#and theres another one saying 'oh u r talking about k*i
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voidthebean · 8 months ago
Things that annoy me abt people
1. Two faced people If you dont know what two faced means, first of all for fellow Muslims out there its a massive sin. It kind of means you treat one differently than one another. Lettme give an example: lets say you tie people you know with a tight rope that kind of hurts. One of them is maybe a really close friend or maybe a family member. So you loosen the rope on theirs to relieve the pain but keep the rest tight. That is two-faced. Now- I seen this mostly in tickle rp or even just being a good friend in general. People just treat one friend better than another because they see one as a closer friend than another- or one may be their partner, I understand completely that u may do things with ur partner that u wouldnt do with ur friends. But it dont mean that u treat ur friends worse because you have a partner. Its BS. And it doesn't matter that you feel hesitant to treat one friend like a close friend. Because if it does matter, than you could say that its okay to for u to k!ll someone because you dont feel like letting them live- and dont say "oh but thats different." If I have the title that I am ur friend than u better not treat me worse or better than the rest of your friends, doesnt matter how long me or they had been your friend for. 2. Passive-Aggressive people Again, haram. If you purposely talk to me or anyone dryly than I probably just- wont be ur friend. And if you ignore me or anyone else without even telling them the reason why, then again, wont be ur friend. Maybe I wont just instantly unfriend you and maybe ill talk to you but still people love being passive aggressive for some reason. They think its cool, maybe they will change their mind when they see Hellfire. 3. People who get angry easily Agaiiiin haram. You are considered weak in Islam if you get angry easily. I dont need a paragraph explanation for this honestly. If you lash out at me, or be in a "bad mood" and when i speak to u, u just be like "what." Then, again, unfriended. 4. People who say they are in the tickle community but never actually do anything tickle-related. This is self-explanatory. This is kind of a vent- cuz I recently been feeling kinda left out. Like man I remember a while ago in the gacha tickle community I was called the "tickle pet of the community" and I would wake up to some fun tickle rps n stuff. It wasnt just back and fourth tickling we actually set up a plot and everything like a tickle school or a tickle version SCP site- was fun. But recently, nobody really rps or hangs out with me as much. I see people sending nice paragraphs to each other in public and I dont really get any unless i send one first. And ofc, two-faced people treating me like 1/4 of how good of a friend they can actually treat me like yet treating others much better. When we talk abt it, it always goes down to "they r closer friends" orrrr "trust issues" which I dont even consider someone a friend if they cant trust me- idek what they dont trust me abt- its just about treating me like they do with their close friends and rp with me as much as they do with them. And if u know this is u, just know ur not the only one treating me like this- theres many ppl doin this- I made another tickle photo so I will be posting that. Welp, cya.
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punkscowardschampions · 1 year ago
Carly: [some time after her fun times with Alison because the gals had to cleanse themselves in water and have a reset moment and generally just be allowed to live]
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Why, what for now?
Carly: everything @ bonfire night idk
Bartley: It wasn’t so bad
Bartley: and you didn’t 😱👻 to make it weird, the less good parts
Carly: k grand
Carly: weren’t expecting the air to be cleared this quick but
Bartley: Not surprised you’re feeling the fear this morning, like
Bartley: s’why everyone hates Mondays, I reckon
Carly: im not 🍀🐇🌠 how u r to be feeling that type of way
Bartley: I weren’t even pissed, be why
Bartley: Notice Ronan was off his face too though, by the end
Carly: you was too busy 😍💋🥰💞😘💓’d be why bb
Carly: how are u to raise a glass when youve some lass always on your face 🌺🐝
Bartley: You sound jealous
Bartley: Another zombie girl situation, was it?
Carly: what of another 🤠���� for you wasnt it?
Bartley: I don’t know, I’ll not see her again so it doesn’t matter
Carly: u could if you’re after it mattering 🍯💛
Bartley: Tah for the permission, Carls
Carly: I mean cos shes a mate of alis brother & hes a mate of mine
Carly: if you want to see her its not like youd have need of searching every pop up shop for a lass on till
Bartley: You’re well 💔
Bartley: Mosey boy should still have her number, somewhere in his contact list, you can find her
Carly: my god shut up gobshite 😅
Bartley: 😏
Bartley: I just mean, that girl talked too much, when she weren’t attached to my face, I’m not after seeing her again off my back
Carly: ah now theres sense course thats why you was on her constant not cos u like her 😏
Bartley: I’m not being mean, don’t think she even asked what my name was either
Carly: im not calling u mean boy it was a party & yous both had your fun
Bartley: The comparisons are never far off
Carly: youre never far from slagging me but hey i was trying to see how long we’d go before you started
Bartley: Am not
Bartley: the only reason you like Ronan is because he has no opinions of his own and that suits you
Carly: oh please hes loads of opinions of me & they dont suit no more than the 1s the rest of yous lads have do
Bartley: Yeah right, I know how dead easy he is to convince, we do it all the time
Carly: whats it you reckon I’m here wanting to convince him of?
Bartley: I don’t need to say it, you know
Carly: I dont
Bartley: Nah, you’re after tricking me into slagging you already sos you win, more like
Carly: yea cos what a victory thatd b like
Bartley: Your shit game, play a different one
Carly: im playing none im only telling you I’m not after him
Bartley: Does that mean you’re after Moses again
Bartley: better warn his mammy, like
Carly: no never
Bartley: Believe that when I 👀 it
Carly: cant u believe it hurt us getting rated?
Bartley: no, ‘course it did
Bartley: but has he tried to apologise to you yet?
Carly: hes swore to make my life a misery cos i dont fancy fucking him no more, where it was left, more or less
Bartley: Jesus, well
Carly: i think this heres where im meant to warn yous all hes hoping you’ll all get yourselves involved in them fun & games like im scared or care
Bartley: He’s not said anything, not when I’ve been there
Bartley: maybe he was already half-cut when he said that to you, didn’t really mean it
Carly: yea maybe
Bartley: Sounds it
Bartley: he’ll have found someone else to bother by now, forgot all about that
Carly: dont even know how to make a girl feel special w his threats
Bartley: I’m just saying, don’t be scared
Carly: he dont scare me
Bartley: Good
Carly: its your turn to the now
Bartley: My turn to what?
Carly: scare us
Bartley: Not Halloween no more
Carly: only a week gone somehow
Bartley: your getup were a lot scarier craic anyhow 
Carly: least yous all dressed up loads of lads from school never far as I saw
Bartley: Mosey fancies himself enough to love all that
Carly: are you not to bother yourself next year then?
Bartley: I felt like a divvy
Bartley: different for lasses, you all love it
Carly: 🥺 I loved waiting to work out what youd picked to be 💔 for that as the last time & end of an era
Bartley: You’re such a pisstake
Bartley: I’ll try and think on before the day of next time, or go looking alone, so the best costumes don’t get nabbed
Carly: or you could let us make u 1 ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤 cos I am not a pisstake
Bartley: Oh, sure, be the easiest way to go about being a massive one 😅
Carly: nah youve just massive issues w trust
Bartley: I don’t
Bartley: you’re not serious anyway
Carly: yea I am
Bartley: Maybe then
Bartley: is a whole year off now - 1 week so you’ve got time to be dead ❤️🎨✨🧡🧵💚💄🖤
Carly: yay 🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡👻🤍🧄💀🖤🧡🎃🖤🧡
Carly: dead excited to prove myself
Bartley: You who offered, moody
Carly: you’ve a whole year to work out for yourself when I’m being serious
Bartley: I already know the answer to that
Carly: u so dont
Bartley: Yeah I do, you’re never bloody serious, that’s your problem, girl
Carly: youd not handle me if I was
Bartley: That a threat of 😤 or 😭?
Carly: Id reckon its a reminder of when I tried to talk to you serious at the party & your eyes near fell out your head for the size they went
Bartley: You didn’t mean to say it, was being polite ignoring it
Carly: k eejit youre never polite, your problem
Bartley: Oh, so you let that pair walk all over you but I’m the rude one, how’s that work
Carly: yous can all be, sure, enough of it to go round, hows that?
Bartley: It don’t, you’ve no sense or shame to let him act like that just because you reckon him pretty
Carly: i know ive not, everybody knows ive not
Bartley: You could, you’re not totally braindead
Carly: i feel it
Bartley: act it out enough times for it to be all you hear, sure you do
Carly: it was all i heard before I acted up any time
Bartley: It’s not totally your fault
Carly: remember I go weird when youre nice
Bartley: yeah, don’t stop you having a go the rest of the time, weirdo
Carly: 👶😭 what go like?
Bartley: You can only take a joke off Moses when you want him to fuck you
Carly: hes no jokes when he wants to fuck me or he don’t
Carly: the lad’s loads of things but not gas
Bartley: I never said he was funny
Carly: it werent about him making us laugh
Bartley: no shit
Carly: y talk about moses when it only makes you 😤😠
Bartley: You made it so its all that’s to be said when your name comes up
Carly: wow k then
Bartley: What? You know it’s true
Carly: i never knew that was all you had to say to me but theres us told
Bartley: If you wanted to be mates with us, you wouldn’t have done what you have
Carly: right yea ill be off 😶💚👋
Bartley: For fuck’s sake, can’t you just admit that you did wrong, like
Carly: i have
Carly: what else are you after 🩸🙏📿?
Bartley: A sorry you don’t stick to don’t mean anything, you know
Bartley: You lot never do
Carly: wes done w each other, me & moses, I’m sticking to it
Carly: & ro’s just a friend now
Bartley: Believe it when I see it, yeah
Bartley: You can’t expect everyone to be convinced of that yet
Carly: take long as you need 🤠
Bartley: Whatever, you never listen to good advice
Carly: give it & maybe i’ll
Bartley: You want to do what you’ve done and are gonna keep doing
Bartley: why should I even bother
Carly: you’re not listening yourself I said ⬆️
Carly: but don’t bother w me & my 🍃🌱 if youre no believer in it
Bartley: Prove us wrong, no one’d be happier for you to stop fucking things up
Carly: k 💚
Bartley: K yourself, nightmare
Carly: don’t call me that 
Bartley: calm down
Carly: no
Carly: you sound like him & youre not
Bartley: I’m so sorry I’m not him, Jesus
Carly: you shouldnt b sorry
Carly: nobody is after you being him
Bartley: He’s a bit of a liability but he’ll come round, probably
Carly: I hope he does to yous all
Bartley: There’s only so wild people will put up with but he’s not like that bad
Bartley: long as he’s grafting, not fucking with other people’s families, he’ll not be going anywhere
Carly: yea, he’ll come grand once he grows up
Bartley: Still be a gobshite and a poser but you know
Bartley: worse crimes
Carly: yous lads have all committed them
Bartley: Not my family, not like his, their daddy lets them get away with all the stuff he still wants to
Carly: don’t start me on their daddy, I know my place that much
Bartley: Don’t be grim, or accuse him of that sort of carry on, people get strung up by their balls for less
Carly: not me who hes carrying on with if hes round this caravan
Bartley: There you go, how can any of them be expected to carry themselves with respect when he’s their example
Bartley: If their mammy had any backbone yours would be without hers, you don’t make it that obvious, in front of her and everyone she’s to live with, feeling sorry for her 
Carly: sure, ive no argument there, sorry if youre expecting 1
Bartley: I know you don’t like yours as much as she reckons it so
Carly: I like her how any girl of my age does her mammy, problem lies in her not wanting to act the part
Bartley: or her age
Bartley: I’ve seen you go all dead when she’s acting the maggot, it’s pure shaming, no one proper blames you for her being that mental
Carly: everyone instead reckons i take after her id rather the blame
Bartley: It’s just the same as them, how are you to be better, you’ve no daddy to take the pair of yous in hand either
Carly: Im not mental though
Carly: whatever else I am im not, k? Youve to know that’s so
Bartley: I didn’t say you were, only as a joke
Carly: i cant laugh @ it sorry
Bartley: Alright, alright
Bartley: you’re hanging, I get it
Carly: I hate that youve 👀 me away 💀👻
Bartley: The others don’t notice, not that they’ve ever said and it’d be a weird thing for me to bring up to ‘em
Carly: whyve you?
Bartley: I dunno
Carly: if youre to be looking @ me im to put more effort into being prettier 💄💅✨
Bartley: you’re not
Carly: i know im not thats where the effort is 🎀
Bartley: Leave off with that, you know what I meant
Carly: are you leaving off 👀?
Bartley: I weren’t looking through your window at night, don’t make it sound weird
Carly: its weird u know something they all dont but no surprise
Bartley: Maybe Ro knows, seeing as you twos are so close these days
Bartley: wouldn’t be after telling you if he did
Carly: wes further apart than ever these days but thats my own fault so
Carly: theres only ali who ive let 👀 can’t stop her same as you
Bartley: You can’t stop me
Carly: I dont want to
Bartley: There you go then
Carly: what do you want boy?
Bartley: you talking my ear off, what do you want, girl
Carly: if that was true youd of stayed w me @ the party not your girl [her name]
Bartley: I were being polite, you’ve already been told
Carly: you don’t like me when im high
Bartley: Not really, no
Carly: but I don’t myself when im sober
Bartley: I’ve seen it before, you’re too young and not a bloke
Carly: idk how to make you understand what youve not seen
Bartley: Probably not my business, you don’t have to
Carly: probably cant be inviting you to look in my windows or you’ll be 😤😠 @ me
Bartley: You like mental, even if you don’t wanna be called it
Carly: nobody likes for proper mental
Bartley: nah?
Carly: im not after being locked up where ali’s brother is
Bartley: that’s a bit different, Carls
Carly: i dont feel no different to it unless i take something that changes how 
Bartley: They reckon he killed her, you’ve never done nothing like that, don’t be stupid
Carly: he never she killed herself & sometimes I get why you know
Bartley: you’re not to say things like that
Carly: im no catholic saying or doing isnt off limits
Bartley: We’re right and that’s wrong though
Carly: is it?
Bartley: Yes, you twat, shut up about it
Carly: see, you dont like us when I’m not high neither
Bartley: Why would you say that? Nothing is that bad, is it
Carly: cos
Carly: idk [her mum] had this fella round whos bad enough & i thought hed away when i took myself off w ali but hes no moved himself all that far
Bartley: Go on, what’s his craic?
Carly: - craic
Bartley: Yeah but
Bartley: you seem scared or like, idk
Carly: im too tired to b on how she wants or turn him off hows needed 🥱😴
Bartley: Get him to go outside for a smoke or something
Bartley: just give me a bit, to sort it, yeah
Carly: im not bringing my trouble to you
Carly: no, like
Bartley: We’ve all sisters and nieces here, why do we want that sort on our site
Carly: hes been told im older theyre all of them lied to shes my big sister or best mate, its her craic
Bartley: She’s delusional, he’s got eyes
Carly: men use em to see what suits not whats real
Bartley: Not proper men
Carly: come on shes never filling this caravan up with proper men
Bartley: She can’t be trusted with anything, obviously
Carly: ill go back out idc
Bartley: For God’s sake
Carly: youre invited unless youve work on tomorrow
Bartley: you can’t just bring that up and then drop it like that
Carly: I can’t do fuck all else & im to be sure not letting you
Bartley: I wouldn’t on my own, I’m not thick, I told you give me a second
Carly: you might still be hurt hes a grown man & youre not no older than me
Bartley: No I won’t, I know how to fight, tah
Carly: idk that he dont too, catch yourself on, will u
Bartley: he’s to be outnumbered, calm yourself down
Carly: rich of you telling us to be calm when youre about to 💪🥊🤕
Carly: stop yourself please
Bartley: why should we?
Carly: i said please
Bartley: You should want it handled, why would you not
Carly: how you mean to handle it’ll knock me 🤢🤮 worrying over you
Bartley: None of us will get hurt and he shan’t come back, whatever lies your mammy is telling, it’s easy
Carly: its my fault if any of yous do & even if it werent i care whatever happens
Carly: more than I ever am about where that fella puts himself
Bartley: Why would you tell me and then say we can’t do anything about it
Carly: idk 😵‍💫 i didnt mean to
Bartley: For God’s sake, girl
Carly: I’m sorry
Bartley: Forget it just get out of there and go find Ali
Carly: shes busy or id not have left her
Bartley: go sit in [the communal middle bit where they have the bonfires and whatnot, you know where I mean] then
Carly: [do and send a pic from there, not of you because you don’t wanna show yourself in the state you’re clearly in, but so he knows you’re there] 
Bartley: Alright, good
Carly: i’m doing what im told you have to yourself & not have a scrap w my ma’s latest
Bartley: I shouldn’t listen to you, by all rights
Carly: but youre decent, a good boy 
Bartley: Calling me that isn’t helping your case, like
Carly: what’ll I call you then like?
Bartley: Call you a pisstaker
Carly: idm id have heard worse if i stayed in
Bartley: you’ve not convinced me not doing anything is the right thing to do 
Carly: do something else & you’ll quit thinking about it
Bartley: I shan’t
Carly: im grand now
Bartley: You could’ve put some clothes on, you’ll freeze
Carly: where are you even 👀 from? fuck
Bartley: out my window, which is the opposite of what you said, don’t act like I’ve got a hockey mask and a baseball bat
Carly: don’t look @ me for the now how about 😳
Bartley: You need a blanket, something
Carly: im no going in for it id sooner 🥶
Bartley: [throw one out of your window, can’t just come out, obviously]
Carly: [go grab it and wrap it around yourself while stood right next to his window, could just wait til you’re back seated so he can’t see you as well but obviously we’re not gonna do that]
Bartley: [doing the smallest wave as if you are locked in here, stepping back and out of sight after a pause like that’s enough]
Carly: [doing an oh you kind of lol before she heads back to where she was before, looking over her shoulder as she’s walking though cos you know he’s still lurking even if you can’t see him]
Carly:  💚👽🌱🦗🍐🍃🍏🍀🧃🥝💚
Carly: still idk what to do w how sweet u can be
Bartley: I’m not sweet and I know what it’s shorthand for
Carly: i dont tell us
Bartley: Yeah you do and it’s why you go for lads like Mosey who aren’t sweet
Carly: i got wrong reckoning he was or could be
Bartley: That’s the mammy in you, reckoning he could do no wrong when he’s so sweet when he wants something
Carly: nah its the little girl in us he said hed protect me & I so bad wanted him to
Bartley: He were never after that, don’t think it’s important to
Carly: im stupid
Bartley: if you’d have known, wouldn’t have half the success rate he does, you’re not the only one who falls for it
Carly: 1 of these days youll answer that I’m not 🎱🔮
Bartley: one of these days, you’ll act it, yeah
Carly: took the blanket for a start
Bartley: It’s a start
Carly: & your 👋💚
Bartley: You were doing your best Samara impression, be why
Bartley: 😶 not move on else
Carly: k you hate being called sweet enough to b after me taking it back 🍋💔
Bartley: A bit like your costume
Carly: was gonna do her from the exorcist but it felt like tempting fate for 🤢🤮
Bartley: Be gas to see your head do a 360 though
Carly: oh would it now
Carly: im fair flexible but idk if id go that far
Bartley: Not an 🦉
Carly: ill do you that carry on when shes off down the stairs 
Bartley: 🤣 will ya now
Carly: yea
Bartley: Wait ‘til the next party, would look pure nuts doing it out there on your own
Carly: wait til im somewhere w for proper stairs
Bartley: can’t call anything ‘round here more than steps, true enough
Carly: maybe for your birthday 🎁
Bartley: Where are we after going with stairs then 😏
Carly: id say ali’s but your girl would probably be there & outshine me w her 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨
Bartley: You don’t need to call her that just ‘cos we can’t remember her name
Carly: shes that cos shes after you so bad
Carly: her name’s [whatever it is]
Bartley: Only for the night
Carly: all the nights yous are in the same place
Bartley: And how often do I find myself at 🎭🩰🎨🎬✨ shit, girl?
Carly: you liked it at ali’s did you not? & you wasnt behaving so as youd never be invited again
Bartley: She’s decent craic, sure
Carly: ali or [this gal]
Bartley: Ali
Bartley: I don’t know about her family, mind
Carly: i told you her sisters not well like
Bartley: I know, I know
Carly: she hates me but the rest are decent themselves
Bartley: She wants Ali back, to be sure
Carly: course id have her to myself too if there was any say to be had in it
Bartley: Alright, gay
Carly: the girl’s magic ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Bartley: As bad as Ronan, you are
Carly: why arent u?
Bartley: What do you mean?
Carly: y dont you fancy her?
Bartley: ‘Cos Ro does
Carly: did you before you knew about ro?
Bartley: He has for ages, not exactly subtle 
Bartley: She’s pretty, sure, but you don’t do that to mates, nor family
Carly: k true enough
Bartley: I’d say you were about equal, anyway, you know
Carly: what? ah no
Bartley: why not
Carly: why would that be so?
Bartley: I dunno, you’re different but the same
Carly: I wish we were the same
Bartley: Are you jealous of her?
Carly: I’m too happy for her
Carly: but its shite i cant b as happy for myself as well
Bartley: Dunno why you girls can never be happy with yourselves
Carly: it isnt only for how pretty she is though
Carly: its how smart & nice & brave & loads else ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: & for her family, all she has
Bartley: Don’t all that make you like her less
Bartley: a 🤏
Carly: no, shes never looking down @ us how id probably if I had all she does
Bartley: suppose not
Bartley: Is the smug cunts who are the worst, aye
Carly: you 👀 the girl over her fence?
Bartley: Yeah, nearly shit myself, she were proper giving it The Ring vibes, her
Bartley: nosy neighbours is one big reason not to have a house
Carly: youre making us wanna watch it now boy chuck your 📺 out
Bartley: bit more rock and roll when they weren’t flatscreen
Bartley: We could watch it, if you lot want to hang out like proper friends, me, you, Ro & Ali
Carly: 📺❤️📼💛🍿💚
Bartley: Something like that
Carly: ill find my hairbrush out before to not scare yous
Bartley: and no pea soup if we watch The Exorcist too
Carly: pissing myself on your carpet would be - craic too but its k ill not be out here in your blanket til then hed not the stamina to have
Bartley: If he’s not gone by [a time we’re deeming too late for her to be outside by] I swear
Carly: oh hes laying down the law
Carly: are you to be my brother or my daddy now?
Bartley: Behave yourself, it isn’t funny, all this
Carly: am like a 🐶 left out sure enough
Bartley: She’s such a
Bartley: you shouldn’t have to do this
Carly: [excuse me being EVIL by saying this man comes outside to smoke and is literally and blatantly chatting Carly up like she isn’t 12 years old, here not replying because we’re here going dead again while this man is the most grim]
Bartley: [not you having to rush out so dramatically this man is gonna be shook until he sees you’re just a teenage boy, coming over and putting your arm around her shoulder like come on, get up, trying not to look at or acknowledge this creep right now because you’re blatantly fuming]
Carly: [this poor girl has left the building because you just know that gross man was too in her grill and touching her and I’m soz we cannot, purely moving because this boy is moving her rn, the audacity of her mother and the boyfriends she picks]
Bartley: [direct her into your caravan via holding her shoulders, this man better hush because if this boy has to fight you, his fam will come out and fuck you up, gotta know where you are, honey; sit this girl down on your sofa like all that’s happened is a change of seat and your jaw isn’t clenched so tight you feel like it’s stuck that way]
Carly: [get back inside to the age appropriate lady or leave sir those are your choices, you can’t be that stupid, god only knows how long poor Carly will stay put before she’s finally back in the room and then is hugging her knees to her chest, still wrapped in this blanket, and risking a look at this boy like he’s gonna be mad at her instead of the fucked up circumstances in which she finds herself through no fault of her own]
Bartley: [not really helping you think otherwise with our face like thunder over this but can’t help being that bitch I’m afraid, the way we kept glaring out the window ‘til that dude went away and are now just pacing lowkey, putting the telly on, as you pass and clearly catch her eye, like that is the most comforting thing you can manage in these circumstances]
Carly: [looking away from this boy SO immediately when he catches your eye because genuinely feel like a kicked dog in this moment as if everything is your fault and you’ve done the wrong thing over and over again from the second you got back from having fun with Alison ‘he’s gone, I’ll myself’ taking this blanket off and trying to neatly fold it but you’re all shaky and upset so you can’t and it feels like an impossible task ‘sorry’ as if it’s for the folding fail and not everything]
Bartley: [the ‘wait’ coming out a bit too fast and loud, so you’re going redder than your mad face already is because don’t want her to think you’re scared of this man, kicking this blanket aside because I highly doubt you’re neat, you’re teenage boys with your own space lmao and you could not care less about said blanket right now ‘just chill’ as if that’s an easily achievable thing]
Carly: [when it makes you jump because it’s sudden and loud and you didn’t expect him to say it or anything in fact and that makes you feel even more embarrassed and sad than you already do, like there are literal tears coming to this girl’s eyes about it that she’s trying not to shed in front of this angry boy ‘I can’t’ so quietly because you dare not express how !! and true that is when you already think he thinks you’re mentally ill ‘I’d-’ stopping yourself cos you were about to say something about needing to get drunk/high again there and you know he hates it and doesn’t understand ‘I can’t’]
Bartley: [‘please don’t’ when you’re saying please but you’re also wincing because you in no way know how to handle this or what you’re meant to do now she’s here and so are you ‘you’re to tell her never again’ as if this is a thing that will work because got to say something and it should be a warning she listens to ‘or I will’]
Carly: [‘I’ve tried for years and years’ in that resigned way of you have and it hasn’t changed anything ‘at the first, I think I was 10, Christ knows how old I looked to him’ with a shrug because you do know, you aren’t a girl who looks older and that’s the tea]
Bartley: [just cursing this man out in your own language, as well as all the others before, under your breath but so angrily ‘you’d be better off without her’ as the thing you say in English and more directly to her]
Carly: [when you probably understand most if not all of what he’s saying anyway because you’ve always lived here and thus have picked it up like a 2nd language basically ‘she’s my ma, still’ said like whether she acts it or not because she absolutely never does but you have love for her and want her to nevertheless]
Bartley: [the noise of scorn that honestly deserves at this point, ma’am, shaking our head because ‘my point remains’ throwing yourself down into the armchair/other sofa because a lot of pent up emotions and nowhere to put them right now so having to do everything in a dramatic fashion]
Carly: [‘without her I don’t know where I’d be’ because truly where would they put you gal ‘except not here, sure look, maybe that’d be better but I’m not after going off’ just like this is my home soz everyone]
Bartley: [still shaking your head, shrug your shoulders, only stopping shaking your head when you put in your hands and breathe out in frustration]
Carly: [‘yeah’ like yeah I know, cos we’re frustrated by our lot in life too sir but we don’t feel like there is anything we can do to change it other than the unhealthy coping mechanisms we have]
Bartley: [‘your room have a lock on it?’ in such a matter of fact, resigned kind of tone because you don’t know what else you can do right now]
Carly: [shake your head because you’re not the sort of girl to be doing DIY like that to keep yourself safe, Ali is but you’ve clearly not expressed how badly you need one and it’s not every dude your mother brings home who’s acting like this ‘but I’ve the bathroom’ like that’s fine]
Bartley: [looking at her like no it is not before looking to the TV you put on as if you’re watching it remotely ‘we’ll put one on’]
Carly: [looking at him only when he’s looking at the TV despite the fact we all know he can feel it ‘okay’ quietly cos we’re accepting this not fighting him on it or saying anything bants etc]
Bartley: [not looking back, just nodding because can’t commit to any more, switching the channel, to something you can at least say you want to watch, opposed to whatever just came on when you put this telly on]
Carly: [getting up to go like you can just quietly slip out like a little ghost as though you were never here but obvs stopping before you get to the door and turning back like - because you wanna thank him for what he did but you don’t know how to because it feels SO big, literally nobody cares about this girl but Alison and that cannot be overstated ‘you are decent, a good boy’ said sincerely like no bants or lies detected]
Bartley: [looking over at her like you did not just say that but you can’t help but do a little smirk, almost as if it’s against your will with how tiny it is but still, rubbing the back of your neck ‘away with you now’]
Carly: [doing a lil smile back because she can’t help that either ‘you’re not to watch me’ like he’s gonna be at the window lurking until she’s inside when it’s not far to go at all, but ofc said like he absolutely can and she doesn’t mind because she doesn’t and in fact wants him to, wrapping her arms around herself in preparation for how cold it’ll be outside and how much she doesn’t really wanna head back there cos her mum will either be in a mood this man has left and wanting to overshare about it or her bestie as per and wanting to keep the party going and neither is the wanted vibe]
Bartley: [flipping her off for calling you a stalker but you’re grinning back more openly so she knows you’re all good here, even if you know what her mother is like and do not envy her going back, you can’t offer her an alternative ‘take the blanket’ as a throwaway comment as she hugs herself because it do be chilly]
Carly: [doing the kind of pure and happy lol she did at bonfire night which is usually reserved for Ali only and/or being high as she slips out of the door, waving off his blanket offer like no no I couldn’t possibly ‘it’s yours’ as if he needs it more here for his TV watching]
Bartley: I’ll get you a lock after work tomorrow
Carly: 🔒💚
Carly: ill sleep for the knowing of it
Bartley: I’m glad, go get some, said you were tired
Carly: you’ve work ill let you get your head down bb
Bartley: 👌
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faakeid · 6 years ago
This was the first vid www*instagram*c*m/p/BsFUhkdlgiw/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dtpmnd9c1duj This was the second vid www*instagram*c*m/p/BsGEwEaBxdN/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1e3ridl8rlb6l
The videos if anyone is curious
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A post shared by I Dont Eat Cats Stop Asking 🐱 (@julia_lolzer) on Dec 31, 2018 at 11:14pm PST
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A post shared by @baeksmiles on Jan 1, 2019 at 6:16am PST
Me to all of it:
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qingxintea · 4 years ago
heartbreak avenue (3) || albedo x reader
heartbreak avenue (1) heartbreak avenue (2) -- tell me how, do you do this thing called living? when theres nothing more to gain. gn reader -- ignore the link below idk how tf to hyperlink on mobile but that’s ur part 4 ig
damn. imagine missing mond so much that you visit just for the vibes and accidentally become a one time vigilante for dominating over a couple abyss mages
how oddly specific!
you moment.
TO BE FAIR, you didn't mean to and also ur just strong with that 245% crit damage ugh yeah yeah get it ig
it was night time, like, idk 1am and you were in this cloak because idk look swaggy and comfortable
abyss mage went ŏ̸̡̡̹̘͉̫̬̬̭̘̙̝͐͒̆̈́̒̿̄́͠͝ǒ̸̧̺͕̣̬̝̱͈̭̭̻̮̈̏̔͆̑̀̍ǫ̵̡̜̲̭̠̤̰̹͍̣͎̤̈́̓̍͠ḩ̴̡͍̣̹̯̭̩̮̣̩̭́̔̀̍͊̂͒́̆͘͜͝͝ȃ̷̧̡̢̡̨̛̪͓̤̜͕̳̦̼͊̏̃͆̓̈́̈́̽̈́͌͐̋̚ͅh̸̡̩͍̟͕̥͚̰̰̟̮̖̪̉̈́͛͂̍̾a̸̧̢͕̙̞̳̩͈̲͉͕̒̆̎̐̎̍̀͊͘̚͝h̸̡̼͓̝͕̫̤̰̱̬̣̗͚̙̀͜ and you were like "lmao shut up"
and like it did! because you made it shut up and also mans diluc was watching in his dark knight hero thingy
of course you noticed his presence from the beginning, you just wanted to piss him off and act like he wasn't there at all
you walked. straight past him like he was actually on the bridge in the middle and you just w al ked .
i mean ofc he gonna say something. and he did. dude said "who r u"
stared at him directly in the eye and said "the embryo made of chewed bubblegum."
he stared. sh o ck ed . what were you even saying
"jk im a resident of mondstadt, visiting from my liyue trip."
"and how do i know you arent lying?"
you sighed and grabbed your dendro vision, letting him look at the frame. "its incased in a mondstadt styled frame." after a few seconds, you put it back. "if that is all, i'll be going."
"literally fuck off" you responded and walked inside.
sometimes you forget how rude mondstadt people are lmao loser.
ok so like this donna girl really went up to you like "JFKLSJFLKSDJFL NUMBER ??? HELLO ?? UMM THE WAY YOU SAVED MONDSTADT RLKDFFC" and you resisted every urge to flip her off on the spot.
you just stayed and let her talk, smiling through all of it. your hood was still on but it was quite windy s ooo
its been ten minutes. girl please let us go. you were literally begging for anyone to cut in because ur too nice (or unbothered) to tell her to shut up even though you totally went off on diluc aadahahhshdf
and someone did! not the one you expected though.
"good evening donna, and... oh? who would you be?"
ALBEDO LMAO GET STICKBUGGED? ? ? ?? AH a hjfkahfjah . im so funny .
guys i meant that ironically please
you got even more uncomfortable lmao and you just looked at him and smiled. what do you respond? "no one of importance."
he heard your voice, saw your eyes and it registered. it was you...
or was that what he wanted to believe?
cause this whole time hes been waiting for you, only using experiments as a thing to pass time. it got... a little more lonelier, because nothing could replace you.
he decided to not believe it. because 1) you knew well they welcomed you with open arms, so there would be no need to hide yourself
(which is also proof of how much the whole situation fucked up your thinking)
a second of silence before he continues on the conversation with normal evening meeting stuff things idk
then ur like "ahhshaaajk i must be taking my leave now for matters i will not disclose ahaha skidoosh"
so you go to the big venti statue next to the cathedral and just stand. stare. yikes
no ones out right now and theres nothing to do. but you remember this place because its where the both of yall would eat together whenever he had free time (which wasnt that often, but he still made the effort)
you look up to the sky, counting all the stars like you used to.
no ones gonna know that you're here, you decided on that. you only visited because you simply missed it, but after this, you were going back to liyue.
no ones gonna know. because no one needs to know. no one needs to know that you were here. that would only cause more trouble to the situation you tried to avoid
albedo ends up catching up to you later, still having some spark of hope left that it really was you
i mean lowkey there isnt really anything saying it wasnt. he wanted to believe that he was just overthinking when he thought it really wasnt you
like you look the same. sound the same. its just the reasoning of you coming here, but he can push that aside
you flinch but didnt react with anything else. he doesnt need to know that its you.
you turn around to meet his eyes as he was approaching you. slightly distancing yourself another inch away as you were not used to the proximity, you responded, "i'm afraid i'm not the one you're looking for."
albedo stops for a moment, and was about to apologize,, but then
yknow that wind i mentioned earlier? like right after donna started bothering you
yeah that same wind blew ur hood off! lmao L
okay time to get serious !
you stay composed and sighed, your breath visible in the cold air.
so your features are exposed, and its so obviously you, like theres literally no way it cannot be you
"it really is you..." he doesnt understand why youre not admitting to it. "(y/n), please.."
you shake your head and walk away but mans grabs your wrist gently
"(y/n), whats wr-" he starts, but youre quick to respond
"im not (y/n)." you flat out said it and looked right into his eyes. and you swear there were small tears even if he was deemed nonchalant.
he doesnt understand, its your physical features, and your same energy, there is no other person that completely matches it.
he pulls you closer to examine this black smudge on your hand, a small yelp of surprise coming from you.
"this is... ink," he studied the properties of the substance. "you responded to my letter a day ago. (y/n)... i know by now. there's no reason to hide it."
you step away, freeing your hand from his grasp. your voice broke, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "i'm not... i'm not (y/n). i never will be. i'll never be so vulnerable again, i'll never be so naive again, i'll never be so lonely again, i will never ever be anything like they were again."
your vision blurred, but you werent oblivious to the tears streaming down his face as well. reaching to brush them away, you paused and let it drop to his shoulder instead.
"albedo. i... the (y/n) you knew... they're gone now. and if i could revert back to them any time, i would, i swear, but... i'm al-... they..." you buried your head in your hands. "i'm broken. to the point that i refuse to identify as the (y/n) you know me by."
doesnt know what to say, so he almost pulls you into a hug before you move out of the way. something you never did.
"don't... please. it never works out in the end." you shake your head, facing the other way. "for me at least."
"..we could work together, no?" he tried, still oblivious about your feelings towards him.
"only if you're willing to cross your moral boundaries," you looked back and tilted your head. taking a deep breath, you continued, "but you know that neither of us are willing to do that."
he couldn't say anything, because as much as he hated to admit something for once, you were right about that. at this point, he would've thought that literally any extent would've been fine to reach to bring you back.
yet in multiple situations where he's doubted himself before, theres always a line he will never cross.
"...i wish you the best. treat her well because i worked hard." you walked away without him stopping you this time. i worked hard. not we worked hard.
even if you had honestly felt that way, there was no chance the old you wouldve actually voiced that.
and so he watched you slip from his grasp again, only this time, he stopped himself from holding you back from his own will.
yet he swears- the next time he meets you again, he will bring you back.
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meltwonu · 5 years ago
Prompts #19 #8 #2 together with dom!seungcheol i still miss him 🥺
2. “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
8. “Like what you see?”
19. “Take off your clothes.”
note; camgirl!reader, squirting, dirty talk u know it!! ahaaaaa altho this is for cheol, theres a bit of all the members in this i mean its a camshow kdjfhksjh also it took me 30 min to come up with usernames for everyone 😔also the format of this is long and i got too into this so the rest is under the cut! Thank you for requesting!! Enjoy!! 💕
“Hmm, dom.cheol just wrote ‘Take off your clothes’, we’ll get to that soon! Just a few more donations and we can start the show!” The lace babydoll doesn’t do much to hide your figure from the camera but Seungcheol is impatient, his eyes flitting across his computer screen as he watches you.
kitty_junjun: aww, baby let us see you already!!
therealchan99: can I get a private show? :‘)
angelhan: if anyone’s getting a free show, wouldn’t it be dom.cheol?
Seungcheol smirks from behind his screen, licking his lips as he reads the comments on your stream. Your camgirl username was ‘cherry_clouds’ although that had nothing to do with your real name. You were his favorite camgirl and Seungcheol was a constant viewer; always active in the chat and always generous with his donations. He donated money, toys, and clothes whenever he could and you were extremely appreciative for him.
“dom.cheol getting a free show? Maybe… hehe, oh! We just hit the minimum for the show, guess we can start now!” You flash the cam a sweet smile, fingers playing with the lace of the sheer babydoll. “Like what you see? This cute little number was donated to me by dom.cheol! Thank you so much!”
dom.cheol: you’re welcome sweetheart, now why don’t you give us what we’re waiting for?
“Hmm, okay~ I think you’ve all waited long enough… and if I’m being honest… there was another gift in the package dom.cheol sent…” You push your keyboard away from you on the bed as you lean back, spreading your legs so that the camera can get a clear shot of your wet panties. “These vibrating panties were on this whole time since I started, I’m so wet and so sensitive, I could cum already~” Your voice is airy, sweet sighs escaping you as you reach for the remote tucked under a nearby pillow.
universe_WZ: fuck, look at that. You’re already soaking
alphagyu97: please tell me you’re selling those panties afterwards??
dom.cheol: turn up the vibration level baby, I know you can take it.
You obey, setting it to the highest level before you cry out, grinding down into the bed sheets underneath you.
dom.cheol: cum for me.
Seungcheol watches you come apart, legs snapping shut as you cum from the intense vibrations. The sound of coins clinking sounds off in the background as you catch your breath, sliding the soaked fabric down your legs. You take your time with removing your lace babydoll, giving your viewers a show as you toss it off to the side. Seungcheol palms himself through his sweats as he leans back in his computer chair, eyes fixated on your body.
“I have two~ more toys to play with… ‘m really sorry guys, I have a short show tonight! I have some business to take care of afterwards, hope that’s okay?” You pout at your camera, fingers twirling around a lock of hair.
artist8hao: don’t worry about it, doll! We’re happy to see you any chance we get!
tangerine_kwan: agreed! Don’t apologize!!!
chwenon: wait i’m with alphagyu97 are you selling those panties???
hoshi_tiger_xx: actually yea, thirded? Are u sellin those?
Seungcheol can’t help but eye roll at the comments. Sometimes he wishes it was really just you and him, but he also knew there were boundaries. You never offered private shows and you never sold any of your used panties, as much as your viewers seemed to want them. But he watches you pull out your favorite dildo and your hitachi, both also gifts from him, as you set them down in front of you.
“In my last show, I think it was sleepy_wonu who asked if I could, um, try squirting if I had the chance so I figured I would try since it’s a short show today! I wanna treat you all~”
sleepy_wonu: holy shit she just menbtioned me skjkh move over dom.cheol!!!
xcaliburDK: yikes don’t get too cocky there buckaroo
gentleman_josh95: wait did u say squirt
“Yes! I wanna try it tonight… Think I can? My body is already sensitive from cumming once~”
Seungcheol slides a hand past the band of his sweats and underwear, wrapping his fingers around his hard cock. He shimmies the fabric down, freeing his cock from its confines as he pumps himself. Reaching over, he uses his free hand to type a quick reply.
dom.cheol: lets see that pretty little pussy get wet, baby.
Giggling, you grab a bottle of lube off camera, plopping back down onto your bed. “Ok~ let’s get started~!”
universe_WZ has donated $100
angelhan has donated $50
dom.cheol has donated $450
“Thank you~ Hmm, ah, I’m still so wet… do you think I can take two fingers already?”
alphagyu97: yes god yes yes
kitty_junjun: bet you could take 3 with how wet u r ;)
Pouring a little bit of lube on your fingertips, you start with one finger, pumping the digit until you realize it’s not enough, quickly adding another finger into your tight hole. “A-ah, mmh, feels so good, I want more~” You whine, grinding into your own palm as you reach for the dildo. You continue to finger yourself, adding a third digit as you pop the lid on the lube, squirting some onto the dildo as you warm it up with your free hand.
“I really can’t wait anymore, I wanna be fucked so badly~”
Seungcheol pumps his cock, precum leaking from the tip as he watches you remove your fingers and instead position yourself over the dildo. You sink down onto it, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the dildo bottoms out inside of you. You start to bounce on it, fucking yourself onto it as Seungcheol tries to stave off from cumming too soon.
“A-ah, d’you wanna k-know, hah, a secret?”
therealchan99: oh god yes
xcaliburDK: yessssssss
“Mmh, sometimes wh–when I’m fuckin’ myself on this dildo, I imagine it’s dom.cheol’s cock filling me up. It’s so big, but I bet he’s so much bigger~ He could probably make me cum just from sitting on his cock~ Ah, and then he’d probably fill me up with his cum and I’d be so full of it~ I’d make him watch all the cum spill down my legs and then let him scoop it up and fuck it back into me~ Mmh, I’ve never wanted someone to fuck me this badly~”
sleepy_wonu: b r u h 
hoshi_tiger_xx: yoooooooo
chwenon: imma pretend u said my name instead
If Seungcheol wasn’t already heated before, he could feel his blood turn into lava as he fucks up into his hand; your words spurring him on. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to his orgasm as you continue to fuck yourself on the dildo, a free hand reaching for the hitachi next to you.
dom.cheol has donated $600
dom.cheol: fuck, sweetheart, let’s see it, fuckin wet this cock for me like a good girl
You turn on your hitachi, settling it to the highest setting before placing it against your clit. You let out a small scream, opting to grind down onto the dildo instead as you cum hard. The sound of rapid fire donations hits your ears but you don’t let up, keeping the hitachi against your clit as you maneuver yourself onto your back, giving the camera a clear shot of your filled pussy. Your legs threaten to clamp shut but you fight the urge, using a hand to pump the dildo in and out as your other hand presses the hitachi harder into your clit.
“I’m gon–gonna cum again fuck, fuck..!!”
Seungcheol jerks his cock faster, wanting to cum at the same time as you. He moves his hands in time with you fucking the dildo into yourself as he cums, biting his lip hard to hold in his noises. On screen, you cum right after he does, back arching off the bed as the dildo is forced out of you, clear liquid spraying and wetting the bed sheets underneath you. Your grip on the hitachi loosens but you keep it to your clit until the overstimulation starts to bite, small whines and cries leaving you as you turn it off and catch your breath.
tangerine_kwan: i think i have died
artist8hao: i…please tell me we can pay for this content to be reuploaded
gentleman_josh95: seconded, please god that was so hot
You lay there for a moment, letting the sound of donations keep going for a minute or two before you attempt to sit up. Seungcheol, alone in his room, sits with his hand still firmly around his cock, streaks of cum already drying on his shirt.
“Mmm, I’m so sleepy you guys~ That really wiped me out… How did I do? I’m soaked now~”
universe_WZ: i would d word for u
artist8hao: i literally came when you did and I’m already ready for a second round
chwenon: me too, fuck
dom.cheol: I think you killed me, sweetheart.
You let out a tired giggle, slumping forward into the camera. “Aww, ‘m sorry~ I Just wanted to show my appreciation~ And again I’m sorry that I had to have such a short show! I wanted to make it worth it, y’kno?” You read a few more comments, thanking your viewers for supporting your show as always.
“Okay~ I think I gotta go now everyone! I gotta go clean up! Thank you again for watching! Love ya!”
Seungcheol watches as you blow a kiss to the camera, waving once more before the stream cuts off. He sighs out of tiredness, sending one last donation of $500 before he exits your page for the night. Checking his account, he notices a tiny ‘1’ over the messages logo, brow quirking in curiosity. He clicks on it, heart racing when he sees the singular ‘cherry_clouds would like to send you a message!’ in his inbox.
Seungcheol feels the air leave his lungs as he reads your message, quickly pulling up a reply window as his eyes flit over the message for the 3rd time.
“Hi dom.cheol!
I just wanted to thank you for your constant support for me~ I’d be nowhere without you~! I’ve been thinking it over and I know I don’t really do private shows or anything… but I would really be interested in doing one for you, free of charge for my biggest supporter! If you’re interested, I’d love to hear back from you! I’m free right now actually, maybe we can even cam and get to know each other better? ;) Hope to hear from you soon! xx cherry_clouds”
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beepbeepdespair · 4 years ago
i actually had no idea jackbox hosts had like. lore and stuff (dont know if thats the right word but oh well) do you mind explaining a bit about it?? im really curious !!!
oh honey /p... you have opened pandora's box... you will regret this. but you also have my heart for life so /p
right so uh this is gonna be mainly [REDACTED] because i know him best and i dont have much lore for the other hosts or lore linking them yet but im working on it i promise!! Ight lets go *pauses kpop music that has been on all day*
I literally have several pages of notes on this man because he is so i n t e r e s t i n g but i'll try to keep it short. so he grew up in a murder hotel (idk how much you know about tmp2 so I'll kinda overexplain everything just to be safe, I'm not saying you're stupid-), so like a hotel where the vast majority of the guests, probably nearly all of them, get murdered. but [REDACTED] didn't want that, he wanted to kill people in other places, which is ironic since he ends up back there in tmp2 but also kind of like made him not fit into the family?? And he has a fucking massive family so thats an achievement. He has cousins and uncles and nieces all over the shop
but he especially didn't seem to get on well with his parents. I mean he absolutely clearly loved his mum but... idk i don't have any evidence for it yet but the relationship between them doesn't seem entirely healthy. And he fucking hates his dad so uh thats a yikes. You just need to listen to the credits song for the father's hat ending to work that out lmao
uh what else- I've heard something about a brother but tbh I haven't quite worked that bit out yet. Oh but there is one piece of lore that links him with another of the hosts. Theres a quiplash killing floor in tmp2 and judging by schmittys voice he got kidnapped to be there so uh oof. Although [REDACTED] said on this livestream he hijacked about six years ago that he thinks schmitty is a good guy so it clearly wasnt malice. I think he would have just asked him if he could, but like hes a serial killer thats never gonna work
And I know I shouldn't love this man but like... he does all this murdering and yet he bakes banana bread a lot, he wears a duck costume every halloween, he feels awful about a book he took out of the library in second grade and never returned... he's just wonderful. Ooo one more thing I can mention! Only found this out the other day. So uh the police have turned up to the hotel at some point but they didn't arrest [REDACTED] so they clearly didn't find anything which is good. But they sounded like pretty incompetent officers so... yeah I think he just got lucky because he has left passports and other evidence lying around before-
Okay right uh I need to do someone who isn't [REDACTED]. Honestly i don't have much for schmitty. He just doesnt say as much about himself. He did mention his wedding night at one point so i think he's married?? Or at least was. But apart from that i dont have much. Still working on that. I wish the rest of the hosts were a bit more like [REDACTED] and told us a little more about themselves but eh what can you do. Alright ive talked for long enough and i dont have anything else for anyone who isnt [REDACTED] so i guess i'll stop here lmao. Thank you so much for asking this. T h a n k y o u
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tiernatobin · 4 years ago
Notes on CHI vs WAS from a chicago fan
“Sarah gordon out on a hip injury” “probably from carrying her son on her hip” like. what??
Why does the ref need a shoutout on his nwsl debut???
The sight of turf flying makes me hurt
We don't even have to mic up the coaches/put ne mic in between them
I missed 3 min bc i had to catch a spider in the bathroom
Luebbert lets fuckin gooooooooooo first pro goallllllll
This ref looks like a child
Some poor chaotic soul shouting a yankee doodle chant
It looks like luebbert kinda needs to wash her hair just saying
My brain: takes a whole minute to decide whether that’s mapi leon or bianca st georges
Petition to show us water break shenanigans
Someone thought am played for one of these teams
Sarah luebbert can't get a break i feel so bad for her legs and turf burns
“Maybe they need to mow the turf?”
All the teams were like hey the red stars nt defenders are all hurt this will be a piece of cake but forgot about uncle naeher
SAVANNAH GOT A SECOND YELLOW she looks so confused
Theres a lgbtq and trans flag tied to a fence
Ok but like both mapi and bianca bleach their hair and then wear it in the kinda half bun hairstyle
Lmao the “we’ll be back after this break and nwsl logo disappeared from the screen for a minute and it was just the background and now it’s back and the background has changed
*shows a livestream of a net with absolutely nothing in focus*
McCool is a badass name that definitely got annoying in school
“No, sam kerr is not available” talking ab the louisville expansion draft bro she joined chelsea she's dead to us now
Alyssa walking around a fallen sanchez like ‘why is there a dead body in my goal box’
Chicago playing with ten has been said at lest 10 times
Y’know what I don’t miss? The chaos cup curses
“Hey ref, give her a yellow” - r e a l l y loud fan
The segra field playground is gone and one of the commentators wants to know if she can go visit it
The head medic is cute just saying
Dammit washington scored while i was looking up the arsenal score
Chicago better win istg
Alyssa is gonna lowkey murder bianca after the game
Commentator wanted to see vlatko go down the chaos cup slide
Ok but can we address that miss jill roord is the top goalscorer for the first two games
“Oh it’s just getting started” with 4 minutes of regulation time left
Damn 8 extra minutes
F U C K washington got another goal
Bianca is a Battle Bro
Dammit chicago lost but hey i’ve still got arsenal
What have we learned today ladies? That savannah is important and we should keep her from getting yellows
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peg-legz4 · 5 years ago
peggy's klance fic rec :)
this is my first fic rec and i know its really sloppy but one of my friends said she wanted it do I an forced to post it after procrastinating finishing it for a month. enjoy!
Best Friends to Lovers
Hearts Don't Break Around Here - klancekorner
AHHHHH okay okay okay this is the first klance fic i ever read and it set the bar soooo high. basically keith and lance have been bestfriends since foreverrr and it jumps between flashbacks and present day where keith is realizing hes just been In love with lance for like the whole time they've known each other and lance calls him snickers and its s l o w b u r n bc they're both oblivious idiots but theyre also pining and aghhghhh AND THE WAY THEY START TO REALIZE THEIR OWN FEEELINGS IS! IM- it's super cute pls read!!!
with love - allinadayswork - 8,888  AHHHGGGGGGGs high school au! this is so cute they're both so smitten basically they're best friends but lance is also keiths secret admirer and ahhhhh!!!!!! so cute pls read i beg of you + valentines day and overprotective shiro!!!!
 Your Smile Makes Me Awkward - Lancelee (ashleeforreal) - 8,791
another best friends to lovers (hehe) lance gets his braces taken off and keith is in a gay panic because lance looks hot and he doesnt know what to do and theres miscommunication but its all good in the end this was so cute
One Heart Missing - starlightment - 24021 HSWOQSJKNQJNIU BEST FRIENDS TO LOVERS AU IM A SUCKER FOR THESEEE they’re in college and keith finds out he loves lance nd then they have a fwb thing going on and ppor keith but also poor lance for reasons i can’t disclose anD THE REOCCURRING THEME WITH THE ICE SKATING ITS SO CUTE AND DEHQIJOjqsk please just read it oh my god 
Soulmate AU
between two points - Alltheroads - 20,589 red string of fate au!!!!!!! keith is one of the few people in the world who can actually see the strings though, and lance seems not to have a string, just like keith. its them falling for eachother and keith teaching him how to repair a motorcycle and 50′s themed diners its amazingggg
Tell Me It’s My Name Written In Your Skin - Ivnars - 15,636 soulmate au where the name of your soulmate appears on your wrist once you fall in love with them (i think?) and lance thinks his is unrequited and of course he also has a martyr complex and is willing to die for the team and almost does and then omgomg i just its so great pls read
there, nestled against his pulse - hiuthyn SHAOAMALAL ITS A SOULMATE AU I LOVE THESE HJDJSJSJSS AND ITS CANONVERSE (im pretty sure this was a one shot first and then I came back and it was a multi chapter fic and I read and it was like 1000× more amazing ajsjska) this was one of the very first klance fics i read and it’s definitely the first one that made me like gasp and scram cause oh my god,. okay basically the first and last words your soulmate says show up on your wrists and keith hides his wrists because he thinks he k words his soulmate and there’s miscommunication aND KEITH’S BACKSTORY AND IT GIVES LANCE SO MUCH DEPTH??????? and it has a really happy ending and its slowburn and angsty and pining and i’m a sucker for all those things which made this amazing!!!!!!!
College AU
i just wanna be (with you) - aknightley - 8,020 COLLEGE ROOMMATES AU LETS GOOOOOOOO there’s a lot of tension and pining and they give eachother gifts all the time i’m sOFT pls pls pls read
reasons why keith is the worst - MellodramaticLawliet - 5517 lance and keith are roommates and to cope with his hate for keith, he starts a list of why he hates keith and it just turns into a journal abt keith and lance is so oblivious and there’s also fencing tournaments which is cool hadjalkj read ittt
You Should Date Me - petalloso ahhhh lance and Keith are both freshman in college and they have little adventures and it's just super cute and fluffy ajskkasna
The Art of Secret Telling - jilliancares - 4,880 so to form another coalition, voltron has to form another coalition and lance has, 1, never kissed anybody and 2, has a crush on keith hehehe
a culmination of things - viscrael ahhh it's super cute and short and basically jumps around in time and they're just in looovee
instincts - godsensei lance n keith are getting their groove on when red mistakes Keith's pleasure for distress and comes crashing through the wall ajsksksmsna
i can’t help but want - aknightley  lance and Keith's lions get stranded on different islands but their comms get through so they're just talking and bonding and falling in love while they get their lions fixed akssjal so cute pls read!!!!
Terminal Velocity - speaks tHE ANGSTTTTT. i'm like, a whore for angst. but basically. voltron gets captured by these alien empaths and this guy feeds off of other people's pain(???) and so he tortures lance and makes keith watch and oh my. this is so good I felt so many emotions pls read.
Keith McClain - orphan_account 🥺🥺 keith sees visions of him and lance in the future on the space whale and its v soft
In English, Please  - orphan_account this is a fic I'll always remember omg so lance flirts with Keith in spanish but pretends they're insults and he thinks Keith wont find out (he does)
 moderation - Katranga - 21, 613 HSJHKJAJOIHQQ keith gets bitten by a love bug and sees lance first and then allura gets bitten and sees hunk so he just tries to act how allura acts so it doesnt give away his actual crush on lance hsjksskjs
Public Displays of Affection by hattricks lance n Keith are undercover on a mission and they see guards and they hide by making out ajkaka
the waiting game - they frick frack a lot but basically Keith and lance make eachother wait through a week without sex and only teasing sksjakak
To Bite, Or Not To Bite - jilliancares - 11,433 lance gets bitten by a vampire!!!! and he turns into one!!!! need i say more? and the way it like happens AND THEN THE WAY HIM AND KEITH DECIDE TO OMG IM THIS IS GRESR
feelings on fire i guess i'm a bad liar - melancholymango - 22679 a witch curses lance and now he can’t lie to Keith or anything having to do with Keith and its really funny i cackled sjhkah
The Loverboy Trials - PM_Writes - 20,838 THSIEIHWHIJIHJI I LOVED THIS ONE AHHHHHHH.basicaly the aliens think keith is their god of fertility and stuff so they’re like oh we need to do a ritual thing where people fight for his virginity and voltron is like oh fuck no so then lance has to compete to save keith i can’t get over it it’s- i’m softttt
Sorry, Who Are You? - sjskakaja lance and keith were childhood best friends but keith is bad with faces so when they meet at the garrison lance is really salty and keiths backstoey and the way he find out i'm- its great trust me pls
it might not be that bad - Katranga - 16,416 omg i adore this fic okay so. basically. keith doesnt know the difference between jealously and attraction because of him clinging to the closet in middle school and now hes trying to find out why his and Lance's definitions of jealousy differ and Keith's bad at feelings please readd
Everything Else
read all about it - starlightment AHAKAKAL HIGH SCHOOL AU!!!! i just read this one and it’s great!!!1 Lance is on the newspaper and writes and articles professing his love for Keith, the star quarterback that everyones in love with. it's such a good read and oh my goshh this made me throw my phone and squeal out of freaking excitement i love it so much 🥺 idk how but this made me feel as if i was living out senior year through this fic??? it was just that amazing
it's you that's haunting me - perfchan 
suuuper cute youtuber au where Keith hunts gosts and enlists lance as his cameraman. (includes a haunted mansion ballroom dance scene) and its just great oml oml i love it so so much!!! there’s also like 4 sequels so that makes it even better!!!1
Dirty Laundry - 
this is a staple and if you havent read it you're either new to the fandom or living under a rock but its a fake dating au where keith spends winter break with Lance's family and they bondddd and its great!!!! 
alright i just realized the author took it down so uhhhh
adaigo by shipstiel
lance moves in next to keith and Keith likes to play piano at the ungodly hours of the might where lance is just trying to sleep. this ones so cute!!!!!!
eyes to you wide with wonder - aknightley
an office au where Keith is shiro's secretary and lance always comes up to his desk to annoy him and they mask their affection under playful banter and lance also ends up being Keith's knight in shining armor ajskssnns it's so great!!!!
okay i know that you are not my type (still i fall) - quidhitch
ajoasbak nyma cuffs lance to a bed during a party and then leaves but then the bed turns out to be none other than....Keith's bed!! so they like talk while Lance is only in boxers and cuffed to Keith's bed
you never stood a chance - kagshina
it's a snapchat fic!!!!!!! lance accidentally snaps keith a shirtless pic and then Keith snaps back and it's just 😳😳 the whole time it's great omg
Cold Hearts Looking for Love - swang_is_trying typical enemies to lovers where lance is the son of a rich businessman and visits the orphanage that Keith hangs around to visit Pidge??? but its fricking jam packed with them thirsting over each other sshsksksm (i must warn you, its incomplete)
Of Don Juan And Elvis - shipstiel 
Keith is a starbucks barista and lance always comes in and orders with really weird names ehehe
And Now Presenting: Rielle and the Forbidden Meringue
tsbkakaK this ones so cute keith is a galra guard and hes guarding a garden (ooh alliteration) and climbs a tree and then falls into lance's arms (who's an altean guard) and its really cute sjkssahajaj
how to not keep a diary, or, lance’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad semester - glitterfreezing sjskasla they're sophmores in college and roommates pidge forces lance to keep a diary and he just ends up ranting about keith but he’ oblivious to his won feelings heheh
Lance and the Search For Keith's Boyfriend - haikquu - 9497
lance is jealous bc everyone keeps talking abt keith’s boyfriends but he doesnt know who he is (it’s him)
bus buddies - WhatTheBodyGraspsNot - 8033
lance notices Keith doesnt have a bus buddy on a 3-day-trip to save the bees so he goes and sits with him and it's so cuteeeee
got got got it bad -  kairiolette - 10,377 so keith is bad at feelings so he asks what its like to have a crush on someone and then basically tells lance that he has a crush on him and lance just casually brings it up
Only Fools Rush In (but I Can't Help Falling in Love with You) - Fangirl_on_fire_ - 13,524
The Bitter And The Sweetness - The_Real_Karaage - 66337
its a klance youtuber au!!!!!! I love these!!!!! okay so keith makes like conspiracy theory videos and knife throwing ones and lance does like vlogs or storytimes with pidge and they also do dance and then they meet irl but lance doesn't know keith is the YouTube guy cause he hides his identity and omgomggg also Keith is from Texas so he acts like a stereotypical emo cowboy and as a Texan I find it extremely funny
nobody puts baby in a corner - orphan_account - 3,950
 its like the 23rd century and aliens are on earth and keith is a royal galra and lance goes clubbing and and they meet and dance and wOOHOO 
okay thats all for now but i'm probably gonna make a part 2 cause i have a whole bunch saved to my notes app lmao have fun reading y'all
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crystu-cii · 4 years ago
I f e e l that pain in my soul-- my older sister uses cologne sometimes and it is sO STRONG AND WILL NOT STAY CONFINED TO HER ROOM-- AMD SOMETIMES SHED DO IT IN THE DOORWAY LIKE HELLO-- XDD
YES BABY JAIL, INTO THE UPSIDE DOWN LAUNDRY BASKET YOU KNIFE-WIELDING HEATHEN-- XDD oms XDD well I don't know them but I love them- YESSS THEYRE SO FLUFFY-- I'm actually curious what images pop up first imma check-- FLUFFY PUPPIES-- we've actually never owned ones that fluffy(those actually look more similar to shetland sheepdogs than the shelties we've had so far?? Very similar/similar enough where if someone doesn't know a sheltie we mention shetland sheepdogs), our current one is a purebred that we got for free(she was being given away bc her family never came back for her and the lady taking care of her couldn't afford the time to take care of a second dog long-term think) and she's got pretty short fur in comparison- still fluffy enough, but not quite so long of fur-- she's a blue merle(absolutely gorgeous fur, she's like 8 now with a lot of health problems but she's super loving still 💕💞) anyways about the fur, so long as you brush regularly you should mitigate most of that, and it mostly collects in corners- but like.. be prepared to eat and wear dog fur for the rest of your life-- (actually there's a thing called a fur zapper we bought recent that you put in with your clothes when you wash/dry them(I think it's dry but idk??) that's supposed to get a lot of hair off your clothes in that process? Also lint rollers are your best friend--) AND roombas are really helpful(we bought a knockoff one and rarely have to sweep ever so 👀) XDD WHEEZE I can't even imagine what you did-- but like you could ask for a budgie/parakeet /hj I mean, they aren't very expensive (actually they're pretty cheap) but they're very loud, need a lot of attention(especially if you want them to bond to you!) and you need to research into them a lot to make sure you're doing things right-- loads of vids online!! Loads of websites too!!! I'd know I have one- JUST A WARNING, FEATHERS AND SEED HULLS GET ALL OVER YOUR FLOOR XD p l u s like you have a friend who knows stuff about birbs :3 anyways ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM ME WOW THAT GOT LONG--
💕💕 I feel that XD OMS-- I WISH-- WHAT A D R E A M - s n a k - Awww but what a mood XD
H E A THEN-- XDD how cool of them to try tho :3 whEEZE Y 'A LL-- XDD
Right like wth???? I???? Okay but like December to February babies just fuckin DONT EXIST IN THIS GEN OR SOMETHIN-- CAUSE I FIND N O N E -- Maybe there are more December babies but there are definitely like NO January to February babies it is So Weird--
NEJFQOBGKW WOWW d an g like-p l e a se s t op over sp r aying-- xD and LEGITTTT LIKE- THAT WAS M Y ROLE TO STAY UP LATE- XDD
WHEHEHEZE- LAUNDRY BASKET TIME- G E T I N XDD anD YESS- any doggo is just such a cute doggo 😭💞💞 but for me- fLUFFY ONES ARE WHERE ITS A T- and ohhhh i see- FOR FREE?? W H A T A S T E A L XDD but awwww the poor doggg at least she's with you now ! ;0;; 💞💞😭 aaw such a lovable puppup 😭😭💞 and oHHH i see :00 but oh no- xD i also have a friend that has two dogs and whenever he would give me gifts- there would be dog hair on them no matter what- XDD and ooOhhh those sound really helpful! omg- i swear i dont have to have a pet for the need of a roomba- i already shed so much hair myself its so crazy-- xDD and oH MAN loud animals are really gon get my mom fired up- and OO birds just look so cuteee i always fantasize of having one- but then again- with the noise and all xD the more i think about it i dont think we are prepared to have a pet at all xD but i still dream of at least having one pet in my lifetime!
and OO that sounds awesome!! i have no clue if i even tried casserole before- man- sometimes i just eat food without even knowing wth it is XDDD but THAT SOUNDS so gooodddd :O
and LEGITT LIKE- TF IS HAPPENING WITH MY SCHOOL LIFE- XDD and oh my god- IT GETS WORSE- that year there was a FREAKINGG FIREEEEEEE- it wasnt that dangerous thank god- but it had to get a whole ass room renovated because of it- and guess what room it was- THE ORCHESTRA ROOM- AND GUESS WHAT M A D E I T W OR SE- that year- it was the first time the school replaced those 10+ year old instruments with new ones- NOW THEYRE B U R N T- and mind you that the school's budget isnt so- gr e a t- like oh my god i am still so bewildered over HOW MUCH chaos HAPPENED that year- and i thought that year was gon be the year- yknow? like UGH
and OHH MANN playing portal sounds awesome! but i just dont think the game would be worth my money cause i know the plot- and even with the mods and all my brain would be broken as i would possibly have no clue what to do- xDDD
and HOOOO MANNN game fan songs are just so AWESOMEEE- and those sound pretty cool! :OO and HOLY SHIT FUCK YEAH- GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY RIGHTS Y A LL- now im gonna look that up and let my ears be blessed by such words- XDDD and DONT WORRY BOUT SCREAMING ALOT- i scream a whole dam lot too XDD
and LEGITTT- finding someone's b-day in january and feb is so rare all of a sudden like wh a t - XDD
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sociallyawkward--fics · 5 years ago
hi !! idk how long its been (awhile) but long enough that i have scrolling through ur posts that i haven't read bc i don't have an attention span -H (ok but how long has it been i can't tell android mobile doesn't show dates(???) so i can't tell idk how far back to think back in terms of talking abt stuff but neway) (the last ask i sent in was abt the witcher right how long ago was that it seems not that long ago but also forever ago at the same time)
oh yea abt the witcher u said it was on netflix so if i watched it without any other knowledge id be fine right -H (like,, i assume so(??) but i just wanted to check or smth idk)
but !!! neway !!! idk what to say uhhh bts came out with a new song, your eyes tell, for,, a japanese show or smth& its so pretty like
i kinda made a promise with myself not to get into any other groups until i could understand their korean but i also forgot i made that promise until like 2 days ago so for the last week ive been getting into stray kids ! now the next asks will be me rambling abt them just bc. before i got interested in their music the only thing i knew abt them was they did an ok boomer song called gone days they dont actually say ok boomer but it amounts to the same thing& i think that's very iconic of them -H
one of the members felix is apparently bi so !!!! i love him !!!! -H (he never explicitly said it but someone asked what his ideal type was& he asked if they meant for boys or girls& then described both so) (i mean he also might not be i don't wanna assume or anything so im just kinda sitting here& quietly believing while also not at the same time yknow) (also he's so so pretty !!! u could just search up felix stray kids rq& see but he has freckles !! excuse me while i cry !!!!)
theres also chan& i love him !!!! hes got that gives rly good hugs vibe so my only goal in life is for him to hug me pls chan ily. he was recently doing a live& someone asked him what they should do bc theyre on their period or smth& he said "ppl with periods" rather than just "girls" which was !! so nice& inclusive im crying !! -H (also him& felix r from australia so they speak fluent english so this isnt a rough translation or anything !!its just what he said i would die for him !!)
oh !!!!! short pause in my skz rambling bc i forgot to tell u that i cut my hair !!!!!! its like a pixie cut so its rly short& i love it so much !!!!!! now all i need to do is redye it& nobody will ever think im straight again -H (i noticed ive been using a lot of exclamation marks this time around& i have no idea why that is skdjdh)   
yea so stray kids,,,,, they have a performance video for their song boxer& i !! love it !! idk smth abt their dance for it is so like,, bouncy& it's rly fun to watch felix does this spin kick idk what it's called but it's cool as hell. jisungs mannerisms r also amazing& i love changbin there's a part wheres he's in the middle& it's Esp Bouncy& the way he says boxer is so cool felixs is cooler but it's still cool idk i just like the video a lot -H
uhh thats another thing ud need to watch to understand but u dont have to& thats not gonna stop me neway !!!! theres another song i am you where changbin says smth that roughly translates to "its too cold outside to be alone by myself / its warm here, maybe bc ur here"& in the mv the camera zooms out& u see that hes laying with the other members every time i see it i feel like im being punched in the gut bc thats so cute ???? thats so soft wtf is that even allowed ???? pls i love them -H
anyway that concludes my session of infodumping stay tuned later for more of my rambling uhhhh bye ily -H
I also have no clue how long it’s been because I have NO sense of time lol, so don’t worry about it. I’m just happy to hear from you whenever you come around!!
And yes, you can watch Witcher without ANY background knowledge! Just jump right into the show! That’s what I did lol, I’m only getting into the books and games because I started hyperfixating very strongly, lol. It’s not, like, a requirement, I just really enjoy them (and really any Witcher content lol), so I decided to get into them. But yeah, no background knowledge needed, if you wanna get into it!
That is very iconic of them lol, love that for them. I think I’ve heard of Stray Kids before? But I don’t know much K-pop, I really only know BTS because my younger sibling is really into their music (and I know more about them from you, of course, but I knew about BTS beforehand because of my sibling lol)
I looked up Felix, and yes he is very pretty! But it said “Australian Rapper” on google instead of his band name and that made me laugh lol. And that is very good of Chan!! They both sound very cool, and I hope one day you can hug them!!
Nice nice about the haircut, that is very cool!! What color are you gonna dye it, have you decided yet? I can’t remember what color you had before lol
The bouncy dance song sounds very cool!! I might look it up when I get to my earbuds, if I can remember to! Also, that is very soft and cute, also it’s a mood lol. Me with my friends, honestly. I miss my friends so much. How have you been doing in lockdown? I hope you’ve been doing okay!!
I love your infodumping every time, thank you for sharing with me! I love you too!! Thanks for brightening my day!! <3 <3 <3
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ok so i feel like telling the world my bias list (kpop) for no reason and i was a little scared to but oh well lol
im gonna do this in parts. this list is my bias’ in boygroups pt.1
soo yeah if you wanna see some beautiful asian men you can keep reading lol
kinda turned out long oop
imma do nct on another post bc thats fucking loonngggg
1. kim hongjoong; stage name: hongjoong (leader of ateez, rapper, lyricist, producer and composer (i forget if those are the same thing) )
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king of the lesbians
personally i think hes SOME type of gay but, y’know, you do you baby (’good lil boy’ is the song he wrote on their new album akjsdl)
prince of mullets in kpop (king is minghao from seventeen)
so?? pretty???
he paints his nails for the polished man campaign!!! (this was before the group became ambassadors.) v socially aware as well
his voice is very high for a rapper but i rly love it
wanna hear what he thinks of atinys?? (the fandom) listen to ‘aurora’
korean big minion 
very very good at english, despite what he says
is so caring for his ‘children’ ugh such an amazing leader
also a little brat sometimes but we dont talk about it
fuck gender roles
5′7 skirt guy you’ve probably heard of in the kpop tiktok community
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the official campaign pic:
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2. han jisung; stage name: han (main rapper of stray kids, lead vocalist, producer and composer, lyricist, ult bias uwu)
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heres the tea
this man literally saved my life
he has been through so much and i relate to that. seeing that he made it through the worst gave me hope.
his music and lyrics just speak to me (wanna see me cry? send me the song ‘19′, its written by him)
on to the happier things
his s q u i r r e l   c h e e k s
hes honestly so pleasing to look at ugh
vocals????? fricking great???? listen to ‘hellevator’ and ‘district 9′ for his vocals
jEoGiYa NoOnA HoKsI nAmJaChInGu IsSeOyO (’wow’ 3RACHA)
part of 3RACHA, a rap group between him and two other members
his american name is peter and he loves nat geo wild and cheesecakes and honestly if thats not amazing idk what is
lived in malaysia??? for 6 years???? lovin the melanin y’all
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3. im changkyun; stage name: I.M. (lead rapper of monsta x, sub-vocalist, maknae (the youngest), producer and composer)
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fam im WHIPPED for this man like honestly i dont like subbing or sex in general lol ace things but i’d let him r a i l me
lived in america for 3 years and israel for 4; speaks fluent english and its SEXY
rapping skills??? on point???? both in english and korean ugh
is one of those people that does n o t like to be touched but then he’ll kiss your cheek out of nowhere
confident in his own skin and super open about it
“For IM, ‘Wearing a harness is just to express our song concept. Showing the audience what we want to show is the most important thing. We’re not ashamed. We’ve done a lot of sexual items, like harnesses and chains. We’re comfortable.’ “ 
“But, for argument’s sake, where does your own sense of masculinity come from? IM pauses for a long moment. ‘Having a dick,’ he says bluntly, sipping coffee as his bandmates’ jaws drop and shocked laughter ripples around the table.”
that interview is here 
kinky lil bitch
i can go on and on about this man but im just gonna stop there
i lied he has tattoos (one on his wrist [ :): ] and the one on the nape of his neck, it reads “the one who wants to wear the crown must bear the crown”)
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i like this picture bc its his hands and theyre pretty and fuck gender roles from a kpop idol
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thats enough of him 
4. kim wonpil; stage name: wonpil (pianist, synthesizer, and keyboardist in day6, lyricist, vocalist, also a a dj and mc for a podcast)
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was the maknae but then dowoon came along and now hes not lol
honestly like hes such a good pianist and is really great on the keys
is really good at making song lyrics out of thin air
like, he can hear the sentence “i really want chicken rn but i can’t have it im on a diet” and he’ll get “i crave your taste, but there is a wall i built myself blocking you from my love” like literally
im pretty sure he wrote the chorus for their song ‘zombie’
honestly bruh his vocals are so good
like pls go listen to ‘emergency’ and ‘congratulations’ (theres an english version for that song alsjdk)
guys hes just a big babie honestly
so pretty to look at omg
“i dont really care what my spouse looks like or what gender they are, as long as we’re happy and they love me” (wish i could find that photoset)
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5. kim namjoon: stage name: RM (leader of bts, main rapper, sub-vocalist, lyricist, producer and composer)
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literally the reason im into kpop, so thank you namjoon
a 5′11 babie, tbh
i remember finding out he had his own like, mixtape (’mono.’) and iT WAS SO GOOD AND IT STILL IS KAJHDJ
an amazing rapper and leader
can sing and i do not CARE what anyone says
so as you can see by now i kinda of have a type (except wonpil, idk wtf is going on there with me biasing him laksjk #no regrets)
anyway yeah he was the first kpop boy i found, and it was on his birthday
so every year on september 11th 11:50 p.m., i start i planting a tree in my backyard (bc then its on his birthday in america and korea lakajs so quirky i know) also bc its the day i started listening to kpop so its an anniversary for me lol. 
very very psychological
also very inspiring and loving (to the fans)
doesn’t really show affection, hes better with words than actions, and i really relate to that
dimples aGAIN
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and last but not least for this list bc its already so frickin long
6. byun baekhyun; stage name: baekhyun (main dancer of exo, main singer, sub rapper, pianist, actor)
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he’s so talented???? and amazing???? and overall just kinda perfect??????
dated another idol in the past but personally i think he’s a little *hand goes limp* if you know what i mean
my sister (4) calls him bacon he said it in an interview one time and it stuck to her
is a solo artist too!!!!!!! go listen to his albums!!!! theyre really good!!!!
hes so frickin funny omg like i can laugh at with him all day
understands english but refuses to speak it
honestly kokobop baek was amazing idc what anyone says
is in like 3 different groups damn (like two of them are sub-units of his group and the other one is superm lol)
pls go watch the ‘men on a mission’ episodes with exo bc hes so fucking hilarious i will never get over it
a clown ass bitch that is always ready to square tf up a caring and v nice person that wont fight anyone ever
can also tapdance
lots of video games
very very very very very loud when playing video games
another man i endlessly love
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well. if you made it this far, congrats!!! and thanks!!! i honestly dont care if no one sees this lol i just kinda wanted to do it, so, yeah lol. theres still more groups (superm, nct (seperate post), seventeen, vixx, pentagon, the rose, annnd oneus)then like idk if i’ll do a soloist one, so yeah. this kinda gives me something to do its one big infodump and im sorry lmao. yeah, love y’all !!!
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lordvatera · 5 years ago
Best Friends: Quarantine
INT: Kris, a teenager, is quarantined in his house and has nothing to do other than chores, internet and video games. Mike, also a teenager, is in the same situation as Kris and he’s been online on instagram for over hours. Kris opened his instagram and he saw his best friend online.
Kris: (Chat) oy
Kris: (Chat) how’s quarantine?
Mike: (Chat) boring,
Kris: (Chat) how’s life?
Mike: (Chat) in quarantine
Kris: (Chat) wut u doin?
Mike: (Chat) nothin special,
Kris: (Chat) sure?
Mike: (Chat) yeah, pretty sure.
It took a minute of no reply from Mike. While Kris is looking through, with dead eyes from his ennui state, to his snapchat account. Then he saw Mike online on snapchat.
Kris: (Chat) well? Aren’t u gonna ask wat im doin?
Mike: (Chat) I already know wat u doin
Mike: (Chat) goin through instagram den 2 snapchat
Kris: (Chat) ok
Mike: (Chat) ok
It took another minute of no reply from Mike. Kris is still bored on his phone. He turned off his phone and played on his PC. Overwatch. Onced he played the game, he saw Mike online then chatted.
Kris: (Chat) wanna play?
Mike: (Chat) sure
Kris played for an hour with Mike beating every single game, always MVP. Then quited the game. His eyes are still dead.
Kris: (Chat) dis is getting boring
Mike: (Chat) yeah
Mike: (Chat) imma order somtin brb
Kris: (Chat) ok
Kris: (Chat) im hungry also
Mike ordered sushi from Kris ordered a Big Mac, large size Root Beer and a poutine from McDonalds. While he was waiting he went through his Instagram account.
Mike: (Chat) wat u getin?
Kris: (Chat) big mac and poutine, u?
Mike: I should’ve gotten some Mcdonalds instead.
Mike: (Chat) some sushi
Kris: Sushi, huh.
Mike: (Chat) oh yeah
Mike was dead bored that he didn’t even have the energy to hold his phone.
Mike: I don’t know what to do! I’m just so bored! I’m dying!
Mike’s brother: (Knocked on the wall) I can help with that!
Mike: Shut it dude! It’s already 2 pm! Your shift’s like 2:15!
Mike’s brother: Don’t worry, Imma make it quick!
Mike: What! Hell no! That sounded so wrong! 
Mike’s brother: You were the only one who thought that. You gay?
Mike: No I’m not! Stop busting my balls!
Mike’s brother: Kay sure. Aright, Imma leave. No homo!
Mike: (Mumbling) Ugh, that guy.
Mike immediately took his phone and used it again to chat with Kris. His chat bubble already had 2 notifications.
Kris: (Chat) wat?
Kris: (Chat) ?
Kris: (Chat) did u die?
Mike: Oh yeah, I was gonna tell him something. I forgot.
Mike: (Chat) yup, im dead.
Kris: Yeah, right.
Kris: (Chat) ok. Say hi to my grandma
Mike: (Chat) sure wat do u wanna tell her
Kris: (Chat) i miss her….
Mike: (Chat) gotcha
Kris: (Chat) ….lasagna
Mike: (Chat) ok, got it.
Mike: (Chat) anymore request?
Kris: (Chat) also, tell her i would like to have money for ps5
Kris: (Chat) 500
Mike: Oh yeah, PS5 just released its teaser.
Mike: (Chat) ok, got it all written down
Kris: (Chat) tnx yo
Mike: (Chat) no prob
Kris: (Chat) bro, I have a joke 4 u
Mike: (Chat) shoot, im all ears
Mike: (Chat) actually eyes
Kris: (Chat) knock knock
Mike: (Chat) come in
Kris: (Chat) NAAAOOO!!
Kris: (Chat) dont
Mike: (Chat) y? Wats wrong? 
Mike: (Chat) i already know who’s knocking
Kris: (Chat) but dats not how da joke works
Mike: Pftt, hehehe. Gonna prank him again.
Mike: (Chat) I just wanna tell u how im feeling
Kris: Oh I know what that line is. You can’t trick me fool!
Kris: (Chat) but that doesnt how it goes!
Mike: (Chat) gotta make u understand
Kris: I’m an esper yo!
Mike: Dude, that’s….. Sigh.
Mike: (Chat) u got me there
Mike: (Chat) honestly thought i could get u
Kris: (Chat) i forgot wat my jk was
Kris: (Chat) forget it
Mike: (Chat) den how’s u n ur gf
Kris: (Chat) Sophia huh?
Kris: (Chat) she’s bored
Kris: (Chat) like real almost legit slowly dying of boredness whenever we call
Mike: (Chat) yeah, i can imagine
Mike: (Chat) one time when we were in middle school, she would sleep in class with a pillow
Mike: (Chat) den da teacher went up 2 her angry n asked her yknow like movies stuff
Mike: (Chat) den it ended up with da teacher asking that she could learn something new from her class 
Mike: (Chat) but she kept snuggling her pillow like she’s not there n said 
Mike: (Chat) im learning nothing new, ur teaching history ms
Mike: (Chat) all da class laughed so hard one guy shouted, “she roasted u ms!”
Kris: (Chat) she still sleeps with a pillow in class even now
Mike: (Chat) n u know wat happened 2 dem?
Mike: (Chat) r teacher never spoke with her again 4 da rest of her middle school
Kris: (Chat) yeah, wats up with sophia
Kris: (Chat) she always sleep but theres like another ear activated whenever she sleeps
Kris: (Chat) like she always knows wat the teacher’s teaching
Kris: (Chat) i think she’s an esper
Mike: (Chat) calm down
Mike: (Chat) i know how terrifying she can be
Mike: (Chat) ive experienced it first hand
Kris: (Chat) imma go asked her if she has some super power or wat
Mike: (Chat) u serious?
Mike: Actually I’m legit curious what her reaction will be.
Kris: (Chat) yeah 
Mike: (Chat) dude i wanna know 2 
Mike: (Chat) put me on another device and call
Mike: (Chat) call her n i listen
Kris: (Chat) k sure
Kris called Mike on his other older phone then proceed to call Sophia afterwards. She answered with a cracky voice.
Sophia: Hey
Kris: Hey, got a sec? I wanna ask you something.
Sophia: I can’t hear you.
Kris: I wanna ask you something.
Sophia: Still can’t hear you. Put the mic closer.
Kris: Here, can you hear me now? 
Sophia: Yup, loud and clear.
Kris: So I just wanna ask you something.
Sophia: Sure, what is it?
Kris: (Hesitantly) Do you have super powers?
Mike: (Muted) Pfftt!! He actually asked!
Sophia: Well, I kinda do have one.
Kris: Whoah, really?!
Sophia: Yup, to know whether you still like me or not. (Chuckled) Something like that probably.
Kris immediately puts down his phone. He really genuinely thought she did have one but not this. While Mike was drinking water and spilled it.
Mike: Oh, shit. It went through my nose. Ah, man. I never thought Sophia would say some cheesy lines like that. I should’ve recorded this. 
Kris: Oh shoot, I forgot you were there!
Kris ended his call with Mike.
Sophia: Yup, you’re still in love with me! Knew it!
Kris: (Mumble) Crap, I didn’t know this side of hers existed.
Kris: Can you give me a few minutes? I’ll end the call.
Sophia: Yeah, sure. Bye~
Kris: Bye.
Mike: Oh look, he ended the call. Getting embarrassed for a second. I can use this moment against those 2 in the meantime. 
Mike: Imma give him a call again.
Kris: Dude, did you heard it?
Mike: Huh? What’s it?
Kris: Okay, (Sigh) it’s nothing. 
Mike: (Mumble) Oh, I totally heard that.
Mike: So, what she say?
Kris: Of course not. Is what she said.
Mike: Ohh, well that’s expected. (Mumble) liar.
Kris: Yeah, why did I even ask her.
Mike: Yeah, I know right! Hehehehe. It’s just another one of your embarrassing secrets.
Kris: Huh? What was that?
Mike: Nothing. Why’d you end your conversation with her?
Kris: Cause…. Y’know I was talking to someone else before her.
Mike: Ahhh, then why you blushing so much.
Kris: No I’m not.
Mike: Okay. Okay. Okay.
Kris: Seriously, she didn’t say anything.
Mike: I wasn’t asking about her, I was asking about you.
Kris: Nothing really happened, okay!
Mike: Sure, whatever you say so.
EXT: Mike smirking when saying the last line.
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cleaduvalls · 6 years ago
i watched “spy kids” 4 times in 1 week and here are my thoughts
carmen your nightgown is like 200 years old, get a new one
you clearly know this story by heart, you’re saying parts of it. why are you questioning what “take him out” means
a double wig should be more obvious than that
we can see that that’s a glass elevator. people can see you changing, ingrid
nice hat
why did you kill the swan
is that paul rudd???????
how are jets ripping pages out of a book
heart shaped parachutes shouldn’t be working that well
why is there a guitar on your bed. how do you sleep
i think the kids would have seen the track in the floor at SOME point
why is there a jungle gym in their house. i know they’re spies but who has a jungle gym.... in their HOUSE
carmen you’re a frog
i think juni just legitimately try to kill carmen
why are both parents going to school. is that like, a Thing????
juni how do you do that
who puts a video screen in the front seat
hey look its floop. love that guy
they’re not picking on you for the bandages, it’s cuz you brought the toys OUTSIDE your backpack. always put them inside. trust me
did his mirror just.... zoom in?????
h*ck yeah beat him up greg
do all the other kids hate him too??????
dang that hurt
“chief” that’s so white
stupid kid. his dads a spy
that floop doll isn’t even close to accurate
hey look its floop again. love that dude
Big Willy Wonka Energy
oooh skipping numbers i see. love that
why do the subtitles have “mr. floop” as his name. its just floop, yall
“sometimes in order to think big you have to think small” pretty inspirational tbh
oh hes fidgeting!!!!!! love that
woah what are you doing this is rated pg ingrid
i wish my uncles would tell me im shrinking. they just make small talk abt school 😔
this gradenko lady looks like jan from the office
hey its floop again!!!!! love that dude
yes juni. its a fire drill in your own home
these dudes have a jungle gym AND a pool. what the h*ck
why did you pull off your mustache to prove you’re not related. if anything that makes you more related. greg does that too
why did he put the mustache back ON
where did those boats come from
carmen says manual weird. man-yull
right, cuz adrenaline causes warts
“don’t touch anything” *immediately touches everything*
basic boat ettiquette: don’t shit in the boat. those toilets can’t handle anything
is that globe..... punched in???????
floop!!!!!!! love that dude
feet on the desk????? i dunno seems pretty gay
since when did carmen get keys to that
i might be wrong but i dont think thats every country
what does pressure have to do with positioning a laser
this floor is the best mechanic in the whole movie. reminds me of a richie rich comic i had as a kids
why did they not run into the wall. i wanted to see that
is the slide there when floop films his show????
HEY ITS FLOOP!!!! love that dude
theres a bunch of normal food like.... sour worms. why did they pick the slime from charlie and the chocolate factory when johnny depp finds the oompa loompas
thats a sick coat. best one in the movie
that was a good snap. nice acoustics
God what a power move. something thanos would say
listen floop i love you but thats not how you say research
and hes gone. cool
did she kick the camera?????
haha author unknown. cuz hes a spy
why did you take that one specifically????? plot convenience????
he can still be a spy, just not a good one. learn to read
is that supposed to be a question?????
FUN FACT if you listen closely when carmen says “like felix said” you can hear a weird cut in “said”, almost like its a new clip
theres no keyhole
i think juni can read. why are you spelling it
did you have the floop toys in your pocket????
what do those things do?????
i can feel the pain from the fan blades
how did that break the chain????
why would you annouce that. they can hear you. just because they’re thumbs doesn’t mean they’re deaf
that’s a thing, not a place
FLOOP!!!!! ON A BILLBOARD!!!! love that dude
how are you slipping. shes holding YOU
how do people not notice the jetpack dudes
that’s a cute coat
why is the lady cool with carmen just... doing that
ofc you can’t think “straight enough” you’re gay
why is mexico sepia tone
when do you think juni had time to change and learn a new language
i wanna be on that merry-go-round
i love how junis just like “we already got a fake uncle”
ALSO MORE FLOOP!!!! say it with me, LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!
minion looks like barry from friends
wait i lied this coat is better
we DO have uncles like that!!!!!
if your inventions are so good why is your font so BORING
hey wait carmen said that. hmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
glowsticks dont help you see like at all
the map looks like gallifreyan but its not. spy kids is older than the doctor who reboot
they go ZOOM
great job carmen YOU wrecked the plane
oh its just a breathing thing
haha pee joke. funney
where are the brains coming from???? that factory is Not Correct
if i were juni i would look back over all the floop’s fooglies tapes and see what the agents were saying backwards. once the mission was done, ofc
it took me like 5 minutes to figure out what sknaht meant the first time
F L O O P  I S  G O D
love that dude
you discussed with the spy parents that juni watched the show. he just told you that you took his parents. you KNOW this is juni, why are you surprised that he watches it????? you already know!!!!!!
tbh i kinda want some of those colorful chains. they’d look cool somewhere
haha voice crack
no wonder your shows not doing well. those are awful times
why is there a sexy thumb nurse. why did floop make the thumb nurse sexy
use her first name?????? you’re clearly dating
he cares so much about this show!!!!!! its so sweet!!!! love that dude
haha you killed carmen
ok this scene with the acid crayon is like my absolute favorite. something about using a crayon to escape and then floop (love that dude) opening the door a second later and then doing a double take. FAVE
wheres belize
ok so apparently its a country by mexico
no you CANT tell her you need to ESCAPE
we finally got a clean outside shot of the castle.... that place is wack
haha minion can’t sit in the hand chair correctly because hes STRAIGHT what a loser
minion you know what the robot costumes look like AND what juni looks like. dont be stupid
what..... what do you want carmen for, exactly, minion??????
floop is supportive of others’ art!!!!!!!!!!! love that dude
he says doppelganger beautifully
“its too late” that timing was BEAUTIFUL
you COULD take 500 brains out if you just TRIED HARDER. still love that dude
his control panel has buttons that spell “floop”
if its reversible why do you have it in later movies
carmen fights fake juni and juni fights fake carmen because they didnt have the fancy clone (?) technology
nice censorship
wow nice 3 buttons thats totally how you hack
oh look they have all died
oh. guess not :((
machete you better rip off your mustache
wow no shit ingrid
did he leave his wart bandaid on the kitchen counter?????
ok CLEARLY other people watch floop’s show, he’s rated number 2. kids at the school are gonna recognize juni and carmen. they better get popular
is that george clooney
well that’s not how it works in spy kids 2. or 3. or 4. or the tv show
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zepdeans · 6 years ago
there’s not a lot I can say about s3 that hasn’t already been said (and articulated 200x better) but! here are some of my (albeit dumb) thoughts :~)
ep1 -isak leaning against the bathroom wall gets me EVERY time its such a powerful scene esp introducing you to s3 and tarjei..... spare some talent for the rest of us please -LiTeN gUtTeN fRa StRaNgEr tHiNgS -isak rly ties his pants w a shoelace...... -isak noticing even for the first time bc of his laugh.. whew.... also. i love this intro SOOO much bc its so non-monumental? theres no dramatic music or whatever but its not subtle.... like you know right away o shit love interest!! hello sir!! bc isak’s expression watching him :’) i could go on -isak is a bad liar HOWEVER this only applies to stupid nontrivial things e.g. the black sweatshirt. but when you look at him lying about like, his sexuality, he hides that shit well -”c00l” isak. i hate u so much -honestly all u have to do is look at even for .2 seconds and u can tell this boy has had a crush for a solid month bc he just looks awestruck (HOWEVER henrik’s acting is *chef’s kiss* bc its subtle enough to go undetected b4 you actually know eVEN SAW HIM ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL) -even isak and emma all sitting on the bench together is funny enough on its on but then a song called threeway comes on and like. julie sdshjsfdjfkjskd ep2 -there’s something so endearing about even’s handwriting idek what -i LOVE even’s video w mikael it reveals so much about him to us- how weird (ok we saw how weird he was w the paper towel thing but) and dorky he is? and his love of film! his view on love stories and how he sees the world :( but it also shows a lot abt isak because he saw even making stupid jokes about vladimir putin and was like yeah we about to fall in LOVE love -isak not using headphones to watch even’s video or r+j?? bde or general incompetence what’s the verdict guys -the isak watching r+j scene hits so hard like yall ever think about isak lying in bed at 3am staring at the ceiling probably thinking about how he’s never gonna get a beautiful world-shattering romance like that like ..... also him changing positions skam get out of my life go away ur too realistic -not to make this even more self-projection-y but isak simultaneously being the least emotionally vulnerable person ever but crying during r+j > -i made a post abt this already but even’s INTENSE staring vs isak’s “i have never looked anyone in the eye in my life” gets me it says so much about their characters -even said i see your bde move (asking me to buy you beer) and i raise u with my own (inviting you to my house after faking not having my id) -”if you listen to music” even is such a dick fsdjhsdff -when the message comes on...... i rlly do owe julie my life huh -”have you heard about my rapping?” “I have actually” have we talked about this enough????? 1. isak finally feels comfortable enough w even to flirt and his first move is to RAP for him jesus christ. keep in mind this is the same man who pulled that smooth af ibuprofen line w emma like...... 2. even has heard about isak’s rapping. either this means im-not-on-social-media even went out of his way to go thru homeboy’s instagram OR isak’s rapping is actually talked about. i- -the group chat messages. cant believe i forgot about the 2016 clown epidemic
ep3  -mahdi is a good friend and i love him. thank u -even wearing isak’s cap until he chucks it at him sjksfjsdjsd -how much yall wanna bet isak’s been listening to illmatic on repeat since last friday thinking abt even (even tho meeting sonja shattered his heart a lil) [also kinda an aside but i think a lot about how isak n even bonded over rap and how some homophobic lyrics in 90s etc rap might have impacted them? or how that little detail ties into julie’s story? e.g. halftime by nas, which is on illmatic] -whats worse. even staring into isaks soul wearing a size xs see-through white t shirt or isak staring at even for five (5) seconds before chugging his beer and immediately making out w emma. OR even crashing that party before it can start “i think you guys are bonding too much” cheesy ass shjhfsdhskdf -yall act like evak didnt invent hands. did even shaking isak’s shoulder telling him his apartment is nice mean nothing to u -im convinced robyn wrote call your girlfriend for this scene specifically bc how could anything fit so perfectly by coincidence -is anything better than egging isak on- even bech naesheim (2016) -idk if yall have read the scripts but i love the sock thing so much bc its soo true to how isak thinks and it makes everything so much more interesting and !!!
ep4  -i will never get over even sending isak bad seinfeld memes -even smacking open isak’s locker. first of all whew second of all u think as soon as he got into the stairwell he lowkey cried bc ow -parallel of isak saying “it’s 2016, why are you religious?” to sana vs. emma’s “it’s 2016, get out of the closet” to isak anyone :( -”takk sanasol!!!!” thank u isak for my life -I wanted to be with you aloneeeee -even’s face when he sees the pool like we get it youre a director -how many times do i need to say even is such a dick sjkfsd “does it look like i care about my hair?” “usually but not right now” like this would only work on isak i love soulmates!! -even just.. fully choking isak out ssdhgfd got em -when the first notes of im kissing you start ooh boy -even going in for the kill kiss and isak going from huh to oooo shit and pushing his lips out at the last minute. phenomenal 
ep5 -ngl as soon as im not in love comes on my heart goes uwu bc like!!!! that song the meaNING.... them......... i jus love this scene sm like theyre in their own little bubble and they both feel so comfortable and at peace :((  -even leaving isak comics about an inside joke of theirs like yall mind if i scream -isak feeling left out from the conversation and his friends whew i felt that... and having them talk about how gross it is to makeout with a girl w facial hair?? blease :( -taking stock of isak’s nicknames: issy k, isabell, izzy, baby jesus, -im not even gonna bother trying to articulate thoughts on Pause bc it’s a literal masterpiece. thank u tarjei henrik and julie for inventing television with this one  -MAGNUS SDFKJSDFJKDSHK "oooh my name is Jonas and I love idealism and reading klassekampen and I don’t like plastic and I skate on a skateboard made of sustainable wood and wear old clothes because new clothes are bad for the environment and I only drink recycled water” screAMMM -what i said abt pause also applies to pride ugh its such a powerful scene and!! the beginning of kicks to isaks stomach. honestly what i fucking love about this episode is how it goes from hell yea best day w even ever to crying in the street within one week (s3 had the best balance of angst and payoff thanks) -even’s Soft Party Flannel... forever tainted by this scene rip -not knowing why even kissed sonja keeps me up at night -speaking of. how used and stupid isak must’ve felt when he saw even completely unbothered, hooking up w his ex at this party?? whew :( -bros is one of my all time favourite clips solely bc of the music?? lift me up gives me chills and when hold my liquor starts i LOSE it -ep5 and 6 remind me of that quote “to see what your characters are really made of you have to break them” because julie rlly goes all in and god it hurts so good
ep6 -never have i ever seen insomnia portrayed as accurately as tarjei did here and i remember when i first watched the cantina scene i was like. winded bc its SO true to sleep deprivation whew -i really like that isak wasnt together with even when he reached out for help and came out to jonas. bc it was him, on his own, being strong enough to talk to his friends and then eventually he was confident and secure enough in himself to be in a good place when even started reaching back out!! -i have no idea what its like to come out to someone, to be afraid of your friends rejecting you, everything isak went through. but tarjei’s acting of when, like, you have something you KNOW you have to tell someone, and youve put yourself in the position where youre going to have to tell them, but youre terrified and eventually just force yourself SAY the words??  -and isak’s smile when he realizes jonas is gonna be his bro no matter what :’)))
ep7 -weirdly one of my favourite isak looks (black t-shirt grey snapback c-c-c-combo) -”what’s your name again?” have i mentioned i love sana and isak bc i love sana and isak -jonas truly is the best friend oh man. perceptive, thoughtful, loving, laidback, a friggen BRO. tbh i was wary of him in s1 and thought he didn’t treat eva well (tho I recognized he loved her a lot, he was just bad at being a boyfriend) but jonas in s3?? just goes to show how powerful your perspective of someone can change viewing them in a different role!! because while jonas was a crappy bf, he literally is SUCH an incredible friend and his actions and words and just! him! in s3 completely redeemed any illwill I had towards him :’) -maybe im a little gay (up there with other s3 comedy classics such as “thats a boys name”) -mahdi season WHEN ugh a legend -’when someone asks isak if hes going to a family party’ literally what other reason for living do i have if not to read the boy squad text convos -isaks locker finally opening and his smile at evens drawing whewwwwwww!! also even rlly is that guy who wont text you back but will leave hand written love letters in ur locker -also. another stellar look from valtersen -slutt a meld meg is a whole masterpiece like what other piece of media has the RANGE -eskild: play hard to get. jonas: no smiley!!! isak: nah fam im good B)
ep8 -this episode is BEAUTIFUL bc you feel practically euphoric?? like hell yeah theyre finally together!! isak is out and accepted and even is done with sonja! but theres also this unsettling undercurrent of worry bc you know deep down something isnt right? why is sonja calling isak? why is even acting kinda strange? whats going on? yknow?? -literally never going to get over 5 fine frokner :~) even is such a goddamn nerd and he’s the man of isak’s dreams can u believe!!  -sana’s little speech is SO important in so many ways ooo i love her so much -also have we discussed eskild making evak do a photoshoot for him. highkey those are my favourite pictures of ALL time u can tell even was like hm strange but im down while isak was more omg guys stop🙄 omg haha eskild i cant believe youre making me cuddle with even for a photo🙄 i cant believe ur making me snuggle this dude for a pic!!!! definitely would not have done this otherwise!!! -magnus only realizing it’s THAT even after seeing how isak looks at him. whew -isak is so brave i rlly love that kid! his text to his mamma <3 -no r*make will EVER nail text conversations like mari/julie did w evak’s this week thanks for coming to my ted talk. i'd quote the best ones but it would literally double the length of this post (ok ill cave. “hahaha shut up❤️” GETS me) -you dont know whats in store but you know what youre here for. hallo -isak running around oslo with even’s clothes looking for him :( his heart is so big he cares about even so so much -when Part II (on the run) comes on in the credits its like a kick in the teeth honestly
ep9 -ive already screamed enough about cherry wine but god it fucks me up -cannot put into words how much I love eskild and how good of a person he is, he just has so much love in his heart  -”wait they have waffles here? see ya” -this convo is why i love skam so much!!!! magnus giving insight and good thoughtful advice to isak was such a brilliant move by julie (also truLy heartwarming) bc like. magnus is a flawed layered character! he’s dumb and ignorant and not very careful with his words BUT hes also such a sweet guy. i genuinely dont think he would hurt a fly and him talking about vilde (in ep10) is ;-; bc he really likes her and respects her and wants to be a gentleman! hes so loving and just. yeah. also i wonder if isak and magnus (and vilde) ever talked about having mentally ill parents and lent on each other for support bc like....<3 [sidenote- this is why i HATE b***** like they absolutely massacred magnus’s character and magnus did not deserve that!] -det er bare slutt........ very cool of tarjei to invent acting here. also the character development makes me WEEP like at first isak lied and told his pappa it was over bc its easier to brush stuff off and say you were joking than be vulnerable especially about 1. having a boyfriend and 2. saying youve already broken up?? but then isak was like hey im done with lying about who i am bc i want my life to be REAL and he told his dad the truth even if it was hard and even if he was trying rlly hard not to cry  -isak reaching out to even<3 standing up for even<3 -o helga natt. another scene i genuinely cannot comment on bc u cant really put into any written language how magical and breathtaking and heartbreaking and powerful and brilliant this scene is. so. -jk. obvs i cant say anything intelligent enough to give this scene justice but probably the most stunning piece of television i have ever had the privilege of watching. even’s text breaks my heart every gd time (esp since we never really see this side of him before finding out he’s bipolar? his guilt, insecurity, feeling like a burden, being scared of losing everyone in his life because he thinks he’ll hurt them). the music is SO beautiful i cry real tears as soon as the strings start. also the brilliance of JUST o helga natt playing and no dialogue except for isaks one line? isak’s realization when he sees the cross. him RUNNING across oslo to go to even. the FLASHBACKS all going backwards in chronological order until them smoking on the bench. isak looking at the bench and not seeing even and u can feel his heart breaking and urs breaks too! but then he remembers the bathroom and he turns and theres even and whewwww. du er ikke alene<3
ep10 -minutt for minutt is THE most healing clip im telling u. and like.. seeing even depressed really is hard and as someone who was very very depressed for 4-ish yrs of their life it rlly hits me? like when youre in an especially bad funk and you cant get out of bed and youre just numb and exhausted and feel so shitty and u want to be alone but you really dont???? could go on but literally i owe henrik holm my life for his portrayal of even  -not to be a soft bitch on main but when isak tucks the blanket over even and it keeps getting pulled off his back so isak just. covers that spot with himself? -i do love that call between sonja and isak bc once again! a flawed (realistic) human being -and isak thinking its his fault even is depressed? it means a lot that sonja told him its no ones fault, even is just bipolar. and i wonder if isak felt that way about his mamma as well, guilty for her being ill, and if what sonja said made him feel better about that situation too :( -lowkey random but when isak is rambling really fast and he goes “maybe we’ll get bombed tomorrow and talking about all this is a waste of time” it continually punches me in the throat bc that is /exactly/ how i ramble and think like tarjei........ pls -like eskild said. there really is so much love in isak’s little grumpy teenage body<3 -isak no longer just passively accepting life as its given to him, now he fights for him and even!!!!!  -isak is such a forgiving person and seeing him able to just accept things and move on? incredible -i remember when i first watched ep1 i was like oooo even and isak are gonna be kosegruppa partners and thats when theyll first get together, cooking food or smth!! but lmfao after episode 3? kosegruppa whomst???? also hilarious vilde thought isak of all people would willingly sign up for kosegruppa just to go to revue parties -even and linn friendship!!!! -cannot articulate how mf heartwarming it is to see even smiling and being more himself after being depressed (also thank u julie for having ups and downs coming out of his depression- its so true to life having one day when youre feeling awesome and then the next you feel awful again for no reason and its SO frustrating) -I had to stop watching passe pa meg cause it made me toooooo crazy! it would just be like: “I like seeing you laugh” and I was like: *SCREAMS* -im the fucking master of lying 😤 -literally don’t know why isak and even ragging on kosegruppa is so funny but “did you think I joined to have fun” gets me every time -I SAW YOU THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -also even literally radiating love @ isak watching get snarky w vilde on the phone bc it reminded him of the first time he saw him! even rly is that boyfriend who thinks isak being pissy is the Best Thing he has Ever seen -halla boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz -literally the glo up of isak telling his friends the order in which he’d bang them -No filter! wow I love symbolism -so nice to see the girls together for a lil bit :) -the boys hyping up mags while also telling him to be respectful awwwwww -take desperate to a whole new level- Confucius  -who’s going to show isak how to properly hold a beer can -literally evak banter gets me thru the day. thank u tarjei and henrik for having phenomenal chemistry + improvisation skills + making isak and even the dumbest nerdiest boys i have ever seen -biology partner. and friend. ;-; -even literally is the biggest stoner blease -isak’s talk with eva is just sooooo<3 and not to be emo on main but every single word of the last few sentences he says hit me so gd hard because i feel the exact same way in my BONES -livet er nå 💛
final thoughts :( <3 -this season is so special. it feels like one really long oscar-worthy movie or smth?? i cant even exblain, its just magical. ALSO very dear to my heart. -julie really said you guys have seen isak sad and alone and repressed for the past two seasons so heres him falling in love with the best person in the world and coming to terms with who he is and being brave and opening up and finally being happy and living a real life -this season definitely feels different from s1/2/4 to me editing or production or music smth wise? as in, its got a lot fewer aesthetic shots and the cinematography seems a bit different if that makes any sense???? I also think this is the season most focused just on the main (i.e. not many- if any? sideplots going on) -literally will never get over the thought, love, and detail put into this season. when i say there is literally nothing i would change about it, i mean it and coming from my nitpicky ass??? means a lot lmfao. the acting, directing, music choices, symbolism...... sublime -s3′s cold rainy autumn aesthetic makes me ACHE for fall and also nostalgic for a highschool experience I never had lmao?? also. all the nighttime clips >>> -don’t know what else to say except thank u skam for my life
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flandesuka · 6 years ago
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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kpopshitposter · 6 years ago
Are these actual people or characters?
ayo ayo ayo
The people on my blog are kpop/cpop/vpop idols, so they’re actual people who just be looking and acting like fictional characters bc they’re so beautiful it doesn’t feel real
Since it really be seeming like you’re in the wrong part of town I thought I’d compile a lil playlist for you… it’s a #-Z of Korean artists I personally listen to on the regular. Complete with song recs! I had a lot of fun putting it together so even if you only bother to listen to one song on it I hope you enjoy it!!
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uhhhhhhh it’s a lot (this list should explain why it took me so long to reply to your ask i’m so sorry I hope this is helpful)
Casual disclaimer that if you feel like theres any problematic people mentioned please be aware that i dont pay attention to scandals so this is just about the songs
Also I guess people should feel free to add their faves to the list if they wanna recommend it and I haven’t included them
Alsox2 if any links are wrong im sorry i love u
Feel free to ask me to order them by genre, male/female, or mood or anything like that too if you’d like!! K-pop in general is a really fun and comforting music genre and you should totally give it a chance
2NE1 - I am the best3racha - Matryoshka (MaaAaaAAAAA)4Minute - Whatcha doin’ today
AB6IX - BreatheA.C.E. - Under Cover (I also really recommend Take Me Higher but rlly all of their songs)Agust D - Agust D (TONGUE TECHNOLOGY!! ICONIC. But also The Last and all of his solos)AOA - Bingle BangleASTRO - Moonwalk ATEEZ - Promise and Wave and HALA HALA all of their songs again lmao wow so many talented people in one list
B1A4 - Rollin’BASTARZ - Help Me and omg just take the albumB.A.P - Wake Me Up B-BOMB - Give & Take BIGBANG - LAST DANCE and FANTASTIC BABYBLACKPINK - Kick It they have a lot of good songs tho!!Block B - Be The Light and Don’t Leave and Dreams Come True and No Joke and Toy dkfjghjsw Block B are my ultimate group and I love every single one of their songs - they’re kings of genre varietyBolbbalgan4 - Some and Travel and Ring they have loads of good songs!!!BTS - Blood Sweat & Tears and Dope and Just One Day and Home picking is rlly rlly hard because they have a crazy amount of songs lmao I went with songs where they all have lines
CHUNG HA - Roller CoasterCL - Hello BitchesCLC - Hobgoblin and NoCrush - None also Cereal ft. Zico
Day6 - I Need Somebody and Shoot Me don’t forget to dance to Shoot Me like this (but we’ll get to Stray Kids later)DEAN - The Unknown Guest and Bonnie & Clyde and D (Half Moon) ft Gaeko
Eric Nam - Honestly EXID - Up & Down and I Love YouEXO - Damage and Wait and EL DORADO and Universe and yknow ALL OF THEM they do a lot of different genres!EXO-CBX - Hey Mama!EXO-K - Overdose
F(x) - Rum Pum Pum PumFANXY CHILD - Y
GFRIEND - Me Gustas Tu and Time for the moon night and RoughG(I)-DLE - LATATAGirl’s Day - Something Girls’ Generation - Lion Heart GOT7 - MiracleGRAY - TMI and Late Night with Loco
HEIZE - Don’t Know You and Shut Up & Groove with Dean and Jenga with GaekoHOA - LongingHoody - Like You and Golden with Jay ParkHYUKOH - LOVE YA!
iKON - Love Scenario (this might as well be Korea’s national anthem at this point)INFINITE - AIR and Bad (they don’t have a bad song)I.O.I - Very Very Very ITZY - DALLA DALLA and ICYIU - BBIBBI and Palette ft G-Dragon (she’s ridiculously good)
Jay Park - Me Like Yuh and Solo ft Hoody and Upside Down ft Simon Dominic and Loco and GRAY I really like Mommae ft Ugly Duck tooJENNIE - SOLO J-Hope - Daydream Ji Chang Wook (fight ME LMAO IM SORRY I HAVE TO INCLUDE HIM) - To a Butterfly he’s done a lot of good songs and has a really beautiful voice!! You can listen hereJimin - PromiseJimin Park - April FoolsJin - EpiphanyJJ Project - Tomorrow, Today and Find You (I think all of their lil subunit songs are good)JONGHYUN - MoonJUNNY - Handle You and Magnet TELL ME WHY EVERYONE IS SLEEPING ON JUNNY BC IDK
KKang Daniel - What are you up toKARD - Oh NaNa and Don’t RecallKevin Oh - LoverKEY - Show Me but really NOT A SINGLE BAD SONG IN DIS BITCHKNK - Love You
Lee Hyun - You Are Here (i know it’s random bc it’s from the BTS game album but this song is so so beautiful)Loco - to be completely honest I don’t know if Loco has any solo music but I really like Still ft Crush and Don’t ft Hwasa
Mamamoo - Open Your Mind MOMOLAND - BBoom BBoom Monsta X - No Reason and Ready or Not and Be Quiet yet another one who physically can’t do bad songsMINHO - I’m Home
NCT - Baby Don’t Stop and Highway to Heaven and Simon Says and Jet Lag and Candle Light and Boom (I couldn’t with all the subunits so JSIJFGUH) also I’m gonna include WayV even though they’re not k-pop (they’re an NCT subunit) Come Back and Regular (my most listened to song on spotify) and Let me love u and Take Off and Dream LaunchN.Flying - Hot Potato and Rooftop NU'EST - Where You At
ONE - HeyaheONEUS - Twilight Orange Caramel - Abing abing and Dream of Clara and So Sorry and Cookies, Cream and Mint and Superwoman (they’re my favourite girl group im OC trash even tho they’ve disbanded :]]]]]]] )O.WHEN - Picture
PARK JI HOON - L.O.V.EPENTAGON - Shine P.O - Comme des Garcons
Red Velvet - Red Flavor and Aitai-taiRM - Forever rain and Change ft Wale (tbh I only like mono. - his other solo stuff just isn’t for me but feel free to check it out he’s got MVs and stuff on YT!)
Sam Kim - Scent and Make Up ft Crush and It’s You ft ZicoSEVENTEEN - Pretty U and HIGHLIGHT and HOME and THANKS and ALL OF THEM ARE BOPSSSF9 - RPM SHAUN - Way Back Home SHINee - Get The Treasure and Diamond Sky and View they have a lot of songs and a lot of rlly good stuffSimon Dominic - ullah and Simon Dominic and Comfortable with Gray and ONE and WON & ONLY ft Jay Park and Cheerz …….. I like all of his songs as well sofjhrSISTAR - Touch my bodyStray Kids - 4419 and GLOW and My Pace and Chronosaurus and MRIOH anduhh one more time everything they do is worth listening to at least once!! Stray Kids are really all such sweet people and my ultimate bias is Chan from this group so I hope you like them!!SUNMI - Siren and ADDICTSuper Junior - MamacitaSURAN - WINE ft Changmo (produced by SUGA odfjgh)
TT2U - Ososugiruouni and Goodbye TAEMIN - Famous and Tease and Slave and I’m Crying and Thirsty and MOVE TAEYEON - WhyTHE BOYZ - No Air and Giddy Up and Walkin’ in TimeThe Rose - sorry and with you and Like We Used to Do and She’s In The Rain and BABY wow really all of their songs thanks for coming to my ted talkTXT - Nap of a Star and CROWNTriple H - GIRL GIRL GIRLTWICE - Heart Shaker
U-KWON - Let’s Ride also whatever you don’t should definitely NOT check THIS performance out
VV - Winter Bear (not a dry eye in dis bitch)VAV - Give me more and SenoritaVIXX - Chained UpVERIVERY - Tag Tag Tag
WWanna One - Energetic WINNER - AH YEAH and REALLY REALLYWoosung - FACE and MOON
X1 - everything is just teasers right now really but X1-MA IS EPIC SO
Yerin Baek - Blue and As I am (her voice is really incredible and unique)Yoon Jisung - In the RainYoon Jong Shin - Like It and Wi-Fi ft Zico
Zico - I am you, you are me and She’s a Baby and Eureka ft Zion.T and Bermuda Triangle ft Crush and Dean and Artist and ANTI ft G.Soul and Fanxy Child ft FANXY CHILD Zico is CRAZY talented and he’s done a lot with a lot of people and he’s really out here saving the whole hiphop industry Zion.T - Eat and Hello Tutorial ft Seulgi
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