#and they dont have the best relationship with israel rn.....perhaps there is a reason the leaders of hamas chose to live there??
gingerswagfreckles · 11 months
hey the post you made abt the israeli/palestine conflict is so much more conplicated than tumblr "activists" are making it out to be is literally so correct and so fucking important to have been said thank you so much
@manicpoetic Thanks so much! I'm really glad I made it. While I was typing I was like what am I even writing this for no one is gonna read it especially the people who probably need to bc it's longer than 3 sentences....but it has gained more traction than I had expected which has been encouraging.
I really am not an expert but that's sort of the point, like... I have read the news every day for at least the past 6 years and have read almost every article several newspapers have published on this conflict in that time, and I am still not sure of all the details nor do I think my stupid takes would be very helpful to anyone. Yet I knooooow I am more informed than Steven Universe Blogger #77 who is suddenly very confidently advocating for terrorist organizations and comically oversimplified solutions?? Like man some people on this site really need to learn to get humbled. Not every issue can be simplified down to a 3 sentence text post and you in your college dorm are probably not coming up with solutions that haven't been considered by international organizations. Some stuff is simple, yeah, and sometimes it really is just that the powers that be won't adopt these solutions. But there are still a lot of aspects to most issues that aren't being discussed on social media, and a lot of the time people refuse to engage with the fact that The Powers That Be do exist whether we like them or not.
Willing the roadblocks to solutions away through text posts isn't going to happen, like, ever, and there are some issues that can't be solved through mass social media campaigns just to shift public opinion. The confidence with which people make really violent and reductive posts without doing the bare minimum of research on what they are talking about is really alarming, and the whole "I'm not reading all that 😂🤪" attitude about anything that challenges the 2 sentence quippy slogan they reblogged is doing serious damage.
Anyway, sorry to write a whole nother essay, but it is nice to hear some people are pushing back against this kind of simplified thinking. Not everything is a sports team type game and not everyone engaging with an issue beyond hashtags is trying to obscure The Truth. Like some people just really need to accept the fact that just because you refuse to educate yourself on a topic doesn't mean there is nothing to learn.
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