#and this is coming from someone who does ship kathony but it gets on my nerves how some in the fandom will ignore what he put kate through
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sukibenders · 5 months ago
Anthony doesn't get enough flack from this fandom if I'm being honest, like most of it is pushed onto other female characters while he gets the "he was struggling," excuse. And while he was struggling, there's definitely validity to that, he also should not have his actions (eg. playing with Kate's feelings, putting her and Edwina in a difficult situation, etc) excused because of that.
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neutron-stars-collision · 3 months ago
Genuinely one of my biggest pet peeves about Bridgerton is the sheer amount of double standards within the fandom.
For years now some elements of the Kathony fandom have come for Luke and Nicola over Simone and Jonathan's promo during season 2. Yes they had very limited promo together, and other cast members got photo shoots together, and they didn't. I can get the annoyance and perhaps there is more nuance than I can understand, but it was in the midst of the pandemic, and I believe Jonathan also took a theatre job to help it get back on track. But that does not mean it is Luke and Nicola's fault that they were able to shoot covers together and do a massive world tour. I wish Simone and Jonathan were able to, but sadly they weren't due to covid, and potentially other things, but that does not mean they deserve the abuse.
Which brings me to another - for some reason Colin/Luke are held to an impossibly high standard. Yes Colin has said some not nice things about Penelope throughout all the seasons. But equally so, Simon and Anthony have too; arguably worse. But Luke literally gets hate for what his character said - words he has no say over.
Admittedly, I was disappointed in a chunk of season 3, Nicola and Luke did the most with what they were given, Luke more so. I'll watch future seasons until the end, but I won't be as invested. I am literally here for the Polin crumbs from now on.
Apologies that this ended up so long.
As I've mentioned before, I've only really been here since April so much of that previous fandom nastiness passed me by, but I've seen my fair share of it already, and yeah, you have a point, Anon. Like the concept of such intense ship wars on a show like Bridgerton makes literally zero sense to me. All couples are canon, so there should be no drama. And yet.
I don't know what it is that makes others hate Nic and Luke with such ferocity, and I don't think I'll ever understand. Like surely these people know that neither Nic nor Luke had any say in the promo of their season?? They aren't a part of the marketing team. It might've been unfair what happened to Simone and Johnny, but that's not Polin's fault.
And don't get me started on the hate Colin receives. I've seen someone here say that Colin is held up to the same scrutiny as female leads usually get, and that's spot on. It's just wild bc for me, a show watcher only, Colin is the greenest of flags and the most decent of Bridgerton men. Sure he's made some mistakes, but then who hasn't? Characters are allowed to be flawed. The fact that Newts also gets hate for his character's actions is another level of fucked up. This fandom needs a whole deal of grass touching.
I know what you mean, I'm definitely only staying for Polin crumbs and I know that no one else will capture my heart like them. As you can see I also got impassioned in the response, so don't apologise <3
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alphinias · 1 year ago
That bridgerton sneak peak had some good chemistry they might make me tune in idk, I usually agree with you on most things ship related but I have a problem with this specific ship, Colin is the least interesting of the siblings so far but that's okay I didn't care for anthony either before his season, my bigger problem is Penelope, I think they tried to go for the drama and the twists too much and made her seem kind of awful? They're trying to pretend racism doesn't exist in that era but the way she outed Marina in s1 ( who was not doing a good thing at all but I don't she had much of a choice given her other option was abject poverty) and the way she talks about her friends in her column and outs everyone's shit, things that have really serious consequences on people's lives. The writers literally called her a villain which???? They're doing something I feel a lot of shows have a problem with lately, trying to girlboss women doing shitty things, same with their brand of white feminism for Eloise who spends all her scenes lamenting her fate and being "quirky" with no actual depth or confronting her privilege or trying to help other women or really anything at all, all she does is talk like a "not like other girls" girlie circa Tumblr 2012 and they're thinking omg we're being such feminists right now 🤣😅🤣
Girllll you better tune in anyway so we can get more seasons and other ships you might like better! PRESERVE OUR LIMITED ROMANCE GENRE.
In all seriousness, I totally get where you’re coming from! I personally love polin and I’m very excited for them, but I don’t think the writing has always been the best. Obviously a lot of polin fans don’t agree with me, but I still think this season not being Benedict’s is so strange and a mistake. The general audience adores him and I think both Colin and Penelope could’ve done with another season of personal growth (and slow burn) to help them win over the rest of the audience more. I like Colin and I think he’s actually really funny when they give him a chance, but he’s done nothing to scream leading man like Benedict has yet. I guess S3 will tell us how much is on the writing so far vs Luke Newton. I want him to be so amazing, but I get the doubts because I still have some nerves about it too. I think the sneak peek looked great and is a great start so I’m gonna go in with optimism and positive thoughts!
Gotta defend Eloise because I think her thinking she’s ranting and valid but actually being more out of touch than she realizes is mostly purposeful! I like that as a character flaw and I think it’s realistic for someone in her position. Or maybe I just love Eloise lol. Penelope is a bit of a more… complex case. I see why people hate her, although I personally mostly like her even though I think she sucks for what she did to the Bridgertons. She’s just treated so polarizing one way or the other by the fandom and the producers are obsessed with her and I think that’s part of the problem.
I have doubts any of the Bridgerton ships will beat kathony for me but overall this fandom is so weird! I don’t get the ship wars amongst the ships because they are all canon and they’re all meant to have their spotlight and be enjoyed. I don’t mean you anon when I say this btw, I mean more the hardcore Bridgerton fandom. It’s why I don’t engage with them a lot lol. I just want to enjoy a cute ship every season.
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kanthonyficrecs · 2 years ago
Masterlist: Historical/Fantasy AU
updated 4/29/24
All the Magic We Made by iwishyouwouldstop Rating: E Status: WIP Summary: Kate and Anthony grow up together, learn to harness their magic together and are certain nothing can tear them apart. Until something does. Now they are strangers who occasionally publicly humiliate each other in between finding means to survive in a world that is increasingly hostile to their kind. Then Anthony commits the ultimate betrayal and Kate's retribution results in a life-threatening curse that forces them to work together.
Blood and Chrome by juniper5x5 Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: Anthony and Kate are hotshot pilots on the Battlestar Galactica, trying to save humanity from total extinction. One of them is a Cylon. (or, the Battlestar Galactica AU that only one person wanted)
dancing bears, painted wings by booksandrings Rating: T Status: WIP Summary: an anastasia inspired kathony au: in which kate has been missing for well over a decade and her family is desperate to have her back.
Dragonslaying by PenguinofProse Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Kate is the village dragonslayer, and she's doing just fine on her own. She certainly doesn't need the help of a foolish knight.
every time a bell rings by starkswinterfelling Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: Christmas Eve, 1945. Anthony Bridgerton, after a lifetime of unfulfilled dreams, disappointment and sacrifice, reaches the end of his tether. A timely meeting with a strange, mysterious woman puts into perspective the vast reach love can have, and shows him that he really has had a wonderful life. An It's a Wonderful Life (1946) AU.
Give Me Your Eyes, I Need Sunshine by Hauntess, theshadowpuppet Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Kathani never fit in with her sisters. She could never bring herself to lure human men only to kill them. Not after she was caught in a net when she was only a child and a kind human boy named Anthony saved her. Years later, when his ship is sinking from a storm and her sisters pick off the crew one by one, she risks everything to save him. The connection they formed years before never faded and under the full moon, they bound themselves together forever so she can live as a human with him. Their happiness is short-lived when her siren powers are no longer under her control as a human and Kate fears she ruined the life of the man she loves.
I've Just Gotta Get A Message To You by Searching4paradiso Rating: E Status: WIP Summary: Anthony Bridgerton meets Kate Sharma while preparing to ship out for Vietnam. They have a magical summer together that ends when he leaves her a letter, but Anthony doesn't know all of what remains in the aftermath.
Impossible Hazel Eyes by Mx Kate B Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: The war isn’t going well. Kate’s a guard. Anthony’s her prisoner. He’s a pacifist and done with killing. She’s mostly just bored and wants to read her book. What could possibly go wrong?
Lost, Drifting by Stars_of_Kyber Rating: G Status: WIP Summary: The Bridgertons were told war had taken Anthony from them forever. Miles and miles away, a man was found almost dead at the Sharma family property with no recollection of who he was. When Colin comes face-to-face with someone that could only be a ghost from his past, Anthony Sharma knows his quiet country life is about to be turned upside down. But will the family he has no memory of even recognize who he is now?
lover, please stay by wafflesandkruge Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Daphne gestures exasperatedly at him. “You taught me yourself, brother. I am not mistaken. Love is when your eyes meet and your heart begins to beat faster–” “My heart,” Anthony snarls, “beats faster because she is aggravating!” aka the very self-indulgent and niche bridgerton grishaverse au
Mea Vita, Mea Lux by RosesAtDawn Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: An Ancient Rome AU of a lost childhood love fought for once more on the bloody stage of the Colosseum
Miss Sharma's Murder Mysteries by thequeenofgondor Rating: NR Status: Complete Summary: 1920s. London. A maid has gone missing from Bridgerton House. Eloise has called upon her friend, detective Kate Sharma, to solve the mystery. The sleuth’s ruby-handled switchblade is no sharper than her wit. When she meets Eloise’s eldest brother, the viscount, she finds that there is no greater enigma than… love.
Mistaken Identity by PenguinofProse Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: Infamous Count Bridgerton has a plan to kidnap the Crown Princess, but it all goes horribly wrong.
Never Tickle a Sleeping Bridgerton by Aurelia_Borealis Rating: G Status: WIP Summary: A Bridgerton AU set at Hogwarts, sometime in the 20th century - starting with Anthony/Kate.
Of Noble Blood by Stars_of_Kyber Rating: T Status: WIP Summary: Sir Anthony Bridger’s one and only responsibility in the Royal Guard is to protect the heir apparent to the throne, Princess Kathani Sharma. When an attack on the Palace threatens the life of the Royal Family and King Arjun is murdered in his own bed, Anthony will do whatever it takes to keep the princess safe. Even if it means returning to a place he’s been trying to avoid for the past 9 years of his life. Even if he might lose his life doing so.
Of Wolves and Women by anonymous Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Anthony Bridgerton is a werewolf. Yes, it's confusing for him too.
pacific bridge by nighimpossible Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: “I think Anthony Bridgerton refusing to Drift with me is perhaps the first bit of sense he’s ever had,” Kate says stiffly, turning her back on the sergeant and filing out of the command center with one feeling coursing through her body: pure, unadulterated hate. (The Pacific Rim AU nobody asked for).
Redemption Is For The Lost by kateandanthonyaremyparents Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: As a former winner Anthony tries to protect his family from the cruelties of the Capitol. Kate, knowing damn well how his family saved hers after the death of her father, is determined to help him.
someone to watch me die by wmthackeray Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: kate and anthony at the end of the world. a modern!apocalypse coworkers-to-lovers au.
The Head Boy Who Charmed Me by doodlingaway Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Kate’s final year at Hogwarts looks promising. She loves her spot on the house Quidditch team, she’s setting herself up for a career in wizarding advocacy, and she’s excited to discover that she’s been made the Head Girl. The only catch? The Head Boy is none other than her long-time nemesis, Anthony Bridgerton.
the light by which my spirit's born by ladykathani Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: Kate Sharma has lived her whole life isolated from the world. Stuck in her tower for as long as she can remember, she has long given up hope that she will ever be able to touch the grass, swim in lakes, or attend one of the ton’s balls she’s read so much about. But on her twentieth birthday, after unceremoniously hitting a viscount against the head with a pan, she finds that perhaps her life may turn out to be far more than she had ever imagined.
The Prophecy by Destroyedrecord Rating: E Status: WIP Summary: The old man finished his prayers, took the crown made of gold and rubies, and softly crowned the Queen. “Please kneel before your new sovereign. Queen Kathani Sharma, first of her name, Heir of the Fire and Protector of our Realm.” Everybody kneeled in respect and Edmund could feel anger color his cheeks as he noticed that both Mary and Edwina weren’t kneeling before their new queen. Maybe it was a good thing that Kate was sending him back home.
The Queen Who Loved Me by CherriesOnTheCake Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: The ‘females rule the world AU’ meets the ‘colonialism turned on it’s head AU’ OR Kate is basically Ghenghis Khan and Anthony is her not so blushing ‘bride’
The sleeping Viscount (OR the importance of being witness) by PortiaMargarita Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: The viscount Bridgerton was cursed to a hundred years of sleep, until a kiss from the Queen's diamond broke the spell. Exactly nothing is as it seems.
The Spy Who Loved Him by LoveIsStrong Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Absolutely unserious mix of Kanthony, James Bond, Mission Impossible, Pride and Prejudice + What happened in Budapest.
The time traveler's wife by limon97 Rating: G Status: WIP Summary: After the death of his father, Anthony discovers he has the gift of being able to travel to any time in his life. The only problem is that his emotional instability and grief make him impossible to control, until he meets Kate Sharma.
till forever falls apart by Moomin_94 Rating: T Status: WIP Summary: And she could have gone her whole life without wanting to see him again, until a pilot was brought in, suspected paralysis from the waist down, with no one any the wiser as to how he survived at all. And she looked at his sleeping face, hollow and gaunt and still so handsome, and her heart stuttered. Anthony Bridgerton. The WWII AU absolutely no one wanted
To Grandfather’s House We Go by jashman19 Rating: G Status: WIP Summary: Anthony Bridgerton is trying to make it home for Christmas Day but is held up when, in the woods, he is led to a beautiful woman who is cursed to perpetual sleep.
Twisted Bonds by collectionoftulips Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: Witches are being hunted across the land, but Kate Sharma had to learn this forbidden ancient craft to help her family. She manages to keep her secret fairly well until the region gets a new nobleman who has been sent by the king to wipe out magic use in their area. Anthony Bridgerton hates witchcraft, ever since his father was killed by a witch over a decade ago. Therefore, he might not be pleased with this new task given to him by the king, but he understands the necessity. It seems, however, like fate and other forces might have other ideas, as he seems irrevocably drawn to a mysterious young woman he meets in the woods.
until i find my way to you by booksandrings Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Reincarnation AU as we watch Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma maneuver through their various lives.
War Wounds by Allatonceyouaretheone Rating: T,M Status: WIP Summary: Kate Sharma meets a handsome and charming man. But she has no interest in starting anything with him. Until she sees him dancing with an elegant petite lady.
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