#and they excuse kat for being messy by saying that’s just how she is when she should be called out on minding her damn biz
cloveroctobers · 2 years
Dear Suresh, Kat, Dana, Gaby and everybody in the villa that got something to say about the dead relationship between MC and Suresh:
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bobastar · 2 years
You Can’t Fix Me
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katsuki bakugou
TW: body dysmorphia, ED, degrading on body. Angst ):
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Everyday is the same with Bakugou. Skip breakfast, train everyday, overwork his body, eat only proteins and a small dinner. His mom monitoring what he eats, making sure his measurements either stay the same or get smaller. She doesn’t want his son, Katsuki Bakugou to gain weight, it’s embarrassing for the family— for the company, for her.
That’s why, whenever he takes you to restaurants he only orders a water with lemon. He never wanted you to know about his particular reason for not wanting to eat.
“The food here is shit, im better off making my own damn food.” His excuse every single time.
“Let’s go to my house and make something then.” You’d offer, but he’d only look away and shake his head.
You were getting worried about him, worried about the paleness and dizziness he’s been dealing with lately. For instance, during training today he was running to the highest peak of a mountain and suddenly you saw him wobbling down. You went over to him as quickly as you could.
“Im fine-! Goddamn, you act like I’m dead y/n.”, he would push you to the side, acting as if he didn’t just pass out.
“Bakugou talk to me”, you grabbed his arm pulling him to look at you. “What’s wrong?”, you felt so secluded from his feelings, you just wanted to help.
Bakugou was hesitant, he thought that if he told you why he hasn’t been feeling well, you would leave. You would be ashamed of him, just like his mom. He feared that you would think of him as a silly little boy who didn’t want to eat because he was scared of his body changing for the worse, and you would judge him for it.
“Leave it alone Y/n, im not kidding.” He brushed you off and swayed himself down the hill.
Gulping, you decided to find out why he wasn’t acting like himself.
__ __
Now, Katsuki is looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. His bruised skin, his sensitive bones making him want to punch the mirror. Why wasn’t he a good looking guy? Why did his body have to be so bulky, and not like Todorokis, slim. He hated him, and the rest of the boys in the class for being effortlessly perfect.
His arms not full of muscle, his jawline seeming to be too round, and his chest too big. He slammed his hand down on the counter, feeling worse and worse each day. What was he doing wrong? He didn’t eat much, he trained every single goddamn day. Why? Why doesn’t his mom like him the way he is, why doesn’t he like himself?
“Bakugou? Hunny?” You called from the other side of the door. Katsuki always wondered why you were even with him, he was rude, enclosed, and just not very bubbly like Kirishima or Kaminari.
“What?” He sighed heavily.
“When you’re ready, dinner is being served, okay?”, you hoped he would come out, and actually see him eat.
“Yeah whatever”, he hissed under his breath, as his finger grazed over an open scar.
“Kats..”, you bit your bottom lip nervously.
“What Y/n?”, his patience already running thin.
“You know I love you right?”, you waited for a response.
“Sure”, the only thing he could actually say at the moment. How could a person so pristine, can love him, if he himself hated everything about him.
“I’ll see you, okay?”, you sighed softly and went to the table.
Katsuki couldn’t think straight, his body sending mix signals. His bones aching every-time he moved. If only he were a normal kid, with a normal body, a normal perfect body. He would have to starve himself, and overwork his body.
If only his mom were satisfied with what she got.
Bakugou walked out of the bathroom and knocked on your dorm door.
With a quick swing, his body tensed as he saw your hair messy from sleeping. How long was he in the bathroom staring at his disgusting body?
“Oh..kats come in..”, you smiles slightly and let him inside letting Katsuki sit on your bed.
“So what’s up?”, you sat next to him, rubbing your eyes.
“Why..?” He sighed, not being able to form actual sentences.
“Why do you want to be with..me?”
“Because i-“
“Don’t give that bullshit Y/n, you don’t love me, you don’t know me. Im mean, aggressive, disgusting, horrible, my figure isn’t good as the rest of the boys in our class, you don’t love me Y/n.”, he was confused, his suddenly soft voice soon blasted around the room.
“That’s not true katsuki, i do.”
“Because love doesn’t have to have a reason. If you want one I’ll give you more than one though.”
“Go ahead Y/n, tell me lies.”
“they aren’t lies Bakugou! You may think you’re those things, but you’re not. You’re more than your body, more than your looks. I love you katsuki because i see things the rest of the world can’t, I’m able to feel better just by looking at you. Your protective spirit and mesmerizing character is there, i can notice them because I’m in love with you-“
His lip trembled as he pulled you for a hug, a well needed hug. His small whimpers and sniffles, being so vulnerable at the moment he didn’t care about what you might think. With what you said, Bakugou was sure he could act this way with you…you wouldn’t judge him.
Rubbing his back gently, you kissed his temple. Sniffling away as well, and wiping your tears on his shirt. “Thank you..”, he whispered softly.
You pulled away from the hug, kissing his tears. With a reassuring smile, he was encouraged to say what’s been on his mind.
“My mom..noticed me putting on weight. Ever since i was little she would mention my body, how when she would tailor my suits they would be too big for my age. Since then I’ve been haunted with the threat of hurting the company name, being able to say that her son is a great example for the stupid business. The old hag would make me feel so fucking worse about my body, i wouldn’t eat. And a couple months ago she’s been nagging me again, telling me how you and the rest of the world won’t love me if i gained weight.” He sighed shakily, catching his breath.
“I dont wanna be me anymore Y/n, everything about me is so fucking wrong.”
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yelenasdog · 3 years
moving out, moving on (mitch rapp x fem reader)
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genre: fluff
summary: mitch and reader are taking another step towards mitch moving on, and it’s bittersweet.
words: 2.2k
warnings: drinking wine, kinda suggestive at times, talks abt katrina, mitch being emotional, my writing being melodramatic LOL
a/n: so. this was written during an all nighter that went to 7 am where i was listening to nicki minaj and eminem (???) for a good duration of it so. i’m very sorry if this is wonky at times! i hope u enjoy either way! mwah 
The early morning rays streamed through thin fabric, draped above the assassin's window. Dust particles floated about, becoming visible within the section of light cast from the sun. The birds perched outside the small apartment tweeted happily from their branch, their songs beautiful. 
Though, they were quite pesterous to the pair that lay together, wrapped in gray sheets. They reveled in the heat provided by the soft blanket, but even more so by the warmth from their joint bodies.
A mop of dark brown hair stirred, bringing one hand up to softly rub his eyes with his knuckle, the other hand snaking around the waist of the woman peacefully sleeping beside him. He watched with fond eyes as she lightly groaned, rolling to face away from the invasion of bright, turning towards her love. 
Mitch smiled down at her sleepy behavior, reaching out and brushing stray hairs from her forehead. He reluctantly retracted it only moments later, forcing himself out of bed to go and prepare the two of them for their big day as best he knew how: Coffee.
His sock clad feet dragged across the hardwood as he went, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips and groggy-ness (a word Y/n had donned as her own, and Mitch had caught on to) still very prevalent in his entire system. 
The Rhode Island air was frigid this time of year, Mitch allowing a grin to break out on his face upon remembrance of two nights previous, just how cold Y/n had been in the arena of the Providence Bruins hockey team. Nose pink, donned in a beanie proudly showing the team's logo, well, he had found himself a new lockscreen.
He shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of said groggy-ness, his body on autopilot as it made the beverages. He picked out her favorite mug from the cupboard (AKA a souvenir from Dubai he had picked up long ago) that she had adopted as her own, drinking out of it every time she would spend the night, almost like clockwork. He waited for his coffee beans to brew, scratching his stubble along his jaw. He flinched, though, when he felt two arms wrap around his middle. He quickly relaxed into the embrace upon realization of who the supposed assailant was, her head finding its way to rest on his bare shoulder.
“You scared me, there.” Mitch muttered, his larger hand inching towards her’s on his waist. He closed his eyes in content and she hummed in acknowledgment. Mitch allowed her to turn his figure to face her, still residing in her arms, seeing a bright smile plastered across her face.
“Only for a minute though, right?”
She laughed to which he chuckled in response, nodding in false surrender. “You’ve got me there, Y/n/n.” He mused, his eyes lighting up at the sound of the coffee machine beeping. He looked back to her, shrugging.
“I made you coffee, was gonna bring it to you in bed but, y’know.” He gestured to where she had now climbed up to sit on top of his counter, his sweatshirt around her that read “Brown University” across the front in large lettering pooling around her thighs.
“It’s alright, I need to get a move on anyway.” She smiled, hopping down to retrieve the mug, taking the warm ceramic from Mitch’s hands and sighing at the wondrous feeling that had spread through her whole body. She lifted it to her lips and drank, not surprised that her boyfriend had made it just the way she liked, to perfection. 
“Thank you, baby.” She commented, reaching up to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. Her lip curled as she pulled away, Mitch already knowing what she was going to say, a laugh bubbling up in his throat.
“Mitch! Go brush your teeth, for the love of God!” She whined, watching as he scampered off towards the bathroom, snickering all the way. She rolled her eyes, downing the rest of her beverage before following where Mitch had gone.
Once in the bathroom after rinsing her and Mitch’s mugs, she tied her hair up, undressing and turning on the water (practically scalding hot, of course). Mitch had no objections to the temperature, though, seeing as it was his last time showering with her in that apartment, and in that apartment, period. 
The whole thing felt very symbolic to Y/n, at least, seeing it as washing themselves clean for the next phase of their lives together, a sort of preparation. (Maybe not so much for Mitch, who really was just pleased for any excuse to see his girlfriend naked.)
They used generous amounts of soap, as not only were most of them nearly empty (in fact, a few were and if it weren’t for Y/n, they probably all would be), but also that they had decided to simply just buy new toiletries as a whole for their new place.
They giggled at the sight of each other, all lathered in bubbles and suds. Mitch reached a finger forward, wiping it from above her eyebrows and preventing it from falling into her eyes. Y/n brought her arms around his neck, her lips connecting with his. “Much better.” She regarded with a smirk, before leaning back in.
Nearly 40 minutes later, they both emerged from the shower, fresh faced and ready for the day ahead. He didn’t have a lot that needed to be packed up, given that his place came fully furnished, so it took all but 2 hours and 5 boxes to pack up Mitch Rapp’s life. It honestly might have taken even longer than originally would have been needed, as Y/n would stop every time she found something interesting, allowing Mitch to tell her all about whatever stories had been connected to the item.
It had started with the ridiculous bird lamp that sat on his bedside table, once belonging to Mr. Nazir, and ended with his lacrosse stick. (And, a promise that one day, he’d show her how to play. He swore he’d never seen her smile that big.)
They also threw away and donated a lot, some of Kat’s old stuff bringing a pained smile to his face as he would place it in a box simply labeled “Kat” in messy, thick letters. He wasn’t sure if the box would end up in his new closet, covered in dust and unopened, or back with her family. But either way, he wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to her completely, which Y/n was able to understand.
“Mitch? Did you pack away your coats already?” Y/n called out, opening up the closet near the front door. Her breath slightly hitched in her throat upon seeing all of the photos of Mansur, still pasted to the painted wood, the edges curling up. 
“Nah, not yet, I was gonna handle that while you worked on the cupboards” He responded, busying himself with a text from Irene on his phone wishing him good luck. He looked up and saw what she had been asking about, his phone quickly sliding into his pocket as he made his way over to where she stood, visibly distressed. 
“How long have these been here?” She questioned, feeling Mitch’s arms wrap around her shoulders. She brought her hands up to grasp onto his wrists, leaning backwards into him and biting into her lip.
“Since the beach, when I decided to go after Mansur. When everything happened with the CIA, it was kind of a whirlwind, I didn’t really have enough time to even think about taking it down when I was only even here for hours at a time.” He lightly chuckled, watching as she stepped forward and began to take the pictures down, crumbling them up in her hands. 
She ran her fingertips over the indents left in the door, feeling the splinters against them. She turned back to Mitch, quipping how “Mr. Nazir won’t be too pleased about that.” 
He smiled, joining her in taking all of the images down, ripping them or balling them up in his fists. All of them ended up in one of the old Target bags they had been using for trash, filling up an entire bag (minus a few Dunkin cups sitting at the bottom).
Mitch trailed a few tender kisses down the left side of her next, and though it sounds cheesy, a feeling of hopefulness flooded himself out of most of the bitterness that had been stuck inside for so long. 
She turned her head to catch his lips with her own, and smiled into the kiss, her hand finding the back of his head. She lightly tugged on the chocolate colored strands and he groaned in content, to which her grin only widened. She pulled back, ruffling the top of his head before beginning to pack away the remnants of what was left in the closet. He rolled his eyes, following suit.
They had piled all of the boxes into the back of Mitch’s old decommissioned CIA vehicle (which was obvious that is was such, given that the side was littered with bullet holes and metallic scratches), returned the key to Mr. Nazir (who was glad to see Mitch go), and with that, they were off.
The new place wasn’t too far away, the pair taking a page out of Stan’s book and opting for a wonderful sense of privacy. It was nestled in a rural corner of Massachusetts, where Mitch would be able to come home to a sense of serenity. Y/n had already moved in her possessions, Mitch’s items being the last step. They’d also furnished the cozy cabin, trips to IKEA and Urban Outfitters (along with several other over-priced boutiques) making the place feel like a perfect fit for the couple.
Mitch’s strange and varied knick knacks made the house feel like a home, his lacrosse stick finding a new home by the front door, right under a hanging potted plant that Y/n and Mitch had decided to affectionately name “Charles” after a drunken night watching the X-Men movies. The house was littered in plants such as Charles, in fact, with Mitch’s first response to seeing all of them being “Wow, looks like a greenhouse in here.”
(Still, he’d grown to love the plant babies. Trust me.)
Two tired smiles made their ways to their faces as they both sat on their new sofa, admiring a job well done. Though several boxes still lay on the hardwood, unopened, they felt accomplished enough to pull out a bottle of wine that they had been saving for the occasion. It was an early housewarming gift from Stan, to which they were unprepared to take advantage of, it seemed.
“Baby, did we unpack the wine glasses earlier?” Mitch questioned, his mind slightly foggy of the day's events and early start.
“No, I think they’re still packed up.” She replied, to which Mitch’s eyes lit up, an idea forming and an imaginary lightbulb popping up over his head. He got up from his seat, a wide smile spreading across his face. Her expression mirrored his own, with an added quirked brow at his antics.
“I’ve got a solution, wait here.” Mitch responded, padding over to where he had remembered the new home of the mugs to be. Upon realization of what he was doing, Y/n smiled, rolling her eyes and bringing a hand up to run through her roots.
He shuffled back over moments later, his girlfriend recognizing one of the mugs in his hands as her favorite. He sat down next to her, with the bare skin of her thighs touching his own, jean clad. He bumped his knee to hers with a giggle, pouring out the Pinot Grigio into the mugs. 
She gratefully accepted it as it was handed to her, smiling as she took a sip. Mitch did the same, the two of them leaning back into the soft sofa. Y/n brought her legs up, cuddling into his side and absorbing his warmth. He brought his free hand to her side, a strong hold giving them both a strong sense of comfort as she lay her head on his shoulder.
The box labeled “Kat” remained unpacked along with the others on the floor, dust already beginning to gather. Mitch had come across it a few times that day, each time more thoughtful than the last as he struggled to decide what it was exactly he was feeling towards the objects; or perhaps towards the memory of Katrina.
He had come to realize that it was acceptance he felt, deep in his stomach, settling down. It had been brought upon him in totality over time, today’s events being the final step. A soft smile spread across Mitch’s face, a single tear falling from his eye. Y/n looked up, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“Mitch, are you alright?”
He leaned down, connecting their lips in a watery yet nectarous kiss, his hand beginning to rub small circles on her shoulder. 
“Yeah, Y/n/n.” 
The fire they had built earlier was roaring, now, casting a warm glow across the pair’s features. The damp trail down his cheek was highlighted, nearly glistening on his skin like an amber. 
“I’m doin’ just fine.”
ok btw ik that wine in mugs would be a horrible idea but this is fiction so SHUSH
anyway i hope yall enjoyed! i love writing for mitch and i have lots of future fics for him, so if u liked this, please reblog and follow if ya wanna. mwah, go drink water and have some protein <333
 xx hj
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Babylon (l.h)
End Up Here -Part 5
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x 5sos! Fem! Reader
Summary: A lot has happened and too many things were left unsaid. Even after a month they still find ways to be in each others mind.
Warnings: Angst and smut. Mentions of vioence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, harassment, cheating, fighting, sexism, frustrations, alcohol. Language and some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count : 10.1 k
Author’s Note: I cried a lot writing this, so I’m sorry. Final Part coming up March 16th! Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are very important! You have no idea how much they help me ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My Materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Series Materialist || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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Liked by banksmadden, 5soslover55 and 1,750,316 others
yn5sos how did I end up here?
View all 55,432 comments
ashtonirwin who’s there with you?
hater7 pathetic
5sosfan9 this is so irresponsible. I thought you were better.
↪️ yn5sos me too
“OUT OF CONTROL: Singer Y/N L/N seeing partying once again after the concert. L/N was last seen with a crowd of people, none of which were her bandmates” 
“Sensitive, are we? On their last concert, Y/N L/N from the band 5 Seconds of Summer was caught running away from the stage mid-show, leaving her poor bandmates Calum Hood and Michael Clifford to finish the song for her. L/N came back minutes later to finish the show. Videos show the singer crying along to the love songs” 
“Y/N?!” Ashton kept banging at the door. His patience ran thin as the girl refused to answer “Y/N! C’mon!” 
“She’s still not answering?” A voice called behind him. 
Calum and Michael were already dressed up, ready for another day of interviews in a foreign language. Ashton assumed that the girls were already downstairs waiting for them. 
The older man shook his head, frustration clear on his face as he kept banging on the door like it was his drums. 
“Y/N, I will break down the door if you don’t open it!” 
It wasn’t an empty promise. They could pay the hotel after but he’d be damned if something happens to Y/N. 
She hasn’t been herself since Luke left. When they came back from doing promo that day they were met with the news of him leaving. Y/N didn’t leave her room that whole day. 
They were mad, furious even, with Luke. All the things they warned him about were thrown down the drain. They told them not to believe the media and to talk to Y/N but he did none of those things, he only made it worse for all of them, especially the girl who was now spending half the tour absent-minded over heartbreak. 
She told them several times that she was fine “I asked him to leave” She would say. But they know better than to believe her right away when she says those stuff, not after that night when she told them the truth about Madden. They swore never to make that mistake again, but history was repeating itself! Only this time it was ten times worse. 
Y/N would go out every night after the show, no matter in which part of the world they found themselves in. She was determined to drown herself in alcohol rather than self-pity. They tried to spot her several times but she wouldn’t listen, so they agreed that at least one of them would accompany her whenever she went out just to make sure that she is safe and that she doesn’t go too far. 
Last night, however, it was Michael’s turn but Beth felt sick so he couldn't go. He texted Calum, but he was already asleep so he didn’t see the message. Ashton was out with Dani for a date night and when he came back he found Michael in the lobby asking for some medicine for Beth’s stomach and when Calum answered their call with a sleepy voice they realized that Y/N was alone. 
And now she wouldn’t answer the door. 
“Y/N, I swear to God!”
“Why do you gotta bring the lord into this?” 
The three men turned around and found Y/N standing next to them. Her hair was messy and her makeup was smudged, but his eyes remained empty as she looked at them quizzically. 
“Were you already downstairs this whole time?!” Ashton asked, raising his voice. Y/N cringed as she shushed him.
“Ugh, could you talk any louder? My head is killing me”
Calum looked at his friend up and down, realizing what was happening “You just came back, didn’t you?”
All three of them turned their heads to her, unable to believe what was in front of them. This wasn’t the Y/N they knew. She was never like this, ever. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the sad, angry, and pitiful looks of her friends. She didn’t need to answer what was obvious. 
“Where were you all this time?” Michael asked “We were worried sick” 
“Wow, thanks dad,” She said with sarcasm, walking towards her door as she tried to find her key somewhere along with her pockets “I was at the bar. Did you know they open 24 hs? There’s no such thing as the last call here! I love this country” 
She let out a little squeal of joy when she finally found her key, pushing Ashton out of the way with the side of her body as she inserted it on the lock. 
“We have an interview in 30 minutes!” He reminded her.
“Yeah, your girl told me that downstairs” She answered before she started to close the door “Have fun with that” 
But before she could close it completely, Ashton’s foot got in the way.
“You can’t keep doing this, Y/N,” He said with a serious tone, ignoring the pain of the door hitting his foot, still trying to close on him. 
Y/N pushed a little harder “I want to sleep, Ashton. Good night” 
“No! Goddammit, Y/N. This has gone too far!” 
She opened the door, making Ashton trip, and almost fell to the floor in front of her. She was beyond pissed as she began to talk.
“No! Everything has already gone too far, I’m just catching up!” She spat loudly, making the boys look at her in surprise “Madden went too far, the media went too far, the industry went too far and Luke went too far. And I let them crash into me like I’m just a bystander, waiting to pick up the pieces they left of me! So excuse me for finally doing whatever they thought I did. Forgive me for catching up to this fucked up world and finally live up to their false expectations! But I’m not allowed to break down, not right now and probably not ever! So I will keep running. Maybe that way, if I catch up, they’ll leave me the fuck alone” Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke, but she will not cry in front of them. Not anymore “So, good fucking night” 
Ashton closed his eyes when he felt the wind of the door slamming inches away from his face. He raised his hand to knock again, but soon he let it fall with a sigh. 
He turned around to face the guys and they all had the same hurt expression, not because she hurt them, but because she was hurting herself. They all thought she was doing it unconsciously, but now it was rather obvious that she knew exactly what she was doing. 
Y/N is destroying herself because there’s almost nothing left of her. So she’s speeding up the process. 
“We can’t leave her like that” Michael said in a whisper, none of them were looking at the door right now, all their eyes were set on the floor as they contemplated their options.
“Well, she doesn’t want to see us. That’s for fucking sure” Calum murmured. 
The three men stood in silence in the hallway. Breathing heavily from time to time as their minds tried to find a way to reach out to Y/N before it was too late. 
“We have to do something” Michael broke the silence again, fidgeting with his fingers as he met the worried eyes of his two best friends “The fans are already saying that she’s going to leave the band and-“
“No,” Ashton interrupted him, clenching his jaw as the headlines of the articles ran through his mind “We are not letting that happen” 
“But what if she wants to?”
“Then that’s not our Y/N/N,” He said “And I refuse to lose her this way or in any way, for that matter”
After a few minutes, it was clear that Y/N was not coming out of her room any time soon. So the boys had to get downstairs to get to the interviews, already thinking about excuses to justify her absence once again. 
They wanted to stay with her, but management was already being too hard on them as it is, and they didn’t want Y/N to pay the consequences if they didn’t show up to at least one promo interview. So they had no choice but to leave her alone in her room. 
Once the elevator doors opened, the three of them were met with the worried eyes of their girlfriends who quickly met up with them halfway. 
“How is she doing? She didn’t speak to us when she came through the doors” Bethany explained as she stood next to Michael, grabbing his hand in comfort.
Ashton just shook his head.
“We talked,” Kat said with a sigh “We decided that we are staying here with her” 
“You’ll be fine in the interviews without us, but she needs someone. Even if we just wait for her in the lobby all day. Someone needs to check up on her” Kat continued. 
“She’s lonely,” Danielle followed, “Even if she doesn’t want to admit it. She’s hurting too much for words to even describe” 
The boys knew they were right. Even if Y/N doesn’t want to, they will still be there for her every step of the way. They were not going to leave her to drown. 
“Thank you,” Ashton said, truthfully “But there’s gotta be something else we could do for her… just standing by and keeping an eye on her while she wastes away is just…” 
He couldn’t finish the sentence, he didn’t need to. They all knew what he was referring to; that damn feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. 
“We’ll figure something out,” Calum said confidently “We are not going to give up on her”
There was nothing much to do back in L.A. as Luke found out when he stepped out of the plane almost a month ago. His life has completely changed since he met her and now… Now she was gone and he was left with nothing.
It was his own fault, that’s what he reminded himself every single day since the morning Y/N asked him to leave. He acted on emotions rather than with reason, angry with the world that allowed him to get close to her just to rip her out of his hands the moment he realized his mistakes. He should’ve listened, should’ve fought, should’ve stayed. He should’ve done a lot of things and now he doesn’t even have the chance to fix it. 
He hasn’t checked anything about Y/N since he came back. No articles, no tweets, no posts… nothing. He feels as if he didn’t have the right anymore. He never had the right to do it from the beginning, not without letting them fill his brains with lies that eventually left him in pieces.
How could he? How could he let all those things get to him? Everyone told him to ignore them, not to believe the lies that were written for the clicks and the gossip. He knew the truth, he lived with it, and yet, he had turned on her the second it had become too much. 
Y/N was a private person and Luke could never understand why. Why if she was so private with her life did every news article write about her? They were all lies. And if he had at least an ounce of decency he would’ve realized that sooner and stand by her side instead of siding with the media. Yet, those thoughts were sticking with him at the back of his head, haunting him even in his sleep. 
How easy it was for him to turn away from her. How easy it was for him to leave her. But how hard it was to ignore the love he feels for her, knowing that she won’t take him back and with good reason. Y/N deserves better, in every way, shape, or form. She was such a bright light in such a dark world, and he just hopes she will be strong enough to see it someday, even if he’s not by her side anymore.
God, he was just a fucking idiot. 
And now, as he walked past the coffee shop where they first met while he fought the urge to cry again, he was willing to beat himself up for it. For losing the only person he cared about just because he wasn’t brave enough to fight for her as he should’ve. There wasn’t anything that didn’t remind him of Y/N, nothing he could do to shake the self-inflicted pain he caused, so he thought better than to let it consume him. 
Luke sat on an empty bench near the campus, his classes didn’t start until a month from today but he longed for some kind of distraction. Once he settled, he took out his notebook and started writing. He doesn’t write about love anymore, rather he wrote about the loss of it while still mourning it fresh on the flesh. Finally understanding what Ashton meant when he said that heartbreak breaks you, and, for a moment, he thought about how she might feel at this moment; if she, at least once, thought of him with something wasn’t hate.
He spent hours sitting outdoors, writing as if his time were to end at any moment. He wrote letters of forgiveness, poems of grief, and free thoughts of the guilt he was feeling. He didn’t mention her, but they were all about and for her. For his Y/N who was now a world away and who he will not call his ever again. 
It must’ve been late when his phone started to ring; the streetlights were starting to lit up the pavement as the sun started to set, leaving soft shades of pink and purple to cover up the sky. He didn’t know the number, so he let it ring thinking it might be just one company trying to sell him something he didn’t need. 
But the unknown caller was relentless; calling and calling until Luke decided to answer after the fourth time. 
“Hello?” He said, annoyed by the interruption. He didn’t want to talk to anyone; not like he had anyone to talk to, after all. 
“You fucker” The voice at the other end said. Luke froze when he recognized it. 
“Were you expecting the fucking queen?” He sounded angry and even through the phone he left Luke completely intimidated as he sunk into his seat. 
“How - Whose number is this?” Luke asked, knowing he had all their numbers saved in his phone. 
“Would you have answered if you saw my name on the screen?” He wouldn’t, they both know it. But at the same time…
“Why are you calling me?” He finally muttered, his head wrapped around the only reason Ashton, out of all people, would be calling him. He knew it was not to catch up “Is Y/N okay?! Did something happen to her?!” 
Something must be terribly wrong if Ashton was calling him. That man was very protective over his best friend and Luke was sure he would’ve killed him if he found him the day where he yelled at her, knowing that Y/N must’ve told him everything. He knew Y/N was not going to forgive him and neither will the boys for that matter. That day he lost more than just his girl. 
Ashton laughed without any kind of humor “No, she’s not. Of course, she’s not! You happened to her, mate. I don’t know what the fuck you did but she hasn’t been the same since you left.” 
Luke’s eyes widened “She didn’t tell you?” 
If he thought about it, it really wasn’t that surprising. Y/N never talked about her problems with him, but the boys always knew everything, them being the only people she knew she could trust with her whole heart. Luke had always been jealous of that, but once he found out the truth of why she kept some things for herself he understood why she could only trust her bandmates with it. He immediately thought that she would tell them everything, every word he said and the hateful words he wrote, but she didn’t and that could not mean anything good. 
“She told us enough. That you believed the lies of her and Madden and didn’t let her explain before you lashed out and she asked you to leave. Not a single detail about it, only that you were gone and were not coming back. I guess she didn’t want us to kick your ass, but Luke, you better be certain that-”
“I know!” Luke said with a sigh “I deserve it” 
“Dude, what the fuck did you do to her?” 
How could he tell him? How could he mutter the courage to tell one of his best friends how he absolutely fucked up? Ashton would hate him, with every reason in the world he should hate him. Luke just hoped that he didn’t. 
He, Calum, and Michael were the only friends he knew since he met Y/N. They took him in, welcomed him into the group with gritted teeth with the only condition to never hurt their friend. And after a year of being friends, he broke not only Y/N’s trust but theirs as well. And the fact that Y/N didn’t tell them what he’d done seemed cruel because now he had to. Breaking more hearts than their own. 
“I fucked up, Ash” Luke muttered, rubbing his eyes with his fingertips as he crouched forward on the bench and placing his elbows on the top of his thighs, getting ready to face the consequences of his actions “I fucked up badly. I was just- You saw those articles, you saw those tweets and those photos. She never talked about him so I thought… What was I supposed to think? She had a reputation, and with the way, she acted the night before it all made sense to me. So I snapped”
“Luke, I swear to GOD if you touched her-”
“NO! God no, I would never!” Luke quickly stated, horrified at the thought of ever hitting her. He was not like that. He would never be like that “But the things I said to her… fuck, Ash. I threw everything in her face, called her a whore and a cheater without giving her a chance to explain herself. I was so fucking angry and she didn’t say a word. She took all of it in silence and I kept going, even when she begged me to stop I kept going... I didn’t know. You must know that I didn’t know what happened to her or her past with Madden. If I knew then I would’ve never-” 
“But you did” 
Ashton's words were simple, but they cut deeper than a knife through Luke’s heart. He never heard him sound so disappointed and angry. It reminded him of her and the last words she said to him.
“Luke, this girl has been through so much and you still went and dragged her through the mud just to hurt her”
“I didn’t want to-”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me” Ashton barked into the phone “You did. She gave you everything she could give and you threw it on her face like it was nothing without a chance to explain herself. And it’s not like she could run off, turn off her comments and go back to a normal life! I have never seen Y/N so broken since-” He stopped “What did she tell you?” 
Luke knew he was referring to Madden. He remembers her face covered in tears, lips trembling and body shaking as she told him what happened in that relationship. He finally saw the hurt and scars that covered her soul. 
“She told me what she could” 
Ashton sighed “Then you must know that she would never go back to him,” He said, Luke could tell by his voice that he was hurting, too “He met her at a concert in our second world tour as a solo act. He is the son of a very famous producer and they hit it off right away. We didn’t know exactly when things turned for the worse, but we knew something was happening. She would cover herself more, never hanging out with us unless he was present, she wouldn’t eat in front of him or talk to any of us directly unless it was something about work and that still pissed him off. We all heard the rumors of him cheating on her, but she always dismissed them saying that he loved her and he would never do that. I still wonder what other things we didn’t know that she’s still processing.
It wasn’t until the night he almost killed her that we understood the severity of it. She came by my house while I and the others were hanging out. She was bleeding all over herself, her face was covered in blood just as her shirt and pants. It was terrifying; I don’t remember ever driving that far to the hospital, paying the nurses to keep quiet because she kept asking to keep it a secret. That bastard broke her nose and one of her ribs. She had bruises on her arms, stomach, eye, inner thighs, and legs and a cut over her eyebrow. She lost a lot of blood on her way to my house so Calum had to donate some of his because she needed a transfusion. She stayed in the hospital overnight; the next morning we filed a restraining order against Madden and she moved in with me that same day, promising herself and to us that she would never let someone do that again to her. We promise we would never let anything happen to her from that moment on” 
Luke was shedding silent tears at Ashton’s story, all the things he imagined happened to her didn’t compare to the reality she suffered. And he only made it worse. 
“She was never the same after that” Ashton continued “Until you came into the picture” 
Ashton could hear Luke crying over the phone, his sniffs had given him away. But he knew he needed to hear this; he needed to know. 
“We didn’t want you to get close to her, afraid you might hurt her the same way Madden did, but she insisted that you were different, that you were a good guy. And against our better judgment, we believed her. We never expected that little by little, we would get our Y/N/N back. She was smiling again, laughing and singing songs about the love we never thought she’d be able to sing again. It was so obvious that she loved you that we couldn't do anything about it but be happy for her, you brought her back to us. 
I guess Madden saw that and didn’t like it, that’s why he came to see her that night. We don’t know much about what happened there or what he said to her, but she was shaking when she came back. All she said was that he cornered her, threatened her and called the paparazzi that worked for his father to take pictures of them, and since we were not in America, there was nothing the restraining order to do to help her”
“He did what?!” Luke shouted at the phone, fuming over the fact that that fucker decided to get close to her when she was vulnerable. He promised that if he ever saw him he’d kill him. 
“Now you care about what happened?” Ashton asked in return, frustration lacing his voice at Luke’s sudden feeling of protection “Luke, she called you over ten times that day as she was breaking down in the green room. She asked us all if we could get ahold of you because the driver came back without you. She was so fucking scared and you weren’t there when she needed you by her side. So don’t you fucking dare get offended right now. It already happened and you weren’t there” 
Ashton was right. Luke had no right to be furious at the moment, given that he was the one who abandoned her deliberately when he saw the pictures of her and her abuser. He had the excuse of ignorance, but that wasn’t enough. It never has, not it ever will be, because his girlfriend needed him at the time and he left her alone. 
He cried into the phone, not caring if Ashton could listen or not. He was so fucking angry at himself, at Madden, at the world… He was supposed to protect her, he said he would and then he gave the final punch. He failed her because of his insecurities. 
“I’m sorry” He cried, but Ashton was having none of that. 
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing for”
“She doesn’t want to-”
“Listen to me you shit” Ashton hissed into the phone “I don’t care what you think she wants. She is destroying herself over the fact that the last person she thought would hurt her left her because he chose to believe the lies of the media over his own girlfriend”
Luke’s heart broke all over again “She’s what?” 
“Oh my god, how dense are you, dude? Now you decide to ignore the gossip?! She’s been going out all night, drinking herself to death and refusing help from any of us. She is slowly killing herself by killing her soul” He sounded worried, scared even, as he muttered the last words “We are losing her” 
“Wh-what can I do?” Luke asked helplessly. Not being able to bear the thought of Y/N being gone. 
“We booked you a flight. Figure it out and don’t make us regret it” 
“Forgetting the lyrics again? Y/N L/N surely knows how to displease an audience”
“What is going on with YN?” 
He arrived late to the hotel, having his flight delayed for a few hours, and the boys were already waiting for him in the lobby. Luke took a deep breath as he spotted them from afar, they were talking among them, concerned looks covering their expressions as they looked through their phone. 
Luke walked up to them, mustering enough courage to say “Hi,” 
The three men turned towards the blonde, Calum quickly walking up to him and punching him in the face, caught Luke by surprise as he backed up holding his nose and looking at Calum with widened, surprised eyes. 
“That’s for hurting my best friend, you asshole!” He said, making the other guests look in their direction. 
Luke hissed as he made sure he wasn’t bleeding “Thank you. I deserved that” He said, blinking twice “But to be honest I was expecting Ashton to deliver the blow” 
“Calum won at rock, paper, scissors” Ashton shrugged “But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. We still need to have a serious talk and I might punch you there” 
Luke nodded, understanding that he did not only fail Y/N, but he also failed them. He promised them that he would take care of their best friend and they believed him. They even helped them get together and served as trust advisers for Luke about what it means to date a celebrity and yet he ignored every single one of them. 
He might never get their trust back, but now they needed to focus on other things more important than that.
“Where is she?” He asked. 
“Out,” Michael answered “The girls went with her. We don’t want her to be alone when she’s drunk” 
They started walking towards the door, getting into the car that would take them to Y/N and the rest of the girls. “Do you know what you will say to her when you see her?” Calum asked. 
“No,” Luke answered honestly “I guess I’ll know then”
“And you better not fuck it up again, Hemmings, or I swear it’s going to be the last thing you do” 
The dance floor was crowded. People were dancing one against the other as the beats of the songs reverberated all over their bodies and started the flame of having just one night of fun. Among them it was Y/N, dancing in the corner with her friends and ignoring their concerned eyes as she moved freely thanks to the alcohol that was cursing through her veins. She knew she had to wake up soon, but she just wanted to keep living this dream every night instead of facing the nightmares that would come in the morning.
She missed how easy everything was before that night when the nightmare started. When she couldn’t find Luke in the crowd of their concert nor their bedroom late at night. Now she doesn’t even want to go to sleep, knowing that she won’t find him there ever again, all because she asked him to leave. 
But he wanted to leave, even before she asked him he was already getting his stuff to leave her “cheating ass”, writing words that describe their relationship as toxic. Is that what it was? Were they toxic or just scared? She couldn’t tell the difference anymore, not after spending night after night trying to erase those words out of her mind, but they were already scared forever in her skin. She promised herself she would carry them as a battle wound, as proof that no matter what you do, you could never win when the whole world seems against you even when you have done nothing wrong… Unlike now. 
She knew what she was doing, she knew she was disappointing a lot of people. She was disappointed in herself, too, but she couldn’t stop. The world was finally telling truths about her and it felt nice to at least have that. They denied her the truths for so long, feeding everyone lies that they would believe without hesitation or her explanation, just like Luke did, and now she was finally acting like people supposed she had. Now, at least she had control over that. 
She wondered if Luke ever thinks about her. If he’s forgiven her for whatever he thinks she’s done or if he continues to read the articles and rejoice in the fact that he was right, even when he wasn’t, he was right. Maybe he’d be proud? 
“Darling, are you alright?” She heard Bethany shout over the music. All the girls were looking at her. She didn’t realize she stopped dancing. 
However, she just nodded “I’m going to get more drinks!” She said, faking a smile even though the girls could tell that she was crying. But she was so far out she couldn’t even feel the tears that rolled down her cheek.
Y/N gripped the marble countertop of the bar, trying to hold herself steady. She was thinking again, she didn’t want to think anymore. She ordered two shots of tequila and drowned them down before asking for two more. But before she could drown the fourth one, someone snatches the drink out of her hand.
“Heeey” She slurred “Don’t get between me and my- oh, hello!” She smiled happily at the stranger who took her drink from her “You look a lot like my ex-boyfriend” 
Luke’s eyes widened at the word. She has never called him her boyfriend in front of people before. He glanced behind her and saw Michael, Ashton, and Calum already standing next to their girls, nodding encouragingly at him. 
“Ex-boyfriend?” He asked, eyes meeting hers and noticing the glimmer of tears in them. But she kept on smiling and nodding before she started to pout.
“But shhhhh,” She said, laying her head on the counter, almost like she wanted to take a nap “It’s a secret. No one knows we’re together… or were together. They will never leave him alone if they find out”
Y/N looked to the sides, almost as if making sure no one was listening before she leaned into him and whispered “The media,” Then she started to giggle “If they found out I have a boyfriend then they will want to know everything about him! And poor Luke wouldn’t be able to handle that, he shouldn’t go through that” 
Luke’s heart broke at the sight of the drunk girl sighing in the bar, holding her empty shot glass and sniffing every other word to stop the tears from falling.
“He doesn’t deserve that, the hate. He’s a good guy, a little shy and awkward, but he’s nice. But the media is cruel and a liar, and I don’t want him to feel baaaaad. How stupid it is that because I love someone they should get hated on, right? Hahaha, I just wanted to protect hiiiim, cause I love him sooo so much. I even protected him from my friends! You know?! I never told them what he did to me in case they wanted to keep their friendship going, Luke is a very shy guy and he loved them very muchhh, I couldn't take that from him"
“Even if he hurt you?” Luke’s words were careful and filled with pain. When the boys told him that she was getting drunk each night he never imagined her this far gone. He never imagined her this sad. 
Y/N shook his head “I deserved to get, hic, hurt” She said between hiccups “He said I was a cheating whore monster liar, b-b-but I don’t blame himmmm. I’m sad but at least he doesn’t have to deal with me anymore and this BULLSHIT” She yelled, throwing her hands up to the sky. But then she started crying, sobbing as she tumbled backward before Luke caught her.
Luke was trying to contain his own tears as she sobbed into his embrace “I just want to tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t protect him from myself” She cried “I wanted to be happy with him but we are both sad and toxic for each other. That’s what he said in his poem. I-I-I just w-want him to be ha-happy” 
Luke cried as he held her, burying his face into her hair as both of their bodies trembled. Even when she had every right to hate him, she still wants to protect him. Something he should’ve done. 
“I’m so sorry, my love” He cried, making Y/N look at him with worried, tearful eyes.
“Oh, don’t cry, stranger,” She said as she cupped his face and wiped his tears “I’m sad but you should be happy!” 
“C-cause you’re not me” 
Luke stared into her eyes, she was smiling while the tears kept falling. Even at her lowest, she tried to be strong for everyone around her, even the stranger she thought he was. He pressed his lips on a thin line and nodded, hugging her tighter as if he was trying to hold on to the last piece of her that didn’t show coldness to him before she remembers everything in the morning. At least he would hold her one more time. 
Y/N didn’t understand much of what was happening but she returned the hug with the same energy, letting the stranger cry into her shoulder as she rubbed his back with her fingertips, wondering what Luke was doing right now. She decided that she didn’t want to know. 
“I want to sleep,” She said after a minute of holding the man. 
Luke pulled away from her, wiping his tears as he nodded “Then let’s get you to bed, my love” 
She shook his head, pulling on his hand as he tried to walk them out of the club “But Luke won’t be there when I wake up” 
All the wind was knocked out of his lungs, did she want him there? “I’ll be there,” He said. 
“He’ll be there. I promise”
Luke gave one last look at the group. They were all staring at him with worried and hopeful eyes, actually surprised that this didn’t end badly just yet. Luke nodded at them and pulled Y/N with him, the rest of the guys followed him into the car as they made their way back to the hotel. 
Y/N slept all the way back, her head was placed in Luke’s shoulder as the blond kept staring at her, silent tears still dying on his cheek. The guilt was eating him alive; it was painful to see her this way, but at the same time he knew that she was at peace as she slept, letting the world fade for at least a few minutes before reality came crashing down.
When they reached the hotel, Luke carried her back into her room. He sat her down on the bed and started to take off her shoes as she lazily rubbed the tiredness from her eyes, suddenly waking up for a moment.
“Luke?” She asked. Luke raised his head and was met with her eyes already locked with his, a glaze of new tears adorned her pupils as she whispered “Am I dreaming right now?” 
“No,” He answered, voice as soft as hers as he got up and placed a kiss on the top of her head “No, you’re not, darling”
“Good. I always hate to wake up without you there” She said, looking over her shoulder to the empty side where Luke used to sleep. 
They both stayed quiet for the rest of the night. Luke took off her silk shirt and leather pants and helped her put on one of the big shirts she’s used to sleeping in. He wiped the makeup off her face and followed her nighttime routine without missing a step. When she was done, she curled up to her side and quickly fell into a deep slumber. 
Luke stared at the girl, his heart aching for her as he saw how fragile she looked while she slept. He thought about all the things she said that night, how he never considered her side of the story before. How he just assumed that she was hiding him because she didn’t want people to find out she was taken when in reality she didn’t want people to hurt him the way they hurt her. The way he hurt her.
Tears started to pick up in his eyes again. He hated to cry but there was nothing else he could do at the moment. Everything became too much too fast and he didn’t know if he could fix it. So all he could do was cry for the girl he loves and the girl he lost, not knowing if she would ever come back to him. 
“I’m sorry” He whispered in a quiet sob, getting into bed with her and holding her close “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry, my love” He kept murmuring into her hair until sleep claimed him as well. 
The next morning Y/N wakes up in her hotel bed but she doesn’t know how she got there. She looks to her side but the bed is empty, yet she finds an aspirin and a bottle of water in her nightstand. She wonders who was the poor soul that had to go with her last night to make sure she doesn't end up drunk in a ditch, at least they succeeded. 
Then she hears water running up in the bathroom and her heart sinks. Did she bring someone here last night? No, she wouldn’t do that. But she was very drunk… Oh my god, what did she do? 
Luke could hear her shuffling in the bed as he brushed his teeth. “It is now or never,” He thought, but he didn’t know what he would find behind the door. She didn’t know him yesterday, but today was another story and Luke’s heart shrank at the thought of Y/N hating him for coming back, even if it was to apologize to her. He was terrified, but he was tired of running away. 
As soon as he opened the door he was met with Y/N’s surprised gaze. The girl was quick to cover herself up, cheeks tinted red at the sight of her ex-boyfriend in her hotel room. She didn’t miss the flash of hurt that ran through his face when she did that. 
“Luke…” She said in one breath, suddenly feeling self-conscious by his presence “What are you- Did we-?” 
“No,” He answered quickly, stepping closer to the bed “No, we didn’t. You were drunk and I- You know I would never do that to you” 
“I thought we didn’t know each other…” 
Her words lingered in the air between them, creating a tension that could be cut with a knife. How fast did they become strangers when they used to know every single cardinal point of their bodies, every breath they took and what they meant, every sigh, every look… Now they were just two people in a room with so much to say but with no words coming out of either of their mouths.
Luke noticed how her eyes changed. While they were no longer filled with tears, they now laid emotionless in front of him, dull and empty as she stared at him. 
“I did this to her,” He thought “I took the light of her eyes. It’s my fault” 
She cleared her throat, breaking the silence as she spoke “Well, thank you for bringing me here last night. You can go now” She said, tearing her eyes away from him as she sat on her edge of the bed. 
Luke stood still “No,” 
“I’m asking you to leave” Y/N clarified, her voice growing stronger but still a bit sore. 
“And I’m telling you I’m not going” He responded, taking tentative steps towards her “Something I should’ve done all those weeks ago” 
He was standing in front of her in a matter of seconds; he crouched to meet her eyes but she quickly turned her face away “Y/N, please” He begged, his hand coming to rest on her cheek as his knuckles caressed her skin while the other one was placed on top of her hands, both intertwined with each other on top of her thighs “You could look at me yesterday, please don’t deny me at least that. Let me see you, my love” 
But Y/N didn’t move, her face stayed turned to the side with her hair covering most of it. She couldn’t look at him, she just couldn’t. It was too hard, too painful. Luke sighed.
“Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to, but at least listen to me, yeah? I just- I need you to listen, Y/N, please” He pleaded, placing both hands on top of hers “Y/N, I love you” 
The knot in his throat became tighter as he noticed how the veins of her neck tensed and she started to grip her hands tighter. But she needed to hear this, and even though it hurt to see her like that, he continued. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you” He said, voice breaking at the end, impossible to fight that choking feeling in his throat “I loved you since the moment I saw you. You were all dressed up in Calum‘s clothes and you had a pen in your hair, and I thought you were the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, but you were so nervous about trying to clean the coffee you spilled that you didn’t even notice I fell for you without knowing your name” He let out a tearful chuckle “I started to fall that day and I haven’t stopped, not even for a second. Y/N you are- You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I was an idiot for not seeing that. I don’t know what I have to do for you to forgive me, but I’ll do anything, my love. Anything to make it better. Cause I followed you blindly from the start, and I’m so sorry I let you down. I’m so, so fucking sorry that I let my insecurities come in our way. I love you, even then I never stopped loving you”
He could see how her chin started to tremble, she was trying to hold off the tears as much as him “I - I wish I could go back in time. I would’ve never said the things I said, I would’ve never doubted you or left without listening to what you had to say. I should’ve fought harder for you, but I was a coward. I still am, if I’m being honest, but I will not run away, Y/N. Not anymore. I know I will never deserve you, but I’ll do my best and try. Because you, my love, are the love of my life, the greatest love I have and - and I can’t -“ 
It became too much for him. He couldn’t say anything else without breaking down. But he wanted her to know how much she meant for him, how much he is willing to fight for her if she lets him. She needed to know how sorry he was and how much he still loves her. But the words got stuck in his throat. The poet was left speechless.
“Y/N you are so strong,” He finally said “So strong, my love. And I’m so fucking proud of everything you do, I always have and always will be” He brought her hands to his lips and started pressing kisses all over it while wetting them with his tears “I wish I could take back everything I said. All those words were said out of anger and jealousy, that is not how I see you at all. You are so beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. So kind, so smart, so giving… You are perfect. And I love you, I love you, I love yo-”
Suddenly his words were interrupted by her lips as she started kissing him. Y/N didn’t want to keep listening anymore so she did the only thing he could, the thing she wanted to do the most since she saw him come out of the bathroom. 
Their hands flew to cup each other’s cheeks, keeping their faces as close as they could, feeling how their tears became one as they started to deepen the kiss. They rocked back and forward with the intensity of their energies colliding once again, it was everything they needed and more. Suddenly, Luke got up from the floor and brought Y/N along with her, pressing her against the wall as their lips never left each other.
“I love you” He breathed into her lips before kissing her again and again and again, already getting lost in the feeling of euphoria she brought to him “I love you”
She kept crying as their lips met, savoring every word, every praise that came from his mouth, trying hard to hold on to them as she felt her breath become short “I missed you” She cried into the kiss, pulling away to see his face. 
Luke’s eyes were blown wide as he stared at her, their lips were pink as they tried to catch their breaths. He knocked his forehead against hers before kissing it lightly “Please, forgive me” He begged, holding her tight against his chest. 
“Luke,” She whispered as she tugged on his shirt, making him look back at her “Kiss me” 
He looked at her softly, his baby blue eyes saying more than he ever could as he caressed her cheek one more time before leaning down and trapping her lips with his. He had no rush because there was no other place he’d rather be, no other person he’d rather spend time with. Only her. Only his Y/N. 
Her hands traveled tentatively under his shirt, softly caressing the skin of his back and his stomach as she parted her lips to grant him more access and control. Luke’s hand that was not cupping her cheek rounded around her waist, bringing her body closer to him with the need of feeling her, all of her. 
“Y/N…” He groaned, tilting his head back when he felt her kiss along his jaw and neck.
“Please…” She murmured against his skin, sucking and kissing on the spot that she knew would make him shiver. 
Luke pressed her against the wall with his body completely covering hers. He grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her feet from the ground as she locked her legs around his waist. “Please,” She begged again, closing her lips around the shell of his ear and slightly biting into it. She could feel him getting hard as her hips moved forward, her core pressing against his hardening cock. She moaned softly into his ear  “Please, Luke. Please” 
The movement of her hips was all Luke needed to lose himself to her, thrusting right back at her and moaning at the friction of her soaked panties against his clothed erection. Her sound became more breathy and he knew she was getting close just by the friction alone, having spent too much time without this feeling. 
“Y/N…” Luke groaned into her after a particularly hard trust “I-”
“I know” She breathed “I need it too,” 
Without a second thought, Luke turned both of them around, still holding Y/N by the back of her thighs as he placed them back into the bed. Now it was his turn to kiss along her face, her lips, her neck… everywhere she would give him access to and would leave her breathing his name. His hands fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, taking it off completely in one swift move and occupying his hands by touching her breasts, massaging them softly as his lips closed against one of her nipples, tongue circling around the hard pebble until they were nice, erect and wet from his kiss only to do it again with the other one. 
Y/N was a whimpering mess under him, her fingers tangling in his hair as he sucked on her sweet spot, kissing down her body until his lips found her wet panties. He kissed over her clothes bundle of nerves, making her moan and begged for more as he swiftly hooked his long fingers at either side of her hips and pulled them down, kissing along her thighs up and down and up again only to finish tongue deep into her hole, lapping at her arousal and moaning against her at the taste of her. He always found her exquisite. 
Stars were playing behind her eyelids as she felt one finger inside her while Luke’s lips closed against her clit, sucking it lightly as he inserted another finger per her request, thrusting then inside and out as she chanted his name like a prayer when her walls clenched against them. 
Luke licked her clean as her fingers played with his hair, relishing this intimate moment as a precious memory for the future. When he pushed himself up he noticed that there were a new set of tears rolling down her cheeks “Are you okay, love?” He asked, “Did I hurt you?” 
She shook his head, looking up at him with teary eyes “I love you” 
His eyes soften at her words, hands caressing the side of her face as he leaned in without thinking, kissing her tears away with such care, never wanting to see them again.
“Luke…” She whispered, kissing his chin “Luke, make love to me” 
Blue eyes met Y/E/C, sharing all the love he had in them before leaning down again to trap her lips with his; tongues dancing together like it was the first time all over again where no other words were needed. 
Y/N helped him out of his shirt and shorts, pumping his cock in her hands as he moaned in her ear how good it felt before lining it up with her entrance, quiet gasps leaving each other’s mouths as they felt the familiar stretch when he bottomed out. 
Soft words and kisses were shared as Luke’s thrusts were slow and steady. It was silent, needy, passionate; it was everything they needed and more. Their hands explored the familiarity of their bodies, leaving faint marks as they enjoyed their shared pleasure.
“Please,” She begged against his lips, moaning as Luke started hitting her spot “Please, please, please, plea-” 
Her orgasm came over her like a wave and Luke was entranced with her face as it contorted in extasis, helping him reach his climax as he cum inside her, painting her walls as his thrusts became sloppy. 
They stayed like that for a while, kissing on top of each other as their bodies stayed connected in the most intimate way. But soon Luke had to get up, getting a wet cloth from the bathroom and cleaning her up, whispering sweet nothings to her as he did so. 
He climbed into the bed next to her, pulling her closer against his chest as his back rested against the headboard, drawing circles in the soft spot of her back and resting his chin on the top of her head. 
They must’ve fallen asleep after a while because when he opened his eyes again he felt Y/N crying into his chest.
“My love?” He asked, worry lacing his voice as he accommodated himself better so he could see her face. Y/N eyes were puffy and filled with tears as she struggled to contain a sob “What’s wrong?” 
Y/N sniffed, voice breaking as she asked “You love me?” 
Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion “What a stupid question,” He said as he started playing with your hair “Of course I love you” 
“But what else?” 
Her question confused him, even more, when he saw pure heartbreak spread along her face. 
“What else what?” 
“You love me and what else?” She repeated her question. 
“What else is there?” 
Luke’s answer made her lips tremble as a new set of tears filled her eyes. His heart fell to his stomach with her reaction, not knowing what he did to make her this upset “Baby, what’s wrong? Is love not enough?” 
Y/N shook her head as she took a deep breath, trying to find enough voice and courage to say what she needed. 
“I’m not perfect, Luke” 
“I know,” He said, bringing his fingers to caress your cheek but you shook your head.
“No, you don’t know” She stated, tears rolling down her cheek “You still see me as something out of your reach, as something you don’t deserve because you hold me to such standards that is impossible for me to live up to your expectations. I will let you down, even without wanting to, I will. And- a-and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand that look in your eyes once I do. I can’t go through that again” 
She cried softly for a while, trying to find the right words to say.
“Luke, I need you to listen to me very carefully and really think about what I’m asking for here, okay, love?” She said after collecting herself just enough. He nodded as he gave her his undivided attention “Luke, I love you. More than anyone in the world, I love you. I thought I would never say those words again but I can’t deny my feelings for you nor do I want to. I love you. But I also love my life” 
Luke’s eyes were fixed on her as she spoke, nodding along to what she was saying. She took another deep breath before continuing. 
“A life that is filled with concerts, traveling and recordings and parties and interviews… A life that I chose to follow my dreams and make them come true. A life I am not going to give up because it’s mine and I truly love it. But in this life, there are some bumps in the road. There will always be people trying to bring me down, sending hate to me and the ones I love, spreading rumors all around where sometimes you won’t be able to distinguish fiction from reality. With people trying to get to me, by flirting or abusing their power with threats. But I keep going, I deal with all of that because that’s just the way it is. I will go to an interview that might get twisted, I might go and get flirted on by a random stranger that works for publicity. I might have rumors of me dating people I haven’t even met! All of that without my consent or knowledge. But I agreed to this when I agreed to follow my dreams and I can’t help it when it happens and most of the time I can’t say anything about it even if it hurts. 
And when that happens I need to know that you will trust me. Because I cannot possibly ask you to leave your dreams to follow mine, meaning that we won’t be together all the time like we’re used to. And I need to know that you will trust me when I’m away from you”
Luke stayed quiet, his mind running a thousand miles per hour at her words. Could he trust her? When they were together on tour, and even at home in L.A, the rumors about Y/N were strong, so much so that he didn’t know if they were true or not. And even though he knew her, he still wasn’t sure. He doubted her, more times than not he did which ended up in him losing her until last night. He trusted her now, but…
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly, feeling like the weight of his shoulders was being lifted as he spoke “I don’t trust my mind, not when it’s about you. Not really. I trust you here, right now but I can’t promise that my insecurities won’t get in the way, changing that for the future. But I can try, I’ll do my best-”
“What if your best is not enough, Luke?” She asked, sucking the air out of both of them. 
“What?” He asked in return, voice small and soft. 
She sighed, blinking through the tears “What if- What if it’s not enough? You love me, but you don’t trust me. I love you, but I’m scared you’re going to run away every time you hear something about me that could tint the image of me you have in your mind. I’m scared of that Y/N because I’m not her and I might never be able to compete with her. I wish I could tell you that everything will change for the better, that love will be enough. But if we can’t see a future now…”
“There might not be a future at all” Luke finished for her. 
The truth hurt more than they could ever have imagined, but it was still the truth. Without trust, there is no love that could endure the passings of times, but they could try, couldn’t they? 
“What now?” He asked after a moment of silence. 
“Hold me?” 
Luke opened his arms and Y/N nested into them, setting her head upon his chest and letting his heartbeat be the melody of her heartbreak. “I love you” She whispered into his skin.
“I love you, too” 
“I might never stop loving you” 
“You don’t have to” 
She sighed “I know, that’s what scares me”
Luke nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He let his fingertips trace up and down her arms and back, serving as the only comfort he could give right now.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asked, tilting her head so she could look him in the eyes “Just one night the two of us where we can leave the world behind. Just us and for tonight that’s enough”
He smiled sadly “Morning will come eventually” 
“And what will happen to us in the morning?” 
Luke let out a sad sigh “I don’t know” 
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash​ @alltimesos @kingxnichole @givebuckyhisplumsnow @hufflehemm @wildflower98 @girl-toxxic
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Momtara and Dadko
Click here to read the entire fic on AO3
Content Warning: Suggestive Content
Zuko, as usual, woke up early in the morning. Katara recalled kissing him before he went on his run, but didn’t properly wake up until a few hours later. Normally, Zuko woke her up when he returned, so Katara was confused when her aide came knocking. 
After getting dressed, Katara walked into the dining room where Sokka, Suki, and the children were firmly entrenched in their breakfast. 
“Where’s Zuko?” She asked.
“He’s not with you?” Sokka asked, glancing up briefly before looking back down to continue feeding Lu Ten small pieces of bacon.
“Clearly.” Katara said dryly, taking her seat.
“Mommy, you are being mean to Uncle Sokka. You should say sorry.” Izumi said. 
“It’s okay.” Sokka said quickly.
“It’s not.” Katara said and sighed. “I have been mean. I’m stressed out and taking it out on you, which isn’t fair. I’m sorry Sokka.”
“I understand Kat. I forgive you.” Sokka replied.
“And I’m sorry Mimi. I shouldn’t have yelled at you yesterday.” Katara said, putting her hand on the top of Izumi’s head.
“I forgive you mommy.” Izumi said primly. “Now Kya.”
“I’m sorry Kya. I shouldn’t have yelled at you either.” Katara said, looking at her niece while stroking Izumi’s hair.
“Thank you Auntie.” Kya murmured, looking down at her plate.
“And Lu Ten!” Izumi chirped.
“What did I do to Lu Ten?” Katara asked, tilting her head down to look at Izumi.
“You left him out.” She stated.
“You’re right. I’m sorry Lu Ten.” Katara said.
Sokka picked up Lu Ten, thrusting the toddler over the table. Katara chuckled as she leaned across the corner to kiss Lu Ten. He, with his hands covered in greasy egg, grabbed onto her face as he kissed her back.
“Ew!” Kya and Izumi shrieked together. 
Katara leaned back, wiping her face off as the others started chattering once again.
“What did I miss?” Zuko asked as he walked in. Katara turned and was surprised to see him still in his running clothes. 
Then Hakoda, Malina, and Bato stepped in after him.
“Lu Ten got mommy messy.” Izumi answered.
“He seems especially skilled at that.” Zuko agreed. He walked to Katara and kissed her cheek.
“Good morning beloved.” He murmured.
“Kisses!” Lu Ten yelled. Zuko smiled and made his way down the table and around, going so far as to kiss Suki and Sokka’s cheeks. As he got to Sokka, he took Lu Ten from his lap and walked back to take his seat next to Katara.
“That’s very cute.” Malina remarked.
“Thank you. It was very weird at first; physical affection wasn’t something I was used to as a kid.” Zuko said, speaking easily enough to keep things from growing awkward.
“I can understand that! South Pole custom seems to be very touchy.” Malina said, playfully nudging Hakoda with her shoulder. 
“The first time I hugged Zuko, he thanked me and then shook my hand.” Sokka said. Bato sputtered out a laugh and Hakoda broke a smile. 
“Was he always like that?” Zuko asked, looking side to side for verification from the other South Pole members.
“As children, they were handled a lot. It’s nearly impossible to get toddlers through the snow when left on their own two feet.” Hakoda said. 
“Katara wore one of those wrap things when the kids were babies. Genius. I think I carried both of them all day sometimes.” Zuko said.
Katara snorted and everyone looked at her.
“One time, Zuko had Lu Ten in a sling during a financial meet and, in his sleep, decided to use his diaper.” She explained.
“Nothing is worse than potty training a child during the dark season in the South Pole when your bathroom is outside.” Hakoda interjected as the others were laughing.
“Paw-Paw, what was mommy like when she was my age?” Izumi asked.
The table quieted and Katara stared at her father.
“Well, I wasn’t around when your mother was five. I was fighting in the Earth Kingdom.” Hakoda said.
“You didn’t see her at all?” Izumi questioned with clear shock.
“Not for many years.” Hakoda said with a shake of his head.
“Sometimes I don’t get to see mommy for a few weeks when I live with daddy in the Fire Nation.” Izumi said softly. “It makes me sad.” 
“I was very sad when I couldn’t see my mom or my dad.” Katara said, putting her arms around Izumi and kissing her hair. 
“When I’m queen, I’m going to live here and I’ll be able to see Izumi every day.” Kya announced.
“What about me and mama?” Sokka asked.
“You can live here too if you want.” She conceded and Sokka scoffed in amusement. 
“Oh, why thank you.” He said and smiled over Kya’s head at Suki.
“I had hoped after the war, I’d be able to live with my entire family in one place.” Hakoda grumbled and Malina patted his hand. 
“Tell me about it.” Katara sighed. 
“Excuse me, your majesty?” A woman called from the doorway. Katara turned and waved the aide in.
“The Matriarch is waiting for you. And we just got confirmation that the ambassador has entered the city.” She said, angling a tablet down so Katara could see the verification. 
“Delightful.” Katara muttered. Then, speaking up, she tried to sound more cheerful. “Time to get dressed!”
More voices than she expected groaned in disappointment. 
The first meeting would be a quick, but formal, welcome. In the throne room, Katara had Hakoda and Dong-Lee take their seats first. Then, holding up the thick fabric of her skirt, she stepped up to the platform where her own carved monstrosity awaited her. Kya knelt on a cushion at her side, still on the platform above Hakoda and Dong-Lee. Politics were in everything.
The Ambassador was escorted in and he bowed in greeting.
“Ambassador Yi, welcome to our little oasis in Republic City.” Katara said.
Yi was a stout man, but younger than she expected. He was middle aged with a receding hairline, yet his face was fairly youthful. From his file, Katara knew he was married with three children, all a few years older than Izumi.
“Thank you, Queen Katara.” He said.
“You are here at the pleasure of Chief Hakoda, leader of the Southern Water Tribes, and Matriarch Dong-Lee of the Swamp Tribe.” Katara went on, gesturing with both hands to the other leaders. 
Yi bowed again.
“Thank you, Chief Hakoda and Matriarch Dong-Lee.” He said.
“And I would like to introduce you to my heir, Princess Kya.” Katara finished.
A third bow and Kya shifted uneasily.
“It is a pleasure to meet the princess.” Yi said.
“I know you have meetings with us separately, but did you have anything you would like to bring before the triumvirate?” Katara questioned.
“No, your majesty.” Yi answered.
“Then I give you your leave. I will see you at our appointed time.” Katara said. She stood and Yi bowed again, keeping his gaze lowered. The others stood and left, exiting behind the platform before Yi made his way back the way he entered. 
Such rituals made Katara feel stiff and irritated; she’d be taking her lunch with the man in a few hours while wearing pants. All of the preceding pageantry struck her as unnecessary. 
“He seems agreeable.” Dong-Lee said.
“Well, be careful, he’s from the Upper Ring. There’s been a lot of chatter about pruning the swamp.” Katara said.
Dong-Lee scoffed. “As if the swamp would let anyone do such a thing.” 
“Are all the meetings going to be like that Auntie?” Kya asked, tugging hard at the neckline of her dress.
“Not all of them, no. But enough of them to make you grumpy.” Katara said and Kya groaned loudly. 
“How does Izumi do it?” Kya whined.
“She’s a lot like her father I suppose. They were born into it.” Katara remarked lightly. Kya groaned again and Katara laughed. 
“I wish Thuy was here.” She muttered.
Katara only nodded.
Ambassador Yi met with Hakoda and Dong-Lee prior to lunch, talking about his goals for his appointment and the technical aspects of the placement. The lunch was far more casual, and Yi brought his family. Dong-Lee was attended by her brother and two children, while Malina came along with Hakoda. The rest of Katara’s royal family bustled in and the large table on the veranda was bursting with activity. 
Yi and his family were patient through the introductions, though Katara promptly forgot the names of everyone with him. Zuko had a better mind for names and she would have to ask him about it later. 
“Ambassador, I’d like to introduce my consort, Fire Lord Zuko.” Katara said, gesturing to Zuko. Yi and his family all gave a hasty Fire Nation salute while Zuko only smiled, holding Lu Ten at his hip. 
“Forgive me,” Yi’s wife said, sounding nervous. “But how should we refer to your Highness?” 
“Zuko is fine.” He replied and the blood drained from her face. 
Katara made a tsk sound and swatted his arm lightly. 
“Titles are very loosely held and wielded around here. We both prefer to be on a first name basis, but since we don’t have a family name, I understand it can be awkward.” She explained.
“I do think consort is rather fun.” Zuko said, smiling at Katara, who glowered back at him. 
“I was told the Earth Empire custom was a bit formal compared to the rest of the world.” Yi admitted.
“It was the same in the Fire Nation until very recently.” Zuko said. 
“I’d like us to be friends.” Katara said. “So I’d love it if you’d use our given names.” 
“That would make it easier to know when I’m in trouble.” Yi joked and Katara laughed. His wife looked mortified. 
Lu Ten started to fuss and Zuko started bouncing him.
“I think it’s nap time.” He said.
“Thank you.” Katara replied, offering her cheek as Zuko leaned in to kiss her. 
“Can we go eat mom?” Yi’s eldest son asked, tugging lightly on his mother’s sleeve.
“Please! This was meant to welcome you after all!” Katara said, shooing them away. Yi’s wife and children walked off, heading over to the serving tables.
“You have a lovely family.” Katara said.
“Thank you. Your’s is charming as well.” Yi said and rubbed his chin. “I hadn’t expected the Fire Lord to be so approachable.” 
“He’s a lot like his uncle.” Katara replied.
“Your son looks just like him.” 
“Oh yes.” Katara said with a laugh. “He’s a Firebender too.”
“But how lucky your daughter is just like you!” Yi said.
“Hmm?” Katara turned and faced Yi more purposefully. 
“I was glad you introduced her first, because my packet was incorrect. I thought her name was Izumi.” He said.
“Izumi is my daughter.” Katara said.
“My apologies. Is that her Fire Nation name?” Yi questioned.
“Yes.” Katara said slowly. “You misunderstand, Kya is my niece.” 
Yi’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Then Izumi is not the Waterbender?” He asked.
“No, Izumi is a…” Katara frowned. “She’s not a Waterbender. Kya is my brother’s daughter. She recently came into her bending and now she’s my heir.” 
“So Izumi is…” Yi sounded panicked and confused.
“Fire Nation. Completely.” Katara said tersely. “She is her father’s heir.”
“I’m sorry. I am completely embarrassed.” Yi said in a hurry, bowing in apology. 
“I can understand the confusion. The inheritance law changed when I was crowned.” Katara said. 
“Thank you for your understanding, your Majesty.” Yi said.
“Of course. You should join your family, they seem to be waiting for you.” Katara said. Yi bowed again and walked to the table. Katara watched him for a moment before turning back toward the palace.
She saw Izumi’s face peeking from behind a wooden beam that supported the pergola. As their eyes met, Izumi darted back inside the palace. Katara sighed, a weight settling on her shoulders. 
Katara’s meeting with the new ambassador was awkward, but she merely questioned him about his goals. The Earth Empire was still gunning for drilling rights in the arctic, which simply wasn’t going to happen. They also wanted to expand their fishing and research waters, which also wasn’t going to happen. Those two points came up time and again, becoming chronic sores in Katara’s life. In the Poles at least, her people had learned how to live in harmony with the seas. They were also intimately aware of what happened when they tried to tip the balance in their favor. Seas could rise, ice could crack, and hungry things could see better than they in the night. 
After the business was concluded, Katara cancelled the debrief with Hakoda and Dong-Lee, pushing it back a day. 
She needed to talk to Zuko.
In their bedroom, Katara sat on the bed as Zuko undid his dress shirt. He never dressed down around politicians, despite his insistence on the given name thing. 
“Am I ashamed of our children?” Katara blurted as Zuko hung the shirt on the valet rack. He paused, his hands still on the hanger and slowly turned his head around to look at her.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“Yi thought Kya was our daughter and I couldn’t just come out and correct him. It was so awkward!” Katara said.
“I don’t think that means you’re ashamed of her.” Zuko stated firmly. 
“Izumi heard me and she ran off.” Katara said.
“Did you talk to her?” 
“We probably shouldn’t let that marinate.”
Katara groaned and bent over, holding her head in her hands.
“I am the worst parent.” She said.
“I think we can both agree that Ozai was the worst parent.” Zuko retorted.
Katara lifted her head, keeping her fingers splayed over her mouth.
“I’m serious.” She moaned and Zuko raised an eyebrow.
He brought both hands sharply up to his face, framing his scar.
“So am I.” He said. 
“I don’t even consider him a parent.” Katara said, falling backward onto the bed. “He’s a monster.”
“Fair point, yet he still is legally my father.” Zuko said.
“I think biologically too.” Katara added.
“Did you know Toph takes Lin and Suyin to her matches?” Zuko asked.
“What?” Katara asked, shooting her confused look up to the ceiling. 
“Lin caught a tooth before she even lost one of her own. It’s nuts.” Zuko said, sitting on the bed beside her.
“And she adopted Jae-hwan, seemingly on a whim. No one knows who fathered Lin or Suyin, but Toph doesn’t care because they’d be Beifongs regardless.”
“I repeat, and?”
“And Toph is an amazing mother. Lots of people give her so much crap for simply being blind and having kids, let alone all this other stuff. None of us are perfect, but we’re doing our best. Our kids are great.” 
“I know that Zuko. But I don’t act like it.” Katara muttered, covering her face with her arms. 
“You’ve been really protective of Izumi about this bending stuff, but have you talked to her about it?” Zuko asked.
“No.” Katara said, her voice muffled. 
“I’m telling you, Izumi and Kya love each other. And Izumi is going to be Fire Lord, so it’s not like she’s getting shoved to the side.” Zuko said.
“So what about Lu Ten?” Katara asked.
“Who knows? The Fire Nation hasn’t had a good run with siblings, but Izumi and Lu Ten seem to be fine.” 
“Has there ever been a woman Fire Lord? Or a non-Bender?” 
“Well. No.” Zuko admitted. “But there’s never been a Prime Minister before either.”
“Obviously I don’t need to protect her, so why am I hiding her?”
“When Kya was born, you were so relieved. I thought it was because you were worried about Suki, but you were so anxious before Sokka texted. Then suddenly everything was easier and Izumi popped out two minutes later. I think Izumi was exactly what you wanted her to be.” Zuko explained.
“What do you mean?” Katara lowered her arms and looked up at him.
“She’s not named Kya, so you didn’t have to go through that. She looks like you when you haven’t been in the sun for awhile, and her hair is just like mine. I remember you talking about how much more manageable her hair was when it started to really grow in.
“And she’s not a Waterbender, so you didn’t have to put her through what you’re going through.” Zuko added softly. 
“But Kya’s going to be fine.” Katara said.
“Kya is going to have to live away from her parents more than you think. Sokka has a job in the Fire Nation now, remember? And Suki is still holding onto the flower shop for him.”
“I.” Katara cut off, not knowing what to say. 
“Sokka’s really anxious about this. He’s terrified of being away from Kya, because he hated being away from your parents.” Zuko said.
Tears welled in Katara’s eyes and she threw her arms over her face again.
“So not only am I a terrible mother, but I’m the worst sister and daughter too!” She wailed. 
“Katara, you know it’s not like that.” Zuko said, rubbing one of her arms.
“I hate that this happened. I hate how everyone makes these stupid choices without me and then I end up doing something terrible!”
“So it’s not your fault?”
“How is this my fault?”
“How is it anyone’s?”
Frustrated, Zuko stood up and walked back to their closet. 
“We talked about kids for years because we knew this was going to be hard. And Sokka and Suki could never have expected that their kid was going to be a Bender. And your dad didn’t go off thinking he’d never see his wife again, or that his children would grow up without him.” He said. 
Katara sat up, glaring at his back as Zuko picked out a new outfit. 
“So it’s me then? I’m the one making everything difficult?” She shot back.
“I didn’t say that.” Zuko replied.
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying this sucks!” Zuko turned around sharply, holding tight onto a t-shirt. “I hate being in Caldera without you for so long. And it’s pure misery when you have the children.”
He yanked on the shirt and rubbed his nose furiously.
“Honestly, sometimes I can’t wait for the children to be grown. Because then I can toss Izumi onto the throne and Kya can move in here and then you and I can finally be together, properly.” He laughed darkly and ran a hand through his hair. “But then I feel terrible because these are my children and I’m already missing out on so much.” 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have gotten married.” Katara muttered.
Zuko advanced on her quickly and grabbed her arms, squeezing her hard enough to scare her.
“Don’t you ever say that.” He said, his voice low. “I would rather have died in the Agni Kai than even think you mean that for a second.” 
“Zuko…” Katara protested and he shook her once, softly but with urgency.
“Tell me to step down. Ask me. Order me and I would crawl from the port to your throne to become your proper consort.” Zuko said. “But don’t you ever think things would be better had I not made you mine.” 
“Stop.” Katara said brusquely, using her forearms to break his hold. Zuko grabbed her wrists, holding them up.
“You gave me your bed, you gave me children. And they are forever a part of me. But you are mine. Just as I am yours.” Zuko kissed her, loosening his grip on her wrists. Katara grabbed his shirt, pulling him onto the bed. 
“Do you suppose that was a healthy and loving way to handle our fight?” Katara asked, shaking her hands off in the sink. It was easy enough to heal the minor marks and Zuko examined his chest in the mirror.
“I would definitely say it was loving.” He said and then nodded at his reflection. “But we should probably leave out some details if we bring this up at therapy.” 
“What are you so angry about anyway?” Katara asked.
“I am angry, dear wife, that you are in the throes of your righteous fury while I’m also struggling but I feel like I have to hold everything together.” Zuko said. 
He had an easy way of talking that made Katara relax. Had it been anyone else, she would have launched right into a fight.
“I’m sorry I’m not being more supportive.” Katara said and moved behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle and pressing her cheek into his shoulder blade. 
“Like I said last night, I do understand that this is difficult for you. But I think you need to have a little faith and try letting go. Not everything has to be a battle that you win or lose.” Zuko held onto her arms and tilted his head back to bump hers. 
“Fine. So, as a wife first, what can I do?” Katara asked.
“Not much. Summer will be in a few weeks and you get to be Fire Lady again. I’ll be able to breathe once you and the children are in Caldera.” Zuko answered.
“Mom time then?” Katara said meekly.
“Mom and dad time. We’re a team.” Zuko replied.
They dressed and went to Izumi’s bedroom. Apparently, she had run there during lunch and refused to come out.
Zuko knocked on the door and called gently. “Mimi?” 
“Come in.” Izumi said, sounding despondent. 
Opening the door, Zuko and Katara hesitated before entering. Izumi was on the floor, moving her dolls around limply.
“Izumi, it is time. For.” Zuko paused with performative austerity. “The feelings wheel.” 
Izumi heaved a long sigh as she got up and shuffled to her small desk. Pulling open the center drawer, she pulled out a laminated piece of paper and went back to her spot on the floor. Zuko and Katara joined her, shutting the door behind them.
“Okay Mimi, you know the drill. How are you feeling?” Zuko asked as he and Katara sat down.
On the paper was a large circle cut into tiered segments. The wider wedges at the center of the circle were labelled with general emotions like “happy” and “scared.” Things got more specific in the thinner wedges radiating outward. 
Izumi pointed with a heavy finger to “sad.”
Zuko worked with Izumi through the process, getting her to be more specific about how she was feeling. Katara stayed quiet, watching her daughter’s face. She was surprised that Izumi identified “guilty” before ending on “ashamed.”
It wasn’t what Katara expected at all.
But she knew exactly how Izumi was feeling.
“Why do you feel ashamed sweetie?” Katara asked.
“Because I’m not Water Tribe.” Izumi said quietly. 
“Why do you think you’re not?” Zuko asked.
“Because mommy always says that I’m only Fire Nation. That I’m your heir and that’s it.” Izumi explained.
“Okay, that’s a valid reason.” Zuko said and Katara sighed.
“I say that because I know you’re part Tribal. I want everyone to know that you deserve to be your father’s heir regardless.” She said.
“Why would being Tribal be bad?” Izumi asked.
“Well…” Katara drifted, sharing a look with Zuko.
“During the war, the Fire Nation and the Water Tribe were enemies.” Zuko said honestly. “And a lot of people in the Fire Nation still feel angry about that.” 
“So they hate me?” Izumi asked, her voice quivering.
“Oh no sweetie! No one hates you!” Katara said in a rush. “It’s just, they may think being from the Water Tribe will make you a bad Fire Lord.” 
“Do you think I’ll be a bad Fire Lord?” Izumi asked Zuko.
“I think you’ll be the first good one.” He said. Izumi crawled onto Zuko, hugging him.
“You’re good, daddy.” She said.
Zuko hugged her back and kissed her hair. “I’m glad you think so, Mimi.” 
“Your father is a great Fire Lord, and you’ll be even better.” Katara added, patting Izumi’s back.
Izumi still clung to Zuko but looked over at Katara.
“So it’s okay that I don’t look like you or Paw-Paw?” She asked.
“Of course sweetie! And not all Water Tribals look like me. Some of them.” Katara stopped and took in a breath. “Some of them look like your Gran-Gran remember?” 
“And it’s okay that I’m not a Waterbender?” Izumi continued.
“Absolutely. Is it okay that Kya is?” Katara asked.
Izumi thought about it seriously for a moment and then nodded.
“Kya is going to rule the tribes and I’m going to be Fire Lord and then we’re going to take over the world.” She said and Katara sputtered.
“What was that?” She asked.
“Well Lu Ten has to have something and there are Waterbenders and Firebenders in the Earth Empire, so Kya and I are going to take it.” Izumi stated.
“You very much are not, young lady.” Zuko said, holding Izumi up to look at her. 
“But daddy, you said I could do anything.” Izumi replied simply. “And grandfather Ozai took over Omashu, my teacher told me so.” 
“Okay, we’re firing your teacher for one thing.” Zuko said and Katara gently pried their daughter from his hold. 
“Izumi, we’ll have to have a chat about why world domination is not a good thing, but do you feel better now?” She asked.
“Yes mommy. Can I have lunch?” Izumi asked. 
“Let’s go see what’s in the kitchen.” Katara stood up and held Izumi’s hand, pausing while Zuko stared off.
“Coming?” She prompted. Zuko shook himself and stood, looking curiously down at Izumi.
“Maybe we should hold off on introducing her to Azula.” He said.
Izumi lifted her head, her hazel eyes shifting in the overhead light. 
“I already know all about her. Auntie Ty Lee told me about her when we were on Avatar Island.” She said and then looked toward the door. Zuko, bewildered, caught Katara’s eye.
Auntie Ty Lee? He mouthed over Izumi’s head. Katara only shrugged.
She had her own family problems to deal with. 
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mischievous-barnes · 3 years
euphoria thoughts (rant)
disclaimer - euphoria s2 spoilers! so please don't read if you haven't watched the first 3 episodes. Talk about violence, trauma suicide, addiction and nudity.
thoughts below cut !!
okay so i was thinking of doing these for the first four episodes but decided that three was better because there is a lot going on!
Jules / Rue / Elliot :
As much as I love them (rue/jules), they really shouldn't be in a relationship, they need a lot of work on themselves because they bring out things in each other that are not good.
I don't really know how to feel about elliot, I don't necessarily think he is bad, but he definitely is not a good influence in rue. We don't have a lot to say about him, so I just don't have my mind made up about him. (Felt some vibes with him and jules at the end of ep3).
I HATE rue at the moment, am sorry, but you are really gonna gaslight your sister into thinking you're going to kill yourself just so you can do drugs, lie to your girlfriend about your addiction, bring a suitcase full of drugs to an NA meeting where people are vulnerable to that and insult and offend Ali with something private he shared with you about his addiction and expect me to be okay with you ?? nah. I know she is sick (because being an addiction is a disease) but they way she is acting is horrid and she is going to hurt a lot of people.
Jules deserves everything, and am so sad for her because she knows something's up with rue but is being lied to. On another note am loving her style this season she looks beautiful !!
Maddy / Cassie / Nate :
The whole maddy/cassie/nate thing is messy and i hate every second of it because I think my girls deserve better than nate fucking jacobs.
With that said I am so upset with cassie, i get that she has trauma and seeks validation from men, but that doesn't excuse her actions (only explains them), out of all the men your going to fuck your best friends ex ??? like that doesn't make sense to me and yeah in the first episode she was drunk and easily persuaded but the fact that she carried on doing it behind maddy when she had the opportunity to end it is just awful, and she knows it in the back of her mind. And am not in any way gonna defend nate because he is just awful all around and has zero loyalty to anyone but himself but I didnt expect the betrayal from her. Like she saw the abuse first hand that maddy was going through and she still went and put herself in that situation, am just so angry at her.
I do have a soft spot for maddy I relate to her (and kat&lexi) the most, she has mistakes and wrongs as well don't get me wrong but i can understand her better in a way. I really really hope she doesn't get back together with nate and go back to the cycle of abuse because is really easy when is all you know, so am just hoping my girl finds a way out of it. Also like the bits of friendship we are getting with her jules and kat <3 and the babysitting scenes are really wholesome and gives us other side to her.
fuck nate jacobs.
Fez / Lexi :
love them love them. think they are really cute together even though i don't really know how that relationship would work but so far am ship them so hard and are the two characters that haven't pissed me off at some point during the whole show (s1&2).
Fez doing the lords work and beating nate was cheffs kiss apart from that he is all around very nice tbh pretty chill just minding his business.
Lexi, i was longing for more of her character and with ep3 i fell they are really giving more of her by separating her from only being cassies sister or rues friend
So pure so amazing hopefully her play goes well and fez comes to see it :)
Kat :
kat is struggling to understand who she is and same tbh, the scene of "self-love" was an amazing way to portray how social media and society makes you feel.
the whole realtionship with ethan is shaky , I liked them in s1 and still do but I also understand how kat is feeling which inevitably affects her relation (kinda fell bad for ethan because kat is not communicating her problems so he is kinda clueless)
also the effect of fan fiction, writing and reading it at a young age and how it affects her expectations of sex and love are definitely a big issue because she is imaging an unattainable version of what her relationship should look like based on fantasy, and it's never gonna look like that especially in highschool.
want to see more of her i feel like the been cutting her time in the show and i dont like it ! read it was because of a discussion between barbie and sam which i find foolish
these are my thoughts so far!! i still have a few comments but the post is long as it is. love u guys <3
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phant0mprince · 4 years
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒄
Morning at the Jackson's. Percy waking up on 24th December, his hair a mess and thought tangled. The Blowfis-Jackson house is a mess yet perfectly set for Christmas. Sally is cooking in the kitchen, baking cookies and cake for the night, estelle sleeping on the sofa. Percy walks up to his mother, kissing her cheek and burying his head into her shoulder muttering a muffled good morning. Sally ruffling her 6 feet baby boy's hair.
Inviting Annabeth over. Estelle letting out a happy shriek distracting Percy. "Go play with your sister honey" Percy just nodding and grabbing a cookie before Sally could tell him off. "Mom, I'm gonna call Annabeth" "Oh yes, i was worried when She wasn't here. I knew you won't forget." "Nope, he wanted to spend some time with her dad but she said she didn't, you know" Sally smiling quietly at her son. Her heart melting for Annabeth. She was like a daughter to her at this point.
Annabeth arriving. The doorbell rings and Estelle giggles loudly in Percy's arm. Percy rolls his eyes loving at her, before getting the door. Standing in front of him, Annabeth smiles at him, giving him a small kiss before taking off her court and rubbing her hands together, shivering a little. Percy pulls on a blue sweater near by, passing his scarf to Annabeth which he glady accepts. Annabeth snuggles close to him, while Paul goes into the kitchen to help Sally but not before patting their head affectionately.
What about the others? "What's Thalia up to?" Percy asks, remembering that Jason was going to spend the holidays with Leo and Piper at the Mclean's. "Why do you ask?" Annabeth asks, her eyebrows raised at her boyfriend. Percy's eyes lighting up and a grin making it's way on his face. "She owes me a pizza treat." Annabeth just bursting out laughing, she very well knew what thus treat was about. "Mom can we invite a few friends over?" "Oh dear, i was about to ask you that. You should invite your friends, those poor babies who're still at camp, we could celebrate Christmas together! They're also your family after all." Percy smiling softly at his mother, she was right, they were his family after all. He IMing Thalia first accepting excited yelling only to be greeted by silence. "Pinecone face? You there? I was asking if you wanted to celebrate Christmas with us, Mom is quite fond of you all." "That's why?" "And isn't Christmas for family?" Thalia's voice almost cracking when she says okay and hangs up hurriedly. Percy IMing the camp to invite the Stolls, Malcolm and Clarisse. All of them accepting the offer immediately, Clarisse glaring at Percy before shrugging and cutting the connection. "Well, I'll take that as a yes?"
Will dragging Nico to the Jackson's flat. Percy being shocked when Nico actually comes. Will greets him telling him how they were planning on spending the Christmas together but he had to go back to his parents house. Percy and Annabeth understand the silent message and smile. Annabeth wrapping her hand around Nico's shoulder. "Well, Nico is family too, right Nico?" Percy nodding his head vigorously. Will just smiling at them from the sidelines as Nico slowly nods, making Percy's voice audibly crack for the slightest second. Annabeth squeezing his shoulder, her eyes shining with understanding. Nico inching close to the taller girl, a very small smile in his face. Maybe he won't be alone for Christmas after all. And he doesn't feel all that lonely as Will kisses his cheek as a goodbye and walks out of the flat.
A messy arrival. Stolls almost crashing into Will just as they walk in and he walks out. "Will, Nico looks sick, did he have breakfast today?" Panic filling his mind, Will turns around about to start rambling when it clicks. "STOLLS I SWEAR TO OLYMPUS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL WITH A EEFING SCALPEL!" Stolls just yelling "Happy Christmas eve to you too Willy!" And running into the flat, greeting Sally loudly. Percy just shrugs at Will, while a loud giggle from Estelle makes them peep in to see Travis and Connor playing with her. Clarisse muttering something about "there's my favourite Jackson kid!" While Katie yells at the Stolls to be careful. "Shh Kat-kit, We're Estelle's favourite! Right baby?" "I'M HER FAVOURITE YOU IDIOTS!" Percy yelling from outside, earning a facepalm from Nico and Annabeth. Will shuddering by just imaging the havoc about to be caused. Thalia arriving just in time to yell "Shut it you losers! I'm her favourite." While grover frowns telling her that she was wrong. "I'm her favourite, excuse you!" "Dream on Goat boy!" "Please seaweed brain." "I bring Estelle chocolates, I'm her favorite." "NICO!" Sally just shaking her head, leaning into Paul, a small smile on her face happy to know her son was at home.
"Cookies are ready!" "No kelp head, you don't all of them!" Thalia and Percy fighting over who'll go to the kitchen to pick the cookies. Nico groaning at his cousin and jumping over Percy's head, making his way to the kitchen, only be tackled by Percy to the ground. "Percy, what in the name of—" but Nico was never able to continue his string of curses as Thalia jumped on the duo lying on the ground. "Pinecone face what do you eat, holy poseidon-" "Percy you're not the one to talk" "Get off me you two!" Annabeth and Katie shaking their head at the three who lay tangled on the ground. Grover just shaking her and walking over them to take the cookies while they fought. "That's not fair!"
Movies. All of them snuggled together on the floor watching some movie Annabeth picked. Percy just leaning into Annabeth's shoulder, Nico half asleep next to him. Travis snuggled into Katie while Connor slept in a tangled mess of blankets, occasionally earning a smack from Clarisse when he got too close to her. Chris just shaking his head at his girlfriend. Grover snoring loudly on the sofa, bitting it off in his sleep.
Merry Christmas. Percy being the first one to wake up after mid night, kissing Annabeth softly, whispering a Merry Christmas. "Merry Christmas to you too, Seaweed brain." He walks around, placing the presents he brough for everyone under the tree. As he settles down between Nico and Annabeth once again, he couldn't help but smile at the tangled mess of Teenagers around him.
Opening Presents. Percy grinning as everyone opens their presents. Thalia squealing loudly at the sight of a leather jacket. "Yours was getting old" Percy shrugged, only to be tackled down by the smaller girl. Annabeth called Piper, wishing them Merry Christmas on behalf of the others and Percy. Her present safe on her finger, a promise ring that read "one day" Nico smiling to himself at the jumper Sally and Percy gave him. Stolls grinning at Katie as she opened her presents. "Holy demeter, you all got me this?" Clarisse getting teary eyed for the slightest second when Percy passed her a jar of cookies. "Mom says it makes you less grumpy." "Don't make me crash it in your head, prissy." Grover letting out a loud squeal looking at the photo album of him, Percy and Annabeth. Percy hugging Annabeth, smiling at friends, no family.
A Merry Christmas indeed.
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Pedro Pascal x Reader 
Summary: Everything is blissful when Pedro asks you to be his dance partner for a dance lesson he has to take for a new role, until you catch a contagious illness and have to cancel. Pedro finds a way to still dance with you and confess his feelings. 
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m obsessed with those songs but in another room videos/audio! I wrote this inspired by Paul Anka’s song...but in another room. I recommend listening to it while you read. 
Requests are OPEN
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A gentle knock of your apartment door interrupted your glamorous dinner one Monday night. You folded the corner of your magazine and took one final bite of your Lucky Charms before getting up to answer it “Coming,” you shout, your mouth sill full of cereal.
Once you open the door, you swallow your food as fast as you can, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of your hot neighbor. You’d known Pedro for years, he had moved in next to you and sent over a plate of baked goods and a note apologizing in advance for any noise. Both of you were smitten since that day. “Did I interrupt you again?” Pedro asks, grimacing at his awful timing.
“Nah I only got to the who wore it best section this time,” you chuckle, leaning on the cold door frame and tugging your knit sweater up on your shoulder. Pedro ran his fingers through his messy brown hair and then cooly put it in his front pocket “What do you need?”
“A favor,” he responds simply, “when was the last time you danced?” You squint your Y/E/C colored eyes and your lips pucker in thought.
“Senior prom. Why?”
“I signed on to do a project, and I have to learn how to waltz,” he explains, a pink tint rising to his tanned skin. You smile softly and cross your arms over your chest, motioning him to continue. “I found a class on Friday in Midtown, will you please be my partner?”
“Why me?” you ask, trying to hide a giddy smile that was threatening to make an appearance. The man of your dreams was inviting you out and all you do was stand there and look like an idiot! He looked so nervous and precious, standing there fidgeting on his spot.
“You know I have two left feet, I trust you not to laugh at me too much,” he laughs. That was fair, he did, hen he invited you to a friends wedding you got to experience that first hand. “Please, Y/N. I need you,” he begs looks at you with pleading eyes.
“Fine, fine, fine,” you agree “Friday.”
He sighs in relief and pulls his hands from his pockets “You are my savior, Y/N. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ll see pick you up at 5 and we’ll take the Subway, yeah?” He plans excitedly, almost bouncing. You bit back a girly laugh and did your best to keep your calm composure.
“I’ll see you then.”
Except you wouldn’t. Tuesday and come and gone and when Wednesday came you woke up with the worst headache of your life. Your neck was so stiff it felt like you were tied to a board, and after some back and forth with yourself, you made an appointment and thankfully, they were able to see you right away. Pedro was texting you nonstop for updates and made silly jokes to calm you. Some made you giggle and others made you groan from second-hand embarrassment.
Those jokes didn’t help when your doctor stood in front of you, his clipboard under his arm, and his eyes looking stern down at you. The older looking man takes a deep breath before giving you the diagnosis “Its meningitis,” he tells you bluntly.
You blink a couple of times, cocking your head as far as it could go without it hurting…which wasn’t that far at all “Meningitis?” you repeat confused, you’d never heard of that before.
The doctor leans against the old counter and uses his free hand to press against the back of his neck “You have an infection that’s causing swelling of the membrane covering your brain and spinal cord, ” he begins to explain, and this is where your daydreams came to a rough stop “It’s highly contagious and often deadly, seizures, brain damage, hearing loss.”
Your eyes widened at the amount of emphasis he used in ‘highly’ “Oh,” was all you could say. Fuck now you were afraid you were going to die! You couldn’t tell Pedro you liked him if you were dead. “H-how bad is my case?” you ask meekly, your eyebrows turning upwards in worry.
“Thankfully we caught it early and the infection is only bacterial, I’ll be giving you the best antibiotics I can and you should come out of this with no side effects,” he tells you, taking his clipboard from his arm to start writing down a prescription. Here comes another kicker “You need to be quarantined for at least a week, no face to face interaction with other people.”
“I have a date Friday,” you say without thinking about what you just blurted out. The doctor looks up from his clipboard and gave you a look that said ‘are you serious?’
“Do you want them to get infected?”
He laughs “Then stay home and rest. I’ll supply you with a few masks to get home, then no going out. You go to the pharmacy and go home. Got it?”
You smile at him “I do. Thank you, Doc.”
Telling Pedro you couldn’t go dancing with him may have been the hardest thing you’d ever have to do. You imagined it was going to crush him as bad as it did you. You lean back in your seat on the train, passengers saw your blue medical mask and creating a bubble around you, at least you were alone-ish. Sliding your phone out of your pocket you begin to text him ‘I’m on my way back.’
He replies almost instantly ‘How’d it go? Are you ok?’
‘I have meningitis. A brain infection basically.’
‘Jesus Christ. Are you going to live???’
‘lol yeah. I have to be quarantined for at least a week. I’m HIGHLY contagious. I can’t go with you Friday, I’m so sorry Pedro.’
Pedro’s quick responses ceased. You were constantly checking your phone every few seconds to see if he texted back. You watched your screen intensely, no pop-up messages were appearing, and when it did it was just an Instagram notification that gave you false hope. It took the actor 7 minutes to finally respond.
‘Fuck. Please don’t worry Y/N, I just really want you to get better! I’ll go to that bodega down the street and get you a few things so you don’t starve and stuff.’
Fuck this guy for taking care of you, fuck him for being sweet and nice and everything you wanted him to be. Too bad you were breaking both your hearts, you think. No Pedro was fine you assumed, just helping out a friend.
When you got back to your apartment you found two grey plastic grocery bags filled with Gatorade, semi-healthy snacks, and Tylenol you assumed. On the bag was a neon yellow sticky note ‘I hope I got you everything you needed. I’ll see you in a few days : ) – Pedro’ it read. You smiled softly to yourself and picked up the bags, ready for the lonely week ahead.
Thursday you were in the worst pain of your life, it was like that scene if Ferris Beuller’s Day Off when Cameron was in bed telling Ferris that he was dying, unable to move. That was you, 80s music and all as you laid hopelessly in your bed, surrounded by clear bottles of Gatorade and snacks that Pedro provided. Pedro himself was only adding to your pain, his constant texts asking how you were and trying to make you feel somewhat better was backfiring, you still felt terrible about the dance class. In the evening Pedro would knock on your door, leaving your mail in front of the doorstep.  Too bad you couldn’t move to get it.
Friday you were able to accomplish getting out of bed and slowly moving around your apartment. You were leaning on your kitchen counter, chicken noodle soup near boil in a silver pot in front of you. You checked the clock on your microwave ‘4:58’ it read in glowing blue letters, Pedro would be leaving at any moment. That is if he was really going of course.
He was, the door to his apartment closed loudly and a light giggle rang through the walls. You stood stiff, that was a female voice. You rushed to grab a medical mask in the living room, tugging on your gray oversized sweater and a good excuse in your mind.
Your door opened in a rush and you stood in the hallway, the speed of everything got Pedro and the woman’s attention. God she was beautiful, tall and bronzed with silky long black hair, if they needed a new Miss Universe it would’ve been her. She was your foil, you were there in sweatpants and your hair greasy hair pulled up into a high bun, a blue medical mask covering your frown but they couldn’t conceal your dark bags. “Y/n,” Pedro speaks cautiously like a man in a relationship getting caught with another woman. The tall skyscraper of a woman scans you up and down disapprovingly and you didn’t miss her taking a step back when you coughed. “This is Katerina. Kat this is Y/n.”
“Hi,” she sighs, and you simply wave at her before crossing your arms over your chest defensively. Katerina, you hated the way he said her name with that accent of his. Your heart was shattered, would rather dance with her. Your mind quickly flashed to him leaning in to kiss her while they danced, their bodies pressed together.
“What are you doing outside?” he asks you with concern.
You bit your quivering lower lip and replied in a faltering tone “I just came to get my mail.”
Pedro’s dark brown eyes look at you sympathetically “Do you need it right now?”
The tears started to form in your eyes, she probably thought you were ridden with disease “N-no.”
“Please go rest, I promise to bring it to you tonight,” he pleads.
“Pedro we need to go, the Uber’s out front,” Katerina interjects.
You didn’t say anything as he offers a guilty smile before walking off with her. Once their figures disappear down the hall you take in a sharp breath, tears falling down your cheeks. Why did you have to get sick? Why did it have to be contagious? Why did he choose her? You were so angry and jealous and it going to the window in your bedroom to watch him help her into the Uber fueled the angry green fire in your soul.
Later that night you sat on your couch brooding, that night’s rerun of Entertainment Tonight providing background noise as you angrily flipped through Vogue. Pedro would be back any moment, and you were just waiting to hear Katerina’s obnoxious giggles. Soon enough Pedro’s front door opened and shut, no exchanges of words or laughter could be heard. Maybe he did come home alone and you were worrying for nothing.
Music started to play from the apartment next to you, the 50s song you recognized from your father's collection and that one all the kids were into these days. Why was he playing it this loud? You could hear Paul Anka’s voice over Kevin Frasiers on the tv, the bass gently thumping the wall behind you.
Your phone started to ring, Pedro’s name and goofy face popped up “Pedro you’re going to have to pay another fine if you keep it this loud,” you say playfully as you answer it.
“How are you feeling?” He asks lowly.
“Good, stand up,” he instructs.
“Do his for me Y/N, please,” he sighs.
You shrug and oblige, putting your magazine to the side and standing up in the middle of your apartment “Now what?” you inquire.
“Can you hear the music?”
“How can I not… I’m sorry, yes, yes I can,” you laugh.
“Good, now close your eyes and imagine I’m with you…we’re dancing,” he tells you and you do what he says. You smile and start slowly swaying to the song “I really wish you were with me tonight.”
“You didn’t like what’s her name as a partner?”
Pedro chuckles and closes his eyes “No she was fine. I just wish it was you… my first choice.”
“First choice?” you question.
“You’re always my first choice, Y/N.”
‘put your head on my shoulder’ you cock your head to the side and imagine your putting your head in the crook of his neck, the smell of his cologne bringing a sense of comfort. “I didn’t mean to get sick,” you confess.
“I know, I know… I’m not upset at you or anything. I just had bigger plans for this evening,” he admits, a pink tint rising to his cheeks.
“Which are?” you hum.
“I wanted to tell you that I liked you. More than a friend.” Your eyes open and you snap out of the fantasy, your heart ready to burst from your chest.
“Pedro,” you breathed, wishing he could see the blissful smile. “I’ve liked you since you moved in.”
There’s a silence on both ends, the romantic song filling the void but soon he speaks “Once your better you’ll dance with me?” he wonders.
“I promise,” you say, and the fatigue sets in, “I-I’m getting tired, I did too much today”
Pedro hums in contentment “Go to sleep, I’ll bring your mail and slide it under the door. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Pedro,” you whisper. As you hang up the song ends, your eyes look at the wall that divided your apartments and smiled all the way to your bed.
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sol-tinyrayofsun · 4 years
Happy Zutara Week! Unspoken - Day 1: Reunion
Here goes my work for Day 1! It is also posted on my AO3. Enjoy! @zutaraweek
Title: Unspoken
Rating: G
Summary: It’s been two years since the last time Katara has seen Zuko, who could somehow be described as ‘the one that got away’. Well, they had both gotten away. Unfortunately. But the annual Ba Sing Se High Reunion brings their paths together once again. Katara’s running late to the ceremony, her friends are nowhere to be found, and Zuko seems determined to keep her from figuring out where the gang’s sitting. 
Katara sprinted into the auditorium’s room. Being late had never been her style. Or at least that’s what she liked to think. She couldn’t miss the Reunion Ceremony, a former valedictorian would never do such thing.
Just in time. The doors were about to close. She managed to grab a seat right in the back of the section where her group was supposed to be. Great, the headmaster was probably about to start his usual speech. And she couldn’t find her friends with the lights dimming even more with each passing second.
She took a seat in the back, still trying to catch a glimpse of them. Checking her phone to see if they had texted her which seat row to head over to, she felt the urge to curse out loud. None of her messages to the group chat had been sent. The cell reception was absolute hell in there. Nothing ever changed at Ba Sing Se High, huh?
Just as she was about to get back up, she saw him. Right in the seat in front of her. She would have recognized that black hair anywhere. Why was he even there? She didn’t recall him attending last year’s ceremony. In fact, she was sure he hadn’t. Not him or any of his friends. But now they were all there. Sitting just one seat row ahead of her.
She felt her heart skipping a beat. Two years. It had almost been two years since the last time she had looked into his eyes. Back at her high school graduation, which he had attended because of his own sister. On that occasion, they had been apart for a long time as well since he was a year older, just like her brother. She hadn’t seen his face ever since that bittersweet day. Well, aside from social media at least. Those annoyingly cute pictures he’d post showcasing his most recent adventures had a habit of catching her attention. All the Instagram Stories with photos of the moonlight accompanied by some melancholic song. More than one of those had stolen her breath away just from checking out the lyrics and wondering if somehow they were meant to be for her. After all, music had always been their thing.
Shaking her head, she reminded herself to look for her group. She wasn’t about to sit throughout this whole ordeal alone. The fun of it resided in being with her friends. Maybe Zuko and his group had seen them. Hell no , no way was she talking to him. What if she made a fool of herself? What if he thought it was all an excuse to interact with him again? The simple idea caused her heart to furiously pound inside her chest. But maybe one of his friends would be easier to talk to. After all, she had actually been classmates with them.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she decided to just go for it. The speech was about to start and her chances of switching seats were slimming by the minute.
“Um, Ty Lee,” Katara said as she tapped her shoulder. “Hi! Sorry to bother you.”
“Katara? Oh, Spirits, I haven’t seen you in ages!” The girl had a bright smile on her face as she turned around. “How are you?”
Ty Lee had always been the nicest one of his friends, with her playful stares and bubbly attitude. Katara remembered all those times when the girl had made puckish remarks about her intricate relationship with Zuko. She had always known there was something there. And she had never been one to ignore that kind of buzz.
“I’m good, thanks,” she replied, a strain of nervousness visible in her voice. “What about you?”
The sound of a new voice made her flinch on her seat.
“Sh! Katara, already making a fuss? Headmaster Roku is trying to start his speech.”
Azula. The least friendly of them all. Zuko’s little sister and her former classmate. Probably one of the reasons that contributed to things between her and Zuko never quite taking off.
“Kat is just being nice, Azula. And this kind of ceremonies never start in time,” Ty Lee said, brushing her off. “I’m great, Kat, thanks. So, what’s up?”
At that moment, someone else turned around. Zuko. Of course, he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to make a jittery mess out of her. His golden eyes felt like daggers sinking down into hers. He looked the same, messy hair, piercing glance, and the unmistakable scar on his face. He stayed quiet. She couldn’t believe he was there , looking at her after so long. Should she smile? Maybe nod at him? How was she supposed to act in front of someone that meant everything to her when technically nothing had ever happened between them?
Silence. No words had come out of her mouth yet. She hadn’t answered Ty Lee nor said anything to Zuko or Azula.
“Why are you three morons turned around?” Mai tilted her head from her seat next to Azula. “Oh. Katara. Nice to see you.”
Perfect. The last thing she needed was for Mai to notice her there. Katara felt her blood practically boiling at the memory of all those times she had believed her and Zuko were together. She had even started seeing someone else in an attempt to get over it, failing spectacularly. Now she knew the truth. But the timing had been too much of a mess for her to do something about it.
“Um, I just wanted to ask Ty Lee if she had seen Suki or anyone from the gang,” she managed to say.
“You mean your insanely loud friends? Nope, sorry, haven’t seen them,” Azula said with a smirk. “Come on, Mai, let’s turn around before the headmaster starts speaking.”
Both girls straightened in their seats, leaving just Zuko and Ty Lee facing her. Before she could say anything, she noticed Zuko whispering something to his friend. Ty Lee smiled as she listened, her eyes widening into a mischievous expression. After he was done talking, the two of them looked at her.
“So, this crazy dummy sitting next to me says he saw your friends getting into the auditorium,” Ty Lee explained.
“So?” She looked at him. “Tell me.”
Zuko simply shook his head in denial, a cryptic yet tender smile framing his face.
“Thing is,” Ty Lee said with a grin. “He says he won’t tell you just yet.”
Oh Agni, not his charades again. The entire history between them seemed like a gigantic puzzle she had never been able to fix. All the pieces always appeared missing. If only she could read into his mind once and for all. What kind of twisted joke was this?
“What? Why?” She was still looking at him, despite his prompted silence. “Why can’t he speak for himself? Has the cat got his tongue?”
“Kat, you know us. We’re just having a little fun”
“In the middle of the Reunion Ceremony?”
“Um, yeah?” Ty Lee laughed. “Are you going to let me tell you how to get to your friends?”
“ Fine. Go ahead, just hurry up.” She let out a sigh. “What is it?”
Katara observed as Zuko nodded at Ty Lee, a playful smirk tattooed on his face as he whispered some new information to her.
“Great! Okay, Kat, you listen carefully alright?” Ty Lee was looking at her straight in the eye now. “Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt. And pieces of memories fall to the ground.”
What on earth? What was she on? Katara was getting impatient. Still, something about those words resonated inside her mind.
“So now what?” she eventually asked.
Zuko and Ty Lee exchanged a suspicious stare.
“Mister Sparky here told me you would know what to do,” the girl replied. “I’ll repeat it one more time: Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt. And pieces of memories fall to the ground.”
Wait a minute. It finally hit her. Those were song lyrics. And not any random ones, they were the lyrics from their song. She felt her heart racing on her chest. He remembered. Two years later and he still recalled their song. Did that mean…? Maybe she hadn’t been the only one still thinking about their time together. Perhaps he still felt something for her too. Well, that was if he had ever felt something for her. They had to stop going in circles.
“I know what I did, and so I won’t let this go. ‘Cause it’s true, I am nothing without you.” Her voice was trembling. “All the streets, where I walked alone with nowhere to go, have come to an end.”
Agni, if she had gotten it wrong this was ought to be the most awkward moment of her entire life. All those years and he still had the ability to steal her breath away with any remotely romantic gesture.
Zuko had grin on her face. His eyes were glowing with something Katara wasn’t quite able to put into words.
Ty Lee started to clap, earning herself a few deadly glances before toning it down. “You know what? I think I’m just going to turn around. I’ll let Zuko do the talking now.”
Katara watched as the girl went back to facing the stand, Azula and Mai quickly motioning to her to tell them what happened.
She was left sitting there, trying to understand why Zuko would get her to play that little game. After so many years of going back and forth with their feelings for each other, he had chosen the strangest moment to make a move. And what a weird move had it been. Considering everything they had gone through together, she still felt in the dark about his true feelings for her. There had been too much hesitation, too much turmoil between them. But a part of her knew that their connection was real. Real and still strong.
“I knew you wouldn’t forget ‘With Me’. ” Zuko’s voice snapped her out of the overthinking mess she had gotten herself into.
He was looking straight into her eyes, a tender smile spread across his face. Everything about his expression was utterly sweet.
“I - Um, I… You remember our song?” Her heart was about to explode.
“Katara,” he said, extending his arm to softly tug one rebellious hair of hers behind her ear. “I remember everything about us . ”
“But - but we haven’t talked in months! The last time you saw me I was still fooling around with Jet and -“
“And we can both explain ourselves once the ceremony is over,” he interrupted her. “Your friends are on the second row to the left, Suki was looking for you earlier. You should hurry. I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
The headmaster had already started talking.
“Dear Ba Sing Se High alumnae, it’s a pleasure to welcome all of you back for the annual Reunion Ceremony. Please go to your seats and mute your phones before we start.”
Katara was running out of time.
“ Fine, Zuko,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
With a soft smile, she stood up, trying to be as sneaky as humanly possible. Her eyes stayed locked into his for an extra second. A million things seemed to be said with that simple stare. They both seemed to know what saying the lyrics from ‘With Me’ meant. Their connection was still there. In fact, it had never faded away.
Once she was finally sitting down next to her friends and had briefly greeted them, she took a moment to breathe. What the hell had just happened? Had Zuko somehow admitted he still had feelings for her? Perhaps she was reading a little too much into it. Still, he had told her he remembered everything that had ever happened between them. And the song lyrics… ‘With Me’ was their song. She still had it on her playlist, although she usually avoided it. It brought back too many memories. But maybe it was time for those emotions to come back to light. After all, she had never stopped missing him.
“Girl,” Suki, her best friend, whispered. “What happened to you? You’re so late.”
“Zuko’s here. I just talked to him.” Katara tried to keep it low, the headmaster had already started his speech.
“What? Spill it. Did he approach you?”
“Um, not exactly. He told me where you guys were sitting,” she replied before making a small pause. “Actually, he mentioned the lyrics from ‘With Me’.”
“No way!” Suki’s eyes widened. “I told you he’s still in love with you. We all told you so.”
“Hey, Kat,” her brother interrupted them. “Why didn’t you respond to any of my texts?”
“Sokka, you know the reception is garbage here,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
“Sist, you’re stuck in the past, there’s a new Wifi net. Give Aang your phone, he’ll connect you in a sec.”
Her brother was right, she passed the phone to her friend and in less than a minute her internet was up and running. Unfortunately, she had forgotten to put the device on silent mode. A stream of notifications invaded her screen, making a pretty loud and continuous ‘ting!’
“Shut that down, Sugar Queen!” Toph shushed her from a couple of seats away.
“Alright, alright,” she complied. “I’m on it.”
As Katara hurried to mute the volume, a particular notification popped on the screen, catching her attention. When she read it, her heart seemed to skip more than one beat.
Zuko Sozin > I know it was stupid but I had to see if you remembered our song. Now that I know (think?) you feel the same way, I’m not about to waste any more chances.
As she showed the text to Suki, both of them containing the urge to scream in astonishment, another buzz indicated she had a new message.
Zuko Sozin > You’re staying for the reception, right? I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance of the auditorium. Kat, there’s so much I’ve been dying to say to you. Alright, see you after this snore-fest is over.
Katara quickly put away the phone, her pulse racing as she tried to make some sense out of that whole ordeal. She could answer him once headmaster Roku was done talking. She had no clue of what to reply yet, anyways.
Two years later, and Zuko had crazily admitted he still had feelings for her. Even more, he wanted to sort things out between them. Maybe their story hadn’t come to an end yet. After years of missing each other, it seemed like their time had finally come.
Who knew being late to the High School Reunion Ceremony would be the best thing that could happen to her?
----  The song mentioned is "With Me" by Sum 41, one that will forever hold a special place in my heart. It really is a great song, my recommendation is for you to go listen it! ;) I do not own any of the rights to this song nor intend to profit out of my use of it on this work. Thank you so much for reading!
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chansung--space · 5 years
You and me forever | Han Jisung
Theme: a bit of angst, fluff
Warnings: swearing
Admin: Kat 🐿️
A/N: Hello, this is the first post on here so please give it a lot of love :)
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Being in a relationship with a rich Ceo isn’t easy. Especially when his parent’s, especially his mum aren’t really your biggest fans. 
It’s been difficult not only because of Jisung’s parents, but also because he has a very busy schedule and I work as well, but somehow we managed to make our relationship work.
“It’s valentine's day, are you and Chris going to do something special?” I asked my best friend while we were sitting on the couch of mine and Jisung’s apartment.
“Yes, we are indeed. Don’t ask me what because he insisted that he wanted to surprise me so I can’t tell you much.” she laughed.
“I am sure it will be something unforgettable. I mean we are talking about Chris.” we laughed.
“Yeah he really is amazing…” my best friend, blushed a bit.
“God, you guys are completely made for each other!”
“You really think so? I mean I don’t want to brag about him or anything but he really is the best boyfriend.”
“I do think so and it shows.” I laughed while taking a sip of my tea.
“But what about you and Jisung? Aren’t you guys doing anything special?” she asked. I sighed.
“He promised we would but he is still at work and didn’t answer my texts, so I don’t really know to be honest.”
“Is his mum still being a bitch to you?” she took my hand.
“In every way possible. You know I love Jisung but his mum is just a little bit too much.” I sighed and looked at the picture I had with my mum near the TV. I wish she was here to give me advice or at least to tell me how to deal with my mother in law without wanting to kill her, literally. But unfortunately she left this world, too soon.
“I am sure Jisung just lost track of time. Why don’t you go over to his office and surprise him?” she suggested.
“Yeah I think I will do that. He will be happy to see me.” I smiled and got up from the couch.
“ I also have to get going because I still have to get ready for Chris’ surprise.”
“Have fun with your boy.” I smirked and gave her a hug.
“Well I am sure your night will be amazing as well.” she winked and left my apartment.
I made my way to my room to change clothes and then go and visit Jisung.
After I got dressed I checked if I had everything in my bag, took my phone and my keys and left.
I had to catch the bus to go to the office where Jisung works, a 10 minutes ride.
As soon as I was in front of the building where my boyfriend works I got in and took the elevator to the floor where his office is located.
I heard him talk on the phone, but I knocked on the door and soon he gave me the permission to enter.
I opened the door, smiling as I saw him sitting on his chair. His blond hair a bit messy and his suit, suiting him like a glove.
“Hey babe.” I closed the door and made my way to him.
"Y/N what are you doing here?” he seemed surprised, but got up to kiss me.
“ Well you weren’t answering any of my texts and it’s valentine’s day, so I thought you could leave earlier so we could spend some time together.” I put my hands around his neck.
“ I am so sorry, but it’s impossible for me to leave.” he said, caressing my cheek. “My dad is just sorting some things in his office and he will be here any minute he says he needs to talk to me about some things for the company.” Jisung kissed my forehead. “I am very sorry baby…”
“It’s okay, Jisung, I understand.” I sighed and took my hands off of his neck.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” he said, with guilt in his eyes and voice.
“It’s all good, really.” I smiled weakly.
Jisung was about to say something but in that exact same moment, someone knocked on the door. My boyfriend gave permission for that person to come in.
The door opened, revealing Jisung’s parents and some red haired girl. She ran to Jisung and hugged him, making me frown. I don’t remember Jisung mentioning he had a sister!
“I haven’t seen you in so long!” she kissed his cheek.
“Y/N I didn’t know you were here.” Mr. Han smiled.
“I was just about to leave.” I smiled at the older man.
“Before you go, Y/N. “Mrs. Han started. “This is Jasmine, Jisung’s ex-girlfriend they were together for a very long time, but unfortunately had to break up because she went away to work.” She finished her sentence, with a smile. She is doing this on purpose just to upset me.
“ Nice to meet you, Jasmine. I am Y/N, Jisung’s girlfriend.” I smiled at her. She gave me a fake smile and I grabbed my bag. “ I am leaving now, have a great night guys.” I smiled at them and kissed Jisung on the cheek, leaving his office.
While I was walking away I could feel Jisung’s gaze on me, but I didn’t turn around.
His mum made this on purpose to ruin or valentine’s day. I ask myself what I did wrong for his mother to hate me like this but I can’t find an explanation. I guess I am not like Jasmine because Mrs. Han seemed to like her very much.
I was lucky enough that the next bus came pretty fast. It was starting to get colder and I just wanted my bed right now!
As soon as I arrived home I went to my room, took a hot shower and changed into my pajamas, making me comfortable.
It was almost midnight when Jisung came home. I tried to sleep cuz after all I was tired, but I just couldn’t close my eyes without thinking of Jisung with that Jasmine girl and his mum.
“Hey, you’re still awake?” he sat down on the bed next to me and kissed my forehead.
I sat up and just nodded, showing him a weak smile. “I am sorry I got home so late.” he sighed, messing his blond hair a bit more and taking his tie off. “I had a meeting with my parents and Jasmine. Things are about to change in the company.” he smiled. “Jasmine will become my new assistant and I will be taking over my father’s place. He will still work at the company and help me in everything I need but I will have more responsibilities now.”
“That’s great, Jisung.” I caressed his cheek. “That’s what you always wanted!”
“ I am really happy right now.” I could see it in his face. He was being honest and I am very happy for him.
I just don’t really like the idea of him and his ex-girlfriend working together because I am 100% sure his mother is behind this.
“Your mother is very happy Jasmine is back isn’t she?” I asked after a while.
“Yeah they always got along very well.” he said shrugging his shoulders. I looked at my nails after hearing his answer. “Hey I know that your relationship with my mother isn’t the best but this had nothing to do with it.” he said, taking my hand.
“Are you sure, Jisung? Did you look her in the eyes when she introduced Jasmine to me? She is doing this on purpose!”
“You know you don’t need to be insecure, I am with you. Jasmine belongs to my past.”
“Your mother has been like this since the beginning! I try my hardest to impress her but it seems like everything I do is useless, no matter what she will always hate me! Remember when she reacted when I told her about my dad being an asshole and leaving me and my mum? Remember how she looked at me when I told her my mum commited suicide? For her I am always not going to be enough for you!'' At this point, tears were running down my face. I took a deep breath.
“I am sure she didn’t mean it in a bad way. She was just shocked.” he defended her.
“Jisung, I get it: she is your mum, I really do! But you know this isn’t going very far.” I sighed.
“What do you mean?” he frowned.
“I mean us, Jisung…” I looked away from him. “We barely have time for each other. Your mum clearly hates me, your father is nice but I know your mother doesn’t want him to be.
“I don’t care what my mum thinks of you! I love you and I am not going to lose you, you understand? I refuse to lose you!”
“I can’t do this, Jisung… not right now…” I wiped away some tears.
“Y/N, no... Please!” he begged.
“I need a break, Jisung! Besides you will start a new chapter at the company, which means even less time for me.”
“That’s exactly why I need you by my side. My wins are also yours, remember?” I looked at him for a quick second and I wish I didn’t do it. He was almost crying and that broke my heart. Even more.
“You also promised you wouldn’t let work get the best of you, you promised you would make time for me, remember? And here we are. You forgot our plans for valentine’s day, Jisung and it never happened before! No matter how busy you were!”
“I need you, Y/N,  you can’t leave me! I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend in the past months and I am so sorry for it, but please I am begging you, don’t leave me… please…” he took my hand in his.
“Jisung I really need this break. I need to clear my hand, get away from your mum, from her nasty comments, I need a break from all your excuses, I just need to do it, please, respect my decision. Besides your mum is going to be the happiest woman when she finds out we broke up, it’s a good thing.” he let my hand go, getting up from the bed.
“If that’s what you really want I will respect your decision and give you space. I will stay at parent’s house and I’ll get the rest of my stuff tomorrow.” he informed me, starting to pack some of his clothes.
As I watched him pack his stuff, my heart ached even more. I still couldn’t believe I did this.
I couldn’t believe I did this. It hurts like hell, but I need to do this, for me, for Jisung and for our relationship.
Ever since I started to date him, after I met his parents his mum was a different person to him and all because of me. I just can’t take it!
After a while Jisung  was done packing what he needed and sat back down on the bed next to me.
“I’m not going to give up on us…” he said leaning in to kiss my forehead. “I will fight for you and I will get you back, no matter what it takes. Remember that I love you, very much…” and with that, he got up, took his things and left the room.
Only when I heard the front door shut, I allowed myself to cry harder than I was before.
The love of my life was gone, maybe even forever…
When I woke up the next day my head felt like it was going to explode. I took my phone and my eyes hurt from the lighting. The time read 7.45am and I was supposed to go to work but I texted my boss saying I wasn’t feeling very good and she let me stay at home.
I tried to sleep a bit more and miraculously I was able to. When I woke up again it was 10.30am.
I decided to get up, take a shower and get dressed in something comfortable because after all I was going to stay the whole day at home.
After showering and getting dressed I made my bed and went to the living room.I decided to turn on the Tv and watch something on Netflix. I ended up choosing “To all boys I’ve loved before” because that movie just hits differently.
The movie was almost over when my phone buzzed, indicating my best friend was calling me.
“Hey.” I said when I picked up.
“Y/N! Omg, thank god you picked up. I have so much to tell you.” she seemed excited.
“Tell me I wanna know everything!” I tried to sound happy.
“So how about I go pick you up from work and then we can go and have lunch together?”
“ I could come over at your place right now.” I said.
“Wait, you're not at work?” she was surprised.
“Nope.” I said. I was feeling myself about to cry again. “I promise I’ll tell you everything when I get to your place, okay?”
“Of course, I am waiting for you.”
We ended the call and I got my stuff to leave the house.
Mary didn’t live that far from me, so I could go on foot to her apartment and I arrived there in 5 minutes.
I knocked on the door and some seconds after she opened the door.
“Hey.” she hugged me, giving me space to walk in.
“How was your night with Chris?” I asked as we sat on the sofa.
“It was freaking great.” she said clearly excitedly. “Look at this.” She showed me her left hand.
“OMG NO WAY!!” I was shocked but happy for her and Chris at the same time. “He finally got the balls to ask you to marry him!” I joked.
Even though my whole world was falling apart, the news of my best friend and Chris getting married was able to make me happy. She deserves this.
“Yeah he finally did.” she laughed. “But what about you? How was your night?”
“Horrible…” I said. She looked at me with a face expression that read “I’m not following.” So I took a deep breath and told her everything that had happened last night.
“Oh Y/N, I am so sorry it happened to you. I was sure not even his mother could get you two to break up.”
“I thought so too, but here we are.” I said, trying to stop the tears from falling. “It hurts so bad…” I started to sob uncontrollably.
The rest of the afternoon was literally being in my best friend’s arms crying.
“I think I should get going.” I said getting up. “Thank you for everything and tell Chris I am very happy for you two.” I smiled, giving her a hug.
As soon as I arrived home, there was only silence which made me even more depressed.
If Jisung was here it wouldn’t be like this. We would be joking around, making out and it would never get this silent, or bored.
I made my way to my bedroom and when I entered I could still feel the fresh smell of his perfume, meaning he was here and not very long ago.
I opened the wardrobe and saw most of his stuff was missing. Reality hit me. He did really come to get his stuff like he promised.
I sat down on the bed and just cried. I still can’t believe he’s gone, I still can’t believe we got to this point.
The doorbell rang and I frowned. Who could it be? I dragged myself out the bedroom and went downstairs to open the door.
As soon as I opened it I wanted to close it right away.
“Mrs. Han…” I said, wiping some tears away from my face.
“Y/N, may I come in?” she asked.
“Of course.” I gave her space and she came in, going to sit on the couch.”Do you want anything? Coffee, water, tea?” I asked the older woman. She shook her head no.
“I just really want to talk to you if that's okay.” I didn’t say anything, I just sat down on the couch.
“I know you and Jisung broke up.” she said.
“That’s what you wanted, you must be very happy.” I said.
“Not really.” I looked at her with a frown. What the hell is she saying? “Look I know I might have given you the idea that I hated you, but that isn’t entirely true. I lied when I said Jasmine and Jisung broke up because she went away to work. “ she sighed. “The real reason why they broke up was because she was using him. She was with him because he had money, not because she loved him. Jasmine was using Jisung.” she explained.
“I would never do that to Jisung. I love him.”
“I know. Now I know.” she took my hand. “Jasmine played everyone, including me. I didn't want to make you feel worthless. At first I was a bit suspicious of you and I was trying to look out for Jisung, but with time passing I realized you weren’t like Jasmine. You never were. And I am sorry about the way I reacted when you told me about your parents. I was just shocked I never heard a story like yours.”
“I don’t really know what to say.” I looked at her. “ I am glad to know you don’t hate me.” I laughed, making her laugh as well.
“Now, go get your prince charming back. He’s been in the office since yesterday. He came home, asked us if he could stay there for some time and left for the office.”
“Thank you for doing this, Mrs. Han.” I said, taking her hand.
“I just want my son to be happy and it’s obvious you make him the happiest man in the world.” she smiled and I did the unexpected. I hugged her and she hugged me back. “I can take you, I came with my car.” I nodded and ran to get my stuff.
We left and got into her car. The drive wasn’t that long and in maybe 5 minutes we arrived at Jisung’s office.
I got out of the car and thanked Jisung’s mother once again.
I ran the stairs until I was in the elevator. I pressed the button to his floor and as soon as the doors opened I saw the door to his office.
I knocked on the door and I heard him groan on the other side.
“ Dad, for the millionth time I don’t want to talk to you.” he said clearly pissed.
I opened the door and peeked inside.
“It’s not your dad.” I said getting in.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he was surprised to see me. He got up from his chair and started to walk towards me.
“Your mum came to talk to me.” I said.
“She did what? I thought she was happy we broke up.”
“Well turns out she isn’t. She also told me about what Jasmine did.” I sat down on the couch of his office. “I am sorry I pushed you away.” I said.
“You have nothing to be sorry about. I understand your position. I am the one who has to be sorry. I’ve been the worst boyfriend this past couple of months.” he sat down on the couch next to me.
“Hey, don’t say that.” I cupped his cheeks and kissed the tip of his nose. “You’re the best boyfriend in the whole world.” he looked me in the eyes.
“I sorted everything out with your mum and turns out she isn’t that bad. She was just looking out for you and I understand her. I do want to beat that bitch Jasmine up though, where is she?” I said, making Jisung laugh.
“She is very far away from here, don’t worry.” he said caressing my cheek.
“Too bad.” I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention to Jisung.
“You know you’re cute, right?” he got closer to me.
“Yeah you told me that a couple of times.” I laughed.
“You know we’ve been apart for like 1 day and it was hell for me.” he said.
“I can say the same thing. Fuck the break I needed! I don’t need anything else but you.” Jisung had a big smile on his face after hearing what I said.
“I love you, so damn much. Don’t ever leave me.” he pulled me in for a tight hug.
“I love you so much, Jisung.” I whispered in his ear. “I will never leave you, I promise.”  we pulled away for a kiss.
Our lips moved in perfect sync making butterflies start to fly everywhere on my stomach.
Things got heated very quickly and after I noticed I was on Jisung’s lap. His hands firmly on my waist and my hands messing his fluffy blond hair.
“I missed you…” he said, starting to kiss my neck.
“I missed you too.” my hands went to the end of his shirt.
“You are the love of my life I will never let you go again.” Jisung looked into my eyes before I pulled his shirt off his body.
“You’re my prince charming, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I kissed him again.
“It’s you and me forever baby girl.” he smiled.
“You and me forever babe.” I smiled as well.
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antigenius · 5 years
I'm Better
Bakugou X reader X Todoroki
Warnings: slight cussing, makeout sesh?
“Hey, how do I look?”
The scarlet halter dress flowed gently behind you, red lace enunciating your figure beautifully. A crimson satin bow tied around your waist to draw some curves, paired with gold ear cuffs and white flats with a bit of a wedge, just to keep your posture straight. Your auburn dyed hair was done up with a cute holly scrunchie, matching with the golden holly bracelet you had gotten while impulse buying online. The only formal winter wear you had was a leather jacket though, so you just had to hope it would go well with everything.
Toru’s jaw dropped at the sight of you, not that you could see though.
“Noraaaa!!!” She gushed. “You look so prettyyy!!!!”
You laugh, smiling at her. “Thanks, you too. Now let’s go before Mina uses all her credit to give me missed calls.”
It was a frosty Christmas eve. The snowflakes were floating down, leaving a white carpet in its wake. It had been a while since you all graduated and went your separate ways. The girls did meet up every once and a while, but with all of you being pro-heroes, that once in a while slowly became once in a blue moon. You never really kept up with lots of the boys, exceptions being Sero as you both worked in the same hero company. Basically, you had all grown distant in person. You all talked in a group-chat though, and through that, someone suggested that you’d all meet up for Christmas. Cue Momo sending her address, Sato saying he’d bake, cheers from all students and Mineta quietly rejoicing from the thought of getting kissed by the girls under the mistletoe.
And so here you were, standing outside Momo’s mansion of a home. The lights were leaving you awe-struck and unable to move due to your nostalgic whiplash.
Also due to the fact that it was literally three degrees celsius outside and your feet were probably frozen to the ground.
Once you did get inside though, your jaw hung at the subtle, yet tasteful decorations inside her house. Holly was hung literally everywhere, and you had to make sure you weren’t standing underneath one or that Mineta wasn’t close by if you wanted to survive.
The party was actually quite fun. You were standing idly, talking to Tsuyu until you were suddenly tugged by the invisible force that is Toru.
“They’re playing seven minutes in heaven!! C’mon!!”
You were led towards a misshapen circle, consisting of the bakusquad, parts of the dekusquad, Jiro, Momo and Ojiro, who was just spectating. Mineta had, thankfully, passed out from drinking too much eggnog. The rest of the class were more content playing cards someplace else or chatting than to contend in such childish games. You shrugged. You had just been drinking and chatting the whole night, some games and laughing would be fun right?
Well you weren’t wrong…
“Step up, step up!” Mina called, pink hair bouncing in excitement. “All of you playing seven minutes in heaven, put in a little something something for the boys to pick!”
As soon as she said that, she produced a cute satin number from behind her back, twirling it around her finger with a wink. Your cheeks warmed almost immediately. Ooookay, maybe not what you had in mind with fun, but with alcohol in your system, decent decisions were thrown out the window. You followed the rest of the girls to the bathroom so you could all deposit your undergarments into the cloth bag. Mina grinned.
“Thank you!~”
She then shook the bag vigorously, mixing the content inside like she was making a martini for James Bond himself. Once she was done, she opened the bag and mixed it around manually, just to make sure.
“Alright boys, take your pick!”
Bmp bmp, bmp bmp, bmp bmp, bmp bmp.
Your heart thrashed against your ribcage as you watched the boys plunge sightlessly for a lucky dip.
“Right, shall we go clockwise?”
… Guess it wasn’t such a bright idea to sit at the edge.
“Nora!~ Which of these lucky boys has got yours?” Mina asked with a tipsy giggle. You got up, looking at the boys who had the panties in their hands. When you found yours, you sucked a quick breath between your teeth, eyes slowly locking with the vermillion ones that stared you down. You could feel everyone’s gaze on you as you pointed at Bakugou. Oohs and whistles erupted from both sides as Mina grabbed the both of you by the collar.
“Alright lovebirds, into the closet you go!”
Before you could even react, the doors were closed behind you, muffling the chatter from the group. The closet was dark, you could hardly see your own nose, let alone see Bakugou. You were glad though, it meant he wouldn’t see your beetroot excuse of a face.
“You gonna make a move or what, slowpoke?”
His grunt made you blink out of your daze. Your next words tumbled out of your mouth pretty quickly, without really thinking.
“You actually want do this properly?”
He was silent, then he laughed, a barking laugh that only made you fear for your life more.
“I’m no wuss. Plus, I made a bet, and I’m not willing to lose it.”
You were about to ask what bet this was, but he had pushed you against the closet wall with a thud.
“This’ll be your best kiss yet.” You could faintly see him smirk in the pitch-black darkness. “So savour it, stretchy.”
With that, he smashed his lips onto yours, hot, silky tongues curling together like a messy tango. His hands roamed your figure, leaving you to writhe and whine under his touch.
“Kat… Suki…” You pant as he moves from your lips down to your neck, biting harshly, then soothing it with a couple licks and open kisses. His treatment was intoxicating, it took you everything not to just crumble under his touch. You run your fingers through his hair and grip tightly as he snakes his hands down your inner thigh…
“Time’s up guys!! Come on out!”
The door opened, bright light blinding you. The marks on your neck were as clear as day. Bakugou walked calmly back to his spot. You, on the other hand, were flushed. Face stained red, you sat back down, hiding your face in your hands.
“Wow… He really went for it, huh Nora?” Toru said as she examined the marks curiously. The statement only made your face grow redder.
“Hey stretchy,"
You look up from your embarrassment to be hit in the face by your panties. If you could feel anymore humiliated now, you’d probably just stay red forever.
The rest of the pairs made you calm down and laugh again though, joining in with the oohs and aahs, watching everyone come out of the closet all scruffy and roughed up. Mina waved the bag around again, eyes twinkling.
“Who’s up for another round?”
You were about to get up and just spectate, but Toru raised your hand for you.
“Come on Nora!! One more round!” She pleaded. “You probably won’t get Bakugou again, so it won’t be that embarrassing, right?”
You hesitate, then sigh, back hitting the couch wearily. Toru cheers, hugging you tightly while Mina announces the next round.
“Alright!!” She shakes the bag again. “Boys, it’s your turn to put in something for us girls to pick!”
Cue the boys putting in their boxers for Mina to mix up in the bag. The girls carefully felt around whilst you just kinda took one out. It was a Calvin Klein branded boxer, in simple black and white. You wondered whose it was, but you figured it was probably Denki’s or something. It was… Big though. Lewd thoughts scattered through your mind as you shook your head. There was no need for those thoughts! Not like you were gonna get laid anyway. You watched the pairs go in and out, the closet seeing much better days than this.
“Shouto, you’re up!” Mina was pretty much a firecracker at this point, hyper and bounding like an energetic puppy.
The bi-coloured male got up, walking towards the girls to find his boxers. He stopped dead at your figure, glancing at the undergarment in your hand. He didn’t seem miffed about that though.
“Nora, huh? Luckyyy!!” Mina shoved you once again into the darkness. “Don’t have too much fun you two!”
The pitch-black darkness encased you again, but you were already accustomed to the feeling, having done it once. You bit your lip, guess you had to do something, right? You felt a hand beneath your chin, tilting it up.
“I hope you can forgive me Nora.” His deep voice sending tingles down your spine. “I’m not too experienced when it comes to romance.”
His lips press gently against yours, stealing all the breath in your lungs. His touch was soft, unlike Bakugou's. He let his hands wander down to your ass, squeezing it softly and making you gasp. His hands were cold, making you shiver into his touch while your whole body felt hot and flustered. His swollen lips then suckled your neck, making you hold onto him firmly for support.
“Shouto, fuck…”
Your core was pulsing dully, arousal pooling at your legs. Almost too soon, the light shone upon the both of you as Mina opened the doors.
“Seven minutes are up guys!”
… Inexperienced your ass.
You sat back down, warm and bothered. You were not going to be able to concentrate or talk properly for the rest of the night, that was sure. The rest of the party went pretty good nonetheless, laughter and cheer prominent. You were enjoying your umpeenteenth glass of eggnog by yourself to cool down when you were suddenly grabbed by the arm.
“Don’t ask. Just follow.”
You gulped the remaining eggnog in your mouth while following Bakugou to a room far away from the other patrons of the party. It made you feel hot again, but you were more terrified than anything.
He led you in, locking the door behind him. Shouto was sitting on the bed, watching the two of you from since you walked in. The two stare at you.
“So, who’s better?”
… What?
“I’m sorry, come again?” You say, wondering if maybe you were just so drunk you couldn’t hear right.
“Who’s better?”
“At what?”
“Don’t play dumb stretchy.”
You blink. “I have literally no idea what you guys are talking about.”
Shouto pressed his lips together to try and suppress his laughter at how angry Bakugou was getting. “Yaoyorozu told us you liked the both of us in high school, so we decided to bet on who you’d like better.”
It took you a moment, then you felt your ears burn with shame. “A-ah… That.”
“So,” Shouto got up from his position and stood in front of you. He had grown taller since your first year together, towering over your figure, “who did you like best?”
Your mouth was dry, unable to speak.
Bakugou tsked. “Obviously it’s me.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Quit whining Half’n’half, just accept you lost.”
“When it’s so clear that I’ve won? Please.”
The two bickered as you softly mumble an answer. They stopped as soon as you spoke, looking at you.
“What did you say?”
“I… Can’t choose.” You screw your eyes shut. “I dunno, you were both good? A tie?”
The silence that hovered over the three of you was heavy. The air was so thick with tension that if you had a knife, you were certain that you could essentially cut out a piece of the air if you wanted to. After a few minutes passed, Shouto looked over to Bakugou, lips curling.
“It’s on.”
You gulp.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Always Come Back to You - Chapter Two
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Hey there! I’m back y’all and it feels amazing. I’m sorry it took so long for this to come out, but I’ve been crazy busy this month. I will be trying to post more regularly again. This is an answer to a request by @witch-of-letters and it grew to an outrageous level. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future posts! Please like, comment, and reblog as I love the feedback!
Summary: Kat and Steve get into the army and go to boot camp. They have a crazy set of adventures. Sorry there is no Bucky in this chapter (he’s gone, remember?)
Pairing: Bucky x OC (This is still in 2nd person perspective but I gave her a name to make it easier for me to write a full series)
Warnings: None so far
When the man burst into the room, you were a little astonished. He was a short-statured man with messy hair. His glasses rested askew on his nose, making it look like he’d just been woken up in a hurry and run all the way here. 
“My name is Dr. Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve.” He held out his hand for you. You stared at it for a moment before reaching forward and shaking it. 
“Hello, my name is-” 
“Katherine Rogers. Yes, yes, I just came from meeting your brother, Steven.” 
You swallowed thickly. Great, Steve been caught and you were about to go down as an accessory. You were somewhat wishing you’d asked Bucky to stick around. He would’ve known exactly what to do. 
“You can relax, dear, we are not going to be sending him to prison any time soon.” Your shoulders slumped with relief. “Instead, we are going to give him a chance.” 
“You are?” This was the last thing you’d expected to hear. He’d been rejected five times and now they were just letting him in so casually, as if it wasn’t his entire life on the line.
Dr. Erskine looked up from the folder he was holding and studied you. The tension was building in the tiny room and you couldn’t help but fidget under his eye. 
“Why did you come here this evening, Ms. Rogers?” 
“You said you met my brother. He can be pretty convincing when he wants to be.” You said as if that was all the explanation he would need. 
He bobbed his head, chuckling. “That is very true. But what I asked is why are you here? I have a feeling it’s not just because Steven persuaded you. In fact, I believe you quite surprised him when you suggested it.” 
Your brow crinkled as you tried to pinpoint what exactly made you decide to enlist. “Dr. Erskine, have you ever had someone who you were so close to that you felt like they were a part of you? Someone who shared your thoughts, your pain, your happiness.” 
He shook his head thoughtfully, “I can’t say that I have.” 
“I’ve lived in this world for exactly 9 minutes without Steve. And for every minute after, he’s been there. He’s always known exactly what I’ve been thinking, he’s wiped my tears in every awful situation, he’s felt every emotion I felt. I know my brother can be a bit of an idiot sometimes, so I follow him around and keep him out of trouble. But I can tell you this, living in this world without him for 9 minutes is about all I can take. So if going across seas to join the fight is what he’s determined to do, then that’s where I’m going too.” 
You let out a shaky breath. It was dawning on you that you maybe should have given a better answer, something like ‘I love to support our troops’ or ‘it’s my duty to help’, but those all sounded like robotic crud. 
Dr. Erskine exhaled a breathy laugh. “You two are most certainly twins. Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got too much blind loyalty?” 
“I’m too stubborn to listen if they did.” You stood up a little taller and pushed your shoulders back. It was probably best to prepare yourself for him to tell you to go home. 
“If you ask me, blind loyalty isn’t always a bad thing.” He winked at you before whisking out of the room. You stumbled behind him, shocked he hadn’t told you to hit the road. “Have you got any nursing experience, Katherine?” 
“Uh, my mother was a nurse in the tuberculosis ward before she passed. She taught me everything she knew.” You strained to see over his shoulder what he was writing on the paperwork. 
“I will be assigning you to the same camp as Steven, in the nursing division. I have a feeling we will see some great things from you, Katherine Rogers.” 
He slammed the stamp onto the paper and handed it to you before heading toward the door. 
“Th-thank you, sir.” You read over the paper, flabbergasted. “Oh, Dr. Erksine?”
He turned on his heel, a raised brow in acknowledgement. “You, um, you said that you were with the Scientific division? Do you work with Howard Stark?” 
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask?” 
“I just read a journal of his discussing the new self-flying technology he’s been working on. His thinking on it is just...it’s fascinating. I bet it’s amazing getting to work alongside someone like him.” 
A grin jerked at the corner of his mouth, “Howard Stark is definitely his own individual.” Dr. Erskine took a few steps before pausing, “although, he does tend to think he’s wittier than he truly is.” You hid a giggle behind your papers as you watched the man retreat. 
Camp Lehigh was everything you’d expected and nothing like you’d imagined. The second you’d set foot off the bus, they’d whisked you off in another direction, away from Steve. You’d been handed a set of clothes and immediately put into training. 
The days were long to you. Even when you had worked at home, you had never felt the utter exhaustion that you were feeling from going through basic training. But the girls you were training with were nice enough and you can assume this is what it might have been like to have sisters. 
With every day that passed, you were gaining a variety of new skills. You were being put through a vigorous workout routine every morning and intense medical education in the afternoons. You could feel your body and your mind getting stronger and stronger.
Each workout gave you the opportunity to keep an eye on Steve and watch as he struggled to keep up with the rest of the soldiers, but you admired that he never gave up. Some things never changed.  You’d even caught a glimpse of Agent Carter sucker punch a guy right in the nose and it had truly been one of the best moments of your life. She was a goddess to you. She was smart, strong, witty, and gorgeous. And you were going to do everything to prove that you were on her level.
At the end of each day, you would crawl into your little cot and write out a letter to Bucky. You wrote about every detail you could remember. The new technique you’d learned that day, how you’d seen Steve riding into camp with Agent Carter, the way the blue sky made you think of his eyes, how much you wished he could see how well you were progressing. You had let to receive anything back, but you knew deep down that he was thinking about you too. You missed him more than you could ever put into words, but there was so much to fill your time that you didn’t have time to really think of missing him.
It took you two weeks to met Peggy Carter face-to-face. You were preparing for your first gas mask training sequence. The entire time, your mind was somewhere else, imagining ways that the gas mask could be improved. Although, you’d be way too chicken to tell anyone these improvements, it was nice to dream sometimes. 
You’d slipped to the back of the line, trying to buy yourself some time, when you clumsily bumped into someone. 
“Oh my lord, I am so incredibly sorry.” You turned wide-eyed, to find Agent Peggy Carter vaguely disoriented. Your heart slammed in your chest at the realization of who it was. 
“It’s quite alright...” 
“Rogers, ma’am, Katherine Rogers.” Immediately right-ing yourself into the correct stance. 
Peggy looked you up and down, pondering, “Rogers. Is there any relation to Private Steve Rogers?” 
“Yes, ma’am, that’s my twin brother.” 
“Ah,” Peggy bowed her head, a slight smile hidden, “and may I ask why you were moving to the back of the line?” 
You unintentionally cringed, “well, ma’am, my mind had been occupied with something else and I just didn’t want to lose my idea. Sometimes they can disappear as easily as they appear.” 
“And what idea would be more important than your training, may I ask?” Her face was stern now, her gaze scrutinizing. God, could you be more of a dingus in front of her?
You gulped, weighing your options of telling her, begging for forgiveness, or just shutting up all together. You wanted to clamp your mouth shut for the rest of the day, but for some reason, when you got nervous, you had what Steve would crudely call word vomit. 
“Well...you see...I was just thinking of ways to improve the operation of the gas mask to increase effectiveness, protection, and comfort...” You trailed off. The feel of several other eyes on you was starting to crawl on the back of your head like beetles. It was a feeling you wanted to shake off but you stayed still a statue. 
Agent Carter was motionless, considering what you had said. Your insides were cringing, waiting for the reprimand that was sure to come from your wasting valuable time. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole, effectively ending this conversation.
“And what improvements would those be, Rogers?” 
 Surely you’d misunderstood her. “Excuse me?” 
“I asked you what improvements you thought there should be?” 
You glanced around at the rest of the group, still praying that someone might step in and get you out of this, only to meet sympathetic faces. You knew better though, no one wanted to mess with Agent Carter when she was out to prove a point. 
“Yes, Agent Carter. I thought it would be beneficial to take away the hose that holds the filter canister, rather making the canister screw in directly. This would make the entire mask more compact and more convenient for carrying.” You paused, waiting for her to say something, but she was still quiet so you continued. “And if we use a durable plastic, rather than glass, then it would cut costs on replacement material and would be more lightweight for longwear.” 
It was dead silent in the room as you finished. No one even dared to move a muscle, they were all waiting for the outburst that was sure to come. You had no idea why you couldn’t just keep your mouth shut. The military was definitely the wrong place for your strong personality.
The longer Agent Carter stared at you, the more the tears threatened to spill out. You could feel your bottom lip quivering and you bit down on it hard.
“Those are some interesting observations, Rogers. I appreciate the ingenuity, however next time, please stay focused on your training.” 
“Ye-yes ma’am.” You stammered. 
Agent Carter gave a curt nod before striding out of the room, the click of her heels fading down the hallway. Shakily, you let out the breath you’d been holding in and marveled at the fact you hadn’t been sent to run laps for the rest of the afternoon. You smoothed down your uniform and turned back around to find everyone’s eyes on you. 
“Well, you heard the lady, let’s get back to training.” 
When Colonel Phillips had pulled you out of afternoon training the next day, your heart was pounding in your chest. Even though you’d had that little run in with Agent Carter, you had thought you’d been excelling. 
Your jaw dropped when he directed you to a room and Steve was sitting in a chair next to Agent Carter. 
“Oh no, this cannot be good.” You hissed. “What did you do to get us both in trouble?” 
“I jumped on a grenade during training...” 
“You what?!” You shrieked in disbelief and Agent Carter chuckled. “Look, Agent, I apologize profusely for my brother. He can be a real dummy sometimes but I promise he’ll be better-”
“Don’t apologize for me, Kat. You’re always talking about me like I’m not her-” Steve argued.
 “Shut up both of you!” Colonel Phillips hollered, silencing the entire room. He turned to look at Agent Carter. “Are you really sure about this?” 
Agent Carter ignored him and looked at you and Steve, her lips pursed. It almost seemed like she was trying to hide a smile but you weren’t sure. “Neither of you are in trouble. You’re actually here for something else. Please, sit down and please, call me Peggy.” 
You followed suit and sat down cautiously in the seat next to Steve. His leg was shaking, a sign that he was nervous, so you placed your hand on his forearm in hopes to calm him. 
“Now, let’s get to business, shall we?” Peggy’s eyes flickered between the two of you before continuing. “We have been observing you two since you’ve arrived. And we’re quite interested in what we’ve seen.” 
“What, exactly, have you seen? If you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Well, we’ve seen two people who are incredibly brave, determined to succeed despite...obvious obstacles, extreme intelligence, and fierce loyalty.” Colonel Phillips snorted in the corner of the room causing Peggy’s jaw to tense before continuing. “And in spite of some people’s disapproval, we have decided to ask you both to participate in a scientific program for the United States.” 
Your head tilted immediately in disbelief. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand. Scientific program? Like work in the science division?” 
Peggy cleared her throat, “well, you would both be entered into the Super-Soldier program. It is experimental but if it worked, you would both be great assets in the war and for the US.” 
“Experimental, as in they would use us as test subjects?” What the hell was happening. 
You glanced over at Steve, who had been silent this whole time. His gaze was focused on his hands in his lap. You wanted to reach over and shake his shoulders but Peggy started talking again. 
“Yes, you would technically be test subjects. Howard Stark and Dr. Erskine have been working on this for a very long time though and we would never ask this of you unless we believed we had a good chance.” 
“A good chance?” You stared at Peggy like she’d spoken in tongues. “Why are you asking us to do this? Isn’t there anyone else who could do this?” 
Peggy leaned forward, “Katherine, we believe that you and Steve are the best people for this program. You both have the qualities we think are important to qualify. We just need your consent and you will have agreed to help us win this war.” 
You wanted to refuse, to simply say ‘no thank you’ and go back to your regular training, but something in her voice made you hesitate. The look in her eyes told you that she believed in this program with all her heart. For a moment, you even wondered what Bucky would have to say. He’d surely be telling you to think this through before agreeing to anything.
You opened your mouth to speak when Steve interrupted you. “I’ll do it.” 
“Sign me up.” He disregarded you completely and looked straight at Peggy. “Just tell me what I have to do.” 
You bit your lip angrily, swallowing down all the hateful comments you had ready. Instead, you sat forward slowly. “Fine, you can count me in. But on one condition,” Peggy raised a brow curiously, “I get to talk to Howard Stark for ten minutes.” 
Peggy laughed heartily before nodding her head. “I think that is something I can arrange. He’s quite interested in meeting you as well. He really liked your gas mask ideas.” 
You were so shocked that your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Howard Stark knows that I exist? And he thought my idea was good? Holy cow, I cannot believe that.” You looked over at Steve in excitement but he was still staring down at the table. He hadn’t made eye contact with you through this whole meeting. He couldn’t really be mad at you for apologizing for him, could he? 
“Yes, yes he does. Now let’s get you both in with the doctors for physicals and you’ll be taken to meet Howard and Dr. Erskine tomorrow.” Peggy stood up and gestured toward the door. 
Steve shot out of his chair and out the door like a rocket. You’d followed after him but he was halfway down the hall before a nurse grabbed your arm and led you in a different direction. But there was no question, you’d talk to him before the day was over. 
It was quite on the camp as you snuck through the shadows to your brothers barracks. He’d avoided you all evening but he wasn’t gonna get away from you that easily and he should know it. Once you wanted something, you were like a dog with a bone. 
Placing your ear against the door, it was quite so you hoped the rest of the men were out. As quiet as possible, you twisted the handle and slipped between the crack. You looked around and saw Steve sitting on his bed with his back to the door. He peered over his shoulder to see you and his eyes narrowed. 
“You’re not allowed to be in here.” He said brusquely. 
“You didn’t give me much of a choice. You refused to talk to me all day and I don’t know why.” In a few steps, you were standing next to his cot, staring down at your twin brother. 
Steve sighed and set his book down. “Kat, you really should leave.” 
You sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. “Please tell me what I did wrong, Stevie. I agreed to do the program and everything will be alright.” 
“That’s just it, Kat. You’re always doing things because you think you need to watch out for me or be with me. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow but if it’s bad and you get hurt, it’ll be because of me.” 
“Oh Stevie, that’s not why I chose to do it-” 
A knock on the door pulled your focus away and turned to watch Dr. Erskine step in. 
“Ms. Rogers, how did I somehow know that I would find you here.” He sat down on the cot across from Steve’s. “Can’t sleep?” 
“Got the jitters, I guess.” Steve replied for you both. 
“Ah, me too. Tomorrow is a big day.” Dr. Erskine smiled at you kindly. 
Steve rubbed his hands on his thighs for a moment. “Can I ask you a question?” Dr. Erskine nodded for him to continue. “Why us?”
“I suppose that is the only question that matters...” He was fiddling with a bottle he’d brought, trying to come up with the best explanation.  He tilted it in your direction to show the label clearly. “This is from Augsburg, my city. So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own. You know, after the last war there, my people struggled. They felt weak, they felt small.” Your stomach clenched at the thought and there was an underlying urge to comfort him. 
“And then Hitler comes along with the big show, and the flags... And he hears of me, and he finds me. He told me, ‘you, you will make us strong.’ but I am not interested. So he sent the head of Hydra, his research division, a brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt.” A chill ran through your body. Wherever this story was heading could not turn out good. 
“Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle, and he is ambitious. He and Hitler share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth.” It’s hard to see the point but you’re immersed into the story. “Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real. He is convinced there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the gods, waiting to be seized by a superior man. So when he hears about my formula and what it can do...he cannot resist. Schmidt must become that superior man.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin when Steve speaks. “Did it make him stronger?” You had been so into the story, you’d forgotten that he was sitting next to you.
“Yes, but there were other...effects.” A lump formed in your throat. Dr. Erskine gave you a sympathetic look when he noticed your face had paled. “The serum was not ready. But more importantly...the man. The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great. Bad becomes worse.” 
When you hear those words, panic rises to the forefront of your mind. You’re not ready for this type of responsibility. What if something happens and you turn into a monster. What if you’re not as good as they think you are. Bucky does call you a brat an awful lot. 
As if reading your thoughts, he continues, “this is why you both were chosen. Because a strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power. But a weak man or women,” he winks at you, “knows the value of strength, and knows compassion. I’ve never met another pair who are more perfect for this responsibility.” 
“Thanks, I think.” Steve said for you both again. His brow furrowed as he slips into his own mind. 
Dr. Erskine gave you a reassuring smile before pointing to the glasses at the end of Steve’s cot. You hold them out for him to fill and hand one to Steve. 
“Whatever happens tomorrow, you two must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are... Not perfect soldiers, but a good person.” 
Steve finally looks at you and you know that what Dr. Erskine has said made more of an impact that anything you could have said. You lean over and kiss his baby soft cheek. He raises his glass to you both. “To the little guys.” 
With a giddy clink of glasses, you lift the cup to your lips. Before it has a chance to even enter your mouth, Dr. Erskine is frantically pulling them out of yours and Steve’s grips. 
“No, no, wait, wait. What I am doing? No, you have procedure tomorrow. No fluids.” 
“Alright, we’ll drink it after.” You respond cheekily to him. 
He gives you a look like your crazy before pouring the two cups into his. “No, I don’t have procedure tomorrow. Drink it after? Drink it now.” And he shot back the liquid. “Now, I’m sorry, Ms. Rogers, but you must be returning to your own barracks. You will see Mr. Rogers tomorrow morning.” 
You nod solemnly and get up to head to the door. Softly, you place your hand on Steve’s shoulder so that he’ll look at you. 
“Just so you know, Stevie. I didn’t agree to go because I want to watch out for you. I agreed because you’re my brother and I’m not gonna let you get experimented on without me to be by your side. Besides, I can’t let you have all the fun.” 
The corners of Steve’s lips turned up before he nodded his head in concession to you. You squeezed his shoulder before moving to open the door. 
“You better try to get some sleep tonight, little brother. It sounds like we’re going to be in for a crazy day and you’ll keep me up all night with your worrying.” You called over your shoulder before disappearing after Dr. Erskine into the dark. 
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oh-boleyn · 5 years
te para tres
words: 3809, language: english. jane & kat (kind of mom/daughter relationship)
author’s note: I wanted to keep multichapters on my ao3 but I actually kind of like this fic, and so I thought to post it here too! anyway it is also in ao3
tags: jane & kat - centric, kat is homeless, jane is trying her best, canon abuse/non con, tw abuse, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Families of Choice, Light Angst, pregnant!jane, sickness
part one: las tazas sobre el mantel part two: un poco de miel
la lluvia derramada
They take a taxi to the doctor’s office. The cold weather is not helping them to just walk or try any other route.
“Are you going to find out the baby’s gender?”
“Probably not. I want it to be a surprise.” Jane explains. “What do you think they’ll be?”
“I don’t know. I’m not good with guesses. Have you thought about names?”
“I would like to name them after a family member. It’s a family tradition I don’t want to lose.”
“Tell me names.”
“My father’s name is John.”
“Too plain.”
“I like it.” Katherine smiles.
“Yes! It sounds like a prince's name, something out of Disney.” The teenager nods. “Who is Edward?”
“My brother.” Jane states. “He is my confidant, and he is there for me every time I need him.”
“Is he a good person?”
“Yes, he is.”
At first Katherine refused to search for her family, but she knows that unless waiting until eighteen was a goal, she should contact them, at least to get her job permission signed, or any document that releases them from being their legal guardians.
What she didn’t know was that her cousin, already in her late-twenties, would want to meet her.
She introduces herself as Anne Boleyn, and it would be a lie if Katherine said that she had never heard that name. They look nothing alike. Anne is shorter than her, has pale skin, green eyes and a round face. She is kind, but tense. Katherine can’t decide if she likes her or not.
Anne is way too enthusiastic for Kat’s liking.
Their first meeting goes rather political, but not as family is supposed to be.
Still, they decide to meet again.  
Jane never thought Katherine would love hair dye so much, but now for the second time in a row they were sitting on the bathroom, applying electric pink dye to the girl’s hair. Anna recommended changing brands, mostly to not ruin her hair. Cathy also stepped in suggesting that once a month was an alright amount of time, but that doing it less frequent is better.
Still, Jane buys two boxes. If she can give Katherine a sense of stability, she will. Even if stability means dying her hair the same day every month.
“I can’t remember baking cookies, like ever.” Katherine comments, breaking an egg.
“You are missing a lot.”
Jane looks bright, like the sun. For the teenager, she looks like the standard picture of some announce. Her blond hair is up in a bun, which is not messy but not immaculate, her blue eyes are sparkling warm. She’s wearing a lose overall, with a yellow shirt. Her bump clearly there.
“Do you bake often?”
“No, not really. I used to, when I was younger.” Jane explains. “Can you measure the sugar? I need a cup.”
“Sure.” Kat moves, doing her task. “Why don’t you? If you love baking so much, you should do it more often.”
“I just don’t have the time.” She takes the flour. “Now I do, but before, living with my ex and college. It was just a lot; I never had the time to do it all.”
“Do you miss it? Your life before?”
“No, I don’t think I do.” Jane smiles. “I have better things now.”
She gives Kat a kiss on the forehead as good as she can give the height difference.
Living with Katherine is not always easy.
She would zone out from time to time, sometimes almost hurting herself. It was hard for Jane to keep up with her, because the teenager would enter periods of dissociation without previous notice. Other times, her personality would almost change, becoming furious and angry, throwing hateful words at Jane and begging to be back on the street.
But lately, every episode ended up the same, with both of them curling on the sofa watching a movie, until Kat would finally go to sleep.
Jane thought a lot about how her baby is going to be in sixteen years. Most importantly, if her baby will love her. The teenager who was now under her care rarely expressed feelings with words. Judging by how she acted around, the older was sure that they loved each other.
Wondering what could’ve happened if they didn’t meet wasn’t something she was too keen on. Katherine was the person she never knew she needed. Helping her felt so natural, almost like destiny, and Jane couldn’t love her more. The teenager had made her way into Jane’s life, becoming her daughter in all but title.
Jane hopes Katherine will let her be around, wanting nothing more than to see her grow and live the happy life she deserved.
Jane’s family were visiting, and Katherine felt nervous to the core. She knew how much the older woman loved her siblings, and if they didn’t like Kat, she might kick her out.
It was impossible to think about it, but Katherine knew better than to get too attached, even if Jane was the kindest person to her in a long time, so was Culpeper, and it didn’t mean kind was good.
“How is my little princess?” Jane’s father asks.
He looks like Jane; both share the same blue eyes. The word princess makes Katherine flinch, but she tries to cover her emotions. She toys with the pink dress Aragon gifted her from the spring edition of the magazine, while trying to ignore all the people who get into the restaurant.
“Dad, let me introduce you to Katherine. Kat, they are my father and siblings.”
“Hi, I’m Edward and he is my brother, Thomas.” One of them announces. “And my sisters, Dorothy and Elizabeth.”
Katherine is both glad and nervous none of them try to initiate physical contact, not sure if that was Jane’s recommendation or just their way to let her know she is not welcomed.
“I’m Katherine.” She replies, trying not to sound rude.
“Shall we order? I’m starving.” Jane announces, resting a hand on her stomach.
“Was her family amicable?” Anne questions.
She picked Katherine from the restaurant, trying to give Jane and her family a moment to themselves.
“Yes, they were kind.” Katherine replied, making herself smaller on the car seat. “She has a brother, Edward. He explained every family detail to me so I wouldn’t get lost when they talked about their extended family.”
Elizabeth was almost asleep on the back of the car, which led to the teenager deciding to ride in the front seat.
“That is nice.”
“They are buying her a new apartment.” Katherine blurs out. “They already did.”
“They must have money.” Anne adds, eyes fixed on the road.
“Yes. It is a three-bedroom apartment, and she asked me to move in with her. Like, living twenty-four seven with her.” Kat continues. “I haven’t said yes yet.”
“Do you want to?”
That was a real, fair question and Katherine didn’t know the answer.
A part of her wanted nothing more to have the security and protection Jane offered, late nights watching movies, waking up and having breakfast, going back to school, graduating. But she wasn’t sure she was able to do that, if she was destined to have that kind of happy life. The idea that Jane might kick her out any moment was something she couldn’t erase, but still, she decides to take a chance.
“I think so, yes.”
“Why did father do that?” Jane questions Edward.
“Do what?”
“Buy me a new place.” The woman states as if it’s obvious.
“You are having a baby. His first grandson. Of course he wants the baby to have a room.”
“And why the room for Katherine?”
“Do you not want her?” He questions.
“I do, a lot. But none of you do.” Jane speaks hurtful.
“We want whatever makes you happy. And if adopting a girl from the street is that, we are going to welcome her as one of our own.” The brother gives his sister a smile. “We are family.”
“Do you think she will want to be a part of it?”
“Your family? Sure. Not so sure about Dorothy, she is not likeable.”
They share a laugh.
“Jane stop it! It hurts!” Kat says, trying to get the older woman away from her hair.
“Don’t apply so much pressure!” Cathy indicates.
Braiding hair is harder than what she thought it would be. Parr is giving the directions, while Jane is trying to keep up.
“Sorry sweetheart, but this is hard.” Jane excuses herself. “Is there not something easier to do? Like a beginner braid or something?”
“This is the beginner’s braid Jane. It’s just a French one.” Cathy says. “Look.”
She takes Katherine’s hair on her hands, and starts braiding it quickly. In a moment she finishes half of it, doing a tight ponytail instead of finishing the braid.
“I hate you, Parr.” Jane half jokes. “You don’t have a baby bump in your way, it’s not fair.”
“Shut up and just admit you can’t do a braid.”
Kat laughs, watching her reflection. “You make amazing braid, Cathy!”
“Thank you!” Catherine replies. “Now, let’s give your cousin a hand with the boxes. Or you will end up moving next year with half of the stuff.”
Jane and Kat move into the new apartment on a Monday, and they have their first fight on a Tuesday.
“I don’t want to, Jane!” Katherine screams, to the top of her lungs.
“Katherine Howard, we talked about this, you are going to therapy. There is nothing to discuss.” Her voice is hard, stern.
“Don’t Katherine Howard me.”
There is a slam on the door and the poster Anne bought her falls from the wall.
Jane is speechless, Katherine has never been so aggressive before. Even when she was upset, she was usually calmer, quieter. She hated it; how afraid the girl would look if she got even the littlest upset. Getting mad could be considered an improvement, even if it was not gladly received by the older.
Anne Boleyn
Hi Jane! Is everything okay? Kat just texted me if I could come and pick her up.
Jane Seymour
Yes, it’s alright, we were just discussing therapy.
“Katherine, come here please!” She screams.
The teenager comes out of her bedroom with eyes full of tears. The old phone with the cracked screen her cousin gifted in her hand. Her knuckles went white from the pressure.
“We have to talk. I’m feeling upset, I won’t deny it. I am not kicking you out nor I feel different about you, but we have to talk.”
“If I say I will go, will you just stop?”
“Because I want to help you. Why don’t we prepare some tea, and then we can talk?”
Katherine nods, Jane walks to her and puts Kat’s hand on her stomach.
“The baby is saying stop being so headstrong.” Jane laughs lightly, the baby kicking Kat’s hand.
The warmth on the woman’s laugh makes the younger girl relax.
Katherine Howard
I’m sorry, I over exaggerated. Don’t pick me up, but are we still on for next week?
Something good about the new apartment is how much space there is for the couch. A big pale blue sofa lays on the middle of the room, opposite to the TV. Katherine would be lying if she said she missed sleeping on the couch, her own bed being much comfortable, and her room made her feel protected. It was something she once had for granted, but having a place of her own was one of the best things that ever happened to her.
As usual of their late nights, they are searching for a movie. Streaming was good, it obviously was, but they had felt into the tradition of looking, going through channels. They found the same comedy months ago.
Watching it again comes as a silent agreement.
When the movie is half over, Katherine calls. “Jane.”
The older does not react, sleeping peacefully.
“I think you are asleep, which is good. I don’t know how to say it really, but I am so grateful and thankful and a hundred other words. You gave me a life again, the chance to be a person, to have joy. And you didn’t have to, but you did.” She squeezes the woman a little, careful to not wake her up. “You are going to be the best mom. I love you.”
Jane tries to not blow up her cover, but the slight smile shines through.
“Anne is my cousin.” Katherine begins to explain. “She is twenty-nine, and she has a little girl, Elizabeth, she is three. Anne is blunt, maybe impolite. She speaks her mind more than I would even think to, but she is also a good person. She pushes and asks me things I don’t want to think about, and it makes me angry when she does it. I also get angry when Jane asks me things I don’t want to answer, or begs me to do things I don’t want to.”
“Have you talked about this with them? Calmly, trying to understand each other.” Her therapist interrogates.
“No, not really. Jane loves to try and talk things out, but I feel nervous about it, I don’t like to talk about feelings.” She explains.
“Do you not like it or don’t know how to talk about it?”
The question plants itself on Katherine’s mind. It has been so long since the last time she had to actually worry about something that was not only her survival that she is not sure for how long she didn’t think about feelings.
Maybe it was when they stole her first backpack, or maybe the first night on the street. It might have been before leaving her house. She doesn’t remember feeling anything with Francis. Not even with Manox. Maybe her feelings have never been there until yet.
She wishes she knew how to express how much admiration she felt for the woman who showed her that not everything was lost.
“Jane! Anna called me, are you okay?” Katherine asks, running to Jane’s side.
Anne is by her side, looking worried with her car keys ready.
“Yes love, just a fake alarm. The doctor told me about this, fake contractions are a thing.” Jane explains.
“I just freaked out, okay? Cut me some slack.” Cleves complains.
“It’s alright, I had those for like two months with Elizabeth.” Boleyn puts a hand on Kat’s shoulder. “In case you want, I can drive you to the hospital.”
“No, thank you, Anne.” Jane smiles.
Their relationship was polite, they were not friends, but cared deeply for Katherine and were willing to do anything for the sake of their girl.
“Can you take us home?” Katherine asks.
Anne nods.
Katherine takes a moment to consider what she just said. Home. Jane, the baby, the new apartment. It was home, safe, secure. She felt loved there, at ease.
She wished she could just hold onto it and never let it go.
Jane feels her stomach constrict into itself.
A contraction, another Braxton-hicks. Except that it feels more painful, and a sense of unease settles in her stomach. She is only seven and a half months, the baby shouldn’t be coming, so she keeps with her chores.
Katherine picks up something that is wrong far too late into the night, her mind deviant and without having the chance to focus onto anything, even if she tried every exercise on her list. But once she does, she thinks it might be too late. Jane is having contractions almost every hour, and refusing to go into the hospital.
“Love, I swear I’m alright, there are still six weeks to go.”
“Don’t do this, let me take you to the hospital, as a precaution.” Katherine pleaded. “We might be in serious trouble if you keep refusing, if there’s nothing wrong we will come back and sleep and maybe watch a movie! But please, can we go?”
The older one takes the teenagers anxiety as something more worrisome that what is happening to her. She doesn’t want to make Kat feel insecure. Knowing her almost-daughter is in constant fear of abandonment, she decides to obey, just for her peace of mind.
Things are clearly not okay.
Her blood pressure is too high, and she has started to dilate. The doctors are quick to give her two shots, one to try and relax her muscles, in an attempt to cease the contractions, and another one with steroids, trying to help the lung development of the baby. Before Jane realizes, there are at least three beeping machines hanging around her.
“Love, have you talked with my family?” Jane asked.
Her contractions were more and more frequent, almost switching to active labour.
Jane wants to cry, feeling as if she failed her child. The doctors didn’t want to give her much information except for the stable vital signs of the baby. That was not enough to calm her down. She tried to be calmer, to don’t let her stress affect the birth, but she was beyond scared to be successful.
“I did, your parents didn’t text me back yet. Edward says he is coming, he is picking Dorothy. Elizabeth will be here tomorrow, and Thomas sends his best wishes but he can’t come.” Katherine explains. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore?” Jane tries to laugh, but a contraction hit. “I won’t lie, this is painful. Have you called Anne?”
“Yes, she was free to pick me up when I texted her. I don’t want to leave you alone, though.”
“That’s really thoughtful, Katherine.”
“Jane?” The doctor questions. “Can I check how it is progressing?”
She nods. Katherine holds her hand tightly. He checks the machines, and quickly calls a nurse. The teenager squeezes her hand, and she does the same maybe a little harder than intended.
“We have to do an emergency c-section. The baby’s heart rate is growing faster and your blood pressure is not getting any lower.” He announces. “Do you have someone to be with you?”
“Me.” Katherine quickly says.
“Are you over eighteen?”
The way she lies feels almost natural, and Jane wonders for a second if she ever had to do that before. Her mind can’t focus on it for too long.
“Kat, you don’t have to come.”
“But I want to, really.” She gets closer and whispers to her ear. “Please, you have helped me so much. I have seen the worst things, I think. Please.”
“No, Kat, you are too young.” Jane says, firm. “Is there anywhere near but not in the room she can stay?”
“She can wait in the neonatal unit.”
They leave her in a corridor with a bright white light that is driving her crazy. Nobody tells her any news, and Jane’s family are supposed to arrive in a couple of minutes but there is still no trace of them. She feels helpless, unable to do anything and clueless enough to be insecure.
But then a nurse shows up with a baby.
“The mom is alright, but taking a nap.” She explained. “She wanted you to be the second to see him. She said you knew his name.”
The chat they had just months before still on her head.
“Edward. His name is Edward.”
“He is really tiny. And red. Are all babies that red?” Katherine asks her cousin.
“The ones that I know, yes. Elizabeth was quite big, but still red.” Anne smiles, remembering. “She had to be in a lamp and receive plenty of solar light because the doctors said she was yellow, though.”
“I don’t think he looks yellow, at all.”
There is a silence, not uncomfortable, but not at ease.
“How are you feeling about Edward?”
“What do you mean?” The younger questions.
“I know how close you got with Jane. When George was born, I was so upset, I almost cried for days. It took me a while, but now I love him a lot, even when he gets on my nerves.” Anne took Katherine ‘s hand in hers. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m not sure.”
She didn’t have enough time to think about it, to process that now Jane was a mother. A real mother with her biological son. The space Katherine took was now belonging to Edward.
“I am anxious, a tad frightened and excluded, I won’t lie about it.” A feeling of being exposed started creeping up. “But Jane has been nothing but kind. I can’t feel bad about him when she loves him so much. I love him too, I know I don’t know him, but if he is a little like her, he is going to be a good guy, and God knows we need those.”
Anne smiled, and the teenager embraced her in a hug.
“I’m happy you think like that, Kitty.” She squeezes the girl. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Annie.”
“Jane, can we talk?”
Katherine is trembling, her voice not above a whisper.
To admit how much she adored the older woman was nerve wracking. She almost couldn’t remember how it was to have a mother, since hers died when she was so young. Mothers were probably like Jane. She felt protected, cared for, near her.
“Honey, I’m feeling tired. My legs are killing me. Is it really important?”
She wanted to say yes. To explain how important it was for her, how her life changed for the better since meeting Jane. How much it meant the fact that she felt seen.
“No, not really.”
Jane feels worse. The ibuprofen is no longer working and her fever is burning up. Not even the idea of going to see Edward can bring her out of bed. Her headache is just getting worse each time, and she feels as if she was going to throw up at any given moment.
Katherine was by her side, trying to help, bringing water and soup, ready for when her mother, or not mother, decides to order her to call for an ambulance.
And she waits.
But Jane never asks, instead Katherine calls when she seems to no longer recognize her voice.
The teenager is sitting outside the emergency room, in a hall without anybody near her.
Her mind is not there, though, and she feels as if she can almost watch herself as a third person would. Not sure of how much time has passed, she tries to focus on counting numbers, but it doesn’t work. The presence of a doctor doesn’t help either, not even when he tells her the dreadful news. It’s not until she calls Edward, the older, that she realizes what she is saying.
Internal organs shutting out.
Say your goodbyes.
Jane is not waking up.
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
even stars are small from a distance
second fic in one day babeyyyy, and to balance out this morning’s fluff now we have angst. this is for a prompt from a lovely anon which was parrlyn h/c with one comforting the other after a nightmare with kisses. hope this was ok!
I haven’t written parrlyn in ages so this is for all the very patient parrlyn friends on the sixcord who have been eagerly waiting!! it’s essentially a rewrite of ‘one more chance’ but with a lot more gay(tm) bc established relationship this time. I know everyone and their cat has written anne having nightmares but hey we love a cliche and that’s all I have to say with this one bc it’s approaching 2am and I need sleep but hope everyone enjoys it c:
Considering how their show was essentially them retelling their stories to four hundred people every night, Cathy still managed to be incredibly private about her former life. It was something that puzzled Anne but didn’t bother her at all; she knew that they all coped with their secrets in different ways and if Cathy’s method was to keep herself hidden then she wouldn’t question it. She would try and make sure her girlfriend didn’t bottle too many things away if she seemed overly stressed any time, but for the most part she just enjoyed and appreciated the privilege of being told any titbit of Cathy’s history.
But what that did mean was that when absent-mindedly scrolling through an article written about the historical aspect of the show, Anne received the unwelcome shock of her life.
It was an unspoken pact that they wouldn’t search up facts on each other’s past lives without permission, since being told to google each other’s names to get filled in during their first rehearsals felt like the equivalent of being told to nose through each other’s diaries. They all knew enough about the queens they hadn’t lived alongside through the show itself anyway. As a result the article was one of the first that Anne had ever read about their Tudor lives and for the most part there were no surprises; the only notable piece of information she tucked away being how Aragon had wanted to send Henry the body of the Scottish King she’d had killed in battle while he was away, something which spoke so true of Catherine’s power as Queen that she couldn’t believe it wasn’t mentioned in the script.
That was until she reached Cathy’s section of the article though. She’d largely skimmed through Kat’s, knowing she couldn’t read about her baby cousin’s suffering without her stomach churning, and was half-tempted to skim through the account of what the final solo didn’t include about Cathy’s life with the King for the sake of her privacy. But before she could click out of the article, a single word in the middle of a paragraph caught her attention.
Anne’s heart rate quickened as she scrolled back upwards. There was no need to mention that in Cathy’s life story unless it was a reference to Kat’s life or her own, which she soon realised it wasn’t. Horror deepened in her stomach as she read of the arrest warrant that was sent out, how Cathy had discovered the plot to have her replaced and been forced to beg the King for her life. How she’d been forced to fight off an armed guard who hadn’t been told of the King’s forgiveness. How the stress of the discovery had made her ill.
How she’d come within a hair’s breadth of losing her life in the same way that Anne had.
Her fingers hovered over her scar as her thoughts raced wildly. She knew that Cathy had known of her in her old life, knew that the entirety of Europe had treated Anne’s death as a warning for what could happen if he was disappointed by his wife. A sudden stabbing pain in her neck forced her to grit her teeth hard, tears pricking at her eyes as she thought of just how afraid she must have been.
She longed to pull her girlfriend into a hug and promise her that she’d never let anyone hurt her again. But that want was quashed by the realisation that she could never let Cathy know that she knew.
So she shut her laptop and said nothing, just kissed Cathy when she returned from her day out with Aragon and listened intently to what the two of them had got up to. She did the show without a hitch, aside from the crescent-shaped indents she pressed into her palm from squeezing her hand closed during Cathy’s solo. And she greeted fans afterwards with no indication that anything was wrong, her voice only failing her for a moment as she watched Cathy sign beneath ‘survived’ with the awful knowledge of how she almost hadn’t.
The only time she came close to cracking was when they were both sat in Cathy’s bedroom after the show. A yawn from Anne prompted a gentle reminder from Cathy that she needed to go to bed soon, and the thought of leaving Cathy alone in the darkness made Anne suddenly burst out “Can I stay here tonight?”
Cathy blinked with surprise for a moment before she nodded. “Of course you can love, you never need to ask. Are you ok though? You’ve seemed a little quiet since I got home,” she said, a concerned look in her eyes as she met Anne’s gaze.
For a moment she was tempted to tell her everything she’d found out, but then she pictured the look on Cathy’s face upon having her privacy violated and she shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine,” she said with what she hoped was a convincing smile.
But her confidence didn’t last for long, as her overactive mind betrayed her the minute she fell asleep in Cathy’s bed and started to dream.
The first thing Anne noticed was that she was in the courtyard by the Tower of London. Immediately she tensed; this courtyard had been the setting for many of her nightmares so it was easy enough to guess exactly what was about to happen. But then she realised that she was part of the crowd rather than standing atop the scaffold, which had never happened before. She could see the executioner’s block waiting though, her scar tingling at the sight of it, so even if it wasn’t her up there she still knew exactly what would happen.
But her grim resolve to see it through shattered when she looked to the scaffold and saw who was standing there. It was Cathy.
Anne started to struggle against the crowd as she watched her approach the block, her thin white chemise a poor excuse for armour against the jeers of the onlookers. Despite how much she tried to push forwards she found herself swept further and further back, helpless to reach out for Cathy as she walked like a zombie towards the block and knelt down. There was no emotion in the face she knew so well – it would have been easier to bear if this Cathy was the one in the portraits not the one in Anne’s lock screen but of course she wasn’t granted that mercy – until she looked up from the ground and met Anne’s gaze.
Her eyes were full of the one emotion that Anne had never seen on her girlfriend’s face. Hopelessness. And it felt like an arrow to her heart.
She started to scream as Cathy moved sluggishly to place her head on the block, ignoring the accidental blows she was dealt by the crowd’s enthusiasm. It was nothing like Anne’s own execution had been; these people were out for blood. These people wanted to see her brave, beautiful Cathy dead and the very thought made her feel sick.
By the time the executioner appeared out of the shadows Anne’s throat was raw, but still the sight of the figure from her nightmares renewed the panic pounding at her chest and she shouted even louder. She hardly even knew what she was screaming; a plea for mercy, an urgent love confession, even a desperate wish to take her place. But her prayers were ignored as the sword was raised, glinting under the cruel sunlight exactly how she remembered.
The executioner swung. The crowd roared. Screams of horror and triumph blurred into a high pitched wail as the world went white and she felt her legs folding beneath her. And then-
Anne was still screaming as she jolted awake, her cheeks ravaged by tears and her chest heaving for breath. Immediately she was attempting to stifle her cries, one hand clamped over her mouth to muffle the sound of her sobs and the other hand over her racing heart as she tried to regulate her breathing though. The usual techniques did nothing though as her brain kept replaying the image of Cathy losing her head, and she retched dryly as her stomach gave a sickening turn. Her consciousness started to blur around the edges again as her lungs ached for oxygen.
“Stay with me sweetheart, breathe for me please.”
The voice through the dark made her jump in shock, realising for the first time that she wasn’t in her own room. A fumbling sound was followed by the bedside light being turned on, to reveal Cathy looking at her with sleep-mussed hair and a stricken expression.
Her hands still trembled and the sick feeling in her stomach refused to leave but everything else stilled as she stared blankly at Cathy for several seconds while her brain struggled to catch up. But then she frantically pushed herself to her knees, not giving Cathy a chance to react as she lunged forwards and kissed her.
It was messy and desperate, but it was enough to prove to Anne that she was there.
Cathy reacted quickly enough to support Anne before she slipped, one hand on her waist and the other cupping Anne’s cheek as she kissed her back. Only a couple of seconds passed before Anne was sobbing into Cathy’s chest instead, whispering “You’re alive,” over and over again as she clung to Cathy like a lifeline.
“I’m alive,” Cathy replied in a voice so full of conviction that Anne could just about believe the warm arms around her weren’t a figment of her imagination. Her shaking limbs felt as though the strength had been sapped from them so she couldn’t do anything but sink into Cathy’s embrace, letting out a shuddering breath as she buried her face in Cathy’s shoulder and waited for her nausea to subside.
Several minutes passed before Cathy gently pushed Anne back to look at her in the eye. “Please tell me what’s wrong my love, I’m worried about you,” she said softly, tilting Anne’s chin up with her finger to look up at her.
Anne hesitated a moment longer, still afraid of Cathy’s reaction as she’d been that afternoon, but the lingering terror from her nightmare had beaten down her walls enough that she couldn’t stop the truth from spilling out. “You nearly got beheaded,” she choked out.
As Cathy’s expression fell Anne couldn’t bear to keep looking to see the rest of her reaction, wrenching her chin out of Cathy’s fingers to cover her mouth with her palm. “I found an article earlier and it said he nearly killed you too,” she sobbed, her words muffled by her hand and her distress. “And I dreamed about my execution but it was you instead and I couldn’t save you. And I’m so sorry I found out and for invading your privacy by finding out I promise I wasn’t trying to and I trust you to tell me shit but I’m just so so angry for you and-“
“Oh sweetheart, it’s ok,” Cathy said softly, her hand on Anne’s shoulder interrupting her hysterical tirade. “I wasn’t keeping it a secret because I didn’t want you to know, it was just because I didn’t want you to be upset. I promise I would have told you. One day you’ll know all my secrets love, I’m sorry I’m not better at sharing things with you.”
Her apology sounded so sorrowful that Anne looked up at her and shook her head. “Love you,” she whispered because those were the only words she could come up with at that point, too exhausted to think of anything more coherent to follow up Cathy’s comment. As a final bit of proof that Cathy really was ok she reached out to place a hand at the back of her neck, thumb smoothing over the smooth skin where Anne’s scar lay, leaning forwards to touch her forehead against Cathy’s.
Cathy smiled at her through the gloom, nuzzling Anne’s nose with hers before pulling her into a firm embrace. “I love you too, so so much,” she murmured next to Anne’s ear, pressing a kiss to Anne’s hair before resting her head atop hers.
Anne began to wonder if she was going to fall asleep resting against Cathy before her girlfriend shifted underneath her, and Anne let out a quiet groan as she sat back up. Cathy giggled lightly as she tilted Anne’s chin up again, looking at her lovingly for a moment before leaning forward to kiss away the tear tracks on Anne’s cheeks. “Do you think you’re ready to sleep again?” she asked.
“Mhm. Yeah,” she hummed tiredly.
“Alright, come on then,” Cathy said, straightening out the covers from where Anne had kicked them back and settling back down on her pillow. Once there she pulled Anne down to lay in the crook of her side, and Anne hummed contentedly as she settled with her ear resting over Cathy’s heartbeat. The low sound was enough to reassure her that her dream wouldn’t come again and Cathy was alive and right next to her, and no executioner’s sword was ever going to hurt them again.
Cathy’s fingers running through Anne’s hair made the last remnants of tension seep out of her limbs, and she sighed lightly as she hugged Cathy close with an arm over her stomach. “Go to sleep love. I’m right here,” Cathy whispered.
Anne hummed something that might have been a thanks if she wasn’t delirious with exhaustion. Seconds later she was asleep, safe in Cathy’s embrace and the promise that she was never going away.
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mirandashadowborn · 5 years
Aside from some (for want of a better term or the know how to execute it) “improved” character design on the Dark Riders and maybe the Soul Riders (I’ll go into this on another post), I think what I’d like to see is their Motivation. 
“Evil just cause” don’t cut it for me. And I don’t necessarily mean a tragic backstory to explain away everyones case (used sparingly is fine). 
First off, is Katja alien or Human? Jorvipedia says she’s human?? But I heard otherwise so…?! Explain that shit, right off the bat. An alien with psychic powers whose been dragged to earth by her boss and hates humans cause she reads their minds and it drives her CRAZY and she not only learned to block it out but to PROJECT thoughts and dreams to turn it around on them? That sounds like a plausible villain. Otherwise why is she working for Mr Sands? What kind of compensation is there? Doesn’t seem like he’s offering her a very glamorous life out there at DC HQ.
(The way the concept art looks though- she looks like a druid turned bad and THAT would make an interesting backstory too- Did elizabeth find her and try to train her only Kat could read minds and could SEE the lies and deception and BULLSHIT in the Druids, and was cast out?? Inquiring minds want to know!) 
Sabine I saw more as like, Bellatrix to Voldemort. Maybe he found her when she was younger and impressionable and offered her Power or status.. Maybe she wanted a Sugar daddy and he seemed wealthy and emotionally aloof enough for her. She may not be living in the lap of luxury but she’s dealt with it for so long there’s no leaving now. Yea her dude didn’t give her everything but - What would she go back to? Competing against younger, better girls in Equestrian events? Uh uh too late for that. So she’s bitter, hates these little up and coming champions, and is eager to follow his orders when it comes to destroying their cozy little island.  
Jessica I see as Alex gone wrong. She grew up not having a lot and maybe did some work modeling but didn’t have “it” (the “it” that Anne had- fashion is so fickle), at least not enough to make it big. What was she supposed to do then? Find a job cleaning horse shit? Na Uh- she had a taste of glamour and won’t lower herself back to a simple life. Enter Mr. Sands. He senses an ability in her (The portals? So she’s the opposite of Anne? the Sun but like- eclipsed?) and tells her “don’t get mad, get even”. Its not glamorous but its not simple. He might be a dick but its not as bad as her family who came to depend on her (but she cut them off). He finds Jessica in the midst of her rebellious phase and is exploiting the shit out of that. 
Elise is- ok so I’ve read she has the power to cause Discord and Chaos and is the opposite of Lisa- can bring illness and Death (but anyone can kill anyone really so let’s ignore that for now). I don’t think they should make her WANT to really kill people or be a bad guy, and I really really don’t want them to be lazy and use any sort of mental illness as an excuse (lord I beg you). 
And wait- tangent. If its Katja/Linda, Jessica/Anne, and Elise/Lisa then its Alex/Sabine? She’s the warrior?? That seems weird to me. I would have done it as Sabine/Lisa (youngest-oldest, English-Western, A giver-a thief) and made Jessica the Lightning/Warrior and then Elise could be the anti Anne. But that’s just me. 
Anyway. If Elise is discord and chaos then I need her to be a bit of a mess, asymmetrical, curves and angles, etc. I want her to be a little older but kind of lost (like she is now?? lol) and maybe one of the only ones that can be negotiated with (chaos goes both ways, you know. I can see her being a tiny bit traitorous to Sands if it suits her). Maybe she’s from Jorvik but left to try things and travel but .. can’t finish things. She’s too disorganized. Unlike Lisa, who became an int’l pop star, maybe Elise has failed at everything she’s tried to do. So along comes Mr Sands and tells her she HAS a talent and CAN be successful-  just let him take over, like a manager, and then he kept her lazy and complacent until he needs her and then basically goads her into unleashing her powers. But where is she? Is she hiding from him cause she doesn’t really want to be a bad guy? 
And I need a little more emphasis on their powers being a foil for the others. Like Linda is psychic and can look into the future, but Katja is projective with it. Cool. Having Katja be pale and angular and cold while Linda is darker, rounder and warmer works for me. I like it. 
Jessica and Anne looking similar with a different color scheme works for me too, actually. Sun and Eclipse. Anne more tailored and crisp while Jessica is a little more edgy and (faux) sloppy. (and personally I would have put Jessica vs Alex, since she looks more like a fighter)
Sabine vs Alex is a little weird but would again be the Privilaged vs Poor look and thats redundant lol. What is her power? Again, I would have made her the opposite of Lisa and she can sap energy, cause Sabine as a warrior is strange. She doesn’t strike me as proactive, more like sneaky thief in the night…. I don’t know. Maybe they need to make Sabine a little tougher. But then maybe they’re going with “she plays dirty cause she’s a warrior who isn’t so tough”
Elise vs Lisa? If lisa is pop/rock, make her goth/punk (she’d match her horse better lol). Not cause goth or punk is bad, mind you, JUST so she’d match the horse (its all I got). Also I don’t want her to commit fully to any one thing. (Again- if it was me, I’d have made Elise the anti-Anne in the Group- lost for most of the game, messy while Anne is cool and collected, apathetic where Anne wants justice.) 
Also I need Sands to have some hold on them. I need there to be some: 
Do you want to go back to your old life?
Do you really want to be my enemy? 
You’re only really powerful when you’re here with us, but leave if you want u_u 
Otherwise, Why are they there? I need to see the manipulation going on there, cause evil for the lulz ain’t it.  
Ok rant over. 
(keep in mind all this is coming from someone who hasn’t played the original games but they’re changing old canon anyway so anything goes woop)
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
boy next door
Summary: Katara moves into the same apartment building as Sokka and Zuko happens to be her next door neighbour. Or, Zuko and Katara know each other better than they think they do.
A/N: For @zutaraexchange​ and @cobraonthecob​ who deserved this way earlier but I was so busy this week! My prompts were Painted Lady and Blue Spirit, Modern, Superhero AU, Element Swap/Different Elements. I decided to challenge myself with a modern AU. 
I write and I do have a taglist so send an ask if ya want ;)
WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF DRUG ABUSE, VERY, VERY BRIEF. also, bro there’s like some swearing i think.
Wordcount: 5.1k Pairing: Zuko and Katara (Zutara)
Zuko mostly kept to himself. It wasn’t that he hated people — no, he was alright with Sokka in the apartment across the hall in 1C despite how loud he could be, and the guy who owned a grocery store upstairs in 2D wasn’t so bad. He mostly tended to the gardens and when the harvest was good, they’d hold a barbecue. Yue and Suki, two girls who lived diagonally across from him in 1A didn’t do much more than make polite conversation when they bumped into each other in the hallways and that guy Aang could hold his own in a game of Super Smash. He and some old guy, Bumi, lived upstairs in 2A along with Aang’s huge dog, Appa. In 2B was another set of girls, Mai and Ty Lee, both Zuko had known since childhood, but they were never close.
That left two more apartments. The one next to Zuko, and the one left upstairs.
No one talked about upstairs ever since the last tenant had been evicted for illegal activity, not that Zuko ever paid any mind to that, not that he cared, not that it was Azula who was forced to move out and away. Not that Zuko drove her to the hospital himself after he found her OD’ed on the floor. Not that anyone knew.
All anyone ever saw was his scar. He saw it in people’s eyes, the way they tried to focus on anything else on his face. His eyes, maybe. His mother used to say he had lovely eyes. But she was the only one. Everyone saw the scar.
So Zuko kept to himself, sue him.
He went out for his job, which was a fun time as the CEO of his dad’s company which  he managed to build back up after a scandal way back when, which meant he didn’t have spare time to go to barbecues, even if he wanted to. He knew they judged him, probably talked shit behind his back. But he couldn’t help it.
“Oh, crap.”
Zuko looked next to him as he was locking the door that morning. Fridays were the only days he got half-off and he intended to get as much work done as possible before relaxing. But, it appeared that wasn’t gonna happen today when he caught sight of one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen in his thirty-years of being alive. Standing there, surrounded by boxes and a rambling Sokka, was a woman with chestnut hair pulled into a messy bun, frustrated, blushing cheeks, and narrowed blue eyes.
“Sokka, if you touch anything else, I’ll literally kill you.”
“Sorry, Kat! That time, it really was an accident.”
‘Kat’ didn’t say anymore. She picked up a box and stormed into the apartment, revealing a tumbled box at Sokka’s feet. The man looked up and noticed Zuko standing there, immediately traversing the boxy hallway and saying his hellos.
“Who’s she?” Zuko asked, trying to sound as disinterested as possible as he slipped the key into his pocket.
“My sister. She’s moving in for her neuro fellowship at the hospital nearby.”
“Oh, cool.” Smart. Check. Pretty. Check. Zukos’ boxes were all getting ticked off as the woman re-emerged, thoroughly disappointed but unsurprised by what her brother was doing.
“Isn’t that right, Katara?”
“My little sister’s all grown up and moved across country all by herself.”
“Sokka!” Kat sighed in annoyance and Sokka quickly picked up a box with a wide smile, disappearing through the door as she finally noticed Zuko. “Hey, sorry about that.”
“No problem.” Their eyes met and she blinked once, then again. Zuko knew what she was looking at but her eyes stayed rather determinedly on his. Eyebrows elevating, he looked at all the boxes. “You need help moving in?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” She blinked again, and turned to look at the boxes. “Sokka’s supposed to be helping me and he’ll do fine once he focuses.” Stepping over the boxes, she extended a hand and offered a smile. “I’m Katara. I guess I’m your neighbour now.”
“Katara,” he repeated, knowing he’ll have no problem remembering it. “Zuko.”
“Nice to meet you, Zuko.” She was even prettier up close. Zuko swallowed hard, finding his mouth dry as he struggled to say more.
“Yeah, you too.” What a lame way to end the conversation. Katara smiled again and turned back to her boxes, and Zuko swore he didn’t look at her an extra second before he remembered he had work. Opening his mouth, he tried to say goodbye, but then shut it. She won’t notice, he thought as he turned and walked down the hall. She’d never notice someone like me.
Katara frowned, wondering if this was too much. Her first weekend at her new place had gone without a hitch and all the tenants had attended the BBQ the landlord hosted.
All except one.
She knew who he was — what reputation he had, and what he’d done to prevent his father’s company from going belly up. Still, she was determined to get him to notice her or at least be on amicable terms no matter how high up he held himself.
Katara had brought a specialty of hers — lychee ice cream — and stood outside her neighbour’s door. She knew he was at home due to the fact he’d slammed the door closed earlier that afternoon and that she could now hear him yell at Sokka.
Her brother had never mentioned the guy next door with the huge scar on his face. He was kinda good looking, in an unconventional kinda way. But Katara didn’t focus on that. Instead, she focused on his CEO status, how he lived in a second-rate apartment despite how loaded he must be, how she knocked on the door, and how she was gonna get through this.
So she knocked.
And the door opened.
Ask and you shall receive.
And what Katara received was a wonderfully puffy-haired neighbour, scratching his head and glaring at her though half his face was twisted in an eternal scowl. A far cry from the prim and proper, suited up man three days ago.
“Hi, Katara.’
“Hey, Zuko. I made lychee ice cream for you,” she said although words were running dry as Sokka popped out of nowhere and reached to grab it. “Not for you! It’s for Zuko.” Her brother pouted, complained about something, but Katara didn’t hear him. Zuko didn’t seem to hear him either.
The man looked at her for a moment, then took the carton with a soft ‘thanks’ and Katara found her cheeks warming under his stare. He was wearing nothing but a white tee and grey sweats but he still looked so good. Better than a suit and tie, that was for sure. His warm amber eyes scanned her up and down, and Katara noted the heavy eyebags and how pale he looked. That didn’t detract from how hot he was, though. Not that Katara really looked.
“You didn’t come to the barbecue,” Katara said, sidelining her concern for now, and Zuko nodded. “Why?”
“I don’t like crowds.”
“It wasn’t that crowded.”
“I don’t like people.”
Color spread magnificently over Zuko’s cheeks as Katara looked to the ground. His voice rasped and scratched and sounded like music to her ears. Not that she noticed.
“I was at work,” he added. Katara noted he was a pitiful liar. Fridays were his half-off days, according to her brother. Not that she cared. “Along with the not-liking people.”
“You like Sokka, though,” she pointed out and Zuko suppressed a scowl as they heard Sokka yell there was no more orange juice. Forgetting herself, Katara withdrew from the doorway. “Anyway, I should head back. You’re probably busy doing… whatever it is you’re doing.”
“We’re playing Assassin’s Creed, if you want to join,” Zuko offered and Katara shook her head. Not that she’d basically grown up with those games. Not that she played with Sokka before he moved away.
Not that she wanted to.
“Which one?” She found the question slipping past her lips before she could reel it back in.
“Origins. Just got around to playing it.”
The offer was enticing, but Katara wasn’t in the mood. “I thought you didn’t like people,” she said, because inviting strangers didn’t sound anti-friendly.
“I can make an exception.” He crossed his arms and Katara ignored the way his muscles bunched and how his shirt seemed too small for his frame. It was tight across his shoulders and when Katara caught his gaze, she shook her head.
“You should go put that in the freezer before it melts ‘cause it’s hot out.” Katara nodded to the carton of ice cream and excused herself quickly after that, going down the hall as quick as she could and entering her apartment.
Slamming the door behind her, she pressed her back against it and sighed. That was a such stupid thing to say before she left, and she couldn’t take it back now. What happened to a good-old fashioned ‘goodbye’? A regular old ‘see you later’?
Apparently, no longer options for Katara when she spoke to Zuko.
“Dude, stop checking your phone.”
“Just hurry up. I want to actually play for once,” Zuko growled back as Sokka saved his game on the PS4. Zuko already had Witcher 3 with Sokka’s game savefiles in the right folder and the two had planned to switch thirty minutes ago before Sokka decided to screw around and get two more viewpoints than said thirty minutes ago.
BlueSpirit94: would you believe it if i said my best friend is a complete waste of time
PaintedLadyXO: yes
BlueSpirit94: this is why we keep in touch
The chat bubble popped up again and disappeared, causing Zuko to turn off the screen and yell at Sokka again to hurry up. Then, a ding.
PaintedLadyXO: please
PaintedLadyXO: you need me more than i need you
Smirking at the reply, he couldn’t resist typing out one of his own. Ever since meeting on Discord with their apparent mutual online friends nearly three years ago, Zuko had hit it off with this other gamer despite having never heard their voice. What with Painted Lady’s crazy hours doing whatever they did and Zuko’s extreme reluctance to gather up courage to even talk to anyone outside of his friends, they still remained on close terms.
And they were right, as they often were. Zuko probably did need them more than they needed him.
Bluespirit94: that’s rude
Bluespirit94: but true
PaintedLadyXO: i didn’t mean it
Bluespirit94: whatever
Bluespirit94: how was your move btw? Read 2:49 PM
“Alright, get off. Time to cut off some heads.” Sokka shoved Zuko off the chair and the messy-haired man sat down on the couch instead, waiting for the reply. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard.  “Who are you even talking to?”
“It’s none of your business!”
Sokka’s grabby fingers scrambled to grab his phone but Zuko threw it underneath his legs to sit on, grabbing the controller and glaring at Sokka.
“Fuck off,” he hissed. “Some dick at work is slacking ‘cause he’s probably too busy being high.” Zuko grimaced, and slid the analog stick until Assassin’s Creed Origins was selected. “Not my problem.”
“You’re the CEO.”
“Hey, I came back from work and I’m looking forward to this afternoon off. If he wants to keep his job, he’ll show up tomorrow.” Zuko watched the screen blankly. Everything he said wasn’t a total lie. That dude, Jet, had come in earlier, asking if he could take a medical leave while stinking of weed. Zuko had given him the foulest glare he could muster, declined his request, and left it with a threat of ‘See you tomorrow morning.’
Sokka didn’t say anything much after that. They’d known each other long enough that when Zuko needed his silence, Sokka knew better than to argue with it. Sometimes, he could cure it with jokes. It was more often than not that he couldn’t, so he slapped on Zuko’s expensive headphones and loaded up his save file.
Zuko’s phone pinged. Amber eyes darted from the screen to Sokka, who was beautifully immersed in Witcher 3, and he deemed it safe enough to check.
PaintedLadyXO: great! the tenants are friendly and the guy next door is kinda hot ;)
Zuko’s eyebrows rose. His thumbs paused.
BlueSpirit94: didn’t know you swung that way
PaintedLadyXO: and.
PaintedLadyXO: jk who said i was a man lmao
BlueSpirit94: i can now add that to things I know about you
There was no response for a few more minutes, so he decided that maybe they — she — decided to continue the move-in. Zuko shook it from his mind. So what if Painted Lady was a girl? They were always close friends. This didn’t change that.
PaintedLadyXO: and what do you know about me mister
BlueSpirit94: probably more than you'd like to admit Read 2:59 PM.
Katara’s first few months at the hospital went by with ease, especially since fellowships were a breeze compared to residency. With two more aneurysms clipped, a few more brainbleeds fixed, and one more neuroblastoma diagnosed than the night before, Katara reached her apartment as the sun began to set. She fiddled with her keys, almost too tired to see straight. Finally slotting the right one in, she twisted with an irritated huff and threw all her crap down on the couch. Despite having moved in three months ago, there were still a few boxes left to open. She plugged her phone to charge.
Heading to the bathroom, she began a shower and shed all her clothes from the day before. She needed this break before her pager would inevitably go off and she’d be back in the hospital.
Luckily, she managed to snag her shower and came out ten minutes later, feeling more awake than she had before as her phone pinged. Suki, the girl in 1A who’d been the subject of her brother’s affections and vice versa, was one of the first who welcomed her. They’d become quick friends at the barbecue and Katara wasn’t surprised to see texts from her. She was more often than not the one Katara turned to with her problems.
Suki: hey!!
Suki: was just wondering if you're interested in having dinner or anything
Suki: we NEED to catch up on gossip
Katara: yeah sure
Katara: technically off shift but you know how it goes
The response was instantaneous.
Suki: totally. i’ll be there in a bit w sushi
Satisfied that she had dinner plans, she turned to texting her other favourite. BlueSpirit94 had been silent for the past few days but Katara had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before their next conversation.
PaintedLadyXO: how come i never hear anything about your lovelife? Delivered
It was a bold thing to ask but Katara felt comfortable with texting anything to her faceless friend, considering that they’d been friends for well over three years now. It was funny. She barely went on Discord anymore (that was back in the day with Sokka) but she kept the app around on her phone, both of them too cowardly to move. This little bubble they lived in was comfortable. Katara didn’t want to pop it.
BlueSpirit94: because i don't have one
PaintedLadyXO: complete bs
BlueSpirit94: no really. hbu? hows the guy next door situation?
Katara thought on that.
How was the situation?
Well, it wasn’t like Zuko and her often had time to chat. She spent most of her time in the hospital, and on the off-chance she was here, he was either at work or out. She never wanted to bother him to talk, and it wasn’t like he was inclined to talk to her either. She hoped he liked her ice cream and got some sleep. The man looked one night away from passing out.
PaintedLadyXO: gone radio silent
PaintedLadyXO: our times don't match so i don't see him that much
BlueSpirt94: that sucks
BlueSpirit94: hey do you ever think it's crazy were literally in the same city now
PaintedLadyXO: on my mind all the time. we could literally pass each other and never know
Katara’s fingers paused. The next question on her mind was one she had never proposed before, but she had imagined a hundred different faces and a hundred different lives behind BlueSpirt94 that she couldn’t help it.
Knock, knock, knock.
Katara looked at the little arrow that meant send and then to the door.
She threw her phone onto the opposite end of the couch and went to the door.
Later that night, when Katara was in her own bed for the first time in five days, she looked at the unsent text. Exhaustion weighed at her eyelids and she sent it before she could feel the wave of regret waiting to drown her.
Zuko stared at the notification. For a Monday night turned Tuesday morning, he felt relatively good. It was nearing 1 AM and he was working on the newest wave on hopeful employees and interns after a day at work. But he was still getting a bit tired. Hiring season always meant overtime for him.
PaintedLadyXO: so why don’t we meet up?? it’s rly been three years
He stalled. The thought had his heart hammering in his throat as he picked up his phone. Could he say yes? Then again, she was the only one who he ever told about his sister. He trusted her with a lot, but she could just be some faceless troll.
Something about that notion struck him false. She’d never do that to him.
BlueSpirit94: uh ok i guess Delivered
A wave of nausea rolled over him. It wasn’t a gut feeling per se, or regret, but he suddenly felt like he was placed outside his comfort zone. He trusted Painted Lady, but to finally put a face to the name…
What a crazy idea.
For so long, she was what he came to from work as they talked and pieced together parts of each other’s lives. They were each other’s confidant, their safe of secrets. Where would they even go? What would they say?
Zuko shook his head. The text had rattled him so far as to say he couldn’t exactly focus on the resumés. So he picked up his phone again, and texted all that nervous energy out.
BlueSpirit94: how about coffee? Delivered
Just as the text sent, he heard a high-pitched beeping and a thump on the other side of his wall. Looking up, he debated getting up to check the sound out as the beeping stopped.
Next thing he knew, there was the sound of the next-door neighbour opening their door. Katara. He hadn’t seen her much since she moved in, so Zuko got up against his better judgement and crossed the living room floor, hand stalling on the knob. Squinting through one eye, he peeked through the hole and spotted a brown head of hair dash by his door.
Zuko blinked. He opened the door and saw her running around the corner in slip on shoes and her still trying to poke her arm through a hoodie. Words failed. Her hair was flying everywhere and it was like a whole different person from that composed woman three months ago. No doubt she’d return in a few days, as was her custom. He’d probably be still awake by then, so he made a game plan to finish through the rest of the resumés, finish his coffee, and get ready for work because the giant pile on his desk did not scream sleep.
He closed his door and returned to his desk. He took another sip of coffee.
He sat down.
PaintedLadyXO: that sounds good
BlueSpirit94: friday work for you?
PaintedLadyXO: depends on work but friday seems perfect
Katara was brimming with energy. Ever since making plans with BlueSpirit94 Tuesday morning, she had been full of some nervous squirming feeling in her stomach that added a bounce to her step. Thursday morning meant the end of her week and she walked the halls of the hospital, wanting to head to the cafe for lunch.
Instead, there was a beep of her pager.
Checking it, she clicked it to turn off that piercing noise and blinked. E.R. She was just there. Katara spun around, pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she walked into the pit, shrugging off her lab coat and heading to the nurse’s station where the screen behind it was constantly getting updated with the new intake of patients.
“I was paged?” she asked the nurse who helpfully pointed her in the direction of bed three. Nodding, she turned to it and picked up the chart, reading it over quickly. The symptoms — dehydration, overexhaustion, swollen ankle after collapsing down the stairs. Waiting for a CT to rule out any brain damage and internal damage. Cool. They just needed her to do a neural exam.
Pulling the curtain around, she slapped on a pair of gloves.
“Alright,” she announced with a smile. “Let’s look at that—”
“Hi, Katara.”
“Zuko?” Gawking, she raked her eyes up and down his body. He was in his suit, so he must’ve been at work, and his eyebags had gotten worse, if that was possible. There was blood dripping down the side of his head but he looked wide awake otherwise. Oh, man. Rolling up his pant sleeve, she saw that his sprained ankle was already treated and thanked god. All they were waiting for was her sign off.  “Hey! How’d this happen?”
“Was late for a meeting,” Zuko hissed as she flashed a lightbulb in his eyes. Pupils responsive. Good. “Took the stairs, didn’t make it. Everything got dizzy.”
“When’s the last time you slept?” she asked, rotating his head gently. “Any pain here?”
“Two nights ago, maybe? It was my one meeting for the day. I swear I was going to go home after.” Feeling around his head as he talked, Katara felt her fingers brush against something. “Ow!”
“Yeah, and you ended up in the hospital instead.” Katara arched an eyebrow at him, unimpressed and Zuko shrugged. “If you don’t like people, you must hate it here,” she continued, eager to keep the conversation going. “Hold still. You’ve got a minor cut here where you must’ve hit your head.”
“Place isn’t so bad with the present company,” Zuko mumbled. Heat immediately rushed to her cheeks and Katara kept her eyes on the suture needle as she tilted his head to the light. It wasn’t too deep, and she wiped away the excess blood, putting pressure on the wound.
“How do you feel? It says you fell down the stairs.”
“Just a bit battered,” he admitted and Katara’s lips pulled into a smile against her wishes. When blood stopped flowing freely, she began to stitch. “Any idea when I’ll get to go home?”
“As soon as your CT comes back clear. Are you sure you’ll be able to get back home by yourself?” she asked, frowning. “You can’t drive in your condition.”
“I can call a taxi,” Zuko said with a shrug and Katara paused.
“Don’t move, please.” And she dug the needle in again. “Don’t be silly. I was supposed to be off shift after lunch anyway. I can drive you back.”
“Wait, really?”
Katara’s eyebrows rose at his surprised tone. When she looked at him again, he had a pleased blush across his cheeks and a boyish smile upon his lips. He looked quite cute in that light. Finding one of her own smiles, Katara nodded and added butterfly strips to keep the cut closed.
“Of course. As soon as your CT comes back clear, I’ll get you discharged.”
“Thanks, Katara.”
“Yeah, ‘course.” She tore off her gloves, signing that she was the last one to check on him and patted his shoulder with a final ‘see you later’ grin. He was incredibly warm under his suit, and her hand burned at his touch.
She’d not taken two steps, when: “Katara?”
Zuko’s eyes lit up. “The ice cream was really good.”
PaintedLadyXO: u kno what's crazy??
BlueSpirit94: what
PaintedLadyXO: boy next door is where i'm working
BlueSpirit94: what? did you talk to him?
PaintedLadyXO: yep and he’s really nice
PaintedLadyXO: we still on for tmr? Starbucks on 49th, right?
BlueSpirit94: about that…
PaintedLadyXO: what?
BlueSpirit94: i might be in the hospital.
PaintedLadyXO: WHAT?
PaintedLadyXO: are you okay???
BlueSpirit94: i’m fine
BlueSpirit94: just minor injuries
PaintedLadyXO: are you sure???
BlueSpirit94: yeah
BlueSpirit94: sorry about tomorrow guess we’ll have to cancel
PaintedLadyXO: np!! Especially if you’re hurt
Holding up the CT to the light, Katara squinted in front of Zuko for extra effect. The man was getting a bit antsy with how long she was staring at the thing and Zuko didn’t know what else to say other than: “I’m fine, aren’t I?”
It was like a shift immediately. Katara put down the CT and painted on a smile. “Yep! Now I can sign off and we can go home!”
Home. Zuko tried to ignore the implications that they lived together and nodded, accepting her aid into the wheelchair.
Katara’s car was a nice minivan that was full of boxes that needed to be recycled, but Zuko didn’t mind that the busy woman next to him was still mid-move despite three months living in town. It smelt like warm chicken and food, and he spotted a salad with butter chicken in the front chair that Katara hastily shoved under the chair.
“It’s been a while since I’ve had someone other than me in this car,” Katara muttered, helping him into shotgun and buckling in.
“Thanks, Kat, but I’ve got it,” Zuko said with a gentle smile. The woman was so keen on making sure he was comfortable, she didn’t quite remember her own tasks. The nickname caught her attention though, and ocean blue met volcanic amber. They both cleared their throats when they realized their faces were almost touching.
“Right, right. Sorry.” She waved her hand everywhere and closed the door, making sure none of his bags were in the car door before running around and driving. “Do you mind if I play music?” she asked once she revved up the car and Zuko shook his head.
“How long have you been at work?”
“Since Tuesday morning,” Katara responded, adjusting her rearview mirror. “Patient had a rebleed and I had a shift on Wednesday so I ended up staying overnight.”
“Oh. You’re busy, then.” Pulling out his phone, he checked for any missed emails or calls. Nothing of import. Perfect. 
“Yeah, but I love doing it. Busy is good.” Hozier’s newest album came on and Zuko adjusted his chair, leaning back and looking at his phone as they began to pull out of the hospital. Opening his chat with Painted Lady, he felt a flicker of guilt.
She had sounded so excited, and now that their plans were cancelled…
Zuko should make it up to her. After all, he had been gaining nerves akin to what one would get on a date, and he’d even thought about his outfit. A nice dark red sweater, khakis... 
He had been excited. Looking out the window, he watched glumly as the trees passed by.
“Do you need anything to eat? It’ll be hard to get around with your ankle,” Katara piped up and Zuko glanced to her. She was worrying her bottom lip but her eyes were earnest.
“Thanks, but it’s fine.”
“Okay, but remember I’m next door. I’ll give you my number when we get back.”
She was very kind, a lot like how Painted Lady was. Not that Zuko would know. This was the most he’d ever talked to Katara ever.
Keeping his screen on, he looked down at her last text.
BlueSpirit94: we can reschedule if you’re down??
It took a moment, and then it delivered.
The music paused to allow a ear-deafening ring to bounce off the car walls. Zuko looked to the phone on reflex, then to Katara. She ignored the notification, keeping her eyes on the road and a clammy feeling snuck into Zuko’s palms as she crossed an intersection and turned right onto the road their apartment building was on. Her phone screen had lit up momentarily but Zuko couldn’t manage the sneak he wanted to get besides the Discord icon.
It could be coincedence, he told himself with closed eyes. Stomach in knots, he forced himself to look at the woman beside him. Then to her phone, and then to his own phone.
Only one way to find out.
BlueSpirit94: hi katara
Another resounding ding.
Zuko felt like he was going to be sick. A cold sweat settled over him as he stared at the gorgeous woman beside him. She was exhausted, with messy hair and two day-old clothes but still—
Katara swerved into the parking lot, parking into her usual spot (the space next to his car which was still at the office) and picked up her phone, turning off the ignition. Taking out her keys, she got out of the car and took out the wheelchair from the trunk. Unfolding it for him, she was about to help him into his seat when she remembered her phone in hand. The screen lit up as she rotated it towards her to briefly check who had messaged her and their notification previews.
Zuko watched her every movement.
Which meant he caught when she read the message and when she froze. Her eyes, wide as saucers, went from him, to the phone he still held and Zuko’s own gaze only stared at her, waiting. If he moved, he was afraid he was going to actually hurl. Whether from the pain of his ankle was starting to get to him or the fact that Painted Lady, one of his best friends, was his other best friend’s beautiful sister.
And his neighbour. And his absolute-certain crush (do adults even still get those?). And Sokka’s sister. Crap.
“Hi, Katara,” he whispered because it didn’t matter. This was his best friend right in front of him, with Katara’s smile and eyes, and the Painted Lady’s humour and wit. A myriad of emotions flickered across her face, and then she let out a relieved laugh and half a smile. He extended a hand because being half-in and half-out a car was extremely tiring, especially with a sprained ankle, and her smile grew to fit her whole face. A sun on the face of a woman just as radiant, Katara saw past his scar just as she did the first time they met.
“Hey, Zuko,” she whispered as she took his hand.
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