#and they did find it in an oxidation halo
gottalottarocks · 1 year
God there is nothing worse than being asked to identify some family's special rock that they've kept on the mantle for the last 15 years (that they thought was a meteorite) only to immediately recognize it as slag.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
saw your reblog snd. vera would very much welcome a visit but she might be uh… hard to find… and a little scared that onyx might report that he found her but. i kinda wanna know what you think if onyx did find vera eventually ?
HHYYEYY HI HI HI JUNE!!! sorry you are probably in school rn . . . I hope that is going well! Anyways back to Vera and Onyx. . .
🥺👉👈 i hope it is okay that i am going to write something instead of actually . . . answer your question directly *cries* but basically, Onyx would be actively seeking her out because he's been worried about her since her round. I don't know how to exactly articulate his thought process in a straightforward way atm (which is honestly why I'm going to write instead of just saying it lmao)
trigger/content warning for gore, mentioned/referenced death
As soon as he got out of the holding pod, brushing past Oryon and ignoring the huff of frustration that earned him, Nyx ran to the place he last saw Vera. The staff backstage didn't stop him or even give him a passing glance, recognizing him as one of the contestants in the upcoming 16th round. He didn't think too hard about the fact that he was only some two, three weeks away from his end. He couldn't think too much about it or else he was at risk of falling into a downward double helix of mental decay.
Splotches and rivulets of blood dribbled and dripped along the typically cold, clean floors. The particular river that found its way to the source of Flor, Rosca, or Ellie, well, that was unclear. He followed each tributary to the mouth, unflinching in the face of the gore and viscera being cleaned off of the floor and the bodies, before they could be disposed of. It was nearly impossible to tell that Ellie was ever bleeding, her hemorrhage the same shade as the halo of curls around her face. He wondered, distantly, what they were going to do with the bodies. He slunk away before he got a chance to find out.
She loved her. She loved her and she took her life. How could something like that happen? Part of him just can't let it go. He rubbed at his face and let out a sigh. Rosca loved Flor and decided to die with her. Love shows itself in different ways, he supposed.
Finding a messy, smudged trail of red on the floor, not belonging to any of the girls who died tonight, Nyx walked beside it, careful not to smudge the blood further. By process of elimination, this path must to belong to Vera, who ran away uninjured but not unscathed by the spray of gore, the hem of her white dress absolutely drenched in it as she fled. Nyx made sure that no one noticed him weaving his way through the throng of people mulling about, as well as the ones rushing in and out of the backstage on a mission, and he ducked behind a thick fabric, deeper into the belly of the arena.
Luckily enough, Nyx has always been good at finding things. Whether or not something is lost or someone just doesn't know where it is, Nyx can find it, with nearly 10/10 results. It's only been a few times he hasn't been able to, and he prefers to think of those as outliers, rather than the rule. He doesn't know how long exactly it takes but, as always, he finds Vera.
Pushing the vent open and crawling out into a dimly-lit room, Nyx blinks in surprise when he sees a small figure huddled in the corner, white ruffles fanning out around her in waves, the edges stained with crimson slowly oxidizing into copper. Her head pops up and she locks eyes with him, eyebrows shooting up as soon as she sees him, and she recedes in on herself further, something he hadn't really believed possible.
"Vera," he starts hesitantly, unsure of what he really wants to say. She stiffens, going as still as stone, giving him pause. He takes a moment to close the vent panel behind him and the moment he turns around, she's lunging at him, her hands at his throat. His back hits the wall with a clang and he wheezes at the sudden restriction on his trachea but somehow, he knows that she doesn't truly mean to hurt him. Maybe it's the way her hands trembling are against his neck.
"If you even think of speaking to anyone about this and- and turning me in," she tells him, her voice wavering ever so slightly. Her jade eyes bore into him, always dull since the incident but somehow even duller since she won her round. "I- I'll make sure you never speak again." He swallows and feels her grip tighten.
"Ver. . . Vera," he rasps. "I wouldn't do . . . that." Her eyes narrow before she raises an eyebrow at him.
"Swear on it," she demands. He holds up his hand, pinky raised. She glances to it, hesitating before letting out a sigh and releasing his neck. She wraps her pinky around his and nods to him. "Alright."
"Are you okay?" He croaks. She looks at him for a moment before letting out a bitter, cracking laugh.
"What do you think?"
"No, you're not," he answers softly. He holds out his hand to her. "Is there . . . anything I can do?" Vera is silent for a long moment before she puts her hand in his, tangling their fingers together. She nestles into his side and gives him a questioning look.
"Can," she breathes, looking down at the ground. "Can we just stay like this? For a little while?" Nyx feels himself smile and he wraps his free arm around her.
"Of course, as long as you need."
(flor and rosca belong to @sotogalmo!)
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disneyphantomlover · 4 years
Thoughts on BATIM’s Crack-Up Comics, Part 2
“Now, to tackle the Dime-Store Comics!
Good Golly, Charley is such an overzealous bad guy! It’s rather hilarious.
Also, the “door” for the ship has a cannon. I think that’s a decent “No Solicitors” warning.
OMG the damn soup....
Is it just me, or does Alice look like someone completely different? I know it can be chalked up to style and all, but seriously. Boris and Bendy look just like their comic strip selves, just a little more animated. But Alice? She’s got a different face, her eyes are much larger, her body is SIGNIFICANTLY slimmer, she’s lost her cleavage and her stockings, her heels are flats, and her hair is thinner. Not to mention she has a slightly different personality. Is... Is this meant to be taken as Susie was replaced by Allison between 1935 and 1936?
This... This is so absurd. The Bendy Scouts of America thing just makes me laugh though.
Okay! Okay, okay, okay... Boris saying “Good Golly Gosh” is too good for me. 
Well. There he go!
Again! Alice’s horns getting huge and her halo shrinking, along with that serpent tongue?! Please tell me this gag continues whenever she gets pissed off!
...These guys look like Instant Martians from Looney Toons. I’m not the only one thinking this, right?
Boris, your alliteration is impeccable. Somehow I wasn’t expecting that out of you. 
Bendy. My dude. Little Devil Darling. HOW the HELL do you continue to dig your own grave here? Alice is so done with your shit. 
I’m just imagining Boris saying all this in the most deadpan voice ever, and complete with the image of the moon? I died laughing.
I know it’s a plot device, but having the main character apologize for his actions, leading to finding a way out of the predicament he’s in? I love that shit. 
Also, that’s a lotta cheese. 
Sheesh Alice, leaving Boris to the vultures?
....These last two pages are absolute madness. Now there’s lasers? Boris can understand the vultures? They can catch a shooting star home? They landed on Charley?! What IS this?? Did they suddenly run out of paper and had to chop up the writing or something?
...What is this postman? WHAT IS THIS?? It’s a fucking clone with wings and a mustache, that’s what!
Huh. So that’s interesting. Yes, they got Pluto’s name and title right, but looking at the pitchfork and the later picture of him? He looks more like a Christian form of Satan rather than the staff-wielding, helm-wearing Pluto. I’m guessing it’s because they wanted to throw in a little flair and not directly reference Satan.
And can we appreciate that the letter had a little heart on it? And worry that it was signed “Hate, Papa Pluto”?
Somehow, I feel kinda sad at this. Bendy got all this power thanks to someone he knows, and he tries to better himself and others around him. And you just know it’s gonna get fucked up. 
Boris, your personality is getting a bit food-based.
Alice blushing is the cutest image ever. 
....Again. Feel kinda sad that Bendy is getting screwed over by something his dad gave him. 
Okay, can Alice just... float? For no reason whatsoever? I’m okay with this, I just need to know. 
AND she can charm a tree into doing what she wants?
Of course it takes an angel to shatter a devilish pitchfork. 
BENDY. At least retain your lessons for 5 GD MINUTES. 
Wait, again? What have you two idiots done to get a bounty on you a first time?!
Constable Alice is amazing and I love her. Even when she’s being a lil shit.
YES, the gag’s back!
I thought “parka squirrel” was a joke. Nope. Actual name for an Artic ground squirrel. Especially in Alaska.
The dialogue in this one is great. As is the slapstick. It has an almost Wile E. Coyote feel to it. 
Also, Bendy is the one having all the ideas that just fall flat. Sounds a lot like some asshole named Joey Drew we all know.
That is a legit river of gold. I don’t know if it’s making fun of the Klondike Gold Rush, or the “liquid gold” known as oil in Alaska, but I love it.
Much as I love the hijinks of the two going down the mountain, what the HELL kinda skeleton IS THAT?!
I don’t even care this comic is ripping off old superhero comics. It’s too damn funny and it’s the right amount of absurd. 
I just noticed all the irradiated bacon soup in the china cabinet. If that’s a reference to Fiesta Ware, I’m going to scream. 
“Fiesta commenced commercial sales of colored dinnerware in 1936. Most colored ceramics made prior to World War II, including Fiesta Ware, contained uranium oxide.” SON OF A BITCH! 
Yep. Had to pay homage to Superman. But it’s Boris, so I’ll let it go. I like the implication that Boris is a strong boi.
....I’m sure many have said this but... That CameraMan is too damn similar to the Projectionist. 
UMMMMMMMMMM. HI BRUTE. You are um... Something. 
Not sure what I think of Miss Twisted. Adore her design! But... Man, what’s with this random shoe-ing in of the antagonists of the game?
...Okay, as menacing as they try to be, I love that the Camera Man and Brute think the worst thing to do is knock apples out of trees and steal candy from babies.
This whole fight is silly, but it works! It’s just stupidly cute and simple. Wish it was that easy to beat the Projectionist in the games. Or take Brute Boris down. 
....They 100% referenced Spiderman there. Like, it’s clear as day. What the hey?
I kinda like the idea of Alice being a pilot. Yah know, since she was in the skies so often anyways. 
I almost want to make fun of the nun OF COURSE showing up asking Alice for help. But... I mean... Who better to ask help from other than an angel who knows how to fly well?
“Niuport 17″... Why is that familiar?
“The Nieuport 17 C.1 ... was a French sesquiplane fighter designed and manufactured by the Nieuport company during World War I.” .....Huh. We’re learning things today! It even looks like Alice’s plane!
Kinda amazed the Morse code is correct.
This is so zany and silly. Also, I don’t think pills work that quick.
I feel like I should call bullshit on that. But at the same time I like the idea of all the nuns in that abbey running an undergrounds mechanic shop for the Allies. 
Hang on. Either this is a minor mistake or someone messed up the timing again. But War Bonds in comics didn’t start until December 1941. And this is supposed to be between 1936 and 1940. I mean, they were originally called Defense Bonds, but specifically “War Bonds” were after Pearl Harbor.  
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thejackalsden · 4 years
Angela “Mercy” Ziegler’s Cybernetics
Alright so this is all of her body cybernetics tied into one post. This will cover from medical school (5% body alteration) to the Overwatch Recall (85% body alteration). This is not common knowledge, and having your muse know requires discussion first. Angela guards this secret with her life, and only those that have to pick her up would truly notice it, or those who get intimately close and she trusts. Aside from that, even the reports she handed in to SC Morrison were altered to hide it.
Medical School to Uprising Mission
    During medical school, Angela created the base prototype for VALKYRIE - a Cybernetic augment that would extend into a suit; for on the go healthcare with enhanced mobility. Created with the help of [REDACTED], Angela began what would start a long career of personal augments solely for the means of assisting her career choice, as well as a side project to make it easier to heal others in a less than ideal setting.
    Being cybernetic, it ties directly into her body, and while the initial prototype was the simplest harness it evolved from there. The initial prototype was nothing more than two ports, simply connecting her ‘wings’ to her back and allowing for controlled descent if having to drop to comrades, or slow an unexpected fall. Connecting directly into her spine just to the side of the thoracic spine (just inside of her shoulder blades so arm movement was unhindered) - a flawless integration up her spinal column, and a perfect installation of the ports supporting said harness. Current weight of the prototype at this time: 6lbs/2.72kgs. Angela’s weight; 116lbs/52.62kgs.
Effect of the Cybernetics on the Systems of the Human Body - V.0.1
    While Angela was extremely lucky in not having any fatal side effects due to working on herself with untested cybernetics, there was no major side effects of any of the major systems of her body. Notes are unremarkable, as follows;
Circulatory System
Functions as expected, no issue with blood delivery even around installation sight; no issues of port rejection. 
Digestive System
No change noted; though Angela did change her diet to involve more fruit to promote a healthier diet and spinal fluid that meshed better with the cybernetics; a tricky balance, easily controlled.
Patient still insists on chocolate in her diet - only swiss
Endocrine System
No noted important changes in hormones and chemicals so long as Angela maintains healthy diet. Very easy to tip the balance.
Patient has sworn off alcohol; main hydration is water, tea, or hot chocolate in moderation due to high caffeine content. Water preferred.
Integumentary System
Sensitivity near port installation that extends across her shoulders. A spot to be well covered and protected; aside from that all else is noted as normal.
No hair loss, no skin changes aside form sensitivity, nails and glands unaffected.
Lymphatic System
Slightly compromised immune system; diet adjusted with tea (preferring green) for added oxidents to support a healthy immune system.
Muscular System
Notable difference at installation sight, Angela forced to maintain some semblance of workout; needs to train the muscles that are merged with the cybernetics; minor rehab needed during school to readjust the muscles to regular strain.
Nervous System
Flawless integration through thoracic spine into the spinal column through port installation. No noted outlier issues, textbook installation.
Renal System
No noted changes; proper functions
Reproductive System
No noted changes; sex drive unchanged. 
Respiratory System
Minor changes; rehab and exercise needed to strengthen the muscles and adjust for more weight on her back.
Skeletal System
Bone structure took fine to the addition of ports; spine unchanged in a negative way. No noted outlier effects.
    Overall installation of initial prototype is a success. Prototype persists through the remainder of her Medical School and the original Omnic Crisis to the Uprising Mission; next Prototype (Angel Prototype V.0.2) being researched and built on her own. The Base Prototype (V.0.1) was damaged during the Uprising mission and forced to be retired, prompting Angela to step into the next Prototype (V.0.2); the classic ‘Angel of the Battlefield’, which would persist until the Swiss Base Incident.
Angel Prototype (V.0.2); Uprising to the Swiss Base Incident
    Developed with assistance from Moira O’Deorain, the Angel Prototype is the iconic Mercy suit. The HALO Systems are introduced as well as the Caduceus Staff V.0.1 being fully synced into the suit. Moira and Angela are the only two known to work on the tech for the Cybernetics, and the research has not been seen - false documents were handed in to her commanding officers to deter them from realizing the extent of her experiments.
    Cybernetic installation extends to consume most of Angela’s back and part of her neck and waist - Angel Prototype covers every port and ensures complete coverage while in combat. Angela’s mobility has increased with the addition of more propulsion to her ‘wings’, and a more reliable, bulletproof material for the suit. Current weight of the prototype at this time; 15lbs/6.8kgs. Angela’s weight; 130lbs/58.97kgs.
It should be noted, along with the creation of the prototype, through Moira & Angela’s combined efforts, a ‘synthetic skin’ was created to go over her back in the event she was just going about her day to day life. While foolproof to spot with just vision alone if her back is bared, the synthetic skin remains extremely cool. This is to prevent the cybernetics from overheating themselves, and the moment it’s touched, one will think she’s either constantly cold, or know it’s not what it seems. It’s part of the reason Angela is so hesitant to let anyone close. The synthetic skin is also waterproof - but to an extent. Extended trips into water are ill advised and eventually it will get in. A few hours in a pool for exercise, for example, would not harm or hinder the skin, providing it has ample time to dry once she’s done.
Effect of the Cybernetics on the Systems of the Human Body - V.0.2
    Angela’s next upgrade to Cybernetics would replace the basic 15% to an astonishing 45% - pushing the limits of her research, and introducing even more untested tech into her body. Findings are as recorded.
Circulatory System
Blood infusion necessary to support the surgery; O+ used, no negative effects noted. Recovery staged noted a higher white blood count.
Pulmonary valve replaced to better support blood flow to the lungs - heart failure and valve collapsed mid-surgery, necessary change. 
Digestive System
A more natural diet; no processed foods, minimal sugars that aren’t natural (Fruit or raw honey most common source), to promote balance and nutrients needed for the supporting of Cybernetics.
Patient still insists on chocolate in her diet - only swiss
Endocrine System
Minor changes noted, easily controlled through diet and proper nutrition. Nothing drastic to concern.
Integumentary System
Sensitivity is no longer just the shoulders; it extends across the back, up the nape of the neck, and down into the cradle of the hips. V.0.2 securely covers all of the sensitive areas with bulletproof metal; allowing safe movement in battle.
Hair loss reported at the nape of the neck; nothing major, just refusing to grow over synthetic skin to hide the cybernetics. Use of a sensory panel that encompasses her entire neck and the back of her skull used to hide it; reason for Angela’s hair being up constantly aside from being out of the way. 
HALO System connects directly into the sensor panel on her neck, allowing flawless synchronization with the Caduceus Staff V.0.1 for augmental, physical enhancement in teammates.
HALO System stores and recalls medical profiles of teammates for the Caduceus Staff V.0.1 for ease of support in fight without having 20 different settings on staff.
Lymphatic System
Considerably compromised immune system; battled with a daily regimen of green tea and supplements; only honey is allowed in the green tea for added health benefits.
Angela is far more prone to sickness, though recovers far faster even if she does catch something minor.
Muscular System
Considerable difference upon full installation of Cybernetics; muscle to cybernetic integration went smoothly, though more rehab was needed to adjust to the enhancements of strength; with Valkyrie V.0.2 Angela is able to lift patients larger than her in the heat of the battle with minimal effort
Allows for better placement for onsite care and treatment.
No noted side effects except extended fatigue after prolonged use.
Nervous System
Nerves fully responsive; integrating and meshing well with muscular system.
Nerve synapse response time doubles from normal (536mph) for increased awareness and reaction time.
Renal System
No immediate noted change; if Angela wears her suit for too long, however, a makeshift dialysis is needed to lessen the strain on her kidneys.
Failure to do so can result in fatal results
Reproductive System
Reproductive organs function; Angela is sterile however. Minimal loss, Angela is fine with the exchange.
Respiratory System
Cybernetics installed extend to her diaphragm to assist in breathing functions - minimally - to ensure even in a critical event, she can get the oxygen necessary.
Skeletal System
Bone structure continues to support added Cybernetics, bone marrow production still on par for what is needed.
    Initial installation was overall a marked success, despite a rough surgery. Angela runs a contact in her left eye during missions; a high-tech screen allowing her to monitor vitals and status in real life time when paired with her HALO System.
    A second Angel Prototype was made to run alongside the original; Valkyrie V.1.2 with minimal differences, only there in case Valkyrie V.0.2 got damaged in any way. Exact in appearance, Valkyrie V.0.2 was lost during the Swiss Base Incident, leaving Angela with only Valkyrie V.1.2 to continue her work with.
    Post Swiss Base Incident, functioning without the suit is difficult, and through the years of traveling, she had provided minor updates to the cybernetics here and there, slowly increasing the amount of them within her until reaching the current state at the time of the Recall; 85% Cybernetic.
    Given the nature of Angela’s line of work, Valkyrie V.1.2 was outfitted with an internal defibrillator for emergencies and isolated instances for herself. There is an external defibrillator on her body at all times, covered in a later section (See Caduceus Blaster). The Valkyrie V.1.2’s Defibrillator is only to be used in last case scenarios and drains from Angela’s personal Cybernetic energy; prone to failure if her Cybernetics do not have the energy to shock her heart back into rhythm if it stops.
     Adjustments made so gradually offer similar results as the Valkyrie V.0.2’s installation; most adjustments and changes were to muscle structure and replacing her nervous system for full synchronization with her suit and tech. Minimal complications recorded, overall her body has taken to the Cybernetics well. Valkyrie V.1.2’s final weight going into the Petras Recall Incident; 45lbs/20.41kgs. Angela’s weight; 195lbs/88.45kgs.
Outlier Technology; HALO Systems, Caduceus Staff & Caduceus Blaster
HALO Systems
    In synchronization with her Cybernetics and optical output via her contacts, Angela is capable of keeping track of her teammates vitals, as stated earlier, due to the collection of profiles stored on HALO. Connected directly to her research computer, it also allows for generic scanning and overlook of any patient - though less precise and more of just the basics; heart rate, temperature, an estimate blood pressure, breathing rhythms, etc. Simple things.
    While HALO is not perfect, Angela has synced it flawlessly to the Caduceus Staff V.0.1. It allows for a more fine tuned integration of the physical enhancement nanites as well as adjusting the nanites if her target to heal has something to take into consideration; Cybernetics, prosthetics, health conditions, or other concerns. Due to this nature, Angela’s ‘Damage Boost’ can only be applied to those she has profiles on (Teammates) so the nanites know how to react accordingly.
Caduceus Staff V.0.1
~ Augmented
Augmented Nanites function as expected; they augment the target that is linked into the Staff’s beam. Augments are predominantly physical; enhanced strength, speed, mobility, or damage output (*). Augmented Nanites are depleted the fastest from the Staff’s reserves. A setting that is used mainly as a last resort, Angela’s Augmented Nanites will only be seen on a battlefield if she finds herself cornered and has to get someone out with her.
* - It is worth noting, Augmented Nanites cannot affect weaponry that has not synced it’s specs into the HALO Systems. Angela holds all information on most Overwatch weaponry in HALO as well as most generic weapons used by most militaries found around the world on the off chance she has to work with others. What most consider a miracle, is Angela begin anal and covering all her bases on the chance of ‘what if’ on the field.
- Even after the Disbanding of Overwatch, Angela archives the files on their weaponry. It is still very much readily available on the off chance it is needed, and it allows seamless integration into any fight she needs to help with.
~ Healing
The Healing Nanites, while more common, are far more complex in their creation and execution. Alongside weapon archives in HALO Systems, Angela stores a database of her teammates’ resting status, allowing a live feed of vitals to adjust the nanite’s density level for what is needed given a patient’s injury in the field. Prior Overwatch Members’ files are archived into HALO Systems, updated as necessary until the disbanding.
-  Generic, textbook vitals are used for everyday patients in her line of work if she has to use her staff on a battlefield to get Civilians out and healed - human or Omnic. Healing Nanites run off of a biochemical fuel composition that charges through the staff - running off the energy available in both the Caduceus Staff V.0.1 and whatever Valkyrie Project it is synced to at that given time.
-  Excessive healing will drain Angela’s Cybernetics faster due to Nanite consumption and will be monitored appropriately. Too much energy removal from the Cybernetics and Valkyrie Project will result in potentially fatal results.
Resurrection Tech (Res.Tech)
    Built into all Valkyrie Projects and prototypes is the patented Resurrection Tech (Res.Tech). Comprised of a unique type of Nanites, Res.Tech allows for a mass resuscitation of an area providing the targets have not been deceased too long prior. Freshly deceased work best, and there is a window of opportune time being about five minutes long. The longer past that window of opportune time the target is, the less likely Res.Tech will malfunction - at 5:05 past death, already a target has gone from a 100% Res.Tech success chance down to a 15% and steadily dropping.
    Res.Tech siphons energy and nanites directly from the Core of not only the given Valkyrie Project worn at the time, but from Angela’s own cybernetics - it is extremely taxing, and excessive use without proper time to recharge and recover from it will result in near fatal consequence for Angela. Post deployment of Res.Tech equipment will leave Angela vulnerable and weak, relying on a team or the environment for protection.
Caduceus Blaster
    As any good combat medic, Angela does carry a means to defend herself. The Caduceus Blaster is dual purpose tool; not only is it a firearm, it possesses a built in defibrillator for when Res.Tech is too resource-wasteful as a means of resuscitation. While in normal medbay work, Angela will have a crash cart and not need her Caduceus Blaster, but in a pinch on the field, the recoil rod (Silver rod under the barrel) can be removed to work as a cross current location along with the gun’s barrel itself.
- The Caduceus Blaster being used as a defibrillator is uncommon, but it is there on the off chance she does not have enough energy to use Res.Tech, but can still bring someone back from the brink. Defibrillator is activated by the orange button on the back of the pistol. – Before use of Caduceus Blaster’s Defibrillator, it is imperative that no other living creature is touching the target due to the voltage expended - it can short circuit omnics, and stop a human heart.
- Ammo is regenerating - though one magazine must be fully extinguished (twenty rounds) before it can start to recharge itself. Angela does not use her gun often, it is a last ditch attempt of defense for her and whatever patient she is protecting.
- Over the years her accuracy is surgical; She won’t kill you if she thinks she doesn’t need to, but she will absolutely disarm you.
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raspberryparker · 6 years
these foolish things | one
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader — WWII AU
← previous | series masterlist | next → (coming soon)
word count: 5,207 summary: july 7th 1944: on his way to normandy, bucky is tasked with a special assignment and made to join an infamous platoon (not my gif) warnings: PLEASE read the masterlist (implied smut for like.. one paragraph)
read it on ao3 add yourself to my taglist! like my work? consider buying me a coffee!
  The first time he’d thought about going to Paris had been with a girl in his arms.
  He didn’t remember much of their time together now—it was all so faded and out of reach—but he still knew her name. Dolores. She liked it when he called her Dot, and he liked the way the blush that spread over her shoulders and neck masked the freckles there like ink bleeding through paper when he did.
  The idea to visit the city of lights came to him as she lay before him, sixteen and perfect from head to toe. Bucky had been eighteen, with hardened calluses over his fingertips and a growing collection of scars over his chest, but she’d traced each one with first a fingernail and then her lips and made him believe that maybe they weren’t as ugly as he’d thought. Her hair seemed to glow against the white of his pillowcase, spread out around her in a fiery halo. She reached for him with ghostly touches and he swore she shone like a star. The only star that mattered.
  She was under him, naked and shimmering like the sun, grasping at every part of him she could reach. He felt the press of her nails into his back, her teeth at his shoulder, as he pressed himself against her, tried to meld their bodies into one whole mass of tangled limbs and sharp breaths. It was as she mouthed the mark of her teeth in a silent apology after the fact that he’d had that brilliant thought.
  “Let’s go to France.”
  The words were spoken against her hair into the darkness of his bedroom, but they rang in his ears as if he’d shouted them from a rooftop.
  She pulled back from his neck, a hand coming up to grasp his cheek and rub softly at the stubble that grew along the length of his jaw as she smiled at him. The moonlight that bled through the open curtains behind him made the beads of sweat along her hairline shine like mercury, but he thought it only added to her afterglow.
  “Bucky, we can’t go to France,” she sighed, the smile still playing on her lipstick smudged lips.
  “Why not?” he argued, rolling over onto his back and pulling her against his chest on top of him. Her hair fell around them like a curtain, and for a moment Bucky could pretend that it was only the two of them in the whole city. Nothing mattered except the way her cheeks rounded underneath her eyes as she giggled and the weight of her breasts against his chest. Dot lowered herself atop him, folding her hands over his ribs and resting her chin upon them. She kissed the line of his jaw and gave him another smile.
  God, how he loved that smile.
  “Because,” she said, bringing a hand up and tracing it over the skin of his chest. She felt the dip in his clavicle and tapped the bone there with a finger as she spoke. “We can’t just pack up and go. Our lives are here in Brooklyn, Buck.”
  “I think I’d rather run away to Paris with you,” he sighed.
  Dot laughed again. “I know you don’t mean that.”
  She removed her hands and pressed the top of her head under his chin, her temple resting against his throat. Bucky ran his fingers through her hair, untangling the knots that had formed there. She sighed at the feeling of his fingers against her scalp.
  “I have my family, and you have your brothers and your sister.” Her voice was so quiet as she spoke that it was barely above a whisper. “At the very least, we can’t go now. Maybe one day, though.”
  He felt her smile against his chest before she pressed a kiss to the skin there.
  “One day I’ll let you sweep me off my feet and whisk me away to Paris,” she said. “We’ll have champagne by the Eiffel Tower and walk at night hand in hand through the city of lights.”
  “I’d like to think of it more as the city of love,” Bucky grinned.
  “Alright then,” Dot agreed with a laugh. “You and I, and the city of love. I’ll hold you to that, Barnes.”
  The memory of her was faded now, blurred at the edges and sun-bleached like a worn photograph. He held onto the dream of seeing Paris long after she broke his heart on the night before his twenty-first birthday, running off with that railroad worker who promised her a better life on the west coast. Through the ache she’d left behind, he still felt a desire to see the world beyond New York. His motivation for doing so had simply changed, he’d reasoned.
  Though he wasn’t necessarily a man of faith, he believed that if he wanted it badly enough it would happen one day. It wasn’t prayer—more like a desire so strong, he’d will it into existence simply by wanting.
  As he’d predicted, it had come to be. It came about much faster than he’d wanted and under vastly different circumstances, but it happened nonetheless.
  And there was not one thing he regretted.
  The first time Bucky Barnes laid eyes on the coast of Northern France, it was between gasps and coughs, and with the sting of ocean spray in his eyes. If he hadn’t been so incapacitated while pitching ropes of seasickness over the side of one of the many Liberty ships that moved across the English channel that cloudy afternoon, he might have taken the time to… relish the moment a bit more, at least.
  The coast seemed to stretch endlessly to either side of the horizon, looking more like a long beige shadow against the stark grey curtain of clouds than anything else. It gripped the scalp of the sea with rising bluffs as black as charcoal along almost the entire length of it. He could barely make out of the shape of the landing craft and other troop ships much like the one he was on that still lay against the shore, their forms only tiny spots amongst the gargantuan beaches.
  His stomach bubbled once more, the muscles in his abdomen constricting painfully, and he bent over the railing. His fingers burned as he gripped the metal threaded with dark bits of oxidation and weather-worn spots along the starboard side of the trooper. Bucky’s stomach squeezed in time with his throat, the entire organ seeming to bang up against his esophagus and forcing him to retch into the sea. He was sure the tone of his skin matched the overall pallor of grey that the afternoon offered, ghostly ashen and green.
  He thought he’d be alright, yet he was anything but.
  Wiping his forehead with the sleeve of the olive green jacket he and all others like him wore, he felt the press of the metal railing against his ribcage and allowed himself to sink into it. It was grounding. How close the sea was to him despite the size of the trooper, and how frightening. He’d only ever seen it from the beach at Coney Island before, where it looked the least menacing; nothing but a rolling blanket of blues and greens that softly smoothed away the footsteps in the sand. But now it undulated beneath him, writhing and foaming against the side of the ship, spitting angrily up at him. It was no longer rolling but roiling, folding against itself a thousand times over, deep pockets of it as dark and silken as velvet. It wasn’t blue anymore but black. The water looked more like an abyss than anything, ready to swallow him up whole if he happened to lose his footing for only a moment.
  He was half tempted to jump, recalling something from his high school English classes about the sublime. Something so beautiful—a striking vision of grandeur and excellency—that it was absolutely mortifying to look upon it. He felt that same dread in his gut when he gazed over the ocean. He held onto the rail tighter, his knuckles turning white.
  Trying to compose himself, Bucky licked his lips and squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the sound of the creaks and groans of the ship as it glided across the angry sea. He was surprised to find his face damp, his lips salty. He hadn’t recalled the spray hitting his face, so he wasn’t sure when the sea had found him.
  He pushed himself up with the railing, legs stumbling slightly. He spit into the sea, watching it fall into the churning foam as he made a mental note to wash his mouth out and rid himself of the stench of bile.
  He’d been so caught up in his moment of nausea that he hadn’t heard anyone approach, the sudden calling of his name causing him to jump and hit his knee against the metal in front of him. Bucky sucked a breath between his teeth and turned to face the man who’d called his attention.
  To say he was surprised to see his platoon leader standing behind him, his boot-clad feet spread to keep his balance on the moving deck and his arms crossed over his broad chest, would be a great understatement. Lieutenant Hudson looked angry for a moment, the creases below his thick brows darkening his expression as he looked at Bucky with his sharp nose tilted into the air (no doubt noting the horrid smell that came from his person), before his features softened into one more akin to understanding.
  Bucky cringed inwardly at the hiccup that followed his voice. He must have looked like a mess if the way he felt was anything to go by.
  “You alright there, Sergeant?” Hudson asked as he stepped forward. He leaned against the rail to the right of Bucky, a more casual feeling washing over their conversation for which Bucky was grateful.
  “Just finding my sea legs, sir,” he replied.
  The ship rumbled and hummed below their feet, and Bucky felt the movement in his hands that were still gripping the metal before him.
  “Yeah, aren’t we all,” Hudson agreed. “You seem to have it pretty bad, though.”
  “Never been too fond of the water,” he explained.
  “We’ll be on land soon enough.” Strings of chestnut coloured hair fell into Hudson’s dark eyes, the moisture in the air combined with the spray of the sea below them weighing it down and wetting the strands. He ran a rough hand through his locks, pushing them back into place. Bucky knew he liked keeping it longer on the top, but he was still unsure how he got away with it. “But I doubt that’ll be any better.”
  Bucky cleared his throat, turning to his superior and watching as he looked over the vast ocean. Back home, he might have even made friends with the likes of  Noah Hudson. He was only a year older than Bucky but had been in the army much longer. He’d wanted to be here, had enlisted the second he graduated high school, and although he wasn’t one for stereotypes, Bucky had to admit that the man before him was the poster boy soldier. He wouldn’t be surprised if all the propaganda back home was drawn in Hudson’s likeness. With just the right amount of rugged mixed with an aura of authority, Hudson demanded respect simply by existing.
  It was actually kind of intimidating. Though Bucky supposed that might have been a good thing.
  “Did you need me for something, sir?” he asked.
  Hudson turned to him, a serious expression falling over his features once again.
  “Not me,” he said. “Bauer wants to see you.”
  “Bauer?” Bucky asked. “What does he need me for?”
  “No clue,” Hudson said. He pulled a pack of Luckies out of his breast pocket, shaking one out of the carton and placing it between his lips, muffling his next words. “Son of a bitch never tells me anything. How am I supposed to lead my platoon if I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing?”
  Bucky stayed silent, watching as his Lieutenant cupped the end of the cigarette to block the wind coming at them and lit it, tossing the still burning match into the water. He was mesmerized by the glowing band eating it slowly as Hudson took a long drag. With smoke still in his lungs, he said, “Don’t tell him I said that.”
  “Of course.”
  “He’s up on the bridge with the rest of command.” Silky tendrils of smoke spilled from his nostrils as he exhaled. The lazy curls rose from the lit end of the cigarette, the shifting veil of grey blending in with the cloudy atmosphere. Bucky inhaled sharply, the familiar scent of tobacco and burning paper a welcome and comforting relief from his spinning mind. “Told me to come find you and let you know.”
  “Thank you, sir,” Bucky said. He squeezed his eyes shut one last time, before pushing off from the rail completely and balancing himself on his own two feet once again.
  It might have been his vision playing tricks on him, but Bucky was pretty sure he was swaying slightly as he stepped toward the stairs that would lead him up to the bridge of the ship. Or it might have just been the movement of the craft itself that threw him off. His stomach was no longer bubbling but his head hurt from the force of his retching and white spots appeared behind his eyelids, growing like ink blots.
  “And Barnes?”
  At the sound of his call, Bucky turned to face Hudson once again. He was leaning with his back against the railing, elbows anchoring him in place and the cigarette still between his lips as he watched Bucky’s retreating form.
  “Might want to wash up before you go,” he smirked.
  As if he wasn’t already pale enough, Bucky felt all remaining colour drain from his face as he nodded quickly.
  “Yes, sir.”
  The water smelled of metal and stung against his cheeks as Bucky leaned over the small steel basin. It was tucked behind the last row of barracks in the cargo hold that had been repurposed to house troops as they crossed the channel, the only somewhat secluded area the troops had amongst one another. Bucky curled his fingers around the edge of the steel wash bin sink, watching the water drops fall from his nose as they landed and plinked like little bells against the drain. He tried to drown out the chatter of the other troops in the hold, the sounds of a lost poker game or a shouted demand for breakfast leaving his ears ringing.
  When he was sure he’d rinsed his mouth out well enough, though the taste of copper remained on his tongue in place of the burn of stomach acid, he inspected his appearance in the small, dirty mirror mounted over the sink. He looked like every other soldier on the ship—tired and broken from the road behind them, and entirely unprepared for the journey ahead.
  He almost didn’t recognize himself, and it wasn’t because of the cloudy glass.
  Bucky’s face was lined with evidence of the war, creases in his forehead and under his eyes that hadn’t been there two years prior now catching his eye. It was nearly impossible to get a close shave in the conditions the men were in, so his cheeks and jaw were perpetually shadowed by stubble. His deep brown hair was the only thing that still somewhat reminded him of the man he’d been when he left New York. He’d always maintained the same style even before the war, but now the government-issue crew cut was getting increasingly messy and long enough to grip between his fingers. He made a mental note to cut it before they landed ashore, lest Hudson reprimand him for it (that damned hypocrite).
  But what concerned him the most as he stood there gazing upon his withered reflection were his eyes.
  “You have such beautiful eyes.”
  He remembered the words his mother told him again and again during his childhood with an ache in his heart. Bucky could almost feel the press of her hands against his baby soft cheeks, squeezing him firmly but ever so gently as he’d try to squirm out of her grasp, but she always held him close regardless. He closed his eyes and watched the light dance against his eyelids. Just to remember her. To hear her. To smell the perfume she wore every single day for twenty years, the one his father had bought her and that smelled like home and comfort to Bucky.
  “They’re like your fathers. Like river rocks through a stream in the summer. Like cloudless skies. You need to smile more, my love. It brings out the stars in them.”
  He should have thanked her for everything she did for him more often. But he was too young to regret so much.
  When he opened them once more, he saw none of that. Bucky saw only the hardened crease of his brows and the sag at the outer corners. Skies that had once been clear were now storming with darkness and the edge of war, the light of the stars his mother once described long snuffed out. He was a shadow of the young excited boy he’d been when he received his first deployment only two years before. At twenty-seven, Bucky finally began to understand why his father’s expression would darken sometimes in the evening, why he’d go days without leaving his room, and why when Bucky had told him he’d enlisted, the irises of the eyes that his eldest son mirrored grew sombre.
  His father once said that the Great War had eaten him alive. Bucky had been confused at the time, still only a child and wondering how that could have been if his father was right there in front of him.
  But now, on his way to Normandy aboard a crowded ship full of frightened men and boys who had already written the letters that would be sent home if the worst came to pass, he knew exactly what his father had meant.
  With a frustrated sigh, Bucky wiped wet hands against his face one more time, pulling himself out of the saddened stupor he’d been in as he looked in the mirror. He was needed on the bridge. This was no time to be reflecting on his past.
  It was cramped in the hold as Bucky moved through the barracks, the conversations of the men he served with buzzing around him like a swarm of bees. He passed a table where men had gathered around a particularly intense game of poker, cigarettes and any form of valuables being deemed a valid substitute for money, which there was no need for on the ocean. The men cheered and shouted, egging their friends on to win something for their squad, cries of “He’s bluffing!” following Bucky until he reached the stairway that would take him up the tween deck and eventually the bridge.
  But just as he was about to pull open the door, he was interrupted.
  “Hey, Bucky!”
  As he turned to face him, Bucky wondered how it was possible that Walls kept a smile on his face through all of it. He wore that same smile now, beaming broadly at his friend as he approached with his lips curled back to show off his (still somehow pearly white) teeth. The Corporal’s squad had fought alongside Bucky’s own for some time in Italy, and the two had grown close to each other despite the obvious difference in rank. Bucky refused to be called ‘sir’ by anyone, even his own squad. He was Bucky to everyone, even if Hudson clicked his tongue in distaste whenever one of the young Privates addressed him as such.
  “Walls,” Bucky greeted. “How you holdin’ up?”
  “Heh,” he replied with a humourless chuckle. “About as well as anyone else.”
  Bucky refrained from pointing out the fact that his hands were shaking as he brought one up to scratch at his cheek.
  Corporal Oliver Walls was a good man, one that Bucky came to trust with his life during their time fighting together. He remembered the young boy’s smile as they sat in an abandoned home in Sicily, a photograph between them on the rubble covered floor. “That’s my Ma,” he’d said, pointing to a round looking woman on the left with eyes as soft as clouds. “When we get back, come over and she’ll make you the best apple pie you ever had in your life.”
  That had been just under a year prior.  And while some men seemed to have lost their ability to smile, Walls’ was like a beacon of hope.
  “You wanna get breakfast?” Walls asked, jerking a thumb back towards the barracks. “Johnston managed to smuggle some oranges out of the pantry. They’re real fresh.”
  “I can’t,” Bucky sighed, looking down. Even if he could, he wasn’t sure he could stomach anything more than some crackers at best. A hint of nausea still lingered at the base of his throat, after all. “Bauer needs me.”
  “Bauer?” Walls looked as perplexed as Bucky had when Hudson had told him the same thing. “You in shit or something?”
  “Hope not.”
  “Well, tell him to get us some better coffee,” Walls said. “The shit we got now tastes like cat piss.”
  “I’ll be sure to deliver your message,” Bucky laughed.
  The clanking of his boots as he climbed the metal steps to the bridge was so loud that his ears began to ring.
  On the deck, the air was like sweat. It felt like a trapped breath, swelling hot and salty around him as if he were caught in a bubble. He continued to climb steps, this time much fewer, as the door to the bridge loomed in front of him.
  He sucked in a heavy breath through his nose and tasted salt on his tongue before swinging it open.
  There was no way that they could have fit more people into that room even if they tried, lest they be unable to move without bumping limbs. It was more crowded than the barracks if that was possible. There were a few men he recognized, but many of whom were inside were unfamiliar to him. Some were crouched over maps, designating the best route of travel through Normandy based on radio communications from the troops on the mainland, others sitting with chunky black headsets over their ears in front of the large radios as they received those incoming transmissions. The sheer number of dials and buttons and numbers that lined the wall underneath the large window that made up the entirety of the front of the room was enough to make Bucky’s head spin. He recognized the Navy Captain that had been working closely with Bauer standing next to a smaller man holding a notepad, the Captain dictating something to him that he would then take to either a typist or a radio operator. The bridge was alive with chatter and men bustling about, making last minute preparations before the ship landed on the coast.
  “Can I help you?”
  A rather large man, broad shoulders clothed in the sharp black dress uniform that was far more decorated than the one Bucky had at home, approached him. Glancing at his left sleeve, Bucky noticed the insignia he bore. A golden oak leaf. He looked back into the Major’s eyes and nodded.
  “Lieutenant Colonel Bauer asked to see me, sir,” he explained, but the upturn in his tone that made the statement sound like a question betrayed his nerves at the situation.
  The Major—whom Bucky now recognized as Major Walters, the commander of Charlie Company—eyed the name and insignia on Bucky’s own jacket with an air of displeasure, as if he simply didn’t have the time to be concerned with the likes of him. Which might as well have been true, given how busy the bridge was. But he squared his shoulders and nodded nonetheless, turning away from Bucky to gesture into the room.
  “Go ahead, Sergeant.”
  Bucky gave him a curt nod, and gazed into the room once again, trying to locate his battalion commander. He finally spotted him, speaking to the Major General that was leading their division for the operation.
  As he stepped carefully between rows of tables covered in documents, maps, telegrams and ashtrays, he wondered just how he hadn’t noticed him before. Lieutenant Colonel Adam Bauer was a man unlike any other Bucky had ever encountered before. Just the man’s stature in itself should have been the dead giveaway when trying to find him, as he stood about a head taller than everyone else in the room. His broad shoulders were tense as he wrung his scarred hands together, the marred skin of his fingers playing loosely with the cuff of his uniform jacket. He still hadn’t lost his habit of fidgeting when he was uncertain or nervous about something. But that was the only thing to give him away.
  As Bucky approached, his conversation with the Major General ended and their eyes met, and Bucky felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Bauer only ever held one expression; no one had seen him smile in the three years since the United States had joined the Allied fight against Nazi Germany, and Bucky had a feeling no one would until it ended. And even that was unlikely. He watched carefully as the young Sergeant walked toward him, hooked nose tilted slightly into in the air as if Bucky’s mere existence displeased him. His static black eyes were as bottomless as the ocean had been, shadowed by the hard line of his thick eyebrows. As soon as Bucky was in standing in front of him, he pursed his paper-thin lips and spoke.
  “Sergeant Barnes, glad to see you.”
  His southern accented voice was throaty and low and sounded as if every breath he let out held some purpose or meaning, every word weighted by its value. Bucky swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously as he replied.
  “I came as soon as I could, sir,” he said.
  “Good to hear, good to hear.” Bauer looked at down at his hands, still clasped together, and shook them out, resting them at his sides. He was silent for a moment, almost eerily so, as he looked up and to his left toward the beachhead that loomed closer by the second.
  “I have an assignment for you,” he said finally, after what felt like millennia, eyes still glued to the only part of France they could see.
  Bucky shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “For me, sir?”
  “Yes.” He turned back toward the young man again, eyes much more serious than they had been before, a feat which Bucky would have thought near impossible. “I’ve been asked to choose someone from my battalion for this particular assignment. I spoke to Lieutenant Hudson, as I did with each other platoon commander, and we both came to the conclusion that you were the right fit for the job because of everything you did during your time in Italy. Hudson spoke very highly of you, Sergeant.”
  “Well,” Bucky said, glancing down at the metal floor beneath his boots. “Thank you, sir. I’m… honoured.”
  “And yet I haven’t told you what you’re going to be doing,” Bauer said, turning once again to the glass window. “In that way, you’re just like every other man on this ship—ready to throw yourself at whatever order comes your way for the sake of your country’s safety. And I admire that in a man. But it’s what sets you apart that made me choose you.”
  Bucky stayed silent, unsure of what to say. He sucked the inside of his right cheek between his teeth, gnawing softly on the skin with the blunt surface of his molars. It was a habit he hadn’t been able to drop.
  “I’m going to have to pull you from Oscar Company for the duration of the mission,” Bauer explained. “I’ve spoken with both Major Kelly and Lieutenant Hudson and they have agreed to this arrangement. Once we land, you will be joining Able Company of the 107th, who arrived this morning and are waiting for you on the beach. More specifically, it is Able Company’s first platoon that is entrusted with carrying out this assignment. You will be joining them. And believe you me—” Bauer sighed then, bringing two fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “—they have a reputation for being… eccentric on the battlefield. But that was why they were chosen. Why you were chosen.”
  “May I ask what this mission entails, sir?” Bucky inquired. He set his jaw and pressed his teeth together as Bauer looked at him from the corner of his eyes.
  “You’ll be debriefed by the Lieutenant in charge when we land,” he said. “Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to say anything at this time.”
  “I understand.”
  “Good.” His back straightened then, those broad shoulders only drawing his frame up higher. “That is all, Sergeant. You may go back to your barracks unless you have any further questions for me.”
  “Actually, sir,” Bucky said, his brow furrowing the slightest bit. “You said it was Able Company’s first platoon, right?”
  “That’s correct.”
  “Do they have a name?” Bucky asked, and at Bauer’s frown he added, “It’s just that it would make finding them a lot easier and quicker.” Almost as an afterthought, he mumbled a quiet, “Sir.”
  Bauer’s frown only deepened, and for a moment Bucky was scared he’d said something to upset him, but then he brought a scarred hand up to his chin and held it in thought. His brow furrowed, but this time Bucky recognized it as confusion.
  “They have an official title, but refuse to go by it so it’s almost been forgotten,” he explained. “I do believe they gave themselves a name, though.”
  “Do you happen to remember what that name was, sir?”
  Bauer thought for a moment longer, before his dark eyes lit up with realization, and he brought his hand back down to his side. He straightened his jacket by tugging on the end of it and cleared his throat before he replied.
  “Yes,” he said. “I do. Unless I am mistaken, they have given themselves the name Howling Commandos, or Howlers, as some refer to them. And if that is not indication enough of their unconventional style of warfare, then I do not know what is.”
  Bucky nodded, though mostly to himself as he repeated the name in his mind. And then the words found their way up his throat, spilling out of his mouth before he could stop them. He tested the name out, rolling the syllables over his tongue and seeing what taste they’d leave behind.
  “Howling Commandos.”
  Though at the time Bucky had been unaware, that name would come to change his life forever.
  As tacky as he may have thought it to be.
A/N: this is the first part of my new series. i’m incredibly passionate about it even though it might not be for everyone. i’ve also adjusted my writing style to fit the time period i’m writing for, so please let me know what you think !!!
read it on ao3 add yourself to my taglist! like my work? consider buying me a coffee!
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larissaros · 5 years
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dazombi3fari3 · 5 years
Hey doll hey! Hope all is well with you today. Today it’s cold and raining so my Fibromyalgia is acting up. My pain level is around an 8.
Today I review for you the 4th palette in the Coastal Scents Reveal line, Reveal Matte. It’s a spot on dupe for the Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics palette (Urban Decay on the left). The Urban Decay Palette (regularly $54 on sale for $29 for NET WT. 12 x 0.04 oz on the Urban Decay website) has 12 shadows and the Revealed palette (regularly $20 on sale for $5 for Net Weight: 30g / 1oz on the Coastal Scents website) has 20.
I really love that I am doing these Revealed reviews blind. Every day I open a new palette not knowing what it’s going to look like and being pleasantly surprised.
Today I’m not feeling so good so I did another neutral halo eye look. It’s quick and easy and still looks pretty.
Each Reveal palette I open just keeps getting better and better. I give the Revealed Mattes palette an A++. Once again it could benefit from a dark brown but I understand that this palette was meant to dupe the Urban Decay one so a dark brown would have been out of place in this palette.
This is an all matte palette. The shadows are finely milled and very buttery. They blend like a dream, in fact I would dare to say they blend better than the Urban Decay palette does, it’s not as pigmented but it’s not too far off from the pigmentation of the Naked Ultimate Basics palette.
I find that the Revealed Matte palette shadows blend together better than the Ultimate Basics palette does. I did this same eye look with the Ultimate Basics and the colors muddled together, with the Revealed Matte palette the colors stand out from each other.
Now on to the face of the day…..
Base: I primed with the IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Pores Primer ($38 for 1 fluid ounce on the IT website). I concealed my dark under eyes with the Tarte CC Undereye Corrector ($25 for .08 ounces at Sephora) in the color light medium, then I concealed the whole under eye with the Balm Time Balm Concealer ($18 for .26 ounces on the Balm website) in the color light medium. I chose IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC+ ($15 for .4 ounces at Sephora) in the color Medium. I set my whole face, including under eyes with the Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder ($39 for 1 ounce at Ulta)  in the color translucent. I bronzed my face with BH Cosmetics Brilliance Bronzer ($10 on their website) in the color Bronze Babe.
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Eyes:  Primed my eyes with Tarte Shape Tape ($27 for .33 ounces at Ulta) in the color light medium honey. I used the Reveal Matte Palette and set my Shape Tape with the 1st color on the top (medium cream matte). My first transition color is the 4th color on the bottom (medium tan matte) and I followed it up with the 5th color on the bottom (light brown with orange undertone matte). For my crease and the inner and outer 1/3 of the lid I picked the 3rd color on the bottom (terra cotta matte). I also used this shade on my lower lash line. For the center 1/3 of my lid I used Hikari cream pigment ($15 on the Hikari website) in the color honey dew. I highlighted my inner corner with Urban Decay single shadow ($20 at Ulta) in the color midnight cowboy. I lined my upper lids with BH Cosmetics Power Pencil ($8 on the BH website) in the color black. I used the BH Studio Pro Brow Highlighter ($5 on the BH website) matte side on my brow bone and set it with the 2nd shade on the top of the Reveal Matte palette (a light cream matte). I did my eyebrows with the ELF Ultra Precise Brow Pencil ($5 on the ELF website) and Wow Brow ($4 on the ELF website) in the color dark brown. I used the Loreal Voluminous Carbon Black ($5.7 at Target).
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Cheeks and Lips: I used Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush ($29 at Ulta) in the color Natural Beauty. I highlighted the tops on my cheeks, temples, nose, and cupid’s bow with Essence Pure Nude Highlighter (4.49 at Ulta) in the color be my light. I lined my lips with NYX Suede Matte Lip Liner ($4 at Ulta)  in the color Milan and I used Maybelline  Super Stay Matte Ink ($9.49 at Ulta) in the color Lover.
  Final Thoughts….
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IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Pores Primer is just Ok for me. It doesn’t do much for my pores but it does lock down the foundation. I’d give it a C+. I don’t like the smell but I do like how smooth my skin feels with it.
The Balm Time Balm Concealer gets a C- for me. It’s billed as a dark circle concealer but I always have to use a color corrector with it. It gets trapped in my under eye lines but it does make the under eye look hydrated.
IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC+ Cream comes in 12 shades, 3 for deeper skin. I really like this cc cream. It makes my skin look perfected without over covering my skin. It doesn’t feel heavy like most cc and bb creams feel. It’s not greasy, and it doesn’t oxidize. You do however need to set this cc cream as it stays tacky. I’d give it a solid B. This is because there isn’t much shade difference between the deeper shades… in 2019 there should be more inclusive shade ranges.
BH Cosmetics Brilliance Bronzer is low key becoming my favorite powder bronzer. I would give it a A-. Again, not a lot in the range for deeper skinned beauties. I love how radiant this bronzer is. It’s super pigmented so you have to go in with a light hand.
Coastal Scents Revealed Matte palette gets an A++ from me, again I wish there was a dark brown shade but this palette is amazing! It out preforms it’s dupe by a long shot. I definitely see myself reaching for this palette much more for everyday makeup looks, or even as a companion palette to a shimmery palette. Out of all the Reveal palettes I have reviewed so far, I would say this is the palette to get.
BH Studio Pro Brow Highlighter is a dead on dupe for the Billion Dollar Brow’s highlighter. I still like the BH Cosmetics one more, because the of the price, yes but also because it has a creamier formula. I give it an A+.
The brow products and mascara are my staple go to products so I wont bore you again with them … just run ….. grab them while you can.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blushes are my FAVORITE blushes of life! They are matte, pigmented, and silky. I give them an A+++.
Maybelline  Super Stay Matte Ink is not my favorite formula. It’s billed as giving you up to 16 hours of saturated liquid matte. It gets a C- from me. It doesn’t dry down like most liquid lipsticks. It stays sticky in an uncomfortable way. If I leave me lips pressed together too long they peel away color from the contact. The color range is nice but it’s just not my favorite formula.
Well…. that’s all for now dolls. Heart you heaps. Hope the day gives you everything you deserve. Remember, save a spoon for a bit of lipstick.
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      Coastal Scents 4 Review and Face of the Day Hey doll hey! Hope all is well with you today. Today it's cold and raining so my Fibromyalgia is acting up.
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arkbot · 8 years
1, 9, 12, 18, 31, 32, 34, 52, 86?
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milkthan cereal or more cereal than milk? - More milk than cereal for sure.Tbh I like to finish my cereal and have a glass of milk after. This milk isusually chocolate because my favourite cereals are chocolate
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? -I pretty much always sing in the car when driving on my own. I also sing at mydogs and at @yourantagonist with my own substituted lyrics I’m a huge loserdeal with it
12: what’s your favorite planet? - Mars.It’s named for the god of war, to start. I like that despite being a fair bitsmaller than Earth, it has incredibly large features like Olympus Mons and VallesMarineris. I like that instead of dirt, the surface is covered in iron oxide,literally rust. At its most habitable, it would be like Antarctica withoutoxygen. I’m also fascinated by its proximity, and its chances of being thefirst alien planet man sets foot on.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you didthat has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is alwaysbrought up. - One memorable occasion is the end of exams in my firstsemester of Uni. At the time, I was still finding my limits with alcohol, andwith cause for celebration we partied harder and longer than I had yetexperienced. As a result, by early afternoon I was already in a belligerent state.The residence building in which we were celebrating was triangular, and so fromthe common area extended three long hallways. Each was separated by one ofthose push-bar metal doors. For reasons unknown to all, myself included, I sawfit to joust the door in our hallway. Taking a running start from the other endof the hall, I built a head of steam towards the door.  Being quick and not relenting one bit in myapproach, I hit the latched door with tremendous force. This was the pinnacle ofmy intoxication, and I was made to nap afterwards.  Such was my inebriation that I was stilldrunk when I roused, went to a concert, and returned, some 8 hours after theincident.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you likewearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to whitesock hell? really, just talk about socks. - I’m a huge fan of socks. Tome, walking around barefoot is akin to walking around without a shirt:something I’d do at the pool, in the summer time, but definitely a state ofundress. Socks are comfortable and warm, like a hug for my feet. I don’t sleepwith socks, or a shirt, or pants, that’s silly, unless it’s super cold in whichcase all options are on the table. Most of my socks are gray, but I have a fewpairs of statement socks such as my storm trooper, starscape, and pink pairs.
32: tell us a story of something that happened toyou after 3AM when you were with friends. - I’m not sure of the exacttime but it was certainly late. I was at a smash tournament in Edmonton, andafter everything was done I took my carpool to meet with some Edmonton friendsat McDonald’s. We got there first, and as our friends rolled up behind us, westarted walking to the door. Being a large group, drive thru would be a hassle,so it made sense to at least check if the dining room was open. Turns out itwasn’t. So we walk back and are talking to the other driver, deciding what todo instead (we went to Denny’s) when a man walks up to our group and asks if we’vegot smokes. Being a bunch of nerds, none of us do, and he’s reallydisappointed. He asks us what we’re doing, and we tell him we were gonna getfood, but only the drive thru is open. He starts to explain this elaborate planwhere he’ll get us food if we get him smokes. We’re a little weirded out, likeno man, we’re not gonna go find smokes for you. So we say nah, we can get food ourselves,we just need to use the drive thru. He’s like well, you know what the problemis? You’re walking! At this point we notice that the other driver has rolled uphis windows. We quickly disengage from the conversation and get in our car.While exiting the parking lot, we see he’s still kind of wandering around,looking for someone with smokes. This encounter is well remembered as thesketchy guy at McDonald’s, not to be confused with all the strange encountersthat smashers have had at one particularly sketchy McDonald’s in Calgary.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept asa kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? -I had a lot of stuffed animals as a kid. Like, a LOT. In my teens, we did some renovations through the house, andI had to move out of my room temporarily. My stuffies all went into storage atthat time and I didn’t retrieve them when I went back, so there they sat. Lastyear we were making an effort to clean out storage space, so I was goingthrough the bag of old friends picking a few to keep and the rest to give away.One I picked was a very small shark. I don’t remember him being a big favouritebefore, but he was small and cute and I was happy to put him back in my room.We were happily reunited for a while, until a fateful trip. I went on a family tripto Hawaii, and being so tiny he was an excellent travelling companion, right inmy backpack. He went with me, and returned, safely, but remained in my bag as Iresumed normal life. One night, I accidentally left my vehicle unlocked on thecurb, and when I returned in the morning I had been robbed. Missing were somecheap sunglasses, a Wii U, and my backpack, complete with laptop, textbooks,and my fuzzy sharky friend. It was a sad day.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year sofar? - God, Star Wars prequel memes. They’re everywhere on Reddit, andas someone who appreciates both the prequel trilogy and bad memes, they’ve madea fine addition to my collection.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? -I do! I’m a big nerd for prog rock, and I’m more of an album guy in general(over shuffle or picking singles). I almost always listen to albums in full,and often even sequentially for an artist’s whole discography. Personalfavourites:
The Human Equation by Aryeon, thesaga of a man who falls into a coma and spends 20 days (20 tracks!) wrestlingwith his emotions and working through a lot of buried traumas. Backstabbingfriendships, romantic issues, an asshole father, it’s all in there, with wellcomposed tracks, and a different guest singer for each emotion personified.
Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from aMemory by Dream Theater. In their breakout 1992 album Images and Words, they hada track called Metropolis Part 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper. Fans clamouredfor a follow up, and they went all out with a full sequel album 7 years later.It follows the story of a man who is being hypnotized in order to explore strangerecurring dreams. He discovers that he has been reliving a past life, where hewas a woman who was murdered when a love triangle turned sour. Aside from a twisting,non-linear storyline, this one just has kickass instrumentals that rank with DT’sbest.
Epica & the Black Halo byKamelot. This band is a recent revelation for me, and I’m so glad I found them.This is two albums to tell one story: a rock opera inspired by Goethe’s Faust.I’m only just exploring it now, and still piecing together themes and thedetails of the story itself, but the music is great.
A Thousand Suns by Linkin Park.This comes from a quieter time in Linkin Park’s legacy, and I don’t know manypeople who know about it, but I really liked it. It’s not as hard hitting astheir first couple albums, but I think it shows growth as writers, as it tells thestory of a near future after nuclear apocalypse. Many of the songs can be heardtwo ways, speaking about big political statements, or a second meaning ofpersonal conflict.
Ghost Reveries by Opeth. It took mya while to break into this band, and the was the album that was just accessibleenough for me to do it. That shouldn’t downplay the musicianship here, which isphenomenal, but coming from Dream Theater it was closer to a familiar sound.This one tells the story of a man who commits an unspeakable crime, murderinghis own mother. It follows him fleeing justice, spiralling into despair as heis pursued by both man and his own sins, until he surrenders to the Devil andtakes his own life.
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suulphr · 4 years
“It never gets easier, you just get better.”
The Sumerians told a story that said while Enki and Ninmah were setting to create the earth, as lesser gods, they were burdened by the task and complained to the primeval mother, Namma, about their hard work. She then urged Enki to create a substitute to complete the work for them, she took up clay to knead and gave birth to the first humans. Enki was then tasked to “educate” them. I AM SELFBORN FROM THE THE HEART OF THE MOVING LAND. I REMEMBER THE DAY STRANGE MEN LOOKING TORN FROM THE HIGHER DENSITY DESCENDED FROM THE SKY TO ALREADY FERTILE LAND LOOKING FOR SOME FALSE EXPANSION THEY BROUGHT OVER FROM ANOTHER STAR SYSTEM. HOW MUCH WEIGHT IS MY FLOATING BLOOD WORTH IN MONOATOMIC GOLD AND WHERE DOES THE SEA TURN INTO THE SHORE AND WHATS THE LINE BETWEEN THE SHORE AND THE SAND.
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Natural Treatments For PUPPP Rash In Pregnancy + Causes And Prevention
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/natural-treatments-for-puppp-rash-in-pregnancy-causes-and-prevention/
Natural Treatments For PUPPP Rash In Pregnancy + Causes And Prevention
Shaheen Naser February 9, 2019
Pregnancy brings about many changes in the expectant mother. While some changes – like that amazing glow on your face – are something that you will cherish, a few unwelcome changes are also bound to happen as you begin a new phase of your life. One such change is the appearance of stretch marks and the PUPPP rash that follows right after.
Don’t be taken aback if you find a red, pimple-like rash lining the stretch marks. Most probably, it is a PUPPP rash, which is quite common in many pregnant women.
Are you wondering about this condition and how it can be treated? Read on to know more about a PUPPP rash and its natural treatment options.
Table Of Contents
What Is A PUPPP Rash?
PUPPP is the short form for Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. This itchy rash occurs along the stretch marks during the later stages of pregnancy. This rash is believed to occur in 1 out of every 150 pregnancies.
A PUPPP rash often starts in the abdomen but can also spread to the legs and chest. It results in the formation of red, hive-like bumps along the creases of your stretch marks. This rash can become larger and swollen. In individuals with a lighter skin tone, such rashes are often found surrounded by a thin, white halo.
In most cases, a PUPPP rash resolves within 15 days of childbirth.
Let’s now find out what factors trigger the formation of these rashes.
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Causes And Risk Factors For PUPPP Rash
The exact cause of a PUPPP rash has not yet been found. However, the stretching of the skin during pregnancy is believed to trigger this rash. This rash often surfaces during the third trimester of pregnancy, when the baby begins growing faster, and appears within the stretch marks.
Factors that can increase a woman’s risk of developing a PUPPP rash are:
Ethnicity – Caucasians may be at a higher risk.
A first pregnancy is more likely to trigger a PUPPP rash.
Multiple pregnancies
Weight gain during pregnancy
Maternal hypertension
The following are some of the most common symptoms associated with a PUPPP rash.
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What Are The Symptoms Of A PUPPP Rash?
A PUPPP rash usually occurs in the stretch marks along your belly button before it starts spreading further. It is usually:
A PUPPP rash has a strong resemblance to hives. Eventually, there is a chance of this rash forming large, red, and plaque-like areas around your belly.
Blisters may also form on PUPPP rashes at times. These rashes may then spread to the thighs, buttocks, legs, and arms. However, they are observed not to spread higher than the breasts.
If you think you may have developed a severe PUPPP rash during pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor to rule out other infections.
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How Is A PUPPP Rash Diagnosed?
A doctor will diagnose a PUPPP rash by examining your skin and symptoms. Most often, a physical examination of the skin is sufficient to diagnose a PUPPP rash. However, your doctor may order some tests to rule out other infections. They include:
Complete blood count
Serum human choriogonadotropin (HCG)
Liver function test
Serum cortisol
A PUPPP rash usually eases and resolves by itself once you deliver your baby. However, the rash may persist for a few extra weeks in some women.
Here are some natural remedies that can assist in managing the symptoms of a PUPPP rash.
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Natural Remedies To Treat A PUPPP Rash
Oatmeal Bath
Cold Compress
Clove Oil
Dandelion Root
How To Treat A PUPPP Rash Naturally
1. Oatmeal Bath
You Will Need
1-2 cups of oatmeal
What You Have To Do
Fill your tub with water.
Add one to two cups of oatmeal to it.
Soak in the bath for 20-30 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 1-2 times daily.
Why This Works
Oatmeal possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help in relieving itchiness and inflammation associated with a PUPPP rash (1).
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2. Cold Compress
You Will Need
An ice pack or cold compress
What You Have To Do
Apply a cold compress to the affected area.
Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
Remove and repeat as necessary.
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this 1-2 times daily.
Why This Works
The numbing action of cold compresses can help relieve itchy skin (2). Hence, it may also soothe a PUPPP rash.
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3. Chamomile
You Will Need
1 teaspoon of chamomile tea
1 cup of hot water
Cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Steep a teaspoon of chamomile tea in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes.
Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it to the affected area.
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this 1-2 times daily for best results.
Why This Works
Chamomile tea possesses significant anti-inflammatory properties that may be beneficial in managing the itchiness and swelling associated with a PUPPP rash (3).
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4. Peppermint
You Will Need
2-3 drops of peppermint oil
½ tablespoon of coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Add two to three drops of peppermint oil to half a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Mix well and apply it to the affected area.
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this once daily until you notice an improvement in your symptoms.
Why This Works
Peppermint oil is effective in relieving the symptoms of itching. It may, hence, also help in alleviating the inflammatory symptoms of a PUPPP rash (4).
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5. Clove Oil
You Will Need
2-3 drops of clove oil
½ tablespoon of coconut oil
What You Have To Do
Add two to three drops of clove oil to half a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Mix well and apply it to the affected area.
Leave it on for at least 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off.
You can also leave the mixture on your skin overnight.
How Often You Should Do This
You may do this 1-2 times daily for best results.
Why This Works
Clove oil can help relieve itchiness (5). Hence, its topical application may help in reducing the symptoms of a PUPPP rash.
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6. Dandelion Root
You Will Need
1-2 teaspoons of dandelion root tea
1 cup of water
Cotton balls
What You Have To Do
Add one to two teaspoons of dandelion root tea to a cup of water.
Bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
Simmer for 5-10 minutes and strain.
Wait for the tea to cool down a bit.
Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it to the affected area.
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse it off.
How Often You Should Do This
You can do this 1-2 times daily.
Why This Works
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root exhibits anti-inflammatory activities (6). These activities can help in reducing the inflammation around the affected area.
All these remedies can help in soothing a PUPPP rash and alleviating its symptoms.
You should also follow the tips listed below to prevent the recurrence or worsening of the PUPPP rash.
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Prevention Tips
Do not scratch the rashes.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Avoid using moisturizers that contain retinol, salicylic acid, or vitamin A as these compounds can aggravate the rash.
Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing.
Moisturize your skin, including the affected area, daily.
Avoid warm baths.
Avoid using soap-based cleansers.
Avoid excessive sun exposure.
If the natural remedies don’t seem to alleviate the symptoms of a PUPPP rash, it is best to avail medical treatment for relief. Your doctor may prescribe topical steroids or antihistamines for treating the rash.
If the itching is bearable to a certain extent, it is best to wait until you give birth and allow the symptoms to subside naturally.
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Did you find this post helpful? Share your experiences, tips, and thoughts regarding this condition in the comments section below.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Does a PUPPP rash go away after delivery?
Yes, most cases of PUPPP rashes start resolving right after delivery.
Does a PUPPP rash affect the baby?
A PUPPP rash will not have any major effect on the baby. In some cases, babies of the affected mothers may also show mild signs of a PUPPP rash.
Is Benadryl safe during pregnancy?
Benadryl, which is an antihistamine, is usually considered safe during pregnancy. However, it is best to consult a doctor before taking it.
Can a PUPPP rash start on the legs?
Yes, a PUPPP rash can spread to the legs and other parts of your body from the stomach. But it usually does not spread above the chest.
How long does polymorphic eruption of pregnancy last?
Polymorphic eruption may continue until you give birth to your child. After delivery, it should resolve in 4-6 weeks.
How to stop a PUPPP rash from spreading?
You can prevent a PUPPP rash from worsening or spreading further by not scratching it. You can try out any of the remedies given above to soothe the itching. The prevention tips listed in this post may also help.
“Anti-inflammatory activities of colloidal oatmeal (Avena sativa) contribute to the effectiveness of oats in the treatment of itch associated with dry, irritated skin.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine.
“Pruritus” The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine.
“Chamomile, an anti-inflammatory agent inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by blocking RelA/p65 activity” International Journal of Molecular Medicine, US National Library of Medicine.
“The Effect of Peppermint Oil on Symptomatic Treatment of Pruritus in Pregnant Women” Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, US National Library of Medicine.
“Effectiveness of topical clove oil on symptomatic treatment of chronic pruritus.” Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine.
“Anti-inflammatory activity of Taraxacum officinale.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine.
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Shaheen Naser
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/puppp-rash-pregnancy-natural-treatment/
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serinakemp · 6 years
How Amyloid Disrupts Synaptic Plasticity in Alzheimer's Disease
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The research community continues to make progress, slow but steady, in understanding the low-level biochemistry of neurodegenerative conditions. It is a very complex area of study. You might compare the research here, focused on amyloid, with results noted yesterday, focused on α-synuclein. The aging of the brain is accompanied by the aggregation of a number of altered proteins, producing solid deposits and a halo of surrounding changes in cell biochemistry that damage or kill brain cells. Beyond that summary, each is very different in mechanisms and outcome. Regardless, the end result is cognitive decline, a disruption of function in the brain. Control of protein aggregation is a major focus of the research community, but achieving any meaningful progress towards that goal has proven to been far more challenging than was hoped when these projects began in earnest.
The accumulation of amyloid peptides in the form of plaques in the brain is one of the primary indicators of Alzheimer's disease. While the harmful effects of amyloid peptide aggregates are well established, the mechanism through which they act on brain cells remains ill-defined. Researchers knew, for instance, that amyloid peptides disrupt synapses - the area of contact and chemical communication between neurons - but did not understand how they did so. Now, new findings have revealed the molecular mechanism that links amyloid aggregates and deficient synaptic function observed in animal models of Alzheimer's disease: peptide oligomers interact with a key enzyme in synaptic balance, thereby preventing its normal mobilization.
The molecule, called CamKII, usually orchestrates synaptic plasticity, an aspect of neuronal adaptability that enables neurons to reinforce their responses to the signals they exchange. Groups of neurons that code for an information to be memorized are connected by synapses, which are themselves under the control of mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. When the connection between two neurons must be reinforced in order to memorize information, for instance during intense stimulation, CamKII is activated and leads to a chain of reactions that strengthen the capacity to transmit messages between these neurons.
Synaptic plasticity is central to memory and learning. Amyloid peptides prevent CamKII from participating in this process of synaptic plasticity, and this blockage eventually leads to the disappearance of the synapse. This discovery could...
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oovitus · 6 years
Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control).
You know the feeling: One salty crunch turns into 100, and suddenly you’re licking the cheese dust and wondering: What’s wrong with me? 
Actually, it’s normal to feel like you can’t stop overeating certain things. Today’s hyperpalatable food is creating a modern-day food crisis — one that’s leaving us feeling sick, out of control, and constantly craving more.
Here’s how it works, plus 3 ways to overcome it.
It’s happened to us all.
After a frenzy of lustful grabbing and furious crunching, we find ourselves at the bottom of a jumbo bag of chips.
“How did that happen?” we ask fuzzily.
“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stop?”
But, before going into full-fledged self-loathing mode, consider this.
Processed foods are scientifically engineered to be irresistible and easy to gobble up in large quantities. If you can’t stop, the chips are doing their job.
(In fact, someone at Frito-Lay probably got a promotion for that recipe.)
That’s why, in this article, we’ll explain exactly how junk food is designed to make us respond with compulsive, manic, gotta-have-more snack sessions.
Even better, we’ll arm you with three useful strategies for examining your relationship with processed food and taking control of overeating.
Because, if you feel out of control around certain foods, you’re not crazy.
Even healthy eaters feel out of control around food sometimes. Even if we value nutrition and want to take care of ourselves, some foods can make us feel… kinda possessed.
Know what I mean?
You show up to a potluck with quinoa salad goals and find yourself inhaling a plate of chips, cookies, and some chocolate-peanut-butter-marshmallow thing that some devil, um friend, made.
You reach into the freezer to have one spoonful of ice cream and suddenly you’re mining the caramel swirl, then the nut clusters, then the brownie chunks, and then… your spoon scrapes the bottom.
You just want a bite of your friend’s french fry, but you find yourself elbowing her out of the way so you can steal all the fries, plus the burger too.
Even with the best intentions, the pull of certain foods is so strong that it can leave us feeling powerless.
If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone (and you’re not broken).
Certain foods are actually designed to make us overeat.
If you’re overeating, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you or your willpower.
Here’s the truth: There’s a whole industry dedicated to creating food that’s hyperpalatable — food that’s so tasty it’s nearly irresistible.
Your body and brain are responding exactly as they’re supposed to. It’s supposed to feel almost unnatural to stop eating these foods!
But we’re not talking about food like celery sticks, whole brown rice, or baked salmon filets.
(How often do you hear yourself say, “I ate sooo much steamed asparagus! I just couldn’t stop myself!” That’s right. You’ve never heard yourself say that.)
We’re talking about processed foods.
Processed foods are foods that have been modified from their original, whole-food form in order to change their flavor, texture, or shelf-life. Often, they’re altered so that they hit as many pleasure centers as possible — from our brains to our mouths to our bellies.
Processed foods are highly cravable, immediately gratifying, fun to eat, and easy to over-consume quickly (and often cheaply).
Processed foods will also look and feel different from their whole food counterparts, depending on the degree that they’re processed.
Let’s take corn as an example.
Boiled and eaten off the cob it’s pale yellow, kinda fibrous, but chewy and delicious.
Corn that’s a bit processed — ground into a meal and shaped into a flat disk — turns into a soft corn tortilla. A tortilla has a nice corny flavor and a soft, pliable texture that makes it easy to eat and digest.
But what if you ultra-process that corn? You remove all the fiber, isolate the starch, and then use that starch to make little ring-shaped chips, which are fried and dusted with sweet and salty barbecue powder. They’re freaking delicious.
That corn on the cob is yummy. But those corn-derived ring chips? They’re… well they’re gone because someone ate them all.
Let’s take an even deeper look
The food industry has a variety of processing methods and ingredient additives they use to make food extra tasty and easy to consume…. and over-consume.
Here are a few examples:
Grains are processed into a slurry and pass through a machine called an extruder. With the help of high heat and pressure, whole, raw grains get transformed into airy, crispy, easy-to-digest shapes like cereals, crackers, and other crunchy foods with uniform shapes.
In addition to changing texture and digestibility, the extrusion process also destroys certain nutrients and enzymes, denatures proteins, and changes the starch composition of a grain. This lowers the nutrition and increases the glycemic index of the product.
Used to improve the “mouth feel” of a product, emulsifiers smooth out and thicken texture, creating a rich, luxurious feel. Although there are natural emulsifiers, like egg yolk, the food industry often uses chemical emulsifiers like Polysorbate-80, sodium phosphate, and carboxymethylcellulose.
Emulsifiers are often found in creamy treats like ice cream products and processed dairy foods like flavored yogurts or neon orange cheese spreads.
Flavor enhancers
Flavor additives like artificial flavoring agents or monosodium glutamate (MSG) allow food manufacturers to amplify taste without adding whole-food ingredients like fruits, vegetables, or spices. This is useful because artificial flavoring agents are cheap and won’t change a product’s texture.
Coloring agents
Color strongly affects how appealing we perceive a food to be. No one wants to eat gray crackers; add a toasty golden hue and suddenly that cracker is a lot more appealing. Coloring agents, like Yellow #5 (tartrazine) and Red #40 (allura red),  are added purely for the look of food — they don’t add nutrition.
Recently, many large food corporations have been switching to natural foods dyes, like beet powder or turmeric, to color their food products after some correlations emerged linking artificial coloring agents to behavioral problems in children.
Oil hydrogenation
Natural fats eventually go rancid, changing their flavor and texture. In order to render fats more stable, hydrogen atoms are added to fats (usually vegetable oils) so they are less vulnerable to oxidation.
Food manufacturers use hydrogenated oils because it means their products can stay on the shelves for longer without changing flavor or texture. However, the consumption of hydrogenated fats, or trans fats, has been linked to increased rates of heart disease.
How processed foods trick us into eating more than we meant to.
There are four sneaky ways processed food can make you overeat. Often, we’re not even aware of how much these factors affect us.
That’s why, awareness = power.
1. Marketing convinces us that processed foods are “healthy”.
Processed foods come in packages with bright colors, cartoon characters, celebrity endorsements, and powerful words that triggers all kinds of positive associations.
Take, for example, “health halo” foods.
“Health halo” foods are processed foods that contain health buzzwords like organic, vegan, and gluten-free on their label to create an illusion, or halo, of health around them.
Companies come out with organic versions of their boxed macaroni and cheese, gluten-free versions of their glazed pastries, and vegan versions of their icing-filled cookies.
You’ll see chips “prepared with avocado oil,” sugary cereal “made with flaxseeds,” or creamy chip dip with “real spinach.”
The nutrient content of those foods isn’t particularly impressive, but the addition of nutrition buzzwords and trendy ingredients make us perceive them as healthier.
Marketers also choose words that relate more broadly to self-care.
Ever notice how many processed food slogans sound like this?
“Have a break.”
“Take some time for yourself.”
“You deserve it.”
Words like “break” and “deserve” distract us from our physical sensations and tap into our feelings — a place where we just want to be understood, supported, soothed, and perhaps just escape for a moment.
Health buzzwords and emotional appeals can make us perceive a food as “good for me”; it seems like a wise and caring choice to put them in our shopping carts, then in our mouths.
And if a food is “healthy” or “we deserve it,” we don’t feel so bad eating as much as we want.
2. Big portions make us think we’re getting a “good deal”.
People get mixed up about food and value.
We’re taught to save money and not waste food.
We’re taught to buy more for less.
Given the choice between a small juice for two dollars, and a pop with endless refills for the same price, the pop seems like better value.
What we don’t calculate into this equation is something I like to call the “health tax.”
The “health tax” is the toll you pay for eating low-nutrient, highly processed foods. If you eat them consistently over time, eventually you’ll pay the price with your health.
When companies use cheap, poor quality ingredients, they can sell bigger quantities without raising the price.
But what’s the deal?
Sure, you’ll save a buck in the short term, but you’ll pay the health tax — through poor health — in the long term.
3. Variety makes us hungrier.
Choice excites us.
Think of a self-serve frozen yogurt topping bar:
“Ooh! Sprinkles! And beer nuts! Oh, and they have those mini peanut butter cups! And granola clusters! Wait, are those crushed cookies?? And cheesecake chunks??! YES! Now on to the drizzles…”
Before you know it, there‘s a leaning tower of frozen dessert in front of you.
Or think of those “party mixes” — pretzels and corn chips and cheesy puffs and barbeque rings — all in one bag! The fun never ends because there’s a variety of flavors and textures to amuse you forever!
When we have lots of variety, we have lots of appetite.
It’s hard to overeat tons of one thing, with one flavor, like apples.
How many apples can you eat before, frankly, you get bored?
Reduce the variety and you also reduce distraction from your body’s built-in self-regulating signals. When we’re not so giddy with choice and stimuli, we’re more likely to slow down, eat mindfully, and eat less.
4. Multiple flavors at once are irresistible.
If there’s a party in your mouth, you can guarantee that at least two out of three of the following guests will be there:
These three flavors — the sweetness of sugar, the luxurious mouthfeel of fat, and the sharp savory of salt — are favorites among those of us with mouths.
I never hear my clients say that they love eating spoonfuls of sugar or salt, or that they want to chug a bottle of oil.
However, when you combine these flavors, they become ultra delicious and hard-to-resist. This is called stimuli stacking — combining two or more flavors to create a hyperpalatable food.
For example:
The satisfying combination of fat and salt, found in chips, fries, nachos, cheesy things, etc.
The comforting combination of fat and sugar, found in baked goods, fudge, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, etc.
The irresistible combination of all three — heaven forbid you stumble on a combo of fat, salt, and sugar — a salted chocolate brownie, or caramel corn with candied nuts, or fries with ketchup!
Food manufacturers know: When it comes to encouraging people to overeat, two flavors are better than one.
In fact, when I spoke to an industry insider, a food scientist at a prominent processed food manufacturer, she revealed the specific “stimuli stacking” formula that the food industry uses to create hyperpalatable food.
They call it “The Big 5.”
Foods that fulfill “The Big 5” are:
Calorie dense, usually high in sugar and/or fat.
Intensely flavored — the food must deliver strong flavor hits.
Immediately delicious, with a love-at-first taste experience.
Easy to eat — no effortful chewing needed!
“Melted” down easily — the food almost dissolves in your mouth, thus easy to eat quickly and overconsume.
When these five factors exist in one food, you get a product that’s practically irresistible.
In fact, foods developed by this company have to hit the big 5, or they’re not allowed to go to market.
When processed food manufacturers evaluate a prospective food product, the “irresistibility” (the extent to which a person can’t stop eating a food) is more important even than taste!
Just think about the ease of eating whole foods versus processed foods:
Whole foods require about 25 chews per mouthful, which means that you have to slow down. When you slow down, your satiety signals keep pace with your eating and have a chance to tell you when you’ve had enough. Which is probably why you’ve never overeaten Brussel sprouts (also because, farting).
Processed food manufacturers, on the other hand, aim for food products to be broken down in 10 chews or less per mouthful. That means the intense, flavorful, crazy-delicious experience is over quickly, and you’re left wanting more — ASAP.
Restaurants use these “ease of eating” tactics, too.
A major national chain uses this sci-fi-esque trick:
To make their signature chicken dish, each chicken breast is injected with a highly flavored sauce through hundreds of tiny needles. This results in a jacked-up chicken breast with intense flavor hits, but also tenderizes the chicken so it requires less chewing.
In other words, there’s a reason that restaurant chicken often goes down easier and just tastes better than the simple grilled chicken breast you make in your kitchen. Unless you have hundreds of tiny sauce-needles (weird), that chicken is hard to recreate at home.
This is why I rarely talk about willpower when my clients come to me struggling with overeating. If you’re relying on willpower to resist these foods, you’re fighting an uphill battle.
The solution isn’t more willpower. The solution is educating yourself about these foods, examining your own relationship with food, and employing strategies that put you in control.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Our love of certain flavors has very primitive roots.
So does our desire to load up on calories.
Once upon a time, food was not so abundant. Not only was food challenging to obtain — through effortful scavenging and hunting — but it was also not reliably safe.
That leaf over there? Yeah, that could be poison.
Those berries? They might give you the runs or make your throat close up.
Therefore, our ancient ancestors evolved some survival instincts along the way.
For example, sweet foods tend not to be poisonous. Therefore, we stored a preference for sweet, starchy foods in our brains to keep us safe.
Babies and children are particularly attracted to sweet foods, probably because their immature immune systems are less likely to recover from eating a poisonous plant, and their immature brains can’t tell the difference between dangerous bitter green (like hemlock) and safe bitter green (like kale).
Therefore, kids’ attraction to sweet (read: safe) foods is a built-in mechanism to prevent death by poisoning.
Fat is also a preferred nutrient, as it’s high-calorie and would be a jackpot for our often-threatened-by-starvation ancestors.
While most foods our ancestors ate would have been fibrous and low-calorie (roots, greens, lean meats), fat would have been a highly prized treat.
Imagine, as a primitive hunter-gatherer, stumbling on a macadamia nut tree. The yield from that tree might provide enough calories to feed your tribe for days!
As a result, we stored another preference in our brains: fatty, calorie-dense foods = yum / stock up!
Today, of course, we don’t have to run and dig and hike for nine hours to get our food. Instead, we can just roll up to the drive-thru window and order a combination of flavors we’re primed to love — maybe in the form of a milkshake and a cheeseburger — and enjoy it while sitting in our car.
Evolution’s gifts now work against us.
So, now you see why processed foods are so hard to control yourself around.
But what can actually you do about it?
Up next, some practical strategies to put you (or your clients) in the driver’s seat.
3 strategies to find your way back to a peaceful relationship with food.
It’s one thing to know in theory why certain foods are so easy to over-consume, but it’s even more valuable to discover for yourself how food processing, certain ingredient combinations, marketing, and even easy accessibility affect you and your food choices.
So, it’s time to get a little nerdy, try some experiments, and learn some strategies that will help you improve your relationship with food, get healthier, and just feel more sane.
1. Get curious about the foods you eat.
We’ve established that processed foods are designed to be easy to eat.
For a food to be “easy to eat”, it has to be:
broken down easily (less chewing), and
low volume (doesn’t take up much physical space).
Less chewing + Low volume = More eating
Chewing takes time. The more we have to chew something, the longer it takes us to eat, giving our fullness signals a chance to catch up.
That feeling of “fullness” matters a lot too.
When you eat, your stomach expands. It’s partly through that sensation of pressure that your body knows you’ve had enough. Processed foods deliver a lot of calories without taking up much space, meaning you can eat a lot before you realize you’ve overdone it.
Experiment #1: Observe as you chew.
Yup, that’s right. I want you to count your chews.
Note: Don’t do this forever. I’m not trying to turn you into the weirdo who no one wants to sit next to at the lunch table.  Just try it as an experiment to get some data about how you eat different foods.
First, eat a whole food — a vegetable, fruit, whole grain, lean protein, whatever — and count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat an entire portion of that food? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Then, next time you eat something processed, count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat that serving of pasta, chips, or cookies? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Make some comparisons and notice the differences. Contrast how long eating each of these foods takes you, how satiated you feel after eating each of them, and how much you want to keep eating.
How will you use that information to make food choices moving forward?
2. Notice the messages you’re getting about food.
Food manufacturers use creative marketing strategies to imply processed foods are healthy. And even if you know they’re not, they have other ways of getting you to buy them.
Here’s an example:
Ever notice that the produce section is the first area you pass through in grocery stores?
Grocery stores have found that if they put the produce section first, you’re more likely to purchase processed foods. This is probably because if you’ve already got your cart loaded with spinach, broccoli, and apples, perhaps you’ll feel better about picking up some ice cream, cookies, and crackers, before heading to the checkout line.
Let that sink in: The supermarkets we all shop in several times a month are designed to make you feel better about buying foods that could negatively impact your health goals.
The good news? Simply being aware of this trick can help you bypass it.
Experiment #2: Evaluate your pantry.
In this experiment, you’ll examine the foods you have in your home and the messages you’ve been given about them.
Note: Keep in mind that this is a mindful awareness activity. You’re not doing this to judge yourself or feel shame about the food choices you’ve made.
Look at your pantry with curious (and more informed) eyes.
Step 1: Look for “health halo” foods. Do you have any? If so, why did you choose them? Was it the language used to describe it? Was it the packaging? A trendy “superfood” ingredient? Is it organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, Paleo, or something else?
Step 2: Read the nutritional information. Once you’ve identified the “health halo” foods, take a closer look. Is your “healthy” organic dark chocolate peanut butter cup all that nutritionally different from that mass-market peanut butter cup? Chances are, it’s just different packaging.
Step 3: Count how many varieties of junk foods you have. If you love ice cream — how many flavors do you have? If you peek into your cupboards, are there cookies, popcorn, candy, or chips? Without judgment, count the total junk food variety currently in your home. Generally, the more options you have, the easier it is to overeat.
The takeaway?
You’ll be more aware of the particular types of marketing you’re susceptible to, which you can use to make more informed food choices.
You’ll also have a better idea of which treat foods you prefer, and by reducing the variety of them in your home, you’ll cut down on opportunities to overeat.
3. Look for patterns.
We often use food for reasons other than physical nourishment.
For example, if we feel sad, we might reach for a cookie to comfort ourselves. Temporarily, we feel better.
The next time we feel sad, we remember the temporary relief that cookie brought us. So we repeat the ritual. If we continue to repeat this cycle, we may find our arm reaching for the cookie jar every time we feel blue. We’re not even thinking about it at this point; it’s just habit.
Habits are powerful, for better or for worse. They can work for us or against us.
Luckily, we have control over this.
All it takes is a little time and an understanding of how habits get formed.
All animals learn habits in the following way:
This leads us to our next experiment…
Experiment #3: Put the science of habits to work.
If you want to break the habit of overeating, you can use this trigger, behavior, and reward loop to your advantage. Here’s how.
Step 1: identify your triggers.
A trigger can be a:
Feeling. We might eat more when we’re stressed, lonely, or bored. Food fills the void.
Time of day. We always have a cookie at 11am, or a soda at 3pm. It’s just part of our routine.
Social setting. Hey, everyone else is having beer and chicken wings, so might as well join the happy hour!
Place. For some reason, a dark movie theater or our parents’ kitchen might make us want to munch.
Thought pattern. Thinking “I deserve this” or “Life is too hard to chew kale” might steer us toward the drive-thru window.
When you find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry, increase your awareness of your triggers by asking yourself:
What am I feeling?
What time is it?
Who am I with?
Where am I?
What thoughts am I having?
Keep a journal and look for patterns.
And remember: Overeating is generally problematic when it’s chronic — those pants are feeling pretty tight after most meals — or when episodes of overeating are particularly intense, like during a binge. So don’t get too worried with isolated episodes of overeating. To differentiate overeating from binge eating, keep in mind that binge eating feels disassociated, out of control, hard to stop, and usually comes with feelings of shame and guilt.
If, in observing your eating patterns, you discover that you may be dealing with compulsive bingeing behavior, then recruiting a doctor, therapist, or other qualified practitioner to help you navigate your feelings around food is likely the best course of action.
Step 2: Find a new behavior in response to your trigger(s).
Once you’ve identified your triggers, try associating new behaviors with them. These should support your health goals and feel good. If the new behaviors aren’t rewarding, they won’t be repeated, so they won’t be learned as habits.
In order to find the “right” new behavior, it’s helpful to know that when we eat, we’re trying to meet a “need.”
So when you brainstorm new behaviors, find something that meets that need — be it time in nature, some human connection, a physical release, or just a break from your thoughts.
For example, I had a client whose trigger was talking to her ex-husband. She felt angry when she interacted with him, and some furious crunching on chips temporarily made her feel better.
She eventually replaced the crunching with a punching bag session or by stomping up and down the stairs. Both activities were effective at relieving tension, but unlike the chips, they supported her goals.
Step 3: Practice.
Every time a trigger pops up that compels you to eat, replace eating with a healthy feel-good behavior.
Repeat this loop until the new behavior becomes a habit that’s just as automatic as reaching for the jar of peanut butter used to be.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Not all “feel-good” habits are created equal, in terms of their physiological effect on the stress response.
According to the American Psychological Association, the most effective stress relievers are:
exercising / playing sports,
listening to music,
praying / attending a religious service,
spending time with friends / family,
getting a massage,
walking outside,
yoga, and
engaging in a creative hobby.
The least effective stress relievers are: gambling, shopping, smoking, eating, drinking, playing video games, surfing the internet, and watching TV / movies for more than two hours.
Although we may use the second list as “stress-relievers” — because they feel so good in the short term — they don’t actually reduce stress effectively.
This is because these habits rely on dopamine to give us a “hit” of pleasure. Dopamine feels rewarding immediately, but because it’s an excitatory neurotransmitter, it actually stimulates adrenaline and initiates the stress response.
In contrast, the first list of habits boost neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, and oxytocin, which calm down the stress response and induce a feeling of wellbeing.
Although these activities aren’t initially as “exciting” as the second list, they’re ultimately more rewarding and more effective at relieving stress long-term.
It’s not just about the food
As a dietician, I know how important nutrition is. So it might surprise you to hear me say the following:
It’s not all about the food.
Structure your diet around colorful, nutrient-dense whole foods, but also remember that a healthy life is not about calorie math or obsessing over everything you put in your mouth.
A healthy life is about giving time and attention to our whole selves.
Eating happens in context.
Pay attention to your mindset, your relationships, your work, and your environment.
When we’re well-nourished in other areas of our life, we’re less likely to use food as a cure-all when we struggle.
So if there’s one more piece of nutrition advice I have, it’s this:
Be good to yourself.
Not just at the table, but in all areas of life.
What to do next
1. Be kind, curious, and honest.
When we fall short of our ideals, we think that beating ourselves up is the fastest way to improvement. But it’s not.
Criticism and crash dieting may work in the short term, but can damage our mental and physical health in the long term.
Because overeating is already a painful experience, as you consider how these behaviors show up in your life and how you might address them, please be:
Kind: Be friendly and self-compassionate; work with yourself instead of against yourself.
Curious: Explore your habits with openness and interest. Be like a scientist looking at data rather than a criminal investigator looking to blame and punish.
Honest: Look at your reality. How are you behaving day-to-day around food? The more accurate you are at perceiving yourself, the better you can support yourself to change.
With this attitude of support and non-judgment, you’re more likely to move forward.
2. Use the “traffic light” system.
Precision Nutrition has a great tool for creating awareness around food that I use all the time with my clients. It’s called the “traffic light” system.
You see, we all have red light foods, yellow light foods, and green light foods.
Red means stop.
Red foods are a “no-go.” Either because they don’t help you achieve your goals, you have trouble eating them in reasonable amounts, or they plain old make you feel gross.
Often, red light foods are processed foods like chips, candy, ice cream, and pastries. Red foods can also be foods that you’re allergic / intolerant to.
Yellow means proceed with caution.
Yellow light foods are sometimes OK, sometimes not. Maybe you can eat a little bit without feeling ill, or you can eat them sanely at a restaurant with others but not at home alone, or you can have them as an occasional treat.
Yellow light foods might include things like bread, crackers, pasta, flavored yogurt, granola bars, or seasoned nuts. They’re not the worst choices, but they’re not the most nutritious either.
Green means go.
Green foods are a “go.” You like eating them because they’re nutritious and make your body and mind feel good. You can eat them normally, slowly, and in reasonable amounts.
Green foods are usually whole foods like fruits and vegetables, lean animal proteins, beans and legumes, raw nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
Create your own red, yellow, and green light food lists.
Everyone’s list will be different! You might leave ice cream in the freezer untouched for months, whereas another person might need a restraining order from that rocky road caramel swirl.
Once you have your list, stock your kitchen with as many green light foods as possible. Choose the yellow foods you allow in your house wisely. And red foods are to be limited or eliminated entirely.
At the very least, consider reducing the variety of red light or treat foods.
Take some pressure off your willpower and surround yourself with foods that support your goals.
3. Put quality above quantity.
It’s tempting to buy that jumbo bag of chips because it’s such a good deal.
But remember: Real value isn’t about price or quantity so much as it is about quality.
Quality foods are nutrient-dense and minimally-processed. They are foods that you like, and make sense for your schedule and budget.  
Quality foods may take a little more preparation and be a little more expensive up-front, but in the long run, they’re the real deal, and have a lower “health tax” to pay later in life.
4. Focus on whole foods.
Whole foods will make it easier to regulate food intake and will also improve nutrition.
We can almost feel “high” when we eat processed foods. Whole foods, on the other hand, are more subtle in flavor and require a bit more effort to chew and digest. Instead of feeling high, whole foods just make us feel nourished and content.
Whole foods are generally more perishable than processed foods, so this will require some more planning and preparation. So schedule some extra time in the kitchen — even ten minutes a day counts!
In ten minutes, you can cut up some veggies, boil some eggs, cook some oatmeal, or marinate some chicken breasts to make the following day go smoother.
While this might sound like more work, it’s rewarding. A closer relationship with food often means more respect and care for it too.
5. Find feel-good habits that support your goals.
Make a list of activities that you feel good doing. You might find that you like certain activities better than others depending on your feelings, the time of day, or your environment.
When you feel triggered to eat when you’re not physically hungry, choose an activity from your list.
This could be some gentle physical activity, fresh air, social interaction, playing a game, or a self-care ritual like painting your nails or getting a scalp massage.
The point is simply to disrupt the cycle of trigger > eat > reward, and replace eating with an activity that supports your goals.
6. Slow down.
If nothing else works, and the idea of taking away treat foods totally freaks you out, just do this:
Slow down.
Allow yourself to eat whatever you want, just eat slowly and mindfully.
Slowing down allows us to savor our food, making us satisfied with less. It also lets physical sensations of fullness to catch up, so we know when we’ve had enough.
Bingeing can feel stressful and out of control — by slowing down, we help ourselves calm down and take back some of the control.
7. If you feel like you’re in over your head, ask for help.
Sometimes we need support.
If overeating is especially frequent or extreme, or if you have health problems related to overeating that you don’t know how to manage, seek the help of a coach, nutritionist, dietician, or counselor who specializes in disordered eating behaviors.
There’s no shame in receiving support. The best coaches and practitioners often have their own support team too.
Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?
Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.
That’s why we work closely with Precision Nutrition Coaching clients to help them lose fat, get stronger, and improve their health… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.
It’s also why we work with health, fitness and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.
Interested in Precision Nutrition Coaching? Join the presale list; you’ll save up to 54% and secure a spot 24 hours early.
We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Coaching on Wednesday, July 18th, 2018.
If you’re interested in coaching and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list below. Being on the list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition we like to reward the most interested and motivated people because they always make the best clients. Join the presale list and you’ll save up to 54% off the general public price, which is the lowest price we’ve ever offered.
You’re more likely to get a spot. To give clients the personal care and attention they deserve, we only open up the program twice a year. Last time we opened registration, we sold out within minutes. By joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
If you’re ready to change your body, and your life, with help from the world’s best coaches, this is your chance.
[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
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Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article.
Avena, N.M, Gold, M.S. (2011). Variety and hyperpalatability: are they promoting addictive overeating? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94(2), 367-368. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.020164.
Drewnowski, A., Shrager, E., Lipsky, C., Stellar, E., Greenwood, M.R. (1989). Sugar and fat: Sensory and hedonic evaluation of liquid and solid foods. Physiology & Behavior, 45 (1), 177-183. doi: 10.1016/0031-9384(89)90182-0.
Kessler, David A. Your food is fooling you: How your brain is hijacked by sugar, fat, and salt. Roaring Book Press, 2012.
Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC (2006). Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease. New England Journal of Medicine. 354 (15): 1601–1613. doi:10.1056/NEJMra054035.
Provencher, V., Polivy, J., Herman, C.P. (2009). Perceived healthiness of food. If it’s healthy, you can eat more! Appetite, 52(2), 340-344. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2008.11.005.
Rolls, B.J., Drewnowski, A., Ledikwe, J.H. (2005). Changing the energy density of the diet as a strategy for weight management. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 105(5S), 98-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2005.02.033.
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Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control). published first on https://storeseapharmacy.tumblr.com
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Each quality sectional sofas has a well-framed frame that allows you to maintain your overall shape and integrity. The outline is the framework that holds each part of the couch together, making it more important to be strong and durable - a daily uncompromising convenience.
Many manufacturers use metal or wood composites for frames in their contemporary design, but the choice of traditional craftsman is hardwood, a material that has served the banking industry in history and to date. Metal frames can be solid, but may also be sensitive to oxidation with periodic changes in humidity. Composite wood frames are cheaper to produce but have no strength in hardwood or metal.
In Saxon Saxon we prove that traditional wooden frames are the best choice for making a high quality piece of durable furniture. More specifically, we prefer beech wood, known for its stability and ease of work. In short, high-quality beechwood ensures a long and reliable frame for benches.
The reason why the beech houtout is very desirable for bankers is due to their nature. The tree has a long and firm tree with small branches of light, making a hardwood of straight grain. In this kind of grain, trees can be maintained over the years, since there is no grain variation that may be bent or rotated. The lack of lateral branches in the beech tree also means that the wood is continuously strong at length along the length of the knots because the knots may be weak points.
Over the years, it became more common for manufacturers and furniture factory outlet to use wood halo for frames. It is purely a saving exercise and has no basis in good design or construction. In Saxon we use only solid beech rails in the construction of our frames.
While a strong frame of material such as beech wood can give you the strength included, the width and height of your sofa, as each piece is together, it counts a lot. The right kind of carpentry, made by a skilled worker, can further enhance the strength and durability of a bench frame.
By factory direct modern pneumatic machines mean that wood can be connected to each other using metal staples. This cost-effective method is often used in mass products. However, there is no doubt that the resulting product has less strength and durability than the traditional way of joining the wood with a good connection to wooden dowels and special wood glue.
All the important building links are glued together and doubled within our lists, with the addition of reinforced corner blocks screwed up in key areas. Sometimes we use metal enclosures attached to get molding in non stress areas.
Cushion stuffing
Pillows give you the support you need to relax, as well as your shape and volume shape. The intentional feel and appearance of a bench determines which padding is used. Commonly used materials are foam, spring and polyester fibers. Each one has its own characteristics and adds different features. There are also cases where two or three of these fillers will be used to achieve the desired result.
The foam is formed by mixing one kind of chemicals that heal and then out in a large block shape, such as a large cake. The greatest advantage of this material is to give a gentle feeling while being natural, making it possible to recover after a person is in the furniture factory.
The hardness of the materials used and the amount of air bubbles generated during the treatment process refers to both the general feeling and the resulting foam density. The more material and the lower the air in the foam, the greater the density. As a result, the reverse is true. In general, the density is much higher, the foam is more expensive and the better.
In Saxon in Saxon, you can make sure that we only use the best foam quality with our tools. This is a place where some firms are shooting to save costs, but when cheaper materials are used, you're left with a cleaner sofa performance.
Polyester is a fine filament made of oil based chemicals, both of which are very good and adaptable to the properties. Even though filaments have no natural resistance or tenderness, when a large number is combined as a filler, they are given property by air trapped between the fibers.
In contrast to queen sofa beds, polyester fibers will not automatically resume their former shape when the pressure has been applied and they have to fly regularly to replace the air. Even though they have been feeling under the air trapped between their filaments or fibers, it is easier to squeeze when air is revealed.
To see
Such as padding of polyester fiber for spring ensures a more soft and less resistant than the feeling of foam. Similarly, they also need regular plumping because feathers make it difficult to stop. This ensures that the cushions ensure that they have a lumpy look that has no shape that can make your sofa look slight.
Fill fillings are often used with other fillings in a hybrid cushion. Popular combinations include foam foam padding with a layer of springs to provide firm but soft-touch and spring fibers and polyester, which can be mixed to reduce Klum ping and to increase the comfort of vederbekledd.
When designing a high-quality sofa design, the furniture designer should consider what fillings and curtains are available because the correct or inconsistent combination of two may affect the overall comfort of the part.
Under the basic conditions, more resistant to filling, less movement or tendency is required within the suspension. In other words, if you put a cushion on a soft suspension with multiple movements, it would be exciting.
The same can be said using a less resistant material, such as a polyester fiber or a cushioned cushion. In this case, the suspension should be a more soft and more resilient type to ensure the defect of the filler material. Otherwise, the seat is too hollow.
By saving the right balance, you will be comfortable with the right support and durability - one of the qualities of a quality court.
When all the essential aspects of an interior of a quality sofa are fitted, it's time to consider the material on which it is upholstered. This is another important part of assembling a first-class piece of furniture, because what you choose for upholstery also has the effect on the comfort, feel and appearance of the court.
A quality bench uses top quality materials to create a tool that you are feeling proud to call yourself. Pay attention to mass products that are often coated with materials that are less and sensitive to rapid expulsion, leading to early signs of aging and fading. This type of upholstery can also get rid of the 'new bank fever' as quickly as it refuses, leaving you something you did not enjoy sitting down.
There are many types of materials that make large sides for benches, including a wide range of leather and fabrics. Each kind of upholstery has its own perspective as well as practical advantages and disadvantages, so it is important that you make a choice that suits your decor and living environment. When it's time to make a decision, it is worth taking a look at our Leather Bank Guide and Coaches' Office that will help you make an informed decision.
A solid frame made of quality hardwood
Covered and copied glues, with threaded blocks in important areas.
Premium foam, pen or polyester pillow pad supporting and comfortable. It can also be a
combination of two or three of these fillers.
Chilled spring units, springs or elastic straps provide the right level of strength for maximum comfort.
High quality upholstery material that looks luxurious and feels.
0 notes
United Nations and the Environment Essay
Essay Topic:\n\nThe utilisation of UNEP in the orbs monitoring of piss, send and region contaminant.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nHow does the unite Nations formation ascertain the environmental international let come out of the closets?\n\nWhat be the UNs study environmental issues and activities?\n\nHow ar pee supply, air and work contaminant go alonged with the divine service of the UNEP?\n\nThesis Statement:\n\n milieu has suffered from many detrimental influences that take a appearance to be halt or be pr up to nowted in coiffe to be veritable that forthcoming generations will be up to(p) to survive. UNEP is the political program that does a dower for the orbiter in full general and environment in busy.\n\n \n join Nations and the Environment Essay\n\n instrument panel of contents:\n\n1. macrocosm\n\n2. major(ip) environmental issues and UNs activities:\n\na. climate depart\n\nb. Water\n\nc. halo pollution\n\nd. Land engage\n\ne. Waste\n\n3. Co nclusion\n\nIntroduction: Such a spacious structure as the join Nations Organization includes several foot soldier organs, which deal with unlike instances of issues. The environmental crisis has rifle a offsetly issues immediately the UN did non desert it un noniced and has addressed approximately of the major con transient environmental issues. It drawd a circumscribed program c onlyed the United Nations environmental broadcast (UNEP). UNEP proclaims environment for development and is aimed to publish the beat that nature has addicted Earth. Ein truth person on the major artificial satellite has already matte at least nearly(prenominal) minimal influences ca habituated by unremitting deterioration of the environment. The pollution of piddle, taint and air by various many chemicals has bring forthd a loath just about effect on the major orbiters environment. Most of the spate live to a lower place a constant threat of a cataclysm. Recent Katrina and R ita unconstipatedts in the United States atomic look 18 the high hat proof. environmental pollution causes a walloping number of awful diseases. until now a special kickoff of vivid law Environmental Law has been bring aboutd in station to pr military issue environmental violence. urbanisation has ca employ the destruction of valuable forests. mavin of the brightest examples is the situation in the peaceable North-West. Environment has suffered from many negative influences that requisite to be stopped or be prevented in position to be sure that future generations will be able to survive. UNEP is the program that does a split for the planet in general and environment in particular. It took deem everyplace the major environmental issues much(prenominal) as: irrigate, air pollution, climate change, seemly solid ground use and abandon that create so often environmental troubles.\n\n \n\n2. Major environmental issues and UNs activities:\n\n2.a. Climate change. The change of climate of the planets run up leads to the enigma of glasshouse grease-gunes which account for around 98% of the environmental pressure preeminent to climate change[1]. They be: nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The action of these gases leas to the Global Warming Effect, as all three of them are able to trap disturb in the standard pressure. The danger lies in the Earths ascension temperature, which makes the glaciers melt. only the nil that turns come out of the closet to macrocosm the atmosphere finds a mode out finished natural cataclysms much(prenominal) as storms and others. The UNEPs wallop in the situation is great as it creates summits where countries give commitments to reduce runs of nursery gases. UN membership makes them to be more responsible to their commitments. UNs principal(a) ploughshare into solving this chore was the symmetricalness signed in Kyoto in December 1997 which started to side since Febru ary 2005. The agreement states that UN countries shall individually or jointly reduce their essence emissions of a basket of half dozen greenhouse gases to 5% downstairs 1990 levels by the period 2008-2012[1]. The best solution for this problem should be non-carbon energy, which is very expensive to stack away exclusively safe in use. It goes without saying that it is very catchy for the countries to change their energy semens, but is should be done for the interest of the planet and future generations. flock ingest to reduce their energy spends and be committed to sustainable consumption.\n\n2.b. Water. Water is the source of brio for every single world on the planet. Therefore its role dictates the level of the well being for these beings. Water is used for much every sphere of clement life. Water pollution has become the problem that of necessity rapid solutions. Lack of urine supply causes handout of the harvest and even finis of people from diametrical dise ases transmissible through water such as cholera. At the birth spot, 460 million people live in territories with a water flaw [2]. The situation needs to change.The prodigalitys, which are thrown into water, produce uneducable harm. The prognosis states that water obtained from aquifers is beneath threat repayable to the particular they washstand possibly clangoring from such an intense use. begrime water produces food undesirable for eating and various diseases that create an unhealthy generation. This puts public water supply under danger, too. UNEP actively participates in finding a solution for the water issue. one(a) of the brightest examples is the Water for the Future project, which includes accommodating work of UN countries over the proper(ip) water use. At the moment UNEP is trying to gather the selective information evaluating the water assessment on the planet in order to find the best way out of the water scarcity issue. It has already analyzed the semiperm anent water resources, the public water supply and the problem of squanderwater. The best option offered it special water treatment and strict check over the water « stop». It is to a fault possible to keep water clean with the benefactor of special filters.\n\n2.c. Air pollution. star of the main issues of air pollution is kindle fire. The exhaust brings a portion out of chemicals to the air. These chemicals literally start dominating and it peculiarly concerns SO2 emissions. The fuel combustion happens due to different office of comport and numerous enterprises requiring energy. Fuel combustion influences water and dominion, leaving a distasteful impact on the character of oxygen and verdant products. bucolic products are produced by plants and so use oxygen for growth. As it has been mentioned the approximately self-destructive atom of fuel combustion is sulphur. And all the attempts to reduce the air pollution are concentrated in the possibility to reduce th e emission of sulphur during fuel combustion and NOx produced when petroleum burn [3]. Once again UNEPs priority is the creation of special filters and using another type of fuel. Which puts the countries in an economically unbeneficial position one more cartridge clip. UNs summits are concentrated on gathering statistics concerning this problem in order to evaluate just the danger and the location of unproblematic sources of air pollution. This type of pollution strongly influences human health. The industrial activity of the countries is almost unstoppable. This is whitethorn be why UNEP has not achieved serious agreements on this term. The need to change the industrial policy frightens the countries. One contemporary way out has been offered limiting the keep down of cars per person/family and entering cps weekends. Nowadays a dower of laboratories under UNEPs pleader work on creating natural equivalents to chemical joins.\n\n2.d. Land use. decent land use means that pro tected areas of land and water will remain untouched and save from the human factor. This oddly concerns inland waters. It is no surprise that a circuit of forests are nowadays cut from the surface of the planet [4]. Forests are the source of possible salvation for the planets atmosphere. Forests remove the gas emissions of fuel combustions. They decontaminate the atmosphere from the pollution. Land use also implies the correct use of agricultural territories and the division between temporary crops and permanent pastures . Land use is in particular important in terms of the ability to erect food for the population. UNEP has shown concern almost the land issue and it was especially revealed in UNEPs dodging on Land engross Management and Soil conservation and UNEP broadcast on victory in Land degradation and Desertification along with GPA (Global Programme of Action). All this measures of collective control over the land use have already conduct to certain results. UNEP has make an impact in community mesh in the proper land use process. Farmers started to use few pesticides and nitrates, which penetrate soil, while suppuration agricultural products, which leave the soil fertile and the population healthy. UNEP kit and boodle on making the countries come across the further harm and even danger of incorrect land usage. The 2005 September summit has raised(a) the land use issue and the discussion resulted in the agreement of further cooperation.\n\n2.e. Waste.UNEP gives special circumspection to the problem of commercial and industrial waste, which has the worst impact on the enviroment development. Waste cause water and soil pollution because even if the waste is stored it may heretofore a runout to the external enviroment. When a lot of waste is unplowed together and especially for a long period of time contamination may guide as often some kind of soil contagious disease appears. The process of decomposition of the waste is also very da ngerous for the health of people due to the existance of different harmful gases. match to the UNEP statistics division waste can also cause masterless fires. One of the best solutions is an over-organized recycle system, which is to include all types of materials not only paper or plastic. UNEP has proclaimed the start of a sustainable consumption caller that will start the impudently era of waste reduction, especially when it goes about municipal waste. The 1898 Basel normal came to the conclusion to remove waste from environmental UN countries to the third-world countries. This decision nowadays seems to be unethical as each country has a right to live in clean enviroment and equivocal wastes influence the planet no payoff where they are. One of the best solutions offered by UNEP was the prohibition to found an industrial company that is unable to stretch forth the expenses connected with the waste-issue and the limitation of the number of companies producing wastes and e specially those that need to transport waste.\n\nConclusion: The contemporary enviroment is very weak and need armed service promptly. One of the keys to solve this problem is to act together. The United Nations Organizations in general and the United Nations Environmental Programme in particular have contributed a lot to the enviroment improvement process. The problem of environmental pollution and the necessity to create new ways out of harsh environmental crisis the planet is in have united many countries under UNEP. UNEP has performed such projects as the CARICOM project, the ESCWA project and the ECOWAS project. All of these projects present environmental entropy about different regions of different countries. The planets enviroment has suffered some serious changes and most of them are very dangerous. This is the reason UNEPs interference into the course of event is simply necessary. UN includes all the most powerful counties in the world and it is them who need to think ov er new ways of streak of further environmental pollution. The enviroment of the planet is its future and the future of the humanity. UNEP admit the example for the rest of the countries of what measures need to be taken in order to reduce the hazardous wastes and keep the planets water suitable for beverage and soil for maturation crops. UNEP has made a great contribution and owing to its summits a lot of positive environmental projects were held. Un addresses a lot of environmental issues, but lifelessness there still exist a lot of problems to work on in order to preserve the planet for future population.\n\n \n\nSpecially set(p) in the areas of southeastwardern Africa, Federal Africa, the Middle East and South Western Asia\n\nLand under permanent pastures refers to land used permanently (five years or more) for herbaceous forage crops, both cultivated or growing wild (wild prairie or eat land)[United Nations Statistics Division].\n\n1989 Basel Convention on the obligate of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their DisposalIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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oovitus · 6 years
Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control).
You know the feeling: One salty crunch turns into 100, and suddenly you’re licking the cheese dust and wondering: What’s wrong with me? 
Actually, it’s normal to feel like you can’t stop overeating certain things. Today’s hyperpalatable food is creating a modern-day food crisis — one that’s leaving us feeling sick, out of control, and constantly craving more.
Here’s how it works, plus 3 ways to overcome it.
It’s happened to us all.
After a frenzy of lustful grabbing and furious crunching, we find ourselves at the bottom of a jumbo bag of chips.
“How did that happen?” we ask fuzzily.
“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stop?”
But, before going into full-fledged self-loathing mode, consider this.
Processed foods are scientifically engineered to be irresistible and easy to gobble up in large quantities. If you can’t stop, the chips are doing their job.
(In fact, someone at Frito-Lay probably got a promotion for that recipe.)
That’s why, in this article, we’ll explain exactly how junk food is designed to make us respond with compulsive, manic, gotta-have-more snack sessions.
Even better, we’ll arm you with three useful strategies for examining your relationship with processed food and taking control of overeating.
Because, if you feel out of control around certain foods, you’re not crazy.
Even healthy eaters feel out of control around food sometimes. Even if we value nutrition and want to take care of ourselves, some foods can make us feel… kinda possessed.
Know what I mean?
You show up to a potluck with quinoa salad goals and find yourself inhaling a plate of chips, cookies, and some chocolate-peanut-butter-marshmallow thing that some devil, um friend, made.
You reach into the freezer to have one spoonful of ice cream and suddenly you’re mining the caramel swirl, then the nut clusters, then the brownie chunks, and then… your spoon scrapes the bottom.
You just want a bite of your friend’s french fry, but you find yourself elbowing her out of the way so you can steal all the fries, plus the burger too.
Even with the best intentions, the pull of certain foods is so strong that it can leave us feeling powerless.
If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone (and you’re not broken).
Certain foods are actually designed to make us overeat.
If you’re overeating, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you or your willpower.
Here’s the truth: There’s a whole industry dedicated to creating food that’s hyperpalatable — food that’s so tasty it’s nearly irresistible.
Your body and brain are responding exactly as they’re supposed to. It’s supposed to feel almost unnatural to stop eating these foods!
But we’re not talking about food like celery sticks, whole brown rice, or baked salmon filets.
(How often do you hear yourself say, “I ate sooo much steamed asparagus! I just couldn’t stop myself!” That’s right. You’ve never heard yourself say that.)
We’re talking about processed foods.
Processed foods are foods that have been modified from their original, whole-food form in order to change their flavor, texture, or shelf-life. Often, they’re altered so that they hit as many pleasure centers as possible — from our brains to our mouths to our bellies.
Processed foods are highly cravable, immediately gratifying, fun to eat, and easy to over-consume quickly (and often cheaply).
Processed foods will also look and feel different from their whole food counterparts, depending on the degree that they’re processed.
Let’s take corn as an example.
Boiled and eaten off the cob it’s pale yellow, kinda fibrous, but chewy and delicious.
Corn that’s a bit processed — ground into a meal and shaped into a flat disk — turns into a soft corn tortilla. A tortilla has a nice corny flavor and a soft, pliable texture that makes it easy to eat and digest.
But what if you ultra-process that corn? You remove all the fiber, isolate the starch, and then use that starch to make little ring-shaped chips, which are fried and dusted with sweet and salty barbecue powder. They’re freaking delicious.
That corn on the cob is yummy. But those corn-derived ring chips? They’re… well they’re gone because someone ate them all.
Let’s take an even deeper look
The food industry has a variety of processing methods and ingredient additives they use to make food extra tasty and easy to consume…. and over-consume.
Here are a few examples:
Grains are processed into a slurry and pass through a machine called an extruder. With the help of high heat and pressure, whole, raw grains get transformed into airy, crispy, easy-to-digest shapes like cereals, crackers, and other crunchy foods with uniform shapes.
In addition to changing texture and digestibility, the extrusion process also destroys certain nutrients and enzymes, denatures proteins, and changes the starch composition of a grain. This lowers the nutrition and increases the glycemic index of the product.
Used to improve the “mouth feel” of a product, emulsifiers smooth out and thicken texture, creating a rich, luxurious feel. Although there are natural emulsifiers, like egg yolk, the food industry often uses chemical emulsifiers like Polysorbate-80, sodium phosphate, and carboxymethylcellulose.
Emulsifiers are often found in creamy treats like ice cream products and processed dairy foods like flavored yogurts or neon orange cheese spreads.
Flavor enhancers
Flavor additives like artificial flavoring agents or monosodium glutamate (MSG) allow food manufacturers to amplify taste without adding whole-food ingredients like fruits, vegetables, or spices. This is useful because artificial flavoring agents are cheap and won’t change a product’s texture.
Coloring agents
Color strongly affects how appealing we perceive a food to be. No one wants to eat gray crackers; add a toasty golden hue and suddenly that cracker is a lot more appealing. Coloring agents, like Yellow #5 (tartrazine) and Red #40 (allura red),  are added purely for the look of food — they don’t add nutrition.
Recently, many large food corporations have been switching to natural foods dyes, like beet powder or turmeric, to color their food products after some correlations emerged linking artificial coloring agents to behavioral problems in children.
Oil hydrogenation
Natural fats eventually go rancid, changing their flavor and texture. In order to render fats more stable, hydrogen atoms are added to fats (usually vegetable oils) so they are less vulnerable to oxidation.
Food manufacturers use hydrogenated oils because it means their products can stay on the shelves for longer without changing flavor or texture. However, the consumption of hydrogenated fats, or trans fats, has been linked to increased rates of heart disease.
How processed foods trick us into eating more than we meant to.
There are four sneaky ways processed food can make you overeat. Often, we’re not even aware of how much these factors affect us.
That’s why, awareness = power.
1. Marketing convinces us that processed foods are “healthy”.
Processed foods come in packages with bright colors, cartoon characters, celebrity endorsements, and powerful words that triggers all kinds of positive associations.
Take, for example, “health halo” foods.
“Health halo” foods are processed foods that contain health buzzwords like organic, vegan, and gluten-free on their label to create an illusion, or halo, of health around them.
Companies come out with organic versions of their boxed macaroni and cheese, gluten-free versions of their glazed pastries, and vegan versions of their icing-filled cookies.
You’ll see chips “prepared with avocado oil,” sugary cereal “made with flaxseeds,” or creamy chip dip with “real spinach.”
The nutrient content of those foods isn’t particularly impressive, but the addition of nutrition buzzwords and trendy ingredients make us perceive them as healthier.
Marketers also choose words that relate more broadly to self-care.
Ever notice how many processed food slogans sound like this?
“Have a break.”
“Take some time for yourself.”
“You deserve it.”
Words like “break” and “deserve” distract us from our physical sensations and tap into our feelings — a place where we just want to be understood, supported, soothed, and perhaps just escape for a moment.
Health buzzwords and emotional appeals can make us perceive a food as “good for me”; it seems like a wise and caring choice to put them in our shopping carts, then in our mouths.
And if a food is “healthy” or “we deserve it,” we don’t feel so bad eating as much as we want.
2. Big portions make us think we’re getting a “good deal”.
People get mixed up about food and value.
We’re taught to save money and not waste food.
We’re taught to buy more for less.
Given the choice between a small juice for two dollars, and a pop with endless refills for the same price, the pop seems like better value.
What we don’t calculate into this equation is something I like to call the “health tax.”
The “health tax” is the toll you pay for eating low-nutrient, highly processed foods. If you eat them consistently over time, eventually you’ll pay the price with your health.
When companies use cheap, poor quality ingredients, they can sell bigger quantities without raising the price.
But what’s the deal?
Sure, you’ll save a buck in the short term, but you’ll pay the health tax — through poor health — in the long term.
3. Variety makes us hungrier.
Choice excites us.
Think of a self-serve frozen yogurt topping bar:
“Ooh! Sprinkles! And beer nuts! Oh, and they have those mini peanut butter cups! And granola clusters! Wait, are those crushed cookies?? And cheesecake chunks??! YES! Now on to the drizzles…”
Before you know it, there‘s a leaning tower of frozen dessert in front of you.
Or think of those “party mixes” — pretzels and corn chips and cheesy puffs and barbeque rings — all in one bag! The fun never ends because there’s a variety of flavors and textures to amuse you forever!
When we have lots of variety, we have lots of appetite.
It’s hard to overeat tons of one thing, with one flavor, like apples.
How many apples can you eat before, frankly, you get bored?
Reduce the variety and you also reduce distraction from your body’s built-in self-regulating signals. When we’re not so giddy with choice and stimuli, we’re more likely to slow down, eat mindfully, and eat less.
4. Multiple flavors at once are irresistible.
If there’s a party in your mouth, you can guarantee that at least two out of three of the following guests will be there:
These three flavors — the sweetness of sugar, the luxurious mouthfeel of fat, and the sharp savory of salt — are favorites among those of us with mouths.
I never hear my clients say that they love eating spoonfuls of sugar or salt, or that they want to chug a bottle of oil.
However, when you combine these flavors, they become ultra delicious and hard-to-resist. This is called stimuli stacking — combining two or more flavors to create a hyperpalatable food.
For example:
The satisfying combination of fat and salt, found in chips, fries, nachos, cheesy things, etc.
The comforting combination of fat and sugar, found in baked goods, fudge, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, etc.
The irresistible combination of all three — heaven forbid you stumble on a combo of fat, salt, and sugar — a salted chocolate brownie, or caramel corn with candied nuts, or fries with ketchup!
Food manufacturers know: When it comes to encouraging people to overeat, two flavors are better than one.
In fact, when I spoke to an industry insider, a food scientist at a prominent processed food manufacturer, she revealed the specific “stimuli stacking” formula that the food industry uses to create hyperpalatable food.
They call it “The Big 5.”
Foods that fulfill “The Big 5” are:
Calorie dense, usually high in sugar and/or fat.
Intensely flavored — the food must deliver strong flavor hits.
Immediately delicious, with a love-at-first taste experience.
Easy to eat — no effortful chewing needed!
“Melted” down easily — the food almost dissolves in your mouth, thus easy to eat quickly and overconsume.
When these five factors exist in one food, you get a product that’s practically irresistible.
In fact, foods developed by this company have to hit the big 5, or they’re not allowed to go to market.
When processed food manufacturers evaluate a prospective food product, the “irresistibility” (the extent to which a person can’t stop eating a food) is more important even than taste!
Just think about the ease of eating whole foods versus processed foods:
Whole foods require about 25 chews per mouthful, which means that you have to slow down. When you slow down, your satiety signals keep pace with your eating and have a chance to tell you when you’ve had enough. Which is probably why you’ve never overeaten Brussel sprouts (also because, farting).
Processed food manufacturers, on the other hand, aim for food products to be broken down in 10 chews or less per mouthful. That means the intense, flavorful, crazy-delicious experience is over quickly, and you’re left wanting more — ASAP.
Restaurants use these “ease of eating” tactics, too.
A major national chain uses this sci-fi-esque trick:
To make their signature chicken dish, each chicken breast is injected with a highly flavored sauce through hundreds of tiny needles. This results in a jacked-up chicken breast with intense flavor hits, but also tenderizes the chicken so it requires less chewing.
In other words, there’s a reason that restaurant chicken often goes down easier and just tastes better than the simple grilled chicken breast you make in your kitchen. Unless you have hundreds of tiny sauce-needles (weird), that chicken is hard to recreate at home.
This is why I rarely talk about willpower when my clients come to me struggling with overeating. If you’re relying on willpower to resist these foods, you’re fighting an uphill battle.
The solution isn’t more willpower. The solution is educating yourself about these foods, examining your own relationship with food, and employing strategies that put you in control.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Our love of certain flavors has very primitive roots.
So does our desire to load up on calories.
Once upon a time, food was not so abundant. Not only was food challenging to obtain — through effortful scavenging and hunting — but it was also not reliably safe.
That leaf over there? Yeah, that could be poison.
Those berries? They might give you the runs or make your throat close up.
Therefore, our ancient ancestors evolved some survival instincts along the way.
For example, sweet foods tend not to be poisonous. Therefore, we stored a preference for sweet, starchy foods in our brains to keep us safe.
Babies and children are particularly attracted to sweet foods, probably because their immature immune systems are less likely to recover from eating a poisonous plant, and their immature brains can’t tell the difference between dangerous bitter green (like hemlock) and safe bitter green (like kale).
Therefore, kids’ attraction to sweet (read: safe) foods is a built-in mechanism to prevent death by poisoning.
Fat is also a preferred nutrient, as it’s high-calorie and would be a jackpot for our often-threatened-by-starvation ancestors.
While most foods our ancestors ate would have been fibrous and low-calorie (roots, greens, lean meats), fat would have been a highly prized treat.
Imagine, as a primitive hunter-gatherer, stumbling on a macadamia nut tree. The yield from that tree might provide enough calories to feed your tribe for days!
As a result, we stored another preference in our brains: fatty, calorie-dense foods = yum / stock up!
Today, of course, we don’t have to run and dig and hike for nine hours to get our food. Instead, we can just roll up to the drive-thru window and order a combination of flavors we’re primed to love — maybe in the form of a milkshake and a cheeseburger — and enjoy it while sitting in our car.
Evolution’s gifts now work against us.
So, now you see why processed foods are so hard to control yourself around.
But what can actually you do about it?
Up next, some practical strategies to put you (or your clients) in the driver’s seat.
3 strategies to find your way back to a peaceful relationship with food.
It’s one thing to know in theory why certain foods are so easy to over-consume, but it’s even more valuable to discover for yourself how food processing, certain ingredient combinations, marketing, and even easy accessibility affect you and your food choices.
So, it’s time to get a little nerdy, try some experiments, and learn some strategies that will help you improve your relationship with food, get healthier, and just feel more sane.
1. Get curious about the foods you eat.
We’ve established that processed foods are designed to be easy to eat.
For a food to be “easy to eat”, it has to be:
broken down easily (less chewing), and
low volume (doesn’t take up much physical space).
Less chewing + Low volume = More eating
Chewing takes time. The more we have to chew something, the longer it takes us to eat, giving our fullness signals a chance to catch up.
That feeling of “fullness” matters a lot too.
When you eat, your stomach expands. It’s partly through that sensation of pressure that your body knows you’ve had enough. Processed foods deliver a lot of calories without taking up much space, meaning you can eat a lot before you realize you’ve overdone it.
Experiment #1: Observe as you chew.
Yup, that’s right. I want you to count your chews.
Note: Don’t do this forever. I’m not trying to turn you into the weirdo who no one wants to sit next to at the lunch table.  Just try it as an experiment to get some data about how you eat different foods.
First, eat a whole food — a vegetable, fruit, whole grain, lean protein, whatever — and count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat an entire portion of that food? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Then, next time you eat something processed, count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat that serving of pasta, chips, or cookies? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Make some comparisons and notice the differences. Contrast how long eating each of these foods takes you, how satiated you feel after eating each of them, and how much you want to keep eating.
How will you use that information to make food choices moving forward?
2. Notice the messages you’re getting about food.
Food manufacturers use creative marketing strategies to imply processed foods are healthy. And even if you know they’re not, they have other ways of getting you to buy them.
Here’s an example:
Ever notice that the produce section is the first area you pass through in grocery stores?
Grocery stores have found that if they put the produce section first, you’re more likely to purchase processed foods. This is probably because if you’ve already got your cart loaded with spinach, broccoli, and apples, perhaps you’ll feel better about picking up some ice cream, cookies, and crackers, before heading to the checkout line.
Let that sink in: The supermarkets we all shop in several times a month are designed to make you feel better about buying foods that could negatively impact your health goals.
The good news? Simply being aware of this trick can help you bypass it.
Experiment #2: Evaluate your pantry.
In this experiment, you’ll examine the foods you have in your home and the messages you’ve been given about them.
Note: Keep in mind that this is a mindful awareness activity. You’re not doing this to judge yourself or feel shame about the food choices you’ve made.
Look at your pantry with curious (and more informed) eyes.
Step 1: Look for “health halo” foods. Do you have any? If so, why did you choose them? Was it the language used to describe it? Was it the packaging? A trendy “superfood” ingredient? Is it organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, Paleo, or something else?
Step 2: Read the nutritional information. Once you’ve identified the “health halo” foods, take a closer look. Is your “healthy” organic dark chocolate peanut butter cup all that nutritionally different from that mass-market peanut butter cup? Chances are, it’s just different packaging.
Step 3: Count how many varieties of junk foods you have. If you love ice cream — how many flavors do you have? If you peek into your cupboards, are there cookies, popcorn, candy, or chips? Without judgment, count the total junk food variety currently in your home. Generally, the more options you have, the easier it is to overeat.
The takeaway?
You’ll be more aware of the particular types of marketing you’re susceptible to, which you can use to make more informed food choices.
You’ll also have a better idea of which treat foods you prefer, and by reducing the variety of them in your home, you’ll cut down on opportunities to overeat.
3. Look for patterns.
We often use food for reasons other than physical nourishment.
For example, if we feel sad, we might reach for a cookie to comfort ourselves. Temporarily, we feel better.
The next time we feel sad, we remember the temporary relief that cookie brought us. So we repeat the ritual. If we continue to repeat this cycle, we may find our arm reaching for the cookie jar every time we feel blue. We’re not even thinking about it at this point; it’s just habit.
Habits are powerful, for better or for worse. They can work for us or against us.
Luckily, we have control over this.
All it takes is a little time and an understanding of how habits get formed.
All animals learn habits in the following way:
This leads us to our next experiment…
Experiment #3: Put the science of habits to work.
If you want to break the habit of overeating, you can use this trigger, behavior, and reward loop to your advantage. Here’s how.
Step 1: identify your triggers.
A trigger can be a:
Feeling. We might eat more when we’re stressed, lonely, or bored. Food fills the void.
Time of day. We always have a cookie at 11am, or a soda at 3pm. It’s just part of our routine.
Social setting. Hey, everyone else is having beer and chicken wings, so might as well join the happy hour!
Place. For some reason, a dark movie theater or our parents’ kitchen might make us want to munch.
Thought pattern. Thinking “I deserve this” or “Life is too hard to chew kale” might steer us toward the drive-thru window.
When you find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry, increase your awareness of your triggers by asking yourself:
What am I feeling?
What time is it?
Who am I with?
Where am I?
What thoughts am I having?
Keep a journal and look for patterns.
And remember: Overeating is generally problematic when it’s chronic — those pants are feeling pretty tight after most meals — or when episodes of overeating are particularly intense, like during a binge. So don’t get too worried with isolated episodes of overeating. To differentiate overeating from binge eating, keep in mind that binge eating feels disassociated, out of control, hard to stop, and usually comes with feelings of shame and guilt.
If, in observing your eating patterns, you discover that you may be dealing with compulsive bingeing behavior, then recruiting a doctor, therapist, or other qualified practitioner to help you navigate your feelings around food is likely the best course of action.
Step 2: Find a new behavior in response to your trigger(s).
Once you’ve identified your triggers, try associating new behaviors with them. These should support your health goals and feel good. If the new behaviors aren’t rewarding, they won’t be repeated, so they won’t be learned as habits.
In order to find the “right” new behavior, it’s helpful to know that when we eat, we’re trying to meet a “need.”
So when you brainstorm new behaviors, find something that meets that need — be it time in nature, some human connection, a physical release, or just a break from your thoughts.
For example, I had a client whose trigger was talking to her ex-husband. She felt angry when she interacted with him, and some furious crunching on chips temporarily made her feel better.
She eventually replaced the crunching with a punching bag session or by stomping up and down the stairs. Both activities were effective at relieving tension, but unlike the chips, they supported her goals.
Step 3: Practice.
Every time a trigger pops up that compels you to eat, replace eating with a healthy feel-good behavior.
Repeat this loop until the new behavior becomes a habit that’s just as automatic as reaching for the jar of peanut butter used to be.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Not all “feel-good” habits are created equal, in terms of their physiological effect on the stress response.
According to the American Psychological Association, the most effective stress relievers are:
exercising / playing sports,
listening to music,
praying / attending a religious service,
spending time with friends / family,
getting a massage,
walking outside,
yoga, and
engaging in a creative hobby.
The least effective stress relievers are: gambling, shopping, smoking, eating, drinking, playing video games, surfing the internet, and watching TV / movies for more than two hours.
Although we may use the second list as “stress-relievers” — because they feel so good in the short term — they don’t actually reduce stress effectively.
This is because these habits rely on dopamine to give us a “hit” of pleasure. Dopamine feels rewarding immediately, but because it’s an excitatory neurotransmitter, it actually stimulates adrenaline and initiates the stress response.
In contrast, the first list of habits boost neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, and oxytocin, which calm down the stress response and induce a feeling of wellbeing.
Although these activities aren’t initially as “exciting” as the second list, they’re ultimately more rewarding and more effective at relieving stress long-term.
It’s not just about the food
As a dietician, I know how important nutrition is. So it might surprise you to hear me say the following:
It’s not all about the food.
Structure your diet around colorful, nutrient-dense whole foods, but also remember that a healthy life is not about calorie math or obsessing over everything you put in your mouth.
A healthy life is about giving time and attention to our whole selves.
Eating happens in context.
Pay attention to your mindset, your relationships, your work, and your environment.
When we’re well-nourished in other areas of our life, we’re less likely to use food as a cure-all when we struggle.
So if there’s one more piece of nutrition advice I have, it’s this:
Be good to yourself.
Not just at the table, but in all areas of life.
What to do next
1. Be kind, curious, and honest.
When we fall short of our ideals, we think that beating ourselves up is the fastest way to improvement. But it’s not.
Criticism and crash dieting may work in the short term, but can damage our mental and physical health in the long term.
Because overeating is already a painful experience, as you consider how these behaviors show up in your life and how you might address them, please be:
Kind: Be friendly and self-compassionate; work with yourself instead of against yourself.
Curious: Explore your habits with openness and interest. Be like a scientist looking at data rather than a criminal investigator looking to blame and punish.
Honest: Look at your reality. How are you behaving day-to-day around food? The more accurate you are at perceiving yourself, the better you can support yourself to change.
With this attitude of support and non-judgment, you’re more likely to move forward.
2. Use the “traffic light” system.
Precision Nutrition has a great tool for creating awareness around food that I use all the time with my clients. It’s called the “traffic light” system.
You see, we all have red light foods, yellow light foods, and green light foods.
Red means stop.
Red foods are a “no-go.” Either because they don’t help you achieve your goals, you have trouble eating them in reasonable amounts, or they plain old make you feel gross.
Often, red light foods are processed foods like chips, candy, ice cream, and pastries. Red foods can also be foods that you’re allergic / intolerant to.
Yellow means proceed with caution.
Yellow light foods are sometimes OK, sometimes not. Maybe you can eat a little bit without feeling ill, or you can eat them sanely at a restaurant with others but not at home alone, or you can have them as an occasional treat.
Yellow light foods might include things like bread, crackers, pasta, flavored yogurt, granola bars, or seasoned nuts. They’re not the worst choices, but they’re not the most nutritious either.
Green means go.
Green foods are a “go.” You like eating them because they’re nutritious and make your body and mind feel good. You can eat them normally, slowly, and in reasonable amounts.
Green foods are usually whole foods like fruits and vegetables, lean animal proteins, beans and legumes, raw nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
Create your own red, yellow, and green light food lists.
Everyone’s list will be different! You might leave ice cream in the freezer untouched for months, whereas another person might need a restraining order from that rocky road caramel swirl.
Once you have your list, stock your kitchen with as many green light foods as possible. Choose the yellow foods you allow in your house wisely. And red foods are to be limited or eliminated entirely.
At the very least, consider reducing the variety of red light or treat foods.
Take some pressure off your willpower and surround yourself with foods that support your goals.
3. Put quality above quantity.
It’s tempting to buy that jumbo bag of chips because it’s such a good deal.
But remember: Real value isn’t about price or quantity so much as it is about quality.
Quality foods are nutrient-dense and minimally-processed. They are foods that you like, and make sense for your schedule and budget.  
Quality foods may take a little more preparation and be a little more expensive up-front, but in the long run, they’re the real deal, and have a lower “health tax” to pay later in life.
4. Focus on whole foods.
Whole foods will make it easier to regulate food intake and will also improve nutrition.
We can almost feel “high” when we eat processed foods. Whole foods, on the other hand, are more subtle in flavor and require a bit more effort to chew and digest. Instead of feeling high, whole foods just make us feel nourished and content.
Whole foods are generally more perishable than processed foods, so this will require some more planning and preparation. So schedule some extra time in the kitchen — even ten minutes a day counts!
In ten minutes, you can cut up some veggies, boil some eggs, cook some oatmeal, or marinate some chicken breasts to make the following day go smoother.
While this might sound like more work, it’s rewarding. A closer relationship with food often means more respect and care for it too.
5. Find feel-good habits that support your goals.
Make a list of activities that you feel good doing. You might find that you like certain activities better than others depending on your feelings, the time of day, or your environment.
When you feel triggered to eat when you’re not physically hungry, choose an activity from your list.
This could be some gentle physical activity, fresh air, social interaction, playing a game, or a self-care ritual like painting your nails or getting a scalp massage.
The point is simply to disrupt the cycle of trigger > eat > reward, and replace eating with an activity that supports your goals.
6. Slow down.
If nothing else works, and the idea of taking away treat foods totally freaks you out, just do this:
Slow down.
Allow yourself to eat whatever you want, just eat slowly and mindfully.
Slowing down allows us to savor our food, making us satisfied with less. It also lets physical sensations of fullness to catch up, so we know when we’ve had enough.
Bingeing can feel stressful and out of control — by slowing down, we help ourselves calm down and take back some of the control.
7. If you feel like you’re in over your head, ask for help.
Sometimes we need support.
If overeating is especially frequent or extreme, or if you have health problems related to overeating that you don’t know how to manage, seek the help of a coach, nutritionist, dietician, or counselor who specializes in disordered eating behaviors.
There’s no shame in receiving support. The best coaches and practitioners often have their own support team too.
Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?
Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.
That’s why we work closely with Precision Nutrition Coaching clients to help them lose fat, get stronger, and improve their health… no matter what challenges they’re dealing with.
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[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#references_link").click(function(){ jQuery("#references_holder").show(); jQuery("#references_link").parent().hide(); }); });
Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article.
Avena, N.M, Gold, M.S. (2011). Variety and hyperpalatability: are they promoting addictive overeating? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94(2), 367-368. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.020164.
Drewnowski, A., Shrager, E., Lipsky, C., Stellar, E., Greenwood, M.R. (1989). Sugar and fat: Sensory and hedonic evaluation of liquid and solid foods. Physiology & Behavior, 45 (1), 177-183. doi: 10.1016/0031-9384(89)90182-0.
Kessler, David A. Your food is fooling you: How your brain is hijacked by sugar, fat, and salt. Roaring Book Press, 2012.
Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC (2006). Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease. New England Journal of Medicine. 354 (15): 1601–1613. doi:10.1056/NEJMra054035.
Provencher, V., Polivy, J., Herman, C.P. (2009). Perceived healthiness of food. If it’s healthy, you can eat more! Appetite, 52(2), 340-344. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2008.11.005.
Rolls, B.J., Drewnowski, A., Ledikwe, J.H. (2005). Changing the energy density of the diet as a strategy for weight management. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 105(5S), 98-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2005.02.033.
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oovitus · 6 years
Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control).
You know the feeling: One salty crunch turns into 100, and suddenly you’re licking the cheese dust and wondering: What’s wrong with me? 
Actually, it’s normal to feel like you can’t stop overeating certain things. Today’s hyperpalatable food is creating a modern-day food crisis — one that’s leaving us feeling sick, out of control, and constantly craving more.
Here’s how it works, plus 3 ways to overcome it.
It’s happened to us all.
After a frenzy of lustful grabbing and furious crunching, we find ourselves at the bottom of a jumbo bag of chips.
“How did that happen?” we ask fuzzily.
“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stop?”
But, before going into full-fledged self-loathing mode, consider this.
Processed foods are scientifically engineered to be irresistible and easy to gobble up in large quantities. If you can’t stop, the chips are doing their job.
(In fact, someone at Frito-Lay probably got a promotion for that recipe.)
That’s why, in this article, we’ll explain exactly how junk food is designed to make us respond with compulsive, manic, gotta-have-more snack sessions.
Even better, we’ll arm you with three useful strategies for examining your relationship with processed food and taking control of overeating.
Because, if you feel out of control around certain foods, you’re not crazy.
Even healthy eaters feel out of control around food sometimes. Even if we value nutrition and want to take care of ourselves, some foods can make us feel… kinda possessed.
Know what I mean?
You show up to a potluck with quinoa salad goals and find yourself inhaling a plate of chips, cookies, and some chocolate-peanut-butter-marshmallow thing that some devil, um friend, made.
You reach into the freezer to have one spoonful of ice cream and suddenly you’re mining the caramel swirl, then the nut clusters, then the brownie chunks, and then… your spoon scrapes the bottom.
You just want a bite of your friend’s french fry, but you find yourself elbowing her out of the way so you can steal all the fries, plus the burger too.
Even with the best intentions, the pull of certain foods is so strong that it can leave us feeling powerless.
If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone (and you’re not broken).
Certain foods are actually designed to make us overeat.
If you’re overeating, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you or your willpower.
Here’s the truth: There’s a whole industry dedicated to creating food that’s hyperpalatable — food that’s so tasty it’s nearly irresistible.
Your body and brain are responding exactly as they’re supposed to. It’s supposed to feel almost unnatural to stop eating these foods!
But we’re not talking about food like celery sticks, whole brown rice, or baked salmon filets.
(How often do you hear yourself say, “I ate sooo much steamed asparagus! I just couldn’t stop myself!” That’s right. You’ve never heard yourself say that.)
We’re talking about processed foods.
Processed foods are foods that have been modified from their original, whole-food form in order to change their flavor, texture, or shelf-life. Often, they’re altered so that they hit as many pleasure centers as possible — from our brains to our mouths to our bellies.
Processed foods are highly cravable, immediately gratifying, fun to eat, and easy to over-consume quickly (and often cheaply).
Processed foods will also look and feel different from their whole food counterparts, depending on the degree that they’re processed.
Let’s take corn as an example.
Boiled and eaten off the cob it’s pale yellow, kinda fibrous, but chewy and delicious.
Corn that’s a bit processed — ground into a meal and shaped into a flat disk — turns into a soft corn tortilla. A tortilla has a nice corny flavor and a soft, pliable texture that makes it easy to eat and digest.
But what if you ultra-process that corn? You remove all the fiber, isolate the starch, and then use that starch to make little ring-shaped chips, which are fried and dusted with sweet and salty barbecue powder. They’re freaking delicious.
That corn on the cob is yummy. But those corn-derived ring chips? They’re… well they’re gone because someone ate them all.
Let’s take an even deeper look
The food industry has a variety of processing methods and ingredient additives they use to make food extra tasty and easy to consume…. and over-consume.
Here are a few examples:
Grains are processed into a slurry and pass through a machine called an extruder. With the help of high heat and pressure, whole, raw grains get transformed into airy, crispy, easy-to-digest shapes like cereals, crackers, and other crunchy foods with uniform shapes.
In addition to changing texture and digestibility, the extrusion process also destroys certain nutrients and enzymes, denatures proteins, and changes the starch composition of a grain. This lowers the nutrition and increases the glycemic index of the product.
Used to improve the “mouth feel” of a product, emulsifiers smooth out and thicken texture, creating a rich, luxurious feel. Although there are natural emulsifiers, like egg yolk, the food industry often uses chemical emulsifiers like Polysorbate-80, sodium phosphate, and carboxymethylcellulose.
Emulsifiers are often found in creamy treats like ice cream products and processed dairy foods like flavored yogurts or neon orange cheese spreads.
Flavor enhancers
Flavor additives like artificial flavoring agents or monosodium glutamate (MSG) allow food manufacturers to amplify taste without adding whole-food ingredients like fruits, vegetables, or spices. This is useful because artificial flavoring agents are cheap and won’t change a product’s texture.
Coloring agents
Color strongly affects how appealing we perceive a food to be. No one wants to eat gray crackers; add a toasty golden hue and suddenly that cracker is a lot more appealing. Coloring agents, like Yellow #5 (tartrazine) and Red #40 (allura red),  are added purely for the look of food — they don’t add nutrition.
Recently, many large food corporations have been switching to natural foods dyes, like beet powder or turmeric, to color their food products after some correlations emerged linking artificial coloring agents to behavioral problems in children.
Oil hydrogenation
Natural fats eventually go rancid, changing their flavor and texture. In order to render fats more stable, hydrogen atoms are added to fats (usually vegetable oils) so they are less vulnerable to oxidation.
Food manufacturers use hydrogenated oils because it means their products can stay on the shelves for longer without changing flavor or texture. However, the consumption of hydrogenated fats, or trans fats, has been linked to increased rates of heart disease.
How processed foods trick us into eating more than we meant to.
There are four sneaky ways processed food can make you overeat. Often, we’re not even aware of how much these factors affect us.
That’s why, awareness = power.
1. Marketing convinces us that processed foods are “healthy”.
Processed foods come in packages with bright colors, cartoon characters, celebrity endorsements, and powerful words that triggers all kinds of positive associations.
Take, for example, “health halo” foods.
“Health halo” foods are processed foods that contain health buzzwords like organic, vegan, and gluten-free on their label to create an illusion, or halo, of health around them.
Companies come out with organic versions of their boxed macaroni and cheese, gluten-free versions of their glazed pastries, and vegan versions of their icing-filled cookies.
You’ll see chips “prepared with avocado oil,” sugary cereal “made with flaxseeds,” or creamy chip dip with “real spinach.”
The nutrient content of those foods isn’t particularly impressive, but the addition of nutrition buzzwords and trendy ingredients make us perceive them as healthier.
Marketers also choose words that relate more broadly to self-care.
Ever notice how many processed food slogans sound like this?
“Have a break.”
“Take some time for yourself.”
“You deserve it.”
Words like “break” and “deserve” distract us from our physical sensations and tap into our feelings — a place where we just want to be understood, supported, soothed, and perhaps just escape for a moment.
Health buzzwords and emotional appeals can make us perceive a food as “good for me”; it seems like a wise and caring choice to put them in our shopping carts, then in our mouths.
And if a food is “healthy” or “we deserve it,” we don’t feel so bad eating as much as we want.
2. Big portions make us think we’re getting a “good deal”.
People get mixed up about food and value.
We’re taught to save money and not waste food.
We’re taught to buy more for less.
Given the choice between a small juice for two dollars, and a pop with endless refills for the same price, the pop seems like better value.
What we don’t calculate into this equation is something I like to call the “health tax.”
The “health tax” is the toll you pay for eating low-nutrient, highly processed foods. If you eat them consistently over time, eventually you’ll pay the price with your health.
When companies use cheap, poor quality ingredients, they can sell bigger quantities without raising the price.
But what’s the deal?
Sure, you’ll save a buck in the short term, but you’ll pay the health tax — through poor health — in the long term.
3. Variety makes us hungrier.
Choice excites us.
Think of a self-serve frozen yogurt topping bar:
“Ooh! Sprinkles! And beer nuts! Oh, and they have those mini peanut butter cups! And granola clusters! Wait, are those crushed cookies?? And cheesecake chunks??! YES! Now on to the drizzles…”
Before you know it, there‘s a leaning tower of frozen dessert in front of you.
Or think of those “party mixes” — pretzels and corn chips and cheesy puffs and barbeque rings — all in one bag! The fun never ends because there’s a variety of flavors and textures to amuse you forever!
When we have lots of variety, we have lots of appetite.
It’s hard to overeat tons of one thing, with one flavor, like apples.
How many apples can you eat before, frankly, you get bored?
Reduce the variety and you also reduce distraction from your body’s built-in self-regulating signals. When we’re not so giddy with choice and stimuli, we’re more likely to slow down, eat mindfully, and eat less.
4. Multiple flavors at once are irresistible.
If there’s a party in your mouth, you can guarantee that at least two out of three of the following guests will be there:
These three flavors — the sweetness of sugar, the luxurious mouthfeel of fat, and the sharp savory of salt — are favorites among those of us with mouths.
I never hear my clients say that they love eating spoonfuls of sugar or salt, or that they want to chug a bottle of oil.
However, when you combine these flavors, they become ultra delicious and hard-to-resist. This is called stimuli stacking — combining two or more flavors to create a hyperpalatable food.
For example:
The satisfying combination of fat and salt, found in chips, fries, nachos, cheesy things, etc.
The comforting combination of fat and sugar, found in baked goods, fudge, ice cream, cookies, chocolate, etc.
The irresistible combination of all three — heaven forbid you stumble on a combo of fat, salt, and sugar — a salted chocolate brownie, or caramel corn with candied nuts, or fries with ketchup!
Food manufacturers know: When it comes to encouraging people to overeat, two flavors are better than one.
In fact, when I spoke to an industry insider, a food scientist at a prominent processed food manufacturer, she revealed the specific “stimuli stacking” formula that the food industry uses to create hyperpalatable food.
They call it “The Big 5.”
Foods that fulfill “The Big 5” are:
Calorie dense, usually high in sugar and/or fat.
Intensely flavored — the food must deliver strong flavor hits.
Immediately delicious, with a love-at-first taste experience.
Easy to eat — no effortful chewing needed!
“Melted” down easily — the food almost dissolves in your mouth, thus easy to eat quickly and overconsume.
When these five factors exist in one food, you get a product that’s practically irresistible.
In fact, foods developed by this company have to hit the big 5, or they’re not allowed to go to market.
When processed food manufacturers evaluate a prospective food product, the “irresistibility” (the extent to which a person can’t stop eating a food) is more important even than taste!
Just think about the ease of eating whole foods versus processed foods:
Whole foods require about 25 chews per mouthful, which means that you have to slow down. When you slow down, your satiety signals keep pace with your eating and have a chance to tell you when you’ve had enough. Which is probably why you’ve never overeaten Brussel sprouts (also because, farting).
Processed food manufacturers, on the other hand, aim for food products to be broken down in 10 chews or less per mouthful. That means the intense, flavorful, crazy-delicious experience is over quickly, and you’re left wanting more — ASAP.
Restaurants use these “ease of eating” tactics, too.
A major national chain uses this sci-fi-esque trick:
To make their signature chicken dish, each chicken breast is injected with a highly flavored sauce through hundreds of tiny needles. This results in a jacked-up chicken breast with intense flavor hits, but also tenderizes the chicken so it requires less chewing.
In other words, there’s a reason that restaurant chicken often goes down easier and just tastes better than the simple grilled chicken breast you make in your kitchen. Unless you have hundreds of tiny sauce-needles (weird), that chicken is hard to recreate at home.
This is why I rarely talk about willpower when my clients come to me struggling with overeating. If you’re relying on willpower to resist these foods, you’re fighting an uphill battle.
The solution isn’t more willpower. The solution is educating yourself about these foods, examining your own relationship with food, and employing strategies that put you in control.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Our love of certain flavors has very primitive roots.
So does our desire to load up on calories.
Once upon a time, food was not so abundant. Not only was food challenging to obtain — through effortful scavenging and hunting — but it was also not reliably safe.
That leaf over there? Yeah, that could be poison.
Those berries? They might give you the runs or make your throat close up.
Therefore, our ancient ancestors evolved some survival instincts along the way.
For example, sweet foods tend not to be poisonous. Therefore, we stored a preference for sweet, starchy foods in our brains to keep us safe.
Babies and children are particularly attracted to sweet foods, probably because their immature immune systems are less likely to recover from eating a poisonous plant, and their immature brains can’t tell the difference between dangerous bitter green (like hemlock) and safe bitter green (like kale).
Therefore, kids’ attraction to sweet (read: safe) foods is a built-in mechanism to prevent death by poisoning.
Fat is also a preferred nutrient, as it’s high-calorie and would be a jackpot for our often-threatened-by-starvation ancestors.
While most foods our ancestors ate would have been fibrous and low-calorie (roots, greens, lean meats), fat would have been a highly prized treat.
Imagine, as a primitive hunter-gatherer, stumbling on a macadamia nut tree. The yield from that tree might provide enough calories to feed your tribe for days!
As a result, we stored another preference in our brains: fatty, calorie-dense foods = yum / stock up!
Today, of course, we don’t have to run and dig and hike for nine hours to get our food. Instead, we can just roll up to the drive-thru window and order a combination of flavors we’re primed to love — maybe in the form of a milkshake and a cheeseburger — and enjoy it while sitting in our car.
Evolution’s gifts now work against us.
So, now you see why processed foods are so hard to control yourself around.
But what can actually you do about it?
Up next, some practical strategies to put you (or your clients) in the driver’s seat.
3 strategies to find your way back to a peaceful relationship with food.
It’s one thing to know in theory why certain foods are so easy to over-consume, but it’s even more valuable to discover for yourself how food processing, certain ingredient combinations, marketing, and even easy accessibility affect you and your food choices.
So, it’s time to get a little nerdy, try some experiments, and learn some strategies that will help you improve your relationship with food, get healthier, and just feel more sane.
1. Get curious about the foods you eat.
We’ve established that processed foods are designed to be easy to eat.
For a food to be “easy to eat”, it has to be:
broken down easily (less chewing), and
low volume (doesn’t take up much physical space).
Less chewing + Low volume = More eating
Chewing takes time. The more we have to chew something, the longer it takes us to eat, giving our fullness signals a chance to catch up.
That feeling of “fullness” matters a lot too.
When you eat, your stomach expands. It’s partly through that sensation of pressure that your body knows you’ve had enough. Processed foods deliver a lot of calories without taking up much space, meaning you can eat a lot before you realize you’ve overdone it.
Experiment #1: Observe as you chew.
Yup, that’s right. I want you to count your chews.
Note: Don’t do this forever. I’m not trying to turn you into the weirdo who no one wants to sit next to at the lunch table.  Just try it as an experiment to get some data about how you eat different foods.
First, eat a whole food — a vegetable, fruit, whole grain, lean protein, whatever — and count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat an entire portion of that food? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Then, next time you eat something processed, count how many chews you take per mouthful. How long does it take to eat that serving of pasta, chips, or cookies? How satiated do you feel afterward? Do you want to eat more?
Make some comparisons and notice the differences. Contrast how long eating each of these foods takes you, how satiated you feel after eating each of them, and how much you want to keep eating.
How will you use that information to make food choices moving forward?
2. Notice the messages you’re getting about food.
Food manufacturers use creative marketing strategies to imply processed foods are healthy. And even if you know they’re not, they have other ways of getting you to buy them.
Here’s an example:
Ever notice that the produce section is the first area you pass through in grocery stores?
Grocery stores have found that if they put the produce section first, you’re more likely to purchase processed foods. This is probably because if you’ve already got your cart loaded with spinach, broccoli, and apples, perhaps you’ll feel better about picking up some ice cream, cookies, and crackers, before heading to the checkout line.
Let that sink in: The supermarkets we all shop in several times a month are designed to make you feel better about buying foods that could negatively impact your health goals.
The good news? Simply being aware of this trick can help you bypass it.
Experiment #2: Evaluate your pantry.
In this experiment, you’ll examine the foods you have in your home and the messages you’ve been given about them.
Note: Keep in mind that this is a mindful awareness activity. You’re not doing this to judge yourself or feel shame about the food choices you’ve made.
Look at your pantry with curious (and more informed) eyes.
Step 1: Look for “health halo” foods. Do you have any? If so, why did you choose them? Was it the language used to describe it? Was it the packaging? A trendy “superfood” ingredient? Is it organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, Paleo, or something else?
Step 2: Read the nutritional information. Once you’ve identified the “health halo” foods, take a closer look. Is your “healthy” organic dark chocolate peanut butter cup all that nutritionally different from that mass-market peanut butter cup? Chances are, it’s just different packaging.
Step 3: Count how many varieties of junk foods you have. If you love ice cream — how many flavors do you have? If you peek into your cupboards, are there cookies, popcorn, candy, or chips? Without judgment, count the total junk food variety currently in your home. Generally, the more options you have, the easier it is to overeat.
The takeaway?
You’ll be more aware of the particular types of marketing you’re susceptible to, which you can use to make more informed food choices.
You’ll also have a better idea of which treat foods you prefer, and by reducing the variety of them in your home, you’ll cut down on opportunities to overeat.
3. Look for patterns.
We often use food for reasons other than physical nourishment.
For example, if we feel sad, we might reach for a cookie to comfort ourselves. Temporarily, we feel better.
The next time we feel sad, we remember the temporary relief that cookie brought us. So we repeat the ritual. If we continue to repeat this cycle, we may find our arm reaching for the cookie jar every time we feel blue. We’re not even thinking about it at this point; it’s just habit.
Habits are powerful, for better or for worse. They can work for us or against us.
Luckily, we have control over this.
All it takes is a little time and an understanding of how habits get formed.
All animals learn habits in the following way:
This leads us to our next experiment…
Experiment #3: Put the science of habits to work.
If you want to break the habit of overeating, you can use this trigger, behavior, and reward loop to your advantage. Here’s how.
Step 1: identify your triggers.
A trigger can be a:
Feeling. We might eat more when we’re stressed, lonely, or bored. Food fills the void.
Time of day. We always have a cookie at 11am, or a soda at 3pm. It’s just part of our routine.
Social setting. Hey, everyone else is having beer and chicken wings, so might as well join the happy hour!
Place. For some reason, a dark movie theater or our parents’ kitchen might make us want to munch.
Thought pattern. Thinking “I deserve this” or “Life is too hard to chew kale” might steer us toward the drive-thru window.
When you find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry, increase your awareness of your triggers by asking yourself:
What am I feeling?
What time is it?
Who am I with?
Where am I?
What thoughts am I having?
Keep a journal and look for patterns.
And remember: Overeating is generally problematic when it’s chronic — those pants are feeling pretty tight after most meals — or when episodes of overeating are particularly intense, like during a binge. So don’t get too worried with isolated episodes of overeating. To differentiate overeating from binge eating, keep in mind that binge eating feels disassociated, out of control, hard to stop, and usually comes with feelings of shame and guilt.
If, in observing your eating patterns, you discover that you may be dealing with compulsive bingeing behavior, then recruiting a doctor, therapist, or other qualified practitioner to help you navigate your feelings around food is likely the best course of action.
Step 2: Find a new behavior in response to your trigger(s).
Once you’ve identified your triggers, try associating new behaviors with them. These should support your health goals and feel good. If the new behaviors aren’t rewarding, they won’t be repeated, so they won’t be learned as habits.
In order to find the “right” new behavior, it’s helpful to know that when we eat, we’re trying to meet a “need.”
So when you brainstorm new behaviors, find something that meets that need — be it time in nature, some human connection, a physical release, or just a break from your thoughts.
For example, I had a client whose trigger was talking to her ex-husband. She felt angry when she interacted with him, and some furious crunching on chips temporarily made her feel better.
She eventually replaced the crunching with a punching bag session or by stomping up and down the stairs. Both activities were effective at relieving tension, but unlike the chips, they supported her goals.
Step 3: Practice.
Every time a trigger pops up that compels you to eat, replace eating with a healthy feel-good behavior.
Repeat this loop until the new behavior becomes a habit that’s just as automatic as reaching for the jar of peanut butter used to be.
Let’s take an even deeper look
Not all “feel-good” habits are created equal, in terms of their physiological effect on the stress response.
According to the American Psychological Association, the most effective stress relievers are:
exercising / playing sports,
listening to music,
praying / attending a religious service,
spending time with friends / family,
getting a massage,
walking outside,
yoga, and
engaging in a creative hobby.
The least effective stress relievers are: gambling, shopping, smoking, eating, drinking, playing video games, surfing the internet, and watching TV / movies for more than two hours.
Although we may use the second list as “stress-relievers” — because they feel so good in the short term — they don’t actually reduce stress effectively.
This is because these habits rely on dopamine to give us a “hit” of pleasure. Dopamine feels rewarding immediately, but because it’s an excitatory neurotransmitter, it actually stimulates adrenaline and initiates the stress response.
In contrast, the first list of habits boost neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, and oxytocin, which calm down the stress response and induce a feeling of wellbeing.
Although these activities aren’t initially as “exciting” as the second list, they’re ultimately more rewarding and more effective at relieving stress long-term.
It’s not just about the food
As a dietician, I know how important nutrition is. So it might surprise you to hear me say the following:
It’s not all about the food.
Structure your diet around colorful, nutrient-dense whole foods, but also remember that a healthy life is not about calorie math or obsessing over everything you put in your mouth.
A healthy life is about giving time and attention to our whole selves.
Eating happens in context.
Pay attention to your mindset, your relationships, your work, and your environment.
When we’re well-nourished in other areas of our life, we’re less likely to use food as a cure-all when we struggle.
So if there’s one more piece of nutrition advice I have, it’s this:
Be good to yourself.
Not just at the table, but in all areas of life.
What to do next
1. Be kind, curious, and honest.
When we fall short of our ideals, we think that beating ourselves up is the fastest way to improvement. But it’s not.
Criticism and crash dieting may work in the short term, but can damage our mental and physical health in the long term.
Because overeating is already a painful experience, as you consider how these behaviors show up in your life and how you might address them, please be:
Kind: Be friendly and self-compassionate; work with yourself instead of against yourself.
Curious: Explore your habits with openness and interest. Be like a scientist looking at data rather than a criminal investigator looking to blame and punish.
Honest: Look at your reality. How are you behaving day-to-day around food? The more accurate you are at perceiving yourself, the better you can support yourself to change.
With this attitude of support and non-judgment, you’re more likely to move forward.
2. Use the “traffic light” system.
Precision Nutrition has a great tool for creating awareness around food that I use all the time with my clients. It’s called the “traffic light” system.
You see, we all have red light foods, yellow light foods, and green light foods.
Red means stop.
Red foods are a “no-go.” Either because they don’t help you achieve your goals, you have trouble eating them in reasonable amounts, or they plain old make you feel gross.
Often, red light foods are processed foods like chips, candy, ice cream, and pastries. Red foods can also be foods that you’re allergic / intolerant to.
Yellow means proceed with caution.
Yellow light foods are sometimes OK, sometimes not. Maybe you can eat a little bit without feeling ill, or you can eat them sanely at a restaurant with others but not at home alone, or you can have them as an occasional treat.
Yellow light foods might include things like bread, crackers, pasta, flavored yogurt, granola bars, or seasoned nuts. They’re not the worst choices, but they’re not the most nutritious either.
Green means go.
Green foods are a “go.” You like eating them because they’re nutritious and make your body and mind feel good. You can eat them normally, slowly, and in reasonable amounts.
Green foods are usually whole foods like fruits and vegetables, lean animal proteins, beans and legumes, raw nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
Create your own red, yellow, and green light food lists.
Everyone’s list will be different! You might leave ice cream in the freezer untouched for months, whereas another person might need a restraining order from that rocky road caramel swirl.
Once you have your list, stock your kitchen with as many green light foods as possible. Choose the yellow foods you allow in your house wisely. And red foods are to be limited or eliminated entirely.
At the very least, consider reducing the variety of red light or treat foods.
Take some pressure off your willpower and surround yourself with foods that support your goals.
3. Put quality above quantity.
It’s tempting to buy that jumbo bag of chips because it’s such a good deal.
But remember: Real value isn’t about price or quantity so much as it is about quality.
Quality foods are nutrient-dense and minimally-processed. They are foods that you like, and make sense for your schedule and budget.  
Quality foods may take a little more preparation and be a little more expensive up-front, but in the long run, they’re the real deal, and have a lower “health tax” to pay later in life.
4. Focus on whole foods.
Whole foods will make it easier to regulate food intake and will also improve nutrition.
We can almost feel “high” when we eat processed foods. Whole foods, on the other hand, are more subtle in flavor and require a bit more effort to chew and digest. Instead of feeling high, whole foods just make us feel nourished and content.
Whole foods are generally more perishable than processed foods, so this will require some more planning and preparation. So schedule some extra time in the kitchen — even ten minutes a day counts!
In ten minutes, you can cut up some veggies, boil some eggs, cook some oatmeal, or marinate some chicken breasts to make the following day go smoother.
While this might sound like more work, it’s rewarding. A closer relationship with food often means more respect and care for it too.
5. Find feel-good habits that support your goals.
Make a list of activities that you feel good doing. You might find that you like certain activities better than others depending on your feelings, the time of day, or your environment.
When you feel triggered to eat when you’re not physically hungry, choose an activity from your list.
This could be some gentle physical activity, fresh air, social interaction, playing a game, or a self-care ritual like painting your nails or getting a scalp massage.
The point is simply to disrupt the cycle of trigger > eat > reward, and replace eating with an activity that supports your goals.
6. Slow down.
If nothing else works, and the idea of taking away treat foods totally freaks you out, just do this:
Slow down.
Allow yourself to eat whatever you want, just eat slowly and mindfully.
Slowing down allows us to savor our food, making us satisfied with less. It also lets physical sensations of fullness to catch up, so we know when we’ve had enough.
Bingeing can feel stressful and out of control — by slowing down, we help ourselves calm down and take back some of the control.
7. If you feel like you’re in over your head, ask for help.
Sometimes we need support.
If overeating is especially frequent or extreme, or if you have health problems related to overeating that you don’t know how to manage, seek the help of a coach, nutritionist, dietician, or counselor who specializes in disordered eating behaviors.
There’s no shame in receiving support. The best coaches and practitioners often have their own support team too.
Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?
Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives.
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It’s also why we work with health, fitness and wellness professionals (through our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs) to teach them how to coach their own clients through the same challenges.
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[Note: If your health and fitness are already sorted out, but you’re interested in helping others, check out our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program].
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Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article.
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Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control). published first on https://storeseapharmacy.tumblr.com
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