#and they're lead by the n°1 apologizer
theballadofmars · 18 days
I love how mqf's oficial description is something like: a good heart who wants to help others but then you read the novel and his reaction to lqg trapping ten infected men who are crying in panic is "great now I can start to work in my experiments with decomposed people to find a cure" and gets out a lot of needles, which makes the man cry even harder.
Even if we only get bits of the other Cang Qiong sect leader's we can reach the conclusion that no one there is normal, sqq is just biased.
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areislol · 10 months
"would you kiss me for $10 or the hottest person in the world for $1000?"
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ft— blade, gepard, dan heng, jing yuan, luocha, welt, sampo, luka, argenti, dr. ratio
warning — none, just fluff! might be ooc, established relationship, gn! reader, no yanqing for this ;( mentions of kissing, might be cringe..? chinese names are simplified. not proofread.
a/n— y'all i apologize if they're ooc (can't justify it i haven't even played hsr yet) so yes. ENJOY as this is my second time writing for 'em
wordcount. 4.2k
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刃 blade
✧ .... he knew it was one of those.. silly media questions that couples do to one another. and he hates you for actually doing them (not really he loves you too much)
✧ he continued to stay silent as he sat on the bench, watching as you sat beside him—anticipating for his response that will decide whether or not he will sleep on the couch or not.
✧ "ugh you big bum just answer the question!!" you groan, slumping down on the bench.
✧ blade cocks his head and raises his brow, smirking at you. "you mean the complex question that will probably lead you unhappy if i don't say the answer you were hoping for and then not talk to me for the next couple of hours as you're petty and—"
✧ you quickly shut him up with your palm over his mouth, you were now mad at him for being too god damn right. warmth spread to your cheeks as you stared at him, completely flustered.
✧ "you better shut that mouth of yours baldie." you threaten, still keeping your palm over his mouth when you felt the icky, wet and textured feeling gliding across your palm, it was his tongue.
✧ wasting no time you pulled your hand back and stared at your palm before vigorously wiping it on your shirt, absolutely disgusted. "ewwww!! and you still haven't answered my question!!" you pout.
✧ blade huffs (he's very sassy), "yeah not after calling me baldie. i'm not even bald." he was so serious about it, it was very amusing to you.
✧ you pout even more, scooching closer to him. "okay i'm sorry for calling you baldie.. and yes you aren't bald. now will you please answer my question?!" blade continues to glare at you, thinking about his answer. well, he was only pretending to anyway.
✧ he already knew his answer the second the question slipped out of your mouth, obviously, kiss you for $10 (credits). even if it was for $1000 he could easily get that amount of money in a day and plus, you are the most hottest person in the entire universe.
✧ but he decided to tease you, he put on his thinking face, tapping his finger on his chin. "hm... i really don't know it's so hard to choose..." he hums, looking down at your face as he smirks in amusement at your silly little mad face.
✧ "so hard? SO HARD FOR WHAT????" you asked, leaning in closer. oh you were for sure getting irritated now.
✧ blade chuckles before engulfing you in a tight hug as you sat on his lap, face buried in his chest. "of course kiss you for $10, i don't need $1000 anyway."
✧ "what about the pretty part?" "you are the hottest of them all, y/n."
✧ you hummed in content, happy with his answer before speaking again. "see, it wasn't a trick question at all." blade rolls his eyes. "uh huh... so you weren't going to quote-on-quote, 'ground' me if i said the wrong answer?"
✧ "....no...."
✧ (btw he was still a lil hurt when you called him baldie. like wow, it really hit him deep)
杰帕德 gepard
✧ the second you asked him the question he did not hesitate and answered within 1 billion light speed.
✧ "you of course! i don't want to a random stranger who i don't know for $1000, i don't need that money when i have you."
✧ "oh— gepard—" yeah, you almost burst into tears at his answer. it was so geniune, sweet and adorable. even his face said it all!! he looked at you with such sincere eyes as he told you his reply!!
✧ gepard almost freaked out thinking he said the wrong thing when he saw the tears welling up in your eyes, he immediately held onto your shoulders, apologizing if he did anything wrong.
✧ you shake your head no and wipe away your tears dramatically, "n—no i'm fine gepard i'm just— i didn't expect you to say your answer so quickly! when i saw other couples doing it the other person is always hesitating or something."
✧ gepard is confused, was this a test or something? (poor baby doesn't know) and so you have to explain to him what the trend is all about and all that jazz.
✧ he doesn't think that it's a bad trend or anything, if anything he encourages you to ask him more questions!! anything you ask, he will reply asap 100%!!
✧ and so you asked more questions.
✧ "you don't care about the money gepard? that's a lot though, $1000!" you exclaim, gepard shakes his head and smiles, "i already said why i don't need that money, love, i don't need the money when i have you, you're priceless."
✧ EUGHHHHHHHHH HE JUST HAS TO HIT YOU WITH THAT. you smiled back and gave him a kiss on his cheek before backing away. "that's so sweet of you... okay next question, who is the hottestperson in the world?"
✧ gepard only stares into your eyes, mesmerized by your face, his eyes are trained on you and only you as his thumb caresses your cheek. "you, of course, you're the most hottest.. although i'd rather use prettiest instead, you are the most prettiest and amazing person in the entire universe."
✧ safe to say his face was peppered with kisses after that, not that he minds it.
丹恒 dan heng
✧ "what kind of question is that?" is the first thing he says, looking at you in confusion as he closes the book he was reading.
✧ you had just entered his room, phone in hand before asking him the question out of the blue so he assumed you saw something from the media which now... lead to this.
✧ you shrug, going back to your question. "don't be trying to change the topic, what would you do? kiss me for $10 or kiss the hottest person in the world for $1000?" you repeated, your brows furrowing. to dan heng, it was crazy scary how you looked right now, so desperate for his answer.
✧ "well obviously the hottest person in the world for $1000, that' so much money!" he replied, knowing what this was going to lead him to. "......so... you would kiss the most hottest person in the world for more money?"
✧ dan heng cringes as he nods his head slowly. your eyes narrowed as you began to glare at him, soon, you stormed out of his room, pissed, and with a right as well.
✧ dan heng sighs in defeat before getting up from his seat and following you to where you always went when you were mad, to the kitchen.
✧ and he was right, you were in the kitchen just snacking on food you just bought the day before, when you spotted him you turned around, your back facing him. "baby c'mon im sorry i was just joking.."
✧ hearing him call you "baby" did something to you but you didn't want to give in just yet. you were mad at him still. you pout (not like he can see you but still) and continue to munch on your food angrily.
✧ "i didn't mean to, i promise i was just joking. i would much rather kiss you for $100 i pinky swear." .... "pinky swear?" "pinky swear."
✧ safe to say you accepted his apology as he absolutely peppered your face with millions of kisses before engulfing you in his arms.
✧ "you're ridiculous..." dan heng sighs, resting his eyes. "yeah well you love me so" well, he can't deny that.
景元 jing yuan
✧ jing yuan is definenetly doing the mathematical calculations in his head right now. because what in tarnation are you talking about?!
✧ he stares at you like you're crazy for a second before sighing, looking down and closing his eyes shut (he reminded you a lot like a disappointed dad...)
✧ "what do you mean? why are you asking me this out of the blue..." for one, he is a tad bit afraid that if he says the wrong thing you will sentence him to three (3) days to sleep on the couch, yeah, you banish him from your SHARED bedroom multiple times when he said the "wrong thing".
✧ you repeat your question again, waiting for his answer. "what a silly question, i would kiss you of course, with or without the $10." he breathed, planting a kiss on your forehead before pulling away and smirking, he knew that that was what you wanted to hear and the kiss was the cherry on top.
✧ for a few seconds you just sat there, too flustered to do anything. YES YOU KNEW IT WAS JUST A FOREHEAD KISS BUT IT'S JING YUAN OKAY
✧ "hm? is something the matter, my love?" he questions, leaning in closer to your face, he was much more taller than you (obviously) so he was quite literally towering over you, his face was so close to yours.
✧ you shake your head before going in for a small and chaste kiss and closing your eyes, you can feel the smile on his lips as he pulls you closer to him by your waist and deepens the kiss. your brain was starting to get fuzzy as you felt more and more delirious. jing yuan just knew how to make you fold.
✧ "hey! this isn't an excuse to make out with me you know?" you pull away breathless, looking quite dazed just for this "simple" kiss. jing yuan hums, resting his head on your shoulder before speaking up.
✧ "you know you love it." at his words you sigh and shake your head, "well i can't deny that..." you reply with a smile as you run your fingers through his soft hair.
✧ a few minutes go by in silence, you assume that jing yuan was asleep by how calm and quite he was, when the silence was broken. "does this mean i can sleep in our shared bedroom?"
✧ your brows furrowed at his words, was that all he was thinking about? "mmmmmmm now that you mentioned it..." "no." you chuckled, patting his head. "i know i know, yes, you get to sleep in our shared bedroom."
罗刹 luocha
✧ "what an odd question.." luocha replies, observing your very serious face. he found it amusing how you looked so serious after asking such a silly question.
✧ you whine and shake his arm, "just answer the question luocha it is very serious!! i need to know your answer!!" .... okay yes apparently it was very serious as you literally called him by his name and not some cute nickname.
✧ luocha offers you a soft and tender smile, the one he always does every time he spots you and or is with you (it never fails to make you swoon), "of course you, i don't need the money when i have you, are you doubting something my dear?"
✧ you shake your head at his words, happy with his answer. "no, everything's fine don't worry! thanks lychee." luocha then engulfs you in a hug all of the sudden, the scent of flowers filled your nose as his hair tickled your face.
✧ "your hair's in my face babe—" you mumble, moving the strands of hair off your face. luocha quickly apologized before pulling away, he cups your cheeks and stares deep into your eyes, which confused you.
✧ luocha continues to stare at you for a good hot minute, he was thinking about something. "say, did anything happen to you that prompted you to ask me that question? did someone do something? did i do something wrong?"
✧ he's so cute. anyway, you shake your head. "no, why?" luocha sighs in relief before taking his hands off your cheeks. "i don't know i assumed something happened that made you question me with that.. question. thank the lord i didn't do anything."
✧ kissing his cheek, you sighed dramatically, "well actually something did happen.. a certain somebody hasn't given me any attention for the past couple of hours"
✧ luocha playfully rolls his eyes, "my fault, princess/prince" and that's how he ended up peppering and littering you with kisses all over your face and no, you couldn't escape him even if you wanted to.
瓦尔特 welt
✧ if you keep asking him such questions he's only going to age more, physically, you're going to give him too many wrinkles if you keep on making him furrow his brows and frown.
✧ all you can hear is him heaving a great big sigh as he sets his mug down on the table, staring down at you. "the hottest person in the world?" he asks, you nod your head while smiling, you somewhat knew his answer already.
✧ "well it's you of course." he replied without any hesitation, you hummed and gave him a peck on his cheek. "right answer."
✧ "but why $10 only? you're worth more than that you know." he added, you only shrugged your shoulder. "i don't know it's what the text says" "the text?" "yeah, look!" you held your phone up and pointed at the screen where there was a couple, one of the partner asked a question—the same one you asked him.
✧ the other partner states that they would kiss the most hottest person in the world for $1000, it then showed a clip of the person sleeping on the couch. the answer was easy really, welt didn't understand how bad one person can mess something up.
✧ "well he was stupid, answer was easy." you agreed and put your phone away. "simple right? i knew you would say the right thing" you continued, welt only smiles in pride. "of course, i know what you want to hear, but i hope you know i would never kiss a random person, even if they were the hottest."
✧ your heart melts as he speaks, his words really sinking into you. "awwhh welt~" next thing he knows you're absolutely hugging the shit out of him (and rubbing your face in his chest), not that he minds.
桑博 sampo
✧ "well would you kiss me for $10 or kiss the hottest person in the world for $1000?" sampo repeated your own question back in a somewhat sassy tone. you were a bit shocked to say the least, i mean, how dare he not answer your question but answer your question with the same exact question!! (same energy ykyk)
✧ but obviously, you're used to his antics as you roll your eyes playfully, closing your phone. "seriously, shampoo. answer the question." "woah woah—shampoo? i said to call me anything but that!" he whines as he uses his hands to talk (as usual), very much exaggerating everything.
✧ you shrug your shoulders with an unamused "hmph" and don't reply any futhur. sampo dramatically sighs in defeat. "but babes, if you really think about it $1000 is a lot of money.." you raise your brow at his answer. "you're only thinking about the money?"
✧ sampo shakes his head, he grabs a hold of your hands while looking at you so sincerely it kind of scared you as he was always so... non-serious. "no, of course not. but just think about all the things i can buy for you...and me...food, flowers, more food, clothes and so much more! wouldn't you want all of that?"
✧ you think about it for a second and replied, "well although those are nice, wouldn't you much rather kiss me instead for $10? we can.. still buy something with $10, plus my kiss is unlike any other!"
✧ "yeah, i know." sampo snickers, upon his reply you narrow your eyes at him, your unamused face screamed "what do you mean by that?" in a menacing type of way. sampo quickly clears his throat before you could get any ideas (you had already gotten a few).
✧ "what i'm tryna say is that yes, i would rather kiss you for $10 but.. i think—" you immediately cut him off with a solemn face. "sh. i don't want to hear anymore of you." sampo can see that you're visibly upset at his answer. shit. he didn't mean to say the wrong thing.
✧ his grip on your hand tightened as he moved in closer to you. "no, wait babe i didn't mean that. i was just playin' i promise i would rather kiss you, your kisses are a one in a billion and i really don't care about the money and—" once again, you cut him off, but for a good reason this time.
✧ you giggle softly and shush him up with your index finger pressed up against his soft lips. "i know what you mean sampo, don't go on a big rant now you aren't in trouble." a clear sigh could be heard from sampo. "thank the stars.."
✧ " but babe! you haven't even answered my question." you gawk at sampo. "... oh well..."
✧ and now it was your turn to tease him, be prepared for a pestering and probing sampo!
卢卡 luka
✧ luka is quite stunned at first because for one, the question was out of nowhere, and two, WHAT DID HE DO THAT MADE YOU QUESTION HIM (you have a habit of asking him random questions out of nowhere)
✧ "did i do something wrong?!" is the first thing he says, he says it like it's urgent it caught you off-guard. you shake your head no and chuckle. "no, why? it's just a question don't worry."
✧ as you both were beside each other, sitting down on your couch, luka leans in closer to you where his nose is just barely touching yours. "well.." he whispers before giving you a long and tender kiss on your lips, it was soft and delicate, it wasn't intense or hot—just simple.
✧ "you, obviously." he begins as he pulled away slowly, his deep, sparkling blue eyes staring down at yours so softly and genuinely. "plus in my eyes you're the most prettiest person in the entire world, actually—no, in the universe!" the way he beamed at you as he spoke his words made your heart flutter. he was so sweet.
✧ luka's sweetness and innocence of a child (not quite literally) never failed to make you tear up, his charisma and optimistic personality pulled you in. but back to the moment. "awww luka you're too sweet ☹️" your cute lil pout made luka's head jump out of his chest and right back in, you were all too adorable.
✧ "oh you know it's nothing.. just stating the facts!" he chuckles, wrapping an arm around your neck and pulling you closer to him where your hips touched each other.
✧ luka rested his head on top of yours, his chest heaving up and down calmly. "wait, so you would kiss me even if you only got $10 other than $1000?" you asked, not bothering to move your body to face him.
✧ "yup! i would still kiss you for free too, money or not. if you still don't believe me.." luka lifted his head off yours as he faced you, you mirrored his actions and turned to face him. "hm?"
✧ luka began to kiss your face, first your cheeks, then it was your nose, then your forehead and finally, you're lips. this time he pressed his lips onto yours for longer as he used his left hand to cup your cheek. everything about this moment was wonderful.
✧ when he finally lets go, you both are left breathless and yet still yearning for more. "do you believe me now?"
银枝 argenti
✧ argenti is quick with his response, catching you off-guard. he was just standing out in the public (well more like posing to you and other people as he always looks like he's a model posing for his pictures) when you came running to him with your phone in hand, looking quite excited. which got him excited as well.
✧ but despite the silliness of the question he quickly answers your question with no hesitation. "why, you of course. i would kiss you any day, anytime and anywhere." he spoke with such sincerity and calmness it instantly made you fold. his soft and luminous grey eyes boring into yours.
✧ argenti moves in closer to you where his chest is looming over you. but even if he was taller than you, you were quite used to him doing that so you weren't afraid at all. "why do you ask?" you shake your head and smile up at him, happy with his answer. "nothing special!!"
✧ argenti stays silent for a couple of seconds before cupping your cheeks with his hands, your hands reaching to hold his with yours, the cold, hard metallic texture. you stare up at him, confused, but don't speak. you wait for him to do whatever he needed to do.
✧ before you knew it he had leaned down, his lips barely touching yours, his hooded eyes staring down at your lips. a kiss. his lips were so warm and soft, they did not part whatsoever, it was just soft, slow, gentle and sensual kiss. his lips were softly pressed against yours for a good hot second when he gradually pulled away, the tingling and exciting sensation still lingered on your lips.
✧ when both of your lips parted, it seemed like you two had forgotten that you were out in public, unaware of the many stares that were coming your way (i mean can you blame them? they are witnessing a very gorgeous couple passionately kissing. but not in that way.)
✧ after argenti pulled away and observed your face for any signs of discomfort the corners of his lips began to pull up after seeing you smile shyly. you were so adorable. "and that would be $1010." he whispered, gently pinching your cheeks.
✧ a cheerful and tender grin grows on your face at his words. but before you could utter a word or sound your eyes land upon a rose being held right in front of you by argenti. his signature rose.
✧ "a freshly picked flower for you, my rose." he breathed, his other hand pressed against his chest as he slightly bows. what a gentlemen he is. you smile in embarrassment before gratefully take his flower and slightly bowing before thanking him and smelling the rose. "thank you so much! it's breathtaking...."
✧ "just like you."
真理医生 dr. ratio
✧ "be completely and utterly serious with me with me right now." you added, using big words to really make him think about it. not like he ever does (he's always thinking logically).
✧ ratio sighs, yes, he gave you that sigh. "what? don't give me that sigh. just tell me your answer and then go on with your life again!" you said, doing your sigh this time. ratio is clearly and visibly thinking about his answer.
✧ "wow. are you really thinking about your answer?" you spoke, raising your brow in complete confusion. ratio shoots you a stare and shakes his head. "yes, really, but the answer is simple, you." although his answer was what you wanted to hear you wanted to know why. i mean, he was your boyfriend after all but still.
✧ "i thought you said you would let me go on with my life after answering your non-sensical question." he replied bluntly, cocking his head to the side. you mumbler under your breath as he was right. "yes well just one more thing, please?" and of course, he could never say no to you.
✧ "simply because i love you. i don't need to kiss anybody, especially a random stranger that is quote-on-quote, extremely attractive, for $1000 or more. even if somebody offered me a million i wouldn't take it, simply because they are not you. your kisses are different and have a different feel compared to theirs. and i am 100% positive that their lips are probably not the best unlike yours. not only that but it would be completely unreal for me to meet someone extremely attractive in the world as nobody is. but to me, you are the most wonderful and amazing person i have ever met. and not only that but—"
✧ you roll your eyes playfully before shushing him up with a finger pressed up against his lips. "okay okay i get it smarty pants" you giggled, removing your finger from his lips. ratio only grinned upon your words.
✧ "hm, well that's a good response. you're the best!" you beamed before kissing his temple and pulling away, heat rushing to your cheeks.
✧ as you were about to walk away you stopped in your tracks, causing him to stop what he was doing and looking your way. you turned around, facing him. "did you mean everything you said?" you questioned softly. the corners of ratio's lips curled up. "of course, i promise."
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note: if you would like to be added to the honkai star rail taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy
taglist 🏷️ : @sanestlyneyfan @akhiran @elenasstxarr @irantoyouwithoutthinking @stygianoir (if i forgot to tag you i apologize! dm me/send an ask to be in the taglist if you want.
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another note: second hsr post YAY I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY THIS
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haruniki · 4 months
Is it getting hot in here?
Caught Kissing/Making Out- HSR Part 1/?
Characters: Stelle, March 7th, Himeko (Astral Express crew)
a/n: hiiii did you guys miss mee? sorry for not being active work and school have been crazyyy and I just haven't felt like writing for a while. Also thinking about limiting what I write like fandom wise. I hope you enjoy this tho to make up for my inactivity <3
CW: Suggestive content?, kissing, mostly fem aligned, established relationship in March 7th's, inaccuracies of ability, Himeko's isn't necessarily caught but 🤷
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To say it was hot would be an understatement. The express's A/C had completely broke and had to be fixed.
Everyone was bored and agitated due to the heat. Choosing to stay in their rooms to prevent any unwanted arguments. You and Stelle shared a room due to limitations of rooms on the express.
Alright, you'll choose dare this once. Little did you know that Stelle's dare would lead you both to being on the floor tongues intertwined as your hands wandered around each other's bodies.
As you and Stelle talked, you begin to play truth or dare. Stelle having a competitive streak going and only choosing dare while teasing you about choosing truth.
"Come on, just choose dare. You have to be out of truths by now."
Stelle certainly had a way to cure boredom and it's not like you had much complaint, well minus the temperatures seeming to rise as you both make out.
As Stelle pulls away, she helps take off your shirt as you peel off her jacket. She catches your lips as you get close to help take her arm out a sleeve.
As you pull away Stelle moves forward with slight whine, before pulling off her shirt.
And as you both go back to kissing, the door to the room opens and Welt enters to inform you two that the A/C will be working soon. But as he sees the scene before him he fades into dust he leaves the room and sends a text to Stelle.
Welt: Apologies, I had knocked but received no answer. Please use a lock next time as well as listen for knocks on the door.
Stelle: [she sent the flustered/embarrassed pom pom sticker]
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Stelle throws her phone aside before looking at you. It seems that the minor interaction doesn't bother her so much. She's rearing to continue, perhaps the express should invest in a code of sorts to let each other know they're busy.
March 7th
March looked back in forth from the doorway making sure no one was coming down the hallway any time soon, and as she sees no one she quickly closes the door to the Maintenace room.
Before turning to you and pulling you to her, lips connecting as she rests against a metal box like contraption.
Now, why meet in a Maintenace room? Why not meet in March's room or even yours? March didn't like how close hers was to everyone else's and yours was much to close Stelle's, plus being somewhere they probably shouldn't be pretty exciting for March.
March wraps her arm around your neck pulling you closer, her over hand leading one your own to her thigh. Only pulling away to hop up on to the metal box and pulling your closer.
The kissing is messy and very teeth clashy but March didn't really mind and so long as you didn't either, then she was fine. It had been a while since you two last saw each other and with her last outing with the trailblazer it seemed like their situation were getting deadlier and deadlier.
As March deepened the kiss, it felt like it was starting... to get colder? Usually when you both were like this it got hotter, so why was it suddenly so cold?
As March panics, the door opens. Pom-Pom and Dan Heng enter. The two surprised to see you both here. As Pom-Pom states how happy they are that you both arrived first and were assessing the situation, unknowing that you both were the cause of the minor damage. Dan Heng looked at you both with a disappointing shake in his head.
Breaking the kiss, you both notice a huge chunk of ice on the metal box. March accidental froze it and as you stifle a giggle, March looks absolutely horrified.
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As Pom-Pom investigates and begins trying get rid of the icy block, Dan Heng pulls you both outside the Maintenace room to scold you both for your antics.
Himeko's lips trailed down your neck, she was more or less teasing you. The book you bought her in Luofu laying open. You had only bought it for her because of a few coffee recipes it had, you didn't quite expect her to give anything in return.
Himeko's lip makes their way to yours. Soft yet firm, much like her demeanor. Her hands trail between your hips and upper torso, almost like she's scared to touch you.
As you kiss her back, you lightly touch her face. Deepening the kiss, you tongues intertwine. The taste of coffee fills your senses, she must have had a cup not too long ago.
With Himeko on top of you, your own hands wander around her body. Your hands going her hip dips once or twice, she smiles into the kiss as she feels you do that.
Himeko pulls away and sits up to pull her hair back more before going back in for another kiss, panting from the lack of air. As it gets hotter and hotter.. and hotter?
Pom-Pom interrupts as they walk in, looking at Himeko and you in a compromising situation.
Normally the express has such great A/C, why's it so hot in this room? Almost like space has completely absorbed all the coolness.
"MISS HIMEKO! The A/C is broken! March was first there to help fix it but I can't seem to find her anymore.."
Pom-Pom tells Miss Himeko how nice she is for helping out her fellow express members before informing her that they need help melting the icy block that prevents the A/C from working.
A look of panic washing over Himeko trying to find words to exlpain the situation and before she's able to Pom-Pom begins to worry.
"Oh no! Did Y/n get hurt? Did they pass out from the heat? I was worried that it would get that hot. Luckily, you were here to help them out, Miss Himeko!"
Maybe you bring her some coffee recipes more often.
As Himeko leaves, leaving you in the room alone, a noise pings to your phone.
Himeko: Meet me in my room later? We haven't finish our.. coffee discussion. Make sure to bring the book with you ;)
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mouwrites · 7 months
Ninjas x reader?
So basically readers dad/mom/wtv is a ex military Sargent who's very overprotective and intimidating. And the ninjas are meeting them for the first time how would they react?
Ooh, I actually like that idea,,, "ex-military parent" is a trope that needs to be used more often tbh
Ninjago - Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military
He'd be super nervous, but he'd totally ace the first impression
And literally every impression after that
I feel like Cole is just the kind of guy your parents would always love, whether they're strict or laid back, grumpy or cheery—they are going to love him
Maybe it's because he always shows respect
And it's no exception with your parent; if anything, he's extra respectful
Definitely calls them "sir" or "ma'am"
(Honestly he probably does this anyway at first, but he'll do it more consistently with your parent)
Whenever they get all protective over you, he somehow manages to quell their worries without stepping on their toes
Like, if your parent says:
"You know, when we're in public Y/n never leaves my sight."
He'll smile and say:
"That's what I try to do, too. I like to know they're safe."
This technique never fails to satisfy and impress your parent
He seems pretty calm and pleasant when around your parent, and while this is forced at first, it becomes more natural over time
Mostly because your parent starts to relax around him too, easing up on the intimidating glares and snide comments intended as "tests"
Soon enough your parent is actually asking you when you're bringing him home next!
"When are you bringing that Cole boy around again? He's a good kid."
He is absolutely TERRIFIED to meet your parent when he finds out they're ex-military
He keeps putting off the meeting; little does he know this is making your parent suspicious of him already
You literally have to beg him to meet them, if not for your sake, then for his own
Because you know that the longer he keeps making excuses, the more your parent is going to be biased against him
So when he finally agrees, it's a big relief for you
Not so much for him; he spends every second leading up to the meeting stressing out
What's he gonna wear? What's he gonna say? How should he stand? What if he gets fidgety?
Then it happens: he meets your parent
And he fumbles so hard D:
His bumbling nervousness (which is NOT helped by your parent's intentionally intimidating demeanor) makes him come off as a wuss, which your parent doesn't like
They think Jay can't protect you, which is, like, their #1 requirement for any partner you have
So they totally disapprove of him
That is, until they see him on the news
He somehow failed to mention on your first meeting that he was a ninja; a ninja with powers, no less
So your parent sees him on the news one night, and immediately calls you over
"Is that your boyfriend on the news? Oh my! Did you just see that?? Good gravy!"
"Does this mean you don't hate him now?"
"Hate him? How could I? This kid could take me in a fight! Hell, bring him around again; I've gotta apologize before he comes after me, hah!"
From what you said about Kai to your parent before they met him, they assumed he was sort of a bad boy
Which they didn't like. At all.
So when they ask you to bring him home, it's almost like a challenge
And that's certainly how Kai sees it; a challenge to prove his worth
So he trains for it
He works out extra hard, practices his smile in the mirror, tests different greetings
It's silly, but you know that he's probably going to need the practice, what with your parent... being like they are
The practice gives him an air of confidence that actually ends up putting your parent off
Everything else was fine; the handshake, calling them "sir/ma'am," asking polite questions...
It was just that smirk, that total lack of nervousness that put a (deeper than usual) scowl on your parent's face
It wasn't that Kai wasn't nervous; he was just hiding it to seem tough
Eventually he starts to break, and his anxiety finally shines through
Your parent realizes that everything he's been doing has been for them, and he wasn't really like that all the time
And then they're just a little impressed; not much, but just enough so that they don't totally hate him
It'll take time for them to warm up to him, and honestly it'll probably take a bit for Kai to warm up to them, too
Your parent will sort of see themselves in Kai: a fiery young person eager for a fight
And from there they'll be besties tbh; they can relate to each other, and they enjoy testing each other's fierceness
I don't actually think that Zane will be nervous about your parent being ex-military
If he's feeling any anxiety, it's about meeting your parent in general
He doesn't know why them being ex-military would change things; veteran or not, he needs them to like him
But it does give him a hint on how to please them
He spends a lot of time researching the military, trying to come up with topics to discuss
He's also just trying to understand them better
So when you finally meet, he's almost too perfect in the way he conducts himself
He's quite naturally respectful and pleasant, but it's his knowledge about the military that really gets your parent
The questions he asks are so specific that each one makes your parent's brows jump up for half a second in surprise
They're more than happy to answer the question, of course; they're just impressed that he knew to ask
And when he leaves your parent is actually the one asking if he'd like to come over again
Tbh they just want to answer more of his questions
Needless to say, they end up liking him a lot; not as your boyfriend, but as a "nice young man"
It's only after the first meeting that they let the idea that this "nice young man" is your boyfriend set in
The change is visible on their face; they just blink with owlish eyes for a second before clapping you on the shoulder with a grin
"You picked a good one, Y/n! He sure knows his stuff!"
And the more he comes around, the more little details your parent learns to like, from his mannerisms to his personality
They don't even care that he's a robot
He's as human to them as anyone :)
He's pretty scared to meet your parent
His experience with parents was definitely... different
He has no idea what to expect when you tell him that your parent is strict/protective
His parents were about as present in his life as strawberries in an apple pie, so he doesn't really have a sense of what real parenting is like
So just add that to the fact that your parent is like the final boss of seeking parent approval
No matter how much you tell him to just be himself, he's convinced that he needs to act a specific way
He has no idea what that "way" is, but he's certain it exists
Unfortunately he doesn't figure it out by the time he's on your porch knocking on the door
So he's forced to follow your advice
His pleasant, agreeable nature does little to impress your parent
It's not that they don't like him, they just think he's a little... plain
But then they see how he treats you
Lloyd didn't know if showing affection for you was against this obscure idea of "ways to act around parents," but he did it anyway
He was as respectful ever in showing his admiration for you
He called you beautiful and kissed your hand, pulled your chair out for you at the dinner table and everything
He was a total gentleman, as always
This is what got your parent to like him
He wasn't just this plain blonde boy who "fooled" you into dating him; suddenly he was a dazzling gentleman with impeccable manners
This impression might've been a bit exaggerated
I mean, Lloyd is just naturally nice like that; he's not trying to be this "perfect" character
But ultimately that's how your parent sees him, which is better than a bad impression (I guess?)
She's not scared of your parent
No matter how much they might try to intimidate her, she's unflinching in her demeanor around them
Much like Zane, any anxiety she's feeling is because they're your parent, not because they're ex-military
But I don't think she has any reason to worry
She has a strong personality, with brains, brawn, and that fearless air about her
Your parent is impressed at the way she doesn't even seem to notice their glares
She just keeps smiling her little smile, asking another question to get to know your parent or answering their questions
At first your parent is a little irked by the way they can't seem to get to her, but the more she talks the more they realize that there's a reason behind this
She's a genuine toughie; she's seen enough that she's not scared of much anymore
And that's when your parent decides that they like her
I guess they sort of see themself in her
But they also like the fact that, because she's tough like that, she can protect you
And, just as importantly, she can protect herself
To your parent that means that not only is she going to take care of you, but she's going to take care of herself so that she can always be there for you
So they sort of drop the intimidation tactics
Not all the way, just because that's how they are when it comes to you
Just enough to show Nya that they're warming up to her
And she's totally ecstatic about that!
She knows family is important to you, so to be accepted by your parent is fantastic :D
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Thank you for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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cielwritings · 4 months
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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alotofpockets · 1 year
Replaced | Part 2 | Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Stark!Reader, and Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader
Story warnings: heart disease/failure, loss of a parent, absent father.
Story summary: Your father, Tony Stark, has been rather absent in the recent years of your life. What will happen when you show up at the Avengers Compound after you lose your mom?
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1.8K
Part 1 | Part 2
While you were sound asleep in Natasha’s arms, Peter looked very conflicted in the common room. “What’s troubling you, kid?” Your dad continued the nickname like what you said never happened. “You never told me you had a daughter.” Tony shrugs, “I barely see her, I didn’t see the point of mentioning it.” Peter gets up and heads towards his room as well. “Come on, kid, not you too.” He looks back in disbelief, “I know exactly what it’s like to lose a parent, and the fact that you’re acting like it’s nothing to your own child, while you should be the one comforting her, does not sit right with me.” 
When you wake up you realize you fell asleep on Natasha, you look up and she's already looking at you. “Good morning, how did you sleep?” You sit up, “I slept good, but I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you, I’m sorry.” Natasha smiles, “No worries, you’re all good. I do have to go for a bit, I have a short meeting. If you want you can have some breakfast in the kitchen, grab whatever you want.” You thank her before she gets up. “I’ll meet you after?” You nod with a small smile. 
In the kitchen, Wanda was already busy making pancakes, “Hey, y/n, would you like some?” You sit down at the counter, "Yeah, I would love some pancakes, they smell amazing Wanda." Wanda puts a plate with two perfect pancakes down in front of you. "Let me know if you want more when you're done, I'm making them for everyone, so I'll be cooking for a bit." You take the first bite, "They're amazing Wanda, thank you! Where did you learn to cook like this?" Wanda gives you a faraway smile. "When I was younger, every moment my mom spent in the kitchen, I was right by her side. She was always so happy in the kitchen, I wanted that too. She taught me everything she knew. Her recipe books were one of the few things that were left after the bombing. I keep them very close to my heart, and make her recipes as often as I can, to remember her and my family." You hadn't realized that Wanda's youth had gone that way. "Oh, I’m sorry, Wanda. I didn’t know. I’m glad your mom can live on through her recipes and the memories you’ve made together.” - “Don’t worry, I enjoy talking about them. It keeps the memories alive, you know?” You nod and continue your breakfast. 
When you were done with your first pancake, Peter walked in. He nervously walks towards you, “Hey, y/n, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I had no clue Tony had a daughter, I never meant to take your place or you know, be a part of the reason your connection with your dad isn’t good.” You pat the empty chair beside you, silently asking him to sit with you. “You have nothing to apologize for, Peter. None of this is your fault, I promise. Plus my connection with my dad hasn’t been good long before he met you, so please don’t feel guilty. I don’t blame you in any way.” That seems to relieve some of the tension the boy was feeling. Wanda placed a plate in front of Peter, without saying a word, careful to not interrupt the two of you. You and Peter quietly eat the rest of your breakfast, until your dad walks in. Both of you look up at him, “Ah, Peter, y/n, I see that you two are getting along well.” You roll your eyes and excuse yourself from the table.
You walk outside and follow one of the paths, not knowing where it will lead you. Eventually, you make it to the waterfront and decide to sit down. You’re just staring out onto the water, deep in thought, when you hear someone walk towards you. Looking over your shoulder you see Wanda approaching. “Hi, Wanda, how did you find me so easily?” Wanda points to the ground next to you, “May I?” You nod and she sits down next to you. “I can read minds, is how. I try not to listen to people's thoughts because it’s generally not appreciated, but sometimes a person's thoughts are too loud for me to ignore. So, I just wanted to check in on you.” You talk with Wanda for a while until her phone buzzes, “Hey, it’s Nat, she’s looking for you. Are you okay with me sharing where we are?” You nod your head, “Yeah, we were planning to meet up after her meeting.” The three of you spend the rest of the morning at the water, getting to know each other better. 
A couple days later you’re at the funeral that you arranged. Most of the team was there for support, as well as a few relatives and even some regulars from the bookstore. It was by far the hardest thing you had ever done. After every person that attended shook your hand and said their condolences, Natasha walks up to you. “Hey, you look like you need a hug.” Without saying a word you fall into her arms. She wraps her arms tightly around you and lets you cry into her chest. Her hand rubs soothing circles on your back, trying to bring you as much comfort as she possibly could. Once it feels like you have no tears left, you loosen your grip on Natasha. “Thank you, I needed that.” Natasha moves to your side and keeps an arm around your shoulder. “Any time.” You look out the doors of the room. “Did he come?” - “Yeah, he stood at the back, but left before the condolences. I think he wasn’t sure if you and your family members wanted him there.” You nod, not sure why you cared to know.
The next week you opened back up the bookstore. You were looking through your notes with a frown on your face when Natasha walked in with two coffee’s. She hands you one of the cups and takes a sip of the other, “How are you holding up?” You sigh deeply. “Okay, I guess. It feels so strange without her.” Natasha nods along as you tell her how you’re feeling. “And what about the notebook, what were you looking at?” You grab the notebook and flip through a few pages, “The funeral costs were most of my savings, and since we’ve- eh- the store has been closed all week, I didn’t get any income from it. So, I was trying to come up with ideas on how to earn more money here. So far everything I’ve written down is only going to cost me more money.” Natasha looks through your notes to see what kind of ideas you had come up with. “Do you want to brainstorm some ideas together?” You like the idea and start firing ideas at each other. It must have been an hour later when Natasha came up with the following. “What if we did something with the Avengers? Like maybe we can organize events to read books to kids or something, or we can have the team make book suggestions. That will surely attract more people to the store, right?” - “That sounds like a great idea! But do you really think the team is willing to help?” Natasha takes your hand in hers and gives it a soft squeeze, “I’m sure they will. I think it would be good for us too, we’re always looking for opportunities to connect with the community more. This would be perfect.”
Every free moment of the next few weeks you spent together with Natasha. It started out as planning your idea, but soon you realized that you were not only working on the idea anymore. After planning Natasha stayed over and you watched movies, more than once she stayed the night and you cuddled up after falling asleep during unfinished movies. You don’t remember exactly when it happened, but you knew that somewhere along the line you had crossed the line of simply being friends. When you weren’t working you were either at Natasha’s or she was at your place. On days that Natasha was free, she would join you at the store and prepare things for the first Avenger reading event.
Then the first ever Avenger reading event was finally there. The whole store was full of children and their families, eager to meet the Avengers. You introduced today's readers to the audience, “Please welcome Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Spider-man!” The event went amazing, you had no idea how it was going to turn out this morning, but this many people was definitely not something you had expected. The team sat and interacted with the kids as their friends were reading a book. They walked around the store with kids and helped them pick out books. Almost all of the families left the store with at least one book. “Thank you all so much! This was incredible, I am so grateful for all of you.” You told the team as they were heading out. Natasha stayed to help you clean up, the rest offered too, but Natasha assured them that it was fine. 
When you had cleaned everything up you sat down on one of the couches. Natasha walked up to you with two drinks in her hand, “We should celebrate, today was a big success.” You lean into her as she sits down next to you. “Yeah, we should. What did you have in mind?” Natasha shrugs, “I don’t mind, as long as it’s with you.” You lift your head and look in her eyes. Her eyes move down to your lips, you smile as a warm feeling forms in your chest. You reach up your hand to place a loose strand of hair behind her ear and let your hand linger. Natasha leans into your hand and then forwards until your lips meet. You kiss her slowly, her hands move to your waist pulling you closer. She deepens the kiss and gently pulls you on top of her lap. When you part you smile at her, “So this is what you call celebrating?” - “Hm, only with you.”The next steps for the bookstore made you excited for the future. You were adding two new sections to the store. One called ‘Assembled by Avengers’, a section with recommended books by each of the Avengers. The other was dedicated to your mom’s favorite books. Besides the new sections, more reading events were planned, you expanded it to multiple age groups.
Another thing that excited you for the future was the woman that was currently sound asleep next to you. You turn to your side and scoot closer to Natasha. After placing a soft kiss to her forehead, you cuddle up to her and close your eyes as well.
Tagging the people that asked for a part two, thank you for wanting to read more!
@romanoffsgal @my-skeleton-hats @natasharomanoffswife17 @justyourwritter69 @brooke7x @pandafuriosa60 @winter107th @cherlenovix @demonicangel69 @natasha-1million
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rose-n-gunses · 12 days
okay here we go hellcheer church camp au
(you might have to get creative with this one)
Omg hi I tooootally didn't forget I had this in my inbox 👀🫢
I did have to do a little research on this one because I've never been to a church camp unless you count a one-day confirmation retreat (which I don't) or actually any kind of overnight summer camp! SO:
Eddie has finally gotten arrested for dealing and, because it's technically his first offense (yeah, he's surprised about that too -- the juvie record got expunged and Hopper's been soft on him since), he's sentenced to however many hours of community service. He was able to choose between picking up roadside trash or serving food to all of the camp groups at Camp North Star. He'd much rather play lunch lady than spend the whole summer out in the hot sun, so he picks the camp.
Chrissy is a counselor for the elementary-age campers. She's not a huge fan of the camp; she thinks the morning and evening worship sessions are a little much and they spend way too much time indoors for being in such a beautiful area, but between her mother and Jason (also a counselor) she doesn't have much of a choice. (It's still better than being home all week.)
Jason is immediately antagonistic once he clocks Eddie in the kitchen the first evening. He throws a tantrum to the adult leaders about how they're allowing Satan's demonic influence into their godly refuge. Chrissy is mortified and on her way through the lunch line she apologizes and tells Eddie that Satan was still an angel at one point. He replies that Chrissy is an angel now and forever and gives her extra mac n cheese.
One afternoon while all of the campers are having their free swim time in the lake, Eddie makes a trip out there to drop off a cooler full of drinks. He overhears Jason bitching at Chrissy about how her bathing suit is "immodest" (and if he glances over to see it so what! She's got more skin covered than Jason does, anyway). Chrissy gets upset and tells Jason she's done with him and she doesn't care if God said she's his future wife, God is telling her that she should put her foot up his ass for being a dick and storms off back to her cabin to change.
That night after dinner and evening worship and cleanup Eddie sneaks across the camp to Chrissy's cabin and knocks on the door. She opens it thinking it's going to be Jason but is pleasantly surprised when it's not. He says he heard that she didn't get to swim earlier and asks if she still wants to. She changes back into her swimsuit and leads him by the hand down to the dock, where he'd already set up a lantern and some now-warm beers. He cannonballs in and she dives in after and they splash around for a little bit before he works up the nerve to say that he also heard that she got told off for her "immodest swimwear" but he thinks it's really cute, actually.
Chrissy says she'll be back in two weeks as a camper for her own session and asks if Eddie will be there. He salutes and says he's there all summer or until someone decides that he's done his penance. When she comes back he always gives her extras of her favorites and if anyone notices her missing from every single evening worship session that week, they don't let on 😉
1 AU, 5 facts
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whatdudtheysay · 1 year
Michael Afton x F!reader ( PT. 2) + part 1 +
CW - semi public, oral (m receiving), fingering, use of toys, jealousy, smut,
Readers pronouns are - she/her (not much mention though but still a warning)
Context - You decided to be a bit bratty to Michael after seeing the way he got so much attention from his female fans and admirers.
Requested from - @ibishoax
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Your jaw clenched slightly as you watched Michael with sharp eyes.
His last basketball game of the college year had just ended as of course, he won and was getting the most praise being one of the best attackers on the team. You were proud of him of course and wanted to congratulate him. But before you could get down the bleachers' stairs, hundreds of girls came squealing down too, bombarding Michael with praise and hugs, some daring to ask for a kiss.
Your brows raised when Michael finally allowed a girl to give him a light kiss on the cheek. You wanted to linger around a bit longer but your friend - Lorie, grabbed hold of your shoulder
"Hey, you okay?"
You nodded but noticed her gaze on Michael, a flat smile on her face.
"He'll be a while....I think.." she estimated, brows furrowing at the girls jumping around him. "But a guy on the team said they're having an after-party in one of the sorority houses."
Usually, you'd agree in a heartbeat. Parties were a destresser for you, letting you kick back and relax whilst getting drunk and possibly high if there was an underground provider. But after the events with David, you were reluctant.
Lorie noticed your hesitation, a slightly worried look coming over her features.
"Hey, don't worry about David. We took care of him remember? If he even sets foot on campus he'll be taken into custody. Plus, there's gonna be hundreds of people there. You have nothing to worry about."
Her words calmed your nerves and you found yourself relaxing.
"Alright....let's go then,"
The place was crowded, as expected. Hundreds of different students dancing and obviously crowding the drink area whilst some others went out in the front to smoke, the music flooding your ears.
"Cmonn," Lorie pleaded, dragging you with her onto the dance floor.
You complied this time, only because you'd had a couple drinks that helped you relax.
You both ventured into the sea of different people dancing, Lorie's hand in yours as she danced against you coaxing you into singing along with the song playing from the speakers.
However, your fun was cut short by her boyfriend appearing, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him.
You felt awkward at their PDA and and made a fake gag sound, making Lorie laugh.
Her boyfriend smirked.
"Mind if I steal her from you, y/n?"
You shook your head.
"Imma get another drink anyways."
Just before you could turn around, you bumped into someone.
You were about to apologize before you saw it was Michael.
"Hey, you." He cooed, ruffling the top of your head.
You made a humming sound in response, eyes focusing on what looked like a smudged lipstick stain at the side of his neck.
You looked behind you and to your disappointment, Lorie had indeed been taken somewhere by her boyfriend.
"What's wrong princess?" Michael questioned, his hand grabbing hold of your chin, making you look back at him.
You turned and made your way towards the counter where the drinks were at. Before you could reach it, Michael grabbed your arm, dragging you back towards him before leading you in the opposite direction, pulling you upstairs with him.
"Hey- Michael! Let me go!" You complained, trying to fight against him once you'd both made it upstairs and out of sight of any big crowds.
After Michael dragged you into a bathroom, he finally listened to your complaints, letting you go before moving to lock the door.
"Why the hell did you drag me up here?" You questioned, not hiding your annoyance.
Michael gave you a warning look before folding his arms.
"Why're you acting like someone shoved something up your ass?"
You scoffed, trying to get past him. "I don't need to hear this."
He lightly pushed your shoulder back.
"You're not going anywhere unless you tell me what's up." He put it simply, walking towards you.
You instinctively backed up until you felt the porcelain sink press into your back, the coolness sending chills through your body.
"Nothing's up with me." You lied, locking eyes with him. "But I'm getting tired of being here and I wanna go."
There was a small silence before Michael hummed along.
"Didn't seem so bored when you were grinding against your friend earlier."
How much had he seen?
"First of all. That's my friend. Second of all, that was a while ago. Now can you move? Besides you have your little fan girls club to keep you company when I'm not here-"
You were cut off by Michael's deep chuckle, Michael covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Seriously, princess? That's what this is about?"
You felt your brow twitch.
"It's not." You defended. You wanted to add to your defence but you couldn't. It was because of that.
Michael laughed once more before sighing, his eyes locking with yours.
"listen, y/n." Michael huffed, the volume of his voice becoming slightly lower. "We're just fooling around, hm? You shouldn't be getting jealous so easily."
You stared at him for as long as you could, fighting off the sting that came from your eyes, your hands finding the edges of the sink, squeezing onto it.
"I know."
Thank fuck your voice came out less weaker than you thought.
Michael stared at you for a while longer, a weird feeling of guilt bubbling in the pit of his stomach.
Before he could say anything else, you had him pushed up against the bathroom wall, your mouth catching his.
You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or your horniness, but you needed him right now, bad. Your hands slipped under his jacket, pulling it off hurriedly, letting it fall to the floor before you attacked his belt. Michael groaned against you. You hardly ever rushed so much when being intimate with him so this was almost foreign to Michael.
You moved away from his lips, biting and sucking the flesh on his neck whilst Michael groaned, his hands holding your waist.
He continued to let you mark him, a small smirk on his lips. He knew you were jealous of those girls. He'd noticed the way you were glancing over at him and the unwanted attention that acted like he was a celebrity. He wanted to come over to you, scoop you up in his arms and kiss you in front of the audience. But you weren't together. Just two friends who occasionally fucked sometimes. It was only a matter of time before he got your timer to tick off and he finally had.
Michael's arms moved around to the back of your jeans, tugging them down along with your panties, making sure they were low enough before moving back to your front, his hand moving between your thighs, rubbing against your clit, causing you to bite down on his shoulder, hard .
"Fuck, Michael -" you sighed, grinding against his fingers needily. "I need you so bad, please."
Michael hummed in agreement. "Can see how badly you're dripping down here."
You let out a silent moan once Michael's thick fingers sunk into your wet heat, your hands digging into his exposed arms.
"Fuck, your pussy doesn't wanna let my fingers go.." Michael marvelled, feeling your walls suck him in deeper anytime he tried to pull them out. "Want me to give you what you want?"
You quickly nodded your head, small moans leaving your lips as his fingers scissored into you. Michael wouldn't let you off that easily.
"Beg for it. Tell me how bad you want me to fuck your needy pussy."
You whimpered, eyes almost rolling when he curled his digits.
"Need it soo bad Michael- pleasee! I need itt."
Michael grinned. "Promise me you won't get jealous whenever any other girl talks to me."
You mewled, shaking your head which resulted in Michael stopping his movements.
"Ok, ok! I'm sorry! Please- I won't get jealous anymore!" You whined, hands fisting into his shirt, whilst looking up at him pleadingly. "Please, Michael."
Michael grinned harder. "Well, how can I resist when you look this cute, hm? Just gonna have to fuck that jealousy out of you."
You gasped lightly when he manhandled you, his arms turning you around before pushing you over the sink, one of his arms moving to lay a hard slap against your ass, the other resting heavy on the nape of your neck.
"Gonna fuck you till you cry,"
That was the only warning Michael gave before pushing himself deep into you, his tip resting smugly against your cervix. Your eyes rolled back once more, nails digging into your palm whilst you groaned. Michael didn't give you any time to adjust, instead thrusting his hips against your ass roughly.
"Shit," he groaned, laying another harsh slap against your rear, massaging over it after.
You whined harder, legs buckling at the feeling of his tip hitting your g spot. You wouldn't last much longer.
"Dunno why you're so jealous of those random girls... you're so fucking perfect." He mumbled, hands moving to slip under the cropped sweatshirt top you wore, pulling your bra down before attacking your breasts, fingers tweaking against your nipples. "You're so beautiful, your cute fuckin' face, your hips, your legs, and this pussy that's suckin' me in so nice-" he rambled, practically losing himself in your heat.
"S' too muchhh, Michael -" you moaned, nails scratching against the sink. You could barely get words out with the way he was fucking you.
"Those other girls can't compare to you, ya hear?" He asked, forcing you to raise your front half up, your back meeting his chest. "You're such a good girl for me, hm?"
You nodded hurriedly, your head moving to look down whilst you squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on the heavy heat building in your stomach.
"Maybe I should just fuck you until your pussy moulds into my shape, huh? That'll make you feel better, huh?"
You groaned lightly, the coil in your stomach threatening to snap.
"Michael- m' gonna cum, please!"
"Go on, then- cum on my dick, princess"
You didn't let another second pass, letting the coil finally snap, gushing around Michael's cock.
"Shit, just like that, fuck!" Michael groaned, "Gonna cum inside this pussy, that'll make you mine won't it?"
"Yes, please! Want your cum, please-!" You whimpered, trying to overcome the tingling sensation of overstimulation.
Michael listened to your every command, giving you one last thrust before letting himself come undone, his seed spurting deep inside of you.
You both stayed against each other for a bit, both of you huffing deeply. Michael finally rubbed your hips before slowly pulling out, his cum spilling out of your hole, dripping down your thighs.
Michael grabbed tissue, dampening it before helping you clean up, cleaning himself up after. You tiredly pulled up your panties and jeans, resting against the sink, your eyes meeting Michael's.
"How about we go to the cinemas together tomorrow night?" Michael asked, finally breaking the silence.
You raised a brow. "Alright, who else is coming?"
"Just us. We could go....on an actual date this time?" Michael trailed off, his eyes moving to the small window that let in the moonlight.
You were surprised by the suddenness of it all but you weren't complaining, instead, moving to close the distance between you both, going on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek.
"Well, you can pick me up tomorrow, then. And you might wanna do something about those." You smiled, grazing a finger over the side of his neck, making Michael flinch slightly.
You left without another word, leaving Michael to move towards the mirror, noticing all the love bites you'd scattered across his neck.
He was definitely gonna get you back for this. ♡
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
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jamminlocks · 9 months
Just a Wink - pt 2 {Suna x Reader}
Tags: Flirting, flirting strangers, Fluff, Humor, Semi-Canon Compliant, not beta read, still not beta read, reader is a volleyball player, word count: 4322 Summary: You meet the middle blocker from Inarizaki again in the next national tournament and you still have the mischievous streak to have fun. A/N: the tags here and comments from ao3 were motivating and i still had some ideas in mind so i made another part. may add or change some stuff here are there [ao3] 1 ⪻ ꒰ 2 ꒱⪼ 3
Your team lost in the finals to Sakura Chuo High. It was a good game, though. The first set was a win for your team. But the next two were won by Sakura Chuo. The last being 23-25. The feeling of defeat comes slowly. You're more relieved that it's over, glad to wipe away the sweat all over your face and to stay dry at the present moment, finally getting the chance to breathe and let your heart beat steady. Competitive as you are, you don’t feel crushed per se. Sad, sure, but not as devastated as some of your teammates seem to be. If anything, what’s has you misty eyed is their sobbing rather than the actual loss. Feeling the pain of all the training, the practices, to only lead you all not crossing the final step to reach the peak. That's what happened last time. Everyone worked so hard to get here. Still you didn’t make it to the top. But that's how it is. Sometimes, you’ve got the ball rolling and it stops at the last moment. 
There’s still pride left in them, you think, that they understand second place is still really good. Some of your teammates will come to that conclusion later. Others, not really. They have their reasons and they're right to believe otherwise. To you, the team has proven that you’ve all come this far. Every other school will see you all as strong opponents for the next nationals. As for you personally, You could say getting up here is a huge confidence boost as a player and you want to play up to here again.
After the game, as you all wipe away the sweat and rehydrate, your captain and half of the team approach you while you drink from your bottle.
“Sorry we made you look bad in such a big game,” your captain starts, saying it with at most exaggerated seriousness that purposely borders on being funny. Paying no mind until one of your middle blockers said, “We promised to do our best after all."
You are confused, raising a brow. Then, they give a half bow to you and apologize in unison, confusing you even more. They were so in sync that it was suspicious, but a soft part of your heart gets the best of you. “Huh? What's this all about?” you exhaustedly cried out to them, worried you scared them at some point into playing better. You are in no position to suddenly have them be like this to you.  
“We said we’d do our best so you can score a date with that one guy from Hyogo,” the team’s second libero states in fake disappointment and the others nod. In an instant, It all clicks.
This is so stupid. “Damn you guys.” You are so done with them. Still you can’t help but laugh out loud. You’re well aware that this is a joke, but the idea that they thought winning nationals will get you a date with an attractive stranger tickles your mind in a way you didn’t think it would and it has you howling in laughter, not caring of passersby or the other team notices. It fills you with pride that, despite the loss, they found humor in it all. Your team laughs along with you and you all banter while readying to leave.
The middle blocker from Hyogo in question, Suna-san, didn't quite leave your mind. After that little chat with him, you did not expect to see him again anytime soon. Most teams don't stay to watch the following days live after they're out of the nationals brackets. Though Inarizaki stayed for another day after they lost, you already assumed they’d be gone the day of the finals. 
There was a part of you that would like to believe they did stay to watch. You already met Suna-san by chance once. Why not a second time? Or even just see other Inarizaki players walking around like before. But it seems they didn’t. You didn’t feel that strange chill when Suna-san had his eyes on you, not before, during or after the match.
However, you’re kind of glad it's likely that he didn’t watch at all. He wished you luck yet you lost. Now that is embarrassing, even when you were playing really well in the match. Therefore, you can move along in peace.
As you walk alongside your teammates, carrying their own respective gym bags, you like to think that the luck Suna-san wished for you will show up at a different time.
Spring came, all of you bid farewell to your seniors and you became a third year yourself. Without your input or by default, the team pretty much chose you as their vice-captain, which is actually much better than being the captain, in your humble opinion. The first years are a handful. They do have a great deal of potential, just guiding in the right direction, and maybe a gentle knuckle to their heads sometimes but they’re mostly fine. 
Oddly for you, some teammates like to gossip in good fun and the little story of you chatting it up with a middle blocker from a powerhouse team gets to the first year players. From what you’ve heard and what the first years were willing to say that they heard, it's not far from what happened. Nonetheless you know that your freshmen, teammates’ active imaginations might have imagined it differently.  Now, they think you're the senior who has the hidden ability to charm attractive boys when in reality it was just a sudden burst of confidence and living in the moment.
Regarding that one guy in question, Suna-san was rarely in your mind unless it was about nationals or the  boys’ side of the nationals. Though the memory of the chat you had with him has been slightly tainted by the fact that more people know about it now and you have to always point out that you really weren’t trying to get it with him– you don’t even know where that assumption came from– whenever the story gets retold, you can still look back at it and feel pleased with yourself that you did not fumble. This is even more so because you winked at him, twice. The first time is the most fun to recall. You don’t know if you could do that again if you end up seeing him in nationals, if you even get there.
And then, the first half of your third year was to your favor. The team does great enough to win your prefecture's Interhigh Preliminaries, setting you to what could probably be the last nationals you'll attend in your school sports career. Perhaps that luck was paying off and you hope it will last you until the end. 
The trip to Tokyo was much like last years, yet the new batch of freshmen brought a new kind of excitement when you got there. Much like the last inter-high tournament, your team waits by the stairs outside of the tokyo gymnasium, under sunnier weather, not to join in the clustered crowd inside. Keeping the team in a good mindset was a job you had with the captain and manager. That's what you were mostly doing. Still, the waiting has you bored and you distract yourself by looking on to the crowd of other players. The teams are a little more lively than they were back in January, it might be because of the brighter, warmer weather. New uniforms also wait alongside your team, new or returning teams from years ago. Plenty of old uniforms from last nationals make their return. They all come with matching banners of their school’s name. You find yourself looking for a particular shade of maroon banners and sports jacket, yet they weren’t there
The tournament brackets are inside the gymnasium, but you have the gut feeling that Inarizaki will be here too. You could do that right now, ask a teammate what team is here for Hyogo. After all, you could also be wrong. However, some of your more teasing members are quick to jump to the conclusion that you're hoping it’s Inarizaki because of, well, a certain someone, rather than assuming you're asking out of genuine curiosity. They’d be right too but you're not really in the mood to feed into their teasing. It's also on the bottom of your list of priorities. So, you spend the rest of the wait checking on your team’s well being while scanning the crowds of colorful volleyball jerseys every now and then to distract yourself.
The thought fades once your team enters the gymnasium and you, along with the rest of the teams present, prepare for the opening ceremony. It was only when you check out the tournament brackets after the ceremony do you see that Inarizaki is present. It’s impressive but no surprise to you or anyone. From what you've gathered, they won't be up to play until much later, same as your team. 
Teams that aren't the first four matches in the main arena of the tournament spend their time being an audience of those matches or wandering around the stadium until it is their turn. That's what your team has been up to. Everyone is in high energy and high spirits, so most of your teammates are walking around either watching the games or checking out the stalls for souvenirs. Some opted out to just sit and preserve their energy for the match, leaving them as the guard of everyone else's bags.
You are one of those that decided to walk around. The excitement was getting to you a bit and you practically could not sit still. Your manager suggests you come along with her, figuring mayhaps getting on your feet will shake it out. She was just going to the vending machines and didn't want to go alone. You join her after snagging money from a pocket of your bag, thinking you could use a box of milk, actually. If they have milk, that is. 
As you walk together, other bright uniforms pass you. You briefly watch the match from each court as you move. The squeaks of rubber shoes on concrete, shuffling feet, the impact of volleyballs on hands and arms, players shouting, audience cheering and playing their teams' cheer music, it all mixes and blends into the festive and energetic atmosphere nationals is known for. You finally reach the hall leading to the exit of the ground floor. It is where some of the vending machines are lined up. From what you can remember, most of them are on the other side, near the entrance.
“Shit”, your manager hisses as she hastily pads her pockets. Concerned but already understanding where this is going, you ask anyway. “What’s wrong?” 
“I forgot my wallet.” As you thought. She then hands you her clipboard, and jogs off to the direction where you both came from. “I’ll be right back,” She called out, leaving you standing alone. You sigh, defeated yet humored. She bought her clipboard with her but not the money to buy anything. 
After watching her disappear from the corner, you scan the options presented to you by the vending machine in front of you. Juices, soft drinks, canned coffees– maybe you’ll get one later– water, no milk. You walk to the next one and it's the same. The one after that is not even drinks. It's cup noodles and is also tempting. You keep walking and hear footsteps of other people but you pay no mind as you read. Probably other players anyway. It was on the third to the last one, a white vending machine like the beverage it is encasing. The milk is packed in small cartons that you find adorable since you were a child. There's the milk you usually drink and other varieties. It had you thinking
Should you buy the usual or be a bit adventurous and get the flavor you haven’t tried before? The pros of the latter is you enjoying milk and having another kind of milk to like. The cons being you might get an upset stomach right before a game or during the game for suddenly trying something new. However, you may regret it if you don’t give it a try.  
Before you make up your mind, you sense it again, the feeling of being watched. Turning to the corner where you last saw your manager, she is still nowhere to be seen. Has she found her wallet and is on her way or still shuffling her bag? You huff impatiently, looking back at the milk cartons behind the vending machine’s glass. Maybe you should just buy your usual plain milk.
After making up your mind, you take the money out of your pocket, slipping the clipboard under your arm. Then, you feel it again, someone's eyes on you. This time, It's different. It’s specific, familiar. It’s the same to the one back in January, that chill. Your awareness heightens. Looking back again, there are other people walking. You half-hope that you would see him. Not because you want to, wanting to be right that it is the same chill as back then. But after scanning the passersby, specifically any person in a volleyball uniform, there wasn’t a single black jersey. It’s somehow disappointing.
Sifting through the money in your hand, there's plenty of 10 yen coins, some 50 yen too. What you need is 100 yen. As you count, someone walks up and stands at a distance from you. 
Unsure if they were waiting for their turn to buy, you took a quick glance, noticing maroon cloth. From the corner of your eye, there you see him, Suna-san of Inarizaki's Volleyball team standing in front of the vending machines, staring at the rows of featured bottles, right beside you. His phone with a bright screen on one hand. The other is in the pocket of his jacket.
Your gut is telling you to say 'hi', like he’s already your friend. Winking at and talking to someone once from a few months ago does not count as friendship. Still pretending to be preoccupied, you observe him. It seems, like you, Suna-san came without a beverage in mind, scanning the selection of drinks behind each glass. He makes careful strides forward while his attention is on the side, not in a hurry. You played with the coins between your fingers. Should you talk to him? Shifting your stance to the other foot. The distance between you gets closer and he stops just far enough for him to notice. You're already here, might as well have your fun again. 
“Hey,” you greet, a little playful at the tail end.
From his focus on the vending machine, his head pirks up, turning to you. Those feline-like eyes are on you again, less unintentionally threatening this time. Just like before, they gape open in mild surprise then they droop back. He smirks at you.
"Hey," Suna-san echoes with the same voice as he did back then–  low, cool, lazy, like having recently woken up. He doesn't appear to have changed much from the last time you saw him. Still having the same haircut. You wager he grew a cm or soThere is a glint in his gaze you can't quite put your finger on. “You made it.”
You softly laugh at his comment. Was he expecting to see you at Nationals? "Yeah. I'm surprised too.”
"Your team did win second place in the last tournament," Suna-san points out. Hearing it from him sounds like a bigger deal. Well, he didn't have to tell you that, tooting your horn for you. He follows up with, "congrats, by the way."
Although smiling in thanks, you try not getting it too big. You said, "don't say that yet, that was the last time. We haven't played our first match today." Your attention is split between the vending machine and talking to him. There is a pause as you do.
“How was it,” he asked. A vague question. It pulls you out from choosing a drink. 
Turning to him, you say, “you mean the finals?” It's still clear to you the feelings during the match, the rush, the exhaustion, the thrill. “Even though we lost, it was great. Manage to score a lot too,” recalling scoring a spike in one particularly long rally. The frustration in the Sakura Chau player's faces still brings you satisfaction. “I wanna get up there again. And, well, actually win.”
He nods. Likely understanding your sentiment. Inarizaki did get to the finals last year. However, losing Itachiyama. He would definitely know what you mean. Suna-san pointing with his phone has you looking down on your torso, "you're the vice-captain now, huh?” it made sense that he is referring to your jersey number.
You shrug one shoulder nonchalantly, though there is still pride in your voice, "yup." 
He slides his phone into one of the jacket’s pockets. "How's that going for you?"
"Better than I thought. I’m not the one holding the sign, standing front all the time, nor the one doing all the talking for the team when the sports media has questions,” you said with a grin. A grin of someone who has tactically dodged a bullet. “Most of the time, all I do is keep the team in good shape and rally them up when they’re too energetic."
Suna-san’s head tilted up slightly. “You’re not overshadowed by your first years, are you?”, a subtle challenge. Not out of doubt, more like tempting a cat with a stick out of curiosity. You take it, though, just to play along. 
“HAH! No.” you assert. “They work hard and play well, but I won’t let myself fall behind, even if the team’s winning a game.” A humble brag, really, one that you're willing to make. To your surprise, the expression of his eyes changes to something you can only assume being pleased at your answer. “And you, Suna-san?” Throwing the question to him, crossing your arms, expecting to be impressed. “I heard that the twins are quite a menace in court.” 
Suna-san lets out a light, humored scoff, glancing to the side. “Compared to our old captain and vice-captain, they are. But, they’re-” he trails off a little, thinking of what word to use for them. “…manageable.” You nearly burst out a laugh.
It's time for you to lightly challenge him. “That's not stopping you from playing well, does it”
Only Suna-san’s gaze of his sharp eyes returns to you. His irises are in shades of murky yellow complemented by the light of the vending machine. They stay on you as his stance shifts- straight posture yet laid back- in brief seconds of finger twitching anticipation. 
��“No”, he said, calm and cool, a simple answer delivered in unwavering, unobvious confidence. There’s nothing for you to deny and you don't try. Impressive, very impressive.
It's cut short when you realize Suna-san hasn’t been choosing anything from the vending machines. Were you making him wait? You sway a hand to the display. "Do you wanna buy something? I'll get it for you if you want."
“You first,” he insisted. Both of you choose in silence for your beverage. Returning back to your self debate, the usual or something new? Scheming uppermost row, a carton of chocolate milk you always wanted to try but always put off. Given the situation, you are feeling adventurous today.
After selecting the chocolate milk, the payment was inserted and the machine began processing it. “Chocolate, huh?” Suna-san said, somewhat impling if it's a favorite of yours. 
“Never got to try it. I heard it's good, though.”
Taking the cold carton out of the opening, you ask the other player, “So, which is it?” Wanting to follow through your offer to do it for him. A finger hovers over the buttons in preparation.
“Same as yours, actually” A stretched out arm hands you his money. You find it nice you're both drinking the same thing.
As you punch in his request, Another person approaches behind Suna-san, also a member of Inarizaki’s team. Speaking of one of the devils, a Miya, wearing number 2 as well. You were about to tell Suna-san of him. But the moment he sees you, the guy quickly makes a 180 degree turn– somehow not squeaking his shoes– and rushes back where he came from. Whether you scared him off or he had to go back for his own reasons is beyond you. You leave it be. If had something to say to his teammate, he wouldn’t have left. You insert the coins for the machine to process.
Mere second after Miya left, your manager came running from the other side. “SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! IT GOT LOST IN MY BAG!” She stops beside you, huffing and a sweaty forehead. Seeing the middle blocker, then at you, She smiles wide.
“Oh!” she said, the suggestive tune goes unhidden. It takes one particular look from you to convey that your warning her to not start anything. “This is Suna-san. He’s a player for Inarizaki. Suna-san, she’s one of our managers,” you said.
She greets him well and he politely responds, beginning with small talk. You don’t participate, letting them be and listening in. Suna-san makes your manager look lively in comparison to him. He is very nice to her and you can't really blame him. The manager has that effect on everyone. 
You don’t let yourself gleefully observe the interaction for too long, nearly forgetting his drink. No one noticed it has dropped, so you took it out of the machine. The pen attached to the clipboard you’ve been holding fell and you picked that up too. Holding the pen, an idea pops up. You wipe the moisture of the box with the hem of your jersey and write something on an area of the box where the letters can fit in.
After you are done, you pat your manager’s shoulder. “Hey, buy something already,” gladly reminded her of why she had to run back for money. She does, moving to the different vending machine, leaving you and Suna to talk again. You handed him the chocolate milk carton. He hasn’t noticed yet.
“When’s your match?” you questioned. 
“Don’t know. Haven’t asked our captain yet.” there’s a spark of interest in his eyes. “Are you gonna watch us?”
“I’d like to, honestly. I didn’t get to see much last year.” your manager is still choosing, but you know you're running out of time. So, you’ll slip in one more, little, not-so-consequential challenge to him.
As you take the provided straw and carefully tear off its plastic, you ask, “Do you think you’ll win today's game?”
Suna-san sees it too, that you're playing with fire with light touches. 
He indulges you, “Yeah. We will.” a hand slips to his pocket phone to take it out.
“You?” the same question from earlier, mixed with a serious note by an accompanied raise brow.
“I’d like to think we will, just like last tournament,” you said while you inserted the straw. “Plus, I believe I still have the luck you wished for me last time, but… “stopping to take a sip of the milk. It's sweet and creamy, the chocolate comes a little late.
You return your attention  to Suna. his eyes' impression changed in a blink to something so close to…enticing. Chillingly so, It's almost flustering. However, you’re not backing down in whatever this is happening between the two of you. 
Cocking your head to the side, you coyly say “you’ll still wish me luck, won’t you?” 
A short, quiet and breathy laugh escapes his lips. There’s a new warmth in his eyes too.
“Good luck.” such few words, given in cool, yet sincere confidence. The luck he wishes you may as well be tangible.
Just when you were about to speak, your manager held you by your elbow. Her other hand was holding her bottled drink. “C’mon let's head back.”
You turn to her, not without you grinning back at him, “See you again, Suna-san.” Taking the tip of the straw between your teeth. 
You bid him your farewell with a drown out gaze long enough to feel captivating. Then, you give him a gentle wink before you head off. 
After your manager waves him a goodbye, you and her walk off as you take sips again. No words were exchanged until turning to the corner, where boys were out of sight.
“At it again, are we? Don’t you think it’s a bit too early for you to be flirting with boys?
You don’t really like how she puts it. To you, a little bit of teasing back there doesn’t count as full blown flirting.
“It’s nothing like that.”
“Hehe, once the other’s hears about this–”
“Haha, Don’t” you cut her off with a threatening smile. She cheekily smiles back and rolls her eyes. Not pushing it. Likely understanding that you’ve grown tired of the boy charmer jokes about you.
Navigating through the busy halls of the gymnasium, you drink. It tastes a lot better now, more of the chocolate flavor dancing around. You wonder if you overdid it by the end, that you may have had too much fun. Such a shame you did not see his full reaction. The most you got was seeing Suna-san’s expression slightly falter with a smirk from your periphery. You suppose that will be enough proof you got to him somehow.
With each passing sip, the chocolate milk becomes sweeter from your own satisfaction.
As Suna inserts the straw that comes with the box, he sees something written with pen’s ink
‘Good luck in your matches,’ signed with the kanji of your name.
He lets out a gratified sigh to himself. Your wink is still replaying in his mind.
“Damn it.”
A/N: jokes on me, guess i can post another fic before the year ends lol I sorta feel bad that their interaction took 2k words to happen lucky for everyone, there is a next chapter! i can hardly wait to finish writing it hahaha happy holidays everyone!!
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siriusleee · 1 year
up to light
a/n: so part 1 and 2 were the only parts of this story that were originally going to be published. i did this to wrap the story up, so it is narratively different because the first 2 parts were a story of like being enamored and panic, and all that. this is about becoming better and healing. i did a lot of research into ptsd in returning soldiers for this. tags: PTSD, arguing, some domestic arguments, breaking shit, fighting, blood, redemption, some religious imagery, did not proofread because I am lazy “Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.” ― John Milton, Paradise Lost part one | part two
He has fits of rage that shock him: chairs broken into pieces, plates smashed in the sink, his hand through the window, a hole in her dashboard. Sodom and Gomorrah beneath his hands. He expects her to react in kind; more than once he begs her to retaliate, to scream at him. 
She refuses, but she doesn't speak to him when she wraps his knuckles, wiping the blood away with a sting. He fixes each broken item the next day, a silent apology that he'll do better the next time he gets angry.
Once he wakes up and expects her to be in the kitchen like every morning, the golden light filtering through - a cup of coffee already made for him on the counter. She's not there. He knocks on her bedroom door, but she doesn't answer. He doesn't know what to do with himself, so he paces, carving a trail in the carpet. He sits at the kitchen table and flashes back to seeing her above him. He can't sit there long.
It takes an hour for her to come back, grocery bags in her hand. He barely registers what he's doing when he grabs her by her shoulders in a bruising grip and shakes her. He doesn't yell, but he's close to it.
"Where the fuck were you? You were supposed to be here!"
The bags hit the floor, contents spilling out onto a disarray. She shoves him, harder than he would have expected her to be able to; he stumbles backward, surprised at her strength. 
Scream at me. Please.
She doesn't move, fist clenched at her side - an archangel ready to strike him down. She rubs her hands on the thighs of her jeans, eyes downcast before she speaks to him.
"You can break everything in my house if you want, but the next time you grab me like that, you will regret it."
She is the wrath of God; Simon expects her to strike him down at any moment: his angel showing her true strength. He feels her anger radiate off her in waves. But she leaves it, dropping to her knees to grab the apples that have rolled across the floor. Simon's hands shake when he bends down to help her; the first box he picks up is the brand of tea he mentioned last week. 
You teach him how to garden; repenting to the dirt for all the harm you've ever caused. The dirt cakes under his nails and in the evenings he lets you wash them. You trace your fingers over the bruised and raw skin of his knuckles before he pulls away and disappears into the spare bedroom.
He stays up in the long watches of the night; you hear him through the thin walls. He showers quickly - you don't even think five minutes pass before the water shuts off. You wonder if he wears his mask to the shower. 
He's there to watch your cook dinner every night, a shepherd of the potatoes. 
"Here," you say, shoving the vegetables towards him, "cut these up for me please."
You both eat in silence, your eyes downcast so that you don't see his face. He eats everything quickly, finishing his second plate before you can even finish your first.
He leaves you at the dinner table to check the locks, to make sure the windows are latched shut against the outside world. He rotates through each of them twice, reassuring himself that they're impenetrable. He checks the shotgun behind the front door before disappearing into the spare room. Through the door, you hear the sound of a bullet being chambered; you know he puts it underneath his pillow and there's another on the bedside table. 
Simon spends more nights at the bar than he'd like to admit. She's always there to unlock the door for him to stumble in, feet catching the edge of the stairs. He leans on her and she helps him to bed. She doesn't complain about his weight. She slides his boots off, fingers catching in the laces. Her hands trail up lightly, pausing at the scar she knows is below his ribs, before pushing down gently on his shoulders. 
Simon lets himself fall heavily back, he pretends not to feel her run her fingers across the top of his mask, nails massaging his scalp through the fabric before she leaves him.
One night he lets himself fall into temptation, his hand snaking out to grab her wrist when she turns. His thumb traces the inside of her wrist, she smells like apple blossoms and spring. Redemption.
"What is it, Ghost?" 
She speaks so softly to him, it makes the room spin around him.
"I'm sorry I'm a disaster." 
In the moonlight, her eyes soften; she pulls her wrist from his hand. For just a moment, their fingertips linger together. 
"Go to sleep, Ghost."
It spills out of him, a prayer he wants her to listen to.
"Go to bed, Simon."
She leaves him in the dark.
You go out with Simon when the New Year comes; he promises he won't drink as much as he usually does. It's a tradition - an obligation the two of you can't seem to shake off from all the years before each other. You nurse a rum and coke for hours and watch him disappear into the dark corners with his drinks. When the fireworks go off early outside, it takes you by surprise; you push through the crowd, drink spilling onto your wrist. You find Simon in the back, hands bleeding where he gripped his glass hard enough to shatter it. 
Outside a firework explodes in the sky, bright enough to shine through the dingy windows of the bar. Simon doesn't look at you when you wrap your hands around his wrist, trying to pull his attention to you. Beneath your fingers, his muscles are taunt - ready to run. 
"Simon, come on. Let's go home."
He lets you pull him towards the back door of the bar, and into the dark parking lot, but his muscles don't - can't - relax under your touch. Outside the air crackles around the two of you, the fireworks screaming in the air. You lace your fingers through his and pull him towards your car, blood pooling where your hands connect. Three men watch the two of you, the cherries of their cigarette burn in the darkness.
One of them jeers at you - come on babe, ditch him and come with us. 
Simon rips his fingers from you, his anger exploding in the night.
He is Apollyon in the darkness; he comes to when his feet connect to the door of the guy's truck. It crumples beneath his boot, caving in. He hears the guys screaming at him; one tries to grab him and Simon shoves him off. Dents litter the side of the truck the guys were leaning on and one of the men has his hand pressed to his nose, blood running between his fingers.
His lungs burn in the cold air. The guys are still screaming at him, minglings of you fucked up, and call the fucking cops. Shame burns through him when he finds Hazy, her hands hanging limply at her side, illuminated by a street light. Her face is screwed up; Simon knows she's about to cry. His blood stains her jeans - he's slammed back to her begging him for his name, hands trying to stem the flow of his blood- back to her pulling him from the nightmares.
His angel.
He leaves her in the parking lot - the shouts and fireworks behind him. 
The door is unlocked when he gets back to her place - the sun tinging the horizon. His heart stutters - she never leaves the door unlocked, but it stills when he sees her curled up on the couch. She's under the blanket from his bed, hair haloed around her. He lowers himself down to the floor beside her and falls asleep with his head by her knees.
You slither from behind Simon, fingers tracing his shoulders as you try not to wake him, but he stirs beneath your touch. You lower down beside him, back pressed against your coffee table. His eyes shine in the early morning glow, the skin below dark from exhaustion. 
You reach forward to grab his hands gently, flipping them over to inspect the clotted blood from the night before. 
"I'm sorry," his voice cracks from the lack of sleep. You trace one of the cuts with your thumb before cradling his hand in your lap.
"I know you are."
"I don't know what's wrong with me," it comes out half a whisper; you grip his wrist tighter. You push yourself up enough to crawl in front of him, resting your knees between his. You hold yourself up by leaning on his thighs, hands pressing into the rough material of his jeans, dirt and blood that wasn't there the night before staining your hands.
"I'm ruining everything." His voice is rough and he looks at the ceiling above you. 
"Simon," your voice draws his eyes down to yours, "you're still learning how to come home. It's not easy - I know."
He reaches down to grab your wrists, pulling your hands up until they're level with his chest. You can see he wants to say something; he struggles to form the words. His eyes stay locked where he holds your wrists.
"I'm - I'm worried I'm going to hurt you."
"I can take care of myself."
Simon squeezes your wrists, hard enough that you know you'll have a thumbprint bruise there tomorrow. 
"I know you can, angel."
Johnny shows up a few months later banging on the door. Simon's fingers itch for the pistol beneath his pillow at the sound, but he can't make it across the room before Hazy swings open the door. 
"It's for you Simon," she yells over her shoulder. She lets Johnny in, muttering something about another one showing up.
"What are you doing here Johnny?"
Johnny grins at Simon from his spot on the steps.
"Just wanted to check on you L.T.; make sure you were surviving."
"Fuck off Johnny. You came to eat for free."
Simon and Soap - no Johnny is what Simon called him - sit outside and smoke on the front steps while you finish dinner, beating the chicken until it's paper thin. Their cigarette smoke floats through the window - the same window Simon put his hand through after one of the neighbors complained about him cleaning his gun on the front steps - and curls around you. It makes your stomach turn, reminding you of how you and your Boys had sat with your feet dangling outside of the helis and passed a cigarette along when you were finally pulled out, the way you all smoked on the back of a smoking Stryker when it got hit by an EFP - the copper lodging itself just inches from your own sergeant. You hadn't been able to smoke since you came home years ago.
The chicken sizzles in the oil when you drop it into the pan - the sound of Johnny laughing cutting through the air. You hear Simon laugh just slightly beneath him, a sound you hadn't heard since he showed up at your door. 
You call to the boys from the open window, chastising them to wash their hands before they dare touch the dinner you slaved over. 
It's horrifically domestic, you think, watching the two of them eat at the dinner table from your spot in the living room. Simon has his back to you; you can see his balaclava pushed up around his nose, the two of them angle themselves towards each other. Simon's loose, shoulders slumped in comfort at the way Johnny speaks to him. The way Johnny can touch Simon's shoulder without Simon flinching away from him.
All at once it hits you - a wave of jealousy in the pit of your stomach. You leave the two of them in the house, your feet pulling you towards the rain-soaked pavement outside; the smell of ichor overwhelming you.
Simon hears the door shut behind Hazy - Johnny stares intently at the door, eyebrows knitted together. 
"I think your girl is upset."
"She's not my girl Johnny."
"Oh?" Johnny's eyebrows go up, disappearing into the hair he's growing out. "So you just live here and nothing? You don't fuck?"
Simon's hand hits the top of the dining room table, hard enough to knock over Johnny's glass of water. 
"Shut your fuckin' mouth; don't speak about her like that."
Simon can see a dangerous glint in Johnny's eye, in the way Johnny leans closer to him. It makes Simon's skin prickle.
"So she's open for business? I might stay awhile; I was hoping to share her like-"
Simon slams into Johnny, the chair beneath shattering like matchsticks. They land heavily on the ground, Simon's hands fisted in the front of Johnny's shirt. Johnny doesn't fight back - his hands out to the side of him, ever forgiving on the cross, as he grins up at Simon. Simon lifts him up once before slamming him back into the ground, but Johnny never winces. 
The anger rolls and bubbles inside of Simon, hellfire ready to overflow. The stupid fucking grin on Johnny's face makes it worse. Johnny's hand wraps around Simon's wrist, limply, but enough to remind Simon that Johnny can still kick his ass. 
"Be honest with me L.T.."
Simon's fingers falter in the slick fabric of Johnny's shirt.
"I'm going to hurt her Johnny."
"I get so fucking angry at everything. I grabbed her once. I'm worried I'm going to do it again."
It scared the fuck out of me.
You notice one less chair when you get home, hair stuck to your neck from the humidity. Johnny is gone, a thank you for dinner note scrawled in chicken scratch handwriting on the counter. The sink is empty, dishes washed and dried, and put away. 
You can see in the small backyard, Simon sitting on the back steps. His mask is off; his hair, brown and cut short, makes your fingers itch to run through it. He's cradling his head in his hands - you want to go out to him, to rub your hands across his back, but you don't. 
The shower water runs hot, burning your skin red. You let it wash over you, a Lazarus pit trying to pull you back into the mortal realm. The backdoor slams shut, hard enough to shake the walls around you. Outside of the shower, your hair drips onto the carpet of your bedroom as you dress, drenching the back of the t-shirt you pull on. It takes a moment for you to realize it's Simon's, hanging to your knees; it must have gotten mixed up in the wash. 
Simon's on the couch, balaclava pulled back on. You drop down heavily on the other end of the couch, the distance a chasm between the two of you. Unceremoniously Simon holds out a wrinkled pamphlet towards you; you take it, wet fingertips indenting the paper. PTSD for Veterans.
"It's a group; Johnny goes to it."
You trace your fingers over the words without reading them.
"I went to one like this when I got out," you tell him, handing the pamphlet back to him. "It helped a lot."
Simon doesn't speak, but he tucks the pamphlet back into his jeans. 
Next Tuesday, he comes home sober. 
Simon sits in the back of the group for weeks, his usual balaclava switched out for a plain black surgical mask to keep everyone from staring at him. They talk about ways to reduce anger, to get your mind back here and not there. 
The next time he curls his fist, he remembers what the group leader said about pausing and being in the moment. His hand unfurls slowly. He sets the glass he thinks about shattering back in the sink. Beside him, Hazy hums, slicing mushrooms into precise slices. He reaches around her to grab the dish soap; his hand lingers at the small of her back for a moment too long; he sees how Hazy stops cutting the mushrooms, how the next cut is uneven.
They don't speak at dinner; the sound of their forks on the plates punctuates the silence. Hazy goes to wash the dishes, but Simon beats her to it. He can feel her eyes on him, piercing him from behind as he slops the dishwater onto his shirt. 
Hazy leans across the counter, watching as Simon meticulously dries each plate, each fork tine until they shine the way he wants them to. 
"Do you want to go on a walk?" She asks as he finishes. Simon wipes his wet hands on his jeans as he looks at her.
They pace beside each other, the hot pavement cooling beneath their feet. They're crossing the street when Hazy reaches out and takes Simon's hand; the first time since New Year's. Simon remembers his dreams of her, golden haloed and tracing the scars on his body. 
They walk in silence, a quarter-mile trek until they circle back home, Simon's heart in his throat the entire time. He knows something is different when the door clicks behind them; in the dark, he can see Hazy fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Simon pushes the bottom of his mask up enough to hook over his nose; when she turns back around, she doesn't speak, her hand lifts up to trace Simon's jawline, but pulls back before she can actually touch him. She starts to pull away, but Simon catches her and pulls her hand to his face.
She's so soft and warm, the way he dreamt she would be. She traces a scar on the underside of his chin and Simon feels his knees buckle, just a bit.
"Can I touch you?" His voice is soft, so quiet he can hardly hear himself. Hazy's breath catches in her throat, fingers teasing the edge of his mask. She nods; Simon wraps the piece of hair that hangs down in front of her face around his finger before resting his hand on her shoulder. He can feel her pulse quicken beneath her skin.
"Are you scared of me?"
Hazy's hand trails down past his chin to rest on his chest, nails lightly digging into his skin.
"Are you?"
His thumb rests on her clavicle; his hand tights against her skin.
"Absolutely. I wake up every day worried I'm going to hurt you."
Hazy presses herself closer, Simon's hand reaches up to tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck. Her hands slide under his shirt, tracing the scars below and Simon sees his angel again, she pulls him back from the darkness.
"You're not going to hurt me, Simon."
"How do you know?"
Her answer is to kiss him, pulling him down to her height. Her tongue traces the edges of his lips, pushing through until Simon can taste her. Simon's grip on the back of her neck tightens, and he pulls her closer until Simon can feel the heat of her through his clothes. 
She guides him to her room, fingers soft and pleading against his belt buckle. When Simon freezes at her touch, she doesn't push him farther, she stills until Simon can move again. Later, when the sheet is tangled beneath them, and she's straddled over him, fingers splayed out across his chest, tracing the scars that crisscross at random, Simon brushes her hair out of her face.
"I thought you were an angel when you were above me on that table. I dreamt about you - a golden halo."
And this.
The corner of Hazy's mouth twitches up, and she presses a kiss to the middle of his chest. 
"I thought you were going to die there; I begged god to keep you alive."
Simon's hands grip her hips, stilling her. 
"Why didn't you ever come back and see me?"
Hazy traces her fingers in circles slowly around Simon's skin, and he waits for her answer.
"You called me an angel that day when you woke up. It scared me, someone so enamored with me like that just all at once. I didn't know what to do. I thought I would disappoint you when you got your senses about you."
Simon flips the both of them, hovering over her, studying the way the light glitters in her eyes. He wants to tell her how his angel could never disappoint him - how she keeps him alive every day, but he can't make the words come out of his mouth. Instead, he presses a kiss to the base of her neck, fingers dipping below her shirt. 
@lieblinqs, @random-thot-generator, @nervousloverkitten, @thychuvaluswife, @stillinracooncity, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @fog-sama, @wordsfromshona, @soundsfunbutno
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tokischaaaaa · 2 months
si las más puta' son las más fina' pt.2
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summary: yall gotta read and see 😈
warning! : angst, cursing, fluff
word count!: 1.3k!!
tokischaaaa speaks: yeah the fact 1 request and another and a comment on this was all I needed to continue this story
"y/n, what the actual fuck are you doing here?" hamzah said, raising his voice.
"they're close friends," said martin. "she came here to take some sort of test."
that set hamzah off. "what the fuck kind of test, y/n?" hamzah yelled, his face turning red.
"i need to know if i contracted something from this whore!" hamzah cried, immediately regretting what he called y/n once again.
"hamzah! take a lap! go outside and cool off!" mandy yelled at hamzah while pointing at the door. as hamzah was heading towards the door, y/n took off her sandal and threw it at him.
unfortunately, she only hit the door. as the shoe fell to the floor, so did y/n. she cracked. tears started pouring out of her eyes heavily.
mandy and martin ran to y/n's side. they handed her tissues and calmed her down. after y/n was able to calm down, mandy signaled to martin that they had to talk… due to martin's loud mouth.
hamzah, on the other hand, was sitting in front of the apartment, walking back and forth. "i could have chlamydia or anything. what the actual fuck. i should've never met her," hamzah thought, his thoughts spiraling more and more negative.
after martin and mandy calmed y/n down, they left to talk in their bedroom. y/n took a deep breath and walked to the elevator. as she pressed the button, she entered and felt tears attempting to leave her eyes once again.
she quickly wiped her eyes. the elevator opened and y/n began to look for hamzah. she walked outside the apartment building and found him.
"can we talk?" she asked.
"sure, wanna puff?" hamzah asked, handing her the blunt.
"no, i can't," she said, pushing the blunt away.
"the fuck you mean you can't?" hamzah groaned.
"the test mandy made me take, it wasn't an std test," she said, holding her face in her hands.
"wait, so you're—"
hamzah's face softened quickly. "oh shit! oh really shit!" hamzah screamed. people on the first few floors were definitely awake. y/n was scared shitless.
she didn't know what to say or do at this point. obviously, hamzah was now caught up and scared.
"i gotta, i gotta go upstairs for a few," hamzah said. before y/n could respond, he left.
the tears that y/n thought were no longer longing to leave her eyes came out, an absolute rainfall of tears pouring out of y/n's eyes. meanwhile, hamzah's loud reaction to the big news caught mandy and martin's attention. the front door leading to the apartment opened, and martin walked out.
"hey, y/n."
"oh my fucking god," y/n sighed, face-palming.
"hamzah! do you now get it? so if you now get it, why the fuck would you leave her outside?!" mandy yelled at hamzah.
"mandy, i'm fucking scared! this was something i wanted eventually, but this is so out of nowhere!" hamzah cried.
"hamzah, i need you to realize something: life isn't planned, it's how it is. also, for as long as i've known you, you've somewhat had a kind heart, especially towards kids. you'd definitely be a great dad, but you need to talk to y/n, explain how you feel, and plus imagine how she's feeling right now," mandy explained.
hamzah got up and surprised mandy with a hug.
"thank you, mandy," hamzah said.
mandy was surprised by hamzah's reaction to her lecture but was glad that it seemed like he heard her out.
hamzah thanked mandy once again and went to find y/n. meanwhile, y/n was consoling martin since he wouldn't stop apologizing for his big mouth.
"martin, let me take it from here," hamzah said. martin got up and patted his friend's back.
"can we talk?" hamzah asked.
"are you gonna scream again?" y/n smirked and patted the floor to signal to him to sit with her.
"no, i'll use my inside voice," he grinned.
"hamzah, listen, i'm sorry about this. i don't know about us, but i am at a point—even though i'm young—i'm stable and not against having this baby," y/n said as the tears were falling onto her legs. she didn't care anymore to wipe them away.
y/n's rant continued until hamzah took her hand into his and wrapped them together. "listen, y/n, i know we met a few weeks ago, and we did click. but i know this is scary. believe me, i'm scared too. but i've wanted this, way long ago, and since the world is very spontaneous, i think that this is a moment not worth missing. this is what i've been asking for, for a long time," hamzah said as a tear fell down onto their hands.
y/n scooted closer to hamzah and put her arms around him. he did the same, placing his head on top of hers.
a few moments passed before hamzah proposed, "wanna get a snack?"
"boy, you a fat ass!" y/n snickered, "but yeah, i'm actually starving."
"bet," hamzah grinned and grabbed y/n's hand, leading her to his car.
as the two got in the car, y/n plugged her phone in. "trillions" started playing. as the music got louder, y/n felt hamzah's hand lay on her thigh. she put her hand on top of his and lightly squeezed it. he picked up their hands together and kissed her hand.
"sorry about the name-calling again," hamzah sighed.
"it's okay. next time i'm throwing a shoe at you," y/n sneered.
hamzah nodded, not interested in getting hit with any object.
once the two arrived at target, they went looking for snacks like there was a black friday sale. once they claimed they had all the snacks they needed, they headed towards the register.
"shit, i forgot the chocolate-covered pretzels. can you grab them, please? i'll take care of this," y/n said, holding onto hamzah's hand and giving it a light squeeze.
"sure, i'll be quick," hamzah grinned, giving y/n a peck on her cheek.
once y/n was about to pay, she realized hamzah had been gone for a while. she handed the cashier money and paid. she grabbed the bags and walked all around the store to find hamzah.
once she passed by the baby section, she slowly walked backwards and caught hamzah looking at baby girl clothing. she saw he held a piece of the clothing to his chest. he took out his phone and took a picture of it.
"you do seem like a girl dad," y/n grinned. baby fever was already high and there (she's pregnant, duh).
"i'd want to be. you're definitely a y/c (your choice) mom," hamzah grinned, walking closer to y/n. he still had the baby girl clothes pressed against his chest and the chocolate-covered pretzels in his other hand.
now y/n and hamzah's noses were an inch away from each other. y/n gave his nose a peck, grabbed the pretzels, and walked away.
"hey! we were having a moment!" hamzah cried.
"yeah, but i want to have a moment with these pretzels," y/n smiled.
"can we get the clothes, though?" hamzah asked, putting his arms around y/n's waist.
it took her a few seconds before she caved in.
"ugh, sure," she groaned before pushing hamzah towards the cashier since she just wanted the chocolate-covered pretzels.
as the two walked outside target, hamzah had his arm around y/n's waist. hamzah felt all the anxiety from before leave. though the fear left him, now in this moment, that was enough for him to feel the happiness that he lacked in his life.
~ fin(a) pt.2 done <3
tokischaaa speaks: HEHEHHHHEHEHEHHEEHEHEHHEEHEH. most proud of this one <333
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the-demons-writings · 10 months
You're safe with us
(Hermitcraft x child! Dragon reader)
I appreciate all the patience and apologize that it's been so long, the post after this will be of my own personal lore but over all this is still one of my biggest projects, I'll get to all the requests soon! Thank you all for being so patient.
❦ ════ •⊰❂⊱• ════ ❦
[part 1] || [part 2] || [part 3] || [part 4] ||
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The morning came and you awoke with a groan , safe to say you'd gotten some really shit sleep. Maybe it was the fact you didn't fall asleep at your usual time, in your usual place. Or maybe it was the facr Xisuma had woken you up far earlier than you are used to.
"Morning kid, time to get ready, we've got a longer day than usual."
He smiled as he gently pulled the blankets off of you and set a rather fancy-ish looking outfit on your bed.
Alright, I need you to take a bath and get dressed, breakfast will be after, I know it's different from your usual schedule but we gotta do it, okay?".
You huffed at the notion your usual schedule would be interrupted, however you couldn't stay mad for long with how happy Xisuma seemed to be about things. Slowly you do as asked, taking a bath , getting dressed and then waiting at the table for breakfast. Xisuma happily provided something he called French toast as well as bacon.
After breakfast he asked you to gather things you'd like to take out, you quickly gathered all of your usual toys as well as the book Xisuma is currently reading to you and the book you write in. He happily packed those up for you and offered you a hand. " Alright, ready Y/n?"
You nodded with a small uneasy smile. "Yes?.." You questioned nervously looking up towards Xisuma as he took your hand and began to lead you along. As you two walked you met up with Doc and Grian who smiled when they saw you.as a group you all simply continued further to a large building. To your liking the roof of the place was decorated from head to toe in large crystals and other sparkly objects. Quietly you excited yourself over the gems as the adults talked.
Once their conversation had finished Xisuma took your hand and started up your walk inside the house. Once inside Xisuma sighed as he brought you to a corner to sit. He set your things down and smiled.
"Alright Y/N I'll be over there sitting if you need anything come get me,” He pointed towards the head of a very large rectangular table “After the bigger part of the meeting finishes you can come meet everyone, they're all really nice I promise." Xisuma sighs with a smile as he ruffles your hair and goes to take his seat.
The meeting provided as usual, server updates and new pop up shops being talked about as well as things that have happened, accidents or not. A general healthcare check and a mental health check for everyone. As the meeting was nearing it's end Xisuma smiled as he spoke.
"Pardon me hermits! I have one last important thing to announce!" He started as the hermits began to quiet down. " We have a new member on the hermitcraft server, they're shy and quite skittish so let them approach you at their own pace,” He gestured over to you getting the musing and quiet concerns of the other hermits the. “Yes they're the child in the corner. Their name is Y/n and they are an official member of our server and i'd like to ask all of your help in taking care of them."
You looked up hearing your name only to realise the many , many pairs of eyes on you. It made you feel nervous almost to the point of curling up. Your wings raised, fanning out as you backed into the corner. Grian, Pearl, Impulse , Scar and Cub are the first ones to recognize the not only frightened but partially hostile look. Grian is the first to speak up walking over to you and fanning his wings to hide you.
“As a collective we should all put in the work to research dragon hybrids,. Clearly they’ve been through a lot so they may have a more hostile or timid approach to most things but I’d like it if we could welcome them all with open arms. If it's any consideration I'll be taking them first.” He glanced over at Xisuma to confirm it was okay.
“As collective caretakers it's only fair we help them heal, and grow up no matter their interests, it could be building, Redstone, Breaking the rules of reality,” He spared a quick knowing glance towards Doc “Or any of the infinite things we could offer them!”
Small talk started between the hermits all with too many things to bring up, that was until Joe spoke up.
“I think it's fantastic! We were all getting a little bored, and I think we should take the chance to become someone special in someone's life.” He smiled glancing past Grian’s wings to offer you a small smile.
Xisuma nodded. “It would be good for all of us , Grian can start us off and slowly the rest of you could get acclimated and take turns with them as well.”
Grian nodded as he picked you up, placing you on his shoulders. “Me and the kid are going to have a great time! Trust me , there will be nothing but reasonable mischief and teaching them the important basics!”
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Woman In Red. (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
I'm reposting every one shot and fixing what mistakes i find along the way haha, i know they're not new but i hope yall enjoy them just as much!! 
I'm to busy looking at my phone rushing through the busy streets of New York running extremely late to my job at the local bank next thing I know I crash into something and drop my phone ''fuck'' I groan as I drop my phone kinda pissed seriously what else can go wrong today I think to myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts my the sound of a woman's voice I look up to the direction the voice is coming from and instantly feel my face flush red almost as red as her well flitted pant suit "I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you are you ok?'' she stutters trying to study me making sure I'm not hurt ''im yeah I'm fine honestly are you ok?'' I question ''it was completely my fault I should have been looking where I was going not my phone its just I'm running extremely wait for work so I'm truly sorry'' she giggles fuck her laugh is adorable, no y/n stop if you don't hurry you're gonna get fired I curse at myself ''no it was my fault your all Good can I get you a coffee or something as an apology ?'' she questions I give her a saddened smile ''as much as I would love to I can't unfortunately if I don't get to work ill have no job tomorrow" she almost looks disappointed and I apologies as I go leave I get maybe 5 steps away from her as I hear her call ''wait whats your name? Maybe I can get you that coffee after work?'' I smile and blush a little as I step towards her ''y/n l/n whats yours?'' she smiles ''lizzie Olsen its nice to meet you y/n so a coffee later?' Her smiles is so beautiful I reach into my bag and grab a business card with my work an phone number on it and hand it over to her ''yeah absolutely I really have to go but this has my phone number if you want text me a time and place and ill be there'' I gave her one last smile and walk away unable to get the smile off my face.
Ugh today is going so slowly and I can't get the woman in red off my mind she was a breath of fresh air why have I been thinking about her all day I let out a sigh and lean against my office table resting my face on my hands being rudely disturbed by my assistant calling through the speaker ''miss L/N your 1 o'clock is here to get their account set up should I send them in?'' I walk over refilling my coffee cup putting on a fake smile as I hold the buzzer to reply ''yes thank you Ashley'' I say in a not so enthusiastic tone I look down at the paper work in front of me as Ashley leads them into my office ''your one o'clock miss l/n'' I put on a smile and look up instantly frozen its her fuck the woman from this morning lizzie the woman in red fuck act professional y/n I stand up and offer my hand for a hand shake and Ashley leaves the room."its you'' is all I hear and I clear my throat I laugh nervously ''lizzie right? What are the chances what can I do for you'' I smile and offer her a seat as we both sit ''yeah small world'' she giggles and continues ''im actually here to open a new bank account I got divorced last year and its always been joint accounts and I thought it was time to open my own account'' I smile and smirk to myself She's divorced Good to know ''im sorry to hear that lizzie but you came to the right place ill be more than happy to help you get your account set up'' I get to work setting everything up.
Its been 3 hours she's still here we finished all the bank account stuff almost 2 hours ago but we've been sitting chatting and laughing unknowingly getting to know each other slowly, fuck her smile and laugh are perfect everything about her is perfect I shouldn't be thinking like this stop it y/n ''i still can't belive I crashed into you'' she laughs and I laugh with her ''hey it was 50/50 I wasn't looking where I was going'' her laugh calms a little as she looks at me ''honestly tho I'm glad we crashed into each other'' is she blushing holy shit, I play with my fingers nervously ''me too I enjoy chatting with you'' she leans over and gently rubs her thumb over my hand she must sense my nervous energy ''so are you still up for that coffee offer''she looks excited as she asks ''actully if I drink anymore coffee today I don't think ill sleep tonight'' she looks disappointed and I smile wide ''buuuuut we could go get ice cream or milkshakes'' I offer and her smile returns she looks like a child on Christmas morning ''that sounds perfect y/n so what time do you get off work" she questions I grab my phone to check the time ''umm now actually its just past 4pm I only had a half day today'' she nods and leans back in her chair fuck she looks sexy ''great we can leave together and go get some milkshakes'' I agree and gather my things as we leave the building together
"Holy shit this milkshake is amazing wow'' I say a little to loud, she has a smile on her face ''yeah this place is amazing I love coming here to unwind its always so peaceful to me'' I smile and look at her with a mischief smirk ''i think I'm going to have to steal it from you lizzie because these milkshakes are amazing'' I confessed with a smirk ''i dont mind but I'd rather you come back with me ''she looks down playing with her shake ''id love that if your being serious ''she looks up with a huge grin ''im completely serious but I was thinking the next time we hang out if you maybe want to make it a date?..'' she looks at me with hope in her eyes and I blush ''id love to go on a date with you'' we spend the next 2 hours laughing and chatting and gosh  she's fucking perfect and she asked me on a date I still can't believe this beautiful woman asked me on adate, After another hour we leave and part ways sharing numbers before we leave, I head home with the biggest smile on my face people probably think I'm a weirdo but I honestly couldn't care less.
as I get home and settled for the night my phone buzzes grabbing my attention, i take a quick look and bite lip to stop the smile as i see her name on my screen or the name i gave her at least, i chuckle to myself before giving all my attention to the text
 woman in red: Hey just making sure you got home safe, i had such a great day today thank you
 Me:I did indeed get home safe thank you, and no thank you for the great day I'm so glad we met there's something special about you..
 I turn my phone why did i say that I'm so stupid she's gonna think I'm crazy she won't reply fuck, my phone buzzes and I hide my face to scared to look at it fuck just look at it i say to myself mentally
 Woman in red: I felt it too..i couldn't stop thinking about you after this morning and I felt something special I thought it was just me I don't want to freak you out so if you think its to forward please forget I said it haha..
  Fuck, I can't help but smile at my phone like an idiot
Me: I don't think its to forward beautiful but hey ill text you later im so sleepy goodnight ❤❤
  Woman in red: Goodnight beautiful sleep tight 
Its been 6 weeks since I met lizzie we've been out on  9 dates and hungout loads since, she's fucking amazing and the more time I spend with her the more I feel myself falling in love with this amazing woman, I really  want to make our 10th date something she will never forget..
AN:this chapter was just the meeting etc I wil post a part 2 with loads of smut don't worry but if  you read these yall need to comment I need feedback I don't wanna keep writing if you guys find them garbage I don't know if its Good or bad anyway see you in the chapter, word count 1.5k (I'm just gonna keep the original ANs in haha)
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
hiii ! i love your writing and if you're still taking requests i would love a reader x dalton where he's a little overprotective in a very loving way 🥺 thankss
Warnings: a little angst, accusation of being overprotective, fluff, time skips (it's kind of like the 3+1 format but not really?), bad writing. 1.3k words.
A/N: Thank you!! I love this request and I apologize for the wait, but I learned that I am terrible at writing protective characters.😭 I'm not happy with how this turned out, so I would love some feedback and constructive criticism so I can revisit this idea and do better next time! Hopefully this is in the general vicinity of what you wanted and I am sincerely sorry for how it turned out, but I promise I will come back when I am more confident/practiced in writing protective characters.
Protect What You Love
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"Chris, I don't want to go to a frat party," you say in response to her invitation. "They're not my idea of a good time."
"C'mon, it'll be fun. Dolphin's going; are you seriously going to let him have more fun than you?" Chris responds.
You roll your eyes and reluctantly agree, only because they're your best friends and do pretty much everything you want to do. However, when you get to the frat house, you realize you made a huge mistake.
"Let's go in, Dalton will be here soon," Chris says as you meet her in the front yard.
"Well, look who's here!" Nick yells as he sees Chris. "The brave one. My invitation from last time still stands."
Chris opens her mouth to say something, but Nick doesn't give her any time.
"And I see you brought a friend. A better looking, if only slightly, friend," Nick adds, looking over to his frat brothers at his pitiful jab at your appearance.
"Whatever that was, don't do it again," you respond, beginning to walk around him.
Nick's hand wraps around your wrist as he says, "It was a compliment. Take it."
"How about you take your hand off her?" Dalton says, suddenly standing beside you. "Before someone takes it off of you."
Nick rolls his eyes but drops his hand, throwing them up in faux surrender as Dalton escorts you past him. Instead of leading you into the house, Dalton takes you and Chris back into the yard.
"What was that?" you ask Dalton.
"What do you mean?"
"I can take care of myself. I appreciate the knight in shining armor act or whatever, but I'm not a damsel in distress."
You walk away, and Chris stands beside Dalton as they watch.
"Did you ask her out yet?" Chris asks quietly.
"I did. She said yes but I think I just ruined that. I wasn't trying to-"
"I know, Dolphin. Maybe explain it to her, though."
"She won't believe me."
"Try her. She'll surprise you."
Dalton considers this but decides that you need space.
"Wait," Dalton says behind you. "Let me."
You step to the side as he walks into the empty classroom, finding the light switch on the far wall and flipping it on. Your eyebrows furrow as you think about what Chris told you last night.
"He's protective because he cares about you. Try not to take it the wrong way," she had said.
"Are you okay?" Dalton asks, his attention on you as his hands freeze on his sketchbook.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. Thanks for getting the light."
Dalton smiles shyly, and you begin to think that Chris is telling the truth; you never should have accused him of being overprotective.
Dalton seems to have forgiven you, but two nights after the frat party, you can't sleep as you keep thinking about how his face fell when you told him you could take care of yourself and how quiet he had been all day.
"Why didn't you just say, 'I don't need you'?" you mumble, turning over again.
Midnight is long gone, yet the sunrise seems forever away, and you decide what to do. Standing from your bed, you pull on a sweatshirt and slip on your shoes before walking downstairs. Knocking on Dalton's door, you hope you don't wake him up.
"Hello?" he asks as he opens the door. "Oh, hey. Come on in." He opens the door wider and gestures for you to sit on his bed.
"I'm sorry. About last night."
"No, I overstepped, I should be apologizing."
"Are- are we still going on that date, or did I ruin everything?"
Dalton pulls you into his arms and kisses your head before promising, "You didn't ruin anything. I hope we'll be going on more than one, though."
"Let me walk you," Dalton says as you stretch, stiff from being his model for several hours. He seems to notice it sounded more like a demand and offers, "If you want."
"Yes, please," you agree, smiling as his arm wraps around your waist.
Once you're on the sidewalk, Dalton shifts you so you're on the inside. He's looking several yards ahead, taking in all of his surroundings.
"Stop," he whispers, grabbing your hip as he stops.
"There's something out here."
"Probably just other students, Dalton, it's fine."
Dalton stares into a dark, shadowy area for a moment longer before smiling and walking beside you again. Torn between telling him you don't need him to go with you everywhere and ruining what you have or learning to live with Dalton looking over your shoulder, you decide to give him one more chance. One more opportunity to not be overprotective seems like an achievable goal, right?
"Dalton! I had it under control. I've tried being patient with you. I thought you were just protective out of your care for me, but now I think I was right at the frat party," you accuse, breathing heavily.
"I protect the people I love!" Dalton nearly yells. "So, I interject when I think there's danger, and I know that it seems like I don't trust you, but that's not my goal." Dalton takes a deep breath and then tells you everything, from his 'coma' to his battle to close the red door. When he finishes, Dalton holds his breath as he watches you, unsure what your reaction will be.
"Did you just say you love me?" you whisper. "You said you do it to the people you love."
Dalton smiles and doesn't hesitate as he answers, "Yes. I do love you, and that's why I did what I did. When I walked in that frat house and saw his hand on you, I just started talking; didn't even think about what I was doing."
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, his moving around your waist, as you say, "I love you too. Let's work on it together?"
"Together," Dalton agrees.
As time goes on, Dalton tries to be better about his protectiveness. You remind him constantly that you don't mind his help or protectiveness, but you don't need an overprotective, controlling boyfriend. He gets slightly caught up on the word boyfriend, but he's doing better. He asks if you want him to go places with you, respects your boundaries, and lets you fight your battles, but he still doesn't like letting you walk through doors first or be around certain people alone.
What you didn't expect was to learn to love his protectiveness. When you realize that the protectiveness really stems from his love and care for you, you stop noticing it as much. You begin to see protectiveness as part of what makes Dalton so incredible.
"I'm going to go get some snacks," you say, stretching as you stand after hours of studying. "Want anything?"
"Hot Cheetos and a cherry slush," Chris answers. "What? You offered," she points out in response to your questioning look.
"Dalton?" you ask, chuckling at Chris.
"I'll go with you," he answers, looking over at the clock as he stands. You walk out first, waiting for Dalton to close the door and come to your side.
"You don't mind if I come with, do you?" Dalton asks.
"No, I actually feel better with you here."
"I'm glad to hear that."
Dalton holds your hand as you walk to the small convenience store, getting snacks and drinks for yourselves and Chris. Dalton checks the shadows as you walk back to the dorm, and if you didn't know his history with the creatures that live in the shadows, you'd think he was trying to find something new to protect you from.
"Thanks for protecting me," you whisper as you slip your hand into his.
"You've been protecting me from my darkness since we met," Dalton responds, matching your volume.
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narujenreacts · 6 months
Since we're getting MD news today and it will most likely be either another teaser trailer or full trailer for E7 and it will probably reveal some things, I figured I'd list what I've noticed and my theories before then. I would've made a Things I Noticed video on it, but since I'm still finishing up the one for E5 I won't be able to do that. I'll still make it after, but for now, this will have to do! (Note: I posted this on Twitter and YouTube before Glitch posted the new teaser for E7, but forgot to post it here. Whoops lol)
~E7&8 Teaser~
1. The goopy fleshy covered entrance has most likely been foreshadowed since E4. There was a drawing of it among others with the dead drone that Uzi found under the floor.
2. The yellow light by the box is not a piece of V or a Disassembly Drone. It's just a lantern.
3. Theory: The scenes of N and Uzi going to hug each other and then Uzi hugging N and crying are two separate moments. The first one is going to be more comedic. N and Uzi hear something that scares them and their automatic reaction is to hug each other. Like something out of Scooby Doo. For the second moment N appears to be stiff. Unmoving. Almost as if he's in a trance, shut down, etc. Remember that Uzi has admin control of him and V, so if she wanted to she could most likely put him in SLEEP MODE or the like. Why would she do that? Because she's about to face Cyn/the Absolute Solver (her standing alone in that teaser GiF lends to that) and she doesn't want him to get hurt or worse, so she makes him stay behind. Before she leaves though she gives him one last hug good bye. Hence the crying.
4. N being dragged away. Some have said it looks like what he grabs is Uzi's beanie. From what I can tell, that's not the case. It's just a rock that N accidentally grabs in a panic. If it was Uzi's beanie I believe they would've had him look at it in desperation. As for who he's being dragged by, there's multiple choices. Cyn, Eldritch V, Nori or Yeva. It could even be Uzi. Also, I believe he's being dragged into the same opening that we see in the beginning. The one covered in the goopy flesh stuff. Because I can see part of the same box on the left side and I think the rock is even there on the floor.
5. The shot of the Sentinels chained up. We know Nori treated the Sentinels like "pets", so it wouldn't surprise me that they're hers. This could even be what leads to the teaser image of Nori and Yeva standing in the entrance of the Cathedral.
6. I've seen some say it's the manor from E5. No, it is not. It's a cathedral. The design is completely different from the manor.
7. If you look on the right written in blood are the words "THE END" and "NULL" and there's a drawing of what looks like a corpse spire. You can see these best when the lightning flashes.
8. Nori's locker being closed. The one closing it is Tessa. I can tell not just by her hand, but her bow enters the frame briefly.
9. The moment of N and Uzi turning to look at something. Uzi's left hand light is yellow, which is the same one she breaks/snaps N's hand with in the next shot. This could be after that moment, and this shows she was under the Solver's influence. What also leads me to believe those two shots are connected is the red lighting and their expressions as well as body language. For the lighting, in the first shot Uzi's back is to it. In the second shot, it's N's back. Why the swap? Because between those moments I believe more happens and they move around. Then Uzi snaps out of it, realizes what she did to N's hand and starts apologizing to him. N looks scared of her, because he is, which would make Uzi feel even worse. Guilty. In fact, what if she feels so guilty this is the moment that leads to her making the decision that she needs to face Cyn/the Solver on her own? That shot of Uzi hugging N also has red lighting, and who's back is facing it? Uzi's.
10. The cross Uzi is holding. There was that moment in E5 when Louisa (Tessa's mom) called Cyn "little anti-Christ". Why I think Uzi is holding the cross is because N remembered what Louisa said and tells Uzi to hold it. Or gives it to her. All in the hopes it'll help hold back the Solver's corruption.
~Nori and Yeva Teaser Image~
Not too much to say about this one. We never did see Yeva or Nori actually die. Just Yeva's body in E3 and Khan's comment of "And to put your mother out of her misery when the Murder Drones got to her with that nanite acid," in the pilot, so I wasn't too surprised to see they were still alive. However, what does strike me as odd is Yeva's stance and expression. Until this image Yeva has always looked terrified/horrified, so why does she look almost bored in the image? It's odd. Unless she's changed since then. Or...here's a random thought...what if Uzi swapped sentience with her? Lol highly doubt it, but it'd be funny.
~Uzi Standing Alone GiF~
1. Uzi is holding something in her left hand and it shimmers in the light, so it's gotta be something reflective. To me it looks like a necklace. Nori's? Yeva's? Or both?
2. The lights flickering in the background are candles. Who lit them?
3. The thing hanging from the ceiling in the background looks like it's either a lantern or one of those medieval cages.
4. Between Uzi's stance and her possibly holding her mom's necklace, I can see her thinking to herself, 'Don't worry, everyone. I'm going to put an end to this. No matter what.'
~Extra Things~
Cyn's eyes are going to have two small x's for eyes instead of the usual single large X we've seen, which might be a reference to Liam's previous work, Internecion Cube.
I believe current Tessa is either not human or at least not 100% human. Possibly a mix of organic and machine. After all the Solver has consumed human flesh.
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girl-named-matty · 6 days
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
A masterlist for all of my headcanons and fanfictions that I've written. Please let me know if some of the links aren't working! And buckle up because this is long! 🤍
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𝑭𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝑭𝒊𝒄𝒔
● Passion || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: It has been six years since Astoria and Sebastian broke up. Both of them are living their best lives away from each other. But when Sebastian finds out that Rookwood is still alive and hunting Astoria down, he leaves his life behind to find her. ● In the Shadow of Her || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: Matty Ambrose is a simple Muggleborn girl living in London. After the arrival of Professor Fig informing her that she was a witch, she knew Hogwarts was going to be much different than anything she could've ever experienced before and she didn't know what to expect. With friends, rivals, and enemies around every corner, her time at Hogwarts already beginning to be epic. Join Matty as she navigates her way through her 5th year at Hogwarts-will she rise to the occasion, or will the dark secrets of the school and the ancient magic she possesses lead her astray? ● In the Shadow of Love || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: Matty is returning to Hogwarts for her sixth year at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry although things are quite different this time around. With no guidance from Professor Fig and the Wizarding world not being in constant peril, Matty has to learn what it's like to be a normal student. On this path, Matty finds herself deeply in love with a fellow classmate, strengthens and finds new friendships, and possible betrayal by the ones she trusts. Join Matty in her sixth year and see the story of love, friendship, action, and betrayal. ● In the Shadow of Magic || Sebastian Sallow (wattpad & ao3) synopsis: After two whirlwind years, Matty was returning to Hogwarts for her final year but this time would be different. She was fighting to maintain control of herself, as she felt the lure of the unknown, the magic, calling her. It tempted her and drew her deeper with each spell cast, each experiment taken a step further from the norm. But she was not alone in fighting for control. Join Matty on her journey through her seventh year with enemies around every corner and view the slow grip of reality loosen as time goes on. (terribly sorry for using the "in the shadow of" trope. hope its not too confusing).
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 - 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔
quick a/n: These are all from over a year ago (I think) and I am lowkey embarrassed about the writing. They're still enjoyable but apologies in advance for how sloppy some of it might be. 😅🤍
Sebastian Sallow ● Sebastian Headcanons | pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | ● Sebastian's Boggart + His reaction to MC's Boggart ● Sebastian x Tall!FMC ● Sebastian x Short!FMC ● Sharing a bed with Sebastian
Ominis Gaunt ● Ominis Headcanons ● Ominis x Tall!FMC ● Ominis x Short!FMC ● Sharing a bed with Ominis
Garreth Weasley ● Garreth Headcanons ● Sharing a bed with Garreth
Leander Prewett ● Sharing a bed with Leander
Amit Thakkar ● Sharing a bed with Amit
Andrew Larson ● Sharing a bed with Andrew
Imelda Reyes ● Imelda headcanons
Poppy Sweeting ● Poppy Headcanons.
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 - 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒔
Eleazar Fig ● Professor Fig Headcanons
Aesop Sharp ● Professor Sharp Headcanons
Dinah Hecat ● Professor Hecat Headcanons. pt.1 | pt.2 |
Matilda Weasley ● Professor Weasley Headcanons.
I will write for pretty much any HL character but these are just the ones I have written for before! More to be added. Hope you enjoy 🤍
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