#and this news was sooooooooo abrupt?? like hello????
legowolas · 29 days
Nintendo is discontinuing Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, and I'm so upset :((((
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
Hello love~ May I request a cat hybrid au! With Hyungwon? Idk why but I'm obsessed with cat Hyungwon right now omg. Oh and if you need a story line... how about You're walking out late at night and hear a loud sound from an alley and being curious you walk in and see a large tail which you think is somehow a regular Cat and HW jumps on you and scares you but he runs away and then you see him in a more normal form on the street and chase him blah blah blah lol I hope that's enough info! Thanks!
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a/n: omg hiiii! yeah sure thing! i hope you like this and ehehehe this is pretty interesting and fun to like to be honest! 8-) Thank you so much for requesting this @ketchuptae ! :-) I hope you like it!!
hyungwon cathybridau!
it has been a stressful day 
and the last thing that you could ever wish for is to take a breather 
from all the workload that you’ve been dealing with for the past few days
soOooOoooo!! you decided to take a walk….
late at night since that’s how you roll….. i guess??
sO aNyways! 
you made your way to the nearest convenience store to get yourself some ice cream
in the middle of your smol journey, you heard some noise from the alley just 5 meters away from you
and being the curious cat i mean person that you are, you carefully made your way to the alley and stood there
only to narrow your eyes at this large tail wagging 
like it’s just 5 meters away from you
oh! it must be a stray cat! looks normal….. since cats have huge tails right???
you innocently thought
until this guy came jumping on you, making the two of you fall hard on the ground
the moment you got the chance to see his face, you were flabbergasted and scared at the same time
but before you could even speak up, the guy went running away from you 
which had you bewildered when you saw that he was a normal guy…..
intrigued by his……. appearance, you decided to chase him….
only to end up with you tripping on your own foot
“oH freAkInG cheesebUrgers!!!” 
and that was enough to catch the attention of the man cat
yes, man cat
he came to an abrupt stop and looked behind him, only to see you face flat on the ground
he felt bad actually… well, not really.
quietly hiding behind this lamp post, he watches you get up and heave out a sigh
showing that you’ve completely given up on the thought of going after him
since you literally scraped your knee and elbow 
you dragged your whole body into the convenience store 
and immediately bought a pack of some rubbing alcohol and some bandages to patch up those scrape
grabbing a strawberry milk on the go, you paid for the said items and went out of the convenience store
plopping the things that you’ve bought on the table prepped outside of the store
you were in pain to notice the pair of cat eyes staring at you in a distance
what is she doing???
when you finally got all those wounds patched up, you poked the straw onto your carton of strawberry milk 
and was about to take a sip when you saw in the corner of your eyes
the figure of that man cat 
slowly turning your head towards its(???) direction, you raised a brow and asked
“you want some? *offers the milk towards him*”
the man cat kind of hesitates but then nods his head after giving it some thought
however, the man cat didn’t show any signs of going towards you nor leaving his spot in the first place
which resulted in you standing up from your seat and walking towards him with ease
“here, drink up. *offers the strawberry milk to the man cat*”
“*looks up to you and just stares at you*”
“*sighs* it’s okay, i won’t bite or anything. *carefully grabs his hand and places the milk in his hand* i’m [y/n].”
“*looks down at the strawberry milk*”
“well… i guess… you won’t talk to me tho… but i hope you’ll enjoy that drink. bye, man cat or cat man.”
you just kind of walk away since you knew that he wouldn’t be giving you any response
and besides, it’s already getting late 
your whole walk back to your apartment was kind of depressing
because you kind of got your hopes up in befriending a cat
well, a man cat to be exact
“just give it up, [y/n], at least you gave that man cat a drink right?”
you tried to cheer yourself up but just couldn’t…
since you somehow grew intrigued and curious about him
and who in the world would ever get the chance to meet a man with a cat tail in this time??? 
well, you did but you just messed it up—
“…wOaAHH there– you almost gave me a heart attack.”
the man cat somehow followed you and decided to appear right in front of you
and he was clearly sipping on the straw, enjoying the sweetness of the strawberry milk dancing through his taste buds
you couldn’t help but wonder why he was there
when in fact he didn’t even want to talk to you 
and he even RAN away when he saw you
“i thought–”
“it’s finished… *hands you the empty carton of strawberry milk*”
“-____-…. ohkay….. that’s good….”
and with that, the man cat then leaves 
or so you thought
you decided to wrap up everything and go to sleep as soon as you got in your room
morning finally came and you stretched your aching limbs and greeted the sun with a frown
“oh, it’s morning– wait… hOW DID YOU GET INTO MY ROOM?!”
the man cat was lying down on your bed, balled up with his huge tail tucked in somewhere in his body
his eyes slowly opened, his pupils getting dilated as the sun immediately meets his eyes
“through your balcony..”
your head immediately turned to the right and saw your balcony door open
“but why are you here?”
“i’m your new pet.”
“my new wHAT?!”
“you don’t know what a pet is? *sigh* i thought i found a smart–”
“i know what ‘pet’ means but who are you to make such decision?”
“i am hyungwon and i am your pet- wait no, scratch that, i’m your new master and you’ll be my pet.”
knowing that you wouldn’t be able to retort to any of his answers, you decided to just let it be and go with the flow
and that is actually the reason how you’ve gotten so attached to hyungwon
ever since that day, hyungwon and you just clicked despite how opposite both of your personalities are
like for example
that one time when you finally got a week off from your work and knowing the person that you are
hyungwon has already ordered tons of takeouts 
by the minute you stepped foot in your apartment
and he used your card to pay for all of it
“well, i have a good reason for buying all of these take outs.”
“go on.”
“we’ll be having a movie marathon to commemorate your week off.”
“you do have a point..”
“so, what are you waiting for, come on and get your butt here on the couch, wait no, i’ll be taking up all the couch, you get the floor.”
but let’s be real, that night was a blast despite your bank account crying from all the money that’s been used to pay for all the take outs
you didn’t have much of a problem in finishing a couple of the take outs since hyungwon already started munching on them before you even got home
and throughout the movie marathon, hyungwon already had your hands making up to his hair, making your pet him by running your fingers through his brown locks
when you felt him crawl up to your bed and squeeze himself beside you since you’re his favorite person (such a miracle) 
well, it has been like that always, he’d always take up all the space when it’s already time to sleep
but anyways, enough with this examples examples
back to reality!!!
finally, you’ve gotten a promotion and that promotion gave you the chance to finally have the time to spend more time with hyungwon
whenever you had work during the day, 
you’d either be gone before hyungwon wakes up 
or be home really late, only to have a couple of minutes to have some catching up with hyungwon
“guess what hyungwon, i’ve got a promotion–”
*ding dong!*
“oh? who might that be?”
“that’s weird, you rarely get any visitors– *ears perks up when he hears a small mewl from the hallway*”
“minhyuk! come in, come in and who might this be?”
“this is chim chim, jooheon’s kitten.”
“my, isn’t she a beauty? but why do you even have jooheon’s kitten?”
“well– omo, you have a guy living with you?”
minhyuk comes to an abrupt stop and sees hyungwon glaring at him
but then minhyuk didn’t seem to notice the glares that hyungwon was shooting at him
nor did he notice hyungwon’s tails
nor his beautiful cat like eyes and maybe the cute fangs
“oh, minhyuk, i want you to meet hyungwon my p–”
“hyungwon *stands up and offers minhyuk a hand* nice to meet you.”
“ohohoho, nice to meet you too. *shakes hyungwon’s hand*”
“he’s not my boy–”
“there’s no need in denying, [y/n], ahihihi. anyways, i was just passing by to give you this cactus to congratulate you on your promotion.”
and with that, minhyuk left with a big goofy smile on his face since he has some juicy story to tell the boys
but then you’re left with hyungwon, who is currently sulking
since his favorite hooman never told him about a boy named lE3 m1nhYuk
“what was that for, hyungwon?”
“*ignores you*”
and that’s the start of your first fight with your man cat
“geez, now you’re the one who’s ignoring me??? ?aFt3r $p0ut1nG oUt lIE$?!?!?!”
“*continues to ignore you and goes to the corner of the couch, curled up with his head resting on the arm rest while staring at the view outside*”
“Wow, just wow, you’re being so immature right now Hyungwon”
“*still ignoring you*”
“You know what, if that’s what you want then fine! God, why did I even try and bother telling you that I’ll be having more time to spend with you after getting this promotion. *walks off towards the kitchen to grab some drink to calm your nerves*”
and that’s when hyungwon realized that he messed up
but being the cat that he is, he was torn between his pride and guilt
“that good for nothing ca– WOAH THERE!”
looking down at your foot was hyungwon wrapping his long limbs around your feet with a pout
“what do you want?”
“i’m sdjsldjsijfsihsorrysdkldjfslkjfdslj….”
“i’m…sslkjfsdlkfjs sorrry sjrfsfskldfs…..”
“hyungwon, if you keep on eating your words---”
“i’m sorry, okay??? i’m sorry for acting like this.’“
before you knew it, you’ve been shut up by hyungwon
by abruptly standing up
and pressing his pUmp liP$ on yours!!!!!!!
but before you could even react, you’re more stunned to hear his response
“because my favorite human never told me about some guys named l3E m1NhyUk.”
that’s it??????
like really?!?!?1
“so you’re telling me that you’re jealous.... and that you kissed me because???????”
“b-because..... *mutters under his breath* i like you....”
even though it’s weird to hear a confession from a man cat
it made your heart flutter
flutter like a bootiful butterfly
and that’s how....
the two of you
started loving each other
but despite all of this, hyungwon is still the man cat that you’ve found way back in the streets
but his affection level went up by 0.000001%
since he’s still a sassy little hybrid man cat
that still gave you those headaches
and sweet little flutters
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