#and this is even such a lukewarm take on the topic like conventional beauty as a whole is such made up eurocentrist bullshit
squritlesquad · 10 months
most of the time i can recognize that ~beauty is in the eye of the beholder~ and like in reality other peoples thoughts of me and how i look actually have no affect on my life, but every once in a while i get hit with the fact that whether or not i’m viewed as “conventionally attractive” actually does play a role in how people treat me and i get forreal nauseous
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Hey!! It's been a long time!! How are you dealing with the quarantine? I hope you're safe!! I love your Sannami stories, obviously! Tell me, you can imagine them as a (conventional, maybe?) married couple? I think that they would be very free, with love as their only rule (spoilers: I'm writing a fanfic about this). I'm obsessed with this beautiful topic, and I want to talk about it hahaha ☺
TT.TT Thank you for sending this again; hopefully this time I won’t answer it PRIVATELY and halfway finished, no less. Sigh. Second time’s the charm! 
Married SanNami Headcanons
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Married life with Sanji and Nami is full of fun and full of love! These two are committed to one another and live life to the fullest, but here are the highlights of their lives together: 
Sanji wakes up before Nami a majority of the time and always has breakfast and coffee prepared for her, without fail. However, on occasion Nami will awaken first. Nami is the type to laze about in bed for ten or fifteen minutes- especially if her strapping husband is snoozing beside her. She’ll snuggle up and caress his arms and shoulders until he groggily awakens. He’ll insist on rising and preparing breakfast for her, but it doesn’t take much convincing to have him continue to laze about with his lovely wife... 
Eventually they will drag themselves out of bed and head to the kitchen. During these moments they will cook together, but Nami is so playful that it usually devolves into some sort of food fight. It’s nothing for them to sit down at the table together spattered with jam or smeared with butter or even with a few lukewarm coffee stains on their pajamas. What better way to start the day than with mischief and smiles? 
Sanji and Nami are always searching for more fun recipes to try. Sanji has a good, all-around base of knowledge, while Nami’s expertise lies in baking as well as preparing jams/jellies, soups, and sauces. They have several binders stuffed with magazine pages or hand-written recipes. Most of them have little notes scrawled in the margins concerning additions or alterations to the recipes. They try to make something new at least once a week. 
Sanji does most of the household chores. A clean and neat living space is a content living space, in his eyes. Of course, he has an entire day dedicated to just the kitchen. Not a speck of dust will be found in his workspace! Nami, on the other hand, deals with most of the yard work and landscaping. Growing up in a tangerine grove taught her how to use most yard tools, and gave her an eye for the natural aesthetic. However, sometimes they find that they have the time to help the other, and they will!
When he’s not cooking, Sanji enjoys reading. He subscribes to a monthly service that sends him a new novel, and he always takes Robin’s book recommendations. Always. Nami, when not practicing her cartography, likes to make clothes and jewelry. It’s not uncommon for Sanji to walk around wearing some homemade trinket of hers- and he wears it proudly, because his talented wife made it!
Nami is always pranking Sanji. Hiding his cookware random places, putting squishy putty in his shoes, turning all his clothes inside-out on the hanger- harmless pranks that make him smile as she snickers around the corner. Sanji retaliates with random tickle fights. He’ll spring on Nami when she least expects it and tickle her until she cries. Needless to say, the house is always full of someone’s giggles. 
They never forget their anniversary! Sanji always makes Nami’s favorite dish and gives her some jewelry, and Nami surprises him with a shiny new tool for his kitchen. She bought him a several-thousand-dollar Belli all-purpose mixer for their first anniversary and Sanji actually broke down and cried. 
When they fight, Sanji usually apologizes first. He just can’t stand the idea of her being mad at him! Sometimes Nami is so miffed she boots him to the couch. However, she’ll always awaken in the middle of the night, unsettled by the cold bed, and scamper out to the living room to crawl onto the couch with him. Sleepy apologies are exchanged and they go to bed smiling. They can’t stay mad at one another for very long. 
Sometimes, Nami has nightmares. Most nights she awakens in a cold sweat and just nestles herself into Sanji’s arms until she feels comfortable enough to fall asleep again. Sometimes, though, she awakens kicking and screaming, and Sanji has to calm her down because she literally doesn’t know what’s real. Once he has her subdued, he’ll soothe her with sweet words and touches until she drifts back to sleep. 
They usually all asleep holding hands. Doesn’t matter if they’re both on their side on opposite sides of the bed; one of them will reach back and pat on the bed until the other responds by lacing their fingers. 
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blackleatherjacketz · 6 years
Night Light
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Tony Stark x Reader
Summary: You’re a vendor at the Stark Expo and run into Tony at your hotel bar. 
Notes: This is for @letsby and her 500 Follower Writing Challenge! Congrats! I’ve never written Tony before and wanted to branch out. I also haven’t written smut in a while, so bear with me. 
Word Count: 2,324
Warnings: NSFW, Alcohol, The Stark Expo, One Night Stand, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Tony’s Personality, Lots of Sass
Tags: @negansdirtygirl22 @annablack1102 @genevievedarcygranger @tonystarkxreader
The hotel bar was quieter than you thought, the only other patrons scattered across the room as they drank their beers and watched TV together in the corner. Their conversation was interesting enough, ranging from sports and politics to aliens and other conspiracy theories. You didn’t recognize them from the expo this morning, but they seemed to be pretty knowledgeable on the topics.
“Scotch on the rocks, please.” A new voice perked up your ears. “And keep the tab open. Thank you, Jordan.”
“Of course, Mr. Stark.” The bartender quickly grabbed a bottle of Glenlivet and poured it into a fresh glass with two ice cubes. “Long day, Mr. Stark?”
“Oh you know, the usual; smiley happy expo stuff.” He picked up the glass and took a sip of the amber liquid, swirling it around in his hands before looking over at you. “Hey, didn’t I see you there today? You were with uh…” he started snapping his fingers to jog his memory, “Becky, Bucky…”
“Beckman,” you corrected him, getting your boss’ name right. Your turned in your chair to face him.
“Beckman! Right! She invented the internal biofeedback medicine pump, and now she’s working on…” he looked around the room as if the answer was written on the walls.
“You’ll just have to come by tomorrow and see for yourself, Mr. Stark.” You took a sip of your drink, the sparkling tartness making your nose crinkle as you took in his handsome features.
“You’re not gonna give me any hints? Any clues?Three Words? Five syllables? Sounds like Schmedical?” He rose his eyebrows and searched your face. “Not a thing?” He shrugged his shoulders dramatically and finished his drink. “Well then, it looks like I’ll just have to trust you.” He set his empty glass on the bar, licking the liquor off his lips.
“I guess so,” you smiled, amazed that the founder of this convention was actually talking to you.
“Are you guys enjoying yourself at least? You and Doctor Beckman, I mean. You aren’t here with anyone else, are you? I mean… Any of my inventions make you want to switch careers and come join the big dogs over here at Stark Industries?” He took his sunglasses off and set them next to his glass, looking you up and down with sparkling brown eyes.
“Not yet. My doctorate is in nursing, not mechanical engineering, so I don’t see what good I’d do your company.”
“Your doctorate’s in nursing? You’re a doctor of nursing? Seriously? Why not just go to medical school?” Jordan handed him another drink.
“My minors are in pharmacology and education, Mr. Stark. I know that may not seem important to you, but Doctor Beckman and I have been doing research together for years, and it’s been fruitful enough to warrant an invitation to your expo at least three years in a row. So yeah, I’m JUST a nurse.” You finished your drink.
He stared at you in awe, his mouth agape as his fingers loosely gripped his glass.
“Sorry, I get defensive when I feel a little out of my element,” you admitted.
“No.” He shook his head, scooting in closer to you. “I love a woman who doesn’t put up with my bullshit. In fact, you aren’t out of your element at all. I mean, are you sure you aren’t a lawyer? Or an assassin?” His lips parted in a genuine smile, the skin around his eyes wrinkling softly into crow’s feet.
“I’m sure.” You laughed as a wave of warmth washed over you, his smile making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
“So what are you drinking, Team Beckman? Is that apple juice?” He leaned in closer and grabbed the bottle in your hand, spinning it around to read the label. “You know, they DO serve alcohol here, just in case you were wondering.” He winked at you and nodded at Jordan again.
“It’s a hard cider, and thank you.” You smiled as the earthy scent of his cologne flooded your senses as you stared at his lips.
“So, you got a name? A phone number? Hotel room?” He paused and thanked Jordan for getting you another cider. “I’m kidding. Unless, you know… I’m not.” He winked and put his elbow on the bar, refusing to take his eyes off you. “I could keep calling you Doctor Beckman, but unless you’re into role play, I don’t think you’d like that very much.”
Your smile widened even more, his advances making you cross your legs to hide the sudden heat you felt between them. You knew that Mr. Stark had a reputation of being a playboy, but you never thought those talents would be aimed toward you. You thought that he was just one of those guys, one of those charmers who complimented anyone that came across his path. It was part of the reason he was so rich and successful, after all.
You decided to tell him your name, figuring there wasn’t any harm in it, and that he would just look you up tomorrow morning if you tried to be secretive. “And I’m in room 325, actually,” you nodded upwards toward the center of the building.
“No shit?” He stared at you, surprised that you took the bait. “You wanna get out of here? Give me the dime tour?” He sipped his drink, finishing it before placing a wad of cash on the counter. “As the founder of the Stark Expo, I need to make sure we are putting our guests up in the very best accommodations available.”
“Well, I was actually supposed to meet Doctor Beckman here, but it looks like she’s a little late.” You pretended to look around the bar for your mentor, not wanting to seem too eager.
“Let her cry her heart out.” He nodded toward the exit. ——————
“So this is you?” He walked into the luxurious room you’d only recently settled into, unbuttoning his suit jacket.
“This is it.” You shut the door and locked it, hoping for the best case scenario as you walked up behind him.
“I see you have a bed, a bath, and ...beyond.” He turned around to face you, his joke wasted on your close proximity. “Are we providing you with everything you need?” His caramel eyes darkened as they darted over your face, thick lashes pulling his lids downward as you came closer.
“Not everything,” you whispered, fingering the hem of his gray jacket to the middle of his waist.
“Are you saying your needs aren’t being met?” He rose an eyebrow and palmed the small of your back, bringing your hips into his.
“Something like that,” you leaned in and kissed him, the faint flavor of scotch hitting your tongue as you grabbed his waist, pulling him in even closer.
Your eyes closed as he kissed you back, his hands smoothing their way up your spine to the zipper of your dress. He slid it down to the base of your hips, exposing your back to the lukewarm air of the hotel room. He let his hands wander before finally peeling the fabric off your shoulder blades, igniting a fire that trailed down your extremities as your dress fell to the floor.
You wrapped your fingers around his tie, tugging on it as you stepped out of your clothes before backing up against the bed. Without thinking, you removed his tie and jacket, making quick work of unbuttoning his dress shirt before noticing an aqua blue glow. You stared down at the bright circle in the center of his chest, running your palm across its surface.
“Is this bothering you? Because I can’t turn it off. It doesn’t have a dimmer on it or anything.” He tapped it with his knuckles. “On the plus side it’s kind of like a night light when we go to sleep later.”
“You think I’m gonna let you sleep here?” you laughed.
His mouth dropped open, an audible gasp escaping his lips as his eyes widened. “Oh, you’ll be so tired by the end of this…” he reassured you.
“It doesn’t bother me at all.” You pointed to the arc reactor, glancing up at him as it glowed a cool purple through your fingers. “It’s beautiful, actually.” You traced the outer circle with your index finger.
“Do you have your stethoscope here with you? We could play doctorate of nursing and you could listen to my heart rate while I go down on you and… owe!” He grabbed his shoulder as you playfully punched him in the arm.
“Do you always talk this much?” You started unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.
“Only when I’m nervous,” he started, sliding his arms out of his shirt. “Or when I’ve had too much caffeine, or when I’m really excited, or when I’m around beautiful women who desperately want me.”
“Is that so?” You smirked, unbuckling his belt and tossing it onto the floor. Despite his goofy nature, you still wanted to touch him; to feel his skin against yours as his sweat mixed with your juices and you were nothing more than a pile of flesh.
“Yup,” he nodded, watching you unbutton his pants and slide them down to his ankles. He stopped his jokes as you stood back up, caressing your shoulders as you rose to your normal height. He let his palms feel the fine hair on the back of your arms before taking your hands in his, kissing the tops of them tenderly.
“Now, where were we?” Tony asked, pushing you onto your back. “Oh yeah, right about here.” He slid out of his boxer briefs, stroking himself before climbing on top of the bed. He smiled and kissed your navel, slipping his fingers beneath your underwear as he slid them down your hips.
In utter disbelief, you watched him kiss your belly button, licking circles around it as he glanced up at you with hungry black eyes. His mouth moved down lower, kissing and sucking as he pulled your panties down around your ankles. The moisture of his mouth drenched the mound above your most sensitive spot, a light purr humming from his lips as you ran your fingers through his mahogany locks.
“Mr. Stark…” you started, his lips finally reaching the sensitive spot between your thighs.
“Please, call me Tony,” he winked at you before diving back in.
A stifled breath escaped your lips as he painted your length with his tongue, that purr intermittently vibrating your clit as he pulled on it with each upward lick. You let your hips push into him, rocking back and forth in sync with his kisses as they became deeper and more intense.
He hummed and moaned as if the act of pleasing you was just as pleasurable for him, if not more so. He continued his work as his spit dripped down your length and onto the freshly washed comforter, making an audible squish as he slid his fingers inside of you. He curled them upward as his muffled moans got louder and his thrusts got deeper.
“Tony!...” your chest started to heave as his fingers hit the spot you’d almost forgotten was there. He licked and sucked on your clit like it was the most delicious candy he’d ever had, pulling and biting it as he shoved his fingers in even deeper. You grabbed his hair with both hands now, gripping so tightly you were afraid of ripping it out.
You could feel the muscles in your ass and thighs start to quake. Bolts of lightning started to spark in between them where his mouth and fingers continued to work their magic, forcing you to buck your hips into his knuckles.
He paused and pulled away from you, his goatee drenched in your moisture as his lips curled into a satisfied grin. “How we doin’ up there, doctorate of nursing?” He pulled his fingers out, sucking on them as he climbed on top of you.
“You stopped…” you whined, too needy in the moment to be ashamed of your tone.
“Not for long,” he smirked and slid his fingers past your lips, forcing you to taste the delicious mixture of his spit and your arousal. “Still don’t want me to spend the night?” He rose an eyebrow and tilted his head. “Offer still stands.” He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, giving them one last taste before brushing his cock against your sopping wet entrance.
“You can spend the night, now get over here,” you smiled and rolled your eyes, bringing him in for a kiss before he leaned down and slid inside of you.
Those bolts of lightning returned immediately, without losing any voltage in their spark. They worked their way up into your stomach as he stretched you out and filled you up, his rhythmic thrusts sending your abs into a convulsive dance in tandem with your hips and thighs. You ran your hands through his hair again as he continued to kiss you, your body lighting up like a thunderstorm on a hot summer day, jolts of electricity shooting through your limbs to the very tips of your toes. You wrapped your legs around his waist as you vibrated on a frequency you never knew was possible.
He continued to pump his hips wildly into yours as that blue circle in the middle of his chest glowed brighter and brighter. The sweat from his forehead landed on your neck, sending your already sensitive skin into overdrive. You stared at him as he climaxed, his eyes rolling back into his head as he spilled into you and moaned one last time.
“Oh man,” he whispered, resting his head on your chest. “I’m definitely tired now, are you tired?” He looked up at you and smiled, quickly kissing your lips.
“Yeah,” you admitted, clinging onto him as he rolled into his side. “I could use a night light.”
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moremoneytips · 3 years
Simple Ways To Make Your Skin Beautiful And Healthy
New Post has been published on https://innersoulhealthandbeautyreviews.com/simple-ways-to-make-your-skin-beautiful-and-healthy-6/
Simple Ways To Make Your Skin Beautiful And Healthy
Usually it is women who worry about skin care, but men are becoming more aware of the importance of good skin, too. There are multitudes of products on the market which were created to improve or preserve skin. Probably, the most effective product line is sun protection for everyone no matter the age.
Skin care is one of those problems that is easier to prevent that to repair, so take the time to take care of your pores daily with cleansing agents and moisturizers. The best way to accomplish this is with all-natural oils for that dry skin, and more mild solutions for skin with more of an oily composition.
While regular bar soaps can work very well on your body, try to avoid using them when washing your face. Bar soaps can irritate and dry out the sensitive skin there. Instead use facial soaps that are meant for such use. This will leave your skin better moisturized and clearer.
If conventional face care techniques do not work (washing, toning, moisturizing), try using an over the counter topical medication. Products such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are specially formulated to kill acne bacteria. They are somewhat strong, especially to those with sensitive skin, so you should apply them in small amounts.
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Sun exposure is the number one cause of aging of the skin, and it’s a shame because it’s so easy to prevent. Slather on the sunscreen as soon as you step out of the shower to help it really soak in, put some more on visible areas on your lunch break, and then again when you get home, in that little half-minute break before you get out of the car to go inside. Make sure to refresh throughout the day, because sunscreen wears off. (If you pick a sunscreen that’s also a moisturizer, that’s another bonus!)
Prolonged use of oral steroids may cause capillaries under the skin’s surface to dilate, which leads to noticeable redness and flushing. Care for your skin during therapy, by adding oatmeal to a warm bath and applying nourishing lotions and creams to your skin that contain chamomile, vitamin K or extract of licorice or lavender.
After spending the day out in the snow, it’s tempting to go inside for a nice hot bath, but you should avoid having the water too hot. Intense heat from a bath or shower, can break down the lipid barriers in your skin. If your skin has already become dry and itchy, try a lukewarm bath with baking soda or oatmeal, to help to relieve your skin.
If you smoke, quit. Aside from all the other major risks associated with smoking, it can also cause wrinkles and make you look older. Blood flow to the outer layers of skin is reduced in smokers, which cuts off the supply of vital nutrients, like oxygen and vitamin A. Moreover, smoking reduces the skin’s elasticity and makes it more prone to stretching and sagging from the repeated expressions, made while smoking.
A beautiful tan is very attractive, but the sun can do real damage to skin over an extended period. Even if skin cnncer does not develop, the skin will beocme wrinkled and dry and become less attractive. There are effective self-tanning products which will produce a lovely natural looking tan without damage to the skin.
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bookandcover · 7 years
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I read Embassytown on the recommendation of two literary ladies who raved about it and said it was a great fit for someone who appreciates words and language. The book was different than I expected, even after hearing their initial explanations, because it takes surprising twists and turns within the concept and the world it establishes. I find it very satisfying to read academic genre fiction. I felt this way about Colson Whitehead's Zone One. Melding higher-order thinking and ideas about linguistics and science with the fantastical is a niche or a sub-genre that I haven’t experienced enough. Maybe more exquisitely written, highly academic science fiction exists than I know about? I hope to find more.
Early on in this book, I appreciated the way Miéville didn't belabor explanations of his world. Instead, he dropped us into the middle of a scene, the middle of political machinations, and he didn't feel the need to define his terms, demonstrate how his invented world worked, or explain the tech that characters comfortably used. I like this approach in science-fiction and fantasy: the fully-realized world that we get to step into without the labor of explanation. Even if we don't understand everything at first, this approach still feels more real and believable. This made for a very compelling beginning of the book for me. I know I differ in this way from many readers; I don’t want explanation and prefer the mystery and complexity of plot and theme. I happened to read Amazon reviews of the book today, after I finished it and was looking up Miéville’s other works to see if I might want to check out The City & The City, and I saw several reviews criticizing the pace of the book and its incomprehensibility over the first 50 to 100 pages. I did feel like the book dragged between the middle climactic section (the death of Surl/Tesh-echer) and protagonist Avice’s revelation at the end of the book that leads us into an exciting sprint to the finish. There's a fair amount of time devoted to the downfall and decay of Embassytown and the struggles of the city in the face of the Ariekei addiction. This part of the book felt oddly detached to me, as if it were trying too hard to impress upon us the seriousness and the reality of a slow meltdown of order. It was hard to stay interested here compared to the beginning when I was engaged by the unexpected and the unexplained. I think part of that feeling of suspension in the latter half of the book was due to the departure from the theme of “evolving the lie” to instead focus on the addiction of the Ariekei. I was so sure that that the evolution of lying was going to come up again (in the way plot inherently ties up loose ends in a novel) that I kept waiting for that resolution, which didn’t come until surprisingly late in the book. This feeling of suspension two-thirds of the way through was also related to the way in which I connected, or didn't connect to, the characters in this book. Lack of connection with the characters was another criticism of the Amazon reviews which, unlike complaints of complexity or ambiguity, I felt resonated with me. I didn't have a lot of feelings about our protagonist. She comes off as a very self-sufficient and open-minded woman, someone who's a survivor rather than rather than a heroine. I like that in a female protagonist, but much of her character was also so fluid and open that she felt void of emotion. I never believed in any of her romantic relationships and a variety of them are critical to the plot of the book. I couldn't quite tell if that was just her character and the point was being made that men like Scile, Vin, and Bren may have loved her while she felt lukewarm toward them. At some point she must have loved her husband Scile. But did she grow to hate him? I couldn't believe in her hatred, which seemed diluted and directionless. I didn’t feel her emotions or understand her thinking, so she seemed more like a placeholder for me--a protagonist through which to experience events directly, rather than a character I could see interacting with the world. The sensation was that I was her: l was looking through her eyes at the rest of the world which was somehow depicted vividly compared to the portrait of our protagonist. But always in the middle of the narrative was the strange blank space that was our protagonist. 
The odd feeling of suspension I experienced two-thirds of the way through the book was partly because the focus shifted from the characters that I thought were the most engaging: the individual, named Ariekei. The vividness of the Ariekei does reflect the focus of Ava Benner Cho, our placeholder protagonist, because she is most interested in the Ariekei (more so than her human friends, lovers, and allies). The Ariekei have a feeling of mystery and allure for Avice, which is communicated to us, the readers. I cared the most about Surl/Tesh-echer and Spanish Dancer of anyone in this book. I believed more deeply in the relationship (friendship?) between Avice and Spanish Dancer (despite its mention in only a handful of lines) than I did in the relationships between Avice and any of her human lovers or friends. When Avice leaned against Spanish Dancer or pointed at it and it pointed back at her, those moments of connection seemed so impossible across species that couldn't share a language, and yet learned to communicate. That was what was miraculous and emotional about this book, the relationship-heart of the book. 
As I write this, I wonder whether it was intentional that Avice’s human relationships were so bland in contrast to the sensitivity of her interactions with the Ariekei? I did like early portions of the book that revealed Avice’s character and mindset by showing her childhood and how it shaped her time as an immerser in “the out.” These glimpses into the larger context of the world beyond Embassytown were helpful in understanding the political machinations that brought EzRa to Embassytown, but these politics felt underdeveloped. Bremen control is a continuous looming threat to the autonomy of Embassytown, but the threat itself always seems distant. We don’t see the negative affects of Bremen colonialism (other than the addiction of the Ariekei...and Bremen didn’t premeditate that outcome, which destroyed their interests, as well). We don’t see specific Bremen agents enacting violence. Only Wyatt, a sort of figurehead for Bremen, wields any Bremen authority, and yet he seems trivial in the book as a whole. The appearance of EzRa is the result of Bremen's schemes, strange as this plan (before it backfired) seemed to be: Bremen hopes to slowly assert their power within Embassytown with the ultimate goal to take over the structure of the Ambassador system and turn the city into a launching pad to the new frontier. The development of EzRa, a single Bremen-controlled Ambassador, is done with such studied effort and care over years that it seems pointless. Why didn’t Bremen take over Embassytown by force? Is it too difficult to navigate through the immer? Why is this slow infiltration of a system required for this small community? Is it the Ariekei, and not the Embassytowners, who Bremen is dealing with lightly?
Ultimately, the most effective and intriguing part of this book is the premise and the way that is developed over the course the book. I’m critical of the limited emotionally investment in the relationships within the novel and political narratives, but, on a conceptual level, this book was repeatedly surprising and stunning. I loved the idea that war could take place within language--language could hold such weight that what we are able to say and not say, and communicate and not communicate, could shift whole political and social systems, as well as redefine the ways in which beings interact across cultures, races, and species. Here is the nuanced-heart of the book. The evolution of “the lie” and the lying faction of Surl/Tesh-echer is beautiful, as it unfolds suddenly that this “project” is both an intellectual curiosity and a very real threat. It's an intellectual dream that costs Surl/Tesh-echer his life. And this final judgment is enacted through another rebel while the people and beings in power witness, without comment, this very public execution. 
I often felt I needed to stretch my mind to grasp the linguistic concepts: language without signification (Ariekei language) that directly references an exact point in the world versus language as indicators (all known real languages) that can be applied inventively across situations. Without signification, could language make the world and the world make language? It's an intoxicating concept for anyone who writes and believes in the power of words. And it’s very rewarding to read a book that centers on the clash of politics and language where the very nature of language becomes a fantastical feat of imagination and linguistic study. I read, I wondered: why hasn't someone else written about this topic before? Why hasn’t someone else made language the place of the battle? In imagining a distant future in which humans have contact with other life in the universe, why wouldn't the great source of tension be our ability or inability to communicate? We know that in the globalized world today communication is something that we rely on in order to keep peace, navigate economies, and share artistic ideas. 
While this book is so inventive terms of language, I also enjoyed the more familiar conventions of a science fiction world, such as inventive technology. The biorigged world of Embassytown is incredible--houses that grow ears when they need them, weapons made partly of terre tech and partly of manufactured life, the incredible production of the Ambassadors through genetics and conditioning--all these things, the more familiar inventions in the realm of science fiction, were very charming in themselves and fully realized. There could be a different version of this book in which the main conflict centered around the Ambassadors and the ethics of their production. That might have been a more familiar science-fiction dystopia, in which a more heroic heroine might struggled for the Ambassadors’ liberation. The struggle, instead, takes place within language and has a “trickle-down effect” of restructuring the world. I think we so often try to find the language we need for a particular situation, learning language, adapting, or evolving it, based on the situation. In this book, influence flows in the other direction, which probably is also the case in our world more often than we acknowledge.
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moremoneytips · 4 years
Find The Solutions To All Your Skin Care Problems
New Post has been published on https://innersoulhealthandbeautyreviews.com/find-the-solutions-to-all-your-skin-care-problems-6/
Find The Solutions To All Your Skin Care Problems
If you’re one of those people that’s starting to recognize that taking care of your skin is hard to do properly, then you’re in the right place. What you have to remember about proper skin care is that is about how much you know, so always be on the lookout for more information and you should be fine.
You should limit the amount of sun exposure you get each day. If you’re going to be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time make sure you wear some type of protection. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to a variety of problems like premature wrinkles, sun burn, freckles, and even skin cancer.
Exfoliate to remove dead skin. Using exfoliating gloves, along with regular washes, can help to remove a significant amount of dead skin cells. Remember, exfoliating more than a couple of times a week can lead to skin damage and irritation.
If conventional face care techniques do not work (washing, toning, moisturizing), try using an over the counter topical medication. Products such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are specially formulated to kill acne bacteria. They are somewhat strong, especially to those with sensitive skin, so you should apply them in small amounts.
Instead of washing your face with either very hot or very cold water, use only lukewarm water, as part of your daily regimen. Both hot and cold water shock the skin, which can leave it especially irritated and dry. Extreme temperatures may also dehydrate skin cells and cause unsightly capillaries to surface.
To protect the sensitive, delicate skin around the eye area, invest in a good pair of sunglasses. The ideal pair should wrap entirely around your temples, which protects the whole area from the damaging effects of the sun’s rays. Lenses should be uniformly tinted and should also block ultraviolet light.
When removing makeup from the face and eye area, take care to avoid excessive rubbing or pulling of the skin. Over time, aggressive makeup removal can damage the skin’s elastin, which is a stretchy, resilient fiber that creates a firm, healthy, and youthful appearance. Instead, use water soluble cosmetics, which can be easily removed without distressing the skin.
Chapped lips can be a sign that you aren’t getting enough water. It might take a few days of increased water intake to see improvement. Avoid going overboard with lip balm — too much can actually irritate your lips, making the problem worse. Some ingredients in lipsticks can be allergens, another source of chapped lips. You may see improvement using a different brand.
If you want to get beautiful skin, try anti aging skin products. These products will help cover up or reverse the look of your skin which gives you a more healthy glow. These products help your skin to produce more collagen than your natural body would do.
With all of the knowledge you have just gained about proper skin care, you should have a better idea of how you want to take care of your skin. Remember that you should be applying this information as much as you can. It’s the only way you’re going to notice any change.
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