay
meanwhile, you were discovering the london, meeting with new people and trying not to think of small heath. of course, you were missing your best friend but ada and you both knew you’d escape the small town with the first chance you got
ada’s response to your letter arrived months later, letting you know greta was dead and the shelby men were in france, fighting for the king
it made you sick for days, unfamiliar nausea bothering you all day, making your whole body ache. you were worried for the shelby men you grew up with and for the women waiting for their family
the war continued mercilessly and at some point you even thought about writing the boys a letter but you didn’t know what to say after leaving them without a word
then it was all over. ada wrote to you, telling you they all returned yet everything was different now. the way tommy turned and the lack of sincerity in john’s smiles. he used to laugh, you thought
you were living on your own in london when you got another letter from ada, it was bad news. apparently freddie was dead, which made you cry on the carpet on your hallway, remembering the boy ada used to talk about years ago. ‘now it’s just me and karl, y/n. i’m leaving this hell, probably coming to london’
but she forgot to give you a new address and you never dared to write to shelbys, asking about ada. you guessed they didn’t hear from her as well, since she left with a broken heart and rage
one day you couldn’t find a book at the bookshop so you made your way to the library, looking for a worker to help you. there she was, the best friend you ever had
‘ada?’ you asked and it was it, you were reunited. spending days talking about everything that happened after you left with lots of hugs, glasses of wine and cups of tea
you started to spend most of the week at her house and of course, karl loved you. it was as if you never parted away, you were happy again
she learned you were continuing your career as a heartbreaker with londoners. ‘heartbreaker, huh? is there anyone nowadays, y/n sweetheart?’
‘oh no, i used to hang around with a writer. he was saying i was his muse all the time and you know, it’s nice to hear things like that. then he left the fucking country, saying he wasn’t productive with all the noise in the city’
‘someone sounds angry’ she teased and you laughed, ‘i was but i don’t care much. i mean, i couldn’t leave here and move to the countryside, raising chickens. i need the wildness in this crazy city’
soon you were going to the parties together, good looking men and booze surrounding you all the time
it was your birthday when you went to have dinner at a nice restaurant, then met with your other friends in a nightclub
you would say both of you could handle your drinks but when it was almost midnight, you thought ‘fuck it, we can mess for once’ then the rest of it was a little bit blurry
you could remember the girls dropping you to ada’s flat and ada going to her room. you lit a cigarette and once it was finished, you thought how soft was the carpet at the living room. even it was an uncomfortable surface, you slept like a baby
that’s why you didn’t hear the knock on the door. then with a little force, it opened. thomas shelby walked in, cursing underneath his breath 
he stepped in and saw a body laying on the ground, a woman, wearing a short silk dress and tommy walked to her with fear, his heartbeat quickening
then he realised it was you, after all those years. you were breathing, thank god. so he gently shook you, ‘y/n’ your name sounded like a pray on his lips
you sighed and opened your eyes slowly, only to see a man kneeling beside you and that man happened to have a face of a ghost from your past, tommy shelby himself
‘tom?’ you asked and you thought it didn’t feel real. ‘i’m still that drunk, huh?’ you chuckled softly but when you looked again, he was still there
‘it’s not a dream, y/n. i’m here and i see, you haven’t changed, not even a bit’ he sounded kinda angry, frustrated because the state he found you in
you frowned and watched him, ‘and here i was, thinking i got prettier’ he rolled his eyes but soon enough you were both smiling
‘you are’ he let it out and you stared at him, ‘that means i wasn’t pretty back then?’ this time his smile was wider, ‘i didn’t say that’ it was surprising you both, you were talking like you weren’t strangers now
it was weird yet comforting, familiar just like the last time you spoke, years ago. you could see he was a man now, a beautiful one with hands covered with blood you couldn’t see
and there you were, he thought. still a heartbreaker with an angel’s face
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