#and they're shipping it lmfao
rapidhighway · 1 year
Why do so many people seem to think sonic has a HOUSE. What do you mean. I'm so sorry he doesn't even own things. He doesn't even really live with Tails
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coquelicoq · 7 days
it is extremely evident to me that xiao heng has no romantic or sexual experience whatsoever. the closest he has come is his best friend the emperor being a little into him but too busy and stressed to do anything about it and it is unclear if xiao heng ever even noticed. unfortunately for bixia (and everyone else) xiao heng is a'li-sexual and a'li-sexual only. i don't even care if no one else sees it, it's clear as the nose on my face to me and that's all that matters.
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doa as awfully edited pinterest memes again but they slowly become more unhinged (no cut bc i want to wreak havoc on your dash)
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daydreamerwonderkid · 2 months
Ooooooo you read TGED!!!!!! 😍🙌😍What are your thoughts on LloJavi 👀👀
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These two will never get married, but they’re absolutely divorced
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detroitbecomeonline · 4 months
hankcon fucks so hard why did we hate it so much
I'm glad you got over your hate anon! I personally don't hate things because I'm perfect
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sunsetzer · 3 months
On one hand, I want a final fantasy 6 remake, because the game is criminally underrated and the amount of fan content (which is all absolutely fantastic btw) is Not Enough for my neurodivergent, hyperfixating brain.
On the other hand, that would inevitably encourage more people to join the fandom, which would be great, except it seems these days the bigger a fandom gets the more toxic it becomes, and I really like what we have going on over here in our little corner. We all just love the game and its characters and nobody fights about who should and shouldn't date who or who you shouldn't like because they're ~problematique~. Nobody's trying to make one ship morally better than another, nobody's calling anyone names or threatening to doxx people who don't agree with their opinions. It's so peaceful and I love that for us. We're just vibing. Moisturized. Unbothered. In our lane. Flourishing.
#as someone who was in an extremely toxic and chaotic fandom and lowkey still traumatized#to the point where I'm afraid to mention which fandom it was/what my ship was#i have to say#i genuinely love it here#i was nervous at first sharing my ships and headcanons but everyone is so chill i was worried for nothing#thank you to everyone I've interacted with who has made this fandom a healing experience for me#i shudder to think about what some of the people i interacted with in a previous fandom would do with ff6#probably would take edgar's flirting at face value and call him problematic for objectifying women#instead of considering the narrative and what we know about him and the way he actually treats women#my man drinks loving and respecting women juice he's not a creep#or that weird moment with relm that admittedly made me double take before i realized what he meant#theyd have a whole campaign against him lmfao#bc those people boil characters alive until they're just a formless pile of tropes and stereotypes#and seem to disregard all positive aspects of a character they don't like which is fine#but then they go and try to force other people to think like they do and ugh#theres a lot of silly moments in the game and aspects of these characters that make them well rounded and realistically flawed at times#and i fear that would get lost in the chaos if the floodgates opened after a remake#maybe im just jaded lmao#im jaded and i have anxiety so im always thinking about The Worst Case Scenario#the collective positive spirit of the dwellers in this fandom might actually foster a positive space if more people were to come in#ff6#my post#i was gonna say maybe this is bc we're mostly adults#but that falls flat when i remember how some of the most toxic and immature people in some fandoms are grown ass adults#who bully each other and younger fans#and some of the most mature and cool people were actually younger#maybe ff6 fans are just built different lmao#also idk how old anyone else actually is there might be teenagers here i just don't think about it a lot
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doubledyke · 4 months
Once I head someone say Sarah is the only really necessary or meaningful female character, and that Nazz and the Kankers are pretty much disposable; ''Nazz has no personality, and the Kankers are absent from 50% of episodes and are just a Diabolous ex-machina ending when they appear. The could work very well without any of them.''
What do you think of this?
are they implying that she's only "meaningful" because she's related to ed? because...yikes dog. sarah serves a pretty similar role to the kankers in that she foils the scams and pranks and acts as an obstacle and/or deterrent. an antagonist. but the way they fulfill the role and the reaction they get from the eds are different in ways that i'm too lazy to get into at the moment.
now i could genuinely be missing something because i've never taken a class on media analysis or whatever the fuck, but i truly don't get what people mean when they say nazz is uniquely lacking in personality. i'm not saying eene has excellent, fleshed out female characters, but some people act as if 1) any of the non-eds have highly complex personalities that are explored canonically 2) being kind, outgoing, flirtatious, sporty, etc. aren't personality traits. just because someone doesn't like her personality doesn't mean it doesn't exist. and we know just as much, if not more about nazz's interests than we do the kankers. or jonny: he likes wood, is laid back and seems to enjoy superheroes. or kevin: he likes bmx. he's a bully. he has a crush on nazz. he's buds with rolf, whose backstory we probably know the most about after the eds (maybe even more?). then there's jimmy who lowkey has a great, complex personality.
seems like since nazz is pretty, is into stereotypically "girly" things and is nice, people consider her a "bad" (female) character. which to me is hilarious and ironic. these are the same people who call the kankers "evil". like okay... 😂
this idea that all female characters are supposed to be virtuous geniuses... it's a show about 3 dumbass preteen boys. there are tons of female-led shows available out there, and female main characters galore. these people should go watch em. seriously. im tired of hearing about it frankly.
oh and if edd was canonically a girl, people would hate her and call her a mary sue 👍
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ibuproffee · 5 months
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2021 vs 2024
Boifrind down jackets, 'm just sayin'.
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dangoarts · 5 months
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drew the clown and bean as dragons in my notes today and i really liked how they came out so digitize time :]
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here's og sketch (lined paper </3)
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… because they were raised as sisters? also friends share a bed too, that's not inherently a romantic thing unless your mind is in the gutter. i don't mean to erase representation but nothing about their interactions in the horde imply anything more than a close friendship.
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sushisocks · 8 months
Do you have any Sean x Lenny headcanons? I’m so desperate for more of their content, lol.
DO I HAVE SEAN X LENNY HEADCANONS?!??! Dear anon I could talk about macsummers FOREVEEERRRR!!!! We are truly STARVED for content about them but yes yes let me share some THOUGHTS I have lolol (sorry for the late reply, this week has been kicking my ass aklsdjf)
Okay see I think MacSummers have such good potential to be real 'one fell first, the other fell harder', in that sense of the second person falling suddenly having to catch up on all the feelings, yknow? And it works EITHER way, which I LOVE abt them, so let's talk about what their crushes would look like njbhnjbhmk
Lenny's first to fall:
Lenny ABSOLUTELY has a crush foreveeerrr, pining HARD because he can't bring himself to make a move. Half of that is also reckoning with the fact that he HAS a crush, and on Sean of all people.
Sean is an oblivious idiot; a bi king so busy with the thrill of the chase he doesn't realize what's right in front of him at first, and also, in his mind the possibility of Lenny being interested in him is so small it barely connects.
It's a mess; people DEFINITELY start noticing - it's Lenny's first time having feelings as intense as these about someone and he is NOT as subtle as he'd like to believe he is.
Truly painful for anyone to witness; no, Lenny, that joke was not that funny, stop staring wistfully across the camp like that, everyone knows you're just sitting at the campfire because Sean is there, your book is upside down.
The girls swing back and forth between gently teasing him about it or trying to cheer him up after witnessing some horrendous attempt at flirting from Sean with one of them - they're all rolling their eyes at him for it.
Jenny is def the one who notices first, and the one Lenny goes to for advice. She does NOT give him good advice. Thankfully Lenny is smart enough to realize as much when she tells him to take Sean fishing during a moonlit night, like that's 1) romantic in any sense of the word or 2) something normal for them to do.
Hosea also catches on but it just makes him more grumpy when dealing with Sean, very fatherly 'youre not good enough for my child' vibes off him. Sean still has 0 clue, but now sometimes he catches Hosea giving him the deathstare, and there's a high chance that every time Hosea sees Sean even look in Lenny's direction, he's considering pulling his gun on him.
Tilly is the most sympathetic to Lenny out of the whole lot, when she's not laughing at him. Tbf they're all laughing at him.
The 'Let me teach you how to read!' thing is very much an excuse just to hang out with Sean more. Mind you Lenny is very serious in his effort to teach Sean, he definitely thinks Sean deserves someone making the effort for him, but he's very internally giddy about 'hihi spending time with crush!!' And he probably does have to go debrief with Jenny and Tilly about it.
He only FINALLY gets the nerve to make a move at the end of a long night of drinking. Liquid courage has Lenny grabbing a loud and laughing Sean by the wrist after he says or does something that makes Lenny want to vomit his heart out, dragging Sean out of camp past the treeline, and kissing him square on the mouth, if only for his sanity. Sean, once the shock passes, goes, verbatim "oh. OH! well, ya couldve told me earlier!" before proceeding to snog Lenny senseless <3
Sean's first to fall:
It takes a minute for Sean to actually realize he has a crush, but then Lenny looks at him in a certain way, smiling and gazing at him with those shrewd eyes of his, shining in the light of the campfire, and Sean feels like he's been struck by fucking lightning.
Who has eyes like that anyway?? Sean will not be able to stop thinking about them, ever, now.
He's upping the ante on silly goofy behavior by 11, just to make Lenny smile. Even better if he laughs!!
He agrees to be tutored in reading just to spend time with Lenny and promptly spends all that time vacillating between doing his utmost to distract Lenny away from the lesson with jokes or trying very hard to listen to him just to get lost in his eyes. Lenny doesn't really mind but they get nothing done.
Sean has a fucking army on his ass in seconds; Arthur, John, Tilly, Mary-Beth, and Karen all seem to know out of NOWHERE and Sean has to sit through a fucking impromptu roast while wondering if all his closest friends are fucking mind-readers.
It's funny to them all at first but there IS some sympathy for poor Sean. Doesn't stop them from teasing him mercilessly.
Those that know him, know he's fucked when he switches the 'I love ya!' to 'Ya love me!' with Lenny. It's harder to say to the people he has actual persistent non-platonic feelings for, and almost self-soothing to instead say the reverse as a substitute.
Thing is; if Lenny having a crush is unsubtle, Sean is a fucking bull in a china-shop by comparison. Lenny sure as hell has his suspicions from very early on.
Lenny is very good-humored about the whole thing but it comparatively to when Lenny's the one with the crush, it sure as hell doesn't take very long from Sean realizing his crush to Lenny also realizing Sean's crush.
It helps Lenny getting over his own nerves, if nothing else.
Everyone in camp knows by the time Lenny decides to end Sean's suffering. They walk down to the river near camp, find a spot which is a bit more secluded, and Lenny very gently cups Sean's face, tells him to stop him if he doesn't want this, and kisses him. Sean is grinning like the cat who got the cream afterwards, and Lenny v fondly calls him a fool.
There's like several relieved sighs when they return to camp holding hands. Like Sean isn't gonna be way more of a menace WITH a boyfriend than he is without.
Here's some general headcanons too, bcz I LOVE thinking and talking abt this ship lmfaoo
They're both very talkative - very much the types to stay up all night talking, discussing their thoughts and feelings, camp gossip, their childhoods, the most fucked up death they saw besides their dads', their favorite colors, etc etc. They've had SEVERAL items thrown at them for waking up their fellow gangmembers in the dead of night.
Lenny reads as very acts of service-y to me. Throwing a blanket over Sean when he's knocked out, bringing him food or snacks when he's on guard shift, teaching him how to read, etc etc.
Meanwhile Sean is very touchy; he likes the reassurance of Lenny's physical presence, and it can be as small as just feeling the press of their thighs while sitting next to each other, but they're not exactly strangers to other things like hugging or holding hands.
In that vein it's not uncommon to find Lenny like, doing his own thing, reading or writing, with Sean amusing himself by tracing the lines in Lenny's free hand, or dozing against his back or something.
They have that honeymoon period where you can't find one without the other and they're hard to separate for anything. Sean complains if they're set to different tasks during a job. They manage to be regular about it eventually, but there's an acclimation period for both them and everyone surrounding them -- baby's first proper relationship, y'know?
They're still prone to joining each other on their guard shifts though, even if just for a little while.
You know that comic that's like "I'm gonna kiss you stupid" "But I'm already so dumb!" "Youre gonna be such an idiot when I'm through with you" That Is Very Them imo lolol
Aaaannddd this is already so long I think I'll stop now before we're here all night kmjnhbjnbh
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fourspiceblend · 3 months
The day fandom communities stop looking at the "found family" headcanon as a way to force nuclear family dynamics between characters where there is NO CANON BASIS FOR IT simply for antishipping purposes is the day nature will finally start to heal
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essektheylyss · 2 years
no more "fix-it fics". enough "everybody lives au". everybody DIES au. I could make it (canon) WORSE.
#this joke brought to you hilariously not by recent events but in fact rediscovering my old ffn fics from high school#they exist and are easily findable lol#and boyyyy have i not only really not change. but i have MELLOWED on the angst.#if you think my fics are rough now...#literally wrote MULTIPLE fics for a romance-oriented procedural where one or both of the leads died and someone else had to deal with that#hilarious. like. this was 'i know they're gonna get out of this tight spot canon left them in last episode. but what if they didn't. :3'#like say what you will about some of my sadder content but the characters aren't getting MURDERED#also went out of my way to write the cockblock rival LI sympathetically in one scenario#like this character was universally reviled. MEANT TO BE in fact. and several comments were just 'icb you made him impossible to hate'#me at all times: have you considered. this character is not evil. just trying their best and not favored by the narrative but like. fine.#and also do you want to talk about GRIEF?#would love to study my high school self like a bug. who was she. fuck if i remember lmfao#ANYWAY this is genuinely so funny#also damn ffn reviewers were brutal about update times lol#also were not shy about 'WOW this is so ooc' (they were wrong. to be clear. they were mad about a ship thing)#the writing was 'eh' but the specific aspect of the characterization they were mad about was not lol#but also uwu over some of the comments i was looking through last night#some of them were like 'wow someone said this about tiefling fic last week!'
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cosmoboba · 7 months
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#heart. heart why#why heart .#there are so many other characters why .#why him .#why did he have to be the one .#why is he your highest character obsession .#I think I need to be CHECKED for every disease he's given me .#blonde SOLDIER boy#blonde SOLDIER boy don't save me .#blonde SOLDIER boy you've ruined my life .#look bitch I just KNOW that mofo canonically taken someway somehow and if not someday he might .#I mean hey listen. hand to god no hate on Clerith nor CloTi those are some great/cute dynamics that I also ship .#but can I just confess my sins on this internet on how I . sometimes. SOMETIMES . get a bit jelly#they're like...phases mk .#they come n go . in n out of me .#BUT LIKE....WHEN I DO GET JEALOUS I LIKE....YANNO...#DJ SPIN THAT IM SERIOUS BY DAY6 SHIT#(good song btw I recommend if you like kpop. it's an angst one-sided song basically Clexis/Clomina theme LMFAO)#and no im not just referring to Cloubri as I'm typing this(well. kinda both since Aubri is technically a self projection too)#but I also do selfshipping too so. keep in mind of that .#YES. YES IM THAT MENTALLY FUCKED UP THIS IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR WHEN YOU HIT THAT FOLLOW BUTTON#but GOD Cloud Strife why do you hate me to the point you made me love you .#what is this curse you have casted upon my very existence you are a DANGEROUS fuckin man .#Cloud Strife I hate you#Cloud Strife I love you#Cloud Strife go fuck yourself I can't believe you did this to me/affection#Cloud Strife you can also fuck m-/JJJJ.....unle-#I'm not gonna survive through rebirth am I .#MOM GET MY FUNERAL READY I'M PRECISELY GOING TO DESEASE ON FEB 29TH 12 AM O CLOCK SHARP
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prince-liest · 5 months
Would you ever write Radiodust fic? No pressure at all, of course!! 😭 I just love how you write their dynamic as well as how you explore Alastor's asexuality!
Honest-to-god, despite generally being the multi-est of shippers, probably not. I'm pretty picky about shipping Alastor at all when it comes to my own writing, so while I'm happy to reblog art and read fics by others, I've found that I really prefer writing radiodust as fully platonic. I'm actually elbows-deep in writing a fic centered specifically on the two of them right now, but it's very much a gen fic! Like, filled with atrocities. But a gen fic nonetheless. 🤭
A lot of it comes down to me really enjoying using Alastor both as an aroace character and as an aggressively independent prideful individual in a fucked up world to explore the meaningful depths of platonic relationships. As an aroace person myself, it's definitely been touching to see how positively people find it when I write really meaningful moments between characters that are not romantic in the least, and radiodust are a lot of that for me!
Still, I really appreciate your kind words! Thank you so much, I'm really happy that you've enjoyed how I've explored these characters!!
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astromechs · 5 months
no really, but, like. rebelcaptain is The ship for me, because i honestly cannot think of another where i very equally love both characters involved to this extent and also project an equally insane amount onto literally both of them
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