#and think of hurrem as helena
venusaturns · 19 days
does mustafa even have an actual type? we see him going from efsun(got seduction lessons by hurrem which is kind of hilarious if u think abt it) to fatma(a nasty freak) to helena(innocent cinnamon roll) that one girl whose name i dont remember(a one night stand) to rumeysa to mihruhissa. like what's the common factor among any of these women.
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hurremsultanns · 1 year
Name your fav characters from maginificent century apart from hurrem and sulaiman and there children
I like Nurbanu, Daye, Nigar, Afife, Sümbül, Şah, Gracia Mendes, Viktoria, Helena, Cihan Hatun, Leo and Aybige.
(I will say that I'm NOT a fan of Süleyman at all and think that Hürrem and Mahidevran both deserved better than him)
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biscuit-drivels · 4 years
Ruthenian power couple. Alternate history, alternate universe, alternate everything
“What did I care about women before you grew into one?” he resumed bitterly “Hey, listen, one time in the Black Sea, I remember, I took a Turkish galley full of the most beautiful young girls a man would want to see. Picked for the Sultan’s harem from all over the world they were, and not one of them sparked anything in my heart. Not one! So what happened then? So my good brother Cossacks had themselves some fun and then I had a stone tied to the neck of each of these beauties and tossed them overboard! What did they mean to me? I didn’t care about anybody in those days! Didn’t fear anything alive between the earth and the sky! I made war on the Tartars, took my loot where it came, and lived in the Steppe like a prince in his castle . . . I was free! I did what I wanted! And what’s the story today? Eh? Will you tell me that? Here I sit like a slave, like a dog. . . a beggar waiting for one kind word from you. But I never hear it. Like I didn’t hear it in those other days when your own people were planning to marry you to me. Why is that? Why can’t you ever say it?”
... and I know it is a century off, but imagine this Ruthenian power couple, straight out of hell the Sultan’s harem :DDDDDDDDD
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... enter Bohun.
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... time for some puppy eyes angst.
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... well, that was racey.
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... so racey that you have to cool your head with a horse race.
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... yeah, yeah Bohun :DDDDD Church Madonna, sure.
“I’m covered like a butcher with the blood of gentry But in those other days, when you could have loved me, the only people I killed in the Steppe were Tartars. Or Turks in the galleys .
‘And the loot,” he said. “The goods I took from them and brought home to Rozloghi. It wasn’t for me. None of it was. What would I want with silks and satins and yellow gold and jewels in those days? What does a free Cossack care about bags of treasure? It was for you! I brought it all for you because you were my heart and my soul and because I loved you. I killed a hundred men, burned a dozen palaces in the Crimea and took a score of caravans so that you’d be able to walk about shining in gold and jewels like one of God’s angels.”
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... but Bohun doesn’t really need much persuasion.
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‘Ask for anything you want,” he said heavily then nodded at the richly decorated walls. “Here, look around you. That’s all mine. That’s my loot from Bar. It took six horses to carry it here and there’s a lot more. You want gold? Shining jewels? People at your feet? Slaves? Servants? Peasants in your fields? Speak up and it’s yours. I’m a rich man and if I need more I know where to get it.”
His dark, slanted eyes were shining with that strange yellow glow, and she felt all her anger welling up in her at his presump­tion that she could be bought.
“You want a country of your own to rule? I’ll take and give you all the castles you want. I’ll give you half the Ukraine and more if that’s not enough. I may be just a Cossack, not a noble, but I’m a Zaporohjan Army ataman for all that, with a horsetail standard carried over me and ten thousand good men riding at my back and jumping at my orders. I can have ten thousand more anytime I want.”
Nodding, as if to confirm his power to himself, the Cossack hero stared at her with the quiet humility and hunger of a begging child.
“So ask for anything,” he said. “D’you want a kingdom? It’s as good as yours. You’re my queen. I’m your dog and warrior. Just tell me what to do, what to get you. Just so long as you don’t run from me anymore. Just so you’ll stay with me, and just so you’ll love me.
... but then, dramatic twist. Bohun has to go.
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... leaving Alexandra all vulnerable.
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... but Bohun doesn’t give up easily.
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(who cares for characters looking drunk in the back, at least Bohun looks majestic in the screenshot)
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... Alexandra slowly grows acustomed to Ottoman lifestyle. She is not Alexandra anymore, she is Hurrem.
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... and Hurrem Alexandra is no weakling either.
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Her own bloodless face stared at her coldly out of all those gold and silver mirrors with such strength and power, and with such pride and such indomitable will, that she seemed more like an avenging angel or a legendary fury than the mild and gentle icons to which HE compared her.
She shuddered then with the force of the anger that leaped in her breast.
She was a woman living in a time when few of her sex could decide their lives, direct their courses, or design the content of their fates. An orphan, thrown on the mercy of ruthless rela­tives strangers, she’d never had much say in what might happen to her. But she was a Ruthenian princess none the less.
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Born in Ruthenia (then an eastern region of the Kingdom of Poland), Hurrem was captured by Crimean Tatars during a slave raid and eventually taken to Istanbul, the Ottoman capital. She entered the Imperial Harem, rising through the ranks to become the favourite of Sultan Suleiman.
Hurrem acted as Suleiman's advisor on matters of state, and seems to have had an influence upon foreign policy and on international politics. Two of her letters to King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (reigned 1548–1572) have survived, and during her lifetime the Ottoman Empire generally had peaceful relations with the Polish state within a Polish–Ottoman alliance.
In her first short letter to Sigismund II, Hurrem expresses her highest joy and congratulations to the new king on the occasion of his ascension to the Polish throne after the death of his father Sigismund I the Old in 1548. She also pleads with the King to trust her envoy Hassan Ağa who took another message from her by word of mouth. In her second letter to Sigismund Augustus, written in response to his letter, Hurrem expresses in superlative terms her joy at hearing that the king is in good health and that he sends assurances of his sincere friendliness and attachment towards Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. She also quotes the sultan as saying, "with the old king we were like brothers, and if it pleases the All-Merciful God, with this king we will be as father and son." With this letter, Hurrem sent Sigismund II the gift of two pairs of linen shirts and pants, some belts, six handkerchiefs, and a hand-towel, with a promise to send a special linen robe in the future.
There are reasons to believe that these two letters were more than just diplomatic gestures, and that Suleiman's references to brotherly or fatherly feelings were not a mere tribute to political expediency. The letters also suggest Hurrem's strong desire to establish personal contact with the king. In his 1551 letter to Sigismund II concerning the embassy of Piotr Opaliński, Suleiman wrote that the Ambassador had seen "Your sister and my wife." Whether this phrase refers to a warm friendship between the Polish King and Ottoman Haseki, or whether it suggests a closer relation, the degree of their intimacy definitely points to a special link between the two states at the time.
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ibrahimnerde · 2 years
Continue roasting Pargalı he deserves it
Oh gladly!
I feel like Ibrahim and Matrakci Nasuh Efendi relationship isn’t stressed enough so I am gonna do it. Ibrahim took Matrakci for granted, if there is someone other than Hatice that genuinely cared about his well being then it is my man Matrakci. Matrakci protected him , guided him and served him and how our pasha paid him back with? He forced him to divorce Nigar and ruined his reputation with people cause everyone thought he was a horned cuckold. I don’t think Matrakci was head over heels for Nigar, but at the end he wanted a family and he wanted peace but his “best friend” cannot keep his 🍆 in his pants when it comes to Nigar. Still Matrakci after knowing that Hatice is suspicious of Ibrahim he immediately went to warn him.
He also took Nigar for granted. He knew she loved him and he was probably attracted to her sexually as well as that she satisfies his ego that’s why he used her. They are exposed and what he does to the woman that carries his upcoming child , the woman he promised her he will always love her? Nothing. He completely forgot that he was the one who went to her not the other way around. What he should’ve done after finding his daughter is to give her to Nigar and let them have a peaceful life somewhere. I understand he can’t let go his daughter that easily but so can’t Nigar,however, Ibrahim has Hatice and her children from him….Nigar has nothing at all and she suffered more than him in this scandal.
I would never say Ibrahim deserved to die but rather had it coming. He is that stupid to say he tames SS and claim that without him the empire would’ve fall when he knows there is a man that literally writes every word coming out of his mouth in a Daftar that SS could easily get access to! Plus his obvious support to Mustafa. Yup he might be faithful to SS but I suppose since he knew SS in his prince-hood then he definitely saw how Yavuz Selim dethroned his own father (SS grandfather) Bayezid II. SS is logically paranoid that he could end like his grandfather and the immense support Mustafa is getting is making him paranoid. If Ibrahim was smart he shouldn’t have been obvious with favoritism being a father figure to not just Mustafa but to all of SS children would’ve been better. When he went to Bursa to meet Mustafa and talk about Helena , he did it out of genuine love for Mustafa. The problem is that he lied to SS and made his paranoia grow more. Ibrahim’s secretiveness is also one of his downfalls like with Hatice and how he refuses to tell her anything or when he hid Hurrem’s letter to SS during campaign….he might not be sus but he acts as if he is hiding a dead body all the time.
In the end Ibrahim dug his own grave with his arrogance and stupidity, Hurrem just sharpened the shovel.
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mc-critical · 3 years
I don't know what you think of Huricihan's and Bayezid's love arc. But what do you think would happen if Ibrahim and Hatice were still alive and witnessed everything? I mean their daughter is having a relationship with Hurrem's son 😄 How would they react if they found out they had a secret marriage and her betrayal to Mustafa?
[I think Huricihan and Bayezid's love arc had potential, but it turned out... fine. Just fine and nothing more. It was a serviceable plot device in all fronts, but didn't do much for Huricihan herself - it threw away her setup completely and her love for Bayezid was all she had going for her at a point. Her betrayal of Mustafa could've been a nice direction for her to go in: it could make for a great internal conflict between her growing affection for Bayezid and standing up for what Ibrahim and Hatice believed, ending with Huricihan eventually finding the "balance" between both sides of hers, thus having more nuanced dynamics with everyone involved... but it was anything but and we. were. robbed.]
First off, Huricihan falling in love with Bayezid would be even more possible, because of her still living parents. Her resentment and drive in S04 simply wouldn't be around and she would be more open to "the other side", no matter what she's told. This seeming despise of Süleiman and Hürrem won't be there anymore and I even see her having a soft spot for Mihrimah, especially with Hatice's further encouragement.
If Hatice and Ibrahim witnessed all that happened around Huricihan, they would both be surprised by her falling in love with Bayezid and not really - Hatice especially would understand a situation where love overtakes everything, despite of every boundary, and while Ibrahim would probably object more and try to snap Huricihan out of it, he would be definitely on board that it can't really be stopped afterwards. Still, they would advice her to be careful and not get carried away with irrational, unplanned actions too much and when Huricihan tends to do such actions anyway, they would scold her for it.
I'm confident that Hatice and Ibrahim will make use of the relationship between Bayezid and Huricihan. I'm not sure how much would they like for Bayezid to be involved with something against Hürrem or whether Bayezid would ever get involved in it, regardless of his love for Huri, but their relationship would give Ibrahim and Hatice an opportunity to learn about what's going on around Hürrem, so they can act, and may tell Huricihan to convince him to share stuff with her. (or maybe Huricihan could do it herself and Hatice and Ibrahim would congratulate her for it. Or Bayezid would simply share with her without any extra efforts on anyone else's part, who knows?) Hatice and Ibrahim would tell Huricihan to help Bayezid be kept on Mustafa's side even more, but then a conflict between them could potentially show up, because Huricihan comes to shift her priorities completely eventually. Maybe they could make Huricihan herself ally with Mustafa, as well? However, this won't turn out all that great.
I think Ibrahim may have a chance of preventing Huricihan's betrayal if he gets suspicious of Bayezid's Lala. He would certainly find a way to watch over stuff in the sanjacks of the other princes in order to protect Mustafa in some way and if he realizes what's to come, he would interfere in advance. I see him himself striving to keep Mustafa and Mihrünnisa's marriage a secret, even if they somehow did it without him knowing or didn't succeed to stop it. (Mahidevran could convince him of the advantages of it like Mihrünnisa did with her?) It is also likely for the marriage not to happen at all due to Ibrahim acting on time then and there, but Nisa is a different case than Helena and Mustafa has already given up following his head instead of his heart, as he said.
If the marriage slips out and Hatice and Ibrahim learn of Huricihan's betrayal, I cannot imagine their reactions, honestly. They would be shocked, disappointed, angry that Huricihan dared endanger Mustafa like this. They would probably say they didn't expect she would go this far. Hatice would surely speak to her about the future of the dynasty and how she endangered it. Ibrahim would call her out on both acting behind their backs and putting her head in stuff like this. They would probably be mad at her for a while, but they would forgive her eventually, because they love her. Huricihan herself seems to love and want to live up to her parents a lot, so she would try to make them loosen up on her.
Hatice and Ibrahim would support the secret marriage for the benefits of an "alliance" between Bayezid and Huricihan, but wouldn't support the risk that comes with it, because there's every chance for it to be leaked and revealed by say, Nurbanu and Selim. (which does end up happening through Nurbanu after all!)  So they would advice her to thread carefully and not do the same mistake she did with Mustafa again. With the Mustafa-Mihrünnisa marriage reveal and Huricihan's own secret marriage, Hatice and Ibrahim would get even more involved in the whole ordeal.
Now that I think about it, however.. if Hatice and Ibrahim are still around in S04 - Osman would be a part of the plot, wouldn't he? I don't see much material with him, except his relationship with the other princes and his support of Huricihan (also I bet a random love story would be there somewhere, because the show loves love stories!), but he can have soft moments with Ibrahim and Hatice, since he would be the first living son of Hatice's and Ibrahim may fill the missing hole in his heart after Esmanur's demise with him and Huricihan. Hatice and Ibrahim would find a way to involve Osman somehow to protect Huri from making the wrong decision again, but how much would he want or succeed would depend on his dynamics with the others: and with him, the possibilities are pretty much endless in that regard.
Hatice's relationship with Huricihan would take a turning point if Ibrahim dies (a little) before Mustafa in this timeline, too. It would be then the will for revenge of both of them appears and they would motivate each other to go through it and get the justice they deserve. They both would be each other's only solace and Hatice would demand for them to act together against Hürrem in all instances and not hold back.
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hurremsultanns · 2 years
Im a Wattpad reader and since watching magnificent century ive been reading a lot of fanfiction about the show.There is a couple of ships like Mustafa x Hurrem, Hurrem x Ibrahim and others,what do you think about them.And do you have any favorite ships ir couples from the show?And why do You like them
I'd never really thought about Mustafa x Hürrem. I don't have any feelings about it as a pairing. But it doesn't surprise me that it exists since they're two of the most popular characters in the series. My main ship for Mustafa has to be him and Helena though. She was a lot of fun as a character and the one who was the least blinded by the fact that he was a prince.
I know it's popular, but Hürrem x Ibrahim is something of a NOTP for me. Both because Ibrahim was a major source of trauma for Hürrem (e.g. the Leo incident) and also because his relationships with everyone around him, especially his romantic ones, are always so toxic. I might ship him with Süleyman (because they deserve each other), if I liked either of them enough as characters. But I don’t.
Early on I lowkey shipped Hürrem x Hatice, but it soon got overtaken by Hürrem x Mahidevran to be To be honest, the appeal of Hürrem x Mahidevran is both in the tension of their rivalry and because they both deserve better than Süleyman.
I also love SümGül Ağa as a crackship because their rivalry is the best thing and I think it’s funny.
My main Mehmet ship was Mehmet x Cihan. Simply because even in spite of the lack of screentime, they were adorable.
I ship Selim and Nurbanu because over time they develop into a pairing who are a lot more on the same page than the other ones. And for the most part they supported each other. Also the show unfairly demonises the both of them, and they're more worthy than how they get framed.
Bayezid and Defne were tragic but sweet. I have to admit that after the attempted poisoning, I was rooting for them to reconcile and properly get together.
I also rooted for Mihrimah x Pedro because she she should have been able to make her own decisions and not to have to be confined by an arranged marriage that she hadn't even wanted in the first place.
I also liked Daye x Hafsa, Hürrem x Leo and Matrakçı x Viktoria. Also I don't have any main Nigar ships, but I do like to headcanon her as wlw. Also I am a lesbian Aybige believer.
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mc-critical · 3 years
hey, it's been a while, hope you're doing fine!
your unproblematic faves in mc/mc:k and why?
mine from mc would be mihrunissa (she's the queen of s4, and also my 2nd favourite character from the franchise overall), cihangir (the king of s4), mehmet ( a non-existent character imo, was loving to everyone from what i could tell & was pretty so why not), nergissah (ik she didn't have much of a character but she was extremely loving, even towards mihrunissa who wasn't her biological mother, adored her relationship with mahi and she was the only family mahi had left after musti, nissa & mehmet died apart from fidan & yusuf), atmaca, yavuz, taslicali (musti's loyal friends; and i adored taslicali w/ mihrimah, the only guy i shipped her with tbh), and i guess that's it, i may be missing someone considering there were several characters.
from mc:k it would be geverhan (the queen of s2, i love her so much and she's my second most favourite character from the franchise overall, such a kind & sensitive soul, she truly deserved a better ending, i just wanted to see her happy), zulfiqar (one of the most loyal people in the entire franchise, deserved a better ending, dying in the place he spent his blood, sweat & tears was definitely a tragic death but also ties into his character, had a sweet relationship w/ humasah who also deserved a better ending), mustafa (my boy! he's just so adorable in the series, the baby & the adult, the joke he played on halime had me in tears, davut's reaction to him sending the table for a walk; i'm sorry but he was the mvp of s1 and deserved so much better than mu/rat killing him ((fuck mu/rat)) but i guess it's kinda cool that he got to sail a ship before dying considering he always loved ships? idk but he's just fantastic and such a cutie + the english subtitles w him were hilarious), and i guess that's it, most characters were kinda problematic in the series, even humasah who i adored but i definitely don't appreciate for trying to put iskender on the throne which would cause the death of kosem & her children. i would've added ibrahim, who i think is such a cutie and i don't understand any hate towards him; i understand the things he did in s2 ending were problematic but he was just having a severe mental breakdown and what he needed was therapy, not that turhande dethroning him. honestly, fuck mu/rat & turhande.
(also mustafa from mc though i don't think he would be considered unproblematic? )
sorry for the rant lol just, unproblematic faves are so good to talk about because you aren't conflicted with them like you are with characters such as hurrem, mahidevran, nurbanu, kosem, nigar, selim, bayezid, etc.
i hope you're having a great day!
Hey, I'm happy to see you back! 😻
We share a lot of unproblematic faves! I love almost everyone you mentioned!
In MC I love Mihrunnisa, because, as you said she's an absolute queen and the best match for Mustafa for me. She suits his level of maturity and they had a very deep, pure, truly genuine bond you didn't see with anyone else from his women. What's most unique about her character is that they didn't put any opposition around her, her story wasn't overshadowed by a love triangle and that helped the relationship between her and Mustafa shine all the more and we saw her have more agency as a character. Cihangir is such a cinnamon roll and cutie pie and yet he's so smart and perceptive of his surroundings. Neither his love for Mustafa, nor his deformity define him and I love what they did with him in the span of a little more than a half-season. Taşlicali, Atmaca and Yavuz are the best trio ever and I loved watching them in action. How loyal they were to Musti and how they wanted to protect him. 😍😍 I loved Taşlicali's moments with Mihrimah and Mahidevran as well as Mustafa, I loved how Atmaca put Rüstem in his place (we stan!) and Yavuz was so cool and they killed him too soon. We should've seen more of Nergisşah, tbh, but her relationship with Mahi is everything and like all of Mahidevran's relationships with the people she loves, she brought the best in her. And she also seemed like a loving and caring human being to everyone else she interacted with, too, she's just... lovely. Screw SS for marrying her off like that, this piece of trash should be killed with fire.
I would also add Helena to my list of unproblematic favourites, because, writing-wise, she's one of the better handlings of a tomboyish girl in the franchise, a mash-up of both Armin's plot and Aybige's character done much better. Yes, just like all the girls with tomboyish personalities (Aybige, Diana etc.), that trait of theirs was either diminished or gone, but with Helena the blow wasn't as hard as with the rest and you could definetly say that this is more a side of hers allowed to show from her completely new environment and is probably the one most restrained by it. The girl clearly deserved better than what they put her through and I loved how much she cherished her own freedom, rights and family. Her relationship with Rita was great, too.
I really want to say and Mustafa and Gülfem, as well, to be honest, because while they're flawed and far from perfect, they're overally consistently positive characters in the eyes of the narrative and their questionable actions aren't as drastic for me to put them in the "problematic" category.  I mean, compared to everyone else.... Okay, they still technically don't count, but I love both of them too much to refrain from mentioning them at least hehe 😅 Gülfem should've gotten much much more in the way of storylines of her own, but the moments where she shone really scream potential. She's such a loyal, patient and understanding person and her strenght to listen to other people's sorrows, be considerate of them and seemingly being able to forgive people because from whom she suffered (Mahidevran apparently) or made the people she loved suffer in a way and involving her in this, too (Hürrem), is extraordinary for me. And she tried to kill SS, about time someone did it, I stan, she left the show like a queen! And my adoration of Mustafa is pretty much endless, so I won't delve too deep into it. His relationship with his mother, his resilience, his intuition, his still firm hand contrasted to his loyalty to his father that crushed him, but I can't help but respect... yup.
For MCK I have the exact same favourites, as well, only I would add Meleksima, because she was pretty harmless, deserved better and loved Osman and their kids. Gevherhan is my favourite dynastic sultana in the whole franchise (followed by Hatice) and I love her selflessness and humanity. She subverted all the sultana tropes, basically, I don't recall a scene where she was ever elitist to someone below her, she didn't intrigue or scheme and she didn't have an agenda of her own. Her suicide was her breaking the ties she had with her environment and her deciding to finally be the selfish person for once, to do what she wanted, to decide her own destiny. Deserved to be happy with Silahtar more than anything else ever. Zulfikar was so understanding and noble, I'm surprised that the palace didn't devour him, his death was so heartwrenching. Mustafa is a precious bean that also got sucked by his own environment and by the horrible Fatih law and game of survival, his psyche was soo destroyed you can't help but feel sorry for him, at the very least. The same goes with Ibrahim who is also a product of his own environment and even the conflicts of his brothers, I get why he would turn his back on everything and everyone and fixate on the only thing that could bring him a bit of peace and escapism - his harem. He and Mustafa were put in roles they had no capacity to play anymore and I'm sobbing. And yes, Ibo didn't deserve to be so screwed over by Turhande, screw her and Murat. (and also Atike, what she did with her sister because of her selfish, unrequited love and she was told about it by Sil himself! was disgusting, interesting character, but so were Murat and SS and even Turhan in her thematic utility.)
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mc-critical · 6 years
And now since I'm in the "wave of characters" I might as well do the "Magnificent Century Character Tag".
(Well, no one has tagged me to do it but I kinda want to, so.. Sorry...)
Magnificent Century Character Tag
The character I first fell in love with: I don't really remember but I think it was Hürrem. She looked like a rebellious character done right. Young Mustafa was adorable from the start, too and despite of not exactly loving her, I had quite an interest in Mahidevran from the very first scene she was in. (she looked like a political and noble aristocrat, really :D and no, I don't mean this as an insult at all)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: lots of them, the prime examples being Mahidevran, Mihrimah, Cihangir and Bayezid. I didn't expect to love and cherish that much what appeared to be the archetype of an oppressed woman but it helped that seasons 3 and 4 made Mahi way more sympathetic overally, Mihrimah matured in a really unexpected way and I certainly didn't expect to love Bayezid and Cihangir that much although they were likeable from the start. Ah yes, and Helena, too! How can I forget! She was awesome!
The character I love that everyone else doesn't: So we have Mahidevran, Hatice, Sah Sultan and basically the female cast that aren't Aybige or Hurrem.
The character everyone else loves that I don't: Aybige and Nigar Kalfa. And Ibrahim who is cherished a lot by the Bulgarian fandom but I can't really connect to his character... like I can see the complexity and I can compliment it but I can't really embrace it. It's like that.
The character I'm obsessed with: Mustafa!
The character I'd slap: Depends on who angers me first :D I've wanted to slap everyone at least once. I've wanted to slap Hurrem hard, also Mahidevran, Sultan Suleiman, Ibrahim, Rustem, Zal Mahmud (for killing poor Mustafa with his own bare hands :( ) and even Mihrimah for what she did in episode 121. And the list goes on.
The character I'd want to be like: Well, it's hard to name a single character. I actually want to take all the positive traits of the main cast: Hurrem's intelligence, Mahidevran and Hatice's dignity and grace, the caring of the three, SS's justice wisdom and patience (yeah, they vanished as time went on but when he had them, he had them!) and Mustafa, Mehmet and Cihangir's pure hearts ❤
The pairing I love: Suleiman and Hurrem, Ibrahim and Hatice, Mustafa and Mihrunissa (At first, I really thought it was Muhrinissa due to the BG dub of the series), all the Lesbian ships ❤, Mustafa and Helena, yes, I like Aybige and Bali Bey as a ship despite that I don't like Aybige and Mihrimah and Taslicali 💙💛🧡❤
The pairing I despise: I don't despise them but for me, Mihrimah and Rustem are quite unnerving to watch especially compared to the other canon ships. Their ship is in a really tragic nature and when I watch them, I just can't help but feel sorry for both. Yes, it's really good to have a ship like this in a thematic standpoint but in the romantic, shipping side of things... no.
And that's it with the character tag from me! I tag everyone who wants to do it, too.
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