#and this goes to everyone feel free to spam my inbox I really don't mind
Hargreeves siblings going out to eat hcs?
Also thanks so much for answering all my past asks. Your headcanons are awesome :)
They all decide to meet up somewhere, typically nowhere fancy, with Five Allison and Luther being the first ones there who grab a table as soon as possible
Viktor is usually just barely late but Diego and Klaus are almost always really late for whatever reason (Diego was doing something with Lila, Klaus just didn't see the time, Diego got stuck in traffic, Klaus had to grab a taxi, etc.)
The first few times everyone would wait for Diego and Klaus before ordering but after it became a constant they just stopped bothering and let the two of them order whenever they arrive (for this reason they typically end up stealing a little bit of food from the others)
When they order Allison has an unnecessarily complicated order to make sure they do everything right meanwhile Luther gets confused if the waiter asks questions he wasn't expecting and struggles to answer on the spot
Five has three specific orders he cycles through and if they prepare it different he spends a good amount of time complaining bc "why would they ruin good food!?"
Diego sometimes gets bored waiting for his food and plays the knife game with his utensils (Allison tried to stop him at first but quickly gave up) (this is part of the reason they never go anywhere fancy)
Viktor typically has an earbud in and listens to music, especially to help with how overstimulating restaurants can be
Klaus Diego and Luther are the loudest in conversation and when they get too loud Five threatens to stab them with his utensils
Klaus asks for the veteran discount but is denied bc he looks to young to have been in any war and spends a good minute complaining about it (Diego kinda just sympathetically pats him on the back)
They all split the check
As they leave the restaurant Five says "never again" but he doesn't actually mean it because even though he'll never admit it he absolutely loves going to dinner with all his siblings
In contrast Viktor just says "we should do this more" because he also enjoys the dinners with his siblings, finally getting a sense of having a family
And then Klaus has someone drive him home because he doesn't wanna grab another taxi
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bedsyandco · 1 month
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( 𝒑 ) airing , emerson du pont x will smith [ au masterlist ]
( 𝒔 ) ummary , in which will goes on a hockey podcast a few weeks before the draft and spills his secrets.
( 𝒘 ) arnings , language! some cuss words
( 𝒏 ) ote , this is a bit of a prologue of sorts before we get to the other fics in the au . . . please feel free to spam my inbox with questions or thoughts about em and will <3
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will was a tad bit nervous as someone from the crew adjusted the mic in front of his face and he took a deep breath as he tried to remind himself that this was supposed to be fun.
a quick, harmless little interview a few weeks before the draft, was supposed to be good for his image, or so his agent says. will didn’t think he was known enough to even have an image to begin with but what did he know. his agent says jump and he asks how high. until he gets drafted at least.
“nervous?” the host of the podcast will was going on asks him breaking his train of thought
“nah , excited,” will responds, sending a big smile the host’s way. of course he was nervous. no amount of media training could stop the clamminess of his hands or the increase of his heartbeat when it came to interviews. but will was good at faking it. putting on his pretty boy smile and charming everyone so much that they didn’t notice the nerves underneath the cocky boy exterior.
“okay , let’s get started then. remember at any point you need a moment or don’t wanna answer a question just ask for a break and we’ll stop filming and reset,” the hosts reassures will and he begins to think that maybe his poker face needs some adjusting.
“we're good to go in three, two, one. . ." the person behind the camera begins a countdown and presses a button, showing a thumbs up to queue the host to start speaking. most of will's nerves stem from the amount of people in this room currently. he thought this was some small podcast with some local boston sports fans but with the amount of filming and production equipment the set could be mistaken for the late night show.
after introducing will and listing off a few of his most recent stats the host finally jumps into some questions and will finds himself relaxing and talking more easily with each answer. the questions range from the u18s, playing with gabe and ryan, the decision to commit to BC and the upcoming draft.
"we're almost done. we've talked a lot about hockey but I think the fans of whatever team you're gonna get drafted on really want to know the guy beneath the stats so we're gonna play a quick game of instant questions. I'm gonna ask a series of questions and you have to say the first answer that comes to mind. It's supposed to go back and forth quickly so it shouldn't take too long," the host explains and will smiles nervously
"sounds dangerous," will jokes and the host laughs
"you'll be fine. the questions are harmless don't worry. favourite colour?" the host starts off
"blue," will answers a second later
"favourite genre of music?"
"country at the moment. my taste in music is versatile though, it depends on the mood I'm in," will explains
"beach or mountains?"
"is lake an option?" will asks and the host laughs before agreeing
"city or country?"
"celebrity crush?"
"emerson du pont," the name falls off will's tongue without thinking and immediately regrets it when the host and some people behind the cameras let out amused scoffs.
"interesting choice." the host says, and will feels his cheeks heat up
did he really just admit to having a crush on an NHL team owner's daughter? on a hockey podcast of all places? a few weeks before he's supposed to get drafted?
"well I mean she's a model, very involved in her community, takes classes at Harvard. smart, kind, beautiful. what's not to love? you can't blame a guy. . ." will shrugs, trying to shake off the confession and keep his cool and he bites his lip to keep him from digging himself an even bigger hole. now he sounds like either a fan of the girl or a stalker. great going will.
"true. you should shoot your shot. DM her or something," the host says and will keeps his face from portraying what an absolute disaster that would be
“uh yeah, maybe,” he replies and feels relieved when the host moves on to another question and a few minutes later the interview wraps up and will says all the necessary greetings before making his way back to his hotel where him and the boys were staying while in town. he got there as soon as possible, and gabe and ryan was eagerly awaiting a report on how it went. of course they didn't hold back when he told them about the one question. . .
"you might as well have just called up her dad and said 'hey mr. du pont, I wanna fuck your daughter. mind adding that into the contract when you draft me in a couple of weeks?" ryan mocks and gabe rubs his first over his mouth to contain his laugh.
"fuck's sake lenny, you hear what you sound like right now? you really need to think before you say things," will says sending his friend a look
"looks like we could both use some help in that department bud," ryan responds
“I doubt I’m gonna get drafted by the sharks anyway,” will says and sends gabe a “back me up here” kinda look.
“I mean — the possibility is very likely. and even if you’re not, you’re definitely getting interviewed by them,” gabe responds and will sighs, dropping his head to the back of the couch and rubbing his hands over his face in obvious distress
“It’s not really that big of a deal. You didn’t say anything offensive. You just said she’s your celebrity crush and she’s hot. Which I mean she is. And everyone has a crush on her,” gabe says, trying to ease his friend’s worries a bit
“yeah but no one was stupid enough to say it on a hockey podcast,” ryan chips in and will throws a pillow his way without even looking
“The podcast isn’t that big. I doubt anyone but the few loyal listeners are gonna hear what you said,” gabe says and will nods, agreeing.
but not even two days later the clip of him naming her as his celebrity crush was all of his for you page, posted on twitter, and even making rounds on some hockey fan accounts on instagram. and all will could hope for was that somehow the clip hasn’t been seen by any of the sharks’ employees.
▸ hockeyhub posted a new video!
-> will smith talks U18s, upcoming draft and celeb crushes
• video transcript here
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sharksfan35: kid is brave. i’ll give him that . . .
hockeyfan83: admitting you have a crush on a team owner’s daughter a few weeks before you’re supposed to get drafted is insane behaviour
hockeyuser65: yeah no, you admit to having a crush on my daughter I make sure you never step foot in my organization
user62: I think a lot of people are forgetting that emerson is a very well known model. a lot of people don’t even know she’s the sharks owner’s daughter.
-> user89: I get what you’re saying. and this might be true for the general population. but there’s no way he didn’t know
user79: it would actually be insanely cute if they ended up getting together now
-> user90: do you think she’s seen the video?
-> user79: it kinda blew up so I think her PR team definitely saw it but whether or not they showed her? I don’t know
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always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
Hope you don't mind mind random PMs! I just thought I'd let you know how much I've been enjoying your Ainana posts as of late. I also thought I'd share one of my favourite ZOOL comics on Pixiv here (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84180511) that you might find fun. Scroll down to the one that's based on their Beyond the Period performance where Haruka tells the audience that he loves them for maximum hilarity. Veeeery rough and condensed translation but basically it goes:
Touma: (Wow, Haru is actually saying 'I love you' to the fans. He sure has become cool. Okay, I should say it too.) I love... you... (Huh? Those two are really staring at me for some reason.)
Torao: Did you hear that, everyone? Touma just said he loves me.
Haruka: No, he looked at me when he said it.
Torao: He was looking at me longer though.
Haruka: No, he was looking at me 5 seconds longer than you.
And then while Touma's being all what the heck are you guys talking about, it's like...
Minami: I'm the only one you didn't say 'I love you' to.
Touma: No, it's not like that, Mina. When I said 'I love you', I meant -
Feel free to check out the artist's other comics for more clueless Touma and possessive ZOOL shenanigans. <3
HELP I'M DYING. That was SO good! The expressions and the progression of events was GOLD. They are a comedy of errors or something, and thank you so much for the tl!! The fact that Toma is simultaneously Zool's father figure and collective son will never not be funny to me.
And nooo, I'm always happy to have my inbox spammed for these kinds of asks! Thank you, OP! That's so sweet of you to say, and to take the time to share fanart you like!
Also, tagging resident zool lover @msperfectsheep-posts
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babymorte · 5 months
Save away!
I don't mind, and I'm glad you enjoy my random raving, writing, and rants.
I'm happy to have had a positive impact on you. And as far as pain, being numb isn't always bad. It's okay for short-term coping, but living without feelings can be a dangerous path.
I'll stop spaming your asks for the day. Lol
thank you i greatly appreciate it. and i think it goes without saying that whenever you would like to share your writings i will gladly read anything you put out if you’ll have me.
I guess you have a point there. ive literally lost pretty much everyone i held close to me in the span of a month. people just keep leaving left and right so the numbness is really all i have at this point.
but it’s all okay my inbox is always open n im honestly bored out of my mind so feel free to spam away
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ssadumba55 · 3 years
FAQ and Rules for Requests
Since there has been a lot of confusion recently surrounding requests, I'm going to clear everything up here. I may add to this as time goes and the link for this will go in my bio along with my carrd and Masterlist links.
FAQ Portion
How do I know if you got my request?
Chances are if you submitted it, I received it. I take a long time to finish requests, so you may not see it done for several weeks to a month. If I open requests again and your request has not been done, you may feel free to ask the progress or ask if I received it. But please don't pester me.
Are requests open?
Look at my pinned post; there is a thing that says Requests and next to it is the status of them. Currently, they are closed, but I always make sure let you know ahead of time when it will be opening and give 1-2 days to make sure everyone requests before I close it again.
Why do you take so long to finish requests?
There are many reasons but the main one is I am super ADHD. I don't have meds for it, so my time management skills and self regulation are all wacky. This means that I do things randomly and in really short bursts. Motivation is super hard to find and often slips away really quickly. I'm also really busy with work and working on a portfolio for my chosen field. I don't always have the time to be writing.
Do you write for [insert media here]?
Take a look here . If it's not on the list, you may still ask but keep in mind it's almost always definitely going to be a hard no. That list is updated and maintained frequently, so there's no way it will be outdated or not have things I write for on it (there are some exceptions though, I did forget to add Scooby Doo!).
Can I request/DM you my request while requests are closed?
No. I either will refuse to write it and tell you this or simply delete your request and move on with my day.
Is there a list where we can see the requests you still need to finish? Can there/Will there be one?
No. I used to have one but it stressed me out and made me feel like I had to do things in a certain order. As someone whose muse/motivation fluctuates, it's important for me to be flexible and so I don't always do requests in their proper order. I don't want this to be held against me or be accused of favoritism, so there will be no list ever.
Do you do requests in order?
As I said above, no. I do not. I do get every request done but I do what my muse and motivation will allow in the moment. I never want to force myself and make this feel like a chore.
How many people run this blog?
This blog is completely and utterly managed by me, Milo. I am the only one with the password, all of the posts and I read every request/ask personally. At one point, I had a friend helping me handle the load.
Rules for Requesting
No smut, NSFW, adult content. That content is fine and dandy but I do not enjoy writing it. I am asexual and can't even do it properly anyway.
No Animal character X Human! Reader in a romantic way. This includes but is not limited to: Mickey Mouse and Friends, Zootopia characters, Looney Tunes, Winnie the Pooh and Friends
No Child character X Adult! Reader in a romantic way. I have never gotten a request like this (and hope I never do), but I will not write pedophilia on this blog. MAPS please do not interact.
Please limit requesting to 1-3 requests per inbox opening and do not make them all the same character! This is just a preference thing but I'd rather not write one person like 7 different Giulia Marcovaldo requests or whatever haha.
Like I said above, do not spam/pester me to finish your request. That will actually demotivate me and I probably will take longer to finish it.
Another preference thing, but if you could add a bit of detail to your requests I would be much obliged. Getting generic requests (ie. Jack Skellington X Reader headcanons) makes it really hard for me to come up with things. I am creative but it's hard to know what you want if you don't specifically tell me. I'm trying to provide the best content for you!
Hope this all cleared some things up! I'm writing this late so if there are any spelling errors, my apologies. I will edit/fix them when I get up in the morning probably. I will probably also add to it as future things come up, so make sure you check back every once in a while for a refresher!
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