#and they stand so close and hang over reach other so comfortably GAHHH I LOVE THEM
comradekiwi · 1 year
the thing is. the thing is I never see platonic physical intimacy/affection in shounen to the degree that I want to see it, like sustained hugs and cuddling and constant casual skinship, so power and denji’s sibling-level comfort with each other is so, so affirming to me. I adore it. and (manga spoilers) when power becomes that clingy with denji and denji allows it, cares for her bc he loves her she’s his family, it was everything to me. just hanging off each other (which they already did to an extent already!!!! i love this manga!!!!!) and denji even explicitly says it doesn’t feel sexual or “naughty,” and ik the context for why they were like that is god awful but honestly I was wary at first expecting it to still turn into female objectification AND THEN IT DIDNT. IT STAYED AUTHENTIC AND HANDLED WITH LOVE AND CARE. it remained a genuine, actual friendship between a male character (protag at that!!) and a female character (lead female too!!!). GAHHHH I LOVE M/F FRIENDSHIPS THAT ARE STRONG, FULLY PLATONIC, DEVELOPED, FICTIONAL M/M LEVEL FRIENDSHIPS GRAHHHHH it truly lets a story explore the sheer depth and value of nonromantic relationships. and I think chainsaw man does a lot with that theme anyway so yeah. yeah this is a great manga
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
I'm not sure do you want to write it, because it's a little bit connected with wet dreams of RFA and Saeran's fic when he spies on MC's phone call, but maybe you want to write a request where RFA+V+Saeran and MC not together, but are very close, and s\o overhears how MC tells her friend about a certain nsfw fantasy about them and try to fulfill it. Btw, I love your works! You are amazing!
Wet dreams again! And with this one, the “wet dreams” trilogy is now complete! I did this one as mini-fics to celebrate, LOL (not really, I just got carried away as usual)
RFA + Saeran and V overhearing MC talking about her wet dreams with them (NSFW-ish?)
“Ah, MC!Come on, you don’t have to blush so much! You know you’re probably not the onlygirl in this country that had wet dreams about Zen, right?”
“I know…but it’s different.  I’m not just hisfan, I’m his friend. And he was a fucking butler, for fuck’s sake!”
“So what?You have a thing for butlers. Big news: we all do after watching Kuroshitsuji.”
“Yeah, and my mind keepsplaying a hentai version of it. With Zen! And… less wet, you know how hentaisare all wet and the censored version shows a girl being fucked by a bunch ofpixels? Yeah… my dream was nothing like that.”
“Oh… no pixels? So how…how did it look?”
“Perfect… just like him…”you sigh and chug the rest of your beer, watching as she laughs and says you’rea dirty little bitch, and that’s why she loves you.
Zen feels… oddlyembarrassed. His fans have no chill in talking how handsome and sexy he is, andhow he is always in their dreams, but you’re right, you’re not just a fan, you’rehis friend. And though you never really hid you think he’s attractive, you nevertold him you think he’s perfect, that his… dick… is perfect! Oh my… so much informationto deal! He was just trying to find you two in this after party with some ofhis colleague actors, and here are the things he found out: hentais are all wet,girl talk is kinda funny, girl talk makes him feel oddly shy when he happens tobe the subject of it, you think he’s perfect. He and his perfect dick servingyou in your dreams… oh, dreams are such powerful happenings, aren’t they? Hehas psychic dreams once in a while… what about you?
“Hey, I finally found youtwo, ladies. Ready to go home?” he tries to act casually, but he’s seeing youon a whole different light.
“Yeah, let’s go. It’skinda late.” Your friend says, getting up of her chair. “Oh, but let me justfangirl a little over that guy who played salesman #2. I’ll… meet you guysoutside.” She doesn’t even give you time to say anything and just vanish out ofthere.
“Enjoying the party,babe?” oh… even calling you ‘babe’ feels differently now. What did he call youin your dream? Madam?
“Yeah, it’s been great,Zen! Thanks for letting us crash into this party, the musical was… fabulous,you’re so talented.”
“Thanks. Here, let mehelp you with your coat.”
“Oh, no need to, I’mfine.”
“Come on, it’s a pleasureto service you.” Your eyes widen as you look away. Oh… he had no idea hislittle tease would make him feel as aroused as you. “Anything else I can do foryou?”
“N-no, I’m fine. Let’sget my friend before she ‘accidentally trips and falls into some of yourcolleagues arms.” He chuckles at your attempt of brushing it out whatever wildthoughts your mind is going through. What wouldn’t he give to hear them all?
You let your friend ather place and then he walks you to yours. Somehow you managed to go back to yourusual, funny, bubbly self. You two stop at the door of your building.
“Thanks for the night,Zen.”
“My pleasure.” He bowsbefore you, smirking as he sees you pressing your legs against each other. “So,  what about joining me tomorrow night to helpme practice my lines? I think you’ll really like this new project.”
“Sure! I would love to!Who will you play?”
“A butler.” He saysbluntly, trying not to laugh at your eyes blinking non-stop and your half ajarmouth, your reaction is…ugh, perfect. “Good night, babe. Have sweet dreams.”
Your answer comes outalmost in a whisper. And as he starts walking, hearing you go inside yourbuilding, he sighs in amusement. Your friend loves you because you’re a ‘dirtylittle bitch’ and he loves you because… wait! He loves you?
“You should be ashamed ofyourself for thinking such impure thoughts about such a cinnamon roll, MC!”
“Don’t you think I don’tknow that? Ugh… he’s really cute, isn’t it?” you sigh “But you know what’scuter? His balls that I shamelessly sucked in that dream!” you two laughmischievously.
“Well, you’re soaltruistic even in your fantasies, aren’t you? Giving blowjobs instead ofgetting eaten, I mean…”
“Well, you’ve met him,haven’t you? He’s so shy, I think a blowjob would really make him loosen up. Hewas definitely not shy in my dream, you know?”
“Bet he whined like apuppy.”
“Girl, no! He wasgroaning, and trust me… it was hot!”
Shit shit shit! Yoosungshould have stopped listening to this when he heard “balls”. And yet, he keptstanding there behind the bathroom door as you and your friend walked to thehallway of the house she was throwing a little get together. He felt so specialabout her inviting him, since he was one of your closest friends by now. Well,as close as you two are now, it will never be close enough like you and hertalking about such… intimate things like you’re discussing this new color ofnail polish or… other stuff women talk about that he doesn’t really understand.And though he appreciates it the hint of concern and desire of him looseningup, your methods are… gahhhh! His face is all hot! Hot… like his groans in yourdream? No! What is he thinking? This is so naughty, Yoosung!
“Hey, MC…” he does hisbest to not show you his embarrassment as he goes to you a little later, atleast not too much embarrassment.
“Are you okay? You lookso red… you don’t have a fever, do you?” your friend asks, trying to reach hisforehead, which makes him even redder. “Oh, poor thing!  Hey, there’s a thermometer in the first aidkit in the kitchen, why don’t you pick it? MC will help you.” He looks at you,and… well, it would be impossible for you to get more flustered as him, but…you looked pretty embarrassed… which made him feel a little relieved and veryaroused.
“Sorry for the trouble,MC. I… don’t really wanna feel like a burden to you or your friend.”
“Nonsense! If you’resick, I need to help you and make sure you’re feeling ok.” Helping him… makinghim feel ok… gahhh! How come everything you say takes him immediately to theconversation he overheard?
“See? No fever! I toldyou I was fine, no need to worry! Now let’s go back to the party!” he says,yes, he’ll definitely shake these naughty thoughts if it isn’t just the two ofyou.
“Are you sure? Or we canjust go, you know?”
“Ah, now that I wasstarting to loosen up?” oops! It slips from his mouth before he even realizes.But your shy smile is so worthy… “I mean… I mean… I…”
“You’re right. Let’s go.”You turn your back on him. So he won’t see you blushing, maybe?
And he did loosen up,making you and your friend really delighted. At the end, people were sad for seeingyou two calling it a night and he saying goodbye to walk you home.
“Did you have fun,Yoosung?” you ask when you two stop by the door of your building.
“Yes! I gotta say, yourfriends are… really handful at first, but then I got more comfortable and hadso much fun. Thanks for the night, MC!”
“Oh, I should thank youfor joining me, I know they can be really loud and… hard to deal if you’re shyand…”
“Oh, you should know thatI’m not really that shy…” well, he is. But he needed seeing your cute flusteredsmile at least one more time before he leaves.
So worth it! Looseningup, getting less shy, making you smile… he loves how much he’s changing becauseof you, he loves… you?
“Never would’ve took youas a boob girl, MC! I was so sure you were more the ass type…”
“Girl, I thought I was,but… her breasts are just… beautiful. I feel like a horny dude by thinking somuch of them to the point of dreaming about them, but… they are beautiful,especially from the angle I was seeing in that dream, you know?”
“Well, they are prettybig, I’m almost jealous…”
“I wish I was jealous, allI can think about is how warm and smooth it must be…just like her whole skin…and I seriously need to stop talking like a creepy guy, don’t I?”
“Well, you lose a littlebit of prudence when you get a crush that big…”
“Ugh, my crush is bigger…bigger than her boobs…” you mutter shyly as your friend tells you’re fuckinghopeless.
Well, this isembarrassing, to say the least. She knew you were slightly different when youhang with your best friend, but this is on a whole another level, she wondersif your friendship with her will ever get to the point of sharing such personalthoughts. Oh… she’s not sure if she’ll ever feel like talking about her eroticdreams… have she ever even had one? No, that one with Zen wasn’t really erotic,oh, but she remembers waking up one night really sweaty… she doesn’t recallmuch, but it was a dream about you… Oh… is talking about wet dreams a normalthing between girlfriends? How will she ever talk about them with her closestfriends if the dream was about the closest friend? Her closest friend has beendreaming about her, about her… boobs. Do they really look that great?
“Hi! I decided to touchup my makeup too.” She says stepping to the bathroom of the bar that youinsisted on bringing your two best friends.
“Oh, great! Here, you canborrow my lipstick. This bitch here will tell you to watch out for herpes, butdon’t mind her, she’s just jealous of my pursing lips.” You roll your eyes andlaugh, making them both chuckle. “I should get going, somebody needs to watchour table, see ya girls in a minute.” She walks out of there humming loudly.
“I’m sorry, she’s just… Ihope she’s not making you embarrassed or anything…” oh, nothing is moreembarrassing than you liking her boobs. What do you like them beside theirsize?
“It’s okay, MC. I’mhaving lots of fun!”
“Oh, I know the name ofthis fun, it’s marguerita, right?” you two laugh as look at the mirror,adjusting yourselves. “Ugh, I’m so tipsy I think I’ll smudge this lipstickbefore I even put it on.”
“Oh, let me help you.” Shepromptly goes to you, holding your shoulders for you to face her. So close…like you were in that dream of hers. Yes, her boobs are pretty big, aren’tthey? You’re not that close and they are almost touching yours, yep, younoticed that too as you quickly glanced down and cleared your throat, facingher again.
“You know what? It’s… it’sfine. I mean, I’ll drink more, so I don’t really need lipstick.” You say,backing away. “Let’s go back before that bitch drinks all the beer!”
And it was so much fun! Itwas so good to be around other women like that, it feels even more specialbecause she never had that before. It’s new, and it’s unpredictable and itmakes her feel like… well, like a woman again. She couldn’t stop feeling thiseven when you called it a night and offered to walk her to her place.
“Are you sure you’re notthe one who needs help to get home, MC?” she asks when you two arrive at herplace.
“Yeah, I’m okay! All thatfun I drank it’s no match for me!” is she a match for you? Wait, what? “Anyway,I should get going, I can’t wait to get home, these shoes are killing me, anddon’t even get me started in this bra!”
“Yeah… I can’t wait totake mine off too…” she feels her face heating up as she notices you basicallystaring at her cleavage.  But herembarrassment turns into amusement as she watches you shaking your head aftersaying goodbye. Ohoho…if you could, you would definitely slap yourself rightnow, wouldn’t you?
She looks to her boobswhen she goes inside her place, chuckling. How could you make her feel so goodabout this part of her body that made her feel so self-conscious for so long?Yeah, you make her feel like a woman, and you know what? Your breasts aren’tbad either… just another great part of you that she… loves?
“Aren’t you a little oldfor school fantasies, girl?”
“Well, he could be aprofessor in university. It’s not like it would be less hot anyway…”
“Were you wearing a pleatedskirt and piggytails?”
“Girl, no! Jumin is aclassy man, I would never have a wet dream about him that could be a video youcan see on Redtube!”
“Oh, so you’re saying hespanked you with a rule, then fucked you over a desk and called you ‘hisnaughty girl’, but with class?”
“Yes, that’s exactly whatI’m saying. He does everything elegantly… even, you know, cumming on mybreasts.” You both chuckle.
Well, uhm… this wasn’t avery elegant conversation, and it definitely wasn’t elegant of him to keeplistening it, even if he was the topic. Well, not him per say, a… professorversion of him? How did you even come up with that? He never even considered acareer in the teaching field… your imagination really is… quite something. Howwould this work? You were a student of his? Oh, but that would be reallyunprofessional… he asking you to meet him after class, he needed to go overyour last essay and how disappointed he was because he knew you have so muchpotential and can do such a better job. And you would tell him you’re reallysorry, because his opinion really matters to you and you’ll do anything toprove you’re worth of his trust. Anything?
“Oh, there you are!” hesays, walking into the balcony you and your friend were talking in this partyat his dad’s house. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Of course not! Actually,I… I feel like I’m interrupting something, I should… taste a little caviar. Youtwo… get along, will you?” you roll your eyes and he smiles softly. She’s sounsubtle even he can see what she’s trying to do.
“How can you interruptsomething you’ve been doing from the beginning? I’m sorry, Jumin, I have noidea what I was thinking when I told she could come over.”
“She is funny, and she isyour friend. Any friend of yours is mine too, MC. How long have you beenfriends, again?”
“Oh, we went to the samecollege.”  Oh… more school talk?
“I would love to have metyou in college, it would have been priceless.” Oh, you’re looking so intentlyat him… what if he teases you a little? “Even though you would probably avoidme, most colleagues would mistake me as a professor.”
“I… don’t think I would avoidyou.” Oh… not the reaction he was expecting, to be honest.
“Well, I’m pleased toknow that. Let’s go back to the party, shall we?” yeah, he got  a little frustrated you didn’t really getflustered. He’s always amused by your flustered face…
He kept thinking aboutthis even after Driver Kim let your friend at her place and now that you twowere alone in his car. Actually, he would like to know what you were thinking. Italmost sounded like you were trying to tease him as well back then. Did he… didhe get flustered? Probably not, if he did, you would giggle and tell him he iscute, like you usually do. Oh yeah, just remembering makes him feel… well,flustered.
“Well, this is where Istay. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Don’t mention it. Thepleasure was all mine. Did you have fun?”
“I did! I was so worriedbecause everything was so fancy and… elegant, but I…”
“You’ll get used to elegance,it would be a privilege to teach you all about elegance from now on, if youallow me to be your teacher, of course.” There it is… your lovely blushingface.
You say a quick goodbyebefore getting off the car and almost running to your house. Ahh, you neverfail to amuse him, do you? He just loves you so much and… oh…
“So, just to make itclear, he would be the one to crossdress, or did you crossdress as a guy too?”
“No, he was the onecrossdressing. And let me tell you, what a hot girl/boy he is. I was almostsexually confused.”
“Yeah, a guy wearing yourpanties and a cat maid outfit while he fucks you? That can be confusing.”
“You say that because youdon’t know how hot he looks in a dress. He looks… he looks even better than us…”
“Nah, you’re just blindedby your crush, I suppose.”
“Yeah… and very sexuallyconfused.” You two laugh and keep talking about guys wearing panties and howhot this is, you kinky little perverts.
Saeyoung accidentallylistened to that phone call as he was checking a little bug in your phone, asyou requested him to do so. Of course he didn’t need to listen to your privateconversations, but he listened his name, crush, maid outfit and wet dream and…well, he couldn’t stop it.  It was wrong,but why did it feel so right? Like most of his feelings for you, to be honest…oh, if you only knew that there was nothing to feel embarrassed, because… well,he had even filthier dreams with you… no, but he could never tell you that, he’snot a girlfriend with who you can open up to and tell your deepest fantasiesand desires. What if he disguised as a woman and tried to get friends with you?Oh… but if you’re so kinky for his crossdressing, you two would end up morethan friends, huh? Lol
He called you because…well, just because. And watched as you jumped when you saw his name on thescreen of your phone. “I’ll call you later, girl.”
“Oh… your littlegirlfriend is on the other line, right? Don’t worry, I won’t be a third wheel.Talk to you later!”
“Hey, Saeyoung, what’sup?” Oh, after that conversation? There is something definitely up with him…
“Just calling to let youknow I’m still trying to fix the bug on your phone remotely, but if it gets tootough, I’ll probably need to go to your place and fix it personally.”
“My place? Ugh… let meknow so I can clean it up before, it’s a mess!”
“Or I can come over andclean for you? Like a good maid?” he listens to you gulping lightly. Ohoho hegot you good, huh? Well, he would like to get you, you know?
And much to yoursurprise, he did show up at your place. He considered showing up as a maid, but…maybe he wouldn’t be able to resist to your lustful eyes when you would spothim standing at the door. So… nah, he would be the only one struggling toresist you, he was pretty good at it.
“Hello, miss. Did yourequest my services?”
“I did. But no uniform?Ugh… such an unprofessional maid!”
“Oh please, forgive me,madam. Shall I change right away?” he says taking off his hoodie and making amotion to his bag so you’ll think he actually brought the costume.
“Or maybe you can workwith no clothes on?” you smirk, and he immediately stops, blushing. You look athim and start laughing. “Come in, stupid, I’ll make some popcorn for us.”
And as he joins you inthe couch to eat that popcorn and find something for you to watch, he can’thelp feeling… happy. Yeah, sexual fantasies are fun, but his innocent fantasiesabout you are so much better, and he’s glad to make this one come true. Hewould love to make all of them come true, because he… he loves you.
“… and I mean, I know it’sbad, but I… I can’t keep an innocent vision about him getting ice cream afterthat dream, you know?”
“What flavor was the icecream?”
“I… I don’t know, it waspink, I… seriously? I just told you about how I dreamed about Saeran lickingice cream off my whole body, and you’re concerned about the flavor? What thefuck?”
“Hahaha, I’m just messingwith you. Don’t get so upset, I bet you don’t get mad when he messes with youlike that.”
“He never messes with me…unfortunately.”
“Awww, someone is feelinga little M, huh?”
M? What does that mean?Oh… his brother calls Yoosung an M sometimes, could it be…? Masochist? SHIT!What’s wrong with you girls? How can you talk about stuff like that soshamelessly? He feels like a nerve-wracking talking over the most trivial stuffwith you, and here you are vividly describing to your equally crazy friend howhe told you how yummy you are and how he would eat you all night, even whenthere was no ice cream anymore. Girls are insane! But still, it’s fun to seeyou so comfortable, he wishes you would get this comfortable around him and notbeing so worried about hurting his feelings. Okay, but don’t get toocomfortable… not like in your weird dream!
“Hey!” he says, walkingback from the bathroom and joining you two in the cafeteria’s table you invitedhim. He probably wouldn’t have accepted if he knew you had another guest, ugh…it’s still weird being around your crazy friends…
“Hi! So uhm…  I’m sorry if my presence here makes youuncomfortable, honey. MC said she was just very excited to introduce you to me,but I… I should get going. No hard feelings, okay? Take your time and don’tworry.” Ah great! Now he feels like a prick.
“Did I do somethingwrong?” he asks you as she walks away.
“Oh… no, not at all! Sheis just giving us some space, I mean… you, she’s giving you some space. Don’tworry, she thinks you’re really nice and sweet.”
“Sweet like ice cream?”he ask, more ou of curiosity than to actually tease you, but your nervous smileis just… priceless!
“Nah, you’re sweeter.”Shit! Now he’s blushing! Humph, he looks away grumpily, hating how you alwaysmanages to fluster him, somehow.
You two are walking tohis place when you spot this popsicle little store. And he is wondering if you’reteasing him. Nah, probably not, you just know he likes ice cream. You know himso well…
“I want anything that ispink.” He says, smirking. And you just nod, avoiding his gaze. Hahaha, cutedork!
He notices your quickglances at him as he runs his tongue along the popsicle. He feels so stupidtrying to be sexy, but at least you’re stupid enough to fall for it.
“Ahh, brain freeze!” yousay flinching slightly before starting to lick it again. He finds it funny howyou just complained about the bothering sensation and didn’t even hesitate to doit again, kinda like an…
“You’re just a little M,ain’t you?” you choke on the popsicle, which… makes him feel really aroused.
And as you walk him homeall flustered, he can’t stop smirking, he finally got the upper hand on thisflirting thing. He’s getting better and you’re allowing him on it, probablybecause you like him, and he… really likes you, he… probably even loves you.
“You’re such anarcissistic hoe, MC! Admit it!”
“No! It’s not aboutnarcissism! It’s about… body praising! He was praising my body by taking photosof it and my reactions to his dirty talking,”
“I seriously can’timagine that guy doing dirty talk, MC.”
“I can’t either… that’swhat makes it so sexy, you know?”
“You are… so dirty forcovering such an elegant man with your impure thoughts!”
“Ugh, I know… but I can’thelp it, he’s just… he’s just elegantly sexy, I guess…”
Sexy? You think he’s…sexy? Well, it’s not like he haven’t heard this before, but coming from youmakes it even harder to believe. He’s flattered, but he doesn’t feel like he’ssexy… oh, but the taking pics of your reactions while he talks dirty is verysexy, actually. Yeah… what would he say to you? “I love how your body shiversin anticipation for me.” “You’re so beautiful,I want to see everything, show meeverything, MC!” no, too formal… “You like this, don’t you? You like beingnaked as I watch you with my camera? Dirty girl…” okay, better… “I can’t waitto turn this camera off and go to you, your body is driving me crazy, I won’tbe able to control myself.” Okay… “I need to taste you, then make you beg forme to feel you, I’ll make you beg for my cock, my slutty little gi…” oh no, toomuch, and he would never call you a slut. Ugh… your friend is right, he reallysucks at this.
“Hello, ladies!” he sayswalking into the kitchen of your place, you and your friend were grabbing moresnacks for this little get together and he overheard this talk when he realizedhe needed to help you two. “Can I help you with that?”
“Oh, I’m good, but youcan help MC.” Your friend says, shoving the packages in your arms and runningout of there. He chuckles as you glare at her.
“You… really don’t have todo that, V. You’re a guest, don’t worry.”
“Oh, please allow me onhelping you being a good hostess, would you? It would be an honor…”
“Yeah, sure. I don’treall know how to say no to you.” You admit chuckling.
“Really now? So I supposeyou wouldn’t say no if I ask to take a picture of you?” oh… the dream… he didn’tmean it like that. It’s just… you look really beautiful under this light and…ahh, your blushing face is so adorable, it only makes him feel like taking alot of pictures! “I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself. Let me help you with this.”
And he keeps helping youbeing a good hostess for most of the night, some of your friends even remark onhow it looks like you two are a couple celebrating a little housewarming, whichmakes you both blush and delight at each other’s flustered expressions. Ofcourse he stayed to help you cleaning afterwards.
“It was a lovely party,MC. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Oh, I was really gladthat you came, you know? Even though it’s embarrassing, my house is such a messand my taste for decoration is so… all over the place!”
“I know… well, I supposethat’s just one of the things that makes you really sexy.” He quickly looksaway, not daring to stare at you and your reaction to his sudden boldness. “I…should get going, it’s getting late.
You nod and walk him tothe door. And as he looks at you to say goodbye, he finally sees yourexpression, and it is… breathtaking! Oh… he would love to get a pic of this! Hewould love to take pics of every single one of your reactions. For example, howwould you react if he ever confessed that he loves you?
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