#and they were forcefully shoving him away and yelling at him
jewishbarbies · 2 months
I am sick to my fucking stomach. The Left is truly the Right, just in another font.
They are an actual cult......They are rewriting what is happening in Ivy League schools rn. They are even posting images of Jews with gentile protestors to convince themselves Jews aren't evil and also for tokenisation. Then they have the audacity to reblog stuff calling Germany antisemitic whenever the topic of Germany's treatment of Pro Palestine protestors come up or something of that sort then they call real antisemitism Zionist propaganda.....They are choosing to define antisemitism, something they cannot do for any other group (yes it's not a competition but the fucking hypocrisy of it all makes me so sick as a POC). They accuse Israel of constantly changing the definition but look at them! They only bring up antisemitism when it's convenient....oh wow yes those Jewish Anti-Zionists losing jobs for supporting Palestine is wrong but also hey saying all Israelis (who are Jews btw) should die is fine because they drink the blood of Palestinian babies (insert blatantly obvious antisemitism here) etc etc.
They refuse to speak up about Jewish students being unsafe to the point of Rabbis warning them to stay away from campus while screaming about genocide? How does that work? If you hate genocide logically you must be against the harassment of Jews? And yet.....
Hmm evidence that they just scream things without ever caring or meaning it. They have the same thinking of conservatives, the same behaviours and tactics, everything and the irony is completely lost on them.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 6 months
Caged In
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Pairing: Yandere Five Hargreeves x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: You try escaping Five but you should’ve known he’ll never let that happen.
WARNINGS: Implied Kidnapping.
AN: Five is aged up, as usual. Please, reblog and give me feedback.
It’s pure luck how you managed to catch Five unguarded, successfully kicking him in the groin and running towards the door as he slouches in pain. 
Not so lucky as the door is locked. You should’ve guessed but right now, your brain is working fast, adrenaline pumping in your veins. You take a left turn, running towards one of the guest rooms, hoping that at least one of their windows must be unlocked. 
It’s the first time you’re actually trying to escape, acting upon an impulse. Five is going to be ballistic but you don’t have another choice. You just can’t stay here anymore. 
It’s driving you insane. Actually he’s insane and he’s on the verge of turning you insane too. 
“Y/n! Come back here now.” Five loudly yells but you don’t even dare to slow down.
You have a hopeful feeling this is going to work.
Barging into one of the large guest rooms, you immediately run towards the window and try to shove it upwards. 
It doesn’t even budge. 
You frantically run towards the next room, spitting a cuss word. Five is nowhere to be heard but you know it won’t take long before he’s fully operational again. That thought alone makes your hands sweat. 
You forcefully push the door, praying this window is unlocked but as soon as you take a step inside the room, Five materializes. A cocky grin on his face, hands on his hips. 
“Oh? Were you planning on going somewhere, darling?” he mocks you.
“Five, please…” you beg, feeling your determination slipping away from you as he starts taking steps towards you. 
“You actually thought you’d be able to get away from here? From me?” he lets out an incredulous laugh.
“You should’ve known better, Y/N. I’ll never allow you to leave me. You’re stuck with me for the rest of eternity.”  
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
newt scamander x gn!reader
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summary: you meet someone and can't help but shake the feeling that you've met them before.
words: 1.2k ish
warnings: angst, fluff, badly written blurb from a long time ago lol
You walked onto the sidewalk outside of your apartment complex and watched the people in front of you whisp by in a rush. The cars flooded every which way on the street   only feet away from you. It was two hours before you were expected at your job in a bakery. You dodged every passing car until you got the the other side of the road, where a bank was. A woman stood on the stairs in protest to everything to do with magic. She yelled that they existed, and it was being hidden from the nonwizard. You rolled your eyes and smirked.
"Poppycock," You murmured to yourself. You were never one to believe in magic; a pessimist, really. You were watching the woman instead of where you were walking. As you turned to walk around the bank, you ran into someone head on. The impact was aggressive enough that you both dropped your suitcases.
"Oh, dear- I'm so sorry- I wasn't paying attention- I-" You cut yourself off once your eyes met his. His eyes widened with shock. You couldn't help but smile, and you didn't know why. But when you looked into his hazel eyes, that's all you could do. His red hair was covering his face, and that miraculously made you blush even harder.
"T-terribly sorry, Miss," He bent down to pick up his suitcase and handed yours over to you.
"Thank you- I-..." He walked away briskly before you could ask him anything. You couldn't stop smiling. Something about seeing him made you blush and want to cry out of happiness at the same time. You turned around and watched him watch the protest. A small, woodland, green creature stuck its head out of the collar of his trench coat. It blinked at you.
"Pickett," You blurted out, as if something had forced you to say it. You covered your mouth in confusion.
Newt was trying not to look at you with every fiber in his very being. He had obliviated the only person he had ever promised to love, and now she was back. But this time, it felt like he didn't even know you himself. Two years of lost communication and regret, and so much had happened. You got a job and were promoted to manager. You made money, moved out of your parents house, rented out an apartment, and even managed to date every once and a while. You never had a relationship, though. You always felt as though you had already met your soulmate and lost your chance. You just didn't know whom it was.
You slowly made your way to through the crowd in an attempt to follow the man. He was only a few feet away from you once you were forcefully shoved out of the crowd. You continued walking and watching him as his coat swayed from side to side.
"Sir?" You called after him. "Do I know you?" You asked loudly, finally catching up to him. He kept walking.
"You don't know me," He said in a sternly, his voice almost sounding pained.
"No, I know you from somewhere," You searched your mind for any possible memory of him. It felt like you had a dream about him, like he wasn't even real as he was still walking in front of you.
"You don't know me, now please stop following me," His voice sounded genuine, but, somehow, you know that he was keeping something from you. You gripped his shoulder and turned him around to face you. Your eyes met again, and you couldn't help but smile at him. Your eyes even brimmed with tears. He stopped himself from smiling back, and his face turned to sheer terror.
"I don't know why I'm so happy to see you," You cried softly. "I know you...I know I do-" He cut you off.
"You don't know me! Please, just leave me be!" He shouted at you, his voice broken up. It hurt him more than it hurt you when he yelled at you. Your face immediately dropped into a frown., and your tears of joy turned into tears of hurt.
"You keep saying that...but not once have you said that you don't know..." Your voice trailed off, and your face softened. Memories started flooding back into your mind.
"He seems to really like you," Newt said with a smile as Pickett climbed up your arm and into your coat. His little legs felt like a spider's as he played on your shoulders. You looked up at Newt as he carefully watched Pickett. He returned the gaze and blushed. "You're cute," You murmured to him, making his cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink.
"...me," You finally finished your sentence when you came out do your daze.
"N-Newt," You stammered out. His facial expression dropped.
"How did you-" You cut him off this time.
"I remembered...dear god, I remember you!" You began to sob with happiness again.
"Newt! I'm so happy to see you! Oh my god- I don't know what to do with myself," You chuckled. "God- Newt Scamander! I missed you deeply!" You continued, hugging his neck. He didn't say anything. He just hugged you back and weeped into your chest quietly. 
Then, it all came flooding back.
Newt was two steps below you, shrinking to your height as you stood at the edge of obliviation.
"You don't have to do this," Newt said to you, still holding your hand.
"No, no, Newt, I do...it is for your protection, and..." You ran your free hand through his hair. "You know that I would do anything to keep you safe, Newt Scamander," You turned and faced the pouring rain. You stepped forward, but Newt pulled you back, turning you around to face him once again.
"Allow me to make one last promise to you," He began. "I promise, that for as long as I live...I will always love you, even if I never meet you again. I promise to love you forever, Y/F/N  Y/L/N," A single tear streamed down his cheek. Within the last three days, Newt Scamander had given you the most magical experience of your entire life. You wiped the tear and kissed his nose.
"It's funny how the most magical moments of my life...I'll never remember," You smiled painfully, not letting go of him.
"You don't have to forget, Y/N," He began. "We can travel together, we can go wherever you want to go," He searched his mind for more to say. "I'll keep you in my suitcase if I have to," You chuckled and backed away from him. You could see how desperate he was to keep you with him in his eyes. "Please don't go...please," He begged for you to say. His chin began to quiver. "Please stay, Y/N-- I need you," You shook your head as a tear fell down your cheek.
"You don't need me, Newt...I'm just a muggle," His lips parted when you said this.
"You were never just a muggle to me, Y/N," You couldn't keep arguing with him.
"Goodbye, Newt Scamamnder...I promise to always love you too," You stepped out into the rain, letting every drop hit your face. He expanded an umbrella from his wand and covered the both of you. He pushed back your wet hair and planted a kiss on your lips. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and kissed back.
"I'll always love you, Y/F/N  Y/L/N,"  He stepped back, letting the rain obliviate you. When you opened your eyes, he had vanished.
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mamisfavmosher · 8 months
I love your writing
Can you write about reader having a fight with the judgment day about something that happened like they were partying and some people couldn’t stop flirting with reader but they were feeling uncomfortable for example but reader was in the right but they wouldn’t believe them so that lead to a huge fight and reader feeling completely alone until someone realised they made a mistake and try to convince reader to take them back please?
thank you!
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tainted trust // poly!judgment day x fem!reader
warnings: angst, yelling, insecure!jealous!judgment day, argument, language, etc
Readers POV
"You're pathetic, you know that?!" Rhea bellowed as soon as she slammed the front door shut. "You think you need to flirt with every man who gives you the slightest bit of attention! Are you that much of a whore? Huh?" Her aggression and anger were the most apparent out of the four of them.
Rhea's insults cut into me like knives. "I didn't flirt with him! I already told you that!" I defended. The Judgment Day and I had gone to a bar with some coworkers after the weekly show had ended and at some point throughout the night, the four gothic members had left my side for a few short moments. Enough time for some creep who had kept his eye on me to make a move.
*Back at the club
"Hey, beautiful! Let me buy you a drink!" The man shuffled toward me and attempted to grab my hand.
"No, thanks. I'm not interested." I tried to keep my voice blunt and void of emotions in hopes of turning the man away. As I took my eyes off of him to search for my partners in the crowd, his hands gripped my waist and pulled me into him. "Get off me!" My hands pushed at his chest until he released me.
"Relax, babe. I'm just having some fun!" He gave me a gross smile and ran his hand down my arm. I shoved his hand away and scanned the crowd in a panic. The four of them weren't hard to miss. Where could they be? "C'mon! Let's go dance!" The man forcefully grabbed me and pulled me along with him to the dance floor. He turned me around and tightly held my hips against him, preventing me from pushing away. As I worked on slapping his hands off of me, I noticed a tense energy surround us. I looked up to see the four members of the Judgment Day fuming with anger.
Damian shoved the man away from me while Rhea grabbed hold of my wrist and dragged me out to the car. The car ride back to the house was insanely tense and silent.
*Back at the house
"Bullshit! You weren't even doing anything about it! You just let him put his hands all over you!" Rhea shouted back.
"That's not true! Guys? You saw me trying to get away, right?!" I attempted to get backup from the boys, but to no avail, they looked equally unhappy.
Damian threw his keys and wallet down on a side table before looking over at me with a glare. "Don't try and act dumb. We all saw what you were doing." His tone gave it away that he wasn't on my side.
"But I wasn't doing anything! I was trying to get him off of me!" I was exasperated at this point.
"We won't tolerate lying, and we definitely won't tolerate cheating. Either admit what you were up to and explain yourself, or find somewhere else to stay tonight." Finn sighed in disappointment and crossed his arms, waiting for my response.
My jaw dropped at his ultimatum. "What? You can't be serious-"
"Dead serious. You heard the man. Make your choice." Rhea cut me off and seeped her words with poison. I looked at them all, trying to determine if they were being literal. They definitely were. I shook my head in frustration, snatched up my bag, and stormed out the front door. I don't know if Liv is back from the club yet, but I'll wait on her front porch until she is...
Liv had actually gotten home only five minutes before I arrived at her place, and she immediately brought me inside and had me tell her all about the drama that just ensued. To say she was angry was an understatement. She was completely dumbfounded at how they had treated me.
The feisty blonde sent a lengthy text message to the group members about how they were in the wrong, I would never do something like this, how blessed they are to have me, and then followed up with some threats if they didn't apologize. She insisted we have a fun sleepover to forget the fight, and I couldn't say no.
***next morning
A harsh pounding on the front door woke the both of us up and Liv hurried to go see who it was. I heard her mumbling before she quickly came back to me. "They're here." She gave me a look of reassurance and allowed me room to walk past her.
I took a deep breath before opening the front door.
"Hey. We need to talk." Rhea demanded and motioned for me to step outside. I obliged, closing the door behind me. She sighed and raked a hand through her dark hair. "Tell us the truth. Were you flirting with that guy?" She asked, her face wore an expectant expression.
"No! I told you guys that last night, but you didn't believe me!" I was quickly becoming defensive, ready to pick up the argument where it had left off.
"We believe you, honey. Liv sent us a long message and helped clear everything up." Damian stepped in. "We're sorry. You tried to tell us and we wouldn't listen to you. It's our fault." He apologized.
I took a moment to think to myself, contemplating how easily my forgiveness should be handed out. I mean, they kicked me out of the house without even letting me explain.
"So," Finn interrupted my thoughts. "Are we forgiven, love? You ready to come home?"
I let out a huff. "I'm not happy about the situation and how I was treated last night, but I'm content for now. I can't forgive you all so easily right now. My feelings are hurt and I don't really feel like everything's okay yet. I just think we still need to talk about it a bit more when we get home?" I looked around to gauge their expressions.
"Sounds fair to me." Dom smiled.
I grabbed my stuff from inside Liv's house and headed to the car. While Damian loaded my bag into the trunk, Rhea gazed at me in the rearview mirror.
"Baby..." Her eyes flicked away, instead turning her body to face me. "Are we gonna be okay?" She motioned between us and then to the boys outside of the car.
I nodded with a small smile. "We'll be okay, Mami. Promise." Seeing relief flash in her eyes, I quickly kissed her cheek. "Everything will be perfectly okay."
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anemoelle · 10 months
centre stage. (one.shot)
➷。ship : lyney x gn!reader
➷。characters : gn!reader, lyney, neuvilette, foçalors, lynette
➷。summary : FONTAINE ARCHON QUEST SPOILERS. lyney’s magic show goes wrong, but it’s you in the box.
[ 513 words. ]
➷。warnings : mentions of significant blood/injuries, emotional distress, ambiguous ending (potential implications of death)
➷。genre : angst, slight hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort
➷。song : gilded lily – Cults
➷。extra : first tumblr fic finally! Just a little quick one to get used to how to post. My favourite thing ever is injury angst so this is for all my injury angst babes out there.
Deep maroon and black clothes accompanied by pale features swam above you. Lyney. Lyney? You can barely recall what you were doing before now. Did you just wake up? The sight of your partner waking you up in the morning so familiar it makes you want to smile. Sometimes Lyney likes to perform simple tricks for you to slowly lift your mind from sleep. Your lips couldn’t move. A new feeling slithered and coiled around your torso. Pain. Panic clambered up your throat only to fail at your mouth. Lyney was so close yet so far, you just wanted him. You needed to tell him you needed help, sensation overwhelmed you. Lukewarm liquid grasped at your sides, urging to pull you under and drown you, rip you away. You started at your beloved above you, a vacancy forced upon your features. Lyney doesn’t know, he needs to know.
Lyney knew better than anyone. The second the box was crushed, you inside, Lyney lost connectivity with the world around him. Repeating over and over, the sound of snapped rope consumed his mind. Vomit peaked in Lyney’s throat when the blood seeped steadily out of the carnage despite the dust’s unsettled position. His shiny boots vaulted him forward down the seating aisle. The traveler and court officials blurred past him. Breathing harsh, he slid down beside the wreck, glass slicing through his tights, exposing him to the water that flooded the stage. Neuvillette’s shouting casted a devastating soundtrack around you as Lyney shoved glass and splinters from the half of you not completely buried by debris.
"Sweetheart? Hey, can you hear me? Come on let’s get you outta there." Lyney coos at your semi-conscious self.
You groan in response, Lyney hushing and whispering comforting words to you. The chaos around you was reaching the summit of a harsh crescendo. Tears cascaded down your cheeks, your voice cried out weakly for Lyney. He assured you.
"I’m here, I’m here, I’ve got you. We’re gonna be ok."
Hard hands gripped Lyney forcefully and tore him away from you. Neuvillette. The magician thrashed and yelled at the Chief Justice as he was separated from you. The large, white-haired man remained stoic, removing Lyney from the scene. Neuvillette handed Lyney over to some Gardes closer to the entrance of the Opera Epiclese, restraining the magician until further notice.
You remained under the debris. Blood has tainted the water a rich bloody sunset colour. The sound of your whines and exclamations of pain ricocheted throughout the theatre, a terrifying performance. The Gardes surrounding your blurred vision were unknown and filled you with fear. Lyney was right there a moment ago… The blue-uniform danced above you as they urgently tried to free you from your prison.
It felt like your brain collided with the other side of your cranium when they yanked you free. Your legs felt so numb. The numbness crawled up from your legs, settling over your body like a large cat ready for a nap. The rainbow of blues and bright lights tempted your eyes to close. As a paramedic’s lullaby tapped on your cheek, you thought of the maroon magician.
thanks for reading !!
genshin masterlist.
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Want It? (Vox x reader)
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CW: Smut, sex toys, BDSM, hypnosis, slight violence, edging, discomfort, noncon, overstimulation, cream pie, he doesn’t actually fuck you, he just teases you with a vibrator like a little shit. Am I aware that there are other sex toys besides vibrators? Yes. Do I care right now? No. Still getting used to writing smut, I’m working on it.
“God, you’re such a brat,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. He paused for a moment, then grinned as an idea came to mind. he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. “I think I might just have to punish you.”
“Oh fuck you,” I said, trying to pull away. “I don’t want to deal with your bullshit today.”
He laughed. "Well, that's too bad," he said. He stood up, towering over me as he grabbed my arms and held them behind my back. He walked us over to the bed and pushed me down onto it.
“Hey! Get off me,” I yelled, trying to move away. “Let me go!”
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I don't think so," he said, his voice low and husky. He straddled me, pinning my body down with his own as he started to unbutton my shirt.
I thrashed, trying to kick him, anything to get him off. “No, no! Stop!” I tried to shove him away. “Get off!”
He easily dodged my kicks and grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head. He smirked at me and leaned down close to my ear. "You shouldn't have talked back to me," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin.
“Let me go! Let me go!” I yelled, still moving around, trying to get him off.
He ignored my protests and started to kiss down my neck, his lips leaving a trail of fire on my skin. He reached down and started to undo my pants, his fingers brushing against mine. "Let me show you what happens to people who disobey me."
“Mph! Get of off me!” I said, still kicking and moving around. My wrists were pinned above my head, but I tried to move them anyway. “Get off! Leave me alone!”
He chuckled and let go of my wrists, sitting up so that he was straddling me again. He reached down and grabbed my legs, holding them in place as he started to undo his own pants. "I'm not going anywhere until I've taught you a lesson.”
“Fuck you! Get off,” I said, shoving him away. I sat up and tried to punch him, as best as I could.
He easily dodged my punches and grabbed my wrists once again, pinning them above my head with one hand. He used his other hand to forcefully push me back down against the bed, his body pressing down on top of mine. "Stop struggling.”
“Never! Let me go, let me go,” I said insistently, trying to move away. “Stop! Stop it!”
He smirked and let go of my wrists again, sitting up between my legs and grabbing the collar of my shirt, pulling me up into a sitting position. He leaned in close and spoke in a low, dangerous voice. "You don't tell me what to do, I tell you."
“Fuck off,” I said, smashing my head against his. I winced at the feeling, and froze. Bad idea, pretty sure that did more damage to me than it did to him.
He grunted in pain, and his head snapped back. He raised a hand to his forehead, where bright blue blood was already starting to trickle down from the cracks in his screen. He glared at me before standing up and pulling me with him.
“What are you doing? let me… mmngh..” I muttered, leaning against him more than I’d have liked. My head was pounding, I was at his mercy.
He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. His grip was firm, and I could see the anger in his eyes. "You're going to regret that." A red and black spiral formed in his left eye and I couldn’t help but stare, my thoughts slipping away.
“Mmn…” I mumbled, trying and failing to resist him. I couldn’t. God, my head hurt. my vision was blurry.
He smirked, seeing my weakness. He bent down to pull a pair of handcuffs from beneath the bed. He grabbed both my wrists and forced them behind me, cuffing them tightly so I couldn't move them. "You'll stay right there until I say so."
“Vox…” I mumbled, along with some incoherent words. probably cursing him out.
He chuckled, standing up straight and towering over me. "You can curse me out all you want. It won't change a thing." He walked over to his drawer, pulling out a vibrator and some ropes.
“Mmngh,” I muttered incoherently. I was disoriented, struggling to even stay focused. I couldn’t even process what was happening.
He walked back over to me, the vibrator in his hand. He clicked it on, the low hum of the machine filling the air, and he placed it against my panties, directly over my clit. "I know you're trying to fight it, but you want this,” he said, the spiral back in his eye. He paused for a moment, watching my eyes glaze over, then tied me up.
“I… what?” I asked, completely out of it now. “Mm,” I mumbled lightly at the pleasure that filled me up. It felt good. I couldn’t remember why I’d been upset.
He smirked as he felt me begin to relax under his touch. "See? I told you you wanted this." He pressed the vibrator against me a bit harder, the humming growing louder in my ears.
“Mmm… Vox…” I moaned softly, pressing myself against it more. I wanted him more than I wanted the dumb toy, but it was the thing making me feel nice right now.
He clicked the vibrator to a higher setting, the humming growing louder and faster, before pulling it away from me. "Is this what you want? Do you want me or this toy?" He held the vibrator close to my face, dangling it in front of me.
“Vox…” I whined, trying to get closer. He was edging me, I wanted more. My handcuffs held me back, though, and so did… the rope? I hadn’t noticed that was there until now. I complained. “Please, Vox….”
He chuckled darkly before turning the vibrator back on and holding it against my clit again, the vibrations making me jump from the sudden increase in stimulation. He let me grind against it for a few seconds before pulling it away again, teasing me. "Beg for it.”
“Please Vox, please,” I mumbled, my head still foggy. All I could focus on was him, the vibrator, and the pleasure it gave me. I leaned forward, wanting more, needing more. “Please Vox, I need it, I need more, please, please, please..”
A smirk spread across his face as he watched me squirm and beg, his control growing stronger. He turned the vibrator back on, pressing it against my clit for a few seconds before pulling it away. "Is that all you've got?" He held it against my cheek this time.
I could only make incoherent noises this time. Whines and complaints, trying to press myself against him. I moved my hips, desperate for stimulation and friction.
His eyes lit up with amusement at my desperation. He moved the vibrator back to my clit, pressing it against me firmly and watching as I moaned and writhed in pleasure. "Good girl," he purred before turning it up a notch, causing me to gasp loudly.
“Mmn…” I moaned, feeling myself nearing my peak.
He kept the vibrator steady against me, watching as I got closer and closer to my orgasm. When he saw the look on my face, he pulled it away again. "Not yet," he said, his voice stern and commanding.
“Vox,” I whined, leaning closer. “Please Vox, please, I need more,” I said desperately, moving my hips in an attempt to get some friction, only to be met with disappointing air.
He smirked, enjoying the power he held over me. He let me squirm for a moment before finally giving in and pressing the vibrator back against my clit. "You're such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
“Mmngh…” I mumbled, lost in the pleasure again. my thoughts had left me, my mind was blank. “I need you, I need this… mmnn…” I felt myself nearing my peak again a few moments later, and got excited.
He could tell I was getting close again, and he had no intention of letting me cum just yet. He pulled the vibrator away once again, laughing at my frustrated moan. "Not yet, I said," he repeated, enjoying the look of desperation on my face.
“Mmn.. mnngh,” I whined, moaning incoherently. He got a little too close this time, and I took this opportunity to start grinding against his leg desperately.
He felt my heat against him, and he couldn't help but smirk in amusement at the desperate, needy movements I was making. "Look at you, so needy and desperate for release. It's almost adorable."
“Please, please,” I whimpered and whined, moving faster.
He laughed, letting me grind against him for a moment before pushing me away again. "Not yet, little one. I'll decide when you're allowed to cum." His tone was firm and unyielding, making it clear that he wasn't going to budge on this.
“Vox…” I groaned, trying to press myself against him again. He pushed me away and I whined again.
He shook his head, stepping back out of my reach. "No...you don't get to decide when you cum. I do." He picked up the vibrator again, holding it in front of me as if to taunt me with it.
I whined, struggling against my bindings to try to get to it. I needed it. “Please, Vox, please,” I said desperately. “Please I need it, I need it, please, please, please.”
He chuckled, watching me struggle with a mixture of amusement and desire. He loved seeing me like this- so desperate for release that I would do anything he said. "Please what?" He asked tauntingly. "Do you want me to use this on you?”
“Yes please, please Vox,” I said quickly, still trying to move. “Please, please, please, I need it, I need you to use it on me, please, please, please…”
He raised an eyebrow at my eagerness, but he couldn't deny that it was turning him on. He stepped closer to me, holding the vibrator against my thigh. "Say please one more time." He ordered, his voice low and husky.
“Please,” I said, quiet, desperate.
He smirked at my response, then slowly traced the vibrator up my thigh, teasing me. He knew how badly I wanted it, and he was going to make me beg for it. "Good girl." He murmured, before finally pressing the vibrator against my clit.
“Mmn,” I sighed softly and moved up and down as pleasure flooded my senses, I might actually be able to cum this time…
He watched me, his eyes dark with desire as I moved against the vibrator. He liked seeing me like this- helpless and at his mercy. He pressed the vibrator harder against me, increasing the intensity as he whispered in my ear. "You look so beautiful when you're like this."
I gasped and finally orgasamed, seeing stars. I cummed, intense pleasure I’d been seeking finally washing over me. it was utter bliss.
He smiled as he felt me cum, pleased with himself for bringing me to this point. Just a little force and some hypnosis and I was all his. He didn't let up though, keeping the vibrator pressed against me as I came down from my high. He wanted to make sure I learned my lesson. "Feeling good?"
“Mmn…” I moaned, riding out my high, the vibrator only intensifying it. It felt good for awhile, then I started to get overstimulated.
He noticed the change in my breathing and the look on my face. He knew I was getting close to being overstimulated, but he didn't care. He wanted me to learn my lesson. "Beg for me to stop." He said firmly, pressing the vibrator harder against me.
“Mmngh,” I mumbled incoherently, not able to form a single thought. I cummed again, instead.
He let out a low chuckle as he felt me cum again, my body trembling with pleasure. He didn't let up, continuing to press the vibrator against me even as I struggled to beg him to stop. "Not yet."
“I… Please… mmnn…” I moaned, my mind blank. This continued for awhile- whether it was a few minutes or an hour, I couldn’t tell. I kept cumming, blissed out, drool beginning to leak from the corner of my mouth.
He watched with a twisted sort of satisfaction as I continued to cum, my body trembling and writhing as I begged him to stop. He knew I was past the point of no return, my mind completely blank as my body was overwhelmed with pleasure.
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finn-writes-stuff · 4 months
Hiii~ I saw your requests are open for Baldur's gate and I was wondering if you can write a one shot about wyll when tav/reader gets injured...
Thank u so much<3
After a risky play in a battle and a temporary death, Wyll takes care of you.
Wyll Ravengard x Reader
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Format: Oneshot
Gender Neutral Reader
Not to go insane about a man on main (Lying) but god I love him so much. The genuine hero archetype is so good and sweet.
No matter how long you had been adventuring, the poisoned sting of a goblin arrow never hurt any less. A lucky shot from an archer up above you, you hissed as it sunk into your shoulder. This had been a long battle, with your enemy calling in unexpected reinforcements, and your whole party was running out of health and energy.
A crackle of magic whipped past you and crashed into the archer's chest. Their rattling yell as they were knocked down let you know they were taken care of, and you were free to turn and grin at your savior, rushing to his aid in return.
Wyll had his own group of goblins he was trading blows with, his rapier clashing against another blade as you reached his side. He was better off health-wise than you were at the moment, but his shot at your attacker had cost him precious time to fend off the group.
"Thanks for the save!" You called gratefully as you dived into your own attack, trying to take out the enemies that seemed worn down.
"I've got you," he called back, ducking away from another blow. "But we need to get that ritual stopped, do you have any way to break the circle?"
Doing your best to run through your options as you danced back from a sword, you grimaced. Everyone was out of spell slots by now, and other resources were too limited to spare on a goblin ritual.
Or maybe not. As you shoved a hand into your bag, your hand fell upon a smoke powder bomb, one you had almost forgotten about.
"Yep! I can do it, Wyll! Just keep me covered," you said, already sprinting towards the ritual circle.
"The Blade provides," he laughed, carving down a goblin trying to slash at your retreat. "Do try to keep close then, love."
"It's on you to keep up," you shot back, relishing in the banter and the adrenaline of the fight. You needed to get close to set this off to maximum effect, with the arrow in your shoulder, you couldn't throw the bomb at a distance with any certainty. You just had to get close enough to toss it and back off before it set off. A piece of cake.
Not quite a piece of cake, you realized as you had to dodge and dive around goblins, hearing your companions slashing and seeing the familiar crackling red energy knock down enemies trying to rush you. But the day that a battle went smoothly would be the day Avernus froze over.
The attackers in your way didn't manage to get any solid hits on you, but they did succeed in slowing you down, enough so that you saw magic rising from the circle, pulling up like walls around the caster in the centre. Shit, if they got this spell off, that would be deadly. You barely took a second to think before diving in, crashing to the ground over the circle with the bomb in your hands.
The bomb that did not take kindly to the hard landing and magical heat around you. This was going to hurt. A lot.
Your last thought before being thrown back by the explosion was that at least the magic walls should contain the blast enough so that it didn't catch the rest of your party.
Being revived always hurt like hell. Feeling your heart forcefully start back up and your injuries repair themselves under magical guidance was excruciating when it was done quickly. You came too coughing up blood and was that a tooth? You hoped not, but if it was could the healing magic replace it?
Your thoughts were ended quite quickly by a familiar face dropping into your view as Wyll knelt in front of you, grabbing your face to look you over. His touch was so gentle, even as he turned you back and forth, and his sword callouses ran over your skin.
"Gentle? Yes, I'm trying my best, love," he replied, clueing you into the fact that you'd spoken aloud. Maybe the healing magic hadn't quite finished its work.
But it was hard to complain when he was so close to you like this. Carefully pulling you up to your feet and leaning you into his side as he watched you blearily gain your balance.
"Alright, no, we're not making you walk back to camp like that," he said, steadying you. "Let me carry you? I promise I won't drop you on the way there."
All it took was a nod for him to slip his arm under your knees and behind your back and scoop you up into a bridal carry. His arms were steady and you had the impression this was not the first time he had done this. Perhaps it was a staple of daring rescues in his past.
You giggled at the thought, resting your head against his chest and he looked down at you with concern. "You alright there? I'm a little concerned you got a concussion that hasn't been healed."
"Perfectly fine. But you must answer me honestly. Are you Prince Charming?"
"Alright, I'm quite concerned you got a concussion." He didn't bother to hide his smile though, keeping you steady against his chest. As you let your eyes drift, you heard him say something softer, not the brash and heroic Blade of the Frontiers, but just Wyll. "Don't do that to me again, love. You terrified me."
"It worked, didn't it?"
"I would rather swordfight that whole group at once than see you blow yourself up like that again. I was worried you would shatter yourself too much to be brought back." His pace was steady as he carried you, keeping you from jostling or rocking around too much even on the uneven ground. "Be careful for me?"
"If you'll be careful for me," you murmured back, leaning easier into his chest. It was all too easy to fall asleep in his arms.
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mintsbubbletea · 3 months
𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 - 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
Word Count: 1,040
Contains: She/her pronouns, Cursing, oral M receiving, cum, cum swallowing, face fucking,
Proof read and Edited
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Being Katsuki's sibling meant only one thing - you were just as fiery and hot-headed as he was. Like your brother, you had a tendency to get angry easily and lacked an inside voice. Whether it was something good or bad, you were always yelling about it. However, unlike Katsuki, you were generally nice to most people. You treated them with respect, using their names and acknowledging them as individuals. That is, until they crossed you or spoke to you in a condescending tone. In those moments, your anger would flare up, making it clear to everyone that they shouldn't mess with you.
As the school day came to an end and students began to leave the classroom to return to their dorms, you found yourself walking with Bakusquad. Suddenly, someone carelessly bumped into you without offering an apology or even bothering to look back. Naturally, this infuriated you. "Excuse you, asshat!" you snapped, turning to confront the person responsible. To your annoyance, it was none other than Monoma, wearing a smug smirk on his stupid face. "I would've said i didn't see you but since you have that big, loud mouth. It's impossible to miss."
"Oh god, here we go" Sero said nervously, knowing whats going to happen. You could feel your anger rising, refusing to let him walk all over you. Taking a few steps forward, you closed the distance between you and the blonde, your intense glare piercing into his very soul. "What the hell did you just say, leech?" you shouted, causing everyone around to stop and watch the unfolding drama. Unfazed by your outburst, he taunted, "Oh, getting angry, are we? Want to put on another show for everyone?"
"Come on, Y/n, let's get out of here. He's just trying to provoke you," Kirishima urged, attempting to grab hold of you. Swiftly evading his grasp, you paid him no mind. "Be a good little pet and listen to your boyfriend." Monoma taunted, turning to walk away. Fueled by anger, you harnessed your explosive and launched yourself at him, pinning him down on the floor. "Don't try to act smart, copy-paste" you yelled. "I swear l'll shove Kendo's big ass fist up your ass!" you yelled your hand heating up to punch the fuck out of him.
"Bakugo! Do something!" Mina exclaimed, concerned about you getting into trouble once again. Katsuki nonchalantly shrugged, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. "What exactly do you expect me to do? This is her fight, not mine," he retorted with a hint of annoyance. "Beat him up! Don't be a pussy," he encouraged you. Taking it as a signal, you swiftly landed a punch on Monoma's face, your knuckles connecting with his cheekbone at a rapid and forceful pace. Gasps filled the air, but to your surprise, your fist made no contact with his face. A certain redhead intervened, using his hardening quirk to seize hold of your fist. "Hey!" you shouted as you were forcefully pulled away. His arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the ground as he began to drag you away, your legs flailing with all your might. "That's enough of that," he stated firmly. "Oh, come on! I wanted to see her fight," Bakugo yelled after the two of you.
"No! Let me kill him!" Despite your protests, he continued to drag you to your dorm until exhaustion took over and you stopped kicking and yelling. He sat you down on your bed, but you remained defiant with crossed arms, refusing to look at him. "Are you finished?'"he asked, standing in front of you and trying to gauge your mood. You huffed and remained silent, still avoiding his gaze. "I'm speaking to you, Y/n," he warned, but you stayed quiet and looked down at the ground. "I see how it is," he said, starting to unbuckle his belt. Your ears perked up at the sound, and you looked up to find his cock inches from your face. "Open," he commanded, and your eyes widened in surprise. "Eiji, what-" He silenced you by pressing his throbbing tip against your lips. "I said, open,"he repeated sternly. You gazed up at him with sparkling eyes, relishing in the dominant side of Kirishima that you loved so much.
"What if I don't?" You questioned, your lips pursed as his tip grazed against them, leaving a trail of precum. He firmly grasped your jaw and forced his thick cock into your mouth, eliciting a muffled gasp from you. "Suck it or I'll fuck your face," he commanded, and you obediently nodded before bobbing your head up and down, your hand resting on his hip as you took him deeper. Your saliva coated his cock, making it easier to glide in and out of your mouth.
You moaned as his tip reached the back of your throat. "Looks like my cock is the only way to quiet you," he chuckled, biting his lip as he watched you. Your cheeks flushed at his words and you looked up at him, gripping the base of his cock as you kissed the tip and swirled your tongue around it. "The best way" you giggled before taking him back into your mouth.
His hand gripped the back of your head, holding you in place as he quickened his pace, thrusting his cock in and out of your mouth. Each time he hit the back of your throat, you gagged and looked up at him, spit dripping from the corners of your mouth. The sound of his moans only turned you on more as he fucked your mouth. "Fuck Y/n," he moaned, his grip on your hair tightening as he pushed his tip against the back of your throat. Tears streamed down your face, mixing with your moans as his cum filled your mouth. He pulled away, and you swallowed, coughing softly. His hand moved to your face, wiping away the tears and cleaning your mouth. "If this is what I get for misbehaving, I might have to do it more often," you said with a smirk, looking up at the redhead. He chuckled and leaned down to give you a peck on the lips. "Please don't, you could have gotten in trouble," he warned.
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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honeylations · 10 months
Prompt: You break up with your boyfriend because you fell in love with your bestfriend. And she’s very much in love with you too.
Warnings/Notes: Soccer player/captain Chanelle, high school au, violence, bestfriends to lovers YEEEHEEEE
A/N: Because we love Chanelle <3
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Got me fucked up fr.
You stared at your reflection in the school bathroom mirror, reassuring yourself that everything was going to be okay, that you’re only following what your heart wanted. But not matter how many breaths you took, your heart was still beating painfully fast from the anxiety.
“I knew I’d find you here, loser” Jiwoo spoke.
You didn’t even hear her come in.
“Sorry, was fixing my lipstick” you lied and Jiwoo could see it.
“It’s okay to feel nervous, Y/n. This is for the sake of your heart”
You looked at her and slowly nodded. “You’re right”
“Come on, let’s get this over with”
Once you reached the soccer field, you saw Chanelle waving at you happily from afar, already sweaty from the drills she went through with the team. You waved back before walking over to where the boys soccer team were training.
Soobin ran towards you, about to wrap his arms around your waist but you were quick enough to stop him. “Everything alright, babe?”
The name made you cringe.
“Soobin, I wanna talk privately” You said while fiddling with your fingers.
“I’m in the middle of practice” He frowned.
“Just for a few minutes, please?”
The rest of his team appeared behind him, Yeonjun juggling the ball between his hands when he smiled at you.
“Hey sis”
“Hi Yeon. Can I speak with Soobin please?” You asked your older brother.
“Yeah of course-“
“Y/n, I don’t have time for this. If you have something to say, then my boys can hear it too” He scoffed and crossed his arms.
Jiwoo rolled her eyes and raised her brows at you to just say it. “Alright then. I want to break up”
The smirk he had died down immediately, arrogance turning into confusion, then turning into anger.
“You heard me Soobin. These past weeks of being with you, I noticed you don’t even treat me right as your girlfriend. Everything always had to be your way no matter how inconvenient yet they were. Oh and to mention that you openly flirt with other girls but get mad at me when I ask Huening Kai for his study notes?”
“Don’t even try to defend your actions because you knew what you did was wrong but it sadly hurts your ego to man up and own up to your mistakes and that’s what my brother and friends warned me about”
Soobin looked at Yeonjun who death stared him.
“And also I’m in love with someone else” You finally confessed. “Someone who actually cared about me and took my feelings into consideration when you never did”
The taller boy’s jaw clenched as he stepped closer. “You can’t break up with me”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
He abruptly held your wrist tightly. “Because I said so, you’re gonna be my girlfriend whether you like it or not”
Yeonjun dropped the ball and approached Soobin out of anger only to get shoved away. “Fuck off Yeonjun”
“Don’t fucking touch my sister, you worthless piece of shit!” He yelled, trying to escape Taehyun’s hold.
“Chanelle…isn’t that Y/n?” Moa pointed.
The said girl looked behind her, seeing your pained and scared expression when Soobin forcefully grabbed you and pushing your brother.
“Fuck” Chanelle grabbed the soccer ball and ran towards you with Moa and Iroha following.
She ditched the ball hard into Soobin’s face who fell backwards. “AH!”
Chanelle was quick to look at your wrist, blood boiling at the bruise the boy left behind. “Are you okay?”
You didn’t get time to answer when Soobin stood back up and harshly shoved Chanelle into you that you both fell over, your head hitting the ground quite hard.
“Piece of shit!” Chanelle got back up and threw her fist into Soobin’s face, a gross crack heard by the entire crowd.
“Y/n!” Jiwoo and Iroha helped you sit up, gasping at the blood that started to drip from your nose.
On the other hand, Chanelle was completely on top of the boy, swinging at his face and ignoring the pain she was feeling in her knuckles. Yeonjun pushed in and yanked Chanelle away from the bleeding Soobin.
“I fucking hated you from the start, Choi Soobin. I’ll kill you next time” The taller girl growled, shrugging away Yeonjun’s hands.
“And next time, I’ll help” Yeonjun added to the threat.
“Chanelle, take care of my sister please. I’ll deal with this idiot first”
The female soccer captain nodded and kneeled in front of you, cupping your face. “Y/n?”
“I don’t think I can stand. My head hurts so much” You whined, accepting the tissue Moa was shoving in your face.
Chanelle hooked one arm under your back and the other under your knees, carrying you bridal style. “I’ll carry you to the nurse’s office then”
“This is so kdrama coded” Iroha whispered to Jiwoo who laughed.
“T-Thank you” You mumbled shyly, hiding your red face into her neck.
“Moa, can you take charge of training?”
Moa saluted cutely. “Yes boss!”
Finally being treated by the nurse, your blood nose stopped and Chanelle held an ice pack on your wrist, her own knuckles being kindly wrapped up by the nurse.
“I need to send papers to the principal about this so I’ll leave you two here. Just close the door properly before you go” The nurse said, you and Chanelle nodding in response.
“Are your hands okay?” You whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Chanelle whispered back that made you chuckle.
“I’m still shaken up about what happened. I didn’t expect Soobin to react like that”
Chanelle placed the ice pack on the table beside her and held your hands out of comfort. “What happened anyways?”
“I dumped him, that’s what happened” You looked away.
The soccer captain couldn���t help but feel a sense of relief wash over her body. “Why?”
Looking back into her charming eyes, you smiled. “Because I’m in love with someone else”
Chanelle felt her hope jump out the window. “Oh…May I ask who?”
You noticed the slight disappointment in her tone which got you giggling. She looked so cute trying to hide her jealousy. “Well she’s on your soccer team”
“Eh? Is it Moa? She is quite smart isnt she”
You cupped her face and squished her cheeks together. “You’re so dumb”
“Hey! Don’t be mean, I’m trying to be supportive here”
“Ugh you idiot, it’s not Moa! It’s you! I love youuuu~” You cooed.
Chanelle’s eyes sparkled. “Huhhhhhhhh? You love me? Me??? As in Choi Y/n loves Chanelle Moon?!!”
You laughed as Chanelle moved closer. “Say it again so I know I’m not dreaming”
“I love you, loser!”
Chanelle punched the air to show her victory. “I love you too, Y/n. I always have” she held your waist lovingly.
Without thinking, you leaned in and pressed your lips against her’s, clearly catching her off guard but she returned the gesture anyways. Your arms moved around her neck, letting her tower over your sitting position on the bed. She pulled away and leaned her forehead against your’s.
“I’m so happy, Y/n. You make me so happy”
“Good. I’d be worried if I didn’t”
“Don’t make me take back what I said” She frowned.
“You’re such a baby~” You looked at her lips.
“I’m your baby”
“Yes. Yes you are” You smiled and this time Chanelle made the move to kiss you.
A/N: ok so I wrote this before I found out our baby girl got eliminated T^T
I’ll remain delusional :p
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The Bargain
<<<Prev (Silly Jester) (A lingering past) Next>>>
Pairing: Buggy x female mermaid!reader
Word count: 2000
Warnings: none
Content: Fate tends to change in a second and that how quickly you went from being a nobody into a lost princess ✨
Buggy used the edge of his sleeve to wipe your face clean off his paint that had transferred onto your lips.
“Are you trying to make me look presentable?”, you suppressed your smile with how he fussed over you.
“Heavens no, I just can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”, he grinned as his thumb smoothed the edge of your lips.
But when the movement beneath you stopped, the crate began to shuffle and a with a shove, you both landed on the ground. Broad daylight blinding your eyes as you began to take in the scene around you. Buggy coughed as he stood up.
“Next time stick a handle with care sticker onto your crates that carry precious cargo, sheesh.”, he dusted his hands, his eyes skimming over you to see if you were alright.
Your hands shot to your belt with how light they seemed only to know that it was empty. Your smoke bombs, daggers and guns all taken away. With how Buggy patted his empty pockets, it would seem he was stripped clean of his weapons too.
“Now if it isn’t the entertainer of the seas and his prized possession.”, you heard Arlong before you saw him. He descended down the steps from his seat that very much looked like a throne. His razor like nose scrunching as he flashed a deadly smile.
“First of all, the name’s Buggy and second, she’s my,”, he looked at you at a loss for words. He bit his tongue from saying a term of endearment because he knew it would not land as joke but instead reveal his true feelings and that was dangerous in situation like this.
“She’s my…”, he fumbled again when Arlong got close to you.
Your skin prickled with raised goosebumps and that confidence in Buggy’s stance was gone.
“She’s your spy.”, Arlong finished his sentence as he grabbed your face, his eyes boring into your features as though you were an object he was going to auction, making your body convulse at his touch.
“Get your hands off her, shithead.”, Buggy yelled only to be held back by the rest of Arlong’s crew.
“The funny thing about you, clown, is that it's very easy to know what’s valuable to you.”, Arlong laughed and it boomed against your ear.
“No amount of your paint can hide the worry in your eyes.”, Arlong continued but Buggy’s eyes flashed to find yours and the fish man was right. His eyes gave it all away.
Arlong forcefully tilted your head to catch sight of the gills hidden behind your ear as he groaned.
“Mermaid.”, he said with a disgust as he turned his gaze to Buggy. Your nails clawed against his arm but his impenetrable skin held tight as he lifted you off the ground. But as much as you knew why he was doing this, Buggy with his earnest reactions was playing straight into Arlong’s hands.
“Let her go.”, he said again but now you could hear the sober threat in his voice.
“Or you’ll do what?”, Arlong taunted.
“You’re in no place to make demands, funny face.”, he cackled as you struggled to breathe.
“What do you want?”, Buggy grew serious and Arlong dropped you to the ground like you didn't matter anymore just as his men released Buggy.
“Now you’re taking my language.”, Arlong smiled as he wiped his hands on the sides of his shirt, as though even having hold you had been beneath him.
Buggy was by your side the next instant, his eyes simmering with rage on your behalf that you held onto his hand as a sign to tell him to let it go. That the more he indulged with Arlong the deeper he was going to dig himself into trouble.
“The map, you had a run in with those newbies and I know you’re not the kind to let them run off easy.”, Arlong stated as Buggy turned to him.
“You know where they are headed don’t you?”, He continued to ask when you found the reason behind why Buggy’s bandana had looked different.
He was missing his ear.
You were in awe of his ability to be a step ahead of everyone. That was his trick, he played everyone for a fool even though he was the one with paint of his face. His every move was a distraction, he would lead you towards what you wanted only to strand you. He was cunning beneath all his jokes. Sure, he was straight forward in his attacks when he broke himself into pieces but the build up to it was the information no one was privy to. And on occasions not even you. Like any game, he was the jokester, unpredictable. To everyone else maybe, but you could read him unlike any other, with the way his eyes glanced between people or how his finger tapped his palm when he was thinking.
And now he was, his finger tapping away like a seconds hand chasing seconds.
You knew he would have found a way to track them, you knew he would have a way out of this or have information to barter. To trick Arlong all while he got closer to his treasure. You were right to have been angry with him, for having kept you from his plans but now your impulsive return had made you a bargaining chip in this chaos.
“I know where they might be headed.”, he said as he helped you up to then step in front of you protectively. His eyes darting around to make sure no one else dared to make a move.
“Good.”, Arlong purred as he slowly paced in front of him. Buggy held the side of his head without an ear as though he was shielding it most noise.
“They’re on the move, we should be too.”, he spoke but his hand wrapped around your wrist and you could see the plan strategize in his head.
To play on the defense, till you got to the docks, to then hijack a ship and ditch these guys.
But Arlong clicked his tongue as though Buggy had made a mistake and with a snap of his fingers, you were pried away from Buggy’s hold.
“You plot your schemes, I like to keep my leverages.”, Arlong watched the shock spread on Buggy’s face because a dagger was held up against your throat to make sure he was in line. You stilled, your heart beating in your ears as you felt the cold tip of the blade against your skin as you looked at the confusion spread around.
“She comes with us.”, Buggy demanded to which Arlong’s laugh thundered.
“Boy, no one makes demands in Arlong Park.”, he stated as he commanded his henchmen to take you towards a big tank that had been set up.
Your protest was in vain as the cackling voices surged around you before your skin felt the cold water and you felt the fins of your tail spread out. As you tried to climb out, your hands were pushed off the edge before a cover sealed the top.
You began to panic, your mind flashing to the night you ran from your burning town. Only fragments from that memory coming to surface once in a while. You swam closer to the glass, banging your fist against it in the hopes of breaking it when you heard Buggy’s muffled voice call your name, to calm you down. He placed his hand over yours as the glass separated you. His eyes holding your gaze as though nothing else mattered.
“How touching.”, Arlong stated sarcastically.
“All this is just a precaution if you had any ideas of running off.”, he continued to speak as he got closer to the tank himself. His eyes assessing you with no interest when you bared your teeth at him in anger.
“She’ll be good for business.”, he said without flinching and you watched as Buggy closed his hands into fists. This was degrading to watch. To see you be made into an act right in front of his eyes.
“Now come along, time’s of the essence and I’m not sure how long this tank can cater to your girlfriend.”, Arlong walked away but Buggy didn’t, his eyes still on you.
“Don’t do anything stupid.”, you warned him to which he gave you a small smile.
“I’ll try.”, he replied with only half of his humorous spirit when you spotted a fish man get close.
You turned your attention to him and when your intuition didn’t seem to calm down, you knew this wasn’t over yet. Before Buggy could react, the henchman reached for his head and right in front of you pulled him apart as he slid a blade near his neck, to let the rest of his body fall to the ground.
“Actually just your head will do, I don’t need to worry about you sneaking off if you don't have your legs.”, Arlong said in a matter of fact tone almost as if it was a genius plan he had just thought of in the instant.
Buggy’s headless body got up to chase after his head but it was tackled to the ground by other members of the crew. You could only hear bits of Buggy’s angry shouts and profanities before they put him inside a satchel while you sank to the bottom of the tank, watching Buggy’s now lifeless body be taken away to put up for display right next to your tank.
It was the most cruel. But with Arlong you couldn’t expect anything less than that.
The night was cold and then in the morning the water was too warm. It had also begun to grow stale with no fresh water being pumped in, you began to feel dizzy. Your mind beginning to play tricks on you, watching his body endlessly in the hopes that even the slightest twitch of his fingers could be a sign that he was close by. But then to keep boredom at bay you swam around the fish bowl aimlessly, your mesmerizing tail catching the light to dazzle the viewers who had come to see you. You wanted to hide away from the ogling stares. You lacked the strength to escape and even if you did, you wouldn't get far in this state. The best option was to wait. They had to keep you alive in order to get Buggy to comply.
That’s what you think, a thought ran past your mind.
You didn’t know what to think anymore with how everything had played out. But it was when your eyes found two individuals dressed decadently approach your tank that it piqued your interest. Their eyes looking at the markings on your tail as though it meant something. They looked away after murmuring between themselves. But it only got more confusing as you continued to observe them. The woman held up two huge cloth bags and placed it into the hands of a henchman you recognized as working closely with Arlong.
He pulled open the bag and you couldn’t believe your eyes at the bundles of Berry that he pulled out from within. He nodded his head with a greedy smile on his face and your heart began to beat faster making you all the more light headed.
He signaled to the guard by your fishbowl and instantly you heard the sound a net being thrown in over you. You felt the net engulf you but pulling you up to the surface, your fins got tangled in the wire and the net seemed to be used to catch other fish men because of the wire's barbed nature so now it cut through your skin as you struggled against it. With Buggy gone, they had gone to the extent of selling you off and he wouldn't even know when he got back. If he got back.
Were the people who bought you, poachers?
No. They looked like … collectors. You felt your stomach swirl. No one kept to their word out here, you knew that but all this while you had grown comfortable in Buggy’s words and reliability that what was happening now was the unimaginable.
You were hoisted out and your skin began to absorb the moisture from the air around you, you could finally breathe. But the strangers ran up to you to cover you in a warm silk blanket that looked expensive.
“How disgusting do you need to be if you still practice this horrible trade?”, you snapped at them, their eyes refraining to look at you as their hands flinched away.
“You’ve got it wrong, your Highness. We paid the ransom that was demanded for your freedom.”, the man explained and you were sure this was a hallucination.
“Your Highness?”, you questioned as you struggled to get up but the lady helped you, relief flooding her eyes as she smiled at you.
“Yes, your Highness. You are the lost princess of Makara in the West Blue ocean.", she replied.
Maybe it was the sun, the energy it took to maintain your mermaid form, the lack of oxygen or just the shock of Arlong taking Buggy away. But you collapsed into the arms of these strangers.
How could an orphan girl be a princess?
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 20 - Lethal
@jegulus-microfic January 20 Word count 642
I think this one is going to be a few parts. I'll link the parts together so they're easy to find.
“Party? Party? Party?” Marlene asked, pointing at her friends, who were already drinking around the table in their local pub. It did not take much persuading for the others to agree to call everyone they knew and start a party back at James’s.
“Can Reggie come?” Sirius asked. “He doesn’t have many friends, and I don’t think he’s left the house for a week.”
“As long as he doesn’t bring the party down,” Mary replied, sticking her tongue out at Sirius when he stuck his out at her. 
“We need to go get some booze in and food, guys, or else the party will be a bust,” Lily told them all. Downing her drink as she stood up. 
Thirty minutes later, the group was shoving bags of shopping into the back of James’s mum’s old minivan. They had left Sirius sprawled across the back seat with all their phones, texting as many people as he could. 
“Budge up,” Remus said, giving Sirius less than a second to move, before lifting his legs into the air and sliding into the seat. He dropped Sirius's legs ungraciously. Sirius nearly fell on the floor. 
“Hey, rude!” Sirius squawked at Remus, his bottom lip pushing out into a sulky pout. He didn’t have time to complain before Mary shoved him off the other seat so she could sit down. 
“Okay, guys, let’s go!” James cried out jovially before twisting the key in the ignition. The minivan choked to life. He pressed his foot down and he sped away, causing Sirius to actually fall off the backseat and into the footwell. Remus dragged him up by the scruff of his neck and wound his seatbelt around him. 
“Buckle up, dumbass.” He growled. 
“Sorry about that,” James apologised over his shoulder as he pulled out of the car park and onto the main road.
“No worries, mate. Could we swing by mine so I can grab Reggie? I think if I don’t literally drag him there myself, he won’t come.
James hit the curb more forcefully than was probably good for his mother’s poor old van. Sirius jumped out and ran into the grand Georgian house he’d inherited when his parents had died. Two minutes later, he was dragging his brother down the front steps. Regulus was putting up quite a fight. Sirius pulled hard at him, almost yanking his hoodie from his body. Eventually, he bundled his brother into the back of the van and yelled at James to go, go, go! 
Regulus wasn’t happy. He glowered at the car’s worn carpet, not saying a word.
At the next red traffic light, James turned as far as his seatbelt would allow him to and grinned broadly at Regulus. 
“How’s it going, Reg?” He asked. Regulus looked up at him, scowling. 
“That good, huh?” James laughed as he ruffled Regulus’s short curls. Regulus yanked his head away, pulled his hood up and crossed his arms across his chest. 
“James, green light,” Lily said as she jabbed James in the arm, forcing him to pay attention. 
They got to James’s and had to hurry to set everything up. Sirius and Remus sorted out the music, bickering over which songs to put on the playlist. Lily and Mary put food into bowls and onto plates. James set out the bottles of alcohol and mixers on the kitchen counter. While Marlene was doing what Marlene does best and creating a truly lethal punch. James looked at the concoction warily. Deciding, there and then, it would probably be best if he stayed clear of Marlene’s punch. 
Regulus leant against the wall near the French windows, refusing to help with anything. He had his phone out and was endlessly scrolling. James was just about to go over to him and try to chat when the doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of their guests.  
Next part
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what if mc is actual shrimp .. like a shrimp merfolk ? > <
I have actually thought about shrimp mer mc before...
Warning(s): some yandere behavior, size difference, some kind of stockholm syndrome near the end
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"Heyyyy, Shrimpy~! Wanna go for a swim with me~?" Floyd asked you one day.
"No, that's alright, I'm kinda busy today." You responded.
But he didn't care. He was already dragging you along with him.
He brought you to the pool that NRC definitely has, and shoved you into the water... and then, you disappeared. Your uniform was floating in the water, but you were gone.
"Fuuuuuck, Shrimpy disintegrated........" Floyd said to himself.
Then, he saw a small... something moving around in your uniform. He jumped into the pool and moved your clothes around to get it out, and... well, he was surprised with what he saw.
"Ehe... I guess I was right to call you Little Shrimpy, huh~?"
You see, you were a tiny shrimp mer. Thankfully, the potion you take that turns you human also makes you normal human sized.
You know for a fact that Floyd Leech knowing this information spells nothing but trouble for you.
"You're so... small!" Floyd happily said, lifting you up out of the water and into the air. "You're so tiny, and cute, and... defenseless~" He gave a wide, toothy grin. "I wonder what you'd-"
"If you try to eat me I will fucking bite my way out of you do not test me, Leech." You angrily said.
"I'd like to see you try that, but eh, it's not worth the pain..." Floyd rolled his eyes. "So, Shrimpy, is this why ya didn't wanna swim with me?"
"...yeah, i-it is..." You said, crossing your arms and looking away.
"Ahaha! Were you embaaaaaaarrassed~?" He playfully asked.
"No, I just... I was..." You paused. "...scared."
"Hah? Scared of what?" Floyd asked.
"Of... well, o-of you."
"Of me? Haha! There's no reason to be scared of me, Shrimpy! Morays don't eat shirmp! Octopi do, though. So if there's anyone in Octavinelle you should be afraid of, it's Azul!"
"No, that's not why!" You yelled. "You're so unpredictable, I... didn't know if I'd be safe around you..."
"...oh. Ok, yeah, I got it." Floyd said, before setting you back down into the water. He crawled out of the pool and his body (very messily) transitioned back into a more human form. "I'll... see you later, Shrimpy."
What a weird interaction.
When you saw Floyd in class the next day, he happily patted the seat next to him, inviting you to sit beside him.
During Trein's lecture, he kept sliding you drawings that you kept sliding back trying to say that you're trying to focus on the lecture.
He stayed close to you in the hallways, and made this weird growling/shrieking noise at anyone who got too close to the two of you...
He escorted you to the cafeteria, got food for you (crab with butter, yum), shared some of his food with you, yelled at people who tried to mess with you, it was so... strange.
"Sooo, (Y/N), didja feel... safe around me today?" Floyd asked, walking with you to the Hall of Mirrors.
"Wait. Did you do all this just because I said I felt scared of you yesterday?!" You asked.
"Well, yeah. Why did you think I was doing all this?"
"What the hell, Floyd?!" You yelled. "N-No, you-! You can't just-!" You couldn't form any words.
"Huuuuuuh? What's wrong, Shrimpy?" Floyd asked, a sad look on his face. "You don't hate me, right? I didn't do anything wrong! I did what you wanted from me! I-I was less unpredictable today, right?! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED, RIGHT?! YOU DON'T HATE ME, DO YOU?!"
You pushed him away from you and ran into the mirror that led to your dorm.
"But I did everything right..."
You awoke to a loud sound late into the night.
Something grabbed you by the hair and pulled you out of the bed.
"Hiya. I realized that no matter what I try, you're not gonna feel any less scared of me, so then I thought there's gotta be a way to make you forcefully feel less scared, ehe!"
You recognized that voice immediately.
"Just so you know, if you try to struggle, get away, yell for help, anything... I'll squeeze ya good. I'll break your ribs, legs, arms, whatever I need to in order to get you to comply. You don't wanna risk that, do you~?"
You knew he wasn't lying. He would do that to you and he wouldn't care.
Floyd dragged you back to his dorm, and began filling a sink with water.
You see, the thing about your body is that, even when under the effect of a potion, you'll revert to your true form when exposed to water. (Floyd will too, but that's not the point)
Floyd shoved your face into the water.
"If you see something pretty, keep it somewhere safe. Keep it close to you. Make sure you're the only one who can see it. That's what Jade says about his terrariums, at least." Floyd said, lifting the rest of your slowly-shrinking-back-to-normal-size body into the sink. "You're about terrarium sized. I got you one that's filled with water! Ehehe... I'll keep you inside of it... and slowly, slowly, slowly, you'll become dependent on me. And of course less scared of me!!"
You were scooped up out of the sink into a glass bowl filled with water, a few plants, and rocks.
"Ahahaha!! You look so cute like this!" Floyd happily said. "I'll take you back to my room, and we can start our whole little bonding experience! Oh, and don't even think about tying to escape. You know dehydration and drying out is deadly to us merfolk. So from now on, until I say otherwise, that bowl is your entire world."
You don't know how much time passes behind the glass.
Eventually, this life... gets to you. Something snaps within you.
And then you realize the only thing you can trust in this new life is the hand that gives you food, and the heterochromatic eyes that look at you from the other side of the glass.
What was his name again?
Come to think of it... what was your name...?
...oh well. It's not like that matters anymore.
"You seem so passionate about that one." Jade said, gesturing to the glass bowl filled with water, rocks, and plants. "I'm surprised you don't have more terrariums!"
"Oh. Nah, I'm not that into it." Floyd responded. "I'm not doing this for the same reason you do it. I'm doing it to make a certain someone feel less scared of me." He dipped his hand into the water of the bowl. When he lifted his hand out of the water, there was a tiny shrimp mer holding onto his hand. "Ta-da~! It's Shrimpy!!"
"That looks like (Y/N). Is... is that (Y/N)?" Jade asked. "How strange. Why did you do this?"
"Because they said they were scared o' me. I assumed this'd be the best way to make sure they weren't!"
"Ah, I see. I suppose I understand your motive, but..." Jade paused, looking uncomfortable. "...never mind. I'll leave you and (Y/N) to your... um... whatever it is you're doing."
Floyd didn't mean to make you dependent on him like a pet, but he didn't care. After all, regardless of how it happened, he got what he wanted.
You weren't scared of him anymore.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
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I sat in the darkness of the grey basement. The Apartment is cold as the heating hasn't worked in a week. The Wind and rain battered the little windows above me luckily, no water had found its way inside yet. The lights were all off but the small lamp beside me, with no other items powdered on left the basement with a gentle silence. My breathing was all that broke it, and the occasional flicks of my fingers against the paper pages. My body snuggled up into Benny's brown leather chair, a black and white blanket over my legs, the tip of my nail between my teeth as I read the words. 
'He seized her swiftly by the ponytail, thrusting her body against the frigid stone. He united their bodies pulverising forcefully against her delicate innocent form. He came tight his breath sizzling on her neck. 
"You believe you can get away from me, Princess?" His hushed vocals growled, 
She spread her lips but couldn't create words, as if his profound ocean-blue eyes had stolen her voice. 
"You," He said his finger stroking down her cheek to push her chin up to their lips sat only mere inches from one another, "Belong to me." He snarled,
"P-P-Prince Alon..." She gagged her body quivering and trembling against the stone.
"You're mine princess." He asserted, "And I intend to have you."
"Have me?" She interrogated 
"Right here. Right now." He declared, "You're so defended chastity, shall be pilfered. You're angelic body mine to command." 
"Prince Alon Please I-" She began,
"So Precious, so charming, so innocent." He sneered, "Though your sentiment is not what I desire." 
He shut the void between her shoving his lips to hers, the taste of his salty lips against hers, his body thrusted against her letting her feel his throbbing -'
"I'm home," Benny called as he came through the front door with a brown paper bag of groceries in his hand,
"I'm not doing anything!" I yelped in shock as his call woke me from my book, out of fear I slammed my book shut. "Hello..."
"Hi," He chuckled at my reaction, he kicked off his shoes and set the groceries on the kitchen counter. "You alright?"
"Fine." I gulped 
"You sure?" He asked setting his hat and jacket on the rack by the door, 
"Mhm..." He nodded as he leant his elbows on the stair railing, "Not sure I'd wanna be attending your class on 'How to now look suspicious' Y/n," 
"What's suspicious, I'm not suspicious, nothing about this is suspicious, no one is suspicious, if anything you're acting suspicious!" 
He simply cocked his him, cocked his eyebrow and glared at me, "What are you reading there y/n?"
"I uhhh I can't read!"
"You can't read?"
"I've been your boyfriend for five years I know you can read." 
"What book are you reading?" he asked coming closer,
"What book? where? I uh I don't have any books? I uhh I've never seen one. I don't even own a book."
"What's that in your hand then?"
"Uhhhh... Sandwich."
"Okay, take a bite of your tasty sandwich."
"I uhhh... I don't want to right now." 
"No, no I insist take a bite, I wouldn't want you not to enjoy your sandwich on account of me."
"I uhhh uhhhh don't like this type of sandwich."
"Then why did you make it?"
"... Hilcuinations?" 
"Then why do you have it in your lap?"
"I don't," I said 
"Give me the book Y/n."
"No!" I yelled as I tried to hide it under the blanket, but Benny was smarter than that and we began a playful if not a little aggressive fight for my book, 
"What are you reading y/n? What are you reading?" He smirked as we battled for the book, "Ha!" He yelled as he managed to grab it from me,
"Benny! Give it back!"
"What is this?" He chuckled, "A Vast Ocean of Love? What is this?"
"What the- What!" He chuckled, "Prince Alon forced Princess Guinevere onto the rocks and pulled her hair enough to compel a moan to leave her lips!"  
"Ohh, My God! His long shimmering tail slithered through the water towards Princess Guinevere his hand stroking his throbbing- Ohh god!" 
"Benny! Give it!" I yelled, 
"Where did you even get this?" he asked putting it high up as he read,
"None of your business," I said jumping to try and reach it, 
"Ohh my my," He cooed, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, "My naughty little girl," he smirked as he rubbed his nose on my own, "You like this kinda stuff?"
"Ironicly." I snapped taking my book back and pouting,
"Ironicly? Why don't I believe that?" he smirked as he wrapped his arms around me again and pulled my back into his chest, his hand slipped under my jeans, 
"Benny!" I argued as his hand slipped into my jeans and my panties,
"Ohhhh... You really liked that didn't you?" he smirked as his hand began to rub on my clit and slipped inside me,
"Awww, my you're soaked Y/n. You really like this dirty book?"
"Benny!" I yelled and forced his hand away as I moved to sit in the chair, "You read penthouse sometimes, leave me alone." 
"Yeah for the articles."
"Yeah, the articles." I glared, 
"Even so, only when we weren't dating darling." He laughed, "Why would I need to read some smutty penthouse magazine when I have you?" He smiled and sat on the chair with me and he kissed my temple, "And I'm not judging if you wanna read some smutty books about, Some Sexy Mermen. You go ahead I'm not stopping you." 
"You don't mind?"
"No, You wanna read it you read it." he smiled, "Just... come to me when you finish the chapter," he winked as he got up to go put the groceries away,
"Why?" I blushed as I got up and followed him 
"Ohh you know..." he smirked as he grabbed my hair and forced me up against the fridge closing the gap between us, he stroked down my cheek and picked my chin up to look him in the eye, "You're mine, princess." He growled with a sly smirk, "And I intend to have you." 
"....uuuughhhhhh," I whined or moaned or I don't know what noise came out of me as my knees gave out, my legs felt like jelly and my body slipped down till I fit the floor. 
"Would you like that?" he chuckled and looked down at my body as I now lay on the floor, 
"Yes Please, Benny!" 
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the-darkestminds · 1 month
Autumn's Shadow: Chapter 4
Azriel x Eris (Azriel POV)
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Summary: A covert meeting between Azriel and Eris to exchange valuable intel leaves Azriel reeling—and questioning everything he has ever felt for the Heir of Autumn. Azriel finds himself inexorably drawn to Eris, unable to resist his captivating allure. With the threat of Koschei and Beron looming ever closer, can their forbidden love endure in the face of such danger?
a/n: The plot is not canon compliant. Took some dialogue directly from acosf for this chapter.
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Read on AO3!
Full Chapter List
Chapter 4:
Azriel winnowed directly into Rhys’s office, not bothering to waste time knocking. He found it empty, and it took less than a minute for his shadows to determine that only Elain was home. Where the hell had they all gone? 
Rhys. RHYS. He felt like a fool, trying to yell inside his own mind, but sometimes it worked at getting the attention of his High Lord.
Come to Windhaven, immediately. Emerie’s house. Rhys responded in his mind, voice grave. Seconds later, Azriel stepped into the small guest bedroom of Emerie’s home and took in the varying looks of dismay and fear on his friends’ faces. 
“What is it?” Azriel asked, afraid to hear the answer. Cassian sat on the bed with his head in his hands and didn’t look up. 
Rhys answered him instead, “It’s Nesta. And Emerie and Gwyn. Last night they were snatched from their beds and entered into the Blood Rite.” Rhys glanced at Cassian, regret and pain shining in his eyes. He knew it must be killing Cassian not to go after Nesta. Azriel felt sick at the thought of the three females surrounded by so many Illyrian warriors, intent on killing their way to victory, or for sport. He shoved the feelings down. Didn’t let himself think of Nesta and the danger she was in. 
He knew there was nothing he could say to comfort Cassian, so he addressed Rhys instead. “Eris has been captured by Briallyn. He was dragged into her castle last night.” He paused. “We have to get him out.” Only Rhys seemed mildly concerned by the news. No one moved or said anything. “Are you all hearing me? We have to get him out.” When, still, no one answered, Azriel said a tad too forcefully, “We can’t just let him die.” He took a deep breath to steady himself.
Cassian looked at him like he’d grown a second head. “We?”
Rhys mastered himself and stepped up to Azriel’s side. “He’s right. And I can’t go.” That had Azriel and Cassian both turning to him in disbelief. 
Cassian glared at Rhys. “You can be in and out in an hour.”
“I can’t go,” he insisted. Azriel furrowed his brows, not understanding the refusal. He was inclined to agree with Cassian. Rhys was powerful enough to retrieve Eris without much difficulty. 
“Yes, you fucking can,” Cassian snarled at the same time Azriel said coldly, “You'd leave him to die? He's our ally.” They needed to go now, before Briallyn decided Eris was more trouble than he was worth.
Feyre interrupted and spoke for them both. “We made a bargain. After the war. To…only leave this world together.”
The words floored him. “You made a bargain to die together?” And with Feyre’s pregnancy, the birth only months away—one they were not sure she’d survive…
“Fools,” Amren hissed. Rhys’s eyes were bleak. Azriel stood frozen to the spot. 
“If Rhys dies, I die.” Feyre’s voice trembled as she spoke.
“And if you die, Feyre,” Azriel said quietly, “then Rhys dies.” They were all silent at the realization that they might lose all three of them in a few months' time.
Azriel tried to wrap his mind around how the two of them could be so foolish. So selfish. They had both known they’d want children some day. And yet they’d still agreed to this bargain, one that could potentially leave any child of theirs an orphan if one of them passed. It would also leave the Night Court in the hands of someone unknown. He resented them both in that moment, but he pushed the feelings down.
“There’s nothing we can do for Nesta right now. We need to get Eris out. Cassian, I can’t go alone. Please.” He tried to make the words sound aloof, but knew he had failed when he beheld the icy look on Cassian’s face. Azriel added, “It’s dangerous to leave him with Briallyn, considering all he knows about us.”
“Since when do you give a fuck about Eris? Let him die.” He knew Cassian’s temper was riding a dangerous edge. Azriel said nothing as panic swirled through him. He looked at Rhys, let him see some of the urgency in his eyes. He was the only one who could truly make Cassian obey, and they were wasting precious time. 
“You will help Azriel retrieve Eris, Cassian. He’s right, there’s nothing we can do for Nesta right now.” The words were laced with dominant command. Cassian growled but didn’t argue further. 
They sat on their asses for two days waiting for Eris to emerge from the castle. Azriel tortured himself with thoughts of what might be happening to Eris inside the fortress, though he suspected deep down that Eris was likely not Briallyn’s intended target.
A loud sound drew his attention and he elbowed Cassian and nodded towards the opening gate of the castle. And surely enough, a hunched figure rode out on a black horse, surrounded by several guards, with Eris following closely behind them. There were six guards at his back as well. 
Azriel and Cassian shot into the sky to avoid detection. They followed overhead for a time until the caravan was blocked from sight by the thick canopy of trees. Azriel jerked his head and Cassian swept left as he went right. They landed silently several dozen yards behind the group, hidden behind the thick trunks of the towering trees.
Azriel’s eyes locked onto the back of Eris’s head and he silently willed the male to turn around so he could see his face. He didn’t. Azriel cloaked himself in shadows and kept close on their trail. He could spy Cassian creeping from tree to tree across from him on silent feet. Azriel paused behind a particularly large oak and tried to figure out his next move. He could appear beside Eris and grab him, but he wasn’t sure what manner of weapons Briallyn bore. When he peered out from behind the tree, the entire group was gone. Azriel blinked in confusion. What—?
“Over here, shadowsinger,” Eris crooned.
Azriel stiffened as he felt a dagger press against his ribs from behind.
“Eris…” Azriel’s words were laced with violence. Had this all been a trap?
“I knew you were a lying bastard,” Cassian said through his clenched teeth as he stepped out from behind the tree a half dozen yards away. Cassian approached slowly, but he could do nothing more, not with the knife pointed into Azriel’s ribs. Azriel’s heart had iced over, and he let the cold flow through his veins, steadying him.
“I’m disappointed in Rhysand,” Eris said haughtily. “He’s become so bland these days. He didn’t even try to look into my mind.” The sneering derision had returned to his voice and it gave Azriel pause. Had it truly all been a ruse? The words, the secret touches? To what end?
“You can’t win this,” Cassian warned. “You’re a dead man walking. Have been for a long time.”
“Yes, yes, all that old business with the Morrigan. How boring of you to cling to it so.”
Azriel blinked. The Morrigan. Eris never referred to her like that. Cassian realized it at the same time.
“Let him go, Briallyn,” Cassian growled, scanning the dense woods. “Come play with us instead.”
A withered voice said closeby, “I’m already playing with you, Lord of Bastards.”
Azriel felt the Made dagger drop and didn’t wait a second before throwing his head back against Eris’s face. He heard the crack as his skull connected with bone, though Eris didn’t so much as wince at the pain.
Azriel whirled and lunged for Eris, grabbing him tightly and rocketing himself off the ground as fast as he could, leaving Cassian alone to fend for himself. Fuck. How had they screwed this up so badly? He couldn’t risk Koschei or Briallyn seeing the Made dagger at Eris’s side. That was why he had grabbed the male without a second thought. At least that’s what Azriel was telling himself. And he’d left Cassian there, alone. Fuck. His heart was pounding as he flew west as fast as his wings would carry them. 
“Eris, what the fuck happened?” he shouted over the wind in his ears and scanned Eris’s face. The male didn’t respond. He had a dazed look on his face, like he’d been knocked over the head with something heavy. Blood poured from his nose where Azriel had clocked him. “Eris!” He shouted his name, but there was no recognition in his eyes. Azriel cursed and kept flying. When he could finally see the coast, he wrapped them both in shadows and winnowed them to the Moonstone Palace above Hewn City. 
Azriel set Eris down and scanned him for injuries. He couldn’t see any obvious hurt aside from some minor bruising along his sharp jawline, and the nosebleed, which had already begun to slow.
Eris blinked rapidly and looked around the opulent guest room. His eyes landed on Azriel and widened in surprise. 
“What…?” He glanced around, seemingly bewildered, “How…?” he trailed off. Eris brought his hand to his face and stared at the blood that came away on his fingers.
Azriel studied him, trying to determine if it was an act, or if the influence of the Crown had finally worn off. He appeared genuinely confused to find himself in the Night Court, but if this was all a ruse…if Eris had truly betrayed him, had lied to him, and Cassian wound up dead… Azriel unsheathed Truth Teller from his back and held it at his side as oily betrayal coursed through his veins. Eris paled at the sight of it and stepped back, hands raising slowly. “Whatever you think I did, I’m sure it’s merely a misunderstanding,” he said weakly. But Azriel was beyond words. 
He had left Cassian, had left his brother, and had chosen to save Eris and flee. For all he knew Cassian was now dead. Truth Teller burned in his grip as he let himself sink into the icy pit of hate deep within him. Mostly hatred for himself, for being such a fool, for letting his emotions cloud his judgment. Eris blanched at the look he beheld on Azriel’s face.
Before Azriel could act, Rhys winnowed in beside him with a loud crack. Eris jolted at the sound and the High Lord now standing before him. Rhysand’s face was brutal, the true ruler of the Court of Nightmares, and darkness swirled around him like smoke.
“What. Happened?” Rhys snarled viciously, echoing Azriel’s question. His voice was laced with cold fury. He turned to Azriel, “Where’s Cassian?”
Azriel opened his mind to Rhys instead of speaking, afraid of what might spill out of his mouth. Rhys stiffened as he watched it play out, and then he turned his wrath on Eris. Azriel could tell he was shredding through his mental shields when Eris flinched and recoiled at the intrusion. Azriel took an accidental half step towards Eris and Rhys shifted his eyes towards him in question. 
It was over in seconds. Rhys relaxed slightly and blew out a deep breath, rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair. 
“He doesn’t know anything. The dagger didn’t protect against influence from the Crown the way we expected. The soldiers she had in her thrall grabbed him from Autumn,” Rhys said to Azriel, warily. Azriel resheathed his blade, already feeling guilty for having drawn it in the first place. His head was dizzy with relief. 
Rhys looked back at Eris, the fury now gone, and said, “I had to be sure you hadn’t betrayed us. I apologize for the mental assault.” Rhys sounded tired and miserable. “You are to remain here until we come back,” he added firmly. Eris seemed too stunned to speak. Perhaps Azriel had hit him too hard?
“But Cassian—” Azriel started but Rhys interrupted. 
“Azriel. It’s Feyre. I need you.” His voice broke on the last words. The despair and fear in his voice had icy dread pooling in Azriel’s stomach. He nodded once and Rhys winnowed away. Azriel turned to Eris, who looked so dreadfully confused that Azriel’s heart squeezed painfully. 
“Just wait here, I’ll be back soon to explain everything.” His shadows swept him away before Eris could so much as nod his head in answer.
Azriel shuffled out of the room along with Cassian, Nesta, Elain, Mor and Amren and stepped out into the main hall of the river manor. They all collectively released sighs of relief. Feyre and Nyx were resting, with Rhys watching over them protectively. That they had almost lost all three of them…Azriel blew out another deep breath. Cassian clapped him on the back. 
“They’re okay, Az.” Azriel was sure Cassian said it to reassure himself as well. Cassian followed after Nesta who had already begun walking down the hall. Azriel knew she was eager to see Gwyn and Emerie. She hadn’t discussed what had happened in the Rite, but from the distressed look on her face when Mor had asked, he knew it had been bad. She had saved Cassian, and yet she seemed more determined than ever to keep him at arm’s length. 
He heard the front door slam a few seconds later. Amren nodded to Azriel and saw herself out as well. Elain smiled and muttered something about sitting in the garden and excused herself, leaving Azriel and Mor alone in the hall.
He and Mor walked quietly towards the front entryway of the manor. She sighed and playfully bumped his shoulder with her own. “You okay? I feel like I haven’t seen you in months.”
“I’m alright. Better now that Briallyn’s not our problem anymore.” He knew she wasn’t asking about his duties as spymaster, but he’d always had a hard time opening up to her. “And you? How’s Vallahan been treating you?” he asked. His mind was elsewhere, and he struggled to pay attention to her response.
“I’ll be glad to finally be back home for good soon. Politicking gets old quickly,” she smiled grimly. He grinned in return. “Want to get a drink at Rita’s?” she asked, sounding hopeful.
“I have to go deal with Eris. He’s locked in a room at the palace. Has been for two days now.” He scratched at the back of his neck, suddenly uncomfortable. He hadn’t seen or spoken to Mor for more than a few minutes since she’d returned from Vallahan to help Feyre. But now he found he didn’t know what to say to her.
Her face shadowed at the mention of Eris, but she snickered and said, “Well, what’s a few more days locked in a tower? I say let him suffer a bit.” She smiled conspiratorially at Azriel and he tried to mirror it, though he was sure it looked more like a grimace. 
Rhys had told him to deal with Eris however he saw fit, and then quickly reminded Azriel not to damage their fragile alliance. Not that Azriel needed the reminder. His feelings towards Eris had changed. When he’d asked Rhys what, exactly, he wanted him to do, he’d just waved his hand dismissively, eyes focused on Feyre who held a sleeping Nyx in her arms. 
“Another time?” he suggested, eager to leave. She was clearly disappointed but did her best to hide it as she nodded and smiled sadly. Azriel kissed her cheek and left, his mind already on the male waiting for him at the Moonstone Palace.
Azriel knocked twice on the door to the guest chambers Eris was residing in and entered without waiting for a response. As he closed the door behind him, Eris stood up quickly, the book he’d been reading discarded on the small table beside his chair. Azriel could see the anger simmering in Eris’s eyes. The blood was gone, though the bridge of his elegant nose was shadowed with a purple bruise.
“I was beginning to think you were going to let me rot here,” he sneered. Azriel rolled his eyes.
“It’s been less than two full days,” he sighed. He knew Eris had the right to be angry. He would feel the same if he’d had his memory tampered with and found himself a prisoner in a foreign court. “I’m sorry,” he amended, “the issue with Rhys couldn’t wait.”
Eris surprised him by asking, “Is Feyre well?” 
“She’s fine. It’s a boy,” he smiled as he shared the news, “His name is Nyx. Mother and babe are both healthy.” 
He briefly wondered if he should’ve kept the news to himself until checking with Rhys, but then Eris almost-smiled and replied, “Please extend my congratulations. I wish them all well.” The words sounded genuine. “Now will you tell me what the hell happened and why you’re holding me captive?” Sentimental moment over. 
Azriel began with the meeting Eris hadn’t shown up to and continued from there. He explained each item of the Trove, and how Briallyn had used the Crown’s power to ensnare Eris’s soldiers, and then had used it on him to draw Cassian in. He told him of what they’d learned of Koschei’s power. He finished with a very brief explanation of how Nesta had killed Briallyn, but left out some details of the magnitude of her power.
When he finished, Eris sat back down in the chair. His face was pale and his eyes were distant. “Gods,” he rasped. He cleared his throat and sat in silence for several minutes. Azriel waited for him to gather his thoughts. “This Trove…you have all three items in your possession now?”
“Yes,” he said, “and they will be kept somewhere Koschei, or anyone else, can never access them.” He gave Eris a pointed look to indicate the anyone else he referred to was Beron.
“Good. That’s good,” he nodded to himself, looking relieved. “I truly don’t remember most of it. I can recall seeing some of my men who had gone missing. I tried to help them, but there was something wrong, like they didn’t know me…You could’ve informed me of the Crown,” he said, sounding frustrated.
“And risk you sharing that information with Beron? Not likely,” Azriel replied. It was the wrong thing to say. Eris went rigid, eyes burning with rage. 
“Have I not done enough to prove myself to you and your ilk? Do I not risk my own life every time we meet? What more do you want from me?” he hissed at Azriel and the temperature in the room spiked with his temper. “You have no idea,” he snarled, “what I risk by allying with you. But I do it anyway, for the good of my people and your own.” Azriel already regretted the words. He hadn’t truly believed Eris would betray them to Beron, he’d just been echoing Rhys’s own thoughts on the matter. “Have you stopped to consider what I might face returning home now?”
He hadn’t. He cursed himself for not realizing the danger of Beron discovering Eris had been rescued by Rhys’s inner circle. “You’re right—” Azriel started.
“I’m leaving,” he growled as he shoved past Azriel and tried to exit the room. Azriel grabbed his arm before he could winnow out. 
“Would you stop doing that? Eris, I didn’t mean it, okay? I had orders not to tell you about the Trove,” Azriel tried to make him understand that it wasn’t due to his own mistrust that he’d been left out of the loop. “Will Beron...will you be alright?” he asked lamely.
Eris glared at him and ignored the question, but beneath the anger, Azriel could see the fear in his eyes. Eris shrugged him off and slid past him. Azriel was quick on his heels, but when he stepped into the hall Eris was already gone. 
Azriel cursed again as he slumped into the armchair in the corner of his apartment. He leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. He always managed to say the wrong thing. All he’d been trying to do was make sure Eris was alright, that there hadn’t been any lingering injuries from Briallyn that he had not seen…he stewed silently, hating himself. He’d see Eris again soon, and then he would make it right. He’d force the male to listen. All of this winnowing away in the middle of a conversation was beginning to drive him mad.
Azriel tried to think of something else but as usual his thoughts were filled with nothing but Eris. He said a prayer to the Mother for his safety. He feared what Beron would do when he realized that Briallyn was dead—and that Eris had been involved in some way. That fear hounded him through the night and as the sun rose he finally gave up on sleep and flew to the river manor to speak with Rhys.
Azriel walked through the grand entryway of the estate and swept his shadows out around him. He sensed the three of them in the nursery. His steps were quiet down the hall, and Rhys came out to meet him, his shields alerting him to Azriel’s arrival. Rhys tilted his head to indicate they could speak in his office and Azriel followed silently behind him.
“I take it you set Eris free, so to speak?” Rhys asked as he sat down. Azriel nodded. Rhys sighed deeply. “I suppose we should check in with him soon. Beron is surely pissed that Briallyn is dead. We need to find out what his next move is,” Rhys said, tiredly. Indeed, there were dark circles under his eyes, likely from getting up with Nyx at all hours of the night. “Give it a week, and then contact him again.” Azriel hesitated before voicing his thoughts.
“He seemed…concerned that Beron would learn of our alliance, that we were the ones to rescue him,” Azriel said. He’d been far more than concerned, but he didn’t want Rhys to think he cared either way. Rhys nodded solemnly.
“He’s right to worry. There’s very little chance Beron won’t find out. The question now is whether or not Eris will spin this to his advantage and throw us to the wolves in the process.” Azriel tried and failed not to scowl at the implication. He’d suggested the same to Eris’s face, but he knew they should have more faith in him. “Don’t worry, if he did betray us I give you full permission to finally tear him apart,” Rhys said mildly, misreading the expression on Azriel’s face as anger at Eris. “Perhaps Beron already has.” He shrugged, seemingly unconcerned at the thought of Eris being brutally murdered by his own father. Azriel’s stomach plummeted and he stared at Rhys in horror. His brother was too exhausted to notice as he blinked blearily against the morning light shining through the large window. 
“I’ll find out what he shared,” Azriel rasped. Rhys yawned, but then perked up and smiled widely.
“You’ll never guess what adorable thing Nyx did just last night,” Rhys began happily. Azriel sat in the chair before the desk and settled in to listen to Rhys gush over his newborn son. He tried to focus, to partake in Rhys’s joy, but his thoughts were consumed with worry for the red haired male he’d somehow grown to care for.
Next Chapter
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j0elmill3r · 1 year
That Girl Is a Monster
Pairing - None really, there's some Tommy Miller x Niece!Reader at the end
CW - Violence, Murder, it's implied heavily that the reader could be mentally ill, gore (please let me know if i missed any!)
Summary - Baby girl gets her promised revenge on behalf of her father, and god does she make it bloody.
Word Count - 1.4k
A/N - This is a pretty dark one, baby girl is simply ✨unhinged✨ in this. As always, feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
Joel Miller Masterlist
Your newfound obsession with getting revenge for your father's death was at this point concerning. You were hellbent on it, and would kill anyone who stood in the way of your long-term goal - Your uncle, Tommy, had noticed your recent bout of mood instability, and he knew it wasn't just grieving, as you had made it out to be. You never believed yourself to be a violent person. You had seen the animalistic and almost feral way your father could be when he wanted to be, you never thought you could ever feel as much anger as he did to make him act that way.
That was, until, you stumbled across the woman who had murdered your father in cold blood.
You limped your way through the facility, injured in your fight against who remained of the Washington Liberation Front - Consisting of those who you hadn't crossed paths with in your bloody quest for revenge; Even if it meant the deaths of Abby's ex-boyfriend Owen and his heavily pregnant girlfriend Mel and their unborn baby. You couldn't take any prisoners, what kind of example would you be setting if you did? You had everything taken from you - Your family, your childhood, your chance of a normal, happy life - What had you done in a past life to deserve this? To lose everything you'd ever known, only to be left with your uncle Tommy. You staggered up the metal stairs up to a platform, in which its beyond was the location of the very woman you had been hunting - As if she were your prey.
You had never experienced such anger as you did the moment you met eyes with Abby Anderson, if you didn't know any better, you would have sworn you saw a slither of remorse in the girl's eyes. She did, however, almost seem terrified by your heaving chest, an almost animalistic look of fury on your face. She picked up the knife which sat on the table beside her, arming herself as you charged towards her with a yell.
"I told you! I told you I'll fucking kill you!" You cried, tackling the girl to the floor with a thud, your chest continuing its heaving motion as you straddled the girl. Abby swiped her knife at you, and you cried out in pain as she cut along your arm, pushing you off of her as you yelped in pain. She groaned as she pushed herself up onto her feet, stalking over to you as you too got up onto your feet. "You're fucking dead, Anderson." You threatened her.
"Oh yeah?" She humoured you, chuckling as she shook her head at you. "You know what? You look like your dad, but I'm sure you'll look even more like him with a fucking crack in your skull." Abby charged at you, bending you backwards over the table behind you, her knife held at your face, stopped only by your struggling hands, holding the knife away from your face. You whimpered as you struggled, face to face with the girl who had so brutally killed your father. As Abby pressed further onto you, you grunted out as you pushed her away from you and onto the floor once more. Coughing from being winded as a result of being forcefully backed into the table, you held your wounded side, taking a running kick at Abby as she lay on the floor.
She cried out as your heavy boots collided with her face, once, and then twice - As you went in for the third kick, she shoved her knife into your calf, dragging it down as you screamed out in pain. You fell to the ground beside her, face to face once more. This was when you knew only one of you were getting out of this fight, and you would be damned if it wasn't you - You refused to have come all this way to avenge your father and lose.
"Why?" You asked her. You didn't know what had driven you to ask the question, but you wanted to know. Why did she take your dad away from you.
"Because. He killed my dad," Abby told you. Further anger boiled within you, fuelling your desire to inflict pain on the girl who lay beside you. Forgetting about your injuries and fuelled by pure adrenaline, you kicked Abby's knife away from her, stomping on her hand below you. Your chest continued to heave with your heavy breaths, your face void of emotion as you considered the most efficient way to hurt Abby - Your inner self knew that this wasn't you, that there was something dangerously wrong with you for wanting to inflict so much pain on one person; You knew that if little you saw what you were doing, she would be terrified, you now the kind of person that you needed your dad to protect you from.
But now your dad was no longer here, you realised that this, this is what you had to do to survive.
You staggered over to where you had kicked Abby's knife, picking it up and inspecting it carefully as you held the weapon in your hands. You stopped in your tracks as you looked down to realise Abby was no longer where she had been laying, but she left you no time to consider her whereabouts before jumping onto your back. You cried out as she held a wire to your throat, pulling on it tightly to cut off your airways. You struggled as you clawed at your neck to try and release the wire, but it done no good and you continued to struggle and gasp for air until you remembered the knife in your hand, quickly stabbing it into Abby's thigh and running backwards into a wall as she let go of the wire which she had held against your neck tightly. She fell to the floor with a grunt, and you turned quickly, kicking her in the face once again.
"I warned you, even before you killed my dad, that I would kill you," You knelt down beside Abby, who grabbed at her bleeding thigh. "And you still didn't listen, even with a pre-warning." You gave her no time to react before you stabbed her in the chest with her own knife, listening as she groaned and then gasped, you took the knife out. Stabbed her.
Take the knife out.
Knife out.
Knife. Out.
It became a steady pattern, even as Abby bled out, already dead. You repeatedly stabbed the girl, taking out all of your pent up anger and sadness on her, her blood coating your hands and clothes. You didn't notice your uncle enter the room, him stopping as he took in the sight in front of him - You were covered in blood, both laughing and crying hysterically.
"Y/N," He couldn't lie, he was terrified of you and what you could do to him as he watched you continually stab the body under you. "Y/N!" He pulled you off of Abby's lifeless body, grabbing the offending weapon from your tight grasp and throwing it across the room away from you.
"I told her! I fucking told her Tommy!" You screamed, struggling in your uncle’s tight hold. "I warned her! Now she knows! I killed her and I showed her!" You were hysterical as you yelled, leaving Tommy with the only option of knocking you out so he could get you out of the building and somewhere safe where he could tend to your injuries. He couldn't help but think about how Joel would react to how you had acted - Violent and almost animalistic in your attacks towards the girl who had taken him from you.
He also thought of the promise he'd made with Joel - If anything happened to him, Tommy would look after you, no matter how old you were, you would always need someone. And Tommy intended to keep his promise to his brother.
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voraciousvore · 1 month
Giganterra (Chapter 20)
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Prologue/ TOC | Previous (19) | Next (21)
Content Warning: soft, safe unwilling vore; vulgar language
Word Count: 2.8k
------ Chapter 20: Lobster Dinner ------
Bucky loved to boil lobsters. He’d just procured some fresh seafood from the market, and he was elated to cook it for dinner. He heated up a big vat of water until it bubbled and grabbed one of the monstrous crustaceans from the tank. He observed the creature rotating its claws and legs uselessly before dropping it into the searing water. The lobster screamed and thrashed as the water hissed, frothed, splashed, and emitted a billowing cloud of steam. Bucky grinned. 
“Gore!” he shouted over the screeching noise. “Get over here!” 
“What NOW?! I’m BUSY!” the redheaded chef yelled back from across the room. He was hunched over, mincing garlic and green onion with aggressive knife chops. Bucky lumbered over when Gore refused to come to him and slapped the distracted chef hard on the ass. 
Gore jumped and spun around with rage, brandishing the knife. “What the hell, Bucky?! I almost sliced my finger off!” He jabbed the knife towards Bucky in a threatening gesture, but his face was as red as his beard.  
Bucky belted out a guffaw that made his belly jiggle like a tub of jello. “You would’ve deserved it for not listening to me, you fat fuck,” he declared. “I need you to cook these lobsters.” 
“Yeah, sure,” Gore grumbled, slashing the knife through the air once more before stabbing it into the wooden cutting board and shouldering his way past his boss. Bucky reared his hand up, ready to swat his butt a second time, but Gore spotted him through his peripherals and swung around in a flash. 
“Don’t you dare!” he snarled, shaking his fist and continuing to blush furiously. Bucky cackled. 
“Where in the hell is Chef Cruor? CRUOR!!” Bucky bellowed, searching the kitchen. He found the weary chef over in the corner, huddled over something. “Cruor! You slacker! What are you doing now?” 
Cruor turned around quickly, flustered. “N-nothing important, why?” He had one hand braced on the counter, and the other behind his back, as if he were concealing a shameful secret. 
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “What are you hiding there, Cruor?” 
“I’m not hiding anything,” Cruor answered, but he didn’t move a muscle. When Bucky circled around him to see, Cruor tensed up. 
“What’s this? A jar?” Bucky wrenched the jar away from the other giant, who seemed upset but didn’t protest. Bucky squinted to see the tiny denizen inside. Addison was plastered against the glass wall away from his face, hyperventilating. “A human?” 
“That’s the underweight human that King Richard ordered us to fatten up,” Cruor explained swiftly. “I was just feeding her extra, so she’ll be back to full health faster.” He bit his lip. 
Bucky gave him a long look. “Alright, Cruor. But I need you to fix up the risotto already. Quit dawdling; dinner approaches!” 
“Of course, right away. Um…” Cruor reached his hands out for the jar, flexing his fingers. Bucky carelessly shoved the jar back into his grasp and strode off. Cruor cringed as he heard a plink against the glass from Addison being flung forcefully into the side. Once he was sure his boss was out of earshot, he raised the jar up to his face to check on her. 
“I’m sorry about that, little one,” he murmured, quiet enough for no other giants to overhear him. “Are you hurt?” He exhaled with relief when he saw the tiny woman shake her head. “I have to work, but I’ll be back later before the end of my shift, okay?” He smiled before carefully returning the jar to its spot on the shelf, placing some other odds and ends in front of it to obscure her from sight. He didn’t want any of the other chefs messing with her. 
The fatigue drained back into Cruor’s body once he was away from Addison. He made the risotto like Bucky ordered. He plated three servings, accompanied by Gore’s lobsters and fresh salad. Cruor made sure to leave an inconspicuous glob of risotto in the pot for Addison. The last ingredients for royal consumption would be the humans, one for each dinner. Cruor chose Iris, since he knew she wouldn’t raise a fuss, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with any nonsense. He tucked her into the salad, drizzling her with a light dressing for extra flavor. She stared vacantly into the distance with glassy eyes. 
Gore grabbed up Eren, who clawed and bit at his fingers and screeched like a banshee. Gore ignored her ruckus, and tried to bury her in the risotto, but she kept digging her way out and throwing globs of the creamy rice at him. A vein popped out on his temple as the giant waxed in wrath. 
“Quit that!” he snapped. He squeezed her hard between his fingers, making her gasp in pain, and pinched her midsection in one of the lobster claws. She cursed and flailed, but the claw pinned her to the plate. The crusty appendage was too heavy for her to push apart or lift. After a moment of thought, Gore took a few grains of rice and stuffed them into her mouth to shut her up. The rice was so thick that she struggled to spit it out or chew it. He cut off a thread of the twine used to tie the lobster claws shut and wrapped it around her head as a makeshift gag, then secured her arms to her sides. 
Jackie watched Eren fight and understood that struggle was pointless. She involuntarily cried out when Cruor picked her up, despite how gentle he was with his fingers, but did not resist. He planted her into the salad and dressed her with vinaigrette. Then, each human was supplied with a drop of the anti-digestion potion. With the food ready, a servant whisked away the plate and carried it to the dining room. Jackie’s heart was thumping fast in her chest as she bounced in the salad, tossed alongside gigantic chunks of tomatoes big enough to sit in like chairs, croutons as wide as tables, and tablecloths of lettuce: a full dining set of salad. 
Besides the sound of Eren’s muffled swearing, Jackie became aware of heavy breathing above her. She craned her head back, and her heart spasmed as she beheld Chester leering over her, devouring her desperately with his eyes. She whipped around with a shudder, trying to ignore the massive, creepy predator leaning over her. He wouldn’t snatch her up and eat her, right? She was intended for… someone else. Jackie thought of the king and felt like vomiting. Chester was bad enough, but the king was far worse. 
The plates were brought into the dining room, where the giant royal family members were sitting in a strained silence. Jackie’s heart and stomach sank into her intestines as her plate was set in front of King Richard, who flashed his huge teeth in a grotesque grin. Jackie froze up under his gaze, too scared to even scream. The giant man licked his lips hungrily. 
Iris was given to Bianca; neither of them had much of a reaction, since even Bianca seemed glazed and distant, her mind focused on other matters. Eren was presented to Ronny, who looked down at the wriggling human with disdain. She bucked against her bonds and punched and shoved at the lobster claw, still incapable of dislodging it. She gnashed her jaws against the overflowing mouthful of rice to get rid of the gag. She glared daggers at Chester when he came over and sampled Ronny’s food to check for poison. Chester moved on to Bianca’s plate, clearing her dinner for consumption before going to the head of the table. 
Chester lingered on the king’s dinner. He slurped up his excess spit and labored to control his urges as he bent down over Jackie, drinking in her tantalizing aroma, her pristine features and figure. He was sorely tempted to scoop her up in his mouth, or tell the king she was contaminated with poison and spirit her away, but he knew those foolish actions would not be without consequences. He found an excuse to gently graze her with his finger as he took a small portion from each part of the meal. A shade of pink tinted his cheeks, despite his best efforts to repress his feelings. Jackie stared up at his vast face with a combination of fear and curiosity as she noted his reaction. 
“Chester, is there a problem with the food?” King Richard questioned, a sharp edge of impatience in his tone. He was hungry.  
“No, it’s fine,” Chester replied, stepping back from the table and hiding his face so Hardon wouldn’t spot him blushing. Ajax glowered at Chester darkly. Chester turned away and excused himself from the dining room. 
Eren finally managed to choke down the risotto stopping up her mouth and shifted the twine off her face. “Go fuck yourself, you filthy brute!” she screamed up at Ronny. “You giants are vile! You disgust me! You should be ashamed of yourselves for hurting innocents!” 
Ronny’s eyebrows twitched downward with irritation. “Take that back, you insolent little worm,” he growled. 
“Never! Rot in hell, bastard child! Your parents should be ashamed of you! You’re a pathetic excuse for a man!”  
Ronny’s dark eyes flashed. “I’m going to make you pay for that.” He picked up his lobster cracker tool and inserted the claw that Eren was trapped in between the metal jaws. He crushed the exoskeleton with an earsplitting crack that made Eren blanch. The heavy claw she’d been struggling with was demolished with a simple squeeze of the prince’s hand. He maneuvered the cracker around her body, so her ribcage was pinned precariously between the jagged metal teeth. 
“That will be your bones cracking next if you open your mouth again,” Ronny snarled. Eren gaped, unable to speak as terror overwhelmed her. She realized the giant prince was deathly serious. He would kill her without remorse, just because she annoyed him. She closed her mouth and clenched her teeth. She had a fighting spirit, but not a death wish. 
Ronny took his lobster fork and cut through the twine around her arms. He pulled her out of the claw, dangled her over his open mouth, and dropped her inside. He rolled her over with his tongue, appreciating her continued efforts to struggle despite her fear. She had a rich, meaty flavor that paired well with the garlic butter on the lobster. He swallowed her and sighed as he felt her tiny wiggling body drop into his stomach. 
King Richard didn’t comment, but smiled with approval as he watched his son torment the tiny being on his plate. Perhaps his plan was working after all, and his son would harden his heart to become fit to rule Giganterra. He directed his attention to Bianca, who was stirring her risotto absently with her fork and eating small bites. 
“What’s going on, Bianca? You've hardly touched your dinner, and you haven’t eaten your human.” 
She snapped out of her daze. “Oh! Um... I ate all three of my men earlier, so my stomach’s a little upset from having them all moving around in there,” she lied. In reality, she felt guilty about hurting and eating Gio earlier, and she was going through a mental crisis, but she didn’t want to admit that to her father. 
King Richard accepted her words at face value, but Ronny watched her with his dark eyes pensively. He could tell she wasn’t telling the truth, and something was troubling her. He wondered if her mood had something to do with that odd question she asked of him earlier, about talking to his human. He brushed off the uncomfortable feeling and resumed his dinner. He was only speculating, after all, and he didn’t really care about his vapid sister’s feelings anyway. She was probably just moping over something stupid and shallow, as usual. 
King Richard hadn’t eaten Jackie yet. He was dragging out the moment, thoroughly enjoying her terror as he shredded his lobster. He cracked the joints with deliberate force and tore apart the meat with the lobster fork, maintaining eye contact with her the entire time, as if scaring her would tenderize her for increased flavor. Once his appetite was sufficiently whetted, he nudged her onto his fork and raised her up to his lips. Jackie clung to the fork for dear life, transfixed by the huge maw that opened before her, the tongue beckoning her inside.  
She only had a moment to contemplate the horror before she was thrust onto the wet slab of meat. The jaws slammed shut, clicking the teeth together, and tongue rolled beneath her and curled around her. She whimpered with misery as she was drenched in saliva, thrown around inside the giant mouth, and caressed on every inch of her skin, unable to resist the superior force of the muscular tongue. The yawning gullet flexed around her as she was rammed inside headfirst and plunged down the throat. 
Jackie was helpless as she journeyed down the long, cramped esophagus, with her arms smashed to her sides. She could barely even paddle her legs, with the meat walls tightening around her. The incandescence from her skin, caused by the magic potion, illuminated the slick, suffocating walls around her, so she could see her descent down the internal chasm and the regular pulsing of the living walls. The heat was sweltering, and the air stifling, particularly as she got closer to the stomach below and inhaled the burning fumes. She was finally pushed through via powerful muscular contractions and flopped into the acid pit below, floundering and gasping. 
Jackie took several minutes to recover from the excruciating ordeal of being swallowed. She stared numbly at the churning flesh walls, rocked in the rippling pool of disintegrating lobster and risotto, which were transformed into unrecognizable mush. Before long, over the sound of the splashing, gurgling, booming, and whooshing of the giant organs, Jackie became dimly aware of echoing sobs inside the chamber. She looked around with bewilderment, realizing she was not alone, only to find that Candy was curled up in the folds of stomach lining, bawling her eyes out. 
“Oh, Candy, you poor girl! How long have you been in here?” Jackie called to her, sloshing through the muck to reach her. 
“H-h-hours,” Candy blubbered. “I-I tried to do everything I could to placate the king, but he got hungry and decided to eat me anyways.” She sniffled pathetically and attempted to wipe her eyes, despite being soaked in fluid. 
“I’m so sorry, Candy,” Jackie murmured. She hated to see the formerly cheerful girl so downtrodden. She wrapped her arms around Candy in a hug to comfort her. 
“I should’ve never come here,” Candy lamented. “I was just so lonely. I thought that handsome giant knight would take me before we got to the castle—I sincerely believed we were fated to each other—b-b-but he didn’t even want to touch me... he just abandoned me...” She cried harder, burying her face into Jackie’s shoulder. “I can’t take this anymore!” 
Jackie squeezed her tighter, but inside she felt a cold chill. Her own situation was abysmal enough, but she couldn’t imagine the hell that Candy was going through, as a favorite of the king. Being forced to always be with him, a slave to his every whim and lustful thought... she shivered. She couldn’t stand to see the innocent girl’s suffering, just as she couldn’t stand to see Iris as a living corpse. 
“Don’t worry, Candy, we’ll get you out of this somehow,” she assured her, stroking her dirty wet hair. “We’ll find a way...” She didn’t have any confidence in her words as she ruminated over their dismal circumstances. What could she possibly do? How could she stop any of the abuse, when she was so small and powerless? She thought back to the words of the human king, when he tasked them with assassinating the giant king, and perceived how hollow those words were, when the humans had no power to resist. 
The cogs in her mind turned endlessly, as tireless as the rhythmic movements of the stomach interior from digesting the giant king’s dinner. Candy continued to sob in her arms, lacerating her heart with fresh wounds. Jackie knew she couldn’t do anything on her own. She would need help. 
Help. But who would possibly help her? What giant would even bother to listen to her, much less take an interest in what she had to say? King Charles did say to exploit any weaknesses and use any influence the humans could garner to accomplish their goal. Jackie’s innards somersaulted and weakness entered her knees as the answer slowly dawned on her, as terrifying and repulsive as it was. 
Chapter 21
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