#and they’re also still just as tiring as real exams lmao
rainyraisin · 1 year
I have exams all week and I’m gonna be too exhausted to draw much between exams and revision and also just school in general so I might just reveal reticent spoilers randomly for the funsies and also to just say sorry that y’all ain’t gonna be getting much content till like next Wednesday prolly cause I think that’s when my exams end (not this weeks Wednesday but next weeks)
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arhvste · 4 years
can you maybe do some hcs w kuroo tsukishima and oikawa when their s/o is being bullied by people from school?
love me some savage haikyuu boys 😈
kuroo is a perspective little shit 
he analysis’ anything and everything 
he isn’t called the scheming captain for nothing 
so when he notice’s his s/o feeling down or acting different from normal he will find out what’s bothering them
he’ll ask you first
and if you’re not willing to give clear answers he’ll just find out himself
he doesn't want to overstep privacy boundaries
but if you’re being upset by something he feels like it’s his duty as your boyfriend to sort it out
so one day you’re waiting for him after practice
and you both usually meet outside the gym doors to talk home together
this time you’ve unfortunately encountered the people who have been making school life unbearable for you
“look its stupid little y/n!”
“why are you still here? waiting for your boyfriend like some sort of lost dog?”
“i don’t know how he puts up with you”
“so clingy and desperate for support i feel so bad for him”
they have you cornered and you’re outnumbered by far 
kuroo has been waiting outside the gym doors for 5 minutes now and is confused 
you’re never ever late 
so he wanders around looking for you since you aren't answering your phone 
now kuroo is annoying but he isn’t stupid
he’s had a hunch about what’s been bothering you lately
he’s noticed a few kids often hang behind class until you leave and they seem to surround you when you’re trying to leave your classroom
he never intervened because he didn’t want to wrongly accuse them of harassing you in case you were friends with them
but you still didn’t look particularly thrilled when you got away from them
so kuroo hears some familiar voices and he heads straight over to them
“don’t cry y/n you don't want to look even more ugly than you already do”
“oh look y/n’s crying they can't even handle a few jokes”
“your boyfriend might even dump you when he sees you”
“the only ones who need dumping are all of you into a pit of fire 🥰”
there stands the 6′2, muscular built, powerhouse school national level volleyball captain with the coldest look he’s ever had
the kids surrounding you are dead silent
“what? nobodies got anything to say now? i thought we were all just laughing and joking with each other so why’d we stop now?”
kuroos eyes soften as soon as they meet yours 
he’s grabbed your hand and pulled you tightly into his chest
“i don't think much of a warning needs to be made but let me make this clear just this once because i don't like having to remind people things, come near her, approach, talk about or to her again and you’re going to have a personal problem with me and my team. got it?”
lmfao the little bitches nod trembling and run 🏃🏽‍♀️
kuroo is such a science nerd who makes awful jokes and has the worlds most obnoxious laugh 
but he’s also a man and a captain and sometimes it’s easy to forget that
he can pick and choose when and what he wants to be perceived as
and right then he has chosen to show you who he really can be 
“why didn’t you tell me angel?”
“i didn’t want to have to bother you”
“oh baby you’re never ever a bother to me. im sorry i couldn't help sooner please never hesitate to tell me if anything like this happens again”
kuroo’s warning sticks with your bullies and they don't bother you anymore
the volleyball team and coach nekomata are throwing dirty ass looks at them too nfjdsbfjs
all in all, kuroo just wants you to know he is there to support you
and he’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy and comfortable 
lmao all i’ve got to say to your bullies is good luck
because if tuski finds out you’ve been bullying his s/o
you’re done for 
this boy has no mercy
he doesn't even need to physically fight
his words can cut deeper than any knife and he knows it 
so when he notices you've been feeling more anxious around school and clinging to him a little more
he grows sus
he’s immediately closing in on who is bothering you and what insults he wants to throw at them
tuski has an exam and it runs a little into lunch 
he told you that if it runs over than you can just wait by your classroom and he’d come and get you 
however while you’re waiting you have a run in with the students who have been giving you a hard time 
just like tuski you’re a student who thrives in academics 
so a few of your classmates aren't particularly fond of your constant reign of lead in your class
“ew y/n you gross weirdo why are you here?”
“they’re probably waiting for their boyfriend to come and pick them up”
“such an entitled little shit, waiting to be collected who do you think you are”
so far you’d done pretty well ignoring them 
but that was in an environment with many other students who’d call your bullies out if they were to step out of line in class
right now you’re an easy target though
nobody to protect you
well that’s what you thought anyway
you feel your bag get snatched from your hands and thrown to the ground 
the bullies are kicking your stuff around laughing while you have no choice but to watch is despair 
that's until one of them is tripped up and lands face flat onto the ground
“you think i should kick them around and see if they can take it?”
tuski is standing there with a dark smile on his face
“so brave of you to pick on my y/n when you all have the audacity to look the way you do and don't even get me started on your academics”
“if i were you'd just apologise to your parents now because realistically what are you all going to do in your lives? success doesn't really look like it fits any of you to be honest”
the other students don't even know what to say
they can't exactly say anything
tsukishima is known to have a sharp tongue with an endless flow of direct insults 
“it’d be a shame if a teacher were to find out about this wouldn't it. im thinking suspension maybe? perhaps you should all call your parents up right now and apologise for your inevitable suspension”
the bullies look at each other nervously
he couldn’t be serious right
“im waiting”
these kids whip out their phones and are calling their confused parents trying to explain about how they could be suspended
“now off you all go, get out of my sight and don't you dare come near her again”
they be sprinting out the hallways 
“you weren’t actually gonna get them suspended were you?”
“it was depending on how fast they called their parents really”
tsukishima is on the floor helping you gather you trashed things
“im annoyed you didn't tell me. don't keep things like this from me yeah? cause not only am i here for you but, i get a kick out of it to. besides, im the only one who gets to be playfully mean to you.”
and he’ll make sure to keep a closer eye on you and keep you around him for a little longer just till he’s certain you’ve been left alone
the absolute bane of his existence 
oikawa appreciated the support but it was overbearing sometimes 
especially when he just wants to spend time with his precious y/n-chan
in front of him, his fangirls would be so polite and supportive 
“you and y/n look so good together”
“i hope you’re treating them well”
“oikawa is is lucky”
but behind his back these girls were nothing but vicious and spiteful towards you 
you knew you’d have to deal with his fangirls at some point 
you’d decided to keep your relationship hidden for the first few months until oikawa suggested going public and you felt like you couldn’t say no
you’d hear comments as you walked through the halls
classes would’ve been a nightmare if iwaizumi wasn’t in your class
he knew you were struggling with oikawa’s fangirls but you pleaded him not to say anything to his best friend 
iwaizumi didn't exactly want to keep this from oikawa but he also didn't want to go against your wishes 
you compromised instead and told iwaizumi about everything the fangirls put you through and sometimes he’d even take it lightly into his own hand 
despite the fact you had oikawa’s best friend looking out for you, this was also a reason the bullying got worse
“you think you can get iwaizumi to back you up now? you want the whole team or what?”
“stop being so overdramatic oikawa shouldn’t have to put up with someone as fragile as you”
“he can do so much better did you manifest or do witchcraft to get him to date you?”
the comments had become so common to you they started to have no effect
you slowly became more and more emotionally unavailable and this was something oikawa had started to pick up on
“y/n-chan you’ve stopped smiling at me so much. have i upset you?”
at first he’d think he did something wrong and he’d desperatly rack his brain for anything he could’ve done to offend you
“no you haven’t tooru i’ve just been tired lately”
you’d lie and give him a small fake smile 
but oikawa has given enough fake smiles in his life and is more than capable of being able to tell a real smile to a fake one
like kuroo though, he wouldn’t want to push any privacy boundaries and can only hope you’d open up to him soon
it doesn’t mean he’s not going to be watching you even closer now
he’ll ask iwaizumi whether he’s seen a change in your behaviour 
iwaizumi has finally decided this has gone too far
“idiot do you not see it’s your shitty fangirls that are making them miserable?”
“my fangirls?”
“yes your fangirls. y/n can’t catch a break with them around they’re really nasty to her and i don’t know how it’s taken you so long to see”
now that oikawa thinks about it you do cling to him a little tighter when they’re around
you don’t thank them for their ‘compliments’ about your relationship with the setter
you go extremely quiet and anxious when they’re around
oikawa had just thought it was nerves from sudden attention
he didn’t realise they had been secretly harassing you 
so oikawa goes to wait outside your locker when the day ends
“tooru shouldn't you be at practice?”
“come with me” he says sternly but he’s giving you a reassuring look as he grips your hand securely in his larger one
he walks you quickly through the halls and round to the entrance of the gym where his fangirls are usually waiting for practice to start
“oikawa-san! why aren’t you in uniform? is practice cancelled?”
“oh y/n is here... that's cute”
oikawa is beyond livid just from their presence alone
they even had the nerve to say your name?
“you know what isn’t fucking cute though? your disgusting behaviour”
the fangirls are look between each other innocently
“what do you mean oikawa-san?”
“don’t play oblivious with me you bitches! what was going through your heads when you all thought it was okay to harass MY y/n-chan?!”
the girls are silent now
oikawa is usually so charming and relaxed 
nobody sees him worked up outside the court
“there’s a reason none of you have even been allowed to be considered to have the chance to get to know me, you’re all fake. every single one of you. i hate fake people more than anything. this behaviour is gross i want none of you associated with me get out of here and if i hear one more thing about anyone upsetting y/n hell will be broken loose and that won’t just be from me.”
oikawa did not stutter 😌
the girls leave immediately 
“i think you’ve just lost yourself your whole fan club”
“oh y/n they were never fans if they have the nerve to upset someone they know i love. why didn’t you tell me i would’ve said something sooner”
“i just didn't want to upset you about your fans”
“you’re always going to be the first priority to me always if they or anyone else ever bothers you again, promise you’ll tell me straight away?”
after that he’ll take you to sit on the bench on the side of the court so you can watch him play and he can keep an eye on you
yeah oikawa may seem like a carefree people pleaser
but if you’re upsetting his s/o, you’ll be experiencing the side he tries to keep under control and he won’t be afraid to let loose.
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midoriyashotos · 3 years
Anguish of the Quirkless
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shoto (could be platonic... though I ship them a lot lmao)
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto; MENTIONED - Bakugo Katsuki
Summary: Izuku doesn’t explode.
But burn after burn, he can’t take it anymore.
AO3 / Fanfiction
A/N: I had no reason to write this other than the fact I’ve been really angry and I needed to write something down.
I guess this is technically my first Tododeku fic? But like, it isn’t the focus here, so interpret it the way you want (if you can). I hope this didn’t turn out to be too OOC, though.
Please be aware of the tags and disclaimers below. Be safe. <3
TRIGGER WARNINGS - childhood trauma, past bullying/abuse and injury
Izuku doesn’t explode.
If anything, he’s more than scared of explosions. The explosions that silence him, that burn his tongue and his arms and legs, and the notebook of his fanboyish train of thought. The blasts that keep happening no matter how far away he is.
So no, he doesn’t explode. He probably can’t.
Though every time he stares at the blond spikes of his classmate, Izuku is sickened by a cocktail of years of combustions.
Maybe he does admire the beauty of the explosions when far away. Depending on them, they can actually be quite beautiful when done for the greater good. But when he’s so near, to try to reach them, Izuku gets injured. It’s probably his fault to begin with.
But even with patience and care, Izuku is always exploded back to where he’s been stuck in since he was four.
Izuku is always behind Katsuki. He can’t go around him and walk away. He can’t push him aside, he can’t as much as talk to him. Katsuki will forever be a wall, a minefield that will remain activated until the end of time.
And most importantly, Izuku can never explode back.
He hates explosions, after all.
The flaming blend of feelings, however, reach his mind at times he should be feeling okay.
The image of himself exploding Katsuki, of yelling at him, beating the crap out of him sickens the young hero to no end.
But it replays in his head still, even when they’re not fighting and instead having fun with their other classmates. Izuku stares at Katsuki for mere seconds and the thoughts come to him. The freckled boy swallows it all back, until it comes to haunt him at night. Until the burns sting his arms and his heart.
Izuku has tense nights, yet he never explodes. Ever.
You’d think Izuku would be happy here. He is happy, though, to be where he’s dreamed of for so long.
But each day that passes, he seems to get worse, he’s sick and tired and angry, and the combustions are closer to his heart. The fantasies become more violent, they’re disturbing. Izuku stains his hands, massacring the remaining of blond hair and hateful red eyes.
Izuku could never take blood from someone. It’s awful – he’s being awful. What would others think? What would everyone else think? All Might, his mother, his friends?
Izuku knows he can cry, but what about the rage? What about the ticking bomb inside him? The bomb that might be close to destroying all around him?
He can’t let anyone see.
Least of all Katsuki.
Thankfully, U.A. owns several gymnasiums for the students to train. Few, though, are somewhat left aside due to the new ones, but they don’t really close them. His classmates don’t seem to use them either, as far as he’s concerned.
Izuku finds the classic training tools, including several, big punching bags – different from those you see in common gyms, obviously. They’re able to take up a lot more damage, useful for physical-focused quirks.
He prepares and attacks. Holding it back, Izuku knows to be careful, to protect others. He hates explosions. He hates hurting others.
(All everyone has ever done was hurt him. Why? He was powerless. Quirkless. Deku.)
(That’s why he reclaimed the name, to transform it into someone who could be trusted, someone who could never hurt.)
Izuku kicks, dodges, as if in a real fight. He gives the bag mercy. Probably unnecessary.
(No one gave him mercy.)
(Midoriya Izuku, a boy who could never do wrong, who did nothing but exist.)
(He was exploded like no one ever was.)
The boy’s hands shine red with One for All, as do his eyes. The punching bag absorbs the power, becoming harder to punch and overcome. Izuku continues to spare it, to no avail.
(No matter what he does, he’ll continue to be blasted on the face.)
(Whether he’s powerless or not. The explosions will punish him until he’s gone.)
It’s then that the bag’s energy turns against him and blows him away, Izuku falling back and failing, once again.
It’s all too familiar.
Izuku roars.
He advances with his all, at the same speed as Gran Torino’s, but with a rage unknown to others. A rage from no hero. Heroes don’t feel hate, only towards evil – yet never, never to this extent. With revenge comes nothing. No hero should be selfish.
(This doesn’t come from a hero. It comes from… a boy? A monster?)
And Izuku is attacking the bag with no barriers holding him back. The second time it attacks, Izuku doesn’t let himself fall again. He returns at full speed and destroys the bag. He’s yelling this entire time, his throat hurting yet he’s far from quitting.
“WHY?!” Izuku demands from the bag. “WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!”
As always, he gets no answer, only blows and ignorance. And he’s punching it again.
The red of the bag infuriates him, it’s all he sees, and he wants to eradicate.
All those years, all that time never fighting back, never looking for solutions after years of rejections; they all come back to stab him again.
You’re useless.
You need to deal with it.
“You RUINED MY LIFE!” Izuku screams, eyes shut but red, dams overflowing. “AND YOU DON’T EVEN CARE!”
Despite his cries and punches, they’re not moving, they’re not listening. When have they ever? When?
“I HATE YOU!” Izuku yells, his most disliked words. He’d never say to anyone.
YOU!!! ”
He yelps at the force thrown back at him. Smoke enters his nose, painful coughs echoing.
When Izuku looks back, he gasps without making a sound.
He didn’t destroy just one bag – it fired back and damaged the other ones, now abandoned on the floor.
And even then—
Izuku growls and punches the floor, this time without any power left.
He’s still burning.
It doesn’t matter. It never matters.
Now everything smokes and suffocates him, and he’s crying the most he’s ever did.
That’s why he hates explosions.
Izuku doesn’t go to Recovery Girl, nor does he tell anyone. He hopes Aizawa-sensei never finds out what he’d done. He looked for cameras and, thankfully, found none.
He lies to his friends he trained in the woods and got a little ahead of himself. As a response, Uraraka tells him to be careful and Iida insists Quirk training should be balanced for him, as a hero in training. Two important statements, of course.
Todoroki, however, observes.
It’s the most he does. Todoroki watches and sees all, barely saying much. He reads people like no one else does. He was the first to realize something would go wrong with Iida, when the latter had wanted to seek his brother’s almost assassin.
This is different, though. So much different.
Izuku ignores it the best he can.
Late at night, he can’t sleep. The green-eyed boy sneaks in the kitchen, to grab some tea to make. His classmates seem to have healthy sleep schedules, especially when exams are out of the scene.
So slow steps take him off guard, and Izuku hides his arms under his sleeves.
He sighs deeply. “Oh, Todoroki-kun… it’s just you. What’s up?”
Todoroki shrugs. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh. Me neither.”
Todoroki is doing it again, he can tell. Watching him. (Judging.)
Izuku hates being watched – he’s watched the entire time.
The tea doesn’t take much longer to be ready, so Izuku barely bats an eye to Todoroki and makes his way to the stairs.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he mumbles.
“Wait, Midoriya—”
“What ?”
Izuku regrets the moment he hisses, but he’s so tired.
“Just…” his classmate hesitates. “Take care of yourself, okay?”
Todoroki’s tone has… softened.
Izuku doesn’t turn around.
“… Good night, Todoroki-kun.”
The days go by like usual. It’s like nothing happened. No one has found out, or so he hopes.
Todoroki hasn’t talked to him since that night. Or well, Izuku tries to avoid looking at him for too long in the first place. They have lunch together with the rest, but there’s no direct contact at all.
Todoroki isn’t the kind of person you can make excuses. He reads into your tone, he knows something is wrong. While Izuku’s relationship with him has definitely improved since the Sports Festival and Stain, he still finds that aspect of him a little intimidating. Because Todoroki, in contrast, is hard to read most of the time.
Izuku might as well be avoiding him. Of course, he’s polite when Todoroki has a question or when he asks for a favor. Though he rejects the suggestion they train together in the next day. Mostly, because Izuku’s wounds still sting, and he refuses to go to the infirmary.
At last, Izuku finds himself going to the old gymnasium, with no intention to seethe like before, even if the urge screams in his brain. It looks… the same, on the outside. As for the inside…
Instead of the gray smoke and destroyed reds, Izuku stops as soon as he catches white strands connected to wine, fire red. A fire that doesn’t explode, but fire, nonetheless.
Izuku’s veins fill with One for All, and before he goes Full Cowling to get as far away as possible, he’s less than lucky to expose himself.
Even though Todoroki isn’t using his Quirk, Izuku feels like he’s frozen by his giant ice spikes, caught to explain himself.
Why on earth is Todoroki here? Does he also know this spot? Oh, of course. Todoroki often trains alone but Izuku never knew where. Oh my god.
There are no words shared or spoken, least of all whispered. Izuku can’t bring himself to look up. There’s only shame to be shared. No one was supposed to find out and yet he just revealed himself. Stupid. Idiot!
A step.
Izuku shakes his head.
“I know what you’re going to say.”
Todoroki stops. “What?”
“… that I’m supposed to be a hero, right? That I shouldn’t have done this? I- I know I shouldn’t have.” Izuku clenches his jaw and his fists, to contain the trembling rage. “I shouldn’t be angry.”
The fallen punching bags stare.
“But I didn’t know what to do with this anger. It only kept growing and- and it keeps growing inside of me, these thoughts, this scream in my throat,” Izuku spits out without much thought. “I’ve been hurt my entire life and I hate- I hate hurting people back, I hate wanting to hurt them, but I hate them, too, I hate-!” For a moment, he bites back the poisonous name, yet he can’t take it anymore, he’s tired of being silenced by the explosions.
“… I hate Kacchan. I hate that he always explodes me in the face, I hate that he used to go after other kids, too. He always explodes and hurts people, and he doesn’t give a shit.” Izuku’s tone is wet, soaked with weight. “He doesn’t give a shit about me, he still hurts me no matter what I do, and I’m sick of it. And god, all I want is to punch his fucking face and scream, because he never cared about making me cry or burning me at all, he- he doesn’t care! And I don’t know why I still do, why I even try to communicate with him! Nothing I do is enough for him!”
Izuku observes the multiple layers of old wood under his feet, each second finding new details, new splinters.
“This is why I don’t explode. Why I never burst out. I-I don’t want to hurt anyone… but I’m still so angry, Todoroki-kun. I’m only feeling worse than before.” The freckled teen pathetically dries his drowned face. “It’s like nothing is ever going to get better.”
The temperature is a bitter cold, despite the sun outside.
Izuku cries like that boy he’d known in Middle School, the one that would weep to himself in the shadows after getting burned on the face.
“W-What should I do?” He asks to no one.
It’s, again, a question without an answer.
His arms are taken by two hands that slowly pull up his sleeves, revealing the wounds from the hazard. The hands brush against his blistered skin as gently as possible. One hot, the other cold, but equally mindful.
“I think…” Todoroki whispers, “you need someone.”
Izuku’s face is close to the piercing gray and blue eyes, the ones who always read him… but not in judgment, he realizes. They read each sentence, each word of himself and take it to their heart, hopefully to come up with a meaningful response.
“Because then… who will protect you from the explosion?” Todoroki questions, his right hand reaching Izuku’s left.
The question is one he’s never considered. Izuku makes sure no one gets hurt, and maybe he’s successful at that, yet…
Todoroki’s face is close enough for their heads to touch, some of his red and white bangs touching Izuku’s forehead.
“It’s okay to be angry, Midoriya.”
“You’re… not mad at me?”
“Why would I be?”
“I don’t know,” Izuku gulps, “I feel… disgusting.”
“I understand. But you’re not disgusting. You were hurt.”
Izuku’s mouth quivers. “I don’t want to hurt anymore.”
Todoroki’s hands move from his arms to his shoulders, pulling him forward. Izuku shivers.
Todoroki has never hugged him before.
Sure, they’ve gotten so far as friends. But after all this time, they’ve never touched each other; least of all Todoroki, who is, reasonably, a more reserved person.
The hug is far from awkward, nonetheless. It’s… good. Izuku has never been hugged like this. Even with the crime scene of his anger right there for Todoroki and everyone else to see… the red-and-white-haired boy chooses to hold him.
(After all, he’s also a boy. A boy afraid of his thoughts. Afraid while no one knows.)
Izuku returns the contact, his face somewhat under Todoroki’s chin.
“I’m sorry Bakugo is a piece of shit.” He adds quietly, “Well, more than he already is.”
That manages to attract a miserable laugh.
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not.”
Izuku hums, not up to protest as he melts in his touch. He could never have imagined Todoroki to be this… comfortable.
The permanent smell of smoke and dust does eventually bother him, so Izuku suggests, “Want to get out of here?”
And they leave the gymnasium behind, hopefully their secret will be left alone.
Todoroki takes Izuku to a tree, the leaves green like the latter’s hair. There’s enough of a shadow to cover them from the sun, from the burning flames far away. Todoroki helps a little with the burns, his ice the most soothing Izuku has felt.
Until the sun sets, their hands are intertwined, scars only they know.
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wisteria-lodge · 4 years
a bird secondary with a *very* unhealthy badger model
i’m pretty sure i’m using both Bird and Badger secondary tools - i just cannot for the life of me figure out which one’s my actual secondary, and which is the model. it doesn’t help that both of them are at least slightly charred. when i was younger, i was surely a Bird secondary, no doubt.
One of the reasons I ask people for childhood stories is I fundamentally don’t believe that sortings ever change. (Maybe that’s the Lion in me talking.) You can build beautiful models that you adore living in, but important aspects of yourself don’t just... fall away. They change, and grow, and level up. 
i’ve always loved collecting knowledge, i store trivia better than many a fandom wiki, i’ve studied things just because they interested me, i’ve once memorised a big portion of the pokedex just for fun… you get the idea.
I’m going with Bird secondary as a hypothesis, but this doesn’t necessarily say bird secondary to me. Bird of some kind, sure. But it could still be a model. 
when academia kicked my butt (hello, undiagnosed adhd), and i realised my natural talents and good memory won’t help me, i think i burnt my Bird. it really hit me very hard.
That can happen. And it’s brutal. But when a secondary burns from over-use, it’s not gone it’s just... tired. 
i’ve started appreciating kindness and hard work, and i wanted to be a person who - wasn’t necessarily the smartest in the room (because i felt that this ship has already sailed.)
There’s a fun word for someone who thinks they’re the smartest person in the room. And that word is “asshole.” :) Seriously, ‘being the smartest person in the room’ isn’t a real thing, and definitely not something to aspire to.
didn’t help that i’ve also acquired a nemesis who was just as smart as me, but an asshole, lmaoo. 
Like I was saying...
But I thought perhaps I could be the kind one. the patient one. the steady one. of course, that didn’t work for me with my adhd at all, lol. i am physically and mentally unable to reach that ideal of stable, patient, consistent, reliable. and it hit my self esteem real hard again. 
There is some sort of POWERFUL Badger secondary influence in your life, making you believe that you need to be that way too. And you don’t. That’s the entire premise of this system. That there are many ways to solve problems, all equally effective and valid. 
after all, not everyone can be smart, and that’s alright - but everyone can be a hard worker, right? it’s not a matter of any innate abilities.
You think the chip that allows you to settle down and focus on doing a non-preferred task in increments over long periods of time is not an innate ability? This is why I hate standardized tests. They test your ability to take a test much more than they test the material. Not everyone *can* sit at a desk in a silent, windowless room and do math problems for four hours. And why on earth should that be that a desirable, rewarded ability? The end goal is not to graduate and start working in a factory like its 1905. 
my bachelor degree’s taken me a year longer than it should have, because i’ve started just… not doing my work. didn’t come to class, didn’t hand in my homework, didn’t contact my professors. did everything at the very last minute, if at all. and i didn’t know why.
It’s because you struggle with executive dysfunction. Because you’re neurodivergent.
i’ve felt terrible about it, because i wanted to be a good student, you know? i wanted to feel like i earned that degree. i passed, because i’m bright and i can extrapolate based on the knowledge i already have, and i have a lot of knowledge in this wonky brain of mine - but it doesn’t feel like i… deserved that pass. 
for instance, we had this class - literature masterpieces of XX century. we were supposed to read one book each week. obviously i didn’t manage, bc despite reading as if my life depended on it in my early years, i lost that ability sometime during my high school years (when depression hit). so the night before, i’ve sat down, read the wikipedia article on every book and every author on the list, read goodreads’ reviews, sparknotes, whatever i could find. sometimes even fragments of the original text. and i passed that (oral) exam, even with this extremely strict professor. and i felt horrible about it, because i didn’t feel i deserved to pass that. i didn’t read those books! i’ve lied to you! i’ve cheated! 
Listen. I’m a teacher, and I am telling you, you deserved that degree. You got the info, you thought about it, you understood. You didn’t trick your strict professor. Your professor did a good job, and allowed you to think and learn and demonstrate your knowledge in a way that worked for you. (Which is what they’re supposed to do.) I love students with ADHD, their brains are fast and non-linear, and yes they skim the reading, but they make connections and take things to new levels and process things in such cool way, and it just makes me feel alive you know? 
I actually have more trouble with the opposite type, the student who obviously did the reading, but didn’t play with it or connect it to anything else they know, so it just kind of sits in their head like a lump, not doing them any good. But they are really good test-takers.
then again - doing things the right way was (and still is) sometimes just simply unaccesible to me.
There is no right way to do things. The right way to do thing is whatever makes you happy and gets the job done. But that’s a hard one to internalize. I still have trouble truly internalizing that one. But I’m getting better. 
the badger secondary, therefore, is not anything that’s actually… useful to me, most of the time, lol. 
You are crushing yourself under the weight of a Badger secondary model.
unless it’s the ~vibes~ of the badger that make professors like me, most of the time - and because of that liking, they’d often turn a blind eye to just how badly i’d fuck up.
I bet your professors like you because you’re an interested, interesting student who brightens up their day. And if they’re turning a blind eye, it’s because they know that people with ADHD struggle with deadlines sometime. And that’s /fine/
i often seem trustworthy and reliable in the beginning, before my executive dysfunction trips me up, and makes me beat myself up for not actually being that.
My thoughts on secondaries and executive dysfunction. 
it’s the bird that helps me still achieve anything these days - the knowledge i still have, and the things i pick up along the way, from friends or twitter or online articles. i can bullshit my way through many things, because i know quite a bit about a wide range of topics.
It is so easy to pick up on true bullshit as a teacher. We *know* when you don’t know what you’re talking about. When you put together interesting statements and arguments on the fly - when you pull something out of your ass - it’s still coming from you. That’s just an alternate way of thinking. Also, everything you have written is SO BIRD.
but actually applying myself - which i feel is both necessary to succeed 
It’s not.
and the right way to do things
There’s no such thing.
 - is just… out of my reach. sorry for the rant, but i’m just so super confused, lmao. if you have any thoughts on this mess, i’d be very grateful. apologies for any mistakes, too - english is not my first language.
English isn’t your first language??? Your English is amazing. You’re a bird secondary, and a pretty brilliant one by the sound of it. And you are torturing yourself because you aren’t living up to an entirely arbitrary Badger secondary ideal.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Lost Boy (K.TH x Reader) ☁️(💜)🎀
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, a bit of fluff ‘n romance, Good Girl AU
Warnings: swearing, a lot of swearing, Traffic Accident, injuries, confused Tae, it’s a mess okay, smol tough girl reader, kind of idiots to lovers lmao, did I mention they swear? Kinda fluffy? Also a sprinkle of comedy, best boy Yeontan, just read it it’s a mess
Summary: He already knew that time wasn’t playing in his favor, every day being a new possibility for you to find someone better than him, making all of his efforts go to waste and his sweet little game end- yet somehow the world just seemed to have given him a wake up slap in the face. Maybe he needed to stop playing. Maybe he needed to face the truth. Even if it would hurt more than he liked. But hey; at least he’s not alone in the waiting room of this goddamn hospital.
This is a spin-off to Good Girl; congrats if you smelled that coming from reading the Taehyung and Jungkook scene in Brave Girl!
Taglist: @ggukkieland @taetaes-aegi
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The fact that he knew so little of you should scare him. It really should, because even though he only knew of your secret obsession with anything soft and cute, and the fact that you wore chokers like it was the most normal thing in the universe, he was whipped. This wasn't just something he felt like he could get over by simply fucking you- no, this felt way worse. This was something more serious than that, and he already saw Jungkook laughing at his face and reaching his hand out for winning his bet with Taehyung that he'd eventually fall for someone. Taehyung had been sure he'd win that bet for sure, very much satisfied with what he had, but eventually you had walzed into his life, in your full small and angry glory.
He'd been annoyed with you at first, really. The way you seemed so fucking grumpy at everything, your sarcasm basically your main language at this point, yet you always looked so disgustingly adorable with your arms crossed and eyes sharp looking at him, as if you could stare him down to ashes if you tried hard enough. He really hated how much he loved the way you never let someone belittle you- how you always had a sassy comeback ready to be thrown out, how you made heads turn just by simply existing in a room. He hated how he found himself looking at you when you weren't paying attention, too worried he might come off creepy if you found him staring. He hated how much you hated him.
Even if he wanted to actually ask you out on a date, all of that had been buried anyways after your last fight. And you were right; he really was just a mean old soul trapped in a young mans body. And that was another thing he despised about you. He hated how you were right.
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Kim Taehyung was fucked. Whatever plans for the future he'd made prior, he'd noticed already that he could surely throw them into the next fire he'd encounter.
Everyone else would've ran over to the hospital mentioned instantly, not caring about anything, but he found himself lowering his phone painfully slow, almost as if he had to take a minute to grasp what just happened. This wasn't real. He closed his eyes and began to count. Typically, this helped him to get himself out of any dream he would find himself trapped in, but when he got to ten, he began to accept that this was actually reality.
Would you even want him there? Maybe you'd just kick him out, considering that your last conversation had been anything but friendly. You weren't friends, you weren't fucking each other, hell, you weren't even enemies or anything alike; you had made that quite clear with him. But why was he suddenly walking to his car keys, ushering Yeontan to stay before he walked outside, calmly driving to you?
He didn't know, but he also didn't think about it. The entire way he grew more and more uneasy, his entire being tensing up the closer he got, as if he had to take his final exams again. But this time he couldn't cheat his way out of things. This time, this wasn't something he could slip his head out of before the noose could be tied. Because for the first time he had to face reality.
How was he supposed to face you? You both have had radio silence for two days straight, he didn't even know why the hell he had been contacted-
It was a good thing he had been parking already, because his eyes suddenly widened comically.
'You've been marked in her phone as an emergency contact, so we thought we should inform you.'
Now why the fuck would you set him as an emergency contact, him of all people?!
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"Yeontan would be happy to meet you. He loves grumpy people." He said, smiling at you teasingly, yet you could still spot how tired he actually was deep down. You furrowed your brows, rolling your eyes at him. It was a gesture never meant to be cute, but he couldn't help but lean his cheek on his hand, looking at you with almost fond eyes.
"I still can't believe that a person like you has such a cute dog." You exclaimed, reaching for the cup of water on the small plastic table. "Such a waste." You said, yelping in an offended matter when he took the cup from you, calmly, yet still without a frown or a pout as you'd expected.
"He could be yours too, you know?" He said, slight smile ever so present as he dipped the plastic straw into the cup, giving it back to you. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold it for you, he had to give you at least some sort of feeling that you were still independent and didn't need his help, even though you did. It surprised him and yourself a little how he seemed to remember that about you.
"That sounds like you're selling me your dog." You mumbled, chuckling a bit at that before taking a sip. Taehyung watched you carefully, making sure you didn't overdo it like the nurse had told you to. He grabbed his chest playfully, and you smiled again.
"Now, I would never do that!" He exclaimed, mirroring your smile before he yawned, stretching a bit to get his muscles to stop cramping up. "I meant, you know-" But you started to inhale, ready to tell him you sadly knew exactly what he wanted, but his face turned a little grim again, seriousness evident in his tone. "No, not like that." He said, rubbing his hands over his face as if that would help him. "Not to screw you, I don't want to fuck you anymore-" He said, and groaned at you and your raised eyebrows, an offended but amused glint in your eyes at seeing him struggle. "God, no, I still really wanne fuck you- wait I don't mean it like that- shit." He said, leaning back a bit too forceful, hearing the plastic chair creak a bit. "Jesus why is this shit so difficult?" He said, letting his head fall back, the mask he'd pulled down covering the underside of his chin, making his face appear less sharp than you usually saw.
"Its fine" You said, putting the cup down, and leaning back against the pillows again. "I know what you mean." You said, thinking about what he had just implied. But was that really a good idea? Getting close to someone had always been dangerous, but giving yourself to a man like Taehyung? That was pure bullshit and plain boring suicide. But maybe you didn't mind that much. His next words however, made the tips of your ears turn pink.
"Why did you put me as an emergency contact?" He said, actually serious. His voice was low, calm, and he didn't look at you, simply to give you a bit of space, to not pressurize you into answering a specific way. This had been bothering him ever since he reached the hospital, ever since he had to get up every morning at eight to be there for you when you got breakfast. Not that he minded though.
You shrugged. "To be honest, I just wanted to see what you would do in a case like this." Your explanation made him pay more attention to you than ever. "I did it when I noticed the busdriver had skipped our scheduled break. I kinda had a feeling something would go wrong when he started yawning like, every thirty seconds." You said, watching the blanket over your legs. Your fingers played with the fabric, simply to give you something to do and to keep you from looking to your side, where you could practically feel the readheads eyes on you like a red laser dot of a sharpshooter, ready to pull the trigger.
"What did you think I would be doing?" He asked, wondering.
Again, you simply shrugged it off. "I wanted to know if you would actually be there." You said. I wanted to know if you cared enough to face something like this with me. That was what you wanted to say, but you refrained from doing so, knowing he would maybe understand what you said. He scratched the back of his head, before he crossed one leg over the other. His eyes widened at your next words. "Thank you." You said, grabbing the cup again to try and cover up the embarrassment in those words. He stood up with a smile, taking the cup away from you, his face painfully close to yours. Yet he only smiled, and he looked so young suddenly that you couldn't help but stare a bit dumbfounded.
A hand ran over your head playfully, before he grabbed his keys. "I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back for dinner. Don't choke on that!" He said tipping his head in the direction of your water cup, and you spoke up before he could go out the door.
"Taehyung!" You said, and he looked at you over his shoulder. "I uhm.. tell the dog I'm gonna get on his nerves for a bit. They're letting me go on friday after 12." You tried to casually imply. "Oh and I like chinese food. But I guess pizza does the job too."
Taehyung took a bit, facial features confused until his entire being realized what you just said. "I- YES! I mean-" He cleared his throat, answering you a bit more serious. "Yeah sure, I'll get shit ready, uh, yes. Yes.!" He said, suddenly walking way faster than he did before. He poked his head in after some seconds, returning, making you tilt your head at him. "I- uh... forgot to say bye. Bye!" He said, practically running out of the hospital, his facemask thankfully hiding how red his face actually was.
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The third trashbag had found its way out of his apartment and next to the garbage bins outside, as he took in a deep breath of air- cold and crisp, waking him up a bit. He'd been cleaning for the entire time after he'd spend a bit of time with you at the hospital during dinner time, practically forcing the plain hospital food down your throat, since you'd refused to eat several times. It wasn't like his apartment was an entire bombing site- he never let any food go bad or leave it laying around. But he had been living alone for so long, never really having visitors over at all, that he'd just stopped caring after a while. Yet for the first time when he came home, he actually saw the chaos of empty plastic containers and old opened mail and newspaper lying around. He saw his apartment for what it had actually become; not a home, but a snailsshell. It had become almost a prison, a pure reminder that he was unable to be alone. But things changed. His windows were open when he returned inside, washing machine in his bathroom buzzing away with his blankets inside, another load of laundry waiting for its turn next to it. Yeontan had been running around excited, interested in his owners change of mind concerning their home- and suddenly Taehyung saw traces of his Shell actually becoming a home. It smelled less stuffy, his laminated floor looking almost unrecognizable to him after he'd vacuumed. Sure, some empty boxes were still sitting in the corner, and the dishes in the kitchen were still waiting to be cleaned, but he'd do that tomorrow.
He knew that maybe he was just caught in that little bit of hope, that tiny string of rope you'd tossed him to grab onto, but he knew it would be worth it. He didn't know why, but at some point, he really did develop honest feelings for you, far away from just plain sexual desire. Sure, you were an absolute treat to look at, and he still honestly thought about what you would look like underneath him- but there were different fantasies now as well. What would it feel like holding you? Would you be okay with him holding you while you both slept next to each other? Did you move much in your sleep? Did you eat breakfast in the mornings, or not? He started to wonder if you'd let him put his hand against yours like in those cheesy movies just to relish in the size difference. He wanted to do these absolute weird things like kiss you when you just woke up even if you had morning breath, he wanted to be confused as shit buying you items for your period, he wanted to take care of you when you were sick even though he hated germs with a passion- he wanted everything, the good and the bad. Was this what falling in love was like? He couldn't tell anymore.
The last time he'd been in love ended in the love being blown out like a match in the wind, burning passion slowly becoming dull and pressurizing. It still was a painful memory to think of, but it had gotten better; he knew they both had made the right decision to end things before they become toxic, starting a new life without the other in different places. Taehyung himself had not tried searching afterwards, content with the attention he got whenever he wanted to; yet always reminding anyone that he wasn't going to turn into a boyfriend- he just craved sexual pleasure, nothing more, nothing less. He never brought anyone home to his place however- his own apartment a sacred place it seemed, yet the real reason had actually been his mess- and the intimacy it would portray for him. He didn't kiss much, always getting straight to the point right away, quiet and fast, as he liked to call it. Those were nights he loved, yet al of this had stopped when your words had reached him.
"You're really fucking lonely, aren't you?"
Well yeah, he was, he couldn't really deny it. But he wanted to change that, and with your help, he maybe would be able to.
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"Taehyung really, I could've carried that!" You whined, and he couldn't help but laugh a little, actually enjoying the way you couldn't stop bantering even with your pink crutches next to you on your hospital bed, dressed in black leggings, fuzzy socks, and a plain oversized black shirt. He simply grinned, giving you your crutches before throwing the last bag over his shoulder, waiting for you to hobble after him. He was being considerate, pressing the elevator buttons for you, and holding doors- making the nurses swoon a bit at his gestures, yet you only rolled your eyes at his over the top gentlemanism. Inside you actually liked it, found it adorable how he was being so utterly desperate, but you rather ate another hospital meal instead of saying that openly.
His old 2004 Santa Fe was a little high for you to just slip in, so he made sure to help you inside the passenger seat, before you turned around quickly, spotting the excited puppy in the back. "Oh my- FUCK are you TINY!" You squealed just as excited, reaching for the puppy in the back, making Taehyung chuckle as he closed your door, getting into the drivers seat himself. "What the hell Kim Taehyung! How can you own a dog like that, this is ridiculous!" You said, face in absolute happiness as you ruffled the dogs fur, making him smile. He simply put his hand on your shoulder, silently asking you to sit properly so he could drive, and your ears turned a bit red at the warmth of his hand on your skin. "Sorry." You mumbled, looking outside the window, watching cars and buildings pass by. You wouldn't say it out loud as usual, but you actually liked Taehyungs car, even though people always told him to get a new one. It was homey, felt comfortable, and with him behind the steering wheel you actually felt quite safe. Even though you could spot a few candy wrappers in the car door, some hair probably belonging to the panting dog in the bag, and the windows werent really squeaky clean, you liked it. Because it felt honest.
"Alright, start thinking about what'cha wanna eat." He said, and you noticed how he set his indicators to the left, where a Burger King sign was brightly shining above the cars parked underneath. Your eyes widened, already searching for your wallet, when he clicked his tongue. "I'm paying, no buts. I'm taking a burger, some fries, and a shake. You?" He said, not looking at you but paying attention to the road, making you swallow as your eyes suddenly decided to lock onto his hands, rings clicking against the material of the steering wheel as he turned to the left, entering the drive thru. Did you ever have these moments where your brain just decided to randomly reboot, forcing you to stare at a spot without being able to look away? Yeah well fuck, it seemed like yours decided the delicate silver band around his pinky finger had been the perfect spot. Taehyung chuckled, flicking your forehead gently before smiling at you.
You shook your head, simply scrambling out what you always ate, and he nodded, repeating it to the microphone next to his car, elbow leaning on his opened window. If he wasn't such an asshole you could totally see him as a perfect guy- he was actually a nice person to have around, he had the looks too, only his attitude had always been a problem for you; him being an absolute manwhore in your eyes was just too much of a wall to overcome. Yet it seemed like he had been trying to take this wall down for you, brick by brick, and as much as you hated to admit it, it seemed to be working. The more time you spent with the actual Kim Taehyung instead of Taehyung the one who flirted with everything that had a pulse, you had less and less to complain about. Even worse, things that had been annoying before suddenly became normal or even kind of cute in your eyes; the best example being his bright boxy smile. It had been something that had made you roll your eyes previously, now you found yourself laughing along a bit, finding it charming if you were honest. This was fucking stupid.
You were falling for Kim Taehyung, the guy you fucking hated. Just great.
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"Did you actually clean up?" You asked, wobbling into his apartment after he'd helped you slip off your shoes, looking at his living room, eyes falling onto the couch. "Damn. Screw those monthly subscription boxes, you're more surprise than I could ever get." You mumbled, and he grinned a bit, crouching down in front of his couch before pulling something out. "A sleeping couch too? Neat." You grinned, as he made quick work of making a bed out of it. You found yourself actually starting to smile in a fond manner as he took so much care into what he did- making sure the pillows were properly placed, pulling the table a bit further away so you'd have enough space, and more. He suddenly looked up before becoming a bit shy.
"I uh.. The couch is bigger than my bed so, I guessed it was better to let you sleep here." He said, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants. "Jungkook slept over once I think. Said it was comfortable so, hopefully he didn't lie." You nodded, thanking him, before he helped you sit down, huffing surprised when you pulled on his arms, making him almost fall ontop of you, face only centimeters away from yours. You looked at him for a bit before placing a kiss onto his cheek- and he felt like he was back in school, receiving the first gesture of kindness from a classmate. He'd fucked six ways till sunday and back, yet he was frozen in shock by that small kiss, and it wasn't even on his lips. His eyes looked at you, confused, and he got even more scrambled up in the head when you ran a hand trough his hair, smiling contently.
"Hm.. You should stop bleaching it. Makes it feel weird after a while, like I'm touching one of those cheap fake fur coats my mom used to have." You mumbled, before tapping his nose. "I'm eating your fries by the way!" You sang, already crawling towards the paper bags hiding the delicious food inside. Taehyung sat down in front of the couch, hands leaning on the fabric of it, head falling ontop of his arms.
"Don't play with me." He mumbled, and you stopped fumbling around with the bag to look at him. "I know I.. "He raised his head, and you could see how serious he looked. "I know I've fucked up big time but Y/n." He said, looking at you with a pained expression. "I've never once toyed with you, never. Don't do this to me. Please." He said, before trying to get up. You moved towards him, throwing your own principles out the window as you grabbed his neck, kissing him. He pulled away after a moment, eyes closed as if he was in pain. "If you don't mean it sto-" He said, before you kissed him again, more urgently, wincing as you sat weirdly on your leg, making him pull you down onto his own, his large hands reaching for the sides of your face, loosing himself in the feeling of your lips against his. This was everything and more to him, a feeling so uplifting he thought he might get dizzy, the faint salt on your tongue left from the few fries you'd already stolen in the car, everything made him feel high. His senses felt like they were sparking pure electricity, his breathing heavy, as he forced himself to calm down. You did too, resting your forehead against his, as he suddenly chuckled. "Please tell me this isn't just because you pity me." He whispered, and you shook your head, grinning.
"Please tell me you won't fuck this up Tae." You said in an equally quiet tone of voice, and he sighed.
"I wont. Please say my name again like that." He pleaded, and you happily complied.
"Taetae." You mumbled, and his voice made a pleased hum inside his throat.
"Again." He asked, his hands wrapping around your back.
"Tae." You answered, chuckling a bit as his grin widened.
"Again." He said with a laugh cutting him almost off.
"I like you Tae." You said. "I really like you." Slowly leaning your head on his shoulder, he pulled you closer.
"I know." He said, chuckling when you playfully hit his chest. "I really like you too."
And for the first time he didn't mind being immature. He didn't mind as long as it was with you.
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"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch with me though."
"Fair enough young lady, I'm gonna go to bed now."
"Goodnight then."
"...Taehyung, can Yeontan sleep on the couch with me though?"
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Taglist: @ggukkieland @taetaes-aegi
177 notes · View notes
panharmonium · 3 years
more in-progress naruto thoughts under the cut!
i’ve only progressed by like ten episodes but we just got out of the filler and back into the real story, which means that i feel like i’m moving at a million miles per hour because we went from Nothing happening to Everything Happening All At Once
[spoiler policy disclaimer first, as always: I am watching naruto for the first time and i am trying to avoid spoilers, so please don’t interact with this (tags included, because the notifications now show them to me automatically) with any spoilery commentary, including even general things like “oh i love this show but it gets less good after X point” or “X season is better than Y season” or any general assessments of quality/likability/etc re: future seasons.  Thank you! <3 ]
- real!madara has finally made his appearance (and the scene where he appeared was Epic.  i love when they introduce new music).  i wasn’t surprised to see him; i’ve suspected for a while that fake!madara isn’t who he says he is (specifically, i’ve been guessing that he’s madara’s brother, but the story hasn’t confirmed that, so who knows; i could be wrong).  anyway the five kage are lining up to fight him, but we haven’t seen any of the battle; it cut away to naruto’s part of the story and we haven’t gotten back to gaara’s group yet...i think we’ll get into that tonight.
- the tailed beasts part of the story has taken a huge leap forward and i LOVEEEEE it; once again i am SUCH a sucker for the whole “compassion for your enemy/turning your enemies into friends” motif and ughhhhhhhhh it’s fantastic; THIS is the stuff that i love watching naruto do.  this is what he’s built for.  “just who the hell are you to say that having a tailed beast makes me feel despair” + kurama opening his eyes open hearing that - i LOVED that shot.  and i loved the show turning things around and showing things from the perspective of someone who’s been locked in a cage for so long...and the parallel they drew between iruka saying “he’s not a beast; he’s a leaf shinobi and his name is naruto” + naruto releasing kurama from his cage and recognizing him by his name.......MASTERFUL
and oh my god they showed us the BABY tailed beasts wtf i was definitely not ready for this face:
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pROTECT HIM ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- kurama roasting naruto for accidentally kissing sasuke that one time; i was HOWLING; naruto really said he wished he and his tailed beast could joke around and bicker with each other like bee and gyuki do, and kurama just went “ok if you say so”
- sasuke is finally outside lmao.  got tired of sitting around in the dark i guess
- TAKA IS BACK!  honestly suigetsu was winning my heart last night all over again.  i’ve always liked him, but boy, he was not pulling punches yesterday, complaining to jugo about how sasuke dragged them into a conflict that wasn’t what they originally agreed to/dropped a ceiling on their heads/left them for dead...i believe the word “reprehensible” was used, in fact....YOU GO, KIDDO!  tell it like it is! 
- taka also apparently stumbled upon some kind of master plan of orochimaru’s.........no idea of the details at this point but i KNEW we couldn’t count that guy out yet XD
- just a general observation: at this point, i feel like i have hundreds of questions, and instead of answering them, the show just keeps posing more:
a long time ago kabuto said something about “so long as i have the edotensei and that OTHER jutsu, i’m invincible.”  what other jutsu was he talking about???
after that very same conversation with kabuto, fake!madara told black zetsu “you’d better get started on our OTHER program” - what other program was HE talking about???????
fake!madara also once said something very brief about “linking sasuke to the gedo statue”.........what.  what was that about.
what did naruto see when he and sasuke had that brief encounter.  sakura knows he’s hiding something.  what was it?
a million years ago jiraiya was talking about the first hokage’s necklace and said “there are only two like it in the world.”  naruto’s is broken...so who has the other one?
how did itachi know about fake!madara in the first place?  back when fake!madara was telling sasuke about everything that happened, he was like “itachi was the only one who knew of my existence/he agreed to help me if i promised to leave the hidden leaf alone” - but how did itachi even know about fake!madara at all? 
shisui uchiha...what the fuck happened to make him think he needed to kill himself and hide his eyes
how the fuck did danzo end up in cahoots with orochimaru???  and did danzo use shisui’s eye for anything while he possessed it (besides trying to influence the people at the five kage summit)???
i’m still not clear on the parameters of all the visual jutsu.  why do sasuke’s new eyes look the way they do, if they’re itachi’s???  itachi’s were always a kind of three-spoked pinwheel, but now that they’ve been transplanted into sasuke they look completely different - why?  i don’t even fully understand what the mangekyo is - when it was first introduced i thought it was the thing kakashi could do, but we’ve never seen anybody else use it that way (unless that’s actually what fake!madara is doing when he sucks people into him...) - itachi can use it for tsukuyomi and amaterasu and the susano’o because he has it in both eyes, but is that the extent of it?  what are its capabilities actually???  and what was kabuto talking about when he said the rinnegan was a natural progression of the sharingan?
what is written on the uchiha stone tablet?  is it information about how the sharingan can be used to control tailed beasts?  or something else?
how did taka end up under orochimaru’s control?  like - didn’t we once see a flashback of karin participating in the chunin exams at the same time as sasuke?  what the hell happened to her???  how did she end up with orochimaru?????  
what was going on in that brief flashback with madara and the tsuchikage?  the one where young ohnoki is like “that wasn’t the agreement” and madara is like “there is no alliance; you bow to the hidden leaf; also don’t ever mention hashirama’s name in front of me again”?  what is the CONTEXT
what exactly do madara and fake!madara get out of the infinite tsukuyomi?  like...okay, so everyone’s a zombie living in a fantasy world, and what will YOU be doing, exactly?  i’m just not sure i understand their ultimate motivation.  
so many questions about this whole “six paths” thing; i don’t even understand what that is right now or why the sage of the six paths created the ten-tails to begin with or...or anything about it.  fake!madara told konan a bunch of info about shadow style and creation powers but it all went way over my head and i don’t feel like i have any clarity on it yet.
this isn’t plot-related at all, but i still don’t even know what happened to rin.  i’ve known she was dead for like 700 episodes but i have absolutely no clue how what happened.  honestly this show is as tight-lipped about kakashi’s personal information as he himself is; they give us the tiniest bites of information and then just let us stew for years...they never told us what happened to his mom, even.  they told us kakashi was a chunin at age SIX and just like...didn’t think that warranted further discussion.  they mentioned he was a former anbu operative and then never mentioned it again (though i do know that’s coming...it’s been several hundred episodes, so i CAN’T WAIT)
i probably have a billion more questions that i just can’t recall at the moment because there are too many of them to keep in my head at the same time.  i am sure many of these will be answered to one degree or another as i move forward, but right now i am just like “boy, time is ticking, and we have so much left to address...how???” 
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selfcareparker · 3 years
hi bae <3 reading that last ask i’m realizing i have no grammar? lmao
glad university is funnnn, when you said linguistics i was like 🤨 but then i googled it and it does sound interesting lmao
the too much free time part though... :( its like you expected to be thrown in and like WOO BUSY and WOO purpose (purpose may be going too far lol) but i totally get what you’re saying. ESPECIALLY when you expect to be busier and you’re not it’s like :/ ok. (& girlllll it’s fine to complain, it’s how ur feeling)
and bc of covid you have eVEN LESS STUFF TO DO, which sucks. the social part may help? even just a little bit, but maybe having some socialization.. it could be somewhat uplifting? idk gsjshsj
where i live the vaccine is for 16 and up right now but for the younger kids (12-15) it hasn’t been ✨FDA approved✨ yet so my brother is still waiting for his 🤠
okay really quick, how does drivers license work there? here you learn to drive at 16 and you can like actually drive (sometimes even alone in the car) by 17... (also burneks?)
YAYYYY GIRLLL i remember you telling me about how you haven’t seen your family in England in such a long time 🥺🥺🥺 i really hope you get to see them soon!!!! and that covid eases up so you can see them frequently again 🥺🥺🤍
i’m gonna tattoo that to my forehead “not being friends with your parents is unhealthy” EXACTLY!! the people saying that stuff are usually not close to their parents so 👀
i’ve been really busy (unfortunately imo lol) with my dance recital coming up and this singing group (which i don’t like at all) and my final tests bc of school i’m EEK but it’s a good eek i think? maybe? idk lolll, i can’t wait for everything to be over though so i can CHILL. after school however i have a missions trip in north carolina? don’t quote me on that, but yeah 🥰 i’m really excited about it bc i’ll be without my family (like on my own :)) and it’s this whole thing and i’ll get to know people and i’m gonna buy a new bathing suit that makes me look gooooood cuz i’m tryna cop a boyfriend while i’m there HAHAHAH but besides that... more acting and singing camps probably? most likely a summer job.. i don’t have any plans reallyyy set in stone but ya know (ACTUAL i do have a few things planned. but those are things i don’t want to do. so i will be ignoring them <3)
that was a long ass paragraph- but PLEASE UR RESPONSE WAS FINEEE & i love you 💓💓💖💞💘💓💞💕 literally watch me buy a ticket to germany rn
- lovely anon (or catherine? i feel that lovely anon is iconic now tho so. kinda like how i call you aria in my head not your real name lol ALSO I PROMISE IM GONNA RESPOND TO THAT REALLY SOON, it’s just really busy rn) <3
what’s wrong with tumblr i just saw this a minute ago 🥲🥲🥲🥲 they don’t want to see us together ✋🏼 but fuck them 💘
Whaksk wait wdym by you have no grammar? 😭😭hejsjs
Honestly I’m so surprised that I’m enjoying linguistics but i think since i speak english and german i’ve just always been interested in language and esp english since it’s just my second language so i was forced to learn more about the language than just words and grammar, because it’s such a big part of me and also i didn’t always have a british accent so i kind of had to... develop a british accent, and it was natural but also kind of wasn’t??? Anyway why was this one sentence like 17 lines i’m sorry
YES OMG EXACTLY and obviously i’m missing out on the whole uni experience i mean I’m introverted anyway but i don’t mind going to a party every now and then? but i haven’t talked to a single person from my uni (except in class when we had to analyse a poem or something— okay technically some of my friends go to the same uni as me but they’re all studying other stuff)
But yeah I’ll definitely try to meet my friends more often 🥺 but we all have really different schedules rn so it’s really hard to find days where we both/all are free and not too tired and yeahssjsksj but i mean.... i can pay 50% of your ticket to germany? and then we can hang out? 🥰
I think everyone over 18 can get their vaccine from Monday on so I’ll try to call (okay, my mum will call sisjsh) and see if i can get an appointment. but i think everything will be super full because previously only people over... 50?or 60? or people with like illnesses could get it and now everyone over 18 can get it??? Like that’s a lot of people who can suddenly get the vaccine sksjjs but at the same time they’re getting quicker with it (i think today over 1 million people got the vaccine???? Like i know the US probably gets wayyy more people done so idk if that sounds like nothing to you but obviously Germany is much smaller so to me that sounds like a lot???) and also one of my father’s friend’s wife (djdkdj) works at a hospital or something? And she said she’ll ask if I can get it done there so yeah 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
Isksmsjjs it took me so long to figure out what burneks was, i googled it (very weird results?) and then i realised i made a typo.... yeah no idea what i was trying to say lol
So in Germany (as far as I’m aware) you can start at 17 and you can’t have your test before you’re 17 years and 6 months old (idk why) and then you’re not allowed to drive alone until you’re 18 and then you still have two years on probation(is that what it’s called?) and you’re not allowed to drink a single sip of alcohol before you’re 21 (and drive) (cause in germany you’re allowed to drink when you’re 14 (if your parents are with you and allow it), then when you’re 16 you can buy beer and wine, and when you’re 18 you can buy everything. But you’re not allowed to drink and drive (even if it’s just 0.01 promille) until you’re 21)
(Okay I just googled and I don’t think you say pro mille/per mille in english sksjsjs but like the percent (or something...) of alcohol you have in your blood (idk biology sorry) (not that you asked about drinking and driving anyway? 😭 but there you go lmaoo)
Also idk if that’s just a UK thing or you also have it in the US? But all of my relatives from England keep asking me how often I’m driving with my parents (for practice)... and in Germany that’s.... not allowed? Like in england you can get these L (Learner) plates that you can stick on the back of your car and then you can drive anytime with your parents, but in germany you can only drive with your driving instructor during a paid for and legally organised driving lesson so. Kksskaj
Yess, the good thing now is that i can go to england anytime? Because Uni is all online anyway so it’s not like i have to wait until the holidays to see my family, i really hope i’ll see them soon🥺 it was my nana’s bday today and my grandad’s a few weeks ago so i’m painting two pictures for them tomorrow and sending them as a (late) gift next week 😌 (i’ll do like an impressionist ✨field of flowers✨ (that sounds awful sksjsjsj for reference i’ll look something like this: (it’s not mine i just found it on the internet while i was looking for some inspiration
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for my nana, and something with a waterfall for my grandad) (looking at it now i don’t even think that’s impressionism? Idfk i had art as my subject for my a levels (like one of my final exams) and i actually got an A 👀 but it was mainly architecture and i don’t even remember that so
Ahhh I hope it’s a good eek!! Sksjj hopefully you’ll be done with everything soon and i already know you’re gonna do really good in all of your tests😌 but still: good luck ❤️❤️❤️
Idk if it’s actually cool? But North Carolina sounds so cool to me (but honestly you could have said any state and i’d think it’s cool sksksskm) And girl I still think it’s so amazing that you just sing and dance and act and omg ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
(I’m imagining us in a montage (?) like they always have in films while we’re shopping to get you a hot bathing suit😌😌 and then they always come home with like 6 shopping bags in the movies—)
This is gonna sound so dumb because who tf wants to work? But I’ve always wanted a summer job 🥲 like nothing too exhausting obviously but i’ve never earned any money by myself? I haven’t had a single job in my life (not that I’m that old and like only one of my friends has worked in her life like we’re young sksjsj) and yeah i think it would be really cool to have a summer job and earn some money 😌 but during the summer holidays (they’re only 6 weeks in germany) we’d always go to england for at least two weeks and then we’d drive to bosnia to see my dad’s family for a few days and then to croatia and then to Bosnia again sksksksms so i never had time for a summer job (obviously i’m aware that it’s a fucking privilege that i’ve never had to work and that i get to go to multiple countries during the holidays but yeah)
Like I said I’ll pay 50% of your ticket 😌 i’ll be here stuck at home anyway, just let me know when you’re coming so i can come pick you up😌 (this emoji djskksks— but i mean it fits so i’ll use it as often as i can 😌)
Lovely anon IS iconic 😌✨ but Catherine is more than okay too🥰 so just say whatever you prefer ❤️
(And omg you never have to apologise for responding to my long ass, full-of-mistakes responses late sksjs take your time (i mean i wouldn’t be mad if you just didn’t respond to some of them i talk too much anyway <3333)
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 years
“TodoDeku isn’t a valid ship”
So, two of my brothers and my boyfriend bring these arguments to me when I discuss my TodoDeku ship: 1) They’re just bros, it doesn’t need to be love and 2) Deku is gonna be with Ochaco bc they like each other and that’s the story
Mkay. Does it need to be love? No. But is it valid enough to be love? In this essay I will be discussing why TodoDeku is actually just as valid than UraDeku (lmao I feel like I’m in my AP Lit class again; my ebonics did not stop me from being EXCELLENT at literature analysis!) Let me preface this by saying that I am not actively anti-UraDeku- I pretty much understand that it’s endgame and I accept that. (I will say I have NOT read the manga, I’m waiting until this season is over so if you have those points, feel free to reblog and add)
Here we go!
1) Midoriya saving Ochaco- let’s be real, Midoriya would have saved whomst-ever it was in the entry exam- it didn’t really matter that it was Ochaco, except for starting the whole love trope (and ‘oh he’s giggly around girls’ thing), which leads me into
2) The Sports Festival- Would Midoriya have to break his bones to fight whoever it could have been? Yes. But in this particular example, for Midoriya it was the principle of the matter (’it’s your power!’) that led him to egg on somebody who was clearly capable of waxing him at that time, and it was specific to Todoroki. Even if you want to argue that it was still “Deku saving somebody”, compare the weights of those two moments. Ochaco would have just not made it into 1-A. Todoroki had whole abuse issues, and proceeds to go into his next fight rethinking his ENTIRE life outlook bc of Midoriya’s sacrifice. 
3) Ochaco making Midoriya proud of “Deku”- aight, fine. I’m not soulless. I’ll give yall that one. Shit was kinda cute and wholesome. 
4) Stain-  this has been one of my hardest arguments with my bf. “Midoriya sent out the location to everybody” O K A Y but WHO WAS THE ONE WHO ANALYZED IT IN 10 SECONDS FLAT and pretty much showed up to save the day? “Well Todoroki just happened to be nearby” yeah but he also didn’t have to turn his back on the mission with his abusive father (that could have possibly gone very poorly for him alone later) and slide through himself. He could’ve just ignored the message, or questioned it and ‘hoped for the best’ like everyone else. He was able to read Midoriya so well at this point (despite the ‘lack of interaction between them’ my brothers claim) that he knew he needed to go help. The fight also shows that they work well together in the field (TodoMomo, anybody? and I oop) 
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5) Saving MF BAKUGO- aight, I ain’t got you yet? So if NONE of these other things are ‘valid’ in your eyes, here is a solid moment where it is literally, canonically written who is down for the cause. When it was time to make a choice involving Bakugo, they all meet up to discuss the pros and cons. Asui basically tells Midoriya she’s tired of his mf schemes and rule breaking. Okay. In this moment, WHO CHOOSES TO GO WITH MIDORIYA to save his ‘best friend’? Again, Todoroki did not have to make that choice! When Iida has to hold Midoriya back from reacting, he grabs BOTH of them bc even he knew that as soon as Midoriya moved, guess who was gone be on his same bullshit? Todoroki! Even MOMO decided to go along! 
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Resting arguments: If we assume that Horikoshi is a good writer (and I think he is, and have heard great things) then we can assume that he understands character development and motivation. And so my main problem is that if we are supposed to support UraDeku, WHY spend SEASONS building a relationship and developing character between the two “bros” and then tell me “but that pales in comparison”? It doesn’t! And I know it’s a shounen and will probably explain it on some wack shit later, but still. It’d be like reading Pride and Prejudice and watching Darcy and Elizabeth grow so much just for him to say “But I’mma be with Ms.Bingley bc she’s rich and I’m supposed to love her’. It’s unsatisfying! But I’m just a ‘fucking weeb’, so
I rest my case, your honors.  @edwardslostalchemy​ @proheromidoriyashouto​ @whitedarkangel​
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crungusgrungus · 4 years
ahhh character ask thign! zetsu, rock lee, konan, kakuzu (u can break it up in2 different posts if u wish)
fuck yeah lamo
favorite thing about them
it’s a tie between the plant theme and the two ppl in one body theme. i like plants so thats just bias, and i think it’s kinda funny how they put the big bad and the dumdum fool in the same character.
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
I don’t know for certain if this is the exact translation, but in the old subbed shippuden, the samurai captain asked “2B” and he replied “to be ,.,,or not to be???” but it was a password and the captain killed him but anyways dumbass king ily.
Tobi/Obito. I will always stand by them being besties ever since the cave episode. I have so much to say about the potential antics that never occurred but like, you tell me. A wrinkly evil ancestor man, some kid going through puberty, and 2 plant aliens. That’s low budget dreamworks kids movie material.
Tbh i’ve asked myself this but i still don’t know lmao. I almost never really ship stuff hh.
i’ve seen a lot of gaara x zetsu stuff before for some reason and thats kinda weird,.thats really messed just like,.,,from an age gap stand point
random headcanon
i draw him like this usually but like,.,.,he’s gotta eat somehow and white zetsus got wack flat teeth can’t bite so black zetsus side of the mouth is like a fuckin bear trap, he just shrinks the goop over his teeth most of the time.
unpopular opinion
well,.,.i mean,.,.liking zetsu is unpopular enough already,.,.,,.saying dumb shit like zetsu is pretty,.,..,.,.mega unpopular
song i associate with them
hm,,,the two tones of Dunk On Me by blood cultures
favorite picture of them
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small. at peace.
he is baby boy.
rock lee:
favorite thing about them
I like how different he was from all the other characters, like, both in visual design and development. Also he’s based off Bruce Lee which was the first thing I noticed when I saw him and I was like to my sibling “yeah that guys gonna win.”
least favorite thing about them
Nothing?? Idk. I can’t really think of much.
favorite line
The ‘Stronger than the me of yesterday’ line :D
Sakura!! Strong as heck squad!! I wish there was more interaction with them after the chunin exams and stuff. They’d def have insane workouts together.
Also the rest of Team Gai, of course.
I think Lee and Gaara is pretty cute, also Lee and Neji. But at the same time consider Lee, Neji and Tenten poly.
Uhhhhhh i’m not sure??
random headcanon
Good cook rock lee!! He eats well!! He makes good food!! It’s always really spicy though!!
unpopular opinion
I don’t know if I have enough opinions of Rock Lee for this one :P
song i associate with them
hh for whatever reason it’s this old cantonese cover cjnkoijsd
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
her jutsu is like,.,.maximum aesthetic. it’s literally so pretty like imagine being this cool.
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pretty sure whomever invented jutsus had just this in mind for their invention, all that other stuff was unintentional
least favorite thing about them
i refuse to believe konan died in that fight with obito. i refuse.
favorite line
no specific quote but i think its neat how she uses flower metaphors a lot :P also when she said “600 000 000 000 paper bombs. I do plan on killing you”
Feel like she could get along w/ Itachi for some reason?? They’re both kinda quiet and soft spoken before being roped into doing bad stuff because of their relationships. Feel like they could relate to each other.
Also Kisame maybe, this one I can’t really explain but I feel like they could be good friends.
I’ve joked about sasori and konan becoming the friends that are besties after initially hating each other, but that was more in my au
Once again,.,.i don’t know
I don’t really like Konan x Obito tbh. I don’t understand it. Don’t really get the hype over Konan x Hidan or Konan x Pein either
random headcanon
Konan gardens!! Feel like she has a secret garden hidden in Ame somewhere w/ roses and lilies and those creeper vines and a pond w/ some koi fish and and
unpopular opinion
A lot of folks think Konans the mom friend, but that doesn’t really make sense to me?? She’s only ever sorta nice to Nagato, who’s like,.,the closest half alive person to her. U might get some gruff kindness, and thats like, ,.kinda it.
song i associate with them
Hhh I Saw An Angel
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
once again, cool jutsu and aesthetic. also hes kinda a more realistic villain, or at leadg more understandable from our world perspective - doing bad things for money
least favorite thing about them
why’d he die so soon like,.,.,they had so much buildup and he seemed really powerful but he got dunked on by narutos rasenshuriken in 2 tries like,., it didn’t make sense. definitely wish there was more exposition on kakuzus backstory too, although i haven’t watched the creation of the akatsuki
favorite line
“even hell runs on money”
pein kakuzu and konan taking care important shit (pein runs the akatsuki, kakuzu manages finances, konan runs ame lets be real all pein does in there is talk abt his god complex), so i propose: old soul friends who bond over being tired as fuck.
also kakuzu and sasori, because both their partners are annoying, and they initally bond over that before realizing they are each others long lost platonic soulmate and that their grouchy personalities and irritability were made for each other.
i was,,.,only half joking there but i just realized this is very probable.
eh, not really. he seems kinda like he might not be comfortable or ready for that after the stuff he’s been through.
once more, i don’t really know :P
random headcanon
konans not the mom friend, and kakuzu isn’t totally the mom friend either, but he has grandpa vibes. probably knits.
oh wait fuck never mentioned in hidans, but trans immortal kakuzu and hidan of course.
unpopular opinion
as with lees, i don’t know if i have enough opinions for this. maybe the brOTP’s lmao. never really seen content of them.
song i associate with them
Dead Inside by Younger Hunger :P kinda cliche though.
favorite picture of them
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this particular part was rlly cool
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
the idea of making hc’s of children is sosososo cute. i’ll follow ur steps chloe @akaashit-baeji lolol this is gonna be really self-indulgent buuut my excuse is that it’s my birthday so here it goes... i'm writing the last half of this with a hangover and a bad case of dysmenorrhea... sucks 2 be me
Oikawa Teru (及川 輝)
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his name “輝“ means “bright”, and this boi lives up to it because, let’s face it, he’s gonna be like his dad. he embodies this “brightness”, in a way that he’s smart, and he makes sure he and his team’s (or whichever team he’s going to be in) will shine on the court
wavy/curly hair and a victim of my and his dad’s astigmatism. always has this cheeky smile, and he gets my brimming energy so he’s really approachable and charming
very good with words; it’s like he always knows what to say
when he plays he also wears contact lenses
but don’t be fooled. in their generation, it’s him who has to put iwaizumi’s son in check. he knows everything about his teammates too, he knows more than what he lets on (which sometimes, they find creepy, but they all know he means well)
anyway, unlike his dad, he doesn’t really mind having geniuses around. instead, he watches them very closely; something like “mutualism”. he knows what he lacks and he knows he can learn from them too, vice versa.
is into horror games. in his free time, he and his sister take turns playing. and they decide it by seeing who can last the longest without flinching/screaming. he’s annoyed because his sister’s better at it 
has fans, ngl. i mean look at him. however, the female fans especially, are pretty on guard. he’s approachable, but anytime they see him with his sister... they back out. he doesn’t mind, he loves his sister and it actually amuses him. he’s the same when it comes to the boys who hang around her too!
basically protective siblings who are always there for eo
is very neat. can’t concentrate when something is out of place. he keeps his nails short, has a somewhat flowery scent. yes, he uses female perfumes because he despises strong smells.
bug-catching was his childhood hobby just like mine’s was. used to sneak beetles in iwaizumi’s son’s backpack back then
he will never admit it but he actually asks his sister for fashion tips because his taste sucks ass so bad
basically his major problem or issue in life is getting compared to his father (he’s also a setter). he hates that so much, being hidden in the shadow of his dad, and when people just recognize him for being oikawa tooru’s son.
something he and ushijima’s child relate to so strongly. they’re friendly rivals; might end up being teammates in their career hmm
so when he’s the one stressed, he skips practice for a day just so he could recollect his thoughts. usually stays in the library to read books he picked up based on the titles; might either open up to iwa or his sister later on, it depends. then when he’s okay, he doubles the amount of training
Oikawa Rie (及川 麗恵) it’s /ri-ye/ oki
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so the kanjis are: "麗" meaning, beautiful and "恵" is blessed. tooru thought of this name obviously
also has curly hair like mine. has that tiny mole below her eye just like i do. actually has lots of moles over her body; one time she fell asleep on the couch her brother drew connecting lines between the moles on her arm and called them constellations. it was nice she thought but still, the next day, teru had to wear a band-aid over his nose bridge.
she’s just a year younger. is less “vibrant” than her brother, a bit more serious. has a resting bitch face and she’s not even sorry about it and i love her for that
she’s actually relieved she looks like that, or else she knows the girls in her class would flock to her just to get in her brother’s pants. usually brushes them off with “ask him, not me” or “do you think that’s any of my concern?” 
her tongue her words damn never get to this baby girl’s bad side she’s gonna burn you alive. like fr when she’s angry, oh she’s gonna show you that she’s angry. but tbh she's very sweet, leaves little notes or little gifts to her friends every now and then
she just doesn’t want her brother’s heart to be broken (she’s heard stories from her mom about her dad’s many hs exes), and she knows teru’s struggles
doesn’t really like volleyball that much. it’s because she didn’t get to grow up with her dad around, she felt like it separated her from him. she’s not mad at him though. she’s very supportive of him and her brother.
used to play vb though when they were kids. but that’s all it was for her
she’s the team’s honorary manager lol the occasional “i brought you guys sumn” or “something-kun, a girl from my class says she likes you so do your best” etc
the team’s lil sister how bout that
despite being tolerant of horror games, this girl is vvvv squeamish. she cries at the sight of internal organs or blood. biology lab was the worst time of her life 
when she dug up my hs videos she was shook to discover i once did theater. and thus begins her interest in theater too
and??? baby girl is actually???? really really good???? 
the girls she used to shut down nicknamed her “prima”, short for “prima donna” she hates it. hates it more when her closest theater buddy was the one who spread that around
immediately went to the gym to spike some balls from her brother. baby girl was crying because she was just so pissed.
she was given ice cream and sweets afterwards. ugh it’s so cute idk she’s baby to the team skksksk they protecc
in that upcoming play, her first ever performance, the whole team got front row seats and howled when she came on during curtain call; it was vvv sweet and memorable even if the guys were kinda reprimanded afterwards lmao
which is why, in return, boiis also have a hard time approaching her because damn??? the vb team as your knights???? excuse me??? 
oh have i mentioned she has a sweet tooth? mygod. she has a stash of sweets in her room. teru has had to sneak some away because she might get tooth aches or diabetes
her pastel nail polish is arranged by shade, her body clock is fucked up lmao she hates the mornings; has succulents by her window which she names after various characters from books/plays etc she’s for sure gonna be a theater actress tho
asks help from iwa’s son for math. even her brother’s 0% help. teru is smart but a terrible teacher. she’s an above-average student and that’s all that matters for her. she can leave the spotlight to her brother because she only craves one type of spotlight
Miya Seiichi (宮 聖一) and Miya Seiji (宮 聖二)
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their names literally mean “聖” sacred then “一” is one, and “二” is two
atsumu thought it was funny. when they were kids, seiichi’s nickname was “juan” and seiji’s was “tutu” (i gave them the nicknames)
when the twins discovered the meaning behind the nicknames, they hated it. especially seiji, he despises it vvv much
so when they were hs, seiichi = chi, seiji = ji for the people they're close with
as we can see here, the twins unfortunately got my curls. seiichi likes his hair as is. he doesn’t like the thought of dyeing his hair just to be differentiated from his twin. in fact he enjoys twin jokes, enjoys tripping people up about it. seiji on the other hand, grew tired of his brother’s jokes and by the time hs started, he sacrifices his soft hair. 
between the two, seiji is the one who has my ugly eyesight. add to the fact that he reads a lot (once he starts he can’t put it down. so he reads in the dark, in a moving car etc)
the piercings was a thing that happened between them, and their cousins (which were also twins wtf)–it was a 2v2 vb thing and they lost
surprisingly, the cousins weren't pleased bc atsumu didn't scold them for getting piercings (but for playing half-heartedly). seiichi wanted the piercings tho tbh it was the perfect excuse. ngl, seiji also wanted them.
first let's talk abt seiichi, aside from the fact he also got my mole (he feels it makes him look cuter tho)
seiichi's into vb, but not a setter. he's the ace. may or may not push through with it as a career. he hasn't decided yet. is actually a bit sad that seiji didn't join the vb club in hs, he wanted them to be like his dad and uncle.
seiichi doesn't have any uh, quirks like shutting the whole cheer squad up like his dad does. but he usually dribbles the ball five times before any serve (this is something i did before) and he likes the 'ooooh hey' thing the crowd does when he goes for a serve
his side of the room doesn't have much stuff going on except workout equipment. he follows what exercise plan i give him as da PT mom that i am, and he is very strict with his diet and with what he eats–he's close to not needing a calorie counter anymore; but not a picky eater. he loves his uncle's cooking very much and he is jealous he can't cook even if he tries
he can do beatboxing, he learned it through youtube lmao his spotify playlists are da bombest; he learns a lot in youtube tho in his free time. his current interest is magic tricks and french (he thinks he can use it to woo that girl from class 4)
he hates insects, and hates mess. he has had to scold his twin about it that it escalated to them having this imaginary line in the middle of the room
anyway, he's straightforward. but not rude. he just doesn't like any pretenses so he says what he thinks or feels is right. may or may not have led to some misunderstandings, but he owns up to his mistakes if he crossed a line
next, seiji
even if he looks like a nerd with his glasses tbh he is not he actually hates studying. you can love reading without having to love studying right? he's that dude
the only time that he regrets dyeing his hair was when he realizes couldn't change identities so his brother could take his exam for him
his side of the room is littered with his sketches, notes from books, pencils everywhere – he drew a bunch of ants one time on a paper and made it look like they're real ass ants and placed it on seiichi's pillow
to solve this problem, atsumu has planned to give him a tablet for his next birthday
quits vb in hs because he kinda lost interest? he still finds it fun but he doesn't wanna be put under the pressure that his dad and uncle left for them lmao
he's in art clubs tho
he designs banners/posters for the team anyway. they use his strategic mind from the shit he's read for any plays and stuff so when he's not drawing, he's thinking
he might look like he has no emotions, but tbh he is more emotional and empathetic than his brother. he cries easily over the simplest things, like those grandparents vids, or rescuing animals and stuff
and thats why he doesn't let people in too much bc he knows he'll be hurt (dw seiichi knows this vvv well, and even if they do have arguments, he loves his lil bro and helps him about this)
has once begged to have a cat at home–seiichi didn't want bc he knows his twin is gonna leave him for clean up lmao
he can cook period.
he's gonna either be an architect or an animator, still hasn't decided.
his music taste sucks lmao. his youtube recents are filled with cooking stuff; in constant conversation with his uncle abt cooking lol it be cute sometimes atsumu is jealous bc he feels his son is closer to his brother than with him
he is forgetful that's why his stuff is messy lol he keeps misplacing stuff, sometimes it's literally in front of him and he's just 'where????'
but remembers dates well, remembers plays well. he's good at nitpicking tiny nearly insignificant details. just anything outside studying? he's good. dw he passes his classes but he hates giving effort for that shit lololol
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
DRUCK reactions - s4 ep1
Ages ago I said I wanted to write meta about Cris’ and Matteo’s seasons, so of course, when I finally sit down to write reactions to a Skam remake, it’s about Amira instead.
A few weeks back I was composing tumblr posts in bed before falling asleep (my number 1 hobby lol) when it struck me that the writing for Amira’s season was really… indefensibly bad. So let’s stroll down through memory lane and revisit Druck s4, or how to throw away your potential because you have to put out this season before summer is over!
CLIP 1: Dark clouds over Winterberg
Obviously I’m writing these with the benefit of hindsight, but I will try and incorporate what my initial reaction to a clip was whenever I can remember.
Sometime between the Abiball episode and episode 32, I argued (on twitter) that the Abiball special was the Abiball episode instead, the first episode of Amira’s season. It would thus introduce us to the conflicts and characters that would take place during Amira’s season. I thought that in addition to the obvious Amira/Mohammed, Carlos/Kiki/Essam would be important, Kiki’s family life would be important, Stefan would be important, and David/Matteo would probably not be important as they seemed to be doing just fine in their scenes.
I didn’t think Mia/Alex would be important because I didn’t actually watch their clip lol. The Winterberg stans on my twitter orbit thought the clip was cute and nothing to worry about. That should’ve been my first clue that the (twitter) stan habit of repeating the “we never lose” mantra doesn’t make for great viewing comprehension, because watching the clip, it’s so obvious that shit is gonna go down lol.
Mia moves from one of the flat share’s bathrooms to the other because they never really recreated Mia’s room in the s3 flat share.
I still haven’t watched Mia’s episode, so I don’t know how all this stuff is going to get resolved, but it seems like Mia doesn’t think they can handle a LDR, and Alex is picking up on those vibes hard. I guess I don’t really get why Mia is so pessimistic about it because at that age I kinda thought a few months break weren’t really an obstacle. (Not sure if it would help me to watch Mia’s season, because this seems like a wholly new conflict.)
Anyway, Alex acts sweet/reassuring (I really like how soft spoken everyone is in this episode), so Mia puts it out of her mind for now. But Idk, they haven’t really spoken about the elephant in the room.
CLIP 2: Don’t call them the chastest evak ever again
Tbh this clip comes across as a direct rebuttal to all the s3 commentary about David and Matteo seeming like they’re not into each other, or like they aren’t ~passionate~ like the other evaks.
It’s like, “these gremlins are horny on main, now shut up.”
But I like that they’re fully dressed, like yes, you can show physical intimacy without undressing your teen actors (shade fully intended).
I love Lukas von Horbatschewsky’s hair and I’m very jealous of Matteo in this sequence, lmao.
Luis Sepúlveda died of coronavirus this year, in Spain. You’re welcome for that bit of 2020 misery dripping onto this cute clip.
I do think David feels guilty that he may have caused Matteo to fail his Spanish exam because of David’s own issues, which I think is very on brand for David. Obviously it wasn’t his fault.
I really like how soft spoken everyone is in this episode, 2X.
And this has been said a million times by now, but David and Matteo are the one evak version where they’re the same age (Joana is in the same year as Cris, but is a year older, so she must’ve gotten held back at some point). So it’s funny, and possibly a reference to Isak and Even, to see David talking about what it’d be like if they had that age difference. Like, maybe David would be more like Even in behavior! And, going by Matteo’s reaction, he wouldn’t be into that.
This clip really feels like the ending to Matteo and David. They’ll go on a road trip, they’ll work on David’s movie, they’ll be around, but this clip is their conclusion. They both feel secure and content in their relationship, and ready for everything that’s to come.
Like I said on the post about Cris and Joana, I like that David and Matteo don’t have further issues. And while I have tons of issues with Druck s4, which I will be talking about forever in the following posts, I never had an issue with how they deployed Matteo or David. (Okay, self. Now say that again without crying about David’s season that should have been.)
Fucking David cutting their make out short only to then say such a highkey flirty, romantic thing to Matteo though. No wonder Matteo’s like, “STOP, I’M SUPPOSED TO STUDY.”
CLIP 3: A challenger appears!
I like the fanon that David is a healthy eater (or at least in comparison to Matteo), because all we ever see David eat of his own volition (i.e. not food that was made for him) is candy.
God, I love Kiki snatching David’s fruity gummies out of his hands. It makes me laugh every time, particularly how she demands to know if the candy is vegan.  
Hanna looks beautiful. ;_;
There’s a split second when Jonas is about to give Hanna that box where David looks alarmed in the background. In my mind he’s all, “Bro, no. Not a public proposal. Reel it back in, bro!”
And then, to the surprise of Jonas and all the viewers, we find out that not only are Jonas and Hanna not together, but Hanna is dating German Arthur. Again, in “fandom refuses to acknowledge storyline conflict until it’s staring right at them” news, Stefan had actually been introduced via an audio to Hanna the day before, but people were convinced it was Hanna’s dad. Whose actor they called just to record an audio. Clearly.
My belief at this point was that Stefan would be relevant to Amira’s storyline, but instead it was just a way to give Hanna her own episode. 🤡
Matteo’s transformation into Michi is complete by donning his grandpa hat.
He also makes to trip David for no real reason. Throwback to Unter Wasser.
Matteo saying Inshallalalah in a sing song voice is cute, but so annoying.
Matteo Florenzi: He’s a pain in the ass, but we love him.
CLIP 4: I guess Abdi and Axel picked up his grades at another point
I love the way Matteo grabs David’s head to pull him along. They’re so cute and I’m gonna enjoy every second.
Jonas also grabs Hanna along, because fans needed to be further confused as to what was happening with Hanna and Stefan and Jonas.
Thank you, Druck, for telling me Kiki’s and Amira’s grades, but as you can understand, that’s nowhere near enough to satisfy my curiosity and I will be needing to know everyone’s GPA because that is the kind of thing that’s important to me. What about it!!!
I think, going by how impressed Mia is, that Mia’s grade isn’t as good as Amira’s. Which I think is a neat detail, since the Nooras are kind of supposed to be the perfect girls. I like that Amira is even better than Mia at school.
I thought the concept of Carlos failing his final exam and maybe realizing school wasn’t his thing would’ve been an interesting storyline to explore, but I’m not mad that it didn’t happen. Hopefully Druck will touch on it with the next kids.
And we’re now treated to three reveals about Kiki. Kiki has a sister (now she has two), she likes the idea of moving out and living with Carlos, and her mom isn’t doing well.
The remakes trying to develop their Vildes past s4 make sense to me. By the end of Skam, Vilde clearly was the character who’d been the most robbed of a season, there were several potential storylines to do with her. Financial instability, alcoholic mom, eating disorders, plus it seemed obvious that any season taking place during the girls’ russetide should go to her. And that’s without getting into Vilde’s strong denial that she was a lesbian.
So the remakes are sitting on all these potential storylines, but as we now know, they can’t make their own Vilde season.
And from a European TV exec’s point of view, Vilde (who in every version is a white, skinny, ostensibly straight girl) is a very safe main after the gay and Muslim seasons.
I get why people are fed up with the Vildes’ prominence in the remakes that are in their latter stages, but at the same time we got 8 versions of Noora’s season, most of which are a limpdicked enemies to lovers story with a misguided sexual assault storyline tacked at the end. (And I say misguided because after a strong start, it’s mostly about what William will think, how William will react, I can’t tell William about this, etc.) So in my case, I’ve had quite enough Noora to last me a lifetime, but my Vilde thirst has only begun to be quenched.
Tangent over, Kiki lies that she’s not going to the lake because she’s going to check on Carlos. Bad form, Kiki.
CLIP 5: Graduation (Friends Forever).mp3
In clown news, I predicted there’d be a clip between the Kiki stuff and the actual dance (maybe a Sam clip), as it seemed to me there wasn’t much of a connection between Kiki looking sad on that ping pong table and PARTY TIME. Lol at me.
And speaking of clowning, while I thought the Abiball episode was part of s4, I also thought that was fine because it was just doing the multi POV episode in the beginning of the season rather than at the end, right? Wrong.
As much as it would’ve been great if Sam and Abdi had storylines pertaining to racism and islamophobia (whether Abdi is or isn’t a Muslim, people would probably assume he is), I also have to admit… This conversation is hilarious.
“I want to have intercourse with you.” [glass breaks in the background]
Abdi closing his speech with a wide smile gvvhvh.
The first hundred times I watched this scene, I thought Alex seemed a bit alarmed at the conversation taking place, but really… We’re back to stone-faced Alex lol.
Don’t kill me, but I feel a little bad for Abdi in this moment. He really put himself out there and Sam just leaves without giving him an answer, yikes. I actually got tired of Abdi’s sad sackiness during the season, but right now I feel for him. L
There’s this smile Jonas sometimes directs at dudes (like Alex here) that makes me think… Bi. He also directs it at Matteo in s3.
There’s a parallel universe where Stefan was the villain of Amira’s season, and it would’ve been a much more interesting season than the one we got.
Because Stefan is a bit of a Darth Jonas. He works for Greenpeace, but, at least in this scene, seems a bit full of himself, and like… twisting the knife in a way that feels like it has to be intentional. And it would’ve been so interesting if Druck had tackled the white dudes who seem like they’re not going to be assholes about Muslims, but then turn around and say some shocking garbage. I’m sure we’ve all met a guy like that before.
In my mind, Stefan would’ve driven a wedge between Hanna and Amira, which would’ve been way more compelling than what we got, but on the other hand, it probably would’ve made fandom people hate Hanna, and people outside of fandom hate Amira.
Anyway, tag teaming gays! I love how David and Matteo share a look and immediately take care of both Jonas and Stefan.
I also love it when David looks murderous. It looks good on him.
But I feel like this didn’t go anywhere? Like, Matteo always hated Stefan and continued hating Stefan until the finale. In this scene, David seems to dislike Stefan just as much, but it’s not a thread they bother following. It’s too bad because I think Matteo and David together sabotaging Stefan is a lot funnier than just Matteo doing it.
I love how soft spoken Amira is when telling Essam not to show up at her graduation party. I would’ve been a lot less polite lmao.
You know, I actually thought Kiki was genuine here when she said she wasn’t a fan of competitions. Obviously that’s not the Kiki we’ve known until this point, but like, I thought it was meant to show character development on her part, But we’ll talk about THAT more in the following episodes.
Matteo fully blames their win on David being so hot, mysterious and new, and it’s hilarious because that’s also what initially drew him to David. Like, “fuck you for being so hot!”
I thought it was such a nice detail that they brought back the girl from the refugee classes in s1. We’re saying goodbye to all these school people who are going on their own post high school journeys without us!
In my mind, Abdi and Alex are talking about something completely serious, like, I don’t know, Abdi’s dad wanting him to study business and Alex advising Abdi on the best business schools in Berlin or something.
I feel like Hanna is the one girl in the squad who really doesn’t feel ready for post high school life and I HATE the writers so much for how they wrapped her character up, but we’ll save that for later.
I could watch Matteo passing the tiara (=the main) to Amira forever. The way he tips his hat and looks like even he’s a little surprised that he (a character like him!) was ever the lead on a teen show, David’s voice asking Matteo if he’s coming, Matteo leaving with David to live happily ever after, the initial notes of Just Got Paid as Amira looks at nighttime Berlin. This meme is overdone by now, but THE POETIC CINEMA.
Jonas glaring at romantic rivals at end of year dances is iconic at this point.
Amira being tagteamed by an annoying little brother AND a well-meaning, embarrasing older brother. Choose your own nightmare.
I really love the set up for the Essam/Kiki/Carlos conflict. The emotional potential is SO good because on one hand you have Kiki, who wants to have a good time for once instead of parenting her own parent, then Carlos whose self-esteem is on the floor after having failed his final exam, and Essam, whose own sense of self-worth hinges upon whether white German girls find him attractive. Like, obviously Essam is never going to come between Kiki and Carlos who have been through some shit together, but with Carlos out of commission and Essam eager to please, you can see how the situation could so easily turn into a mess.
Amira and Mohammed have the most sexual tension out of any Yousana pair, period. They literally just said hi to each other and I already feel like I’m intruding gvhvhv.      
Social media
David saying of Matteo: “Er bekommt Auslauf.” (Something like, “he gets walkies” because he’s been good with revising) is the cutest shit ever.
Remember when Stefan sent Jonas a whole ass message and signed it “with sunny greetings”? Stefan was much more fun when we were supposed to find him unbearable.
Kiki creating a new Whatsapp group for every single thing is so true to life.
I’d forgotten that Amira also hated Stefan almost right away. The season that could’ve been, I tell you.
All the Abi Chaker Clan content reminds me of how I thought Jonas looked like, well, such a child, compared to Stefan, and I thought that was intentional. Like, here is Stefan with a Greenpeace job whereas Jonas doesn’t know what to do with his life, and he’s like, spray-painting abi chaker clan onto walls and posting pics to the abi chaker clan account. It’s not that I thought Jonas should’ve acted like a whole ass adult, of course he’s having fun with his high school friends, but I thought Jonas might feel inadequate in comparison to where Stefan is at this point of his life.
I can’t remember who revealed it, but Sara was supposed to end up with Toilet Sam and that was supposed to come out during the s3 finale (on that week, Sara posted a story with a guy whose face was obscured iirc). Since that was part of the clip where Hanna and Jonas also got back together, which they cut to make way for Hanna/Jonas/Stefan drama, Sara takes some other dude to the Abiball. And I think we’re supposed to think that’s the same dude she went on that date with.
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maraudingforflesh · 5 years
guess who’s hype about season 4!!!!!
Bleeding out (5,220 words); todoroki has a panic attack in the kitchen and bakugou helps him out of it and sits with him after. The whole thing is just very sweet and this is the kind of interaction they both deserve
Defend your rival (871 words); bakugou stands up for todoroki after they’ve both failed the license exam and inasa tries to start shit again
Crush? More like crush me. (8,588 words); bakugou has a crush and he’s not handling it well, todoroki has a girlfriend but they both might be a little bit gay
Getting Along (2,634 words); todoroki insists on bonding more with bakugou after overhearing midorya talk about his mom
The Simple Things With You (3,213 words); bakugou being casually affectionate with todoroki is so goddamn soft
in my headspace (8,961 words); bakugou is forced to go to a party and thanks to hallucinations and villains it manages to be even worse than he expected
playing for keeps (6,204 words); todoroki wins bakugou at a hero auction
chicken coop (2,201 words); kissing is a bit of a learning curve for them but they’re working on it
in sickness and in health (3,993 words); todoroki lowkey likes when bakugou is sick bc it gives him a chance to dote on his boyfriend (series now also contains a really cute engagement fic)
I Wanna Wake Up Where Your Love Is (1,529 words); todoroki and midoriya have a heart to heart but deku never really wanted to know THAT much about todoroki and bakugou having sex
Beethoven’s Romance (1,270 words); todoroki and bakugou perform a quick duet in the morning before class
Until Death Do Us Part (2,118 words); some kids have them get fake married and todoroki insists they keep wearing the rings
Of Bats And Cats (2,551 words); todoroki brings home a cat and of course his boyfriend and his cat end up conspiring against him
who would've thought i'd get you (2,164 words); todoroki has a secret admirer who’s trying to take care of him
Senbazuru (21,533 words); bakugou is in a coma and todoroki isn’t taking care of himself in his boyfriend’s absence
Hallow Fate (5,104 words); fem!todobaku, they’re the elite students at a school training murderers
why are you so pretty (23,117 words); todoroki is the beautiful customer at the coffee shop where bakugou works and maybe they fall into one another over time
2:41 AM (2,720 words); todoroki is flirting with bakugou over text and memes and it might be working
Ground Zero: Behind the Explosions & the Explosive Career So Far (1,312 words); bakugou does a magazine interview
of explosions (4,243 words); everything involving bakugou also involves explosions apparently even his reactions to todoroki confessing
It's A Work In Progress (20,465 words); college!au in which quirks/heroes are still a thing. Bakugou is pining and todoroki is oblivious and neither of them are great at maturely handling their feelings
Eyeliner (1,541 words); people start to notice that bakugou wears eyeliner and he’s insecure about the attention
Thirteen Hour Sunrise (14,011 words); Rey end up seated next to each other on a thirteen hour flight and they fuck in an airplane bathroom
Good Boy For A Day (10,347 words); bakugou gets hit with a quirk that puts him in Good Boy Mode and todoroki kinda likes it
better late than never (12,777 words); BODY. SWAP. QUIRK. and holding hands fixes it lmao
loss tinged with hope (20,812 words); todoroki and bakugou are in love until todoroki gets amnesia and doesn’t remember this and bakugou has to retire from being a pro hero. (personal note: hey, dude! Don’t reread this one maybe. It was really hard for you to get through bc it made your chest hurt and not necessarily in the good way. Really well written tho.)
It’s Better to Love And Blow Shit Up Than To Never Blow Up Anything At All (10,742 words); they’re dating and it’s a secret and neither of them are good at handling their feelings, especially with an audience
what love is (i think) (20,209 words); they’re working a case and bakugou wants todoroki and he is relentless in his pursuit and maybe todoroki needs someone like bakugou to keep him from being a total hermit
Direct Would Be the Best Approach (8,652 words); bakugou is flirting with todoroki over text on a burner phone
lover I don’t have to love (70,723 words); bakugou and todoroki hooked up a lot in high school and now they’re working a case together so maybe it’s time to start fooling around again or maybe it’s time for some commitment
damn, if these walls could talk (37,162 words); todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya are snowed in at a haunted hotel and somehow ghosts aren’t as weird to midoriya as the idea of his two friends being into each other
Just Add Sugar (7,074 words); todoroki just really likes to buy things for bakugou and maybe that makes him a sugar daddy even though he has trouble realizing it
First love isn't always the charm (33,399 words); they’re best friends at UA until bakugou catches feelings and todoroki has a crush on midorya and then years later they somehow just pick it right back up almost like they’re meant to be together
cicadas (22,103 words); todoroki brings bakugou home to meet his family for the first time. this fic is just incredibly sweet and they’re so good for each other.
once more, with feeling (25,458 words); todoroki is caught in a time loop and it takes a few tries but he and his boyfriend finally get things back to normal
Half-Assed (10,710 words); bakugou is still a little mad at todoroki and todoroki wants more than anything for bakugou to give him positive attention
I love you, Be Safe (1,844 words); todoroki is most certainly dying and his last wish is to call bakugou and have a normal conversation
Katsuki's Gay Predicament (1,884 words); bakugou wants to take his boyfriend on a date and jirou is lowkey his disaster gay counterpart
wanna put my tender heart in a blender (15,791 words); bakugou and todoroki are totally just friends bc it’s convenient to hang out and maybe they nap together and sleep over constantly and maybe they’re in love but it’s fine - also it’s traumatic to watch someone you love die even if it’s not real so
Safe haven (4,836 words); bakugou should see a therapist after a tough mission but instead he shows up at todoroki’s apartment bc that’s where he feels safe
On the Sofa (2,276 words); class 1A just has to deal with the fact that they take a whole couch for themselves
A Blessing and A Curse (5,000 words); bakugou sleep walks and ends up crashing in todoroki’s room and furiously cuddling him
believe in me, believe in you (4,694 words); bakugou sees the results of endeavor’s abuse and says something to todoroki. Now they’re in this together for better or worse.
I’m tired (1,571 words); todoroki is a prince. Bakugou is his personal bodyguard. They’re both soft. Good content.
a todobaku one-shot collection: as billed this is a collection of todobaku oneshots that I dig. Especially enjoyed:
- Chapter 7: scars and all
- Chapter 8: secret
- Chapter 15: home
- Chapter 17: force of habit
- Chapter 22: stargazing
- Chapter 29: feverish
- Chapter 72: wake me up (or don’t)
- Chapter 73: pro-shipping
- Chapter 76: engagements and insecurities
- Chapter 78: strengths and weaknesses
- Chapter 85: fuck you (i love you)
- Chapter 87: 3 times Bakugou and Todoroki almost kisses & the 1 time they did
- Chapter 88: better than pretend
- Chapter 92: love is... not patient. or kind at all, really
- Chapter 96: mountains of trouble
- Chapter 100: i don’t mind complicated
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sugarxbeanie · 4 years
Thank you so much for the tags, @stuff-of-pi and @lemon-astra, this was fun!!
What is the color of your hairbrush? Pink!
A food you never eat? Escargot🤮 I’ll only try it when I finally go to Paris, just to try it authentically, but odds are I probably won’t like it then either lol
Are you typically too hot or too cold? I get too hot easily, but my hands and feet are always cold. So, like @stuff-of-pi said, someone pls cuddle me, but like... in an air-conditioned environment?😂
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching The Witcher with my lil sis😊
What’s your favorite candy bar? Three Musketeers!
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yep, a few! Most notably a few Nats baseball games and a Packers football game.
What is the last thing you said out loud? “You good?” (I heard a thud in my sister’s room but she just tripped over nothing lol)
What is your favorite ice cream? Peanut butter and chocolate😋
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water, gotta stay hydrated!
Do you like your wallet? Yeah! I actually got a new one like a month ago, it’s small, black, and pretty compact, unlike my old one.
What was the last thing you ate? A fortune cookie🥠
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Tbh all the days sort of blend together during quarantine, so I can’t remember exactly when it was, but I bought a new pair of blue ripped mom jeans recently, and I love them sm
The latest sporting event you watched? Ngl, I can’t remember the last one I watched.
What’s your favorite popcorn flavor? If we’re talking classic popcorn flavors, just butter and salt🍿
Who was the last person you sent a text message to? My friend Kira
Ever go camping? Not outside of my backyard haha
Do you take vitamins? Yep, Flintstone Vitamins with iron, cuz ya girl’s borderline anemic. Thanks, periods.
Do you go to church every Sunday? Nope, I’m an atheist lol
Do you have a tan? No, and I usually don’t cuz I don’t tan very well
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Depends. If we’re talking the stereotypical, lower quality versions of each, I’d say Chinese food.
Do you drink your soda with a straw? No, I drink it straight out of the can/bottle, I’m not a heathen😂
What color socks do you usually wear? Black
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Usually a few over, yeah. Only 5 or more over on the interstate to keep up with traffic or when I’m in a big rush.
What terrifies you? Being unimportant, unloved, unsuccessful, and unhappy in life
Look to your left. What do you see? My room’s giant ass window to our front yard and the bottom of our cul de sac
What chore do you hate? Cleaning my sister and I’s bathroom vanity🤢
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Steve Irwin, one of the counselors from my international summer camp, and Brenton Thwaites lmao
What’s your favorite soda? Cream soda🍺
Do you go in a fast food place, or just hit the drive thru? Usually just the drive thru!
Favorite cut of beef? Filet mignon
Who’s the last person you talked to? My sister
Last song you listened to? “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” from The Witcher (can you tell I’m obsessed?😂)
Last book you read? If we’re talking the last book I read in its entirety, that would be Red, White, and Royal Blue❤️ (another one of my obsessions - I’d highly recommend it)
Favorite day of the week? Saturdays are my personal day where I can do what I want, but I like Fridays because they’re exciting. I don’t think I can choose lol
Can you say the alphabet backwards? I mean, probably? But it would take some effort and it would be pretty slow.
How do you like your coffee? My regular daily coffee has cream and sugar, but when I get coffee while I’m out, I usually go for mocha of some sort, be it a frappuccino, iced coffee, latte, etc.
Favorite pair of shoes? My Doc Martens, ofc🖤
At what time do you normally go to bed? During quarantine and over the summer, 12:30-1. During the school year, 12ish.
At what time do you usually get up? During quarantine/over the summer, I usually get OUT of bed at 10:00ish. During the school year, around 7:30.
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunrises🌅
How many blankets are on your bed? Three!
Describe your kitchen plates. Our usual ones are ceramic with various leaves, berries, and other fruit painted on them.
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? As someone who is 17 and has consumed very little alcohol, I’m gonna have to say no, not yet lol
Do you play cards? Yeah, occasionally! Poker’s fun, but I also really love games like Caps and Spit.
What color is your car? White🤍
Can you change a tire? ...theoretically. In reality... probably not😂
What is your favorite state/providence? New York, baby!🏙
Favorite job you’ve ever had? None so far, cuz I don’t count my last “job” as a real job anyways. Who knows when I’ll find one now, with corona and all😬
How did you get your biggest scar? I tried to jump the curb with my bike while going pretty fast and didn’t pull it up high enough, so I flew off and tried to break my fall on my elbow lol.
What did you do today that made someone else happy? I think I’ve done well on my exams so far (I had my third one today), somehow including Calc, which I’m still kinda shook about lmao. I think it’s made my whole family happy just cuz I’ve been stressing over all of it for so long.
I nominate @ravenclaw-has-claws @asktheboywholived @sirussly @askyourlocalhufflepuff @ask-dromeda @prettylestrange @hannahsbadnailart and anybody else who wants to answer these random questions!!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Why did you last feel like crying? >> When I checked my bank account because I was trying to decide whether to get HBO Max or not, and I discovered that my stimulus check is coming on Wednesday. I’m just really relieved, lmao. Had just about resorted to convincing myself that I wasn’t going to get one at all. But now I can get some stuff I need but can’t normally afford!
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? >> I don’t remember. It probably had to do with people making noise.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? >> Er. Well, here’s the thing -- on a good day, when I’m not having Symptoms Of Disorders, my emotions can be pretty manageable, or at least my management of them can feel pretty competent and compassionate. On the other days, my emotions can be a fucking game of Minesweeper where all the squares have mines in them. Except one. One square has 100 mines in it. The probability of stepping on that square is like 80%. So.
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? >> Well, yes, if that sort of thing was shared with me.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? >> I... don’t think I’d like to be friends with people who have a habit of bringing up “negative” things about me.
What quality do you think you have that others don't think you do? >> I don’t know, I haven’t taken a poll or anything.
Do you often "jump" to conclusions? >> I mean, maybe. I don’t know how often I do it but it’s probably the average amount.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? >> That definitely depends on the context of the situation.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? >> No, because I don’t.
What about the world do you wish you never found out? >> ---
Do you know first aid? >> Not really, mostly because I’ve rarely had an opportunity to practice it.
Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? >> Not as a rule.
Does your first name have an L in it? >> No.
Middle name have a C in it? >> No.
Last name have a R in it? >> No.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? >> No, they don’t. But Sparrow’s spells “SAD” and that’s pretty funny.
The word above, does it have any connection to you at all? >> I mean, she is on antidepressants.
Do you prefer classic rock or nope alternative? >> Nope alternative???? I don’t know if that’s a typo or what but that’s hilarious to me for some reason. Anyway, I listen to both classic rock and alternative.
Do you like Kings of Leon? >> Sure. They’re, like... motel-grunge/motel-rock adjacent. (I can’t be the only person who’s made up that term, for certain kinds of bands. Like Queens of the Stone Age and shit. Sometimes Kings of Leon gives the same vibe, but... cleaner, I guess.)
How about The Script? >> Never heard of them.
Does crying make you feel better? >> Sometimes, but first I have to go through the hell of letting myself cry in the first place.
Do you know a girl called Becca? >> No.
How about a guy called Gregory? >> No. I almost said yes and then I realised I was thinking of Greg Hirsch from Succession. smh
Does someones background effect whether you'll be friends with them or not? >> Their... background? What kind of background are we talking about here?
How about their religious background? >> I mean, I don’t think I could be friends with a fundamentalist evangelical Christian. But most non-fundie versions of religions are okay with me.
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? >> ---
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? >> Nope. It’s almost warm weather time, so I won’t be drinking much tea at all until fall, unless it’s iced.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? >> No.
How about a fashion designer? >> Yeah, I used to draw outfits and shit. I still think fashion is a fascinating industry but I want no part of it myself.
Do you wish that magic was real? >> I mean, no, not really. Also, like. I have Inworld. So.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? >> ---
Can you use a bottle opener? >> Sure.
Do you own a cheese grater? >> Yeah.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? >> 11.06p EST.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? >> The 20th of May.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? >> Nope.
Do you prefer fire or ice? >> I have no general preference. They’re both valuable.
Do you rap along with rap songs? >> If I know the lyrics, yeah...
When happy, do you become more talkative? >> Not necessarily. Sometimes I’m happiest in silence.
Bowling or sailing? Why? >> ---
What colour is your kettle? >> Black.
How about your microwave? >> White.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? >> It doesn’t matter.
How about in a train? On the bus? >> I have a specific seat I like on the bus. Train, doesn’t matter. (On the subway, I liked sitting in the smallest seats so there’d be less chance of someone sitting next to me. Some of the newer trains have that one-seater that flips up, by the door? Love that seat.
Do you care about politics? >> Fuck no.
Obama or Bush? >> Well, that’s this survey dated.
Blair or Brown? >> ---
When did you last cook something from scratch? >> I don’t remember.
What things make you jealous? >> ---
Are you offended easily by non politically correct language? >> I’m not easily offended, period. Most things I recognise aren’t meant to be taken personally by me, specifically. But obviously I’m leery of the usage of incendiary language -- I’m not going to hang out with someone who throws around racial slurs or mocks people for having feelings about words meant to hurt them, like, duh.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? >> I have no opinion about this, especially not a generalised one.
Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above? >> I’m getting tired because it’s around my bedtime.
What's your I.Q? >> ---
What's your Mum's Mum called? How about your Dad's Dad? >> ---
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? >> Waffles.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? >> I think Sparrow still has some in there. Oh, and I still have a few mochi ice cream balls.
How about chicken nuggets? >> No, just fried chicken.
Do you eat fish often? >> Not as often as I’d like.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? >> No.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? >> I don’t know if anyone’s afraid of me. If someone is, I bet they’re not going to go around telling me about it.
What person who has died would you bring back and why? >> ---
Do you like watermelon? >> Eh. I don’t get the hype.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? >> ---
Do you make friends easily? >> No.
What makes you different from everyone else? >> Nothing, dude. I mean, I obviously have differences from people I know, or people I might encounter, but not from literally every human on earth.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? >> ...
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? >> My what.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? >> Not especially.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? >> No.
I say purple, you think... >> Sparrow, because I think she’d paint the whole world purple if given half a chance.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? >> Just, you know. My existence.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? >> It can make me uncomfortable because of brain shit, but I also appreciate it and will try to express appreciation instead of discomfort.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? >> No, because the language of astrology as used to describe a person is more complex than just wherever the Sun was when you were born.
Do you have a photo album? >> No.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? >> *shrug*
What about the most disturbing? >> *shrug*
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? >> No. I did summer theater once and I’ve gone to day camps.
What was your favourite cartoon as a child? >> Johnny Bravo is the only cartoon I remember watching, tbh. I didn’t get to see a lot of television unless it was the boring ass shit (to a child, anyway) my dad watched.
What was your biggest fear as a child? >> Thunderstorms. Until I hit thirteen and then suddenly I just... wasn’t afraid of them anymore. Don’t ask me how it happened, I really don’t know. (It might have been more gradual than that, of course. Memory is unreliable, especially from that far back.)
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? >> Breathe underwater. So, you know, I could actually not almost drown for once.
What about invisibility or mindreading? >> Invisibility. I want nothing to do with other people’s minds.
Do you like what you see in the mirror? >> No, which is why I don’t look in the mirror unless it’s necessary.
Which stereotype do you dislike the most? >> All of them??? Stereotypes in general?
Can you remember all your past teachers names? >> I can remember more than I’d expect to remember, but definitely not all of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? >> No.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? >> Yeah, I failed the English midterm and final in 11th grade -- well, I say “failed” but it’s more like “I got a zero because I literally turned in a blank sheet of paper”. I... was definitely struggling.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? >> No.
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? >> Fuck no???
What's your favourite thing about your country? >> Dude.
What's your least favourite thing about your country? >> Sigh.
Who is your favourite bzoinker? >> I don’t have a favourite, I just use bzoink to find surveys.
What websites do you have bookmarked? >> I have a lot of websites bookmarked.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? >> No. Well, I’ll stick a bow on a Christmas gift because why not, but outside of Christmas I don’t even wrap gifts. I might put it in a bag but that’s it.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? >> I grew up listening to soul and R&B and gospel, so yes, that’s all still part of me.
What TV show scared you as a kid? >> None.
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? >> Hmm. Well, I don’t really know anything about The Simpsons, but I’d probably like it better than Family Guy, and South Park is so hit-or-miss (with a lot of misses) for me that I can’t really deal with it anymore.
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shimikonde · 5 years
U.A. School Festival light novel pg 52-55 for my fellow 1-B stans
I know it’s hard to find content and I have the privilege of living in glorious nihon so I threw together a shitty translation of the part where class 1-B shows up. It’s all in Shinsou’s POV so there’s also a good deal of him, as well.
So ya enjoy and idk I’m sure that there’s someone else who’s on the job and much more experienced with translation than me but!! idk i hadn’t seen anything floating around. if there’s anything else that anyone wants translated i can give it a shot but no promises on when i’ll have it done lmao
pls support your local scanlators and also official releases if such a thing as english releases of bnha light novels exist.
Watching his classmates laugh, alone, Shinsou picked up the unneeded wood. “I’ll pick up some paint while I’m throwing this away.”
He walked away in silence as the voices of his classmates thanked him from behind.
It was only after he sent in his application to transfer that he began to grow accustomed to the atmosphere of his class. When should he tell them? He wondered if it would be too late if he waited until the transfer was set in stone.
Shinsou was aware that his quirk, Brainwashing, wasn’t befitting of a hero. Even so, unable to give up on his dream of becoming a hero, he’d applied for Yuuei High School. However, because he was unable to activate his quirk against the mechanical opponents in the practical exam, he failed the exam for the Hero Course. Anticipating this, he’d also taken the exam for the Regular Course, because there was a chance he could still be transferred to the Hero Course depending on his grades.
Due to his role in the Sports Festival, his application to the Hero Course was recognized. However, just because it had been recognized didn’t necessarily mean that he would be accepted. First, he had to receive all the training that the Hero Course members got from the ground up. Perhaps sensing something in Shinsou similar to himself, Aizawa had agreed to help with his training.
This was the opportunity of a lifetime and he was going to grab hold of it even if it killed him.
Even as he thought that, there was a part of him that couldn’t shake a feeling of unease.
Shinsou raised his head to the sky and took a deep breath. Thin clouds flowed across the blue sky, carried on by a cool wind. Would he really be able to make it into the Hero Course? He was afraid that once he took that first step, he’d find that he didn’t have any place to place his feet. Unable to land, he’d become like a cloud in the sky, pulled along by the wind, never to be seen again. It was because of this lack of confidence that he’d been unable to tell his classmates about his transfer.
Realizing he’d become pessimistic, Shinsou rubbed the back of his neck a bit and started walking again.
“Is this how we wanted the teacher-shaped balloons arranged?”
“There’s a typo in our billboard!”
“If you’re trying to earn money, a food stand is unbeatable.”
“I hear Class 1-A’s doing a band?”
“You think that Kenranzaki’s going to win the Miss Contest? It’ll be her third year in a row.”
“The teachers aren’t doing anything this year. I’m so bummed!”
The sound of students chatting as they worked filled the grounds. The feeling of restlessness in the air was only going to get thicker and thicker as they got closer to the festival.
Regardless of the school, Cultural Festivals provided students with a breather from their classes, and sometimes taught them things that they couldn’t learn from books. As Shinsou took in the sights around him, a thought suddenly occurred to him.
This might be the first and last Cultural Festival that he does with Class C.
Feeling himself starting to become pessimistic again, Shinsou shook it off with an impassive expression. Rather than worrying himself over things that he couldn’t change, it would be better to focus on what he should be doing. Namely, throwing out the garbage.
He walked toward the dump at the back of the school building in order to do that, but as soon as he entered the courtyard he was met with a dragon. It was fake, of course, but big enough that someone could ride on it.
Ah, that’s right. Class B was doing a play.
The students of Class B were painting the dragon’s head, a castle, a rock wall, and other such stage props.
“Monoma, isn’t this enough? It already looks plenty real.”
“It looks real, yes. Next we’re going to give it impact.”
The dragon was already flashy as it was, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy Monoma Neito. Next to him was Awase Yosetsu, who seemed to have gotten tired of the whole thing.
“Come on!” Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu said, hitting Awase’s shoulder. “It’s good to be a perfectionist with these sorts of things!”
“You really get it, Tetsutetsu.”
As Monoma said this, he gave the dragon bold shadows, working so delicately that no one would’ve been able to tell he’d made them with a paintbrush. When he finished, the dragon looked as if it would start moving at any moment.
“Whoa, that looks great!” Tokage Setsuna called out from where she was painting a stone nearby. Pleased, Monoma because to laugh, loud and continuous.
“It looks like it’s about to go eat up Class A, doesn’t it?! I don’t care if they’re doing a band or a dance or a nightclub, but when you think of the Cultural Festival, the play always reigns supreme! Class B is going to be the ones to nap everyone’s attention!”
Monoma’s expression turned ghastly enough that it seemed as if he might’ve had some kind of mental issue, and Shinsou made a bit of distance between the two of them before walking past.
If I transferred, I might become his classmate…
If he did end up transferring, it was more likely that he’d end up in Class A because of Aizawa’s help with his training, but it was also possible he’d end up in Class B.
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jichew · 6 years
kim seunghun♡soulmate!au
a/n: this took….WAY TOO LONG to finish. I apologize if this au is not as cohesive bc I did write it over the span of a few weeks lol. Thank you all for waiting so patiently and feel free to leave any requests as I will be free to write this weekend!!! mwah♡
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so,, in this alternate universe exists the soulmate tattoo
yes, i know so creative ;w;
essentially, you are born with the name of your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body
and you have the absolute pleasure of having the name kim seunghun tattooed in cursive across the expanse of your right hip
spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyway,,, you’re kind of asjsdjkSAD
bc seunghun is such a common name??? and you’ve met so many seunghuns???
but NONE of them are your soulmate :((((
you would know,, considering u basically ripped a guys shirt off when he told u that yes, his name was kim seunghun but no, he did not have ur name on his hip
uhh but that’s a story for another day :,)
anyway,,, ur kinda bummed??
and it’s gotten to the point where you’ve almost lost all hope of finding him
but anyway ,, life goes on I guess
you’re yedam’s older sister by about 3 years
( sorry forgot to mention that important detail )
you both go to the same high school!!!
ur a senior and he’s a FRESHIE
obviously,,, hes a BABY(≧∇≦)
so ur super protective of him
and when you find out he’s been hanging out with some ,, QUESTIONABLE individuals at school
mom mode: activated
“dammie who r these kids”
“MOM, we’re part of dance club together!! they’re super nice i promise”
u just want your baby to stay safe u know??
so when he asks to invite his friends over to practice
you’re like ( ˘ω˘ )
yedam: (◞‸◟)
you: ( ˙-˙ )
sad yedam is a big fat NO in this household
so you have no choice but to agree
and as his unofficial mom, you decide to greet his friends !
“hi, i’m y/n! bang y/n!” ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
and like ,,,, you lowkey feel bad thinking his friends were bad bc most of the guys are pretty chill
like this byounggon kid??
the epitome of looks like he wants to kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll ( ^ω^ )
but when you get to the last dude ,,,
he just kinda ~looks~ at you
and ur not gonna lie … he’s HOT
like he’s only wearing a hoodie ,, but he has silver hoops lined along his ears,, and his hair just messily grazes across his forehead
you internally: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
uhhhh but also he’s staring u down like he wants to kill u
“i’m hun” he introduces himself coldly
he still cute tho
so,,, it’s been a while and yedam has continued to bring his friends over to practice
and you’ve come to grow fond of the boys!!!
esp byounggon :,)))
you guys just click???
except,,,, there’s still a certain blonde haired boy who just doesn’t seem to like u???
like u were walking to ur class the other morning
and you just HAPPENED to see him
so u were like,,, hm let me be a nice person today(^ー^)
so you run up to him and grab his shoulder
“hun!!! what’s up my guy!!” ( ^∀^)
honestly,, you went in to this thinking that the only thing hun would do is say hi back???
you: WRONG
he kind of freezes for a second
and you’re like???? u ok bud
he slowly turns around
and his eyes,,, literally pierce into yours
he gingerly takes your hand from its grip on your shoulder, letting it limply fall at your side
and then he slowly walks towards you until your back is pressed against the white brick wall of the hallway, his hands caging you in on either side of your head
slowly, he inches his face towards yours
“stop faking nice to me, we are not and will never be friends”
you internally: hnnngg why does he smell so nice???? is that bath and body works? since when did men shop at bath and body works??(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
you externally: HMPH how DARE U invade my personal bubble young man i won’t hesitate to FIGHT(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭
and then he walks off
you are a BIG MAD
like??? who does this kid think he is???
you dont really bother talking to him much after that :///
but also ,, you hate yourself bc you’re still so ATTRACTED to him??? and u don’t even know why??? like bad personalities are such a turn off why ,,???
so it’s a saturday night ,,
u know what that means…
party @ byounggon’s place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bc what’s a bullet point au w out a party am i right???
basically, gon’s parents were on vacation for the weekend, so he took the chance to have the party of the year
and after the stress of exam season, you’re ready to get SMACKED
lmao i do not support underage drinking kids!
uhhh anyway
this is your first party in a ,, while
so you dress yourself up in a red mini dress and some platform heels and strut your hot ass to gon’s house ;)
by the time you walked up to the house,, it was a full fledged RAGER 😤
so like one second,,, you’re just chilling, shaking your hips to some britney spears
and the next thing you know!! you’re downing your fifth shot of the night
gon: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
the next thing u know you’re in the bathroom bent over the toilet
thankfully,,, you don’t puke
but you do drink atleast five bottles of water and take a power nap on gon’s shoulder
anyway ,,, by the the time you’ve slightly sobered up, you realize your head kinda hurts and the party is still going strong but u promised gon you’d stay to clean up soooo
you end up going upstairs to NAP (ᵔᴥᵔ)
but when you open the door to the guest room at the end of the hall,,,
you just HAPPEN to see hun already there on the bed scrolling through his phone
this man rlly just knows how to push ur buttons huh
if you weren’t so tired maybe you would’ve taken the time to appreciate the way his leather jacket complimented his broad shoulders
like not 2 be rude but this bich looked hella good
but also ur tired :///
“what are YOU doing here”
hun finally looks up and notices you standing in the doorway
and he doesn’t say anything for a while
just kinda stares at you
and it takes you a while to realize that he’s lowkey checking you out
you wouldn’t admit it, but the way his eyes glazed over your form made a pit form in your stomach
finally he locks eyes with yours
“what do you mean what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here?”
he smirks and gets off the bed to step closer to you
“i WANTED to take a NAP but you just HAD to take the only room that doesn’t have people FUCKING” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“well it’s not my fault you can’t handle your alcohol”
this BITCH
“can you PLEASE just leave”
you let out a sigh of frustration and square your hands on your hips
“why do you hate me so much”
“i never said i hated you”
“well the way you act sure makes it seem like you do” you huff
hun cocks his head a little and steps closer to you
suddenly, it seems like the idea of personal space is almost nonexistant
you look up at him
and u notice the way his hooded eyes rest on your lips
and how the air around you both has suddenly gotten heavier
and you feel your body heating up
and you realize that maybe,,, you’re not so tired anymore
“well how about i prove to you that i don’t”
hun’s voice has reached a whisper, his lips only centimeters from yours
and suddenly he’s kissing you
and you’re kissing back
perhaps it’s because you’re not completely sober that you don’t notice the way his touch burns your hip
and if you do, you ignore it
the softness of his lips against yours almost makes you feel drunk again
and the next thing you know, he’s taking off your shirt, hands finding their way to the curve of your waist
as your lips make their way down his neck, you allow yourself to do the same to him
( you wish you didn’t do that )
because as you push his shirtless body against the bed, you can’t help but notice the cursive scrawl lining his right hip
and in that moment, it feels as if you’ve never been more sober in your life
you’re frozen, eyes resting on his hip
and maybe hun, or should we now say seunghun, is not as sober as he seems, considering it takes him a while to track down the path of your eyes
and when he finally does, his heart drops in his chest
he reaches out to grasp some part, any part, of you
but you flinch away
“y/n…. this isn’t what you think it is”
his eyes are pleading you to stay and listen to him
you let out a harsh laugh
“no, no this is EXACTLY what i think it is”
“y/n please don’t -“
and suddenly you’re untangling yourself from the bed sheets, haphazardly throwing your shirt on and slamming the door behind you  
and in that moment you realize that maybe soulmates aren’t as perfect as the world makes them out to be
so the rest of the weekend is spent in your bed,,, wrapped up in ur sheets like a burrito
you don’t really cry much
you’re just ,,, confused
having the idea that your soulmate knew you were his soulmate but never told you, and better yet, acts like he hates you??
yedam: y/n, why have u been laying in bed all day (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
you: ;w;
and as much as dammie wants to talk to you, he has more emotional intelligence than most guys his age (or guys in general tbh)
so he pats your back, makes two bags of popcorn, puts kimi no na wa on his laptop and gets under the covers beside you
it isn’t until the end of the movie when the last of your tears have dried on your face that you look up at him with puffy eyes
“dammie, i found my soulmate”
yedam: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
“it’s not that big of a deal… i don’t think he  wants me anyway”
by the time you reach the end of the sentence, your voice falls into a whisper
perhaps you would like to believe seunghun wanted you
but some things don’t turn out the way we believe
“why would u say that” yedam looks down at you, brows furrowed in worry
“uhh, i mean -“
“WAIT … who even is your soulmate??”
“it’s … hun”
“W H A T”
and that, my friends, is how yedam realized u can’t trust people in this world :/
so it’s monday
and as you brush your teeth, you can’t help but feel uneasy knowing that you could possibly see seunghun today
thankfully you don’t
but when it’s finally nighttime and you’re making your way under your covers ,,,
unknown: y/n, open your window
unknown: i’m outside and it’s cold
unknown: this is seunghun btw…
you on the outside: what the FUCK
you on the inside: i’m literally wearing basketball shorts how am i supposed to see my soulmate like this (O_O)
and when you pull back your curtains and open your window, you are met with none other than kim seunghun barreling into your room
“how long were you out there??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“uhhh maybe an hour or so” m(._.)m
and perhaps it’s the motherly side of you that decides to pull his face down and cup his cheeks in your hands in an attempt to warm him up
and you don’t really notice how close you’ve gotten to him until you look down and realize his lips are only centimeters from yours
but when seunghun’s lips form into a little smirk at your obviously flustered state, you quickly retract your hands
“i’m sorry…”
you don’t really make a move to respond to seunghun, choosing to stare at the floor instead
“I know what i did was stupid … and i should have told you from the start… but i’ve had bad experiences in the past with soulmates and i didn’t know if -“
“that doesn’t matter, you should have just told me that you didn’t want me in the first place instead of making me feel this way”
you’re a bit pissed off now
that this dude thinks he has the right to act like that and then barge into your room??
but when you take the time to look up at him
his eyes have softened
and he moves a step closer to you
“i do want you though”
… “ w h a t “
“then why have you acted so rude to me?? when you obviously knew i was your soulmate from the start, why did you hide it??”
now seunghun is the one looking down at his hands
and he looks so defeated, before he opens his mouth
“i’m scared”
you look up at him, but he’s still looking down at his hands
“my dad rejected my mom when he found out they were soulmates. i don’t think … he wanted to deal with the commitment of having a soulmate. he thought they were stupid. so he rejected her and he went off to do whatever the hell he’s doing right now. he went off and he abandoned my mom with two year old me and we haven’t heard from him since.”
a single tear drops from his eyes
and you move a step closer and wrap your arms around him
he’s frozen for a second but he hugs you back
and you both stay there for a while, you rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down
“i won’t ever leave you seunghun”
he pulls back
and despite his red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks, he cups your face with his cold finger tips and kisses you
and you kiss him back
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